Whyevery Company Schould Be A Rockband

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  • November 2019
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  • Words: 2,385
  • Pages: 83
hi there

Im not going to reinvent the deep plate here - Im just gonna reflect on some thoughts I have been having that I personally think is useful for companies to know about.

school of cool

for a while now I have been researching on something I call the “school of cool” - and it’s a theory of my own that is investigation why some companies are cool and some aren’t - but that is not what my talk is about today...

why every company should be a rockband http://www.flickr.com/photos/brendanoshea/1481424422/ my talk is about why every company ( big or small) 10000 people or 1 person should be a rockband in my opinion.

definition of a rockband

my definition of a rockband is that it’s a bunch of rockstars gathered in a band - so in essence all bandmembers are rockstars. so the band is the gathering of the rockstars - the band is where rockstars “work”. They also have a manager who actually manages the bands - and then they have groupies and roadies ( supporters of the band)

why rockbands are so incredibly cool =)

I don’t know if there is an definition about why rockbands are considered cool, but I think a large part of the coolness of the rockbands is to play music that a large crowd of people like. it is to publish music and to reinvent yourself and find your own niche in the band and the world of rockbands it’s about reaching an audience that identifies with your music and think you rock =) a cool rockband is a gathering of down to earth people that aren’t arrogant and that can connect to their audience...

if you followed your childhood dream...

but let’s talk a bit about rockstars here, so if you followed your childhood dream of standing in front of the mirror and singing belinda carlisle and madonna in my case

http://www.flickr.com/photos/sxn/91953537/ a part of this group would all be doing something like Domo is doing here: hands up : who had a dream of becoming a rock star ? at some point in their childhood ?

me personally...

I used to daydream about being this cool rockchick sittin on a couch all day being asked about my opinions and about my life. I used to daydream about being fascinating. I have come a part of that way - but I am still not a rockstar ( even though I would like to be)

im 28...

im 28, a mother, having my own company, writing my first book, even super duper advisor of this crazy cool portuguese conference called shift..living the way I want to - Im thankful for all of these things - more thankful than you can dream of... But I still want to be a rockstar

im 28...

and I still want to be a rockstar! im 28, a mother, having my own company, writing my first book, even super duper advisor of this crazy cool portuguese conference called shift..living the way I want to - Im thankful for all of these things - more thankful than you can dream of... But I still want to be a rockstar

my biggest dream

my biggest dream was/ well let’s face the facts here - still is

my biggest dream

was is...

my biggest dream was/ well let’s face the facts here - still is

http://www.flickr.com/photos/22311054@N00/2659175158/ this: being the frontsinger and guitarist one time at orange stage at roskilde festival in front of 100.000 people ( and they would think I rocked !) being able to connect to all of these people and give them an experience that they would love.

but I don’t play guitar very well - and it would take me a couple of years to get there, I can barely do all my lovin’ by the beatles on a guitar ( and this is comin from a lady who wasted her childsavings of around 2000 euro’s on a guitar and an amplifier - that’s how much I want to be a rockstar) http://www.flickr.com/photos/evaekeblad/362800484/

http://www.flickr.com/photos/18092121@N00/449167269/ and you don’t want to hear me sing - i can get by in singstars but that’s about the only singing I get to do

but I am the best at social marketing and branding

but i am the best at social marketing and branding - but that’s a whole other story =)

but I am the best at social marketing and branding but that’s a whole other story.. =)

but i am the best at social marketing and branding - but that’s a whole other story =)

What I am sayin’

what I am saying- and I am trying to get across here -

do we really want a “normal” daytime job?

do we really want to have a daytime job, where we are not living our childhood dreams ?

http://www.flickr.com/photos/nickwheeleroz/2212101890 isn’t what we want to feel genuine and special and heard and happy? now if you have allready achieved that where you work, congratulations you have a good employer - but I will try to go a bit deeper here =)



how do you make your company into a rockband?

let’s talk a bit more about rockbands instead of rockstars because rockbands is where the rockstars spend most of their time. or let me make a parallel - let’s talk about companies because companies is where employees spend a lot of their time how do you make your company into a rockband ?

musical lesson no.1 rockbands are about respect for their rockstars


musicians and managers knows that...

http://www.flickr.com/photos/81468490@N00/861587794/ this guy (aka. the drummer)


which means

that band members should be playing the instrument they do best

the manager needs to combine


http://www.flickr.com/photos/ 22141723@N07/2355545414/

and be

the whole “company”


by company I mean


...the controls


and let the rockband



be the rockband

let the musician play the instrument he does best and let the manager be the controls that are actually controlling in what way the rockband should be working - not interfering with the rockband members areas of work ( their instruments)

aka. let the musician play the instrument she is best at

and let the manager be the controls

musical lesson no.2 rockbands are making a difference

http://www.flickr.com/photos/68799045@N00/36147587/ musical lesson no 2. rockbands are making a difference

you don’t need to be like bono to make a difference for the world http://www.flickr.com/photos/digitalgrace/63746141/

you could be

you could be

why are those companies rockbands?

why are those companies rockbands ?

the business of business is more than business

well let me start by saying today there is an demand from the public to make the business of business more than business

so the whole concept of growth is changing

so the whole concept of growth is changing - but let’s talk about how companies grow... and what they grow

and I will generalise a bit here - companies normally grow pollution and http://www.flickr.com/photos/40863908@N00/855846983/

money from selling products http://www.flickr.com/photos/17731548@N00/2276783536/

growth the rockband way...

rockband companies like I just mentioned


combines it with growing money from products http://www.flickr.com/photos/17731548@N00/2276783536/

and creates this: http://www.flickr.com/photos/jshyun/2598607514/ ford rouge plant Devised for implementation over two decades, the design enables an orderly flow of people and delivery of materials through the site. A rectilinear pattern of hedgerows, swales, and trees reinforces the pre-existing street grid and creates a system that filters the millions of gallons of stormwater and reestablishes wildlife habitat. The plan also reshapes Miller Road, the thoroughfare along the Rouge's eastern edge, as a tree-lined public boulevard highlighting the site's industrial heritage. Additionally, the complex hosts groundbreaking research in phytoremediation. Researchers identified a dozen plants that successfully absorb and neutralize polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons from the soil and established a 1.6-acre demonstration garden and research lab near the old coke oven by-products operations. By rebuilding the processes of the site, the plan recreates the 20th century’s preeminent model of vertically integrated industry as a replicable model of sustainable manufacturing and a positive legacy for the future.

Once again, Ben & Jerry’s is out to start a revolution! This time, it’s a technological revolution — by introducing a new kind of clean, green freezer to the United States. What’s the big deal? These new freezers use alternative refrigerants that, unlike current freezer gases, do not contribute to global warming nor the deterioration of the earth’s ozone layer if released to the atmosphere. That’s two big leaps forward on the path to more environmentally friendly refrigeration!

or this a hydrocarbon freezer from ben and jerrys for their products Once again, Ben & Jerry’s is out to start a revolution! This time, it’s a technological revolution — by introducing a new kind of clean, green freezer to the United States. What’s the big deal? These new freezers use alternative refrigerants that, unlike current freezer gases, do not contribute to global warming nor the deterioration of the earth’s ozone layer if released to the atmosphere. That’s two big leaps forward on the path to more environmentally friendly refrigeration!

Nokia scores very well on toxic chemical issues, launching new models free of PVC since the end of 2005 and aiming to have all new models free of brominated flame retardants and antimony trioxide by the end of 2009. Nokia does quite well on e-waste issues with a comprehensive take-back programme that spans 85 countries providing almost 5000 collection points for end-of-life mobile phones.

or this

Nokia scores very well on toxic chemical issues, launching new models free of PVC since the end of 2005 and aiming to have all new models free of brominated flame retardants and antimony trioxide by the end of 2009. Nokia does quite well on e-waste issues with a comprehensive take-back programme that spans 85 countries providing almost 5000 collection points for end-of-life mobile phones.

so... are these companies really rockbands ?

so are these companies really rockbands ? - well they are making rockband-y initiatives and having a rockband-y approach to changing the world. why should I choose any competitor over these when they are doing good and being something more than business ?

so... are these companies really rockbands ? well - they are making rockband initiatives and having a rockband approach to changing the world so are these companies really rockbands ? - well they are making rockband-y initiatives and having a rockband-y approach to changing the world. why should I choose any competitor over these when they are doing good and being something more than business ?

musical lesson no.3 rockbands is more than business


it’s about music

the groupies are actually the people who REALLY likes this band. and it’s not because it a band.. it’s primarily about the music How many groupies have your company got that ain’t stakeholders ?

it’s about music

-that is why they have groupies =) the groupies are actually the people who REALLY likes this band. and it’s not because it a band.. it’s primarily about the music How many groupies have your company got that ain’t stakeholders ?

it’s not just an “industry of cool”

it’s not just an industry of cool - even though rockbands are quite cool it’s about the audiences and connecting with the audience

it’s not just an “industry of cool” even though rockbands are cool =)

it’s not just an industry of cool - even though rockbands are quite cool it’s about the audiences and connecting with the audience

musical lesson no.4 giving more and giving back

http://www.flickr.com/photos/stinkypeter/167152936/ giving more and giving back

return on involvement

one of the terms I use a lot these days in social marketing and branding is “ return on involvement” which basically mean that you get “return” decided upon how much you involve yourself. what you get a “return” of is normally not money - it could be loyality, great ideas - so it’s not really something that you can measure as such - not apart from knowing that you get something out of your involvement. there’s also a term called “social capital” that is somewhat the same

if you don’t interact in the right way with your audience

so if you don’t interact in the right way with your audience

a) you are arrogant

people will think that a) you are arrogant

b) they will be really upset and react upon it

or b) they will be really upset and react upon it - and that’s not really the call-to-action that you want to achieve as a company if this happened as a rockband they would probably start throwing rotten tomatoes or eggs at you.

the meeting point

basically it’s the meeting point between the company and the customers that you need to focus on all the time, this is where the marketing lies...

musical lesson no.5 why bother?


the world is changing

because we start to realize especially these days that the world is changing

demand is changing

and demand is changing

“everything we know is wrong”

maybe I will even go as far as to say that we are waking up to understand that everything we know is wrong

companies needs to change as well

which is why companies needs to change as well

“the organisational and leadership structure of the world haven’t changed since the industrial revolution” - Steen Hildebrandt 2008

the organisational and leadership structure of the world haven’t changed since the industrial revolution - how about that ?

it’s still hierarchical and all about money

companies are still hierarchical and all about money

could it be about something else ?

could it be about something else?

I believe it’s the rockbands that are the fittest

the businesses whos business is more than business

the business whos business is more than business. the companies that dares to value people and social interactions and groups more than money that will win in the long run these days. the companies that can make advertisement and sales into relevant information for their users. because if sales and advertisements is relevant information then we are not disturbed by the marketing of it =)

who are going to be succesful in the future?

so start changing

so start changing

NB: like you haven’t changed before

Thank you - heartfully

http://www.toothlesstiger.com Slides available at http://www.slideshare.net/redsoda http://www.flickr.com/photos/rosping/2561368018/

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