Global Warming Is Real / Not Real

  • June 2020
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  • Words: 1,466
  • Pages: 4
Global Warming is Real / not Real Global warming has become a household term. You may believe that it is real or you may have doubts. In both cases you will be victimized by the myth of a melting, expanding heat-breathing monster mocking at you from inside the ozone hole in the dense smog of greenhouse gases. You put on a mask to take a breath of oxygen and keep indoors not to be air polluted. You are sweating because of your green principle not to switch on an air conditioner during the heat wave. Your head is stuck with global warming horrors of Steven King's kind. We used to talk about weather to fill in gaps in our conversations. Now, we get used to talking about global warming. I have read the reports on global warming that leave no doubt: yes, global warming exists; yes, global warming is accelerating; yes, temperatures rise, so you may spend less on warm clothes; yes, it is globally inevitable. I trust all this because I am a consumer of this information which may be truthful or may be something else. Global warming may not be real. It is the product of research institutions that are interested in huge investments. What is called global warming is, in fact, our inability to listen to the nature that negatively responds to our careless intrusion and exploitation. Have you ever connected snow in Africa, like last summer's exotic experience, with global warming? It is not known how much of global warming is produced by industrial practices and how much of it is natural. They say it is cost-effective to fight against global warming now, within a framework of a cap-and-trade system, pioneering a new carbon economy, in order to reduce heat-trapping emissions. Their voices in the wilderness frighten us with the predictions of Cassandra's type: the retreat of glaciers is dramatic, and the homes of up to 88 million people may have been flooded by the 2080s. It may be so, but we are adapting to cool summers and warmer winters, as well as we are adapting to technological advances. When one problem becomes of general concern, something else is missing. What about wastes, environmentally abusive profiteering, current global economic and financial crises? Isn't "global warming" our inability to unite our efforts, to learn how to live globally in peace with our own selves and our natural surroundings? What happened to our dichotomous thinking that celebrates the extremes, all these "either … or", instead of arriving at one global strategy, global cooperation? They say that global warming is caused by higher concentration of water vapor in the atmosphere. Today's CO2 levels are 25 percent more than over the past 650, 000 years. So CO2 emissions must be reduced. But we used to have periods of higher average temperatures. Besides, these emissions nay stimulate crop growth. What is more, it is reported that the Arctic is warming 2 or 3 times faster than other ecosystems. The ice in Greenland is disappearing. But another trend, expanding glaciers in Norway, Iceland, and New Zealand are simply underestimated. I have to live with the concept of global warming, which is thrust on me. I consider buying a new set of clothes, for I am not sure whether the coming summer would not surprise me with unusually cool mornings. I am changing together with my thoughts adapting to our global inability to change without declaring. Are we not living in the time of change?

Name: Shena Amisola Section: BSN IV_B Advance Communication Skills

Title: Global Warming is real / not real Purpose of Speech: To educate the people what is the reality of global warming. Thesis of speech: Time: 3-5mins Type of Audience: Educator

I am sick and tired of all the scared people. I am sick and tired of the insecure, intolerant hypocrites. I am disgusted with people who will do anything to avoid exposure to alternate points of view. There are way too many intolerant hypocrites within the government working diligently to forcefully silence anyone who dares voice an opposing belief. Rather than embracing diversity and listening to the ideas of others, the intolerant hypocrites behave like spoiled brats, stuffing their fingers in their ears and accusing others of so-called “hate speech.” Not only are these people unwilling to hear your voice and listen to what you have to say, these people are willing to steal your freedom of speech and even punish you for speaking your mind. I have yet to encounter one of these pathetic, intolerant people face to face, but the day that I do — trust me — they are going to hear about it whether they want to or not. Perhaps you have an opinion about a particular group of people? You hater. Or better yet, beliefs about religion and morality? Hate, hate, hate! Politics? Sorry, that’s hate too. Don’t even dare voice your opinions around the intolerant ones or they will do everything in their power to silence, humiliate, and punish you. With locked-down minds, these hypocrites have the audacity to classify certain types of speech as “hate speech.” Because they just can’t handle differing ideas, they plan, scheme, and make deals to remove your right to have them! Say goodbye, “right to free speech” — you are only allowed to say things that the intolerant, close-minded hypocrites allow you to say. Why are these people so unable to even consider the opinions, thoughts, and beliefs of people who are — gasp! — different than they are? Not as “educated” as they are? Not as “privileged” as they are? Is it because the hypocrites are too shallow, scared, and insecure in their own beliefs? I think so. If you think I am talking about you in this little diatribe, you are probably right. You see, I have opinions and ideas that I am going share with whomever I wish. I really don’t care if your tiny little pea-trap is able to handle it or not. In fact, I hope you are offended right now. Come on, be offended!! I hope that every word I say makes your skin crawl and your stomach turn. If there is one thing I can’t stand it’s people who are too afraid, closeminded, or insecure to hear another person’s point of view. Even worse is that people like you are salivating at every legislative opportunity to remove my right to speak freely. For the sake of your inability to deal with what other people have to say, you are dancing at the chance to steal my freedom of speech and ruin life for everybody. Yeah, great idea! Let’s get the government involved in policing what people can and cannot say. That’s just gonna be great for everyone, including you! My advice to these pathetically intolerant hypocrites: get over yourself and wake up. Life isn’t worth living without human diversity, differing points of view and challenging

ideas. Listening to others is the only way to sharpen your own ideas and opinions. Do you really believe in what you are saying? Is your way of life really the best way to go? Are your ideas truly superior to those of others? If so, then what on earth are you afraid of? What on earth is there to be offended by? Why not embrace alternate and opposing points of view as an opportunity to influence and persuade people of your enlightened philosophy? Instead of hiding like a brainless coward behind some piece of legislation that big brother squeezed off for you, why don’t you join the rest of humanity and engage in the conversation? Oh yeah, I forgot, you not only don’t want to have any conversations, but you are willing to take away everyone else’s rights to have them as well! Pathetic! And finally, for the record, to all you intolerant, close-minded, legislative-type hypocrites out there: I look forward to the day when you try to shut me up. I look forward to the day when one of your government goons tells me that I can’t speak freely because it might offend some group of politically motivated intolerant bigots. I laugh in your face at the idea of silencing free speech. I mock your attempts to close down opposing points of view. I spit on your efforts to hide behind your thinly legislated walls. Your actions reveal plainly that you have nothing. Your ideas are nothing. Your thoughts are empty. Your words show clearly that your only strategy is to remove freedom, gain control, and force people to agree with you. That’s the way you have always been, and we should expect nothing new from you in the future. So bring it on you pathetic, intolerant, closeminded hypocrites, I am looking forward to laughing in your face.

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