Why Love Is Not Real

  • May 2020
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  • Words: 789
  • Pages: 2
As many of you know, I adamantly oppose organized relationships and declarations of love. But why, as many have asked, do I know I'm right? The answer to that question is both simple and complex, as I will detail hereafter. Come the end of this document, if you are not a total moron, you will understand how love, and, in fact, all emotion, is simply the result of chemicals affecting the neurons in your brain. To better understand the argument against relationships, we will examine the topic from a variety of standpoints and conditions. First, lets take a look at exactly what an emotion is. For those of you who aren't familiar with human anatomy, the tofu-like organ in your head is known as the brain. The brain is composed of trillions of cells known as neurons. Remember, neurons are responsible for carrying signals from your body to the brain, and communication within the brain; every thought, movement, and blink comes from these little guys. Anyway, each neuron consists of four parts: dendrites, the soma, axons, and the axon terminals. In the case of an emotional response, the tree-root structure of a dendrite will receive a chemical signal from other attached neurons in the amygdala. It will then pass these signals to the soma (main neuron cell body) where it will decide what type of message to pass on. It will trigger an electrical event known as the action potential, which will continue on to the axon, and eventually to the axon terminal. Just before the impulse reaches the axon terminal, tiny sacs, known as vesicles, secrete a neurotransmitter. Again, when referring to emotions, the transmitter chemical will likely be serotonin or dopamine. Just after the release, the action potential will cease (resetting the neuron's charge), and travel into the synaptic gap. Immediately following entry into a synapse, the chemical will connect to another neuron (via the dendrites) and will either inhibit or excite it. Eventually (within a millisecond), the body will interpret this as a good or bad feeling. Now that you understand basic brain anatomy and function, you can accept that emotions (including love and hate) are nothing more than chemical reactions. We will now look at the issue from a more sociable point of view. As I stated earlier, two people will create an attraction when they mirror these feelings in the presence of each other. This presence, however desirable, is based on misconceptions and lies at an alarming 100% rate. Yes, in every situation I've examined, I have found some degree of deception between the two "lovers." Is this what we're coming to? We're essentially lying to our brains for pleasurable feelings - you might as well go out and do drugs. Tell me, can anyone reading this honestly say that they truly know the person they claim to love? The answer is no. People are creatures of convenience, and will lie when they need to. For example, the endorphines released by your body when it is experiencing pleasure (remember that this feeling comes primarily from serotonin and dopamine) are actually hundreds of times more addictive than any street drug you can get your hands on. Have you ever seen what a crack addict will do to keep receiving the drug? People who think they are "in love" are no different. They will lie, and occasionally behave in violent ways to continue feeling the pleasurable effects derived from interaction related to this chemically induced euphoria. What did you think those "warm fuzzy" feelings were caused by? True love? Life-long happiness? Think again. Drugs - opiate like chemicals secreted by your body in response to this chemical stimulation So, since we've taken the "magic" out of your feeling, lets devalue it even more. How many times have you lied to your "other half"? Said you were going somewhere else, when you weren't. How about exchanged pictures or engaged in inappropriate chat with others on the Internet/telephone/mail. Have you ever had inappropriate thoughts about someone else? If you answered yes to any of these questions, did you immediately inform your "partner"? If not, you have no business engaging in an organized relationship. Truth is, if this describes you, you don't actually love the individual. You are, in fact, addicted to the pleasurable feelings that your brain so kindly creates when you are associating with them in an emotionally intimate way. The fact of the matter is that none of you people can honestly say you love someone outside of your family, simply because you've all done at least one of the things I mentioned earlier - which

is exactly why I said it. Unfortunately, you all will probably continue your lying, deceptive ways. Addicts. Thanks for playing.

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