Pre-marital Sex Is Not Real Love

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Pre-marital Sex is not Real Love

Mr. Pablo Cuadra Religion/Morality Class

Pre-marital Sex is not Real Love  Nearly

6 out 10 teenagers are NOT sexually Active  62% of Teenagers who have been sexually active wish they could have waited longer  *CDC

/ Siecus

Pre-marital Sex and Real Life  Adolescents


 The

reasons: year olds  1. Multiple partners  Young Adults 20-24  2. Reckless sexual are at higher risk activity for acquiring STD  3. Partners with higher risks.  *CDC

Pre- Marital Sex- and Real Life 

7 out 10 Teenage mothers drop out of high school Only 30% of girls who become pregnant at age 17 will earn a high school diploma by the age of 30. *Robin hood foundation.

Pre-Marital Sex and Real Life  The

teenage sons of adolescent mothers are 2.7 times more likely to spend time in prison than the sons of mothers who delay childbearing until their early 20s.

 *Robin

Hood Foundation

Pre-Marital Sex and Real Life 4

out of 10 girls become pregnant at least once before age 20.  There over 25 significant STDs today  *CDC

Pre-Marital Sex and Real Life  Having

an STD increases a person’s risk of acquiring HIV

 *Kaiser

Family Foundation

Pre-Marital Sex and Real Life  By

Age 24, at least one in three sexually active people are estimated to have contracted an STD

 *Kaiser

Family Foundation Do not let your life be destroyed

Pre-Marital Sex and Real Life 

As many as half of all new HIV infections are estimated to be among young people under age of 25 One quarter of all these HIV infections affect youth under the age of 22 *Kaiser Family Foundation

Pre-Marital Sex and Real Life Consequences of Premarital sex: 2. Getting pregnant 3. Broken heart that doesn’t mend quickly or easily 4. Getting an STD 5. Messing up your future marriage relationship with painful memories or infertility

Pre-Marital Sex and Real Life   

 

 

Consequences: 5. Losing your self respect/Self-Esteem 6. Being trapped in a relationship that is only held together by sex 7. Destroying your reputation 8.Having your future plans and life goals being laid aside 9. Feeling cheap or used 10. Denying yourself the opportunity to have real friendships with the opposite sex.

Pre-Marital Sex and Real Life 

80% of girls who are infected with Chlamydia have no symptoms. Chlamydia can disable a woman from being able to have children.

There are 20 million Americans infected with HPV or Genital warts.  HPV causes cervical cancer in women  15,000 women are diagnose with this cancer every year  5,000 died every year from this disease *CDC 

Pre-Marital Sex and Real Life  For

Pregnancy, condoms fail 1 out of 5 times.  Microscopic holes in Latex are 5 microns in diameter  HIV virus is 0.1 microns in diameter  Sperm is smaller than the condom voids

 According

to the Center for Disease Control, Condoms do not Protect against 98% of all STD.


Pre-Marital Sex and Real Life  Sexually

active people have a 15% percent chance of contracting HIV even if they were a condom.  Would you get on a plane if you know 15 of these plane will crash for sure.

 Condoms

were designed as contraceptives.  They were not designed to protect against STDs

Pre-Marital Sex and Real Life  According

to the year long study by

the CDC:  Condoms do not provide universal protection in preventing the eight most common STDs:  HIV, Gonorrhea, Chlamydia, Syphilis, Chancroid, Trichomoniasis, Herpes, and Genital Warts.


HIV Infection is the sixth leading cause of death among people aged 15-24.

Karposi Carcoma

Average time between infectio and development of AIDS is 8 to 11 years

Karposi Carcoma /AIDS

AIDS is the second leading cause of death among peopl aged 25-44 in the USA. There is no cure for this deadly disease.

There are 900, 000 people infected i the USA and counting.

There are 65,000 new cases each year

Hepatitis Symptoms: Jaundice, fatigue abdominal pain, vomiting Liver inflammation and cancer Liver failure, death. Contracted through saliva, semen, vaginal fluid. 1,250,000 are Hepatitis carriers There is no cure for this disease

Sexual Activity Drug Use

Are the most common means of transmission

Hepatitis There are 80, 000 new cases each year

5,000 people died of live failure or cancer as a result of this disease.

Syphilis Condoms do not protect against transmission Sores can appear also on the mouth and the Lips.

Syphilis Can lead to Paralysis blindness, and dementia Al Capone died of Syphilis This disease affect the brain, heart, spinal chord, and the skin.

Syphilis There are 70, 000 new cases each year

Can be spread to the baby during pregnancy

Palm Beach, Dade County have the highest incidents in Florida

Genital Warts These are pre-cancerous cells Causes cancer of the cervix Vulva, Anus and Penis 75% of Active men and women have HPV at some time in their life There is no cure for this disease. Condoms do not protect against it (Center for Disease Control, Atlanta Georgia)

Blessed is the man who perseveres in temptation, for when he has been proved he will received the crown of life that he promised to those who love him. James 1: 12 Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth. The former heaven and the former earth had passed away, and the sea was no more. Blessed are they who wash their robes so as to have the right to the tree of life and enter the city gates. Outside are the sorcerers, the unchaste, the murderers and all who practice deceit. Revelation 21:1; 22:14-15

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