Why Does It Happen3

  • June 2020
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“Youth I adore thee” ---------------Shakespeare

Introduction: Sound morality is an asset to any person. It may lead to prosperity for him and the society. Morality is divine virtue that includes truthfulness, sincerity, integrity and all other good virtues. A person having a strong moral character can never indulge in any sort of evil act that goes against the interest of any other individual of the society. He/she was never deceive other or take part in any activity against the established social cultural or religious norms of the society he/she lives in. it make him patriot, perseverant and dutiful. Moral degradation of the individuals of a society generally starts among the youth if they are influenced by foreign culture or the desire to be different. The youths don’t like to adopt the old cultural and social norms if they are always rational. Rationality is a life stream of progress for any society. But this rationality causes problem when the youths are not properly handled by the older citizen of the society.

Why does it happen? 1. Poverty 2. Lack of family bonding 3. Illiteracy 4. Satellite channel 5. Evil company 6. Student politics 7. Getting interest of drug 8. Loss of love 9. Lack of awareness




1. Poverty: Poverty is one of the poverty is one of the reasons for moral degradation of our youth. The statistical report says that nearly 80% people live in the vicious cycle of poverty in Bangladesh. With the passing of time the poor become poorer. Most of the youth being uprooted from their own land by poverty, they come to the cities in search of food to fight for survival. In the cities they have to sleep wherever they can in the pavements, in the bus and rail stations, along the rail lines, in the lying areas, on the river embankments, near the garbage, dumping sites and also in the vicinity of large residential areas. And then, they thought that, how they improve their life style. So, they decide that, they use the bad way to earn money. Like hijacking, child tracking, kidnapping etc. thus, the young generation do the bad works in our society and country.

2. Lack of family bonding: Lack of family bonding is one of the most important reasons of moral degradation of our youth. In a nuclear family, if father or mother or both, do their own job; they can’t spend their free time with their children. They have lot of pressure in their job. So, the children can not share their all feelings with their parents. For that most of the youth take drugs or doing bad work with the bad companions. Then they are smoking here and there. If father and mother are separate from their life style, when father and mother are divorced, it should be the bad impact of the children. They think about their parents. But, at the last time, they can not share their feelings neither their father nor their mother. Thus they mixed with bad company, and doing bad works with bad companion.

3. Illiteracy: The state of being unable to read and write is known as illiteracy. It is a curse to our young generation as illiterate people cannot differentiate between right and wrong. By following the eight way people can go ahead and lead a country along the path development. As education makes a man enlightened. It is the responsibility of the literate people to make the illiterate people literate and remove the darkness of ignorance from the country. The concerted 2



efforts to the literate and illiterate people can make a country developed. So that illiteracy is a curse of our young generation.

4. Satellite channel: The main functions of the satellite channels are to telecast different types of programs through air. The channels entertain the people in many ways. The popular channels telecast many interesting programs. Their style of presentation of news and other programs attract the people. Satellite channels have a great effect on our society. But its good-ride is limited. Although it has got some positive sides, some of its channels instead of being a healthy media of entertainment and learning for our youths are projecting immoral programs. Besides the violence are shown after deals with domestic discord and adultery. These programs have a bad influence on youths, like campus violence, political violence etc.

5. Evil company: Man is social being. He needs a company, in which he can share his thoughts and passes his free time. Actually a company is essential for a happy life. But evil company can destroy life. A good company always guides and inspires one and evil company always misguides one. One friend follows another friend. By the evil company an honest person can destroy his life. A young people can be addicted by drugs; can do various evil works such as hijacking, looting, cheating with someone, and can student politics by the help of this evil company. A proverb goes that “a rotten sheep infects those fleas” Now we can easily realize that, for the evil company, young generation is losing their morality.

6. Student politics: There is hardly any educated man who is not well acquainted with the term “student’s politics”. Students that mean young generation are not to be blamed as they are victims of circumstance. There are some so called narrow minded politicians who have not the least moral scruple to use the students to gain their political ends. These politicians encourage the different student organizations to draw up the battle lines against one another. Moreover some students show their 3



interest in such kinds of violence and narrow minded politics. Thus our young generation is losing their morality.

7. Getting interest of drug: It’s a social cancer. Frustration is not the only reason of addicted by drugs. Many young peoples sometimes show their interest on drugs. This little interest can be grasps their life and with it their families also. Sometimes for the evil company, young generation get interest on drug. In that situation, this young generation knows about the alarming grasp of drugs, but also after that, they want to try or they want to take a taste of drugs and one day they become a victim addicted person. Thus, young generation is losing their morality.

8. Loss of love: It is a very important and emotional cause for moral degradation. When a young people hurt from someone or loss of love, this time they are fully in depression. This time they don’t know what should they done. Sometimes they want to suicide. It is another moral degradation. At a time slowly they are loss their good mental condition.

9. Lack of awareness: Our young generation doesn’t care about their selves and doesn’t aware of evil works. Thus they lose their morality. When they walking on the road, crossing the road and doing any kinds of work they not aware their work and don’t thinking about future.

Result: 4


1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.


Lack of respect Lack of discipline Dropping out from school & college Rough behavior Child labor Unfairness in our education Drug addiction

1. Lack of respect: Respect is one of the mankind. Moral degradation is the main cause for lack of respect. When a people make misbehave with others this is very bad for our generation. Our young generation is the great example for moral degradation. Sometimes they don’t know what they done? They don’t care any one. They don’t maintain courtesy with teacher, parents and any senior person. For lack of respect they think he is the great one other’s are nothing. They loss their love for his own country, they smoke in front of senior people like teacher old man and also our female generation.

2. Lack of discipline: When a young people lost his common sense, he can not working disciplinary, but discipline is very important for our young generation. For lack of discipline they can not rises early in the morning, not attended school & college timely. This is the result of moral degradation. They don’t want to need any discipline life when they are in moral degradation. The common example is throw dusts anywhere, not using foot over bridge and they are not regular in their studied.

3. Dropping out from school & college:




When a young people fall in moral degradation they don’t want to study properly. They don’t interest any kind of educational study. Some people leave the school & college. Some are leave will power and others are suspended for their lack of study. “A few months ago a teenager with his friend killed a school teacher for failing him. Shihab and Bappi, both children faced violent and grisly deaths at the hands of men in their twenties. The cases are endless _ young men engaged in the most vicious acts of violence with no compunction for their crimes”. ----------THE DAILY STAR.

4. Rough Behavior: “The 'passive depressive' types are those who fall victim to gang behavior. They are usually passive followers rather than the aggressors and follow the rules of others. They do not have their own views and easily get involved in crimes instigated by the 'gang'” --- Professor Hedayet Islam When our young people loss their own morality they are doing many kind of rough and bad work. They make rough behave with each other. It is a great fault of our young generation. They talk their parents and respectful person loudly and some times they cross their limits. This is the example of lack of good manners.


Child labor: In our country every places have so many child labor working in many kind of works. But it is the result of our moral degradation. Child labor is not allowed rest of the world but our moral absence it is continuing in our country. As a nation we cannot remain simply silent observes.


Uninspiring Education System:




In the absence of any concrete policy to provide educational and employment opportunities, in the wake of increasing materialism of the rich and class hatred among the deprived, in the reality of institutionalized crime, can these young souls be saved? An ideal teacher can make a country develop by education. But most of teachers are not enough time to spend for school, college & public varsity. The educational campuses have turned into fertile ground of violence or terrorism. The students instead of concentraining their mind to studies, take arms in their hands. There is no tolerance among the students. Campus violence not only ruins the academic environment but also spoils the life of the students and takes away many valuable lives. For this reason young people day by day go to dark and loss their mental awareness. For this reason young people day by day go to dark and them loss their mental attention.

7. Drug addiction: It goes without saying that smoking is a dangerously bad habit. But when our young people are in moral degradation they start smoking and taking many kinds of drugs. Drugs also harmful for our young generation but they don’t care anything and also continue to taking drugs. For drugs young people loss everything in his life and they going to die. For drug addiction the person is suffering from a personality disorder.

* They are taking drugs in dirty place.

Recommendation or solution:



1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.


Impact of media Consciousness of parents Educational institution can come forward It can be discussion in every where Will power Inclusion of topics in the study book

1. Impact of media: Ours is an age of modern science. Modern science has invented new ways and means for our comforts. Media is a wonder of modern science. Media is the important way to increase our youth’s morality. If newspaper, television channel, radio, internet service providers are come forward and advertise some of good ways for our youth, it can be impact on our young generation. They also suggest our youth for increase morality. Media is the attractive way to convince our youth and all of people. So it can be easy for them to convince our young generation.

2. Conscious of parents: For every child parents are their best friend. Best companion and best guide. Parents always want that their children go ahead. Parents have great feelings for their children. But their little bet lacking of awareness about the morality of their children can destroy their children’s life. So parents should always conscious about their children morality. They should always try to know that with home their children are meeting. Parents should teach their children about that “learn to obey and u will be obeyed in return”. They are only parents who can teach their children far from evil work. Parent’s awareness can do better for their children’s life. If parents exhibit rude, crass, impolite behaviors in front of children, youths are likely to model these behaviors. So parents should be aware their behavior in front of youths. Thus parent’s awareness is very important for recommendation of moral degradation.

3. Educational institution can come forward:




For conscious about our young generation, educational institution can do it for their good work. In a campus, teachers should be convincing about the people of moral degradation. They can do meeting with the students for knowing them about the moral degradation.

4. It can be discussion in every where: For improve our youths morality we can talk to each other in every where. We can suggest our friends & others, who are suffer from lack of morality. In mosque, our home, restaurant, park, and bus we can discuss about morality.

5. Inclusion of topics in the study book: Our educational ministry can help our youths by include some topics in our study book about morality. It can help our youths by know the right way and moral. When they know the right theme about morality I think they can avoid all of bad work. And teachers also teach them properly in these topics. It gives psychological support to the adults, educates the children and does many other activities. So our youths easily understood that what’s the right way? 6. Will power: A proverb goes that “where a win there is is a way”. It’s very easy to be that but come back from the dark or bad life is difficult. But its difficulty can be reduced by will power. Its upper determined that he will remain honest he will feel this morality. There is no one who can waste his morality. So will power is a great recommendation of moral degradation of youth.


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1. Professor Hedayet Islam 2. www.hugebooksonline.com 3. THE DAILY STAR. 4. Channel 1 (television channel) 5. Bangla vision (X-Crime) 6. The Daily Observer 7. The Prothom Alo


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1. Advanced learners communicative English ------Chowdhury & Hossain 2. Student favorite communicative English ------- Professor Mahmud-Ullah 3. A way to communicative English --------- Md. Selim Bhuiyan 5.

Communicative approach to learning ---------- Principal M.M Rahman



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