What Jesus Has To Say

  • May 2020
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  • Pages: 695
What Jesus Has to Say...

...during the 21st Century ...about…

...Angels & Spirit Helpers……….………………………….……...... (pg.3) ...Appreciation………………….………………………….….……....... (pg.5) ...Attention……………………….…………………………..….……...... (pg.13) ...Bible Passages & Events…………………………..….……........ (pg.16) ...Blessings…………………….…………………………..….……........ (pg.22) ...Challenges ……………...………………………………...….…….… (pg31) ...Change (Vol.2) …………...………………………………..….…….… (pg.40) ...Choices & Decisions (Vol.2)…………..………….……...……..… (pg.51) ...Circumstances………....………………......................................... (pg.61) ...Closer to Him………………....…………………….……...………… (pg.79) ...Comfortability & Coziness…………………….……...……..…… (pg.88) ...Conviction vs. Compromise………………....………………….. (pg.91) ...Dependence (Vol.2)…………………………………….…................ (pg.93) ...Desperation……………………………...………….…………...….... (pg.119) ...Devil/Enemy, The………….………………………………….……... (pg.124) ...Difference vs. Conformity……………………...……….……….. (pg.136) ...Father, The (God) ………….……………………...……….……….. (pg.139) ...Fear/Courage…………………….…….…………….…................... (pg.141) ...Feelings & Emotions….…….…………….…...............................(pg.145) ...Freedom…………………….…….…………….…............................ (pg.147) ...Fruitfulness ……………….…….…………….…............................ (pg.150) ...Giving & Receiving (Reap and Sow) ……….………….............. (pg.152) ...Good vs. Evil……….………………………………...………............ (pg.158) ...Gratitude & Thankfulness......................................................... (pg.165) ...Healing………………………..……...……………….…………….….. (pg.172) ...Hell (on Earth) ……………..……...…………..…….……….….…..... (pg.175) ...Help…………………………....…………..…………………………….. (pg.177) ...Himself………………....…..………………….……..…….................. (pg.204) ...(His) Guidance & Direction…………….……..…….................. (pg.225) ...History……….………....…..………………….……..……................. (pg.227) ...His Wavelength (Our Connection with Him)..….…................... (pg.231) ...Holy Spirit, The…....…..…..…………..……………..…….……........ (pg.236) ...Hope…………………......…………………………............……........... (pg.241) ...Joy & Happiness…..………………….………………………….….. (pg.250) ...Judgment(-alism)……..….…………................................……..….. (pg.256) ...Knowledge vs. Initiative ….………………………………….…… (pg.260) ...Leadership & Shepherding….……..…………………..….….…. (pg.264) ...Learning Lessons in the School of Life….……………..…… (pg.267) ...Let Go & Let God….....…..…….……..…………………..…….…... (pg.305) ...Life/Death……………....…..…….……..…………………..…….…... (pg.307) ...Light vs. Darkness……....…………..………….………………..… (pg.313) ...Little Things……....…..…….……..…………………..……..…..….. (pg.317) ...Lord’s Will, The……....…..…….……..…………………..……...….. (pg.320) ...Loving the Lord……....…..…………..……………………….…..… (pg.327) ...Meaning, Sense & Purpose (of Life) …………..………….….. (pg.331) ...Mercy, Forgiveness & Grace…...…….…...….…..…..…..…….. (pg.335) ...Metaphors…………....…………………………………….…………... (pg.342) ...Miracles……………....…..…..………………………………..……..… (pg.352)

...Mistakes……………....…..…………..…….……..………….……..…. (pg.358) ...Money & Materialism (Vol.2)……….……......…..……….….……. (pg.370) ...Murmuring & Complaining……....……………….………………. (pg.378) ...Music……………....…..………………………………………………… (pg.383) ...Negativity vs. Positivity…………………………………....……… (pg.385) ...Obedience……....…..…………………………………………....….... (pg.398) ...On Guard...…..…………..………………………….……………........ (pg.404) ...Our Job & Service for Him...…..……………..……………......... (pg.406) ...Patience & Waiting on the Lord………….………….…............ (pg.413) ...Peace……………....…..…………………………….……..…..……..... (pg.418) ...People & Personality Types (Character)…...….…..….…….... (pg.420) ...Perfection(-ism) …………….…………………………..………....... (pg.422) ...Praise……………....…..…………………………….……..….…......... (pg.432) ...Preparation……....…..……………………………………….…….…. (pg.436) ...Problems & Solutions…………….….…………….……...………. (pg.458) ...Progress, Growth & Advance…………….….…..……..………. (pg.461) ...Promises…………....…..……………………...….……...……..….…. (pg.465) ...Protection, Defense & Survival………….…………..…........… (pg.472) ...Provision & Supply..…….…………………….…………......….… (pg.478) ...Reality……………....…..………………………….…………......….… (pg.481) ...Remembrance…....…..………………………….…………......….… (pg.485) ...Rest……………....…..……………………………......………..…….… (pg.487) ...Salvation……....…..…………………….…………..…….…..…….… (pg.489) ...Sample vs. Sermon (Practice vs. Theory) …..……...…..……... (pg.499) ...Seeing vs. Believing……………….…………..……...……..….…. (pg.503) ...Seeking First.…..…………………….…………..……...……..….…. (pg.505) ...Self-Confidence & -Sufficiency……………………….…..….… (pg.509) ...Selfishness vs. Unselfishness……………………….……….… (pg.510) ...Self-Pity & Self-Satisfaction ………………….………….…...…. (pg.517) ...Self-righteousness & Criticism………………….…..….…...…. (pg.519) ...Spirit World (Spiritual Realm)….…………….………….…….......... (pg.524) ...Strength & Power / Weakness….…….…...……...…...……….. (pg.531) ...Success vs. Failure…..……….…………….………...…...……….. (pg.554) ...Suffering…………...……….…… …….….………………....…...…… (pg.560) ...Temptation………...……….…… …….….………………...………… (pg.564) ...Time vs. Eternity...……….…… …….….………………...………… (pg.570) ...Trials & Tests (Vol.II) ..……….….…… .……...….…..…...……..…. (pg.576) ...Truth & Honesty vs. Lies…………….…..……..…..….…………. (pg.593) ...Unity (Teamwork)…………………....…..………...…….…..….......... (pg.603) ...Usefulness…………………………………..……..…….…..….......... (pg.606) ...Victory ………………………………………..……..…….…..….......... (pg.608) ...Vision, Outlook & Focus………….…….….……..…..…..…........ (pg.618) ...Wisdom………....…....………………….………….………..….…...… (pg.635) ...Word, The……....…....………….………..………………….…..……... (pg.640) ...Works, Accomplishment & Achievement………...….…...… (pg.648) ...World, The....……………………………..…………………..….…...… (pg.651) ...Worries………....…....………………….……….….………..….…...… (pg.672) ...Yieldedness…….………………………..…………….……...….……. (pg.674)

Angels & Spirit Helpers Angels have been ‘working overtime’ to get you where you are, innumerable battles had to be won, and the enemy has fought long and hard and furious. You’ve finally gained enough experience to recognize his traps. (I:10) Call on the help of your other team members, your Spirit helpers and angels, as they’re going to be a big help in keeping the opposing team at bay. (I:61) Imagine older brothers and sisters on Earth would not be driven by their own selfish desires, interests and motivations of usually only wanting to impress their peers or older ones than themselves (not the ‘real old ones’, you know, it always has to be just the right age group to be considered ‘worthwhile’ impressing): They would find their greatest joy in helping, tutoring, watching, and playing with their younger brothers and sisters, or those of their friends. Well, that’s how your many helpers on this side care for you, take their interest and joy in you, their younger brothers and sisters on Earth. They don’t spend their time on selfish pleasures, nor look down on anyone they don’t deem ‘cool’ or worthy, they are driven by Our great Love, the driving Force of our celestial Realm to want to do anything they can to be a blessing and a help to anyone, great or small, lowly or great. All you need to do is seek to listen to their whispers, hearken for their voices, and you will hear many thrilling stories, revelations, and you’ll be given insight into all the mysterious hidden intricacies that make life so seemingly complicated without their help. Life could be so much easier for Earth’s little boys and girls, if, instead of running around in a blind frenzy to get what they want, or even what the Devil told them they should run for, they would acknowledge their heavenly brothers, sisters and Parents, who are ever watching, ever caring, ever loving, ever willing to share, to apply all their might to lighten their young charges’ load, to ease their path, to make their lives more enjoyable. (I:65) Cooperate more with your spirit helpers! Don’t let them feel left out! Counsel with them about every move! Ask them for checks before every little thing you do! ‘In the multitude of counselors, there is safety!’ You want safety? Counsel with the multitude I’ve surrounded you with! They’re waiting for you to let them take over the wheel and drive. (I:76) Just because you can’t see My millions of angels and spirit helpers doesn’t mean they’re not there. There’s more to life than what meets the eye. (I:120) My protective force field around you, the hedge of My angels and helpers around you, protect you from the attacks of the wicked ones. (I:141) One of the first steps to get something done for Me is to pray for them to happen, charging My angels to go before you and clear the way of any obstacles. (I:232) Praise angels are those who record all the things to be thankful for, they help recollect all those things; they’re the keepers of the record of the manifestation of My power in your life. Your angels of praise help you when you know not what you should praise Me for. Be mindful of them and their presence, tune in to their leadings. They can also help you to aim at the Enemy and to hit him where it really hurts the most, to shoot off a load of praise in just the right direction. (I:278) My Spiritual Realm seems so far away to you, and you wonder why you can’t feel the presence of your angels and spirit helpers, and all you’ve got to cling to is My Word. (I:283) We’re unmovable like mountains, like a hedge of giants to protect you, and yet you so often wander through this life and through your days as if you were utterly helpless, forsaken and all alone, only observed from a far distance by a scarcely interested, barely caring, obscure God and a few angels and spirit helpers. (I:386) Your initial ideal reaction to every problem you encounter in life should be to give it to Me and trust! Your spirit helpers and angels of the cloud of witnesses around you in the Spirit World are waiting for that outcome when you face a difficult situation: whether you will give it to Me and trust, or try to do it yourself and wind up in dismay and worry and frustration. (I:398) Remember that I'm right there with you, My angels are right by your side, and the greatest force in the universe, so, it's impossible for you not to win! (I:428) I'm always there, like I promised (Mt.29:19). I am permanently connected to My angels and spirit helpers who are permanently by your side. (I:561) When you break through by faith, and you touch Me, or get in touch with your helpers, then you'll be rewarded with the comfort of knowing you're not alone. But first you have to make the effort of faith. You'll be rewarded with understanding, assurance, and My heavenly gifts of the Spirit, brought to you by My heavenly company and host of angels and helpers, after you have reached out by faith and made the connection. (II:80) I allow people to learn from their mistakes by having them accompany their descendants as spirit helpers, to see what the late ricochets and repercussions of their actions are over time. (II:145)

One exercise to activate and experience greater interaction with your spirit helpers is witnessing. (II:155) You have to go through certain phases alone. That's when I draw you to Me or get you to focus more on your helpers. (III:57) I've given you helpers along your road to help you keep your eye on the goal and remind you of your quest, helping you keep your focus on the straight and narrow. (III:92) One reason why relationships with your spirit helpers are important: a relationship with a spirit helper will always be one without any such games involved. There will never be any ulterior motives, no hidden agendas, no cover-ups, shows and pretenses. It will always be about that which is relevant: the Cause of the Kingdom. A conversation with a spirit helper will always be educational, advocating and furthering your spiritual growth. You've got a whole lot to learn from your spirit helpers, and the more you "hang" with them, the more their spiritual maturity is going to rub off on you. Some of My prophets of old appeared to be so superior to others, so unwavering, looking through any schemes and refusing to be bribed by any tempting offers: they were so in tune with their angelic helpers, since they spent a lot of time on their own, or rather, not in human company, but in the company of their spiritual aids and assistants and tutors. (III:115) You’re not just dealing with one single Individual here, but a large company which constitutes much better company than is available to you on Earth right now. (III:116) I’m here to help you make it through with all Our angels and saints, so just use and depend on that help! (2015:150) Just as your children sometimes need your help, so the Father and Mother know that you need Theirs, along with that of all the angels, spirit helpers, and Mine, your Older “Brother’s” and Savior’s! And just as earthly parents are there for their kids, so are your Heavenly Ones there for you, and along with a bunch of helpers, friends and “relatives”! (2015:163) Keep your mind directed at Me, believing that I can help, along with the large list of helpers Up Here, available from the Spirit. Remember the Spirit Helpers! Nowadays it might be somewhat tougher to get ahold of their help, with the enemy’s growing and increasing counter-acts, but just make your faith grow according to the need, and whatever needs and ought to be done! (2015:194) If things aren't working out exactly the way you'd want the to, or a bit too tough for you to handle, that's what I and your spirit helpers are there for, strengths, powers and forces you ought to learn to avail yourself of a lot more in sight of the fact that things are still developing to become a lot harder and tougher, and thus you need to learn to avail yourself of that help from Above! (2015:230)

Appreciation One of the main causes for things getting worse is man’s lack of appreciation for the good things. The disability to ever be ‘content in whatsoever state’ they are... And when they don’t appreciate what they’ve got, I might have to take it away from them and let them fall into a situation that makes them a little more desperate, a little more appreciative. (I:67) The ability to love unconditionally, even when that love isn’t requited or even appreciated, to give when you apparently receive nothing in return, that is love that overcometh all things. Love that rises above the circumstances. Love that sees beyond that which meets the eye, into a distant future, where even the most seemingly futile efforts of love are richly rewarded, and, oh, will they be appreciated then. (I:121) If I would just give you the reward without you having to fight for it, you would never appreciate it as much as once you will have bled and fought for dear life over it! (I:127) People are too narrow-minded to fully appreciate revolutionary, radical new gifts that seem strange to them. (I:154) Without a comparison to the imperfect, that which is perfect would never be as fully appreciated... You’ll appreciate not having to go to the bathroom anymore in Heaven, a pain-free World, without dirt and pollution... It illustrates well the filth I have saved you from, through My sacrifice. (I:183) Love is respect, not taking someone for granted, showing appreciation. (I:248) Sometimes blessings can be taken away rapidly, when not appreciated and fought for like they ought. (I:273) Appreciate and count your blessings, be thankful, praise Me more, and just let the light in more, so that there won’t be any room for all that darkness which would like to take hold of your life and soul and mind! (I:300) I want you to appreciate those I have given you to live with. (I:378) Those who are not faithful in the little things, often first have to learn to appreciate what they've got, which they sometimes only learn by losing all they've had and didn't appreciate... If you don't appreciate what I've given you, you might lose it any time. The imperfections are part of the plan to help you one day really appreciate My perfection. (I:411) I want you to learn gratitude... to appreciate My supply for you, instead of taking everything for granted. Don't take it for granted, but ask Me for it, and thank Me for it! (I:467) Open your eyes and see all the good and the wonders and many benefits and blessings I've given and am giving you, and will continue to give, if you will appreciate and make use of them and thank Me for them! (I:492) One will never appreciate the freedom I give until they have been the devil's fool. (I:557) You will yet appreciate Me as the greatest treasure you've got, a very present Help in trouble and faithful Provider. (I:562) If you don't continually appreciate the fact that things could be worse, I might have to allow them to become worse, just in order to prove it to you, that you did have a lot of reasons to be thankful. (II:42) Those who appreciate what they've got and are thankful for it, also love to share it and thus are able to receive more. While those who complain and murmur and wait for "the perfect thing" to come around until they're going to start sharing, lose what they think they had and get less and less. "He that withholdeth it tendeth to poverty." (II:103) You must learn to appreciate and praise Me for the little things, even if they're not perfect, in order to really learn to appreciate the better and eventually the best and perfect things! (II:136) Appreciate what you've got, employ your elbow grease in it and give it all you got in order to make it work! (II:144) Remember the importance of showing appreciation! The devil sees where you're forgetting about the important detail of applying your spiritual wealth and riches of showing love and appreciation, and he holds on to it, makes it impossible for you to show any more. It’s so much harder to make a habit out of showing praise and appreciation, but it would make life so much easier for everybody. So if you want to know the simple solution: show more appreciation, praise more, be content with such things that ye have, and encourage others more! (II:164) Your troubles and trials make you what you're supposed to be! They change you from something I can't use into useful tools and instruments in My service. They may be the things you least want nor appreciate in your life, but I say, appreciate them, because you need them! (II:199)

Sometimes you only appreciate what you've had after you lose it. If someone doesn't appreciate their job and starts murmuring about it, I might as well give it to somebody else. (II:211) Turn to those who appreciate what you've got to give! (II:326) Show more appreciation, not a critical or self-righteous attitude! (II:329) The danger about feeding yourself the input from the media is that you're not content with what you've got anymore, you don't appreciate it anymore. (II:338) Usually an answer is more appreciated when it doesn't come right away. It gets people a bit more desperate and makes them appreciate the answer all the more when it comes, and makes them more thankful for it. (II:426) Bad times draw you closer to Me make you realize you can't do it without Me, and make you appreciate Me and the fact that I'm around. Under circumstances in which you simply need Me for your bare survival, you also learn to appreciate Me more. (II:440) There is a big advantage in not being so spoiled that you can't appreciate the little things in life. The devil realized that it's much easier to corrupt people by that constant flow of wealth, than by poverty. Poverty will make them desperate, will make them return to Me and pray, will make them appreciate whatever little thing they've got. (II:469) One of the big problems of the times is the lack of appreciation for what's already there. (II:539) Learning to see the good and appreciation seem to be forgotten skills that have to be regained by conscious efforts. (II:583) If it costs you some effort to find Me and to be able to hear My voice and receive My personal words, then you will appreciate them more and won't run the risk of taking them for granted. One of the greatest failures of mankind is their lack of appreciation for each other, the sheer inability to appreciate another human being, to see them in their whole beauty, to really hear what they have to say, to perceive them, take them in and accept them for what they are. (II:622) Being a good steward over the things I have given you shows that you appreciate them, that you’re thankful for them. Of course, the enemy will fight that. He always makes what you’ve already got look like nothing, compared to all the elusive things he would offer you, ever since Adam and Eve in the Garden. You don’t know what you’ve got till it’s gone, but I’m helping you to learn to appreciate what you’ve got a bit more while you have it! (II:642) The greater the emptiness, the greater the appreciation of the filling. (III:48) Consumer mode is the disease that has befallen the people and nearly every nation in the world. Nobody looks at or appreciates what they've got, everybody constantly wants more or something else. (III:111) Life takes you to the realization that happiness was what you could have had all along, had you appreciated those things right at your finger tips. (III:180) I will honor you with responsibilities according to the levels of progress you're reaching. The art consists in recognizing and appreciating the privilege of what I've handed you already, instead of wanting more, or wishing the circumstances were better. (III:238)

Only if you realize that all things come from My hand and are - contrary to what may seem at first glance - carefully planned, are you able to appreciate all the factors in your life for what they really are, the tremendous blessings in disguise you so often take for granted. (III:248) Appreciating what you have and being thankful for what you're given is a matter of trust in Me. The devil's weapon to stop you from appreciating what you've got and putting your whole heart into it is creating an endless array of new shiny things to keep you distracted, to keep you too busy for what I'm giving you. (III:289) Learn to be thankful for what you have, to appreciate it and make the best out of it. (2011:120) People always focus on the better thing they could - and figure, ought to - have yet, instead of appreciating all the qualities of what they’ve got. Remember the lesson about not appreciating what you’ve got until you lose it all! (2011:146) If you appreciate what you’ve got, and focus on sharing that, it’s bound to enhance your relationship with people and the world around you, win more friends, and thus generate greater contentment, and accordingly, success. (2012:93)

Sometimes it’s best to simply stick to and appreciate what you’ve got, which brings us back to the quality of gratefulness… (2012:94)

Millions of people around the globe have nothing and no one to turn to, to help them out, which should make you appreciate My Presence and help in your life all the more. I’m here for you, as I would be for them, if they were aware of Me, but unfortunately no one has been able to successfully convey that truth to them. So, walking a mile in their shoes is definitely going to help broaden your horizon, make you appreciate what you’ve got on one hand, and maybe give you more of a heart for those who haven’t got what you’ve got… The experiences that make you need My help and My coming through for you yet again will remind you of My faithfulness and strengthen your appreciation of that factor that makes you so different from the rest of them… (2013:9) Learn how to truly appreciate what you do have, and they don’t: your faith in eternal values, your knowledge of these spiritual things, the resulting peace, freedom from fear, and a greater capacity to love, simply because you take more time for love than those who spend most of their time chasing after money! (2013:19) It’s not good things, but those supposed “bad things” that bring about those changes and cultivate gratitude… Those experiences that make you appreciate the good you’ve had, or make you thankful when it gets better again. It’s easy to take things for granted, until the moment you lose them. (2013:21) Knowing one-self is a virtue, skill or value that may have been appreciated by certain ancient philosophers, but in this age of lies, it’s about as popular as opera among youngsters. They don’t wanna hear it. Like most of the things of eternal value that I have to offer, it remains largely unappreciated in this world of temporary values offering momentary satisfaction. (2013:34) Once good people become so rare that you can count them on the fingers of one hand among all your acquaintances, it might help you to remember them, know who they are, appreciate them better and not forget about them or lose track of them… (2013:52) The whole dilemma of mankind began over an issue of lack of gratefulness and appreciation for what the first two human beings had, and so they lost it. You ought to know how easy it is to lose what you’ve got if you don’t appreciate it. Appreciate what you’ve got while you have it! You never know when you might have to do without it again, especially if you don’t! (2013:53)

Another fundamental lesson is that of showing appreciation for the people around you and being grateful for what you have. (2013:95)

If you feel neglected and unappreciated, it may very well be that you happen to fail to appreciate what should be the most important Factor in your life to the degree you ought to.

You reap what you sow. If you sow appreciation and praise, that’s also what you’ll get in return.


Taking things for granted depreciates them. The right thing to do when you feel unappreciated is to turn around and give and show some appreciation to others, even to Me, and see what wonders that will do. Wanting all the appreciation and praise is the natural, childish thing to do, but passing some on to others has become quite unusual. Show appreciation where it’s due! Showing praise and appreciation is the special and extraordinary thing to do; and if you can’t find anyone else you deem worthy of it, hey, I’m always ready and open for some. Remember that it’s a force and power that will reflect back on you. (2013:123) It helps to be appreciative and less critical of others. (2014:49) The tough times are supposed to teach you appreciation for the much softer times you had. (2014:60) Eventually I’ll overcome the wicked one and will appreciate you for whatever help you gave on Earth to make My Force, Light and Spirit shine. (2014:68) Sometimes you only start appreciating persons or countries and things in them while you’re apart from them. What I tried to make clear to you was that your mistake and fault was that you hadn’t appreciated some as much as you should have, and sometimes when you don’t appreciate what you’ve got, you’ll lose it for a while. (2014:73) When there’s a lack of gratefulness going on, that kind of person must sometimes go through things to teach them gratefulness and to appreciate the blessings they didn’t appreciate as much as they could have. Finding out how badly the worldly systems can fail will help you appreciate Heaven a lot more! Sorry about all the ugly things going on; but it should still be something you ought to know, that this isn’t heaven on earth yet. It’s something going on that will make people and folks appreciate the heaven on earth that’s to come… (2014:85)

Be happy that My Kingdom will be very different and much more pleasant! That’s one reason this current world is there for: to help you appreciate My Kingdom, which lasts eternally. You’ll be pretty fed up with the devil’s vibes by then, and will nothing but appreciate the dues of Heaven. (2014:87) If you can’t appreciate blessings in your life, and can’t do much to bless others in return, then you’ll have to learn what it’s like to have to go through life without many blessings. He that isn’t grateful for what he has received has got to be taught how to appreciate gifts and blessings first… often, by having to do without them for some time. (2014:105) That life wasn’t just a dream of happiness altogether will help you eventually to appreciate what’s coming thereafter. (2014:125) Appreciating Me and My Word and Presence I give to you is about the best you can or even should do. What meant to you a lot before has somehow disappeared, and the one thing and highest thing that’s truly left is My continuing output to you… Maybe their loss wasn’t such sorrow and disaster after all, but more something to appreciate as a reminder of the things of truly more and greater value in your life… (2014:131) Now is a special time preparing you for the Hereafter… Right now you may not exactly appreciate it, but then you will! (2014:135) Treasure and appreciate your times with Me… learning that they’re better, more valuable and worth more than what you can get out of the world! Learn to appreciate the spiritual values more than the physical or material ones, because you’re getting closer to that spiritual point where you’ll actually live in the spirit, and things will turn out quite a bit different than they’ve been in the physical and material world… (2014:136) Count your blessings! Don’t ignore them! You should appreciate them more! (2014:139) There is that kind of a difference between My voice, input and truth, and the doubts and ugly thoughts the devil tries to throw at you beforehand… Maybe you’re learning to appreciate the difference between the effect of My truth and his lies. Would be worth it, don’t you think? (2014:145)

One of the reasons for which experiencing some negative vibes and times right now are there for: It’ll definitely help you appreciate the Hereafter a lot. It’s a faith-thing, whether you can appreciate humility or not. But blessed and wiser are those who do. (2014:147) Recognizing the difference between what it is that man produces, and what God produces through His Word, eventually will make you appreciate the Word more… (2014:151) A heavenly mind is one that truly knows how to appreciate what’s expecting you Here. The kind of a stage you’re going through ought to make you appreciate Heaven a lot more, and thus turn you on, inspire you and motivate you to win others to their future in Heaven by making them receive Me. (2014:154) Let’s hope you can appreciate a bit more the place and area where it’s My will for you to be. (2014:157) You can learn some things that will serve you a lot and help you appreciate what’s to come, and maybe help others do the same. You should appreciate it as a great honour and gift that you can hear from Me like this! (2014:171) Once you can believe in the things beyond the life and things you can see now, that means your faith is growing, and making you value and appreciate My dominion more than the one that’s currently occupied by the enemy (which We’re allowing in order to teach a big lesson on that type of human behavior and temporal preference). Sorry the best part of life only comes after it, but it should also help and make you appreciate the “mas allá” or beyond here a bit more. (2014:173) Better keep praising God, than murmuring! Praising Him means, you know and appreciate His Strength! (2014:174) Life is something like a gift of the Father, and you should appreciate it as such, and not just rely on yourself to keep it going! (2014:176)

Appreciation’s a good thing which pays to keep in mind. Don’t just keep taking good things and blessings for granted! You’ve got a lot to be thankful for, and when you’re not, it could easily be that there’ll be less of them around, to appreciate them a bit more. (2014:178)

A lot of sincere believers had to suffer a bit in life. But the more one does, the more is Heaven appreciated. If life’s a bit of a toughie, just appreciate that it won’t last forever down there, but there’s a much better part expecting you Up Here! I know life’s a lot rougher for you now than it used to be, but it might have a good reason: To train you and make you a better fighter down there, as well as make you appreciate the fact that Heaven’s coming, a lot more…

There’s something better awaiting you Up Here! So, think about it a bit more, and let it make you appreciate all things a bit more, like Salvation, and what I did for you! As long as life on Earth is rosy for you, you might not appreciate it so much. So, maybe no wonder you’re learning to appreciate the Hereafter a bit more! And how, and which other way, than just showing you that life down there isn’t all that cool and hot, after all, not all that splendid…? Show some appreciation for the good things, even if they’re not quite as numerous as they’ve been or they were back then… Show some appreciation! – Alright? Think about Heaven, and show some appreciation that there’s a better Place for you to wind up than this planet down there right now and the state it’s in. (2014:186) You have to go through some tough and rough stuff, so that you can learn to appreciate more the good things I put in your life. (2014:189)

It just couldn’t stay as easy in your life as it was, in order for you to have a positive change. And while it may still seem very difficult for you to handle and accept that change, one day you’ll learn to appreciate it and realize why it had to come. (2014:197) Count the blessings, appreciate them and praise Me for them! Just keep noticing and appreciating the good stuff! Sometimes the tough sides of life also have their purpose. Even if it’s just to make you appreciate the Hereafter more. That’s definitely one of the good sides of the rough side: Helps you appreciate the Hereafter! (2014:202) See the positive side: that you’re probably learning the largest part during these times, and some day, you will appreciate them for it. At the moment it might be tough for you, but some day you’ll be able to appreciate it. – When you’ll see it all as valid preparation for the Hereafter. (2015:8) Being aware of the fact that life on Earth isn’t too far away from hell on Earth should help you appreciate the good side of things in the Hereafter for you a bit more… (2015:9) Sometimes the rough times make you appreciate the better ones, and they also make you long for them, along with better places to be. (2015:13) Sometimes you have to learn that complaining doesn’t help at all and doesn’t bring any advantage. Just learn to appreciate and cope with what you’ve got and what you have left, instead of murmuring about what’s not perfect or missing! How about letting your life get a more victorious drift by appreciating what you have left? (2015:18) They come up with so many things to spoil folks with their earthly lives… but when you have to go through a different and less spoiled stretch of life, that’s when you realize that there must be a better Hereafter coming, and you start appreciating that a bit more than during times the enemy tries to get you hypnotized with, and spoiled by earthly current times… (2015:27) Try to keep appreciating the good things while they last and count your blessings! (2015:34) I figured you’re worthy of and would appreciate being prepared for that which is coming, even if this way may principally teach you how to get desperate and apply desperation as the most helpful way to get ahold of Heaven’s Power to aid you. (2015:36) Even though this life is tough, just appreciate the lessons you can learn from and fight for it, that you’ll be able to make some good grades and have some success while it lasts! It’ll be a good, happy ending of this earthly life, and you’ll just appreciate having been a bit more prepared for it. (15:49) Being really in touch with Me inspires and encourages you, and you’re slowly recognizing the importance of it. - Something to be grateful for, to appreciate, and not get into any groove that causes you to neglect our connection. (15:52) Easy living may be what folks might be aiming for in this life, but in the end, it’s definitely not the most valuable life-style, nor the one which most of what can be gained of it will be shared the most in the time and space where the truly valuable things will be appreciated and valued much more. Value these times, and learn to appreciate them in the future, even if they may seem to be quite rough and tough for you right now! (15:59) The harder and tougher times will make you turn out more appreciative, which, in general, means, with a more positive and likeable character! You’ll see that those harder times will have had something positive about them, after all, and in the end you’re going to appreciate them, looking back at what they caused in you and made you turn out to be like. (15:67) Yes, life down there can be tough. But all the more you’ll appreciate it when you’ll make it Home Up Here! Learning to appreciate your Future Home a bit better and forever… well, it takes some time and a bit of effort and pain down there, but it will be worth it. (15:68)

Fun is okay, but wisdom and learning from life have greater values! So, appreciate and value those things, and don’t be so disappointed if you’re not having loads of fun in the sun right now. Some things are more important than having fun, and learning what life has to teach you is one of them. Appreciate what I’m handing you to learn! Humility and appreciation work together; whereas constant complaints instead are more likely representing pride. (15:72) The rough times draw you closer to Me, and thus will result in positive force in your life. It’ll help you appreciate My strength and power, as it will make you realize its superiority over the negative forces in life. (15:84) Sometimes it takes certain experiences to appreciate former things, or advantages of other places. In general, you know that this world isn’t exactly a perfect place, and I’m working on making you appreciate and long for the Hereafter more… So, it’s good you’re experiencing a bit more preparation for the Hereafter, including learning to have some more appreciation for having Something to expect that will be worth it all. (15:85) Let those present rough times help you to appreciate the easier times of the past and recognize the blessings of them you were able to enjoy! Not being allowed to apply the former methods to teach your child some manners might help you appreciate the Father’s ways a little more, Who’s not bound to or brainwashed by modern doctrines of folks down there that you’re having to experience the results of right now… It might make you appreciate discipline. And it might even cause you to appreciate the one We had to use on you. Having to deal with rotten kids certainly helps you appreciate the advantages of discipline and castigation… So, don’t be too shocked anymore by hard times to go through, but appreciate them as more valuable teachers than the easy ones spoiling you! (15:86) Something to teach you to appreciate the Father’s and My traits and advantages: having to deal with what Our enemy is making out of the world… Sometimes, when things get worse, they teach you to appreciate the better times you had. (15:91) If you can tell there’s a difference when you’re not receiving any input from Me, well… you should appreciate what you’re getting! Appreciating more what’s coming hereafter will make some sense to you… the ability to appreciate It all the more due to having lived in a world taken over by the enemy because of people’s bad choices. (15:94) A life in a world pretty much taken over by the enemy at least will help you appreciate the Hereafter more and teach you a lot of lessons about what’s good or bad, better or worse… So, being able to discern between those two is already worth quite a lot, and you should appreciate it and go through it without complaining about it, if you can. Just accept it without complaining, and go through it as thankfully and appreciative as you can, remembering that it could have been even worse… If life represents somewhat of a nightmare to you, well… it’s something that should help you appreciate the Hereafter… the life in Heaven that I promised. Learn how to handle, manage and cope with what life has to give you, and let it all strengthen your trust in Me by asking Me for help and appreciating it when it comes! (15:111) You’ll just have to go through the times down there that ought to make you appreciate the Hereafter for good! (2015:113) No appreciation for blessings may result in fewer blessings or even none at all, until you get that point! There’s definitely an advantage connected to giving praise to Him that blesses you! So, do it! – Amen? (2015:123) Being thankful and grateful for the good things you go through is quite an important lesson, and to appreciate what you’ve got, so that you don’t have to go through the harder lesson of having to make it without those blessings you might not fully appreciate. Quite a few positive traits and factors like appreciation and thankfulness, folks don’t learn too easily throughout their positive times and circumstances, but rather learn how to treasure more when things grow darker and tougher upon them. When you’ve had a good part of life you didn’t appreciate all that much, well, I guess you can tell by now why it is that that old good part has been traded for a not-so-good one, making you appreciate that past. Thankfulness and appreciation help to keep the good times and blessings flowing. If the good times come to an end, that might easily be due to that lack of appreciation and gratefulness… never being happy or satisfied with what life was giving you, and due to that lack of thankfulness, some tougher times set in, teaching you that things can easily be worse than the much more appreciable times you didn’t view as such until they were gone. Sometimes it’s the negative happenings that make the former times look a lot more valuable, and make folks realize how foolish it was to murmur about them or take them for granted, instead of taking full advantage of them and valuing them for the unappreciated blessings of the past… So… let that lesson about valuing blessings as you should, sink in, so that you won’t despise them or take them for granted in the future, having learned that such action can draw much worse situations upon you than those hardly appreciated and valued former ones. (2015:127)

Even though it may seem to you that things you’ve been given are getting lost, anything that has the values from Above won’t perish, but last forever. You may see the need for these things as so much greater now than it may be in the Hereafter, but also know that they’ll be much more appreciated and treasured then, where the values largely governing folks won’t be ruled by the materialism that runs your world nowadays. (15:129) Applying for help from Above is a wise movement and preparation for what’s to come, which you might not appreciate so much right now, but you will when those times arrive you’re being prepared for! (15:130) When things get tough, or hard… those are even the times you can count on Our help the most, and We know, they’re the times you appreciate it the most. (15:141) Life may be tough, having to go through it with so much evil around and yourself not ever really managing to become perfect down there, but maybe it’ll help you to appreciate Those Who are, and thus, all the more willing to help folks like you, as soon as they realize they still need help! (15:161) Humbling situations do have their assets and advantages… Not easy to appreciate, but eventually? (15:167) Don’t feel too bad about those current, unpleasant times! They should certainly help you appreciate more what’s there to come. (15:184)

Try and appreciate the hard times as preparation for what’s to come and why you’ll make it in the future! (15:190) Having to deal with life on Earth, the fragility and temporal states of it all, should definitely help to appreciate what’s expecting you in the other Dimension… Growing older teaches believers to appreciate what according to their faith comes after that life during which things just fade away. It’s definitely more positive things to prepare for and look forward to Up Here, after that temporal life down there, and it’s definitely something to focus on and make you appreciate the change that’s coming. And, well… if you can appreciate it beforehand, it will make your presence around others more appreciable somehow… with the views of something more positive awaiting that makes you more special somehow than those who can only appreciate what’s to be expected down there… (15:191) While there’s a need and necessity for change, there’s also one for gratitude and appreciation! What believers and children of God have, ought to be appreciated. Find out what needs to be changed, and what – on the other hand – ought to be appreciated with gratitude! (15:195) Sometimes you’ve just got to go through some hard and tough lessons to help you appreciate both, the good things you’ve had, and the good – and even far better – ones to come… to look forward to the future a bit, and the better Hereafter. If life is hard and rough, don’t dwell too much in self-pity about it, but appreciate the lessons to learn from it and eventually make a bit of a wiser person out of you! (15:201) The rarer things get, the more precious they become for folks, and the more they’ll appreciate the privileges and opportunities they previously may have taken for granted. The more you appreciate what I’m giving you, the more I appreciate the giving. My input has become more precious and valuable to you, and you appreciate it more, which will also help you appreciate its benefits more. (15:211) Having to go through hard times, just appreciate it as a process of making you stronger! (15:227) Not exactly gratefulness or positiveness, to be complaining about life’s toughness, when you actually should be grateful and appreciative of the blessings I bestow on you. (15:233) You’re just going to have to make it through the hard times, teaching you about the negative things of the world, and thus, hopefully, making you a lot more appreciative of what’s to come afterwards. (15:239) When you don’t appreciate your body (or your life) as much as you should, some blessings disappearing should teach you a bit about the good times you had, which can come to an end when not appreciated as they should. Remember the attitude of thankfulness and appreciation! Not looking at the negative but showing appreciation for the positive parts of your life is definitely the proper way and attitude. (2016:21)

Going through a rough life in order to appreciate the Hereafter and learn important lessons may not seem so rosy to you at the moment, but trust Me that you’ll appreciate it all some day! It’ll help to someday make the right kind of choices and follow the right directions. Sometimes worse circumstances eventually help to appreciate the better. And if situations seem too tough for you to make it through them by yourself, let it teach you to apply for and depend on My help and all the help from Above you can get, which, trust Me – is the only way to make it through what’s before you.

Don’t miss the good and easy times! Just appreciate them, even if they weren’t made to stay permanently! (2016:27) If you’re going through hard and cold times down there, they should make you appreciate and look forward at what’s to come for those who have chosen to believe in and receive Me as their Savior. (2016:34) Don’t forget to appreciate your blessings, and show some thankfulness for what you’ve got, instead of complaining about the current state of things and your situation! (2016:35) The rougher times down there will definitely make you appreciate what We’ve got in store for you! (2016:43) Troubles have their purpose; that’s why they’re allowed. Including appreciating the times – or rather, Kingdom - without trouble, Up Here. (2016:47) Learning what bad and evil can lead to makes the wise folks appreciate and prefer the good. I don’t blame you for not appreciating the bad state of the world you’re in, just try to make the best you can out of it! (2016:58) Even if the lesson of thankfulness and appreciation may not make that much sense to you right now, trust Me that it will! If you’ve been proud of your own abilities, trust Me that you’ll appreciate and be more thankful for Mine to help see you through it all! (2016:63) In order to fully appreciate the better, folks unfortunately usually have to go through the worse first. (2016:69) I’m teaching you to appreciate the lasting Values more than the earthly, descending ones. (2016:73) Even if you’re eating pieces of cake right now, you’ve got to get used to the fact that life is not a piece of cake, and with what’s coming up ahead, you’ll have to learn to appreciate whatever sorts of food you’ll get ahold of! What life has got to offer right now isn’t much more than the appreciation for a better one coming thereafter… but remember, there are still quite a few folks who might appreciate it, too, if someone lets them know about it, and how easily to receive it is! (2016:76)

The times before trouble hits ought to be appreciated. And when they’re not, well… trouble’s up ahead, and much harder to cope with than the easy times that were despised. So, life’s a roughy, but mainly when not appreciated before, when times were much rosier. (2016:77) Sometimes the only way to appreciate things formerly despised is through losing them and having to do without them. (2016:84) Sometimes it’s just good and necessary to learn not to take good things for granted… to learn to show a bit of appreciation for them. That’s one reason why bad things can happen: lack of appreciation and gratitude. Easy times taken for granted can lead to tough times. There’s just nothing – none of the blessings – that should be taken for granted. If you do, situations will come up what will make you miss them and appreciate them. (2016:91) Be thankful for My preparation of you to make it through what’s to come, and try to appreciate it! Wondering how you’re gonna make it through each day is basically what it’ll be like during those darkest days of history to come; so don’t blame Me for these harder times, but try to appreciate that preparation for the hardest ones to come! (2016:92) As the earthly life gets tougher, doesn’t it raise your appreciation and hopes for the Thereafter? (2016:102) When you’re stuck in a place you’re not pleased with and not happy at, there’s a reason for it; and most of the times, a lack of gratitude and appreciation can be one of the main ones for it. So, take gratitude and appreciation as a part of heavenly wisdom! And since you’re not the only one lacking appreciation, you may be able to understand why such tough judgment is heading toward your planet. Just as Eve learned to appreciate Eden after having to leave it, so will many folks only begin to appreciate what they took for granted once it’s gone. One of the advantages of loss: Teaching you to appreciate what formerly you took for granted. To appreciate means to treasure things with a grateful attitude, not taking them for granted. Appreciating what you didn’t, before, is a major purpose of the Lessons of Life. (2016:108) The meals you’ve been enjoying three times a day all your life soon won’t be around anymore. And while they’re still there, show some appreciation and gratitude! So… time to make it through the current times with a bit of appreciation for what you can still enjoy, don’t you think? Earthly circumstances are something to learn how to deal with to make you appreciate your perfect Home to come! The pains and woes through the curse will teach My sheep appreciation of what’s to come: their true and everlasting Home, with no pains, nor painful ending to come. A history of evil reining the world should teach mankind the lesson of appreciating the good. (2016:112)

Hell on Earth is supposed to make you appreciate Heaven awaiting you afterwards. Sometimes it takes a bit of the ugly things in life to make folks appreciate the coming Hereafter promised to them, and that I came down there to make accessible for folks. So, hell on Earth? – Just let it make you appreciate Heaven thereafter! (2016:119) If you don’t have enough love and appreciation for what you yourself were made, it’s unlikely that loving others as you do yourself comes up with the quality of love needed, expected and appreciated. (2016:124)

Attention I want to be your focal point and your main Center of attention in any circumstance. (I:189) It’s paying attention to the details that allows you to discover some of the nicest secrets about the universe. (I:477) It's a challenge to rise above laziness, the inability to see the need below the surface, and the temptations of the enemy to draw the attention away from the focus on others' needs. (I:490) Paying attention to the details will help you not to overlook important factors; it will teach you patience and the importance of little things. It will help you to not so easily misjudge or misunderstand things, not to make snap judgments. (I:494) Give Me your time, your attention, your heart, your mind, and soon I will be able to rule and determine your actions, causing you to accomplish more than you ever could without having acquired My Love and Power first. (II:276) I long for your company and attention even more than any good works you might accomplish for Me! (II:299) Situations throughout your life helped Me get your attention. However, the extent to which a person is willing to give Me their attention at all is so much up to each one's personal make-up and majesty of choice. (III:21) Discover and explore is the "inner space" of your fellow human beings! You're going to have to focus, tune in and zoom in on them, really perceive them, absorb and feel them out, hear them out, pay attention to them. Can you blame people for being attention junkies when there's so little they get of that stuff? Everything else seems to be so much more deserving of attention: making money, shopping, car maintenance, success at work, etc. "And what about me?" the inner soul of so many cries. "Nobody's paying any attention to me. Am I really not worth anything?" Judging by the amount of attention some people are willing to pay to their spouses, their children and other loved ones, is it any wonder that so many think of themselves as absolutely worthless? Focus on people and their needs! Recognize them for what they are, pay attention to them! Give them your time! Give them your full attention, as if nothing else was more important, and - when it all comes down to it - nothing really is. (III:45) Everybody is way too busy playing with their toys, the blessings life hands them, than to pay attention to the needs of others, to pay attention to Me... (III:110) Some folks consider the blessings more important than the Blesser, and they're dedicating a lot more attention and time to what they're given than to the Giver. (III:112) It's important to truly mature into true helpfulness, really being interested in finding out what the people you love really need the most, even if that will mean less attention for you. Blessed is the one who can silently take the backseat to Me, and let Me sit there in the front seat with their loved one, who can just enjoy what's going on and learn from it, and won't insist on being the center of attention. (III:115) As long as everything's going alright, people just don't pay enough attention. When things start going wrong, that's the point where they'll start to listen up. (III:126) How much do you pay attention to what’s really going on? (2012:44) Join Me in the challenge of the century: how to get their attention! (2012:46) I know how to get your attention, eventually. (2012:61) Those times when you’re running out of steam and strength to cope with it all are My only chance to get your attention. (2013:46)

If you would draw close to Me the way you should, you would also learn how to love Me and to be loved by Me the way you should. It’s a matter of taking the time and letting all other matters and affairs fade into the background, forsaking them all for Me and letting Me become the paramount Object of your focus and attention. I can really and truly make you happy. You’ve just got to give Me a chance and sufficient of your time and attention to make it happen. (2013:59) Giving more attention to Heaven will put some magic on your life that was missing previously, and that others will appreciate. (2014:55)

Pay the most important time frames to Me and give Me that most important attention: the Spirit of God in your life, instead of quite worldly work and not part of your testimony and witness! (2014:59) It’s a difficult world, and the enemy tries to distract people from paying their attention to Me by faith. (2014:70) It’s becoming more important for you to pay more attention to the Spirit World and life coming after this one… - Yielding more to the Spirit. When the worldly system has been pulling your attention a bit too much away from Us and all these spiritual matters, which to Us, but ultimately also to you are much more important, the time has come for methods and incidents to change your life and make you remember and realize what’s really most important! (2014:142) Pay attention to all the things you’ve yet got to learn! (2014:148) That’s where you’re headed, ultimately: to Me. And you should prepare for that a little bit, and don’t necessarily make all the material aspects of this life the most important. It’s true: They may seem or be somewhat important, but isn’t that what faith is supposed to be teaching you, that there are even more important factors in life? So, pay a bit more attention to that, and try not to stick to the same thing that most worldly folks make their principal factors in their lives. (2015:30)

If you want to cling to Me, you’ve got to make that effort to do so, and not let yourself get sidetracked by all the enemy uses to drag your attention away from Me and the truly important factors for a believer! As long as you pay more attention to what you believe in than physical and material things, topics and standards, you’ll find out it’ll all go definitely much better for you in the long run, and you’re heading in the right direction, instead of getting sidetracked by the enemy’s plentiful distractions. Keep hanging on to Me, and keep pointing your attentions in the right directions: Up Here, instead of down there! As long as you keep looking Up, your look and attention will be pointed in the right direction. And while it’s getting worse down there, you can definitely see the necessity of looking up quite a bit more. (2015:50) If Heaven’s a part of your faith, it shouldn’t be neglected of paying attention to. (2015:54) Put the Spirit above the flesh as I’ve been trying to teach you, put first thing first and pay attention to what I’ve been teaching you! (2015:58)

Cling to Me and pay all the attention to Me that you can manage, for now is the time to get into that and cling more tightly and closely to Me than you ever had to in this life! (2015:60) The more attention you pay to Me, the better off – in the end – you’ll truly be! (2015:102) Just remember that the most important thing is love, and that includes spending time with the ones you love and paying all the attention to them you can, with love being more important than money! (2015:106) It should be a lesson for all who are paying attention to it, that the kind of mess mankind allowed the devil to turn their world into should better never occur again. (2015:118) It’s better to pay attention to My input, and act on it, instead of just staying concerned about your physical jobs and work for your finances and survival…

One day you’ll be quite amazed how different things might have been, if you had paid a bit more attention! With less energy of the flesh at hand, you’re definitely more willing to pay more attention to what’s going on in the spirit! If things don’t jibe that much anymore in the flesh, it might be time to pay more attention to the Spirit… To learn from life is pretty much the largest sense and purpose of your earthly existence, and not so much the entertainment and fun that you used to pay larger attention to. (2015:138) Learning to pay attention to and obey My counsel will be pretty much the only way you’ll be able to make it. (2015:140) Pay more attention to the spiritual than what’s going on around you to be perceived by the flesh! (2015:148)

Now that the state of the world is turning into downright unpleasant, and your own state barely making it through, well, you’re gearing your attention a bit more over Here to Our side for heavenly Help… the only way you’ll eventually make it through days to come! To focus more in that direction and become more heavenly minded is another main thing I’ve been trying to get you to pay large attention to. (2015:169) Pay some attention to your behavior, and do what you can to make it the right kind of behavior! Amen? The right kind of behavior is kind behavior! (2015:243) You’ve never been a good salesman… but if it’s something for free, it shouldn’t be too hard to attract attention and interest… don’t you think? If you’ve got Heaven to offer, no one will despise it in the long run. (2016:63) Those who’ve got greater respect for Me definitely try to be wiser in paying attention to what they sow into their lives, knowing that accordingly they will reap. (2016:102) Even if you feel forsaken by those around you down there, just let it draw your attention to Me, the only One able to pull you through what’s coming, anyway, along with My host of heavenly helpers! (2016:132)

Bible Passages & Events “Mountains shall depart, and the hills be removed; but My kindness shall not depart from thee, neither shall the covenant of My peace be removed” (Is.54:10): I want you to become more sure of Me than you are of anything else. (I:142) Yes, it may still look like the Devil is winning, but not for much longer. Those who discern the signs of the times can tell that his days are numbered and ‘the wicked shall be turned into hell and all the nations that forget God (Ps.9:17).’ It will come to pass. (I:152) ‘In everything give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you’ (1.Thes.5:18). It is the Father’s will that you thank Me and keep a thankful attitude in everything and every situation, and not start complaining and murmuring about it! (I:200) There’s nothing you can do, no situation you can ever fall into, in which Romans 8:28 won’t apply. (I:209) The Serpent will spew out a great flood of lies after the Bride, and the Earth will swallow it (Rev.12:15), so be prepared! (I:213) Make the verse happen that says, ‘This is the day which the Lord hath made (Ps.118:24)’! (I:239) “I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing: therefore choose life, that both thou and thy seed may live: That thou mayest love the Lord thy God, and that thou mayest obey His voice, and that thou mayest cleave unto Him: for He is thy life, and the length of thy days” (Deut.30:19,20) You are choosing between the ways of life and death right now, the way of your own carnal mind, of the flesh, and the way of My Spirit. (I:255) It’s not the strong and mighty who will conquer the Earth in the end, but “the meek shall inherit the Earth (Ps.37:11).” (I:257) “A prophet is not without honor except in his own country”: Jeremiah, Isaiah and all the prophets had a hard time in their own land, and the only ones who enjoyed fame and power, like Daniel or Joseph, were those who were abroad. It’s one of the rewards of the fulfillment of My commandment to “Go ye into all the World and preach the Gospel to every creature... (Mk.16:15)” (I:288) “Seek ye first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added unto you (Mt.6:33)!” If you really put the affairs of My Kingdom first, you’ll see how all those physical matters are of secondary importance and relevance. (I:289) Were there not 400 prophets who foretold victory, and yet the one who prophesied the king’s death was right? Just like I purged Israel for 40 years in the wilderness and I had purged Moses, tending the herds of Jethro the Midianite for 40 years, so I also purge and purify and prepare the hearts of My people, My chosen and called-out ones. (I:297) My Spirit is Love! What do you think healed the lame man at the temple gate? - Just an awesome manifestation of power to impress the multitudes? No, My Spirit reached out and touched that man and healed him, made him walk, fulfilled his wildest dream, which made him jump and praise with joy! That was love! (I:310) “Him that thinketh he standeth, let him take heed, lest he fall” (1Cor.10:12). As you think you’ve got it made, you’re allowing the devil to prove to you that it ain’t so. (I:381) Just like Elisha prayed for his servant to open his eyes so that he could see that more were with them that day, than with the enemy, so you, whose spiritual ears and eyes are already more attuned to My heavenly realm, must pray for those who can't see yet. (I:406) When Daniel and his friends were brought to Nebuchadnezzar's court, they refused to eat the king's food. They only wanted bread and water. Sometimes it's better to just stick to bread and water than all the stuff the System has to offer. Just because the System has to offer it, doesn't mean that you should take it! You don't have to take every temptation the devil hands you, do you? (I:408)

Usually people take whatever options sound best to them, as in the case with Abraham and Lot. Lot chose the valley, and consequently got himself into trouble in Sodom. (I:431) Remember Lot's wife! Lot wasn't too happy about where he was heading: he didn't even know where, and wound up in a cave, eventually, with his daughters. All he knew was that he was forsaking the pleasures and comforts of Sodom. But he kept walking. So, don't turn back and freeze into a pillar of salt like his wife did! Lifeless, static, never to be used again in the land of the living... (I:452) In some situations you have to do something to help! It's like the story of the good Samaritan. How much of a good Samaritan are you? (I:512) The time I was clearly and even visibly with Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego, was the time they were thrown into the fiery furnace, so, know that I am with you always when you go through a fiery trial! (I:537)

You want to know why I allow poverty and poor health. "He filleth the hungry with goods, but the rich He hath sent empty away" (Luk.1:53). "They that be whole need not a physician, but they that are sick" (Matth. 9:12). "For the Son of man is come to save that which was lost" (Matth.18:12). Sometimes the way I see things is the exact opposite of the way you see them. What you call a blessing, I call a curse many times, and what you call a curse, I see as a blessing. "For My thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways My ways, saith the Lord. For as the Heavens are higher than the Earth, so are My ways higher than your ways, and My thoughts than your thoughts" (Isaiah 55:8,9). (II:73) People automatically tend to think that they would never be as dumb as Adam and Eve to allow themselves to fall for the devil's lies, but that's already the first lie they swallowed right there: "Oh, I'm never gonna be that dumb!" Well, you might have another surprise coming on that one, when you'll find out one day how often and how easily you fell for the devil's fairy-tales! Adam and Eve will look like heroes to you then, by comparison! (II:76) Don't be like those who didn't get into the boat with Noah because they were too busy with the usual affairs of life, their courting and eating and drinking... (II:83) When Esau came back hungry from the hunt, all he saw and cared about was the food that Jacob had prepared, and that's all he wanted at that moment. He couldn't care less about his birthright at that moment and wouldn't waste a second thought on it. But I want you to act thoughtfully. (II:90) You don't want to come across as the needy one; you want it to be obvious that you've got something to give to them. But that's not always how it works. When I spoke to the woman at the well in Samaria, I seemed like I was the needy One. I didn't have a bucket - she did. But when I shared with her of the spiritual water I had to give, she realized that it was true, that although I appeared to have even less than she did, I had something much more and better to give to her than anything she had ever received... And you know the rest of the story... how she got converted and was instrumental in reaching the rest of her town for Me. So, My willingness to appear needy bore good fruit in the long run. I wasn't too proud to ask her for water - otherwise the whole conversation never would have started. (II:98) I have brought you to the Kingdom for a time such as this that you may learn to surrender to My plan, even when you can't see its wisdom and perfection fully yet, to just say, "I take thee," even if you still see flaws and imperfections, like when Hosea married the harlot Gomer. (II:105) It sometimes happens that a person gets saved, but they don't let go completely of the spirits of their past. Like Naaman, they want to keep their old gods in a corner of their lives to comfort them whenever they feel ill-treated by Me, when My demands and expectations of them seem too hard for them to cope with. (II:109) Some people have a wrong perception of what it meant when Peter said, "Speak as the oracles of God (1.Peter 4:11)!" They figure that it means that whenever they open their mouths, people are supposed to listen and take it as if they were the oracle of God and as if I was speaking directly through them. What it really means, is to make sure that it is I who am speaking through you, and to only speak and open your mouth when spoken through, and not just voice any old opinion based on carnal reasoning. (II:161) As you know from the story of Job, it's usually your enemy who's responsible for, or involved with a lot of what happened. (II:164) "Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen (Heb.11:1)!" Don't just dismiss all that evidence, or put it in a mental drawer of "less relevance!" (II:165) Nothing is lost, really, nothing of all I allow is ever in vain, so actually, Solomon was wrong about that. It may be vain to collect or strive for worldly possessions and riches or knowledge, but it's not to be understood as "So what's the use of it all, anyway?" There is a use in it all, even in the sample of where that kind of thinking led Solomon, namely to stoop to the dark side in search for ever more knowledge, experience and wisdom, and in the end, what he believed turned out to be true for him: it was all in vain! Can you see it now? - The purpose in it all? - The difference between Cain and Abel? The vanity and senselessness of the striving for carnal perfection and of lack of trust in Me? (II:166) Moses had to become a nobody for 40 years after having been quite an important somebody. (II:258) Isa.26:3 - You can have the perfect peace of knowing that I'm with you every step of the way, in all you do, if you keep your mind stayed and fixed on Me. (II:286) When I called out Abraham and he went out not knowing whither he went, he did have the vision of that country that I promised him. He had a vision, and he got the fulfillment of it. He didn't have a clue where it was going to be, but because he followed Me step by step by faith, I finally gave it to him. (II:309) Faithfulness - and obedience - in a little thing is a big thing. There is a lot to this matter of not taking things into your own hands, but trusting Me instead: When Saul didn't wait for Samuel and disobeyed him in a seemingly little thing, he lost the kingdom. When Moses took it upon himself to demonstrate his own wrath about the people's murmuring, he lost his entry ticket for the

Promised Land. Because Mary didn't insist on taking her fate into her own hands, but was yielded to God's plan and let Him have His way with her no matter what, I was able to come into the world to save you all from your sins... (II:317) When the laden guests didn't appear to the wedding, the bridegroom in the parable sent out his servants to call in the poor, the beggars and the lame, the despised of society! If the rich and self-satisfied don't show up to your "party," cheer up, you're in good company: they didn't show up for Mine, either! So, let's have a ball with the poor instead! (II:326) My story is everywhere! There are those who decry astrology and astronomy, when My Word clearly says that "the heavens declare the glory of God and the firmament showeth His handiwork... there is no speech nor language where their voice is not heard..." (Ps.19:1,3). That's why Paul was able to eat with the former pagans he had won to Me: Their customs were totally different from the religious Jewish customs he had been brought up in. But because he had been a victim of extreme religious self-righteousness and narrow-mindedness, he saw the liberty, the freedom, the liberation from the law that I had brought! It took Paul to drive home that point to the church, and some still haven't got it! (II:332) This is your ministry, to pull down, and to destroy, and to throw down, to build, and to plant (Jer.1:10). It didn't really sound like "yeah, that's me" to Jeremiah, either, when I told him that I had set him over nations and kingdoms. You're a nobody, as far as the world is concerned, and yet, upon you and the likes of you hinge entire fates of nations. (II:335) The danger about feeding yourself the input from the media is that you're not content with what you've got anymore, you don't appreciate it anymore. It's like the verse in James about one who sees his face in a mirror and forgets from then on how he was made. He thinks he is actually that image he saw in the mirror. He thinks his flesh is all he is; all of a sudden his spirit, his soul becomes irrelevant! And so it can happen if you focus too much on the physical and the flesh. That's why John listed the lust of the eyes among those things that separate you from the Father, they separate you from love, they separate you from the truth, because only the Spirit is the truth, the truthful, eternal picture of you or anyone else, that which is beneath the temporal shell, that body, which is now here, but you look again, and it is withered. Don't fall for those temporary illusions! (II:338) "Whatsoever ye do, do all to the glory of God." (1.Cor.10:31) If you do everything to My glory, there will be no regret. (II:356) Matthew 6:63 still applies, nothing's changed about that yet, and it's still, "seek ye first the Kingdom and then...." not the other way around. (II:362) Say, like Mary, "Let it be! Let it be done unto Your servant/handmaiden even as You have said!" That's the yielding, that's the submission I need. Just say, "Let it be!" (II:363) Physical loss can lead to greater spiritual gain. Look at Job! He thought he was pretty righteous and as close to Me as you can get, and yet he found out through his loss in the physical that I allowed, that his relationship with Me had only been scratching the surface, whereas now he was getting really deep with Me and he got to know Me in a much more profound way than ever before. (II:385)

Remember, "Not by (your) might nor by (your) power, but by My Spirit (Zec.4:6)" the battle is going to be won. You've got to give your little strength to Me and yield it in cooperation to My Spirit. Only that way it's ever going to work. (II:387) In order to get a man out of Egypt, I've always had to stop the flow of business as usual. Moses wouldn't have left for the wilderness if he hadn't killed the Egyptian, if everything would have continued on the way it had been... I'm bringing you into a position where you are more willing to make changes that you simply wouldn't undergo voluntarily, out of your own initiative, if there was no need for them. (II:388) I allow the lean years to draw people back to Me, to cause sinners to repent and make things right, as I caused the sons of Israel to return to their brother Joseph in humility and repentance. Remember that the greatest need and hunger is for the spiritual riches, and being wise - like Joseph - is storing up a lot of spiritual wealth to share with the world during its leanest years it will have ever seen. The greatest famine I want you to prepare for is the spiritual famine. (II:407) You have greater obligations in life than just being nice. The word "nice" is nowhere to be found in the Bible. (II:411) We've got to get away from going by what things "seem" like. Always remember the verse, "There is a way that seemeth right unto a man... (Prov.16:25)" (II:426) "The Kingdom of Heaven is like unto a merchant man seeking goodly pearls. And when he has found one pearl of a great price, he went and sold all that he had and he bought it (Mt.13:45)." Life is meaningless for Me without My bride, and it is meaningless for My bride without Me. Our love is like a "tractor beam" that transcends everything: time and space, and connects us through and in spite of anything, any circumstances or rules of the physical world. (II:430)

When the Shunnamite woman came to Elisha after her son had died of a sun stroke: Elisha sent a messenger to her, asking, "is everything alright?" And she answered, "Everything is alright!" Nothing was alright to her, because her son, her only beloved son had died, but she had such faith and trust, that she just knew that I, through Elisha, would fix this problem. She didn't come with a question or a petition. The prophet just asked, is everything alright? And she answered "yes." And he and I honored her faith that day. (2.Ki.4:8-37) So you can also trust Me, that I will take care of the problems and details of your life, without making much of a fuss about them. I know about your needs and about your troubles, and while sometimes it's good for you to bring them before Me in detail, mostly so that you can get a better look at them yourself, while you do so, what counts most of all is your attitude of trust. You don't come to Me in despair, wondering whether I have forsaken you, but you come to Me in faith, knowing that everything's under My perfect control. (II:435) As far as looks are concerned, I have made My view on this clear a long time ago in 1.Sam.16:7: "The Lord seeth not as man seeth; for man looketh on the outward appearance, but the Lord looketh on the heart. (II:445) Hypocrisy is a lack of honesty, a pretense. You pretend to be more righteous or better than you really are by demanding of others to adhere to the rules of a certain standard you apply for them, while basically ignoring it yourself. It's the same kind of tyranny I accused the Pharisees and Jewish religious authorities of, and which I exposed them for, which was what made them so mad at Me and hate Me the way they did. (II:514) Make sure you do all things "to the glory of God" (1.Cor.10:31)! Then you don't have to worry about the outcome and you don't have to take it all into your own hands or take the burden of the responsibility for the outcome on yourself. Just relax, knowing that "He Who has begun the good work in you will also complete it" (Phil.1:6). (II:528) Man has steered himself into a world more and more controlled by his own rationalism and further and further away from intimate communion with Me. They have been "alienated from the life of God" (Eph.4:18). The result is what I prophesied in Matthew 24:12, that the love of many would wax cold. The great "falling away" (2.Thes.2:3) is more than a departing from the mere rational acknowledgement of My Existence. The whole interactive part that's supposed to be there between Me and man is gone, leaving a vast hole, a frightening vacuum and terrible, cold, spiritual "low pressure area," which is generating the most terrible storm this world has ever seen. (II:570)

Whether you're going to stand strong in the Hour of Temptation (Rev.3:10) is being determined by how firm you stand in the relatively small temptations of every day. (III:69) "Pray without ceasing (1.Thes.5:17)" means, "be in tune with Me always," constantly. (III:70) “All things are possible to him that believeth (Mk.9:23).” It seems impossible? Make it possible, by believing anyway! You can make it possible, you can make it happen through your faith, because all things are possible to him that believes. (III:78) The virgins heard that the Bridegroom was coming, and they went out toward Him, to meet Him. Thank you for meeting Me halfway! Thank you for preparing for My coming, for making sure you always have enough oil in your lamps! (III:87) My message has always been, "Come to Me all ye that are weary and heavy laden, and I will give you rest (Mt.11:28)." (III:93) Those verses about anyone loving their families more than Me not being worthy of Me are there for a reason, they're not some kind of mistake in the Bible, as some would assume. (III:115) If you know how to get your personal needs met Here with Us, in the Spirit, then you can say, like I did to My disciples, "I have meat that ye know not of." Spiritual contentment is what will enable you to be content with the "manna" you're receiving in this life and world. You won't be constantly craving for the pleasures of Egypt, but you'll be satisfied with the humble but sufficient supplies I provide for you. (III:116)

"It is He that hath made us, and not we ourselves (Ps.100:3)." Isn't that the problem? That people think they can thank themselves for what they are, instead of Him? (III:130) That's why I got so upset with David's counting the soldiers of his army: he was trying to put his confidence in numbers, instead of Me. Don't put your faith in numbers, but in Me! (III:135) Remember My Word to Ezekiel, and the vision I gave him of the bones that were resurrected and became a living army again! Resurrection is what it's all about. I like to raise people and things and dead projects from the dead and bring them back to life - to bring life where there was none, that is My specialty. (III:171) Not all prodigal sons and daughters return to the Father's house during their life-times. (III:174)

There aren't many who allow Me to shine the Light of My Truth into the deepest and darkest regions of their hearts, like King David prayed, "Search me, O God, and know my heart: try me, and know my thoughts: And see if there be any wicked way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting (Ps.139:23, 24)!" (III:175) The spirit of prophecy is the true testimony that gives witness of Me in the right spirit and in the right way, and is thus the factor of truth that makes the enemy really mad at you and declares you as his real and true enemies (see Rev.12:17, 19:10). (III:181) Listening to Me is an advantage, as shows the chapter in John about the two sisters of whom one did and the other got offended about her not helping to serve Me and the disciples… Both deeds were good, but ultimately, listening to Me will turn out to be the better! – Even if there appears to be less work involved in it. As for Me: receptivity is a better surplus than being a diligent worker. Both capacities have their advantages and purposes, but listening to Me will give you the ability to give others more of spiritual values, which you ought to know by now I treasure more than the work most folks invest their time in, to enrich their physical existences… (15:161) Remember who’s been given the power to rule the physical realm, and Who runs the Spiritual, and which of the two is there to remain, not fade away, in spite of the fact that far less people believe in It than the majority! But it’s like the Scriptures in Matthew: “Wide is the gate, and broad is the way that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat. ” And “Strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it (Mt.7:13,14).” (15:164) If Jonah was swallowed by the whale when he decided not to go to Nineveh to warn its folks of the impending punishment for their sins, he was the one being punished first… which shows that My folks do get the punishment for their sins first, before the rest of the world gets judged for theirs. (15:169) The extent to which they receive you (-and “he that receiveth you receiveth Me (Mt.10:40)”-) may be more significant than just repeating a prayer. If you stick to My Word, you’ll know that they that receive you, may be receiving Me and My spiritual Presence along with you. So, keep it in mind, that he that receives you, receives Me, and thus, also the Father of Love, Who sent Me, because He loved the world (Jn.3:16), and He still loves those of the world ready to receive Me and those We sent there! (15:250) Remember the tower of Babel? Well, these days folks are even much more into worshipping the works of their own hands. (16:54) Remember what Paul wrote: “I can do all things through Christ, Who strengthens me (Phil.4:13)” and cling to that! If you’re feeling like you can’t make it, remember that I can make it through and for you! And keep remembering that greater is He that is within you than he that is in and presently rules the world (1.John 4:4)! (16:62) Don’t be too disappointed by the fact that the easy times are over – since about 7 years now – and tend to get worse, but see the preparation process in them for what was predicted long ago! Remember the times of Joseph in Egypt: 7 good years, followed by 7 bad years, which, on the other hand, got him back in touch with his family and brought the chosen people of back then there for some time, in order to make them reach their destination eventually! So, there are divine plans in what’s going on down there, even if the divine side is a little hard to see when there are hard times involved. Joseph was a great example of how We can help and anoint folks to handle them. True, there were even tougher times expecting the chosen ones and great-grandchildren of Abraham, but eventually they brought them to the Promised Land, just as the hard times will make you rejoice in winding up at your true Home. (16:65) Some of the prophets predicting doom weren’t as popular as the majority predicting good times up ahead, but you know which of them were the true and false ones. It was only a tiny minority of those who announced the troubles to come and they did, and it’s not a task or role connected in any way to popularity. (16:74) Some things can’t just be blamed on your inabilities, when I promised you that you could do all things through Me. When that offer and option, that faith is there, the question is: What will you do? I know, the circumstances may tell you, “But you can’t! You’re too weak… too old… too…” …whatever. But when you’re supposed to have the faith of Philippians 4:13, “I can do all things through Christ, Who strengthens me,” then you’re also supposed to live and act according to that faith! – And not give as an excuse, “But I can’t” …because of this, that or the other! So, remember that you can do all things through Me, next time before the devil gives you the excuse, “But you can’t because of this…” …that, or the other! Amen? Keep within you that faith – and make it stronger – that through Me you can do virtually anything. (16:77) Remember faith, hope and love, those three spiritual values mentioned in Paul’s first long letter to the Corinthians (1.Cor.13:13) … three spiritual values, much more important than any of the physical circumstances around you could ever contribute to your welfare or well-being! When the circumstances and conditions around you are letting you down, that’s when faith, hope and love must come for the rescue!

Faith and hope make it possible for you to be able to continue to love, which is the most important function, if that’s basically what the Father’s all about (1.Jn.4:8)! If you pin your faith and hopes Up Here, maybe you’ll manage to come up with a little more love for the creatures surrounding you. “Now abideth faith, hope and love…” if that’s all you’ve got left, it’s all that’s left over and “abideth”… well, you’ve got to make the best of’em! Faith draws you closer to Me, giving you some hope in Something better thereafter… and all in all, resulting in the final capacity and ability to love… the very Action and Substance the Father has been entitled by John, the only one of My original twelve disciples who didn’t have to die a martyr’s death, although the Romans tried… (16:88) The fact that Samson lost his powers through the cutting of his hair shows that the Source of it was a spiritual one… The presence of John during My crucifixion, which proved that he wasn’t too shaken by physical appearances and conditions, resulted in the fact the he was the only one of My disciples not dying a martyr’s death. So, can you see the advantage of putting your faith in the Spirit instead of carnal and physical conditions and circumstances? (16:90) Some forecasts change temporarily. Not that they’ll never happen, but later than forecast, as with Jonah. Sometimes things like attitudes and actions change for the better which will postpone the predicted judgments. Jonah never got to see the fulfillment of his predictions during his earthly life. Maybe you won’t either. - But what if? Better to be prepared. Better safe than sorry! (16:94) Remember My Sermon on the Mount in Matthew, where I counted some of those evil conditions expecting My followers would be a sign of their blessings! It’s a fight to make it through the tough times… but “fight the good fight of faith (1.Tim.6:12)!” While the circumstances look gloomy and doomy, let Me help you overcome them through the Power of the Holy Spirit! That’s how My early disciples made it gloriously through even their violent deaths at the hands of the Romans. Remember how Saul’s failure to wait for Samuel was the big mistake of his life, and unfortunately, many folks are plagued by that vile enemy signature of impatience! The food from Above is the best and most important. Remember that I called Myself the Bread of Life (Jn.6:35)! - The Bread that will make your spirit grow. – The part of you that lives forever. (16:97) Just as Eve learned to appreciate Eden after having to leave it, so will many folks only begin to appreciate what they took for granted once it’s gone. (16:108) Sometimes My divine way of action has been to let things last a bit longer, until the usefulness of some of My people hit home. Look at the age of folks like Abraham and Sarah, John the Baptist’s parents, or even Moses, having turned 80 by the time he was ready for My task! So, don’t expect too much of yourself too soon! The older you get, the more of a chance I have to do it through you! (16:110) “Faith, hope, Love, these three; but the greatest of these is Love (1.Cor.13:13).” – Don’t forget that! (2016:117) The Old Testament tale of the weak prophet who didn’t do what I had told him, to fast, because another prophet tempted him to disobey what I had told him, is a good lesson on sticking to and obeying what I tell you, even if it may not apply to others. So, if I could even tell a fellow prophet to tempt his brother as a test of his obedience, it’s wise to learn from that biblical lesson to stick to and obey what I’m telling you. – I order to avoid letting the lion get you! (2016:124)

Blessings Count your blessings and assess all I’m doing for you, gather the sum of what you’ve learned, and testify of them. (I:14) Enjoy My blessings! Enjoy them a little bit more everyday by reminding yourself of them more often. See what you can come up with, that you can be so thankful for! (I:26) Thank Me daily for your children, because one day you’re going to see like I see, and realize just what a blessing they are. (I:27) Love your neighbor by not wasting their time with profanities, but by blessing them with showers of light when you open your mouth. (I:28) How blessed are those who pour out their hearts to Me in prayer every day. Pull down My blessings upon your fellowmen and thereby be a blessing unto your fellowmen! They might just happen to help you, too, by sharing their material blessings with you. (I:50) Silent, cheerful joy unspeakable, that small personal trademark of the saints, the reward for believing and acting on the knowledge that it is more blessed to give than to receive. (I:51) Love, the driving force of our celestial realm to want to do anything they can to be a blessing and a help to anyone, great or small, lowly or great. All that is required is that you ask, and they will answer and intervene and help you with anything you might need help with. (I:65) Sometimes, when you’ve been disobedient, you start worrying whether I’ll still bless you, but I will, as long as you return to Me and do your best to learn from your mistakes and not to repeat them. (I:71) If you had a glimpse of the blessings I have in store for you when you pass those tests the way you should, you would put on your best behavior, there would be no complaint or murmur on your lips, only praise! You want My blessings? Then give! (I:77) Just keep your face focused on Me, and no matter what you do or what happens, it’s going to be an enhancement, an improvement for the better and a blessing for you (Ro.8:28). Whatever the circumstances are, I want you to look past and beyond them, through them, at the hidden blessing, the greater victory which will come about through seeming defeat; at the lessons and wisdom gained by means of an apparent loss, at the greater purpose of God, at the greater good which will always come forth out of supposed evil for those who love Me, at the beauty which will come out of the ashes of the old. If you could see as I see, you would know that those apparent and seeming burdens are one of the greatest blessings, treasures and privileges ever bestowed upon you. (I:84) Prove Me now herewith if I will not open unto you the windows of Heaven and pour forth such a blessing that there shall not be room enough to hold it. Find out how much more blessed it is to give than to receive! (I:96) You’ve got to fight persistently to reap the most precious blessings and benefits in life. (I:101) Yes, troubles will come, and troubles are necessary, in order for mankind to appreciate My blessings that I will bring over them, even My rule, which they would resent otherwise. Even you must have those days of battle and of pain, in order to appreciate the good days. Soon I will have to withdraw a whole lot of blessings from mankind: because they don’t appreciate them, but are taking them for granted. You tried to tear yourself loose from Me to see whether your arm of the flesh could carry you any further than I could. But you saw that it was not so, but that from My hand come blessings, and in My hand is the power to withhold blessings, when I know it’s best for those who I love. (I:107) Blessed are they who, not seeing, yet believe. So, take My blessing by faith. Know that it is there, even if you don’t see it or feel it, just take My Word for it. (I:109) Only one thing is more blessed than to receive these Words, and that is to give them. (I:114) Just as it is more blessed to give than to receive, so it is more blessed to love than to be loved. - And the most blessed is the ability to love unconditionally, even when that love isn’t requited or even appreciated, to give when you apparently receive nothing in return. (I:121) Those who are firmly anchored in this World will go down with it. But those who let go, and have got nothing to lose are the truly blessed ones. ‘Freedom’s just another word for Nothing left to lose’... (I:129)

The greater blessing lies in gaining the victory over the enemy at hand, to win this battle here and now. (I:143) I always bless it when My children are willing to forsake the old in order to embrace the new. (I:144) Don’t let the Enemy get your focus on the hole in the doughnut and on all that you think you’re lacking and missing out on, when you’re so richly blessed! There is a great danger in not recognizing and appreciating My blessings, for usually the only way for Me to make you appreciate and acknowledge them if you’re unable to see them, is by withdrawing them and making you see them by the lack of them when they’re gone. I will let you see your blessings, which the Devil has been trying to hide from you with that shroud of self-pity, of comparing by making someone else’s blessings look so much bigger than yours... Express your thankfulness so that I can bless you with more. (I:148) According to your prayers and your praises and the intensity with which you confess Me before men, I will be able to bless you. (I:187)

Only by obeying Me and launching out into the deep will you find My complete blessing. (I:198) Why make an idol out of your blessings, when you can have the Giver of the blessings, the Blesser Himself, to worship, and to love, and to adore? (I:252) I have to create a need, and at times have to withhold My blessings, for only in those times you really stir yourselves up wholeheartedly to come before Me as you should. I withhold My blessings at times to erase any shadow of a doubt about whether it really comes from My hand. Nothing comes from nothing. There’s either My blessings for you because of your obedience to Me and your faithfulness in giving Me the glory, or the absence of them. (I:259) Sometimes blessings can be taken away rapidly, when not appreciated and fought for like you ought. (I:273) I teach you faithfulness in the least, before I pour out My blessings on you fully. (I:287) The blessings don’t precede obedience, and sometimes there are a few things I require you to do before I can bless and reward you. I test you and see how you will behave even if you don’t receive your heart’s desire. Whether you will have a murmuring attitude about it or stay cheerful, loving, giving and thankful for those things I do bless you with. (I:332) The ability to seek My Kingdom first, will result in greater obedience, thus greater blessings, and greater fruitfulness. (I:420) If you let the devil destroy your faith in My love for you, then it is you who allows and causes you to miss out on some of My blessings. (I:455) If you don't make a conscious effort to count your blessings and to focus on the things you could and should be thankful for, the devil is always quick to point your attention toward things and flaws you can start murmuring in your heart about. (I:474) My full blessing and the full outpouring of My Spirit can only flow when there's obedience and surrender and submission to My highest will. If you want the full blessing, you must also pay the full price of seeking the highest and best. (I:503) If you limit Me to only use you under conditions and specific circumstances, you're also limiting Me to only bless you with a certain amount of the joy and rewards of what total yieldedness would bring. (I:563) If you want to make sure that anything in your life has My blessing, ask Me to bless it, and thank Me for it! Anything in your life that you will include Me in will contain My Spirit and My blessing. Any activity in your life will be blessed as much as you will include Me in it. (I:574) As long as you keep saying "yes" to Me and My open doors, you can be assured that I'll bless you. Trust Me for the outcome! (I:579)

You've got to be faithful in that which is least in your eyes, before I can bless you with that which you consider much. (I:584) "Prove Me now herewith, if I will not open the windows of Heaven and pour forth such a blessing that there will not be room enough to hold it!" Of course, sometimes you have to do a few certain things in order to help Me open that window, or you've got to hold up your hands in order to receive the blessing and not let it fall to the ground. Sometimes you have to be wanting it enough and not take it for granted.

Sometimes you have to be made aware of the need first, and you also have to go through experiences and dry spells that will help you appreciate those blessings more. (I:589) Once you make Me and others the central pivot that your life revolves around, you'll start noticing the blessings pouring in. (I:597) You've got to obey to be blessed, do the "wenting" to get healed... You've got to do your part in order for Me to be able to do Mine. The blessings will far outweigh the price and the sacrifices you might have to make. (II:37) Blessed are the givers. But only those who look beyond and have greater wisdom than those who fall for Satan's lies, see the greater blessing and the greater, hidden reward beyond the apparent loss of the thing you gave away. You give people a chance to be blessed according to whether they give to you and how much, in this, My "machinery" of give and take. (II:94) The enemy fights you being a blessing to each other! (II:98) Whether I will be able to bless you with more, something bigger or better in the long run depends on whether you're thankful for what you've got already! (II:103) Blessed are those who see the good and possibilities others can't see and who can just accept and love people the way they are... (II:106)

I bless it when someone puts Me to the test and goes contrary to their natural expectations and abilities, trusting that I will do it somehow. (II:107) Make your life a blessing! (II:117) Blessed are those who are holding on, who are not giving up, no matter how much temptation makes them waver or may be tempting them to quit. (II:119) Sometimes people have to prove that they're mature enough to hold a certain blessing. And if they're not, if they're allowing their feelings to go haywire with them instead of keeping the priorities straight in their hearts and focusing primarily on what's truly relevant, namely the advance of My Cause and Kingdom, then they will simply have to forego that blessing. I won't hesitate to take it away if it becomes a god before Me to you. If it consumes more time and becomes more of a hindrance than a help, more of a burden than a blessing. (II:223) My blessings are poured out to you according to your faith, your need and your requests. Sometimes the greatest blessings I bestow on you come in disguise. You don't recognize them as such. But as you learn to see with My eyes and learn to take things by faith, your perspectives will change and you'll see the "handwriting of good within evil." Remember, though, that you can amplify the flow of My blessings, just by obeying My laws and dynamics of the Spirit: the more you pour out, the more I can pour in. (II:243) The easier way is often a cop-out, and by thinking you're gaining something, you're only cheating yourself out of a greater blessing. Sometimes less is more when it comes to all the "blessings" the System has to offer. Your "less" in physical blessings brings so much "more" in spiritual blessings, the true blessings and the true excitement of life by fighting for Me daily. (II:291) All that hype about wealth being a sign of God's blessing isn't always true. Especially not when that wealth distracts you from Me and keeps you too busy to hear My voice of truth. Wealth isn't always a sign of My blessing, but often merely a sign of compromise with the System. (II:340) Usually those who find themselves "less blessed" in physical aspects, do find themselves more greatly blessed in spiritual aspects in the long run. The poor, the needy, the sick, the handicapped, the disabled and weak... they all find their way to Me much more easily and quickly than the rich, the strong, the successful, those for whom everything goes alright... (II:342) "Blessed are the insufficient." Blessed are they who can't make it on their own in this world, because they learn that they need Me and they give Me honor and praise for the things that the others all take for granted: their lives, every breath they take and every bite they eat, every piece of clothing they wear and a roof over their heads. Being dependent on Me is actually the greatest blessing there is, although it may be well disguised or not easily recognized as such by people who deem independence as such a desirable virtue. (II:440) Blessings come from elsewhere, not only smartness. I bless the honest, humble, hard working people, and they're often more blessed than those incredibly intellectual thinkers, which usually tends to make the thinkers only more bitter and cynical and critical. (II:543)

Count your blessings! Count the qualities of your blessings, list them, describe them, become conscious and aware of them, and you'll find it to be a secret to gratitude, which again is a secret to happiness. (II:583) You've just got to do something for those blessings. (II:609) Certain blessings don't precede obedience. (II:623) The prerequisite to finding My riches and blessings is not to be full of yourselves, your own ambitions, ideas and desires, but to empty yourselves of them all and be ready and open for whatever I've got to give to you. (II:633) Blessings flow from one party to another. (III:32) It's not goodness that would "earn" My blessings, but faith and humility. The faith to receive, and the humility to accept it, that there's nothing you can do on your own to make you any more worthy. (III:60) The immediate, tangible “blessing” is often accepted at the cost of the hidden, unseen and eternal blessing. It takes desperate seeking of My face and of My will to find out which is truly My blessing, and which is the devil's temptation; which is truly My will, and which is the will of the flesh. (III:67) In all your efforts to cherish the opportunities to enjoy life and live life to the full that I'm giving you, it's easier to pocket the blessing yourself first, instead of passing it on. Everybody is way too busy playing with their toys, the blessings life hands them, than to pay attention to the needs of others, to pay attention to Me... (III:110) The greatest gifts can sometimes also be the greatest distractions. It's a trap folks fall into all the time: they become so wrapped up in My blessings I bestow on them, they neglect the most important thing of all: Me. Some folks consider the blessings more important than the Blesser, and they're dedicating a lot more attention and time to what they're given than to the Giver. (III:112) Blessed is the one who can silently take the backseat to Me, and let Me sit there in the front seat with their loved one, who can just enjoy what's going on and learn from it, and won't insist on being the center of attention. (III:115) Blessed are the desperate, for they receive a greater abundance of grace in response to their souls' yearnings. Blessed are they that seek and long and aren't as self-satisfied as the rest of the valley people. Blessed are they that aren't entangled in this life's affairs too much to be really seeking Me to fill that yearning in their soul. Blessed are they that yearn for Me, for they shall be filled to an extent that those who only seek Me half-heartedly know not of. Blessed are you when your own brothers resent you and despise you and reject you, for you shall find a comfort in My arms. Blessed are they that weep, for their tears shall be dried by My own hands, and they shall be comforted by the Comforter of all comforters, and they shall truly rejoice in that day when I shall return to deliver them. (III:170) Only if you realize that all things come from My hand and are - contrary to what may seem at first glance - carefully planned, are you able to appreciate all the factors in your life for what they really are, the tremendous blessings in disguise you so often take for granted. (III:248) View your "problems" not as curses, but as blessings in disguise, for they are precisely what keeps you close to Me. (III:285) Conversation with Me ensures My power staying active in your life, and that My blessings will continue to be poured forth on you. You know what a pain life can be without Me, without My Power and blessings, and so you want to make sure that Power stays on. (2011:76)

Many of My blessings often come in disguised form into your life. You may not appreciate it much, but you will later, when you will see the results and the fruit that will have come from it. (2011:90) Looking at the positive, counting your blessings and praising Me for them will strengthen you. (2011:101) I’m here to comfort you and help you to see and count your blessings and make you realize that although it seems as though you’ve lost a lot, what you’ve gained – in the long run – will turn out to be more and better. I never take one thing away from those I love without giving them something better in return. (2012:7) Sometimes there’s a first step you have to take, a requirement you must fulfill first, before you can obtain the blessing. (2012:10) “Blessed is he that condemns not himself in the thing that he allows.” How much more blessed to live a life of true faith in My never-ending love and forgiveness, than one that is framed and limited by man-made condemnation. (2012:11) The difference between everything and nothing: a life of heavenly purpose and enjoying My fullness and blessings, or a mere existence without purpose, in darkness and emptiness, compared to what it could and should be, and certainly according to

spiritual and eternal criteria. In fact, it makes the difference between time and eternity as far as you're concerned. (2012:15) You have, to some extent, been prone to make a god out of My blessings, instead of persistently keeping Me in the first place in your life. The blessings are okay and to be enjoyed, but they can never take the place of the spiritual things that fill your most aching void, or if you do allow them to, you’ll see that it won’t enhance, but diminish the quality of your life… (2012:16) To be loved by God is to be blessed more than those who don’t even consider themselves needful of that blessing. Maybe there are others who are blessed with greater abundance, and maybe it’s because of their obedience to My general rules, some of which you have a hard time keeping. But because of your weakness you’re developing a greater need for Me than many others have, which draws you closely to Me, so, perhaps some of your faults are blessings in disguise… Others may be more capable, but what is the greater blessing: To be able to comfortably make it on your own, or to need to have Me close for every move? If you consider My Presence in your life a blessing, then a greater need for Me equals greater blessing. (2012:95)

Getting a clear, raw picture of not only the world, but also your own sinful state isn’t pleasant, and I admit, it’s somewhat devastating, but it’s still to be considered a rare blessing. It’s definitely a forte to be blessed with the ability to discern and assess a situation well. (2012:145) I can only bless you with as many new things as you make room for… A lot of stuff needs to go, at least eventually… As soon as it becomes a factor you need to worry about, and it starts dragging you down and becoming more of a burden than a blessing, you need to realize that you’re dealing with excess weight, not something you need to try to hang on to for dear life… (2012:151)

If you’re remembering to include Me in your plans and continue to pray for My blessings, provision and guidance, I will bless, guide and provide. (2012:181) Making sure you’re in tune and touch with Me is basically the best thing you can do. It’s even better than providing for your family, because it’s the factor that will ensure continued provision, protection and My blessing in general, and by helping to make this happen, those blessings will keep flowing. Blessed are those who benefit from My light, instead of pretending to be stars on their own, too infatuated with their own little source of energy, never realizing how finite it is, and hardly ever noticing when their own little light of life has grown dim or even gone out for good. Blessed are they who tap into the real Source of power and life! You want to be blessed and continue to be blessed? That’s all you’ve gotta do! (2013:16) Godly behavior will ensure your survival a lot more, since it will not only pull down My blessings upon you, but also the respect of others. So, for My sake and your own, put up some more of a fight to resist evil, not just the outside attacks and adversities, but also the temptations to let your standard slip down to levels where I simply can’t keep blessing and protecting you the way and to the extent I would want. (2013:20) Why go through life, or another day, without the blessings, the gifts and strength so easily available to you? (2013:31) You have to ask yourself what you’re really after: popularity? Or My blessings? And My blessings might not always come and flow in as great abundance when you’re a popularity hunter and trying to please a crowd that you know yourself doesn’t have very godly standards. (2013:43) If you don’t make sure that My blessing is upon whatever you do, you can be sure that the Devil is going to have a ball at sabotaging your efforts, and, of course, getting you to blame the result on Me. (2013:97) Maybe realizing that certain changes need to be done before the blessings can start pouring in is going to be helpful. – Realizing that not any deed that occurs to you will keep you blessed somehow… (2014:12) Whatever is changing you, especially when there have been things that ought to change, you can be sure they’re part of My blessing and work in your life, even if it may not look that positive to yourself in the beginning. (2014:16) Treasure life as a bigger blessing and privilege to go through, even though you believe in a painless life after death! (2014:20) Putting material things first in your life or giving them the greatest importance, can result in negative effects. Those attitudes are not what pulls the will and blessings of God upon you… (2014:22) If you’re a little braver once again to stand up for Me, you might be able to receive greater blessings, including more courage from Me… victories and other blessings… given to you from My side. (2014:38) Trying to figure out which place to live in or at would be more rewarding according to the faith and in the Spirit… which choice would obtain the greatest blessing. (2014:41)

Those who will help you will be blessed in the Hereafter for it, while those who don’t and refuse to, won’t be. (2014:92) If you can’t appreciate blessings in your life, and can’t do much to bless others in return, then you’ll have to learn what it’s like to have to go through life without many blessings. He that isn’t grateful for what he has received has got to be taught how to appreciate gifts and blessings first… often, by having to do without them for some time. (2014:105) Count your blessings! Don’t ignore them! You should appreciate them more! (2014:139) Humility is something positive, so the things that help to make or keep you humble should be seen as something positive as well, and a blessing. It’s a faith-thing, whether you can appreciate humility or not. But blessed and wiser are those who do. (2014:147) Try to keep giving Me the first place of your importance, and that’s how you’ll keep receiving My strength, help and blessings! (2014:155)

Ask Me for My blessings and My protection! (14:156) All in all, the more you can be a blessing to others, and aren’t just concerned about yourself, you’ll be more blessed, happier and better off as a Christian – someone who’s supposed to believe in that! (14:159) Get ahold of My Spirit and My blessings and protection via prayer! When you pray, things will change and I’ll trade them for blessed ones to make your day. (14:161) Don’t just keep taking good things and blessings for granted! You’ve got a lot to be thankful for, and when you’re not, it could easily be that there’ll be less of them around, to appreciate them a bit more. (14:178) Count your blessings, even if some incidents that couldn’t be called blessings have happened! It could have been worse, and those factors that kept it from getting worse could be called blessings, right? Keep track of the good stuff that’s happened and keeps happening to you! “Count your blessings, name them one by one! … See what God has done!” as the old song says! Wouldn’t that be something worth doing? - Counting your blessings and being thankful for them, instead of being so overwhelmed by the hindrances and difficulties? If you keep an account of your blessings, instead of your problems, you’re giving Us a greater credit for the positive things and features we have placed and keep on placing in your lives. Keep considering it a wonder that there are still blessings coming your way! So, just count and appreciate your blessings! It’s good to be reminded of certain advantages and thus be brought to realize that life has been a bit more of a blessing than a curse. By faith you should be able to tell that your blessings have exceeded your curses, and the good in your life exceeded the bad! You can still count the blessings, even though that part of your life may seem so different to you now. But discover the blessings of it, appreciate them and praise Me for them, instead of ignoring them or not bringing them to your attention! (14:202) Count your blessings! Even if they may seem somewhat rarer than before; but maybe that’s a lesson about what you should have tried to do beforehand, and since you didn’t, to recognize why it’s so important! (2015:11) One of the devil’s major tactics is to lure and get folks out of the Father’s and My perfect will, so that he can withdraw Our blessing and protection, make life a whole lot tougher, with a lot more trials and tests of faith… Once it dawns on you, it makes you want to stick to Our will a lot more, and Our blessing appears to be so much more valuable than before, when you took it for granted… (2015:25) I’ve been blessing your life a lot beforehand, and you should keep that faith, that I’m ready and willing to do that and keep doing that. Just try to keep Me in mind a bit more about that, and try to live a bit more by faith, instead of trusting the System for it… (2015:30)

Sometimes good things happen in order to postpone judgmental changes, and other times things happen that withdraw My blessings and stop or postpone good things from happening. (2015:32) Try to keep appreciating the good things while they last and count your blessings, even if your life seems to have been blessed a lot more before… Just keep trusting Me that the blessings Hereafter will largely rise above the ones folks have in the there and now, as far as I’m concerned. (2015:34) The rules are there for a reason. And in order to keep the blessings and protection from Above are pretty much the main one. Otherwise the blessings can’t be kept poured on you, but you might have to count on some counter experience and bad blow of the evil one.

So, keep in tune with Me and the right sources of the Spirit, and don’t give any room to the temptations of evil! Stay on guard and make sure you keep receiving Our blessings and protection! Let that lesson sink deeply into you and fight for making it against the temptations to keep repeating the same mistakes that would rob you from the blessings from above! (2015:40) How much advantage and how many blessings you can receive from our connection depends on you, your efforts to be and keep in touch with Me, and making sure you won’t neglect that! (2015:52) Make some effort to keep your faith growing stronger, so that you can also be a bigger blessing to others eventually winding up around you! (2015:55) Don’t perceive it as too negatively, the bit of a more rough time you’re going through, but trust Me that you’ll be able to not only gain greater blessings out of it yourself, but will also turn out to be a greater one for others. After all – life isn’t just supposed to be for your own benefit, is it? – But how much of a blessing you’ll manage to be to others in whichever way and through whatever course your life has taken, amounts to much more value, than just those things you can take advantage of by yourself! The more of a blessing you’ll manage to turn out to be for others, the greater and better and more filled with light is your life going to be; so, take advantage of the fact that I’m working at making a bigger blessing out of you and your life right now, even if the circumstances through which it is being caused may seem fairly dreadful to you. (2015:59) Keep counting your blessings, and seeing the battles as something you have got to win! (2015:66) You’ll have to make it into the spirit of victory yourself, first, in order to be able to be a blessing and help for others. So, keep fighting and aiming for that victory! (2015:79) You’ve been blessed with a fairly easier life than most others. But ever since some hardness appeared, you figured it was time to use them as an excuse to live in a way again you had used before, although I had blessed you with My Input… Guess you can understand that I couldn’t just bless that! (2015:83) Life hereafter will be better, but you can already absorb and use all of its advantages to a large extent now, which is what will make you a greater, miraculous blessing to others. (2015:84) count your blessings in all I’m allowing to happen in your life, and trust Me that I know what I’m doing, and that in the end you’ll also agree that it’ll turn out the best, and the richest lessons in life, even if at the time they set in they may have been painful! (2015:102)

Let these times help to prepare you for what’s coming, and don’t resent that preparation, but consider it a blessing, once you’ll realize how needed that was! (2015:113) How about counting your blessings? (2015:115) Relying on own abilities, which basically means, on one’s own flesh, is not really the blessed way to handle things and lead your life for Me. No appreciation for blessings may result in fewer blessings or even none at all, until you get that point! There’s definitely an advantage connected to giving praise to Him that blesses you! (2015:123) Thankfulness and appreciation help to keep the good times and blessings flowing. So… let that lesson about valuing blessings as you should, sink in, so that you won’t despise them or take them for granted in the future. (2015:127) Blessed are those who manage to put their trust in Me. (2015:142) If you’re being a bad sample with your deeds, actions and behavior, it’s not going to result in blessings. “Seek ye first the Kingdom of God, and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added unto you” (Mt.6:33) means, the right actions and behavior will result in the right kind of blessings, accordingly. You have to get into the right gear, in order to be able to reap the blessings from Above! Putting first things first, which means, the Spirit above what the flesh desires, that will result in blessings making you happy. (2015:148) Obey Me, if you want Me to bless you! Because that’s what is getting blessed: obedience. Disobedience just can’t be! So, if you want to be blessed, obey! If things aren’t going as rosy as you’d want them to, just have a look at what you’re doing, and ask yourself whether I can bless it! If I can’t, it must be due to something you shouldn’t be doing. (2015:150) You received a lot from Me and Up Here, but weren’t you supposed to make a greater effort to pass on those blessings to others? (2015:184)

Not exactly gratefulness or positiveness, to be complaining about life’s toughness, when you actually should be grateful and

appreciative of the blessings I bestow on you. So, there’s a reason why you’re having to go through tough things… - Mainly to bless you with a more positive and unselfish attitude. Once you learn that, it’ll also be much easier to teach your kids. (2015:233) Life without My blessing and protection will be a hard one, so keep praying for and clinging to them! (2015:241) In order to receive blessings, one has to act and behave accordingly, in obedience to My Words and My will. So, receiving blessings depends a bit on you and your behavior. It’s part of the lessons of life to distinguish between the actions that will be blessed and those that won’t. Obedience is the ingredient that will be blessed. That’s one of the major advantages of obedience to the Father’s rules: blessings, along with rewards in the Hereafter. Whereas disobedience… how can it be blessed or rewarded? (2015:243) I can’t just continue to bless you when you are doing damage to your body, which We created. Try to stick to Our rules that We want and expect you to obey, and make an experience how to raise the flow of blessings into your life! (2015:245) The blessing you’ll be able to be for others when things do turn tougher, will come through managing to make it through those tough and dark times coming, due to what I’ve been and am teaching you. (2015:248) You can’t take your blessings for granted, but remember there’s an enemy at charge down there, not making things easy for My believers and followers to be blessed! (2016:1) Some blessings disappearing should teach you a bit about the good times you had, which can come to an end when not appreciated as they should. Count your blessings, and don’t focus too much on things that may not be perfectly the way you’d wish they were! (2016:21) Don’t blame it all on Me if you notice a lack of blessings in your life, but find the blame somewhere along the line of what you’ve done or failed to, in order to deserve them! (2016:32) Don’t forget to appreciate your blessings, and show some thankfulness for what you’ve got, instead of complaining about the current state of things and your situation! (2016:35) Blessings require some positive acts and attitudes, whereas the negative ones automatically draw their results upon the ones with negative attitudes and actions. Positive vs. negative means the same as good vs. evil; and you can imagine which side of the two We are able to bless with positive fruits and results. When you’re too weak, just as I was too weak to carry the cross up Mt. Calvary by Myself, it gives others the chance to get a blessing for their help… So, to help others receive some blessings for their help is part of the task of God’s people on Earth: to help those who sowed some good in life to also reap the good results thereafter. (2016:49) Learning the lesson of love in life is what will inherit the blessings from Above… (2016:57) Becoming aware of being dependent on My leading and guidance is a surplus, advantage and – as you’ll find out, a blessing from Above! (2016:59) In giving what you receive and passing it on lies the greatest blessing! Keep on giving and sharing what you’ve got, so that I can keep pouring My blessings upon you! Trust in Me, that I’ll always keep blessing the act of giving and sharing what you’ve got! (2016:62) Getting used to the fact that you’re not making it on your own without help from Above is a positive feature, not as negative as it may seem on the surface. It’s one of those strengths and blessings that come from apparent weaknesses and seeming curses! Sometimes it’s the end that will tell the whole depth of a story, and makes apparent temporal apparent curses turn out to have been blessings, after all, even if that blessing will just turn out through the wisdom, experience and strength you’ve gained through it all. (2016:70) I can still bless you, even in the darkest times to come! Remember My Sermon on the Mount in Matthew, where I counted some of those evil conditions expecting My followers would be a sign of their blessings! (2016:97) I can still bless you, even in the darkest times to come! Remember My Sermon on the Mount in Matthew, where I counted some of those evil conditions expecting My followers would be a sign of their blessings! (2016:97) Keep clinging to My Help, blessings and protection! - Something you’ll depend on in the times to come! (2016:98)

There’s a reason why sometimes I make you dependent on the help of others as well, in order to let them get blessings from Here, providing they make the right choices. (2016:99) Appreciating what you didn’t, before, is a major purpose of the Lessons of Life. And it’s the hard time of lacking the blessings previously taken for granted that are the effective point in those lessons. (2016:108) Having to cope with the lack of blessings, comparatively measured with the amount and greater increase of blessings when utterly obedient is a tough one. But you have to realize that ultimately the decision is entirely up to you. The lack of blessings accordingly is more like a hint from Our direction, that you’d be better off sticking to Our Rules. We just can’t bless what’s being done against Our rules. (2016:114) Your blessings are going down if you can’t put into practice what you’re supposed to be learning from Me! (2016:120) The gift of hearing from Me includes the duty of doing what I tell you to in order to continue receiving the blessings from Above. Since modern education and “science” have wiped out creation, and thus the existence of a Creator or heavenly Father… who – they figure – needs obedience? But just because it’s become a rare word and quality, don’t fall into that temptation of the enemy to neglect or even ignore it, since My blessings are fairly dependent on it, which basically means, along with contentment, happiness and a pleasant life. A little more respect for the creation of your body is pretty much necessary in order to love your fellows as yourself and reap the blessings of obedience. Otherwise, don’t complain about your conditions and circumstances, if you’re not living up to the standards that will inherit the blessings from Above! So… want blessings? – Sow what will reap them! A seemingly little disobedience can result in greater lack of blessings than formerly realized; and it’s time to get that point of the lessons of life! (2016:124)

Challenges (Adversities) I’ve left some special rewards to those who don’t give up too easily, the persistent ones. If things would be too easy, there would be no challenge. (I:101) If there wouldn’t be any opposition, there would be no challenge. You’ve got to have some kind of contrast against which you can see the light. It works like this in many other aspects of My creation. Adversity is what makes you strong. (I:105) New, unexpected situations are simply new challenges for you to rejoice over and to laugh in their faces, thanking Me for bringing them along to make you grow stronger. Say, ‘Thank You, Jesus, for this new battle, for this new challenge, for this new and strange adversary or obstacle to tackle!’ (I:152) Every day I’m presenting you with a new challenge to follow Me, everyday I’m calling you to leave your boats and fishes and the affairs of this life. (I:170) You’re standing right in front of this mountain, wondering how you’re going to make it. Well, you’ll make it the same way you made it this far: by trusting in Me, not yourself, relying on Me as your Guide, holding My hand and heeding My voice and obeying My instructions. If there was no hope for you to ever make it, I wouldn’t present you with this challenge! (I:189) The thing to do is to gratefully and wholeheartedly take up the new challenge, as opposed to getting discouraged and lying down with an attitude of, ”How could I ever think I was going to make it?” (I:242) That’s My challenge to you: Test Me and see if I won’t work out any situation, any problem in life you fully commit unto Me! (I:300) Life is all about venturing out into the unknown, exploring the other side, conquering the new. Otherwise there’s no progress, no challenge, no growing, no forward movement. (I:301) Things in life you don’t understand are My tests and challenges for you. (I:332) In all and any challenges you face, take them as from Me! (I:345) Inasmuch as you apply these Words and take up the challenges, so shall you also be a partaker of the Promises. (I:360) Continue taking whatever comes as a new challenge and lesson from Me, seeing Me in everything! (I:375) Be grateful for the battles as the most precious and valuable challenges I have brought into your lives to grow way beyond the state you would have without them! (I:378) I’m having to allow challenges to appear before you which finally make you desperate enough to cry out for My help! (I:381) You should be thanking Me for every new challenge I bring across your way. Everything in your life comes from My hand, and is just another opportunity for you to show and prove trust in Me! (I:403) If you think about what challenges are still up ahead for you, don't you think it's time to mature, sober up and put your own selfish desires on the backburner? (I:427) I'm challenging you to stretch your spiritual muscles and limbs into new, more exciting areas and changes, higher plains. (I:431) You shouldn't only stop worrying, but you should rejoice and praise Me at every turn and encounter with a new challenge, a vacuum for Me to fill, a chance for Me to prove to you My Power of supply, My capability, My endless, unlimited, miracle-working Power, My benevolence toward you and My Strength on your behalf. (I:436) It's a challenge to rise above laziness, the inability to see the need below the surface, and the temptations of the enemy to draw the attention away from the focus on others' needs. (I:490) Even your flaws are from My hand, and thus, are ultimately for your best; not to feel bad about them or get all negative about, but to see them as challenges to rise above, and - if nothing else - as tools to make you appreciate My Perfection more, the full extent of which you will get to experience when you come Home to Me. (I:506) Take each new day, no matter how gloomy it may be, as a thrilling challenge and new opportunity to conquer new territories for Me! (I:589)

Whenever you come upon a challenge that's too big for you I want you to turn around and give it back to Me. No problem in the world is too hard for Me to handle, and I just want you to learn to use My Strength, My Love, My understanding, instead of your own capacities. That's why I'm letting you run into challenges and situations I know you can't handle on your own. (I:605) Accept My challenge and turn the "impossible" situation over to Me to deal with and prove to you again that there is no such thing! (II:54) I'm trying to show you the positive side of what you consider a dilemma. I'm challenging you to stretch your faith. If you lack, ask Me! (II:67) I want you to be open for My challenges in your life, but I want you to make sure that they are truly My challenges to you, not anybody else's. (II:78) If you were all perfect, there would be no challenge at all to the commandment, "Love one another" or "love your neighbor as yourself." But because it's sometimes so difficult because of the weaknesses, mistakes and faults, it's such a challenge, and not everybody is succeeding at it. (II:106) You need that challenge in your life in order to make you into the man you're supposed to be. (II:112) Keep in mind that it takes shifting a ton of sand in order to find the diamond, and don't let your impatience get the better of you if you run into more wolves, dogs and goats than sheep! Of course the sheep are going to be fewer and less in number; otherwise it wouldn't be a challenge! If there would be no way I could expect of you to overcome your pride, your fears and the lies of the enemy, I wouldn't put this challenge before you! (II:118) I put a project or challenge before you to roll up your sleeves and show what you can with it! (II:144) Thank Me for your challenges! Therein lays the secret of success and progress! (II:199) The type of carnal reasoning that doesn't see the good in the challenge I bring about, only the hardship in the lesson, always equals hardship with "undesirable." But those hardships, challenges and battles are the best things that can happen to you! They keep you alive and growing. (II:208) Usually it's whatever you're not so comfy with, that I'm trying to stress and emphasize on in your life, always the "totally other," your challenge points... (II:224) The harder they are to love, the greater the challenge. (II:247) Don't freak out or panic when something happens you think you can't handle! Rejoice over this new challenge! When you're faced with a trial, a burden, any challenge, just hand it to Me and stop worrying about the rest! (II:265) You should actually be thrilled with feelings of excitement and anticipation, knowing that a challenge and situation was planned and orchestrated by Me; it's one of My setups, and therefore, destiny! (II:295) Letting go of any false, temporal or carnal securities in exchange for the invisible, thin rope of faith you're going to be walking on instead is the real and ultimate challenge, the greatest adventure and test this life has to offer. All other paths in life a man or woman can choose are mere shadows of this great adventure of the life of the spirit. (II:303) Just like I said that you would do greater miracles and things than I did, I have also presented you with greater and different challenges than the ones I've had to face during My time on Earth. (II:313) If you need to have some real challenge, then it might be good for you to realize just how difficult your own mind, instigated by the enemy, is making it on you to avail yourself of the simple solution of prayer! (II:336) The greater the odds are against Me, the more I enjoy the challenge. (II:387) Once you thrive in the face of adversities, circumstances have truly become irrelevant, and then you'll be able to enjoy whatever you do, under whatever conditions. Adversities are necessary for you to become stronger. (II:454) Embrace this challenge fully as coming from My hand: a golden opportunity to show that you've learned to let go and let Me do it all, and not think you must carry the load by yourself. Take a cheerful, positive and victorious approach to whatever challenge you find before you! (II:523) The real challenge is to do things better without becoming self-righteous about it! (II:534) Man needed a cause to fight for, and thus, something to fight against; some challenges and adversities to tackle, before he was

ever going to be able to truly be happy, and that's what's happening in this life. (II:571) You don't have to dread the adversities! You were made for them! You were made to face them and master them! (II:572) Every time you manage to get over another hurdle, another obstacle and challenge in life, it will strengthen your faith to make it over the next one. (II:575) Just praise Me for another challenge and trial in life! (II:581) Rejoice in the adversity, because it has brought you a new challenge to prove to the universe that I am greater than any circumstance! (III:31) If you're really sure of My Love, you'll always know that whatever I expect of you, whatever challenges I present you with, even whatever pressure I may put you under, it's all for your best, it's all because I love you more than you love yourself, and you can just trust, and go ahead and "do it cause Daddy said so." (III:34) It costs something to find out what makes a person tic, and how to solve a problem. That's the challenge of love. (III:35) I'm trying to draw your focus toward a greater challenge, and a more distant horizon, to greater works, yet higher mountains to climb than the hills you've tackled so far. (III:38) I give to every person lessons and challenges in life that are according to their talent and personality type, and what I know they can handle. If it wouldn't be hard or tough in any way, it wouldn't be a challenge, right? (III:51) You know basically, what everybody needs is love. But how do you apply that love with each one, individually? That is the challenge, and what makes life interesting. (III:81) Love will lead you to situations that are beyond your experiences, to places beyond your present limits. It will lead you back to My arms, helplessly wondering what to do about this new challenge, and only I can give you the necessary love, strength and wisdom to master each one. (III:83) Love challenges you to stretch your spiritual muscles toward reaching new capabilities you don't possess at present, to stretch and expand your horizon and focus. (III:84) The challenges are there for you to tackle and overcome, not for you to be overcome by them and fold up in dismay! (III:88) One of the greatest challenges about this adventure of the life of the Spirit is not to allow things and people to distract you; not to allow them to take the upper hand. (III:115) If you're humble enough to be in a receiving and learning position in relation to anyone you come across, you'll find life in general a much greater success when you come to the end of the road, than if you go through it constantly pushing your own thing on others. It's the art of being open enough to see Me in everything, including in everybody you come across, even as different from you as they may seem. The more they differ from you, the greater the challenge. (III:132) If the enemy can get you to mentally resign, and you just go through it in "suffering mode" and hope you'll just come out alive at the other end, it's a different story than if you jump into the battle rejoicing and enjoying the challenge. (III:158) Focus on Me beyond any circumstance or challenging situation you may encounter in life! If you see My purpose behind every situation that puzzles and challenges you, you will soon find out that there is no problem that cannot be solved, because you'll see that that's what the problem is there for: it's for you to handle it, to master it, and learn to solve it with My help. When you adopt the mindset that everything has a purpose, you'll realize that even every problem has only the one purpose to be a step upward for you to acquire greater wisdom, to challenge you to make yet another bit of progress. (III:166) The real art of living lies in recognizing each challenge and task set before you as your special and individual, tailor-made destiny that only you can fulfill. (III:176) Everybody has their challenge before them, their mountain to tackle, their burden and cross to bear. But I will never give you more than you can handle (1Cor.10:13). Oh, it may seem too much for you at times, but I know you better than you know yourself - I know better what you're capable of than you do. (III:179) Put forth that believing will and say "yes" to My highest option and greatest challenge for you! (III:236)

Whatever the circumstances are, everything I put before you is a purposeful challenge, and you ought to be making the most out of it. (III:252) That the challenges before you aren’t any smaller than those behind you should be expected, since I always give you something harder to tackle with each step… (2011:30) Just taking it is what life’s challenge is sometimes all about. I know it’s hard, as you can tell it was for Me at times, to take the cup My Father served Me, and it’s hard to believe sometimes that this should be the only or even right way, but when you can take it in spite of your own reservations and doubts and skepticism, chances are that you’re going to make it. I don’t deny that there are genuine, painful challenges in life. But the good news is that there is a purpose to it all, and one that will make all the sufferings look miniscule by comparison. (2011:53) I’ve promised that My yoke would be easy and My burden light, but that didn’t mean that no job I’d present you with would ever represent a challenge for you. But you will find this one lighter to bear and designed to be the right kind of challenge for you that will help you grow and progress in the best potential degrees you need in order to get where both you and I want you to be ultimately. (2011:54) You’ve got to see the need first in order to be really inspired to do something about it: a problem in order to look for a solution. It is the darkness that made and continues to make people look for ways to bring in the light to lighten their paths. (2011:72) Take it by faith that I know what you can handle, including the new challenges that I’m bringing up in your life. I love to present you with new challenges you’re clueless about, because that’s really the only way to ever learn anything new. How about yielding to the challenges I bring along in your life and rolling with the flow, trusting that I know what I’m doing and allowing only what’s for your best? You’ve had it very easy; a little too easy, perhaps, to be ready now to deal with and face new, more taxing challenges. From a carnal viewpoint it may look like a bad deal. But that’s where dealing with My way of viewing things comes in. (2011:85) It may be a challenge when the situation differs strongly from what you would have chosen as an ideal situation for yourself, but when it all comes down to it, that is more or less what faith is. Learning to stay positive and cheerful when things are not fine, that is a challenge! (2011:86) In any new situation there will always be new challenges and adversities to rise above and get the victory over, so it’s natural that I would want you to learn that in your present situation first, before I lead you to the next. (2011:92) Life brings all sorts of challenges from unexpected sources, angles and places; and many a man has found his greatest challenges in ridiculously small things, like babies… They can prove to be a greater challenge than the fiercest enemies at times, basically showing that men are not always prepared and equipped adequately for some of the simple and fundamental challenges of life… (2011:93) You can almost always assume that the more challenging of two options is going to be My highest will for you, because I know that that’s the one that will cause you to make greater progress. (2011:96) Learning to accept the circumstances is not really a challenge when you’ve already chosen the easy path. So, if the circumstances are adverse and tough, and less than what you would ideally envision, that’s an ideal opportunity to accept the challenge and learn to rise above. (2011:97) Redeem the time and take advantage of every moment you’ve got right now to strengthen you for potentially much bigger trouble and problems and challenges! (2011:100) It’s not so much about finding something out there that you haven’t got yet, as making the best of what you do have, even if it may be quite a challenge. (2011:149) You cannot just run away from your problems or try to avoid them by closing your eyes to them, but you’ve got to face and deal with them, as ugly and bothersome as that might seem. It’s not only that you can do it, but you must do it, there’s no way around it. As you’ve observed, they’ll only get bigger and worse otherwise. (2012:3) You want to live your wee little life in peace and with as little trouble as you possibly can. But indulge Me for coming up with a few challenges along the road of your life. Right now you may not appreciate them, but some day you’ll realize they were what made life worth living. (2012:9) I'm not saying it's easy to come up with love, but it's My challenge, nonetheless. (2012:13) A lot depends on you, and your fate rests to a large extent in your hands, which is why complaining is really of no avail. It basically all depends on your attitude and on how you choose to confront and face your daily challenges. (2012:19)

Your present challenges are the hardest and toughest ones you’ve ever had to face? That’s the way to grow and make progress. (2012:28)

It’s a natural fear that children have of their parents or a teacher: asking too much of them, something that is too hard or too painful for them, something they think they know they can’t do. But think how much more pleased you are when your child or a student takes that step of faith, encouraged by your prompts, and simply gives it a try and does the thing you challenge them to. (2012:37) Just when you think life has run out of challenges, it usually cooks up a new variety, asking, “Let’s see… How’s he going to handle this?” (2012:50) So, instead of freaking out at the sight of a new or seemingly overwhelming challenge, just try to remember why and for what purpose I’m allowing it, and recruit Me and My strength to come to your aid! Start availing yourself of the truly effective remedies and tactics and methods to cope with challenges! (2012:54) In a way you could compare the challenge of life to a mathematical problem that requires solving, and it’s not necessarily an easy one for everyone. (2012:61) Face each situation and challenge as an overcomer! (2012:69) The kind of attitude you need to have in order to laugh life and all its many challenges right in the face and let it know that you’re not a quitter, that you won’t surrender to its pressures, is one that says, “No matter what!” – “I’ll keep on fighting, believing, showing forth a cheerful spirit, etc., no matter what!” My challenge is to keep fighting, to keep going, even when it seems like you’re losing, even when everything seems to be of no avail, maybe pointless, without rhyme or reason, instead of doing what many people may feel tempted to do: quit. Of course it’s gotta be a challenge. Otherwise it would be too easy. If the challenge is to prove that you’re one of the overcomers, then what else would you expect, than daily challenges that will tempt you to quit instead? So, aren’t all My Promises for the overcomers of all times worth taking up some of these, life’s challenges for? (2012:76) The real challenge of life: accomplishing lasting and eternal achievements by means of spiritual tools and applying divine help – in cooperation with your Creator, not showing off just how wonderfully independent you can manage to get by without them. (2012:77)

Telling folks about My solution and gifts is always a win/win situation. I don’t deny that it’s difficult, humbling, and just about the greatest challenge there is for mankind, and doing it requires extraordinary faith and obedience of the kind that will do what no one likes you to do, simply because you’re more concerned about My opinion than theirs. Happiness isn’t found where everyone expects it, in the obvious places, the accumulation of wealth, comfort and pleasures, but is hidden in exactly those less appealing challenges. (2012:85) Love becomes a real challenge when supposed to be bestowed on the far-from-perfect, the obviously flawed and ugly. It’s not easy, and it’s a challenge. But love is always a better challenge – no matter how hopeless it may seem – than revenge and condemnation. (2012:114) What do you need My Power and Strength more desperately for? The new challenges you’re facing, doing things you’ve never done before, or continuing the same? The one thing that was guaranteed in this life was constant change. So, how much are you still up for that? How well can you still take that challenge? Life simply isn’t about trying to make it easier. Real life is about accepting the ever growing challenges before you and accepting them as My program to make a better man out of you, above your own that would seek to make things easier… (2012:127) The older you get, the more you begin to realize that your own strength isn’t going to be sufficient to cope with the challenges ahead of you, and only Mine is. (2012:130) Right now, you’re having to represent Me on pretty much hostile territory, and I know it’s the challenge of a life-time. How are you going to handle it? It’s challenging to keep your flair of an ambassador when you’re going to what to you may seem like the lowest of the low… It’s obvious that there’s something definitely wrong with the world. Doesn’t it give you an incentive to make an effort to make it a better place? Can you do it for Me, even if it’s exhausting? It’s the challenge that’s come across your path at this point, and it must be for a reason… (2012:132) As you go along, the challenges become difficult in the School of Life. As in all things, you have the choice to either murmur about it or take the challenges and accept them gracefully. Things in life don’t get easier. And that’s precisely how you get stronger… supposedly… if you take the challenges. (2012:138)

Relationships, due to their challenging nature, have this habit of drawing you closer to Me in desperation more frequently than almost any other challenge you can encounter in life. (2012:141) The one primarily to blame when things go wrong is yourself, often mainly because you failed to prepare yourself for the challenges of spiritual warfare. (2012:147) The hardest challenge is the confrontation with the supposed do-gooders who are completely oblivious to any wrong-doing whatsoever on their part. (2012:161) If your spiritual opponents are tougher than what you’ve encountered before, it can be tiring, debilitating and intimidating. But once you take on the challenge, accept it, and stand your ground, you’ll have grown a bit stronger than you were before. (2012:168) The challenge is not to let the opinions of others affect you to a degree, and not to use them as barometers or indicators to confirm to you whether you’re on the right way or not. Maybe people’s opinions are by and large terrible indicators when it comes to your own, personal decisions. (2012:181) In order to really make a difference and show a different kind of example, this should challenge you first of all to make sure you are considerate and unselfish, and think of new ways of showing consideration for others. (2013:4) It’s important for you to spend more time with Me, learning and studying about life and how to handle its challenges. (2013:6) Every place has its own challenge, and as with every challenge, the question is, can you handle it? Sometimes you may think so at first, but then it can turn out to be too much for you, after all, and vice versa. (2013:25) The easy way is for losers. Winners are made of the kind of material that puts up with a few challenges strewn along their path… (2013:33)

The true challenge for you is to keep your faith even in adverse situations like that, to keep trusting that there’s still going to be a way to make something good out of it, that I’m still in control. (2013:44) It’s true that you’ll need more of My strength to make it through, but are you going to let the size of the challenge intimidate you and get you to think that I couldn’t handle it or help you to make it? That is all the purpose you need: It’s a greater challenge! I told you it wasn’t going to get any easier. A greater challenge means greater need for My strength, and if you don’t feel like you have the strength that you need, then it’s simply a sign that you’re not making enough effort to avail yourself of it as you should. The problem is your failure to avail yourself of Me – all you’ll ever need to cope with any challenge. (2013:47) Finding solutions and answers to your daily problems and challenges is basically what the School of life is all about. Challenges and problems to deal and cope with means you’re still alive! (2013:48) If there weren’t any problems, any challenges that you can’t deal with by yourself, then what need would You have for Me at all? (2013:65)

To rise above the negativity that surrounds you is My challenge for you. The temptation is to give in to the pressure and give them what they want to hear, which then contributes to the façade. The challenge is to be faithful to the message and not compromise, not give in to the pressure, but stay true to your convictions and make them known whenever you get the chance, even if sometimes it may take a while until that opportunity comes up. The trick then is to recognize that opportunity and seize it. One or two souls who are bold enough to fully embrace the truth and will then be courageous enough to proclaim it are all I need. I know it sounds easier than it is to actually perform this quest, but that’s My challenge to you: Are you up for it? (2013:70) Remember that the trick and the challenge is to see beyond the misery, and rise above it! (2013:83) The temptation is to deal with the challenges in your own strength and wisdom, but I and My Spirit will always strongly advise and urge you to include Us in the matter. Switch from their wavelength of the mundane, and their dimension of limitations, over to Mine, where there are no limits. No boundaries! No borders or landmarks that say “Thus far and no further!” So it’s no wonder I’m preparing you for changes and new challenges. (2013:97) Basically the challenge really is: How do you deal with such a monstrous liar (- the enemy)? What can you do against the flood of lies? How do you cope with the horrendous extent of deception? (2013:104) If you really want to get something out of something, you’re going to have to be willing to put something into it and be ready to accept a little bit of challenge… (2013:108)

Just as adversities and challenges you encounter daily help you to grow and become stronger, the negativity the Devil spews out on a global scale makes those who seek an alternative come forth and grow into and toward the light. The greater the challenges, the greater the impact of the reward. (2013:116) Sometimes I challenge you to take on more than you might be able to take on at present in order to make you stronger and make you grow, and that’s the time you learn the most important thing of all, to cling to Me and learn to depend on Me to make it. (2013:125)

As long as one understands everything that’s going on, it’s relatively easy to have faith. But what when you don’t, and it’s a bit more of a challenge to trust Me and have faith for it? (2014:91) One of My challenges for you: Can you make your own ways weaker for the sake of love for someone else? Can you heighten the respect for someone else to an extent that would really make it true love? Can you take that chance? Willing to really learn some big lessons along the lines of humility and true love? It wouldn’t hurt you, I guarantee you! Just try and do your best to make the best out of this, and I promise you, you might not regret it! (2014:181) Life isn’t easy. But it’s always the challenge to deal with it and fight to make the best out of it, even though you’re having to deal with and resist a lot of the devil’s influences and attempts to make life on Earth as much hell for you as possible, since, after all, you’re not going to wind up in his. (2014:186) There is more than what you can see to believe and trust in! It may sometimes be tough and a challenge to believe in it and trust in that, but that’s what faith is all about. (2015:15) It could always be worse, and even if it’s tough and hard for you to be thankful and grateful right now for what has happened, take it as a challenge, and try to be as positive as possible! Try to make it through that battle as victoriously as possible! (2015:42) To make it beyond that which your natural senses can perceive is a challenge, but keep heading in that direction, and you’ll make it! (2015:61) The tougher it gets down there, the greater the challenge for Me, which is great… since the more you’ll also realize how much you need the alternative and your true and lasting Home Up Here! (2015:68) Right now it doesn’t seem to make much sense to you what did happen, but maybe that’s the challenge: trying to figure out why it did, and if there’s a purpose in everything, what is it you’re supposed to learn from this. (2015:78) If it’s a challenge, just accept it as something you may wind up turning out strong enough to cope with in the end, even if temporarily you didn’t feel like it… (2015:82) Take this time as preparation for greater challenges ahead! (2015:86) It’s a challenge for you: to avail yourself of the strength from Above, one you will desperately need sooner or later, anyway, and without which you won’t be able to make it through the times to come. (2015:104) Just take it as a challenge to learn to deal with, and handle the tougher part of your life, being aware of the fact that there’s an even much tougher one heading your way, and the only way to make it through that is by learning how to make it through the rough times right now. (2015:105) If life seems to be too great a challenge for you at times, just remember to ask for the help from Above! (2015:108) Get ready for new challenges to come and new obstacles to overcome! (2015:113) It’s a tough challenge to keep the spiritual aspects in the first place in a world where the opposite is largely the case, and the flesh is just about the thing of major importance for the large part of mankind. - All the more important to learn to become an exception, and resist the temptations to join the major trends of humanity. (2015:122) Life as a toughie and rough trouble… to learn to put up with it is quite a challenge. But it was never promised that it would stay easy all of the time. You’ve just got to learn to put up with it as it comes, and take through grace whatever it brings. I know, it may be a tough challenge for you at the moment, especially because you didn’t have any preparation for this, but consider this you’re going through now, preparation for what’s to come, and believe Me that you’ll need it! (2015:128) There are many things that could be better… always; but it’s good to get used to when it becomes obvious they’re not becoming better, but rather, worse. Putting up with that and getting used to and prepared for it is the momentary challenge, and the attitude everyone ought to have: to get prepared for what’s coming! (2015:130)

I know that to rely more on Me and your help from above is a challenge, and a testing of your faith that comes in a little hard at first, especially once you’d been used for decades to rely on your own talents and fortes, but as far as the future of the world is concerned, you’ll only make it through the help from Above! (2015:138) The life of faith may be quite a challenge, but you’ll see in the end that it will have been worth it for its reward! (2015:141) Life can have its tough and challenging sides, especially the closer it gets toward the Endtime! (2015:152) If there are challenges in life, it’s because of the wrong choices made that have turned the world away from its former paradisiacal status. And they’re supposed to strengthen you. Not physically, but spiritually! Make an effort to study what I gave you on flesh vs. spirit, so that you’ll learn to put the first thing first, and not make everything dependent on physical conditions! (2015:153) The hardest times of history are still before you, so, instead of trying to escape and avoid them, seek to make it through them with My help, and all help from Above you can get! It may be quite of a bit of a challenge, but then, it’ll also be a proof for many others that there’s a way to make it, and a better Source somewhere than what the enemy will put on display. (2015:156) It’s the most difficult and a harder challenge than ever, to resist carnal and material temptations, but the more you realize how vain they are, how temporal and empty, as far as the eternal, spiritual values go, the more drawn toward the other, spiritual side you start feeling. (2015:169) It’s easier to put faith in words than into action. So, why not try the latter for a change, even if it’s a challenge? (2015:184) Whether you’re gonna make it or not, largely depends on your trust and confidence in Us Who can help you to make it through whatever challenging times and conditions confront you! Not knowing exactly yet how you’re going to cope with the new, seemingly huge challenges you’re having to face and cope with… well, it just means, continue to keep trying to make it by faith; since that’s the very same thing that’s going to be necessary during the dark days to come! (2015:194) It is a challenge, isn’t it, to make the best out of circumstances you can, even if they’re not that great or perfect? Having to deal with imperfect circumstances and conditions is one of the great challenges in life, and certainly will help you to appreciate Heaven – the perfect Home – afterwards. (2015:251) It may be tough to commit My input and the faith in Me to kids and juveniles in the state the world has gotten into with all its temptations… And I can’t deny that it’s a big challenge. But then… just keep sticking to taking on those challenges and making the best of it you can! (16:28) If things aren’t running perfectly smoothly, let it be an illustration for you of how imperfect the state of the world around you is in, with more mess and trouble coming! It’s also a challenge for you, to do what you should and can in order to clean up what’s around you! So, at the sight of a mess, ask yourself what you could do about it! Don’t just play the victim role! The mess the world around you’s in ought to be a challenge for you to do what you can in order to improve things! Life may be tough, but it’s also a challenge for you to make the best you can out of it! (16:40) Making the best out of the mess the enemy has created out of Our original Creation… now, that’s the challenge! Learning to deal with evil and managing to survive in spite of it, and make the best out of those troubled times, is basically what your job and task is! Deal with the bad around you the best you can, and try to manage to still bring forth some good in spite of it! – Now, that’s the challenge! Trouble is the challenge that brings you into the situation to deal with it, which you don’t really manage without help from Above, but… how else do you even ask for it, unless that trouble’s there? (16:44) How can you take the hardships, pains and difficult times? How can you stay in or gain the victory, and a victorious attitude in spite of it all? How can you put up with it? It’s a challenge and test of faith, but if you pass it, that faith will be stronger, and an aid to make it through even harder times to come. (16:46) Life may be rough and with a lot of challenges, but to learn to deal with and manage them is one of life’s most important lessons… so, deal with them, handle them and learn to make the best you can of them somehow! (16:51) Whatever faces you in life, learn to make the best out of it! Don’t accept the role of a victim, but take any hard situation as a challenge! (16:54) Make the best of life you can! That’s your job, task and challenge. (16:57) Don’t fall into the enemy’s trap to view all conditions around you as impossibilities, but take it as a challenge to see what I can do for you through your faith! (16:62) We like having to deal with those challenges to show the world and especially Our believers Who’s more powerful.

So, whatever problems and challenges the enemy tosses at you, trust Me and remember that I’ve got and will show you the solutions! (16:64) Swimming against the tide and current those around you are floating and drifting on is part of the challenge! (16:75) To make it through what’s coming is a hard enough challenge for now, and all We’re concerned about is that you’ll make it somehow… (16:83) Taking tings and folks as they are… well, one of the challenges of life. And, of course, the harder the enemy manages to make those challenges for you, the harder the tests are going to be, and of course he hopes you’ll peter out. (16:89) The challenges are greater, as they constantly will be in the development of that world around you; but that also means: Make and let your faith and trust in Me grow, and don’t let it be subsided by fears and worries! Challenges are not a dismay for Us, as they shouldn’t be for true believers. With conditions and circumstances becoming more challenging and difficult to handle on your own, it’s all necessary preparation for the times to come when you simply won’t make it anymore without the miraculous Help from Above. (16:99) Learning to rise above and overcome seeming impossibilities is what difficult circumstances and challenges are all about! Rejoice, the tougher the situations get, over the challenge to rise above and overcome and demonstrate the Power from Above! (2016:103)

One of the toughest challenges to cope with for My followers is the confrontation with – and according results of – their own wrong-doings… (2016:114) Getting the victory out of tough times is a challenge, isn’t it? Well, that’s what rising above amounts to: Overcome challenges. (2016:126)

Learning to take the troubles in life is one of its challenges. How you deal with troubles and challenges shows what sort of a fighter you are… not just giving in to the devil and the tough events he sows into your life to tempt you to give up your faith in Me. If some of the things showing up in life appear like tough challenges, don’t let it strike you as something negative, but hopefully making you stronger! Accept those challenges as strengthening procedure! (2016:129)

Change (Vol.2): (Making a Difference / Improvement) Often it is only the fear of judgment or of things going wrong that will give people the incentive to seek change or improvement, without which there is stagnation. (2011:4) What I represent is radical change when it comes to the ways of this world, which are ever fleeting and temporal, soon to remain no more, as promised, and by taking on My eternal mindset, you live a quite different life which enables you to rise above the temporal. The times when you are less than satisfied with this world are the ones when I get a chance to really work in your life and bring about effective changes, and that is precisely My goal: to not leave things as they are, but effectively change them. (2011:9) Love changes everything. Love is the greatest power to change anything. I like to change people; I like to change their values and standards they previously measured and judged things by, and whenever I have managed to do so, I consider that a job well done, purpose and mission accomplished. (2011:11) Re-spect (= “look again!”) for Me is the beginning of Wisdom, the epitome of the Spirit of God, so, if you want to be full of My Spirit, it’s good to have changes. If you want to feel the miracle-working power that spurred on My disciples and early followers as recorded in the Book of Acts, then change is just what you need in order to bring it on. By making moves and changes, or rather, flowing with the moves I bring along in your life and allowing Me to bring them, you open yourself wide for My Spirit. (2011:14) Maybe you’ll find out that I am indeed blessing you in a greater way by bringing these changes into your life than you previously would have deemed possible. (2011:15) You don’t have a clue what you’re going to live off in the long run, and you might even have to change your whole approach of how you’ll go about making a living. But instead of just being another one in billions who set out to make a living, why not determine to make it a life instead, one that is truly worth being lived? (2011:18) More tests of patience may be strewn along the way. They’re for you to deal with, to learn from and change by, and since I’ve done it before and have managed to change people’s lives eventually, I’m confident I’ll also succeed in this case… (2011:20) Pressure situations bring you into a position I don’t hesitate to use those in your life in order to bring about real, tangible and visible changes. (2011:31) I bring changes. I bring parting with the old in order to introduce new factors. The new factors to the equation are what keep the whole matter alive… You’ll see that these changes will contribute to keeping you more alive, or should I rather say, bring you back to life? (2011:36) Nothing changes about the fact that I won’t leave or forsake you, and I’m there by your side, even through all that you’re going through, and as hard as it may seem, and as forsaken as you may feel at times… (2011:45) The carnal human tendency is to assume that all things will continue as they are and as they’ve always been. But the bitter truth is, they won’t. Change is in the air; and just because the big changes haven’t always happened visibly when some folks said they would, and there may have been a number of false alarms, doesn’t mean that they never will. (2011:49) Each of you has the power to make a bigger difference than most of you are aware of! And the only way to ensure you’re going to make that difference is by staying close to Me. (2011:50) If you don’t like your circumstances, do something to change them! (2011:52) If you really want to change something about it all, you’ve got to start by changing your own mindset. You could bring about positive changes and be a positive influence in others’ lives! (2011:67) I want you to keep progressing and advancing in your life, and sometimes that is achieved primarily by change. (2011:84) Becoming aware of a need is the first step toward improvement. The best thing that can happen is your realization of the need, which will help and cause you to focus on potential solutions, changes of behavior and attitude; things you must do or could do in order to improve the situation. (2011:93) Just changing your circumstances won’t bring about the sort of changes you really need… inward changes. (2011:98) The point is not where you are, but much more importantly, what you are, and what by My grace you’re becoming, if you yield to the process I’m carrying out in your life to bring about the desired changes.

If I can change you, save you, or do anything whatsoever to have any kind of impact on your life, I can do it anywhere. So, if you just stop worrying long enough about whether you’re in the right place or not, or if or where there’s a place where you possibly might be happier, maybe I’ll just be able to finish My work in your life and bring about those inner changes that are really going to guarantee happiness, because it’s the right attitudes that will get you there, and it’s not so much dependent on the place where you are. (2011:102) You’ll have to admit that the greatest and most important work that’s going to have to be done first is to change you, and that’s not going to happen overnight. And the less feverish “accomplishments” you’re going to be sidetracked with, the more time you’ll have for thinking about it and finding out what it is I want to change about you and focus on the things that need to be changed. This is more than a matter of attitudes. It’s a matter of the heart, and what we are aiming for here is a fundamental change of heart. If things would continue to flow the way they always have been for you, then that wouldn’t be possible, since it wouldn’t even faze you that any such change might be necessary. So, if I’m putting you through the grinder, and things are becoming extremely uncomfortable, the question is not, “What must I accomplish,” but much more likely, “What do I have to change?” You’re going to have to think and pray long and hard about the areas in your life and heart I seriously want and need to change before we can even seriously talk about any such thing as accomplishment. What’s really important and in the spotlight here is your heart and your being – that which has almost been most important to Me, not your works. If I’m using a child to break and remold you and bring about those necessary changes in you; does that surprise you? (2011:104) Cling to My Power desperately enough to really evoke the kind of changes you need, and not be sidetracked by ideas of how you can bring about positive changes in your own strength. (2011:127) If you don’t like things the way they are, ask Me to change them! It’s up to you to give Me a chance, to find out whether I’m capable of improving things for you or not. (2011:130) If it bugs you that your wife wants to keep changing you, perhaps you may take comfort in the fact that I’ve been in the same fix all along: My believers have been trying to change Me and My nature, even if only in their own minds and conceptions of Me for centuries and more. (2011:131) Perhaps that’s one more reason why men have got to have wives: otherwise they’d hardly ever change anything. Maybe there’s something good about women not being too easily satisfied with their current situations, but always wanting to aspire to something new and better. They are the ones having to spend the bulk of their time within those four walls you provide for them while you get to at least enjoy some sort of change while you’re off at work, so it would only behoove you to seek to keep your wife as happy as you possibly can and be willing to look for and seriously consider any opportunity for positive change and improvement you may come across. If she wants change, and you don’t find any strong signal that would indicate that I’m opposing such change, it might be a good thing to start looking around for ways to making one happen. You have to realize that if change is a positive factor that I promote and want to bring about in your life, it’s obviously the Enemy who would oppose and counteract that drift and do whatever he can think up in order to prevent it from happening, including making your very comfortable with your current situation. Change is going to be needed sooner or later. (2011:134) Things get going when there’s at least the possibility of a greater change on the horizon. (2011:138) Whenever you’re ready for the changes, we’ll make’em. One of the biggest distractions the Enemy comes up with is to get you to focus on the temporal environment, the circumstances, and your “place” in this world. He gets you to wish for all kinds of changes made in aspects of affluence and personal comfort, instead of the truly necessary, interior changes to be made in your house… He tries to get you to make temporary changes promising to alter and improve your immediate situation by getting you to doubt whether the glorious lasting changes I promise will ever come to pass. I have created you with the ability to change. Your house may seem beyond your capabilities to cope with making the necessary changes, but you can overrule that mindset by clinging to My Promise that “All things are possible to him that believes.” It takes embracing the prospects that change is indeed possible – if not in your own strength or by your own means, then certainly by Mine. (2011:143) Coming to face and grips with those failures to be true to your words is one of the first and most effective steps to bring about genuine change. (2012: 40) You shouldn’t blame Me for what’s happening down there, but you should only blame yourself for not availing yourself of My power more to change it! Everything that is alive must progress, develop and change somehow. Just because it says, “I am the Lord and I change not,” it doesn’t mean that I don’t allow My Realm around Me to change. (2012:51) That’s why it’s so important for you to stay in tune with Me: You’ve got the power to change things! (2012:52)

Resolve to make an effort to murmur and complain cuss less, or to improve in whichever way! What many fail to see is the extent to which improvement would be not only desired, but actually needed, and more than just a good idea. (2012:53) Changes will come. But how can you best prepare for them? By complaining about the here and now and wasting your energy on daydreaming about better times and places? Or doing all you can to make the best of what you’ve got right here and now, and allowing the fruit of your labors to assist you in any truly needed and necessary changes when the time for them comes? (2012:59) Unconditional acceptance is part of My qualities, and I can accept you the way you are, although I won’t deny that My hopes and efforts go more in the direction of having you progress and mature, learn and change accordingly, from life’s lessons. The good thing is that you’re willing to change and see the need for it, and sometimes a change of scenery is helpful in bringing about changes for those who need a little visible and tangible help and support. (2012:63) Changes are always good for you, especially when they cause you to reach out and stretch your faith and definitely approach and reach others more with the message you’re meant to give out as My disciples. (2012:87) No matter how times have changed and everybody thinks it’s the way to go nowadays, when the opportunity arises to let go of all that and do what you were really meant to, well, then that’s your chance to make a difference! (2012:97) The whole thing is a bit more open for change than you’re presently aware of. Information does change as the influx of it increases. (2012:121) Why not bring some changes into the story, and instead of having you continue to do the same old thing, it’s time for something new? What did you all think came guaranteed in this life of discipleship? That you were always going to keep up the same old routine? Or did I say through My prophet that the one thing that was guaranteed in this life was constant change? so I took the liberty to introduce some changes in your life, perhaps changes in your plans… How about My plan? You profess to be My follower. So what’s so hard about accepting a change of plans? - My plan for yours? (2012:127) Changes are always good for you, even if it may not exactly seem like an upgrade to you! (2012:139) You won’t be able to say your life was an eventless rut without any changes and adventures. Circumstances changed, and you had to trade in a good thing you had for something that you hoped would be better, but hasn’t really turned out to be so. But the one encouraging thing I told you about this process, is that I’ve managed to change you. (2012:156) That’s the good thing about not-so-good and bad situations: They make you seek, and thus, bring about change. (2012:180) Make a difference! Be different! (2013:4) It’ll be the one difference that will really make a difference in the end and in the final analysis of all things: How much attention did you pay to Me and My Words, how much did you care about what I had to say? (2013:16) When someone has a problem with recurring discontent, you just have to sit back for a while at times and watch as life unfolds its palette of lessons, designed to evoke change in that person’s life. Unfortunately, it’s not good things, but those supposed “bad things” that bring about those changes and cultivate gratitude… Those experiences that make you appreciate the good you’ve had, or make you thankful when it gets better again. (2013:21) Why not give the game of “conformity” a break, and become active in the business of transforming, changing lives and thus the world around you? Conformity means you adapt to what you see going on around you, and its unspoken undertones imply that you like it. If you’re honest, though, you know that you don’t like what you see going on around you, so why should you adapt to it, when it is in your power (just as it is, really, in every man’s), to do something about changing it? (2013:90) Switch from their wavelength of the mundane, and their dimension of limitations, over to Mine, where there are no limits! I’m preparing you for changes and new challenges. (2013:97) It pays to listen. But what can you expect from people who don’t even know how to do that, because they’re too busy chattering and blabbering their own lives away and making too much racket of their own? Nonetheless, you will make a difference and will leave a mark – a landmark – on their existence that one day they’ll recognize as the moment when they could have made a choice that could have changed everything for them and turned their paths around in a different direction to be truly walking the path of life. (2013:103) Changes are not something I’m against. Whatever is changing you, especially when there have been things that ought to change, you can be sure they’re part of My blessing and work in your life, even if it may not look that positively to yourself in the beginning.

Before you may have felt stronger somehow, and more powerful somewhat, but do you really think you were exactly the type of person you were meant to be? Or could it be that I’m rather working and achieving that now through the changes occurring in your life? If you can be full of Me and My Spirit, instead of yourself, it’s definitely a positive change, and bound to create and bring more positive powers and forces in your life you’ll definitely be more grateful for. Even though you perceive much of what has happened lately to you as more negative, trust Me that if I allowed it to happen, I did it because I knew it would bring about positive changes in you. (2014:16) What has happened to you was somehow good to change you. I know quite well how to change folks if they’re ready for it. Letting those things happen in order to change you wasn’t all that bad in order to bring you onto a path and course of correction. Somehow it didn’t go so well in your life at times; but if it doesn’t, you’ll find out that changes are necessary. (2014:18) Changes are usually bound to happen, and having to deal with one is usually better than not to. Can you deal with the need for something to happen that brings changes? Can you trust Me for that? Love is the most important reason for any change occurring for God’s children! (2014:32) There’s a change waiting to set in for you and inside you… When everything keeps going the way all things usually do, it’s not the time changes are accepted… It’s good if you stay humble and don’t feel too offended over the change your life had to pass through… (2014:36) What happened to you through your physical change is that you’re more dependent now of My help. In other words, your own independence isn’t that important anymore, and it’s a change that makes unity more significant and important. (2014:37) To change your life and get it less oriented by and toward money, might definitely be the more favorable arrangement for your human soul, development and growth concerning eternity. (2014:42) It’s pretty good to view different kinds of changes in more positive ways, putting more trust in your Creator about them and try to accept upcoming lessons with greater and more positive faith. To take a more positive attitude toward new things happening to you in life is a good thing, because it shows you trust in God and the Creator, and not just your own ideas of what should happen to you. (2014:45) You might want to remember that your life is - and should be - starting to change some. After all, when you get older, you should also get wiser and stop some of the more foolish things for your own pleasure you had previously… Be part of showing and proving what a difference it could and would make to people’s lives if they don’t and won’t keep ignoring Me! Let Me prove to you and the rest of the world that’s interested what a difference I can make and bring into their lives! Let Me show you and many others what a big difference I can make and what the Father’s Power and Mine can and will do for you and them! (2014:51) The world is changing; you know that much. Changing for better or for worse? Well, since you know who’s in charge spiritually, you know it can’t be any better for believers in Me… (2014:56) Sometimes it takes a while for you to get into positive changes; find out what positive changes you need and let them occur… (2014:60)

Change your act and behavior in the future with a bit more obedience to the sort of things I ask of My disciples and followers… (2014:61)

Sometimes, in order to make it through things, you need to undergo some positive changes. (2014:72) Things change. They don’t all and always stay the same! (2014:85) Things are not going to stay so great for the rest of history in this current world, and you’d better get ready for that change, ready to handle it! There are many changes to come, and helping you to get ready for them was to allow you to pass through a primary change you didn’t expect. Changes are necessary in order to help you be ready for what’s to come. (2014:87) When it’s a difficult period, trust Me that it’s also a necessary one that will change you and put all things eventually into the way they should and ought to be. (2014:91) Aren’t changes supposed to be a good thing for you to experience? Changes are generally a good thing to teach you, since always going through the same old stuff doesn’t do it that much! (2014:113) Having to cope with monumental changes is what you’re going to have to learn, including trusting in Me above everything else, because things won’t just keep going as they were…

Perhaps one day you’ll actually thank Me for having let you go on like this, getting desperate and learning to trust Me above all things, realizing that what I’ve put you through was the best change for you to make it through what will be coming… (2014:122) Change you’re experiencing is a good opportunity to prepare for rougher times bound to hit the Earth… (2014:125) Being so different isn’t always that easy. But being different from the main stream of society can be a lot better than just following its main moves… (2014:134) A solid change had to happen. Something to make you remember that this world isn’t exactly what you’d hope to be going on, not exactly Heaven on Earth yet, as some may have believed… You began to expect a bit too much Heaven on this Earth in the state it was in. But haven’t things changed drastically? So get ready for it! – Ready for something worse! (2014:136) When the worldly system has been pulling your attention a bit too much away from Us and spiritual matters, which to Us, but ultimately also to you are much more important, the time has come for methods and incidents to change your life and make you remember and realize what’s really most important! (2014:142) It won’t be so long before folks will see Me, and things on Earth will change again in a truly good way. (2014:149) If things are not going so perfectly for you, just keep it as an example for a reason why things must change! Sometimes changes are good for you and happen to you out of a good reason. (2014:155) All in all, it’s best to do things by faith… and be ready for changes, if I draw attention to them. Be open for changes in God’s plan for you! Be open for His will! (2014:158) Things change, and thus, you better do, too! (2014:159) To learn that sometimes things are different than you think, and to adapt to changes in life is not a bad thing! Being old-fashioned and staying with old ways of handling things is not all that good. Sometimes it’s good to have renewals and changes in your life. Sometimes it’s just better not sticking to the same old way. Changes are good. – Just have to get used to some of them, sometimes. In any way, it is somewhat better not to have things continuing to always be the same old way that they have been, but adapt to changes happening around you. It might just be good to be open for changes. To become open for new influences and movements in your life may turn out better than to be resistant constantly against all and any changes. Just be open toward changes, and handle those new things as lessons to learn! (2014:165) There are always new circumstances that might change just about everything. (2014:181) Changes seem rough and hard sometimes, there, in the physical world, but the more you get prepared, the better it’ll be able for you to handle. (2014:194) Change the world as much as you can with a positive influence! In order to change the world for the better, you’ve got to have some input and influence in you for the better to touch other people’s lives positively. Keep the fact in mind that you’ve been somewhat failing to do the job you’re supposed to as a follower and disciple of Mine, and that you’ve had to be corrected somehow and made aware of that fact, and the need for a change in you! It may be a rough and tough part in your life, but that’s what it sometimes needs and requires for a positive change. It just couldn’t stay as easy in your life as it was, in order for you to have a positive change. And while it may still seem very difficult for you to handle and accept that change, one day you’ll learn to appreciate it and realize why it had to come. (2014:197) It’s actually good and educational to learn to deal with and adjust to temporal changes… things and events you weren’t planning, but happen that way, anyways. Life isn’t always happening exactly the way people plan, and it’s always good to prepare for abrupt changes and learn how to cope with them, manage and handle them. If you can handle things the way they come and happen and take place, that’s a good sign that you’ve got faith. If you don’t, you might want to do whatever you can to make things change and get that faith to grow, because you might very well need it more than ever, eventually. (2015:6) A larger change might be a greater blessing. (2015:14) The world is changing, and not for the better, but the evil and bad times we were prophesying and predicting are coming. (2015:28) The announced and forecast fates have changed. And it surely results in being a big test of faith… But can you believe it that these changes of forecast may happen because folks don’t always do what they were supposed or expected to? A large quantity of factors is at play that things depend on, and that’s why things change so much.

Can you even accept part of the blame yourself, for why those destinies have changed and didn’t turn out exactly as they could or would have? Sometimes good things happen in order to postpone judgmental changes, and other times things happen that withdraw My blessings and stop or postpone good things from happening. (2015:32) There’s a big change necessary in your attitude and showing forth your character, in order for you to make it up My road, and not the downhill slope the enemy would like to lead you! Now that things aren’t as rosy anymore as they used to be for you in recent years, things are changing, and it’s pretty important to stay in touch with Me. Make it one of the very necessary things and parts of your days in general. Sometimes things just change and you’ve got to get ready for those changes, prepare for them and become stronger. (2015:43) Not just living for obtaining success or making a fortune in the world anymore is a rather positive change according to Our spiritual and heavenly standards, and even if it makes you feel less happy and satisfied in the temporal world down there, trust Me, that it’s a good change, not a bad one! (2015:53) Just hold on to Me, and you’ll see that while the world is going to get worse, for you it won’t. You’re in a stage now where you’re not enticed by the world around you, but wondering how you’ll make it through, and that’s pretty much how you can imagine the Endtime as well. As long as you get into the gear of depending on Me and not anymore your own strengths, it won’t be too drastic a change. (2015:54)

Improvement is definitely a necessity, and it’s good if you keep that in mind. So, there’s still a lot to learn, and a big change needed, in order to make your way a good path that would be a good deed to step into as well, and follow. If you want others to change in a better way, then you’ve got to come up with that good change yourself first! (2015:62) Being able to live your life without always letting it stay in the same old rut and procedures is a big advantage! It sort of shows that there’ll be a big change that people ought to prepare for a bit, by being more open to changes. Change definitely is an important topic, if you consider that that’s mainly what the Hereafter for you, and pretty much everybody, will be! That’s why change, in general, is a very positive topic, and you should focus your view on it: the positive change structure of the Hereafter, which, since that life after the temporal one is eternal, it means, it’s quite significant, that change, isn’t it? (2015:64) Sorry about the hard times going through, but in order to change, there have to be some changes taking place in life! (2015:86) Rough times are pretty much what it takes to change a life and get into another groove and learn the things you’re supposed to, and not cling to the easy and comfy ways you like or prefer. That’s what part of discipleship means: yielding the things I don’t want you to keep or stay in, and get on with something new. Those changes are difficult, especially when you’re older, but eventually they’ll have to come, anyway, latest when you leave this world and all its ways of the flesh. (2015:92) Coming closer toward the end of life on Earth always changes things, and being drawn closer to Me will turn out to be a definitely positive thing for you, you’ll see! (2015:95) Wanting to get better and to improve is a good desire. It just takes a bit of work and effort. Recognizing what’s wrong is the first step. And then asking Me for help to change, doing what you can to do it, and when you need help, asking Me for it! If something’s got to change, then change it! And don’t just look at what others ought to change, but especially look at and work on what you yourself ought to! Changes are necessary in just about everyone’s life and many aspects of the world, but the ones you’re supposed to take care of principally, are the ones needed in yourself! So, ask Me to and let Me change you, as you’re beginning to realize it ought to happen and be seen fit to be done! Being ready for change is a good attitude. So, get ready for it! (2015:98) You need Me and can’t make it without Me. That may be a little tough to get used to for a change, when you were able to get things done pretty much on your own for previous decades, but times are changing; and in order to make it through times now and times to come, you need to cling to and depend on Me! “The times they are a-changin’” and you’ve got to get ready to handle that change! (2015:103) Sometimes, the times they change, and you have to learn to put up with new and different things. Yes, they may have been easier before, and the better times were previous, and have been displaced by tougher times, but you’re just going to have to learn how to bear with them, anyway. (2015:105) I’m making change an important topic for you, and something you should know you desperately need. When you know that some big downhill changes are going to be impending soon, you better get into a rhythm and gear of depending and leaning on Me and your help from Above. To tell how necessary changes are in you means you ought to make as huge an effort as you possibly can to have them happen in your life.

Sometimes the process of making you a new creature wasn’t quite done yet, and some more changing in you needs to be accomplished. So, be ready for change; be receptive of it, and don’t be stuck in your old ways! Let Me change you, and recognize the need for it! (2015:106)

You’d still have some opportunity to change a bit and apply some new ways, and not repeating the same old mistakes from the past… Keep in touch and stay in connection with Me! I can keep you from all the negative sensations the devil is plaguing you with; and that’s enough of a reason, isn’t it? There’s a big change necessary in your attitude and showing forth your character, in order for you to make it up My road, and not the downhill slope the enemy would like to lead you! I know it’s a big change, and you’re hoping you can make it, but so do I, and remember that We can help you make it, if your attitude and willingness, as well as your yieldedness are turned in the right direction! (2015:112) Get ready for big changes, so you won’t be too shocked by them once they arrive! (2015:113) Vast changes are on the landscape, and maybe a bit hard to take for you, but then… such is life. Sometimes things have to be taken along with the drastic changes they bring along, and there’s no sense murmuring or complaining about it. (2015:116) The times are changing, and you’ve got to get ready for it; learn to depend on help from Above without which you’re just not going to make it. Some things just won’t continue as they are right now, and you’ve got to get ready for huge changes in the world scenery. Those who think that things will always continue as they are will be the most shocked, and the least able to make it through what’s coming. So, be ready for some change! (2015:121) To sow to the eternal, not just that temporal phase, which may be here today, but will be eventually gone tomorrow, even if the world may pretend and seek to get you to believe that it’s all there is and ever will be. Well, but that’s where faith comes in, and where it makes the big difference! That’s where you can make a big difference, by somehow having them manage to perceive what you believe in is there waiting for them. Try and do what you can to let your life make a difference, and don’t give up on that prematurely, even if it seems to be quite a tough task and job, somewhat. Things won’t always stay the same! (2015:122) Change things from the way they are! Change is a big, important criterion; and it should lead you along with what I’m telling you about the importance of prayer, that that’s one of the major keys to bring about those changes you need. So, commit the circumstances into My hands and ask Me for those changes they and you need! Need things to change? Pray for it! If things aren’t the way they’re supposed to be, well, that’s definitely high time to pray for them, in order for the forces of Heaven to work for you to get them back in the shape they ought to be! Which other way are you ever going to have faith in the power from Above, than working out those changes in your conditions that you so desperately need? And if that doesn’t work out, how will you ever manage to convince others? So, keep praying for the changes you need! – Amen? Pray for Me and the host of Heaven to bring about the changes that you need! (2015:125) Get ready for something better! Even if different, and like Something to get used to when it happens, your arrival Here. But don’t worry about it, but let Me guarantee you that it’ll be the best change you’ll ever have had or experienced. – So, nothing to be scared of! With the world soon to be taken over by the enemy entirely, you’ve got to get used to things changing fast, and that things are simply not bound to stay forever the way they are or have been in that fragile world, in the life of a fragile human being. So, prepare for changes! Get ready to experience things in a way you haven’t before, and get ready for the experiences of unexpected features! Be ready for change! – Amen? See, just like you’re having to cope with kids of the type you never had, so there might be some more and other changes coming in this life, new situations and circumstances to get used to and learn to experience, in order to handle them! Life may not be keeping on forever the same way it has been, so, get ready for whatever’s to come! Remember the prophecies about the unpleasant, temporal changes in world history that will bring about Our takeover in the end. So, even though temporarily worse, ultimately a lot better! (2015:134) Bad habits may be pardonable for some time, but with the way the world is changing and circumstances getting worse, it would be a whole lot better to snap out of it, and behave more the way a Christian, believer in Me and supposed follower and disciple should, and snap out of ways of rather worldly behavior… You know that change is one of My big topics, and that includes the fact that some of the things We put up with in the past are going to have to change! The times they are a-changin’, and that means, certain things cannot continue the way they are right now. So, get ready for the changes!

I know, it’s hard to let go of some of those old ways, but sometimes certain efforts just have to be made, and certain changes need to take place! It’s hard times, but not nearly as hard yet as the one that’s pretty much coming towards the whole world! So, don’t assume that things will keep on going the same way they have been, but better get ready for some changes! Get ready! You know how natural it is to expect things to continue the way they’ve been going for a while, but then, I’ve been telling you lots of times to get prepared for changes! There’ll be some huge ones happening in the world scenery, and the more prepared you’ll be for those drastic changes, the better. Consider that changes and being used to them will be necessary! Things won’t stay the way they’ve been for you, and it’s important to get ready for the drastic changes that are going to take place in the world’s history. (2015:137) Preparation for change, which I’ve been telling you for a long time that there’s some coming, is definitely a wise move. (2015:138) It’s a tough change having to depend on Me to make it successfully… but well, there are big changes coming, and you need to get ready for them, learn how to handle them by clinging to Me and depending on Me, and simply put your trust much more in Me than in your own abilities, the way you used to! (2015:140) There’s more power in prayer to change things on your behalf. While prophecy may change your mental settings, prayer can do a lot more, and influence a lot more other people and circumstances. Be open for changes, because they’re about to come, and get ready for them! Right now you may be going through a hard time that’s there to change you, and prepare you for the different times to come. (2015:143)

Times are getting tougher and worse, and you need to get ready to deal with those changes up ahead! (2015:150) It has become more difficult and rare in some aspects to win others to Me, but with the way the times will be changing soon, that’s quite likely to change again. (2015:151) There’s a lot to learn means, and will finally reveal: There’s a lot to change, as well, especially from the way folks were taught how to do things on earth. So, get ready for a new way of things! Preparation means: get ready for changes! Be prepared for the fact that things won’t continue to go on in the same old way forever, even though having the current world system survive for longer than some expected, it will make it harder and tougher for the majority of the masses to cope with the coming drastic changes. (2015:152) Get used to the different mode, and don’t let it strike you as something weird and strange! (2015:155) Sometimes things have to change, and first things need to be put first. The importance and priorities of matters need to be shifted, when other things become more important than what played the main role in life previously. In order to make it through the times to come, you need to make an effort to put Me and the Kingdom above things that played the leading role in your life thus far, like jobs and worldly affairs. It may be a bit of a tough change, but necessary. You can’t put the importance of the world to you above Me and My Kingdom, if you want to remain a follower of Mine, especially not when the time for the enemy to take it over completely is coming closer! You’ve got to get ready for that change, and need to put first things first in your life and not allow the enemy to put his things and diversions in there! (2015:156) Ready and prepared to cope with big changes? (2015:158) We’re trying to get you out of the groove of seeking as much fun and enjoyment, since there are some pretty troublesome changes approaching world history, and it’s definitely not going to be permanent party-time! (2015:160) To keep allowing yourself what you used to may have been acceptable and pardonable in times before, but they are changing, and you’ve got to get ready to deal with, and handle rougher ones! Some things just change in life, and with the world about to face its roughest changes in history, you’d better get used to that! (2015:165)

Get used to the fact of having to get ready for some dark and drastic changes! If things would continue for you the way they have been going, there wouldn’t be enough change for you to get ready for the even more drastic and bigger changes up ahead! (2015:166) It’s a tough change to make it with a bit less of things that spoiled you, and eventually even get ready to make it without! And even if it bugs you a bit, that the others seem to be getting a bit more spoiled for a change, let it serve to teach you: “See? That’s what it was doing to you!” (2015:170) One more thing faith is needed for: helping you to take things the way they come, even if not at all what so far you’ve been used to! It’s always good to be ready to deal with and accept something new! (2015:181)

It’s definitely more positive things to prepare for and look forward to Up Here, after that temporal life down there, and it’s definitely something to focus on and make you appreciate the change that’s coming. Death for the saved is not an end, but merely a change, and one to something better than the former! (2015:191) Faith looking a bit better right now than physical success, and the abundance of things you previously pursued? See, that one of the good things life teaches you, are those changes? (2015:195) Changes are good for you… and that includes changes of scenery and places… getting a bit of a higher amount of options to check and try out, and then choose from! (2015:199) You may not feel that active anymore, but I already told you that those things would eventually have to change! Sometimes it is better to learn to have Me do things for you, than insisting on doing it all yourself in your own strength and power. (2015:206)

If it’s a horrendous scene your life is facing right now, maybe it’s a sign that you need My help to transform and change it from horrid to enjoyable? Maybe you ought to get used to applying My supernatural help to change the way things are running… (2015:218)

Temporal things are changing, and one of the most drastic changes of history is on its way, so preparing for that is the most important! (2015:234) Life isn’t just vacation time with the fierce changes coming towards the world. (2015:244) The best way to get prepared for any drastic changes in life is to stay close to and dependent on Me and all the help from Above you can get. (2016:13) It takes some work to bring about positive changes. Seeing the need for them is the first step. It’s good to recognize your faults and the fact that you need some improvement and positive changes. How to make it through the hard times is always the clinch that shows people’s personalities, and what areas might need changes. (2016:16) It’s good to get used to unusual conditions, because that’s what the future of the world’s destiny holds, and get prepared for such changes! It’s time to become adaptable toward them, and not let them strike you as shocking experiences, but handle them as they come, since tougher changes are bound to come, and it’s time to get ready for and used to that. (2016:17) Times have been getting tougher, because they’ll be getting tougher still, and even the toughest ever. That’s one reason why it’s good to adjust to changes and not keep yourself depending on past abilities… (2016:18) Make Me, and not just circumstances the Boss over your conditions, which you could command into My hand instead, to change them, when needed! When change is due, I’ll bring it up for you… just ask Me to! – Pray! (2016:21) Things change as you grow older, don’t they? Your views and perceptions of them do for sure. (2016:26) When you’re on the wrong way and failing, you’re supposed to change it! Just as sinners have to repent, in order to get saved, so followers of Mine have to change their wrong tracks they get tempted and deceived to get on at times – and sad to say, many times! (2016:32) We’re having to prepare you for your job in what’s to come, and trust Us that We know what changes you need most, in order to make you more of the kind of man We need and want you to be. So, be open for Us and Our changes, and trust us that We know what is best for you! (2016:34) When you’re not content with the circumstances, it’s time to pray for help to change them! If you really believe in Me and the Father’s divine all-powerfulness, you ought to put that faith into practice and ask for the kind of change you desire. To change the world depends on Our help. There’ll be major changes once I’ll return, but in the meantime, use Our help from Above to bring about whatever changes you can and need! That’s the use and purpose of prayer! – Including the change of unpleasant circumstances and conditions of others you care about. Pray for changes when you need them! Don’t be too stuck on the conditions around you when it is within your possibility to change them with the help from Above! Of course, there might be some things I’ll require from you, to do your part to make those positive changes you desire happen, so obedience is another ingredient to make the Power from Above work out for you. (2016:35) It may be a little discouraging for you right now, having to slip out of your independent mode, but trust Me that it’s the best change thinkable, concerning what times are coming! (2016:37)

Changing the world means doing what you can to improve things around you and make whatever you can of your surroundings better! (2016:40) Changes are always good for you in some ways… aren’t they? So… ready for a change? Don’t be scared to make it! (2016:41) Times not as easy as they used to be? Well, what have I been telling you about times a-changin’? (2016:43) When changes of attitude are necessary, it sometimes takes some hard paths to walk upon… – And change your actions and behavior accordingly! (2016:49) Things will be different, just as there have been changes in previous history. – With the factor that the changes coming will be the most drastic in all of history! (2016:52) Improvement means “change for the better,” so, that’s one of the things most necessary to learn to invest the time of your life in. While there are negative changes going on and happening in the world, it’s still part of your job to do all around you that you can to make things better! Get ready for the big, tough changes! (2016:54) There comes a time when all things change for everyone. To get ready for changes when those changes are up ahead is the task of a leader, even if it won’t make you play the most popular role. (2016:74) You still have tendencies to look ahead as if things were prone to continue the way they are, but what I’m trying to show you is: they won’t! (2016:75) Even if a drastic change of plans is confronting you, there’ll be more drastic changes coming up ahead, and it’s one thing to get used to! (2016:76) Things are going to have to change, such as attitudes, in order to make it through the coming global changes. (2016:84) Sometimes folks have got to find other things to do in their lives… It’s one of the aspects of changes. And remember: they’re good for you. Other things have to come first! - Especially with pretty much the greatest global change of history coming. Things just can’t continue to move on the same way they have been, and you’ve got to get used to that! (2016:85) If movement and changes of place become more difficult, you can see how the enemy’s against the type of changes I advocate. Getting folks into a rut has been his tactic. And Mine has been to get folks out of it. (2016:86) Changes are good for you… even if not perfect. (2016:91) Sometimes you just have to get ready for changes. And since what’s expecting you and your planet is one of the most drastic and ferocious changes in history… well, it takes a bit more preparation than you’ve been used to. The most drastic changes require the most drastic preparations for them, to get ready to handle and cope with them. I wouldn’t have brought about those changes or allowed them, if they weren’t what you’ll utterly need to make it through the most drastic changes of world history to come. In order to make those drastic, negative changes turn into something halfway positive for you, you’ve just got to get into that groove of utter dependence on Me and Heaven’s Help, instead of your own – former – physical abilities! Trust Me that these relatively unpleasant changes in your life are there to prepare you for the roughest changes coming to the world! (2016:92) Changes are coming; and it’s good to get prepared for and adapted to them, even if your flesh might initially have the tendency to reject them. Big change is what I’ve been announcing in order for you to get ready for it. So, don’t be too shocked about the way things will have to be changing! Let My Power come in to change your life! A change of life-style: the sooner, the better! Sorry for the drastic and uncomfortable changes, but it’s just something you’ll have to get used to for the times coming! (2016:93) Changes coming from Me, the enemy will always try to oppose and hinder. (2016:96) If circumstances are getting rougher than you expected and are used to, remember that it’s necessary preparation for the biggest changes yet to come! (2016:101) One of the changes I advocate: Seeing hard times as a positive! Keep your vision and spiritual focus – your expectation – geared towards the greatest and most positive Change of world history! (2016:107)

There’s some improvement and changes for the better to make. – Another few lessons to learn before the School of Life is over. (2016:108)

I made changes one of My leading topics. The childcare and discipline factor is one of the factors having been hit by significant changes. Sometimes I’ve just got to get those changes through to you by factors that come from the outside, another area… another factor of change. So, while change has been a good theoretical subject, putting those things into practice just happens to be one NWO. Just remember: There are huge changes coming; and getting used to them and becoming adaptable is an important factor. So, be open to changes in just about any aspect! (2016:116) No matter how troublesome the times down there, keep your focus set Up Here, from where the miraculous and heavenly changes will come to make something much better out of it all! (2016:117) Putting your trust in Me for your survival is something you’ve absolutely got to get into with the way the world scenery is changing – or will be. And the sooner you get into it, the better. Once the enemy will have fully taken over the globe with his final world empire, leaving no alternative survival possible except through the supernatural Help from Above, it’ll be a severe change; one of the reasons why I’ve made change one of My leading topics. With the most drastic changes of world history expecting the globe and mankind, it’s time to get prepared for what’s coming. And that simply means: not continuously going on in the same old ways! With the vastest changes of world history to come, radical changes are necessary for you to get ready for them! (2016:119) There are quite some changes up on the horizon; so it’s good to stay as flexible as you can. Flexibility’s an advantage. (2016:125) You need to get ready and prepared for the changes already predicted decades ago, with the world having gotten closer to deserving them! (2016:133)

Choices & Decisions (Vol.2) It’s a matter of choosing forces, determining which one you’ll allow to rule your day. The enemy’s forces will try to get you to allow your physical circumstances to drag you down. My Forces will lift you up way above all that muck and mire instead. The choice is yours every day. (2011:55) I’m having you have a go at being a teacher for you to find out first hand that it’s not all that easy to teach others. Perhaps it’ll help you appreciate a little more what I’ve been trying to do for you. See, the choice is, they can either prefer to remain dumb and ignorant, and be content with what they’ve got, or they can choose to go forward, make progress, begin to understand what’s going on around them. (2011:57) The art of loving is, when the state of a person becomes depressing, you go right on, loving them anyways. It’s the deliberate choice not to look at their flaws, even when they’re right in your face and the Devil’s screaming, “See that? – See that?!” And the Devil is trying to make you regret that choice now, especially because I encouraged you to go ahead with it, and he just loves to prove Me wrong… (2011:69) It’s up to you to make the final choice whether you’re really going to consider Me unjust, or I just happen to know better than you what you need and deserve… (2011:70) The daily choice is yours. I'm there for you. If you don't appreciate that, it's not My fault if your life unravels. (2011:74) “Remember Lot’s wife.” Sometimes when you’ve made the wrong choices and you have to live with the consequences, I in My mercy will make a way of escape, but you can’t have both: that new freedom and the old world I’m asking you to forsake. (2011:79) If I’m having to keep you on a somewhat shorter “leash,” it’s because you haven’t always made your choices by My criteria. You didn’t always consider My interests when it came to choosing an option, or simply made a choice for what you wanted. (2011:89) When it comes to your personal choice, you don’t agree with Me on taking the easy way out. But that’s where the choice comes in to either put your own preferences first, or Mine. (2011:96) It pays to cling to the Eternal, as opposed to its finite and temporal counterparts… The advantage is obvious, by faith, since eternal for the time being equals invisible, otherwise it would be too easy for everyone to make the right choices. But most people want something they can see, and that makes it a lot harder for them to choose the invisible, the faith option… howbeit promising to be much longer lasting. (2011:111) You are worthy of My love, because you chose to accept Me; that’s all the conditions ever asked for. (2011:112) I give the best to them who leave their choices up to Me. (2011:123) You’re reaping the consequences of your actions and choices; you’re reaping what you’ve sown, and things are coming back to you the way you initially prompted them to by your own actions, decisions, choices and attitudes. (2011:130) I’m not imposing My ways on you without a choice, nor do I demand absolute and unconditional obedience. There may be times when that is needed, but generally, I love to operate by means of free choice. (2011:131) It would be easier for you if I clearly said, “This is My will for you,” or “That is…,” but in this day and age I like to cooperate more with My brides on their ground: their experience, the wisdom they’ve acquired over the years, which I want them to use, and thus also their ability to make their own choices within the range of My will. I’ve caused a consciousness to develop in you that I hope and trust will enable you to make the right choices and decisions with My help and guidance, and having two options before you is always more exciting, offering a greater scope of freedom and possibilities for you and thus stimulates your growth and level of personal inspiration. Choose wisely and continue to seek My input and counsel on whatever you’re doing every step of the way. (2011:138) It’s hard to resist the temptation when you think rationally and in terms of what’s “best” for you… But what have you learned from Me over the years? Certainly not that the easier and more comfortable road is the path I have chosen for Myself, nor the one I’d recommend for My followers, even if it seems as if that’s what the majority of them are presently doing. Yes, I always leave the choice with you, but how many times have you regretted making the wrong one? Not that those weren’t valuable lessons, but they were to the end of eventually learning from them to make better choices eventually, in the long run. – Choices according to My wisdom, and not the selfish, howbeit rational reasoning of man, merely seeking his own good, advantage and comfort. Who are you allowing to be your boss, the one who directs your life, Me, or yourself, or anyone else, for that matter? - That’s the real choice to make. (2011:141) The Giver of Life knows better what to give you than your own preference of what you’d take if you had the choice. Salvation and discipleship is a choice to let Me choose the best things for you. Of course, you still have the option to veto My choices for you and resist and reject My offers, but as you find out from experience in the long run, I do know better what is truly

best for you. (2012:2) It’s the individuals’ choice whether they’re going to stick to the rules and remedies that promise a healthy relationship and life, or not. (2012:3) I'm the greatest Filling for any void in any human heart, and you have chosen wisely to submit to this change and allow Me to prove to you the greater eminence and importance I have in your life. (2012:11) For your faith to be real, you’ve got to make sure every step of the way to place it in the real and relevant factors. That’s where your choices come in. When you complain, you obviously choose to place your faith in the circumstances – the wrong factors. This is what the School of Life’s about: Me teaching you, which are the better choices to make. You’ve got to choose, which to you is most important and then act accordingly. Allowing circumstances to overwhelm you, giving the priority to them, over Me and My Realm, is not a good sign, nor a good turn for events to take, not a good path to choose. So you must choose to make some necessary changes, if you want your life to go uphill. (2012:22) Yielding to temptation has mind- and thus, reality-altering qualities, so, they can be pretty dangerous, and pretty much the most potent weapon the Devil’s got, because they’re powered by your choices. (2012:32) Many extremely wealthy people are quite detached from what others have come to know as the real life down at the grassroots of reality where you have to live and deal with the consequences of your actions and choices without being able to escape them. (2012:38)

It helps to nourish your soul with positive input, and choose to listen to the right voices, and I’ll honor that choice, but then again there are trees that get the same good sunshine and water that others do and still won’t grow as healthy and strong as they. Unlike the trees, you have a say in and help determine how you’ll grow as a spiritual tree. It takes the sort of choice that determines, “I want to and will become a good tree, and accordingly shun and abstain (as much as possible) from the sort of things that would cause you to fail to qualify you as such… (2012:53) While folks’ rejection of you and all you have to offer may trouble you, it doesn’t trouble Me at all, and it shouldn’t trouble you, either. It’s their choice, and that’s what ought to be troubling them. There is nothing more troublesome than people who continually and perpetually keep making the wrong choice for the wrong side, the wrong values. As far as your own choices are concerned that you have to make about your future, I will be with you in them and will guide you to make the right ones. Sometimes that process of making the right decision is a very precious lesson in itself, and if it takes a bit of time – uncomfortable as it may be, there on the fence between two choices – it’s good and needed and valuable, and the right thing to do is not to make the decision too quickly without weighing all the options and factors and taking them fully into account. (2012:67)

He who laughs last, laughs best. There’s a laughter that will last longer and drown out the laughter of those who doubted… that made their choice for another, infinitely lesser god. (2012:71) Those who choose to follow the wrong side will choose to continue to do so until the end. (2012:72) What do you choose, and which purpose would you choose to have been born for, to give up, or to overcome? What do you feel you were born and destined to do? Choose! (2012:76) Many who have accepted Me did so without being fully aware of the extent of the consequences of their choice, and perhaps it would be fair to let people know that choosing Me is also a choice against the Devil, the temporary god of this world… (2012:85) Isn’t that the mode and vibe of Cain, trusting in and relying on the works of your own flesh, rather than letting My grace do most of the work through you, for you and in you? Eventually you’re going to have to choose where you stand… with the Cains or Abels of this world. (2012:117) Everyone has to choose their own convictions and then choose the degree to which they’ll stand up for them. (2012:121) Folks can choose to either reach the fulfillment of the Promises, reap the rewards and positive consequences of their efforts, or not. (2012:126) You have the choice to perish along with all the rest of the murmurers and doubters, or to become of the exceptional kind like Joshua and Caleb, who refused to give up, refused to doubt, and kept on believing until the very end. (2012:127) You’ll have to notice the difference and see both sides of the story before you can make clear judgment and the right choice. I’m just doing the same thing I’ve been doing all along: Letting you have your choices and reap the consequences as a result. The concept of free choice may be subject to different opinions, but that’s where I simply dwell on My given authority as Creator of the game. (2012:146)

Do you see how silly it is to blame Me for all the things that go wrong in your life, when, if you were just a little bit smarter and made some better choices, you could prevent most of your troubles from happening? The wrong choice: to let the Enemy dupe you into doing something silly, no matter how much you or he may downplay the consequences in your mind. In the long run, those dumb little choices ad up to making a drastic and significant difference, one you will sorely regret and wish to have avoided. Staying on My wavelength will help you to avoid making a bunch of silly mistakes, resulting in the even bigger mistake of blaming Me for not preventing them when it was in your own power to do so, had you made the right choices instead. Make some better choices, and open up your eyes to see through the Devil’s scheme! The world is miserable due to people making a lot of wrong choices, little or big, that at the time they’re unaware of the consequences of. Many folks are in worse situations and yet manage to make something much better out of it, simply because they choose to make the effort to cling to My view of things, which gives them power to rise above. I have created you with the ability to make the right choices, so, simply use it. Amen? (2012:147) Hard lives have a reward in store, which those choose to forgo who have all their rewards in the here and now. There is a difference between those who choose to be Mine and those who’d rather call the god of this world their daddy. Mankind allowed him by their choices to take this place over, and by rejecting Me as their King and Ruler have locked Me out, denied Me the authority over them and chose the usurper to lord it out over them instead. Just as it was in his power to offer Me riches and make My path on earth a lot more pleasant one than My path to the cross, they know that he can make things easier and more pleasant for them, too; and I’m fully aware that having made the choice for this rugged life instead, while seeing the others cruise along with ease, isn’t always easy. But know this, that just because things seem to go “wrong” at times, just because they’re hard, doesn’t mean you made the wrong choice. (2012:149) Every bad, selfish, negative choice (= sin) you make in life is a minus. (2012:151) Yes, you’ve got free choice to pretty much do as you please, but that also includes choosing the consequences. If you have to reap a bit of whining in return for the way you sometimes treat your Father, that’s simply something you’re going to have to deal with as part of the consequences for your choices… (2012:154) Experiencing and dealing with evil and making the right choices when confronted with it, is one of the major purposes in life. Anyone can be good under the right circumstances. It’s the adversity and the struggle, including the temptations evil presents that bring out the worst, but also the best in you, depending on the choices you make accordingly. (2012:161) Some holes that are left behind in the tapestry of My plan are not filled all that easily. Some wounds don’t cure that easily. Some damage leaves scars that cannot be covered and healed completely. Some wrongs cannot be made right so easily, and their repercussions aren’t that easily ignored, as hard as you may try. That’s why I want you to realize how significant some of your choices are, and how painfully they can affect others; how much harm they can cause, sometimes barely redeemable… It’s a lesson you should take heed to and take to heart: See to what extent another human being’s choices can affect another’s life and future. (2012:162) My only hope have always been the chosen few who chose to make the big difference and be the great exception from the norm, all the way from Noah till today. (2012:163) Choices and decisions can be a matter of life and death. It behooves you to take this seriously. Heaven – as far as this world is concerned, and the chance to find any of it in it – is not a place, but a few chosen people, chosen, because they have chosen not to fit in with the larger group who feel at home in this world and act as if nothing was wrong with it. (2012:174)

I know your frame, that you’re but dust… the result and proof of the process of the curse of constant decay that has befallen this world and the entire universe, just to show you the largeness of the impact of a single human choice. (2012:180) I pretty much let you be what you want. I may allow you to learn certain lessons when you’ve been making choices that according to My knowledge simply weren’t the best for you, but I don’t coerce you to do My will or follow the one and only path of My highest will for you. Life wasn’t meant to be as rigidly scheduled as that, but is always supposed to present an array of choices and options, each with their own consequences to reap, good or bad; but that’s simply what life’s all about, and one man’s “mistake” can be another man’s blessing in disguise. (2012:181) Yes, it’s your choice, daily, who you’re going to listen to, whom you’re seeking to please. (2013:2) No matter how much the darkness and its forces try to get at you, pester and haunt you, they can’t really do anything to you, just because you keep choosing to fight! (2013:3)

Sometimes you’ve just got to go through whatever life puts before you, and the question is, how do you choose to do it? Are you letting the circumstances drag you down, or will you refuse to and choose to rise above instead? Choose to be strong, not weak, for in Me you can do that, because with Me, your strength is unlimited, or rather, you have unlimited strength at your disposal. Choose to be victorious and refuse to let your enemy get the better off you, no matter what mean trick he’s going to use to try to lick you this time. Choose to live, rather than wanting to die and give in! (2013:7) It’s a world of dependency and a list of choices as to who and what you’re going to allow yourself to be dependent on, and few are they who make the right and wisest choices… Trust in Me, and give the world an example of someone who for once made the right choice and trusted in the right Source of strength! the difference you’re making may be invisible to the naked eye, because it’s a spiritual one, but when all eyes will be opened to the spiritual, the real and lasting way of seeing things, it will become plainly visible to all that you were simply not as shortsighted as most of them chose to be by choosing to see just what was right in front of their own noses… (2013:15) Making sure you’re in tune and touch with Me is basically the best thing you can do. It’s even better than providing for your family, because it’s the factor that will ensure continued provision, protection and My blessing in general, and by helping to make this happen, those blessings will keep flowing. The alternative would be the tendency to disaster, which I’m sure everyone would like to try to avoid. By doing this you have chosen the good part, pretty much the best, something good that won’t be taken away from you, and by choosing it, you’re making sure that all those other good things I bestow on you won’t be taken away from you and your family, either.

As I said, “Heaven and earth will pass away, but My Words won’t” (Mt.24:35). So you might as well choose and stick to the part that’s going to hang around even when all else is gone, don’t you think? (2013:16) There are few who choose to believe that love and its value is longer-lasting than that of money, or even the imprint and mark they leave in the world through their personal careers. Basically, what it boils down to, is that those people are putting themselves above others, the ones they love, and above love itself, and thus, above Me and the Father. (2013:17) You have learned to trust more in My Words than man’s, and whether or not this has been a wise choice can only be known for certain at the end of the road; yet, all in all, wouldn’t you say that your life – guided by those choices of trust you made – is in general richer, fuller and happier than those of ordinary people who put all their trust in the temporal and material? (2013:19) When it comes to the choice between someone doing it the safe and conventional way and in their own strength and wit, or giving Me an opportunity to do miracles for them, which option do you think I prefer? (2013:22) There’s a difference between truth and knowledge, which is the reason why the cause of Man’s Fall was a desire for the knowledge of good and evil. Basically, the knowledge of good is truth, and the knowledge of evil its deceptive counterpart. If folks don’t develop a love, hunger and desire for the former, they’ll eventually wind up chasing the latter, and that’s the choice every human being has to make: Which of the two will they chase after and pursue? Eating from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil is what initiated this big, long lesson of finding out the difference between the two. So, if learning the difference between the truth and the lie, and thus, eventually developing a love for the former, is the principal purpose in life, what other choice do you have than to patiently wait until that spark of love for truth is initiated in the ones you’re close to and you have to deal with? (2013:34) You’re having to make the choice each day whether you want to spend another meaningless day in an apparently meaningless life and existence, or whether you want to go through that day with a purpose, a goal, a mission to fulfill, a lesson to learn, and with new exciting things to discover. (2013:36) The best and first incentive for doing better is to actually want to do better. People can pretty much do anything they really want, and if that’s what you truly want, you’ll focus on it, and eventually will actually do better. “I wanna do better” is actually quite a good resolve, and very often the first step toward positive change in many people’s lives. If you want to do better, you can. Like so many other things in life, it depends a lot on how much you want it. It’s really relatively easy to do better at this thing called life, if you only want it bad enough. It definitely always helps to make a bit more of an effort. A little bit more of an effort could make quite a positive difference. (2013:41) You shouldn’t be so stuck on your plans that you get upset if circumstances should force you to change them. They should be guidelines, and if circumstances allow and all goes well, you can keep following them. But if you need to make changes, it shouldn’t upset you or throw you off. Show a little flexibility! (2013:44) If you give priority and preeminence to the there and now, you’re giving it and that realm dominion over you, instead of allowing and enabling Me to give you dominion over it. It’s available to you by simply making the right choices for a change and not continuing to yield to the pressure of whatever’s in your face. (2013:46)

You’ve got to make the choice whether you’re going to let that massive opposition overwhelm you, or choose to believe that I in you am still stronger than any opposing force. (2013:47) Your qualities are basically what you acquire as a result of your choices. Some people, for example, make the choice to adopt the mindset that it’s okay to lie. Consequently, they probably won’t be too strong in the trait of honesty, unless, over time they get so tired of the results and repercussions of that choice that they choose to change their mindset resulting from the original choice, and that’s basically what I’m all about: Changing your mindsets that result from your poor choices. The Enemy will always try his darndest to make you go in the opposite direction of what would be My ideal choice for you, and whether you give in to his leads and temptations or stick to My leadings is dependent on your choices and strength of character, which by the way is also something you’re not equipped with from birth, but is formed by the way you react to what you encounter in life, and how well you learn the lessons to be gleaned from it. (2013:66) It’s not always necessarily a matter of “right or wrong choice.” One might be better than the other, but that is usually only to be found out for sure after the choice is made. Making a change usually requires more courage, while sticking might be considered the wiser choice… Then again, “Nothing ventured, nothing gained…” A lot of factors are involved in each choice, and the more you take each of them into consideration, the more you’ll learn to make the wisest choices in the end. Even learning to make good choices requires experience, and that experience includes making some bad ones, too; otherwise, how would you be able to tell the difference? Dreading to make a choice for fear of making the wrong or a bad one isn’t the right attitude to have, though. But rather, you should bring the matter before Me so we can discuss the options and I can point out or remind you of various factors involved that might otherwise slip your mind. (2013:68) It’s a tough choice to make, and pretty much one you’ve got to make anew every day: whether you will put your faith and affections in the things around you that you can see, or in things from “above,” My Realm. If, as you can observe, everything in the visible realm tends to deteriorate, decay, diminish and rot in the long run, isn’t it the wiser choice to put your faith in something that goes beyond all that? You’re making the wise choice of building on solid ground, one where you will find truth, peace and the certainty you miss, since it’s so abhorrently lacking in this visible world. (2013:69) “He that receiveth you receiveth Me” (Mt.10:40), and by causing them to make that choice of receiving or rejecting you, you’re already doing your job for Me. Based on different criteria, namely Mine, and according to those, it’s not the applause and reception that counts, but the degree to which you caused them to make a choice. (2013:71) Ultimately, it all boils down to the simple choice whether you want to go through this life grumpy or cheerfully, and be a blessing or a pain to those around you… (2013:86) Allowing you to experience the world in all its appalling rottenness is My way of asking you, Are you sure that this is what you want and choose above Me? Is their company and are their opinions of you, and their reception of you more important to you than Mine? And if so, do you still think that’s a wise choice, after everything you’re experiencing? (2013:87) You cannot please everybody all the time, and sometimes you’ve got to make a choice as to who you wanna please… Me or them… And you can imagine which choice will bear the greater, long-term benefits. (2013:90) You will make a difference and will leave a mark – a landmark – on their existence that one day they’ll recognize as the moment when they could have made a choice that could have changed everything for them and turned their paths around in a different direction to be truly walking the path of life. (2013:103) The confrontation with human weakness and flaw to the degree that you’re currently exposed to gives you insight into the core of human nature, and what their choice for evil has resulted in. When they chose to take the advice of a beast – howbeit “the most cunning of all in the field” – that’s the path they chose to go, and what they’re becoming. What matters is that some choose the light, and you recognize the blatant difference; and that’s not a matter of evolution or “natural selection,” but of personal choice. (2013:105) It’s up to you to choose and embrace either victory or defeat. Victory and defeat, success and failure in life, all depend almost exclusively on your choices: What are you going to do with that situation that you’re finding in front of you, or that has found you? Why not choose to be the kind of example that you’ll be proud of having been some day? Overcome life’s circumstances with a powerfully positive attitude, instead of just another passive wallowing in the self-pity of defeat! You choose who you’re going to be. (2013:110) The paths of life and death are before you constantly to choose the better… Why would you ever choose the worse? (2013:111)

Let the Devil do his work, and in the end you’ll find that even this will work out for good to them that love Me, even if they may not even know yet that they do. It helps people make a choice. Just as people make choices either for you or against you, just as they did with Me, don’t let the fact that most people’s choice will be against you irritate you! You should take the fact that most people will turn to the darkness and embrace their own evil ways instead of the good, which to them is strange, as pretty much the natural way of things by now, and not let it dismay you or throw you off to this extent. It’s pretty much the path the world in general has chosen, and the trick is for you to keep walking yours, which is Mine, in spite of that fact! (2013:116) Keep in mind Whom you want to please, and Whose praise and approval it pays best to seek… And a lot of that has to do with what you choose to give to those around you. (2013:121) “He that overcometh…” There are wonderful Promises in store and waiting to be fulfilled for those who do. The choice of determining to be or become one of them is wholly up to you. There are many choices in life, but one of the most frequent kind is to either quit or decide to go on, even if it’s tough; to seek an easier way out somewhere, or to keep going when the going gets tough. The latter isn’t always in everyone, and not everyone’s natural gift or first choice, but you can acquire what it takes to get that quality, and trust Me, the difference it makes is going to be worth it! (2013:125) I sent My followers to preach the Good News of the Kingdom, which means, the announcement that there’s a better Place waiting for everyone who chooses to want to go There. The best part of the deal that I represent for you and all of those who choose to believe in Me is that I’m your free Ticket to Heaven. (2013:127) To put love first and make it the most important part of your life is definitely the right choice and decision, if it’s true that God is Love and loved the world so much that He sent Me down there (John 3:16)… (2014:12) How about choosing action that may not or doesn’t sound like your favorite? (2014:13) Those who choose to trust in Me and the Father will turn out to have made the better choice in the long run. (2014:18) There’s a major choice between trusting and believing in nothing or no one, only in oneself and physical strengths, and God and His Son and a more significant Spiritual Realm… (2014:20) Trying to figure out which place to live in or at would be more rewarding according to the faith and in the Spirit… which choice would obtain the greatest blessing. (2014:41) The first two humans’ choice has given the power to rule over it to the one who offered that choice to them… (2014:60) I can make you better if you choose My way; I can cause you to improve. Just choose My way, and I’ll make things improve for you. (2014:61) Sometimes it’s a good thing to be open for what’s happening to you in life, and especially if you believe in Me, trust Me for what I allow to happen to you. Even if it’s not exactly what you’d have chosen for yourself, trust Me that I made the right choice, even if it’s a little harder in the beginning. (2014:85) Whatever is happening, stay on the alert! Watch out for the good and watch out for the bad! Be wiser in the matters of choice! It’s a rough time; so be careful and be wise in decisions and choices! All in all, it depends on the faith you have; whether you have the faith, or not, and on what kind of choice you will make! (2014:101) There are some disadvantages to making it the big way the world folks want it, and staying humble oftentimes turns out to be the better choice. (2014:111) If things are going wrong and not so well there and now, don’t blame Me for all of it, but the present ruler of your abode, and the choices for him of most of the earthly habitants, who obviously seem to largely prefer what he’s got to offer… So, if life on Earth is turning out bad, remember who’s in charge of it, and whom most people choose. When you get off of My way, it’s time for you to learn again what it can be like on the other guy’s… And you’re finding out: definitely worse! But don’t blame Me or the Father for it. It had to do with your own choice, and your soul’s enemy’s reaction to it. (2014:159)

Seeking first My Kingdom, investing your life in Heaven, the eternal Hereafter, is the wise choice to make… the one you’ll wish you’ll have made when you’ll get Here. (2014:164) Another part of the great choice: believing in the “knowledge” that education and science largely pass on, that all things were created by themselves, and there’s no hereafter when life’s over, etc., or the things embraced through faith… (2014:165)

If I haven’t returned yet, the fact and reason for it might well be that many people haven’t received the chance yet to make their choice and decision concerning Me. (2014:176) Remember who’s in charge of this world currently because most people’s choices preferred his ways! And if you’re really smart, don’t start making the same mistake! Just remember and keep in mind that there’s something better coming, and that people can wind up there, too, if they choose Me! (2014:178) Trusting in Us is something you should do, if you believe in the Hereafter, and that We’re indeed the Ones Who’ve created the temporary world, too, even though it’s largely messed up by the Enemy, who was allowed to by Earth’s majority of inhabitants since the beginning. So, it’s a little bit like democracy in that the majority has determined the fate over the Earth and who rules it, but as far as the Hereafter goes, it’ll turn out that the minority chose the better and final and eternal Rulers. The good thing is to naturally prefer truth over lies, which unfortunately cannot be said about all humans. - But sticking to the truth, though a tough and lonely road at times, is the best choice and move. (2014:183) It’s all by faith that Heaven is real, along with the story of Me… But still, a better choice to believe in it than not at all, and just in the physical world around you, isn’t it? (2014:205) One of the greatest purposes for this life you’re living is to find out whose voice you prefer to choose: Mine, the enemy’s, or what he may pretend to be one of your own… (2015:23) Choose the Spirit! It’s not time to cling to the flesh! (2015:28) Make your choice as to what’s better to trust in: Me and the Creator of it all, or the System that wasn’t developed by Me or Us to produce that impression that it all has created itself! (2015:30) If life’s a bit more like hell on Earth for you now, well, at least you’re more familiar with its actual spiritual state due to the one who’s been allowed to take the world over, thanks to the majority of people’s choices for him. (2015:32) Don’t be too shocked or surprised that this earthly life is getting tougher. It’s something you should have expected, believing in the prophecies about a darker future coming and being on its way, and what the Word says about who’s in charge of it spiritually right now due to people’s choices for him. (2015:37) When will your choice happen to prefer spiritual over material things? (2015:53) Having chosen Me as Saviour and Lord also includes having chosen that I know better than you yourself what will result as the best choice of a course for you! Have enough faith in Me or Us, that We know better what’s the best way and destiny to choose for you, even if it may make you wonder strongly at the beginning of some of those paths and incidents! Prefer Our choice over your own and what you’d choose yourself! Now, that’s truly faith! (2015:69) Helping others to prepare for the time to come would be a good choice of a task to get into; and it’s not just trying to get as great a time out of it as you possibly can. (2015:70) In a world taken over by the enemy because of most people’s choices to favour what he does and has to offer, following Me means, you’re one of the few not following him! (2015:72) There’s a time coming when people will have to choose between My aid or their reliance on the enemy’s power and temporary takeover of the globe. (2015:73) It may be a relatively tough life for you right now; but largely a reminder of who’s in charge of this world for right now because of the power and might the majority of humans have granted and given him and left him over and available. He’s the one with most of the power in this world right now, with the majority of people choosing his path… And My followers belonging to a largely persecuted lot having to suffer a fate similar to Mine… (2015:74) Trouble in general will be much greater for those who have chosen the world as their home, and, accordingly, our enemy as their master. You know who was granted the major power over this world through the choice of the majority of its inhabitants… So, choose between either My way, or his! Try to make the right choices every day… not any wrong ones! (2015:83) In a world taken over by the enemy because of people’s bad choices, the lesson that’s there is to make good choices, instead. (2015:94)

Getting in touch with Me is something brighter and more cheerful than a mere look at the world around you, due to the one having been given the power to take it over through most humans' choices. (2015:101)

Remember, it’s a war! Don’t just assume that every day you wake up is a normal and peaceful day, while the enemy is at it with his host, preparing for a total takeover of the world you’re living in, preparing for getting down there and inhabiting and possessing a large part of the entire population! Sorry, that it’s so rough, but remember: it’s the result of man’s choices! And it’s a lesson that will be there for quite some time, on what the choices for either good or bad will do to people, and ultimately, the entire world. (2015:104) Materialism vs. spiritual riches is another big lesson to learn, and another big choice to make for humans. Some are happy and content with less, and just enough to live and make it through life, others constantly greedy for more. Well, you can guess which one would be the better choice or option, according to Us. (2015:116) Choosing between self-reliance with pride and dependence on Me based on humility is pretty much what it’s all going to boil down to… depend on the smartness your own flesh comes up with, or the Wisdom of the Spirit from Above… So… being in a condition where you’re pretty much forced to make the right choice concerning this, is better than the risk of making the wrong one. What do you think? (2015:126) If you can tell and see where this world is heading, and you’ve chosen to take the other way, in the end all things will turn out alright, and you’ll be happily rewarded for having made the right choice! With times turning into a determinant choice between good and evil powers to serve, trust Me that you’ll be better off serving the good, even if We may not be running all the visible action in the world during that time – the greatest of all tests of mankind. If you’ll choose Me instead of the great, visible ruler of the masses of that time, and might even get others into choosing Me, trust Me that you’ll be better off in the long run than all the other ones that will follow the pressure into serving him, who has been deceiving this world pretty much since the beginning, and which will reveal the great difference between the lies and the truth. Whichever plays the important role for you is what’s important. While his lies promise the immediate luck in the here and now, My truth promises a happier Hereafter… So, making the right choice between luck here and now and true happiness there and then is what faith is all about. It basically all depends on whether you keep putting your faith in the Hereafter and the There and Then or the here and now and whatever temporal gimmicks it has to offer. Well, you can imagine which choice of the two I’d consider the greater wisdom. Temporal pleasures vs. eternal joy and happiness… – That’s pretty much the choice that life is all about! The easy way out isn’t necessarily always the one you should choose! (2015:142) Make the right choices: to believe and trust in Me and keep walking in the confidence of My Words to you, that everything will be alright! (2015:145) What would you choose: physical satisfaction, or true happiness coming to you from sowing to the spirit? The answer to that question and the choice are up to you. Just believe Me that the right choice will make all the difference! – Either bring true joy and happiness, or result in ultimate disappointment, if you can’t manage to make the right one. So, it’ll be definitely worth it all to invest all the effort you can into making the right choices and decisions here! It’s to choose going either up or down… See, having chosen Me as your Savior also means having to choose to say “no!” to the temptations of sin, if you want this life you supposedly chose to live for Me to be a happy and fulfilling one. (2015:148) Free choice since Adam and Eve, the first couple, doesn’t sound too bad for a God of Love, does it? After all, doesn’t love include leaving others that kind of freedom to make their own decisions and choices? And then the choice to accept the gift He gave: His Son, to give folks a chance to grab on to the Real Thing, anyway… (2015:149) If the world isn’t what you’d expect it to be like, what did you expect from one that’s run by our enemy, due to people’s majority’s unfortunate choices for him? So, don’t blame it on Me or the Father for allowing it to happen! Free choice leaves it up to folks what’s to become of that world! (2015:150) As time goes on, you’ll recognize that what I decided will turn out to have been the better choice for you. It will turn out that leaning on Me will have been the better choice, even if on its way to that end the enemy will still do all he can to make it seem quite different, and even the opposite. You’ll know that you made the right choice to put your trust in Me instead of your own capabilities and whatever the enemy would offer. (2015:156) Everyone must make their choice about which they prefer, and on whose side they feel they belong. Everyone ought to be aware of their own choices to make and not let their minds be tricked and lured over to the wrong side. That’s largely what life’s all about. – Making the right choices. (2015:162) The negative experiences should make you realize how unreliable the physical world is, in the end, since it has been taken over by the evil forces, due to people’s choices. The world needs a spanking… a final outcome of the results of the choices made in favor of Our enemy. (2015:167) The toughest time of world history coming is the price mankind will have to pay for the choices it made, of pro-evil instead of good, selfishness instead of love, etc. (2015:169)

Some folks have greater luck in life, others, greater blessings for their afterlife… depending on their choices and receptivity of the Gospel. It’s a choice either for here and now… or something greater to be revealed later… The first days of earth were grand, until the wrong choice was made to believe the devil rather than the Father and Me. (2015:171) Belonging to him that has been ruling the world with his naughty manners, and thereby rejecting its Creator and Father of us all… and taking over the evil guy as such… Bad choice, I’d say… You’re still trying to make it down there, among the vast majority of bad choice makers… knowing from experience that it can be quite easy to make them with those sly temptations that make it easy to fall for them. Well, one day, the good result of folks resisting and not having fallen into his temptations will teach the rest of the world the lesson of what would have been the better kind of choice! You’re getting the point slowly, of how important it is to make the right kind of choices throughout life… Having seen what the wrong kind can lead the entire globe into, like Adam and Eve’s picking the forbidden fruit after falling for the devil’s lies and temptations, and the vast majority of the world’s population throughout history falling into the same kind of traps… including yourself for quite some time, but at least eventually learning some of the resulting lessons. Yes, life is rough… but not because I or the Father made it that way but because folks have allowed it and guided it to turn that way through their choices to believe and fall for the enemy’s deceptions, and choosing to obey and follow him, instead of Us… (2015:180)

“Why did He allow things to become so dreadful?” – It’s the decision to leave the majesty of choice to His top creations… and those choices would become their own judges. So, don’t blame it all on Him or Us for leaving folks that liberty, but rather, on people’s choices which bring all that stuff into your word and life down there that you don’t like. Don’t blame it on Us, since it’s been your own kinds’ personal choices making that planet result in the messy state it’s in! It will be good since it will finally bring folks to stop blaming Us for what’s going wrong with the world, since it’ll be quite obvious that all along folks’ choice for and preference of him as their ruler was to blame for the faulty mode of Creation. Instead of getting mad at the Father and Me, why not get mad at him, and do all you can to get him and his influences out of your mind and your life, kick him out at last, and give Us the full and only authority over your heart and mind and entire being? Doesn’t that sound like a good choice to make? (2015:185) The enemy and his hoards keep trying to keep you from believing My positive input, insisting that he’s the boss of this world. And the question is: you believe him or Me? That’s the choice to make! It’s to constantly choose between My truth and his lies, My blessings or his temptations… perpetual choice between good and evil. (2015:194) Follow the circumstances and possibilities, and learn from them through the experiences they bring, and make your future decisions and choices based on that! (2015:199) There weren’t just good times to be expected on this Earth taken over by the enemy through men’s choices to yield to his temptations, rather than obeying Us and following Our rules instead. (2015:205) Life may not all be perfectly blissful, and include some sorrows and trouble instead, but that’s one of the lessons mankind’s got to learn on the result of making the wrong choices, hopefully learning thus how to make the right ones instead, eventually. (2015:212) Do your best to inspire as many others as you can to believe in Up Here, or at least present them with the choice! (2015:224) It’s part of life’s school to learn to stay on the positive side of things and remain with a good attitude instead of whining about things not being perfect in that world run currently by our enemy. It’s good to learn where things are not supposed to be at. And remember that it was and remains people’s choices that make them turn out that way, and you should definitely learn to do better through all of that. (2015:233) Obedience is what will be blessed. Disobedience can’t. So, what will you choose? To obey or not to obey, that is the question and the choice that influence life. (2015:243) The roughest time ever that has been inevitably announced since thousands of years ago, mainly due to the majority of choices folks make in the enemy’s favor… It’s the only way to get it all over with, and for Us to finally take over again the rule and control over Our creation, instead of letting him, due to folks’ negative choices… (2015:244) What can you expect from a world taken over through its people’s choices by the enemy of its Creator, who wants to take over the godhead and have people worship him? What value is greater and more important to you? – The physical and material, or the spiritual? Just remember, “God is a Spirit” (John 4:24), and that should help you make the right choice. They that choose the Father, choose the Spirit over the flesh and all temporary assets it can bring – and prefer the eternal instead. (2016:27)

Have some more faith in the perfect Place expecting you! And share some of the vibes you’re receiving and have received from Up Here with the receptive folks out there… in fact, even any of those folks there, to help them make their choices of receptivity or rejection! Getting folks to make their choices of receiving the fruits of the Spirit is pretty much your main job! (2016:33) Sometimes the dark times cannot be avoided through the choices the majority of people make. (2016:37) Better days will come when time shall be no more, and the world will finally be freed and cured from the influences of the evil force the first bad choice of mankind brought upon it! (2016:41) Dealing with the troubles resulting from letting evil play a major role in life… well, that’s all part of the big lesson of life, and one of the major purposes of it is to prevent and reject evil in the Realm beyond this time ruled by the evil one… the choice the majority of people have made since the beginning. (2016:44) It may not coincide with your personal choice, with matters taking on shapes you wouldn’t prefer, but that’s where the greatest and best choice you could make is to trust Us completely for what We’re allowing to befall you. (2016:50)

It’s basically a major choice for believers to make: greater trust in Me and Heaven’s help, or the system’s? (2016:52) Choose My way above the devil’s ways! – That’s the ultimate lesson of choice to learn down there by Our chosen ones. (2016:57) Not ready for Heaven? – Well, think about what you need in order to get ready! It’s not Mine or the Father’s fault for not having made you perfect enough, but it still depends all on your daily choices, and what temptations you choose to give in to! (2016:66) Remember that it was man’s own choice getting the world into the mess it’s in, and that should teach you a major lesson on what sort of choices you ought to make – as to whom you’ll believe when some voices of temptation offer you another option of what I’ve been telling you to do, and would be better. Even if the majority of those around you tend to make the wrong choices, the question is: are you able to resist that temptation and still choose the right things to do, even if the majority of folks on the planet won’t? (2016:67) Things are going to be much tougher yet! – Not through what I’m sending to the world, but due to the choices people make for the enemy’s tempting, and ultimately destructive input and eventual physical appearance down there. (2016:80) There’s a reason why sometimes I make you dependent on the help of others as well, in order to let them get blessings from Here, providing they make the right choices. (2016:99) The choice between good and evil should have a long-lasting teaching effect on folks. It takes that history of experience of what evil can do to make most folks choose the good… including the repercussions of having chosen evil first. So… an important lesson: to make the right choice; reject and resist the evil, and to prefer to choose the good instead. So, the choice between God and the devil, good and evil, is mainly what this life on Earth right now is all about, in order to find out who’s making the right choices, so We can choose them for the future in which We’d all prefer to make it without evil, and start filling the universe with good folks. (2016:112) Sometimes the wrong decisions and acts make folks pay their price through the following experiences and repercussions. (2016:113)

Ultimately, the decision to cut out sinful behaviors is entirely up to you. (2016:114) If you want to be one of My chosen ones, you have to learn to choose the right way, along with the right attitude, to make it through the rough times of life, which have been predicted in My Word! Choose to make it! – Through the rough times, both now and the even tougher ones to come! (2016:117) It’s going to be your job to present what I came to Earth to offer to those who’d receive Me. – The kind of Thereafter My sheep just value and esteem as better than what Satan’s got to offer! It’s the Ultimate Choice this world is heading for: Heaven thereafter, as opposed to hell – the painful continuation of what’s expecting you all down there to witness. (2016:119 Just because you’re not so fond of what the world has become because of the enemy and people’s choices doesn’t mean you should despise your life in it, but should trust Me that there’s still a reason and purpose for Me down there to fulfill. – And it’s your choice whether you want to limit that purpose to another lesson of a disobedient prophet, or the sample of one who’s finally learned one of the lessons of life. (16:124) If life drags you down in that world at times, just remember who’s currently running it, due to the majority of people’s choice in his favor. (2016:129)

Circumstances Physical circumstances are irrelevant to Me! (I:57) With every battle you gain strength and grow stronger in faith, in the wielding of your weapons, in your desperation and closeness with Me, in ignoring the circumstances. To hell with the circumstances! Circumstances don’t count. Soon the circumstances will be the most disastrous they have ever been in all of history, and you will wish you had learned not to go by or look at the circumstances. Only look at and go by Me! (I:72) Whatever the circumstances are, I want you to look past and beyond them, through them, at the hidden blessing, the greater victory which will come about through seeming defeat; at the lessons and wisdom gained by means of an apparent loss, at the greater purpose of God, at the greater good which will always come forth out of supposed evil for those who love Me, at the beauty which will come out of the ashes of the old. (I:84) To give when you apparently receive nothing in return, that is love that overcometh all things; love that rises above the circumstances. (I:121) I am the Great ANYHOW! My specialty is to do things in spite of the unfavorable circumstances and against all odds. (I:130) I like those tests the best, during those times when you don’t feel like it, because it shows Me you’re willing to defy natural circumstances; to be cheerful in spite of the way you feel. Don’t let circumstances drive you into a defensive position! Stay on the attack! Rise above the circumstances! (I:152) I want you to learn to also tune in to Me when the conditions aren’t perfect... I want to be your focal point and your main Center of attention in any circumstance. Make Me the central point of your focus and attention under whatever kind of condition, even if it’s noisy, chaotic or confusing all around you! (I:189) According to personal choices and even mistakes, circumstances can change. (I:222) I want you to forget about the circumstances. I want you to focus and rely solely on Me. You’re just going to have to make a greater effort to put Me above your circumstances. I don’t want your circumstances to dictate your times with Me, what you’re going to ask Me, etc., I would like to dictate your circumstances by your times with Me: Me giving you the instructions and the Words that will create new circumstances. Right now, My Words to you are a result of your circumstances. You find yourself in a situation, you seek My counsel about it, and then My Words might alter your circumstances according to the extent you implement them. But now, the next step is that you come to Me blank – open – ready for Me to create a whole new set of circumstances for you. Make the verse happen that says, ‘This is the day which the Lord hath made’! (I:239) Analyzing circumstances and then drawing your conclusions from that analysis, as to what you think you should do, can very easily be one of those “ways of man.” (I:254) There are times when it seems perfectly legitimate, reasonable and alright to quit; the only reasonable thing left to do. But those are often the times when the true heroes are born, those who say, “Lord, contrary to all the circumstances, contrary to what my mind tells me and contrary to the way I feel, in spite of the fact that I know that this rugged road in front of me here will bring a lot of pain and suffering, as it already has, in fact I’m still suffering... In spite of all this, Lord, I decide and choose to keep going for You!” (I:255) Too many times you let things, circumstances or incidents, pass you by indifferently, without getting stirred up to seek Me about them, to counsel with Me or beseech Me about them. (I:280) There are situations in life, where circumstances seem to push you to the edge; the absolute extreme and limit of just about as far as you can go before you’re about to quit and yell at the Enemy, ”I surrender!” That’s what you call tests, and that’s the only way I can train you for this war. (I:281) What you will need most of all is faith to protect you from fear and despair! Faith for miracles to help you rise above the most atrocious and miserable circumstances of all times! (I:297) Stop seeing the people behind those incidents and circumstances, stop blaming them, and instead, you really must begin to see Me in all this; seek Me in all this and ask Me why I allow it to happen this way! (I:298) If you let circumstances rule you without ever coming to Me to find out My will for you, never presenting your body a "living sacrifice" and committing your day, your life unto Me afresh everyday, that's when you're failing Me and heading the wrong way: the dead end street of dead works. (I:314) You should be treating those little circumstances of yours that way: laugh into their faces as the illusions of time they really are,

instead of treating and respecting them like all-absorbing factors that determine the state you’re in and rule your life, your emotions, your level of faith! Stop letting irrelevant circumstances rule you, and start acknowledging that which is really relevant and important, namely Me, and all those other towering giants around you in the Spirit, all here at your beck and call, ready to prove to you what We’re capable of! (I:386) You should be ruling and determining the circumstances, because I’ve given you power over them and not be their slave and letting them toss you to and fro! The circumstances are yours! (I:391) I’m helping you to develop initiative and the art of taking positive action by the circumstances I put you in. (I:397) It's important to stay in tune with Me and attuned to My voice, and not give in to any seemingly overwhelming circumstances, but to keep an attitude of trust. (I:403) It's important for you to get ahold of that peace of knowing that I'm in control of your circumstances, because you have committed them into My care. (I:412) Find in Me true abundance when you're lacking, and the ability to rise above your circumstances! I don't want you to be swayed by them, nor have them dictate your moods or actions, I want you to learn to have Me dictate your circumstances by your trust and by your prayers. Be bulwarks of hope for those around you! Even those who may not believe right now, in time of need will remember that you had faith that exceeded the range of their hopelessness, the range of the physical circumstances, faith that believes that all things will be well because I'm in control. (I:436) All of you must learn not to make physical circumstances your masters, nor to let them push you around. The days of letting physical circumstances push you around is going to be over soon. (I:437) Focus not on the circumstances, which are largely brought about by the devil's mingling in My affairs, plus man's lack of wisdom and lack of love, and his falling for the devil's tricks, but focus on the fact that you have found the One Who is going to right all the wrongs and turn things around in your life and in everybody else's who will accept Me! (I:474) Isn't it a wonderful privilege to be cared for by the Creator of the universe? That's why I'm reminding you to be more praiseful, in spite of apparent unfavorable circumstances, because the true circumstances, as I see them from behind the veil, are quite different! A grand privilege! (I:476) Seek not to run anywhere else but into My arms, where you'll be perfectly safe and warm , no matter what happens around you and what the circumstances are! (I:479) What greater gift could you acquire than the ability to rise above all earthly and physical circumstances, according to your need? (I:519)

How much do you look at the wind and the waves, and at circumstances, instead of the Spirit? (I:531) I am capable of taking care of any amount of contrary circumstances and turn them to your good, and, as I have promised, "I will make a way where there is no way." (I:552) You have to decide whether you're really going to accept Me as your Master and Lord, and the One to determine your circumstances. If you limit Me to only use you under conditions and specific circumstances, you're also limiting Me to only bless you with a certain amount of the joy and rewards of what total yieldedness would bring. (I:563) We can do what you can't. No matter what We might tell you to do, the circumstances could change and cancel the effect of Our counsel, but if you commend the situation directly into Our omnipotent hands, We'll do something about it against which Satan and circumstances are powerless. (I:564) Just rise above all the negative circumstances! (I:568) Shake the shackles of circumstances and man-made boundaries! (I:569) Your power is greater, and you just have to grab hold of that power and believe in it and wield it and not be swayed by physical circumstances, such as numbers, or the flood of mental conditioning that has programmed the masses against what you stand for. (I:587) Resigning to your fate means yielding to your circumstances, instead of availing yourself of My Power to change them. (I:614) Don't view circumstances as obstacles, but as stepping stones, and rise above... (II:17)

If you let your circumstances overwhelm you instead of running to My arms, then it's no wonder you feel distant from Me. (II:45) Don't keep your eyes on the "impossibilities" of your circumstances, but on Me and the fact that they each come from My hand, only to draw you closer to Me! (II:54) You must have crazy faith and not let the circumstances and "voices of reason" intimidate you! (II:63) You can flow with My anointing and float on the cloud of My Spirit, if you know you're right where you're meant to be, and that you can make the most of that situation right where you are, wherever you are, no matter what the circumstances. (II:126) Let Earth and all carnal circumstances recede and let Me lift you above all the natural impossibilities! (II:150) If you wait for circumstances to be just right and perfect before you'll obey My commandment to go into all the world and preach the Gospel, you're never going to do it! (II:158) You've got to forget those circumstances which framed your condition that formed your view of things; in other words, just smash the whole picture of your perception of things and let Me make it over completely! (II:161) Faithfully, humbly and gratefully continue to praise Me, even in the midst of adverse circumstances! (II:192) My Love for you isn't influenced by circumstances. (II:243) I'm teaching you many things through the various circumstances of your life, and like any teacher, I am pleased when My students show interest and take note of the lessons, instead of just letting them pass them by. (II:244) While yesterday was yesterday, and certain circumstances may have given leeway for certain things, it may all look different today, just as it may all look yet completely different tomorrow. (II:254) Don't look at the circumstances! Of course, they're chaos! That's what war pretty much amounts to, and that's what the devil is trying to create all along! (II:296) The circumstances are not as relevant as the lesson they bring and the incentive they give you to pray. (II:311) Sometimes I have to change the circumstances in order to get you out of the lethargic path. (II:317) Keep on believing when things are not looking so bright, when your thoughts don't feel so heavenly, when you can't see any trace of the fulfillment of the Promise, except by blind, naked faith in My Word, simply because I have promised it, regardless of the fact whether it seems so, according to the circumstances, or not. (II:321) You have the power to change your circumstances, and I need you to make use of that power! I need fighters who will refuse to let circumstances get the better of them! (II:325) Forget about the circumstances that the devil would like to use to keep you tied to the ground! (II:351) How long are you still going to allow circumstances to determine your state of mind? How long will you continue to allow them to rule your spirit, to exceed your faith in My Promises and all I have told you, and all My miracle-working Power you've seen already? (II:363) Success, to Me, is when you regard circumstances as irrelevant. (II:366) I want you to put your trust totally in Me, no matter how adverse the circumstances, how bad the odds may look. (II:387) I can make new out of the old - regardless of conditions and circumstances. (II:398) What you need is a change of attitude, not a change of circumstances. (II:417) You've got to focus on the invisible Force which can make the right physical circumstances happen for you, or at least fill you with the Power to make it through the adverse circumstances! (II:430) Under circumstances in which you simply need Me for your bare survival, you also learn to appreciate Me more. (II:440) If you take Me with you wherever you go and in whatever you do, you'll be ready and prepared for whatever bad news or circumstances less than perfect you may encounter. (II:442)

Once you thrive in the face of adversities, circumstances have truly become irrelevant, and then you'll be able to enjoy whatever you do, under whatever conditions. (II:454) Learn to look past the circumstances and conditions, past the way things are, and beyond their current state, to a future where all things are the way they ought to be! (II:466) Problems are more often than not being caused not by your circumstances, but your attitudes. (II:471) It's a matter of attitude and mindset to do things, and to keep them up. They've got to become rules in your life that you keep, and that are stronger than circumstances, you won't bend them. You'll refuse to be tempted to neglect doing the right thing, regardless of whatever circumstances might try to press you into compromising and not doing what you know is the right thing to do. (II:472) Don't let circumstances overtake you and overwhelm you and determine your days! (II:474) Only My supernatural Love can enable anyone to do the humanly impossible: to love, forgive and embrace your enemies, those who hurt you, those who wrong you; to look past and beyond all circumstances, to never stop loving in spite of anything. (II:476) I have given you Power over your circumstances. You can choose to rise above anything; not only your own weaknesses, but also those of others, simply by not allowing them to affect you adversely. It's not the same as simply ignoring them; it's a supernatural act, because it requires a miracle of My Love. (II:499) Changing your circumstances won't do the trick if there hasn't been an inward change happening. (II:505) It's only due to your sight of faith to see beyond and rise above physical circumstances. (II:523) Look at the positive, not at the negative circumstances, but beyond them, at My Power to alter them, and at My purpose in them to teach, train and strengthen you, trusting Me that I know what I'm doing. Even in adverse circumstances, stay positive! (II:545) The whole idea of faith and serving Me is that you don't have to serve your circumstances and be subject to them, but to apply your faith in My Power to make the most out of them. The ground of your circumstances waits to be tilled, worked and cultivated through your prayers and your obedience to Me, and thus altered, from an empty ground to a lush green field, that's the ultimate purpose of faith. A day where I rule the circumstances, and one of which you can truly say, "this is the day which the Lord hath made," is a day which is dedicated to My purpose, to the advance of My Kingdom, where all you've got is employed in order to bring forth fruit for Me. I can alter not only your way of seeing the circumstances, but also your capability of handling them and dealing with them, which will make any mountain look smaller and more inviting and less gloomy than before you asked Me to change things with My Power. Let your heart be My home, and I'll be the greatest changing-factor of circumstances you'll have ever known! (II:563) No matter how hard or tough or adverse the circumstances, you can rise above them and make it through them with flying colors, because you've got the most powerful weapon in the universe. (II:568) Everything happens for a reason, and I want you to be more alert and ready to see Me in the things happening around you. I want you to include Me and get ahold of My Spirit and see the situation through My eyes, so you can react to it as I would react, and not just the way your carnal mind would. (II:577) In your effort to see the positive side of your situation you sometimes purposely overlook the negative. The real trick is to see the positive opportunity beyond the negative circumstance; the fact that I can alter the circumstances for you. (II:582) Even if it seems as if you're getting the raw end of the deal, you must not look at what's at hand, the immediate outlook, the circumstances or the obvious. Sometimes it's only by faith that you can tell that you're on the right side, My side, that I'm with you and that I am blessing you. (II:589) It's human nature to be quick to accept your fate and resign to the circumstances that are being handed to you without ever trying to change them. It's one thing to be "content in whatsoever state you're in," but you'll also find that the apostles didn't always resign to their fates either. And being content in your state still doesn't stop you from altering the circumstances or praying for Me to alter them if it's My will. It wasn't My will that they stayed in prison forever. Usually you'll find that according to your faith it will be done unto you, according to your faith in My ability to change your circumstances. All it depends on is, do you want Me to change your circumstances? Then let Me know! It's easier than you think for you to change your circumstances; all it often takes is your choice to want to have them changed! (II:608)

Becoming a saint is not so much determined by what you do as by what you allow Me to do with you, by how well you take life’s circumstances gracefully, and just allow Me to break you and reshape you. (II:647) How else do you manage to bring love where there is hatred, bring light where there is darkness, joy, where there is sadness, unless you even refuse to look at the hatred, the darkness, the sadness, or their causes, to begin with. You refuse to see the adverse circumstance as such, but only as an occasion to put My Power to the test. You rejoice in the adversity, because it has brought you a new challenge to prove to the universe that I am greater than any circumstance! (III:31) The only thing that keeps folks desperate, dependent on Me and praying as they ought, is when things are going less than perfect for them, when there are adverse circumstances. (III:41) I want you to learn to rise above the circumstances, because they're going to get worse. (III:50) You have to learn to be able to recognize the enemy at work in the circumstances he uses and manipulates, never losing site of the fact that if I allow it in the first place, then there must be a good purpose in it! You ought to learn to rejoice in adverse circumstances, knowing that they serve My purpose of bringing out the very best possible in you! I'm teaching you through all this to remain stable in spite of anything. You cannot go according to outward circumstances and influences, and you won't, if you cling to Me tightly in spite of and regardless of anything. You'll still remain firm if your focus is on Me. (III:74) The greatest victors are those who refuse to believe the circumstances that indicate or announce defeat! They keep fighting anyway, they keep believing anyway, that they're going to win. That's the kind of attitude that refuses to give in even to the most un-promising circumstances. (III:78) It takes time and patience for certain circumstances to come about where you're finally able to enjoy. (III:94) If I told you that you can do it and nothing is impossible to him that believeth, then trust and believe that it is so, regardless of appearances of circumstances! (III:99) You still have to learn to shut off the "emotional circumstances" that the devil often creates, and see past them, see through them as illusions. (III:125) You've got the power to control or at least influence the circumstances, and I want you to avail yourself of that power more. There will come a time when circumstances will be too tough and too difficult to just "accept" them and take things the way they are, and it would be good for you to train and prepare now, so you'll be ready then to face things in the appropriate spirit and attitude of faith. (III:151) Focus on Me beyond any circumstance or challenging situation you may encounter in life! (III:166) You may think you're lost, from the looks of the circumstances, but everything depends on your faith to believe that somehow things are going to turn out alright anyway. - Because I'm in control. It may not look like it, but you'll know - your faith will be strong enough to tell - that I am, anyway, and that I'm just allowing the chaotic looks of things in order to test you, to make sure that you've really got what it takes that will deserve and merit the reward. I need you to see Me in the chaos - in spite of the chaos, and refuse to look at the circumstances. (III:205) I use the friction against the hard walls of the confines of your circumstances in order to free you from the things that hinder you, your natural handicaps. (III:209) Don’t allow the enemy to rob you of that little strength, that little light of faith of yours, to believe Me for the impossible, against all odds, against any apparent circumstances! (III:227) It takes faith to see beyond the circumstances. I'm not denying that there are unfavorable circumstances involved in the option of My higher will. But also know that I have given you greater power than ever before to overcome unfavorable circumstances, obstacles, and even blockades in your own mind or heart! (III:236) The art consists in appreciating what I've handed you already, instead of wishing the circumstances were better. I judge you by what you make out of the circumstances I've handed you. If you moan forever about "if only circumstances were better, then I'd do better, too," I don't buy that. A real leader and world changer is one who makes the best out of the circumstances he finds himself in; he trusts Me for what I'm doing, knowing that with Me, nothing shall be impossible. Wishing things were different so that you can do better just won't work. You've got to make the best out of what you've got, or change the circumstances. You yourself can change them, either through your prayers or actions or words, but never through moaning and complaining about them. (III:238)

I can help you overcome the circumstances. You've got at your disposal My very best teams, all ready to support you and assist you in licking the enemy and getting him out of your system for continued smooth functioning and a happy ending. (III:240) Happiness is not determined by physical circumstances, but circumstances can be completely defied by an inner power and conviction, a spiritual force; My Power... (III:250) Whatever the circumstances are, everything I put before you is a purposeful challenge, and you ought to be making the most out of it. (III:252) Do you still know Whom you have believed, even when the circumstances aren't all that rosy, or you feel useless, abandoned, downhearted? I need to get your faith to the point where you will know beyond a shadow of a doubt that I have not left you nor forsaken you, even when all the circumstances and ten thousand voices seem to be screaming the opposite! (III:323) Don’t prematurely discard the "bad" things, the unpleasant circumstance I allow in your life, and don't wash it all away or try to get rid of it by force. Chances are you might need that stuff in order to prevent worse trouble from happening to you. (III:343) Look at Me more and focus on Me, the One Who can alter your circumstances when you cannot. (IV:336) Sometimes the pressure situations bring you into a position of willingness to try what you might not have under different circumstances… (2011:31) Having to do some stuff that might turn out to be tough for you is still better than life in a concentration camp, or some other, more intolerable circumstances... (2011:37) If you don’t like your circumstances, do something to change them: pray! (2011:52) While your happiness and health are definitely subject to My care, I can also assure them despite any of the physical circumstances… (2011:54) Asking Me for help in developing skills at rising above your circumstances, overcoming and enduring them, I just might. No matter how bleak the circumstances, you have an effective weapon to help make you feel better, and the sooner you learn to avail yourself of it, the happier you’ll be, and the quicker all this misery around you will disappear. You’ve been trying to recreate or preserve that magic somehow by controlling your physical circumstances and whereabouts as if they were primarily responsible for making heaven on earth happening, when I’m trying to teach you that it’s all a matter of attitude and an inner state of mind that’s really going to make a difference. “Set your affections on things above” means, you don’t go by the visible, immediate and tangible circumstances, but you allow your life to be guided and directed by Something unseen, an invisible Force to help you overcome the negative forces trying to drag you down… To put your trust in Me obviously is not a thing you just do once for all times, but you need to do it every day anew when you see that the physical circumstances are obviously working against you. Ask Me to turn them around, and I will. (2011:55) Looking further than what your eyes can make out, and even that which experience (framed by your circumstances and their sequences, which I have asked you to learn to rise above) teaches you seems like a perpetual test to you, a lesson I’m having to repeat over and over and over again… But is that My fault, or could it be that you’re simply not getting it? (2011:64) You're still looking to circumstances and others to bring you happiness and the kind of life to enjoy, but what I meant by "It's just going to be you and Me," is that it will be up to the two of us to bring happiness into your life that will spill over to others. You can't rely on them nor your circumstances to do that for you, but the only One capable of that task and complying with that otherwise unrealistic expectation is I. (2011:74) So-called securities are more often than not merely illusions, since no one can truly control life’s circumstances (except Me, if you ask Me to), and thus the only real security you can ever have is faith. (2011:76) What is faith under normal, favorable circumstances? It’s simply the usual, average kind of faith anyone can have. Faith becomes great under those abnormal circumstances under which the Devil comes rubbing in your face questions like, “Now, if God loves you, why would He allow that to happen?” (2011:86) My goal is to teach you to rise above the unpleasant circumstances in life and to walk through it victoriously in spite of them. How am I going to teach you that if I am only going to take you to pleasant places? (2011:92) The adverse circumstances you curse are your salvation, for they bring you back to Me. Without them you’d hopelessly stray away from Me. So, no. 1 – as far as changing your outlook is concerned – is to see all those adverse circumstances as something positive, without which you’d go lost. They’re My compliments to you, the proof that I care about you and won’t let you go astray, no matter how hard you would want to, because you may think you know better what’s good for you. (2011:100)

If I allow you to create circumstances for yourself that are too comfortable, you quickly snap out of fighting mode and are all too easily ready to settle for some sort of peaceful coexistence with evil as long as they let you do as you please. (2011:108) People blame each other or they blame Me, but they hardly ever blame themselves or take the responsibility for their own plight upon themselves. They never wonder, “How on earth did I wind up here, and what did I do wrong?” but usually curse the circumstances and whoever they figure is responsible for them and keep on going just the same as always without ever so much as having learned a single valid lesson from the ordeal. (2011:114) Being grateful for what you have is one thing, but complacently letting yourself float down the stream of your circumstances is another. (2011:134) Whatever the hardest possible circumstances be you find yourself in, you mustn’t quit believing that they befall you for a good reason. Maybe one day you’re actually going to be thankful for them. You don’t have to suffer needlessly, being buffeted about wildly by life’s circumstances. You can turn them around and make them work for your good. (2011:135) How you can take adverse circumstances is part of the walk and life of faith. The trick is to find ways to be happy in spite of the circumstances. The ability to find Heaven in your heart anywhere you are, regardless of your surroundings and circumstances, this is what could be described as true faith. (2012:9) I challenged you to find your dream, and what you perceive to have found thus far isn’t much more than a nightmare, with no end in sight, but I’d challenge you to hang on and wait and see… (2012:10) Trust is easy and no challenge under normal circumstances and when things are going according to your criteria of what’s acceptable. It becomes extraordinary only under unusual circumstances that actually require faith. (2012:14) Your attitude will determine the outcome and whether you’ll survive. You’ve got to decide, “Am I going to overcome and conquer this situation, or will I allow the circumstances to overwhelm and conquer me?” My goal for your life isn’t only for you to learn to overcome the negative circumstances, but also to rely less on those pleasant things that right now you’re still so dependent on. What if you’d eventually get to the point where circumstance really won’t matter to you anymore? - Come hell or high water, you’ll still be able to stand, facing what’s coming at you like a brave man who knows he’s got nothing to lose, only everything to gain? – Now, that’s what I’d call a life of faith. (2012:19) What I’m trying to do most of all is consolidate your faith, regardless of circumstances. It’s important that you put your faith in the right things: not circumstances or visible things, but in Me. When you complain, you obviously choose to place your faith in the circumstances. When you place your faith in the right factors, it becomes evident in a positive, praiseful attitude and spirit, regardless of any physical factors or circumstances. I need to know how long, how consistently I can count on you, and you need to learn just how consistently you can count on Me, even when circumstances seem to indicate – and the devil vehemently keeps insisting – that I’m not much of anyone you’re able to count on, if you judge by how you would like your life to be and which course you would prefer circumstances to take. I’m saying one thing, and maybe your circumstances are saying another, as the devil certainly is. Life’s experiences and lessons are designed to teach you to make up your own mind on the issue and draw your own conclusion. By allowing circumstances to overwhelm you, you’re showing that you’re giving the priority to them, over Me and My Realm, and that’s not a good sign, nor a good turn for events to take. (2012:22) So the current circumstances are even more unpleasant than they’ve ever been before, and let’s just say that your present challenges are the hardest and toughest ones you’ve ever had to face… Is that so surprising? I think I’ve made it abundantly clear that that’s the way to grow and make progress. (2012:28) It’s all about overcoming and rising above the circumstances of the present, and the darker the circumstances, the more desperately you seek that ability. (2012:32) Don’t you think that if I’m asking you to rise above your circumstances I’m also able to make them more bearable for you? But that’s the thing: If you put forth a positive and believing attitude, you will often see that that’s precisely the effect it will have on your circumstances. In other words, the spirit is so much superior to the flesh and physical circumstances. All annoying circumstances and factors can vanish if you let Me take over and grant Me the position of priority in your life that truly rising above requires. (2012:35) Having experienced extremely negative circumstances can sometimes help to appreciate life back in its normal state, even if it’s less than perfect. Sometimes, when folks have had it too good during some stage in their life, it becomes extremely hard for them to adjust to less

pleasant circumstances. (2012:37) Rise above the ugly circumstances: ugly behavior, selfish characters, and whatever else is bothering you! (2012:42) Moody people let life’s circumstances toss them and their emotions around, and they’re totally controlled and manipulated by them, so that it’s always a matter of luck as to whether you’re dealing with a cheerful, a half-way normal, or a dreadfully grumpy person. They don’t exert control over their lives themselves, nor do they allow Me to. They grant the power to their circumstances, and thus, the enemy can use them as he will… (2012:44) The one ultimately responsible for the circumstances in this world – unless you specifically ask Me to change them – is the Enemy, not Me. He’s the god of this world, the ruler, which is why I’ve been pleading with you not to be so tossed about by your circumstances. Because in order to change them in My Power, you have to appeal to the rules of the Spirit World and keys of My Kingdom. (2012:51) If you’re in tune with My eternal, true Mother World, then you can rely on My greater Control over everything, including your physical circumstances, able to alter or adjust them at any time, and definitely minimize their effect and impact on you. (2012:52) Character isn’t built under perfect circumstances, but rather under adverse ones. (2012:53) Instead of gratefully accepting from My hand what I give you, you feverishly try to figure out a way to take matters into your own hands and alter your circumstances, improve your existence somehow in your own efforts, and the result is the mess you’re living in today which the powers that be boast of as “progress.” It’s true that your circumstances in this life are never going to be perfect. I’m just saying, trust Me for the fact that these are the best for you, for now, and don’t worry: Changes will come. (2012:59) The acceptance of your circumstances (unless I’ve definitely put it in your heart to do something to change them) with the conclusion that you probably don’t deserve any better is the kind of attitude that could potentially make this world a better place. (2012:62)

I prefer when people have the faith to rise above their circumstances and live more independently – and more dependently on Me instead. (2012:63) The notion of acting out their lives reminds folks that there’s something they ought to do, and that their “act” is going to have implications. Instead of seeing themselves as helpless, passive victims of life’s circumstances it instills in them the ambition to do something with and about their lives, and that the responsibility of their act and its consequences rests on them. (2012:64) Blaming your circumstances or the qualities of others never did anything to improve a situation. It doesn’t matter that the circumstances say, “It can’t be done and hasn’t been done before!” You’ll leave it to Me by actively committing your concern into My hands, and I’ll make something happen for you! (2012:83) It’s that something inside you superior to circumstance that makes you stand out. Don’t you think that it should be a much greater way to live, putting that principle more into action and applying that faith more? Live a life of faith! It’s becoming expedient for you to do so, with circumstances in this world constantly changing for worse, and your being able to rely less and less on conventional means of support. (2012:87) Do you still think that happiness is mainly dependent on physical circumstances? how do you think I feel about constantly receiving flak from you about your circumstances not being the right ones for you, in your opinion? Maybe once you’ll accept your circumstances or the cup I’m handing you, those you’re dealing with will also learn to accept theirs, and perhaps you’ll find that that’s the point where you’ll be able to truly overcome and alter them from within… (2012:88) What you have to realize is, that this is not a battle with life’s circumstances or someone else giving you a hard time, but a battle with the enemy of your soul. (2012:94) Don’t look at the circumstances of who or what you are by the standards of the world, but be who and what you are in Me. (2012:95)

To feel well and relaxed is not necessarily what your circumstances do for you. So, what is it that’s going to teach you to take things more gracefully? - Easier circumstances? - Hardly. (2012:115) True happiness cannot be determined as much by outward circumstances as by inner convictions, attitude and state of mind; your beliefs, and refusal to allow them to be shattered or shaken by circumstances. Life’s circumstances and lessons trim away the “fat” of the sort of things it doesn’t pay to put your faith in. (2012:138) Sometimes it’s better to have a look at things from an outside perspective, instead of always just centered around yourself and your situation and circumstances, in order to truly get some points. (2012:143)

I can overcome any obstacle, and you must remember that no circumstance is too hard for Me to deal with, and none can ever make it impossible for Me to punch through to you. (2012:152) Anyone can be good under the right circumstances. It’s the adversity and the struggle, including the temptations evil presents that bring out the worst, but also the best in you, depending on the choices you make accordingly. (2012:161) In order to make any kind of progress, it requires some determination, resolution, effort and fight to put into it, not just an idle gear cruising along, letting your life be swayed about by whatever wind of circumstance happens to blow. (2012:168) It’s not about how good or bad anyone is; it’s about what I can do in spite of the circumstances – the badness, and independently of any human “goodness.” (2012:169) Find out what you’re encountering everyday and discover your purpose in this, and then find the means through availing yourself of My powers to accomplish that purpose. It’s not just this mere drifting along with the stream of life’s circumstances, just waiting to see where it’s going to take you and occasionally crying out for help when you recognize that you’re in trouble. I’d call that struggling through life, but definitely not living life to the full, as I’d want you to. (2012:172) You’re still putting too much emphasis on, and lending too much importance to physical circumstances, such as the weather, or your finances. While these factors do have their place and role of importance, and I use them as metaphors to illustrate My relationship with you, you must seek not to give them the first place of importance in your life, which would be synonymous to having other gods before Me. If you can make Me the Sunshine of your life for real, that’s when life becomes truly worth living, and your life is being lived to the full, regardless of circumstances. (2012:183) What matters are not the circumstances, but the material being covered and taught – the heart of the matter. (2013:2) Sometimes you’ve just got to go through whatever life puts before you, and the question is, how do you choose to do it? Are you letting the circumstances drag you down, or will you refuse to and choose to rise above instead? (2013:7) It’s especially important to learn to be able to tune out of what’s going on around you in order to get ahold of Me, My voice and Spirit, instead of being overwhelmed and directed by the noisy circumstances. If you learn to tune in to Me anywhere, no matter what the surroundings, circumstances or conditions are, you’ll see how the worries will just disappear, and that peace of knowing that I’m in control, will take care of you and provide for you, takes their place again. (2013:8) My communications with you and your connection with Me are vital for you, the most vital and essential component and factor for a successful life, as far as what I would call such, and your learning not just to avail yourself of this precious gift under ideal circumstances, but anywhere, out of sheer necessity, is indeed more valuable than anything else you could think of. (2013:9) It’s crucial that you get the lesson, and it’s not just something you should do every now and then when the occasion arises and you happen to feel like it. Unfortunately, you still only do it when circumstances are less than ideal. - Human nature. Your need for Me only becomes obvious as soon as there’s a lack, a need, some sort of adverse circumstance short of the ideal. (2013:10) Folks don’t need someone who is swayed to and fro by the circumstances on the sea of life. What everyone longs for is someone stronger than that, with strength that will only come from Me. (2013:15) Can you blame Me for wishing you’d stay loyal, regardless of circumstances? (2013:29) Never underestimate the power of inspiration coming straight from the Spirit of God! It’s a Source and fountain of life and strength you can tap into regardless of circumstances. (2013:30) How foolish to become upset over circumstances, when you could change them with a whisper, with a thought turned into prayer? (2013:31) Regardless of how rotten the world and the circumstances, and maybe even the people are, there are still some things to be grateful for and some blessings not to be taken for granted. (2013:40) You shouldn’t be so stuck on your plans that you get upset if circumstances should force you to change them. They should be guidelines, and if circumstances allow and all goes well, you can keep following them. But if you need to make changes, it shouldn’t upset you or throw you off. Show a little flexibility! (2013:44) It’s high time for you to be putting into practice all that you’ve been taught in theory about rising above and overcoming the circumstances, even the flood of undesirable human qualities all around you with My help and that of the Spirit World. (2013:46)

Reach out the hand of faith and receive from Me the portion of My Spirit necessary to make it through your days victoriously, cheerfully, joyfully and gratefully, trusting that My Power in you is greater than any adverse circumstances you may encounter. You’ll simply know if you let My Spirit reign supreme in you, instead of the circumstances. Keep on learning, keep on believing, keep drawing closer to Me, and keep on trusting that I’m greater than any and all of your circumstances, and you might get there! (2013:58) I allow you to pass through circumstances, which may be conducive to seeing the error of your ways and changing your mind in the long run. (2013:66) The best thing you can do for the sake of your future is remain linked up with Me and not to allow life’s circumstances to toss you about, but put Me in charge of them. (2013:74) The Israelites first came to Canaan, the Land of Promise, and didn’t have the faith to conquer it because they found the circumstances were too adverse. Likewise, I have promised you any piece of ground your foot would step on, and you’re finding the circumstances too adverse to even desire it, much less claim it… So, what else is there left to do than continue your wandering about in the wilderness until either you or some coming generation will have what it takes? You say it’s unlikely that they’ll listen? Well, circumstances can change drastically and alter everything, including people’s readiness to listen. (2013:93) What matters is that you learn to stay close to Me, no matter what the circumstances are. And they’ll always be less than perfect in this life. (2013:106) Don’t forget the lessons in all the things and circumstances before you! Keep up the positive interaction and interchange with Me when circumstances aren’t ideal yet, knowing and remembering that it lies within My power to override any of these. Avail yourself of the power to overcome your circumstances instead of allowing yourself to be overcome by them! (2013:107) It would make a world of difference if, instead of turning against Me when you find yourself in adverse circumstances, you’d turn to Me, trust Me and thank Me for them, simply because by now you ought to know by faith that I know what I’m doing and allowing, and that it’s for your best. Be the kind of man to properly deal with and overcome life’s circumstances with a powerfully positive attitude, instead of just another passive wallowing in the self-pity of defeat! (2013:110) The way to get to victory is through fighting and not just letting circumstances drag you down and defeat you! (2014:18) You’ve got to put emphasis on how to get the victory; learn to stay more in the victory… instead of just being used to letting circumstances convey them… (2014:23) Put your trust more in Me than your physical self or circumstances! Sometimes I let the circumstances of your needs weaken a little, physically, so that you can put more of your trust for them to work out in Me. (2014:31) It’s more important to look unto Me and count on Me, depend on Me and My Spirit, than to let the circumstances in your life play the major role! Trust in Me! Believe and have faith in Me! Don’t just blame Me for having allowed your circumstances to become messed up! (2014:89) One of the most important purposes and factors has been to trust more in Me, not just rely on the circumstances… Life is difficult and hard sometimes… but that should strengthen your faith when I help you to manage and deal with those circumstances you might not entirely manage on your own. Sometimes the difficult circumstances help you to put more of your trust in Me, and thus strengthen and fortify your faith. (2014:91)

Maybe if life becomes a mess due to many mistakes being made, you’ll wind up praying a bit more for all the circumstances… (2014:117)

Don’t go by, or lean on your physical circumstances all that much… You know now – as others have found out, even without having much or any faith in Me or the Spirit World – that the physical doesn’t offer much endless or everlasting to believe in or cling to, because it’s temporal, and things in this physical world will be over eventually. (2014:134) Make the humbling circumstances not seem to you as if they were your personal enemies! (2014:139) It’s good to find out what you believe and how strong your faith is - In spite of the circumstances. Trust and believe in Me in spite of what the circumstances might be telling you against Me, and how they seem to deny and contradict the prophecies! (2014:149) It’s important for you to keep on moving by faith… to keep believing and trusting in Me, and not allow your circumstances to affect you in such a way where they drag you down. That’s pretty much the battle of faith: to keep on believing in spite of negative physical circumstances!

Don’t put too much of your trust in circumstances, and be not too dependent on them! Be dependent on Me! (2014:166) Keep hanging and holding on to Us, and be grateful that the circumstances at the moment nearly force you to do that! It’s more important than you or even some others might think! (2014:167) When you don’t feel like you can make it, call unto Me, and I’ll help you make it! That’s why tough circumstances arise: for you to learn to let Me help you and depend on My help a bit more, as it’ll be the need for in the future. (2014:168) Make your life dependent on and possible through Me, believing in Me, and not depending on the physical circumstances! Trust Me that it’ll work out and make you happier than being dependent on physical circumstances! You can make your life dependent on Me, more than the physical circumstances, especially when the circumstances obviously seem to be going down quite a lot. Now’s the time to depend on Me, not on physical circumstances alone. (2014:177) There are always new circumstances that might change just about everything. (2014:181) Strengthen your spirit, since that’s eventually what will be left of you! Right now you may not yet see where it all will lead you, but that’s another way and key to put your trust in Me, more than yourself or physical circumstances. (2014:186) As long as physical things and circumstances run awesome, you don’t need Me that much, but that’s precisely why We allow circumstances to drift out of their “awesome” rut, and become a bit more severe, so that you and others will recognize their need of Us more. My advice to you: let your current circumstances and condition strengthen your faith in Me, not weaken it, because you might need it more than ever before as times get darker! (2014:205) If it’s getting more difficult with circumstances around you, don’t let it distract you too much from Me, but learn to fight to stay close to Me anyway! (2015:45) That’s what rougher life circumstances do: They pull you closer to Me, and don’t let you take everything for granted. They bring back gratefulness for the blessings and good moments and cause you to thank Me a bit more for them, instead of getting you to murmur whenever things aren’t being perfect for you. (2015:48) Remember to keep your spiritual view upward, and don’t let the physical circumstances drag you down! Faith geared to physical circumstances is not the best source or input for a power of spiritual strength. (2015:55) I’m working at making a bigger blessing out of you and your life right now, even if the circumstances through which it is being caused may seem fairly dreadful to you. (2015:59) You’ve got to base your faith on what you can receive from Me, not the physical circumstances. (2015:61) If life’s circumstances offer a lot of negatives, let it remind you that there’s something better to come from the Creator! Don’t let the current time and circumstances drag you down, but focus on, and get prepared for the better ones, up ahead! (2015:65) I know things and circumstances are quite tough for you, and even if they seem just about unbearable to you, consider this, that the times to come will even be quite a lot rougher and harder, and getting through some relatively hard times right now will at least prepare and enable you to make it then! (2015:69) You should learn to communicate with Me under any circumstances. Tune in to Me and turn on that receptivity for My input whenever you feel you need it! (2015:75) Tough times and rough circumstances are there for those who don’t really insist on relying on themselves and don’t mind relying on Me instead, and all the help from Above they can get. (2015:76) It’s a tough and rough time ahead of you – and not just you – and it’s good to get prepared for it, and that’s something you ought to do, and not become so discouraged and weakened by the current circumstances, since they’ll become worse, which means, it’s something needed to get used to. (2015:80) Embrace the humbling circumstances, and don’t see them as much as a punishment, as they are a valuable lesson to learn, and hopefully means to help you get rid of that enemy force of pride! (2015:81) When things and circumstances around you look too tough and rough for you to make it, that’s the time you ought to rely on Me, call for My help and count on it! (2015:82) Faith and belief in Me should consist of not just circumstances in the physical realm, but the effect of My input from the spiritual! (2015:83)

Keep your focus in My direction, and don’t allow the circumstances around you to drag you down! Keep your focus on Me and the good, upward, spiritual view, and don’t let the enemy drag you down with ugly earthly circumstances he manages to create through folks who are basically serving him! You’ll wind up in the better Place far beyond the temporal world, and far superior… A little hard still to fully believe in while being surrounded by the circumstances of the temporal world, but that’s the advantage of tuning in more to Me and your spirit helpers, and the Spirit from Above! (2015:84) To gain greater trust and confidence in Me instead of in yourself, is what it’s all about, and a lesson you won’t regret having learned once you get to the time and circumstances you’re being prepared for. (2015:86) There are tests of faith through not so pleasant circumstances and happenings, but the rougher the circumstance, the more faith to make it through them you need, and the more you need My input and turn to depend on Me. (2015:87) Sometimes it’s all a matter of faith when things aren’t going as rosy as you’d want and prefer them. Can you still manage to believe in Me and trust Me when they don’t? Or is your faith in Me dependent on your circumstances, and whether everything is working out the way you want it? Let your faith make you rise above all the ugly circumstances in that world around you, which you know by now, are largely altered and rigged up by the enemy! (2015:95) To trust Me anyway, in spite of things that have a negative outlook, is not that easy, I know, but supposed to make your faith in Me stronger, and not just make the physical circumstances the major part of it. Learning to trust Me even when the circumstances aren't seeming so hot is what tests of faith are mainly all about. So, learning to trust Me when things aren't as splendid as usual is a great process of making your faith stronger, making it depend less on circumstances, but just in Me instead, as a Factor you'll wind up realizing and considering as the major part of it all, not just the things that had been giving you a good or easy time beforehand. When there are rough times coming up, it's a bit harder to keep up your faith, but it becomes more real by not making it dependent on circumstances! Clinging to Me, pumping for My input…this is the most important factor in your life, more than the physical circumstances! So, as long as you can keep trusting in Me in spite of any unfavorable circumstances, battles and trials, the stronger and more real your faith is going to be, and some day you'll realize that it will have been the basic factor to get you through life in spite of anything the enemy will have done to make it harder or even wipe it out! You may think you're under tough circumstances right now, but believe Me when I say, they're gonna be tougher! And the more you get used to having to handle tough circumstances, the better it'll be for you to handle the tougher ones. So, learning to handle imperfect circumstances is what it's all about right now. I know, they're tough for you, compared to what they've been, but the sooner you learn and manage to handle these, the better for you it'll be! The sooner you'll learn to deal with the rough times right now, the more you'll be able to handle what'll be coming up! Don't be freaked out by what's coming at you, but develop the ability to deal with things coming at you, so that you'll be able to handle the definitely worse state of the times to come! Learn how to handle and deal with the crisis of today so you'll be ready and able to deal with what's going to come! (2015:99) Don’t let circumstances tear you down, but remember that We’re above it all, and can raise and lift you up, too! (2015:103) Don’t let the circumstances drag you down, but keep believing that no matter how bleak things will turn out in this world temporarily, I’ve got it in My hands – and so does the Father – that everything will turn out alright, even if there’ll be times of trouble on Earth so hard, that even in Heaven there’ll be complete silence for some time, as you’ve read in Revelation. (2015:118) Faith is a matter of the ability to see the positive even in spite of negative appearances of your circumstances. Don’t just be knocked out by the circumstances, but see Me behind them, and believe that I’m still in charge and control of everything, in spite of them! (2015:121) Circumstances aren’t making life completely easy for you right now, but… try some obeying the things I’m telling you! (2015:124) Commit the circumstances into My hands and ask Me for those changes they and you need! (2015:125) It’s the unpleasant experiences that teach folks the most in life about things they could have appreciated in the past, and would now, having learned things from even worse circumstances. You’re having to learn a lot about quite a few positive traits and factors like appreciation and thankfulness… things which, unfortunately, folks don’t learn too easily throughout their positive times and circumstances, but rather learn how to treasure more when things grow darker and tougher upon them. (2015:127) Doesn’t it make you feel a bit ashamed to allow less than perfect circumstances to drag you down to a low level of disbelief and self-pity? (2015:140) While prophecy may change your mental settings, prayer can do a lot more, and influence a lot more other people and circumstances. none of the troubles, diseases and pains will happen to you, once you get into that Dimension I’m talking to you about now, and which, as a citizen of it through faith, you ought to get prepared for and not stay too affected by and tied up to the circumstances

you get hit by through the temporary world you’re in right now. (2015:143) You just can’t go that much anymore by the view of physical conditions and circumstances, but should tune in to the spiritual more! (2015:148) You’ve got to base your feelings and sentiments on your faith and confidence in Me! Don’t let the worldly circumstances influence you too much! – Not even the ways you may be feeling physically! Let Me be the Master of all things in and around your life and lean on Me! (2015:149) Don’t let the circumstances down there distract you so much! Make an effort to keep your mind pointed Up Here, and it’ll definitely have a greater influence and effect on others and make them more curious about what you have to offer. (2015:151) Try to make Us the basis of your life, not the physical circumstances! (2015:152) When things and circumstances start looking impossible, that’s when you’ve got to get into the gear of using your available help from Above… using miracles! Just the fact that your momentary circumstances appear to you as rather gruesome, doesn’t mean that miracles don’t happen anymore… If you can keep the faith in spite of any of the negative physical circumstances you may wind up in… now that’s what I call faith! (2015:164)

Apart from the way you’ve got to learn to let Me deal with things handed to you and depending on Me helping you through them, could it be that there’s another reason I’m allowing you to be confronted with tougher circumstances than you can deal with and handle on your own, and in your own strength? (2015:169) You’re a winner! – Ultimately. So, don’t let any of the current circumstances hinting the opposite, drag you down too much! (2015:171)

Don’t allow the current circumstances to drag you down so much! (2015:184) Sometimes it’s just the matter to follow the circumstances and possibilities, and learn from them through the experiences they bring, and make your future decisions and choices based on that! (2015:199) Life may not have an ideal set of circumstances for you, and be quite rough at times, but your willingness to deal with and handle it is worth it all! (2015:202) Try not to let physical situations and circumstances drag you down too much! – Even if they’re not as pretty as you’d like them to be… So, if the conditions and circumstances are rough, just learn to deal with them and handle them! Knowing that eventually they’ll be worse, that’s what you should do and get prepared for what’s coming. So, learn how to deal with and handle the far from perfect circumstances! Handle rough circumstances with My grace and through My strength and power! It may be the roughest circumstances of your life, but see it as the preparation for even tougher ones coming that you ought to get prepared for! As rough and as tough as circumstances may be, let them teach you to cling more to Me and help from above, and let them draw you closer to Me! (2015:214) Folks don’t pray as much as they ought to until the circumstances start getting harder and tougher. (2015:218) I know it’s tough for you, and it gets you upset some of the time, those negative circumstances… But let it be a reminder to you of the better Home awaiting! (2015:238) Complaining about the state and condition of the circumstances of the world around you won’t help, but clinging to My Promises to help My folks through it all if they trust in Me and put that trust into action is the solution to it all, so use it! (2015:241) Don’t use your circumstances as an excuse to break the rules! Consider that circumstances are likely to get worse, in fact, the worst ever, and it’s time you manage to learn to cope with that: things not all flowing exactly according to your own desire. Expecting that from a world taken over by our enemy isn't very realistic! (2015:245) Tune in to Me! Make that effort to stay plugged in and not allow imperfect circumstances to pull you out of it! Don’t see it as too negatively, that I’m allowing circumstances to tie you closer to Me and make you dependent on Our help from Above! (2016:3) Keep following and adjusting to the state of the circumstances and conditions around you, instead of striving to raise up your own! (2016:4)

The enemy will keep trying to make circumstances around you as tough as possible to discourage you and cause you to lose hope and be tempted to give up and quit. But instead, let it all make you stronger in your resistance against him, and let it draw you closer to Me, avail yourself of that plenty of help from Up Here, and remember that you can’t lose if you don’t give up, because that strength, Power and Source of it available from Up Here is much greater than his. (2016:6) Just because circumstances have gotten rosier and easier in many aspects, it doesn’t mean that they turned better for a permanently lasting way. (2016:13) The victories over attacks and negative feelings and sensations are mainly obtained through prayer! It means you’re leaning on Me, and thus will become much less of a victim of circumstances in the physical region. Let the Spirit reign! Sometimes learning to deal with and having to handle your circumstances is just what you need… and especially how to deal with and what to do about them, which is most of all arranged through the power of prayer! Nothing better can happen to you than when you let Me and Heaven lead and guide you! It’s so much better than just going by physical circumstances! Let Me be the Boss over them and rule over them, so that your leading and guidance comes from Me Above, and will thus result in something much better than you can reap from just taking conditions and circumstances as guidance! Commit them into My hands through prayer, and you’ll be able to trust more that things will work out alright! Make Me, and not just circumstances the Boss over your conditions, which you could command into My hand instead, to change them, when needed! (2016:21) Don’t let the physical circumstances drag down your spirit, but hang on to Me, and learn to overcome the effect of negative physical circumstances! (2016:22) Sometimes you’ve just got to get used to handling circumstances as they come and learn how to deal with them through My help and Strength from Above! Focus Up Here, where your hope lies, and not so much on your earthly circumstances! So, if you feel like you cannot deal with circumstances, remember the verse “I can do all things through Christ, which strengtheneth me” (Phil.4:13)! (2016:24) Life’s circumstances become harder at times, and especially with the world on its gear toward the roughest of all times… so you have to learn to receive My input even when the circumstances to receive it, aren’t as easy as they have been! Sometimes worse circumstances eventually help to appreciate the better. (2016:27) Don’t just be dragged down by the circumstances of the there and now! (2016:33) To get used and adjusted to the tougher phases, asking for help from Above is the proper way. You’ll definitely need it in the not too far future, so, I’m allowing the current circumstances you’re having to get used to, to prepare you for it, so you’ll make it through that coming phase. You’ve got to get used to making it through tougher circumstances, and take them with more of a victorious attitude and mindset. So, fight to make it through the current conditions, so you’ll grow stronger to make it through the future ones! So, don’t enjoy your circumstances? Then ask for My help and Power to change them! That’s the use and purpose of prayer! – Including the change of unpleasant circumstances and conditions of others you care about. Pray for changes when you need them! Don’t be too stuck on the conditions around you when it is within your possibility to change them with the help from Above! (2016:35)

Looking down, and all around at the negative circumstances in your world cannot be too helpful without looking Up at Me and Our Kingdom, from where you’ll find the solution to any problem, as much as your faith allows. There’s the Power to overcome all of that worldly life’s conditions and circumstances, and you just need to avail yourself of It! (2016:36)

That’s why things and circumstances are a bit too tough for you to make it on your own, without the supernatural help from Above right now: because you’ll need that Help more and more as time goes on! (2016:37) Becoming a greater witness for Me may be tough in the current situation, but you’re just going to have to get used to doing it under tough circumstances! Dealing with tougher circumstances and conditions is just something to learn and go through. (2016:38) Don’t see yourself as a victim of your circumstances, but do the best you can to improve them! (2016:40) It’s time to learn to put up with and handle the circumstances however far from perfect! So, can you put up with the circumstances of having to let Us help you make it through life’s harder times, instead of complaining about it whenever they’re not perfect and a taste of Heaven? (2016:42) Don’t let the circumstances drag you into a state where you get tired of living! Hard times are supposed to make more of a man out of you, instead of a spoiled kid and child of God! So, make an effort to see it through and make it, without much murmuring and complaining about the imperfect circumstances! (2016:48)

The circumstances surrounding you in that world are bound to get worse – and thus, something for you to learn to handle and deal with more victoriously! – With a more positive attitude! Resist the negative conditions and circumstances and see the positive in spite of them! So, don’t allow downhill circumstances to pull down your faith in what’s supposedly a better Uphill Dimension! Don’t let the influences of bad and evil circumstances the devil creates, conquer or overcome you! It’s your job to overcome them and show through your faith Whose Power and Strength is greater than the evil one’s. Now, judging by physical circumstances, it may seem obvious that the enemy’s got the power down there… but that’s where the wonder-working power of faith plays its main role: the doubtless attitude that the Good will win, after all, in spite of the temporary conquest evil seems to be having! Even if it’s a bit tough to keep the faith during the tough, temporary circumstances, keep that faith and trust in miracles! (2016:49) We just couldn’t allow the times, the situations and circumstances around you, to keep spoiling you and make things so easy for you that there wasn’t a way We could see how you’d make it through those hardest times up ahead. Times not nearly as pleasant as the ones you were able to enjoy before take a bit of trust, that We know quite well what We’re allowing, even if it’s not ideal for you, considering the level and quality of circumstances you’re having to go through. Sometimes there’s no other way for folks to make it through the hard times to come than allowing some trouble to prepare them for it, including in order to get them used to applying for Our help from Above, and not thinking or expecting to be able to make it through coming circumstances in their own strength and capacities. (2016:50) To lean on physical circumstances is like having faith in them that they’ll last forever… but you have come to know that things will be different, just as there have been changes in previous history. (2016:52) If the physical circumstances are too easy to need to apply for help from Above… well, that’s not really a life of faith, is it? (2016:53) If you need some improvement, well… do what you can to make it better and don’t become depressed by the circumstances! Don’t allow the physical circumstances to drag you down! For the hardest times to come, what could be better preparation than to get used to hard and tough times and circumstances? So, don’t resist and resent them, but see them as helpful preparation for what’s about to come! Strive for the victory and having a victorious attitude, not that of a victim of life’s circumstances! (2016:54) Life not being so easy at this time is supposed to get you ready for the hardest phase down there ever, so don’t complain too much about the less than rosy circumstances! (2016:55) Don’t feel too discouraged about feeling a bit hopeless as far as the circumstances are concerned, but let it gear your hope towards Me and all the help from Above you can get! (2016:60) It takes faith to have confidence, but that’s what you should fight for. Don’t let Satan weaken it through the negative conditions and circumstances around you! But keep the faith to look past and beyond them! Fight to overcome the negative circumstances in the Spirit! The weakness you’re having to deal with is also an advantage. – And the circumstances too unpleasant to lean on and rely on yourself and own abilities… Keep learning to lean on Me instead! – Totally and completely! If the conditions and circumstances around you are a mess, well, that’s the condition the world around you’s in, and becoming worse, so don’t be too discouraged! Let that condition turn your focus Up Here, your true Home, and believe that there’s Something much better on its way! Remember “faith, hope, love, these three… and the greatest of these is love!” And don’t let the devil kill those through the negative circumstances becoming worse, but put faith and hope above them, and let it fill you with love, the greatest Force, representing the Power and Presence of Our Father! Keep these three in mind and let them rule you, instead of fears and worries grounded by the conditions and circumstances the enemy brings up around you to weaken you! Don’t let your faith and vision be focused on the circumstances around you, but on My Promises instead! Keep your look on Me, Who can help you overcome any hindering conditions and circumstances! (2016:62) Trust not in the circumstances around you, but the heavenly Strength, Help and Power! Believe in My Promises! – Even if the times and circumstances around you are becoming the toughest and hardest in history! Put your faith Up Here, not the circumstances and conditions down there! Keep trusting and believing that We are greater than whatever trouble the enemy might toss at you! Keep trusting in Us and all the Power and Strength from Above, and don’t focus too much on the physical circumstances down there if they tend to worry you! (2016:64) Don’t get frustrated by the physical circumstances and conditions, but point your vision Up Here to Me and the host of heavenly helpers who’ve been through similar trials during their times on Earth, but whose arrival Here has confirmed to them that what’s to put up with down there will be made worth it. So, don’t give up hope in a better Thereafter, and don’t keep your focus set on the earthly circumstances, that are going downhill! Learn to cope with those downhill circumstances and conditions, by keeping your spiritual focus and vision geared toward your true Home! Don’t spend your time complaining about what’s going on around you, but let those conditions strengthen you in order to make it through the hardest time yet to come!

You may need more strength for that than you’ve got right now, but that’s what I’ve been telling you all along is available for you from Up Here, and you’ve got to learn to avail yourself of, in spite of – or specially because of the conditions down there getting worse. Don’t focus on the physically visible – the circumstances – but Up Here, the Place which is your true Home awaiting you, and from where you can receive and avail yourself of all the Help, Strength and Power you’ll need to make it through what’s to come! The enemy uses the physical circumstances around you to doubt that you can make it… but – hey – that’s the opposite of faith, and what I’ve been telling you for years is one of the most important factors you’ll need in order to make it. If the physical folks and conditions around you are not being all that helpful in order for you to make it, that’s just a sign that you’ve got to focus elsewhere – not at the physical conditions, circumstances or even accompaniments around you, but that spiritual side from which the very creation of your existence stems, even if it’s a bit hard to fully trust in a Force allowing those negative circumstances and conditions, and you’re a bit tempted to blame Us for that. (2016:67) The physical circumstances around you will always have the tendency to drag you down. That’s why you’ve got to learn to keep your mindset and vision and gear of thoughts directed Up Here… the side of faith… to keep lifting you up! Don’t let the physical circumstances direct your mood, but your faith in what you can’t see with your eyes, but faith ought to tell you that it’s even more real than what’s going on around you down there! (2016:68) If the circumstances are getting tough to hear from Me and getting in tune with Me… well, just let it be a signal that circumstances will be getting even tougher than what you were used to, and something to get prepared for! Sometimes you’ve just got to learn to put up with the circumstances! Confiding and trusting in Me that I’ll let them help to make you stronger for even harder and tougher times to come! So, can you keep trusting in Me in spite of them? Can you keep learning to take whatever conditions surround you as something from My hands in order to gradually make you stronger and enable you to make it through even much rougher conditions yet to come? When you don’t know how to handle your situations and circumstances, it’s good to remember that you need Me to help, support and inspire you for you to know the way and details of how to. If conditions have grown into a state beyond which you’re able to handle them yourself, it’s time to ask and apply for the help and support from Above, without which you’re not going to make it through the dark, tough and trying times to come, anyway. Learning to deal with conditions that are not what you’d prefer them to be like is all in all something positive, even if it may not look like that in the beginning. (2016:70) When the circumstances are of the kind you can’t make it through on your own, that’s a good reminder to apply for and rely on the help and Strength from Above! (2016:72) Stay tuned in to Me as much as you can, and don’t be cast down by the circumstances around you! It’s one of the most important lessons to learn concerning the times coming, of the roughest circumstances ever. (2016:74) Some troubles in this world are just coming inevitably, so don’t just expect different and rosier circumstances, but pray for the victory to make it through them! (2016:76) Realizing the need for positive spiritual input above your longing for pleasant physical circumstances is something that’s becoming very important, considering what times are before you. (2016:82) If you’re lacking faith, well… make it grow! Not looking at the circumstances surrounding you, but Up Here, as your only hope! (2016:84)

You shouldn’t focus much on the circumstances! The fact that they’re turning out bleaker just shows that you’ve got to keep your focus in the right direction, not the circumstances, no matter how screwed up the enemy makes them to draw your attention, but you’ve got to learn to keep your spiritual vision and focus set steadily on Me! Get the point of not having your focus pinned on the negative circumstances down there, but keep your vision set Up Here! Remember faith, hope and love, the three spiritual values much more important than any of the physical circumstances around you! When the circumstances and conditions around you are letting you down, that’s when faith, hope and love must come for the rescue! (2016:88) Don’t be too negatively inclined toward those circumstances you have to go through and learn to cope with! (2016:89) The miraculous support of Power from Above is what you need to learn to rely on, no physical circumstances or conditions. Put your faith in My Spirit, and learn to disregard the physical circumstances and conditions! The presence of John during My crucifixion, which proved that he wasn’t too shaken by physical appearances and conditions, resulted in the fact the he was the only one of My disciples not dying a martyr’s death. So, can you see the advantage of putting your faith in the Spirit instead of carnal and physical conditions and circumstances? (2016:90) If you’re going through ugly circumstances, just remember: so did I. And as a follower of Mine you shouldn’t be all too shocked having to go through the same sort of circumstances, especially when there are loads of people who are not My followers or even believers in Me, and yet have to go through them. (2016:91)

Focus not on your surroundings, but point your spiritual vision Up Here where all your hope lies, and don’t let surrounding circumstances drag you down! Although surrounding circumstances are ugly, have hope and confidence in what lies beyond! Faith and trust are so important! Without them, you won’t make it through the days to come. So, the time to strengthen them is now! Don’t allow them to be affected by physical circumstances! Remember that the carnal isn’t what lasts, but what lasts lies beyond that, and that’s what you should consider and focus on as your true Home, not the far less pleasant circumstances of the world around you! If faith comes through the hearing of the Word, can you tell how it’s growing in you and lifting you up from the discouraging attitude the enemy’s been trying to plant in your life through the surrounding circumstances, fears and worries? The discouraging attitude the enemy’s been trying to plant in your life through the surrounding circumstances, fears and worries… Faith is what helps you overcome all of them: the aspect of physical circumstances and your fears and worries about them, including those concerning what’s to come! Put your trust in Me and don’t focus on the surrounding circumstances of darkness sown by the enemy! (2016:95) Resisting the enemy’s methods of discouragement and spiritual weakening are the first steps to learn to make it through his worldwide persecution, when the circumstances will be the roughest ever to handle. (2016:96) Resist the evil and look Up Here; keep your focus on Me through faith, not on the hell-bound circumstances down there! Don’t let the comparatively gloomy circumstances - compared to the better ones you’ve known – drag you down, but keep your vision and hope set Up Here! The circumstances getting darker are a sign of the coming doom. Let Me take your circumstances into My hands and make the best for you out of them! Even if conditions and circumstances are rough, let faith be the key to the Force to make it through! So, while the circumstances look gloomy and doomy, let Me help you overcome them through the Power of the Holy Spirit! Don’t be dragged down by the evil influences and circumstances down there, but keep your vision Up Here, the final winning side! Keep your faith up in spite of the dark circumstances! If folks down there are treating you roughly, don’t let it bring you down or hurt your pride, but see it as part of the preparation for the toughest times to come, during which circumstances will be rougher by far, and – accordingly – people’s behavior and modes! Getting onto My channel is one of the most important things to do for any true followers of Mine at this time, and any circumstance that grants you to do so, is a positive. (2016:97) Remember to look past the circumstances and more Up Here, where your hope lies! Don’t be too discouraged about circumstances and conditions not being perfect! They never will down there. (2016:98) In spite of any tough and difficult circumstances and conditions, trust that I am greater than those and can and will help you overcome them! Let Me help you overcome the difficulties of any difficult situations and circumstances before you! So, don’t fret about the difficulty of circumstances, but rejoice over the need and according opportunity for Us to manifest Our helpful Powers to you! With conditions and circumstances becoming more challenging and difficult to handle on your own, it’s all necessary preparation for the times to come when you simply won’t make it anymore without the miraculous Help from Above. So, don’t be too upset and shocked by the circumstances that make you more dependent on the Help from Above! (2016:99) The advantage of harder times: Even though your physical conditions and circumstances are tougher on you, your connection with Me grows stronger. Don’t let your mood be geared by the physical circumstances, but keep your vision directed Up Here, toward Me and your true Home – by faith! With the difficulties before you, don’t see them as a hindrance or negative, but as something to draw you closer to Me, something to make your faith in Me grow, and as circumstances that teach you to become more dependent on Me and the coming need of the Miracle-Power from Above, without which you won’t make it through the troubled times to come! To rise above your circumstances is what you’re having to learn, with circumstances and conditions growing into the darkest of history. If the circumstances aren’t rosy, see it as a preparatory lesson and experience for the darker times to come, to teach you how to handle difficult times! See the times of things and circumstances going down as a way Up – closer to Me! “God’s way up is down.” So, try to see the negative circumstances as a positive through faith! That’s one of the main things faith is all about and is supposed to teach you! (2016:100) Don’t be too dismayed by the toughness of circumstances, but remember: they’re preparation. Preparation you need for times getting darker. And that’s not focusing on circumstances, but on Me to help you handle them! If circumstances are getting rougher than you expected and are used to, remember that it’s necessary preparation for the biggest changes yet to come! (2016:101)

When life has been more pleasant in the past, it’s usually harder for those to cope with the conditions and circumstances of aging. But shouldn’t it help prepare you more for Thereafter? It might take a bit more positivity to recognize and respect the benefits of aging, that drawing nearer toward the better Place you’re heading as a believer… but it takes some capability of overcoming the current circumstances and looking at the better Goal beyond through faith. (2016:102) Learning to rise above and overcome seeming impossibilities is what difficult circumstances and challenges are all about! (2016:103)

The times of taking it for granted to make it through are over soon, and as you can tell… circumstances down there are getting tougher and tougher. (2016:104) Depend on Me! – Not on circumstances, which are just promising to become darker! (2016:105) Remember to keep your vision Up Here instead of the circumstances down there! Keep your focus directed Up Here. – Not the negative circumstances around you! You should keep connected to Me to keep a positive outlook, in spite of any negative physical surroundings, conditions and circumstances. That’s one of the lessons of life: Not to let circumstances, surrounding, and even the state of other folks around you drag you down, but keeping your faith, vision, focus and outlook geared Up Here, your true Home, and toward Me, the Solver of any of your problems. (2016:106) Keep your hopes and your focus pinned and directed Up Here, where there’s a much better chance for you to get a victory than by focusing on your surroundings and conditions down there! If you’re beginning to realize the failure of some of life’s most important lessons to sink in, maybe it’ll give you the grace to put up with the far-from-perfect conditions you’re presently under. (2016:108) There are worse circumstances to come, and it’s time for you to learn to handle those worse circumstances! Learn not to let the physical conditions and circumstances drag you down, but point your antennas to the Holy Spirit! So, don’t let a little bit of ugliness of world conditions drag you down, when you’ve got to get ready for handling much worse ones to come! Cling to the victory in ugly circumstances and conditions! Earthly circumstances are something to learn how to deal with to make you appreciate your perfect Home to come! One of your major lessons to learn during this present reign of evil over the world is to keep a victorious mindset through faith – faith in the fact that Good will eventually win the final battle and reign; and not let the circumstances around you rule your spiritual condition. So, circumstances and conditions around you negative? Focus beyond them, the larger and everlasting Reality of the Spirit! Be ready and willing to go where and do what you may not feel like, if I’m guiding and directing you to go there or do so, even if through circumstances of necessity! Remember that faith and trust in Me is more important than going by circumstances! (2016:112) Look Up Here, not the circumstances down there! (2016:115) If life strikes you as something negative, use that opportunity for Heaven’s Help to turn it into something positive in spite of any negative circumstances and conditions! The training to make it through unpleasant conditions is what will help and enable you to make it through what’s to come. Take on a victorious attitude in spite of any negative conditions, and thus turn them into something positive! (2016:117) You can’t just blame the circumstances or others around you, when it seems you’re just reaping what you’ve been sowing yourself! (2016:120) A little more respect for the creation of your body is pretty much necessary in order to love your fellows as yourself and reap the blessings of obedience. Otherwise, don’t complain about your conditions and circumstances, if you’re not living up to the standards that will inherit the blessings from Above! Even if the conditions on Earth seem to resemble more that of hell than Heaven on Earth, you cannot disobey the health rules against your body, a temple for God’s Spirit. Don’t let the conditions down there become an excuse to disobey the Rules of the Law of Love! (2016:124) With the immensely dark circumstances approaching, it’s just absolutely necessary for true faith to grow into a state totally independent of circumstances, now matter how drastic and obscure! In the flesh, the circumstances may seem like a catastrophe… and trust Me that it’s going to start looking a lot worse yet. But that’s precisely why you’ve got to gear your vision according to the Spirit… looking past the physically visible, at a greater victory beyond! The uglier the circumstances, the greater your faith has got to be… and that’s precisely what We’re getting you ready for: the ugliest circumstances in history. (2016:126)

If someone’s being a bit rough on you, just see it as part of the preparation you need for the much rougher circumstances yet to come! Unpleasant circumstances are just something to get used to with the way the world’s future’s headed. (2016:127) Conditions and circumstances won’t be something to rely on anymore, but something to overcome and rise above with the Help from Above. Don’t be too shocked about conditions not being by far as rosy and easy as they used to be, but in a gear of getting you prepared for the toughest ones of all of world history! With a time-frame that will require miracles to make it through, you should just get used to relying on them to help you make it through the seemingly impossible conditions. When the vision’s geared on temporal conditions and circumstances, you need a brighter vision of faith and hope beyond and past all that. (2016:128) Don’t be ruled by the circumstances, but handle them whichever way they come! No matter how dark your circumstances, keep putting your trust in Me and the Father! So, don’t look at the circumstances, nor at the ugliness of what’s coming, but keep your vision and focus on Me – the Hope and glimpse that will see you through, along with others around you accordingly! Just put your trust in Me, and don’t let the enemy draw your focus on the circumstances around you! (2016:132) Even if it bugs you that every day you wake up you’re not perfect, circumstances around you aren’t perfect… but if you just keep that faith in Me and My Word, or let that faith grow anew through My Word, if I can handle it and live with it, can’t you? Let it be a warning to you about how easy it is for folks to lose their faith, so keep in touch with Me daily to keep it! (2016:133)

Closer to Him Look not at the waves, nor at the wind, at the state of the world, much less listen to their doubtful opinions, but stay close to Me and stand up for Me! (I:17) It’s a fine balance to know when something becomes a distraction, or whether it’s something I want to use to draw you closer to Me. (I:115) Stay close to Me, the One Who can ensure your safety, your health and your survival, wherever you are! (I:129) The desired results of all I’m doing in your life is you – and each of you – becoming that person I want you to be: a person that is close to Me, that trusts Me, that relies on nothing but Me and that won’t be shaken because you stand on Me, the firm foundation, clings to Me, the Author and finisher, and is satisfied by Me, the great Filler of all things. (I:177) You’ve each got your unique talents and calling, your natural ‘swing’ or ‘umph’ or momentum, that thing which is your personal special contribution to this enterprise. Some of you are still looking for theirs, but you’re all going to find it if you stay close to Me, keep coming to Me for every move and every decision. (I:224) Allowing certain apparent injustices to happen either draws folks closer to Me, or they self-righteously harden their hearts against Me. (I:333) If you fail in some area, I’ll use it to draw you closer to Me. (I:361) What is important is that you stay faithful and close to Me. Stay close to Me for true life, and don't let Satan fool you and lure you away from My side! Just stay close, that's your personal secret to success and the key to your future! (I:415) When your emotional priorities don't coincide with Mine, and the things I know are really the best for you, then I'm having to make use of the right you've granted Me to "do whatever it takes" in your life to draw you closer to Me and to get the best possible result and the greatest potential usefulness out of your life, even overriding your personal desires, which are simply not always in line with what's good or best for you in the spirit. So, consider it a compliment and a token of My Love for you when things are going rough in the physical, because that means I'm drawing you closer to Me and into My spiritual Realm! (I:476) Take Me with you wherever you go, and stay close to Me and on My wavelength! (I:484) The important thing is to keep trusting in Me, no matter what, knowing that whatever happens is good for you, and the closer you stay to Me and the more you love Me, the better it will be for you - whatever happens. I just require everyone to do what you can, humbly, and to stay close to Me, to trust that I'll do for you what you can't. (I:559) I want to pull you ever closer, and while I'm proud of the progress you've already made, I also see what's still lacking in your life, and how much closer you could still come, and have got to come in order for Me to really effectively and efficiently use you. (I:560) Staying close to Me may not yield the immediate, cheap thrill of the flesh, but a longer-lasting, more genuine and real satisfaction, which will not only benefit you but others as well. (I:576) Every little progress you make, every step you take that brings you closer to Me, is a bit of new ground gained for the Kingdom, and another victory over the enemy! (I:589) Often the more desperate you feel, the more useless, and the less "holy" you feel, the closer you really are to Me, whereas when you think you're so right and you're so convinced that the other party is wrong, you might actually be in for a big surprise. (II:4) It's not the feelings that count or indicate how close you are to Me. (II:8) Closeness to Me will make you freer than you've ever been. (II:12) You are on enemy territory, and it's scary, dangerous, and not to be taken lightly. Make sure that you're always close to Me, in tune with Me, and not letting go of My hand! Your incapability to make it on your own is actually your forté. It's your safeguard and anchor that keeps you close to Me. (II:21) Don't keep your eyes on the "impossibilities" of your circumstances, but on Me and the fact that they each come from My hand, only to draw you closer to Me! (II:54) Your loneliness is a godly loneliness; a solitude I use to draw you closer to Me, to strengthen our ties, to make your faith and convictions grow and enhance our relationship. (II:79)

Even My very own people, if they don't stay close to Me, can stumble, and become the very opposite of what they were and were supposed to be, and become My very enemies! The way that churches persecuted other believers shows that anyone who doesn't stay close to Me can turn into an old bottle, and they can move from the arena into the grandstands, turn from martyr into persecutor. It’s pretty easy to stray from the straight and narrow. This should always serve as a reminder to stay close to Me and that "he that thinketh he standeth, let him take heed lest he fall." You can only ensure that My grace will stay upon you by desperately staying close to Me, staying connected with Me and My Word. So if you want to be a blessing to others instead of a burden, and if you want to remain a blessing until the end of your days, make sure you stay humble, stay close to Me! Many have fallen victim to pride and the carnal mind frame of the world, considering worldly values higher than truth and closeness to Me. The line between potentially becoming either a Cain or an Abel is very thin, which should be a reason to always stay desperately close to Me, and to stay desperate for My grace. (II:145) Be not deceived, but stick close to Me and My counsel, and I will let you in on what's really going on, no matter what things appear to be on the surface! (II:146) Always keep on guard by keeping close to Me! (II:148) I use those times when you are alone to draw you much closer to Me than I ever could while you're distracted by others. (II:165) How I measure success or closeness to Me? The greater your trust in Me, the better off you'll be! (II:166) That’s where I want you: closer! And that's where you're going to be: closer. Closer to Me and closer to My Kingdom, closer to the truth! (II:183) Stick close to Me and get your instructions from Me about what I want you to give to those around you! (II:184) Faith is a drawing power drawing you closer to Me. (II:196) Since you sincerely want to make progress and come closer to Me, I'm showing you your enemy and what hinders you. The pride that makes you think you're better than God, the root of all sin, is what keeps you from truly drawing closer to Me! (II:202)

Your weakness is the very thing that keeps you close to Me! (II:220) I'm even using your faults to draw you closer to Me. (II:231) Loving Me is tool and an instrument to propel you forward for Me, it signifies progress, coming closer to Me, which always means leaving the old behind. (II:262) Everybody needs to experience some pain in life, and it is the pain, not the easy times, that makes you grow and brings you closer to Me. (II:290) Stay close to Me and let Me whisper My Words in your ears! Whatever good you'll do, if it's supposed to be something lasting and truly fruitful, will only be a result of your times spent with Me and of your closeness with Me, your knowing Me. Absorb Me, become like Me by learning of Me, listening to Me, loving Me and spending time with Me! (II:299) Trust Me that each stumble will be another fall upward, closer to Me, closer to My arms, and that I will always be there to catch you! (II:305) It's exciting, when you're aware of those trials and tests just serving to bring you yet another step closer to Me. (II:320) Keep believing that when you go through a trial, a hard time or a test, that it will serve to bring you closer to Me! (II:321) The closer you have come to Me and to My side and shown that you really mean business with Me, the more the devil has withdrawn his appearances of false peace from you, now that you're getting more serious about fighting him, instead of coexisting peacefully! (II:340) Desperation is good for you; it drives you closer to Me. (II:341) It's the bad and dark times that actually bring you closer to Me. (II:363)

The reason why I allow misunderstandings, lies of the enemy, along with sensitivity and pride, is to keep you desperate and close to Me, to keep you dependent on Me. The devil is My sheepdog, continuously snapping at your heels in order to make sure you don't feel too comfortable in your cozy little lives, don't start feeling at home in that world, which is not your Home, and to keep you close to Me. (II:366) The good works you do or things you accomplish don't bring you closer to Me, contrary to what you might think. (II:384) Bad times draw you closer to Me make you realize you can't do it without Me, and make you appreciate Me and the fact that I'm around. Life on Earth, with all its ups and downs, was created not only as a grand lesson and story to draw wisdom from for all eternity, but also as a means to draw My brides closer to Me. (II:440) You may be living with the most perfect people in the world, but with the wrong attitude in your own heart, and without that closeness to Me, you still won't be happy. (II:442) As long as someone is making sincere efforts to come close to Me, not for any glorious elevation of self's sake, but really only for the love of Me, the love of truth, and the love of Love itself, it's okay to trust such a person. (II:452) When the sky is gray, it's to draw you closer to Me and remind you that there's a better World waiting for you. (II:469) It's a spiritual art, to be able to draw others to Me. That's what qualifies someone as a good leader or shepherd: constantly drawing others closer to Me. (II:518) Make an effort to draw each person you encounter closer to Me! (II:529) I use anything to draw you closer to Me. (II:600) Truly mature people rejoice in their failures because they know they will draw them closer to Me, closer to wisdom. (II:610) The times you stumble draw you closer to Me. (II:617) The enemy is sly and tries all kinds of techniques to get you to think that this thing is more important or that thing is more important, but if you stick close to Me, I will always be able to tell and show you what's really most important! (III:27) You have to go through certain phases alone. That's when I draw you to Me or get you to focus more on your helpers. (III:57) The older you get, and the more weary you become of life and all its difficulties, which often at first were hidden from you, the closer you draw to Me, and you come to Me, realizing that you need Me. (III:89) The more dependent on Me you become, the closer you are connected with Me, and the closer our communication will be. (III:104) It is simply the best for you to stay closest to Me, your helpers, closer to the Spirit, and not veer into the carnal gear of things, which will just weaken you in spirit and cause you to fail. (III:115) There is hardly ever a distance between you and Me that I would consider "close enough." I always would like you to continue making progress in your walk with Me and your true knowledge of Me, really getting to know Me. (III:120) If you just stay close to Me, no matter what happens and is going on around you, My Spirit will just keep working in you and through you. (III:122) Those stormy and tempestuous situations during which you experience losses that don't make sense to you - loss of orientation, loss of crew members, or loss of certain material blessings, they're all so valuable to Me, because I know that all they'll do is draw you closer to Me; closer to that desired point where you'll desire Me above everything else and treasure Me above all. (III:190) All you've really got to do is stick close to Me and not get tripped off so easily, not get distracted or lured away by the enemy's shiny temptations. Just remember that it's best to just stick close to Me. (III:240) It’s okay to be following slightly different patterns of development from everybody else, as long as you stick close to Me. Sticking close to Me is a lot better than sticking to the wrong kind of people or even developing the wrong kind of traits around the right kind of people... (III:241) I'm drawing you close to Me, the only One in Whom you will find satisfaction, and the only One Who won't let you down and can live up to your expectations. Even if it means that you'll have to be putting up with the one little flaw in our relationship, that you can't see Me right now... (III:249) View your "problems" not as curses, but as blessings in disguise, for they are precisely what keeps you close to Me. (III:285)

If you don’t stay really close to Me things will just stop making sense. That’s why it’s absolutely essential that you fight for that daily time with Me and let nothing and no one usurp it! I keep having to tell you the same thing, because it’s just so easy for you to underestimate the importance of this matter. It’s simply so much easier for you to dedicate your attention to the visible things and people around you, than to invisible Me and My Realm… (2011: 50) Nothing draws you closer to Me than the experience of your own insufficiency. (2011:69) Find a treasure much greater than any and all things you might have to let go in this life, and count them not loss, but gains, in that they bring you closer to Me! (2011:113) Make sure you’ll anticipate any potential crisis by staying as close to Me as you can at all times. (2011:144) Draw closer to Me, as I am not only the Mediator between you and the Father, but I also serve as a mediator and helper in your communications with each other. (2012:10) I’m not leaving you that easily, but it sure helps you to stay close, when I allow you to feel a bit abandoned at times when you don’t. (2012:143) Lessons you learn from the fights and daily battles: The weakened state you wind up in when you’ve been knocked for a loop, draws you closer to Me because you realize you need Me, and thus you turn to Me and find strength in Me, finding resulting strength from experiencing weakness. Hence, “When I am weak, then I am strong.” In other words, you become strong through the experience of weakness. Your goal is the strength you find in Me. (2012:166) For My followers and brides, every day is a bit of an adventure to make you grateful that you made it through another day alive and without major disruptions… It thus behooves you to stay close to Me at all times. (2013:20) As things are just going a little uphill, you tend to put your confidence more in yourself and the circumstances than Me, but that’s a dangerous thing to do, because it’s pretty much an illusion. I’ve got to be your strength and what you rely on, otherwise you’ll be just as sunk as anyone else who puts their trust in the flesh. Be glad I’m saving you from that fate by keeping you close to Me by keeping you down to the ground of that reality when your mind and attitude are about to take off into the clouds again… (2013:21)

I’m working on drawing you closer to Me through this, closer than you are to anyone else in this world, but as you will see, there’s really nothing wrong with that, but it’s truly the way it’s supposed to be. (2013:34) I honor even the attempts you’re making, and any steps you’re taking closer toward Me, even if most of the times they wind up in your stumbling. (2013:37) If you’re not feeling as close to Me, it’s not necessarily on My account, but you just happened to let Me slip from your mind in all your feverish attempts to please the crowd… So, try to keep Me on your mind a bit more in all you do, and see what it’ll do for you. (2013:43) You don’t have to crawl around through the dirt, when I would give you wings to fly high above it, if you’d just come to Me. (2013:46)

Keep on learning, keep on believing, keep drawing closer to Me, and keep on trusting that I’m greater than any and all of your circumstances, and you might get there! (2013:58) If you would draw close to Me the way you should, you would also learn how to love Me and to be loved by Me the way you should. It’s a matter of taking the time and letting all other matters and affairs fade into the background, forsaking them all for Me and letting Me become the paramount Object of your focus and attention. (2013:59) As long as you stay close to Me and make that effort to get My slant on things, you’re fairly safe. (2013:91) If you just surrender to the circumstances and let them overwhelm you, there’s not much of a chance that you’re going to fulfill the purpose for which I allow you to be in a situation. Keep your focus on your job and responsibility toward Me, believing and trusting that if I charged you with it, I knew what I was doing and know that you have it in you to handle this, that you are capable of doing it. By putting you there I’m saying, you can do it, no matter to what extent the circumstances and obstacles may be telling you otherwise. It’s all a matter of focus, whether you’re going to look at the wind and waves of your circumstances and the raging masses around you, or to the One Who’s capable of enabling you to rise above it all. (2013:114) Even the seemingly bad things that happen in your life are for your best; they always work out toward drawing you closer to Me. (2013:122)

The fact that you can’t quite figure out where things are leading you keep you closer to Me to find My way and explanation of things… (2014:14) If you feel somewhat closer to death somehow, just let it make you feel closer to Me! Just let the whole experience make you feel closer to Me! (2014:20) It may look like something bad for you since I’m allowing things to make you need Me more than before, but if you keep in mind that the world keeps getting worse, it’ll make sense for you to continue to get closer again to Me. (2014:36) Some negative things happen in order to bring you closer to Me! (2014:51) Receiving some input from Me should keep you closer to Me. Scenes in life that give you a harder time trying to make it without Me, draw you closer to Me, and you’ll see them as an advantage in the long run, since getting closer to Me will turn out as a better status you’ll be in. (2014:55) Be sure I’m keeping you close to Me, even if it seems a bit of a tough road to you. Closer to Me, and closer to the end of the world, or your end in this world… Life in the world as it is can’t last forever, so you might want to get used a little more to what it’ll be like afterwards, when and where you’ll be closer to Me. (2014:56) As long as you feel closer to Me than to the world there won’t be many of the world who’ll understand you… But you’ll have a greater World ready to understand and welcome you after this life is over. (2014:61) One reason of having to go through what you have to is to find your way to get back closer to Me! Forsake all those ways and tactics and techniques that have been developing you further away from Me. If you look at your weaknesses without Me, you may be overcome by them and the enemy will try to use them to gain the victory over you. See, there’s a reason why it’s extremely important for you to stay close to Me, and why you should do it and keep doing it! There’s a method to survive and win the battle, and that’s to stay close to Me! (2014:88) Stay close to Me as the Giver of the Godly Force the enemy cannot win over! Stay close to Me, no matter what goes on! (2014:92) Just see something good in it, that you’re still being drawn close to Me! (2014:93) When You’ve got a rough time, just hang on to Me; ask Me for help, and let it cause you to be drawn closer to Me! Let the tough and difficult times serve you to show and teach you how close I am, and helpful I can be! Be thankful for My drawing you closer to Me! (2014:114) It’s sometimes good to realize that the physical life isn’t perfect and may be a tough life sometimes, and folks may wish it would run differently, but at least it draws them closer to Me, and since life hereafter lasts a lot longer, you’ll be grateful in the end for lessons that brought you closer to Me during your physical lifetime. (2014:125) It’s the time to get back into connection with Me, and doing things to prepare you for what’s coming. Get back into some more action for Me… I think you can tell that this world isn’t going on forever. Be more prepared for what’s coming! And that’s something that requires staying in tune with Me. (2014:144) Stay close to Me, and try to get ever closer, even if times for you are being a bit rough and might even turn rougher. Try to remember to keep Me and My connection with you as the most important and significant factor! Let it help you to grow ever closer to Me, reminding you that the direction I lead My followers is basically out of this world. (2014:149) When the world was looking too good for you to prepare for My coming, or the coming of the AC before that, or whatever crisis, there wasn’t much motivation that made you get closer to Me… So, letting the world become the world again, the way you remembered some of it, just reminds you there’s something better waiting for you and drives you back closer to Me. You need to stick close to Me and cannot just count on things continuing as safely as they’ve been for you, if you neglect the factors that made the safe time for you happen. (2014:150) Even though the present time may be much tougher for you, and so much harder, whatever’s harder in life will draw you closer to Us, you’ll see! (2014:152) Since I, the Father and our saints and heavenly helpers are the only hope for folks like you to make it through what’s coming, you better get closer to Us and learn how to depend on Us and get ready and prepared for what’s coming. (2014:153) Just keep going, and hang on and hold on a little more to Me… come a little closer! (2014:154)

Times that aren’t easy and force My followers to become more desperate for Me and My interception, are rather something good than a bad thing. They draw you closer to Me. And trust Me, that’s an advantage you will recognize some day you needed. (2014:156)

Stay close to Me, no matter how good and easy the times may be! (2014:158) The closer you are and will be to Me, the better off you’ll be. So, come closer! (2014:167) If you’re going through rough times that draw you next to Me, looking and asking for help, you’re getting closer to Me than when all things run perfectly and normally. When you need My help more desperately, you’re growing closer to Me, and, believe Me: That’s no disadvantage! (2014:170) There are reasons why it pays off to stay and stick close to Me and not drift too far away without paying attention to dangers that could snap up on you. (2014:174) Be close to Me! Don’t get too tied up with this world anymore, since most of its chief’s effort is to draw and pull you away from Me! If anything this lesson’s supposed to teach you, it’s for you to stay close to Me, not to let the enemy sidetrack you and lure you away from Me. Even if things aren’t working out for you the way they used to, just recognize that it just might mean you ought to stay closer to Me! (2014:178) Stay close to Us and realize how dependent you are on Us when the enemy pretty much rules the world in which you’re living! (2014:197)

Allowing you to become a little afraid is just the fact that We know that it’ll draw you closer to Me and Us, which is a factor that will definitely raise up your possibility of making it through the rough future. (2015:6) Staying closer to Me than before is definitely a good move! Stay close to Me! Try to stay as tuned to Me and My Spirit as much as you possibly can, for you need Me a bit more than ever before, and that condition will continue to grow as time goes on. I use defeat to draw you closer to Me. Hard and tough times will draw you closer toward Me. These factors sometimes help you to improve and behave better. And thus, it’ll all work out to draw you closer to each other, as well as closer to Me. – One of the advantages of desperate times. (2015:12) Only with My Help you’re able to make it. That’s precisely what should get you closer to and more dependent on Me and My Strength and Capacity. (2015:14) If you cling close to Us and even get closer, the better off you’ll be in the end. (2015:20) Hanging on to Me and becoming more dependent on My and Heaven’s help should draw us closer, and get you more into My gear and way of doing things. (2015:32) Maybe if you’ll keep a little closer to Me, it’ll get better and easier, and you’ll make it in the end! (2015:35) A tough life for someone who knows Me is a sign that he needs to get closer to Me. (2015:36) Stay close in spirit and let Me fill you as soon as you need something! If it’s getting more difficult with circumstances around you, don’t let it distract you too much from Me, but learn to fight to stay close to Me anyway! Do all you can to stay close to Me! The closer I am to you, the more the light will shine through. So, don’t let yourself drift away from Me, but do all you can to stay as close to Me as you can! I know sometimes it’s hard, but you’ve just got to learn how to make it to stay close to Me in spite of it! Getting, leaning and staying close to Me is more important than ever. So, make an effort right now to learn to get and stay as close to Me and the heavenly Spirit World as you can! (2015:45) When life gets rough, it’s a good occasion to get into serious connection with Me to either ask for help or some revelation as to what’s going on. It might also mean that you should get into some desperate prayer to beg Me for My help and salvation out of a serious mess situation. So, one way or the other, it means you should cling to Me, come closer to Me and seek Me more than before… take Me more seriously. (2015:50) I want you to enjoy life as much as you can, in spite of the hardships, but I also need you to learn and keep it mind, that a lot of the positive things in life depend on your connection with Me, that you make sure you don’t neglect it, but stay close to it, and even get closer to Me than before, since the times coming pretty much demand it, if you want to make it through them. (2015:52) I’m definitely going to need some followers who manage to stay close to Me during those dark days of the Endtime. (2015:53) There aren’t nearly as many folks whose help you can reckon with these days, which draws you closer to Me and My help, which – trust Me – is the best option for you to choose. (2015:56)

Cling to Me and pay all the attention to Me that you can manage, for now is the time to get into that and cling more tightly and closely to Me than you ever had to in this life! (2015:60) I’m usually a lot closer to those who are not feeling that much at home in that world down there, even if it’s pretty much what their memory of experience would bring back to them… but they still somehow expect something better than what can be received or experienced down there. (2015:61) Come closer to Me, and soon you will see: things get easier that way – relying on Me to solve the problems or at least help you make it through them. (2015:67) The closer you get to Me, the greater your chances will be to make it through these times there on Earth, where you’ve never really felt too much at home, but things are starting to get even worse somehow. (2015:68) Don’t just see your weakened state as something negative, but since it draws you closer to Me and strengthens your attitude and conscience of dependence on Me, you should see it as something positive, drawing you closer to Me and driving a greater need for Me into your conscience, which is something quite necessary for you in your world’s future and upcoming fate. (2015:73) Just see the tough and hard times you’re going through as times to draw you closer to Me! The closer to Me you are or get, the better off you’ll be in the long run; you’ll see! (2015:80) The hard times are drawing you closer to Me and make you avail yourself of My help, and thus prepare you for even harder and tougher times you might have to face in the future. See the good sides of those bad times, of drawing you closer to Me, which is pretty much the best thing that could possibly happen to you! Even if some of the current situations around you tempt you to worry a bit: use it to let you be drawn closer to Me, and don’t let any of those nasty situations irritate or drag you down! The closer you get to Me, the greater and more awesome your life will be! So, don’t be too shocked or dismayed by the rough times you’re finding yourself having to go through, but remember that these draw you closer to Me, and thus will result in positive force in your life, rather than the negative it may initially seem to you. Just get closer to Me, and feel more at Home Here, where you’ll wind up after you’ll have been through that spectacle down there, just as I had been, but eventually, like Me, you’ll wind up in the better Place far beyond the temporal world, and far superior… So, stay as close to Us as you can, and you won’t regret it, I guarantee. (2015:84) I know, it’s a tough battle, and a hard one to get through, but the closer it draws you to Me, and the more it makes you depend on Me and causes you to rely on Me instead of yourself and your own abilities, the more of an advantage of being taught wisdom that’ll help you through the times to come! (2015:86) I know your life’s taken a rough turn, and, well, it takes some time to deal with it and handle it, but most of all, stay close to Me, and get closer! You may not have a big clue about what you’re supposed to do with the rest of your life, but just stay close to and in tune with Me, and I promise, you’ll find out! (2015:89) Being drawn closer to Me will turn out to be a definitely positive thing for you, you’ll see! What draws you closer to Me, makes you more humble, more desperate, and feel more dependent on Me. (2015:95) Drawing you closer to Me means and results in greater communication with Me, but also greater dependence on Me, fueled by growing faith that I won’t let you down! (2015:100) The purpose for all that trouble and worries and frets about it: to draw you closer to Me and help you to gain solid trust and confidence in Me, believing that I’ll see you through whatever rough times should come. (2015:103) Learn to stay close to Me throughout the days! A time is coming when you won’t be able to make it on your own anymore. (2015:104)

Make an effort to stay close to Me, in order to overcome the enemy’s doubts and attacks, and not be caused by thoughts of things from your visible world to be sidetracked… Try to get a glimpse of what’s awaiting you Here! Surviving what’s coming will depend on your connection to Me. That’s why I’m pulling you so much closer these days and am working on making you more aware of your dependence on Me. (2015:107) If life has gotten harder for you than it was before, don’t just see it as a disadvantage, but see it as an opportunity to come closer to Me! Let that serve as a blessing to others, who might find Me through our closeness! Coming closer to Me is a great advantage in your life, and you’ll eventually see it as the greatest, and as what will help you most making it through life in that world run by the enemy. So, whatever draws you closer to Me, even if it’s the negative situations you’re being confronted with in your life in that world, see it as something positive, anyway, since it tends to draw you closer to

Me… the positive result of the negative happenings, with the end-result of the best thing that can happen to anyone, of being drawn closer to Me, getting onto the channel from Above more, and through becoming more dependent on Me, becoming a lot more positive and fruitful than when things were still working out alright for you in the system. (2015:112) Even if there’s an ugly time right now, don’t let it bring you down, but let it draw you closer to Me! So, if life is not so great for you right now, let it draw you closer to Me and teach you that that’s the way things will turn out alright: by sticking close to Me… to “abide in Me,”… “and I in you!”(Jn.15:4)! (2015:118) Drawing you closer to Me and making you more conscious of the degree to which you need Me, and will need Me and My help in times to come, are definitely some positive things when you know what I know about the future ahead of you! (2015:121) Even though you’re weakened, with no income of your own through any jobs… consider the fact that this might bring you closer to the way I want things to be for My followers, than the opposite, where folks are strong in their own flesh and investing it all into their efforts in earning money… (2015:138) In a way, troubled times draw you closer to Me and strengthen your trust in Me, because you just need Me more desperately and you become more dependent on Me. (2015:140) The best that can happen to you right now is to get prepared for tough times, and learn how to handle them, letting them cause you to lean closer to Me and My help, which is what you’ll surely need in the days to come. . (2015:143) If you don’t feel like you’re having enough strength to make it, just realize that it will bring you closer to Me! (2015:145) If you feel like you’re in extremely hard times during which you can’t make it on your own, don’t view it too negatively, but as something to draw you closer to Me and make your dependence on Me and your help from Above stronger, because you’ll need it, according to the way the world is headed. (2015:146) The tough times draw you closer to Me and your heavenly help, make you more desperate for and dependent on it, and well, that’s what you need for the times to come. (2015:157) You’ve gotten closer to Me, and you should keep staying headed that way! (2015:162) When your days feel and seem like rotten, it’s a good time to come close to Me and have Me fix things up for you. (2014:161) It’s not one’s physical abilities through which they’ll manage to stay faithful to Me and in My service, but when someone’s turning weak, not being able to rig everything up in their own strength draws them closer to Me. (2015:177) You’re bound to stay close to Me. My role in your life is what’s becoming most important now and in the days to come. Drawing you closer to Me through needing Me and My input in order to cheer you up and help you make it through those rough days somehow is supposed to make you get more used to the way the days and times of the coming future will be. (2015:190) Drawing closer to Me will make it all more worth it, more precious… (2015:211) As rough and as tough as circumstances may be, let them teach you to cling more to Me and help from above, and let them draw you closer to Me! (2015:214) Hard times draw you closer to Me. (2015:226) Hardly knowing how to make it through rough times should get you to cling closer to Me and My strength, power and help from Above, and that of Heaven, that’s available to you! (2015:238) It’s important that you stay in tune with Me as much as you can, and you know that the advice of My Word says constantly. Stay close to Me, as much as you can permanently! (2015:241) I’m allowing circumstances to tie you closer to Me and make you dependent on Our help from Above! (2016:3) The enemy will keep trying to make circumstances around you as tough as possible to discourage you and cause you to lose hope and be tempted to give up and quit. But instead, let it all make you stronger in your resistance against him, and let it draw you closer to Me, avail yourself of that plenty of help from Up Here, and remember that you can’t lose if you don’t give up, because that strength, Power and Source of it available from Up Here is much greater than his. (2016:6) The best way to get prepared for any drastic changes in life is to stay close to and dependent on Me and all the help from Above you can get. (2016:13) Keep your mind close to Me and Our heavenly Home, and let it bring forth in you the joy that will also attract others and will want them to accept that offer I made through My sacrifice on Earth, and the Father’s! (2016:36)

Let the rough times down there draw you closer to Me Up Here, your permanent Future Home! (2016:43) Don’t the rough times somehow draw you closer to Me? Getting through the rough and tough times draws you closer to Me, than just basically striving for your own advantages when things are flowing normal. It’s hard, having to go through tough times, but can you see a glimpse of their purpose, to draw you closer to Me and get your vision set a bit more toward the Hereafter? (2016:46) Things not going so rosy is just what draws you closer to Me and makes you more desperate and dependent on Me, which I’ve been telling you, is the only way to make it through those days to come… so, preparation. (2016:58) Sometimes I allow My followers and believers to go through hard times – even harder ones than they thought they were able to bear – in order to draw them closer to Me and make them need Me more when they had quite independent natures beforehand. Doesn’t it draw you closer to Me when you feel you can hardly make it on your own anymore? (2016:63) Life isn’t easy, but that’s what should draw you closer to Me. Once you realize your need for Me, well, it just draws you closer. (2016:69)

The tough times cause you to cling closer to Me, and thus make you more receptive for all I’ve got to offer you – the Strengths of the Spirit, preparing you and getting you ready for the Thereafter. (2016:73) The lack of confidence whether or how you’ll make it through even the next few days, weeks or months, much less years is something that will draw you closer to Me and make you more dependent on Me, which is a necessary process for the times to come. (2016:79) Come closer to Me, and you will see: it all won’t end up dreadfully; even if there are the most dreadful times coming of all of history! The closer you get to Me, the easier things will be. (2016:82) The greater your dependence on Me, the closer I get to you. With the difficulties before you, don’t see them as a hindrance or negative, but as something to draw you closer to Me! If you’re feeling weak, let it be My incentive for you to draw close to Me! - Something, if needed now, even much more so in the times to come! Having to handle difficult times is not to make you feel forsaken by Me, but to draw you closer to Me and make you more aware of the necessity of staying as close to Me as you can, depending on My guidance and protection, and not your own physical abilities! See the times of things and circumstances going down as a way Up – closer to Me! (2016:100) Don’t be discouraged by the rough times that draw you closer to Me! (2016:107)

Comfortability & Coziness Feeling too comfortable and too good about yourself distracts you from getting really desperate and looking for those areas in your life you need to change in. (I:199) The comfortable road is the one that promotes anything you like but Me. When you start promoting Me, it starts to become uncomfortable... (I:204) If you want Me to use you, you're going to have to resist the temptations of the flesh to settle for the easy and comfortable way! Being a soldier and fighter for Me is definitely not the comfortable way. Nor is the comfortable way in any way being a soldier and fighter for Me. It's just not My way to seek the easy way out, to look for the comfortable way, because that is the way that seeks to avoid the cross, the hardships and any sacrifice. Just because it's there, doesn't mean you have to use it or do it or that it's of Me. Making things more comfortable for you is not My will! To hell with the comfortable way! The comfortable way is landing an awful lot of people quite uncomfortably in hell, when you could have saved them from it! A lot of people are going through an uncomfortable hell-on-Earth type of life, while you are busy being comfortable! The most uncomfortable place for a Christian is a comfortable place. So, beware of the comfortable place! (I:463) Consider others worthy of your effort to help them, to reach out to them - to walk the uncomfortable path and go out of your way and sacrifice of your own comfort in order to make it easier for others and lighten their load! (II:98) It's not always going to be the comfortable and easy road I choose for you! The path of the least resistance really leads downhill. (II:114) It's natural to want life to be as comfortable, easy and sweet as possible, but it's not really good for you, since that's weakening you. That's why there are more battles and less luxury, less ease, less comfort! I need to get My people ready for war, and we cannot fight the foe effectively and successfully as long as you're weakened by all his lulling and tempting devices, by all his addictions to the sweet things in life! (II:133) To be willing to move away from all that's familiar to you is the only way you'll make progress, grow, and pioneer new territory. You can't do that by always sticking to what's comfy-cozy and the things you're so familiar with in life. Learning to fight in My army isn't always a pleasant, easy or comfortable thing. It includes hurt, sacrifice and strain, but that's what makes the difference between kindergarten and school, a battlefield and a playground. Usually it's whatever you're not so comfy with, that I'm trying to stress and emphasize on in your life, always the "totally other," your challenge points... (II:224) Will you bear this cross for Me? The hurting, the pain, the sacrifice and the humbling, as opposed to the way of self, the selfish way, the easy, comfortable way? (II:266)

I'm having to jerk the comfortable pillow of ease from under you, which is the breeding ground for that lack of desperation and determination to really go on the attack. I can't make it easier for you. (II:284) The easy way out, the path of the least resistance, the comfortable path with the least possible effort required is a poor choice! (II:317)

The devil is My sheepdog, continuously snapping at your heels in order to make sure you don't feel too comfortable in your cozy little lives, don't start feeling at home in that world, which is not your Home, and to keep you close to Me. (II:366) "The most uncomfortable place for a Christian is a comfortable place." Are you willing to go to uncomfortable places and do without the comfortable places at times? Most of the sheep are found in uncomfortable places... And finding them requires willingness to go to the not-so-comfortable places sometimes. The comfortable places are in the lowlands, and they're full of people who are not looking anymore, perhaps never have been, they're just satisfied with whatever comfort the System has to offer them, and the places where the sheep feel well are becoming more scarce. They don't want to be like all those self-satisfied gluttons of Mammon. That's why you've got to look for them in the highlands. (II:369) My goal for you is not for you to live a comfortable life until the day you peacefully die of old age. My idea of your purpose in life is not a comfortable vacation. It's meant to be more adventurous than that, daring them to wake up, challenging them. (II:542) Let loose those things that people of the world cling to! By accepting the world that they would like to offer you, a world of greater comfort and security, you would actually be cheating yourselves out of some of the blessings you would obtain by forsaking those comforts. (II:628)

Love makes you grow. It doesn't just keep you in your comfy-cozy little world right where you are. It doesn't hesitate to get its hands dirty, to move beyond the familiar place of one's own comfort, to go out to the highways and hedges to a strange land in order to find there totally other perspectives of life in a needy heart or soul. (III:83) Don't make yourself too comfortable, too much at home in this world, but keep that hunger, that yearning for that which is to come, that which is perfect! (III:87) This world is not your Home. You can try to make it as cozy for yourselves as you can, as all those unbelievers do, who don't care much whether there is anything else after this life, but there will always be reminders of the fact that this is not your final destination. (III:120) There isn't much love for others within personal comfort. That's why the most uncomfortable place for a Christian is a comfortable place: the more comfortable you are, the less love you have for others. (III:152) The enemy is having you focus so much on the flaws of others at times that you start to wonder if you're not better off without them. He knows that the way he can ruin My work which I have begun in you is to use those differences between you, blow them up way out of proportion and make you feel uncomfortable with anybody else. But remember that "comfortable" isn't necessarily a quality that indicates My will or direction for you at all! In fact, if something or someone becomes uncomfortable for you, then chances are that I'm using them to stir you up from your comfortable rut, which is threatening to lull you to sleep or get you stuck in way you've done it for some time. So, have a closer look at those uncomfortable someones you don't seem to be able to understand and who bring question marks into your life! (III:202) What was once necessary to protect you and keep you comfortable and alive must be stripped off and loosened, peeled off, in order to make you soar to new heights. (III:209) The deception is very tempting. Who wouldn't choose the comfortable way? The flesh automatically chooses that which feels good and is pleasurable... Nobody suffers voluntarily. But what price are you willing to pay for your comfortable life-style? Who and what are you going to betray? (III:214) Being accepted by others makes you too comfortable about who and what you are already. But I want you to keep changing, I want you to keep moving and progressing more in My direction. (III:241) “The most uncomfortable place for a (true) Christian is a comfortable place.” It was easy to believe that when you were still young. But time has caught up with you, and you find yourself seeking those comfortable places, not aware that the very state of “comfortable” may only lure you into a position very much less than comfortable in the long run. (2012:148) The less comfy you feel in the world around you, and the less at home, the more drawn to Our Home and attracted to the Hereafter you’ll be; and trust Me, that’s not a bad thing, as far as We Up Here are concerned! (2014:122) Life isn’t as rosy and as cozy as you might think it should be… but then, knowing a lot about what’s wrong with the world, shouldn’t you be able to accept that fact? (2015:226) Just finding the nicest and most comfy and pleasant place possible down there isn’t what it’s all about! (2015:232) The hard and tough roads teach you a lot more and cause you to develop more strength… the kind of stuff you’ll need in the rough and dark days ahead, more than what you could have learned and gained from the comfortable life. (2015:236) Life’s not a piece of cake fighting for the good and against the evil currently running it, but isn’t it the only thing that would give it all some sense, more than just one’s own comfortable survival? (2015:238) Keeping you confident in your own capabilities may be more comfortable to be able to rely on, but is “comfortable” really the adjective for the way I’d like you to use in order to strengthen your trust in Me and the help from Above? Am I really aiming at making things as easy as possible for My followers? – Or does being a follower of Mine include ways that aren’t exactly primarily comfortable? (2016:10) How comfortable a place is, isn’t necessarily the main question for My standards! The less comfy your place, the less at home you feel in that world, which I’ve reminded you plenty of times that it’s not supposed to be your home! (2016:43) Is what I’ve been promoting comfortability? Don’t keep listening to the comfortable mode and desires of the flesh! Isn’t it the comfortable ways that make you weaker? So, even if it may be rougher than the life-style of comfortability, when it comes to survival through the days to come, another, less lazy life-style will be the only chance to make it through.

It’s not so much physical fitness I discourage, as the more comfortable ways of the flesh the enemy aims to get most people addicted to in order to lower their chances of making it through what’s coming. It’s the physical assets of making things easier I promote less than the way of keeping your bodies fit! Fitness is still better than the machines and motors that make life more comfortable, and thus lower your energy level. Trust Me that the Spirit’s much more drawn to the body than the machines you rely on to make life more comfy! Sorry for the drastic and uncomfortable changes, but it’s just something you’ll have to get used to for the times coming! So, ready for the change of “fitness vs. comfortability”? It’ll make you feel better; trust Me! Trust Me that the risks involved in sticking to comfortability are higher! (2016:93) The less comfy and the less at home you feel down there, the better; trust Me! If that world’s just not your home, it should make it easier to leave it, don’t you think? (2016:125) The enemy decided to spoil you first with the most comfortable and easy-going years of your existence down there… He knew what would cause the wrong kind of weakness in you… the spiritual kind… while giving your flesh the thrills of its life. (2016:126) If judgment’s coming, see and understand why, even if it includes disadvantages, and the former comfortable and easy-going lifestyle coming to an end! (2016:133)

Conviction vs. Compromise The alternative roads, those which contain a certain amount of compromise, don’t have any hidden blessings, for they already appear to be so ‘blessed’ and easy – there may be hidden trials involved, though. I must make you so sick of compromise, you’ll get so disgusted with it, you’ll never want it again! Compromise is your most treacherous enemy! It’s the very voice of the enemy, using your flesh to get you to settle for the lesser option to keep you from walking My highest road... Beware of comfortable compromise! (I:157) All those who hate the enemy are specially loved by Me, because they have made it clear they are standing on My side and are not going to give in to compromise. You have experienced compromise and know its bitter taste, which is a great advantage, for now you recognize it and are allergic to it! That's an invaluable lesson in itself! - To refuse compromise. Because nothing will drive My army closer to defeat than compromise with the enemy. (I:428) "The root of all bad attitudes and mindsets is compromise." Compromise is settling for the devil's option and alternative to My highest will for you. Compromise is giving in to your own selfish desires, feelings and comfort, instead of striving at any cost for what I want. Compromise is letting the devil trick you into some kind of half-way and in-between thing to settle with, instead of fully saying "yes" to Me and following through on that commitment. Compromise is that which is standing between Me and you and what would keep you from total and utter commitment and yieldedness to Me. Compromise is a monkey wrench designed to disable My new weapon of full possession. Compromise is the breeding ground for lukewarmness. Compromise is the opposite of fire, devotion, determination and dedication. Compromise is the devil's contraception to stop you from bearing fruit for Me. Be on guard against compromise! Don't let the devil bargain you into settling for anything less than My best! (I:431) The Peace that I give is better than the false peace that comes from compromise and saying "uncle" to the devil. (I:438) Compromise with the world will always be a temptation until you learn to have conviction to know and stand up for what you know is God's correct standard. Remember to stay humble and honest and full of conviction and boldness to stand up for what you know is right, which is My standard, and not the way the world would look at this! (I:467) It's easy to follow God and be a disciple when you "know" that everything's going to go to pot. But that same kind of conviction is pretty hard to maintain when the world around you just keeps going and going without the judgment ever happening, and you wonder whether you've been fooled. "The judgments aren't coming, anyway, so why should I keep leading this difficult life of sacrifice, when everybody else around is having so much fun? I wanna have some fun, too." But real conviction stands its ground. You know right is still right, and wrong is still wrong. You know that you're going to be rewarded abundantly for the right you do, and for avoiding the wrong. (I:567) Being poor doesn't make a loser out of you. Only thinking you're a loser because you're poor, and that you have to compromise for gain, will make a loser out of you, spiritually! Establish a ministry that's really going to spread My Word and My message, and stop compromising for gain! (I:613) I'm trying to get you to make the transition from enjoying the prosperity you gain by compromising and relying on the arm of the flesh, to the prosperity that comes from truly enjoying all things from My hand, the rewards I give to those who obey Me. Things are very, very tough, sitting on the fence between serving Me and the devil. You'll either accept the deal he has to offer you that will give you his prosperity at the price of virtually your soul - the lack of ability to love - or you'll send him to hell and get on My bus and get busy serving Me and start doing what I recruited you to My army for! (II:59) When things are going okay, you're okay with compromise; you're comfortable with the idea of conforming and taking any easier way out... And thus, I simply have to send you lots of trials in order to keep you desperate and as close to Me as I wish you to be. (II:67)

The decision every human being will have to make: for the truth or some half-baked compromise, which sooner or later winds up as a lie or some form of self-deception. (II:72) Sometimes I test you to see how badly you really want My truth and My revelations, or how quickly you would settle for some kind of compromise and in-between thing. (II:85) In My eyes, the flaws that stand out to Me much more than little personality flaws or quirks in anyone's behavior are the spots and marks of compromise with the System. The greater the gap between you and the System, the purer you are in My eyes. Whereas,

if you compromise and, when it all boils down to it you're still a servant of Mammon, that fact will stand between you and Me, because it's just a matter of fact that "Ye cannot serve God and Mammon!" (II:118) I'm having to purge you of those elements of friendship with the world that make you compromise, ashamed to stand up for Me before them, because you don't want to lose your popularity with them! (II:133) If you continue to compromise because you want to make things right for others in order to have your peace, you're going to reap the results! (II:149) You like to mingle and like to be accepted. But one disadvantage of that is that you easily compromise My standards in order to please them. (II:184) It has to be your own conviction that must spur you on to do what you know is right. (II:204) I want you to learn to stand up for your conviction and not let them use you. (II:248) I'm trying to get you to progress by not choosing the easiest way, by not settling for compromise with the System. (II:317) Compromise is made easily for the sake of immediate success. Watch out that you don't slip into compromise, that you don't neglect your mission! (II:390) Christians are generally lacking to make the difference they could and should, which is sad, and a lot of it is due to compromise with the world. If the only way I can purge the tendency to compromise out of you is by making you a nothing and a nobody and unheard-of, than so be it. (II:413) What comes out when My believers seek to compromise for gain is a hypocrisy and spiritual stench that drives many away from Me and distorts the picture of what I'm all about. (II:415) The enemy won't attack you while you're fully alert and on guard. Only when he can get you to settle for a compromise, some limbo of peaceful coexistence with him, and he can get you off guard, then he has a chance. It may not have looked so bad on the surface, but only because you failed to look deeper. Look beneath the surface: it's rotten and stinking within, full of dead men's bones, and settling for compromise with it will mean danger of becoming infested with the same disease that killed them: the sleepiness disease of satisfaction and contentment with a peaceful coexistence with the enemy of your souls. (II:428) The enemy will do and try anything to smother your effectiveness for Me. He will try today. He will try tomorrow! He will try everyday. Not just once, not just twice, but many times. He will try through friend or foe, and, unfortunately, he more often succeeds through your friends to get you to compromise. (II:628) You can only sell to others what you avail yourself of and are using and convinced of yourself. (III:51) My true chosen ones won't settle for compromise with the evil one! For them there is only all-out war with him, and only one goal in sight: the Earth freed from his tyranny. (III:59) There will be no compromising with the antichrist. You'll be either for him and against Me or vice versa. The ultimate decision and choice will be required, and from then on there will be no more double-minded compromising. (III:157) You must stay true to the vision, and not compromise the truth for the sake of conformity and having your peace. Conviction is the refusal to surrender to any however tempting truce and settlement with anything but the whole truth. (III:159) Quite a few people don't lack the boldness, drive and conviction to push their cause in the natural, but they sometimes lack the integrity to make really sure that their cause is truly the right one, truly a righteous one, and not just their own thing. (III:244) It’s hard to resist the will of the ones you love, and it only works if your love for Me is simply greater than your love for them, and the conviction to do what’s right and what I lay on your heart to do is stronger than that love. As much as they might protest, to Me it’s a sign that you got the point from former lessons, and I’m proud of you. Anyone in this day and age can be a pushover and bend over backwards to please everybody, but few are the men who stand their ground and show the necessary conviction to not just follow through on their own whims or anyone else’s, but what I lay on their heart to do. (2011:120)

Running out of folks you consider worthy of trying to please might cultivate in you a sort and level of conviction you’ve never known or had before… A strong conviction and desire to please Me, instead of your fellow humans, might bring a freedom you may eventually develop a taste for. (2012:24)

The gift of hearing from Me includes the duty of doing what I tell you to in order to continue receiving the blessings from Above: Resisting the temptations of disobedience and compromise. (2016:124) The gift of hearing from Me includes the duty of doing what I tell you to in order to continue receiving the blessings from Above: Resisting the temptations of disobedience and compromise. (2016:129)

Dependence (Vol.2) Can you imagine what it would be like if you were completely capable of all that you set out to do? I'd become just about obsolete to you. Since I don't want to let this happen, for your sake and Mine, I am keeping you weak and dependent on Me. Now, you may not be so excited about that, and I understand; but you've just got to see the good in it and remember Paul's words, "When I am weak, then I am strong" (2.Cor.12:10). (2011:1) Folks who are in tune with Me and have a strong relationship with Me, and who have learned to depend on Me will find it easier to just trust Me, more than their own flesh. The criteria of how organized, successful or skilled you are don’t play nearly as significant a role as the extent to which you have learned to touch Me, lean on and depend on Me. (2011:2) In your loneliness I want you to find My Company. This is a precious opportunity for you to grow closer to Me than you ever were before and than you ever could otherwise, and to learn to depend on Me in new and greater ways, and this is not to be despised. You’ll need to be able to depend on Me in the future, and this might be considered some intensive training right now to prepare you for that. (2011:5) I’m helping you to get it right this time by keeping you desperate, humble, small and dependent on Me. You know how quickly your self-confidence can rise again, and cause you to begin to feel all cocky, independent and self-sufficient again, whereas it’s My delight to have you depend on Me. I happen to know that you need Me to survive, I’m the strength and power to keep you going. (2011:7) The need to be needed is part of love, and I want you to know how much you need Me, how desperately you need to cling to Me. I know you’re clueless, helpless and utterly dependent on Me. That doesn’t sound very comforting to you, but for Me, that’s the best thing that could possibly happen, and in the long run you’ll see that it is for you, too. Because the more dependent on Me you become, the less mistakes you’ll make in the long run. The closer to Me you are, the safer you’ll be, and the better you’ll fare, and the less there will be to worry about. (2011:12) Only what I say really counts, and that’s what you can rely and build on! (2011:13) Maybe I want to teach you an even greater grade of dependence on Me by leading you to independence from things you currently may deem yourself dependent on. I’m hoping I can mean a lot more to you in your life by replacing your need for all the things you presently cling to and have made your life dependent on, by your recognition of a greater need and desire for Me. Maybe the less you try to be in charge yourself of providing for yourself what you think you need to have, the more I can supply you with what I know you really need in order to be happy! (2011:15) You’re weak, feel incapable and frustrated because you’re so disorganized and can’t get things rigged up in your own strength? Rejoice, because one day you’ll realize that this circumstance will have been the best thing you ever had going for you, because it made you so dependent on Me! (2011:17) It’s good to experience love and mercy of the infinite kind… An experience that usually shows that it doesn’t really depend so much on you, whether I’ll be able to use you for something good or not – but just as with a parent and a baby: it’s the parent that does most of the action that keeps the baby alive, clean and fed. (2011:20) If I have made you in such a way that you are dependent on Me and need to trust Me for every day of your life, who is anyone to say it cannot be so? (2011:24) It’s easy when there’s nothing else to do, and you figure, “Well, I might as well spend time with the Lord.” But when the schedule is full and the babies are demanding, and you still take every spare minute you’ve got to come to Me, that shows it really means something to you, and you really want and need My input and are dependent on Me. (2011:25) Being dependent on Me for help is the most promising factor for success you could possibly have going for you. You hold on to My hand, and you’ll see that I’m leading you somewhere! My track isn’t just going to land you nowhere, but there is a goal and destination to be reached! (2011:30) If I make it too tough for you to take it lightly or think that it’s a breeze, remember that I do it in order to keep you close to and dependent on Me, perhaps even a little desperate! I need you to cling to Me, not just strut through life all self-confidently and selfassured, never doubting for a moment that you’ll make it. I want you to know for sure that if you’re going to make it, you’re going to make it because of Me, and because I’m with you, am on your side and your Helper. I want you to have the faith that even though you might not be able to make it in the natural, I can make it through you, and acknowledge that if it’s going to be done, then because of Me. (2011:39) I’ve got what you need and want, and am more than willing to give it to you. All you’ve got to do, is come and get it! (2011:50)

What do all those roads on which you can just rely on your own strength, wit and talents avail in regards to strengthening your faith and dependence on Me? (2011:63) There comes a point when you’ll need Me, and where you’ll need to be reminded that your own strength is not enough. (2011:69) I can take you to depths no one else on earth has been before. It all depends on how far down you want to go with Me. (2011:77) I train you in the field of greater dependence on Me, while at the same time teaching you new skills in new areas of your life, and in addition, I’m dealing with your character and will iron out some flaws in your attitudes and behavior. (2011:85) Soon you’re truly going to need Me more than ever before to rely on. (2011:87) True strength comes from weathering the storms and difficulties you are bound to encounter especially during the later years in life, when you will also learn to not face them in your own, diminishing physical strength, but will rely more on Mine to support and sustain you. (2011:103) As long as people have their own opinions that they base on their own thoughts, preferences and feelings about things and without sacrificing their own bias and making their stance dependent on My input, there will be mistakes. When someone becomes popular and established, the affirmation and strength they walk in often turns out to be their own instead of Mine. They’re not desperate enough anymore to seek My face about everything and to utterly depend on Me. (2011:104) Life may be hard right now, but that’s the best way for My followers to cling to Me and learn to depend on Me, not just on their own role to play in the world and supply their own needs, as has been the common way for most to do. (2011:106) It’s all a matter of continuing to cling to Me and not allowing the enemy to make you believe him, that because of your faults you should not be worthy of My love, help and forgiveness anymore. (2011:112) My words to you don’t always seem to have an immediate, lasting effect on you. You tend to forget the lessons. But that forces you to come back to Me for more new input, which is again another positive in My eyes because it keeps you dependent on Me. A lot of people don’t realize how dependent they are on My input, and when somebody does, it makes Me glad. (2011:113) Most people don’t realize their need for Me because of their distorted perceptions and views of themselves. (2011:118) There is not one person who could be considered all good or all bad. What makes a person good and pure in the Father’s eyes is the extent to which they rely on Me and look to Me and depend on Him and His grace for any amount of goodness and wholesome fruit they may bring forth in their lifetime. (2011:137) The experiences when you have to temporarily make do without something you’re usually dependent on, teach you not to take it for granted. It all depends on your faith. (2011:146) Discovering the deeper meaning of everything and hitting the nail on the head by fulfilling your part in that destiny is something that entails great responsibility, and the burden is not too heavy if you rely on Me to show you, teach you how, and help you to carry it. (2012:29) Your breakthroughs depend on your prayers, your desperation, and the strength and intensity with which you seek Me and My aid. In finding Me you can find anything else you set out to find anywhere else, but you’ve got to seek Me first. If you seek reason and meaning and purpose, you will find it in Me and through Me. If you seek joy, happiness and laughter, you will find it through Me. All My blessings and joys of life are yours for the asking, but what doesn’t work is, trying to find them without Me and ignoring Me when you should know better. If you’re looking for something or there’s anything you need, I’m your Man. I’m the One to go through, the one channel and connection by which you can obtain everything you need and desire, so, think how important it is to uphold and keep that connection established. Don’t let it be eroded by all the friction of your daily circumstances and the attempts of the carnal life to distract you from what’s really relevant. I’m the one Factor that can make all the difference in the world in your life, so think how vehemently the opposing forces will fight to keep you from making that happen, and fight back accordingly, defending this greatest treasure in your life with all you’ve got. (2012:34)

Many extremely wealthy people don’t want to have to rely on Me and My mercy, but to take their fate into their own hands and get what they want and when they want it without having to wait for Me or ask Me for anything. (2012:38) Feel like you can’t make it? Great time to learn to depend on My help; just don’t quit! (2012:45) The best attitude of all for a believer to have is, “I can do all things through Christ,” and not leaving Me out of the equation, especially when I’ve been giving you so many lessons on dependence on God that I’m expecting you to have learnt something from them.

As much as independence and self-sufficiency is sought after in the world, when it comes to My relationship with My children, it’s not necessarily always the highest criterion I would advocate, because there are inevitably going to come up situations in which you won’t be able to cope without My help, and you will better have learnt how to avail yourself of it when those arise. (2012:50) If you’re in tune with My eternal, true Mother World, then you can rely on My greater Control over everything, including your physical circumstances, able to alter or adjust them at any time, and definitely minimize their effect and impact on you. (2012:52) In general I may prefer when people have the faith to rise above their circumstances and live more independently – and more dependently on Me instead. (2012:63) I have a harder time getting through people who manage to do everything more perfectly in their own strength than those who desperately need My help for nearly every step of the way. Independence may be a goal and virtue according to worldly standards, but I can assure a brighter future to those who learn to depend on Me. (2012:82) Should you find out that you can rely on Me, think just where it might take you from there, and this might only be the beginning… (2012:84)

It requires more faith and humility to live a life of reliance on Me. (2012:87) Keep your connection with Me strong! I’m still the Vine, and you’re still only a branch that cannot do anything without My life-giving sap. In fact, the older and stronger the branch, the more sap it needs. (2012:94) It’s a good thing to keep insisting and persisting until you got ahold of Me and My voice before plunging into the day. It’s a major step in learning dependence on Me. First of all you need to recognize your own incapacity and need of Me, which then prompts you not to make a move until you got ahold of Me, My Presence, My voice in your life. (2012:95) People have a tendency to make themselves dependent on some magic weapon I give them, instead of Me, but I like to be their Magic Weapon. Why is it so hard to permanently put your trust in Me, and let it be Me you depend on, instead of something I give you? (2012:97) I know it feels good when you “can do it,” and it’s not that I mind you enjoying that feeling altogether, at least not on occasion. It’s just when people live for that sense of accomplishment, it can become like a drug and addiction, and while I can’t do much about it in the case of unbelievers, or even those who know Me, but not well enough to understand the importance of relying on Me wholly, the one thing you need training in – and thus I’ll give it to you – is learning dependence on Me, not that independent sense of achievement. (2012:100) Sometimes you wonder how on earth you’re going to make it; and you’re right: in your own, physical strength alone you probably won’t, and that’s why you need to be able to rely on Me and on My strength, which requires humility, not some strong sense of independence. (2012:102) You like to be independent – who doesn’t? That’s what every child strives for from the time they’re still babies. Everyone wants to do things for and by themselves. They don’t want to be dependent on someone else’s help, lest they might have to show some gratitude. And you feel all self-accomplished when you pay your own dues in life. That’s the way to go, as far as the world is concerned… All of a sudden that rug is pulled out from underneath you, and you’re going to have to rely solely and absolutely on Me. Of course, you’re nervous, since you haven’t given Me much credit lately for any role I might have played in your chain of supply, and as a result, the age-old attitude ensues of the working man who thinks he deserves to be treated royally at home, because he does everything, and everyone else does nothing, since taking care of kids and a household obviously don’t count… Well, I must say, I like the humble and dependent and helpless version of you better than that. (2012:103) Give your flesh a break from striving to support and uphold itself, allowing Me to do so again, for a change… Not knowing whether you can do things at all, offers a great opportunity for you to lean and depend wholly on Me. (2012:110) It’s hard to withstand the temptation of what the whole world constantly glorifies and advertises: man’s abilities, man’s strength and achievement and struggle for independence and freedom. The message is that the right kind of people can make things right, and they can do it by themselves, they don’t need any help. And it sounds and looks so good, you’re wondering why you’re being denied the right to join in the fray for achievement, accomplishment, independence and freedom; not to mention affluence… While self-confidence ranks way up high in the ratings of desirable qualities for folks who are interested in nothing else than getting ahead in this world, it’s a fairly poor requisite according to My criteria and requirements for getting things done in My line of work, where dependence on Me, not self-sufficiency is the essential ingredient. (2012:116) Enter into a life-style where you’re going to depend and rely much more on My strength! Falling onto My strength is something that in the end requires a lot less of your own, so it’s not nearly as exhausting, and thus, much easier in many aspects, than relying on your own strength and feats. It’s My yoke that’s easy; My burden that’s light.

Rigging it up in your own strength is what makes it hard and causes the worry. Relying on Me and letting Me take care of it is really the easier way. Those who glory in having accomplished and achieved everything they did in their own strength and without anyone’s help can turn out to become quite hardened and bitter toward those who ask for help – the less deserving in their opinion, and, of course, they usually sneer at Me and relish nothing more than the fact that they never had to ask for or depend on My help. They made it on their own. (2012:117) I’m beckoning you to do things more My way, in the way of trusting Me more for your sustenance, stronger dependence on Me, more than on your own arm. It’s hard to let go of the way of self-confidence and relying on your own strengths and talents, but I want to encourage you: There’s nothing to be afraid of. You won’t regret it. Maybe that’s why at times I allow you to become so tired of the kind of life where you’re trying to push and pull so hard in your own strength, allowing you to recognize the futility of all that, especially because I know the vast difference between what your life is and what it could be if you’d just let go and let Me lead you there to the path of faith where I can truly carry the bear share of your burdens. (2012:123) Maybe your own strength is not sufficient for you – and good for you – but Mine is. If more strength is expected from you than you’ve got to offer up, then it’s a good opportunity to practice making use of Mine. Perfect training in dependence on Me. The older you get, the more you begin to realize that your own strength isn’t going to be sufficient to cope with the challenges ahead of you, and only Mine is. You learn to depend on My strength more, and thus your strength actually increases with the number of your days, since My strength is always greater than your own, even if you may not realize that as clearly in your youth. That’s why I can use folks like Nick Vujicic so tremendously, who are the epitome of a picture of powerlessness and helplessness: You just know that what empowers them is My strength… especially in his case, with no arms of flesh to lean on at all… So, powerless can be a great premise for learning to avail yourself of the greatest force and power in the universe… (2012:130) What a situation for an intensive crash course in Dependence on Me! If there’s no one else far and wide to rely on, then it’s a good opportunity to really start learning to rely and depend on Me. Which means, you’re going to have to seek Me more desperately than ever, make greater efforts than ever before to get ahold of Me and My strength; in other words, it’s time to shed all other distractions and give our connection and relationship all you’ve got. (2012:135) What seems like an impossible situation and dead end to you, could be the ideal setting for Me: a situation in which you’re absolutely forced to rely on My strength and Power to get anything done at all. (2012:138) I want you to be dependent on My light to see. (2012:145) If you depend on circumstances to pep you up, or any other means to keep you inspired, you’re going to realize that they’re bound to let you down. They may hold some of the energy and inspiration you need, but the one reliable Source you can really count on, that won’t let you down and will never run out of steam is Me and My unlimited resources to refresh and revive you. You can depend on Me. Everything else stands on wobbly feet in comparison. Here I am, always ready and waiting to feed you, fill you and inspire you. Who or what else can render that kind of a service? The older you get and the more your natural resources of energy run out, diminish and turn into a trickle compared to what they were before, the more you will have to rely on Me to do the trick of keeping you up and running the way you ought. So, you may view the process of aging as a definite negative in your life, but I see it as a definite positive, because it’s a factor that makes you turn to Me and depend on Me for strength to go on like hardly any other. (2012:150) The goal is to keep sparkling and shining until the end, but not everyone has that stamina which comes only from truly holding on to Me and relying on Me. (2012:180) All the array of confusing voices trying to tell you what to do, is that it makes you seek out My voice and usually finding it to be the one guiding light and beacon you can trust and rely on. (2012:181) People just don’t realize how desperately they need Me, and I know you’re tempted to listen to the voices trying to tell you that it’s a sign of weakness, but really, it’s your only true strength. (2013:2) You need Me, that’s all. I’m a pretty necessary, indispensable Part of your life, and if you forget or neglect Me, you’re not going to get very far; that’s just as simple as it is. (2013:6)

The need and vacuum have to be there first, that instigate you and prompt you to reach out the hand of faith to flip that switch that cranks up My heavenly machinery of your behalf. Your getting to the point of seeing the need and turning to Me for My help to fill that need is an integral step and part of the process. It’s the part you must and can do. You may not have sufficient energy or initiative or skill for anything else, but that’s always got to be the first step, and I can then give you whatever it is you lack. What other difference, or what more significant one is there between your life and those of unbelievers, but your recognizing your need for Me? Recognizing a need is always an experience not welcomed by natural human instinct, since it always has that bleak by-taste of emptiness, void, cold and darkness to it, somewhat of a hunger, and while others seek to fill that void with other means when it

comes up, you will not go unrewarded for putting your trust in that howbeit invisible Source, requiring a lot more faith than worldly alternatives, which may be accessible at times, but not necessarily always, as millions of people around the globe experience daily, who have nothing and no one to turn to, to help them out, which should make you appreciate My Presence and help in your life all the more. The experiences that make you need My help and My coming through for you yet again will remind you of My faithfulness and strengthen your appreciation of that factor that makes you so different from the rest of them… (2013:9) Your need for Me only becomes obvious as soon as there’s a lack, a need, some sort of adverse circumstance short of the ideal. (2013:10)

As long as you are able to show that you’re dependent on Me, not on any human flesh, you’ll show that you have strength that is greater than theirs, than the average of the weak and dependent, who allow their dependency to bind and enslave them. (2013:15) You’ve only got Me to rely on to lift you up and above all this mess, your only way out! I’ve got to be your strength and what you rely on, otherwise you’ll be just as sunk as anyone else who puts their trust in the flesh. (2013:21)

Time is too short to be spending it struggling along in the arm of the flesh. Learn to depend on Me and let Me do it for and through you instead! I’m happy about the fact that you’re closer to Me, seeking Me more seriously, forced to put your trust and reliance on Me. Learn to depend on Me and let Me do it for and through you instead! (2013:22) I’m a Counselor and conversation partner you can totally rely on, and it’s simply a fact that not everyone can boast of that. (2013:34) Not to come to Me for the strength you need makes the mistake all the more blatant when you neglect your first duty of coming to fellowship with Me, when you need so much what I can give you, and you’re hopeless without it. All depends on the extent to which You cling to Me, cherish Me and give Me first place. (2013:42) If there weren’t any problems, any challenges that you can’t deal with by yourself, then what need would You have for Me at all? So, being needy is not a bad thing. In fact, needing Me, and recognizing that need, admitting to it, and the affirmation of it, when you call out for Me, is a very good thing: Just about the best. You might say, it’s one of the corner stones of the meaning of life. Finding out your need for Me is just about what it revolves around. (2013:65) I’m the Factor of assurance and certainty you can rely on in this world of uncertainty. The more you realize how unreliable, unstable and uncertain just about everything in this life and world is, the more you’ll recognize your need for Me, and will act accordingly, seek Me more fervently, and thus your life will also become more stable, and the degree of certainty, assurance and confidence in your life will increase. (2013:69) The flaws in My word-givers and instruments and media throughout the ages are My safeguard system to prevent you from relying solely on any earthly, human or physical source, and to ensure that you would run straight to the true Source, the only infallible One instead. (2013:78) As long as you’re pretty much self-sufficient, except for a little help from Me via prayer, My blessings and protection, you can’t really have the same level of dependence on Me, and the ensuing level of closeness to Me and the resulting level of inspiration. I can only fully take over your life once you truly let Me have the reins over it and all your daily affairs, and as long as you manage to take your survival into your own hands, instead of fully depending on Me for it, that won’t happen. (2013:85)

You’re all groomed for independence in this modern, self-sufficient society, but you’ve gotten wind that I’m trying to regroom you for greater dependence on Me, or perhaps, better put, greater realization and acknowledgement of your dependence on Me. If it’s true that “without Me you can do nothing,” then it stands to reason that it’s probably futile in the long run to even waste all that time trying, and finally come to grips with the fact that it’s simply going to be better to include Me in it, whatever it is. (2013:118) Whatever you do, as long as you consult and include Me, you can always be sure the outcome is going to be better than if you don’t. I’m the key to what you would consider success: a successful life you’ll be able to look back on with satisfaction. (2013:119) Sometimes I challenge you to take on more than you might be able to take on at present in order to make you stronger and make you grow, though, and that’s the time you learn the most important thing of all, to cling to Me and learn to depend on Me to make it. If you feel like you can’t, your first reaction should not be to quit, but to call on Me for help and see what a difference that’ll make! (2013:125) It’s not so much other folks I want you to cling to desperately, but Me; since I’m really the only One Who can really help to see you through what’s coming… (2014:6)

The good part about life is drawing closer to Me, turning back into greater dependence on Me, as opposed to former attitudes concerning depending largely on oneself… (2014:7) Get more used to depending on Me, even if it seems tougher to you than being able to depend on yourself and your own mind! What makes more sense, to depend on yourself, or on Me? You’re supposed to depend on Me and the Father’s help as a child of God; so it’s a good time to get used to hearing and finding out from Me again what’s necessary and what you’re supposed to do; how to handle the difficult times in your life. It’s time to get used to leaning and depending on My counsel to you again, not just make it in the force of your own flesh and mind. (2014:13) Keep our relationship active and alive, staying aware of your need for Me; that’s the way to do it. Just keep Me on your mind! Keep Me present in your every-day living! (2014:17) It’s good that you experience this growing need for Me, and that you’re actively feeling that you’re having to keep activating your connection with Me and stay in touch with Me in a stronger way than you did before. (2014:23) A situation during which you need Me desperately is not altogether bad, if you can manage to see the good part about being dependent of Me… You’ve largely been dependent on your own capacities, and becoming more dependent on Me, My help and council again seems a little strange or different for you… But the good part about it is putting your trust more in Me than your physical self and circumstances… (2014:31) Maybe the fact that you can’t really and fully trust in your own strength reminds you of relying on Mine. Maybe what’s happening to you is reminding you of availing yourself of My strength… it's a reminder to rely on Me. You should be able to rely on Me, not trust in yourself or in good luck. (2014:32) What happened to you through your physical change is that you’re more dependent now of My help. In other words, your own independence isn’t that important to you anymore, and it’s a change that makes unity more significant and important to you. (2014:37)

Try to count and rely on Me, the Father and all of Heaven more than on money, which the Devil mainly made take over the role of spiritual values in this world! (2014:42) I’d prefer to have you depend on Me a bit more. Rigging it up for people to be able to depend on the state they live in makes it easiest for the enemy to have people neglecting to put their trust in Me… (2014:53) Try to use My Spirit and Power all the time, because it’s the time you need Me most now. (2014:54) When you can’t just trust in your own power and strength fully anymore, you tend to lean more on Me, look up to Me and seek to trust in Me more! (2014:55) You can depend more on Me than on their system, their hospitals, their medicines and whatever. (2014:56) If you stay in touch with Me and keep relying on Me, you’ll be safe and you’ll be alright. You should trust in and rely on Me more, and your heavenly help, and keep claiming and asking for and relying on it… Don’t just lean on yourself, or even on thinking you’re doing enough to keep you sheltered and safe. Rely more on Me and My force and power to get intact and operative for and through you again. (2014:57) See the greater need for Me, and try to find and experience Me more, feel your need for Me and the need to feel and experience My Presence and My Spirit upon you… If you feel the need for Me and My Presence and action in your life, it’ll be good for you, replacing the need for other things you previously felt necessary, but often occupying the time that would have been quite more necessary to spend with Me. (2014:59) Rely on My Power and force, and the Father’s, and all of Heaven’s, being rather superior over the Enemy’s! (2014:61) Keep holding on to Me, lean on Me and depend on Me as much as you can when you realize that you need Me in a weird situation… Just remember it won’t get any better with the Devil taking over the globe soon as the AC. Depend on Me, get ahold of Me, lean on Me and make use of My power pouring into you, because come what may, you might just need it sooner or later. (2014:67) You’ll just have to rely on one helping force: Mine! Just rely on and trust in Me, knowing that eventually we’ll make it! (2014:68) Stick with Me and lean on Me… depend on Me! Without roughness, what need for Me would you have down there?

There’s a reason why you’re going through a rough and tough section of life. You’re certainly getting closer to Me now that you need Me more and don’t know how you’ll manage, but definitely not much better without Me… Maybe I’m trying to get you to become more dependent on faith than your talent? Trying to get you to rely and trust more in Me than yourself? (2014:69) You should start realizing that you need Me. You’re not as powerful anymore as you used to be; so, you should be realizing how much you’re needing Me. (2014:70) It will put or keep you much better in your relationship with Me, depending on My provision! (2014:79) Try not to make any moves without Me. Try to depend on Me more, cling to Me, and know that things will flow much better that way! (2014:82) Trust Me that all that’s been happening, turning you around and putting you in a way of trusting more in Me and relying on Me more, is better. (2014:86) It’s more important to look unto Me and count on Me, depend on Me and My Spirit, than to let the circumstances in your life play the major role! (2014:89) If things start getting rougher and tougher for you in some ways, cheer up that that’s the way I try to raise your faith in and dependence on Me instead of your own abilities. I know things are hard and tough and difficult for you right now, but let this be the way you’ll learn to count on Me more, rely more on Me, and thus give Me a place and position of greater importance and significance in your life. (2014:91) It’s the good part about not knowing how to handle things: you need My help to make it, you ask Me for it and look for it, and don’t just keep leaning on yourself, as you may have previously, when you were still doing alright according to your own opinion. Becoming more dependent on Me is quite helpful when the enemy plays a major part in your world, and thus, your life; and relying and depending on Me will help you save the situation, and even if you didn’t think or act like you were so dependent on that before, once you realize certain things about the world that aren’t exactly the way things would be like if I and the Father were completely in charge, … (like death ending every life on earth eventually)… that’s when you start turning your face toward Us again and seek Our help and support. So, becoming more dependent on Us, your Creator and the One Who came to earth to save you from your sins, that’s a pretty good thing to learn. Better than being dependent only on yourself and own abilities and whatever the worldly system will do to support you in it. When you need help, and more of it and a greater one than the world system is willing or able to get to you, well… it’s a good time to start depending on the Father and Me again, and the Holy Spirit for the extra help to keep handling things. (2014:96) Can you make it? Can you rely on My strength? (2014:101) If you don’t know how you’ll make it, it’s a good time to hang on to Me, look up to Me and listen to Me as much as you can! I’ll be there for you! If you know you need Me, it’s better, and you’ll be doing better in the end than when you don’t. It’s better when you know you need Me more than money, your own strength, looks and wisdom, and rely on Me and lean on Me as much as you can. If you openly depend on Me, trust Me that you’ll be better off in the end than all those who don’t. (2014:105) The Enemy knows that My folks have protection that is capable of defending them from him. So he acts by disappearing from some folks’ influences until they underestimate him, don’t depend anymore on My power to protect them and… “Wham!” – He may get’em. (2014:106) Human weakness is good because it makes you depend on and ask for the strength of God He will give you then, once you ask Him for it! Don’t depend on the strength you usually had, or just wait for strength to reappear by itself, but pray and ask for it when you need it! And give thanks and praise when you got it! (2014:109) A pretty good way of knowing you need My help to make it, is when your situation lets you know that you need Me and should do things like praying and asking Me for My help. Not being an established part of the System makes you more dependent on Me; and trust Me that that’s a better part of making it through life than depending on the worldly System, which you know isn’t run by My side. When you were dependent on Me and your faith in Me, it made you happier somehow. So… trust Me! - Lean on Me and confide in Me and the fact that I’m a more faithful and reliable Source to trust in, in the long run, than the worldly system will be. (2014:111) In the end you’ll realize that most of all you need Me. (2014:122) Becoming truly dependent on Me – trust Me – is the best thing that can happen to you, especially if you’re aware of the fact that this present and temporary life isn’t all there is. (2014:129)

The enemy is pretty much in charge of the whole world right now, which is coming close to its end, and which means, the only strength you’ll have to make it against him and withstand his wicked attacks is to depend and rely on Me and the help you can avail yourself of from My Kingdom, and rely on that a whole lot more than your own abilities. It’s a wicked world, and you have to become aware of the fact that you on your own wouldn’t have a chance against the forces you’re up against, so you’d better lean on Me entirely, the rest of the way. Rely on Me, My love, not on yourself, even though you had been given a lot of talents and some intelligence which has now partly deserted you, perhaps in order to cause you to lean, trust and rely more on Me than yourself. Be honest: Christians who mostly rely on themselves and the position they’ve acquired in the System, don’t necessarily give a lot of others a chance or opportunity to find Me, when that should be what Christians and believers in Me ought to be doing most of all! Lean on Me! Trust in Me! Seek and find Me and rely on Me! Let Me work things out for you, and by relying on Me and expecting it of Me it’s more likely to happen than by confiding in yourself, and then wondering why it doesn’t. Trust in and rely on Me! Don’t lean too much on your own understanding! (2014:130) If you become more dependent on Me and My input, don’t consider it something negative! Rely on Me! Count on Me that I can pull you further upwards than you’ve ever been, ever managed to get on your own, and put your trust in Me, instead of relying too much on your own abilities to lift you upwards! (2014:132) Open your heart for My Word and input! It’s a way of teaching you just how much you need Me, or at least training you into a state where you will need Me a lot more. If I’m not allowing you to be able to rely too much on other folks helping you, then it’s in order for you to learn to depend mostly on Me, trust in Me and rely on Me. Other humans may be affective and helpful in some parts, but most of all you need to learn to be able to trust in and depend on Me! Sometimes, when things in the world just don’t work out, it’s the time to really learn how to depend and rely on supernatural help. Sooner or later you’ll find out that the human strength won’t be the one to help you to make it ultimately, because, after all, there’s a time when it comes to an end, and if you want more, the way to get there is to rely on Me who have come exactly for that purpose, to open that door to the Beyond for you folks. So, take advantage of it and use it! Don’t just rely on all that you can see and hear in this world… as plentiful as it may seem; that’s not all there is, nor ever will be! (2014:135) Rely more on Me, Who will eventually take you out of this mess! (2014:136) Sometimes it pays and helps to need others and not be so independent! Needing others is an illustration of how much you ought to be needing and availing yourself of Me! It’s better for followers of Mine, than to be independent! Trust Me for that! A lot of things can happen to you if you think you should try to make it on your own, when in fact and reality you ought to depend on Me, show that you need Me, and thus help and let others see they ought to try that, too. It’s an advantage over independence, to become dependent of Me. (2014:137) It’s a weird world in a sad, rotten state, and you’ve got to somehow make it through it. Just remember that you need Me most of all to do it, and My help and strength… the only power able to help you make it. Expect all the help you might need to come from Me, and don’t depend too much on your own abilities anymore… (2014:140) Don’t just let it all depend on what sort of a day you’re having. Make it dependent on Me! (2014:146) The enemy is too powerful an adversary you can make it against by yourself, without depending more on My strength and heavenly protection. Trust in Me and rely on Me by availing yourself as good as constantly of My help and protection, and never take the safe times and conditions for granted. Don’t act as if you can handle all things just fine without Me and My help! In that aspect, it’s much wiser to depend on Me! (2014:150)

Since I, the Father and our saints and heavenly helpers are the only hope for folks like you to make it through what’s coming, you better get closer to Us and learn how to depend on Us and get ready and prepared for what’s coming. Just get into the gear of making it by applying, using and pretty much depending on Our help, and not just leaning on your own abilities. (2014:153) Maybe you can rely less on yourself, but you’ll see and find out in the end, that’s not too bad… learning to hold on more to Me instead. (2014:154) Rely on Me, I’ll help you make it! (2014:155) Going through a bit of time of trouble isn’t too bad for you. It keeps you more dependent on Me. And if you ever get to another, better and different place, this lesson ought to keep you closer to Me, no matter what. (2014:158) Learn to depend on Me more, ask Me for My help more, and you’ll make it better, you’ll see! (2014:159)

Depending on Me for your protection is something you better might get used to. You need Me for it, and thus it’s good to get into the gear of depending on Me for your protection from all the trash the world throws at you. (2014:160) If you’re depending on Me, I can help you overcome the devil and beat him. That’s part of the victory you’re supposed to learn about in this life! Learn to lean on and depend on Me a bit more! Tougher environments will make you stronger! They will cause you to lean more on Me, and not just have confidence in your own strength. The more you depend on Me (instead of yourself, your education, talent or money), the better off you’ll be! I can help you make it! Just count on and rely more on Me! The more a situation teaches you your dependence on Me, instead of letting you rely on yourself and your own abilities, the better off you’ll be in the end. Keep learning to rely on and trust more in Me, and better off you’ll be! Trust in Me and rely on Me for that! You’ll see! Don’t put too much of your trust in circumstances, and be not too dependent on them! Be dependent on Me! (2014:166) Can’t make it on your own, you’re discovering? Well, good for you, because it will cause you to cling to and depend on Us! It’s important and necessary for you to find out and discover how much you need Us and Our help, and how it’s part of what you should do to keep asking Us for it, keep claiming it and depending on it! (2014:167) Tough circumstances arise for you to learn to let Me help you and depend on My Help a bit more, as will be the need for in the future. The times are getting harder, and so you’ll have to learn how to depend on Me more. It would be better to learn to depend on Me more. The more you can depend on Me, the better off you’ll be! Whereas just depending on yourself and your own might isn’t going to help you all that much through harder times. (2014:168) Rely on Me and lean on My Power that’s available to be a bigger help to you than just trusting in your own energies. Rely on Me, more than on yourself and your own energies. And especially if you have physical troubles, lean on Me! Rely on Me, not just yourself! If you think about it, life is something like a gift of the Father, and you should appreciate it as such, and not just rely on yourself to keep it going! Rely on Us! (2014:176) You’re pretty much dependent on Me in order to make it somehow. That’s good, I’d say. The more dependent on Me you are, and realize you are, the better. At least like this your flesh isn’t the boss or chief over your life, but you’re finally letting Me be the Chief again, and it might be the best state for you in these dark times getting darker yet. It’s quite a good lesson to not be dependent on what you see, isn’t it? But to live by faith and making your life depend on Me, instead of its physical circumstances. Make your life dependent and possible through Me, believing in Me, and not depending on the physical circumstances! Live in Me! Try it, and trust Me that it’ll work out and make you happier than being dependent on physical circumstances! You’ve received a lot of input from Me, and more than you can even handle by now. But at least it ought to give you a hint that you can make your life dependent on Me, more than the physical circumstances, especially when the circumstances obviously seem to be going down quite a lot. If I’ve told you before that it pays more to put your faith and trust in Me, now’s the time to make that work out for you… to depend on Me, not on physical circumstances alone. (2014:177) It’s good for believers to depend on Me and the Father for Our help. After all, with the Endtime eventually showing up, it’s the only way you’ll make it. For believers to depend on themselves and their own abilities won’t be quite enough… so, the more you depend on Us, the better. It’s a preparation for a rougher future, during which you’ll be dependent on Us and Our help more than ever, which just might be one of the reasons We’re making you a bit more dependent on Us in your physical state. (2014:184) Lean on Me when you’re not strong! (2014:186) It’s good when you can’t do anything else but rely on Me! Trust in and rely on Me, not yourself or the way things are going in this world. The incident that happened seems like the worst ever to you, but someday you’ll realize that it was the best that could happen to you to make you absolutely dependent on Me, and quit relying on yourself or the ways of the flesh and the world to pull you through. Sometimes the times get harder and tougher than you’ll be able to manage them on your own, and that’s when you’ll appreciate the times you learned how to depend on and trust in Me above all! (2014:194) It’s one of the most important things to do for believers: to ask Us for help! – To stay close to Us and realize how dependent you are on Us when the enemy pretty much rules the world in which you’re living. (2014:197) If it’s getting tougher and rougher for you, it shows you’ve got to depend on My help more… (2014:199) Don’t try to manage anymore without Me, but cling to and depend on Me as much as you can! The more of Me in your life, you’ll see: the better. (2014:207) You can make it. And trusting and relying on Me, you will! (2015:2)

The more you learn to lean and depend on Me and all your help from above, the better off you and your family are going to be. (2015:6)

Rely more on Me, because in the relatively near future you might have to depend on that! Don’t worry too much about things becoming just about impossible to manage them on your own. I’m here, and largely for you to learn to depend and lean on Me for greater help than what you could possibly establish yourself in darker times to come. So lean on and trust in Me! With things getting rougher and tougher, just take it as something to teach you and cause you to lean more on Me, trust and rely more on Me! You might wind up needing Me more than ever before, so why not get used to it? (2015:9) It’s good to seek My help, and know that you’re dependent on it… To become more desperately dependent on Me and needing Me more will turn out to be an advantage in the end, you’ll see. The best is to lean on Me. (2015:12) Only with My help you’re supposed to be able to make it. That’s precisely what should get you closer to and more dependent on Me and My strength and capacity, not just keeping depending on your own. Learn to depend on Me, and you won’t regret it! You will make it with My help! Even if life’s a bit rough, keep trusting in, leaning and relying on Me and My help, My Promises, and you’ll make it, in spite of all the hindrances and obstacles. (2015:14) To make you more dependent on Me and My help, things might continue and wind up ending a bit differently from what you had been imagining or expecting. (2015:15) To rely on Us more than yourself is a good lesson to learn. Make it a regular habit to rely on Us, because it’s time for that! (2015:16) The more you rely on Us, the better off you’ll be with the way the world goes, trust Me! The more you can rely on Us, the better it’s going to be. Okay? Being more dependent on Us is always better than independence and greater dependence and confidence in the flesh. (2015:20) Keep trusting in and relying on Me more! (2015:30) It’s good for you to be prepared for even rougher times and learn how to make it through them with My help, and thus get into that habit of depending on Me. Learn to depend on Me and My help! Get used to applying for and depending on My help! It’s better for you to get more into depending on Me than continuing to rely on your own abilities! If you become weaker in your own strength, that should give you the opportunity to rely more on Mine. And trust Me: it’s always greater than your own, and in the times to come you’ll have to rely on it more than ever before! You’ll be best off by depending more on Me and your heavenly help than your former own abilities and strengths. Trust in, and depend on Me! The devil’s a tough enemy, and not something you can just make it against on your own. Another reason why you really should get more used to depending on Me and rely on Our help more! You’ll become more dependent on heavenly help as times on earth are getting rougher. So tune in to Us more, and stay tuned in! Depending on Us is what will see you through! Depend on Me and you will see: things will work more easily! Hanging on to Me and becoming more dependent on My and Heaven’s help should draw us closer, and get you more into My gear and way of doing things… something you might have to re-learn in large part, due to your former confidence in yourself and your own abilities. Just get used to having to lean on and being more dependent on Mine. While they are going to depend more on him who’s our enemy, you’ve got to get more into depending on Me and confide in the facts you’ve learned, that in the end, we will win, not he! Rely on Me and My protection, as it’s becoming more important now than ever before! (2015:32) Needing Me and My help more desperately than before isn’t something bad. Needing Me more or realizing it more that you need Me is actually not a disadvantage as much as an advantage. (2015:33) Trust in and depend on Me! Do it through Me and through My force and power… Now that the time’s coming when you really need it… more than ever before. You’re getting into a stage in which you just need and are dependent on them more: My strength and wisdom. So can you depend on those, instead of your own? (2015:35) Just get prepared for the way to go by My strength and depending on the help from Above! Depend on Me and Heaven’s help and get used to the fact of your needing it and dependence on it! (2015:36) It’s good for you to be more dependent on My help. And the more you ask for it, the more you’ll get it.

Depend more on Me and My help, and less on your flesh and its abilities. The weaker you are, the more you’ll realize you need to depend on Me and your heavenly help, not your own mind and strength most of all. So, trust Me: The more you’ll depend on Me, the better off you’ll be. You’ve got to get into that utter gear of dependence on Me and your heavenly help, since it’s no longer your flesh that can cope with it all. Time to rely more on the Spirit! You’ll be much better off trusting and relying more on Me! (2015:37) I know you feel like it’s a tough life. And in some ways it is. But that’s how you can make an effort to stay in tune with Me, dependent on Me and get prepared for what’s to come. (2015:38) Trust Me, that it’s more important to put Me at the top of your list and make Me the One you need the most! Greater dependence on Me, or becoming conscious of it, is an advantage, not necessarily a disadvantage. Be conscious of your need for Me, and you’ll eventually recognize the benefits of it. Being dependent on Me through your faith is definitely an advantage in the long run, you’ll see. (2015:41) If you’re constantly dependent on Me, it just shows you need Me for living. If you need Me that much, don’t neglect your connection and communication with Me! Remember the warnings of the times up ahead, during which you’re going to need Me and your connection with Me desperately! Life has been a lot easier for you in the past, but with what the enemy has caused to happen to you, it should teach you and make your realize that those easy days are over, past and gone, and it’s better to hold and hang on to Me more constantly, and that you’ll need Me more and more. (2015:43) Possibly one of the reasons for what has happened to you: so that leaning on Me becomes more important to you. To lean on Me is really pretty much the best thing you can do. (2015:45) hard times are needed to make a better person out of you, relying more on the help from above, and not just on one’s own strength. If you rely on Me, trust: It’s better for you and Me! Independence may sound good to you when it comes to the System; but as far as dependence on Me and your help from Above is concerned, that’s better than independence. So, you need Me. In fact, you realize it. Is that supposed to be something new and shocking? Folks are supposed to need and depend on their heavenly, spiritual Sunshine and Creator. (2015:51) Be a bit more dependent on Me than yourself! (2015:52) Get into the gear of depending on Me and not anymore your own strengths! The more you get to depend on Me instead of help from a government, the better. The more you manage to shift your dependence completely back on Me and My help from Above, the better off you’ll be in the long run. (2015:54) Becoming more dependent on Me and your heavenly help is not a negative mode or gear, but ultimately the best one you can ever turn to, which you will recognize toward the end of it all. (2015:56) Yes, the times are getting hard, it’s true, but that’s why you’ve got to make a greater effort to rely fully on Me and your help from Above! (2015:58) Depending on Me and asking for My supernatural help is the only way you’ll make it through what’s coming up ahead. You’re going to be more dependent on Our help than you’ve ever been before, and trust Me that it’ll be coming when you let Us know you need it! (2015:60) Faith doesn’t necessarily rely or depend on the way things can be seen or imagined. Take it to heart that This World awaiting you isn’t dependent on any of your current physical abilities! (2015:61) If you’re dependent on Me, that’s pretty much the way I think and feel things ought to be. The sooner you get used to depending on My aid and support instead of your own capabilities, the better. You’ve got Me and My help available to you, and getting used to your dependence on it is better than being partly able to manage it all in your own power of the flesh. See it as a positive part and advantage somehow that you’re getting more into the groove where you’re realizing you’re desperately dependent on Me, can’t make it without My help, and that the closer you cling to Me, the greater your chance to wind up making it and being victorious! You can’t make it by yourself or in your own strength, but you can make it depending and leaning on Me to help you. So, lean on Me! Don’t confide in your own energies! Realize that you’re dependent on Me and need Me more than ever! It may be hard and tough for you right now, but that means you’ve got to make a nearly constant effort to cling to Me and lean on Me! Do you believe that I can help you make it? Well, that’s what counts! Lean on Me… If you’ve just got to get into that groove of depending on Me for pretty much every day and every move you make, accept it! Ask Me for My help, and don’t keep trying to make it without it! The more you learn to make it with and depending on My help, the better off you’re going to be!

I know, it’s tough and hard for you to make it, so take My advice and learn how to depend on Me! (2015:62) Just learn to lean on Me! Learn to lean on Me a little more and to trust in Me all you can, and you won’t regret it! Learn to trust, confide in and rely on Me! (2015:65)

My believers’ and followers’ dependence on Me is what makes their faith and their actions work. You need Me and need to realize that you can’t make it on your own through what’s coming. That’s one reason why I’ve made you more obviously dependent on Me. It’s really necessary for you to clearly depend and rely on Me in order to make it through the times to come, and for My true followers it has always been, anyway. Folks who rely on Me and not their own abilities are the only ones I can use, anyway; so, if you want to be used by Me, rely on Me, not yourself! Rely on Me more than on yourself and your own abilities! Live by faith, not by the strengths and powers or your own energies! Rely on Mine! Rely on that from Above; and it’s the only one that will help you do some good in the times to come. Rely on Me, and you will see: that’s the way you’ve got to be! (2015:67) You don’t quite know yet what life is holding up for you to handle; so it means you’re going to have to stay desperately in touch with Me, and rely on My help in order to make it. Let all things in your life depend on Me and My aid, help and support. To let your dependence on Me become a bit more obvious to you is part of what should be happening. (2015:68) Being dependent on Me is not something negative, even if it may be somewhat “abnormal” according to the standards of the common folks and ordinary people out there. (2015:69) Learning utter dependence on Me will be something necessary to make it through the time of the End. (2015:69) Don’t see your weakened state as something negative, but since it draws you closer to Me and strengthens your attitude and conscience of dependence on Me, you should see it as something positive, drawing you closer to Me and driving a greater need for Me into your conscience, which is something quite necessary for you in your world’s future and upcoming fate. Hang on to Me, and cling to Me even more than you’re doing right now. Make it obvious that you believe and know that you’re dependent on Me, which will also strengthen the humility as opposed to the natural pride that evolves when folks manage to do it all in their own strength. Folks who were dependent on Me, and trusted in Me were My heroes throughout history. (2015:73) I can help you make it through it all! Just keep relying on Me! That’s what I’m trying to train you into right now, even if it seems a bit unpleasant: to rely and lean on Me instead of your own carnal abilities and strengths! Lean on Me! (2015:75) If you depend on Me it’ll be easier! When you realize you can’t make it by yourself, cling to Me and let Me take over and help you do it. (2015:79) Relying more on Me than yourself, that is pretty much one of the key factors of getting prepared for the tough times in the closer future… Just keep that in mind, that relying on Me – or learning that, or getting into that gear some more - is more valuable in the long run, than relying on yourself! Don’t rely on yourself so much anymore, nor on other, physical factors, but on Me and My help, and you’ll discover the advantage of that, eventually. The top One you should rely on is Me! (2015:80) Life is being pretty rough and tough for you right now, but you must admit that it’s the only way I can make you desperate enough to seek and depend on My help, instead of making it through there on your own. (2015:81) If you don’t feel like you’re going to make it on your own or with your own energies and strength, rely on Me! It’s a tough phase, and the more you learn to rely on Me, the better off you’re going to be. When things and circumstances around you look too tough and rough for you to make it, that’s the time you ought to rely on Me, call for My help and count on it! You can depend on Me. – Remember that line? I know, life is not being very friendly to you right now; but that’s all the more reason to rely on Me and realize that you depend on Me. When you can’t make it on your own anymore, that’s the time you should start to rely on Me! I know they’re rough times for you right now. And if you can’t find a way out of them, look unto Me, and in My direction, asking Me for and relying and depending on My help! I know it’s very tough for you; so, check and see how it’s working with Me, when you put Me in charge! (2015:82) Cling to My help and aid to get you out of its messes, or at least to help you make it through them, overcome the hindering and down-trotting forces, and make you learn to cling to and depend on Me more! I know it’s a rough part of life for you right now, but it should teach you to cling more to Me, depend on Me more and learn how to have Me turn those parts of life back into good and solid ones. (2015:83)

If it’s tough for you, that means, you need My help, and are coming to Me and looking at Me to get some… Thinking that you could manage it pretty much on your own in the state and condition you were in, well, it’s a pretty clear sign of independence; but you know by now that dependence on Me plays a much better and safer role in life, helping to see you through whatever comes. So, they’re rough times you’re having to go through right now; but be aware that they’ll make you stronger to deal with what’s to come; making you more dependent on Me, which is definitely a good ability for times to come! So, see the good sides of those bad times, of drawing you closer to Me, which is pretty much the best thing that could possibly happen to you! Rely first and most of all on Me! (2015:84) Depending on Me, and learning to do that, is what will help you make it through what’s up ahead! The more you lean on Me instead of trusting in your own abilities, the more chances you’ll have to make it! I know, it’s a tough battle, and a hard one to get through, but the closer it draws you to Me, and the more it makes you depend on Me and causes you to rely on Me instead of yourself and your own abilities, the more of an advantage of being taught wisdom that’ll help you through the times to come! (2015:86) The rougher the circumstance, the more faith to make it through them you need, and the more you need My input and turn to depend on Me. The more dependence on Me, the more chance of survival there’ll be. (2015:87) The more you get into the gear where you realize your dependence on Me or Up Above, the better off you’re going to be in that world; trust Me! Relying on one’s own strength or wisdom, or whatever force, has never been all that useful in the long run. (2015:88)

There’s a good reason not to allow yourself to become too dependent on money, but to put your trust and dependence on Me and the Father. (2015:89) The most important is: hanging on to Me, and learning how to do that above everything else. Learning that greater dependence on Me and your help from above is a key factor for what’s going on and happening in life, and not really anything negative. You’ll be grateful for having been taught that, some day. It may be rough and tough for you right now, but the more it makes you depend on Me, the more you’ll manage to accomplish through My strength in you. (2015:90) Consider the fact that doing things for Me and the Father doesn’t depend as much on your own strength as on Our help we lend you. In fact, more will be accomplished through that than your own. If you barely feel like you can make it, rely on My strength, and you will, anyway and in spite of your own weakness. (15:91) I’ll help you to make it whenever you express your need for My help! (15:93) What draws you closer to Me, makes you more humble, more desperate, and feel more dependent on Me. (15:95) The tough times have the purpose to get you into a gear a bit more desperately dependent on Me, since you ought to get into that for the times to come. Remember that you need Me. And even if there are times when you don’t feel like it so desperately, remember that times are changing, and eventually, you will. (15:96) Don’t keep trying to manage to do things on your own and in your own, natural, former strength! Show that you've learned a bit about your dependence on Me and your heavenly help! There isn't much genuine wisdom among people to rely on, and it would have been smarter and wiser to depend on the Father's and Mine. Keep remembering that you need Me more than you may think, and thus keep clinging to and asking for My help and that of the angels and helpers in Heaven! Don't rely too much on yourself! Depend a bit more on Our help and ask Us for it! Call out for Our help, if for sure you want to make it! You need it, are dependent on it, and that's why it's so important you pray and ask for it! That's what every one of My mentions of dependence on Our help means: that you should stay in prayer, and how dependent you are on staying in contact with your heavenly helpers in order to make it through the dark times to come! (15:98) Learning to trust Me when things aren't as splendid as usual is a great process of making your faith stronger, making it depend less on circumstances, but just in Me instead. When there are rough times coming up, it's a bit harder to keep up your faith, but it becomes more real by not making it dependent on circumstances! Don't be worried too much if it all drives you into greater dependence of Me and will make you need Me and the help from Above more! (15:99) Drawing you closer to Me means and results in greater communication with Me, but also greater dependence on Me, fueled by growing faith that I won’t let you down! (15:100)

If you feel weak and frightened without My help and the Spirit, it just shows how much more you need to apply for that help, and use it! You can’t make it without it! So, it’s another sign how much and how desperately you need My help, and won’t be able to make it without it! Become more dependent and lean on Me more, and let My power of the heavenly Spirit guide, strengthen and motivate you more! You used to be able to trust much more in your own abilities. But since that carnal strength has largely gone… can you see why I’ve allowed it to happen that way? So that you’d become more dependent and lean on Me more, and let the Power of the heavenly Spirit guide, strengthen and motivate you more! (15:103) If you don’t know how to make it, you need to trust and confide more in Me, depend on Me, cling to Me! Not being able to make it anymore on your own, means and shows that you’ve got to make it with Me and through Me… that you need Me and can’t make it without Me. That may be a little tough to get used to for a change, when you were able to get things done pretty much on your own for previous decades, but times are changing; and in order to make it through times now and times to come, you need to cling to and depend on Me! You may not have felt quite as dependent on Me during previous times, but – hey,… “The times they are a-changin’” and you’ve got to get ready to handle that change! They may be the roughest times of your life for you right now, but they’re just preparing you for times even rougher… and the best way to get prepared for them is to cling to and lean on Me, depend on Me and My help and learn to stay close to Me throughout the days! A time is coming when you won’t be able to make it on your own anymore. Avail yourself of the strength from Above, one you will desperately need sooner or later, and without which you won’t be able to make it through the times to come. The sooner you learn to become dependent on it, the better in the long run! Depend on Us and apply for Our help, because some day soon you’ll be utterly dependent on it, with no more chance to make it on your own, in your own wisdom or strength. Depend on Ours, and you’ll have much more hope to make it through the dark future up ahead! (15:104) When you know that some big downhill changes are going to be impending soon, and you better get into a rhythm and gear of depending and leaning on Me and your help from Above, instead of being dependent utterly on the System. (15:106) If you can’t manage to get prepared for what’s up ahead by yourself, it’s a good time to rely on Me and ask Me to help you to. Depend on Me more, and ask Me to help you to make it… apply for My help! The way to get ready for what’s up ahead is learning to depend on Me! It’s the only way you’ll make it through what’s coming. Surviving what’s coming will depend on your connection to Me. That’s why I’m pulling you so much closer these days and am working on making you more aware of your dependence on Me. There’ve been times you had bigger chances to make it without My aid, but what’s coming up ahead is definitely different and going to be tougher to make it through. That’s why you’ve got to learn more to lean and depend on Me. The good old days are nearly over, and the times up ahead will require My help desperately. So, the sooner you get ready and learn to utterly depend on Me, the better. Which is also a reason why it’s better to move where you can’t just depend on the state to put you through, but will need My help to make it. And the sooner you get used to that gear of depending on help from Above, instead of below, or down there, trust Me: the better it will be! So, if you’re not very sure or confident how much longer you’ll make it where the enemy’s greatest departments were founded, relax! The sooner you’ll get out of there, the better. Not knowing how you’ll make it just confirms your dependence on Me! – The knowledge that you need Me and can’t make it without Me. (15:107) If you believe in Us in Heaven, why would you not rely on Our help? The time is coming when things won’t be that easy anymore, and you’re going to have to rely more on Our help… You need and depend on My help more desperately than ever. (15:108) It’s tough to have to make it through such a devilish abode there. But then again, it forces you to depend on My help and causes you to apply for it, ask for it, and it also means you’re not enjoying that time down there so much anymore, once you’re finding out what an evil state the enemy has brought the world into (and he’s working at making it far worse yet…) Stay on guard against the devil’s attacks, and his hellish efforts to defeat you, causing you to be a lot more dependent on Me than before… So, don’t see it as something bad, that you’ve got to get into a gear more dependent on Me. It’s pretty much the way things ought to be and the reason I’ve allowed it this way. Becoming more dependent on Me, needing Me to make it through, is not a negative part, even if it may seem that way to you a bit, not being so independent anymore. But trust Me that having to cling to Me more is definitely something positive in the light of the fact that hardly anyone will make it through what’s to come without Me. So, the more dependent on Me, the better. Trust Me! And not being able to rely on a car anymore to get you around, or your talent to see you through, just makes you more dependent on Me, which every child of God will have to be, during the times to come… Not depending on a vehicle, nor your own talents so much, trust Me, is an alternative way to show Who you should really be and feel dependent on… (15:109) The situation is getting you more desperate and more dependent on Me. There are some things that money just cannot do, and you’re desperately dependent on help from Above for! (15:110)

If life has gotten harder for you than it was before, don’t just see it as a disadvantage, but see it as an opportunity to come closer to Me and depend more on Me, since you can’t rely that much on your former abilities and strengths anymore… The best thing that can happen to anyone: being drawn closer to Me, getting onto the channel from Above more, and becoming more dependent on Me It’s a tough time for you, but it’ll make you more dependent on Me and Our help, which I’ve explained to you, is something necessary for the times coming and what’s ahead of you to go through. (15:112) Proud people trust in and depend more on their own capacities and abilities, whereas I’ve been showing you, that in order to make it through the times to come, you need to depend on Me instead of your own carnal abilities. Becoming familiar with your need for Me is definitely something that runs according to My will for you, becoming aware of your dependence on Me, especially as the times get darker. The first apostles definitely didn’t make it without help from Above, and if they thought they would, something not so nice usually happened to them. (15:113) If you can’t make it on your own, just apply and plead for My help and help from Above, without which you won’t make it through what’s coming in the future, either; so, the sooner you get into depending on Me and the help you can get from Above, the better. If you feel weak in the mornings, see it as a positive reminder that you need to learn to depend on strength from Above. Sure you can’t make it on your own. So, that’s what We’re Here for! Learn to depend on help from Above without which you’re just not going to make it. When you’re having a hard time to make it through the day, you’ll remember why it’s necessary to depend on Me and the help from Above. The rough times are making you more dependent on Me and your help from Above. Drawing you closer to Me and making you more conscious of the degree to which you need Me, and will need Me and My help in times to come, are definitely some positive things when you know what I know about the future ahead of you! The times may have been relatively easy and pleasant for you in the past; but those easy days are just about over, and it’s absolutely necessary for you to get into the gear of depending on your help from Above in order to make it through what’s coming at you! Depending on strength from Above, not just your own abilities, is what will help you make it through times to come…. Whatever happens, try to stay as much tuned to Me as possible, as dependent on Me and in the Spirit as possible! (15:117) To become dependent on Me is basically what you need to learn to make it through the rough times ahead! To make it through the tough times up ahead, you need to get into the habit of clinging to Me… not trying to make it on your own, or assuming that you can. Remember that you need Me and My strength! Get used to the fact that you can’t make it through the day without Me! Through your dependence on Me become more filled with the Holy Spirit, instead of just letting folks see your own personality in the flesh… You need to rely on Me in order to make it through the dark days to come, so get ready for it! If your day’s becoming like a nightmare to you again, it’s a part of life that demonstrates your dependence on Me, and that you can’t make it without Me. You need Me; and pretty much constantly, not just occasionally! You just need Me more than ever; and don’t just take it as a bad time, but one that teaches you to understand what it meant to “pray without ceasing” (1 Thes.5:17)! Just stay in touch with Me as long as you can, since you need Me more than ever, and will need Me and My help and Spirit even more when times will get worse. Get used to the fact that you need Me more than ever, and with the dark times ahead, will need Me even more in the near future! (2015:118)

To keep leaning on Me instead of on the help of the system is simply much more of a life of faith… (15:120) The sooner you get into depending on Me and the help you can get from Above, the better. You need to learn to depend on strength from Above. Depend on help from Above without which you’re just not going to make it. keep clinging to Me; and when you’re having a hard time to make it through the day, you’ll remember why it’s necessary to depend on Me and the help from Above. The rough times are making you more dependent on Me and your help from Above. It’s absolutely necessary to get into the gear of depending on help from Above in order to make it through what’s coming! Depending on strength from Above, not just your own abilities, is what will help you make it through times to come… We’re working on getting you in tune with and depending on Us, so that you’ll definitely make it through those times to come. Whatever happens, try to stay as much tuned to Me as possible, as dependent on Me and in the Spirit as possible! (15:121) Lean on the spirit, not the flesh! Tough times for the flesh, yes; but good times to learn to rely on Me, My Power and protection instead, you’ll see. (15:122) Ask Us for help and depend on your help from Above, not thinking you could make it on your own! The more you get into the gear of relying and depending on Me to make it, the better prepared you’ll be for what’s coming up ahead.

Try it less in your own strength and handle it all to Me and the heavenly Power instead, which will also help you to commit less mistakes. There’s definitely a good reason why We’re trying to get you to depend on Us Up Here a bit more. You definitely ought to get into the groove of fully relying on your help from Above, and not your own abilities! (15:123) Asking Me for help shows that you depend on Me and are counting on Me and the help and power from Above, not what that world you live in might be offering! It’s your job and main task to principally rely on Me. All you can rely on for sure is My help and that from Up Here… Rely on Me and My help and support, and keep asking for it and depending on it. (15:125) You have to get prepared for the Tribulation by depending more on Me. Sometimes it’s better not to think you’re going to make it through times coming. Knowing you won’t make it without My help makes it more likely that you are going to make it through dependence on Me and help from above, instead of relying on your own abilities, which actually won’t be enough to help anyone to make it through what’s coming. So, don’t be too downhearted over having become much more dependent on Me, since that’s the only thing that’s going to help you make it through what’s coming. Trust Me for that move of yours towards greater dependence on Me, knowing that you couldn’t make it without that help from Above, relying more on it than you used to. Choosing between self-reliance and dependence on Me is pretty much what it’s all going to boil down to… depend on the smartness your own flesh comes up with, or the Wisdom of the Spirit from Above… So… being in a condition where you’re pretty much forced to make the right choice concerning this, is better than the risk of making the wrong one. What do you think? When you can’t just rely on yourself anymore, but realize you need Me in order to make it, trust Me that that’s a far better and safer condition to make it through what’s to come. It’s important not to forget that you need Me, too, and especially in times to come, more than ever, and try to get into the groove of not doing things without Me being in there with you! Get used to needing My help, and not thinking you could make it on your own. It may have worked for some time, but with life becoming rougher, it’s good to get used to leaning and depending on Me to help you make it through. To learn that you need Me is one of the most important things in life. (2015:126) Depend on Me and the Power from Above for your protection! (2015:129) It’s absolutely necessary to learn to depend on Us, and all the help from Heaven you can get! (15:131) Confide in Me that you can do it… through Me! You’re not the first of My servants who was dependent on the strength and power from above, and couldn’t lean anymore on his own. Even though it’s still quite a drastic change for you, have your confidence in Me, and rely on Me to get those things done through you, and trust Me that the more you depend on Me, the better the outcome’s going to be! If you can’t rely on yourself and your own energies right now, don’t see it as something negative, but remember that I’m here for you to provide you with greater strengths than you ever could have come up with by yourself. Trusting in and depending on My Power and Strength to do things through you is definitely something positive! You’ll just have to get used to it, relying on the strength from Above, instead of your own! It’s not your own strength, nor your own abilities to see you through, but your dependence on the Power from Above! (15:132) Do all you can to win some more souls! If you can’t do it, you need to depend on Me and apply for the strength and power from Above. It’s not the time anymore to try to do such things for Us in your own strength, but leaning onto Ours and letting Us enable you. Depend on Me, and you will see miracles in you through Me! It’s time again to lean on Me and let My strength go to work through and in you again, knowing that it’s true what I said in John’s Gospel, “Without Me you can do nothing.” Let Me work and be active through you again, and let’s see what we’ll get accomplished! Let Me work through you, instead of trying to do whatever you can by yourself. (15:133) Set your dependence on Me and divine help and support from Above! (15:134) If the times aren’t easy, but rough, don’t you think they’re there to make you stronger, and teach you greater dependence on Me and your help from Above? Tune in to the need of the times to come and learn to depend on the strength you can obtain from Up Here, the God Whose child you are and the Savior Whose follower…! (15:135) You need Me, and there’s not much use in keeping trying to make it on your own. Get used to depending on Me and Heaven’s help now! Lean on your help from Above more than ever before! (15:136) Relying on Me, rather than your own abilities is the other subject I’ve covered a lot, and you can see now why… and how it really makes sense to get used to and into the rhythm of depending on Me and your help from above, instead of your own abilities.

You’ll become less dependent on your own physical strength, and more on that from Above, which will be the only one to help you through the times to come. It’s My effort to raise the strength from Above in you, which one day you’ll see as the best thing that ever happened to you during your life on earth, causing you to stop trusting in your own strength, and causing you to trust and rely on Ours from Above instead! I know that to rely more on Me and your help from above is a challenge, and a testing of your faith that comes in a little hard at first, especially once you’d been used for decades to rely on your own talents and fortes, but as far as the future of the world is concerned, you’ll only make it, through the help from Above! Not having to rely on the system for your survival, but on Me and My help is all the better! (2015:138) Realizing you are dependent on Me causes you to reach out for Me, instead of assuming you’ll make it somehow on your own, without Me and My help somehow, the way you used to make it before… but things are changing, obviously, the conditions have changed, and will continue to change, and thus you’re just going to have to get used to becoming more dependent on Me and needing Me more to make it through your days. In a way, troubled times draw you closer to Me and strengthen your trust in Me, because you just need Me more desperately and you become more dependent on Me. You’re still so used to the habit and the ability to make it on your own, that it’s a tough change having to depend on Me to make it successfully. There are big changes coming, and you need to get ready for them, learn how to handle them by clinging to Me and depending on Me! Get used to the tough gear, in which you’ll be pretty much constantly dependent on your help from Up Here, without which you won’t make it. (2015:140) Cling to Me! Depend on Me! Lean on Me! For those are the only conditions and ways you’ll make it through the times to come! (2015:142)

Leaning on Me and your help from Above will turn out to be the best you could have ever learned! Just let it all cause you to rely more on Me, not on what you had learned from the way things used to be! Don’t be too worried if the only thing you can really rely on is your connection with Me! (2015:143) Depend not just on My input to inspire you and lift you up, but on My aid and help to make it through each day of tribulation! Leaning on Me instead of yourself is a lesson you’ll be thankful for. (2015:144) Depending on Me is not a disadvantage, but will turn out to be a great advantage in times to come! Even if you don’t feel like you’re having enough strength to make it, just realize that it will bring you closer to Me, make you more dependent on Me, and thus will raise your strength and the power at your disposal a lot, since you won’t just limit to your own, physical strength, but will lean on the Force that created all things and keeps running a lot more things way beyond the length of your current life on earth! (2015:145) Living in a world run by the enemy of God keeps you more aware of your dependence on Me and your help from Above, without which you won’t be making it in the long run, the darker the world situation gets. So, don’t feel too bad or depressed about being so desperate for and dependent on Me and your help from Above. Dependence on Me is what will help you to make it through those times, whereas the mere confidence in your own abilities won’t! You need to get used to the gear of depending on My help! Only depending on My help is going to help you make it through! (2015:148) Let Me be the Master of all things in and around your life and lean on Me! Hold on to Me, and trust Me that it’s the best thing you can learn how to do! It’s not about it anymore how cool, strong and tough you are by yourself, but how much you can rely on the strength from Above that’s truly capable of seeing you through things harder than you had experienced before! Don’t consider it anything bad to become utterly dependent on Me, because that’s the way it ought to be! Think you can start to get ready for whatever’s coming and deal with it? – Not on your own, and in your own strength, but leaning on to Mine and all the help from Above you can get? That’s what’s gotta keep you going, and the only thing that will enable you! You can say, and it should be your attitude: “Without You I can do nothing,” and rely on My help and power to support and enable you. Get into leaning and depending on Me as much as you can! Learn to depend on My miracle power to make it, instead of any of your own strengths or even wits… So, get ready, by depending on Me! It’ll be times of becoming desperately dependent on Me, but that’s the only way you’ll be able to make it through them! (2015:149) I’m Here to help you make it through with all Our angels and saints, so just use and depend on that help! An incident like yours causes you to realize how much you need Me and the help from Above, instead of leaning on your own strength and abilities. So, if you’re supposed to learn to depend and lean on Me and the help from Above more, don’t see it as something negative! It may be a tough change for you right now, but trust Me, that in the nearby future it will turn out to be exactly what you needed in order to turn towards the right and proper Power Source!

Lean on Me, not yourself or your own strengths and capacities! You’ll be utterly dependent on miraculous help from Above to make it through. But the more you learn to cling to Me, the more bearable it all will be. (2015:150) Getting in tune with Me, learning to depend on Me, and all these things I’m pointing out to you will be helpful and essential keys for you to make it through what’s coming! It’s a good way of preparation to replace self-confidence with dependence on Me. There’ll be greater need than ever before to be able to completely rely on Help from Above! (2015:153) Hanging on to Me is the best that you can do. That’s why these rough times for believers can pretty much be the best and most fruitful they’ll ever go through. Hanging on to one’s own capacities is what pretty much everybody does. But clinging to Mine and the strength from Above is what will turn out to be the special power that will get you through situations that not everybody will have the power to do on their own! Rely on strength from Above that will enable you to make it through times that not everybody or too many will manage on their own! Lean on something greater, above your own, and that will see you through and enable you to make it! (2015:155) Not being part of the system will be a major part that will be making a difference, teaching you to lean more on Me and your heavenly aid, help and supply for your survival. The less dependent on the system you’ll be, and the more dependent on Me and help from Above, the better. So, why I allowed to happen to you what did happen in the end will turn out a blessing, teaching you to rely much more on Me and your help from Above to make it through the times to come. It may be quite different than the system’s ways of putting most of their trust and confidence in their own capacities, but in the end, it will turn out that leaning on Me will have been the better choice. (2015:156) Some day you’ll wind up quite thankful for the fact that I chose you to be one of the dependent ones on Me. The folks that have been and are really used by the Father and Me, all had to be utterly dependent on Us, so, get used to it, and don’t consider it something strange. Don’t feel too bad about being so weak and going through low energy times, during which you just need and are dependent on Our help from Above! Don’t think you’ll have to make it through the rough future on your own! That’s why I’m trying to teach you to depend on Us: all your help available from Above! Without Us you might not make it, but with Us and Our help, you will! The more you learn to depend on Us, your help from Above, the surer you’ll make it through the rough times to come! Life may not be as easy to handle in your own strength as it used to be, but let that teach you to rely more on the strength from Above, the kind that you’ll need to make it through what’s to come! The more you’ll depend on Us, the more you’ll make it through times to come. Your effort to depend mostly on Me and your help from Above will help you make it! Learning to let Me help you to manage and make it somehow, well, that’s what will teach you to lean on and depend on your help from Above a bit more, which is the only way you’re going to make it through what’s to come. Ready to lean on Me? (2015:158) The sooner you get used to depending on, and needing miracles, and that it all takes strength and aid from Above, the more likely it is that you’re going to make it! Another factor of the need of dependence on Me. You’re in desperate need of Me and My help, and some day you’ll recognize this as having been the perfect preparation for what was to come! The mode of depending on Me and your help from Above will strengthen and empower you, even if beforehand you may have been clueless how to! (2015:159) Learning to depend on Me and help from Above, instead of your own capabilities is definitely what I want you to get into and prepared for! – Not the groove of your physical abilities you used to apply for your income and support before, but a bit more of a supernatural angle, leaning on help from Above, or at least inspired and caused by input and anointing from Here helping to see you through. See? Much more the dependence on help from Up Here playing the main role, instead of your own abilities! (2015:160) Going through situations that make you a bit more desperate and dependent on Me and help needed for you to make it through, shouldn’t make you feel too bad. It’s the way your kids feel these days without their mother. While you’ve been a lot more independent, you’re having a hard time coping with their dependence sometimes. But maybe it should just be a sign for you, how dependent on Me and your help from Above you ought to be! While it strikes you as something unusual and negative, why not start viewing it as an example of what should be your attitude towards Me and the help you need from Above? See, the times for independence are over. When even kids become much more dependent on their mothers, maybe that’s a sign of what should be your attitude toward your heavenly Family! What if it was a step toward making you a lot more dependent on your Family Up Here and Above? (2015:161) Sorry it’s being so rough for you, but you’ll manage, if you stick close to Me and get into the groove of depending on help from Above!

Not knowing whether you’ll make it through times to come has a good point: you don’t believe too much in yourself, your own strength and energies, which mean you know you’ll have to attach, cling to, and depend on Me and your help from Above, in order to make it. And doing that, trust Me: you will! (2015:162) Your own accomplishment isn’t as important as learning to depend on Me and the Power from Above, so that you’ll make it through the times to come. So, life is tough for you right now. But let it serve you as a reminder of how much you need Me and all help from Above you can get now, and even more so in times to come! You may not feel like you can do it, but We can do it through you! (2015:163) The more difficult and the closer to impossible your situations are or become, the more you’ll need miracles, and that’s always the best sign of someone clinging to and depending on Me and their help from Above, when those miracles start or continue to happen! Expect miracles! You may not have needed or relied on them a lot in the recent past, but that past is over, and you’ll need and depend on them more than ever before! Get into the miracle groove and gear, and expect them, count on them and rely on them as the obvious proof that it’s Me and the Power from Above you’re able to apply for and use! You’ll depend more on miracles. (2015:164) A lot depends on your faith, and whether you’re using it and the strength from Above at your disposal, in order to get and stay in the victory! Get into the rhythm of depending on Me, My help and strength from Above to make it through times to come! Get used to that being the coming necessary gear: not relying on yourself and your own might anymore, but on whatever you can get from Above! Get ready for depending on Above! Why do you think I’ve allowed and am allowing these drastic changes in your life where I’m making you utterly dependent on Me? You’ll see! Others might have to get prepared for drastic changes under more shocking circumstances, as the vast majority of people will have to. Tough situations are the kind that make people more dependent on Me, especially if I still have a plan and purpose for them to reach others for Me in the times to come! (2015:166) Not being able to keep trusting in your own mind’s solutions is not a disadvantage, but a great step forward to leaning on Me and the wisdom from Above, instead of any of your own. Leaning on the strength and wisdom from Above is definitely better! If you feel like you won’t make it, remember you need Me to do it! (2015:167) Once you’re aware of how far-spread the enemy’s influence is scattered across the globe, you begin to realize just how much you need and depend on Me and the supernatural help from Above, and don’t just stick to relying on your own capacities as in years passed, when you had things rigged up in manners that it led your self-confidence to do so, instead of leaning more on Me and your help from Above, which by now you realize you need desperately. And it’s a bit of My setting, too, since I know you’re not going to make it through times to come without getting into the gear of leaning and depending on heavenly help from Above in order to make it. It’s like that verse, “Without Me ye can do nothing” (Jn.15:5). The time is coming during which this statement and verse will be the truest ever, and applying most. So, all the more important to learn to depend and rely on Me, needing My strength and power for everything and anything. Do you still see the weakness of the flesh as something negative or bad, or can you see the advantage of it through making you rely more on the strength of the spirit, in other words, My strength, and all of that from Above, from Heaven, where He dwells Who created everything? When you’re in a situation you can’t make it in on your own, see it as a good and valuable opportunity to depend on Me and your help from Above instead, which you’re going to be dependent on in the future, to make it through the times to come, and see it as good preparation for that! No more times to make it on your own! Let Me deal with things handed to you and depend on Me helping you through them! (2015:169) Now, that would be faith and trust: If you won’t have a clue how on earth to make it through the times to come, but would just continue to rely on Me… and would just let Me help you make it, without depending on anything else: your own abilities, support from the state, or whatever… just let your trust in Me do it for you! Not leaning on any of your old abilities that kept you through in times past… but… just relying on Me… There isn’t as much of the flesh left to rely on in your current state as there used to be… Needing to trust in and depend on Me a lot more now… and do you think I consider that a disadvantage, or an advantage? Forced to trust in and rely more on Me and the Spirit than your flesh, there are much better chances for us to be making it! (2015:170)

Relying on Me, rather than anyone else, even close to you at this day and age, and especially during the times coming, is just some piece of truth and advice you need to learn to cling to.

Lean on Me to let Me help and teach you! I’m pouring so much input on you about dependence on Me: not just to reduce your dependence on your own abilities, but also those of others you tend to rely on, when the best action, you can trust Me for it, is to trust, rely and depend on Me! You’ve got to learn to cling and depend on Me, more than anybody else! What’s happening is in order to remind you that most of all you need Me! (2015:176) Get into a necessary shift of prayer and dependence on Me and your help from Above, without which hardly anyone would make it through the times to come! (2015:179) The easier times didn’t cause you to want or need Me that much, not as much as you’ll need it eventually, and I’m causing the times right now to get you into a more dependent on Me sort of gear. So, don’t be too dismayed about needing Me and My help more than ever before! With times becoming rougher than ever before, it’s what you’ve got to get used to: depending on help – miraculous help – from Above, more than you needed it ever before. Be dependent on Me, My power, and My uplifting and faith-strengthening input. You’ll need it more than ever in the times to come… (2015:180) Trust in and lean on Me and all help from Above! If it drives you toward relying on Me and any help from Ab ove, well, that sounds like the right idea, and way to do it and to follow in times to come! The more you’ll have learned to rely on Me and your help from Above, the better off you’ll be in the end. You’ll have to depend on Us and Our Strength and heavenly Help in order to make it… for Us, always the safest way to make sure that things are going to happen according to Our perfect will, instead of having Our enemy messing around with it! Don’t feel too bad about not making it without Me and Help from Above, because that’s what times to come are going to be like for all believers! Know that you can’t do it on your own – don’t just be shocked by it, and use the Help from Above to make it! (2015:181) Get used to having to trust in and rely on Me a bit more in order to help you make it through the day! It’s just not time anymore to rely on and trust in your own capacities. Become aware of your dependence on Me and don’t stay in the gear of attempting to do it all in your own strengths and energies as you used to. (2015:182) So, you’re not making it on your own. Is that so bad, having to rely and depend on Me and My help and all of Heaven’s to make it through the days to come? (2015:184) You need Me and My input to make it through just about every day. Isn’t that what I’ve been preaching to you about nearly incessantly? – Dependence on Me, My strength and support of you? Rough times: definitely a time for you to stick to and be dependent on Me and My help from above, not figure you might make it on your own as you did in times past. It seemed okay for that season, but right now? – Better lean on Me! (2015:185) Just lean on Me and try to make it through faith! If you don’t feel you can make it by yourself, let it be a reminder that you need Me and My help from Above to make it! Let it be a reminder of your need for, and dependence on Me! Trust and rely on Me! (2015:186) My role in your life is what’s becoming most important right now and in the days to come, as you’ll be more and more dependent on My supernatural help, supply and protection than in former times, when you were largely able to rely on your own abilities. There’ll be times and situations when you just won’t be able to rely on your own physical abilities anymore. Time to lean on something else than your own abilities! Don’t lean or rely on your own abilities, but on the Strength from Up Above, more powerful than your own, including a wisdom that’s more prone to know exactly what’ll be going on around you! Try to make it, leaning on Me! It’s time for your ability to rely and depend on Mine and all that from Above you can manage to get ahold of! Feeling more dependent on Me and that you desperately need that help from Above, is what you’ll need to help you make it through the times up ahead! (2015:190) If you feel like you can’t rely on yourself anymore, trust Me: that’s good. It may cause you to feel a bit helpless or useless, but you’ve just got to get used to apply for and depend on Our help from Up Here. Rely more on Me and your help and support from Above than trusting in your own abilities! Not to be able to rely on your own physical strengths, talents and assets anymore may presently strike you as a huge disadvantage; but trust Me, that getting into a position where you’ll just have to get into the groove of relying more on Me will be much more helpful and appropriate with the troublesome times into which the world will be turning. (2015:191) Maybe you can recognize the advantage of being more dependent on your help from Above! Being conscious and aware of your dependence on the Power and Strength from Above is quite important and what it all depends on, whether you’ll make it successfully in the end, or not! (2015:194)

If it’s a rougher time, it might be a good opportunity to depend on Me, which I said will be the mode of things in times to come. So, if you can’t make it, depend on Me! I can help you to make it. (2015:196) If you’re not as strong and capable anymore as you were in the past, well, it might be the case that you’re supposed to be dependent on My help and strength to carry you through, in order for you to rely on Me more than your own strength and selfconfidence. So, that means: you need My help more than ever before, learn to rely and depend on it, and not just yourself! (2015:199)

So, you’re dependent on My help now… Is that something so bad? Or will it draw you closer to Me and thus cause you to lean on and trust in Me more than in yourself and your own abilities… I know it’s a tough change for you, but in order to make it through the rough times up ahead, you need to rely and lean on Me and the help from Above, instead of you own abilities and strength. Become more dependent on My help and Spirit, instead of your own strength! (2015:203) You’re not going to make it through this world all on your own, but need that help from Above… so, get into that groove of asking for it, once you realize you’re dependent on it. Get used to depending on Our help from Above… and if you don’t feel or perceive it’s there yet, well, just do what you should have learned by now to obtain it: to pray and ask for it! (2015:204) I’m allowing times to become tough, so that you won’t rely on your own abilities, but learn to depend on Mine and your help from Above! Learning to depend on Me and your supernatural help from Above is the first step toward that miracle-working gear, as opposed to your own gear in the flesh you’ve been used to. (2015:205) Dependence on Me I’ve been telling you about many times, not without a good reason! (2015:210) If life’s in a pretty rough state where you can hardly handle it, it’s a reminder for you that you need Me. (2015:215) No idea what your life is supposed to be like, nor how it’s supposed to go on? That just means, you might have to avail yourself of My help, guidance and support some more… depend more on Me instead of yourself and your own abilities! Rely on Me! Times will eventually be so hard that you’ll have to! So, the more you get into the gear of depending on Me, the better off you’ll be, trust Me! What do you expect from a world run by Our enemy? – And his demons? What you should be expecting is that you need Me desperately, My help and protection! Not much of a chance to make it on your own! So, rely on Me and My aid, instead of your own capabilities! What else is going to help you make it through? So, rely on Me, and you will see: you’ll make it more easily! (2015:217) Is it so bad to have to utterly trust in Me for everything… how you’re going to make it, and otherwise? Doesn’t it sound a lot like what I’m trying to teach you, to lean and depend on Me instead of relying on your own capacities? (2015:218)

So, you feel like you’re utterly dependent on Me right now and need bits of My input pretty much desperately. Didn’t I tell you since a long time that this is important preparation for the roughest time in history to come? (2015:219) You’ve just got to learn to make it through rough times through trusting in Me, and relying on Me, and My strength, not your own. Old, former strength is gone: gotta learn to trust in and rely on the one that’s gonna last, which is the strength and Power from Above… from Up Here. It may be an apparent disadvantage, not to be able to rely on your own, but… hey… that’s the way it goes, for followers of Mine, and one of the basic things to learn as such: to trust and rely on Me instead yourself. Now’s the time to rely more on Me, in order to get more done of that which I want done, and a little more of a demonstration of My Spiritual qualities, instead of your own, physical ones. (2015:221) Just remember that you need Me, and cling to Me! When it gets hard – too hard for you to manage or take – then that’s a time for you to get into leaning on Me, not any of your own capacities or capabilities. Remember there are even much rougher times up ahead, so the more you learn to lean on Me, the better off you’ll be! The more of a chance you’ll have to make it! I want – and we all need – you to rely on the Power from Above! Get into the groove of relying on Me, rather than always being tempted to rely on your own talent and abilities. Cling to Me and hang on to Me, learning to trust in and rely on Me more than your own abilities! To rely on Me so desperately you’ll see eventually, is the only way of operating you’ll make it through the dark days to come, so the sooner you learn to completely rely on Me, the better off right then you’ll be! To rely on Me is more important than on your own talents, gifts and strengths, especially in the light of what days are to come, during which believers won’t make it without the ability to rely entirely on Me… (2015:225) You had easier times before, during which you were able to rely on your own capacities. But trust Me that it’s becoming necessary to be able to rely on Mine for the time up ahead, during which the enemy will take over pretty much complete control over that planet, and you won’t be able to make it through that with your own capacities, but only through having learned to totally rely on Me and your help and the Power from Above.

Rely on Me; or, if you can’t, learn how to! And that’s what rough times ought to teach you. If life is rough and tough, let it serve you to rely and depend on Me and your help from Above. It’s not time anymore to trust and rely on your own strengths and capacities, at least not completely! It’s time to learn to depend on the ones from Above, from Up Here, your future Home you should prepare for! (2015:229) It’s not an easy life, but a battle down there, as one of the devil’s enemies. That’s why you should definitely get into the rhythm of leaning and depending on Me and all your help from Up Here, to be able to withstand the attacks of such a ferocious enemy. (2015:231)

Not depending on one’s own abilities, but relying on help from Above is what it’s all about, concerning the times to come. If you feel like you can’t make it during some of these times, remember to avail yourself of your dependence on Me and the help from Above, which will be the only thing enabling you to make it through what’s coming, so you’d better learn it, the sooner the better, to rely and depend on Me and the help from Up Here, as soon as you can, and not lean on your own capacities to see you through! Stick to Me and rely on Me and heavenly help more than what you can still get out of that world temporarily! (2015:234) Dependence on Me and your help from Above is a serious and important lesson to learn for the even darker times to come, so avail yourself of what there’s to learn from those lessons! (2015:238) The carnal and physical strength gets diminished to teach you that it’s not all you can lean and depend on, but there’s a necessity of leaning on Our strength and help from Above. Learn to depend on the greater strength from Above! You’re becoming weaker to teach you to focus, lean and depend more on the strength from Above! The toughness of the times happening is supposed to prepare you for what’s to come, thus teaching you more to lean on Me and depend more on all the strength from Above you can get through asking for it, and getting tuned in to leaning and depending on It, instead of your own physical abilities! Like that song says: “Lean on Me when you’re not strong! I’ll give you strength to help you carry on!” (2015:240) Get into the gear of depending on My help and protection from Above, otherwise the times may easily get tougher than you can handle! If you feel like you can’t make it right now, it’s a reminder that you’re dependent on the help from Above, and a reminder to make you cling to it, ask for it and stay in that gear of praying without ceasing. (2015:241) Get used to applying for miracles and depending on your help from Up Here, where eventually you’re going to be at home! (2015:242)

You have your own talents and abilities, but you have to trust Me that it’s more important to rely on the strength and aid from Above in the times coming, that are getting darker, and even the darkest of world history. So, prepare for it by learning to rely on and cling to Me and your help from Above! (2015:244) If you’re becoming weaker in the flesh, take it as a sign that you need to become more dependent on Me and your help from Above! Realize that it’s not a bad thing to become dependent on Heaven’s help with the state into which the world is turning! (2015:247) When life gets rough, it’s an important reminder of Who you should cling to and depend on. (2015:249) If you think life’s tough now, I’m afraid it’s bound to get even tougher. That’s why I keep telling you it’s important to depend on Me and your help from Up Here. Unfortunately, it’s going to be rougher, with the roughest of all times for believers coming up, down there. That’s why it’s important to learn to keep depending on Me, and not try to or think you can make it without Our help from Above! So, if you want to make it, keep leaning on Me and all the protection and Power from Above you can get! Remember you need and are dependent on My help, and all the help from Above you can get ahold and avail yourself of! Can’t make it on your own? Well, it’s a good reminder you need to depend on your help from Above! So, get into that gear of depending on your help from Above, without which eventually you won’t make it! You need Me; and the times of trouble are a certain reminder of it, that you just can’t make it on your own. (2016:1) I’m allowing circumstances to tie you closer to Me and make you dependent on Our help from Above! If life’s not just a piece of cake, it’s a sign that you’ve got to make an effort to cling to Me, as you’ll need Me and all the help from Up Here you can get more than ever. Become aware of the fact that you won’t stand a chance to make it through the times to come without Me! (2016:3) If you can’t fully and totally rely on folks, let it be a reminder that the best you could and should rely on is Me and all the help from Above you can get! (2016:5) If you’re realizing that I’m your only Hope you can fully rely on, it’s not something to worry about. Trust Me that you’ll grow stronger in spirit, relying on Me, and you’ll become a greater hope, strength and source of encouragement to others and those around you, if you lean on Me completely, instead of putting your hope and reliance on other weak and frail humans.

The time is coming when you’ll just have to learn and get into the rhythm of placing your entire hope and confidence in Me… not fellow humans with weaknesses like your own. Obtain your strength from Me, and thus become a greater hope and source of encouragement to your fellow humans, too! Don’t let weaknesses tear you down, but just let them be a reminder of how much you ought to cling to Me and all the available heavenly help from Above! (2016:6) Having to find out whether and how you’ll make it through life, but not knowing how to, doesn’t that make you a lot more dependent on your help from Above, instead of keeping you confident in your own capabilities? It may be more comfortable to be able to rely on that, but is “comfortable” really the adjective for the way I’d like you to use in order to strengthen your trust in Me and the help from Above? (2016:10) The best way to get prepared for any drastic changes in life is to stay close to and dependent on Me and all the help from Above you can get. (2016:13) Dealing with the fact that there might come a time when you’ll need to utterly depend on Me and that help from Above is quite important. Can’t manage it all on your own? Well, get used to it! Get prepared for rougher and tougher times that will make you a lot more dependent on that help from Above, and less reliable on your own abilities! (2016:16) Finding out that you can’t make it through things on your own, but need help from Above and to depend on Me and all the Power from Heaven you can get, is important, since it’ll be the only way to make it through the times of trouble coming. (2016:18) You have to learn to rely on the only Force and Strength that will help you make it through the rough, and not keep relying on your own capabilities. With less of your own strength to rely on, trust Me that leaning and relying on Me and all the help from Up Here you can get will turn out to be the far better deal for you! Get into the gear of utterly relying and leaning on Me and the Strength from Above instead of your own! Become strongly attached to and dependent on the heavenly help and strength from Above! (2016:20) Rely on Me, and don’t worry so much how on Earth you’ll get things done, but learn to let Me do them through and for you! (2016:24)

To depend and lean on Me and the help from Above is one of the principal lessons and processes going on in this part of history: Preparation for the toughest and hardest time of history to come. See it as a path and method to make you rely on the help and Strength from Above, which will be absolutely necessary to make it through those times to come! The process to learn to rely on Me and all help and Strength from Above is not a negative, but definitely – as you’ll eventually see – a positive one! (2016:38) The sooner you learn to cling to and depend on Me and the spiritual Strength from Above, trust Me: the better and more probable it will be for you to make it through the roughest times to come! So, get used to that gear of depending on Me in order to make it through your days, for in the times coming, you definitely will! Leaning on and relying on your own abilities might not be exactly what you need for that preparation for the days to come during which you simply won’t be able to! So, get used to utterly depending on the Strength and help from Above, from Up Here, your true Home and Destination! Learn to depend on Me, not thinking you have to make it through it all on your own! (2016:41) You should know by now what’s the main thing to help you through the troubled times: Prayer and depending on Me and all the help from Above you can get! (2016:43) Get used to that mode of daily dependence on Me and the help from Above! Trust and rely on Me and the plentiful help there’ll be from Above! Rely on Me, not your own strengths and talents, even if I might still use them; but don’t rely or depend on them, but rather, in the Strength from Above, without which you won’t make it through the days to come! (2016:45) If life gets rough, it’s a reminder that you need Me and all the heavenly help you can get ahold of… just as you will in the near future, which these present hard times are part of the preparation for. Can’t make it without Me? That’s a reminder of how things are going to be! The enemy’d like to get rid of folks like you, and it’s only through leaning and depending on the protection from Above that you’ll make it through his attempts to get rid of you. (2016:48) Depending on help from Above on a daily basis is what will get you into the gear of asking and applying for it, in other words, to stay in prayer… which can be neglected when things are running too smoothly. (2016:50) If you can’t make it on your own, it’s a good state to be in to learn to depend on My help and all the help from Up Here you can get, which is the only way you’re ever going to make it through the future approaching the world!

To be open for and dependent on My leadership is a very important for folks following Me! Following My guidance and directions: a good thing to learn to depend on! If you don’t feel like you can make it on your own anymore, well, that’s good! To make independence a good trait is positive when it comes to not having to depend on the system! But to depend on help and guidance from Above, if you believe in your Creator, well… you’ll see, that’s the only way to make it through the darkest times on Earth to come! Get ready for having to depend on miracles, just as My ministry on Earth was dependent on the Father’s Power, and all My true followers’ has been dependent on that Power from Above! Getting modern technology into a state where it has become possible for folks to do things they hadn’t been able to for the previous millennia of world history makes it quite a lot harder to depend on faith in the Powers and Forces from Above, since technology has pretty much replaced the visible need for help from Above, but with times a-changing and the world heading for the roughest state of its history, you’ll see that dependence on the help and Power from Up Here will become necessary again for My true followers and believers… Knowing that that physical security isn’t going to last, isn’t it better to be in a place where you already need to rely more on heavenly help, protection and provision from Above? (2016:52) The only chances to make it through those times to come are learning to depend on Our help from Above! (2016:53) Rely on Me and your help from Above that is able to see you through whatever comes! (2016:54) Things not going so rosy is just what draws you closer to Me and makes you more desperate and dependent on Me, which I’ve been telling you, is the only way to make it through those days to come… so, preparation. (2016:58) It’s time to really get used to depending on My help, just as the disciples of old had to, under their dark circumstances. That’s a rhythm you ought to get used to: Depending on Our leading and guidance from Above. Sometimes you’ve just got to go through what you have to go through, and learn in the process to lean and depend on your heavenly help! So, get used to applying for, and depending on it, because that’s what you’re going to need! The days, the times and the world you’re in are largely becoming evil, and getting worse as time goes by, and there are relatively few forces and sources down there you’ll be able to rely on, so, the best move is to learn to depend on help from Above! Becoming aware of being dependent on My leading and guidance is a surplus, advantage and – as you’ll find out, a blessing from Above! Learn to lean on Me, My spiritual leading and guidance! (2016:59) Not knowing how you’ll survive the times to come… a good reason to stay in tune with and learn to completely depend on Me and your help from Above, isn’t it? Learn to rely on Me, instead of your own capabilities! So, don’t feel too discouraged about feeling a bit hopeless as far as the circumstances are concerned, but let it gear your hope towards Me and all the help from Above you can get, which you’ll depend on completely during the times to come! If you don’t have a clue and can’t see how you’ll make it… well, a good incentive to lean on Me, isn’t it? (2016:60) Help Me to prove to you that it pays to rely on Me! When you feel like you can’t make it anymore by yourself, that’s a good time to lean onto Me! Trust Me, that all great men and women of Mine didn’t make it without Me directing and empowering them! (2016:61) Through the times coming when no fleshly abilities will be what will help or see you through, you definitely won’t make it without Me, so get into that gear of totally clinging to and depending on Me! Rely on Me and the Strength and Power you need from Above! The weakness you’re having to deal with is also an advantage. – And the circumstances too unpleasant to lean on and rely on yourself and own abilities… Keep learning to lean on Me instead! – Totally and completely! (2016:62) Can’t make it? A good sign from My point of view, as it draws you into a position where you’ll need Me to help you make it, and not rely so much on your own capacities anymore. If you can’t make it, that’s a good sign that you need Me, and – as you’ll find out – the way it works best. Can’t make it on your own? Good opportunity to make it through Me! – And good training and preparation for the much harder times to come! (2016:63) If things aren’t getting easier, it shows you’ve got to get into the groove of leaning on Me, depending on Me and My help, and not continue to lean on your own strength of the flesh. (2016:70) When you’ve got no one else to rely and lean on, that’s the ultimate sign and reminder to lean on Me! I would like to get you into that gear of dependence on Me in order for you to have a chance to make it through what’s to come. Realizing you can’t rely on those around you reminds you to rely on Those Above. Can’t rely on those around you? Rely on Me! What will help anyone make it through the tough times to come is having learned to rely on Me and Our help from Above! Don’t rely on those around you not really geared to relying on Us and Heaven’s help yet! Depend on Me and the Strength and Power from Above! – The only One to help you make it through what’s to come! (2016:72)

Figuring out things by yourself may have been alright in the days past, but the times are changing into a drift where dependence on Me will be the only thing to see you through. (2016:74) You used to make it pretty much in your own energies, but it’s time to learn to depend on Mine and the heavenly Power to lift you up, strengthen you and help you make it through each day of what’s coming. The troubles each day are to remind you what you’re supposed to rely on: not your own capacities, but the Help and Strength from Above to see you through, so that depending on Them will also help to see you through and make it through the troubled times to come! Not being able to just rely on your own strengths and energies anymore is a good step of preparation for the rough times to come when it simply won’t be your own strength anymore to pull you through. So, get used to relying on Ours! With the level of evil forces and their control of this world rising, it also raises your need for heavenly help, protection and strengthening to make it through. Depending on Us means: can’t make it without Us. (2016:75) The lack of confidence whether or how you’ll make it through even the next few days, weeks or months, much less years is something that will draw you closer to Me and make you more dependent on Me, which is a necessary process for the times to come. When folks are more dependent on the Help from Above, they’re just easier to use for Heaven’s glory than when they’re in top carnal conditions. (2016:79) With no physical sunshine around, you tend to realize more the need for Me, your spiritual Sunshine. My believers and followers won’t make it through what’s to come without heavenly Help, which is why I’m making you more dependent on heavenly Power right now, seeking Me more, because you’ll be needing that heavenly Help more than ever before. (2016:82)

You won’t make it without Us and Our Help in times soon to come, so you must get used to depending on It! (2016:84) The time is coming when folks who won’t be part of the AC system will absolutely and totally depend on the heavenly Help they can get through faith. The times coming will make it a pretty much total dependence on heavenly Help. Time is coming when the question “Think you can make it without Me?” will be answered with an obvious “No way!” So, if you can’t make it without Me and My Help in times to come much less than right now, don’t you think it’s a good time to get into the groove of depending on It? You used to be largely capable of making it in your own strength, capacities and abilities, but I’m trying to prepare you and make it clear to you that you won’t. So, the more you start depending on Me, the better off you’re gonna be in coming times. I’ve allowed your physical abilities to largely die down, so that you would get the point of what I already told My disciples during the Roman Empire, which – with Nero, who was also directed and partly possessed by Satan – became the prototype of the coming final world empire: “Without Me ye can do nothing (Jn.15:5)!” If you’re feeling incapable of making it anywhere in the condition you are, let it be a training and preparation for times to come during which you’ll be totally dependent on Heaven’s Help for your very survival! (2016:86) The miraculous support of Power from Above is what you need to learn to rely on, no physical circumstances or conditions. (2016:90)

The less you can rely on yourself and your own capabilities, the more it will drive you to rely on Me, and you’ve just got to trust Me that that’s the best for you! In order to make the coming drastic, negative changes turn into something halfway positive for you, you’ve just got to get into that groove of utter dependence on Me and Heaven’s Help, instead of your physical abilities! Continue to trust and rely on Me and all of Heaven Above, that We know what We’re allowing in your life, even if it’s not as pretty and easy as what you had been used to. Relying on Me instead of the abilities that saw you through will turn out a blessing and advantage, you’ll see! (2016:92) Keep clinging to My Help, blessings and protection! - Something you’ll depend on in the times to come! Depending on My Help and protection is part of the necessary preparation for those dark days to come. If you can’t fully rely on your own physical capacities anymore to see you through, see it as an important part of your preparation for the days to come when no one will make it on their own! Becoming dependent on Me, My Strength, Power and Help is just something you’ll have to get used to, instead of relying on your own abilities. Learning to put your trust and reliance on Me is one of the necessary progresses to make it through the coming times. Can you make it? Not on your own, relying on your own strengths and capabilities, but relying on Me, you will. (2016:98) The more you depend on Me instead of your own abilities, the better! There’s a reason why sometimes I make you dependent on the help of others as well, in order to let them get blessings from Here, providing they make the right choices. So, don’t be too upset and shocked by the circumstances that make you more dependent on the Help from Above! (2016:99)

The greater your dependence on Me, the closer I get to you. The more you need Me, the more heavenly Help you get. With the difficulties before you, don’t see them as a hindrance or negative, but as something to draw you closer to Me, something to make your faith in Me grow, and as circumstances that teach you to become more dependent on Me and the coming need of the Miracle-Power from Above, without which you won’t make it through the troubled times to come! To handle difficult times is not to make you feel forsaken by Me, but to draw you closer to Me and make you more aware of the necessity of staying as close to Me as you can, depending on My guidance and protection, and not your own physical abilities! (2016:100)

The less you’re able to accomplish things on your own, the more you need to rely on Me, My Strength, Help and Power to do it. If you can’t deal with things surrounding you, good reminder of whom you should cling to and depend on in order to get them done. If you can’t rely on those surrounding you, it’s a good reminder of Who you should rely on. – The only One to help you make it through what’s to come. The same applies to your physical capabilities. Can’t rely on them anymore? – Rely on Me! If I’ve put you together with someone you can hardly rely on, it’s so that you get into the gear of utterly relying on Me! The sooner you learn to rely and depend on My Help, Strength, protection and supply, the better! Feel like you can’t make it? Good! Good reminder that you can’t make it without Me! Rely on Me, and that’s what sooner or later will be the main factor that will cause others to rely on you! (2016:101) Whether you’ll make it through the toughest of times to come or not, all depends on whether you’ll learn to depend on Me, My Help, Strength, Power and protection through all that is to come, and it’s one reason why I’m making it necessary for you already, to depend on them. It’s time to get used to depending on those energies and aids from Above, for the times come it won’t be possible without. Depend on Me! – Not on circumstances, which are just promising to become darker! (2016:105) You’re dependent on Me, My Help, encouragement and input… that’s a positive to Me! Needing Me’s a positive! You need Me desperately just about every day. Would you guess that I’d see that as a positive or negative? Even if you have to be reminded of your need for Me… see it as a positive! See the desperate need of Me as a positive! (2016:107) There’s no time anymore to rely on your fellowmen, but time to rely and depend on Me. (2016:108) Feeling incapable? Good news for Us, as far as We’re concerned, because it will lead you to the clue that capacity and capability will rely on Us and all Help, leading and guidance you can obtain from Here in the days to come. (2016:114) Instead of trying to make it leaning on your own physical abilities, which are unlikely to see you through the times to come, dependence on your heavenly Hosts is a positive. The sooner you get used to depending on Our miraculous heavenly Help, the better. (2016:117) It’s better to lean on Me than figuring things out by yourself. (2016:122) With the world going down its steepest slope in history, don’t be surprised that We’re working on you becoming the most dependent on Us and Our Help from Above without which folks just won’t make it through what’s coming. Conditions and circumstances won’t be something to rely on anymore, but something to overcome and rise above with the Help from Above. (2016:128) Having no clue how to make it may strike you as a negative, but it’s one of the signs that you’re becoming more dependent on Me and heavenly Help than the confidence of managing all by yourself and in your own strength. Get in the groove of depending on miracles, My doings and My Help concerning your survival and supplies! That mode of dependence on Me I’ve drawn out to you as an important factor. So, not being as physically capable as you used to be, don’t see it as a negative, but rather as a positive factor, drawing you into greater dependence on Me, the Help and Strength from Above! (2016:130)

Desperation With every battle you gain strength and grow stronger in faith, in the wielding of your weapons, in your desperation and closeness with Me, in ignoring the circumstances. (I:72) You would like to feel better about yourself, but I want you to be desperate. (I:75) When you have learned to treat success and failure with the same desperation, yet clinging to Me in joyful trust in spite of anything that happens, only then will you be stable, unshakable, immovable by any event or obstacle and can say with the true overcomers: ‘None of these things move me’. (I:90) Be on guard and desperate, always on the lookout! (I:105) Get ahold of My Spirit and the victory! If you don’t feel it, just get desperate and break through to My side until you’re there. (I:115) If you would be fully aware of how incapable you are to get anything accomplished without My help, you would constantly be seeking My contact, desperately grasping for Me as a drowning man grasping for air. (I:124) Mostly taken for granted, you never miss air as much as when it’s not there, just like people are most desperate for Me when the things are removed that keep them alive, when they’re nearing their death... That’s when they realize in terror that they can’t survive another minute without that certain something they’ve been taking for granted all their lives. (I:129) Look up to Me in desperation! (I:142) Seek Me more desperately! Realize how much everything depends on learning to get My counsel and direction and be more urgent, more alert and desperate about it! I can only answer you with the same intensity with which you seek Me! (I:157) Desperation is required to really bring results. (I:193) You have to come with determination, boldness and desperation before My throne of grace to find mercy and help in time of need. And one important factor is not to let the Devil trick you into losing that desperation. Seek Me and the truth, the real picture more desperately, for you cannot rely on your own minds. Seek Me desperately and with your whole heart, even when things appear to go well. (I:194) As long as you’re pleased with yourself, it’s pretty hard for Me to get you to desperately want change. It keeps you from staying desperate and humble. Some things you’re simply going to have to get more serious about and more desperate. The times you were the most desperate in your life are not the times you like to remember the most, much less would you like to re-live them, but they were the times that brought about the biggest changes in your life. They were the times that spurred you into action: memorization of My Word, desperate prayer, greater efforts to witness. Feeling too comfortable and too good about yourself distracts you from getting really desperate and looking for those areas in your life you need to change in. (I:199) If you would get desperate with Me everyday, you would find so much greater strength and grace for all the things you do and want to do. (I:201) As long as everything goes alright, man is pretty used to cruising along on his steam as usual, without desperation nor a real deep need for Me. (I:238) If you feel like you’re not going to accomplish anything, it’s going to cause you to get desperate to have Me accomplish something through you! There are desperate times up ahead, and the faster you learn to get desperate with Me, the better off you’re going to be. (I:242) I prefer you in a desperate and helpless state. I can use you better like that. (I:247) Things are going to get desperate, sooner or later, and I’m not going to let anyone get away with taking things for granted any longer. On the other hand, I don’t want you to panic and stare at the waves! I want you to look up, to Me, and continue to trust in Me. My promises are still true, especially in time of crises! (I:253) Come to Me, come down to the depths of the core of your heart in desperation, and find Me there, waiting with open arms and eager to answer you, eager to supply your needs! I need your concern and your desperation! As the need grows, your desperation also needs to grow. (I:259) There’s a lot of things for you to pray and get stirred up and even desperate about! If you leave anything to itself, it won’t just automatically improve by itself. Everything needs care, and the best care you can give to things, people and situations, is to pray

for them. That’s why sometimes I have to put you in desperate situations where almost the only thing that’s left for you to do is pray and trust Me for the outcome! (I:280) Thirst for Me more desperately, cling to Me for dear life, in utter reliance on Me, and that’s when I can use you. (I:284) Your whole situation is destined to drive you into My arms, to desperately cling unto Me for your bare survival. For all too easily you slip right back into the confidence of the flesh, and that’s when you start making mistakes. It won’t work without Me. (I:285) The times when you’ve been a lousy sample make you realize how desperately you need to change, and they make you realize that “it’s good” what I’m permitting to happen in your life. (I:300) The greater the desperation, the greater the vacuum, the power with which you draw strength, energy, input and counsel from Me! (I:302)

I wish to make you stronger and wiser, and I only manage to do so by having you come to Me, desperately seeking My face and My help. (I:326) Desperation is good for you. It’s only if you still see these things as a burden instead of a blessing that you view them as punishment. Anything that makes you pray more than you usually would, is a blessing in disguise. (I:350) It feels good to hear you say that you can’t make it on your own, that you need My help, to see you so desperate... You desperately have got to cling to Me for every moment and every step of the way, if you want to make it. (I:381) I want you to be more desperate for My help, realizing more that you need Me, get you to the point where you see that nothing works without Me. (I:524) So much depends on your desperation to find My perfect will for you... (I:531) Remember that "the Lord is nigh unto them of a broken heart, and a contrite spirit He will not despise." So, when you're desperate or battling, you're actually not any further away from Me than during these more victorious times, but I'm actually closer to you then, although you may not really feel it. (I:537) In order to really do the humanly impossible, one has to get desperate for the cause. It's that desperation that makes things happen; the realization of the urgency of the matters at hand. That's why you've got to pray desperately each day, with genuine concern for others. (I:586) It's this very desperation, this incapability to cope with life in your own strength, that I cherish the most, because it creates the necessary desperation in you to call down My Power, and that's when I get a chance to work. (II:21) In your hopelessness and in your desperation you find Me, and that's the greatest asset anyone can have in this life. (II:64) One way the enemy has been able to get in was by getting you to let down your guard of desperation. If you stay on guard and desperate with Me for every move, every word you say, everything you do, he'll be a lot more hesitant to attack. (II:69) Usually, the point where people really get to the point of letting Me do it through them comes with times of great desperation, in times of great crises and great need. As long as everything is affluent, as long as it's times of peace and plenty, usually My people simply aren't desperate enough to be willing to just have themselves "erased" and just let Me be there through them... (II:199) In order to really get ready for Me, what you need is a desperate, not a complacent attitude! I want you to be desperately mindful of Me. (II:274) The carnal mind sees desperation as something bad, something undesirable, something to avoid at all cost. But desperation is the ingredient that puts the magic into prayers that makes them get answered in spectacular ways! (II:292) I use situations that make a man desperate, that cause him to not know what to do, that bring him to wit's end, I cause these to teach a man to look up to Me, to tune his ears to My signals. For when you are desperate, and you're heading down a road which you don't know whether it's right or wrong, then you have a chance to begin to truly hear My voice. (II:307) I've been telling you that desperation is good for you, yet you still try to do all you can to avoid a situation in which you'd have to get desperate. Desperate does not equal bad but good for you, because desperation is what will call down My Power to really help you. So many are lacking gratefulness because they never have to get desperate about anything! (II:317) Desperation is good for you; it drives you closer to Me. (II:341)

True Heaven comes through the desperation that makes you seek Me whole-heartedly - a desperation that comes from the total failure of finding anything in this world that will truly satisfy you. (II:345) The reason why I allow misunderstandings, lies of the enemy, along with sensitivity and pride, is to keep you desperate and close to Me, to keep you dependent on Me. How dependent on Me are you, how yielded to Me are you, how desperately do you seek Me and need Me and show Me that you need Me? (II:366) As long as everything's rosy, it's hard to stay desperate. But as soon as I let the devil loose to blow down your neck, you know you're not at home in this world... As soon as you're having a problem, you've got something to seek and ask Me about, you're hungry and desperate for a solution, you need Me. The solution lies in the very desperation, that vacuum, that void for Me to fill. (III:73) The lack you're experiencing is creating a necessary vacuum of desperation, of humility, of everything that is the opposite of complacency. When you've got a lot to be desperate about, then you'll also have a lot to be thankful for, because you'll know that it wasn't merely coincidence that you made it through the dire straits, you'll know it was Me Who got you through the rough times. (III:133) Seek Me and cling to Me desperately, as if your life depended on it, for it does! (III:172) I've got to allow you to get desperate to realize that you can't make it on your own. Otherwise there's no way you will ever seek Me and turn to Me with sufficient determination to really find Me and My solution, My Salvation, My way out of the situation. (III:210) To keep you low, small, and unrecognized keeps you more desperate and dependent on Me. It also keeps you less distracted by the effort to try and please everybody. (III:241) Coming to see who you really are is a good beginning for a climb out of that pit, since it’s the only way you’ll ever see the need for improvement, and just how desperate that need really is. (11:118) Desperate times require desperate measures. (12:41) It’s not the happy folks that have the biggest need of Me and My input; it’s the desperate. So, I’m having you somewhat desperate for the sake of the desperate who might benefit from what you’re pulling down from Me. (12:142)

Desperation definitely trumps self-satisfaction. Of course, if you have a choice, you naturally prefer the feeling and sensation of the latter, but I assume you can see the point here that the less desired and least attractive option here definitely represents the better option, right? No one wants to be desperate. But when it all comes down to it, isn’t being self-satisfied – although much more comfortable, granted – really the greater evil? (12:148) Your worldview is probably a lot bleaker than that of most, but I dare say it’s also more realistic, and thus forcing you to desperately get ahold of Me in order to make it through each day without becoming utterly depressed. (13:36) The greater the desperation and desire with which you seek Me, the more you will find of Me. (13:65) Times that make you more desperate for a while are sometimes a bit necessary to make you humbler and somewhat more victorious in some ways… Having to seek Me more, you’re more desperate at having to find and get ahold of Me! Maybe it’s rough… but like this you won’t think that or act as if you can make it all yourself… You’re more desperately and currently seeking for Me. (14:35) Sometimes life turning into a nightmare is what makes people return to desperate prayers, and thus the way and path for life to turn into something better again. Why I may have allowed this dilemma to occur in your life: to bring about greater desperation… serious determination and prayerful decisions in your life… (14:39) You wonder why I’m letting the kind of times happen you’re getting desperate… But one day you’ll be recognizing these times as the ones thanks to which you’ll manage to survive an even darker future… A time you’re learning to become truly desperate about your communication with Me… (14:41) Being in a desperate situation should toss you into more desperate prayer, too… when you can’t solve the problems all by yourself… (14:92) As long as folks keep everything in control under their own power and strength, there isn’t that much reason to keep looking out desperately for Me and letting their faith grow… (14:150)

Times that aren’t easy and force My followers to become more desperate for Me and My interception, are rather something good than a bad thing. They draw you closer to Me. And trust Me, that’s an advantage you will recognize some day you needed. The times are not the same as they used to be. They’re definitely times you desperately need My help to make it against the evil forces at work! You need My help desperately to make it! - More desperately than ever. (14:156) If you get into praying desperately, it helps better. (14:159) To become more desperately dependent on Me and needing Me more will always turn out to be an advantage in the end, you’ll see. Hard times and tough times will draw you closer toward Me. These factors sometimes help you to improve and behave better. And thus, it’ll all work out to draw you closer to each other, as well as closer to Me. – One of the advantages of desperate times. (15:12) I figured you’re worthy of and would appreciate being prepared for that which is coming, even if this way may principally teach you how to get desperate and apply desperation as the most helpful way to get ahold of Heaven’s Power to aid you. (15:36) When life gets rough, it’s a good occasion to get into serious connection with Me to either ask for help or some revelation as to what’s going on. It might also mean that you should get into some desperate prayer to beg Me for My help and salvation out of a serious mess situation. (15:50) I’m having to make you desperate enough to seek Me, so you’ll keep the right shape and attitude, focusing more on the spiritual side of things than the physical and the flesh. (15:55) That’s the groove in which you’re more likely to make it through times to come: clinging to Me and all the heavenly help you can get, through prayer, fueled with some of that desperation the hellish state of the world ought to be getting you into, if you’re not one of the enemy’s, but My follower. The desperate times, as hard as they may be or at least seem, are the best factor to prepare you for even rougher times ahead, prepare you for troublesome times, and give you a better and stronger character… (15:60) Trust in Me and the power, strength and force from Above that’s at your disposal, and you’ll see that this will be the end of your desperation. The desperation may lead you towards Me and cause you to pray for My help and power, but once you’ve got it, you’ll see, it disappears! (15:79) Sometimes, when life is being taken for granted, some things happen to make and keep you more desperate, more humble, and clinging more to Me. (15:81) You’ve been warned of rough times coming up ahead. And unfortunately, soon they’re coming. So, is that a reason to get desperate, or not? Try harder to get ahold of Me and of My help! You might desperately need it, not too far ahead in the future! (15:94) Sometimes it’s better not to think you’re going to make it through times coming. At least like this you’re more desperate for My help, and knowing you won’t make it without My help makes it more likely that you are going to make it. (15:126) Get used to the fact that you’ll need Me more desperately to make it through, and can’t just make it on your own! Trust Me that it’s good to become desperate and become familiar with the fact that you need help from Above, eventually pretty much permanently, because they’re going to be tough times, with the Enemy taking over the earth just about completely. (15:140) You can tell that there’s a lot of chaos going on in the world, and most folks out there don’t apply for Our help. You need it, and desperately so; and even if it may seem like a big disadvantage to you at the time, in the end you’ll recognize your need for Us as the major advantage, and having learned to apply for that, will be your greatest plus in the end. So, if you’re in desperate need of Us, don’t feel bad about it, because it just may turn out to be the best thing that will ever have happened to you in the long run… you’ll see. (15:141) Not confiding in your own strength, but being desperate for My help instead is a good thing; trust Me for that! – Especially if you can tell and see where this world is heading… and you’ve chosen to take the other way. (15:142) Desperation and the according prayer isn’t a bad thing to get into these days, with the world coming closer to the stage where it’ll be completely run by our enemy! (15:146) Try to focus and keep your vision toward Up Here, which is all by faith, but that’s precisely what you should work on becoming the strongest force in your life right now, because it’ll be the most desperately needed through what’s to come! Stay on guard or on the attack, which is a mindset you’ll desperately need during the Endtime! It’ll be fairly desperate times of becoming desperately dependent on Me, but that’s the way – the only way – you’ll be able to make it through them! (15:149)

Going through situations that make you a bit more desperate and dependent on Me and help needed for you to make it through, shouldn’t make you feel too bad. It’s the way kids feel these days without their mother. While you’ve been a lot more independent, you’re having a hard time coping with their dependence sometimes. But maybe it should just be a sign for you, how dependent on Me and your help from Above you ought to be! (15:161) Don’t feel bad about needing My help so desperately! The situation will become more desperate in times to come, so just take it as preparation for that, what you’re having to go through right now. (15:167) Don’t take it for granted that things will somehow work out by themselves for you! The times are coming when they won’t, and you’ll need Me and My help desperately! So you’re feeling desperate… Why do you think I’ve been recommending desperation, at least within prayer already since decades to you? (15:186) Feeling more dependent on Me and that you desperately need that Help from Above is what you’ll need to help you make it through the times up ahead! (15:190) To rely on Me desperately is the only way you’ll make it through the dark days to come. (15:225) Desperate times, not knowing where to turn to, might be something to get used to with the days that are coming; and in other words, it pays to learn to get all the instructions and leading from Me you can get! As much as you need the help from Above, it’s definitely no mistake to get into the groove of desperately applying and asking for it! So, get used to being in a desperate state with the need of applying for it on a basically constant basis! (16:43) Things not going so rosy is just what draws you closer to Me and makes you more desperate and dependent on Me, which I’ve been telling you, is the only way to make it through those days to come… so, preparation. (16:58) If you feel a bit desperate, remember that desperation in prayer is a power to cling to in times of trouble! So, feeling desperate? Seems like time for desperation. – Time to realize there’s no way to make it through what’s coming without Help from Above, and to pray for it desperately! (16:84)

Devil/Enemy, The (Vol.II) While I want you to be happy and enjoy life, you must never forget that we’re still at war; you’re on hostile territory, and while I do protect you, if the enemy could, he’d wipe you out, so it pays to stay on guard and be alert. (2011:4) The devil would like to keep you stuck in that mess your life is in, and he’s trying to discourage and weaken you by saying, “You’ll never make it out of there,” implying, of course, that I’m less than capable or even willing to live up to My title as Savior. He says “There’s no salvation; there’s no hope!” – And you know the sort of people that are singing his tune… They put their confidence in themselves, and that is of course nothing that the devil would fight. In fact, he’ll encourage it any day, so he leaves them in peace, believing in themselves, and well, worshiping themselves on occasion. You’re trying to put your confidence in Me, and of course, he’ll discourage and fight that, since he knows that a man who puts his trust in Me is the only potential danger and threat for him… (2011:8) The devil has developed crafty means of luring the young away from the values of their parents… Too many temptations to withstand, and a development of things at a pace too fast that they could accept their parent’s wisdom and skill, when they see it failing to cope or compete with all the world can do… Too many shiny toys determining what is “hip” and what is not… Too many man-made standards that have long sought to replace Mine, and as far as the majority of the world is concerned, they’re just about succeeding. (2011:10) You’re gonna make it. “No you won’t!” – the Devil says, but don’t listen to the old punk! Listen to Me! I promise you will, and who is there to defy that? He may try, but he’ll never succeed. His is only a puny shadow of a false promise of success, the empty bluffs of a self-deceiver. Ultimately, no matter what he says or does, only what I say really counts. (2011:13) If the Devil accuses you, well, that’s nothing new… That’s all he’s capable of, anyway. But I condemn no one. I’m here to save you, not to condemn you. People hear either what they want to hear, or sometimes what the Enemy wants them to hear and makes it sound like to their ears. He’s “Mr. Negative,” while I’m “Mr. Positive.” I can see the good he can’t. (2011:18) If everyone would fall prey to the Devil’s game (and it is already by far the vast majority of folks on this planet who currently do), then there won’t be any game left to play: only doom and destruction ahead and “Game over!” (2011:27) The Enemy tries to make you feel like a loser, but taking you to the extremes and limits of your present capacities is what it’s all about in order to make you grow, expand and progress… (2011:31) The Enemy is trying to tell you that you should work so you’ll have it easier, can get more things, etc., and just about everybody in the whole wide world would agree that that’s just the thing to do. (2011:33) The business of trying to please everyone and be popular can be a thankless undertaking if you’re in My business, because the devil will always help them to find things about you they won’t like in the long run; thus the harder you try, the more frustrating it will be in the end. (2011:38) Do not allow Satan to reach his goal – his only goal and purpose – to separate us and to draw you away from Me. And even if he gets close, or manages to distract you temporarily, remember these words: Come back to Me! (2011:50) Who are you going to believe? Me, and My statement – which I make by handing you that cup – saying you can take and make it? Or the Enemy, who’s trying to make you feel bad and sorrier for yourself with every breath you take? He’s great at making you see the hole in the donut, the thing you’re missing out on, the button off the vest, and whatever negativity, real or imagined he can draw your focus on, blow up way out of proportion and make a mountain out of what previously wasn’t more than a molehill. (2011:53)

Praying is always the first and best step upward, away from the pit the Devil was trying to get you to look at and focus on. (2011:55) Whenever there’s a paradise somewhere, or a little piece of heaven on earth with people loving each other, it won’t take long until the old snake appears to spoil the fun… He just can’t stand the sight of two or more people loving and enjoying each other, and he’ll always find a way to get at least one of them to think about or imagine things they must be missing out on and all they might yet need in order to really be happy… (2011:59)

“Maybe it was all a mistake” is one of the favorite thoughts the Devil likes to plant in people’s heads, getting them to doubt the whole thing, and once you start to doubt, pretty soon you won’t be sure of anything anymore… (2011:62) The Devil just loves to prove Me wrong… And “a fragment of your imagination” is the favorite thing he likes to reduce Me to in people’s minds, because it makes Me potentially most harmless to his cause, which, as you can see, is finding ever more actual physical manifestations on the planet. He’s about as real as you can get by the overwhelming evidence and the all-engulfing selfishness he promotes.

But just because he appears stronger, more present and more powerful than our Cause at present, does that mean it is so? Hasn’t this been a theme of the life of faith all along and part of the tests of faith from the beginning, that even though the Enemy’s forces seemed to be stronger and overwhelming, yet the power of God would win in the end? The problem does not lie in the direction the Enemy is pointing, but in the opposite. Instead of revoking your trust in Me, you should really start putting your trust in Me for a change, and you’ll see things moving upward. (2011:69) The Enemy constantly bombards you with input, distractions and temptations designed to make you forget what I’ve said, when I have told you that what you need to do is remember. (2011:100) The Devil has his own advice to give you, and he’s definitely more pertinent about it than I am, since I often like to test your faith in what I have already told you… His job is to see if he can get that faith to shake in its foundations, whichever dirty way he might manage. And the question, of course, has always been, since the beginning of time: Who are you going to listen to and believe? Him, or Me and what I’ve already told you? I’m the One Who wants you to make it, and Who can help you to do so. It’s the Enemy who doesn’t. So, you should take a little better heed as to who you’re going to listen to. Yes, his voice may sound more sympathetic at times. He pretends he’s on your side and that you don’t deserve this rotten fate life seems to be handing you. How caring of him to sympathize and point that out, isn’t it? “Be sober and vigilant, for your adversary, the devil, as a roaring lion walks about, seeking whom he may devour!” (1Pe.5:8) – Don’t you be his next meal! Yes, he’s got a lot of sob stories to tell, and he’s quick to sympathize with yours. But what about loyalty? How about doing what’s right in spite of the rotten way you may feel? How about sending him back to hell where he belongs? (2011:101)

The Enemy can use something that started out as a good thing and turn it into something bad that can lead folks astray and away from the thin line of the golden truth that you only find and preserve by staying tuned in to Me. (2011:104) It’s the devil’s whole scheme to resent correction (of course, he considers himself perfect), and he’s infested mankind with that same bug of pride and resentment toward correction of any kind, and that’s the basic dilemma of the times you’re living in: Correction has almost become something unacceptable, and the state of your society is a disaster, accordingly. (2011:107) The Enemy will make sure to destroy whatever amount of purity there was in the original idea or movement. He’s the great corruptor. He likes to mess up anything good I’ve started, or even anything good anyone else has ever started, for that matter. He knows how to corrupt men’s hearts, and if it’s not the first generation he manages to corrupt with his bribes and temptations, then it will be the second or third… (2011:124) If the Devil is running out on effective distractions – and you know that that’s his main field of expertise – then he’s always still got that ace up his sleeve of getting you to make a god out of your work and accomplishments for Me. After all, he makes you figure, that’s what your rewards will depend on, right? (2011:142) Distraction is basically the name of the Enemy’s game. He fights to distract people from what’s essentially vital for them, undermining the importance of those factors, and managing to get them to grant greater priority to other matters. (2011:144) Anyone can follow Satan's example of thinking they're smarter, believing that God must clearly be insane and out of His mind for allowing what He does. Anyone can succumb to the path of hatred and contempt the way Satan did, but who can show forth something different for a change? (2012:13) Even when the Enemy’s threats seem overwhelming, you’ve got to be able to rest in the assurance that I am much greater and much more powerful than he is, and he has no power at all, compared to and when opposed to Mine. It becomes completely obsolete, just as the shadow has no chance against the light. No need to run from his shadows, since they’ll be completely eradicated by My light. (2012:20) You happen to have the meanest and most ruthless enemy anyone can have. As far as he’s concerned, you’re his enemy to be done away with, so he’s not just going to leave you in peace, ignore you and let you enjoy a blissful little life. (2012:27) The Enemy always knows which tactics to use, and he’s not going to come out openly in a confrontation with an experienced warrior when the subtle approach via a weaker vessel can prove to be so much more successful and easier. After all, he is lazy and impatient, too. – And the easy way out, he’s the champion of that, along with the galore of methods he has been teaching generations to get what other people have without investing any of all that hard work it would usually take to get those things. The Enemy has managed to infiltrate and pollute that which is commonly perceived as My way, and the real difficulty is in not deceiving yourself into thinking you’re on My path when you’re actually on his, or managing to discern the extent to which the old boy has managed to fool you into thinking you’re truly righteous when you’re employing similar or just the same of his methods so many others use. (2012:49) The one ultimately responsible for the circumstances in this world – unless you specifically ask Me to change them – is the Enemy, not Me. He’s the god of this world, the ruler, which is why I’ve been pleading with you not to be so tossed about by your

circumstances. (2012:51) The Enemy tries hardest to stop and discourage those who have the truth. He doesn’t mind people coming up with good works and ideas if they give themselves or him the credit for it. The ones he tries hardest to persuade that this all doesn’t make any sense are those who actually ought to know better… (2012:65) If the devil is the one who provokes you to bring out the worst in you – and even that is helpful, for you to know what your limitations, weaknesses and pitfalls are – I’m the One Who brings out the best in you. (2012:73) The Devil likes to lie to you, and you ought to know the kind of deception he creates in order to sow dissention and discord and strife… He likes to create an air of negativity that envelopes everything and taints your entire outlook on life and makes it seem a lot more miserable than it is. On the threshold of another big change in life, he likes to use that tactic to try to deter you. He likes to make everything seem useless and pointless. He likes to discourage you, and it doesn’t exactly help to let him cheat you out of spending time with Me. This is not a battle with life’s circumstances or someone else giving you a hard time, but a battle with the enemy of your soul. And he’s playing for keeps, and he’s playing dirty, so it’s about time you start fighting back and start taking the fight seriously, focusing on keeping a grip on your spiritual weaponry. It’s a sensitivity issue as well, and the demons in charge of tantalizing your sensitivity haven’t just gone to sleep or on vacation. (2012:94)

The Enemy tries to discourage you and tell you that because of your sins, mistakes and shortcomings, you couldn’t possibly be blessed or loved by Me, but you are. (2012:95) It’s not in the Enemy’s interest to establish harmony or unity. He’s the author of all confusion and division in the first place with his deceit. (2012:106) The Oppressor is real, but his actual power to hurt you isn’t; not compared to Mine. So whenever the Enemy and his attempts to drag you down seem overwhelming, remember, they’re no match for Me. (2012:119) I delight in laying low, appearing as the loser and letting the Enemy think he’s actually got a chance. Not that he’d need that, since he’s so convinced of himself, or at least determined to fight this war, come hell or high water, that nothing could deter him, and, We’ve put him in power, after all, after man’s repeated choices for him, so, he literally feels like, and in many aspects he is the god of this world. And I’m letting him play god, and I’m letting those that will worship him, worship him, and allow them to despise Me and those who worship and follow Me… It’s all part of the plan to give the true, lasting and final power to those who refused to be as short-sighted to only go by momentary appearance and chose the more challenging path of faith instead… - Faith to believe against the odds. (2012:120) If the devil is the accuser of saints, and he naturally wants people to follow his example and be his disciples, then that’s what he gets them to do, too: blame others, especially the saints and their Leader. So you can see now where all that blaming and accusing Me is coming from, directly. And if there’s nothing to blame Me for, being the unfair cheater that he is, he simply creates reasons, situations and little things to blame Me for, or provokes and instigates them. So, if anything, you should recognize this device as a trap of the Enemy to get you to blame Me, and the best choice would be to resist that temptation, since once you get angry with Me and you voice that anger, you start feeling more distant from Me, and that’s exactly what he wants. Remember, “Divide and conquer!” is his slogan, and that’s what he does with any parties who work for Me. He’s a very sly and cunning adversary, and many people’s biggest mistake is that they simply underestimate him and would never suspect to what lengths he goes to ruin their day, or, if he can, their entire lives… I can protect you from his devices, but only if you take the necessary precautions and do the parts that you can, like bathe yourself in prayer and in My Spirit; make sure you’re on My wavelength, not on his, so that he cannot influence your mind. You know that that’s not always the case, and when it isn’t, you shouldn’t be too surprised that he has an easier time punching through to you than I do. Open up your eyes to see through the Devil’s scheme! Don’t let him dupe you any longer into accusing Me of things you’re ultimately to blame for yourself. The Devil’s greatest aid in this case, is the assumption that you’re not that dumb, and the illusion of greater intelligence than what you really have at your disposal. (2012:147) The way the Enemy spoils his rotten followers, from a worldly and temporal perspective it may almost seem as if what they have is good, while yours is evil, but that’s just one of those ways in which he can make things appear quite differently from what they really are. He has created his own illusion of “good” and “evil,” which makes it so hard for some people to recognize whose side they’re actually on and really working for… (2012:149)

I’m pretty much all-inclusive, when it comes to humans. - Which is pretty much the devil’s challenge. He tries to make them so bad that he’ll figure I’ll be through with them before long, give up on them and call it quits and tell him he was right all along about them. And it certainly seems so in many ways. They definitely prefer him, and whatever he’s got to offer, most of the time, his ideas of greatness, strength, goodness and even salvation, over Mine… the Father’s Way. (2012:163) You’ve got to realize that it’s the enemy who’s trying to get you to doubt the sense and purpose in all of this. He’s the author of confusion, not I. His hooligans are having a ball pulling off their chaos show in front of your eyes and in your mind to confuse you, unsettle you, intimidate you and get you to doubt any purpose in all of this and to fail to see the rhyme and reason in it, just as millions of people fail to see it all throughout life and thus resolve that there couldn’t be a God. (2012:168) The Father is the Creator and Originator of all things; the devil just messes with it, that’s all; and the one creation he messes with most is human minds, which has some of the disastrous results and side effects on the rest of creation you can see, including the weather to an extent, since it was his messing with people’s heads that warranted the flood, which changed everything as far as climate on earth is concerned. No matter what the devil may come up with, it will always be overshadowed by what I can and will do. It just takes faith to believe that, while We allow him to wield all that power on earth temporarily. (2012:174) The devil’s going to be around everywhere, making darn sure to spoil your little paradise, wherever you may find it. Maybe he knows that content and happy you’ll be a greater danger to him than miserable, gloomy and bitter about the state of the world. (2012:176) The devil tries to use your flaws and faults to make you feel unworthy of Me and make you feel too guilty to have the faith to hear from Me and draw down My input, since he uses the tactic of first tempting you to sin, and then loads on you his barrage of, “Yeah, He’s got all the right in the world to be upset with you, and that’s why He won’t talk to you…” That’s a time to appreciate the fact that “you can never be too bad for Jesus, only too good.” (2012:183) The devil will do all that he can to bring out the dog-eat-dog spirit of self-preservation in you (just as in everybody else) that will make you portray and convey your ego in all its postures of self-defense, annoyance and what-not, just about anything but love. (2012:185)

You can’t let your guard down. As far as the Devil is concerned, you’re still his enemy, and he’ll try anything he can to spoil the fun you’re having, as well as ruin any kind of success you’re trying to achieve. (2013:20) The Enemy does all he can to reduce that godly battle My followers were meant to fight, to not much more than a struggle for their own survival, pretty much the same and no different from what the rest of the world is preoccupied with. (2013:26) Sowing the seeds of discontent is one of the great fortes of the Enemy, and one of the things he’s always been best at. It’s basically the result of making the center of your life, your world, your universe, instead of centering it on Me, the Source of true fulfillment. (2013:39) If you allow the Devil to aggravate you, it will hurt those who have put some degree of hope and trust in you, who expected you to be someone special, who could bring positive changes, or some new whiff and breath of fresh air into their lives… (2013:44) You can always count on the devil being the king of false promises. After all, he hates you, and it’s not in the least within his interest to make you happy. (2013:66) Following Satan and his ways is never a thing that pays off in the long run. It’s a thing to do for the extremely short-sighted, those who put all their money on the here and now, pretty sure that this is all there is and all there ever will be. (2013:67) If you’re among the few of the only folks who are effectively and actually fighting for Me, then you can imagine why it’s you the devil has chosen to give all this hell… And once you decide there’s no other option than to call out to Me and seek refuge and solace in Me, he has to let up, since he’s about to be defeated, and his darkness doesn’t have a chance to linger in the Presence of My light. (2013:80) I cannot make peace with the devil. I know him too well. Just as you’re getting to know the reliability of most people better, how you can’t trust in the promises they’re making, how you’re learning about the extent to which politicians lie to get their way and their power, so – even much more so – I know I can’t trust him. See, being all-powerful doesn’t necessarily mean you can do everything: Some things you simply cannot do, even if you’re allpowerful, and one of them is trusting the devil. His are just wickedly poor counterfeits of the Real Thing, and it hurts Me every time any of My brides fall for one of them. Any hope he gives you in this world can only be a lie, because it’s his for now, and his world is bound to die. The only assurance this life and all he offers have, is the wages of sin: death – a certain end to it. (2013:85)

If you don’t make sure that My blessing is upon whatever you do, you can be sure that the devil is going to have a ball at sabotaging your efforts, and, of course, getting you to blame the result on Me. He knows you didn’t do your part, didn’t keep your part of the deal, and so he knows there’s a loophole through which he can get in and do some of the stuff he’s best at: destroying. Imagine a little spoiled, ill-tampered brat on a rampage. If you see your child destroying just about anything he can get his hands on, multiply that by a gazillion! That’s why your job is to do your best to stop him, not to give him a green light to wreak havoc in your life, too. It’s bad enough he’s got just about the whole world for a playground already… And the only way to stop a super-villain is to avail yourself of My super-powers. (2013:97) The Enemy likes to promote the idea of the abolition of power, order and hierarchy. “Power to the people!” is one of the popular slogans he has planted in people’s minds. But every revolution has only resulted in a bloodier, crueler and tougher hierarchy than the former, and the best camouflaged form, of course, being “democracy,” where the true rulers are ruling from behind the curtains, hidden in the shadows, leaving the people with the illusion that they actually have a choice in the matter. Of course, what he really wants, is to be the boss himself, just like about any of the promoters of his slogans. I refer to him as “the enemy” not only because he is Mine and yours, but also because he is the originator of enmity: between beasts, men, and between God and men. (2013:98) It’s the Enemy trying to drag you down when he hits you with reality turning into bad news around you, just like he did Job. And like Job’s wife, he’ll tease you, “Why don’t you just curse God and die? Don’t you think that’s the only feasible option left for you?” And it’s up to you to either give in to him or kick him back. (2013:110) Why do you think the devil has purposely directed, steered and orchestrated everything into becoming such a mess? He figured that you’d believe what you see: A God Who created such a mess couldn’t be much of a God! But you’ve got to let your kids make a mess of things sometimes, even if just for the sake of teaching them how to do better. (2013:112) One of the Enemy’s favorite and most common tactics: “You see? Nobody really loves or appreciates you, anyway, so why not just waste this stupid old life you’re given?” He likes to depreciate everything created by the Father. The trick is to fight those notions and keep hanging in there in spite of them! If I tell you they need and love and want you, of course he’ll try his best to prove to you the opposite. The clinch is, whom are you going to believe, despite the way things may temporarily appear? (2013:121) The Enemy is pretty busy trying to eliminate people’s trust in Me and replace it with trust in the System… (14:15) Remember who’s in charge of ruling the world temporarily! If you’ve got a powerful enemy who’s running most of the world you’re having to live in right now, I assume you can imagine that it would be wiser in ways of dealing with the world to be more aware of the dangers. (14:21) The devil is working at trying to get you to swallow some of his lies… After all, his greatest enemies are those who have been doing a lot to publish the rare blessing and power of truth in their lives and this world. Maybe the problem was just that you forgot you had that biggest and greatest of enemies against you, and he had been waiting for his opportunity to kick his revenge against you. Keep trusting in Me, so that once you’ll have made it past this evil attack you’ll be able to comfort, strengthen and encourage others, that they’ll have a chance against the enemy, too, who’s acting as the powerful Lord of this world, but will eventually turn out as the loser. (14:50) You know Me and My Word’s statements about the state of the world, and that it’s the enemy who’s largely ruling it, although he wasn’t the Maker or Creator… He’s not the true boss of creation, but just a pretender; and he’s largely receiving a right to do so if the majority of people swallow his lies and accept him as the boss, even pretending he’s someone else, someone better than he really is… (14:51) Now that you know what the enemy is able to do to try to get rid of you, you’ll be doing better to be aware of the danger and to keep asking Me for more protection from the kind of things that he does or uses his servants on Earth to do, or other spirits… You always better stay close to Me and ask Me for My protection from his stuff and things he might use to harm you… Stay close to Me and don’t let him trick you or hit you… It’s a dangerous and tough time. He’s trying to get rid of all those who might get in his way during the last time on Earth where he’ll put on his supreme reign of the Endtime. Being a top liar, he can’t stand those who know the truth about him and who’d be able to warn the others… (14:66) The enemy is in power pretty much all over this globe; and it is your job to learn to resist him in his power. That means you need to find out where and how he’s working, with what kind of spirits, and how to resist him… how to get a victory over him with My power and force. Where you’ll dwell exactly in this world during this time close to that of the end, isn’t as important as learning to resist him and his force, to recognize his tricks and all… (14:71) There are quite a few signals that show that the Earth is being governed by the enemy, and there’s some work happening to get together and build his last world empire. (14:72)

It’s one of the enemy’s great favorites to make sufferings – especially for believers – to happen as long as possible in this world; and while he lets them occur, make you cease to believe in Me and stop and terminate your faith. That’s how the devil gets his perfect goal arranged: constructing more hatred and enemies by ruining one’s character and managing to sow aggression in the other one’s… (14:80) The Devil would love to make Me look useless in this world he’s takin’ over… So, why do you think I’m trying to bring back the need of Me in folks? Don’t let anything squeeze Me out of your life, don’t let him do it, or try to persuade you to, just because he’s against your trusting in Me above any of his artificial products to believe in! Believe in Me as the one true and Real Thing to believe in – certainly better than all the fakes he invents, promotes and makes up! Remember God’s Reality! – Quite different than the enemy’s fake one! (14:81) You must learn how to resist and strive against the attacks of the Devil, who’s the closest to his world-take-over, ever. Most people aren’t aware of his planned world-takeover or his methods and effects on the world; but you can see that he’s still quite busy trying to make the world his as much as he possibly can. (14:82) The devil’s influence in the world becomes largely more visible, and it becomes harder and harder to keep in touch with Heaven and Its folks, and tougher to keep the faith in It. That’s one of the tough versions the Enemy wound up thinking of to present as the Endtime: making everything without faith and God look so wonderful that the world by itself would look good enough, so people would wind up thinking, who needs Heaven anyway? He’s trying to make the world look so close to It in some parts, that people begin to stop missing it, start feeling more at home in this world and stop to look for anything else. Remember what he did to the world when I had to wind up sending the flood! He just got pretty much everyone except Noah and his family hooked up to his ways, and what makes you think he might not try that again this time? (14:83) The devil will create more and more things people can just view and watch, so they don’t have to invest time to develop faith to believe in things they can’t see at the moment. “Believe in what you see” is a very common strategy these days, and since faith is largely believing in things you can’t see physically these days right now, well,… it’s becoming rarer. If everything worth looking at winds up costing more and more money, that’s a way the devil makes the value of physical and material things rise above that of the spiritual, at least according to worldly standards. (14:100) The devil has found out that his chances to conquer folks are greater if he doesn’t oppose folks openly for a time and allows them to grow weaker, which makes his victory over them happen quite a lot more easily. He makes the world not seem so bad to believers, so they’ll let loose, not so much being on guard… until they’re finally weak enough to blow them quite a fierce attack. - The less forceful real Christians around, the better for him and his evil worldly future plan. (14:103) When things seem too peaceful to believers in Me, they might have to find out what tricks the enemy is capable of, especially when they underestimate his influence and power over the world. One of the only ways he can get a victory over folks is by making them underestimate him by staying out of scary techniques for some time until the state of lack of preparation and defence is ready. The Enemy knows that My folks have protection that is capable of defending them from him. So he acts by disappearing from some folks’ influences until they underestimate him, don’t depend anymore on My power to protect them and… “Wham!” – He may get’em. (14:106) When it gets tough for those believing in Me, it means they’ve got to ask Me for help, put their faith into action, and not allow the devil and his forces to win or succeed against them. Of course, he’ll do whatever he can to weaken people’s faith in Me, but you must not let him! It’s quite the opposite necessary, that you should make an effort to strengthen your faith, spend more time with Me and do all you can to strengthen it! Don’t allow him to weaken it, but strengthen your faith! (14:108) The enemy doesn’t like you, and he’s trying to make things as hard and as tough for you as possible. (14:116) The enemy is pretty much in charge of the whole world right now, which is coming close to its end, and which means, the only strength you’ll have to make it against him and withstand his wicked attacks is to depend and rely on Me and the help you can avail yourself of from My Kingdom, and rely on that a whole lot more than your own abilities. (2014:130) A world that’s run by the enemy of God, who’s trying to play god himself… you can imagine that there have got to be problems to be dealt with. He’s always “blessing” those who worship him instead of Me, and who believe in life on Earth as just about all there is, but makes others who believe in a better Hereafter sometimes suffer for it. And especially those who pass on that message to the world! Fame in the world is something the enemy makes people want and partly addicted to… perhaps because he has that kind of addiction and desire fueled by pride, too… (2014:138)

Remember that the enemy’s in charge right now… since the first 2 people started out to believe his advice, and they certainly weren’t the last ones. He keeps telling you things you might accept as a new “truth”… but you ought to know better by now that truth isn’t what he’ll tell you! Stay with Me and get My Words… even if the devil’s telling you stories about Me that make you doubt… If you’ve got Satan as an enemy, you’ve got to be prepared for more attacks from him as a believer in Me than if all you live for is making money, and whatever your own mind tells you. (2014:145) Just remember what a cheater the devil can be and has been, and that you’re better off trusting and believing in Me, even if he tries to contradict God’s Words through different things he makes happen. Don’t fall for his enchantment and deception! Things look different from the predictions of the Bible because the enemy does all he can to make things contradict those predictions. A lot of people started believing during the 70s and 80s, and so he figured, things had to be changed… And they did. For him it’s always better to make it sound untrue what God’s Word is predicting… for him, the less believers in God, the better. All the more will wind up believing in him when he takes over the last world ruler and makes him the AC. (2014:149) It’s important to avoid getting off the track, as the enemy has obviously been luring you… After all, that’s what he’s mainly trying to do: to get My servants and followers off the track! (2014:153) If things are going wrong and not so well there and now, don’t blame Me for all of it, but the present ruler of your abode, and the choices for him of most of the earthly habitants, who obviously seem to largely prefer what he’s got to offer… So, if life on Earth is turning out bad, remember who’s in charge of it, and whom most people choose. (2014:159) Remember who’s running the place down there; and he thinks it’s his job, giving folks like you and other believers in Me a rough time… He’s trying to make it as tough for folks like you to keep believing as he can. That’s why he changes the circumstances so much. Always working hard at contradicting what My Word or prophets say. Whether you’ll still keep believing afterwards… well, that’s the test of faith. Well, another reminder of who’s currently running this world in which you live, and why you should be on the alert against him, keep on the attack, and don’t just get sucked into his system. “Resist the devil, and he will flee from you” (James 4:7). That’s a pretty important verse, and something you’d better not forget! You’ve got to keep resisting him if you want to get rid of him. Not resisting him can mean a lot of trouble. Keep resisting him! It’s important to keep learning how to resist him, and when you have learned it, but neglect that action, it shows just how tricky he can be and how important it is to stay on the attack and resistance against him. The devil is your enemy, and the kind of stuff he tells you, trust Me, is not supposed to help you win or make progress, but to make you lose what you’ve got and go downhill. When he can’t make you lose your faith in Me, he tries to make you lose your belief in the spirit world. Since he’s the bad guy according to your belief, he doesn’t mind trying to make you get rid of your faith in the entire spirit world, including his domain… After all, he’s done that to a large percentage of the people through their education. (2014:165) Make the effort to learn to resist the devil and not let him manage to turn a whole part of your life into hell! Resist it with My heavenly Power, and even though he may be trying to turn your life into hell, use My heavenly Might to turn it into something more pleasant, and pour some of the heavenly sphere over that taste of hell he gives you. Let Me keep proving to you what and who is stronger. Alright, he may be stronger than you in some aspects, but is he also stronger than Me? Well, and if not, and you’re depending on Me, don’t you think I can help you to make it? – Help you overcome the devil and beat him? Well, that’s part of the victory you’re supposed to learn about in this life! Learn of Me that I can help you and make you manage to make it, overcome the enemy and gain the victories through your trials and battles! Learn that I’m able to make it for you, and always turn out stronger than the enemy! (2014:166) We are more powerful and mightier than the enemy and his hordes! He can never really make it against Us, although We temporarily allow him to take control over the world due to the people’s decisions in his favour. But it never means that you cannot trust in Us, even though he often tries to impress folks by appearing more mighty than anyone else. Well, that’s one reason to keep on the attack against him, and not allowing him to weaken your faith, your heart and mind and all… Keep trusting in Our Love, even if he tries to put doubts against it on you and making Us look like the bad guys! Resist his lies and hold on to Us! Sometimes the enemy tries to tell you there isn’t anything better to expect, but you should refuse to listen to him, and listen to Me instead, telling you the opposite. (2014:167) It’s good to remember who’s still in charge of this world, so far, and not fall asleep in it. Remember, he’s your enemy, and not bound to let you get away with it – or anything. So, stay on the attack! Keep up on the defence! Don’t let him run you down or turn you out! It’s not too bad to feel scared sometimes, when you’re realizing what the one in charge of the Earth is up to and capable of. It’s better to be a little scared than totally ignore him, as you pretty much did before it happened to you, what you didn’t expect. (2014:174)

Don’t get too tied up with this world anymore, since most of its chief’s effort is to draw and pull you away from Me! If anything this lesson’s supposed to teach you, it’s for you to stay close to Me, not to let the enemy sidetrack you and lure you away from Me. Just remember who’s in charge of this world currently because most people’s choices preferred his ways! And if you’re really smart, don’t start making the same mistake! Don’t let the enemy divert you and distract you with some of his gimmicks! Trust Me that you’re better off right now without getting sidetracked and entertained by them every so often! Remember that laughing about everything may be part of the devil’s trap and trick to drive you away from the more serious senses of life! Don’t trust him just because it might make you laugh at times. (2014:178) If the world is ruled by the enemy, it sort of explains why life isn’t that easy for believers in Me, and much less My active disciples and followers. If I wound up on a cross, it should give you somewhat of an idea what the enemy would like to do to followers of Mine. (2014:179) Life’s a battle, and a fight, and a fairly tough one against the devil, who’s running this world for right now. So, staying on the attack or at least the defence against him is something you ought to do, along with everyone who firmly believes in Me. I mean, look at what he and his folks did to Me and My earlier disciples, and still gets away with doing to lots of them! So, you’ve got to deal with the fact that you’re not one of the Earth’s lucky ones, especially when you realize that “lucky” stems from the name of Lucifer. So, if you’re one of My mates and a child of God, it’s obvious that you can’t jive on the devil’s stuff. He doesn’t like you, being one of My followers and children of God, and as long as he’s in charge down there where you are right now, you’ve pretty much got to make sure that you get Our protection from his attacks! You’ve been warned long ago, that the enemy was going to wind up taking over this Earth for some time. But since there was a good and nice time for you back then, you didn’t expect the rough ones anymore. One of his tricks: Make it nice and shiny for folks on Earth so they get off the attack and much weaker than before. Looks like one of his common ways of attack, doesn’t it? Make folks too comfortable to stay on the defence or even go on the attack against him… (2014:185) Earth is largely run and controlled by Our enemy these days (even if We allowed it to be that way in order for you guys to learn something about what ways better not to follow)… It’s a rough life when it’s being controlled by the one who has not really created life, but is rather a sucker of it, who’s largely trying to wipe it out by making materialism the primary force controlling the human beings not he, but We originally created. But folks fall a lot for him, and are being quite enticed by his distractions and lures away from Us… So, it’s a rough time on Earth right now, and going to get even tougher, but… hang on! You’ll make it, and it’ll be worth it, just as the reward will be you’ll get for clinging to Us instead of whatever the “god” of this world momentarily has to offer. Just keep aware of him! (2014:200) Stay on the attack, and on the defense against the enemy’s influences, otherwise he’ll get his rights against you, to make you suffer for sins he tempted you to commit. These are lessons of life… lessons that pay to make the effort to better learn them. If you make the mistakes that let him win over you… well, that’s the hard way to learn, but usually (and should be) something you’ll never forget. If you make mistakes like that, they should keep you on the alert, never to let the enemy win such advantages against you. They’re the hard lessons to learn… so, don’t forget! There are a lot of advantages to lose, and what he’ll make you get instead are disadvantages and certain things you might certainly regret. That’s why it pays to stay on the alert against him and his attacks. Stay on the watch-out, and don’t let him win those victories against you! And if you did, never forget it, and make sure you learn that painful lesson! (2015:29) The devil’s a tough enemy, and not something you can just make it against on your own. Another reason why you really should get more used to depending on Me and rely on Our help more! You’re experiencing how permanent the enemy’s efforts can be to drag you down. Hang on to Me and don’t let him drag you down! Don’t give him a chance to drag or knock you down. Stay tuned in to Me and thus resist his efforts to drag you down. The more the world is being taken over by his input and wavelength, the tougher it’ll be to stay in My Holy Spirit, and the more you need It, so don’t neglect it! Don’t let the enemy drag you down! Remember that I’m stronger and more powerful than him, so hang on to Me and My help to win the victory against him! Amen? (2015:32) It’s the enemy’s major deal to try to distract everyone from the spiritual matters and keep everyone as hooked on the physical and material issues as much as he manages. (2015:50) Keep up the faith, as much as the devil is trying to nick it away from you with his daily attacks! In the end, it’ll be more worth than anything he has to offer in this temporal world! Keep believing in Me, keep hoping, keep trusting! You’ll be better off like that, than leaning on, or giving in to his temptations, his doubts and discouragement. Going through phases like that, you realize just how real it is, the degree and access to which he and his spirits attack you; but be of good cheer of the fact that holding on to Me, you’ll make it, will be able to resist them, and in the end you’ll wind up one of the winners, one of those fighters who’ll gain the victory. (2015:51)

Remember that you’re in a terrain occupied by the enemy – though Our creation – due to his reception by the majority of humans, and – since you’re not one of his fans or followers, but Mine, he will obviously do all he can to drag you down or stop you altogether. So, you’re in the middle of that warfare against him right now, and you’ll just have to keep resisting him, even if it’s tougher than ever in your current state, and he knows that, which is why he’s attacking you so hard. – Also trying to make your circumstances as tough and as unlikely for you to win the battle. (2015:56) Negative thoughts are quite likely stuff the enemy plants in your brain. So, keep thinking about it, that whether your thoughts are turning you up or down depends on who your thoughts are turned towards and tuned into: My way more positive input, or the enemy’s, who definitely doesn’t have the same goal as I, to see you happy and content! If he wants to drag you down, it still shows that there’s something you might still be up to in the future that he’d like to hinder you from accomplishing, and so he’s trying to drag you down and get you to quit. (2015:66) The rough times you’re finding yourself having to go through draw you closer to Me, help you appreciate My strength and power, and will help you to deal with the enemy’s power, which temporarily may seem overwhelming to you, but as I give you what it takes to overcome, you’ll realize that Mine, and thus yours, is greater! – Which is precisely the reason why he tries to drag you down as much as he can, to make you temporarily think and feel you’re weaker. Sooner or later he’ll give up again with his attempts to drag you down, it’s just that you need to stay on guard against him and keep availing yourself of My Spirit, My protection, and My input, so you’ll stay strong enough to resist and overcome him, and won’t let him gain any opportunity for gaining some temporary upper hand again! (2015:84) Don’t just assume that every day you wake up is a normal and peaceful day, while the enemy is at it with his host, preparing for a total takeover of the world you’re living in, preparing for getting down there and inhabiting and possessing a large part of the entire population! Compromises with, and acceptance of the enemy will have their results, and that’s a lesson for all to learn. (2015:104) The enemy might well be trying to weaken your faith in your true Home that’s awaiting you, first of all, because he’s definitely not coming Here, and so he’d like to cause all the folks he can, not to make it either, or at least not to live more positive lives by believing firmly in it… (2015:107) You’re getting some clues as to what extent the devil is ruling the world, which explains why you’re having such a hard time in it. When the enemy of your God and Creator runs the world around you and tries to kill you, like he killed Me, it’s not making your life on Earth very enjoyable. I know, it’s very tough to have to make it through such a devilish abode there. But then again, it forces you to depend on My help and causes you to apply for it, ask for it, and it also means you’re not enjoying that time down there so much anymore, once you’re finding out what an evil state the enemy has brought the world into (and he’s working at making it far worse yet…) (2015:109) It all depends a lot on whether you still manage to believe that We know what’s right and best for you and humanity, or you keep letting the devil continue to persuade you that you’d be smarter, such as he tends to believe about himself. That’s another big temptation to watch out for! Don’t let the devil trick you into thinking you’re smarter than We are, the way he thinks he is! Just put as much trust as you can in the belief that We know what We’re doing or allowing, and that it’s all going to turn out as a main better option than what old Lucifer had to offer. (2015:116) When you feel the enemy attacking you somehow, rebuke him in My name; and do so every day before the action even starts, because – as you have noticed – his attacks are more firm and vehement these days, so keep rebuking him from the beginning, so that he won’t get the chance to make you upset with Me for what you think I allowed him to do, when you’re the one who allowed him by failing to rebuke him and keep him off your track! It’s a fairly vehement time of his attacks against My people, and it will grow, and thus, you have to grow in your efforts of defense and resistance against him. That’s something in which you’ve become more lenient, possibly because of the weakening of your memory, and he’s been taking advantage of that. So, keep in resistance against him through rebuking him and his attacks in My name and with the help of the Keys of the Kingdom! You shouldn’t allow him to attack you so fiercely. You’re supposed to have learned how to keep him off your course! Well, time to get back into that gear of defense, and not allowing him to enter your path and mind! Don’t blame Me for allowing him to play weakening little tricks against you when you ought to know yourself how to keep him and his attacks off your track! – And letting him get you to blame Me for negative things happening to you is one of his favorite ways of causing damage against you. So, stay on the defense against him and his attacks! - Amen? (2015:117) Get the enemy out by getting the host of Heaven in through prayer! (2015:125) One of the favorite tricks and tactics of the enemy is to shock folks with the sort of thing they would have least expected. Be prepared for the unexpected, since it’s evidently one of his favorite means of attack: the incident you are the least prepared for, because you wouldn’t have been expecting it. Having learned to cope with things in your own management is like leaning on your own flesh and understanding, but not really what you’re dependent on when he really does something to attack you.

So, becoming prepared for his attacks also includes being ready for the unexpected. Attacking believers with incidents beyond the kind they’ve known has turned out to be his most successful means of attack, and the most effective and hurtful; and learning from that should at least avoid your ever letting it happen again. Don’t always assume you can just count on about anything, because you know or have been through it all. The enemy knows exactly what you haven’t been through yet, and thus, what you’re the least prepared for. Another reason for depending on Me to make it, especially to be prepared for his attacks, or at least fully apply for My protection from them! It’s good you’re becoming more aware of who’s controlling and pretty much ruling this world, so that you can be more on guard against his attacks, as you’ve decided and chosen to be one of his enemies since having decided to follow and serve Me. Well, you know what happened to Me, as well as many of My followers, and it should be a warning and get you ready to expect the worst possible that could happen in this world, and thus depend on Me and the Power from Above for your protection. (2015:129) Just stay on guard against the enemy and his host while he’s not down there (in the AC’s flesh) yet! As you can see, he and his followers are taking further measures these days to eliminate those on My track, which is a big reason to stay on the alert and defense against him, without which nobody would make it. Stay “on guard”! Looks like the enemy made it to get you off your guard through letting the relatively easy times sink in, and then hitting with an evil, nasty stroke all of a sudden. So, hope you’ve learned something from his tactics through that, and won’t let it happen again! Stay on guard and on the alert, so you’ll make it through what’s coming up ahead! (2015:121) Don’t just try to figure out and follow your own way, which is another groove that has been cooked up by the system these days, but if you have a closer look, you’ll also see that it’s exactly what the enemy chose for himself, which became the beginning of all evil, pretty much. That’s why “Follow Me!” is one of My main lines. It’s offering a different path than the one the devil stepped out on, and is trying to get everyone else to do, too: One’s own way, and following oneself and their own ideas. (2015:132) The enemy keeps many people blinded against the existence of evil, mainly out of fear of it, one of his greatest weapons. But being aware of the fact that Our Power’s greater and his will come to an end, should deliver you from any fear of him, even if he’ll rule the world for a time at the end of his earthly rulership. Just keep your faith in Our Strength and Power being superior to his! Keep in mind that his is coming to an end! (2015:159) The enemy allowed those previous easier times to get people out of the prayer mode as much as possible, and thus making themselves greater victims to his subtle attacks. So, don’t let him trick you again into thinking that it’s a safe world! (2015:161) In the old days of the Romans, Greeks or Babylonians, etc., the enemy had made himself and his gang popular as “gods,” but since the rise of Christianity, he figured it would be smartest to get rid of religion in general and raise the popularity of the belief that all things came into existence by themselves. And your race descended from the monkeys, which is why it’s not too bad if people still act a bit like animals… The world being ruled by the inventor of lies makes it clear why he detests any of those who carry the truth, and will do all he can to get rid of them. (2015:168) The enemy knows that folks regularly communicating with Me may become his biggest enemies and threats, especially also because I give them the most input on what he’s up to and how he’s working! He doesn’t like to be exposed, and hates the truth about him being publicized. Down where the surrounding’s pretty much run by the enemy, the situation is not going to be perfect or totally enjoyable. He keeps attacking every now and then. But remember that Our side’s more powerful, as the ultimate outcome of that warfare is going to reveal! So, even if it’s a bit tough for you now, and it’s going to get tougher, ultimately, you’re on the winning side, and the enemy’s going to be the loser, along with his bunch of fallen and descended helpers. (2015:171) If you recognize the extent to which the enemy fights you, you might be able to realize what a threat he considers you, and why he’d prefer to get rid of you! It’s a tougher battle than you expected, for a reason! With the extent of the problems you’ve got to deal with, and the attack he puts you under, you can assume he’s doing all he can to get rid of you or wipe you out, discourage or weaken you, or do whatever he can to stop you from being a testimony and a witness to Me! So, maybe it’s been a bit rough, that fight, but let it also encourage you that it must mean quite something concerning your impact and significance for Me and Our Cause… So, don’t be too panicked he’s trying to wipe you out, but realize there must be a reason for it! You’ll see! (2015:180) The enemy is trying to kill and wipe out your faith through those negative sentiments he sows against you… but will you let him? Or resist him, like I’ve been telling My believers for a long time they should? “Resist the devil, and he will flee from you” (James 4:7)! He can’t stand you, and would like to get rid of you, but can you keep fighting and resisting him, instead of surrendering and giving up? No matter how tough it gets? (2015:182) The enemy knew that without people being able to see and perceive Us, he’d wind up with a fairly easy time of getting folks out of faith in the Father, and – since he didn’t mind showing off – raise it in him, instead, with the final step of doing so worldwide through taking over the last world ruler and becoming the AC – the one to destroy those who believe in Me. (2015:185)

In the system, what’s popular is the own strength and capabilities of people, and independence from others, but the way the enemy means it, and the reason he pushes that wavelength, is in order to get the world into the groove of independence from their Creator, the way he did… sort of claiming he was his own, or that all things were made and created through coincidence… Of course, he likes it, when folks get dependent on him… just hungry for and craving that glory he resents to be given the Father, or Me… and… well…, apparently he got quite a number of folks into that same mode and groove, craving for their own glory and exaltation, instead of being humble enough to give some to their Creator. (2015:194) Remember the enemy, always trying to “prove” to you that what I’m saying is wrong; but that just depends on your level of faith… whether you believe in Me, and what I’m saying, or his input, which you ought to know by know, consists pretty much of lies. (2015:204)

The thought that the devil’s trying to turn you into a failure should spur you on to resist and fight against him; and as hard as he may try, fight as hard as you can against him, and do all you can to not let him succeed! As miserable as you may feel, and as prone and tempted to give up, don’t let him win, but keep resisting him and his efforts with all you can! (2015:214) You can imagine the devil doing all he can to ruin your day. No wonder he’s upset at you, and doing whatever he can to make things tougher for you, attempting to ruin your faith. It’s all pretty much becoming his territory down there, and he’s a tough ruler, not accepting the ones not sticking to his made-up rules and regulations of his systems down there. Do what you can to deal with him, withstand him and overcome his attacks! (2015:231) You have to remember that the enemy and his host keep attacking and fighting you. That’s why life down there for you is not like a permanent holiday or vacation. It’s a tough fight, and a rough battle, and you have to stay in tune with Me as much as you can for your protection. You can tell who’s in charge of the elements currently, and thus should be on the alert to stay on the defense against him and cling to the protection We have to offer you and all those who believe in it from Up Here! (2015:241) What can you expect from a world pretty much taken over by the enemy, and soon to be run by him entirely, thankfully for not too long? One of the enemy’s favorite tactics is to spoil folks and make them weaker through times of leisure… Maybe that’s why it was so easy for him to trick Adam and Eve… not having learned how to learn to resist evil by going through something harder than the Garden of Eden. (2015:251) If times are becoming tougher and harder, let it be a reminder for you and make you aware of who’s running that joint down there… and you really couldn’t consider him a friend, nor any of his pack of followers, and unfortunately, the large majority of the world’s population is more attracted to his features and temptations than the side of their Creator… (2016:1) The enemy will keep trying to make circumstances around you as tough as possible to discourage you and cause you to lose hope and be tempted to give up and quit. But instead, let it all make you stronger in your resistance against him, and let it draw you closer to Me, avail yourself of that plenty of help from Up Here, and remember that you can’t lose if you don’t give up, because that strength, Power and Source of it available from Up Here is much greater than his. (2016:6) Your most important weapon and power against the enemy and his tactics, more than My telling you what he’s up to and how he’s working: Once you can tell he’s on the attack and wreaking havoc, it’s the best moment to start praying against his powers and for My blessings and strength, along with the shield of protection through the angels that prayer can raise… (2016:8) “No trouble coming!” was the get-them-off-guard method of the devil, getting you to only expect better times, than the worst actually predicted! Getting folks supposedly following Me off-guard, that was his way of doing it: spoiling them with easy times, and making it a lot tougher to be able to deal with what’s inevitably to come! So, since you’re learning the consequences of spoiling kids, don’t allow yourself to be spoiled, either! – Especially once you realize who’s behind it! Who else do you think could be in charge of coming up with materialistic spoiling methods, both, for children of the flesh, as well as children supposedly of the Spirit? So, don’t fall for the materialistic spoils, learning where that stuff leads to! (2016:44) The enemy’d like to get rid of folks like you, and it’s only through leaning and depending on the protection from Above that you’ll make it through his attempts to get rid of you. If you’re feeling attacked, remember the enemy would like to get rid of you! He hates all those who remind folks of what he seeks to make them forget. (2016:48) The times of trouble this world needs to go through are a major lesson of history about independence from its Creator, whose founder was the enemy, and while he took over godly positions in the past, of Zeus or Jupiter and quite some others, after the rise of Christianity, the best lie to deceive folks was the “science” of Evolution, through which he made the majority of folks believe that there is no God or Creator, and it all came to being by itself…

Just as he took on the role of Creator in the past, his final lie has become, “There is no Creator!” – Making folks inherit that attitude of himself: “You are gods yourselves!” – The ultimate step of pride. (2016:53) The enemy still keeps tempting you through your weaknesses, saying, “Uh, you see? You don’t deserve it!” But if I were like that, would I keep feeding you with input whenever you come before Me to receive it? (2016:62) The enemy’s trying to contradict My saying that “this world is not your home” by keeping everyone as attached to their “home countries” and make it as tough and difficult to move to another one as possible. Apart from making it tougher for My servants to obey “Go ye into all the world.” Getting folks into a rut has been his tactic. (2016:86) You’ve got to keep resisting the enemy! Remember: “Resist the devil, and he will flee from you (James 4:7)!” Don’t give in to his tactics of discouragement, but resist them! Right now’s the time to get into resisting his methods of discouragement and spiritual weakening, the first steps to learn to make it through his worldwide persecution, when the circumstances will be the roughest ever to handle. (2016:96) Take it as an attack and sly trick of the enemy, to not find the ability to confront and overcome your own evils by only keeping you focus on those of the others around you! (2016:120) The folks the enemy hates the most and will persecute the most will be the ones who are able to hear from Me. In other words: the bunch he can’t kid with his lies, which are his ultimate weapon… not useful against those who’ve got a link with Me for the Truth instead. Folks who hear from Me are the ones he seeks the most to get rid of, with the ultimate weapon against his flood of lies he seeks to flush the world with. – With the large part of the population ready to swallow it and soak it up. (2016:128)

(Making/Being a) Difference vs. Conformity Wide is the gate and broad is the way that leadeth unto destruction, the way of do-your-own-thing, the loveless, unloving, coldhearted, ‘reasonable’ way, and many there be which go in thereat. Be My called-out ones, the set-apart ones, different from the norm. Don’t be cold and cruel and ‘normal’, but warm and loving, caring and sharing, even if the whole world will call you crazy. The ‘normal’ way is the way of death. The road to life requires faith. It’s not normal. (I:69) I love it when someone dares to be different, to step out of the norm, the habitual scheme... That’s the kind of people with the potential to change the world. (I:103) The different kind always have a harder time. Why do you think they all adapt and conform to each other, wearing the same style of clothes and the same fashionable hair-cut? (I:154) Don’t worry about what people might think or say of you! You are different, you know that, and you’ve got to live with it, and you can be proud of the spiritual heritage you’ve got! (I:186) Walk in the anointing I have poured out on you! Don't slip into behavior that doesn't distinguish you from the average! I need you to be different! (I:562) Do something for Me, that's going to make an obvious difference! (I:613) Take it as a special token of My Love that I have chosen you to be different! (II:45) The difference is between those who think they can do it themselves and those who got the point that there's no way on Earth, no chance in a lifetime that they can, without Me. And that's what's going to make the one difference that counts between My followers and the rest of the world: the realization that it's not in you or them, but in Me. (II:199) Make a positive difference! You're different, so don't go by how others have treated you, because I have equipped you differently in order to be able to act differently. I have chosen you in order to make a difference, not to conform to the already existing way of doing things. It's in your power to make a difference, and it's about time you wake up to that calling and live up to it! Don't sink back into the morass and mire of sleepy conformity, but dare to be different, and not only different, but unique! Trying to fit into the mold of others and yielding to the devil's attempts to get you to blend in and just act like everybody else is denying your true calling and your real identity. You're not like everybody else, period! I want you to act in each situation not as you may have learned from old, existing patterns of how people habitually act in such situations, but to come up with your own, brand new patterns, based on what I'm telling you, how you're supposed to act. Don't be like everybody else, be what I'm telling you to be and what I want you to be. Don't act like everybody else, but do what I tell you and want you to do, even if nobody has ever done it before! This isn't the same as wanting to be a "special" sheep. I'm calling people to step out and have the guts to dare to be different again and do unusual things, things nobody else has ever done or tried before. (II:201) If you're not much different from everybody else, then what's the use? What good is the salt if it loses its flavor? (II:237) You've got to refuse to let the devil squeeze you into that old System mold of your old you! You've got to refuse to let him make you afraid of being different, or of even feeling awkward about it! Let's hope and pray you come across as different! Long live being different! You can't make a difference without being different! Wanna make a difference? Then dare to be different! Talk different, act different, be different! Let Me be that Difference! Let them see it! (II:271) If you would truly be mindful of Me in everything you do, things would be different. (II:286) I've had to call you apart from the world, so that you would allow yourself to become different. (II:301) You've been concerned about what people thought about you. But you've got to break free of that, no matter where you are and in what situation you are, and you've got to convey that conviction, that it's okay to be different. (II:352) When the world rejoices and is drunk and merry, I'm having you pass through the worst of your trials and battles, to show you that you have no part in them, that you're different; you're going in their opposite direction. When they are joyful, I have caused you to mourn, and even so you will be rejoicing when they shall be mourning... (II:389) Christians are generally lacking to make the difference they could and should, which is sad, and a lot of it is due to compromise with the world. (II:413)

So many seek acceptance, a certain amount of fame and recognition in the world, they seek to adapt and blend in, but that's the exact opposite of what I want. As far as I'm concerned, the more dropped out, the more radical, the more different you are, the better. There is supposed to be a difference between you and them. Just like there's a recognizable and definite difference between Me and the devil. Yet because the devil has all the power in this world, he tempts and bribes My disciples and called-out ones into a truce with him and has them adapt to him and his people to where you can hardly tell the difference between them and the rest of the world. Seek not to be recognized, accepted, well esteemed among men... all that is an abomination unto Me! Just be faithful to My message, to My Word, and let nothing else distract you! (II:431) The devil scares folks of being different in any way. That's his way of making sure that everybody will dance according to his tune. What he calls popular shall be popular, what he calls "in" will be "in," and what he declares to be the rules and the law, will be the rules and the law, by the sheer force of fear of being different, despised and ridiculed. (II:446) Let them know you don't care what they think about you, for that shows freedom from one of the strongest chains with which Satan has the majority of the masses bound... the chains of conformity, of fear of being unaccepted and looked down on. (II:456) You just have to take people for what they are. They're each different. None of them are the same, like pebbles: the variety is incredible and endless. No two rocks are the same. (II:468) Use that Power you've been given to make a difference! You can make the difference between what is and what could be! (II:498) All the differences between you will be gone Here! There'll be total forgiveness, total acceptance and total love. And if you can see that, even as a slightly faint vision of something that's going to happen in the distance, in the future, at least it will help you understand that there's something fundamental you have in common with any of your brothers and sisters, no matter how different you are at the time being, and it should help you focus more on that common goal than any differences or difficulties in getting along. (III:23) You are destined to make a difference! (III:59) Be different, stick out from the down-looking, down-trodden masses and be one who dares to look up instead, one who dares to hope instead of despair! (III:77) One of the advantages of when you're not part of the "in-crowd" anyway, when you realize you're different to begin with, is that you're not bound by peer pressure as much, and you have greater liberties to do things differently. (III:78) There's nothing wrong with being different. If I would have meant for everyone to be and do exactly the same, I could have seen to it. I'm an Advocate and Fan of variety, rather than monotonous similarity. I delight in the differences between you. You shouldn't have to feel like you've got to hide your being different. Who says everybody's got to be all the same? Or who said that it's something bad to do things differently? If there's anything I want My followers to be, it's different. I want there to be an alternative to that which already exists, especially that so-called normal arm-of-the-flesh-dependent System. (III:79) Part of the meaning behind the differences that exist between people and every kind of creature is also a part of the meaning of life: to simply behold the difference of the other and learn from it. (III:81) If you want to be one of those that make a difference and shine a light into the darkness, then you cannot expect things to get better all by themselves, but you're going to have to do something in order to make it better! You'll have to work hard on becoming a better person and making a difference, and not just take the lack of love of others as an excuse for never doing anything! (III:94) My goal and desire is for you to reverse the selfish cycle and do things differently. You can say whatever you want, but it won't make any difference until you do what you say. (III:96) Regardless of what they do, which way they act, in which direction they drift, I expect something different from you! Their music is a different tune than the one I'm playing and want you to play! (III:107) There is a goodness that goes beyond any confessional differences. There is a goodness that expects of you to be kinder to those who are not your own, who are different than you, than to your own kind. (III:123) The devil is the champion of conformity and the opponent of variety, of the liberty and freedom to dare to be different. He may pretend to champion the cause of "being different" when it comes to rebellion against God, but only in order to lure everybody into his trap of endlessly boring monotony and similarity where everybody just does things his way, believes what he dictates, and - believe Me, he's not nearly as innovative, nor as mindful of variety as the Father and I are. (III:129) You've got to make a difference. Your sample must constitute a difference; it's got to be a different sample that's going to be infectious to others.

Love gives you the amount of dedication and fire and passion you need in order to make a difference in somebody's life! You're not going to touch or change anybody's life, unless you can show clearly by your behavior and the light in your eyes that you're different. I will reward you for your faithfulness to Me, and for doing what you did, but it won't be comparable to what you could and really should be doing and accomplishing by daring to be different. (III:155) If you can just make the difference in one life, it's worth it. (III:170) It's not only okay to be different; it's good; it's something to be desired, even something to be proud of. For to be different from the way they are is not to become proud as they do: indulging in the pride of life, the pride of things and riches obtained and treasures heaped up for yourself in this world. To be different from them is to be humble and to pride yourself only in Me, only in the gratefulness of being able to experience Me, having Me at your disposal to talk to, to be close to, to have as your most faithful Companion. (III:190) The enemy starts fighting you when you start making a difference. (III:210) You’ve got to make a difference and have the courage and guts to withstand the general trend, and go the opposite way! (III:215) There is a difference between believers and the rest of the world, and that's their little strength (Rev.3:8), their faith to believe Me for the seemingly impossible, and their readiness, their willingness to be used of Me and have Me work in them and through them and do with them whatever I see fit. (III:227) How about getting ready to manage to cope with the differences in others, especially when that someone is your wife? (2015:237) Sometimes what My followers and believers – and especially the dropout types – need especially, is the acceptance of the fact that they have to dare to be different than the average system type… that that’s the way I made and allowed them to become, rather than just one of the “normal” types. If you’re quite different, don’t let it scare you! Yes, they might call it “crazy”… but then, look at all the things they called Me… If you’re different, that’s a good sign, for so is Heaven and Its inhabitants… not quite comparable to the earthly ones. In fact, new arrivals usually first have to learn to adapt to the large differences between the Place they’re arriving and the one they just came from! So, if you’re quite different… don’t let it shock you! (16:101)

Father, The (God) Although I was created, for I am the Beginning of the creation of God, the Father is and was and will always be eternal. There is no beginning nor end to Him. (I:213) You need to get rid of that image of a far-away, not involved God; One Who only peeks in every now and then, but pretty much leaves everybody to deal with their own troubles! (II:147) The Father would be a bad Parent, listening to your whims and giving in to them, instead of letting you experience what you really need. (II:417) The vastness of the Father’s Love for mankind in putting up with all … to pardon and forgive all of it… Remember, it’s His world they’re messing up and His children they’re hurting! So, if you think you’re going through it, just put yourself in His shoes for a moment, if you can: Walk a mile in God’s shoes! (2012:112) Don’t underestimate the Father! Just because He didn’t demand of everyone to believe in Him and accept Him, doesn’t mean He’s as dumb as some of those unbelievers think He’d have to be, if “He were real…” Well, but just wait and see… and keep your faith in Him and Us as much as you can, not doubting Our intelligence, just because you don’t understand some of the things we do or allow to happen. (2014:126) The ego is unfortunately more of an object of worship than the Father is to most, since they don’t know enough about Him, which is all too often because they’re not interested enough or curious enough about Him or Me, Who represented Him as a mortal human being and even paid the price for human souls lowered through sins by experiencing death… which isn’t exactly a favorite topic many care or like to think about or be confronted with. It’s easier to think about and desire money instead, to get richer, or to get stuffed with food and get a bigger tummy… (2014:129) What you can know for sure is that God is Love. That means, He loves you, even if sometimes you don’t feel like it. And He loved the world so much that He gave Me, His Son, into this world, to let all those who would choose to believe in Me have eternal life in the better Sphere He created… Up Here, in Heaven… with no more death, nor pain, nor anything else you dislike. Think of the Father as Love, and of the fact that He loves you and loved all people so much that He gave Me to die for you so that you could have eternal life and bliss by receiving Me and believing in Me! (2014:166) If you can make it with love instead of fear, pride, laziness, stinginess, lying, greed, lust and the other main sins of natural human nature, well, then you’re making it to really get prepared for Heaven and the hereafter in God’s Kingdom. See, if He is Love Himself, that’s what He’d want you people to be governed by and accept as the main and most important force in life… the main purpose you were created for… and yet so relatively few seem to achieve it. But if you can, it’s worth it! Anyone who allows love to overcome their main traits and major natural sin is a winner as far as the God of Love is concerned, Whom people are actually supposed to worship and honour, and which is the sad part of today’s world, that so few people do. So… can you? As a child of Him, that’s certainly what you’d be mostly expected to do. Anything else isn’t as important. (2014:183) If you’ve been giving the Father of Heaven a hard time, don’t be too shocked or surprised if He’s allowing your kids to give you a hard time, too! What He knows you need, He’ll let you have, even if it may not always be just what you want. You know that just giving children what they want, sort of spoils them, and He wouldn’t wanna do that. Especially not when some of the easier times He’s given you have already done some damage and seem to have spoiled you, and it’s time for a lesson to prevent any of that stuff to happen furthermore. (2015:16) The fact that your kids are a bit rougher these days than you’d been used to is to teach you a bit about how tough it can be for fathers and parents, and some things even make our almighty Father sad, and it might be a feeling and trial He’d like you to become familiar with, just to give you an impression of what He sometimes must go through, and what kind of pains a child of God can bring to their Father… There’s a reason why children ought to behave in a certain way, as you can definitely learn right now. And maybe some of the things the children make you wish and feel like are the same or quite similar to the way you’re making your heavenly Father feel like, and maybe that’ll help you change your general act and behavior, and make it better. If your kids are giving you sorrows, maybe it’ll help you realize what it can be like, the way you at times make your heavenly Father feel. Just because He’s almighty and all-powerful doesn’t mean He doesn’t ever feel sorrow or sadness about some of the sad things committed to Him by His children and creatures. It can be tough when you’re Love, and those you’ve created can sometimes make your heart break a bit… Just take it into consideration that God Almighty may also have feelings of hurt and sadness when those He loves a lot don’t return much, if any of that kind of love, but mainly expressions of discontent and wishing for something better than what they have and are getting. (2015:17)

To always play the main role is certainly not what the Father does, even though He’s the Lord and Creator of everything! If God Himself stays in the background, what does that teach you? (2015:78)

It’s tough when your own kid is giving you hard times, but… maybe it’ll give you a touch of the feelings and experiences the Father has to go through… Maybe it’ll teach you to be a sweeter kid of His yourself… learning what sort of behavior makes it really tough for parents. Not being allowed to apply the former methods to teach your child some manners might help you appreciate the Father’s ways a little more, Who’s not bound to or brainwashed by modern doctrines of folks down there that you’re having to experience the results of right now… (2015:86) Worldly ambitions one seeks or follows, don’t last forever. The only thing that lasts after that, is what one has done for love. So, it may be quite important to remember that as a main theme in life, because it’s the only lasting one, since even faith and hope are only necessary in the earthly one… After all, if that’s what the Father and Creator of all actually is, what else could there be as great and important as Love? (2015:88) Having to observe some of the enemy’s spirits getting into your kids and causing them to act and behave in weird ways… well, yeah… tough. But maybe it’ll help you to relate to the Father a bit, and what He must go through when He sees some of His children temporarily taken over by His enemy… (2015:109) Who gives life in the first place? - The mechanical functions of the system, or your God and Creator? If the latter is your faith and belief, continue to trust and lean on to it, and not what the system is teaching its subjects to believe! (2015:110)

What you’ve got to learn, you’ve just got to, and there’s no way around it, so, just get ready for it! It’s part of yielding to the will of the Father from Above, Who knows best what you still and truly need. And apparently it would be best for you to trust Him for the fact that at this point it wasn’t anymore the easy times you most needed. There comes a time when everyone should get prepared for an important lesson to learn to make life worth it, especially as one of My followers and His children. So, just take it, what’s coming at you, and yield to the Father’s will, trusting fully in the fact that He knows best what you really need and could handle the most. – Amen? Trust that He knows best! – And don’t resist His will, nor resist what He allows to happen to you. (2015:129) To realize how tough it can be to have kids addicted to having fun should make you realize what it makes the Father feel like. Especially when He knows that fun-time down there will be over soon, and it would be much better to prepare for what’s to come. (2016:104)

Fear/Courage: The enemy tries with all his might to get you to hide the light under bushels of pride and fear of sticking out and not being accepted... bushels of ‘coolness’, bushels of pretending you’re really not that different... Well, if you knew how beautiful that difference is, not only in My eyes, but also in the eyes of those out there who seek Me, even if they would never admit it, you wouldn’t be ashamed of it anymore. (I:45) Overcome all fear. There is no fear in love. In order to have total love, you must combat and overcome all fear. Recognize it as your principal enemy and attack it head-on. - For almost the devil's entire power lies in fear. But I want you to trust wholly and know without a doubt that you have nothing to fear. There is nothing to fear. For I will let no harm come upon you, as I have promised. ‘Look for someone to love’ also means, in other words: Shed all fears. Be willing to reach out daringly, with nothing to fear, no thought wasted on the consequence. Defeat your fears! Eliminate your fears! Obliterate your fears! Weed them out! Seek them out and tear them apart, like evil little agents implanted by the enemy. Expose your fears. Flood them with the light of My Love and Words. Fearlessly stand before Me as a valiant warrior for My Cause, determined to do anything, for what is there to lose? Face your fears and challenge them with the white-hot sword of My Spirit! Get rid of them! I want you to fear neither threats on the inside, nor threats from the outside; neither loss nor pain, nor any other thing that men should do unto you, only fear Me. Only fear the results of what might happen if you don’t obey Me: the loss of souls and victories won, the tears, the hurt and the shame. But fear nothing that might stand in your way, between you and the thing I want you to do. Only focus on Me, anchor your look firmly on My eyes and go forth in fearless obedience of whatever I command you. Don’t let fears hold you down: fears of reactions to the things I might ask you to do or say; fears of what men might think of you; fears of opinions; rejection; consequences for unorthodox actions. Rather fear the consequences of lack of action, for this will result in true loss, lost opportunities, failing Me and My highest will and thus in the failing of countless others who might have been reached, but weren’t, because of your fears of what they might have thought about you. (I:87) It’s better to commit blunders of the mind than be so afraid of making mistakes that you never dare to do anything. (I:91) I’m proud of you for being willing to be different. I’m proud of you for being willing not to be conformed to any cliché, anything that’s been there, but for having the courage to be something completely new and unorthodox. (I:128) You’ve got the priceless opportunity to be My knight in shining armor who stands in the gap and rescues them and gets them out of the devil’s dark dungeon of defeat. - One to rally them together with a battle cry and to renew their hope and courage, their will to fight. (I:152) Refuse to let fear have any grip or power over you whatsoever! (I:171) I wish for you to proceed in faith and confidence, not fear. I wish for you to walk in love, not in fearful trembling of what the future might hold. If you want to fear anyone, fear Me! It’s the only wholesome fear there is. It’s a warm fear, because you know it’s going to lead you to do the right thing, and it’s the beginning of wisdom, the first step that leads you into the right direction. It’s not really ‘fear,’ but more like ‘respect’. You respect Me, you acknowledge Me, you check with Me, and you’re scared to make a move without Me, because you know you might land on your face otherwise. (I:208) You have to go according to your faith on major decisions... All this is going to make you stronger, bolder, braver, more valiant and courageous. It will help you to rise above and make out of you that which you were not, but what you have always felt destined to become. I am with you. I’m re-making you. It’s a painful process in part, but it will be worth it all. (I:233) Fear not, but walk into the future with your heads held high and raising high the torch and flame I have given you. (I:302) My way and chosen path for you is the high road, not the low road. Without faith it is impossible to please Me... You’re either the servant of faith or the servant of fear. (I:323) Your fears are mainly a lack of faith in My Words to you. Nobody’s forcing you to believe or obey My Words, but your happiness depends on it... Will you choose to be happy, or miserable? (I:340) Just shine with My love and My light, and be not driven by fear! You either have faith or fear, you cannot have both, which do you choose to be ruled by? (I:342) Pride breeds fear and discontent. The proud are always afraid of something; of losing someone or something... (I:347) You’ve got nothing to fear about death, just like I had nothing to fear, because I knew I was going to rise again.

The devil was granted permission to tempt Me with fear and tribulation shortly before I was being taken captive, just so that I would really be tempted in all things like you are, and I would go through all the human despair and agony that you know. (I:428) Fearlessly fight the enemy as one who is truly willing to die for his cause, for that's the kind of foe that the enemy cannot stop. He cannot intimidate one who refuses to cower or be frightened by his bluffs. (I:454) It’s better to patiently wait than to force things and push things through in the flesh, for fear that I will somehow let you miss out on your destiny and purpose. That fear is of the Enemy, because it's a lack of trust which stems from the feeling that I don't really love you. (I:455) Why miss out on the thrills of fulfilling your destiny? - For the fear of a little rejection and ridicule? Are you going to let the devil bluff you and scare you out that easily? (I:483) Fear is still an enemy and definitely an opponent to overcome in your midst. "Perfect love casteth out fear", so, let perfect love rule among yourselves, establish My Law of Love as a standard among yourselves, and you will cast out those fears. (I:486) Everything's under My control, so there's no reason for hurry nor worry, no reason to fear, just perfect trust. (I:497) Shake off the fears and worries and replace them with faith and trust! There's nothing to be afraid of, nor any reason to worry. (I:507) Don't be a coward who's just standing by and watching as the Enemy takes over your brother or sister! (I:512) Some of you lack the faith to be able to really trust Me and thus overcome and eliminate their fears. (I:515) I'm trying to tear down the wall that you have built to protect you, between you and those people out there. You've grown strong enough, and I would like you to venture out from behind these walls in order to rescue others. Don't be afraid anymore of getting hurt! You must overcome your fears. (I:529) Be not fearful, be not hesitant, be not overly cautious, but be valiant, be courageous, be brave! (I:533) The devil can impress with his quantities of zombies that have rejected Me and will continue to reject Me, and trod down their path of doom. But you have nothing to fear of them. (I:587) Move out into positive action! You cannot allow pride or fear or resignation to cause you to withhold it! (I:594) Fear of failure actually causes failure. "Fear is the enemy," and the root of a lot of your problems lies in fear. But if you know you've got nothing to lose, what are you so afraid of? What do you stand to lose? (II:22) Your bondage lies in the fear of man, and the fear to lose your last bit of respect and reputation; in the fear of what men might think of you, a fear born of pride. (II:33) You've all got to be willing to take the pain along with the love. The virgin instinctively knows that she's going to be hurt by allowing herself to be loved. But fear of pain and the decision to resist and not allow it will only result in hardening. (II:75) I'm happy you're becoming aware of the need to find out more about people - the most interesting "things" I ever made. I'm glad you're overcoming your fears of them because you're getting to know what lies behind their actions, and you're maturing into a state where you will be able to help people instead of considering yourself their victim. Their adverse reactions have scared you in the past, but I'm teaching you to overcome those fears. (II:120) I want you to be braver and more courageous to speak up. Show the courage to speak up! (II:143) Keep receiving and drinking in My Words, and faith will grow, and courage will set in, too! The primary requisite for all those who would follow Me is love, and once My perfect Love will be your driving force and motivation, it will cast out all your fears, and courage will be yours, along with everything else you'll ever need! (II:151) Burying talents and opportunities to change the world beneath the fears of what people might think, fears of their dislike and rejection... That's pride. Become more of a fighter, acquire greater faith, love and humility, in order to overcome those fears! (II:203) Cast down those imaginations and high falluting thoughts and fears born of pride that exalt themselves against the better judgment of the truth and knowledge of God! (II:205) I want to kindle a fire of love in your heart. It's got to be love, not fear of failure. (II:261) God is good, a loving Father, a just Father, Who seeks to be loved, not feared. (II:305)

The cowards say, "The risk is not worth taking." The brave say, "Nothing ventured, nothing gained..." The very bravest of men in My eyes are ready and willing to look like fools in the eyes of the world, those "fools for Christ." (II:307) When you can each stand up for your convictions of what you think is the right thing to do, without having to be afraid of what others think, when you can freely communicate without fears, then the world will also see and get the message of the cross, for they will see My Love at work in you (Jn.13:35). (II:328) I was tempted by fear, one of the enemy's most effective weapons and one of the greatest and most typical manifestations of his power. I was tempted by fear before I faced My darkest hour, the night in which I was betrayed, and since I knew what was going to happen, this wasn't the first time I had to face that enemy. Being the incarnation of an all-powerful God, to experience fear was the epitome of the opposite of everything I had been and was in the Spirit, and was to become. Fear is one of the sins that has the greatest grip on humanity, next to pride, and since I was to free mankind from it, I've really had to conquer it. Of all My temptations, I confess that fear was one of the strongest, although I was generally a courageous Person and One Whom others probably would have considered fearless. The fear of death, the fear of pain; not the fear of actually dying or what was to come afterwards, but the fear of that hour, that cup, which, if it would have been possible, I would have preferred to have it pass from Me... But it was to be, it had to be, I had to go through that! I was to be subject of fear, in order to free all of mankind from the grip of the same. (II:359) How many more times are you going to dismay at the sight of a problem or an obstacle in spite of the countless times I saved you and told you not to be dismayed, not to fear, not to worry? (II:363) The cure against fears is unconditional love; what the Bible calls "perfect love (2.Jn.4:18)," which casts out all fears. Fear is a social disease, Satan's biggest weapon to control the masses. (II:446) Don't let fear, doubt, lack of courage, get a hold of you, but faith and conviction: believe! Trust! Accept! (II:525) You need to find out who you really are and then find the courage to be that person in front of others, too, without cover-ups. (II:536)

If you use your fears, turn around and face them, confront them and use that situation to cause you to stir yourself up, call unto Me and ask Me to show you a way out, they can become like stepping stones. "I will make a way where there is no way." Fear can be overcome by exposing it for the fake menace that it is. (II:600) To totally trust Me means gaining the victory over the fears and lies the enemy will plant in the heart and mind. (III:117) Only few are courageous enough to really believe the whole, outrageous truth about the world they're living in. (III:134) Convey the message to your people that there's no reason to be so afraid! "Be of good cheer, because there's Someone, in fact, a whole dimension full of someones who care for you, are concerned about you, so, why worry and fret so much? You're all in good hands!" (III:239) The refusal of some to believe in a life after death stems from their fear of the consequences. What would expect them there? Certainly they would have to face the consequences for their selfish actions in this life, and they fear they would be punished. So they prefer to push it away into the realm of the unbelievable, the unacceptable, the non-existent - in their minds. People need to know that the reason why they don't believe in a lot of things is because they don't want to believe in them, because they're subconsciously scared of the consequences. And your job is to let them know that there's nothing to be afraid of. We’re not nearly as bad as they think! (III:242) Fear is the great obstacle to learning that any student in the School of Life must learn to overcome, if any progress is going to be achieved. There’s no reason to be scared, not even of the one thing people are scared of the most: failure. (2011:128) Pioneers must have courage. Not only the guts to see it through, but also the guts to try something new! So, why not be one of them? The fearful aren’t the ones who make history, nor the ones who change anything, and thus, certainly not the ones who’ll be considered the stars of My show. So, show some courage, and don’t be afraid of trying out new things and making new experiences. Realistically, what have you got to lose? (2012:64) I’m with you; and that’s reason enough to walk confidently, and not in fear. If I’m with you, who or what can stand against you? Who or what should you be afraid of? (2012:134) The world will usually advise you to take the safe path, the more convenient and more comfortable one. Mine is the one that requires the sort of courage all the cowards lack. (2013:17)

Which of the two do you think is really more boring: the meaningless, short-sighted and frightened chase of the masses, or a life lived and powered by faith and the courage to do things differently? (2013:19) What’s important to Me, as far as you’re concerned, is that you stay open to My options and leadings and open doors, inspirations and any kind of indicators that might lead you a certain way, and that you have that freedom, and accordingly, the courage, to follow them. (2013:27) Even though you’ve been taught to be cautious, remember that most of all My Word admonishes you not to fear, but to be courageous. Let their lives be ruled by fear, if they insist, but not yours. Freedom, real and true freedom, is most of all freedom from the fears that bind all those captives out there. Courage isn’t being oblivious to the dangers, but to be conscious of them, facing and overcoming them. (2013:77) Courage, boldness and faith to act differently are often blessed by Me, so you don’t exactly have to prefer the side of the world where you’d just get the biggest amount of insurance and safety from the System… The end of one’s life just might be rewarded more and better if you didn’t just join the rest of the world in their faith in all they can see… - Even if it may require a bit more courage to keep more faith… (2014:36) Have and show courage because I and My Spirit offer that to you. Trust Me, and let go of any side of fear. Use your faith instead, and let Me and My Words fill you with courage and positiveness. Let Me and My Word prove to you that We’ve got the bolder part of all things, so don’t be afraid! (2014:38) If you feel the enemy trying to weaken you with fears and fearful attitudes, you’re just going to have to learn how to resist his attacks and withstand them, and trust in Me, My Words and Promises to you instead! (2014:201) Be more open and courageous to face the hard times, and deal with them as they come! Be a brave man, instead of a coward! (2015:86)

If you’re being plagued by worries and fears, it just shows that your faith isn’t exactly yet what it’s supposed to be, and that’s something you’ve still got to work on and fight for! Overcome the fear that life is handing you, about things the world - run by the enemy - threatens you with! Get prepared and learn to overcome it, get the victory over it through My aid, and let that faith and trust in Me and all your help from Above grow stronger! (2015:128) Learn how to trust in Me, and don’t let the worries and fears take you over! (2015:137) Seek and strive to overcome fear, and let your faith in Me and the Father and all of Heaven’s Power refill you with courage and boldness! Make courage one of your goals for your character, and strive to overcome any notion of fear currently attacking or hitting you! Remember that Our strength is and will reveal itself as much greater than the opposing one, even if theirs may be showing off right now with how they pretty much took over the globe! (2015:149) The enemy keeps many people blinded against the existence of evil, mainly out of fear of it, one of his greatest weapons. But being aware of the fact that Our Power’s greater and his will come to an end, should deliver you from any fear of him, even if he’ll rule the world for a time at the end… (2015:159) What you need is faith and trust in Me, instead of fear and worry. Overcome the temptations of fear and keep looking toward Me Up Here! (2015:167) If you’re in need of more courage, don’t try to base it on your own abilities, but try to get it from your connection with Me and the Holy Spirit! (2015:179) Don’t sink into the trap of worries and fears about how you’re going to make it! Trust and rely on Me and the plentiful help there’ll be from Above! (2016:45) If faith comes through the hearing of the Word, can you tell how it’s growing in you and lifting you up from the discouraging attitude the enemy’s been trying to plant in your life through the surrounding circumstances, fears and worries? Faith is what helps you overcome all of them: the aspect of physical circumstances and your fears and worries about them, including those concerning what’s to come! Lift up to the Spirit and become the courageous and bold one I’d like you to be! (2016:95) Put that faith and trust in Me to strengthen and lift up your courage, outlook and confidence in the fact that with My Help things are going to work out! Let’s overcome your fears and worries! Let your faith and trust in Me grow, and don’t let it be subsided by fears and worries! (2016:99)

Feelings & Emotions You can live up to the demand through Me. It has nothing to do with the way you feel, faith cannot be based on feelings. (II:66) Faith is not built on feelings, but by the fact that My Word says so. Often something you will read in My Word will cause you to have unpleasant feelings. You may not like what I have to say. But does this mean that what I said is wrong? Perhaps your own attitudes have been tainted and influenced to a point where what you think is the truth is something you have come to accept as "truth" because that's just what everybody says or "knows" nowadays. (II:76) The devil will always try to get you to not "feel like it" when it comes to doing something good, something that counts for Me. The art is not to pay any attention to him, to ignore your feelings and do it anyway. That's faith. - Faith to act contrary to your feelings. The only way you get that kind of faith is by receiving My instructions and confirmations that this is what I want you to do, in spite of what your mind or your feelings tell you. Walk the low and humble road, whether you feel like it or not! (II:98) Faith does not stand on feelings, emotions or "chemistry," but on the fact of My Word. (II:107) I'm trying to get you into the habit of doing things you don't feel like doing, like cleaning up your desk, just because it would be a better sample; like witnessing, because that's your most important job, or praising Me, just because it means victory over the enemy, and of cuddling, just because somebody else needs it, and it's good to be affectionate. (II:142) Instead of feeling dwarfed by the giants who rule this world, rejoice that I'm going to use little Davids like you to bring those Goliaths to fall! (II:153) Whatever you feel like, your faith should not be based on feelings. (II:155) You can't go by feelings. If you wait for emotional confirmation until you're able to show love to someone, you won't be showing love very much. Besides, emotions have often turned out to be deceptive. (II:156) The more you will allow My Spirit to rule you, the more the right kind of emotions will run through you. The kind of love I'm talking about begins where your natural resources and capabilities to love end. It has got to have come to the point where it's clear that these are not your natural emotions, for they have come to an end, but this is something greater, a divine love, and supernatural, a work of My grace, it's Me working in you. (II:157) You must learn to ignore those feelings of frustration, of hopelessness, of lack of love or whatever happens to be the carpet of emotions the enemy would like to wrap you up in so that you think you've got an excuse not to do what I've commanded and ordained all My disciples to do! (II:158) Often you feel like giving up. Why don't you? Because you know - you don't feel it, but you know - that it's not the right thing to do. It's that same old story about feeling, faith and fact. You're learning to see My facts, which are building the faith that will eventually pull up your feelings again, too. But don't look at the hole in the donut just because the feelings might not be there or as strong as you wish! That would be reversing the situation! You would allow feelings to drag down your faith and disregard the facts! For women, feelings and facts are very closely related, simply because they have a strong intuition that tells them their feelings are right. But this can also be a dangerous game sometimes, especially when the enemy deals them a few "false cards" and their feelings and intuitions are based on his deceptions. (II:169) Whenever your feelings tell you anything that contradicts My Word or what I have told you, then you can be sure about their source! Who are you going to believe? - Me or your feelings? (II:177) You need to learn to resist emotional lies! You cannot trust your feelings, not even intuition! The devil will use anything to deceive you, and if he even uses My Word by twisting it and falsely re-interpreting it, as he tried when he tempted Me, how much more so will he be able to use your feelings to deceive you! (II:180) Setting your affections on things above and not on things of this Earth means to make people and souls your true and lasting riches. (II:200) The only thing that's stable, that's going to outlast any other factors involved in creating or affecting your moods, is My Word. It's the solid rock on which your faith can stand firmly, even when your feelings seem to sway. The tighter you cling to that rock, the more stable your emotional household is going to be, the less easily you'll be swayed by your feelings. Only the fact of My Word is strong enough to build and pull up your faith to the extent that it will be able to pull up your feelings to a steady and stable level, where you won't easily be swayed by moods anymore, feeling distant from Me, or easily irritated or aggravated or whatever. Because (if you stand on My Word) you'll know I'm always right there. You won't allow your feelings to tell you anything different, even if I allowed some seeming atrocity to happen to you. (II:348)

Some things I just require you to do regardless of how you feel about it or how they make you feel. When it comes to doing the right thing, you've simply got to put your feelings on the backburner. You may feel like it's tearing you apart, but if you know in your heart that it's the right thing to do anyway, simply because it is I Who asked you to do it, then you should do it, no matter what! If you always and only go by your feelings or "inspiration" and thus put your feelings first, before obeying Me, then you should not be surprised if nothing really winds up satisfying you. (II:364) It's one big lesson to not hitch your faith on feelings! I'll still be there as close as ever, no matter how undeserving you may feel, I still love you as unconditionally as ever. But it also works the other way around: no matter how euphoric you may feel about one of Satan's shiny temptations, it will be a letdown, just the same, and not lead you to happiness. The true path still remains the true path, regardless of feelings which might tell you otherwise. Even if you don't feel victorious, you can still be a victor, more than a conqueror, even though you don't feel like a conqueror at all. (II:502) You've got to discern whether the feelings are just feeding your pride and self-reliance or whether they help you to walk in My footsteps and that humble road of reliance and dependence on Me. (II:560) My Kingdom must be based on more than mere intelligence or thought. It's got to be more than brainpower, but Love Power that moves you into action... emotion! (III:25) You've got to base your decisions on what's right, not just to avoid hurt feelings. Some hurts can be good. They can make you grow, mature, wise up, learn, expand, able to relate, to sympathize, to have compassion on others and see things from their angle, and not just your own. (III:52) You still have to learn to shut off the "emotional circumstances" that the devil often creates, and see past them, see through them as illusions. (III:125) Don’t let the negativity that the enemy is trying to sow in you be what’s ruling your emotions and mental state! (2016:95) Feelings and emotions aren’t a negative, as long as they don’t make you feel negative. (2016:106) It’s time to start using the spiritual weapons and fight for the victory when the devil is trying to cast you down emotionally. To go where you didn’t like it last time you were there shows whether you’re more willing to do what I’m directing you to than your own feelings and intuitions. It’s time to get ready for tough times and going through things you may not feel like! It’s time to put those feelings on the backburner, and obedience to Me in the front of your motivation gear. Remember: I wasn’t feeling like going up Golgotha, and asked the Father if there was a way out… But then… when you know that He knows best, you’ve got to be willing to do things and go places you don’t feel like! You’ve just got to keep trusting Me, even if We direct you down a path you don’t necessarily feel like going! (2016:112) Feeling you don’t fit into that world anymore? – Don’t feel too weird about it! (2016:133)

Freedom ‘Freedom’s just another word for nothing left to lose’: In other words, freedom is sometimes equivalent to having nothing! Nothing to tie you down, to keep you stuck or chained to some stake or rut in the ground. (I:155) Welcome to the freedom of My Spirit! There is no greater freedom than this. (I:180) Just like one has to realize first that he's a sinner in order to want Salvation, so one has to realize he's bound in order to want to be set free. (I:406) Be free with Me and learn to freely give! There is freedom in giving. Be freed from their chains and come forth and be different! Give until you're free! Giving is the key to freedom! Give until you're totally free! (I:440) My truth exposes the cage and the confines that the devil is trying to keep you in, and it's up to you whether you want to break out and be free each day or not. Choose freedom, choose the mountain! Leave the System valley cage of conformity to everybody else's way behind! (I:460) Are you willing to be a prisoner of love and in this find the greatest freedom? (I:493) One will never appreciate the freedom I give until they have been the devil's fool. (I:557) I have come into the world to set mankind free from the burden of their sins, but I have sent My followers to the world in order to set them free from the slavery of the System. Now it's time to hear the call of freedom, and fly higher than you've ever been before. Come, take a step out on the water toward total freedom! (I:569) My servants are messengers and ministers of freedom in this world of confines! (I:582) Enjoy the freedom I am giving you! Keep focusing on the freedom that I have in store for you, and all the countless possibilities it entails! (II:2) Wrong attitudes, aggressions, bitterness and pride affect your freedom more than any person ever can. (II:33) Your redemption draweth nigh, and whom the Son hath made free, the same shall be free indeed. The devil tries to defeat those statements of Mine wherever he can, and you wonder where is that great liberty and freedom I have announced? You can only see the things which are keeping you bound in the physical, but I'm using those physical confinements in order to set you free from those things which really bind you, spiritually. You're like the Jews who were expecting Me to free them physically from the Romans, when I had come to free them spiritually, from their sins. Now, which is the greater freedom? That's why I said, whom the Son hath made free shall be free indeed. Whoso committeth sin, the same is the servant of sin. (II:41) My quest is and has always been to set you free, not to enslave you. (II:130) Total freedom only comes through total surrender to Me. (II:132) I'm your tug boat into freedom, your horse on which you can ride out of this mess. Hitch your wagon to My star! (II:148) Thinking you've got to do it by yourself, and in the flesh, hinders you from experiencing the freedom you find in just putting it onto My shoulders and letting Me do it through you. (II:209) Freedom's just another word for nothing left to lose, and for not having any Egypt to return to. (II:239) In order to really be free, stay focused on your goal, and resist the temptation to flip back to the way of the past, the old way, the way of the flesh, the way that we want to leave behind in order to embrace the new. (II:269) The freedom to serve Me and wield My sword of truth without fear of losing the System's respect or your position only comes when you have no such thing to lose. (II:438) My Spirit World is very efficient in finding out just what works best with different folks, and we're not bound to any ruts. That's another thing that's so wonderful about the freedom of the Spirit. That's why I'm telling you, keep your eyes on Me, focus on My Spirit and My Love, and look away from those who are bound by rules and limitations which don't necessarily apply to you, simply because I've given you greater freedom. (II:552) Freedom is a thing I give to those who cling to My Word, those who truly adhere to My Truth, absorb it, and refuse to mingle it with

lies and half-truths. (II:589) The enemy will try to get you entangled and under his yoke and in the bonds of his slavery. He will try all kinds of tricks and use all kinds of pressure to get you trapped in his "snare of the fowler." You are My free songbirds, and he's trying to catch you to lock you up in one of his cages! Guard the freedom I have blessed you with! (II:609) If the Son hath made you free, you shall be free indeed! (II:625) "The truth shall make you free." It is My Word and your continued absorption of it that is going to lead you to freedom from your sins. (II:630) When you’ve got nothing to lose, no pride, no prestige, then you’re free to give to people without fearing what they think of you. (II:651)

My purpose is to set people free, not to stick them in boxes or tie them down to dogmas. In their efforts to figure Me out, or stick the truth in boxes with clear-cut confines and jurisdictions, many have missed some essential parts of it. So, it always pays to stay open and not shut yourself up, nor be scared of other "strange truths." (III:15) For My true called-out ones, the Cause will always be above any earthly obligations, customs, relations or ties. Those who are truly called never settle for less than total freedom from earthly bonds. (III:53) Being human gives you all the liberties to experience “freedom” from Me, to live out the total majesty of freedom of choice. And those whose hearts truly belong to Me realize that "freedom from Me" isn't freedom at all, but the opposite, that true freedom lies in belonging to Me. (III:70) You've got the freedom to do and be whatever and whoever you wish to be for Me! Some people are afraid of their freedom! Enjoy it! Embrace it, live it, proclaim it, flaunt it! It's nothing to be ashamed of! "You can be free!" If you're not going to find freedom in Me, then who is going to find it anywhere? (III:79) You're free. So, use that freedom, and don't let your own fears or your mind limit you or put you in a box! (III:156) You may associate freedom with physical liberty, but look at those bound by their own chains around their hearts, tied to obsessions with belongings or other selfish and ambitious goals! What really makes you free indeed is My Word, not any circumstances. (III:163) You can’t have both: that new freedom and the old world I’m asking you to forsake. (2011:79) You’re free to make your own decisions and choices, just as you have all along, but of course, part of that freedom entails reaping your own consequences. (2011:83) There are two kinds of freedom: that of doing what you like and that of doing what you should, which basically amounts to the choice between doing your own will and Mine. Those who are yielded to My will instead of wielding great agendas of their own can testify of freedoms that those who are bound by their own selfish desires and whims can only dream of. So, if you want total freedom, you’re wise to yield to Me and My wishes for you. My intention is to teach you trust, and the more you develop it, the more freedom I can then entrust you with. (2011:89) As your Savior I have come to set you free from captivity, so it’s up to you to wear that garment of freedom and accept that I have set you free, believe it and act like a free man, accordingly. Even if you’re just a single person enjoying that liberty, one man with God can be a majority, or at least a major force, greater than that of a multitude of opponents. Even if at times you feel like a prisoner under a tough rule and with tight restrictions, take it as a challenge for you to discover the liberty and freedom I have granted you. Of course, your opponent, the enemy, is smart enough to concoct devices that threaten to rob you of your freedom, to make Me look like a liar, incapable of truly saving you and setting you free. But it’s all up to your faith, whether you choose to believe him and the dark, desperate illusion he paints, or whether you cling to My Promise and assurance that indeed I have set you free. (2011:127)

The way to be truly free is to become a slave for Me, and a captive of My will. You will find true and total freedom in yielding to My will for you and surrendering your own. (2012:10) True freedom can only be found in Me and My truth, not seeking it in another temporal illusion. (2012:115) There is no greater freedom than in My service; and no greater happiness. (2012:131) It’s the devil’s illusion of individual freedom that’s the greatest enemy to true freedom, because people don’t even realize that they’re trapped and thus seek no liberation whatsoever. (2012:148)

It’s liberating when folks are willing and ready to let go of their extra weight and excesses, and isn’t that part of My job, of what I promised My followers, to bring them freedom? What is a savior, but also a liberator? I can only liberate folks to the degree they’re willing to be liberated. I can open the door, but they’ve got to do the walking through it by themselves. I offer freedom and truth. Whether people will take it is entirely up to them. It’s the truth that shall set you free. Accepting My truth is the first step. Then putting it into action is the next, liberating step… when you do and obey those things you hear from Me. So, freedom doesn’t come without obedience, which seems to be somewhat of a contradiction, since the human definition of freedom seems to be to do whatever one pleases. But I’d say that will only land you in the same fix as before, making you a prisoner of your own desires and whims. It takes real faith to trust that I actually know better what’s good for you than you do, and that what I want you to do is the better choice than what you want. But if you can believe that, and act on it, then you’re on your way to true freedom and liberation from yourself, your sins, and all the weights that would drag you down, of your own desires, ambitions and notions, which, frankly, can sometimes be quite misleading, downright deceptive, and thus wind up entrapping and ensnaring you. Doing what you want and like is not the definition of true freedom at all. it’s not always an easy road to take, this road of sacrifice and freedom, but it’s the only true one that will ever get you anywhere and out of whatever mess you may find yourself in. Are you free enough to give up what’s weighing you down? “He that commits sin is the slave of sin.” If you want to be free, you need to give it up, and you’ll find that your life won’t be such a mess anymore. The freedom to give of yourself is the only true path of liberation. - Sacrifice and freedom? Yeah, there’s definitely a connection! Sacrifice comes first, then freedom will follow. Doing work such as cleaning up frees you from all the selfish things you’d do otherwise, which will only entrap you in yourself and the downward spiral of your own desires. Truly sacrificial caregivers thus can be the freest of people, because they’re freer from selfishness, the main factor that ensnares you in the first place. (2012:151) The pain, the agony, the strain, is the cost of freedom, the cost of liberty. (2013:3) I advocate the path of freedom, rather than the one of being tied down to a place, if you look at the example of My earliest disciples, and those to follow, who went down in history for Me and My Cause… What’s important to Me, as far as you’re concerned, is that you stay open to My options and leadings and open doors, inspirations and any kind of indicators that might lead you a certain way, and that you have that freedom, and accordingly, the courage, to follow them. (2013:27) You long to be free. And that’s what My truth does: “If you abide in My Words, you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free (John 8:31,32).” (2013:81) No pressure or obligation to try to please everyone around you… now, isn’t that at least an unusual, greater taste of freedom? (2015:209)

Happiness is found in sharing and giving what you got! As is freedom! (2016:62) It’s all according to your faith; and I won’t ask you for what’s not according to it. Happy we’ve got that liberty and freedom? (2016:83) The Spirit is what gives freedom from all the hindrances and negative effects of the physical world around you. (2016:95)

Fruitfulness Once your heart has been made soft and moldable and open and fertile for My tender seeds, let them grow! Let them take root in you and bring forth magnificent fruit in you from Me. - Magnificent fruits of My Spirit, of love, of mercy, of a personality so much more beautiful than you could have ever become in the flesh. (I:84) My Word will cause you to bring forth fruit, instead of dying on the vine! Isn't it a wonderful feeling, the prospect of bringing forth fruit for Me? Your branches hanging full with blossoms, promising a ripe and abundant harvest? Spring is coming, and your tree will blossom, and all those blossoms will become fruits in their season, at harvest time, as long as you stay planted by the rivers of My water, and you keep receiving My life-giving sap... (I:312) Usually, time and history have proven that the harder way was the more fruitful way. (I:417) The ability to seek My Kingdom first, will result in greater obedience, thus greater blessings, and greater fruitfulness. (I:420) As long as you're yielded to Me and you declare in our unwritten daily contract that you are Mine and I can do with you what I will, you can safely assume that I will, and that I will use every minute to prepare you to the utmost for that purpose of your existence that will render the greatest possible amount of fruit for My Kingdom. (I:424) I need you to focus more on the spirit world, in order to ensure your future survival and greater fruitfulness for Me. You cannot bring forth the fruit I want you to without getting ahold of Me, My Spirit and your helpers more. (I:476) It's a time to be willing to let Me kill those unfruitful elements in your life and to allow Me to purge them and go on to newer, more fruitful ways, methods and things. (II:39) I have certain expectations from you, who have decided to follow and serve Me. My expectation is that you bear fruit. (II:62) The roughness of the nitty-gritty of witnessing serves to rub My seeds deeper into your spiritual womb, thus enabling you better to bring forth more fruit for Me. (II:119) If you invest your love, time, affection and energy, just trusting that you're meant to do this, because otherwise I wouldn't have put it before you, much less told you to do so, it's going to work, and it's going to result in and reward you with lasting fruit. (II:144) “By their fruits ye shall know them.” By the fruit of their lips, their fruit in your own life, you can tell. (II:263) It's gotta be Me working in you and through you, if you want to bear good fruit! (II:272) You’re going to have to absorb My Words much more deeply into every fiber of your being, if you want them to bring forth fruit from Me. I need and want the Real Thing, a bride that really wants Me, desperate to bring forth fruit to Me. (II:385) Only I can guarantee your operating in the Spirit, and thus, doing fruitful things that last and that will cause you to really make progress. (II:409) Use that empty ground and fill it with My seeds, till and plough it, so that from that which was once empty ground, unpromising and seemingly barren, you bring forth fruit unto Me! Only through the action of turning others' lives into something better, will your own "land" stay fruitful, fertile and lush and alive also. Are you going to allow your Salvation to bring forth fruit? (II:563) You’re going to have to invest something in the there and now, in order to successfully bear fruit that remains for Eternity. (III:56) By the loving union between Me and your soul, true fruit is brought into being. There is nothing else as desirable about life than bringing that kind of fruit. If you stand firm in Me, you continue receiving My life-giving sap, soaking up My sunshine and water of life, nothing can stop you from brearing and bringing forth fruit, not even the fiercest winds and strongest storms. (III:104) The enemy is trying to slow you down and reduce your fruitfulness for Me. Whereas, if you just stay close to Me, no matter what happens and is going on around you, My Spirit will just keep working in you and through you, and there's nothing whatsoever he can do. (III:122) Only through the Spirit lasting fruit is borne. (III:209) I will recognize and honor whatever fruit you will yield, and reward you for it. Of course, where there is nothing to show forth, there is also nothing one can be rewarded for. But usually, every true believer has some sort of fruit to show when they get Here,

and I’ll reward their efforts. The only thing I can not reward is the fear of employing what I have given you and the only effort one ever made, being to have buried it. (2012:45) Of course, one thrives much better, and manages to see My power at work in their life when the results of their faith are evident before their eyes in the fruit they’re bearing. (2013:38) To bring forth fruit at first, the key phrase is, “Abide in Me,” and the key point, thus, your connection with Me. The only way you’ll be able to live up to anyone’s expectations, including Mine of you to bring forth fruit, is to abide in Me, stay connected with Me, and thus making sure that eventually, you will. Fruit that remains is a result of your relationship with Me, of abiding in Me. If you don’t neglect that, but give it the due time and space in your life, the fruit is also bound to come. Too many folks focus on the fruit, and try to bring it about in their own strength. Bringing forth fruit that remains requires patience and trust, that what I sow in your life will bring forth fruit in its season. Don’t be frustrated by temporary lack of fruit in your life, but be patient and keep trusting that if you don’t neglect the most important part of your life – your relationship with Me – it won’t fail to show up in its time. (2013:56) If you want to do and accomplish something that will last and bring forth fruit in My Here and Now, get into the groove of letting Me do the things through you! (2015:133) The enemy will keep fighting you and trying to keep you from bringing forth fruit that lasts for Me and Our Kingdom. How about not giving up, but keeping hanging in there for the sake of others making it Up Here through your help and set-in? How about fighting as hard as you can in order to bear fruit for Me and the Father, and do all that you can, and not just give up in fear and because of doubts? (2015:175) Remember “Go ye into all the world…”! It’s not a matter of feeling more “at home” elsewhere, but having greater opportunities to be used by Me, and thus bringing forth more fruit. (2016:41)

Giving and Receiving (Reap and Sow) To give means to invest. To invest means to earn and reap and harvest the dividends. You sow in tears and shall reap in joy. (I:16) You are saved, all your sins are forgiven. But all the ones who will be lost because you were too busy entertaining yourself instead of doing what you could to get them saved will one day make you cry. Why do you think I have to wipe away so many tears from My children’s eyes? Because they fail to weep and pray in intercessory prayer for them now. Because they fail to sow the seeds in weeping now. Because, if they would, joy would come in the morning, but great will be the lamentation of those who fail to sow My seeds in this life, when this is what I would have wanted them to do. (I:47) Stop worrying whether you get your fair share or not! Give and it will be given unto you! Stop complaining like those who wallow in their self-righteous self-pity and moan about never getting anything in return when ‘all they do is give and give...’! Believe Me, if they were truly as giving as they believe themselves to be, they wouldn’t be complaining. For they would be filled with a silent, cheerful joy unspeakable, that small personal trademark of the saints, the reward for believing and acting on the knowledge that it is more blessed to give than to receive. So, give, even if it hurts. Even if it goes against your nature or against all that you feel like doing! Just give! Pour out of yourself and I will pour in, you can never outpour Me. (I:51) For centuries and thousands of years people have known that you have to sow, in order to reap. Only in these times, children demand everything in return for nothing. Adults likewise have adopted this attitude of, ‘I deserve this, so I’m going to take it’, only to find out that someone is going to have to pay the fiddler in the end. (I:91) Find out how much more blessed it is to give than to receive, how much more fun it can be to be consumed instead of consuming, to be used by Me, instead of seeking to use others to give you self-confirmation and pats on the back. (I:96) People have to realize that in this life, a lot depends on them. A lot depends on them, when it comes to whether they will ever see the fulfillment of their dreams or not. How much are they willing to invest? How much elbow-grease are they willing to put into it? If your input is zero, that’s what you will reap. He that soweth sparingly, shall also reap sparingly. If you want something out of life, you’ve got to put something into it and not just sit back passively and wait for everything to just come along. (I:116) In the end, each man will reap what they have sown and will be showered with their reward. (I:165) I want you to learn to give, not walk through life always wanting this, wanting that, wanting someone... I’d like people to come to the point where they have the attitude that sings, “I want to give – keep on giving...” (I:334) You have to focus on giving instead of receiving! (I:336) Stop feeling sorry for yourself for not getting what you want, and start coming to Me for what I want you to give! (I:338) How could you withhold from others that which I have given you to share? “Freely ye have received, also freely give!” (I:347) The meaning of life: the secret and the magic lies in the simple act of giving! (I:350) You must be aware of the impact of your words! You create or destroy with them. You either sow good seeds or weed seeds. There is no in-between. (I:358) Reason says, “I can’t afford to give because my own situation is too tight.” Generosity says, “You never lose by giving.” Reason sees your own lack; generosity sees the abundant blessing that lies in giving in spite of the lack. Reason is the hoarding, stingy, selfish and self-preserving, so-called realistic attitude. Generosity is an open heart that pours forth; it can do no other, ignoring the reasoning of your mind. (I:365) Look not only at what you can get from others, those you look up to, but look also at what you can give to others, to those who look up to you, and who need you! It’s a time to focus on giving and put the “receiving” mode on pause. I want you to truly learn to freely give, to pour out in streams and not just trickles. Give not to those you would like to receive from, but to those who are willing to receive from you! Ask Me to show you what you can give to them, what you can do with them, what you can share with them, talk to them about! Discover a whole, entire new World and universe of Giving, which will far surpass that of receiving or giving to those you expect from in return... Discover the thrills and the ecstasy of giving unselfishly to those from whom you might not expect much in return, but who might yet surprise you, if you only give them a chance! Get ready for some pleasant surprises as you willingly give to those who don’t seem to have much to give in return! (I:379)

To whom much hath been given, of the same much shall be required, and if you’ve been sowing sparingly, you will reap sparingly. (I:392)

This love, this message ain’t for keepin’! It’s no good, it doesn’t become real until you give it away and share it with others! It only becomes real by giving it away! Just like seeds don’t do any good unless they’re sown... money will do you no good unless you spend it and get it out among the people; clouds will do no good unless they burst open and rain down upon the ground. Don’t withhold that which you’ve got, but be a living example of My way, giving what you’ve got so that others may benefit from it! (I:393)

Be free with Me and learn to freely give! There is freedom in giving. Despise the riches and wealth of this World by giving them away! Prove to Satan that you're absolutely not impressed by his fake and counterfeit version of blessings and riches, by giving away what you can and sharing all things, not treasuring anything but the riches of My Spirit! Be freed from their chains and come forth and be different! Give, give, give and give again, give until you're free and until you've shown to the whole world by your giving how foolish they have been in their hoarding! Giving is the key to freedom! Give wherever and whatever you can! Give until you're totally free! (I:440) In giving to Me, you're pouring out your substance unto Me and My House, and you're showing your faith in giving back to Me what I have given you in the first place. Don't consider it a technical formality only, for it's part of your worship, your service, your sacrifice to Me, as it is the effect that will help others you give to, to bring forth more fruit to Me, in which you will find great blessing. Give willingly and cheerfully, as from your whole heart! It is of utmost importance to the furtherance of My Kingdom. The more you give to Me, the more I will be able to give back to you. (I:510) Keep up the spirit of giving! It's the warmth that will draw them to the fire. (I:608) You're only going to get out of it what you're willing to put into it. He that soweth sparingly will also reap sparingly. (II:8) True love is giving, it's not "wanting." (II:56) If you can't give enough, turn to the Source that never runs dry! (II:66) Give what you've got to give! (II:72) Withhold not from them to whom it is due if it is in thine hand to give! You must not withhold your love for fear of losing, for you will only lose by withholding; never by giving. The carnal mind tells folks that they lose by giving, that the more they give, the greater the risk of losing it all, but I say the opposite: the more you withhold, the more you risk losing your love! (II:73) Haven't I promised that “whatever thou spendest” I would repay? Haven't I said "Give and it will be given unto you with the same measure that ye mete with?" Haven't you learned by experience that "he that withholdeth tendeth to poverty, but he that scattereth abroad increaseth?" Giving, sharing, pouring out and scattering what you've got, in My book spells faith, because it shows that You're expecting Me to return in the same abundance to you with which you give. Withholding spells lack of faith. Giving is what it all boils down to. Giving, instead of only receiving and demanding, like selfish, spoiled children! Giving of your life, giving of your substance, giving till it hurts. Trust in Me and My Promise: you never lose by giving! Not even if it seems absurd, illogical or unreasonable to give! It didn't make sense to the masses that I had to give Myself on the cross, not even to My disciples... But where would you be if I hadn't? (II:89) Blessed are the givers. You give people a chance to be blessed according to whether they give to you and how much, in this, My "machinery" of give and take. (II:94) It's all about giving, not taking! It's all about serving, not seeking to be served! (II:149) Your destiny is to give, and to give and always to give, even if there doesn't seem to be anything to give. As long as you keep giving, I will give back to you. Just the fact that there are people who don't only care about themselves, but will also give of their own substance, even to their own hurt, will be a spark of hope that will rekindle the faith in many, even in the darkest time of the history of the world. (II:200) Through loss you may have not gotten what you wanted, but I got what I wanted: a more humble you and someone more loving, seeking more what you can give instead of only seeking to take. (II:234) The more you give, the more I can give again to you... you've just got to "make room" for the new sometimes, and there's nothing that will call down My Spirit on you as effectively and abundantly as your act of pouring out to others what you received from Me. (II:243)

You'll reap just what you sow and if it's only to yourself and your own pleasure that you sow, instead of pouring your life out to

others, emptiness is what you will reap. (II:278) You gain wisdom not just by accumulating spiritual wealth and knowledge for yourself, but seeking ways to improve the world around you by passing on to others whatever you receive from Me! A life of giving! Energy comes from opening up your channels and allowing whatever comes into your life to also flow onto others and benefit them as well. As you pour out, I pour in... (II:305) It takes giving what you've got, or even what you haven't got, and as you give, I will fill that void! (II:309) Don’t wait until you've got it all before you start giving, give what you've got, and more will be given to you! Give what little you can, for that is how you'll receive more! Give and it shall be given you! (II:310) You can only give from within what you have got within yourself. You've got to be filled in order to pour out onto others. Of course, when it is enough, that's when you've got to look around for a way to share it, to pass it on, in order to make room for the new. (II:321) Give to those with whom your giving really counts! Give to those who don't have yet! (II:326) You've got to have it inside before you can give it out. (II:328) With giving to children, you give and give and give, and every now and then you get a little something in return. But that's because your capacity to give is much greater than theirs. They simply don't have as much to give, except through their obedience. So it is with Me. My capacity to give to you is much, much greater than your capacity to return to Me, and some have more grace than others to return My benevolence and love to them in form of their obedience to Me. (II:342) Only by finding that union with Me will you have enough to give to another person in order to keep that relationship going. Otherwise you will only seek to find more and more for yourself, to receive and receive, to be given, to be served, instead of to serve... It's the difference between selfish love and giving love, true Love. And only I can give you that true Love: the ability to truly give without expecting anything in return. Only once you start looking at those to whom you can give will you find true happiness. What you're looking for is not found there. What you're looking for is found in giving what you've got! (II:345) The most precious lessons and things gleaned from this life don't come from seeking to receive, but from learning to give. (II:371) He that soweth sparingly shall also reap sparingly... You've got to sow the seeds before you can reap the results. (II:389) I'm not expecting you to give anything that you didn’t receive from Me first. (II:443) It's not because of My capacity to give that the flow ever stops, but only because of your limited capacity to receive. Faith means nothing more than the extent of your capacity to receive. (II:451) You have to make an effort in order to reap a harvest; you can't just expect the fruit to fall into your lap! (II:479) It's the excess that makes people unhappy. It's the excess that causes marriages to fail and families to fall apart. They realize that no matter how much they acquire, it just doesn't make them happy, so they often blame it on their partners. They're driven by this need to constantly look for more, for new ways of finding satisfaction. What they don't realize is that they're looking in the wrong direction. Their mode is "getting, getting, getting," instead of giving. (II:480) Share it, give it away, let others partake of it! If you share it, it becomes easier. Everything you've got: share it, and it will become lighter, and you'll see, it will become more in a truly positive way! The more you give, the more I will repay! Instead of trying to accumulate more things for yourself, seek to share, to give them away and be a blessing to others! (II:489) It's by pouring out that you will be refilled again! (II:498) Why not show your gratitude by displaying an attitude that doesn't merely expect to receive, but a giving attitude, even a sacrificial attitude? (II:509) It’s more blessed to give than to receive. You want to be blessed, or happy? Then give! Give what you can! (II:513) Only if you sow into people’s lives can you reap from them the fruit of their friendship! (II:651) I love a cheerful giver. I will demonstrate to the whole universe that it is far more blessed to give than to receive, that it is far more blessed to be a giver than a receiver.

It always pays to give. It’s easier for others than for some, but one for whom it is difficult to give, but overcomes his difficulties and gives in the end is more blessed and does the will of God more than one who is naturally inclined to give, but gets tired of it and becomes selfish and withholding in the end... The trick for true, selfless givers is to remain faithful, not to become weary in well-doing. (II:654) You never lose by giving. I will always fill you up again. (III:11) You never lose by giving! Never, never, never, never! Even if you should be giving to someone with motives less than 100% pure, it would still not be wasted or lost. "You never lose by giving." That's My Promise! (III:26) I cannot protect you from the impact and the repercussions of allowing yourself to fall when you ought to know better. I let you reap and taste the results. (III:54) Once you start caring for others, you also reap the benefits. (III:58) Put some passion into it, some initiative, some more dedication! The amount you'll get out of it is determined by what you put into it. The more you give, the more I give back to you. The more you are determined not to settle for anything less than the very best you can make and get out of each single day, the more wholeheartedly you pray, the greater the results are going to be. There's always more to give. Just like there is always more to receive from Me, and I always have something more to give to you. (III:64)

I want you to turn to a reliable Source for your needs, namely to Me. And then I want you to pass on that which you've been given to others. I want you to give to them what you've received from Me. I want you to not seek what they have to give to you, but give to them from all that I have blessed you with. (III:96) Whatever a man sows, that will he also reap, and with the measure he metes, he shall also be met. You're going to get out of life, out of love, out of everything - the same amount you're putting into it, everything reflects on you with the same intensity that your own efforts originated in. You've got to put something into it, in order to get something worthwhile out of it, that's just the way it goes, one of the rules of the universe. If you want more, you've got to give more! If you want to receive more, you've got to send more. You’ve got to make an effort to give more, if you want to receive and reap more. "He that soweth sparingly will also reap sparingly." (III:177) Life is about giving, not taking. And one of the first steps to giving is to appreciate and realize what you've got, so that you can give from what you've already got, instead of constantly desiring something else, something more... (III:180) If you sow to the temporal, then temporal and limited will be your reward. If you sow to the eternal, your rewards will also be never-ending. if you're wise, be like Me; give like Me; invest like Me, and pour out like Me, beyond measure, in great abundance, never withholding! Don't be stingy like the devil in your investments, but give and give and pour and pour, knowing that in the same abundance and measure that you pour out to others, it will also be poured out to you. (III:222) You must not look with eyes of expectation, but with eyes of readiness to give. You must flip from receiving mode (which you're in when you're with Me) into giving mode when you're with people. You cannot expect from people what only I can give. Receive from Me, and then pass on what you've received! (III:249) What really matters is not your physical position, but your place at My feet, where you can learn from Me and from those prophets which were before you that which is essential to give and pass on to those who will be ready to receive you and your message and whatever you will have to give, especially when the troubles which are to come and must come, will come. (III:250) It has been the natural modus operandi for people to walk through life with a “give me” attitude, and “What can I get,” instead of, “What can I give?” There’s a lot more in it for you in the long run if you take on a giving attitude. If you can take on the attitude that it’s part of what you’re there to learn: to be more giving and become more sacrificial and acquire a nobler character, you’ll be alright, and these times will be a lot easier for you to handle, even when they might be considered hard. (2011:146) You’ve got to live your life whole-heartedly, otherwise it’s not really much of a case of giving at all. It’s human pride and nature to resent the thought of having to give your life for something or someone not worthy of you. (2011:147)

I know what each one is capable of giving and doing, and you won’t be judged by what you gave, but by what you had left to give. How much more could you give or have given? Blessed are those who don’t have a problem with giving their all, or at least accept that challenge. There’s no greater joy than in giving one’s all. I did, and blessed are those who try and find it’s truly the way; it works. It does the trick. Wanna be a happy soul? Brother, better give your all! (2012:131) And as long as you’re learning how to give and you’re making progress of some kind in that area, it’s worth it, and you don’t have to worry too much about what exactly you’re accomplishing or not… (2012:156) You reap what you sow. If you sow appreciation and praise, that’s also what you’ll get in return. Whatever you send Up to Me, I’ll make sure you’ll be reaping the dividends of it somehow down there… It’s a tried and proven mechanism, organism or system, whatever you want to call it, that works, and more reliable than the laws of physics: What goes up will come down in some form or another. (2013:107) Be more concerned about what to give to others, instead of largely being concerned about what you receive… - Be more concerned about what to give to others than about what’s in it for you and what you’ll receive or get for yourself! As far as I’m concerned, it’s better to be giving more than to worry constantly about what you’re getting and receiving… To be worried about what you get all the time is basically selfishness, and that’s not a good way to go or path to take! Giving is a lot better! Giving results in being given more yourself in the end. - Definitely better than constantly being concerned about receiving material things from others. (2014:10) Remember that the not-so-hot things happening to you are always caused by yourself, your own bad decisions, and caused by something you better hadn’t done! Disobediences of His children have got to be punished and dealt with somehow. So, keep it in mind, and remember that there’s always something you’ll reap for what you sow! (2015:115) It pays to plant and sow your seeds on the ground that won’t just last temporarily, just like everything does on Earth momentarily, but something deeper, that won’t just be shut down and turned off by time and tide! Sow your seeds to something steadier and much more lasting! (2015:143) It may be tougher to give what you’ve been receiving, is it? Well, all the more important to get into Our groove and way of giving, and not just keep thinking of what you’ll receive! To be giving is what it means to be loving! (2015:162) Remember you’re supposed to keep in mind as a vision what you’ve got to offer to others, and not just grab for yourself in that temporary life and world! (2015:184) Maybe you’re reaping what you’ve sown? Maybe life’s as you deserve it, and are reaping the fruits of the seeds you’ve sown! So, maybe not just a reason to feel sorry for yourself, but learn some lessons from what you’ve done, and reap some of the fruits you’ve planted from the seeds you’ve sown. “We reap what we sow” is one of the main lessons human beings are supposed to have learned, or should still be at. If what you’re reaping and your life’s resulting in isn’t all that pleasant, maybe you should ask yourself, “Well, what have I sown, in order to reap this?” – Or realize you ought to look for some other seeds to sow! Remember: you reap what you’ve sown! Sometimes, when you’ve brought pain to others, it’s time for you to realize what it’s like, to have to reap pain from that earth and that life… that not everything you do will remain without results or consequences to teach you something from it all. Remember repentance and being sorry for mistakes you’ve made, and learn some lasting lessons and reap the consequences from all that went wrong! When you’ve caused some pain to others, it’s no wonder that pain will come and hit you, too, at some point. What you give, you will receive. Which is why giving love is the one thing that no one will regret having done, ultimately, even if temporarily there may not seem to be much reward for it… (2015:192) The things others need from you most are what you could receive from Us! So, let Us give it, and just receive it… to pass it on! (2015:194)

Some lessons have to be taught and learned from disobedience, and they largely consist of experiencing the result of reaping what you’ve sown. So, it definitely pays to get the point about behaving and acting the proper way; if you’ll reap what you’ve sown, you better learn how to sow the right stuff. – The right seeds. Which consist of your actions, behavior, and not least of all: your words. (2015:243) If life isn’t perfect, let it be largely due to what people sow into their lives, having to learn to also reap the according results! Reaping what you sow is one of the biggest lessons in life concerning reaping the results of one’s actions. Whatever folks do will reap some results, and it’s important to learn the right kind of behavior and doing the proper type of things in order to reap the more pleasant results of one’s actions! (2015:246)

You just reap what you sow, and the good in life doesn’t come by itself, and bad things sown in life will rather reap the results of their own kind… So, how about focusing more on sowing the good stuff, much more likely to bring good results? (2015:249) If your life can’t be any more pleasant, I’m afraid it’s a result of reaping what you sow! It’s not all just about receiving, but you’re supposed to be just as much into giving! And you can only get, receive, and reap, if you also give, and the things or seeds of the kind you sow. Life can become a misery when you don’t act better and don’t do better things that would make you also deserve them… cause you to reap the good you’ve sown! When life turns into misery, it’s not just Our fault, but pretty much your own, and the consequence of what you’ve sown and done to make out of it! (2016:32) Pouring out what you receive from Me is your principal task. “Give and ye shall receive” means, give My message to others in order to receive the blessings and reap the fruits of it. Ye shall reap what you’ve sown! (2016:38) Put up with the circumstances of having to let Us help you make it through life’s harder times, instead of complaining about it whenever they’re not perfect and a taste of Heaven! - Especially when your behavior is far from perfect, and you’re bound to reap some of what you sow! (2016:42) Don’t just blame Me for reaping what you’ve sown! You reap what you sow, and thus ought to make sure you’re sowing the right kind of seeds in order to wind up with positive fruits and results! If you need some better fruit, sow some better seed, in order to get the according results! A lot of what you reap depends on the sort of action you sow! You’ll reap what you’ve sown, and negative actions wind up with negative results! To help others receive some blessings for their help is part of the task of God’s people on Earth: to help those who sowed some good in life to also reap the good results thereafter. (2016:49) The key to happiness is not your input, but the output… what you give! It’s not just in hoarding yourself what you get! Happiness is found in sharing and giving what you got! In giving what you receive and passing it on lies the greatest blessing! Stinginess is not a wise habit. So, if you want to receive, freely give! Give whatever you can! And you’ll see: it’ll make you richer! – Definitely in the Spirit, which I’m trying to teach you, is the lasting dimension onto which to pour your life! Happiness isn’t found in just keeping what you’ve got, but in giving! So, if you want to be happy, peaceful and satisfied, keep on giving and sharing what you’ve got, so that I can keep pouring My blessings upon you! Trust in Me, that I’ll always keep blessing the act of giving and sharing what you’ve got! Giving and sharing what you’ve got is one of the greatest symptoms of love, which I keep teaching you, is the most important “Thing!” What greater way to show love than to be giving? – Isn’t that what I did with My Life, and the Father by giving His Son? “God so loved the world that He gave His only Son!” – Who gave His Life! Giving is one of the most important actions in life. So, avoid stinginess, and get into a gear of giving! (2016:62) When it’s tough to give, there should still be inside you the incentive to give anyway… it’ll be so much more rewarding than just living to receive. (2016:77) Mankind is going to reap what they’ve sown, and that applies first of all to those who committed themselves to My followership. (2016:80)

First you’ve got to have the right stuff in before you can get it out! (2016:83) Those who’ve got greater respect for Me definitely try to be wiser in paying attention to what they sow into their lives, knowing that accordingly they will reap. (2016:102) You can’t just blame the circumstances or all the others around you when it seems as if you’re just reaping what you’ve been sowing yourself! (2016:120) Reasons for complaint and discontent are quite often the results of one’s own actions and reaping what’s been sown. So… want blessings? – Sow what will reap them! (2016:124) It’s sort of important to keep remembering that eventually this life will be over… ready to reap from it what you’ve sown? (2016:129) Negative times, when deserved by people who’ve sown bad seeds, are a positive as far as I’m concerned. Otherwise, evil just grows and grows as it did before the flood… This time it’s not a flood of water coming, but a flood of evil, to teach mankind its ultimate and (nearly) final lesson on it. (2016:133)

Good vs. Evil Redeem the time, for the days are evil. (I:14) Ask Me to help you be on guard and ‘deliver you from evil.’ (I:15) Be not envious of evildoers. Even if they may not appear to be evildoers on the surface, just ‘perfectly normal’ people, sometimes the greatest sin anyone can commit is to do nothing! Be not like those rich evil doers of nothing, but stir yourself up into action of prayer! (I:50) Concentrate on the truly essential, the learning of the spiritual lesson you were sent here to emphasize on: the forgiveness of others’ wrongs against you, and the recognition and refusing to yield to the temptation of evil, recognizing that the power and Kingdom are truly God’s and not the usurper’s. (I:54) The majority of people prefer darkness to the light, for their deeds are evil. It’s not necessarily that they’re obviously or blatantly evil, either, but when the Father shall judge every work of every man, woman and child, all things shall be revealed. (I:109) Good and evil can’t coexist peacefully, one will give way to the other. (I:161) One of the primary reasons for the success of evil in the world is that good men are doing nothing. (I:198) You should not neglect to pray against evil worldly influences dragging in the Enemy’s vibes, trying to belittle you, to put you down! (I:212) You can teach from your personal experiences why you personally recommend to choose good: because you’ve seen evil. (I:213) If you just stick to the tiny little actions, deeds and steps of love, you’ll be doing just what’s necessary to bring about the triumph of good over evil, and you’ll be doing just fine, and you’ll be fulfilling the best possible destiny there is. (I:248) I love you when you're bad, because I can already see the good in you coming out of it again. (I:414) "Deliver us from evil" is part of the prayer I taught you to pray, because it's very relevant to each of you. Each one of you is prone to become a target of evil, that's just one of the facts of life, and that's why you've got to pray and stay in close communication with Me to help you overcome that evil, to withstand it, to resist it, and that I might deliver you from it. It's nothing to be ashamed of, nothing really weird or odd or terrible, it's daily life on the battlegrounds of this World. Evil is bound to attack you, oppress you and harass you, and you've just got to stay on guard and vigilant against it on all sides. Stay desperate with Me to deliver you from evil, just as I have taught you to pray! Keep your focus on Me, and I will deliver you from evil! (I:501) You've got to trust Me, that even a dark chapter in your life will work together for good, and that My hand is upon you for good and not evil. My thoughts toward you are thoughts of love and mercy, not of punishment, and if I'm allowing this, it's only for your best. If it's tough and difficult and you cling to My hand in desperation for every step of the way, knowing that otherwise you won't make it, then you can be pretty sure that you're on the right path, and that this is My way for you. Trust that it's not evil or bad, but ultimately for your good! (II:60) Salvation and redemption is all about delivering you from evil. Firstly, and foremost, the evil of your own hearts, and lastly, once you have been redeemed from your own sins, I deliver you out of the evil of this world! (II:92) The greatest rewards wait for those who commit themselves to that ultimate struggle of good and evil, to confront and combat the very evil in their own hearts, the very sin in their lives, for in this, they're fighting the very enemy of God - the devil - on a day to day, face-to-face level. (II:98) You need to learn to differentiate between the way I see "good" and the way you do. What you call "bad" I might call good. As you learn to see with My eyes and learn to take things by faith, your perspectives will change and you'll see the "handwriting of good within evil." (II:243) I'm showing you the difference between real goodness, that which comes from Me, and is born in the humility of the realization that in yourself there is nothing good and you can do nothing good, and the pretended goodness of self-sufficiency, of those who believe they don't need Me, they're already good enough. Their religion is themselves, or the goodness they think they're acquiring of their own efforts. They think they're good and they do good, but do nothing to relieve the suffering in the world, but just contribute to the functioning of the machine that ever keeps exploiting the poor, they keep it running. They may not know the extent to which they're collaborators of a great evil, similar to the way in which many people in Nazi Germany didn't know and refused to see the extent of evil of which they were collaborators, but in rejecting the voice of truth, in refusing to listen to My servants, they heap upon themselves their condemnation, their judgment and verdict.

Just doing the thing that comes natural in the physical doesn't qualify you as "good" in My eyes. Everybody does that. Just doing your part as a cog in the machinery of the System, which is of the god of this world, the devil, isn't at all what I consider doing a good thing or being a good person. (II:252) One of the most important "tricks" of faith is to see the good in the bad, not vice versa. Some people who were allegedly on the bad side, actually did wind up on the good side, after all. (II:333) Job said to his wife: "Should we receive the good from His hand, but not the bad (Job 2:10)?" He was a great man of faith. If you can learn to be thankful for both, the good and the bad times, then you will indeed be a man of faith. (II:393) You've got to focus on the good in order to maintain the victory and not succumb to the overwhelming power and sheer amount of evil displayed in the world. Stay on a positive wavelength! (II:438) If everybody would be all good all the time, then there wouldn't be anything to learn. "Bad" has a purpose, and I'm going to turn it into good. There's no bad that My heavenly Power cannot turn into good. If you look at the bad from this angle, knowing that sooner or later I'm going to turn it into good, it doesn't look all that bad anymore, does it? Sure, the devil tries to make it look so bad that to the rational mind it looks impossible that I could ever turn it into good, but I will, at least for all those who love Me. Just like everything that happened in your past, even before you received Me, turned out to have been for your good, so I will also be able to turn the unbelievers' past into their good, once they will turn to Me. (II:460) When it comes to spiritual health and cleanliness, people are a lot more slack, and tolerant of evil. That's basically what it's all about: people's individual tolerance level of evil. How willing are you to accept evil in your life? How ready are you for compromise with evil? (II:466) You would prefer to have a sample to follow you could clearly define as "good." Well, if it were so obviously good, it might be a little too easy. Even I shattered the rich young man's idol when he came to Me and called Me "good sir." I said, "Why do you call Me good?" because his standards of "good" were not the same as God's. You would like to know who the good guys and the bad guys are. Yet you're experiencing that you can sometimes benefit even more from something that has come to you on behalf of the "bad guys" than those who you know to be the good guys. I'm not doing this to keep you confused, but to keep you open, ready to forgive, ready to have faith for anyone. There is no one too bad for Me, too bad to be saved, too bad to be forgiven, if they come to Me. And it's more likely for the "bad" guys to turn to Me in desperation than for those who have known Me and lived a "good" life all their lives. This is the very purpose of the fall of man. It didn't drive them further away from Me, but actually drew them closer. You can never be too bad, only too "good." (II:481) It's not your job to tell who's good or bad, that's My job. (II:482) Allowing people to exist in a peaceful coexistence between good and evil and accepting and tolerating evil is one of the major sources of problems in the world today. (II:487) The extent to which evil is allowed in the world was gradually determined by the extent to which people accepted it, just as the amount of good is determined by the extent to which people accept Me and follow My ways. (II:521) Trust and see what I am going to bring about through this momentary suffering and imperfection! The contrast of the picture portrayed against the background of evil will help everyone to see clearly. Evil will teach mankind and all of creation a vital lesson. (II:548) To eat of the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil meant to discover the other side, the darker side, the knowledge of that which was not good and was not the truth: the knowledge of evil and of that which is a lie. That's all Satan really has to offer: the lie, the illusion, that which man thinks he knows. The knowledge of evil that Satan brought into the world is nothing but an illusion; a lie; a deception. (II:571) Life is never all good nor all bad. You might say there are always good things and bad things present in it; it all just depends which ones you choose to look at or emphasize on. If you focus on the bad, then that's what will determine the major connotation of your view, your attitude, your day, your life. But if you focus on the good (and if you have Me, you always have something Good to focus on), then that will determine your outlook. (II:581)

I can turn any evil into your good. I will turn the devil's evil into My good. Evil is always merely used in the life of My saints to turn into something good. I use evil for good. So, don't be afraid of it! (II:600) I work in all lives, and the Father lets the sun shine on all of them, the evil and the good, and He sends His rain on all. ‘Let it rain!’ Let My goodness rain on anyone! (II:650)

Dealing with evil is a part of life, and necessary, just like doing the laundry, etc. You can't just ignore the laundry until it stinks and you run out of clean clothes... (III:7) Pass on the goodness that has been bestowed on you, share some of that good feeling, that joy, that peace and trust and warm aura of faith! (III:10) You can avail yourself of the help and wisdom of those from beyond time, their wisdom and insight, their battle experience, in order to fulfill your destiny and do your part to contribute to the victory and triumph of good over evil. (III:59) It's much easier to be "good" when all the credit goes to yourself. The ego will gladly score points for itself by being "good," but it becomes a lot harder once you realize that in reality, there's nothing good about yourself that you wouldn't have to give Me the credit for. (III:90) There is a goodness that goes beyond any confessional differences. There is a goodness that expects of you to be kinder to those who are not your own, who are different than you, than to your own kind. You are a child of God by being a child of good. Those who choose to do good over evil, and those who choose to recognize, accept, receive and believe in the Good when they hear about Him, those are God's children. (III:123) “The wisdom that is from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle,” and involves a few more factors besides exposing the workings of evil. It sees how experiencing the fruits and results and consequences of evil is necessary for mankind in order to learn their lesson and for others to acquire that wisdom, too. (IV:20) The degree to which all things – including man – are deteriorating is carefully planned, and the story that had a perfect beginning, in which all things were found as “good”, will also have a perfect ending, in which all things will again be found as “good,” and, perhaps even a little better than before, due to all the precious lessons that will have been learned from man’s little detour into the world of evil. Evil is only a matter of time. Its sting will be plucked. So, having to cope with evil really is only a matter of time for you, which should be another reason for you to look forward to joining Us in the timeless realm before long. (IV:87) Some people are not aware of the battle and the evil that’s taking place on their own turf. They only see the foreign evil, and the picture of “evil is elsewhere.” (IV:287) Evil exists, and it is real, but haven’t I promised, and thus far always been able to fulfill this Promise, that I’d turn evil into good? That’s the beauty of it all, and the exuberant magic that makes life worth living: the fact that I can – and will – change everything and turn all evil into good, sooner or later. (2012 31) Yielding to temptations has mind- and thus, reality-altering qualities, so, they can be pretty dangerous, and pretty much the most potent weapon the devil’s got, because they’re powered by your own choices. So it definitely pays to make an extra effort to recognize and resist them, since the consequences can at times be devastating, and yet, nevertheless not without bringing My Promise to fruition that I’ll turn evil into good and make everything wind up turning out alright. (2012:32) That’s one of the great evils of this world: everyone does basically the same everyone else does, just because everyone else does it, without thinking for themselves whether it’s right or wrong, without letting their own conscience guide them. (2012:105) When evil is being used in order to further anyone’s own advantage, they sow evil, and this is what they will reap. (2012:106) It’s not necessarily so that you’ll stop folks from doing evil by overcoming and rising above, but you won’t be affected negatively by it yourself. I’m not talking about ignoring evil altogether, but remember that you’d probably be guilty of the same and worse, if it hadn’t been for My mercy in your life. The worst evil you’re battling with is your own, but in some ways you’re passing on the same harsh judgment you pass over yourself to others. (2012:107) Keep in mind that what may seem bad to you might actually be good in My eyes… - Our different viewpoints. One day you’ll see: This isn’t all nearly as bad as you perceive it right now… In the light of eternity, you’ll see, this isn’t something bad that’s happening…. It’s good. (2012:124) The vast majority of folks don’t acknowledge the spiritual forces at work that they would be up against if they did. They deny and ignore them, hoping they’ll be left in peace by them that way, but it’s like calling it a truce with the evil forces and by doing nothing, they basically cooperate with them, give them the green light to do whatever they will, since they simply won’t interfere and won’t do anything to stop or oppose them. (2012:145) You bring harsher consequences upon yourself for wrong-doings, and My dealings with you are harder and tougher than the way the enemy spoils his rotten followers, and from a worldly and temporal perspective it may almost seem as if what they have is

good, while yours is evil, but that’s just one of those ways in which he can make things appear quite differently from what they really are. He has created his own illusion of “good” and “evil,” which makes it so hard for some people to recognize whose side they’re actually on and really working for… (2012:149) Experiencing and dealing with evil and making the right choices when confronted with it, is one of the major purposes in this life. It is the factor that really determines what you’re made of. Anyone can be good under the right circumstances. It’s the adversity and the struggle, including the temptations evil presents that bring out the worst, but also the best in you, depending on the choices you make accordingly. Some of the most dangerous forms of evil are those that are cloaked as goodness; the unrecognized evil, either by its perpetrators, because they refuse to face it and prefer to ignore their own sins and downplay them as innocent or non-existent altogether, or by its victims, because they either fail to recognize it or to fight against it. That’s why the hardest challenge is the confrontation with the supposed do-gooders who are completely oblivious to any wrongdoing whatsoever on their part, and why self-righteousness is one of the greatest evils to tackle… the one that was ultimately responsible for My death: The greatest evil of man, used by God to bring about mankind’s salvation from sin. A lot of the evil of today is due to the good left undone by those who think that going to church or believing in God or not committing any crimes is enough. They’re not actively fighting evil because they don’t even want to see it. They just focus on their own goodness as their “guiding light,” not realizing that this results in blindness to the unfortunately larger part of reality which they’re left totally incapable of dealing with. So, yes, some of the “good” people are among the saddest of cases of human lives and history. Only My Coming shall reveal all that could have been done and should have been done and yet was never done by those who thought they were good enough but never realized how much more of their efforts would have been needed, simply because they refused to see the darker side of things. Of course, there’s a proper balance between focusing too much on the dark side and not enough, but each extreme is at least equally dangerous, and ignoring the bad and dark side of things isn’t necessarily the lesser evil… It takes courage to face evil in all its ugliness. – Courage that the vast majority of people simply don’t possess. – Stemming from the fact that they don’t even recognize some of the world’s evils, like fear, as such. (2012:161) Make sure you’ve learned the lessons life is trying to teach you! It’s a lot about learning to deal with evil: absorb its blows as much as you have to, in order to learn its tactics and techniques so you can manage to evade them in the future and just let it run out of its own steam eventually… The difference between the evil exerted against you by outside forces and that which protrudes from yourself, is that the former can be – with skill and prayer – evaded, but the latter needs to be overcome. The better you are at overcoming your own evil and sins, the better you should also be able to deal with and handle the evil potentially inflicted on you at the hand of others, since you’re going to be stronger, more in tune with Me and more alert in the spirit. (2012:166) You should get on guard against all the evils that surround you, a more conscious state of the spiritual warfare that’s going on, back into the mode of fighting a spiritual battle, instead of passively drifting down the stream of life, basically heading nowhere, making no upstream progress and allowing you to slide ever further downhill, instead… (2012:168) It’s not about how good or bad anyone is; it’s about what I can do in spite of the circumstances – the badness, and independently of any human “goodness.” I like to use “badness” because it defies rational expectation; which doesn’t mean I don’t like and wouldn’t generally prefer goodness, if it’s genuine. But you know how hard it’s getting to tell whether it is… So, I just use both, and don’t make too much of a difference with either, nor too big an ado about them. May your badness help you keep your eyes on Me as your only Hope, and may others’ goodness not prevent them from doing the same! (2012:169) A lot of what this life is about is coming to grips with one’s dark side, to become aware of it, and aware of the dangers and the threat of darkness, to recognize the evil of it. Many people try to ignore it, pretend as if it’s not there, but that’s not the right way. Evil won’t just go away by ignoring it. Like weed, it’s its best chance to grow. So, by facing it and confronting it, dealing with it, you can make progress, learn and grow, as opposed to those who ignore it. (2013:3)

Resist the evil that is trying to invade your life from all sides, keep discerning your own behavior, whether it’s right or wrong. It’s easier to spot the wrong kind of behavior in others, such as your kids, but you must also keep yourself in check and not let yourself get away with excessive amounts of foul speech, no matter how much the situation may seem to warrant it in your opinion. So, for My sake and your own, put up some more of a fight to resist evil, not just the outside attacks and adversities, but also the temptations to let your standard slip down to levels where I simply can’t keep blessing and protecting you the way and to the extent I would want. (2013:20)

The question is whether you can deal with the evil that confronts you in a place without letting it affect you adversely too much… Are you stronger than it and manage to overcome it, instead of being overcome by it, or does it begin to rub off on you? (2013:25) “The cares of this life” usually take much higher priority in most people’s lives than the “fighting the good fight” of overcoming the evils in this world, both in their own hearts and lives, and those of others. (2013:26) There’s a difference between truth and knowledge, which is the reason why the cause of Man’s Fall was a desire for the knowledge of good and evil. Basically, the knowledge of good is truth, and the knowledge of evil its deceptive counterpart. If folks don’t develop a love, hunger and desire for the former, they’ll eventually wind up chasing the latter, and that’s the choice every human being has to make: Which of the two will they chase after and pursue? Eating from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil is what initiated this big, long lesson of finding out the difference between the two. (2013:34) No matter whether Heaven’s going to be exactly the way you’d picture it or not; the good news is that it’s bound to be a whole lot better just due to the fact of the absence of evil. That’s something to look forward to, isn’t it? No more evil. (2013:54) The donut is the greater Reality that engulfs and surrounds all that, and, opposed to all that nothingness, lack of rhyme and reason the hole represents, full of good things to enjoy. It takes a little bit of effort and willingness to see the good, the greater good, surrounding all the obvious evil, idiocy and vanity which most folks perceive as their entire reality. When you can face the entire scope of reality and can still focus on the larger, positive and good portion of it, then you’re learning to overcome and walk by faith. See, walking by faith is supposed to be positive, a cheerful walk, otherwise it wouldn’t really do much good. My donut’s supposed to be the answer to people’s emptiness, so why focus on the hole, when there’s so much good stuff surrounding it to focus on? (2013:57) There’s a rare few who can both: face the gross extent to which evil has manifested in today’s world and still believe that I am yet superior. (2013:100) You should take the fact that most people will turn to the darkness and embrace their own evil ways instead of the good, which to them is strange, as pretty much the natural way of things by now, and not let it dismay you or throw you off to this extent. It’s pretty much the path the world in general has chosen, and the trick is for you to keep walking yours, which is Mine, in spite of that fact! (2013:116) If you’re a bit more scared of the evil things happening in the world, it’s because they’ve gotten worse and somewhat more powerful. In other words, your chances against the evil forces are weaker, and you have to take hold of Me more than ever in order to make it against them. (2014:103) There are good things and bad things in the world, and part of the lesson of life is to learn the difference between them… learn the advantage of doing good things above the bad. All in all, learning to fight the battle against evil and choosing the good instead, is a major advantage, you’ll see. There are and will be many who still have to learn it. But if you can be one of those who are along in teaching it (as part of your own experience of doing things you realize you shouldn’t have), it’ll be worth it all, you’ll see! Even those who just learn their lessons once they arrive in Heaven, play a part in teaching mankind that lesson of good vs. evil; and it’ll be worth it all. Trust Me! (2014:132) Don’t be too discouraged by the battle against evil, but stay in the spirit that you’ll be one of the final victors, and stay cheerful because complete victory is eventually coming for all of you, and trust Me: it shall be worth it! (2014:149) The times are not the same as they used to be. They’re definitely times you desperately need My help to make it against the evil forces at work! (2014:156) You’ve got to grow stronger against evil forces and resist them with Our help and force at your aid! Learn to be ready to deal with whatever it is the world hands you to be ready for and resist… learn to overcome all that evil there put to force by the enemy! You’ve got to grow stronger against evil forces and resist them with Our help and force at your aid! (2015:83) It’s important that you learn about the evil things Systemites can do to others, and not just think that nobody’s capable of doing evil anymore. With the most evil time up ahead in the near future, you’d better get prepared and learn how to deal with it and defend yourself and your folks from it! (2015:109) A life in a world pretty much taken over by the enemy at least will help you appreciate the Hereafter more and teach you a lot of lessons about what’s good or bad, better or worse… So, being able to discern between those two is already worth quite a lot, and you should appreciate it and go through it without complaining about it, if you can. (2015:111)

Stay on defense against the evil that rules! (2015:130) With times turning into a determinant choice between good and evil powers to serve, trust Me that you’ll be better off serving the good, even if We may not be running all the visible action in the world during that time – the greatest of all tests of mankind! (2015:142)

The universal Lesson will be quite clear, about the difference between good and bad, benevolent or evil. (2015:162) The physical world has been taken over by evil forces, due to people’s choices. (2015:167) The problem isn’t people allowing the enemy to do all the evil, but letting him tempt and trick them into doing most of it! And he knows that they’ll have to pay for it themselves! (2015:169) Life being rough for you right now is preparation for the great appearance and rulership of evil over the planet to get ready for. (2015:235)

We need folks who’ll apply the Help of the Power from Above in order to get the good things done that are Our will and plan to get out of that world, regardless of its presently fairly miserable state and shape. It’s a fight, but that’s what the line “fight the good fight of faith” was and is all about! Few are fighting for the good, but those who do, have the Power of Above to avail themselves of, and a better future to expect than those who just let the forces of the world take them over and have complete control over them. Life’s not a piece of cake fighting for the good and against the evil currently running it, but isn’t it the only thing that would give it all some sense, more than just one’s own comfortable survival? (2015:238) A benefit of some evils that happen: it may bring Salvation to those who help the victims! (2015:250) I know it’s a fight… But, hey, what else do you want to fight for, but the good and positive, especially in a world being run over by the force of evil, and thus the sheep out there needing positive input and spirits more than ever? So, don’t let the negative vibes of the enemy conquer you, but keep on fighting for the good, as rare as it’s becoming! (2016:2) What has become more important to the vast majority of folks than good vs. evil is the issue rich or poor, and their desires and motivations have been plugged to materialism and the drive to heighten their standards trough possessions and wealth… (2016:26) Dealing with the troubles resulting from letting evil play a major role in life… well, that’s all part of the big lesson of life, and one of the major purposes of it is to prevent and reject evil in the Realm beyond this time ruled by the evil one… the choice the majority of people have made since the beginning. But learning to deal with that kind of evil and managing to survive in spite of it, and make the best out of those troubled times, is basically what your job and task is right now! Deal with the bad around you the best you can, and try to manage to still bring forth some good in spite of it! – Now, that’s the challenge! (2016:44) The state of the world is a reminder that life isn’t a permanent vacation or good time, unfortunately, but a major fight, resistance and defense against the evil forces taking it over. (2016:48) Positive vs. negative means the same as good vs. evil; and you can imagine which side of the two We are able to bless with positive fruits and results. With the power the enemy took over that world, it’s tougher to believe in the good in a world that’s been taking the drift toward the bad side of things, but that’s what faith is all about: Believe in the invisible good, instead of the visible bad! The thing is, that that sort of faith is the only force to empower you to do some visible good in that largely prone-toward-evil world! Don’t let the influences of bad and evil circumstances the devil creates, conquer or overcome you! It’s your job to overcome them and show through your faith Whose Power and Strength is greater than the evil one’s. Now, judging by physical circumstances, it may seem obvious that the enemy’s got the power down there… but that’s where the wonder-working power of faith plays its main role: the doubtless attitude that the Good will win, after all, in spite of the temporary conquest evil seems to be having! (2016:49) With a world being taken over by the forces of evil you can’t expect too much good from it. Then again, you’ve got to learn and do what you can to make the best of it, and not let the forces of evil triumph over your existence as well, even though they do all they can to weaken and discourage you… In many aspects things are getting worse, and it’s more like “evilution:” – the forces of evil getting stronger and becoming more powerful on the globe. What you need to learn is to resist those influences of evil on you! – Not accept or tolerate some of its influences! Strive to make the forces of the good stronger in your life, and do all you can to resist those of evil! (2016:56) In order not to get tripped off on the bad, some experience seems necessary to prevent it. - Learning what bad and evil can lead to, and thus make the wise folks appreciate and prefer the good. (2016:58) The forces of evil are giving their sign that they’re soon to take over. – Preparing for the last and final world government of evil. So getting ready for it would be the wisest thing to do. (2016:59)

The end of evil I predicted during My earthly lifetime, and others have and do. Unfortunately, its greatest power on Earth is still ahead of you. So, learn to overcome and deal with it through the Strength and Help from Above, through your faith in Me! Don’t allow it to depress you, but look at what will come beyond that! – I will! – Along with My Kingdom. (2016:62) Resist the evil and look Up Here; keep your focus on Me through faith, not on the hell-bound circumstances down there! It’s time to get back into the fighting gear! Not just passively resisting the evil surrounding you, but managing through the victorious (by faith) state you’re in to have a positive effect on those around you! Resisting the evil surrounding you, managing to have a positive effect on those around you is not that easy in the flesh; but that’s why you’ve got to avail yourself of the Strength and Power of the Spirit! So, keep the faith that that Power’s still there for those who still want to follow Me through the Endtime – the time of the end of Satan’s reign over the Father’s creation – which He allowed in order for us all to find out who’d resist the evil, and not follow the evil one, but choose the good instead – all that comes from Him, including all the Help from Up Here they’ll need to make it through those final, and darkest times of the world’s history! Don’t be dragged down by the evil influences and circumstances down there, but keep your vision Up Here, the final winning side! (2016:97)

A history of evil reining the world should teach mankind the lesson of appreciating the good. See, the Goal is a good universe; and what it takes is the inhabitants to learn the disadvantages of evil. It takes that history of experience of what evil can do to make most folks choose the good… including the repercussions of having chosen evil first. So… an important lesson: to make the right choice; reject and resist the evil, and to prefer to choose the good instead. Maybe a reason why the word God seems so closely related to good, and devil is just one letter away from evil. So, the choice between God and the devil, good and evil, is mainly what this life on Earth right now is all about, in order to find out who’s making the right choices, so We can choose them for the future in which We’d all prefer to make it without evil, and start filling the universe with good folks. Aim your own actions and intents of the heart on the fact that Good and God will be the final Winners, and that – as My follower – you should to all you can to stay on that path, even if it may seem a tough one in a world currently still ruled by evil! That’s exactly why faith is so important during your earthly life-time: the faith in the fact that good will ultimately win over evil, and that evil will be overcome to such an extent that it won’t have to be dealt with anymore. Even if the evil side seems to be more powerful down there right now… keep your faith and trust in the ultimate winning Side! Focus on the Realm where the opposing factors of good vs. evil, positive and negative, love and hate, etc. that rule your physical dimension manage to exist without the bad and negative… just the Good and positive! So, the clue to staying positive in a world reigned by evil: Focus Up Here, where you’re heading! – Through faith! (2016:112) Not just looking at the evil around you, but confronting and dealing with the evil inside you may be the hardest part, but definitely also the most important and necessary. Before you’ll ever be able to deal with and confront the evil outside, it’s absolutely expedient to first handle and overcome the evil inside yourself! Overcoming your own evil is step number one in overcoming evil. No victory in sight without confronting the evil most necessary to overcome first! Take it as an attack and sly trick of the enemy, to not find the ability to confront and overcome your own evils by only keeping you focus on those of the others around you! (2016:120) Keep some hope in the Good winning over evil, ultimately, so that you can instill that hope in others as well! (2016:128) What can you expect from a world run by evil? And why not prepare for your appearance in the Home of Good? (2016:129)

Gratitude & Thankfulness Enjoy My blessings! Enjoy them a little bit more everyday by reminding yourself of them more often. See what you can come up with, that you can be so thankful for! (I:26) Thank Me daily for your children, because one day, you’re going to see like I see, and realize just what a blessing they are. (I:27) Don’t complain about the state of the world. Fill your heart and mind so much with My presence, with My praise, with thankfulness for the things I’ve done for you, I am doing for you, and the even greater things I will yet do for you; for My faithfulness, which will never leave you nor forsake you, that there will be no more room for anything negative. Love Me enough to praise Me and thank Me for all I’m doing and have done! (I:28) If you would realize how irrelevant the circumstances of those individual situations are, how each of them is really only there to pose a new challenge before you, a new opportunity to make another grade, to climb another step higher, spiritually... you would take each of them much more gracefully. Take them as from Me, saying, 'Thank You, Lord, for entrusting me with another test, another challenge, for You know I can handle this one by Your grace!' (I:77) Simply remember Me and give Me the glory by acknowledging Me, thanking and praising Me and asking Me to keep you from falling, even when you think you’re safe. (I:90) Only by My grace shall you stand. Take hold of that grace now! (I:98) There will be tears in Heaven, but mostly tears of joy and of gratitude for the unspeakable love that gave when nothing was given in return, love that never gave up, refusing to look anywhere but toward that day when your seemingly lost efforts will meet the highest reward. (I:121) I promise, there’ll be grateful tears when you’ll know it will have been worth it all! Your heart will be one great, big 'Thank You!’ (I:127)

Remember always to thank Me, for things truly could be worse. It pleases Me so when I see you thankful, even for the little things. Constantly focusing on the hole in the doughnut is a very dangerous trick of the Devil. Instead of seeing the good things in a bad situation, he shows you the bad side of any good situation, makes you focus on that which keeps it from being perfect. Show Me and the world a grateful smile! (I:132) Gratitude and thanking and praising Me is so important and such a positive force. Be thankful for what you’ve got! Express your thankfulness so that I can bless you with more! (I:148) New, unexpected situations are new challenges for you to rejoice, thanking Me for bringing them along to make you grow stronger. (I:152) Things are happening for your sake and benefit, to make you stronger! You should be very thankful for them, as without them there would be no lesson, no wonderfully challenging situation you can learn so much from! (I:174) ‘In everything give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you’ (1.Thes.5:18). It is the Father’s will that you thank Me and keep a thankful attitude in everything and every situation, and not start complaining and murmuring about it! Give thanks in every situation you find yourself in and you’ll see it’s up to you and your attitude what will become of it. Even the worst situations can turn into good and lead to a better one, if you’ve simply got the right attitude, one of trust and of thankfulness for whatever I bring. (I:200) Gratitude’s an attitude you can’t do without as friends! And show your appreciation by returning kind deeds of love. (I:262) So many folks take things for granted, because the devil has actually duped them into thinking that these things came about by themselves or that you had to earn them yourself, and so, why should you thank anyone? That’s the Devil’s religion: ”You don’t have to thank anyone, because everything you’ve got, you’ve only got because you worked for it yourself!” Of course, when you’re not thankful, I sometimes have to withhold the blessing in order to teach you greater appreciation for those things you tend to take for granted. (I:278) You’ve got a lot to be thankful for! Just look at the doughnut and not the hole! Behold, I am your doughnut, so, look at Me! Let Me be your biggest blessing and constantly be thankful for Me! (I:297) Appreciate and count your blessings, be thankful, praise Me more, and just let the light in more, so that there won’t be any room for all that darkness which would like to take hold of your life and soul and mind! (I:300)

Your happiness in this life depends on your obedience, your attitude and gratitude toward Me. As long as you keep thinking, "God, I would have done better than that if I were You", that's not really an attitude of trust and gratefulness that engenders My joy. (I:449) I want you to learn gratitude... to appreciate My supply for you, instead of taking everything for granted. Don't take it for granted, but ask Me for it, and thank Me for it! (I:467) Thankfulness is happiness, and if you're not thankful, you're not happy! If you don't make a conscious effort to count your blessings and to focus on the things you could and should be thankful for, the devil is always quick to point your attention toward things and flaws you can start murmuring in your heart about. Show some gratitude! But if you're actually not satisfied or not grateful for what you've got, if you're letting the devil distract you and get you to focus on the things that are still not perfect in your life, then nobody's going to be curious about what you've got, either, because it's obvious that all you've got is the same as they: a bunch of problems. (I:474) Sometimes the greatest waves of thankfulness come when you're just awed by the things I was able to do in your life because you've had the guts to undergo a great big change in your life. (I:563) Anything is made pure by receiving it from My hands and thanking Me for it. (I:574) If you find nothing else to thank Me for, thank Me for My Promises to you, and that I will keep them and fulfill them as surely as I am. Thank Me for My Love for you, which will never cease, no matter how badly you might fail Me. Thank Me even for My purgings and chastisements, by which I purge you and purify you so that you might bring forth more fruit. (II:20) You become an instrument of My peace by uttering showing forth your thankfulness and a grateful attitude, and thus becoming a living showcase of My grace everywhere you go. (II:31) Remember to praise Me and thank Me for what you do have, for if you don't continually appreciate the fact that things could be worse, I might have to allow them to become worse, just in order to prove it to you, that you did have a lot of reasons to be thankful. (II:42) Realize that every good and perfect thing comes from My hand! Receive each pleasure as from My hand! (II:68) How important and life-changing a more praiseful and grateful attitude would be in your life. But nothing drives home a point like a real-life lesson, and by temporarily having to do without the blessings I brought into your life, I have made you recognize the real danger of ingratitude! (II:101) Whether I will be able to bless you with more, something bigger or better in the long run depends on whether you're thankful for what you've got already! Those who appreciate what they've got and are thankful for it also love to share it, and thus are able to receive more. Just enjoy and be thankful! (II:103) Being thankful for what you've got is an important lesson; to learn to be "content in whatsoever state" you're in. (II:125) There's so much to be thankful for and rejoice about, you just need to see it! (II:137) I want you to learn to appreciate and be thankful for even the less than perfect! You've got a golden opportunity to make the best out of what you've got right now! Look at the positive, the opportunities, and not at the negative, the obstacles. That's the devil's tactic: drawing your attention to what's missing. Whereas, if you make it your priority to zoom in on Me, the Perfect factor in your life, Who at the same time can make all the other aspects of your life as perfect as possible by pouring out My blessings on you in response to your seeking them in the first place, the whole story is going to sound different! Make the best out of what you've got, instead of always seeing whatever is missing that keeps it from being perfect! Enjoy what you have! It could be worse! Things won't ever be totally perfect in this life. They're meant to be imperfect, and for a good reason, as you'll fully understand in due time. Just trust and enjoy! (II:189) It's the hardest thing for a lot of people, to just be thankful for what I have made them to be. So many want to be something else or would prefer to be somebody else. But that's often just because the devil has been causing you to compare. Be thankful for what you are, just enjoy the life I've given you to live, instead of looking at what others have or do and accomplish! (II:268)

So many are lacking gratefulness because they never have to get desperate about anything! (II:317) I frequently give you good ideas, but that's not supposed to mean that you're supposed to find all the answers there yourself. In fact, if you would thank Me and give Me the credit for those ideas, I could bless you with a lot more of them. (II:336) I will always take care of you and see you through every battle, every dangerous and frightful situation, no matter what.

Learn to thank Me for it, and use those weapons of praise and prayer to a greater extent, and see how much further they will carry you than the talents and abilities I've given you in the flesh. The spiritual gifts are much more precious, more relevant, more efficient and reliable. (II:372) Be thankful that I'm not letting you continue as you have been! Be thankful for My corrections and chastisements, for showing you that something is wrong, things can't keep going the same way... (II:389) There is a happy side to the life of faith, but also the serious side of life. The great lesson is to take both with a grin, just the same, with thankfulness. If you can learn to be thankful for both, the good and the bad times, then you will indeed be a man of faith. (II:393)

Everything is made pure by thanksgiving and receiving it as from My hand. So, thank Me, even if the devil brought it! (II:414) Thank Me, even for your besetting sins, for your lack of accomplishing great things, for being so weak in the flesh, because all these factors are what keep you humble, dependent on Me. You can sanctify things through praise and prayer and thanksgiving, and by sanctifying them, you can make them less subject to time, corruption and erosion... Try it! (II:437) If you realize that every breath you breathe is a gift from Me, instead of taking it for granted, then you will also be grateful for the other things I supply for you, instead of taking them for granted or despising them. (II:442) Less is more! Instead of trying to stuff your days with things to fill, watch and consume, just be more grateful for what you already have! (II:480) Always maintain a grateful attitude! (II:492) If you're thankful for what you've got, your house, your room, your car, whatever it is, then you won't mind investing a little elbow grease in maintaining it, making sure it stays clean, respectable and a good sample. However, if you think that you really deserve something better, why, you ought to live in a palace, and so you're not going to waste your time cleaning up this dump, then you've got a very common problem... (II:497) Beware of taking for granted what you have, and wanting something different, the "grass on the other side" syndrome. It prevents you from ever putting your whole heart into the situation you're in, from applying any elbow grease to it, and instead of being enthusiastic and on fire, you just passively wait for the day when things will change for the better, which might never happen, because I'm waiting for you to take the initiative to change things yourself! (II:498) Why not show your gratitude by displaying an attitude that doesn't merely expect to receive, but a giving attitude, even a sacrificial attitude? (II:509) The enemy tries to have you believe that you're having a legitimate reason and excuse for self-pity. He tries to make everybody's situation look like the worst possible to them. That's why it's so important to praise Me and be thankful; show an attitude of gratitude! (II:581) Count the qualities of your blessings, and you'll find it to be a secret to gratitude, which again is a secret to happiness. Taking things for granted is a killer. Gratitude and appreciation bring new life. Want some new life? Give thanks for the things you've got, and the very act will breathe new life into your being! (II:583) Being a good steward over the things I have given you shows that you appreciate them, that you’re thankful for them. (II:642) No matter how much the devil takes away from you, there will always be more than plenty left to be grateful for. It's all about gratitude for what you've already got, instead of applying your majesty of choice to the acquisition of ever more things you haven't got yet but think you need in order to be completely happy. (III:180) Thank Me for what you have received already, and I will gladly pour out more! (III:251) Appreciating what you have and being thankful for what you're given, is a matter of trust in Me, too - trust that I have given you exactly what you need. (III:288) Trust in My fairness and justice and take everything giving thanks! (IV:114) Gratitude is a healthy attitude to have that can do a lot of good in your life. If you spend your time thanking Me for what I’ve done for you, instead of on complaining about the hole in your donut, you’ll be much happier and better off in the long run! (2011:80) Learn when it comes to showing gratitude and appreciation for what you’ve got! (2011:92) Be thankful that you’re able to get My view on things, letting Me show you My angle! (2011:113)

Learn to be thankful for what you have, to appreciate it and make the best out of it. Once you have learned to do that, and only then, you might be ready for some “greater things” and ready for Me to open some “bigger doors.” (2011:120)

The truly great challenge has always been to rather be thankful for what you have and appreciate what you’ve got, instead of constantly seeking better things. (2011:141) When you have to temporarily make do without something you’re usually dependent on, it should teach you not to take it for granted. Did you really appreciate and thank Me for them in the first place? How about your praise when you had them? Let this be a lesson on thankfulness! Gratefulness has a great many qualities – even physical effects on your health. What would make a difference and would have made a difference to begin with is a little more praise, thankfulness and appreciation. (2011:146) The true path is one of humility and gratitude, of acceptance of the fact that there is nothing you haven’t received, and that you gratefully ought to appreciate it and treat it as a gift and not take it for granted as though you naturally deserved it for some reason. Even if those things are less than - or even far from - perfect, it behooves you to show gratitude. (2012:2) Gratitude alone is an attitude that can already make a big difference and change things. It changes the way you see things, and thus enables you to see things in a different light and to see more than the restricted little world of negatives you sometimes allow yourself to become encaged in… Gratitude can be the key to unlock the mental cell of negativity that engulfs you. If you keep focused on the things you ought to be grateful for, instead of all the circumstances that in your opinion should be better, you’ll have much greater power and more energy to make it through each day victoriously and won’t wind up with that attitude of resigning to your fate at the end of the day. In the end, you’re going to have to take things one way or the other. But it makes a big difference how you take them, whether with a positive attitude, or negatively. (2012:89) If you appreciate what you’ve got, and focus on sharing that, it’s bound to enhance your relationship with people and the world around you, win more friends, and thus generate greater contentment, and accordingly, success. (2012:93) Sometimes it’s best to simply stick to and appreciate what you’ve got, which brings us back to the quality of gratefulness… (2012:94)

It can always get worse yet, remember that! And if you don’t appreciate what you have, chances are, it will. You draw and attract the worse times to come into your life when you don’t appreciate fully the good you’re having. Try to display and exert some thankfulness in your life, because it will attract the better times and better things to come your way. Be thankful for what you’ve got, and you’ll see better times and things heading your way! (2012:164) You’ve been given something, and a grateful attitude would be one that tries to make the best of it, instead of despising it. (2012:179)

Millions of people around the globe have nothing and no one to turn to, to help them out, which should make you appreciate My Presence and help in your life all the more. I’m here for you, as I would be for them, if they were aware of Me, but unfortunately no one has been able to successfully convey that truth to them. So, walking a mile in their shoes is definitely going to help broaden your horizon, make you appreciate what you’ve got on one hand, and maybe give you more of a heart for those who haven’t got what you’ve got… The experiences that make you need My help and My coming through for you yet again will remind you of My faithfulness and strengthen your appreciation of that factor that makes you so different from the rest of them… (2013:9) Learn how to truly appreciate what you do have, and they don’t: your faith in eternal values, your knowledge of these spiritual things, the resulting peace, freedom from fear, and a greater capacity to love, simply because you take more time for love than those who spend most of their time chasing after money! (2013:19) It’s those supposed “bad things” that bring about changes and cultivate gratitude… Those experiences that make you appreciate the good you’ve had, or make you thankful when it gets better again. Be thankful for the things that draw you back to Me and get at least a whiff of that which you could have a whole lot more of, if you wouldn’t keep allowing the things of the world to distract you from Me! (2013:21) I’m being fairly good to you. So return some of that goodness with a praiseful, grateful attitude! (2013:28) Knowing one-self is a virtue, skill or value that may have been appreciated by certain ancient philosophers, but in this age of lies, it’s about as popular as opera among youngsters. They don’t wanna hear it.

Like most of the things of eternal value that I have to offer, it remains largely unappreciated in this world of temporary values offering momentary satisfaction. (2013:34) Regardless of how rotten the world and the circumstances, and maybe even the people are, there are still some things to be grateful for and some blessings not to be taken for granted. (2013:40) Once good people become so rare that you can count them on the fingers of one hand among all your acquaintances, it might help you to remember them, know who they are, appreciate them better and not forget about them or lose track of them… (2013:52) The whole dilemma of mankind began over an issue of lack of gratefulness and appreciation for what the first two human beings had, and so they lost it. God’s love and patience are infinite, but if there’s one thing that’s hard for Him to handle, it’s ungratefulness. (2013:53) A negative attitude is really due to a lack of gratefulness. (2013:86) Another fundamental lesson is that of showing appreciation for the people around you and being grateful for what you have. (2013:95)

The flesh is busy trying to prove that it can do it on its own, so it doesn’t have to show thanks or appreciation for anything… It all boils back down to the difference between the ways of Cain and Abel, grace vs. works. (2013:115) Try to make an effort to become more grate- and cheer-full about things; even if they’re currently not so great or perfect. Remember that they could be a lot worse under other circumstances. (2014:75) When there’s a lack of gratefulness going on, that kind of person must sometimes go through things to teach them gratefulness and to appreciate the blessings they didn’t appreciate as much as they could have. (2014:85) Life can be hard. But when you never appreciate it, no matter how good and easy it is in comparison to those of many others, the time comes up for life to become real hard as a lesson against a lack of thankfulness! (2014:105) Sometimes you’ve just got to be thankful for what you’re experiencing, even if it may be a bit rough for you: it teaches you something. And trust Me, it’s the stuff you’re supposed to learn, and there’s a reason for it; one you’ll be glad and thankful for one day when you’ll find out about it. (2014:106) If you could learn to be thankful and grateful for what you’ve got, even if it may not seem perfect to you, you would see there’s a positive difference that comes in life with and through gratefulness. If you could thank Me by faith, you’d experience a lot of times that things eventually will get better when you do. (2014:120) Don’t just keep taking good things and blessings for granted! You’ve got a lot to be thankful for, and when you’re not, it could easily be that there’ll be less of them around, to appreciate them a bit more. (2014:178) Remember thankfulness! It’s a pretty important part of Christians’ attitudes! A whole lot better than murmuring, which you can tell by some results, wasn’t a good one for God’s people! If you don’t remember thankfulness, you don’t seem to remember much of what being a child of God is all about, but you’re falling into one of the devil’s traps instead; and they usually end up in something making you wish you had remembered to be thankful! (2014:180) Be a bit more cheerful and thankful for what you’ve got! – It could always be worse! (2014:186) When someone’s not being thankful for the good things he has and gets from life, well, he shouldn’t be too shocked when things wind up turning and getting worse! Make the best of all the things you’ve got and receive, and learn to be thankful! Keep receiving the things you have to face as from Me, and be thankful! Be thankful, for it could still be worse, and if you’re not, they might end up being… (2014:189) Just be thankful! Be thankful! That’s a good lesson in life! – Be thankful! (2014:192) Keep being grateful for the good stuff, and not just focusing on the bad and negative, alright? (2014:202) It could always be worse, and even if it’s tough and hard for you to be thankful and grateful right now for what has happened, take it as a challenge, and try to be as positive as possible! Try to make it through that battle as victoriously as possible! (2015:42) Hard times just have their helpful parts in them to serve you somehow to make you stronger; and in the end you’ll wind up more thankful for it all, and the whole process. Life isn’t always easy, but you’ll find out that it’s through the harder parts that you wind up getting stronger in the end, and that’s something you’ll be thankful for! If you were more tempted to be murmuring, well, it’s another point to show what those harder and tougher times are helpful for, and they’ll make you more grateful in the end, and make you turn out more appreciative, which, in general, means, with a more positive and likeable character!

So, even the rough times have got something positive about them to make you wind up being thankful for. (2015:67) If you’re humble, you can show some gratitude, and won’t be too spoiled and unable to take life the way it comes and with anything it has to give you. (2015:72) Be grateful there’s something better and greater to expect than what this world has to offer! (2015:73) The fun, relaxing and rewarding part will come in the Hereafter. In the meantime you’ll just have to go through the times down there that ought to make you appreciate the Hereafter for good! (2015:113) No appreciation for blessings may result in fewer blessings or even none at all, until you get that point! (2015:123) Being thankful and grateful for the good things you go through is quite an important lesson, and to appreciate what you’ve got, so that you don’t have to go through the harder lesson of having to make it without those blessings you might not fully appreciate. You’re having to learn a lot about quite a few positive traits and factors like appreciation and thankfulness… Appreciation and thankfulness are – sad to say – not among the most common traits of mankind, and obviously and definitely among those habits and abilities We’ve got to bring out in folks during their lifetimes, or sometimes only manage after that! When you’ve had a good part of life you didn’t appreciate all that much, well, I guess you can tell by now why it is that that old good part has been traded for a not-so-good one, making you appreciate that past and teaching you a lesson on positiveness and gratefulness. Thankfulness and appreciation help to keep the good times and blessings flowing. So, if the good times come to an end, that might easily be due to a lack of appreciation and gratefulness… never being happy or satisfied with what life was giving you, and due to that lack of thankfulness, some tougher times set in, teaching you that things can easily be worse than the much more appreciable times you didn’t view as such until they were gone. Thankfulness is an important, but also sometimes hard quality to obtain, especially when constantly confronted with other things one would like to have, and pretty much damaged by that wave of materialism and other things the enemy makes folks crave for… To be content with what one has, was definitely a good counsel, (Heb.13:5) but is much neglected nowadays. (2015:127) Put Me in the first place in your life, and just remain humble, and full of gratitude for anything I manage to accomplish through you! (2015:132) Hard times teach you the most, and in the end will make you all the more thankful for the Hereafter. (2015:141) You’ll be grateful for having been prepared for what’s to come when it happens! (2015:143) You had a lot of easy times in life, comparatively, but you weren’t that happy, thankful or satisfied with those, either. So, what did We have to let happen in order for you to learn to appreciate the more positive times you had, along with preparing you for the rougher times that are coming? If folks aren’t capable of handling the way their lives are, it’s strange, but harder and tougher ways often are what causes them to learn to appreciate the easier and better times they’ve had more. (2015:146) I know that thankfulness for the tough times is the hardest task. But remember that they’re what will teach you the most (if you take’em the way you should) and prepare you for what’s to come! (2015:157) Hold on to what you’ve got, and hang on to it with praise and thankfulness! Appreciate and don’t despise it what We’ve given you, but do what you can in order to pass the ways and tests along as victoriously as possible! (2015:189) To be “content in whatsoever state you’re in” (see Phil.4:11), is a good thing and way to make it… to be grateful, instead of murmuring. It’s a good and important thing and way to find: the middle in-between the need and necessity for changing the world, but also to be content in whatsoever state, and grateful for what one has. Sometimes it’s important to find the middle between two extremes. With the need to change things, it doesn’t mean to abolish the gratefulness and thankfulness for whatever someone has. While there’s a need for change, it doesn’t abandon the one for gratitude! So, while there’s a need and necessity for change, there’s also one for gratitude and appreciation! The need for change applies more for what other folks haven’t got, while what believers and children of God have themselves, ought to be appreciated. See, “change the world” doesn’t mainly refer to personal possessions and what you’ve got yourself! Find out what needs to be changed, and what – on the other hand – ought to be appreciated with gratitude! When you’ve lived a part of your life that was a lot more pleasant and comfortable before, than what you’re going through at present, well… it sort of shows whether you’re able to be thankful and to praise the Lord your God in spite of the fact that things may not be working out perfectly constantly and all the time! Can you manage to be thankful anyway? (2015:195) The rarer things get, the more precious they become for folks, and the more they’ll appreciate the privileges and opportunities they previously may have taken for granted. The more you appreciate what I’m giving you, the more I appreciate the giving.

My input has become more precious and valuable to you, and you appreciate it more, which will also help you appreciate its benefits more. (2015:211) Not exactly gratefulness or positiveness, to be complaining about life’s toughness, when you actually should be grateful and appreciative of the blessings I bestow on you. (2015:233) Maybe history of events could have been different and more positive with greater thankfulness? So, looks like thankfulness and appreciation is one of the major lessons life in the world is supposed to teach you. (2015:251) Just take things the way they come. Doing it without complaining is one of the arts of life. (2016:13) Remember the attitude of thankfulness and appreciation… gratitude. – The right sort of attitude! If things around you aren’t perfect, maybe a bit of gratitude in spite of it will improve the situation. Be thankful by faith, even if things aren’t perfect, and you’ll see: the grateful attitude will make’em better! (2016:21) Don’t forget to appreciate your blessings, and show some thankfulness for what you’ve got, instead of complaining about the current state of your situation! (2016:35) Give the glory to Us, Up Here, without Whose strength and anointing you wouldn’t have made it this far the way you have! So, thank Us for that strength and anointing! (2016:45) Even if the lesson of thankfulness and appreciation may not make that much sense to you right now, trust Me that it will! If you’ve been proud of your own abilities, trust Me that you’ll appreciate and be more thankful for Mine to help see you through it all! (2016:63) Thankfulness is a good attitude to have! (2016:77) Thankfulness is a good quality, and a lack of it will show in its fruits and results. (2016:84) One reason why bad things can happen: lack of appreciation and gratitude. (2016:91) Be thankful for My preparation of you to make it through what’s to come, and try to appreciate it! Be thankful for these opportunities to get filled and led by Me… the only strategy to make it through what’s coming! (2016:92) The lack of things should you make more thankful for them, as opposed to taking them for granted. When you’re stuck in a place you’re not pleased with and not happy at, there’s a reason for it; and most of the times, a lack of gratitude and appreciation can be one of the main ones for it – one of the main lessons to learn. So, take gratitude and appreciation as a part of heavenly wisdom! – It’s wise to give thanks and be grateful what you’ve got and express that gratitude to your Maker and Supplier of all things. To appreciate means to treasure things with a grateful attitude, not taking them for granted. (2016:108) Whenever you feel frustrated about the times you’re going through, just remember: it’s nothing compared to the times coming! So, just see it with a bit of thankfulness as preparation without which you’d stand even less of a chance making it through times to come! Tough times are just preparation for the toughest ones to come. So, something to be thankful for! (2016:109) The meals you’ve been enjoying three times a day all your life soon won’t be around anymore. And while they’re still there, show some appreciation and gratitude! (2016:112) The Law of Love also includes love and thankful gratitude for your own body. (2016:124)

Healing Nobody was ever helped by ignoring their problem. Nobody was ever healed from cancer by saying, “It’s not so bad... It’s gonna go away...” You can pray for it, yes, but sometimes, concrete action has to be taken and an operation needs to take place to cut out the festering growth... Trust Me, the great Head Doctor, that My diagnose is correct and My prescription to attack the problem is the right one. Things might get worse temporarily, but trust Me; that’s the only way they’re ever going to get better. (I:273) It's part of your healing ministry, to heal with My Words of life, to heal bodies, souls and spirits. I have come to bring salvation to the entire man... the physical and the spiritual. I have come to satisfy all your needs, to heal all your ails: mental, physical, spiritual, everything. Just as I was given the authority by My Father to forgive sins, so I was given the power to heal not only their spirits, but also their bodies, as a physical illustration of the spiritual healing power of My salvation. I want to save you wholly and entire, I want to cleanse and heal all of you, your mind, your body, your heart, your spirit... your soul. In this upside-down and backward world run and ruled and ruined by the usurper, a lot is wrong, and there's a lot of healing to be done. (II:76) Pity the weak and heal the sick! Assume the role of the healer and benefactor! (II:171) When I was around, I healed the physically sick, the lame, the deaf and the blind. But you can heal the spiritually lame, crippled, deaf, dumb and blind of today. (II:258) Your body needs some "maintenance" and repairs done to it. Some enemies are inevitable and of a natural kind, as part of the result of the curse, such as pain, sickness or death. Although I have overcome them for you, you still have to deal with them to some extent. The victory is by faith. (II:289) Denying spiritual sickness is just as silly as denying physical ails and refusing help and medication. I didn't just die for the healing of your bodies, but also for the healing of your spirits, and, as you ought to have found out by now, while Salvation is a one-time thing, its manifestations - such as healing, both, physical and spiritual, have to be applied repeatedly and regularly, even if for no other purpose than to simply keep you humble. Just because you're saved doesn't mean you never get sick again, right? You have eternal life, but you're not immediately a sinless saint. (III:3) You are My medicine to the world, My healing balm I pour on aching hearts and internal wounds. You soothe and ease the pain, you bring sweet relief to them, you make them feel a little bit better and make their lives a little more worthwhile. As My doctors and nurses, you must display confidence in their healing, in their progress. You cannot frown upon them, shaking your head with an attitude of, "I don't know if they're ever going to make it," but you need to instill faith in them, hope, and, of course, most of all, love. (III:104) You have to lead folks to find the courage to come before Me as they are and let Me show them what's wrong with them and heal them. As long as they think that nothing's wrong with them, how can they be healed? (III:187) Believe in the miracle that some will be healed and delivered from their addiction to the lie! The Roman soldier who had a terminal disease, and knew he had nothing to lose, was one of the most relentless fighters for the empire. In recognition of his valiant services, he was granted medical treatment to be cured from his disease, and afterwards he wasn't the same relentless fighter anymore, but sought to protect himself. I am the Healer Who cures you from your spiritual diseases, and in order to do that, it is sometimes necessary to talk about them – the symptoms, the causes, the severity of your case, and what you can do in order to prevent a relapse, etc., a proper spiritual diet, the right medication, and so on. I am the Lord that healeth thee. Find ways to bring the truth home to people, even if that’s the one thing they reject. It’s like working on a cure for cancer. And whether you or they believe it or not, we’re looking for something more important here than a cure for cancer, and you have only just begun to recognize the problem. The problem is certain people’s unwillingness and refusal to recognize any problem at all about themselves. Wading through their territory has not left you unaffected, and you need to recuperate, rest and be cleansed from all that filth. Some of the stuff Satan is pulling in this world inevitably leads you to the need for a solution, an antidote, and the conclusion that help and intervention is needed. You don’t know that you need deliverance until you realize you’re a captive. The sickness may be grave and the epidemic far-spread, but I am still the Doctor, I am still the Lord that healeth thee. I like to pour My healing balm of heavenly and true love upon broken and wounded hearts who really appreciate it. I’ve never been

one Who tried to cure those who didn’t even know they were sick, only those who were aware that they were suffering, knew that something was wrong and were obviously in need of My help. If I’ve raised the dead, I can certainly heal the sick and help someone to get a neglected body back in shape. the Enemy will try to slow down and hinder the recovery and healing, just as with an actual, physical wound: infections can come up, and the patient becomes feverish, etc. That’s why you’ve got to make extra sure that you submit yourself to My care and inspection and undergo the treatment that I prescribe. When you have a physical ailment you look for natural remedies that might help you; in case you have a spiritual or emotional ailment, it seems to be harder to find a remedy for that… As much as you crave human company, it is always bound to bring just as much pain as it promises relief from it, and the only true and lasting cure, remedy and healing, is what I have to offer. Only the Spirit has the pure medicine and ointment and balm that can heal wounded spirits and hearts; it’s the only ingredient that truly brings life. Avail yourself of My healing and strengthening powers! (2011:52) Hope in Me, the Sun of Righteousness, with healing in My wings! (2011:87) I can keep you through the unhealthy factors caused by your environment. (2012:12) I approve of a healthy balance between both, your doing what you can, doing all the possible planning, but then trusting Me for the part beyond your control, and that part is just about always included in this kind of business, where you have to be ready to reckon with heinous attacks from the Enemy’s forces lingering in the dark. (2012:114) A spiritual outlet for what you have to give in the spirit is by no means less important to your general well-being, health, and whole life. (2012:174) Do I approve of unhealthy habits? No. (2013:1) It’s simply healthier to have a more positive attitude toward others, since dislike will only breed mutual feelings, and that won’t get you anywhere. (2013:91) Part of My deal with you is that I won’t let you get away endlessly with wrong behavior or violating the rules, even health rules, but must allow you to reap the consequences of your own actions. (2013:100) Who healed blind people and folks with other sicknesses 2000 years ago? Healing was a miracle from the Spirit World that converted many to the faith they needed… Why not strengthen some of your faith in Me in that way and sense, that I and the Father can still easily heal people’s diseases and sicknesses and physical flaws, if they ask us and have the faith for it? Which relationship do you think is the most important for you? - And what faith? The one in Me, or in doctors? Do you think I and the Father can still do it? Sometimes you need a bit of patience for healing! Sometimes you need to take some time to let your faith in Me grow again! (2014:51)

If you consider that I used to be the best and greatest Healer for thousands of years, and consider that I could still heal you in a better, faster and more correct way than System doctors do… maybe it wouldn’t all be so bad for you. Maybe you wouldn’t have to be so bothered and dismayed by the way the System has been and is treating you… You should remember that worshiping Me and caring about Me through your life as important should definitely also include My powers as a Master Healer, better and more worthy of your time, respect and attention than many of today’s System doctors and hospital treatments. Maybe what happened to you so far was mainly to teach you that the System’s ways of curing aren’t necessarily as wondrous and glorious as some would expect. So, if it seems like the System isn’t really performing that much effective help or healing that you need, maybe you can turn back to Me for a little more hope and expectation… Some of the healing miracles I did in the Bible during My earthly lifetime happened after some time the disease had been suffered… How special it is when someone doesn’t charge a lot of money, or any, for the healing accomplished… (2014:59) Job either had to go through some of his lessons first and then he was ready to receive the healing and miracle. Sometimes it takes an effort to get close to Me again first. Can you come close to Me again? Even if some things happened to you you’re not so fond of? (2014:72) Quite a few people had to get through their lives with some hindrance that they had to deal with and overcome as much as they could. I helped some of them, and if you have the faith, I could help and heal you, too…

I don’t want to withhold from you the wonders I could do. (2014:92) Believe and have faith in Us and Our Power to help, support, heal and hold you upright! (2014:155) If the Father is your Creator, you’d better trust Him for His ability to fix you as well when you need it! Turn to Him or Us to give you that extra strength and healing you need! (2015:55)

Hell (on Earth) Even if you have to go through hell on Earth, it's inevitable that everything’s going to turn out good, because I have promised it. (II:270)

As the merging of the dimensions approaches, you will first witness that this world is going to become more and more like hell. The more this world is going to turn into hell, the more you'll realize that you have no part in it, that you're no more than strangers and pilgrims in it, because you are Heaven's children. (II:340) Just yield your life into My hand, even if you know it might lead you through hell! But you'll also know that if I'm going to be there with you, then no matter how fiery or awful that hell might be you have to go through, you'll always come out victoriously, in a glorious resurrection, without even the smell of smoke. (III:20) I wouldn't want you to send anyone to hell prematurely, when there might still be a chance for them to be saved. (III:50) If life is a bit like hell for you, maybe it's to remind you that so it is for many others, and that it should be your desire and responsibility to try to bring Heaven to them, or at least let them know that it's accessible to them. (12:1) “Be not envious of evil-doers” is also there for a reason, because even though they may seemingly have it better than you for this present time, trust Me, there’ll be hell to pay in the long run, and you’ll be so grateful that you weren’t in the same boat with them, after all. (12:149) When things aren’t working out flawlessly, it’s a reminder that this life and world right now aren’t exactly Heaven, and currently, a lot more what can be expected of hell, since, after all, they both have the same ruler… at least temporarily. (14:159) Some short, temporal hell on Earth right now in life, but none of it in the eternal hereafter… That should sound to you a little bit like something you can handle. Life may be short and tough and cruel, but at least the much longer Hereafter will be a lot better! Be glad for some hell on Earth that will make you appreciate Heaven hereafter a lot more! (14:170) The Hereafter is definitely not a continuation of this world’s current life. A fact you appreciate once you realize how hellish it all can be down there, since, after all, the one who’s been put in charge there, since men’s choice for him has pretty much brought it into the same state as his part of the spirit world. You can appreciate the difference more that My part of the spirit world will make, and it makes you more thankful for Heaven, once your reality starts reminding you of hell somewhat, or appearing very much like it. It just shows that it’s pretty important to stick to Heaven and get out of Hell! To move toward the top, Heaven, and get out of the rock bottom of hell as much as you can… to keep your vision geared to Heaven, since, unfortunately, there’s not much left of it on Earth, having pretty much been taken over by the enemy, almost entirely. (14:174) There’s no more hell hereafter for a saved person, and you’d better be thankful for that! And even if life is pretty much a bit of hell for you, just be thankful and cheerful that it won’t last forever, because you’re saved! Now, going through hell on Earth might be a bit tough, it’s true… but just let it serve you to make Heaven and the Hereafter a bit more welcome to you, and let it serve to make you less attached to life on Earth! You’re having to deal with and resist a lot of the devil’s influences and attempts to make life on Earth as much hell for you as possible, since, after all, you’re not going to wind up in his. Try to get a little more Heaven-minded when life on Earth reminds you too much of hell! (14:186) Being aware of the fact that life on Earth isn’t too far away from hell on Earth should help you appreciate the good side of things in the Hereafter for you a bit more… (15:9) If life’s a bit more like hell on Earth for you now, well, at least you’re more familiar with its actual spiritual state due to the one who’s been allowed to take the world over thanks to the majority of people’s choices for him. (15:32) Sometimes, having to go through hell on Earth will keep you from thinking and feeling like it’s Heaven down there, when it actually couldn’t be when you’re taking into concern who’s been ruling it, and with his great tricks of deception he may be making it to appear somewhat heavenly, only to get people off guard and then hit them with some of his hellish strikes and slams, the way he’s done… If you think about who’s getting more and more in charge of it, you’ll realize why it’s not much of heaven on Earth that’s left, but slowly but surely turning into hell a lot more. (15:80) The world is pretty much falling into the enemy’s grip completely, and there’s not much Heaven on Earth left to expect right now. Unfortunately, the current state of the Earth drives more into the direction of hell, as far as the spirit goes… (15:88) The belief of others, that My Salvation might still let you wind up in hell anyway, still affects you a bit, making you wonder, “So what if I wind up in hell in spite of all that I believe in?” Well, do you think I would have died for all those souls, if My Salvation wouldn’t have assured that salvation from hell? – That having to fight against the devil all your life, instead of taking advantage of what he offers folks, would still make you wind up in

his spiritual “kingdom,” after all? What’s more likely? That some folks have weird doctrines, or that you’re believing in a pretty weird God? So, don’t let the weird doctrines of others drag you down! Would I be communicating with you, only to send you to hell afterwards? Keep on believing in a God of Love, not one that will curse you with everlasting hellfire even though you’ve received Me, just because you didn’t manage to be perfect during your earthly life! How could you be geared and moved by love, if fear of hell was still supposed to be there? It sounds more like a human doctrine saying, “If you don’t stick to us, you’ll wind up in hell!” (15:161) Sorry you have to get through a bit of hell on Earth before Heaven comes, but it’s not just your personal punishment. Many folks made the wrong choices, and very few the right ones, so the result for the bad choices has to be dealt with, and the lessons learned from their results… (15:167) The larger purpose for the life of My disciples and followers: to help others having to go through hell on Earth and avoid hell to come thereafter and come to Heaven instead, through finding and receiving Me. (15:179) Having to walk through hell on Earth pretty much permanently down there, keep the vision of Heaven in your soul as much as you can! While having to make it through that hellish abode, stay in prayer for your protection and preservation from the enemy’s army’s and followership domain! (15:190) The master of hell is going to take over the rule over this planet just about completely. If it seems more and more like hell on Earth to you, just remember that the master of hell is soon going to take over the rulership of Earth. You’ll have to get prepared for hell on Earth, with the pretty much worldwide, temporary rulership of our enemy over the planet. All the help you need to make it through hell on Earth is available to those who believe in and apply and ask for it. - Quite an important job, to deliver and help folks get saved from that hell on Earth, along with hell thereafter, don’t you think? Instead of hell, you’ve got Heaven to offer them; and don’t you consider that the best job anyone could have? (15:235) With the world around you turning more and more into a state of hell, it should make it more clear who would be open for a better Place thereafter… (16:52) I’m called the Savior not just to save you from the punishment for sins, but to save the world from the enemy’s reign and hell on Earth. I can manage to help you make it through anything; even hell on Earth! (2016:82) Keep your focus on Me through faith, not on the hell-bound circumstances down there! If the boss of hell is coming down there to rule the world… well, hell on Earth will pretty much be the result of it; so let Me help you make it through that hell on Earth! Making it through hell on Earth is a part of what faith is supposed to enable you to… that faith that Heaven’s going to win that battle in the end! (2016:97) Get ready for God’s Power! – Not only to help you resist and overcome and survive the enemy’s when he’ll take over the AC’s body to rule the world for its Great Tribulation, but also to make a heavenly place out of that hell on Earth he’ll have left us to remake! It’ll take miracles to make it through the part of history run by the king of hell, so remember to make your faith for and in miracles keep rising and growing! Life isn’t Heaven on Earth right now, but rather a foretaste of the coming period of hell on Earth, but keep your vision on Heaven on Earth to come… even if it takes faith! - The faith to help you make it through that hell on Earth. (2016:117)

Hell on Earth is supposed to make you appreciate Heaven awaiting you afterwards. So, hell on Earth? – Just let it make you appreciate Heaven thereafter! - And cause you to remember to have the best possible time in that hell on Earth it’s developing into, by offering Heaven to others! With just about hell on Earth for anyone, there’ll be more folks willing to receive that better Option we’ve come to offer the world. It’s no more “Welcome to the machine,” but time to get out of it, for those who want to stay Heaven-bound, and not play part in that final part of hell on Earth! So, if hell on Earth is not your thing, it’s quite certain that hell thereafter won’t be, either, as opposed to those proudly receiving his mark. It’s the Ultimate Choice this world is heading for: Heaven thereafter, as opposed to hell – the painful continuation of what’s expecting you all down there to witness. (2016:119) Even if the conditions on Earth seem to resemble more that of hell than Heaven on Earth, you cannot disobey the health rules against your body, a temple for God’s Spirit. (2016:124)

See it as an advantage that you’re not guided by the natural illusions most folks have about the world, becoming more aware of who’s currently in charge of and spiritually governing it, and will soon reach the point of his final and physical takeover of world government, the incident that will reveal to all where his leadership will lead: not the Heaven on Earth that I offer, but hell! (2016:133)

Help I will perform the miracle of helping you to overcome your besetting sins, help you to forsake the residue of the enemy’s strongholds in your life. (I:2) Keep relying on Me, and this will help you to give Me all the glory, as you will see so clearly how I have done it for you. (I:8) Ask Me to help you be on guard and ‘deliver you from evil’, strengthen the feeble knees and the hands that hang down, and go to work on building new, healthier habits! (I:15) I’ll remove any obstacles in your path and help you defeat all your enemies... (I:40) ‘Rational’ thinking won’t help you survive in the days to come, only crazy faith in Me and following My leads, which means obedience. (I:55) If you would be fully aware of how incapable you are to get anything accomplished without My help, you would constantly be seeking My contact, desperately grasping for Me as a drowning man grasping for air. (I:124) You are continuously under attack by an invisible foe, but with My help and through My Spirit, you can locate them, pinpoint them, and through the weapons I’ve given you, liquidate them, annihilate them, and get rid of them! (I:127) It’s a good thing to learn to ask for help. (I:165) When you realize you’re failing in an area you should come to Me and ask Me to help you to make it! (I:189) Pray for Me to help you to be more efficient in your work and to really help you to accomplish something that lasts, fruit that remains, and to become 'a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the Word of truth’ (2.Tim.2:15)! (I:191) I’m all the Help you’ll ever need. (I:329) If you feel like you can’t do it yourself, ask Me! That’s what I’m here for, to help you do it! (I:335) It feels good to hear you say that you can’t make it on your own, that you need My help, to see you desperate... It’s so different from the usual, cool and apparently indifferent way, when you don’t seem to need My help much for anything. I want and need you to want and need Me, so, I’m having to allow these challenges to appear before you, which finally make you desperate enough to cry out for My help! (I:381) I delight in the fact that people desperately need My help, and that I can love them, fill their needs and be there to help them. I have problems with people who think they're so great and perfect that they don't need any help. (I:490) Call for help to aim at the right goal, the highest, and let nothing divert you from it! (I:516) I want you to be more desperate for My help, realizing more that you need Me, get you to the point where you see that nothing works without Me. (I:524) There are many willing to help, who might never know how or even that they could be of help to you, if you're too proud to let them know your needs. Help them by enabling them to be a blessing and a help to you! It works even if you don't feel like it. (II:98) I wasn't as much of an "accomplisher" type as I was a Friend to people, hearing them out, visiting them, caring for them, healing them, helping them. Being a helper is what it's all about. In what better way can you live and manifest love than by being a help in time of need? How about concentrating on being a helper and a friend to people, a kind person? (II:246) Some people believe in Me, but they don't think they're supposed to avail themselves of My Help. The real problem is that you allow the enemy of your souls to trick you into believing that I don't care about you or that I don't want to help you, that I'm expecting you to solve your own problems without My Help! The problem is that you don't avail yourselves of My Help! Is there an easier way to solve it than to just ask Me for help? (II:294)

I make you see the Goal so that you will seek ways to get there. You realize you can't get there by yourself, in your own strength or energy, so you have to seek My Help in order to get you there. I show you the place where I want you to be, so that you will do what you can to get there, start seeking for ways, making efforts, taking steps in that direction, and most of all, seek My Help and wisdom to get there. (II:328) It requires humility to admit that you need help. Now, that's what I'd call smart, when people humble themselves to admit they need help and call on Me! (II:336) If I would let you go off on your own successfully and master life without My Help, you would go further and further astray, deeper entangled in pride and self-confidence. (II:366) Look at Me for help, let Me help you bear your burden and fulfill your task! You can do it with My Help. I simply want folks to avail themselves of My Help. All I want to do is help! But the devil comes running, as if the place and everybody in it belonged to him, frantically waving his arms and yelling, "No, no, thank You, but we don't need Your help around here; we've got everything under control." And people believe it. They think they can do without Me. (II:527) Why not just admit that you need My Help in order to empower you to do that which I really want you to do? (III:38) It's important to remember that you are not alone. There's Help available for you. How silly it would be to constantly ignore that Help and insist on doing everything alone. (III:63) The best thing you can learn out of your mistakes is: don't try to do it on your own, but always avail yourself of My Help! (III:82) If you see My purpose behind every situation that puzzles and challenges you, you will soon find out that there is no problem that cannot be solved, because you'll see that that's what the problem is there for: it's for you to handle it, to master it, and learn to solve it with My Help. (III:166) It's okay to call for help. It's more than okay. He that cries for help, usually finds that he shall be helped. Some people are still quite helpful, even in this day and age! That's why I'm urging you to go and find them, those who feel like they're born to help others, and are looking for ways to do so in the most effective way. (III:347) Just have a little trust in My abilities to plan and design, faith in My love for detail and precision, and hold on a little longer, even if you can't possibly see how any of this is supposed to wind up making any sense at all. Maybe I need you to go through this in order to show how a man can get through these things with My help. (III:364) Seek My face about how you’re going to make it, and I’ll be right Here to answer and help you. Being dependent on Me for help is the most promising factor for success you could possibly have going for you. (2011:30) I’m there to help you through the things you’ll have to go through as they pan out, and to assure you that there’s a happy ending, come what may. (2011:32) I’m really the only truly efficient and reliable Help you can ever put your trust in, and I can only encourage you to keep doing that! (2011:49)

No matter how much you love each other, there are bound to crop up problems anyway, and you’re going to wish for My Presence and help in order to deal with them when they happen, and the only way you can ensure that is by staying close to Me. (2011:50) Whenever your burdens and loads seem to be overwhelming, you’ve got to remember to trust Me that I know what I’m doing, and that it’s really only that: They seem to be overwhelming, but they’re not really, if you do the right thing in response to them and recruit My help to tackle them, which is the main purpose of the drill – for you to get that point and make it a habit to avail yourself of My help and strength instead of trying to make it all on your own. – Just take it, call Me for help, and you’ll make it! I’m with you, not just as a bystander, but as an active Helper and support you can rely on – anytime. (2011:54) Do you think I can handle all that’s threatening to overwhelm you? Do you think I can help you and enable you to handle it, too? Well, then just give Me a chance, and I’ll prove to you that you were right about putting your trust in Me against all the apparent physical odds! I’m pretty good at helping My people cope. (2011:55) As long as things will half-way work out and you manage to survive, your own strength will be what you rely on, and usually you only resort to My help when it’s nearly too late. The right attitude to have would be that you can use all the help you can get, especially Mine. (2011:69) You would never avail yourself of My power nor look for My help in desperation if you would just manage and easily get by in every situation you encounter. Only the point of cluelessness, of helplessness and the becoming obvious of the fact that without supernatural help and a miracle you’ll never accomplish anything significant is what will get you to reach out beyond those natural human capacities. (2011:72)

There’s nothing like that moment when you don’t know where help is going to be coming from, except from the Lord which made Heaven and earth… (2011:80) If at times you’re tempted to feel forsaken and overwhelmed, then it’s usually simply because you don’t avail yourself of My Presence and help as much as you should. I believe and know that you can make it, yes, but only – and that’s the primary requirement – with My help. (2011:85) Don’t look here or there for help, and don’t get frustrated if that help never comes; and don’t rely on yourself, but look Here, to Me, from where your Help is really going to come! If you really want to accomplish something you can be proud of, you’re going to stand a much better chance if you avail yourself of My help and counsel in doing it. If you look at this world around you, what you hear and see is chaos. That’s the result of people being busy, busy, busy accomplishing things without Me, without ever so much as acknowledging Me, much less asking Me for My help or blessing. (2011:87)

It’s really not in how hard you try to be good, but how much you let Me help you to be good, and no matter how hard you try, you’ll never quite manage without My help. (2011:88) I’m the One Who wants you to make it, and Who can help you to do so. (2011:101) Your help comes from the Spirit which made Heaven and earth, not from any angle of His creation. (2011:127) The world has an ever growing need for Me. After all, the vast majority of their problems stem from the notion that they manage just fine without Me. Like a child who “can prove that he can do it on his own,” it’s only natural for humans to want to declare their independence, wanting to be self-sufficient, and I don’t mind that to a certain extent. It’s just that problems are bound to occur when they stubbornly insist on keeping doing things the wrong way. So, thanks for being wiser than that and soliciting My help! (2012:12) Discovering the deeper meaning of everything and hitting the nail on the head by fulfilling your part in that destiny is something that entails great responsibility, and the burden is not too heavy if you rely on Me to show you, teach you how, and help you to carry it. (2012:29) Your purpose, as Mine, is to help, not to bask in a false sense of superiority. If you play that game, you won’t be able to help them, since you won’t be any better off than they are. (2012:35) Are you relying on prayer anymore at all these days? Or do you think you can handle just about anything without My help? The do-it-yourself generation: always ready to prove just how fine you get along without any help. There are inevitably going to come up situations in which you won’t be able to cope without My help, and you will better have learnt how to avail yourself of it when those arise. (2012:50) When you need help, I’ll be there, although I won’t make it too easy for you, either, and I won’t give you all the solutions. The problems are for you to figure out and solve, but I’ll always be there to coach and tutor you; you won’t have to deal with them on your own. (2012:61) I’ll intervene sooner or later, when things simply won’t be able to continue anymore without My help. (2012:72) That’s why I beckoned My prophet to “come now, let us reason together” (Is.1:18): You don’t have to try to figure it all out by yourself. We can do it together. I’m there to help you. (2012:74) I have a harder time getting through those people who manage to do everything more perfectly in their own strength than those who desperately need My help for nearly every step of the way. (2012:82) You’ve got Me on your side to help you make things happen or even make them happen for you, so, why not develop some initiative yourself and use that power? (2012:83) How much do you seek the Father to help you get out of your mess? Those who know they don’t stand a chance without Our help, are Our only hope! (2012:102) I told you where to look for help. But because I’m a little hard to find and see, perhaps, you keep looking elsewhere, in fact anywhere else, most of the time. But remember, in order to please Me and qualify for My help, you must believe that I am that Help! (2012:106) I cannot help you prematurely, but as you’ll always see, I will help you make it through every time, and you’ll come out fine in the end, no matter how bleak, gloomy and hopeless it seems.

You may seem to be alone, but you’re not. (2012:145) Put your main trust in Me and your help from Above, not your own capabilities of what you can accomplish in the system, because the current system is on its way down, and to be replaced by Satan’s ultimate rule in the end, where you won’t be able to rely on the system anymore at all, but only your help and supply from Above, which is why you should get used to that. That’s why your faith in Me and your availing yourself of My help to rise above are so important: They’re basically your only hope. (2012:172)

While your earthly mind might still be prone to give priority to and place a higher value on the tangible and countable treasures of this world, your calling out to Me and imploring Me for My help and tapping Me for My resources is in itself much more valuable. I can and will make My Power work for you, as I always have, but your getting to this point of seeing the need and turning to Me for My help to fill that need is an integral step and part of the process. It’s the part you must and can do. You may not have sufficient energy or initiative or skill for anything else, but that’s always got to be the first step, and I can then give you whatever it is you lack. Millions of people around the globe have nothing and no one to turn to, to help them out, which should make you appreciate My Presence and help in your life all the more. The experiences that make you need My help and My coming through for you yet again will remind you of My faithfulness and strengthen your appreciation of that factor that makes you so different from the rest of them… (2013:9) Looking unto Me for hope and the help you need will spare you from disappointment, for in doing so, you will also be stronger, and a more reliable force to reckon with, and thus less likely to be abandoned. (2013:15) You could never make it without My help, that’s why it’s so important for you to avail yourself of it on a pretty much constant basis. (2013:20) What you’re having to cope with is what you’ve got Me to help you deal with. (2013:40) If you want to do better, you can. Like so many other things in life, it depends a lot on how much you want it. –Especially since you’ve got My help at your disposal as your personal Tutor, and that of innumerable others waiting on your call… (2013:41) It’s high time for you to be putting into practice all that you’ve been taught in theory about rising above and overcoming the circumstances, even the flood of undesirable human qualities all around you, with My help and that of the Spirit World. (2013:46) Sometimes all you can do is sit back and await the troubles to come, and you can really only do anything about it once those who need help get desperate enough to realize that they do, and then call for help… How do you want to help those who don’t think they need any? And that’s the dilemma with the world right now… They all think they’re doing so great on their own, they don’t need any help from Me, when realistically, nothing could be further from the truth… So, it’s a good thing not to fall into this false sense of security, thinking you’re doing fine without My help. You never know if the next bunch of trouble isn’t waiting right around the bend… (2013:73) You need My help all the more, and there’s just a required little action for you to avail yourself of it, and that’s to tune in to Me before you get started. Where you fail to do that, you shouldn’t be so shocked when things go haywire. (2013:96) If you feel like you can’t, your first reaction should not be to quit, but to call on Me for help and see what a difference that’ll make! (2013:125)

I’m really the only One Who can really help to see you through what’s coming… (2014:6) What’s better? Being aware that you need My help, or being confident in yourself alone? When you try to make it without prayer, without My help, then it’s no wonder you’ll get around to experiencing some weakening impacts and damaging results… (2014:7) You think by yourself you’re strong enough to handle anything or everything without Me and My help? You’re supposed to depend on Me and God’s help as a child of God. If I can help you and you truly believe it, it would probably be helpful to figure out that you’re going to be better off with My help and applying it for you than to try to make it without it, right? (2014:13) How are you gonna make it? Well, I’m going to help you; let Me! (2014:14) I’m willing to help you. It just takes an effort to concentrate on that need and keep it going to ask Me for it, keeping your connection with Me active and alive accordingly. (2014:17) Coming to look and ask for My help is a good sign. I don’t just ignore what you’re asking for. When I realize you’re seeking Me more again, I won’t just let you down. Whether I’m capable of helping you and willing and ready to do it… of course I am. Just sometimes certain things must show up on your side… like, that you’ll really try and put Me first and do whatever you can to remember My will for your life and make the most and best of it… (2014:18)

You can make it with My help. Trust Me! The Enemy may sometimes try to take Me out of your picture and deny My help, but you ought to know by now that it’s there. (2014:19)

I can help you and I love to teach you through experience that I’ll be the best Helper and giving you the best help you could get from anyone… (2014:26) While I don’t mind communication with My believers, remember that I told you, the best I prefer is prayer. It’s you asking Me for help, for changes, and your needs met… It’s not just the need of sharing your thoughts with Me or hand them to Me, but giving Me your need for My help… (2014:28) Some difficult situations you can’t seem to make it through without My help are there for a reason, in order to get you back into the gear of asking and applying for My help… Folks thinking they’ll always make it without Me and My help, don’t always make it the right way… (2014:31) Since you've got to ask Me for My help, you can't take it for granted, but make that kind of prayer part of your daily life. The more you ask of Me and are desperate for My help, the more I will give it all to you, even if the Enemy will fight it in some ways, trying to diminish your faith and its works… (2014:32) Without Me you can’t make it. It’s important to learn to make it through times with My help, as it will be during the Endtime… Just learn to make it by getting used to looking at Me and calling for Me and My help! (2014:35) Keep seeking Me, looking and waiting and asking for My help, and you’ll get the right answers! (2014:38) I’m always willing to help you and willing to counsel… I’m always ready and willing to help someone according to their faith. (2014:41)

Once you surely need My help to make it through this life and world, and ask Me for it, I gladly help you! It all couldn’t have been that easy for you, anyway, without any help… so it might be good also to remember to thank not just Me for it, but all those involved in Heaven who helped you, even if you may not know quite exactly who did and was helping you. You should be grateful for Heaven’s help, ‘…thank the Lord and Heaven above for the help they’re Up There thinkin’ of!’ Well, it’s good to be reminded of the help you’re receiving and being given from Up Here, isn’t it? That’s what Heaven’s mainly about: to help those for whom life can be pretty rough and tough, but can believe Us… (2014:42) If you look at what’s going on in and around life, it’s a bit scary until you can get ahold of Me helping you. (2014:44) Prophecy is asking Me for information, but prayer is asking Me and the Spirit World to do things for you that will help you, not just load you with some new information or reminders of older infos… So, asking Me for actual help than info sounds a bit more useful, doesn’t it? You should remember that asking Me to help you, protect you and provide for you can be a lot more important for you! Use My strength and help to make it! Please keep Me in your mind, and most of all, keep asking Me and the Father for the help and support you need. Sometimes you’re wrong, and things you assume can be mistaken… Trust Me that that’s a common weakness, and you can use a lot of help! (2014:50) To hear you say that you’re needing Me, and that you don’t know how to make it without My help, sure makes Me want to help you all I can… but it also depends on your faith, which needs re-strengthening by being put into the rough and tough situation you need My help for. (2014:55) Trust in and rely on Me more, and your heavenly help, and keep claiming and asking for and relying on it… (2014:57) Ask for My and God’s and Heaven’s help to make you better! (2014:59) Every now and then you’re woken up to the fact that you’ve got to keep up the fight against the evil one; and that you desperately need My help to make it through this world and thus stay in prayer… (2014:61) If you don’t seem to manage all by yourself, it seems to be a good time for you to reach out for Me and beg for My help. (2014:62) Trust in Me and the fact that I’m going to help you make it and see you through… help you deal with the toughness of all that’ll come upon you… (2014:68) Sometimes life is hard; but when it is, I am there to help you and make things easier for you, or to teach you how to get through even tougher things in the future. Life can be a rough and tough one. I’m the big One to pretty much help you through this. I’m also there to help you make it through the attacks of others… from the enemy and his spirits, as well as the folks on Earth pretty much following him or being subjected to his weaknesses or sins… including your own.

I’d like to help you make it; but sometimes you’ve also just got to stand it and see it through… make it somehow and find strength from Me during that path of weakness. Sometimes life is rough, but I promise you’ll find My help, strength and salvation through it. (2014:69) Try to get Me to help you make some sense of all that’s going on… (2014:74) If or when you don’t know if or how you’re gonna make it, it’s good to remember that you will probably need My help and ask Me for it in prayer! Pray more and seek My way more… ask Me for My help and miracles! If life isn’t running the way it ought to, you might need My help and thus ask Me for it, accordingly. (2014:79) It’s good to start realizing where you need help. Ask Me to help you! Ask Me to do things for you, to help you! (2014:80) If there’s no other way you can make it except with My help, I will, if I may. Whenever things aren’t looking so bright, keep trusting in Me anyway and realize that with Me and My help you can make it! (2014:82)

It’s a tough season; and the one thing it should teach is to stay in touch with Me in order to ask for and receive My help, that of Heaven and Our Helpers. I know it’s all a bit hard to go through this difficult time and somehow find help; but I hope also that folks know, realize and stay aware of the fact that it could all be even much tougher and harder yet! Heaven’s at your help, and things could be going a lot rougher for you, even though they may not be going that perfectly to keep reminding you that the System isn’t exactly perfect… (2014:85) The good part about not knowing how to handle things: you need My help to make it, you ask Me for it and look for it, and don’t just keep leaning on yourself, as you may have previously, when you were still doing alright according to your own opinion. Once you realize certain things about the world aren’t exactly the way things would be like if I and the Father were completely in charge, … (like death ending every life on earth eventually)… that’s when you start turning your face toward Us again and seek Our help and support. When you need help, and more of it and a greater one than the world system is willing or able to get to you, well… it’s a good time to start depending on the Father and Me again, and the Holy Spirit for the extra help to keep handling things. (2014:96) A difficult time of life will put you more in the mode of asking Me for help! You can do it; you can make it with My help, and if you ask Me for it! Can you continue to allow Me to help you make it? Can you believe Me that I can help you make it? (2014:101) When it gets tough for those believing in Me, it means they’ve got to ask Me for help, put their faith into action, and not allow the devil and his forces to win or succeed against them. (2014:108) A pretty good way of knowing you need My help to make it, is when your situation lets you know that you need Me and should do things like praying and asking Me for My help. It’s pretty much a common thing nowadays that folks think they can do it on their own and without My help. But then… as things get rougher with a certain age, and the world turns out to have changed drastically since their youth, folks find out that things may have turned out a bit weird, and aren’t all that enthusiastic, and sometimes not so easy to get along with. So, according to My concept, the more you apply for My help, the better off you’re going to be. I can help you make it through it all. If you don’t quite know what to do and how to deal with life and all that it seems to challenge you with right now, don’t see it as something negative, that it gets you a bit more desperate and more into prayer and communication with Me… Remember, it’s quite natural and healthy to seek My help and counsel and additional wisdom to help you make it through life… to make life turn out a bit more fruitful for you. (2014:111) When You’ve got a rough time, just hang on to Me; ask Me for help, and let it cause you to be drawn closer to Me! Let the tough and difficult times serve you to show and teach you how close I am, and helpful I can be! You can make it – with Me and My help! (2014:114) You need Me and My help in order to make it through some of the situations, and once you do. Trust in Me, and I’ll help you to manage to make it, no matter how bizarre, how long and how tough it all becomes. (2014:122) Trust in Me more than in yourself, and rely on Me more, and My help, than your own abilities! (2014:130) It’s good and very useful to learn to apply for and avail yourself of My help. (2014:135) It’s a weird world in a sad, rotten state, and you’ve got to somehow make it through it. Just remember that you need Me most of all to do it, and My help and strength… the only power able to help you make it.

Expect all the help you might need, to come from Me, and don’t depend too much on your own abilities anymore… The best to trust in to make it through what the world’s becoming is Me, My help to you, and the only force that’ll help you make it through the wicked period that awaits the world. (2014:140) Knowing how much of an uplift you can get through spending time with Me is worth a lot! That’s the big difference when you feel like normal, and able to do it all by yourself, and times when you desperately need Me and My help! (2014:142) When you don’t know what the future will be like, it makes you just have trust in Me… it causes you to search more for Me and My help and not lean so much on your own strength. (2014:147) The enemy giving you such a hard time from pretty much all sides should mean that it’s all the more reason to get ahold of My help in these situations. Trust Me, and I’ll help you to make it! It’s quite important to put your faith mainly in Me and the help from Above and not trust too much in safety rigged up from the world you’re in! (2014:152) If you don’t have much of an idea how you’re gonna make it by yourself, that’s a good beginning to ask Me for help and try to make if with My help and support strengthening you. – Something you should start getting into before the time gets worse. And that’s one thing to keep in mind: Things are going to get worse eventually, and it’s good to be prepared for it, having learned not to have to make it without God’s and Heaven’s help. Get prepared to make it through life with My help and that of Heaven’s saints and angels. Just get into the gear of making it by applying, using and pretty much depending on Our help, and not just leaning on your own abilities! (2014:153) Try to keep giving Me the first place of your importance, and that’s how you’ll keep receiving My strength, help and blessings! Just trust! Rely on Me, I’ll help you make it! Believe and have faith in Us and Our Power to help, support, heal and hold you upright! Trusting in Me is shown by your constant action in asking Me for help and protection. (2014:155) The times are not the same as they used to be. They’re definitely times you desperately need My help to make it against the evil forces at work! You need My help desperately to make it! - More desperately than ever. Ask Me for the help you need! Ask Me and the Spirit World to help and avoid the bad things and keep them from happening! Ask Me for the help you need! Ask Me for the angels to help you! Keep asking Me for help and protection! (2014:156) Learn to depend on Me more, ask Me for My help more, and you’ll make it better, you’ll see! Asking Me for help – not just reasonable or logical answers to the questions on your mind – is the best and most effective thing you can do. (2014:159) Asking Me for help really turns out to be worth it, doesn’t it? And once you get so convinced of that issue, it’ll be easier to offer that help to others; either teach them to pray, or pray for them and tell them you did, latest when the good changes have happened. (2014:161) I can help you to overcome the devil and beat him! Learn of Me that I can help you and make you manage to make it. You’ve just got to keep on holding on to Me and making it through Me and My help! I know it’s a tough battle, but with My help you ought to be able to make it, and that’s what you’ve got to learn! I can help you make it! Just count on and rely more on Me! Trust in Me and see! I can do it for you… help you make it, you’ll see. (2014:166)

Keep trusting Us, even if it’s a big step and test of faith, okay? It may be quite rough for you, but We’ll help you to make it! Keep trusting in Us, and We’ll help you make it! Put a bit more of your faith and trust in Me and the Power of Heaven, that We can help you overcome whatever trials and tests should be showing up before you! It’s important and necessary for you to find out and discover how much you need Us and Our help, and how it’s part of what you should do to keep asking Us for it, keep claiming it and depending on it! (2014:167) When you don’t feel like you can make it, call unto Me, and I’ll help you make it! That’s why tough circumstances arise: for you to learn to let Me help you and depend on My help a bit more, as it’ll be the need for in the future. (2014:168) Keep hanging in there, and believe that you can make it with Me and My help. Believe in Me, trust in Me, stay with Me, and receive My help!

I know it’s tough for you. But know and believe that I’ll help you, and you don’t have to feel forsaken, or like you’re going to have to go through the suffering or tough path all alone and by yourself without any help from above. (2014:169) If you’re going through rough times that draw you next to Me, looking and asking for help, you’re getting closer to Me than when all things run perfectly and normally. When you need My help more desperately, you’re growing closer to Me, and, believe Me: That’s no disadvantage! (2014:170) Pray for Me to help you, lead and guide you, so that you can follow My directions and the path I lead and guide you! And things you can’t take care of yourself, I can help you with. Just rely on Me and lean on My power that’s available to be a bigger help to you than just trusting in your own energies. Rely on Me, more than on yourself and your own energies! (2014:176) You’ve got to put more emphasis on Us, the Father and Me, and believe that We’re mightier than the enemy and can help those who are willing, to do good in this world, and eventually We’ll take it away from him again… (2014:180) If you need help, ask Me for it! You ought to believe and know by faith that I can do it: help you and enable you to overcome just about any difficulty. (2014:181) Try and love others as much as you love yourself; and the most helpful thing to manage that is to learn love Me and the Father first, because We’ll help you to do it and to learn it! (2014:183) It’s good for believers to depend on Me and the Father for Our help. To really trust in Us is a preparation for a rougher future, during which you’ll be dependent on Us and Our help more than ever. (2014:184)

You’ve got to be aware of the fact that you need Us and Our help, and keep striving for it, in order to make it against the devil and his folks and tons of followers. (2014:185) Helping you out of hell on Earth sounds like a good and helpful task for Me… While you seemed to manage it through other parts of life alone or with your friends or mates, the hardest parts are usually only helpfully overcome with Me and My help. (2014:190) With as desperate and tough times as are up ahead, you’d better get focused on trusting above all in Me, the Father, and any heavenly help you can get, because this world isn’t heading for its best times ever, but its worst. So, if times are getting tougher and harder, relax: there’s a reason and purpose for it, to make you stronger, more reliable on Me and the heavenly side of the Spirit World, and a part of all that’s supposed to help you through life, to prepare you for what’s expecting you over Here. Keep having faith and trust in Me that I’ll help to see you through! (2014:194) You need Heaven’s help in order to pour some heavenly vibes around you and sow some good stuff; but that’s why I also told you not to neglect the power of prayer. It’s one of the most important things to do for believers: to ask Us for help! – To stay close to Us and realize how dependent you are on Us when the enemy pretty much rules the world in which you’re living. I’m still here and ready and available to help you, and Heaven is, so, don’t become so downcast by the influences of the world, but keep believing that We’re stronger than that, and here to help you overcome and keep the victory over anything the world can let happen to you. (2014:197) Sometimes you need My help in order to make it. What’s so wrong with that? I’m here in order to help you make it. After all, the devil is a pretty powerful enemy you need My help against, so it’s good for you to ask for it and get it! If you need to make it against the devil, you need My help to make it, and it’s good for you to get into the gear of getting it, not just keep assuming you can make it against him by yourself. You’ve got to depend on My help more… You need Me more and ask Me for My help and support, and you’ll get it. (2014:199) The more you learn to lean and depend on Me and all your help from above, the better off you and your family are going to be. I can help you handle whatever comes, and that’s basically what faith and trust are all about! (2015:6) I’m here, and largely for you to learn to depend and lean on Me for greater help than what you could possibly establish yourself in darker times to come. As long as the present System manages to help you supply all and everything for you that you need, it’s hard to believe that you completely need Me and My help. But just trust Me that it might not stay always and forever that way, and that eventually you’re going to need My help and will be thankful then for your faith connection with Me! So get ready, or let Me help prepare you for it. (2015:9) Only with My Help you’re supposed to be able to make it. That’s precisely what should get you closer to and more dependent on Me and My Strength and Capacity, not just keeping depending on your own. You might not consider that very positive right now, but you will, eventually. Learn to depend on Me, and you won’t regret it! You will make it with My Help! Learn to see things more positively along with and based on My Promises to help you make it!

You will make it with My help, that’s My Promise. Even if it may not seem very likely for you right now to be able to make it. But if I’m really there and will help you as I promise, you will, you’ll see. Isn’t it one of the main topics of the Word, that even if things don’t seem very likely to be worked out, they wind up being worked out through the help from Above? Miracle power works. Even if life’s a bit rough for now… it means, keep trusting in, leaning and relying on Me and My help, My Promises, and you’ll make it, in spite of all the hindrances and obstacles. I want to help you and I’m going to. (2015:14) With the help of My Strength you’re going to make it. I know it may not seem very likely to you that you will, but with My help you can and you’re going to. I’m having to put you through this training and course of making you dependent of Me, My help and the Spirit, along with all Our helpers for the times to come. (2015:15) To lean not on the flesh and your own abilities, but on Our help instead, is pretty important concerning the future of this world, and along with that, your own and that of your family. (2015:16) Knowing that you’ll need some supernatural help to make it in the future of this world, isn’t that more according to making it by faith…? (2015:28) It’s not really too bad when things are turning out kind of rough for you in this life. It’s good for you to be prepared for even rougher times and learn how to make it through them with My help, and thus get into that habit of depending on Me. If the flesh gets weakened, it means, it’s time to strengthen the spirit… get prepared for the Hereafter… put your trust some more in Me, and learn to depend on Me and My help. I want to strengthen you and help you make it through, but it means you have to get used to applying for and depending on My help. Things just won’t continue forever as they are right now, and you’ll be best off by preparing for it through depending more on Me and your heavenly help than your former own abilities and strengths. The devil’s a tough enemy, and not something you can just make it against on your own. Another reason why you really should get more used to depending on Me and rely on Our help more! You’ll become more dependent on heavenly help as times on Earth are getting rougher. Hanging on to Me and becoming more dependent on My and Heaven’s help should draw us closer, and get you more into My gear and way of doing things. As you can tell, My input helps to draw you up, so, stay and stick to it, and make an effort to stay Up! Stay in touch and keep asking Me for My help! You’re becoming more and more dependent on it as time goes on. Don’t let the enemy drag you down! Remember that I’m stronger and more powerful than him, so hang on to Me and My help to win the victory against him! Amen? (2015:32) Needing Me and My help more desperately than before isn’t something bad. Needing Me more or realizing it more that you need Me is actually not a disadvantage as much as an advantage. (2015:33) Together, with My help, you’ll make it and will be able to do it! (2015:35) You’re supposed to fight for the victory and stay in touch with Me to help you to get it. A tough life for someone who knows Me is a sign that he needs to get closer to Me and apply for My help; and make that a daily custom! If you can’t make it without My help, it’s time to ask and beg Me for My help so you can make it! Hold on to Me and cling to Me, and stay in touch with Me in order to receive My help! I can help you, and I will, when and if you ask Me. Get prepared for the way to go by My strength and depending on the help from Above! So, depend on Me and Heaven’s help and get used to the fact of your needing it and dependence on it! You’ll make it if you hang on and hold on to Me and Heaven’s help, and that’s what the current time and episode is all about and meant to teach you. (2015:36) It’s good for you to be more dependent on My help. And the more you ask for it, the more you’ll get it. All you need to do is depend more on Me and My help, and less on your flesh and its abilities. The weaker you are, the more you’ll realize you need to depend on Me and your heavenly help, not your own mind and strength most of all. You’ve got to get into that utter gear of dependence on Me and your heavenly help, since it’s no longer your flesh that can cope with it all. (2015:37) If you don’t know how to make it, ask Me for help! Maybe that’s why you don’t: so that you’ll ask Me for help more and pray for it more, because it’s more obvious that you need Me and My help. So, apply for My help, and you’ll get it! Remember that it’s more likely the enemy to get you to trust in yourself and your own abilities instead of Me and My help! (2015:41) Soon the enemy will have taken this world over pretty much completely, and it’ll be the time you and others will need Our help more than ever before. (2015:45)

It’s a good thing to remember that there’s not much you can do in order to get the victory over evil in the world without My help. So, you should ask for it and apply for it as much and often as possible! And don’t try to make it without it! You pretty much need My help against evil and other things, like death, disease and other troubles, desperately. All You need to do basically, is ask Me for it. (2015:46) I’d love to help you more, but it takes your asking Me for My help to get there! (2015:48) You’d be better off putting some more of your trust in Me, that I’ll help you to make it, even if it’s a fairly tough time right now! You can make it through with My help. (2015:49) When life gets rough, it’s a good occasion to get into serious connection with Me to either ask for help or some revelation as to what’s going on. It might also mean that you should get into some desperate prayer to beg Me for My help and salvation out of a serious mess situation. (2015:50) To make it through the hard times in life is not easy, but… just got to see it through! Remember, that’s also what’s supposed to make you cling tighter to Me, get you to ask more for My help and all… It should call you back into the gear of prayer. Sometimes those hard times are needed to make a better person out of you, relying more on the help from above, and not just on one’s own strength. As far as dependence on Me and your help from Above is concerned, that’s better than independence. As things get a little harder and even tougher, it means it’ll create a better one out of you and raise more strength. Life may be hard right now, but that means you’ll realize more that you need the help from Above, will ask and apply for it more, and that, in the end, will make you stronger, and able to resist more the devil’s counter acts and attacks! “When I am weak, then I am strong” doesn’t sound so realistic to you right now, but trust Me, that it means when physically you’re growing weaker, if you’re attached to your heavenly helpers and Source of spiritual strength, in the long run, you will be stronger! Just remember that sometimes asking Us Up Here for help might just be what’s needed… If you don’t ask for it, you just might not be availing yourself of the power We’ve given you to avail yourself of Our help. (2015:51)

Make your faith in Me, the Father, and the help you need from Above grow stronger! If there’s nothing and no one else left to lean on, what else is there? How else are you going to make it, but with Our help and support and Us lifting and raising you up? Show that you depend on your spiritual help, when there’s nothing, or at least not much you can expect from and count on from the physical side… So, who’s going to be able to help you, except your spiritual helpers, including Those responsible for your creation? If We made you, we ought to be able to help you as well make it through trouble, shouldn’t we? So, it means, you pretty much need your help from Us for everything, and that means you should apply and ask and just about beg for it to make sure you’ll get it! Ask for Our help, using your faith! (2015:55) There aren’t nearly as many folks whose help you can reckon with these days, which draws you closer to Me and My help, which – trust Me – is the best option for you to choose. Becoming more dependent on Me and your heavenly help is not a negative mode or gear, but ultimately the best one you can ever turn to, which you will recognize toward the end of it all. Society has changed, and you’re just going to have to make it through the way things are, and just keep holding on to Me and all of Heaven’s help for you to come out of it all victoriously. (2015:56) Rely fully on Me and your help from Above, and don’t listen to the devil’s input trying to tell you We’re not even there to help you! Help your faith to grow and do what you can to help it grow around you, as well! We quite need folks who could help others dealing with what’s coming and find some faith in Us, Who could help them out of it, and at least save them into a better Hereafter! I call you to follow Me to help folks exactly through those times coming and lead’em Up to Me. I want you to get more plugged in to Me and the heavenly help you can receive through your act of having received Me, having learned to communicate with Me, and having spent quite some of that life with and for Me by faith, and not relying on a System state to get you to make it through! I’ve promised you I’d help you to make it even during the Endtime and its Tribulation when there’ll be no more cash, but only the mark of the Beast, which true believers won’t accept and will have to make it through those 3½ tough years only through help from Above. As much as you face the trouble up ahead and look at Me for help in knowing how to deal with it, you can even feel the strength inside you growing again… (2015:58) Depending on Me and asking for My supernatural help is the only way you’ll make it through what’s coming up ahead, and that’s why I’m trying to get you into learning all those things you’ll need to have in mind and do when the troublesome times will have reached you to the full. The times to manage it all basically without My tangible help are pretty much over, and what you’re going through right now is helping to prepare you for that. Cling to Me, and apply for My help in a regular and constant manner, and don’t just have confidence in things and times ahead of you working out somehow … even without it. Those days are over. Applying for My help on a regular basis doesn’t just sound like the best manner, but the only way you’ll manage to make it.

My help I’ll pour upon you as a result of your prayers and asking Me for it. You’re going to be more dependent on Our help than you’ve ever been before, and trust Me that it’ll be coming when you let Us know you need it! (2015:60) Cling to and trust in Me to help and see you through even when the times get the roughest ever! Be confident that I’ll be around to help see you through, even when the roughest time of world history will finally arrive! (2015:61) If you feel like you’re in a situation you can’t make it in without My help, well… that’s the way things are going to be eventually, and the sooner you get used to depending on My aid and support instead of your own capabilities, the better. You’ve got Me and My help available to you, and getting used to your dependence on it is better than being partly able to manage it all in your own power of the flesh. You’re going to need My help desperately. You’re desperately dependent on Me, can’t make it without My help, and the closer you cling to Me, the greater your chance to wind up making it and being victorious, after all. You can’t make it by yourself or in your own strength, but you can make it depending and leaning on Me to help you. Ask Me for My help, and don’t keep trying to make it without it! The more you learn to make it with and depending on My help, the better off you’re going to be! As far as your shape and state to make you think you cannot manage to do certain things, maybe you could ask Me for My aid and strength to help you in such situations, in order to avoid negative reactions! (2015:62) It always helps to have Me and your heavenly helpers by your side to help you make it, but that’ll also help you to give the honor and praise to Heaven Up Above and Its Makers, which is also a helpful spiritual attitude! Just keep in mind that We’ll help you make it! And with that attitude, you’ll also develop a more thankful and praiseful attitude, a more positive spirit! (2015:67) All in all, you don’t quite know yet what life is holding up for you to handle; so it means you’re going to have to stay desperately in touch with Me, and rely on My help in order to make it. I’m sorry for you that life is treating you so roughly right now, but I’m also hoping that this will cause you to really learn to let all things in your life depend on Me and My aid, help and support. Stay in touch with Me constantly, as the Bible says (“without ceasing”), and put your energy into applying for My help! The sooner you start really getting into the gear of depending on Me and all your help available to you from above, the better. (2015:68)

If you can’t make it without Me and My help, trust Me that that’s a very good sign! Why do you think you’re the ones having one of the roughest times right now and currently? Who’s the one in charge of that? You know it’s the enemy, and the fact that he’s giving you the hardest times shows who and what he’s mostly against! And if that drives you into My arms and makes you beg and ask for My help, well, that’s not anything negative, considering that that’s the only way believers are going to make it through the Tribulation. (2015:69) Hang on to Me and I’ll help you make it through anything! No matter how hard and tough it seems, I can help you make it through it all! (2015:75) Tough times and rough circumstances are there for those who don’t really insist on relying on themselves and don’t mind relying on Me instead, and all the help from Above they can get. (2015:76) When you realize you can’t make it by yourself, cling to Me and let Me take over and help you do it. Desperation may lead you towards Me and cause you to pray for My help and power, but once you’ve got it, you’ll see, it disappears! (2015:79) It’s a rotten world right now, but you’re going to have to learn how to deal with it and how to handle it and cope with it! And you’ll need My help for that! Not dealing easily with taking care of things by yourself should be a reminder that you’ve got Me as a major help to take care of things. Don’t rely on yourself so much anymore, nor on other, physical factors, but on Me and My help, and you’ll discover the advantage of that, eventually. (2015:80) Look unto Me, and in My direction, asking Me for, relying and depending on My help! Trust in Me a bit more, that I can and am capable of helping you! (2015:82) Life should teach you to look up and cling to My help and aid to get you out of its messes, or at least to help you make it through them, overcome the hindering and down-trotting forces, and make you learn to cling to and depend on Me more! You’ve got to grow stronger against evil forces and resist them with Our help and force at your aid! The more you experience to operate with the help of My strength and aid from Above, the better off you’re going to be! Let Me help you make it! And doing that will also help you give Me greater glory for it all! (2015:83) If it’s tough for you, that means you need My help, and are coming to Me and looking at Me to get some…

Dependence on Me plays a better and safer role in life, helping to see you through whatever comes. So, cling to Me, hold on to Me and know and keep in mind that I can help you to manage and overcome all difficulties. Try to take it as well as you can, what you’re having to deal with, and let it teach you to avail yourself of My help and strength! There are situations nobody can help you to handle but Me! (2015:84) Depending on Me, and learning to do that, is what will help you make it through what’s up ahead, and one of the main reasons for what you’re having to go through. (2015:86) Applying for your help from Above is a good thing to get into, and something We’re all definitely welcoming. Don’t be too worried if things get into a situation where you can’t purely handle them by yourself anymore, but need Our help to make it through them. Consider the fact that doing things for Me and the Father doesn’t depend as much on your own strength as on Our help We lend you. (2015:91) Keep trusting in Me, and that I’ll help you, and eventually you’ll have more faith that you’ll make it, and consequently will. If you can’t seem to make it at the time being, just trust Me that I’ll help you to make it whenever you express your need for My help! (2015:93) Try harder to get ahold of Me and of My help! You might desperately need it, not too far ahead in the future! (2015:94) With all the bad and rotten things that are still going to pop up in history, it’s important you’re raising your faith and trust Me that I can help you make it through it, anyway. (2015:95) Applying for My help is something you ought to get into regularly, for times are coming when you’ll need it quite desperately, and your own strength of the flesh isn’t going to be enough anymore. (2015:96) Keep clinging to and asking for My help and that of the angels and helpers in Heaven! Don't rely too much on yourself! That's one of the biggest and most common mistakes people on Earth are generally making! One of the wisest things you can do is realizing that you cannot just completely rely on your own understanding, but should cling to Me and your help from Above instead. Remember to be more heavenly-minded, and turn your spiritual views up to Us Up Here, who will help you, if you ask us for help! Ask for love, and for help to give it to those you want to give it to! Depend a bit more on Our help and ask Us for it! Trust Me: you'll need Our help more and more as time goes on! The stuff the enemy and his folks come up with needs more help from Above, so, don't try to make it on your own, but ask for that help! It's humbling, yes; but remember that humility is an important gift and treasure to help you make it with help from Above that you can't come up with by yourself! You need Us and that heavenly help; so get into the groove of asking for it! If there's anything you ought to have learned, it is that you should desperately keep asking Us for help and protection, and not take it for granted that things will always run smoothly by themselves! Call out for Our help, if for sure you want to make it! You need it, are dependent on it, and that's why it's so important you pray and ask for it! Basically, that's what every one of My mentionings of dependence on Our help means: that you should stay in prayer, and how dependent you are on staying in contact with your heavenly helpers in order to make it through the dark times to come! It's a rough time on Earth, with much rougher ones coming, so you should get used to it, asking for help and protection, and anything else you might need in order for you to make it! - Which is also why it happens that some things don't work as they should: Reminders that you should pretty much always ask for heavenly help and protection to make it! Things that remind you that you can’t are reminders from and of Us, Who will help you when there's no other way to make it. And while those times are coming soon for all believers, the sooner you get used to asking for help, the better! (2015:98) If there’s a plan for you to hang around a little bit longer through those coming times of trouble, you’re just going to have to trust Us that We’ll help you and see you through. If you feel weak and frightened without My help and the Spirit, it just shows how much more you need to apply for that help, and use it! You can’t make it without it! So, it’s another sign how much and how desperately you need My help, and won’t be able to make it without it! (2015:103) Can you make it? If not, but you want to, it’s a time to ask for My help and any help from Above! When you realize you can’t make it by yourself or in your own strength, well, it’s time to ask for help from Up Here, your Home – the Place you ultimately belong, and that’s not taken over by the enemy, nor ever will be! We’re helping you as soon as you apply and plead for Our help, and you don’t have to go through that trouble of the world on your own! If you can’t make it, well, remember there’s a lot of help Up Here to apply, making even seemingly impossible things for you possible. Depend on Us and apply for Our help, the sooner the better, because some day soon you’ll be utterly dependent on it, with no more chance to make it on your own, in your own wisdom or strength. Trust in Me and all help from Above to help you through what you’ve got to make it through! (2015:104) When you know that some big downhill changes are going to be impending soon, you better get into a rhythm and gear of depending and leaning on Me and your help from Above. (2015:106)

If you can’t manage to get prepared for what’s up ahead by yourself, it’s a good time to rely on Me and ask Me to help you to. Depend on Me more, and ask Me to help you to make it… apply for My help! You’ll need it sooner or later, anyway, and pretty much desperately, since the times awaiting this world are going to be the toughest ever. There’ve been times you had bigger chances to make it without My aid, but what’s coming up ahead is definitely different and going to be tougher to make it through. The good old days are nearly over, and the times up ahead will require My help desperately. The sooner you get used to that gear of depending on help from Above, instead of below, or down there, trust Me: the better it will be! (2015:107) You need to trust in and count on Me to help you to make it. If things don’t seem to work out by themselves, well, it might be a reminder to ask Us in Heaven for help. After all, if you believe in Us in Heaven, why would you not rely on Our help? I know, things have been going relatively easy for you in previous years, but the time is coming when things won’t be that easy anymore, and you’re going to have to rely more on Our help… So… get it, by asking for it! If you’re not in the shape to make it by yourself, it shows that you need Me to help you make it. So, perhaps just part of the system to help remind you of the fact that you need Me! – And not just My Words and input, but also, especially My help and Power from Above. True: most people seem to make it without Heaven’s help. But you ought to be used to needing My help from Above! You need and depend on My help more desperately than ever. To need and depend on My help more desperately than ever is a necessary preparation to help you make it through the even rougher times up ahead you ought to know by faith are going to get there soon. Learn to seek My help on a regular basis to make it through the tough times, since there are still tougher ones on their way to make it through and bear with… If life seems to be too great a challenge for you at times, just remember to ask for the help from Above! You may not be able to make it on your own, but hey, you’ve got all that help from Up Here at your disposal, if you just get into the gear of asking for it! Remember that as one of the main reasons for “Pray without ceasing!” Don’t stop asking for help to make it! There’s definitely a reason for that reminder to pray and ask for help from Above pretty much constantly. (2015:108) I know, it’s very tough to have to make it through such a devilish abode there. But then again, it forces you to depend on My help and causes you to apply for and ask for it. To manage staying a bit more on the defensive against the enemy you desperately need My help for, which is not a bad thing but a needed preparation for what’s up ahead… Holding on to Me and letting Me help you to make it, you will! You’ll also know, that if you should ever make it through the times to come, it won’t just have been you, your own power and abilities, but Me doing it through you, and My help keeping you going! Help from Above in times to come will be greater than your own abilities. If you don’t know what’s going on, or how to go on, just ask Me to help you and to show you! You’ve just got to get used to asking Me more for help! (2015:109) Things going down in the system should teach you to put your main trust in Me and your help from Above! By Satan’s ultimate rule in the end you won’t be able to rely on the system anymore at all, but only your help and supply from Above! Get used to the fact that you need Me and Our help from Above, and quit leaning too much on your own capabilities to supply what you need in the system, because that system might not keep running that way much longer. But make your faith in Me and your supply from Above the most important and significant factor! (2015:110) Learn how to handle, manage and cope with what life has to give you, and let it all strengthen your trust in Me by asking Me for help and appreciating it when it comes! If those around you aren’t much help, remember to ask and apply for Mine, the help from Above! Asking for and then taking the advantage of the help from Above is what will encourage others most to join you in your faith! So, fight for getting all the help from Above you can, so that others can gain a little hope from it, too! (2015:111) We can help you make it, if your attitude and willingness, as well as your yieldedness are turned in the right direction! We’re Here to help you, and with Our help it’s not impossible! Just keep trying, and keep looking in the right direction, and with Our help you can make it! (2015:112) The first apostles definitely didn’t make it without help from Above, and if they thought they would, something not so nice usually happened to them. And times are going to become a lot like that, and even worse, with a worldwide government of the enemy’s power, so prepare! Be more aware of your need for Me and your heavenly help! You need help? – Good! That’s what We’re here for, your Saviour and helpers from Above! That’s what our communication and Power of the Spirit is there for… The Father knew that it would be absolutely necessary someday for true believers to survive and make it through the Endtime. So, keep and stay in touch! Don’t let the views and ways of the world continue to distract you. Time

to stay tuned in to your Help from Above and support of the Holy Ghost, the angels and spirit helpers, any help from Above you can get and apply for! Remember, “Without Me ye can do nothing” (Jn.15:5)? Well, in times to come the version will also be applicable that without Our help and protection you won’t make it through the days to come, so you’ll desperately need Me and your Help from Above! Just let these times help to prepare you for what’s coming! If you feel like you won’t be able to make it, know that with Our help you will! (2015:113) If you can’t make it on your own, just cling to Me and all your help from Above, the only way you’ll ever make it through those hard and dark days to come! Cling to Me and your help from Above to help you to make it and rise above! Depend on My strength instead your own, and on your help from Above… (2015:117) If you don’t know how to make it through your day, just ask Me for help! You may need more help from Above to make it, but that will be the case all the more in times to come. So, let’s get you prepared for it! Trusting in Me and My help that you’re going to make it… that’s the groove and gear into which you’re going to have to get! If your day’s becoming like a nightmare to you again, it’s time for you to ask and apply for My help. You need Me and My help and Spirit even more when times will get worse. (2015:118) The more you get back into the gear of applying for My help to pull you through, the better off you’ll be in the long run, trust Me! (2015:120)

If you can’t make it on your own, just apply and plead for My help and help from Above, without which you won’t make it through what’s coming in the future, either; so, the sooner you get into depending on Me and the help you can get from Above, the better. Learn to depend on help from Above without which you’re just not going to make it. You won’t make it through the Endtime without Our help, and what you’re going through right now is just some training and preparation for that period, so you’ll get into the right groove and rhythm. The rough times are making you more dependent on Me and your help from Above. Drawing you closer to Me and making you more conscious of the degree to which you need Me, and will need Me and My help in times to come, are definitely some positive things when you know what I know about the future ahead of you! Depending on strength from Above, not just your own abilities, is what will help you make it through times to come… They’re rough times, but We’ll help you make it all the way through them, and getting used to applying for, and grabbing ahold of that help will turn out to have been worth it, you’ll see. (2015:121) Keep in touch with Me as much as you can, and check in with Me as often as possible to be led and guided on the right tracks by Me and your helpers from Up Here, since that’s going to be an important modus operandi for the future. Let Me and the heavenly Kingdom play that part to help see you through! (2015:122) If you don’t know how to handle things, just ask Me for help! That’s probably one of the main reasons why these things happen: to remind you to ask Us for help and depend on your help from Above, not thinking you could make it on your own, because that’s what the times coming towards this world you’re in are going to be like! Get used to asking for help from Above! Otherwise you just might not make it through what’s to come. Don’t try to get used to your former gear of handling things according to your own abilities, because the times are changing and have changed, and you just might not make it without applying for help from Up Here! It’s not necessarily anything positive for followers of Mine to believe and act as if they could handle things pretty much on their own, trusting more in their own abilities and strength than My help. Get into the groove of fully relying on your help from Above, and not your own abilities! (2015:123) Ask Me and all of Heaven Above for help! Asking Me for help shows that you depend on Me and are counting on Me and the help and power from Above, not what that world you live in might be offering! Sometimes you need to cope with the fact that all you can rely on for sure is My help and that from Up Here… Considering Heaven as a more reliable source of help and support is part of that faith you’re supposed to have in Us. Get into the gear of confiding and trusting mostly in Me and your Help from Above! Rely on Me and My help and support, and keep asking for it and depending on it. I can help you to make it! Trust Me for that? (2015:125) Sometimes it’s better not to think you’re going to make it through times coming. At least like this you’re more desperate for My help, and knowing you won’t make it without My help makes it more likely that you are going to make it: dependence on Me and help from above, instead of relying on your own abilities, which actually won’t be enough to help anyone to make it through what’s coming. So, don’t be too downhearted over having gotten into this state in which you’re much less able to do things by yourself and have become much more dependent on Me and your help from Above, since that’s the only thing that’s going to help you make it through what’s coming. So, don’t be too downhearted over having gotten into this state in which you’re much less able to do things by yourself and have become much more dependent on your help from Above, since that’s the only thing that’s going to help you make it through what’s coming.

Trust Me for that move towards greater dependence on Me, knowing assuredly that you couldn’t make it without that help from Above, and thus relying more on it than you used to. If you think you can’t make it, let it be the move of recognizing that you won’t be able to manage it without the help from Above you’ll need to make it through times to come, and thus bring you into the gear of asking and applying for that help to be much more able to make it through times to come. Self-reliance may be what the system teaches its pupils is something good, but when it comes down to it, you’ll find out you’ll be much better off trusting more in Me and your help from Above… Get used to needing My help, and not thinking you could make it on your own. It may have worked for some time, but with life becoming rougher, it’s good to get used to leaning and depending on Me to help you make it through. (2015:126) Trust in Me to help you through what’s to come! (2015:128) You’ve got to get into the rhythm of asking for My help, and all the help from Above you can get! Applying for help from Above is a wise movement and preparation for what’s to come. There’ll be coming a time when it will all make sense what you had to go through, in order to get pulled closer to your help from Above, and not be used to leaning on your own abilities and capacities anymore. (2015:130) The ability to receive the Power from Above will be quite necessary to help you make it through what’s coming, and becoming of the world: the enemy’s global empire, thankfully for a limited period! Learn to depend on Us, and all the help from Heaven you can get! Apply for the strength from Above that will help you to make it! Prepare for the times to come, during which you’ll be absolutely dependent on Us, and all the help from Heaven you can get! (2015:131)

When one realizes that what he can do by himself isn’t enough anymore, that’s when he may realize that he could use some help… and, hey, you’ve got pretty much all of Heaven ready to lend you some help! So, use it! Can’t make it on your own anymore? Make use of Heaven’s help! (2015:133) Just make it your life’s vision, and pray for Our help in order to make it, and fulfill a believer’s purpose! It’s tough for you, but there’s plenty of help to receive from Up Here for the right purposes, like bringing Heaven and Salvation to others as much as you can. And with that help from Above, one is certainly more able. If you just can’t make it without My input and help from Above, don’t let it make you feel bad. Eventually, that help from Me will be appreciated as the best, and you’ll find out for sure that is wasn’t a waste of time, but the best channel to get onto. Just remember to add the prayers for needed help from Up Here! You need Me and that help from Up Here, so getting into a constant or steady groove to apply for it is very necessary, especially for the days to come, when things won’t keep working the way they are now. Prepare for the changes, and thus, cling to Me and the help from Above you need, more than ever. I guess you can tell that the good and easy days are over. And to make it through those to come, you’ll need My help and support on a more steady basis than ever! So, apply and ask for them! Don’t even try to make it without Me and the help from Heaven! The times to come won’t just be difficult, but pretty much impossible to make it through without the help from Above you need to learn to apply for and lean on right now! Trying to make it without help from Above will be a failure then, so, get used to depending on Me and Heaven’s help now! Lean on your help from Above more than ever before! Let your faith get back into Me and help from Above, instead of your own talents and abilities! Once you’re following Me, you’ll also receive help and provision from Up Here. (2015:136) To rely more on Me and your help from above is a challenge, and a testing of your faith that comes in a little hard at first, especially once you’d been used for decades to rely on your own talents and fortes, but as far as the future of the world is concerned, you’ll only make it through the help from Above! Have a little trust in Me that I can help you make it, even though you’re feeling physically weak! Trust more in Me than in your own strength, and you’ll discover that that’s what’s going to help you make it! (2015:138) After the AC takes over the world, you just ought to learn to get used to things working not by themselves, but through My supernatural help. It may be a bit of a drastic change not to be making it without My supernatural help at all through the days, but… well, that’s preparation for the Endtime, when you’ll definitely not make it without My help! (2015:140) Keep trusting in Me, and that I’ll help you make it! Put all your trust in Me and your heavenly Help, and you’ll be grateful in the end for having made the right decision and the choice for the proper path! (2015:141) The more help You’ll need, the more you’ll cling to Me, and that’ll be the most important and significant factor for the future that’s facing you! (2015:142) Focus on what I can do in order to help you, strengthen and enable you to see things through! Leaning on Me and your help from Above will turn out to be the best you could have ever learned! (2015:143)

Just get used to the fact that you need My help, and you’re going to need it all the more, the tougher times get. If things get too tough for you, if you need My help, just get into the gear and apply for it and ask Me for it! There’ll be times coming when you won’t make it without it, and these times right now are to prepare you for it. (2015:144) Lean on and hold on to Me, and I’ll show and help you some. Just lean on Me as your Helper and Savior, and you’ll see that through faith you’ll miraculously make it somehow! (2015:145) There’ll be a time when believers won’t be able to make it without help from Above, so, it’s time to get used to it, applying for that need, and not lean so much on one’s own capacities as in the past. Humbling? Yes. But remember that as a good quality, not a bad one! (2015:146) I know it’s difficult for you, and tougher and harder than pretty much ever before, but you just have to deal with it and learn to cope with it by coming towards Me for My help on a more steady and regular basis, because the tougher the times get, the more you need that, and I’ve told you that the times will get tougher! Stay closer to Me and ask for more help because you can’t make it without Me! Learning that you can’t make it on your own without My help through everything is a good, important thing to learn. You can say, and it should be your attitude: “Without You I can do nothing,” and rely on My help and power to support and enable you, knowing and realizing that you totally need it. (2015:149) I’m here to help you make it through with all Our angels and saints, so just use and depend on that help! Realize how much you need Me and the help from Above, instead of leaning on your own strength and abilities. (2015:150) Keep applying for help from Up Here! If the enemy and all his demons will come from the spirit world to take over the earthly rule and large part of the population, it’s going to be all the more important to get your help from Our side! (2015:152) Since it’s going to be the largest takeover of the enemy’s forces ever in history, there’ll also be greater need than ever before to be able to completely rely on your Help from Above! (2015:153) It’s good to become aware of needing My help! It’s good to realize you can’t make it on your own without it! Having been able to largely make it in your own strength and abilities until recently makes it still kind of hard for you to get used to it, not making it on your own, but keep remembering that it’ll get so tough towards the end that it’ll be pretty much impossible to make it through that time without your aid from Above! The folks that have been and are really used by the Father and Me, all had to be utterly dependent on Us, so, get used to it, and don’t consider it something strange, even if it may seem like such hard times for you when you can’t make it without Our supernatural help! But that’s the way things are going to be in times to come, so, the sooner you get used to it, the better! Don’t feel too bad about being so weak, and going through low energy times during which you just need and are dependent on Our help from Above! That’s the perfect preparation for dark times to come, so get used to it! You need Us and Our help from Above more than ever? Get used to it! It’s the way things are supposed to be! That’s why I’m trying to teach you to depend on Us: all your help available from Above! Without Us you might not make it, but with Us and Our help, you will! Needing help from Above is what will strengthen your faith in It – and Us – the most! So, just trust and confide in Us and that We’ll help you to make it, and that’ll give many others some faith to make it through the difficult times coming, too. You need My help, and the world is getting to a point where you will, more than ever! Don’t seek to make it in your own carnal, fleshly efforts, but seek to make it through Me and heavenly Help! (2015:158) Being conscious of the need of My help is already a step forward. It’s a preparation mode, and with it, you’ll be better off than without. If you’re feeling incapable, that’s a sign you should start clinging to My help and all that you can manage to receive from Above! Remember that asking Me for help is one of the most important things to make it through days to come! You have to get used to needing the help from Above more urgently and steadily! Avail yourself of Our Power and Strength, to help you resist and overcome the enemy and his attacks! If you avail yourself of Our help and might, you’ll make it! Make it through your days through faith in Our help! The sooner you get used to availing yourself of the supernatural help from Above, the better off you’re going to be! Right now, not too many folks consider themselves dependent on Our help, but once the Endtime has arrived, you’ll be grateful for having been prepared for it, and having learned to cling to Our help from Above! You’re in desperate need of Me and My help, and some day you’ll recognize this as having been the perfect preparation for what was to come! The mode of depending on Me and your help from Above will strengthen and empower you, even if beforehand you may have been clueless how to! (2015:159) When the worldly system’s on its way down, that’s a good time to look Up to Me and all the help you can apply for from Up Here, getting fully into the state of leaning on Me and your help from Above for your survival…

Learning to depend on Me and help from Above, instead of your own capabilities is definitely what I want you to get into and prepared for! – Not the groove of your physical abilities you used to apply for your income and support before, but a bit more of a supernatural angle, leaning on help from Above. See much more the dependence on help from Up Here playing the main role, instead of your own abilities! (2015:160) Get into a mode of praying for help from Up Here more! Just get used to the fact that the times of making it on your own are over, and you’ll desperately need the help from Above! Put your full trust, confidence and expectations in Me and your help from Up Here! It’s not you who needs to be perfect! Just believe in the One Who is and can help you do better! Not ever really managing to become perfect down there maybe will help you to appreciate Those Who are, and thus, all the more willing to help folks like you, as soon as they realize they still need help! Going through situations that make you a bit more desperate, and dependent on Me and help needed for you to make it through, shouldn’t make you feel too bad. The way your kids feel these days without their mother, while you’ve been a lot more independent and having a hard time coping with their dependence, maybe should just be a sign for you how dependent on Me and your help from Above you ought to be! Why not start viewing it as an example of what should be your attitude towards Me and the help you need from Above? Reliance on Our help should grow, because you’ll need it more than ever in the near future. Life has a lot of mysteries. But seeking Me about them will help you solve them. (2015:161) You can’t take it for granted that all things will work out alright by themselves without staying in proper connection with Us, your Help from Above! Stick close to Me and get into the groove of depending on help from Above! Cling to, and depend on Me and your help from Above, in order to make it. And doing that, trust Me: you will! (2015:162) Life is tough for you right now. But let it serve you as a reminder of how much you need Me and all help from Above you can get now, and even more so in times to come! Just as your children sometimes need your help, so the Father and Mother know that you need Theirs, along with that of all the angels, spirit helpers, and Mine, your Older “Brother’s” and Savior’s! And just as earthly parents are there for their kids, so are your Heavenly Ones there for you, and along with a bunch of helpers, friends and “relatives”! You’ve got a greater Family Up Here than down there; and it’s another reason to keep looking Up Here, to Heaven, from where there’s a whole lot more help available for you than from down yonder! So, keep praying and asking for help from Up Here, and you’ll get it! (2015:163) If you feel like you’re not going to make it, well, that’s a sign you need Our help from Above, which is promised to you. If you’re not really sure how to make it, just cling to and trust in Me, that I’m going to help you make it somehow. Get into the gear again of using your available help from Above! (2015:164) Having weaknesses to overcome is something natural, reminding you of your need of the Help from Above! Resist the temptations of the evil ones! Think you’ll manage? Well, you should, applying for Our help for it! How much have you prayed for My help yet, today? How can you complain that you don’t experience or feel much help from Above, if you hardly ever ask for it? (2015:165) It’s a tough situation for you right now, but in order to make it through the even tougher ones to come, you have to avail yourself of that help from Up Here! Just trust in My strength and help being powerful enough for you to make it through any sort of situation! Get into the rhythm of depending on Me, My help and strength from Above to make it through times to come! (2015:166) Your only chance is to lean on help from Above, not making it by yourself and your own efforts… Take and accept whatever comes with as much grace as you can, even if it’s not anything you’re used to yet, but it’ll help you deal a bit better with what’s yet to come. (2015:167) Once you’re aware of how far-spread the enemy’s influence is scattered across the globe, you begin to realize just how much you need and depend on Me and the supernatural help from Above, and don’t just stick to relying on your own capacities as in years passed, when you had things rigged up in manners that it led your self-confidence to do so, instead of leaning more on Me and your help from Above, which by now you realize you need desperately. You’re not going to make it through times to come, without getting into the gear of leaning and depending on heavenly help from Above in order to make it. When you’re in a situation you can’t make it in on your own, see it as a good and valuable opportunity to depend on Me and your help from Above instead, which you’re going to be dependent on in the future, to make it through the times to come. (2015:169) Just let Me help you make it, without depending on anything else: your own abilities, support from the German state, or whatever… If there are times of trouble coming upon you, just try to handle them and bear with them, even if they’re the toughest you’ve been through, just learn how to deal with them and make it somehow, with My help!

After all, that’s what it’s all supposed to teach you: How to make it and bear these times of trouble with My help! In other words, how to get and avail yourself of My help and that of Heaven, when you can’t make it on your own because the situation coming up is just too hard and too tough! The toughest of all times on earth is pretty much right before you, and something for you to get ready to deal and cope with… so, let My help get you ready, okay? (2015:170) If the impression you get from your current experiences and time you’re going through is that you don’t have much of a chance to make it on your own and without My supernatural help from Above, well, then let it be and view it as good preparation for the toughest times to ever come on earth! If you can’t manage to make it so easily through the times you’re going through right now, just let it be preparation for the hardest times to come, for which you’ll need more of My supernatural help in order to make it than ever before. (2015:174) Get used to the fact of needing Our help, and needing it desperately, as you will during the times to come when the devil will reign down there! The easier times didn’t cause you to ask and apply for help from Above that much… not as much as you’ll need it eventually. So, don’t be too dismayed about needing Me and My help more than ever before! With times becoming rougher than ever before, it’s what you’ve got to get used to: depending on help – miraculous help – from Above, more than you needed it ever before. (2015:180)

Trust in and lean on Me and all help from Above! Relying on Me and help from Above sounds like the right idea way to do it in times to come! The more you’ll have learned to rely on Me and your help from Above, the better off you’ll be in the end. Depend on Us and Our Strength and heavenly Help in order to make it… for Us, always the safest way to make sure that things are going to happen according to Our perfect will, instead of having Our enemy messing around with it! If you can’t handle what life is offering and handing you to deal with right now, well, it’s a sign that you desperately need My help to equip you with more strength to handle what’s to come. Use My input to help you make it and to deal with what’s before you to handle! Don’t feel too bad about not making it without Me and help from Above! Know that you can’t do it on your own – don’t just be shocked by it, and use the help from Above to make it! (2015:181) Can you keep fighting and resisting, instead of surrendering and giving up? No matter how tough it gets? I know it’s a rough and a tough one, but I’ll help you make it through it! It’s time to learn to let Me do it through you and you do it through Me and My help, not on your own and in your own ability! if you feel like you can’t do it – hardly anything – without Me, don’t feel too bad about it, but let it get you into the gear of applying for My help and accompaniment through practically everything you set out to do. (2015:182) Stick to Me and trust Me that I’ll help you make it somehow! (2015:183) Rely and depend on Me and My help and all of Heaven’s to make it through the days to come! It may be a bit tough for you, but just aim for making it with My help, and all of that from Above. (2015:184) If you can’t manage to make it through what you have to, just remember to call on Me for help! Rough times: definitely a time for you to stick to and be dependent on Me and My help from above, not figure you might make it on your own as you did in times past. (2015:185) The enemy’s giving you hard times, but We’ll help and pull you through. Let that hope and Our help give you what you need to manage to make it through the dark time you’re having to pass! You need Me and My help from Above to make it! Don’t take it for granted that things will somehow work out by themselves for you! The times are coming when they won’t, and you’ll need Me and My help desperately! Get used to applying for that help of Mine from Above on a constant level, and that’s the way you’ll make it! (2015:186) If you don’t think or feel like you can make it by yourself, let that be an opportunity for Me to do it through you and thus help you to make it! (2015:188) Help from Above; everything depends on it from now on. I know, it’s a rough and rugged road, but that’s what you need Our heavenly help for: to make it through there and Up Here in spite of it! We’ll help you make it! – And you will! (2015:190) I’m not allowing anything harder and heavier to befall you than you could manage to handle, at least if you’d ask and plead for some help from Up Here to make it! (2015:192) You need Me and Our help from Above more desperately than ever, which is perfect preparation for the toughest times to come, I’d say. Feeling incapable? Good sign, as far as I’m concerned, since you’ll ask for Our help more. Recognize the advantage of being more dependent on your help from Above!

If you don’t know what to do, or how to do it, that’s a good occasion to ask Me or just about any of Us Up Here to give you a clue, or to come and help you! Lean on Us! A lot of help Up Here in Heaven, available for anyone who asks! So, life is tough, life is rough, and not much help from those down there around you? How about asking Us for help, and counting on it? The important thing to do is to keep your mind directed at Me! – Believing that I can help, along with the large list of helpers Up Here, available from the Spirit. Remember that term, “Spirit Helpers”? (2015:194) Count on Our help you may need to make it through the rough times up ahead! It’ll for sure be better than relying on your own capabilities! Needing more help from Above and getting more used to apply for and claim it will be more effective than trusting in and relying on your own capabilities! It’s not so much what you can, that it’s all about, but how much you can trust in what We’ll be able to do for you to help you make it when things will have grown and turned out to be quite rough! I know you’re not so keen on doing it and going through it, but… if you really wind up learning to rely on Our strength and aid, don’t you think that would be the greatest and best way to help others, showing them how to receive Our help from Above and teaching them how to and leading them in that direction? (2015:195) Be dependent on My help and strength to carry you through! You need My help more than ever before; so, learn to rely and depend on it, and not just on yourself! (2015:199) So, you’re dependent on My help now… Is that something so bad? Or will it draw you closer to Me and thus cause you to lean on and trust in Me more than in yourself and your own abilities… I know it’s a tough change for you, but in order to make it through the rough times up ahead, you need to rely and lean on Me and the help from Above, instead of your own abilities and strength. (2015:203) Asking for help is going to get you some help; and rough times are mainly just reminders that you’re not going to make it through this world all on your own, but need that help from Above… so, get into that groove of asking for it, once you realize you’re dependent on it. Get used to depending on Our help from Above… and if you don’t feel or perceive it’s there yet, well, just do what you should have learned by now to obtain it: to pray and ask for it! (2015:204) I just keep reminding you that things won’t continue to stay as they are, but tougher times are up ahead, for which you’ll need My help and aid a lot more desperately in order to survive the times of trouble and make it through them until I come to clean up the mess the enemy will have left Our creation in! Just remember you need My help to make it through what’s to come! (2015:206) Sometimes what counts is the vision and plans of your partner, and you just taking over the role of a helper, instead of the main act… to give her more of a chance to be able to fulfill her purpose in life. And love on your part would be to show willingness and helpfulness to enable that! (2015:207) If times get rougher and tougher, just deal with it and learn how to handle it! Learn how to handle it with My Help through praying for it. Apply for My Help when you need it! Come up with the faith and structure through prayer to receive it! If it’s rough times, just see it as times to get into the gear of calling upon and handling it with My Help! Many times folks complain about Me not being around to help them through trouble is mainly because they haven’t really gotten into the groove yet of applying for My Help through trouble! So, it’s time to get into it and learn how to! Without My Help… don’t be too shocked if you won’t make it! It’s the one way to make sure you will! So, if you feel like you can’t make it, apply for My Help! Don’t even expect to make it without it, since times will eventually be coming you won’t make it without it, and I’m just preparing you for it and hoping you’ll learn to successfully apply and ask for it! (2015:210)

Believers in Me and My followers should learn how to avail themselves of My Power and Help, since it’s going to be more necessary in times to come. (2015:211) As rough and as tough as circumstances may be, let them teach you to cling more to Me and help from Above! (2015:214) Times are getting worse, and you have to learn to avail yourself of My help, and all the help from Above you can get! Times are definitely getting rougher than ever for you, so, learning to deal with it through My counsel may help others in an even tougher future… (2015:215) So, no idea what your life is supposed to be like, nor how it’s supposed to go on? That just means, you might have to avail yourself of My help, guidance and support some more… (2015:217)

If all in all it’s a horrendous scene your life is facing right now, maybe it’s a sign that you need My help to transform and change it from horrid to enjoyable? Maybe you ought to get used to applying My supernatural help to change the way things are running for you… You weren’t getting close to apply for My help every step of the way… until – I hope you are – now. Folks just don’t pray as much as they ought to until the circumstances start getting harder and tougher. Can you see now why it’s necessary to allow things to turn that way, if application for Our help is going to be so necessary in later years or times of trouble? (2015:218) I am He that helps you make it through any dark times up ahead. The more you cling to Me for help to make it, and the more you make it into a habit, the better. (2015:222) Continue calling up Our help from Up Here. If you’re ready to let Us work through you – the Holy Spirit with all Her helpers – you definitely won’t regret it. (2015:223) If your former self-security is gone, isn’t that a good sign to put your trust and confidence in Me, and your help from Above? If you’re not doing so hot and great, and not as supposedly impressive as in former times, just take it as a sign that you should put your trust and confidence in something else than your own abilities… some strength and power to help you from Above! (2015:227) You won’t be able to make it with your own capacities through the time up ahead, during which the enemy will take complete control over the planet, but only through having learned to totally rely on Me and your help and the Power from Above. There are tougher times up ahead, and you won’t make it through them without having learned to totally rely and depend on My supernatural help! If life is rough and tough, let it serve you to rely and depend on Me and your help from Above. (2015:229) If things aren't working out exactly the way you'd want the to, or a bit too tough for you to handle, that's what I and your spirit helpers are there for, strengths, powers and forces you ought to learn to avail yourself of a lot more in sight of the fact that things are still developing to become a lot harder and tougher, and thus you need to learn to avail yourself of that help from Above! Get into the rhythm of leaning and depending on Me and all your help from Up Here, to be able to withstand the attacks of a ferocious enemy. You can make it against him. Through Me, and all the help from Above! (2015:230) Do your best to get used to those times of trouble! It’s necessary to get used to them, since the roughest ever are to come! That’s why you’re getting the largest amount of input from Me on availing yourself of that help from Above, without which you’re not going to make it through those times, and also as potentially helpful input for others becoming receptive during that time. So, prepare in getting used to availing yourself of the help from Above, which will also be useful and vital to others who won’t be receiving the Mark and will be dependent on supernatural help to make it through those times to come! Availing yourself of that help from Above will be the most useful thing in those times to come, so don’t trust and rely too much on your own abilities to make it through, but get used to relying on that supernatural help from Above… Not depending on one’s own abilities, but relying on help from Above is what it’s all about, concerning the times to come. If you feel like you can’t make it during some of these times, remember to avail yourself of your dependence on Me and the help from Above, which will be the only thing enabling you to make it through what’s coming, so you’d better learn it, the sooner the better, to rely and depend on Me and the help from Up Here, as soon as you can, and not lean on your own capacities to see you through! Rely on Me and heavenly help more than what you can still get out of that world temporarily! The strength you need will come from Me, and all the heavenly Help you manage to avail yourself of! (2015:234) Here, where I am, where We, the Creators, along with our angels and preceding followers and believers of Mine are expecting you, from Where all the help you need to make it through hell on earth is available to those who believe in and apply and ask for it. I can definitely understand that life down there is pretty hard for you right now, which is why I’m keeping reminding you of availing yourself of Our help from Above. You’ll need it more than ever in the times to come! So, keep clinging to Our help and protection, Amen? (2015:235) Hardly knowing how to make it through rough times should get you to cling closer to Me and My strength, power and help from Above, and that of Heaven, that’s available to you! If you can’t make it on your own, it’s a sign that you need to avail yourself of the help from Above you need. You know that dependence on Me and your help from Above is a serious and important lesson to learn for the even darker times to come, so avail yourself of what there’s to learn from those lessons! If you can’t make it, well, that’s a sign you need to avail yourself of the help from Above. We need folks who’ll apply the help of the Power from Above in order to get the good things done that are Our will and plan. Avail yourself of Our help and support and cling to, and lean on it! (2015:238) Physical strength gets diminished to teach you that there’s a necessity of leaning on Our strength and help from Above. (2015:240) Get into the gear of depending on My help and protection from Above, otherwise the times may easily get tougher than you can handle! You need My help more than ever before to make it through life victoriously, which, of course, is My will for you, but it does depend a lot on you, your action and permanent behavior and obedience to the rules from Up Here.

If you feel like you can’t make it right now, it’s a reminder that you’re dependent on the help from Above, and a reminder to make you cling to it, ask for it and stay in that gear of praying without ceasing. If you feel like you can’t make it right now, it’s a reminder that you’re dependent on the help from Above, and a reminder to make you cling to it, ask for it and stay in that gear of praying without ceasing. Cling to the miraculous help from Above as much as you could and should! In any case it won’t harm anyone to get into the groove of applying for help from Above… (2015:241) When you have no clue how to make it, sounds definitely like the right situation to apply for and use that help from Above, from Up Here, I’ve been offering you so many times. After all, the time is coming when you won’t make it without it, and the sooner you learn to apply for and avail yourself of it, the better! How you’re going to make it pretty much depends on how and whether you learn to apply for My help. it’ll take miracles to make it through the times to come, so, get used to applying for miracles and depending on your help from Above! Applying for that help from Up Here is the only way for you to eventually make it down there, so, to avail yourself of it is the most important thing you can possibly learn! Learn how to avail yourself of My help and all the help you can get from Up Here! So, ready to make it with and through My help? If other folks are expecting more of you than you feel capable of… well, try to manage to come up with as much as you can with My help! Remember the heavenly helpers! One thing to learn and realize that it’s tough without it, and eventually, when the times of trouble arrive, there’ll be no way to make it without it! So, stay in prayer for that heavenly help without which it’ll be impossible to make it, eventually, and the sooner you learn to cling to it, the better for you! (2015:242) You have your own talents and abilities, but you have to trust Me that it’s more important to rely on the strength and aid from Above in the times coming, that are getting darker, and even the darkest of world history. Prepare for it by learning to rely on and cling to Me and your help from Above! Things are getting tougher for you these days to teach you that without Our help towards the end, you wouldn’t make it. But, of course, We’d want you to! With the hardest time of history approaching, there’s no other way than preparing for it and learning how to make it through, than availing oneself of the definitely available Help from Heaven, the Creators of all, and Their vast and helpful heavenly Host. See it as something positive to help you make it through the roughest time ever that has been inevitably announced since thousands of years ago… In the end, the future will be getting better, and there’s just that relatively short period of Tribulation to make it through, which you can, with Our help! (2015:244) If you’re becoming weaker in the flesh, take it as a sign that you need to become more dependent on Me and your help from Above! Realize that it’s not a bad thing to become dependent on Heaven’s help with the state into which the world is turning! (2015:247) If you think life’s tough now, I’m afraid it’s bound to get even tougher. That’s why I keep telling you it’s important to depend on Me and your help from Up Here. It’s important for you to keep remembering who’s in charge down there, and thus stay in tune with Me and all the help you can get from Up Here. Unfortunately, it’s going to be rougher, with the roughest of all times for believers coming up, down there. That’s why it’s important to learn to keep depending on Me, and not try to or think you can make it without Our help from Above! Remember you need and are dependent on My help, and all the help from Above you can get ahold and avail yourself of! Can’t make it on your own? Well, it’s a good reminder you need to depend on your help from Above! So, get into that gear of depending on your help from Above, without which eventually you won’t make it! So, avail yourself of Our help! The troubles you’re already experiencing are only a preparation for much greater trouble to come, and there to teach you to depend and lean on all the help from Up Here you can get, without which there won’t be much chance to make it through the troublesome times to come, and which you have to get prepared for to handle them… The troubles you’re already experiencing are only a preparation for much greater trouble to come, and there to teach you to depend and lean on all the help from Up Here you can get, without which there won’t be much chance to make it through the troublesome times to come, and which you have to get prepared for to handle them… Some things there’s just no one to rely on for, except your help from Above. (16:1) I’m allowing circumstances to tie you closer to Me and make you dependent on Our help from Above! If life’s not just a piece of cake, it’s a sign that you’ve got to make an effort to cling to Me, as you’ll need Me and all the help from Up Here you can get more than ever. There comes a time when My followers and believers, brothers and sisters through having received Me, need to get into the groove of clinging to Me and the heavenly help available. After all, that’s where you’re headed: Up Here, and getting used to using all the help from Heaven you can get will prepare you for your arrival Here… along with the fact that it’s just necessary to avail yourself of it to make it through the darkest times to come.

Become aware of the fact that you won’t stand a chance to make it through the times to come without Me and your help from Above! You’ll make it by leaning on the strength, power and help available to you from Above. (16:3) The best you could and should rely on is Me and all the help from Above you can get! (16:5) Don’t let weaknesses tear you down, but just let them be a reminder of how much you ought to cling to Me and all the available heavenly help from Above! With Our help you can make it! Without it, I’m afraid you won’t; so cling to Us and our help! – The only chance for anyone to make it through the dark times to come. (16:6) When things aren’t going too rosy, pray and ask for My help from Above! (16:8) Having to find out whether and how you’ll make it through life, but not knowing how to, doesn’t that make you a lot more dependent on your help from Above, instead of keeping you confident in your own capabilities? It may be more comfortable to be able to rely on that, but is “comfortable” really the adjective for the way I’d like you to use in order to strengthen your trust in Me and the help from Above? If you can’t make it on your own, don’t necessarily see it as a negative way or trait! – But if it requires My help, and all the help from Above you can get, see it as something positive! (16:10) The best way to get prepared for any drastic changes in life is to stay close to and dependent on Me and all the help from Above you can get. (16:13) Dealing with the fact that there might come a time when you’ll need to utterly depend on Me and that help from Above is quite important. Can’t manage it all on your own? Well, get used to it! Get prepared for rougher and tougher times that will make you a lot more dependent on that help from Above, and less reliable on your own abilities! If you feel like you can’t make it, apply for My help, without which it’ll be just about impossible to make it through the rough times to come! (16:16) Finding out that you can’t make it through things on your own, but need help from Above and to depend on Me and all the Power from Heaven you can get, is important, since it’ll be the only way to make it through the times of trouble coming. (16:18) Finding out how wicked the world is becoming should remind you of the necessity of prayer and asking for help from Above to make it… and it’ll become worse and harder, thus requiring more of that. (16:19) Feeling weak is to show you and prepare you that you won’t be able to make it through the coming dark times on your own, without the necessary help from Up Here. So, getting into the gear of making it through the available help from Heaven is what you have to learn…relying on the only Force and Strength that will help you make it through the rough. Invest more time in asking for that help and strength! With less of your own strength to rely on, trust Me that leaning and relying on Me and all the help from Up Here you can get will turn out to be the far better deal for you! Become strongly attached to and dependent on the heavenly help and strength from Above! Just stick to and stay in tune with Me – trying to make it what you tune in to above everything else, but Me in the first place, that means – and try and see whether that won’t be the factor to help you make it even through the roughest time of world history! (16:20)

One of the main purposes of life: Learning how to handle troublesome times with My help… If you feel like you can’t make it, hang on to Me and your heavenly help! (16:22) Get used to handling circumstances as they come, and learn how to deal with them through My help and Strength from Above! (16:24)

If situations seem too tough for you to make it through them by yourself, let it teach you to apply for and depend on My help and all the help from Above you can get, which, trust Me – is the only way to make it through what’s before you. (16:27) Learn to make it through the rough times and let Me help you make it through them! Even if it’s a tough and rough stretch right now… trust Me that I’ll help you make it through it! And having to come to Me for help, once you just can’t seem to make it anymore on your own, consider that a necessary gear to learn for even rougher times to come. (16:29) Good you’ve learned that you need My help – and desperately! When you can’t seem to make it on your own anymore… well, that’s the time folks start giving Me a chance to let Me come to work in their lives. So, don’t be too upset about those weakening times, those times when you can hardly feel like you’ll still make it! And let Me make it for you, or help you make it! If it’s rough times, well… take the chance to apply for My help, and experience the difference it’ll make! Keep seeking and applying and asking Me for the help you obviously and desperately need!

Trying to make it through the bad times? Well, keep pleading and applying for My help! – And “Mine” means: all of Heaven’s! (16:31)

When you’ve been spoiled by former, easier ways of living, you’ve just got to get used and adjusted to the tougher phases! And… well, asking for help from Above is the proper way. When you’re not content with the circumstances, it’s time to pray for help to change them! To change the world depends on Our help. There’ll be major changes once I’ll return, but in the meantime, use Our help from Above to bring about whatever changes you can and need! So, don’t enjoy your circumstances? Then ask for My help and Power to change them! Don’t be too stuck on the conditions around you when it is within your possibility to change them with the help from Above! (16:35) Lean on the Strength and help from Above, not your own capabilities, which simply won’t be sufficient for what’s coming up ahead in the not too far away future! Learn to cling to the help from Above, a Power without which My earlier disciples never would have made it, either. My message for you right now is, you won’t be able to make it on your own anymore from here on, you need Our help from Above, so apply for and cling to It! So, just keep Me and your need for heavenly help on your mind as much as constantly! That’s why things and circumstances are a bit too tough for you to make it on your own, without the supernatural help from Above right now, because you’ll need that Help more and more as time goes on! If things are too rough for you, take it as a reminder to cling to My Strength, Help and support from Above, without which you won’t make it through the times to come! (2016:37) Help from Up Here’s available. Just got to pray and ask for it! The times are coming that are going to be the toughest ever, and the only way to make it through them is to avail oneself of that heavenly help! To depend and lean on Me and the help from Above is one of the principal lessons and processes going on in this part of history: Preparation for the toughest and hardest time of history to come. See it as a path and method to make you rely on the help and Strength from Above, which will be absolutely necessary to make it through those times to come! The process to learn to rely on Me and all help and Strength from Above is not a negative, but definitely – as you’ll eventually see – a positive one! (2016:38) Life may be tough, but it’s also a challenge for you to make the best you can out of it! And if you don’t manage it on your own, avail yourself of the help I keep offering you! – Ask for it! So, can’t seem to make it? Take Heaven’s help! (2016:40) Let Me help you carry the weight, and don’t attempt to make it in your own strength, which may sometimes work, sometimes doesn’t, but especially with the rough times to come, nothing you should lean on or be confident of! Remember to avail yourself of My help and Power! If rough times turn out tough to manage on your own, just remember Me and My help and avail yourself of it and My Presence in your daily life! I know you can’t make it against the enemy’s forces on your own, that’s why I keep reminding you to avail yourself of My help through the Power from Above! What’s to come: A time when you simply won’t make it without Me and availing yourself of heavenly help! So, rough times? Avail yourself of Me and all help from Above you’ll need to make it through your day! You need Me and My Presence throughout your day, including all the protection, help and anointing you can get, because times down there are obviously getting rougher, and the last days of the enemy’s complete reign over the world are fast approaching! So, avail yourself of all the Strength and Power and help from Above you can get through prayer, along with your communication with Me, which I know you’re in desperate need of, the reason I’m definitely available to give you My counsel and comfort through the gift of the Holy Spirit. No way to make it on your own? – Well, good to know you don’t have to, isn’t it? – In fact, you shouldn’t even try to make it without the help from Above! Leaning on and relying on your own abilities might not be exactly what you need for that preparation for the days to come during which you simply won’t be able to! So, get used to utterly depending on the Strength and help from Above, from Up Here, your true Home and Destination! (2016:41) Put up with the circumstances of having to let Us help you make it through life’s harder times, instead of complaining about it whenever they’re not perfect! Take things the way they come! Taking with grace what life has to offer, depending on the help from Above to make it, and not complaining about it with an ungrateful attitude! (2016:42) You should know by now what’s the main thing to help you through the troubled times: Prayer and depending on Me and all the help from Above you can get! Can’t make it on your own? Well… a sign and reminder that you should turn to Me for help to make it! Don’t feel like you can make it? Well, a sign that it’s time to hang on to Me to help you make it through! Need help? Well, it’s available from Up Here… your future Home!

As much as you need the help from Above, it’s definitely no mistake to get into the groove of desperately applying and asking for it! If life’s getting too tough for your taste, learn how to make it with Our help! Learn how to plead for it, asking for and expecting it, so that you’ll get into the groove of using it! Times are coming, impossible to make it without it! So, get used to being in a desperate state with the need of applying for it on a basically constant basis! (2016:43) Have you been pleading for My help today? Trouble is the challenge that brings you into the situation to deal with it, which you don’t really manage without help from Above, but… how else do you even ask for it, unless that trouble’s there? (2016:44) No help from Above needed is going to be a phase of the past for believers! So, get used to that mode of daily dependence on Me and the help from Above! Trust and rely on Me and the plentiful help there’ll be from Above! (2016:45) When you don’t know how you’re going to make it through the day, it’s not supposed to get you in a bad mood, but to apply for and lean on My help. If life gets rough, it’s a reminder that you need Me and all the heavenly help you can get ahold of… just as you will in the near future, which these present hard times are part of the preparation for. So, can’t make it without Me? Remember what’s going to be! – A time when you should be used to making it through what’s going to be around you exclusively with My help! (2016:48) Just because you can’t see right now how I’m going to help you make it through the rough times to come, doesn’t mean I’m not going to. But one thing’s for sure: you have to learn to make it through rough times! And the more you do it and learn to ask for and depend on My help to make it, the more certain it’ll be for you to make it through what’s coming. (2016:49) It’s time to start learning how to deal with hard and unpleasant times with the help from Above. Depending on help from Above on a daily basis is what will get you into the gear of asking and applying for it, in other words, to stay in prayer… which can be neglected when things are running too smoothly. Sometimes there’s no other way for folks to make it through the hard times to come than allowing some trouble to prepare them for it, including in order to get them used to applying for Our help from Above, and not thinking or expecting to be able to make it through coming circumstances in their own strength and capacities. Remember that heavenly help is what you’re going to need in order to make it through the dark times to come! So, the best preparation for the times to come is getting used to needing that help from Above, instead of confiding in your own energies and capacities. It’s best to get used to the need for that help from Above! (2016:50) When you don’t feel like you can make it (on your own), doesn’t it bring you more to asking for My help and direction? And that’s a very important gear to get into for the future! If you can’t make it on your own, it’s a good state to be in to learn to depend on My help and all the help from Up Here you can get, which is the only way you’re ever going to make it through the future approaching the world! Can’t make it without Me and your heavenly help? Well,… good! If you don’t feel like you can make it on your own anymore, well, that’s good! With times a-changing and the world heading for the roughest state of its history, you’ll see that dependence on the help and Power from Up Here will become necessary again for My true followers and believers… Knowing that that physical security isn’t going to last, isn’t it better to be in a place where you already need to rely more on heavenly help, protection and provision from Above? So, don’t fall into the temptation to trust in and rely on the way the system’s working, but be wiser to put your trust in Me and Our Power, help and supply from Above! (2016:52) Learn to apply for My daily help, protection and care, in order to make it through what’s coming! Having to go through daily battles…? You’re just going to have to learn how to make it through them with the heavenly help that’s at your grasp. Feel like you can’t make it without heavenly help? Cheer up! That’s basically the way it ought to be for My true followers! The times coming will desperately require the help from Above for you to make it through them! Spiritual help is what’s going to be more required and necessary than physical aid, since it’s going to be the forces of evil taking over the planet. And the only chances to make it through those times to come are learning to depend on Our help from Above! If the physical circumstances are too easy to need to apply for help from Above… well, that’s not really a life of faith, is it? Get ready for the roughest times to come by learning to apply for and receive heavenly help each day you’ll be going through when the enemy will have descended for his ultimate reign on the planet! (2016:53) If things are tougher than you can handle, it’s a sign and reminder to avail yourself of the help from Above! Rely on Me and your help from Above that is able to see you through whatever comes! (2016:54) Making it with Me and My help is the only way to make it. Rely on Me more – the help from Above, and the only one that’ll help you make it through what’s before you! It’s not through your own abilities you’ll make it through what’s to come, but only through learning to avail yourself of the help from Above! (2016:56)

I don’t blame you for not appreciating the bad state of the world you’re in, just try to make the best you can out of it! And the best way to do that is to avail yourself of Our heavenly help. Remember, you won’t make it through what’s to come without prayer! So, make it the force to sustain you and help you make it through! – Nothing else will work and do the trick! Become more prayerful! – Better than just careful! (2016:58) It’s time to really get used to depending on My help, just as the disciples of old had to, under their dark circumstances. Sometimes you’ve just got to go through what you have to go through, and learn in the process to lean and depend on your heavenly help! So, get used to applying for, and depending on it, because that’s what you’re going to need! The days, the times and the world you’re in are largely becoming evil, and getting worse as time goes by, and there are relatively few forces and sources down there you’ll be able to rely on, so, the best move is to learn to depend on help from Above! (2016:59) Not knowing how you’ll survive the times to come… a good reason to stay in tune with and learn to completely depend on Me and your help from Above, isn’t it? So, don’t feel too discouraged about feeling a bit hopeless as far as the circumstances are concerned, but let it gear your hope towards Me and all the help from Above you can get, which you’ll depend on completely during the times to come! So, don’t let it discourage you to feel incapable, but let it teach you to not lean on your own strength, but on Mine and all the help you’ll get from Above! One of the special conditions of the Endtime: having to utterly rely on the Strength and Help from Above. – Not anymore on your own capacities, except the one of applying that Help and Strength you’ll need to survive! – Which is what I’m trying to teach you right now. It’s a lesson and way to learn not to depend on your ego, but on Me, your Help and higher Power from Above; the only ones that’ll help you make it through what’s to come! It’s time to desperately gear for and lean on the Strength and help you can get from Above… from Me and all your helpers Up Here, for the times are coming when you won’t make it without them! (2016:60) You’ve got some troubles and trials to go through? – Learn from them all that you can! Especially how to avail yourself of My help and Strength to make it through them! Praying for the help and inspiration from Above is one of the primary things you ought to do and get into the groove of! Don’t allow the enemy to kick you down mentally! – Even if things aren’t perfect! Fight to make the best out of them you can with My help! Let Me prove to the universe that I’m stronger by letting Me help you get the victory over his nasty attacks on you! If it’s bad times, make the best out of them you can with My help! Feeling like you can’t make it? Let Me or Us help you make it! Remember, the rough times make you stronger through availing yourself of the help and support from Up Here! (2016:61) Become conscious of the heavenly Help you need and will be needing and depending on desperately in the darker times to come! One of the ways to gain faith is through the problems and trials you’re having to deal with and overcome with My help right now! With hindrances you don’t feel too capable, but that’s how you’ve got to learn to depend on the Help from Above to see you through. (2016:62) You need to get used to the fact that you won’t make it through what’s coming without Our supernatural help from Above, and a bit more prayer to get it is necessary. When it turns into a miracle to survive, it’s best to turn to the power of prayer, all the help from Above you can get, and not lean on and confide in what you’ve been able to do yourselves, because that’s what’s going to be necessary. Even if your times and days are tough for you right now, trust Me that it’s the best mode of preparation for the toughest times to come, teaching you to hold on to Me and all the help you can get from Up Here! Can’t make it? A good sign from My point of view, as it draws you into a position where you’ll need Me to help you make it, and not rely so much on your own capacities anymore. (2016:63) Trust not in the circumstances around you, but the heavenly Strength, Help and Power! (2016:64) There’s a time coming when you just won’t make it without My Help, Strength and Power! (2016:66) Not knowing what to do’s a good reason to ask Me to help you and see you through. If things aren’t getting easier, it shows you’ve got to get into the groove of leaning on Me, depending on Me and My help, and not continue to lean on your own strength of the flesh. If conditions have grown into a state beyond which you’re able to handle them yourself, it’s time to ask and apply for the help and support from Above, without which you’re not going to make it through the dark, tough and trying times to come, anyway. Getting used to the fact that you’re not making it on your own without help from Above is a positive feature, not as negative as it may seem on the surface. (2016:70) If you can’t make it, it’s the time to apply for the help from Above, and with the times coming up when you’ll need that constantly, it’s a good move to get into it.

Needing My help pretty much for each day you’re passing through is not a bad sign, just a preparation for the toughest times of history coming up, and I would like to get you into that gear of dependence on Me in order for you to have a chance to make it through what’s to come. If you can’t make it on your own and in the state you’re in, well, pump it down, that help and Power from Above to strengthen you and help you make it! The more you need that help from Above, causing you to apply and pray for it, the more you’ll get out of that old carnal groove of leaning on your own abilities, which definitely won’t help make it through the dark times to come! What will help anyone make it through the tough times to come is having learned to rely on Me and Our help from Above! (2016:72) Don’t be too discouraged about getting into a state where you feel you can’t make it on your own anymore, or without My help! It’s the best preparation for what’s up ahead of you. So, if you don’t know how, or feel you can’t make it, see it as a motivation to apply for the Help from Above to make it, which will be the only mode anyone will make it through the darkest days to come! (2016:74) The troubles each day are to remind you what you’re supposed to rely on: not your own capacities, but the Help and Strength from Above to see you through, so that depending on Them will also help to see you through and make it through the troubled times to come! Not making it without Me and your Help from Above is thus a good sign, and the preparation you need to make it through what’s coming. Aim for the victory, available only through applying the Help and support from Above! And if things aren’t working out without availing yourself of that, it just confirms that that’s what you need. You just need to learn to avail yourself of the Help and Strength from Up Here, for in days to come you just won’t make it without’em! With the level of evil forces and their control of this world rising, it also raises your need for heavenly help, protection and strengthening to make it through. You’re just going to have to learn to make it through the rough times with My Help. (2016:75) If you can’t bear with what’s at hand… well, I’ve told you plenty of times where and how to avail your Help from: More prayer will do the trick! Times are going to get rougher yet! How do you think you’ll make it then without asking and praying for My Help to make it? Even though the times are getting darker, your Help and support isn’t getting any less from Up Here. In fact, the more trouble comes, the more Help you’ll need, and trust Me: the more will be there. (2016:76) It’s not your own capabilities that will see you through, but the Help from Above. When folks are more dependent on the Help from Above, they’re just easier to use for Heaven’s glory than when they’re in top carnal conditions. (2016:79) If it’s tough times to go through, see them as preparation for even tougher times you’ll only make it through with My Help! And let your faith grow, that I can manage to help you make it through that! (2016:80) Instead of worrying about the dark future times ahead, pray for My protection to help you make it through it! My protection and supply! There’s just no other way to make it through what’s to come, but applying your prayer power for My Help, protection, Strength and supply! If you don’t feel like you’re going to be able to make it through what’s to come, well… good time to pray for all the Help and Strength from Above you can get! (2016:81) My believers and followers won’t make it through what’s to come without heavenly Help, which is why I’m making you more dependent on heavenly Power right now, seeking Me more, because you’ll be needing that heavenly Help more than ever before. The trouble will come, but trust in My Help to see you through whatever comes, and that there’s a much better Home expecting you at the end of it all! Whenever you feel like you can’t cope and deal with it, remember My Help, ask Me for it, and I will help you! (2016:82) All We’re concerned about is how We’ll manage to help you make it through it that’s coming! We can help you to keep living for as long as necessary; not to become a sample of perfection, but just of one doing whatever he manages… for Us. (2016:83) There’ll come a time when you simply won’t make it anymore, except through the powerful Help from Above! You need Our Strength, Help and encouragement as a preparation for the times not far away when no one will make it without! You won’t make it without Us and Our Help in times soon to come, so you must get used to depending on It! Time to realize there’s no way to make it through what’s coming without Help from Above, and to pray for it desperately! (2016:84) I said to My disciples, “Without Me you can do nothing!” - Nothing of what I’d consider important to do. So, can’t make it on your own? – Good time to call on Me for My Help! (2016:85) Don’t let it discourage you when things and conditions get tougher, but let it be an incentive for you to apply the Help We promised from Above!

If you need help, pray for it! There’s no way making it through the dark future without learning to pray for Help! The more difficult things get, the more help you need. The time is coming when folks who won’t be part of the AC system will absolutely and totally depend on the heavenly Help they can get through faith. The times coming will make it a pretty much total dependence on heavenly Help. So, if you can’t make it without Me and My Help in times to come much less than right now, don’t you think it’s a good time to get into the groove of depending on It? If you’re feeling incapable of making it anywhere in the condition you are, let it be a training and preparation for times to come during which you’ll be totally dependent on Heaven’s Help for your very survival! Wouldn’t it be a miraculous testimony if you – one of the weakest fellows you know – would be making it solely through the Strength and Help of Heaven Above through the darkest time of history? (2016:86) Getting rid of My folks down there has always been the enemy’s principal action through possessing a significant ruler, and it will be his most powerful position and strike in history during the Great Tribulation. So, if that feels like a just about impossible situation to make it through… well, it will be, unless folks learn to completely rely on My Help and Strength from Above! The weakening of the flesh helps to recognize the superiority of the spiritual Help you’ll need. (2016:90) If your fellow humans around you aren’t much of a help, let that be a hint where your Help’s supposed to be coming from! (2016:91) In order to make the coming drastic, negative changes turn into something halfway positive for you, you’ve just got to get into that groove of utter dependence on Me and Heaven’s Help, instead of your physical abilities! Even if right now you cannot see how you’re going to make it through what’s coming, put your trust in Me, that I’ll help you make it and lead you through each day to come! (2016:92) The more you get into the habit of asking for My miraculous Help, the better; and the more chances you’ll have to make it through the times to come. (2016:93) Remember, it’s a spiritual warfare you have to go through and learn how to deal and cope with! You’ve got to learn to avail yourself of the Help and Strength from Above in order to make it! Tough times one can’t be prepared for without going through some stretches of them. Learning how to avail yourself of the Help and Strength from Above is what it’s all about; and how will you ever, if there’s no desperate need for them? (2016:96) Let Me help you make it through that hell on Earth! While the circumstances look gloomy and doomy, let Me help you overcome them through the Power of the Holy Spirit! So, keep the faith that that Power’s still there for those who still want to follow Me through the Endtime – the time of the end of Satan’s reign over the Father’s creation – which He allowed in order for us all to find out who’d resist the evil, and not follow the evil one, but choose the good instead – all that comes from Him, including all the Help from Up Here they’ll need to make it through those final, and darkest times of the world’s history! More supernatural Help and miracles are going to be required in times to come… so, a good time to start preparing for that greater need for miracles, and getting into the miracles-prayer mode! (2016:97) Don’t try to manage it by yourself, but hold on to My Help and aid from Above! Keep clinging to My Help, blessings and protection! - Something you’ll depend on in the times to come! Getting used to depending on My Help and protection is part of the necessary preparation for those darker days to come. Becoming dependent on Me, My Strength, Power and Help is just something you’ll have to get used to, instead of relying on your own abilities. Not that easy in your own capacities, but that’s why you have to learn to avail yourself of Mine, and the Help you can get from Above. (2016:98) Put that faith and trust in Me to strengthen and lift up your courage, outlook and confidence in the fact that with My Help things are going to work out! In spite of any tough and difficult circumstances and conditions, trust that I am greater than those and can and will help you overcome them! The greater the need for miracles and My supernatural Help, the more you will ask for them, and the more of an opportunity Heaven gets to manifest Its Power to you. With conditions and circumstances becoming more challenging and difficult to handle on your own, it’s all necessary preparation for the times to come when you simply won’t make it anymore without the miraculous Help from Above. So, don’t be too upset and shocked by the circumstances that make you more dependent on the Help from Above! It’s important to get used to the substantial need for prayer, and the Help from Above you’ll get through it. (2016:99) The more you need Me, the more heavenly Help you get.

If your days tend to begin with negative vibes, see it as the positive need and desire for you to draw yourself closer to Me, get in touch with Me and have Me help you make it through your day; as there are days coming you won’t possible make it without Me and My Presence in your life, and your connection with Me! (2016:100) The less you’re able to accomplish things on your own, the more you need to rely on Me, My Strength, Help and Power to do it. Not focusing on circumstances, but on Me to help you handle them! The sooner you learn to rely and depend on My Help, Strength, protection and supply, the better! If the situation’s getting rough, let it be a reminder to avail yourself of all the Forces available from Up Here, and that you need Heaven’s Help! (2016:101) You’re dependent on Me, My Help, encouragement and input… that’s a positive to Me! The need for My daily Help: positive or negative? (2016:107) Not knowing how to make it through the present times, might get you used to definitely not making it without miraculous Help through the even much rougher times to come. (2016:109) Point your focus on Me and your heavenly Help, without which you won’t make it through the times to come! (2016:112) Capacity and capability will rely on Us and all Help, leading and guidance you can obtain from Here in the days to come. (2016:114) The hard and tough times you’re going through you’ve just got to learn to make the best of them with Help from Heaven! Can’t make it on your own? Apply for Our Help! If life strikes you as something negative, use that opportunity to use Heaven’s Help to turn it into something positive in spite of any negative circumstances and conditions! The sooner you get used to making it through the miraculous Help, support and protection from Above, depending on Our heavenly Help, the better. (2016:117) Once the enemy will have fully taken over the globe with his final world empire, not leaving any alternative options for folks to stay alive than to become one of his, there’ll be no alternative survival possible except through the supernatural Help from Above. (2016:119)

If you’ve got no idea how you’re supposed to make it, that means, you need Me and Heaven’s Help to make it, which is a good start and beginner of any situation, as far as I’m concerned. Getting used to the fact of needing Heavenly Help is good preparation for the days to come, when you simply won’t make it without It. (2016:125) With the world going down its steepest slope in history, don’t be surprised that We’re working on you becoming the most dependent on Us and Our Help from Above without which folks just won’t make it through what’s coming. Conditions and circumstances won’t be something to rely on anymore, but something to overcome and rise above with the Help from Above. When you feel like you can’t make it anymore, see it as preparation for the times coming when you definitely won’t make it without Our heavenly Help! (2016:128) Having no clue how to make it may strike you as a negative, but it’s one of the signs that you’re becoming more dependent on Me and heavenly Help than the confidence of managing all by yourself and in your own strength. Get in the groove of depending on miracles, My doings and My Help concerning your survival and supplies! So, not being as physically capable as you used to be, don’t see it as a negative, but rather as a positive factor, drawing you into greater dependence on Me, the Help and Strength from Above! (2016:130) If you can’t trust too much in those around you down there, just remember that the most important One to put your trust in is Me, and all the Help from Heaven you can get! Learning to avail yourself of the Help and hope from Above will enable you to give hope to others as well. There might be others appreciating your presence in times coming, since you I’m able to prepare, getting you ready to avail yourself of the Help from Above needed in times to come. Feeling like you can’t make it? I can help you make it. (16:132)

Himself (Jesus)

Make Me the Center of your lives and all will be well with you. (I:1) What do you think it means when it says ‘...in all things tempted like as we are...’? A-L-L. Why do you think I had this, what some people could call a pretty snappy attitude toward My parents when they were looking for Me and found Me in the temple? I knew I was superior and let them feel it. Just like you sometimes feel you could do things better than others in higher positions than you. But that’s how we, yes, including Me, learn or learned obedience through the things which we suffer. And then we can comfort others with the same comfort wherewith we are comforted. (I:9) Cling tightly to Me, so you will gain the strength you need. The hour of darkness is coming. Let Me be your only light, and I will light your path. I will guide you where all other men’s hearts would fail from fear. I will uphold you with the right hand of My righteousness. I do not lie. Invest your time wisely, by bringing every moment, every action, every move, every breath of your life to Me and letting Me use it to the full. Then you won’t have to be ashamed. If it is Me that works in you, you’ve got nothing to lose, nothing to regret, only to gain, to grow, to expand, to multiply, to further and advance My Kingdom. Be like Me. Enduring unto the end. And I am with you always even unto the end of the world, which isn’t that far off anymore. (I:16) I should always be your first and foremost focus point of communication! Without Me you could make a mess of things. Only I’m way out there and know what’s ahead, where the dangers lie and I can show you ‘things thou knowest not’ – great and mighty or humble and small. But the things I show you will make all the difference in the universe. (I:21) Rely only and wholly on Me – nothing and no one else. To make you realize that I’m Everything and more than enough. My fellowship with you is much more important for you than anyone else’s. Make the extra effort to wait on Me, even when you feel like rushing out and jumping into the day! The excitement is My gift, just don’t forget Me, the Giver! Take Me with you each day, wherever you go, whatever you do! Forget Me not! I love for you to sing songs of love to Me. Sing to Me with your heart! Listen to Me with your soul! Let our love conquer each other’s hearts! (I:28) As you learn to operate in Me, in My strength and wisdom, in the Power of My Spirit, you cannot fail. (I:43) Let Me be the Sunshine of your life! Only I can give you happiness, true contentment and true beauty of the inward parts. Worship Me! – The Sun of Righteousness with healing in My wings, your sun and shield, giving grace and glory, not withholding any good thing from them that walk uprightly. (I:57) I will have to become your oxygen, if you want to survive the days to come! I will have to become your only light, your bread, your water, and everything you need to live, for the Devil is going to try to cut all other means of supply. (I:83) Though much terror has been brought into the world and worse shall come: is not My Power greater than all that? Isn’t My love greater than their hatred? I don’t want you to be overwhelmed by the evil you see in the world, leaving you stunned and unable to give life and light to others, I want you to be overwhelmed by My joy, My love and My goodness and light and to shine it forth and overflow onto them, like a fountain of life, love and light, everywhere you go. Are you willing to sacrifice, to be a fighter for Me, to lay your life on the line? If so, let go and let Me run the show! You’re gonna see that with Me, so much better things will be! (I:95) I really am, I really do exist. I told Moses that’s My name because it is the answer to the most essential question: 'God, are you really there?’ I AM!!! I’m not often quite easily perceived and recognized, nor accepted as the Son of the God of Love that I am. But I AM. That’s a fact you can build on, no matter what all the scoffers and doubters can do or say. And your job and task it is to show them I am. (I:113) How easily you lose sight of Me, when I’m there all the time. If you only had a notion of how present I am. How real. Become Christ-conscious! Become more conscious of Me! Focus not on the things at hand, focus on Me, and the things at hand will take on a whole new meaning and they will come and go with such greater ease. I want you to know beyond the shadow of a doubt, that I’m always right there with you! (I:119) I am the difference between life and death. For I am Life, and without Me, you’re dead. – Lifeless, motionless, dead. If you would be fully aware of how incapable you are to get anything accomplished without My help, you would constantly be seeking My contact, desperately grasping for Me as a drowning man grasping for air. I am your oxygen. I am what keeps you alive. If I withdraw just a fraction of the necessary ingredients to keep you alive, your body would cease to exist. What man is taking for granted is actually an endless sequence of miracles. (I:124) When it comes to this world, I’ve always been strange and weird, not because I am weird, but because they’re so far away from the way things are supposed to be. They’re so far away from My standard of love, so deep into their darkness, the light scares them half to death. (I:128)

Air is a good description of My nature: It is invisible, yet vital and all around you. Sometimes it is warm and still and sometimes whips your faith in strong winds, or wreaks judgment over the Earth in fierce storms. Mostly taken for granted, you never miss it as much as when it’s not there, just like people are most desperate for Me when I remove the things that keep them alive, when they’re nearing their death... That’s when they realize in terror that they can’t survive another minute without that certain something they’ve been taking for granted all their lives, like a drowning man. (I:129) I am the Great ANYHOW! My specialty is to do things in spite of the unfavorable circumstances and against all odds. The very existence of life is a proof of that. I am He Who creates something out of nothing; in fact, everything. I can make something out of nothing, in fact, the less there is of you, the more I can do with you. (I:130) I bring about greater strength, greater glory and usefulness out of rebuilt things that had been cast on the junk pile by others. I am a Specialist in healing wounded souls. (I:131) Make yourselves cozy in the secret place of the Most High! I’ll be better to you than a known path or anything else you’ve ever known before! Just trust Me, inhabit Me and let Me inhabit you! I long to be and live and dwell and move in you, and I long for you to dwell in Me! Look and see with the eyes of My Spirit! Look not at the waves and the wind! Look at Me! I’ll be your ship, your vessel, and I’ll carry you safely Home! (I:141) Dare to step out and let Me be sufficient for you! Let Me be all you ever needed and I’ll prove it to you, that I am! What else do you need besides Me? Right! Nothing! All you need is Me. Everything will make perfect sense if you put on My mind and let Me grab hold of you in final total possession! You will no longer grope around blindly and will no longer be led astray if you let Me be your Guide, Your eyes, your senses, your Everything. (I:155) I am the Factor in the equation that will transform you from the imperfect state to the perfect, I am the good in you and about you. Cling to Me, absorb Me, and I will rub off on you and it will change you for the better. Those who reject Me will go the opposite way. (I:165) Never neglect Me, the Sunshine, the Source of love and warmth in your life! For there were times when you looked elsewhere for that utter satisfaction of your inward needs. You were looking hither, thither and yon, but you did not find it until you finally turned towards Me, in full expectancy and knowledge that I am the One Who can fulfill your needs, and I alone. (I:166) The instability of your situation is engineered by My hand in order for you to make Me the Stabilizer of your lives, the only Factor that always remains and around which everything revolves. If you’re truly satisfied by nothing but Me, if what you truly want is nothing but Me, I promise you, I won’t disappoint you! (I:177) I can make your crooked paths straight! I could iron out all your faults and flaws over night, if I wanted to. But I want to use them. Bring those areas in which you’re failing to Me, and I can iron the whole thing out and bend it all straight. ‘I’m your Handy Man.’ (I:189)

When you think of Me, it’s like the contact is made from your side. I’m always there, but as long as you ignore Me, you don’t profit as much from My Presence, naturally, as you do when you tune in to Me. And, of course, I can’t use you as much as I would like to if you’re literally in a state oblivious to Me and you fail to acknowledge Me. In all thy ways, acknowledge Me, and I will direct your paths. Don’t let the Enemy and the power of habit cheat you out of this opportunity to make a golden opportunity out of each one! Every moment is a golden opportunity to do something wonderful, if you include Me in it. Even if you can’t see any sense in what I’m allowing to happen, once you realize that all things come from My hand, it’ll help you to acknowledge Me more and ignore Me less. Certain things may be a signal from Me, a sign, ‘Hi there! Remember Me?’ Many apparently meaningless details and incidents start making sense once you start turning to Me. It’s like turning a light on in a dark room. It’s like learning to read: all of a sudden those symbols start making sense. (I:192) If you reach out to Me, I will reach out to you! If you put Me first place, I will take care of you. But you will have to renounce all these distractions. Prove your belief by the amount of time you spend with Me! So, don’t be unfaithful and neglect your time with Me! (I:201) Think of Me on the cross! I didn’t look like a success to anybody, hanging there. And if you really want to be My disciple and follower, so it will be with you. (I:202) I’ll be your secret weapon, your secret Power, the secret to all you would call success. - The voice behind the curtain. - The Power beneath the surface. Let Me live, move, walk, talk, think in you, love them through you, talk to their hearts through you, touch them through you! Let them see Me through and in you... the secret Power and source behind everything you do, every miracle you will work, every word of wisdom you will speak, every song you will sing! Let Me fully possess you, and there will be no limits to what you can do! (I:208)

I AM your driving Force. I AM your Motor! I AM what keeps you going and got you going in the first place. I AM the beginning and the end, He Who worketh both, to will and to do that which is the perfect will of God in your life. I AM the Engineer of every lesson you’re learning, and thus even the Allower of every mistake you’ve ever made and will yet make. (I:209) Remember that I am much greater than he that runs the world! (I:211) There will be an end to the kingdom of Satan, his world, to be replaced by My Kingdom, with the barrier between the dimensions gone. I will bring about that End, just like I brought about the beginning of this World, that’s why I said, I am ‘Alpha and Omega’, and for you, who have grasped that point, there will be no end. (I:213) I wish you would fall so much in love with Me that you would only care what I think of you! Stay focused on Me, not on your needs! Look at Me, the Supplier! Look at My Promises! Reach out for My Heart of Love, and touch Me, and I will guarantee you greater satisfaction than any other could ever give you! (I:245) Only those who have Me for a motivation and incentive to keep going will find the strength to keep going, no matter what. (I:255) I’d like people to learn to see Me in everything, to look for an opportunity in every situation to glorify Me or to remind people of Me! (I:263) I don’t want you to keep Me all for yourself. One of the greatest proofs of your love you can give Me is to share Me with others. So much depends on your willingness to share Me with others. Your happiness and fulfillment, not to mention the souls saved and the happiness you’d bring Me. (I:264) I want you to share Me with the love-starved, hungry and searching out there. I want you to recruit others for Me! Can you do this for Me? Ever giving more of Me to others is the secret to happiness and the meaning of life! (I:265) When you’ve got nothing, I’ll be your All-in-all! When you’ve got nothing and I’m all you’ve got to cling to, that’s when I will prove Myself most efficient and effective for you, that’s when I’ll be all you ever needed. (I:266) You must believe that everything I allow to happen in your life comes from My hand, and that I know what’s best for you. The Devil doesn’t have any power whatsoever to let anything occur in your life without My absolute control and permission. You are Mine, and He has no part in you. So, when bad things happen or you feel distant from Me, it’s only a test I’m allowing to happen, and if you flunk, it only shows you need greater care, more special attention from Me. I’m tutoring you, personally, because you mean that much to Me, and I want to help you to make it! I have reserved you for Myself. (I:276) I want you to find out for sure that it is I Who saved you, not yourself, that My strength is sufficient for you, not your own, that it is “not by (your) might nor by (your) power but by My Spirit” that you will live, overcome, make progress, win victories and grow and accomplish anything at all. I’m the most important Factor in your life. (I:291) Let Me have you, and let yourself be full of Me! You need Me more than ever, and I want you to indulge ever more in the spiritual riches and wealth I’m pouring out on you, emphasize more on them, acknowledge their importance, become more dependent on them and make greater use of them! I am your oxygen! And neglecting Me is a very dangerous thing to do! Remember, I’m your oxygen! Breathe Me in, and you’ll keep wide awake and full of energy! Let Me be your oxygen, your energy, your Everything! Everything you want, you need... you’ve got it! You’ve got it all by faith, which you get by spending this time with Me, in My personal Word for you. Only I can give you the exact counsel you need. Neglect not this link with Me! It’s vital. You need it more than anything else. (I:293) Be more like Me; a meek and humble, loving Man! (I:298) I've got to be the Beginning and the End of all your works in order for them to be works of faith instead of works of the flesh. I've got to be in it, in order for it to come alive. (I:314) If I am the goal, the target, the bulls-eye, then of course, the devil will do all he possibly can to distract you from Me, to cause you to miss Me and if he won’t manage to do so by outside influences, he’ll use anything he can get a hold of inside your four walls. The art is to keep focusing on Me, anyway! The consequences if you don’t are the usual consequences of missing the mark, failing Me and not hitting where you were meant to: failure, sin, disobedience, beating the air, wasting precious time, and consequently feeling condemned or discouraged about it, so, it pays to fight to keep your focus on Me! (I:370) There is nothing I cannot do! And there is nothing you cannot do through Me! Make Me the most important Factor of your life, give Me the attention and reverence, the importance and priority that is My dues, as the One Who in turn will reward you! (I:386)

The time for substitutes is over. It's time for the Real Thing, which is Me. I am the original Satisfier and the only One Who can truly satisfy every longing of every heart. (I:410) Just keep focusing on Me, knowing that I'm your secret to success, the One Who can ensure your becoming a true winner and conqueror and overcomer! (I:415) "Learning obedience" for Me meant to learn to love even more than I had before I came to Earth; and seeing, feeling and experiencing the whole thing the way humans do, changed pretty much everything for Me, as far as My viewpoints, ways and abilities of relating to them were concerned. You can have all the wisdom of a God, but without love, it's still not the same. Part of the love the Father had for the World in sending Me to Earth was manifested in His teaching Me through this experience to relate much better to you. (I:421) If I have been humbling Myself and have gone out among the people to preach a message I knew most of them would reject in the end, and that would lead Me to death on the cross, I am expecting the same of My followers. (I:422) You’ve got nothing to fear about death, just like I had nothing to fear, because I knew I was going to rise again. The devil was granted permission to tempt Me with fear and tribulation shortly before I was being taken captive, just so that I would really be tempted in all things like you are, and I would go through all the human despair and agony that you know. Was I ever jealous or sensitive, you wonder? Or prone to negative thinking? Yes, I was tempted by them all, but the Father gave Me the power to overcome them. Even so, He can and will give you the power to overcome them, it just all depends on how much you avail yourselves of that power. (I:428) "We have not an High priest which cannot be touched with the feelings of our infirmities, but was in all things tempted, like as we are." I can relate to the feelings of your infirmities. I’ve been there. I’ve also been through it, not getting ahold of the Father's voice sometimes and feeling like "Father, Father, why hast Thou forsaken Me?" (I:433) All their smartness will avail to nothing if they make their bill without the Keeper of the Inn, the One in charge, Whom they're trying to lock out of His own creation. What do you think will happen in the long run if you refuse to pay your rent and ruin the house you live in and lock the door and refuse to let the landlord in? Sooner or later he'll call the police and break down the door to take back what's rightfully his and kick you out, put you in front of the door, or even in jail. They may be thoroughly deceived that I may not have any rightful claims to My property, but they'll find out in the long run. I have enough proofs and witnesses that I'm in charge of this joint, even though the Devil may say, "But you've handed it over to me! I won it in the gamble!" But the game isn't even over yet, and though he may think he's winning - or rather refuse to believe that he's losing - all things will come back to Me in the end. (I:439) I didn't behave the way they wanted because they didn't behave the way I or the Father wanted, in the first place. I had to show them that the Father wasn't all that fond of their neat little "proper" way, as they thought. They were not on God's track, and by rejecting Me, they finally proved it. They showed what they would do with God, if He came down to Earth: betray Him and have Him murdered by pagans. (I:460) Only those who look to Me will make it. Only those who can see My hand in it all, even in spite of the failings of those who perhaps should know better, will make it. (I:464) If I would have stopped for a minute to care about what people thought of Me, I never would have driven the money changers out of the temple, and there are many other things I wouldn't have done. I could have been embarrassed when the harlot came to wash My feet with her tears, but I couldn't have cared less about what the Scribes and Pharisees thought of Me, because I went by standards of the heart and not the clichés and superficial standards of the people. (I:467) I am Everything! Everything that's good and everything you ever wanted is found in Me! (I:509) I want to be the Light that you turn on in your life when it's dark, the heat you can avail yourself of when it's cold, your food when you're hungry, your drink when you thirst. I want you to realize how badly you need Me. How nothing you are without Me. How useless everything will be unless you reach out for Me and do it in My Strength! If you want to accomplish works that count in the Spirit, you're going to have to get ahold of Me and realize just how real and how important I am. (I:515) Look not at the flaws in yourselves nor each other, but see Me in you, and the bounty I have bestowed upon each of you, of My true eternal riches and beauty, and rejoice, be thankful, be humble and glorify Me, love Me and revel in Me, for I glory in you! (I:516) Many might say that My life was wasted, and I was being wasted and looked definitely wasted by the time I carried that cross. But "wasted" can also just mean a very intense form of "being spent", and as far as eternal rewards go, nothing is really wasted in a life that's spent in giving unselfishly and living for others, whether they be your own children I have entrusted in your care, or others I lead across your path. (I:517)

I am the Author of your path, and I will also help you to finish it. Your life is safely in My hands. I am the Architect and Constructor of this building of your life, and the more willingly you yield yourself into My hands, the less you interfere with your own will, wants and desires, the better the outcome will be. (I:552) Even My omnipotence, omnipresence and omniscience are still dependent on the Father. Although He has given Me all power in heaven and in hell, I still need Him, you know? It's not like He is retiring, because I'm taking over the business. In a way, He's still running it all; He's just letting Me do most of the business, that's all. But there comes a point when even I have to sit back a little and reflect, and receive some powerful input from Him and some of the other heavenly counselors on these matters you present to Me. It has always been that way, and it always will be. (I:564) I never demanded anyone's blood, but I gave Mine freely, and even told My disciples that they would have no part in Me unless they would eat My flesh and drink My blood, which turned quite a few of them away from Me temporarily! They did come back later when they realized what I had meant by this, when they saw, and when the Holy Spirit revealed it to them, how the Scriptures had to be fulfilled and how I had to give My life, in order to save them, that by My blood they were going to be saved, no other way. Some had expected the Messiah to be a great deliverer in the flesh, who would cast off the Roman yoke from their neck. But I was "only" a Deliverer in spirit, Who would free them from a much greater yoke, though, than the Roman yoke, namely the yoke of their own sins. That is not something that appeals to pride, nor the flesh, nor to anyone who settles for this temporary world. This only appeals to those who are weary of this world, who know that it has got nothing to offer them. (I:588) I was a Teacher, and I am the Master Teacher, and if you follow My footsteps, it's natural for you to also want to become a teacher. (I:592)

Your life could be much steadier in My joy, in trust in Me and in confidence and faith, more steady in flowing with the Holy Spirit, if you would make Me a more integral Part of your life at every moment. My company brings joy and peace. (II:61) I'm your Emergency Rescue Squad. Whenever you call Me and send Me your SOS, I'll be right there. I have not come to save the healthy, but the sick, not the strong, but the weak. You've got to let them wear you out just like I did. I let them waste Me, devastate Me, completely wear Me out and wipe Me out, but in this I found the Strength that never runs out. I was willing to give all, not holding back, and in return I received all. (II:66) I wish to be the Source of all that you long for, all that you need, and all that you dream. I don't want you to look elsewhere for satisfaction! I want you to look to Me for the fulfillment of your wildest dreams and trust Me that I will bring it about as much as you can handle it in My perfect time. (II:68) Sometimes the way I see things is the exact opposite of the way you see them. Just as I was given the authority by My Father to forgive sins, so I was given the power to heal not only their spirits, but also their bodies, as a physical illustration of the spiritual healing power of My salvation. My name means "Savior." My cry and My call to mankind is to "Come, let Me save you!" I want to save you wholly and entire, I want to cleanse and heal all of you, your mind, your body, your heart, your spirit... your soul. I have come to bring change; a change of each and every life, a change of direction for each and every man and woman as well as for mankind in general. My message was and still is: "repent!" Which means, "turn around! You're going the wrong way! You may think you're going the right way, but I'm telling you something different! Now, who are you going to believe? Here, this is the right way to go: follow Me, and I'll show you!" (II:76) Never say that I won't be able to do a certain thing, change a certain person or turn a hopeless situation around completely, because I just might be out to shock you! With Me, you better get ready for the unexpected, the totally-out-of-this-world! Walk on water! Turn water into wine! Raise the dead! Heal the lame and cure the blind! Ascending up to Heaven in a cloud! You've heard that I'm still as active and as able to do such things as I was 2000 years ago? You better believe it! I can do anything! Just give Me a chance, and do your job of establishing that magical connection between two ears and My Words, and stand back and get ready for something to happen! (II:77) So what, if you're a needy human being? So was I. I needed food and shelter and was dependent on the help and hospitality of others so that I in return could bless them with what I had to give. If I had to do it - the King of kings - then how much more so should you not be too proud to ask - for help, for food, for shelter, for anything you might need? (II:98) To most unbelievers it looks like I didn't go to the cross voluntarily, but that I was simply another victim of Roman injustice and cruelty. But believers understand that it was more than that. It was an act of love. In fact, the greatest act of love ever known to man, and a path I had chosen to walk voluntarily, long, long before. "The lamb which was slain before the foundations of the world."

When I was crucified, I died the same death that millions of others had suffered and would continue to suffer after that. Many others, even innocent people had been and would yet be crucified. But what made it outstanding was Who I was, and why I chose to die in the same manner that millions of sinners died, and also, how I died. (II:138) Do you really think that there's any way I could possibly be indifferent to your life? Not in the least! In fact, I care a lot more than you think, I am a lot more concerned than you know, and I interact, guide and direct things, orchestrate things a whole lot more in your life than you're aware of. I am involved! (II:147) Behold, I make all things new. I am the One Who brings variety and change! You take part in bringing change and renewal about by absorbing Me, including Me in everything and focusing on Me, expecting change and thus helping to make it happen. All newness and variety that is good and positive originates from Me, and I am the Newness, the Variety and the Change you seek! There are certain things I'm capable of that you haven't experienced yet, because you haven't really believed yet that I am able to. Every breath you take comes from Me. I am the Oxygen that will keep this flame alive, and as long as you're aware of how much you depend on Me, this is going to keep going, working and functioning. But as soon as you look at the waves, you sink! So, where to look for variety, for newness, for spunk and inspiration? At all the things you cannot have? No. At Me! (II:150) Getting to know Me is part of the purpose of life... You can't really love someone unless you know them, right? So, in order to learn to love Me it sure helps to get to know Me. (II:194) It was relatively easy to preach "love your enemies, do good to them that hate you and pray for those that despitefully use you and persecute you." But that night I was taken, and when I suffered on the cross, I had to prove that I really believed what I had been preaching, and that's the showdown where it will be manifest how much of a real Christian you really are, when it comes to showing how much you're really capable of loving your enemies. (II:197) I want to be your Tutor. I want you to know Me so well personally, that you won't have to depend on anybody else's good sample, but that My sample will be sufficient for you! I want to prove that the Spirit is more important than the flesh! My carnal presence is not necessary for you, My disciples, to do greater miracles than I did. Paul accomplished more for Me than the eleven who had walked with Me and had seen Me in the flesh! He relied on the Spirit! The more you learn to let Me do the work through you, the better off you're going to be. It's all about letting Me do it for you, about trusting Me, about relying less on your flesh, asking for prayer, spending more time with Me in order to get to know Me intimately, for only then can you also inspire others to want that intimate relationship with Me for themselves. I'll be all the sample and the training you'll need. All you need is Me! (II:207) When you're battling and struggling, in many ways you're even more beautiful to Me. I feel for you, I feel with you, and you're never alone in whatever you go through in life, I share it all, and I always carry you with Me, as you carry Me with you. I'm in you, as you're in Me, we're one, even as the Father and I are One. (II:226) There are absolutes! I know, because I'm One of them. - In fact, the epitome of all of them. (II:245) I wasn't as much of an "accomplisher" type as I was a Friend to people, hearing them out, visiting them, caring for them, healing them, helping them. Being a helper is what it's all about. (II:246) The Pharisees of My day were the pompous ones, with a flashy and shiny outward appearance, which was supposed to testify of their goodness. And you can imagine how My comparatively humble appearance irritated them. They couldn't accept that everything they ever sought in life, everything they strove for and stood for and believed in, was not where it was at, because that's the way they had done it all their lives. So they rejected Me and My miracles, because they couldn't figure that God would use someone so different. They had God in a box. By thinking they knew God, they were actually more distant from Him than the humble sinners who did believe in Me. (II:252) A lot of times, people's idea of Me is only an extension of themselves, their own way of seeing and judging things. If you are harsh with yourself and others, then you'll picture Me as harsh, too, but that's not Me! I'm not harsh, but extremely merciful and patient! Yes, there are judgments coming, but not before I will have shown My mercy and longsuffering and patience to the extreme! (II:260) I am the Door to the new, the Way to the new, the Shepherd leading you to new pastures, the new Bread, the new Water of Life, the Light, making obsolete the old darkness which formerly surrounded you, and leading you ever onward, away from the former, the old, the well-known. (II:262) When I came and died for mankind, everything changed. The New Testament was the new way. The new way is the meek way, the humble way. I'm pouring out greater grace, and you should focus on My grace. (II:264) That's My idea of coolness: Be hot in your trust and love and passion for Me, and cool when it comes to the devil's attempts to rattle your wagon! (II:265) Let Me be your Strength, your support, your Source for everything you need! Refuse to turn to any other means, refuse to do anything to save yourself or keep your own neck above water! (II:273)

I refuse to let anybody put Me into any kind of box of what they think I ought to do or how I ought to run My business. I can use only those who accept My Wisdom as the supreme standard, who drink in the radical waters I have given for this time and age, to fight the battle over the souls of men in history's darkest hour. I use what nobody thinks I can use. (II:277) If I'm not enough for you, then nothing else will be. If My Word and My will aren't a solid enough foundation for you, then nothing else ever will be! (II:319) Do you see the devil everywhere, or do you see Me in everything, even in something the devil brought about, or the devil happens to use himself? You can see Me in everything if you look hard enough. Isn't it much more blessed to see Me and My purpose even in the bad things that happen to you? To see My working in your life, to find Me talking to you through the lesson you learn in the battles you're fighting against the devil and his ilk? It all depends on how hard someone is looking for the Real Thing! If they really want the truth and nothing but the truth, they're going to find Me! Just like many people are going to be shocked when they'll find out that I really am Who I claimed to be, there are those who are going to be shocked to find out who My closest friends are. They were already shocked when I was on earth! My friends were not the religious people! My friends were ordinary, simple folks, simple enough to receive My Love and what I had to give! My best friends were ordinary sinners, not those who condemned others for their sins. Whenever one of My disciples came up with any notion of being better than someone else, I openly rebuked them. When they tried to keep the children away from Me, indicating that I was too busy, too important, too holy, too high and mighty to be bothered by children, I rebuked them, because that is not what I am! My kind of open-mindedness that I advocate, is: be open for My surprises! Be open enough to see Me in everything! Why look for the devil in everything? But if you seek Me in everything, if you make an effort to see Me and glorify Me in everything, then everything is sanctified! See Me in everything, even in the devil's efforts to try to wipe Me and My message out! Because I will cause his wrath, and the wrath of those who seek to persecute Me by persecuting you, only to praise Me! I will use him to bring about My will and My plan! Those who see the devil in everything are short-sighted! They need to look through all that's on the surface and see Me there, My much greater plan and work, beyond any of the puny workings of the devil. It's hard to see Me in hardships, in difficulties, in battles and trials, but I am there! The kind of openness I promote is the one that encourages people to see My point of view. Don't see the devil in everything, see Me! (II:332) If even I couldn't do much in places where people's unbelief hindered Me, and if what saved the blind man was actually his faith in Me (Lk.18:42), his need for Me, his desire for Me; if even I needed to be believed in, to be needed and wanted in order to fully perform My best, then how much more do you all need that? (II:339) Step into My footsteps! I've had lots of people against Me, in fact, nearly an entire race, plus the majority of the surrounding peoples, and that in spite of all the good I did. Yet it was My Father's Love for Me that saw Me through. And even so it will be His and My Love for you that will see you through and help you to focus on the few who will make it worth it all! (II:350) It's hard to know you are the Son of God, and not be tempted by pride. But I was reminded of the fall of Lucifer, how it was pride that caused it, and I was reminded of the purpose for which I had come into the world: not to lord it out over anyone in pride, but to humbly lay down My life for the sins of the world, sins such as this very one I was experiencing in such moments during My youth. Being the Son of God and Heir of untold spiritual and eternal riches, it soon became evident that envy was a result of looking at things in the flesh, through carnal eyes, and losing sight of the eternal. I was tempted by fear before I faced My darkest hour, the night in which I was betrayed, and since I knew what was going to happen, this wasn't the first time I had to face that enemy. Being the incarnation of an all-powerful God, to experience fear was the epitome of the opposite of everything I had been and was in the Spirit, and was to become. Fear is one of the sins that has the greatest grip on humanity, next to pride, and since I was to free mankind from it, I've really had to conquer it. If you know that I've been going through these temptations, you can know that I have overcome and through Me you can also overcome. You can benefit from My power, the power that I gained in part through overcoming your very same sin. (II:359) It's never too late to come to Me, to turn to Me, it's never too late to receive My love... that's a universal truth! It's never too late for Me! (II:398) The curious and superficial in My days said, "Let's go and hear the miracle preacher!" They were after some kind of kick, and they were in it for the loaves and fishes, or some diversion and entertainment of sorts. But they were living in the lie, that's why I, the Way, the Truth, and the Life, had nothing to offer to them. They were living in the way of death, the way of the flesh, the way of the lie, the way that seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof is destruction and death, but they were firmly convinced that their way was the right way, the way of life, and My way was the way of death, and when I was finally crucified, it seemed to confirm to them that they had been right. That's why they all screamed, "crucify Him!" They wanted Me to die in order to prove that My way

had been wrong, and theirs was right! And for 3 days and nights it seemed as though they had been right. It seemed as if the Devil had won, but when I rose, that's when the true story really began, as My Power was multiplied manifold in My disciples. Sometimes you've got to overcome death first, in order to really break through to Life. Well, that's what I did for all of you! I have overcome death for you, I plucked out its sting, so that you could all partake of My Life My unending Life, Life eternal, Life forevermore, Life ever-increasing. (II:446) I descended to the level of the lowest of the low, not being a respecter of persons, and I want you to follow in My footsteps. (II:456) I never imitated the System's way; I came up with My very own, straight-forward and direct way. My way was love, truth and humility. Adapt to My style instead of theirs. It's tough to go My way, because it means being willing to take the pain, instead of dishing it out. It means to be ready to receive the ridicule, ready to be laughed at, instead of being the one who ridicules and laughs at others. It means taking up the cross yourself, instead of nailing others to crosses with your words. It's gotta be love. It's gotta be humble. It's gotta be Me. (II:479) I did not save the world through some manifestation of Strength and Power, but through My death, the epitome of weakness, loss, the ultimate of what the world considers bad. (II:548) The cross, not the miracles, was the ultimate purpose of why I came, My ultimate destiny. It wasn't My time yet to be a king, but a humble Servant. And that's what you must learn, too. (II:560) It's the road of Gethsemane that you will each find in your lives when you truly follow Me. Remember there were two other fellows crucified along with Me that day, just as there are many others suffering the manifold ways in which all of you do. Yet I was the One Who had gone that way of the cross for Love, for others, and for the Father that day, Who had walked a righteous path. One of the other two relied on his own "goodness" until the very end, his own smartness, and his own world view. The other saw that there was something greater there, something beyond him, something he couldn't quite comprehend, but he knew it was something he wanted to be part of, in whatever remote way it were possible, and I granted him entrance. It was through My suffering that this soul was saved, and even so, through your sufferings, souls can be won to Me, too. (II:575) It has come to this point again where a man's foes shall be they of his own household because of Me. Again, there is division among the people because of Me. Again, I'm asking you to be separate. Again I'm asking you to endure to be hated of men for My name's sake. Even though they claim to know My name, and they claim to know Me and claim that they're part of Me, they are not, for they have despised and rejected Me for this world. (II:587) I can turn any evil into your good. I use anything to draw you closer to Me. My love for you is greater than your unbelief! My pardon is greater than your sin. My love for you is greater than all: greater than the impact of your sin, and certainly greater than the devil's justice or desire to see you prosecuted and judged for anything you may be guilty of. I'm your Defense Attorney, here to protect you from the incessant accusations of the Accuser of the Saints, especially to yourselves. If he manages to make you feel guilty and hopeless, and you're just about to surrender and agree with him, ready to concede to his verdict, I'll step in and say, "Objection!" I see things differently. I see all the background circumstances, conditions and reasons that caused you to sin and to fail, and I am ready to pardon. Of course, sometimes I will also allow a little of his pressure to reveal to you that you're not quite as innocent as you may have thought. But the more you see the need for My forgiveness, the more you will also avail yourself of it, and the more you will be washed clean. You won't be washed clean by ignoring the dirt, or never even finding out it's there... You have to expose it, confront it, discover it and then attack it with the laundry soap of My Spirit, My pardon and forgiveness. And in turn, the more you are forgiven, the more you will also love and forgive others... The whole process is one huge and powerful love-generator, so, I will turn the devil's evil into My good. In Me you will always find a Source of never ending depths, untold mysteries to discover, and a whole universe of revelations to explore. I shall never disappoint you. My sheep hear My voice, and they detect the difference between eternal and temporal. They sense the difference between their tales and the Real Thing, the eternal life I give. (II:600) When I was on Earth, I didn’t spend My whole time just ministering, but actually 90% of the time I spent watching, observing, learning. You want to learn not just to be a witness with your mouth, but also through your sample, a living manifestation of My truth. When the final crunch comes, only I will be able to save the world, and although I’m including all of you, My brides, in this, it is I Whose purpose it is to destroy the works of the devil (1.Jn.3:8). So, sometimes you just have to ‘stand back and see Me fight’ and learn of Me, look unto Me, listen to Me, receive from Me, absorb Me. Only when you’ve absorbed Me rightly, can you also convey Me rightly. (II:647) Only since having experienced the process of human maturation have I also become not only the Lord over all creation, but also its Savior. Something broke open, it made more space in the Plan, not just for the Jews, but for all men... The moment of My death was virtually the crux and crucial point on which all history hinges, the great Crossroads of history, from which on God started walking with mankind. It was no longer just a vertical relationship, from the top down to the bottom, but it

was now one in which I had stretched out My arms to welcome all mankind, any who would receive Me, as My personal bride, ready to receive all things from Me, whatever Power, Glory and Majesty I had. I was no longer just an Observer of mankind, but I had become a Partaker in mankind, I had walked your same road; I had come down to the bottom, to the same ground as you, and even descended into hell after that. I committed My soul into the Father's hand, knowing that My journey was now going to take Me to the depths of Hell, and sometimes that's what you've got to do, too: Just yield your life into My hand, even if you know it might lead you through hell. (III:20) The way I talked to My disciples, they knew that what I had to say mattered. They knew that the only more important One to Me than they was the Father, but besides that, nothing else. Certainly not some insignificant little circumstance or physical condition that concerned our immediate comfort, well-being or supply, much less any new, not really necessary gimmick, just another addition to the collection! Look at Me! I'm fulfilling all your expectations! Why waste your time expecting things from folks who could never live up to all that you might expect of them, when you've got Me right here, Who already more than made up for anything they might lack? Why keep staring into the void, when there's total fullness and wholeness over Here? (III:26) I definitely welcome your having Me involved more in matters and affairs of your daily lives. For Me, it's fun. And even though you dread having to deal with some of these things, they can also become fun for you if you include Me more in them. There are precedents to what I'm doing in your life in order to establish your trust in Me alone, never in any earthly institution. Friends of yesterday can become enemies of tomorrow and vice versa. The only thing that changes not and you can rely on is My being on your side. (III:32) There are still so many things to show, so many aspects to share from My heavenly point of view, to learn to see the spiritual causes behind things. There's more progress to make in your learning to become like Me. (III:50) I wasn't tip-toeing through life, just making sure there were never going to be any hurt feelings! I was an exposer of pride and false motivations and ambitions of men, and made many enemies. It's nice to be considerate, but it's more important to do the right thing than just trying to be "nice." (III:52) I cared not only about people's spiritual, but also their physical well-being, and I still do. I love to provide and supply for you, love to give you the things you want, and fulfill your hearts' desires. God has changed you and cleaned you from your own dirty righteousness and sanctified you with His - simply by your act of receiving Me, His love-gift and Universal Power-Cleaner... So, get a change each day, and make sure you run around clean and fresh, bathed in My true righteousness, and not clinging to your own, old smelly version. You have to continue disposing yourself of your waste and getting clean before Me and through Me, flushed by My Water of the Word, which I abundantly pour forth for you, as much as you need. (III:56) When it comes down to it, by and large, I was a serious Man. I was not a comedian! (III:57) I took the burden of the law off your shoulders. I have paid the price, and I have taken that weight off your shoulders. It's a matter of faith, though. How much do you really believe in My Salvation Power? Of how much guilt do you believe My sacrifice was capable of cleansing you? The people who made sure the Romans had Me crucified without ever getting their own hands dirty were the ones guilty of My blood. Pilate made it pretty plain to them that he refused to take that responsibility when he washed his hands before them, and he was more righteous in My eyes than they were. (III:60) I'm much more merciful and longsuffering and patient than you can fathom. I've got to be longsuffering, patient and forgiving enough for any sinner. My Love has got to be big enough to even embrace those running far outside of the range of what you would consider "the fold." My fold is so much larger than that. My range is so much wider than what most people consider. I'm a Champion of those who are considered losers by the standards of the System. I'm leading you to the most unattractive option of all times – as far as the carnal mind is concerned: I'm leading your heart back Home to Me. It's going to strengthen and immensely increase your amount of love for Me, finding out just how futile, empty and vain all the other options are. (III:70) I expect you to come to Me, to make an effort! You can't just sit passively waiting for Me to make everything happen in your life! As you move toward Me, I move toward you. With the intensity you seek Me, I will come and give you the answer and allow you to find Me. Keep your eye and vision on Me, no matter what. I'm your principal Ally, the One you can rely on without a doubt, the One you should consult with most and first of all. (III:88) Thank you for choosing Me as your role model! I will reward your choice in this and won't disappoint you, and you'll see that eventually that choice will manifest in the type of fruit in your life that will cause others to look up to you as well, and you won't have to be ashamed anymore, because they will no longer see you, but Me in you. Eventually you're going to be a role model, too, that people will be able to look up to, if you keep following Me, continuing to seek My counsel and My heart daily, and as I was in this world, so will you be.

Thank you for choosing to represent Me, My cause and My agenda in this world, and for not seeking your own! (III:91) it's important that you get refilled by Me. Thank you for following in My footsteps, and for being a sample of My forgiveness and accpetance. Isn't it so much better to show love, instead of being judgmental? So much more beautiful to show them an open door than to shut them out? Look at My life: did I ever avoid or evade those people that others looked down on? I didn't even avoid those who hated and rejected Me. My message has always been, "Come to Me all ye that are weary and heavy laden, and I will give you rest (Mt.11:28)." (III:93)

You will always stand as the accused in the courts of men - whether in actual and real cases, or in the courts of their own minds and hearts - just as I did. And when you stand there, know that they have accused and persecuted Me the same, and I have been there and passed this way before, so that I could be your Defender! (III:100) When I came to Earth and had to walk right among those men and women created, some of which looked quite fierce from that short distance, I wasn't at My safe distance in the Heavens anymore, but right there among all that beauty and ugliness at the same time. The answer, the solution, is to have the humility to say, "I'm not better than you." I gave that example. If anyone had a right to say "I am better," it would have been Me, but instead, I allowed them to treat Me as if I was worse than they, I allowed them to condemn and execute Me as a criminal, and still feel very righteous about it. (III:102) Without Me life is meaningless. (III:107) I've always been the Hero and the Champion of the one lost and forgotten and neglected sheep. If I knew the 99 were safely in the fold, My sympathies, My concerns and My love would go out to that one lost sheep, strangled out there somewhere in the brambles, the brushes, the shrubs of the confusion of this world, and often I have wondered why those in the fold were always too busy pleasing themselves to ever come out and assist Me. There will come a time when I will make it clear to the world that it doesn't make any big difference whether you're calling yourself a Christian, but how you live is what matters, and how much you have given and done in order to make sure that those others, who apparently did not know Me, or perhaps did not want to know Me because of some despicable and loveless sample of one of those supposed believers and followers of Mine, would be given the chance to see a true picture and illustration and token of My love by the way you lived. God would not be God, nor would He be righteous, if He only allowed nominal Christians into His Kingdom, who - although they were supposed to have known the truth - lived a worse sample of what I stood for than some or even many of those who claimed not to believe in Me, because they didn't want to be part of the hypocrites. He is not a Christian that is outwardly a Christian, in name and in title only. But how much are you really Mine? How much can you really claim to be Mine? How much can you really say that you are My bride, that you have loved Me intimately, have heard My voice speak to your heart, and how much have you obeyed that voice? How much have you gone forth, accepting and bearing My seed and bringing forth fruit unto Me? How many children have you borne unto Me? Can you truly call yourself Mrs. Christ? Are you truly My wife? Have you truly employed your life in service to Me, or were you just one of the countless slaves of Mammon, who every once in a while offered a little token, a small sacrifice to Me, as one would throw a bone to a dog under the table? (III:123) He that praises Me and My Name, praises the Father. He has ordained the flow of things to pass through Me, the Mediator between God and men. I am the Light of the world by which you can see Him in everything. (III:126) There will come a time when I will have to become your Everything: your food, your oxygen, your water. You will be totally dependent on Me. Accordingly, you should start tuning in to Me with the reverence that is due. Our relationship must grow. (III:144) Folks certainly didn't think I was "nice," and it's probably the least fitting term that would describe the event when I was fighting My battle royal and carried My cross up to Golgotha. There was nothing "nice" about it. So, don't worry if things won't stay all friendly and lovey-dovey once you get going. (III:178) Let Me be the Sunshine of your life and let Me light up your life! Make Me the Sun around which your life revolves! There's just no other road to happiness than the one of truly putting Me first in your life. (III:180) To know Me is to know Heaven. If you've got Me in your heart, you've got Heaven in your heart. As long as folks are focusing in all kinds of different directions than Mine for their fulfillment and happiness, it's no wonder there's chaos. They all seek their own thing, and not Mine. They all want to get their bellies full of fun, and they consider Me boring. (III:237) They can't stop you anymore than they could stop Me. It's not you they're trying to stop, but Me. Whenever another "star" appears on your horizon that you begin to focus on, instead of Me, then I have to allow things to happen that prove to you that this new idol has feet of clay just like all the previous ones... I was criticized by My own followers, brethren and closest friends, betrayed by one of them, and denied by another... Walk a mile in My shoes! If you want to follow My path, then that's what's going to be expecting you.

Just give all the credit and glory to Me, and nothing will go wrong. I'm the only One Who can handle it, since I'm totally free of pride. Pride is the opposite of what I am, it's absolutely absent from My nature. The only thing I pride Myself in is you, My bride, and the Father, His infinite wisdom and glory. So, if you give all the credit to Me, in return you'll receive some of that same grateful and humble Spirit that brings down true glory that glories in nothing else but the One to Whom all glory, honor and power and recognition is due... (III:264) If My example that I have given humanity included taking time for children, then how much more should you take time for your grown up brothers and sisters around you, who might need your attention and care even more. Trust that time is in My hands. Hand over the reins of your life - or the steering wheel, in terms of today - to Me. (III:284) Apart from the need to pay attention to others, an attitude of forgiveness and acceptance, trust, and patience, the next ingredient to making unity work in a relationship is not to neglect Me, My Word, not to take your focus off Me, the Magic and Power that holds you together, the Initiator of your relationship Who must preserve it and make it last. I am what you need most desperately in your relationship, and staying focused on Me will guarantee your ability to keep up with the other requirements as well. "Without Me you can do nothing" also applies to relationships. Those who have tried without Me have had to find out that they're missing out on the best and most important thing, no matter how wonderful their relationship might be. So, view your "problems" not as curses, but as blessings in disguise, for they are precisely what keeps you close to Me. I am the Foundation on which you must build the work of your lives, which also includes your relationships, your families, your fruits. Focus on Me, look unto Me and hold on to Me every step of the way as your only Hope of success. (III:285) When I came to the world, I didn't come exclusively as its Teacher. I also learned through the things which I suffered (Heb.5:8). Part of what made Me a good Teacher was being a good learner also. You have to be able to absorb what's going on around you. Most of the things I learned from mankind were far from the way I knew things were supposed to be. But in learning about the problem, I also learned more about what the solution was going to be. Communication is already a big part of the solution. After all, the giving of Myself to the world was a gigantic act of communication between God and the World. It's a give and take: God gave that which He most loved, and He's receiving from the world in return. Eventually, communication between God and men will be established to such a degree that He will feel comfortable enough among men to make His abode with them, right here, on earth (Rev.21:3). (III:329) What you need to do is see Me in others, and hope and pray that they'll see Me in you, too. Come to face it: being a Christian is all about Me. It's not about how good or bad your fellow Christians are, but it's about the Christ, the One Who came to clean up everything, no matter how big the mess is that everyone else made, including out of this mess called Christianity today. Only I am strong enough to uphold and carry you, and that's why I need you to lean on Me with all your weight and all your strength. You can have none other share that pedestal with Me. Forget about them and think about Me! Only then can you even think about them and look at them in the proper way. You've got to look at Me first! Without looking at Me first, there's no use looking anywhere else, because all you'll see will only drag you down. So, come and have a good, long look at Me! Even so you look at all that life entails for you, and if you do it without Me on your mind, you figure, "It's all pointless." But I'm trying to teach you, "Don't look out there, but look unto Me first. I'll show you and teach you the point." There is a point, but you won't grasp it without Me! If your focus really is primarily on Me, and I've got true top priority among all things and people that are of interest to you and intrigue you, then you'll be a lot quicker to forgive, and it will be much easier for you to cope with the failures of others. More is sometimes less. A tiny diamond is more valuable than a ton of rocks. Are you smart enough to spot the true treasures in life among all the impressive, but often worthless big and huge things? Are you smart enough to distinguish the true King of kings from among all the mighty and fancy kings of the earth, even though He was only a humble carpenter? That's what life is all about: discovering God's mystery in life. If you only focus on the obvious, you're never going to get it. (III:341) It’s essential to have a relationship that glorifies Me, one that you can tell that I’m really in it, one in which My Presence is a given and in which you can see Me in each other, and you can tell it’s Me doing it all for you, and it’s not a thing of the flesh. If you’re going to see Me in this, then you’ll still continue to see Me when the “frame” is taken away. If you realize that I’m the major part of the picture, and the Key Element, then it won’t matter too much when the other, nonetheless important, but not quite as essential parts are taken away. Maybe I will never have to allow them to be taken away because I will simply know that you will have learned the lesson. What’s important is that it’s not just someone’s ego being fed here, but something is happening that glorifies Me, that gives Me the credit for what’s happening and thus will bear good fruit. The key for you lies in realizing the importance of My role in it all, which by far the majority of people completely ignore and fail to recognize, or flatly refuse to. The more you realize that it’s mostly My doing instead of your own, the closer to the realistic picture of the whole thing you are, and thus you also become aware of the relation of importance of the different (f)actors involved. To most people, they themselves are the most important ingredient, as far as they’re concerned. You’re in the process of learning

that that might be a mistake, and that there’s a greater, mostly unrecognized Factor which has by far the greatest level of importance in it all, and the more you learn that, the more you’ve got your finger on the pulse of the actual and ultimate Reality, such as I know and convey it. It’s not that I’m boasting or trying to show off, or on an ego trip, which is what happens when the wrong kind of guy demands that sort of supremacy, as you can tell by the Devil’s example, or that of the kind of folks whose hero he is. But it’s simply an essential fact that governs the laws of the universe and all that’s beyond it… I just happen to be the big Key Factor, and the sooner all the other little factors begin to realize that and avail themselves of that fact, the more they’re going to contribute to the final outcome of the Big Picture. It’s not so much what you do or even are, but what you allow Me to do and be in your life… And if you can realize that in your relationship and allow Me to be all that I can be in your midst, then I can only delight in such a relationship and bless it… (2011:29) I’m there to help you through the things you’ll have to go through as they pan out, and to assure you that there’s a happy ending, come what may, and to save you from your own messes when things just didn’t pan out. So, why not stick with what you’ve got: a Friend in need and a Savior Who can guarantee that you’ll come out of this alright, no matter what proportions it may take. (2011:32) Trust that I am with you! Wait for Me to open the door and show you the direction of what I want you to do. Wait on Me and find out from Me what I want you to do! The problem with being “on top of the world” is that you begin to think that this already must be the Kingdom, and that seeking first the affairs of My Kingdom is the same as business as usual. But does that really sound like Me? Does anything about My nature strike you as “business as usual”? If so, you’ve probably got the wrong picture of Me and aren’t very familiar with My true nature, which is the essence of change when it comes to the ways of the world, and what I’d like to bring into it… Seeking first My Kingdom basically equals changing the world, and the only way you’re ever going to bring about or make any changes that matter is by taking the time to absorb My true nature. You can only be like Me in this world by spending time with Me to learn of Me, experience what I’m really like and become like that yourself… (2011:33) When I carried My cross up that hill I didn’t know that I was going to make it, and I certainly didn’t feel like I was going to make it, and there were moments when it didn’t look like I was going to make it… All that was obvious and clear to Me was that this was and had been Father’s plan all along, and that He was going to have to see it through somehow. (2011:63) People simply have a tendency to make a mess of things, and that's precisely what happened down here, and it's going to take Me and My Return and intervention to clean it up. It's going to take Me, My help and Salvation, just as you already need them on a smaller scale in your personal life, and having learned to avail yourself of them puts you at an advantage. (2011:66) As far as I’m concerned, this whole planet is in one hell of a mess, one country worse than the other, and from human points of view you might even call it hopeless, but I’m not panicking, because I’m in control. And as long as you stay attuned to Me and assured that I can handle this, you also should see no need to panic. Everything’s under My control, so if you’re in sync with Me, you can be peaceful about it, no matter how chaotic things might get (and trust Me, they’ll get worse). So, let’s just assume I know what I’m doing, and even if everything that goes on all around you doesn’t seem to make any sense right now, it will someday, and there’s a purpose for it all, and I’m in control, and won’t let you go under in all the apparent chaos. In fact, I love to show My Power by upholding you through the most ridiculous situations and violent storms. So, lighten up, and enjoy My Power to cause you to rise above any old mess. I’m right there with you. (2011:68) There are very few people actually ready to lay down their lives for another, and perhaps the scarcity of that phenomenon will help you appreciate a little more the fact that I did. Not everybody would, not even in the little day-to-day things. And then again: would you? I laid down My life for you fully conscious of what sinners you are. Now, would you be willing to lay down your life for a sinner just like yourself? (2011:70) I’m not after great big numbers and scores. It’s the little things that matter to Me, remember? And faithfulness in the little things to Me is a big thing. (2011:71) If you're going to hang with Me and communicate with Me and turn to and rely on Me as your major Source of inspiration, you will have something to say, to give and convey. You could make a difference, but you've got to avail yourself of the Power that enables you to make that difference, and that's only found in Me. Thus, neglecting Me is the one worst mistake you could ever make, so you should stop making it. Come to Me if you want to have a clue about anything that's going on in your life and how to make the best out of it. Keep ignoring Me if you don't. The daily choice is yours. I'm there for you. If you don't appreciate that, it's not My fault if your life unravels. Just as flowers will wither without water and light, so will you without Me. (2011:74)

I’m your only Hope and chance to get through this all victoriously. (2011:75) If your life is governed by My song, you will have peace. I’ve got every aspect of your life under My control, even though I’m leaving some of that control in your own hands. But if you ask and want Me to, I can take control of your life to an extent where you can know you’ll be completely safe. (2011:76) There’s a lot more to life and the universe than meets the naked eye, as people have begun to find out, and this fact is testimony to the way I work. I’m anything but superficial. (2011:77) I delight in being a Resource to you that far surpasses the given natural resources. I like to be that extra boost of energy when you have none left, supply when there is no more to go… I like to bust your natural confines and stretch them and be that extra mile, the extra portion, the Source of strength that keeps you going just when you thought you couldn’t anymore… I like to be that “more” in your situations of “less,” be the path where there is no way, the light where there is no light, your strength when there is none left. Those who make Me the Source of their strength will never regret it because, unlike any other, I never run dry and you can never run out of Me and what I have to give. Your capacities to receive may be limited, but those are the only limitations to what I have to give and want to give you, which is why I allow you to reach those natural limits of yours, so that you will avail yourself of Me and what’s Mine to give you. That’s why I told My followers, “I am the Bread of life,” or told them that I would give them water that’s better than what they pulled out of the well; that I was the Light of the world: a better Source of those natural resources they turn to for their substance and survival. What I was saying was, “Eat Me, and you’ll never be hungry again; drink Me and you’ll never thirst; abide in My light and you will walk no more in darkness…” I’m all that you need and more. (2011:78) Low, empty moments between the blessings and the fullness are the ones to remind you and drive home the point and lesson deep down into your conscience that it is I I Who am truly the most steady and reliable Friend and Factor in your life. The truly magic moments for Me are the ones when you have nothing and no one left but Me, and you finally realize that this is the difference between Me and all of them, and you begin to get a glimpse of the extent of My importance in your life: I am the only reliable One come what may, so the One truly worthy of paying your attention to. It may hurt to lose friends, but if this is what causes you to realize the importance of your best Friend, then it’s something that will work out for the better and your greater good! (2011:80) I know what I’m doing, so just trust Me for it. You can see the traces of My Presence everywhere you go, and if at times you’re tempted to feel forsaken and overwhelmed, then it’s usually simply because you don’t avail yourself of My Presence and help as much as you should, which is precisely another reason why I’m bringing along these more taxing times. I want you to realize that you can’t make it – without Me! I believe and know that you can make it, yes, but only – and that’s the primary requirement – with My help. I’m getting a multiple advantage out of this: I train you in the field of greater dependence on Me, while at the same time teaching you new skills in new areas of your life; and in addition, I’m dealing with your character and will iron out some flaws in your attitudes and behavior. I’m a good Captain of your life, and you’re making no mistake in trusting Me for your vessel. I’ll steer you into a safe harbor, even through the roughest seas. (2011:85) I could make a very drastic difference in people’s lives if they would let Me and tune into Me and get on My wavelength. Yet with all My Power, I even have more of a handicap than you: the fact that they can’t see or hear or even feel Me. And that’s especially why I need you to make an even greater effort to tune in to Me, because I need people like you to be My reflectors for them. Don’t try to save yourself out of what you perceive as a hopeless situation, but let Me be the Sunshine that shines a light of hope in there that will give you a purpose and the conviction to go on! (2011:87) My greatest wish is for you to really be able to see just how much you can trust Me, and for you to stop worrying once and for all whether I will take care of you or not. So, if you want to honor Me, please Me and make Me happy, do Me the favor, and show forth some trust in Me. Give Me your trust! (2011:88) I am the Door to the Other World. Others of what the world refers to as its great minds and philosophers, or perhaps even holy men, have been windows. Some of these windows have given a clear view of the other, greater Realm, others were tainted, and gave glimpses that were partly distorted. In whichever case, they grant glimpses and views, but I am the Door through which you can actually enter, not just catch a view. (2011:95)

You know what I think of the development of mankind, and while the simple folks have their flaws, in My eyes, the much greater sin lies with those who really ought to know better, just as it was with those who opposed, persecuted and sought to destroy Me. I’ve never been much of a Man of theories, but My life was one of Action – putting what the Father had commanded and ordained Me to do into practice, more than preaching eloquent sermons or appealing to the intellect of anyone.

My teachings are not as much a challenge for the intellect as they are for the ego, the selfishness and coldness of man’s heart, and that’s really where many part from what I have to offer, unwilling to give up what they so feverishly cling to, when My life and My message were all about letting go. (2011:99) My battle has always been about something more than words. What people resented most about Me were My actions… our lifestyle, and you may note that they did not determine to kill Me until I proved by My action of raising the dead that I actually was Who I claimed to be. (2011:104) I am the Source of the beauty and fullness you seek from life, and it’s the times of hardships, not the easy times, that help you to realize that, as they draw you closer to Me, and there, in My bosom, you find comfort and solace and sweet relief from the strain and pain of the world… (2011:112) It’s ultimately good for you to learn to recognize Me and honor Me for Who and what I am and for the significant role I play in your life. It’s great when someone realizes that it’s not just all about them, but it’s about Me and them, and together we can be strong and invincible. (2011:113) I am the Center of everything, whether people become aware of it or not. As long as I’m at the center of your life, any life, your orbit will be safe and sound, regulated by My spiritual gravitational pull. It only starts to become dangerous when people see themselves or their own opinions and attitudes as the center of it all, causing imbalance and chaos, which unfortunately describes the general state of the world right now… (2011:124) I can give you glimpses of what I see, and you can learn from Me how to live in a vaster scope than that most humans limit their focus to. What I’m saying is, we’re a good team. You need Me, and – regardless of what others say – I need you, and if we do things together, we’ll both get accomplished more than either of us would without the help and assistance of the other. (2011:126) I’m there for you to find in My arms and in the shelter of My bosom what you cannot find in the world. As I told My disciples: In the world ye shall have tribulation (distress), but be of good cheer (= cheer up!); I have overcome the world. I have overcome the world and thus offer hope to anyone who is looking for a way out of its mess. As your Savior I have come to set you free from captivity, so it’s up to you to wear that garment of freedom and accept that I have set you free, believe it and act like a free man, accordingly. (2011:127) The good thing, and the thing to remember is that I’m with you, and you’re not alone. (2011:128) My idea of perfection differs largely from the human view. I can bear with temporary imperfection, or even downright disobedience and evil a little better. Let’s say I’m much more of a patient Man, because I have a lot of faith due to the things I have seen and known. But that is merely another reason why I invite you to come and learn of Me and try to catch a glimpse of the way I see things, and get a little bit of an idea of the way I do and handle things. My believers have been trying to change Me and My nature, even if only in their own minds and conceptions of Me for centuries and more. They’re never quite happy with the kind of Savior I really am, because they would prefer one, of course, that is much easier to understand and does things a lot more their way, than those unorthodox, unheard of ways I keep choosing. Often I even have to give in and say, “Well, have it your way then…” And basically, that’s the chapter in history you’re in right now, the chapter of having it your way. (2011:131) I happened to know that My fruit on earth indeed was good, and that I thus was a good tree. I knew My Origins, and that what I was going to bring forth could simply not turn out bad, for I am the Father’s Son, and He does all things well. So, addressing those who accused Me of being evil, I said, “A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit.” Likewise, those who sought to kill Me could not bring forth good fruit, no matter how hard they’d try, unless they’d eventually repent. (2011:137)

If I was closer to the publicans, harlots and sinners than to their religious accusers during My earthly lifetime, you can be assured that nothing has changed about that since I’ve taken back My rightful place in Heaven. (2012:11) In finding Me you can find anything else you set out to find anywhere else, but you’ve got to seek Me first. If you seek reason and meaning and purpose, you will find it in Me and through Me. If you seek joy, happiness and laughter, you will find it through Me. All My blessings and joys of life are yours for the asking, but what doesn’t work is, trying to find them without Me and ignoring Me when you should know better. If you’re looking for something, or there’s anything you need, I’m your Man. I’m the One to go through, the one channel and connection by which you can obtain everything you need and desire, so, think how important it is to uphold and keep that connection established. Don’t let it be eroded by all the friction of your daily circumstances and the attempts of the carnal life to distract you from what’s really relevant. I’m the one Factor that can make all the difference in the world in your life, so think how vehemently the opposing forces will fight to keep you from making that happen, and fight back accordingly, defending this greatest treasure in your life with all you’ve got. (2012:34)

I’m all about the lasting version of the fleeting shadows of whatever you’ve got in this life, including life itself. I’m all about the real deal, as opposed to all those fakes and here-today, gone-tomorrow joys. What I really like and appreciate in My children is when they recognize and honor that and pursue those lasting and true joys I have to offer, and turn their focus away from the temporal counterfeits. (2012:43) You wouldn’t have considered My act of barging into the temple – a sacred place of worship – the most sacred place for many of My time – an act of well-mannered behavior and etiquette. It was the final straw that led many to the conclusion that I must have been a lunatic, not quite right or “clean” in the head… But I detest it when outward cleanliness becomes the major concern and folks ignore the inward filth of their sins. (2012:48) I can open and lock any door in any realm, but in order to avail yourself of that power, you have to be able to distinguish the different rules of the two separate systems. That’s why you can’t figure Me out by the terms and rationalism of the world… I’m a whole different ball game, and when you try to stick Me into that worldly little mold of that system that’s being created and programmed by the enemy, you’re committing an operational error. (2012:51) Don’t be dismayed by the temporary interruptions in your emotional output. Even I became weary during My time on Earth, and there were times when I “snapped” and became impatient and said things that you maybe wouldn’t have expected from the “perfect” Son of God, which is another reason why the perfectionist religionists rejected Me: I wasn’t perfect enough for them. In fact, I never claimed to be. I didn’t even claim to be “good.” (2012:60) If they resent you, know that they’ve resented Me before you. (2012:69) There probably wouldn’t be much room in a world like yours for Someone like Me, which is why I chose an earlier point in time for My appearance, when they’d still be somewhat ready to accept Me. My ideas of greatness and ideals certainly don’t fit in very well with this money-oriented society, and not being of this world has taken on whole new dimensions in this day and age. So, I’ll have to let you guys handle this job for now, and I’ll intervene sooner or later, when things simply won’t be able to continue anymore without My help, because unbeknownst to the large majority, trouble is brewing beneath the surface that’s soon to emerge, and things won’t continue as they are forever, no matter how much they’d like to believe that… There will come a time when My role as a Savior will become abundantly clear and recognized as the only possible chance and hope for life. (2012:72) Think of Me as not only a teacher conveying theoretical knowledge and information, but as a coach who will exert you and try to get the most out of you, and getting you to live up to your full potential. Not just because I’m interested in the quality of your performance for the benefit of the whole team and the end result of the game, but because I know you will benefit from it, too. You’ll feel better about yourself, more satisfied and fulfilled, and, let’s just say, it’s part of My method to live up to My Promise that I’ve come to make you live life to the full. (2012:73) Just as even dung is used in order to bring new life from the ground when used as fertilizer, I’m a Master at recycling all kinds of waste, and, as I told you before, nothing’s ever really wasted. I’m the Keeper of keepers, and I know how to keep and care for what’s Mine. (2012:74) I want to prove to you that I am indeed enough. Enough to keep you happy and satisfied, and that you don’t really need all that other stuff. (2012:78) I am the Completion of all things, the “missing Piece” that will fill in the holes, relieve all the pain, make whole what’s broken and mend all things. (2012:80) You will know that you are Mine. The more you dwell in that knowledge, the more you’ll realize that there’s really not so much to worry about. (2012:81) Not many people would have reckoned that the tale of a crucified carpenter would have the impact on the world that it did, but it did… Remember that I’m not known for using conventional methods, and I’m not about to change now. (2012:86) If My Presence in your life and My communications with you are supposed to have any kind of influence and impact on you at all, isn’t it that? – Not to flow with the current of the world, but to live and show and give a living example of a different kind of life? (2012:90)

I probably wouldn’t have made many enemies if I would have just encouraged the fishers and a tax collector to stick to their jobs, instead of calling them to follow Me to preach a different Kingdom, one which most of them, as it turned out, resented even more than they resented Rome. (2012:92) I was never that interested in attracting large crowds who are in it for the ride and the loaves and fishes… (2012:98)

I didn’t pursue the road that led to My own good and advantage, but literally, My destruction, in favor of the good of others. (2012:101)

I’m the Mediator between God, the Author and Ruler of the Spirit World, and theirs, the physical world, the Central Exchange. Some folks are not far from the Kingdom, but to really get in and become a part of it, I am the only Door. The nice thing about Me being the Winner is that I have it rigged up in such a way that pretty much everyone will turn out to be a winner in the end. But the greatest rewards will naturally go to those who chose to play on My side of the game, and some will have to wait for a while until they’re even ready to admit that they had been playing for the wrong side… (2012:106) I know it’s hard! Hey, crucifixion was no piece of cake either, so don’t deny Me the right of saying, “I’ve been there.” Besides, it’s true, I’m there with you, can feel the suffering and pain you’re going through, and yes, I’m more able to do so since I became mortal flesh Myself. Apart from that, the act of bearing all the sins of mankind – as unfathomable as that may be to most people – made Me a closer and more intimate part of you than you’re often aware of. It means, in other words, you can’t shock Me with anything that you might do or have done. I know it, because I carried the guilt of that sin in My own flesh. (2012:112) I didn’t come into the world to condemn it, and neither should you. I’m always down at the bottom to catch you and help you make it back up again, usually to greater heights than before. (2012:114) You can always expect to find Me, the truth and the Real Thing, in the totally unexpected. (2012:115) I’m the Son of a God well capable of carrying the weight and load of anyone who puts their trust in Me. (2012:123) I’m not only the living Word of God, His Mediator with man, but also your Teacher and Example of humility… I’m used to people resenting Me throughout the ages… perhaps that’s what’s keeping Me so humble. – As opposed to the way they worship Satan. Or what’s even more humbling is the way some people worship a false image of Me that doesn’t correspond to My true nature… So, you see I sympathize with your troubles, seeing that I’ve got a few on My own. I’m not oblivious to what it means to be human and have human troubles, trials and problems. And that’s one of those outstanding characteristics about Me: I can relate just fine to you. That’s what makes Me so useful and helpful to mankind. Yet the pity is, most of them don’t want to avail themselves of My help… It takes time and some considerable effort to really get to know Me. But don’t expect to get to know all there is to know about Me during this life-time. If there’s something there will always be more to get to know about, it’s Me and My Kingdom. (2012:128) An advantage of being all-knowing: People can’t really shock Me. You can’t be disappointed by something you know is going to happen. (2012:138) You’re learning by experience that I simply am the best Solution and Source, and all others are wanting and insufficient in comparison; they simply don’t cut it and can’t keep up in the same way I can. It’s great to have those man-made sources of inspiration which yield at least some degree of genuine inspiration and a portion of My Spirit, but there’s nothing like the Real Thing of tapping right into Me and My Spirit, the very Source of all that is good. I’m the Factor that can keep you forever young, and when you keep that in mind, those are the times you feel inspired and fit. I’m not just a good Source to turn to on a regular basis, but the One that should be the most important Factor in your life you turn to multiple times per day, much more regularly and faithfully, if you want to be more inspired and truly get something done and make progress in conveying what I’ve given you to others. Make use of the advantage of having Me with you, within you, and always available. Only a fool would not use it in order to enhance and improve his life and increase his productivity, happiness, and just about everything good in your life manifold! (2012:150) The path of Love and Salvation is the one that says, “Nevertheless, not My will, but Thy will be done.” And that’s the example I’ve given you to follow. I would have preferred to be spared at the time I prayed that prayer, but chose to yield to the Father’s better knowledge, that the result of My death on the cross would bear greater, much greater benefits for all – not just Myself – than any other possible option. Every bad, selfish, negative choice (= sin) you make in life is a minus. Every unselfish act that follows the example I gave on the cross is a plus. (2012:151) I could have very easily asked the Father why He led Me up that mount to meet My own destruction. It’s not like I never had any potential, you know? I was a great Miracle Worker, and if I would have “played My cards right” according to the ways of the world, I could have easily written the greatest success story of all times. But like this I wound up some obscure carpenter’s son sentenced to death and executed by crucifixion in his early 30s, according to the annals of the world. Only true believers can see that this is actually really the greatest success story of all times, the greatest achievement and feat of all times that will be celebrated as such for all eternity, while all those other big success stories that make the news today will be forgotten People always try to amend My ways with the ways of the world and fit Me and their religion into that mold of the acceptable by the standards of this world, but it’s futile, because this world and I are two opposing extremes and odds to say the least, and if not to say, at war with each other constantly.

When you’re part of My thing, and what I’m trying to do, you’re not anymore part of that “food chain.” You’re part of something else, another chain or cycle, fed directly by the Source of all things… But in return I want you to share that Source with others, and when you don’t make the effort to do that, that’s when you start feeling bad and like you’re missing something. (2012:170) That’s why I still claim to be your best Friend: I pretty much let you be what you want. I may allow you to learn certain lessons when you’ve been making choices that according to My knowledge simply weren’t the best for you, but I don’t coerce you to do My will or follow the one and only path of My highest will for you. (2012:181) Become someone who puts the emphasis, and bases the criteria around which life revolves, on the Spirit – the Eternal, making Me a constant Partner in every endeavor and interaction in their life! I’ve got to be there with them, within them, and protruding and exuding from them, visibly, tangibly and audibly, for how else is the world ever going to find out about Me and that I’m real, seeing they totally leave the evidence of My creation out of consideration and giving mere coincidence and Evolution the credit for it – luck, or Lucifer, My adversary? I want you to seek Me in the darkness and I need you to find Me in the light. Both extremes are necessary, both to teach and remind you of what I am to you and to make you realize the extent of your need for Me. You can’t do it without Me! - Just as there are things that your babies can’t do without you. The difference is, I will never disappear, never will get upset at you, and never ever fail you in any way. I’m always and constantly there for you. Count on it! (2012:183) Look at the types of people I hung out with: not the spiritually educated, but fishermen, a tax collector, etc., having come from a humble carpenter’s family Myself. (2012:185) You don’t need all those things you think you need as much as you need the One most folks think they can do without: Me. I’m trying to point them to the fact that what they really need lies somewhere in a completely different direction than they’re all looking at and running to, day in day out, and yes; that less is sometimes more: They’d be so much richer without some of the things they keep heaping upon themselves, frantically trying to enrich themselves and boost the quality of their lives while all along neglecting the truly essential, the kind of food that will give life beyond this earthly one, which is why I kept saying, “I am the Bread of Life,” and you need to eat Me if you truly want to live, instead of ever consuming more of the things that will only culminate on the same old sad “Game over” scenario. As a Man rejected and despised by men and acquainted with grief, one would say, I couldn’t have possibly been a very healthy soul during My earthly existence, which would be the wrong conclusion to draw, and the same applies to countless of My true followers, as opposed to the polished Hollywood style versions of today with their false gospel of prosperity. If it were true what they’re preaching, that “blessed are the rich,” then why would I have turned down the Devil’s offer of all the riches in the world? Why would it say, “He fills the hungry with goods but the rich He sends away empty?” (2013:1) Your relationship with Me is your only hope and chance for survival. You can do it, but you can only do it with Me. Where I’m crowded out of your life, your only prospects left are despair. People just don’t realize how desperately they need Me, and I know you’re tempted to listen to the voices trying to tell you that it’s a sign of weakness, but really, it’s your only true strength. (2013:2) I add the rhyme and reason, and even the necessary rhythm to your life without which it would all be a bunch of nonsense. You might say I’m the very beat of your heart and life. Without My sap the tree of your life would die. Can you feel it, how life begins to creep back into your spiritual veins as you tune in to Me? You think you can do it without Me, and it seems you can, but only for so long… (2013:6) Life is a series of crises that is meant for you to tackle, take on and endure somehow. It begins with the crisis of birth and ends with the crisis of death, with a million other little or bigger crises strewn in in-between. The clue is in remembering the Christ when you’re in a crisis, the Messiah, the promised way out of this whole mess that you – mankind – have gotten yourselves into. What matters is that you’ve got Me on your side, and that fact alone should enable you to make it through whatever crisis. (2013:7) Always know that I’m right there and aware of your state, never expecting more of you than you’re able to deliver. When there’s a job for you to do for Me, I’ll enable you to do it. I’ll open the doors, and I’ll make a way – if need be – where there is no way. (2013:12) My believers have doubted My wisdom and My Word all throughout the ages, and you might say I’m getting used to it. Nonetheless, eventually they all begin to see that I knew what I was doing, after all. (2013:13) It’s shocking and sad, but also liberating and eye-opening, giving you a clearer scope of reality, when you realize that the only One Who’s going to be able to help you make it, Who’s truly always going to be there and won’t possibly let you down, is I. If you turn to Me for hope and strength, you won’t be disappointed. If you want true hope that will give you the strength you need to make it along any stretch of your road, look to Me, count on Me and trust in Me. (2013:15) I’m always around. Just tap in! I won’t disappear on you. And learning to tap into Me even when all around you it’s chaos is what it’s all about right now.

I and My input are always available to you, that’s a Promise I won’t back down on. (2013:16) I’m an “against all odds” type of guy. I like to make it against all that the world says or believes to be possible. (2013:17) When no one believes in you, it’s a great time to look to Me and believe Me for the fact that I believe in you, even when no one else does. (2013:21) Against the odds I rose from the dead, and since then, pretty much what every man or woman of faith ever accomplished, it was against the odds. . (2013:32) You’re only going to find your path through this life, as well as all it takes to walk it, in your companionship with Me. You’re only able to be, and only able to have what it takes, or anything worth conveying to others, through your fellowship with Me, instead of neglecting Me in exchange of false hopes in anything or anyone pertaining to this temporal, faulty and flawed earthly realm. I’m the only truly desirable factor able to bring true and lasting sense and meaning to your otherwise empty and vain existence. (2013:35)

Instead of being so disturbed by the world’s lack of knowledge of Me, and worse, the lack of interest in getting to know Me, just enjoy the fact more that you do, and I’m Someone more worth knowing and more worth trying to please than they. Now you’ve just got to believe it. They’re here today and will be gone forever tomorrow. What remains in your life, and will always remain is I. (2013:48)

I am capable of My job as a Savior and Redeemer, which means I can save and redeem you for any sin and won’t need your help with it, trying to redeem yourself. (2013:49) I’m not cold, emotionless, but quite the opposite, and I long for fellowship, true companionship and interaction with those I have called My friends and more, My brides. (2013:52) Got a problem? Bring it before Me and see what happens. Maybe if it happens sufficient times that I manage to dissolve them into thin air, you’ll deem Me worth your time… I am truly the Solver of every possible problem you might have, and the Dissolver of all your misery. And what’s more, I really enjoy My job, and am entirely enthusiastic about it; so it’s not like you need to dread asking Me for help just this one more time before you’ll leave Me in peace. I don’t mind at all helping you out! It’s a pleasure for Me! You know when you can just love someone with all their flaws and quirks and they don’t seem to bother you at all? I’m simply capable of that kind of love pretty much all the time. Maybe you can’t just keep loving unconditionally, but I can. (2013:60) John the Baptist put it nicely by saying, “He must increase, but I must decrease” (John 3:30). If you let Me and the amount of My affairs, My Presence and all that concerns Me, increase in your life, and allow your own carnal ambitions, desires and preoccupations to decrease, it means you’re building your house on a firm foundation that will outlast the temporal realm, and on sure and safe ground. You’ll have an anchor that won’t be torn up so easily by the rough storms of this world, and when everything else goes to pot, you’ll still be standing. (2013:69) You can be sure of the fact that I always need you. Even if it’s just to seek My face, My will and My counsel in situations when you’re clueless. When your life doesn’t seem to make much sense, it’s great for Me to know that you need Me, and you might say, I need you to need Me. I have a desire for you, for your fellowship, for your calling and crying out to Me, a strong desire for you to acknowledge Me. I’m the Factor that brings sense into your life and puts the pieces together when you can’t make much sense of the puzzle. Availing yourself of Me is like availing yourself of the magic ingredient that turns death into life and brings meaning into it all. How else do you think the deeper meaning of everything can be discovered, except through communion with Me? (2013:72) You think that what I want to see is some more money-making action? Or that I just hunger for true companionship, fellowship and interaction with you? – Friendship, honesty, whatever you can grant Me… I’m not really all that demanding. I personally am much more into giving, as opposed to the majority of rich folks. It’s just that a lot of people couldn’t care less about what I’ve got to give when all they care about is the little colored papers that would buy them all the things that they crave and think would make their lives so wonderful… Try to make do with a little more of Me instead of all that other stuff, and see what a little more of Me will do for you that all the other stuff can’t and will always fail to do. When it comes to providing genuine contentment, happiness and peace of heart and mind, I remain unbeatable. I know how to keep that which is most precious about you something that will never stop growing, learning, advancing and continuing to enhance its glow and shine. I know how to truly bring forth fruit that will remain… I know how to make the best out of nothing. (2013:73) A little faith in people, or at least in what I can do with even the seemingly most hopeless cases of people, can prevent a lot of troubles and ills, and consequently do a lot of good instead…

Trust Me, it wasn’t always easy for Me, either, but then, what other choice did I have than to trust the Father’s Promise that it was going to be worth it? I certainly wasn’t going to give in and let the devil triumph; and I’m expecting you to follow My example of not being a quitter, no matter how tough it gets. Never quit believing in My purpose for you. Never doubt that I can and will use you, regardless of the hopeless prospects of any situation. I can make it happen. If you believe Me for it! (2013:75) If you observe My history, the pattern you can recognize there, might instill hope: That which looked so perfect and clean on the outside, such as – for example, the pious, religious Jews in My day – turned out to be the real problem, while those considered scum by them, turned out to save the day for Me and My Cause. Keep trusting Me that I can see things you cannot. I – no earthly source – am your only absolutely reliable Source of truth, input and wisdom. The flaws in My word-givers and instruments and media throughout the ages are My safeguard system to prevent you from relying solely on any earthly, human or physical source, and to ensure that you would run straight to the true Source, the only infallible One, instead. Nobody’s got it all figured out. But I’m here to offer you My help in figuring it all out together. That’s the way to truly learn, and that’s what life is truly all about: Come, learn with Me! (2013:78) If all of what this life ultimately has to offer is death, don’t you think it makes sense that I define Myself as the True Way of Life? – Or the Way to True Life? (2013:85) What kind of Savior would I be if I wouldn’t be totally capable of taking you exactly where you’re at, and give you all the liberties to explore what’s out there, and find your own limitations for yourselves, or perhaps better, find out for yourselves when it becomes appropriate to stick to them? If I couldn’t at least be just as good a pal to you that your earthly friends are, who wink at your weaknesses, what good would I be? And I don’t just want to be a good friend, but prove to you that I’m your best, who understands you better and will go farther for you than anyone else ever would or could. Noah took to drinking after the flood… And he by far wasn’t the only one of Mine throughout history who did; and I gave a clear sign of My tolerance for this habit – regardless of how wrong it’s considered by the sanctimonious – by making My first public miracle the conversion of water to wine… Stay in touch with Me, the “Sense-Maker,” in order for you to somewhat keep a grip on things and not lose sight of what’s going on. (2013:100) They chose a robber and a thief over Me, so it doesn’t really matter how “good” you are, or how good you would be for them. (2013:103)

Most people obviously think they know better than I do, and they’d do a better job at being “Boss” than I. In fact most of them come to the conclusion that I couldn’t possibly exist because I’m obviously so much dumber than they are, judging by the way I handle things or allow them to run… (2013:104) Get your eyes off man, and get them onto the only One Who’s able to ever live up to your expectations. That’s been My recipe and plan for just about every man or woman who’s ever tried seriously to serve Me. Just as you’d like the attention you believe you deserve as head of your family, so do I. You stick to Me and make sure I get from you what I deserve, and things down there will work out for you as well. Neglect of Me will just result in neglect of you down there… You’ll only be able to give what it takes for you to get what you want if you get it from Me in the first place. I’m still the only One Who can give any of you what you really need and want, or Who can help you to get it from them by giving you what they want… I’m the Secret. (2013:106) You know what I think about easy and comfortable… Not My way… Easy and comfortable would have been accepting the deal the Devil offered Me: All the riches and power in this world… Just worship him. So much for easy and comfortable… (2013:108) My speech on “Unless you eat My flesh and drink My blood you have no part in Me” was too much for the bulk of My followers and blew them away. But Peter somehow knew – by faith – that those words, even if he couldn’t possibly understand them at the time – meant eternal life for them. (2013:109) There’s no end, no stopping, no pausing or halting to My Love, and I proved it by going all the way to the cross for you. I didn’t keep My own interest in mind, wasn’t interested in preserving Myself, My flesh, or anything I held dear in this world. (2013:112) Let Me be the One Who empowers your life and see what happens! Let Me be the Source of everything you want and need and check it out! I know, every day has a lot for you to cope with, and it’s kind of hard for you to believe that I could play any substantial role in helping you deal with it all. But it all really depends on how much of it you commit into My hands and put Me in charge of, pray over and make it My business and affair, too, instead of just your own. (2013:115)

In the world popularity is being highly overrated, and everyone wants to be popular and have as many “friends” as possible. But My example should cause you to beware of something as fleeting, fickle and phoney as popularity, for if they praise and applaud you today, they just might wind up screaming “Crucify him!” three days later! (2013:116) It certainly didn’t always seem as though folks around Me were appreciative of the Presence of the very Son of God in their midst, least of all, when they had the chance to free Me, and instead the mob yelled, “Crucify Him!” Keep in mind Whom you want to please, and Whose praise and approval it pays best to seek… A lot of that has to do with what you choose to give to those around you. What’s its value in terms of eternity? – Regardless of audience reaction and reception… Let Me be the Judge of that. But in order to do that, you’ll have to keep Me in mind more as your Projective, and be a bit more desirous of My approval instead of theirs. (2013:121) People like to feverishly work up their own achievements they can pat themselves on the back for, ever since Cain, instead of having to thank some Supreme Being like Me for anything, Who, they figure, has got things all too easy anyway, with His detested omnipotence… That’s one of the reasons I left that omnipotence behind and joined the club of frail mankind, became one of you and attended the School of Life along with you… Okay, so some of that omnipotence was later manifested in order to convince folks that I was the Real Deal, but I’ve made it clear that that same power is available to any who follow in My footsteps. (2013:123) My goal is that you start trusting in Me again, instead of mainly in yourself. (2014:1) I’m really the only One Who can really help to see you through what’s coming… (2014:6) You’ll find it worth it to discover that I’m capable; and the more you let Me work, the more I will. Including Me more in your life, and the spiritual things, is more important than physical and worldly things, and will bring a greater value to it all than mainly being concerned about the here and now and your success in it… Just keep remembering Me and what I lived for and taught others to live for: the more lasting things and values than what you can gather in the material world! (2014:9) I was born on Earth to establish faith in life thereafter… to give hope for something better thereafter. After all, eternal life is what I came to earth to offer and ensure for believers. (2014:15) It’s somewhat a tough faith to believe in Me and My voice instead of the multitudes of worldly voices that sound more modern… but believing in Me will promise a lot more lasting rewards beyond this life. (2014:24) Getting you into a position where you’re obliged to trust Me some more than anyone else is a good one, as far as I’m concerned, and nothing you’ll regret in the end, even if right now you’re not quite as used to it… After all, getting you to trust in Me more than anyone or anything else is what I call a very important move in your life. (2014:26) A shepherd leads and guides his sheep; and I like to lead and guide you, too. I can let you know where you belong and wind up feeling the best and most fulfilled… I’m the only One you can reach and talk to in this manner… Don’t think that might be a safer way to stay on the right and proper track of Mine with My instruction? (2014:47) Try to remember that according to My teachings, it’s more worth it to live a bit more for God and others than to make everything mainly please oneself. (2014:51) If I am the Saviour, I might be the only Hope and chance for you not to get into a mess in this life, and you should cling to Me more, instead of becoming upset about and against what I allow in your life. I had to come as a humbler sort, and help folks figure things out between pride and humility… a spirit that makes the devil a rotter and the other ones true winners… (2014:62) Keep putting your faith in Me; and when there’s nothing much else left to keep your faith in, let the fact that I may well be the only One left, be what keeps you going. Your faith is being tested severely. But hanging on to Me, you will keep it, and it will keep going for you. Even if the devil attacks you quite severely and tries to knock you out, if you hang on to Me, you will make it and manage to overcome even this naughty attack. Just stay close to Me as the Giver of the Godly force he cannot win over! He may be ruling the world pretty much already, but if you keep hanging on to Me, he just can’t overcome and rule you, even if he may have tried before and, or still keeps trying. Keep trusting in Me, and I won’t let him! Keep your mind on Me and let Me move through your spirit anytime! Don’t let what’s going on in the System lock or shut Me out of you! If you keep Me on your mind more steadily, as well as in your heart, you’ll realize that I can work through you like this and touch people’s hearts through you! (2014:92) Trust Me! - Lean on Me and confide in Me and the fact that I’m a more faithful and reliable Source to trust in, in the long run, than the worldly system will be. (2014:111)

Take Me a bit more seriously than thinking sometimes I act as if I don’t know what I’m doing or permitting… Just remember, I’m usually a bit smarter than most, and than even most think I am or might be… (2014:126) If I rose 3 days after My physical death, and all of My disciples found out about it and saw and met Me, it was for the purpose of raising My followers’ faith in the afterlife, which, trust Me, is going to be much better than the here and now for you! (2014:167) The best thing you can do is to stay in touch and prayer with Me. Don’t neglect Me, since I’m what you need to keep protecting yourself against your enemy and Mine… Keep and stay in touch with Me as much as you can – the best is constantly – and you’ll see it’s easier to resist and overcome him. You need My power and strength for it… especially when he’s blown you a hurt that nearly cost you your life! Keep in touch with Me, and I’ll make sure to keep you alive! (2014:174) Tune in with Me every day, since you have hardly a chance to make it without it. If you can remember Me and treat Me as the Principal over your life, trust Me, it’s the best thing you can do! Sometimes it’s a desire I have towards some of My followers: Take Me more seriously! Life isn’t just and only to be about having humor and fun! Not for a Guy or Someone Whose life ended through crucifixion for the world’s sins! It’s not like I never had any, but there were also other matters involved, and those should not be neglected by those who want to follow Me! In other words, take Me a bit more seriously than you have before, and life itself and its purpose! (2014:178) The big lesson is to keep holding on to Me. Trust Me that it’s definitely safer than leaning on the human kinds. I’m more concerned about others and less about Myself. (2015:13) Keep trusting in Me and looking forward to My Return! – Amen? Times will definitely get better once I’m back. And as long as you perceive My Presence in your life, just let it cheer you up, that things could be worse… Amen? (2015:95) It may not all be that easy to learn during difficult times, but even when I went to the cross and hung up there, I learned things from that experience that made Me richer in wisdom… (2015:102) Get used to the fact that you can’t make it through the day without Me! Just stay in touch with Me as long as you can, since you need Me more than ever right now, and will need Me and My help and Spirit even more when times will get worse! (2015:118) The path that I took led Me to the cross, in order to die for all those who would believe in Me and receive My Salvation! (2015:132) Isn’t that what I came and died for, in order to give all those who’d believe in and receive Me eternal Life? (2015:134) You’re in My care, don’t forget about that; and as much as you know failures of those in your world, including your own… well, that doesn’t apply to Me. (2015:141) My material setup on Earth wasn’t that of a rich or wealthy man! (2015:160) That’s the main message I came to Earth for: to let folks know, there’s Something Better! (2015:182) You’re not at home down there, and sufficient reason to get ready for the better and lasting One. – All by faith… but, well, that’s the one thing My first Coming to the globe has been advertising and promoting. (2015:238) It’s good to get in touch with the Master, don’t you think? When I’m around with you, things should start going a bit better… even if that doesn’t mean that the world is getting better, since few are the folks who are ready for My Presence and the Father’s Spirit… As usual, folks are usually mainly into their own things and wavelengths, which is why you don’t really feel much like you belong there. But as I did, try to make the best out of it, which is mainly getting other folks tuned into becoming Heavenly-minded. (2015:247) The time is coming when it will make sense and purpose why I declare that being the No.1 in your life’s the most important thing. When you can see the other factors of life around you diminishing and growing darker and harder to bear, well… it may be the time to realize that making Me the No.1 in your life might just make sense, and what’ll give you the strength to make it through the darkest times up ahead. (2016:2) Part of what leads to humility is physical weakness and a lower condition that just puts you down a bit, into a weaker, and thus, humbler state. It only happened to Me just before My beating before the crucifixion and someone else had to carry My cross, but it shows that if even the Son of God was dependent on someone else’s strength at times, so are you. (2016:4) The sooner you manage to let Me operate through you, the better it’ll be for everyone involved. (2016:31)

Remember that the disciples and others called Me “Teacher!” If I’m not only your Savior, but also your Teacher, that means, after having saved you – or in some cases even before that – you’re supposed to learn some of the lessons that life has to teach! Considering Me the most important Part of life, means, since I’m your Teacher, the lessons to learn from it and through it, also belong to that most important part! So, tune in to what life is teaching you and I am teaching you throughout life, every day! If it’s part of My Job from the Father to teach you and My followers – along with having saved you through My sacrifice of life for you and through receiving Me – consider it your job to learn and receive what I’m trying to teach you! Make it an extensile part of the “Rhythm of Life!” (2016:47) With no physical sunshine around, you tend to realize more the need for Me, your spiritual Sunshine. I didn’t have to go through such times… But for that I’ll be coming to save you from it all when the time comes. One reason I’m called the Savior: not just to save you from the punishment for sins, but to save the world from the enemy’s reign and hell on Earth. That was My job and main task on Earth, and everyone will appreciate that fact, eventually. I’m not just the Savior from the punishment for sins to all those who receive Me, but also the coming Savior of the world from its coming state of hell on Earth. (2016:82) My body got in a much better shape and capable of many more things after My resurrection… and not yielded to the current weaknesses of the flesh. Just as Adam and Eve’s weren’t the same as after the sin of eating the forbidden fruit, which caused everyone of their descendants to be born into the same physical state… including Me… until My resurrection. Of course, first My spirit went down to hell for three days to bring some folks there Salvation… but when I returned to My body, it wasn’t just spirit, nor was the body in its old and former fleshly state… Something you’ll also appreciate about resurrection or the experience of My 2nd Coming. (2016:130) Keep believing in the Word, of which I was the incarnation as John wrote, and a reason I’ve sometimes called you “son.” It’s like when you win a soul: spiritually you’re like their daddy. So, what’s supposedly so bad about Me referring to My believers as kids, for whom I died to bring them Salvation and let them become children of the Father? (2016:133)

(His) Guidance & Direction Seek Me even harder and more diligently! Get down to more serious business with Me in seeking My guidance! (I:157) As long as you stay in touch with Me and continue to be guided by Me, I will steer your ship safely into the harbor of My choice. (I:544)

Keep humble, stay desperate with Me and faithfully looking for My guidance, trusting that whatever comes, you're safe in My hands. That's all I'm requiring you to do (Micah 6:8). (I:559) Where I guide, I provide, and if I don't provide, then you'll just have to assume that you're right where I want you to be. If it is My will for you to go, I will open the door for in My due time. Always double-check before making major decisions, to make sure you're truly following Me! If there will be a situation where I'll be calling you to follow Me and just drop everything, you'll know it's the right one, you won't have any doubts about it! In the meantime, just learn to follow Me step by step right where you are! I want you to follow Me. I'll lead you to the right places to go, if you check in with Me, just don't ever take anything for granted that it's "obvious" that you should go there, when I might want you to stay or go elsewhere instead! (II:78) Sometimes I will only lead you a little way into a certain direction, which you'll have to follow until you know more and see things more clearly. (II:85) I want you to follow Me closely along each step of the way, constantly seeking Me for My direction. (II:170) Believe Me, and I will lead you to those who will receive you, contrary to natural expectations! (II:207) Really learn to do the work in My Spirit, to let Me lead and guide you each step of the way, to consult Me at every stage of the project, and to bathe the whole thing in prayer! (II:209) Sometimes you have to really "look" around and search for My Light and see where I'm leading you! (II:224) When you really get inspired about something, it's a sure indicator that that's a direction I'm leading you! When you get excited about something and get the vision for it, you definitely have My green light. I lead you step by step. (II:227) The things I've told you are for a purpose, they're a means to an end, not an end in itself. They're not the ultimate desired result, but only messages to help you to get there, like sign posts. Don't get into the habit of collecting sign posts, or get so busy creating sign posts that you fail to read what they say or fail to follow the direction in which they're supposed to guide you! (II:231) I'm guiding you step by step. My modus operandi for My army is not one where every step or every path ahead is clearly laid out in advance, it's one of trusting and following Me blindly, according to last minute instructions and doors, which I open and close just before it is time to move, without leaving your carnal minds much room to figure it all out by yourselves! (II:237) Sometimes I even bring about victories, a new direction or clarity, by telling you to go the wrong direction, just so you'll find out pretty quick where it's not at. Sometimes you've just got to try the wrong door, which has been torturing your mind with temptation or curiosity, and once you find out that it's a closed and locked door, you won't bother about it anymore and can fully concentrate on the door and path I really want you to go. (II:239) You've got to train and discipline your thoughts in the obedience of Me! They try to break loose and run wild, hither, thither and yon, but you've got to catch them and bring them into captivity, tell them Who's the Boss, and Who they should obey. (II:286) My direction for you is to keep trusting Me, to take things as from My hand. (II:331) If you don't acknowledge Me in all your ways, in other words, if you don't ask Me about it, if you don't check in to confirm that something is My will, then how can I direct your paths? (II:387) You couldn't make it in this world without My guidance and My care, as opposed to the goats and wolves and dogs, who do. So, your insufficiency actually identifies you as one of Mine. (II:440) The need of each day varies from that of the next, and it's wise of you to come before Me to lead and guide you step by step, day by day. I lead you gently. I'm not telling you bluntly, "This is it you should do," or "that is it," but I teach you to look. "Look! Look ahead what do you see? What is there before you today? When you look at the day ahead of you, what do you see? In what way does My plan for you seem to be manifested today?" (II:499) If I'm not opening a far away, glorious door elsewhere, look around; there must be something to do right where you are! (II:513)

The important thing is to remain Spirit-led, to be led by Me personally, to look to Me and let Me guide you. (II:641) By letting Me guide you, you will find Me taking you to the lush green valleys where your soul will find sweet rest and will finally feel at home, even while yet in this world, which is not your home. (III:39) What is needed in order to ensure the best possible guidance you can receive from Me, is a certain desperation that ensures Me that you don't want to settle for anything less than My best possible option for you, that you're really serious about it all, and that you really want to invest something into this; and I won't be slack about rewarding you and blessing you accordingly. (III:64) There are times when I'm having you go through the fog, without seeing clearly where you go, but even this is to strengthen your spiritual senses of greater trust in Me. I can lead you with My Spirit, even if you can't see anymore with your eyes where you're going or supposed to go. (III:122) There are miracles and My guidance necessary to keep things going for you and lead you in the right direction… Being pointed toward the spiritual path of life is a gift from Me, and My leading and you will one day greatly appreciate the difference it will wind up making. (2014:8) To do and say things and act in ways that aren’t really led and powered by My Spirit, but mainly by own strengths and energies instead, is a weakness, not a strength, according to celestial standards… - Just as relying on one’s own wisdom and mind is, instead of receiving leadings and guidings from Up Here. (2015:203) When you don’t feel like you can make it (on your own), doesn’t it bring you more to asking for My help and direction? Becoming anxious for My directions, instead of leaning on your own minds and understanding is a good and helpful process for what’s coming up ahead! (2016:52) When you don’t know the way how to handle things, ask for guidance from Above! (2016:70) Remember to follow My leadings and guidance! If you don’t know how you’re gonna make it, remember it as a sign for the need of My guidance, Power and strengthening! (2016:85) Be thankful for these opportunities to get filled and led by Me… the only strategy to make it through what’s coming! Even if right now you cannot see how you’re going to make it through what’s coming, put your trust in Me, that I’ll help you make it and lead you through each day to come! (2016:92) Let Me be your Strength and your Guide! (2016:95) My input will give you some direction and encouragement, but you’ve also got to stay in prayer! (2016:96) Having to handle difficult times is not to make you feel forsaken by Me, but to draw you closer to Me and make you more aware of the necessity of staying as close to Me as you can, depending on My guidance and protection, and not your own physical abilities! (2016:100) To go where you didn’t like it last time you were there shows whether you’re more willing to do what I’m directing you to than your own feelings and intuitions. So, just be ready and willing to go where and do what you may not feel like, if I’m guiding and directing you to go there or do so, even if through circumstances of necessity! You’ve just got to keep trusting Me, even if We direct you down a path you don’t necessarily feel like going! (2016:112) If you’re not capable to figure things out, how to do them, or what to do, in your own mind, let it serve to be led and guided by Us! Depending on Our guidance and leadership is what will ultimately make the best type of heavenly leader. See it as a useful step of preparation not to be able to rely on your own wisdom and understanding, but thus being forced to look Up to Us to find out where to go and what to do! Capacity and capability will rely on Us and all Help, leading and guidance you can obtain from Here in the days to come. (2016:114) Being open for My leading and guidance is a good attitude. In fact, just about the best one can have. Even if you don’t know where it’s heading… it’s better to lean on Me than figuring things out by yourself. Most folks move according to their own plans or those of their superiors. You’re learning to follow My directions, leading and guidance… - Even if it’s still a bit tough for you not knowing ahead of time where exactly you’re heading. But can’t you imagine that to be one of the factors faith is all about? Trusting Me that I know – and know best – where you’re heading? (2016:122)

History The power I have given you to release in prayer on the behalf of others can do more to change the course of history you see unfolding before your eyes right now than you think! Make history! – Pray! (I:50) History repeats itself. The large majority of people have always ignored the warnings of My prophets and were caught by surprise and with their pants down when the troubles came, and it won’t be any different next time. (I:146) In quietness and confidence will be your strength, and the majority of My great accomplishers throughout history were quiet people who just ‘did what they could’, according to their faith... (I:228) My history books look quite different from those of the world, where the great heroes were the conquerors and big head honchos. Although I use those characters, too, the way My history books are written, is that they revolve around the true heroes and heroines behind the scenes, the unheard of mothers and little people who day in day out sacrificed their lives for someone else, not taking lives from countless others in battle, but giving life. The meek shall inherit the Earth, and even though they may be making the least racket and no news at all, much less history in this world, you will see that My accounts of history as to who was truly more important to bring about the truly good changes that really mattered, will sound quite different. (I:513) History or destiny is constantly being re-written and re-planned and re-shaped by its participants and their decisions. It all depends on each of you. (II:10) There were many who died in the Roman arenas during the time of the Roman Empire, but only My believers died singing, praising and trusting Me, not afraid to die. (II:138) There were only a handful who witnessed My Words and actions, while the whole world thought where it really was all happening was Rome. There were many in My days, and in those which followed, who sought to make great names for themselves. But the only ones who truly went down in immortal fame were those humble little faithful apostles of Mine, who did nothing but their best to take the totally unorthodox message of a poor carpenter's son who had been killed and risen from the dead, to the rest of the world. And Rome sought to put out that fire, but was in the end consumed by it. (II:268) There are others who are doing worse than you, but that's the kind of excuse that isn't going to count, just like those excuses didn't spare anyone from the gallows during the Nuremberg trials! (III:26) History will tell just how much of an impact My people had on the world and its development. (III:170) If you look at history, I've often used people that nobody would have expected the sort of feats from that they wound up doing in spite of all the probabilities that stood against those miracles ever happening. (III:227) I’m in favor of people trying out their own ideas. It’s not that I constantly condemn them for blatantly pursuing their own, selfish, “wicked ways.” After all, that’s what this period and era of history is all about. I’m saying, “Okay, so you don’t want to have things My way? Alright then, try your own!” And I’m just as curious about how some of those ideas will work out as anyone. Except that we all know that due to the constant interference of our arch enemy, the final end result is doomed and bound for ultimate failure. But I will still reward any valid and genuinely good ideas and attempts anyone will come up with to try and make this a better world. The saddest thing of all – as far as I’m concerned – is the lack of such contributions by the vast majority of those who claim to follow Me, which is why I can show respect and admiration for someone who might even be working for “the other side,” if they come up with decent ideas and genuinely constructive solutions to problems. Ultimately, when all else fails, it will take My intervention to save things. At the rate things are going, that’s even a safe prognosis on rational terms, and it’s simply the course history is taking. - Which doesn’t mean that everybody won’t have learned an awful lot from the gigantic failure that will ensue. (2011:124) If you observe My way of operating throughout history you’ll find that I’ve used this pattern all along, of using unorthodox methods, and you’re not the first of My servants and brides to ever doubt whether this is really the work of My hands and My doing. So, even your doubts could be seen as confirmation that this fiery trial over your losses are not something strange that has befallen you, but only follows the same historical pattern I’ve been using all along, even if recognizable as such only to those who are somewhat familiar with it, which is the advantage of knowing My Word and being familiar with and interested in My history. (2011:126)

“I am the Lord and I change not,” it doesn’t mean that I don’t allow My Realm around Me to change. After all, the advent of human history has called for new ingredients that simply weren’t needed before, such as the construction or “preparation” of the Place you would call your eternal Home… As you can see, “history” goes way beyond the studies of what’s happening on your planet. (2012:51)

Self-righteous observers who did nothing but criticize, while others tried something new and made a difference, have existed since the beginning of time, and sunk into oblivion, while those heels of today may become the heroes and saints of tomorrow… But then again, who’s ever learned that lesson from history? (2012:86) if you look at the history of the world, many unexpected factors take place that can cross any carefully laid-out plan; above all, the end of the road, the one event no one wants to reckon with, but they realistically should. (2012:128) If you look at history and what sort of people I have classically been able to use for some of the greatest jobs, it’s rather those who didn’t think they could do it, than the overly confident type. (2012:129) The spirit of everyone fending for themselves is merely the same path of destruction that mankind has been walking for Millennia, and not really the way to go, as the tale of the Big Picture of history will show in the end, when man in all his glory will have reached his destination, which will turn out to be a dead end street. Trapped by his own efforts of self-preservation, selfpromotion, self-elevation, all of which will turn out to have been camouflaged mechanisms of self-destruction. (2012:185) As far as We’re concerned, the host of observers on the other side of the veil, you and your rare kind are just about all that makes prolonging this agony of a history worth it, and if it wouldn’t be for the relatively few folks like you, yes, you’re right, the only option left would be to bring a swift end to it. (2013:78) Things are not going to stay so great for the rest of history in this current world, and you’d better get ready for that change, ready to handle it! (2014:87) The history of the world as it is and has become since Adam and Eve’s fall will bear many lessons for the future. (2014:132) There are still some lessons to learn from this life and from the history of the world that’s still being created by its people and inhabitants. Sometimes it doesn’t make sense right away, what you’re supposed to learn from all that’s going on… especially the suffering and unpleasant things. But let Me tell you this: At least, if nothing else, it will all convince you without a doubt when you get Here, that Heaven is certainly a whole lot better, and My reign will definitely please you more than what you can see accomplished by the world and it’s governments right now. Nowadays it has become rougher than ever before in history, because mankind has grown a lot in its strength and systems, which means, it has become rougher to stay humble enough to yield to other parties, and especially your Creator, in Whom it takes more faith to believe nowadays, with modern education having come up with so much theory on how this world and all things created themselves by accident through evolution… (2014:134) Think about the martyrs during the Roman empire: somewhat comparable to what things are going to be quite like during the Great Tribulation, which is before you… (2014:135) It’s the roughest time of world history approaching, and thus it’s quite necessary to stay in tune with Us! (2014:167) Be confident that I’ll be around to help see you through, even when the roughest time of world history will finally arrive! (2015:61) Many folks who were dependent on Me and trusted in Me, were My heroes throughout history. (2015:73) One of the biggest lessons of world history is going to be that there isn't much genuine wisdom among people to rely on, and that it would have been smarter and wiser to depend on the Father's and Mine. That's what folks could and should have done from the beginning, and failed, and got the world into its mess by relying on themselves and thinking they could do it all on their own… not considering the fact that there's an enemy at work doing all he can to make things as tough as he can for folks, and turn world history into a big disaster… (2015:98) A lot of troubles would have been spared and avoided, if obedience to the rules from Above would have been implemented, instead of listening to the enemy’s temptations and giving in to them! It’s one of the greatest lessons of the history of the world, and one of the great purposes in the life you’re living, is to learn them! (2015:108) Just get prepared for some tough times… the toughest in all of world history, and don’t be too shocked by the toughness of your present time that’s supposed to prepare you for what’s coming up ahead! Don’t keep expecting days of fun, relaxation and easy, good times when the toughest time of world history is approaching! (2015:113)

There was a time when it was high time for My folks to get out of places, like Sodom and Gomorrah… and later on, even Jerusalem… So, there might be a good time to get out of the country in which the devil’s principal organization of people, the Illuminati, was founded over 2 centuries ago. (2015:119) Learn how to make it through rough times, because the roughest ones of all history are on their way! (2015:131) It’s important to get ready for the drastic changes that are going to take place in the world’s history. (2015:137)

There’s the toughest time of world history coming toward you, which is definitely the price mankind will have to pay for the choices it made, of pro-evil, instead of good, selfishness instead of love, etc. (2015:169) Getting the point slowly, of how important it is to make the right kind of choices throughout life, having seen what the wrong kind can lead the entire globe into, after falling for the devil’s lies and temptations, and the vast majority of the world’s population throughout history falling into the same kind of traps…? (2015:180) One of the most drastic changes of history is on its way, so preparing for that is the most important! (2015:234) Life can be easier and more blessed if you obey and become an obedient child of God, as opposed to the tough way life can be when you’re disobedient. It’s basically what life and all of history is largely about. That is the question and the choice that influence life. (2015:243) The times coming are getting darker, and even the darkest of world history. (2015:244) If the enemy eliminated all the disciplinary standards from young folks the Bible prescribes, is it any wonder that eventually the world turns into a state where it needs discipline from Above? - Sort of the way it did before the Flood. A lesson of history that has been deluded from most people’s minds as educational. (2016:26) One of the greatest lessons of history, as you will see: that love is the mightiest force there can be! (2016:32) To depend and lean on Me and the help from Above is one of the principal lessons and processes going on in this part of history: Preparation for the toughest and hardest time of history to come. (2016:38) Some things we just can’t get around, and that, unfortunately, also includes a bit of suffering, as a lesson on the price to pay for allowing falling for the enemy’s temptations, another of the greatest lessons in the history of mankind. (2016:47) Getting modern technology into a state where it has become possible for folks to do things they hadn’t been able to for the previous millennia of world history makes it quite a lot harder to depend on faith in the Powers and Forces from Above, since technology has pretty much replaced the visible need for help from Above, but with times a-changing and the world heading for the roughest state of its history, you’ll see that dependence on the help and Power from Up Here will become necessary again for My true followers and believers… There have been changes in previous history. The changes coming will be the most drastic in all of history! (2016:52) Be prepared for the toughest times of history! Times of trouble are what you have to learn how to take, with the greatest trouble of world history yet and about to come! The times of trouble this world needs to go through are a major lesson of history about independence from its Creator. A lie – that everything created itself – easier to accept for those who receive the enemy’s wavelength of pride more than Our truth of Love and humility… - One of history’s major lessons. (16:53) That’s why you must go through hard times: to get ready for the toughest ones in history! There’s no comparison between how hard it may seem to you right now and how much harder it will be. (16:63) That’s what the coming time of history is all about, and supposed to teach mankind the greatest lesson about: Where does life lead without being attuned to the Father and its Creator? – And listening to the great impostor instead? – Following his vibes? To learn not to let the influences of the majority of others around you have the negative influence on you that their influence has, is another part of that grand lesson of the final chapter of the history of the world under our enemy’s reign. (2016:67) Our call is: “Come back to Us and Our way!” – And away from the trend of the malicious bunch of deceivers that’s getting ready to reign the planet for the last and most horrendous stretch of that part of world history! (2016:71) The disappearance of the value of money has happened in history before, as a preparation for the enemy’s servants of the time of his physical rule over the Earth! (2016:84) What I already told My disciples during the Roman Empire, which – with Nero, who was also directed and partly possessed by Satan – became the prototype of the coming final world empire: “Without Me ye can do nothing (Jn.15:5)!” (2016:86) Getting rid of My folks down there has always been the enemy’s principal action through possessing a significant ruler, and it will be his most powerful position and strike in history during the Great Tribulation. (2016:90) The world’s on its way to the roughest part of its history, when Satan’s folks want to get rid of the majority of its population… A history of evil reining the world should teach mankind the lesson of appreciating the good. It takes that history of experience of what evil can do to make most folks choose the good… including the repercussions of having chosen evil first.

Resist the temptations of him, who – although still a spirit, too – has caused creation to wind up as an unpleasant place for those who prefer the good over evil! And his physical appearance and reign over the world he has strongly influenced since successfully tempting Adam and Eve to disobey Us will be the final chapter and lesson of this first part of world history… only to be followed by one last show of what’s been learned from that history at the end of the Millennium, which will bring about the final new Beginning of a World the way We desire it to be. Preparation is necessary to give you any hope to make it through the toughest times of history! (2016:112) It’ll take miracles to make it through the part of history run by the king of hell, so remember to make your faith for and in miracles keep rising and growing! (2016:117) With the vastest changes of world history to come, radical changes are necessary for you to get ready for them! Once Satan will have established his final rule and world empire down there, his version of things might appeal to his own followers and servants, but not to Mine. That’s why it’ll be the most significant part of history marking the difference between the two – his followers and Mine. – His bride and Mine. Wars have been going on since the beginning of world history, but as you can tell: they’ve been getting worse… and thus, what’s coming is the worst to come! (2016:119) Remember My betrayal and crucifixion! What’s coming up in the world’s history will be for My believers what the crucifixion and betrayal’s been for Me. - The darkest hour. So, ready to make it through the darkest hour of history to come? We’re getting you ready for the ugliest circumstances in history. – And you know there have been some pretty ugly ones in the past already. But this is going to be the final scope of “Mr. Ugly…” His ugliest scenery added to world history. Get ready for the toughest times to come in history! (2016:126) Getting used to dark times means getting ready for the darkest of history! (2016:127) With the world going down its steepest slope in history, don’t be surprised that We’re working on you becoming the most dependent on Us and Our Help from Above without which folks just won’t make it through what’s coming. Don’t be too shocked about conditions not being by far as rosy and easy as they used to be, but in a gear of getting you prepared for the toughest ones of all of world history! (2016:128)

His Wavelength (Our Connection with Him) Just learn to faithfully, daily focus on Me, take time to get onto My wavelength, into My rhythm and heavenly groove, and you’ll walk by faith, not by sight! (I:72) The more you stay tuned to Me and move with My Spirit, the safer you’ll be. (I:94) Be more conscious of Me and mindful of Me in all your interactions with others. Stay connected to Me and pray for an opportunity to show them it’s Me, giving Me all the glory! Lift Me up, so that I can draw them unto Me through you. Be My magnet! If it’s only yourself you show and portray, it comes across as presumptuous and arrogant and pushes them away. But if you are connected with Me and are poled correctly, you will radiate love and humility, and that’s what will attract them. Point them to Me by constantly staying connected to Me and perpetually flashing the message, ‘It’s only Jesus!’ (I:151) Tune in to My wavelength, log on to My server and press the download button, and as soon as My computer detects any blank storage space on your hard drive, I will fill it with the desired and needed input! (I:185) Stay tuned to My wavelength, slowly and humbly moving about, doing what you can, at My speed and in My Strength! (I:186) If you connect with Me, I will give you the grace and the peace that will make you smile! (I:189) Just keep your battery recharged and stay tuned to My wavelength! (I:191) It is so important that you spend sufficient time with Me everyday, in order to get on My wavelength – to grasp hold of Me, in order to walk according to My standard of love. (I:202) You must not forsake this personal connection with Me, your channel, no matter what comes or happens! Only I can give you the exact counsel you need. Neglect not this link with Me! It’s vital. You need it more than anything else. (I:293) It’s essential that you remain in close, personal contact with Me and don’t lose the connection! This connection can be compared to the flame of a candle. So, beware that no man snuff out thy flame, but guard it with all diligence! (I:316) Just stay connected to Me! Take Me with you wherever you go, and stay close to Me and on My wavelength! (I:484) If every moment of your life is occupied by Me, we're going to crowd the devil clear out of your life. I want to be with you and talk to you always. Like this I'll be able to guide you much better and lead your spirit firmly by the hand, and you'll be doing and saying those things which I want you to do and say. (I:561) Stay on My wavelength! Just know I'm always close, constantly there holding vigil over you and guarding you! (I:562) Get ahold of My wavelength and seek the things of My Spirit, to be "transformed by the renewing of your mind!" (I:576) Condemnation will cause a hindrance in our connection, because it dampens your faith that I will bless you. (I:589) Get ahold of Me first thing every day, because if you don't, you know you're gonna make a mess of things, and no matter how hard you try, you're never going to manage to say or do the right things. Without Me ye can do nothing! (I:606) One simple way you can stay on My wavelength is by praising Me. (I:607) Stay alert and keep your spiritual radio on! Stay on My spiritual wavelength to prevent you from sliding back into the carnal way of thinking! (II:96) It's a test and a drill for you to see whether you will still detect the right way even when there are many other ways; whether you will hear and distinguish My voice and wavelength out of many others. (II:104) It's expedient for you that we continue communicating throughout the whole day, so that you can always stay in tune with Me, and not get distracted onto other wavelengths, which are not Mine. (II:134) When it comes to accomplishing things for Me, it all depends on your personal connection with Me! (II:207) You’ve got to stay in tune with Me and forget about trying to figure things out in your own mind! (II:239) The flesh makes it hard to create a deep connection with Me. (II:253)

Don't let go of Me! Don't turn the power, the connection off, but stay in tune with Me! Stay "online!" It takes some effort, but you've got to overcome anything that tells you it's too difficult! It's an effort that saves you a lot of energy and difficulty that might come later on, if you fail to do it. Keep Me on your mind and stay connected. Stay tuned! (II:266) Get onto My wavelength, My plain, get into My groove, My lingo, My Spirit, My Love, and make each of your actions, words, conversations, gestures, one that will make a difference in the meaningless, lifeless, clueless Matrix of this world! (II:271) It takes two parties, two poles to make a real connection, and you've got to make a conscious effort, flip the switch, zoom in on Me and stay focused there, stay tuned in on Me, in order to make full use and avail yourself of My Power to the greatest extent possible. Zoom in on Me and then let your focus rest there. If the devil tries to distract you, zoom right back in on Me! You often lose sight of Me, forget about Me and just don't think of Me anymore or don't stay connected with Me. But you've got to! You must! "Pray without ceasing!" Stay in tune with Me at all times! (II:286) I wish to be connected to you on a permanent basis, because then you'll be of much more effective use to Me, a more reliable and receptive vessel, through which more of My Light, Love and Power can flow through onto others! (II:321) Whenever you don't make a conscious effort to stay on My wavelength, but just allow your mind to drift, the enemy will try to get you to think something that's of no positive, constructive effect. (II:356) Just stay in tune and in touch with Me every step of the way! (II:401) If you learn to receive My Peace, My Wavelength and My Light on a regular level, you'll see, the darkness of the enemy will have to flee. (II:436) Stay in receiving mode, connected with Me! (II:474) People will run to you for your input, because of your connection with Me. (II:487) Get ahold of My wavelength, instructions, boost of inspiration and Spirit Power! (II:620) I want to be connected to your heart. (III:25) Tuning in to Me isn't only a one-on-one process, but it includes tuning in to the other members of your team as well, both, on this side as on your side of the curtain. (III:63) "Pray without ceasing" means, "be in tune with Me always," constantly. (III:70) My Goal for you is not to have fear of man or sense of duty to constrain and spur you on, but the love for Me which grows out of your personal connection and relationship with Me, out of receiving My Love for you. In My School, the higher up you are, the more dependent on Me you become, the closer you are connected with Me, and the closer our communication will be. (III:104) Welcome on the heavenly wavelength! Sometimes I keep you on CQ for a little while. Sometimes I need to know that you really want it. I want to make sure it's not just becoming another lifeless habit for you, the way some folks turn on their radios in the morning and let it run all day sort of for background noise because they can't stand the silence. My station requires silence. It requires turning off all other background noises, thoughts and distractions that would throw you off. It's also not something you can take for granted. (III:144) It's got to be the exactly right balance between going too fast and too slow, being too pushy or impatient about things and falling behind, and in order to find that right balance, you've got to desperately seek to stay in tune with Me. (III:151) We need you where you are, but with a good and solid connection to Our World, so that you can pass on what you're receiving from Us. (III:239) The only way to prevent falling into the trap that brought about the enemy’s downfall is to abide on My wavelength. To abide on My wavelength will prevent you from troubles you’re going to have to deal with later, if you constantly choose the “easy way out.” (2012:147)

I and My input are always available to you, that’s a Promise I won’t back down on. The only question is, how well can you focus on it? How strongly do you desire it and refuse to allow distractions to divert you from My wavelength? (2013:16) No matter how important or urgent the things you need to do may seem to you, there’s nothing more urgent or important than making sure you’ve got a hold of Me and My Spirit first to give you a hand.

My living Word will give you the faith to do the supernatural, the humanly impossible. It’s a matter of switching from their wavelength of the mundane, and their dimension of limitations, over to Mine, where there are no limits. No boundaries! (2013:96) What I’m saying by continually reminding you to tune in to Me is, Why would you deprive yourself of the thrills of the new revelations, discoveries and secrets of the Real World to come? Why would you voluntarily limit and confine yourself to the abysmal lows of contemporary thinking and man’s present perception of things? Why not become a visionary discovering new thrilling mysteries and truths every day simply by availing yourself of the most powerful spiritual weapon at your disposal at present? (2013:97) Your connection with Me should be the thing one ought to be hanging on to pretty much permanently throughout life. (2014:143) Keep your mind on Me strongly and learn to keep that connection that you have with Me strong enough! (2014:146) Try to stay getting tuned to Me more when the devil tries to get you out of the Spirit down there! (2014:186) Strengthen your connection with Me, and give it the first place in your heart. You’ll find out in the end that this way you’ll also wind up having more love for the others. Just get used to putting Me in the top place of your life! Strengthen your connection with Me, and give it the first place in your heart! Even putting Me above your wife and kids will be better for all of them, to have a dad with a genuine connection with their Saviour and Lord. Just get used to putting Me in the top place of your life! – Above music, money, and even putting Me above your wife and kids will be better for all of them, to have a dad with a genuine connection with their Saviour and Lord. (15:41) Keep in touch and stay in connection with Me! If it’s a rough time, remember Me, and remember holding on to Me! If you’re constantly dependent on Me, it just shows you need Me for living, and you ought to stay in touch! Make “Pray without ceasing” a verse you’re going by! If you need Me that much, don’t neglect your connection and communication with Me! Learn why it means and says to pray without ceasing, now that you’re realizing how important it is to keep and stay in touch with Me! Also remember the warnings of the times up ahead, during which you’re going to need Me and your connection with Me desperately! Make sure you stay pretty much in touch with Me constantly each day, and won’t neglect that connection with Me. Stay connected! Remember Me! – As much as constantly, every day, and keep in touch and connected with Me! Don’t let all those things that are happening each day disconnect you or distract you from that! Trust Me that it’s getting pretty important to keep and stay in touch with Me pretty much constantly! (15:43) The turns of the world will make it more important for you to stay and remain in touch and connection with Me. To stay in touch and connection with the Father and Me is becoming more and more important. If it’s pretty much the most important thing I can tell you there is for you right now, just keep fighting for it, to keep it up and don’t let the enemy destroy or harm our connection in any way. (15:45) It shouldn’t matter too much where you want to go or would prefer to be, but that you stay in tune with Me to show where exactly I’d prefer you to be! (15:76) Keep your mind connected to Me as much as you can! You’ll wind up in the better Place far beyond the temporal world, and far superior… A little hard still to fully believe in while being surrounded by the circumstances of the temporal world, but that’s the advantage of tuning in more to Me and your spirit helpers, and the Spirit from Above! Just start getting used to realizing the greater impact of staying in the Spirit, and try to dwell on that channel as much and as permanently as you can, so the temporal things won’t drag you down! The enemy will try to drag you down as much as he can; but the more you make efforts to stay tuned in to Me and staying in that Spirit from Above, the less you’ll have to fear or deal with it! (15:84) If you don’t know what’s happening or going on, it’s a good time to get in tune and touch with Me to let you know and give you a clue about what might be going on, and what to get ready for. Surviving what’s coming will depend on your connection to Me. (15:107) Let My wavelength become something obviously more positive for you, and you won’t be disappointed in the long run, but will find out eventually that it’s true, and the right path! (15:112) Don’t be too worried if the only thing you can really rely on is your connection with Me; and part of what you’re experiencing may just be getting familiar with the fact how temporal things in that world you’re living in right now are! (15:143) You simply can’t take it for granted anymore that all things will work out alright by themselves without staying in proper connection with Us, your Help from Above!

So, stay in tune! (15:162) I’m trying to get you out of the typical human wavelength of trusting in and relying on your own strength, capacities and mindset, and get you to put more of your trust in the spiritual side of things. The more your faith grows in My Power and all from Up Here, the more you’ll be on the right wavelength leading you in the right direction, Up Here, instead of further down, there… And the more Up Here you’re geared, the more familiar you’ll be with your coming Home and Its wavelength… the heavenly Spirit, instead of that from below! Stay tuned to Me! – Amen? Don’t get side-tracked into anything the enemy might lure you in! (15:167) Keep up this connection between us, in spite of the doubts you’re having to battle against it! The more occupied you are with getting in tune with Me and your everlasting Hereafter, the less you have to worry about the temporal, and unfortunately, largely wicked world around you! Just stay and get in touch with Us the more you can, and the more useful it will also turn out to be! (15:171) If you’re in need of more courage, don’t try to base it on your own abilities, but try to get it from your connection with Me and the Holy Spirit! (15:179) The important thing to do when you get up and do things is to keep your mind directed at Me! (15:194) Keep up your connection with Me and let it become stronger! So, even if the enemy tries to get you out of it – our connection – don’t let him! Keep our connection alive! See your connection with Me as the most important thing in your life! So, if life isn’t as easy as it used to be some years ago, don’t let it shock you or make you stumble, but let it make your connection with Me grow stronger, which is and has been the most important factor in it all along, even if there’ve been those temptation and times to see other things as more important! (2016:2) Get tuned and logged into My channel… the only way to stand a chance to make it through times of trouble. (2016:19) Being really in touch with Me inspires and encourages you, and you’re slowly recognizing the importance of it. - Something to be grateful for, to appreciate, and not get into any groove that causes you to neglect our connection. I want you to enjoy life as much as you can, in spite of the hardships, but I also need you to learn and keep it mind, that a lot of the positive things in life depend on your connection with Me, that you make sure you don’t neglect it, but stay close to it, and even get closer to Me than before, since the times coming pretty much demand it, if you want to make it through them. I’ll always be with you. But how much advantage and how many blessings you can receive from our connection depends on you, your efforts to be and keep in touch with Me, and making sure you won’t neglect that! Our relationship should be the most important factor in your life, and you ought to make an effort to raise it to that level consciously. Don’t neglect Me and our relationship! It’s important for you, and will become even more so with the dark and rough times ahead. (15:52) Maybe there’s a reason for you to learn something and change your modus, and that’s why you’re in some trouble… to make sure you’ll use your connection with Us to the full, as you ought to and very well may need not just now, but even more in the days to come. (15:55) Keep in touch with Me as much as you can, and check in with Me as often as possible to be led and guided on the right tracks by Me and your helpers from Up Here, since that’s going to be an important modus operandi for the future! (15:122) You simply can’t take it for granted anymore that all things will work out alright by themselves without staying in proper connection with Us, your Help from Above! So, stay in tune! (15:162) Keep up this connection between us, in spite of the doubts you’re having to battle against it! The more occupied you are with getting in tune with Me and your everlasting Hereafter, the less you have to worry about the temporal, and unfortunately, largely wicked world around you! Just stay and get in touch with Us the more you can, and the more useful it will also turn out to be! (15:171) Prepare for the rough times, best of all by keeping connected to Me as much as you can, for I am He that helps you make it through any dark times up ahead! (15:222) Keep looking Up and try to keep in touch with Me as much as you can! (16:30) Make sure to get onto My heavenly wavelength in order to fulfill your life’s duty for Me! (16:38) Get ahold of Me, and you will see how much lighter loads will be! Get in tune with Me and all your heavenly helpers, and let Us become a very present Source of Strength in your life… as much as every day! (16:41)

The most important thing is your connection with Me. (16:58) It’s good to ask for My leading and guidance. And I will lead and guide you, as long as you stay in tune with Me. (16:59) Getting and staying in tune with Me is the best you can do as preparation for the times soon coming! (16:60) When you don’t have much of a clue if or how you’re going to make it, trust Me that it’s just about the best way one can get onto a path of a life of faith – one where your connection with Me plays the most important part, and not just your own capabilities. Stay tuned in to Me as much as you can, and don’t be cast down by the circumstances around you! It’s one of the most important lessons to learn concerning the times coming, of the roughest circumstances ever. (16:74) Life is what folks make out of it, and I can only tell you that to make the best out of it is through the connection with the Giver of life. – Not just other members of the recipients. See the big difference between connection with Us – although We’re invisible, and other visible human beings? (16:83) Just close your eyes and pray! – Get in touch with Me! (16:95) Investing as much as you can in fellowship with Me is about the best thing you can do to gather the necessary spiritual Strength to make it through what’s to come. Getting onto My channel is one of the most important things to do for any true followers of Mine at this time, and any circumstance that grants you to do so, is a positive. Getting onto My channel and wavelength is the best possible channel to be on, and even if it takes time… it’s time well invested, and wisely so. (16:97) The advantage of the harder times: Even though your physical conditions and circumstances are tougher on you, your connection with Me grows stronger. If your days tend to begin with negative vibes, see it as the positive need and desire for you to draw yourself closer to Me, get in touch with Me and have Me help you make it through your day; as there are days coming you won’t possible make it without Me and My Presence in your life, and your connection with Me! (16:100) You should keep connected to Me: to keep a positive outlook, in spite of any negative physical surroundings, conditions and circumstances. (16:106) When you don’t have a clue, that’s good news for both: Us and you. Because it means you’ll have to tune in to Us, instead of trying to make it leaning on your own physical abilities, which are unlikely to see you through the times to come. (16:117) The way to get folks through the Endtime will be primarily based on their connection with Me, and that’s why We’re working on making it the most important thing in your life. (16:128)

Holy Spirit The more effort you make to let My Spirit rule in your lives, the less room there will be for any minions of the devil to hang around. Make every move and speak every word in My authority, in the Power of My Spirit! (I:23) Learn to walk in the Spirit! One continuous declaration and manifestation of love and gratefulness, which grows and grows and climaxes, resulting in spurts of love, fruit conceived, miracles wrought, greater works of My love accomplished: This is the manifestation of My Holy Spirit. (I:28) ‘My Spirit, the Comforter, Whom I will send unto you, will bring all those things to your remembrance’ (Jn.14:26). If you walk in the Spirit, you will remember these things: She will remind you! (I:76) My Spirit is pure and clean and gives away freely of Her pure and genuine love, without any interest in gain for Herself, but only so that others may find life. Even so, I want you to take on My Spirit, and not think about any gain, any advantage for yourselves, but seek only to give unselfishly, that your love may be found pure in My sight, and I can truly reward you! (I:77) You need to get ahold of My Spirit and the victory, whether You feel like it or not! If you don’t feel it, just get desperate and break through to My side until you’re there. Some things you have to fight for. Break the vicious cycle of not feeling like you can get a hold of Me and thus not really being in the victory. Break it by punching through in the Spirit, regardless of whatever feelings; grab hold of Me, and I will pour down My divine inspiration and anointing on you. (I:115) Only My Spirit can guide you right where I want you to be. (I:139) Fight to stay in the Spirit everyday! If a project doesn't carry My Spirit, then it's just dead works. (I:413) You've got to believe in My Love, you've simply got to know that I love you! The original sin of man was to doubt that, and the greatest sin, the sin against the Holy Spirit, is to reject that love by not believing that God so loved the World that He gave His only begotten Son, once they've been given the chance to receive Him. (I:416) It was expedient for My disciples that I left them, in order to send them the Comforter. The Holy Spirit was able to work through My disciples that which they never would have accomplished through My fleshly presence. The death of the flesh - My flesh - brought the Life of the Spirit. (I:446) It was expedient for Me to go away in the flesh in order for Me to send My Holy Spirit so that I could be with all of My disciples simultaneously, and in order for them to be able to give and pour out My living Word. (II:50) The gifts of the Spirit are only found by those who truly seek them, and in order to seek them you must spend time in the Spirit Realm, you must show some interest! (II:173) The Spirit Herself “helpeth your infirmities” of not knowing what to pray for as you ought, and sometimes helps you to come up with the solutions already while you ask, fulfilling My Promise that "before they call, I will answer." (II:206) Even praying is something you have to learn to do by My Spirit; in other words, to let go and let My Spirit do it through you. It's another one of those things you just can't do in the flesh. It's a lot like prophecy. You have to listen to My Spirit and wait for whatever She's going to lay on your heart, similar to when I speak to you! Unless you're in My Spirit, you can't really pray. (II:224) Live in the Spirit, breathe in My Spirit, move with My Spirit; let My Spirit move and think and speak in and through you! Feel how it's changing you, making a new creature out of you! Satan sought to snuff out that fire, that Light, and sought to get you to put the emphasis and focus on the result of that Spirit, the gift of it, your talent, and he tempted you to lean on that, more than on Me and My living Spirit Herself! To be moving in My Spirit and to let My Spirit function in you requires that you let go of the crutches of the flesh, of leaning on your own arm, talent or anointing for strength and support, and just cast yourself wholly into My arms, willing to trust in nothing else but Me. (II:273) Take hold of My Spirit at the start of the day! When you're in the Spirit, you're less likely to fall prey to pride in any form, because My Spirit is humble. You'll know who you are in the Spirit, and won't be tempted to compare so much with others who may have more than you in the physical, and you'll be content with that, just determined to make the best of it. (II:293) If you would let that soft, warm and loving Spirit come through more often, you'd find that it would be a lot easier for others to open up to you. If you would let My Spirit shine through more, you'd find that things would flow more smoothly. People would feel more comfortable around you, open up to you more and trust you more. (II:301)

You become a vessel, a pure, virgin bride of Mine, by letting the Holy Ghost take you over and possess you: "The Holy Ghost will come over you and overshadow you," as Gabriel announced to Mary, and then you shall receive Me, the perfect Son of God, into your flesh, and your flesh will be no longer imperfect flesh, but that which is mundane and earthly will be made divine! It was Me, My flesh in Mary, in her flesh, that made her divine, and that's why millions of Catholics practically worship her today. But the trick is to just let My Holy Ghost overshadow you, control you and possess you, and then I'll be able to come in unto you and bring forth the fruit in you that I - and you - desire! Let Me do with you, as I will, as Mary gave My Father leave to do. (II:323) That is what you got the Holy Ghost for: to be witnesses unto Me (Acts 1:8), and if you want the Spirit, be a witness! It's a choice that everyone's got to make: what's more important, their own physical comfort, or comforting lost souls and therein finding the Comforter? (II:324) Sensitivity to the Spirit can be learned, just like any skill. It's just a matter of focusing differently, listening differently, looking out for different things. It's a matter of keeping your antennas up and making a conscious effort to keep them up. (II:356) The fire which went before the Israelites in the desert by night was no ordinary fire, as you can imagine... the same fire that didn't consume the bush Moses saw, My fire - the same of which consisted the tongues of fire that descended on the day of Pentecost. The "holy fire," which burns away your desires and anything that is Not of Me, but of you. It burns away the spiritual dross, the sin, it purifies and makes white... That's why the early Christians and apostles who had been filled with the Spirit were so holy, so unearthly, almost supernatural in their purity and conviction. It was almost as if the fire of My Holy Spirit had "burned" their old selves away. (PXPI06:67) Listen more deeply to the Spirit! The Spirit has got new things to say today, the wind bloweth where it listeth, and it pays to find out where, and which tune She's singing today. (II:410) The Comforter is there to comfort you through this time of suffering through this world, and She'll enable you to call and beckon yet others of My lost brides to come unto Me. And through My Holy Spirit, I am with you, right within you, reminding you of the fact that this world is never going to be your home, never the place where you belong, filling you with joyous anticipation of the glorious Kingdom to come, where all things will be perfect, where we will be truly united, and all My brides shall be as one. No more disunity, nor more separation, but perfect one-ness, total unity, total love. (II:430) Just open the faucet! All you've got to do is turn it, open it and let it pour, according to your desire, according to your thirst. That's how abundant My flow is, how ever-present My power, My comfort, My Holy Spirit with Her (nine) gifts of prophecy, miracles, healing, wisdom, knowledge, tongues, discernment, interpretation and faith! Plus the tenth, the most excellent of all, which sums them all up, just as I sum up all the good qualities of the different types of human personality: love (See 1Cor.12, 13). (II:463) Just as My Early Church brides never would have made it without the Power of the Holy Spirit to have such an impact on the world, so there's no way on Earth you're ever going to make it without Her. (II:501) The Source of living words of wisdom right within you is the Comforter, "Who will bring all things to your remembrance," My Spirit in you. (II:612) Spiritual input is more effective than verbal input. When you talk, you do use the Holy Ghost, too, but when you pray, She's much more involved yet! (III:34) You have to make a constant positive decision of saying "yes, I want You" to My Holy Spirit. (III:117) My Holy Spirit can be easily shooed away, when She feels like she has been replaced by some spirit of feverishly trying to accomplish something, instead of fully leaning on Me. You know how it is when you don't feel needed. You don't want to just barge in on people who give you the impression they're doing perfectly fine without you, doing things in a way or a spirit quite distinct from yours, and act as if the last thing in the world they would need right now is someone coming in and telling them they ought to be doing it differently. Well, the Holy Spirit is relatively shy and reluctant to "barge in," too, in such situations, and when you're already fully in your "groove," and your usual modus operandi, then there's nothing much anybody can do, not even My Spirit, to try to interfere. (III:121)

It is discomforting to find out how you really are, but that's what the Comforter is all about: to help you realize how far you can fly in spite of yourself. The Comforter, the Holy Spirit, helps you to rise above the confines and limitations of your ego, and lets you find out that you'll get much further in life if you let Me take over. (III:152) The Holy Spirit is the unifying factor among My church. If you're not united, then it's because you're not allowing My Spirit to unite you, and because you're not yielded to My Spirit. (III:203) Away from the glamour of the ascended, down in the lap of the low, that's where you'll find the comfort of the Comforter. (III:208)

Convey the message to people that there's no reason to be afraid! "Be of good cheer, because there's Someone, in fact, a whole dimension full of someones who care for you, are concerned about you, so, why worry and fret so much? You're all in good hands!" If you can only convey that to people, it will already be worth so much and such a comfort to them. In fact, you will have become the very voice of the Comforter Herself to the children of men! Bring them a message from their Heavenly Mother, that She cares for them and keeps an eye on them and has got Her loving and caring arms around them, and they don't need to be afraid! (III:239) The Holy Spirit is like a dove that gently descends where She is beckoned and invited and asked to come. She won't land where She's not welcome, nor will she share a crowded heart that's filled with any other idol and false god and fallacy this world has to offer. (III:302) Before Abraham was, I am. In fact, before everything and everybody was, except for My Father and My heavenly Mother, I am. So, I'm a little bit older than everybody else except the Father and His Spirit Queen... They've simply been around forever, and will continue to be. In fact, everything that is made is part of them, a manifestation or expression of them. It's something you can't really grasp or fathom with your mind, but simply something you're going to have to accept. ‘My Spirit, the Comforter, Whom I will send unto you, will bring all those things to your remembrance.’ If you walk in the Spirit, you will remember these things: She will remind you! She’s like a super-duper-mega-smooth computer program that can enhance your rusty little system anytime with all the knowledge you need, brings up any stored data from the past, or even brand new information that hasn’t been there so far, in revelations, dreams and prophetic visions. All you gotta do is download Her and install Her on your system! You need to get ahold of My Spirit and the victory, whether you feel like it or not! If you don’t feel it, just get desperate and break through to My side until you’re there. Some things you have to fight for. Break the vicious cycle of not feeling like you can get a hold of Me and thus not really being in the victory. Break it by punching through in the Spirit, regardless of whatever feelings; grab hold of Me, and I will pour down My divine inspiration and anointing on you. Only My Spirit can guide you right where I want you to be. I have to refresh your memory from time to time and let the Holy Spirit do exactly what I promised She’d do: “Bring all those things to your remembrance.” (2012:9) The most important thing is to be in tune with and listen to My Spirit, which I promised would always lead and guide you to say the right things at the right time. (2012:23) It’s not for nothing that I referred to the Holy Spirit as the Comforter: This world is a troublesome place; and what a lot of people need most is comfort. (2012:142) Just make an effort to stay in the Spirit as much as you can, thus being ready at all times to give an answer to anyone crossing your path who might be seeking and having the kind of questions I gave you answers to. (2013:12) Never underestimate the power of inspiration coming straight from the Spirit of God! It’s a Source and fountain of life and strength you can tap into regardless of circumstances. Remember My Promises about the Father not withholding the Holy Spirit from any of His children who ask Him for it! (2013:30) Reach out the hand of faith and receive from Me the portion of My Spirit necessary to make it through your days victoriously, cheerfully, joyfully and gratefully, trusting that My Power in you is greater than any adverse circumstances you may encounter. You’ll simply know if you let My Spirit reign supreme in you, instead of the circumstances. (2013:58) That’s what I promised to give through the Holy Spirit after My departure: a Comforter. (2013:79) No matter how important or urgent the things you need to do may seem to you, there’s nothing more urgent or important than making sure you’ve got a hold of Me and My Spirit first to give you a hand. (2013:96) Just keep breathing in and inhaling My Spirit and stay on the positive side of things! (2014:38) The Spirit rules in My Region and Kingdom, and you’ll be better off trusting in It (or Her) than just trusting in the visible and temporary world. (2014:111) When you’re down, I can cheer you up, and the Holy Spirit can give you the victory! (2014:135) You’ve got to make a greater effort to stay in My Spirit! Don’t let the enemy get in or mess around with your mind so easily! (2014:146)

That’s mainly what the Holy Spirit’s there for: to help you to help others to find Me and the true meaning of life. Living for Me and being My disciple and leading other seekers for truth to Me again, that’s the job you were promised the Holy Ghost for. (2014:153) Pass out some of that Salvation message and the Holy Spirit will come in! (2014:163) Remember the Comforter! – And what’s a comforter sent for? If there wouldn’t be any trouble to get rid of, there’d be no reason… (2014:178)

Just stay open to the Spirit! It mustn’t always be plain words you receive as input from Us, but inspiration can come in slightly different and other aspects as well, like the inspiration that leads folks to say a prayer. The Spirit isn’t just bound or limited to the input of words. Inspiration can come in various different styles. There are the languages of speaking in tongues, the visions, dreams, and it can also just be inspirational sentiments and feelings. Be open for that variety, and try to not just cling to words as the only way of God’s pouring out to you! It may be the clearest, in some aspects, but not the only one. And being open to the Spirit means being open to inspiration, not just words… which can affect your emotions a lot more, and not just your mind! (2015:21) The more the world is being taken over by the enemy’s input and wavelength, the tougher it’ll be to stay in My Holy Spirit, and the more you need It, so don’t neglect it! (2015:32) Cling to the right Forces, turn towards the Light and get filled with Our Spirit, in order to help you overcome all that negative input from the enemy taking over the world. (2015:83) Grab ahold of Me, My Power and Spirit, in order to make your day, and thus, your life, more pleasant! Let My Spirit rule your day! (2015:101) Get used to the rough and tough times! You’ll have to learn how to overcome that roughness through My Spirit – the Holy Spirit, and it’s time for you to really get ahold of that and let It strengthen you! Ask Me to fill you with the Holy Spirit to make it! It’ll also help you to be a greater witness, because that’s what Her Power and influence had originally been poured out for on My disciples, after My departure from Earth. Let the Power of the heavenly Spirit guide, strengthen and motivate you! (2015:103) Become more filled with the Holy Spirit, instead of just letting folks see your own personality in the flesh… (2015:118) The more souls you win for Me, the happier you’ll be! – The more you try, the more the Holy Spirit will fill you to help you to make it! (2015:151) Remember that the Holy Spirit will enable and strengthen you with whatever you need when you’re in the situations you will need that strength and power! (2015:163) How the Holy Spirit really works is not that well-known among people. But the Holy Ghost still has better things to offer than that world that’s taken over by what Her and Our enemy has to offer. (2015:171)

It takes a bit more of an effort to be filled with the heavenly Spirit, than just to seek your personal enjoyment down there. The Holy Spirit was primarily given and poured out to help My followers to reach others… share their Salvation, and thus, walk of life towards Heaven. If you feel abandoned by the Holy Spirit these days, maybe you should try some witnessing! It’s still your job; and the one for which the Holy Spirit was poured out onto My disciples and followers, and still is! So… lacking the Spirit? Well, now you know why, if so, and it should spur you on to get back into an Acts 1:8 groove. – The mission and job for all My true followers! If you feel like you could and should experience and enjoy more of the Holy Spirit’s Presence within you, well, just keep in mind what purpose that Spirit had been poured out for! Not just for you to live a joyful life, but in order to help others to find everlasting joy and bliss as well! If you’re in need of more courage, don’t try to base it on your own abilities, but try to get it from your connection with Me and the Holy Spirit! (2015:179) It’ll take Our Spirit in order to get things according to Our will accomplished in the near future! (2015:181) In order to win souls to Me and the heavenly Kingdom, it’s necessary to rely and depend on the Holy Spirit. (2015:191) If you’re ready to let Us work through you – the Holy Spirit with all Her helpers – you definitely won’t regret it. What matters is how much you can present the Spirit of Heaven and the possibility for them to wind up Up Here! (2015:223) If you want My Power and Spirit to work in your life the way it should, you've got to stick to the heavenly rules, and not give Satan the chance to let part of his hell to take over in your actions and behavior! (2015:245)

Wisdom and other gifts of the Spirit are not just naturally bound to fall on folks, but have to be gained through prayer and communication with Me and the Father through Me. (2016:20) Let the Spirit rule and reign your activities, and become Spirit-led! (2016:21) It pays to make an effort to get into and stay in the Spirit! Give folks something that will give them a touch and flair of My Spirit, and some hope for a better coming to and from Up Above! Getting folks to make their choices of receiving the fruits of the Spirit (-or not-) is pretty much your main job! (2016:33) Take Our Spirit as the remedy to help you through that phase of having to face and deal with things down there you can’t quite cope with, and remember that We are stronger than all those worldly influences, even though those are more visible, but it just shows and demonstrate what an important factor faith is. (2016:34) A lot depends on you and what you do! – Your obedience and staying in tune with Our Holy Spirit, and acting according to Our will, accordingly. (2016:35) I am the Savior, and passing on the Salvation I came to offer to mankind is your job and task. So, keep your mind and actions geared toward that job! Remember that that’s the main reason the Holy Spirit is being poured down onto My followers, like seeds of Love that will bring forth new fruits to the God of Love, our heavenly Father! (2016:36) Holy Ghost Power came down to help My followers to be powerful witnesses for Me! So, if you want to be lead, guided, filled and ruled by the Holy Spirit, you’ve got to make sure you do the job It was and is poured out for! So… want to be filled with the Holy Ghost? – Then keep telling people about Me and the Salvation from the punishment for sin received for receiving Me as their Savior! So, make that effort to keep asking for - in order to stay filled with - My Spirit, in order to be able to do My job for you! (2016:38)

Avail yourself of all the Strength and Power and help from Above you can get through prayer, along with your communication with Me, which I know you’re in desperate need of, the reason I’m definitely available to give you My counsel and comfort through the gift of the Holy Spirit. (2016:41) Keep tuned in to My Spirit! – The One I promised My disciples after My departure from Earth! So, make an effort to stay more tuned in to Me and that much more loving and cheerful Spirit from Above, Amen? (2016:42) The mind is part of fleshly capacities, and not being able to lean and rely on that anymore shows it’s better to rely on the Spirit from Above; the Holy Spirit! The Spirit of the Father and the Mother Who see it as Their task to care for you, just as I see it as Mine to lead, guide and direct you. (2016:64) Let My Mother also be your Mother: the Holy Spirit! And listen to Her when she seeks to lift you Up, and don’t listen to the voices of the enemy instead! (2016:68) Witnessing is the main purpose for which Love and the Holy Spirit were poured down! (2016:76) Yield to Me and the Holy Spirit from Above, and you’ll realize which of the sources in the end will turn out the victorious One. (2016:90)

It’s the Spirit that gives you the necessary strength to make it through the day. – The strength to overcome any negative influences of your surroundings! Rise above the influence and effect of physical conditions and get into the Spirit! The Spirit is what gives freedom from all the hindrances and negative effects of the physical world around you. And remember: that’s where your true Home lies! If the Father and Creator of all’s a Spirit… and you believe in Him as the Creator of all, that should give you more faith and confidence to put in the Spirit. (2016:95) Stay in prayer and tuned in to My Spirit – the Spirit of My heavenly Mother – the Holy Spirit, and all Her aids! (2016:96) While the circumstances look gloomy and doomy, let Me help you overcome them through the Power of the Holy Spirit! (2016:97) The Spirit calls! Hear Her? Let Her prove to you that She’s a better Mother and Family member than anyone you’ve encountered down there! (2016:108) Learn not to let the physical conditions and circumstances drag you down, but point your antennas to the Holy Spirit! (2016:112) The Holy Spirit falls on you when you start preaching the Gospel, which is the job of My disciples and followers. So… want the Holy Spirit and a life of Heaven on Earth? – Just get into offering Heaven to others! Feel the Holy Spirit coming with witnessing… guiding you on the right path! (2016:121)

The Holy Spirit – through receiving Her – enables and renders the gifts of the Spirit like prophecy, tongues, discernment, etc. (2016:133)

Hope Your weakness is your strength, for your reliance on Me is your only hope. (I:5) I am your only Hope, but if you begin to cherish that hope for its true potential you will start to realize more and more just what powers, what possibilities lie at your fingertips. (I:72) I’m your only hope and chance of survival! You have to learn to really rely on Me and My help to make it through whatever the future holds! (I:106) How many throw their lives away because they see no hope at all. There are many who would yearn for the comfort you know. But they don’t see any hope. (I:132) Don’t live by fear, doubt, worry and anxiety, but by faith, hope and love! (I:144) Rally them together with a battle cry and renew their hope and courage, their will to fight! (I:152) You’ll make it the same way you made it this far: by trusting in Me, not yourself, relying on Me as your Guide, holding My hand and heeding My voice and obeying My instructions. If there was no hope for you to ever make it, I wouldn’t present you with this challenge! (I:189) Cling to My hand as to your only strength, your only hope of survival, and reject the temptations of the many distractions the Devil throws your way each day! (I:202) What is a missionary? They’re all I’ve got. And they’re all you’ve got. For without them, this life and this whole world would truly be meaningless, there would not be any hope for any of you. (I:207) There are countless sheep who are hungry, even starving for My love and truth. I’m going to open up your eyes and will enable you to see that which lies underneath: the loneliness; the longing for assurance of a glimpse of that which you have seen and felt and experienced; a ray or glimpse of hope. You’ve got to be My transmitter of hope for them. (I:236) Can you spare a little lovin’, instead of getting upset at the poor captives of Satan? Your job is to free them, to give them a glimpse of My hope and light and love! (I:298) Claim the keys of hope that they may bring a fresh breath to your aching, weary and tired heart, to refresh you and give you new joy and courage and vision for the battle. (I:428) Be bulwarks of hope for those around you! Even those who may not believe right now in time of need will remember that you had faith that exceeded the range of their hopelessness, the range of the physical circumstances, faith that believes that all things will be well because I'm in control. (I:436) Just because someone is battling and even battling for a long time, it doesn't mean there's no hope for them. (I:441) If you keep following Me the best you know how, instead of wanting to get Me to follow your plan, if somewhere along the line you're going to start refusing taking another of the devil's sidetracks and temptations to lure you from My way and you really get into the habit of asking Me first thing each day, "Now, Lord, what do You really want me to do? To hell with what I want! What do You want?"... As long as there's even a slight chance that that might happen, there's hope. (I:447) Just stay focused on Me, Me in you, the hope of glory! (I:466) Just like the Father sent Me to hell to preach to the spirits in prison for 3 days and nights... do you think I would have needed to do so if there had been no hope for them whatsoever? (I:483) Show them, "Yes, there is an alternative, and there is an answer!" Show them that there is an exit out of the devil's matrix! Be the hope of the hopeless! (I:511)

The trick is to look at the good and focus on the good, which, in essence, means to focus on Me in each of you, the hope of glory. (I:516)

I'm really your only Hope. (I:517) If you love unconditionally with the love you got from Me, then they get a glimpse of hope that I can love them like that, too, and that I won't allow anything bad to happen to them. Be so full of My light, which is stronger than all their darkness... be that ray of hope for them. (I:534) Your only hope is to turn around and start focusing on Me totally, to "pray without ceasing," staying connected with Me at all times. (I:561) One doesn't have to be perfect or holy or a sinless saint in order to hear My voice and love Me intimately... I have chosen earthen vessels for My treasures, that others might have hope, too. (I:608) You will not be disappointed if you put your hopes, desires and aspirations on Me. (I:611) What's going to help you make it through is not any of your personal strength, much less a pretense of any strength that's not really there, but your only hope is your trust in Me; getting ahold of Me daily, and never to neglect that link. (II:21) The light has its outstanding purpose in the darkness. The darkness never liked the light. Your only hope is those sitting in the darkness who are waiting for the light, the children of light; you must call to them! (II:22) Be hopeful, because I have said "your redemption draweth nigh," but don't become impatient if it's not quite there yet! (II:41) How do you become the "hope of the hopeless"? By having experienced the hopelessness yourself first, comforting others with the comfort wherewith you have been comforted by Me. You "pass it on!" (II:64) If one of you is feeling unloved, imagine how unloved so many of the poor, lost sheep out there must feel, who don't even know Me and don't know of any other hope beyond this life! (II:135) As long as you're listening, there's hope, because My Word will not return unto Me void. (II:147) The devil knows that dependence on Me is your only hope of survival, so he will try to get you to forsake the idea of having to depend on Me. (II:148) Be a little light and ray of hope in this darkness and let it shine! (II:151) The only hope you have is to stick close to Me and get your instructions from Me about what I want you to give to those around you, how I want you to manifest to them My Love and My idea of love. (II:184) Show the world that there is still hope! Just the fact that there are people who don't only care about themselves, but will also give of their own substance, even to their own hurt, will be a spark of hope that will rekindle the faith in many, even in the darkest time of the history of the world. (II:200) You've got the power in your hand to bring a little hope back into disillusioned lives. (II:246) No matter how much you fail or disobey Me, I never give up having hope for you, I never quit having faith in you, I never stop loving you, and that's what your attitude toward your children should also be. (II:247) I want you to stretch your faith for others and see that if I've been so patient and longsuffering with you, then there's no miracle I wouldn't be able to do for others as well. In other words, there's hope for anyone, and I can change any life. (II:260) Your only hope and chance to make it is to wait on Me. (II:285) It's never "beyond hope." For Me, there is no such thing as beyond hope. It's never too late for love. (II:344) You've got to have hope that My sheep out there will hear My voice, and they will respond, they will follow; I have promised it. (II:410)

Christianity only makes sense if you put Me in the middle of it as the sum of all hope for any positive outcome of the whole thing. (II:413)

Personal attacks from the enemy remind you that I in you am the Hope of Glory. Without Me, there would be no hope, just as there would be no light, and in order to go the right way, to keep sin out of your life, you constantly have to be facing toward Me and not turn your back on My light. Only in Me is your hope that you're going to be walking the right path, a good path. (II:442)

Fear is a social disease, Satan's biggest weapon to control the masses. They're victims. And if they refuse to admit that they're being influenced to be that way, then there isn't any more hope for them to be cured than for a blind man who refuses to see. (II:446)

Faith, hope and love go hand in hand. If you have love for people and faith in them, then your hope for the future also increases, because you learn to look past the circumstances and conditions, past the way things are, and beyond their current state, to a future where all things are the way they ought to be. Hope is connected with acceptance. If you learn to accept the way things are, if you're willing to fully absorb reality the way I made it for you, even if you don't think it's perfect, but trust that if I made these circumstances for you, then they must serve a perfect purpose, then you can also have more hope for a better future. You may not think things are perfect right now, but because of your faith in Me, you can hope that they're working together for good toward a better future, a better outcome of things in the future. Hope is a matter of the heart. (II:466) I'm always right there, waiting for you with open arms, and you're never alone, don't ever forget that, and don't forget to tell others! That's the most important point I'd like you to get across, along with the fact that there's hope for anyone. (II:469) There's no hope for those who don't think they need help; like that proverb: "Do you see a man wise in his own conceit? Even for a fool there's more hope than for him." As long as you know you need Me, or at least allow Me to remind you of that fact regularly, there is hope. (II:546) Never give up hope in people prematurely! (II:650) Sorry if all I have for you is a promise. No instant relief, no secret magic remedy... Just faith and hope that it's all going to make sense someday. (III:36) If folks see someone got the point of love, then they might get it, too. It may still take a while for it to sink in, but you can't just give up hope in them. You've got to keep hoping. (III:42) By always looking to the ground in order to avoid the pitfalls you miss many golden opportunities on the horizon that are only seen by looking up, by the trustful vision of hope and expectation. Be different, stick out from the down-looking, down-trodden masses and be one who dares to look up instead, one who dares to hope instead of despair! Be the one who dares to hope: dare to hope, dare to expect the good things, instead of always expecting the worst in order to avoid disappointments and hurt! Dare to look up, full of expectancy! (III:77) "God never takes one thing away from you without giving you something better." Just be open and expectant, hopeful for that "something better!" (III:78) Bring them glimpses of hope, something to look forward to, the confidence that there is something more, something beyond that which they've been able to see thus far! (III:104) Realizing your fault is the only hope you've got. That's what repentance, metanoia, is all about. Realizing you've been going in the wrong direction and then turn around... (III:153) It makes your faith in Me more real, it makes your relationship with Me more real and more storm-proof, and it makes you more real, as you cling more and more to Me as your only hope. (III:157) Love includes not giving up on people prematurely. Don't give up hope for them! (III:204) If you look at the flaws and faults, you're sunk, but if you look at the lesson behind them, and at My purpose behind them, then it gives you a ray of hope that everything is going to wind up making sense somehow eventually, and you can trust that everything is going to be alright. (III:216) The manifestation of your hopes and dreams lies in your faith. It's the vacuum that draws from the Spirit World that which you hope for. If you hope for something, then act and believe and have faith for it... walk toward the goal of the fulfillment of your dreams. You must not only hope, but also believe, in order not to be disappointed. (III:218) Keep your focus on My Sunshine that will keep you warm, bright and cheery even through the darkest times! You will have an inner source of strength that people are going to feed off and draw life from, draw hope from, and a reason to go on, even when all hope seems lost. (III:240) I need leaders whose only hope am I, who know that there is none other, least of all any of their own goodness or righteousness or greatness except Mine. (III:243)

You cannot project hopes which can only be fulfilled by Me into a frail human being... You mustn't. Otherwise, disappointment will be your lot, and your cynicism and skepticism will grow and grow, and make you all the harder to get along with people. Make Me the focus of your hopes and dreams; I'm the only One Who can fulfill them! (III:249) What people think about you is irrelevant. All that matters is that you will be ready to feed them the words of life that they will need, a voice of hope in the time of their greatest darkness... (III:250) Focus on Me, look unto Me and hold on to Me every step of the way as your only Hope of success. The people around you need you to believe in them. They figure, if you're not going to believe in them, being My true representatives on earth, then who is? If you're going to be just as biased toward them, just as incredulous or as indifferent as the rest of the world, then you're taking their last bit of hope away from them, because you're the hope of the hopeless. People like you, who put their cards on the other world, give them a tiny ray of hope that there is an alternative. An alternative they might not feel strong enough to choose for themselves right now, but just knowing that there is one at all already gives them a little hope when all other prospects seem hopeless... You need to get the point that your hope lies elsewhere. Your only hope lies here with Me in the Spirit Realm and with your innumerable helpers, the true giants and reliable ones. My view of a situation could never possibly be as hopeless as yours. I always see possibilities and hope where you see none. Let’s try everything we possibly can to make it, to keep going with renewed umph, strength and hope from Me. I ain't a quitter, and I won't ask you to be one, either. There's too much strength and faith and hope in Me. It’s the clean-on-the-surface hypocrites who never deal with their problems on a truthful basis, that are all rotten within, for whom there isn’t much hope. There is more hope for anyone who knows they’re a mess than for someone who thinks they’re so great. There’s hope for everyone! The only glimpse of hope you or anybody has in the first place, is recognizing the need, a place for Me to come in and fill and make better. Otherwise, I won’t be able to change or improve anything. Try your best to be a living sample of truth and fact. One sure way to do that is by putting your entire hopes and trust in Me. There are situations when love is to hope with folks even when there doesn’t seem to be much hope from the rational point of view. A lot of lost sheep would stay lost, if none would go out to seek and find them… Your only hope is to stay close to Me, always attentive for My checks, My nudges, My hints and My counsel, because only I can let you in on what the enemy’s up to in your life. You could never figure it out yourself. As long as you still put your hopes in anyone or anything else, you don’t really stand a chance. I am truly all the hope you ever need, and I’m more than enough. Where are you putting your hopes? - The here and now or the There and Then? Are you letting the here and now govern you and your being, or are you keeping an eye on the eternal reward? Hope is your road to the goals of faith and love. Keep going and following that direction in which My Promises point; keep hoping. Your only hope is, as was said, “Christ in you, the hope of glory.” Your only hope is My Promises. You can’t expect of them to embrace your views from one day to their other, either. But if you can just give them a little glimpse of hope and strengthen their faith in the fact that to know Me is to have eternal life, then it will be worth it. Be an island of hope to those who also recognize that something is wrong here. Look at the positive: the hope of glory, and knowing that no matter how bad it looks, it's going to turn out alright in the end. As Paul said, if your hope is in this life and this world alone, you’re of all men the most miserable… I’m really the only reliable Source of hope that you’ve got, and that you cannot have any other hope without Me. I’m the Central Exchange of all hope for you and your life, so to speak. Any objects or subjects of hope and redemption you would desire are only accessible via Me and My help, that’s why you’ve got to turn to Me first for them and in order to reach or obtain them.

If you want to inspire others and awaken flames in their hearts, of hope in a better world, quite different from this one, then it helps to have a little bit of otherworldly inspiration, feelings and emotions, too. Keep your focus on Me and make Me your only hope and your major factor of supply and happiness. Never give up hope, because with Me, all hope is never lost, there is always good reason to hope and to keep hoping, in spite of it all! You cannot put your hope in man, that they will open the doors that you need, but you can only implore and hope in Me! Focus on Me, look unto Me and hold on to Me every step of the way as your only Hope of success. (III:285) You’ve got to put your hopes in My miracle-working redeeming power, My power to reverse destiny and to save anyone from any apparently predestined path of “the way of all flesh.” (III:446) Keep looking to Me as your only hope, and you’ll find out once again that I will not leave your trust unrewarded… (2011:13) Let Me prove to you how much more I am capable of than anything else you would put your hopes in. (2011:15) Your only chance and hope is to rely on and trust in Me, so the sooner you get into that groove, the better off you’ll be. (2011:19) Don’t give up hope yet; I just might use those favorable premises and do something, use the unusable, and surprise everyone in the process. (2011:72) I’m your only hope and chance to get through it all victoriously. (2011:75) If the Real Thing is only yet to come, then perhaps you’re doing wisely not to get too attached to all of this and putting all your hopes exclusively in the here and now… (2011:84) I’m the Hope of the hopeless, and the only way you’re ever going to be able to help other hopeless cases like yourself is by availing yourself of that hope. It’s really nothing to despair about, this in-built safeguard mechanism that’s bound to teach you over and over and over again Who it pays to truly rely on and put your hopes in. Just as the sun is going to come out again after a period of grey skies and darkness, you can hope in Me, the Sun of Righteousness, with healing in My wings, ready to make good all that you detest about yourself and the general state of the human family. Yes, things are a mess, but there’s hope. Hope that things will not remain the same; that while they may be getting worse and worse temporarily, they will suddenly be improved and salvaged by Me. The only way you can truly believe that and cling to that hope is by availing yourself of it now, on a daily basis, and get hooked up with Me, your Hope, now, before things are going to really get bad and a lot worse than what you’re used to right now. It’s also essential for you to learn to place more hope in Me and rely more on Me than yourself. (2011:87) If I’ve told you time any again that your only hope’s in Me, why do you keep looking elsewhere for the things that can’t be delivered there? (2011:100) I have overcome the world and thus offer hope to anyone who is looking for a way out of its mess, that it can be overcome, and in fact, I would encourage and challenge you to overcome it. But the only way that works is if you tear yourself loose from its grip instead of clinging to it and looking to it for hope and comfort, unrealistic expectations it can never fulfill. (2011:127) Next time you feel tempted to lose hope or fail to see the rhyme and reason in all you’re going through, remember the goal in all of this: the perfecting of My strength in you. (2011:145) If this life isn’t turning out to be all you would have hoped and dreamed for, remember, it’s not so much about finding something out there that you haven’t got yet, as making the best of what you do have, even if it may be quite a challenge and what you’d consider a hard task. (2011:149) You’ve got hope to offer to those who can’t tell where their lives are headed or what it’s supposed to be all about, even if you’re partly in the same boat, and wondering about those same things sometimes… Hope is best conveyed from a heart that still needs to hope itself, that hasn’t found all the answers yet. (2012:33) Before you label people as hopeless, I want you to at least give Me a chance to show you what I can do with “hopeless.” I can defy the odds of hopeless. I will use anyone from anywhere, no matter how hopeless they may seem, as long as they’re willing. So, please, don’t give up hope! (2012:41)

I’m in control no matter what happens, so it pays to continue to put your trust in Me, and if this is your hope, then strive toward it, believing, and don’t let doubts, fears and worries cripple you or stop you from even making an effort to get to your destination… (2012:63)

Your only hope of union with all things as you desire it, is really drawing closer to Me and allowing Me to draw you over to My side, which is actually the only true and real side, the lasting side of things, and distance yourself from their way of seeing and handling things, which is really only a sad illusion; a shadow that will disappear, along with all shadows, when the true light appears. (2012:106) It’s not about how good or bad anyone is; it’s about what I can do in spite of the circumstances – the badness, and independently of any human “goodness.” I like to use “badness” because it defies rational expectation; which doesn’t mean I don’t like and wouldn’t generally prefer goodness, if it’s genuine. But you know how hard it’s getting to tell whether it is… So, I just use both, and don’t make too much of a difference with either, nor too big an ado about them. May your badness help you keep your eyes on Me as your only Hope, and may others’ goodness not prevent them from doing the same! (2012:169) The hope that there’s some place on this earth where evil might not be present in some form is unfortunately an illusion. The hope that perhaps things aren’t or won’t turn out all that bad… True reality is actually inclined to go in the opposite direction, that things are actually worse than you think they are. That’s why your faith in Me and your availing yourself of My help to rise above are so important: They’re basically your only hope. (2012:172) Some folks turn out to be worse than they thought they were, and let’s just hope, trust and believe that some will actually turn out better. It’s not about what you are right now. It’s about what you are in the scope of Eternity and in My eyes, and who and what you can and will be… (2012:180)

If you turn to Me for hope and strength, you won’t be disappointed. If you want true hope that will give you the strength you need to make it along any stretch of your road, look to Me, count on Me and trust in Me. Only looking unto Me for hope and the help you need will spare you from disappointment, for in doing so, you will also be stronger, and a more reliable force to reckon with, and thus less likely to be abandoned. (2013:15) I’m trying to encourage you that there is hope, and I’m not just making you go through some entirely pointless ordeal, even if you can only see that hope vaguely and by pure faith. (2013:84) Gross darkness should cover the earth and the people (Is.60:2), so why be still so flabbergasted by it? All I can keep reminding you of is that there was no better way to teach you not to put your hope in men, but in Me instead. You want more hope? - More of something worthwhile to look up to? Well, I’m right here! “Wherever you go, whatever you do, I will be right here waiting for you!” How’s that for a glimpse of hope? I’m all the Hope you need, and more than enough, just trust Me for that! If you put your hopes in anything else, well, that’s not My fault, because I keep warning you that you’ll be left high and dry and disappointed. - Nobody to look up to? - Nothing to look forward to? How about Me? And if there’s nothing in this world anymore for you to look for the fulfillment of your hopes in, what better grounds than that to finally get the point that it’s Me and My grace that’s the only thing that’s ever going to be sufficient to fill that need? Why not pin your hopes on the Dude Who created you, and even if it doesn’t seem that way to you at times, actually knows what He’s doing? What other hope have you got than to trust that while you may not know, I know what I’m doing, where this is going, and take My word for it that things are going to turn out just fine in the end? (2013:112) I was born on Earth to establish faith in life thereafter… to give hope for something better thereafter. …More than hopes and faiths in this current world’s life! (2014:15) Even if life on Earth seems a little difficult, there’s hope to be keeping’ and goin’ on that’s worth it… (2014:42) Keep trusting in Me, keep looking at Me for hope! (2014:83) Without Heaven… what else is there to live for, believe in, have hope for and make you continue with faith in a positive Hereafter? What else is there of hope, than what Heaven has to give? (2014:85) When the world becomes bad and worse, it’s a reason for you to make an effort to become better… show folks that there’s still some hope to find in and through Me. (2014:103) Don’t expect too much of your time of life down there, but put a bit of your daily hopes in your faith Up Here! (2014:124) Try a bit more of what you can to influence others and give them some light of hope for the future… (2014:136)

if the here and now doesn’t have too much hope to offer, trust and confide in the There and Then that’s promised in My Word… which means, there’s hope for you, even for those who don’t see so much to come with all the darkness all around the visible sphere right now. So, look up to Me and what’s to come hereafter. There is hope. (2014:163) Don’t give up hope! You’ll make it, because we’re making it together, even if at first it seems to you like you’re having to make it on your own, but eventually I turn up to show you that’s not the case, but I’m always there with you, even if it takes you a little to discover that. I’ll be around when hope needs to be found. Trust in Me and you’ll see: you’ll find it! – Hope! - One of the 3 big things in 1. Corinthians 13: Faith, hope, love… and now you know why hope’s in there. You knew about the importance of faith and love before, but couldn’t quite see the need for hope that much… until now. So, things start all making sense after a little while. (2014:169) There’s always some hope, even in rough situations you couldn’t count on. (2015:6) Once you’re getting more prepared for what’s to come after this life, you’ll be able to give more hope of it to folks you’ll meet, who might not have found Me yet… (2015:33) Try to keep some faith, some hope, some positiveness, and don’t give up too easily! (2015:45) Shouldn’t you, as a believer in the Up Above, live positively due to that positive hope and outlook upon what’s coming up ahead for you? Have hope in the future according to My Promises! Keep your spiritual eyes upon Heaven as much as you can… the bright hope of the future. (2015:47) When you blame yourself instead of Us, there’s hope for improvement. (2015:55) Think about and become more conscious of the fact that there’s something greater and better expecting you hereafter, and you don’t have to get so stuck on and preoccupied by what this temporary, earthly existence has to offer, or even challenges you with. (2015:69)

The more you learn to make it clear to yourself and anyone that you’re dependent on Me, the better. It will give others hope, too, who won’t be so fond of subscribing to the upcoming AC. (2015:73) Knowing that you're loved by Us should give you some great confidence that we're capable of loving any sinner, pretty much regardless of what they've done… so, hope for just about anyone. Not having a clue what's going to happen, means putting your whole trust in Me, hoping that I'll take care of everything you can't manage or figure out on your own. (2015:99) Depend on Us and apply for Our help, the sooner the better, because some day soon you’ll be utterly dependent on it, with no more chance to make it on your own, in your own wisdom or strength. Maybe that’s why We allowed both of them to sink to a much lower state… Depend on Ours, and you’ll have much more hope to make it through the dark future up ahead! (2015:104) Fight for getting all the help from Above you can, so that others can gain a little hope from it, too! (2015:111) Your only hope for the future is Our better version of it all… (2015:172) To look forward to a better Home awaiting you, would also offer more hope to others. (2015:179) Your only hope is what you’ve heard from and about Me, and the Hereafter, what the belief in Me promises folks after that current life of yours down there. Bring hope for the Hereafter to the world! Can you just go through it along with Us sufferers who had to live and die a hard way, in order to bring hope to others in something greater hereafter that’ll be worth it all? (2015:182) As long as you have a little bit of trust that We Up Here know what We’re doing, and you’ll benefit from it, even if it may not look or seem all that positive at the moment down there, you’re still on the right path, and there’s hope. There’s even still hope if you don’t manage that, but to keep the state of affairs up on a victorious level, it would be better to stay a bit more on the positive! (2015:187)

If you’re realizing that I’m your only Hope you can fully rely on, it’s not something to worry about. Trust Me that you’ll grow stronger in spirit, relying on Me, and you’ll become a greater hope, strength and source of encouragement to others and those around you, if you lean on Me completely, instead of putting your hope and reliance on other weak and frail humans. The time is coming when you’ll just have to learn and get into the rhythm of placing your entire hope and confidence in Me… not fellow humans with weaknesses like your own. Obtain your strength from Me, and thus become a greater hope and source of encouragement to your fellow humans, too!

Keep your eyes and vision on the Light, so you can offer some glimpses of It to others, so that they can get some hope, too, and won’t have to become too overwhelmed by the enemy’s darkness! Become some hope of light to them that don’t welcome the darkness, but also feel like wanting to resist it! The hope you’re able to avail yourself of will also strengthen, encourage and offer help to others. (2016:6) Don’t get discouraged or frustrated! Have a little hope in Me and the Strength from Above that will pep you up! Focus Up Here, where your hope lies, and not so much on your earthly circumstances! (2016:24) Get out that message of hope to the people, that there’s deeper meaning to life, and something better coming up, if they make the right decisions and choices! Give them something that will give them a touch and flair of My Spirit, and some hope for a better coming to and from Up Above! When things don’t seem so smooth in life, keep up your faith and hope in something better coming up! (2016:33) if you consider the fact that there are many in a much worse state than you, and most of them don’t have that same faith… shouldn’t it inspire you to give them some hope? (2016:46) Just as I keep reminding you that there’s Something better coming up than this world and present life, so does your appearance flash a bit of that light of hope to others… and, don’t you consider it to be something great and wonderful to be able – and make others able – to perceive a glimpse of hope coming up for something better than what this present world has to offer? (2016:48) Having chosen you as one of Our instruments should show you that there’s hope for other sinners as well. (2016:50) Have a little hope! Remember “faith, hope, love, these three… and the greatest of these is love!” And don’t let the devil kill those through the negative circumstances becoming worse, but put faith and hope above them, and let it fill you with love, the greatest Force, representing the Power and Presence of Our Father! (2016:62) With the worst to come, it should make some folks ready to hope for something better coming. – And you’ve got It to offer them! (2016:63)

It’s so important that those who follow Me in this day and age realize that they’re the ones supposed to make a difference and ignite the only source of hope in others that there’s something better to come than what the world has to offer right now. So, can you take on that task of representing a glimpse of hope to others, who are not so thrilled with the current state of the world? Can you be a raiser of hope in something better to come? The only way to do that is by keeping your vision, focus and hope geared there yourself. So, don’t give up hope in a better Thereafter, and don’t keep your focus set on the earthly circumstances, that are going downhill! Keeping your spiritual focus and vision geared toward your true Home should give you hope and the necessary strength and power to make it through what’s around you down there, and the worse part yet coming. (2016:67) If Christ is in you, the Hope of glory, then you should take your steps in the direction that will lead you to live a life full of that glory! - And if it’s not temporarily meant to come right now, let it at least be the hope of the glory hereafter that expects you, if you do what you can through Me! (2016:77)

Keep your outlook and vision pointed Up Here, which will make it worth it all, and keep your focus set by that hope! So, look Up Here! That’s where your hope lies. Put your hope in Me, and you – I swear – will see: I can manage to help you make it through anything; even hell on Earth! (2016:82) If you’re lacking faith, well… make it grow! Not looking at the circumstances surrounding you, but Up Here, as your only hope! (2016:84)

What matters is not so much the world around you, but how you’re coping with and doing in it. Isn’t there something better we’ve got to offer, and wouldn’t it be nice to share a glimpse of hope towards that with others who might be looking for it? (2016:89) Point your spiritual vision Up Here where all your hope lies! You have to get your spirit into the groove that although surrounding circumstances are ugly, you still have hope and confidence in what lies beyond! Hope that’ll give you the necessary strength to make it through your days, no matter how ugly they may seem. Point your spiritual vision Up Here! – That’s where your hope and your strength lie. (2016:95) Your spiritual enemies know your toughest times, and their opportunity to give you trials; so that’s the time to call out for Me and get in touch with Me, your Hope to make it through. (2016:96) You’ve just got to make it through somehow… through the tough times, because there are tougher ones to come! All you can do is trust and hope that I’m gonna see you through them somehow. Keep your vision and hope set Up Here – the Hope for all of mankind (or at least the ones who won’t fall for the enemy and his bunch)!

Make the best of it, in order to offer some hope to those who won’t fall for the AC! (2016:97) Remember to look past the circumstances and more Up Here, where your hope lies! (2016:98) Keep your vision directed and set Up Here… the only Hope to make it through! Remember each day: I’m your only Hope to make it! (2016:101) As the earthly life gets tougher, doesn’t it raise your appreciation and hopes for the Thereafter? Faith, hope, love, these three… seem to be a lot worthier ones to invest your time and energy in than current pleasure, fun and easy living, don’t you think? I still do need folks down there to spread My message and give them hope, especially after what’s going to be coming. (2016:102) Keep your hopes and your focus pinned and directed Up Here, where there’s a much better chance for you to get a victory than by focusing on your surroundings and conditions down there! So, don’t expect too much from what surrounds you, but keep your visions, hope, and faith set Up Here! Keep your focus directed Up Here, so that you can become a bigger source of hope and encouragement to those around you! Remember that the right direction to cling your faith in and gear your hopes toward is Up Here – your true Home! (2016:108) Sometimes just hoping for the better is all that you can do… by faith. (2016:122) Remember that the goal shouldn’t be to make your times as good and easy as you can down there, but that you’ll make it to the miracle of survival it’ll take through what’s to come, and thus be able to offer hope to those who won’t follow the AC and take his mark! Keep some hope in the Good winning over evil, ultimately, so that you can instill that hope in others as well! When the vision’s geared on temporal conditions and circumstances, you need a brighter vision of faith and hope beyond and past all that. (2016:128) Learning to avail yourself of the Help and hope from Above will enable you to give hope to others as well. Keep your vision and focus on Me – the Hope and glimpse that will see you through, along with others around you accordingly! (16:132)

Joy & Happiness You’ll always be disappointed if you make your happiness dependent on people or things. (I:26) A silent, cheerful joy unspeakable is that small personal trademark of the saints, the reward for believing and acting on the knowledge that it is more blessed to give than to receive. (I:51) Wherein do you find your greatest satisfaction, joy and fulfillment? Is it not in the ecstasies and bliss of My Spirit? For you have drunk from all those other cups and they have left you thirsty and you have found that only the clear refreshing water of life that I give quickeneth. The flesh profiteth nothing, it is the Spirit that quickeneth: The Words that I speak unto you, they are Spirit and they are Life. Come, and find life abundantly, and water that will never leave you thirsty again! (I:96) The path of self-gratification is not the road to true happiness and fulfillment. (I:97) Your happiness is My goal, for that happiness will rub off on others. (I:137) Happiness is usually found elsewhere than you assume. (I:155) The drawing power, the suction, the empty space you create in you for Me to fill is the way to happiness and fulfillment. (I:156) Follow and obey that heavenly commission with heavenly rewards of greater joy and fulfillment than anything you've ever known, and an eternal crown to shine like the stars. Make Me happy by trying to make others happy, telling them about Me! See how much more happiness will fill your walls! (I:158) I want to give you My joy! You can have an advance and get to enjoy a good portion of it now, already in this life! Enter thou into the joy of thy Lord! Come in and be happy! If you don’t have any reasons to be happy, who then? (I:174) Ever giving more of Me to others is the secret to happiness and the meaning of life! (I:265) Don’t insist on having your heaven on Earth first, without bringing heaven to the lost. That’s like chasing happiness when you ought to be giving it to others. Make others happy. (I:274) I desire to make you happy, and I will, if you just come to Me and accept My will for you, instead of insisting on what you want. Trust Me that I know better what’s really good for you! (I:341) Those who forget about their own burdens and crosses for the sake of others, and to help them carry theirs, turning the power outward instead of inward, have a great reward: the joy and happiness of truly living for others. (I:361) It takes those years of experience, in most cases, to bring someone to the end of their own rope and the realization that I truly know best what's better for them and which road truly leads to happiness. (I:420) Your happiness in this life depends on your obedience, your attitude and gratitude toward Me. As long as you keep thinking, "God, I would have done better than that if I were You", that's not really an attitude of trust and gratefulness that engenders My joy. My joy comes from truly accepting that I love you, care for you and I'm giving you what's best for you, not doubting all of these. Happiness and joy comes in the yieldedness of truly trusting Me that I know better than you, that your life is in the best hands of the universe, and there's nothing to complain about. It's in trusting that you're getting just what you need and deserve, and realizing that if you want something better, murmuring and complaining won't help at all to get it. Happiness doesn't come by waiting for it. You're going to have to do something, and not for yourself, but for others, trying to make them happy. If you could focus on others enough and be concerned enough about them, about their Salvation, their finding Me, if that would be your primary purpose, incentive and prerogative in your life right now, then you would also find happiness. You may be waiting for happiness, but happiness is waiting for you to come out and get her. Happiness is a hungry, waiting soul, waiting to be made happy by your obedience to Me in getting out there and finding her. (I:449) Think of all the joy you're still going to bring into people's lives! You've each got Me, the Source of all joy and bliss and heavenly Love and sunshine right in your hearts. The victory is available for those who would avail themselves of it. (I:516) Blessed are those who find joy in passing My Words and My message on to others. This, My joy, shall be their strength. (I:530) Being happy spells learning to be content and grateful for what you have, and instead of selfishly yearning for far-away dreamlands where everything is happening that you think you're missing out on, you should be tuning in to Me and others, to make sure they're happy. (I:553)

"The joy of the Lord is your strength." How do you find My joy? By looking at things through My eyes, the eyes of the spirit, which see the blessing where others see burdens. (I:561) You don't find happiness in your own selfish pursuit of it, and Heaven on Earth is only found by bringing a little bit of Heaven to others. If you seek Heaven on Earth, just give a little bit of Heaven to others who are needy, and then that heavenly happiness you seek will find and overwhelm you. (II:18) All roads will lead you to the same conclusion in the end, that true and lasting happiness is only found in Me, because I am the Source of all you're longing and yearning for. If you focus on Me as the ultimate "Object" of your affection and desires, you will find happiness and bring happiness to others. As long as you're looking elsewhere, you're programmed for disappointment. (II:46) Trust Me that I know a better way to happiness than the one you would choose! (II:68) You cannot be preoccupied with your own happiness; it's elusive and vain to even attempt to go chasing after it! Your job and your task in life is to make others happy! (II:172) I like you to have fun and enjoy life, but I didn't mean life for Me to be a permanent vacation! Sometimes you have to embrace the dark and painful road in order to be led to final, true and lasting happiness. If someone constantly seeks their way up to the sunny peaks in pursuit of selfish pleasure and "good times," they will inevitably land down on the rock bottom of an empty soul, because they're just missing the goal. That's not how happiness is found. (II:278) Real happiness is only found in a path that the self-efficient and successful in this world barely ever discover, and that's your relationship of dependence on Me. Self-sufficient people are self-satisfied, but never happy. Happiness is something only I can give, and you have to depend on Me for it, you cannot work it up in your own flesh, your own efforts, and you have to trust Me for the means by which I choose to bring it about in your life: often, not so much by gaining and accumulating, but by losing that which was unnecessary, the excess weight of false perceptions, wrong attitudes, and, simply put, sin. "The sin, which doeth so easily beset us... (Heb.12:1)." (II:440) Happiness can only come from Me; not even from the close union with your brethren or with a wife or mate. You may be living with the most perfect people in the world, but with the wrong attitude in your own heart, and without that closeness to Me, you still won't be happy. (II:442) Happiness does not equal finding ways around hard work! Often, the way to find happiness is by heading straight for the pile of hard work right before you. Happiness is not found in making things as easy as possible on yourself. Happiness is not found in avoiding the chores of life. Less work and more money does not by any means spell happiness! Maybe the way of the world they consider so smart isn't smart at all, but just a way of cheating themselves out of the little, everyday joys of life... (II:496) I like to make My bride happy. Happiness is something that often eludes the complicated minds, and you get another glimpse of what I meant by, "blessed are the poor in spirit." (II:543) Heavenly joy is found in giving Me to others. Happiness simply eludes those who go chasing after it. The only thing I can offer you and you can offer anyone else is a life in which you forget about chasing your own happiness, a life of dedicating yourself to bringing happiness to others, and that will bring you true happiness. (II:555) The key to being happy is to accept that what I want for you is truly best, and in wanting what I want. (II:577) Gratitude is a secret to happiness. (II:583) Taking things for granted is one of the great enemies of happiness. (II:622) Learn that happiness can be yours right there and now, through Me! You don't need to achieve certain things first, whatever one idealizes, idolizes - because all those idols just distract them from the true God, the true Source of happiness, the true Goal, the true Giver of all these things that you're longing for. (II:624) I know where happiness for each of My believers lies. And I alone can lead you there. (II:645) Happiness can't be bought. It is only received in finding Me and learning to let Me do through you the things that will bring happiness to others. (III:39) My joy comes from caring for others.

Joy forever is our slogan. Come on and get some by giving some! (III:58) Seek those things you know make Me happy, not what you think you need to attain happiness! (III:107) The words "enter into the joy of thy Lord" do apply to some extent in this physical, earthly life, and I want you to experience My joy, but you won't really in the full meaning of the phrase until you come Home where you really belong. The magic of those words will never really work fully until you get Here where all is joy. (III:120) True happiness lies only in acknowledging Me and giving the glory and honor to Whom it is due by respecting Me as the Source of happiness and life and all things. (III:130) There's just no other road to happiness than the one of truly putting Me first in your life. And staring at those things you don't have yet is the surest way to unhappiness. Happiness was what you could have had all along, had you appreciated those things right at your finger tips. Happiness is the ability to fathom how richly blessed you are in spite of the absence of any of those faraway dreams and elusive items the enemy reminds you that they're not yours yet. (III:180) As long as folks are focusing in all kinds of different directions than Mine for their fulfillment and happiness, as long as they put their own desires first, they're going the opposite way of where happiness really is found. (III:237) Happiness is not determined by physical circumstances. (III:250) If it’s real happiness you’re looking for, you have to look for it in the more lasting values of My Realm. Happiness is a heavenly thing, not something of Earth. You can only experience it on earth providing you’ve got Heaven in your heart. (2011:79) Lasting happiness doesn’t just come from altering your situation. It’s a matter of attitude and a matter of the heart, and the necessary changes are more likely to be brought about by hard times than the easy ones. (2011:92) My Life and My message were all about letting go. Even so, you have to let go. As long as you feverishly try to preserve what you have, you won’t be happy. Happiness, as you’ll be finding out some day, lies in letting go and trusting Me for whatever you can’t keep or gain. I want you let go all those false treasures that can never really satisfy, for the One Which alone can. I want you to realize how futile those efforts are to find happiness anywhere else. (2011:99) If you’re not happy, it’s most likely due to the fact that you’ve lost sight of the goal I’ve put before every true follower of Mine. The key factor that allowed all My true witnesses to live and endure hardship happily was that they fought for another cause than merely their own survival: the cause of bringing that hope of a better life and future to others. That’s where happiness comes from, not finding your own little personal spot where you can live happily. That’s basically what everybody else does, and it obviously doesn’t make them happy… You’re happier when your focus is more on getting My message out among the people, when you’re living more for Me and My Cause. (2011:107) Considerable amounts of times the word “joy” appears in the Bible: “The joy of the LORD is your strength.” “Weeping may endure for a night, but joy cometh in the morning.” “Restore unto me the joy of Thy salvation.” “With joy shall ye draw water out of the wells of salvation.” “The meek also shall increase their joy in the LORD, and the poor among men shall rejoice in the Holy One of Israel.” Even “the desert shall rejoice, and blossom as the rose. It shall blossom abundantly, and rejoice even with joy and singing.” “And the ransomed of the LORD shall return, and come to Zion with songs and everlasting joy upon their heads: they shall obtain joy and gladness, and sorrow and sighing shall flee away.” “I will rejoice in the LORD, I will joy in the God of my salvation.” “Enter thou into the joy of thy Lord.” “These things have I spoken unto you, that My joy might remain in you, and that your joy might be full.” “Your heart shall rejoice, and your joy no man taketh from you.” “Ask, and ye shall receive, that your joy may be full.” “These things I speak in the world, that they might have My joy fulfilled in themselves.” “Thou hast made known to me the ways of life; Thou shalt make me full of joy with Thy countenance.” “For the Kingdom of God is not meat and drink; but righteousness, and peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost.” “…The Author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame…” “Count it all joy when ye fall into diverse temptations…” So, try to maintain a joyous side of things! (2011:116) Trying to advocate the heavenly Kingdom, and that this is what you have to offer is dangerous, uncomfortable and risky, but if you seek true happiness, that's where it will be coming from. (2012:1) Earthly joys are usually short-lived. But doesn’t that incite you to keep on the look-out for the lasting ones? (2012:21) Happiness comes from a purposeful life and fulfilling My will and destiny for you. Happiness is more often than not a case of making the grade and passing on from one step, one old and erroneous mindset, to the next, higher level. (2012:28)

I’m all about the real deal, as opposed to all those fakes and here-today, gone-tomorrow joys. What I really like and appreciate in My children is when they recognize and honor that and pursue those lasting and true joys I have to offer, and turn their focus away from the temporal counterfeits. (2012:43) This is where happiness lies: in the ability to look at the positive side of things instead of ceaselessly harping on the negative, and critically and judgmentally pointing it out, which, basically, is your adversary’s profession, the accuser of the saints. (2012:58) I want you to be happy, and I know the best way to get you there, and the exertion process is part of it. (2012:73) The less stuff you need to rely on for your happiness, the more genuine it’s going to be. That’s why the happiest people you’ve seen were usually poor people. They don’t need all that stuff that rich people need in order to be happy. I am enough to keep you happy and satisfied. (2012:78) Happiness isn’t found where everyone expects it, in the obvious places, the accumulation of wealth, comfort and pleasures, but is hidden in the less appealing challenges. (2012:85) Do you still think that happiness is mainly dependent on physical circumstances? (2012:88) Happiness isn’t really found by running away from one situation and trying to find a better one, but in learning how to successfully deal with whatever situation you find yourself in. People leave others, or a cause or project they’ve been working for, in their pursuits of happiness, but happiness isn’t really found by running away from one situation and trying to find a better one, but in learning how to successfully deal with whatever situation you find yourself in. Maybe you’ve still got some basic lessons on human happiness to learn before you set out to become a teacher of a topic the much less educated seem to know a lot more about… (2012:89) This might be a chance at finding happiness: not doing the things you want, but things designed to bring help and a little glimpse of happiness to others. (2012:93) I’ve got benefits to hand out. Try out the joy that comes with getting a soul saved, for starters… (2012:97) How about just being content with simply being there, doing and learning what you can? I’ll let folks try out whatever they think will get them through the night; but ultimately you’re going to have to come to grips with the fact that doing what I ask is truly the destination of every happy soul. As you discovered: there is no greater freedom than in My service; and likewise, there’s no greater happiness. (2012:131) How happy you truly are is determined by the way you can handle life’s disappointments. True happiness cannot be determined as much by outward circumstances as by inner convictions, attitude and state of mind; your beliefs, and refusal to allow them to be shattered or shaken by circumstances. The greatest joys lie in the ability to forego some of those immediate pleasures for a greater good, something better yet to come. (2012:138)

It’s not really where you are geographically that matters, when it comes to finding happiness, but it’s much more a matter of attitude and your state within… how you look at things, what your goals are, who and what you’re listening to, etc. (2012:173) You do need more in order to be completely happy, don’t you? You need more companionship, more friendship, greater acceptance from people… feedback… communication, appreciation, approval… (2012:175) Remember that your main purpose is to share that happiness you find with others, and don’t just live to keep it to yourself. (2012:183)

Having fun in life is some people’s goal; but there isn’t greater happiness than managing to make others happy, especially by helping them find the truth, forgiveness and eternal life… a deeper meaning of everything; especially if they’ve been looking for something like that. You’re supposed to help others find their happiness instead of just seeking your own… (2014:7) Stop being the most important person to yourself with the most important part of demand of happiness! Live for other folks' happiness instead, and you'll find it'll help you find a better part of your own! Tuning your own life more to your family's ability to find happiness and be happy will enable you to live a better life! Just stop making your own satisfaction the ultimate goal of every day! Make your wife's and children's happiness more important to be found! That’ll make your life more worth it. (2014:32) Money isn’t the most important thing needed for happiness! There are more important factors for happiness than money! (2014:35)

Finding out My will should be the highest interest, above what you long for yourself! Can you do that? Well, it’s pretty much the safest way to find oneself in a happy way of life, because just finding out what you want and getting it isn’t always that safest road to happiness. Naturally, it’s a bit more selfish to just look for what you want, and that’s not the way to ensure happiness! (2014:48) You took care of your own happiness and contentment in the past, and by being knocked out of that ability, maybe you can learn to concentrate more on the happiness and contentment of others. (2014:106) “Go ye into all the world…” is still My message and task for My followers; and just not doing it can also mean that there’s no fullfledged happiness to find for those who are just staying in places where they’ve got nothing but their monetary and physical safety guaranteed. As I’ve been telling you repeatedly: the spirit is something more important, stronger and more lasting in the long run than the flesh… and that is also where happiness will come from. Going into all the world and preaching the Gospel to every creature, the happier you’ll be, as it truly brings joy to someone and fills you with it… (2014:164) Let the happier Goal of the believers in Me play a bigger factor in your life, if that doesn’t have much to offer for you right now that gives you happiness. No more happiness for you anymore in this life? Then think about what’s there to come! (2015:47)

There’s something better waiting for you Up Here. So, relax and think about it and look forward to it, and let it instill you with its joy! (2015:68) Fellow humans will always only be able to do for you as much as they’re able… some more than others. But it will never be all that you need, or enough to still your desire for ultimate peace, satisfaction and happiness. That task has been left up to Me for now… as a reminder that the world you’re in is not your home; not where you belong, and there’s a better Place ahead of you, you’ll be better able to call Home, and feel at home indeed. (2015:80) Remember what main purpose the life of faith is all about: it’s not just your own happiness and well-being, but bringing it to others, as well! Do what you can to win and bring others to Me, and thus making folks of them who can also have and share My happiness and peace! (2015:82) The lesson that’s there is to make good choices. Not always just craving what you want, but listen to others as well, their needs, and trying to make others happy instead of seeking just your own happiness! (2015:94) It’s not all about showing off what you can and manage in the flesh, but how you feel and what you can give in the spirit: making efforts to make those around you happy, not just showing off your abilities! See, lasting well-being really only comes through caring more for others, not just yourself and your own happiness! In fact, caring more for others is pretty much the only thing that truly makes you happy. Keep trying to make others happy, as much as you can. You ought to know that just seeking happiness for yourself couldn’t be the right way that truly leads there! So, seek a bit more the happiness of others, especially those right around you! (2015:95) To learn to be happy and content with what We or life have to offer you is another goal, as far as We’re concerned. (2015:116) Not putting yourself and your own desires first is the key to a truly happy life, and if you want to be truly happy, well, that’s the way to turn! It would turn your life into something so much happier and more joyful: the happiness and joy found in bringing it to others through Me. Wanna be happy? Share what you’ve got with others! – The true meaning of life. And you’ll be able to tell that it’s true by the impending reward. Share Me with others, and you’ll find through it greater joy in life, and thus, a life much more worth living! (2015:129)

Give Us all the glory and become filled with lasting joy again at the same time! (2015:133) One key to a happier, more fulfilled and peaceful life is to obey the counsel you receive from Me, like on praying and witnessing… serving Me and the Kingdom, instead of just your own concerns about your personal well-being. (2015:136) Temporal pleasures vs. eternal joy and happiness… which sounds better to you? – That’s pretty much the choice that life is all about! (2015:142) Focus more on the spiritual side of things, spiritual fulfillment and thus, the cause of true happiness! Physical pleasures don’t necessarily represent the same as true happiness! So, what would you choose: physical satisfaction, or true happiness coming to you from sowing to the spirit? Putting the Spirit above what the flesh desires will result in blessings making you happy. (2015:148) The more souls you win for Me, the happier you’ll be! (2015:151)

I’m aiming to get you out of the trend of seeking only pleasure and bliss for yourself, and more into the other gear of bringing the true way of happiness to others. To get out of a country that materially has the most to offer, is a good move you’ll wind up blessed for with true happiness only I can really offer. Just as flesh isn’t above spirit, so being materially richer and “blessed” isn’t above or anywhere near true happiness! Not putting your goals on materialistic advantages will definitely bring you closer to true joy – the advantage of putting spirit above the flesh! The true goal of life – not the materialistic and financial advantages, but the blessings of the Spirit - makes itself recognizable through greater joy, bliss, peace and happiness than material possessions ever could or will be able to! (2015:160) The Holy Spirit had been poured out not just for you to live a joyful life, but in order to help others to find everlasting joy and bliss as well! (2015:179) Remember, there’s a job for you down there, and you’re not just supposed to aim for your own happiness and fulfillment. That would be selfish… not love! Remember My coming down to earth to ultimately die for all of you! And remember that as a follower of Mine, your gear and path is somewhat supposed to be like that… living a bit for the sake and happiness of others! (2015:184) It’s time for you to show whether life for you is just supposed to serve your own happiness and contentment, or you’re willing to be less selfish than that, and would also be willing to live to make others happy, and not just yourself. (2015:207) Life down there as it is, doesn’t necessarily just obtain happiness and contentment, but contains some work to do on your and other folks’ development! (2015:212) Don’t keep hunting or chasing happiness too much down there, but know that you can’t really find it in lasting measures anywhere but Up Here! (2015:214) All that the material has to offer doesn’t really fulfill and satisfy you interiorly. It doesn’t really bring happiness or fulfillment, no matter how wealthy or successful you are in the System. - Basically a large lesson on material things not being able to bring happiness. (2015:247) Don’t be too concerned about your own happiness and well-being, but realize that true happiness comes from the concern about the well-being of others, especially concerning the eternal part. (2016:30) Keep your mind close to Me and Our heavenly Home, and let it bring forth in you the joy that will also attract others and will want them to accept that offer I made through My sacrifice on Earth, and the Father’s! (2016:36) Sometimes there’s a price to pay for lasting happiness… (16:41) The key to happiness is not your input, but the output… what you give! Happiness is found in sharing and giving what you got! Happiness isn’t found in just keeping what you’ve got, but in giving! So, if you want to be happy, peaceful and satisfied, keep on giving and sharing what you’ve got, so that I can keep pouring My blessings upon you! (16:62) A blissful life: when you started serving Me. The less blissful times set in whenever you get more into other interests, the enemy’s distractions and ways to get you off that path of happiness. The devil gets you distracted and thus, off the path of happiness. (16:121) Who – they figure – needs obedience? But just because it’s become a rare word and quality, don’t fall into that temptation of the enemy to neglect or even ignore it, since My blessings are fairly dependent on it, which basically means, along with contentment, happiness and a pleasant life. So, if you want joy and happiness, remember that obedience is pretty much the leading factor that will guide you there, and don’t expect them by failing to care for your own creation, if half of the only remaining commandment from Above is to love your neighbor as yourself. No one can be too fond of being treated by anyone the way one abuses their own body. So, don’t keep murmuring and complaining about a lack of joy and contentment when that’s missing due to your own disobedience of the Law of Love! (16:124)

Judgment(-alism) Sometimes you folks are your own toughest judges. (I:228) Judgment must come, and it must begin with My own house. (I:316) Learn to judge according to My criteria! (I:455) Judgment begins with the house of God, and if you're off track, you can be sure you'll be the first I'll set straight. (I:458) Judge not according to the obvious, but judge righteous judgment! (II:1) Just as "judgment begins with the house of the Lord," within My house, I "deal" with those first who are closest to Me. (II:45) In rejecting the voice of truth, in refusing to listen to My servants, they heap upon themselves their condemnation, their judgment and verdict. (II:252) The way of mercy I want you to walk. Not in the way of condemnation and judging others (John 3:17). I don't send you into the world to condemn the world, but that you should save those who would be saved. To offer Me means Salvation, not condemnation. The condemnation is already there. But I am their Salvation. (Jn.3:19). Be heralds of Salvation, not condemnation! He that judges another will reap the greater condemnation. (II:264) Persecution is often an instrument in My hands which I use to make My own church white and to purify. It's the judgment I bring upon My own house first, for that is where judgment begins. I cannot judge the rest of the world while I let My own followers get away with sin. The world needs a fair God and Judge. (II:541) I mean for you to include and embrace them all, the entire scope, circle and spectrum of what surrounds you, and by doing so, embracing Me even in the least of these, your brethren. If you don't, there'll be no end to the differences you'll be seeing between you and everyone else, instead of dwelling on the things you have in common, which will result in isolating yourself more and more from everything and everyone. Isn't it much better to do it the other way? Not judging automatically, but forgiving automatically. No matter what the sin, what the differences between you and them may be, you don't judge, label, criticize and exclude them automatically from your world and your sympathy, but include, forgive, cast a veil over countless sins immediately, without even necessarily insisting on seeing them all. (II:580) One of the greatest dilemmas of mankind in My opinion are those who deem themselves righteous enough to judge others. I measure whether anyone is truly righteous or not, and blessed are those who judge not another. (II:618) Let some of your abilities go and trade them for more lasting - more useful ones in the long run, such as the ability to love and forgive, instead of your former "ability" to be judgmental and criticize! (III:6) Instead of thinking you can judge yourself between what's right and wrong in your own carnal mind, be seeking My righteousness, and the way I see things, not your own! (III:55) How easy it is to misjudge things, people and situations, and how easy it is to see things the wrong way... the carnal way! The carnal way likes to camouflage itself as the spiritual way and manifests itself especially in religious hypocritical selfrighteousness. (III:62) Isn't it so much better to show love, instead of being judgmental? (III:93) My judgments usually came swiftly when they came, and caused a mighty widening of the eyes of those who did not discern the signs of the times, and thus it shall be again. (III:229) The appropriate attitude to have is the same I took on: compassion. Try a little compassion on people, less judgmentalism! Be patient, hope and believe that the right people will eventually cross your path, those on whom your compassion won’t be wasted. It’s always better and more fruitful in the end to be compassionate than judgmental. Judgmentalism will only alienate you further from them, whereas you must seek ways to draw closer. Keep trusting in My better judgment as to what is truly unbearable for you. Sometimes you may feel as though I’m asking too much of you, but remember that, when it comes down to it, all I’m asking of you is to show a little mercy and compassion on your fellowman. Now, is that too much to ask? If you follow Me, the personification of God’s mercy on mankind in the flesh, what else would you want to be, but merciful and compassionate? (2012:10) The truly great men of faith through the ages gave My judgment the priority over their own. (2012:12)

That’s the plan: for you to learn to trust Me and My judgment, despite all the evidence and appearances that would persuade you to doubt... To see who will put their faith and trust in Me, above their own rationale and judgment, contrary to all that would obviously declare you crazy for doing so. It helps you to get less of a black and white picture and worldview, and discovering new shades and factors in the whole equation that make things somewhat more complex, and force you to recant on your former judgmentalism. (2012:13) Instead of being judgmental (which usually includes some amount of self-righteousness) it would behoove you to accept that the situation I’ve put you in, along with field, the surroundings with its inhabitants are yours for a reason to deal and cope with. (2012:46)

There are deeper reasons behind My advice to “judge not, that ye be not judged” (Mt.7:1). When it comes to human judgment, I’m its greatest Victim, and only those who refrain from judging their fellowmen – and leave the judgment up to Me, will escape judgment and will be allowed to be the judges in the end, because they know where alone true judgment is found. So, keep this piece of advice in mind, and, if you’d be a happy soul, judge not. Don’t judge Me, nor anyone, but leave the judgment up to Me. “You be the judge,” referring to Me, is a good slogan to live by, and the only one that will offer you the privilege to hear the same words from Me. You let Me judge, and I’ll let you. “Ye shall be as gods” (Gen.3:5) held exactly that hollow promise: the ability for every soul on earth to play the judge, and only those who abdicate that privilege, ever get the point of what life is truly all about. When I talk about yieldedness, this is one of the major issues for you to consider yielding: your judgment, especially of Me, and secondly that of your fellowman. Basically, this is what the great commandments of loving Me and your neighbor as yourself are all about, too, since you simply don’t judge those you love. So, if you want to start loving, stop judging! Ceaselessly harping on the negative, and critically and judgmentally pointing it out, basically is your adversary’s profession, the accuser of the saints. He’s been at it forever and a day. He can’t stop judging and knowing better, and that’s one of the reasons why he’ll be judged most severely of all. Trust Me, people can live and survive without your judgment, and so can I. What everybody needs a lot more desperately is your love and acceptance of them. Judgment leads to rejection, and the reason why people reject Me so often is because they have already judged Me in their hearts and minds. Paul said that the love of money was the root of all evil (1Tim.6:10), and in a sense, when looking at the material world, that’s true. But when it comes to the spiritual evil that’s plaguing the world, this is what I’d call truly the root of all evil: people’s ceaseless judgment of Me and each other, not allowing love to ever flourish and blossom and making it nearly impossible to come into being. Accept and embrace, instead of judge, reject and criticize. (2012:58) What else is discontent but your “better judgment” of your current situation than Mine? Because along with your “better judgment” comes the conclusion that I couldn’t possibly be completely trustworthy, which means, any rules I have set up are worth giving a shot at breaking. And so you do, setting off on the long hard road of disobedience and its consequences… Welcome to history. Don’t be so quick to judge, even your own situation. Be open to let Me show you My side of the story and My view of things. Allow Me to show you the good in those things which to you appear as bad. Leave room for My input, instead of being so full of your own opinions, reasonings, judgments, so full of yourself. (2012:59) That’s where loving Me comes in handy in the equation: leaving the judgment up to Me and putting your own on the backburner… It’s one of man’s harshest qualities, this judgmentalism, and if you come to think of it: Isn’t that what causes most of the evils in this world, wars and persecution, discrimination… the notion that one group of people should be better or worse than another, giving one the right or reason to eliminate the other? Besides, as you’ve found out, experiencing judgmentalism from others engenders the same in you, and it’s a vicious cycle that goes on and on, of judging and being judged, when everyone would be best off leaving the judging to Someone Who really knows what they’re doing… (2012:61) I’m a primary and most popular target of people’s judgmentalism. Here goes another example of that judgmentalism: the assumption that only Adam and Eve would have been so dumb, when in fact, everyone’s making the same mistake of disobedience over and over and over again. Judgmentalism basically puts you above others in your own mind, that’s why it’s arrogance and pride, as opposed to the humble assumption that you’re no better and are just as apt to make the same mistakes as anyone else. (2012:62) It’s easy to have compassion or benevolent feelings toward those who seem a little more deserving, but who needs it most? – Even if they don’t realize it? You cannot go by what they think they know, but by what you know because of the things I tell you. You know things about their state and their future that they don’t, and that warrants compassion. The condemnation is already there and what they bring upon themselves by their rejection of the light and love for the darkness instead. Just because they think they can see doesn’t mean they’re not blind. So, if you know better than they about the pitiful state they’re in, their blindness, the vileness, the deep, dark emptiness of their souls without much of any void or hunger for positive, clean input… shouldn’t that invoke compassion in you, rather than more condemnation than what they’re already heaping upon themselves? (2012:68) I know your frame and your plight, and I take all these factors into consideration before I pass judgment.

The reason I told people not to judge, is because they often leave out those – to them – unknown factors in the equation, factors that often only I am aware of, and so they’ll hardly ever manage to pass truly righteous judgment. People judge from subjective points of view, according to their own criteria, opinions and experience, which may be the “entire scope” or “all there is to know” as far as they’re concerned, but from My point of view only a tiny fraction of the entire spectrum. (2012:82)

Let him that is without sin among you cast the first stone… If I were to judge everyone, especially in this day and age, by the amount of their faults, failures, mistakes and shortcomings, no flesh should be saved. The standards that people hold and judge others by are one-sided, subjective and unrealistic. (2012:86) Another negative side-effect of judgmentalism: Not only do you judge others too harshly and unduly, but also yourself. Whereas it would behoove you to take it a little easier on everyone, yourself included. There’s such a thing as self-loathing, that some of those alternative psychiatry authors talk about, and it’s certainly a common root of many people’s problems. If you’re supposed to love others the way you love yourself, how can you, if you only loathe yourself? Besides, it’s a lack of appreciation for My creation, of which you are part, as well as a lack of faith and trust in the fact that I knew what I was doing when I created you. That’s basically the Devil’s reasoning from the beginning, too: His attitude has pretty much been from Day One of Creation: “You must be kidding to want to make these losers the lords over Your creation!” (2012:99) Most people don’t have a clue what they’re doing wrong, or that they’re doing anything wrong for that matter, so if you look at them in a judgmental way, they’re bound to wonder, “What’s up with the grumpy fella?” Judgmentalism is just not the right attitude to have, no matter how justified it may seem. In some ways you’re passing on the same harsh judgment you pass over yourself to others; and it’s true that you’ve learnt some things they haven’t yet, but you’re here to help them learn the same things you did, not pass judgment over whether they ever will or not… (2012:107) Didn’t I say, “Judge not by appearance, but judge righteous judgment” (Jn.7:24)? – And you can only do that if you’ve got a very good grasp on My way of looking at things. Personally, I strongly dislike the usual, rational way people go about figuring things out, judging, analyzing and labeling according to their own wit and opinion, and pretty much leaving Me out of the equation. (2012:116) The all too common mistake: overestimating yourself, especially your intelligence, and assuming a mental position of superiority to Me by judging, when that’s one thing I strongly advised to refrain from, but leave that up to the Judge instead. (2012:147) Judging by what you are right now, people have every reason to be skeptical. It’s only I who can see what they can’t. What better material to use to show My wonder-working power, than a total mess and apparent failure? (2012:180) Neither of us have to defend ourselves before the other for what we are or have done, or, in My case, allowed to happen, and in yours, have caused to happen to yourself. It’s the devil’s job to do the accusing, not ours, and we wouldn’t want that type of relationship. In fact, too many human relationships are marked with accusation and defense, even if not spoken aloud, and it’s never desirable, nor fruitful. (2013:46) It’s not up to you to judge! It’s easy to condemn the masses for their behavior, but you’re supposed to follow Me and My example, Who came not to condemn the world, but that through Me they might be saved. Remember that your job is to be more that of a savior, not so much that of one who bears condemnation. (2013:114) Accepting the judgment of life is sometimes what humility is all about… Accepting Me or the Father as the Judge Who knows what He’s doing, and not just become upset because you still think you know better than We do… (2014:84) Keep tryin’ to stick to a little more humility so that you won’t continue criticizing and judging others, putting them down in your own mind and heart, which is a sheer lack of love, when loving your brothers is what you’re supposed to do. Make a little more love happen instead of constant criticism and judgment! (2014:85) If godly people never would suffer anything on Earth, their unsaved counterparts would always hold it against the Father and say, “That wasn’t fair!” once they’ll be judged for their earthly deeds! If only unbelievers would have to suffer in life and go through things believers would never have to go through, many would think it would have been unfair, once they enter the spirit world and take part of their judgment. We’re trying to be as fair as possible; and that means, to also let children of God go through sufferings of their sins, and since mostly not in the hereafter, it has to happen during their life-time. That’s one reason why it’s recommended for believers not to commit as much sinning, because they might have to suffer for it, too – even in their current life, while many unbelievers only will have to pay for their deeds in the hereafter. See, sometimes it has even been so that unbelievers have acted better than believers; and not judging those behaviors fairly would strike quite some disputes and arguments.

It’s definitely worth an effort to try and fight to keep believing, even if the Devil was granted the right to swing some vehement judgment in your life against you. (2014:105) There’ll pretty much be different judgments of just about everyone, because human beings aren’t all exactly the same; especially not those who received Me and somehow became God’s children, even if they only lived as His child for a short time! (2014:131) Folks didn’t expect having to hike through the desert for 40 years after leaving Egypt, and most didn’t expect their kingdom of Israel to be taken over by the Babylonians and taking them captive. Nor did they expect the Roman Empire to conquer them and wind up pretty much destroying a lot of their once holy kingdom. So, a lot of things don’t happen the way My people expect… But largely because they don’t necessarily behave much like My people, which is why I have to choose new ones. (2014:171) Sometimes good things happen in order to postpone judgmental changes, and other times things happen that withdraw My blessings and stop or postpone good things from happening. (2015:32) Why not just do the best you can to get along, instead of judging the others? (2015:111) To be a father having kids who behave in manners very unlike anything you could bear with, welcome to a bit of what your heavenly Father has to go through, accept and tolerate! Maybe it also helps you to understand why the wrath of God is ultimately going to have to come down on His creation in judgment. As merciful as He is, there comes a point when it’s just being revealed that judgment is ultimately necessary, just as discipline with children ought to be… even for them to learn better behavior that’s going to make them happier and more content children. If Jonah was swallowed by the whale when he decided not to go to Nineveh to warn its folks of the impending punishment for their sins, he was the one being punished first… which shows that My folks do get the punishment for their sins first, before the rest of the world gets judged for theirs. (2015:169) Remember to replace a critical and judgmental attitude by Our Love and mercy! (2016:45) Sometimes things like attitudes and actions change for the better, which will postpone predicted judgments. Sometimes the plans from on high change for some reasons, and judgments are delayed and postponed, but never canceled. (2016:94)

Put greater trust in My judgment of what you’re supposed to be going through and learning! (2016:107) There comes a time when the good news just run out, and there’s nothing else left to deal with than what’s deserved… By now, you can tell that any judgment that’s due is well-deserved. The devil always knows how to get people into a state in which they deserve judgment… One of the painful aspects of not really learning much – if anything – from the lessons life was supposed to have taught… (2016:109) Didn’t it surprise you how much faith in Me grew during the 80s? – You wouldn’t consider that enough reason for Me and the Father to postpone judgment and give folks another chance? If judgment’s coming, see and understand why, even if it includes disadvantages, and the former comfortable and easy-going lifestyle coming to an end! (2016:133)

Knowledge vs. Initiative Seek not to arm yourself with fleshly knowledge, but be faithful to commune with Me and I will let you delve deep into the mysteries! (I:2) The more you know, the more responsible you’ll be to act accordingly. If ye know these things, happy are ye if you do them. (I:14) Be filled with a silent, cheerful joy unspeakable, that small personal trademark of the saints, the reward for believing and acting on the knowledge that it is more blessed to give than to receive! (I:51) Never before has the human mind been so drilled and conditioned by the input of the enemy, for he has much greater platforms and means of implanting his thoughts into human minds than ever before, through the media and education. There’s a lot more I have to get past first. (I:84) Learn to see with the eyes of the spirit, not merely acknowledge data and accumulate information! Don’t just accept facts with your brain, but come to know with the tacit knowing of faith, so you learn to apply the information adequately, and the right bits at the right time. That’s when believing becomes seeing, and faith becomes knowing. (I:117) Knowledge? Efficiency? Skill? Coolness? --None of these things come anywhere near the power of love! (I:118) You cannot rely on your own minds. You cannot rely on your eyes and on your physical senses, much less that which you deem to be your own knowledge. Your own knowledge can be worse than ignorance at times, because it closes doors that I would open. You think you can tell by your experience that a certain thing is very unlikely to happen in a certain situation or with certain people, so you don’t expect miracles anymore, you quit, you surrender, you give up. Forget what you know! Lean not unto your own understanding but trust in Me with all your heart! (I:194) ‘Forget all you know’ is the slogan for the day. (I:224) Are you really willing to forget all you know? You know, that’s sometimes the hardest thing for a man to forsake: his own knowledge. ‘Walk by faith, not by sight!’ Faith is more important than knowledge. Faith is the driving power that compels you to do something for Me, whereas knowledge can sometimes leave you cold, a passive observer of what’s happening. (I:230) One of man’s major dilemmas in this day and age is his own knowledge, or that which he thinks he knows. (I:241) Beware, lest ye be led astray from the simplicity of the Gospel of Christ! – It has happened to many who were thirsting for knowledge above the childlike simplicity of My Word, My Gospel, My truth! (I:290) If you haven’t got love, of what use is all the smartness in the world? The devil is pretty smart, and he considers himself so much more clever than everybody else. But, hey, it’s the heart that counts, and you won’t be judged or rewarded by how smart you were in this life, but by the love you show! It’s the heart that matters most! (I:394) It’s not how much you know, but what you do with what you know... That’s wisdom. Knowledge puffeth up, love edifieth. (I:396) Remember, the fruit of the forbidden tree was knowledge. - The wrong kind of knowledge. Some things you wouldn't want to know. Why get to know evil, when there's so much good to know? (I:408) If you just trust Me more than your carnal reasoning, you will always pass the test and see that it will all wind up making perfect sense in the end. I love it when My followers despise the voices of their own carnal reasoning, the voices of their own minds, the voices of the reasonable ones in the world who say that things are obviously so and so, not the way I say. I love it when you give Me a chance to defy them and prove to them that all their smartness will avail to nothing if they make their bill without the Keeper of the Inn, the One in charge, Whom they're trying to lock out of His own creation. (I:439) There are times when My believers don't have a clue. But I can give you a clue. I'm the Clue-Giver! Haven't got a clue? Ask Me what to do! (I:584) If you really want My unadulterated truth, and if you want to hear My voice of truth, you must be ready to forget all you know. (II:76) Sometimes knowledge is the greatest stumbling block to divine revelation, because it interferes with what I would like to reveal to you and pipes up with its own input! When you come before Me, you must lay aside your own opinions, your own background information as much as possible, and any preconceived ideas and bias, otherwise a message can very easily become tainted by what you "know." "Forget what you know!" is a good slogan. (II:90)

Forget what you know and open yourself up to the simple things, the little things and learn from the little people how to enjoy them! (II:103) I want learning to be an experience for you, not just a lecture or sudden flash of knowledge. I want you to know exactly why you believe something to be a fact. (II:161) My wisdom of love and obedience is higher than knowledge. Knowledge puffeth up but love edifieth. A greater one than Solomon said this, because he had seen that his own knowledge had all been false and had to be tossed all over, in order to be born again and become like a child once again. "Forget what you know" was the name of the game. (II:166) There's a lot more that you don't know than you know! (II:169) You sometimes tend to limit Me and My riches in your mind and think there isn't much left to learn, to find out. Knowledge can be one of the enemy's greatest temptations, and it takes a lot of self-discipline to stay on the straight and narrow of the simplicity of My Gospel. (II:173) Whatever you learn or whatever knowledge you acquire, it's still best to "lean not unto thine own understanding," but "in all thy ways" to "acknowledge" Me. Without the Spirit, any knowledge is dead, just as works without love are cold and dead. It's the Spirit that makes the difference! (II:179) I have a good and perfect reason for withholding the meaning of some of the things from you that you don't understand... It may sound a little tough, but "You don't have to understand; all you have to do is obey." In other words, obedience is better than understanding and knowledge. Knowledge can be nothing but a bunch of head-stuffing, but obedience - obedient action - will get you places! You're better off knowing a little less and doing a little more than vice versa. It's better to do than to know, and, of course, best of all, to know these things and do them... (II:196) The "knowledge of God" is the knowing and being fully conscious of the fact that God is right here, right there with you and a very real and substantial part of you every second and every milli-second of your life, the very Power that created you and keeps you going with every breath you take. You could and should be absorbing Him consciously with every breath you take, every thought you think, every word you speak, etc. But what causes you not to do that is the distraction tactic the enemy uses, "every high thing" which exalts itself against that knowledge and conscience of My Presence in your life, that makes you think you can do it on your own. (II:286) To see just how much I am engaged in caring for the Father’s children and creation, you've first got to destroy the false foundation the enemy has laid, the false knowledge he has implanted in people's minds. Blessed are they whose minds are not crammed with all that stuff the enemy falsely has them term "knowledge." There are so many people who think they know this, that and the other. They "know" that I wasn't "really" born in Bethlehem, they "know" that the New Testament has been "rewritten" and tampered with, they "know" that you all descended from monkeys. If that is knowledge, then blessed are they who don't "know." (II:305) Knowledge can be gained pretty quickly and easily, but not wisdom. Wisdom is acquiring the right kind of knowledge, getting to know the right kinds of things, that don't just stuff your head with information, but help you make progress in your life and will be helpful and beneficial to others as well. (II:310) Knowledge puffeth up, love edifieth. I'm trying to steer your whole way of believing, your spiritual life or "religion" away from your head and move it more to your heart. I don't want you to enact your religion, your belief, with your head so much. It's much more important that you grasp the matters of the heart. Seek not to understand these matters with your mind, with your head, but with your heart. Don't just let these things I tell you serve to inform you, to merely add to your knowledge, but let them form you, shape your heart, and consequently change your life and your actions! The key and the gist of My teachings and of My Life, and of all I want to convey to mankind is Love, and that's a matter of the heart, not of the head. Let your faith, your religion, what you live and preach, be a matter of the heart, not a head issue! Pride starts in the head. (II:343) Please, hold on to the knowledge of how much I love you and need you more firmly! (II:350) Use the sword of godly knowledge to defeat the lies of Satan! Just because worldly knowledge and head stuffing is of the enemy, doesn't rule out the fact that godly knowledge is a gift of My Spirit! (II:438) Pity folks for their short-sightedness and insistance of "knowing" that their way is right, and that their knowledge is the truth! It's comparable to the way a child sometimes is convinced to be in the right, only to find out differently after a little while. "I was wrong" are still the hardest words in any language, and finding out that all you've been brought up to think and "know" was lies, takes a courageous step to admit, that only few are willing to take. (II:446) Sometimes, in order to really learn, you must forget all you think you know. As long as you're eager to learn ever more from Me, chances are that you're really going to learn something. It's only when you think you already know it all that you stagnate, get stuck and lose it. (II:534)

"Knowledge puffeth up, but love edifieth." Knowledge is from the head. Love edifies, it builds up that which is essential. - The heart. The inner knowledge, and more than knowledge; the urge and compassion to do something about the things you know are right. (II:567) There is a higher form of knowledge than that which the carnal mind can come up with. Carnal reasoning and rational, intellectual knowledge are not where it's at when you want to come closer to Me. Rational thinking is barley scratching the surface of true knowing. True leaders have always depended on more than rational knowledge. There is nothing truly great you can accomplish with mere head-knowledge and without divine inspiration, the kind of knowledge which comes from the spirit. Seek knowledge that is deeper than mere head-knowledge, and let the things you learn sink in deeper than that superficial level of rationalism! Get to know the deeper ways of knowing! Get to know for real! True knowledge is more than head-stuffing. (II:570) To eat of the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil meant to discover the other side, the darker side, the knowledge of that which was not good and was not the truth: the knowledge of evil and of that which is a lie. That's all Satan really has to offer: the lie, the illusion, that which man thinks he knows. The knowledge of evil that Satan brought into the world is nothing but an illusion; a lie; a deception. They may think it's fact, and they may call what they consider knowledge reality, but reality as I know it is something quite different. (II:571) Some things you know are better forgotten and forsaken for a better truth, a better way. (II:633) All of My true apostles have heard My voice inside their hearts, that’s why it was My Love that constrained them, not just some knowledge of duty they had in their heads... That’s where you’ve got to find your answers, your motivations, your direction, your driving force that spurs you on: that knowledge deep inside the heart! (III:2) The more you know, the more you know you don't know. If people only had a clue how little they know! If you can face each new day with the innocent ignorance of a child, a hunger to learn, a desire to still that lack of knowledge, then you're able to learn a lot faster than those who think they already know everything and have to be re-educated first. Forget what you think you know, and realize how little you really know, and how much there is yet to learn! How can you learn when you think you already know it all? (III:86) In public schools the enemy makes it imperative that children sit and listen to his drool until they don't mind hearing it anymore, start tolerating it and perhaps even start liking some of it. But even if they don't, one of the worst side effects of it is that he's killing any hunger for true knowledge in the effort, since they figure they're already learning more than enough. (III:114) You have assumed My knowledge... the Real Thing; not the fake wisdom of the world. True knowledge isn't a popularity factor in this world. I choose humble vessels, considered foolish by the world, to bring My true knowledge and Light into the world. (III:130) You have to not only know the way, but walk it, too. You know it, but find it hard to walk… So you’re not much of a doer, simply a savant… You know how dangerous that path is, though, since it’s strewn with fools who think they know, so be careful! It’s better to know a little and follow through on that than to know more than you can handle and put into action. You know it’s bad to only give it your best for money; you just don’t find it within you yet to change that and do the same for love. (2012:144)

You’ve got to put more of your heart into it, and a little less of your mind! It’s the heart that matters. True illumination isn’t just a matter of the mind, not just a matter of thought, but it comes from the depth of the heart. It’s got to touch people. That’s what makes a difference. You’ve got to find that heart connection again and reach out to people from between your shoulders, not from between your ears. That’s what will enable you to speak a language they’ll understand, even if you don’t speak theirs, although it will probably help you to learn theirs more easily, too, because you’ll be more concerned about them, instead of being so preoccupied with your own concerns and things that concern your own well-being. (2012:185) There’s that difference between “knowing” and knowing: theoretical acknowledgement of a fact, and the applied knowledge of it, sort of like the difference between knowing the way and actually walking in it. The latter takes an effort. You can know and have the assurance that I’ll take care of you, along with the peace that accompanies it, if you make that effort to tune in to Me and My Spirit, which you don’t necessarily have on a constant basis, even though you know in theory that I will. It’s the difference between knowing a fact merely with your mind, and letting it absorb into your whole being, permeate you and exude from you. That kind of knowledge only comes from actually walking in the way, not just knowing it. Just checking out a route on the map isn’t quite the same as actually traveling it. That’s the difference… So, be a traveler of the path, not just one who can give the directions in theory, but as one who’s been there, been down that road, and can tell others about it from experience, or better yet, walk with them! (2013:8) Much of the artificially created “knowledge” isn’t really knowledge at all, but, as it will turn out to the shock of many some day, purposely falsified information, and that can do greater damage to people’s spirits, hearts and souls than mere ignorance.

In My opinion, ignorance is better, and more innocent, than the intelligence of deceit, the sprouting of the Devil’s seeds in minds. (2013:13)

Learning to deal with mistakes others are making, that you’ve made before is really a wonderful opportunity for learning how to love, showing what you learned, and apply that gained knowledge or wisdom (there’s a difference, you know?) in the right way, not in a self-righteous, preachy attitude, but one of true love and understanding. (2013:18) Maybe the knowledge that you’re going to leave all behind soon is going to make things easier for you. (2013:40) Perhaps some of the knowledge you need isn’t available to you yet. So, just always be prepared that there’s more to come, and it’s never a time to say, “I’m done learning,” unless I say so by ringing the bell for you and taking you Home. (2013:45) The ability to love others is, according to Christian or godly standard higher than education and knowledge, which are both equaled to intelligence… When, according to God, loving others may be much smarter. (2014:103) Not knowing everything beforehand ought to strengthen your trust in Me, that I and the Father will accomplish all things for you the way they ought to be, and not knowing everything beforehand ought to teach you to keep trusting in the Father and Me. (2014:183)

Coming to the knowledge of your desperate need for Me is a positive lesson and happening. (2015:6) Not knowing how you’ll make it just confirms your dependence on Me! – The knowledge that you need Me and can’t make it without Me. (2015:107) Sometimes folks think they know a bit more than they actually do, and following events make them realize and aware of it, that there’s still a whole bunch more to learn! (2015:116) Earthly knowledge and wealth of mind isn’t necessarily something to hold on to. (2015:226) Things to be learned in life are not all about the amount of knowledge you can gather, but learning how to love and treat each other properly, and the way you should. (2016:105) With physical abilities like memory going down, thus, with age also losing a bit of what they call intelligence… carnal knowledge… wouldn’t it be something if the godly wisdom would still thrive and become even stronger in you? As different as My views are compared to those of the world… let Me say the wise thoughts of the aged are impressing Me more than the high “intelligence” of their youth… and which one is more lasting? (2016:118)

Leadership & Shepherding The test every great leader throughout the ages had to pass: The resistance of the half-hearts. - The criticism of those who would want to be the leader themselves. - The rebellion of the proud and unyielded. “Who made you a ruler over us?” It’s the very voice of Satan! He got to the same point where he got fed up with My leadership and he was thinking, “Who made You the Boss over us anyway? I wanna be my own boss!” And the majority of the people out there simply prefer themselves as their own boss, or if they don’t have the strength and courage to be their own boss, they’ll accept the devil or any one of his System stooges; at least he’ll give them what they think I can’t: security and a fixed, safe position in this world, and its material blessings. They figure the things I am asking people to do are too crazy. They make no sense. It’s all too uncertain for them! No, they’d rather play it safe, serve the devil and work hard for his meager wages than trust Me that if they obey Me, I will supply all their needs. Your task is going to be to find those who are fed up with being slaves of the devil and want to use their energies for a better purpose. (I:243) Every good shepherd is able to learn from the sheep and he knows when it’s time to follow their leading, but he’s still the shepherd! (I:296) I am the Master Shepherd Who will show you which way to lead the sheep! (I:306) Shepherding requires wholehearted dedication, if you want to keep everyone happy and content. A shepherd is usually the first to get up, not the last. A true shepherd is a servant to others, making sure they’ve got all their needs met, and that’s a full-time job. A shepherd has to be on the ball and get his instruction from Me, the Master Shepherd, so he will know the direction I want him to go and lead the flock every day. A shepherd will also need the help and counsel and support of the older sheep or fellow shepherds, especially if he’s new on the job, to make sure he’s not forgetting anything important. (I:364) Loving people takes time and effort... It's like with babies: it's not very efficient work, one would think, to pace up and down with a baby in order to get her to sleep, and changing diapers. But you've got to clean them anyway. That's part of a shepherd's job, part of a parent's job: it just takes time, time you need to spend with them in working out their NWOs*, helping them get the victory over their battles. (I:441) *(“Need-work-ons”) Only a small minority knows that you've got to learn to be a good follower first, in order to become a good leader. (I:480) Learning to have My peace and calm in the middle of all and to be a pillar of My strength and tranquility, that's what learning to be a shepherd and leader of My flock is all about. To absorb what's going on around you, but not to be absorbed by it! To be a steady rock in their midst that they can lean on, that they can flee to when there's confusion or turmoil, unshaken, and always pointing them to Me, the Source of your peace, and the Rock on which you stand. (I:497) The good shepherd leaves the 99 and goes out into the wilderness, out into the storm, into the brambles, and He couldn't care less about His clothes or how he looks afterwards. All that matters is the rescue of the lost sheep. Be a true shepherd and defend the sheep with your life! (I:512) I am making you a shepherd. You will feed My sheep. This is your job, your task, your destiny. Feed them the lasting food, the Bread of life, and lead them to My good pastures, beside My still waters! As you will faithfully feed My sheep and fill their needs, you will see that I will faithfully feed you and supply all your needs! From henceforth you will be a feeder of sheep. There are those who are good at being fishers of men, but your main quality will be that of feeding My sheep. I am giving you the very Words they need to hear to feed their souls and spirits and deepest longings and yearnings for true, intimate fellowship with Me. (I:612) You've got to pour yourself out! Just showing the way won't do the trick with some, they want you to walk with them. (II:66) Keep making progress in focusing outwardly, out toward the field and the sheep! (II:72) It is My will for you that you take the time to hear from Me for your sheep. (II:76) Imagine how unloved so many of the poor, lost sheep out there must feel, who don't even know Me and don't know of any other hope beyond this life! (II:135) To "make hay while the sun shineth" in My terms refers a lot more to witnessing and follow-up; establishing a church that will support you in the days to come, rather than the immediate "hay" of money or income without being much of a witness. It's the difference between investing in the immediately visible result (money) vs. the longer term, slower results of sowing My seeds and feeding the sheep. (II:141) Being a true leader and shepherd does mean to be sensitive to the flock's needs, but it doesn't mean to let their desires lead you. You cannot let their desires determine your path. (II:149) I'm trying to make a shepherd out of you whose main focus is not so much anymore on what he's accomplishing himself, but who invests and pours his life, his love, his energy and time into others, so that they may do for Me what you yourself can't. (II:284)

There are those who pretend to be "guides" and My servants, but they are actually false guides, wolves in sheep clothing. They are, in many ways, even worse than open and downright enemies, because they deceive the people and lead them astray. (II:289) Everybody needs shepherding. Even when it seems like they're rejecting it. (II:313) A true leader manages to inspire others and encourage others about their gifts, their role, their position, the place that I want them to fill. A good leader and true shepherd makes his co-followers feel needed. (II:465) It's a spiritual art, to be able to draw others to Me. That's what qualifies someone as a good leader or shepherd: constantly drawing others closer to Me. (II:518) I'm not expecting you to just take people's flaws without doing or saying anything about them. But I'm expecting you to deal with them, confront them, say something about them, not altogether avoid them! It's called being a shepherd, or your brother's keeper. That's what it's like to have a shepherd's heart. It involves correcting things that you see are wrong. (II:631) Put My sheep first, and I will take care of the rest. Feed My sheep, and I promise, I will feed you! (III:27) Concentrate on the sheep's needs! As a faithful little nobody, humbly feed your sheep! (III:43) Little lambs are some of the cutest animals around, and that's precisely the way I see lost souls. It takes work to care for them. But isn't it worth it? (III:58) You can't give the sheep - those hungry and thirsty souls around you - all that they need from your own resources, that's why it's important that you get refilled by Me. (III:93) It takes thorough searching to find true sheep, and it takes a whole-hearted search, but they're out there. (III:110) In order to become truly one of My leaders who truly leads people in My direction and the way I want for them to pursue, it takes the willingness to let go of all that you think is the right way, and a determination not to settle for any delusion of "My way," namely the temptation to allow your way to become what you try to sell as "My way." (III:145) You can only really learn to be a true shepherd who cares, if you allow Me to be that Good Shepherd to you first. Only by spending time with Me and having Me explain to you what's happening, can you really let anyone else know what's happening, too. (III:181) Sin or wrongs of any kind need to be dealt with, that's what shepherding is all about. (III:197) It is My will for you to become concerned about the sheep, the folks and souls I lead across your path. It is My will for you that you invest more effort, more time, more energy, more of your concern and blood, sweat and tears into winning them - more prayer. The sheep can sense how much they matter to you. I need you to have an attitude that will not give up or resign too quickly but is willing to go to any length for the sheep, in order to draw them in. (III:204) An outstanding leader questions his own actions sometimes. He doesn't take for granted that just because of his position he might never be making a mistake. He stays aware of making potential mistakes. A real leader and world changer is one who makes the best out of the circumstances he finds himself in; he trusts Me for what I'm doing, knowing that with Me, nothing shall be impossible. (III:238) People are sick and tired of leaders who keep making selfish choices, or whose motives are selfish and wrong in the first place, who are subject to the same temptations as they are and fall for them, all the while claiming they're something better, and that they should have earned themselves a right to lead others, when upon closer inspection there isn't really much that would qualify them for such a position. People are getting sick and tired of unrighteous and corrupt leadership, that's why I need My Future World leaders to make choices that will prove that they have learned to do better. I need truly righteous leaders who will be able to withstand the devil's accusations. I need valiant leaders who are not afraid, who won't be intimidated by any frightening prospects, because they know that He that is in them is greater than he that is in the world. I need leaders whose Sun and Shield am I, whose righteousness is none of their own, but Mine, who are washed through and through in My blood and in the confidence in Me, that I am the one Factor that makes them invincible, makes them right, and will see them through, no matter what. I need leaders whose only hope am I, who know that there is none other, least of all any of their own goodness or righteousness. (III:243)

To lead and shepherd and guide your people through very difficult times is the destiny and purpose for which I am preparing you, so quit seeking the pleasures of the normal life, the artificial and superficial “happiness” that everyone else seeks! (III:247)

As My follower you’re supposed to offer My Salvation to those who are ready to receive it: My sheep, as opposed to the majority of goats and wolves; and some of them – even many – haven’t found their Shepherd yet, which is your job: to help them find Me and lead them to Me. It’s not like all My sheep will end up or wind up in the hell thereafter, but the sooner you help them to find Me, their Shepherd, and thus, the way to their true Home, the better. (15:235) They that don’t really belong into the world are largely My sheep. And a session with the Shepherd to feed their souls is one of the few things – if not the only one – that can get them through their daily life with fulfillment and interior satisfaction. – The difference between worldly folks and My sheep: what the devil has to offer doesn’t satisfy them. – Not in the long run. His reaction to My sheep: “Well, then starve!” – Or get slaughtered. As you can tell, sheep are being slaughtered for their meat more so than goats, wolves or dogs… (15:247) Sometimes anointed leaders have to have the conviction to move in the opposite direction of those around them until they’ll finally realize that that’s the direction they ought to move in, too. That’s part of the task anointed leadership: to lead and guide folks in the proper direction, even if it means they need to turn around eventually, and not continue following their own trod. (16:75) I want people – My sheep – to learn that I am their Shepherd, and to gain enough experience to teach them what good it is to look at other people and folks like them as their leaders. The fewest of them resist the temptation to abuse their position of leadership… As much as you’ve experienced with people holding power, you’ve learned that you’re better off trusting in Me, to get your leadership and guidance from Me. With all you’ve experienced through earthly leaders, you’ve come to the conclusion that it’s safer to put your trust in Me instead. It takes a bit more faith to establish a relationship with Me that includes My direct leadership… but the experience of failing human leadership is a way that points in the right direction as to whom one can truly trust without any doubts… isn’t it? – It just requires a bit more faith to follow the “Invisible Man” as your Leader… Leaders and rulers Up Here are totally different than those on Earth, and accordingly act differently, too. The only thing you should lead folks to is Heaven. (16:131)

Learning & Teaching Lessons in the School of Life (Vol.2): I’m the strength and power to keep you going, and so I want to help you by teaching you to avail yourself of that strength and power so vital for you, even if it takes first showing you the futility of leaning on your own strength. You’ve got to learn this discipline: to focus your mind on Me! (2011:7) By investing time in fellowship and communion with Me you escape the time-bound frame and enter the eternal. You let go of the very things they try so hard to preserve and cling to. You do the opposite of all your flesh urges you to do. They cling, you let go. By clinging to Me and My eternal Realm, you manage to let go of that which is less important since it is far less real in the scope of the Big Picture, the eternal scope, the one that really matters. Now, you may get to the point eventually where you’ll have learned to avail yourself of that weapon to such an extent that you’ll be able to escape the huffing, puffing hurry and rush of the world, but to get there requires training. By categorically responding with “yes” to just about everything and any option that comes their way (usually those which happen to suit their own interest), they defeat the major purpose of this game of life and the lessons to be gleaned from it, of making the right choices. (2011:9) This world is dying, and you’re there to witness its death and tell the tale of how the once mighty will have fallen, a lesson no one will ever forget. (2011:10) The clue is not in possessing the books, but in having the truth of what they say stored in your heart and letting it go to work there. The lesson won’t do you any good when kept in books. The only place they can really go to work is in your mind and heart. So, don’t seek to accumulate, but use it! Make it work! Put it to use and make a living thing out of it rather than dead pages that will wither away… (2011:15) If you realize that I’m the major part of the picture, and the Key Element, then it won’t matter too much when the other, nonetheless important, but not quite as essential parts are taken away. Maybe I will never have to allow them to be taken away because I will simply know that you will have learned the lesson. Everybody’s got their time when they learn these specific lessons; there’s no way you can push or rush it… Others never learn it at all during their life-times, while yet others learn it a lot earlier on in their lives… To most people, they themselves are the most important ingredient, as far as they’re concerned. You’re in the process of learning that that might be a mistake, and that there’s a greater, mostly unrecognized Factor which has by far the greatest level of importance in it all, and the more you learn that, the more you’ve got your finger on the pulse of the actual and ultimate Reality. (2011:29)

It takes time to learn and absorb, and that’s principally what you’re here for. (2011:33) Disciples are not the same as the general believers. They go all the way. They don’t just sit at the Master’s feet and listen, but they’re the ones who will go into all the world and employ any means at their disposal in order to pass on what they’ve heard and learned. They’re the teachers who pass on what they’ve learned from the Master. You learned how to receive from Me a great deal, and how to pass it on in the best way you could, but the aspect of who you were as a person and your personality issues came a little short in the process, and there are some lessons yet to be learned for you along those lines, since you wouldn’t want to be just another preacher who cannot practice himself what he preaches, but you want to be the real thing, someone who can also show a living example of what he advertises. (2011:36) If you keep in mind that true enlightenment comes from Me and My humble and unorthodox, not-of-this-world ways, and not the supposed "Christianized" Western standards Western people almost universally try to impose on the rest of the world, maybe you'll go about the whole thing from a different angle, and not so much as the great condescending teacher as much as a humble student and learner who could use a whole lot of unlearning of old, useless ways first... (2011:37) As your Teacher, I am concerned about expanding your horizon. Part of the lesson-learning and the redemption process of becoming a new, saved creature, is learning to deal with the consequences and reaping the results of your own actions and choices. There’s really no way around it. (2011:40) There’s a lot to learn. How much do you really know, as opposed to what you think you know? Sometimes one of the hardest and greatest pieces of knowledge I can convey to folks is the shocking reality of how little they really know, and how much they've yet got to learn... (2011:47) Perhaps it’s time to learn a few things along the lines of how to motivate others, so that you might wind up becoming a little more motivated yourself! (2011:51) Happiness couldn’t possibly be found in what you’ve already got, according to the Enemy, and the painful lesson that will usually result from that, is that folks will eventually wind up losing what they had and weren’t happy with, in order to learn to appreciate it… (2011:59) The question is, whom do you regard as your ultimate teacher? Your personal experiences or Me? Or, what am I really trying to teach you through your experiences? Would I only want you to look as far as the eye can see? Or is there something beyond the obvious, some greater truth and reality that perhaps you might not spot at first glance?

Is there a truth that is deeper and goes further than all that experience could possibly teach you? Something that tells you that things may seem like this, but they’re really another way? – Well, that’s the voice of faith. The voice of faith is the difference between what experience teaches you – or at least your carnal mind makes of it - and that which I’m really trying to teach you by all this. – The ultimate lesson that goes far beyond the short-term, often premature conclusion you come to, way before you reach the goal and end of the road from which you can see things a lot more clearly. So, if you think your experiences are the ultimate, reliable teacher that outsmarts Me, I’d just say, let’s wait a while and see what time will be telling us a few more stretches further down the road… If you’re going to teach something, you best ought to learn it first. (2011:64) One of life’s big lessons is to learn to show patience and tolerance for the weaker, the slower, the less developed and advanced, and treat them in the proper way without getting all impatient or self-righteous toward them. Maybe there are simply some things for you to learn… You’re not only the teacher here, but also student, and there’s a lot to learn… (2011:68) All those mistakes are not a waste, but you can sure learn a lot from them, even if it’s mostly about which way not to do it… (2011:69)

What truly matters is the things you learn that can and will affect your attitudes, and thus change your life. How attentive a pupil or student have you been this week? How much attention have you been paying to Me, your Teacher? You’ll never be a good teacher without being a good learner first. How can you convey the art of good learning to anyone without first having acquired that skill yourself? What have you really got to say without listening to Me first and finding out what it is I would want you to say and have for you to say, teach and convey? Sometimes I let you wind up in situations from which there is no running away, no way of escape, just for you to learn that I am the One for you to turn to when you can't cope with what is going on in your life. It's the principal and basic lesson of all I have ever been trying to teach you. (2011:74) What I’m really interested in is what you learn from the School of Life; and you must admit that there’s a much larger variety of things to be learned from trying out the new thing than you can when you always keep doing the same… (2011:84) I love to present you with challenges you’re clueless about, because that’s the way to learn something new. (2011:85) My goal is to teach you to rise above the unpleasant circumstances in life and to walk through it victoriously in spite of them. How am I going to teach you that if I am only going to take you to pleasant places? (2011:92) It takes a lot of work, effort and energy to teach people, both big and small, to do things right, especially when they’re oblivious to the fact that they might be doing anything wrong. (2011:93) Stop expecting to find something that can never be possible until the curse is lifted. Mankind has brought it upon itself and will have to deal with it until the lesson is learned. But people are slow learners. (2011:100) The problem is when you don’t really yield to and receive and accept what I’m doing in your life, but resist what I’m trying to do or simply fail to get the lesson. You have the tendency to underestimate the challenge that the School of Life presents. It takes more than merely attending class to actually get the point, make the grade and move on and advance. - Just as it takes more to become a good teacher than just being in the classroom. You’re having to make a greater effort than you did so far, in order to actually make the grade. You certainly haven’t reached your goals yet, be it as a learner or as a teacher; and just as I told you, “You haven’t even yet begun to love,” I could also tell you that as far as this, your present class is concerned, you haven’t even yet begun to learn. You’ve made it through some of the earlier grades, but we’re at a different level now that requires a lot more work and paying attention to detail. We’re moving away from elementary learning now and getting into a lot more detail, and it’s going to take more than relying on what you’ve learned so far to make this grade! In order to achieve great results, both as a student or as a teacher, it takes hard work and sacrificing some fun you would like to have. It’s about foregoing the pleasures the world is indulging in, and finding greater satisfaction in Me instead. (2011:105) It’s basically what we’re up against as teachers in the School of Life: People resent having to admit their mistakes and having them corrected, but it’s actually the only way to learn. (2011:106) You are given new information all the time as a student in the School of Life, and then you’re being tested on how well you process and retain that information, and nobody has ever passed that School without making any mistakes. It’s the application of the information that shows whether you have really learned anything at all, and by comparing what you’ve retained with the actual information and filling in the blanks, you actually learn. (2011:107) Learning isn’t always just routine drill and easy stuff. It can be quite challenging, as you might remember from your algebra classes in high school. What I’m putting you through is the algebra of life, with equations and problems that are sometimes not any easier to tackle than those mathematical ones.

The difference between the School of Life and some of the stuff you used to learn in school is that everything I’m teaching you is actually going to be useful in your life, and not only yours, but also those of others to whom you might be able to pass on what you’ve gleaned from your experience. (2011:109) At the moment, you can’t really do much more than accept whatever it is that life hands you, and, you might say it’s the lesson of the moment: how to take what you’re given with grace. You’ve got to learn to improvise. Innovativeness is a muscle in your thinking apparatus that I like you to train more, since it always comes in handy to be able to come up with solutions to problems. (2011:112) Having learned to successfully communicate with your Creator... Not much to show for with the world, perhaps, and nothing to show off with people who measure success by numbers and in terms of physical gain and acquisition, but what do you think? Maybe your students wouldn’t consider that a measure of success, but perhaps your Teacher does. Maybe one of your tasks would be to reflect and convey to others what you have learned from Me about true success. My words to you don’t always seem to have an immediate, lasting effect on you. You tend to forget the lessons. But that forces you to come back to Me for more new input, which is again another positive in My eyes because it keeps you dependent on Me and keeps reminding you that it isn’t your own “great mind” that teaches you these things, or enables you to retain them, but My input. It’s ultimately good for you to learn to recognize Me and honor Me for Who and what I am and for the significant role I play in your life. It’s great when someone realizes that it’s not just all about them, but it’s about Me and them, and together we can be strong and invincible. (2011:113) People usually curse the circumstances and whoever they figure is responsible for them and keep on going just the same as always without ever so much as having learned a single valid lesson from the ordeal. The key is often to accept what I’m handing you via the lessons of life instead of rebelling against it in your heart and holding Me – or anyone else, for that matter – responsible for what’s befalling you. If you accept that whatever befalls you and happens to you is probably your just dessert for you to deal with for a good reason, then at least you’re putting yourself in a position where you may finally begin to learn and walk the road of experience with a purpose, such as I would have designed it for you. As long as you don’t assume the responsibility for it and just curse your luck, you remain virtually blind and deaf to what I want to teach you. (2011:114) Life’s lessons can seem a bit strange and funny at times, and may even resemble some bizarre sense of humor to some. Just think how many times you tell Me, “You must be kidding!...” Well, am I? Am I joking? - Not at all. Let’s say it’s a series of lessons (aka “school”) and a way of teaching that contains a healthy dose of humor, even if the students may not all catch the joke right away. (2011:116) The School of Life isn’t like those schools in the world where you just sit there and the worst thing that can happen to you is that you might get bored to death. Stuff happens in the School of Life. It’s like a series of real life experiments – not so much to satisfy My curiosity or for Me to find out what might happen if we put you under this much pressure or that much, but mainly for yourself. If you cave in too quickly, you shouldn’t be satisfied with the result, and you should realize that some improvement and progress is called for. The aim is to make you stronger, of course, especially your faith; but to a certain extent it also entails your ability to take hardships, since that ability is connected with your faith. If you can take it, it shows you trust Me. – If you trust Me, you can take it! (2011:122)

I don’t just keep teaching you the easy stuff in life’s School, but I’m aiming to get you to make the most progress possible by raising the standard and putting genuine challenges before you. It’s a matter of trust in the Teacher to believe that He knows what He’s doing. (2011:123) Learning from Me involves a significant amount of time available to spend alone with Me to learn from Me, in comparative solitude. (2011:126) It’s not like you’re instantly going to be all-knowing once you’re whisked into the spirit realm, but what you’re learning there – all your life, in fact – is like a seed that is sown, corruptible as it is, to blossom into something greater, awesome and wonderful once you reach your celestial destination. There’s hardly another activity in life during which you can learn quite as much as you do when you’re teaching others, because you’re focused on their learning from you; and while you do, it’s inevitable that you learn yourself. You know from the Bible that I learned during My time on earth, and that My disciples called Me Teacher, so I ought to know what I’m talking about. In fact, that’s the nice thing about having Me as your Teacher: I always know exactly what I’m talking about. Maybe sometimes you or other earthly teachers don’t, but then again, you live – you teach – you learn! You know My stance on mistakes, and making them is only human. Of course, you’ll try to avoid making them as much as you can, but that is precisely the way to learn, and once you did make mistakes, chances are that you’ll try to do better next time, you learn. The thing to remember is that I’m with you, and you’re not alone in your learning process and risk-taking. I tutor and coach you throughout your learning experience and warn you when you’re about to make a wrong move, encourage you to make the right

ones and help you to glean and crystallize the lessons that are to be gleaned from your experiences. Fear is the great obstacle to learning that any student in the School of Life must learn early to overcome, if any progress is going to be achieved. That’s why faith and trust in Me and the resulting confidence is a valuable ingredient in this earthly learning process, and it’s a good thing to keep in mind, too, when you’re teaching: you will want to convey and instill confidence in them that they can do it, they can learn and make progress. Teach them that they can do it, just as I’m telling you that you can. One of the big things you’re learning as you “come down” as a teacher to the level of your students, is to relate. When you become as a Roman to the Romans, a Jew to the Jew and “all things to all men” it shows you can relate, which was one of the main factors in My personal learning process on earth. Learning to relate is a valuable thing. Anyone can stand up and trumpet their opinion about anything. The art of teaching is to learn to relate to your pupils and try to convey to them your point from where they’re at. You have to see what they see, almost learn to think the way they think, and you’ll have a much easier time teaching them, because they’ll have a much easier time accepting and even understanding and relating to what you’ve got to say. As you relate to them, it will be easier to relate things to you. (2011:128) It’s all up to you to learn something from Me on how to fulfill all the requirements and qualities of love, over time, since learning to love doesn’t happen in a day but takes a lifetime and sometimes more. Like any good teacher, I will not only take the pose of “Watch Me and learn something,” but I will help you to do it better, too, for the asking. (2011:131) The question is, whose standards will you adhere to, the system’s or Mine? What's more important to you? That's basically what your overall achievements in the School of Life are going to be assessed on. Will you have been wise enough to see and comply with My standards and requirements, or will you settle for the lesser, more carnal and obvious standards of what the System would expect from you? (2011:136) The lessons you’ve learned there will be invaluable for you as you will take them back over Here, and as long as the school bell hasn’t rung yet for you, you will continue to learn. So, pay attention while you’re still in class, and don’t take this opportunity for granted. (2011:138) What else could you expect but temptation to linger and keep cropping up, with all that you’ve learned about the devil’s modus operandis? And what else would you expect to be his strongest temptation to pull on you, than an option for an easier way out with all that you’ve learned about your own personality from the experience you gained, looking back at your life? Yes, I always leave the choice with you, but how many times have you regretted making the wrong one? Not that those weren’t valuable lessons, but they were to the end of eventually learning from them to make better choices eventually, in the long run. (2011:141)

According to My Book, it’s not all about what you want, and learning to do without some of those things you want and think you need is what I’d consider a virtue. Doing without and learning how to do without is a fairly handy skill to acquire. These experiences when you have to temporarily make do without something you’re usually dependent on, teach you not to take it for granted. You naturally get upset when you don’t have them or they don’t work anymore as they should, but did you really appreciate and thank Me for them in the first place? You’re vociferous about your displeasure with your loss, but how about your praise when you still had them? So, let this be a lesson on thankfulness, one you tend to forget, even though you’ve recently learned that gratefulness has a great many qualities – even physical effects on your health – that you previously hadn’t been aware of. (2011:146) Life is largely about learning how to communicate effectively and efficiently, especially if you’re following the vocation of a teacher, and all the more so, as a teacher of spiritual truths. The main question is not, “How on earth am I supposed to teach them?” but what else you can still learn along the lines of how to teach them. As an experienced vessel, recipient and student/disciple of Mine, the onus is mainly on you, and the responsibility is largely yours to make the best out of you as a teacher. The days of gaining experience are only the rough beginning of what is still ahead of you, and I want you to gain a vision for the greater things ahead of you, along with finding greater, more effective means to teach in your future profession as a teacher of My truths and ways. Your current position is still much more that of a student, compared to the level of teaching that is destined and waiting for you, and these days of preparation are important in your framing and making of you what you’re supposed to be. There’s still lots more to learn, and if it weren’t so, I would have told you. So remember what you’re learning and studying for, and keep that heavenly vision of becoming one of My heavenly communicators, teachers and ambassadors. There’s still so much more to learn before you’re ready to be let loose on the world as one of My true teachers. Keep a humble attitude, one of a student and learner, rather than that of an overly qualified teacher doomed to cast his pearls before swine. Without humility a teacher has nothing of lasting value to teach. Without patience you have no means to teach, and you’re only obviously lacking the necessary faith, vision and humility. (2011:148) Basically, all of life and history is a huge, long lesson designed to teach that in the end it would have paid to stick to the rules,

instead of yielding to the temptations to keep breaking them at every opportunity. It may not seem to be important or significant enough of a lesson for you to warrant drastic measures and consequences as suffering to go through, but, trust Me, in the end you’re going to find out that it was worth it. I wish I could make the lesson less painful, but I simply happen to know that it won’t work any other way. Pain is tough, but still the best teacher when it comes to lessons about breaking rules, as all of life continually proves. (2012:3) The world may be quick to applaud and even hail you as a messiah today, but may turn on you and scream “Crucify Him!” only three days later. If that’s not a lesson on worldly fame and evaluation of temporal success you should learn something from, then who or what will ever teach you what you should know? (2012:8) Never before has there been a time when it was less appropriate to try to give Me second place in your life behind anything else. Take it as a vital lesson to help you give Me the importance in your life that I deserve. (2012:13) One of the greatest lessons hidden in the Big Picture of life is that there’s a greater force, a greater entity at work here than human rationale. And, basically, the ability to recognize, that is what faith is. Any kind of experience that forces you to reconsider what you think you know, and that prompts some sort of reset of your mind to the humble state of emptiness, take it as a valuable educational experience, one designed to vastly expand your horizon and ultimately enhance your grasp of the Big Picture immensely. Why I present you with what you consider a bizarre situation? Whichever way you’ll look at it, it’s a win/win situation for you: a mind-expanding lesson as well as a test of your faith that is bound to increase it. (2012:14) It’s all a matter of how much you put what you’re learning into practice, of all the lessons I’ve been giving you on choosing what to put your faith in and what to invest your time in, on a daily basis… (2012:16) I will use people to help govern the world according to My plan and ways in the future, but these people will have learned their lessons from the School of Life. (2012:17) You don’t have much of a clue, except for what I tell you, which is all the more stress on the importance of learning to hear My voice in this day and age and learning to get My directions on a regular basis. (2012:18) You’ve got to decide, “Am I going to overcome and conquer this situation, or will I allow the circumstances to overwhelm and conquer me?” If you learn this valuable lesson, it’s also going to be something worthwhile to pass on to others; it will reflect in your everyday sample and speak louder than a thousand words. My goal for your life isn’t only for you to learn to overcome the negative circumstances, but also to rely less on those pleasant things that right now you’re still so dependent on. (2012:19) It’s part of the lesson on the difference between the fleeting and the lasting, the temporal and the eternal, to find out just how fickle those earthly joys and positive experiences are… The way to drive home a point in a way that sticks is by making the lesson abundantly clear and unforgettable. You know how easy it is for students to forget their lessons… I’ve learned from that experience and am making My lessons stick, using methods that make them unshakable and unforgettable… You can’t blame Me for making sure you’ll remember what I’m investing so much in to teach you, can you? If you go by the criteria of what you’d expect out of life, it doesn’t look like any of this is making too much sense, but if you go by the criterion that the lesson is the most important thing and priority, you’ll see that I have a point. The enjoyment comes later. (2012:21)

You need to learn just how consistently you can count on Me. This is what the School of Life’s about: Me teaching you which are the better choices to make. To trust or not to trust, this is the question. I’m saying one thing, and maybe your circumstances are saying another, as the devil certainly is. Life’s experiences and lessons are designed to teach you to make up your own mind on the issue and draw your own conclusion. (2012:22) In order to learn new methods, one has to take a break from the old one first. (2012:23) Your situations bear many resemblances to what you’re going through on a spiritual plain, and there’s still a lot to learn from it. (2012:28)

You’re coming to class… you’re attending, which is good, especially in the light of the fact that there are masses of people who are either unaware that there is, in fact, anything to learn from this life or are playing hooky from school. But the question is, are you applying the lessons I’m teaching you? Are you putting them to use in your daily life? Do you make a great enough effort to retain and remember them and put them into practice? It’s not about accumulating information, but more about doing the right thing according to what you’ve learned. Discovering the deeper meaning of everything and hitting the nail on the head by fulfilling your part in that destiny is something that entails great responsibility, and the burden is not too heavy if you rely on Me to show you, teach you how, and help you to carry it. (2012:29)

If you can derive pleasure from your tasks, such as learning your lessons, as opposed to associating enjoyment exclusively with activities outside of that frame, it enables you to enjoy life more in general. (2012:31) Helping others make sense of it all – especially in times when not much, if anything, seems to be making sense – is a great part of the job of learning to convey to make sense of the apparently senseless, which comes from experience. Many things simply don’t make sense when you’re stuck in the middle of them, and it takes some “wait and see” to tell how things pan out in the end, and that’s the kind of lesson you can impart to those who haven’t experienced the same. (2012:33) A core point of the whole learning program you call life or history: meeting your own limits and coming to grips with your own failures and lack of divinity makes you realize your need for it, desire it, seek it, and thus enabling you to find the only way of obtaining it. (2012:35) When you cross over into the Spirit World, but what you’ll have remaining with you is what you’ve learned. Perhaps that is one angle from which you can approach those you come in touch with and instill in them a better vision and greater desire for learning… If there’s any chance at all that there’s a life after this one, then what other purpose could this present one have than to learn for what’s to come? So, if they want to gather riches they’ll never lose, they should keep an open mind and heart to learn the lessons from life that it wants to teach them; the only treasure they’ll ever be able to keep after shedding their earthly shells. (2012:39) The School of Life has an inbuilt system that teaches you lessons from your failures, and most effectively by showing up those failures by means of others committing those same wrongs at your expense, and if you think about how few people ever even become aware of the existence of those lessons, you may regard and treasure them as something actually quite precious. (2012:40) The School of Life is a maturation process, and you’re supposed to grow up eventually, and that means, stop making a fuss when circumstances are less than ideal. So, how mature and grown up are you? It’s still not so much about what you could teach as what you yourself have yet to learn. It’s much more appropriate for you to take on a humble learner’s attitude than that of a judgmental Mr. Know-It-All. Maybe you’re there for a purpose. -To learn some things you’re not so easily going to forget… (2012:44) Keep your focus on your tasks as a student of life, and eventually you’ll also have something worthwhile to teach. Some of these lessons you can’t make out with your rational mind, because they are heart-breaking realizations of the paradox and outrageous bizarreness of it all, which – howbeit you may try to blame Me – may more likely be ascribed to yourselves. Repentance – true repentance is beginning to come to the realization of just how far you’ve strayed from what even you yourselves, in a sound state of mind, would call acceptable. (2012:46) You’ve got a lot to learn yet. Over Here, you’re not the teacher, but the student, and it behooves you to pay attention as if everything depended on it, because it does. (2012:47) I’m trying to teach you not to go by your physical senses as much as I want you to learn to use and apply your spiritual ones. If anything, this whole situation and lesson should teach you to make a greater effort to see with My eyes, hear as I hear, and not make judgments based on your own, carnal perception. (2012:48) Loss isn’t nearly as relevant as how you handle it and the lesson that’s there to either be gleaned or ignored… As well as the deeper lessons you might find if you dig into possible reasons why it happened… I’ve been giving you so many lessons on dependence on God that I’m expecting you to have learnt something from them. (2012:50) It’s really expedient for you to learn to avail yourself of My wavelength under less than ideal circumstances. If you just stay stuck on their same level and wavelength, what have you got to offer to them? Whereas, once you’ve learnt to really avail yourself of My frequency and to linger there, no matter what, it will become a lot more obvious for those who are searching, that you just might have what they’re looking for and need. You’ve got to learn by experience acquired from necessity that My Spirit is more powerful than all the racket the Enemy can muster up. (2012:52) You expected something more, something better than what you seem to have been handed, but then, haven’t you learned that it’s quite up to you what you’ll get back from life? Character isn’t built under perfect circumstances, but rather under adverse ones, and that’s basically what the School and Apprenticeship of Life are all about. (2012:53) Be different and show some faith and some wisdom, and that you’re actually learning something from this School of Life and all the lessons I’m giving you! (2012:55) It pays to learn to hang on to your energies and invest them wisely, and, should you run out, how to regain new strength Here. Studying and learning is pretty much always somewhat tedious, and not everyone is especially fond of it, but if you can catch a glimpse of the result every now and then you know it’ll be worth it. (2012:56)

That’s what you’re there to learn: accept and embrace, instead of judge, reject and criticize. (2012:58) Parents’ love (and a son’s love on his part) will give you a taste of My love for you and teach you to love unconditionally, the way I do, even if not exactly to the same degree at first. Learning to love is what it’s all about, and it includes all these things we’ve covered: accepting others and your situation with gratefulness, instead of finding fault and complaining about them, and that’s where loving Me comes in handy in the equation: leaving the judgment up to Me and putting your own on the backburner… In a way you could compare the challenge of life to a mathematical problem that requires solving, and it’s not necessarily an easy one for everyone. Of course, that’s not on its own what describes life, it’s just an additional facet to all the things I’ve already compared it to. It’s just to show you that there are various subjects taught in the School of Life, just as in schools the world over, and even math has its place in it, as much as some folks dislike it. The math of life is tricky, but I’m not one of those teachers who leave it all entirely up to you to figure it out. When you need help, I’ll be there, although I won’t make it too easy for you, either, and I won’t give you all the solutions. The problems are for you to figure out and solve, but I’ll always be there to coach and tutor you; you won’t have to deal with them on your own. Just like students in worldly schools, not every student in the School of Life has the same skills, and not everyone cuts equally in the same subjects, and I’m not expecting the same performance from everyone in every area. you’ve got to trust Me as your Teacher, that everything, every course you’re attending, so to speak, has its sense and purpose, even when you can’t figure out the sense of it at the time. I’m not teaching you any useless stuff, which may sometimes be the impression folks get in worldly educational institutes. But even you are wishing these days you had paid better attention in classes such as history, chemistry, physics or math, because, as you found out, they didn’t turn out to be as useless as you thought they were back then. The thing is, everyone has their times to learn certain things, and sometimes the interest in some of life’s subjects is only awakened at some later moment in time. But as you like to say, “Better late than never,” and it’s true… Sooner or later – that is My hope and belief – everyone will develop an interest in what on earth was going on during that episode called School of Life that most of them are sleeping through solid. It may be too late to change events that took place, but it’s never too late to learn from them. I know how to get your attention, eventually. You’ve got the advantage that you’re here to learn from the best and greatest Teacher of all, and that’s an opportunity you should not fail to appreciate and recognize! (2012:61) My hopes and efforts go in the direction of having you progress and mature, learn and change accordingly, from life’s lessons. (2012:63)

Real life lessons are usually the ones that stick with you longer, since they’re first hand experiences. (2012:64) What really qualifies you is not the amount of what you’ve seen, but how you’ve handled it. Sometimes there isn’t much more to show forth in accomplishments and bravery than the mere lesson of the realization of your own incapacity and acknowledgment of failure, in order to start again at some point with slightly better cards. (2012:71) Even if you’re not going to continue forever doing whatever it is you’re doing, the lessons gleaned from it are what counts. Think of Me as not only a teacher conveying theoretical knowledge and information, but as a coach who will exert you and try to get the most out of you, and getting you to live up to your full potential. Sometimes even the opposite end of the spectrum is helpful in getting you there, because it’ll help you to know who and where you don’t want to be. (2012:73) I require you to believe that what you’re going through at any given time just happens to be the perfect lesson that you need to learn in order for you to progress in just the right way, and step by step, day by day, thus become the person you were truly meant to be: Not a quitter, but a persister. Not a whiner or loser, but an overcomer. (2012:76) Self-righteous observers who did nothing but criticize, while others tried something new and made a difference, have existed since the beginning of time, and sunk into oblivion… But then, who’s ever learned that lesson from history? (2012:86) Maybe you’ve still got some basic lessons on human happiness to learn before you set out to become a teacher of a topic the much less educated seem to know a lot more about… (2012: 89) Money is important and gives you a feeling of security, accomplishment and affluence and comfort. But isn’t that what My teachings are all about in the first place, not to let your life be centered around these things, but seek and pursue alternative values instead? (2012: 90) It didn’t exactly help that you let the enemy cheat you out of spending time with Me. Let it be another lesson to you on the importance of keeping your connection with Me strong. (2012:94)

It’s not a competition here, where we’re trying to find out who’s the most useful and accomplishes the most… It’s much more a school of character where lessons are taught that are supposed to last and go far beyond earthly criteria such as accomplishment and achievement… (2012:98) Your learning isn’t all just taking place in the theoretical realm. After all, you’re doing something that many only theorize, talk and philosophy about: You’re communicating with God Almighty, the Creator… Something most of them deem impossible. It gives a teacher that special extra click and connection with a student when he has the humility and attitude that he can learn something from his student… that sort of openness and living example of that natural curiosity that says, “So, what do you have to teach me? – What can I learn from you?” The fastest way to learn is to teach others, and one of the most effective methods of teaching is allowing yourself to learn from your students. Of course, in most cases, your knowledge and level of experience will vastly exceed theirs. But keep on the lookout of that special little or big something that a student can teach you, and try to get it out of them. (2012:101) Learn to accept each new situation and adapt to whatever comes with it! (2012:102) You’ve learnt some things others haven’t yet, but you’re here to help them learn the same things you did, not pass judgment over whether they ever will or not… How can you, if you haven’t even given them a chance and haven’t given it a try to teach them these things? (2012:107) That’s the whole problem with believers in this day and age: There are far too few actual appliers of the teaching in real life! (2012:108)

Your road is leading you to conclusions and lessons learned about this world, and thus, where it’s not at. (2012:112) You’re all involved in something greater than a show; a lesson, designed for all involved to teach each other. (2012:118) You need to learn to differentiate between the indisputable, proven facts in your teaching, and the parts that are open for debate; and it might be advisable to teach the former first, even if some of the latter might be more interesting. (2012:121) Another angle of the Real Thing is education: God’s true and divine education as applied in the School of Life, and as opposed to the System’s head stuffing. In no other country – especially once you’ve been immersed in the educational system yourself, is it so plain that education is just another fraudulent branch of industry, a far cry from the Real Thing. And as far as I’m concerned, that’s a lesson well worth learning. Who offers more hope? Someone with a good education that can play along with the rest of the winners, or someone who doesn’t, but is learning how to make it in the School of Life, anyway, because he pays attention there? The educational system mainly teaches theoretical knowledge, a large percentage of which the students will never be able to use in real life. The School of Life teaches you the real stuff you’re going to need throughout life and beyond… (2012:128) There are serious consequences for the refusal to make some kind of serious effort to learn the lesson the School of Life offers up. There are certain privileges you only obtain once your report card says, “passed” instead of “failed.” And there’s no way of faking it in My school, or cheating your way around the work of actually learning and absolving the lesson. That’s why, you might say, when it comes to genuineness, My school is the hardest to pass. You only pass and make it if you genuinely got the point and learned how to apply the lesson in real life. Not everyone is necessarily a winner or champion in the game or School of Life, but at least you’ve already chosen to play for the right team, regardless of the quality or excellence of your performance. But of course, it could be that by the end of the game you may wish you had put a lot more into it than you did… I like to teach by example; at least, or especially, when the situation offers it. If you’re attentive enough to have found out that there’s anything to learn from life at all, the lessons will come to you quicker. (2012:129)

How about just being content with simply being there, doing and learning what you can? (2012:131) It’s natural that folks strive for material success, seeking to make life ever more comfortable for themselves; but I’m in the process of teaching you that that’s not what life is all about. First of all, you don’t learn anything of lasting value. it’s a new challenge to learn to carry someone else’s weight, sort of the way you’d have to when you need to save someone who’s drowning. It’s like the double burden of having to learn the lessons of life and teaching them to others at the same time… You don’t just learn a skill by studying it in theory, but never practicing what you’ve learnt. It’s like learning to play an instrument: you may know in theory how to play a song, but you won’t be able to truly perform it unless you’ve practiced it sufficiently. You live, you learn… It doesn’t just all come to you handed on a silver platter; that’s not the normal, natural, or usual flow of things. The rule is that folks need to put some effort into what they’re learning. (2012:135) When you first start learning something you get the easier lessons. Next time around they’ll be a little more difficult. And as you go along, the challenges become increasingly difficult. That’s the way things run in the School of Life and any other school. I’m trying to teach you via less than perfect circumstances and conditions to overcome adversities and make do without all the ideal conditions met, as so many people have to. Learn to make do with what you have! (2012:138)

That’s the whole purpose in life: Reap the consequences and learn from it! I’m out for the BIG Lesson, and I’m not going to stop anything until it’s done! (2012:146) Pause long enough to listen yourself and let the lesson life is trying to teach you, sink in! You need to get the point yourself before it would make any sense for you to go on preaching and teaching something you haven’t even learned yourself! (2012:147) Learning how to handle things you previously wouldn’t have thought you were able to… Wouldn’t you say that that’s about the definition of progress and learning? You’re moving forward, even if in a seemingly very passive way. If I can’t get you to make much progress in proactive areas of life, at least I can try to teach you some endurance. I know you hate it, just about the same way the vast majority of students hate school in general, but really, you shouldn’t. Learning is what life’s all about, and if you hate that, then you’ve got a problem with life itself, and it may not be so much life being the problem as you yourself. You’re learning by experience that I simply am the best Solution and Source, and all others are wanting and insufficient in comparison; they simply don’t cut it and can’t keep up in the same way I can. (2012:150) One of the main discrepancies kids of nearly all ages have with their parents is about punishment: They resent it, usually think it’s undeserved, or take on some sort of rebellious attitude toward it. So, learning to take that part of My love is doubtlessly a major part of the challenge and lesson. (2012:154) All you can do is learn, even if it’s mainly along the lines of where it’s not at; or just about coping with what you find at hand the best you can, and taking it. As long as you’re learning how to give and you’re making progress of some kind in that area, it’s worth it, and you don’t have to worry too much about what exactly you’re accomplishing or not… A lot of folks think they ought to be able to show and prove to the world that they’re capable of more than just learning. They want to quit school and run out there and do something. But sometimes that just winds up in making a mess of things and things going haywire, when a little less doing stuff before really learning things sometimes could have made a big difference and saved the day. May you learn from the mistakes others have made and continue to make, and make others learn from what you’re learning, likewise. (2012:156) The best teachers are those who don’t look down on you just because they happen to be more advanced in a certain capacity and know more about certain things than you. A wiser teacher knows and takes into consideration the possibility that every student might potentially surpass him in achievements someday. When one situation becomes too hard to bear, move on to the next, in order to learn the next set of lessons. It’s the way (perhaps the only one) to move on and make some sort of progress. At least I’ll try to teach you as much out of life as I can… (2012:157) A lesson you should take heed to and take to heart: See to what extent another human being’s choices can affect another’s life and future. Good can come out of, and all things work out for good to My lovers, but the lesson has to be learned, it cannot be ignored! So many folks are ignoring what’s going on all around them. They don’t hear the story that life has to tell and teach them. (2012:162) Some people are so full of themselves that they have no capacity whatsoever of tuning in to other people, their wavelengths, much less of putting themselves in a position of willingness to even consider being able to learn anything from them… That was the trouble with the Pharisees: They thought they were the masters, the rabbis, and the only ones, and that there was no one who could ever teach them anything, which is why they resented the fact that others called Me “Rabbi,” and whenever they did, they did it with hatred, sarcasm and cynicism, not sincerely. They never reckoned that I had anything to teach them, except for a chosen few like Nicodemus… And the world is fuller than ever of modern day Pharisees who think they’ve got nothing to learn from anyone else, with an attitude of “Who do you think you are, anyway, to think that you can teach us anything?” (2012:163) Make sure you’ve learned the lessons life is trying to teach you! It’s a lot about learning to deal with evil: absorb its blows as much as you have to, in order to learn its tactics and techniques so you can manage to evade them in the future and just let it run out of its own steam eventually… Lessons you learn from the fights and daily battles: The weakened state you wind up in when you’ve been knocked for a loop, draws you closer to Me because you realize you need Me, and thus you turn to Me and find strength in Me, finding resulting strength from experiencing weakness. (2012:166) You can’t really appreciate the lesson, nor do you fully understand it, until it’s over. (2012:168) Destroying the illusions is one of My biggest jobs in your life; that’s why you shouldn’t underestimate the importance of the lessons you’re going through, nor the significance of the seemingly negative experiences that wake you up to the true nature of the world. (2012:172)

I may allow you to learn certain lessons when you’ve been making choices that according to My knowledge simply weren’t the best for you, but I don’t coerce you to do My will or follow the one and only path of My highest will for you. One of the major lessons on My lesson plan for you is to build the conviction to make your own plans and see them through, regardless of public opinion. (2012:181) By allowing sin to enter in, you can wreck and ruin any paradise. That’s why I’ve got to make sure that every generation of believers learns this lesson for themselves and from experience. Feel free to be exactly what you are and want to be, show what you have learned, and convey whatever you’ve got. – Without having to worry about anyone’s opinions of you. (2012:182) Learn to put spiritual things first! Learn to appreciate the eternal and spiritual more! You tend to underestimate the importance of this lesson. Keep Me in the first place in your life! Everything else may be important, but simply not as important. And until you have learned to apply that and put it into practice, you’re simply not quite where you’re supposed to be or should be at, and pretty much anything you do is of very little avail, comparatively. In other words, you’re still somewhere around the bottom end of the scale, compared to where you’re supposed to be, and hopefully will be, if you take My lessons to heart, take this seriously, and start applying it on an everyday level. (2012:183) I’m giving you an education, but it doesn’t come without a price. If worldly education is hardly affordable, you can figure that there’s got to be some kind of price and sacrifice attached to the education I give you, which – while maybe worthless in the eyes of the world – you know by faith is the best you can get, and though it won’t cost you any money, it’ll make some requirements in blood, sweat and tears… (2012:184) It’s not really so much the place that matters, as the lesson to learn, just as the classroom isn’t as important as the class itself. What matters is not the circumstances, but the material being covered and taught – the heart of the matter. (2013:2) It’s important for you to spend more time with Me, learning and studying about life and how to handle its challenges. It doesn’t cut the cake in the long run if you neglect those times with Me, receiving My input, digesting what lessons life is putting before you at the time. While the leisure moments have their time and place, they’re just the breaks in-between the main part, which is the lessons you ought to be learning from life. There’s going to be lots more room and space for fun and leisure afterwards, when the lessons are done, but first things first. You can’t afford to play hookies too often from this, the School of Life. If you fail to pay attention to this Teacher, you’ll reap serious consequences as life unravels and nothing seems to make sense anymore. (2013:6) It’s important to learn to be able to tune out of what’s going on around You in order to get ahold of Me, My voice and Spirit, instead of being overwhelmed and directed by the noisy circumstances. So, it’s an important lesson to learn, an important skill to acquire. If you learn to tune in to Me anywhere, no matter what the surroundings, circumstances or conditions are, you’ll see how the worries will just disappear, and that peace of knowing that I’m in control, will take care of you and provide for you, takes their place again. See, there’s that difference between “knowing” and knowing: theoretical acknowledgement of a fact, and the applied knowledge of it, sort of like the difference between knowing the way and actually walking in it. The latter takes an effort. (2013:8)

The first step in learning a lesson in the School of life is to make the mistake yourself, often repeatedly, and eventually get the point of not repeating it anymore. The next one is, trying to stop others from making the same, once you see they’re about to. It would probably be very beneficial to have learned the lesson yourself, first, before you preach it to others. On the other hand, if you have a hard time correcting others, and never warn them of the impending doom they’re about to bring upon themselves, you might say, you’re failing at what’s supposed to be your job, too. Learning to deal with mistakes others are making, that you’ve made before is really a wonderful opportunity for learning how to love, showing what you learned, and apply that gained knowledge or wisdom (there’s a difference, you know?). (2013:18) Before, you weren’t as aware of the School of Life factor, and all that I can show and teach you through it, even – or, especially – through the unpleasant parts of it, the disobedience, the messes, the patience required… You’re learning to walk a bit more in My shoes being more open to My voice. Let Me show you what a difference it makes when you have My counsel, My whispers and My guidance as an additional factor! Even if there would be nothing else you’ll ever gain from it, let those lessons you get from it count. Remember, learning, not acquisition of material things, is really what it’s all about. Only few are diligent and patient enough to attend life’s school to listen, and really learn something from it. Listen, and learn what it really means to live! – To truly be alive! You have Me by your side, teaching you every step of the way, thus acquiring greater and lasting greater riches than those of the world could ever boast of. (2013:19)

Taking correction in stride and without murmuring, complaining or feeling treated unjustly is definitely one of the lessons of life. Not necessarily the last remaining, but it’s out there and on the curriculum, to be covered, absorbed and learned… So, again, it’s not a strange thing, nothing to make you wonder, feel forsaken, or whatever… - Just part of the curriculum of the School of Life. When someone has a problem with recurring discontent, you just have to sit back for a while at times and watch as life unfolds its palette of lessons designed to evoke change in that person’s life. It’s easy to take things for granted, until the moment you lose them. That loss is part of the lessons learnt from this game of life. (2013:21)

I know what I’m doing as your Master and Teacher, even if you don’t fully understand exactly what the point of the lesson is supposed to be right now, or what purpose it’s supposed to have. My specialty is operating on the human plain, teaching lessons on a human level. Having become a mortal flesh and blood human Myself has enabled Me to teach folks a lot about the qualities of being human. (2013:24)

Learning to tap in to My heavenly resources is the key to life lived to the full. (2013:31) Most of the things of eternal value that I have to offer remain largely unappreciated in this world of temporary values offering momentary satisfaction, and it ought to be a lesson and warning to you, to be able to see that difference, and develop some patience, hope and believing faith and trust for those lasting things to come that really matter in the long run. There is more than one lesson to be gleaned from life… When it all comes down to it, it’s basically all about temporal values vs. lasting, eternal ones; and learning to appreciate the latter above the former is definitely a major in the School of Life’s curriculum. Eating from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil is what initiated the big, long lesson of finding out the difference between the two. So, if learning the difference between the truth and the lie, and thus, eventually developing a love for the former, is the principal purpose in life, what other choice do you have than to patiently wait until that spark of love for truth is initiated in the ones you’re close to and you have to deal with? It’s no use to create a huge gap in your mind between them and yourself, because, basically, you’re all in the same boat; some just a little further ahead than others. But if you’ve learned something they haven’t yet, what better thing could you make your life’s ambition and goal than to gently and lovingly teach them? And that’s a key factor: lovingly. - Speaking the truth in love. (2013:34) Listen to Me and learn to see things from My angle! I’m your Key to make it through this reality, and that’s precisely what I’ve been trying to teach you all these years. (2013:36) I’m endlessly patient in watching you making even the tiniest bits of progress in that process of learning to love Me. The first step in learning is putting your heart towards it, see the need and focus on the goal. Many times the student doesn’t see the need for the lesson at first, or the point in learning it, and you’re just starting to get a greater and better glimpse now, at the vastness and beauty of the significance of what it would mean for you to truly implement this lesson in your life. It’s definitely not anything that can be learned or acquired in the flesh or carnal efforts. Learning is really not so much something you achieve by much action or feverish work, struggle or effort, but just tuning in to what is being conveyed to you, and being still, undistracted and receptive enough to grasp it. (2013:37) There are dark and cloudy phases when the sunshine of My love isn’t plainly visible, but that’s why faith is the secret to grasping any of the lessons of the School of Life at all… (2013:39) If you want to do better at the School of Life, put some of the distractions on the backburner, not yielding to every temptation that comes along to get you tripped off. It means, working a little harder at getting the point, digging the lessons, and not forgetting all about the material again after only a little while. (2013:41) People hardly ever know that they’re making a mistake while they’re making it, and without a teacher to point it out, they might not even find out afterwards, and that’s the sad tale of many people’s lives: never really getting any of what the School of Life is all about. (2013:44) It’s definitely better to go through life with an attitude of “there’s a lot to learn” than one of thinking you already know it all. And here’s a little reminder of how much more to learn there is. Always be prepared that there’s more to come, and it’s never a time to say, “I’m done learning,” unless I say so by ringing the bell for you and taking you Home. Some things also take time to learn, and they should take time, because they might yield great responsibilities. (2013:45) The problem is that you keep making the same mistake over and over again: You’re not putting into practice what I’ve been trying to teach you and what you’ve been learning in theory. Then again, failure has been known as one of the most effective teachers in many cases, even if only eventually so, after numerous attempts. (2013:47) Finding solutions and answers to your daily problems and challenges is basically what this Game and School of life is all about, and, of course, they’re for you to find, with some effort on your behalf required.

The lessons have to sink into and be absorbed by your head, and it’s having to seek the answers and clues that makes it happen. It’s not “instant knowledge transmission.” It’s often in finding the right questions to ask, that you will also find the right answers. (2013:48)

What is the most important stuff you really need to learn or do? For one thing, learning to trust My judgment, no matter how seemingly unreasonable, is always a good start. (2013:54) We don’t want to rescue you prematurely out of certain situations, before you learn the lesson or get everything that’s there to get out of it. Learning to desire Me and developing that desire is what life’s all about. (2013:65) Your strength of character is something you’re not equipped with from birth, but is formed by the way you react to what you encounter in life, and how well you learn the lessons to be gleaned from it. Perhaps it’s true that I could make things a little easier for you, but would that be good for you, and would it make things easier in the long run? Would you have gotten this, and many other lessons out of “easy”? At least you’re still listening and learning to a certain degree, receiving from Me, and thus, actually living. Why did I allow you to get into this far from perfect or ideal situation? You keep looking around, and you keep guessing. Eventually you’ll get the point, and that’s what we call learning. (2013:66) Learning is primarily achieved by taking in first, before you can give anything sensible back out… It’s not so much the amount of your output that matters to Me as the quality of it, and that can only be genuinely enhanced by making sure you’re getting your input from Me first. The answers are found more often in listening than in talking, at least when it comes to communication with Me… (2013:73) Wouldn’t you say that you definitely learned a whole lot more out of this whole thing than you could have if I would have returned? “Heaven can wait,” I obviously figured, in favor of your enjoying this kind of communication and relationship with Me, along with the lessons you’ve learned since. In fact, you might say that you hadn’t even yet begun to learn seriously. So, why would I have taken you out of School prematurely? I cannot come until the “man of sin” will have been revealed, proclaiming to be God, in order to teach the world its ultimate and final lesson… Keep plucking at the biggest and greatest possible task of learning to trust Me in spite of your seemingly better reasoning. (2013:74)

You can safely assume that everyone makes mistakes sometimes, which means, there’ve got to be some flaws somewhere in the thoughts, teachings and doctrines, even if the temptation to believe that what they were given is the perfect, complete and sole truth, may blind them to the fact. I’ve arranged this to be so on purpose; so that you would always know that I – no earthly source – am your only absolutely reliable Source of truth, input and wisdom. Nobody’s got it all figured out. But I’m here to offer you My help in figuring it all out together. That’s the way to truly learn, and that’s what life is truly all about: Come, learn with Me! (2013:78) Endure and learn what on earth certainly couldn’t possibly be it, seeking and desiring and seeing the need for the better I’ve come to offer. (2013:79) Another whiff of My truth is another step closer to Me and My Kingdom and the heavenly viewpoint of things. It’s like you’re another step higher now than you were before this lesson, and can see things yet another bit more clearly. (2013:81) Why do you think I keep repeating Myself, that there is yet lots to learn? – And not just in lessons on character, but even to learn as in, “to find out,” to discover. Anyone who sincerely seeks will find answers, so keep seeking, keep learning, experiencing and exploring! (2013:82) Just as you’re trying to teach your children patience, and to get over their momentary having to do without whatever it is they just happen to want so bad right now, and you’re wondering, “When will they ever learn?”, so it is with Me and you… It takes a while to teach some folks patience, faith and perseverance; not to make such a big fuss over momentary discomforts or having to do without a certain luxury that the flesh likes to take for granted. (2013:86) The clue is in learning to see things the way I do, in exchange for your own, earthly viewpoint, and how are you ever going to learn that, unless you spend the necessary time with Me and give Me the necessary priority? (2013:87) You’ve got to learn not to judge and assess solely by what you see right now, but to wait and see! Another fundamental lesson is that of showing appreciation for the people around you and being grateful for what you have, whereas the drift of the world is largely all about the acquisition of things you don’t have, driven by the illusion that once they’ll have them, then they’ll be happy. You’ve got to watch out not to fall into that same trap. (2013:95) You’ve got to learn and find out for yourselves how much you can take, when you should stop, and develop enough consciousness for you to know how to avoid harming yourselves and others. Unfortunately, a lesson is seldom learned without that point being crossed.

You’re learning what’s right and wrong, good or bad, as you go. And, of course, the real dilemma is that it’s only too true for many, what the old song asks, “When will they ever learn?” It’s hard to learn when you don’t even realize you’re supposed to be learning, and you think you’re just here to be entertained, as is the attitude of much of the younger generation of these days: “Here we are now: Entertain us!” It’s not that I accept or approve of evil or bad, but I wonder how much anyone will ever truly learn in this life, trying to perfectly ignore it and never ever confront and deal with it. (2013:95) What better way to keep people from learning (and that is the devil’s goal, if I’m the Teacher in the School of Life), than having them think they already know all there is to know? – And on top of it, having them believe that it’s the teacher who’s dumb and doing everything wrong? (2013:104) When you’re a mature adult and you’ve learned an infinity of things that your little kid still has to learn, or some of which anyone else (as in “thy neighbor”) hasn’t learned yet, it’s a test of patience, and of how strong your love is. How great is your capacity to love? - Great enough to put up with this? And if not, how do you go about teaching them better? - In a loving way? Do you communicate? Or are you too lazy and wait until it all wells up inside of you and you explode? These are all lessons of love included in the School of Life. In addition to that, there’s the factor of learning to believe that I simply have learned better; similar to the way you know more things than your small children. And at the same time you learn to believe that in spite of all your flaws, I love you with an infinite, unconditional love, a pool from which you shed as much as you can on those around you. Learn to live with it and cope with it that you won’t ever be perfect in this life, and at the current rate, things are already deteriorating. The only thing that gets better is your relationship with Me, if you cherish it enough and won’t neglect it, and the wisdom you glean from your experiences, if you take heed to life’s lessons. Some people get bitter about certain things they encounter in life, and they cynically wonder, “What sort of lesson is supposed to be gleaned from that?” Well, it takes great humility to even recognize and accept some of them, for they expose your own deepest darkness, your worst flaws and weaknesses, and the more successful and the closer to “perfect” people are outwardly, the harder if becomes for them to recognize, face and deal with them. Oodles of stuff to learn from everyday experiences... Look forward to taking away a much higher level of education from what you’re going through than you could possible gain from any worldly educational institute! When you graduate from this school, that’ll truly be an occasion to party! So, look at life this way: The party is yet to come! It may not be happening right now, but it’s coming! Learning is tough sometimes, but … your graduation is much closer now than when you started out! (2013:105) What matters is that you learn to stay close to Me, no matter what the circumstances are. (2013:106) Don’t forget the lessons in all the things and circumstances before you! Availing yourself of the power to overcome your circumstances instead of allowing yourself to be overcome by them is something I’ve been trying to teach you all along; and it’s precisely these things that you’ve been going through, that bring the point home closer to you than ever before. So, don’t knock those less than perfect experiences, because they just might be what you need in order for you to finally learn to avail yourself of the power and mechanism that can turn your whole life into a much more pleasant and a little bit closer to perfect experience. (2013:107) One of the principal aims of the School of Life is teaching folks to make the right choices. (2013:113) The great Teacher of the School of Life is watching you and expecting you to make progress. (2013:114) Attending the School of Life is supposed to make you undergo the rare and exceptional process of actually maturing. (2013:123) Learn to appreciate the Real Thing by getting a taste of the fake! When things go wrong, it’s a time to stop or at least slow down and ponder about why, and that’s the time you’re actually learning. You’re looking at the total outcome of the consequences of your actions, analyze them and detect the mistakes you made, and that’s precisely when you learn things. Folks take stuff for granted by default, so a little deprivation and having to learn how to do without in order to appreciate those things more isn’t going to kill you! (2013:124) My role in your life is more about teaching you to acquire the kind of perseverance and sustenance that will really make a man out of you, more than just giving you whatever you want. In many aspects, life is a school of learning perseverance, steadfastness, just hanging in there even though you’re tempted to quit. Call on Me for help and see what a difference that’ll make! It’s a very fundamental lesson, but oh so easily forgotten and brushed aside. (2013:125) Correction is part of this school and teaching in life… Sometimes you’ve just got to learn how to take certain things, even if they’re hard… (2014:3) Sufferings can be good teachers.

It’s a pity when all that has been learned that was important has been forgotten (or not learned at all), and might have to be learned and taught to them again… But there’s a lot to learn; Here or there… (2014:9) Life isn’t just all for having fun, but also, and especially, to teach you some important things and lessons. (2014:12) Do you respect what’s happening and you’re learning in your life? Don’t you think it’s worth more than not really learning anything in life, not going through lessons and special experiences? Having to suffer may not be very popular, but more is being taught and learned from those things than trying to achieve permanent victories and achievements physically in life. Life is not fully learned from by just trying to have fun and not going through harder experiences. You’re learning things you would have learned no other way than through this. Continuing to learn the truly important factors is what’s most important. Not so much that your will comes true and your desires happen, but that you manage to give happiness to others… (2014:14) I want you to learn what there is to learn in life, the things that I teach about the more lasting values to accept in life! What I’m trying to teach you to get better at is staying in tune and contact with Me; trying to teach you that it’s more important than those things you care about in the physical. Learning to tune in to Me more is going to do you good, pull you closer to Me and put the right emphasis on the spiritual things, more than physical factors that trouble you. How will you be the best able to teach others how important their Creator is to them? - Really only by making Him quite important enough to yourself. It’s not worshipping parts of creation, or things people created themselves, as many folks do, but living for the spiritual values of love and faith, along with wisdom and lessons that are supposed to be taught and learned in life. (2014:15) Some trouble is simply teaching lessons in life. It’s not always all about having fun… Some problems are there, meant to teach the folks lessons from them; and it’s good to treat life as a school and learn some of its lessons. When you’re a child of God it may be your task to learn some more important lessons… The helpful thing to bring these lessons about is to communicate with Me and ask Me about them and what’s happening. You could definitely learn some lessons from Me or with My help; and it’s all in all better than just having fun in life, without lessons, and having to go through the stuff to learn later. Maybe once you’re done, you can share it with others and show how to learn such lessons and how to let life teach them to folks… Perhaps this lesson shows that the brain capacities aren’t always the most important or valuable gains in the long run. Maybe there are some more valuable and lasting lessons than knowledge perceived by the head... (2014:17) There’s still a bit more to learn, and it would be good and nice if you would. You could and you should… You should make some attempts to make it somewhat better in life and through it. (2014:18) Learn to live without worrying about your future! Learn to enjoy life while it’s there! Some things have to be completely figured out with time passing; and sooner or later you’ll find out more exactly how I am and will be leading you… In the meantime, just learn the main lesson to grow your trust in Me again, less in your own flesh and mind, and let the spiritual lessons come to fulfill their task again. It may all seem a bit tougher to you now that your body’s a bit more handicapped and less in shape, but maybe it will help you to finally establish the lesson that the spirit values more than the flesh… Appreciate the opportunity to learn important lessons, and bring this life to its full task of learning all there is to. See it as part of the School of Life! (2014:20) Rough times, though they may seem to be the hardest, they’re also the best teachers in many ways… (2014:23) Some things are simply silly to do; and it sometimes takes a painful experience and lesson in order to learn that. There are specific lessons you’re supposed to learn, and as long as you don’t and won’t, there can’t be that much satisfaction in your life. Sometimes it’s time to show that you’ve either finally learned or are at least willing to learn to care more about the happiness of others (like your wife and children… maybe your Saviour, too…), instead of your own, constantly. Don’t worry or be too concerned about your own happiness, when you’re old enough by now to have learned to care for that of others, especially your family. If you haven’t, it would show a lot that’s still supposed to be learned and picked up by you in life… One of the good lessons I’m trying to teach you through all this: to trust more in Me and what I can give you than in your own power. (2014:24) How about learning what you’re supposed to from the mess you made? (2014:31) Most people who think they are, aren’t really as perfect… There’s usually a lot more left to learn from mistakes being or having been made. (2014:33) Maybe you’ll recognize this as an important lesson I’m teaching some parents: That earning money is not the most important job in life, but doing your jobs as parents is!

There are some more important things for parents, especially believers, than spending their energies entirely at the making of money… And if you’re learning this, it’s quite important to Me, and might wind up making sense to others as well in the future… (2014:34)

One thing you need to learn is to make it through life without much murmuring. Sometimes dreadful times are needed and necessary for folks to learn to make it through the less dreadful times a bit more joyfully! It’s important to learn to make it through times with My help, as it will be during the Endtime… Just learn to make it by getting used to looking at Me and calling for Me and My help! (2014:35) You have to learn important lessons, like learning to put your trust in Me, My love for you and blessings I pour upon you… Putting Me, My will and Presence in your life above the level you reach in the world by reaching success, etc. One lesson for My true disciples is to raise Me in their hearts, minds and desires above the level of money… (2014:37) Not to allow and let the finances be or become the most important factor in your life is a lesson I want you to learn. Money is basically cheating you out of the main lessons in life, which are supposed to be the spiritual ones, instead of all the material stuff… (2014:42) Learning to discern the spirits and favors of different countries is something worthwhile… Even if it’s teaching you to trust in Me some more… Maybe it should teach you to favor My will for You and engage you to put down an effort to find it out… (2014:43) It’s good to learn the lessons about and from the failures… (2014:44) You’ve got to learn to recognize and discern good Spirits of Love versus bad spirits of evil. Having to go through harder times may be pretty hard, but just take it as something different to learn… Try to accept upcoming lessons with greater and more positive faith. To take a more positive attitude toward new things happening to you in life is a good thing, because it shows you trust in God and the Creator, and not just your own ideas of what should happen to you. (2014:45) It may all be a school for you to accept and yield to whatever is My will for you. (2014:46) It would also be nice if you could take things that aren’t so easy for you a little more thoughtfully, like “What can I learn or gain from this? What progress can I make?” (2014:47) The whole situation may still have some lessons for you in it that might teach you a lot of basic stuff and lessons about life. Life has changed in a way that’s expecting from you to learn things in humbler ways. (2014:49) Learning how to deal with kids that are not too easy to handle because of their behavior is a little bit what the Father of Heaven has to go through a lot; and so… learning to deal with this is learning and finding out what the Father of Heaven still has a lot to deal with, too. Try to remember that according to My teachings, it’s more worth it to live a bit more for God and others than to make everything mainly please oneself. Isn’t it worth, in whatever you have to be going through, to be able to stick for as long as possible? To have a greater and larger range of unselfishness than you’ve had or still have, wouldn’t it be worth it to learn some of that? It seems to be the result of not having to spend so much time working for money, right? Maybe that’s what you can learn from not giving money your greatest importance. So, yes, there are certain lessons to learn in this kind of a world, that aren’t as pleasant as what you would expect or prefer… Sometimes it’s true: It might be better to stay in Heaven and not be sent to this world. But then there are also some lessons it teaches to be sent there. Learning to put up with others’ human weaknesses teaches you what others – like spiritual caretakers – have to put up with you… (2014:51)

I’m trying to teach you whether faith is better, or trusting in the System... (2014:52) People have weaknesses during and along their lives… you do, they do… and it helps and teaches you to learn things about it. Maybe you’re learning a bit more to resist sin in life… Perhaps learning how much it’s worth it because there’s more of it than you thought. Sometimes you’re wondering what’s happening and what life is all about… Well, there’s a lot of things you’re supposed to be learning… quite a lot more than you already know, or many think they know… (2014:53) You should learn not to hate things so much. You’ve got to learn to be more grateful! (2014:56) You’re best off learning how to really find Me during tough situations and timings. Learning how to get ahold of Me is pretty much the most valuable you possibly can learn. So, keep sticking to it while you can. (2014:57)

A lesson for you: to take care of what you’re taking in to you. (2014:59) Tough times are supposed to teach you appreciation for the softer times you had. (2014:60) Just deal with what life is handing you and trust Me that you might deserve it and learn a few lessons out of it… Learning not to put money at the top of the list of what you want and need might be the basic criterion I ask of you. (14:62) My teachings are still not of this world, and if folks think they are, then it’s because they forgot what My Word teaches about who’s actually still in charge down there… (14:64) Learn this lesson: that ignoring the evil forces fighting against you is no way of successfully overcoming and gaining victory over them! (14:65) Some of the things happening are there to teach you to trust in Me, even in spite of the negative things happening in the world and to you… You can find out and learn that I’m more powerful than the negative things and problems in the world. You’re back at your lesson to get better at fighting the enemy again, resist him, and do your best to resist him. It’s a pretty evil world you’re in, and you’re just having to learn to resist the devil’s moves and not get too tempted by them. (14:69) Life isn’t that easy… but that’s what should teach you to ask Me to help you… teach you to pray a bit more, and sometimes a whole lot more! (14:78) Learn and become able to treat, value and handle others a bit above yourself. I just want you to learn a few important lessons. And to receive those is important for you. Something you should do and not resist or resent… (14:80) Learn how to resist and strive against the attacks of the devil! (14:82) You ought to have learned by now that there were other lessons for you to learn, such as, why I had to allow things to happen… You just had to learn to become a better father, a more faithful follower and husband, a bit humbler, and… well, get a bit smarter again. You didn’t just know all you were supposed to know, or do what you were supposed to do, as you may have thought you had. There are certain things won souls may have to do to correct their errors when they arrive Here, in the Spirit World… But you won’t have to, if you’re learning your lessons now. The things you go through there and now, you won’t have to go through again in the spirit world. It may be good to remember to learn things in life. Don’t forget that you’re supposed to learn important lessons in life, so that you won’t have to learn them in the spirit world instead! Remember to learn to love and to listen… Life mustn’t always be difficult… But it depends a little on whether you do your parts to learn what’s there to learn in life. Having fun isn’t absolutely wrong, but if it’s more important for you to enjoy life and have fun in it than to learn the lessons it’s supposed to teach you, then you’re not going through the most important parts of life the way you ought to. If fun is more important to you than wisdom, enjoying more than learning… well, then you might simply have to do some more learning later. (14:84)

When there’s a lack of gratefulness going on, that kind of person must sometimes go through things to teach them gratefulness and to appreciate the blessings they didn’t appreciate as much as they could have. It’s a tough season; and the one thing it should teach is to stay in touch with Me in order to ask for and receive My help, that of Heaven and Our Helpers. Learn, and give thanks for whatever you’ve been taught and been able to learn. Remember: Learning is one of the main things the earthly life is all about! Just trust Me that learning about and finding out how badly the worldly systems can fail, will help you appreciate Heaven a lot more! Rough and tough moments can make you stronger in the future, trust Me for that! You’re learning more that way than you were before, when you were still mainly interested in your own fun and enjoying things. Trust Me that I’m giving you what is the most necessary; and learning to commit yourself to receiving what’s the most necessary through a desperate way, shows that life and this world will not constantly continue going on as easily as it all has before! If you should have learned anything through that which happened to you, it’s that you should never cease being alert against the devil, your enemy; because if he doesn’t attack right away, it does not mean that he’s not planning a more brutal, evil and vicious attack against you than you might be expecting. (14:85) What’s happening is the lasting lesson that you’d better and most of all trust in Me for the victory in the spirit, and you’d better get used to the fact that victory comes through and from your contact with Me! (14:89) When life is becoming quite different in some aspects, you might be learning how to put Me in the first place… possibly because you might also need Me and My help more than your own abilities. (14:90) I know things are hard and tough and difficult for you right now, but let this be the way you’ll learn to count on Me more, rely more on Me, and thus give Me a place and position of greater importance and significance in your life. Sometimes following Me and going My way includes the lesson that you’re not the only one who deserves love, but you can be humble enough to give some of that love to others. (14:91)

It may not make much sense what you’ve been having to go through and still have to, but… the harder it is to make sense of something, the greater the lesson that’s there to learn from it. Also, when you can’t immediately make a complete sense out of things going on, it means there’s a harder lesson of faith to learn yet. When things were altogether easy beforehand… well, maybe there wasn’t as much to learn yet for you as there is now. Sometimes, when you can’t easily make it through some time except with My help, it may seem and look and feel like very desperate times for you, but the more there is to learn, especially when it’s hard lessons, the more it will work on your life and result in precious lessons. Life is a tough school at times, but rejoice when you see there’s still some stuff to learn! (14:93) It’s a lesson, that you could and should at least pray for others who are not doing so well… You’re learning how important it is to keep folks in your prayers as a lesson… (14:97) Maybe you’re finally ready to learn the lesson you ought to, so you can be more grateful when being handed blessings in life. If you can’t appreciate blessings in your life, you’ll have to learn what it’s like to have to go through life without many blessings. When you never appreciate it, no matter how good and easy it is in comparison to those of many others, the time comes up for life to become real hard as a lesson against a lack of thankfulness! (14:105) Learn to concentrate more on the happiness and contentment of others, such as your wife and children… Sometimes you’ve just got to be thankful for what you’re experiencing, even if it may be a bit rough for you: it teaches you something. And trust Me, it’s the stuff you’re supposed to learn, and there’s a reason for it; one you’ll be glad and thankful for one day. (14:106) Why let the devil look like a winner, the way many unbelievers become so materialistic, money-oriented and just honoring earthly life with no belief in the hereafter? Maybe it’s a lesson to teach you what your own concern about materialism has done to you… (14:107) Still a bit to learn there… so you might as well stick to it and keep learning… Some of the mistakes you made had to be learned from. (14:109) Try not to repeat that same old trouble, but to finally learn the lessons from it that are supposed to be learned! (14:113) Let the tough and difficult times serve you to show and teach you how close I am, and helpful I can be! (14:114) If you could finally learn to be thankful and grateful for what you’ve got, even if it may not seem perfect to you, you would see there’s a positive difference that comes in life with and through gratefulness. (14:120) Having to cope with monumental changes is what you’re going to have to learn, including trusting in Me above everything else, because things won’t just keep going as they were… Perhaps one day you’ll thank Me for having let you get desperate and learn to trust Me above all things, realizing that what I’ve put you through was the best change for you to make it through what will be coming… (14:122) It might be good to renew your learning process to prepare you for the Hereafter and what’s coming after life on earth. The older one grows, the closer they get to the Hereafter… so, it might be a good time to renew your learning process to prepare you for the Hereafter and what’s coming after life on earth. (14:124) Some of the things I’ve had to allow the Enemy to do to folks may have seemed very crucial and hard to them, but in the end, judging by the lessons they learned through them, they became much more profound latest in the Spirit World, and it made them a lot more grateful for Heaven and all the spiritual afterlife had to offer. Since life hereafter lasts a lot longer, you’ll be grateful in the end for lessons that brought you closer to Me during your physical lifetime. (14:125) Try to keep focusing on what you’ve theoretically learned to be the most important in the world, namely love. If love is God, as the Bible says, then loving is the truest and best form of living. Nothing else will come as close to that highest value of life. And you should have learned this by now! (14:128) It takes a while to learn the larger greatness of unselfishness. Be able to learn greater things than those you’ve already known and perceived yourself. Even though the greater ones might be easier to learn and understand in theory, to apply them practically is not as easily done, since selfishness is, unfortunately, more common. (14:129) Trust Me, it’s a whole lot better to learn to let go and let God do things for you than try to do it all yourself and have it all in your own hands. Sooner or later, the worldly groove and its contemporary riches or feelings are going to disappear, and one of the best things you can learn how to do is forsake them and get into My values that can truly strengthen you, and not just give you temporary bliss and enchantment. (14:130)

There’s still a lot to find out and learn, even from this current life, don’t you think? Maybe neglecting part of spiritually learning was one reason why We thought you’d have to go through a time of suffering like you’re having right now… - An opportunity to learn some other views and aspects… to learn some new lessons which might otherwise not have occurred or appeared to you. So, once you see there’s more to learn, you may find out that things might be more interesting than you thought before, when you thought you pretty much had everything figured out already. Maybe there’s more to learn than you thought before… lots more…!!! (14:131) If thinking about the better Hereafter cheers you up, maybe that’s a lesson of faith! The end of the human life on Earth is a reality that ought to be learned to cope with. There are good things and bad things in the world, and part of the lesson of life is to learn the difference between them… learn the advantage of doing good things above the bad. The history of the world as it is and has become since Adam and Eve’s fall will bear many lessons for the future. And all in all, learning to fight the battle against evil and choosing the good instead, is a major advantage, you’ll see. There are and will be many who still have to learn it. But if you can be one of those who are along in teaching it (partly as part of your own experience of doing things you realize you shouldn’t have), it’ll be worth it all, you’ll see! Even those who just learn their lessons once they arrive in Heaven, play a part in teaching mankind that lesson of good vs. evil; and it’ll be worth it all. Trust Me! (14:132) Sometimes it’s My will for folks to learn to have mercy on their kids with wrongs and errors. Perhaps it teaches you a little of what mercy the Father has had with you (and still has) in spite of some similar wrongs you committed and partially are still doing. Show what you’ve learned from the Father’s mercies! (14:133) There are still some lessons to learn from this life and from the history of the world that’s still being created by its people and inhabitants. Sometimes it doesn’t make sense right away, what you’re supposed to learn from all that’s going on… especially the suffering and unpleasant things. But let Me tell you this: At least, if nothing else, it will all convince you without a doubt when you get there, that Heaven is certainly a whole lot better, and My reign will definitely please you more than what you can see accomplished by the world and it’s governments right now. Putting the will of others you claim to love, such as Mine, or the one’s you’re married to, above your own, may be what life is trying to teach you, and once you learn it, or are starting to, you show you’re finally starting to get the point, that it’s better to put yourself below others, and especially below your Creator and Savior and His will for you. There are lessons to learn in life, and what I’m causing folks to do through having to take a break from raising money jobs, is to spend more time to do so, because, after all, it’s more important than earning money or gaining popularity. Try to make it as much as you can! The outcome will be better than a life with no lessons to learn. (14:134) Turn to Me and come to Me with your thoughts and prayers… open your heart for My Word and input. Maybe it’s a way of teaching you just how much you need Me, or at least training you into a state when you will need Me a lot more, in the future. It’s good and very useful to learn to apply for and avail yourself of My help. Learn to depend mostly on Me, trust in Me and rely on Me. Other humans may be affective and helpful in some parts, but most of all you need to learn to be able to trust in and depend on Me! Sometimes, when things in the world just don’t work out, it’s the time to really learn how to depend and rely on supernatural help. (14:135)

Learn to be softer! Learn to be sweeter and more grace- and merciful! Learn to let them live and be whichever way they want to, trusting that I might have put those desires in their hearts! You’re finally learning to treasure and appreciate your times with Me… learning that they’re better, more valuable and worth more than what you can get out of the world! See, sometimes it becomes worth it to let someone experience that learning these things – even the hard way – is worth more than trying to get out of the world whatever you can. Learn to appreciate the spiritual values more than the physical or material ones, because you’re getting closer to that spiritual point where you’ll actually live in the spirit, and things will turn out quite a bit different than they’ve been in the physical and material world… You may feel like, “I don’t wanna go through rough times in order to learn that the beyond will be better…” Well, maybe you can use what I’m trying to teach you to make the here and now better already, and share that wisdom learned from a lesson with others, who might thoroughly appreciate it… It’ll be rough times. So get prepared for them and learn to be ready to take’em and overcome them somehow to make it through them! (14:136) Rough times are teaching you different things than you learned before, like humility and different things to do for your fellowmen. Having to suffer is what many of My true followers and servants had to do… Maybe it’s a big test of faith, but if things will go well, it will just grow stronger through it. And if it won’t, it’ll be a lesson in the end. (14:137) Learning to have to be better is what you do when you realize what mistakes you’ve made, and unfortunately, that doesn’t always happen as long as everything in life goes good for you. So, sometimes it’s also needed to have things happen that are not so good, which make you realize where you haven’t been so good and why you must go through this and what you must learn. (14:139)

Your current experiences seem to teach you quite effectively that this world is not your home, you’re just a passin’-through. (14:142)

Learning from the world or from your life will teach in the end that God’s will is a better choice to seek and live for than your own. (14:143)

I admit that it’s a complicated School of Life! – Not too simple… Some things will be revealed to you once you arrive in the Spirit World… Maybe you’re learning to appreciate the difference between the effect of My truth and his lies. Would be worth it, don’t you think? Learning to distinguish the difference between them? Life can do it for you. Life can teach you between right and wrong, good and bad, through personal experiences, which always means a stronger lesson to be learned than what some teacher may have told you… Life will teach you, and there’ll be a point and time you’ll be grateful for it. Better than not knowing exactly what to stand for, what to believe in and what convictions to have. – Even if some of the experiences and lessons you’ve had to go through to learn were ugly in your life. Better to learn through things ugly than no things at all… (14:145) Get ahold of Me on a daily basis; that’s part of what I want you to learn right now. Keep your mind on Me strongly and learn to keep that connection that you have with Me strong enough! You have to become stronger; and if anything crisis is supposed to teach you, this is it. (14:146) It’s a good thing to realize how little that world has got to offer, and it’s part of the important lessons that are to learn during that life down there. The eternal mode will turn out quite a lot nicer. - Less loss of things. It makes a difference when most things you deal with just last forever. Part of the temporal life you’re going through is to teach you and make you appreciate that difference, and you’ll agree that This is better for sure. (14:147) There’s still a lot to learn about humility and how to gain and have it and let it help you get rid of pride… Pay attention to all the things you’ve yet got to learn! It’s a faith-thing, whether you can appreciate humility or not. But blessed and wiser are those who do, and they’ll have mostly learned it from Me. So, a lesson from the Son of God may be good enough to avoid rejecting. Take it and accept it as something worthy to learn from Me! (14:148) That’s a lesson for disciples and followers of Mine and those who generally seek the truth: Don’t just hang on to yourself and don’t just trust and confide in your own strength, but try to be wise and put most of your confidence in Me, because no matter how strong and powerful you are, without availing yourself of My help, the enemy is too powerful an adversary you can make it against by yourself, without depending more on My strength and heavenly protection. (14:150) The important thing for you to learn is to regularly be in touch and tune with Me right now, every day! if you want to make it through the times to come, you’ll have to learn how to get that strength from Me each day, and get each day what you need for it! (14:152) Learn how to deal with difficulties! (14:154) Learn to depend on Me more! (14:159) To learn that sometimes things are different than you think, and to adapt to changes in life is not a bad thing! Just be open toward changes, and handle those new things as lessons to learn! (14:165) Learn to resist the devil and not let him manage to turn a whole part of your life into hell! Learn of Me that I can help you and make you manage to make it, overcome the enemy and gain the victories through your trials and battles. Learn that I’m able to make it for you, and always turn out stronger than the enemy. Learn to lean on and depend on Me a bit more! Don’t let the enemy bust you, but learn how to overcome! I know it’s a bit of a tough battle, but with My help you ought to be able to make it, and that’s what you’ve got to learn! The more a situation teaches you your dependence on Me, instead of letting you rely on yourself and your own abilities, the better off you’ll be in the end. Keep learning to rely on and trust more in Me, and better off you’ll be! Learn from the current situation all that there is to learn! (14:166) Learn to let Me help you and depend on My help more! The times are getting harder, and so you’ll have to learn how to depend on Me more. (14:168) You still have to learn things and how to improve… And all the rough stuff happening to you might just be part of teaching you all that. (14:170) You can learn some things that will serve you a lot and help you appreciate what’s to come, and maybe help others do the same. (14:171)

Learning from Me takes and requires some time. Time spent listening to Me, or reading My older Words, or learning whatever I can teach through things happening in lives. Taking the time to learn them is the difficult thing with all the distractions the enemy is putting up out there. Even if it was (and still is) a bit tough, you will be grateful then for the lessons you’ve learned from all! Just remember: There’s a lot to learn. And learning it all takes time! (14:172) The only way to make it: to hang on to Me. And the sooner you start learning that, the better, you’ll see. Life is something to put up with that takes time to learn. And better learn it sooner than too late… Life can be pretty rough at times, which is why it’s necessary to hang on to Me and learn to resist the troubles. Sometimes it pays off to be able and humble enough to clean up after your kids… May be a little tough when you’re not yet used to it, but you might want to value it as something you might want to learn. Dealing with the wicked way the world is starting to behave can best be learned to handle when you learn how to handle your kids behaving some way folks never did some decades ago… (14:174) It’s quite a good lesson to not be dependent on what you see, isn’t it? (2014:177) Don’t get too tied up with this world anymore, since most of its chief’s effort is to draw and pull you away from Me! If anything this lesson and incident’s supposed to teach you, it’s for you to stay close to Me, not to let the enemy sidetrack you and lure you away from Me. The world has many distracting and disturbing effects on you right now, but that ought to teach you to hang on to Me some more and seek Me first, give Me the major part and respect in your life. Some of the things happening to you as a chastisement that hurts, one of the main lessons about it is to manage to bear with it and manage to take it and wind up learning your lesson. There are still some lessons for you to learn, certain things to put up with, to make you stronger, more tolerant and more capable of dealing with certain things. It’s a very tough world and existence in it right now, I agree, but like this you’ll also learn more to turn to Me for help and strength and ways to make it! When you’ve had enough fun (according to My opinion and that of your heavenly helpers), it’s time to tune in to and learn something else… the slightly more serious things to learn in life. (2014:178) Rough times have got their purpose and teach you lessons and hopefully make a better or wiser person out of you. You should be getting wiser, that the here and now isn’t all there is, even if it’s pretty much the only thing you can hear and see right now. Eventually, through faith, you’ll learn there’s more! Willing to really learn some big lessons along the lines of humility and true love? Give yourself the chance to learn some things! (2014:181) Let it be a lesson that the time of your usefulness isn’t endless; and those times when you are should be used fully, so you know you’ve done all you can. (2014:182) The greatest thing to learn in life is to overcome one’s sins and manage to jive into the ways of love, instead. Learn to love, above all, and you won’t regret it, I promise. Not knowing everything beforehand ought to teach you to keep trusting in the Father and Me. (2014:183) You’re learning to appreciate the hereafter a bit more how, and which other way, than just showing you that life down there isn’t all that cool and hot, after all, not all that splendid…? You need to learn to get through the rough stuff a bit better, not as a complainer! (2014:186) Learn to appreciate more the good things I put in your life! When someone’s not being thankful for the good things he has and gets from life, well, he shouldn’t be too shocked when things wind up turning and getting worse! Eventually you’ll learn to become grateful for what life has had to offer. It’s time for you to start learning to do better… make the best of all the things you’ve got and receive, and learn to be thankful. (2014:189)

Things happen for folks to learn and get used to clinging to Me instead of trusting in physical things. (2014:190) Just because there may be some harder lessons to learn, it doesn’t necessarily mean that it’s hell on earth. (2014:191) I’m gonna be with you at all times, and I hope you’re learning to appreciate that. Be thankful! That’s a good lesson in life! – Be thankful! (2014:192) I and the Father know what We’re doing and allowing to happen, and you can learn something from it all. (2014:193) If life is harder than it used to be, just learn to deal with it and handle it! (2014:195) You’ve got to have some input and influence in you for the better to touch other people’s lives positively. And, well, if you fail to do that, it’s necessary for you to learn some lessons, if you truly want to be a follower of Mine.

While it may still seem very difficult for you to handle and accept the change, one day you’ll learn to appreciate it and realize why it had to come. (2014:197) Things going in a tough way teach lessons all about how one’s supposed to live and lead their life! (2014:199) Earth is largely run and controlled by Our enemy these days (even if We allowed it to be that way in order for you guys to learn something about what ways better not to follow)… (2014:200) If you feel the enemy trying to weaken you with fears and fearful attitudes, you’re just going to have to learn how to resist his attacks and withstand them, and trust in Me, My Words and Promises to you instead! (2014:201) Part of the lesson you ought to learn: that the Hereafter for you is much sturdier for you and lasting, worthy of putting more faith into than the here and now. The easiest times in life aren’t necessarily the most valuable when it comes to teaching you things. (2014:205) Having a lot to learn, maybe that’s something you should keep in mind: that you haven’t quit learning yet. Your School of Life hasn’t finished yet! So, better keep learning a bit for Me, keep making some progresses… After all, life isn’t just for going through without learning anything; especially not a life committed to My honor. (2015:3) Coming to the knowledge of your desperate need for Me is a positive lesson and happening. The more you learn to lean and depend on Me and all your help from above, the better off you and your family are going to be. It’s good to learn that things won’t always work out the way folks plan’em! So, it’s actually good and educational to learn to deal with and adjust to temporal changes… things and events you weren’t planning, but happen that way, anyways. Life isn’t always happening exactly the way people plan, and it’s always good to prepare for abrupt changes and learn how to cope with them, manage and handle them. (2015:6) The best time ever of one’s life isn’t necessarily the one during which a person is having their easiest time, but in terms of eternal benefits, the times during which one learns the most, even if they’re pretty much the hardest ones in some aspects. Lessons are learned mostly during rough times, and you might as well get used to it! If it’s tougher than any other time you’ve ever had before, just see the positive side of it: that you’re probably learning the largest part during these times, and some day, you will appreciate them for it. The special thing about faith: the ability it teaches you… to believe in a more valuable Hereafter. Make use of all that you could and should be learning! (2015:8) With things getting rougher and tougher, just take it as something to teach you and cause you to lean more on Me, trust and rely more on Me! You might wind up needing Me more than ever before, so why not get used to it? The sooner you learn the better it might work. (2015:9)

You had some lessons to learn on how to stay positive and cheerful, instead of negative and murmuring! So, try to keep an eye on the positive, even if it may be harder than ever before! Take it as the challenge! – And the lesson you’ve got to learn! There’s always something to learn in life, and one of them is the effort to stay positive, even when your mood is tempting you to view things negatively! Maybe that’s a lesson about what you should have tried to do beforehand, and since you didn’t, to recognize why it’s so important! Look at the positive! Keep your eyes on the things in your life that ought to make you thankful, especially when you’re learning what can happen to you if you don’t keep that up! Not all that’s easy is all good by itself! The rougher, tougher and harder times teach more, even if they may seem a bit too hard for you at the time being! Some day you’ll appreciate the things you’ve learned more than the easier and more pleasant times. Learning appreciation also changes your view on the hard and tough and seemingly negative times! Some things just take a lot of faith to be able to take them, but you’re bound to learn that they’ll be worth it. So, just because some things are harder to take and to learn, don’t knock’em down of despise them! They might be the ones teaching you the most! I love you and am teaching you things that’ll be worth it to you some day having learned them, you’ll see! (2015:11)

The big lesson is to keep holding on to Me. (2015:13) Learn to see things more positively along with and based on My Promises to help you make it! It’ll also be a lesson: not to put your main trust in money itself. Sometimes less is more. Isn’t that what you’ve learned? (2015:14) Sometimes you have to learn certain lessons at certain places. If you learn them, good for you. If not, things might drag on for a bit longer until you do. Also, you have to take into consideration that you’re not the only one supposed to learn some lessons. Sometimes it’s good to learn about the positive sides of a place you might not want to stay longer, until you find out that over on the other side the grass isn’t really any greener, and that things there might even be rougher.

sometimes certain things just ought to be learned, one way or the other… either a pleasant way, or some harder way, if the pleasant way didn’t work out to teach you what you should have learned. (2015:15) To rely on Us more than yourself is a good lesson to learn. If you haven’t learned today how you should behave, then hope you’ll manage to do so not too far from now! Life may be a toughie and a roughy … but just let it teach you that something gave the reason for it! (2015:16) It’s time to learn and tune in a bit more to thankfulness. (2015:17) Sometimes gratefulness is a tough one to teach somebody, or for you to learn… Sometimes you have to learn that keeping complaining doesn’t help at all and doesn’t bring any advantage. Just learn to appreciate and cope with what you’ve got and what you have left, instead of murmuring about what’s not perfect or missing! (2015:18)

One of the devil’s major tactics is to lure and get folks out of the Father’s and My perfect will, so that he can withdraw Our blessing and protection. One of the hard, painful lessons of life, but, behold, a lesson, and a fairly common one, unfortunately. (2015:25) If you don’t do what you’re supposed to, things can go down, maybe to teach you some stronger and tougher lessons, but you shouldn’t despise those! We’d all prefer things running differently, but we’ve just got to have positive views toward the lessons that are going to be there to learn from all this… (2015:26) Sometimes it pays to stay on the straight and narrow path… to stay on the defense against the enemy’s influences, otherwise he’ll make you suffer for sins he tempted you to commit. These are lessons of life… lessons that pay to make the effort to better learn them. If you make the mistakes that let him win over you… well, that’s the hard way to learn, but usually something you’ll never forget. If you make mistakes like that, they should keep you on the alert, never to let the enemy win such advantages against you. They’re the hard lessons to learn… so, don’t forget! (2015:29) Be prepared for even rougher times and learn how to make it through them with My help! Learn to depend on Me and My help! (2015:32) You’re interested in the School of Life, and what you could be learning to do. So, maybe you should appreciate the fact that you’re in a situation where you can spend more time on learning what you’re supposed to learn from life. It’s a bit of a rough life for you right now, but maybe you’re still going to learn the good sides of this part of it: dragging you away from spending most of your time and energy on making money, and pulling you back, instead, into the gear of making and getting more of what I can teach you and give you in values of spiritual riches and wealth. (2015:35) You’ll make it if you hang on and hold on to Me and Heaven’s help, and that’s what the current time and episode is all about and meant to teach you. Sometimes the hard times are the ones that teach you those necessary things the best. Life could be easier, and has been, but the easy ways aren’t necessarily the ones teaching you to get ready for what’s to come! Faith isn’t by what you can see, but what you can believe! So, let it teach you to trust a bit more in that which you’ll see hereafter, even if right now you can’t see it yet! (2015:36) Learn why it means and says to pray without ceasing, now that you’re realizing how important it is to keep and stay in touch with Me! Life has been a lot easier for you in the past, but with what the enemy has caused to happen to you, it should teach you and make your realize that those easy days are over, past and gone, and it’s better to hold and hang on to Me more constantly, and that you’ll need Me more and more. (2015:43) Sometimes there are rough times. But you’ve got to learn to deal with them, and to handle them. If it’s getting more difficult with circumstances around you, don’t let it distract you too much from Me, but learn to fight to stay close to Me anyway! I know sometimes it’s hard, but you’ve just got to learn how to make it to stay close to Me in spite of it! Make an effort right now to learn to get and stay as close to Me and the heavenly Spirit World as you can! (2015:45) Though life is tough, just appreciate the lessons you can learn from it! Learn how to be an encouragement to others! There’s a lot of stuff to learn; and sometimes the main task of life for some is to learn their lessons and things they might well be able to pass on to folks in the future. Remember that learning to put your trust in Me for your life fits also into the top categories of what life is all about! (2015:49)

I need you to learn and keep in mind, that a lot of the positive things in life depend on your connection with Me, that you make sure you don’t neglect it, but stay close to, and even get closer to Me than before, since the times coming pretty much demand it, if you want to make it through them. (2015:52) You’ve got to learn how to get the victory with Our help. Learn all you can and what there is to learn down there, so that you’ll prevent any long-lasting results of failure during your earthly life! It’s a school, and you should learn all you can in and from it, so that you don’t feel too bad like having failed afterwards. (2015:55) Learning to hang on to My Spirit, instead of putting most of your confidence in the flesh, is another important factor. You must learn that your strength must be coming from somewhere else, namely from Me, and Our part of the other dimension, so, to tune in more to Us and learn how to get some of that, is what you need. Can you put the Spirit above the flesh now, as I’ve been trying to teach you, put first thing first and pay attention to what I’ve been teaching you? I want you to get more plugged in to Me and the heavenly help you can receive through having learned to communicate with Me. (2015:58)

Learn what there is to learn, which, as you’ll see, will turn out to be a lot more than you expected previously! (2015:59) Harder times are worth more to teach you valuable things you’ll still be able to use hereafter. (2015:61) The more you learn to make it with and depending on My help, the better off you’re going to be! I know, it’s tough and hard for you to make it, so take My advice and learn how to depend on Me! Let the situations in your life help to teach you what things could, and sometimes should be like, and try to yield to My will! There’s a lot left to learn in life. Trust and confide that it’ll teach you some things you’re bound to have to learn. There’s still a lot you have to learn, and a big change needed, in order to make out of your way a good path that would be a good deed to step into as well, and follow. I’ve still got a little bit of faith in you that you’re still going to change your direction and course… At least I’m strongly hoping so, which is precisely the reason why I’m still giving you this kind of input! Treasure it and hold on to it, and learn what you’ve got to learn! Amen? (2015:62) Hard times are there for a purpose. You should be learning something positive from them. Apparently you haven’t learned anything from the previous times that is helping you to make it through these tough times… So, what good is a time, or a stretch of life you didn’t learn anything in, or at least you didn’t manage to keep and remember any of those lessons? A lot left to learn; that’s what it means… Acceptance of lessons to learn does have advantages. (2015:64) Just learn to lean on Me! Maybe that’s what all these tough times are going to teach you? Learn to lean on Me a little more and to trust in Me all you can, and you won’t regret it! I know it’s tough times for you, but if you’ll learn to let Me help you to take’em and make it through them, it’ll be worth it! Learn to trust, confide in and rely on Me, and you won’t regret it! Something all this trouble’s supposed to teach you, don’t you think? Weakening factors aging folks have to learn to put up with… apart from preparing you for a better existence and future Hereafter… (2015:65) Learn to let all things in your life depend on Me and My aid, help and support! (2015:68) Learning utter dependence on Me will be something necessary to make it through the time of the End. (2015:69) Learn whatever you can from what I’m trying to teach you! Take advantage of the fact that you know that a big part of the sense and meaning of this physical life is to learn whatever you can from it all, and it doesn’t just mean to try to have as much fun as possible in life. Fun is okay, but wisdom and learning from life have greater values! Some things are more important than having fun, and learning what life has to teach you is one of them. Appreciate what I’m handing you to learn! What you can learn from life is more important than trying to enjoy whatever you can do in your spare time. Keep on learning, and you’ll see how every day might have that quality some folks have, of treating each day like Christmas! It was necessary that you learned some lessons from the mistakes you made and for failing to do what those who decided to follow Me are supposed to. You should have learned some lessons on gratitude! (2015:72) The more you learn to make it clear to yourself and anyone that you’re dependent on Me, the better. (2015:73) Learn to communicate with Me under any circumstances! (2015:75)

Learn what you can from what you’ve got and from what has happened to you! Right now it doesn’t seem to make much sense to you what did happen, but maybe that’s the challenge: trying to figure out why it did, and if there’s a purpose in everything, what is it you’re supposed to learn from this? You already know it’s been pretty much of a humiliation… - But what about beside and apart from that, or beyond it? What else could I be trying to teach you, or would want you to learn? - For one thing, how to deal with difficult parts of life. While the majority of your life had been fairly pleasant, having to go through something like this, certainly got a higher educational part in it, since you can’t really say that too much about the purely pleasant times. And I’ve told you about this before, but remember: the fun times and seasons may simply not be quite as educational and teaching you new things as much as the harder parts to go through in life! See, another part might be learning not to always play the main role, which is certainly not what the Father does, even though He’s the Lord and Creator of everything! If God Himself stays in the background, what does that teach you? It’s definitely a good thing when you’re looking around and observing and start wondering and asking what things are meant to teach you and what you’re supposed to learn from them. It’s a good sign when you keep an open mind like a pupil ready to learn some things from life. I have many things to teach you… sometimes it just takes a while to get folks into a groove in which they’re ready to learn. Quite possibly something you should keep in mind! Keeping an open heart and mind for Me means you’re ready to learn what I want to teach you; and that’s pretty much the meaning of life, and a huge part of the meaning of just about everything. One aspect in which the role of Creators has been underestimated: that They might offer something they expect Their creations to take to heart and learn! If you can sense things going on and happening around you as things you might have to learn, and you should, well, then, welcome to grasping pretty much the major meaning of life! Learning how to love might start off with learning, what things try to stop you from doing it! Getting interested again now? - Ready to learn something and gather those treasures from life? (2015:78) Remember: the hard times are better teachers! So, let them teach you and strengthen you! Don’t be so spoiled from the easier times in your past! Of course, anyone would prefer the easier and more fun times. But what do they teach you? - Especially concerning the overcoming of the difficulties and hardships that will encounter you during the Endtime? Just see the current events as a necessary lesson and teaching period, especially to be able to help others to make it throughout the tough end up ahead! (2015:79) It’s a lesson, to be prepared for the devil’s moves in a world that’s run by him thanks to people’s choices for him and in his favour… It’s a rotten world right now, but you’re going to have to learn how to deal with it and how to handle it and cope with it! Rough times to learn how to deal with! (2015:80) Life should teach you to look up and cling to My help and aid to get you out of its messes, or at least to help you make it through them, overcome the hindering and down-trotting forces, and make you learn to cling to and depend on Me more! A rough part of life should teach you to cling more to Me, depend on Me more and learn how to have Me turn those parts of life back into good and solid ones. You’ve had to learn that faith and belief in Me should consist not just of circumstances in the physical realm, but the effect of My input from the spiritual! (2015:83) What you’re having to deal with, let it teach you to avail yourself of My help and strength! That’s the way you’ll learn to handle what’s coming! (2015:84) I’m not letting you pass through anything that’s too tough… just tough enough to teach you to make it through even harder times up ahead. The more you learn to lean on Me, instead of keeping trusting in your own abilities, the more chances you’ll have to make it through what’s up ahead! To gain greater trust and confidence in Me instead of in yourself, is what it’s all about, and a lesson you won’t regret having learned once you get there, to the time and circumstances you’re being prepared for. Maybe it’ll teach you to be a sweeter kid yourself, learning what sort of behavior makes it really tough for parents. And it might also teach you the advantages of discipline and chastisement. Sorry you’re having to go through hard, tough times, but sometimes it’s the only way possible to teach folks certain lessons. It’s the hard times that will teach you lessons and values that the easy times cannot do. Learning to make it through hard times really strengthens your character in a much more valuable way in the long run, than just getting spoiled by life and its pleasant, easy ways! So, don’t be too shocked anymore by hard times to go through, but appreciate them as more valuable teachers than the easy ones spoiling you! Learn how to deal with what’s coming to hit you as it comes, trusting Me that it won’t take more than the strength I give you could handle! (2015:86) Lessons keep being taught, and eventually you should learn a bit through them and gain a little bit more heavenly wisdom through it all. Learn to handle trials and tough times! (2015:87)

Life is rough; but even if it wasn’t beforehand, it’s time to put up with it and learn how to deal with it. (2015:88) The most important is: hanging on to Me, and learning how to do that above everything else. The period of hanging more on to Me has arrived. – Of learning to let Me and My strength and helpers do more of the work through you, with greater anointing from on high, and thus, greater force and power than you could ever manage to come up with just by yourself. So, learning that greater dependence on Me and your help from Above, is a key factor for what’s going on and happening in your life. Time will tell whether there has really been some wisdom acquired through those lessons of life. (2015:90) Learn how to let Us work through you, and accomplish more than you could on your own! Learn to discover the greater power than what this world has to offer! Something to teach you to appreciate the Father’s and My traits and advantages, is having to deal with what Our enemy is making out of the world We created, but men’s choice left over to him. - Which will result in a great, universal lesson… When things get worse, they teach you to appreciate the better times you had. – A lesson that definitely sought to teach Adam and Eve after their wrong choice… (2015:91) Rough times are pretty much what it takes to change a life and learn the things you’re supposed to. Many ways of the flesh, that it longs for, are temptations of the enemy. And it’s one of those things on the schedule to be learned in the School of Life, to resist those, and come up with something new. (2015:92) There are some lessons that need to be learned, and some preparations to be made for what’s to come, either Here or there… (2015:93)

A world taken over by the enemy because of people’s bad choices: The lesson that’s there is to make good choices, instead. (2015:94) Learning to make it through the rough times is what it’s all about right now, so, just continue trying to make it! As We forgive you, it should also be a lesson for you to forgive your kids for their behavior. – And learn to deal with it in a forgiving manner. It’s important for you to learn that We are more important for you than that paper stuff soon to be replaced by marks of the Beast. One of the big lessons is to trust Me for things to work and turn out. See that there was still a whole lot to learn? There’s a lot to learn about doing more to make others feel good, instead of just yearning and aiming for your own satisfaction! -Learning to care more for others, instead of mainly your own pleasures and well-being. It’s time to learn to become more unselfish, not so concerned about your own temporal well-being and enjoyment. It’s time for you to learn to get a lot more into what others could enjoy and want, not your own satisfaction! There’s a long way to go, with a lot to learn. (2015:95) You’re becoming more aware of the enemy’s effect and input on people… more aware of his action and influence… – A greater level of discernment. - A greater degree of learning throughout life. (2015:96) Learning to take it as well as you can is the best you can do! So, take it! Be humble enough to learn to deal with it, and stop murmuring! Remember that what I allow to happen to you is the best I know you need at the time, and take it! Just try to make it, yielding humbly to what I put before you to take and accept! Trust Me that it’s the way you need to learn to go! Basically, one of the biggest lessons of world history is going to be that there isn't much genuine wisdom among people to rely on, and that it would have been smarter and wiser to depend on the Father's and Mine, and that of the heralds of Heaven, who would have been and are more helpful than folks down there know to appreciate! Don't rely too much on yourself! That's one of the biggest and most common mistakes people on earth are generally making! So, learn your lesson about it! If there's anything you ought to have learned from what has happened, it is that you should desperately keep asking Us for help and protection, and not take it for granted that things will always run smoothly by themselves! (2015:98) Learning to handle imperfect circumstances is what it's all about right now. The sooner you learn and manage to handle these, the better for you it'll be! So, learn how to deal with and handle these tough and rough times in order to be able to cope with the even rougher and tougher ones coming up! The sooner you'll learn to deal with the rough times right now, the more you'll be able to handle what'll be coming up! The most important factor is to learn how to trust Me for whatever comes! The sooner and quicker you'll learn to deal with it and handle it, the sooner you'll also be ready for the even tougher times to come! Learn how to handle and deal with the crisis of today so you'll be ready and able to deal with what's going to come! If there's a lesson going on teaching you how to handle certain things, just deal with it, take it, and accept it as material you ought to learn in order to prepare you for what's coming up! (2015:99)

There are always things to learn from life, and including lessons about what happened in the past… It may not all be that easy to learn during difficult times as the one you’re going through, but even when I went to the cross and hung up there, I learned things from that experience that made Me richer in wisdom… So, those unpleasant moments may not always be welcome at the time, but they’ll teach you valuable lessons in the long run. Not too many folks learn that type of lessons during their lives right now, since they keep themselves busy with activities every day that will raise their funds or income a bit, but… don’t see it necessarily as an entire disadvantage that you’re going through these things right now that are supposed to be teaching you a bit! When there are things to learn, it’s not necessarily always a fun or pleasant experience, but trust Me that it’ll make you wiser in the end, and eventually you’ll be grateful for it. Eventually you’ll appreciate the wisdom gained from lessons learned through experiences more than the fun times you’ve had in life! If you’re aware of the fact that there are lessons to learn in the School of Life, well, you ought to know what it’s all about, even if not too many other folks seem to be aware of it! So, pay attention to what life is trying to teach you, and don’t be resistant against it, even if those teaching times may come across a bit painful and unpleasant for some time! In the end you’ll also agree that it’ll turn out the best, and the richest lessons in life, even if at the time they set in they may have been – or at least seemed – a little painful! Trust Me as your Teacher, that I know what I’m doing, and eventually you’ll also see the advantages of it all! (2015:102) Let the tough times serve you as a good teacher and tactic to turn you into the kind of being you’re supposed to be! Get used to the rough and tough times! You’ll have to learn how to overcome that roughness through the Holy Spirit, and it’s time for you to really get ahold of That and let It strengthen you! (2015:103) Depend on Me and My help and learn to stay close to Me throughout the days! A time is coming when you won’t be able to make it on your own anymore. It’s a lesson that will be there for quite some time, on what the choices for either good or bad will do to people, and ultimately, the entire world. Compromises with, and acceptance of the enemy will have their results, and that’s a lesson for all to learn. Learning to yield to the will of Those from Above is something that’s necessary: humility, instead of pride and thinking you know better. You need to prepare for what’s coming and learn how to deal with the enemy, and resist all his attacks! Avail yourself of the strength from Above, without which you won’t be able to make it through the times to come. So, the sooner you learn to become dependent on it, the better in the long run! It’s a rough time; but that should help you to learn the things you’ve got to, in order to make it through the even rougher times to come! Learn to make it through the rough times now, or you might not make it through the even rougher ones ahead! Having rough times now? Deal with them, and learn to cope with them! (2015:104) Having lived a quite pleasant part of life and then having to part to a far less pleasant one is tough, I know… But take it as a challenge to learn to deal with, and handle this tougher part of your life, being aware of the fact that there’s an even much tougher one heading your way, and the only way to make it through that is by learning how to make it through the rough times right now. Sometimes, the times they change, and you have to learn to put up with new and different things. Yes, they may have been easier before, and the better times were previous, and have been displaced by tougher times, but you’re just going to have to learn how to bear with them, anyway. (2015:105) You’ve got to learn more to lean and depend on Me. The good old days are nearly over, and the times up ahead will require My help desperately. So, the sooner you get ready and learn to utterly depend on Me, the better. (2015:107) Learn to seek My help on a regular basis to make it through the tough times, since there are still tougher ones on their way to make it through and bear with… Learning to apply My help and make it through My Power ought to do it for you, so, don’t take it as something negative you’re passing through right now, but see its positive side and point of preparation for the time ahead of you! A lot of troubles would have been spared and avoided, if obedience to the rules from Above would have been implemented, instead of listening to the enemy’s temptations and giving in to them! It’s one of the greatest lessons of the history of the world, and one of the great purposes in the life you’re living, is to learn them! Learning that life just isn’t so great, based on a system other than obedience to Mine and the Father’s rules is one of the most important things and points folks ought to get in the long run; and the sooner you do, the better, of course. Learn to consider Our will something more important than what the system expects from you! It’s a bit tough to learn to do things differently than the majority of the world population does, especially in a land as stuck to that system, but that’s one of the main reasons I’m leading and guiding you to get out of there again! Consider it one of the most important lessons for you to learn: to move and act according to My will, instead of other things that might occur to you! Remember that the enemy often comes up with temptations to have you act contrary to and against My will, and learn the lesson that the effect of that disobedience can sometimes be detrimental! Another major thing to learn from life: Finding out God’s will. – And then doing it! (2015:108) It’s important that you learn about the evil things Systemites can do to others, and not just think that nobody’s capable of doing evil anymore. With the most evil time up ahead in the near future, you’d better get prepared and learn how to deal with it and defend yourself and your folks from it! (2015:109)

Things have been going down for you since quite a few years in the system, and it should teach you to put your main trust in Me and your help from Above, not your own capabilities of what you can accomplish in the system. (2015:110) There’s something to learn from a life in a world pretty much taken over by the enemy! At least it’ll help you appreciate the Hereafter more and teach you a lot of lessons about what’s good or bad, better or worse… Life is a School; and you’ve just got to learn what there is to learn, and go through it without murmuring and complaining if you can. There’s just no way but handling what life has to offer to teach you and for you to learn… no honorable way, anyway, so just pull yourself together and do all you can in order to make it! Learn from it, and try hard to make the best of it! (2015:111) Don’t worry about not being perfect, and as far as your mistakes are concerned, just try to learn the lessons out of them that they should teach you! Learning that lesson is definitely not something negative. (2015:113) One just has to learn how to take the things that confront him, individually. (2015:114) There’s a lot to learn, isn’t there? A bunch more than when you still had the attitude that you had pretty much figured everything out, isn’t it so? Sometimes folks think they know a bit more than they actually do, and following events make them realize and aware of it, that there’s still a whole bunch more to learn! It’s a bit like in school, where kids or folks have to repeat a year – or two – just as you’ve had to before… Other things, such as having fun, are more important to them, and stop them from studying and absorbing all there is to learn, while they’re paying more attention to enjoying life and the world around them… even though they’ve learned that it has been taken over by God’s worst enemy and his crew of followers. Being content with what We’ve got to offer is one of those lessons of life, instead of being greedy and always wanting more and more of things, or fun, or whatever one can buy… So, materialism vs. spiritual riches is another big lesson to learn, and another big choice to make for humans. To learn to be happy and content with what We or life have to offer you is another goal, as far as We’re concerned. Surrounded by family members who can’t really focus on what’s to come yet, because they’re so obsessed by what’s going on around them, may be tough, but maybe another lesson for you, as to what it must have been like for Us while the world you’re in played a major role for you. But at least you can try to teach them and pass on some of what you’ve learned to them… Another big lesson to learn in life: trust and confide in Our wisdom instead of your own smartness, and you’ll see in the end that things will turn out better for you. Well, another major lesson of life: to learn from the kids what you put the Father in Heaven through, and relate to it a bit. – Maybe it’ll teach you a bit about the things the Heavenly Father has to go through with you, and thus, teaching you to love Him a lot more. Even if you’re temporarily not as thrilled by what’s happening for you to learn from, trust Me that eventually you will. It may not be as pleasant to act like some sort of spiritual teacher or passing on some lessons you’ve learned, as it was as a musician or entertainer; but then it wasn’t as easy to please crowds with music anymore, either. So, how about passing on some of the lessons you’re learning, instead? What do you think is more valuable to pass on: lessons of life, or entertainment? (2015:116) There comes a time when a man who believes in Me needs to learn to depend and rely on Me. Learn to depend on My strength instead your own, and on your help from Above… the only way you’ll be able to manage to make it through what’s to come! (2015:117) To become dependent on Me is basically what you need to learn to make it through the rough times ahead! Some things have to be learned to cope dealing with and handling them in a more victorious mode. Sorry about the bad times, but you’re just having to learn to cope with it! It should be a lesson for all who are paying attention to it, that the kind of mess mankind allowed the devil to turn their world into should better never occur again. Let it be a lesson! - A lesson that will wipe out evil and bring forth a much better and happier eternal Hereafter! If life is not so great for you right now, let it draw you closer to Me and teach you that that’s the way things will turn out alright: by sticking close to Me… to “abide in Me,”… “and I in you!”(Jn.15:4) (2015:118)

You need to learn to depend on strength from Above. Learn to depend on help from Above without which you’re just not going to make it. Negative situations are there for you to learn to cope with them, since what expects you in the future will even be a lot tougher. Certain things We’re just letting happen as a gigantic lesson for everyone to learn! You’ll have something to teach others staying on Our track or wanting to get onto it. Certain things We’re just letting happen as a gigantic lesson for everyone to learn! (2015:121) Learn about the pros and cons of being largely geared by desires for physical pleasures, and being guided by the spiritual ways! There’s the challenge to teach when the time comes what you’re learning right now: to lean on the spirit, not the flesh! It’s a tough challenge to keep the spiritual aspects in the first place in a world where the opposite is largely the case, and the flesh is just about the thing of major importance for the large part of mankind. - All the more important to learn to become an exception, and resist the temptations to join the major trends of humanity. (2015:122)

What if you simply have things to learn from each other? Obviously, you’re not just learning from what I’m telling you, but still listen a lot to your own mind and what it’s telling you… (2015:124) It’s one of the big lessons for mankind: to live together in close relationships, needing each other, learning to get along with each other, and learning about collaboration. It’s important to learn to live with each other. To learn that you need Me is one of the most important things in life. (2015:126) It’s the unpleasant experiences that teach folks the most in life… about things they could have appreciated in the past, and would now, having learned things from even worse circumstances. Being thankful and grateful for the good things you go through is quite an important lesson, and to appreciate what you’ve got, so that you don’t have to go through the harder lesson of having to make it without those blessings you might not fully appreciate. You’re having to learn a lot about quite a few positive traits and factors like appreciation and thankfulness… things which, unfortunately, folks don’t learn too easily throughout their positive times and circumstances, but rather learn how to treasure more when things grow darker and tougher upon them. When you’ve had a good part of life you didn’t appreciate all that much, you can tell why it is that that old good part has been traded for a not-so-good one, making you appreciate that past, and teaching you a lesson on positiveness and gratefulness. Due to a lack of thankfulness, some tougher times set in, teaching you that things can easily be worse than the much more appreciable times you didn’t view as such until they were gone. So… let that lesson about valuing blessings as you should, sink in, so that you won’t despise them or take them for granted in the future, having learned that such action can draw much worse situations upon you than those hardly appreciated and valued former ones. (2015:127) Life as a toughie and rough trouble… to learn to put up with it is quite a challenge. But it was never promised that it would stay easy all of the time. You’ve just got to learn to put up with it as it comes, and take through grace whatever it brings. Can you manage to trust in Me to help you overcome all the troubles you’re having to encounter in your life? What else would I be good for, if I couldn’t? What else could I be trying to teach you through the troubles you’re having to go through and make it through right now? (2015:128) There’s always the possibility of you still needing to learn a few more things down there before you’re ready to come Here. Some things are hard and tough to learn, but you just have to go through it eventually, and not just try to make it without. If life’s a School, there are things to learn, and no way skipping classes in this one. What you’ve got to learn, you’ve just got to, and there’s no way around it, so, just get ready for it! It’s part of yielding to the will of the Father from Above, Who knows best what you still and truly need. And apparently it would be best for you to trust Him for the fact that at this point it wasn’t anymore the easy times you most needed. There comes a time when everyone should get prepared for an important lesson to learn to make life worth it, especially as one of My followers and His children. Don’t resist His will, nor resist what He allows to happen to you. It may be a little hard to handle and yield to at first, but once you’ve learned that, you’ll consider it all worth it, and you’ll even wind up grateful for what it all will have taught you. To obey Me and the Father has never been that easy for people, ever since Adam and Eve, the first two. What teaches them to do better is the result of their disobedience, and learning from it, that it doesn’t result in the blessings and happiness they’d truly want and desire. That’s basically what caused the troublesome time of creation so far, and only few have learned to walk a different way, that of obedience toward the things they’ve been told from Up Here. Still to go through a bunch of lessons; and it might still take you a while to learn to live according to what I both have been and am teaching you. (2015:129) Learn how to make it through rough times, because the roughest ones of all history are on their way, and you need to learn how to bear with that kind, feel less at home in that world and more at home Here, where I am, along with many folks you’ll feel much more in tune with than what’s surrounding you right now! Learn to depend on Us, and all the help from Heaven you can get! (2015:131) Learn to let Me and all of Heaven’s Power work through you! (2015:133) If the times aren’t easy, but rough, they’re there to make you stronger, and teach you greater dependence on Me and your help from Above! Learn to depend on the strength you can obtain from Up Here, the God Whose child you are and the Savior Whose follower! (2015:135)

Life is teaching you to become more dependent on Me, and trust Me that that’s the one thing you will need in the days to come! Life may not be so rosy right now, but it will be even less in the future! So, prepare for it by learning to lean more on Me! (2015:136) Learn how to trust in Me, and don’t let worries and fears take you over! (2015:137) The point about lessons that are there to learn from that life you’re going through, which is pretty much the largest sense and purpose of your earthly existence, and not so much the entertainment and fun that you used to pay larger attention to. There are

things to learn from life, about what to do and what not to… and sometimes it takes quite a while to be taught some of these things. The more it’ll turn out you did learn from that life, the better, and more content you’ll be when you get Here, and it’s not all so much about what amounts of possessions or fun you had, even if that made things a bit easier in general. But, after all, it’ll be all about: What did you learn down there? (2015:138) Hard times teach you the most, in the long run, and in the end will make you all the more thankful for the Hereafter. Learning how to deal with your hard times, through making use of Our help, is pretty much the most important lesson for you right now. So, don’t be too worried! The more you learn to ask Us for Our help, the better off you’re going to be! And the more you’ll be able to teach others the same, which you can definitely see as the most important job in your life. In the end you’ll recognize your need for Us as the major advantage, and having learned to apply for that, will be your greatest plus in the end. (2015:141) Things you’re learning and experiencing and going through right now are the best preparations for the tough times coming ahead of you and the rest of the world. So, get prepared for the rougher times and learn how to deal with them! (15:142) Part of what you’re experiencing may just be getting familiar with the fact how temporal things in that world you’re living in right now are, meaning that whatever you learn down there may not have the same lasting values as the things you can learn from Me! Can you see it as something positive that you’re learning the difference between worldly facts and what I’m teaching and communicating with you? Well, which of the two do you think is going to last longer? – And thus, have a better, more valuable and lasting effect. In the world, anything you can learn is about the there and now, whereas what I teach you has an effect on eternity… the sphere which goes on forever. (2015:143) It’s better to learn how to make it through rough times, than to continue to be spoiled. It’s time you learn to make it through rough and tough times, and that doesn’t happen by only going through easy ones. I know, life is rough for you right now. But trust Me that that’s the way you’ll learn to make it through the part that’s going to be a lot rougher! You’ve got to learn to deal with trouble, and handle it, not let it wipe you out and put you down so easily! Things shouldn’t be that hard on you! You’ve got to learn to take’em better! What you’re going through and learning right now will help you make it through the different times to come… the harder times, and you’ll appreciate what you’re going through and learning right now, since you’ll finally recognize the necessary preparation. Learning not to make it without Me is a good thing… especially in a world that will not always go on like this. Leaning on Me instead of yourself is a lesson you’ll be thankful for, even if right now it may have some disadvantages you’re having a bit of a hard time with. (2015:144) Life’s about learning lessons. - Sometimes from painful experiences. Then there are experiences of happenings that make life much harder than it had been, and teach you a bit more about which ways it would be better to behave. Sorry that it’s so tough for you to make it, but it should be one way to teach you how not to act. Anger can sometimes have quite negative results in your life, which are going to teach you the uselessness of such in the long run. So, life isn’t all about fun and having your desires fulfilled… it’s about learning some lessons. It’s a tough one for many, to learn the purpose of life and act according to it, especially with so many temptations leading the opposite way. But maybe you can learn it now, what has failed a bit to become the main subject or topic of your life. I caused you to pay major attention to what’s supposed to be the main lesson and purpose of life. The pleasant parts of life aren’t the only good ones. From the tough ones you’ll often have much more to learn. (2015:145) It’s a good thing to realize how little that world has got to offer, and it’s not something negative or a disadvantage. It’s part of the important lessons that are to learn during that life down there. (2015:147) The time comes to put into action what I’ve been trying to teach you for years, and put that into practice… Learn that lesson that’s there to learn… to put the first things first as they belong there, and set the Spirit and its values above the flesh with its desires! To resist the temptations the enemy puts before you is one of the big lessons of life you should not neglect or fail to learn! Having chosen Me as your Savior also means having to choose to say “no!” to the temptations of sin, if you want this life you supposedly chose to live for Me to be a happy and fulfilling one. Don’t let the enemy keep coming in to tempt you, but resist him until he’ll flee from you, as James put it! It’s a big, important lesson I seriously hope you won’t neglect, but truly manage to learn! Learn how to cope with, put up with and handle rough times! Learn how to deal with the hard times! Unfortunately, that’s what you’re going to have to get used to! But remember, there’s My help to lean and depend on, and the sooner you learn how to do that and get back into that groove, the better! (2015:148) To learn how to handle the tough attacks from the enemy is necessary for you to make it through the even darker times to come.

Learn how to deal with things so you can handle them! Learn how to accept it by faith whatever assaults you go through and seem to make life harder for you! The experience is preparing you and teaching you how to handle rough times, which you’ll have to learn, in order to make it through the dark future up ahead! Learn to let Me strengthen you when you’re weak, lift you up when you’re down, and see you through when you just feel you can’t make it on your own! Learning that you can’t make it on your own without My help through everything is a good, important thing to learn, because that’s exactly what it’s going to be like during the Endtime, which is not that far away anymore! Hold on to Me, and trust Me that it’s the best thing you can learn how to do! To become utterly dependent on Me I’ve been teaching you for years, hoping you’d learn it some day soon enough! I’m teaching you to get into leaning and depending on Me as much as you can. You’ve got to learn to depend on My miracle power to make it, instead of any of your own strengths or even wits… So, get ready, learning to use the right kind of supernatural aids and weapons I’m working on preparing you with! (2015:149) When things start to get difficult, that’s the time to really learn to put your trust in Me! As hard as the devil keeps tempting you with other things to keep you side-tracked, it’s time you learn that lesson, look through his attempts and resist them with all your might! It’s a toughie, but not impossible to learn! (2015:151) It’s good for you to find out and learn that life can have its tough and challenging sides. Some of its lessons are so tough that you might not learn their end results until you get Here and get some help to explain to you what it was all about. There’s a lot to learn means, and will finally reveal: There’s a lot to change, as well, especially from the way folks were taught how to do things on earth. (2015:152) How to remain in, or get back into the victory is something you’ve just got to learn! Learning it through holding on to Me is the key, and it’s also what you’ll need in times to come! The most important lesson to learn is to raise the standard of the spirit in your life high above the physical. Let that lesson sink in, and let the Spirit become the top priority in your being! (2015:153) Learning to put your trust completely in Me and the help from Above and quit leaning on your own capacities to make it in the system will play a major role of times of preparation for what’s to come, teaching you to lean more on Me and your heavenly aid, help and supply for your survival. My ways may always be quite a bit different than you would have chosen with your own, carnal mind, but as time goes on you’ll recognize that what I decided will turn out to have been the better choice for you. And once you get into the groove of learning that and taking it as a fact, trust Me that your chance to make it through the rough times to come will be much higher! (2015:156) Learn how to deal with the tough times and make it through them! Even if you’re having to go through a tougher period of life, learn to make it through it as content, thankful and peaceful as you can! Life is tough sometimes, but you just have to learn to cope with it, and not stay spoiled from the easy times you’ve had. Learn to accept what life has to offer you in a good way, not murmuring about whatever’s not perfect! Just learn to cope with whatever’s not perfect, knowing that what’s perfect is still to come, and not there yet, and supposedly teaching folks the difference when It finally does. Life is hard… but the more you learn to deal with it, the better; and the stronger you’ll be! Once you learn how to take and deal with whatever We allow life to bring and have you face, it’ll strengthen your faith! What I’m allowing in your life is always going to be the best you need and ought to learn how to handle? I know that thankfulness for the tough times is the hardest task. But remember that they’re what will teach you the most (if you take’em the way you should) and prepare you for what’s to come! (2015:157) That’s why I’m trying to teach you to depend on Us: all your help available from Above! The more you learn to depend on Us, your help from Above, the surer you’ll make it through the rough times to come! Learning to let Me help you to manage and make it somehow, well, that’s what will teach you to lean on and depend on your help from Above a bit more, which is the only way you’re going to make it through what’s to come. Learn to cope with what you have to go through, knowing that it always could be worse… and in many aspects, remember, it will be! So, learn to cope with the unpleasant times, and learn to place your hope in the painless Hereafter! (2015:158) You didn’t stick to your defense mode during easy times, but as a result struck with a nearly mortal blow! A serious lesson, that one has to keep being prepared for the enemy’s attacks. (2015:159) Believe in what I’ve done in your life, and even though what happened lately wasn’t as wonderful in your eyes, trust that it’ll wind up with the best results in the end, teaching you valuable lessons you could have never learned otherwise. Learning from Me is the best you can do! Not for nothing some folks during My life referred to Me as, and called Me “Teacher.” The more you learn that you can learn things from Me, the better student of Life’s School you’ll be! (2015:161) The universal Lesson will be quite clear, about the difference between good and bad, benevolent or evil. Everyone ought to be aware of their own choices to make and not let their minds be tricked and lured over to the wrong side. That’s largely what life’s lessons are all about. – Making the right choices. - Being aware of the devil’s traps and temptations. Think you’ll make it and manage to make the right ones in the long run? As you can tell: there’s a lot to learn! What laziness can do to others is a good, big lesson! So, try to learn it and get out of it what you can! You need to learn how to cope with tough times!

It’s good to have an experience teaching you how weak and fragile you are, so you’re sure to lean your faith on Me and all help from Above, not your own strengths and capacities you leaned on before! (2015:162) Learn how to handle what life brings with a good amount of trust that I and the Father know what We’re permitting! (2015:163) Even if you had to suffer a stroke from the enemy that tore you down to the lowest point ever of your life: managing to cope with it and keeping your faith in Us in spite of it, along with learning all the lessons involved, you can see the significance of “God’s way Up is down.” Folks just need to learn from their mistakes! Not always easy, I admit, but still… necessary. Can you bear with it? Just learn from your mistakes that you’re making, even if it’s a bit hard to accept the chastisement and go through it, but unfortunately, that’s the only way through which most people will learn: through being corrected for their mistakes. Life may be unbearably tough and hard for you right now, but if that’s what the Father knows will teach you, trust Me: it will! (2015:164)

Another big lesson to learn in life: that it certainly results in better fruits to be humble and peaceful! When your kids aren’t behaving perfectly, remember, you aren’t, either, and yet, your heavenly Father has been putting up with you! So, let it teach you a lesson of mercy and forgiveness, and put up with your kids’ behavior as well! Letting their failure drag you down into anger, that would be just what the devil would like, just as he cheered over it when he got Moses into it, resulting in his punishment with death! Let it be a serious lesson to you! (2015:165) Love is the meaning and purpose of what you should learn above all. (2015:166) The result for bad choices has to be dealt with, and the lessons learned from their results… With wrong choices, the results just have to be dealt with. Just try to remember that lesson in order to make the right ones from here on! Learn to make it through the hard times, ‘cause they’re getting even harder! (2015:167) “Without Me ye can do nothing” (Jn.15:5). The time is coming during which this statement and verse will be the truest ever, and applying most. So, all the more important to learn to depend and rely on Me, needing My strength and power for everything and anything. Learn how to stay on the defensive! You’ve got to learn how to handle and deal with those rough and tough times! To learn better behavior is going to make happier and more content children. Why react so negatively when there are some experiences that strike you as lessons too hard to learn? Doesn’t it show that you’ve definitely got some issues left on your “waiting to be learned” list? So, while your kids definitely have some things and lessons left to learn, how about you? You can’t really claim you’ve learnt it all… everything there was or is to learn, can you? You’ve got to learn to let Me deal with things handed to you and depending on Me helping you through them. Learn how to bear and put up with tougher strokes from life, to make you stronger for the toughest times to come… Don’t be too shocked I’m teaching you some painful lessons first, when you were supposed to have known better than unbelievers and ought to have learned some of the good lessons already and beforehand… Everyone’s got a few lessons to deal with, and especially if you’re supposedly My student and disciple, don’t be too shocked if there are bound to be some “Strafarbeiten” (impositions) for you to make up for what you didn’t manage to learn… (2015:169) If there are times of trouble coming upon you, just try to handle them and bear with them, even if they’re the toughest you’ve been through, just learn how to deal with them and make it somehow, with My help! After all, that’s what it’s all supposed to teach you: How to make it and bear these times of trouble with My help! If you think they’re hard and tough now, just bear with the fact that times are going to be even harder and tougher, so definitely something to learn how to cope and deal with when they come… Are you learning to put others’ positions before your own? So, a lot to learn, still, a lot of changes of behavior due, and a lot still depends on how willing and yielded you are to go through with it… Having to learn to do and live without applause isn’t that easy unless you realize how much you should be receiving and embracing that humbling! Life is rough and tough until you’ve learned to take things in humility. It’s a tough change to do and make it with a bit less of things that spoiled you a bit, and eventually even, learn to get ready to make it without! And even if it bugs you a bit, that the others seem to be getting a bit more spoiled for a change, let it serve as a lesson to teach you: “See? That’s what it was doing to you!” Now it’s just your turn to learn to put up with others being a bit spoiled! A lot of things to learn still in the Mas alla, which explains why it would be a good thing to start with all that learning in your there and now already. (2015:170) How about finally coming to learn the lesson that you ought to have learned by now through all your experiences with the enemy’s way of fighting you and trying to keep you from bringing forth fruit that lasts, for Me and Our Kingdom? (2015:175)

Another lesson to learn: the difference between that fake perfection the devil tries to install on the world, and the real one you’ll experience hereafter! Just because the enemy is more capable of things than most humans on earth are, that doesn’t make it perfection, and part of the lessons of life is to learn to distinguish between real perfection and the fake! (2015:176) One day, the good result of folks resisting and not having fallen into the enemy’s temptations will teach the rest of the world the lesson of what would have been the better kind of choice! It’s important to have the evil one’s temptations and tricks exposed and not fall for them any longer, isn’t it? Realizing that with his cunning deceitfulness he’s definitely not the one to trust, well, that’s pretty much one of the major lessons of life. (2015:180) The more you’ll have learned to rely on Me and your help from Above, the better off you’ll be in the end. The sooner you get ready for the rough times and learn how to deal with and handle them, the better! (2015:181) It’s time to learn to let Me do it through you and you do it through Me and My help, not on your own and in your own ability! (2015:182)

Just hold on to Me and keep learning how to see and feel and do it! (2015:184) Maybe time to learn how to deal with and handle the tough times is right now, and better now than never or too late… since you wouldn’t just want to learn how to handle it when the worst trouble starts. Get ready, get prepared for it, and don’t let it all weaken you, but strengthen you to learn how to handle the times to come, which are going to be a lot rougher yet than what you have to go through right now. (2015:186) Chastisement from Above is a symbol of love, even if it may not seem much like it! It’s to bring out the best in you through repentance and learning to do better than you did before, and to learn the lessons from your mistakes, failures and shortcomings. Of course, not very pleasant to have to deal with the results of your own failures, and a humbling and painful experience, but… well, that’s the way to learn the lessons from former mistakes. Everyone will have to, and most folks will only much later… So, consider it a privilege, even if a bit painful, to be able to learn and be taught those lessons now. Painful, but teaching you the lessons in this life in order not to keep repeating the same mistakes will ultimately wind you up doing better than you used to previously… I know it’s humbling, and somewhat of a breaking experience, but allow it to touch you as a teaching factor of quite important and fundamental lessons! (2015:188) The more you can learn, the more you’ll be able to teach others about it all. (2015:189) Learn some lessons from what you’ve done, and reap some of the fruits you’ve planted from the seeds you’ve sown. “We reap what we sow” is one of the main lessons human beings are supposed to have learned, or should still be at. If it’s so rough and tough what you’re going through, you might have to realize, there must be something from it you must learn! When you’ve brought pain to others, it’s time for you to realize what it’s like, to have to reap pain from life, and that not everything you do will remain without negative results, or consequences to teach you something from it all. Remember repentance and being sorry for mistakes you’ve made, and learn some lasting lessons and reap the consequences from it all that went wrong! You reap what you’ve sown. - Maybe something to keep remembering to think of, and learn the big lesson from. (2015:192) Learning to let Me and the forces of Heaven do things for and through you is the right way to go toward the end of that world! (2015:193)

Are you learning what’s there to learn, letting Me work in you and on Your heart and let Me make the best out of you that’s possible? (2015:194) Maybe there’s still a bit more to learn; what do you think? Can you imagine I’ve still got something to teach you from what you’re having to go through? Maybe there’s still something you need to learn about the importance (or comparative lack thereof) of material things, such as the loads you’re dragging across landscapes right now, and turn out to make it an extra expense to have extra possessions… Well, if you remember Me… I certainly didn’t carry a bag, much less a suitcase full of possessions around. So… how much do we have in common regarding materialism? It has grown to be a pretty much more materialistic society on a worldwide scale. What are you learning from it all? At least you’ve learned – or are still learning: this world is not your home, at least not your final and permanent one… More of a tough phase to get through, living in a domain currently occupied by our enemy – the one most folks down there would obviously vote for. It may be a tough pitch for you down there, and not easy for you to keep your faith Up Here… but trust Me: a worthwhile lesson left to learn! (2015:197) Follow the circumstances and possibilities, and learn from them through the experiences they bring! You need My help more than ever before; so, learn to rely and depend on it! Learn to bear with what’s coming and accept things the way they are and make a best of them! (2015:199)

Folks just thinking about themselves, like Judas and others, don’t have a happy ending of their lives to show forth. So… a worthwhile lesson to become different from them, isn’t it? And well, it looks like this is a thing and lesson you ought to be learning! If life is hard and rough, don’t dwell too much in self-pity about it, but appreciate the lessons to learn from it, and eventually make a bit of a wiser person out of you! (2015:201) If times get rougher and tougher, just deal with it and learn how to handle it! Learn how to handle it with My Help through praying for it. Sometimes folks have to learn how to handle things during more difficult circumstances, and learn how to deal with it and handle it when things get tougher. Learn to apply for My Help when you need it! Many times folks haven’t really gotten into the groove yet of applying for My Help through trouble! So, it’s time to get into it and learn how to! I’m preparing you for it and hoping you’ll learn to successfully apply and ask for it! (2015:210) You can tell that there are a lot of lessons to learn, a lot of values still to obtain, and even though it may be harder to do down there in a generally wicked world, it’ll also teach you the most… all about what you wouldn’t want to become like, and what values you wouldn’t want to obtain. So, just take it, that School of Life, with what it’s got for you to learn, okay? Life may not all be perfectly blissful, and include some sorrows and trouble instead, but that’s one of the lessons mankind’s got to learn on the result of making the wrong choices, hopefully learning thus how to make the right ones instead, eventually. Before you’re ready to teach other folks, you’ve got to have learned it yourself, first! So, while you’ve learned to accept in theory, if failures keep remaining and persisting, there’s more effort for you to make to let that teaching sink in, before you can successfully pass it on to others as a sample, not a sermon. (2015:212) If the conditions and circumstances are rough, just learn to deal with them and handle them! So, learn how to deal with and handle the far from perfect circumstances! Learn how to handle what you’ve got to cope with! As rough and as tough as circumstances may be, let them teach you to cling more to Me and help from above and let them draw you closer to Me! Learn how to handle them! Times are tough? Learn how to deal with them! Learn how to handle, take and accept whatever comes at you, even if it’s not quite as grand as things used to be! (2015:214) Times are getting worse, and you have to learn to avail yourself of My help, and all the help from Above you can get! So, desperate times calling for desperate measures is what you’re having to go through now, especially the learning part of how to avail yourself of those measures! Times are definitely getting rougher for you, so, learning to deal with it through My counsel may help others in an even tougher future… (2015:215) To trust in and rely on Me more than your own abilities seems like a difficult lesson to learn for someone who’s been able to rely on his own talents for decades… But a lesson to learn is a lesson to learn… sometimes no way around it. (2015:225) When things aren't moving exactly the way you like, it means they might be a test for you and teach you how to handle imperfect situations. Can you deal with that? If not, well... something you still need to learn! (2015:230) Hard times just make you more ready for your farewell from down there, along with all the lessons you’re supposed to learn about how not to be, think and do things. (2015:232) It’s part of life’s school to learn to stay on the positive side of things and remain with a good attitude, instead of whining about things not being perfect in that world run currently by our enemy. It’s good to learn where things are not supposed to be at. And remember that it was and remains people’s choices that make them turn out that way, and you should definitely learn to do better through all of that. Selfishness vs. unselfishness is one of the major lessons of life. It’s not all about what you want and are craving for! And with kids around you who are even more on that wavelength… well, if may definitely teach you the reason why! – As well as put you a bit in the Father’s shoes to see what it’s like to have kids largely concerned about their own cravings and desires. And just as you know they have to learn better, you’re getting the point you might as well, too. So, there’s a reason why you’re having to go through tough things… - Mainly to bless you with a more positive and unselfish attitude. Once you learn that, it’ll also be much easier to teach your kids. (2015:233) The temporary rulership of our enemy over the planet is not something to look forward to, but an important lesson for mankind, as to what sort of being, along with his demonic followers, most of Earth’s inhabitants have been letting guide them into many of their actions and behavior. And their final and physical appearance on Earth, along with their temporal rulership, will teach the world the largest lesson about it. (2015:235)

Learning things about relationships, and especially seeing parts of the other side is a big part of what it’s all about. (2015:237) Dependence on Me and your help from Above is a serious and important lesson to learn for the even darker times to come, so avail yourself of what there’s to learn from those lessons! (2015:238) Physical strength gets diminished to teach you that it’s not all you can lean and depend on. Learn to depend on the greater strength from Above! You’re becoming weaker to teach you to focus, lean and depend more on the strength from Above! The toughness of the times is to prepare you for what’s to come, thus teaching you more to lean on Me and depend more on all the strength from Above you can get through asking for it. (2015:240) Applying for that help from Up Here is the only way for you to eventually make it down there, so, to avail yourself of it is the most important thing you can possibly learn! Learn how to avail yourself of My help and all the help you can get from Up Here! Try to manage to come up with as much as you can with My help! One thing to learn and realize that it’s tough without it, and eventually, when the times of trouble arrive, there’ll be no way to make it without it! The sooner you learn to cling to it, the better for you! (2015:242) It’s part of the lessons of life to distinguish between the actions that will be blessed and those that won’t. Make yourself and your own actions mainly responsible for any negative incident that happened to you as a lesson to act better! If you have to deal with disobedient kids, well, that just might be a lesson for what the Father has to deal with in you, and let you experience how unpleasant it can be. It’s a lesson that life can be easier and more blessed if you obey and become an obedient child of God, as opposed to the tough way life can be when you’re disobedient. It’s basically what life and all of history is largely about. So, time to learn that major lesson, don’t you think? To obey or not to obey, that is the question and the choice that influence life. Disobedience… how can it be blessed or rewarded? Some lessons have to be taught and learned from that instead, and they largely consist of experiencing the result of causing displeasure to others… reaping what you’ve sown. So, it definitely pays to get the point about behaving and acting the proper way, don’t you think? If you’ll reap what you’ve sown, you better learn how to sow the right stuff. – The right seeds. Which consist of your actions, behavior, and not least of all: your words. (2015:243) Yes, life may be tough, but it's time you learn how to deal with it. (2015:245) If life isn’t perfect, let it be largely due to what people sow into their lives, having to learn to also reap the according results! Reaping what you sow is one of the biggest lessons in life concerning reaping the results of one’s actions. Whatever folks do will reap some results, and it’s important to learn the right kind of behavior and doing the proper type of things in order to reap the more pleasant results of one’s actions! So, it’s important to learn the results of what you do, and not just let your carnal ambitions steer it all. (2015:246) As busy as the material issues are keeping folks, it’s necessary to learn what’s more important. - Basically a large lesson on material things not being able to bring happiness. (2015:247) The blessing you’ll be able to be for others when things do turn tougher, will come through managing to make it through those tough and dark times coming, due to what I’ve been and am teaching you. (2015:248) Learning the lessons from life is one of its main purposes for God’s children and disciples of Mine; so, even if it’s a bit painful at times, having to go through the lessons to learn from mistakes made, or ungodly behavior, I’m afraid you’re just going to have to accept it and deal with it. Learning the lessons from your wrongs is one of the major purposes of life, so don’t resist it, or let your heart go against it! Life full of wrongs drawn to commit by the enemy’s temptations and lusts isn’t easy; but trust Us that it’s an important lesson to learn for humanity, in order to avoid those same mistakes and wrongs committed, in the future of eternity! It may be a painful lesson right now, but trust Us that it’s going to work out to be and result in a better future after the lessons to learn from this world and the one currently running it with his forces! Having to deal with evil is not an easy task, but see the lessons to be learned from it as a blessing in the long run! (2016:12) Can you trust Me and the Father that We’re allowing the kind of things to happen that will serve you best to teach you what you need to learn to make it through a rougher future? (2016:16)

Getting into the gear of making it through the available help from Heaven is what you have to learn…relying on the only Force and Strength that will help you make it through the rough. You’re becoming weaker now to teach you to lean on the greater strength, along with all the necessary wisdom and other gifts of the Spirit that are not just naturally bound to fall on folks, but have to be gained through prayer and communication with Me and the Father through Me. (2016:20) One of the big lessons right now for what’s to come is to make it through the rough and tough times as victoriously as possible! (2016:22)

Don’t worry so much how on Earth you’ll get things done, but learn to let Me do them through and for you! (2016:24) Let your behavior be one of the no.1 lessons you ought to learn in life, if you’re a child of God! One of the advantages of schools – that of life, and even that of the System: too many challenges and sometimes a bit harder lessons to learn than to let the students or pupils get all spoiled by the easiness of learning what’s there to learn. If the enemy eliminated all the disciplinary standards from young folks the Bible prescribes, is it any wonder that eventually the world turns into a state where it needs discipline from Above? - Sort of the way it did before the Flood. A lesson of history that has been deluded from most people’s minds as educational. What has become more important to the vast majority of folks than good vs. evil is the issue rich or poor, and their desires and motivations have been plugged to materialism and the drive to heighten their standards trough possessions and wealth… well, the way it’s been for more of the exceptional, wealthy kind for thousands of years, but now slips onto the vast majority, and even keeps being a lesson for someone like you, who slowly ought to learn better about what sort of values to give the first place in life. It’s not the material values that ought to lead, guide and motivate you, according to My teachings. See, life’s a bunch of lessons that sometimes take some time to learn. Let the Spirit rule, and the material desires decrease! (2016:26) Founding a family has a great deal of lessons to learn in it. (2016:28) To learn to take life as it comes, with good changes or bad… well, that’s just part of the lessons of life. Some things just have got to be learned to take and make it through them. (2016:29) Time to learn that you can do through Me what you can’t – on your own! (2016:31) One of the greatest lessons of history, as you will see: that love is the mightiest force there can be! (2016:32) Learn to lean on the Strength and help from Above, not your own capabilities! The dark times will teach you and help you to learn to cling to the help from Above! Time to learn to quit leaning on your own strength and abilities and cling to the heavenly One from Above instead! (2016:37) To depend and lean on Me and the help from Above is one of the principal lessons and processes going on in this part of history: Preparation for the toughest and hardest time of history to come. It’s a lesson to learn, to take and accept things as they come, continuing to trust Me and the Father that We know what We allow to happen to Our folks on Earth. (2016:38) Take this part of life as a test for all to see what you’ve learned from it all! Too many folks are trying to do it on their own! You should learn something from that… about where it’s not at… to accomplish the right things. (2016:40) The world and mankind have a great big lesson to learn to enable us all to enjoy a better future. Sometimes there’s a price to pay for lasting happiness… Learn to depend on Me, not thinking you have to make it through it all on your own! (16:41) Learn to put up with and handle circumstances however far from perfect! Trust Me that they’ll serve to teach you more important lessons than going through all easy times! - Ready to learn some things from this School of Life? Take the responsibility for what you’re having to go through and lessons you’re still having to learn! Learning to go through life victoriously, no matter what comes, should be one of your major goals. Learn how to take whatever comes with a victorious attitude! (16:42) Dealing with the troubles resulting from letting evil play a major role in life… well, that’s all part of the big lesson of life, and one of the major purposes of it is to prevent and reject evil in the Realm beyond this time ruled by the evil one… the choice the majority of people have made since the beginning. So, if it all turns out to be a pitiful disaster, it’s not Our fault that it turns out to be the only way to teach the majority of mankind a lesson on that. Learning to deal with evil and managing to survive in spite of it, and make the best out of those troubled times, and try to manage to still bring forth some good in spite of it… Now, that’s the challenge! What physical things have to offer is temporal, and only what’s offered through the Spirit has lasting values!

So, start both, digging and teaching the lessons you’re learning about the significant difference between those two realms! (16:44) The main purpose of life consists of the lessons to learn from it… like, which is the right way to do things, and which isn’t. So, life’s a lesson. That’s why they called Me “Teacher:” “Rabbi!” So, are you ready to learn the lessons I’m willing and eager to teach you? Some lessons may be hard, such as the ones that include physical sufferings, but the one thing you should be able to pass on to others is the aspect and vision that there’s Something Better coming up for those who accept the message from Above, and the purpose of life isn’t just one’s own, personal well-being! Realizing that there were ways in which you’ve failed are one of the main purposes of the lessons of life, and of course with the hope from Above that you’ll learn them and do better in the future. (2016:46) Sometimes you’ve just got to learn how to take the things that life brings, and instead of letting them make you angry, allow them to make you humbler and more compassionate, remembering that others have to go through far worse sufferings. One of the main purposes of allowing the Endtime to come about: To teach mankind just what the devil’s ways and temptations will make of the world, making Our Kingdom a definitely better Option. Along with it, the lesson that you simply won’t make it on your own what We want you to do, and you need to get desperate and dependent enough on Our help to make it through and fulfill your purpose on Earth. Sorry for the hard lessons you still have to learn as part of the sinful generation, but trust that the worldwide lesson gained from it all, will also make it worth it all. Some things we just can’t get around, and that, unfortunately, also includes a bit of suffering, as a lesson on the price to pay for allowing to fall for the enemy’s temptations, another one of the greatest lessons in the history of mankind. So, let the lessons sink in, being in the progress of learning that that’s one of the most important parts of life! Remember that the disciples and others called Me “Teacher!” If I’m not only your Savior, but also your Teacher, that means, after having saved you – or in some cases even before that – you’re supposed to learn some of the lessons that life has to teach! Considering Me the most important Part of life, means, since I’m your Teacher, the lessons to learn from it and through it, also belong to that most important part! So, tune in to what life is teaching you and I am teaching you throughout life, every day! If it’s part of My Job from the Father to teach you and My followers – along with having saved you through My sacrifice of life for you and through receiving Me – consider it your job to learn and receive what I’m trying to teach you! Make it an extensile part of the “Rhythm of Life!” (2016:47) You have to learn to make it through rough times! And the more you do it and learn to ask for and depend on My help to make it, the more certain it’ll be for you to make it through what’s coming. (2016:49) It’s time to start learning how to deal with hard and unpleasant times with the help from Above. (2016:50) The rough times are more important to learn things from than the easy ones. And there are still some things to learn. Learning how to deal with life when it becomes rough is an important lesson. I know you need help from Above, but it’s something you need to learn: to turn towards it and ask for it, in order to receive it. Life may be rough and with a lot of challenges, but to learn to deal with and manage them is one of life’s most important lessons… so, deal with them, handle them and learn to make the best you can of them somehow! (2016:51) Learn to apply for My daily help, protection and care, in order to make it through what’s coming! Having to go through daily battles…? You’re just going to have to learn how to make it through them with the heavenly help that’s at your grasp. You need to learn to raise your strength from the Spirit! The only chances to make it through those times to come are learning to depend on Our help from Above! Get ready for the roughest times to come by learning to apply for and receive heavenly help each day you’ll be going through when the enemy will have descended for his ultimate reign on the planet! Times of trouble are what you have to learn how to take, with the greatest trouble of world history yet and about to come! So, get ready for it, by learning to handle times of trouble, and thus, coming tribulation! The times of trouble this world needs to go through are a major lesson of history about independence from its Creator. A lie – that everything created itself – easier to accept for those who receive the enemy’s wavelength of pride more than Our truth of Love and humility… - One of history’s major lessons. In other words, love and humility are fruits of the Truth from Above, while hatred and pride the results of the place below founded by its creator… and what the world is unfortunately going to accept the rulership of for some time… to teach mankind the ultimate lesson about good vs. evil, truth vs. lies, pride vs. humility, etc. So, if you haven’t even learned everything about these lessons yet, imagine how much more the majority of the rest of the world still needs it! (2016:53) When folks worship the work of their own hands, well… it’s just a lesson on what you’re supposed to keep in the first place; and it’s not your own works! Part of what you’re going through is a part of your own lessons and failures you’re supposed to learn from. Learn the lesson of what to put first in your life! (2016:54) Life’s a lesson on what not to do, how not to behave and act, if you want to do it the proper way – Our way. It includes the experience of learning about the mistakes one can make by being governed mainly by selfish intentions, being concerned about one’s own welfare, instead of that of others.

Some folks need more time to learn things than others, while the large majority of folks down there don’t ever learn the principal lessons of life We’d like to teach them, but are more the students of Our enemy. – How to make things best for oneself. So, not to be as concerned about oneself as others… that would be a nice one for each to learn. - But evidently a hard and tough lesson in a world ruled by the author of selfishness and pride. So, one of the ways of learning how to do it is to experience first how not to. And you can tell from the fruits you reap by doing it the wrong way – the selfish way. So, whose student and follower are you going to be? One of the founder of trouble through selfish behavior, or Mine, Who came to give His life to those on Earth who’d accept Me as the Father’s gift of Salvation from the results of selfish deeds, acts and behavior? But be not as influenced by their behavior, but try to keep in mind Mine, and what I came to the world to teach and show as the better alternative! Choose My way above the devil’s ways! – That’s the ultimate lesson of choice to learn down there by Our chosen ones. Learning lessons of life means learning the lessons of love! Just try to put that rule and goal first in life, and you won’t regret it! Learning that lesson of love in life is what will inherit the blessings from Above… (2016:57) In order to go through an episode without ending, some lessons and preparations are necessary. Learning what bad and evil can lead to makes the wise folks appreciate and prefer the good. (2016:58) Learn to rely on Me, instead of your own capabilities! It’s time to learn not to lean on the flesh anymore, and your own capabilities, but on Mine! So, don’t let it discourage you to feel incapable, but let it teach you to not lean on your own strength, but on Mine and all the help you’ll get from Above! Applying that Help and Strength you’ll need to survive is what I’m trying to teach you right now. It’s a lesson and way to learn not to depend on your ego, but on Me, your Help and higher Power from Above; the only ones that’ll help you make it through what’s to come! So, get ready by learning to lean on Me, not your own capabilities! (2016:60) My death was to prevent you from suffering hereafter, if you receive Me. But for some of your sins, faults and mistakes you have to go through some experiences yourselves down there that you’ll be able to learn from… how to do it better. The rough parts of life are supposed to teach you… more than the good and easy times are able to. So, you’ve got some troubles and trials to go through? – Learn from them all that you can! The rough times make you stronger through availing yourself of the help and support from Up Here, which, during the good and easy times you don’t feel you need that much. But learning to need them is the best preparation for times to come! Apart from that, learning not to feel at home down there is part of My will and plan for you! (2016:61) That’s what the coming time of history is all about, and supposed to teach mankind the greatest lesson about: Where does life lead without being attuned to the Father and its Creator? – And listening to the great impostor instead? – Following his vibes? To learn not to let the influences of the majority of others around you have the negative influence on you that their influence has, is another part of that grand lesson of the final chapter of the history of the world under our enemy’s reign. Man’s choice getting the world into the mess it’s in should teach you a major lesson on what sort of choices you ought to make. (2016:67)

A large part of life on Earth right now consists of lessons on what not to do, what attitudes not to have, and what desires not to give in to and follow. (2016:69) What to be and what not to be is one of the big lessons of life; and unfortunately, the only way most learn it is through others’ behaviors toward them. Learning how not to behave is unfortunately a lesson many - if not most - will only learn from the way others behave toward them. All it can teach you is the necessity to improve your own act, and if you can’t learn well from your own mistakes and faults, maybe having to go through those of others around you will eventually wind up teaching you some of it! If you want to become a saint, you’re just going to have to learn how to start acting like one! Learn a bit of what the lessons of life have to teach you about your spiritual walk and behavior toward your spiritual Relatives and Parents! If the ugly stretches of life down there ought to teach you something, it’s how not to behave in Our Kingdom. (2016:71) If you haven’t learned all of those lessons yet I’ve been trying to teach you, well, see this as another reason and incentive for what you’re still having to go through down there! The rougher times may not strike you as the most efficient means to drive those lessons home to you, but trust Me, eventually they will. If life doesn’t strike you as easy as it used to be, try to see it more from a positive angle, that those harder times are simply more effective when it comes to teaching you the Lessons of Life! (2016:73) To stay tuned in to Me, and not be cast down by the circumstances around you it’s one of the most important lessons to learn concerning the times coming, of the roughest circumstances ever. (2016:74)

Learn to put it into practice, that counsel of availing yourself of Our heavenly Strength, Power and wisdom to make it up ahead, through the coming darkest times of world history! You’re just going to have to learn to make it through the rough times – with My Help. It may be rougher to learn when you’re not used to it, but that’s what these not so pleasant times are for. (2016:75) Learn the principal lessons of life, of which the top one is to love, both, your Creator, and your fellowmen! Learning to take things as they come sounds like a good preparation for what is to come, since there are some drastic changes on their way that won’t be exactly what the majority of nowadays’ population has been trained to be adaptable for. So, learning to take things happening in different ways than expected is part of the useful lessons to prepare for what’s to come. (2016:76)

Learn the principal lessons of life, of which the top one is to love, both, your Creator, and your fellowmen! Learning to take things as they come sounds like a good preparation for what is to come, since there are some drastic changes on their way that won’t be exactly what the majority of nowadays’ population has been trained to be adaptable for. So, learning to take things happening in different ways than expected is part of the useful lessons to prepare for what’s to come. A lesson for many: to make it through what comes, instead of going through frustration for having to pass less perfect times than expected or hoped for. To take whatever comes in a victorious attitude is one of the key points of the lessons of life. – To learn to take it whichever way it comes. So, take whatever comes… trusting Me that it’ll be just the right experience for whatever part of the lessons of life I consider you still have to go through! (2016:76) Learn to take chastisement as a positive! If life is being tough, learn what you can from the toughness and see it as My given process of what you need for what’s to come! (2016:80)

As long as you’re still learning things from Us, that’s already a lot more than we can expect from many others these days. A good student… What else could a Teacher want? (2016:83) I’m trying to teach you that it’ll only be Our abilities, and on your side, strong faith that’ll help see you through. (2016:84) One of the lessons of life is to try to make the best you can out of it! (2016:87) Take the sufferings with a bit of grace and accept them as a necessary procedure to teach you some important lessons you will be able to benefit from and appreciate when the school bell rings! There are a few lessons to learn in order to make it through the toughest times to come, and the toughest test of history. You have to learn to trust Me for teaching My followers the kind of lessons I consider necessary. So, life isn’t a piece of cake anymore, nor a lot of fun, but something to learn to cope with! (2016:91) Even though conditions aren’t perfect, maybe there’s something valuable to learn from what you’re going through. Maybe they’re all part of the Lessons of Life. So… rough times? Remember there’s a purpose for them! – Teaching you valuable lessons of life and trying to trim your character into a bit more pleasant, humbler, more patient and loving one – a more positive one. The learning of the lesson that you reap what you sow, the result of your actions and behavior, the choices between positive and negative, showing patience and compassion to others, and on and on… Some seem to learn these lessons quicker than others. It would mean success to Me, to finally see you learning some of the things I’ve been trying to teach you for years. Got some mercy and compassion for your heavenly Teacher and come to grips with some of the lessons you’re supposed to learn? - Better late than never. (2016:102) Things to be learned in life are not all about the amount of knowledge you can gather, but learning how to love and treat each other properly, and the way you should. Some lessons aren’t learned except through some hard knocks that show people how not to act or talk and give them a hint how they’re supposed to, instead. (2016:105) One of the lessons of life: Not to let circumstances, surrounding, and even the state of other folks around you drag you down, but keeping your faith, vision, focus and outlook geared Up Here, your true Home, and toward Me, the Solver of any of your problems. (2016:106)

There’s some improvement and changes for the better to make. – Another few lessons to learn before the School of Life is over. Learning from your own mistakes is the greatest purpose of life’s School. – And sometimes teaching you that you’ve been judging others for some of your own mistakes. When you’re stuck in a place you’re not pleased with and not happy at, there’s a reason for it; and most of the times, a lack of gratitude and appreciation can be one of the main ones for it – one of the main lessons to learn. So, if you’re beginning to realize the failure of some of life’s most important lessons to sink in, maybe it’ll give you the grace to put up with the far-from-perfect conditions you’re presently under. Some of the major lessons of life consist of recognizing the falseness of the enemy’s teachings. When the major lessons of life begin to hit home, it means you’re not that far from your true Home anymore, either.

Appreciating what you didn’t, before, is a major purpose of the Lessons of Life. And it’s the hard time of lacking those blessings previously taken for granted that are the effective point in those lessons. Another reason why hard times just seem to be necessary in order for most folks to learn the lessons life has to teach. “It’s never too late for love,” is the major Point of all the lessons of life, since all the good traits, gratitude, appreciation, etc., are all just fractions of that major Goodness of the Thing that even the Father Himself has been entitled to consist of: Love! (2016:108) The devil always knows how to get people into a state in which they deserve judgment… One of the painful aspects of not really learning much – if anything – from the lessons life was supposed to have taught… No successful result from the easy lessons? Well, maybe the tough ones will do. (2016:109) Learning to deal with rough times and still keeping the faith is one of the most important lessons to learn with the roughest of all times coming up! So, just try and learn to make it through the rough times, will you? (2016:110) How many lessons there are to glean from life! That’s why We call it “The School of Life,” and the more you learn through it, the less of those relatively basic lessons you’ll have to go through Up Here… and will be ready for new stuff! (2016:111) A history of evil reining the world should teach mankind the lesson of appreciating the good. See, the Goal is a good universe; and what it takes is the inhabitants to learn the disadvantages of evil. The choice between good and evil should have a long-lasting teaching effect on folks; even though you know that after a thousand year reign of Good on Earth, folks will get side-tracked again by the enemy, to teach the final lesson. So… an important lesson: to make the right choice; reject and resist the evil, and to prefer to choose the good instead. A major lesson of what we shouldn’t want is unfortunately quite necessary. Unfortunately, and obviously, not that easy to learn for most, with the enemy’s skill of tempting folks with apparently irresistible evil… making it look so good and attractive to the flesh. That’s why I keep teaching you to gear your focus toward the Spirit. It’s a necessary lesson, which apparently will take a long time for most to learn! But the sooner one does, the better for him. One of your major lessons to learn during this present reign of evil over the world is to keep a victorious mindset through faith – faith in the fact that Good will eventually win the final battle and reign; and not let the circumstances around you rule your spiritual condition. (2016:112) Some lessons are a bit sad to have to be learned. Sometimes it has to be found out which way is not the right way to walk the path of life. Experience is still one of the best teachers. Better than any words and theories… even the Words of your Lord and Creator, when they’re not being treasured as they should be. Sometimes learning how to teach can turn out the roughest job ever. - One of the reasons why there’s still so much to learn. (2016:113)

Nasty and unpleasant events are unfortunately on the horizon, and what’s awaiting world history… they’re just coming later than expected, and thus, more powerful, scary, and even more unpleasant than they would have been capable of when expected decades ago… One lesson on never underestimating one’s enemy – especially not ours, since, after all, he once used to be Our own Lightbearer… Another big lesson for all to learn: what pride can lead folks to! – Make a devil out of a principal angel and lightbearer. (2016:119) Learn from your mistakes! And learn to do better! Your blessings are going down if you can’t put into practice what you’re supposed to be learning from Me! (2016:120) A seemingly little disobedience can result in greater lack of blessings than formerly realized; and it’s time to get that point of the lessons of life! Just because you’re not so fond of what the world has become because of the enemy and people’s choices doesn’t mean you should despise your life in it, but should trust Me that there’s still a reason and purpose for Me down there to fulfill. – And it’s your choice whether you want to limit that purpose to another lesson of a disobedient prophet, or the sample of one who’s finally learned one of the lessons of life. (2016:124)

Let Go & Let God Do what you can and I will do what you can’t. Don’t let your mind do the work, just let Me take over... you must learn the art of letting go and letting Me take over and do the work, the talking, the thinking! Let Me drive! Just sit back and relax! (I:46) Where you can’t anymore, there I can. Where you end and come to the end of your capacities, there I begin and have a chance to start working through you. (I:101) If you strive for My best and highest, sometimes you feel the only way to get there is total absorption, total embrace, but in reality, sometimes it requires letting go. Letting go of mistaken concepts and perceptions. Sometimes you don’t really see clearly because you’re too close. (I:261) It's an easy job you've got, because I'm going to do it for you! You don't have to carry the weight of the burden; you must not. Let Me do it for you! It's so much more beautiful when you realize that you don't have to do it, that you've just got to let go and let Me. People will notice the difference between those times when you try so hard to do it in the flesh and when you just let Me do it through you. Let Me carry the burden for you! When you can't love, let Me do it through you! When you can't sing or talk, let Me do it through you! When you can't walk, when you can't go on, let Me carry you! (II:248) You've just got to learn to let Me do it, let Me deal with it, and that's why I'm purposely giving you more than you can handle. (II:249) Let go and let Me... I need you to learn to let Me do it through you! (II:260) Don't seek to be in control, but let Me be in control! If you're willing to let go and let Me use you like that, then you'll be a lot more fruitful! (II:281) Don't worry about not being "Mr. Perfect!" Nobody is, and you're just doing fine by letting go and letting Me! (II:296) The answer is not in acquiring or accumulating more, but in letting go, in giving away, in diminishing, decreasing, not increasing and adding to your substance or knowledge. (II:303) Just let go and let Me! The more you learn that, the higher the inspirational level is going to be. (II:324) I want you to know beyond any shadow of a doubt that I'm your only Hope, your only Salvation, and that without Me you cannot do anything. Once that's indisputably established, then I can start working through you. It’s got to be Me and all Me doing it and working it in you and through you, nothing else. No element of self, whatsoever. Not even the slightest hint of the danger that you might ever talk about the things "you're" accomplishing. (II:384) Trying to preserve yourself, your life, trying to "establish" it or to keep it established, trying to cling to it, will just result in your losing it. The only way to gain and win is to let go. The more you let go, the more you will gain. (II:390) When you don't feel capable, then I am usually capable of doing it through you. (II:427) Embrace this challenge fully as coming from My hand: a golden opportunity to show that you've learned to let go and let Me do it all, and not think you must carry the load by yourself. (II:523) That's the creative power that faith has: it creates something out of nothing. It turns water into wine, or brings forth water from a rock, or creates out of five loaves and some fishes enough food to feed thousands. It creates health out of sickness, life out of death. So, whenever you can't do it, that's the time for you to show the magic you've learned: to let Me do it. Let Me make a way when there is no way out! Let Me give you something to give when you've got nothing to give! (II:524) Your desires for carnal and physical things have to be let go of first, before there’s a place and space in you for Me to fill, that's what letting go and forsaking all is all about and what it means and amounts to. Let go of the things you think you need and let Me give you that which you truly need! (II:590) Focus more on each other’s needs than your own, really letting go and expecting nothing in return! (II:639) Let go and trust that it's okay! Isn't it wonderful when all you can do is pray? When all you can do is let go and let Me take care of it? (III:34) Let go and take a break sometimes, in order to be able to get back to your work with renewed zest, energy and vacuum for more input that "counts!" (III:129) A low level of energy in the physical can sometimes be a blessing in disguise, and My way of saying, "Here, sit down with Me for a while, and let Me refill and strengthen you!"

But many people are too much into their gear of ever doing things and accomplishing things, instead of just letting go and letting Me... (III:240) My Life and My message were all about letting go. Even so, you have to let go. As long as you feverishly try to preserve what you have, you won’t be happy. Happiness, as you’ll be finding out some day, lies in letting go and trusting Me for whatever you can’t keep or gain. I want you let go all those false treasures that can never really satisfy, for the One Which alone can. (11:99) When someone really lets go and lets Me, and I get a chance to work through them, things get accomplished that will even astound some of the skeptics. (12:138) If you’re a believer in Me and have thus become a child of God by receiving Me – you have to let go and let God, instead of trying hard to make all you can out of your life in your own strength! Trust Me, it’s a whole lot better to learn to let go and let God do things for you than try to do it all yourself and have it all in your own hands. (14:130) If you want to do and accomplish something that will last and bring forth fruit in My Here and Now, get back into the groove of letting Me do the things through you! Just make this your goal in life: to let Me work and be active through you, and let’s see what we’ll get accomplished! Let Me work through you, instead of trying to do whatever you can by yourself! (15:133) It’s not all that dependent right now on how active you’re being for Me. It’s more like: Are you learning what’s there to learn, letting Me work in you and on Your heart and let Me make the best out of you that’s possible? The job is Love, and it’s a work of the heart and soul you’ve got to do, and not so much heavy and hard work in the flesh! – Mainly something to let Me and the heavenly helpers do through you! So, give Us a chance! Let Us do it through you what you can’t yourself! Just try to let Us work through you! The things others need from you most are what you could receive from Us! So, let Us give it, and just receive it… to pass it on! (15:194)

Sometimes it is better to learn to have Me do things for you through prayer, than insisting on doing it all yourself in your own strength and power. (15:206)

Life/Death Every incident in your life is being used and in part even orchestrated by Me in preparation for times ahead, valuable lessons for your life, or simply milestones you find orientation by, if you live according to the Spirit. (I:46) Change your life and the lives of those around you! (I:49) Even the dark times, the seeming downhill slopes of your life have in reality been uphill slopes in My direction. Don’t miss out on your purpose in life by being distracted with ‘2 nd bests’! (I:50) Love, light and life, they are one, and they are to be desired. (I:52) Let Me be the sunshine of your life! He that soweth to the spirit will reap life: the more time you invest in the Spirit by delving into My Word, the more life you will reap. (I:57)

If you wouldn’t let people and the situation around you distract you so much from the fact that everyday with Me could be an exciting new adventure, you would enjoy life a lot more! (I:67) “Strait is the gate and narrow is the way which leadeth unto life and few there be that find it” (Mt.7:14). Be My called-out ones, the set-apart ones, different from the norm. Don’t be cold and cruel and ‘normal’, but warm and loving, caring and sharing, even if the whole world will call you crazy. The ‘normal’ way is the way of death. The road to life requires faith. It’s not normal. It’s not the rut that millions tread upon day in day out. (I:69) Life is a School in which you are being tested, taught and prepared for greater purposes hereafter. (I:82)

Be not entangled in the affairs of this life, for this is battle time! (I:95) Your life is meant to be lived for Me and for others. (I:97) There’s more to life than what meets the eye. (I:120) I am the difference between life and death. For I am Life, and without Me, you’re dead. – Lifeless, motionless, dead. (I:124) Everything I allow to happen in your life someday soon will all make perfect sense. When you will come face to face with the final, complete picture of your life, every seemingly meaningless stroke will have a perfect purpose. (I:125) Enjoy life as the gift that it is! Enjoy this School as the gift that it is! (I:132) My way up is down, to the death of self; self-confidence, self-reliance, self-sufficiency. And up on the wings of a glorious resurrection from the ashes of that death: a new creature that doesn’t need to worry how it’s going to accomplish or cope with this, that and the other, but who simply rises above by My power. (I:144) My message is the magic that will change lives and bring life to others who were as good as dead. You can give a meaning to their lives. (I:146) Sometimes a man’s accomplishments are not recognized until his life is over and his fleshly presence is taken away. (I:154) There is a way that seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death. Often what seems right to you in your own mind, only results in spiritual death. The sacrificial option, the option of laying down your life for Me, of taking up your cross, the option of truly denying yourself and your own desires, that's the only option that truly results in life. (I:417) I'm showing the world through the death of My saints that I came to "deliver them who through fear of death were all their lifetime subject to bondage," (Heb.2:15) and that I can deliver them, too. Many have come to believe in Me through witnessing the way My people die. (II:138) My death was actually My zenith, My absolute destiny; there was nothing higher to be achieved or accomplish than what I did through My death. So, stop viewing death as a defeat! It will just be the proof of the pudding that you were willing to live and to die for what you've been preaching and teaching. That's what makes the difference: you're not to be another teacher of mere dead facts and figures, but teaching others the eternal way of life! (II:178) It's through death that you find life eternal; in death and darkness that you find mercy and Salvation of God. In those deaths of "dying daily" you find Me, more so than in the good times, when you feel so close to Me. (II:363)

Sometimes you've got to overcome death first, in order to really break through to Life. That's what I did for all of you! I have overcome death for you, I plucked out its sting, so that you could all partake of My Life - My unending Life, Life eternal, Life forevermore, Life ever-increasing. (II:446) I'm the Great Alchemist Who can turn worthless copper into eternal gold. Even death will be something precious in My sight, when someone has become one of My saints by receiving Me. And I can even turn money into something useful, something that creates and brings life, such as your tithes, which are used for the good of My Kingdom. It all depends on the spiritual direction you're going. Everything that's done for self and the devil turns to death: the whole machinery of the System is geared to destruction and death. But if you give it all to Me, and live for Me, whatever you've got and invest in My Kingdom will turn to God's good and eternal gold, your life will not be wasted, even though it may look like "wasted time" to Systemites from the "money-making" point of view... (II:537) As Francis said, "It is in dying that we rise to eternal life." So, accept and embrace your life fully, along with its death, accept it as just the way I created it, and as it ought to be! (II:548) I will breathe upon you the breath of life, the breath that first caused Adam to awaken, and brought forth life from non-living matter; and so it will raise you from death to life - from a life, once so death-like, to a life truly lived in My Love, My exuberant joy, My victory, My Spirit. (III:14) Remember My Word to Ezekiel, and the vision I gave him of the bones that were resurrected and became a living army again! Resurrection is what it's all about. I like to raise people and things and dead projects from the dead and bring them back to life - to bring life where there was none, that is My specialty. So, even those whom you now see as good as dead - spiritually - are going to come back to life again some day, I promise, and you can trust Me for that. There's nothing that brings folks back to life like a brush with death. Death is just a means by which I bring life, life more abundant. Life isn't really life for a lot of people until they have died. The real life only begins after death releases you from that "cheap imitation" you call life right now. (III:171) The refusal of some to believe in a life after death stems from their fear of the consequences. What would expect them there? Certainly they would have to face the consequences for their selfish actions in this life, and they fear they would be punished. So they prefer to push it away into the realm of the unbelievable, the unacceptable, the non-existent - in their minds. (III:242) So, life is tough... Well, guess what? You're not alone. So life is not a vacation... Welcome to the club of those who found that out a long time ago! Welcome to the jungle of real life! Sorry if what life hands you doesn't always come on a nice civilized silver platter! But the outwardly ugly people are sometimes (if not often) the inwardly beautiful, and vice versa. (2011:37) Life is tough, but it’s tough for a reason! (2011:53) Let this life help you see the need for the next, the missing piece and fulfillment of the yearning of your soul, that aching that tells you that something down there is just not quite right... And remember that it will be worth it all! That which is to come is going to make up for all you've had to and will yet ever go through, and you'll know then that is has been worth it all! (2011:66) Life will always present situations to you in which you will feel like running away from them, but running away is not the solution. The way to cope with them is turning to Me for answers. (2011:74) There’s a lot more to life and the universe than meets the naked eye, as people have begun to find out, and this fact is testimony to the way I work. I’m anything but superficial. (2011:77) Life may be hard at present, but it’s going to get harder, and it behooves you to appreciate these times instead of complaining about them, for if you think this is as tough as it gets, you ain’t seen nuthin’ yet. So when life tends to overwhelm you, think about how much worse things could be and most likely will be very soon, and make the most of what you’ve got right now, because it won’t last forever. (2011:100) This life doesn’t offer an endless amount or flow of resources, but I do. One good reason to hang with Me is that I never run out of stuff, which is perhaps another lesson people are eventually going to catch up on while going through this life: that it pays to cling to the Eternal, as opposed to its finite and temporal counterparts… (2011:111) Accept whatever it is that life hands you! Take what you’re given with grace! The older you get, and the more your life starts to hang by a thread, the more you begin to realize the extent to which your life is in My hands, and maybe it will even help you to realize how much of a gift each day is that you’re given. Part of the things that come at you in life are designed for you to find strategies to handle them. (2011:112) You stand the chance to lose just about anything in this life, but you can never lose Me. In fact, you have to count on the fact of

loss in this life, but it will only reinforce the fact of what you cannot lose: My Presence in your life. (2011:113) Life’s a pain sometimes, maybe even much of the time, but I promise that if you take it with a grain of salt and a healthy portion of humor, it’ll be a lot less bitter. (2011:116) Your life may look like one hell of a mess compared to many of theirs, but what I’m trying to prove is that even My “disorganization” is better than man’s type of organization. So, be not perplexed by the mess that your life sometimes seems to be, and the fact that I expect you to see My hand even in the midst of all that chaos. (2011:121) The ugly reminder of death is cropping up every now and then, and if there’s one thing people shun being reminded of, it’s their mortality… But that’s why it pays to keep your eyes on the One Who has overcome death; and isn’t that what faith is all about? (2011:130) It’s not so much about finding something out there that you haven’t got yet, as making the best of what you do have, even if it may be quite a challenge. (2011:149) Life was meant to be a voyage for seekers for more, not settlers for less. You often wonder “how could life be so imperfect?” But that’s just the thing, it wasn’t meant to be your ultimate destination, but rather the mere beginning of a voyage and quest for something much greater than what could be found there. The greatest danger lies in allowing yourself to be deceived into thinking that the goal of your journey might lie within that visible realm and all it has to offer, for there is so much more, and there are so much greater things to be discovered by those who refuse to believe that their here and now is all that life – and by “life” I mean something greater than your earthly span – has to offer. Those who don’t believe that there is more to life usually don’t believe in a Giver of Life, either. They just take it all for granted as something that simply happened, and “evolution” or coincidence or luck or whatever simply entitles them to grab whatever they claim as theirs. (2012:2) The way up on life’s roller coaster ride is hard and rough and exhausting, and you’re only up on the peak for a short while before it rapidly goes downhill again. (2012:21) Just when you think life has run out of challenges, it usually cooks up a new variety, asking, “Let’s see… How’s he going to handle this?” Have you ever wondered why life is such a mess at times? – Why it might be that things go awry, and what you might possibly be able to do from preventing them to be that way? Could it be that life could be much less of a mess if you’d let Me handle more of it by committing it into My hands in prayer? (2012:50) Sometimes people get so hung up on the things about and around life, the things that enable them to survive, etc., that they forget all about the main thing, life itself. They don’t really put their all into living because they’re so busy making a living… I have come to bring life and life abundant, and that your joy might be full. I don’t want you to live life at half the steam and power that it potentially could fully render for you. It’s time for a new step and for applying new methods, learning new ways and using new tools to make the most out of life. You always regret the loss of something good, but you must realize that as long as I’m in charge of your life, there will always be something better that awaits you after giving up a good thing. Tuning into Me is what’s going to make your life enjoyable and truly worth living. I’m offering you the opportunity to enjoy the difference between real life and mere survival. When you’re in sync with My tune of life, you’ll be able to overcome, rise above and tune out all the negative frequencies and input of the temporal realm, along with its painful manifestations. That’s why the martyrs died joyfully. (2012:52) If you want to improve your world, your life, why not begin with you and whatever you can do to improve it? Some things simply are your job. It’s the garden of your life. (2012:53) Imperfect means: not complete. It isn’t destined to last. The greatest break of all, like death, will be the end, and that’s the main trademark that distinguishes temporal things from the eternal. (2012:60) You mustn’t start worrying that I’ve forsaken you, when you can’t exactly see where your life is headed and the sense of it all seems to elude you somehow. There’s going to be enough that’s good to preserve from your life at the end of the day, even if it seems as if the majority of it may have been useless or a waste of time. (2012:74) Death, or the end of your world, isn’t to be dreaded but to be welcomed as the beginning of the new, the better… the best. (2012:80) When it all comes down to it: What is your life, if not a vapor that’s here a little while and then it’s gone? And what matters when it’s over? How much money you will have earned? - Certainly not. Those who base their feelings of achievement and success on

these materialistic criteria are oblivious of their ultimate destination called death, and leave themselves utterly unprepared for the event. Whereas, no matter how “unsuccessful” you may have been throughout your life, if you know Me and are in touch with Me, you’ll be better prepared for it. After all, that was one of the main purposes of My coming: to free men from the fear of death, and they could be free from it if they wouldn’t constantly run the other way, evade and avoid Me and put all their cards and money on the here and now, as if it would never end, only worsening the illusion and the problem, trying to buy themselves as much time on earth as they possibly can before the event they stubbornly refuse to face: the bitter end. (2012:96) Some folks really made a dent and left an impact on society and history. But others did their best, too, and were never heard of. It’s definitely not about who gets the most glory in this world, and much less who gets in the most working hours or rakes in most of the money. It’s more about what you did with what you were given, and showing gratitude and a humble attitude even when what you’re handed doesn’t seem to be all that much of a lucky strike. Maybe that’s a theme for you to hold on to and remember: “Die trusting!” – As opposed to living a life void of any sort of faith and trust in anything worthwhile… (2012:98) I’m famous for bringing forth new life from the death of the old. That’s My signature all throughout creation, and a guiding theme of My story: “Except a grain of wheat fall into the ground and die…” (2012:110) “Find Your Dream” means, find out what it is. What exactly is your adventure that will make your life a story to tell? life simply isn’t about trying to make it easier. Real life is about accepting the ever growing challenges before you and accepting them as My program to make a better man out of you, above your own that would seek to make things easier… (2012:127) Experience should have told you a little bit about how things actually run in life. They don’t get easier. (2012:138) Yours is a hard life compared to others’, but hard lives have a reward in store for them, which those choose to forgo who have all the rewards in the here and now. (2012:149) Learning is what life’s all about, and if you hate that, then you’ve got a problem with life itself, and it may not be so much life being the problem as you yourself. Just because life cannot always be just that pink, fluffy dream you’d ideally dream it up to be doesn’t mean it’s all bad. So, yeah, it gets tough sometimes. Maybe it’s even tough most of the time… But trust Me, you wouldn’t want to be on the side of those who have it all too comfortable! (2012:150) Your faith is based on resurrection from the dead. And that’s one thing about the Father: He can raise life out of the blue from just about anything, even stone cold dead matter, if He wants to, or a seemingly dead outfit… (2012:159) Life is a series of crises that is meant for you to tackle, take on and endure somehow. It begins with the crisis of birth and ends with the crisis of death, with a million other little or bigger crises strewn in in-between. The clue is in remembering the Christ when you’re in a crisis, the Messiah, the promised way out of this whole mess that you – mankind – have gotten yourselves into. Choose to live, rather than wanting to die and give in! (2013:7) The impact of the reality of life can be overwhelming, making it seem as though it’s all there is and all there ever will be. It’s hard to imagine the unknown, what comes afterwards. But you know that “afterwards” is inevitable for every human being, so why not as well prepare for it somehow, mentally, instead of totally ignoring it the way most people do? You don’t have to get there shocked and unprepared. Have a little sense and really live life to the full, the way it’s meant to be lived, and you’ll make a difference with your life! Your life will tell a tale that speaks louder than words, like a moving, living picture, illustrating the stark contrast to all the grey emptiness that the sea of meaningless lives poured into the empty, temporal things, represents. Which of the two do you think is really more boring: the meaningless, short-sighted and frightened chase of the masses, or a life lived and powered by faith and the courage to do things differently? (2013:19) Life can hardly ever be perfect enough. Eden itself wasn’t capable to satisfy that yearning, not without presenting the blatant contrast to it, not without letting man experience first what sort of “paradise” he can build with his own hands and letting him go his own way. (2013:21) My motto was and is: “Fear not them which kill the body (Mt.10:28)!” I said, “He that loses his life for My sake shall find it (Mt.10:39)” – life indeed. (2013:77) The paths of life and death are before you constantly to choose the better… Why would you ever choose the worse? (2013:111) It’s a very popular line and theme these days: “It’s my life…,” or, “Life is ours, we live it our way…” but… is it? - Really? That would be correct if nobody had given it to you in the first place. But that is what many people utterly fail to see, acknowledge and recognize: “What is there that thou hast not received?” (2013:115)

If life seems painful and ugly to you, there’s usually a reason for it… Perhaps to make you remember or realize that there’s something better than this painful, short, earthly life, something that will turn out a lot better and make you sure that it was by far not the best to await you… Sometimes the painful parts of the temporal life make you long for the better, make you seek something better, even if many people don’t, and think that this temporal life is all there is… (2014:22) When a place makes you disrespect life and prefer death, you can imagine that I’d advise you to choose and find another one to move to and live… I don’t want you to disrespect life. That’s rather something the enemy would try to get you to do. (2014:41) Lives being rough are the kind of times you need in order to really trust in Me. See, life doesn’t always continue and go on in the same old way, and when it’s going down it’s better to have learned to trust in Me. If you look at what’s going on in and around life, it’s a bit scary until you can get ahold of Me helping you. It’s pretty important for you to get ahold of that and learn to trust in Me! You must seek Me so you can find Me, and it’s sort of important that I take over the meaning of and importance in life. (2014:44) Do you believe in life after death, or don’t you? If you believe in life after death, then it’s time for you to put some action into that faith. (2014:76) What if your physical life comes closer to an end? Don’t you think it’s time again to put more of your trust back in Me? (2014:81) The end of the merely physical life is coming to everyone. And being able to look at it with a positive view shouldn’t be something too bad; especially when you believe in Salvation. So, it should be viewed with a positive look, your after-life; and see the rest of your physical one as an opportunity to prepare for it, instead of focusing mostly on the way to make more money down there… (2014:110)

There is a common end of life for everyone on this planet… except for those who’ve received Me, and will experience eternal life hereafter, by faith in what I have taught My followers and disciples. (2014:121) Nothing lasts forever down on Earth in this life and the present world, which has been pretty much taken over by the Enemy, and thus reduced all things and shortened human life. It’s good for you to find out that there’s a vast difference between this life you’re living now and what comes thereafter… You’ll find out that what the life hereafter has in store for you is going to be a whole lot more and better than what the present life may have had… and the good things turning out to last forever, not to be lost… (2014:124) The end of the human life on Earth is a reality that ought to be learned to cope with. (2014:132) Life can teach you between right and wrong, good and bad, through personal experiences, which always means a stronger lesson to be learned than what some teacher may have told you… Life will teach you, and there’ll be a point and time you’ll be grateful for it. Better than not knowing exactly what to stand for, what to believe in and what convictions to have. – Even if some of the experiences and lessons you’ve had to go through to learn were ugly in your life. (2014:145) Life is something like a gift of the Father, and you should appreciate it as such, and not just rely on yourself to keep it going! (2014:176)

If life’s a little rough right now, trust in the Hereafter that’s to come, and that it’ll be worth it all, whatever is unpleasant that you might have to go through right now. The Hereafter will make it worth it all! (2014:181) The end of each life happens, and it’s good to spend some time preparing for it. All in all, that’s what faith is all about: believing there’s more than all this present life has to offer. If life is hard… harder than it used to be, just learn to deal with it and handle it! (2014:195) Everybody has to deal with physical death in this life, as I did, but all I can tell you if you believe in Me and have received Me is, what’s comin’ up for you will be so much better! So, don’t be scared of it, but look forward and up to it, and don’t be too scared! Life after death isn’t something to be scared of, but for believers something to look forward to. (2015:33) If this earthly life confuses you and irritates you in some ways, just look forward to the better one that’s coming up ahead! (15:49) Who gives life in the first place? - The mechanical functions of the system, or your God and Creator? If the latter is your faith and belief, continue to trust and lean on to it, and not what the system is teaching its subjects to believe! According to them, the life begun through birth will end through death. So, no wonder that all the money you can earn during those years of life play the most important part for them who believe that. But you had settled for faith in Me and a greater life beyond this one you’re leading right now. (2015:110) If your current state of life is keeping you humble, see it as an advantage! See all the negative things that have happened in your life to make you humbler as something not all that negative! (2015:113)

Why do you think We, as Creators of it all, organized it in such a way that life on earth is presently only temporary? - Whereas the one Up Here is the lasting one? (2015:122) Life as a toughie and rough trouble… to learn to put up with it is quite a challenge. But it was never promised that it would stay easy all of the time. Life may not be as easy as it used to be, but trust Me that I’ll help and see you through it, anyway. (2015:128)

You can’t take that life for granted down there… it just might end suddenly and without any warning, which might be one of the reasons why I’m trying to encourage you to become more heavenly-minded so that next time something grave happens, you’ll be prepared for your arrival in your lasting Home! (2015:134) Hang on to Me, and you will see: Life’s end will be victory! (2015:145) Get ready for the real Life afterwards, and offer that chance to as many others as you can that are receptive enough for it, and not too side-tracked by the materialism the enemy uses to divert them! (2015:147) Death from that earthly life isn’t the worst thing to expect and have to deal with, as long as you belong to the right Side! (15:149) Life just isn’t supposed to be all perfect. I know, it’s not perfect… but who’s ever said, that’s what life on Earth’s supposed to be all about? In fact, life’s state, so far from perfect, is part of what’s supposed to arouse the desire for Heaven in some folks… the better Place, run by a better “Boss” and God than the pretender having taken over His creation down there… (2015:166) So that earthly life doesn’t strike you as so pleasant anymore, does it? And your only hope for an alternative is what you’ve heard from and about Me, and the Hereafter, what the belief in Me promises folks after that current life of yours down there. Can you just go through it along with Us sufferers who had to live and die a hard way, in order to bring hope to others in something greater hereafter that’ll be worth it all? (2015:182) Trust in Me, that I won’t let you down, and even through death you will turn out as a winner Up Here! (2015:183) It’s tough when the past times of your life seem so much more glorious, more anointed, easier and more pleasant than the present ones, but see it as one of the advantages of the eternal passage of life hereafter: there’ll be no more passages of the past you’ll be looking back at with pain because you were feeling stronger and better back then… Death for the saved is not an end, but merely a change, and one to something better than the former! (2015:191) See, this life, and all it’s got to give, will be over soon. And all you can have left will be the things you’ve been offered in the spirit, and have accepted and allowed to bring some kind of fruit in you. - Maybe not as tangible as material things, but more lasting, instead… And that, ultimately, will turn out to make things more worthwhile. Don’t you think? (2015:195) Life may be rough right now, and you may not like it and feel like desiring to get out of there at times and make it to your new and better Home, but then you’ve got to trust Me for the fact that there’s still an important job, task and purpose for you to fulfill down there, so you’ve got to stick to it, that position down there, and preferably: as victoriously and with as positive an attitude as you can and somehow ought to manage with My help! (2015:203) Just remember that the time you spend on earth isn’t endless, but may be over unexpectedly soon… So, be ready for your eventual arrival Up Here, and remember that your time down there isn’t endless. So, be prepared for the Hereafter and an eventual end of your situation down there. Remembering that shouldn’t keep you in a state of complaining, either, but rather of preparation, along with remembering your job to let others know about what’s coming in the thereafter… Knowing how quickly it may all be over down there you should pull yourself together and present the best behavior you can possibly come up with, remembering to be a testimony and a witness, in order to help others to find their way Up Here as well! (2015:223)

Yes, life may be tough, but it's time you learn how to deal with it. (2015:245) There’s a greater and better world and life hereafter, without death, that will make more sense than what you’re having to go through now, and don’t let the enemy wipe out that faith in the better Hereafter! (2016:9) The end of that life for believers is like a whole new beginning. (2016:62) If thoughts about your death keep troubling you, remember Mine for you! Life isn’t Heaven on Earth right now, but rather a foretaste of the coming period of hell on Earth, but keep your vision on Heaven on Earth to come… even if it takes faith! (2016:117)

Light vs. Darkness One of the purposes of the earthly life is to get people so sick of that system that seeing My wonderful heavenly System will immediately strike them as the solution, the answer to all their questions, the light after a long dark night. It’s like coming to see the light after having lived a life in blindness. You, My followers, have the ability to see that light and carry that light in your hearts already, that’s what makes you so special. It’s just that the enemy tries with all his might to get you to hide that light under bushels of pride and fear of sticking out and not being accepted... Those among you who I’m really able to use best are those who don’t hide it but flaunt it. They let it shine. They just go out there and shine and shine and give and give, and their radiance grows, as they grow closer to Me, until, as My Word says, they shall shine as the stars and the brightness of the firmament forever. Those are the real stars. Look up to the real stars, the ones who are going to be stars in My Kingdom, and already are in My eyes: The cheerful givers, the little saints, the nobodies who make My kingdom possible, the diamonds of dust, without whom My light would be invisible, and without which this world would be in total, absolute darkness. So many are deceived by Satan’s black light, which is actually darkness. It will soon be revealed and exposed for what it really is. That bit of black energy you get from the enemy’s sources may look like it’s going to get you somewhere or boost your own ego for a little while, but it will only turn out a fake, a deceit and your loss in the end. It may shine with its strange and artificial glow for a little while, but only leave you in cold, gross darkness. The whole world will soon be in cold, gross darkness and already is, if you don’t shine your true light. So, stick to the true source of My heavenly energy, My Love and My light, which you will find in My Word and as you come and bathe in My Spirit in prayer. Shed the cloaks of darkness, of pride and selfishness, and nothing will be impossible for you. (I:45) The greater the darkness, the brighter the light, and the closer we get to the End, the brighter you will shine. (I:110) When it comes to this world, I’ve always been strange and weird, not because I am weird, but because they’re so far away from the way things are supposed to be. They’re so far away from My standard of love, so deep into their darkness, the light scares them half to death. (I:128) Catch some rays of heavenly sunshine, flooding your soul with glory divine! - Greater light than the sun's. - Eternal radiance that doesn’t hurt the eyes. My light is only pure and good! Seek Me for My pure and true light! Bathe in My light! Just a glimpse of My true, eternal, life-giving, heavenly light will strengthen you and lift you up and encourage you enough to keep going with renewed vigor and strength! Consider My heavenly light that source of energy you need in order for your spiritual flower to really come to full bloom and blossom into its full beauty! (I:142) The more you absorb Me, the more you will reflect My light. Shine with My light and let them see, hear and feel Me in you! (I:151) “Men loved darkness rather than light...” (Jn.3:19). Light is always the strange new ingredient, along with the truth... The lie was so cozy and comfortable... so easy to live with... Living in the darkness is just drifting along effortlessly, but living in the light is a constant struggle and fight. (I:284) Let the light in more, so that there won’t be any room for all that darkness which would like to take hold of your life and soul and mind! (I:300) Even though the times ahead will be the darkest in all of history, you will be My shining lights in it, for you hold My truth, and you are My candles and torches in the night. Focus on and guard in your hearts My high calling for you to be My shining lights to the world in gross darkness! (I:302) The light of open and honest communication shoos away the devil's darkness and his opportunity to sow any discord or start any rumors. (I:555) The greater the darkness, the brighter the light, and the greater the contrast between you and them, the greater the power. Just don't be afraid to let it shine! Don't let their darkness intimidate you, influence you, enwrap you in any way, but pierce that light through their darkness and let it shine in its full radiance! (I:587) Your light and your fire may seem rather insignificant right now, but it'll really light up the landscape then, when the darkness comes. (I:608) Follow Me, spreading My message of truth to the lost and hungry sheep and being a ray of light in a dark and dreary world! (I:613) The light has its outstanding purpose in the darkness. The darkness never liked the light. Your only hope is those sitting in the darkness who are waiting for the light, the Children of Light. (II:22) Don't get stuck worrying about dark times ahead! Look beyond and past them, into My glorious Light, into which you have already come, out of the darkness, by faith! (II:24)

I'm giving you the light at the end of the tunnel to look forward to. Just keep walking. There's going to be some more darkness to get through, some more pain, but if you keep your eyes on the light at the end of the tunnel, or on the rising sun on the horizon, although you may barely only see its first few rays of light, hold on to that Promise, and you know it's going to be good. Everything's gonna be alright. (II:41) The greater the darkness, the more needed is the Light of My Word. To neglect My Word is to refuse the torch that would light up your path, and to insist on continuing to walk in darkness. (II:50) If there will always be something to hide in your life, to cover up... you will never be able to be completely honest with anyone. It's a life spent in darkness, instead of the light. Choose which road you're going to follow; the high road or the low road, the path of light or the broadway of darkness, the way of truth, or the slippery track of lies. (II:86) It's always easier to see the others’ weaknesses than your own, that's just human nature, and part of the blindness people are plagued by in the darkness of this world. Only in the vast light of Heaven, where all things are revealed and nothing is hidden anymore, can you see as things truly are, you will know as you are known, and all things are open and naked to everyone. (II:87) Live a life-style that resembles the heavenly life-style, with no dark corners in your life, but where My light shines into every single corner of your heart and being! (II:131) Be a little light and ray of hope in this darkness and let it shine! You don't have to be a big flash of lightning! Just a little, steady light, like a star in the sky, that will do, that's all I'm asking of you. (II:151) Sometimes you grope around blindly through the darkness of your life in frustration, but you must remember that that's when you need to seek Me, your Light! Search for My Light and see where I'm leading you! Even after the darkest and longest stretch of agony, there's light again at the other end of the tunnel. As long as you choose to go through the right tunnels, you'll always find Me and My Light there on the other side. (II:224) People are more open and receptive to the devil's input than Mine, because they find the darkness more attractive than the light for some reason. Most people just don't want to be cleansed of their sins, but they want to keep them hidden in the darkness. (II:417) There's simply no better way to get rid of the darkness than by letting the Light in. I'm your Light, and I want to teach you how easy, how simple it is for you to let Me in. It's not a complicated process, all you practically have to do is flip the switch and turn it on. You don't have to build a lamp first, you can be the lamp. You don't have to create a room or a vessel first, just be the vessel! (II:436) Help them to see the Light, the sooner the better! You can relieve a lot of suffering and painful waiting in the darkness for others, so bring them the Light of the Truth now, lest they perish without it! They might and eventually will find it on the other side, but a life that has been touched by My heavenly Light is something much more worthwhile remembering than one that hasn't. Give them the greatest gift, one worthwhile remembering when their life is over... There was someone that believed in them enough to bring them My Light! (II:452) People who trust in their own wisdom and knowledge and strength as their light are following a false light. It's that way - usually their own - that seemeth right to a man, but the end of it is destruction. It's just not the Real Thing, not the long-range Light that you need in order to see further than to the end of your own nose, the kind of Light that truly will light your path when the darkness comes. Part of the purpose of life is finding out where to look for the true Light that doesn't fade. (II:484) Bring some light into the darkness! Let your light so shine before men! - That they may see your good works... They may not always consider them "good," but what counts is what I call good, and if I call it good, then it is. They glorify the Father by beholding your good works. Just by receiving what you're doing. By accepting it, by receiving it, by liking what they see, because they're absorbing His Light, like a tree, and it is inevitably bound to bring forth fruit, some new leaf or branch, and it will bring forth new life. If you are messengers of God's Light and Life, then it will always bring forth some kind of new life when you let your light shine before men! (II:485) There's only one way you can shine, and that's by availing yourself of My Light! (II:500) The entrance of My Word giveth Light, it creates the difference between that darkness of an empty and meaningless life, and one that sees purpose and fulfillment in everything. (II:523) Be so filled with My Spirit, so full of Me, that there's no room for any darkness, any lack or absence of Light, such as in the form of doubts, skepticism or disbelief, be it your own or that of the people whose opinion you might be concerned about!

It takes a mindset of refusing to allow such things to hit you; just determine to ignore them as empty winds and empty lies of the devil, empty shadows, that appear as darkness and blackness, but disappear when faced with My Light. Your faith in My Light needs to overcome those lies and pretenses and fears of darkness, none of which are really real in the first place. My sheep are waiting for the light to pierce their darkness, their false imitation of light, their "reality," which they can quite clearly sense, couldn't possibly be all there is. (II:542) Trust in spite of all that the weeds of darkness can threaten to do; continue to believe and see My Light beyond the apparent darkness, knowing that the darkness - no matter how gloomy - is only temporal, soon to be chased away by My glorious, eternal Light. (II:551) You've got to have faith; otherwise nothing is ever going to happen. No miracles, no lives changed, no Light. - Only the darkness and emptiness of unbelief. That's why it's so important that you sow faith. Without faith, there's no real life, only darkness. (II:575) Can you really strip your soul bare before Me and let Me illuminate and expose any dark corner in your life that might still be there? Let Me shower your soul with My cleansing, warm and healing Light! I am the Light of the world. Are you ready for that Light? (II:627)

There will always come a breakthrough into the light, even after the darkest night. Focus on that hope, that dawn that will always be there after a stretch of darkness! As the days grow darker and more evil, and the fog thickens, remember that glorious dawn that awaits you! (II:648) Once you've come Home and tried to bring Home with you as many as you possibly could, you will be able to enjoy it all the way your heart longs for. That is the Dawn you're walking toward through the shadows of this world, the Light your soul is longing for. (III:120) The enemy will try to wipe out My true church during the Great Tribulation, the times of trouble and hour of darkness I have foretold. In that hour of darkness you will shine brightest of all. Right now there's still some twilight, and the world isn't as desperate yet for the Light, but when the devil's light will collapse and turn into darkness, reveal itself as what it really is, then there's going to be great desperation among those who are My followers at heart, and who don't really want to follow the devil. (III:141) There are many quite legitimate excuses for not wanting to let your light shine… You don’t know whether they’d even want your light if you did… But at least you can let your lovelight shine and not adapt to their weird little coolness rules. You can smile, even if people might misinterpret your intentions. If you can’t shine My light through your words, you can let it shine through your actions. Of course, in order to do that, you’ve first got to have My light switched on within you, and then, once you do, you should keep it burning and not allow it to go off. But if you cloak it with that veil of “coolness” they’ll never find out, they’ll never see what you’ve got. You can’t hide it under a bushel. (2012:62) Someone can be quite successful in their career and still be sadly void of any trace of My Light in their life, and without that light there’s simply spiritual darkness, regardless of any other benefits, such as affluence, skill, exuberance or intelligence. They may even be somewhat satisfied with themselves without it, but they’ll never be happy, nor able to bring true happiness to others… - A fruitless life without the ability of ever touching another in a truly lasting way. Basically, it’s the difference between spiritual life and death… A good reason to uphold the standard of the light of My Love and Life in your lives! (2012:140) If you don’t do anything to bring more light into this darkness you mustn’t be too surprised if the darkness finally overwhelms you. (2013:61) You can only let it shine if the light inside you is turned on, so guard that flame and keep it burning. (2013:95) “Seeing,” in these dark days, means not to ignore the darkness and act as though it wasn’t there, but see beyond it and find the light in spite of it… perhaps all the more because of it, since the contrast makes it so much brighter. Just don’t ever allow it to dim or even put out your light! (2013:100) Rejoice in your weaknesses and flaws, for they keep you humble enough to be able to see the light that shines into the darkness of yourself. (2013:105) Think what a great light you could be in this darkness if you could just keep your focus on the light, instead of constantly being so distracted and dismayed by looking at the darkness that surrounds you. That’s the whole trick of faith: keeping your eyes on the light, no matter how gross the darkness. It was never a big secret, that gross darkness should cover the earth and the people (Is.60:2), so why be still so flabbergasted by it? (2013:112)

You are supposed to be the light of the world, regardless of any legitimate excuses for allowing your light to grow dim. People either allow their light to grow dim because it’s becoming absorbed by the world and its enticements, and they adapt to the ways of the world, or because they perceive the darkness to be overwhelming. It’s like saying that the darkness is stronger than the light, granting the devil the victory and saying he’s already won the day, and that God’s Power isn’t strong enough… (2013:114)

You’d like to be in a place of more and greater light. But where is that light you’ve got more useful? - In the darkness. Just as adversities and challenges you encounter daily help you to grow and become stronger, the negativity the Devil spews out on a global scale makes those who seek an alternative come forth and grow into and toward the light. It’s simply human nature for folks to tend to embrace their own, and if they come from darkness, it’s natural that they should resent the light, except for the few extraordinary and exceptions that make it worth it all for us… You’ve got to stay focused on the light, no matter how seemingly overwhelming the darkness becomes. “Darkness shall cover the earth, and gross darkness the people, but My Light shall shine upon thee and My glory shall be seen upon thee.” (Is.60:2) My Light shall continue to shine upon you, no matter how gross the darkness that surrounds you. (2013:116) The ability to keep seeing the Light instead of the greatest darkness ever taking over requires the ability to tune in to the Spirit from Above more than ever before. (2015:153) It’s a world in darkness, while We are the Light. So, don’t try to fit in with their dark glow, but remain an active part of the Light from Above! It’s true that a large part of the population is in a rejecting gear against the Light, but have the courage to keep shining anyway! Ultimately, the Light will take over the darkness, and there’ll be a new Beginning. (2015:162) It’s time you get used to the fact of darkness approaching and tougher times coming toward you and the world for which you’d better be prepared. (2015:163) My input is like light that shines into the darkness surrounding you. (2015:177) The light shining in the darkness is definitely not powered by the same energy as the dark… so, don’t lean on the flesh – pretty much dark by itself, isn’t it? – but the light – a creation of the Spirit Who made it all… In other words: the light = a result of the Power of the Spirit, whereas the dark is pretty much result of the lack of it, and the same thing happens after some time to the flesh, as well. (2015:188) The times coming are getting darker, and even the darkest of world history. One’s gotta get ready and prepared for the darkness taking over complete command. (2015:244) Rough times teach to make it through the rougher ones to come! – The roughest ones ever, that will bring in the final arrival of the Light to take over the world. So, keep your eyes and vision on that Light, so you can already offer some glimpses of It to others, so that they can get some hope, too, and won’t have to become too overwhelmed by the enemy’s darkness! Become some hope of light to them that don’t welcome the darkness, but also feel like wanting to resist it! (2016:6) Cling to the Light, with the aspect of the approaching darkness! And remember, by clinging to Me, you’ll become part of My Light in the world’s coming time of darkness! (2016:37) The world’s in darkness, and I’m the Light! With the state of darkness growing bigger and bigger, you’re beginning to realize the need of looking Up to Me. (2016:58) With times getting darker down there, let that cause and motivate you to keep your vision Up Here, the Source of Light! Let your faith become strong enough to get ahold of the vision of heavenly Light, in spite of the darkness and dark circumstances around you down there! That’s what faith is, and is able to do for you… or at least should be, if you make it a major force in you, rather than the circumstances surrounding you. So, look Up Here – by faith – and not down there, which more often only will have the tendency to weaken your faith! Don’t focus on the surroundings getting darker, but Up Here, where the heavenly Light always remains! No night-time! So, even if the light goes off down there at night, or even during cloudy days, keep your spiritual vision geared Up Here, where there’s always Light! – Heavenly Light, and not just a product of the sun, or much less of electricity! So, stay focused on the Light! Don’t let the enemy’s darkness drag you down, but remember Me, the personification of the Light of the world (Jn.8:12)! I am there, even when you can’t see any light left down there! The true and lasting Light will always keep shining. (2016:68) You’re a child of Light – just not feeling too cozy surrounded by darkness. (2016:78) Don’t focus on the surrounding circumstances of darkness sown by the enemy! Remember the Light of the world, of which you’re a part, and don’t let the enemy blow out your light! (2016:95)

See the Light coming and approaching through the darkness! Keep your vision on Me, the Light of the world, approaching after its greatest darkness to come! It’ll be the ultimate proof that Lucifer – the “lightbearer” has fallen, when the time of his earthly reign will result in the greatest darkness of history. (2016:107) Getting used to dark times means getting ready for the darkest of history! (2016:127)

Little Things The little things are big things in My Kingdom. (I:36) It’s the little things that make the Kingdom of Love stand, the little, tiny molecules, that hold the whole universe together. No ocean or mighty river without the tiny little drops of water, or the even tinier water molecules, and likewise, ”no greater love than this” without all the tiny little, but consistent and constant manifestations thereof. No babies without tiny little, invisible-to-the-naked-eye sperms and eggs, no body without tiny little cells... It’s the tiny little faithful actions and deeds of love that make Love the greatest thing in the universe. If you just stick to the tiny little actions, deeds and steps of love, you’ll be doing just what’s necessary to bring about the triumph of good over evil, and you’ll be doing just fine, and you’ll be fulfilling the best possible destiny there is. For how can you assume that you’ll be ready to lay down your life for another someday, by some grand endowment from on high, if you’re not willing to take the little steps each day to show others that you care for them, that you consider their happiness and satisfaction and care more important than your own? You didn’t think little things were that important, did you? It’s because most people are impressed by what’s big. Dinosaurs and mammoths, skyscrapers and towers of Babel, ”Yeah, let’s build an even higher one...” But what was once the highest building in the World is now a heap of scrap and sorrow, and it’s the ants, not the dinosaurs, who have survived. (I:248) Little is much if God is in it. (I:251) All I ask is that you be faithful in the little things. (I:252) The art is to keep the vision for the glorious things in the doing of the humble and mundane, little things of everyday life. Those who are not faithful in the little things, often first have to learn to appreciate what they've got, which they sometimes only learn by losing all they've had and didn't appreciate... Heaven is going to be your reward for having been faithful with the little, imperfect things of Earth: The more imperfect your conditions on Earth, the greater will your joy be in Heaven. (I:411) You're going to have to show faithfulness in the little things before I can trust you with bigger things. That's just the way it works. (I:449)

Paying attention to the details will help you not to overlook important factors, it will teach you patience and the importance of little things. It will help you to not so easily misjudge or misunderstand things, not to make snap judgments. If you realize how much hinges and depends on little things, you will learn to hold your peace on a matter until you're certain you've got all the details straight and you're not missing any of the factors in the equation, and you'll see, you'll be a lot less prone to making mistakes in your life. Take a hint from the Creator of all things, and Master of precision: you'll get more done, and you'll do it a lot better, by not ignoring the little details! Details are important! Tiny little herbs and spices can completely change the entire flavor of a big meal. Tiny little strokes and touches make the big picture come to life. Tiny little thoughts gear the actions of people, big and small, and tiny little words can make the difference between life and death... Tiny little atoms and molecules, the building blocks of the entire, gigantic universe... - Tiny little sperms and egg cells uniting into a new human being, consisting of innumerable more little cells. To Me, every little detail matters. Every little hair on your head, every little sparrow, every little word you say. Even all of eternity consists of tiny little moments, as does the ocean, of tiny little drops... One of these days you'll just see how much I am into details: every man and woman being faithful in doing just the tiny little thing they can do. - Tiny little prayers, accomplishing more than all the greatest works of the flesh. (I:494) You can't just ignore the little things, the little people and the details, in favor of a big thing, or potentially big thing. In order for any enterprise to become really great, one has to also spend time with the little details involved, one can't just ignore the little people and things. (I:502) Don't underestimate the little things, for they are often - in My eyes - the big things! (I:537) I don't reward people according to their “great accomplishments," but for their faithfulness in the little things. It's the little things you read between the lines, that tell whether love is really genuine or not. (I:551) The devil often uses little things and seemingly innocent little sins, lacks of forgiveness or tiny little grudges in the back of people's minds. (I:555) The little things and the little people, those with a vacuum, they are what bring My kind of happiness, they were the kind I was drawn to, not the high and mighty, the heady, arrogant and proud (Lk.1:53). (I:563) It’s not those great and glorious accomplishments that are seen by all that make you really great in My sight, as you should know by now. It's faithfulness in the little things, yes, like teaching, like standing in the gap and cooking and doing the dishes. (I:593) Instead of being thankful for what you're given, and "faithful in the little things," you despise the little things, but My Word says, "He that is (not) faithful in that which is least is (un)faithful also in much." I cannot really trust to give you more, if you're not

faithful with what you've got, and you certainly cannot be faithful with what you've got if you don't appreciate it at all and despise it. (II:86) Humbly and gratefully appreciate all the little things I have created for you to enjoy, and take the time to enjoy them and learn of them! The perfect things are going to come later. First I must test every man to see how faithful they are in the little things! The little people make this Kingdom stand. The big shot types are rather unreliable in comparison to the faithful little ones, who are just thankful for the little things they've got... Just accept this weak, imperfect and faulty human frame you're in right now, and learn to enjoy the little things! Forget what you know and open yourself up to the simple things, the little things and learn from the little people how to enjoy them! (II:103) You must learn to appreciate and praise Me for the little things, even if they're not perfect, in order to really learn to appreciate the better and eventually the best and perfect things! (II:136) Even though it's just something tiny and little you're working on, it's got to be so, because in order to make anything bigger out of it, you're first going to have to get this little core working properly in harmony and unison. (II:144) Once you've got your priorities straight, it becomes much more pleasurable to enjoy something small; you won't take life's little pleasures for granted! (II:149) If you haven't been willing to lay down your life everyday in the little things and ways for others, if you constantly prefer your own welfare and consider your own well-being more important than theirs, then you won't be able to lay down your life for them in a real life and death situation either. It starts today, with the little things. (II:176) You still have a lot to learn about faithfulness in the little things. You can be My hero by being faithful in the small and little things. I mean for you not to seek great things for yourself, as it says in Jeremiah, nor to dream of accomplishing great and mighty works. The little things you can accomplish by striving for the gifts of humility, and faithfully doing whatever you can to really unselfishly be of help to others for them to make it on their way, that's what I consider mighty works. "Come on down, walk on the ground with Jesus!" You're not going to do anybody much good up there, floating high above everybody else... You'd be much more of a help right down there in the nitty-gritty, pitching in with all the little things that need to be done and that are necessary in order to make life smooth and workable for everyone. (II:192) A reminder of the importance of little things for someone who would prefer to be totally in tune and in sync with the whole universe immediately: If you can't even get a little two-person relationship into sync and in tune, how can you expect to get in sync with the entire universe? (II:194) No use aiming for a big thing when you can't handle a small thing first. (II:208) I want little things brought to magical life by My wonder-working Power, not dead perfection of the flesh! (II:209) It's the little things that make this kingdom stand... little prayers, and little decisions... little, seemingly insignificant choices. They will determine the rise and fall of kings and what could have been kings and prophets. They make the difference between everything and nothing. For the want of the nail... the kingdom lost. (II:263) Find true fulfillment and satisfaction in faithfully doing the humble, little things, keeping on giving out My message and being a living sample of it, even if you think you're not accomplishing much! (II:268) I like to test folks in the little things: how do they handle a flat tire, the dishes, a dirty diaper, or visitors that may well be on a different wavelength than your own in many aspects? (II:295) See the hand of God in the little things, the way things grow, the way I supply from the ground of the Earth, from the sky, from even within your own loins and hearts the fruits of your bodies and souls...! (II:306) A little thing is a little thing, but faithfulness - and obedience - in a little thing is a big thing. (II:317) Small is good. Small is powerful. Small is smart! Small is almost everything you want to be. The smaller you are, the better. Nobody cares about the small sparrows, but they're after the big, fat birds. As long as you stay small, out of sight, out of range, you can be like an independent little guerrilla fighter, like David, who was able to run around Goliath, while he could hardly move in his heavy armor. So, don't worry if you're tiny compared to all those who are seeking to make a name for themselves in this world! You wouldn't want to be "big" in their world! (II:396) There is a big advantage in not being so spoiled that you can't appreciate the little things in life. The devil realized that it's much easier to corrupt people by that constant flow of wealth, than by poverty. Poverty will make them desperate, will make them return to Me and pray, will make them appreciate whatever little thing they've got. (II:469)

Many of the little things that are going on in your life are connected, so let's try to put those pieces together! (II:499) "Little is much if God is in it." If I'm in it, even if it's just a tiny little ministry, a tiny little life, a tiny little family you've got, then it's more in My eyes than some real big thing outwardly. (II:502) You must not underestimate the little things. Perhaps that's one of the biggest mistakes successful people make: they strive so hard for the "big" things, and constantly "bigger" things, greater things, that they nearly totally neglect the little things that surround them, that I've already given them, and that would bring them much greater happiness (if they would just care to pay attention to them) than all their chasing after ever greater things. (II:522) I'm not expecting any great accomplishments from you; I just expect you to be faithful in the little things. (II:565) Look at both, the far distance for "unreachable" stars to attain, and at the same time remember not to neglect the little things at home that will get you there! If you put the right kind and amount of energy and vision into the little things at home, the right amount of elbow-grease, attention, interest and umph, then those very little things are going to get you far. You can get more out of the there and now, there's more potential in the present than you've been making use of. You've got to not only look further, but you've also got to look deeper! There's more to see, both, in the far distance, and right before you, in the small, intricate little things of everyday life. (II:599) Success, in My eyes, is not the aspiration to fame, popularity and fortune, but acquiring the ability to value the little things. (II:605) I'm trying to drive home to you the importance of little things. Don't neglect them by failing to pray for them! Little things amount to greater results, so you can achieve greater results by praying for the little things and their outcome, not just passively resigning to the way they are, but doing something, namely pray, in order to change them. (II:608) If you hear and see, taste and feel all there is to perceive, you can find Me there... some new truth I can reveal to you, even through the simple little things of life. (II:622) If you're faithful to make the most out of the little things I've given you, then you can be sure I will bless you with more. Little is much if I am in it. What I like to use is the little, the despised, the underestimated things. (III:138) You wouldn't want to screw it all up due to some slackness or lack of obedience in the little things, right? (III:146) The "little" people are in reality My truly great people, and those "little" jobs they're doing are in reality the greatest service rendered to Me of all, because they require the greatest portion of faith, vision and perseverance, and that's why they will also receive the greatest rewards. (III:176) The size or apparent importance of your role wasn’t that significant at all, because every role, no matter how seemingly small, will be revealed to have been necessary. The little things and little people will turn out to be just as important as the more obviously “big” things and “important” people, and without them things would have not been the same. (2012:8) In the end, you’ll find out how much more worth little can be than a lot from the wrong source! (2015:195)

Lord’s Will, The A lack of love is always a manifestation of not hitting the bull’s eye of God’s perfect will. (I:9) You are in need of humility and determination to make it up that mountain of My highest will. (I:140) When you can’t look anywhere but up, lying flat on your backs, I can get through to you the best and reveal My will to you. (I:143) Even nothing is better in some cases than clinging to something that’s not My highest will for you anymore. (I:155) Your primary responsibility is to make sure you get a hold of Me and My perfect will for you and find My perfect path for you. (I:157) It is My will for you to utterly dedicate all you’ve got to the Spirit, and there you will find strength that they who trust in the flesh know not of. This constant struggle of the flesh to crowd out of your life the things which are important to Me, by the things which you consider more important at the moment, is so contrary to Me, My will in your life, and thus your spiritual progress. (I:202) I AM the beginning and the end, He Who worketh both, to will and to do that which is the perfect will of God in your life. (I:209) The written Word is still the no.1 way of finding My will. (I:260) To put Me and My will first in your lives is a crucifixion of the flesh, and the enemy fights it, but I highly honor each sacrifice you make for Me! (I:302) The absolute top priority is Me and My will and what I want to do and want done in your life! Just keep your eyes on Me! Keep your heart and your affections set on Me! (I:304) If you let circumstances rule you without ever coming to Me to find out My will for you, never committing your life unto Me afresh everyday, that's when you're failing Me and heading the wrong way: the dead end street of dead works. (I:314) To bring about My will in a person’s life, I use desperation or frustration to break people, humble them, etc. The question is whether a person will yield to Me in all this, trust Me that My wisdom is greater than their own in allowing certain apparent injustices to happen, or whether they will allow a root of bitterness to spring forth in their heart. (I:333) It’s all a matter of whether all that concerns you is what you want, or whether you care what I want. (I:334) I desire to make you happy, and I will, if you just come to Me and accept My will for you, instead of insisting on what you want. Trust Me that I know better what’s really good for you! (I:341) I’m expecting that you put yourself into a position of willingness and commitment to do My will. I’m expecting you to say “Yes,” and really apply yourself to obeying Me. (I:397) I want you to be sure and certain of My will in all that you do. (I:401) Choosing Me and My way and My will means choosing life. Trying to save your own life and trying to ensure your own wants will mean the loss of true life. Stay close to Me for true life, and don't let Satan fool you and lure you away from My side! (I:415) Would you choose My will or the easy way out? (I:422) The thing to do is to focus on Me and keep your focus on what's up ahead, not the easier, more comfortable option, if you want to be a bearer of the crown of those who choose My highest will and option. (I:431) When you're doing My will, you're waging an offensive warfare, not just a defensive one. (I:456) Forget about yourself, and everything else will fall into place, because all you will want to do is My will! (I:457) A prophet doesn't care about people's opinions. All he cares about is performing My will, regardless of what anybody thinks or says. (I:472) Seek that which I want, and not the things which you want! Every day should be a new decision for each of My disciples, where they say to Me, "Not my will, but Thy will be done!" Even Paul said that the wanting of My good will, he found in himself, but the execution thereof, the performance, the doing of it, he found not. It's simply not there. It's not within your flesh, not within your constitution, to perform that which is My will. (I:487) Will your life be one of failure to do My will by the aid of perfect excuses, or will you just brush all those drawbacks and setbacks aside and break out and launch out into the deep waters of My will for you? (I:489)

My full blessing and the full outpouring of My Spirit can only flow when there's obedience and surrender and submission to My highest will. (I:503) Those who make My goals their goals and My business their business will thrive and rise above and just ride on the wave of My will, but those who continue to selfishly seek the fulfillment of their own desires and plans, thereby often standing in the way of those who would seek to do My will above all, will be taken out of the way or fall by the wayside... (I:520) So much depends on your desperation to find My perfect will for you... (I:531) Continue to make the daily choices to set My miracles in motion, that will keep you on the straight and narrow track of My perfect will for you, and you will see them come to pass! (I:559) The devil will fight you all the more, the closer you come to My perfect will for you, the more you threaten to really accomplish for My Kingdom, but keep on believing and keep forging ahead! (I:583) Step out of that treadmill! And step out on the water of My will for you! (I:613) I want you to be fully aware and conscious of the fact that I am able and willing to alter your conditions favorably for you at any time and in any situation, especially when you're determined to do My will. (II:41) If you just obey Me and do it in spite of the way you feel, I will reward you with feeling really heavenly about it, because you will know that you're in the center of My will, and that means you'll be in the center of the universe as far as I'm concerned, fulfilling your destiny, and isn't that what matters and counts? (II:158) There's hardly anything more important for Me than ensuring that each of you find the center of My perfect will for you, that you take time to learn to hit the mark instead of missing it, and I'm a very patient Teacher. (II:170) Reckon against whom you are fighting, and that in order for Me to protect you unconditionally, you must make sure you abide within the walls of My will for you by faithful counseling and consulting with Me before any move you might plan to make. Once you do this, you can have the peace that I'm truly in it and that I will protect and bless you in all you do. (II:180) The will of the Father is primarily to believe in Me, and believe in those that He sends to be His prophets and voices. (II:248) The pride of life keeps people from doing the will of God. (II:284) Is it My will for you to make it easier on yourself? It is the hard way that makes you stronger. (II:291) You took the long detour of finding out God's will: finding out what My will isn't! A lot of people are taking that way. It's also the one that usually takes the longest... You could have taken a shortcut and believed My Word from the beginning, which is the surest way to find My will: all those Promises attached to My commandments, that if you seek first My Kingdom, I would take care of you. (II:305) The only foundation I want you to build on is My will. All other ground is sinking sand. You must accept My will as the only and sole foundation. If that's not enough for you, then nothing will be! If I'm not enough for you, then nothing else will be. If My Word and My will aren't a solid enough foundation for you, then nothing else ever will be! Can you make "Thy will be done" the sole sufficient ground for your life, your destiny, your paths and choices in life? (II:319) If you don't acknowledge Me in all your ways, in other words, if you don't ask Me about it, if you don't check in to confirm that something is My will, then how can I direct your paths? (II:387) Some of the immediate rewards you get in this life are the joy and satisfaction of knowing you have found My perfect will, and that you can see a lot of things more the way that I see them than most other people do. (II:420) My will is not heard in the strong wind, nor in the fire, nor in an earthquake, but only in that still small voice in your heart. (II:423) The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak; for to perform My will, you find it not in you. You would like to do My will, but the flesh pulls you the other way, the way of your own will. There are so few, so few who are truly dedicated and committed to doing My will. That's why the harvest is plenteous but the laborers are few. (II:504) The key to being happy is to accept that what I want for you is truly best, and in wanting what I want. (II:577) It's so beautiful to Me when My brides tuck away their personal desires, put them on the backburner for the sake of the greater good and what's really important: for the sake of My Kingdom and My will. (II:578) To be "transformed by the renewing of your minds" is something you have to experience every day in order to find My good and

acceptable and perfect will for you every day (Rom.12.2). (II:625) The prerequisite for finding My will is to have no will of your own, and likewise the prerequisite to finding My riches and blessings is not to be full of yourselves, your own ambitions, ideas and desires, but to empty yourselves of them all and be ready and open for whatever I've got to give to you. (II:633) It takes desperate seeking of My will to find out which is truly My blessing, and which is the devil's temptation; which is truly My will, and which is the will of the flesh. (III:67) What will determine whether you're really doing things according to My way and My will or not, is your actions. (III:96) There may be moments when you're tempted to pray, "Father, take this cup from me," but if in the end you're willing to say, like I did, "nevertheless, not my will, but Thy will be done," I promise you won't regret it, you won't regret having trusted Me fully; it will all be worth it in the end. (III:120) "There is a way that seemeth right unto a man," but only finding out for sure which is My preferred way for you to take, and which is My particular highest will for a situation will lead you to the desired results. (III:151) It is My will for you to become concerned about the sheep, the folks and souls I lead across your path. It is My will for you that you invest more effort, more time, more energy, more of your concern and blood, sweat and tears into winning them - more prayer. (III:204)

I'm not denying that there are unfavorable circumstances involved in the option of My higher will. (III:236) When all you care about is My will and if there's anything else I might have to say to you, then I can really use you. (III:253) There are two kinds of freedom: that of doing what you like and that of doing what you should, which basically amounts to the choice between doing your own will and Mine. What I want you to do is to consider, “Would this be what the Lord wants me to do?” It’s simply the safer road, and one that ultimately leads to greater freedom than what you can achieve by merely doing your own thing. (2011:89) The best prerequisite for doing My will is not having any personal agenda of your own. Do you begin every day with a blank sheet of paper as your program, and an attitude that says, “Thy will be done”? Do you consider what My will might be for you on any given day? (2011:114) Just because things are down-right crazy and going topsy-turvy, it doesn’t necessarily mean they’re not according to My will. In fact, they’re more prone to be according to My will if they’re crazy, than when it’s all planned out and according to some manmade plan or pattern that’s most certainly going to turn out to stink after a while because it may just be lacking the life that only I can induce. (2011:121) I do respect and honor the efforts of those who at least try to keep Me in the first place in their lives and make My will their priority. According to the efforts of putting your will on My side, will be the quality of the results. (2011:123) Stay in My Spirit, and remember that it is My will I want you to earnestly pursue, and not your own. (2011:124) Keep in mind that though this may not have been exactly what you wanted, as long as it is what I want, you’re ultimately going to be better off and will find yourself much more blessed than if you had stubbornly clung to your own preference. That’s what you’ve got this gift of prophecy for, to make sure that something really is My will and My ordained path for you, even when it may not seem like that according to rational analysis. (2011:126) If after doing everything you can there’s still no door opening for you, you can rest assured that it still must be My will for you to remain where you are until I do see fit to open a new door for you. (2011:134) A higher income isn’t necessarily a criterion for My higher will for you, and a more comfortable situation, definitely isn’t, either. (2011:141)

It’s the normal human tendency to have your own will strive or at least conflict with Mine. (2011:145) True and lasting achievement will have to be accomplished by Me through you and by no other factor than your own yieldedness to My will. (2012:8) The way to be truly free is to become a slave for Me, and a captive of My will. You will find true and total freedom in yielding to My will for you and surrendering your own. You may identify with Jonah, who ran the other way when I sent him to Nineveh, but in the end he landed where I wanted him, and there’s really no escaping from My will, when it all comes down to it. (2012:10)

The key isn’t in finding the perfect physical environment, but rather in finding a strong connection with Me, and in faith and trust that I can keep you from the potential effects of any adverse circumstances, as long as you follow My leadings and can thus be assured that you’re in the center of My will for you. (2012:12) “Nevertheless, not my will, but Thy will be done” is a good place to start, but then how do you handle it when My will leads you down a road that isn’t the kind you would have preferred or chosen for yourself? How can you handle it in the long run? – Can you keep the faith even when I’m leading you up or down a foggy, steep road that isn’t pleasant to walk, you don’t know where it leads, and you feel tired and weary and like you need a break from it all? (2012:22) Happiness comes from a purposeful life and fulfilling My will and destiny for you. (2012:28) As long as you seek My face about things and want to do My will above all, and don’t have too strong of a personal agenda in all of it, you’re safe. I can easily make it known anytime, if something about shouldn’t be according to My will. (2012:79) There may be a number of factors responsible for your not finding the sort of fulfillment you’re longing for: You might be looking in the wrong direction, or you may not be yielding to what’s My will for you and accept it with the necessary gratitude. (2012:93) Sometimes all you’ve got to do is hold still in the right position, the position of My perfect will for you… perhaps even to be My scapegoat temporarily, which is never pleasant; but the way they treat you will pronounce their own judgment, and it doesn’t even matter that much whether you make it perfectly easy for them to respect you and believe in you, which I didn’t, either. All that matters is that you are My chosen representative. (2012:104) Why don’t you try to see My hand and direction a little more in what’s going on in your life, and see Me behind it, as steering you closer into the perfect niche of My will for you that you are so desperately looking for, but on the other hand accept mundane temptations to avoid? (2012:105) It comes a lot easier for you to do what you want, than what I’d want you to do, and I have to take you where you’re at to a certain extent, but I can’t just keep heaping rewards on you for not really doing My will. (2012:135) I’m willing to give you a hand and My support by giving you the strength you need. But when I don’t, you might have to consider that maybe it’s My will for you to let go of some of that stuff and it’s time to get rid of some of it and forsake it. The path of love and salvation is the one that says, “Nevertheless, not my will, but Thy will be done.” And that’s the example I’ve given you to follow. (2012:151) I don’t coerce you to do My will or follow the one and only path of My highest will for you. Life wasn’t meant to be as rigidly scheduled as that, but is always supposed to present an array of choices and options, each with their own consequences to reap. (2012:181)

Not everyone of My followers can be a great evangelist, and when it all comes down to it, as far as I’m concerned, it doesn’t make a significant difference to Me whether you reach and make millions or only a handful, as long as you abide in My will for you, and stay in touch with Me and keep our relationship alive. (2013:38) Find out what I want to happen in your life… If I’m the Lord, it should be somewhat more important for you to find out what is My will for you, and you should do, right? After all, it should be first, and most of all, the importance of My will, and not your own… (2014:12) Really try and put Me first and do whatever you can to remember My will for your life and make the most and best of it… (2014:18) You think it has anything to do with the will of God to let money become the most important thing to you? The effect that making money had on you, giving it the greatest priority and importance in your life, wasn’t exactly what you were supposed to do according to the will of God and therefore received a situation in your life that would change everything. Putting the material things like money first in your life, or giving them the greatest importance can result in negative effects. Those attitudes are not what pulls the will and blessings of God upon you… (2014:22) It’s always good to be ready for the doing and reception of My will for you, even if it may be temporarily different from yours… It’s always good to be open for My will and be ready for the doing and having of it in your life, even if you may have different personal preferences… To put and keep Me first in your life means to place My will above your own… “Thy will be done… on earth as it is in Heaven.” – That’s a pretty solid prayer, isn’t it? And seeking My will above your own is a fairly good and safe rule, even if I may have showed you basic agreement on your personal will and burden in general… It’s good and important to wait for My time to make My will and way happen. Yielding to My will is fairly important… Sometimes it pays to stay trusting in Me, even if you can’t tell exactly yet what My will is for you. Sometimes it takes a little time to trust Me and have My will for you work out… Sometimes it’s re-establishing your trust in My will, especially when things happened you’re having a hard time trusting about… (2014:23)

Being yielded to My will is one of the smartest and wisest thing you can do. (2014:25) Sometimes it’s all not so easy, so that you may know that the way it will finally work out or it will have worked out, is or will be the way of My will for you, and you can be sure of it. (2014:31) Life is pretty hard right now with a lot of people not really seeking God’s will, but giving more personal value to the enemy’s roll in life; the roll to become more successful and “valuable” in earthly, worldly and fleshly terms… (2014:37) Keep adapting to My will and most of all stay in prayer! Keep asking Me to show you My will for you and to help you manage it and see it through! Asking Me for My will for you is more important than asking Me to feed you with other input regarding or concerning your questions, desires, curiosities or whatever… Remember, what’s My will for you matters more than what your questions or desires are… Ask Me what I want you to do! And I will show and tell you, what’s most likely more important than what you want, might be curious about or interested in! My will for you is more important than yours. After all, I’m the King and the Boss, and it’s more important for you to find out My will and what I want than trying to push your own! (2014:39) Sometimes it takes a little while to find out My perfect will for you, and even if you already know it, it might take a little while until you can get there and My perfect time for it is ready. Try to get closer to doing what I want and ask you to. My will for you is better and more worth seeking and finding than whatever the enemy would try to get you to subscribe to… (2014:41) My will for you is to correct the previous bad way you had been acting and behaving, and make up for the better, and do what you're supposed to and the way you should. As long as you don’t, well… don’t be surprised you won’t exactly know what’s supposed to happen! “Thy will be done” is a good and right kind of attitude to have… Meaning you’re seeking God’s way to happen, not your own. Just be a bit less concerned about getting your own will down, and a bit more about your Master’s… Try to yield to God’s will for a change and see what’ll happen as a result… something good for a change. Once you’ll care absolutely about His will to happen, things will turn out better, you’ll see! (2014:42) To discern the spirits and favors of different countries should teach you to favor My will for You and engage you to put down an effort to find it out… Make a greater effort to find out My will and make it play a more important part in your life… Continue to try finding out first and most of all what I might want and desire from you… what you could do for Me to have My will on Earth done wherever you are. Let it be important to you to find out and work out My will for you! - Even if it’ll be a bit more risky to move back to another area… Try to let it work out for you! Let it serve you and help you find satisfaction, peace and joy to work on doing My will for you! Remember the line, “Thy will be done… on earth as it is in Heaven,” and recognize My will for you according to that! (2014:43) As far as the challenge to find out the purity of My will for you… Well, it does take some prayer to find God’s will in and for situations with certain physical weaknesses to overcome. And sometimes it simply takes a while to find out the Father’s straight will for some situations. (2014:45) Quantities of money you receive somewhere aren’t necessarily My standards of, or for My will. There might be the reason that it’s not My will for you. The question is, how much do you want to do and long for doing My will? How much do you prefer it over your own? How strongly do you really want to obey Me? How much is My will positioned in the first place in your life? How much do you want to do My will? How much do you want for Me to direct you in it, instead your own? Seeking My will instead of your own might be a first way to change things into a more positive way. And that means you should be conscious of that, too, and make sure that what you’re seeking or longing for isn’t necessarily what you’d want and desire most of all! Remember that to serve Me means, to make finding out My will should be the highest interest, above what you long for yourself! Can you do that? Well, it’s pretty much the safest way to find oneself in a happy way of life, because just finding out what you want and getting it isn’t always that safest road to happiness. (2014:48) Sometimes you should agree with what’s My highest will for you instead of what sounds easier to you… Even if the other thing sounds tougher, harder and more complicated, and not like the easiest to get money, etc. (2014:53) Sometimes it helps to stay open for Me to reveal to you what’s My will. (2014:73) Being a follower of Mine means, seeking My will more, instead of your own… Having the option of My will on your mind, and caring about it, whether what you’re doing or planning to do is part of My will for you, is definitely something like a positive change in life.

Finding out what’s My will for you is a very important action and pathway you should use to allow Me to direct your life, more important than just using your own desires! If you can use Me, My will and My desires as major ways to direct your life, it’s definitely better than just letting your own wills direct you and form your life! Try to follow Me and to let Me lead and guide you according to My will, instead of just mainly your own! (2014:99) Sometimes it pays best to accept as My will where you are for the moment or time being and make the best of it. (2014:102) Putting the will of others you claim to love, such as Mine, or the one’s you’re married to, above your own, may be what life is trying to teach you, and once you learn it, or are starting to, you show you’re finally starting to get the point, that it’s better to put yourself below others, and especially below your Creator and Savior and His will for you. (2014:134) What’s more important to you: My will, or your own? That’s an important question to ask yourself. And if you can decide to make My will more important to you than yourself, trust Me, that’s a wise decision! It means you’re following My will instead of your own! If you and I know that My will is more important to you, trust Me: life will become a lot more pleasant for you, because it won’t be run anymore by selfishness powered by your own desires, but something greater. For true believers, the will of God is something greater than their own; and it’s one of the great differences between them and those living for their worldly life alone. God’s will is a better choice to seek and live for than your own. (2014:143) Let’s hope you can appreciate a bit more the place and area where it’s My will for you to be. (2014:157) It’s good to be open for what My will for you may be at the time. Be open for changes in God’s plan for you! Be open for His will! Be open for whatever comes, even if it may not be your own, personal will or preference at the time! That’s when and how you find out what’s more important for you: your own will, or God’s will! (2014:158) It’s good to have some kind of respect for the Father and Me, and maybe sometimes even a degree of fear. Fear of failing Our will and of not reaping Our blessing, and even some sort of punishment instead. (2014:204) All in all, you shouldn’t be too concerned about your action in the world scene, but be more concerned about My will for you and the role I’d like you to take on. (2015:15) One of the devil’s major tactics is to lure and get folks out of the Father’s and My perfect will, so that he can withdraw Our blessing and protection, make life a whole lot tougher, with a lot more trials and tests of faith… Once it dawns on you, it makes you want to stick to Our will a lot more, and Our blessing appears to be so much more valuable than before, when you took it for granted… (2015:25) Keep looking and searching for My will! (2015:27) It’s perfectly My will that your current faith isn’t steadily and strongly in the present world anymore, but that you might be better off placing it in what’s to come instead. (2015:28) A lot of things happen in life to keep folks from doing My perfect will for them, and thus keep some of My blessings and the Father’s from happening for them… Even the Bible tells of such failures… just showing how deeply folks can fail My will and the Father’s for them. (2015:32) Sometimes you wonder why I’m allowing certain things and don’t work out other ways to make it easier and more comfy for you… So, let these situations in your life help to teach you what things could, and sometimes should be like, and try to yield to My will! (2015:62)

One of the things of being a disciple of Mine and the Father’s servant: Is it supposed to be all according to your own will, or according to His? Part of being a disciple is surrendering one’s own will to the Father. (2015:70) Consider it the enemy attacking you with thoughts that it might not go any better where I want you to go! It might be a little rougher and tougher there physically in some ways, but hey: don’t you believe that it’s going to get tougher eventually pretty much anywhere on the planet? And wouldn’t it be better to show up where it’s really My will for you to be, especially with a more authentic need for Me, My Salvation and folks with My input? (2015:97) Putting your trust fully in Me is My will for you, even if the system is offering services that seem to make it more attractive. Learn to consider Our will something more important than what the system expects from you! Consider it one of the most important lessons for you to learn: to move and act according to My will, instead of other things that might occur to you! Remember that the enemy often comes up with temptations to have you act contrary to and against My will, and learn the lesson that the effect of that disobedience can sometimes be detrimental! Remember the verse, “Thy will be done!” (Mt.6:10) as one of the most important mottos to go by in your life! If you can make it according to My will and the Father’s, you’ll be definitely better off than just going by what comes across as most attractive to

yourselves! Of course, finding out the difference sometimes takes its time, but that’s another major thing to learn from life: Finding out God’s will. – And then doing it! (2015:108) I know you’re not so fond of going through those tough times ahead, but it’s Our will for you, since you’ve got a purpose for us to fulfill through it. (2015:113) What you’ve got to learn, you’ve just got to, and there’s no way around it, so, just get ready for it! It’s part of yielding to the will of the Father from Above, Who knows best what you still and truly need. So, just take it, what’s coming at you, and yield to the Father’s will, trusting fully in the fact that He knows best what you really need and could handle the most. – Amen? Trust that He knows best! – And don’t resist His will, nor resist what He allows to happen to you. (2015:129) Yield to, and submit your fate to Our will! (2015:135) If you’re feeling you’re not going to make it right where you are, that’s just a confirmation that it’s Our will for you to get out of there, even if financially and materially it has a lot more to offer to you than where you’re headed. But it’s just a confirmation of the fact that material things aren’t necessarily confirmations of Our will for you, but it could rather be the opposite. (2015:164) When the things that are important to Me finally also become important to you, instead of the things that used to be: your own position and state in the world, pleasure, fun and income, etc., let’s say, you’re finally much closer to My will and your purpose. (2015:170)

I can use you. If you let Me! It basically takes yielding your life to My will, and putting your trust and confidence in it. Yielding to Our will for you is a wise move, trust Me! Depend on Us and Our Strength and heavenly Help in order to make it… for Us, always the safest way to make sure that things are going to happen according to Our perfect will, instead of having Our enemy messing around with it! Can’t do things on your own? Well, good news for Us, because it means We’ll be better able to use you in order to get Our heavenly will done through you. Our Spirit, compared to your flesh is a lot more capable of accomplishing things according to Our will… It’ll take Our Spirit in order to get things according to Our will accomplished in the near future! (2015:181) Be open for My will! Keep looking for that, and not just what would suit you yourself the best! (2015:207) Sometimes it takes finding out first what’s not My will for you, in order to open up for the other place you had your doubts about. (2015:216)

We need folks who’ll apply the Help of the Power from Above in order to get the good things done that are Our will and plan to get out of that world, regardless of its presently fairly miserable state and shape. (2015:238) To make it through life victoriously is My will for you, but it does depend a lot on you, your action and permanent behavior and obedience to the rules from Up Here. (2015:241) In order to receive blessings, one has to act and behave accordingly, in obedience to My Words and My will. (2015:243) Let Me have My way, and keep it as your dogma: “Have Thy way,” or “Thy will be done,” as I taught My followers to pray! Surrender to My will and the Father’s, and let us have Our Way without complaining about it too much! (2015:248) A lot depends on you and what you do! – Your obedience and staying in tune with Our Holy Spirit, and acting according to Our will, accordingly. Don’t just gear your actions according to your desires and what you want, but become more geared toward Our will for you! When you pray, “Thy will be done,” do what you can to make it happen around you! “Thy will be done” means you’ll bow to the desire of what We want, and not just what you wish for and desire! (16:35) Remember that this world is not your home… so, no wonder you’re not feeling at home or too comfy there. If you’re not feeling too comfy and cozy there, let it be a sign for you that it’s not My will for you to feel too much at home there, if that’s not really where you belong! (16:39) Going through hard, rough and tough times? – Take it as a part of the highest will for you, in order for you not to settle with the state of the world and winding up feeling like part of it! If you don’t, it suits much better to the standards of Our will for you from Above! (16:43) Learning to resist the temptations is another task of life. The way to do it an manage is to stay in tune with Us, more than trying to please the world as much as you can, but making it your goal to please Us by doing Our will for you. (16:57) Learning not to feel at home down there is part of My will and plan for you! (16:61)

Just remember that it’s My will that should matter in your life, more than your own! (16:66) When folks are more dependent on the Help from Above, they’re just easier to use for Heaven’s glory than when they’re in top carnal conditions. – Less drive to do their own thing, and more willing to do My will instead. (16:79) The enemy’s trying to stop My folks from doing Mine and the Father’s will for Us to “go into all the world and preach the Gospel,” and so his followers have been establishing systems that make it harder than ever before to just move to other countries. (16:97)

Loving the Lord (Relationship with Him) The fruit of the Spirit is Love. Against such there is no law. Proclaim this love. Let it be your beacon, your torch, your halo, your ever accompanying glow that shows people there’s something special about you, something weird, something they can’t put their finger on: your love for Me! Let this be the essence of what constantly permeates your being. (I:28) I long to be all you ever needed. I want to be the fulfillment of all your dreams. Your happiness is My goal, for that happiness will rub off on others. (I:137) For those who love God, things will always turn out to make perfect sense one day, and you manifest your love for God by receiving the Seeds of Love, the Word of God, in your hearts. (I:209) I want you to learn to love and teach your kids, to witness to your fellowman and to keep your house neat out of love for Me, because you know it pleases Me. (I:231) I’m calling you like the shepherd boy to slay the giant with the smooth rock of My Word! Love doesn’t care what people say, and we’re talking about the most important love here, namely your love for Me! (I:240) I don’t want you to keep Me all for yourself. One of the greatest proofs of your love you can give Me is to share Me with others. (I:264)

The first and foremost commandment is to love Me with all your heart and soul, and whenever you fall short of that goal, everything else suffers: your love for others is weakened, your power and strength to forgive, and consequently you become more critical, seeing their faults, or focusing on them more than you should and thus wind up discouraged and defeated. Satisfaction lies only in My arms. I have given you each other to love and enjoy, but you can only fully do that by loving and enjoying Me first, and I will tell and show you exactly what you must do in order to love and enjoy each other, otherwise you’ll only wind up confused, because instead of putting Me first, you will have allowed each other to become your distractions from Me. (I:386)

As long as You love Me first and put Me first and show and prove by your actions that I'm the most important factor in your life, that love I have given you for another human being, or a ministry, or a hobby, or whatever it is, will be in the realm where I can bless it. But if it becomes larger than that, if anything or anyone occupies more of your time, your thoughts and your actions, and more of your heart and emotions than I do, the blessing is gone, eventually, and something will have to change. Obedience to the first and great commandment to love Me with all your hearts is what it's all about, and means, allowing nothing, no object or person on Earth, to distract you from that most important task in life. Only those who will have learned to let go selfish desires and lusts and to put Me first, before anything else they want or think they've got to do, will make it in the days to come. (I:399) How can you love Me in return, unless you first know beyond a shadow of doubt that I truly love you? Will you believe in My Love for you? Will you finally surrender to Me, knowing that there is nothing else to satisfy you, no greater love in all the Earth, nor in all the Heavens, than My love for you? How could you delight yourself in Me fully when you can't even believe in My perfect Love for you? (I:416) I want My brides of the End to show they're different by living their lives for Me, making their lives revolve around Me, and not having other gods before Me. (I:458) Pray to find the ecstasies in store for you in the spirit! Find out how much more there is to discover in the Spirit World, by making the Spirit World a greater part of your lives! It's much more real than you think! Find out how much greater ecstasy, satisfaction and fulfillment lies in loving Me and My Holy spirits more! (I:471) I need you to hunger for Me, to crave Me, to desire Me, to need Me, to be utterly dependent on Me! I need you to be desperate for Me to fill your souls and spirits to the utmost! The more you yield to Me and the more you choose Me, the more it will become irrelevant what others may think... Consecrate yourself to Me; make Me all that matters to you! Am I worth that much to you? Am I worth to you all you've got? - All your time, all your attention, all your obedience and all your desires? Can I truly be all that you want and all you desire? Can you truly trust Me that I'm going to be all you'll ever need and needed, all you want, and ever wanted and all you ever craved? I will give you all the other things you ever craved and wanted as

well, if you will make Me your only desire, for I am Everything! Everything that's good and everything you ever wanted is found in Me! (I:509) The longer you love Me, the more time you will spend in My arms right here with Me, the more the urge will grow in you to also share that love with others, and the more My love in you will compel and constrain you to give that same love to those who also seek Me. (I:511) I want to be the Light that you turn on in your life when it's dark, the heat you can avail yourself of when it's cold, your food when you're hungry, your drink when you thirst. I want you to realize how badly you need Me. (I:515) Stop everything and get ahold of Me, and love Me and receive My love, until it truly becomes your motivation! (I:575) One doesn't have to be perfect or holy or a sinless saint in order to hear My voice and love Me intimately... I have chosen earthen vessels for My treasures, that others might have hope, too. (I:608) Loving Me is an important and powerful weapon you will greatly benefit from. The more you use it, the better off you're going to be, the more fulfilled, happy and fruitful you're going to be, and the more victorious. Loving Me is an art of the Spirit. Loving Me has to be sparked and initiated by the Spirit. It has to be ruled by the Spirit. Loving Me is a weapon, a tool and an instrument to propel you forward for Me, it signifies progress, coming closer to Me, which always means leaving the old behind. Loving Me will result in making more and more of a new creature out of you, it will change you. I want you to become so much a part of Me, the New, that you won't resemble the old anymore. (II:262) The only thing that matters is love, and it starts with loving Me, and then I'll also give you enough love for those around you. All else will seem ridiculously unimportant to you, because you'll be so happy just obeying and loving Me! (II:267) Everything’s going to turn out good, because I have promised it and because you love Me! And the more you love Me, the better things are going to be! That's why loving Me is very much an effective weapon you will want to use, because it enhances and increases My blessing on your life, My protection, the manifestation of My Power and the fulfillment of My Promise! The more time you spend and invest loving Me, the better off you're going to be! It's the wisest investment you could possibly make! Just as prayer isn't just the least, but the most you can do, so it is with loving Me! (II:270) Sometimes I want you to do nothing but to love Me. If that's the greatest commandment and the main purpose in life, what makes you think that you have to do all those other things instead? Couldn't it be that it's the enemy egging you on to accomplish things only in order to distract you from your greatest duty of loving Me? That's a reality in billions of lives everyday. He's keeping'em busy, busy, busy, busily preoccupied with their survival, to make sure they'll be too busy to even think about Me, much less spend time to learn how to love Me. How much time are you willing to invest in learning how to love Me? Loving Me is more than a task, it's the very art of living. The very art of living lies in the art of learning to love Me. There are few people in this world who really know the art of living, because they spend so little time on learning how to love Me. Don't let the enemy distract you from the most important thing in life! The great secret lies in loving Me. That's all I require of you. The rest will come - not by itself, but by Me. I will do everything and anything through you, if you just allow Me, by loving Me. (II:276) The slow beginnings of developing a truly deep and intimate relationship with Me is going to result in the greater ends of greater works, greater thrills and greater adventures than ever, as you learn to no longer move and do things in your own energy, but to flow with Mine, to let the greatest Power in the universe move and think and act in you. (II:306) All I really want is that you love Me and to let Me love you, and to keep in mind the vision of allowing that love between us to overflow on others. (II:342) I love you and want you to love Me, that's all. And it doesn't always take big works to prove that. It just takes love. Don’t make a pattern, ritual or tradition out of our relationship, but keep it alive! Keep it subject to change, just as any relationship would be! Respect Me as a living Person, and although it's true that "I am the Lord; I change not," or that I'm the same yesterday, today and forever, this doesn't necessarily mean that I'm ready to make a routine or habit out of our relationship as if I were some kind of a machine. Sometimes all I really want and need is your love. I don't want you to worry or think about anything; not what you think you should be doing or accomplishing for Me, or what you need Me to do for you, or any questions, just tune into Me, acknowledge Me, love Me, and take note of that I'm here... I want our relationship to become less "business" oriented and more love-oriented; more "Me-and-you" oriented. Don’t feel as if you must have a "legitimate" reason to come before Me and hear from Me! All the reason you need is that you love Me and want Me. That's all the reason I need! It's a living relationship I want, where you have to stay attuned to My Spirit, keep your spiritual antenna up and listen to what the latest move is, what's the direction the wind is blowing from today? What is there to be revealed? (II:435)

Loving your neighbor as thyself and loving Me with all your heart and might, those two great commandments, aren't really two separate things, but can virtually wind up being one and the same thing, which is why I said, "inasmuch as ye have done it unto the least of these, ye have done it unto Me." (II:593) Learn to delight in Me, so that I can give you the desires of your heart! (II:624) I want to teach you to love Me, so that you can avail yourself of My Love Power in order to love others and thus fulfill the great law of love and all things attached to it. (III:17) It's going to strengthen and immensely increase your amount of love for Me, finding out just how futile, empty and vain all the other options are. (III:70) My Goal for you is not to have fear of man or sense of duty to constrain and spur you on, but the love for Me which grows out of your personal connection and relationship with Me, out of receiving My Love for you. (III:104) You’ve got to make a strong effort to cultivate your love for Me. It's a fragile thing, and you can't just take the growth of that tender shoot of your love for Me each day for granted. (III:112) You’ll have to be putting up with the one little flaw in our relationship, that you can't see Me right now... (III:249) Relationship with Me is and has always been the best possible gift of all anyone could have been given in life. Holding on to it and treasuring it for what it is despite all of the enemy's attempts to downplay it, distract you from it and make other things more important, is basically what any life of faith is all about, and worth more than any earthly treasure. (2012:11) Loving Me with your mind means, giving your thoughts to Me. You think about Me, you interact with Me in your mind, and you use your mind to make this relationship grow and flourish, just as you would in trying to make your marriage work. If you put your mind in tune with Me, you are showing Me your love with it, and the more your mind is in tune and in sync with Mine, the better along we’re going to get, and the better you will fare in life, you’ll see. If you can be in sync with Me, and realize what a blessing that state can be, to be in sync with the mind of the Creator, it will also be easier for those you’re responsible for, to put their minds in sync with yours. It’s definitely something worth striving for, to make a conscious effort to love Me with all your mind, and you’ll also find that it’ll be a whole lot easier for your heart and soul to follow along. (2012:12) I want you to get ahold of My heart, not just beg Me for more information, confirmations or blessings on your plans. There’s a lot to know and learn, but what I want you to know most of all is My heart. It’s the only way you can truly assimilate and absorb Me and My Spirit and convey it to others. What I want from you most of all and more than your attention as a student, is your love, and you mustn’t neglect that part. There’s a deeper way of knowing than that of the mind, and in order to really get to know Me, you have to avail yourself of it, the method, tool and spiritual weapon of loving Me. Every now and then, you’ve just got to come into My arms and love Me, that’s all, and you won’t have to wonder or worry anymore about whether you’re missing the goal and mark of My highest will for you or not. There are some things that simply cannot be absorbed by the mind… You’ve got to absorb them with your heart. (2012:70) Great love relationships have been known to bring out the best of partners in each other, and that’s what I do for you and in you. I bring out the best in you. (2012:73) Make greater efforts than ever before to get ahold of Me and My strength; in other words, it’s time to shed all other distractions and give our connection and relationship all you’ve got. (2012:135) If it’s unconditional love we’re sharing, then I’ve got to be able to expect a little bit of the same from you, that you’re going to love Me, not just providing everything goes honky dory for you. You want Me to love you unconditionally, and I do, but it wouldn’t be fair if your love for Me would be based on certain conditions, would it? “I love You, but only if it’s not going to rain today…” Hmmmm. – But… what if? What if I don’t do everything exactly as it pleases you? Will you love Me anyway? (2012:171) Your relationship with Me is your only hope and chance for survival. (2013:2) So you’re different. That makes you lonely on one hand, but on the other also very unique and special, and although that may not be the quality you’d put on top of your list of preferences, it does make you very special to Me; and what’s even better about it, it makes our relationship and My Presence in your life more special to you. (2013:34) I’m endlessly patient in watching you making even the tiniest bits of progress in that process of learning to love Me. You’re just starting to get a greater and better glimpse now, at the vastness and beauty of the significance of what it would mean for you to truly implement this lesson in your life, of making loving Me your primary focus, aim, concern and goal. Getting a glimpse of the true importance degree of establishing a loving relationship with Me is a huge step forward, and you must hold on to that glimpse for dear life. (2013:37)

Doctrines, which basically are ways for making up rules for how people are supposed to live, according to the one who teaches them, are never as alive and life-giving as the spirit of a living, loving relationship with Me. “The letter of the law killeth,” only love and having something alive going on between you and Me in the Spirit is what brings life, truly. (2013:38) If frail humans can say words to each other like “I will always love you” and mean them, think how much more so I can and do… However far away you may be, however long you’ll stay away, and whatever words you say, I will always love you. (2013:49) It’s not your achievements or apparent or even obvious success that make you precious to Me, but your relationship with Me, the emphasis and importance you put on My Word and My Presence in your life, as opposed to the same old things everybody else around you is chasing. See it from the perspective that if you’re not as successful in obtaining all those things everybody else is after, it might actually be something good instead of bad, and that you actually might have something much more valuable, which at the same time makes you much more valuable to Me and to the world – or at least those in it I yet want you to reach… (2013:52) Let the whims of the flesh fade into the background far enough so you can give Me the full amount of time and devotion it would take for us to enjoy a blooming and blossoming relationship, one that results in fruit that remains! What it takes is faith that I can give you things you’re not going to get anywhere else. – Satisfaction that cannot be found anywhere else, and happiness greater than anything the world has to offer. - Joining your heart, soul and spirit with Mine means hitting the mark in life. Nothing else comes anywhere near it, and nothing compares. (2013:59) Investing time in your relationship with Me is simply the best you can do, no matter how much more important and relevant all those other things claim to be that are crying and beckoning for your attention. (2013:63) What’s relevant and important for Me is your desire for Me, and certain things simply happen in order to awaken that in you. The sparking and initiating of the desire is an important clue and factor, especially when it comes to relationship with Me. A Partner wants to be desired and wanted by their respective other. It’s one of the main themes of life. It’s like My message to the world, and especially to My bride, those who already know Me, is: “Desire Me!” – If you want to live, really live, then desire Me. Learning to desire Me and developing that desire is what life’s all about. Once you got that, you’ve got it! (2013:65) You won’t ever be perfect in this life, and at the current rate, things are already deteriorating. The only thing that gets better is your relationship with Me, if you cherish it enough and won’t neglect it, and the wisdom you glean from your experiences, if you take heed to life’s lessons. (2013:105) When things aren’t going the way you feel they ought to, chances are you forgot something, and not just anything, but what simply happens to be the most important thing that your life should revolve around: your positive, life- and benefits-engendering relationship with Me. (2013:107) “Without faith it’s impossible to please Him” is almost better translated as, “Without faith it’s impossible to have a pleasing (or pleasant) relationship with Him.” (2013:109) If you don’t know how your relationships with your human neighbors and next ones are going, just make sure that it’s going fine with Me. It pretty much ought to be the most important one for you and all those who decided to follow Me. (2014:132) Making your connection with Me and being in touch and filled and guided by My Spirit more important than the physical and worldly things, gives your move through this life a very special touch, a very special roll, service and destiny. Sometimes it takes tough parts in life to make My role in your life, and all the impact in it of the heavenly, like the Father, the Holy Spirit, angels and spirit helpers more powerful, more important to you and take on a bigger roll in your life… greater importance to you. (2014:142) Our relationship – yours with Me - is supposed to be the most important. (2016:107) Remember that putting Me in the first place of your heart and life is what makes everything work; and as long as someone else still occupies that spot in your life – even if temporarily – it could also bear risks… things just not working out as well. (2016:108)

Meaning, Sense & Purpose (of Life) Everything is a picture of a hidden reality. I’m teaching you the mysteries of the universe. My whole creation is a continuous message! (Prophex I:77) So many apparently meaningless details and incidents start making sense once you start turning to Me. It’s like turning a light on in a dark room. It’s like learning to read: all of a sudden those symbols start making sense. So, if you want to grasp the meaning of every day and every moment of life, simply start learning to read My signs! A lot of things you may not understand may be My handwriting on the wall, and if you seek Me and ask Me, I can reveal their meaning to you. (I:192)

Ever giving more of Me to others is the secret to happiness and the meaning of life! (I:265) Keep learning to see Me and My hand and My purpose behind the things that I allow to happen in your life, keep asking Me about them, and about their deeper purpose! (I:478) Cut out all the frills, the things all around the true essential and center of the meaning of life, instead of just circling all around it or hitting the spots all around it! (II:59) Everything is significant and another move in this game of life. Nothing happens by coincidence, there is a purpose in everything. (II:289)

The type of people that stories are being told about, movies are being made about & books are being written about, are not the mere survivors, those who fight for nothing else but their survival, like all the rest of them, but the types who take time to live, to learn the lessons of life, who go through life with both eyes & ears open & find out what it's all about: those who find Me, and let Me teach them the gist and essence of life. (II:372) Every day of your life is like a picture, which in itself is a piece of the puzzle of the big picture of your life, which again is a piece of My Big Picture of everything. Often people don't remember the important things in their lives because they didn't esteem them enough. They were too busy with temporal affairs, such as making money, and their lives with all the lessons involved, just pass them by. But I want you to take the time to remember. (II:392) There are also many, who below that surface are in reality confused and don't have a clue, and wonder what this life is supposed to be all about. And you can tell them. You have found out, haven't you? Tell them about the meaning of life! (II:407) If the mere purpose for your existence were the insurance of your existence, that would be pretty silly, wouldn't it? And yet, that's the way most people live. They do this, that and the other just to make sure they keep existing, without ever wondering whether there perhaps might be a higher purpose for their existence than that circular reasoning. (II:496) The purpose in life is not to see how easy you can possibly make it on yourself, but it's the tough times, the battles, the efforts you need to make, which all work to make you stronger and earn you the "badges" in life that are really worth collecting. (II:497) Everything will make sense someday, even the apparently senseless. (II:520) Everything is orchestrated by Me, everything visible is only a physical result of some spiritual truth, and thus there is a plan behind it. I'm urging you to see the invisible cause of the visible more, to open up your spiritual eyes, the eyes of faith. If you see the physical a result of the Spiritual, then it simply takes on a lot more meaning. You know I meant something by allowing this or that to happen, or even creating this or that situation. You'll know that nothing is without guidance, nothing is by chance; it's all going somewhere, and thus you develop much greater faith and trust with which to walk through every day of your life, and which you can then impart to others, too. Every day should be a vast scope and canvas of opportunities for you, of things to learn, and things to pass on. It shouldn't ever just be a struggle for survival. (II:523) A day where I rule the circumstances, and one of which you can truly say, "this is the day which the Lord hath made," is a day which is dedicated to My Purpose, to the advance of My Kingdom, where all you've got is employed in order to bring forth fruit for Me. (II:563) When was the last time you have attempted to combine your mundane reality with the Real Thing of the endless vastness of My Spirit, in order to find your ultimate purpose in it? (II:610) Part of the meaning of life and of maturing: to experience how God feels. And then to learn how to love and forgive the way God does. (III:6)

You know there's got to be some purpose why you're there today, there's got to be some good you can do today, and an important part of My plan that you can fulfill, so you're determined to find it. (III:12) The art of seeing Me in others, in everything, is the art of believing that in that imperfection, that momentary ugliness of the caterpillar or cocoon, there's a higher purpose and a greater beauty hidden than meets the eye, that shall be revealed with time. (III:23)

It takes the "sting" out of what you're experiencing when you know it's for your good, like all things, and when you can see a purpose with a goal in it. (III:51) It’s a lot easier and better in the long run to agree with people with different views at times. And that's where the process of learning from others sets in, and voilá, you will have stumbled upon one of the major purposes and meanings of life. In other words, part of the meaning behind the differences that exist between people and every kind of creature is also a part of the meaning of life: to simply behold the difference of the other and learn from it, absorb it, register it, test it, prove it, and if it turns out to be any good, perhaps assimilate it, or at least accept and tolerate it. (III:81) Everything has a meaning. There is no way around it: you must spend that time daily with Me, or you'll just drift off in the meaninglessness of mere survival, the way so many others do, living lives without meanings. Living a life full of meaning, sense and purpose has that price: you must make the sacrifice of time in order to re-discover the purpose for today. You need that hour or two with the Teacher. (III:98) Tell people about the meaning of life! That life actually has a meaning, a sense of purpose. There is such a thing as purpose! There is such a thing as meaning! And what better and greater meaning and purpose could there be for you than conveying that knowledge to people? There is a place they're going. There is a destination to their journey, and thus, there is such a thing as destiny. Only that a large part of that destiny is in their own hands! It's up to everyone's own efforts to find that truth, that destiny, that purpose. They cannot just passively wait for everything to fall into place by itself! It takes an effort, a willingness to learn, a readiness for learning, a desire for knowledge, a desire for truth. It's sometimes a hard and tough job, just like Ann Sullivan's job with Helen Keller, to teach someone the existence of something they're totally oblivious to: the existence of purpose. But once you manage, it's like breaking through from darkness into light, and it will have been worth it! She had the faith that it could be done! She had the desperation and determination that it had to be done. Otherwise her own life would have remained meaningless. Even so, without your conveying the meaning sense of purpose to others, your own life is void of meaning, and the vicious, empty cycle of emptiness and purposelessness will continue. You must live in the conscience of your duty to break that spell! It's the Great Lie indeed: "There is no meaning! There is no purpose!" That's the myth and evil tale you need to expose and destroy! Show them that there is a meaning! Show them all you have been taught! Show them where to find God, where to see Him; help them decipher His handwriting, help them to discover His signs! Show them that despite all the apparent meaninglessness, there is a meaning, much greater than they could fathom. But it's not beyond their reach! In fact, God is more than willing to reach out to them and show them and teach and tutor them, to talk to them, just as He has been talking to you! Show them that there is a way that they can listen, even though they're deaf. That there's a way they can learn how to see, even though they are blind! There is a way to know that which they know not of, that which they don't even believe exists, they cannot believe because they have been poisoned with the gas of unbelief. But you can revive them, resuscitate them, awaken them and bring them back to life! All you need to do is give them the truth: there is a meaning to everything. (III:101) If I can manage to act and live in you, then you're fulfilling your purpose, and there shouldn't and couldn't really be anything more you'd want... By this loving union between Me and your soul, true fruit is brought into being and made possible. There is nothing else as desirable about life than bringing that kind of fruit, that's the purpose for which you are ordained. (III:104) There is a purpose to life, and most people are oblivious to it, and it's a large part of your job to let folks know about it. (III:106) Life is supposed to have a meaning, and be meaningful; it doesn't consist of all those other frills everybody's so busy acquiring all the time. And you're driving home that point, bringing things back down to the simple issue of the meaning and purpose of things. (III:122) The purpose of the things I show you is to answer the questions that people have about Me and the meaning of things. (III:130) The atmosphere should always be one of "welcome anytime," instead of "not now!" You owe that kind of a sample to the world around you, if you're going to be publishing words reminding people of the importance of love and the meaning of life. (III:131) You may be thinking you're accomplishing so-and-so much and mentally pat yourself on the back for it, and maybe coast on the laurels of your accomplishments, but if that keeps you in a spirit of complacency instead of desperation and humility, then the purpose is actually defeated.

How much do you really accomplish? How close are you really to the goal I have set before you, that which you would call fulfilling your destiny and the purpose for which you were created and ordained? (III:135) Your mistakes are an important part of the meaning and purpose of your lives, since they are what you learn the most from. (III:143) There's a purpose in everything, and "causeless the curse shall not come." There is a reason for punishment, and every person should be interested and curious enough about the truth to find out what it was in their case. There are things to learn from life. (III:153)

Just fulfilling your duty and hiding behind your job or position, the purpose of what you're doing it all for in the first place is getting lost, not to be found under the rubble of accomplishment, meaningless action and going through the motion. (III:155) If you see My purpose behind every situation that puzzles and challenges you, you will soon find out that there is no problem that cannot be solved, because you'll see that that's what the problem is there for: it's for you to handle it, to master it, and learn to solve it with My Help. When you adopt the mindset that everything has a purpose, you'll realize that even every problem has only the one purpose to be a step upward for you to acquire greater wisdom, to challenge you to make yet another bit of progress. (III:166) If you look at the flaws and faults, you're sunk, but if you look at the lesson behind them, and at My purpose behind them, then it gives you a ray of hope that everything is going to wind up making sense somehow eventually, and you can trust that everything is going to be alright. If it isn't easy, then there must be a reason for it; you must trust that I have a purpose in it. I, the Architect of your life, also have a purpose in this seemingly paradox detail. If you approach a situation with a negative attitude, then you might be undermining the grounds for Me to bring about My good purpose. (III:216) Once you've availed yourself of the God Factor in your equations, everything else starts making beautiful sense. (III:239) To lead and shepherd and guide your people through very difficult times is the destiny and purpose for which I am preparing you, so quit seeking the pleasures of the normal life, the artificial and superficial “happiness” that everyone else seeks! (III:247) I’m teaching you personally through the School of Life and your experiences, all that you have to go through, your trials and lessons… these are all ways in which I communicate and interact with you. They complete another piece in the puzzle of the deeper meaning of everything. (III:585) Nothing can replace the kind of input I give you, for multiple reasons? – In fact the only kind of input that can give any kind of sense and purpose and meaning to your life at all? When it’s not there, it means you’ve chosen something else over Me, and the result is, that sense and purpose also aren’t there. When you’re supposedly living in Me, it means that without Me, there is no sense or purpose to your life. (2012:47) Your purpose lies in Me: finding Me, following Me and getting ahold of Me each day. Without that, there is no purpose, just a pointless going through the motions, no matter how action-filled your day might be. A lot of folks have gotten the point that hoarding possessions is not where it’s at, so, they’re looking for other things to fill their lives with: actions to keep’em busy, busy, busy and looking really important and like their life’s really got a purpose, people need them and are dependent on them. In reality, all they’re trying to do is play God in their own little universe. How many of them do you know that don’t have a problem with letting Me be God instead, and letting Me do some of the action? (2012:156) You shouldn’t just look for an easy life, or a place where you might be able to live an easy life, but you should look for a purpose to fulfill: more than just a comfortable place… You’ve got to search in the spirit for that vacuum, that empty, hollow, vacant place somewhere that only you can fill. (2012:174) To have faith and hope for others is always better than not to. After all, isn’t this what “The Kingdom,” and thus, your purpose there are all about? Reaching people for Me? How can you if you’ve got no faith or hope for them? If you believe that all things are possible, and that I can even raise the dead back to life, if necessary, it becomes a little easier for you to see and believe in your purpose here, instead of doubting it… (2013:75) If your hopes had been fulfilled, you might not have the urge anymore to seek Me for comfort and description and purpose of what’s going on in life. The first sense and purpose of all this is that you find and rediscover My sense and purpose in your life and let them appear and reveal themselves as more important to you than many other things that used to be so important. (2014:91) It’s not your home, that world you’re in, and certainly don’t feel like at home there, but there’s still an important purpose for you to be down there, and let the receptive people you’ll meet know what will be going on down there, and what’s to expect for those who are willing to have a little faith in more than what they’re able to see and perceive around them. (15:181)

The attitude of faith that teaches you the sense of life: to be accepting what life brings and offers you, instead of complaining about it and failing to see Our Love and Wisdom in it. (15:202) The fact that you can recognize that the world and its inhabitants aren’t perfect, but far from it, frees you from the urge of having to do all you can to please your society that surrounds you, and keeps on your mind at least the possibility that there might be something better and more worthwhile to live for, and make that the purpose of your life! (15:209) What am I supposed to tell you about rediscovering the sense and purpose of your existence as disciple of Mine, to spread My message, and discovering that failing to do so pretty much leaves it flat and void of purpose? See, your purpose in life is to bring some purpose of life to others… and failing to do so (which the enemy does all he can to make you) leaves you void… (2015:220) All you can look for down there isn’t perfect people, but receptive ones to be willing to receive Me and thus also make it Up Here thanks to you, and that will be the fulfillment of the purpose of your life! (15:226) Giving others around you a bit more emphasis and attention, well, that’s what life and its sometimes tough times are largely all about! Don’t forget or neglect to make that the main purpose and meaning of your life! – That’s what it’s all about! (15:233)

Have a little hope that it all makes sense, even if sometimes you may not be able to base your faith on the statistics of your accomplishments! (15:250) The greatest meaning of life: love! (16:32) The purpose of life isn’t just one’s own well-being, but offer and pass on that greater and eternal well-being to others that I came to Earth for! Realizing that there were ways in which you’ve failed are one of the main purposes of the lessons of life, and of course with the hope from Above that you’ll learn them and do better in the future. (16:46) Learn to be able to put up with the hard times, knowing that they’ve got a reason and purpose! (16:65) Just remember your purpose of your presence down there, and that there’s still a job and a certain role for Me and the Kingdom to do and play down there, since the world needs witnesse(r)s, at least to remind them someday that there would have been opportunities for them to snap out of the worldly modes that had them wind up in a less pleasant site than others… (16:101) Rough times? Remember there’s a purpose for them! (16:102) Getting the point is one of the major meanings of life… especially the point of the mistakes having been made – with a conviction growing from it not to repeat them. (16:108) Just because you’re not so fond of what the world has become because of the enemy and people’s choices doesn’t mean you should despise your life in it, but should trust Me that there’s still a reason and purpose for Me down there to fulfill. – And it’s your choice whether you want to limit that purpose to another lesson of a disobedient prophet, or the sample of one who’s finally learned one of the lessons of life. (16:124) Trying to help you the best We can to make it through the toughest of all times by having to go through some tougher ones than you’d been used to, you’ll forgive Us when you’ll see the sense and purpose of it all! (16:126)

Mercy, Forgiveness & Grace Only those who truly cast themselves entirely upon Me and My mercy and fully realize that anything good about them is nothing of their own merit, only those who truly strive to prefer others above themselves, and only those who are willing to put their own desires on the backburner in order to put Me first, only those find in Me the power to overcome him, the great tempter, the great lover of self. (I:93) The secret lies in letting Me fill you to overflowing. When your cup runneth over onto others, you can be sure that goodness and mercy will follow you all the days of your life. (I:114) My thoughts of you and toward you are full of benevolence and mercy, not belittling you, judging you or condemning you for your sins. I died for your sins already, so, why should I condemn you for them? (I:145) Every morning My mercies toward you are new. (I:146) If you truly seek to learn from Me and to become like Me, you will learn to have mercy. Lighten up, and be merciful on others as I have been and will continue to be with you. (I:154) Are you willing to extend the same amount of patience, love and forgiveness to others that has been shown you? If I have forgiven you your great debt, why shouldn’t you forgive them theirs? (I:172) You have to come with determination, boldness and desperation before My throne of grace to find mercy and help in time of need. (I:194)

Blessed is that man who has learned to mete others with a standard of loving forgiveness, for with that same standard he will also be met... (I:228) All you need is My grace, that's enough. It's all by My grace that anything gets accomplished. (I:423) Bestow mercy even as mercy has been bestowed upon you! (I:447) The difference between the System and My followers is not that there is no sin among them. It's that among them, there is a lot more grace to be found. - My grace. In the world there is sin and the accompanying condemnation which alienates them from Me. In My church, there is sin with the accompanying forgiveness and mercy and lessons of love and humility gained out of them in the long run, as I have promised to all those who love Me, because even your sins are part of "all things" that work together for good to you. The difference between the System and My followers is Me. In the System there is darkness with no light. In My followers, there is still a lot of darkness and dirt and sin which is inborn human nature or contamination from the world or brought about by the enemy's attacks and intrusions, but there is hope, because I am there to cleanse anyone from their sin for the asking, there is forgiveness, there is love in spite of the sin. That's what grace is, the grace whereby ye are saved, not of yourselves, not of works, lest any man should boast. It's having faith for each other, faith that looks not so much at what you or they are, but what by the grace of God someday you're all going to be. (I:516) Extend the same mercy you've been shown! (I:570) I have forgiven you and continue to forgive your countless sins and overlook your flaws, and you should learn to forgive as you're being forgiven. (II:1) Faith is a gift of My grace, and nothing you can work up in the flesh, or pride yourself in, nor give yourself the credit for. It's all a work of My grace: your love for Me, your faith in Me, and everything, and you have nothing more of anything than anybody else that wouldn't have been given you by Me, purely by grace alone. (II:26) My mercy is greater than your inability. (II:62) Love unconditionally, forgive and give everybody a new chance each day for a fresh clean start, not keeping grudges or mindsets about them that will throw shadows of negativity on them! Be a conduit of My Love which is new everyday, and endless! Endlessly forgiving, pardoning and giving. Giving new chances, and giving again and again and again... (II:107) The veil of forgiveness covers a multitude of sins. Forgive as you would want to be forgiven! Remember Me, who resisted not the contradiction of sinners, but endured (Heb.12:1,2). (II:128) When it comes down to it, it's only My grace that can prevent you from erring or straying from Me, and you can only ensure that My grace will stay upon you by desperately staying close to Me, staying connected with Me and My Word, and at the same time striving to stay humble and grateful about it at all times and not make the decision to let pride enter in, which is the beginning of many a fall. (II:145)

You've read and heard stories about men who have forgiven the murderers of their entire families by My grace, something that humanly hardly seems possible. Even so it is going to have to be My supernatural Love, which is going to enable you to forgive each other time and time again for your failures and shortcomings, casting veils over countless sins and flaws. (II:150) You've got to learn to be patient and longsuffering, understanding and forgiving, knowing that you're in need of just as much forgiveness. (II:164) You must know without a doubt that it's all by My grace and nothing else, otherwise it won't work and the anointing is withdrawn and you'll find out what you really amount to and how brave you really are, without Me! They're a special breed, the "By Grace" clan! They have learned that it's truly all just Me and not themselves doing it. (II:167) My grace is so immense that even when you believe not, I remain faithful, I cannot deny Myself! (II:207) The same way I forgave you, I also expect you to forgive others. Learn to come up with that same kind of forgiveness yourself! Keep in mind how much and how often you've needed My forgiveness and My Love to be unconditional! (II:247) You know you've passed the test and made the grade when you're able to pray like I did on the cross: "Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do!" Only I can give you the grace to pray for those who despitefully use you and would persecute you. (II:248) You should focus on My Grace! The return of the heart to the true Path will lead the world back to the Garden, the great Reconciliation. This is the way of mercy, in which I want you to walk. (II:264) Turn on your forgiveness power and cast that veil over a multitude of sins! (II:298) It’s only My Grace that can keep you from falling. Stretch your vision, your faith, your level of tolerance a little more in your relations with others by making more room for your fellowman to fall, to sin and fail, just as you have, with the same right to grace and mercy that you have enjoyed, without judging them or losing faith in them! Forgiveness is believing in people. It's believing that I knew what I was doing in creating them, believing that I know what I'm doing as I lead them through life, and believing that if I have done it for you, I can do it for them, too. (II:329) It takes those downhill slopes in order to get you there. If you're never down at the bottom, then how can I pick you up again, and how can you experience My mercy? (II:363) The good works you do or things you accomplish don't bring you closer to Me, contrary to what you might think. They make you lean less on Me, My grace and My mercy, not more. (II:384) All is forgiven and forgotten when you come to Me to be cleansed. The sins of the past are no more, every time you come to Me. The spiritual stench has to go that comes from living in this world, accumulating dirt, decaying cells and dried sweat, the results of the curse and the fall, and you can partake of Me, My cleansing, My grace and mercy, My all-encompassing forgiveness and Love, and feel free and clean again. (II:419) The lesson about forgiveness is an important one. If you can look into another human's eye with a love that says, "God has forgiven you," there'll be a power going out from you that is going to affect and change your world in some way or another, trust Me. (II:451) That's in essence what you're saying when you forgive someone: "I believe in you! I believe you're going to make it. You may still have to work on some things, but I know by God's grace you're going to get there." (II:452) Forgiveness is the goal. Sometimes you've just got to be generous and forgive someone, even if you haven't received an opportunity to tell the other party how you see it. (II:468) The message of the cross is forgiveness. - Forgiveness in spite of anything. You can never be too bad, only too "good." (II:481) Good works can never buy you all the love you need. It's got to be My grace from start to finish. (II:576) I mean for you to include and embrace them all, the entire scope, circle and spectrum of what surrounds you, and by doing so, embracing Me even in the least of your brethren. If you don't, there'll be no end to the differences you'll be seeing between you and everyone else, instead of dwelling on the things you have in common, which will result in isolating yourself more and more from everything and everyone. Isn't it much better to do it the other way? Not judging automatically, but forgiving automatically.

No matter what the sin, what the differences between you and them may be, you don't judge, label, criticize and exclude them automatically from your world and your sympathy, but include, forgive, cast a veil over countless sins immediately, without even necessarily insisting on seeing them all. (II:580) Be patient and merciful with others' flaws and failings, just as you would wish for Me to be with yours! (II:584) Let them feel that total forgiveness is available, and that you believe in a forgiving God, a forgiving and loving heavenly Father, Who doesn’t hold grudges, but would receive them all with arms wide open! (III:1) To overcome familiarity, you must learn to see a person through My eyes of forgiveness when they do wrong, and My eyes of love - unconditional and unshakable. (III:35) I want to stretch your "love muscles" to try to extend just a little bit more love, a little bit more mercy, a little more forgiveness every day. (III:50) Usually it's the humble sinners who've had to be forgiven for a lot, who can let go of pride more easily, and they can just let Me take over, because they know their own lives are nothing. Whereas those who've hardly ever committed a wrong in their lives don't even know what they're supposed to be forgiven for. My Salvation Power isn't nearly as effective in their lives, and can thus also not be used as greatly to bring that Salvation, grace, mercy and forgiveness to others. (III:51) You’ve got to adopt My all-embracing, all-forgiving view! You need to grow in love, tolerance, acceptance and forgiveness of others, having more faith in them, and positive expectations. (III:84)

Can you forgive, the way you have been forgiven? (III:85) Forgiveness is a great part of faith, too. Sometimes it takes more faith to be forgiving than to wreak judgment and condemnation on your enemies. (III:100) I want to show you and teach you My mercy upon the undeserving, how undeserved everything is and was that you're given, so that you won't take it as much for granted, but appreciate it more; that you realize what miracle of My grace you are experiencing. Nothing else but the Power of My Love can enable you to show forth the same forgiveness that I have shown you. (III:109) There is pardon and forgiveness for everyone, no matter how loudly the devil will demand his type of justice. They may reap the repercussions of their actions in this life, and some of the consequences in the Hereafter, but the end result will be: "Everything's going to be alright." It's not about "deserving," it's about grace and mercy. (III:174) Where sin doeth abound, there grace doeth much more abound… Due to the greater amount of iniquity the devil has been allowed to pour out in this time of the End, there has also been granted a greater measure of grace. (III:192) It’s so important that you portray an accurate picture of a forgiving God. (III:242) That's why forgiveness is such a great and ever recurring theme: It's not just about forgiving a past hurt that already happened. It's about forgiving as you experience the pain, it's accepting the pain, and forgiving in real-time. You won't be shocked or surprised by the pain, because you've been expecting it, and you won't just endure it reluctantly or begrudgingly, but willingly, yes, even cheerfully, if you've been given that grace; that grace to pray for your enemies as they crucify you. If they reject and resist you, rejoice, for so have they done with Me, and it means you're in the same boat with Me. You can learn some of the same lessons I learned, experience some of the same things I did, and bring forth some of the same fruits, accordingly; most of all, the fruits of really being able to love and pardon. You don't accuse them while they cause you pain, you don't criticize or judge them or label them, much less fight back with the same weapons they use, but you forgive, you pardon, you love. (III:247) That’s what forgiveness should be to My followers: It’s somewhat an act of faith. Even though they haven’t repented yet, may not even know that there is anything to repent of or that they may have done wrong, you forgive them anyway, because I’ve forgiven you, I’ve forgiven the world before they ever repented, and even so, as My genuine follower, so should you! (IV:506) What you're going through is only hard as long as you think you're somebody and you deserve better. As long as you know and accept that you're really nobody and all you really deserve is hell, and anything better than that is really a gift of God's mercy, what's there to complain about? (2011:37) Like the parable about the guy who had been forgiven a great debt, but wouldn’t forgive his debtors: If you’ve been forgiven so much, shouldn’t you also forgive them for their blunders of the mind and their inability to get things rigged up sometimes? (2011:51)

If anything is going to be accomplished through you, then it’s obviously going to be a work of My grace, and none of your own doing. (2011:72) The point is not where you are, but much more importantly, what you are, and what by My grace you’re becoming, if you yield to the process I’m carrying out in your life to bring about the desired changes. (2011:102) It’s not of works, period, and that includes even those who have dedicated their lives to Me to whatever extent they want to serve Me: the grace to do those works does not hinge on anything you can work up in the flesh; only the position of your heart, and it all boils down to accepting Me and what I am doing in your life. (2011:112) You might much prefer if I had sent you to preach to those of your own kind, who speak your language, who can relate to your concept of understanding and all that’s beautiful and desirable. But in the end it may turn out to be not you asking Me, but Me asking you to “have a little mercy.” If you desire to become like Me at all, what you will want to be known for, and the one attribute you will wish that people were able to associate with you, it is “merciful,” for it is such who will obtain mercy. Sometimes you may feel as though I’m asking too much of you, but remember that, when it comes down to it, all I’m asking of you is to show a little mercy and compassion on your fellowman. Now, is that too much to ask? If you follow Me, the personification of God’s mercy on mankind in the flesh, what else would you want to be, but merciful and compassionate? Show mercy on others if that’s what you want from Me. Judge not that ye be not judged. Show mercy instead! (2012:10) Forgiveness is one thing I will never withhold from you. It saddens Me to see how many people limit My capacities to forgive, or the Fathers, and how they demand of their followers or church members to stick to rules that are according to their own standards of justice and righteousness, not Ours. How much more blessed to live a life of true faith in My never-ending love and forgiveness, than one that is framed and limited by man-made condemnation. What can be more glorious than a life lived in and dedicated to encouraging others that there truly is unconditional love and forgiveness to be found in Me, that I won’t condemn them, even if people would, or even if they themselves would, for things they’ve done? What greater gift and hope can you offer than the one that there is Someone Who will forgive them even when they can’t forgive themselves? That’s why you should never hold unbreakable grudges against anyone, but show mercy instead, because if you want to be like Me in this world and truly follow in My footsteps, you will be like I am: truly and endlessly loving and forgiving. Finding My forgiveness and the vastness of the degree to which it goes, you can extend the same on others. He that has been forgiven much, loves much. You love Me and are sure of My love because of all you’ve had to be forgiven for and still have to be forgiven for. God’s attitude toward men is one of love and forgiveness, not of harsh condemnation and judgment, and that is something very important to convey and communicate to people, so I cannot emphasize the importance of your showing mercy on them enough. I want you and need you to be forgiving and merciful. I will have mercy above sacrifice; it’s more important than anything else. Be merciful, and you’ll continue to obtain My mercy. (2012:11) When you realize that you’re just as guilty of the thing you’re holding against others, it does make it easier to forgive, doesn’t it? (2012:40)

You can either join the ranks of the not-so-silent, self-righteous, criticizing majority who never do or change anything, or those of the few forgiving who can look past the mistakes, take whatever there is to get out of this and make the best of it. (2012:86) It’s going to help and teach you love each other more in the long run, when you’ll see that forgiveness is the only appropriate attitude to come up with. Just as our relationship is one that is inevitably framed and shaped by forgiveness, so human relationships must be, since failure, hurt and the resulting need for forgiveness are bound to happen… (2012:94) Forgiveness is a healing attitude for the soul to take, not just for the recipient, but also for the one who extends it. It’s got a selfhealing effect. My System is built on the principle of grace. And those who have experienced My grace and mercy should also be willing to extend the same to others. “Blessed are the merciful, for they shall obtain mercy.” So try to come up with a bit more of a merciful attitude for Heaven’s sake, since you’re having to be forgiven for so much yourself! Look at My mercy; the mercy I’ve had and continue having for you, and then be willing to extend some of that to others around you, even if it’s going to take a considerable effort. (2012:107) Are you going to make your vendetta try to get even? Or are you going to let it go, forgive and show love anyway? (2012:108) Isn’t that the mode and vibe of Cain, of trusting in and relying on the works of your own flesh, rather than letting My grace do most of the work through you, for you and in you? Is it going to be Cain’s way, or Abel’s? - Flesh or Spirit? - Works or grace? (2012:117)

No matter how far off the track you get, I’ll never abandon you, I’ll always remain by your side, help you out of the messes you get yourself into, and preserve you from the worst. “Where sin doth abound, there grace doth much more abound” (see Rom.5:20). Which doesn’t mean that you should deliberately sin to obtain more grace, but I like to prove and demonstrate My mercy, it’s greatness and sheer endlessness, by always being there for you, anyway, as a ray of hope for others. (2012:126) You’re finding out how tough it is when others can’t forgive you. Well, let that be a reminder for those situations when you exclude others from your circle for something you can’t tolerate, accept or forgive about them. (2012:169) It’s irrelevant whether you feel “worthy” or deserving, or not, since it’s all about grace through faith, eliminating any other criteria of worthiness. (2012:180) Sometimes it’s hard for you to imagine how I could possibly forgive and look past such a vast amount of sin, wickedness and evil that goes down there, even in your own life… It’s more than your own faith holds the capacity for. But I’ve got to allow this in order to show you the vastness of the pardon and forgiveness I am capable of, not just for yourself, but others as well. It takes walking and living a lifetime among sinners at eye level for a Son of God to be able to sympathize enough, in order to be willing to forgive just about any sin, providing forgiveness is wanted and asked for. (2013:24) The message on My end is Pardon… mercy… forgiveness… So, why dwell on accusation and remorse? (2013:46) Still trying to redeem yourself? Still trying to do My job for Me? Still not quite sure whether My forgiveness is capable of coping with sins, flaws and transgressions of the kind and size you are guilty of? Well, you’re finding it hard to believe, especially since you found out that your own capacities to forgive seem to be somewhat limited, and you figure you’re only going to be forgiven to the extent that you forgive others… But then again, that would make My love and forgiveness conditional and contingent on your own works and goodness. So, interpreting some of the things I said on forgiveness in this way wasn’t quite accurate. It’s true that the merciful obtain mercy, and you shouldn’t judge in order not to be judged. It’s also true that extending forgiveness toward others, even for things that may be hard to forgive, is extremely liberating, and a great thing. But My love and forgiveness toward you are still not conditional upon your own capacities to love and forgive, otherwise there wouldn’t be much hope for anyone. Of course, it is My hope that as you experience and benefit from My never-ending love and forgiveness, you’ll also find more and more grace to follow My example, but I still won’t make My mercy dependent on it; otherwise it wouldn’t work, right? My hope is, that once you see just how much you’ve had to be forgiven for and continue to have to be forgiven for, it’ll also be easier for you to forgive others. You’re having enough to deal with there, with your trials and battles you’re trying to cope with. Why should I continue to punish you when you finally come Home? Remember the story of the Prodigal Son! It’s going to be party time, not, “Woe unto thee dreadful sinner” time! You’re redeemed and forgiven, so there’s nothing about coming to Me at the end of your earthly life that needs to be dreaded! No matter how bad you are, I can cope and deal with it. You might have to cope and deal with some of the repercussions of your actions yourself while you’re down there, attending the School of Life, but once the bell rings, there’s nothing to worry about anymore, I promise! Once it’s over, it’s over, if you’ve done what you could. And if you didn’t, there will still be other chances to catch up on some missed-out courses, but there simply is no condemnation for those who are in Jesus Christ. If you’ve tasted My redemption and partaken of the price I’ve paid with My blood, it’s over, finished, done, and there’s nothing left for you to worry about, as far as your death is concerned, or rather, your life in the Hereafter… (2013:49) Who’s to judge when or whether My mercy is appropriate, or not? Remember My motto, “mercy, not sacrifice!” (Hosea 6:6) Sooner or later judgment won’t be inevitable, since folks just bring it upon their own heads, but trust Me that I prefer mercy and will show it for as long as I possibly can. (2013:74) How about extending that ray of hope to others; the same kind of mercy I bestow on you, and give them a chance, no matter how bad you think they are? I’m trying to get you to extend to others some of the same mercy and kindness and love I’ve shown and bestowed on you. (2013:91) If there’s nothing in this world anymore for you to look for the fulfillment of your hopes in, what better grounds than that to finally get the point that it’s Me and My grace that’s the only thing that’s ever going to be sufficient to fill that need? (2013:112) The flesh is busy trying to prove that it can do it on its own, so it doesn’t have to show thanks or appreciation for anything… It all boils back down to the difference between the ways of Cain and Abel, grace vs. works. (2013:115) It’s not all that easy, as a believer to trust in God’s forgiveness and yet have to go through suffering for committed sin… but it also explains why many believers don’t recommend sinning to believers. (2014:105) Sometimes you may have to realize that you need Me and My help in order to make it through some of the situations, and once you do, you’ll eventually realize that it makes the grace come that you needed. Trust in Me and it will come, the grace you need in

order to make it. I can give it to you, and it’ll be yours if you just hang on to Me and develop the faith in the grace you need in order to receive the victory, even if it doesn’t look like victory at all at first. (2014:122) Sometimes it’s My will for folks to learn to have mercy on their kids with wrongs and errors. Perhaps it teaches you a little of what mercy the Father has had with you (and still has) in spite of some similar wrongs you committed and partially are still doing. If you’re expecting mercy from the Father, well, then it would be the right way for you to show mercy to your children in spite of all their errors, sins, faults and wrong-doings. Show what you’ve learned from the Father’s mercies you’ve been experiencing! If He’s had mercy on children in spite of all their errors, sins, faults and wrong-doings, show what you’ve learned from the Father’s mercies! If He’s had mercy on you, don’t you think it would be time for you to have some mercy on your kids, as well? He that has been shown mercy ought to have some for others, too, don’t you think? (2014:133) Learn to be softer! Learn to be sweeter and more grace- and merciful! Learn to let them live and be whichever way they want to, trusting that I might have put those desires in their hearts! Be a good man by being good and merciful and forgiving! Let not your heart be troubled! (2014:136) Learning to love more is definitely worth it, and it includes putting up with the faults of those around you, becoming more accepting of others, more merciful toward them, and thus making them feel more loved eventually. (2014:170) Remember that a lot of the good stuff in the there and then stems from the gift of grace! It’s not something you earned, like the positive features in this temporal world! Some rewards, sure, but even the strength to gain them is all by grace. So, remember not to put too much faith in yourself and your own abilities, but the gift of the Father’s grace! “For by grace are ye saved through faith, and that not of yourselves” (Eph.2:8)! (2015:44) As We forgive you, it should also be a lesson for you to forgive your kids for their behavior. – And learn to deal with it in a forgiving manner. (2015:95) Life is quite a challenge. But it was never promised that it would stay easy all of the time. You’ve just got to learn to put up with it as it comes, and take through grace whatever it brings. (2015:128) Forgiveness is somehow better than always making folks repay for their mistakes, wrongs and errors (especially when you make bigger ones yourself)! (2015:138) Just as the Father and I have mercy on you, bestow that same mercy on others, too, and make all the effort you can to bring them along into your future Home! (2015:151) Believe in a merciful God! Believing in a merciful Creator is what will help you to be more merciful toward others as well. (2015:161) Have a similar level of mercy that We’ve had to have with you! Ready to bestow the same level of mercy that you’ve been needing? Ready to be as loving and forgiving to others as you’ve been pardoned and loved? (2015:162) When your kids aren’t behaving perfectly, remember you aren’t, either, and yet your heavenly Father has been putting up with you! So, let it teach you a lesson of mercy and forgiveness, and put up with your kids’ behavior as well! (2015:165) Just take and accept whatever comes with as much grace as you can, Amen? (2015:167) Remember that mercy is one of My traits! And I also know that it’s our common enemy trying to get you as low down there as he can… so, I can’t blame you for all the parts of being out of the victory, although, of course, I’d much prefer it if you could stay and remain a bit more victoriously! But I know what a powerful enemy you’ve got to deal with; and… hey: the fact that he’s your enemy, too - as he’s Mine – and you’re not one of those masses of folks falling for him, brings us closer together than any of his traits could ever drive us apart! He’s trying to drive you away from Me, and thus, in your mind, drive us apart… but he can’t turn Me away from you, no matter how badly he makes you behave through his wickedness he tries to get you to blame on Me! (2015:187) Handle rough circumstances with My grace! (2015:214) My mercy exceeds rules created by certain habits or customs. Mine and the Father’s mercy is greater than some rules We may have passed out previously. Remember Our grace and mercy! – Part of that Love We bring and are. (2015:250) If you’ve got faults and flaws, they and their recognition should help you to put up with those of others more easily and be more forgiving. Learning a bit of tolerance and acceptance of faults is part of learning love. After all, isn’t forgiveness one of those important parts of it? So, maybe that’s what you should learn right now: forgiveness and putting up with others’ – especially your children’s – faults. (2016:26)

Take things the way they come! Taking with grace what life has to offer, depending on the help from Above to make it, and not complaining about it with an ungrateful attitude! (2016:42) When it comes to other’s faults, remember Our forgiveness and mercy! It’s by grace you are saved (Eph.2:8,9)! So, remember Our grace toward you and spare some for those around you! Let mercy be a significant part of that love for others, just as We’re having it for you! Trust Me that things could be a lot harder and tougher, and they will be; but it’s through Our grace that you can make it, no matter how tough it gets! Remember to replace a critical and judgmental attitude by Our love and mercy! (2016:45) If We forgive you for your sins and bad traits, you should definitely also become ready to forgive others for theirs…, which, otherwise would be self-righteousness, definitely not a recommendable attitude and mindset to have! So, become a bit more open toward receptiveness of others in spite of lack of perfection, just as We are with you, and learn from Us that love goes beyond the expectation of perfection in others, but leans much more toward forgiveness for faults and failures instead! (2016:50) Once you manage to get ahold of the spiritual uplifting Powers down there, they’ll also help and enable you to take whatever meets you down there with a bit more grace. Now, that’s what a saint’s made out of! (2016:73) Don’t be like the guy who was too stingy and greedy and selfish to forgive others their much smaller debt than he had been forgiven for! If you’re forgiven for a lot of faults and mistakes, wouldn’t it be the worst mistake in the world you could make not to forgive others for theirs? (2016:88) Try to take the hard times with a little more grace, for a lot more grace will be necessary through what’s to come! You need some more of it, and should aim and ask more for. As much as it takes mercy for you to make it through these days, the more grace and mercy it’ll take for you to make it through times to come… And dreadful acts and behavior around you are only a mild sample of what’s to expect from times to come when conditions will be the roughest of history! So, take it with a bit of grace, knowing that a lot more grace will be needed in times to come! (2016:91) Forgiveness and tolerance are parts of love, and it should give you a glimpse of the Father’s affection toward you, a glimpse of tolerance and forgiveness, putting up with any of your faults, hoping you’d bestow the same kind of affection to others around you as well. (2016:111) Wouldn’t you consider how much faith in Me grew during the 80s enough reason for Me and the Father to postpone the judgment, and give folks another chance? What do you expect from a God of Love? – No mercy? When Our mercy is a substantial part of Our Love you should be quite thankful for. (2016:133)

Metaphors (Parables) Picture yourself as an archer! You skillfully hold the bow, focusing on the target, sharpening the better of your eyes, aim exactly as you pull the arrow, stretching the string to the point where you feel that this is what will give the arrow the momentum needed to hit the bull’s eye with the right impact. That's what good prayer is like. It's time to cultivate that skill, give it the place of honor it deserves as a means of survival. Your soul is the bow, the arrow is your prayer, and My heart is the bull’s eye. I am the True Goal, and if you hit Me, it’ll always have the desired effect. You only need to shoot short distance, as I’m always close. Just wrap your burden, your question or desire around the arrow and let it fly to Me. (I:7) If the ball is in your court, the best One to throw it to is Me. Let Me decide when it is best to make which move next. Trust in Me, the Leader and Captain of your team, and you’ll play safe. Trust and look to Me as you go, and I will lead and guide you every moment of the way. I can’t tell you all the exact moves of the match before it starts, as a lot will depend on the moves the other team will make, the ones we’re playing against, and your reactions to those moves. Also call on the help of your other team members, your Spirit helpers and angels, as they’re going to be a big help in keeping the opposing team at bay. Watch out for pride, one of the central players of the enemy, and don’t be too soft, either, as you won’t stand a chance of winning the game, otherwise. Alright, I’m passing the ball back to you... (I:61) Those who settle for mere Earthly contentment are like goats who can survive on anything. But My sheep will never be truly satisfied with less than My fresh green grass and the sound of My voice. (I:97) ‘Except a grain of wheat fall into the ground and die, it abideth alone... ’ On its own, the grain of wheat doesn’t do much good. And down there in the darkness it doesn’t see, feel or perceive much but its immediate surroundings: the earth and the worms, an occasional mole or bug. But if it absorbs the heat of My sunshine and the waters of My rain and lets its shell become soft, something inside starts growing, which finally wants to burst through the shell of your former confines. And that’s the moment when your old man dies to make room for something new, something greater than your former self. And as you grow steadily heavenward, finally you see the light and eventually find yourself side by side with many, countless other stalks of grain. Your roots intertwined with theirs, you sway and dance in the wind in unison, you’re not an individual entity anymore, alone – no, that lone self and former you has died – you’re one with the harvest now, ready to ‘bring forth much fruit.’ (I:122)

I’m the Director, and I chose My cast, and even though you may have a hard time believing this, I know best who’s suited for which role. Sometimes it takes a while for an actor to grow into a role or for a role to grow onto them. But when the movie is done, you’ll know that I was right. And as you will receive your reward, your ‘Oscar’, you will thank Me and say, ‘Even though I initially had my doubts about the Director’s wisdom in choosing me for this part, I want to thank Him now for giving it to me in spite of my earlier protests...’ And you’ll go on to thank your producers, your staff and colleagues, and all the little folks behind the scenes who made it all possible. I know, it’s a little tough and strenuous at times, the shooting and making of this movie of your life. The training for the battle scenes alone is wearisome and it’s hot and uncomfortable. And, oh, the antics of some of those other actors! Well, welcome to the Hollywood of the real life! Once you take the time to carefully study the script, you begin to realize it actually makes beautiful sense, and I promise, there’ll be grateful tears when you’ll see your name among all the others scrolling down at the end, and you’ll know it will have been worth it all! (I:127) Air is a good description of My nature: It is invisible, yet vital and all around you. Sometimes it is warm and still and sometimes whips your faith in strong winds, or wreaks judgment over the Earth in fierce storms. Mostly taken for granted, you never miss it as much as when it’s not there. View your task as one of a life-guard, offering the rope of Salvation to a drowning population! (I:129) As you move your ship across the fierce oceans of this life, I will be your anchor, My Spirit will be the wind to blow you to your destiny and My Words of instruction will be your helm and rudder, steering you in the directions I tell you to. (I:132) You must learn to become a thermostat, regulating the ‘temperature’ of the atmosphere around you, instead of merely being a thermometer, measuring and reflecting the temperature given off by those surrounding you. (I:174) You’re actors in a great work, and you need to turn to the Director and follow the script, in order to bring about the best possible performance. Unlike in a worldly movie, though, to be a star in My show, it’s not about how cool you come across, how well you can act, but how much you care and do for others that counts the most, and that’ll qualify you for star status in My Kingdom! And My highest awards often go to those who took on the lowliest roles, the nobodies and nothings who just did for others what was needed, whenever they could, even if it meant a sacrifice of an opportunity to show the world how well or great they could have done something else. (I:181)

I don’t like you to fill your mind, your heart and your self with any old thing that comes along, any old book or movie, because I can only fill an empty space and vacuum that’s waiting for Me to fill it. But if you fill it up with something else already... It’s like: you can’t eat any more healthy food once you’re stuffed with junk food. When you’re full, you’re full. Tune in to My wavelength, log on to My server and press the download button, and as soon as My computer detects any blank storage space on your hard drive, I will fill it with the desired and needed input! (I:185) I sent you as sheep in the midst of wolves, not for you to pretend to be one of them, but to be a shining light unto My other sheep, that they might see you and find you and recognize you as a beacon in the darkness to whom they’ll be able to turn and find Me. (I:186)

Many apparently meaningless details and incidents start making sense once you start turning to Me. It’s like turning a light on in a dark room. It’s like learning to read: all of a sudden those symbols start making sense. (I:192) The plenteous life-style has hardened the hearts of many, to where it has become as the stony ground in the parable of the sower: they hear the Word, but then the enemy comes and takes the seed away, the birds and evil spirits of the System snatch My golden Words right off of their minds and hearts again, keeping them busy with other, trivial things to think about, and the sunshine and warmth of the comfortable lush life dries them up, sucks the life out of them and prevents them from growing roots in their hearts... (I:193) Get out of the grand stand! Participate, run and fight with us, instead of analyzing. Once you’re down in the arena, you’ll see just how tough it is to fight the devil and the whole world, and still try to be a perfect sample. So, stop criticizing and analyzing and come on down, walk on the ground with Jesus, right here in the arena, where it’s happening. That’s where the crowns are being won, where the winners are. Be a co-fighter, really attacking the Devil where it hurts, in the real-life, flesh and blood battle down in the arena of witnessing and preaching the Gospel. (I:230) Set up a spiritual firewall against evil intruders! Don’t let them plant their spyware cookies on your system so they can spy out when you’re most vulnerable! Don’t grant them any access and make sure your firewall doesn’t allow any leakage! Run your spyware checker program regularly, claiming the keys against any evil little intruders and keep your system clean of anything that might cause trouble! Only turn to safe sites for good, healthy, clean and uplifting input and don’t take any risks! Better safe than sorry! The keys of imprisonment can act like a spiritual firewall that’s shielding you from hostile intrusion and attempts of the enemy to hack into your system! Keep it up and running and activated all the time! (I:256) But when there’s a need, it creates a vacuum. It’s like the darkness that cries for the light, the cold that longs for My warmth, the question that waits for My answer, the problem which yearns for My solution. (I:259) Don’t stop taking in the sap of life! If you cut yourself off from the sap of life, your tree will wither and die away. I put before you today the path of life and death: choose your own future! Will you be a tree of life planted by the rivers of water that brings forth his fruit in its season, or will you allow yourself to spiritually dry out, wither and die? (I:309) Keep drinking in My Word and keep alive with My magical, heavenly sap, which will cause you to bring forth fruit, instead of dying on the vine! Isn't it a wonderful feeling, the prospect of bringing forth fruit for Me? Your branches hanging full with blossoms, promising a ripe and abundant harvest? Spring is coming, and your tree will blossom, and all those blossoms will become fruits in their season, at harvest time, as long as you stay planted by the rivers of My water, and you keep receiving My life-giving sap... (I:312)

Trust Me, the Director of the play, with the distribution of the roles. You would all like to be little directors yourselves... The quality of your performance depends on your dedication and what you put into it. Sometimes some rather unknown actor in a little, less significant side-role can take the audience’s breath away more than the main actors and characters, and by the grace of God you can be such a man, but it’s up to you, your willingness to put all you’ve got into it... The best is to be content with your little role and play it the best you know how and trust Me for it and just do what you can to make the best of it. You never know who might be chosen for different roles in a later cast... (I:360) I want you to become like a river. Where does a river flow? It doesn’t flow to the high places, it flows to the low places. To those who have not, those who are parched and dry and thirsty and yearn and thirst for what you’ve got to give. (I:379) Just like in the fairy tales of old, My bride has been laying asleep for a long period of time by a spell that was cast on her by a wicked witch, and thorns and hedges of thistles have grown around her, but here I come, her Knight in shining armor, and I will kiss her awake and take her with Me to places and heights never known before! (I:406) All their smartness will avail to nothing if they make their bill without the Keeper of the Inn, the One in charge, Whom they're trying to lock out of His own creation. What do you think will happen in the long run if you refuse to pay your rent and ruin the house you live in and lock the door and refuse to let the landlord in? Sooner or later he'll call the police and break down the door to take back what's rightfully his and kick you out, put you in front of the door, or even in jail. They may be thoroughly deceived that I may not have any rightful claims to My property, but they'll find out in the long run. I have enough proofs and witnesses that I'm in charge of this joint, even though the devil may say, "But you've handed it over to me! I

won it in the gamble!" But the game isn't even over yet, and though he may think he's winning - or rather refuse to believe that he's losing - all things will come back to Me in the end. (I:439) I'm your Toilet, flushing your mind and heart with the water of My Word. (I:441) I give you everything so that you give it back to Me. If you receive everything from My hand and thank Me for it and are willing to give it back to Me every time (like the picture of a parent playing ball with a toddler: the toddler has to be willing to throw or roll the ball back to the parent, otherwise it won't work...), then you'll eventually find out that this game works, and it's actually fun, and that there's a sense to all this give and take, even though you (the toddler) may not see it at first... Do you see the persuasion and loving patience that's involved in persuading someone to give up something, to give it back to Me, in order to get the ball rolling and make progress? It gets better all the time, you know, if you just trust enough to give the things or people you love back to Me. Every time you trust Me and give one of those beloved items or persons back to Me, put them into My hands and are willing to forsake them for Me, I will improve them a little bit for you, and you'll get back something better than you had before. And if I choose to take something or someone away from you for a period that to you may seem "permanent", you can also trust that this will only serve for Me to give you something better, as you'll see in the long run. You may not always agree with Me right away that it's better, but you will, eventually. Instead of getting offended, hurt, proud and bitter about Me asking to give something back to Me that you love, I want you to trust in My Promise that I never take one thing away from you without giving you something better. (I:488) Crank up the motor of love and keep burning the fuel! This kind of combustion doesn't cause any pollution nor waste, but constantly produces positive energy! (I:491) You can keep steering that steering wheel all you like, but when the motor has died down, you won't be getting anywhere. Maybe you'll coast a few more hundred meters on your former momentum, but soon you'll come to a halt, and since we're usually trying to make uphill progress, without the motor and engine and Power of My Love present and at work in your lives, you might even be in danger of sliding back and rolling back down the hill a piece, until you pull the hand brake and start the motor again. Which also means you better make sure you always have enough fuel in your tank. See, I'm really not expecting anything too difficult from you! I'm teaching you to drive, so that you can safely pick up My passengers on the way. But I'm making sure that you're becoming a safe driver, one who will make sure to get everyone safely to their destination. And one of the main rules is: always make sure your tank is full! Make sure your motor is running and well oiled with My Spirit. Sometimes, with all the commotion everybody makes, you don't even realize right away that the motor has gone off. But then I give you My warning signals, and you realize. Make sure there's enough air in your tires, ensuring a soft, instead of a bumpy ride: be soft, gentle, polite and kind to each other! Make sure the brakes are all working, so you can stop, look and listen when any obstacles or other drivers or circumstances are getting in your way! Make sure there's enough water and coolant to keep your motor from over-heating! You also need to make sure you're not loading up more than you're allowed to take. Sometimes you feel tempted to take on anyone who needs help or would like to get a ride with you, but then you run into danger that your vehicle might simply not make it up that hill, and you must ask Me first about each new passenger you take on! If you keep all these safety rules and precautions, and make sure you're behaving properly out there in the traffic, then I can bless you with a safe ride, and you'll know you won't have to worry so much about anything, because, even though you bear responsibility, you've delegated that weight safely into My hands, by obeying Me in all these things and thus knowing for certain that I will keep My promises and My part of the deal! Come, and be re-filled, My love! Tank up and get this overhaul, check-up and renewal of My Spirit done! Let Me refresh your system! Let Me clean you up completely and make you all like new inside! - Always focusing on the need, the purpose for all of this: not just to improve yourself and to enhance your own life-style, or make your model look nicer or fancier, but in order to make room for more passengers to pick up towards My destination - their destiny, the accomplishment of My highest will for each of them and you. A racing car cannot keep on without regularly pulling into the boxes and getting checked up, refueled, new tires and serviced, to make sure that nothing is going to go wrong during the next rounds. Well, this racing car isn't just a little one man cab, but a passenger bus. I can enhance and update your model according to the need and the vision, and that which seemed least likely to run and win the race, often winds up being the big surprise in the end. (I:500) I and the Father Himself, We live to love and to be loved. Even though you may feel unworthy of such honor, it is not the flesh that counts; it's the spirit that makes all this possible. Just like the penis enters into the dark and hidden places of the woman's intimate parts, so I love and crave to enter into the dark and hidden things of this dark and mysterious realm of the flesh, the physical, and I crave for intimate contact with My believers in the physical realm, those who can only perceive Me by faith. (I:509) The good shepherd leaves the 99 and goes out into the wilderness, out into the storm, into the brambles, and He couldn't care less about His clothes or how he looks afterwards. All that matters is the rescue of the lost sheep. Be a true shepherd and defend the sheep with your life! (I:512) Is the Kingdom of God a pearl of such great price to you that you're willing to sell everything else that you've got in order to seek first the good of the Kingdom, just like I gave up My life for you? You were a pearl of great price that I gave everything for, now, how much are you willing to give for Me? (I:514)

You are very precious to Me. Like diamonds just hewn out of the dark, black rocks: There's still a lot of that black stuff all around you, and if you focus on that, you're not a pretty sight, that's true. But just wait until I'm through with you! You have incredible treasures in earthen vessels, that the excellency of the Power may be manifest as clearly being Mine and not your own. (I:516) You can steer your boat into virtually any direction and towards any destination, according to your faith, which is the power that will draw down My wind to guide you and push you into the waters and harbor of your choice. If you just keep up that pace of My Spirit, that "slowly but surely" pace, you'll know that you'll reach your destination safely, because I'll be the Power to get you there. (I:539) If the "rat" seems to have developed a certain resistance against My "poison", you will simply have to heighten the dose or try some other variations of My heavenly "pesticides," just come to Me for counsel about it, and I'll give and show you what you need each day and what exactly you must do to successfully bust Satan and his crowd successfully in each situation. You may find out that this "rat" actually mutates into a monster, a great, fierce dragon that will try to stop you with all within him from conquering the sleeping princess, and from awakening her with the kiss of My Love and delivering her out of his clutches. (I:544)

All you see is the hole in the doughnut, the things that others have that you don't have, and the greener grass on the other side of the fence. There is no hole! The holes are just portions of the same batter that you take apart, in order to give the doughnut its special form and shape: the shape of a circle, a symbol for eternity. In the light of eternity, or from an eternal viewpoint, all those "holes" in your doughnuts make perfect sense. (I:561) If you know you've got a certain weakness in an area that you need to overcome, or a root of sin that you need to tear out and not allow it to grow, then you've just got to keep recognizing it, keep confronting it, keep at it. Keep applying the remedy! Keep calling on the Gardener and the Gardener's helpers to help you combat those evil, ensnaring weeds, hindering you from bearing any real fruit in your life! (I:580) That little bit of faith makes all the difference in the world. It's that pearl of great price, which is becoming of ever increasing value to you, as you realize all it can do, and everything else becomes worthless by comparison. You have been a pearl diver for My truths, and you have found it, that most precious of all pearls, that key to My Kingdom called faith, and as you focus on it, and it becomes all-important to you, and as it reveals to you mystery upon mystery, opens unto you door after door, and supplies you with riches upon riches, all else fades away into oblivion and less importance, except those who would also like to bask in the true light that this little pearl gives off, having realized that all the other lights were fakes and counterfeits. (I:581) I am the foundation. Choose this day what you will build on it: hay, wood or precious stones! Wood is a sturdy material, and definitely an upgrade to straw, but it won't stand the test of fire, either. The only thing that's going to pass the fiery test is that from My Eternal Realm: My Word and the pursuit to not only treasure it for yourselves, but also to get it out to others, so that they, too may be partakers of My Word and be transformed into precious stones for your crowns. Striving for precious stones and the pure gold of faith requires the utmost dedication, commitment and seriousness about your business. You're not just slapping together a mud hut or a wood shack, you're building something that lasts, which requires investing time and well-planned effort into your building. You're only going to get out of it what you're willing to put into it. (II:8) You've got to convey the faith, that I, the heavenly Doctor and Mender, know best what's really good for them, and even though that which you present to them as My medicine may not appeal to them at first, if they only try it, they will like it, or at least it's going to help them. Can't you testify of the good that My medicine has done for you in your life? The "leaves of life and healing" of My Word? Aren't you a lot better off than before when you didn't have a clue what was wrong or where you were going? Apply the healing balm of My Spirit generously with all those you come across! (II:19) When the seed is still encased in its shell, it's in total darkness, and when the shell cracks open, it appears to be in the light, and free, compared to its former confines. But you're only growing and groping your way through the earth until you pierce through the veil, the spot that separates darkness and light, and come out into the sunshine! You can feel the warmth, the closer you get to the surface, but the enemy sends frost and blithe to harm you, snails, to eat you up before you can make it out, and you've felt them have a bite of you. But this must only make you all the more determined to fight your way to the top, because the faster you'll grow, the sooner you'll be stronger, and strong enough to withstand all the enemy's attacks. (II:24) The grain of wheat in the ground feels lonely. Only once you've broken through that veil where you come into the light, you'll find out that you haven't been alone all along, but that there are millions of others like you. (II:79) If I would not require of you to have the faith first, I would make it too easy; there would be no challenge, no test, and the "game" would be boring! Everybody could become a "winner" too easily. So, I've made it thus that this "treasure hunt" of life wouldn't be all too easy. I'm not telling everybody: "Hey, everybody; the treasure’s over here! Come and grab your rewards!"

That is, I often do tell them, but they won't believe! They won't believe, because they've already been conditioned by the enemy, the great "party pooper" and his lies that "there is no treasure!" "There's only this dull life, and the only reward you'll ever get is the money you'll get in exchange for the work you do, and that's it!" "The only reward you'll ever get is that which you earn with your sweat!" Well, that's his variation of the game, and since it appeals to a lot of people - ever since Cain - I let them have their "fun" and let them find out which is better: the enemy's rules or Mine. Stay focused on the search for My true treasures, not distracted by the devil's variety of My Game, which I called "Life - more abundant," and which he dubbed "Survival - if you manage!" Don’t follow the twist of the world: "I'll do it because everybody does it," and spend your time and energy worrying about and doing all you can to get the devil's little "Monopoly" paper money rewards for your sweat, while I'm waiting for you to start hunting My real treasure: the lost souls out there, buried in the harvest field of life! Sure, they're well hidden perhaps, at least some are, but the main reason you're not finding any more is because you're too occupied playing "Survival." Is the devil's variation of My Game really that much better? (II:80) This treasure hunt is a little tricky. The clues that guide you to My true treasure aren't always that easy to find. And the enemy, the party-pooper has made the game more difficult by hanging nice and shiny distractions all over the place, little "plastic treasures" and imitations, to keep you from looking for the real ones. (II:82) For one karat of diamond, you have to shift one ton of sand! It takes a while of digging and searching until you find a diamond in all that sand, someone worthwhile that is hungry for the truth and will receive it. But you have to do that digging, shifting and searching, otherwise you'll never find out! You have to hear them out, check them out, talk to them and have a thorough look at them and not be too quick to discard them! Some that you would have discarded as sand turned out to be diamonds which had to be found by others, which shows that you didn't look very thoroughly! Sometimes you didn't even have the faith that there were going to be any diamonds in that pile of sand in the first place. But I promise you: there are diamonds out there, and if you seek them, you will find them! (II:117) It's not how much something will sparkle or shine or how glorious it may appear, that defines its worth, but how much it will endure the tests of time. Only real gold will last. Truth in the inward parts - applied to purge and make clean, that is what will bring about the true gold that can stand the tests of time! (II:120) First you've got to establish a well operating core and center of a unit of any size, starting from molecules and atoms, that's pretty much the founding rule of the whole universe. Every living cell has a core, and that core has got to be well intact and healthy, otherwise it won't be able to multiply successfully and grow into a bigger organism. I am the Life that ensures a healthy cell core. As long as that very center of each cell receives the necessary nourishment and protection it needs from Me, it won't have any problems growing into something greater. But as long as there is an area where the flow is hindered, the exchange of life-supporting substances is stopped or not working as it should; I cannot allow it to grow and spread, otherwise there will be a sick organism. (II:144) Treating the imposters success and failure just the same is what makes a good pilot: a good and smooth landing! It's relatively easy to take off, and you feel like you want to stay up there forever. But what goes up, must come down, and you're going to have to come back down eventually, and why not do so out of your own accord, before your fuel runs out and you'll take a tumble and spin? (II:152) It takes certain maintenance work to keep some types of weapon functioning properly. You've got to keep the pipes clean, the powder or the ammunition dry, etc. If you're too occupied with mundane matters to invest time into your spiritual duties, then it's no wonder if you're going to fall from your "sharp-shooter" level to a lower one, where you only hit the mark every once in a while. (II:231) The true believers would rather go down with the ship than desert it! If you really believe that this is My ship, then you will rather go down with it, when it seems as if it's sinking, than to jump off in order to try to save your own neck. Who needs those who will only try to save their own necks, seek to further their own cause, boost their own egos? We don't need them on our ship, where we're trying to learn and teach others how to love in total abandon of self. If you really believe and know that I am the Captain of this ship, you won't jump into a life boat to try and be your own captain and "branch" out into your own business. (II:263) My sheep will only truly be satisfied with My good grass, but goats will go for the stuff the devil feeds them. My sheep aren't satisfied by anything but love, whereas goats will settle for the temporary satisfaction that material things, success, money, pride and accomplishments bring. (II:268) If the devil tries to distract you, zoom right back in on Me! It's almost like pulling a stubborn horse or mule back in the direction you want it to go when it starts to go the other way. That horse is like your flesh which thinks it can do it without My help and trudge off on his own. So, you've got to pull the reins and say "No, fella, this way!" That's what you've got to do in order to train and discipline your mind! (II:286)

Pipes have multiple purposes and uses: liquids flow through them from one vessel or place to another, or air, and with a few holes in the right places, you can create heavenly music with them! You can bring life and joy to many, being one of My pipes! Know that My mouth is always attached to the other end of the pipe, and keep your pipe clean and pointed in the right direction. Pipes are very important in machines and cars, to keep them running. They transport oil, fuel, water, or air to the right places, and if one of them gets clogged up, nothing runs anymore. Of course, the enemy will always try to clog up your pipes, but you must refuse to let him, or if he's managed to do it temporarily, you've got to let Me clean it immediately with My Word and the oil of My Spirit again! There's never a shortage of My fuel, you know? And it's for free! - Yours for the asking. When nothing on Earth will go or flow anymore, no more gas, no more oil, no more water, no more electricity, then My Power will still be running through you! Ignite the spark of faith in others, that will get their "motor started." Everything you see is a shadow, an illustration of things you don't see. Cars are a bad smelling and relatively dirty version of My heavenly machinery, but they serve to do the trick of explaining certain spiritual principles. I don't mind getting My hands dirty, lying on the floor to get some old rusty model like you going again and make it brand new. There's nothing I can't fix! Sometimes I might need to renew a certain part or replace it, but I've got a never-ending supply of spare parts, tools and equipment to make or remake anything that's needed. I can even upgrade your vehicle and make it stronger and faster than before! (II:322) It takes an effort to get a fire burning, or to keep it burning. You have to continue to fuel it and feed it. It's the same with your spiritual fire. You have to keep fueling it with the wood of My Word and the oil of My Spirit. Ask Me to help you stay "on fire" for Me! Guard that flame, and don't take it for granted. Don't allow Satan to blow it out! Beware of the flood of lies he tries to use to put out your fire, both, lies of the System, as well as the subtle little lies he tries to implant directly in your minds! (II:400) Some people are just better "fire wood" than others: if there's still too much of their own interests in there, the things that they want, the things of the world, etc., then they're usually too "wet" to get a good fire going... You just have to wait a while, until all that worldly spunk has dried up, you don't just toss the log away... (II:417) There is always a certain amount of time pressure involved in the task of getting in the harvest - ask any farmer - and the timing is crucial with some things. It takes a lot of work and action to respond to the opportunity. (II:422) I am the Sculptor, and all you can really "give Me a hand in" is to expose the side of you I need to work on any given day or moment readily. When I say, "I'm going to have to chip away a little bit of this area right now, over on this side," then you can give Me some co-operation by readily agreeing and saying "Yes, Sir! That side? Here it is! All Yours!" (II:423) A ton of coal isn't worth half as much as an ounce of gold. The true believers are My pearl of great price, a valued treasure of gold that will go through the fire of purging, but will not be burned and consumed, only purified. It all depends on the works a man builds on the Foundation: wood, hay, stubble, or precious stones. The precious stones are the souls the believers are winning to Me, and they will never burn, never perish. (II:431) You just have to take people for what they are. They're each different. None of them are the same, like pebbles: the variety is incredible and endless. No two rocks are the same. You look at them and enjoy them, absorb them, their shape, the way they're made, and you just accept them the way they are, even if some of them seem to have some rough edges that can even hurt you, or some ugly side, maybe some slime or mud at the bottom that needs to be washed off. They're still just another pebble, like you are, and all together you form the river bed through which My mighty river of life-giving waters can flow; My conduits to bring life to the world. Rivers are really good examples of My churches: some of them are polluted, and you dare not drink their water or bathe in them. Others are good and clean to enjoy at the places where they are young, and as they flow on, they also become victims of pollution. Then others have been known to be polluted in the past, but have been cleansed since. There are tiny little rivers of pure, fresh and clean water, which hardly anybody knows, and there are mighty, raging rivers, which give life to many. As you flow, you progress, and you change, and you will all wind up in the same place: the sea, where you'll all become one in Me. Then all differences will have been washed away and have become irrelevant; they will have subsided and made room for total unity, total and complete oneness, each drop of water basically looking the same, and in their time climbing up again, in the rays of the sun, to descend upon the Earth again and be poured back into the earth... into the river... the circle of life. Clear, clean water will reflect what it sees. Only when there's dirt and darkness you have a problem with revealing what you see and observe. (II:468) When you look at the day ahead of you, what do you see? In what way does My plan for you seem to be manifested today?" It's a little bit like putting the pieces of a puzzle together, and each day is a small puzzle that only presents another piece of the great picture puzzle of your life, which again is only another piece of the Big Picture. (II:499) I'm like a well within you, but in order to bring up the water to the surface, and to spill over onto others, to benefit others as well, you need to make the effort of pumping it up first. "The Kingdom of God is within you" (Lk.17:21). It's within you, and I'm using you to pump it up and slowly but surely flood the world with it. It's coming from all directions, like the waters of the flood, which were coming from both, the "fountains of the deep," as well as from the Heavens. (II:576)

I don't let people use the elevator to find Me; I prefer it if they use the stairs. (II:624) You have to apply smaller doses of the general gift of Salvation on a regular basis and try out its many uses. Again, a lot like electricity: it doesn't only hook you up to the gigantic network of users, it doesn't just light your house in one big flash, but you have to turn on the lights and appliances individually in the rooms and places where you need them and when you need them. You plug in and turn on the vacuum cleaner when the floor gets dirty, your washing machine when your laundry's dirty, or the hot water when you need a bath or shower... (III:3) It's good advice, to wait and see. It's like the parable about the wheat and the weeds. (III:23) Guard the flame! How easily a furnace can go out, if you don't have the fire burning properly yet, or when the fuel is consumed and you failed to put new fuel on in time... These are all living illustrations of how you must keep and guard the flame and fire in your soul, how you must keep feeding and nourishing it, and shelter it, make sure it gets enough oxygen, etc. It's an art in itself. It takes skill and effort. Sometimes you're too lazy to rekindle the flame or to put a new block of wood on the fire... Sometimes the furnace needs a cleaning, or the chimney sweeper has to come by and clear out all the pipes and vents... Sometimes you have to get rid of the old ashes first, before you can start a new fire... Sometimes the wood is still damp... It takes care and a certain amount of vigor to make sure your fire keeps burning, it doesn't just come by itself. I can help you kindle the flame, I can even supply you with the fuel, but you're still the one in charge of keeping it burning. I cannot do everything for you. That's not what is meant by letting Me do it through you. You've got to make sure it's My fuel that's burning, and not your own wick, that's why you've got to make sure that you always replenish the oil before it runs out. It takes staying on the ball, staying on the attack! You can't get lax about it. You need to be aware of the fact that the enemy is going to try all he can to snuff out your flame! He wants you to be cold and sick! He wants it to be dark, he doesn't want your flame to light up the landscape and the surroundings, nor does he want others to find warmth by your side! You've got to fight for it, you must fight to keep the fire alive! Sometimes you're also plain weary of the heat, and it's not until you experience another stretch of cold that you really appreciate the fire and its warmth again. And that's when there's a greater willingness again to go through all the little troubles necessary to keep a furnace going. If you work unitedly on keeping the fire burning, in order to share the warmth you generate together, as long as you seek to give and share every aspect of your lives, it will work and burn fine, but as soon as selfishness, jealousy and pride enter, they put a damper on the flame, and problems occur. That's when you've got to seek My face desperately for these problems that threaten to put out your fire. You cannot just try to "live with it," or hope they'll go away. Otherwise, if you just fold in resignation and figure, "it's no use shining my light on others, it'll just create problems anyway," then it's no wonder the flame goes out. It doesn't help to just blame the other party and say, "they won't let me burn," because it's your own responsibility to keep your flame kindled and your fire burning. You will be rewarded according to your stewardship over your own flame, and how well you guarded it, and how much warmth and light it gave off to others, no matter what. Your primary responsibility is to keep the fire burning. If that fire, that light, that life, that flame is really what's most important to you, you'll guard it with all you've got, and you won't allow any heinous tricks of the enemy to get anywhere near putting it out! You've got to be prepared for anything! You won't be deceived by appearances, either, nor blame conditions or circumstances! You won't be able to say, "Oh, it just went out by itself!" Not if you consider it your greatest duty to keep it burning! The only thing that can make it go out then is your failure to guard it and keep it properly. There's no other excuse for the keeper of the flame for having allowed the fire to go out than his own failure. (III:44) You don't need to wonder, "Am I in the wrong film?" because you're never in the wrong film. Sometimes you've merely got to adjust to the script, the setting and the co-actors. Call it a test of your flexibility and adaptability, plus a test of your trust in the Director's wisdom! (III:51) See those poor lost souls out there like abandoned puppies who are looking and longing for a new owner! Say to their souls, "I will care for you! I'll take care of you from now on." And even if you can't do it yourself, you know you can bring them to Me, the true Master of their souls, and if you give them into My care, you'll know they'll always be in the best hands possible. (III:58) The position of your heart in matters of accomplishment is just as important as the positions of individual pieces in a machine, or some sophisticated equipment. You can't put a motor in the trunk of a car for instance. But that's in a way, what lots of people do, like that old saying, they put their carts before their horses. It's the horse power that's got to do the job, otherwise the cart isn't going to get anywhere, and that applies to your relation with Me, too. Some people think they don't need the horse, or the motor or the fuel anymore, they're coasting along on some former momentum, and they don't realize that the oil has run out, or the horses are asleep. Without oil, that motor's going to give up the ghost pretty soon and cause one helluva stench. That's why I can use you better if you just know that you're utterly dependent on good maintenance, constant refills of fuel and oil, and make sure that the whole machinery is in order. All these things illustrate the intricacy of your lives for Me. There are many factors to consider, and, as usual, lots of folks never bother to read the manual, or they simply misunderstand or misinterpret the parts they do read, or they're not looking for contact with the Master Mechanic and Technician Who could show them all they need to know. I like to be involved in your earthly matters a whole lot more than most people realize. (III:63)

You're a little bit like a rain drop that doesn't want to fall. You're there in your cloud, saying, "No, let me just accumulate a bit more of water! I don't want to fall on this stupid ground, on this hard and stubborn earth. After all, they don't even deserve it!" The problem is, if you hang on to the sky for too long, the sun might just soak you up without your ever having done the earth any good, and you will have become "like clouds without rain" (s.a. 2.Peter 2:17)... "Wells without water, clouds driven with the tempest..." (III:107) Once you've become a sun, you don't revolve around them anymore, your path isn't dictated by their rules anymore, or whatever circumstances they dictate on you, but you become the pivot around which things revolve, you determine the rules and the course of events. (III:141) There isn't all that much sweetness and honey flowing over on others from such perfect little lives, as from the lives of those whose lives were crushed like a honey comb. (III:143) Turn on receiving mode! Welcome on the heavenly wavelength! Sometimes I keep you on CQ for a little while. Sometimes I need to know that you really want it. I want to make sure it's not just becoming another lifeless habit for you, the way some folks turn on their radios in the morning and let it run all day sort of for background noise because they can't stand the silence. My station requires silence. It requires turning off all other background noises, thoughts and distractions that would throw you off. It's also not something you can take for granted. Although you can be sure of My Presence and of the fact that I like and want to talk to you, it's a bit more than just flipping a switch. You've got to want it and have a vacuum for it. (III:144) What will you reap when the summer of your life is ending and the harvest is at your door? Will you wish you had done more, sown more seeds and ploughed and tilled the land more? Or will you enjoy and partake of the abundance that the labor of your hands has created? The harvest will tell whether your attitudes and modus operandi have been the right ones. (III:222) It takes time to learn where it pays the most to invest one's time. It's a lot like the growth of a plant. It takes time of stillness, sticking to your place and soaking up My life-giving water and nourishment from the soil of life. But those who do, in return create oxygen, the stuff that makes life possible for all other creatures around. You are My life-givers. By absorbing My Life, you become the factor that makes life possible for others. It's an invisible process. Mankind has been unaware of it for many centuries. They've always been taking trees for granted and have chopped them off wherever they came across them... They just stand there and don't seem to be good for nothing except to be chopped off and used to feed their fires or build their houses or furniture with... Likewise, people might consider you quite useless. But you and I know more than they. We know that you're actually the stuff that makes their life possible. As long as you're around, they don't have to be afraid of anything. I will keep things going as long as you're there. But woe unto them, if they start persecuting you. It's like those foolish people who are mowing down the rain forests, greedily robbing themselves of their very source of life. (III:231) You’ve got to beware of tossing the baby out with the filthy bathwater: the baby is still there. That baby is mankind, and it's going through its spring bath right now. The devil has gravely polluted that water, and you can hardly see the baby anymore, so you're tempted to just tip the whole tub over and spill it all out... good riddance. But you're forgetting the main purpose of it all: that baby. It's gotta come out clean, and it's gotta be cared for, dressed and fed and loved. It's not who can get rid of all the dirty water the quickest. Sometimes you've got to look below the surface and see what's still swimming there in the hazy mist or soup... It could be the purpose of it all, that you haven't even seen yet or even considered yet, nor even suspected that it was there... So, handle that baby with care! Handle your fellow humans with kid gloves, and most importantly with love! (III:234) Remember Don Quixote and his love for the prostitute, Dulcinea, and the way he saw her! - A perfect metaphor of My Love for mankind… Remember also the metaphoric comparisons of washing dishes or changing diapers with Salvation! It’s part of My job as a Savior to clean up the mess man made under the direction of the greatest mess-maker of all. (2012:85) The changes of truly great impact are not the ones wrought by the elements: The winds may toss you about, the waters threaten to drown you, the fires singe and the ground may threaten to swallow you up alive, but what matters is that “fifth element,” My still, small voice of love. It’s a mystery how it works in such strange ways, may lead you in a certain direction one day and another tomorrow, and in this is much like the wind, blowing where it listeth, without you knowing from where or whence, but it is not the wind. It may feel like a fire sometimes, and consume the impurities of your heart, but it won’t burn you like physical fire… It’s like water in that it refreshes your soul and may sometimes flow in overwhelming abundance, but never drowning anyone. It’s like the earth, a resting place for your soul to find root in and bring forth new life, but yet so different from earthly soil, much more alive and versatile. The material counterparts are just shadows and illustrations of it. One can’t touch it, see it, feel it, smell it or hear it audibly, and yet it’s real… (2012:88) The confidence that keeps you marching forward on a strenuous hike: you know every step will bring you closer to your destination. In that aspect, life is like a hike. The path may be strenuous, but you know there’ll be a rewarding destination waiting for you. Sometimes you don’t know for sure if it’s really there, or what will expect you there, an illustration of the fact that many things in life are by faith… (2012:111)

“Be not envious of evil-doers” is also there for a reason, because even though they may seemingly have it better than you for this present time, trust Me, there’ll be hell to pay in the long run, and you’ll be so grateful that you weren’t in the same boat with them, after all. Their luxury yachts and ocean cruisers seem to be so much more comfortable and pleasant than your ride in this little boat you’re struggling to master the sea of life in, but that’s where you must trust Me that this sea is only a filthy, salty puddle compared to what’s awaiting you for choosing Me as your Captain. (2012:149) While the Donut’s been right here, ready and waiting for you to munch and enjoy, people can be fixated on the hole, and stopping themselves from enjoying the by far greater part, howbeit mostly perceptible by faith. You might say that the hole in the donut is the visible part of your reality, along with all its problems and adverse circumstances… all the things you don’t like. The donut is the greater Reality that engulfs and surrounds all that, and, opposed to all that nothingness, lack of rhyme and reason the hole represents, full of good things to enjoy. It’s a matter of focus and adjusting your lens, a matter of where you’re looking and what you want and aim to see, whether you’re able to see the donut at all, or not. It takes a little bit of effort and willingness to see the good, the greater good, surrounding all the obvious evil, idiocy and vanity which most folks perceive as their entire reality. So, you’ve got the choice of seeing more than that, if you will. My donut’s supposed to be the answer to people’s emptiness, so why focus on the hole, when there’s so much good stuff surrounding it to focus on? You’ve got to remember that it’s the enemy who’s trying to steer and divert your focus off the donut and blessings, and onto the hole of his blackness instead. So, the donut metaphor is not just one to remind you of the greater reality around the material world, but it’s also a reminder for you that there’s much greater good surrounding the evil that confronts you in it. As powerful and quasi almighty as that black hole of evil may come off to be, it’s really nothing when compared to My Everything that surrounds it. (2013:57) Seeds flourish best in rough, dirty, muddy and rugged soil, not on paved concrete ground, that may look so much better on the surface, but could never bring forth much life or fruit. The dung that you see all around you may not instill much hope, but it can act as a fertilizer with unexpected, life-bringing powers that the sterile world of clean paved streets and concrete cities would never be capable of… (2013:78) If you see your life unravel without My input, it’s for a reason. It’s like plants saying, “Oh, why should I need the same old water and sunshine again? I’ve been having it so many times…” Nothing can live without nourishment of some kind, and My input is the nourishment for your soul and spirit, that part of you without which you cease to exist as the kind of person you’d want to be. (2013:91) I’ve compared people to seeds in My parables, and you’re all still going to have to grow into what you’re ultimately going to be. (2013:95)

Avail yourself of My super-powers! And since you didn’t fall into the pot with the magic potion as a kid, you’re just going to have to drink it in before you have them. Unlike that fantasy story, I’ve really got the ability to lend supernatural strength to whomever I will, like Samson. You just need to drink in that magic potion of My living Words to you. Remember, to believe literally translated from the original Greek word, means to drink in! The act of drinking in My living Word will give you the faith to do the supernatural, the humanly impossible. (2013:97) They enjoy their safe little cages, and a songbird flying around them, hopping from cage to cage, flaunting his freedom before their beaks is irritating and annoying to them, and they’re just hoping it’ll only be a matter of time before the fowler will put an end to your act and either trap you, too, or put an end to you altogether… You’re a rare bird, strange and alien to them, and what else can you expect than their resenting you? Just take whatever friendly hand you find extended to you, even if it’s only for a short while, until they realize that you’ve got nothing to offer that they’d be interested in, and then fly on. You have more of an idea what the tune of life is all about than they ever will. One day they’ll remember that there was an earthling among them who knew that tune that everything is all about, when they will finally begin to get a clue and it starts dawning on them what it was actually all about. They’ll know that I was right among them: as the same rare bird as ever, but nonetheless one like them, who they could have chosen to be friends with or to be one of. Only the few whose hearts have been prepared from before the foundations of the world will recognize your tune as theirs, and even if they won’t realize it at the time, your tune may help to prepare them for it, just as My tunes through others have been preparing you all throughout your journey… (2013:103) It’s got to be absolutely clear where you stand, and that is not where they stand! I’ve got to be able to clearly tell the difference between the wheat, the chaff and the weeds. (2013:104) The flood of lies the dragon is spewing out is like dung, and the earth opens up its mouth and swallows it, which is actually helpful to My bride. First of all, she won’t get drowned in it herself, and second of all, it helps the good crops to grow. It’s one of the mysteries of creation, how seemingly negative and harmful substances like bacteria can lead to greater good. It causes good things to grow. Just as in the spiritual your adversities and many challenges you encounter daily also help you to

grow and become stronger, the negativity the Devil spews out on a global scale makes those who seek an alternative come forth and grow into and toward the light. Those who treat others like dung will only wind up as the fertilizer I use to bring forth My crops. Just let them sink into the ground around you and watch My work grow as they do! (2013:116) It’s not all that easy, as a believer to trust in God’s forgiveness and yet have to go through suffering for committed sin… but it also explains why many believers don’t recommend sinning to believers. (2014:105) Just as you see that children’s habits and ways of acting have changed a lot these days, and you’re having a hard time to cope with them… well, not all of that behavior is acceptable in the heavenly Sphere, either, and some of it has to be gotten rid of beforehand, or fairly rapidly changed once such folks get Here. (2015:62) Trust Me, that there isn’t much, if anything, you’ll be missing from down there, once you’ll have made it Up Here! It may be a little bit compared to seeds that are sown into the ground and then grow up in the fresh air with golden sunlight and a blue sky above. Let it serve a little as the description of the difference between life now and thereafter, mostly with the big difference that there won’t be any end to it anymore expecting you Up Here! (2015:191) Material things may bring some sort of fulfillment to those who don’t expect anything beyond that materialism, but let’s say that the fact it doesn’t work with some, shows that they don’t really belong into that world, but are largely My sheep. And a session with the Shepherd to feed their souls is one of the few things – if not the only one – that can get them through their daily life with fulfillment and interior satisfaction. – The difference between worldly folks and My sheep: what the devil has to offer doesn’t satisfy them. – Not in the long run. So, tough to be a sheep? Well, it’ll be all worth it once you’ll enter the Fold Up Here, I promise. (2015:247) Just as making love in the physical can result in babies, children – physical fruit, so the spiritual sowing of the seeds of love will result in the spiritual – and thus, everlasting – fruits and results: children of God. – The Spirit and major Force of Love. (2016:38) With no physical sunshine around, you tend to realize more the need for Me, your spiritual Sunshine. (2016:82)

Miracles If you just continue this walk with Me, I will also perform the miracle of helping you to overcome your besetting sins, help you to forsake the residue of the enemy’s strongholds in your life. (I:2) My Words are the everlasting Magic that will spring forth in miracles not seen, nor heard of. (I:11) What man is taking for granted is actually an endless sequence of miracles. (I:124) The greater the need, the greater and the more obvious the miracle. (I:259) What you will need most of all is faith to protect you from fear and despair! Faith for miracles to help you rise above the most atrocious and miserable circumstances of all times! (I:297) Every miracle has behind it a greater purpose of love. (I:310) Sometimes I can only send you My Help or do the miracle after you have already taken the first step of faith, which is usually the switch that does the miracle of turning on the light. (I:432) Pull down a little bit of miracle power by the faith that I give you, and you're going to see things that are going to strengthen your faith to call down even greater miracles! That's what "miracle" means: it's a work of My hand to look at. That's why I performed so many miracles; they were the proof of My Words, that what I was saying was the truth. And My disciples believed in My Words and thus created the miracle power necessary for Me to do My first miracle. And from then on, their faith grew and grew, and the miracles became bigger and bigger until I raised Lazarus from the dead, the general rehearsal for My own resurrection. I rewarded each little stretching of their faith with a new miracle. This also gave them the faith to do miracles themselves. They believed My Promises about the Comforter, and they waited. And She came, and made them explode into a disciple-winning chain reaction of miracles, the birth of My church! The more you believe My Words and draw down that miracle power from Me, the more you strengthen your faith to believe all I'm telling you. (I:451) I delight in doing My miracles when they seem all the more impossible. (I:559) To launch out by faith and trust Me completely for your life is the way of unlimited miracles and possibilities. (I:563) Pray that I'm going to do the miracles, the part that you cannot do...! (I:565) I can work better miracles without any support from the flesh. (II:2) Reach out for the goal of greater miracles! It's a good time for Me to do a miracle when you find yourself in an impossible situation. (II:41) I want you to expect miracles with cheerful anticipation and excitement of what I'm going to do. I want you to have expecting faith. Expect Me to do it for you, and I will, because I want to. (II:70) Everything, every day of your lives is a miracle, and with every day that passes, where you've made it another piece up the road successfully, you've just experienced another miracle! - Something that only keeps working by My miracle-working, supernatural Power. (II:150) I want the fuel and the essence of My followers to be the evidence of the Power to do miracles and the impossible! (II:209) You've got to have faith for miracles of the kind the world has never seen. (II:277) You cannot go by past experiences when I want to do a miracle. A miracle is something apart from the norm. So, of course you can't say, "Well, normally, this doesn't happen, so I don't know if I have the faith for it." Of course, it doesn't happen normally, otherwise it wouldn't be a miracle, nothing special to note or look at. Except that for My beloved brides, I would like that miracles become more of the rule, rather than the exception. Everything is already a miracle: every breath you take is a wonder of creation, a total gift of Love, grace and benevolence to you. Every meal you eat is a token of Love and supply to you, and if you just learn to see everything as a miracle in the first place (instead of taking it all so dreadfully for granted), then you'll also have more faith for other miracles. (II:407) When you just stand desperate and empty-handed before Me, not knowing what to do or what to give, only looking to Me as your single Hope, and that's exactly the moment when I can teach you the art of the Miracle of Love: when you've got nothing and stand before Me, expecting Me to give you something to pass on. If you stick it into the hungry and receptive ground of a heart that's yearning for you, just watch what will grow from it: a tree of life.

It's My Miracle of Love, or the Miracle of My Love. Continue practicing the art of My Miracle of Love, squeezing forth love where there was no love, of giving forth where there was nothing to give! You ask in faith, then stretch out the hand of hope, expecting Me to give to you what you have not, and voilá: out comes the Miracle of Love, the love that works miracles. (II:524) You can only perform miracles if you start learning to truly avail yourself of My Power through prayer! (II:544) I want your life to become more and more of a daily miracle for which you cannot help but give Me the glory as it becomes more and more obvious to you that it's truly My hand supplying for you, not your own efforts with just a little help from Above. (II:553) Those who perform miracles are those who are convinced beyond a shadow of a doubt, that I am in control, that I have Power over all the elements, and that I rule and reign supreme. I need My believers to activate that Power and to direct it wherever it's most needed. (II:576) If you commit the matter into My hands in trust, then I'll be able to do the miracle. (III:50) Survival will become a matter of continuous miracles. (III:116) I'm allowing it to look hopeless for a while, in order to make sure that you're not putting your hopes or confidence in your own strength... to make sure that if you're going to come away victorious, then it's going to be a total and obvious miracle, and you won't be patting yourself on the back, but will give all the glory to Me. (III:210) If you look at history, I've often used people that nobody would have expected the sort of feats from that they wound up doing in spite of all the probabilities that stood against those miracles ever happening. (III:227) Remember it is I Who has to do the miracle of things working out right in your life, just as I had to bring about the countless miracles that made anything work out right in all of creation in the first place. (2011:38) That’s why I have put tasks before My people that were impossible for them to accomplish on their own: I’ve put them before seas that they were to cross on dry land, put them before countries filled with giants that they were to conquer, put them before armies that were too overwhelming for them to defeat on their own… I’ve given them crosses to carry that would have been too heavy and too hard for any man or woman to bear on their own except through the strength of the One Who carried the one significant cross that would enable them to do all these humanly impossible things. I’m still the Miracle Man, and I want to do the miracles in you, for you and through you. Yes, I want you to be the miracle, but it’s never you on your own. It’s you plus My power in you combined that equals and will result in the miracle. My challenge to you is, “Do it! – Through Me!” You can! – Through Me! (2011:39) A miracle is a good premise for My kind of work. (2011:72) The only way to improve and make progress is to focus on and correct your own mistakes, instead of those of others. (11:117) I wish to provide by supernatural and miraculous means for you than your usual source of supply that you manage to work up with your own hands… (12:79) Usually the first step to acquiring miracles: realizing you can’t do it yourself. (12:86) How do you expect Me to work miracles in your favor with a doubting attitude? (12:127) Just because I am capable of miracles and supernatural feats doesn’t mean I employ them on behalf of anyone’s selfish whims and preferences. All the miracles I did during My life time were for the purpose of glorifying the Father, not in order to show off or to get My own way. Once you’re more concerned about glorifying Him instead of just having things your way, you’ll be able to see the purpose of the miracles more clearly, and as a result, you will see miracles happen more often! They’re there for folks to look at Him, not for any other purpose or anyone’s personal advantage. (2012:146) When it comes to the choice between someone doing it the safe and conventional way and in their own strength and wit, or giving Me an opportunity to do miracles for them, which option do you think I prefer? Just give Me a chance and allow Me to show you what wonders I am capable of doing in your life, if you will only let Me! (2013:22) Walk through your world, through your life, through every day with the expectancy that I’ll use you somehow to bring forth fruit for My glory and you will see those miracles happen! (13:32) One of the ways to get miracles is to search My voice, Presence and action in your life. (14:2)

There are miracles and My guidance necessary to keep things going for you and lead you in the right direction… (14:8) Get into prayer a bit more when you need a miracle of supply! “Ask and you will receive” is an old Promise about that… (14:9) Once you know for sure you need miracles, it’s easier for you to keep and maintain the faith… in many ways more pleasant and rewarding than trusting in your own power of the flesh. Have more faith for God’s miracles to happen in order for you to survive! (14:24) Some things and situations just require some miracles. And to pray for them to happen surely helps. (14:31) Keep praying for My strength to continue strengthening you! – For My wisdom to keep leading and guiding you! – For the miracles I do to keep supplying the things you’ll need… If you just expect words to be given you from the Spirit World, it’s not what most Spirit Helpers Here are expecting to do, which is perform and create miracles for those who really have the faith to expect them, and that’s something you really should realize you ought to rather do! (14:51) Learning how to get ahold of Me is pretty much the most valuable you possibly can learn. So, keep sticking to it while you can. Of course, it doesn’t just consider My Words, but also your prayers begging for and expecting My answers in action, miracles I’ll do for you and you’ll need. (2014:57) You need miracles, and aren’t just supposed to think you’ll manage it all on your own and in your own strength! (2014:155) Isn’t it one of the main topics of the Word, that even if things don’t seem very likely to be worked out, they wind up being worked out through the help from Above? Miracle power works. (15:14) Try to expect some miracles and don’t limit Me, nor yourself, to not be able to accomplish them! (15:34) Have a little more faith for miracles! (15:82) Looks like it'll require a miracle for you to make it in the shape you're in! So, how's it doing, your faith in miracles? - Ready for'em? Depending on miracles and faith in them is going to be one of the requisites to make it through the tough times up ahead… So, the sooner you get used to depending on miracles, the better! I know that right now you don't have much of an idea how you're going to make it. But knowing that it'll require miracles in just about any case, to make it through the dark times ahead, should give you faith for it, and get you into the custom of depending on miracles… the force and power from Above, instead of your own of the flesh! (15:101) To make it through the darkest times ever is not something to take lightly or for granted. It will take miracles. (15:104) If you believe in Me as a Performer of miracles, you might as well expect them to happen for you! Well, as you may remember, during My time on earth I did a few miracles, which also was one of the main reasons why folks believed in Me! So, if you believe in Me, you might as well expect miracles to happen from and through Me, too, even if I’m not around anymore physically, but I promised My believers that they’d be able to perform miracles through Me or the Power from Above, too! So, expect miracles! You might as well keep it in mind and keep believing and trying to put it into action! If you believe in a God of miracles, you might as well believe in performing them. (15:125) In the Tribulation, every day you’ll be able to survive will be a miracle! Get back into the miracle working mode you had experienced in the past, knowing that you’ll need it just as much in the future! Depend on Me, and you will see miracles in you through Me! Do what you can through Our strength from Above, and get back into the miracle groove, ready to give Us all the glory and become filled with lasting joy again at the same time. When your own abilities sink down to nearly nothing, that’s when We get a chance to operate through you again and perform some miracles that are bound to bring some lasting fruit! (15:133) Remember that it’s one of My points and mottos, to use the weak folks, in order to show the miraculous effect My strength can have through people! (2015:138) The dark times to come will require a lot of miracles to see you through! If it takes miracles to get you through what you have to, well, isn’t that a confirmation of what I’ve been telling you about the future, and them being what you’ll need to make it through it? So what better way to prepare you for it than getting you ready to ask for and expect miracles to see you through? (15:142) Lean on Me as your Helper and Savior, and you’ll see that through faith you’ll miraculously make it somehow! (15:145) It’ll take miracles to survive through the days to come, and so, you’ve got to get used to the rhythm of asking and applying for miracles. (15:148)

Get ready to deal with the fact that the greatest miracles of all time will be needed to help folks survive the global rule by the enemy! Once I’m finished preparing you, it won’t all look that impossible anymore. Miraculous to survive it, yes… but that’s why you’ve got to learn to depend on My Miracle Power to make it, instead of any of your own strengths or even wits… (15:149) The enemy’s take-over of the world government will be the final stage, in which you’ll be utterly dependent on miraculous help from Above to make it through that time. I promise you’ll make it, even if right now you realize that’ll take miracles! But then, I promised My disciples and followers that even greater ones than I did they’d be able to do! So, expect miracles and the ability to call on that power when you need some, which you will, as you’ll see, in the times to come! Have faith for miracles! – And they’ll happen for you, and you’ll be able to make them happen! (15:150) The sooner you get used to depending on, and needing miracles, and that it all takes strength and aid from Above, the more likely it is that you’re going to make it! (15:159) If you’re not really sure how to make it, just cling to and trust in Me, that I’m going to help you make it somehow, no matter how impossible it seems! Yes, it might take miracles; but these were necessary throughout My life on earth, as well as those of My followers. The more difficult and the closer to impossible situations are or become, the more you’ll need miracles, and that’s always the best sign of someone clinging to and depending on Me and their help from Above, when those miracles start or continue to happen! So, make your expectation of things gear a bit more toward miracles, because you’ll need them more than ever before! No more trusting in your own capacities to supply whatever you need, but gear that trust Up Here, toward Me and all of Heaven! When things and circumstances start looking impossible, that’s when you’ve got to get into the gear again of using your available help from Above… using miracles! Just because you didn’t need that many of them in the more recent past doesn’t mean We’re not capable of them anymore. You’ve just got to get used to applying and asking for them again, and thus, expecting them! Expect miracles! – Amen? The more you do, the more will happen, and the more your faith and inspiration will grow, including that of telling others about them and the faith that makes them happen! You may not have needed or relied on them a lot in the recent past, but that past is over, and you’ll need and depend on them more than ever before! So, get ready for it, and back into the miracle groove! Just the fact that circumstances appear rather gruesome, doesn’t mean that miracles don’t happen anymore… So, get used to the fact that I’m still capable of performing them, as well as the one that you’re going to have to expect and count on more of them than ever in the times to come, so… get ready for’em! Amen? Get used to needing My Miracle Power! Get into the miracle groove and gear, and expect them, count on them and rely on them as the obvious proof that it’s Me and the Power from Above you’re able to apply for and use! You’ll depend more on miracles again. Miracles will strengthen your faith and keep you going forward, up ahead! So, cling to them, count on them, and don’t allow the enemy to weaken your faith and trust for them to happen! The more you believe in miracles, the more they’ll continue to happen for you! (15:164) Miracles will be needed to make it through the times to come! (15:166) According to what will be happening in the near future, miracles will be necessary a lot more than ever! Rely on and trust in miracles, since they’ll be pretty much what you need! You’ll just need miracles to survive! That’s what lives of faith were looking like a lot. (15:181) Keep trusting in Me, and not that your own grade of capability will manage! Let it be an example of what’s going to be necessary for you to make it through the dark days of the future up ahead: the miraculous Aid from Up, not your own strength from down below! (15:194) Get used to the fact that you need miracles in order to make it down there! (15:203) Learning to depend on Me and your supernatural Help from Above is the first step toward that miracle-working gear. (15:205) Cling to the miraculous help from Above as much as you could and should! Avail yourself of the miraculous Power and protection from Up Here, and thus become capable of encouraging others to do the same! Make life dependent on the heavenly miracles it will need in the troublesome times to come! (15:241) It’ll take miracles to make it through the times to come, so, get used to applying for miracles and depending on your help from Above! (15:242) Don’t despise the times and situations in which miracles become necessary. First of all, I’ve promised them to you, and second, without them survival in the days to come will be just about impossible for those not cow-towing to the Beast. So, get into a more miracle-minded groove, because they will be all the more necessary in times to come! (16:5)

One of the goals of the enemy’s folks is to strongly reduce the world population, and those who won’t receive his mark will have to depend on Our miracles! So, the sooner you get used to miracle mode, the better! Don’t rely too much on your own abilities, but be aware of the fact that miracles will be needed to see you through times to come! (16:45)

Miracles have been prophesied to come during the Endtime, both, as protection and final proof that there’s still Someone taking care of you down there, even during the evil times… so, even if it’s a bit tough to keep the faith during the tough, temporary circumstances, keep that faith and trust in miracles, and depend on that Force and Power from Above! (16:49) You can’t really manage or make it without the power of miracles from Above! – But that’s basically the way it has always been for My true followers. So, to depend on miracles, not what you can manage to do by yourself is an important part of the preparation for times to come! Get ready for having to depend on miracles! (16:52) When survival turns into a miracle, it’s best to do all you can to learn to depend on that miracle power instead of your own abilities, knowledge and capacities. When it turns into a miracle to survive, it’s best to turn to the power of prayer, all the help from Above you can get, and not lean on and confide in what you’ve been able to do yourselves, because that’s what’s going to be necessary. And finding yourself with three young kids you don’t have a clue how to get them through the roughest time of world history should just strengthen your faith in My Miracle Power that will be necessary to get you all through what’s coming! – Miracle Power! – Not your own! So, get used to the necessity of miracles in order to survive and make it through the darkest times to come! (16:63) I’m also the Savior of the world from its coming state of hell on Earth. So, a big Job, that Salvation, requiring a lot of miraculous and supernatural acts… one reason to enhance your faith in those. (16:82)

It will take miracles and Power from Above to make it through the darkest time of history. (2016:90) A little taste and groove of “impossible” for you is just part of preparation for the darkest times of history when it’ll take miracles to make it through each day. (2016:92) The more you get into the habit of asking for My miraculous Help, the better; and the more chances you’ll have to make it through the times to come. There are enough bad things happening out there already to require My miraculous protection, not to mention what’s expecting you in the times to come. (2016:93) The enemy is becoming more powerful in the mode of stopping My folks than ever before. So… miracles are needed. More supernatural Help and miracles are going to be required in times to come… so, a good time to start preparing for that greater need for miracles, and getting into the miracles-prayer mode! He that needs miracles prays for them. (2016:97) The greater the need for miracles and My supernatural Help, the more you will ask for them, and the more of an opportunity Heaven gets to manifest Its Power to you. With conditions and circumstances becoming more challenging and difficult to handle on your own, it’s all necessary preparation for the times to come when you simply won’t make it anymore without the miraculous Help from Above. It’s important to get used to the substantial need for prayer, and the Help from Above you’ll get through it – the relatively small part you have to do to get miracles done. (2016:99) With the difficulties before you, don’t see them as a hindrance or negative, but as something to draw you closer to Me, something to make your faith in Me grow, and as circumstances that teach you to become more dependent on Me and the coming need of the Miracle-Power from Above, without which you won’t make it through the troubled times to come! (2016:100) It’s the beginning of a miracle-dependent time… one during which you won’t make it without supernatural protection and miracles from Above. So, get used to the groove of having to claim and depend on miracles to make it through! So, claim the Keys of Miracles! Recognizing that miracles will be more needed means, a greater prayer mode will be needed. (2016:104) Get used to definitely not making it without miraculous Help through the even much rougher times to come! Remember that it’s miracles you have to be hoping for, not anything natural expectation would be able to promise you! (2016:109) To make it through the rough times takes miracles; but that’s a thing I keep promising; and another thing you should get into the rhythm of applying for, claiming My Promises for, and thus strengthen your faith for, since without miracles – the miraculous Help from Up Here – there’s pretty much no chance to make it through what’s coming! So, no clue yet how to make it? Claim for miracles! Learn to depend on miracles! It’s the only way to make it through what’s to come: the way of Miracles!

Can’t figure out a way to make it without’em? That’s right! There isn’t and won’t be! So, the sooner you get used to making it through the miraculous Help, support and protection from Above, the better! Think you can’t make it through what’s to come? That’s right. Not without miracles. So, the sooner you get used to depending on Our miraculous heavenly Help, the better. So, see it as a time of miracles on its way! See the “times of trouble” as the Time of Miracles! Not just “words of wisdom” coming to help you through it, but loads of miracles that will be necessary to see you through what’s coming, and according to your faith in My Promises, they will! The times of trouble will be the Times of Miracles to see you through! It’ll take miracles to make it through the part of history run by the king of hell, so remember to make your faith for and in miracles to keep rising and growing: the miraculous Power to rise above! (2016:117) If it takes miracles to pull you through your days, it’s good preparation for the dark days to come, when it won’t be possible without them. (2016:125) Remember that the goal shouldn’t be to make your times as good and easy as you can down there, but that you’ll make it to the miracle of survival it’ll take through what’s to come, and thus be able to offer hope to those who won’t follow the AC and take his mark! With a time-frame that will require miracles to make it through, you should just get used to relying on them to help you make it through the seemingly impossible conditions. If you don’t have much of a clue how to make it to the next destination right now, see it as preparation for the darkest times when seeing up ahead will require miraculous vision, insight and view! John was feeling sick when I have him the food of Revelation to eat… not very pleasant, and taking miracles to survive what’s coming… but as My miracles were proof to My believers that indeed I was the Son of God, so they will be to you, that I’m still around, and you’re the ones taking on a similar position – as children of God – in the last days to come of a world run by our enemy. (2016:128) If it feels like it’ll take miracles to make it to the next spot, wasn’t that a wonderful thing about days past when you used to depend on miracles? And it’s going to be the case in the dark future, too… So, get back in the groove of depending on miracles! (2016:130)

Mistakes As long as you learn from your mistakes, nothing is lost. Even your mistakes made are then one of ‘all things’ which work together for good for them that love Me. As long as you come to Me, and I can teach you about the things you did wrong or could do better, there’s no need for remorse, which never helped much, anyway. But you can turn right around, determine to keep an eye on that weakness, ask Me to help you be on guard and ‘deliver you from evil’, strengthen the feeble knees and the hands that hang down, and go to work on building new, healthier habits. And that’s what you call ‘progress’ and learning. (I:15) If you walk through life with the firm knowledge that one day you won’t be making anymore mistakes, you may quit making them earlier. (I:30) Mistakes are an essential part of the meaning of life. It’s just the inborn sinful human nature not to want to obey me at first. The Devil comes up with his contra immediately and pipes up, ....’Sssssso, did God reaaally ssssay ssso...?’ And you know what’ll happen next. You’ll make a mistake. Call it a sin – you miss the mark. I have to punish you, you learn the lesson, and that’s the cycle of things at the present state of creation under the curse. It will not always be so. This is only practice with weights, so that soon you’ll be able to fly. (I:47) You haven't really learned all there is to learn out of these lessons yet, and some of the mistakes you made you're not even aware of. (Prophex I:70) Do your best to learn from your mistakes and not to repeat them! (I:71) It took that road of humbling, the road of making mistakes, the road of failure, to come to the realization of My unconditional love for you. (I:78) Wanna quit making mistakes? Remember Me! Wanna stop blowing it? Remember Me! Wanna make continuous uphill progress without the 2-steps forward, one-step-back grind? Simply remember Me and give Me the glory by acknowledging Me, thanking and praising Me and asking Me to keep you from falling, even when you think you’re safe. (I:90) If you ask Me to show you your weak areas and how you can improve them, you'll fare so much better. And you'll have much to share from the revelation and overcoming of your own mistakes, flaws, faults and shortcomings. (I:111) One thing that’s going to help you overlook others’ faults is remembering your own and what a hopeless mess you are yourself. (I:154)

It’s a mistake to judge God by the people who supposedly represent Him, and their interpretation of what He supposedly said. (I:160)

I love you with all your mistakes, just the way you are. (I:171) Making mistakes is part of the School of Life, but the desired goal and progress is to learn to be making less of them as you go. (I:197)

If you don’t want to keep making the same mistakes over and over and over again, some things are going to have to change. (I:199) In a way, your love for Me is a result of your mistakes and screw-ups, cause, let’s face it: If you had been more successful, do you honestly think you would have been that eager and desperate to find Me? (I:238) All too easily you slip right back into the confidence of the flesh, and that’s when you start making mistakes. (I:285) You cannot turn back time, and everyone has made mistakes, but you’re not meant to make the same mistakes over and over. Some mistakes you don’t even realize until much later, some only when you get Here. (Prophex II:13) You have learned precious lessons out of these deep dark experiences that can benefit them all. These things have happened to you as an ensample to them, that they might learn from your mistakes and marvel at My breakings, at My mercy, at My chastisements and wisdom. This is a lesson for Eternity; the lesson of the breakings from this world. (Prophex II:36) A wiser man will learn from the mistakes of others, providing those others will share their mistakes as lessons. (Prophex II:44) When it all comes down to it, you’re still just a child, and children do embarrassing things, sometimes. But it’s better to make blunders of the mind than be so afraid of making mistakes that you never dare to do anything. (Prophex II:57) Don’t repeat the mistake of letting others drag you down a road you’re not meant to go or you won’t want to go, neither look at others for excuses to let down your standard. (Prophex III:22)

Nobody’s expecting you to do a completely perfect job without any mistakes. (Prophex 6:129) Everyone will see the wrongs they have committed, sooner or later. Not everyone is eager or ready to see how they are failing in this life-time. Sometimes I have to let them go ahead and do something, even if it entails mistakes and wrongs, just in order for something to get done... (Prophex 6:133) If you're only focusing on the flesh and the blunders and mistakes My people make, you're doomed to disappointment and failure. If the people around you have become a disappointment and you're blaming Me for it, the reason I'm allowing this is so that you will put your faith in Me, not in them, put your eyes on Me, not them. Only I can help you make it through the night! You're supposed to be My follower, not theirs. Or if you want to be their follower, follow them in the spirit and look at them with the eyes of the spirit, not the eyes of the flesh! Look at them as those who are fragile just like you, who make mistakes just like you, who doubt and waver just like you, but they just won't give up, even if they're tempted to. Look at them as those who've got nothing in this World and nowhere to turn but to Me. As long as you keep toying with other options, of course you will be double-minded. (Prophex 7:106)

You've got to learn to love folks even with their mistakes, just like they love you with yours. "Love the sinner and hate the sin" doesn't really mean, like you apply it: "Sure, I'll love the sinner. As soon as he gets rid of the sin!" Imagine if that were My attitude! No, loving the sinner means loving them in spite of their sin and patiently helping them to overcome their sin and having the faith that will eventually manage to do so by My grace! Overcoming mistakes, faults and weaknesses and sins is one of the major objectives in life. Your weaknesses and sins are an important part of this school of life. If I would have sent you all perfect to this Earth, what would there be to learn? What would there be to save? What purpose would there have been for Me to come and live and die for? (I:469) It's easy to find fault! It's easy to see the mistakes in others and where they screwed up and how difficult they're making your life, and "if you look for the bad in people, you're going to find it!" But I say, look at the good! Count your blessings! Life could be much worse than this! But don't even focus on how much worse things are going to get or could be, but focus on how good you've had it, and most of all, on how good it's still going to be! (I:474) An unforgiving and self-righteous attitude in itself becomes worse than the mistake that was committed by the other party. (Prophex IV04:18)

Everyone makes mistakes, including you, and forgiveness and being forgiven are simply integral parts of the school of life. So, don't view mistakes you or others make as some kind of permanent, irreparable damage, but remember that even those serve My purpose and work together for good in the long run. (Prophex IV04:19) Paying attention to the details will help you not to overlook important factors, it will teach you patience and the importance of little things. It will help you to not so easily misjudge or misunderstand things, not to make snap judgments. If you realize how much hinges and depends on little things, you will learn to hold your peace on a matter until you're certain you've got all the details straight and you're not missing out on any of the factors in the equation, and you'll see, you'll be a lot less prone to making mistakes in your life. (I:494) If whatever your brother does causes you to stumble or give up, that brother may be held responsible for his mistakes, but you will be held responsible for your own decision to focus on his faults instead of Me, and whatever your looking at the waves will result in. If you want victory, you've got to keep looking at Me. Everything else will only spell defeat... (II:10) It's good to come out straight-forward when you see a mistake: "Oh, I don't think that was right. I don't agree." This is much better than keeping it in and letting it all out later in a barrage of bitter questions, remarks, statements and accusations. (Prophex I05:25) It's time to quit repeating the same mistakes over and over again, of just doing what comes naturally, the obvious, without even bothering to ask Me about it and consult with Me. (II:39) You've got to keep pouring and pouring out that healing balm of love and forgiveness, letting them know that no matter how many mistakes they'll make, many waters cannot quench this fire of My love for them. (Prophex I05:109) Judging people by their past mistakes, mentally putting people in a box consisting of the walls of the confines of your own mind which you create for them out of your negative memories and experiences with them is not appropriate anymore in this day and age when I'm changing lives radically and sometimes rapidly. The carnal mind is quick to put both Me, and the way it thinks I should operate, and others into a box, and that's not a very smart thing to do in My business. Sometimes knowledge is the greatest stumbling block to divine revelation, because it interferes with what I would like to reveal to you. (II:90) If you think the time has arrived when there's nothing for you to learn anymore, no more mistakes to improve or correct, then you're just about to make the biggest mistake of all! (II:108) Just because some things have gone wrong in the past and mistakes were made and you failed at an earlier attempt, that doesn't mean it will always go that way. Don't be so discouraged by the times you stumbled and failed! It's okay! Just get up and try

again! (PXP II05:29) I'm allowing you to have so many mistakes, faults and sins so that you realize just how much you need My Salvation! (PXPII05:38) Nobody's perfect, and thus, no matter how anointed they may be, they don't deserve to be worshipped without any reservations, completely ignoring or hushing up their mistakes! In fact, you only help them by pointing out their mistakes to them, and you prevent worse mistakes from happening. (PXPII05:59) I allow people to learn from their mistakes in the Spirit Realm by having them accompany their descendants as spirit helpers, to see what the late ricochets and repercussions of their actions are over time. (II:145) It's always tough to find out where it ain't at, that's the hard and painful way of finding direction, but it's also very effective. At least it helps you to never want to make the same mistake! (PXPII05:81) There's no use worrying about Me making mistakes. Isn't one of the greatest supposed "evidences" of the fact that God indeed makes mistakes a handicapped child? "How could God allow this if He were perfect?" Well, you had a glimpse of how I see things. That that little child - although he may never grow up to be as "smart" and "able" as you are in this life, yet all the while is closer to Heaven than you are, is purer in My sight, and even to such an extent that you had to feel ashamed at the comparison. (II:166) It takes a little while and investment of time to make sure you're making the right decisions, choosing the proper option(s) and thus avoid making what could turn out to be a critical mistake. (II:180) Your mistakes are one of the reasons why you're there. They're part of your learning program. And you're not the only one! Ask Moses how he felt after slaying the Egyptian, or David after having slain Uriah, Abraham how he felt after having lied to the king of Egypt about Sarah... Jacob's sons after having sold Joseph into slavery, Zechariah, how he felt after doubting Gabriel... oh, and of course, Adam and Eve...! (II:190) You ask yourself, "What could I have done or avoided doing in order to not wind up here? What did I do wrong? What was the mistake I made?" And I can show you. But if you're not open to learn from your mistakes, you won't make the necessary progress. Everybody makes mistakes. The question is, how much do you learn from them? Instead of being ashamed of them and try not to think about them, you should do the opposite: you should think about them and view them as opportunities to learn precious lessons from them, for some of the most precious lessons you learn are those which you learn from your own mistakes. Of course, that takes humility. It's tough on one's pride to take the blame and face the consequences of their own actions, and to deal with what it is you have done wrong in order to bring certain conditions about. It's always easier to blame the other party for it. But that's not the way you learn. (PXPIII05:22/II:212) Do you trust Me, that I love you so much that everything that happens to you is the best possible option? If you've been praying and committing your day into My hands, how am I going to disappoint you by doing anything less than the best? I will even allow the Enemy to only attack and test you in those ways that I know will bring forth the best possible results, and even the mistakes you will make will be those that will teach you the most effective and important lessons, so that truly all things will work out for not only good, but for the best for you! (II:213) If you must compare yourself to those who have made even graver mistakes, then try to learn from them, not to make the same mistakes, and never use them as an excuse that just because you're doing better than they, you're doing alright. If you truly want to give your best to Me that you can, then you cannot settle for "doing alright." (II:235) So many mistakes are made because people don't remember. Why do people not remember? Because they don't really make an effort, they don't really care. They're too busy occupying their minds with the next pleasure, the next entertainment, the next amusement, the next "escape route" that leads them "away from thinking." (II:236) Although I do try to teach you lessons or deal with you for your wrongs, it does not influence My amount of love for you if you make mistakes or fail. (II:243) It's human to make mistakes! They keep you humble. The proud and haughty who do nothing but criticize have their reward in feeling so high and mighty and superior in this life, that they can look down on everybody else. (II:255) I will use anything to save a soul, including the devil himself, if need be. It's the results that count. I'd rather use a lesser evil, like a mistake, a human error and unintentional untruth in order to achieve a greater good, instead of being so self-righteously stuck on all the details, painstakingly making sure that I've got every little fact and figure straight that I don't accomplish or achieve anything! (II:256) If you have failed, use your failures and mistakes to their full extent to do and accomplish what they were ordained for, namely to learn from them. Make the most out of them by praising Me for them! (PXIII05:82)

I make the best out of down-slope experiences, those lessons learnt from mistakes. (PXPIV05:2) Love means to be willing to help someone out of a mess they've gotten themselves into, even if it was caused by their own mistake. Love doesn't say, "It's your own fault!" Love quietly acknowledges, "We all make mistakes" and reaches out a hand to help the other up in whatever way you can. (II:304) Dealing with your sins and mistakes is important; you cannot just ignore them. Some who have refused to deal with them aren't around anymore, they didn't make it. It takes that honest confrontation with them. (II:305) I don't view your "mistakes" as anything nearly as bad as you tend to see them yourselves! Many "mistakes" you made in your life were necessary pathways to a whole new dimension, a world of insight and wisdom that you never even would have found the door to, otherwise. And even if you had found the door, you would not have chosen to walk through it voluntarily because it would have looked so uninviting. (II:307) Whatever you do, you've got to make sure you're doing it for My glory by bathing it in prayer. If you don't, then it easily happens that you slip into the mode of operating in the flesh, and you'll reap the repercussions of that: You make mistakes. (II:348) Yes, there are mistakes, there is sin to deal with. But without Me, you won't be able to deal with these things properly and in the right spirit, and will only tend to make matters worse, to commit an even greater sin. (PXPI06:120) If you know that I believe in you in spite of all your flaws, and you know that I believe in them also, in spite of theirs, then you can believe in Me for them, and thus believe in them, too. (PXPI06:131) Don't make the mistake of not recognizing your enemies, and underestimating them! (II:450) If it's just you, without Me, if there's no connection with Me, then you might not really be trustworthy, simply because the enemy can short-circuit you and cause you to make some serious mistakes and thus become less reliable. But as long as someone is making sincere efforts to come close to Me, not for any glorious elevation of self's sake, but really only for the love of Me, the love of truth, and the love of love itself, it's okay, you can trust such a person, including yourself. I can forgive you for all your mistakes and sins because I can see you're going to make it in spite of them. Men of force are men of faults, and anyone who will be used by Me to a greater extent than others will be subject to greater attacks of the enemy, greater temptations, and they're probably more prone to making mistakes. (II:452) You're subject to flaws and mistakes just like everybody else and you should thus stay open for suggestions and improvement. (II:473)

Some mistakes you make can haunt you for a long time, and follow you around for quite a while. (PXPII06:20) One mistake to make would be to think that you have arrived where you should be, because you're merely getting started. Sometimes, when things are looking okay, the devil sends his demons of compromise and settling for less than the best, that are specially in charge of Christians, and make you think you're already at your destination, when you barely even got going. (II:485) Satan makes you think you're a "prisoner," a captive of the mistakes and flaws of others, that you're going to have to deal with and be subjected to them for the rest of your life. But I'm saying, "not really!" Because by simply making the choice that you're not going to let it affect you or bother or aggravate you, but instead choosing to look at and praise Me for their positive qualities, you deny those negative qualities to have power over you whatsoever, and it's almost as if they wouldn't exist! (II:499) Everybody makes mistakes, and without them, there'd be hardly anything to learn from in this life! By showing you which is the wrong way, by letting you experience it first hand, I'm also showing you the right way, which way you need to go to overcome, to rise above, to succeed: you just need to turn around, and instead of following all those other misleading voices, you just come to Me and follow Mine! (PXPII06:51) The big mistake the majority is making is that they're not coming to Me when something's going wrong, they try to figure it out and fix it themselves. (II:507) That's one of the biggest mistakes successful people make: they strive so hard for the "big" things, and constantly "bigger" things, greater things, that they nearly totally neglect the little things that already surround them, that I've already given them, and that would bring them much greater happiness (if they would just care to pay attention to them) than all their chasing after ever greater things. "Seekest thou great things for thyself? Seek them not" (Jer. 45:5). (II:522) I'm using your sins, your faults, your weakness, your mistakes, to bring about the best in you. As I use all things to work out together for good for you, I also use these dark abysses of your souls in order to bring about some good in you and each other. In some ways, I use you to discipline each other. You're learning how to behave correctly in order to avoid certain reactions in the other. (PXPII06:91) The biggest mistake you can possibly make is to assume that your view and Mine are always identical. (II:538)

That was your mistake: You sort of let things run and have their "natural" course, and the natural course of things didn't turn out to bring any improvement at all, but rather decay and a deterioration of the situation, of the condition of things or even your children. You can't just let the enemy have the world and passively stand by as he wrecks it. You've got to do something about it! You've got to counteract, you've got to oppose him. (PXPIV06:10) I use your mistakes, and even those errors in your own doctrines of the past... You learn by trial and error. I have given no one a perfect blue print of the truth, but leave it up to everyone to discover it with My Help throughout their lives. (PXPIV06:26) If you wouldn't make any mistakes, there wouldn't be half as much for Me to talk to you about. Your sins, shortcomings and failures draw you closer to Me. You want to learn how to do better, and that's basically what healing, learning, growing and salvation is all about: that void, that need to grow, that emptiness. You have a need for Me when you're not perfect, when you realize you failed, when you need help to see, when you realize you really don't know much of anything. (II:617) Will you make the same mistake so many others have made and become harsh and unforgiving? Forgiveness is a much greater issue than most people realize. (PXPIV06:35) With some saints, like Mother Teresa, it's easy to say, "Now here's a good person," because of their sacrificial life-style, and the evident good she did in helping the poor. But when it comes to helping the spiritually poor and feeding the spiritually starving, things become a lot more difficult. And because it's more difficult, it's also easier to make mistakes. For one thing, the enemy fights your feeding the spiritually starving a lot more violently than your giving to the physically poor. He's much more concerned about the intellects and minds of people. That's, after all, the realm he is trying to usurp and grasp away from Me. (PXPIV06:57) Moses died in the wilderness, unable to enter the promised land, as a result of his own mistake. The lesson gained out of this is more important and valuable than the temporary, fleeting pleasure he might have experienced, had I granted him to enter the promised land. The real Promised Land is not in this world. Your real and final and ultimate satisfaction, fulfillment, peace or goal, whatever you may be trying to achieve, won’t be found in this world or life. (II:636) You find out where it’s not at by your mistakes, but an even wiser man learns not only from his own mistakes, but from those of others, too. (II:654) The most effective way to teach you where it’s at, was to let you find out where it’s not at. You find this out by your mistakes, but as the proverb goes, an even wiser man learns not only from his own mistakes, but from those of others, too. (PXPIV06:88) If even the two most perfect folks ever made weren't strong enough to make an exception, then you can't expect more from the average - except if they have decided to learn from their mistakes and the mistakes of others. (III:6) There was a time for Moses to be ready for the Exodus, but there was also a time when he wasn't ready yet. There's a time of definite, visible anointing, and there's a time of preparation, of finding out where it's not at, how not to do it, which mistakes not to make. (III:16) It's not the glorious road that leads to the Kingdom, but the low and humble road, often paved with many seemingly mundane and very humbling acts: many dishes to wash, many problems to solve and learn from, even many mistakes to make, many diapers to change, both physically and spiritually. (III:56) I know the human heart, and that it doesn't seek My interests in the natural. You don't have to put on any false pretenses with Me. I know you inside out, and I totally know where you're at. I know what to do in order to get you to turn around and learn from your mistakes. (III:70) You don't have to be bogged down with all of Earth's little problems. If you keep looking unto Me as you should, they will practically dissolve, because you will have My supernatural wisdom that will help you to say and do the right things. You won't be making so many mistakes anymore that are going to cause your loved ones to stumble. You will walk in love more, as you absorb My love by looking unto Me. (PXPI07:88) The mistakes are part of the training. You find out which way it am by finding out which way it ain't. Not the recommended route, but still the most common one. Without mistakes and errors, there's no need to repent, nothing to admit to, nothing for which to humble yourself and admit you were wrong and need help, no need to change. That's why those who suppose they do everything right are the ones who are most distant from Me. They simply don't need Me as much as folks who screw up a lot. The best thing you can learn out of your mistakes is: don't try to do it on your own, but always avail yourself of My help! If you call on Me and rely on Me, you won't fail. (III:82) It's never wrong to be putting your bucket under the one Source that won't disappoint you. But not doing that is precisely the mistake so many immature people make. They don't come to Me, they look elsewhere. (III:97)

Your mistakes are part of the great purpose of everything. (PXPII07:24) Most people don't have a clue about the extent to which they screwed up until they get Here - totally oblivious to the mistakes they made and the impact they had on others and the consequences they brought about. (III:125) You can't blame the devil for everything. Some things are simply the result of man's sinful nature, the results which he has brought about by his own choices - which may have been initiated by the devil's temptations, that's true - but they were still, nonetheless, his own choices. And the circumstances outside the Garden of Eden teach you the consequences, and thus you learn from your mistakes. (III:126) How do you learn? By making mistakes and realizing you made them, right? So, the most dangerous threat to genuinely learning is to be left in the illusion that you're right, there's nothing to change about your views and attitudes... (PXPII07:57) Your mistakes are an important part of the meaning and purpose of your lives, since they are what you learn the most from. It is out of the "deep, dark experiences that we learn some of our most precious lessons from the Lord," and when those experiences are missing, then life looks a little dull in comparison to those of others sometimes. (III:143) The most important thing is not the mistakes that were made, but the good that was done. (III:170) The more responsibility you carry, the more weight your mistakes have. (PXPII07:66) There's nothing that teaches you how to do it like the experience you gain from learning how not to do it. Only your mistakes make you change your previous modes and habits. (III:173) The way to enlightenment always leads via the path of recognizing and learning from one's own mistakes. (III:201) The only unpardonable mistake a believer can commit is to doubt his own Salvation and still stay stuck in his own "badness," when I have saved him from that already. Of course, it would be a mistake to assume that one is guiltless without having accepted My sacrifice and without having experienced Salvation, but isn't it an equally grave mistake to do the opposite and assume that Salvation doesn't make any difference, and that you still have to pay for your sins yourself? The flaws, mistakes and imperfections in your co-fighters have been little more than a big test of your faith, to see whether you would still keep going for Me, still keep holding on faithfully, in spite of them all. (III:205) An outstanding shepherd questions his own actions sometimes, he's not too proud or self-confident to do that. He doesn't take for granted that just because of his position he might never be making a mistake. He stays aware of making potential mistakes. (III:238)

My hope is that this present age will be a sufficient reminder and warning for everyone not to want to repeat the same mistakes. You can only glean so much from watching others and learning from their experience. What will stick with you forever is your own experiences, your own pains and hurts and scarring results and consequences of your own poor choices and mistakes... It's one thing learning from your mistakes. It's another getting so stuck on them that you never get any further, never move out to touch another's life. It takes more than being a follower in blind obedience, sometimes, to become a good leader yourself. The trick is to remain loyal and obedient, even when you realize that your leaders aren’t infallible and do make mistakes, just like everybody else does. Leaders need to be forgiven and unconditionally loved and accepted for who and what they are, like everybody else. And this attitude is healthier than one refusing to see the possibility that your leaders might make any mistakes. It would certainly be a mistake to assume that you know better than Me. It’s better to have tried and failed, to have loved and lost, to have done something and made mistakes, than to just blindly and self-righteously think you have arrived, without any need to do or change anything… Life is constructed in such a way that it’s bound to happen that you slip and fall and make mistakes, so that precious lessons can be learned from them. But it’s pretty important that you do learn the lessons, and not just keep falling into the same trap and repeating the same old mistakes over and over again. People are bound to make mistakes, and mistakes have happened, and they keep happening, and you’ve got to grant others the same right to make mistakes that I grant you. Nobody ever does only good. Everybody makes mistakes, and nobody’s perfect; nobody has ever lived a perfect life of which they can say, “I never made any mistakes.” It’s erroneous to have that kind of an attitude. And, well, some folks just have the kind of attitude – which is their besetting sin and handicap to carry around through life – that they simply can’t see their own faults as

easily as they see the faults of others. A life that has failed learning from its own mistakes isn’t much of a life at all, since your mistakes are one of the greatest purposes in life per se. Mistakes are something everyone can relate to, and if you teach others from mistakes you made, that shows them just how human you are, and how much just like them, and that you’re not some super special case, endowed with extraordinary gifts from on high, but that you’ve learned by trial and error, basically the same way they have. Mistakes are actually quite precious in the service of teaching you some of your most valuable lessons. No matter what you do, what mistakes you’re going to make or how badly you might ever slip, you’re always going to be loved by Me unconditionally. There comes a time when everyone will have to reflect about their sins and mistakes. Taking responsibility for your own mistakes is often the very ingredient that makes all the difference in the world. Refusal or inability to see one’s own mistakes and failings stifles spiritual growth like nothing else, and encourages straying from the path, instead of sticking to My straight and narrow. In fact, what makes My straight and narrow pathway the most uninviting to most people is the fact that it’s strewn with the recognition and repercussions of one’s own failures left and right, and uphill progress is only made by dealing with them properly. That means, you recognize them, admit them and try to change them, but you don’t allow them to put you under condemnation. Once you’ve given them to Me and they’re confessed and forgiven, they don’t have any more power over you. It gives you new zest for each day of life, knowing fully that no matter how badly you’ve blown it in your life, or what sort of mistakes you’ve made, you’re totally forgiven as long as you did learn something out of it by facing the problem and your guilt and responsibility in the matter, which usually is already enough guarantee on it’s own that you’re less likely to repeat the same mistake. I am the One Who doesn’t and won’t make mistakes, so it pays to make Me the one true foundation of your lives and to put your entire trust in, instead of any man or woman, or group of people. That’s what I’d call learning and progress, when you get to the point of learning from mistakes where you stop making them and can prevent them from happening through the things you have learned. Once you’ve learned to deal with your mistakes and have learned how to handle that responsibility, treating it as something as natural as going to the toilet, then you’ll also have an easier time coping with the rest of the things going on in this world that are less than satisfactory. You’ll see and recognize it all more as one big challenge to improve things with My help wherever you can, to “change the world,” in that sense, or, if nothing else, at least learn a good deal from it that is going to help make the world a better place in the long run. Changing the world starts with recognizing the void and the need, the places that lack and where errors have been committed, and then taking the initiative to do what it takes to replenish and refill them again, even if may look like a senseless waste of time to others, because you may not be reaping immediate benefits from your work or sacrifice. Adam and Eve's mistakes served to draw them closer to Me than they ever could have come otherwise. Sometimes you just have to deal with your mistakes to their full extent, and learn all there is to learn from them. It’s not like there is no forgiveness, no reconciliation, but it’s also important that you bear the full consequences of your actions and become aware of them. You cannot just skip school and play hooky in the school of life. That’s what the devil is tempting everyone to do with his numerous distractions: “No, don’t think about your mistakes, don’t waste your time wracking your head about them! It just depresses you! Fill your life with pleasure instead!” There are a lot of mistakes made that people could learn from, a lot of lessons to be learned out of life, and out of history, but that’s not what they’re interested in or concerned about, They’re not concerned about avoiding to make the same mistakes over and over again, the thought would never even cross their mind. That’s the one reason why people never learn anything from history; not their own, and much less anyone else’s: they’re not interested. There is a lot of wisdom to be gained from the mistakes you will make… Refusal to deal with one’s own blame is probably the most widespread and most common spiritual disease… The pride to refuse to reckon with one’s own mistakes, sins and faults… The Pharisee syndrome… You don’t have to keep repeating the same mistakes, nor the mistakes of your forefathers. You can interrupt that vicious cycle, reverse fate, stop that treadmill of always falling for the apparent, or even the inclinations of your own mind.

You mustn’t make the mistake of underestimating the power I’ve given you to change things, to influence things, even if by nothing else but your prayers. I also use your sins and mistakes to keep you humble and teach you important lessons, and they work for Me in that way. It takes a lot of continuous self-examination as you go, and one mistake or wrong attitude would be to think that you’ve already got it all down pat without room for new revelations and changes in your mindsets. Mistakes are a major part of the meaning of life: they teach you where it’s not at and thus help you to rediscover the narrow frame of the rules you tried to escape out of previously. You must learn not to turn toward the creation and manifestations for the fulfillment of your hopes and expectations from life, but to the Creator, to the Source of everything. Otherwise you’re making the same mistake everybody else does, and it’s no wonder that neither you nor they ever find real happiness that way. The rarer the truth becomes, the more precious and valuable it becomes, too. They may not appreciate its value, but if they despise it, then that’s their mistake, and their own foolishness will be their judge and condemnation. Don’t make the mistake of forgetting about Me or your host of co-fighters at your aid. You can do it through Me and with Us. Together we’re strong. The majority of folks give all the credit to creation itself, instead of Me. They have become – just as they have always been since the beginning – worshipers of the creation rather than the Creator. Are you going to make the same mistake, or do you have the guts to constitute an exception and make a difference by defying their mindset of unbelief? I’m not responsible for people’s mistakes. Their mistakes reflect on Me, you figure, and people hold Me responsible for them, when really I’m not. It’s the same way that you can’t be held responsible for mistakes your grown up children make. Don’t make the mistake of underestimating Me and My capacities to save you out of any mess. Things are still influenced by your personal choices and mistakes, but I even use those mistakes and cause them to work together for your good. There are those who would like to get back to the Garden somehow, who would not like to repeat endlessly the same mistake Adam and Even made, and those are the kind of folks who are looking for Me. You keep repeating the same mistake of placing your hopes in frail flesh and blood instead of Me, whenever you make another human responsible for your personal happiness. I very much use those things you consider to be mistakes in your life, and from them I teach you the most precious lessons. The mistakes you’re learning from, you won’t have to repeat! Lessons learned from mistakes and the experience of the deep, dark trying times they often result in, are one of the most precious harvests and treasures from life. The only way to never make any mistakes is to skip school altogether and simply occupy yourself with doing what they tell you to do in Kindergarten, in order to keep your basic needs met: You just follow the instruction of your overseers and put the pegs into the corresponding holes without ever learning much else. A man should take heed and watch what he sows, and to check the motivations of his heart as to whether they’re pure or not, and if mistakes have been made, to learn from them and make sure not to repeat them, or at least try to avoid repeating them. I am Who and what you will have to deal with in order to find a solution to the problems you cause by your mistakes. I'm the answer to when you muff it. Unfortunately, despite the best of intentions, that's bound to keep happening. I'm afraid you are still going to make a few mistakes. What I'm telling you, though, is: don't worry, I'll still and always be there to help you fix and solve them. You know what I think about mistakes: Nothing in the world will ever teach you faster how to do it better or what to look out for next time. Throughout history I have asked My servants to do things that often may have looked like mistakes, like asking Hosea to marry a harlot... Should it be so odd that I would have made you stick to a person for a while that you were going to learn similar lessons from? Life is all about finding out what you (and all of mankind per se) did wrong, and learning from it how to do better...

Don’t be afraid of your mistakes or even the mess you might get yourself in, or get discouraged by the one you find yourself in already. Those who think they are wise and perfect don’t need the Teacher, but those who know that they’re ignorant and make mistakes, do. If making mistakes is part of the meaning and purpose of life, then what better qualification for learning is there, than to venture out and try something new, even at the risk of the new liberties you may have allowed, to turn out to have been mistakes? Of course, those who think they’d do everything better and don’t make mistakes, will never forgive you for those mistakes. But in so doing, they actually become guilty of a worse sin. So, as you can tell, Our way of looking at things is really quite different from the human way. You tend to equal mistakes with bad. We say they’re good in the long run, because nothing teaches you better. That’s a mistake some people make: they follow My path, but not truly whole-heartedly, still clinging to some of the ways and thoughts of the world, or to their own selfishness, and then are disappointed if it doesn’t work out the way they dreamed and blame it on Me and forsake My path. Taking things – and especially people – for granted is a killer, and I’ve watched it do so much harm over the course of time, you can hardly blame Me for making things a little harder on you in order to ensure you won’t be making the same mistake… If you make mistakes, I can make it so that every stumble will only be a fall upward, every trial a lesson and something you benefit from in the long run. In every situation there would have been a right way to do things, and when people do them the wrong way, it behooves them to learn from their mistakes eventually, and sometimes it’s part of your job and task to make them even aware of the fact that they might have made a mistake or done things in a less than favorable way at all… The worst disasters come about when people pretend they have a clue and just keep going as though they did, when they really don’t. (2011:33) Okay, so maybe it was all a big mistake. But what if it wasn’t? What if the Big Cheese Upstairs actually had a clue about what He was doing, and He hasn’t lost it yet? Wouldn’t it look ridiculous, retrospectively to have doubted Him then? Wouldn’t you just feel a little bit ashamed of ever ceasing to trust Him for a moment, even if at times things may look a little too weird to believe that He knew what He was doing? (2011:62) All those mistakes are not a waste, but you can sure learn a lot from them; even if it’s mostly about which way not to do it… (2011:69)

Neglecting Me is the one worst mistake you could ever make. (2011:74) Failure and making mistakes is a very common, human thing, even among the most anointed. As long as people have their own opinions that they base on their own thoughts, preferences and feelings about things and without sacrificing their own bias and making their stance dependent on My input, there will be mistakes. (2011:104) People resent having to admit their mistakes and having them corrected, but it’s actually the only way to learn. (2011:106) Just because things are down-right crazy and going topsy-turvy, it doesn’t necessarily mean they’re not according to My will. In fact, they’re more prone to be according to My will if they’re crazy, than when it’s all planned out and according to some manmade plan or pattern that’s most certainly going to turn out to stink after a while because it may just be lacking the life that only I can induce. (2011:121) You know My stance on mistakes, and making them is only human. Of course, you’ll try to avoid making them as much as you can, but that is precisely the way to learn, and once you did make mistakes, chances are that you’ll try to do better next time. It’s always better to try and fail than to never dare anything new at all. When you think about what you could have done better, chances are that next time you will. (2011:128) The worst mistakes in history have been made by those who relied on their own understanding. (2012:12) Is failure and making mistakes in your life good for you? You bet. Otherwise there’d be no need for improvement, instruction and learning, and I’d become superfluous in your life. (2012:25) Many folks quit, once they realize they’re not as good at something they’ve learned to do as they may have thought they were, because someone or some experience highlights some areas in which they slack or keep making mistakes, and they figure it must simply not have been their thing, after all, letting all previous time and efforts invested go to waste. It’s basically because they’re too proud to admit and live with their failures, so they avoid whatever causes the failures, and they stick to the easy stuff they know they’re good at – the things basically anyone can do… what you might call “second best.” – Or third, etc.

Their real failure lies in viewing their mistakes and the pointing out or correction of them as a negative to be avoided at any cost, whereas the true success stories are written by those who treasure each of their mistakes and failures as precious gems: priceless opportunities from which to learn how to do it better the next time around, and, if nothing else, how not to do it! So, how willing are you to face and learn from your mistakes? How prone are you to take them as an excuse to give up or to take on an attitude of resignation? And if you are, will you wake up and recognize that tendency as the enemy? (2012:45) Can you blame life for showing you up to be mistaken? I want to protect you from greater harm and more serious mistakes. (2012:50) Find out what was and is really a mistake, true and false, and what hasn’t been. (2012:85) Somebody had to do it. – The whole thing, including the mistakes. If you can do it without making any, go ahead… Try. But I’m afraid you’ll discover that you’ll turn out to be just as human. (2012:86) People are as prone to making mistakes as trees are prone to tumble, and earthquakes and thunderstorms are prone to happen in nature… Of course there are mistakes in the beginning of every learning process. Keep your connection with Me strong! Others may be able to get by without it, but don’t make the mistake of comparing yourself to them, because you may not. (2012:94)

What matters is, to learn something from it all, to do better next time around, that you don’t keep repeating the same old mistakes. (2012:118)

It’s not My style to go chasing after My children to stop every little fight they’re having, nor to stop them from reaping the consequences of every mistake. After all, that’s the whole purpose in life: Reap the consequences and learn from it! (2012:146) The mind is a susceptible thing, and if you don’t strengthen and guard it against the enemy’s attacks, you’re prone to make mistakes, which in turn you will be tempted to accuse and blame Me for. The all too common mistake: overestimating yourself, especially your intelligence, and assuming a mental position of superiority to Me by judging, when that’s one thing I strongly advised to refrain from, but leave that up to the Judge instead. So, here’s another reason why it certainly pays to make that effort to make sure you get or stay on My wavelength: It will help you to avoid making a bunch of silly mistakes resulting in the even bigger mistake of blaming Me for not preventing them when it was in your own power to do so, had you made the right choices instead. The Devil’s greatest aid is the assumption that you’re not that dumb, and the illusion of greater intelligence than what you really have at your disposal, so as to make you believe that it couldn’t possibly be your own mistake, since you’re too smart for that, so it’s got to be My fault for simply being so mean to let it happen, when the truth is, you have brought this upon yourself and allowed and caused it to happen. (2012:147) The first step in learning a lesson in the School of life is to make the mistake yourself, often repeatedly, and eventually get the point of not repeating it anymore. The next one is, trying to stop others from making the same, once you see they’re about to. Most people have no problem correcting mistakes they see in others, but when it comes to seeing their own mistakes, they’re just about blind. Learning to deal with mistakes others are making, that you’ve made before is really a wonderful opportunity for learning how to love, showing what you learned, and apply that gained knowledge or wisdom (there’s a difference, you know?) in the right way, not in a self-righteous, preachy attitude, but one of true love and understanding. (2013:18) Not to come to Me for the strength you need makes the mistake all the more blatant when you neglect your first duty of coming to fellowship with Me, when you need so much what I can give you, and you’re so hopeless without it. I can help you make it through this rough and difficult life, but only if you come to Me for that help. If you don’t, there’s no use in complaining about how rough it is. It’s that rough because you chose to do it without Me… That was your choice and you reap the consequences. Now you can choose to learn to do better next time through this, or keep repeating the same old mistake of neglecting and ignoring Me. (2013:42) People hardly ever know that they’re making a mistake while they’re making it, and without a teacher to point it out, they might not even find out afterwards. (2013:44) Most people who think they are, aren’t really as perfect… There’s usually a lot more left to learn from mistakes being or having been made. (2014:33) Realizing and dealing with your failures is definitely something worth it. It’s good to learn the lessons about and from failures… (2014:44) As much as it may seem to you like you made a crappy mistake, without it, your life might have been worse. Some good things just need hard things to be paid for… (2014:47)

Sometimes you’re wrong, and things you assume can be mistaken… Trust Me that that’s a common weakness, and you can use a lot of help! (2014:50) Most people can more easily recognize the faults in others, and not their own… People are often quicker to bring out others’ faults, and slower at realizing their own… (2014:51) It’s good for you to start realizing where your life has been failing in some aspects! It’s good to start realizing where you need help and correction. (2014:80) Even though there have been and are mistakes followers of Mine make, try to stay in tune and connection with Me. Let Me prove to you and show you that I can do it in spite of all the mistakes that were made in My name or by followers of Mine… (2014:82)

Learn from previous mistakes! Mistakes are made; and sometimes without folks making and committing them knowing that they are… You could be doing much better if you hadn’t allowed certain mistakes followed by certain consequences. (2014:84) The kind of things I allow to happen that some folks consider mistakes may be hard to understand for humans, but there’ll be a surprise story attached in the end… (2014:86) It’s easy to forget some of the mistakes made that usually should warn you. (2014:91) When some things go wrong, it means that certain mistakes and errors need to be corrected, and problems solved. (2014:114) Maybe if life becomes a mess due to many mistakes being made, you’ll wind up praying a bit more for all the circumstances… (2014:117)

Learning to have to be better is what you do when you realize what mistakes you’ve made, and unfortunately, that doesn’t always happen as long as everything in life goes good for you. So, sometimes it’s also needed to have things happen that are not so good, which make you realize where you haven’t been so good and why you must go through this and what you must learn. (2014:139)

It might just be good to be open for changes. – And not think you’re just always right about anything. That might be a mistake. And mistakes need correction. (2014:165) Praising the Father means, you know and appreciate His Strength! Murmuring means, you underestimate It and almost consider the enemy’s higher… and that’s a mistake! (2014:174) Sometimes it pays to stay on the straight and narrow path… to stay on the attack, and on the defense against the enemy’s influences, otherwise he’ll get his rights against you, to make you suffer for sins he tempted you to commit. These are lessons of life… lessons that pay to make the effort to better learn them. If you make the mistakes that let him win over you… well, that’s the hard way to learn, but usually (and should be) something you’ll never forget. If you make mistakes like that, they should keep you on the alert, never to let the enemy win such advantages against you. (2015:29) Fight for making it against the temptations to keep repeating the same mistakes that would rob you from the blessings from above! (2015:40) You’d still have some opportunity to change a bit and apply some new ways, and not repeating the same old mistakes from the past… (2015:112) As far as your mistakes are concerned, just try to learn the lessons out of them that they should teach you, and least of all, let them keep you humble! Yes, you’ve made mistakes, and so, you’re not perfect. And knowing that should at least keep you humble, and not self-righteous. (2015:113)

Trying it less in your own strength and handle it all through Me and the heavenly Power instead will also help you to commit less mistakes. (2015:123) Bear with it that’s confronting you right now, knowing that there’s got to be some reason for Us allowing it, and it’s not just to spank and chasten you for your sins and mistakes! (2015:157) Don’t get too condemned about your mistakes and sinful behavior. At least it keeps you aware of the fact that thinking you’re perfect would be an illusion! You’re more aware of your faults and mistakes, and the only way to correct them is to become aware of them! So, don’t feel too bad about your mistakes and errors, but just take the measure of correction you’re going through as something obviously needed, and don’t be too offended about Me letting it happen! (2015:163)

Folks just need to learn from their mistakes! Not always easy, I admit, but still… necessary. Can you bear with it? Just learn from your mistakes that you’re making, even if it’s a bit hard to accept the chastisement and go through it, but unfortunately, that’s the only way through which most people will learn: through being corrected for their mistakes. (2015:164) If you’re going through some rough times, just bear with having to pay for some of the sins you committed and mistakes you made, yourself! Especially when you can tell that the tough times upon the rest of the world are already coming soon to let unbelievers reap what they’ve sown. (2015:169) Not very pleasant to have to deal with the results of your own failures, and a humbling and painful experience, but… well, that’s the way to learn the lessons from former mistakes. Eventually there’s a time folks have to learn from their mistakes. Failure has to teach something… and it’s not just a procedure of fun. (2015:188) Even if it’s a bit painful at times, having to go through the lessons to learn from mistakes made, or ungodly behavior, you’re just going to have to accept it and deal with it. Take it as what you deserve, even if it doesn’t strike you as a great part of love to have to put up with chastisement for your sins and wrongdoings… Learning the lessons from your wrongs is one of the major purposes of life, so don’t resist it, or let your heart go against it! Others will have to pay for it afterwards, but from My followers, one of the things I expect from them is learning the right of their wrongs during their lives on Earth… along with the lessons there are to be learned of the wrongs committed by many others. (2016:12)

Life’s a lesson on what not to do, how not to behave and act, if you want to do it the proper way – Our way. It includes the experience of learning about the mistakes one can make by being governed mainly by selfish intentions, being concerned about one’s own welfare, instead of that of others. (2016:57) My death was to prevent you from suffering hereafter, if you receive Me. But for some of your sins, faults and mistakes you have to go through some experiences yourselves down there that you’ll be able to learn from… how to do it better. (2016:61) Don’t let your heart and mind be too attached to your belongings! That would be one of the mistakes that many make! (2016:62) If you can’t learn well from your own mistakes and faults, maybe having to go through those of others around you will eventually wind up teaching you some of it! (2016:71) If I’d have died only for those who never made mistakes, I could have spared Myself from the trouble. But see? That’s love: to give yourself to someone (or a hoard of “someones” as I did) in spite of their mistakes! Can you love that much? – Love folks in spite of their faults and mistakes? – Just as I love you in spite of yours? – Well, that’s what love consists of, and anything without that ability couldn’t really be considered love! So, if you want to get anywhere along the whole purpose of life, make an effort to handle and accept people’s flaws around you, because otherwise it just couldn’t be called love, whatever you’re trying to do. If God is Love, why not try to give and forgive and love folks in spite of their sins, faults, failures and shortcomings? Why not at least give it a try? – And another one… and another one… in spite of whatever excuse the enemy’s trying to give you for not loving this or that one for this and that mistake they made? Don’t make the biggest mistake of all to let the devil trick you out of the greatest – if not the only - sense and purpose of life down there! If you’re forgiven for a lot of faults and mistakes, wouldn’t it be the worst mistake in the world you could make not to forgive others for theirs? The passive love motion, of only receiving love is not it, and it could be the biggest mistake in life. Whereas the active mode of giving love away, even when there’s nothing coming from the other side… now that’s what makes love turn into the Real Thing! (2016:88)

Preparation’s a big and important topic, and ignoring it would be a serious mistake in sight of what’s to come! (2016:104) Learning from your own mistakes is the greatest purpose of life’s School. – And sometimes teaching you that you’ve been judging others for some of your own mistakes. Getting the point is one of the major meanings of life… especially the point of the mistakes having been made – with a conviction growing from it not to repeat them. (2016:108) Another confirmation of what I’ve been telling you about relying on your own human mind: Faults, failures and mistakes are just simply stuck to it, and one of the main reasons why it’s better to look Up to and confide and rely on Us instead. (2016:114) Unfortunately, most folks only really learn through what they reap from their own wrongs, faults and mistakes. So, learn from your mistakes! And learn to do better! (2016:120)

Money & Materialism (Vol.2) I’m simply not in a hurry, especially not for any of My children to make money, when that’s what the majority of them spend most of their time doing already anyway… I’m keen on seeing something different! Yes, I’ve seen that just about anybody can get a job and make money. Now, is there anybody who could show Me something else for a change? Like for example that they have the faith to believe in My Words and Promises that say that I’m going to take care of their needs, even if they might do something different for a change and seek first the affairs of My Kingdom? (2011:33) I’m in the long and weary process of shifting your faith from their paper money values to Mine. You think that just because paper is visible and tangible and can buy you things, it should naturally be a safer factor to put your faith in, but I want you to know for sure that even when those paper values start to crumble and falter, your faith in Me will still be a more valid force and guarantor of your survival than any other thing you’ve ever known and relied on. (2011:76) The epitome of what the world considers success and what determines their self-worth is money, no matter what other glamorous facades you may give it. If instead of boasting in the numbers on your bank account you can boast in Me, you’re much closer to what I’d define as success. (2011:110) It's hard to stay humbly content with what you have when you see the devil's people rubbing it under your nose how much better they've got it, as if to say, "Seems as if you made your bet on the wrong Guy!" Well, but that is basically what life is all about: to prove whether it's really true that having to make do with less than those who have devoted their life to riches necessarily means having made the bet on the wrong guy, or the wrong values. (2011:125)

It’s hard to have the faith or conviction to offer anyone what you believe is the answer to the world’s problems when you’re still infected yourself with one of its main bugs and causes for this world’s misery: materialism. It’s man’s nature to always seek the best for himself. But sometimes you have to stop to ask yourself what is really the best? Does it always necessarily mean the best, materially? Aren’t there higher values you’re supposed to pursue? (2011:139) People measure their success in life by the amount of wealth they acquire; I largely measure your true success by the amount of faith you acquire. If money is what seems to solve most problems in this world, faith is what solves all in Mine. The paradigm of faith is a totally different one than the material matrix nourished by fear that most people live in. (2011:140) Learning how to do without, is a fairly handy skill to acquire. Of course, it’s hard to practice modesty in such a greedy world. It amounts to stemming the tide and the drift of all you see and perceive going on around you. (2011:146) Even those who claim to respect Me in actuality show a lot greater respect toward those little colored papers that they claim manifest My blessing upon them. Here you see the connection between the love of money being the root of all evil and the disappearance of wisdom: the love of money replaces their respect for Me, which is the beginning of wisdom. In other words, the love of money is the root of all evil because it’s the beginning of the end of wisdom… They put their trust in money instead of Me… (2012:30) That’s why money is such a great temptation: it’s the one thing that promises to be the most effective in exerting control not only over others, but also one’s own life. It’s the ideal tool to try to escape what most people actually deserve or would really need, if the value and purity of their personality would be any sort of priority for them. That’s why many extremely wealthy people are quite detached from what you and so many others have come to know as the real life down at the grassroots of reality where you have to live and deal with the consequences of your actions and choices without being able to escape them. (2012:38) The foolish who haven’t learnt anything from history but really believe that all things will stay the same and continue as they are, who act as if they would live forever, and who put their trust in a paper god. (2012:67) My ideas of greatness and ideals certainly don’t fit in very well with this money-oriented society. (2012:72) I like to encourage those who wish to follow Me to view their worth and value differently than those who base their feelings of selfworth on the amount of money they earn. I’d expect My disciples, followers and serious believers to be a little deeper than that. If a man’s life consisteth not in the abundance of the things he possesseth, then it certainly doesn’t consist of the amount of money he earns. The temptation is obviously there, when you earn what others would consider larger amounts of money, to put your trust in that and derive a degree of satisfaction from it. But as with many others, that’s a temptation you ought to resist. I consider modesty and humility and your faith much greater riches than any amount of paper money. (2012:75) Making money is the excuse people come up with in order to avoid getting down to business with the really serious matters of life. (2012:77)

The less stuff you need to rely on for your happiness, the more genuine it’s going to be. That’s why the happiest people you’ve seen were usually poor people. They don’t need all that stuff that rich people need in order to be happy. Not only is it harder for the rich to get into Heaven than for the poor, but it’s also harder for them to experience anything like Heaven on earth. Their lives are so much more complex and complicated. They need to have too many things, and they’ve gotta be just right, etc., etc. (2012:78) I still care and provide for Mine in such a way that they don’t have to kow-tow to the big money apparatus. Dare to defy all the reasonable, rational concerns based on the way people are being groomed to think these days, which makes the system and its money the all-powerful part in the equation! (2012:84) Make up your mind about whether you’ll join the masses in putting their trust in paper money, or in Me… I only can tell you that you’ll be much better off with the latter option. So, the question is, how well and firmly will you keep trusting when there’s less or no money to rely on? (2012:86) Start preparing yourself to get out of that money-making groove and embrace the kind of life-style I showed My disciples to lead… One that’s geared to winning souls, instead of just chasing paper, getting nowhere, really, just fending for your own survival, day in, day out. (2012:90) My communication with you is really all that matters, not the amount of money you make or don’t make! You have so much to be grateful for and appreciate. All they’ve got is their numbers, that may exceed yours, granted: Their amount of hours of work, and accordingly, the amount of money they may earn. But please don’t let that be what your life, too, is all about! I have not raised My disciples to pursue goals as low and futile as that! (2012:98) It’s natural that folks would strive for material success, seeking to make life ever more comfortable for themselves; but I’m in the process of teaching you that that’s not what life is all about. So you think, “But it would be nice to have things that guarantee a comfortable life-style for as long as your stay in this world…” But wouldn’t you rather acquire incorruptible treasures you can take with you into the next, even if that means a little less comfort and luxury? Do you think you’d be learning half of what you are from a high and lofty position among the successful in the world? I’m afraid that’s just not how it works. The rich and wealthy view the world through very biased, self-satisfied glasses that don’t offer up the same realistic view you get from among the grassroots… (2012:135) Physical abundance can also result in spiritual lack, and material blessings can’t guarantee you the satisfaction and enjoyment you seek… Sometimes you’ve got to choose: Which type of abundance is more important to you, the spiritual, or the physical? It’s easy to put your trust in money when you have it. It’s a mistake that’s easily made. Whereas putting your trust fully and wholly in Me is a blessing that often comes from the experience of lacking the financial means to put your trust and confidence in. When there’s nothing beneath you to hold you but I, then you truly know that I am there. (2012:178) Living a life for money is simply the easier way out, settling for the immediate, visible rewards. (2013:19) What is hard is the shifting of your trust from money, that stuff you can see and feel and hold in your hands, that will buy you things, and that feeling of security, to Me, the unseen, unsure Source of everything perceived only by faith. But that’s precisely what I want you to do. Sooner or later, you’re going to have to put your trust in Me, because there are situations no amount of money in the world can save you out of. No amount of money has ever kept anyone from death, the one impending catastrophe bound to hit everyone at some point. (2013:22) Having large sums of money and putting your trust and confidence in that, certainly doesn’t make you special, different or outstanding, according to the criteria of My Book. Having faith to launch out on little or nothing… now, that’s a different story! (2013:27)

Try to view your own life through the eyes of faith, seeing what I see, instead of judging by the poor materialistic standards of the world! Being able to live with yourself and what you are, not identifying yourself with what you’ve achieved, or the possessions you’ve acquired, is one of the clues to life, and one of the reasons why some of the relatively poor and have-nots seem to be so much more pleasant and satisfied than their wealthier and more affluent counterparts. Money has never been a very accurate identifier or provider of identity for anyone’s true personality or character. The things that identify the real you are only those you can carry along beyond the grave. (2013:52) It’s true that the wealth, and what most people consider “blessings” these days isn’t very evenly, or even justly distributed. But then remember who it is that promises these things. Not Me. All I can promise you is the truth that believing in Me equals eternal life. But in order to keep Me from being able to make that Promise, I was tempted with all the riches in the world by the one who wants to make sure you’ll get so entangled in this short, finite, tiny little life, that you won’t care about what I have to offer… In My eyes, the right kind of action is to take more frequent breaks from your feverish attempts to be successful in what you do to make money, in order to spend some more of that time with Me, perhaps asking Me to give you and supply you with some of the

things you’d like to work so feverishly and hard to obtain in your own strength and energy, and get the kind of input that will ensure the right kind of output to issue from your being… (2013:73) The pressures to make a “decent life,” meaning, one where you make enough money to show forth, are not My standards of what I’d call a decent life. (2013:90) The drift of the world is largely all about the acquisition of things you don’t have, driven by the illusion that once they’ll have them, then they’ll be happy. You’ve got to watch out not to fall into that same trap. It can be like chasing some elusive end of a rainbow, while you may come to realize that all you needed in order to truly be happy has been right at your door step all along… (2013:95) I aim to arouse your appetite for gleaning spiritual riches, rather than their material ones. (2013:97) The world will always choose and prefer the Barrabases over their potential saviors, those who are in it for the same things they are: material gain; and who will stoop to any lows and do anything to get those things. They just feel more comfortable with their own, greedy and materialistic kind. (2013:103) Generally it’s regarded and considered that “with is better than without.” But what I’m saying is, “Not necessarily so.” The “with” is often the cause for people’s greatest troubles. The less you have, the less you have to worry about. It’s the old message about materialism, and that includes the comfort and commodity of modern household utilities people take so for granted. (2013:122) Is it really such an advantage to be living and staying in the materialistically richer areas? Is materialism something blessed? Or is faith what really ought to be used more? What do you think I can bless more? An existence in a wealthier country with a smaller population, and where folks mainly seem to trust in the state and physical powers, or one where there are more people, and largely things (like existence) can be managed with less money? (2014:6) What’s more important to you: Me or money? At least that should identify to you the problem, question or challenge… Am I your boss, or is it money? Do you let Me rule your life or that material bit of paper? It may make life a bit more comfortable, but… See, it all depends on who or what you make the more important force in your life: Me or money. If it’s money, you can assume that I consider it a mistake. Remember, ultimately the enemy will replace it by a mark of his beastly appearance, and loving money will cause people to take that step. (2014:17) It’s not a positive thing in general to allow money to become such an important thing in life. For many it’s the most important; and do you think that according to Me it is? You think it has anything to do with the will of God to let money become the most important thing to you? Putting the material things like money first in your life, or giving them the greatest importance can result in negative effects. Those attitudes are not what pulls the will and blessings of God upon you… Money doesn’t have the same value in life that love does, and since God is Love, you might say that money is pretty much the counter-piece the Enemy came up with… To make love a greater value in your heart and life than money would enable you to put My values above those of the world. (2014:22)

Making money isn’t the most important part of life… An important lesson I’m teaching some parents: That earning money is not the most important job in life, but doing your jobs as parents is! There are some more important things for parents, especially believers, than spending their energies entirely at the making of money… Your kids and what you do to them and manage with them is more important to Me, to God, Heaven and Eternity, than how much money you’ll be making… (2014:34) Money isn’t the most important thing needed for happiness! There are more important factors for happiness than money! Remember that money isn’t one of those things you’ll need in Heaven! So why not start getting used to it not being needed for eternity the sooner the better? Some of the weaknesses in humanity can lift up its true strengths… worth more than any of those jobs that served to lift up the self or financial gain… Living for others, after all, is a higher purpose than material gains… (2014:35) One lesson for My true disciples is to raise Me in their hearts, minds and desires above the level of money… It’s not the most important thing in your lives, and not what you ought to be working for most of the time… (2014:37) Not to allow and let the finances be or become the most important factor in life is a lesson I want you to learn. Money has taken a lot of the affection that the Father and I would be craving from the human race and somehow We feel like We deserve that love a bit more for having created all… but the Enemy is working hard at turning folks away from Us, making money and people’s own efforts to gain it and care for themselves seem bigger and more important.

To change your life and get it less oriented by and toward money, might definitely be the more favorable arrangement for your human soul, development and growth concerning eternity. Money still seems to be very much playing a main role in life… But it’s a good time to start a development in another, more spiritual direction. It might seem rougher and less secure to have a less finance-developed survival, but to have more faith instead, and a closer relationship with your Creator and spiritual leadership, would definitely be more worthy and valuable in the long run. Try to count and rely on Me, the Father and all of Heaven more than on money, which the Devil mainly made take over the role of spiritual values in this world! Money is basically cheating you out of the main lessons in life, which are supposed to be the spiritual ones, instead of all the material stuff… (2014:42) Money is often a tool of popularity the enemy uses to get folks of Mine glued to the world… So, learning to do with a lot or at least a bit less of that might not be a bad idea or bad way to get you more interested again in the Spirit and all the spiritual values and importance… (2014:43) Invest the time of your life in what I’d consider more important than money: your children and family! (2014:47) Quantities of money you receive somewhere aren’t necessarily My standards of, or for My will. There might be the reason that it’s not My will for you. After all, “Go ye into all the world and preach the Gospel to every creature” (Mk.16:15) doesn’t say or mean, “Stay in or travel to whatever country holds the most and largest amount of money for you,” even if it may be more comfortable, and may sound a lot more tempting. (2014:48) Is less money to need to live of and be given a bad or negative sign? - Or a better? Remember that in My Kingdom there’ll be no money necessary at all to survive! So, expensive countries to live in couldn’t possibly be the kind I was involved much in creating in their current shape… Maybe time to look up what My Word – the Bible – said about money (2nd Thess.6:10), in case you don’t remember. (2014:49) Sometimes it requires certain capacities folks ought to have to find out what strikes them as a better place to go for believers… whether money is more important for them in their lives, or other things, like human values that cause one to make better and more eternal valuable goods of life. The trouble with a lot of folks is that money is the most important thing for them, while for others it’s love, which has been described as the very same force and existence of God. So, the question is, what are you making more or most important in your life? - Love or money? Basically, it means, faith in the force of God, or the material thing the devil cooked up to distract everyone and get them more involved in material things… Do you think that getting material riches is as valuable from My point of view as spiritual riches? (2014:52) Remember not to trust in money too much to save you out of trouble and make life easier! To protect you from some evil and serious trouble you’d better trust in Me and My protection more than what money can do for you, since the way its System makes people behave is to have them practically worship it… Do you think it’s right to worship money, to obey it and operate your life according to it and ways of earning and getting more of it? (2014:53) Put your trust in Me! Don’t put it so much on human aspects or financial ones, but try to and fight for making Me the Factor you put the most faith and trust in, even if it seems as though money brings the greatest security for the temporal situations… (2014:54) Where money rules pretty much everywhere and in everyone’s life, so does the enemy. He’s taking over society with the money he made pour in there. It should make you realize that you shouldn’t let money rule your life! How much can you trust those who act like and think that they’re wiser, smarter and more intelligent than the rest of the world, mainly because they’ve got greater material riches to use? Are such material things truly a sign that they’re wiser in any spiritual ways? (2014:58) The thing combining children of Heaven: Believing less in money, and more in Heaven, where none of it will be needed or wanted! So, just to let it dawn on you how little money truly has to do with spiritual teachings, Heaven, and what I’ve come for… It shouldn’t be the goal of your life… (2014:59) Learning not to put money at the top of the list of what you want and need might be the basic criterion I ask of you in order to make it truly My way. (2014:62) Sometimes certain folks have to learn that there are more powerful forces and things around than money; and latest when someone’s close to death they’ll realize that money won’t last forever and everywhere… Life can be eternal; but money’s not. (2014:68)

It’s often considered an advantage to earn more money somehow and somewhere… but is it? – Always? For some folks it has been a loss at times, too…

Also, getting used to funds that can be raised easily from the support of a nation or state may not always strengthen the life of faith that ought to make your faith stronger in other values than paper money, and cause your faith to be stronger in Me, your Saviour, than the System, its countries and powers… Many folks from financially weaker countries respect and admire the financial strengths of others greatly, but for true Christians it shouldn’t really be something to base faith or a life on. The fact is that countries where smaller values are necessary to purchase food are largely better than the more expensive ones; and for believers in God it’s easier there not to put their faith in money. The greater the size and value of money are made by faith through things it can buy, etc., the more power and influence it has on those people, but it may also eventually turn out to have been largely exaggerated. So, also remember that greed and love for money aren’t good things, and it’s better to have your life operated by spiritual values and powers instead. Try to resist the desire for material enrichment and try to tune more to the spiritual values than this rather physical feeling of greed! Remember Heaven and eternal life, the gifts of God, a bit more, instead of making your earthly life revolve all around its financial values! (2014:74) The material riches don’t or won’t mean as much to you as the spiritual I offer and give… According to My teachings and My Word, the spiritual values are much longer-lasting than the material ones. Now, that beliefs in spiritual values are by faith, and not as visible and touchable as money, makes them rarer, and perhaps a little more difficult, too; but… do you believe in life after death, or don’t you? If you believe in life after death, then it’s time for you to put some action into that faith and reduce your faith and action from what you used to put in your life for the sake of money. (2014:76) Even if you’re not making it with great jobs or amounts of money, just consider that faith in love and faith in Me may be better to get you through life somehow and in some way, even if the devil will try as hard as he can to dissuade you and persuade you that money is the most important… so that eventually he can get folks to take on his mark to replace money and its power… sort of to show whose power that power of money actually was all along… So, be wise not to let that stuff be the master and ruler all over your life and family, but rather let Love be it! Love is better than money to live for, just as God is, since they’re both the same… So, try to put love higher and make it more important in your life than money! If you make love rule, it’s clearly more God’s way than letting money rule your life! (2014:87) I’m working on replacing the material importance with some of the spiritual, which one day you’ll be thankful that I did, when you’ll recognize its superior importance and significance. (2014:91) It wouldn’t be bad if you wouldn’t let money become the very big and important thing in your lives, and would realize that there are other things that are worth more in a spiritual life. To be thinking about money, money, money all the time ought not to be your spiritual directions, even if most humans around you live for and think about money business… (2014:92) If everything worth looking at winds up costing more and more money, that’s a way the devil makes the value of physical and material things rise above that of the spiritual, at least according to worldly standards. - Which means, let your faith in spiritual values grow above that of your momentary faith and importance you give to money! (2014:100)

There comes a time for folks to realize that faith and spiritual values like it are more valuable than the physical riches like money. Spiritual values stay forever. Physical ones don’t. So, don’t overestimate them! Remember the spiritual things and try to consider them more worthy than the physical riches, forces and advantages. (2014:111) There is an end awaiting every life, and how wonderful you’ll feel at that point – believe Me – won’t depend on the amounts of money you were able to make! So, try to think a bit about different things! (2014:126) Getting older, life should result in the proper demonstration of the proper, correct values. – Not the physical or materialistic bonuses and additions, but the spiritual ones, the main value of which is love. If love is the greatest, please treat it as such and make it such in your life. If love truly is God, then value it above the materialistic things a lot of people dedicate most of their attention to! (2014:128) There are lessons to learn in life, and what I’m causing folks to do through having to take a break from raising money with jobs, is to spend more time to do so, because, after all, it’s more important than earning money or gaining popularity. It’s not about the amount of money or fame you made, when you arrive Here. It’s about humbler things. If you make love a greater priority in your life than material success, you’ll show you’ve inherited the Spirit of your Father of Love and Creator, Who loved you all so much that He gave Me, His only begotten Son down there to surrender and sacrifice His life for you all. (2014:134) Learn to appreciate the spiritual values more than the physical or material ones, because you’re getting closer to that spiritual point where you’ll actually live in the spirit, and things will turn out quite a bit different than they’ve been in the physical and material world… (2014:136)

The places that look the most perfect in this imperfect world are usually the greatest temptation to have people think and believe that the physical is the most perfect in the here and now, which to them means, the only one they’ll ever be interested in. “The more money and luxury the better” is the rule that makes folks bow down to places like that, which offer the greatest material riches and thus, power… (2014:140) There are large parts of populations that aren’t doing so hot financially… and yet, isn’t it strange that many times you notice that they seem happier? Well, so much for making happiness depend on your income and financial luck! (2014:149) Just keep trusting Me that I’ll open the door and show you where to go when it’s time to go! Sometimes it’s good when money isn’t the most important thing or factor that manages your decisions about where you’ll stay. Sometimes it’s good when other factors make you want to get out of the wrong kind of place, even when the money there tries to make you want to stay there. As much as money pretty much appears to rule the world, you should definitely be reluctant to let it rule you, too, if you’re followers of Mine! - Money may be the most important factor as far as the world is concerned, but that’s why “This world is not my home” is a pretty much fitting and proper line that true followers of Mine should be aware of. (2014:150) Who are you serving? Me, or cash? Who’s the master of your life? (2014:154) What most people think they need: that money made of paper and coins that’s pretty much the stuff most folks in the world are the most active for… Does that seem like something I invented or inspired the invention of? Well, it wasn’t as important to Me in My life as it’s become to pretty much all other humans… So, you might want to follow that example of Mine and simply refuse to worship money or let it be first place in your life. Try to stick to Me, instead of that! And remember, Judas was the one I allowed closest to Me with an obsession for that stuff, and what it did to him… So, the love for money is not comparable with the love for God and fellowmen, and it might be something good to remember that. (2014:157) The worldly, materialistic ways only offer gain in this life and this temporary world. But as you believe and know by faith, there’s more than that, and that makes life worth it for you! Life you’re living there on Earth is just temporal, and thus – if there’s something greater thereafter as I’ve taught, and My followers believe – not everything you invest your energies in should be the money you can make and the fun you can have, or whatever… “Seek ye first the Kingdom… and His righteousness,” not your own pleasure or the riches of the world! Those things are temporal and not there to last. (2014:164) Try to keep or put those spiritual values in the first place for you, since they’re definitely – ultimately – more important than financial or material gains! (2014:167) Earning money is not the most important part of your life there is, believe it or not. If money keeps being the most important thing in your life, then you’re really failing Me with something, namely not reaching others with My message and touching them, becoming part of their lives, which as a disciple of Mine you were originally meant to do. (2014:176) It’s better to really trust in Us than putting or keeping your trust and confidence in money, which, as you know from the prophecies about the Endtime with the Mark of the Beast, won’t endure forever. (2014:184) The receiving of money shouldn’t be your major motivation for your actions. When all that plays a role and matters to you is the money business, it’s like you’re switching your masters. It’s not exactly in My favour when money becomes the most important factor to you in your existence. It’s quite important for you to remember that that’s the other way, and what My Word says about it: “The love of money is the root of all evil” (1.Tim.6:10). (2014:203)

If money isn’t the most important thing for you, and other things are, let’s say, that’s a good sign, after what the Bible says about the love of money being the root of all evil. Faith and trust will turn out to be worth a lot more than the material wealth this world has to offer, in the long run and in the end, when those material riches will simply disappear and fade away, as if they had been an illusion all along, while spiritual riches and wealth will finally turn out to show and prove their superiority in their eternally lasting values and strengths they’ll yield. (2014:204) Let’s try to get you treating things and factors in your life the right way, and give honor where honor’s due. Stop yielding it all to money, or your personal efforts to get it in! (2015:18) Try to live your life a little bit less money-oriented, if you can. Try not to make money the most important factor, which most people do these days… but it’s not really a thing that any true follower of Mine should. (2015:30) Dragging you away from spending most of your time and energy on making money, and pulling you back, instead, into the gear of making and getting more of what I can teach you and give you in values of spiritual riches and wealth, maybe it’s not all that bad! (2015:35)

If God is Love, it’s definitely one of the things the enemy will fight and try to extinguish, and apart from coming up with a few fake versions, he has definitely seen to it to install “more important” things and factors in earthly life, like money, success, and physical, material well-being… (2015:88) Physical and material abundance and prosperity doesn’t always coincide with spiritual and characteristic values, as you can slowly start telling from experience. Less materialistic prosperity seems like a stronger setup for spiritual and character values. In other words, folks who spend less of their lives dedicating it to materialistic affluence simply might have more time to dedicate to spiritual and deeper human values… One big factor that’s influenced by materialism or poverty is the humility/pride issue. Less value given to money and material riches seems to – generally – yield more humility, and thus, greater spiritual riches and values. So, it certainly yields something to pay less credit to financial values, and more to personal and characteristic values instead. It makes a characteristic difference not to put one’s major emphasis on the size or amount of personal income. To make it all dependent on the amount of income just doesn’t work too much in favour of one’s personality, in general. With the biblical factor included that the enemy will ultimately replace cash by his own mark on humans, you can somewhat see the connection. Making folks dependent on money will leave them ultimately dependent on his mark of the Beast, which will show the spiritual connection between the two, and how the overall plan was, in general, to make folks dependent on him, instead of trusting in the Father and their Creator, faith in Whom they’re trying hard to extinguish by modern education, which becomes providence for their systematic source of income… (2015:89) It’s good to put greater trust in Us than in the value of money! It’s important to learn that We are more important than that paper stuff soon to be replaced by marks of the Beast, which will announce My Return, and thus, the end of the hard times to go through. It’s sort of a tough task, having faith largely in the opposite of what’s visible and happening all around you, which the enemy, of course, does, in order to extinguish people’s faith in Me, the Father, and any deeper sense and meaning in life than his temporal and materialistic goals he’s set up for mankind… (2015:95) There are some things that money just cannot do, and you’re desperately dependent on help from Above for! Just remember that you need Us more than money! There’ll be a time when money won’t be around anymore, but will be replaced by the mark of the Beast… which sort of shows just where the whole spirit behind money comes from, in the first place. Money isn’t capable of protecting you from all evil. So, don’t let it be the no.1 of importance in your life! Try to shift that degree of importance from paper cash Up to Me, the Father, and all your heavenly Help, which ultimately will play a much larger and more significant role in your life when that paper stuff will ultimately lose its value! (2015:110) Being content with what We’ve got to offer is one of those lessons of life, instead of being greedy and always wanting more and more of things, or fun, or whatever one can buy… So, materialism vs. spiritual riches is another big lesson to learn, and another big choice to make for humans. Some are happy and content with less, and just enough to live and make it through life, others constantly greedy for more. Well, you can guess which one would be the better choice or option, according to Us. (2015:116) Don’t rely too much on the physical and financial parts of it all! It’s time to get into a greater spiritual wave of things for you, and don’t let your life be geared too much by the material parts and from those aspects. (2015:122) Even though you’re weakened, with no income of your own through any jobs… consider the fact that this might bring you closer to the way I want things to be for My followers, than the opposite, where folks are strong in their own flesh and investing it all into their efforts in earning money… (2015:138) Living in a country where there’s a bit less of that materialism all around, is certainly a bonus and advantage. Making other things more important than material possessions… well, you can tell from the way I lived, that that’s definitely more of My cup of tea, and something that will make more of a true follower of Mine out of you than that whole bunch of materialistic Christians that are helping the enemy to turn the world against Me. Setting your goals higher above that materialism and greed is definitely a plus, and an advantage, according to My point of view, and sets you apart from the materialistic masses that won’t have a very bright future ahead of them! (2015:150) See the advantage of the poor above the state of the rich, wealthy, and more materialistic folks and their offspring! See, I wasn’t a wealthy noble-man during My earthly life, but stuck to a pretty simple standard. If that’s what I chose… well, it should give you a hint what’s the wiser thing to do. Not gear your life after the possessions of material things, but as much as you can, according to spiritual, and thus, much more lasting values! (2015:153) Don’t let the financial income play the leading role in your life! Be content with less, because there’ll be a lot less available in the future, and the sooner you get used to it and prepared for it, the better! It’ll be one of the toughest times for those who’ve been used to material surplus, to make it through times with a lot less again. (2015:156)

Not putting your goals on materialistic advantages will definitely bring you closer to true joy – the advantage of putting spirit above the flesh! Just as flesh isn’t above spirit, so being materially richer and “blessed” isn’t above or anywhere near true happiness! Welcome to the true goal of life! – Not the materialistic and financial advantages, but the blessings of the Spirit! Remember, My material setup on Earth wasn’t that of a rich or wealthy man! While most people consider materialism to have more pleasure in life to offer, consider your turning your lives in another direction a great witness and testimony! Especially in light of the fact that the existence of paper money will soon reach its end to be replaced by the enemy’s ultimate system of control through his “mark of the beast.” Taking a distance from current materialism is a first step away from accepting the devil’s ultimate mark of the beast system that will bring an end to his running of the world, and a start to its new beginning! (2015:160) Material things aren’t necessarily confirmations of Our will for you, but it could rather be the opposite. Places where material things play the main role in just about everybody’s life there, are definitely not the receptive ones for spiritual messages, but they’ve rather been brainwashed quite successfully by the enemy’s indoctrinations and efforts to make materialists out of just about the entire population of that place, and even though just about the entire world is affected by that addiction to things, it’s not manifested in the same grave aspect everywhere, and in other places, family values, for example, are still considered higher and treasured and valued more. (2015:164) Become more heavenly-minded, more conscious of the Place you’re going and headed! While other folks’ goal may be fame, fortune and material success, if that One’s yours, Where the Creator of the whole universe and His Family are staying, along with a host of angels, and all those who chose to seek Us during their earthly lives… well, for any of those seeking something else than material and temporal wealth or fame, you’ve got It! So, definitely an advantage to stay geared towards and focused on It, rather than any temporal and material assets offering themselves to you down there in order to drag your attention away from Me, your Creator, and the everlasting Sphere, which also starts making it clear whose side those temptations and distractions could only come from… (2015:169) It’s good that you’re not hooked into the materialism that most other folks are! And living in a country where there’s a bit less of that materialism all around, is certainly a bonus and advantage. Making other things more important than material possessions… well, you can tell from the way I lived, that that’s definitely more of My cup of tea, and something that will make more of a true follower of Mine out of you than that whole bunch of materialistic Christians that are helping the enemy to turn the world against Me. Seeing it as a curse to be living in a country completely ruled by materialism is a sign that you’re more on My channel than a lot of the supposed followers of Mine for whom income and money play a much larger role. So, don’t feel too bad and disastrous about being in a country the materialism of which makes you feel bad! Remember what kind of a Guy I was during My lifetime on earth, and recognize that as a sign that I’m definitely not against your wanting to get out of a place that’s ruled as much by materialism and money as Sodom and Gomorrah were by homosexuality. Setting your goals higher above that materialism and greed is definitely a plus, and an advantage, according to My point of view, and sets you apart from the materialistic masses that won’t have a very bright future ahead of them! It might be another reason why I’m choosing you to talk to, even if you’re anything but perfect in other aspects! At least you’re not trapped in the main course of the greed of the world! (2015:185) If you remember Me… I certainly didn’t carry a bag, much less a suitcase full of possessions around. So… how much do we have in common, regarding materialism? (2015:197) Remember what I told you about not making money such an important factor of your life! (2015:234) As busy as the material issues are keeping folks, it’s necessary to learn what’s more important. Putting Me first is an action for special folks and people, who are not that soaked up by the materialistic gear the enemy has pretty much gotten the world into… Money has pretty much taken over the most important spot in most folks’ lives, and not falling into that trap has become quite exceptional. So, it takes quite some effort to become such an exception. You can tell that even kids have become quite more materialistic; with all the toys the System has started producing. So, not that easy to stay all spiritually-minded these days, is it? That’s why it might be good to keep in mind who’s behind all this, getting folks from their childhood on onto that materialistic level. It’s become a lot tougher to stay on a spiritual level, unless, of course, you begin to realize that all that the material has to offer doesn’t really fulfill and satisfy you interiorly. Material things may bring some sort of fulfillment to those who don’t expect anything beyond that materialism, but let’s say that the fact it doesn’t work with some, shows that they don’t really belong into that world, but are largely My sheep. (2015:247) What has become more important to the vast majority of folks than good vs. evil is the issue rich or poor, and their desires and motivations have been plugged to materialism and the drive to heighten their standards trough possessions and wealth… well, the way it’s been for more of the exceptional, wealthy kind for thousands of years, but now slips onto the vast majority, and even keeps being a lesson for someone like you, who slowly ought to learn better about what sort of values to give the first place in life. It’s not the material values that ought to lead, guide and motivate you, according to My teachings. See, life’s a bunch of lessons that sometimes take some time to learn.

Let the Spirit rule, and the material desires decrease! (2016:26) The more the folks of a place are money-oriented, the worse. (2016:39) Through spoiling mankind, the enemy will have a lot easier time taking over the world through the AC, having gotten just about everyone so dependent on the material goods… The enemy did it so in order to get folks more used to and dependent on his materialist realm. Love is more important than money or material goods. (2016:45) If I wasn’t someone with pockets stuffed with money, and the one of My disciples who was in charge of it turned out to be My traitor, that should give you a little glimpse of My attitude towards money and worldly riches! – With a hint whose influence and power that stuff does come from. So, being tabbed to it, and letting it run your life is definitely not a good sign for true disciples of Mine. (2016:78) Other things are definitely more important to Me than income! – And it should be to My true servants, too. (2016:85)

Murmuring & Complaining Don’t complain about the state of the world! Fill your heart and mind so much with My presence, with My praise, with thankfulness for the things I’ve done for you, I am doing for you, and the even greater things I will yet do for you; for My faithfulness, which will never leave you nor forsake you, that there will be no more room for anything negative. Love Me enough to praise Me and thank Me for all I’m doing and have done! (I:28) If you would realize how irrelevant the circumstances of those individual situations are, how each of them is really only there to pose a new challenge before you, a new opportunity to make another grade, to climb another step higher, spiritually... you would take each of them much more gracefully. Take them as from Me, saying, 'Thank You, Lord, for entrusting me with another test, another challenge, for You know I can handle this one by Your grace!' If you had a glimpse of the blessings I have in store for you when you pass those tests the way you should, you would put on your best behavior, there would be no complaint or murmur on your lips, only praise! (I:77) You’ve really got no reason to murmur about yourself and the way you are made. (I:137) ‘Praise is the voice of faith’, and the opposite is also true: cursing is the voice of unbelief, it’s the ultimate statement that I am not in control, it’s the life-blood and breath of murmuring, the epitome and manifestation of thanklessness and ingratitude! (I:140) It is the Father’s will that you thank Me and keep a thankful attitude in everything and every situation, and not start complaining and murmuring about it! Give thanks in every situation you find yourself in and you’ll see it’s up to you and your attitude what will become of it. Even the worst situations can turn into good and lead to a better one, if you’ve simply got the right attitude, one of trust and of thankfulness for whatever I bring. (I:200) Stay on guard and on the attack against anger and murmuring! (I:300) I test you and see how you will behave even if you don’t receive your heart’s desire. Whether you will have a murmuring attitude about it or stay cheerful, loving, giving and thankful for those things I do bless you with. (I:332) Whenever "fate" is handing you a burden that's too big and heavy for you, or you think it is, commit it to Me and rolling it all over onto My shoulders, and don’t start moaning and complaining, and acting as if it's all too much to bear! (I:403) Often people walk through life completely dissatisfied because they're constantly expecting something greater, something better to happen to them, all the while completely neglecting and despising what they’ve got. (I:411) The rough times you're going through are exactly what you need in order to make you what you're supposed to become. It's in trusting that you're getting just what you need and deserve, and realizing that if you want something better, murmuring and complaining won't help at all to get it. (I:449) Be thankful even for the difficulties and the parts that are a little rough. Anybody can murmur and go through life with a "Why me?" attitude and expect more out of life than they're willing to invest. But the overcomers - and that's what I have called and chosen you to become - see with the eyes of faith. They see the good even in the bad. (I:457) Thankfulness is happiness, and if you're not thankful, you're not happy! If you don't make a conscious effort to count your blessings and to focus on the things you could and should be thankful for, the Devil is always quick to point your attention towards things and flaws in the overall picture you can start murmuring in your heart about. (I:474)

Murmuring and negativity are the voices of death, but praise is the voice of life. (I:475) Instead of being thankful for what you're given, and "faithful in the little things," you despise the little things, but My Word says, "He that is (not) faithful in that which is least is (un-)faithful also in much." (II:86) The little people make this Kingdom stand. The big shot types are rather unreliable in comparison to the faithful little ones, who are just thankful for the little things they've got... Whether I will be able to bless you with more, something bigger or better in the long run depends on whether you're thankful for what you've got already! Those who appreciate what they've got and are thankful for it, also love to share it, and thus are able to receive more. While those who complain and murmur and wait for "the perfect thing" to come around until they're going to start sharing of what they lose what they think they had and get less and less. (II:103) Being thankful for what you've got is an important lesson; to learn to be "content in whatsoever state" you're in. The enemy comes along with all those shiny temptations of all there is "on the other side," when you could have heaven in your heart right where you are, right now, if you only have the right attitude. (II:125) Whether I will be able to bless you with more, something bigger or better in the long run depends on whether you're thankful for what you've got already! Those who appreciate what they've got and are thankful for it also love to share it and thus are able to receive more. While those who complain and murmur and wait for "the perfect thing" to come around until they're going to start sharing, lose what they think they had and get less and less. Enjoy every moment of peace that I've given you while it lasts, because out of them you will have to gain the strength you will need for the tougher times ahead. Just enjoy and be thankful! (II:103) Escape the thinking of the carnal mind, which will only criticize, belittle and complain about all the innumerable little imperfections you see in creation! (II:310) It's the bad and dark times that actually bring you closer to Me, so don't curse them, but accept them, say, "Let it be!" Thank Me for them! (II:363) Rising above means not looking at the negative circumstances, but beyond them, at My Power to alter them, and at My purpose in them to teach, train and strengthen you, trusting Me that I know what I'm doing. Then you can thank Me for them, instead of complaining about them. (II:545) What's your attitude: gratitude or resentment? That's what it all boils down to, your constant choice. Will you resent the trial, the empty half of your cup, or show gratitude for the full half? Life is never all good nor all bad. You might say there are always good things and bad things present in it; it all just depends which ones you choose to look at or emphasize on. (II:581) It's going to help you to stay happy when the devil tempts you to get unhappy, to stay thankful when the enemy will try to get you to murmur, to stay in the victory when he'll try to defeat you! (II:597) Being a good steward over the things I have given you shows that you appreciate them, that you’re thankful for them. Of course, the enemy will fight that. He always makes what you’ve already got look like nothing, compared to all the elusive things he would offer you, ever since Adam and Eve in the Garden. They didn’t know they were living under the most perfect circumstances possible right there, they fell for Satan’s lie that there was something better than that, which I was withholding from them. You don’t know what you’ve got till it’s gone, but I’m helping you to learn to appreciate what you’ve got a bit more while you have it! (II:642) Don't look at the murmurers and complainers, belly-achers and choosers of the wrong track! (III:16) You've got to make the best out of what you've got, or change the circumstances. You yourself can change them, either through your prayers or actions or words, but never through moaning and complaining about them. (III:238) I'm trying to train you in the usage of the weapon of praise, to make it known to yourself, to Me and the universe that you are grateful for and appreciate what you've got, so that none of these murmuring spirits that make you begrudge what you have, and none of those enticing spirits that lure you into ever wanting what you don't have, can take ahold of you and make your life and that of others miserable. (III:251) Do not murmur in your heart about somebody else getting more than you! Criticizing Me for what I’ve given you, murmuring in your heart about it, and failing to appreciate it, won’t get you the perfect world you’d like to be living in. (IV:114) It won’t really make things easier to murmur, complain and raise a big fuss about the discomforts of life.

What good does it do to murmur, bellyache, moan and gripe and complain? It only makes matters worse. And they could be worse, and probably will be! Moaners, groaners and complainers make it tougher and harder on themselves by their own attitude. (11:53) Before you complain about not having it just as nice as you would like, and not quite as comfortable, remember the martyrs and their sacrifice! Don’t make them look as if they died in vain by your murmuring and complaining and wishing to have it better in this world. (11:84) Whining and complaining weakens you. Looking at the positive, counting your blessings and praising Me for them will strengthen you. (11:101) If you don’t have a lot of reasons to feel proud of yourself, I wouldn’t necessarily view that as a negative, but actually as a positive aid to stay on the right path. (11:113) As long as you walk through life whining, moaning and complaining, and constantly seeking something better for yourself, murmuring in your heart about your lot and thinking you deserve better… it’s just not the right attitude that I can bless with greater things. (11:120) A lot depends on you, and your fate rests to a large extent in your hands, which is why complaining is really of no avail. It basically all depends on your attitude and on how you choose to confront and face your daily challenges. (12:19) When you complain a lot, it shows that you’ve been placing your faith in the wrong factors. When you complain, you obviously choose to place your faith in the circumstances. (12:22) If you realize why you feel so miserable at times, namely because you’re under attack from the powers that rule this world, then it’s no occasion to complain, but rather to fight. Complaining doesn’t do anything to improve the situation; in fact, it only makes matters worse and gives the Enemy a sense of victory. If he can get you to complain, murmur and get all down and grumpy about your fate, then he has just about won the day. (12:27)

I’m trying to make you stronger than the perpetual complainer and wannabe quitter. Overcomers are made of a different kind of material than the complaining kind. (12:28) Resolve to make an effort to murmur and complain less, or to improve in whichever way! What many fail to see is the extent to which improvement would be not only desired, but actually needed, and more than just a good idea. Complaining about the way things fail to live up to your unrealistically high standards isn’t going to do the trick… It’s the garden of your life. Don’t keep on complaining about the messed up state it’s in, but start tending it appropriately and you’ll see results. (12:53) Instead of making the best of what you’ve got, you murmur and complain about it, neglect any opportunity your situation might have to offer, and invest all your energies in looking for something “better.” (12:59) If you have nothing but complaints in your heart about the situation you’re in, and you come to Me in an accusatory manner, blaming Me for this and for that, it’s usually harder for Me to get through to you to get you to see My point of view, which is usually the positive side of things you often fail to see. (12:89) Remember the admonition not to murmur as others have murmured before and perished! (12:111) You can keep hanging in there with an attitude of trust, knowing on the grounds of My Promises, that somehow you’re going to make it, or you can spend your time whining, murmuring and complaining about your plight is energy-consuming, and not really conducive to any victorious results. (12:129) Lots of folks have to work hard, and put up with a lot of hardship, and you don’t hear them complain as much. – Even unbelievers. So, why make things harder than they are by murmurs and complaints? Prayer and praise draw good things and people into your life, whereas murmuring and a negative attitude drive them away and attract negative repercussions instead. (13:28) The entire older generation of Israelites perished in the wilderness, never to see the Promised Land, because of their murmuring, ungrateful attitude, and I’ve made it clear in My Word that this happened as a warning for generations to come. Blessed is the man who at the end of his life’s journey has unlearned that life-long habit of whining, a curse that every human is presently born with as a reminder of what caused their fall in the first place. Need I say more? (13:53) Sometimes it’s important to sit and make it through dreadful experiences in order for you to make it through to the more pleasant or less dreadful ones without much murmuring. So, one thing you need to learn is to make it through life without that much murmuring. Sometimes dreadful times are needed and necessary for folks to learn to make it through the less dreadful times a bit more joyfully! (14:35)

What’s the advantage of complaining about being where you are? Sometimes it pays best to accept as My will where you are for the moment or time being and make the best of it, instead of complaining… Remember: faith is supposed to be shown by the positive way in which you can survive no matter where. Complaining about things a lot is not a great sign of faith! (14:102) If you could thank Me by faith, you’d experience a lot of times that things eventually will get better when you do. Murmuring and complaining just doesn’t have the same positive effect. (14:120) When you go through a situation, it’s for a purpose. - So, no reason for murmuring and complaining about it. Take it by faith! (14:134)

You consider your fate a rough and a cruel one. But trust Me that many of My followers endured a much tougher fate, and yet without any murmuring! (14:167) Murmuring and complaining doesn’t bring you closer to God’s protection! Better keep praising Him than murmuring! Praising Him means, you know and appreciate His strength! Murmuring means, you underestimate it and almost consider the enemy’s higher… and that’s a mistake! (2014:174) You need to learn to get through the rough stuff a bit better, not as a complainer! (2014:186) Sometimes you have to learn that complaining doesn’t help at all and doesn’t bring any advantage. Just learn to appreciate and cope with what you’ve got and what you have left, instead of murmuring about what’s not perfect or missing! (15:18) Humility and appreciation work together; whereas constant complaints instead are more likely representing pride. (15:72) If you want to make it, get a victorious attitude, and out of complaining! (15:105) There’s something to learn from a life in a world pretty much taken over by the enemy! At least it’ll help you appreciate the Hereafter more and teach you a lot of lessons about what’s good or bad, better or worse… So, being able to discern between those two is already worth quite a lot, and you should appreciate it and go through it without complaining about it, if you can. Life is a School; and you’ve just got to learn what there is to learn, and go through it without murmuring and complaining if you can. Just accept what life has to offer you! Just accept it without complaining, and go through it as thankfully and appreciative as you can! (15:111) Sometimes it’s the negative happenings that make the former times look a lot more valuable, and make folks realize how foolish it was to murmur about them or take them for granted. (2015:127) Don’t complain about the harder times you’re having to go through... remembering that it could all be a lot tougher still! – And, unfortunately, the reason I’m having to let you go through this, is because they will, and you’ve got to get ready for what’s coming somehow! Even if you’re having to suffer, don’t get into complaining too much, but make the effort to bear with it! (15:158) How much have you prayed for My help yet, today? In other words, how much have you paid attention to and obeyed My recent counsel to you? So, if you haven’t, why do you and how can you keep complaining? How can you complain that you don’t experience or feel much help from Above, if you hardly ever ask for it? (15:165) Getting prepared for tougher times than ever is what’s on the schedule, and not much use complaining about it! (15:167) To be “content in whatsoever state you’re in” (see Phil.4:11), is a good thing and way to make it… to be grateful, instead of murmuring. (15:195) So, things aren’t easy. But is that going to cause you to complain, or try to make the best of it you can? (15:219) Not exactly gratefulness or positiveness, to be complaining about life’s toughness, when you actually should be grateful and appreciative of the blessings I bestow on you. (2015:233) Just take things the way they come! Doing it without complaining is one of the arts of life. (2016:13) Show some thankfulness for what you’ve got, instead of complaining about the current state of your situation! (2016:35) Just complaining about what you see and notice around you doesn’t help! Complaining never helps! That ought to be a challenge for you to do what you can in order to improve things! The one thing that definitely won’t help is complaining about it! (2016:40)

Many of My followers and disciples have had to suffer throughout their lives, just as I had to, and when it’s your turn, you shouldn’t start complaining as one of My followers! Take things the way they come! Taking with grace what life has to offer, depending on the help from Above to make it, and not complaining about it with an ungrateful attitude! (2016:42) Make an effort to see it through and make it, without much murmuring and complaining about the imperfect circumstances! (2016:48)

I know it’s hard to go through tough times , but don’t let them be an incentive for complaint, but see their sense and purpose: to strengthen you! (2016:65) Don’t spend your time complaining about what’s going on around you, but let those conditions strengthen you in order to make it through the hardest time yet to come! (2016:67) To be willing to “let it be” instead of murmuring and complaining about it has been one of My earliest messages for you, so time for you to take it, apply it and learn it. (2016:86) The Father knows what He’s allowing to happen to you in order to shape your character and make what you’re supposed to be out of you! Got a little trust for that, and can you yield to that? – Preferably without complaining? Now, that would be yieldedness: to take whatever comes with a positive attitude instead of grumpiness, murmuring and complaining about it! (2016:102) A little more respect for your creation – the creation of you, your body – is pretty much necessary in order to love your fellows as yourself and reap the blessings of obedience. Otherwise, don’t complain about your conditions and circumstances, if you’re not living up to the standards that will inherit the blessings from Above! Reasons for complaint and discontent are quite often the results of one’s own actions and reaping what’s been sown. So, don’t keep murmuring and complaining about a lack of joy and contentment when that’s missing due to your own disobedience of the Law of Love! How can you love others as yourself, when you’re not even treating your own body much as if you love it? (2016:124)

Music Sing songs of love to Me. Sing to Me with your heart. Listen to Me with your soul. Sing of your love for Me forever! Reach out and receive new anthems of love for Me from the cloud of heavenly helpers that surrounds you, for in this Realm, music amounts to praise! (I:28) Let Me be your song! I will be your greatest song, the One that will make their hearts soar and lift you high above the dungeons of this world. If I’ll be your Melody, you will set the hearts of men who seek free. If I’ll be your tune they’ll know they’re not alone! (I:29) I want you to be that bird singing his songs on the overhanging branch above the raging cataract, the symbol of peace in the midst of the storm. The little bird doesn’t see what’s going to happen tomorrow, he just keeps singing anyway, trusting that I’ve got it all under control, that everything’s in My hands. (I:145) Pray before you sing, that I will override any elements of self, and that it’s purely My Spirit that comes through. If you want your singing to be clean, wholesome and edifying, you’ve got to make sure that it’s in My Spirit you sing, not your own, and that your singing isn’t tainted by self, or even the spirit of the enemy. (I:267) It’s a new era, and there are new methods and means you’re going to have to use, new songs you’re going to have to sing. (I:270) "Changing the World one heart at a time...” One day those songs, along with all your efforts, will be historic events of the time when there was only one world to change... Then it’ll be “enlightening the universe one world at a time”... But the efforts now are the same. Even changing one life is like changing a whole world, a whole universe. (I:284) The World knows enough big-mouths who have come and gone, and yearns for those who touch their heartstrings with their tender and loving songs. Reach out for those who have aching hearts; remind them with My still small voice that, indeed, there IS something more. Let them know they don't have to be afraid. Be My songbird that comforts their hearts. Don't be like the noisy sparrows, who can be annoying at times, but be like the special songbird that usually picks a quiet place where his voice can be heard... Keep it quiet for as long as you can! (I:313) Let praise become your song! (I:475) If you seek to do that which matters and bears importance according to the rules and standards of Heaven, you would be wise to seek things that glorify Me, to sing and write songs that glorify Me, songs that express your gratefulness and love to Me! Ask Me for awesome melodies carrying Words of praise! Remember, loving Me is the greatest commandment, and what better way is there to express your love for Me - besides your obedience to Me - than by praising Me, in word and song and deed? (I:481) In a way, the keys of the Kingdom are like music, and in a way, they are My music! You determine the key in which the tune of your life, or that fraction of your life, this day, this moment, this hour is going to be played in, by availing yourself of the corresponding key. You claim the key of victory, and your life becomes a song of victory, a victorious, and cheerful tune. You will learn more about these mysteries, and you will fully understand when you come Home into the eternal Realm, for Here everything is musical and enwrapped in heavenly sounds. Just like the Enemy rules the soundscape of the physical World at large, with it's wailing, mournful, monotonous and mechanical noises, so I rule My Realm, and it's filled with heavenly symphonies. By imparting My songs, which contain My Words and message, you're shedding a little bit of the heavenly soundscape onto the Earth. Seek Me about what songs to impart to those around you. Get ahold of Me first thing in the mornings, so you can tune in to Me, "getting in tune", and "tuning your instrument" to Me, to My key. With the power of the keys, it all becomes so much clearer, and you can almost "hear" that heavenly tune to which your daily rhythm is supposed to be geared. (I:540) Stay tuned to Me! Make your life a life-long song that doesn't stop when your "Getting in tune" is over! (I:561) Don't worry, you're not missing out on anything. In fact, they're missing out on the truly good times, peaceful times, heavenly music and atmosphere. (II:191) Sometimes you have to look beyond the fact that church Christians aren't like you, just as you have to look past the differences between you and worldly stars whose songs you sing, and just embrace and look at the message. I have to use them as tools, too, because I don't have enough of My prophets who are being heard by the world. I have to find tools and vessels among others, to the extent that they're willing to let Me use them. "All You Need Is Love" was the simple, but powerful message that John Lennon was destined to convey to the world. Regardless of whether the devil was going to get the credit for it or not, it was My message to the world.

I'm conveying some of My most life-altering truths to you through people from other churches and denominations, and if that applies to books, why couldn't it also apply to songs? One of the reasons I have given them those songs is for your inspiration and enjoyment. Also to show you that you don't always have to carefully hide the message in a song in symbols and parables, but if there are others who openly call Me by name in a non-preachy way in their songs, then you ought to be able to do so as well. (II:420) I expect something different from you! Their music is a different tune than the one I'm playing and want you to play! (III:107) It's better to listen to no music at all than to listen to the wrong kind of music! If you need more edifying music to listen to, create some! (III:146) As important as music is and has been to you, people are always more important. Your person and actual presence is a more outstanding and more potent world changing factor than any amount of songs you can write. While the songs do their part and convey emotions and a message that can spur others on to do some good for others, your person is still the most effective tool I can use, that is not to be underestimated. (2011:84) The Keys of the Kingdom are your tool to play the song of life by Heaven’s tunes. You don’t have to be tied up in the dull and droning tunes of the world if you’re in tune with My Sphere. Some of the music of the world has been inspired by Me and My Realm, but often they’re not more than mere shadows and glimpses of what’s awaiting you Here. Focus on singing the tune and song of life itself! (2012:52) The enemy comes up with specially nasty attacks against musicians who’ve written songs for My glory that carried Our Spirit, while he’d like to be in charge of the music himself that’s flooding the world. He figures, as long as He’s ruling down there, he won’t allow any music from the other side, that glorifies the Father and Me… since he just wants himself to be glorified. Any musicians delivering some of the spiritual beauty from Our Realm are some of his most hated enemies… (2015:185)

Negativity vs. Positivity (Optimism vs. Pessimism) Fill your heart and mind so much with My presence, with My praise, with thankfulness for the things I’ve done for you, I am doing for you, and the even greater things I will yet do for you; for My faithfulness, which will never leave you nor forsake you, that there will be no more room for anything negative. (I:28) It’s easy to spot the negative in others, and so difficult to see the good. Oh, it’s easy to see the good in others that are far away, like in those unreachable superstars the Devil is trying to get everyone to think they’re so great, well – maybe some of them are. But that person next door or in the next room? (I:182) You can determine the positive or negative outcome of a situation by deciding whether you’re going to pray or not. (I:192) Focusing on the positive means, not staring at the problem, at the hole, but looking up to Me. (I:245) Be more optimistic and look out for the opportunity instead of letting yourselves be bogged down by the seeming impossibility! (I:263)

When you’re in the gear of thinking negatively about someone, pull out some of the positive input on them from your arsenal or mental archives, to counter-balance your view of them. You can get a lot done by promoting steps toward improvement without attacking anyone. Instead of pointing your finger at someone’s faults, point toward a positive solution: greater emphasis on memorization, the Word, focusing on the work instead of the problems, getting busy for Me, etc. (I:327) You must go on in spite of a negative “audience reaction!” (I:329) Have a positive attitude! Better to be surprised than causing failure by expecting failure and a negative attitude and a lack of faith! (I:409) I'm trying to get you to have positive faith in people, or at least in My Power to change people, and not give up on them prematurely. Have faith in the people I've put by your side, faith that sees what no one else can see, "the good and possibilities that others cannot see." (I:414) Sometimes it's easy to focus on the negative, especially during times of battle. I mean, what's so cheerful about a battle field? There's blood and guts all around you, pain and death, hellish noises of weapons and bullets flying around your ears, your wounded comrades... Not much positive to look at, except by the miracle of faith, and with the eyes of faith. (I:428) Sometimes "bad" things aren't all that bad after all, especially not from My point of view, and when weighed against all the lessons learned and wisdom gained out of them, which drive people closer into My arms and put their outlook more into a realistic perspective: that it's actually quite naive to think that everything's always going to go honky dory, that nothing's ever going to happen, even if you don't pray or tune in to Me or run around outside of the shelter of My protection. (I:442) If you expect more out of life than you're willing to put in, always look around for flaws and things to criticize, if you're not seeking to stay on a positive channel nor making an effort to stay cheerful, by looking at the doughnut instead of the hole, then not even I can help you. (I:449) Focus not on the circumstances, which are largely brought about by the Devil's mingling in My affairs, plus man's lack of wisdom and lack of love, and his falling for the devil's tricks, but focus on the fact that you have found the One Who is going to right all the wrongs and turn things around in your life and in everybody else's who will accept Me. (I:474) Make sure you're aware of all the good things I heap on you, so that you can have a more positive attitude and outlook on life and enjoy it more! Open your eyes and see all the good and the wonders and many benefits and blessings I've given and am giving you, and will continue to give, if you will appreciate and make use of them and thank Me for them! (I:492) Don't look at the old man with their faults and human failures, but at that which you're going to be. You've got to look in the spirit, through My eyes, through the eyes of love, faith and hope. Forsake the eyes of doubt, of criticism and of seeing the so-called "realistic" side or view of things, which is only the temporal view of things, really, which will cease, along with all that is temporal, and look on that which is eternal. See things in the Spirit! (I:495)

Look at the good and, focus on the good, which, in essence, means to focus on Me in each of you, the Hope of Glory! (I:516) Don't let the enemy bog you down with his negative version and view of things, which he would like to impose on you! (I:520) It's important to make a difference, to strive to be different in an uplifting way, a positive way that takes the initiative to make a positive difference. (I:555)

The devil is trying to cast you into the pit of negativity, which is where he keeps an awful lot of his captives. It's the supposedly "realistic" twist of things, or rather the pessimistic twist, which always makes you see the downside, even in your blessings. The enemy makes you see the flaws in others, or dwell on them, when you should be looking to Me and hear from Me what you could do to help them or to remedy the situation, to make a positive difference. The major problem stems from a negative attitude toward life itself! When everything still revolves pretty much around yourself and what you want, that's the cycle of negativity. Spiritually, when someone is focusing on himself, they become like a negatively poled magnet: it pushes other objects - in this case, greater blessings, happiness and fruitfulness - away. Whereas in turning around and focusing on others, trying to make them happy instead of yourself, and seeking your own survival and gain and benefit, you become a positively poled magnet that attracts others and draws My blessings to you. Become My new creature permanently, by refusing to look at the waves of the negative reality of the devil, and staying fully in My positive Reality! (I:561) You don't bring about a positive change by a negative viewpoint or attitude. You must become so positive that you simply refuse to see the negative, you just rise above all the negative circumstances, because you believe and trust Me that I knew what I was doing, and that by My grace they're going to be what they're meant to be. (I:568) I'm trying to show you the positive side of what you consider a dilemma. I'm challenging you to stretch your faith. If you lack, ask Me! (II:67) If you focus on the negative, you will see the negative. If you focus on the positive - which, granted, with some people is a little bit harder - you eventually will see the positive. You must learn to look for the good in people! Then it will also not be so hard for you to correct them or tell them about some of the things they do you consider wrong, because they'll still feel that you love them and consider them a positive addition and a blessing to your life, not a burden. What is needed is a more positive outlook, more love, more of the ability to see the good in others, instead of the bad. The solution is not to look at the negative, but at the positive, to emphasize the positive traits of others and focus on them. The more you look for the good in others, the more you will see it, and the more it will come alive for you, and it will become more and more real to you! A positive reality instead of one where all you see is the bad. (II:116) Focusing on the negative debilitates you, even if it's the truth! You're much better off focusing and dwelling on the positive, seeing My hand in everything. Look at the positive opportunity in the negative condition! (II:153) People get back into their habits of viewing others with familiarity and negativity so quickly. (II:164) Listening to the enemy’s lies about what others may be thinking of you is a form of daydreaming of the most negative and harmful kind. It's entertaining the devil's thoughts, swallowing his poison, and you must make a positive and definite declaration that you're not going to fall for those lies anymore! (II:166) Dwell a little more on the positive, on that which by faith you know is going to be, instead of on the negative, the present conditions as you see them! (II:188) You've got a golden opportunity to make the best out of what you've got right now! Look at the positive, the opportunities, and not at the negative, the obstacles! (II:189) Just because you can only see the one side, the negative, doesn't mean that the positive isn't there. (II:198) To maintain a positive attitude and outlook toward people that tend to strike you negatively or give you battles and trials is a very important thing, because so much is determined by the way you see others: your ability to successfully live and work with them, which will affect your fruitfulness for Me, your unity, your general happiness and outlook on life, as well as theirs. (II:297) If you start thinking something negative about a person, remember that I love them, died for them, and that I love them just as much as you, and that I would like you to be a vessel and instrument of My Love for them! (II:451) Replace all these negative qualities with the positive qualities of My Spirit: Cast out hatred with love, pride with humility, anger and resentment with mercy and forgiveness, any bad thoughts by thinking of "whatsoever things are pure, just, lovely," etc. (Phil.4:8). (II:492) Choosing to look at positive qualities, you deny the negative qualities to have power over you whatsoever. (II:499) Love, freedom and happiness, all those things you want out of life, only come to you by eliminating the negative things from your life, which you can do by allowing the positive, namely Me, to enter in fully. (II:503)

While at first glance your view seems to be more negative, more serious, more down-slanted than that of the materialist, it really isn't, because your view is positive toward the true and Real Things in life that really matter; your view is positively inclined toward Me. (II:539) Positiveness would be to not rest until every effort was made to try to deliver as many junkies as you possibly can. Negativity would be to just give in, to let circumstances dissuade you and make you think it's senseless, no use, no hope, no chance. Negativity would be to accept the mind frame that it's "impossible." Positiveness is faith, to believe, and not give up fighting for their deliverance. (II:542) Look at the positive! Rising Above means not looking at the negative circumstances, but beyond them, at My Power to alter them, and at My purpose in them to teach, train and strengthen you, trusting Me that I know what I'm doing. Learn this lesson of dwelling on the positive, even in adverse circumstances, to stay positive, loving and understanding! You’re going to have to stay positive; you can't afford to let the situation drag you down. (II:545) In your effort to see the positive side of your situation you sometimes purposely overlook the negative. The real trick is to see the positive opportunity beyond the negative circumstance; the fact that I can alter the circumstances for you. (II:582) Be a generator of positiveness that will strangle, choke, suffocate and nip in the bud any attempt of negativity to even crop up! (III:31)

Don't allow yourself to be bogged down by pessimism and negative expectations, not only for your sake, but for the sake of those around you! (III:77) You need to grow in love, tolerance, acceptance and forgiveness of others, having more faith in them, and positive expectations. (III:84)

People sense it when you look at the negative in them. Try to look at the good in others, for your own good! (III:119) It takes time to find the right balance and equilibrium between having too negative of a world view, and one that's too blue-eyed, optimistic and naive. (III:185) If you approach a situation with a negative attitude, then you might be undermining the grounds for Me to bring about My good purpose. You've got to enable Me to bring about the good out of it by believing and putting forth your trust, and focusing on the ultimately positive outcome. (III:216) You consciously must fight for the good and positive mindset to take over the negative! Life is what you choose and strive to make it each day; either a positive experience you can rejoice in, or a negative one you need to suffer through. (2011:66) It’s so easy to see the negative; that’s why you’ve got to make that effort to look at the positive. Now, sometimes you’re in such a negative mindset already that you wonder, what positive? You can be a force for good, and you could bring about such positive changes and be such a positive influence in others’ lives, if you would just manage to make that effort to stay positive yourself! Okay, so before it was easier for you to stay positive, that means, you’re going to have to make more of an effort now to stay positive, to keep your mind on a positive wavelength. Make that conscious effort to stay on a positive wavelength! (2011:67) Learning to stay positive and cheerful when things are not fine, that is a challenge. (2011:86) Looking at the positive, counting your blessings and praising Me for them will strengthen you. So, of course it’s in My interest to get you to see things in a more positive way, since I want you to be strengthened. (2011:101) It’s basically up to you, whether you choose to go down the road of a positive, or negative approach to your challenge, and the first step to giving the whole thing a more positive slant, would be to bring the whole matter to Me. (2011:130) Any kind of experience that forces you to reconsider what you think you know, and that prompts some sort of reset of your mind to the humble state of emptiness, is always a positive, as far as I’m concerned, no matter how hard it may seem to be for you to take at the time being. (2012:14) When you place your faith in the right factors, it becomes evident in a positive, praiseful attitude and spirit, regardless of any physical factors or circumstances. (2012:22) Don’t see the areas you need improvement in as a negative, but as a necessary positive, something you need in order to stay spiritually alive and keep growing, moving forward. (2012:25)

Don’t see the dark times entirely as a negative, because they might turn out to be your greatest ally in bearing fruit for Me yet, in the end. It’s the oppression of Satan that makes people cry out for a Savior, and when they do, I need you to let them know I’m right here. (2012:29)

You’ve got to make a conscious effort to stay on the positive side of things, especially when things aren’t going so well! (2012:44) Happiness lies in the ability to look at the positive side of things, instead of ceaselessly harping on the negative and critically and judgmentally pointing it out, which basically, is your adversary’s profession, the accuser of the saints. (2012:58) If you have nothing but complaints in your heart about the situation you’re in, and you come to Me in an accusatory manner, blaming Me for this and for that, it’s usually harder for Me to get through to you to get you to see My point of view, which is usually the positive side of things you often fail to see. Gratitude can be the key to unlock the mental cell of negativity that engulfs you. If you keep focused on the things you ought to be grateful for, instead of all the circumstances that in your opinion should be better, you’ll have much greater power and more energy to make it through each day victoriously and won’t wind up with that attitude of resigning to your fate at the end of the day. In the end, you’re going to have to take things one way or the other. But it makes a big difference how you take them, whether with a positive attitude, or negatively. We can’t really make significant progress until you’ve learned to have a more positive outlook on things. (2012:89) Soak yourself in My input, not theirs; for looking unto Me, not them, making sure you’re receiving enough positiveness from Me to pass on, in spite of all the odds, will defy and overcome their negativity. (2012:107) The sooner it gets worse, the sooner it’ll really get better, so even the negative changes are positives for you, if you’ve got faith! (2012:111)

For you the pain, agony and troubles you’ve had to go through and still do at times, look like a negative. And by the standards of the world, they might be. But not according to Mine. (2012:114) Negative human traits rub you the wrong way, and you can see right through them, and they keep you from enjoying things and life the way you’d like, but it’s good to be shown that you’re no exception to those ails that affect everyone around you, isn’t it? So, there’s a lot of negative to see. And people like to look at it and talk about it… But do you have to dwell on it? I’d say, it’s another matter of “Let’s Talk About Jesus!” – Of talking about anything that’s positive, that’s uplifting, that’s going to give people a break from staring at the endless amount of misery there is, that’s going to remind them of Me and inspire them, comfort them that there’s something good about it all, after all, and something good and lasting will come off it! (2012:118) As a parent or teacher you’ve got to stay focused on the positive. You can’t just dwell on the negative, the lack of achievement and progress your students, followers or off-spring are making. You’ve got to make an effort to get them to focus on the positive, too – the rewards that expect them if they keep going in the right direction and make some effort to keep making progress. They can choose to either reach the fulfillment of the promises, reap the rewards and positive consequences of their efforts, or not. (2012:126) Is it really a negative, that you’ve run out of the necessary energy to run in this life’s rat race? Isn’t it a positive that you’ve already recognized that that’s not entirely where it’s at? (2012:135) Things never stay looking as bleak as they temporarily do, but you’ll eventually be able to glean something positive out of this again. (2012:139) You may view the process of aging as a negative in your life, but I see it as a definite positive, because it’s a factor that makes you turn to Me and depend on Me for strength to go on like hardly any other. (2012:150) Every bad, selfish, negative choice (= sin) you make in life is a minus. Every unselfish act that follows the example I gave on the cross is a plus. It’s the minuses that add up – or better; subtract themselves - to the messes. The pluses add up to happiness and true freedom. (2012:151) The main discrepancies kids have with parents is about punishment: They resent it, usually think it’s undeserved, or take on some sort of rebellious attitude toward it, sometimes manifested in some sort of self-destructive behavior… Sounds familiar? So, learning to take that part of My love for you is doubtlessly a major part of the challenge and lesson. The problem is that folks automatically view it as a definite negative, when it’s actually a token of My love and care for you, and thus a clear positive. (2012:154) See the good in others, focus on that and hope for the best, have an optimistic attitude! (2012:180) Don’t withdraw your love, but keep loving unconditionally. Approach the problem in a positive way! (2013:18)

How about casting a glance at your own negativity and discontent in search for the root of your problems? How about seeking the need for change right there? (2013:23) One negative side effect of looking at people instead of Me, is that you tend to blame them for your discontent. Not only that, but you end up blaming Me, too. When the truth of the matter is, that a lot of things could and would be better if a lot more folks would take Me into the equation of their daily lives. Murmurs and complaints are really negative vibes that can cause life to take a downward drift, instead of the uphill progress one wants to make. Prayer and praise draw good things and people into your life, whereas murmuring and a negative attitude drive them away and attract negative repercussions instead. Why would you crawl through life with a negative attitude, when you could soar through it on the wings of faith by looking unto Me, keeping your focus on Me and thus ensuring a lot more positive attitude to help you make it through your days? (2013:28) It’s a struggle to fight and try to stay positive in this rather negative world, but are you exerting that energy to make the effort it takes to fight that fight, or are you just lying down and letting life run all over you? (2013:42) To rise above the negativity that surrounds you is My challenge for you. (2013:70) It wouldn’t hurt to take on a more positive approach toward life, even if a lot of what you see around you is misery. Remember that the trick and the challenge is to see beyond the misery, and rise above it! See Me at the other end of it, knowing that it’ll all have a positive outcome against any odds. The reason I’m more positive and optimistic is that I see people’s hearts, and I see how many of them would be ready and willing to accept and receive Me, if they’d get a chance to know Who and What I really am… (2013:83) Positive output will create positive benefits. So, just remember that when things aren’t going the way you feel they ought to, chances are you forgot something, and not just anything, but what simply happens to be the most important thing that your life should revolve around: your positive, life- and benefits-engendering relationship with Me. You keep your heart attuned to Me with positive and praiseful thoughts and prayers, and life will pour itself out to you in all its fullness. That’s guaranteed. Now the real trick for you is to keep up this positive interaction and interchange with Me when circumstances aren’t ideal yet, knowing and remembering that it lies within My power to override any of these. (2013:107) Certain things you do wrong in life somehow call negative reactions on themselves. In any case it’s positive to be made aware of the more spiritual finale of your life and to be trained more to be better prepared for it. (2014:15) Even though you perceive much of what has happened lately to you as more negative, trust Me that if I allowed it to happen, I did it because I knew it would bring about positive changes in you. (2014:16) It’s good to know that if you want to be positive, you should make an effort and a decision to stay that way or become that way again, and to remember that it’s better than to become negative! (2014:20) To get you all interested in Me, in hearing My voice and communicating with Me, and having Me above any state of the world in your life, should be fairly promising, and showing something positive achieved through something seemingly negative. Seemingly negative influences can cause actual positive fruits… That’s one thing about the miracle-working power of God: Good results appearing in spite of seemingly bad things caused to happen elsewhere… Just like My being crucified resulted in quite a miraculous result of things. Don’t underestimate the positive result from God in a seemingly negative approach of things. (2014:35) Just keep breathing in and inhaling My Spirit and stay on the positive side of things! Let Me and My Words fill you with courage and positiveness! (2014:38) It’s pretty good to view different kinds of changes in more positive ways, putting more trust in your Creator about them and try to accept upcoming lessons with greater and more positive faith. To take a more positive attitude toward new things happening to you in life is a good thing, because it shows you trust in God and the Creator, and not just your own ideas of what should happen to you. (2014:45) Some of those seemingly negative things happen to you in order to bring you closer to Me! (2014:51) It’s definitely more helpful for faith to work by being more positively active in the mind. Stay positive! Stay actively fighting for faith – against the enemy, and what he’s trying to sow into your life with negative moods… (2014:52)

If you can let the needs of the rest of the world affect you a little more than your own, you can be pretty sure that that’s a positive, because unselfish thing for Me. (2014:53) If you feel your body growing weaker, don’t just see it as something negative, but also a more positive preparation for Heaven! (2014:56)

Some of the things happening are there to teach you to trust in Me, even in spite of the negative things happening in the world… You can find out and learn that I’m more powerful than the negative things and problems in the world, and more powerful than what the junkies to the negativity of the world can project to you. (2014:69) Sometimes, in order to make it through things, you need to undergo some positive changes. Try to make the best of things! Try to stay positive! (2014:72) To think and talk badly about others is pretty much a worse quality in itself than most of their weaknesses. That negativity against or toward others is not really any form of positiveness in itself! (2014:85) For some people life is something bad, something challenging, and something they have to overcome the negativity of and fight for something positive to happen in it. It’s a fight! And if it’s a fight, you can imagine who’s behind thinking up all that negativity in someone’s life, or making them think it up, imagine it and feel and perceive life as something negative. (2014:86) Sometimes folks hope too much for the positive and aren’t able to deal with the negative happening in this world… (2014:87) Don’t let the world’s negative example give you a reason and excuse to be negative, too! (2014:103) Look at it this way: the end of the merely physical life is coming to everyone. And being able to look at it with a positive view shouldn’t be something too bad; especially when you believe in Salvation. So, it should be viewed with a positive look, your afterlife; and see the rest of your physical one as an opportunity to prepare for it, instead of focusing mostly on the way to make more money down there… (2014:110) There’s a positive difference that comes in life with and through gratefulness. (2014:120) After all you’re experiencing down there on Earth lately, you might want to think some more about Heaven and the positive that awaits folks Here… It’ll definitely be the more positive side and deal of life… believe Me. (2014:125) Keep love as the most important thing to believe in and to practice, and you’ll experience how it will lift up your faith and positiveness. (2014:128) One of the reasons for which experiencing some negative vibes and times right now are there for: It’ll definitely help you appreciate the Hereafter a lot. (2014:147) If your body is going through a humbling phase, don’t see it as something negative! Humility is something positive, so the things that help to make or keep you humble should be seen as something positive as well, and a blessing. A little more suffering in life will make you a bit humbler. See it as something positive! What the world sees as something positive, namely the things that make you more proud, isn’t all that much more positive in the long run, if you believe in eternity to follow, in a spiritual world, and the carnal world of the flesh isn’t all there is for you. (2014:148) Stay a bit more on the positive side! Just because I allowed something to happen to you that you wouldn’t have expected, does not necessarily mean something entirely negative, if you can manage to put more faith in Me than in your own perception of things. Not being too enthusiastic and positively minded about the current state of the world is not a negative! (2014:152) Things happening to you make you pray more is not a negative thing in total… (2014:154) Have some trust in the Hereafter, and try to live for it, if you can’t make it to have any positive views for you there and now. (2014:159)

Take it by faith that the Hereafter’s a whole lot better, and something to look forward to, and another reason to stay positive! (2014:181)

Just because the enemy has control over this world in which you live doesn’t mean you ought to keep constantly complaining about it! You’re actually supposed to do something better: Change the world as much as you can with a positive influence, not negative complaints about the negative things you notice. Do something better in order to make things better! In order to change the world for the better, you’ve got to have some input and influence in you for the better to touch other people’s lives positively. It may be a rough and tough part in your life, but that’s what it sometimes needs and requires for a positive change. Sometimes you need to realize that it doesn’t pay to hold a negative attitude, but that it’s worth it to make the effort to hold a positive one! Even if it’s a battle and a fight, it pays to make the effort to stay in the victory, and don’t allow the enemy to get you way down into a negative attitude, which definitely won’t have positive outcomes. Stay positive, as much as you can, and don’t allow the negative sides and thoughts to gain their control over you! After all, having Me and the results of believing in Me for all these years should have taught you some positive things you shouldn’t forget! (2014:197)

There’s a lesson on how to be a witness, and on how to definitely not! The negative thoughts about a country definitely shouldn’t be part of your witnessing message. Just stay a bit more on the positive side and topics! All in all, staying positive is something you should cultivate a bit more in your style, message and sample. Nobody really wants to get all into something negative. We all can see and know that there are a lot of negative things going on in the world, but that’s why it’s all the more a great piece of art to stay focused on the positive you can see or set your mind on. After all, have negative and critical views ever been helpfully leading to conversions? And isn’t positiveness a whole lot more what other folks would like and want? So, stay positive! – Amen? (2014:206) Pessimism isn’t as good as optimism, especially when you believe in Me and that I’m in charge of you and your destiny! Optimism is a sign of faith, whereas pessimism is a sign of the lack of it, and rather something negative you shouldn’t really want or make space for… Make some space for the positive and have some faith and expectation for the good things to happen and come to you! (2015:1) See the positive side: that you’re probably learning the largest part during these times, and some day, you will appreciate them for it. (2015:8) “Out of the fullness of the heart, the mouth speaketh,” and it’s a pretty bad sign of the state of your heart, when negative words and expressions come out of your mouth. It’s definitely something one ought to fight to get the victory over… especially if you want to wind up with a state of victory in your life. So, some of the toughest battles you’re having to fight in your life are the ones against your own negative habits. (2015:10) The danger of letting the Devil have some power over your life through negative behaviors is why it’s so much better to be looking at the positive sides and things in your life, instead of the negative and drift all into a down-trodden mood of murmuring. It doesn’t express a lot of faith! So, maintaining a positive view, even in a fairly negative state is something you should try to get into. If it didn’t work out for you before the negative things that happened in your life, you may know the reason why it pretty much seemed necessary that you had some lessons to learn on how to stay positive and cheerful, instead of negative and murmuring! So, try to keep an eye on the positive, even if it may be harder than ever before! Take it as the challenge and the lesson you’ve got to learn! There’s always something to learn in life, and one of them is the effort to stay positive, even when your mood is tempting you to view things negatively! Look at the positive! Keep your eyes on the things in your life that ought to make you thankful, especially when you’re learning what can happen to you if you don’t keep that up! Even if tough and rough things happen to you, and they’re hard to take, some day they’ll turn out to have had a positive influence on your life and character and spiritual growth, you’ll see! Learning appreciation changes your view on the hard and tough and seemingly negative times! (2015:11) Learn to see things more positively along with and based on My Promises to help you make it! (2015:14) To change in a positive way and become better sounds good, doesn’t it? - Especially since you’ve become more aware of your own weaknesses, faults and flaws. You know it would eventually be better and great to be able to do without them, wouldn’t it? (2015:17)

We’d all prefer things running differently, but we’ve just got to have positive views toward the lessons that are going to be there to learn from all this… (2015:24) Now that you’re having to take the tough times, it will show you, too, in what shape your faith is, and if it isn’t too hot, what the negative feelings are causing, you might have to do all you can to strengthen and improve it. It could always be worse, and even if it’s tough and hard for you to be thankful and grateful right now for what has happened, take it as a challenge, and try to be as positive as possible! (2015:42) Your interest in Us and Up Here is a positive sign, because it shows that it’s becoming more important to you than what’s going on and your luck down there. Keep in touch and stay in connection with Me! I can keep you from all the negative sensations the devil is plaguing you with; and that’s enough of a reason, isn’t it? (2015:43) Try to keep some faith, some hope, some positiveness, and don’t give up too easily! You notice you’re getting that encouragement and stronger, more positive outlook from My input, and that somewhat proves to you that it’s true, that your faith is the most positive thing and outlet in your life. Keep Me in the first place of your attention, and you’ll take notice of the positive difference it’ll make! (2015:45) Shouldn’t you, as a believer in the Up Above, live positively due to that positive hope and outlook upon what’s coming up ahead for you? (2015:47) Your relation to the world has strongly decreased, which, since the world has become a lot darker, spiritually, is in many aspects rather a definitely positive quality, according to Our vision and perceptions Up Here.

Not just living for obtaining success or making a fortune in the world anymore is a rather positive change according to Our spiritual and heavenly standards. (2015:53) Even though some negative things have happened in your life, just hold on to Me anyway, in spite of them, and have the faith and courage to believe that you’ll make it in spite of all the devil does to weaken you, stop you, or make you fail! (2015:57) Don’t perceive it as too negatively, the bit of a more rough time you’re going through right now, but trust Me that you’ll be able to not only gain greater blessings out of it yourself, but will also turn out to be a greater one for others. (2015:59) It’s pretty good when you become able to see things you were only able to view as negative, finally as something positive. (2015:64) Negative thoughts are quite likely stuff the enemy plants in your brain, whereas, if you’d be a bit more exclusively tuned to Me, you’d have lots more positive thoughts! So, keep thinking about it, that whether your thoughts are turning you up or down depends on who your thoughts are turned towards and tuned into: My way more positive input, or the enemy’s, who definitely doesn’t have the same goal as I, to see you happy and content! Keep your focus on the positive side of things and prevent the enemy from dragging you down! (2015:66) Don’t just see your weakened state as something negative, but since it draws you closer to Me and strengthens your attitude and conscience of dependence on Me, you should see it as something positive, drawing you closer to Me and driving a greater need for Me into your conscience, which is something quite necessary for you in your world’s future and upcoming fate. (2015:73) Try not to see it all so negatively! Try to see things better and more positively! (2015:77) Don’t be too shocked or dismayed by the rough times you’re finding yourself having to go through, but remember that these draw you closer to Me, and thus will result in positive force in your life, rather than the negative it may initially seem to you. (2015:84) Don’t see it as something negative that you’re not feeling at home in this world anymore, but see it as a confirmation that Heaven is your true and proper Home where you belong. Let the negativity of the present strengthen your positivity toward your future, and what’s expecting you with Us! (2015:85) All the saints had to go through some hard times in order to make true saints out of them; so don’t see the hard and tough times as only negative ones! (2015:86) Trust Me anyway, in spite of things that have a negative outlook! Being able to trust in Me and the Father, in spite of all the negative that's happening on Earth through the enemy, well, that's faith, and you can be sure of its reward once you get to your true Home! (2015:99) Try and stay as positive through whatever as you can! (2015:103) Becoming more dependent on Me, needing Me to make it, is not a negative part, even if it may seem that way to you a bit, not being so independent anymore. But trust Me that having to cling to Me more is definitely something positive in the light of the fact that hardly anyone will make it through what’s to come without Me. (2015:109) Whatever draws you closer to Me, even if it’s the negative situations you’re being confronted with in your life in that world, see it as something positive, anyway, since it tends to draw you closer to Me… the positive result of the negative happenings, with the end-result of the best thing that can happen to anyone, of being drawn closer to Me, getting onto the channel from Above more, and through becoming more dependent on Me, becoming a lot more positive and fruitful than when things were still working out alright for you in the system. Let My wavelength become something obviously more positive for you, and you won’t be disappointed in the long run, but find out eventually that it’s true, and the right path! (2015:112) So, see all the negative things that have happened in your life to make you humbler as something not all that negative, but also as positive in that aspect! If something shapes up your personality in that aspect of humility vs. pride, it can’t just be negative! Don’t see it as a negative change to have become weaker and thus, humbler! (2015:113) The rough times are making you more dependent on Me and your help from Above. Do you see that as something positive, or negative? Well, what do you think I see it like? Drawing you closer to Me and making you more conscious of the degree to which you need Me, and will need Me and My help in times to come, are definitely some positive things when you know what I know about the future ahead of you! Don’t just let yourself get drifted off into a negative train of thoughts, which will just make the whole situation turn out to be worse than what you originally have to deal with! Those negative situations are there for you to learn to cope with them, since what expects you in the future will even be a lot tougher than what you’re having to face and deal with right now! Faith is a matter of the ability to see the positive even in spite of negative appearances of your circumstances; and seeing the good and the positive within the apparently bad that hits you is one of the great and important things that you should let faith teach you. (2015:121)

Keep praying for the changes you need, and put in the positive features you need within those regions that are momentarily still occupied by negative traits! (2015:125) Whatever draws you closer to Me, don’t see it as a negative, but as a positive experience. (2015:126) You’re having to learn a lot about quite a few positive traits and factors like appreciation and thankfulness… things which, unfortunately, folks don’t learn too easily throughout their positive times and circumstances, but rather learn how to treasure more when things grow darker and tougher upon them. When you’ve had a good part of life you didn’t appreciate all that much, well, I guess you can tell by now why it is that that old good part has been traded for a not-so-good one, making you appreciate that past and teaching you a lesson on positiveness and gratefulness. There’s a thing about negativity and not viewing things in a positive manner that sort of seems to draw negative things to happen to folks like a magnet. Sometimes it’s the negative happenings that make the former times look a lot more valuable, and make folks realize how foolish it was to murmur about them or take them for granted, instead of taking full advantage of them and valuing them for the unappreciated blessings of the past… (2015:127) If you can’t rely on yourself and your own energies, don’t see it as something negative, but remember that I’m here for you to provide you with greater strengths than you ever could have come up with by yourself. Trusting in and depending on My Power and Strength to do things through you is definitely something positive! Don’t see being humbled each day as anything negative, but as a route that will lead you in the right direction! Be happy if you can get rid of pride! You’ll at some time see it as the most positive event having happened to you! (2015:132) Sometimes it’s your task to accept what life is handing you as positively and victoriously as possible, and not in a whining, murmuring and complaining attitude! (2015:135) Accept it by faith whatever assaults you go through and seem to make life harder for you! Don’t see the experience as something negative, since it’s preparing you and teaching you how to handle rough times, which you’ll have to learn, in order to make it through the dark future up ahead! It will make sense then that you had to go through preparation for it! Just going through easy times doesn’t make folks stronger, and doesn’t enable them to go through rough times, so do your best to view these hard times you’re having to go through right now as something positive! (2015:149) Make positiveness a stronger gear to move you forward, and let the negativity and sight of the far from perfect things that world has to offer, slide down a bit! Keep that positive outlook on the hard times you’re having to deal with: they’re making you stronger to deal with the times to come! Don’t let the strengthening of your faith strike you as something negative, but deal with it and handle it the way a true believer ought to! (2015:157) Consider your weakness the beginning of true strength! Don’t see it as a negative, but have the faith to see your weakness as a positive! (2015:159) What you’ve been largely perceiving of the world lately hasn’t been that satisfactory, and while you’re strongly tempted to view it as something negative, try to see the positive reminder of focusing in the spirit and “walking by faith” instead! So, the world isn’t all that attractive and pleasant to behold or look at anymore… does that strike you as something negative? What about gearing your spiritual sight toward Our Father’s Kingdom instead? Lacking perfection makes you a bit humbler and less self-righteous. You’d consider that positive or negative? Physical failures may make you humbler… but contrary to worldly input, according to Us, that’s a pro, not a con! (2015:161) Learn how to handle what life brings with a good amount of trust that I and the Father know what We’re permitting! And even if it’s becoming rougher as time goes on, just trust and confide in Our goodness and Love, that it all will have a positive outcome and ending! (2015:163) Get ready for depending on Above! It’s a bit of a down-trod for the ego… but don’t view that as a negative! (2015:166) Giving spiritual things higher values in life than the material ones will always have positive benefits, since it shows that you’re putting the right values on the different things. If the spiritual has been increased in its category in one’s life, it will reveal its positive results eventually. (2015:178) May it strengthen your faith, optimism and future vision that what’s to come is definitely better and more positive than what you’re about to have to let go! (2015:184)

As long as you have a little bit of trust that We Up Here know what We’re doing, and you’ll benefit from it, even if it may not look or seem all that positive at the moment down there, you’re still on the right path, and there’s hope. There’s even still hope if you don’t manage that, but to keep the state of affairs up on a victorious level, it would be better to stay a bit more on the positive! Yes, there’ll be a lot of negative in that world, but staying positive, anyway, as a believer, now, that’s what the art of faith is all about! The art of faith keeps or converts seemingly negative incidents somehow on or into positive levels, which is one of the reasons why I am teaching you the difference between positive and negative as a lesson on a regular basis. (2015:187) It’s definitely more positive things to prepare for and look forward to Up Here, after that temporal life down there, and it’s definitely something to focus on and make you appreciate the change that’s coming. The views of something more positive awaiting makes you more special somehow than those who can only appreciate what’s to be expected down there… (2015:191) There could and should have been a lot more sowing of the good seeds in your life… and not having sown those, don’t be too shocked by the lack of positive fruits and results! (2015:192) To stay positive, even when struck by the negative, that’s a sign of true and lasting faith! (2015:208) Hard times bring about a positive change, even if right now they strike you as a negative feature. (2015:226) Whatever makes you post your faith Up Here, instead of your own abilities is something positive! (2015:227) Not exactly gratefulness or positiveness, to be complaining about life’s toughness, when you actually should be grateful and appreciative of the blessings I bestow on you. It’s part of life’s school to learn to stay on the positive side of things. So, there’s a reason why you’re having to go through tough things… - Mainly to bless you with a more positive and unselfish attitude. Once you learn that, it’ll also be much easier to teach your kids. (2015:233) It’s hard to stay positive these days, is it? I know it’s a fight… But, hey, what else do you want to fight for, but the good and positive, especially in a world being run over by the force of evil, and thus the sheep out there needing positive input and spirits more than ever? So, don’t let the negative vibes of the enemy conquer you, but keep on fighting for the good, as rare as it’s becoming! If life’s getting tougher, don’t see it as something negative, but as something positive that’ll draw you closer to Me and thus make you stronger in the spirit… (2016:2) Don’t see it as too negatively, that I’m allowing circumstances to tie you closer to Me and make you dependent on Our help from Above! It’ll be the only thing to help you make it through the rough time to come… (2016:3) Don’t let negative occurrences drag you down, but let them teach you to cling to Me… (2016:6) If you can’t make it on your own, don’t necessarily see it as a negative way or trait! – But if it requires My help, and all the help from Above you can get, see it as something positive! (2016:10) If you don’t understand things fully right now, take it by faith, and trust the Father and Me that We know what We’re allowing to happen, and as bad and as evil at it may seem at the time, it will have its positive outcome in the end. (2016:13) Not looking at the negative but showing appreciation for the positive parts of your life is definitely the proper way and attitude. (2016:21)

Sometimes you’ve got to get the victory over those negative emotions and feelings! Learn to make that effort to stay in the victory and a victorious, more positive attitude! Learn to fight, overcome the negative, and gain the victory! (2016:22) Not feeling comfy or at home down there is not a negative! It should spur you on to keep looking for the truly positive, which you’re not bound to find down there, but much more likely Up Here… Not feeling at home or comfortable in the world is not a negative. (2016:30) The process to learn to rely on Me and all help and Strength from Above is not a negative, but definitely – as you’ll eventually see – a positive one! (2016:38) Get a more positive attitude, and let it result in more positive action! Negativity certainly won’t help! Let the mess around you inspire you to do something positive about it! One thing kids need most is a positive example! (2016:40) When it comes to your faith and attitude and thus, the characteristic spirit you move through, keep an eye on staying victorious! – Cheerful! – Positive! Be a cheerful and positive winner, as far as your attitude is concerned! (2016:42)

Blessings require some positive acts and attitudes, whereas the negative ones automatically draw their results upon the ones with negative attitudes and actions. You reap what you sow, and thus ought to make sure you’re sowing the right kind of seeds in order to wind up with positive fruits and results! So, don’t blame it on Me, if your actions aren’t bearing positive fruits and results, but yourself! Negative tendencies have the tendency to bare negative results! So, make the effort to stay more positive! Otherwise you’ll just reap what you’ve sown, and negative actions wind up with negative results! The circumstances surrounding you in that world are bound to get worse – and thus, something for you to learn to handle and deal with more victoriously! – With a more positive attitude! Negative behavior and attitudes will bring forth negative results! And if it’s the enemy who started that whole process of negativity in the world, it should be a reminder to do all you can to remain more positive… stay on My level, instead of sinking down to his! Positive vs. negative means the same as good vs. evil; and you can imagine which side of the two We are able to bless with positive fruits and results. So, consider that temptation to get into negative tempers something you need to make an effort to resist and fight against! If you want to reap more positive results, sow the seeds with some more positive actions and attitudes! Negative actions will bring forth negative results. It’s not easy to stay positive in such a negative world, but that’s what shows how much faith you’ve got in both, a positive Force of Creation and, accordingly, a positive Hereafter and final result! Those who lack that faith often also lack the accordingly positive attitude, and show more negative action; but if you do believe in Me, your attitude should accordingly be more positive! Even if “McNegative” tempts you as much as he can to get into his downhill groove. If it’s a battle to stay in a positive groove and mood, fight for it! Don’t let the enemy drag you down with negative circumstances! Now, that’s what faith is all about: the ability to resist the negative conditions and circumstances and see the positive in spite of them. Now, that sort of optimism may be comparatively rare, but something necessary, if you want to be successful in inspiring others to accept your faith… Negativity just doesn’t have anything attractive about it that would inspire positive seekers to adopt your faith! So, it may be a battle and a fight to stay positively minded in a largely negative world run by negative forces, but for goodness’ sake, fight for it, and don’t give in to the negative forces taking over that temporal world! You still believe in the Father’s Might as more powerful than the enemy’s? Then let that positive Force work in you, and don’t let the influences of bad and evil circumstances the devil creates, conquer or overcome you! It’s your job to overcome them and show through your faith Whose Power and Strength is greater than the evil one’s. See a positive side of physical weakness: an opportunity for others to do and reap some good through helping you! (2016:49) If We’re willing to help you in spite of negative traits, you should get the faith and attitude to do so for others as well, even if they don’t come across as perfectly worthy of it. (2016:50) While there are negative changes going on and happening in the world, it’s still part of your job to do all around you that you can to make things better! (2016:54) Positive action is highly recommended! – And no wonder, laziness is considered something definitely negative. So, stay of the positive side with some positive action! Amen? (2016:58) Going through trials in a world run by our enemy isn’t a negative sign. Keep your vision directed Up Here, where all of the negative things you’re having to go through will make it worth it, and I promise you won’t be disappointed. So, even if your surroundings strike you as negative, it’ll help you view what’s coming as much more positive, even if there’s the slight “unknown” factor about It! (2016:63) Look Up Here where your hope lies! Keep looking Up! That’s what you’d call optimism instead of pessimism – positivity vs. negativity! (2016:68) Getting used to the fact that you’re not making it on your own without help from Above is a positive feature, not as negative as it may seem on the surface. (2016:70) What concerns most folks is the there and now, and they consider expecting dark times pessimism. Well, it takes some faith to make optimism out of it by expecting a better world thereafter, and after the times of trouble. (2016:74) A positive outlook is what will see you through if you put your vision toward the right direction… which is Up Here to Me, not your own abilities. (2016:85) You have to learn to cope with, and try to make the best of life, not just focus on the negative down there, but try to get a positive and more cheerful vision of Up Here through faith. (2016:87) In order to make the coming drastic, negative changes turn into something halfway positive for you, you’ve just got to get into that groove of utter dependence on Me and Heaven’s Help, instead of your physical abilities! (2016:92)

Don’t let the negativity that the enemy is trying to sow in you be what’s ruling your emotions and mental state! (2016:95) Rough times are to prepare you and help you make it through the roughest to come. So, try and take it all with as much of a positive attitude and outlook that you can! Try to keep as positive a mindset as you can! Not just passively resisting the evil surrounding you, but managing through the victorious (by faith) state you’re in to have a positive effect on those around you! Getting onto My channel is one of the most important things to do for any true followers of Mine at this time, and any circumstance that grants you to do so, is a positive. (2016:97) What currently may strike you as a negative condition, you will later recognize as something positive. (2016:98) With the difficulties before you, don’t see them as a hindrance or negative, but as something to draw you closer to Me! If your days tend to begin with negative vibes, see it as the positive need and desire for you to draw yourself closer to Me, get in touch with Me and have Me help you make it through your day; as there are days coming you won’t possible make it without Me and My Presence in your life, and your connection with Me! Try to see the negative circumstances as a positive through faith! If there’s a seemingly impossible situation coming up, just take it as a challenge of faith! Don’t see those as something negative, but as a strengthening of your faith! (2016:100) Take whatever comes with a positive attitude instead of grumpiness, murmuring and complaining about it! (2016:102) Learning to rise above and overcome seeming impossibilities is what difficult circumstances and challenges are all about! Once you see there’s a divine purpose for them, doesn’t it make it a bit more exciting and not appear so negatively? (2016:103) Feelings and emotions aren’t a negative, as long as they don’t make you feel negative. It’s one of the factors that should remind you of staying positive and keep your focus directed Up Here. – Not the negative circumstances around you! You should keep connected to Me to keep a positive outlook in spite of any negative physical surroundings, conditions and circumstances. (2016:106) You’re dependent on Me, My Help, encouragement and input… that’s a positive to Me! Needing Me’s a positive! You need Me desperately just about every day. Would you guess that I’d see that as a positive or negative? – Something to draw you closer to Me… And the need for My daily Help: positive or negative? Even if you have to be reminded of your need for Me… see it as a positive! See the desperate need of Me as a positive! What could be negative about getting prepared for those most desperate times for Christians in history? So, see that preparation not only as a positive for you, but as something that will become a positive and blessing for others around you as well! Learning to make it through rough times will turn out a positive with the roughest times to come for everyone of My sheep and believers. So, don’t see these tough times as a negative, but as a positive and helpful preparation for what’s to come, that will lift the chances for folks to make it through those times! Seeing hard times as a positive may be something new for you, but just consider it as one of the changes I advocate! Don’t be discouraged by the rough times that draw you closer to Me! See them as positive preparation to help you make it through the roughest times to come! Becoming a stranger to this world has never been a negative for Me, and it definitely won’t be for true believers after seeing what this world develops into – the kingdom (or global empire) of our enemy, who’ll do what’s in his might to erase My followership from the planet. - So, preparation for that – even if painful – something positive or negative? One of the positives to point your vision and focus on, through the rough times: The Day I’ll come to pick you up! So, encouraging and inspiring news concerning the greatest and most positive Change of world history? Keep your vision and spiritual focus – your expectation – geared towards that! – A positive outlook for a positive mood! (2016:107) Turning your focus toward the better parts of everything would certainly lift up your optimism and positivity and help you overcome that negative mindset that’s caused by your surroundings. (2016:108) It takes faith to see the positive in a largely negative world, constantly getting worse, but that’s exactly why faith is so important during your earthly life-time: the faith in the fact that good will ultimately win over evil, and that evil will be overcome to such an extent that it won’t have to be dealt with anymore. Even if the evil side seems to be more powerful down there right now… keep your faith and trust in the ultimate winning Side! That’s why faith is so important: to put your trust and confidence not in the things and surroundings that you see in the physical world around you, but pointed and directed toward God – the Spirit of Love – Who’ll sooner or later prove Whose Power is ultimately stronger and greater! Focus on the Realm where the opposing factors of good vs. evil, positive and negative, love and hate, etc. that rule your physical dimension manage to exist without the bad and negative… just the Good and positive! (2016:112)

If life strikes you as something negative, use that opportunity to use Heaven’s Help to turn it into something positive in spite of any negative circumstances and conditions! Take on a victorious attitude in spite of any negative conditions, and thus turn them into something positive! (2016:117) Don’t see your weakness of the flesh as a hindrance or something negative! See it positively – by faith! (2016:118) To feel less at home in that world is not a negative. Belonging somewhere else is a positive, as far as I’m concerned, and will make the move Here easier for you when it comes. (2016:125) If what’s expecting the world isn’t something positive to look at, look past and beyond it, where a positive outlook will be rewarded by “Our Kingdom coming!” (2016:128) Having no clue how to make it may strike you as a negative, but it’s one of the signs that you’re becoming more dependent on Me and heavenly Help than the confidence of managing all by yourself and in your own strength. So, not being as physically capable as you used to be, don’t see it as a negative, but rather as a positive factor, drawing you into greater dependence on Me, the Help and Strength from Above! (2016:130) Remember what My Word says about the world; and just because you don’t seem to fit in it anymore as well as you used to, do you think I’d consider that a positive or a negative? So, the easy times are over, and you need to depend more on the Help from Above to make it through what’s coming… you consider that a positive or a negative? Well, you probably know what I’d say. Negative times when deserved by the people who’ve sown the bad seeds are a positive as far as I’m concerned. (2016:133)

Obedience The more you know, the more responsible you’ll be to act accordingly. If ye know these things, happy are ye if you do them. (I:14) Seemingly small disobediences can cause great pain and damage sometimes. If they would have loved Me with all their hearts, they wouldn’t have obeyed half-heartedly. (I:21) I want to raise your standard to a new level. This standard will require efforts in seeking My guidance faithfully and obeying by applying them to the physical: applying elbow grease to whatever thy hand findeth to do. (I:24) As you show your love for Me by your obedience, and by loving the ‘least of these, My brethren’ through your prayers or bringing them My Word, you’re also loving Me. (I:25) Only the obedient ones shall shine like the stars forever. (I:32) You’re going too much by what you’re feeling like doing, instead of by the simple desire to obey Me! (I:33) ‘Rational’ thinking won’t help you survive in the days to come, only crazy faith in Me and following My leads, which means: obedience. If you live in Me, act, move and breathe in Me, listen to My Voice and follow My instructions, you will wind up emitting that love I want them to see through you, and you will be the tools and vessels I need you to be. Your obedience in taking this path will result in changes of lives of those who will be attracted by the love you will radiate. (I:55) Sometimes, when you’ve been disobedient, you start worrying whether I’ll still bless you, but I will, as long as you return to Me and do your best to learn from your mistakes and not to repeat them. (I:71) Heaven on Earth is a gift I give to those who have learned to obey Me and give to others, instead of seeking selfish pleasure and satisfaction. (I:77) My Promises are always contingent on your obedience. (I:78) Only fear the results of what might happen if you don’t obey Me: the loss of souls and victories won, the tears, the hurt and the shame. Go forth in fearless obedience of whatever I command you! (I:87) There are those who claim to be Mine, but they only want to use Me, instead of letting Me use them. There are those who want to make Me ‘their own’, but refuse to let Me truly call them My own, for they refuse to listen to Me and they refuse to obey Me. (I:124) My Love for you grows. Especially when I see that you’re trying your best to obey Me, trust Me and follow Me... It makes Me so proud of you. (I:128) Obedience comes with the yielding. (I:140) What’s important is that you obey. I’m just waiting on you to say, ‘Yes’ to Me. (I:150) Remember, ‘God’s way up is down,’ and the road of greater obedience is often the least attractive one. I give you alternatives, but don’t expect them to be as richly specked with as many hidden blessings as that special path of greater obedience! (I:157) Just like every plant grows towards the sun and flourishes and prospers by obeying that law of nature, so will you if you will obey My law of love. I require obedience, because nothing but obedience to Me will ensure your happiness and safety. And I will do My best to protect My lambs from the influences of those who try to lure them away from the path of obedience, which is the road to happiness and a safe haven. (I:161) If you walk in obedience to Me, you’ll know that I will protect you, you’ll be safe from harm. (I:163) Hearing My Words and not doing them is like sand. Obedience is a solid rock foundation you can build your life on. (I:176) I want you to manifest the things I show you in obedience and take steps toward applying My counsel in your practical, everyday life. (I:178) You’ll make it by trusting in Me, relying on Me as your Guide, heeding My voice and obeying My instructions. (I:189) Prayer is spiritual work, and I reward you for your effort of obedience to petition Me, by granting your requests. (I:191)

Only by obeying Me and launching out into the deep will you find My complete blessing. (I:198) You just can’t have the faith that I can fully bless you if you know you’re not obeying Me fully. I want to gently lead you along the path of perfect and complete obedience. (I:216) Obey Me step by step, and as you obey one step you will be shown the next. (I:245) You’re never a failure if you obey Me and are trying to find a way to implement My Word. (I:270) Have I ever disappointed you or failed to reward you sufficiently for a step of obedience you took towards Me? (I:301) Cling to My Words and strive to obey for dear life, because your lives do depend on it! My promises are always conditional and hinge on your obedience. If you choose not to obey Me, all those promises can be inherited by another who chooses to do what I asked. It’s all in your faith in the Word! You really believe in it? Then for love’s sake, start applying it and making greater use of it! Start obeying it, and using it like a sword and weapon against the enemies of your soul. (I:329) Remember, the blessings don’t precede obedience. (I:332) There is apparently more in it for you, if you choose the devil’s option of disobedience. But is it really so? There seemed to be more in it for Adam and Eve to choose to eat of the forbidden tree: more knowledge, a new taste, and the serpent even said, “Ye shall be as gods”! Now, that sounded interesting! But what was the reality? - Curses, pain, thorns and agony ever since, in exchange for paradise. What is it that makes the devil’s option of disobedience so attractive to you? if through disobedience you have failed to accomplish the things I wanted you to accomplish for Me, there won’t be much I’ll be able to be proud of you for, and in some cases, like I have told My disciples, I will be ashamed of those who were ashamed of Me and of My Words. (I:392) Give Me the first place in your life by obeying Me! Show Me that you don’t only believe in My Word in theory, in your head, but that you’re also willing to obey it and apply it to your physical life, by putting those Words into action! (I:393) I’m expecting that you put yourself into a position of willingness and commitment to do My will. I’m expecting you to say “Yes,” and really apply yourself to obeying Me. Once you make the decision that you’re going to obey come what may, I do the rest for you and help you to put it into practice and into action. (I:397) Obedience to the first and great commandment to love Me with all your hearts is what it's all about, and means, allowing nothing, no object or person on Earth, to distract you from that most important task in life. (I:399) I will supply as you obey. (I:400) There comes a point where the wicked become so corrupt that you have to decide whether you're going to obey God rather than man. (I:401) By your obedience, you can accelerate the process, stop any further delay of My judgments, which will bring about greater repentance, greater results and greater harvest! (I:405) The ability to seek My Kingdom first, will result in greater obedience, thus greater blessings, and greater fruitfulness. (I:420) Your obedience in doing whatever I tell you to do then brings about My blessing and the help and the inspiration you need. (I:432) Those who hear My Words and don't do them deceive themselves and they build their house on the shifting sands of disobedience. (I:447) Your happiness in this life depends on your obedience, your attitude and gratitude toward Me. As long as you faithfully obey Me, I bless you accordingly. A hungry, waiting soul is waiting to be made happy by obedience to Me. (I:449) I came not into this world to judge or condemn them, but that through Me they might be saved. (I:459) My full blessing and the full outpouring of My Spirit can only flow when there's obedience and submission to My highest will. (I:503)

All depends on how much you want to obey and do it for Me! (I:514)

Obedience without love is not really what I'm after, and without love, it all means nothing to Me. (I:594) What is it that converts lifeless faith into a living, fruitful, visible faith? The works by which it is manifested. The very same works by which every man shall be judged by Me. The works in which you manifested, proved and showed your faith to the world! First rank the apostles, who give out My Words, the prophets, who receive My Words, rank second. It all amounts to three words: trust and obey. You cannot pretend to trust. Either you do or you don't. And if you do, it will also be a lot easier for you to obey. Neither can you pretend to obey. Either you do those things I told you, or you do them not. And that's what's going to determine what kind of a man you will have been in the end. Not what I have told you, but whether you have done what I told you! And if you don't find in you the faith to do what I'm asking of you, ask Me for it! (II:26) I'm trying to get you to make the transition from enjoying the prosperity you gain by compromising and relying on the arm of the flesh, to the prosperity that comes from truly enjoying all things from My hand, the rewards I give to those who obey Me. Experience the power of obedience! Find out what miracles I am capable of working for you! (II:59) One little disobedience leads to another, it will seldom stay alone. If you doubt My Word in one aspect, and think you can make yourself an exception on that, the enemy will soon offer and suggest more compromises for you to make, more disobediences he makes you think you can get away with... One of the easiest and smartest ways for him to get My followers trapped in the cage of disobedience is by telling them that it's actually freedom... after all, it's their own will that got them there, not the seeming, apparent confines that lie in keeping My commandments and performing My will, no, the apparent freedom of doing your own thing. Only on the straight and narrow path of obedience you will find the true freedom one finds in unselfishness, not seeking your own thing, but the happiness of others. (II:95) Blessings don't precede obedience, and it's often your very willingness to go out in spite of the fact that it kills you, that brings down that supernatural Love and Spirit of Mine that you're really yearning for. It's a step of faith. You do something for reasons that are invisible to the naked eye, in spite of the visible and tangible conditions. There may be a million reasons why nobody in the world should be able to expect you to go out and do this, but you're doing it anyway for the simple reason that I've asked you and commanded you to do it. That's obedience! You should do it, just because I'm asking you to do it, and because it's My commandment. If you just obey Me and do it in spite of the way you feel, I will reward you with feeling really heavenly about it, because you will know that you're in the center of My will, and that means you'll be in the center of the universe as far as I'm concerned, fulfilling your destiny, and isn't that what matters and counts? (II:158) Are you seeking the path of the least resistance or are you really seeking to obey Me? (II:170) If you don't obey, I can't show you the way. (II:186) I have a good and perfect reason for withholding the meaning of some of the things from you that you don't understand... It may sound a little tough, but "You don't have to understand; all you have to do is obey." In other words, obedience is better than understanding and knowledge. Knowledge can be nothing but a bunch of head-stuffing, but obedience - obedient action - will get you places! You're better off knowing a little less and doing a little more than vice versa. It's better to do than to know, and, of course, best of all, to know these things and do them... (II:196) This is the era of obedience and it's time to get into some action! (II:216) Total union with Me is only possible through obeying Me. If obeying Me would be the thing you would seek the most, if making Me happy would be the thing you'd be most interested in, you'd fight harder to overcome your weakness. (II:232) If I learned obedience through the things which I suffered, how much more so each one of you... (II:264) You've got to train and discipline your thoughts in the obedience of Me! They try to break loose and run wild, hither, thither and yon, but you've got to catch them and bring them into captivity, tell them Who's the Boss, and Who they should obey! (II:286) Obedience only comes through refusing to forget My exhortations, but taking them seriously and not daring to let go of them! (II:299)

With giving to children, you give and give and give, and every now and then you get a little something in return. But that's because your capacity to give is much greater than theirs. They simply don't have as much to give, except through their obedience. So it is with Me. My capacity to give to you is much, much greater than your capacity to return to Me, and some have more grace than others to return My benevolence and Love to them in form of their obedience to Me. (II:342) To do things I require of you regardless of how you feel about it or how they make you feel is called obedience. If you always and only go by your feelings or "inspiration" before obeying Me, then you should not be surprised if things start going haywire in your life. (II:364)

Remember that the enemy won't tempt you with obviously wrong things to lure you away from My straight and narrow pathway of obedience, but with seemingly good options which are simply less than My best for you! (II:368) If you're hearing from Me but aren't doing the things I say, then what good is it? (II:385) Great sacrifices of fat and visible accomplishments, accompanied by the applause and praise of men is not what counts with Me. What counts with Me and is much more important to Me than all that is how much you obey what I tell you. (II:514) If obedience is the way of happiness, then disobedience is the way to unhappiness. So, why not be happy and obey? (II:630) It’s never too late to start obeying, to become a doer of the Word. (II:644) When there's disobedience of any kind, then the demons have a legal right to pester you, and you know that there has been disobedience in your lives off and on, because otherwise it's like saying you're all perfect, sinless saints. (III:3) Like My apostles of old, you will have to make the choice to obey God, rather than men. (III:136) When I promote you to another level of greater responsibility, it also means that I expect another level of obedience from you, and one of the priorities related to that is the spiritual input you allow yourself to consume. (III:146) Your obedience in making the effort to do what I told you is the best possible thing you can do and will be blessed to an extent you will notice. (2012:19) Along with your “better judgment” comes the conclusion that I couldn’t possibly be completely trustworthy, which means, any rules I have set up are worth giving a shot at breaking. And so you do, setting off on the long hard road of disobedience and its consequences… Welcome to history. (2012:59) You’re wondering, “What about my disobedience? We’ve been taught that God cannot bless that.” Maybe others are blessed with greater abundance because of their obedience to My general rules. (2012:95) I can’t be unfair toward the obedient and let you get away with too much disobedience without ever reaping any consequences… (2012:126)

My way of teaching you to do better is by letting you reap the consequences of disobedience. (2012:146) The truth shall set you free. Accepting My truth is the first step. Then putting it into action is the next, liberating step… when you do and obey those things you hear from Me. So, freedom doesn’t come without obedience, which seems to be somewhat of a contradiction, since the human definition of freedom seems to be to do whatever one pleases. But I’d say that will only land you in the same fix as before, making you a prisoner of your own desires and whims. Doing work such as cleaning up frees you from all the selfish things you’d do otherwise, which will only entrap you in yourself and the downward spiral of your own desires. Truly sacrificial caregivers thus can be the freest of people, because they’re freer from selfishness, the main factor that ensnares you in the first place. (2012:151) Ideally, love is supposed to be a better incentive for obedience than fear; but of course, when and where that doesn’t work, I’ll have to manifest My love in the form of correction and discipline… Things just won’t go and flow as smoothly anymore once you’ve been disobeying Me for a while, and, of course, Our hope is that you alter your behavior as a result and start obeying. (2012:176)

Love the Lord thy God with all your heart, and your neighbor as yourself. Obeying those will solve all problems. If you let other things get in your way of obeying them, problems will continue, because the proper balance of the Spirit isn’t there. (2013:55) Obedience to the spiritual laws will result in the things one would hope for from life: safety, provision, contentment and even – as unattainable as it may seem in this world – genuine happiness; for positive output will create positive benefits. (2013:107) Change your act and behavior in the future with a bit more obedience to the sort of things I ask of My disciples and followers… (2014:61)

The spankings He passes out to His children who don’t quite obey Him and act according to His will are there for a good reason. (2014:156)

When bad things happen to you, you ought to ask Me or yourself why I or the Father did allow them. There are just certain things that cannot be blessed, and the devil takes advantage of every bad thing he’ll be allowed to make happen to disobedient children of God… (2015:17)

Keep remembering that you have help from the Almighty available to make it all easier and more enjoyable for you; but it does depend on how you’re behaving and whether you’re obeying the basic rules of what His children, and especially My supposed followers, are supposed to do. (2015:74) You’re surely better off if you dwell in obedience to My Law of Love that makes it possible for others to find Me and life eternal hereafter, too! (2015:82) A lot of troubles would have been spared and avoided, if obedience to the rules from Above would have been implemented, instead of listening to the enemy’s temptations and giving in to them! Learning that life just isn’t so great, based on a system other than obedience to Mine and the Father’s rules is one of the most important things and points folks ought to get in the long run; and the sooner you do, the better, of course. Remember that the enemy often comes up with temptations to have you act contrary to and against My will, and learn the lesson that the effect of that disobedience can sometimes be detrimental! (2015:108) Remember that the not-so-hot things happening to you are always caused by yourself, your own bad decisions, and caused by something you better hadn’t done! Disobediences of His children have got to be punished and dealt with somehow. So, keep it in mind, and remember that there’s always something you’ll reap for what you sow! (2015:115) What if praying a bit more would make a bigger difference, rather than getting more of My input, which you’re not always following and obeying to the extent you should? So… one of the big problems is, that you’re not always doing what I’m telling you, and thus, not obeying, which would certainly be better than just getting My input, but not really acting on it the way you should… I know, the circumstances aren’t making life completely easy for you right now, but… try some obeying the things I’m telling you! Try some not only listening and receiving My input, but also acting on it and obeying it… some doing what I’m telling you! Check and see if that perhaps would make the big difference! (2015:124) To obey Me and the Father has never been that easy for people, ever since Adam and Eve, the first two. What teaches them to do better is the result of their disobedience, and learning from it, that it doesn’t result in the blessings and happiness they’d truly want and desire. That’s basically what caused the troublesome time of creation so far, and only few have learned to walk a different way, that of obedience toward the things they’ve been told from Up Here. (2015:129) One key to a happier, more fulfilled and peaceful life, is to obey the counsel you receive from Me, like on praying and witnessing… serving Me and the Kingdom, instead of just your own concerns about your personal well-being. (2015:136) Learning to pay attention to and obey My counsel will be pretty much the only way you’ll be able to make it. (2015:140) Obey Me, if you want Me to bless you! Because that’s what is getting blessed: obedience. Disobedience just can’t be! So, if you want to be blessed, obey! (2015:150) Life is rough, because folks have allowed it and guided it to turn that way through their choices to believe and fall for the enemy’s deceptions, and choosing to obey and follow him. (2015:180) There weren’t just good times to be expected on this Earth taken over by the enemy through men’s choices to yield to his temptations, rather than obeying Us and following Our rules instead. (2015:205) Seek first the lasting Kingdom Up Here, along with the arrival of as many as you can, instead of mere temporal and material achievements down! That’s what obedience toward your heavenly Father would be, resulting in the according joy and heavenly rewards when you’ll get Here. (2015:232) To make it through life victoriously depends a lot on you, your action and permanent behavior and obedience to the rules from Up Here. The Promises depend on your faith in them and your obedience to the rules that make it possible for folks to obtain them. So, a lot depends on you and your action, behavior and obedience to My Word. (2015:241) In order to receive blessings, one has to act and behave in obedience to My Words and My will. Obedience is the ingredient that will be blessed. Disobedience can’t. If you have to deal with disobedient kids, well, that just might be a lesson for what the Father has to deal with in you, and let you experience how unpleasant it can be. It’s a lesson that life can be easier and more blessed if you obey and become an obedient child of God, as opposed to the tough way life can be when you’re disobedient. To obey or not to obey, that is the question and the choice that influence life. That’s one of the major advantages of obedience to the Father’s rules: blessings, along with rewards in the Hereafter. Whereas disobedience… how can it be blessed or rewarded? Some lessons have to be taught and learned from that instead, and they largely consist of experiencing the result of causing displeasure to others… reaping what you’ve sown. (2015:243)

Life may be a toughie, but don’t use it as an excuse to disobey Heaven’s rules! Try to stick to Our rules that We want and expect you to obey, and make an experience how to raise the flow of blessings into your life! (2015:245) Obedience is an ingredient to make the Power from Above work out for you. A lot depends on you and what you do! – Your obedience and staying in tune with Our Holy Spirit, and acting according to Our will, accordingly. (2016:35) It’s time to get ready for tough times and going through things you may not feel like! It’s time to put those feelings on the backburner, and obedience to Me in the front of your motivation gear. (2016:112) One of the toughest challenges to cope with for My followers is the confrontation with – and according results of – their acts of disobedience toward the Father, along with the basic knowledge that you should be doing better. Having to cope with the results – the lack of blessings, comparatively measured with the amount and greater increase of blessings when utterly obedient is a tough one. But you have to realize that ultimately the decision to cut out sinful behaviors is entirely up to you. (2016:114) The Old Testament tale of the weak prophet who didn’t do what I had told him, to fast, because another prophet tempted him to disobey what I had told him, is a good lesson on sticking to and obeying what I tell you, even if it may not apply to others. So, if I could even tell a fellow prophet to tempt his brother as a test of his obedience, it’s wise to learn from that biblical lesson to stick to and obey what I’m telling you. – I order to avoid letting the lion get you! The gift of hearing from Me includes the duty of doing what I tell you to in order to continue receiving the blessings from Above. – Resisting the temptations of disobedience and compromise. Just about the only ones to whom the word obedience still makes any sense are My followers. Somehow the enemy has managed to wipe that word out of society, except when it comes to the laws of the governments… which is termed “following the rules.” Obedience was a word for parenthood… but since modern education and “science” have wiped out creation, and thus the existence of a Creator or heavenly Father… who – they figure – needs obedience? So, if life becomes a nightmare, don’t blame it on Me, but correct your own failures to obey Me and the heavenly rules, which in three letters spells sin. That’s what sin is: disobedience toward the Rules from Above. A little more respect for creation of your body is pretty much necessary in order to love your fellows as yourself and reap the blessings of obedience. So, if you want joy and happiness, remember that obedience is pretty much the leading factor that will guide you there, and don’t expect them by failing to care for your own creation, if half of the only remaining commandment from Above is to love your neighbor as yourself. No one can be too fond of being treated by anyone the way one abuses their own body. So, don’t keep murmuring and complaining about a lack of joy and contentment when that’s missing due to your own disobedience of the Law of Love! A seemingly little disobedience can result in greater lack of blessings than formerly realized; and it’s time to get that point of the lessons of life! So, remember of the danger of disobedience when someone else says it’s okay to do what I would tell you not to! Even if the conditions on Earth seem to resemble more that of hell than Heaven on Earth, you cannot disobey the health rules against your body, a temple for God’s Spirit. Don’t let the conditions down there become an excuse to disobey the Rules of the Law of Love! (2016:124)

On Guard Continue to walk circumspectly, on guard, in ever closer communication with Me and your direct overseers! (I:10) Ask Me to help you be on guard and ‘deliver you from evil’, strengthen the feeble knees and the hands that hang down, and go to work on building new, healthier habits. And that’s what you call ‘progress’ and learning. (I:15) You have to constantly be on guard, always on the lookout! (I:105) Watch out whom you’re allowing to speak through you! Always be on guard, and claim the promise I gave you, that I would constantly fill you to overflowing with My Words, My Spirit and My love! Remind the devil of that when he comes around to try to use you for a channel of his message... his little sarcasms or worldly attitudes! (I:237) Stay on guard and on the attack against anger and murmuring! (I:300) Be on guard, for the enemy would like to get you off of the straight and narrow road of only leaning on Me and following My instructions! (I:306) Never ever take it for granted when things are going smoothly, but only know that it’s most likely the calm before the storm, the moment of peace before the enemy’s next attack, and you should stay desperately stay on guard against them, his subtle surprise attacks! (I:381) It’s a war, and you never know when the enemy will send out a party to raid your haven and deal you a mortal blow, so, it pays to stay on guard! (I:389) Consider it a great blessing and step forward that you have gotten to know your weaknesses better, are more aware of them and will thus know better what you need to fight and be on guard against, which is a great advantage you have over many who have not even yet begun to fathom that there might be anything wrong with them, who keep inhaling the devil's deceitful gas of pride and ego-inflation. (I:427) Be on guard constantly! (I:428) Be on guard against compromise! Don't let the devil bargain you into settling for anything less than My best! (I:431) The devil has a much easier time to enter your ranks when you're being selfish and off guard. (I:456) Be on guard! The enemy will always look for an opportunity to attack and hinder, to divide and conquer and destroy your unity. (I:491)

Evil is bound to attack you, oppress you and harass you, and you've just got to stay on guard and vigilant against it on all sides. (I:501)

Satan's executives of the hatred and disdain he has for mankind are that attitude of resigning to negativity and worldliness, using bad language or hurtful words, a disrespectful attitude, caused by his criticism of the way I made you and those around you, or people in general, with all your flaws. If you can tell where this attitude comes from, namely not from yourself, but from him, this will help you stay on guard against him. (I:506) Constantly be on guard against any attacks from the inside or the outside! (I:537) Never let your guard down; never take your focus off of Me! (II:60) One way the enemy has been able to get in was by getting you to let down your guard of desperation. If you stay on guard and desperate with Me for every move, every word you say, everything you do, he'll be a lot more hesitant to attack. The coward only attacks you when you're weak, and "weak" means, when you're self-confident (strong in yourself and relying on your own wisdom instead of Me), when you take the victory for granted and you don't stay on guard. The thing to do is to stay alert in the spirit. You often wonder "what in the world did I do wrong now?" but it's often simply the fact that you've let your guard down in the spirit. (II:69) Always keep on guard by keeping close to Me! (II:148) To stop you from becoming the vessel for My truth that I would want each of you to be, sometimes the enemy’s input comes from the most unexpected sources, so you've constantly got to be on guard! (II:161) Make a positive and definite declaration that you're not going to fall for the enemy’s lies anymore! You must be on guard against them! (II:166)

I reclaim territories in your mind that the enemy had usurped and occupied, and it very much involves a conscious effort on your part, and some active fighting on your behalf! It's not some passive waiting to be endowed with the grace from on high. You're going to have to keep at it, be on guard! (II:205) You've got to realize how ferociously the enemy fights you! There's no way you can afford to be indifferent or half-hearted about it! I want you to be on guard and not ignorant of his devices. (II:274) Some people can't bare the shame of the ugly reality of what they really are, how nothing they really are, how little good there is about themselves, and just how desperately they need Me to help them stay on guard and to keep them from stumbling. (II:285) By letting your guard down and thus allowing bad spirits to enter your midst, be it through disobedience or any bad habit or attitude, you're weakening the spiritual defense, letting down the walls, lowering the standard and giving the enemy an excuse to enter in. (II:403) I've cautioned you in My Word to watch and pray, to be sober and vigilant. The enemy, as a roaring lion walketh about seeking whom he may devour, and he's closing in right now. Cowardly as he is, he won't attack you while you're fully alert and on guard. Only when he can get you to settle for a compromise, some limbo of peaceful coexistence with him, and he can get you off guard, "Oh, the System and the world aren't really all that bad," then he has a chance. (II:428) One can lose the life they were given, if they don't guard it well, both, the physical life, as well as the flame of the spiritual life, which Satan constantly tries to snuff out. Guard that flame and always keep it well fueled! (II:609) Adam had to tend the Garden of Eden, and you've got to tend the garden and guard the flame of your heart! (III:44) My judgments usually came swiftly when they came, and caused a mighty widening of the eyes of those who did not discern the signs of the times, and thus it shall be again. That's why I need you to be prepared and on guard, and not slack. (III:229) Stay on guard against the devil’s attacks, and his hellish efforts to defeat you, causing you to be a lot more dependent on Me than before! (2015:109) Just stay on guard against the enemy and his host while he’s not down there yet! Stay “on guard”! Looks like the enemy made it to get you off your guard through letting the relatively easy times sink in, and then hitting with an evil, nasty stroke all of a sudden. Stay on guard and on the alert, so you’ll make it through what’s coming up ahead! (2015:121) It’s good you’re becoming more aware of who’s controlling and pretty much ruling this world, so that you can be more on guard against his attacks, as you’ve decided and chosen to be one of his enemies since having decided to follow and serve Me. (2015:129) When things are easy, it’s a way of getting lazy, and not of staying on guard or on the attack, which is a mindset you’ll desperately need during the times to come… (2015:149) Be prepared for the enemy’s strikes, since the peace that seemed to be there for some time was just to get you off guard! (15:150) The enemy tries hardest to get rid of your kind of believers from this planet! - Which means, you’ve got to be more aware of his attacks, more on guard and the defense! (2015:164) That’s pretty much what you’ll have to keep in mind to prepare for the Endtime: to constantly be on guard! (2015:173) “No trouble coming!” was the get-them-off-guard method of the devil, getting you to only expect better times, than the worst actually predicted! Getting folks supposedly following Me off-guard, that was his way of doing it: spoiling them with easy times, and making it a lot tougher to be able to deal with what’s inevitably to come! (2016:44) Some forecasts came to pass later than expected, as with Jonah. But it didn’t mean they never did, and it doesn’t mean they never will! So, better stay on guard! (2016:104)

Our Job & Service for Him View your task as one of a life-guard, offering the rope of Salvation to a drowning population! (I:129) Just lying there idly in the meadow, while the lambs are playing dangerously close to the woods or are even hobnobbing with the wolves or other suspect animals isn’t really doing the kind of job I would expect from one of My shepherds. (I:215) Hiding behind the excuse that you can’t do the job because, ‘there’s hardly anyone else doing it either’, just won’t cut the cake. That kind of attitude never won a war or revolution, and I will hold you personally responsible for any loss that you could have prevented. I’m not forcing you, but trying to motivate you, to move you into action, begging you to get down to the Real Thing, face the responsibility of the job you are given by Me. (I:230) Whatever troubles you, give it to Me, and don’t let it distract you from the job at hand! (I:252) You cannot neglect your job for Me! (I:253) There’s one thing that nobody can do better than you, not even Me, and that’s the job I’ve given you to do for Me. (I:282) You’re My employee! And as soon as you get that point, that this is your job, and you’re going to stick to it and get with it and quit roaming about the landscape like someone who doesn’t have a clue about what he’s supposed to do, everything’s going to be honky-dory! (I:296) Your job is simply to present the message. They have to make the choice whether they’ll receive it or not. Just do your job, whether they receive it or not! You cannot have a proud or arrogant attitude, it must be a humble certainty that you’re successfully fulfilling your job, whether they receive you or not, as long as you stay faithful to the message. (I:343) Take your job seriously! You must focus on your job at hand! (I:390) Those who are supposed to do My work and preach the Gospel, spread My message and be My ambassadors, often fail to do the job, and so I have to raise up and use others to do the job for Me. (I:395) It's high time to awaken from slumber and get My job done. (I:420) I simply cannot bless you as much as I would like with true happiness and all you yearn for when you're withholding My Words from the people and are neglecting My commission and the job I have given all My followers to do. (I:456) Remember what you're there for and what your job is! Your task is a spiritual task! Don't let the flesh distract you from the spiritual things you're destined to do! (I:470) Please make your task in life, your mission, the one job you're wholeheartedly dedicated to, finding My lost sheep! (I:483) Concentrate on My job for you! My job for you is the sheep who are not yet in the fold, who have not yet even ever heard the Words… (I:520) It's your job to find out how you can let people know - whether it be politely or not - that they're going the wrong way. (I:576) People are your mission, people are your purpose, your ministry and the reason you're there. All the great saints of the ages that ever lived, they weren't so great because they attained some state of saintliness or holiness, but because they dedicated their lives to people. Do whatever it takes to touch and heal people! (I:597) My calling, the job of a missionary, is not one to be pursued half-heartedly or lazily, you've got to give it your all! (I:599) Your true job and calling is to live for others, to live to minister to their spiritual needs, to feed the hungry and starving the Words, as I have been feeding you. (I:611) You've got to do the job in order to get paid. (II:37) Make My business your business, not promoting yourself and your own cause, but Me and My Cause! You'd be better off truly serving Me, promoting My Cause, My message. (II:40) That's a prophet's job: to deliver a message, whether it's popular, or whether he thinks it's going to go over well, or not. (II:117) I use whoever I can who is simply willing to do the job, even if they're far from perfect.

The ones I have chosen to do the most difficult job in the world aren't those who think of themselves as perfect. (II:136) You’ve got a perfect God, and that's all you really need to advertise. And whatever it takes, you should do it, because that's your main job and purpose in life! (II:158) Everybody in life has got their purpose, their place and their perfect task, and there's nothing wrong with the fact that some are existing to serve. The trick is to return the service with the appropriate amount of appreciation, kindness, attention and love. The devil has drilled this dislike to the idea of "serving" and being used into people's heads, when that's what a lot of them really inwardly long for and are destined to do! And on the other hand he places some sense of false humility into others, who think they should do it themselves, and they fall under condemnation over the fact that they just cannot... I have ordained it thus that they don't have to do it themselves. (II:198) Don't listen to all the garbage the enemy tries to heap up in your minds to keep you from doing the job of winning the lost! (II:205) Get your mind set on the task at hand! The task is winning and warning the world, spreading My message, My Gospel. (II:215) It's an easy job you've got, because I'm going to do it for you! (II:248) There's nothing wrong with you wanting to do more for Me, but I want to teach you how to do it properly. And the primary requisites for that are that you know Me, know Who you're working for, so that you don't "sell" people your own idea of Me, but the Real Thing, and that you do it in My Strength, not your own, because this job is too big, too monumental for anyone to try to do in their own strength. (II:261) Thank you for being willing to let Me employ your help, your manpower for this greatest of all tasks: feeding the greatest need of mankind there is! It's a monumental job, and you have a monumental foe to make it as difficult as possible for you to do that job, but that's where I come in, and your faith in My superiority, to prove to the world that nothing the devil and all his followership can do is able to stop even one of My followers if I'm on his side and right behind him. (II:412) There are things for you to do there, and your job is to find them. Your job is to make the best out of the situation I've given you and put you in! (II:485) The disciples suffered persecution! But they did the job I gave them to do, regardless of it! How ready are you to do My job for you? (II:487) The less you have to worry about other things besides doing the job I gave you, the better! (II:489) Don't live to be served, but walk in My footsteps and learn to serve others! (II:513) Make love your business! Make My affairs your business. Remember that I'm the Boss and check in with Me whether you're doing your job for Me according to My will and liking! Relax in the knowledge that you can call on the Boss anytime you need help; you don't have to try to show off how well you can do it yourself! (II:528) Witnessing is your job. Instead of being critical of people, you could be falling in love with them. I know it's a tough job. But in order to get where you want to get, there's no other way. In order to make the progress that you want to make in order to overcome your weaknesses, that's the remedy, that's the way. (II:630) Serving Me happens to be one thing you cannot manage to do successfully in your own interest! It's got to happen because your desire is to make someone else happy, starting with Me. (III:8) You will always have My Help, but it's still your job. I'm not going to do your job for you. I want you to do your job with My Power and My wisdom, but I still want you to do it. It's still your responsibility. (III:44) It’s your job also to find out what you can do in order to improve a situation, and not just assume that everything is going to get better all by itself. (III:78) Just because I saved you from your sin, doesn't mean you're better. It only means that you've got a job to do, and that is, to get the other person saved, too. (III:102) There is a purpose to life, and most people are oblivious to it, and it's a large part of your job to let folks know about it. (III:106) It's part of your "job," to "endure hardness" as a good soldier of Mine (2.Tim.2:3). (III:140) If the job is too big, too scary, too awesome for you, then that's just a reminder that it's got to be Me working through you, since you don't stand a chance of doing it in your own energy. (III:161)

Isn't it better to join your brethren down in the arena and playing field of service, instead of sitting in the grandstands and waiting to be served? (III:180) Your job is to free as many as you possibly can, and give your all in the effort. (III:204) Your job, which is seeking first the Kingdom of God, which again consists of people, is your cross. Those people, who constitute your job for Me, and that you're supposed to lay down your life for, also become your cross. (III:247) I’ve promised that My yoke would be easy and My burden light, but that didn’t mean that no job I’d present you with would ever represent a challenge for you. (2011:54) The unseen, unnoticed work you do for Me, to further My Cause, to spread My message, that has eternal rewards! (2011:55) Where you are, most people don’t have a clue about Me, and that makes your job both, infinitely more difficult, but also infinitely more significant and important. (2011:87) Most people are completely oblivious to their lacks and flaws. They don’t know what’s wrong with them; much less what they need, and it’s your job as one of My mouthpieces to find out and then let them know. When you have nothing else to give but words, then that’s better than nothing; and giving them the word about Me is one of the greatest actions you can engage in, so don’t underestimate it. It may be tough, and at first maybe a thankless job, but in the end you won’t regret it, for it will turn out to have been the most rewarding job you could have ever found. What will make anyone stand out according to My Book is how many others they have dared to touch with My message. Don’t forget that this, as far as I’m concerned, is your primary responsibility! (2011:91) Yes, your job is hard sometimes, but what does My Word say? “Endure hardness as a good soldier of Jesus Christ!” (2011:92) No matter how nice they try to paint it in the movies, or it may be for a small minority, the vast majority serves as batteries for their machinery, and it's a slavery that I came to free them from, and sometimes you tend to forget that your job is to help Me do that, not try to be a cog and part in the machinery yourself. (2011:108) Maybe I don't want you to get all too comfy and happy in the here and now, but remember a little bit more why you are there in the first place, and what My job for you really is. Fight you must, in order to declare that you don't belong to the wrong side anymore. Not many people are up for that fight, it's true, which is another factor that makes it even harder to "sell" Salvation to them, and I never said that it was going to be easy. I'm just saying, remember, this is supposed to be your job... (2012:1) If everything in this world would make sense, there’d be nothing wrong with it, and we could have all saved ourselves a lot of agony. But since there is obviously a lot wrong with it, it means we’ve got a huge job to do, and getting you more work-focused at this stage in your life is obviously part of My plan to get you to employ and apply yourself more in it and get away from a vacationoriented attitude. Helping others make sense of it all – especially in times when not much, if anything, seems to be making sense – is a great part of that job, and part of learning to convey that is to begin to make sense of the apparently senseless. (2012:33) Bringing Heaven to others was your job, originally… One that got lost among many distractions, temptations detours and deviations… (2012:37) It’s a tough job to wake them up from their illusion of “The party’s only just begun,” to the painful reality, but let’s just say that’s part of your job. (2012:55) That’s why the job I’ve given you to do as My mouthpieces is so important: you’re supposed to be the few remaining light sources around. Which makes it so much sadder when My light-bearers refuse to shine. You say, “But they don’t want it, anyway… It’s not worth the effort…” But then we’ll never know, shall we, unless we try it out. (2012:62)

Sometimes it’s not so much a matter of excelling at the job, or how successful or brilliant you become at it, as just seeing it through anyway. (2012:82) You’ve got to have a heart for people, especially when you’re in My business, or claim to be. (2012:157) Your job isn’t necessarily to reach spiritual intellectuals, but pretty much common folks. Look at the types of people I hung out with: not the spiritually educated, but fishermen, a tax collector, etc., having come from a humble carpenter’s family Myself. (2012:185)

Since you’re different, your job and task in the world must be a different one than the sole concern about the own advance at any single given moment, never caring about or showing consideration for their fellowman. (2013:4)

The job’s got to get done first, before I can do Mine, and there’s always a part that you’ll have to do first before I’ll do Mine. (2013:54)

If I’ve given you a job to do, you can rest assured that our enemy will do his darndest to make it as tough for you as possible. First of all, he doesn’t like the job to get done, then he likes to make you feel discouraged about not getting it done, hoping he’ll succeed in driving a wedge between us, since you won’t deem yourself worthy of My communications, or will think I’m angry with you, etc. (2013:75) How they’d react to Me…, that’s precisely what we’re trying to find out, and it’s your job to help Me with that. (2013:102) Don’t think you’re failing altogether at doing your job for Me. A lot of it is happening without even saying much. Just be what you are, and one day they’ll remember and realize, “Oh, that’s what that was…” They’ll recognize then what you’ve had to offer all along as the one thing worth living for, which at the time they could do no other than reject, simply because it was too strange, too alien, too different for them. (2013:103) Come back to My job for My disciples, and enjoy it… Sometimes the Devil makes you scared to do My job for you; but trust in Me and the heavenly force being greater and superior over the enemy’s, meaning you don’t have to be that scared. (2014:61) Not a lot of people are aware of the enemy’s leading role in this world, nor of My truth concerning it, or of My rule against his work and setup… and being one of the few’s a tough job! (2014:88) As a disciple and follower of Mine, your witnessing is pretty much your most important job for Me. (2014:123) To keep being a testimony and witness in order to help those who are sheep to find and receive Me, that’s your job for Me, and you could make an effort passing out the message about Me to others, to seekers and sheep. (2014:153) It says in My Word – (Hebrews, chapter 12) – that I chasten those (or the Father does) who are supposed to do their job for Us (as disciples and God’s sons and daughters), but don’t for some reason. (2014:156) To offer and pass on the faith that will bring the afterlife to others as well; that has always been My job for My followers and disciples. If you remember that job I gave you and try the best you can to get back into it an do it, I promise, you won’t regret it! Life you’re living there on Earth is just temporal, and thus – if there’s something greater thereafter as I’ve taught, and My followers believe – not everything you invest your energies in should be the money you can make and the fun you can have, or whatever… But tune in a bit more to the job I’ve given you and all My followers, to win others to Me! To do your jobs for Me is much more important than just surviving with some fun and pleasure through some physical success. (2014:164)

What if getting back to the job and purpose of the Kingdom is so much more important than just your own survival, and, accordingly, your future job situation? (2014:175) Could you please get back to your most important job for Me somehow? Remember Me when you’re out there, and that some folks just might need Me; and in any case, they ought to hear of Me just to make up their minds and decisions about Me. Help them to make their decisions! If I haven’t returned yet, the fact and reason for it might well be that many people haven’t received the chance yet to make their choice and decision concerning Me. Remember and realize that your job there on Earth isn’t really over yet! There’s a lot still to do. (2014:176) Keep the fact in mind that you’ve been somewhat failing to do the job you’re supposed to as a follower and disciple of Mine, and that you’ve had to be corrected somehow and made aware of that fact, and the need for a change in you! (2014:197) You’ve got a job for Me, remember? There’s a message to get out and a sample you’re supposed to be, and all in all, it’s pretty much the most important job in the world you can think of. (2014:206) A place where the preaching of My Gospel still ought to be done is much more of a place to do your job for Me, which means, try to live your life a little bit less money-oriented. (2015:30) Remember the job one’s supposed to do when they decided to follow Me, and the tasks of discipleship! You know that many have failed to follow Me, and some who did temporarily, petered out eventually. And since you sound like you want to stay in My gear, and not depart from My way, try to do all you can that’s part of it and the things in it you should, like winning others to Me and be a good witness... not fail the job of discipleship. – Even if it got a bit harder in the meantime. (2015:39) Remember your job and task to let them know, and how to get Here by receiving Me and having salvation from the uglier hereafter! (2015:55) I know it’s a tough job down there, but the more you can get done for Me, the greater will be your reward! (2015:68)

Sorry if the good and easy times are pretty much over; but remember that your job and task for Me is supposed to be helping others to find Me, and thus the Source of the good times to find now and hereafter as well… (2015:70) Don’t forget that your main job is supposed to be for Me, and for folks around you to find Me and life eternal through you! That’s basically the main job of your life; and… well, neglecting it won’t be anything you’ll be able to be proud of in the Hereafter, if you’ll realize how many folks could be There, too, if only you had offered them My Salvation! Fight to overcome the enemy trying to frighten you to give that message of life thereafter to others! Remember it as your most important job and task in life! Keep that task in your mind as what should keep you going and heading forward; since neglecting it wouldn’t be anything you’re going to be proud of thereafter! (2015:82) It’s your job and main task to principally rely on Me. Physical families can be quite distractive from spiritual jobs and tasks. (2015:125) Having fun is not the most important job in life for those who wish to follow Me, but rather, to make it possible for others to find Me, so that they will be able to enjoy a happier Hereafter, too. So, try to remember that as your main job for Me, to preach the Gospel to every creature you come across and helping them to find and receive Me, and thus, their Salvation, meaning: eternal Life Up Here, where you’ll all find out it’ll be much happier to be! Even if it’s not a remarkably easy job to share Me with others in the world run by Our enemy and his forces. It’s a fight. But don’t you think one that’s worth it? So, try it! (2015:129) Make as sure as you can to help others to make it to Heaven, rather than neglecting that main job of a disciple! They’ll definitely result in your greatest rewards, whereas neglecting that task and job would always leave you with a strong gear of feeling, “If I only had…” So, how about making all the efforts you can, to do that most important job for Me, to help as many others to make it Here as you can, and not just stay concerned about your own well-being? So, try not to fail that job and task I’ve given My disciples and followers to do, but do your best to accomplish getting as many Up Here as you can! Remember your job, your task and your purpose, and do all you can not to fail them! (2015:133) The more you learn to ask Us for Our help, the better off you’re going to be! And the more you’ll be able to teach others the same, which you can definitely see as the most important job in your life. (2015:141) Doing a bit of work makes you somehow feel better about yourself; one reason why pretty much the entire human society is and has been getting into that: it makes them feel better about themselves to be productive. Doing a bit of work isn’t anything negative… the reason I even gave Adam some jobs to do shortly after being created. Humans need to know what they ought to do. They were created and designed to be productive. (2015:146) You need to remember what’s your highest original job and calling in following Me and being My disciple: To help others to find Me and My Salvation! So, try to remember that job for My disciples and followers! Share what you’ve got, even if it may be a little tough and difficult in the state of the world, but, hey, it’s your job! I know it’s not an easy job down there… but just keep your vision on how wonderful it is to get a soul saved! As long as you belong to the right Side, that’s your job: to get more folks on it and join Us! (2015:149) It’s a weary world and getting worse, but remember, there’ll be an important job for true believers to do for Me and the Father! As My disciple, there’s still a big, important job for Me to do that I don’t want you to neglect! There’s still a job for Me you need to do, and if you don’t know how you’re going to handle that, just start leaning completely on Me and make the effort you can to live a life a disciple of Mine should, even if there are manifold temptations to gear you in another direction! You could and should do more for Me, and that’s what I’m trying to get you into! (2015:150) Remember your job and task for Me to try to win as many Up Here as you can, and it’ll definitely be the thing to make you happier down there, as well as make you more grateful when you get Here, that you didn’t fail your job and purpose down there completely! (2015:151) You’re not of that world, and don’t really belong there… just have a task for Me and the Father to fulfill, of being one of Our witnesses down there to let seekers find an answer. That’s your job, and one you’re just going to have to get used to eventually. Remember the reason why you’re not feeling part of that world! And remember that there are a few others who don’t, either. And they’ll be glad and thankful to find or get to know you, and through it find Me! There’s still a job for Me you have to do! Even though it may seem to you like a tough one right now, remember the Holy Spirit will enable and strengthen you with whatever you need when you’re in the situations you will need that strength and power! (2015:163) Definitely a big advantage for My disciples’ job of witnessing: to become more heavenly-minded, more conscious of the Place you’re going and headed! (2015:169)

To offer and make My Kingdom accessible to people through finding out about Me, receiving Me and Salvation: the greatest job on Earth! (2015:175) Stick to the number of jobs still to do down there, and put your heart in what’s still left to do! (2015:177) You may not have a worldly job right now, but one for Me and Us Up Here which We consider quite a bit more important, too. (2015:181)

If you let others reap hell, instead of giving them the chance and opportunity to wind up in Heaven, I’m afraid I’m having to let you suffer a bit of what you bestowed on others through your failure, when sharing Heaven was supposed to be your job and task of life! (2015:188) The sentiments of not feeling at home in that world anymore may make it a bit tougher on you to hang around down there, but trust Me that there’s still a job for you to complete there. (2015:191) Don’t be too worried that I’m expecting too much from you! Maybe you’ve been expecting too much from yourself, and weren’t that content with yourself so far, which left you in a state of playing a slightly less pleasant role for others… Just remember that the job is Love, and it’s a work of the heart and soul you’ve got to do, and not so much heavy and hard work in the flesh! – Mainly something to let Me and the heavenly helpers do through you! So, give Us a chance! Let Us do it through you what you can’t yourself! (2015:194) Trust Me for the fact that there’s still an important job, task and purpose for you to fulfill down there, so you’ve got to stick to it, that position down there, as victoriously and with as positive an attitude as you can with My Help! (2015:203) Show folks around you more of Me and My ways, instead of yourself! Get the interest of others in what you believe in! And even if they won’t receive it, at least you’ll have delivered your soul through being the witness to them. – Your job. (2015:221)

Remember your job to let others know about what’s coming in the Thereafter! Remember that that’s your task and job for Me down there: to get as many Up Here with you as you can! (2015:223) We all had (and have) jobs to do down there, and you should just do your best to accomplish yours, and not leave most of it undone, like the girl in the fairy-tale about the two sisters, one of which was richly rewarded for her work, while the other one was just sprinkled with mud as a reward for her doing nothing… (2015:224) Don’t worry too much about how things will work out with your job opportunities there… keep a bit more of your mind open for My job for you, the one for which you decided to follow Me! (2015:225) Your job down there: to get as many folks interested in that Future Home of yours, so that they’ll develop a desire to come Up Here, too, and receive Me in order to do so, and help them get their soul saved… Trying to get others to come Up Here, too, is pretty much the main part of the job of being My disciple, so something you should just strive not to neglect! (2015:226) Remember that I am the Savior, and as My follower you’re supposed to offer My Salvation to those who are ready to receive it: My sheep, as opposed to the majority of goats and wolves; and some of them – even many – haven’t found their Shepherd yet, which is your job: to help them find Me and lead them to Me. - Quite an important job, to deliver and help folks get saved from that hell on Earth, along with hell thereafter, don’t you think? Instead of hell, you’ve got Heaven to offer them; and don’t you consider that the best job anyone could have? (2015:235) Keep tuning in to Me, so that I can keep preparing you for the job awaiting you for Us! If life down there’s a tough one for you, maybe it should make you realize that many folks feel just the same, and might have the hope for another and better One they’d truly feel at home. And isn’t that your job for Me, to get as many as you can Up Here with you? That’s pretty much what the job of My true followers and disciples is all about! Share Heaven with whomever you can! (2016:25)

Keep remembering your job for Me: to get out that message… a message of hope to the people, that there’s deeper meaning to life, and something better coming up, if they make the right decisions and choices! Getting folks to make their choices of receiving the fruits of the Spirit is pretty much your main job! Don’t get sidetracked! (2016:33) We’re having to prepare you for your job in what’s to come, and trust Us that We know what changes you need most, in order to make you more of the kind of man We need and want you to be. (2016:34)

I am the Savior, and passing on the Salvation I came to offer to mankind is your job and task. So, keep your mind and actions geared toward that job! (2016:36) If you want to be lead, guided, filled and ruled by the Holy Spirit, you’ve got to make sure you do the job It was and is poured out for! So… want to be filled with the Holy Ghost? – Then keep telling people about Me and the Salvation from the punishment for sin received for receiving Me as their Savior! – Your job and greatest task in this world and your life down there! People still need Me to save them from their sins, and it’s your main job to offer that to them. – Even if the enemy does all he can to stop or keep you from doing that greatest job of Mine for you and all My true followers. So, make that effort to keep asking for - in order to stay filled with - My Spirit, in order to be able to do My job for you! Keep your job for Me in mind, in order to be filled with the Power from Above to enable you to do it! It may not be easy – or even possible – to do in your own, physical strength, but that’s why the Power from Above is available for all My followers and those who want to do the job for Me. (2016:38) Do your job for Me wherever you are! Don’t go by how well you’re feeling, according to the place you currently are! (2016:39) Do all that you can, not to neglect that job and calling and purpose I gave and continue giving to Me disciples and followers, so that you won’t have to regret having neglected that major purpose of My followers’ lives! (2016:46) If it’s part of My Job from the Father to teach you and My followers – along with having saved you through My sacrifice of life for you and through receiving Me – consider it your job to learn and receive what I’m trying to teach you! Make it an extensile part of the “Rhythm of Life!” (2016:47) Remember My need for you down there, along with your job for Me! (2016:48) Don’t let the influences of bad and evil circumstances the devil creates, conquer or overcome you! It’s your job to overcome them and show through your faith Whose Power and Strength is greater than the evil one’s. (2016:49) One important factor is not to just be concerned about your survival down there, but the job each of My true followers should have in mind concerning being a witness, and thus, a director to Heaven for others who are receptive. (2016:52) While there are negative changes going on and happening in the world, it’s still part of your job to do all around you that you can to make things better! (2016:54) Make the best of life you can! That’s your job, task and challenge. (2016:57) What better job could there be than offering Heaven during hell on Earth? - Tough job? So was Mine when I came to Earth. And it’s still your job to offer My gift of Salvation from hell to all those ready and willing to receive it. – Even if it makes you feel a bit like having to bear a cross daily, the way I’ve had to on My way up Golgotha. Remember that bearing a cross is part of the job for My true followers (Mt.10:38)! (2016:63) All in all, you’ll see: what will count in life will be what was done for Me. (2016:77) It’s your job to give love away, not just wait until you receive it and then “respond” some! (2016:88) The thing that keeps most folks going is their jobs for survival; but there’s a different kind of job in store for you. Not just one for your and your family’s survival, but a greater and more important job for Me… As opposed to those proudly receiving the enemy’s mark, there’ll be the ones not having made their ultimate decision yet, and it’s going to be your job to present what I came to Earth to offer to those who’d receive Me. (2016:119) A blissful life: when you start serving Me. The less blissful times set in whenever you get more into other interests, the enemy’s distractions and ways to get you off that path of happiness. Preaching the Gospel is the job of My disciples and followers. Want the Holy Spirit and a life of Heaven on Earth? – Just get into offering Heaven to others! – Your job for Me. (2016:121) That’s My disciples’ job: not to make the best and most enjoyable parts possible out of their earthly lives, but make sure to bring as many along to Heaven as they can. (2016:129)

Patience & Waiting on the Lord No matter how much you think others may benefit from what you have to say, there is always more you can learn from them, if you’re just humble and patient enough to find out. (I:3) Make the extra effort to wait on Me, even when you feel like rushing out and jumping into the day. (I:28) In the Spirit, things move slowly and majestically. Not as quickly and hectic as you do in your world. The difference is almost like the way you view ants: They move speedily and they always have got to do something to ensure their provision and survival. But Here everyone knows that all the fretting, worrying and haste in the universe won’t add one iota to your stature. (I:54) Learn from Me to be longsuffering. ‘Love suffereth long and is kind’. Be longsuffering and kind! (I:71) I’m teaching you a brand new modus operandi. Like Moses running away from a very hectic, active, stressy and busy life in Egypt and coming to the wilderness to learn to do nothing but tend sheep for 40 years... I had to get Egypt out of him first. Before you’re going to get into your gear of operating in the flesh, I’d rather have you do nothing but learn to hear from Me, listen to Me, soak up Me, absorb Me, take time with Me, loving Me, begging Me, learning to let Me do things for you and through you. It takes faith to just wait on Me! But you’ll feel so much better, if you do! (I:75) I do some things to teach you patience, other things to keep you patient, and yet others to make sure you’re still patient. For verily, you have need of patience. - Patience with others, even patience with yourself. Patience with your and their mistakes and faults... (I:102) I knew all along that you were going to need this time to make it. You don’t have to torture yourself with self-condemnation and anxiety, wishing you could do things better and faster. (I:137) Are you willing to extend the same amount of patience, love and forgiveness to others that has been shown you? Maybe I’m just allowing them to be so weak to test you and see how you will handle it, how much patience you will have for them, how much love; how much you will pray for them to make it! Keep waiting patiently on Me! (I:172) Wait on Me! Stop rushing ahead without Me in your life, wait for My instructions and learn to patiently wait and move and act at My majestic speed. (I:185) I’m not impatiently expecting the Father’s children to learn how to drive a truck when they only recently learned to ride a bike. You’ve got to trust in My patience, and also be patient with yourself. (I:227) The mess of pottage of some personal dream or desire in the end often only turned out a decoy, a distraction of the Enemy, a compromise to settle for a quick, easy-to-see, easy-to-reach solution or satisfaction, as opposed to the long and winding, thorny road of faith and patience. (I:246) Have patience and compassion for the weaker ones, for you never know what I may do in their lives over time, and what great miracles might be wrought through their weakness. (I:257) You don’t have the patience for friends with handicaps? I was an Outcast, the Son of God, permanently marked as ”not one of them”, battling with the Devil all My life, appalled by the hypocrisy, hardness and evil of their hearts and destined to die a criminal’s death. My destiny was My handicap! Work on your qualities as a friend. Your companions need someone loving, patient and understanding, not aggravated! (I:262) Remember how much mercy, patience and longsuffering I’ve had toward you, and it might help you to wink at the faults of others a little more... ” (I:300) Just as My Spirit is manifested in fruits like humility, love, patience, etc. (Gal.2:22,23), the spirit of the Devil has its manifestations of pride, self-righteousness, hatred, jealousy, envy, bickering, strife... (I:346) Meet each question asked with friendliness, kindness, politeness and an air of understanding, loving-kindness and patience. (I:394) Just like I learned a lot from My interactions with people during My time on Earth, became a lot more understanding of their plight, much more patient and merciful, so will all this serve to teach you greater love. (I:404) Take My yoke upon you and learn of Me, how to be meek and lowly in heart, not impatient. (I:441) I'm a very patient Teacher, especially with those who want to learn, even if they sometimes tend to think they're smarter than the Teacher Himself. I see the heart, and as long as there is a desire to want to see your failings and want to do better, what else can I do but teach you, even over and over again, until you get the point? Just make sure that you try to apply the same patience, love and mercy with others and don't be like the man whose debt was forgiven but would not forgive others for theirs! (I:447)

I wish to give everyone multiple chances, and I want you to learn likewise, to have patience with others and learn better how to handle their flaws. I can use everything I give you and make you go through, if you just patiently hold on. It’s better to patiently wait than to force things and push things through in the flesh, for fear that I will somehow let you miss out on your destiny and purpose. So, have patience and faith in My love, and put the time of your life which I have given you to spend on the spirit, if you want to be smart and reap lasting fruit! (I:455) Remember that I endured much more contradiction of sinners against Me, so that you may learn patience, meekness and humility from Me and not come across as hostile to people. (I:459) Loving the sinner means loving them in spite of their sin and patiently helping them to overcome their sin and having the faith that they will eventually manage to do so by My grace! (I:469) You’re learning precious lessons through My withholding the flow of blessings at the rate you would want it: you’re learning patience, consideration, learning to put Me first in the whole process and to praise Me in spite of the fact that I’m not giving you everything you want, because I know better what’s the best for you... (I:477) It takes time and requires patience and faith to pray! (I:485) Paying attention to the details will help you not to overlook important factors, it will teach you patience and the importance of little things. (I:494) It's got to be My time! People have got to wait on Me! It's got to be My move! So often, folks get impatient and their urge to get something done in the flesh so they can pat themselves on their backs, impatiently drives them out into a spur of feverish activity in which they sometimes get so involved that they don't even notice My voice anymore, or that the Spirit and anointing has departed from them... (I:500) The bigger a team becomes, the more patience is required for the weakest member. (I:502) You must patiently allow Me to work in your life and worry not about doing it in the arm of the flesh. (I:511) That difficult situation stretched your muscles of patience, your desire to understand the other, carnally incomprehensible side, contributed to making you more longsuffering, more gentle... (I:513) Sometimes the best for you is to wait a little while and learn a little patience, as I have said, "ye have need of patience" (Heb.10:36) and patience takes faith, so it all contributes to your acquiring the true riches and values of the spirit. (I:519) It's more difficult in many ways, more humbling and it requires more patience to operate as a team, to learn to function as a team, but the reward and benefits are that it safeguards you from a selfish and independent road of pride and self-efficiency. (I:521) It takes a while to turn someone around and have them get into a whole new modus operandi of working by Me. It's not a thing that happens from one day to the other. It takes time. Moses didn't become the patient shepherd overnight, either. It took him 40 years, until he was 80, to get where I wanted him. (I:524) I'm teaching you the strength of patiently waiting for Me and absorbing and assimilating My Power. (I:545) I'm showing you how much more understanding, patience and longsuffering is to be expected of you. (I:606) You're often impatient, and would like to know everything all at once, do everything all at once and "get it over with" so you can finally cash in your rewards and have some fun. But that's not how it works. Making you the tool and vessel you want to become is going to take time. And getting frustrated when it doesn't happen quickly enough and looking around elsewhere for satisfaction instead only delays things further and slows down your process. Take time to love, take time to learn the art of love. It takes time to become an artist! (II:31) Don’t become impatient if it's not quite there yet! You can see the light on the horizon, but it still takes a little while until it's fully day. A new day will come. A new page will be turned over. A new book will be written, and things will have changed. In the meantime, pray for those changes to come to pass, which you can see now only in the distance, on the horizon. Don't fret or get impatient, but pray them through! (II:41) How can they believe that you'd lay down your life for them if you're not even willing to sacrifice a few hours or even days to deal with a problem someone has, in a gentle, loving and patient way? (II:108)

Keep in mind that it takes shifting a ton of sand in order to find the diamond, and don't let your impatience get the better of you if you run into more wolves, dogs and goats than sheep! Of course the sheep are going to be fewer and less in number; otherwise it wouldn't be a challenge! (II:118) You've got to learn to be patient and longsuffering, understanding and forgiving, knowing that you're in need of just as much forgiveness. (II:164) There's hardly anything more important for Me than ensuring that each of you find the center of My perfect will for you, that you take time to learn to hit the mark instead of missing it, and I'm a very patient Teacher. (II:170) Any problems you might be having right now, such as with impatience, etc., will all be a thing of the past. I'll take care of your weaknesses. (II:178) I've put you there to learn patience for the less than perfect, and love for the unlovely. Everybody can love perfect people! There's nothing special about that. But it takes something to learn to love the imperfect and faulty and to put up with their flaws, look past and beyond them and yet come up with a compassion for them. (II:179) Patiently put up with others' flaws and be helpful, loving and tolerant! (II:201) Be patient, not only with others, but also with yourself! Don't require more of yourself than I do! (II:219) Whatever you do, wait for My approval, for the confirmation of My Spirit! Those who rush ahead without Me, fall flat on their faces. It's a test of faith, sometimes, for you to wait on Me, instead of running out to do whatever is there at hand to do. Waiting on Me is the secret to success! Whatever you wait for Me to give you the strength, power and wisdom for, will always be a success - what I consider success. (II:272) Put aside all impatience, and patiently wait on Me! Have you got the patience and faith to wait on Me? The temptation is often there, to jerk and make your own move, before I or the prophet have arrived, but your only hope and chance to make it is to wait on Me. (II:285) “The trying of your faith worketh patience" (James 1:3). Patience is a mystery. In the natural, the children of men are impatient, they would like to achieve and acquire things quicker than they usually do, understand things quicker. They don't like to take things by faith and wait for the answer, wait for the outcome. The general attitude is, "Now, God, when are You going to start making some sense?" While We go, "just wait and see!" The world is rushing back and forth, trying to satisfy their own impatient desires with fast food, fast entertainment, fast money, fast transportation, fast songs, etc. I'm making your life-style differ from theirs. Take it easy, take your time! Take your time to look and see and behold the great wonders of God! If you're going too fast, you just don't see the hand of God at work in your life. You've really got to take time to see it. The devil is spurring everybody on to make the most fun, pleasure, money or other physical accomplishments out of their time. Whereas what people have to do in order to really gain their souls back is to sacrifice their time to Me. I have given them their time, their lives, every minute of it, and yet they refuse to give any of it back to Me. They have time for anything but for Me, they try to avoid Me, run away from Me, sometimes even while pretending to be serving Me. Many are just too busy, too occupied with other things than to be able to really stop and take the time to truly find Me. Finding Me and developing an intimate relationship with Me takes time! Many secrets of life lie in taking your time and going slow. You cannot enjoy your life unless you slow down enough to really wait for Me, really make sure that you're walking with Me, living each day with Me, spending time with Me, moving at My pace and stop trying to rush ahead of Me. (II:306) Be patient and know that there is more to come! (II:310) Patience is one of the names of My game. (II:335) My main lesson for you right now is patience; to wait on Me and not move or jerk before it's My time to move. (II:353) Don't get impatient! Trust Me that all good things will take time! Impatience has been one of the main reasons for young people to become frustrated with Me, My work, My modus operandi and ways of going about things. I'm too slow for them. They've got to have it fast; right now; they can't wait... But you've got to learn to wait on Me! (II:395) There's the factor of rushing ahead in the flesh and not waiting for Me, which amounts to screwing up big time, as Saul did when he didn't wait for Samuel. These are all lessons related to waiting on Me. Waiting on Me basically means to go contrary to the flow of the world. I want to teach you to wait on Me and wait for Me about everything. Wait for My okay! (II:426) You have to learn patience - patience with the flesh; patience with yourself!

You just need to have a little faith and patience: trust and see what I am going to bring about through this momentary suffering and imperfection! (II:548) It would help you to be more patient with yourself and others if you would remember that when it comes down to it, you're all just children. (II:549) When you're trying to get anywhere, you want to get there in the fastest way possible. You seek an advantage for yourself, you want to get ahead and leave the rest behind. But seeing the world through a universal, all-embracing lens means not trying to separate yourself from the slower folks on the right lane, but seeing yourself as part of them. Try to love even the slowest driver on the right lane! Besides being medicine for your attitude, your nerves and circulation, it also lessens the breakdown risk of your car, the amount of pollution you sling into the air, and the amount of risk you pose to yourselves and other drivers. "Get out of the fast lane!" Patience and love are connected: it takes time to love. There's no way around it. It takes time to love all those drivers on the right lane of life. If you constantly seek to get ahead of everyone and simply curse the fact that you're not fortunate enough to afford yourself a faster car in order to be able to leave even more folks behind, then you're missing the point. That's definitely not My idea of getting ahead. A more patient attitude will improve your relationships. Friends are those who take time to be and make friends. Even if it means sacrificing some of the time you'd ideally invest in the things you consider most important, in "getting ahead." Helping others to get ahead, to grow, to make progress in their lives, taking time to share with them what you've learned, all this requires the kind of patience you need. If you want to be more loving, if you want to love more, just take your time to do it! (II:580) Be patient and merciful with others' flaws and failings, just as you would wish for Me to be with yours! (II:584) Patience is just one of the many spiritual blessings you obtain when you learn to put Me and My affairs first. (II:611) It is not only your own absorption of My truth that will help you, but also your helping others to absorb it, as well: your feeding them the Word, your witnessing My truth to others, will also give you a greater love and understanding for them, along with more patience to deal with their quirks. (II:630) "Wait and See!" Wait and see what I'm still going to do, what that ugly duckling is still destined to become! Wait to see the final outcome before you judge or make up your mind about something or someone and before you stick them in your mental drawers or label them! It's good advice, to wait and see. (III:23) You've got to be long-suffering and as patient with hurting souls as you possibly can! (III:93) It takes time and patience for certain circumstances to come about where you're finally able to enjoy. (III:94) Patience is a greater mystery than you thought, and impatience is a greater and more dangerous sin of mankind than most think. The mystery of learning to "wait on the Lord" is a much greater treasure than what many, many people ever acquire with all their gaining and doing in all their lives. (III:130) Persistence and patience are two important factors in becoming a successful fisher of men. (III:204) The children of men usually can't sit still long enough, they're not patient enough; they've got to be up and running someplace and doing something, when instead they could be learning of Me the mysteries of the universe. (III:240) Patience is of the essence, and you will just have to wait and see how things will pan out. All of creation and this Big Picture is much a matter of waiting to see how things will pan out! (2011:32) When you’re prone to getting annoyed easily, but this is where you have need of patience. (2012:9) Be patient, hope and believe that the right people will eventually cross your path, those on whom your compassion won’t be wasted. (2012:10) Many things simply don’t make sense when you’re stuck in the middle of them, and it takes some “wait and see” to tell how things pan out in the end. (2012:33) Wait and see what else might come up, and don’t get so impatient, like Saul, when he went ahead to celebrate the victory without waiting for the prophet, and lost the kingdom as a consequence. Be slower to take matters into your own hands and quicker to trust Me! (2012:59) You can’t always move full steam ahead. You’ve got to lay low for a while and wait for the right time. (2012:131) It takes time to familiarize with the spirit of a place and adjust to it. It takes patience and love. Don’t give up prematurely! Don’t break up the search, and don’t give up hope.

“Let it grow” means, give it some time and patience. For some things (especially when it comes to results and reactions, especially such as spiritual fruit) you’ve just got to wait. (2013:14) Only few are diligent and patient enough to attend life’s school to listen, and really learn something from it. The difference with the short-sighted is that they cannot wait. They want to see immediately, and so they go by what they can see… the opposite of faith. (2013:19) You need patience to develop love for truth at some point. (13:34) Faith is all about not putting money on top of the here and now, but something better, even if that means it’s still to come, and you’re just going to have to come up with some patience and wait for it. (13:93) Sometimes life’s a matter of waiting and trusting. Like farmers: They wait, knowing that their seeds are eventually going to sprout, grow and bring forth more fruit. That’s precisely what you’ve got to learn: not to judge and assess solely by what you see right now, but to wait and see! Some of the best things in life simply take time. (13:95) When you’re a mature adult and you’ve learned an infinity of things that your little kid still has to learn, or some of which anyone else (as in “thy neighbor”) hasn’t learned yet, it’s a test of patience, and of how strong your love is. How great is your capacity to love? - Great enough to put up with this? (13:105) Remember that everything’s gonna be alright, no matter how far from alright they may presently be. Sure, you’d prefer to have everything alright right now, just like a small child who doesn’t yet grasp the concept of having to wait for something. But in this case, “Wait for it!” may be generally applicable. (13:106) You need a little bit of patience. Things can’t all happen that suddenly. You need a little more trust. (14:32) Sometimes you need a bit of patience for healing! Sometimes you need to take some time to let your faith in Me grow again! (14:51) Being self-righteous and impatient with folks is something you find out best through the trouble you cause with them through those weaknesses… (15:114) I’ve always opened some doors for you… even if it was at the last minute to test your faith and patience. So, keep that faith and patience! (16:64) Remember that patience and waiting on Me is one of the big lessons in life and work-ons! If things don’t work out the way you’d want them to, well, just have to wait for them to happen tomorrow or another day! Patience takes faith. So, impatience shows a lack of it, and that you’ve got to make it grow. Remember how Saul’s failure to wait for Samuel was the big mistake of his life, and unfortunately, many folks are plagued by that vile enemy signature of impatience! It takes time and requires patience to make it through life according to My will and the Father’s. It just takes time to learn certain lessons that life has to teach you. (16:97) Some learn lessons quicker than others. And if you don’t, it might show you an advantage of patience, when you realize that those teaching you are in desperate need of it. (16:102)

(Verses on waiting on the Lord:) Let none that wait on Thee be ashamed. (Ps.25:3) Thou art the God of my salvation; on Thee do I wait all the day. (Ps.25:5) Let integrity and uprightness preserve me, for I wait on Thee. (Ps.25:21) Wait on the LORD: be of good courage, and He shall strengthen thine heart: wait, I say, on the LORD. (Ps.27:14) Rest in the LORD, and wait patiently for Him. (Ps.37:7) For evildoers shall be cut off: but those that wait upon the LORD, they shall inherit the Earth. (Ps.37:9) Wait on the Lord, and keep His way, and He shall exalt thee to inherit the land. (Ps.37:34) I will wait on Thy name, for it is good before Thy saints. (Ps.52:9) Because of His strength will I wait upon Thee, for God is my defence. (Ps.59:9) My soul, wait thou only upon God, for my expectation is from Him. (Ps.62:5) Mine eyes fail while I wait for my God. (Ps.69:3) Let not them that wait on Thee , O Lord God of hosts, be ashamed. (Ps.69:6) Our eyes wait upon the Lord our God, until that He have mercy upon us. (Ps.123:2) I wait for the Lord, my soul doth wait, and in His Word do I hope. (Ps.130:5) The eyes of all wait upon Thee. (Ps.145:5) Wait on the Lord and He shall save thee. (Prov.20:22) Blessed are all they that wait for Him. (Isa.30:18)

They that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; they shall walk, and not faint. (Isa.40:31) They shall not be ashamed that wait for Me. (Isa.49:23) We will wait upon Thee, for Thou hast made all these things. (Jer.14:22) The LORD is good unto them that wait for him, to the soul that seeketh him. (Lam.3:25) Quietly wait for the salvation of the LORD. (Lam.3:26) I will wait for the God of my salvation; my God will hear me. (Mic.7:7) Therefore wait ye upon Me, saith the Lord. (Zeph.3:8) Wait for the Promise of the Father! (Acts 1:4)

Peace Under the Shadow of My wings you shall find peace as you’ve never known. (I:1) You’ll experience My peace in the center and the eye of the storm. You, unafraid, as one who has got nothing to lose, can rest tranquilly and peacefully in My palm. (I:94) There is such peace in humility. So, forsake the laughter and the boasts of the proud! (I:96) It’s the yielding to Me, and accepting the perfect peace that whatsoever state I have put you in, I have put you in it therewith to be content, that brings happiness. (I:107) I want to give you the ability to find peace in the midst of the storm. I will prepare a table before you in the presence of your enemies and you will lay down in peace, the troubles will not come nigh you. I want you to be that bird singing his songs on the overhanging branch above the raging cataract, the symbol of peace in the midst of the storm. (I:145) The enemy has come in like a flood and My Spirit will lift up a standard against him, but My Spirit needs you as a vessel and a tool, an instrument of peace to bring back to their hearts what they lost. (I:152) If you connect with Me, I wil give you the grace and the peace that will make you smile! (I:189) Live peaceably with all men, as much as it lies in you. (I:216) Be at peace, everything is alright, even though you feel like at rock bottom. There’s no better place to start, because there’s no other way to go but up. (I:242) Move within the realm of My Spirit, My calm, My heavenly sphere of protection... peace that passeth the understanding of your mind. (I:254) I will keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on Me, because he trusteth in Me. (I:308) Even correction from Me, although hard to take, brings forth the golden, peaceable ”fruit of righteousness unto them which are exercised thereby” (Heb.12:11). (I:353) I’ll take you places where you’ll really find comfort, great peace and satisfaction... There lies great peace and fulfillment in that humility and yieldedness of admitting right from the start, ”Lord, I’m blind, open my eyes so that I can see!... Lead me, I don't know where to go...” (I:374) Once you have delved into My Spiritual World of trust and where Eternity reigns and everything that lives and breathes knows beyond a shadow of a doubt that I'm in perfect control of everything, then you can convey that same peace to others as well. Calamities may be all around, but you won't be heard to fret… because you have been with Me. It's My peace that makes you beautiful. It's important for you to get ahold of that peace first thing everyday. The peace of knowing that I'm in control of your circumstances, because you have committed them into My care. The peace of knowing that everything's going to be alright, because you just had a chat with the Creator of everything and He told you so and He confirmed to you that He still loves you and will take care of you. (I:412) My Peace is quite different from the world's idea of peace. My Peace comes from accepting the often hard to take truth that I give them, letting it enter and change their hearts and lives and change the things that need to be changed in order to really find inner peace. It's the Peace of knowing that even though the whole world is at war with Me, and thus the whole world will be at war with you, if you're on My side, you're still going to be better off, because the Peace that I give is better than the false peace that comes from compromise and saying "uncle" to the devil. (I:438) I am the Prince of Peace. A choice for Me and My ways is a choice for peace. "Blessed are the peacemakers." I am sending you into their midst as a bringer of peace, a herald of My era of peace. The antichrist has his own heralds, and although he portrays his era as an era of peace, too, "he shall by peace destroy many", because his is not real or true peace, and the peace the devil gives is only short-lived. But you can be a herald and messenger of the Prince of true, genuine, everlasting peace and freedom. (I:459) In Me you shall find peace and safety. (I:519) My thoughts toward you are thoughts of peace, even though in the world you may have no peace, but I give you My peace. Sometimes, the only reason why you don't have any peace is because you're still focusing on the world too much, and you're not

holding still long enough to be filled with My peace. If your mind isn't stayed on Me long enough, I can't keep you in perfect peace, because you don't trust enough in Me (Isa.26:3). (I:558) Isa.26:3 - You can have the perfect peace of knowing that I'm with you every step of the way, in all you do, if you keep your mind stayed and fixed on Me. (II:286) To be a bulwark of spiritual Strength, you'll have to tank up My peace. To get a hold of My peace and Strength, you've got to fight for it! (II:296) The greatest peace one can bring to people is My peace, peace with Me, by bringing them to Me. In order to find true and lasting peace, they need to find and accept Me, the Prince of Peace. (II:415) Sometimes enmity and a clear division has to be brought about in order to bring My servants and brides to the point where they stop fraternizing with fractions of the enemy, only in order to maintain some kind of peace. Remember that I have not come to bring peace, but a sword (Mt.10:34-36)! (II:587) How do you become an instrument of My Peace? By uttering My praises. By showing forth your thankfulness and a grateful attitude, and thus becoming a living showcase of My grace everywhere you go. By never allowing yourself to be overwhelmed by adverse circumstances but insisting to trust that I am in control of them all, refusing to give in to doubt, despair and murmuring! You want to become an instrument of My Peace? Well, become one! I command you this day: Be an instrument of My Peace! (III:31) You know from My Word that eventually they'll start hounding and persecuting you, so you can't live as if your life and destiny was meant to be one of perpetual peace with the System. (III:136) You can have My Peace, which I promised to leave with you, just as you can avail yourself of all My other Promises. It’s just that sometimes you’ve got to fight for those things: your faith to make things happen, and even for that peace you long for. (2011:131) To be able to have peace in the midst of the storm and the middle of the hubbub and chaos all around you sounds like a useful and attractive gift worth striving to obtain, doesn’t it? Anytime, anyplace, anyhow, you can tune in to heavenly music right now. Anytime, anyplace, anyway, you can find peace and freedom and all that you’re needing today. If you learn to tune in to Me anywhere, no matter what the surroundings, circumstances or conditions are, you’ll see how the worries will just disappear, and that peace of knowing that I’m in control, will take care of you and provide for you, takes their place again. You can know and have the assurance that I’ll take care of you, along with the peace that accompanies it, if you make that effort to tune in to Me and My Spirit. (2013:8) Recognizing and accepting the truth gives you greater peace within. (2015:160)

People & Personality Types (Character) I’m making you over spiritually and as a person, your character. (I:84) There are different types of human personalities, like there are different types of angels and spirit beings, different types of animals or astral bodies: stars, planets, moons, comets, asteroids, etc. They all fulfill different purposes to maintain the balance of the universe. Some people resent being labeled or categorized in any way, or even the fact that people might know something about them which they wouldn’t want them to know, but there is nothing hidden that shall not be revealed, so you might as well get used to the fact that you’re an open book. There’s a lot about you that others could tell you about you, not to mention what I could tell you about yourself... It all depends on how much truth about yourself you are willing and able to take. (I:228) I have made women different; the soft, warm, emotional counterpart to the hard, cool, rational way of the masculine character. (I:301)

You cannot be afraid of what people think. (II:309) Because there are so few living samples of people who really have the ability to fully tune in to their fellow humans, everybody assumes that that's the way it's supposed to be, the normal state of affairs. To "know" somebody is merely limited to knowing their exterior, their outer manifestations of what's inside, but hardly ever the Real Thing that dwells inside that body. So few people really touch each other's souls these days. (III:45) You've got to look deeply, especially when it comes to people, and you cannot judge by exterior things, just as you wouldn't want them to judge you for your exterior. It's the spirit that counts, and that you can only see once you look beyond the exterior, and you've got to make that effort! (III:62) Most folks don't even want to bother to find out how to get along with different people. They'd rather just get into their own little work, their jobs or their hobbies. But I've made it so that sooner or later, everybody is going to be confronted with different people, the differences in people, and thus they're forced to at least be confronted with the different view of things, even if they may not accept it. It is so in order to show people that there is such a thing as a different view and perspective, and I'm already hinting through that, that they're all going to get a surprise in the end to find out how I have seen things all along: the totally different view. (III:81) Every person is like a country to explore. You may love it or hate it; consider it foreign or your own, but there is always something to explore. The saddest thing to do is take it for granted. That's what a lot of people do: they never explore their own countries, they're just interested in far-away lands, and equally, they're not very interested in the people they're familiar with. Oh, they may be very patriotic and act as if they don't love any other country as much as theirs, but - how much do they really know their country - or their loved one? How much time have they really invested in getting to know all there is to know and to find out about them? (III:124) What I'll be mostly using in your life to really rub in life's lessons and drive home the point, is people. More so than prophecies, more so than wisdom or knowledge and all the other which is "in part (1.Cor.13:9, 10)." (III:202) The whole world is deteriorating, and few people are contributing efforts to slow down or try to halt that process. – Mostly because they don’t care, or they’re too lazy. They’re mostly concerned about their own immediate welfare in the right here and now; it’s all about feeling good right now, and, of course, hard work isn’t necessarily a “feel good” option for everyone. That’s why it’s important to have different personality types, and folks who don’t mind rolling up their sleeves and who are more responsible toward the future of this planet, even if they may have other weakness, such as their own flaws may elude them, or they may be a bit too willing to obey the powers that be… Everybody’s got their role to play, their part to perform, and the different personality types are dependent on each other, just as different species in nature are… The problem sometimes is that some are less tolerant of the others, or they’re trying to conform the different types to themselves, sometimes by force, and that’s how friction arises… Some are more aggressive about defending or even expanding their territory, their influence or power, and not everyone has that laissez-fair and “live-and-let-live” attitude … There are those, for whom all of life is a competition, and for them there are only winners and losers, and they see their only chance of not winding up in the shameful position of a loser to make sure the others will. As a non-confrontational type it’s helpful to learn how to evade the blows that those more aggressive types would try to deal you, similar to the style of some defensive martial arts. (2012:166) Yes, the wicked by far outnumber the good, the righteous, or at least those for whom there’s hope; but that doesn’t mean the latter aren’t there at all. You’ve just got to keep looking. And when you find them, hold on to them. Feed them, minister to them, and don’t take them for granted, but cherish their friendship. It doesn’t mean they’re going to be perfect. But make an effort to put up with their flaws as you would want them to put up with yours. (2012:175)

It takes a bit of strength of character not to keep falling back into the grind and routine of taking the easy way out, the path of the least resistance, and just yielding to the flow of the distracting chaos preventing you from bringing some kind of order into your life. (2013:41) It’s somewhat better for your character to keep your trust in Me, instead of yourself, your own abilities, or the amount of money you’re getting from the state you live in. (2013:53) Less materialistic prosperity seems like a stronger setup for spiritual and character values. So, it certainly yields something to pay less credit to financial values, and more to personal and characteristic values instead. By not making your character dependent on the numbers of your income, you certainly become smarter as far as characteristic values are concerned. It makes a characteristic difference not to put one’s major emphasis on the size or amount of personal income. To make it all dependent on the amount of income just doesn’t work too much in favour of one’s personality, in general. (2015:89) Rough times are a bit better at working on your character and making you less spoiled. (2015:109) Part of the reasons for My allowing things around you to become harder for you is to make of your character and personality more what it’s supposed to be: with more humility and less pride, and through your dependence on Me become more filled with the Holy Spirit, instead of just letting folks see your own personality in the flesh… (2015:118) How you manage to deal with troubled times is one of the factors that show your character. (2016:51)

Perfection(-ism) In this world and in this life, there will hardly ever be a completely perfect day or hour or even a completely perfect minute, for you’re constantly surrounded by the results of the curse. Look forward, therefore, to the time of My coming, ‘when that which is perfect shall come’, and you will know then, even as you are known by Me, and all will be well. (I:9) In My eyes you already are perfect. (I:30) Everything is dead without the Spirit. All the perfection one can try to attain in the flesh, is dead and nothing, without the true life of My Spirit. (I:117) When you will come face to face with the final, complete picture of your life, every seemingly meaningless stroke will have a perfect purpose. Even those dark shades, the sorrowful times and dark battles and, yes, even your sins, will serve for the contrast needed to make that picture perfect. (I:125) I chose to make you and everything in this world imperfect, so that when you will meet the perfect, it will be all you ever longed for. You, the imperfect, are the hole, the vacuum, that I, the Perfect must fill, and the more you realize just how imperfect you really are, the more you realize how much you really need Me, and the more perfect our union will be. I am the factor in the equation that will transform you from the imperfect state to the perfect, I am the good in you and about you. (I:165) The imperfect things in life require more faith of humans to believe, as they figure, how could a perfect God have created something so ‘vile’, so dirty, so low and humiliating? ‘I mean, going to the toilet, changing diapers... you can’t tell me that a perfect God would have planned it all to be thus...’ Oh, yes, but He did. And for a reason and purpose, as one fine day they’ll all see. Without a comparison to the imperfect, that which is perfect would never be as fully appreciated... Through pain, blood and agony I was able to bring Heaven, the perfect Place where every moment is perfect, to every soul who will receive that sacrifice as a personal gift of love from their Creator as remission for their sins. It’s My perfect will for you to be right where you are right now, as unbelievable and unorthodox and uncomfortable as it all may seem, so that you might learn the faith and the patience and the trust, that even when all things don’t look as perfect as they should, I am in charge. There might be a lot of reasons behind those imperfections in life, My perfect imperfections! (I:183) None of you will ever develop their full potential on Earth, you will always be imperfect, as long as you live in the flesh, but you will be awed by what each of you shall be: perfect like Me, nothing wanting. So, love each other, knowing that the imperfection you see will soon be exchanged for a perfect, whole soul...! Love each other with a glimpse of that perfect love, which casts out all fear and all other imperfections, sins and blemishes! Love is what makes you perfect! (I:366) I have made you thus in order to change you, transform you. I sow in imperfection to raise from it a crop and harvest of perfection. The seeds of perfection already lie in you dormant, sometimes to be seen in glimpses, when you're inspired, but you have to go through a certain grind in life, a certain amount of pain and suffering, in order to really be made clean, pure and white and all that I wish for you to be in eternity. Every little affliction will bring about greater appreciation, greater ecstasy and sheer bliss and thankfulness for the perfection of My eternal Realm and all you will encounter there. (I:404) My followers are not perfect, but a peculiar people, lest any flesh should boast. I require not sinless perfection, but how much love you give, how faithful you are to Me in giving out the truth. (I:407) The imperfections are part of the plan to help you one day really appreciate My perfection. Heaven is going to be your reward for having been faithful with the little, imperfect things of Earth: The more imperfect your conditions on Earth, the greater will your joy be in Heaven. You're having to go through life with all your little achings so that when you will come to Me, you will find perfect joy in the contrast. You will find I am so much better than anything else you've ever tasted in this world. That's why the devil is trying to come up with more and more perfect counterfeits and substitutes and distractions all the time: more and more perfect entertainment, shows, computer games, movies, System music and sounds, all available by remote control, so you don't even have to move or do anything to get instant satisfaction; more and more perfect tasting food with artificial flavors, made to even "top" My natural flavors I have put in foods naturally, more and more perfect drugs and narcotics... He's trying to literally spoil people stupid so they won't ever want to get off of their fannies to do anything else but indulge in his "perfections". After all, who needs anything else, if you can have all these "perfect" pleasures and entertainments? Who wants to deal with real people, when the faces and bodies on TV are so much more "perfect"? (I:411) What is there to correct or improve in an already perfect situation? What challenge is there in an already perfect situation? I'm teaching you to love the imperfect more unconditionally, and I'm teaching you to love the Perfect, namely Me, more through this all by simply driving you into My arms over and over again, desperately and helplessly looking for a solution, and finding Here strength and encouragement and wisdom to go on. (I:414)

Life on Earth in this age, while the devil still has dominion over it, is never going to be perfect, otherwise, there would be no need for Me to come and save mankind. In fact, it's far from perfect, so, focus on Me, the perfect One, and the bringer of perfection and Salvation, the Deliverer from pain and suffering, the Prince of Peace to bring surcease from war and strife! (I:454) It's part of the devil's lies that just because people are so imperfect, so full of flaws, so dumb, so slow, so unable to see clearly, that I would not love them very much, when the exact opposite is true: I delight in the fact that people desperately need My help, and that I can love them, fill their needs and be there to help them. I have problems with people who think they're so great and perfect that they don't need any help. (I:490) Even your flaws are from My hand, and thus, are ultimately for your best; not to feel bad about them or get all negative about, but to see them as challenges to rise above, and - if nothing else - as tools to make you appreciate My Perfection more, the full extent of which you will get to experience when you come Home to Me. Follow Me along the dotted line of My little dog trail of the Holy Spirit to show and reveal to you the steps you can take toward My perfection, which might be something completely contrary to what you might think, or what the world or the enemy might consider perfect! (I:506) Life isn't going to be perfect - ever - in this present life, and I ordained it this way for you, so that you would - like Abraham - seek a better place, a City Whose Builder and Maker I am - your true Home. This world is not your home, so you might as well quit looking for the perfect place in it, and the perfect situation, where everything is going to be as you wish! The perfect World is coming, for you to enjoy for all eternity, so, why not prepare for it, by already starting to live in the joy and the love and the peace of it, as much as you can, and you can, if you're tuned in to Me? (I:553) Just like you're never going to find the perfect place in this life and this world, it's also very unlikely that you're ever going to find the perfect people to live, work or fellowship with. Nobody's perfect. (I:555) Your life is a piece and work of art in My hands, and if I would have wanted to just create the perfect you in an instant, I could have saved the long introduction of what happened in your life so far. That's not how I work. I don't create "perfect" humans factory-style! I take My time to shape each one personally by My own hand. I take infinite care in every little detail. You’ve got to trust Me that I can see the finished result of what you're going to be; I have a vision and inspiration of what the finished symphony of your life is going to sound like. I like to take the time to make it perfect. (II:82) The perfect things are going to come later. First I must test every man to see how faithful they are in the little things! Nobody's perfect! So, stop expecting perfection from people! I'm not expecting it, so who are you to be expecting it of them? Just accept this weak, imperfect and faulty human frame you're in right now! Those who complain and murmur and wait for "the perfect thing" to come around until they're going to start sharing, lose what they think they had and get less and less. (II:103) Even when you can't see wisdom and perfection fully yet, just say, "I take thee," even if you still see flaws and imperfections! I want you to put up with imperfection for Me, and be married to it, even as I put up and am married to yours. This is a token of the bond of true, everlasting, unconditional love. You don't expect someone to be perfect as a condition before you are able to love them. (II:105) An important ingredient: The ingredient that will let folks know beyond the shadow of a doubt that you love them so much that you'd be willing to lay down your life for them - as imperfect as they are, for how can they believe that you'd lay down your life for them if you're not even willing to sacrifice a few hours or even days to deal with a problem someone has, in a gentle, loving and patient way? (II:108) I use whoever I can who is simply willing to do the job, even if they're far from perfect. The ones I have chosen to do the most difficult job in the world aren't those who think of themselves as perfect. (II:136) You long for the total and perfect beauty of My Kingdom. But first you must learn to see beauty in the imperfect things. (II:137) It doesn't matter if you don't have the perfect sample, home or marriage, you've got a perfect God, and that's all you really need to advertise. Just ignore all your imperfections and lacks in your sample and keep forging ahead in spite of all that! (II:158) There will come a time when everything will be perfect, and in order to ensure that it will stay perfect and nobody will ever want to rebel against Me again, I'm having to teach the universe a lesson they won't too quickly forget. Can you see it now? The vanity and senselessness of the striving for carnal perfection and of lack of trust in Me? (II:166) Learn patience for the less than perfect, and love for the unlovely!

Everybody can love perfect people! There's nothing special about that. But it takes something to learn to love the imperfect and faulty and to put up with their flaws, look past and beyond them and yet come up with a compassion for them that will enable you to even lay down your life for them. (II:179) Forget about the things that aren't perfect in your life! The perfect is coming, don't worry! But you can enjoy your ride on your way there, even if it's not perfect yet! I want you to learn to appreciate and be thankful for even the less than perfect! Make it your priority to zoom in on Me, the Perfect Factor in your life, Who at the same time can make all the other aspects of your life as perfect as possible by pouring out My blessings on you in response to your seeking them in the first place! Make the best out of what you've got, instead of always seeing whatever is missing that keeps it from being perfect! Things won't ever be totally perfect in this life. They're meant to be imperfect, and for a good reason, as you'll fully understand in due time. (II:189) The more feverishly someone tries to be perfect in their own strength, the bigger the mess they're making out of things, whereas the greatest saints who ever lived learned to let Me do all things through them. (II:199) I haven't made any of you perfect, and part of life is simply ironing out the imperfections I purposely created you with - with My Help. (II:212) Even if you were perfect, as I was, yet they would find fault in you enough to kill you (Jn.3:19)! (II:215) Leave the ironing out of the flaws and imperfections up to Me! Maybe what you consider imperfect is just what I like about you; that weakness that keeps you extra humble or dependent on Me. (II:220) When this world looks less than perfect, when it seems that there's something missing, when there are problems that need a solution, or simply a situation that could use some improvement, you can turn to Me, the Source of all improvement, all that is better, the Answer-Man and Solution-Giver to every problem, the perfect enhancement of every not-so-perfect situation! People don't necessarily have to be totally broken before they will accept Me. Sometimes all that it takes is that they realize that this world isn't as perfect as they would like it to be, and, well, if they want the Perfect, send'em to Me! I'll give'em perfect! I'll show them what perfect really is, the way things were really meant to be, if man hadn't chosen to veer off the perfect path of obedience and harmony with Me! But every man, woman and child can return to that perfect path and find the perfection they inwardly seek, in Me. I'll complete what started as a crooked line and will make a perfect circle out of it. Just because things look far from perfect doesn't mean they'll always stay that way. Just tell'em, "Well, the picture is not yet finished." And tell'em to either wait and see, or to come to Me for a glimpse through My eyes, and I'll give them the vision of what it's going to become and what it's going to look like when it's done! There are absolutes! I know, because I'm One of them. - In fact, the epitome of all of them. And the tale that there aren't any absolutes is just one of those poisonous lies of the devil. Just because he put his own curse-resulting filter of "less-than-perfect" over My creation, in order to hide the perfect from man's view, doesn't mean there is no perfect! Since man didn't want to whole-heartedly embrace the perfect, but rather chose the option of doing their own thing and be their own "perfect enough," I allowed life to be imperfect, with Me, and the perfection of the Spirit World being invisible, in other words, with man groping around through life blind to all that's perfect. They're starting to see the mathematical impossibilities of all the perfection in creation to have occurred by itself. But it still doesn't cause many of them to stop and pause long enough to find out what I've got to say. It is hard to spark someone's interest in the invisible, no matter how perfect it may be. But it's not any sadistic experiment or show-off scheme of Mine, to show off how great and wonderful I am, but truly the perfect plan for everyone's eternal happiness. You will find out how wonderfully perfect everything truly is, as hard as it may be to believe this right now. (II:245) You're not supposed to find total perfection and sinlessness in an instant! Not until the School of Life is over. (II:251) Those who aren't satisfied with anything less than the perfect never even get a fraction of the good accomplished that those do who simply have the guts and determination to share what they've got, even if they may not have all the details 100% straight! My true prophets didn't wait until everything was perfect; they didn't filter out all the strange little truths before they poured out the water. They knew the world was dying of thirst, and time was short, so they poured it out, and the world drank it up, and they fulfilled their destiny, although they didn't fail to make a lot of enemies that way, just like I didn't. Those who wait until everything is just perfect will never do their part to change the world. (II:255) Perfection is flesh. Inspiration, the Spirit, that's what counts! (II:281) Don't worry about not being "Mr. Perfect!" Nobody is, and you're just doing fine by letting go and letting Me! (II:296) You don't have to wait until you're perfect before you can give a little love. Love is seeing beyond the imperfection and seeing Me, the Perfect in it. What every man or woman or child manages to be, let it be! Don't expect perfection from them! In this world, there is nothing perfect.

Seek My mind, and My ways of seeing things: the beauty in the imperfect, in the humble and childlike, and escape the thinking of the carnal mind, which will only criticize, belittle and complain about all the innumerable little imperfections you see in creation! (II:310)

Since nothing and no one is perfect in this world, this will be another factor to help you appreciate My perfect World, when you get Here, a World void of the evil and lack of love you see and experience around you. Everybody has been affected by the curse, and the only thing you can really expect from folks on Earth is imperfection, knowing that they will one day be perfect, but that probably won't happen during their life-time on Earth. (II:314) You can't wait until everything is perfect! I can use you, imperfect as you are. (II:390) Nobody's perfect, but it's important to be honest - "true to thine own self" as the saying goes, and real. (II:413) I've purposely made My people a peculiar, strange and imperfect people, in order to separate and weed out those who thought they were good enough in themselves. Having made My people less than perfect also helps to remind everyone that it's got to be Me, and that there's no way that any of which got accomplished was done by the efforts of the flesh, which gives the glory to Me. (II:437) Life in the perfect environment, the Garden of Eden, wasn't exciting enough in the long run to keep Adam and Eve from the temptation of disobedience. As long as everything was so easy and perfect, they didn't realize how badly they needed Me. (II:440) If you take Me with you wherever you go and in whatever you do, you'll be ready and prepared for whatever bad news or circumstances less than perfect you may encounter. (II:442) That’s one of the devil's pre-eminent tactics of this day and age: by raising the standard of what people are supposed to be like to a totally unrealistic level via the media, he manages to make a lot of people totally dissatisfied with themselves. They just loathe their own imperfection. (II:444) The trick is to accept folks right now and the way they are with a love that looks way past all their present imperfections, and sees them as perfect, because the Perfect One created them the way they are for a perfect reason. If you're willing to fully absorb reality the way I made it for you, even if you don't think it's perfect, but trust that if I made these circumstances for you, then they must serve a perfect purpose, then you can also have more hope for a better future. You may not think things are perfect right now, but because of your faith in Me, you can hope that they're working together for good toward a better future! (II:466) I'm keeping the pride/humility factor in mind when I'm giving you something, which is why I hardly ever give you anything that's already perfect in itself. It's just not possible for a human being to stay humble if everything they accomplish always turns out perfect. (II:473) Through the very wrongness of the world, I bring about its utter perfection. That's the mystery of the cross - "agreeing not to demand perfection of God's creatures," but dealing with and accepting their imperfections, even as I am dealing with yours and accept and love you unconditionally - the way you are. (II:481) No one can ever be perfect enough for people with perfectionist tendencies and expectations. (II:484) That's why Heaven's so perfect, and everyone in Heaven is practically perfect: it's the Love that makes them perfect. As undeserving as anyone might be, they're being loved totally and unconditionally, and that just deletes and erases anything you would call imperfect. (II:499) Maturity is not expecting others to be flawless and perfect, but accepting and loving them anyway. (II:511) I know you're imperfect, but that doesn't stop Me from offering you some of My Perfection. (II:532) I've given you the gift of eternal life, in the scope of which you're already perfect. (II:537) My Word promises that you all shall be like Me (1John 3:2), perfect. Perfectly yielded to Me and perfect in harmony with everyone and everything around. (II:539) It may all seem so far from perfect to you, but you just need to have a little faith and patience: trust and see what I am going to bring about through this momentary suffering and imperfection! (II:548) Why wait for everyone to be perfect before you're going to love them? (II:580) My Spirit will help you see even the ugly and imperfect things from a heavenly and divine perspective, which will enable you to love even that which is far from perfect, because through My eyes you get a glimpse of what they're going to become. (II:587)

People expect Christians to be perfect, but nobody is. I didn't come to call the perfect to repentance, but the sinners. The healthy ones don't need a doctor, but the sick do. (II:617) This life will always be imperfect, because I want you to continue to seek the truly Perfect. (II:636) There is always only a very small minority of those who really get the point, who really let Me talk to them. The majority will always follow their own impulses. They can't figure out how a real and right and just God could use such a crazy outfit and such unconventional methods. Their desire for perfection doesn't jibe with My means of using the imperfect. Can you cope with your imperfections? I can. It's certainly more pleasant than the pseudo perfection of the self-righteous, the elite, the devil's people! I don't care too much for human perfection. It's pretty puny to Me. In fact, it's that human appearance of perfection and righteousness, that to Me, is like filthy, menstruous rags, because I know there is no such thing. (III:16) I chose My Endtime Bride to be anything but perfect to keep all the hypocrites away who are only in it for their part of the reward. I never said My people were a perfect people, but a peculiar one. (III:24) You can't expect people to be perfect, nor anywhere near perfect, nor should you hinge your love on them living up to your expectations. (III:26) The physical kingdom is only a poor, imperfect shadow of what is to come, My true and everlasting Kingdom. When everything is perfect, folks become spoiled! The only thing that keeps folks desperate, dependent on Me and praying as they ought, is when things are going less than perfect for them, when there are adverse circumstances. It is My will that My followers aren't perfect, just as it has been My will that My church never was, and My people never were. The church is merely a place where you can find Me, a group of people through whom others can find Me, and sometimes by means of the very fact that My own people are so far from perfect. There's nowhere else to find the Perfect but in Me, and I'm using the imperfect to have those who seek the perfect point to Me. (III:41)

It's pride that expects people to be perfect. (III:42) People often demand from each other a degree of perfection that they lack themselves. It's a form of idolatry, because it's trying to make a god out of something that is no god, namely another human being. Instead of turning to Me as the Source of Hope, Strength, Love and inspiration, they turn to a futile, empty vessel like themselves, fragile and imperfect, projecting into them hopes that only I can fulfill. And thus they create another scapegoat. Someone they can blame for their emptiness, their disappointment, their unhappiness. (III:65)

Keep that hunger, that yearning for that which is to come, that which is perfect! Strive now for that which is perfect, that you may learn of Me and of My ways, and that you may become - as much as is given you - perfect in this world, as you already are in My eyes. There is nothing imperfect about you in My eyes. In My eyes, it is all perfect. In many ways, it's not so much that I - the Perfect - come to you, but you finally come to Me and arrive at the point where you are totally ready for Me, ready to see with My eyes, ready to feel with My heart, ready to become like Me (1John 3:2). (III:87)

Life wasn't meant to be perfect. The folks who sit around and wait for everything to be perfect are programmed for disappointment. The art is making something nice and enjoyable out of whatever imperfect material you've got to work with: a diamond in the rough, a block of wood to make a beautiful carving out of... a crooked little house to turn into a cozy home... an imperfect manuscript... imperfect children... (III:104) If you're looking for perfection, then you need to look to Me, to the Spirit World. Receiving your regular fill of the perfection you find in the Spirit helps you to cope with the imperfections in those around you in the physical world - including your own. The view you receive from Us reminds and comforts you that even though your situation isn't perfect, everything's going to be alright. (III:116) They may try to blame Me for not having made man more perfect, but as highly as man thinks of himself already, just imagine how much more highly he would think of himself if I had made him more perfect and equipped him with less flaws. Just as you can trust Me for having supplied just the perfect blend of ingredients and proportions in the rest of creation, you can trust Me that I knew what I was doing in making man just the way he is. Even the degree to which all things – including man – are deteriorating is carefully planned, and the story that had a perfect beginning, in which all things were found as “good”, will also have a perfect ending. (IV:87) It’s hard to be perfect, especially according to one single person’s concept of perfect, which is always bound to be tainted by some of their own ideas which may or may not be true… (2011:51) I’m not requiring of anyone to be perfect before I’m going to use them… Whatever you give to Me in order for Me to use it to further My Cause, spread My message or help My Kingdom on earth to be established in whichever way, I will use, even if it’s less than perfect.

See, often the reason that people do want to help Me and give to My Cause is that they are realizing that they are less than perfect… So they want to make up for it. And I let them. (2011:61) Every now and then you get a little whiff of My Perfection, and it makes all the apparent chaos look insignificant by comparison. (2011:62)

Life wasn't meant to be perfect, even if that's what you would wish for: a perfect life. But this is one of the mysteries of humanity, that perfection is only acquired via the path of imperfection. You can't get there except by this uncomfortable, painful road of suffering and putting up with the mundane things of life to help you appreciate the Perfect once it's there... So, if you can't see anything else that's good about your life, about your day and the things around you, you can at least use it to get your focus on the perfect that's to come. Hard for you to believe that a God Who created such an imperfect world should actually be capable of perfection? Well, just wait and see. (2011:66) It’s easy to criticize and blame everyone else for not being perfect. How about you? And what are you planning to do about your own, quite far from perfect state? (2011:67) You may currently have the attitude that you don’t want to preach anything that you are not able to live yourself, but if you wait until you’re perfect, you’re never going to spread My message to anyone in this life. I have chosen imperfect vessels to pass on the message of My Perfection, and it requires faith on both sides: that of the giver of the message as well as those on the receiving end. You have seen and experienced and lately discovered even more imperfections in the sources that brought My message to you, but the fact remains that the end result of hooking you up with Me, the Source of all that’s perfect is the most determining factor. You may not be perfect, but that shouldn’t stop you from offering the Perfect One and the perfect solution to their problems, regardless of whether they’re aware of them or not. (2011:91) It’s part of human nature to want to see their heroes as perfect, without blemishes, without failures, but that’s simply not realistic. (2011:104)

Who needs a Savior when you’re already perfect – in your own eyes? (2011:118) My idea of perfection differs largely from the human view. (2011:131) There has to be a price to pay for the reward, something to put up with, a cross or burden to bear for the outcome to be as perfect as I designed it to be. (2012:9) Everyone always thinks that if they lived in a perfect environment with perfect partners, that perfection would rub off on them, and they’ll improve their character, too, but that’s not quite how it works. Character isn’t built under perfect circumstances, but rather under adverse ones. While the perfection of Heaven is a free gift, it’s a slightly different story when you strive for any degree of perfection – as futile as that may be – in the world: a lot depends on you there, and you’ll only reap the same quality of fruit as that of the seeds you’ve sown. (2012:53) You need breaks and rests from all activities, and the trees on earth don’t bloom endlessly, unlike the ones in Heaven. That’s basically, what imperfect means: not complete. There are holes and gaps and flaws here and there, and as you know, it isn’t destined to last. There were times when I “snapped” and became impatient and said things that you maybe wouldn’t have expected from the “perfect” Son of God, which is another reason why the perfectionist religionists rejected Me: I wasn’t perfect enough for them. In fact, I never claimed to be. As long as you’re trapped in that imperfect frame you currently call life, you cannot expect things to be perfect. Being “perfect” is currently something that’s only by faith, just as salvation from your sins is. So, don’t worry about feeling imperfect and like a little worm sometimes. Soon you’ll be a butterfly. You’ll see things from different angles then and be capable of things you could only dream of now. But you’ll also fully appreciate them then, because you’ll have been through this imperfect stage. (2012:60) That’s simply what I’m good at: creating the perfect out of the apparent hopeless mess and chaos, so that the universe will know it was indeed My doing, and not its own. The chaos, as hopeless as it may seem, in My hands will turn out to be a work of beauty and perfection. (2012:65) You’ve had to wade through thousands of songs and sounds in order to find out what kind of music you like and compile your collection of your favorite music of all time. There couldn’t just have been perfect songs all the time… Even so, there can’t only be perfect moments or days. (2012:74) People have been trying to rig up perfection and Utopia, but they’ll never quite manage. They simply don’t have the right foundation to build on, which is why the old one first needs to be destroyed. (2012:80)

So what you’ve got isn’t perfect, but at least it’s real, even if you’ve come to question its realness. Let’s just say it’s as real as anything I bring across your path, as opposed to the fantasies the Enemy brings along, which may seem endlessly more enticing, but nonetheless, simply not real. (2012:94) You shouldn’t expect others to be perfect any more than you’d hope for them to expect perfection from you. (2012:123) When the devil tempts you to feel discontent with your situation, just take this as the portion of your cup that I’ve handed to you, in the full confidence that it is good. It is My gift to you, so please, don’t despise it, even if you consider it far from perfect. Perhaps it’s precisely as far from perfect as you are, and thus, exactly what you need… (2012:133) You don’t live in an environment as perfect as the first humans did because humanity has strayed too far from perfect. (2012:174) In nowadays’ Christianity they like to hide and cover up the sins of their saints and heroes, instead of – like the Bible did – point them out as lessons for everyone to learn from. It creates the illusion that heroes and saints have got to be perfect, and so those who want to attain to such a status believe that they’ve got to be perfect, too, and since that can’t realistically be done, they try to get there by cheating, denial and deception. (2012:177) You’re totally sunk without Me, and that, to Me, makes the perfect situation for you! (2013:36) I see you as perfect before Me, even if in this present life you’re still having to go through some lessons, corrections and experience that are less than pleasant to go through at the moment. (2013:38) For someone who would like life to be perfect, it’s hard to cope with all those things going wrong, especially when caused by one’s own hand or neglect. (2013:46) You won’t ever be perfect in this life, and at the current rate, things are already deteriorating. The only thing that gets better is your relationship with Me, if you cherish it enough and won’t neglect it, and the wisdom you glean from your experiences, if you take heed to life’s lessons. (2013:105) “Less than perfect” is pretty much an appropriate title for this entire chapter of history or period in which you live your earthly little lives, perhaps just to remind you how futile any effort would be to change that. The only hope and chance for perfect is for you to stick and cling to Me. I can at least integrate your imperfect little life into My perfect grand plan, and thus make it part of something perfect, so it doesn’t all seem so senseless and futile. If you know that there’s a perfect plan behind all the seeming chaos and obviously imperfect, then it gives a ring and spark to it that makes it easier for you to go through it. You want perfect? Why not Me? Not even diamonds or gold are perfect when they’re first found and mined and carved out of the earth. Things usually don’t come out perfect from scratch, but they’re made perfect. And that’s basically the theme of the whole plan: Deriving perfect from the imperfect, perhaps even the disastrous, chaotic, filthy, seemingly hopeless… (2013:106) Don’t knock those less than perfect experiences, because they just might be what you need in order for you to finally learn to avail yourself of the power and mechanism that can turn your whole life into a much more pleasant and a little bit closer to perfect experience per se. (2013:107) The Place that will make any place on earth as perfect as it can be is My Place, and your availing yourself of It and Its reality. (2013:127)

As long as you desire your earthly life to be perfect, or as close to it as possible, you’re obviously overestimating the status of this temporary world. (2014:25) Most people who think they are, aren’t really as perfect… There’s usually a lot more left to learn from mistakes being or having been made. (2014:33) Remember, this life isn’t the most perfect time or part of what I came to earth for, but to give believers eternal life. Maybe those dreadful parts of the current life are reminders that there’s something better coming along eventually… (2014:35) Sometimes it takes a little while to find out My perfect will for you, and even if you already know it, it might take a little while until you can get there and My perfect time for it is ready. (2014:41) Things could be going a lot rougher for you, even though they may not be going that perfectly to keep reminding you that the System isn’t exactly perfect… I’m sorry things went so hard and rough for you, but sometimes they do in this world, and it’s a reminder for you that it’s like that pretty much everywhere and all over: imperfect. (2014:85) The places that look the most perfect in this imperfect world are usually the greatest temptation to have people think and believe that the physical is the most perfect in the here and now, which to them means, the only one they’ll ever be interested in. “The

more money and luxury the better” is the rule that makes folks bow down to places like that, which offer the greatest material riches and thus, power… (2014:140) So, things and folks aren’t perfect… But is there anything in this world you’d consider perfect? If this current and present world isn’t perfect, doesn’t that make you hope that the words about the World to come are true indeed? (2014:188) One doesn’t have to be perfect for Me to choose to talk to him or her… You just have got to want it and have enough faith to believe that it is possible. (2015:9) As long as your earthly life is almost perfect, it’s no wonder you can’t spend much time thinking about Heaven. But once it loses its imitation of a look of perfection… So, no reason to feel too bad about it if your life doesn’t strike you as perfect! (2015:49) Don’t judge or criticize others for any imperfect behavior, for as far as perfect goes: neither are you! Remember that’s a humility that folks should cling to more: realizing that they’re all far from perfect! So don’t expect perfection of anyone, especially when it’s obvious you’re not perfect yourself. (2015:62) One of the things about life is finding out that down there it cannot be perfect, because the perfect Place to make living just like that is Up Here. There’s not much use in looking for just about perfect moments, much less hours or days down there, where there’s too much stuff happening that pretty much ought not to be. And to folks like you they’re happening to remind you that your true Home is somewhere else. (2015:68) It may be true that the behavior of others around you isn’t perfect, but then, neither is yours! And instead of letting that of the others bring you down, why not starting to work on improving your own? (2015:98) We don't just love perfect human beings! In fact, there aren't any perfect ones around, anyway. So, knowing We can love you should give you confidence that We'll be able to love just about anyone. (2015:99) Nobody’s all perfect and has only positive characteristics. (2015:109) You don’t have to be perfect or a sinless saint in order to receive something from Me. You’ve just got to have the faith that I love to communicate with My followers and disciples, even if they’re not perfect. So, don’t feel too bad about not having reached a level of perfection! You can be pretty sure that won’t happen until you get Here, where you won’t be subject to the weaknesses of the flesh anymore, which has generally been part of that curse that Adam and Eve had brought upon themselves, and thus, all of their descendents. So, don’t worry about not being perfect. You’ve made mistakes, and so, you’re not perfect. And knowing that should at least keep you humble, and not self-righteous. (2015:113)

Many folks don’t quite dig it yet, that love is more important than their own goodness, righteousness, or trying to get as close to perfection as they can, which, on the other hand, would encourage their self-righteousness to pop up again, which is definitely one of the worst habits that can be afflicting humans. You don’t really have to be perfect, you know? Just do what you can, believe and trust as much as you can, and I’ll do all I can to help you, as much as you’ll believe in it that I will! (2015:138) Let the negativity and sight of the far from perfect things that world has to offer, slide down a bit! Learn to accept what life has to offer you in a good way, not murmuring about whatever’s not perfect! However far from perfect, things could always be even worse. And you know from My Word, that the world will be, so, learn to cope with whatever’s out there to deal with! So, don’t see it as something negative when things aren’t perfect! The lack of perfection on Earth will make it clear to folks what is perfect when they get Here. So, don’t let the lack of it down there drag you down! Anything you think you’d learn from permanently perfect and easy times to help you make it through times of trouble and prepare you for it? Dealing with times that aren’t perfectly the way you’d expect them, well, that’s what not only tests your faith, but also strengthens it, the way it ought to be. You miss the parts of your life that were so close to perfect. But can you also deal with, handle and take by faith what’s a bit less than perfect and still trust Me that what I’m allowing in your life is always going to be the best you need and ought to learn how to handle? (2015:157) Life down there may not be perfect for you, and have a few painful lessons included, but at least you can be sure that for a saved person, that’ll be all the suffering there is! Through My crucifixion and resurrection, those who believe in Me are saved, even if they’re not behaving absolutely perfect yet. It’s not you who needs to be perfect! Just believe in the One Who is and can help you do better! People who think they’re perfect may attract others who think so of themselves, but it’s definitely not what We consider part of being perfect!

Be more merciful toward others you sometimes tend to expect being more perfect. But then, lacking perfection yourself is what makes you a bit humbler and less self-righteous. So, you’re not perfect? Maybe that includes other advantages… like being a bit more humble, less self-righteous and proud of yourself. If you’re not managing to be perfect during your lifetime on earth, maybe it’s not all that bad. Knowing you’re a sinner still should largely keep you humbler! So life may be tough, having to go through it with so much evil around and yourself not ever really managing to become perfect down there… But maybe it’ll help you to appreciate Those Who are, and thus, all the more willing to help folks like you, as soon as they realize they still need help! Your momentary condition may be far from perfect, but doesn’t it also lead you into a position in which you might be receiving a lot more valuable input from Up Here? Maybe that’ll turn out to be worth it all! (2015:161) Thinking you’re perfect would be an illusion! It’s the rough times that make one aware of that, not the easy and good times. As long as everything goes well, you might be inclined to think you’re about perfect, and better than others. But having to go through something like you have been, you’re more aware of your faults and mistakes, and the only way to correct them is to become aware of them! (2015:163) Just because you’re not always behaving perfectly (remember that there aren’t any perfect folks down there), doesn’t mean I won’t communicate with you. When your kids aren’t behaving perfectly, Remember, you aren’t, either, and yet, your heavenly Father has been putting up with you! Remember that nobody’s perfect! – They’re not, but you aren’t, either! (2015:165) Life just isn’t supposed to be all perfect. It’s not perfect… but who’s ever said, that’s what life on Earth’s supposed to be all about? In fact, life’s state, so far from perfect, is part of what’s supposed to arouse the desire for Heaven in some folks… the better Place, run by a better “Boss” and God than the pretender having taken over His creation down there… In any case, you shouldn’t start murmuring, even if it’s not perfect for you down there, and somehow strikes you as less perfect, or worse than ever… Maybe worse than ever before, but see it also as preparation for times getting worse than things are right now. Yes, tough somehow… but going through tough times is supposed to make you stronger. (2015:166) The fact that you can recognize that the world and its inhabitants aren’t perfect, but far from it, frees you from the urge of having to do all you can to please your society that surrounds you, and keeps on your mind at least the possibility that there might be something better and more worthwhile to live for, and make that the purpose of your life! Don’t feel too bad about your surrounding being far from perfect! Just remember: so are you! Perfection is a quality that expects you in the Hereafter, but don’t expect it from folks around you in the there and now (even if some might assume it of themselves that they are… you and I know different). (2015:209) If folks aren’t perfect, they can’t expect their world around them to be, either, can they? So, sometimes we’ve all just got to put up with things the way they are, and not expect too much perfection from them all. (2015:212) Don’t expect perfect situations down there, but get prepared for times of trouble! (2015:214) All you can look for down there isn’t perfect people, but receptive ones. (2015:226) When things aren't moving exactly the way you like, it means they might be a test for you and teach you how to handle imperfect situations. (2015:230) It’s part of life’s school to learn to stay on the positive side of things and remain with a good attitude, instead of whining about things not being perfect in that world run currently by our enemy. (2015:233) Remember that nobody’s perfect! – You not either! (2016:32) Fight to make it through the current conditions, so you’ll grow stronger to make it through the future ones! - Even if they’re not perfect, or the way you’d wish for them to be. So, life isn’t perfect down there… but did My Words ever promise that for life in its current state, under its current rulership by our enemy and his folks? (2016:35) Even if things don’t wind up working out perfectly, try to see the good in it! Get the point that the world you’re in is far from perfect, and not the kind of place where you should expect things to be thus! Have some more faith in the perfect Place expecting you! (2016:33) Your surroundings are a mess to show you that the world is a mess. Don’t expect any part of it to be perfect! For perfection you’ve got to wait until you get Here! If things aren’t running perfectly smoothly, let it be an illustration for you of how imperfect the state of the world around you is in, with more mess and trouble coming!

If things aren’t perfect, ask yourself what you can do to improve whatever you manage! (2016:40) Put up with the circumstances of having to let Us help you make it through life’s harder times, instead of complaining about it whenever they’re not perfect and a taste of Heaven! - Especially when your behavior is far from perfect, and you’re bound to reap some of what you sow! (2016:42) Don’t expect life down there to turn out perfect, but remember that the only Place that’s perfect is your future Abode with Us! (2016:43)

Don’t get so upset when things aren’t running and flowing in a perfect way! Remember: Perfect’s only Up Here, not down there! (2016:45)

Not being perfect yourself should also enable to you put up and cope with the imperfect traits of others, instead of judging them for’em. So, become a bit more open toward receptiveness of others in spite of lack of perfection, just as We are with you, and learn from Us that love goes beyond the expectation of perfection in others, but leans much more toward forgiveness for faults and failures instead! Accepting others the way they are – trusting and knowing that changes will come eventually, according to Our pace from Above – is one of the patterns of love, instead of expecting perfection, which nobody down there should be expected to show forth. So, include acceptance into that list of the qualities of love you need, and let it overcome the tendencies toward self-righteousness! (2016:50)

Don’t expect perfect times in a world soon to be taken over just about completely by the enemy’s reign! So, it’s not so much about finding a perfect place down there, but to find and gain the strength to make it through what’s coming! – The worst times the planet’s had to go through! Just don’t expect any perfect conditions in a world that will eventually – and not too far from now – be taken over by the physical reign of our enemy! (2016:53) If life down there would be perfect, would there be any need for Up Here? But realizing it’s far from it, you also become more aware of that need. Plus, there’s an abrupt end to it, which Up Here isn’t. (2016:58) Don’t allow the enemy to kick you down mentally! – Even if things aren’t perfect! Fight to make the best out of them you can with My help! (2016:61) Not ready for Heaven? – Well, think about what you need in order to get ready! It’s not Mine or the Father’s fault for not having made you perfect enough, but it still depends all on your daily choices, and what temptations you choose to give in to! (2016:66) If conditions aren’t perfect, let that be a reminder that there’s a better Home awaiting you! (2016:69) You know the reason why life down there isn’t perfect. So, stop expecting it to be! Make it through what comes, instead of going through frustration for having to pass less perfect times than expected or hoped for! (2016:76) We’re definitely not expecting you to be perfect in a world that’s getting farther away from perfection than ever before… maybe due to the enemy’s perception of “perfection.” We can help you to keep living for as long as necessary; not to become a sample of perfection, but just of one doing whatever he manages… for Us. (2016:83) Love loves the folks you’re supposed to love no matter how imperfect they are! (2016:88) Just remember to give love as much and to as many as you can, even if they’re far from perfect! It doesn’t depend on your words as much as on your own attitude and way of making it through this far from perfect life in a far from perfect world. (2016:89) To move to a place that doesn’t promise perfect conditions can be a path of preparing you for what’s to come… Changes are good for you… even if not perfect. (2016:91) Don’t be discouraged about circumstances and conditions not being perfect down there! - One reason to focus Up Here. (2016:98) Don’t get upset when things aren’t going perfect! Let it help you realize that the state of the world you’re in is far from perfect, and let it be a reminder that you should aim your spiritual focus Up Here… the only Place that’s perfect! (2016:101) Even though conditions aren’t perfect, maybe there’s something valuable to learn from what you’re going through. Maybe they’re all part of the Lessons of Life. So, even if life’s far from perfect and a bit rough making it through… remember faith, the capacity of believing that the Father knows what He’s allowing to happen to you in order to shape your character and make what you’re supposed to be out of you! (2016:102)

If the conditions are too far from perfect for you, remember that what’s to come will be the opposite of perfect… unfortunately the only sign that will gear some folks’ vision in a different direction… along with the test of who’ll recognize the enemy’s carnal imitation of perfection. (2016:106) If the conditions are far from perfect, see it as a part of the preparation for the times coming, when they’ll be much less perfect, and downright disastrous! Earthly circumstances are something to learn how to deal with to make you appreciate your perfect Home to come! (2016:112) Take it as an attack and sly trick of the enemy, to not find the ability to confront and overcome your own evils by only keeping you focus on those of the others around you! True, they’re far from perfect… but so are you… and in some aspects even more so, especially when you ought to know so much better! (2016:120) Don’t keep expecting a perfect life down there, but keep your vision on the Perfect Up Here through faith! (2016:122)

Praise Fill your heart and mind so much with My presence, with My praise, with thankfulness for the things I’ve done for you, I am doing for you, and the even greater things I will yet do for you; for My faithfulness, which will never leave you nor forsake you, that there will be no more room for anything negative. Love Me enough to praise Me and thank Me for all I’m doing and have done. (I:28) One thing that always works wonders is if you praise Me in spite of everything! (I:67) If you had a glimpse of the blessings I have in store for you when you pass those tests the way you should, you would put on your best behavior, there would be no complaint or murmur on your lips, only praise! (I:77) An hour spent in the halls of My courts, in prayer and praise and worshipping, seeking and trusting Me will accomplish a thousand times more than any hour spent trying to solve the problem in the flesh. (I:108) Lift up your eyes, and hearts and tongues in thankful praises to Me. Please Me by praising Me! It’s vital to have a thankful attitude. (I:132)

‘Praise is the voice of faith’, and the opposite is also true: cursing is the voice of unbelief, it’s the ultimate statement that I am not in control, it’s the life-blood and breath of murmuring, the epitome and manifestation of thanklessness and ingratitude! (I:140) Gratitude and thanking and praising Me is so important and such a positive force. Rebuke the Devil when he tempts you to stare at the vacuum, the emptiness, the deep black hole in the middle, that black hole of your desires. Look at Me instead, the great Giver and Filler of all things, and praise Me for all I have given you already – even if you can’t see it. But if you praise Me for it by faith, I will make it visible to you. I will let you see your blessings, which the Devil has been trying to hide from you with that shroud of self-pity, of comparing by making someone else’s blessings look so much bigger than yours... The more you praise and thank Me, the more you will discover to praise and thank Me for, and this will strengthen your faith to pull down even greater blessings from My hand. (I:148) How do you keep someone from crawling back into their den, time and time again? How do you inspire them to praise Me? Well, the same thing applies! You’ve got to be such a sample of outgoing communication, of humbly opening yourself up and communicating, instead of withdrawing and closing up, that it becomes contagious. Make praising Me a contagious habit! Don’t be dragged down by their negativity and lack of praise, but pull them up to a higher level by praising Me all the more cheerfully. (I:174)

Praise is another underestimated weapon folks don’t use enough. “Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh,” and if trivial matters and bad language proceed out of your mouth with greater ease than My praise, then it shows that there’s is something wrong. If you want to be free from the Devil’s grip, praise Me! Praise is the voice of faith, so voice your faith by praising Me... (Mt.10:32; Mk.8:38). Praise is the manifestation of your faith in Me. The sacrifice I require of My children is the sacrifice of your lips, yield your tongues unto Me in praise, for I dwell in the praises of My people. (I:187) Praise Me whenever one of you has made the right choices toward victory and deliverance, for a lot of work in the spirit was necessary in order to bring that victory about. (I:209) Remind yourself and the enemy of Who’s in charge here. Show him by praising Me that you still know that I am in control in spite of all his futile attempts to sow confusion. (I:243) When you don’t know what to pray, just start praising Me, that’s one thing you can always do. (I:252) Praise is simply a matter of gratefulness. This is a great, ongoing lesson for the entire universe: to learn the praise of Me. Thank Me and you’ll make uphill progress. ”In everything give thanks! Let everything that has breath praise the Lord...” Come to realize how important it actually is. ”Oh that men would praise the Lord...” A more praiseful attitude would solve so many problems! Praise is the voice of faith. In other words, without praise, your faith is mute, it can not be heard. Your faith is as loud as your praise. Praise is power and spiritual wealth. The power of praise is even greater than the power of prayer, because prayer still depends on the faith with which it originates, while praise is already taking the next step, believing Me and trusting Me for the answer and by faith thanking Me for it. Blessed is the man who has learned to wield that weapon boldly and accurately, who learns the skills of praising Me in the power of the Spirit, who can ride on the wings and waves of praise. It’s an energy force that’s irresistible. (I:278) Praise generates wealth. For unto him who praises Me for those things which he has – shall yet be given more. It’s the positive investment of the little power, the little strength, the little energy you have, which generates more power, My power, to work on your behalf.

Praise multiplies your prayer power. ”The Most High dwelleth in the praises of His people.” Where My people praise Me, there I feel at home, for I know I am welcome there. I’m treated like a guest of honor and with respect, and a grateful attitude. You have to put something in, in order to get something out of it. Increased praise will enhance your prayer time, as you will feel more inspired and you’ll notice the increased effectiveness of your prayers. You will notice the effect of praise right away. Behold what wonders praise can do. (I:279) Glorify and praise Me in your heart! Praise without ceasing! (I:297) It’s so important to count your blessings from time to time and never cease to praise Me! (I:301) Praise Me for your troubles! ”The Lord hath given, the Lord hath taken it away; blessed be the name of the Lord!” Be generous in your praises to Me! (I:350) The enemy can only get you down and discouraged or feeling condemned for things you could be doing better when you don’t link up with Me as much as you could. As long as you’re on My wavelength, praising Me or communicating with Me, he’s got no chance. That’s why I’m trying to get you all to pray and praise ”without ceasing”, so that your channels will be occupied by Me all the time and thus you’ll “give no place to the devil.” (I:359) Believing in My love for you, you will also be able to praise Me! Your heart will be full of praise for Me, because you will love Me, because I have first loved you. (I:416) See My goodness in the things I brought into your life, and praise Me for them! Your happiness in this life depends on your obedience, your attitude and gratitude toward Me. (I:449) What is the voice of faith? Praise! So, let Me hear your faith in your praises and gratefulness to Me, and you will see that this attitude is also going to spur you on to greater action, which is going to make your faith more visible in your works! (I:474) Be more praiseful, in spite of apparent unfavorable circumstances, because the true circumstances, as I see them from behind the veil, are quite different! A grand privilege! Praise Me more by faith, knowing that all is in My hands and perfect care, everything will work out alright, despite the way it may seem! (I:476) How important praise and keeping a praiseful attitude is! It's the key that turns darkness into day, in spite of adversities, trials, battles, personal problems, etc. Praising faith just laughs in the face of all these circumstances and says, "So, what?! My God is greater than all that, and He can cause me to rise above all this in the blink of an eye, if He chooses to. But if not, I will still not surrender to the voices of negativity, but I will still know that He knows best and only allows what is best for me, and I will keep praising Him for that!" So, if you would truly have Me turn on the light in your life in all its power, learn the skills of praise! Seek wisdom in learning how to praise Me, for there is much more hidden in that treasure than you can even begin to fathom right now. Praise is utter humility and surrender to Me, not seeking any glory for the flesh or for yourself, but only seeking Mine. And that is a factor that just eradicates a lot of the darkness that's prevalent in the world right now, where everybody just basically seeks their own glory, and to glorify themselves, to pride themselves in their accomplishments and pat themselves on the back, or proving their worth and showing off with the status they have achieved to reach by themselves. Find out what a wonder-working weapon praise can be! Remember, loving Me is the greatest commandment, and what better way is there to express your love for Me - besides your obedience to Me - than by praising Me, in word and song and deed? (I:481) I'm asking you to praise Me more; to make sure you're aware of all the good things I heap on you, so that you can have a more positive attitude and outlook on life and enjoy it more! Open your eyes and see all the good and the wonders and many benefits and blessings I've given and am giving you, and will continue to give, if you will appreciate and make use of them and thank Me for them! (I:492) Nobody can boast of My Salvation, you can only rejoice in it and thank and praise Me for it, and that's the neglected path that could and would bring the victory to so many, if they would only choose that path of praise. Instead of allowing the sin and the bad all around to drag you down into the pit, you should praise Me, that in spite of all that filth I love you and will always love you, and - don't worry: I have cleansed you, and I will continue to cleanse you and sanctify you unto Me. Praise Me and thank Me, that I have chosen you weak, earthen vessels as vehicles and sacred carriers and holders of My messages, My wisdom, My Spirit! (I:516) Keep the enemy at bay by praising Me in all you do and say! (I:574) The weapon of praise comes in most handy during these times of testing, when you don't feel so much like it. Just wield the weapon of praise and see what wonders it can do! Have a praiseful attitude! (I:589)

One simple way you can stay on My wavelength is by praising Me. Whenever you can't pray without ceasing, praise without ceasing. (I:607) It would be a good thing to remember that before you ask Me for something new, you should praise Me for what I've given you already. Good prayer should start with praise. Do you get the connection between My Spirit being present and praise? You've got to be prepared for the devil's first grenades as soon as you wake up. So, what better way is there to counterattack than sling a good few showers of praise in his face? Let it rain praise bullets! (II:140) Faithfully, humbly and gratefully continue to praise Me, even in the midst of adverse circumstances! (II:192) Praising Me for your battles and challenges is one of the most positive, effective and powerful actions a human can take, and applying one of the most powerful and devastating weapons against the enemy of your souls. Praise Me for your afflictions, battles and adversities! (II:199) Praising Me when you're getting into a grumpy mood and spirit is the best thing you can do! (II:205) Praise Me a little more instead, if things aren't ideal! Praise Me for'em and they will be! At least you'll see them differently, more positively. So much depends on your perspective. If you refuse the enemy's or the System's or even your own labels of "good and bad" and you start to realize that all things deserve the label "good," because I have said it (Rom. 8:28), then why not just praise Me? Praise Me for making all things new, the way they're supposed to be, by faith! Start the day off praising Me and loving Me, and your day, your life will be better! (II:267) If there are things about yourself that you don't like, praise Me for them! Praise Me for all things, even, or especially those you consider "bad." (II:293) Praise Me for your problems! (II:341) One of the ways you can serve Me and "wait upon Me" is by praising Me, one of the surest ways to rise above your problems, circumstances and obstacles: praising Me for them, accepting them, letting them be and happen to you and finding Me there. (II:363)

You can sanctify things through praise and prayer and thanksgiving, and by sanctifying them, you can make them less subject to time, corruption and erosion... Try it! See if blessings won't last longer if you sanctify them through your praises to Me! (II:458) Remember how important praise is in order to bring about the changes you need and for you to make the progress for Me you desire! Praise is the victory! (II:492) The simple solution is praise. (II:499) The enemy tries to make everybody's situation look like the worst possible to them. That's why it's so important to praise Me and be thankful; show an attitude of gratitude, and why praise is such an important factor and key. When there are battles and quarrels, just praise Me for them! This is a real legit way of overcoming. Just praise Me for another challenge and trial in life! (II:581) Life is like a drink, and you've just got to quaff that cup. Sometimes it's a little bitter, but you've got to trust the Doctor that it's good for you. Along with the bitter, there's also some sweet. Don't forget to praise Me for it, instead of just complaining about the not-so-pleasant stuff! Praising Me for it all, including the bitter parts of life, shows faith; it's wielding the weapon of praise to the utmost, and you will see and witness the devastating effect it will have on the enemy, and thus the wonderful, positive effect it will have on you and your life. (II:586) That’s why praise is so important: Praise shows Me you appreciate what you’ve got, you’re thankful for it, which shows that you chose not to believe the enemy’s negative input, but are keeping your eyes on Me. (II:642) Praise Me for when things go wrong! When you praise Me for it, it shows your faith that I'm in control in spite of it all, and that I can still make the best out of it. (III:22) I'm trying to train you in the usage of the weapon of praise, to make it known to yourself, to Me and the universe that you are grateful for and appreciate what you've got. In order to receive more, you must praise Me for what you have already got. Thank Me for what you have received already, and I will gladly pour out more. That's the secret to obtaining more. (III:251)

Praise Me and be thankful for what you’ve got, and you’ll see better times and things heading your way! I can make it better, if you’ll be a letter. Let Me make it better for you by praising Me for what you’ve got, even if it’s seemingly hard times. (2012:164) I’m being fairly good to you. So return some of that goodness with a praiseful, grateful attitude! Prayer and praise draw good things and people into your life, whereas murmuring and a negative attitude drive them away and attract negative repercussions instead. (2013:28) If you feel like they’re not praising you enough for what you do, just think about when was the last time you took the time to praise Me for all I do for you… You reap what you sow. If you sow appreciation and praise, that’s also what you’ll get in return. (2013:107) Praise offered to Me will never return to you without benefits. It’s a force that will manifest its fruit in your life in one positive way or another. You’ve got to create a vacuum that draws and attracts good things happening in your life, and one thing to do that is by positive praise, acknowledging the good that’s already there, so you can build some more on top of that stuff. (2013:123) It may be important for you to hear My voice and find out My will for you, but you should know by now that praying and praising Me are some of those main, stationary things you should always cling to and never neglect. (2014:39) Put forward your praise to Me as you trust in My ability and future act to protect and prosper you! Praise Me for having given you the faith to trust in Me! Praise Me for not having failed you! Praise Me for having kept you and caring for you miraculously! Praise Me and thank Me and I will not let you down! (2014:54) Get into My Strength through your praise! (2014:155) Better keep praising Him than murmuring! Praising Him means, you know and appreciate His strength! Murmuring means, you underestimate it and almost consider the enemy’s higher… and that’s a mistake! (2014:174) Count the blessings, appreciate them and praise Me for them! (14:202) Praise and prayer should come before prophecy! Prayer and praise should be the first steps you should take before you expect to hear from Me and receive My new and current direction and input! (2015:22) Give the honor and praise to Heaven Up Above and Its Makers, which is also a helpful spiritual attitude! And with that attitude, you’ll also develop a more thankful and praiseful attitude, a more positive spirit! (2015:67) Be more drawn and geared to giving the glory where it belongs, and not be too tempted to stick some of it to yourself! Make sure you’re giving the glory to the Father, rather than trying to stick any of it to yourself! Praising Him for anything good happening to you is a safe method to do so, and you might be realizing that you could easily spend more time and occasion on doing that! Be it for supplying all you’ve got and are still getting, or whatever happens to you or you manage to do… Be faithful in giving the glory for it all where it belongs, not taking it for granted, or treating it like something you’d surely deserve. No appreciation for blessings may result in fewer blessings or even none at all, until you get that point! There’s definitely an advantage connected to giving praise to Him that blesses you! So, do it! – Amen? (2015:123) Join us on Our heavenly wavelength, where everyone has learned not to surrender to the temptation of becoming proud, but passing on the glory, which is why praise of God is a really good thing to stick to, instead of seeking glory for oneself! (2015:132) Honoring the Creator also enjoys the blessing of having Him constantly and forever care for, and keeping His children from any and all troubles, once they’re Up Here! (2015:190) When you’ve lived a part of your life that was a lot more pleasant and comfortable before than what you’re going through at present, well… it sort of shows whether you’re able to be thankful and to praise the Lord your God in spite of the fact that things may not be working out perfectly constantly and all the time! (2015:195) When you feel down in the dumps, pray! Praise! (2016:112)

Preparation Soon that which they say now rules the world – money – will be no more, and you will look and it’s gone. First to be replaced by Satan’s mark for his short time and then to be replaced forever and eternally by My new and everlasting System of true values. Prepare for it and adapt to it, learning to apply the true values of faith and unselfish love right now, and you will be rich. Things will not continue as they were. And when they will change, when that which is forecast will come to pass, you will have your chance. That’s why you must train now, so you will be prepared when it happens. Every second of every minute of every hour of every day a person dies, and yet it doesn’t occur to the majority of them to make any preparations for that event. When that which is forecast will come to pass, then you will have your chance, and I will have My chance, if you will let Me work and speak and move and live through you. That’s why you must train now, so you will be prepared when it happens. (I:16) Every incident in your life is being used and in part even orchestrated by Me in preparation for times ahead, valuable lessons for your life, or simply milestones you find orientation by, if you live according to the Spirit. Prepare for the calamities that are about to befall the World! (I:46) Reduce the number of those who will suffer and die in the inevitably unfolding coming events in history by praying for them, and giving them My message of warning, so that they can prepare. (I:50) We’ll fill you in on important details as to what the Enemy’s next moves are going to be, how you should prepare, what pitfalls to guard against. (I:65) There are always new changes of plans possible, factors you couldn’t even think of, but that I can prepare you for miraculously if you constantly stay in tune with Me. Be always prepared for the option that I might bring about some unexpected means of supply for you, even at a time or from a direction you might not expect. (I:66) I want you to become completely detached from any desire for worldly gain, because soon these things will lose their significance entirely, and I want you to be prepared for this. (I:74) I’m preparing you for times when no one will be able to buy or sell unless he has the mark of the Beast. (I:81) Life is a School in which you are being tested, taught and prepared for greater purposes hereafter. (I:82) Learn and prepare now by adjusting to lean wholly on Me! (I:96) Be prepared for anything, for changes! Act now to be prepared. (I:98) Seek My face every day! That’s the best preparation. (I:106) Things will be worse. Prepare for more uncomfortable situations! Only the ones who are able to take whatever comes, will be able to make it and stand! (I:139) Be Heaven-conscious! I want you to be sure of your Heavenly Home! Prepare for your real, eternal Home! (I:141) Connect to Me in whatever situation I bring across your path. Prepare for greater changes! (I:142) We counsel and communicate a lot Up Here, so, learning to do it during your life-time on Earth is good preparation for greater things. (I:158) Stay faithful to the vision and keep it fresh in your mind and on your heart everyday, knowing that there is a higher calling for you, a higher destiny that I have in store for you, and if I have promised it, know that I will bring it to pass! Prepare for it! (I:163) Count on the unexpected, learn to be prepared for even the least likely in a group of possible events to happen, even an entirely new one that no one would have even dared to imagine... (I:209) The Serpent will spew out a great flood of lies after the Bride, and the Earth will swallow it (Rev.12:15), so be prepared! Be prepared for the greatest collision and confrontation between My Bride and the World which has ever been, resulting in the greatest Tribulation there has ever been! (I:213) Get more heavenly minded by getting out there and winning souls! That’s the most inspiring thing you can do, and the best preparation for Heaven, where you’re going to meet all of those souls again and they will be your grateful friends, companions and lovers, too... (I:274) Persecution and judgment have always hit most of My followers by surprise, but I want you to be prepared.

Be prepared to forsake all at a moment’s notice, when the time comes! (I:311) Remember, you’re being prepared for the severest test of mankind in all history! (I:390) Your time will come, and the hour of your destiny and purpose will arrive, and all things will be made clear, every detail of your preparation will make sense then. I've got your life in My hand perfectly, and although you can interfere to a certain extent with your own decisions, as long as you're yielded to Me and you declare in our unwritten daily contract that you are Mine and I can do with you what I will, you can safely assume that I will, and that I will use every minute to prepare you to the utmost for that purpose of your existence that will render the greatest possible amount of fruit for My Kingdom. (I:424) The time of the merging of the spiritual and physical realm is drawing nigh, and I want you to be prepared for it, by focusing more on the spiritual and less on the physical. I want to use you as My heralds of this event, giving others the chance to prepare for it, too. See your job as less that of a prophet of doom, but as a herald who is giving others a chance to prepare for coming events! John the Baptist was a voice of one crying in the wilderness, "Make straight paths for the Lord", in other words, "Prepare for the Lord's coming!" - Which is, in essence, what I also want you to do. You're My voices in the wilderness, telling the people to prepare for My 2nd coming. The message I want you to give people is to "prepare", and to let them know that you're willing and able to help them to do so. (I:427)

The longer the preparation, the greater the explosion! Don't worry about these years of preparation; don't see them as a waste of time or not getting accomplished anything - don't feel guilty or condemned about it! What matters is that you're going to be ready at the time when I will really need you! (I:478) The unexpected assaults of the enemy are always the toughest ones to take. So, be prepared, always! (I:537) Just do what you can do, and trust Me for the rest... Trust that I will give you the anointing, and also the desire and the burden for whatever task I want you to accomplish, and if you don't have the strength or anointing for anything you think you should do, just trust that it's not My time for you to do those things yet, but that I'm still in the process of preparing you... (I:551) It pays for you to be alert and be among those who are prepared for what's going to happen. But if you're not prepared when it happens, how can you be of much help to them? How will they know that you knew what was going to happen if you didn't prepare yourselves? (I:586) Your light and your fire may seem rather insignificant right now, but it'll really light up the landscape then, when the darkness comes. Prepare for it, and help others to prepare for it! The best possible way to prepare for it is by establishing a living relationship with Me. Encourage others to do that! (I:608) The "proper" way is headed for the mark of the Beast, and at that point, you will have no part in it anymore, and the sooner you start to prepare and find an alternative way of doing things, which is Mine, the better off you're going to be. (I:613) What must come to pass is going to come to pass, the cup is almost full. So, it behooves you to invest all your time and energies into preparing for it! If you can see the changes happening on the horizon, you better start preparing for them, and not wait until they're here! And one of the best ways to prepare for them is to let others know about them now, before they come to pass, so that they can prepare also, and help you. People have got to see you busy at "building an ark," making preparations for the rain, even though they may not see it coming as clearly as you do, so that when it comes, when it's going to start pouring, they will know that you have been prophets among them. (II:83) If you're going to represent Me, you're going to have to be prepared to do the unconventional thing, and for being unpopular! (II:215)

Which is the better preparation for what's to come? Acquiring a carpet that will be jerked out from under your feet eventually, or learning to stand on the rock which will lift you unfailingly above any obstacle that you might have to face in the future? (II:291) Strengthen your spiritual muscles! You need that preparation! (II:474) The true believers prepare not only themselves but also others for what is to come. (II:646) There’s a time of preparation, of finding out where it's not at, how not to do it, which mistakes not to make. (III:16) There will come a time when circumstances will be too tough and too difficult to just "accept" them and take things the way they are, and it would be good for you to train and prepare now, so you'll be ready then to face things in the appropriate spirit and attitude of faith. (III:151)

My judgments usually came swiftly when they came, and caused a mighty widening of the eyes of those who did not discern the signs of the times, and thus it shall be again. That's why I need you to be prepared and on guard, and not slack. (III:229) Remember what’s ahead of you! Things simply aren’t going to get better in the world, so the tougher the challenges, the better the preparation for what’s up ahead, and the less the shock is going to be, and the better prepared you’ll be to deal with it. The main difference between those around you and yourself is that you’re aware of what’s expecting all of you, and they aren’t. They’re clueless, and neither do they want to hear anything of the reality that’s expecting them, but at least I’ve got to prepare My own to whatever extent they allow Me and cooperate. (11:100) I told you things were getting worse. I know, you never expected them to get this bad, but what did you expect? And you know what I’m going to say next, that things are going to get worse yet, and yes, I’m afraid you ain’t seen nuthin’ yet when it comes to how bad things are really getting! What do you expect with all the warnings I and My prophets have been giving? Are you still expecting things to keep on going the same way as ever, unchanged, enabling you to live life like a comfortable little private vacation? People are always hoping for things to get better by themselves. After all, isn’t that what Evolution teaches, preaches and promises? Well, you know that that’s a lie, so why are you so shocked when you don’t see it happening, but when you see My Words being fulfilled before your eyes? (12:55) If you’re being prepared and trained for a special mission, you can’t always move full steam ahead. You’ve got to lay low for a while and wait for the right time. In the meantime, just enjoy your life, and be prepared! (12:131) The one primarily to blame when things go wrong is yourself, often mainly because you failed to prepare yourself for the challenges of spiritual warfare. (12:147) When all hope in the visible will have run out, you’ll have a whole new and much greater World to offer than anything known. Preparing others for that encounter is basically what the life of faith is all about, even if so many so vehemently refuse to be prepared for it. (13:15) The impact of the reality of life can be overwhelming, making it seem as though it’s all there is and all there ever will be. It’s hard to imagine the unknown, what comes afterwards. But you know that “afterwards” is inevitable for every human being, so why not as well prepare for it somehow, mentally, instead of totally ignoring it the way most people do? You don’t have to get there shocked and unprepared. (13:19) Perhaps some of the knowledge you need isn’t available to you yet. So, just always be prepared that there’s more to come, and it’s never a time to say, “I’m done learning,” unless I say so by ringing the bell for you and taking you Home. (13:45) All that you see is doomed and marked for destruction. Thus it’s utterly foolish not to make any preparations for the impending and inevitable ending. (13:48) Prepare for the eternal life, instead of the temporal! Prepare a bit more for what’s to come! You’re coming closer to the Spirit World as time goes by, and you should prepare for it as much as you can! (2014:2) Caring more about this world and what you can or think you should get out of it, doesn’t exactly show that you put My Kingdom first, or prepare for the Hereafter… (2014:9) Thinking about and preparing for the eternal and everlasting part of one’s existence might definitely come across more positively for believers… So, try to make it that way; and make an effort to become more positive that way, too! (2014:38) If you believe in death as a way to get to eternal life, which is the faith to which I’ve led you, well, don’t you think I’d be hoping that the older you get, the more you prepare for the values of eternal life? (2014:47) Death is something that hits most everybody somehow, and to get prepared for it shouldn’t be something to scare you… (2014:53)

If you feel your body growing weaker, don’t just see it as something negative, but also a more positive preparation for Heaven! (2014:56)

You were told and taught that the world was going to get into having to deal with and handle the Enemy’s forces in the Endtime… so you might as well get used to and prepared for it. (2014:68) What’s coming you might want to prepare better for. The more prepared for the time of the End, the better. (2014:83) The Spirit World is Something it pays to prepare for and get ready in a positive way for the time when you’ll die physically, but live on forever, spiritually. Allow Me to prepare you for Heaven! As you prepare yourself for It, it’s going to be easier to help others to do it as well… (2014:91)

There is a difference about Heaven, and the closer you get to it age-wise, the more you should appreciate being prepared for it! (2014:93)

What is going on, on Earth, is that it’s not really heaven on Earth, but becoming more largely hell on earth… a bad time approaching, and almost there. So folks should get prepared for it and strengthen their spiritual parts, and not be just addicted to some physical blessings… (2014:101) Get ready for the Spirit World! Get ready for the after-life, for this temporary one isn’t going to last forever! You should prepare for the Spirit World to come. (2014:102) When things seem too peaceful to believers in Me, they might have to find out what tricks the enemy is capable of, especially when they underestimate his influence and power over the world. One of the only ways he can get a victory over folks is by making them underestimate him by staying out of scary techniques for some time until the state of lack of preparation and defence is ready. (2014:106) Look at it this way: the end of the merely physical life is coming to everyone. And being able to look at it with a positive view shouldn’t be something too bad; especially when you believe in Salvation. So, it should be viewed with a positive look, your afterlife; and see the rest of your physical one as an opportunity to prepare for it, instead of focusing mostly on the way to make more money down there… (2014:110) You’d better be prepared for what’s coming in this world, and don’t just try to exclusively have good times. In any case, there’ll be death sooner or later one could or should get prepared for, so, going through some time that prepares you for it in some way is better than no preparation at all! Just try to stay in tune with Me as much as you can! What better way to prepare for the end of life’s road that’s coming? And allowing Me to prepare you for it without murmuring, trust Me, is a better thing to do than living life and ignoring what’s after it! Just think about what’s coming hereafter! Don’t you think it’s worth preparing a little and get ready for it? (2014:123) It’s good to be prepared for having things taken away from you sooner or later… be it through the Endtime, or the coming end of your life. Be prepared for the Hereafter, and become ready and prepared for the coming end of the temporal life, which should also manage to make you more grateful for what’s coming next. The older one grows, the closer they get to the Hereafter… so, it might be a good time to renew the learning process to prepare for the Hereafter and what’s coming after life on Earth. You might as well take care of preparing for what’s coming for you sooner or later, and don’t see it as something negative, nor let it be a shock, when the life hereafter for Christians ought to be what they all believe in and can thus prepare for… What else can get you better prepared for the Hereafter than spending time with Me and letting Me prepare you for what’s coming? Remember that the current, temporal life simply won’t last forever, and you’ll be much better off and wiser to prepare well for what’s to come hereafter… which will be quite a bit different, and therefore one ought to be prepared for, if one’s a believer in it. Prepare for it, if Heaven’s what you believe in. Make it something obvious you believe is worth it all, and let your preparation for it become a witness. Preparing for Heaven might sound like a good deal in the end, a good preparation for the end, and a good testimony and witness to others… So, you might really wanna try doing it! Prepare for Heaven! If hearing from Me and preparing for the life hereafter is becoming more important for you, trust Me, it’s a good sign; because eventually you will come and wind up Here, so it will have been worth it to prepare for your ultimate Goal instead of investing most of your energies in your earthly belongings. Try to remember that life on Earth isn’t all there is or forever will be, but that there’s a much better Place to prepare for, if you’ve got the faith in it. Just remember, there’s something better waiting for you, and you should do your best and all you can to prepare for it. What if it’s your only chance to prepare a bit for life hereafter right now? (2014:124) Change you’re experiencing is a good opportunity to prepare for rougher times bound to hit the Earth… The devil’s attacks on you and the world in general can happen quite suddenly, so better be prepared, and value and appreciate the time you’re learning and able to somewhat prepare for it! Things could be worse, and they will be, eventually, so you’ll probably appreciate the preparation for it you’re experiencing now. (2014:125)

You may have to be prepared for a different future, not just one in which – as most folks imagine – it will just stay as it is and things will go on as they are. (2014:126) That’s what your faith in Me and a life of faith in general are mainly about: preparation for the Hereafter, which – trust Me – will be pretty much bigger than this temporal world and your temporal life in it, altogether. The thoughts of the Hereafter that make you feel better might be a preparation that’ll turn out to be worth it. Here in the Spirit World your existence will be a whole lot better than the temporal one where you are right now, and so it’s not a bad thing to actually prepare for it a bit more, and not just concentrate and focus on this world right now and what can be accomplished in it, concerned about getting others hooked on the vision for the Hereafter as well. (2014:132)

Life is going to be a little tougher, with the Endtime approaching, and it’s good for you to be prepared for it, and not expect what’s coming at you being a permanent vacation. (2014:134) Now is a special time preparing you for the Hereafter… Right now you may not exactly appreciate it, but then you will! The Great Tribulation, which is before you, is a time coming that My followers and believers in Me need to be well prepared for. (2014:135)

It may seem like a pretty bad world to you right now. But it’s only the beginning of bad, evil, and actually the worst times ever. So, don’t blame Me too much for having had to let things happen to you in order to prepare you a bit for it! All in all, it’ll be rough times. So get prepared for them and learn to be ready to take’em and overcome them somehow to make it through them! (2014:136) Sometimes it’s good to prepare for what’s coming. And since most people don’t do that so much out of their own idea, to prepare for what’s coming hereafter, when the physical life is over and finished, well, I and the helpers from this larger World than the physical sometimes have to allow certain things to happen that will somehow help to prepare folks more for the hereafter. And it happens mostly through weakening some of the physical forces… putting more strength into the spiritual. (2014:138) If I’m the Boss here, what’s so bad and wrong about Me giving greater importance to other factors and things I’d say you ought to be more concerned about, more aware of, and be more prepared for? Isn’t it better to be prepared for the end than acting and living as if it never will happen, just like all the unbelievers? (2014:141) It’s time to get back into connection with Me, and doing things to prepare you for what’s coming. Get back into some more action for Me… You can tell that this world isn’t going on forever. Be more prepared for what’s coming! And that’s something that requires staying in tune with Me. Stay on guard and become prepared more for what might be happening! This world is not your home… so get ready and prepared for that which is gonna be your true Home: Become more heavenlyminded, and try to keep your vision up that way… heavenly-minded! (2014:144) If you’ve got Satan as an enemy, you’ve got to be prepared for more attacks from him as a believer in Me than if all you live for is making money, and whatever your own mind tells you. (2014:145) It takes some big and strong preparation for you to withstand that change of the world into the hell on Earth and kingdom of Satan that it’s going to become! Get ready for it! The world isn’t going to stay very much longer what it has been for you, since the enemy’s takeover is continually growing, and you had better become prepared for it! (2014:146) That’s one thing to keep in mind: Things are going to get worse eventually, and it’s good to be prepared for it, having learned not to have to make it without God’s and Heaven’s help. You can tell the Endtime is getting closer, so you might as well get prepared for it. It’s dark and evil times that are a-coming… prepare for it! Get ready and prepared for what’s coming! (2014:153) It’s a rough time. But as I’ve told you, it might not be the roughest one. As time goes on, there might very easily come something rougher upon this world, and so, you might better get prepared to make it through some further trouble. If the world is truly run by whom I and My Word say it is, it certainly pays to stay in tune with Me through strong prayers, asking Me and the Father for protection and strengthening, and not rely on your own state and position in the world, since the one ruling it right now with his entire host and followership are certainly aiming at making things tougher for folks like you. Death is coming to everyone eventually, and you’d better be prepared somehow and somewhat, especially when you believe in something happening afterwards. A positive thing that happened was a miracle, and it prepared you for what’s expecting everyone eventually, after life on Earth; but it pays to be ready for it, and not just let it come like a big surprise. (2014:160) When the “here and now” turns out to be a bit too ugly to enjoy, and that well might be an opportunity of preparation for the “there and then” and hereafter… life to come… and Heaven. Maybe it’s time to get more tuned in to the There and Then and Hereafter, if that, after all, is where you’ll spend a much greater amount of length than the earthly sphere… So, get used to and prepared for It. (2014:163) If you can prepare for the Hereafter a bit more, you don’t have to worry so much about everything! (2014:167) To prepare you for the Spirit World in general couldn’t be wrong. So, why resist it, if that’s the case? Most folks who believe don’t spend a lot of time on preparation for coming Here. So, I’d say, it’s a shame that folks know so little about the Place they ought to get prepared for going there. So, the more prepared for it you get, the better… don’t you think? – Get ready for it! Also, the more prepared you are for the Spirit World, the less addicted to weaknesses of the physical you’ll wind up. (2014:168) The end is coming soon, and I need to give folks the largest amount possible of preparation for it.

The rough times with the system are discouraging you, but remember that these are not the only rough, and not nearly the roughest of all times yet to come. What’s happening now is merely preparing you, and making you hope and strive to be more prepared for even rottener times to come, which, unfortunately, the world still has to go through. The best you can do is to prepare for them. So, wait and see, and keep on getting prepared and being prepared by Me! Time for you to realize that this world isn’t quite as perfect as it may have tried to seem for some space of time, mainly to get as many people as possible to sleep, spiritually, instead of being awake and prepare for dark and dusty times ahead… (2014:174)

A bit of preparation for what’s coming, even though it may be quite tough in comparison to former times, may not be all as bad as you momentarily think and feel that it is. My Word shows I am capable of protecting My disciples, followers and brides through any evil times, and currently preparing you for the worst one, to make sure you’ll make it through it. (2014:175) The toughest and roughest times of history are on their way into this world, and you might as well get prepared for them. Even if you have to go through some rough times, remember that the world is expecting something even rougher, and you ought to get as well prepared for it. Even tough the times right now may not be as splendid as the ones before, just take them as preparation for what’s to come! This earthly life doesn’t last forever, and you ought to get prepared somehow for its ending. (2014:181) If you can make it with love instead of fear, pride, laziness, stinginess, lying, greed, lust and the other main sins of natural human nature, well, then you’re making it to really get prepared for Heaven and the Hereafter in God’s Kingdom. (2014:183) To really trust in Us is a preparation for a rougher future, during which you’ll be dependent on Us and Our help more than ever. (2014:184)

Tests of faith are what you’ve been prepared for and told that they’d happen… So, here they are. How’s your faith going to bear with them? How are you gonna make it? (2014:188) This world isn’t heading for its best times ever, but its worst. So prepare for it, the bad and evil time bound to happen, and get into the gear I’m leading you: to trust in and rely on Me, not yourself or the way things are going in that world! So, if times are getting tougher and harder, relax: there’s a reason and purpose for it, to make you stronger, more reliable on Me and the heavenly side of the Spirit World, and a part of all that’s supposed to help you through life, to prepare you for what’s expecting you over Here. Changes seem rough and hard sometimes, there, in the physical world, but the more you get prepared, the better it’ll be able for you to handle. (2014:194) The end of each life still happens, and it’s good to spend some time preparing for it, even though it may seem to you that those living in ignorance of these things are having easier times than you. If there’s anything that’s tough, just let it be part of what’s preparing you for the Hereafter! (2014:195) Prepare and get ready for the future, which you’ll need My strength and help for… (2014:207) See the positive side: that you’re probably learning the largest part during these times, and some day, you will appreciate them for it. At the moment it might be tough for you, but some day you’ll be able to appreciate it. – When you’ll see it all as valid preparation for the Hereafter. (2015:8) It’s good to get prepared for the worse times. So get ready, or let Me help prepare you for it. (2015:9) The times ahead of you in this world aren’t going to turn into something much better. So, it’s good to become prepared for such things and not just expect pleasant times during your life on Earth. (2015:12) When things turn out differently than folks thought, it’s My beneficial gift for them, to prepare them. So, no matter what comes: relax in the assurance that you’re being prepared for it. (2015:15) Looking forward to Heaven in the hereafter is definitely what should be part of your faith. And you might also become a bit more prepared for what’s expecting you Here. Let it become part of your faith and your life to prepare for the eternal mode after this! (2015:19) You know about a time coming in which the devil is going to reign on Earth. And don’t you think that’s pretty much hell where he reigns and takes over? So, this time is basically preparation for that. Get ready for Satan’s takeover as the Antichrist, winding up forbidding worship of Me and My Father. No wonder the days and times on Earth are becoming less pleasant! So, you better prepare and get ready for that, and not just keep expecting Heaven on Earth kind of times. That’ll come afterwards! But first it’s the biggest and toughest lesson for mankind to learn… Dark times are up ahead to get prepared for… (2015:20)

You have to keep that battle against the enemy in mind, and be prepared for his attacks. (2015:23) I try to get you to become prepared for the Endtime, and since life on Earth isn’t just going to be a non-stop fun time, to get used to what’s coming up ahead! Or even if it’s just a preparation for your physical departure from this earthly life, it would be something that deserved getting ready for, don’t you think? So, get ready, become prepared for the Hereafter… Sorry that life didn’t work out that way, that it would stay enjoyable the way it was before, but somehow you had to get prepared for the not so pleasant ending, which is on its way now… Getting prepared for what’s coming up ahead in life is part of the job and the task. Get prepared for whatever’s coming! And be ready for it! If the Endtime is coming on, you’d better get ready and prepared for it, and don’t be too shocked that the enemy is able and allowed to do things you may not have expected or been ready for. They’ll be rough times, and you’d better get or be prepared for them. With a world that’s run by the enemy, you’ve got to be prepared for things not all running your way and the way you’d like and prefer them… (2015:26) Life on Earth just doesn’t last forever, and if you believe in the Hereafter, eventually comes the time to prepare for it, even if it still may seem a bit tough and difficult to leave the there and now. (2015:28) That’s where you’re headed, ultimately: to Me. And you should prepare for that a little bit, and don’t necessarily make all the material aspects of this life the most important. (2015:30) It’s not really too bad when things are turning out kind of rough for you in this life. It’s good for you to be prepared for even rougher times and learn how to make it through them with My help, and thus get into that habit of depending on Me. If the flesh gets weakened, it means, it’s time to strengthen the spirit… get prepared for the Hereafter… put your trust some more in Me, and learn to depend on Me and My help. Things just won’t continue forever as they are right now, and you’ll be best off by preparing for it through depending more on Me and your heavenly help than your former own abilities and strengths. (2015:32) Once you’re getting more prepared for what’s to come after this life, you’ll be able to give more hope of it to folks you’ll meet, who might not have found Me yet… So, think a bit more of Heaven, and prepare a bit more for it, and don’t be scared of your goodbye from this world. (2015:33) It’s a rough time, but remember that it might be preparing you for even rougher ones! (2015:34) Trust Me that it’s there for a reason, the difficult time right now, for there’s a time coming you won’t be able to make it without this preparation for it. Sorry you’re going through hard times, but you’re becoming aware of why they’re happening. There just might be something worse coming up, such as My Word has been predicting for quite a while. So, get ready, and be prepared. If these times already make you seem weak, imagine how much more so those coming might. So, just get prepared for the way to go by My strength and depending on the help from Above! You’re not the first one needing this, and won’t be the only one. But I figured you’re worthy of and would appreciate being prepared for that which is coming. I figured you’re worthy of and would appreciate being prepared for that which is coming, even if this way may principally teach you how to get desperate and apply desperation as the most helpful way to get ahold of Heaven’s Power to aid you. Life could be easier, and has been, but the easy ways aren’t necessarily the ones teaching you to get ready for what’s to come! (2015:36)

You feel like it’s a tough life. And in some ways it is. But that’s how you can make an effort to stay in tune with Me, dependent on Me and get prepared for what’s to come. (2015:38) For some people, the earthly life is all there is – at least that’s what they think and feel. But if you don’t, and are pretty certain of the There and Then, it might be good to prepare and get ready for it somehow. Remember that those dark times are coming and are up ahead, so it would be better to get prepared for them, instead of remembering and yearning for all the good, easy and rosy times you had before. Sometimes things just change and you’ve got to get ready for those changes, prepare for them and become stronger. With the Endtime coming closer, it will easily get rougher and it’s a good advice to get prepared for it. So, keep getting and staying prepared, and don’t neglect it! (2015:43) Get ready for what’s coming and let Me strengthen your faith! (2015:45) This physical life won’t last forever. And by cutting down the physical success era a bit, I’m preparing you more for what’s to come. It’ll be a good, happy ending of this earthly life, and you’ll just appreciate having been a bit more prepared for it. Get prepared for the Hereafter in Heaven!

Believers should not just get stuck in the temporal life as if it was all there is and lasts forever. That forever part is Up Here, and as a believer, one should somewhat prepare for it, since that’s where they’re heading! (2015:49) Getting prepared for what’s to come afterwards should be one of the major keys for all, and especially My believers. (2015:50) As someone getting closer to the time beyond, you might be able to sow a little bit of faith in the longer lasting spiritual dimension, along with the faith in it, that that’s where they’ll wind up, too, and where you’ll be meeting again. So, consider it all a bit of preparation for what’s coming, and eventually expecting all of you. It may be one of the most helpful factors and points of faith: helping others to prepare for the Hereafter. (2015:51) if you’d manage to get altogether more closely into the Holy Spirit, instead of some of those vibes of worldliness, you’d definitely be making that effort to become more prepared for the Endtime. (2015:53) See the Endtime approaching! Even if you wouldn’t get around to experiencing it yourself, it should be good to get prepared for it in such a way that you can help others to become prepared for it, and not expect too much of the world in the state that it’s in and the worse one it’s heading for. So, get prepared is My counsel. Start preparing now for what’s up ahead for you… not the physical, but the spiritual. Everybody’s heading towards the end of this life, but few are preparing for what’s coming thereafter. So, all the more reason to make sure you’re getting prepared for My place. Make sure you’re getting prepared for My Place, and manage to be some sort of witness of It to let others know as much as you can that there’s something good coming hereafter. I know the situation is rough down there, but let it serve for this one thing, to prepare you more and cause you to look Up ahead toward the better Place that’s coming, and will be a much better Home, without any death expecting you. Remember that your Creator ought to be capable of preparing a better Hereafter for you than what your present has to offer! What if folks with faith like yours aren’t quite as abundant, and yours may quite well be needed in times and the days to come? Well, you’d sure be doing Us a favor to get prepared for that, just in case it might happen. (15:55) Prepare for the good times that are waiting for you up ahead of this temporal existence you still have to finish! Just try to make that temporal thing turn out as good as it can be, in spite of the negative forces it’s mainly run by! (15:57) Believe and come to the conclusion that the end might be drawing nearer, and you ought to get prepared for it. The time to get prepared for those tough times up ahead is right now. Even though that might be dreadfully bad news for you in parts, it would definitely be good to prepare for it as much as you can… There’s greater trouble up ahead, and you should do some things to prepare for it and be preparing to get out of the regions where that trouble will be worse and into those where you’ll have better chances to make it through those dark and evil times coming up ahead! See, there are some relatively tough times coming to prepare for… possibly the toughest ever. Maybe the end is coming closer than you thought, and faster than you did… So, it’s better to get prepared for it than winding up getting struck by it all of a sudden, don’t you think? (15:58) The easy times didn’t really prepare you for, nor enabled you to cope and deal with the rough times up ahead. And it’s another confirmation that the desperate times, as hard as they may be or at least seem, are the best factor to prepare you for even rougher times ahead, prepare you for troublesome times, and give you a better and stronger character… Those who’ve been spoiled by their past are going to have the hardest times in the near future and rougher times up ahead, so just do all that you can in order to prepare for those much rougher times bound to come toward you! The times to manage it all basically without My tangible help are pretty much over, and what you’re going through right now is helping to prepare you for that. You know who’s in charge of this world, due to the negative choices people have made since the beginning; and you know what kind of folks are ruling it accordingly, namely his worshippers, and what sort of future there’s in store for this world: the darkest ever. So, prepare for it, and be ready when it comes! What’s happening right now is in order to help you to prepare for it. (15:60) The best way to prepare for rough and dark times up ahead is not as much through material support and preparations, but lifting up your faith in such a manner that you’ll be able to cling to and trust in Me to help and see you through even when the times get the roughest ever! See what’s happening around you right now as preparation for the Hereafter, which is something all believers ought to get prepared for. Prepare for what’s coming! – Especially the final, greater Up Ahead! (15:61) Don’t let the current time and circumstances drag you down, but focus on, and get prepared for the better ones, up ahead! Trust and rely on that there’s something better coming! And prepare for making it There through prayer… overcoming all the negative and harmful parts of your current life and the world around you run by you-know-who! (15:65) Consider this time a necessary preparation for the time of tribulation ahead of you, without which you might not be able to make it through it!

I know things and circumstances are quite tough for you, and even if they seem just about unbearable to you, consider this, that the times to come will even be quite a lot rougher and harder, and getting through some relatively hard times right now will at least prepare and enable you to make it then! (15:69) As a believer, you should make some preparations and get ready for what’s coming hereafter… after your current life of the flesh. Prepare for the spirit and its takeover and proof that it’s a greater and more long-lasting force than the physical! (15:71) It’s good you’re not feeling so well and at home in this world anymore, but long to get out of there! For, after all, that’s what I’ve been preparing for the believers in Me and those who receive Me. Be grateful there’s Something better and greater to expect than what this world has to offer! There’s Something better to come! So, keep looking forward to It and keep preparing for It, letting others know as well about It coming! (15:73) A tough situation: Let it serve as preparation for the toughest one to enter that world’s history, and let your current experiences strengthen you to help you make it through what’s to come! Being prepared when that time arises will be what you’ll be most grateful for, instead of being spoiled by the easy tactics of life you enjoyed before. See the tough time as a necessary preparation for what’s up ahead, and don’t let it bring you down and ruin your moods and feelings toward everything! (15:79) One has got to be prepared for attacks and pretty much constant battles and fights against the evil one. Be prepared for the devil’s moves in a world that’s run by him thanks to people’s choices for him! It’s a tough and rough time ahead of you – and not just you – and it’s good to get prepared for it, and that’s something you ought to do, and not become so discouraged and weakened by the current circumstances, since they’ll become worse, which means, it’s something needed to get used to. Be more aware of his attacks, and the fact that you need to get prepared and ready to defend yourself against him! Stay on the defense! It may be hard and tough for you right now, but be prepared, for it’s going to get even tougher! Relying more on Me than yourself is pretty much one of the key factors of getting prepared for the tough times in the closer future… Rough times: That’s what the world will be expecting in general, not too long from now, and the sooner you get prepared, the better. (15:80) If the hard times and difficulties bring you down, well, I can understand… but you should also understand that those times are drawing you closer to Me and make you avail yourself of My help, and thus prepare you for even harder and tougher times you might have to face in the future. Even if they seem like the hardest times ever, remember that they might also be preparing and strengthening you for something even tougher. (15:84) It’s good you’re experiencing a bit more preparation for the Hereafter, including learning to have some more appreciation for having Something to expect that will be worth it all. There’s Something bigger, better and greater expecting you, and you should get more prepared for that, along with the point of sharing that view with others… at least those who are not stuck too deeply in the here and now. (15:85) Take this time as preparation for greater challenges ahead! Take it by faith, that I’m not letting you pass through anything that’s too tough… just tough enough to teach you to make it through even harder times up ahead. The more you learn to lean on Me, instead of keeping trusting in your own abilities, the more chances you’ll have to make it through what’s up ahead! To gain greater trust and confidence in Me instead of in yourself, is what it’s all about, and a lesson you won’t regret having learned once you get to the time and circumstances you’re being prepared for. You need to be prepared for what’s coming, if you want to make it through that… (15:86) Let all you’re going through dawn on you as valuable preparation for some rough times ahead! If the times are rougher than what you can handle, see them as preparations for the even rougher times coming up ahead with the Endtime! Life may be pretty rough right now; but see it mainly as a preparation for the even by far rougher times up ahead that are coming! It may look like a fairly rotten time to you right now, but it’s only to get you prepared for one a lot more rotten and miserable to come; and making it through that is not going to be something for spoiled kids from a golden past! So, make it through this here, and you might make it through that…! (15:87) It’s tough, but consider it preparation for you, in order to make what’s coming not so tough! It may be a pretty rough part of life, and maybe the roughest, but… something to help you make it through the roughest of all of world history you might have to make it through, and make you stronger to bear and deal with whatever comes! (15:88) Just be prepared for the roughest part of world history, which might not be all too far away! (15:89)

Having too pleasant times on Earth and in this world right now means less of a longing for Heaven and your God’s Kingdom thereafter. But since there’s definitely something to prepare for, you should also definitely be better off getting a bit more prepared for that, and not too attached to, and hooked on that world in which you’re currently. (15:93) It may be a bit of a tough change after your times of feeling quite comfortable and having some good times there, but when those “good” times are over, it’s a sign to prepare and get ready for the not so good ones and remember that this world is not your home, and that there’s a better one coming. Remember that you need Me. And even if there are times when you don’t feel like it so desperately, remember that times are changing, and eventually, you will. So, get prepared for it! And the less you feel at home in that world, the better and easier it is to prepare. (15:96) If there's a lesson going on, teaching you how to handle certain things, just deal with it, take it, and accept it as material you ought to learn in order to prepare you for what's coming up! They're rough times, but take it as a challenge; as means to prepare you, strengthen you and get you ready for what's coming up! It's a time of preparation… time to help and cause you to get ready for what's coming, so take it and learn how to deal with it, because it's all still not nearly as bad as what's expecting the world, eventually! (15:99) The roughest times of your life are just preparing you for times even rougher… and the best way to get prepared for them is to cling to and lean on Me, depend on Me and My help and learn to stay close to Me throughout the days! A time is coming when you won’t be able to make it on your own anymore. You need to prepare for what’s coming and learn how to deal with the enemy, and resist all his attacks! So, don’t be so upset about times being so rough, unpleasant and tough for you right now, but remember that they’re preparing you for the roughest time in all of history… To make it through the darkest times ever will take the greatest miracle you’ll have ever known! But it depends a lot on you right now, and how willingly you’re being prepared for the roughest times of all by having to go through some training during less rough times! So, ready to be prepared for what’s to come? (15:104) Knowing that the Endtime is getting nearer, you should be capable of understanding what’s going on, and prepare for that last stretch of world history before My Return. Can you take what you’re having to go through, by faith? Faith that We still know best what to put you through in order to prepare you for what’s coming up ahead? (15:105) If you can’t manage to get prepared for what’s up ahead by yourself, it’s a good time to rely on Me and ask Me to help you to. Life may be tough for you right now, but let it be a preparation for even tougher times approaching that you’d better get ready for… And the way to get ready for what’s up ahead is learning to depend on Me! It’s the only way you’ll make it through what’s coming. (15:107) To need and depend on My help more desperately than ever is a necessary preparation to help you make it through the even rougher times up ahead you ought to know by faith are going to get there soon. It has a positive purpose, namely to strengthen and prepare you for what’s up ahead and about to come. So, don’t see it as something so negative you’re having to go through! See it as necessary preparation for what’s up ahead, and that should enable you to take it all a bit better. Learning to apply My help and make it, through My Power, well, that ought to do it for you, so, don’t take it as something too negative you’re passing through right now, but see its positive side and point of preparation for the time ahead of you! If it’s a rough time you’re having to go through right now, just let it be a reminder of certain things: preparation for the times to come, and the fact that you don’t belong there where you are right now. If it’s a rough time for you right now, just let it prepare you for the world’s roughest time up ahead! (15:108) To manage staying a bit more on the defensive against the enemy, you desperately need My help, which is not a bad thing but a needed preparation for what’s up ahead… Don’t complain too much about having to make it through rougher times than you had before! They’re preparing you for what’s to come, should make you stronger, so that you’ll have chances to make it through at all. I know your current times are difficult, and harder for you to go through than pretty much most of, if not all of what you’ve had to go through before; but the reason and purpose for that is to prepare you for the roughest time ever, up ahead in history. With the most evil time up ahead in the near future, you’d better get prepared and learn how to deal with it and defend yourself and your folks from it! So, get prepared! Get ready for the tough times to come, up ahead, and don’t just keep expecting more easy times, for they, I’m afraid, are over and done, as far as the time before the takeover of My Kingdom’s concerned. So, ready for some rough times, even though you’d so much prefer to have some more easy and enjoyable ones? I know it’s especially rough when you still see others going through good times. But then see it this way: They might get shocked when the bad times roll in, and that’s something I was planning to avoid in your case, even if that preparation for times up ahead may still strike you as pretty rough. But pretty rough is pretty much something that will apply to what’s coming up ahead, and so, the earlier and the more you get prepared for that, the more chances for you to make it through that. Rough times to come, yeah, that’s why we also need a bit of rough times to prepare you for what’s up ahead, or at least get you into a shape to prepare others to make it through it. (15:109)

You’re learning not to let these times on Earth spoil you, but to better get prepared and strengthened to deal with what’s up ahead! (15:112)

The first apostles definitely didn’t make it without help from Above, and if they thought they would, something not so nice usually happened to them. And times are going to become a lot like that, and even worse, with a worldwide government of the enemy’s power, so prepare! The world is getting into the worst shape ever… something that has been termed already 2000 years ago as the Great Tribulation. So, better to get prepared for it than surprised and shocked by its coming! Get ready! I know it’s hard to have to go through obscurity and darkness, spiritually, when your former years have been so much brighter and more pleasant, but unfortunately, it’s just something you must become prepared for those days, so that you’ll make it through there! Just get prepared for some tough times… the toughest in all of world history, and don’t be too shocked by the toughness of your present time that’s supposed to prepare you for what’s coming up ahead! Let these times help to prepare you for what’s coming, and don’t resent that preparation, but consider it a blessing, once you’ll realize how needed that was! You desperately needed some time of preparation for what’s up ahead; otherwise you’d never make it through it. So, even though right now it’s rough times, know that those up ahead will even be rougher, and the present ones are just to help you to prepare for what’s coming up ahead. (15:113) You need to prepare for the rough and tough times up ahead! (15:114) The worst times of the world are coming toward you, and you’ve got to get prepared for them and get ready… Learn to depend on My strength and on your help from Above to make it through what’s to come! You may strongly dislike your current state and situation, but see it as the best preparation you could ever get for the far worse times to come! I don’t want you to worry about it, but prepare for it, because that’s quite necessary. (15:117) You may need more help from Above to make it, but that will be the case all the more in times to come. So, let’s get you prepared for it! Trusting in Me and My help that you’re going to make it… that’s the groove and gear into which you’re going to have to get! (15:118)

They’re tough times for you right now… but trust Me that they’re not nearly as tough as the ones to come, that I’m just trying to prepare you for, so that you’ll be able to make it through them. You won’t make it through the Endtime without Our help, and what you’re going through right now is just some training and preparation for that period, so you’ll get into the right groove and rhythm. (15:121) Why do you think We, as Creators of it all, organized it in such a way that life on Earth is presently only temporary? - Whereas the one Up Here is the lasting one? Having allowed the enemy to take over control down there has definitely left Our Place as the better alternative, and thus, as a believer in Us and Our Home, something you ought to get prepared for and make your goal, rather than any fancy, but temporal abode down on present day Earth. (15:122) The more you get into the gear of relying and depending on Me to make it, the better prepared you’ll be for what’s coming up ahead. There’s definitely a good reason why We’re trying to get you to depend on Us Up Here a bit more, and not being able to manage your present situation is part of it, and a taste of what things are going to be like in a darker future with the enemy gaining more power over the world! (15:123) The Tribulation is coming closer, and you have to get prepared for it by depending more on Me. Sorry you can’t feel anymore like you can make it by yourself, but it’s preparation for worse times up ahead, in fact, the worst. (15:126)

With what’s coming at the world, you ought to get prepared and learn to overcome it, get the victory over it through My aid, and let that faith and trust in Me and all your help from Above grow stronger! Consider this you’re going through now, preparation for what’s to come, and believe Me that you’ll need it! You’ll definitely need My strength and help then, so it’s good that you’re having some training of becoming dependent on it now, even if it may seem a bit tough for you right now, and pretty much the toughest part of your life. But there’s a tougher one coming that you need preparation for and training of depending on Me and help from Above in order to make it, so, don’t be too upset that that’s what I’m allowing you to pass through right now. One day you’ll be thankful for it that I’ve allowed for you to have to pass through this current phase. Call it a preparation phase! Be prepared for the times up ahead where your faith and trust will be what’ll have to pull you through, and not your own abilities! Things get tougher, and you’ve just got to get ready and prepared for that! (15:128) The enemy knows exactly what you haven’t been through yet, and thus, what you’re the least prepared for. Another reason for depending on Me to make it, especially to be prepared for his attacks, or at least fully apply for My protection from them!

There comes a time when everyone should get prepared for an important lesson to learn to make life worth it, especially as one of My followers. (15:129) The times when you made it in your own strength are pretty much over; and I know it’s a hard time for you. But as I told you, it’s just a supposedly helpful preparation for the even harder times to come. See it as your little leadership role, being the one who’s being prepared for what’s to come! It’s good to get used to when it becomes obvious that times are not becoming better, but rather, worse. Putting up with that and getting used to and prepared for it is the momentary challenge, and the attitude everyone ought to have: to get prepared for what’s coming! It takes a bit to get used to the way things are running… but let it prepare you all for what’s up! Applying for help from Above is a wise movement and preparation for what’s to come, which you might not appreciate so much right now, but you will when those times arrive you’re being prepared for! Time to get out of the groove of the old ways and start getting prepared for the new! Things could be better, true, but they could also be worse, and, unfortunately, they will be, and that’s what I’m trying to help you get prepared for. There’s that human desire for constant improvement… a way for things to get better… but sometimes folks ought to get prepared for things getting worse, especially when taking into consideration who was granted to take charge of their world 6000 years ago, and, as predicted, that reign will have a limit in the days soon to come, and ought to be gotten prepared and ready for, if the plan is to survive – especially, in order to help others, who won’t quite know yet what will be going on, to realize what’s happening, and tell them about the positive change coming up ahead, through Me and My return! (15:130) The main reason and purpose for your present weakening: to prepare you for the times to come, during which you’ll be absolutely dependent on Us, and all the help from Heaven you can get! (15:131) Be prepared for your arrival in your lasting Home! It’s definitely the larger part of any of My believers’ existence, so, the sooner you start getting prepared for It, the less shocked you’ll be when you arrive Here! Definitely nothing wrong about getting prepared for your lasting – your eternal Home! Get prepared for the far better Life than the one you’re currently having to endure! (15:134) With the Endtime visibly growing closer, wouldn’t you agree that you would very well need some necessary preparation, in order to help you make it through the coming rough times? (15:135) Things are getting difficult for you in order to prepare you for the times to come when it won’t just be difficult, but pretty much impossible to make it without the help from Above you need to learn to apply for and lean on right now! Life may not be so rosy right now, but it will be even less in the future! So, prepare for it by learning to lean more on Me! (15:136) It’s a rough and drastic change from the easy way your life used to be, but the change into the Endtime will even be more drastic; and what you’re going through right now is supposed to help prepare you for that. Preparations for the rough times to come you’ll be thankful for once you get there! Get prepared for changes! There’ll be some huge ones happening in the world scenery, and the more prepared you’ll be for those drastic changes, the better. (15:137) Preparation for change is definitely a wise move. Prepare and get ready for entering My Kingdom! (15:138) It may be a bit of a drastic change not to be making it without My supernatural help at all through the days, but… well, that’s preparation for the Endtime, when you’ll definitely not make it without My help! There are big changes coming, and you need to get ready for them, learn how to handle them by clinging to Me and depending on Me, and simply put your trust much more in Me than in your own abilities! (15:140) If it takes miracles to get you through what you have to, well, isn’t that a confirmation of what I’ve been telling you about the future, and them being what you’ll need to make it through it? So what better way to prepare you for it than getting you ready to ask for and expect miracles to see you through? Things you’re learning and experiencing and going through right now are the best preparations for the tough times coming ahead of you and the rest of the world. So, get prepared for the rougher times and learn how to deal with them! The easy times the enemy may have put there to keep you from preparing for what’s to come! (15:142) It’s a tough time compared to your former ones, but all the tougher the times ahead of you will be that I’m helping you to prepare for. The best that can happen to you right now is to get prepared for tough times, and learn how to handle them, letting them cause you to lean closer to Me and My help, which is what you’ll surely need in the days to come. So, get ready by learning to get ready, prepared, and deal with things you simply won’t be able to handle by yourself anymore! If you feel like you can’t manage things by yourself anymore, don’t see it as too negative, but remember the positive side, that it will prepare you for times to come, when leaning on Me and your help from Above will turn out to be the best you could have ever learned! You’ll be grateful for having been prepared for what’s to come when it happens! (15:143)

Sorry that it got a lot rougher than you could count on and expected, but trust Me that in order to get prepared to make it through the roughest time on earth ever, it’s better to learn how to make it through rough times, than to continue to be spoiled. Yes, the easier times were nicer. But how were you going to get prepared for the times of trouble just by being used to good times? You may not be thankful right now for what you’re going through, but then you will be for realizing that this has been preparing you, strengthening and helping you to make it through the roughest part ever; and without the necessary preparation and learning how to deal with and handle tough times, it just might not work out to get through the even rougher part. If things get too tough for you… well, if you need My help, just get into the gear and apply for it and ask Me for it! There’ll be times coming when you won’t make it without it, and these times right now are to prepare you for it. What you’re going through and learning right now will help you make it through the different times to come… the harder times, and you’ll appreciate what you’re going through and learning right now, since you’ll finally recognize the necessary preparation. (15:144)

That’s where you’re heading: the World of the Spirit; and the sooner you get more onto Its wavelength and what It has to offer, the better! So, getting ready and prepared for it? (15:148) Learn how to accept it by faith whatever assaults you go through and seem to make life harder for you! Don’t see the experience as something negative, since it’s preparing you and teaching you how to handle rough times, which you’ll have to learn, in order to make it through the dark future up ahead! It will make sense then that you had to go through preparation for it! To pray more, stay closer to Me and ask for more help because you can’t make it without Me is good preparation for the future up ahead of you! Sorry if it’s a bit of a tough training, but it’s pretty much the only thing that can prepare you and enable you to make it through what’s to come! I knew that things weren’t going to remain as easy as they used to be, and have been trying to prepare you for the changes. Right now you may not feel capable of making it through anything like worldwide persecution and tribulation, but hopefully, once I’m finished preparing you, it won’t all look that impossible anymore. So, get ready, learning to use the right kind of supernatural aids and weapons I’m working on preparing you with! (15:149) Be prepared for the enemy’s strikes, since the peace that seemed to be there for some time was just to get you off guard! The enemy’s take-over of the world government will be the final stage, in which you’ll be utterly dependent on miraculous help from Above to make it through that time. But you need to get prepared for it… Not an easy time, I know… but the more you learn to cling to Me, the more bearable it all will be, so, hold on and hang on, and keep fighting! (15:150) It’s part of the necessary preparation for the Endtime to let the Spirit play a greater role in your mind and life in general than the physical part, which isn’t going to get any better, but more disastrous as time down there goes on towards its end. Preparation means: get ready for changes! Be prepared for the fact that things won’t continue to go on in the same old way forever, even though having the current world system survive for longer than some expected, it will make it harder and tougher for the majority of the masses to cope with the coming drastic changes. (15:152) Getting in tune with Me, learning to depend on Me, and all these things I’m pointing out to you will be helpful and essential keys for you to make it through what’s coming! I know, they’re rough times for you already right now, but at least like this you won’t be too shocked when the global rough times will hit, and you’ll be a bit more prepared than if they’d strike you in shock, unexpectedly and unprepared. Learning to count on Me in a stronger way than ever before is what will get you through what’s to come; so, keep trusting Me that I know what I’m doing in letting you go through a desperate time already in preparation for what’s to come! Trust Me that it’s a good way of preparation to replace your self-confidence with dependence on Me instead! (15:153) Become prepared for the change! It’s necessary to get prepared to make it through tough times up ahead. Getting prepared for tough times to come you’ll appreciate as a gift then, when it happens, and realize the value of times of preparation for it. With not so much pleasure around right now as you used to have, trust Me, that it’ll be better preparation for what’s to come up ahead! (15:154) It’s definitely becoming more necessary to prepare for the rough times awaiting that planet! Ready for the preparation for something new, a new gear and rhythm of life to get into, powered from Above? (15:155) Learning to put your entire trust completely in Me and the help from Above and quit leaning on your own capacities to make it in the system will play a major role of times of preparation for what’s to come: the enemy’s ultimate and final ruler-ship over the world. (15:156) If things get tough for you down there, remember, there’ll be tougher times coming, and all the times do you’re having to go through is prepare you and make you stronger to deal with it then! You think you’d learn from permanently perfect and easy times to make it through times of trouble and prepare for it? (15:157)

Ready and prepared to cope with big changes? There’s a bit more of preparation work we have to do. Going through low energy times during which you just need and are dependent on Our help from Above is the perfect preparation for dark times to come, so get used to it! The more you’ll depend on Us, the more you’ll make it through times to come; so, let this be good preparation for you! The time set in to prepare you for what’s up ahead and coming. (15:158) Most people don’t believe in the existence of the enemy (nor Mine), nor his rulership of the world, but you’ve come to experience it as a fact. So, consider that an important preparation for what’s to come! (15:159) Once you’ll see the things happening I’ve been preparing you for, your faith is bound to grow to the extend it ought to. (15:160) It’s part of the reason folks were told about the impending trouble long before: to get ready and prepared for it, and not let it damage your faith and trust in Us. The time of its greatest darkness is approaching the Earth, and it’s better to get prepared for it! You had it a lot easier before, but it’s time you get used to the fact of darkness approaching and tougher times coming toward you and the world for which you’d better be prepared. If you think times are tough right now… well, you’ll remember them as comparatively easy ones during times to come! (15:163) If things are rough and tough right now, value it as important preparation for even rougher and tougher times coming up! And getting into a situation where you barely make it on your own, see that as good preparation for making it through even rougher times to come! Trouble up ahead is quite likely, and you should be getting prepared for it and ready to handle it when it’s there. Times are tough, but they’re bound to get tougher, and thus it’s more important to get prepared for them. Get prepared to handle hard and tough times, since the toughest times of history are on their way; and there’s not much hope to make it through them without any necessary preparation and becoming aware of the fact that miracles will be needed! (15:166) To lean on help from Above is pretty much the only way to make it through the dark future up ahead! And if those aren’t going to be fun and glorious days, the fact that these days aren’t, either, is just good preparation for what’s to come! Sorry about the roughness of your situation… but trust Me that it’s the only way to get you halfway prepared for the much rougher one on its way. It may be way much harder what you’re having to go through than what you’ve been used to, but not as hard as what’s yet to come… So, getting prepared for tougher times than ever is what’s on the schedule, and not much use complaining about it! (15:167) If the impression you get from your current experiences and time you’re going through is that you don’t have much of a chance to make it on your own and without My supernatural help from Above, well, then let it be and view it as good preparation for the toughest times to ever come on earth! If you can’t manage to make it so easily through the times you’re going through right now, just let it be preparation for the hardest times to come, for which you’ll need more of My supernatural help in order to make it than ever before. Don’t be too dismayed if I’m trying to prepare and get you ready for what’s to come! There are rough times up ahead to prepare for. (15:174) It’s better to be prepared for hard and tough times, than shocked by them when they come. Times are tough right now, but see it as a preparation for what’s coming and will be even tougher… so get prepared and ready for the final days of the earth in Satan’s grip! (15:179) Your momentary situation strikes you as chaos; but trust Me: it’s not even nearly as chaotic yet as it’s going to be. If you feel like you can’t cope with it all right now, well, just let it be good preparation for times to come, which will be making you feel less able to cope with it! (15:181) If the situation down there’s getting rough and tough, just see it as preparation to make you fitter and help you make it through the rougher times yet to come. (15:183) Recent times haven’t been so pleasant in order to prepare you for what’s to come. Try and appreciate the hard times as preparation for what’s to come and why you’ll make it in the future! The times are getting darker and worse, and his ultimate rule coming closer… and that’s definitely something to get prepared for! Wish I could make it somewhat easier for you, but you’ve just got to get prepared for what’s coming! (15:190) Get prepared through learning to let the Power from Above work through you! You’re learning a lot about the advantages of what’s coming thereafter, and are being more prepared for it by being taught about the factors that make it better than what you’re having to go through right now. Take getting older as part of the preparation for the Thereafter, getting to know factors that will make you appreciate what the other Dimension has to offer! So, it’s definitely more positive things to prepare for and look forward to Up Here, after that temporal life down there, and it’s definitely something to focus on and make you appreciate the change that’s coming. (15:191)

Try and appreciate that preparation We’re giving you to help you make it through the dark times to come! (15:194) If the here and now seems rough, just remember it as good preparation to make it through the there and then, of which you’ve heard that it’ll be the roughest and toughest of all times. So, don’t be too dismayed about My efforts to prepare you for that – the toughest times to come! So, don’t be too upset about it being rough times you’re having to go through, but keep remembering that it’s just important preparation for what’s coming and will be even a lot rougher, in order for you to make it through there. (15:206) If the conditions and circumstances are rough, learn to deal with them and handle them, knowing that eventually they’ll be worse, that’s what you should do and get prepared for what’s coming. It may be the roughest circumstances of your life, but see it as the preparation for even tougher ones coming that you ought to get prepared for! Don’t expect perfect situations down there, but get prepared for times of trouble! Times are tough? Learn how to deal with them! Learn how to handle, take and accept whatever comes at you, even if it’s not quite as grand as things used to be! Just let that fact prepare you for what’s there to come! (15:214) You feel like you’re utterly dependent on Me right now and need bits of My input pretty much desperately. This is important preparation for the roughest time in history to come! I’m preparing you for those not-easy-at-all times to come, in order for you to be able to handle them. You won’t be as shocked by the harder times to come if you’re being prepared by some hard and tough times already. The times to come will be harder. So, better to get prepared for them. (15:219) Prepare for the rough times, best of all by keeping connected to Me as much as you can, for I am He that helps you make it through any dark times up ahead. And being prepared for them is better than experiencing them in shock when they come, as most people will… So, let Me prepare you, and do it by tuning in to Me in the mornings and getting a large enough dose of My Spirit to make it. (15:222)

Be prepared for the Hereafter and an eventual end of your situation down there. Remembering that shouldn’t keep you in a state of complaining, either, but rather of preparation. (15:223) Getting used to the fact that your Home’s Up Here and not down there is something to help you prepare for what’s Up ahead, and might wind up making folks a bit more curious about It. (15:227) Don’t be too troubled about Me leading you through tough times, but see it as the preparation you need for what’s coming up ahead! It’s not time anymore to trust and rely on your own strengths and capacities, at least not completely! It’s time to learn to depend on the ones from Above, from Up Here, your future Home you should prepare for! (15:229) You’ve got to get prepared for harder times, and not take the easy times for granted. Just remember that there are quite some lessons to learn, and... well, it's the hard times that mostly teach them. (15:230) Life having become harder is part of the preparation for the Endtime that’s heading towards your planet, along with your personal preparation for what’s coming to you afterwards, or after life down there: Hard times just make you more ready for your farewell from down there, along with all the lessons you’re supposed to learn about how not to be, think and do things. Even if it’s all not that grand and rosy as you’d prefer things in life to be, just take it by faith that the harder times are proper preparation for what’s to come. (15:232) Remember there are tougher times up ahead you ought to prepare for, and what could be preparing you better for tough times up ahead than the rough and tough incidents you’re experiencing now? Sure, life could be easier, and you may feel it should be, but don’t you think it’s good preparation to be learning and adjusted to putting up with rough times when the roughest ever are just ahead of you? So, if you’re going through tough times right now, see them as necessary preparation for the toughest ever to come! Having learned how to handle rough and tough times will be helpful, even if those preparations aren’t nearly as nice or pleasant as the good times you’ve had in the past, and it takes time and sticking close to Me to get used to it all. Prepare in getting used to availing yourself of the help from Above, which will also be useful and vital to others who will be dependent on supernatural help to make it through those times to come! Remember that temporal things are changing, and one of the most drastic changes of history is on its way, so preparing for that is the most important! Prepare for what’s to come, and don’t lean on the possibility factor that everything will stay the same! It won’t. So, get prepared! – Amen? (15:234) (What you’re going through) is preparation for the time the master of hell is going to take over the rule over this planet just about completely. You’ll have to get prepared for hell on earth, with the pretty much worldwide, temporary rulership of our enemy over the planet. Life being so rough for you right now is preparation for the great appearance and rulership of evil over the planet to get ready for. (15:235)

The fact that life isn’t so rosy for you right now is for you to get the point that there’s something greater than that world expecting you… a greater and more important part you ought to prepare for. So, preparation’s the name of the game right now, even if the temptation is to just get stuck and focused on what’s going on right now… Part of the toughness of the times happening is supposed to prepare you for what’s to come, thus teaching you more to lean on Me and depend more on all the strength from Above you can get through asking for it, and getting tuned in to leaning and depending on It, instead of your own physical abilities! Like that song says: “Lean on Me when you’re not strong! I’ll give you strength to help you carry on!” (15:240) The world’s future will make it even more dangerous for folks like you, so it’s important to keep getting prepared for impending danger and tribulation. Because the time of the End didn’t arrive when some folks predicted it, many believers don’t feel like having to get ready or prepared for it, but rather spend their time on enjoying it as much as they can… Well, but when times get rough, you can tell that it pays to be prepared for some trouble, and in any case it won’t harm anyone to get into the groove of applying for help from Above… (15:241) Things are tough, but that’s preparation for the tougher times, and pretty much the toughest ever. There’s just no other way than preparing for the tough ones coming, and learning how to deal with difficulties. (15:242) Trust Me that it’s important to rely on the strength and aid from Above in the times coming, that are getting darker, and even the darkest of world history. So, prepare for it by learning to rely on and cling to Me and your help from Above! One’s gotta get ready and prepared for the darkness taking over complete command. With the hardest time of history approaching, there’s no other way than preparing for it and learning how to make it through, than availing oneself of the definitely available Help from Heaven, the Creators of all, and Their vast and helpful heavenly Host. (15:244) The blessing you’ll be able to be for others when things do turn tougher, will come through managing to make it through those tough and dark times coming, due to what I’ve been and am teaching you. In the light of the fact that things are going to get worse, doesn’t that sound a bit better than just having you go through easy times and then be shocked when the hard times start? So, don’t be too disappointed that things are getting a bit harder and tougher for you! One day you’ll be grateful for that preparation I’m putting you through, trust Me! So those hard times of the End didn’t come when you folks expected them. But if they will, trust me that you’ll be thankful for that preparation… So, get prepared, and learn the lessons about lifting and raising the quality of your personality! In any case: Get better! – A better person, as well as better prepared for a state of the world that won’t get any better. (15:248) Trouble’s on its way, with the king of trouble gaining more and more control down there everyday. So, get and be prepared for it! The troubles you’re already experiencing are only a preparation for much greater trouble to come, and there to teach you to depend and lean on all the help from Up Here you can get, without which there won’t be much chance to make it through the troublesome times to come, and which you have to get prepared for to handle them… So… rough times? Don’t be too upset about them, but let them help to prepare you for the roughest times to come, ever. If it’s already the roughest times you’ve experienced, let it be a preparation for you for what’s expecting the world! (16:1) That’s where you’re headed: Up Here, and getting used to using all the help from Heaven you can get will prepare you for your arrival Here… It may be tough now, but that’s just preparation for the toughest times to come, ever. One’s got to take, accept and handle whatever life brings. I’ve had to do it, too, even with all My Power at My disposal on Earth, and true followers of Mine, and thus, true members of My heavenly Family, have to prepare for something similar. (16:3) Preparing for the worse times is all I can remind you of, for things aren’t getting better, even if you find a better place than where you are, temporarily. Get prepared for the times of trouble, and don’t seek a permanent vacation time! (16:7) If things are tough, and tougher than they used to be, don’t let it shock you too much, but let it be more something you ought to know you should be or start getting prepared for. The Endtime’s been announced various times without actually setting in when expected… but don’t you think it’s better to be prepared for it anyway? And the best way to get prepared for any drastic changes in life is to stay close to and dependent on Me and all the help from Above you can get. (16:13) Yeah, rough times are there, and rougher times are to come… so, get ready! Not being used to easy times is the best that can happen to you right now… trust Me! Even though you may be missing the better times you’ve had in the past, it may be good to just tune up to the fact that there are rougher times up ahead.

Sometimes it’s just better not to go by the way things have been before, and get ready for the new things to come, even if it may seem quite a lot harder than what you’ve been through in the past! Preparation for the rough times coming will be the thing you’ll appreciate most when those times are there. (16:15) Get prepared for rougher and tougher times that will make you a lot more dependent on that help from Above, and less reliable on your own abilities! (16:16) It’s good to get used to unusual conditions, because that’s what the future of the world’s destiny holds, and get prepared for such changes! (16:17) You’re feeling weak right now, and that’s to show you and prepare you that you won’t be able to make it through the coming dark times on your own, without the necessary help from Up Here. Realizing that you can’t really utterly rely and lean on yourself and own capacities, is the best preparation for what’s to come. (16:20)

It’s good to prepare for the times of trouble, and not get tripped off on other things, like the rut of seeking to have fun for oneself. Sorry: the days of fun are unfortunately over and have to be swopped into serious times of preparation for the roughest times to come! Better to be prepared for rough times coming than having to experience them in shock! (16:23) I know it’s a bit rough for you right now, but that’s what you’ve got to go through in order to get prepared to make it through the even rougher days to come! (16:33) We’re having to prepare you for your job in what’s to come, and trust Us that We know what changes you need most, in order to make you more of the kind of man We need and want you to be. If you can’t handle too well what’s going on around you, take it as a confirmation that you belong elsewhere, a Place we’re trying to prepare you for, get more geared to, and will hopefully bring some more others along to as well! (16:34) To get used and adjusted to tougher phases, asking for help from Above is the proper way. You’ll definitely need it in the not too far future, so, I’m allowing the current circumstances you’re having to get used to, to prepare you for it, so you’ll make it through that coming phase. It’s time to get used to the current state of the world, and preparing for it to get worse in the near future. (16:35) Get prepared for times coming during which you’ll not be able to make it in your own strength, but will be dependent on help from Above! Get prepared for them by learning to lean on the Strength and help from Above, not your own capabilities, which simply won’t be sufficient for what’s coming up ahead in the not too far away future! (16:37) If you need heavenly help for your life, consider it good preparation for the even tougher times to come! To depend and lean on Me and the help from Above is one of the principal lessons and processes going on in this part of history: Preparation for the toughest and hardest time of history to come. (16:38) Sorry, but having to make it through the rough times is on the schedule right now, to get prepared for what’s to come. Sorry, things are turning out so miserable for you, but remember that it’s bound to be preparation for the worse times coming… in fact, the worst in history! There’s a better Place awaiting those who receive Me! And living by faith in that, and in Me and your heavenly helpers to make your presence down there a bit easier to handle is a part of the preparation for what’s coming. (16:39) Life has become much tougher than it was before, but trust Me that it’s a good preparation process for what’s to come! So, consider these tough times preparation times for the hardest and toughest time ever to come to this planet! If you’re tempted to feel they’re too tough, remember that without this preparation you might not make it through the rougher days to come, and I would definitely like to be able to use you during those. Trust Me that they’re not that far away anymore, and this preparation – even if a bit tough – is what you’ll need desperately! Leaning on and relying on your own abilities might not be exactly what you need for that preparation for the days to come during which you simply won’t be able to! So, get used to utterly depending on the Strength and help from Above, from Up Here, your true Home and Destination. (16:41) Just make it through the times of trouble you’re having to face, and let it be a preparation for the greater trouble to come! If it’s a tough time for you to make it through, let it prepare you for the tougher ones to come! (16:43) When the best times of life are gone, it’s a passage to start preparing for the better Place thereafter, by faith. (16:46) If life gets rough, it’s a reminder that you need Me and all the heavenly help you can get ahold of… just as you will in the near future, which these present hard times are part of the preparation for. You should be getting used to making it through what’s going to be around you exclusively with My help! If you can’t make it very well right now without it, see it as preparation for even harder times to come… the toughest in all of history! (16:48)

Don’t be too shocked by the relatively hard times, but take them as needed preparation for the toughest ones of history to come! We’d like you to make it through what’s to come, and that simply takes some necessary preparation. Part of preparing for worse is what you’re having to go through to help you make it through what’s to come. Future preparation may be a bit tough these days, but it just takes some faith and trust in the fact that We know what We’re allowing. Sometimes there’s no other way for folks to make it through the hard times to come than allowing some trouble to prepare them for it, including in order to get them used to applying for Our help from Above, and not thinking or expecting to be able to make it through coming circumstances in their own strength and capacities. So, the best preparation for the times to come is getting used to needing that help from Above, instead of confiding in your own energies and capacities. (16:50) A system less reliable than other places, from Our heavenly point of view, is much better preparation for times to come than living in a state where you can just rely on the system to see you through. (16:52) If you’re feeling like you can’t make it right now, let it be preparation for the toughest times this planet’s had to go through, learning to apply for My daily help, protection and care, in order to make it through what’s coming! If the current situation seems tough enough for you already, get used to the fact that there’ll be tougher ones up ahead I need to prepare you for, and you need to learn to raise your strength for from the Spirit! Be prepared for the toughest times of history! And let the present tough times you’re going through be clear to you as helpful preparation for them! So, rough times right now mean: “Get ready for the roughest times to come!” (16:53) When things become too tough for you to handle by yourself, it’s the right kind of preparation for the even much harder days to come! Get ready for the big, tough changes! With the hardest time of history having been predicted, all you can do is prepare for them. And for the hardest times to come, what could be better preparation than to get used to hard and tough times and circumstances? So, don’t resist and resent them, but see them as helpful preparation for what’s about to come! (16:54) Life becoming a disaster in a world that’s headed for disaster is simply better preparation than if everything would continue to flow along smoothly. Be prepared for the darkest times to come! Life not being so easy may be a bit rough, but only preparation for even rougher, and the roughest ones to come. So, get ready! (16:55)

Things not going so rosy is just what draws you closer to Me and makes you more desperate and dependent on Me, which I’ve been telling you, is the only way to make it through those days to come… so, preparation. In order to go through an episode without ending, some lessons and preparations are necessary. (2016:58) Bad, hard and evil times are coming to your planet, and it’s high time for preparation for that trouble. The forces of evil are giving their sign that they’re soon to take over. – Preparing for the last and final world government of evil. So getting ready for it would be the wisest thing to do. Learning that the Spirit is more valuable than the flesh is one part of that preparation for the dark times to come… so, do it! Prepare for what’s coming by getting geared to the Holy Spirit. Not leaning on the flesh or physical and material “riches” that are bound to wither! (2016:59) With the realization of times getting worse, it’s good to get prepared for it. Getting and staying in tune with Me is the best you can do as preparation for the times soon coming! Losing confidence in your own abilities is a plus, as far as preparation for the times to come’s concerned. While you’re not supposed to worry about the future, nonetheless the time has come to prepare for what’s to come! So, get ready by learning to lean on Me, not your own capabilities! (2016:60) The rough times make you stronger through availing yourself of the help and support from Up Here, which, during the good and easy times you don’t feel you need that much. But learning to need them is the best preparation for times to come! (2016:61) Going through trials in a world run by our enemy isn’t a negative sign. If that world’s not your home, you shouldn’t feel too dreadful about it. Yes, consider the trials part of the preparation for what’s ahead of you! It could be worse, and unfortunately, things will be, so the only way to prepare you for it is having you pass through tough times already. With kids around you that are only expecting the best for themselves in that world around you it ain’t easy… but preparing them for it the best you can would be wise. So, don’t blame Me too much for allowing times to be difficult for you, since that’s just about the only way to prepare you for the roughest time on Earth to come! Even if your times and days are tough for you right now, trust Me that it’s the best mode of preparation for the toughest times to come, teaching you to hold on to Me and all the help you can get from Up Here! Can’t make it on your own? Good opportunity to make it through Me! – And good training and preparation for the much harder times to come! (2016:63)

Having to go through a hard, tough and uneasy stretch of life is the best and most strengthening preparation to get you fit to make it through the darkest times to come. That’s what tough times do: strengthen and prepare you for the rougher ones to come! It’s natural to prefer easy times, but see the wisdom in preparing for harder times inevitably to come, by having to go through comparatively rough stages! So, don’t be too disappointed by the fact that the easy times are over and tend to get worse, but see the preparation process in them for what was predicted long ago! (2016:65) Dark times have been forecast, and dark times are coming. There’s nothing you can do about it, except prepare for it. (16:66) If the circumstances are getting tough to hear from Me and getting in tune with Me… well, just let it be a signal that circumstances will be getting even tougher than what you were used to, and something to get prepared for! (16:70) Needing My help pretty much for each day you’re passing through is not a bad sign, just a preparation for the toughest times of history coming up. (2016:72) You’ve simply got to get prepared for worse times coming up ahead. It’s time to get ready for the predicted hard times. The tough times cause you to cling closer to Me, and thus make you more receptive for all I’ve got to offer you – the Strengths of the Spirit, preparing you and getting you ready for the Thereafter. (2016:73) When you don’t have much of a clue if or how you’re going to make it, trust Me that it’s just about the best way one can get onto a path of a life of faith – one where your connection with Me plays the most important part, and not just your own capabilities, which is the best preparation for the darkest days to come. So, don’t be too discouraged about getting into a state where you feel you can’t make it on your own anymore, or without My help! It’s the best preparation for what’s up ahead of you. It’s important for you to realize and keep remembering that the world is not your home, and that it’s not the time to enjoy it like a vacation, but a time to prepare for the biggest trouble in history. It’s important that you stay on a path of preparation for what’s to come, even if that makes life a little tougher for you, when it’s hard to have to put up with such a serious-minded fellow. (2016:74) Not making it without Me and your Help from Above is a good sign, and the preparation you need to make it through what’s coming. Preparation for what’s coming stands at the top of the list of what’s there to do… and in order to stand a chance to make it through the roughest of all times, you just need to learn to make it through the rough times, even if that’s not something you like. Not being able to just rely on your own strengths and energies anymore is a good step of preparation for the rough times to come when it simply won’t be your own strength anymore to pull you through. So, get used to relying on Ours! (2016:75) Learning to take things as they come sounds like a good preparation for what is to come, since there are some drastic changes on their way that won’t be exactly what the majority of nowadays’ population has been trained to be adaptable for. So, learning to take things happening in different ways than expected is part of the useful lessons to prepare for what’s to come. So, if times are tough and there are rough and unexpected changes, don’t complain, but take it as preparation for something you ought to get used to! (2016:76) Learning to take things as they come sounds like a good preparation for what is to come, since there are some drastic changes on their way that won’t be exactly what the majority of nowadays’ population has been trained to be adaptable for. So, learning to take things happening in different ways than expected is part of the useful lessons to prepare for what’s to come. So, if times are tough and there are rough and unexpected changes, don’t complain, but take it as preparation for something you ought to get used to! Rough times around you? Rougher ones up ahead of you! So, it’s just a fact you need to get prepared for. (2016:76) If it’s tough times to go through, see them as preparation for even tougher times you’ll only make it through with My Help! There’ll come a time when the Strength and Power from Above will be all that will see folks through. So, the sooner you get into the gear of using It, instead of your own, physical strengths, the better prepared you’ll be for what’s to come. (2016:80) Prepare for better relationships to come! – Heavenly relationships! (2016:83) You need Our Strength, Help and encouragement as a preparation for the times not far away when no one will make it without! It’s no time anymore for keeping on the outlook for good, pleasant and easy times, but to get prepared for the roughest ones of all of history! (2016:84) You used to be largely capable of making it in your own strength, capacities and abilities, but I’m trying to prepare you and make it clear to you that you won’t. So, the more you start depending on Me, the better off you’re gonna be in coming times.

If you’re feeling incapable of making it anywhere in the condition you are, let it be a training and preparation for times to come during which you’ll be totally dependent on Heaven’s Help for your very survival! (2016:86) My input to you may be significant part of the preparation for what’s to come, not just for you, but also many who haven’t been aware of that factor, might not really need it right now, but would depend on in the times to come. So, don’t disregard the tough preparations you’re having to go through, but see them as what will help you and others to make it through the toughest times of history to come! (2016:90) Take it as preparation for the worst part of history to come, whatever evil has befallen you so far! The move to a place that doesn’t promise perfect conditions can be a path of preparing you for what’s to come… (2016:91) Since what’s expecting you and your planet is one of the most drastic and ferocious changes in history… well, it takes a bit more preparation than you’ve been used to. The most drastic changes require the most drastic preparations for them, to get ready to handle and cope with them. Be thankful for My preparation of you to make it through what’s to come, and try to appreciate it! Wondering how you’re gonna make it through each day is basically what it’ll be like during those darkest days of history to come; so don’t blame Me for these harder times, but try to appreciate that preparation for the hardest ones to come! Remember that it’s better to be prepared for troubled times than utterly shocked when they come! That little taste and groove of “impossible” for you is just part of preparation for the darkest times of history when it’ll take miracles to make it through each day. (2016:92) Changes are coming; and it’s good to get prepared for and adapted to them, even if your flesh might initially have the tendency to reject them. (2016:93) Jonah never got to see the fulfillment of his predictions during his earthly life. Maybe you won’t either. - But what if? Better to be prepared. Better safe than sorry! (16:94) It may be the toughest stretch of your life, and tougher to handle than what you’re used to, but remember there’s tougher times yet coming up that you have to get prepared for! And tough times one can’t be prepared for without going through some stretches of them. So, consider this current stretch a time of training and preparation, although you’re already having to go through spiritual battles; but not as grave ones as the ones coming up with the enemy availing himself of all the physical forces to persecute and destroy My followers in the dark days to come, where the availing yourself of My Powers will be your only hope of survival. (16:96) The rough times are supposed to prepare you, and thus help you make it through the roughest to come. If folks down there are treating you roughly, don’t let it bring you down or hurt your pride, but see it as part of the preparation for the toughest times to come, during which circumstances will be rougher by far, and – accordingly – people’s behavior and modes! More supernatural Help and miracles are going to be required in times to come… so, a good time to start preparing for that greater need for miracles, and getting into the miracles-prayer mode! (16:97) Getting used to depending on My Help and protection is part of the necessary preparation for those dark days to come. If you can’t fully rely on your own physical capacities anymore to see you through, see it as an important part of your preparation for the days to come when no one will make it on their own! If folks around you are making it harder on you, let it also be part of the preparation for things to come, when the world will be in its toughest state of history. (2016:98) With conditions and circumstances becoming more challenging and difficult to handle on your own, it’s all necessary preparation for the times to come when you simply won’t make it anymore without the miraculous Help from Above. (2016:99) If the circumstances aren’t rosy, see it as a preparatory lesson and experience for the darker times to come, to teach you how to handle difficult times! (2016:100) Don’t be too dismayed by the toughness of circumstances, but remember: they’re preparation. Preparation you need for times getting darker. If circumstances are getting rougher than you expected and are used to, remember that it’s necessary preparation for the biggest changes yet to come! That’s what happens when warnings of incidents come way before they happen: no one gets prepared. And the enemy knew that, and is using that human weakness, with his folks down there soon to take big advantage of the masses being totally unprepared for trouble. All the better you get prepared! – Not expecting easy times anymore, but getting ready for the tough times that I predicted to John nearly 2000 years ago. (2016:101) When life has been more pleasant in the past, it’s usually harder for those to cope with the conditions and circumstances of aging. But shouldn’t it help prepare you more for Thereafter? (2016:102) Preparation’s a big and important topic, and ignoring it would be a serious mistake in sight of what’s to come! (2016:104)

With a future as dark as what’s expecting the planet, the tougher situations you’ve got to deal with, the more preparation for what’s to come. Let me remind you of the needed preparation for the toughest of times to come: Whether you’ll make it or not, all depends on whether you’ll learn to depend on Me, My Help, Strength, Power and protection through all that is to come, and it’s one reason why I’m making it necessary for you already, to depend on them. It’s time to get used to depending on those energies and aids from Above, for the times come it won’t be possible without. (2016:105) You need Me desperately just about every day. Would you guess that I’d see that as a positive or negative? – Something to draw you closer to Me… And the need for My daily Help: positive or negative? – In the light of the fact that I count that as preparation for what’s to come? – And you should, too! What could be negative about getting prepared for those most desperate times for Christians in history? So, see that preparation not only as a positive for you, but as something that will become a positive and blessing for others around you as well! So, don’t see these tough times as a negative, but as a positive and helpful preparation for what’s to come, that will lift the chances for folks to make it through those times! Don’t be discouraged by the rough times that draw you closer to Me! See them as positive preparation to help you make it through the roughest times to come! Becoming a stranger to this world has never been a negative for Me, and it definitely won’t be for true believers after seeing what this world develops into – the kingdom (or global empire) of our enemy, who’ll do what’s in his might to erase My followership from the planet. - So, preparation for that – even if painful – something positive or negative? To get prepared means to get ready to make it through the roughest and toughest time for believers through world history. And I want them to make it through that, in spite of the roughest and worldwide persecution in history. (2016:107) Whenever you feel frustrated about the times you’re going through, just remember: it’s nothing compared to the times coming! So, just see it with a bit of thankfulness as preparation without which you’d stand even less of a chance making it through times to come! Tough times are just preparation for the toughest ones to come. So, something to be thankful for! Not knowing how to make it through the present times, might get you used to definitely not making it without miraculous Help through the even much rougher times to come, So, see that tribulation preparation as a positive, at least from the aspect that you won’t be too shocked by the appearance of tougher times. (2016:109) It’s not just preparation for the ugly times coming you’re going through down there, but also for your arrival Up Here… to get you as ready for new and exciting things as you can. (2016:111) If the conditions are far from perfect, see it as a part of the preparation for the times coming, when they’ll be much less perfect, and downright disastrous! I know that life is tougher for you now than it has ever been, but trust Me that this preparation is necessary to give you any hope to make it through the toughest times of history! (2016:112) Remember that the state of the world will get into such a shape that you won’t be able to figure out the solutions with your own mind, anyway; so, learning to trust in Us instead of your own mind is the best preparation you can get. See it as a useful step of preparation not to be able to rely on your own wisdom and understanding, but thus being forced to look Up to Us to find out where to go and what to do! (2016:114) The hard and tough times you’re going through you’ve just got to learn to manage with Help from Heaven! Applying for and getting used to that is part of the needed preparations for what’s to come. Can’t make it on your own? Apply for Our Help! The best preparation for the troubled times to come! (2016:117) With the most drastic changes of world history expecting the globe and mankind, it’s time to get prepared for what’s coming. Radical changes are necessary for you to get ready for them! Don’t be too perplexed by the fact that your current presence down there is the ugliest you’ve experienced: I’m just preparing you for something yet much worse to come! So, an ugly future to deal with; but that’s why I’ve been trying to prepare you for it, and still keep it up: to get you to rely on My Strength and Power, not your own abilities; in the wisdom from Above, not your own acquirements of knowledge… honoring the Spirit as a greater Source of Power than what you could expect from the flesh! (2016:119) The fact that some people around you are giving you tough times is just part of the preparation for the roughest times of all of history. (2016:121) Trying times to go through with a low level of energy you’ll discover as the perfect preparation for what’s to come. (2016:122) If it takes miracles to pull you through your days, it’s good preparation for the dark days to come, when it won’t be possible without them.

Getting used to the fact of needing Heavenly Help is good preparation for the days to come, when you simply won’t make it without It. (2016:125) It just takes some extraordinary preparation for folks to make it through what’s coming as My anointed ones. Get ready for dealing with the ugliest of the enemy’s toughness in history! – A tough one to handle; but that’s why the preparation part’s a tougher one, too, than you’ve been used to. Getting ready for the toughest times to come in history just needs about the toughest preparations of all you had to handle and could think of so far… (2016:126) If someone’s being a bit rough on you, just see it as part of the preparation you need for the much rougher circumstances yet to come! - Bad and rough times today? Necessary prep for what’s coming tomorrow! (2016:127) Don’t be too shocked about conditions not being by far as rosy and easy as they used to be, but in a gear of getting you prepared for the toughest ones of all of world history! When you feel like you can’t make it anymore, see it as preparation for the times coming when you definitely won’t make it without Our heavenly Help! So, if you don’t have much of a clue how to make it to the next destination right now, see it as preparation for the darkest times when seeing up ahead will require miraculous vision, insight and view! Just see it as part of My helpful preparation it will take to make it in miracle-mode through the last days of Satan’s rule on Earth! (2016:128)

If you’re not satisfied with your life in this world anymore, just remember that it’s not your home, and you might as well invest some preparation acts for the Part that is your Home – or at least will be. What can you expect from a world run by evil? And why not prepare for your appearance in the Home of Good? (2016:129) Since things are bound to get worse, it’s good preparation to take things whichever way they come, and try to make the best of them. Handling troubles is the best preparation. There might be other folks appreciating your presence in times coming, since you I’m able to prepare, getting you ready to avail yourself of the Help from Above needed in times to come, while not too many others have that link with Me. (2016:132) You need to get ready and prepared for the changes already predicted decades ago, with the world having gotten closer to deserving them! You shouldn’t neglect that path of preparation for the Lasting Side, and not just make the temporal part down there the main part, which unfortunately the majority of Christians do, yielding to the temptations of our enemy, who’s trying to make the temporal part the main and most important part, and managing to do so with the vast majority of believers! (2016:133)

Problems & Solutions Nobody was ever helped by ignoring their problem. (I:273) Your initial ideal reaction to every problem you encounter in life should be to give it to Me and trust! Your spirit helpers and angels of the cloud of witnesses around you in the Spirit World are waiting for that outcome when you face a difficult situation: whether you will give it to Me and trust, or try to do it yourself and wind up in dismay and worry and frustration. (I:398) Look beyond the manifestation or symptom of the problem and let Me show you what's behind it, and then, let's rush in to fill the need! Love is the answer! Don't withdraw when you see a problem! Do the opposite! Rush in and see what you can do, with My help! (I:457) I have given you the solutions! I AM the Giver of solutions and the One Who can answer all your questions, solve all your problems. (I:474) Problems just don't go away by ignoring them. (I:546) Satan's counterfeit solution isn't a solution at all. It just helps you forget or ignore the problem. What kind of a solution is that? (I:597)

The notion that things are just going to fix themselves under the right conditions is wishful thinking at best. It requires some attention and elbow grease to fix problems, not avoiding, but confronting them, dealing with them, working on them. (II:144) If you have a problem, you should make sure that you've done your part to commit it into My hands, so that you know it'll be taken care of and that I'm working on the solution. (II:185) If I handle your problems by not dwelling on them but encouraging you in spite of them, why don't you try to be a little more like Me in that aspect? (II:188) The answers to most of your problems lie in the things I've already told you. You've simply got to remember them! (II:236) I have given you the Power to overcome any obstacle, any weakness, any problem you might encounter! (II:294) The problem to get rubbed the wrong way easily, easily irritated and appalled by others' behavior, is a bigger problem in itself than their actual misbehavior! (II:298) Living by faith, and really putting faith in the first place is, in this day and age, something quite new and radical, and the more emphasis you put on that, rather than on the problem, the lack at hand, and even the immediate and quick solution, the more you're willing to let faith be the answer to the problem, the more proud I'm going to be of you. (II:331) You can really feel at ease about the simple solution of giving the problem to Me! There's nothing wrong with it, it's perfectly alright, no matter what the devil or your carnal mind may be telling you! You don't have to find or come up with the solution yourself! The solution is to give it to Me in prayer, and sooner or later you'll wind up with the conclusion that there is no other solution anyway! I'm the only solution and way out! One of the biggest jobs the hordes of Satan are pursuing is to keep millions of modern minds thinking they're smart enough to solve their own problems and thus don't need any help, least of all from God! Come to Me, and I'll give and show you solutions that will exceed the quality of the solutions those brilliant minds in the world of science come up with! You don't even have to define the problem for Me and put it into words, or ask for a specific solution! You can just give the problem to Me, just wrap it up into a bundle of prayer and give it to Me, and I'll take care of it! That's My Promise to you! Wherever you might find a problem, just remind yourself that I've promised that I'll take care of it! A special service granted to the wisest of the wise, those who don't think they're smart enough to solve their own problems, but believe that the smartest thing to do is to give their problem to Me. I reward their faith by taking care of it. (II:336) Praise Me for your problems! The greater the problem, the greater the victory, and the more it's going to strengthen your faith in the end. You need those greater problems, in order to give you greater faith, in order to tackle even greater problems, greater obstacles and seeming impossibilities in the future. (II:341) The problem is that too few people are doing what actually ought to be done. They're finding nice, convenient ways around it and to keep themselves busy with this and that and the other thing related to the Real Thing, but not the Real Thing itself. (II:348) How many more times are you going to dismay at the sight of a problem or an obstacle in spite of the countless times I saved you and told you not to be dismayed, not to fear, not to worry? (II:363) I am able and I am willing to solve your problems! I'm more willing to solve them than you are willing to believe it or to accept My

solutions or to even ask Me for them! (II:386) The more you're allowing Me to take part in your problems, the more solutions I can offer. (II:394) People fail to see that by far the greatest need is the spiritual need, lack and vacuum: people's failure to fathom, seek, grasp Me and to communicate with Me, the potential Solver of all their problems. The word "solution" indicates that problems are solved by allowing particles to dissolve into one whole: people have to give up their own interests and yield to the benefit of the greater Picture. (II:412) There’s not a chance in a life-time that I might have missed that little detail or problem in your life that needs attention. (II:435) Problems are more often than not being caused not by your circumstances, but your attitudes. (II:471) Allowing people to exist in a peaceful coexistence between good and evil and accepting and tolerating evil is one of the major sources of problems in the world today. (II:487) If you're thankful for what you've got, your house, your room, your car, whatever it is, then you won't mind investing a little elbow grease in maintaining it, making sure it stays clean, respectable and a good sample. However, if you think that you really deserve something better, why, you ought to live in a palace, and so you're not going to waste your time cleaning up this dump, then you've got a very common problem... (II:497) The simple solution is praise. (II:499) In order to find My way, My strategy, My method, My solution, you’re going to have to look in the Spirit! You can’t look in the physical realm for solutions. (II:655) You need to recognize the problem; not just the effect it's having on you, but somehow get down to the root of it. (III:7) God first is the magic formula that will supply all your needs and solve all your problems. (III:49) "Spiritual psychology" serves for folks to begin to understand themselves, and to learn to tackle their problems on the basis of that understanding. (III:51) As soon as you're having a problem, you've got something to seek and ask Me about, you're hungry and desperate for a solution, you need Me. (III:73) If it seems as if a problem seems to prevail, then the challenge may consist in finding out what it is that seems to be hindering the progress. (III:78) Be thankful for the times when things go wrong and haywire, for they indicate that you've been either going in the wrong direction, or that you've been neglecting some pretty important things! Usually those crises, when you realize your life is heading downhill for disaster, are precisely what help you to prevent it from really becoming one. (III:126) Folks are a little more open to hear about the solutions to their problems, when things are going wrong. (III:153) If you see My purpose behind every situation that puzzles and challenges you, you will soon find out that there is no problem that cannot be solved, because you'll see that that's what the problem is there for: it's for you to handle it, to master it, and learn to solve it with My Help. When you adopt the mindset that everything has a purpose, you'll realize that even every problem has only the one purpose to be a step upward for you to acquire greater wisdom, to challenge you to make yet another bit of progress. (III:166) You must count on adversities, on problems. The only way to avoid them altogether is to do nothing, and that is, of course, precisely what the devil wants. (III:178) I've got to allow you to get desperate to realize that you can't make it on your own. Otherwise there's no way you will ever seek Me and turn to Me with sufficient determination to really find Me and My solution, My way out of the situation. (III:210) For every problem you may encounter in life, there is always a solution that I am more than willing and ready to give and reveal to you, as soon as you start doing the right thing, which is to focus on Me, the Solution-Giver, instead of the problem! (III:230) Don’t stare at the problem anymore, but at the solution! You know the problem has become irrelevant, because all that matters is Me, the Solution, in Whose shadow any problems become ridiculous! (III:253) View your "problems" not as curses, but as blessings in disguise, for they are precisely what keeps you close to Me. (III:285)

Having made life easier than ever for the majority of society’s inhabitants will turn out to be one of the toughest strokes ever, since many folks will not be able to handle problems the way and size they’ll show up. (2015:183) Some of My problems with My Bride aren’t all that easy, and I wish you to go through some of the things I have to with My bride, just so you’ll learn a little about what it is I’m having to go through and put up with. (2015:237) Clinging to My Promises to help My folks through it all if they trust in Me and put that trust into action is the solution to it all, so use it! (2015:241) When you don’t know how to handle your situations and circumstances, it’s good to remember that you need Me to help, support and inspire you for you to know the way and details of how to. You’re not supposed to already know all the solutions yourself, but sometimes need to look and ask for them. When you don’t know the way how to handle things, ask for guidance from Above! You’re not expected to know or come up with all the solutions yourself. But you’re expected to ask for them and any help you need, because that’s the only way you’ll make it through the times to come! Don’t know how to make it? – Ask! No clue what to do? – Ask! Need help and solutions to your problems? – Ask for’em! (2016:70) Keep your faith, vision, focus and outlook geared Up Here, your true Home, and toward Me, the Solver of any of your problems! (2016:106)

To get ahold of your problems, confront them and overcome them is an important step. (2016:120) Sometimes there are just things to face that will leave folks with no other solution but putting trust in the Savior and Creator from Above! (16:132)

Progress, Growth & Advance Turn around, determine to keep an eye on that weakness, ask Me to help you be on guard and ‘deliver you from evil’, strengthen the feeble knees and the hands that hang down, and go to work on building new, healthier habits. And that’s what you call ‘progress’ and learning. (I:15) You’ve got nothing to lose, nothing to regret, only to gain, to grow, to expand, to multiply, to further and advance My Kingdom. (I:16)

My way up is down and to advance for Me, you might have to step back sometimes. You’re becoming a new building for Me, which will house and shelter many, with many new improved features. I’m constantly up for new enhancements, which are going to make your life for Me more and more exciting all the time. (I:84) Wanna win lasting victories and make continuous uphill progress without the two steps forward, one-step-back grind? Simply remember Me and give Me the glory by acknowledging Me, thanking and praising Me and asking Me to keep you from falling, even when you think you’re safe. That’s the secret. (I:90) There is yet a lot more progress to be made. Think in no wise that you have attained. There are new challenges ahead, and a forsaking of the old is due. (I:98) It’s expedient, absolutely necessary, that you win the victory over your spiritual enemy first, before you can seriously consider making any real spiritual progress. And without spiritual progress, there won’t be much progress in the physical realm. You can see the victory or defeat on your faces. A victorious face will always go further in spreading My victory and furthering My cause than one that is ridden by trial, self-doubt and defeat... After all, nobody will believe that you’re able to help them out of their hole if they can see you stuck in one yourself. (I:127) The very situation you’re in is specially tailored for you and your needs, your NWOs* and the very things you need to learn to grow and make progress. * (Need-Work-Ons) (I:174) Remember that I’ve got you, and commit everyday into My hands first thing, before the Devil has a chance to distract you with something else. Don’t let your pride get in the way of communicating and making progress! So much depends on you and how you take it and what you make out of it! (I:176) Even if it looks like everything is lost and all the progress you made is blown to the wind, those are just the storms of testing that blow away the chaff and that which remains is the worthwhile stuff, the material worth keeping. (I:178) Seek Me for which step to take next, and then take that step and do it and then the next one and so on. That’s progress. (I:194) Prove whether you’ve really got what it takes to not only stay, but to also move forward! Anyone can stay where they are and stagnate, thinking they have arrived and feel all self-righteous about it, looking down on others. But standing still is the beginning of backsliding! You either keep constantly gaining more ground and territory, keep making progress, going forward, or you slide back into the morass of System-standard me-thee-thou-and-no-other-ness. (I:294) Even though I'm leading you down the road of faith, trust and commitment gently and slowly, nevertheless I do expect you to take steps forward and make some progress and forward movement, otherwise you'll stagnate or wind up going round in circles, and you'll always wind up at the same stage of spiritual growth, over and over again, having to repeat the same old lessons. Progress and maturation is to let go of the old, and will always present to you new challenges, new learning experiences and thus you will constantly grow and gain greater riches of experiences and lessons gained, resulting in greater faith and also greater ability to make decisions with My help. (I:486) My Words to you are not just pretty Words to enhance your life or make it easier. They're instructions that will turn you into a better man, something more like Me, and I'm requiring that progress of you. (I:493) You wish you could make progress faster... But the only way to make progress at all is to get ahold of Me and My Power. (I:508) Maturity is caring enough to help someone else who is going through a phase of spiritual attack and weakness. (I:512) Seeking Me about, and refusing to accept your own thoughts on a matter, but rather Mine, that's such a good sign of progress! (I:513)

Radical, supernatural changes are required to make radical, supernatural progress! (I:606) I want you to progress, to focus on higher goals, and to have the faith for Me to overcome any and all impossibilities. (II:41)

Keep making progress in focusing outwardly, out toward the field and the sheep! (II:72) As long as you're not giving up, and as long as you're making some kind of progress and forward movement, not subtly sliding back, but learning from what I show you, you're winning! (II:119) Thank Me for your challenges! Therein lays the secret of success and progress! (II:199) I like it when you make an effort to go in the right direction and make progress. (II:205) To be willing to move away from all that's familiar to you is the only way you'll make progress, grow, and pioneer new territory. You can't do that by always sticking to what's comfy-cozy and the things you're so familiar with in life. Fighting a spiritual war there's a lot of serious, unpleasant stuff involved, and to become more familiar with these things and that part of life, is simply part of the process of growing up and maturing. As you grow, you notice a lot of not-so-glorious things that you didn't expect before... Gory details you didn't have a clue existed when you were young and idealistic and blue-eyed... There comes a time when you can't avoid the battles and confrontations anymore, and it's simply come to that: time to grow up! (II:224)

We’re going to have to be making some progress and move the things I've told you to the application level and put them into action. You've got to keep growing, keep expanding your horizon, keep embracing the new, the fresh, although it initially may feel strange to you. We're not trying to establish a new ritual or routine. We're trying to keep things alive and moving and progressing, and that includes and means changing. If you want to make forward movement, then this requires change. You can't expect progress without change. (II:231) Loving Me is a weapon, a tool and an instrument to propel you forward for Me, it signifies progress, coming closer to Me, which always means leaving the old behind. You must open yourself to new images from My Spirit, new experiences, new feelings! You must be completely open to the totally new! I am the New, the flesh is the old. I am the Door to the new, the Way to the new, the Shepherd leading you to new pastures, the new bread, the new water of life, the Light, making obsolete the old darkness which formerly surrounded you, and leading you ever onwards, away from the former, the old, the well-known. So, don't hold on to the old, but let it go, in order to make place for the totally New, which I am. (II:262) Growing up and maturing means you stop running off and forgetting, you remember! You make an effort to remember what I said, remember the Words I've told you, and you remember Me! (II:299) I'm trying to get you to progress by not choosing the easiest way, by not settling for compromise with the System. (II:317) Growing and maturing is not just increasing your knowledge; it's increasing the bandwidth of the spectrum of what you can actually see of the Big Picture. It's being constantly open to new, radical, revolutionary and "counter-carnal" input, receiving it and putting it into practice. It's not necessarily always wringing yourself through to doing things the same old way everybody else does it, but sometimes the answer lies in a new way of doing things. (II:320) Only I can guarantee your operating in the Spirit, and thus, doing fruitful things that last and that will cause you to really make progress. (II:409) Expansion is the name of the game: expansion of your horizon, your vision, your faith, your spiritual muscles and of the range and limits you have known and conquered thus far. There's always more. Never let your mind limit you to that which you have already known before, there's always more to find out, new things to discover, to explore, to learn! (II:464) When you don't make an effort, but just tend to passively drift and let everything just happen, then the tendency is usually downward. There are moments when you can just relax and moments without tension, but you should use even those to make additional headway. You usually don't really fight unless you're being attacked, but that's not how you expand, how you gain territory, how you progress. You can't afford to just drift through life without making any progress, because if you're not making any advances into the devil's territory to snatch something away from him, then he will advance into yours and see what he can rip off from you. You need to keep up an advancing attitude! The times when you don't have any outstanding battles to fight should not be considered times of truce, but you should use them to advance, to make progress somehow, by giving Me the glory for what you enjoy, by integrating Me more in those times. Stay on the attack and in advance mode! (II:474) Don't quit seeking progress, ways to improve and how you can do more than yesterday! (II:485) You can't really say you're mature or really grown up until you're able to just be you in front of others without pretenses. (II:536)

The enemy will always do precisely what he knows will stop you from making progress in the particular area I want you to make progress in. (II:549) Anything you can learn about can be good and useful, providing you're not - like so many - ever learning without ever coming to knowledge. - In other words, never making any real progress. And even if you consider yourself to be making progress, do you really think you know better what kind of progress you ought to be making than I do? (II:561) There's always more you could accomplish, some more progress to be made, some ground to be won. (II:609) Nothing will ever get you as far as when you let Me do it for you. (II:613) Part of maturing is to recognize one's errors. (II:614) It's not about all you've already gained, nor about the progress you already made, but how much there is yet to make. If you have reached one goal, what is your next? (II:627) Witnessing is a tough job. But in order to get where you want to get, there's no other way. In order to make progress to overcome weaknesses, that's the remedy, that's the way. (II:630) Everything you’re learning must be put into practice in order to move you forward! In order to make real headway and forward movement and visible, lasting progress, you’re going to have to commit your ways unto Me and put your trust in Me, that I will bring those things that concern you to pass. (II:655) Many believe themselves to be more mature than they are, immune to weaknesses that they are not immune to, and perhaps taking certain things for granted that they don't even really have yet themselves, like certain unselfish qualities. (III:17) There will always be a little bit more progress to make. It might be that you are making progress, but only in the areas that you know are easy for you to make progress in. But how much to you really excel in, and confront those areas that are tough for you to deal with? (III:38) There's more progress to make in your learning to become like Me. (III:50) There’s always something more left in you to give, another extra ounce of progress to make, yet another little bit to grow... (III:64) Create something better than the previous and make some progress, get a little bit further than you were last time...! Every now and then it's time for progress, time to upgrade and update. Whenever I have an upgrade in store for you, you can always be sure that it's truly an improvement on the stock. If a problem seems to prevail, then the challenge may consist in finding out what it is that seems to be hindering the progress. (III:78)

Part of the meaning of life: to simply behold the difference of the other and learn from it, absorb it, register it, test it, prove it, and if it turns out to be any good, perhaps assimilate it, or at least accept and tolerate it. - All that spells growth. And in the long run, this is one of the major contributing factors to all of you - all of us - growing into One. Simply put, it's love. (III:81) Love makes you grow beyond the limitations and confines of your former, your present world. It constantly expands and causes you to expand and stretch your horizon, to venture out into new realms of perception, yet always staying loyal to the True Center of all, which is Me, the Initiator of true growth. (III:83) Grow beyond your present limits! Open up and widen your present bounds and limits of affection, openness and receptivity and acceptance, stretch your muscles and level of tolerance! (III:93) When you realize to what greater extent I want to take over your life, and have to, if I'm going to use you as much as you wish, then you're beginning to realize how much more of you there is yet to surrender, how much more there is yet to give; that in many aspects, you haven't even yet begun, or at least you get an idea that there's yet plenty of room to grow, plenty of progress to make. Life isn't going to get boring, because there is yet so much to learn, so much further to go... Keep progressing and keep walking, keep absorbing Me! (III:113) You actually need adversities and the troubles to keep you spiritually awake and alive and progressing. (III:133) Our relationship must grow. The intensity and quality of our communication must grow. There has to be progress. (III:144)

How much do you live in a self-satisfied illusion that you're doing fine with the amount of Me you're applying to your life already? With how much or little progress are you content? (III:149) Quitting is an option that should be a total taboo for you. A non-valid option, not even to be considered. Yet the enemy senses that you're not quite there yet, and if he can turn up the heat just a little bit more, maybe then he can get you to quit. Perhaps not altogether, but at least to stop trying to win the victory and the battle today, to do all that's within your might and your power to do today that you can in order to bring about some progress for the Kingdom. (III:158) When you adopt the mindset that everything has a purpose, you'll realize that even every problem has only the one purpose to be a step upward for you to acquire greater wisdom, to challenge you to make yet another bit of progress. (III:166) Making the progress you need in order to be trained effectively into the shape you need to be in in order to overcome the odds against you requires first of all coming to grips with where you're really at. You have to have it before you can give it and pass it on. I will give you what you need as you go and give and pour out, but you still need to be in receiving mode! You've still got to be open for what I want to show you! You've still got to make progress yourself, and refuse to be satisfied with the level you're at. (III:167)

The right amount of pressure is what you need and what propels you forward into making progress. (III:173) You want to make headway for Me and make progress in My school of thought, in the School of heavenly Wisdom? Stop being dragged about by the old school of the System and the flesh, and whatever they tell you to do in order to make progress! (III:215) I will honor you with responsibilities according to the levels of progress you're reaching. The art consists in recognizing and appreciating the privilege of what I've handed you already. (III:238) Being accepted by others makes you too comfortable about who and what you are already. But I want you to keep changing, I want you to keep moving and progressing more in My direction. (III:241) You must refuse the option to just drift along and simply not make any progress. Because making no progress actually means regress: You're going back, instead of forward. (III:252) Improvement and progress are things everyone is striving for, unless they view life as a senseless, meaningless game. (2012:73) You’re just going to have to keep making progress in trusting Me. (2014:92) Try to make all the progress you can in your faith, and putting it into action! (2015:90) Work on your way up! Up with your moods, your outlook, and just about everything about you: get on your way up! (2015:157) If the rough times draw you closer to Us and make you more dependent on your faith, it’s definitely more of a step forward than backward. (2015:217) Learning to put your trust and reliance on Me is one of the necessary progresses to make it through the coming times. (2016:98)

(His) Promises Shoot your arrow of your vision, your destiny, your prayers into the future which is as bright and golden as My Promises. (I:19) My Promises are always contingent on your obedience, your commitment. (I:78) The flesh sees only the temporal, the immediate. Faith looks beyond, at the Promise, laid there before the foundations of the world, and reaches out for it, stands on it, chooses it as a firmer ground than what is generally perceived as ‘reality’. (I:82) There is nothing to fear. For I will let no harm come upon you, as I have promised. (I:87) I love you, and even though it may not look like it, you know that I will keep My Promise and everything’s going to be alright! That’s My promise to mankind: Everything’s going to be alright! Even if it seems that everything’s going all wrong, temporarily, for the devil and his cohorts are given temporary control over this world, you will see: Everything’s going to be alright! (I:107) Every morning My mercies toward you are new. I have promised I would care for you, and I will. Don’t let the enemy trick you into thinking you’re not important enough or I’m too distant or indifferent to care for you. (I:146) Open pathways are before you everywhere; if you will just open your spiritual eyes you will see them. (I:157) If you shall seek Me with your whole heart I will let you find My grace, which is sufficient for thee. You can make it, no matter how impossible it may seem! I have promised it, and I will empower you, I will do it and you shall see it. (I:194)

In My arms you will find the secret strength you need to make it. There is always more, and Our love will never run dry. My love for you will never fail; it’ll go on forever and ever and ever. (I:195) My Word and Promises about the future are unshakable and unconditional. I’m always with you, will never leave nor forsake you. Others of My promises are conditional, and their fulfillment depends on your individual choices. (I:208) I don’t want you to panic and stare at the waves! I want you to look up, to Me, and continue to trust in Me. My promises are still true. (I:253) When you’ve got nothing, I’ll be your All-in-all! When you’ve got nothing and I’m all you’ve got to cling to, that’s when I will prove Myself most efficient and effective for you, that’s when I’ll be all you ever needed. (I:266) My promises are conditional and hinge on your obedience. If you choose not to obey Me, all those promises can be inherited by another who chooses to do what I asked. (I:329) Inasmuch as you apply these Words and take up the challenges, so shall you also be a partaker of the promises. (I:360) You've got the Power of the universe at your disposal, you've just got to apply it, make it work for you and use it by praying, digging out My Promises and memorizing them and claiming them. If you were fully aware of their power and effectiveness, you would take this a lot more serious and spend much more time on becoming skilled in the art of wielding the power. (I:398) I have given you promise after promise after promise that I will care for you. I will supply all your needs. (I:400) It's time to live up to all that I have proclaimed and promised you would be! Now is the time! Awake, all of you, to the World of the Spirit! It is here! All that I've promised, is right at your reach, right now! All you've got to do is reach out and receive it, take it, use it, grab it, claim it, make it yours! (I:406) Seek answers and solutions, which I've promised to give you, if you will. (I:425) Seek first My Kingdom instead of being too preoccupied with the supply of your needs. I simply want you to put your trust in Me and know that all these things shall be added unto you, as I have promised, if you put Me and My Kingdom first. (I:435) Have I not promised that he who would drink of the water I give, it would become a well of living water in them that would cause them to never be thirsty again? (I:436) It's time to seek first My Kingdom and righteousness and to truly trust that in so doing you'll find that I will fulfill My promises to you and supply all your needs. (I:437) Even though you feel like you don't have the strength, I promise you My strength whenever you need it. (I:452) To him that overcometh will I give all the best of the secret hidden treasures as described in My book of Revelation. If you're ever tempted to lose the vision or wonder whether it's all worth it, look up those promises. (I:479)

Instead of getting offended, hurt, proud and bitter about Me asking to give something back to Me that you love, I want you to trust in My Promise that I never take one thing away from you without giving you something better. (I:488) If you lack energy, come and get it straight from the Source of all power and energy! I have promised: "I will strengthen thee, yea, I will help thee, yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of My righteousness" (Is.41:10). (I:515) There is sin with the accompanying forgiveness and mercy and lessons of love and humility gained out of them in the long run, as I have promised to all those who love Me, because even your sins are part of "all things" that work together for good to you. (I:516) In Me you shall find peace and safety. (I:519) I have promised you that there are sheep out there, so, just launch out on this, My promise, and put Me to the test! (I:529) Strengthen yourselves by memorizing specific Promises, geared to your particular problems and weaknesses. (I:558) Even if I'm having you wait for the fulfillment of Promises, the important thing is to keep trusting in Me, no matter what, knowing that whatever happens is good for you, and the closer you stay to Me and the more you love Me, the better it will be for you whatever happens. Have faith that I can fulfill My promises to you even when it looks humanly impossible because of circumstances, or the state the World is in. (I:559) I'm always there, like I promised (Mt.29:19). (I:562) I will not let Satan defeat My Promises. (I:568) My calling is not one to be pursued half-heartedly or lazily, you've got to give it your all! As you do, I will abundantly reward you and supply all your needs, as I have promised! (I:599) I can make everything out of nothing. Even so can you, with My magic of love. Hold on to My Promises! (II:1) if you find nothing else to thank Me for, thank Me for My Promises to you, and that I will keep them and fulfill them as surely as I am. (II:20) If I have promised in My Word that you can do all things through Me and that with the keys of the Kingdom of Heaven, the word "can't" has no meaning to you, it is an offense to Me if you still act as if you "can't." (II:37) There's going to be some more darkness to get through, some more pain, but if you keep your eyes on the light at the end of the tunnel, or on the rising sun on the horizon, although you may barely only see its first few rays of light, hold on to that promise, and you know it's going to be good. Everything's gonna be alright. (II:41) Trust in Me and My promise: you never lose by giving! Not even if it seems absurd, illogical or unreasonable to give! It didn't make sense to the masses that I had to give Myself on the cross, not even to My disciples... But where would you be if I hadn't? (II:89) Don't confine that which I have ordained and promised to your own limitations of personal experiences and opinions of what you deem possible and what not! (II:100) As long as you're listening, there's hope, because My Word will not return unto Me void. Of course, the more you remember it, the more you help Me to fulfill that Promise and really make it happen and have My Word bear fruit in your life. (II:147) It's hard to trust Me totally for your providence when you know that you should be doing more in order for Me to be able to fulfill My Promises of supply to you. (II:162) My Promises are always conditional in some way; you have to keep your part of the deal in order for Me to be able to keep Mine. (II:211)

I have promised that I would never forsake you, never leave you. I'm even using your faults to draw you closer to Me. (II:231) I always make the best out of everything, and all things work together for good to you, who love Me. (II:249) Even if you have to go through hell on earth, it's inevitable that everything’s going to turn out good, because I have promised it. Loving Me is very much an effective weapon you will want to use, because it enhances and increases My blessing on your life, My protection, the manifestation of My power and the fulfillment of My Promise! The more time you spend and invest loving Me, the better off you're going to be! (II:270)

My Word is the surest way to find My will: all those Promises attached to My commandments, and that if you seek first My Kingdom, I would take care of you. (II:305) Stagger not at My Promise through disbelief, but believe that I am able to bring to pass what I promised! (II:316) Keep on believing when things are not looking so bright, when your thoughts don't feel so heavenly, when you can't see any trace of the fulfillment of the Promise, except by blind, naked faith in My Word, simply because I have promised it, regardless of the fact whether it seems so, according to the circumstances, or not. (II:321) You can just give the problem to Me, just wrap it up into a bundle of prayer and give it to Me, and I'll take care of it! I'll take care of it! That's My Promise to you! Wherever you might find a problem, just remind yourself that I've promised that I'll take care of it! (II:336)

I promise, I'm going to see you through somehow. (II:339) You must remember My Promises to you! (II:350) You have My Promises that I do everything for your best, that I choose that path that is best for you, and you shouldn't compare with what another has that you don't. (II:441) Every time you manage to get over another hurdle, another obstacle and challenge in life, it will strengthen your faith to make it over the next one. Your faith will no longer just rely on My Promises to you, but also on the experience that I am well able to keep them. (II:575) Faith is the ability to enjoy that knowledge and act assured of My Promises, to be so sure of the victory that you can almost act as if I had already come and delivered you. (II:648) "I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee" (Heb.13:5). What I have promised, I will keep, even if it may look as if I'm not keeping My Promise, temporarily. (III:54) Remember My Promises to "him that overcometh" in the Book of Revelation, refusing to doubt that what I have promised I am well able to keep! (III:99) Nothing can stop what I have willed and promised. And remember that even though you may feel forsaken by Me, just as I did feel forsaken by Father on the cross, the reality was and is a different one: even though you may feel forsaken by Me, it’s not so. You are not really forsaken. I have never left you, but will always stick to My Promise, “I will never leave thee nor forsake thee” (Heb.13:5), especially not in your painful moments. Are you going to walk by faith in My Promise and that I will keep it and act as though it will come to pass? Are you going to walk toward that distant horizon in order to find that dream and make it reality, in spite of all the adverse circumstances, obstacles and odds against it? (IV:410) Look not at the circumstances, the state of your vessels and whatever it is that might hinder or slow you down, but only look at your greatest assets, which are the Promise and the Presence of My Power and Strength at your disposal, the heavenly Help that should make all the difference in the world between making it and not making it. (IV:415) I’m not saying I’m keeping you completely clear of any trials, temptations and problems, but I do promise that I take care of you, you’re My responsibility, and I won’t let you down! (IV:419) I want you to walk in an attitude of trust in Me, confident in My Promise that I'm with you and will be there for you. You can count on Me. (IV:448) I will show whether it was good or false to put your trust in Me. It may be a tough road, and a challenging one, but I can only repeat My Promise: you shall not be disappointed! (IV:452) Trust in My mercy, and in My Promise that I won’t allow you to suffer more than you’d be able to bear. (IV:455) Continue to put your trust in Me that what I have promised, I am able and willing to keep. I’m not the kind who makes promises they don’t intend to keep. (IV:456) You have My Promise that everything’s going to be alright, but it’s not necessarily as though the fulfillment of that Promise is always at hand and visibly fulfilled… It takes a while and some faith to get to the end of that road and fulfillment of that Promise. The future, thankfully, is as bright as the Promises of God, not as dark as the worries of man!

In order to really be able to believe in My Promises, you’ve got to remind yourself of them, and allow Me through My words to you to reassure you that I’m in control, mean the best for you, have the best intentions for you, and am planning to work out everything in your favor, and that I’m the One Who’s in charge here, more so than those circumstances. My Promises still hold true, and I’m not a liar, and blessed are they who can believe. The process I’m allowing you to undergo is, as I promised, for your good and not for your worse: that it’s going to make you better, not worse, and that I know what I’m doing. Your only hope’s in Me, and that those Promises of Mine of a better world will come true. Wait and see! - Even if you’ve got to do a bit of crying while you wait. I promise, you will see, eventually, even if through your tears, and it will be worth it all! “As thy days so shall be thy strength,” you wonder? Well, according to the need I shall supply; that’s My Promise, and it still holds, but it doesn’t exclude or overrule the fact that there are certain trials connected with aging that you’re just going to have to go through. “I am with thee! … I am thy God! I will strengthen thee, yea, I will help thee, yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of My righteousness” (Is.41:10)! I can do no other! I will not forsake you! I promise. You’ve got to have a little hope that the future is going to be as bright as My Promises, especially if you dare to trust Me for it and to take strides of faith, instead of relying on the same old ways and same old means and carnal strengths and worldly “securities.” I honor those who honor Me by trusting in Me. If you only trust in yourself, what sort of a future do you see in that? A great and promising future comes from putting your trust in Me and My abilities to live up to My Promise to open doors than no man can shut. Faith is all about My Promise and believing Me for it, that it’s going to work out. All you really need to know at this point is that I will take care of you, and that I stand behind My Promise that I’m with you, and that I will complete what I have begun. The circumstances seem bad and threatening, and perhaps not very promising at all. But as a contrast you have My Promises, and if you choose to believe them over the threats of the circumstances, you won’t regret it! That’s what faith is: you choose to believe Me and My Word and Promises over the appearance of things and the circumstances. You know you’re not equipped with wings, and the circumstances all say you’re bound to crash, but you choose to believe in My Promises anyway when I say that you will fly! What I’ve started, I’m also well able to finish, and if you believe that I started this, and that I’m real at all, then you’re also going to have to see this through and allow Me to fulfill My Promises to you… Put Me to the test! Let Me prove to you once again that I’m just as real and powerful as I’ve ever been, and that My Promises are true: “As thy days, so shall thy strength be” (Deut.33:25). You may not necessarily feel like that right now, and be prone to wonder perhaps about that Promise, but if you just keep trusting by blind faith, and continue to wait and see, I guarantee: you will see! You can make it and you’re gonna make it with My help! How about that for a useful Promise? (2011:5) Put Me to the test, to find out whether I really work and really am capable of keeping My Promises… (2011:8) You’re gonna make it. “No you won’t!” – the Devil says, but listen to Me! I promise you will, and who is there to defy that? (2011:13) You’ll come out alright! I promise! You’ve got My guarantee. (2011:19) When all you’ve got is a Promise of Mine as to what the quest before you is, and you reach out by faith into the unknown, then you can tell you’re one of My pioneers, explorers, one of those who not only lead others in a new way for Me, but who even make a path where before there was no known path: one of My path makers. (2011:23) Have the faith to believe in My Words and Promises that say that I’m going to take care of your needs! (2011:33) Keep trusting in Me, and you won’t regret it! Learn to treasure My Promises! Cling to this one! – No matter what the Devil and this whole world may tell you: you won’t! – I promise! (2011:49) “The Lord will perfect that which concerneth me” (Ps.138:8). I’ll take care of it. That’s My Promise. That’s basically all you need to know. (2011:63)

I never made a secret of the fact that this life isn’t any sort of vacation, joyride or party; so why do you keep expecting of life that which I never promised? The only Promises I made are about the things you find in Me and by staying close to Me without looking to the world or your physical circumstances to provide those things for you. (2011:100) My Promise to those who love Me is that things will work out for good for them, and to those who love Me to the extent that they will let Me have the reins over their lives and let Me choose their path for them, the Promise goes a bit further, since I give the best to them who leave their choices up to Me. (2011:123) What you will want to hold on to is the Promise that I’m there with you to see you through. The present, and all you see in it, may not tell you so, but the future is as bright as My Promises, and even though these words may sound like a bitter-sweet cliché to you during those times, that flavor is being added by the Enemy to get you to doubt My superiority and My love for you. Another Promise to hold on to and remember during the trying times: It’s for your good! (2011:135) All I can tell you and comfort you with right now is the Promise that in the long run you won’t be disappointed for trusting Me that I know what’s ultimately better for you. (2011:145) You either believe Me for My Promises, or you don’t. (2011:146) “There remains therefore a rest for the people of God” is a Promise I intend to keep, and when you’ll get There you’ll realize that it all will have been worth it, and all your troubles and trials will look ridiculous to you then. Sometimes you tend to forget the Promise of that goal and glorious end of life’s road, which is why I have to refresh your memory from time to time and let the Holy Spirit do exactly what I promised She’d do: “Bring all those things to your remembrance.” (2012:9)

As I promised, anything you give up for My sake will be returned to you a hundred-fold. I know how to give My disciples and brides better things than the ones I ask them to give up for Me, and that’s a Promise you can count on. (2012:11) Catching glimpses from Me of what's behind the curtain may not be much, as far as you're concerned, but it's all you've got to go on for now. All I can promise you is that it's going to grow into something more, bigger and stronger if you cherish it and won't neglect it, and if you fight to keep it and hang on to it for dear life. (2012:13) Evil exists, and it is real, but haven’t I promised, and thus far always been able to fulfill this Promise, that I’d turn evil into good? (2012:31)

Consequences can at times be devastating, and yet, nevertheless not without bringing My Promise to fruition that I’ll turn evil into good and make everything wind up turning out alright. (2012:32) It’s not that you are being insincere in those moments when you promise nice things, like Peter’s vows that he would never betray Me, even if all others would. It’s just a lot harder to live up to some of those promises than some people think at the time they make them, and coming to face and grips with those failures to be true to your words is one of the first and most effective steps to bring about genuine change. Saying what the other party wants to hear in order to get what you want is a very common trait. You’re just as guilty of it. In fact, that’s what politics is all about. – Making promises you may intend to keep or not to keep just so you can get into the right position to exert that power that will change your situation to one more of your liking. Most folks subconsciously hope that the other party involved will forget about those promises. Even if you don’t live up to your promises, I’ll continue to live up to Mine. (12:40) It’s a tough fight, but you’ll come out victorious, that’s My Promise. (12:56) Whatever it is you’re facing and must go through, you have to know that you can do it. That’s My Promise you can stand on. (12:69) It’s part of My method to live up to My Promise, that I’ve come to make you live life to the full. (12:73) Aren’t all My Promises for the overcomers of all times worth taking up some of life’s challenges for? (12:76) I can do no other than love and care for you, bear you up in My wings and see you through until either the bitter or happy end, and no matter how “bitter” it may seem initially to the observer, it will always be a happy one for you in the end, which is My Promise. (12:81)

It’s part of My job as a Savior to clean up the mess man made under the direction of the greatest mess-maker of all, and no matter how dirty it gets: My Promise is that I will manage to clean it up again. (12:85) Keep that faith and vision that My Promises are true! (12:111)

Folks can choose to either reach the fulfillment of the Promises, reap the rewards and positive consequences of their efforts, or not. (12:126) You can keep hanging in there with an attitude of trust, knowing on the grounds of My Promises, that somehow you’re going to make it, or you can spend your time whining, murmuring and complaining about your plight is energy-consuming, and not really conducive to any victorious results. How much do you believe and trust My Promises? Your times with Me are there to strengthen your faith in Me and My Promises, which will strengthen and improve your attitude and stamina you will need in order to successfully and victoriously persist. (12:129) The Promise, “As thy days, so shall be thy strength” (Deut.33:25) means that the older you get, the more you begin to realize that your own strength isn’t going to be sufficient to cope with the challenges ahead of you, and only Mine is. You learn to depend on My strength more, and thus your strength actually increases with the number of your days. (12:130) No matter how bleak things seem temporarily, it’s the ending that matters, and you can rely on My Promises that it’s going to be good. (12:138) “Seek and ye shall find” is still a valid Promise. It just depends a little on what it is you’re seeking. (13:14) I and My input are always available to you, that’s a Promise I won’t back down on. (13:16) It would be too easy if My answers or Promises and their fulfillment would always be plainly visible from scratch. That wouldn’t require faith at all. (13:17) Cling to My Promise that your redemption draws nigh! My Promise that before it becomes too much for you I will make a way to escape, I will keep. (13:40) You might have to cope and deal with some of the repercussions of your actions while you’re down there, attending the School of Life, but once the bell rings, there’s nothing to worry about anymore, I promise! (2013:49) There is a reward for you, as undeserving as you may feel, and it’ll make it more than worth it all. That’s all I can keep promising you! And you may find comfort in the fact that, unlike all those short-term investors you’ve been disappointed by throughout your life, I keep My Promises. I can do no other. (13:67) The one thing you’ve got that they don’t have is My Words, and the faith in the difference they can make; the faith in their Promises, that there will be something better, and it’s obtainable to you right now through My Words. (13:81) All I can do is repeat My Promise, “Seek and ye shall find.” Anyone who sincerely seeks will find answers, so keep seeking! (13:82) Try to keep your mind a little more on My Promises of what’s up ahead for you. It’ll make the wait easier. That’s how folks have done it for centuries before you. They just believed Me for it. Can you? (13:106) “Darkness shall cover the earth, and gross darkness the people, but My light shall shine upon thee and My glory shall be seen upon thee.” (Is.60:2) My light shall continue to shine upon you, no matter how gross the darkness that surrounds you, and if you let it, My glory shall be seen upon you! That’s My Promise that still holds true. I promise you, you’re going to have a ball Here when your job for Me there is done! (13:116) Get into prayer a bit more when you need a miracle of supply! “Ask and you will receive” is an old Promise about that… (14:8) Believe and trust in Me more than in what the temporal world has to offer! Remember that as the main task of life! If you can’t do it, you’ll have failed a major part of the School of Life. If you can, you’ll be able to receive what I promised and My Word promises as a reward for it. (14:15) Trust in Me and My Promise that the future will be better for you than this current present! (14:167) Cling to the thought of something better coming! That’s the Promise that My arrival on Earth gave, along with My death for people’s sins and the resurrection, symbolic of what’s expecting believers: life after death. (14:169) Learn to love, above all, and you won’t regret it, I promise. Even though the temporary world is largely messed up by the Enemy, if you believe Our Promises instead of his stuff, you pretty much already know you’ll be better off than if you’d have made yourself another follower of him and his doctrines. (14:183)

There’ll be better times! – My promise to you! – Even if not all down there on Earth, but all the more Up Here, in Heaven, your future Home! (14:186) I promise We won’t disappoint you. (14:204) Learn to see things more positively along with and based on My Promises to help you make it! You will make it with My help, that’s My Promise. Even if it may not seem very likely for you right now to be able to make it. But if I’m really there and will help you as I promise, you will, you’ll see. Even if life’s a bit rough for now… it means, keep trusting in, leaning and relying on Me and My help, My Promises, and you’ll make it, in spite of all the hindrances and obstacles. (15:14) You can’t always take it for granted that everything I promise you will come to happen regardless of what you do and whether you fulfill your part of the duty! Some of it depends on what you do, and if you don’t what you’re supposed to, things can go down, maybe to teach you some stronger and tougher lessons, but you shouldn’t despise those! (15:26) What would faith in Me be worth, if it wouldn’t turn out like I have promised? Keep on believing and trusting in My Promises that you’ll be better off trusting in Me and what My future brings, than what this temporal world has to offer! I’ve always promised a much better future instead of what you can expect from the there and now. (15:34) “The future is as bright as the Promises of God.” Remember that! And put your faith in it, and in order to, review those Promises! There’s some victory coming around, eventually, so don’t give up the faith in Me to bring that around, nor in My Promise that things will be and get better, eventually… (15:45) Have hope in the future according to My Promises! And I promise you a much better Hereafter than what this world has to offer for you right now. (15:47) Don’t ever feel tempted to feel bad about longing for something better… After all, it’s what faith in Me promises. And then you just need the faith that that Promise will be kept! (15:91) Not to sow it all to what’s here today, gone tomorrow, but have faith in a much more fruitful Hereafter, that’s where one’s meaning of life should lie who believes in Me and what I’ve promised to come.It all depends on the strength of your faith you put in Me and My Promises. Even if some of the ones I gave you before haven’t come to pass yet… what do you know about the future and the times to come? Some of the things I forecast and promised may not happen right away, but, hey… that’s where patience rings a bell again, and is the appropriate habit to put on! So,… got a little bit of patience to wait for Me to put on My action and wait by faith for Me to keep My Promises? Well, that would be a wise decision! (15:122) Did I ever promise any of My followers, “You can make it by yourself”? Sounds more like the kind of stuff the enemy keeps telling people… promising them the kind of self-assurance that has been directing him in his downward path. (15:126) Life as a toughie is quite a challenge. But it was never promised that it would stay easy all of the time. (15:127) If you feel like you can’t make it anymore, remember My Promises I gave you, that I and the heavenly aid will be most helpful and effective when you can’t make it anymore on your own. (15:141) I promise you’ll make it, even if right now you realize that’ll take miracles! But then, I promised My disciples and followers that even greater ones than I did they’d be able to do! (15:150) Avail yourself of Our help and might, you’ll make it! That’s My Promise, and you know that you can believe in it, that I keep Mine. (15:159)

Our help from Above is promised to you. You’ve just got to ask for it. (15:164) I and My heavenly host can do Our part and cling to the Promises given to those who do their part! The fulfillments of My Promises depend on your faith in them and your obedience to the rules that make it possible for folks to obtain them. Complaining about the state and condition of the circumstances of the world around you won’t help, but clinging to My Promises to help My folks through it all if they trust in Me and put that trust into action is the solution to it all, so use it! (15:241)

If My Promises to you from the past didn’t come true yet, it may be both: the fact that you didn’t quite live up to My counsel and things I told you, and/or that it wasn’t the right time and place yet… and both, your obedience, and thus, the fulfillment of My Promises are yet to come. (16:53) Don’t let your faith and vision be focused on the circumstances around you, but on My Promises instead! (16:62)

Believe in My Promises! – Even if the times and circumstances around you are becoming the toughest and hardest in history! (2016:64)

To make it through the rough times takes miracles, a thing I keep promising; and another thing you should get into the rhythm of applying for, claiming My Promises for, and thus strengthen your faith for! Loads of miracles will be necessary to see you through what’s coming, and according to your faith in My Promises, they will! (2016:117)

If you’re getting Our Strength through your physical weakness, and that low state will turn out to be actually lifting you up, will be a proof and confirmation of Our Promises from Above. (2016:126)

Protection, Defense & Survival ‘Rational’ thinking won’t help you survive in the days to come, only crazy faith in Me and following My leads, which means obedience. (I:55) Let Me carry you above all the waves the storms are whipping up. The sea beneath you is seething and foaming, a black, menacing brew. But you are safe in the palm of My hand, little bird! And you sing on, in spite of the storm. You’ll experience first hand My peace in the center and the eye of the storm. As those on your left and on your right fall prey to confusion, you, unafraid, as one who has got nothing to lose, can rest tranquilly and peacefully in My palm. (I:94) I’m your only Hope and chance of survival! You have to learn to really rely on Me and My help to make it through whatever the future holds! (I:106) I will wreak trouble on those who seek to trouble you. (I:213) Your whole situation is destined to drive you into My arms, to desperately cling unto Me for your bare survival. (I:285) I need you to focus more on the spirit world, in order to ensure your future survival and greater fruitfulness for Me. (I:476) For My servants to find each other and find how much they need each other is going to be My bride's secret of survival through the darkest night of history. (I:611) I'm your only Protection! There is no way you can possibly escape or survive what is to come without Me, so you might as well learn the best you can how to depend on Me daily, to really keep Me in the first place in your life and make Me the most important Factor. (II:148) in order to ensure your survival, you're going to have to learn to seek your satisfaction and fulfillment in spiritual things, because you're never going to be able to escape the devil's clutches and influence as long as you remain junkies to his enticements and seek them above My pleasures! (II:149) Reckon against whom you are fighting, and that in order for Me to protect you unconditionally, you must make sure you abide within the walls of My will for you by faithful counseling and consulting with Me before any move you might plan to make. Once you do this, you can have the peace that I'm truly in it and that I will protect and bless you in all you do. (II:180) The task is winning and warning the world, spreading My message, My Gospel. It is not trying to primarily secure your survival. That's the way the gentiles live and what the heathen seek. That's not "losing your life" in order that you may find it. That's trying to save it yourself, the way everybody else does, and the result is that you lose it, like everybody else does who tries to save themselves... the flesh way, the System way, the accepted way, instead of wholly trusting in Me! (II:215) Nothing is more important than our love! And if you fully realize that, then nothing else can faze you or affect you, you're completely sheltered from what's happening out there, safely in My bubble of protection, safely in My arms! (II:270) Renounce that game of "survival" that everybody is playing, and let that old man die, so that I can resurrect the truly new man in you! Focus on the new way, the new thing I am doing in your life, and on the goal and vision of its purpose, namely not merely to gain support and ensure your physical survival, but to bring true, eternal life to many, many souls who hunger and thirst for Me! (II:273) The only way I can ensure My full protection is if you really make sure your spiritual firewall is up, and the more vehemently you pray, the more vehemently My hedge of angels will protect you! (II:274) The quality and height of your spiritual standard, and the strength of your spiritual defenses depend largely on you and what you're willing to invest in it. There will be consequences to pay for lack of preparation, strengthening your defenses and actively doing your part, and I will have to allow troubles and problems, even if just to remind you that there's something missing, something you could and should be doing in order to maintain a high spiritual standard and defense. Are you being "sober and vigilant," or are you leaving the doors of your defenses wide open, leaving yourself vulnerable, and your flock exposed to the peril of outside attacks? (II:279) Some people have been made so paranoid by the devil that there isn't going to be enough room, space, food and water for everyone on this planet, that they don't even grant the masses of poorer people in "underdeveloped" countries the bare right and means to survival. And so, instead of sharing their surplus goods with them, they rather destroy them, burn them up, and prefer to keep watching the poor starve. Just to make sure the world won't become "overpopulated." That's the end of the road of disbelief, and the epitome and consequence of lack of faith. (II:407) Under circumstances in which you simply need Me for your bare survival, you also learn to appreciate Me more. (II:440)

Remember that you're supposed to be aids to the Great Attorney of Defense, Who is supposed to defend people before the Father from the devil's accusations! You're supposed to be on My side, the side of the defense. So, don't get into any judging or accusing yourself! You're supposed to help defend people against the devil. (II:541) That old survival instinct sometimes makes you forget My Words about "He that saveth his life shall lose it, and he that will lose it shall save it..." (III:26) Spiritual contentment is what will enable you to be content with the "manna" you're receiving in this life and world. You won't be constantly craving for the pleasures of Egypt, but you'll be satisfied with the humble but sufficient supplies I provide for you. This will be specially expedient in the times of scarcity to come, when the pleasures of Egypt will abruptly cease, and survival will become a matter of continuous miracles. (III:116) What was once necessary to protect you and keep you comfortable and alive must be stripped off and loosened, in order to make you soar to new heights. (III:209) I can pull you through anything, as long as you turn to Me and take My outstretched hand. (2011:119) Put up some more of a fight to resist evil, not just the outside attacks and adversities, but also the temptations to let your standard slip down to levels where I simply can’t keep blessing and protecting you the way and to the extent I would want. (2013:20) I want My protection in your life to be obvious, so that You can acknowledge Me for it, and not do like the rest of the world: attempt feverishly and do all they possibly can to preserve their own wee little lives as if they were all they’ve got. (2013:77) Having a hard time accepting something I’ve allowed to happen, consider that it may have been My way of protecting you from something worse. (2013:124) I could have given you larger protection if you had asked Me for it and depended on Me for it with a more prayerful attitude, instead of clinging to your own flesh mostly. (2014:7) Don’t let the enemy attack you in your life so easily by neglecting to ensure My protection of you, continuing to pray for your protection, instead of taking it for granted… (2014:21) Believe that I’m capable of protecting you, even when you’ve been through a tough time! (2014:44) Remember, there were only few truly in tune with God in biblical situations, but sometimes the only ones who survived… (2014:52) To protect you from some evil and serious trouble you’d better trust in Me and My protection more than what money can do for you. (2014:53) Cling a bit more to My power and the Father’s to protect and keep you. Don’t just lean on yourself, or even on thinking you’re doing enough to keep you sheltered and safe and protected… The Enemy can do a lot of stuff if you’re not making sure to ask the angels of Heaven for protection… (2014:57) It’s good to remember who the Earth is pretty much ruled by, and how desperately you ought to be praying for protection. (2014:61) Now that you know what the enemy is able to do to try to get rid of you, you’ll be doing better to be aware of the danger and to keep asking Me for more protection from the kind of things that he does or uses his servants on Earth to do, or other spirits… You always better stay close to Me and ask Me for My protection from his stuff and things he might use to harm you… (2014:66) If you can help others to find their way to and faith in Me, you’ll definitely be doing greater good than leading a life just mainly reflected on your own survival. (2014:72) Certain things can occur in history during which you can’t lean on and confide in your own abilities anymore, but need to trust in Me and My help for you to survive… And, trust Me: It’s the best to start getting into that habit of trusting in Me for your survival. (2014:86)

Certain things you ought to have done to prevent things from occurring, like having prayed for your protection and having stayed close to Me. Faith in Me can have a great impact on you to prevent and keep you from great trouble. It can protect you and keep you from harmful accidents and sicknesses and great naughty diseases. But when you leave that part of life of faith – reigned by faith and lived for faith – you’re bent to discover the difference that such a life makes. Without counting on My protection, praying for it and serving Me for it, I’m afraid it’s a bit unrealistic to expect it and taking it for granted… to ignore the dangers that exist in a world that’s pretty much governed by the Enemy. If you’re not really serving Me, it’s not for granted that I can just make sure nothing will happen to you. If you’re not asking Me for that protection, but take it for granted instead… (2014:89)

Keep defending yourself properly against the enemy and don’t underestimate him and neglect your spiritual defence and protection! Just keep fighting against the enemy, and remember that if you don’t, he might abuse the state you’re allowing yourself to sink into and take advantage of it. Some damage might happen to you that way you would have been able to avoid if you had stayed in the appropriate gear of self-defence, availing yourself of My Power to protect you! The Enemy knows that My folks have protection that is capable of defending them from him. So he acts by disappearing from some folks’ influences until they underestimate him, don’t depend anymore on My power to protect them and… “Wham!” – He may get’em. (2014:106) Efforts to kill My servants are being made through the enemy and his followers pretty much all the time… One gigantic reason to always stay in prayer for My protection! let what happened to you prepare you and make you pray desperately for My protection! (2014:110) A lesson for disciples and followers of Mine and those who generally seek the truth: Don’t just hang on to yourself and don’t just trust and confide in your own strength, but try to be wise and put most of your confidence in Me, because no matter how strong and powerful you are, without availing yourself of My help, the enemy is too powerful an adversary you can make it against by yourself, without depending more on My strength and heavenly protection. And if you’ve been following My will, you’re his enemy, and sooner or later he’ll let you know what that means and how he treats those, if they’re not wise enough to cling to Me for every moment of protection. Trust in Me and rely on Me by availing yourself as good as constantly of My help and protection, and never take the safe times and conditions for granted! (14:150) As the devil’s biggest enemies, in a world that’s ruled by him for now, it’s better never to cease praying for protection! Trusting in Me is shown by your constant action in asking Me for help and protection. (14:155) Ask Me for My blessings and My protection! Keep asking Me for help and protection! (14:156) A weakened spiritual state, by asking Me for My strength and protection ought to improve and get strengthened. Depending on Me for your protection is something you better might get used to. You need Me for it, and thus it’s good to get into the gear of depending on Me for your protection from all the trash the world throws at you. (2014:160) My Word shows I am capable of protecting My disciples, followers and brides, through any evil times, and currently preparing you for the worst one, to make sure you’ll make it through it. (14:175) Life’s a battle, and a fight, and a fairly tough one against the devil. You’ve pretty much got to make sure that you get Our protection from his attacks! Get back on the attack or at least the defence that’ll protect you! (14:185) To live by faith, which means, trusting in Me for your life and survival, and not the System, which, according to various things you’ve found out before, isn’t really Mine… not based on My way of doing things, nor the Father’s, but pretty much the other side, which you have chosen not to be a part of. (14:198) If it’s only your survival that concerns you, what difference is there between you and the rest of the world? (14:203) Be aware of that this world is not your home, and that it can be a pretty risky and dangerous place for you, too, since it’s run by My enemy, the devil, and you had better keep in mind that you need prayers for protection in order to make it alright through this enemy territory! (15:3) One of the influences the enemy is trying to make you as independent from Me as possible, and capable to run things on your own, so that you wouldn’t rely on Me so much anymore, and eventually get you far enough away from My protection like that, in order to let you experience a near destructive attack against you. (15:12) Keep believing Me and trusting Me all you can for your survival, even if the enemy started that severe test to make you doubt and wonder whether I still care for you… Keep staying in touch with Me about your protection and all the things you need from Me! (15:30) Rely on Me and My protection, as it’s becoming more important for you now than ever before! It’s My interest and desire to protect you permanently from the enemy’s attacks and influences, but in order for it to work, you’ll have to make your effort to remain tuned in to Me for as long, and as close as permanently as you can, so don’t neglect our connection! (15:32) Remember it’s a spiritual war! And against a pretty tough and mean enemy, as you found out. So, it pays to stay on guard, in prayer, and ensure Heaven’s protection.

The rules are there for a reason. And for you, in order to keep the blessings and protection from Above are pretty much the main one. Stay on guard and make sure you keep receiving Our blessings and protection! (15:40) It would definitely be better to get more into a gear of trusting Me for your family’s survival, and not too much in the support of the world, which is doomed to be taken over entirely by the enemy as the AC, eventually. (15:54) I’m pretty much capable of anything to protect you. (15:82) The more dependence on Me, the more chance of survival there’ll be… (15:87) It’s good for you to realize that sometimes the Enemy can get in, which is why it’s important to stay on the defensive against him, and do all you can to prevent him from entering your mind… The more you can do to resist him and withstand his attacks, the better, and the stronger you’ll be and wind up against his fullfledged, world-wide attack when he takes over the AC. (15:89) Keep asking Us for help and protection! It's a rough time on Earth, with much rougher ones coming, so you should get used to it, asking for help and protection, and anything else you might need in order for you to make it! - Which is also why it happens that some things don't work as they should: Reminders that you should pretty much always ask for heavenly help and protection to make it! (15:98) Surviving what’s coming will depend on your connection to Me. (15:107) Stay in constant prayer for My protection! Keep in touch with Me, since there’s a desperate need growing for you to remain in contact with Me, asking Me and the Father for help and protection! (15:110) Getting used to dependence on My Power and the protection from Above is something that’s absolutely necessary for those who will go through the Endtime! (15:113) You’ll need superior strength, above what fellow humans can offer. Especially when they’re not really in the habit yet to cling to Me and rely on strength and wisdom from Above. Remember to rely on My strength, not your own capacities! Eventually you’ll never make it without that, anyway, since the world is becoming too dark, and too much taken over by the forces of the enemy, for a “good” person to make it on their own and in their own strength… trust Me! The only way to make it through what’s up ahead is through relying on My strength, the Power from Above! Learn to depend on My strength instead your own, and on your help from Above… the only way you’ll be able to manage to make it through what’s to come! (15:117)

Show forth a bit more resistance, and the ability to handle it, what’s coming against you! (15:121) The enemy knows exactly what you’re the least prepared for. Another reason for depending on Me to be prepared for his attacks, or at least fully apply for My protection from them! Depend on Me and the Power from Above for your protection! (15:129) Let there be a reminder to you of who’s running the world, and how you’ve got to stay on defense against the evil that rules it, especially since it’s getting worse! Get prepared for things getting worse, especially when taking into consideration who was granted to take charge of their world 6000 years ago, and, as predicted, that reign will have a limit in the days soon to come, and ought to be gotten prepared and ready for, if the plan is to survive – especially, in order to help others, who won’t quite know yet what will be going on, to realize what’s happening, and tell them about the positive change coming up ahead, through Me and My return! (15:130) In the Tribulation, every day you’ll be able to survive will be a miracle! (15:133) Not having to rely on the system for your survival, but on Me and My help, … all the better! (15:138) Applying for Our protection and help will turn out to be the wisest thing anyone can do, as you’ll all see in the end. (15:141) It’ll take miracles to survive through the days to come, and so, you’ve got to get used to the rhythm of asking and applying for miracles. (15:148) Get ready to deal with the fact that the greatest miracles of all time will be needed to help folks survive the global rule by the enemy! (15:149) While seeking pleasure was the number one goal in life so far, there’s coming a time when it’ll be survival. (15:154)

Keep praying against any influences of the enemy and for Our protection from his assaults and attacks! (15:155) Not being part of the system will be a major part that will be making a difference, teaching you to lean more on Me and your heavenly aid, help and supply for your survival. (15:156) When the worldly system’s on its way down, that’s a good time to look Up to Me and all the help you can apply for from Up Here, getting fully into the state of leaning on Me and your help from Above for your survival. (15:160) Depend on Me and the Power from Above, so that you’ll make it through the times to come, where survival of a miraculous kind will be necessary, not accomplishment of your own works, as it may have been in the past! (15:163) You have to get and stay on the defense against the enemy’s attacks with sinful modes and moods! The state the world has gotten into does have that influence on some you have to stay on the defense against. Not managing to resist those attacks of the enemy, just as in even Moses’ case, they can have their negative results, like him not being able to make it with his people to the Promised Land, but having to die before they got there. If something like this happened even to someone as great and important as Moses because of anger, let that be a serious warning! (15:165) Learn how to stay on the defensive! (15:169) If the devil’s giving you a hell of a hard time, just let it remind you that you’d better get on the defensive against his attacks, since major battle time definitely seems like what’s on the schedule before you to be dealt with! So, if it seems kind of hard, don’t let it drag you down, but fight to uphold your defense until you can sense victory! (15:170) In the days to come you’ll be more and more dependent on My supernatural help, supply and protection. Stay in prayer for your protection and preservation from the enemy’s army’s and followership domain! (15:190) You need some protection; and you get that through prayer! (15:200) Tougher times are up ahead, for which you’ll need My Help and aid a lot more desperately in order to survive the times of trouble and make it through them until I come to clean up the mess the enemy will have left Our creation in! (15:206) Don’t just be concerned about your own survival, but remember that one of the greatest probabilities for your surviving is to do for others what you can. (15:234) The good part about the Tribulation will be that the enemy and his host’s influence from the spirit world will stop when they’re all coming down to Earth, and you won’t have to fight and resist their invisible influence anymore… just having to rassel quite hard against their physical persecution, for which you’ll be dependent on Our miraculous Help from Above to survive it. Keep clinging to Our Help and protection, Amen? (15:235) Life’s not a piece of cake fighting for the good and against the evil currently running it, but isn’t it the only thing that would give it all some sense, more than just one’s own comfortable survival? (2015:238) You have to stay in tune with Me as much as you can for your protection. Keep claiming My protection! It’s important to get into the gear of depending on My help and protection from Above, otherwise the times may easily get tougher than you can handle. So, stay in tune with Me and keep claiming My protection! Amen? Keep clinging to My protection if you want to make it down there! You can’t take it for granted, but need to keep clinging to Me just about constantly in order to obtain it. So, cling to Me and keep claiming My keys of protection, so that I and My heavenly host can do Our part! Life without My blessing and protection will be a hard one, so keep praying for and clinging to them! Avail yourself of the miraculous Power and protection from Up Here, and thus become capable of encouraging others to do the same. You can tell who’s in charge of the elements currently, and thus should be on the alert to stay on the defense against him and cling to the protection We have to offer you and all those who believe in it from Up Here! (15:241) You need Me and My Presence throughout your day, including all the protection, help and anointing you can get, because times down there are obviously getting rougher, and the last days of the enemy’s complete reign over the world are fast approaching! (16:41)

The state of the world is a reminder that life isn’t a permanent vacation or good time, unfortunately, but a major fight, resistance and defense against the evil forces taking it over. The enemy’d like to get rid of folks like you, and it’s only through leaning and depending on the protection from Above that you’ll make it through his attempts to get rid of you. So, claim the keys of protection and stay on the alert! (16:48)

One important factor is not to just be concerned about your survival down there, but the job each of My true followers should have in mind concerning being a witness, and thus, a director to Heaven for others who are receptive. Knowing that that physical security isn’t going to last, isn’t it better to be in a place where you already need to rely more on heavenly help, protection and provision from Above? (2016:52) Not knowing how you’ll survive the times to come… a good reason to stay in tune with and learn to completely depend on Me and your help from Above, isn’t it? Having to utterly rely on the Strength and Help from Above, not anymore on your own capacities, except the one of applying that Help and Strength, is what you’ll need to survive! (2016:60) When survival turns into a miracle, it’s best to do all you can to learn to depend on that miracle power instead of your own abilities, knowledge and capacities. When it turns into a miracle to survive, it’s best to turn to the power of prayer, all the help from Above you can get, and not lean on and confide in what you’ve been able to do yourselves, because that’s what’s going to be necessary. So, get used to the necessity of miracles in order to survive and make it through the darkest times to come! (16:63) With the level of evil forces and their control of this world rising, it also raises your need for heavenly help, protection and strengthening to make it through. (2016:75) Remember that some trouble can be avoided by praying for protection against it! (2016:76) Instead of worrying about the dark future times ahead, pray for My protection to help you make it through it! My protection and supply! There’s just no other way to make it through what’s to come, but applying your prayer power for My Help, protection, Strength and supply! (2016:81) There’ll come a time you’ll have to be thankful for every day you’ll manage to survive. (2016:85) If you’re feeling incapable of making it anywhere in the condition you are, let it be a training and preparation for times to come during which you’ll be totally dependent on Heaven’s Help for your very survival! (2016:86) With the enemy taking over the rule of the world with the greatest powers available… do you think own strength would enhance the chance of survival significantly? (2016:90) There are enough bad things happening out there already to require My miraculous protection, not to mention what’s expecting you in the times to come. So, follow your leadings to where the life-style will give you a lot more chances for survival through what’s coming! Don’t keep listening to the comfortable mode and desires of the flesh! Get tuned to My Spirit! – Much higher chances of survival during the times to come; trust Me for it! When it comes to survival through the days to come, a less lazy life-style will be the only chance for you to make it through. (2016:93)

With the enemy availing himself of all the physical forces to persecute and destroy My followers in the dark days to come, the availing yourself of My Powers will be your only hope of survival. (2016:96) Keep clinging to My Help, blessings and protection! - Something you’ll depend on in the times to come! Getting used to depending on My Help and protection is part of the necessary preparation for those darker days to come. (2016:98) Having to handle difficult times is not to make you feel forsaken by Me, but to draw you closer to Me and make you more aware of the necessity of staying as close to Me as you can, depending on My guidance and protection, and not your own physical abilities! (2016:100) The sooner you learn to rely and depend on My Help, Strength, protection and supply, the better! I know you don’t have a clue yet how you’ll manage to survive the days to come; but trust Me that if you commit your survival into My hands, you won’t be as disappointed as if you would be if you try it on your own. (2016:101) It’s the beginning of a time during which you won’t make it without supernatural protection and miracles from Above. (2016:104) The sooner you get used to making it through the miraculous Help, support and protection from Above, the better! Get ready for God’s Power to help you resist and overcome and survive the enemy’s when he’ll take over the AC’s body to rule the world for its Great Tribulation! (2016:117) The thing that keeps most folks going is their jobs for survival; but there’s a different kind of job in store for you. Not just one for your and your family’s survival, but a greater and more important job for Me… Putting your trust in Me for your survival is something you’ve absolutely got to get into with the way the world scenery is changing – or will be. And the sooner you get into it, the better.

Once the enemy will have fully taken over the globe with his final world empire, not leaving any alternative options for folks to stay alive than to become one of his, there’ll be no alternative survival possible except through the supernatural Help from Above. (2016:119)

Remember that the goal shouldn’t be to make your times as good and easy as you can down there, but that you’ll make it to the miracle of survival it’ll take through what’s to come, and thus be able to offer hope to those who won’t follow the AC and take his mark! Find a place where survival will be a little more possible than in other parts of the world! (2016:128) Get in the groove of depending on miracles, My doings and My Help concerning your survival and supplies! (2016:130)

Provision & Supply Usually, whenever I know you really need something, haven’t I always supplied? When not, you can assume that I’m expecting you to manage with whatever you’ve got and ‘be content with such things that ye have’. (I:81) I want you to give Me the credit for your supply! Tell them of the times I saw you through. Let everybody know that I am the Man in your house, Who’s putting the food on your table! (I:259) One sure fire way to strengthen your faith and trust is for you to see Me supply, without the interference of your own arm of the flesh, so, stand back and see Me supply! (I:269) I’m the main Source of supply of all your needs. All you need is love for Me and to come and get it! Whatever you need! Come and get it! Whatever you want! If you’re in tune with Me, you’ve got it! (I:293) Pass on that peace, that confidence, that I will always supply! Trust in Me, look to Me for the supply of your needs. (I:464) Everything you need is for free for the asking, all you need is wholehearted dedication and a little faith. Tell us what you want, when you want it, and where, in which quantity, and We'll counsel about it, and if it is within the interests of our heavenly and eternal goals and prospective, we'll be glad to supply you with your demand. If you're Our employee, our "man" down there, in your particular situation, it's only natural that We should supply you with those things you need in order to get the job done that We would like you to do. Just tell Us what you need, what you want, and We'll do it, so that you can do it! (I:565) I'm the One in charge of your needs; I will supply. You pray a lot harder for My supply during the lean times. Remember not to take My flow of supply for granted, and never to stop praying it in and thanking Me for it! (I:589) Be thankful for the fact that you can learn to trust Me for the income and outcome of every single day, that I'm your Provider, the One Who feeds you, the One you work for! Every cent I bless you with in My service, that is being given to you in return for My Words is a testimony to My great Power of supply, My Power to lift you up. (I:613) Invest your time, energy and resources, your lives, into My Kingdom! Start living by the faith that in so doing I will miraculously supply your needs! (II:2) Time to realize fully that I'm the One Who's supplying your needs, and that not your own arm has saved you. (II:39) You have food and meat that others know not of, to do the will of the Father... Even basic human needs become secondary to that what the Father wants. He can keep you going with or without it. I'm teaching you to get by on less, because in the future there will be less of everything available. (II:45) I can provide much better for My followers than you can for yourselves in your own efforts. I can supply and provide for you much more abundantly and in greater ease than you can by means of the flesh. (II:62) Where I guide, there I'll provide, and I'll make a way where there is no way. (II:63) I can and will supply, according to your faith. Don't look at the hole, the need, the vacuum, but at Me, the Light, the Giver, and My capacities to give! (II:70)

I am the One Who can supply all your needs, and if you focus and direct your vacuum to Me, putting Me in charge of it and making Me responsible for your needs, you'll get much better results. (II:139) It's hard to trust Me totally for your providence when you know that you should be doing more in order for Me to be able to fulfill My Promises of supply to you. (II:162) The answer to your lack lies in greater faith, trust and reliance on Me. "Ye have not because ye ask not." If you haven't asked Me for supply in the first place, then it shouldn't surprise you too much that there's not much happening. Every now and then I simply expect you to stir yourselves up to call on Me to supply your needs, so that you will know that it comes from My hands and you won't just take it for granted! (II:206) Trust in Me for your providence, not in your own arm of the flesh! (II:244) I want to be the One to provide for you. If you take the easy way out, the System's cop-out, then how can I prove to you My Power fully? (II:291) You didn't see My hand in your life, because you had been using your own hand to keep you above water most of the time! You should really allow My hand to bring you the things you want and need, instead of thinking that in any way you have to make an effort to acquire them for yourself! You take care of My business, and I'll take care of you! (II:305) Ask Me to supply you with the things you still lack! (II:328) I will supply all your needs, even without any help from "uncle" System. (II:340) I can supply all your needs, even without any help from the System or your carnal effort. I am the Provider, the Maker, the Essence behind this whole game called life, and you're severely underestimating Me if you doubt that I'm able to supply your needs. (II:387) You've had to wait for My supply, in order for you to see that I'm testing you to see whether you're going to make some move in the flesh to save yourself prematurely... (II:426) I am the Source that never runs dry, the Source of constant and never-ending supply, of all you ever need, physical or spiritual. (II:524)

It's your trust and faith power that are doing the work to bring about abundant supply, not any effort or worry or fleshly attempt to add one cubit to your stature by yourself. You've just got to keep up that trusting power! (II:543) Keep your eyes on My supply and provision, not on whatever lack you see! (II:572) God first is the magic formula that will supply all your needs and solve all your problems. (III:49) I cared not only about people's spiritual, but also their physical well-being, and I still do. I love to provide and supply for you, love to give you the things you want, and fulfill your hearts' desires. (III:56) Spiritual contentment is what will enable you to be content with the "manna" you're receiving in this life and world. You won't be constantly craving for the pleasures of Egypt, but you'll be satisfied with the humble but sufficient supplies I provide for you. (III:116)

My ability and willingness to supply and provide and care, exceed your expectation, or what you deem Me capable of, and is extended not only to the successful fighters of faith, accomplishers and achievers, but basically anyone who simply has the faith to avail themselves of it. (2012:84) I never promised the kind of excess to indulge in, only enough for you to live on, which you’ll simply have to trust, I’ll always supply. (2012:101) I am always able to supply you with what you need, whether it be an extra portion of strength, grace, or abundant provision of anything it is you may need. (2012:134) Making sure you’re in tune and touch with Me is basically the best thing you can do. It’s even better than providing for your family, because it’s the factor that will ensure continued provision, protection and My blessing in general, and by helping to make this happen, those blessings will keep flowing. (2013:16) The courage that I’ll take care of you where the System will take less care of you, will also put or keep you much better in your relationship with Me, depending on My provision! The more you trust in Me, the better things will be! (2014:79)

Quit leaning too much on your own capabilities to supply what you need in the system, because that system might not keep running that way much longer. But make your faith in Me and your supply from Above the most important and significant factor! (2015:110)

We do provide for you what you need. But folks often want more than just what they need. (2015:116) We’re going to have to support you when the situation in the world won’t do it anymore. (2015:125) Let Me provide to you My leading and guidance! Once you’re more into following Me, you’ll also be more able to receive help and provision from Up Here. (2015:136) When you’re too blessed with heavenly provision, you can get into the drift of feeling at home in this world, which you shouldn’t when you know who’s in charge of it! (2015:166) In the days to come you’ll be more and more dependent on My supernatural help, supply and protection. (2015:190) Rely more on Me and your Help and support from Above than trusting in your own abilities! (2015:191) Knowing that that physical security isn’t going to last, isn’t it better to be in a place where you already need to rely more on heavenly help, protection and provision from Above? So, don’t fall into the temptation to trust in and rely on the way the system’s working, but be wiser to put your trust in Me and Our Power, help and supply from Above! (2016:52) Instead of worrying about the dark future times ahead, pray for My protection to help you make it through it! My protection and supply! There’s just no other way to make it through what’s to come, but applying your prayer power for My Help, protection, Strength and supply! (2016:81) The sooner you learn to rely and depend on My Help, Strength, protection and supply, the better! (2016:101) Get in the groove of depending on miracles, My doings and My Help concerning your survival and supplies! (2016:130)

Reality The devil’s entertainments and amusements are distractions that lure you away from thinking about reality. The reality that the world is in such a poor state, you should be crying instead of laughing! Satan’s magic, fake mirror of false images distorts grossly the reality of the way things really are and the way I see things. (I:47) Even the dark times, the seeming downhill slopes of your life have in reality been uphill slopes in My direction. (I:50) Other worlds,... other dimensions..., other realities..., they all have the same core, the same Creator, and the essence is the same everywhere and in all of these: love, light and life, they are one, and they are to be desired. (I:52) Welcome to the point between theory and reality! That’s where you need faith which can see beyond that which meets the eye. (I:55)

Your life is but a vapor... yet while you live it, you deem it so important, and every moment seems to be the absolute and only reality, all that matters, except by faith, which tells you, ‘cheer up, there’s more!’ The flesh sees only the temporal, the immediate. Faith looks beyond, at the Promise, laid there before the foundations of the world, and reaches out for it, stands on it, chooses it as a firmer ground than what is generally perceived as ‘reality’. (I:82) It is man’s temptation to assume that he needs to finish what God has started. In reality, God is only in the process of choosing those who choose to let Him work through them, to help Him establish His true Kingdom. (I:88) Pride is a little kid pretending to be a grown-up. They mimic adults, when in reality they don’t have a clue of what being an adult is really all about: The worries, the responsibilities, the hard work of caring for others. (I:140) Everything on Earth is only a shadow of a heavenly reality... an image of something greater to come. (I:151) What looks like the difficult path to you may be in reality the easiest path, for when you can’t do it, I’ll do it for you. Let’s start all over again on a good, firm, solid foundation of knowledge of the fact that in reality, when it comes down to it, you’ve got and know nothing! (I:157) Snap your fingers and the facade collapses and you see the wondrous glorious reality of how things really are, namely that I am truly in control. (I:171) Be free to be the real you, and that’s a serious fighter! I want you to inspire in people a hunger for the greatest mystery of the universe, arouse a curiosity in their minds and hearts about what it is that makes you tick, that faith that there is something so much greater and more real than this world. (I:208) Behold, I make all things new, if you give your old world to Me and let Me remake it into a much better, new and glorious reality! (I:239)

It’s time to open up your eyes to My full Reality! You’ve got to be fully awake and aware of My Reality first, before you can attempt to wake up others. (I:293) Keep looking at Me and the power I have given you to blow the devil’s nasty illusions to bits! But some of his software is still integrated in your concept of reality. Whatever he tries to present to you as reality or relevant is absolutely irrelevant, and doesn’t stand a chance as soon as you let Me move in with My Reality, that what I consider relevant and important! There seemed to be more in it for Adam and Eve to choose to eat of the forbidden tree: more knowledge, a new taste, and the serpent even said, “Ye shall be as gods”! Now, that sounded interesting! But what was the reality? - Curses, pain, thorns and agony ever since, in exchange for paradise. Which reality counts to you? - The here and right now, the affairs of this life and what others think about you? Or that which is of Eternity, of what your Eternal King will think and say of you when you come Home to Him with meager or plenty increase and profit from what I have invested in you? (I:392) Who wants to deal with real people, when the faces and bodies on TV are so much more "perfect"? Who wants to deal with real life when the thrills and kicks he can give you are so much nicer, easier, better? Well, there's only one thing about it all and that's that it isn't real. It's all fake and phony, and you're enjoying it all on borrowed time and money, while in reality he's cheating you out of your lives, your time, your energy and your touch with reality. For a lot of people, reality is the worst thing to cope with. They stuff their worlds and lives with the devil's substitutes, be they money, material possessions or his entertainment or drugs, foods, games, sex, or their jobs, all of which are often excellent counterfeits of My Reality. So, My advice for you today is: don't try to get away from reality! It may not be perfect, but it's the best thing that could happen to you! It will strengthen and mold your character, make you grow into a real man, one who will not only seek his own selfish satisfaction, but one who is concerned about others and their welfare as well. Those who are trying to escape from reality by

numbing themselves and trying to alter and adjust it artificially to their liking are only cheating themselves out of the most valuable things this life has to offer. If you just manage to be real everyday, to walk humbly on the ground of My Reality, staying faithful in the little, mundane things of life and keeping the heavenly vision while doing so, focusing on Me and My Reality without being deceived by any of the devil's soap operas, then in My eyes that's already a lot, and you won't even have to tell people all that much about you. They will sense it. They will feel it. The very air about you will be different. There will be "strange" vibes accompanying you wherever you go, of a world that smells and tastes so weird to them: the smell and taste of the Real World. (I:411) Just like in an inflated economy, the day of reckoning will tell whether an inflated ego really has got what it takes when met with the sharp pin of reality. That's why I want you to walk on the ground of My humble Reality, not float around on some cloud of selfdeceit, like so many others, so that you can tell them, "Come on down, walk on the ground with Jesus!" The Spirit is the true Reality. (I:427) Step out on the water of permanently positive reality, and stay there, by focusing on Me non-stop! Become My new creature permanently, by refusing to look at the waves of the negative reality of the devil, and staying fully in My positive Reality! (I:561) You've got nothing to lose except that stony prison of a reality in which the enemy would like to keep you locked up. (I:582) You must learn to separate the meaning of the words "invisible" and "unreal!" (II:165) Sometimes, in order to make things "real," they need to start taking place in the heart. (II:240) Some people are incapable of living without some kind of artificially glorified self-image. They can't bare the shame of the ugly reality of what they really are, how nothing they really are, how little good there is about themselves, and just how desperately they need Me to help them stay on guard and to keep them from stumbling. (II:285) I like efforts to integrate the Spirit World more into personal reality. (II:301) Sharing things with others makes them more real. (II:327) Some just don't want to see more than what their narrow little minds have determined for them to be their reality. (II:332) You can only desire the beautiful truth of My Kingdom by seeing and being confronted with the ugly reality of the System. (II:428) If you learn to accept the way things are, if you're willing to fully absorb reality the way I made it for you, even if you don't think it's perfect, but trust that if I made these circumstances for you, then they must serve a perfect purpose; then you can also have more hope for a better future. (II:466) The knowledge of evil that Satan brought into the world by tempting Adam and Eve to disobey, is nothing but an illusion; a lie; a deception. People may think it's fact, and they may call what they consider knowledge reality, but reality as I know it is something quite different. (II:571) No matter how convinced you may be of something, My Reality might still surprise you; the way things really are. Always stay on pulse with Me and in touch with My Reality, and what I know to be the truth! (II:577) Part of the Real Thing is the very reality around you, the one that folks so often try to escape from. Those make-believe realities sound so much more interesting than your own. When was the last time you have attempted to combine your mundane reality with the Real Thing of the endless vastness of My Spirit, in order to find your ultimate purpose in it? (II:610) Pride is a dangerous deceiver that distorts reality, and once somebody starts walking down that path, the end of happiness and harmonious living together is in sight. (III:65) People can be overly optimistic at times and expect to find whole chests full of diamonds and jewels, already cut and polished, as they go down into the mine, but that's not reality! The reality is that you go down there with your pick and shovel, and it's cold, uncomfortable and dirty, and for every ton of dirt you move, you might find a diamond. That's the reality of life in the mines! Everything else is a result of the elusive television mentality where everything comes easy, without you ever having to do much of anything except press a button on your remote control. (III:94) Seeking to be loved by everyone will only leave you disappointed by everyone's incapability to live up to your unrealistic expectations. When you can accept and truly embrace the lowest of the low and let them know you're one of them or they're one of yours, that you consider that there is no difference between you, but they're equally loved by Me as you are, then you've become real. (III:123) You've got to counter the counterfeit "realness" of the devil with My actual and total and totalitarian Realness. (III:141)

Reality's a tough fight. You've got to come to grips with the fact that in real life not everything will look as nice and as perfect as on the movie screens. (III:178) The gift (of prophecy) can always pull you back down to the rock bottom ground of My true Reality, away from the delusion the enemy tries to create in your minds. (III:181) Most people prefer a dream-world, a world of make-belief that's easier to handle than reality with all its dirt, blood and guts and twisted factors and complications. That's why they gladly fall for the devil‘s fake versions of reality: they're much more pleasant to handle, more pleasant to the ear and eye than the naked truth. Can you quaff that cup of full-scale reality and embrace it as it really is? (III:182) When you touch ground of the reality that you're simply no better than anyone, that's a good place to start. That's what I'd call the rock bottom of reality: no more illusions about yourself, no more pretenses, just a sinner and Me... (III:193) I've got to be the Spectrum through which you must see reality. You must keep your eyes focused on Me. If you don't do that, and your eyes wander elsewhere, then you might lose your grip on reality, your picture might become distorted or incomplete. (III:202) The "success" philosophy drives many to want to aspire and ever aspire, to climb and ascend, instead of coming down to the ground of My humble reality and descend. The high and mighty and proud are always one step away from their next fall, but down here, on the ground of hardcore reality, you're walking pretty safely. (III:208) Taking up your cross is a hardcore reality that you've got to accept in the matrix of your understanding, your concept and perception of what's to be expected out of this life. Your cross is your destiny. And just like with Me, and every other true follower of Mine throughout history, your cross will always be provided for you by people. (III:247) I sometimes like to perplex people and get them back on their heels and the ground of the reality, that when it all comes down to it, there’s really mighty little anyone really knows. (2012:14) The rock bottom of hard core reality is not any sort of cushioned, comfortable ground. The reason why the most uncomfortable place for a real believer is a comfortable place, has something to do with the degree of reality in it. People have become artists at artificially altering their reality according to their liking and preferences, but the hard rock truth is usually anything but comfortable or pleasant in this world. It may be a small comfort to you, but at least you’re no longer living in any illusion about any rosy state this world is supposedly in that’s simply not based on reality. (2012:26) It’s a tough job to wake them up from their illusion of “The party’s only just begun,” to the painful reality, but let’s just say that’s part of your job. (2012:55) My Reality and that of the Spirit World far exceeds that which you, from a rational viewpoint would currently consider reality, so who’s to say where exactly reality begins and ends? What’s important is that people remain on the grounds of My Reality, or at least the shreds thereof they know about, rather than sticking to the artificially imposed versions of “reality” that either totally exclude Me from the picture or else put tight limits on My role in it. (2012:64) Getting a grip on reality at its core is not an easy or common thing, and when you do, it can be a lot to deal with, which is precisely the reason why most people prefer the sugar coated, pink glasses version. They can’t cope with reality in its naked state. They have to dress it up as something nicer, prettier; something easier to live with and more acceptable. Getting a grip on reality is what makes your life a bit harder than that of the vast majority of folks who don’t acknowledge the spiritual forces at work. (2012:145) I never intended to bring people religion, as much as reality and the truth. (2012:148) You’re noticing how hard it is to be or stay real, to not put on some kind of act, either for the sake of others, to impress them, or to make you feel better about yourself… That’s the reason why, while it might be more pleasant or commendable to see the good in others, focus on that and hope for the best, have an optimistic attitude, etc., it’s equally important to be courageous enough to face the truth, both, about oneself, as well as about others, especially the ones you love and are closest to. (2012:180) You need to come to grips fully with the reality of how much I love you, and realize that nothing – much less any sin or wrongdoing of yours – can separate you from that love, ever. (2012:183)

Which reality do you prefer to accept? The one that doesn’t include Me, and where everything revolves around mundane things… no rhyme, no reason; no ultimate sense or purpose? For many people it’s easy to accept. All they need and all they lean on is themselves, the system they so faithfully believe in. If I am not real, then what is? And what would it be worth living for? How worthy of living would such reality be? (2013:2) It’s shocking and sad, but also liberating and eye-opening, giving you a clearer scope of reality, when you realize that the only One Who’s going to be able to help you make it, Who’s truly always going to be there and won’t possibly let you down, is I. (2013:15) Things going wrong, or less than the desired way they should be, are generally reminders of the current state of reality, which, in two words could be wrapped up as “something wrong,” definitely, no matter how nice things may seem to be at times, and you almost think you’ve arrived, and relax and settle down for good. As things are just going a little uphill, you tend to put your confidence more in yourself and the circumstances than Me, but that’s a dangerous thing to do, because it’s pretty much an illusion. I’ve got to be your strength and what you rely on, otherwise you’ll be just as sunk as anyone else who puts their trust in the flesh. Be glad I’m saving you from that fate by keeping you close to Me by keeping you down to the ground of that reality when your mind and attitude are about to take off into the clouds again… (2013:21)

Develop some patience, hope and believing faith and trust for those lasting things to come that really matter in the long run! Often you may have to forego some of those temporary kicks and thrills in order to make room and get ready for the real and lasting ones. (2013:34) I have to shatter your illusions about this world and let you wake up to the reality of how pitiful it truly is. Most folks keep drifting in their illusions about the world, ignoring most of the ugly reality, and they need to do it, in order to keep going. But in order for you to keep going, I don’t want you to ignore the pitiful reality, but instead turn to Me, your and this world’s only hope for genuine and lasting improvement. The reality of the extent of the difference I can make in your daily life has to sink in with you, and that’s why I’m allowing you to see and experience the extreme contrast. When you can see reality with untainted view, without becoming depressed about it, it’s a sign that you’ve got a working connection with Me. I’m your Key to make it through this reality. (2013:36) For you the here and now still carries the greater weight, it seems preeminent to you, when in reality it’s only a tiny shadow, a vapor, compared to the much greater part of the creation and picture of your existence, which for you is presently invisible, and only perceptible through tiny glimpses of faith… The inability to cope with the ugly reality, as far as this world is concerned, is a weakness in itself. (2013:38) You might say that the hole in the donut is the visible part of your reality, along with all its problems and adverse circumstances… all the things you don’t like. The donut is the greater reality that engulfs and surrounds all that, and, opposed to all that nothingness, lack of rhyme and reason the hole represents, full of good things to enjoy. It takes a little bit of effort and willingness to see the good, the greater good, surrounding all the obvious evil and vanity which most folks perceive as their entire reality. When you can face the entire scope of reality and can still focus on the larger, positive and good portion of it, then you’re learning to overcome and walk by faith. (2013:57) Things may still keep going for a while, but from the looks of it, do they seem to be getting any better? And even if they were, you’re not getting any younger, and you might say, you’re on your way down, and that’s where the saying is once again confirmed that My way up is down, since that’s the direction in which you’ll find My reality – the Real Thing, not the matrix they sell you as reality. (2013:69) What’s it going to be for you? Man’s mini-matrix of dead ends and endless limitations, or the never-ending open Realm of My Reality for you to explore? (2013:97) The Place that will make any place on earth as perfect as it can be is My Place, and your availing yourself of It and Its reality. (2013:127)

A whole dimension full of spiritual beings and helpers would like to help you catch a part of their reality realm… more important than what the physical and visible world offers. Try to get ahold of Us, Our Spirit and greater Being inside this World of the Spirit… a greater and more wonderful and better Reality! Pay attention to the truly lasting Dimension that’s out of this temporary world you’re in right now. Get ahold of the lasting Reality you’ll wind up in eventually: the Spirit World and more lasting dimension than the temporary one… (2014:41) Once your reality starts reminding you of hell somewhat, or appearing very much like it, you start appreciating My part more, and start looking forward to Heaven hereafter, and give the here and now for you less importance. (2014:174) As ugly as your present may be, keep an eye on the brighter future for you and believers!

Make it as huge a part of your reality as you can, so that the temporary physical world doesn’t drag you down too much! (2015:55) That’s what faith is all about: believing in the existence and reality of things beyond what you can see. (2015:103) Circumstances and conditions around you negative? Focus beyond them, the larger and everlasting Reality of the Spirit! (2016:112)

Remembrance All you’ve got to do is remember Me! That’s the key! Sometimes big secrets of the universe lie in such seemingly insignificant things as the name of a flower: Forget Me not! Don’t forget Me! Don’t forget to give Me the glory! In your remembering Me every step of the way lies the course, the quality and the effectiveness of your voyage through life. If you forget Me, things are going to happen to remind you of Me. The memory of Me will be the nail that will keep the horseshoe of your action attached to the foot of the horse of My power, which will enable you to go much further and accomplish much more than you could in your own strength. Wanna quit making mistakes? Remember Me! Wanna stop blowing it? Remember Me! Wanna win lasting victories and make continuous uphill progress? Simply remember Me and give Me the glory by acknowledging Me, thanking and praising Me and asking Me to keep you from falling, even when you think you’re safe! (I:90) Not forgetting, but remembering My relevant counsel during moments when you're being attacked and your faith is being tested, is pretty much what it's all about... when I'm testing you to see whether you really learned the lesson I've been trying to teach you through My Word or whether it just went in one ear and out the other. As long as you're listening, there's hope, because My Word will not return unto Me void. Of course, the more you remember it, the more you help Me to fulfill that Promise and really make it happen and have My Word bear fruit in your life. "Remember Me" is a very good slogan to run your life by! In every situation, even if you can't possibly figure out what it's supposed to be all about, if you remember Me, I will bring My sense into it! I will make it clear to you what's happening and what you could or should do or should have done! And as you're learning right now, there is hardly a situation in life where praising Me wouldn't be the absolute best and most appropriate thing to do, where praise wouldn't be the most effective weapon to use. So, if you remember Me in a situation where someone's being attacked, remember Me and the fact that I'm involved, I'm in control, and I might even be allowing this to happen just in order to test you! (II:147) So many mistakes are made because people don't remember. Why do people not remember? Because they don't really make an effort, they don't really care. They're too busy occupying their minds with the next pleasure, the next entertainment, the next amusement, the next "escape route" that leads them "away from thinking." Or they simply don't care enough to write it down, or, if they've written it down, to read it again! So the root of the problem is really indifference and falling for the distractions the enemy plants along your way in order to prevent you and keep you from remembering, especially remembering Me and what I've told you. The answers to most of your problems lie in the things I've already told you. You've simply got to remember them! What I've told Joshua about the Words I gave to Moses and him applies to you: write them on the tablets of your heart! Meditate on them when you get up and when you lie down. But for Heaven's sake, don't forget them! There's a great mystery in remembering. Imagine you could remember everything I ever told you, everything I ever revealed to you and showed you, every enlightenment that ever came to you! Can you imagine the power, the glow, the divine inspiration you'd give off and radiate? But instead, all those things fade away from your mind, like leaves in the autumn wind for mundane things. There is power in remembering. Great power, great wisdom lies in the power to remember the things I've told you and revealed to you. (II:236) Make an effort to remember what I said, remember the Words I've told you, and you remember Me! That's what will lead to obedience. Disobedience usually stems from carelessly forgetting My Words and My commandments and yielding to all the temptations the enemy and the world have to offer. Obedience only comes through refusing to forget My exhortations, but taking them seriously and not daring to let go of them! Remember and acknowledge Me in all your ways, constantly open for My input, aware and conscious of My Presence, tuned for whatever I might have for you every single moment of your life! That's taking Me with you, letting Me be part of you, part of your life. (II:299) The reason you sometimes feel so far away from Me is basically none other than that you forget. You forget how much I love you, you forget all My affirmations of My unconditional Love to you. You have to be reminded each day anew of My Love for you. You have to come to Me each morning in order to get the vision from Me and be reminded of who you are and how much I love you. That's why memorization is part of the solution to the problem, because it will ingrain faith in Me and My Love deeper into your system, to where it won't be susceptible to feelings, circumstances and spurs of the moment. Memorization is the key to remember. And remember is what you should do! You must remember My unfailing Love for you! You must remember My Promises to you! You must remember just how close I am! (II:350) While you are still in this life you have to fight to remember! You have to fight to remember My Words, and not let their Power slip through your hands by simply forgetting what I've been telling you. That's why it's so important to read My Word and remember, to remind yourself of what I'm telling you, to keep them in your heart! Often people don't remember the important things in their lives because they didn't esteem them enough. They were too busy with temporal affairs, such as making money, and their lives with all the lessons involved, just pass them by. But I want you to take the time to remember. (II:392) Memorization is one of the easiest and first ways to be a "doer" of the Word. It's part of discipleship. "The law of his God is in his heart; none of his steps shall slide." It's one of the best safeguards you've got, and a needed sample for others to see that you're making an effort to uphold the standard. (II:439)

Everybody tends to forget at times just how nothing they are and how little they really know, and how desperately they need Me. Everybody tends to forget, that faith is a vacuum you create in your heart, for Me to fill. (II:623) Those who remember Me and My Word will be remembered by Me. (2011:110) That’s one good thing about having an elephant’s long-term memory: You don’t forget as easily what you once promised. (2012:152)

Rest As those on your left and on your right fall prey to confusion, you, unafraid, as one who has got nothing to lose, can rest tranquilly and peacefully in My palm. (I:94) Focus on Me and receive power to shine. I’m calling you again and again to come to Me, to rest in Me, bask in Me. (I:114) I am your Home! I will be your place of refuge; here under My wings and in My arms you can find rest and safety. I will give you more security than any four walls in this world ever could. My protective force field around you, the hedge of My angels and helpers around you, protect you. (I:141) When you hear from Me and you are attuned to Me, you can rest in My mind. (I:142) Rest in My hands, and try not to move around too much in your own strength, but yield your little strength to Me and I will multiply it and use thee mightily as I will. (I:297) Be aware of that willfulness, that restlessness, that won't let you find rest and strength in Me. (I:447) It requires faith to let the arm of the flesh rest a little while and have the World call you crazy because instead of securing your sustenance with the work of your own hands, you're spending your time hearing from Me and in My Word. But "they that have chosen this good part, it will never be taken away from them." (I:528) "The wicked are like the sea when it cannot rest." "There is no peace for the wicked." Unbelievers don't have the same peace and rest that remains for My children, because it requires faith to be able to rest in Me. (I:609) When there's a lot to do, you need an extra portion of My strength, and you need to make an extra effort to stay and rest within My peace and calm, in order to move through the day in My Spirit. (II:325) Just come to Me and find rest in Me. (II:336) When you do something good, don't immediately rest on your laurels, but let it be only the beginning. (II:385) After anything you did or participated in that you consider a success, rest for a few minutes to give Me thanks and the glory. (II:458) If you live each day as unto Me, then you'll know and can rest assured that I'll carry the responsibility for the outcome and you can float on My Spirit instead of having to crawl through your tasks in the flesh. (II:529) I've promised and given you rest, and the sooner you start enjoying living and enjoying life for Me, the better off you're going to be. (II:537) Under My wings you can always find perfect peace and rest and relief from this crazy world around you. (II:597) By letting Me guide you, you will find Me taking you to the lush green valleys where your soul will find sweet rest and will finally feel at home, even while yet in this world, which is not your home. (III:39) Happiness is not found in any big noisy careers, nor in big personal accomplishment, but in the quiet, humble act of resting in Me, getting to really know Me, touching Me, hearing My voice and seeing My hand and My footprints in your life! (III:48) There will always be new limits to discover and explore, to reach points you have never known before. But rest assured that if I have trusted you with the former one, I'm also allowing you to handle this one because I know you can do it. (III:74) My message has always been, "Come to Me all ye that are weary and heavy laden, and I will give you rest" (Mt.11:28). (III:93) There is too much going wrong with this world, this is not your destination, not the place of your rest, not your reward; this world is not your Home. (III:120) This isn't yet your resting place. You're on your way somewhere else, and this world is not your home. (III:162)

When the Enemy is around, you can't ignore him, but you have to aim your spiritual weapons at him and shoot, and not rest until he's down. (III:226) Keep remembering that this world is not your home, not your resting place, but to keep your vision and focus on the world that's to come. (III:259) I'm giving you the strength and the anointing for the battle at the hour when it comes, and when there is no strength and anointing, then it simply must mean that I want you to rest a little.

Enjoy the break! Enjoy life! (III:362) There remains a rest for the people of God, but He’s got to be the One to give it to them. It’s a gift, not something you can just work up yourself or try to force into existence in your own efforts. Just like with so many other aspects in this life of faith, some things you’ll have to trust God to bring about and wait until He deems you ready for them! (2012:160) Sometimes, the more one’s been given, the more will be expected of him, and when that’s not there yet, well, you just might have to make up for it first, before you can enter into heavenly rest. There are things that need improvement, and sometimes, without it, one cannot be found ready for his heavenly rest. (2016:66)

Salvation Greater faith than Abraham’s, to be willing and ready to sacrifice your own most beloved son to obey Me, has very rarely been found. You can do miracles, move mountains, heal the sick and raise the dead, and it still won’t amount to that kind of faith. It looks most irrational to the whole world. How could they know, that the God of the universe was going to sacrifice His only Son, and He was asking Abraham, ‘would you be willing to go that far?’ And He was showing the world a little glimpse and example of what He was going to do, just like He had from the beginning: The requiring a lamb of sacrifice from Cain and Abel. And again, one chose My irrational way, and one chose the logical, reasonable way of, ‘Why should I kill a lamb?’ Remember, during that time people did not yet eat meat, and furthermore, they were able to communicate with the animals... But the Father wanted to show them an example of His sacrifice that He was going to make in sending Me to die for all. (I:43) He that liveth by the sword shall also die by the sword. They’ll find out one day that they have been puppets in the hand of the god of this World, the god of war, of hate, of pride, and of all that is an abomination to Me. I am Love! He is hate! I am humility! He is pride! I am Forgiveness! He is self-righteousness! I am Wisdom! He is the epitome of foolishness, of one relying on his own understanding and falling to their doom. I am Glory! He is shame! I am the true light. His light is only darkness! I am the Bread of Life! He feeds on the flesh, souls and spirits of countless millions! I am the Giver of all things, he is the thief who only comes to steal, rob and suck the life out anything you let him! I am the Lamb, slain from the foundation of the World for the sins of man, he is the ravenous wolf who seeks to attack, annoy or destroy. (I:70) View your task as one of a life-guard, offering the rope of Salvation to a drowning population! (I:129) Much is at stake here: souls either lost or won, your eternal reward or regret, according to whether you did your part that was needed to save them or not. You can justify yourself by the fact that you’re giving more than the average person, but you will always know that there would have been more you could have done, if you don’t really give and do all that is possible. (I:194) Tell them about My great mystery, why I suffered that cruel death, the key part of My mission, that I did it for them, and if they can just believe and accept that, they won’t have to worry anymore about what will come, about their mistakes, or whether they will make all the right decisions or do all the right things in this life. Tell them of My unconditional love. The New Testament, a new agreement and contract I have made with Man, means: unconditional love. All you’ve got to do is accept and receive it. Stretch out your hand, and let Me lay there the greatest gift in the universe, and you will be forever Mine to care for, to love, to shield and zealously protect from any harm, to provide for, to satisfy, to make happy and to fill with joy, to fill your very heart’s desires. (I:236) Give love to the needy and save their souls! That’s all you should worry about, that’s your perfect role! (I:298) I came not into this world to judge or condemn them, but that through Me they might be saved. (I:459) Nobody can boast of My Salvation, you can only rejoice in it and thank and praise Me for it, and that's the neglected path that could and would bring the victory to so many, if they would only choose that path of praise. (I:516) It's your God-given duty to fight for the Kingdom, to fight for the lost souls. It's time to go on the attack for souls! Be a saver of souls! (II:37) I have come to bring Salvation to the entire man... the physical and the spiritual. I have come to satisfy all your needs, to heal all your ails: mental, physical, spiritual, everything. My name means "Savior." My cry and My call to mankind is to "Come, let Me save you!" I want to save you wholly and entire, I want to cleanse and heal all of you, your mind, your body, your heart, your spirit... your soul. (II:76) Salvation and redemption is all about delivering you from evil. The first and primary requirement to receiving My Salvation is realizing that you're a sinner, and that you need My Salvation from your sins. (II:92) What else is more worthy of the investment of your love and time and all, than eternal human souls? Is there any greater cause to dedicate your life to? That was the cause to which I dedicated Mine, so, if you want to follow in My footsteps, you'll be wise and do the same! If I thought they were worth it, so can you. (II:117) To most unbelievers it looks like I didn't go to the cross voluntarily, but that I was simply another victim of Roman injustice and cruelty. But believers understand that it was more than that. It was an act of love. In fact, the greatest act of love ever known to man, and a path I had chosen to walk voluntarily, long, long before. "The lamb which was slain before the foundations of the world." (II:138) I don't send you into the world to condemn the world, but that you should save those who would be saved. To offer Me means Salvation, not condemnation. The condemnation is already there. But I am their Salvation. (Jn.3:19). Be heralds of Salvation, not condemnation! (II:264)

Not everybody will be saved! What are you doing to make sure that as many as possible will be saved? (II:355) It's not just a "nice thing to do" to save souls, but the only right thing to do. (II:358) It was My destiny to become an eternal, living Symbol and Sample of humility, God's Lamb slain, in humble surrender and yielding. (II:359) They all screamed, "crucify Him!" They wanted Me to die in order to prove that My way had been wrong, and theirs was right! And for three days and nights it seemed as though they had been right. It seemed as if the devil had won, but when I rose, that's when the true story really began, as My Power was multiplied manifold in My disciples. Sometimes you've got to overcome death first, in order to really break through to life. Well, that's what I did for all of you! I have overcome death for you, I plucked out its sting, so that you could all partake of My life My unending life, life eternal, life forevermore, life ever-increasing. (II:446) You're by title deed, the contract and testament of My blood, heirs and children of the Kingdom, and "no man can pluck you out of My hand" once you are saved (Mt.10:28). But you have to use that "Salvation Power" regularly, in order to cleanse you from your sins, so that you can walk through this life as a living example and sample of that Salvation, to show others My transforming Power, so that they may want and experience it, too. If there hadn't been any sin I needed to cleanse and save you from, if there hadn't been anything I needed to change about you, then what would have been the purpose of it all? Salvation must be something real, not just hypothetical or theoretical. It must be a visible change and deliverance from some real and tangible negative qualities of yours. (II:476) "Work out your own salvation in fear and trembling" doesn't have anything to do with your eternal Salvation, which you received the moment you received Me. But the way you're going to make that salvation work for you in this life depends on your desperation, how serious you are about it, how much elbow grease you're willing to invest into it to make it really work. (II:489) I would like you to adopt a fighter spirit, knowing that it is your God-given duty to fight for the deliverance and Salvation of those lost souls, and that giving up prematurely would be a very bad and negative thing to do, almost like treason, desertion, neglecting your duty and high calling from above. (II:542) Make Salvation work for you in ever-increasing, never-diminishing power, and soon you'll spread that fire of Salvation over to many others! (II:563) When you get saved, you become a live one, and the devil is going to try to bag you, and in some ways, the fight and battle of life will become even tougher. But it's well worth the price, knowing where you're going to go when the battle is over and that you're on the winning side, isn't it? The devil will try to use this as an argument to discourage you from winning souls: "See? It doesn't work! They're not changed! They received Jesus, and they still don't act any better than they did beforehand... Salvation is a fake," as he's obviously managed to persuade some. They get discouraged by the lack of obvious, visible short-term results of when someone got saved. Some people never climb up any further that "Stairway to Heaven," after they get saved: they just stay there on that first step, and can even go downhill from there. The game of free choice doesn't stop there. Although you have decided to receive Me, it doesn't mean that you're automatically going to continue receiving Me from then on. As you can see with some, they make the decision afterwards to never open their heart to Me again. The devil scares them out. All they do is receive the seed, but they don't allow it to sprout, grow and blossom. They're afraid of letting it fall into the ground and die so that it may bring forth fruit in them. They instinctively know that some part of them is going to die with it, if they allow that. Their physical, momentary lives are what matters more to them than Eternity. That's why they can doubt their Salvation, too, and it makes others doubt as well that they ever got saved or possibly could be saved and are on their way to Heaven. In order to make Salvation work for you in this life, and do you any good in the there and now, you're going to have to work at it! You're going to have to fight the devil for one thing, instead of surrendering to him. (II:573) While Salvation is a one-time thing, its manifestations - such as healing, both, physical and spiritual, have to be applied repeatedly and regularly, even if for no other purpose than to simply keep you humble. Just because you're saved doesn't mean you never get sick again, right? You have eternal life, but you're not immediately a sinless saint. You have to apply smaller doses of the general gift of Salvation on a regular basis and try out its many uses. Salvation and the workings of the Spirit World are so much like what you experience in the physical; that's why there's no reason to be scared of it. (III:3) The Power of Salvation is going to bring to an end the good work that I have begun in each of you. Always forgiving and receiving and accepting, in spite of any and all sin, failure and shortcoming... (III:5) The moment of My death was virtually the crux and crucial point on which all history hinges, the great Crossroads of history. I had become a Partaker in mankind, I had walked your same road; I had come down to the bottom, to the same ground as you, and even descended into hell after that. (III:20)

I took the burden of the law off your shoulders. I have paid the price, and I have taken that weight off your shoulders. It's a matter of faith, though. How much do you really believe in My Salvation power? Of how much guilt do you believe My sacrifice was capable of cleansing you? Some folks prefer to still take some of the load on their own shoulders. They insist on carrying part of the burden themselves. (III:60) There's more to making Salvation work out in this life than the mere act of receiving Me. Receiving Me may secure their place in Heaven, but whether their life on earth is going to be more like Heaven or more like hell largely depends on which way they point their antenna in the here and now. It depends on whether they're also going to accept Me in their consciousness. To make salvation work out in the present life takes more than to just say a little prayer to receive Me into their hearts. That prayer may secure their eternal Salvation, but to make it work and make it happen during their lives on earth, they have to strive to live and obey the first and great commandment to love Me with all their hearts, all their souls and minds. They've got to put their salvation and their faith into practice. (III:68) I have cleansed you, saved you from your sins. That doesn't necessarily mean that sin has disappeared altogether, just as I haven't transformed your bodies yet into eternal and immortal ones. But it will happen. To some extent, your salvation and spiritual "cleanness" is only by faith right now, and it's up to you to which extent you use and apply that faith each day, and "work out your own salvation." Some people get saved, but they still remain on a negative wavelength. They don't apply or use their salvation and My cleansing power for what it could do for them in this life already. They will still benefit from it in the hereafter, but they deny themselves the privilege of using and applying My Salvation power to the extent they could in this life. That's what the life of faith is all about: to which extent do you use it, apply it and make it work? (III:149) In order to make salvation work out for you in this life, that's the point you're going to have to get to, sooner or later: the point of turnaround, the point of repentance and metanoia. (III:153) Salvation works the way that no matter what you do, you will still be redeemed by My blood and totally forgiven. It should drive home to you just how vast a gift Salvation really is, and what a precious gift to pass on to others... (III:192) I died for each person individually. Salvation is a personal issue between Me and each human being. But the goal is not to remain in isolation, but Salvation in itself is a means of bringing the soul into the great union of all things, the Kingdom of Heaven. If Salvation is anything, it is salvation from the isolation of each individual in their own sin and entrapment of their own ego and selfishness, and bringing it into the greater Whole, the uniting for the greater Cause, rather than any individual, personal cause. (III:228) The truth is that each of you has to allow Me to save you from the evil in your own hearts first, if you want to experience any triumph over evil! The truth about the spiritual evils from which you need liberation and My Salvation, keeps being as unpopular on a large scale as ever. It's one thing to point your finger at the darkness and exposing it, but it's yet another to be flooding those dark spots with My light. All the fingers pointing in the world won't mean doom to the devil and his workings, but as soon as you turn on the light of My Salvation message, he starts to squeal, because he knows it's the only thing that signifies loss to his cause and his kingdom. All the movies exposing the workings of evil in the world won't do as much harm to him as one salvation tract, one witness that tells another soul how to get to Heaven... Shine My light into his darkness, and that will really make a difference! The Devil is scared of one honest soul winner, who is not interested in fixing up and improving himself, but lays down his life in order for others to be saved. My most popular works of healing the lame, the blind and leprous and feeding the multitudes were not comparable to the act of taking up that cross in order to bring Salvation to mankind. I can't save a sinner who doesn't realize he's a sinner. Change of heart is something you need to seek and want and ask for, like Salvation. The requirement is that you want it and ask for it. “All that call on the name of the Lord shall be saved.” From their sins, or their troubles… whatever you need to be saved from: perhaps from yourself; I will do it as I have promised. It just has to get to that point where you’re desperate enough to realize that you need My Salvation and need Me to save you. There is no evil I cannot overcome, and no sin My blood can not erase. One of the first tactics of the enemy to prevent Salvation from happening is to make people blind to their sin, and to the fact that they’re slaves and captives of their sins and need liberation and Salvation from them. The second tactic is to make those who do see their faults think that they’re absolutely powerless against them, and that there’s nothing anyone could ever do about them, but that’s precisely where you’re supposed to come in and show them that’s wrong.

There is something that can be done about sin, and the God and Creator of the universe Himself has seen to it that it is within anyone’s reach. Basically, all you’ve got to do is ask Him for help, and the help He did send was Me. My sacrifice has saved you from the impact that sin would have on you, which are death and hell. Replace worldly ambitions and hunger for recognition, applause and approval with a genuine desire to seek first what’s best for My Kingdom, namely how to get others saved. You’re already saved and know you’re not going to hell. But it’s your responsibility to see to it that as many others as possible won’t have to go there, either, and the Devil has been working overtime in order to make sure that you wouldn’t do just that. Anything but that. We’ve got to get the world saved. We can’t just let’em go down the drain. We just can’t. We’ve got to do something about it! In order to make Salvation work out in this life and have any affect right here and now, folks will eventually have to realize that it’s a fight, and they’ll have to choose sides. How Salvation works: You first have to realize that you’re a sinner before you can realize your need for a Savior. There have got to be those who have My kind of love for people that won’t let them go, at least not before they’ve tried everything to save them, to rescue them and to keep them from going astray. Isn’t it good to know that no matter how badly you’ll sin and fail, Salvation always works, even for the worst of sinners? Isn’t it worth it having to experience the darkness every now and then in order to fully come to appreciate the light? No matter how rough it gets, you can still count on Me, on My love and on your salvation. You’re never going to be able to lose it, no matter what. Many of those who are saved, unfortunately don’t change paths after they get saved, and they stay on that same old broadway that leads to destruction, and to them applies what Paul wrote about those whose works will not remain, but they themselves will be saved, but as if through fire (1Cor.3:11-15). You’re fighting to bring Salvation to the world, not condemnation (Jn.3:17). It’s good to be aware and not ignorant of the Devil’s devices. But the message you will want to convey to others primarily is that of Salvation, that of hope, and an emphasis on the light, and not so much on the darkness. The foundation stone you must lay is that of Salvation, and that they have accepted Me in their lives. The best and most effective weapons against the evils in this world is My gift of Salvation. Give’em Salvation! Save them! Get them saved! Make them Mine! Getting them saved and getting them to get others saved is the best and most effective thing in the world you can do for Me and for My Kingdom! The kind of truth that really makes a difference and deals a blow to the Enemy’s kingdom is the Salvation message. I need you to publish glad tidings, the Good News. A lot of people are preaching negative news, but not many are actively offering the Solution. The Salvation message might not put you on the front page in earthly papers, but it puts you on the list of those who obey My commandment to preach the Gospel! If it was My love and power that saved you, then who are you to doubt that I can save them, too, from the mess they’re probably going to get into, just as I saved you out of yours, no matter how smart you were or not? If it was your own superior qualities that saved you, then what hope would there be for them? But if you put forth a little bit of a believing effort that what I did for you I am also able to do for them, and if you let that positive attitude shine through a little bit, instead of your suspicion and doubt concerning them, maybe they’ll also catch the drift and start believing that I can do it for them, too! It won’t be long before the world is going to get so bad that many will say, “Stop this world, I want to get off!” And those that will call upon My name will be saved out of it. You have to accept the fact that most of what’s going on, when it comes to Me and My power, is way beyond the scope and capacity of your carnal mind… That’s the difference between supposed godhood, the kind the Devil offered, which declares the human mind as supreme, and true Godhood, such as offered by Me through your acceptance and reception of My Word, My Divinity, My Spirit and Salvation. The only way you’re ever going to escape the mess is by letting Me save you out of it. There’s no use worrying about how on earth you’re going to make it. If I’m going to intervene supernaturally and save this whole world from the mess it has gotten itself into, then am I not going to be able to do the same for you and change any less than favorable situation you’re in into a better one? I’m the world’s Savior, and a savior is out of a job for so long as his world doesn’t think it needs to be saved. You can’t save anybody that doesn’t want to be saved and won’t ask for help.

The price mankind had to pay for their disobedience was death, which was not an original part or component of creation. But when it happened, it was immediately clear to Me that it was I Who was going to have to rectify the situation and do something in order to save mankind out of the mess they had gotten themselves into, and the plan was that I was going to come to earth as a Human Myself and lay down My life for those who wanted to find their way back to God’s way. And anybody who will believe that and accept My sacrifice on the cross is forgiven for any and all of their sins, wrong-doings and disobediences, and will come to live with Me in the Place that I have prepared for those who accept My sacrifice. Your body may die, but your spirit will continue to live forever and soon receive an eternal body that will never die. There is no chance for redemption unless the problem and the need for a solution have been recognized. As long as you think that nothing’s wrong with you and what you’re doing, you don’t see the need to change things. You are clean through the Words I speak unto, yes, but putting them into practice is still another story, that is up to you! You are saved, but the works you build onto that foundation are up to you. (IV:170) The way you make that choice to return to the Father’s parenthood in this dispensation of grace is by accepting My sacrifice for man’s sins on the cross. While Adam and Eve’s original choice may have bought you the Devil for your new “parent,” My blood buys you back into the Father’s House, if that’s what you want… (IV:304) Salvation does not come from human hands. That may be one of the principal lessons wrapped up in human history! Jonah gave the clue: “Salvation is of the Lord!” Why is that such a revelation? Because it takes a while for most people to understand that it doesn’t come from human hands. Not their own, and not anyone else’s except for those who are part of My rescue mission, and they’re usually not part of the “Hurray, we can do it in our own strength” crew. “Salvation is of the Lord!” It does not come from human hands, and the sooner you’re going to grasp that, the better off you’re going to be! (IV:316) I can only deliver and save those who want and need deliverance from something. (IV:450) I’m the unexpected hope and Salvation in spite of everything that could have possibly gone wrong, the Answer, relief and Salvation that comes despite of it all… When it seems as though the Enemy had won and snatched away one of My sheep, never to be seen again, and never to see the light of My day again, be assured that it is not so, but that I will be able to retrieve them, save them and restore them unto the joy of My Salvation, in spite of all that the Enemy may be able to make it look like. (IV:483) My name means, “Savior,” and that’s what I was born and destined to be and do: save mankind from evil, from itself and from each other, and I’ll always do a better job at it in the long run than any of you can do for yourselves, and that applies especially to those who know Me and My Word. Those who call upon and trust in My name will be saved. All the others who don’t believe in that and try to save themselves and keep themselves alive in their own strength will have to find out and see just how far that salvation will work and do the trick. When it comes to Salvation, I’m just the best Man you could ever get for the job. (IV:533) The tough messes you’re in are the factors that draw you to Me, your Salvation. (2011:100) Because you chose to accept Me, all the Enemy can really do is bluff in making you doubt your Salvation (which he has managed to do with entire denominations of churches). (2011:112) What changes when you receive Me is that you have a new Owner or Landlord of the house. I take back from the Enemy what he claimed as his due to the choice of sin and the original fall. By accepting Me, you accept My ownership and lordship over your house, and you thus allow Me to make the necessary modifications to turn the building into something better and more useful than what the Enemy has allowed it to become, or would have, if he’d had the chance – since he doesn’t really care too much about preserving My creation. That’s why I say, “I stand at the door and knock.” If any man hear My voice and open the door, I will come into him, and not just sup with him, but will also discuss or receive the permission to make fundamental changes about his house and transform it into something a lot more to not only My liking, but also his, as he will see in the end. I also give your house a new foundation, a new place to stand, when you allow Me to come in and take over: It will henceforth have a place in My eternal, heavenly Kingdom, and not the decaying, eroding grounds of the temporary world. (2011:143) The Devil will seek to foil My plan of Salvation for people in any way he can... And it's part of the life of faith to recognize and fight him as your Enemy. It's part of the deal that it's going to be a fight after you get saved, because you'll be on the right side then, and fighting on the good side. (2011:1) People reveling in affluence aren’t as open and receptive for Salvation as those who are oppressed, but you and I know that it’s only a matter of time before oppression and the Oppressor will come. (2012:55) It’s the realization of your own sinfulness that leads to Salvation, since it is what makes you aware of your need for it in the first place. (2012:62)

Oppression is there for a reason. It’s there to remind you what man opted for when he chose his own way – the devil’s, really, only camouflaged as “man’s own” – over Mine. It’s a reminder that a Savior and Salvation from the consequent mess indeed are needed, however contrary to those opinions of the seemingly self-sufficient. So, be sure to rely on Me, your only hope, really, of Salvation and a way out! (2012:67) Blaming your circumstances or the qualities of others never did anything to improve a situation. It doesn’t matter that the circumstances say, “It can’t be done and hasn’t been done before!” You’ll leave it to Me by actively committing your concern into My hands, and I’ll make something happen for you! (2012:83) If someone is His child, We know it way before they do, and we can also save them a lot of trouble getting them in the fold before they get seriously hurt by the Enemy and his wolves out there. Remember also the metaphoric comparisons of washing dishes or changing diapers with Salvation. It’s part of My job as a Savior to clean up the mess man made under the direction of the greatest mess-maker of all. (2012:85) So, you don’t see it, how I’m going to save you… - Nor did the eleven, when I was sentenced to be crucified. How was I going to save the world from the cross? Little did it occur to them that that was precisely what I was doing… on the cross, and by dying for them, I would save them… (2012:102) Prayer isn’t popular among carnal minded people. They don’t realize that it could well constitute their salvation, and in many cases, even the very salvation of their flesh as well. But that’s the thing: salvation isn’t that popular, either, with such people, because they tend to reject things they didn’t earn and work for themselves. They hate the thought of having to give Someone Else the credit for anything. (2012:122) “If I justify myself, my own mouth will condemn me…” The best attitude to have is, “guilty as charged.” - Because everyone is. You either have the humility to admit it, or you don’t. Accepting that, and the need for forgiveness, is what Salvation amounts to, and what it’s basically all about. (2012:129) What you seek on My path is the Salvation of those you come across, and what you store up as you do, is not corruptible goods and fruit, but invisible, lasting fruit. (2012:137) The opinion according to the perception not to lack anything is the greatest obstacle and road block to repentance, which is basically the first step to Salvation. (2012:148) Self-righteousness is one of the greatest evils to tackle… the one that was ultimately responsible for My death: The greatest evil of man, used by God to bring about mankind’s salvation from sin. Just being saved or “on God’s side” doesn’t save from doing wrong or committing sin of any kind. (2012:161) You know that basically your purpose in life is to let others know what you know and to share with them the Gospel (= Good News) of Salvation and freedom from the one thing that enslaves them most: their own sin. Things being what they are, and becoming worse, that Salvation, howbeit presently only perceivable by faith, will eventually become your only hope and chance for physical salvation as well… Let’s say, Salvation, at present, is the ticket that will reserve you a place on the Salvation bus, train or plane – or spaceship – once it comes around. In a way, you’ve got to “build” your own vehicle of salvation, like Noah had to build that ark. How much work are you willing to invest in it? – Not your own salvation, but that of others? (2012:172) What good would My Salvation be, if you would still have to worry in fear and trembling about whether you would “cut the cake” before Me, or not? It’s the Devil’s age-old scheme of trying to convert Grace into a works-religion any old way he can, and you can tell he’s gotten pretty sly about it. He’s concocted numerous variations of that game, and people all over continue to be prone to fall for one of them. I am capable of My job as a Savior and Redeemer, which means I can save and redeem you for any sin and won’t need your help with it, trying to redeem yourself. (2013:49) I have come to free people from the curse of their sins, and it’s your job, as a professing follower and disciple of Mine, to carry that liberating torch of truth to them, and there’s really nothing sadder in the whole world than someone who could bring light and Salvation to so many others, but simply won’t, because he thinks it’s hardly worth the attempt. (2013:50) That’s what Salvation is all about: salvation from the death, hopelessness and misery of this present life, and a better one instead, beginning now, but only brought into full fruition hereafter. (2013:83) There’s a time when I need to remind those who were once closer to Me and My Kingdom of what eternal life is all about… (2014:6)

I’m basically and principally a Saviour from the ways the enemy would like to have as many destroyed as possible… Salvation is My gift. (2014:21)

Remember that I’m the Saviour. I have saved you from your sins, have died for that, so that you could believe and go to Heaven in spite of them; but I’m also there to help you make it through the attacks of others… from the enemy and his spirits, as well as the folks on Earth pretty much following him or being subjected to his weaknesses or sins… including your own. (2014:69) You could be doing much better if you hadn’t allowed certain mistakes followed by certain consequences which will follow others after their lives; so be thankful for your salvation, keeping you from these troubles for eternity! My Word says that being saved is not something to be lost, and you should know that you certainly got saved and won’t lose it, for you can’t. (2014:84) The earthly life is not everlasting. That’s why believing in Me and accepting My Salvation is a great gift to give you eternal life. (2014:93)

I died in order to give folks who’ll receive Me a better life hereafter; and trust Me: When you’ll experience it, you’ll repent from all bitterness! Being or getting saved means to not allow oneself to be part of the world of death the enemy’s pretty much working on creating out of the one We wanted to be significant for Life. The reason you were born again was to fight that battle against the Enemy and not let him win over you, but try to win more of others unto Me and the Father for their sake and to make it worth it to have been saved yourself! (2014:98) Remember that life on Earth is not part of the eternal life I came to give folks who believe in Me. (2014:102) Life, in many ways, is a way to deal with sin that one has decided to commit, just as Adam and Eve had to. Those who do not believe in My Salvation will have to deal with it after their lives, but those who do believe in Me and have thus accepted My Salvation, must be prepared to handle their sins and according chastisements for them in this same life they were committed. (2014:105)

Becoming a child of the Father by receiving Me and then rejecting the thought of it, the Spirit and all that goes along with it, does not necessarily mean that they’ll go to Heaven right after they die, if they’ve lived a worldly life and in spite of having received Me prematurely or earlier, afterwards they reject Me and My message and servants. Let’s put it this way: At least they won’t receive the same rewards in Heaven that others who received Me and are children of the Father do, and there’ll be a difference between them and the more faithful children of His… (2014:131) I died for you in order to render a better life to you after this one’s over if you believe in Me, Whom the Father gave for you and the entire world… for all those who’d choose to believe in it… believe in Me as their Savior from the “normal,” rough ending of life, as it turns out for many who don’t receive the Father’s gift of His Love. (2014:132) Just keeping Salvation for yourself is not exactly the right attitude. (2014:176) When there’s a tough enemy to deal with, it’s a clear sign, that what you need - if not the whole world, or those who accept it - is Salvation. (2015:50) Remember your job and task to let them know, and how to get Here by receiving Me and having salvation from the uglier hereafter! (2015:55) Just because it says “For God so loved the world, that He gave…” …Me, doesn’t mean the world is perfectly alright. In fact, its only hope am I, and the reception of Me, without which there isn’t any salvation. So, keep remembering this, that people need salvation from what this world otherwise leads them to, without believing in and receiving Me from their hearts! Receiving God’s greatest gift of love is what will save you, or anyone who does, from the dreadful path this world is headed in general, and instead of handing you over death, will bring you eternal life! Keep on believing in My Salvation: the fact that believing in Me will save you and keep you from the punishment you would otherwise deserve for your sins in the hereafter. But having received Me in your heart you can look forward to Heaven hereafter, which is going to be better than this, and it means, ultimately, you’ve got nothing to lose, but only something better to gain and look forward to! (2015:57) Get your vision towards Mine, and what can be done to bring Salvation, eternal life and Heaven to others! (2015:70) There aren’t that many who have the faith you do, so it might be wonderful if you could share that and instill it in others; letting them know that there’s something better awaiting them, if they can find the faith for it, or even just receive Me as their Savior. Let folks know that there’s something better than this world waiting for those who just give Me a chance to enter their lives and receive Me through that simple prayer of opening their heart for Me and asking Me to come in and thus free them from the curse of sin! That’s your job as one of My followers, and you shouldn’t forget it and shouldn’t neglect it! Is there anything greater and better to share than the following Hereafter I promise? – The Place where I came from when I entered this world you live in, and even the Father – Creator of all – dwells, ready to receive those Here who are willing to receive Me, His Son?

What better task in this life you’re living could there be? Share Me and My Salvation with folks, and you’ll discover life turning out to become a lot better… Those who would have expected something greater than that world has to offer are My sheep, and I’ve got that to offer what they would have expected and yearn for as something better. (2015:73) Don’t forget that your main job is supposed to for folks around you to find Me and life eternal through you! That’s basically the main job of your life; and… well, neglecting it won’t be anything you’ll be able to be proud of in the Hereafter, if you’ll realize how many folks could be There, too, if only you had offered them My Salvation! Try to be a giver of love and of My message of Salvation to those who might not have it yet, and remember this as the purpose of life for those who believe in, and especially those who claim to follow Me! Do what you can to win and bring others to Me, and thus making folks of them who can also have and share My happiness and peace! (2015:82) What do you expect from a world having been taken over by its Creator’s enemy? Even though you were born in it, it doesn’t really mean that’s your true home, and that’s why I also offered and made it possible for folks to be born again. And once that has happened to you, this world simply isn’t your real home anymore, but a much better One, where We’re in charge! (2015:83) Having fun is not the most important job in life for those who wish to follow Me, but rather, to make it possible for others to find Me, so that they will be able to enjoy a happier Hereafter, too. How about trying to make an effort in that direction, and doing all you can to help others find their Salvation? (2015:129) The path that I took led Me to the cross, in order to die for all those who would believe in Me and receive My Salvation! (2015:132) What about the others you might be able to save the souls of, and get them Up into Heaven, where you’ll wind up, too? Wouldn’t it be a wonderful fulfillment of the purpose of your life, not having to wind up There on your own, but also meeting folks who’ll have made it There thanks to you, instead of winding up in another, not so nice place, because they didn’t get the chance to go to Heaven through being told how to receive Me as their Saviour? Make as sure as you can to help others to make it to Heaven, rather than neglecting that main job of a disciple! Do all you can to win some more souls! (2015:133) Isn’t that what I came and died for, in order to give all those who’d believe in and receive Me eternal Life? (2015:134) There’s plenty of help to receive from Up Here for the right purposes, like bringing Heaven and Salvation to others as much as you can. (2015:136) Getting as many folks to get Here once their lives down there are over should be your goal and destiny in that time-limited and temporal life you’re going through right now. Get ready for the real Life afterwards, and offer that chance to as many others as you can that are receptive enough for it, and not too side-tracked by the materialism the enemy uses to divert them! It’s good to have faith and believe in something better waiting on you after that earthly life; and the best thing one can do during it is to share that what’s awaiting believers with as many others as you can! Make the Salvation of others your highest goal in your life and you’ll be on the right wavelength! (2015:147) Contrary to what some religionists teach, preach and believe, Salvation can’t be lost! (2015:148) What was the highest original job and calling in following Me and being My disciple? To help others to find Me and My Salvation! Just keep your vision on how wonderful it is to get a soul saved! That’s making friends and brethren for eternity. Death from that earthly life isn’t the worst thing to expect and to deal with! As long as you belong to the right Side! – And that’s your job: to get more folks on it and join Us! So, sharing a bit more of Heaven with the folks around you… that’s what life of My disciples and followers is largely supposed to be all about. Winning others over Here, where the true Life unfolds, even if it may take faith to believe in it, with the devil doing all he can to destroy it. (2015:149) Keep letting that Salvation Power work in your own life, so that it will raise the desire and interest for it in other people’s lives! It’s time to get back to the true purpose of your life as My follower: winning souls! Remember your job and task for Me to try to win as many Up Here as you can, and it’ll definitely be the thing to make you happier down there, as well as make you more grateful when you get Here, that you didn’t fail your job and purpose down there completely! You’ve just got to get into that gear again, and realize its importance by going over the things I’ve been telling you about it and keep them on your mind just about constantly! Keep them in your mind and make them your vision in a constant manner, as much as you can! Make this the goal of your life, and you won’t regret it! Snap out of all the other side-tracks and the enemy’s trip-offs and diversions! I know, it’s a tough one, but just do all that you can to get your mind set on it pretty much constantly! That’s the main reason and purpose you’re there! So, do all that you can to make it happen!

The more souls you win for Me, the happier you’ll be! – The more you try, the more the Holy Spirit will fill you to help you to make it! Do you think that would be worth it, investing your life into? Well, that’s what it’s supposed to be all about, as a follower of Mine! Try to put a bit more emphasis on reaching your success for Me, by winning souls unto Me! Keep your vision on the goal that’s important in a follower’s life, and keep trusting in My Strength that makes nothing impossible for you! Put first things first, and for My Kingdom, that’s souls we all long to be won Here! Saved and spared from having to go over to the enemy’s pit! So, just as the Father and I have mercy on you, bestow that same mercy on others, too, and make all the effort you can to bring them along into your future Home! If Salvation would be as shaky and uncertain as many say, I wouldn’t be asking you. But who do you believe? – Them, who want to make Heaven as tough and difficult for others to get into as they can, or Me and My Word? Remember how you were saved, and what an impact it wound up having on your life! Try to bring that same impact to others! (2015:151)

Do you think I would have died for all those souls, if My Salvation wouldn’t have assured that salvation from hell? – That having to fight against the devil all your life, instead of taking advantage of what he offers folks, would still make you wind up in his spiritual “kingdom,” after all? What’s more likely? That some folks have weird doctrines, or that you’re believing in a pretty weird God? So, don’t let the weird doctrines of others drag you down! Would I be communicating with you, only to send you to hell afterwards? You’re receiving enough discipline during your life down there, so what kind of a heavenly Father would insist on continuing to punish you forever, afterwards? Wouldn’t sound much like the acts of a God of Love… would it? Life down there may not be perfect for you, and have a few painful lessons included, but at least you can be sure that for a saved person, that’ll be all the suffering there is… even if some folks tend to believe otherwise! Am I a Savior, or do folks have to save themselves through their behavior? Being a child of God also includes receiving His discipline on earth, but it doesn’t mean you can lose your Salvation through not being perfect. You’ll have to learn some lessons, and some of them through things you’d consider castigation in life. But it doesn’t mean you’ll lose your Salvation, or that for you, I died in vain. (2015:161) Having received Me as your Saviour, you can always be sure that the Hereafter, your new Home after this life, and your existence There, will be better than what you’ve had to go through on Earth before My Return. (2015:171) Aware of the enemy’s action and presence in the world, and him and his influence being the main cause why it can be such hell on earth… doesn’t it urge you to offer and make My Kingdom accessible to people through finding out about Me, receiving Me and Salvation? How about winning some more souls, and through that, re-discovering the real meaning of life for My followers and the Father’s children? The enemy will keep doing what he can to stop you from doing that. But how about finally coming to learn the lesson that you ought to have learned by now through all your experiences with his way of fighting you and trying to keep you from bringing forth fruit that lasts for Me and Our Kingdom? How about not giving up, but keeping hanging in there, for the sake of others making it Up Here through your help and set-in? (2015:175)

You should remember your task to warn others of what’s expecting the world, and let them know about My Salvation, and thus, a better life thereafter… There’s a larger purpose for the life of My disciples and followers: to help others having to go through hell on earth and avoid hell to come hereafter and come to Heaven instead, through finding and receiving Me. Well, if that’s something you still believe in, why not make a bit of a greater effort to work for this supposed goal of a life of Salvation, to help and get others saved? (2015:179) Just keep holding on and keep fighting a little bit longer for Our sake and the sake of those who could still wind up Here, too, if you’d give them the chance to find the Salvation for which I came and died, to bring hope for the Hereafter to the world! (2015:182) Why not win souls, when that’s the best task to accomplish with the greatest rewards to receive? For your own sake: do what you can to get others saved! (2015:188) Get as many folks interested in that Future Home of yours, so that they’ll develop a desire to come Up Here, too, and receive Me, in order to do so, and help them get their soul saved… All you can look for down there isn’t perfect people, but receptive ones willing to receive Me and thus also make it Up Here thanks to you, and that will be the fulfillment of the purpose of your life! (2015:226) It would be great if you’d manage to get a few more souls with you Up Here! (2015:227) Take it by faith that the harder times are proper preparation for what’s to come: a confirmation of the fact that life down there isn’t the hottest and best thing that’s to be expected, and along with hopeful occasions to win others to Me and the more glorious Thereafter.

The best rewards from life down there for any of My followers will be the ones you’ll have brought to eternal life Up Here by winning them to Me! – So much more precious than any material success you can manage to acquire down there for your temporal, earthly welfare! Getting you more heavenly-minded, more loving and concerned about the eternal and lasting welfare of others, that’s the goal, and what I’m trying to achieve in your life for Me. Just find the receptive ones! (2015:232) I am the Savior, and as My follower you’re supposed to offer My Salvation to those who are ready to receive it. - Quite an important job, to deliver and help folks get saved from that hell on Earth, along with hell thereafter, don’t you think? (2015:235)

Receiving you on a longer term basis may have a greater effect than just repeating a Salvation prayer. Remember some of the testimonies of folks making it to Heaven either through prayers for them while they were already in the spirit world, or their decision to choose Me when they entered it! The extent to which they receive you (and he that receiveth you receiveth Me (Mt.10:40)) may be more significant than just repeating a prayer, which you never know how much they really meant it; and because you weren’t so sure whether you had originally repeated that prayer seriously. If you stick to My Word, you’ll know that they that receive you may nowadays be receiving Me and My spiritual Presence along with you. Just receiving Me through receiving those whom I’ve sent there may cut the cake. – Providing they receive you for the right motivation. A benefit of some evils that happen: it may bring Salvation to those who help the victims! He that receives you, receives Me, and thus, also the Father of Love, Who sent Me, because He loved the world (Jn.3:16), and He still loves those of the world ready to receive Me and those We sent there. (2015:250) Keep your mind focused on and staying geared toward the better state of things following the current one, if you believe in Me! And make it a custom of yours to share that Salvation with whomever you manage! (2016:35) Having died for you makes My wonderworking Power available for all those who believe in and have received Me as their Savior, and it should give you a spirit of victory, even if down in that world you cannot help not feeling at home. Keep your mind close to Me and Our heavenly Home, and let it bring forth in you the joy that will also attract others and will want them to accept that offer I made through My sacrifice on Earth, and the Father’s! I am the Savior, and passing on the Salvation I came to offer to mankind is your job and task. (2016:36) Keep telling people about Me and the Salvation from the punishment for sin received for receiving Me as their Savior! – Your job and greatest task in this world and your life down there! People still need Me to save them from their sins, and it’s your main job to offer that to them. (2016:38) It’s your job to offer My gift of Salvation from hell to all those ready and willing to receive it. (2016:63) I’m called the Savior not just to save you from the punishment for sins, but to save the world from the enemy’s reign and hell on Earth. So, keep in mind the bonus of Salvation! And keeping it in mind will help you more to offer It to others. Remember My Salvation, not just from your sins and its dues, but also My coming Salvation of the world turning into its most helluva state! That’s why I’m called the Savior: not just the Savior from the punishment for sins to all those who receive Me, but also the coming Savior of the world from its coming state of hell on Earth. Along with the lives of those who’ll make it until then, My Coming, before the enemy in the flesh will manage to wipe all of them out. So, a big Job, that Salvation! (2016:82)

Sample vs. Sermon (Practice vs. Theory) What you do is weightier than what you say! Good words won’t be able to make up for bad deeds... (I:136) If your sample would match your inward desires to be loving like Me, you could be bearing so much more fruit. Keep on believing that I am there and will reward your every effort you make, to be a sample of My love! (I:154) To be a hearer only, instead of a doer means you’re actually deceiving yourself! (I:157) The sample must be the outstanding thing and what makes you different. (I:205) Your sample will never be perfect enough to withstand the onslaught of the devil’s lies. No matter how good you are, you could never be perfect enough for him to stop accusing you in the ears and minds of others. Look at Me: I was the most perfect Sample there ever was, and yet he was able to turn the mob against Me. (I:292) Be a sample of the “Real Thing” by laying down your life for the sheep down there every day of your life, not just talking about it as if it would be some nice thing to do when the weather is not too hot nor too cold! (I:391) The only Bible the World is going to read is the one bound in shoe leather; the only Word of God they’ll ever read or listen to is the Word of God they’ll see in your sample; that’s lived in your life: the Word of God they can touch and feel and see. (I:396) A sample of living what you preach is what will win the hearts of those who are willing to give Me a chance. (I:439) There is such a thing as being a reproach to My cause, when the sample some of My followers give to the world isn't the sample I want them to give. (I:458) The best leaders of all are those who don't come across like leaders at all, but who inspire others to do good by their own samples. Becoming a sample, not a sermon, is what it's all about! Try to be a sample of honesty without hypocrisy! (I:480) Seek to be a genuine sample of My Love! (I:526) To endure hardness as a good soldier of Jesus Christ will show how mature you really are, and whether all the things you know and were supposed to have learned, have really been applied and put to action and have turned to experience and true gold wisdom. Until then, all the good advice you can give is just so much hot air. It's the sermon without the sample. But once you've endured, once you've been there, your words turn into gold, because your heart is in them, and it's not just all empty, puffed up wind from your head, but valid and solid, tried and proven, life-giving counsel. (I:535) I want you to live what others are preaching. I want you to be a living sample of true Christianity and show the world that there is still hope. (II:200) Pass on a helpful attitude! Live it for them to see! Give a sample that's going to be worthwhile imitating and following! That's what counts, more than any words you can say! (II:246) Find true fulfillment and satisfaction in faithfully doing the humble, little things, keeping on giving out My message and being a living sample of it, even if you think you're not accomplishing much! (II:268) What's most important is that you really learn to live the message, become a living sample, the living proof, a reflection of your faith through what you actually live and practice and share as experience. (II:281) You "guide" folks into decisions, either for Me or against Me, sometimes without saying a word. Simply by receiving and accepting or rejecting and despising you, they will already have made a decision. That is why your sample is so important. (II:289) Make sure you're being a good sample, a good representative of Me! (II:316) Teaching somebody to serve out of love really requires love, and giving and living a loving sample yourself, first. (II:371) Your sample of living is more important to Me than your message, and to them also. It's a greater testimony. There are many who preach similar messages you preach, but how many people really live what they preach? (II:402) I don't want My followers to be going through any motions and dead ceremonies, like they do in the churches. I want them to be living samples of Me, to show the world that faith in Me really works, that it's a powerful, life-changing force. (II:575) "Let your light so shine!" What the world needs is a sample of the living words, being lived and enacted by you, a "Bible in shoe leather."

Before you're ready to pass it on, you've got to have it inside yourself. You've got to live it, be a sample not a sermon! Pass it on in processed form, via the life it creates in you, not the raw material of more mere words. What is really needed is someone who takes it and puts it into action - really lives it. (II:618) The Real Thing is more than words... ‘A Sample Not a Sermon.’ The whole church system is still based on the sermon principle, while I’m building My true followers on the principle of becoming a living sample of the truth, just as I was a living sample, and all My true saints were samples of My Love and truth, more than just sermons. There are enough teachers, preachers and talkers delivering sermons, but way too few guides who truly show the way by walking therein themselves first... The one big difference is the sample factor. (II:646) You want to learn not just to be a witness with your mouth, but also through your sample, a living manifestation of My truth. That doesn’t mean you have to wait until you’ve reached a sample of sinless perfection before you ever testify of Me and My truth to anyone, but I also want to remind you that your purpose is not only to teach, but also to learn, to observe, sometimes to just silently witness and do what you can to influence things for the better. (II:647) There is nothing that will inspire others to learn the lessons from life like the sample of someone doing so: a fellow student who shows his peers and younger brothers all the things he discovers on their way. (II:625) Do the best you can to teach folks to be loving by your own sample of never giving up on loving them in the first place, by just totally giving up your life to love... (III:20) Be a good and clear enough sample of My Love and of what a disciple of Mine is truly supposed to be like, so that they won't be turned off, as happens so often with average Christians! (III:62) You can say whatever you want, but it won't make any difference until you do what you say. (III:96)

Once you've got the spiritual side straight in your life, and there's no question about that anymore, then it's time to focus on how you can best and most efficiently put all that spiritual input into practice, convert it into a living, flesh and blood sample. (III:127) All the sermons and sound advice in the world aren't as effective as a living sample of what you're preaching. The best message conveyed is the one you convey by the way you live. The atmosphere should always be one of "welcome anytime," instead of "not now!" You owe that kind of a sample to the world around you. (III:131) Giving out and passing it on means putting it to use and into practice, and it makes it all come alive much more than if you just try to store it all away in theory. (III:142) Your sample must constitute a difference; it's got to be a different sample that's going to be infectious to others. It’s a lot more important to Me that you be living samples of My Love, than just another accomplisher. (III:155) There is no other One to put your faith in than Me, and by making others realize that that's what you do, and what works for you, you will also give the right kind of example. (III:157) Be a sample of flexibility and openness to change, of yieldedness and humility; be living proof that it's not all that bad to forsake one or more of your own ideas for the sake of a simpler, easier solution! (III:169) Our most important weapon is our sample of love. How clear is your sample of love? (III:234) We need you where you are, but with a good and solid connection to Our World, so that you can pass on what you're receiving from Us. Not only in the form of the words you're receiving from us, but also in the way you act, your sample, your whole way of living, the attitude of faith that goes out from you. (III:239) How much do all the Words really sink down into the depth of your heart and affect your actions, your sample? How much do you really allow them to break open and bring forth the peaceable fruit of righteousness in you? (IV:166) I’m working on your output. I’m refining the stuff that comes out of you, and I’m working on making it more real. What really matters is the example you give and live: something so much more important than anything you could ever put out there in mere words. (2011:110) How much of a different sample can you give? How much of a different path do and can you walk? What can you show forth and come up with that truly sets you apart? (2012:13) It’s easier when there’s a positive example you can follow, of someone doing what should be done. It certainly helps. But when that isn’t there, you’ve got to see My example by faith, and that of others who have followed in My footsteps. (2012:91)

It’s not so much what you preach or teach that makes a difference, as what you live and do. (2012:121) It’s not like you don’t know all these things in theory, but you know from your experience that theoretical knowledge isn’t all too easily put into practice. The transition from the theoretical to the practical is the hard part. “If ye know these things, happy are ye if you do them” could also be interpreted as, “lucky are those who manage to do them,” if you look at the vast number of those who obviously don’t. The numbers of those who actually manage to do My sayings are relatively few, especially in this day and age when the distractions all around you simply seem to get the better of your attention, rather than the wholehearted effort to stay in My Spirit. (2012:135) You know there’s really no other way, and you already know the way in theory, now you’ve just got to do the walking. (2012:185) Be a traveler of the path, not just one who can give the directions in theory, but as one who’s been there, been down that road, and can tell others about it from experience, or better yet, walk with them! (2013:8) Maybe you’ve been taking the saying to an extreme that goes, “You can never be too bad for Jesus, only too good,” and interpreting and applying it in a way that’s making sure you’re definitely not too good. It doesn’t mean, though, that you can just let any sort of behavior all hang out, and never make any effort to be some sort of godly example. It’s easy to sing and preach, “All you need is love,” but how much do you really believe it and act on it? (2013:21) Even if the world has become a bad place, you must make some efforts as My disciple to still be a good testimony and sample. You shouldn’t just let the badness of the world rub in on you and affect your sample! Make an effort to be and remain a good sample! (2014:103) Folks can tell by your habits whether you’re somewhat on the right track, or not… and if you behave in certain ways, they figure you aren’t. So, it’s good and important to work on being a good sample… If you’re being a bad sample with your deeds, actions and behavior, it’s not going to result in blessings, and thus not in the joy you’d like to get out of life, which is the result of, and reward for being a good sample. (2015:148) Are you willing and determined enough to do what you can in order to improve your sample, and become one a bit closer to what’s supposed to represent Me and an example of Love and Salvation that should be a major part and goal of My followers’ lives and example? It seems to be turning out that being a sermon was easier to accomplish than being an actual sample of what you believe in. So, how about making an effort toward becoming more of a sample of what you believe in, than just a sermon through preaching it? There’s more to being a true follower, disciple and sample of Mine than just being a sermon and to preach, right? Live it, instead of just preaching it! – Amen? It would be nice to have someone in you who’s practicing what he’s been preaching, wouldn’t it? (2015:184) Before you’re ready to teach other folks, you’ve got to have learned it yourself, first! So, while you’ve learned to accept in theory, if failures keep remaining and persisting, there’s more effort for you to make to let that teaching sink in, before you can successfully pass it on to others as a sample, not a sermon. (2015:212) Can you try to make the best out of the situation I place you in? Wherever you are, try to make the best out of your presence there! That’s what I’d call the effort of being a good testimony for My honor. Remember the importance of being a sample, not just a sermon! The damage that the failure of being a good, loving sample as a supposed follower of Mine can do, you should learn a lesson from! So, try to stick to being – or becoming – a good sample… The way you live and act speaks louder than any sermon or any words. And those will only take the power they should by being enhanced through the proper sample and how you act and live! Most folks didn’t understand My Words when I uttered them until much later, after the Spirit had poured on them and reminded them of them, but they stuck to Me because of My living sample of Love. So, try and be a living sample of love and kindness! That’s the best way of preaching My Gospel. So, be a sample of love, Amen? (2016:32) One thing kids need most is a positive example! (2016:40) The difference between theory and practice, sample and sermon: when you’ve spent a lot of your time receiving the input, but neglect to actually apply the principal part of it. Become an active sample of what you’re believing in theory! (2016:76) A lot of things do depend on you! Basically, on the question whether you’ll manage to apply My counsel, and don’t just keep receiving it, but you’ll start living it. (2016:84) What matters is what sort of sample you’re giving… (2016:102)

The world hears enough sermons! What they most desperately need are samples! Folks who live and practice what others preach! Otherwise, it’s just hypocrisy. (2016:120) The sample will come, once the Holy Spirit falls on you when you start preaching the Gospel, which is the job of My disciples and followers. (2016:121) People can’t expect Heaven from anyone puffing a taste of hell from his lungs, lips and nose. (2016:124)

Seeing vs. Believing Just because you can’t see Me doesn’t mean I’m not there. Just because you can’t see Uranus, Pluto or Jupiter – at least not in broad daylight, doesn’t mean they’re not there. Just because you can’t see My millions of angels and spirit helpers doesn’t mean... and so on. There’s more to life than what meets the eye. (I:120) You're going to see. You're going to believe, because you're going to see. You're going to see because you believed, and then you're going to believe even greater things, and have faith for even greater things because of what you saw. That's how My magic works: you pull down a little bit of miracle power by the faith that I give you, and you're going to see things that are going to strengthen your faith to call down even greater miracles, and on and on and on it grows! (I:451) No matter what all the bad in your life amounts to, you've got to get ahold of that glimpse of My perfect picture, My perfect sense in it all! You've got to see Me and My hand in it! (II:153) You must learn to separate the meaning of the words "invisible" and "unreal." "Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen (Heb.11:1)!" Don't just dismiss all that evidence, or put it in a mental drawer of "less relevance." If you ever want to learn to see with the eyes of the spirit, you're going to have to believe, really believe that the Spirit World is just as real, and even more so than the physical, because the physical is temporal, but the Spirit Realm is eternal, indestructible, incorruptible. You definitely have more friends over Here than you do over there! So why ignore them any longer, just because you can't see them with your physical eyes? Open your spiritual eyes! (II:165) You have to be willing to make a declaration that you prefer something you don't see over something that you can see. Otherwise there's no use in even starting or pretending to walk or live by faith. It means establishing a connection with invisible entities, people, beings, whatever you want to call them, and allow them to become more important to you than some of the visible ones. (II:173) You usually turn to the physical for pleasure, because of its single advantage over the spiritual: that it's plainly visible to you. The lust of the eyes is not of the Father because it distracts you from the Spirit (1.Jn.2:16). I do want you to use your eyes, and I do want you to enjoy the truly pleasurable things, but you need to learn to see the spirit, namely the truly pleasurable in them! (II:381) I'm urging you to see the invisible Cause of the visible more, to open up your spiritual eyes, the eyes of faith. If you see the physical as a result of the Spiritual, then it simply takes on a lot more meaning. (II:523) There are times when I'm having you go through the fog, without seeing clearly where you go, but even this is to strengthen your spiritual senses of greater trust in Me. I can lead you with My Spirit, even if you can't see anymore with your eyes where you're going or supposed to go. (III:122) Walk by faith, not by sight! If you always and only go by what you see, you won't walk the way of faith very far. It's not about what you see, it's about what you can't see! Believe Me for the things that you can't see! Believe Me for them because I have promised them. According to what you see, I must be a liar, or I must have simply made a mistake, right? But wait and see! I'm not done yet. Believing is easy when all the evidence supports what you believe. "Blessed are they who, not seeing, yet believe (Jn.20:29)." (III:227) You’ll have to be putting up with the one little flaw in our relationship, that you can't see Me right now... You'll see, and see that it will all have been worth it, but for right now, it's all by faith, and you'll have to walk by faith, and not by sight. (III:249) Maybe you shouldn’t make your life so dependent on all the visible and physical things, but use your faith in the physically unseen Spirit World more, and learn how to let it play a greater part in your life! Don’t let the visible parts of the world play the main role in your life, but Our Spiritual Source, through your faith…! (15:152) If what you can see all around you drags you down, it may just be a reminder that your spiritual sight is supposed to be aiming elsewhere… Up Here, where you belong and will eventually wind up! (15:161) The world has produced so many visible “proves” of what they want you to believe in… But that’s what faith is: belief not based on what you can see or is visible. - Just based on My Word. (15:165) Faith is: not going by what you can see! So, put your faith more over Here, in My physically invisible Realm, and you won’t regret it! Have some real faith, and put it Up Here, into Me, and the World I came to offer to believers! (15:182) Keep the level of your faith up and keep expecting the better to come thereafter, even if so far, you cannot see it yet… which makes it faith, not being geared to just what you can see! (15:184)

Once you’re Here, you’ll be thankful you made it, to keep on believing in what down there you couldn’t see, but only perceive by faith. (15:190) We’re trying to boost the chosen ones’ faith in the invisible. Interested in showing folks that that currently invisible factor is actually quite stronger than their current, local and plainly visible strengths? (15:193) You can’t always go by what you’re seeing only. Go a bit more by what you can’t see… which is exactly what faith is supposed to do! (15:195) It’s hard to believe in the invisible, but that’s what learning to have faith is all about! So, put more of your trust in what’s Up Here, instead of focusing too much on all that’s going on down there! (15:240) Remember that faith is based on something you can’t see with your physical eyes! (16:95) It’ll require a lot of faith in what you can’t see with your physical eyes to keep a positive and hopeful view on things! That’s why believing in what you can’t see with your two physical eyes will be more important than ever! (2016:119)

Seeking First God first! Always remember that! ‘Not a move without You’ is a good slogan. (I:20) It’s those seemingly small disobediences that the superficial eye can barely distinguish as such, that cause the greatest pain and damage sometimes: Esau’s mess of pottage for a birthright, Saul’s sparing of the Amalekite... The burying of the talent... It all comes down to the one great commandment. For if they would have loved Me with all their hearts, they wouldn’t have obeyed half-heartedly; they would have carried out My instructions to the full. Full faith, love and trust means being afraid to make a move without Me. I should always be your first and foremost focus point of communication! Without Me you could make a mess of things. (I:21) Your top priorities are the great commandment to ‘love the Lord, thy God with all thy heart and soul and mind,’ ‘the second, which is like unto the first: to love thy neighbor as thyself’, really also fulfilling the first one, as you show your love for Me by your obedience, and by loving the ‘least of these, My brethren’ through your prayers or bringing them My Word, you’re also loving Me. (I:25)

My fellowship with you is more important for you than anyone else’s. By this shall all men know that you are My disciple if We have love one for another! Show them that you love Me! (I:28) if the Devil can’t stop you, he’ll try to slow you down, and he’ll do that by tempting you with things that are not My best and highest will for you for the moment, but that which I call ‘his’ second best! (I:35) Be one of My seekers - not for answers or fulfillments, for you have found the answers - a seeker for My lost sheep to give My answers to, and in this highest of all callings, find the greatest fulfillment of all! (I:78) Only those who truly cast themselves entirely upon Me and My mercy and fully realize that anything good about them is nothing of their own merit, only those who truly strive to prefer others above themselves, and only those who are willing to put their own desires on the backburner in order to put Me first, only those find in Me the power to overcome him, the great tempter, the great lover of self. (I:93) Your life is going to start going uphill if you start seeking Me first thing everyday, truly putting Me first on a daily basis and including Me in everything you do. (I:298) It pays to do everything you possibly can to keep Me first place, even if it‘s not easy, even if it‘s a fight, even if it costs a lot. The first-class ticket might cost a lot more than a cheap last-minute flight, but it compensates the extra cost by many blessings: the assurance of My company, guidance, blessing and that you’re in My perfect will... (I:370) As you learn to treasure these Words of Mine and our times together above all else, and as you learn to find greater satisfaction in these things of the Spirit, you will also grow in the ability to seek My Kingdom first, which will result in greater obedience, thus greater blessings, and greater fruitfulness. (I:420) I'm trying to get you to seek first My Kingdom instead of being too preoccupied with the supply of your needs. I simply want you to put your trust in Me and know that all these things shall be added unto you, as I have promised, if you put Me and My Kingdom first. (I:435) It's time to seek first My Kingdom and righteousness and to truly trust that in so doing you'll find that I will fulfill My promises to you and supply all your needs. (I:437) Seek ye first My Kingdom - that's what I call righteousness - and all these things shall be added unto you! (I:498) If you can't clearly see the road ahead of you, then that is so that you will seek Me more. Life can really be thrilling and exciting if you seek Me and focus on Me in all things. (I:507) Constantly seek Me as to how I want you to invest the time I have given you! (I:509) Seeking Me about, and refusing to accept your own thoughts on a matter, but rather Mine, that's such a good sign of progress! (I:513)

Is your priority the pursuit of your own, personal plans, or even the welfare of your own flesh and blood family, or whatever you think is obvious that you should do? Or are you going to seek that which is Mine, namely My Kingdom, My lost sheep, and My little dog trail, the hidden path of the Holy Ghost, that only those find who seek Me with their whole hearts? (I:527) People are a large part of what My Kingdom consists of, and by seeking first the Kingdom, you're actually putting your priorities on people. (I:597) Invest your time, energy and resources, your lives, into My Kingdom! (II:2)

I will bless it - financially and in every other way - if you put Me and My work first and make sure you're doing My job of being a missionary. (II:250) The more you fall back into the gear of the fleshly methods of support, the less emphasis you will put on My vision for you, of truly putting My Kingdom and My sheep first in your life! (II:273) Put Me first and keep Me in that first place! (II:299) If you do take the time and trust Me that I will fulfill My Promise of Matthew 6:33 to you, you won't be disappointed. (II:306) With increased intensity of stress, activity and pressure, you've got to increase the intensity with which you seek Me. (II:325) I make you see the Goal so that you will seek ways to get there. (II:328) Keep seeking first the Kingdom! Don't put "all these other things," the concerns of life, "what shall we eat, what shall we drink, wherewithal shall we be clothed" first and make them your primary concern! That's the short-sightedness and foolishness of unbelievers, those who lacked the faith necessary to inherit the Kingdom. They despised the Kingdom and the birthright, the title to the throne for a mess of pottage. They're still sons, but not the heirs of the Promise and blessing. (II:344) Going ahead and doing things because you think it's the right thing to do or the reasonable thing is not the way to operate if you seek first My Kingdom. If you do that, you're acting as if it was your kingdom, not Mine, or you're seeking to build your own little kingdom. (II:387) Seeking first the Kingdom: What is the Kingdom? What does it consist of? People! First of all, look after My people, and I'm going to look after you! (III:27) With the intensity you seek Me, I will come and give you the answer and allow you to find Me. I'm your principal Ally, the One you can rely on without a doubt, the One you should consult with most and first of all. (III:88) The times are getting too serious to be messing around with something as important as your daily time with Me, your seeking Me first. There's way too much at stake... (III:112) For a man of God, the Spirit and the spiritual side of things should still come first. Seeking first My Kingdom and putting Me in the first place in your lives is still expected of you, even if you have a family. (III:115) If you want to feel My Presence more, there is simply no other way than to be spending more time with Me. It's quite simply a matter of keeping Me in the first place. (III:206) I need you to put first things first and seek first the Kingdom. Seek first My Kingdom and the Sun of Righteousness, which shall arise with healing in its wings! (III:239) A strong personality and character values are more important than accumulating and clinging to things of the past, and, in fact, they are shaped by the very ability to let go of these things, because this proves that you're not clinging to temporary crutches, but the most important factor in anyone's life: their relationship with their Creator. (2012:11) Never before has there been a time when it was less appropriate to try to give Me second place in your life behind anything else. (2012:13)

Your desire to please has usually been more centered on pleasing others than on pleasing Me. This dead end street, illustrating where that leads, and the futility of it, is instrumental in helping you get the point that it really does pay off better to try and please Me instead. Because, as a matter of fact, I’m not nearly as hard to please, for one thing, as most folks are, and a lot more tolerant of your quirks, able to put up a lot better with any of your flaws, and much more able to accept you as a whole, than anyone in your similar frame. (2012:163) You’re responsible for restoring credit to Whom it is due, and that’s why I need you to keep Me in the first place in your life. (2012:183)

All depends on the extent to which You cling to Me, cherish Me and give Me first place. If you put other things before Me, it’s no wonder you’ll wind up depressed, because they will always do what they are prone to, and that is disappoint and leave you dissatisfied in the long run. (2013:42) If you’re not feeling as close to Me, maybe it’s not necessarily on My account, but you just happened to let Me slip from your mind in all your feverish attempts to please your crowds… And that’s not exactly what one could call giving Me first place, is it? So, try to keep Me on your mind a bit more in all you do, and see what it’ll do for you. (2013:43)

I want to make this thing we’ve got going dependent on no one else but you and Me. Nobody else is supposed to be able to interfere with your faith and what we’ve got here. I want you to realize that it’s the one lasting and reliable component in your life, the rock you’ll always be able to stand on even when all other ground has turned to sinking sand! It’s not without a reason that I keep emphasizing the importance of giving Me first place in your life. Unless you realize that I’m the most important Factor in it, and you keep putting your trust, your hopes and affections on other things, things will just continue to haywire. Whenever you give greater importance to another factor than Me it creates an imbalance that will hinder things from working out as smoothly as they ought to. It’s just not the proper order, the way things were ordained to be, and when the laws of the Spirit are being violated it creates repercussions similar to those that happen when you break the law in the physical world. So, it’s all basically a matter of emphasis and priority. Unless I’m given the right amount of importance in your life and the due respect as the paramount Subject, there will be problems, because things simply won’t work properly if the laws of the Spirit are being violated. (2013:55) Make Me your priority, and I will show you the true priorities, the truly most important things and cornerstones of the universe and all things living and beyond. Look Up and ahead, forward to what’s before you and awaiting you, not down below, at the messy abyss I’m calling you out of and trying to get you to emerge from! (2013:97) If you put things before Me, you turn into something else, something or someone you wouldn’t wanna be. The only One Who can help you turn out the way anyone including yourself would want you to is I. (2013:99) Caring more about this world and what you can or think you should get out of it, doesn’t exactly show that you put My Kingdom first, or prepare for the Hereafter… (2014:9) Really try and put Me first and do whatever you can to remember My will for your life and make the most and best of it… (2014:18) Some situations simply are meant to get you to trust Me more, seek Me more and put a greater emphasis on that… Some things are reminders to put Me in the first and top place of your mind… reminders not to neglect Me! – Perhaps because you’ve been thinking other things were more important… (2014:41) Make different things more important, like prayer and communication with Me… Try to send out a bit more of My message, try to give out a little more of My Love! Try to make it with Me… living with Me and communicating with and receiving of Me! Try to let those things of worldly importance go down a bit! Actually, as far down as possible! And recognize the spiritual things of the kind I give you as the more important! Stick to the truth… the kind that I gave you and to others! Accept Me as the One you ought to fully communicate with if you want to get the best and most worthy parts of life! (2014:69) I want you to make Me your first Love, which isn’t always easy, and why the enemy tries to make the world so full of temptations. It’s a difficult world, and the enemy tries to distract people from their attention to Me by faith. (2014:70) When things flow easily and pleasantly, it’s usually a bit harder to give Me more of your attention and the first part of your heart. But when your life is becoming quite different in some aspects, you might be learning how to put Me in the first place… possibly because you might also need Me and My help more than your own abilities. (2014:90) Things are hard and tough and difficult, but let this be the way you’ll learn to count on Me more, rely more on Me, and thus give Me a place and position of greater importance and significance in your life. (2014:91) Just try to keep Me first in your heart, life and on your mind somehow… not so much what you think you’d prefer. Putting others than yourself above you in your heart, especially your wife and children, as well as your Saviour, that’s pretty much something worth trying. (2014:116) Just try to remember to put Me first, and not any of the other things you sometimes get close to nearly worship… Remember… it doesn’t have many good credits and rewards to put other things before and above Me and the Father… to just about worship… It will always turn out to pay off much more in the end if you manage to keep Us in the first place of your heart! (2014:131)

When you don’t know what the future will be like, it makes you just have trust in Me… it causes you to search more for Me and My help and not lean so much on your own strength. (2014:147) Remember to keep Me in the first place, and serving Me by getting out My message to others as your principal job and task in the world! Remember to put Me first! – Above money or pleasure, or other things that seem important to you! While you’re still down there on Earth, try to keep giving Me the first place of your importance, and that’s how you’ll keep receiving My strength, help and blessings! (2014:155) Just try to seek first My Kingdom, not any of your own glories in the world! (2014:156)

Food and clothing will be added to you when you seek first God’s Kingdom, instead of what most people think they need: that money made of paper and coins that’s pretty much the stuff most folks in the world are the most active for… (2014:157) Look Up ahead and seek first the Kingdom, instead of success there and now, which will only be temporal, anyway. (2014:159) Seeking first My Kingdom means, investing your life in Heaven, the eternal Hereafter, and nothing of that is gonna be lost, so, definitely much more worth it all… your efforts and all you put into it. So, it’s time to stop investing all your efforts in the there and now (which will fade and be lost) and into the Kingdom Hereafter, instead. (2014:164) I know the world has many distracting and disturbing effects on you right now, but that ought to teach you to hang on to Me some more and seek Me first, give Me the major part and respect in your life. (2014:178) Sometimes one’s got to decide whom they choose to love more: their physical marriage partner, or Me, your spiritual and eternal Husband. I know, it’s not always easy, but something to get used to, eventually. Who’s taking the first place in your life? With the way things are going in your life and this world, you’d just better get used to putting Me at the top of your list. It might wind up saving all your lives, eventually. Just trust Me, that it’s more important to put Me at the top of your list and make Me the One you need the most! Strengthen your connection with Me, and give it the first place in your heart. You’ll find out in the end that this way you’ll also wind up having more love for the others. Put first what belongs first! I know it’s not that easy, but still, the best you can do. So, you’re alright with putting Me first? Just check it out and see if it won’t improve all your relationships! Just don’t forget Who it’s important to put first! With the way things are going in your life and this world, you’d just better get used to putting Me at the top of your list. It might wind up saving all your lives, eventually. (2015:41) It’s a toughie to keep Me in the first place in your life and of your attention. But trust Me that it’s really worth it making the effort of getting there! Keep Me in the first place of your attention, and you’ll take notice of the positive difference it’ll make! (2015:45) Make that effort to keep Me in the first place of your heart and life, and you won’t regret it! Remember that putting Me and the Father first in life was one of the main and major rules? (2015:48) Getting your trust in Me to build up is a victory, and it also helps you to put Me and the Father first in your life, your mind and heart, and thus keeping first Our Kingdom, instead of the things around you in the world you currently still live in. (2015:50) Value what’s to come, above what you’re passing through right now, and keep putting and seeking It first! Remember “seek ye first the Kingdom of God” (Mt.6:33)! Seek It first, and you won’t regret it! Better to be in tune with Up Here than what’s down there. The difference between them is overwhelming; trust Me! If you just make a serious effort to keep Our Kingdom on the first place in your heart and mind, you won’t regret it, but it’ll make a Heaven of a difference to your attitude and the state of your heart and whole being! There’s a good reason why you ought to keep your mind and heart in this direction Up Here! (2015:84) In order to enjoy Heaven, you’ll have to get your mind out of this world. Seek first My Kingdom of Heaven, and get your mind off of what’s all around you as much as you can… (2015:88) Just realize it’s not your own strength, nor your own abilities to see you through, but your dependence on the Power from Above! It includes having to put Me in the first place in your life, and just remaining humble, and full of gratitude for anything I manage to accomplish through you. (2015:132) “Seek ye first the Kingdom of God, and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added unto you” (Mt.6:33) means, the right actions and behavior will result in the right kind of blessings, accordingly. (2015:148) That’s the vision and what the outlook of a life of faith and following Me is supposed to be like: Seeking first the lasting Kingdom Up Here, along with the arrival of as many as you can, instead of mere temporal and material achievements down there. (2015:232) Putting Me first is an action for special folks and people, who are not that soaked up by the materialistic gear the enemy has pretty much gotten the world into… (2015:247) Seek Me everyday! (2016:62) If it’s a toughie to make it through your days without getting ahold of Me first, it’s a sign of what you should do. (2016:125)

Self-Confidence & -Sufficiency Sometimes all I need in order to be able to do greater things in someone’s life is for them to realize that they can’t do it all on their own. (I:165) Faith in My Love for you is a driving force that will get you further than any self-esteem or self-confidence in the flesh. Because self-confidence will get you places without Me, and faith in My Love for you, which will boost you with heavenly self-esteem, will get you places where I take you, and you'll always get further with Me than without Me in the long run. (I:455) It's a very common human quality, to need to cling to some unrealistic self-image in order for people to walk through their lives with their heads held high. It's the distorted, unrealistic view of yourself through the mirror of pride. You don't see the flaws anymore, and it boosts your self-esteem and self-confidence. (I:460) Elevation of self has always been the devil's scheme, all those horns on those beasts "coming up" or "rising up" or "waxing great," while those truly greats of My Realm and My true heroes have always lived by the rule, "He must increase, and I must decrease, it is not I that live, but Christ who liveth in me." Any element of self doesn't belong, it only pollutes the white linen of the righteousness of My saints, the humble and meek spirit of unity. Any aspirations and desires to seek one's own glory are like an abomination in My sight, and are counter-productive to the movement of My Spirit and that which I want to bring about. (I:545) Seek not to be in a position where you can lean on your own arm, your own pride, where you think you don't need to be loving to anyone because you're so self-sufficient! Self-sufficiency is a deceitful device to alienate people from each other, so that all they will be occupied doing is to try to impress each other and show off to each other, instead of loving and needing each other and giving to and receiving from each other, which is the way I had originally intended for the game to work. (II:94) Self-efficiency can maybe render contentment, but never happiness, that's one of the great mysteries about it all. And thus you see all these contented, self-efficient people around, almost radiating an air of happiness... almost, but not quite there. Because real happiness is only found in something else, something deeper, in a path that the self-efficient and successful in this world barely ever discover, and you can see it in their faces. Self-sufficient people are self-satisfied, but never happy. (II:440) Giving your all in the spirit means going the humble way; giving that which humbles you, not that which builds up your ego and pride and self-reliance. I want you to humbly be aware of your incapability except through Me. (III:54) The fuller you are of yourself, your own plans, ambitions and intuitions, the less space there is for other things, including the views and sentiments of others. (III:132) Don't be stingy like the devil in your investments, but give and give and pour and pour, knowing that in the same abundance and measure that you pour out to others, it will also be poured out to you. (III:222) Why keep falling into the enemy’s trap of thinking it’s all about you? Why continue this hunt for self-approval, when you ought to have learned by now that there are more important things in life to strive for? (2013:23) Pride and self-confidence may strengthen your faith in yourself and your own abilities, but you’ll find out in the long run that you’ll be better off trusting in Me and your Creator than in yourself and your own abilities. (2015:66) Don’t worry too much about having lost the groove of dependence on your talents and abilities that gave you self-confidence throughout your past, but follow My leading and guidance toward your utter faith, trust and confidence in Me, the powers from Above in your life! (2015:73) Relying on own abilities actually won’t be enough to help anyone to make it through what’s coming. Did I ever promise any of My followers, “You can make it by yourself”? Sounds more like the kind of stuff the enemy keeps telling people… promising them the kind of self-assurance that has been directing him in his downward path. So, choosing between selfreliance with pride and dependence on Me based on humility is pretty much what it’s all going to boil down to… depend on the smartness your own flesh comes up with, or the Wisdom of the Spirit from Above… Self-reliance may be what the system teaches its pupils is something good, but when it comes down to it, you’ll find out you’ll be much better off trusting more in Me and your help from Above… (2015:126) If your former self-security is gone, isn’t that a good sign to put your trust and confidence in Me, and your help from Above? And if you’re not doing so hot and great, and not as supposedly impressive as in former times, just take it as a sign that you should put your trust and confidence in something else than your own abilities… some strength and power to help you from Above! (2015:227)

If you don’t manage it on your own… well, it’s because you’re not supposed to! Not anymore! Self-confidence has been outdated through the need of confidence in Me and all help from above you can get, since the times are approaching when you simply won’t make it with your own strengths or abilities. (2016:41)

Selfishness Vs. Unselfishness Pity those poor, duped, selfish people who think they’ve got no time to learn to care for another human being, to learn responsibility for another little soul! (I:27) Only those who abandon their own selfish desires have the ultimate privilege to use My Power to the utmost, without limitations. Shed the cloaks of darkness, of pride and selfishness, and nothing will be impossible for you. (I:45) Becoming aware of what’s happening, of what others are feeling and going through is the opposite of leading introverted lives. (I:54)

Strait is the way and narrow is the gate which leadeth unto life and few there be that find the way of unselfish love. (I:69) Man is just reaping the results of the seeds of selfishness, of wanting to enjoy, take, consume, without giving anything in return. (I:91)

Only those who truly strive to prefer others above themselves, who are willing to put their own desires on the backburner in order to put Me first, only those find in Me the power to overcome him, the great tempter, the great lover of self. He that loseth his life for My sake the same shall save it. (I:93) My way up is down, to the death of self; self-confidence, self-reliance, self-sufficiency. And up on the wings of a glorious resurrection from the ashes of that death: a new creature that doesn’t need to worry how it’s going to accomplish or cope with this, that and the other, but who simply rises above by My power, in God-given joy and carefree trust and faith. (I:144) If it’s only yourself you show and portray, it comes across as presumptuous and arrogant and pushes them away. But if you are connected with Me and are poled correctly, you will radiate love and humility, and that’s what will attract them. (I:151) Selfishness weakens your spirit. Pray against selfishness everyday! (I:204) How can you think that someday you’ll be ready and faithful not to deny Me, and to stand strong in the hour of temptation, when you can’t resist the little temptations of selfishness right now? (I:248) Discover the thrills and the ecstasy of giving unselfishly to those from whom you might not expect much in return, but who might yet surprise you, if you only give them a chance! You never know what unexpected rewards might come to you through unselfishly giving to and loving someone you might consider unlovely... (I:379) Are you willing to lay down your own desires on the altar, in order to serve Me and further My Kingdom? As long as you are ridden by your own selfish desires, you're not different from anyone else in the world. (I:399) If you think about what challenges are still up ahead for you, don't you think it's time to mature, sober up and put your own selfish desires on the backburner? (I:427) I wasn't sent to save Myself, but to save all of mankind. The basic lesson and purpose in all is to refuse to walk the path of selfishness, not to seek to save oneself, but others; not to live for oneself, but for others. (I:452) The devil has a much easier time to enter your ranks when you're being selfish and off guard. I'm trying to help you to score points in the love game, so I'm showing you what unselfish things you could do. Look out for opportunities to do unselfish deeds, so you can score points and collect blessings! (I:456) Some of the greatest miracles - and most needed ones - of this day and age are the healings of spiritual diseases, like selfishness. The more you are willing to forego the selfish pleasures of this world and the more you invest into the life to come through unselfish deeds and acts of kindness, or simply giving My message to others, the more you will be rewarded with glimpses and foretastes of the heavenly rewards already in this life. (I:457) People have become more selfish than ever before, as Paul and others have prophesied about these times. So, how badly do you want to be different? How badly do you want to be unselfish? (I:514) Many might say that My life was wasted, and I was being wasted and looked definitely wasted by the time I carried that cross. But "wasted" can also just mean a very intense form of "being spent", and as far as eternal rewards go, nothing is really wasted in a life that's spent in giving unselfishly and living for others, whether they be your own children I have entrusted in your care, or others I lead across your path. All in all, theirs will have been a much wiser investment than that of all the selfish lives put together. (I:517) Keep in mind what you're fighting for: the defeat of self in favor of greater love, unselfishness and sacrifice for others! - Learning to be there for others, and to give, not just to receive!

Continue to bear in mind that heavenly, golden and noble goal of unselfish love! Don't try to sneak out of those little unselfish jobs you can do for others, but do them from the heart, willingly, as unto Me, knowing that those are the kind of things that will strengthen you in the best and most worthwhile and noblest of all disciplines! (I:537)

In some ways, the selfish way is the easier way. You have to carry the devil's heavy yoke, but for that you don't need to share your life with others, you don't have to give and pour out your life to others, as service for Me requires, and thus for some it's simply easier to serve the enemy. (I:557) Camouflaged as freedom, doing your own thing will only wind you up in the chains and fetters of selfishness. Only on the straight and narrow path of obedience you will find the true freedom one finds in unselfishness, not seeking your own thing, but the happiness of others. Doing your own thing is still the same, age-old pursuit of your own happiness and satisfaction, which simply won't make you happy. Only in keeping My rules do you find My grace and power you need in order to perform the tasks of unselfishness, the things one needs to do in order to make others happy. (II:95) Combating selfishness is a hardcore reality issue, too much hardcore for some people, to confront themselves with such a fight! This is only for the real men and women, those who want the real fight, those who have got the stuff and what it takes to face the real enemy: their pride, the devil and their own selfishness. (II:98) Will you bear this cross for Me? The hurting, the pain, the sacrifice and the humbling, as opposed to the way of self, the selfish way, the easy, comfortable way? (II:266)

If someone constantly seeks their way up to the sunny peaks in pursuit of selfish pleasure and "good times," they will inevitably land down on the rock bottom of an empty soul, because they're just missing the goal. (II:278) Everybody can live a selfish little life. I'm proud of each one who dares to be different, who dares to step out beyond the confines of what's the comfortable, natural, selfish tendencies and preferences! (II:295) Selfishness comes from a lack of faith. If you have faith, you have the assurance that somehow, in spite of all the devil tries to tell you, there will always be enough, I will supply for you, care for you, and so you don't have to be scared of giving away and sharing what you've got. (II:407) Learning to apply My Energy enables you to act out of unselfish motivations, out of concern for others. (II:605) Instead of selfishness, seek the ways of love and unselfishness! (III:55) One has to watch out that they're not confusing love with some own selfish need for security or affection and something that will actually stop them from experiencing the fullness of My true Love in their lives. (III:83) My goal and desire is for you to reverse the selfish cycle and do things differently. Give to others of all that I have blessed you with! It's the only modus operandi that has any future, for that matter, for the selfish mode of this present world will soon pass away. The lust of the flesh, of the eyes and the pride of life are all about taking, about selfish consumption. But "whoso doeth the will of God," which is, to give to others, instead of selfishly taking from them, "the same abideth forever." (III:96) The younger, immature and childish you are, the more selfish you tend to be, the more you tend to "expect" from the wrong direction. It takes an effort every day to snap out of your selfish and passive "serve me" habits. (III:97) Nothing better for curing you of selfishness than being confronted with a concentrated dose of it yourself every day. It makes you sick of it... Egotism, pride, self-love and selfishness make one assume that role of a king in life, instead of that of a servant. It's the selfishness of the insane... They only think about themselves. (III:109) The refusal of some to believe in a life after death stems from their fear of the consequences. What would expect them there? Certainly they would have to face the consequences for their selfish actions in this life, and they fear they would be punished. So they prefer to push it away into the realm of the unbelievable, the unacceptable, the non-existent - in their minds. (III:242) People are sick and tired of leaders who keep making selfish choices, or whose motives are selfish and wrong in the first place, who are subject to the same temptations as they are and fall for them, all the while claiming they're something better, and that they should have earned themselves a right to lead others, when upon closer inspection there isn't really much that would qualify them for such a position. (III:243)

It’s a more selfless thing to invest your energies in people, because the rewards don’t always look that promising. It’s a thankless world. But if you do it in the light of the fact that the Kingdom of God you’re supposed to “seek first” consists of people, and you know that if you do, “all these things shall be added unto you,” you can know that there is going to be something in it for you by faith, straight from the hand of God. (2011:84) It’s hard to be truly happy as long as you’re selfish or lazy, and the most effective way for Me to deal with those traits is for Me to rub them under your nose in concentrated form for you to deal with in another person. I give you some of your own medicine, or rather, of your illness and virus, so to speak, and it serves as some sort of antidote. You simply don’t want any more of it after that. (2011:90) I said that I would use any kind of people, as long as they’re willing to do My kind of work in this day and age, but I didn’t say that I was necessarily going to leave them in whichever shape they are. I cannot really use selfish people for a work that has always been standing out for unselfishness as one of its principal trademarks. (2011:104) The less of a personal agenda you have, the more room is there in your life for Mine, a selfless agenda that culminated in giving My life for others, the way I ultimately would love for you to do it, too, regardless of personal losses or gains. (2011:110) The greatest rewards aren’t handed out to those who are only in it for the rewards. In fact, they won’t even manage to do the selfless deeds that are really required for the highest rewards. The rewards can’t be the motivation, since it would be a selfish one, constantly feeding your ego and pride and sense of self-accomplishment, instead of the necessary love and humility it takes to really lay down your life for others and do truly great works. (2011:142) Having to put up with the hostility and selfishness of people around you causes you to turn to Me for solutions. It makes you realize that this world is definitely not your home, and My hope is that it will cause you to turn more toward Me and your true and eternal Home. (2012:9) That’s one reason I brought you where people on average are even more selfish in many aspects than where people have been framed by Christian principles for centuries: I wanted you to get a glimpse of how ugly selfishness really is. It may not be as obvious when it’s hidden beneath a veneer of etiquette and outward politeness. - But how about a full view of it in all its undisguised ugliness? Imagine Me saying, “So, you still wanna be selfish? You wanna be like that?” Perhaps you can use it as an incentive for not wanting to be like that… work more on the levels of selfishness and laziness… How unselfish can you be? (2012:91) If you still haven’t found what you’re looking for, it may be because you’re not willing to pay the price for it when it’s knocking on your door, and it may look quite different from what you expected and be found in a very different place, namely self-abandon, and in giving of your substance, instead of following the spin of the world, ever wanting, looking for some outside factor to bring you satisfaction… It’s natural that people develop greater energy for the things they enjoy doing. The sad part is that it’s usually some selfish little activity that people enjoy most, and there’s not much gratification for them in more sacrificial activities of the kind where you’d be helping someone. (2012:93) Self-sufficiency enables people to live isolated lives from others. They don’t need others, so why should they be nice to them? It’s basically one of the evils at the root of this world’s system, and why so many people are so selfish and stingy. They fend for themselves, care and supply for themselves, so why should they ever need anyone’s help? And in return, all they demand is that no one should ever ask for theirs, either. A life without helpful interaction with each other, a life without love, a life just lived for oneself, is not really much of a life at all. It may sound tempting and intriguing at first, but will wind up to be shown up as woefully lacking. (2012:103) Don’t be too disappointed if I don’t allow you to thrive too much at their game, because it isn’t yours. Their game is a selfish game, when I have called and chosen you to play the game of love. (2012:106) So they’re selfish. - But how about you? And which selfishness is worse? – That of him who ought to know better than to be selfish and withhold! It’s the selfishness you criticize about the materially rich, thinking, “If they’d just share a fraction of it…” Well, you’re spiritually rich, and even though it’s substantially harder to share that kind of riches, aren’t you the least bit ambitious – for My sake, theirs and your own – to make a difference? (2012:107) If you want to know what’s wrong with the people and the society all around you, it’s this: they don’t feel like serving anyone, except themselves, and that’s just plain selfishness that makes everyone around miserable. (2012:131) Changes may not be as beautiful as what you had before, just as nothing was ever as beautiful as Eden for Adam and Eve, but it’ll just have to make do until you reap the ultimate consequence for the sinful, willful life of always pursuing your own thing and desires… (2012:139) Doing what you want and like is not the definition of true freedom. It’s basically the definition of selfishness, and the reason the world has gotten into such a mess.

Every bad, selfish, negative choice (= sin) you make in life is a minus. Every unselfish act that follows the example I gave on the cross is a plus. (2012:151) The selfish don’t understand why folks would voluntary choose to take some considerable amounts of trouble upon themselves for the sake of someone else, another, even seemingly lesser creature… That’s why the Father’s wisdom largely remains a mystery until the whole plan unfolds in its full perfection, impossible to grasp for those with carnal minds on purely egocentric wavelengths… (2012:154) Some people are so full of themselves that they have no capacity whatsoever of tuning in to other people, their needs, their wavelengths, or what makes them tic, much less of putting themselves in a position of willingness to even consider being able to learn anything from them… (2012:163) Looking for selfish pleasure, the same everyone else in this empty, vain and selfish world does, I can’t bless with the life more abundant that I promised. It simply doesn’t come in this way! Selfish ambition is not the Way of Life; you’ve got to strive for more than that. (2012:170) Losing yourself isn’t altogether a bad thing, as far as I’m concerned. Sometimes losing yourself you’ll find something better. People could be doing so much better with a little more love instead of self-this and self-that… (2012:185) In order to really make a difference and show a different kind of example, this should challenge you first of all to make sure you are considerate and unselfish, and think of new ways of showing consideration for others. (2013:4) How about pouring a little more into the lives of others without expecting more from them than they’re capable of offering? (2013:23)

You see everyone else around you do the same thing: selfishly and indifferently to the plight of the needy, pursue their own interests, and you automatically figure that’s what you’re supposed to do, regardless of all I can say to help you see things differently. It’s like I said, as in the days of Noah: It was all about eating, drinking and getting a family started… The preservation of one’s own name and bloodline, no matter whether good or bad, no matter whether those lives are lived for any higher purpose. It’s just preservation of self, that’s all, and that’s why the root of the problem with this society boils down to selfishness, even if it may be disguised at times as a life selflessly devoted to their own offspring. It’s the kind of love they know: love for their own. (2013:26) Making having fun in life your most important goal can be a weakness and loss, because it’s selfish interest, when it should rather be to help those who may be seeking for truth, forgiveness or life eternal… Those who are interested only in finding their own fun (especially when they had learned something else) aren’t going to wind up too happy, because seeking your own fun is basically selfishness, and not going to be rewarded if you’re supposed to help others find their happiness instead of just seeking your own… Unselfishness is the answer and something to look for to cultivate and obtain. Giving love is a better life method than constantly seeking it and pleasure for yourself all the time. (2014:7) To be worried about what you get all the time is basically selfishness, and that’s not a good way to go or path to take! Giving is a lot better! (2014:10) If you just worry about your own happiness and satisfaction, that’s selfishness; and what good repercussions can you expect in your life from that? Sometimes it’s time to show that you’ve either finally learned or are at least willing to learn to care more about the happiness of others (like your wife and children… maybe your Saviour, too…), instead of your own, constantly. (2014:24) Try and remember to make your family members’ happiness more important than your own! Be less selfish, that means! Live less for yourself and more for the others who are part of your life! That's another big difference between your country and others, or between selfish and unselfish people… (2014:32) The loss of the selfish desires and wishes to stay alive for, may be the most helpful things in a person’s life in order to finally do the unselfish things for others… That’s one of the helpful things and sides of suffering. There are some things that are better and easier to do when you’re not too much into the gears of lifting up the self… Some of the weaknesses in humanity can lift up its true strengths… worth more than any of those jobs that served to lift up the self or financial gain… Living for others, after all, is a higher purpose than material gains… (2014:35) Just finding out what you want and getting it isn’t always that safest road to happiness. Naturally, it’s a bit more selfish to just look for what you want, and that’s not the way to ensure happiness! (2014:49) Isn’t it worth in whatever you have to be going through, to be able to stick for as long as possible? To have a greater and larger range of unselfishness than you’ve had or still have, wouldn’t it be worth it to learn some of that? (2014:51)

What if it’s true that as God’s Son I came to die for you all? And that living for others instead of for oneself is a much more blessed thing and rule to follow, as God instituted? Unselfishness is a better thing and way to live than being selfish until death… If you can let the needs of the rest of the world affect you a little more than your own, you can be pretty sure that that’s a positive, because unselfish thing for Me. (2014:53) Life just lived for oneself is not really worth it according to a God and superior Creator Who is Love. If God is Love, what do you think you can earn from and through all the selfishness, greed and lust, which seem to be normal human feelings, but more likely because they allowed the enemy to take over this world? (2014:98) Life on Earth is not part of the eternal life I came to give folks who believe in Me. But part of what is very similar between the two is putting others’ lives before your own, and grant them their desires, instead of just trying to make your own come to pass constantly. (2014:102) Why not learn to be a servant? – Serving the ones you’re living with, or serving Me by doing so, and esteeming them more important than yourself, different from the selfish society in general of the world, which is a different system than what I taught My folks to live for. Living for love is a different matter. It’s not just living for oneself and own advantage. According to intelligence, those who’ve got it beat others, gain more, and are a lot more selfish in many ways than those who consider love a higher value. (2014:103) If you can keep love up as the top thing in your life, which the Bible says is the same as God, the Creator of everything, and make it more important in your life than money and physical success… in other words, you put unselfishness above the things motivating most people… like selfishness instead of its opposite, you’ll raise up the quality of your life for sure. (2014:128) Remember that not paying all the attention to yourself and your own desires might turn out to be of greater value in the end! After all, you’ll be paid great rewards for the things you didn’t do just for yourself. Things will be considered worth a lot more that you’ve done for others. Being selfish isn’t the goal or the top of things, or of life, but being unselfish… for a change. So, think a bit more about those things that make you great for Me! Try to think of the great value of unselfishness! It takes a while to learn the larger greatness of unselfishness, larger than the personal desires most people have in their lives, but in the end, this lesson – if you learn it – will certify the establishment of a real lasting value of life, and a vaster one than the usual things people often yearn and long for… the material things, or growing of one’s own strength and greatness in physical things. Sometimes it pays to pay attention to what the desires of others are, and not just your own! Sometimes you know that thing in theory, but to practice it in deed and in action is a lot tougher. You can tell how much more selfish children are becoming these days… much more than they were even vaguely allowed to be some decades ago… So, sinfulness and selfishness have become more accepted in this world, and you can’t imagine how this is going to make life down on Earth more pleasant or even heavenly. (2014:129) If I’m not as realistic to you as you are yourself for you, and on top of it, your own desires are more important to you than what those around you want or need, it sort of shows a fairly common problem of selfishness in this world, and perhaps one reason why happiness in it is becoming rarer and rarer. If you and I know that My will is more important to you, trust Me: life will become a lot more pleasant for you, because it won’t be run anymore by selfishness powered by your own desires, but something greater. It may take some time to really get into the spirit and mood of unselfishness, but if you do, just recognize it as the way things ought to be, and the goal you were meant to achieve! If you can follow Me, then follow Me especially away from your own selfishness and desires, because My goals are and always have been elsewhere. Try to seek those goals and desire to accomplish them – Mine and the Father’s – instead of your own. Love is greater than selfishness, since God is Love. (2014:143) The sort of chastisement the Word of God promises for His children should result in you becoming a better, more humble and loving, less selfish person! (2014:149) Try to be less concerned about yourself! You’ll see: that’s the Christian way of managing things and living more pleasantly. (2014:159)

The greatest thing to learn in life is to overcome one’s sins and manage to jive into the ways of love, instead. See, all the other human traits are basically based on selfishness, but love is the opposite, and therefore so worthy of managing to make the main force in one’s life, as opposed to all the other, natural ones folks are born with originally. (2014:183) A family to take care of and help to care for is something selfless; and you could pour as much power and effort into it as you can, instead of putting your own well-being and enjoyment in the first place. Turn things around, become a less selfish person, and thus with the ability to look better forward to the Hereafter… My Place, where selfishness in the past life isn’t that greatly rewarded. Let the harder times make you stronger, braver, and less selfish! (2015:86) Fight to become a better and true disciple, and not like those who only thought of what was going to be in it for themselves! Remember that that’s the kind of selfishness the enemy sows, and not what should cause any of My followers to stumble down

into the deep abyss… You can tell that the situation you’re in and what happened to you is pretty close to that, but you’re still having another chance to learn to do better, and get out of that gear of self-interest… Think a bit more about the others, and become someone who lives for others, and not just for himself and his own well-being! (2015:112)

Let your life turn into something it ought to be, not as that of so many others who mainly think about themselves and their own well-being! So, selfishness is still a big enemy to overcome; but remember that We’re Here to help you, and with Our help it’s not impossible! (2015:113) Another weakness wrapped up in self, such as self-righteousness and selfishness: self-pity. And it’s another one you should learn to get the victory over. Handle whatever life gives you to deal with in a state that’s at least slightly more positive. Yes, life is tough, but for many it’s even tougher, and you ought to have a more grateful and positive attitude, and not just pity yourself so much! So, can you make an effort to at least try to aim for some improvement, instead of taking a role of a permanent victim bathing in self-pity? How about counting your blessings? (2015:115) Live life a bit more for Us and others, helping them to get to know Us – or especially Me, for starters – and less selfishly. (2015:136) Can you learn what life is all about? – The Lesson of Love? Many don’t want to because they’re too selfish. Unfortunately, the main power of this world is selfishness instead of love, and that’s why it won’t continue forever, the way it has gone… (2015:145) Living a selfish life geared to one’s own pleasure isn’t what will make them arrive in Heaven with the confidence that they did all they could to bring others Up Here, which should be the purpose for followers of Mine! (2015:155) When there’s still some jobs for you to do down there, including children to raise, being a decent husband, and in general, a helper to those around you, since otherwise, if it would just be a permanent longing for Here, where you’ll wind up happier, it would be a bit selfish, wouldn’t it? (2015:177) Gear your life a bit more according to your faith and the higher values you’re supposed to believe in: love as the main force, instead of selfishness! Selfishness can make you lazy, whereas doing more for others keeps you more active, and accordingly, not too depressed about so little you accomplish! (2015:184) Selfishness can’t be rewarded. Keeping the heavenly life thereafter selfishly for yourself without sharing it with others is not something I can in any way approve of without punishment handed out accordingly! (2015:188) Consider it a test whether you can think and care a bit more about others than just yourself and your own state and well-being! How unselfish can you manage to be? Folks just thinking about themselves, like Judas and others, don’t have a happy ending of their lives to show forth. (2015:201) It’s time to show whether life is just supposed to serve your own happiness and contentment, or you’re willing to be less selfish than that, and would also be willing to live to make others happy, and not just yourself. (2015:207) Selfishness vs. unselfishness is one of the major lessons of life. It’s not all about what you want and are craving for! And with kids around you who are even more on that wavelength… well, if may definitely teach you the reason why! – As well as put you a bit in the Father’s shoes to see what it’s like to have kids largely concerned about their own cravings and desires. And just as you know they have to learn better, you’re getting the point you might as well, too. There’s a reason why you’re having to go through tough things… - Mainly to bless you with a more positive and unselfish attitude. Giving others around you a bit more emphasis and attention, well, that’s what life and its sometimes tough times are largely all about! Don’t forget or neglect to make that the main purpose and meaning of your life! – That’s what it’s all about! (2015:233) Life’s a lesson on what not to do, how not to behave and act, if you want to do it the proper way – Our way. It includes the experience of learning about the mistakes one can make by being governed mainly by selfish intentions, being concerned about one’s own welfare, instead of that of others. The large majority of folks down there don’t ever learn the principal lessons of life We’d like to teach them, but are more the students of Our enemy. – How to make things best for oneself. So, not to be as concerned about oneself as others… that would be a nice one for each to learn. - But evidently a hard and tough lesson in a world ruled by the author of selfishness and pride. So, one of the ways of learning how to do it is to experience first how not to. And you can tell from the fruits you reap by doing it the wrong way – the selfish way. Success for Us means accomplishing things to help others, not just to elevate oneself and their own role in that system pretty much established by the one who came up with all that evil – the road of selfishness down there, as opposed to the ways of Love I came to introduce on the planet.

So, whose student and follower are you going to be? One of the founder of trouble through selfish behavior, or Mine, Who came to give His life to those on Earth who’d accept Me as the Father’s gift of Salvation from the results of selfish deeds, acts and behavior? To be more concerned about others would definitely be a plus-point in learning to apply that – making love the greater force of influence and motivation throughout that life down there, even if it’s a little tough to do so when the majority of those around you don’t. But be not as influenced by their behavior, but try to keep in mind Mine, and what I came to the world to teach and show as the better alternative! (2016:57) Following Me means learning to go the unselfish, sacrificial way. (2016:62) Chasing your own pleasures is what everyone else does in the commercial world, and it cannot be rewarded. (2016:77) Too much preoccupation about one’s own well-being is just too much selfishness that can’t be blessed… (2016:109)

Self-Pity & Self-Satisfaction Self-pity is another machination of the evil one. (I:56) The path of self-gratification is not the road to true happiness and fulfillment. (I:97) Self-satisfied indifference really does a lot of damage. You can't afford to be indifferent nor self-satisfied! That's exactly what the enemy will shoot for, to get you to not rely on Me, but just float around on an elusive and deceptive cloud of false security that somehow you're gonna manage. (II:186) When life becomes too easy, the desperation dwindles, the need you feel to seek My face disappears and that lazy old selfsatisfaction settles in, that contentment with the way things are, instead of the fiery desire to change the world! (II:187) The enemy tries to have you believe that you're having a legitimate reason and excuse for self-pity. He tries to make everybody's situation look like the worst possible to them. That's why it's so important to praise Me and be thankful; show an attitude of gratitude, and why praise is such an important factor and key. (II:581) As long as you’re self-satisfied, your vacuum for Me is too weak... (II:651) As long as there are those even among your own ranks who are starving for love, and whose hearts are weeping bitter tears of loneliness, how can you live in self-satisfaction, continuing to ignore the needs of the neediest among your brothers and sisters? (III:38)

How much do you live in a self-satisfied illusion that you're doing fine with the amount of Me you're applying to your life already? With how much or little progress are you content? (III:149) It’s not really the right attitude to just feel sorry for yourself! Don’t feel sorry for yourself, but finally learn how to avail yourself of My Help and all the Help you can get from Up Here! (15:242) The desire to do better’s worth so much, compared with all the self-satisfied people who never experience that. (12:94) Desperation definitely trumps self-satisfaction? If you have a choice, you naturally prefer the feeling and sensation of the latter, but the less desired and least attractive option represents the better option. When it all comes down to it, isn’t being self-satisfied – although more comfortable –the greater evil? So think about it when you’re tempted to be dissatisfied with your situation: the way you feel lost and lonely in this world, don’t really seem to have a place to call home, and the growing doubt that you’ll ever find a place where you’ll fit in and be truly welcome; remember that this is actually preferable over the self-satisfied state you’re in when things are going your way. Never forget how this trap is people’s downfall, and can potentially be yours, too. (12:148) How about cutting on playing the victim’s role a bit and assuming greater responsibility for the results of what your life has become and is becoming? (13:23) It’s your choice whether you’re going to go through life wallowing in self-pity or do all you can do stay victorious. (13:42) Embrace the misery, own it, and get over it, like a disease or simply another bad incident that you’re going to have to live with, going to have to learn to go through and take like a man, as cheerfully and victoriously as possible, not wallowing in self-pity about it. (13:46) Realize self-pity as a disadvantage and weakness, and not at all helpful in the lives of others around you. So, it’s definitely something to overcome, and you need to go on the attack against it, and see to it that you strengthen and lift up your mind, heart, soul and spirit, and don’t let your whole self fall into the abyss of self-pity and lack of joy of living, even as hard as life may be getting these days getting closer to the end of it all. (15:59) There’s a lot to learn about doing more to make others feel good, instead of just yearning and aiming for your own satisfaction! It’s time for you to learn to get a lot more into what others could enjoy and want, not your own satisfaction! (15:95) That’s another weakness wrapped up in self, such as self-righteousness and selfishness: self-pity. (15:115) Doesn’t it make you feel a bit ashamed to allow less than perfect circumstances to drag you down to a low level of disbelief and self-pity? (15:140) Feeling sorry for yourself – or self-pity – isn’t exactly something I’d recommend for anyone to get into. - Definitely more one of the enemy’s traps and temptations. If you could manage to make it without that, you’d definitely wind up better off! Why feel sorry for yourself, when you actually have more reasons to be content than many other people? Why feel so much pity for yourself? – When you’ve got quite a few reasons to be content? Get more into an up-beat groove! Don’t continue feeling sorry for yourself! (15:162)

Don’t just feel so sorry for yourself, but have some compassion for those who just maybe worse off than you in the long run! (15:195)

If life is hard and rough, don’t dwell too much in self-pity about it, but appreciate the lessons to learn from it and eventually make a bit of a wiser person out of you! (15:201)

Self-righteousness & Criticism Stop complaining like those who wallow in their self-righteous self-pity and moan about never getting anything in return when ‘all they do is give and give...’. Believe Me, if they were truly as giving as they believe themselves to be, they wouldn’t be complaining. (I:51)

The Enemy is the author of confusion, of self-righteousness, of contradictions, saying things but never really meaning them, much less keeping his word. The Devil is an artist of his own kind, and his art is to perfect selfishness and disguise it in a cloak and veneer of self-righteously being convinced of the saintliness and faultlessness of the selfish person, only able to see the faults in others. (I:93) The tendency to be shallow and superficial and worldly was already in those who left before they left and in those who are indulging in it right now, it’s only a matter of time until it sprouts into an ugly weed that’s going to invite the giants of doubt and criticism in to do their share of damage. Only few deem themselves less righteous than God. (I:105) Self-righteousness makes you judge people in your carnal mind, applying the letter of the law and by doing so, you're robbing yourself and cheating yourself out of opportunity to 'love the unlovely', 'go the extra mile', 'cast a veil over a multitude of sins' and rise above the 'natural cycle'. (I:112) Try the spirits, especially the ones that enter your own mind! A lot of self-righteous Christians like to make themselves judge over another person, when the very first person they should apply that to is themselves. (I:182) Cheer up, if you don’t feel good! Those who feel good and righteous about themselves usually are the ones who are far from it! (I:195)

Beware of self-righteousness! Lay low, and learn all that you can from others! (I:230) Remember the big lesson on self-righteousness! You never know when I might let you fall into the same condition that you’re seeing someone else in and either laughing about or shaking your head at... Next time that fella down there might be you! (I:237) Man’s idea of goodness and righteousness differs so drastically from God’s, and one of man’s greatest problems is their own idea of righteousness and their tendency to judge God for His... (I:286) Anyone can stay where they are and stagnate, thinking they have arrived and feel all self-righteous about it, looking down on others. (I:294) There won’t be any amount of good works behind which you’re going to be able to hide and show just how righteous and obedient you are. (I:329) I use “negative” emotions like desperation or frustration to break people, humble them, etc. The question is whether a person will yield to Me in all this, trust Me that My wisdom is greater than their own in allowing certain apparent injustices to happen, or whether they will allow a root of bitterness to spring forth in their heart. It either draws them closer to Me - if they receive this form of correction, it makes them search their heart, and they check, “Lord, show me why I deserve this punishment, this treatment, this withdrawing of Your blessing”, or they self-righteously harden their hearts against Me. (I:333) Just as My Spirit is manifested in fruits like humility, love, patience, etc. (Gal.2:22, 23), the spirit of the devil has its manifestations of pride, self-righteousness, hatred, jealousy, envy, bickering, strife... (I:346) Don’t be like those who try to put Me in a box or try to dictate who I’m supposed to use or not, who I am supposed to save and who not... It’s just self-righteousness. Rather glorify Me for every miracle I do in the lives of others, especially in the lives of those who went astray, to bring them back to Me and My service, often to be used more mightily by Me than ever before! (I:395) Anger manifested in criticism of other people's mistakes is a pretty bad habit! You cut many wounds by this type of behavior. It's a form of pride and self-righteousness, where you become so upset about people's mistakes and lack of perfection that you start getting angry about it. (I:444) Learn to fight and care for each other, to remain in unity! The wrong thing to do when someone gets attacked is to self-righteously point their finger at them or to turn your back on them. The right thing to do is to show them unconditional love and keep praying for them. (I:501) I could never abandon or condemn you or cast you out for anything that you did or did not do. Any such feelings come from the enemy! It's a lack of trust in My Love for you, and he's trying to put Me on the same level as his: just because he will self-righteously condemn you for your failures, that doesn't mean that that's Me. No way! (I:589)

The sin of self-righteousness exceeds the sin of jealousy on My scale of "graveness." The obvious and blatant sin is not as bad as the more subtle sin of self-righteousness. (II:6) To categorically dismiss people as hopeless cases, to put them in drawers, is a self-righteous attitude, but you shouldn't allow that to happen to you! Give them a chance! And give Me a chance to change their lives. (II:77) The self-righteousness of thieves: They think life has treated them unfairly, withholding from them what others, less deserving than they, have in abundance, and in order to mend destiny's flaws, they figure, they just take the measure for themselves that fate or life or I have been withholding from them. If you figure you're good enough to deserve it, it's practically your right to take it from others, even steal it. After all, they're "bad," too, definitely far from perfect, so, why not "punish" them a little to your own advantage by stealing from them, and taking something from them that you want, and probably even deserve? The problem is, that same self-righteous and abusive attitude carries over into other areas of your life as you grow older, and you "punish" people for their not being perfect by being unkind and mean to them in other ways. You toss unfriendly or judgmental, cynical, cutting remarks at them or simply withhold your love from them and turn ice cold when they behave in ways that you don't approve of. Will you live as a little "king," reigning for a short time in your own little realm of pride and self-righteousness, judging everyone by your own laws and rules, and forever thinking you know better than everyone else, including Me, or will you walk the humble but truthful and honest and sincere road of a true prince for Me? (II:86) It's always easier to see the others’ weaknesses than your own, that's just human nature, and part of the blindness people are plagued by in the darkness of this world. Only in Heaven, where all things are revealed and nothing is hidden anymore, can you see as things truly are, you will know as you are known, and all things are open to everyone. (II:87) Self-righteousness is assuming that somebody is guilty of a sin that you couldn't possibly be ever found guilty of yourself. (II:88) Can a man be found more righteous than God? - For sure there can be found plenty who think so. (II:138) People who take it for granted that naturally, they're the "righteous ones" aren't aware of the danger of how easily they can fall and turn into My very enemies if they don't watch out. That's why so many of My people wind up doing more harm than good at times, because they simply don't stay desperate enough to make sure that whatever they do is because of Me and through Me, instead of some of their own holiness and righteousness or goodness that they think they have. Beware of the flatteries of the enemy! When he sees that he can't hold you down anymore with condemnation, he'll try the opposite tactic where he'll flatter you and will try to get you so lifted up about yourself that you'll think there's no way you could possibly ever do anything wrong, until reality -or I - jerk that rug of wishful thinking away from under your feet. The danger comes in when you think of yourself or your particular group as the only right ones and righteous ones. (II:145) Anything that's tough on one's self-righteousness and pride is good. (II:162) My Spirit is easily shooed away by a display of pride or a self-righteous attitude. (II:167) Every failure you spot in others, I'm allowing them to happen in order to deal with something in your life that needs straightening out! Nothing happens by accident. And it's often a test of, "What's he gonna do? How's he gonna react? Is he going to selfrighteously blame and point the finger and put on a harsh and unforgiving attitude? Or is he going to remember that he himself is also to blame for the same thing, and use it as a reminder of his own NWOs and treat the matter in a loving manner, the way he would like to be treated himself?" Blaming and holding things against another creates an iron wall of separation between you. (II:193) When it seems like God failed, only those who loyally believe in their hearts that He really is infallible can keep believing, trusting and obeying Him. The temptation is there to think, "What is He doing? That's not right..." And the temptation of self-righteousness, of thinking you could or would have done better. (II:199) If you keep in mind how much and how often you've needed My forgiveness and My Love to be unconditional, this will help you keep humble at the same time, and help you avoid becoming self-righteous. (II:247) I'm showing you the difference between real goodness, that which comes from Me, and is born in the humility of the realization that in yourself there is nothing good and you can do nothing good, and the pretended goodness of self-sufficiency, of those who believe they don't need Me, they're already good enough: self-righteousness. (II:252) Those who sit back and criticize, basically don't do anything good to make the world any better! Do you think I'm going to say, "Hey, listen, buddy, you should have waited until you got all the details straight before you opened your mouth"? - That's perhaps the way some see and picture Me, because their picture of Me is just an extension of their own selfrighteousness and need to feel superior in order to justify their failure to do what My people have done and continue to do, to

excuse their lack of guts and conviction to change the world with whatever little bit you have at your disposal. They're like the servant that buried his talents in the ground because he was afraid. Let those who do nothing but criticize show just how much better the world will be because of them! How many souls get saved through their criticism, their straining at a gnat, their cynical attitudes! It's human to make mistakes! They keep you humble. The proud and haughty who do nothing but criticize have their reward in feeling so high and mighty and superior in this life, that they can look down on everybody else. If that's what they want, let'em have it! (II:255) If somebody makes the obviously wrong choice, the right attitude to have about it is not a self-righteous, judgmental one, where you separate yourself from them totally, with an attitude of "I never would have done that," but rather one of knowing that it could happen to anyone to fall like that, and that it's only My grace that can keep you from falling. Thinking you're better doesn't help any. It only makes things worse. You've got to accept people's choices without self-righteously judging them for them! Accept failure, your failures and the failures of others, as a necessary part of life, and don't take it as a reason to become selfrighteous or resentful, but stay loving! Show more appreciation, not a critical or self-righteous attitude! (II:329) Some people who were allegedly on the bad side, actually did wind up on the good side, after all. My mercy was greater than everything, greater than their sin, and certainly greater than the self-righteousness of those who would have preferred to see them in hell! I'm still a Friend of sinners and still have a hard time with the self-righteous, holier-than-thou pretend-to-be-so-gooders. (II:333)

Don't put up a higher standard for others than you apply to yourself, and don't be self-righteous! (II:413) It doesn't come natural to most to be helpful, so that's something you've got to strive for and make a conscious effort to work toward. It's a matter of not always being so concerned about the things I do for you, but developing an unselfish mindset of seeking what you could do for Me each day; to ask Me every morning, "What can I do for You?" Learning to love unselfishly is the best thing this life has to offer, there is nothing greater! (II:421) Self-righteousness and pride are dangerous, because they stop you from even seeing the need for forgiveness, because they don't let you see your own sin. (II:437) What makes you critical of others is self-righteousness. The real challenge is to do it better without becoming self-righteous about it! (II:534) I bless the honest, humble, hard working people, and they're often more blessed than those incredibly intellectual thinkers, which usually tends to make the thinkers only more bitter and cynical and critical. (II:543) Whenever you're tempted to feel critical about someone, instead of allowing the critical words to cross your lips, praise Me or say something nice instead; something loving, edifying, something good! (II:580) One of the greatest dilemmas of mankind in My opinion are those who deem themselves righteous enough to judge others. No one is 100% righteous. Everyone is guilty of sin. The question is, whose sin bears greater weight? Who comes to Me for forgiveness? Who trusts in their own righteousness and refuses My forgiveness? These are the criteria by which I measure whether anyone is truly righteous or not, and blessed are those who judge not another. Those who justify themselves condemn themselves with their own mouth (Job 9:20). Those who quietly ponder their own sin and rely on My mercy, are they who are justified by Me. I will righteously judge those who self-righteously judge you! (II:619) The devil is a good advocate when it comes to rooting for his own cause and advertising his own righteousness, which he figures is so superior to Mine... And he anoints his people with his mantle of apparent righteousness and justice, his shining examples of what he would call "good," and his idea of righteousness and perfection... What they worship is their own sense of righteousness and their own arm of the flesh. It all sounds so nice, it's so nicely wrapped up in a veneer of apparent righteousness and goodness, but when it all comes down to it, what's really behind it is love for money, and nothing - really, nothing else. I'm having you pass through this lesson to show you one of the disguises and tricks and cloaks of the enemy, the devil's righteousness. (III:4) Be seeking My righteousness, and the way I see things, not your own! (III:55) How easy it is to misjudge things, people and situations, and how easy it is to see things the wrong way... the carnal way. The carnal way likes to camouflage itself as the spiritual way and manifests itself especially in religious hypocritical selfrighteousness. (III:62)

That’s the difference between righteousness and self-righteousness: self-righteousness is based on who you think you are, and may even claim to be, according to ideals, thoughts and the words of your mouth. But real righteousness is manifested by the way you act, which shows who you really are, and how much those ideals and good thoughts and words in your mind actually come to fruition. (IV:166) Don’t be like those who try to put Me in a box or try to dictate who I’m supposed to use or not, who I am supposed to save and who not... It’s just self-righteousness. Rather glorify Me for every miracle I do in the lives of others, especially in the lives of those who went astray, to bring them back to Me and My service, often to be used more mightily by Me than ever before! It behooves you to not look down anyone self-righteously, but keep in mind that you’re really not that different. (2011:68) Consciousness and knowledge of one’s own failure is much more precious than any artificial sensation of holiness and righteousness that some people put on. (2012:11) You say, “They ought to know better.” I say, so do you. You say, “Can this really be true, that they’re behaving like that?” Well, sometimes I wonder the same thing about you. So you see, you’re really not that different from them, and it behooves you to do a lot more about changing your own attitudes than complaining or murmuring about theirs, because you really ought to know better. (2012:44) Self-righteous observers who did nothing but criticize, while others tried something new and made a difference, have existed since the beginning of time, and sunk into oblivion, while those heels of today may become the heroes and saints of tomorrow… You can either join the ranks of the not-so-silent, self-righteous, criticizing majority who never do or change anything, or those of the few forgiving who can look past the mistakes, take whatever there is to get out of this and make the best of it. (2012:86) Come up with a more merciful attitude, since you’re having to be forgiven for so much yourself! Otherwise it’s just a bunch of selfrighteousness, and people will sense it, and it won’t exactly do the trick of attracting folks to your message… (2012:107) People are always much quicker to spot and point out the faults in others than they are ready to see and face their own. Generally, they lack the degree of honesty and humility it takes to criticize and discipline themselves. When they face their own flaws, it depresses them, so they avoid it at any cost. (2012:129) Self-righteousness is one of the greatest evils to tackle… the one that was ultimately responsible for My death: The greatest evil of man, used by God to bring about mankind’s salvation from sin. Religious and religiously inclined people are among the most prone to self-righteousness. They figure they’ve got God on their side, and so they’re “good,” and in some ways that may be true, but what they don’t realize is that just being saved or “on God’s side” doesn’t save them from doing wrong or committing sin of any kind, and it tends to blind them to even the very possibility that they might be wrong about anything in some cases. (2012:161) Any false pride or pretense of goodness, self-righteousness, etc., will be a severe handicap that will make it very hard to withstand the pressure of the attacks in the long run. (2012:180) Learning to deal with mistakes others are making, that you’ve made before is really a wonderful opportunity for learning how to love, showing what you learned, and apply that gained knowledge or wisdom (there’s a difference, you know?) in the right way, not in a self-righteous, preachy attitude, but one of true love and understanding. (2013:18) To think and talk badly about others, in reality, that’s pretty much a worse quality in itself than most of their weaknesses. (2014:85) To love’em anyway, even though they’re not perfect, that’s what you ought to learn from the Father’s and My nature of love. Otherwise, it’s just self-righteousness, if you act as if you were thinking you’re the only good one, or are much better, when you’re not. So, they’re sinners, you’re a sinner… everyone down there is, so why not just do the best you can to get along? – Instead of judging the others, which would be self-righteousness. (2015:111) You’ve made mistakes, and so, you’re not perfect. And knowing that should at least keep you humble, and not self-righteous. (2015:113)

Being self-righteous and impatient with folks is something you find out best through the trouble you cause with them through those weaknesses… (2015:114) Self-reliance may be what the system teaches its pupils is something good, but when it comes down to it, you’ll find out you’ll be much better off trusting more in Me and your help from Above… (2015:126) Lacking perfection makes you a bit humbler and less self-righteous. So, you’re not perfect? Maybe that includes other advantages… like being a bit more humble, less self-righteous and proud of yourself. (2015:161)

Self-righteousness is so bad, because it makes you even feel better and more righteous than God the Father Himself! Because you don’t understand why He’s allowing some of the things to happen that He does, and since that doesn’t fit into your little scope of comprehension, you give up on Him, call Him a Loser, and quit being a dedicated follower of His Son… at least for as long as you’re in that negative, low concept groove. Why would He have allowed the enemy to take the world to that state where it’s at today, and heading to a worse one, as far as it can be seen? – Why did He allow things to become so dreadful? – Didn’t take better care of things, such as you would in His shoes, most likely…!? Well, that’s really the thing that makes self-righteousness pretty much the worst one around – and, infested with pride, as it is, no wonder. It’s the thing that makes those people feel superior to God, but since He has the advantage of not dying and being the Creator, they quit believing in Him, and stick to their self-worship and adoration… After all, who needs a God, anyway? (2015:185) Have some success in whatever you do, by doing things through My strength and the Spirit from Above. Being judgmental isn’t part of that Spirit, but it’s more like self-righteousness, which is absolutely not a gift or strength from Above! (2015:203) If We forgive you for your sins and bad traits, you should definitely also become ready to forgive others for theirs…, which, otherwise would be self-righteousness, definitely not a recommendable attitude and mindset to have! A bit of humility and a humble attitude should help you overcome any tendency toward self-righteousness, which could pretty much be entitled the most dangerous setback for believers. So, include acceptance into that list of the qualities of love you need, and let it overcome the tendencies toward selfrighteousness! (2016:50) How can you blame others when in some aspects you’re doing so much worse yourself… and especially when you ought to know so much better? Self-righteous anger is a danger! (2016:120) Everyone’s got their own faults, and you’ve got yours as well… so… seeing others’ faults, no reason to become self-righteous! (16:128)

Spirit World (Spiritual Realm) What counts Here is your spirit, and what seems weak in the flesh is might in the spirit. (I:5) Angels have been ‘working overtime’ to get you where you are, innumerable battles had to be won, and the enemy has fought long and hard and furious. You’ve finally gained enough experience to recognize his traps. (I:10) The more you seek in the Spirit, the more you’ll find. The more you let go of this world, the more you will cherish My World, the World of everlasting ecstasies, instead of fleeting pleasures. (I:40) Other worlds,... other dimensions..., other realities..., they all have the same core, the same Creator, and the essence is the same everywhere and in all of these: love, light and life, they are one, and they are to be desired. (I:52) In the Spirit, things move slowly and majestically. Not as quickly and hectic as you do in your world. The difference is almost like the way you view ants: They move speedily and they always have got to do something to ensure their provision and survival. But Here everyone knows that all the fretting, worrying and haste in the universe won’t add one iota to your stature. It is a commonly known law of the nature of My Spirit World that all things are by Him and from Him and to Him, so, all you might as well really do is let go and trust Him! (I:54) ‘Thy Kingdom come, on Earth, as it is in Heaven’ means the marriage of the physical and the spiritual realm. The veil shall be rent! And soon everything that was hidden shall be revealed. Everything will be open! Now you see through a glass darkly. Then you shall see as I see. (I:60) The more you move into the Realm of My Spirit and dwell in My Word, the more you will see things the way they are seen from Our side. All is vanity that’s going on around you. So few seek to strengthen the things that remain. But all you do in love will be like a little seed of eternity. Sow the seeds of eternal life. Save their spirits from starvation. Go where My Spirit leads you, to the lowly in heart. (I:134) Start learning to see things in the Spirit! I can show you things of the Spirit that will encourage you and will give you new strength to carry on. (I:142) You think the Spirit Realm has little to offer to the physical? The physical realm is only a product of the Spiritual. Everything you see, feel, touch, is a creation of the Spirit. “God is a Spirit”, and just because “spirit” to you means “invisible,” you mentally restrict and minimize Our potential to near “impotent”, instead of what it really is: omnipotent! (I:386) Soon I'm going to show the world Who's the Boss, not only in the invisible, spiritual Realm, but also in the physical. As I have shown you, the one came forth out of the other, and the servant is not above the Master. (I:437) Find out how much more there is to discover in the Spirit World, by making the Spirit World a greater part of your lives! It's much more real than you think! (I:471) I need you to focus more on the spirit world, in order to ensure your future survival and greater fruitfulness for Me. So, consider it a compliment and a token of My Love for you when things are going rough in the physical, because that means I'm drawing you closer to Me and into My spiritual Realm! (I:476) In the world, everybody just basically seeks their own glory, and to glorify themselves, to pride themselves in their accomplishments and pat themselves on the back, or proving their worth and showing off with the status they have achieved to reach by themselves, through their own hands or by means of fleshly heritage in the things they acquire, their material possessions, their wealth, their cars, houses and other status symbols. Whereas the status symbols of the Spirit World are the exact opposite: "The less there is of you, the more the light shines through" is the slogan in the spirit, and the less you exalt yourself and seek your own glory, and the more you seek to glorify God, and just fill the need by whatever humble and invisible action, that is what makes you shine with greater brilliance and glory. (I:481) I have called you to explore the Realms of the Spirit. (I:522) The connection between you and My Spirit World can only be established by faith. (II:80) You can experience some of the benefits of the spirit world and of the world to come already now, if you're really interested enough! There's nothing, no secret, no mystery I will withhold from you, if you're interested enough. (II:112) I use those times when you are alone to draw you much closer to Me than I ever could while you're distracted by others. There is just no other way for Me to train you in perceiving the realities of the Spirit World. You can find the perfect company you seek right Here, in the Spirit World! Believe that the Spirit World is just as real, and even more so than the physical, because the physical is temporal, but the Spirit Realm is eternal, indestructible, incorruptible!

What you're seeking you won't find in your own realm, but only Here, in My Spirit Realm! (II:165) There are a lot of things going on in your life that you're not aware of, mistakes that you're making you're not aware of, forces affecting your life, etc. So it pays to tune in to the Spirit World to find out what they are, because I and your spirit helpers are aware of them and can reveal them to you, if you're only interested enough and care enough to find out and listen. (II:181) I'm asking you to aim for My Realm! My Realm is the invisible horizon I want you to shoot for, and the only Place where you're really going to find your dream and its fulfillment. My Realm is the "Real Thing." (II:192) I like efforts to integrate the Spirit World more into personal reality. (II:301) Impart to others your interest in the Spirit World, your faith in it, that it's real, even more real than your own world, and that it's important to get in touch with it, and you will certainly benefit from it! (II:327) Don't rob others of their opportunities to feel needed! Let others shine! They must increase, but you must decrease. Don't be afraid of fading out. The fading out will only be the true fading in. You fade out of the view of their realm, but fade into Mine, into My true Light of being a true accomplisher of the Spirit. (II:328) The enemy may have the physical realm, the temporal, but I rule - undoubtedly - the eternal Realm, and you just need to learn to put your "money" on the eternal Realm everyday, or in other words, "set your affections on things above, and not on things of this Earth." (II:385) Just like My spirit helpers function as conduits of My Holy Spirit and are subject to superior angels and spirit beings, familiar spirits are being used by the enemy, they're conduits and carriers of his vices, his negative qualities. They enjoy the power he gives them. They don't really realize that they're slaves of the devil, as long as he grants them that feeling of independence, of being their own master. It's the same reason why so many people refuse to accept Me. They enjoy that fake "freedom" and independence the devil grants them, which will come with a heavy price, though. Because in their rebellion against Me they go further and further in their actions against Me; there's no stopping place. There's no evil deed a spirit that is not yielded to Me will stop short of, that's why it's so important to keep your spirit in submission to Me. Just like someone becomes a member of My Family through My blood, so a familiar spirit has a link to their victim or charge through blood ties of relation, which is why they're called "familiar" spirits. It's their "right" and ticket to mess with your life, unless you recognize them and refuse to grant them entrance into your life in any way. Any addiction can grant them greater power and control over their victims, just as sin can, putting anything before Me in a person's life, any form of idolatry, which the worship of another person is also part of. (II:492) The satisfaction and fulfillment you seek won't be found in this world. It's found in the Mother-World, the One from which your world originated, My World. Here We see things the way they really are. We zoom in onto the details that are still hidden from your finite view right now. Everything is so much bigger, so much more significant, so much clearer and more beautiful Here. (II:493) The workings of the Spirit World are so much like what you experience in the physical; that's why there's no reason to be scared of it. (III:3) If you're looking for perfection, then you need to look to Me, to the Spirit World. (III:116) The grey and gloomy skies remind you that this world is not your home, and that your happiness and fulfillment is found elsewhere, in the unseen Realm, where I am your Eternal Sunshine that never fades. (III:207) You cannot hinge your faith on man or what you see in the temporal realm. The Power that makes things happen comes from Me, from My invisible, eternal Realm... (III:227) What We've got to offer over Here is so much better, so much healthier, so much more worthwhile than the kicks and thrills you've got in the physical world. We need you where you are, but with a good and solid connection to Our World, so that you can pass on what you're receiving from Us. (III:239) The spiritual world is where the true treasures of wisdom and insight and greater love are gleaned from. (III:250) It’s a matter of recognizing that it’s the invisible Realm that counts most of all, and then choosing forces, determining which one you’ll allow to rule your day. The enemy’s forces will try to get you to allow your physical circumstances to drag you down. My Forces will lift you up way above all that muck and mire instead. The choice is yours every day. (2011:55) I am the Door to the Other World. Others of what the world refers to as its great minds and philosophers, or perhaps even holy men, have been windows. Some of these windows have given a clear view of the other, greater Realm, others were tainted, and gave glimpses that were partly distorted. In whichever case, they grant glimpses and views, but I am the Door through which you can actually enter, not just catch a view.

Of course, there is another door to the spirit world, which is the enemy. But you might say he’s the back door, or rather, the cellar door that leads in the wrong direction, and the lower, undesirable parts of the spirit world. He also has his “windows,” people – magicians, wizards and witches, etc., who give people glimpses of his realm, but compared to Mine, his is only a prison. (2011:95) It’s not like you’re instantly going to be all-knowing once you’re whisked into the Spirit Realm, but what you’re learning there – all your life, in fact – is like a seed that is sown, corruptible as it is, to blossom into something greater, awesome and wonderful once you reach your celestial destination. (2011:128) “The Kingdom of God is among you” means just that: a higher Dimension to find right within yours – a different “wavelength,” realm and paradigm to assume. (2011:140) You’ve got to make up your mind about how much you really believe in that other, greater Dimension beyond the things you perceive with your physical senses and decide what priority it should take in your life, and how much it’s worth to you every day to actively be a part of it. (2012:22) You ask, “If this is a battle, where are my comrades? Why does it seem I’m alone here on this bloody battle field? Why does it seem like a one-man battle?” That’s where My advice comes in about focusing on the other crowd, the spiritual one, remembering you’re never alone, regardless of what things may seem like. (2012:26) Don’t make the outside world your priority and the factor that gets most of the attention, but stay in tune with your “inside world,” the realm and scope of your faith, your connection with Me and the Spirit World. Even though people would suppose that since the Spirit World isn’t part of their world, it must be some sort of “outside world” or world outside theirs, the truth is that it can only be reached through your “inner world,” your own spirit. Inviting Me into your heart is what establishes that connection, and while many people never learn to use it, either because they have no desire or no faith to do so, from that moment on, that’s where I and all the help available to you from the Spirit World can be found: right inside your own heart, due to My Presence there. Your breakthroughs in the outside world are determined by your breakthroughs in the inside World first: they depend on your prayers, your desperation, and the strength and intensity with which you seek Me and My aid. (2012:34) Spend more time over Here, send your mind over to the Spirit World more often, and let it rest Here and bask in the true Sunshine! (2012:35)

You’ve got to remember that your Home-frequency is not the one of this world, and you’ve got to strive to find It and stay on It once you do. It’s got to become more important to you than anything you perceive with your five physical senses. (2012:52) Truth is, you’re not alone. In fact, you’re not as lonely as a lot of these socializing junkies are who constantly need to have people around them to fill the void. You’ve got greater and better company than many of them will ever get to enjoy in this life. You’ve just got to learn to avail yourself of it fully and get over the fact that it’s a relationship enjoyed by faith, and over what you’d consider Our “handicap of invisibility.” The truth is, that it’s not Our handicap, but basically yours in the inability to see Us. But it’s good training in getting ready for what for you at present is the Invisible World, which is waiting for each one of you. (2012:66) Forget about the whole numbers thing! I’ve got something bigger and better going on Here than numbers. There’s a dimension waiting for you in which something so much greater and far beyond numbers is going on, it makes trigonometry look like UNO in comparison. (2012:98) The vast differences between My Realm and the physical: As much as there is to know and learn about the physical world, that knowledge is finite, and will come to an end; whereas all there is to know about Me and My Realm, the Spirit World, is endless… infinite. My Realm appeals to those who perceive, live and learn with more than just their carnal minds, those who have their spirits activated and know intuitively that their existence goes beyond the finite. (2012:128) People who think that the spiritual and the Spirit World are boring, have got the biggest surprise ever coming! Much of the magic and secrets of the Spirit World are discovered in life by paying attention to the details and to what is being said and written between the lines, hearing the unspoken words and what’s really being said. It’s the message that is deciphered by those who are interested enough in what’s going all around them to ask the question, “What does the Creator mean by this?” And trust Me, there’s always a meaning. The deeper meaning of everything is that there is a deeper meaning in just about everything! (2013:97)

Focus more on spiritual things and the Spirit World, which is where eventually you’re going to wind up! Turn to Me and My ways more often, and ideally, as permanently as possible, since you’re coming closer to the Spirit World as time goes by, and you should prepare for it as much as you can! The belief in the spiritual realm descends as your faith in the physical rises; and you ought to know what I’ve been emphasizing, and faith in Me should lead you to be put first place! (2014:2)

Many people put too much emphasis and importance on the physical things, largely, many times ignoring the spiritual world and final shape they’ll turn into… It’s a pity when all that has been learned that was important has been forgotten (or not learned at all), and might have to be learned and taught to them again… (2014:9) The older and closer you get to the end of the physical life, the more you should be prepared for the spiritual coming afterwards, and thus the importance of the spiritual world. (2014:37) Things not appealing to you from the world you’re living in, should show that you’re starting to appreciate the Spirit World and Eternal Life more than this… faith in what’s to come, than entirely subjected to the temporal, which is bound to end on individual levels at least… (2014:38) Breaking with the normal way things are going in this world is the only way to strengthen spiritual connections with the Spiritual Creator and thus major factor of life, along with a whole dimension full of spiritual beings and helpers that would like to help you catch a part of their reality realm… more important than what the physical and visible world offers. Remember, God is a Spirit, and so is His World and Dimension, all of which are and remain quite major, greater and grander than what all this world has to offer… So, try to get a bit more grasp and hold of Our Spirit World, and you won’t be disappointed finding out in the end that there’s something far greater than what the physical dimension has to offer… Try to get ahold of Us, Our Spirit and greater Being inside this World of the Spirit… a greater and more wonderful and better Reality! Pay attention to the truly lasting Dimension that’s out of this temporary world you’re in right now. Get ahold of the lasting Reality you’ll wind up in eventually: the Spirit World and more lasting dimension than the temporary one… (2014:41) Let the Spirit World do more things for you than the strengthening of your soul and spirit alone that listening to and absorbing words and informations will do! If you just expect words to be given you from the Spirit World, it’s not what most Spirit Helpers here are expecting to do, which is perform and create miracles for those who really have the faith to expect them, and that’s something you really should realize you ought to rather do! (2014:51) There are certain things won souls may have to do to correct their errors when they arrive Here, in the Spirit World… Don’t forget that you’re supposed to learn important lessons in life, so that you won’t have to learn them in the spirit world instead! Remember to learn to love and to listen… (2014:84) Entry into the Spirit World is not really something lots of folks are aware of in their materialistic scenario during their earthly life, during which everything aims at pleasing the materialistic scene, and the spiritual aspects are largely being avoided. Well, once you’ve experienced how quickly it could all be over, it’s slightly another scenario, and you might as well change your attitude and get a bit more into that gear you reckon you’ll be in, in the future… Try to remember the Spirit World, as I told you! Look at it as your future. Try to get fit and ready for it! (2014:89) The other dimension, the Spirit World is Something it pays to prepare for, and get ready in a positive way for the time when you’ll die physically, but live on forever, spiritually. (2014:91) Get ready for the Spirit World! Get ready for the after-life, for this temporary one isn’t going to last forever! You should prepare for the Spirit World to come. (2014:102) The spiritual guys behind the scene are the higher ones, even though they can only be perceived by faith. – It’s another value of faith: to esteem and rate the spiritual world higher than one’s own physical and temporal things. Giving the Spirit World greater significance and value than folks do when they’re fully occupied by the things the world keeps them busy with, is – trust Me – wiser and a greater blessing than just going through life “normally,” which means materially oriented, the way most people do… (2014:111) Why not call for more help from Me and spirit helpers? – More positive, heavenly voices from the Spirit World? In order to get more faith in the Spirit World and the Kingdom of Heaven, you have to fill your mind and heart with its input too! Feed your faith and let it work for you accordingly! (2014:121) Some of the things I’ve had to allow the Enemy to do to folks may have seemed very crucial and hard to them, but in the end, judging by the lessons they learned through them, they became much more profound latest in the spirit world, and it made them a lot more grateful for Heaven and all the spiritual afterlife had to offer. (2014:125) The closer you come to the transition to the Spirit World, the better to get into the Spirit, instead of leaning on the flesh, and it’s part of the transition to the other world and eternal life, not so much the one that’s timely limited. Trust Me that you’ll be better off allowing Me to do it, and not try to handle everything yourself anymore! (2014:130) Some things – quite a lot, actually – can and will be better done by Me, and all the Father’s operators Here in the Spirit World, where your existence will be a whole lot better than the temporal one where you are right now, and so it’s not a bad thing to

actually prepare for it a bit more, and not just concentrate and focus on this world right now and what can be accomplished in it, concerned about getting others hooked on the vision for the Hereafter as well. (2014:132) If God is a Spirit, as you learned, and the main world and dimension is the Spirit World, it pays to believe and put more faith in it, don’t you think? If the temporal discourages you and weakens you, just keep your faith in Me and the Hereafter… the Spirit World! (2014:134) Sometimes, when you’re in a physical gear for a certain length of time, you’re so used to it, that it’s hard to get out of it and concentrate on a more spiritual one, which is what you really should do when you get closer to the Spirit World, like when you get old enough to prepare for it, or changes are coming to the world that will draw everyone closer to the end of this physical one, or at least their existence. (2014:138) The humbler attitude will finally appear as the nobler one, and obviously so, because the standards in the Hereafter, in the spiritual dimension are simply but roughly different. (2014:139) Try to get in tune more with the Spirit World! With Me, and some of the spirit helpers and angels… good spirits, as opposed to the ones quite a few around you on Earth are obsessed and partly ruled by… who are about to take over the Earth for a time of Tribulation, as you know from My Word. (2014:140) Staying in touch with Me after a crisis you’ve been through physically and mentally, should show and teach you some things, but it also shows how real and important your faith is and has been. Since the value of this time on Earth went down for you a lot, it’s becoming more important for you to pay more attention to the Spirit World and life coming after this one… - Yielding more to the Spirit. (2014:142) I admit that it’s a complicated School of Life! – Not too simple… Some things will be revealed to you once you arrive in the Spirit World… (2014:145) When you can trust fully in Me – maybe because your circumstances have forced you to put that trust in Me more than yourself and your own capabilities – let’s say, you’re a larger bit closer to the way folks eventually wind up in Heaven, where the flesh once trusted in has gone absent, and all in all, the Spirit World’s way is working differently in and through you… Let’s say, more the eternal way than the temporal. (2014:147) If you’re ready for what’s expecting you Here, in the Spirit World, things are going to go a lot easier for you than when you feel like you need to worry about all the little details that plague you there in the present place you are. (2014:167) To prepare you for the Spirit World in general couldn’t be wrong. So, why resist it, if that’s the case? Why not just yield to it and get ready for what’s to come, which – believe Me – is going to turn out a lot better than the there and now for you? It may seem strange a bit to you, still, and so different; but that doesn’t mean it’s not going to be any better. It’s less to be scared of than all that can happen in the physical world. The more prepared you are for the Spirit World, the less addicted to weaknesses of the physical you’ll wind up. You realize what silly behaviors those physical people have adopted and taken on, and how much more appreciative, you reckon, is most of it in the Spirit World – at least in the good and positive side of it, the Kingdom of Heaven. (2014:168) Right now it may be difficult for you to relate to the other side, the one that isn’t dependent on time and physics… but once you get Here you’ll recognize how much more valuable and precious the other, spiritual dimension is, compared to the physical. (2014:205)

That’s where you’re headed, ultimately: the Spirit World – a different, and trust Me: more glorious dimension, and a much more lasting one. (2015:37) If the heavenly Spirit World becomes more important to you than the physical and temporal, that’s a good sign and shows you’re preparing a bit for what’s to come, and aren’t just focusing on the here and now, but are staying a bit more attuned to the There and Then, where you’ll wind up eventually. Recognize the enemy’s tactic to keep folks tied up into what’s going on in this world, and not pay that much attention to Me and the Spirit World, and what’s coming up ahead. (2015:43) As long as you’ve got Me and the good side of the Spirit World on your side and in touch with you, you can feel that it’s not becoming all that scary that’s coming ahead of you in the course of the world, and to lean on Me is really pretty much the best thing you can do. So, make an effort right now to learn to get and stay as close to Me and the heavenly Spirit World as you can! (2015:45) If there’s a Creator at work, then you must realize there must also be a better space and dimension and World to live, than all that your temporal and physical world can come up with right now… don’t you think? And becoming heavenly-minded is definitely a better mental and spiritual state… Looking Up ahead, instead of just rolled into the physical surroundings, which aren’t everlasting. Prepare for what’s coming! – Especially the final, greater Up Ahead! The eternal Home… not limited to temporal existence. (2015:61)

All in all, you’re seeing and beginning to realize the positive points and advantages of what you’ve had to go through. Part of it, of course, is also your recognition of the state of the world: that it’s not really so recommendable to try to make your success in it. It’s so temporal, and thus means, bound to go under, which is completely different from the eternal nature of the spiritual Realm… - My Realm, in which you’ll wind up eventually, and where you’re headed. (2015:84) Getting into the channel of the Spirit, is getting into the Father’s Channel, the Channel of God, since He’s a Spirit; and anyone believing in His superiority above all those beings made of flesh will someday see they chose to believe in the proper wisdom, and will be rewarded accordingly. – In the Spirit World, which is also far superior above the material world where the flesh presently rules… (2015:102) Can’t see Me? Well, believe in Me, anyway! And the same applies to Heaven, your future Home, the Father, Mother Holy Spirit, and all the saints and angels around… Well, of course, there’s also the dark side of the spirit world taking over your entire planet soon, but you also know the end of that event, and that We’ll take it over again, after a relatively short – although awful – time. (2015:103)

I know it’s a bit of a rough task, having to remain victorious against a large, physical majority. But keep in mind that spiritually, and thus, lastingly and eternally, the Majority is over Here, on Our side, not theirs! After all, the enemy thankfully only managed to take off with a third of the angels who became his supporters. And not all the humans arriving in the spirit world are that fond of him… While due to the choices of the majority of folks down there (and his deception of them), his power and might seems superior, remember that Up Here, in the ultimate region of the Spirit World, it’s not, and never will be. (2015:104) Most people don’t believe in the existence of God, the devil, and all that’s accompanying them in the spirit world… And that’s what makes you so different, not really fitting into their superficial, materialistic version and perception of the world. Being called out of the world, and not being part of it applies to those who perceive that the major part of what’s going on comes from the spirit world. - With the big change about it coming through the fact that the enemy and his crowd will soon burst into the physical part for the time of the Great Tribulation… leaving the Spirit World pretty much completely over to Us for that time, and having you and others of Our folks to cope with evil from the physical realm. (2015:121) Get the enemy out by getting the host of Heaven in through prayer! (2015:125) Even though it may seem to you that things you’ve been given are getting lost, anything that has the values from Above won’t perish, but last forever. (2015:129) That’s where you’re heading: the World of the Spirit; and the sooner you get more onto Its wavelength and what It has to offer, the better! (2015:144) I’m here to help you make it through with all Our angels and saints, so just use and depend on that help! (2015:150) Don’t feel too drawn toward the Spirit World when there’s still some jobs for you to do down there, including children to raise, being a decent husband, and in general, a helper to those around you, since otherwise, if it would just be a permanent longing for Here, where you’ll wind up happier, it would be a bit selfish, wouldn’t it? (2015:177) Folks who don’t believe in Us don’t believe in spirits, and the other dimension where spirits dwell – a higher one than the physical one, which is why We can see you, but you can’t see Us… And it would be so much easier to have faith in something that’s visible, right? But, wait: visible things and creatures don’t require faith to accept their existence… and pretty much everyone would know Who’s the Boss… (2015:182) That’s how faith works: not believing in the visible strengths, but accepting the physically invisible Realm as the mightier one than what the enemy can cook up down there. (2015:185) Growing or turning older draws you closer to the Spirit World, or the eternal Here & Now! No more loss of whatever you gain! No more fading away of whatever you started or have begun Here… In other words: no more missing anyone or anything you get close to Up Here! It’s definitely more positive things to prepare for and look forward to Up Here, after that temporal life down there, and it’s definitely something to focus on and make you appreciate the change that’s coming. (2015:191) Remember some of the testimonies of folks making it to Heaven either through prayers for them while they were already in the spirit world, or their decision to choose Me when they entered it! (2015:250) Some things you’ll just have to learn to do without in the Spirit World, like flesh and blood. (2016:31) Believe in that there’s something more to see beyond the plainly physically sight, and something much better and more beautiful! There’s something about Our Nature that supersedes what humans in their current state on Earth come up with. Something folks

might relate to or define as “supernatural,” and it’s not just in aspects of power and strength I’m talking about, but also much superior beauty than what in most places around you down there you can see and perceive with your physical senses… So, don’t rely on them too much, but remember that folks came up with something beyond or even above the physical senses! There are greater things and ways to see, hear, smell, taste and feel in the spiritual Realm, and if you want to catch a glimpse of that, just get more geared to the spirit! If the Father’s a Spirit… the Creator of all… doesn’t it indicate that there’s more to expect from the spiritual side than what the physical world has to offer? – So, even though to you that Realm right now isn’t visible, don’t let It strike you as something minor compared to the physical world, even if that’s all you can see with your eyes right now! – There are greater things to see beyond the physically visible! Just because you can’t perceive much of the spiritual world with your still physical senses and perception right now, does that mean it makes the Spirit less valuable? (2016:34) Get used to the way things work in the Spirit World, where you’re heading! Don’t consider it a loss or disadvantage to get closer to the point where you’ll have to wave that temporal scene good-bye! (2016:61) Focus on the larger and everlasting Reality of the Spirit! – Out of that temporal realm and toward Eternity! – The Realm where the opposing factors of good vs. evil, positive and negative, love and hate, etc. that rule your physical dimension manage to exist without the bad and negative… just the Good and positive! (2016:112)

Strength & Power vs. Weakness You shall go forth in My Power. (I:1) In all you do, wait for Me and My counsel and Strength and Power to rise above! (I:3) There’s nothing more important you can do than absorb and drink in My cleansing, purifying, strengthening Words. (I:5) Go forth in the Power of My might! (I:10) Pray down strength from Me, and that’s how I will be able to shine through you! With that little switch of faith you can turn on My Power. Cling tightly to Me, so you will gain the strength you need. Prayers can do mighty things, which, in turn will strengthen your faith and result in more miracles. (I:17) Your weakness is your strength, for My Strength is made perfect in weakness (2.Cor.12:9). Your weakness is what makes you turn to Me instead of running out the door and jumping right into the day without Me. (I:22) Make every move and speak every word in My authority, in the Power of My Spirit! (I:23)

As you learn to operate in Me, in My strength and wisdom, in the power of My Spirit, you cannot fail.


Only those who abandon their own selfish desires have the ultimate privilege to use My power to the utmost, without limitations. (I:45)

Through prayer you have the power which created the universe at your disposal, at your service to do anything for you, so don’t let laziness keep you from making use of it! (I:48) I am your Strength! (I:56) With every battle you gain strength and grow stronger in faith, in the wielding of your weapons, in your desperation and closeness with Me, in ignoring the circumstances. (I:72) Your principal task is to learn to operate by Me, not merely to co-operate with Me, but to function by Me, to make things happen through Me, just use My Power and get things done by using Me! Let Me be your Genie in a bottle! Just rub the lamp, open your vessel and let Me fill you with My oil, My strength, My energy, the Power that will enable you to do it! You wanna do it? Let Me do it through you! (I:75) By strengthening and increasing your carnal sense of accomplishment, your trust, confidence and reliance on the Spirit is weakened. (I:88) My power will enable you to go much further and accomplish much more than you could in your own strength. (I:90) Wise are those who are weak in their own sight and run to Me for strength and protection. Foolish are they who think they’re strong enough to save themselves. (I:96) Only I can strengthen you sufficiently, so, cling to Me and cease from being so easily distracted. (I:98) If you invest what little strength you have to connect with Me, you’re tapping into a Power Source that’s unbeatable, invincible. (I:114)

If you continue in My Words you will receive the strength to do My works. But if you constantly run off, doing your own thing, how can you claim you belong to Me? You must spend the expedient amount of time with Me each day to fully enter into My consciousness – the Realm of My Spirit – My heavenly thought power and My full possession. Otherwise all your works are like nothing. As ‘one that beateth the air’. Stop beating the air right now and start making moves that count, performing works that will last, by doing them in My power and by My Spirit, following My guidance and instructions. Let Me empower you! (I:124) The power I have given you is always greater than that of the enemy! (I:127) I bring about greater strength, greater glory and usefulness out of rebuilt things that had been cast on the junk pile by others. (I:131)

There is much to do, but how are you going to do it if you don’t learn to make use of My Power in order to do it? (I:137)

Look for My Strength, and My opportunity for strength in weakness! Seemingly impossible situations are ideal breeding ground for Me to operate. (I:142) I will be your Strength and all you ever needed. (I:146) You better spend extra time with Me on days when you’re exceptionally busy and need extra strength and energy, and not crowd Me out of your life and exclude Me! (I:168) In My arms you will find the secret Strength you need to make it. (I:195) That which is considered strength in the world is actually a flaw, a handicap if you want to do the works of the Spirit. If I don’t anoint your works to be accepted by the world, then it is My will for you to utterly dedicate all you’ve got to the Spirit, and there you will find strength that they who trust in the flesh know not of. The flesh is weakness, the Spirit is strength. Cling to My hand as to your only strength, your only hope of survival, and reject the temptations of the many distractions the Devil throws your way each day! (I:202) In quietness and confidence will be your strength (Is.30:15), and the majority of My great accomplishers throughout history were quiet people who just ‘did what they could’, according to their faith... Many not willing to pay the price, who held on to some selfishness in their hearts, compromised and never found the strength that it takes to do My work; the supernatural power of divine and unselfish love. (I:228) “Men of force are men of faults”... and often, those men of force are surprised who really winds up making the grade. Often those weaklings, those, they never would have had the faith for, who they couldn’t possibly figure how in the world they were ever going to make it. But time is the great tester, and often a great strengthener of the weak, of the slow, and of those who keep the best of their energies for later, in fact, until the point at which they’re 100% sure that it’s My power and My energy working in and through them, not any of their own. It’s not the strong and mighty who will conquer the Earth in the end, but “the meek shall inherit the Earth (Ps.37:11).” (I:257)

Be weak in yourself and strong in Me! Let Me empower you, overwhelm you and take you over! Your greatest strength is in your faith in Me! (I:297) Remember that your weakness is your strength! (I:313)

Those who do good works without My Spirit to strengthen and uphold them, sooner or later run out of strength, and they just peter out. (I:314) There’s much to do and little time to get it done and you need My Power to do them, and to get it, you must spend time with Me. (I:390)

My strength is made perfect in weakness. I can simply use you best when you're feeling weak. So, just float on My grace and in My strength, which is perfected in weakness, and rise above! Your weakness is the ideal breeding ground and environment for My strength to flourish best. The magic elixir of My Power comes out best in weak vessels, such as yours. My ability lies in your incapability. So, rejoice in your infirmities, because when you're weak in yourself and in the flesh, then you are strong in Me. (I:423) I want you to draw on My Power, to really suck and gain strength from Me. My energy and never-ending Power is there for you. You've got the vacuum, and I've got the wherewith to fill it. Just use the Power! It is there! Come, and draw strength from Me, as from a well that never runs dry! (I:436) Blessed are the weak, for they give Me a chance to show My Strength, and I will be their Reward. Cursed is the man who trusteth in the flesh and maketh flesh his arm (Jer.17:5). I hail you weak ones, you, who without Me cannot do nothing and are fully aware of this. I encourage you now, stay on this path, for it is Mine. (I:439) Blessed are the weak. It's the day and age of the weak. The weak and the meek, not the strong and mighty, will inherit the Earth. There is greater strength in the spirit than in the flesh. (I:445) I promise you My Strength whenever you need it. You won't need any strength of your own, because you will have Mine. Put on My Strength, made perfect in weakness! (I:452) Don't let your mind rush you into any feverish activities without making sure you're doing it in My Strength and Power, taking the necessary time to ensure you're getting that Power from Me beforehand. (I:470) You’ve got to tap into My Power and endless resources in order to come up with the demanded supplies of love and care. (I:490)

I love to surprise everyone! If only the strong would make it, it would get boring, wouldn't it? But I have chosen the weak things of this world to confound the mighty; the foolish, to confound the wise, and that which is not, to bring to naught that which is... (I:500) The only way to make progress at all is to get ahold of Me and My Power. Put your full trust in Me, blindly, that I am leading you in a good path, and I will give you the strength you will need at the time you'll need it! I am your Strength! Is there anything too hard for Me? So, if anything seems to be too hard for you, the problem can only lie in you not availing yourself of My Strength as much as you should... (I:508) If you lack energy, come and get it straight from the Source of all power and energy! I have promised: "I will strengthen thee.” How useless everything will be unless you reach out for Me and do it in My Strength! Time to start learning to rely on Me for strength and as the only true Source of energy, and to give you a boost to help you to make it. (I:515) My Power is always on and available, like electricity or a broadcasting station. Now, if you let the enemy persuade you that it's no use to even flip the switch, turn the knob and get ahold of My Power, that it's better to remain in the valley and darkness of his dumps, then that's really your own fault. You have incredible treasures in earthen vessels, that the excellency of the Power may be manifest as clearly being Mine and not your own. I have chosen weak, earthen vessels as vehicles and sacred carriers and holders of My messages, My Wisdom, My Spirit. (I:516) If you would know and see the power I have given you, you would use it. Tap into the Power! Be enriched and strengthened to go forth to conquer and to conquer! (I:533) Grow stronger in My Strength, not your own! Do you still think that any of the strength you need to combat the enemy will have to be your own or something you can come up with or have to work up yourself? I'm teaching you the strength of patiently waiting for Me and absorbing and assimilating My Power. You are not greater than he that is in the world, but I am. And if I am in you, then he doesn't stand a chance. At that point where you recognize the uselessness of the flesh, the futility of the flesh, that "the flesh profited nothing," that's where you finally get desperate enough to make sure you're getting ahold of My Strength, and that that's the only chance you ever had and will ever have, Me in you, your only hope. (I:545) When you feel weak, then you're actually stronger in My sight. (I:546) I simply have chosen the weak to confound the mighty, and it's better to be weak and a yielded instrument in My hand than a strong but unyielding reed that only bends according to its own will. (I:593) I want the strength you avail yourself of to be found in weakness! I don't want you to rely on the arm of the flesh, big equipment, or whatever gives you strength that is not Mine. (II:14) I have chosen the weak, those who cannot do it in their own strength, to confound the mighty, and that which the world considers foolish. (II:20) Your very weakness will be your strength. What's going to help you make it through is not any of your personal strength, much less a pretense of any strength that's not really there, but your only hope is your trust in Me; getting ahold of Me daily, and never to neglect that link. (II:21) Make sure that you get your strength for the battle from Me every day! (II:68) I want to prove, show and manifest My life-changing Power to you first, so that you're going to be all the more "sold" on My "product," and that your faith will be fresh, fiery and alive, and testifying of your very own experience when you tell others about how I could change their lives or how they could apply My Power to their lives in order to make them better. Learning to really apply My Power to your life is a process that requires time and focus. (II:81) Me working in you, not your flesh, is proving that My Strength is made perfect in weakness, and when you're weak in your own resources, then you're strong in Me! (II:157) I can use anybody in spite of their weaknesses. (II:158) You don't have to make it in your own strength! If you just trust in Me and wait on Me, I will carry you there! (II:166) Learn how to work and operate in the Power of My Spirit, as compared to power tools! It's time to put that manual crank aside and learn to plug into the power and use it and see how much more you'll get accomplished that way! Just stay plugged in to the Power, and when you feel it running out, don't continue in your own strength, but stop to get recharged again!

As soon as you realize you need more of My Power and Strength, stop everything and get ahold of My Spirit! Then keep going in My Power! Why would you want to do anything without Me, My Love and My Power? (II:209) Please, avail yourself of My Power! (II:210) Rejoice in your weakness and let Me be your Strength! Let My Power work for you, which is much more effective than any natural power you could come up with of your own! (II:220) Be the strongest you can be by using My Strength! (II:251) I want you to learn that you've got to have the right Source of Strength empowering you, and that you do it in My Strength, not your own, because this job is too big, too monumental for anyone to try to do in their own strength. So, if that's what I want you to learn, it means, quit doing things without Me! Quit doing them in your own strength and any other way but through Me and My Power! If you want to build lasting works, you're going to have to use My Power to do it, not your own. (II:261) Make Me work for you so that I may work in you and through you! Learn to let Me work through you by making My Power work for you! (II:266) Love loves the unlovely. It sees issues such as "weak" and "strong" differently. (II:267) In the world, it's a virtue to be strong. Those who consider carnal strength a virtue don't realize that everything comes from the hidden Strength of the seemingly "weak" Spirit World. The devil gives strength to the rulers and champions of the darkness of this world. I am the Strength of the weak. (II:268) The greatest Power I have ever given to man is at your disposal. I have given you the Power to overcome any obstacle, any weakness, any problem you might encounter! (II:294) To be a bulwark of spiritual Strength, you'll have to tank up My peace. To get a hold of My peace and Strength, you've got to fight for it! (II:296) The slow beginnings of developing a truly deep and intimate relationship with Me is going to result in the greater ends of greater works, greater thrills and greater adventures than ever, as you learn to no longer move and do things in your own energy, but to flow with Mine, to let the greatest Power in the universe move and think and act in you. (II:306) Desperation is what will call down My Power to really help you. (II:317) When nothing on Earth will go or flow anymore, no more gas, no more oil, no more water, no more electricity, then My Power will still be running through you! And one fine day, that's all that will be needed: My Power! In a way, all is My Power - or a physical manifestation of it, anyway: every breath you take is already a manifestation of power to begin with! Only then it will be obvious and clear to everyone where it all came from in the first place! (II:322) You cannot do the Master's work without the Master's Power! I don't expect you to do anything without it! I want you to become sure that it's My Power that's compelling you, My Power that's driving you forward, My Power, My Spirit that's causing you to speak, to act, to do anything, so that everyone will know it, but especially you. You can be sure of My Power, and I want you to be. You've got to get ahold of My Power before you do My work. (II:328) Learn to avail yourself of that Power of Mine! If things are not going and flowing the way they ought to, it's because you haven't learned to avail yourself enough of My Power yet! (II:387) The reason I've been keeping you weak physically is for you to get accustomed to leaning on Me and operating in My Spirit. I've made you incapable of doing anything on your own so that you would learn to do things by My Power. (II:409) You've got to listen for the Power! When you hear something, check it out for My Power, and if it's got My Power then you can keep it and use it. (II:410) Sometimes all you need to do is avail yourself of the Power that's at your disposal, instead of leaning on your carnal abilities. (II:455)

If Love is My Strength and Power, then the inability to love is what spells weakness to Me. (II:478) Only those who learn that there's a greater Strength to lean on than their own, stand a chance to make it through the dark future ahead. (II:484)

By availing yourself of My Power, you'll up your productivity and pace in general. (II:529) Direct what strength you have toward Me, using it to activate My much greater Power, and avail yourself of that to make things happen for you! (II:553) You don't have to serve your circumstances and be subject to them, but apply your faith in My Power to make the most out of them! I can alter not only your way of seeing the circumstances, but also your capability of handling them and dealing with them, which will make any mountain look smaller and more inviting and less gloomy than before you asked Me to change things with My Power. (II:563) Those who perform miracles are those who are convinced beyond a shadow of a doubt, that I am in control, that I have Power over all the elements, and that I rule and reign supreme. I need My believers to activate that Power and to direct it wherever it's most needed. (II:576) When you don't dare to make a move without Me, you learn to do things in My Strength and Power instead your own. (II:603) Learn to avail yourself of My Power to change things! Avail yourself more of that Power and put it to work for you more, especially in the little day to day things of life! (II:608) Don't stop the flow of My Power in your life! I give you My Power to overcome all things, even death! Grant Me the permission to exercise My Power in you to the full! (II:625) While it’s true that My Strength is sufficient for thee, that Strength is only found in places of emptiness where you don’t feel like you can keep going in your own strength at all anymore. That is where My Strength is found that is sufficient for thee. I can’t give it to you any other way. There is no shortcut to it, no easier way to get it. First your own strength must be completely expired, before you’re finally desperate and empty enough, ready to receive My Strength, which is sufficient for thee. Learn to grow in My Strength and to avail yourself of My Strength to a greater measure! “My Strength is made perfect in weakness.” (II:637) I'm trying to teach you to operate in My Power, to take on My Strength, My anointing, My mantle, in all you do, which also includes My mind, My view and way of seeing things, My heavenly thought power... to avail yourself more of My Power through prayer by praying without ceasing, to walk and live and be in Me as I want to be in You. I want to teach you to love Me, so that you can avail yourself of My Love Power in order to love others and thus fulfill the great law of love and all things attached to it. (III:17) If I'm your Strength, you won't be too weak! (III:82) The price of true godliness is that of really not amounting to much of anything in this world, but to the contrary: persecution, ridicule, rejection, opposition and adversity. So that you truly might draw your strength from Me and My Spirit and the company of the persecuted, the true men and women of God of all ages. You're learning to rely more on My Power and less on your own, you're truly learning what it means, "He must increase, but I must decrease." (III:130) Act in the Power and in the Name of the Author, the Founder, the Ruler over all, in His undisputable Authority over everything else, any circumstances and forces that would dare to stand in the way of My will, and that would dare to defy you! (III:141) You've got the power to control or at least influence the circumstances, and I want you to avail yourself of that power more. Once you call on Me and seek My face can you be sure that the option chosen will be My option and preference, and only thus can you advance and move full steam ahead in My direction and in My Power. (III:151) Allow Me to show a few weaknesses and allow Me to help overcome them and work on them! One simply cannot start overcoming a certain weakness until they become aware of it. A coach shows the team its weaknesses. So few are willing to listen, when it comes to personal weaknesses. (III:175) "The victory that overcometh the world, even your faith" is that "little strength" that you have and put to use by drawing Power from Heaven that is much greater than your own! It's putting that "little strength" to use, that you've got, and making it work, and pulling down with it the tremendous Power of God. It's finally getting your eyes off yourself, and your petty little problems and situations, and focusing where it counts: You may indeed be very small and seemingly insignificant, but you've got one mighty God, and He can make all the difference in the universe for you, if you just apply your little strength of faith to switch on His mighty Power and make it work in your life. (III:230) Let people know about the greatest Source of Energy in existence that they can tap into for the asking! - The Source of all life and all Power, even much greater than the sun, greater than atomic power, greater than electricity or gravity or any power they know.

The Great Power behind them all: the Factor that unites all the forces of nature or physics, the great spiritual Force Which created them all in the first place - the God Factor that's not to be despised. (III:239) The right kind of incentives are going to enable you to do the kind of works that require My Strength to do it through you, so that you can give Me the glory for them. (III:240) Circumstances can be completely defied by an inner power and conviction, a spiritual force; My Power... It's My Power you'll want to give and convey to people. Just focus on the Power, not only as that which you constantly want to receive from Me, but also as that which you want to give and pass on to others! I want you to equip those who cross your path with the means and weapons to fight life's battles more effectively. I want you to help equip them with My gifts, with My Power, My Light to guide them through life's trials and battles successfully. (III:250) The sooner you learn to get all your strength from Me and to put all your trust in Me, the higher are your chances of making it. Your position in relation to those around you ought to be of one who gives and presents support and strength to them, and it has to be obvious that I am the source of your strength. They ought to make sure that I'll be their strength and Source of all they rely on, too. (III:341) If you feel incapable, trust that I will give you the necessary strength. If occasionally it does get a little too hard or harder than you think it ought to be, try to remember that it’s got to be My Strength you’re doing it in, and that involves and includes giving Me the glory for it. (2011:39) Avail yourself of My healing and strengthening Powers through meditation and “temple time.” When you get run down and reach the end of your powers, it’s to remind you that you cannot keep running on endlessly without getting refilled and tanked up with My Strength. You’ve got to make sure you not only avail yourself of My direction, guidance and input, but also of My Strength and Power. (2011:52) You know you’re going to need more strength. So, here’s a good chance for you: to practice praying down that strength you’re not going to get from anywhere else. The Giver of strength wants folks to avail themselves of His gift and service. How about you? Are you going to be smart enough to do it and learn and acquire that skill to gain strength where there is no strength? Come to Me for strength when you have no strength! (2011:63) Hasn’t this been part of the tests of faith from the beginning, that even though the Enemy’s forces seemed to be stronger and overwhelming, yet the power of God would win in the end? It just means you’ll have to put your faith in that power, and not in the things you can see, nor your own ability to cope with things, your skills and talents… Your skills and talents are great, but what you need in order to survive the insanity ahead is the power of God! The point where you come to the end of your wit and your own strength and skill isn’t enough to see you through anymore, is what will finally get you to avail yourself of My strength instead of your own, and to put your trust in Me instead of yourself, because it’s the kind of experience you need to make you realize that contrary to your carnal assumptions, your own strength isn’t enough, after all! (2011:69) It’s only the acknowledgement of My Power in your life and your consequent availing yourself of that Power, as opposed to relying on your own, that really makes the difference and makes you soar above that which people usually would consider “accomplishments.” It’s in acknowledging your own weakness and coming to grips with it first that you will find true strength. – The realization of your own natural limitations that will cause you to reach beyond them and really make you excel and shine. (2011:72) Conversation with Me ensures My Power staying active in your life and that My blessings will continue to be poured forth on you. Whereas, if you don’t stay in touch with Me, you’re neglecting that Power, comparable to someone who insists on doing things in their own strength instead of availing themselves of the power of electricity or something similar. You know how tedious life can be when you try to fight those battles in your own strength, and slowly you’re starting to become smart enough not to leave Me out of the picture. You know what a pain life can be without Me, without My Power and blessings, and so you want to make sure that Power stays on, just as you make sure that your computer’s battery stays recharged. (2011:76) I never made a secret of the fact that you’re not going to make it on your own through this trip of life in these turbulent times, without My power and strength to aid you. (2011:101) True strength comes from weathering the storms and difficulties you are bound to encounter especially during the later years in life, when you will also learn to not face them in your own, diminishing physical strength, but will rely more on Mine to support and sustain you. I measure strength – true strength – in a different way than carnal minded people do, just as My idea of success differs from theirs. (2011:103) Get into tapping into My strength instead of routinely relying on your own! If you’re running out of strength – or anything, for that matter – come to Me for more! (2011:111)

You will come to see that My Power and Love are so overwhelming that the puny little trials and pains you’re having will be little more than a big laugh in comparison. (2011:116) I have a different stance on weakness. My strength is made perfect in weaknesses, even if that may take time. Making anything perfect always takes time, especially when it comes to My strength in you. So, next time you feel tempted to lose hope or fail to see the rhyme and reason in all you’re going through, remember the goal in all of this: the perfecting of My strength in you, which is the ultimate height to which anyone can ascend in this life. You’ll be thrilled with the final outcome of the perfection of My strength in you having been made perfect in your weakness. (2011:145)

Keep trusting in My Promise that My strength is made perfect in your weakness. Does it still surprise you that I would bring about true strength in you by way of weakness? I know you wish to be strong, and you say, “No, not the things that make me weaker, but the things that make me stronger, Lord!” But what do you know about real strength, and the best and true way to bring it about? (2011:149) The bleaker the outlook for you becomes in this world, the stronger My hand, My power and My guidance will be manifested in your life. (2012:2) It’s not the easy times that make you strong. (2012:11) “Exercises” are all about making you stronger. I see how strong you are, and what potential you have to increase your strength, and without the tests there’d be no way of telling how much stronger you can yet be, or to make you stronger. If I see you as a warrior, then it stands to reason that it’s in everyone’s best interest to achieve increasing your strength… making you stronger in spirit and faith. So, why would you begrudge Me allowing you to fall into the battles which are the factors that will accomplish that? (2012:33) You shouldn’t blame Me for what’s happening down there, but you should only blame yourself for not availing yourself of My power more to change it! (2012:51) That’s why it’s so important for you to stay in tune with Me: You’ve got the Power! Don’t you see how silly it would be not to use it? You’ve got the power to change things! Don’t you think it would be a crying shame to neglect that opportunity? The talents I don’t want you to bury is not just the words, but also the power in them. You’ve got the power and possibility to make more out of what not only you’ve got, but also many others. Now it’s just up to you to use it and do something with it and make more out of it. (2012:52)

You see the lack of your own energy and strength, and of your own capabilities, but I know the potential of what you can do when you avail yourself not only of your own, but of My strength. How else can I get you to avail yourself of it, unless I exert you beyond your natural capacities? So, instead of freaking out at the sight of a new or seemingly overwhelming challenge, just try to remember why and for what purpose I’m allowing it, and recruit Me and My strength to come to your aid! (2012:54) It pays to learn to hang on to your energies and invest them wisely, and, should you run out, how to regain new strength Here. Never underestimate the secret strength hidden in your very weakness, because that’s where My strength will come in to make the real difference. I’m the Defender of the weak, and whenever the old bully beats you up and takes it out on you, there’s nothing that gets Me active on your behalf quicker and more fervently. (2012:56) My people are the seemingly weak people in this world, but you know that is precisely because this is where My strength comes to the fore. I delight in your weakness, and I amuse Myself in their ridicule and disdain of you, for I see that they’re really the joke. (2012:67)

You’ve got Me on your side to help you make things happen or even make them happen for you, so, why not develop some initiative yourself and use that power? You feel incapable, and like you can’t do it, but I’m telling you, with Me on your side and My Power to aid you, you can; and there’s nothing you can’t do. Put My Power to the test! There’s no limit to the energies I can yet pour into you and pour out through you. So there are numerous obstacles, and some may have been quite terrible, and perhaps devastating, like seeming defeats. – But, wait a minute! Isn’t that out of which I’m supposed to be getting some of My greatest victories? And how’s that? Could it be because that’s when My Power comes to the fore and gets to really shine and do its part in your life? (2012:83) The strengthening of your faith – including the shifting of your faith from your own power and strength to Mine – is more important than the problem and its temporary solution; it’s a priority, as far as I’m concerned, just as eternal and lasting values and currencies have always been over temporal ones. (2012:86)

The true beauty in life lies in discovering the fact that there’s a much greater Power at work here, in all things, than all the feverish efforts of man combined, and that you can trust that Power fully. (2012:88) I won’t judge powerlessness. But I might reward lack of willingness accordingly, if sufficient strength would have been there. So, don’t look what others do or don’t do, but see what needs to be done, and if it’s within your power to do it, do it regardless of what anyone else does. (2012:91) There are greater powers to avail yourself of than mere carnal power. To achieve something greater requires using powers greater than your own and than mere physical strength. Use Spirit Power to rise above the limitations of the flesh and what it can accomplish! Leaning on your own strength and wit is okay for a time – just like growing up – but eventually it becomes comparable to child’s play. You can do better than that, and greater stuff. (2012:100) Sometimes you wonder how on earth you’re going to make it; and you’re right: in your own, physical strength alone you probably won’t, and that’s why you need to be able to rely on Me and on My strength, which requires humility, not some strong sense of independence. You’re still measuring your strength, your success, your value, by numbers, and if I didn’t condone that in the case of King David and didn’t approve of his counting his soldiers, in order to make him feel more secure and confident (instead of allowing Me to be in charge of that), then you can probably see why I wouldn’t recommend basing feelings of self-worth on any numbers. (2012:102)

Remember that My criteria are often diametrically opposed to the world’s, and that true strength – according to My book – is found in weakness. (2012:112) Trusting in and relying on the works of your own flesh, rather than letting My grace do most of the work through you, for you and in you? Eventually you’re going to have to choose where you stand… with the Cains or Abels of this world. As for Me, you know where I stand, and My strength is made perfect in weakness, having chosen the weak of this world to confound the mighty (2Cor.12:9, 1Cor.1:17) . You’re going to depend and rely much more on My strength. Falling back onto My strength is something that in the end requires a lot less of your own, so it’s not nearly as exhausting, and thus, much easier in many aspects, than relying on your own strength and feats. It’s My yoke that’s easy; My burden that’s light. (2012:117)

My Power works, just the way electricity works. There is a Power and a God at work that gets you to places where others could only struggle to get. Now, sadly, some of that Power and guidance was mixed with input stemming from human input that led slightly astray at times, but that Power’s still at work in and for the faithful few who haven’t given up yet. (2012:123) What do you need My Power and Strength more desperately for? The new challenges you’re facing, doing things you’ve never done before, or continuing the same? (2012:127) As you refuse to surrender and believe the Enemy’s lies, a strength is being built that makes exactly the difference between those who make it and those who don’t. “Thou hast a little strength, and hast kept My Word.” (2012:129) Maybe your own strength is not sufficient for you, but Mine is. If more strength is expected from you than you’ve got to offer up, then it’s a good opportunity to practice making use of Mine. Another tilt to the Promise, “As thy days, so shall be thy strength” (Deut.33:25): It means that the older you get, the more you begin to realize that your own strength isn’t going to be sufficient to cope with the challenges ahead of you, and only Mine is. You learn to depend on My strength more, and thus your strength actually increases with the number of your days, since My strength is always greater than your own, even if you may not realize that as clearly in your youth. That’s why I can use folks so tremendously who are the epitome of a picture of powerlessness and helplessness: You just know that what empowers them is My strength… So, “powerless” can be a great premise for learning to avail yourself of the greatest force and power in the universe… (2012:130) Make greater efforts than ever before to get ahold of Me and My strength! Perhaps you’re still struggling too hard in your own strength instead of availing yourself of My Power and letting Me do it through you. (2012:135) What seems like an impossible situation and dead end to you, could be the ideal setting for Me: a situation in which you’re absolutely forced to rely on My strength and Power to get anything done at all. Often, as you keep pushing with the last strength you’ve got left, you find yourself endowed with an extra portion of grace and strength from on high… (2012:138) You may view the process of aging as a definite negative in your life, but I see it as a definite positive, because it’s a factor that makes you turn to Me and depend on Me for strength to go on like hardly any other.

What you need to realize is that fleshly, carnal and physical energy of youth is temporal, and therefore not really much more than an illusion in the scope of eternity, whereas My Power is what really can keep you going strong forever. In other words, My strength is real strength; much more real than what you used to rely on in your fitter years. Being strong in yourself feeds you the illusion that you can make it without Me. Feeling weak and worn out reminds you of the reality of the limits and finite nature of your strength, and thus leads you to the only one true Source of infinite energy there is… You truly have a reason to rejoice because you know how to tap into the never-ending Source of energy and strength, and eternal youth. (2012:150) I’m willing to give you a hand and My support by giving you the strength you need. (2012:151) In your own strength it may seem impossible, and like you don’t stand a chance, but with Me, nothing is impossible, and if you avail yourself of My strength and help you can make it, no matter how high the odds are against you. (2012:161) When you’re already knocked or tied down and heavily affected by one of your own weaknesses, you’re easier prey to outside enemies, because they can sense when you’re weakened and more vulnerable. People won’t usually attack someone who seems to be at the top of the world, and even if they would, those attacks – unless violent – would probably just be repelled like water off a duck’s back. That’s basically the reason why I keep urging you to get in tune with Me first thing every day, so you can be strong enough in the spirit to withstand any attacks from the Enemy and his countless cohorts and often ignorant agents he uses. Lessons you learn from the fights and daily battles: The weakened state you wind up in when you’ve been knocked for a loop, draws you closer to Me because you realize you need Me, and thus you turn to Me and find strength in Me, finding resulting strength from experiencing weakness. Hence, “When I am weak, then I am strong.” In other words, you become strong through the experience of weakness. Your goal is the strength you find in Me. (2012:166) Find out what you’re encountering everyday and discover your purpose in this, and then find the means through availing yourself of My powers to accomplish that purpose. (2012:172) If it’s “survival of the fittest” they want and believe in, that’s what they’ll get. But you’ve got to realize and keep remembering that you’re not part of it. You’re not part of the “fittest,” but part of the meek who shall inherit the earth against all odds and in defiance of all the power of the “fittest.” So, don’t feel too bad about your weakness and lack of strength, but remember that in your weakness I am strong, and that God has chosen the weak things to defy and confound the mighty. In your weakness you become stronger than they. For what is their power but temporal? But what I’m building in you is strength eternal. (2012:174) My strength is made perfect in weakness. That very statement indicates that My process of strengthening My children is a very special and unusual one; one that you can’t all figure out in one go, and it’s not one that makes obvious sense to the rational mind… (2012:184) People just don’t realize how desperately they need Me, and I know you’re tempted to listen to the voices trying to tell you that it’s a sign of weakness, but really, it’s your only true strength. (13:2) Choose to be strong, not weak, for in Me you can do that, because with Me, your strength is unlimited, or rather, you have unlimited strength at your disposal. (13:7) Learning to make My Power work for you is in the truest sense what the life of faith is all about. I can and will make My Power work for you, as I always have, but your getting to this point of seeing the need and turning to Me for My help to fill that need is an integral step and part of the process. It’s the part you must and can do. You may not have sufficient energy or initiative or skill for anything else, but that’s always got to be the first step, and I can then give you whatever it is you lack. (13:9)

If you turn to Me for hope and strength, you won’t be disappointed. If you want true hope that will give you the strength you need to make it along any stretch of your road, look to Me, count on Me and trust in Me. Folks don’t need someone who is swayed to and fro by the circumstances on the sea of life. What everyone longs for is someone stronger than that, and as one of Mine, with strength that will only come from Me. Trust in Me, and give the world an example of someone who for once made the right choice and trusted in the right Source of strength! (13:15) Those who listen to Me will always have a power and strength that others will not know of, the source of all life and energy. If everything was created by My Words, it stands to reason that it pays to tap into that Resource, doesn’t it? Blessed are those who benefit from My light, instead of pretending to be stars on their own, too infatuated with their own little source of energy, never realizing how finite it is, and hardly ever noticing when their own little light of life has grown dim or even gone out for good. Blessed are they who tap into the real Source of power and life! (13:16) It’s good you’re becoming aware of what you’re up against and recognize the need for greater strength in order to make it.

The fact that co-fighters don’t seem to be all that much of a support doesn’t really help either, except remind you that it’s futile to look anywhere else but Me for that strength you need. (13:25) Remember what I’ve told you repeatedly about My strength being made perfect in weakness. As far as I’m concerned, weakness is not a handicap, but rather makes you an even more qualified candidate for My plans and purpose, than any amount of physical strength and skills. Trust in Me, now that’s a strength I can use and can only encourage you to take any step in the direction that would cause you to exercise that strength more, even if it means weakening your trust and confidence in other factors – My competitors, so to speak creating a feeling or impression of weakness at first, maybe, but guaranteed to result in greater strength in the end; and, talking about the End, the only strength that will ever get you anywhere, and the only one left you’ll be able to count on once that time arrives, which, sooner or later, does in every life. (13:27) If you lack energy to cope with the hardships of the day, pray and ask Me for more strength! (2013:28) Never underestimate the power of inspiration coming straight from the Spirit of God! It’s a Source and fountain of life and strength you can tap into regardless of circumstances; and the fact that your own energy resources are so low should give you all the more incentive to try and do so. (13:30) How foolish to neglect the greatest opportunity ever given to man, to tap into the very Power of God, when it’s so close! My mind, My strength and power, My Spirit, are more easily available to you than just about anything else! Why go through life, or another day, without the blessings, the gifts and strength so easily available to you? (13:31) Nothing means more to Me than your trust in Me, not trying to get great works rigged up for Me in your own strength, but waiting confidently for Me to do it through you when the time is ripe. (13:32) It takes a bit of strength of character not to keep falling back into the grind and routine of taking the easy way out, the path of the least resistance, and just yielding to the flow of the distracting chaos preventing you from bringing some kind of order into your life. (2013:41) I know you don’t have much strength and energy within yourself, which gives you all the less excuse not to come to Me for the strength you need. (2013:42) You’ll need more of My strength to make it through. A greater challenge means greater need for My strength, and if you don’t feel like you have the strength that you need, then it’s simply a sign that you’re not making enough effort to avail yourself of it as you should. (2013:47) I’ve got the ability to lend supernatural strength to whomever I will, like Samson. You just need to drink in that magic potion of My living Words to you. (2013:97) Avail yourself of the power to overcome your circumstances instead of allowing yourself to be overcome by them! So, don’t knock those less than perfect experiences, because they just might be what you need in order for you to finally learn to avail yourself of the power and mechanism that can turn your whole life into a much more pleasant and a little bit closer to perfect experience per se. (2013:107) To grow stronger, not weaker, simply doesn’t happen without any effort, without exercising and strengthening those muscles… (2013:108)

What are you going to do with that situation that you’re finding in front of you, or that has found you? It’s within your power to turn it into good. You just have to avail yourself of My Power to do so. (2013:110) Give Me the chance to show that I can deal with and handle anything. Be an instrument to show forth God’s strength that testifies that there’s no amount of evil the Almighty isn’t capable of dealing with. Maybe you’re not capable of dealing with it in your own strength, but that’s why you’re not supposed to rely on your own strength but Mine. You may not be able to do it, but I’m able to do it through you, if you let Me. And that’s what you’re supposed to do: Let Me! Let Me do it and prove and show to you and the world through you what I can do! That’s what being an instrument of Me and My peace amounts to. You can do it because I can do it. All you’ve got to do is give Me a chance to prove it. (2013:114) If you feel like you don’t have enough strength for this world anymore, realize that there is something bigger and greater to put your faith in and receive strength from – it’s the truth that I have established, and My strength I am available to give to anyone who asks for it. Some of the things you go through may seem more weakening, but that’s another reason to put more of your faith and effort into receiving My strength – the eternal one, rather than the temporal ones. (14:15) If you can be full of Me and My Spirit, instead of yourself, it’s definitely a positive change, and bound to create and bring more positive powers and forces in your life you’ll definitely be more grateful for.

Anything to cause you to let the doors of your life open to allow My force and Presence to enter more into your life will turn out to let better things to happen to you than what you can rig up in your own strength… (14:16) When you’re weak in and by yourself, you could be stronger in Me. (14:18) A goal for Me is to make your faith in Me bigger by having let go your own forces down a bit, weakening your confidence in your own power and might, and strengthening your faith and trust in Mine. (14:21) Be happy that you have more time to pray for certain things right now than previously… Maybe precisely what you should do in order to receive My power and strength and force to do what you really need to and should! I give you the strength and power that you need if you ask Me for it! I’ll help you to do what you can by enabling you, even if you need some miraculous strength and power… (14:24) Maybe the fact that you can’t really and fully trust in your own strength reminds you of relying on Mine. Maybe what’s happening to you is reminding you of availing yourself of My strength… since you can't operate and do all things on your own anymore… it's a reminder to rely on Me. (14:32) Some of the weaknesses in humanity can lift up its true strengths… worth more than any of those jobs that served to lift up the self or financial gain…(2014:35) Use My strength and help to make it! (2014:50) Remember that you’re never too weak for Me, and I’m quite able to use and strengthen the weak ones. Just remember to pray and ask Me for My power! You need to keep praying for My strength to continue strengthening you! Let Me show you and many others what a big difference I can make and what the Father’s Power and Mine can and will do for you and them! (2014:51) Try to use My Spirit and Power all the time, because it’s the time you need Me most now. With the enemy trying to portray his power anywhere and everywhere in the world, it’s important that you trust Me! (2014:54) When you can’t just trust in your own power and strength fully anymore, you tend to lean more on Me, to look up to Me and seek to trust Me more! (2014:55) This world – as pretty much run by the enemy – isn’t too safe just relying on yourself, but you should cling a bit more to My power and the Father’s to protect and keep you. The older you get, the more the strength you operate in or through, will need to be Mine; and your own – the main force of your younger years – will slide down, and be no more the main power or leading force… Rely more on Me and My force and power to get intact and operative for and through you! (2014:57) Trust in and rely on My power and force and the Father’s, and all of Heaven’s to be rather superior over the Enemy’s, and you’ll be able to make it. Trust in Me and that I’m more powerful than any of the devil’s power and energy! (2014:61) Get ahold of Me, lean on Me and make use of My power pouring into you, because come what may, you might just need it sooner or later. No matter what happens, older age won’t necessarily make you stronger or fitter… and you’ll need to get ahold more of My strength instead. Stay close to Me and avail yourself of My strength and help. (2014:67) Find out and learn that I’m more powerful than the negative things and problems in the world, and more powerful than what the junkies to the negativity of the world can project to you. (2014:69) There are some who can’t really make it as Christian disciples on Earth with the immense fight happening against Christianity… and how about you? Can you make it? Can you rely on My strength? Can you continue to allow Me to help you make it, to give you the strength, even if being a strong Christian fighter makes you an enemy against a world run by Satan? Right now you don’t feel much like having great strength against it, but… don’t you think I could still strengthen you, because it’s not a strength that depends on the power of the flesh, but of the Spirit that I or the Father give? (2014:101) I’m trying to get you to put your faith in Me and My Power instead of that of money… (2014:105) “When I’m weak, then I am strong…” remember that one? Human weakness is good because it makes you depend on and ask for the strength of God He will give you then, once you ask Him for it! Don’t depend on the strength you usually had, or just wait for strength to reappear by itself, but pray and ask for it when you need it! And give thanks and praise when you got it! (2014:109) It’s a weird world in a sad, rotten state, and you’ve got to somehow make it through it. Just remember that you need Me most of all to do it, and My help and strength… the only power able to help you make it. (2014:140)

Let Me do it for you and solve problems for you, even if the devil is fighting you almost non-stop and with great cruelty! That’s unfortunately one of his ways to bug you and try to defeat you. But you’re supposed to have learned already to cope with that and withstand on that and know and believe that My strength in you is stronger than his, if you just avail yourself of it. (2014:146) If you want to make it through the times to come, you’ll have to learn how to get that strength from Me each day, and get each day what you need for it! (2014:152) Try to keep giving Me the first place of your importance, and that’s how you’ll keep receiving My strength, help and blessings! You can find strength in and through Me! Call on Me and tune in to Me for receiving it! Trust Me, it’s more important than whatever security you may be getting from the world. Even if you feel tired, and not like you don’t have much strength or even any, to do something important… wait and see to find out what can be done through the Strength and Power of the Spirit, and which will turn out as better and more effective, eventually! This force of faith and the power through and of the Spirit are more fruitful and creative than one’s mere strength in the flesh. Ultimately, by faith and through a life of faith, the spirit will turn out more productive, lasting, and thus, powerful, eventually! Believe and have faith in Us and Our Power to help, support, heal and hold you upright! (2014:155) The way to keep My power working for you: You need to ask Me for it. That’s just how it works. If you don’t do it, things will keep happening that will cause you to remember. (2014:156) You feel a lot weaker now than before. But remember the verse, “When I am weak, then I am strong” – for “My strength is made perfect in weakness” (2.Cor.12:9, 10). So, don’t let it trouble yourself too much when you feel weak, even much weaker than before! Hang on to My Word and what it has said about it! When you’re physically weak, you’re spiritually strong; and you’re getting the point that your spiritual state is more important and plays a vaster roll than the physical one! (2014:159) A weakened spiritual state, by asking Me for My strength and protection ought to improve and get strengthened. Hang on to Me and cling to Me and My Power! It certainly pays to stay in tune with Me through strong prayers, asking Me and the Father for protection and strengthening, and not rely on your own state and position in the world. The situation you’re in may be pretty tough, but see it as something that can strengthen you. It may not be pleasant at all, but might make you stronger and able to let you handle more of the kind of stuff the enemy comes up with and makes people around you come up with. (2014:160) To underestimate your enemy can be risky and dangerous! By not underestimating him, you’ll cling to My power more instead of your own, which just might not be enough! (2014:166) There’s some Power you should use to prevent Satan’s power and influence on you, and make it stop! Put a bit more of your faith and trust in Me and the Power of Heaven, that We can help you overcome whatever trials and tests should be showing up before you! Keep trusting in Me and try to find some strength in Me that will last! (2014:167) It’s better to hold on to the supernatural than your own natural strength, as you’ll find out and see, for the things that are coming up against this world aren’t going to be all that easy to counter with mere flesh… So, hold on to Me, and you won’t regret it, you’ll see! (2014:175) To strengthen your trust in Me, that I and the Father will accomplish all things for you the way they ought to be, and not knowing everything beforehand, ought to teach you to keep trusting in the Father and Me. If you manage, it’ll be a valuable gain for your spiritual strength and your life, you’ll see. (2014:183) Eventually you’ll have to put that strength in the spirit, where it can last, and thus, belongs. (2014:186) The safest way to go: to hold on, hang on and trust in Me, the Father, and Heaven’s Power, and much more than you can trust in this temporal world, even though they put on this act and show of quite some power. But trust more in Me and Heaven’s Power, and you won’t regret it! Trust is a mighty power that will strongly encourage others, too, if they can see what it did for you, and the spiritual strength it will give you if you hang on to it and let it grow stronger! They’ll turn out to be worth a lot more in the end than any confidence in the power of money… (2014:204) There’s a lesson on how to be a witness, and on how to definitely not! The negative thoughts about a country definitely shouldn’t be part of your witnessing message. Just stay a bit more on the positive side and topics! All in all, staying positive is something you should cultivate a bit more in your style, message and sample. Nobody really wants to get all into something negative. We all can see and know that there are a lot of negative things going on in the world, but that’s why it’s all the more a great piece of art to stay focused on the positive you can see or set your mind on. After all, have negative and critical views ever been helpfully leading to conversions? And isn’t positiveness a whole lot more what other folks would like and want? So, stay positive! – Amen? (2014:206)

Only with My Help you’re able to make it. That’s precisely what should get you closer to and more dependent on Me and My Strength and Capacity. (15:14) If you become weaker in your own strength, that should give you the opportunity to rely more on Mine. And trust Me: it’s always greater than your own, and in the times to come you’ll have to rely on it more than ever before! (15:32) Trust in and depend on Me! Do it through Me and through My force and power… So many people are doing things in their own strengths and wisdom, and you’ve been relying on those a bit, too. But now you’re getting into a stage in which you just need Mine more, and are dependent on them more: My strength and wisdom. (15:35) Get prepared for the way to go by My strength and depending on the help from Above! I figured you’re worthy of and would appreciate being prepared for that which is coming, even if this way may principally teach you how to get desperate and apply desperation as the most helpful way to get ahold of Heaven’s Power to aid you. (15:36) If you’re attached to your heavenly helpers and Source of spiritual strength, in the long run, you will be stronger! So, keep trusting in what’s available for you from Up Here! If there are many weakening factors surrounding you in your earthly life right now, it means that it’s bound to make you stronger in the spirit, relying on the strength from above, and that’s a much more lasting one, and the necessary one for the Hereafter. Even if things may seem difficult and tough for you right now, keep trusting that they’re bound to make you stronger in the long run! Hold on to Me and your entire connection to the Strength from Above! Keep your faith, hope and trust in It growing stronger, and you’ll realize in the end what it exactly means, that the strength of the spirit rises far above the mere strength of the flesh, which, after all, is only temporal. If you don’t ask for it, you just might not be availing yourself of the power We’ve given you to avail yourself of Our help. (15:51) I’m leading and guiding you to make faith, apart from hope and love, your major spiritual strength in your life. (15:54) Faith geared to physical circumstances is not the best source or input for spiritual power and strength. Faith is going through some tests to show just how strong it is, which is fairly important, the strength of your faith. Remember that your ultimate strength doesn’t come through the physical, but from Us Who’ve made you! (15:55) Instead of putting your confidence in the flesh, you must learn that your strength must be coming from somewhere else, namely from Me, and Our part of the other Dimension, so, to tune in more to Us and learn how to get some of that, is what you need. (15:58) As hard as life may be getting these days getting closer to the end of it all, it may be rough, tough, and costing you more strength than you can seemingly come up with by yourself, but that’s why it’s so important that you get into the groove of receiving from Me the strength you need… the force, the power, the energy… whatever you want to call it or deem to think and consider you presently need. (15:59) As long as you keep putting your faith and trust in Me and believe that Our heavenly Power is superior, compared to the enemy’s, even if his is pretty much ruling the world by now… as long as you keep the faith that Our heavenly strength and power is superior, and high above the enemy’s – even though he may rule with it down there – you’ll make it! Keep having the faith in the Power you can avail yourself of from Up Here being stronger than what the enemy uses to weaken you or tear you down! (15:61) Sometimes you’ll just have to find the strength to do things you may not momentarily feel like you have it, but trust in Me and My abilities, that I’m able to give it and pour it into you, even when not quite there yet… Remember that I’m able to give you powers, energies and strengths, even when you don’t feel like they’re there yet. Sometimes it just takes a little faith that I will. (15:62) Seek for My Strength to use, which is supernatural, meaning way above that which folks have and use on Earth. You may be a bit disappointed that you can’t make it anymore in your own strength, but trust Me that there’s a divine reason and purpose for it, so that you can fully rely on Mine and the Father’s instead, and thus will make it through the times to come… and the only way you will! You’ll be able to do more and greater things through My strength and power directly, and not relying on your own abilities that I had blessed you with beforehand, but that you need to swap now, for another mode is necessary in these changing times to come! Do it through Me! – Not your own abilities! Rely on Mine as the greater ones, and the only ones able to see you through the times to come. Times are changing, and for those coming ones you need to get used to your appliance of My strength and power. Making it through rough times is - in the end – something good for you, and strengthening, even if at first it may seem weakening to you. At first you may not know how you’re going to make it through those times, but in the end you’ll be surprised that somehow you were provided with sufficient strength to make it, after all! You’ll see: there’s some additional strength available that’s able and going to see you through, even at times when you’re tempted to doubt whether you’ll be able to make it! (15:67)

Don’t worry too much about having lost the groove of dependence on your talents and abilities that gave you self-confidence throughout your past, but follow My leading and guidance toward your utter faith, trust and confidence in Me, the powers from Above in your life! (15:73) My power is enough for at least the two of us, if not the hundreds of millions more. Plus the help of all those who already made it Here! So, trust in Me and the power, strength and force from Above that’s at your disposal, and you’ll see that this will be the end of your desperation. Desperation may lead you towards Me and cause you to pray for My help and power, but once you’ve got it, you’ll see, it disappears! (15:79) You’ve got to grow stronger against evil forces and resist them with Our help and force at your aid! The more you experience to operate with the help of My strength and aid from Above, the better off you’re going to be! (15:83) Try to take it as well as you can, what you’re having to deal with, and let it teach you to avail yourself of My help and strength! The rough times draw you closer to Me, and thus will result in positive force in your life, rather than the negative it may initially seem to you. It’ll help you appreciate My strength and power, as it will make you realize its superiority over the negative forces in life, and will help you gain strength above and to deal with the enemy’s power, which temporarily may seem overwhelming to you, but as I give you what it takes to overcome, you’ll realize that Mine, and thus yours, is greater! In the end you’ll realize that if you cling to Me and My strength and absorb it and do what you can in order to receive it from Me, you’re not all that weak anymore. (15:84) Making you stronger in Me through the hard times to deal with is the goal, and getting you to cling more tightly to Me and the strength from Above is the only way to make it through the dark times to come. Don’t be too dismayed if you can’t make it in your own current strength, but need to reach out to Me in order to get the victory and the strength to make it through your day! You’ve got My strength and power to help you, which should more than enable you to deal with the hard times up ahead… Learn how to deal with what’s coming to hit you as it comes, trusting Me that it won’t take more than the Strength I give you could handle! (15:86) When happenings make you weaker in the flesh, it can mean that they’re making you stronger in the spirit again, and you know which of the two I prefer. Strength of the spirit to Me is much more valuable than strength of the flesh, since the latter is only temporal, while strength in spirit’s eternal. If you can’t really feel a lot of strength right now for making it in physical and material aspects, just take it as a fact that you need to establish your strength in the spiritual realm and aspects first! (15:87) You don’t have to apologize to Me for being or feeling weak! In fact, when you realize your own weakness, it’s a golden opportunity to apply and ask for strength and power from Above, which will be able to help you much further than physical, carnal, or even worldly mental strengths. (15:88) Having some weak areas through which the enemy’s trying to get in basically shows the low part of those weaknesses and arousing the wish to get rid of them and replace them by strengths instead. (15:89) The period of hanging more on to Me has arrived. – Of learning to let Me and My strength and helpers do more of the work through you, with – thus – greater anointing from on high, and thus, greater force and power than you could ever manage to come up with just by yourself. Trust Me that I’ll give you all the strength you need when you need it! The more you depend on Me, the more you’ll manage to accomplish through My strength in you. (15:90) If you barely feel like you can make it, well, rely on My strength, and you will, anyway and in spite of your own weakness. Perhaps even just because of it! So, never feel too bad if you’re feeling too weak! Chances are, I’ll be having greater chances to make it through you like that, than being bursting full of own energy. Be strong enough in faith and spirit, and weak enough in the flesh and pride! Remember, My church of called out ones is My Bride. And brides full of their own strength and pride may not always be the best to pick… Remember what ought to be the Bride’s motto: “When I am weak, then I am strong” (2.Cor.12:10). “…Through Christ, which strengtheneth me” (Phil.4:13). Draw closer to My strength, which in the end will take you further than this world’s machines can manage! Learn to discover the greater power than what this world currently has to offer! Trust that there’ll be greater powers to come from the Spirit World, the Spirit of the Father and Me! There’s greater Power over Here than what folks know over there, in your current realm. – Greater Power and Greatness. (15:91) Grab ahold of Me, My Power and Spirit, in order to make your day, and thus, your life, more pleasant! (15:101) I’m just trying to get you more into the move of the Spirit, and that’s why you have to pass through this time of weakness of the flesh. Don’t see it as a hindrance or weakness. It may weaken the flesh, but for that, this gear is meant to strengthen your gifts of the Spirit.

Let the Power of the heavenly Spirit guide, strengthen and motivate you! (15:103) Remember there’s a lot of help Up Here to apply, making even seemingly impossible things for you possible. So, cling to that faith in it, and let it install some new strength in you, larger than your previous own strength! It’s a challenge for you to avail yourself of the strength from Above, one you will desperately need sooner or later, anyway, and without which you won’t be able to make it through the times to come. Being on the stronger and more powerful side, you’re also one of the stronger and more powerful ones on the spiritual, and thus eternal side! (15:104) To need and depend on My help more desperately than ever is a necessary preparation to help you make it through the even rougher times up ahead you ought to know by faith are going to get there soon. It has a positive purpose, namely to strengthen and prepare you for what’s up ahead and about to come. You need to get strengthened and prepared for it, and as I’ve told you, you don’t just get strengthened through having nothing but easy and enjoyable times. You need some rougher times to strengthen you, especially to strengthen and enable you to make it through the roughest times of all to come! (15:108) Let it be according to your faith that My Power is larger and stronger than the devil’s, and that, using it, you’ll be part of Us winners in the end. His power may be or seem like the superior down there right now, but trust Me that it’s only right now! (15:110) Remember the passages Paul wrote about the Father ‘having chosen the weak things in the world to confound the mighty” (1.Cor.1:27) , and “Our strength is made perfect in weakness” (2.Cor.12:9), so that, when you’re weak in your carnal state, you may be strong in spirit (2.Cor.12:10). Getting used to dependence on My Power and the protection from Above is something that’s absolutely necessary for those who will go through the Endtime! (15:113) You’ll need superior strength, above what fellow humans can offer. Especially when they’re not really in the habit yet to cling to Me and rely on strength and wisdom from Above. Remember to rely on My strength, not your own capacities! Eventually you’ll never make it without that, anyway, since the world is becoming too dark, and too much taken over by the forces of the enemy, for a “good” person to make it on their own and in their own strength… trust Me! The only way to make it through what’s up ahead is through relying on My strength, the Power from Above! Learn to depend on My strength instead your own, and on your help from Above… the only way you’ll be able to manage to make it through what’s to come! (15:117) Get used to applying for My strength and help in the mornings, so that you can make it through the rest of the day victoriously and depending on My power! Remember that you need Me and My strength! (15:118) Depending on strength from Above, not just your own abilities, is what will help you make it through times to come… (15:121) It’s not really the blessed way to handle things and lead your life for Me, playing a part in that world soon to be taken over completely by the enemy, as if you could handle it all in your own strength and deal with it in your own wisdom. And since you can realize that that capacity has gone down a bit, you sure ought to change your way of handling things: trying it less in your own strength and handle it all to Me and the heavenly Power instead, which will also help you to commit less mistakes. (15:123) Test My force and Power, and whether it will work for you, so that you’ll really have some force to strengthen and build up your faith to make it attractive to others. So, trust and believe that We can save your situation, proving to you that the Power from Above is and always will be much greater than whatever you can manage to come up with by yourself! Let the current experience strengthen you in your faith and confidence in Us, your help from Above. (15:125)

Consider what you’re going through now preparation for what’s to come, and believe Me that you’ll need it! You’ll definitely need My strength and help then, so it’s good that you’re having some training of becoming dependent on it now. (15:128) The ability to receive the Power from Above will be quite necessary to help you make it through what’s coming, and becoming of the world: the enemy’s global empire, thankfully for a limited period! Apply for the strength from Above that will help you to make it! Receiving the strength from Above will be the only one to help you make it through the times to come! (15:131) If you can’t rely on yourself and your own energies, remember that I’m here for you to provide you with greater strengths than you ever could have come up with by yourself. Trust in and depend on My Power and Strength to do things through you! Rely on the strength from Above, instead of your own! Just realize it’s not your own strength, nor your own abilities to see you through, but your dependence on the Power from Above! (15:132)

Do all you can to win some more souls! If you can’t do it, apply for the strength and power from Above! If without Me you can’t do anything, just make sure to avail yourself of My Power and force to strengthen and enable you! If without Me you can do nothing, just make sure you’re availing yourself of My strength and anointing from Above! Let My strength go to work through and in you again, knowing that it’s true what I said in John’s Gospel, “Without Me you can do nothing.” Let Me and all of Heaven’s Power work through you. And once you do, you’ll begin to realize how much more capable it will make you to get things done for the Father’s and My Glory! Do what you can through Our Strength from Above! (15:133) Depend on the Strength you can obtain from Up Here, the God Whose child you are and the Savior Whose follower… (15:135) You may be going through some weak times right now, but remember that if you do it right, it’ll help you to let Me work through you more. You’ll become less dependent on your own physical strength, and more on that from Above, which will be the only one to help you through the times to come. So, even if you feel weak in your own strength right now, let that process strengthen you in Mine, the only one that will help you make it through the dark times coming! It’s one of My points and mottos, to use the weak folks, in order to show the miraculous effect My strength can have through people! (15:138) Keep trusting in Me, and you’ll see! – I’ll bring greater strength to thee. (15:145) Our strength is and will reveal itself as much greater than the opposing one, even if theirs may be showing off right now with how they pretty much took over the globe! We can do anything! – They can’t, even if they may fake it a bit to make it seem like that. Just keep your faith in the fact that Our strength is much more powerful and greater, and We’ll wind up winning the battle and spiritual war in the end! Our strength is much greater, and that We’re ultimately superior, even if currently they’ve got their big show-off time down there! It may be a bit rough for you in today’s world and in your current physical state, but just remember Our all-powerful strength to enable you, lead and guide you, and that We’re going to make it in spite of all handicaps or counter-attacks! Let Me strengthen you when you’re weak, lift you up when you’re down, and see you through when you just feel you can’t make it on your own! It’s not about it anymore how cool, strong and tough you are by yourself, but how much you can rely on the strength from Above that’s truly capable of seeing you through things harder than you had experienced before! This one’s not happening to make you stronger by yourself, but to strengthen your capacity to lean on and hold on to Me and receive the strength from Above to help you make it through anything! Learn to depend on My miracle power to make it, instead of any of your own strengths! (15:149) Keep trusting in My Strength that makes nothing impossible for you! (15:151) Hanging on to one’s own capacities is what pretty much everybody does. But clinging to Mine and the Strength from Above is what will turn out to be the special Power that will get you through situations that not everybody will have the power to do on their own! Rough times I allow to teach you to rely on Strength from Above that will enable you to make it through times that not everybody or too many will manage on their own! You’ll find out that there’s a lot more Power to pick up and make use of from Up Here! (15:155) Life is hard… but the more you learn to deal with it, the stronger you’ll be! The hard times you’re having to deal with are making you stronger to deal with the times to come! (15:157) Remember that weakness has greater capacities to be used by Us Up Here than natural strength! Carnal weakness is a necessity for obtaining My strength: “When I am weak, then I am strong” (2.Cor.12:10), as Paul put it. So, consider your weakness the beginning of true strength! (15:158) Keep your faith in Our Strength and Power, being superior to the enemy’s! Avail yourself of Our Power and Strength, to help you resist and overcome him and his attacks! Our strength is greater than his! So, avail yourself of it! (15:159) The Holy Spirit will enable and strengthen you with whatever you need when you’re in the situations you will need that Strength and Power! Just let that faith grow, and make that prayer work, asking for whatever strength you need! You may not feel like you can do it, but We can do it through you! (15:163) I don’t need your strength, but can often cope better with folks’ weakness in order to bring about the use of My Strength! Going through tough times is supposed to make you stronger. A lot depends on whether you’re using the strength from Above at your disposal, in order to get and stay in the victory!

Just trust in My Strength and help being powerful enough for you to make it through any sort of situation! If you’re feeling weak, don’t be too discouraged about it, because it just might be in order for My Strength to get through to you; for you to depend more on it, instead of your own, former strength. When things get too tough for you to deal with on your own, it’s important to cling to My Strength, and make it through holding on to Me! Get into the rhythm of depending on Me, My Help and Strength from Above to make it through times to come! (15:166) Let’s get ready to show how strong you can be with My Strength when you’re physically weak! (15:170) It’s not an obvious advantage for someone to be weak, especially not in the eyes of others, and especially the ones who previously were somewhat dependent on your abilities. So, sometimes it’s a rough road, that one which has weakening in it as a large factor, and things like that always take time and faith until they’re appreciated. (15:177) You’ll have to depend on Us and Our Strength and heavenly Help in order to make it… If you can’t handle what life is offering and handing you to deal with, well, it’s a sign that you desperately need My help to equip you with more strength to handle what’s to come. If you feel like you can’t do it, that’s a good reminder for you to grab ahold of Me and use My aid and Power to strengthen you… enable you to do what you couldn’t on your own! Claim My strength and support to enable you! (15:181) You can do all things through Me. But you have to get used to the fact that without Me, and in your own strength… it’s better not to try it anymore, if you don’t want the enemy to take another advantage of it. (15:182) Don’t get into the temptation of taking life too easy, since the enemy will just try to snap it out… leaving you a lot weaker than before, which again means, more dependent on strength from Above and thus, in the end, spiritually stronger, so something you gained from that attack, even if right now to yourself you seem to be a lot weaker still. Remember: “When I am weak, then I am strong… through Christ which strengtheneth me.” (15:185) “When I am weak, then I am strong,” and “My strength is made perfect in weakness” (2.Cor.12:10 & 9). Can you still believe the statement that My Strength is made perfect in weakness? Can it be true? So that, when you’re feeling weak, you might actually be strong? Could it mean, “When I am weak in the flesh, then I am strong in the Spirit”? Because My Strength is spiritual, which is made perfect in carnal weakness? Don’t feel too bad about it when you’re being carnally weak! – Because it could mean, that’s when you can get strong in the spirit… Being physically weak means, I can make you spiritually strong, if you put your hopes and faith in the Spirit! Physically weak may mean spiritually strong! Instead of physical strength, it’ll take faith to get that spiritual Strength and Power going and working through you! (15:188)

I’ve had to allow you being weakened physically, because I knew what was coming and heading toward the Earth in its near future. There’ll be times and situations when you just won’t be able to rely on your own physical abilities anymore. Don’t lean or rely on your own abilities, but on the Strength from Up Above, more powerful than your own, including a wisdom that’s more prone to know exactly what’ll be going on around you, which your own mind on its own at best will be able to guess… So, try to make it, but not in your own strength, but leaning on Me, and all help from Above you manage to get ahold of through faith and prayer! It’s not time for your own strength and talents anymore, but your ability to rely and depend on Mine and all that from Above you can manage to get ahold of through your prayers, trust and reliance on it, more than any of your own physical abilities. (15:190) Get prepared through learning to let the Power from Above work through you! (15:191) Feeling incapable? Try cling to Me! Let Me enable you and make all things possible that may seem impossible to you right now! Let Me show the world through you some more of what I can do through those who feel and think of themselves as incapable! Remember, “When I am weak, then I am strong… through Christ, which strengtheneth me” (2.Cor.12:10, Phil.4:13). And, “I can do all things…” So, even if you feel weak. Don’t be too discouraged when you do, because that might be the time My strength comes the best through you! (15:193) Being conscious and aware of your dependence on the Power and Strength from Above is quite important and what it all depends on, whether you’ll make it successfully in the end, or not! Keep trusting in Me, and the miraculous Aid from Up, not your own strength from down below! (15:194) If you can manage to believe in what I’ve said about believers’ weaknesses resulting in My strength coming forth through them, well, you won’t be feeling that down and low anymore about not being still up in the same physical abundance of strength and energies as before, but will get more faith in the maybe less visible, but much longer lasting abilities of what My Spirit is capable

of through you and anyone who receives It. So, even though you feel physically much weaker and more downtrodden than before… can’t you see, that in the long run, this is your asset, and your plus, instead of a loss? The apparent minus will turn out plus. Just as weakness turns out strength! (2015:195) My help and strength to carry you through! Rely on Me more than your own strength! (2015:199) Feel weakened? Well, remember “When I am weak, then I am strong”! For My Strength is made perfect in weakness! I know it’s a little hard for you and a tough one to go by, but once you get used to it, you’ll see: it will turn out better in the end, than relying on your own strength and capacities! Just ask Up Here for the Strength you need! To do and say things and act in ways that aren’t really led and powered by My Spirit, but mainly by own strengths and energies instead, is a weakness, not a strength, according to celestial standards… - Just as relying on one’s own wisdom and mind is, instead of receiving leadings and guidings from Up Here. You’ll manage to have success in whatever you do, by doing things through My Strength and the Spirit from Above. (2015:203) You may not feel that active anymore, but I already told you that those things would eventually change! Sometimes it is better to learn to have Me do things for you, than insisting on doing it all yourself in your own strength and power. (2015:206)

Handle rough circumstances with My grace and through My Strength and Power! (2015:214) Sometimes you’ve just got to learn to make it through rough times through trusting in Me, and relying on Me, and My strength, not your own, which by now for you has slowly been turning into an asset of the past. Old, former strength is gone: gotta learn to trust in and rely on the one that’s gonna last, which is the strength and Power from Above… from Up Here. (2015:221) It might be part of My purpose, plan and action in your life to give you a hard time with leaning back on your own talent, which probably counts as your strongest arm of the flesh, when I want – and we all need – you to rely on the Power from Above instead! (2015:225)

The rough and tough times will make you stronger, instead of weaker. So, just handle them, and trust Me that I’ll give you the strength you need in order to make it, and as a result make you stronger, and more used to take tough times and handle what’s coming in the future. Let the hard times make you stronger! Take it as an experience that’ll make you stronger and able to handle more of what’s to come! Just making it through rough scenes can strengthen unity, your faith, and the things you need to make it through what’s coming. If you’re not doing as great, and not as supposedly impressive as in former times, just take it as a sign that you should put your trust and confidence in something else than your own abilities… some strength and power to help you from Above! (15:227) The time up ahead, during which the enemy will take over pretty much complete control over that planet, you won’t be able to make it with your own capacities, but only through having learned to totally rely on Me and your help and the Power from Above. It’s not time anymore to trust and rely on your own strengths and capacities, at least not completely! It’s time to learn to depend on the ones from Above, from Up Here, your future Home you should prepare for! (2015:229) If things aren't working out exactly the way you'd want the to, or a bit too tough for you to handle, that's what I and your spirit helpers are there for, strengths, powers and forces you ought to learn to avail yourself of a lot more in sight of the fact that things are still developing to become a lot harder and tougher, and thus you need to learn to avail yourself of that help from Above! (2015:230)

If you don’t feel physically capable, remember that the strength you need will come from Me, and all the heavenly Help you manage to avail yourself of! (2015:234) Hardly knowing how to make it through rough times should get you to cling closer to Me and My strength, power and help from Above, and that of Heaven, that’s available to you! We need folks who’ll apply the help of the Power from Above in order to get the good things done that are Our will and plan. (2015:238)

The carnal and physical strength gets diminished to teach you that it’s not all you can lean and depend on, but there’s a necessity of leaning on Our strength and help from Above. Part of being born again and the Father’s child includes having to learn to depend on the greater strength from Above… - Strength through the Spirit, instead of solely leaning upon the flesh. Part of the reason you’re becoming weaker: to teach you to focus, lean and depend more on the strength from Above, which you’ll desperately need in the tougher times to come! The toughness of the times happening is supposed to prepare you for what’s to come, thus teaching you more to lean on Me and depend more on all the strength from Above you can get through asking for it, and getting tuned in to leaning and depending on It, instead of your own physical abilities!

Like that song says: “Lean on Me when you’re not strong! I’ll give you strength to help you carry on!” (2015:240) Avail yourself of the miraculous Power and protection from Up Here, and thus become capable of encouraging others to do the same! (2015:241) I know you have your own talents and abilities, but you have to trust Me that it’s more important to rely on the strength and aid from Above in the times coming, that are getting darker, and even the darkest of world history. (2015:244) If you want My Power and Spirit to work in your life the way it should, you've got to stick to the heavenly rules, and not give Satan the chance to let part of his hell to take over in your actions and behavior! (2015:245) It’s just better to trust in Me and the power and strength from Above, instead of relying on yourself and your physical and carnal abilities. It’s better to put your trust in Me than in yourself. (2015:249) If you’ve gotten weaker in many aspects, let it remind you that your weakness is an opportunity for My strength to come to play and action in you, and trust Me that it’s the strength you need, and especially will in the days to come that are expecting the world. (2016:1)

Making Me the No.1 in your life might just make sense, and be what’ll give you the strength to make it through the darkest times up ahead. So, if life’s getting tougher, don’t see it as something negative, but as something positive that’ll draw you closer to Me and thus make you stronger in the spirit… (2016:2) Sorry it’s not much of a vacation or pure pleasure trip, but pretty much of a tough fight and battle to go through, but that’s just life for the Father’s true children! Learn to make it through sticking to Our heavenly Power and leaning on Us, not just your own, natural and temporal resources! You’ll make it by leaning on the strength, power and help available to you from Above. (2016:3) When your physical condition becomes quite low, it’s a sign that it’s not the time anymore to lean on your own strength. (2016:4) The enemy will keep trying to make circumstances around you as tough as possible to discourage you and cause you to lose hope and be tempted to give up and quit. But instead, let it all make you stronger in your resistance against him, and let it draw you closer to Me, avail yourself of that plenty of help from Up Here, and remember that you can’t lose if you don’t give up, because that strength, Power and Source of it available from Up Here is much greater than his. (2016:6) The rougher the situation gets for you down there, the more you’ll have to get ahold of the heavenly Strength in order to make it. (2016:7)

Sometimes weaknesses are what folks have to learn to live with, even though they’re nothing to boast of. But when you can’t overcome or get rid of them, you’ve just got to be honest and admit that you’ve got to learn how to handle them. (2016:10) Getting into the gear of making it through the available help from Heaven is what you have to learn…relying on the only Force and Strength that will help you make it through the rough. Invest more time into asking for that help and strength… in other words, making prayer the greatest source of the strength and power to survive you’ll need! Get into the gear of utterly relying and leaning on Me and the Strength from Above instead of your own! Realizing you can’t make it in your own strength may be a tough one, when you’ve been able to for some time, but get ready for the times coming when you won’t make it, no matter how great one’s own and physical strength is! That’s why I’m leading you to become strongly attached to and dependent on the heavenly help and strength from Above, which doesn’t only point at Our Location, but also means, it’s above the physical, and anyone’s own. Rough times are there to make you stronger in Me – the only strength available ready to deal with what’s there to come! Stick to Me, cling to Me and let your communication with Me grow and flourish, and you’ll see that the strength that will be available will be far above what your own was able to accomplish! “Lean on Me when you’re not strong,” and you’ll see that “I’ll give you strength to help you carry on”! (2016:20) If you feel like you’re running out of physical strength, just hang on to the Source of the Spiritual! (2016:22) When you’re weak, you’re strong, remember? – Or at least you’ll learn to get strengthened by Me through it, depending on the forces and Power from Above instead your own, and even if you can’t see any advantages in that right now, I can, and eventually you will, too! So, don’t get too discouraged or frustrated! Have a little hope in Me and the Strength from Above that will pep you up! Sometimes you’ve just got to get used to handling circumstances as they come and learn how to deal with them through My help and Strength from Above! Take things and deal with them as they come; try to handle them through the strength, force and power We offer you, and let it prove to you that it’s true what I’ve been telling and preaching at you about the force of the spirit far exceeding that of the flesh! – Our Strength and Power above your own or any worldly power!

So, if you feel like you cannot deal with circumstances, remember the verse “I can do all things through Christ, which strengtheneth me” (Phil.4:13)! Some prophets got sick and weak from being confronted with the nourishment of heavenly Strength at first… something the flesh’s not quite used to! So, it takes a little time and experience to trade your own, physical strength against that from Up Here, but don’t let it dismay you! All good things down there take a bit of time. And if you can’t make it anymore on your own: good time to ask for and avail yourself of the Strength from Us that We’ve promised you, and you’ll finally realize what for! Don’t manage in your own strength? – Well, that’s what We’re here for! (2016:24) It’s the tough and rough times that make you stronger! – And that’s just what you need right now! – Get stronger in the Spirit! (2016:27)

Can you imagine the difference between the powers active in your life? – Mine and your own? And the difference Mine could make? When you almost feel unable to do anything, it’s another hint and pointer towards how important it is to learn to work through My Strength and Power, not your own! (2016:31) Make it through these rough times, so that you gain the strength you’ll need to make it through the rougher times to come! (2016:33)

Don’t enjoy your circumstances? Then ask for My help and Power to change them! Pray for changes when you need them! Trust in Me and the Power from Above to bring them about! Obedience is an ingredient to make the Power from Above work out for you. (2016:35) There’s Power to overcome all of that worldly life’s conditions and circumstances, and you just need to avail yourself of It! Remember, “There is wonderworking Power in the blood of the Lamb,” and you need to avail yourself of It! Having died for you makes My wonderworking Power available for all those who believe in and have received Me as their Savior, and it should give you a spirit of victory, even if down in that world you cannot help not feeling at home. If down in that world you cannot help not feeling at home, the more you can manage to make yourself feel at home right Here where I am, all the angels and fellow believers are, including Our almighty Father and Mother of Love, the more strength you’ll find in order to overcome the difficulties life down there confronts you with! (2016:36) Lean on the Strength and help from Above, not your own capabilities, which simply won’t be sufficient for what’s coming up ahead in the not too far away future! Time to learn to quit leaning on your own strength and abilities and cling to the heavenly One from Above instead! It’s not just your own strengths and energies you can rely on, but must learn to cling to Mine. If things are too rough for you, take it as a reminder to cling to My Strength, Help and support from Above, without which you won’t make it through the times to come! (2016:37) Not easy to make it in your own strength…? Well, time to learn to avail yourself of Mine! – Holy Ghost Power! Keep your job for Me in mind, in order to be filled with the Power from Above to enable you to do it! Pouring out what you receive from Me is your principal task, so keep making the effort of asking for and receiving the necessary Strength and Power from Above in order to do it! It may not be easy – or even possible – to do in your own, physical strength, but that’s why the Power from Above is available for all My followers and those who want to do the job for Me. See it as a path and method to make you rely on the help and Strength from Above, which will be absolutely necessary to make it through those times to come! The process to learn to rely on Me and all help and Strength from Above is not a negative, but definitely – as you’ll eventually see – a positive one! (2016:38) Don’t attempt to make it in your own strength, which may sometimes work, sometimes doesn’t, but especially with the rough times to come, nothing you should lean on or be confident of! Remember to avail yourself of My Help and Power! I know you can’t make it against the enemy’s forces on your own, that’s why I keep reminding you to avail yourself of My help through the Power from Above! So, avail yourself of all the Strength and Power and help from Above you can get through prayer, along with your communication with Me, which I know you’re in desperate need of, the reason I’m definitely available to give you My counsel and comfort through the gift of the Holy Spirit. Get in tune with Me and all your heavenly helpers, and let Us become a very present Source of Strength in your life… as much as every day! The sooner you learn to cling to and depend on Me and the spiritual Strength from Above, trust Me: the better and more probable it will be for you to make it through the roughest times to come! Leaning on and relying on your own abilities might not be exactly what you need for that preparation for the days to come during which you simply won’t be able to! So, get used to utterly depending on the Strength and help from Above, from Up Here, your true Home and Destination! (2016:41)

Rely on Me, not your own strengths and talents, even if I might still use them; but don’t rely or depend on them, but rather, in the Strength from Above, without which you won’t make it through the days to come! (2016:45) Don’t let the influences of bad and evil circumstances the devil creates, conquer or overcome you! It’s your job to overcome them and show through your faith Whose Power and Strength is greater than the evil one’s. Keep that faith and trust in miracles, and depend on that Force and Power from Above! See a positive side of physical weakness: an opportunity for others to do and reap some good through helping you! (2016:49) Getting modern technology into a state where it has become possible for folks to do things they hadn’t been able to for the previous millennia of world history makes it quite a lot harder to depend on faith in the Powers and Forces from Above, since technology has pretty much replaced the visible need for help from Above, but with times a-changing and the world heading for the roughest state of its history, you’ll see that dependence on the help and Power from Up Here will become necessary again for My true followers and believers… So, don’t fall into the temptation to trust in and rely on the way the system’s working, but be wiser to put your trust in Me and Our Power, help and supply from Above! (2016:52) You may be feeling weak, but that’s a sign to learn to avail yourself of heavenly Strength! It’s urgent to learn to avail yourself of the Strength and Power from Above, and trust in the fact that they are more powerful than what you’re having to deal with. Have some faith in the superiority of heavenly Strength and Power over that of the enemy and his hoards, including their influences on others around you! The days to make it through in your own strength are over. It’s time to get into the groove of utterly relying in the Strength and help from Above! When things become too tough for you to handle by yourself, it’s a good reminder of that. (2016:54) Stay of the positive side with some positive action! Amen? It may be tough for you to come up with the necessary energy for it, but that’s one thing you should definitely ask and pray for! Ask and you’ll receive – the energy you need! Focus on the Upside, and receive the strength you need from Here! (2016:58) Don’t let it discourage you to feel incapable, but let it teach you to not lean on your own strength, but on Mine and all the help you’ll get from Above! It’s soon going to be time to bid those own capabilities farewell, and lean on all the Strength you can get from Above! One of the special conditions of the Endtime: having to utterly rely on the Strength and Help from Above. – Not anymore on your own capacities, except the one of applying that Help and Strength you’ll need to survive! – Which is what I’m trying to teach you right now. It’s a lesson and way to learn not to depend on your ego, but on Me, your Help and higher Power from Above; the only ones that’ll help you make it through what’s to come! So, get ready by learning to lean on Me, not your own capabilities! It’s time to desperately gear for and lean on the Strength and help you can get from Above… from Me and all your helpers Up Here, for the times are coming when you won’t make it without them! (2016:60) You’ve got some troubles and trials to go through? – Learn from them all that you can! Especially how to avail yourself of My Help and Strength to make it through them! Let Me prove to you that Our heavenly Power is superior over the enemy’s! Certain things just can’t be done in the mere power of the flesh! – And it’s time to get used to the Power of the Spirit! Let Me do it through you with the Power and Strength of the Spirit! (2016:61) Rely on Me and the Strength and Power you need from Above! The weakness you’re having to deal with is also an advantage. – And the circumstances too unpleasant to lean on and rely on yourself and own abilities… Keep learning to lean on Me instead! – Totally and completely! (2016:62) Remember My counsel on leaning on the Strength and Power from Above, not your own physical capacities! Trust not in the circumstances around you, but the heavenly Strength, Help and Power! Trust Me and all the Powers from Above that We are able to see you through, and resist the worries the enemy would like to toss at you! Keep trusting in Us and all the Power and Strength from Above, and don’t focus too much on the physical circumstances down there if they tend to worry you! Remember that We have the Power to strengthen you from those weaknesses! (2016:64) Remember what I’ve been telling you about rough times, and how you’d make it through with leaning on My Power and Strength! There’s a time coming when you just make it without My Help, Strength and Power! The weaker you are in your own strength, the more chance I have to let Mine work in you. (2016:66) Keeping your spiritual focus and vision geared toward your true Home should give you hope and the necessary strength and power to make it through what’s around you down there, and the worse part yet coming. Don’t spend your time complaining about what’s going on around you, but let those conditions strengthen you in order to make it through the hardest time yet to come!

You may need more strength for that than you’ve got right now, but that’s what I’ve been telling you all along is available for you from Up Here, and you’ve got to learn to avail yourself of, in spite of – or specially because of the conditions down there getting worse. Don’t focus on the physically visible – the circumstances – but Up Here, the Place which is your true Home awaiting you, and from where you can receive and avail yourself of all the Help, Strength and Power you’ll need to make it through what’s to come! (2016:67)

If you’re feeling too weak to make it, focus Up Here where the Source of your true Strength lies – the kind that won’t vanish as time goes by! (2016:68) Getting used to the fact that you’re not making it on your own without help from Above is a positive feature, not as negative as it may seem on the surface. It’s one of those strengths and blessings that come from apparent weaknesses and seeming curses! Sometimes it’s the end that will tell the whole depth of a story, and makes apparent temporal apparent curses turn out to have been blessings, after all, even if that blessing will just turn out through the wisdom, experience and strength you’ve gained through it all. (2016:70) Let Me remind you that that weakness is the best means to get into the groove of availing yourself and making it through the Strength from Above that physical weakness will cause you to ask desperately for! Depend on Me and the Strength and Power from Above! – The only One to help you make it through what’s to come! (2016:72) There’s a greater Strength for you to rely on than what you’ve been confiding in during your younger years, and that that Strength will be much more lasting! (2016:73) It’s necessary to develop some strength for what’s coming up at the world… some spiritual strength to make it through that; and that strength simply comes through having to fight for the victory… if necessary, each day. You used to make it pretty much in your own energies, but I’ve been teaching you that it’s time to learn to depend on Mine and the heavenly Power to lift you up, strengthen you and help you make it through each day of what’s coming. The troubles each day are to remind you what you’re supposed to rely on: not your own capacities, but the Help and Strength from Above to see you through, so that depending on Them will also help to see you through and make it through the troubled times to come! You just need to learn to avail yourself of the Help and Strength from Up Here, for in days to come you just won’t make it without’em! Life may be rough in a world run by Our enemy, but that’s why you’ve got to learn to apply for and depend on Our much greater Strength and Power from Above than his… and yet, the only One that’ll see you through and help you make it. Not being able to just rely on your own strengths and energies anymore is a good step of preparation for the rough times to come when it simply won’t be your own strength anymore to pull you through. So, get used to relying on Ours! With the level of evil forces and their control of this world rising, it also raises your need for heavenly help, protection and strengthening to make it through. Learn to put it into practice, that counsel of availing yourself of Our heavenly Strength, Power and wisdom to make it up ahead, through the coming darkest times of world history! (2016:75) If your own level of strength and power has gone down, that’s an opportunity to use Mine through you. (2016:79) There’ll come a time when the Strength and Power from Above will be all that will see folks through. So, the sooner you get into the gear of using It, instead of your own, physical strengths, the better prepared you’ll be for what’s to come. (2016:80) Instead of worrying about the dark future times ahead, pray for My protection to help you make it through it! My protection and supply! There’s just no other way to make it through what’s to come, but applying your prayer power for My Help, protection, Strength and supply! If you don’t feel like you’re going to be able to make it through what’s to come, well… good time to pray for all the Help and Strength from Above you can get! (2016:81) My believers and followers won’t make it through what’s to come without heavenly Help, which is why I’m making you more dependent on heavenly Power right now, seeking Me more, because you’ll be needing that heavenly Help more than ever before. (2016:82)

You need Our Strength, Help and encouragement as a preparation for the times not far away when no one will make it without! (2016:84)

I don’t hold grudges against you for feeling weak! It’s easier for Me to use folks who can’t rely fully on their own fleshly capacities. So, even if you’re not feeling too hot about it, remember that your weakness is what’s calling you for My Strength! If you don’t know how you’re gonna make it, remember it as a sign for the need of My guidance, Power and strengthening! (2016:85) Wouldn’t it be a miraculous testimony if you – one of the weakest fellows you know – would be making it solely through the Strength and Help of Heaven Above through the darkest time of history? (2016:86)

The ACs are planning a huge minimization of the population through WWIII and worldwide Crash, so… physical surplus might sound like an advantage; but as I keep telling you: you’ll only make it through the miraculous support of Power from Above. With the enemy taking over the rule of the world with the greatest powers available… do you think own strength would enhance the chance of survival significantly? So, feeling weakened in your physical condition shouldn’t discourage you too much in regards of what’s to come, but rather hit you as an incentive to rely on the Strength and Power from Above, which is really what you’ll need to make it through the times coming. Strength of the flesh will not be reliable to make it through what’s to come, and physical weakening should contribute to getting you to realize and know where to get the Strength from that’ll be the only one to help you make it through what’s to come! So, feeling weak and discouraged? Look Up Here, from where you can receive Powers to help you make it through in spite of it all! It will take miracles and Power from Above to make it through the darkest time of history. The Strength and Powers from Above will be the only factors to help folks through what’s to come. Getting rid of My folks down there has always been the enemy’s principal action through possessing a significant ruler, and it will be his most powerful position and strike in history during the Great Tribulation. If that feels like a just about impossible situation to make it through… well, it will be, unless folks learn to completely rely on My Help and Strength from Above! So, feeling weak? – That’s when I’ve got My chance to make you strong through My Power and the Father’s. – Way superior over any amount of strength of the flesh! - Weak in the flesh? – Might be the factor to raise your faith in the Strength of the Spirit, which you should know from My history that it definitely can have its effects in the physical realm, just as all Creation originally was. It all depends on what spirit you yield to. (2016:90) Let My Power come in to change your life! (2016:93) Let Me be your Strength and your Guide! Point your spiritual vision Up Here! – That’s where your hope and your strength lie. (2016:95) Remember, it’s a spiritual warfare you have to go through and learn how to deal and cope with! You’ve got to learn to avail yourself of the Help and Strength from Above in order to make it! Tough times one can’t be prepared for without going through some stretches of them. Learning how to avail yourself of the Help and Strength from Above is what it’s all about; and how will you ever, if there’s no desperate need for them? With the enemy availing himself of all the physical forces to persecute and destroy My followers in the dark days to come, the availing yourself of My Powers will be your only hope of survival. (2016:96) Let Me give you that Strength and Power to make it through! Avail yourself of the Strength and Power of the Spirit! While the circumstances look gloomy and doomy, let Me help you overcome them through the Power of the Holy Spirit! So, keep the faith that that Power’s still there for those who still want to follow Me through the Endtime – the time of the end of Satan’s reign over the Father’s creation – which He allowed in order for us all to find out who’d resist the evil, and not follow the evil one, but choose the good instead – all that comes from Him, including all the Help from Up Here they’ll need to make it through those final, and darkest times of the world’s history! Investing as much as you can in fellowship with Me is about the best thing you can do to gather the necessary spiritual Strength to make it through what’s to come. (2016:97) Becoming dependent on Me, My Strength, Power and Help, is just something you’ll have to get used to, instead of relying on your own abilities. So, don’t see it as a disadvantage to feel weak, but as a necessary process to make it through the days to come! See your physical weakening as an advantage, and let it help to raise your faith in Me and what I can do for you and through you instead! (2016:98) The greater the need for miracles and My supernatural Help, the more you will ask for them, and the more of an opportunity Heaven gets to manifest Its Power to you. So, don’t fret about the difficulty of circumstances, but rejoice over the need and according opportunity for Us to manifest Our helpful Powers to you! (2016:99) The weaker you get in the flesh, the stronger My spiritual Input. “When I am weak, then I am strong…” in other aspects… the spiritual ones. So, try to see the advantages of a physically weakened condition! If you’re feeling weak, let it be My incentive for you to draw close to Me! - Something, if needed now, even much more so in the times to come! Let Me and My Presence be the Power to help you make it through the day, since that’s the way it will have to be in the dark days to come! (2016:100)

The less you’re able to accomplish things on your own, the more you need to rely on Me, My Strength, Help and Power to do it. If you’re too weak to make it by yourself, good reminder for Whose Strength you should apply! And that faith is the ultimate Source of Strength you need. The sooner you learn to rely and depend on My Help, Strength, protection and supply, the better! (2016:101) Rejoice, the tougher the situations get, over the challenge to rise above and overcome and demonstrate the Power from Above! (2016:103)

Put your trust and confidence not in the things and surroundings that you see in the physical world around you, but pointed and directed toward God, Who’ll sooner or later prove Whose Power is ultimately stronger and greater! (2016:112) Get ready for God’s Power! – Not only to help you resist and overcome and survive the enemy’s when he’ll take over the AC’s body to rule the world for its Great Tribulation, but also to make a heavenly place out of that hell on Earth he’ll have left us to remake! It’ll take miracles to make it through the part of history run by the king of hell, so remember to make your faith for and in miracles keep rising and growing: the miraculous Power to rise above! And remember: to feel weak in yourself is the best way to start getting strong in Me and the Power from Above! (2016:117) You’ll see that being weaker in the flesh will make you stronger in the Spirit. So, don’t see your weakness of the flesh as a hindrance or something negative! (2016:118) Get used to not relying on your own energy, but the Strength and Power from Above! (2016:122) It may be quite a trial and test of your faith and trust in Me and the Father, to be allowing your life to drift down to a weak and low state… but in the end, can’t you imagine that if you’re getting Our Strength through your physical weakness, and that low state will turn out to be actually lifting you up, that it would be a proof and confirmation of Our Promises from Above? So… not so fond of the weakening and lowering process… but what about that good old line, “God’s way up is down,” and the verse, “When I am weak, then I am strong…” “…for His Strength is made perfect in weakness?” (2016:126) What I would like you to accomplish for Me might be something totally different from what you’d seek to get done in your own strength. (2016:127) Not being as physically capable as you used to be, don’t see it as a negative, but rather as a positive factor, drawing you into greater dependence on Me, the Help and Strength from Above! (2016:130)

Success vs. Failure When you have learned to treat success and failure the same, clinging to Me in joyful trust in spite of anything that happens, you will be stable, unshakable, immovable by any event or obstacle. (I:90) Faith which worketh by love is the formula for success with people, especially for winning them to My Kingdom. (I:154) Success in the flesh profiteth nothing. If I don’t anoint your works to be accepted by the world, then it is My will for you to utterly dedicate all you’ve got to the Spirit, and there you will find strength that they who trust in the flesh know not of. Naturally, you want to show the world that you’re not a failure. But think of Me on the cross! I didn’t look like a success to anybody, hanging there. And if you really want to be My disciple and follower, so it will be with you. Success in this world is almost equivalent with failure in My eyes. It’s the same old scheme: are you willing to apparently be a loser in the world’s eyes and a winner in Mine, or do you want to be a winner in the world’s eyes and a loser in Mine? (I:202) The essence of the mission’s success lies in openness to My moves, regardless whether it’s the way anyone expected or experienced it before or not. (I:224) I love you unconditionally: success or failure, I treat both of those imposters the same, and that is, I treat them both as success. If you fail in some area, I’ll use it to draw you closer to Me. (I:361) Just keep focusing on Me, knowing that I'm your secret to success, the One Who can ensure your becoming a true winner and conqueror and overcomer! Just stay close, that's your personal secret to success and the key to your future! (I:415) Faith is a force that brings success, and a lack of it brings failure. (I:447) Walk by faith, not by sight or feelings, to learn to treat those two "imposters", success and failure, just the same! (I:537) “This is the way, walk ye in it” means, that this is the procedure I want you to go by, to learn by and that's the way to successfully follow Me. (I:552) The art of living is to be content in whatsoever state you're in, whether you're up or down, and to treat those two imposters, success and failure, just the same. (I:589) Your failures really don't count nor influence My Love for you at all, and you shouldn't worry about them influencing your future, either, because fear of failure actually causes failure. (II:22) If you're serving Me from a platform, a ministry where you right away come all out with what you stand for, as you do when witnessing, it's just so much more conducive to true success and what I call bearing fruit, than the way where you just present yourself and your abilities in the limelight, and you're so concerned about your image and reputation, that you only dare to speak up about your beliefs once a rare and exceptional situation comes up! (II:59) Learning how to love is more important to Me and in My eyes than for someone to become popular and successful in this world. I can make you rich in spiritual wealth, but if you climb up the world's ladder of success, you're bound to neglect My values, bound to compromise with the world, you're going to be less likely to win more souls for Me. (II:71) Seeing the good in others in spite of the bad, that's an art I want you to learn! Without it, you're never going to have any success with people, because people sense it when you only see the bad in them and consequently don't like them. Like that quote, "The people who like people are the people people like." (II:116) Giving your all really pays off, and in fact, it's the only way that living for Me really works successfully. (II:132) I want you to see things from My perspective and see what I consider success, which is often a lot of barely-to-be-detected-withthe-naked-eye ground work below the surface. (II:149) Humanly you can't make it, you're doomed to defeat and failure. But with Me all things are possible. (II:150) Some people need their immediate, visible successes, or they'll drop their projects like a hot potato. But that's not the kind of perseverance that I expect My men and women of faith to have. (II:151) Treating the imposters success and failure just the same is what makes a good pilot: a good and smooth landing! It's relatively easy to take off, and you feel like you want to stay up there forever. But what goes up, must come down, and you're going to have to come back down eventually, and why not do so out of your own accord, before your fuel runs out and you'll take a tumble and spin? (II:152) How I measure success or closeness to Me? The greater your trust in Me, the better off you'll be! (II:166)

Thank Me for your challenges! Therein lays the secret of success and progress! (II:199) You don't have to be devastated by your failures! It's okay to look at them and to deal with them, to accept they're there. (II:212) Don’t consider lack of success with the world a failure or a disappointment! It's My way of making sure you stay on the right track - My track! (II:256) The devil nags and teases you: "Now, wouldn't it be nice if you had some success you could show off with, so that you wouldn't have to appear like some poor, little nobody?" But I want to make something better out of you than merely another successful person. Something the world needs much more desperately! - A healer of wounds, a comforter of the heartbroken, a winner and saver of souls. (II:258) Love is more important than success, because it is success in My eyes. (II:267) Waiting on Me is the secret to success! Whatever you wait for Me to give you the strength, power and wisdom for, will always be a success - what I consider success. (II:272) Dedication and devotion is not quite the same as ambition, even though it may look the same. Ambition is when someone tries to zealously achieve something for themselves; they want to be successful, and that's their motivation. Dedication is that same zeal, but not for yourself, but for others, because you love them, and are determined to do the best you can for them. (II:280) For many, worldly success has become a deadly distraction and a snare (1.Tim.6:10). (II:287) "Keep on believing" is the slogan to success. (II:321) Failing is a part of life, and one of the most important parts of it. Can you imagine how yucky anyone would get if they'd only succeed all the time? So, accept failure, your failures and the failures of others, as a necessary part of life, one of those "beauty for ashes" things, and don't take it as a reason to become self-righteous or resentful, but stay loving! (II:329) Usually those who find themselves "less blessed" in physical aspects, do find themselves more greatly blessed in spiritual aspects in the long run. The poor, the needy, the sick, the handicapped, the disabled and weak... they all find their way to Me much more easily and quickly than the rich, the strong, the successful, those for whom everything goes alright... (II:342) If I would let you go off on your own successfully and master life without My Help, you would go further and further astray, deeper entangled in pride and self-confidence. Success, in My eyes, is something completely different than it is to you most of the time. When everything runs smoothly, you don't take the time with Me. But when you finally return to Me, that's success! Treat success and failure the same and become a man! Rising above - or riding the waves of life's circumstances - means treating success and failure both the same, as success, that is; there is no such thing as failure to the man of faith. It may look like failure, and all the millions of labels of what's generally accepted by the world may scream "failure", but you'll still refuse to believe it. How can you or they call unclean what I have called clean? How can you or they label failure what in My eyes is success? Success is whatever helps you to stay close to Me, and if that just happens to be something the world labels failure, so what? If it serves to keep you humble, desperate and close to Me, then to Me it's still success, no matter what anyone says. Success, to Me, is when you regard circumstances as irrelevant. (II:366) Only when you get to the point where you can truly look success and failure in the eye in the very same way, and can say, "The Lord hath given, the Lord hath taken away, blessed be the name of the Lord, and all the glory is His..." only then can I trust you with great works, accomplishments and achievements. (II:384) Don't seek success in the world, not for whatever seemingly noble reason! (II:402) It's more than okay to be little in this world, to be despised, to be a nobody, to be a "failure" in this world. Nearly all My greatest successors were failures in this world by its standards. I need wise men and women to rule My World of the future, who will have learned to let Me rule their lives and to make Me the most important Factor in it, instead of worldly success. (II:415) Becoming aware of a failure is the first step toward correcting it. (II:452) The more you dream about possible success in the System, the more you will allow your energies and efforts to be diverted away from My Cause. (II:459)

As soon as you seek success and recognition with the System, you turn into someone facing away from My Light, and thus unable to help anyone, unable to be genuinely concerned about others and their needs. (II:461) Failure to love and show love is failure indeed. (II:478) What is your goal? Personal fame and wealth, which is what the world would consider success? Or the kind of wealth that lasts for all eternity, namely souls for My Kingdom? (II:565) Making praise and prayer a habit is really a key to success in life. (II:583) Nothing is as valuable to Me as when My followers love and serve each other. All else is relatively insignificant: your personal achievements, your successes, your works. Be patient and merciful with others' flaws and failings, just as you would wish for Me to be with yours! (II:584) Success, in My eyes, is not the aspiration to fame, popularity and fortune, but acquiring the ability to value the little things. Success, to Me, is winning a soul; not in order to make yourself feel "good" or redeemed to Me by your good deed of winning the soul, but just because you've learned to allow My Spirit to perform that miracle through you! To Me, success means learning to put your own energies on the backburner and learn to avail yourself of Mine! Success means making sure that people hear what I've got to say, making sure you're passing on My Words. Success, to Me, is not speaking unless you're spoken through by Me. I'd love for you to stop pursuing that worldly ideal of success altogether! My idea of success is in many ways the exact opposite of the way they're being taught. Success, in My eyes, is obedience! The first step of success is learning to listen to Me, and then the next step is obedience, to implement those things. To be obedient to Me means to love Me, and that's fulfilling the first and greatest commandment, and that's what I call success! (II:605)

Truly mature persons find no real difference between success and failure: the results - as far as the world is concerned - may be the same. You may have been truly successful at what you're doing, but the world couldn't care less. All they're interested in is whether what you've got appeals to them and manages to satisfy that temporary craving and itching for something new... Truly mature people rejoice in their failures because they know they will draw them closer to Me, closer to wisdom. They will have made yet one more experience to enrich them, to help them know in which direction the success they seek won't be found, and will thus bring them one step closer to ultimate success. Remember what true success is all about! It's something spiritual. How about aiming for spiritual success? (II:610) One of the greatest failures of mankind is their lack of appreciation for each other, the sheer inability to appreciate another human being, to see them in their whole beauty, to really hear what they have to say, to perceive them, take them in and accept them for what they are. (II:622) If you want to succeed, just stick to My plan! (II:633) There's no other excuse for the keeper of the flame for having allowed the fire to go out than his own failure. (III:44) God first is the one rule to which there are no exceptions; the one that always applies if you want to succeed and don't want to mess up. It's the one rule to keep, no matter what. (III:49) You know what I think about worldly success: "What is highly esteemed by men is an abomination to the Lord." Their idea of success is often My idea of failure. (III:54) You’re going to have to invest something in the there and now, in order to successfully bear fruit that remains for Eternity. (III:56) You can't blame anybody else for your own failures to take heed and not fall into the devil's traps. The culprit is your own failure to look unto Me instead of them. (III:65) You can only advertise for a product successfully if you're truly a satisfied customer first. You can't offer anybody a better life unless you first show that you truly enjoy life yourself. You can't show anyone the key to happiness - at least not very convincingly - unless you show that you're experiencing that happiness yourself. (III:79) If you call on Me and rely on Me, you won't fail. (III:82) It shocks you at times to realize how much you're failing. But use it as an opportunity to emphasize just how much you need and are dependent on Me! (III:90)

Every now and then, some of that worldly influence comes seeping and creeping in. "How's it going?" "Oh, just fine...successful..." And you succeed and succeed, and wonder why you still feel so empty, in spite of all your success. Remember that success in My eyes is a totally different story! So, seek success with Me! Seek those things you know make Me happy, not what you think you need to attain happiness! (III:107)

It is simply the best for you to stay closest to Me, your helpers, closer to the Spirit, and not veer into the carnal gear of things, which will just weaken you in spirit and cause you to fail. You will only succeed in your mission if you don't make a mess out of things by trying to do it in the flesh. (III:115) If you're humble enough to be in a receiving and learning position in relation to anyone you come across, you'll find life in general a much greater success, when you come to the end of the road, than if you go through it constantly pushing your own thing on others. It's the art of being open enough to see Me in everything, including in everybody you come across. (III:132) The spirit of competition is not nearly as conducive to success as humility and when you acknowledge you can't do it and show that you're dependent on help, most of all Mine. Only I can help you to be truly successful in your endeavors. Only I can help you rise above Satan's attempts to slow you down or stop this thing from becoming a success. (III:148) The "success" philosophy drives many to want to aspire and ever aspire, to climb and ascend, instead of coming down to the ground of My humble reality and descend. (III:208) See which of the two paths really will have led to what I'd call true success! True success is the road that will lead you to Me, and you have seen which is the path I have taken. It wasn't a glorious road, and one that not many initially would have had the courage to follow. It was a road that took My followers far away from their homes and all that was familiar and trusted... Away and off into the horizon... into the new, the unknown... with Me. (III:215) Success lies elsewhere than the visible and temporal realm, the goal lies in the spiritual world, and that's where the true treasures of wisdom and insight and greater love are gleaned from. (III:250) If you can look success and failure in the eye in the end and determine that both are nothing more than entities of perception, and you can still laugh and smile either way, then you’ll have learned to fully bear the consequences of your own actions without relying on any ace up your sleeve that may or may not be there. (2011:83) Having learned to successfully communicate with your Creator... Not much to show for with the world, perhaps, and nothing to show off with people who measure success by numbers and in terms of physical gain and acquisition, but what do you think? Maybe your students wouldn’t consider that a measure of success, but perhaps your Teacher does. Maybe one of your tasks would be to reflect and convey to others what you have learned from Me about true success. Imagine you were a deaf man, and one of your greatest dreams in life would be to regain your hearing. Wouldn’t you consider it a great success if you somehow managed to achieve that goal? Well, you once were spiritually deaf like countless others who never hear My voice, and now you hear. Is that success, or not? But you figure, “Well, but what good is that kind of success when we’re not supposed to boast of it, nor show it off? The minute we pride in it, we’re apt to lose it.” Well, okay, so humility is part of the deal. But it is with just about everything I’d consider success. In fact, I would consider attaining humility a great success, whereas pride is a definite sign of failure in My book. It shows you haven’t passed the tests, haven’t made the grade and didn’t get the point. Humility does. So, true success and humility go together like hand in glove. Humility is the glove that covers the hand that has achieved great things according to My book. You’re not supposed to boast of them, which means, you truly succeeded, as far as I’m concerned. The success of the boastful is short-lived. Who would want that sort of success that you can’t take to the grave with you, but will vanish like dust as soon as you leave this early life? True success is something that lives on forever and doesn’t fade away like all living things that are here now and then wither. True success shows you were onto something deeper and more lasting than what most people put their faith and invest all their efforts in. (2011:113) The secret to success in life as I define it lies in caring for others. (2011:117) Your failures are some of the greatest stepping stones to eventual greater victory, so long as you don’t let them convince you that they should be any reason or excuse for quitting, and keep fighting instead. Accept that I’m including your falls in My calculations on a daily basis. I’m not shocked by them – as you may be – because I know you better than you do. What matters is not whether or how often you fall, but how often and with what persistence you keep getting up again. (2012:19) Even if you feel like a failure sometimes because you think you could or should be doing so much better, doesn’t mean you’re actually a failure. But that doesn’t mean, of course, that I won’t make My attempts to spur you on to make greater efforts. The problem is that many people – because of their pride – interpret My efforts to spur them on as an indicator of their failure, and they get discouraged and quit trying, when what I’ve been trying to achieve was to tell them the opposite: to try a little harder!

Unfortunately, only few people interpret the knocks of life and My prodding the right way, namely as a positive incentive to try harder, while the majority take the lower road of pride and yield to discouragement. That’s why the great success stories of people who made it big in this world are so outstanding, regardless of their faith, religion or motivation: They simply refused to misinterpret their knocks as negatives; they kept trying, no matter what. (2012:45) Whether success or failure, is really not that relevant right now. See it as another opportunity to try Me and the life of faith out to the full. (2012:87) If you appreciate what you’ve got, and focus on sharing that, it’s bound to generate greater contentment and success. Of course, it also depends on your personal definition of success, and if you put your stakes up too high, at an unrealistic level, it may not be too surprising if you wind up being disappointed. (2012:93) I know those accomplishments make you feel better about yourself, but it’s not like I need them to feel better about you. (2012:131) Someone can be quite successful in their career and still be sadly void of any trace of My light in their life, and without that light there’s simply spiritual darkness, regardless of any other benefits, such as affluence, skill, exuberance or intelligence. (2012:140) Success and failure are both frauds, when it comes to the worldly concept of them, and the only real and true standard is Mine, the one you’re truly wise to stick to and lean on for real insight and discernment of where things are really at, as opposed to the deceitful illusion of what things often seem to be, tainted by the manipulations by the powers that govern this world. (2013:11) Remember, changes are always good for you, even such apparently negative ones like losing your job. If loss is a substantial ingredient in this game, then the clue to winning is, how do you take it? Can you take success and failure equally, with a grin? Can you say with Job, “The Lord gave, and the Lord hath taken away; blessed be the name of the Lord!” (Job 1:21)? (2013:22) There’s a price to pay for daring to be different, and it’s not easy. Especially in a brand of work where success equals popularity and being received and accepted. But I’m teaching you a different standard of success, based on different criteria, namely Mine, and according to those, it’s not the applause and reception that counts, but the degree to which you caused them to make a choice. (2013:71) Consider Me more about what you should do! – Not just being concerned about being financially successful, but spiritually fruitful instead, which would be considered a much more valuable move in the spiritual, eternal realm, instead of the time-framed worldly types of successes… I’m trying to get you interested in the eternal frame, not just the temporary successes in the world… (2014:10) As long as it’s only the temporary success in life that seems to give you a reason to live, there’ll always be more… something better to learn and be taught. (2014:15) I want you to make it, and not give up nor fail. (2014:50) If there will be a few genuine sheep yet you can reach and will be able to… that’s the best, and better than any typical success in today’s world! (2014:54) If things start getting rougher and tougher in some ways, cheer up that that’s the way I try to raise your faith in and dependence on Me instead of your own carnal abilities. Sometimes I might also be changing your ways thereby, get you to do something a bit more important for My Spiritual Kingdom rather than for your own success or popularity in a worldly way. (2014:91) To keep trusting in Me above all, and not just in your talents, but leaning unto Me to get strength in the highest and most important abilities of spiritual, lasting and eternal strengths and values, is much more important than your temporary successes and gains. (2014:122) If you can put unselfishness above the things motivating most people… like selfishness instead of its opposite, you’ll raise up the quality of your life for sure. And isn’t that a sign that the quality of life is a lot more valuable than success in only financial and material matters makes it? If love is the main meaning of life, then please don’t put your success and financial gain, or even your personal fun above it! (2014:128)

At the moment, those who have chosen to make the System their hero and the thing they yield their faith to, may seem a bit more successful than you and other believers… But let’s wait and see! Maybe believing in Me will turn out to make you luckier than the other great bunch of believers in the System! Right now, it may not look like it, but let’s wait… and see! (2014:143) Look Up ahead and seek first the Kingdom, instead of success there and now, which will only be temporal, anyway. (2014:159) Don’t just consider your success something material, nor make it dependent on the amount of your income! (2014:162) To do your jobs for Me is much more important than just surviving with some fun and pleasure through some physical success. Try to aim more for the success for Me, which is spiritual, but so much longer lasting, you’ll see!

To Me, success is to win some souls through preaching the Gospel… sharing the riches of My Word that I’ve given you and help them to whom you preach or teach it, to accept Me… the answer to their lives that are bound to end, for a greater one. (2014:164) Remember that there are some other duties for you to fulfill in My service, if you don’t want to commit the same failures as you did before. (2014:166) The unity between you and everything that you can make work and get to last as a family is something to lean forward to and focus on, more than success at a job! (2014:182) If only physical success is being accomplished in this life… that’s not necessarily a proof that someone’s following Me and staying close to Me. (2015:34) By cutting down the physical success era a bit, I’m preparing you more for what’s to come. Even though this life is tough, just appreciate the lessons you can learn from and fight for it, that you’ll be able to make some good grades and have some success while it lasts! (2015:49) You should be more dependent on Me than yourself, and that has always been the power that has kept My disciples and saints going and achieving things for Me, which you’re slowly beginning to consider more important, too, than your own physical and material success in this world. Keep that spiritual side of success on a higher basis of importance for you, and remember that it’s truly the lasting one, while the physical achievements are really only a temporal and not that long-lasting matter. (2015:52) It was necessary to weaken your fleshly and carnal success to do most of it yourself in this world. Keep your vision for strength focused on Me and your heavenly goal Here, Up Above, and turn it more into your conscious goal in your life, instead of physical and material temporary success! Make the most important factor in your life the lasting ones, and don’t get into the worldly gear of focusing on only the temporal, like money, and worldly success! One of the disadvantages of temporary success in the world: The more success, the harder to get out of it again. (2015:54) You’re seeing and beginning to realize the positive points and advantages of what you’ve had to go through. Part of it is your recognition of the state of the world: that it’s not really so recommendable to try to make your success in it. (2015:84) One advantage of getting older in the physical, earthly life is that you’re beginning to realize that success, fame, and whatever worldly ambitions one seeks or follows, don’t last forever. If God is Love, it’s definitely one of the things the enemy will fight and try to extinguish, and apart from coming up with a few fake versions, he has definitely seen to it to install “more important” things and factors in earthly life, like money, success, and physical, material well-being… (2015:88) Being more dependent on spiritual positive input will in the longer run have more lasting effects, more results to show in the Hereafter, and thus, in the long run, it all bears more lasting fruit than just the temporary success you were able to enjoy now and then… (2015:95) Depend on Me to make it successfully! (2015:140) Try to put a bit more emphasis on reaching your success for Me, by winning souls unto Me! (2015:151) Learn the lessons from your mistakes, failures and shortcomings! Of course, it’s not very pleasant to have to deal with the results of your own failures, and a humbling and painful experience, but failure has to teach something. If you let others reap hell, instead of giving them the chance and opportunity to wind up in Heaven, I’m afraid I’m having to let you suffer a bit of what you bestowed on others through your failure, when sharing Heaven was supposed to be your job and task of life! Don’t be too shocked I’m having to let you go through some hard experience in order to get a glimpse of what you let others go through by failing to share what you should have! (2015:188) The way you’ll actually manage to have some success in whatever you do: by doing things through My Strength and the Spirit from Above. (2015:203) The rewards from life down there for any of My followers will be much more precious than any material success you can manage to acquire down there for your temporal, earthly welfare! If I can manage to stir up your vision and goal in life to aim for what’s expecting you in Heaven, it’ll be much better and more valuable and lasting than any earthly, material success and achievement. Set your goal Up Here, not merely your temporal success and welfare down there! (15:232) Learning to resist the temptations is another task of life. The way to do it an manage is to stay in tune with Us, more than trying to please the world as much as you can, but making it your goal to please Us by doing Our will for you. Making that your goal and vision is definitely an advantage according to the rules and standards of Eternity, and not just gear your behavior according to the temporal, worldly ways of success!

Success for Us means accomplishing things to help others, not just to elevate oneself and their own role in that system pretty much established by the one who came up with all that evil – the road of selfishness down there, as opposed to the ways of Love I came to introduce on the planet. (2016:57) It would mean success to Me to finally see you learning some of the things I’ve been trying to teach you. (2016:102) Another confirmation of what I’ve been telling you about relying on your own human mind: Faults, failures and mistakes are just simply stuck to it, and one of the main reasons why it’s better to look Up to and confide and rely on Us instead. (2016:114) If life becomes a nightmare, don’t blame it on Me, but correct your own failures to obey Me and the heavenly rules, which in three letters spells sin. If you want joy and happiness, remember that obedience is pretty much the leading factor that will guide you there, and don’t expect them by failing to care for your own creation! (2016:124)

Suffering We, yes, including Me, learn or learned obedience through the things which we suffer. (I:9) Thou shalt know that it has been worth it all – all that thou hast suffered, and all that thou shalt yet go through. (I:11) Some are going to suffer in hell for having led millions astray with their ‘universal’ bad samples of selfishness, bad habits, ‘coolness’, cruelty toward each other and hatred... (I:45) By praying you can relieve the suffering. Be not envious of selfish doers-of-nothing to alleviate the suffering around them. Reduce the number of those who will suffer and die in the inevitably unfolding coming events in history by praying for them, and giving them My message of warning, so that they can prepare. (I:50) Some folks may have a ‘swell time’ on Earth and have to pay in hell for it later, like the rich man in the Bible, who wanted poor Lazarus to only dip his finger in the cool water to refresh him and ease his suffering. (I:67) Who are the ones who go astray: is it not the ones for whom everything comes so easy? Solomon went astray because he didn’t have to go through the hardships his father had to go through, which made him appreciate the kingdom, for he didn’t just receive it by birth, he couldn’t take it for granted, because he had to suffer persecution even from loved ones before he could inherit it. Without the things you suffer you would never be able to learn the lessons I want you to learn. It’s those many afflictions and sufferings that make you righteous (Ps.34:19). (I:107) Glory in your sufferings, excel in your tough times... that’s rising above. (I:135) Without the additional beauty from the sufferings of the present world, the final outcome wouldn’t be the same... (I:151) I know how it feels not to be accepted by those you call your own. Consider it part of being a partaker of My sufferings. (I:154) Maturity comes from suffering – the very thing most people try so hard to avoid. It comes from learning that it’s not in yourself, but in forsaking that self-love and finding Me at the end of yourself, and finding that I am so much greater, so much more sufficient and so much more able than yourself. “Lest Israel say, ‘Mine own arm hath saved me.’” (I:291) Only sufferings can bring forth depth. (I:566) I'm showing you a lot about not resisting the pain but accepting it instead. You've all got to be willing to take the pain along with the love! The virgin instinctively knows that she's going to be hurt by allowing herself to be loved. But fear of pain and the decision to resist and not allow it will only result in hardening. (II:75) You used to see My crucifixion as something dreadful, something that people wonder why it had to happen, until you realized that this was actually the main purpose for which I came, My greatest task and most important "job," My destiny. Even so it is with your crosses. You may dread them and you may rather have those cups pass from you, like I wished, but afterwards you'll see that they were actually the most valuable and most important parts of life, without which things would never have been the same... no victories won over the enemy, no precious lessons learnt... No victory without a battle, no crown without a cross, no rose without a thorn... no beauty for ashes... (II:214) All the pain, all the suffering will make sense, you'll see! (II:245) If I learned obedience through the things which I suffered, how much more so each one of you... (II:264) Get a taste of the suffering! Get a taste of what I went through for you! (II:310) Only pain and suffering brings out the best in people, and that's when they usually turn to Me. (II:342) Life was meant to be enjoyed, and at the same time it was meant to be suffered. Best of all is when you can "enjoy the suffering," bear it with a grin, like Paul said, "rejoice in your infirmities." You see, retrospectively, the suffering will always seem not so bad, after all, it will always bring about the "peaceable fruit of righteousness unto them which are exercised thereby," "beauty for ashes," and joy that "cometh in the morning" after one has sown in tears. That's why those with great faith can walk cheerfully through their sufferings; they know it will be worth it all, and that the things they suffer in this temporal world are not worthy to be compared with the glories which shall be revealed in them. Heaven is right by your side to help you through your sufferings. Even the "senseless" suffering that you see in the world will make sense someday. In reality, there is no such thing as senseless suffering. It all will make some sense someday. Even the suffering that evil people inflict on others serves a purpose. Discover the beauty in it all, even within the suffering! (II:393) It’s good to share Scriptures about how important and valuable your sufferings are in My sight... (II:418)

You must not doubt, but continue to believe that the glories that shall be revealed in you are not worthy to be compared to the sufferings of this present time! (II:430) If, instead of resisting and rejecting the pain and pressure, you receive and embrace and welcome it, then you'll really learn something, and will get to know things you will never know otherwise! (II:511) You just need to have a little faith and patience: trust and see what I am going to bring about through this momentary suffering and imperfection! Trust that I will bring forth beauty from ashes, life from death, joy from suffering! (II:548) Remember that this is not your destination! This is not the place you're destined to reign, but to suffer with Me. The suffering comes first, before the reigning, and that's the part you're in right now. (II:560) Through your sufferings, souls can be won to Me. The testimony of the way My saints trust Me in their sufferings and in the hours of their temptation is one of the greatest witnesses and testimonies they can give. Are you willing to suffer for others, as I was? (II:575) Pain is part of life. Learning to deal with folks who go according to totally different standards, selfish standards, the System's standards, or even the devil's, is what I've had to do also. And if I've had to deal with it, along with their hatred and persecution, as I've told My disciples: so will you. The sting of betrayal, of pain from someone you trusted, is all part of your cross. Don't seek to shun or avoid the pain! It's part of it all, the Big Picture of Life... the dark shades that make for beautiful contrast. No rose without a thorn; no beauty without pain. (II:585) Like the man that had been blind from birth, so that the glory of God could be manifest in him, so that I could come along on that day and heal him, even so it is with a lot of pain in the lives of those who love Me: Those pains are there for Me to turn them into a blessing, to bring beauty for ashes. (II:587) Just like I didn't take the sponge soaked in vinegar and gall to ease My pain on the cross, you should follow My sample and not seek easy relief or a way out of the suffering, the hardship! You've got to go through the pain and embrace the full taste of it in order for it to fulfill its ultimate purpose. There's no shortcut to glory. (II:618) You must take both, the enjoyment I give you, as well as the suffering that comes along with it. If it were just one-sided, and you'd only have the fun part of life, you'd soon become spoiled. There has got to be some pain and suffering, and often the most effective sort of pain is that which is being evoked on you by your own children. Let it count toward your being a partaker of My sufferings. See yourself as one of those on the altar, one of the lambs and rams of sacrifice, the partakers of My sufferings. Remember that you're in good company among many other fellow-sufferers, and resist it not. Be honored that I have counted you worthy and strong enough to bear these sufferings. Remember My apostles who "rejoiced that they had been counted worthy to suffer" for Me. It's part of your "job" to "endure hardness" as a good soldier of Mine (2Tim.2:3). (III:140) Your suffering is never in vain. It always has a purpose, it's always happening for a reason, and a good one, so bear it with dignity or at least the trust and confidence that I know what you can handle and what I'm allowing. (III:158) Think it not strange concerning the fiery trial which is to try you, as though some strange thing had befallen you, but rejoice, inasmuch as ye are being made partakers of My sufferings through these things! (III:179) What gave all My martyrs, faithful witnesses and true saints the power to not give in was more than a mindset or the ability to rationally figure that someday in Heaven they were going to get their reward for it. They could feel that reward already, even while they were suffering. (III:230) Taking up your cross is a hardcore reality that you've got to accept in the matrix of your understanding, your concept and perception of what's to be expected out of this life. Your cross is your destiny. And just like with Me, and every other true follower of Mine throughout history, your cross will always be provided for you by people. If you keep in mind that that is your destiny, just as it was Mine, you won't be disillusioned, you'll know what to expect. Your job, which is seeking first the Kingdom of God, which again consists of people, is your cross. Those people who constitute your job for Me, and that you're supposed to lay down your life for, also become your cross. As My follower and as a partaker of My sufferings, that is what you've got to expect. That cross is real. It's a reality. And you've got to bear it willingly. You've got to stop trying to avoid the hurt and the pain, but realize that it's essential … it belongs.

You've got to allow them to "crucify" you and cause you that pain. You cannot run from it or try to resist it... It's your destiny not to fight back. Learn from Me how to take that suffering and hurt from people without resisting it, without any attempts of defending yourself; you've just got to let it be. You can find real joy if you willingly choose the path of suffering I have laid out for you. Once you've accepted your path and you realize that the suffering is nothing strange about it, but that it belongs, and that it just serves to eradicate the impurities, you'll also find yourself of greater service to My people, and find that there will be those who'll receive your healing, your message, your sacrifice... just as there were those who did receive Me; those who make it worth it all. (III:247)

Sufferings are precisely the factors that make you appreciate Me and all I am for you, and they draw you to Me in a way that all the good times in the world never could. (III:316) I took upon Me the burden of suffering voluntarily. And while I don’t want My disciples, followers and believers to suffer ceaselessly, is it too much to ask that you should become partakers of My sufferings in whichever way I deem tolerable and bearable for you? If you decide you’re just going to grit your teeth and take it, no matter what, just because the good Lord deems you fit and capable of handling it, you’ll be alright. (2011:53) So, you don’t have it in you to suffer much… I see. But maybe I’m just trying to get a little bit more tolerance for suffering out of you, just a little more endurance, than you thought you were capable of. Do you think that’s so bad? It might come in handy one day, to be able to put up with a little bit more… (2011:55) Can you take the suffering, the losses, and the less than favorable circumstances from My hand – and thus as positives – by faith? (2011:86) Real art consists of learning to rejoice even in your sufferings... (2011:66) True love shows willingness to go through consequences together and suffer with folks. When you’re willing to suffer for somebody, even when you know they’re wrong, that’s the kind of love that is apt to change the world. (2011:118) It’s one of the enemy’s great favorites to make sufferings – especially for believers – to happen as long as possible in this world; and while he lets them occur, make you cease to believe in Me and stop and terminate your faith. (2014:80) A little more suffering in life will make you a bit humbler. (2014:148) I’ve been tortured on the cross, and beat-up beforehand… so, there seems to be a time in life to go through suffering so you can learn the difference between what’s up now and the Hereafter… maybe not even so much to just make sure you’ll appreciate the Hereafter enough, but to also see the vast difference, and why things need to get changed… (2015:27) There’ll be a good ending coming to all this suffering currently having to go through, and thus look forward to that, even through the hard times currently still passing. Let it be the most helpful job faith has ever done, to help you make it through some times of pain and suffering! So, why all that suffering, you wonder? Well, you’ll find out the reason why We’re allowing this, and you’ll find out what it’s all supposed to be teaching you… if you manage to be open enough to have your heart and mind accept such relatively tough lessons. (2015:135) Sufferings and hard times that you have to go through are what will ultimately make you stronger and help you make it through the hardest times awaiting the world. (2015:157) Even if you’re having to suffer a lot, just let it be… bear with it, and making your effort to depend mostly on Me and your help from Above will help you make it! - Ready for that? Just don’t get into complaining too much, but make the effort to bear with it! (2015:158) Many of My followers and disciples have had to suffer throughout their lives, just as I had to, and when it’s your turn, you shouldn’t start complaining as one of My followers! (2016:42) Going through life includes suffering, but that’s what I, the Son of God, had to go through, too. (2016:46) Instead of letting the things that life brings make you angry, allow them to make you humbler and more compassionate, remembering that others have to go through far worse sufferings. Some things we just can’t get around, and that, unfortunately, also includes a bit of suffering, as a lesson on the price to pay for allowing to fall for the enemy’s temptations, another one of the greatest lessons in the history of mankind. (2016:47) Remember that bearing a cross is part of the job for My true followers (Mt.10:38)! I know it’s not easy, but neither was it for Me.

So, if you have to go through some suffering… it’s what I did for you. And I never made a secret of the fact that it would be part of the fate of My true followers. (2016:63) That’s why mothers’ love extends over that of the fathers for their babies and children: They’ve had to go through some sufferings in order to have them. Isn’t that a proof that sufferings in some ways can raise some folks’ capacities to love? (2016:75) Try to take the suffering with a bit of grace and accept them as a necessary procedure to teach you some important lessons you will be able to benefit from! (2016:91) The pains and woes through the curse will teach My sheep appreciation of what’s to come: their true and everlasting Home, with no pains, nor painful ending to come. (2016:112)

Temptation If the devil can’t stop you, he’ll try to slow you down, and he’ll do that by tempting you with things that are not My best and highest will for you for the moment, but that which I call ‘his’ second best! (I:35) The enemy will continue to tempt you with decoys and tricks to get you away from My highest and best, so, beware! (I:49) How can you think that someday you’ll be ready and faithful not to deny Me, and to stand strong in the hour of temptation, when you can’t resist the little temptations of selfishness right now? (I:248) When you are tempted to get upset about a certain situation, think of Me, put on My mind, and commit the situation into My hands (Hebr.12:3)! (I:300) You don't have to take every temptation the devil hands you. (I:409) I'm shepherding you closely, but I cannot keep you from all temptations. (I:415) You'll all be taking the wind out of the enemy's sails by exposing him and his demons as liars first thing when they come and tempt you with negative thoughts or feelings about what that other person might think or feel about you. (I:426) Don't let the enemy tempt you with anything less than My highest and best! (I:452) It's a challenge to rise above laziness, the inability to see the need below the surface, and the temptations of the enemy to draw the attention away from the focus on others' needs. (I:490) All have to pray not to be led into temptation... None is exempt from that. (I:501) Sometimes desires are the very temptations of the enemy, designed to lure you away from what I desire for you. Resist the temptation, recognize it as the enemy it is, and fight this foe! (II:4) If I had to go out into the wilderness in order to resist the temptations of the enemy and overcome him once and for all, how much more so will you have to do it! Fighting and resisting the devil instead of giving in to his temptations and nudges is what it's all about. Not missing the mark (the essence of "sin") because you've allowed the enemy to distract you, that's what it's all about. (II:59) Blessed are those who are holding on, who are not giving up, no matter how much temptation makes them waver or may be tempting them to quit. (II:119) Temptations will keep coming your way, but it's up to you to resist them. (II:133) The temptations will keep coming and knocking at your door, but it's your choice whether you will succumb to them! (II:137) The tempter is still around, tempting whoever he can find who's willing to lend him an ear! (II:190) Life is a series of confrontations with often very intricately concocted temptations of the devil to get you to veer off the straight and narrow. (II:232) The temptation of doing your own thing entails an important lesson and can be helpful in warning others and keeping them from falling for it, too. You wish you had never strayed and never listened to those voices that were urging you to give in to those cravings that promised you how much grander things you could accomplish on your own... Those who hold on and who won't fall for that trap have got a mightier thing going than anything anyone could accomplish on their own, no matter how great or strong they may be or think they are. (II:283) I'm trying to get you to set your affections on things Above, but your flesh just takes every opportunity it gets to run off with every temptation. (II:284) The temptation is often there, to jerk and make your own move, before I or the prophet have arrived, but your only hope and chance to make it is to wait on Me. (II:285) Refuse to allow the enemy to tempt you with anything you should be doing instead! (II:321) You must resist the temptation and the desire to be a respected part of the System… some compromising, half-hearted "friend of both sides!" (II:459)

It takes overcoming everything the devil will use to throw in your way in order to stop you from doing it, any kind of temptation and distraction, inkling and craving... It takes strong faith, vision and discipline to keep your focus on the thing I have commanded or asked you to do and to see it through till the end. (II:514) Even though the enemy is the one who tempts people and seduces them into evil, it's ultimately people's choices to succumb to those temptations that bring evil into the world. (II:521) By talking about your battles, trials and temptations, you are on your best way to overcoming them. You're having the enemy exposed that way. Bring it all out into the open and he won't have a chance to do his dirty business in the dark and in secret anymore, which takes the power from him. You're able to call a spade a spade, a bluff a bluff, a temptation merely what it is, namely a temptation, but not necessarily a major crisis, since you're not about to give in to it. (II:578) Look at Me, and My purpose behind it all: to pick out from among them those who will stay faithful in spite of it all, and who will yet stick out from the rest of them all by refusing to yield to the same temptations. The temptations will be there, but they won't yield to them. (III:16) It takes desperate seeking of My face and of My will to find out which is truly My blessing, and which is the devil's temptation; which is truly My will, and which is the will of the flesh. (III:67) Part of developing spiritual strength is learning to resist temptation. Whether you're going to stand strong in the Hour of Temptation (Rev.3:10) is being determined by how firm you stand in the relatively small temptations of every day. (III:69) Some things are temptations of the enemy. You don't have to avail yourself of every luxury just because it's there. (III:97) The danger of wanting to promote oneself instead of Me and My humble and humiliating message is always there, and part of the battle consists of just resisting that temptation. (III:110) You've got to ignore all the shiny temptations that might cause you to give yourself the glory, instead of Me! (III:122) Distractions and temptations are there for you to learn to resist them and keep them in their proper place, and never allow them to take Mine. (III:206) All you've really got to do is stick close to Me and not get tripped off so easily, not get distracted or lured away by the enemy's shiny temptations. (III:240) The art consists of learning to make the right choices right now, in spite of the manifold temptations and urges that would beckon you to make the wrong ones. What I need for My Kingdom is rulers, men and women of integrity who won't succumb to such temptations, but who will truly rule in righteousness. (III:243) One of the greatest temptations of the children of men is to always want to have the afar-off, to want what they don't have, to despise what they have been given, and instead only crave and focus on that which they have not. It's one of the devil's favorite tactics to breed discontent. (III:251) Discipline yourself to become more single-minded, and not allow tempting thoughts to lure your mind away from the essential! You won't allow your thoughts to wander, you won't give in to those voices of temptation beckoning you and luring you away from Me. (III:253) With the temptation I will always also make a way to escape so that it doesn’t become too much to bear. (2011:103) Yielding to temptation has mind- and thus, reality-altering qualities, so, they can be pretty dangerous, and pretty much the most potent weapon the devil’s got, because they’re powered by your own choices. So it definitely pays to make an extra effort to recognize and resist them, since the consequences can at times be devastating, and yet, nevertheless not without bringing My Promise to fruition that I’ll turn your evil into good and make everything wind up turning out alright. (2012:32) The temptation is obviously there, when you earn what others would consider larger amounts of money, to put your trust in that and derive a degree of satisfaction from it. But as with many others, that’s a temptation you ought to resist. (2012:75) Every time you get tempted to quit and throw in the towel, it’s a minor victory for the devil, because he’s accomplished exactly what he wanted, and he sneers in My face with glee, “You see? He’s ready to quit! He’s giving up!” (2012:76) The real smart cats will have learned to resist the temptation when it knocks. (2012:86)

The problem: people don’t look at things objectively; they only look at the shiny side of temptation and what they don’t have, and others might. (2012:115) It’s hard to withstand the temptation of what the whole world constantly glorifies and advertises: man’s abilities, man’s strength and achievement and struggle for independence. (2012:116) When the devil tempts you to feel discontent with your situation, just take this as the portion of your cup that I’ve handed to you, in the full confidence that it is good. (2012:133) The strength required to resist the natural temptation to do what everyone else does, is a supernatural thing, a gift of My Spirit, that won’t just come by passively allowing yourself to float down the stream of life the way you have for most of your life. (2012:135) The “better” folks are, the less available they are, especially if they know their own value; and they’re pretty much constantly in demand, and sell themselves only to the highest bidder; and only few recognize Me as truly that. Of course, they’re subject to the same temptations, and want it all in the here and now. Give credit to all those who’ve managed to withstand the temptations of what the here and now has to offer, especially those living in this day and age, when those temptations are stronger than ever. Who would resist the temptation of making “something” of themselves, when it is in My interest to do the opposite and make nothing out of you first? (2012:138) Once you start comparing yourself with others, and all the “free time” they have and things they are able to do to enjoy themselves, you start feeling like you’re missing out and you’ve got the raw end of the deal. It’s the enemy tempting you to covet the grass on the other side of the fence, when you don’t really have a clue what you’ve got right where you are, and all the trouble you’re potentially spared. You only see the seemingly never-ending heaps of little troubles you’ve got, but never the big troubles those might be keeping you out of! (2012:151) It’s the adversity and the struggle, including the temptations evil presents that bring out the worst, but also the best in you, depending on the choices you make accordingly. (2012:161) You’re finding yourself tempted frequently, to put your career above your relationship. But maybe this can serve as a warning for you, not to give in to that temptation. (2013:17) For My sake and your own, put up some more of a fight to resist evil, not just the outside attacks and adversities, but also the temptations to let your standard slip down to levels where I simply can’t keep blessing and protecting you the way and to the extent I would want. (2013:20) The resolve to want to do better will mean, having to put some of the distractions on the backburner, and not yielding to every temptation that comes along to get you tripped off. (2013:41) It takes a strong effort not to yield to the temptation to allow the affairs of this life to swallow up every bit of your time, instead of wasting it on a God the flesh doesn’t deem good for anything, when it considers itself so much more reliable… (2013:62) The temptation is to deal with the challenges in your own strength and wisdom, but I and My Spirit will always strongly advise and urge you to include Us in the matter. (2013:97) You must realize that it’s the Enemy’s temptation to tempt you or anyone with greater manifestations of power in this life and world, and it can seem quite tempting compared to the often weaker seeming roles and parts that I have to offer My followers in this life… Sometimes, or often, the victory of striving for My part is the one of rejecting the devil’s temptations in this world. (2014:23) I want you to make Me your first Love, which isn’t always easy, and why the enemy tries to make the world so full of temptations. (2014:70)

Don’t let the enemy seduce you with his tricks and don’t let him make you wind up on a narrow, bad road! (2014:72) The places that look the most perfect in this imperfect world are usually the greatest temptation to have people think and believe that the physical is the most perfect in the here and now, which to them means, the only one they’ll ever be interested in. “The more money and luxury the better” is the rule that makes folks bow down to places like that, which offer the greatest material riches and thus, power… (2014:140) Wave goodbye to what the enemy’s trying to tell you and tempt you with, when he’s trying to hitch your faith to the temporal, and values of the physical world he runs, and trust and confide in Me and the Father, and what We’ll make appear for you that is going to last! (2014:204)

Sometimes it pays to stay on the straight and narrow path… to stay on the attack, and on the defense against the enemy’s influences, otherwise he’ll get his rights against you, to make you suffer for sins he tempted you to commit. These are lessons of life… lessons that pay to make the effort to better learn them. If you make the mistakes that let him win over you… well, that’s the hard way to learn, but usually (and should be) something you’ll never forget. If you make mistakes like that, they should keep you on the alert, never to let the enemy win such advantages against you. (2015:29) If things aren’t going so fine, don’t blame it on Me, but remember that you’ve got a tough enemy to be fighting against, who was just waiting for an opportunity to put you down during a time when you weren’t as strong spiritually as you had been before. That’s one of the reasons he tempts folks to do things against the spiritual rules and laws: so that they forego their blessings and protection and he can finally harm them with his evil weapons. Let it be a warning to you and a valid reason why you should be keeping the rules and not just take excuses for rebelling against them! in order to keep the blessings and protection from Above are pretty much the main one. Otherwise the blessings can’t be kept poured on you, but you might have to count on some counter experience and bad blow of the evil one. So, keep in tune with Me and the right sources of the Spirit, and don’t give any room to the temptations of evil! Let that lesson sink deeply into you and fight for making it against the temptations to keep repeating the same mistakes that would rob you from the blessings from above! (2015:40) I’ve told you how spiritually bad it is to put one’s trust in money, the love of which is the root of all evil. So, try hard to keep your mind geared up to Me and Heaven, instead of that big worldly temptation which certainly won’t last forever, as you know from My Word’s prophetic forecasts. (2015:54) Many ways of the flesh, that it longs for, are temptations of the enemy. And it’s one of those things on the schedule to be learned in the School of Life, to resist those, and come up with something new. I know you want your life down there to be easier, but being stuck on some of those temptations doesn’t really make it easier; especially not when they’re pushing or dragging you in the opposite direction of where I want you to go. (2015:92) Couldn’t it also be the enemy’s temptation to keep folks stuck where things may be temptingly easier, financially, but all the more devastating in spiritual aspects? (2015:97) So, times on Earth aren’t perfect… but what did you expect from a world taken over by the enemy due to the majority of folks down there falling for his temptations? (2015:105) It’s been the enemy’s tactic to make certain things and temptations of his to look more attractive to folks, but then turned out to be much harder times than it would have been if they would have stuck to Me, My leadings and guidings. A lot of troubles would have been spared and avoided, if obedience to the rules from Above would have been implemented, instead of listening to the enemy’s temptations and giving in to them! Remember that the enemy often comes up with temptations to have you act contrary to and against My will, and learn the lesson that the effect of that disobedience can sometimes be detrimental! (2015:108) Make sure you’ll stay on My track, and keep following Me, and don’t yield to the enemy’s temptations! (2015:112) All depends a lot on whether you still manage to believe that We know what’s right and best for you and humanity, or you keep letting the devil continue to persuade you that you’d be smarter, such as he tends to believe about himself. That’s another big temptation to watch out for! Don’t let the devil trick you into thinking you’re smarter than We are, the way he thinks he is! (2015:116) It’s a tough challenge to keep the spiritual aspects in the first place in a world where the opposite is largely the case, and the flesh is just about the thing of major importance for the large part of mankind. - All the more important to learn to become an exception, and resist the temptations to join the major trends of humanity. To be longing for Our Home, instead of feeling at home in the world currently run largely by Our enemy, shows you’re definitely more on Our side, and one of Us, rather than belonging to the large bunch of folks attracted and pulled off the proper track by his temptations! (2015:122) It’s a tough one for many, to learn the purpose of life and act according to it, especially with so many temptations leading the opposite way. (2015:145) It’s one of the biggest tricks of the enemy, to get folks as tripped off on physical and fleshly temptations, so that they’ll get so used to his drugs that they’ll neglect the spiritual completely. “Lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil” was part of the prayer I taught! So, to resist the temptations the enemy puts before you is one of the big lessons of life you should not neglect or fail to learn! Life could be so much better if you’d manage to resist the temptations the enemy put before you, you’ll see! Resist the temptations of the flesh! And seek more to be filled by the true happiness and fulfillment the Spirit has to offer! Having chosen Me as your Savior also means having to choose to say “no!” to the temptations of sin, if you want this life you supposedly chose to live for Me to be a happy and fulfilling one. Don’t let the enemy keep coming in to tempt you, but resist him until he’ll flee from you, as James put it! (2015:148)

The devil keeps tempting you with things to keep you side-tracked, but it’s time you learn that lesson, look through his attempts and resist them with all your might! (2015:151) The enemy’s temptation apparatus has become the most powerful in all of history, and by now requires quite some efforts or miracles to resist. (2015:159) Continue to trust Us, even if the enemy will tempt you to quit trusting with the evil he’s bringing into the world! (2015:163) If you’re tempted to get angry, especially resist the temptation to get angry at Us, which you should be able to tell, is definitely result of one of the enemy’s moves you shouldn’t let him make you fall for! As far as temptations go: learn to resist them! Make an effort to resist those temptations of the evil one and all his tempters! That’s part of the battles you’re supposed to fight: to resist the temptations of the evil ones! (2015:165) Overcome the temptations of fear and keep looking toward Me Up Here! Keep choosing the heavenly side, instead of that of the enemy or any of his temptations! (2015:167) Any temporal and material assets offering themselves to you down there to drag your attention away from Me, your Creator, and the everlasting Sphere, starts making it clear whose side those temptations and distractions could only come from… It takes a greater effort than ever before to resist all the temptations and attractions of the physical. It’s the most difficult and a harder challenge than ever, to resist carnal and material temptations, but the more you realize how vain they are, how temporal and empty, as far as the eternal, spiritual values go, the more drawn toward the other, spiritual side you start feeling. The problem isn’t people allowing the enemy to do all the evil, but letting him tempt and trick them into doing most of it! And he knows that they’ll have to pay for it themselves! Become aware of how the enemy’s fighting you and tempting you to get angry or mad… learn how to stay on the defensive! (2015:169)

It can be quite easy to make bad choices with the sly temptations that make it easy to fall for them. Well, one day, the good result of folks resisting and not having fallen into the enemy’s temptations will teach the rest of the world the lesson of what would have been the better kind of choice! You’re getting the point slowly, of how important it is to make the right kind of choices throughout life… Having seen what the wrong kind can lead the entire globe into, like Adam and Eve’s picking the forbidden fruit after falling for the devil’s lies and temptations, and the vast majority of the world’s population throughout history falling into the same kind of traps… including yourself for quite some time, but at least eventually learning some of the resulting lessons. So, it’s important to have the evil one’s temptations and tricks exposed and not fall for them any longer, isn’t it? Realizing that with his cunning deceitfulness he’s definitely not the one to trust, well, that’s pretty much one of the major lessons of life. (2015:180)

To resist all the temptations through which the enemy makes life even tougher may be a hard, tough battle to fight, but that’s why I’m talking a lot about victory, too. Resisting temptation has some promising rewards! (2015:182) Folks are craving their enjoyment and entertainment so much these days that it’s getting quite tough to resist those temptations. (2015:185)

There weren’t just good times to be expected on this Earth taken over by the enemy through men’s choices to yield to his temptations, rather than obeying Us and following Our rules instead. (2015:205) Preparation’s the name of the game right now, even if the temptation is to just get stuck and focused on what’s going on right now… (2015:240) That’s why you have to deal with trouble as a child of God: in order to learn to do and behave better than when everything runs so easily and blissful that you may be tempted to get spoiled through it. (2016:26) Just as sinners have to repent, in order to get saved, so followers of Mine have to change their wrong tracks they get tempted and deceived to get on at times – and sad to say, many times! The trouble of this world that started off with the choice of Eve should also be a lesson for all the Adams to follow, not to give in to that temptation, but know and do better and resist it! (2016:32) One of the main purposes of allowing the Endtime to come about: To teach mankind just what the devil’s ways and temptations will make of the world, making Our Kingdom a definitely better Option. Some things we just can’t get around, and that, unfortunately, also includes a bit of suffering, as a lesson on the price to pay for allowing falling for the enemy’s temptations, another one of the greatest lessons in the history of mankind. (2016:47) Consider that temptation to get into negative tempers something you need to make an effort to resist and fight against!

Don’t give in to the negative forces taking over that temporal world! Otherwise it’s as if you’re more tempted to believe in the enemy’s powers, instead of the Father’s and Mine… (2016:49) Make the best of life you can! That’s your job, task and challenge. – With the enemy of course doing all he can with his host to make it as hard for you as possible. Learning to resist those temptations is another task of life. (2016:57) Sometimes you’re still tempted to think that things will go on as they are, but they won’t. (2016:63) Not ready for Heaven? – Well, think about what you need in order to get ready! It’s not Mine or the Father’s fault for not having made you perfect enough, but it still depends all on your daily choices, and what temptations you choose to give in to! (2016:66) It was man’s own choice getting the world into the mess it’s in, and that should teach you a major lesson on what sort of choices you ought to make – as to whom you’ll believe when some voices of temptation offer you another option of what I’ve been telling you to do, and would be better. Even if the majority of those around you tend to make the wrong choices, the question is: are you able to resist that temptation and still choose the right things to do, even if the majority of folks on the planet won’t? (2016:67) With the enemy’s skill of tempting folks with apparently irresistible evil… making it look so good and attractive to the flesh, I keep teaching you to gear your focus toward the Spirit. Keep your vision and focus pointed toward the One Who made it all, and resist the temptations of him, who has caused creation to wind up as an unpleasant place for those who prefer the good over evil! (2016:112) The Old Testament tale of the weak prophet who didn’t do what I had told him, to fast, because another prophet tempted him to disobey what I had told him, is a good lesson on sticking to and obeying what I tell you, even if it may not apply to others. So, if I could even tell a fellow prophet to tempt his brother as a test of his obedience, it’s wise to learn from that biblical lesson to stick to and obey what I’m telling you. – I order to avoid letting the lion get you! The gift of hearing from Me includes the duty of doing what I tell you to in order to continue receiving the blessings from Above. – Resisting the temptations of disobedience and compromise. (2016:124) How you deal with troubles and challenges shows what sort of a fighter you are… not just giving in to the devil and the tough events he sows into your life to tempt you to give up your faith in Me. So, it’s important to become a good taker of trouble, learn how to deal with it, and not let it tempt you to give up. (2016:129) You shouldn’t neglect that path of preparation for the Lasting Side, and not just make the temporal part down there the main part, which unfortunately the majority of Christians do, yielding to the temptations of our enemy, who’s trying to make the temporal part the main and most important part, and managing to do so with the vast majority of believers! (2016:133)

Time vs. Eternity Redeem the time, for the days are evil! (I:14) Every moment you spend with Me, is time invested wisely. (I:16) Time spent with Me equals time saved, not wasted. For I will prevent you from wasting it on things the enemy would get you involved in, in his permanent effort to lessen your effectiveness. (I:35) Don’t think of the eternal Realm as a lesser realm! (I:124) The time is now to really determine whether you will set your affections on things above or things that are seen: the eternal or the temporal; the Real Thing or the cheap imitation and easy way out, Me or the devil's substitute. (I:410) Forsake the eyes of doubt, of criticism and of seeing the so-called "realistic" side or view of things, which is only the temporal view of things, really, which will cease, along with all that is temporal, and look on that which is eternal! See things in the Spirit! (I:495)

Time to stretch your muscles of faith and trust in Me for the future! (II:39) We're trying to strengthen the things that remain, and that is faith, trust and reliance on the Eternal, not on man, or anything else that is temporal. (II:60) You only see things from your linear point in time, but I see the full scope of eternity, that which was, long before you were born, and that which will be long after this life, and the more you will "hang with Me," you will learn to see things from that eternal angle, too, and you will also behold with the eyes of faith, the faith which overcometh the world (1.John 5:4). (II:138) Forever is the only reality that counts, as far as I and all My true visionaries of all times were ever concerned. Forget about the temporal! What good is it? What short-sightedness! If you invest each of those tiny little fragile moments, those tiny drops of time, in the vast ocean of forever, they won't merely evaporate into thin air, as the works of unbelievers undoubtedly will, but you're going to make eternal contributions to the one that lasts. Whatever decisions you have to make, measure them by the standards of forever! What weight does it have in the cause of forever? Is that thing you do and are planning to do merely something which contributes to the fleeting, temporary subjects of time, or will it be something worth an entry in the annals of forever? (II:170) Time is the touchstone of testing, the moor stone to show who it is that really has My Spirit and who really has what it takes, the strength and perseverance, the determination not to give up, plus, no desire to turn back to Babylon or Egypt, because there is no Egypt for them to turn back to. (II:239) How much better off people actually are when the abundance is taken away from them, when they lose those things which kept them too busy for Me, because in losing that which is temporal, they often find Me, the Eternal. (II:252) How much do you value the eternal things above the temporal? (II:306) The small, personal cause is infinitesimal when it comes to My true and everlasting Cause. Faith is what makes you hinge your focus and vision on that, not the mere fleeting earthly and temporal pleasures. (II:578) My sheep hear My voice, and they detect the difference between eternal and temporal. (II:644) Not everything you do is obviously or directly an investment in Eternity: every meal you eat or shower you take is not exactly an investment in Eternity, but it helps to keep your body going, which houses your spirit, and thus keeps it learning, growing and progressing. The same applies to other things you learn that are really only relevant in this life: exercising, which you won't need to do in your supernatural bodies anymore, either. But you're going to have to invest something in the there and now, in order to successfully bear fruit that remains for Eternity. So, never consider anything too mundane or too low or too futile to invest your time in! (III:56) You can avail yourself of the help and wisdom of those from beyond time, their wisdom and insight, their battle experience, in order to fulfill your destiny and do your part to contribute to the victory and triumph of good over evil. (III:59) The more you invest in this life, in acquiring and aspiring in this present world, the more you miss the point, and the more you'll miss out and lose in the end, of what you could have truly gained by investing more in Eternity. (III:126) If you sow to the temporal, then temporal and limited will be your reward. If you sow to the eternal, your rewards will also be never-ending. (III:222)

You cannot hinge your faith on man or what you see in the temporal realm. The Power that makes things happen comes from Me, from My invisible, eternal Realm... (III:227) You might as well quit wasting your time and invest it where it really matters! The only gift and sacrifice I require in return in this day and age is your time. No more lambs for the altar, no more blood sacrifices, just an open, yielded heart, and a little bit of your time, that’s all. Of course, that’s exactly what the devil is trying to prevent, which is the reason why he’s trying so frantically to keep everyone so busy they’ll think twice before they’ll ever invest any of their scarce spare time in prayer or any other form of communication with Me. It has always been like that; it’s only gotten worse. That’s why I said it’s impossible to serve God and Mammon. There’ll never be enough time for both! Serving Me takes time, and so does living for money; so you’ve got to make up your mind. The point is, don’t get too entangled in your job, so that you won’t neglect your time with Me! Give each day to Me, dedicate it to Me and let Me be there and present for you, and even if you should drift away from Me for a little while in your thoughts, come back to Me! (2011:50) Often your lack of faith in My better future is only due to a lack of faith in what My power could do for you right now, and your failure to avail yourself of the power via prayer! If you don’t avail yourself of My Power in the present, it’s no wonder that your faith might shrink in what My Power can do for the world in the future… Likewise you’ll only get others to believe in what I have said and promised about the future, if they’ll see you avail yourself of My Power, and see that Power alive and active in you in the here and now. (2011:52) I determine in the long run what’s truly valid. It’s the eternal standards that measure true value, not the temporary ones. Your greatest treasure you’ll never have to lose. It’s supposed to bring out the superiority of the true values, the ones you cannot lose over those that are only temporal. Cling to the Eternal! Find there a treasure much greater than any and all things you might have to let go in this life, and count them not loss, but gains in that they bring you closer to Me! (2011:113) What would you need Me for, if you could foresee your future? Having to take it all one day at a time reminds you of the differences between us, and of the fact that you’re relatively clueless compared to the insight I can give you on topics that concern you, such as your life, My plan for it, and what you’re supposed to do, etc. (2011:126) There are good times and bad times. The problem is that when you hit the bad times you feel as if they’re here to stay. They become all-encompassing to you, all you see at that moment, which shows that you haven’t acquired a lot of situation-handling skills yet; your faith and the positiveness you’re supposed to show in spite of the circumstances just run out on you during these times. (2011:135) Most of your dreams, hopes and wishes won’t be coming to pass in this life, but if you embrace them as part of your future rewards, it will help you to define more clearly your goals to walk forward towards. At least you’ll know what you want, desire and what you’re not only looking forward to, but also walking toward, as if your future were part of who and what you can already be, which is actually a quite tangible reality. Your faith in the better future that awaits you can determine who you are and will be in this life. (2011:148) Sometimes you may feel like I’m wasting your precious time by what I’m putting you through, especially when you would much rather enjoy yourself and be spending that time on your idea of worthwhile investments, but that again is where you must trust Me and My judgment of what effectively is a waste of time, and what is not. (2012:14) The difference between everything and nothing: a life of heavenly purpose and enjoying My fullness and blessings, or a mere existence without purpose, in darkness and emptiness, compared to what it could and should be, and certainly according to spiritual and eternal criteria. In fact, it makes the difference between time and eternity as far as you're concerned. (2012:15) Many times it will seem doubtful whether any of what you’re going through could possibly be worth it when you could imagine so much more pleasurable ways of spending your time. But if you treat the good and the bad times the same – success and failure – you’ll eventually reap rewards that will far surpass any of the temporal gratification obtained via the conventional methods. (2012:19)

Imperfect means: not complete. It isn’t destined to last. The greatest break of all, like death, will be the end, and that’s the main trademark that distinguishes temporal things from the eternal. (2012:60) If nothing is ever really lost, then even all those seemingly pointless endeavors aren’t futile in the long run, and from Eternity’s point of view. All is vanity, yes, when it comes to the futility of this world. But it all makes sense looking through the spectacles of Eternity, where everything is magnified, clarified and enhanced to turn out to make perfect sense. (2012:65)

The largest unknown for you is the future, and in that aspect there are a lot of things you don’t know that I do. I know and can see where you’re going and the final outcome. So, even if you feel about the looks of that temporary stretch in your road, unless you get definite warning signals from Me, that you’re on the wrong track, you can be assured that things will be okay, and you don’t need to feel so discouraged about it. Every road has its ups and downs. Now, the downs may look terrible and dreadful to you while you’re passing them, but I can already see the next stretch, and the one beyond, and so on… And from where I stand, it doesn’t all look that bad as it may to you. (2012:82) The System and its ways of dealing with people are upsetting, just as I said, “In the world ye shall have tribulation.” But I also added, “But be of good cheer (cheer up!); I have overcome the world.” (John 16:33) In other words, don’t worry; I’ll take care of them! They may be on top of things today and exert and abuse their power over you, but before long they’ll experience, just like all their predecessors and generations of power-wielders before them, just how temporal and fickle their power is. Basically, it’s the one thing you have on them: The values you build on are a lasting basis, though perceived to be much weaker, perhaps even less real, while theirs, appearing to be strong and paramount at the moment, will vanish along with everything else in and from this world, like a vapor. The worst thing you can allow to happen to you is allow yourself to get sucked in to their scope and realm of thought and perception and become infested with the bug of the illusion that the temporal rules, instead of the eternal, because you ought to know better, at least in the long run, and not get those momentary temptations to worry and get caught up in the world affecting you on a long-term, lasting basis. (2012:104) It all looks pretty bad right now, I know, perhaps even hopeless, but you’ve just got to trust Me that right now isn’t all there is. It’s kind of hard and perhaps somewhat of a contradiction to ask you to put your faith in the future when I’ve told you repeatedly before to live in the present, and give it all you got right here and now. Well, in order to achieve that glorious future, that’s what it takes, and the key is to avail yourself of the same power in the here and now that you know will also restore all things in the future, trust in the hands that rule and control both, the here and now (even if less visibly so) and the there and then. Try to treat the here and now, the present, a little bit more the way I do, as a part of the there and then and the future to be. Keep that faith in a better future, a better outcome of all of this than what you see right now! (2012:111) As lovable as this world may be, it’s not really something to put all your faith in, just due to the fact that it’s all temporal. A life lived properly is one that doesn’t leave out of the account the factor that it will all come to an end, and that acquiring things, or even achieving things in it isn’t the all-in-all. And even though you’ve known all that in theory, your concerns, affections, preoccupations and attention keep wandering back towards those immediate matters of the here and now, and you keep putting a lot more emphasis on them than the eternal matters that really count. So, presenting you with a taste of preoccupation with the temporal world that’s obviously even more futile and pointless than all you had previously perceived, sounded like a good tactic to Me to drive that point home to you in a bit more vivid, effective and lasting way. While the value of your time spent with Me and what you’re getting out of it may be disputed, according to the currencies of the world, its value is indisputably clear to Me, Who am lacking respect for those, but do measure things by values that will still hold their weight in the scales of eternity. (2012:115) It’s hard for you to grasp the concept of My timescape, the Cairos, the Eternal Now, as some have called it. It’s the larger dimension above and around yours that isn’t meant to be grasped fully by you in your present realm, but only to be caught glimpses of. Although I’d wish you’d be in tune with it to a greater extent, so you’d worry less about all those temporal things and matters that are presently torturing you, and thus be a much more powerful instrument in My hand to convey that glimpse to others. (2012:183) Many are they who go through life chasing temporal values, and few, but blessed are they who seek eternal ones. (2013:34) Can you complain that this temporal, earthly existence is a little tough for you? It’s not the home and goal you settle for. Consequently, you didn’t invest all your time, effort, blood, sweat and tears in it. You invested in something that will show its rewards later. Sometimes you’re tempted to regret that choice, but what’s done is done, and those seeds of the time and years you’ve invested in My service are in the ground; and while you still can’t see any results springing forth from them right now, and you seem to be coming off empty-handed, compared to all those investors in the here and now, all I can keep telling you is, “just wait and see!” You won’t be disappointed! According to your perception of time, it takes maybe a lot of patience, but you’ll see: that apparent lot will seem very little to you also, in the long run. I’m trying to get you to see things more from My perspective, the eternal, long-range one, as opposed to your temporal, shortsighted, short term one. (2013:67) As long as you may think your life has already been, in the scope of eternity, this is still the morning of your life. (2013:95) Time will do the talking, the telling of the difference, and the separating. (2013:104)

A lot has to do with what you choose to give to those around you. What’s its value in terms of eternity? (2013:121) Your present will only be as heavenly as you allow Me to make it by the Presence you grant Me in it. (2013:127) Prepare for the eternal life, instead of the temporal! While the temporal may seem somewhat more important to you, many of My earlier believers have realized that what’s to come is more important, greater, and infinite. For many, the fleshly and carnal existence may seem more important, or even the only one they believe in, but you ought to know differently and prepare a bit more for what’s to come! You know now how easy and quickly this temporal one might end! (2014:2) What the flesh has to offer is shortened and eventually extinguished by time; and only looking at the Spirit by faith can keep you on My way of Eternity. It all depends quite a bit on whether you put your values on the truly important side, or stay on the temporal values, which is what the world largely treats as most important… It all depends whether you raise your values up to eternal or keep them on temporal… (2014:8) I’m trying to get you interested in the eternal frame, not just the temporary successes in the world… (2014:10) Recognize and emphasize the lasting and eternal things and values more than the temporal ones! Trust more in what’s eternal than timely and temporal! Put more of your faith and effort into receiving My strength – the eternal one, rather than the temporal ones. (2014:15) To change your life and get it less oriented by and toward money, might definitely be the more favorable arrangement for your human soul, development and growth concerning eternity. (2014:42) It’s time to let your faith grow taller than your fear in whatever the enemy and his folks might do to you… (2014:44) Don’t you think I’d be hoping that the older you get, the more you prepare for the values of eternal life, instead of caring mostly about temporal things and values you can earn, or reap in physical, temporal and material life… which aren’t going to last forever? So, your faith has a lot to do with your life in the Hereafter; whether you just believe in the temporal and material world and life, or in the eternal one… (2014:47) Whatever the world or System creates is going to be temporal, not eternal. It’s just a few things that were created by My power that last longer, …they have greater and more eternal glory. And there’ll be more and new things that’ll appear shining with My strength; much more worth it for you to look out for than the worldly strengths and glories, its temporal ones… while the glory of the Spirit is eternal… (2014:57) Faith helps you to appreciate the value of lasting and eternal things, and not just in the temporal… (2014:80) The fact that this world is temporal, while Mine is eternal, is still true, and a good and solid truth to follow! That’s what faith is all about, and the reason why it pays off to follow it to the Place you’ll spend your everlasting future. (2014:89)

The physical doesn’t offer much endless or everlasting to believe in or cling to, because it’s temporal, and things in this physical world will be over eventually. And if physical things will be over eventually, doesn’t it encourage your faith in what’s hereafter? If the temporal discourages you and weakens you, just keep your faith in Me and the Hereafter… the Spirit World. Trust Me, it’s a lot more long-lasting than the physical! (2014:134) When you can trust fully in Me – maybe because your circumstances have forced you to put that trust in Me more than yourself and your own capabilities – let’s say, you’re a larger bit closer to the way folks eventually wind up in Heaven, where the flesh once trusted in has gone absent, and all in all, the Spirit World’s way is working differently in and through you… Let’s say, more the eternal way than the temporal. Being bound by time is one of those things of living in the temporary world… and you’ll find out that the eternal mode will turn out quite a lot nicer. - Less loss of things. It makes a difference when most things you deal with just last forever. Part of the temporal life you’re going through is to teach you and make you appreciate that difference, and you’ll agree that This is better for sure. (2014:147)

The present is a little more important than the times past! Even if the past seems more glorious to you, and in many ways you despise many things of what the present has to offer you right now. The present is still more relevant, and thus, more im portant than the past! The past may seem more glorious in some or even many ways. But if you give it more importance than the present, it’s not going to make it, nor the future, any better! It may cost you more faith to make it victoriously through the present times… but maybe that’s My will for you: to get ahold of more faith than you made it with and needed in the past. But that’s because it may be more important for you and many folks to keep up the faith throughout what’s to come!

Don’t lament the loss of your previously glorious times in the past! If you really have faith, you ought to know that what’s coming up is going to be a whole lot better! If right now may be a whole lot worse than what you’d experienced previously, it may just be a helpful reminder not to put your whole faith and trust in the here and now of this world! The present quite certainly is more important for you than the past, regardless of how much more pleasant the time back then may have looked for you. Even though this present time may be much tougher for you, and so much harder, whatever’s harder in life will draw you closer to Us, you’ll see! (2014:152) Trust in Me as the One Who holds your future, and be ready and willing to follow Mine! (2014:159) Trust in Me and My Promise that the future will be better for you than this current present! (2014:167) Think about it that there’ll be a brighter and more glorious future, eventually, and it’ll be worth it all, trust Me! (2014:181) When you don’t know exactly what is going to happen, or when, it’s a good time to go by faith and trust in Me and the Father, that We’re going to let happen exactly what needs to, and when it needs to. If you don’t know for sure what is going to happen when, just keep trusting in Us, that We’ll see to it that things will take place at the best time possible, and that even if you don’t know exactly when, We’ll take care of you, no matter what… (15:31) Try to remember that what’s expecting you in the future beyond this life will be better than all of what you experienced in it! There’s something better comin up, and it’s worth looking forward to. (15:33) That’s where you’re headed, ultimately: the Spirit World – a different, and trust Me: more glorious dimension, and a much more lasting one, not just this temporal existence you’re having to cope with right now. Get into the gear of that eternal life for which I died to give it to My believers! Get into the gear of the Spirit, and come out of that of the flesh, relying on it, when the other one is the lasting one, and the principal one you ought to get geared to. (15:37) Trust Me that spirituality is the more important dimension that you should also put in the first place in your life by now. It’s the eternal thing, versus all the temporal ones that will sooner or later come to an end. And the more you manage to have them partake in your eternal and spiritual gear, the better it will be for your lasting relations. (15:41) Get prepared for the Hereafter in Heaven! That’s what believers should do, and not just get stuck in this temporal life as if it was all there is and lasts forever. That forever part is Up Here, and as a believer, one should somewhat prepare for it, since that’s where they’re heading! If your good looks have gone, it’s good to know and remember they’re just something temporal. The physical is temporal. If you want something lasting and eternal, it’s gotta be spiritual! – Which means, visible and touchable in another dimension, another, spiritual area, but normally simply not in this physical and material and temporal one you’re in right now. (15:49) Not expecting this world and your temporal life to be all the reason for your physical existence down there brings you a bit closer to Us, since you’re finally becoming more interested in Our Realm, which, for you, is the Hereafter. Let it create a bit more of a heavenly vision in you for what’s to come, and the not just temporarily limited Hereafter… your eternal life. – Of which your reception of Me in your heart quite some years ago, was the beginning. (15:53) As ugly as your present may be, keep an eye on the brighter future for you and believers! Make it as huge a part of your reality as you can, so that the temporary physical world doesn’t drag you down too much! That’s what faith is all about: a definitely brighter future and a more glorious existence hereafter than what the present has to offer you. Your Creator ought to be capable of preparing a better Hereafter for you than what your present has to offer! (15:55) If there’s a Creator at work, then you must realize there must also be a better space and dimension and World to live, than all that your temporal and physical world can come up with right now… don’t you think? And becoming heavenly-minded is definitely a better mental and spiritual state… Looking Up ahead, instead of just rolled into the physical surroundings, which aren’t everlasting. Prepare for what’s coming! – Especially the final, greater Up Ahead! The eternal Home… not limited to temporal existence. (2015:61) Believe and trust Me that there are way and much better times up ahead… in fact, an eternity during which time as it is right now will be no more, so… something new, completely; and trust Me: so much better than the there and now! (15:79) Sow to the eternal, not just that temporal phase, which may be here today, but will be eventually gone tomorrow, even if the world may pretend and seek to get you to believe that it’s all there is and ever will be. Well, but that’s where faith comes in, and where it makes the big difference! Not to sow it all to what’s here today, gone tomorrow, but have faith in a much more fruitful Hereafter, that’s where one’s meaning of life should lie who believes in Me and what I’ve promised to come. (15:122)

In the world, anything you can learn is about the there and now, whereas what I teach you has an effect on eternity… the sphere which goes on forever. None of the troubles, diseases and pains will happen to you, once you get into that Dimension I’m talking to you about now, and which, as a citizen of it through faith, you ought to get prepared for and not stay too affected by and tied up to the circumstances you get hit by through the temporary world you’re in right now. (15:143) Sometimes the news you receive from the eternal Dimension don’t seem to make that much sense to your temporal world and situation… but the closer you get to Our Side of the Spirit, the more you’ll be able to grasp of it all, Our input We give you! Until then, just take it by faith! (15:171) What you’ve seen and experienced down there was just temporary, and not everlasting, which is a major difference between your there and then and Our Here and Now… Even though your past was more beautiful than the present, just know by faith that your ultimate future will be even more gorgeous and beautiful than the best times in your life you’ve ever had! (15:184) The difference between “Heaven on Earth” and Heaven Up Here: There’s no time Up Here to make it seize. In other words, Up Here, the bliss endures forever. - One of the differences between the time-bound and temporal physical realm and what’s expecting you Here. (15:190) It’s a bit tough when the past times of your life seem so much more glorious, more anointed, easier and more pleasant than the present ones, but see it as one of the advantages of the eternal passage of life hereafter: there’ll be no more passages of the past you’ll be looking back at with pain because you were feeling stronger and better back then… The fact that time shall be no more in the same way it exists for you right now: making things wear out and all things and folks older and closer to passing away… well, that’s one of the big differences between the two different dimensions in which we are. And getting older should make that Dimension you’re heading towards look more attractive and valuable than the one in which things are simply more turned to be rotting away as time passes on! (15:191) Times are getting worse, and you have to learn to avail yourself of My Help, and all the Help from Above you can get! So, desperate times calling for desperate measures is what you’re having to go through now, especially the learning part of how to avail yourself of those measures! It may be the roughest time of your life right now, but there are rougher ones coming you need to prepare and gather strength for… Times are definitely getting rougher than ever, so, learning to deal with it through My counsel may help others in an even tougher future… (15:215) Try to get into the eternal groove a bit more, by faith… and don’t let yourself be trapped into time’s limits! (16:9) Time should be redeemed and made the most of you can for Me. Keep tuning in to Me, so that I can keep preparing you for the job awaiting you for Us in the near future! (16:25) Temporal well-being and riches are just not comparable to the everlasting part, values and spiritual riches. So, getting your mind more geared toward what’s expecting you and others Here, becoming more heavenly-minded, is certainly worth the effort! (2016:30) Better days will come when time shall be no more, and the world will finally be freed and cured from the influences of the evil force the first bad choice of mankind brought upon it! So… tough times? – Relax! Soon they’ll be no more! (2016:41) If you still don’t dig it yet, how eternity’s supposed to work, when “time shall be no more,” still confined to that less-dimensional mind, it’s another reason to get into the Spirit instead of seeing things from the point of the flesh! When you’re in a world where everyone has popped in by physical birth with a limited amount of time to get through, it’s hard to be able to relate to “everlasting.” But you’ll get there… Don’t consider it a loss or disadvantage to get closer to the point where you’ll have to wave that temporal scene good-bye! (2016:61)

Keep that bright future on your mind, even when the current present is a hard one to look at! Circumstances and conditions around you negative? Focus beyond them, on the larger and everlasting Reality of the Spirit! – Out of that temporal realm and toward Eternity! (2016:112) You shouldn’t neglect that path of preparation for the Lasting Side, and not just make the temporal part down there the main part, which unfortunately the majority of Christians do, yielding to the temptations of our enemy, who’s trying to make the temporal part the main and most important part, and managing to do so with the vast majority of believers! (2016:133)

Trials & Tests (Vol. II) Sometimes the things I’m doing don’t seem to make any sense, and it’s a test… (2011:13) I will protect and care for you, although more tests of your patience may be strewn along the way. (2011:20) I will often ask you to spend your time doing nothing other than wait on Me. It’s sort of a test of faith, since you all feel that you frantically have to make use of your time and do something with it before it slips through your fingers and you didn’t make the most you could have out of the time that was given you. Taking time to do nothing other than wait on Me shows you have faith that I am greater than time; yes, even more important than that very thing that seems to govern your world… You believe there is something greater than your world and all that which is greatest in your world, the things that govern it, like time and money, etc. I in return honor that faith and will often bless you with the very things you chose to forego for My sake. (2011:26) The thing about kids is that as long as you’re only “into them” with half a heart, they will keep trying and testing you, perhaps teasing you a little bit and probing you, to see if perhaps they can’t eke out a little more of your attention than they previously were able to. With kids it’s a lot like Me in this world: they’re not very promising investments of time and energy when you go by the immediate outcome in lucrative terms. And similar to the way it is with Me, kids don’t care too much about taking second place way after all your other interests. Parenting is a job that simply requires wholeheartedness, just as serving Me does. When I’ve given you a child to raise or take care of, then it’s a job I want you to pursue as wholeheartedly as any other job I would want you to do for Me, and wholeheartedly is really the only way you ever can do any job for Me. If it’s done half-heartedly, it’s about the same as a job not done at all… (2011:28) You’re not drowning in your trials, but find them easier to deal with and handle them, which also shows that you did become a stronger warrior over time… At least all you’ve gone through hasn’t been in vain, and you’re not winding up where you are completely empty handed… (2011:30) I admit, it requires quite some trust at times, that I’m not just fooling around, but actually do know what I’m doing, but otherwise, would it be a test of faith? (2011:35) Don’t worry nor be dismayed by those downward slopes, those days of absence of light, and instead of hardship! That’s a road that much more resembles My own and that of every true saint who’s ever lived. God’s way up still is down, and knowing that for sure is sometimes all that counts and makes all the difference: knowing you don’t have to despair when life takes you for a downhill ride, but that it will serve its purpose, just as those rough rides always have… (2011:47) Sometimes I may lead you down a path that will test your faith and make you wonder, “Are You kidding, Lord? Are You for real? This doesn’t seem to make any sense at all…” And everybody will nod their head vehemently and enthusiastically in agreement and say, “See, we’ve told you all along, you couldn’t trust this Guy! Look what road He’s leading you down!” But you know My response to that: Wait and see! (2011:49) That’s how it will be in the end for all of you: all your trials and troubles and “problems” will look so ridiculous compared to the love and the joy and happiness you will know then. You will wonder how you could have ever taken them all so seriously… (2011:62)

I might allow moments to test your faith and to see how much you’ll cling to it. (2011:63) Hasn’t this been part of the Big School and tests of faith from the beginning, that even though the Enemy’s forces seemed to be stronger and overwhelming, yet the power of God would win in the end? (2011:69) It’s tough, and a test of your faith when you’ve got no one left to rely on but Me. In the end, though, I am really the only One you can count on! (2011:84) So, you’re complaining about the hard times and the constant reminders that this world isn’t where it’s at? Rejoice in them, for they are your lifesaver; the constant reminders for you to keep looking in the only Place where you’re ever going to find. (2011:100) The Devil has his own advice to give you, and he’s definitely more pertinent about it than I am, since I often like to test your faith in what I have already told you… His job is to see if he can get that faith to shake in its foundations, whichever dirty way he might manage. (2011:101) “Easy” wasn’t good for you, so don’t mind Me giving you a little bit of “hard.” (2011:102) Just as punishment, correction and hard knocks are hard to take for a child, but ultimately good for them, so it is with these hardto-take experiences you're going through. (2011:108)

I am the Source of the beauty and fullness you seek from life, and it’s the times of hardships, not the easy times, that help you to realize that, as they draw you closer to Me, and there, in My bosom, you find comfort and solace and sweet relief from the strain and pain of the world… Why am I allowing bad things to happen? They’re tests of your faith, often instigated by the Enemy who is eagerly trying to convince all of Heaven that you haven’t got what it takes; and so far, from the way you’ve been taking these things, one might be inclined to believe that he’s right. But he doesn’t know the end of the story… That is, in a way he does, and tries all he can to stop it from happening and change the outcome, and with some, he has managed. (2011:112) My Power and Love are so overwhelming that the puny little trials and pains you’re having will be little more than a big laugh in comparison. (2011:116) None of your unbearable trials have ever killed you so far. Somehow you’ve always managed to come out at the other end alive, and somewhat better for it, a little bit richer by another experience and lesson learnt from life. (2011:122) It’s the deviation of man's perception and his opinion of how things ought to be from Mine, that is the primary cause for his troubles. (2011:125) Make sure you’ll anticipate any potential crisis by staying as close to Me as you can at all times. Stay on top of your upcoming trials and tests by preparing for them. (2011:144) You’ll realize that it all will have been worth it, and all your troubles and trials will look ridiculous to you. (2012:9) A test of your faith is bound to increase it. (2012:14) Many times it will seem doubtful whether any of what you’re going through could possibly be worth it when you could imagine so much more pleasurable ways of spending your time. But if you treat the good and the bad times the same – success and failure – you’ll eventually reap rewards that will far surpass any of the temporal gratification obtained via the conventional methods. (2012:19)

If regular people have to face hard times and difficulties often substantially harder than yours, don’t you think it stands to reason that you should be able to learn to handle yours with My help, which they don’t even know how to avail themselves of? It’s the dark and trying stretches that test, and thus, strengthen your faith. (2012:22) Unfortunately, the sort of process necessary to produce “overcomer material” is the kind of hardships and trials. (2012:28) If I had nothing better to offer you than this, then indeed I would have pitifully failed you all. The good news is, this definitely isn’t it, and what’s coming will leave you breathless and with mouths wide open, so just hang on! You’ll be laughing your head off about how ridiculously insignificant all your present trials, worries and difficulties will appear then, in the light of My version of things… Every pain you go through there is for a definite purpose, and the less sense it seems to make to you at the time, the more mindblown you’ll be when you come to face the end result of My plan having come fully to fruition. (2012:32) The “exercises” are all about making you stronger. I see how strong you are, and what potential you have to increase your strength, and without these tests there’d be no way of telling how much stronger you can yet be, or to make you stronger. (2012:33) You’ve got to keep trusting that your tiny vessel is safely in My hand and in My care, and there’s nothing the enemy can do, except shake you up a little occasionally in order for your faith to be tested. (2012:44) Trust Me that the tests aren’t anywhere near as much for My sake as for your own, just as the exams to conduct with students aren’t for the teacher, but for them to assess their own abilities, limitations, and, if they’re really aware and attentive, recognize their pitfalls and weaknesses. (2012:53) Everything you have to suffer, you’re going to be recompensed for, and everything you’re going through is going to have been worth it; trust Me for that. Look at it from this angle: the greater the pain, the greater the joy and bliss you’re going to experience as a reward! (2012:55) Being forced to take a leap of faith is not only a test of faith, but also one of the purity of your motives in all of this. Cultivating your faith by testing and stretching it is a more important factor than just having your need met immediately. (2012:86) Ultimately it’s going to be the final clincher and showdown and test of whether your faith is really worth putting all your trust in. You’re getting another chance to put Me and your faith in Me fully to the test and see whether I’m not capable of caring for you completely. (2012:87) The Devil takes his job of testing your faith very seriously. (2012:112)

“God’s way up is down.” You see, for you the pain, agony and troubles you’ve had to go through, and still do at times, look like a negative. And by the standards of the world, they might be. But not according to Mine. (2012:114) Get a good sense of assessment of the proportions between your trials and “problems,” and My solutions to them. They may seem to tower so large and scary above you when they first appear, but you’ve got to remember this about the Devil’s fears: they’re mostly just “False Evidence Appearing Real.” I don’t condemn you for falling when you do. I cherish your suffering, your pains and troubles. Just as precious as the death of My saints is in My eyes (Ps.116:15), so are their smaller, daily deaths. (2012:119) May your sorrow and your pain always help you to sympathize with those whose sorrow and pain are even greater than yours. (2012:133)

The trials you experience only stem from introspection and your perceived loss, but trust Me that nothing is ever lost that you’ve given up for another, for My Cause, or simply, for love. (2012:141) Going through relatively hard times, you don’t want or like them, but it’s not like you could say you don’t need them… (2012:149) Just like trials and tests, it’s a bit hard to accept and welcome the “lashes of love,” but as is promised, they bear peaceable fruit of righteousness (Heb.12:11), as opposed to the mess you were before, so from the angle of someone who wants to be right with God, it sounds like definitely the way to go, and something you’d desire and not shun. (2012:154) What if I don’t do everything exactly as it pleases you? Will you love Me anyway? Will you keep trusting, keep believing, keep praising Me? Okay, so this was a test of faith! – “What? Another one?” Well, since you haven’t been handling all of the previous ones too splendidly, I thought I’d check whether you’d learned anything in the meantime… (2012:171) The big test is to see who’ll be left standing when all the rest of the world has thrown in the towel, bowing down before the Beast! To put your faith straight in Me and My Word is the only foundation that will withstand the fiery trials and tests, floods and storms of this life. “All other ground is sinking sand…” Where’s that faith that used to deem those glories to come incomparable to those trials and sufferings? (2013:2) Be assured that the relatively darker slopes of your journey are definitely a useful and integral part of it that belongs there; they have their time and place, and without them, your life wouldn’t be much different from those of the self-satisfied and contented masses who never see the need to implore Me, never seek Me, but keep ignoring Me all their lives. These situations are necessary to get you into a more permanent “seek-Me” mode than normal, when things are flowing just fine, and you don’t seem to need Me as much. (2013:9) Making it, after a rough stretch, gives you a great feeling that I’m still around, that I’m still true to My Word and not a liar or fooling you, doesn’t it? It may take a while sometimes for things to actually turn out the way I say they will, but when they do, it gives you that affirmation that you put your money on the right horse and trusted the right Guy, after all, even after everything having seemed to be the opposite for a while. (2013:17) You’re weary of all the trouble and toil it causes when things go wrong, bad or haywire, or simply complicated, and don’t flow as smoothly anymore. But by faith in My Promise you can start seeing all things – including the “bad” – as good things, since you love Me. Take them as tokens of My Love, for example as measures to keep you from becoming spoiled by things going too easy all the time. (2013:28) It’s not like you’re the first or only believer who’s got trials about this world. (2013:36) Sometimes the worst that can happen to you is the best that can happen to Me, and ultimately you’ll see that it’s going to be the best for you, too; because I know best what’s good for you, not the devil or your own flesh in all its feverish attempts to promote itself, further its own cause and ensure its own survival. (2013:46) Perhaps it’s true that I could make things a little easier for you, but would that be good for you, and would it make things easier in the long run? Would you have gotten this, and many other lessons out of “easy”? As long as it’s tough, My friend, you can rejoice over the fact that you haven’t gotten completely off the deep end yet, but that you’re still somewhat on the right track! At least you’re still listening and learning to a certain degree, receiving from Me, and thus, actually living. In other words, you’re alive – a live one – as the allegory says, and it’s obvious the Enemy’s still on your heels, trying to get you to throw in the towel, quit and surrender. (2013:66) Just as this life meant the cross for Me, being one of Mine simply includes having to put up with some hardship in this life in return for what I will bestow on you hereafter. (2013:86)

A lot of things in life are tests for you to show whether you’ll yield to the notion that since there’s so much wrong with this world, there obviously must be something wrong with its Creator. People don’t have the kind of a relationship with Me where they’re even willing to consider putting Me first in their lives. But even if that’s what you want, desire or attempt to do, you can tell, it’s not that easy; and even when you may think you’re already doing it, these tests will show whether you really do. Most people tend to overestimate the strength and health of their spiritual lives, and its tests like these that show up their real strength. (2013:88) Another reason for the life of hardships My true followers so often face in this world – as I did – is to ensure to make them truly righteous and just rulers, different from about any other, ever before, with a few rare exceptions, perhaps. It’s not just to make you appreciate more what’s to come, but for them to be able to appreciate you, having been made what you will be by the very hardships you may presently resent. (2013:98) The plan to allow evil to flourish and fruition to its utmost and ultimate fulfillment can be strikingly bizarre to the finite human mind, and I realize how hard it is for you to cope with at times. This also makes it a test of faith for you: How much can you still believe that I am truly in power and in charge, even in the face and presence of so much and such seemingly overwhelmingly superior manifestation of evil? (2013:100) Since I know that you wouldn’t want to come away from this life completely empty-handed, without any rewards whatsoever, I’m allowing you to go through some struggles and I’m not necessarily letting you enjoy every little thing you crave and would like to have, because that would be like having your reward already. And what kind of reward do you get for always getting just what you want? People get awarded and recognized for putting up with things, making sacrifices resulting in extraordinary achievements, not for getting what they want and enjoying an easy and comfortable life… But finding genuine answers and solutions to the world’s problems comes from facing and dealing with the trouble, not just by sitting around, flipping keys on a remote control. (2013:108) I simply tend to be looked over when things are running all too smoothly for you folks. I instantly become more interesting when there’s trouble and problems to be solved, or when it needs to be figured out why they happen in the first place. (2013:118) Having a hard time accepting something I’ve allowed to happen, consider that it may have been My way of protecting you from something worse. (2013:124) Trouble, hard times and problems the way you’re experiencing are usually better spiritual teachers and lessons than when you seem to manage all in the flesh… (2014:1) Pretty much everyone needs to be put to and through tests of faith in their lives… Some give it up, and it depends on how strong yours is, and that depends on how much feeding and emphasis you put into it, most of the time. If having your own fun is more important to you and you neglect your sheep and young ones, you can’t blame Me for allowing things to happen to correct you that may also test your faith… Sometimes you’ve just got to learn how to take certain things, even if they’re hard… (2014:3) Sufferings can be good teachers. (2014:9) Having to suffer may not be very popular, but more is being taught and learned from those things than trying to achieve permanent victories and achievements physically in life. (2014:14) The trials and tests you’re going through are there to keep you more desperate, more in tune with Me, more in prayer for My help. The more you can keep growing in the Spirit, the better. (2014:15) Some trouble is simply teaching lessons in life. Some problems are there, meant to teach folks lessons from them. (2014:17) It may not be pleasant to put up and bear with suffering and hardship; but it’ll make you more able to bear what’s expecting and bound to hit the world… Remember that a great tribulation has been predicted… obviously some rough time to deal with and overcome. (2014:21) If life seems painful and ugly to you, there’s usually a reason for it… Perhaps to make you remember or realize that there’s something better than this painful, short, earthly life, something that will turn out a lot better and make you sure that it was by far not the best to await you… Sometimes the painful parts of the temporal life make you long for the better, make you seek something better, even if many people don’t, and think that this temporal life is all there is… (2014:22) You’re not the only one of My followers and children of God going through exceptionally rough times… I wish for you to get some victories and uphill procedure and development; but for now… well, you’re going through some rough times.

It’s a rough time for you right now, and though they may seem to be the hardest, they’re also the best teachers in many ways… Although it takes humility, and yielding to whatever comes as hard times to you… There are some tests of faith in life; and that’s what you have to go through. Calling and pleading for My help during those times is the best you can do. (2014:23) Some things that happened unexpectedly to believers helped them supernaturally to make it longer than anyone would have thought they would… especially certain hardships that strengthened their faith somehow… (2014:28) There are certain different things for you to have to go through… Certain tests of faith, and maybe certain degrees of roughness to test and strengthen you somehow… (2014:31) Sometimes the more difficult situations occur so that you get more used to checking on Me, communicating with Me and asking for My help… Maybe you’re getting more desperate for a good reason. (2014:32) Even though a situation seems to be a much harder trial than you’ve been expecting and may have thought you were ready for… it’s good to realize that I just may be dealing with some mistakes and points to work on. (2014:33) Sometimes it’s important to sit and make it through dreadful experiences in order for you to make it through to the more pleasant or less dreadful ones without much murmuring. Times that make you more desperate for a while are sometimes a bit necessary to make you humbler and somewhat more victorious in some ways… Maybe these are the hardest times in your life, but even if so, you ought to trust that I allowed for you to have to go through them because I knew you’d make it – even if I knew it would be a bit difficult… Remember, this life isn’t the most perfect time or part of what I came to earth for, but to give believers eternal life. Maybe those dreadful parts of the current life are reminders that there’s something better coming along eventually… Remember it could be more terrible and dreadful, as it is for some… You should be grateful and thankful that it isn’t all as bad as it easily could be. Some people have to endure things in their lives that make the whole thing even more dreadful and difficult… The loss of the selfish desires and wishes to stay alive for, may be the most helpful things in a person’s life in order to finally do the unselfish things for others… That’s one of the helpful things and sides of suffering. (2014:35) Take things that aren’t so easy for you a little more thoughtfully, like “What can I learn or gain from this? What progress can I make?” (2014:47) Couldn’t you just keep trusting in Me, anyway? You know that that’s a test I put on people of faith… Sometimes there are tests of faith, and I’d always like to find out how you’re doing with your faith. In your case I knew that a strengthening of it was necessary, and that unfortunately isn’t always quite possible without a test of it. Some folks believe that the test of faith you experience will make you stronger and more miraculous! (2014:52) Some things occur as tests of your faith; and sometimes it might need a bit of improvement, some acts of strengthening… (2014:59) Sometimes life is rough, but I promise you’ll find My help, strength and salvation through it. Be honest: Without the roughness, what need for Me would you have down there? (2014:69) What the enemy is performing in your life – just as way back with Job – is meant to test you whether you’re still going to keep believing in the Father and Me after suffering what has been caused you by him, but has also been allowed by Us… “Test of faith” is that sort of a thing called, and you’re just going to have to make it through it somehow… and some don’t. Turning out blessed will happen sooner or later to those who make it through the testings – either during this life or the everlasting one following. A lot of folks have to go through testings of faith… (2014:80) Rough and tough moments can make you stronger in the future, trust Me for that! (2014:85) When you don’t understand the way things are happening or why I allow them to happen, you could call that a test of faith. - A test to see how strong will your faith in Me be anyway. If things start getting rougher and tougher for you in some ways, cheer up that that’s the way I try to raise your faith in and dependence on Me instead of your own carnal abilities. (2014:91) Your faith is being tested severely. But hanging on to Me, you will keep it, and it will keep going for you. (2014:92) Some people don’t have any clue how, or any ability to relate to those who have to suffer through life… but if you can relate to them, it’s not a disadvantage! Remember how I died and was killed and tortured in order to be able to feel what many people have had to go through! (2014:99) A difficult time of life will put you more in the mode of asking Me for help! It’s a tough road and a hard life somewhat, but you can make it, for all things are possible to him that believeth. (2014:101)

Just put up with a bit of the rough times! See, otherwise disbelievers in the afterlife will or might complain, “Why did he have it so easy, when we had it so hard? If we would have had it so easy, we probably would have believed, too!” Even though the current times are a lot rougher than previous ones, you should be able to take and accept them as something bearable and to learn from! Sometimes life becomes a toughie, and there have been other ones going through that toughness, like Job, long before you. And it’s not an easy time for you to go through right now, but just take it and accept it, remembering what a horrendous time I have gone through for you and all others, and even some of them had to go through way more serious and painful times… - Joan of Ark, many of My early disciples, followers of Mine in China, etc., etc. (2014:116) It can be quite good to go through some rough times. They’re teaching you different things than you learned before, like humility and different things to do and consider important… - Things to do for your fellowmen. So, maybe suffering is all part of getting into a different consideration of things… more thought on how to help and get along with others… Having to suffer a bit, remember that’s what many of My true followers and servants had to do… Maybe it’s a big test of faith, but if things will go well, it will just grow stronger through it. And if it won’t, it’ll be a lesson in the end. (2014:137) Sometimes you ought to try to keep on trusting in Me no matter how tough it may be; and even if you’re having a tough time being where you are… keep trusting! (2014:143) Sometimes you’ve got to go through tough and troubled ways in order to find out the right way. Troubled ways keep you looking out for the better ones, and among them – hopefully – the right one you should walk on and get you to the place where I want you and you belong… (2014:145) You have to become stronger; and if anything crisis is supposed to teach you, this is it. (2014:146) Rough times are made to strengthen you somehow. It’s a rough time, close to the Endtime announced in the Bible… But you might as well be grateful that the end hasn’t been there yet! What if the Devil just changed things around so much to get people to stop believing in the Endtime? It’s a test of faith, I know… But isn’t it good for yourself to find out how much you believe? Maybe your faith is being a bit tested to help you find out yourself what you believe in. Don’t you think it’s good to find out what you believe and how strong your faith is? - In spite of the circumstances. Trust and believe in Me in spite of what the circumstances might be telling you against Me, and how they seem to deny and contradict the prophecies! Just remember what a cheater the devil can be and has been, and that you’re better off trusting and believing in Me, even if he tries to contradict God’s Words through different things he makes happen. Don’t fall for his enchantment and deception! (2014:149)

It will be worth it all, no matter how hard the times you have to go through! Remember, it will be worth it all when you’ll see Me, no matter how bad or rough the time being there on earth may temporarily be for you! (2014:150) The rough and tough tests of faith are those tough things happening in the present, and they’re there for a reason! You’ve got to learn how to trust Me with dark times ahead! Even though the present time may be much tougher for you, and so much harder, whatever’s harder in life will draw you closer to Us, you’ll see! (2014:152) Times that aren’t easy and force My followers to become more desperate for Me and My interception, are rather something good than a bad thing. They draw you closer to Me. And trust Me, that’s an advantage you will recognize some day you needed. If it was a pretty hard and tough thing I allowed to happen to you, it’s a strong test of trust, and will show how much you trust Me and believe Me! Your trust in Me will reap rewards. Especially when it’s been quite a test you’ve had to trust Me for. (2014:156) Sometimes it’s a good test to see whether and how you make it through a tough situation or trying time. You might find out that it’s not always winding up to be as horrible as you expected, and… hey, that you’re being helped to make it through that… (2014:159)

Better for you to believe that it’s a test of faith than that I’ve left you. Tests of faith are just part of life. And the enemy, of course, would love it if you’d just lose yours easily. So, if it’s tough for you to keep your faith right now, remember Job, and that you’re not the only one, or the first to go through stuff like that. (2014:165) Overcome the enemy and gain the victories through your trials and battles! (2014:166) Just trust and keep believing that We know a little better what’s okay to let happen to you! Just keep trusting Us, even if it’s a big step and test of faith, okay? I know it’s hard and rough for you, but just get a little bit into learning how to bear it! We can help you overcome whatever trials and tests should be showing up before you. It may be a rough time for you right now, but sometimes these rough times are good tests of faith and make it stronger in the end, more so than if everything just keeps going an easy way. (2014:167)

Rough times have got their purpose and teach you lessons and hopefully make a better or wiser person out of you. Just trust Me that even the rough times have their purpose! (2014:181) Tests of faith are there for a reason. In order to find out, how much and how strongly do you really believe. (2014:184) If life makes you suffer a lot, just let it serve you to make you a better person! (2014:186) Tests of faith are what you’ve been prepared for and told that they’d happen… So, here they are. How’s your faith going to bear with them? How are you gonna make it? So, things and folks aren’t perfect… But is there anything in this world you’d consider perfect? If things aren’t, isn’t that a greater test of your faith in Me and the other World beyond? Stick believing, even if some things happen to you that could be considered tests of that faith. (2014:188) Even though times may be rough for you, why not try to make the best you can out of them, and maybe you’ll see that that is what gives things the power to become better! (2014:189) Sometimes you’ve just got to take things the way they come. Just accept them, sort of believing that We know what We’re doing or permitting to happen to you, even if it seems pretty hard and tough to you at times. Just keep hanging in there and let it build up your trust in Us! (2014:193) If times are getting tougher and harder, relax: there’s a reason and purpose for it to make you stronger, more reliable on Me and the heavenly side of the Spirit World. (2014:194) While the proof isn’t there, faith is still being tested. Can you believe in Me, although I’m still not there? The test of faith is a tough one. How can you believe in that, you wonder. But to keep on believing even when faith is being tested… let’s say, that’s a good test. When your faith can still stand, even though it’s being tested in a hard way, let’s say, that’s a thing that shows what kind of a person you are. Can you manage to believe in Me in spite of it? Or will you lose your faith… like so many others? When your faith is being tested, and you can stand and pass the test, well,… let Me hope you can trust Me saying: That’s a good sign, and will make you show up as one of those it was really worth it for Me to have died for. To keep on believing in spite of the devil doing all he can to make you lose your faith! – If you can do that, it shows that dying for you has been worth it all for Me. I know, it’s tough and hard when so many around you seem to have lost their faiths… But, well, if you can keep yours, it will have been worth it for Me. (2014:196) It may be a rough and tough part in your life, but that’s what it sometimes needs and requires for a positive change. (2014:197) The toughest part of your life isn’t necessarily a bad part for you, but might easily belong to the most valuable in the long run, as you might see! The easiest times in life aren’t necessarily the most valuable when it comes to teaching you things, and to parts of life that will serve you in the Hereafter… Trust Me that you will cherish and value and appreciate those rougher times a bit more then, when you’ll be part of the spiritual, and not feel like you’re dependent on physics anymore. So, even though this time right now may seem difficult to you, it’s preparation for the Hereafter for you, and thus in some ways, more valuable, so don’t despise it, even if it may seem like a harder time for you. (2014:205) Being a follower of Mine includes being able to put up with the unpleasant parts of life without complaining about them, and just taking whatever comes as something your faith ought to be able to deal with! I know it’s been a hard test and battle, and as you know about the state of the world, there might be more and worse stuff coming to deal with, so be or get ready for it! Just fight for getting into a state where you can handle it, whatever things are coming down, and trust Me for them all, no matter how tough they may be! (2015:1) Tests of faith will prove and make sure whether you have it. Good for you to know yourself, as well, because if you don’t, you might want to do whatever you can to make things change and get that faith to grow, because as you can tell from the way things are happening, you might very well need it more than ever, eventually, and maybe even quite soon. (2015:6) The rougher, tougher and harder times teach you more, even if they may seem a bit too hard for you at the time being! Some day you’ll appreciate the things you’ve learned, more than the ones you did during the easier and more pleasant times. Learning appreciation also changes your view on the hard and tough and seemingly negative times! Some things just take a lot of faith to be able to take them, but you’re bound to learn that they’ll be worth it. So, just because some things are harder to take and to learn, don’t knock’em down of despise them! They might be the ones teaching you the most! So, keep trusting Me, even during the slightly rougher times! (2015:11) Hard times and tough times will draw you closer toward Me. (2015:12)

I’ve told you a lot about the purpose and sense of hard times and sufferings, so you shouldn’t be too devastated by them and their appearance in your life! Sometimes the rough times make you appreciate the better ones, and they also make you long for them, along with better places to be. (2015:13) The reason that there are some more trials and battles happening where you are right now is so you’ll keep in mind that getting out of there might be the better option for you. (2015:14) Even if the troubles and trials in this life are sometimes a bit harder than what you’d be looking or hoping for, believe in something better coming up, eventually. In the end, I’ll win, not the enemy! Can you trust and believe Me for that and have enough faith in Me for that? That might be pretty good, if you want to make it through this trial and maybe to the very end… (2015:15) Sometimes you may not have much of an idea how you’re going to make it, but hey, that’s just how I might get you to trust in Me more by getting you to seek My help desperately and finding out I’m not letting you down, not failing you in the long run… If it all seems a bit too much at first, it may be some big trial and test of your faith when it may need a test, or prove its strength… show Us how much and how far We can rely on you… Sometimes just a way to make it grow stronger, which always turns out to be a big help in the end… (2015:16) What I’ve given to you may seem a bit too hard for you to bear at times, but then again: it might stress your faith and test it, but after a while you may find out that it got stronger. (2015:24) One of the devil’s major tactics is to lure and get folks out of the Father’s and My perfect will, so that he can withdraw Our blessing and protection, make life a whole lot tougher, with a lot more trials and tests of faith… (2015:25) There seems to be a time in life to go through suffering so you can learn the difference between what’s up now and the hereafter… maybe not even so much to just make sure you’ll appreciate the hereafter enough, but to also see the vast difference, and why things need to get changed… (2015:27) Keep trusting Me all you can for your survival, even if the enemy started that severe test to make you doubt and wonder whether I still care for you… (2015:30) We’ll take care of you, no matter what… even if you have to go through things during which the enemy likes to make you doubt whether We’re really in charge. A test of faith, yes… but is it going to win, and are you going to keep trusting in Us, anyway? That’s what some of these tests are all about, and the question is whether you’ll pass those tests. (2015:31) Announced and forecast fates have changed. And it results in being a big test of faith… But can you believe it that these changes of forecast may happen because folks don’t always do what they were supposed or expected to? (2015:32) The letdown you’ve experienced and still partly feel like is only concerning the there and now. It may be a tough time, but I’ve always promised a much better future instead of what you can expect from the there and now. (2015:34) Sorry you’re going through such hard times, but you’re becoming aware of why they’re happening. There just might be something worse coming up, such as My Word has been predicting for quite a while. So, get ready, and be prepared. If these times already make you seem weak, imagine how much more so those coming might. So, just get prepared for the way to go by My strength and depending on the help from Above! You’ll make it if you hang on and hold on to Me and Heaven’s help, and that’s what the current time is all about and meant to teach you. Sometimes the hard times are the ones that teach you those necessary things the best. (2015:36) Now that you’re having to take the tough times, it will show you, too, in what shape your faith is, and if it isn’t too hot, what the negative feelings are causing, you might have to do all you can to strengthen and improve it. (2015:42) Sometimes there are rough times. But you’ve got to learn to deal with them, and to handle them. There have been awful times for many believers on Earth before they got Here, where everything made up for the hard and rough times they had to go through was over. So, try to trust in better times ahead, even if they’re not visible right now, okay? (2015:45) Sometimes the hard times are needed to make a better person out of you, relying more on the help from above, and not just on one’s own strength. (2015:51) Sorry they’re still sticking around, those tests, but as you may see yourself, faith is going through some tests to show just how strong it is, which is fairly important, the strength of your faith. (2015:55) These are your toughest and hardest times, but you’re going to have to make it through them, in order to be strengthened for what’s coming up ahead, which won’t be any easier to deal with. So, these may be rough times, and for you, the roughest ever, but keep in mind that this is happening to prepare you to make it through the roughest times ever in history, if you can make it through there.

Tough times will strengthen you to make it through even tougher ones that might and eventually will be coming, so be thankful for this tactic of strengthening, instead of being prone to murmur about what you’re going through. (2015:56) The rough times can bring forth deeper and more valuable fruits that are going to strike you as even much more significant in the times to come, even if right now they still seem a bit hard to take. The rough and tough times will turn out to be more valuable in the long run: teaching you more, and changing you more, turning you into a much greater blessing to your fellow mankind and those who in the future might appreciate and benefit from your help. So, don’t just see the hard and tough times as a disadvantage in your life, but actually those times you will wind up gaining most of the wisdom from in the long run, and much greater usefulness in the future! Not all that looks and feels cool and pretty is necessarily all that brings out the true and greatest value of life! Sometimes the harder things may definitely seem like the harder ones to go through, but once you’re through and made it to the goal, you’ll see that it was worth it, and more than the easy times! (2015:59) Unfortunately, the easy times didn’t really prepare you for, nor enabled you to cope and deal with the rough times up ahead. Desperate times, as hard as they may be or at least seem, are the best factor to prepare you for even rougher times ahead, prepare you for troublesome times, and give you a better and stronger character. (2015:60) It’s important you make your efforts to get ahold of Me, My help and input, in order for you to make it through these tougher times. (2015:61)

The hard times are there for a purpose. You should be learning something positive from them. (2015:64) Sometimes you can make it through even rougher times than you expected you would. And it’s sometimes those rough and tough times that make you stronger, which is something you shouldn’t depreciate or underestimate. Making it through rough times is - in the end – something good for you, and strengthening, even if at first it may seem weakening to you. At first you may not know how you’re going to make it through those times, but in the end you’ll be surprised that somehow you were provided with sufficient strength to make it, after all! You’ll see: there’s some additional strength available that’s able and going to see you through, even at times when you’re tempted to doubt whether you’ll be able to make it! Hard times just have their helpful parts in them to serve you somehow to make you stronger; and in the end you’ll wind up more thankful for it all, and the whole process. Life isn’t always easy, but you’ll find out that it’s through the harder parts that you wind up getting stronger in the end, and that’s something you’ll be thankful for! The harder and tougher times make you more grateful in the end, and make you turn out more appreciative. You’ll see that those harder times will have had something positive about them, after all, and in the end you’re going to appreciate them, looking back at what they caused in you and made you turn out to be like. So, even the rough times have got something positive about them to make you wind up being thankful for. (2015:67) Keep your focus on your Home to come, as much as you can, in order to make It help you bear with your tough trials and battles there, remembering that it’ll all be worth it, every hard time and trial you’ve had to go through. Make Heaven your goal, vision and purpose, and you’ll find out it’ll be a lot easier to put up with it all down there: some temporal trials and tests to be welcomed by eternal rewards and comfort. Yes, it’s a rough time; I see it. But you should also be aware of the fact that what’s coming up is going to be even rougher; so you should get used to being able to handle these rough times. (2015:68) I know things and circumstances are quite tough for you at the moment, and even if they seem just about unbearable to you, consider this, that the times to come will even be quite a lot rougher and harder, and getting through some relatively hard times right now will at least prepare and enable you to make it then! (2015:69) Just see the tough and hard times you’re going through right now as times to draw you closer to Me! The closer to Me you are or get, the better off you’ll be in the long run; you’ll see! (2015:80) Having to go through hard times has definitely greater educational values than having just easy times to go through. Let those harder times make you stronger, braver, and less selfish! All the saints had to go through some hard times in order to make true saints out of them; so don’t see the hard and tough times as only negative ones! Let those present rough times help you to appreciate the easier times of the past and recognize the blessings of them you were able to enjoy, and yet hardly ever thanked Me for, because you often kept expecting something even better. Now that you’ve experienced what hard times people may have to go through during this life, it should be a little easier for you to appreciate the good and easy times you’ve had! It’s the hard times that will teach you lessons and values that the easy times cannot do. Learning to make it through hard times really strengthens your character in a much more valuable way in the long run, than just getting spoiled by life and its pleasant, easy ways! So, don’t be too shocked anymore by hard times to go through, but appreciate them as more valuable teachers than the easy ones spoiling you! (2015:86)

There are tests of your faith through not so pleasant circumstances and happenings, but the rougher the circumstance, the more faith to make it through them you need, and the more you need My input and turn to depend on Me. Learn to handle trials and tough times! The tests you’re going through, making a greater effort to handle them victoriously might turn out to be worth it in the end. If the times are rougher than what you can handle, see them as preparations for the even rougher times coming up ahead with the Endtime! Life may be pretty rough for you right now; but see it mainly as a preparation for the even by far rougher times up ahead that are coming! (2015:87) Rough times are pretty much what it takes to change a life and learn the things you’re supposed to. (2015:92) Sometimes the tests in life are there to show whether, with enough input from hell, you’re going to turn into one of its inhabitants, or you manage to stay a child of God. Sometimes you just have to go through the battles life hands you, and try to make it the best through those tough and hard tests you can, and not give up! (2015:93) The time to test your faith has arrived, and I know it’s fairly rough… Are you going to make it? I know it’s rough and you’re having a hard time, but can you believe in Me, anyway? I know it’s a rough test of faith, but if it’s real and turns out to survive it, those tests turn out making it stronger, and as I told you before, greater strength in your faith is what you’ll need in the times to come. The hard times will turn out to be what makes you stronger than the easy times, and they’ll definitely turn out showing their advantage in the times to come. (2015:95) Remember what I told you repeatedly over taking and accepting the harder times? And accepting what I'm putting before you to take is a sign of yieldedness, instead of thinking you know better. (2015:98) Learning to trust Me even when the circumstances aren't seeming so hot is what tests of faith are mainly all about, and something worth going through, even if it's not exactly one of the most popular parts. (2015:99) Let the tough times serve you as a good tactic to turn you into the kind of being you’re supposed to be! One of the sad parts of the tale of humanity: that the tough times are more helpful to give them desirable characters than only the good and easy times… Whatever trouble there may come, arise, or will be, We’re above it, can handle it and will get you out of it – eventually. Let the tough times serve you as a good teacher and tactic to turn you into the kind of being you’re supposed to be! One of the sad parts of the tale of humanity: that the tough times are more helpful to give them desirable characters than only the good and easy times… So, rough times up ahead? Don’t worry! They’ll make a better man out of you! Times aren’t going to be easier, and you’ll just have to get used to the rough and tough times! (2015:103) Get used to asking Me for help regularly and to cheer you up, so that you can overcome any trials and attacks of the enemy you might have to deal with. (2015:107) Rough times are better at working on your character and making you less spoiled. So, don’t complain too much about having to go and make it through these rougher times than you had before! They’re preparing you for what’s to come, should make you stronger, so that you’ll have chances to make it through at all. I know your current times are difficult, and harder for you to go through than pretty much all of what you’ve had to go through before; but the reason and purpose for that is to prepare you for the roughest time ever, up ahead in history. (2015:109) The comparatively hard and tough times you’re having to go through, are supposed to help to get you into a more humble, and thus, better state. So, put up with the toughness of the time, and accept the fact that it’ll help you become stronger for the even tougher times up ahead! Life isn’t easy as it is, I know, but it’s a test, in order for you to have to face what you can handle in the nearby future, and don’t let it be too much in a way that you’ll wish you’d have acted differently when you probably could have, if you had tried a little harder to do so! Try to bear with the roughness and toughness of the current stretch of your life, and let it serve to make you stronger, so that you’ll also make it through what’s up ahead! (2015:112) Can you manage to trust in Me to help you overcome all the troubles you’re having to encounter in your life? What else would I be good for, if I couldn’t? What else could I be trying to teach you through the troubles you’re having to go through and make it through? I know it’s a rough stage of your life, and pretty much the roughest, but trust Me that it’ll serve to pep you up for the even rougher times to come! (2015:128) Get ready for the tough times, during which you won’t be able to take planned incidents for the coming day, week or month for granted, either. (2015:134)

That would be faith: to see a good reason for something I’m allowing to happen to you that you cannot see any good in… Maybe it’s a spanking; maybe it’s a measure to prevent something worse… Maybe a bit of both of them… Maybe another test of faith, making you wonder how a God of Love can allow something like this to happen to one of His children... Well, definitely a test of the faith in a God of Love, since it’s a bit hard to understand how or why a God Who’s supposed to be Love would allow something awful happen to you and not even allow the medications to work you’re taking. Yes, it’s a strong test of faith! Can you believe in such a God, allowing this, to be a God of Love, anyway? It might be good to be able to keep the faith in His Love, even with bad things happening to you, because there will be even worse things happening to this world, making you doubt and wonder all the more, unless you manage to keep your faith anyway, even if you couldn’t possibly understand why Your Creator is allowing certain things to happen to you. Can you make it through such tests of faith and still believe that the Father loves you? It’s quite a test of faith, and similar to the one that Job had to go through, and maybe it’s a comfort that there used to be someone else having to go through something similar. Well, he obviously lived a better life afterwards, and maybe you can keep your faith and vision pointed toward that: a better Hereafter. Sometimes it’s your task to accept what life is handing you as positively and victoriously as possible! If the times aren’t easy, but rough, don’t you think they’re there to make you stronger, and teach you greater dependence on Me and your help from Above? Can you trust Us, that We know what We’re doing by permitting your having to go through tough times, because We know that the ones coming will even be tougher, and you’re having to learn to deal and put up with it? (2015:135) To rely more on Me and your help from above is a challenge, and a testing of your faith that comes in a little hard at first, especially once you’d been used for decades to rely on your own talents and fortes, but as far as the future of the world is concerned, you’ll only make it through the help from Above! (2015:138) Troubled times draw you closer to Me and strengthen your trust in Me, because you need Me more desperately. Someday you’ll be more sorry for the way you’re failing this test of faith than the feelings of disappointment you’re experiencing right now, instead of holding on to your faith in a more victorious manner! Some day you’ll realize that this was a point at which you failed to pass the test, and you’ll be sorry. Doesn’t that sound like it’d be more worthy to hang on through it and make it through these tests of faith? (2015:140) Hard times aren’t bad times! They teach you the most, in the long run, and in the end will make you all the more thankful for the Hereafter. Even if you don’t catch the sense and purpose of it all right now, in the end, you will, and everything will make sense. We won’t let you down! – Even if it may look like it temporarily, when the enemy has fought for his right to put you to the test. In the end, you’ll see the reward, when you’ll have made it to hold on to your faith, and you made it through the tests! If they’re hard times for you, they’re never hard times for Us to take care of you. They’re even the best, because We know that’s when you need us the most. (2015:141) Get used to the fact that you need My help, and you’re going to need it all the more, the tougher times get. Sorry that it got a lot rougher than you could count on and expected, but trust Me that in order to get prepared to make it through the roughest time on earth ever, it’s better to learn how to make it through rough times, than to continue to be spoiled. It’s time you learn to make it through rough and tough times, and that just doesn’t happen by only going through easy ones. I know, life is rough for you right now. But trust Me that that’s the way you’ll learn to make it through the part that’s going to be a lot rougher! You may not be thankful right now for what you’re going through, but then you will be for realizing that this has been preparing you, strengthening and helping you to make it through the roughest part ever; and without the necessary preparation and learning how to deal with and handle tough times, it just might not work out to get through the even rougher part. Life may be full of trials and tests for you right now, but like this you’re going to learn how to handle the trials and tests that the Endtime is going to bring along! Keep trusting that this hard time’s going to make a better person out of you than if I would have allowed life to keep spoiling you. Trust Me that the tough times are going to make you better in the long run, even if at present you don’t feel much like it! You’ve got to learn to deal with trouble, and handle it, not let it wipe you out and put you down so easily! Things shouldn’t be that hard on you! You’ve got to learn to take’em better! (2015:144) Trials and tests come from the inability of giving God the glory for the good things, and instead blame Him for anything that’s not running perfect, which in a world being run by His enemy, folks shouldn’t really be too shocked about. If bad things happen to you, don’t get so frustrated about it: There were great people of God and followers of Mine who’ve had much worse things happening to them, and they managed them victoriously, and even cheerfully. So, make your effort to handle the battles and trials as cheerfully as you can, which will make the final result a lot more victorious as well! Don’t see the battles and trials as such a negative part! Lean on the Force that created all things and keeps running a lot more things way beyond the length of your current life on earth! There’s more to come! And all these momentary trials, tests and even sufferings you’re going through will look so tiny and unimportant in comparison to what you’ll enjoy then. (2015:145) If you feel like you’re in extremely hard times during which you can’t make it on your own, don’t view it too negatively, but as something to draw you closer to Me and make your dependence on Me and your help from Above stronger, because you’ll need it, according to the way the world is headed.

It’s the toughness of things that makes you stronger, more capable of dealing with things, conditions and ways the world just is, and tending to become a lot worse through future changes. Harder and tougher ways often are what causes to learn to appreciate more the easier and better times had. (2015:146) Learn how to deal with the hard times! (2015:148) The tougher the times get, the more you need to learn to cope with it by coming towards Me for My help, and I’ve told you that the times will get tougher! I know it’s difficult for you, and tougher and harder than pretty much ever before, but you just have to deal with it and learn to cope with it by coming towards Me for My help on a more steady and regular basis, because the tougher the times get, the more you need that. No matter how rough it gets for you, it could always be rougher! It’s a good training for you to learn how to handle the tough attacks from the enemy, which is necessary for you to make it through the even darker times to come. Just going through easy times doesn’t make folks stronger, and doesn’t enable them to go through rough times, so do your best to view these hard times you’re having to go through right now as something positive! (2015:149) With Me as the leading Guide, you’ll make it, even through the hard times! The hardest times of history are still before you, so, instead of trying to escape and avoid them, seek to make it through them with My help, and all help from Above you can get! It may be quite of a bit of a challenge, but then, it’ll also be a proof for many others that there’s a way to make it, and a better Source somewhere than what the enemy will put on display. When he takes over the world’s rule, it’ll be the time of greatest trials on earth, but as you keep making it through it, you will give hope to others. (2015:156) The hard times you’re having to deal with are making you stronger to deal with the times to come! What We’re allowing to happen to you will ultimately turn out to be the best, even if it may seem a bit hard for you temporarily! Ultimately, you’ll get the point that it will have been the best, even if right now it may seem so hard you can hardly bear it! Dealing with times that aren’t perfectly the way you’d expect them not only tests your faith, but also strengthens it, the way it ought to be. Thankfulness for the tough times is the hardest task. But remember that they’re what will teach you the most (if you take’em the way you should) and prepare you for what’s to come! - Ready for that? And apart from that, they draw you closer to Me and your heavenly help. (15:157) Being called out of the system always bears its amounts of trials and tests to pull you back in somehow and eventually, unless you become really aware of the enemy’s attempts to do that and manage to resist him. Becoming aware of whose and what forces are ruling that world makes you more conscious and aware of the need of not falling for his trials and temptations, but getting used to resisting them instead. (15:159) Don’t let the differing doctrines of others drag you down! Just see it as another test of faith, and make an effort to pass that test and keep on believing in a God of Love, not one that will curse you with everlasting hellfire even though you’ve received Me, just because you didn’t manage to be perfect during your earthly life! Some tests are passable through a simple choice. (15:161) Most people have their tough parts in life to go through. It’s a test of faith… Faith isn’t something that always stays on the same level, but sometimes has to be made stronger and needs to grow, and sometimes needs to be tested to see or show how real it is. You realize how much tough times can test your faith in a God of Love… But if it’s a tough test now, how much tougher do you think it will be with the big troubles on Earth coming, with the final part of the devil himself ruling pretty much the whole world during the last 3½ years of world history known as the Great Tribulation? It will either be strengthened, that faith, during the hard and tough times, or wiped out and pulled away! So, I’d say, do some hard fighting and resisting the enemy, in order to keep it alive and growing, instead of slipping away! – Amen? You need to learn how to cope with tough times! (15:162) I know it’s a bit harder to trust and believe in Our Love when bad things are happening, and it’s quite a test of faith, but do all you can to keep believing anyway, and you’ll see, it will have been the right thing to do! (15:163) What’s coming about is severely tough times… And it means, not to keep allowing yourself what you used to! It may have been acceptable and pardonable in times before, but they are changing, and you’ve got to get ready to deal with, and handle rougher ones! (15:165) How about doing the best to go through the trials and tests that you can? How about trying a bit harder to make it and win the battle? (15:169) Even though the current state of your life has many battles and trials for you to deal with, trust Me, that it’s going to be worth it all when you get Here! (15:177)

It’s better to be prepared for hard and tough times, than shocked by them when they come.

Just a bit more realistic concerning the matter of who runs it, and remembering the prophecies about the hard times facing the world towards the enemy’s ultimate reign of it… (15:179) Believe in Something Better than what surrounds you down there! - A better Reason for your existence you’re currently having trials with! (15:182) Sometimes tests of faith test you in order for all of us – including you – to find out how much you manage to put up with, how much you can bear, or how much stronger you could get, since the times to come may easily demand more strength from you to have to make it and resist all the attacks of the enemy in the attempt to weaken you, if not to wipe you out completely down there. (15:185)

It’s a rough time you’re having to go through, but let it draw you closer to Me! (15:186) That’s what tests of faith do: check whether you really believe what I promise and tell you, even if it seems as if it would require a miracle to make it come true and happen in the physical… Believe in what I’m saying? Believe that I am able to do it through you, even when it doesn’t seem possible that way in the physical? (15:188) Tough times aren’t that easy to get through and make it through, but they’ll definitely make you appreciate the Thereafter! Appreciate these hard times as preparation for what’s to come and why you’ll make it in the future! (15:190) The easier way isn’t always the best! The harder ways and paths will make you stronger at times, even if at first it may seem they only weaken you. But what apparently weakens you, as you might know by now, and as is mentioned in My Word, may just turn out to make you stronger, after all, and strengthen you and help you manage to make it, even if it may not have seemed as if you would. Easier is not always necessarily better… Sometimes the harder it goes and the more help from Above you need, the better in the end it’ll all turn out to be! (15:193) Many things are not working out so splendidly, and they’re quite a test of faith when they don’t… but rely on even those tests to make you stronger in the Spirit, no matter how rough they all may have been! Rough tests make you stronger! You can rely on that! (15:195) You just have to learn to deal with what life is handing you, even if it seems a bit hard. Just trust Me, that the hard times are what will make you strong enough to deal with the even harder times to come: the hardest time on earth, ever. Sometimes you’ve just got to go through some hard and tough lessons to help you appreciate both, the good things you’ve had, and the good – and even far better – ones to come… Consider it a test of your faith in order to find out whether you’ll make it, whether your faith will survive those hard times and even harder ones to come! (15:201) Rough times are mainly just reminders that you’re not going to make it through this world all on your own, but need that help from Above… It’s rough and a tough means: you just need to get used to depending on Our help from Above… (15:204) Knowing that the trials and testings of your faith are all part of it is something you ought to be familiar with by now, and not just in theory, but be used to them happening in practice and making it stronger, not weaker. (15:208) I admit, it’s a pretty rough situation for you, and pretty much the toughest you’ve ever been through, that’s testing your faith a lot! - Quite some trials and tests to go through, and you don’t know quite for sure whether you’ll make it through there… Well, that proves that it’s a tough test, and a strong trial of your faith, which is bound to make it stronger, if you make it through it. (15:216) I’m trying to teach you, to lean and depend on Me instead of relying on your own capacities. So, if I’ve been trying to teach you that for such a long time, don’t you agree that I may have to apply certain measures to change the fact that you hardly did, and My input played a minor role of effect in your life? If you had learned the things I’ve been trying to teach you, this wouldn’t be necessary: But you haven’t; so, it’s time you learn it now through some harder, tougher teaching methods, which you could also call trials and tests. (2015:218) When you get a rough time in life, it’s there to see (for both, you and Us) how you’ll make it. So, things aren’t easy. But is that going to cause you to complain, or try to make the best of it you can? Rough times are the strongest ones to learn from… so, just make it through them the best you can! (15:219) The hard times should draw you closer to Me, make you depend on Me and your help from Above more, and thus bring about a positive change, even if right now it strikes you as a bit of a negative feature. (15:226) Just make it through these rough and tough times you’re having to deal with, and trust that they’ll make you stronger, instead of weaker. So, just handle them, and trust Me that I’ll give you the strength you need in order to make it, and as a result make you stronger, and more used to take these tough times and thus, handle what’s coming in the future.

Let the hard times make you stronger! If you have to go through rotten, hard times, just let them make you stronger, and, even if it’s a hard thing to do: trust Me that I’m not letting you handle more than you can, even if it may seem like it, temporarily. Having to go through hard times, just appreciate it as a process of making you stronger! Take it as an experience that’ll make you stronger and able to handle more of what’s to come! Going through battles together is what can strengthen unity. Even if it’s battles you’re going through because of them. Just making it through rough scenes can strengthen unity, your faith, and the things you need to make it through what’s coming. (15:227)

Don’t be too troubled about tough times, but see it as the preparation you need for what’s coming up ahead! The hard times are what makes you feel less at home in that world, and thus might eventually lead to making you feel more at Home Here where I am. If life is rough and tough, let it serve you to rely and depend on Me and your help from Above. It’s not time anymore to trust and rely on your own strengths and capacities! It’s time to learn to depend on the ones from Above, from Up Here, your future Home you should prepare for! And the way to do that is not through continuing to go through easy times down there but having to go through hard times, teaching you to look Up ahead toward your eternal future Home! (15:229) You’ve got to get prepared for harder times, and not take the easy times for granted. Just remember that there are quite some lessons to learn, and... well, it's the hard times that mostly teach them. When things aren't moving exactly the way you like, it means they might be a test for you and teach you how to handle imperfect situations. (2015:230) Life having become harder is part of the preparation for the Endtime that’s heading towards your planet, along with your personal preparation for what’s coming to you afterwards, or after life down there: Hard times just make you more ready for your farewell from down there, along with all the lessons you’re supposed to learn about how not to be, think and do things. If it’s all not that grand and rosy as you’d prefer things in life to be, just take it by faith that the harder times are proper preparation for what’s to come. (2015:232) There are tougher times up ahead you ought to prepare for, and what could be preparing you better for tough times up ahead than the rough and tough incidents you’re experiencing now? It’s good preparation to be learning and adjusted to putting up with rough times when the roughest ever are just ahead of you. Being used to handling and dealing with tough times will be helpful. If you’re going through tough times right now, see them as necessary preparation for the toughest ever to come! So, do your best to get used to those times of trouble! It’s necessary to get used to them, since the roughest ever are to come! Times are rough, because they’re going to get even rougher… so, get used to it! (2015:234) Hardly knowing how to make it through rough times should get you to cling closer to Me and My Strength, Power and Help from Above, and that of Heaven, that’s available to you! (2015:238) Don’t be too disappointed that things are getting a bit harder and tougher for you! One day you’ll be grateful for that preparation I’m putting you through, trust Me! (2015:248) It may be a tough time in a world getting harder and tougher for you, but that’s why you’ve got to keep up your connection with Me and let it become stronger! (2016:2) Rough times teach you to make it through the rougher ones to come! (2016:6) Don’t take it too bitterly if I’m having to put you through hard times. Hard times are what that world is heading for, for the wrongs committed by man, and you’re going to have to get used to it and prepared for the tougher parts to come. (2016:12) Just take things the way they come! Many of My followers had to take a tough road… including Myself… and all My disciples, and true believers and Christians ever since. I know, it’s a tough test of faith to go through the hard and rough times, but… well, that’s what all true followers and folks of faith have had to do. (2016:13) Rough times are there to make you stronger in Me – the only strength available ready to deal with what’s there to come! (2016:20) You’ve just got to learn to take the tough times, and not let them weaken your faith. It could be easier, and you feel like it should be better, but then… learning to deal with the facts about life: who it is that runs the world due to people’s choices for his offers instead of Mine, and making the best you can out of it somehow… It’s one of the main purposes of life. Learning how to handle troublesome times with My help… So, take it, whatever comes, and learn how to handle it the best you can! (2016:22)

Some times make the better ones of people… more so than the purely easy and largely fun times. The best folks in Earth’s history had to go through some hard times of trials, troubles and tribulation. So, knowing all these truths in theory should enable you to cope with some actions and incidents in your life according to them… being made something better out of through hard times of trouble and some suffering. (2016:23) When you’re low, that’s a reminder that you need Us, Our Help, Strength and the Source of Creation from Above to make it through the difficult and hard times, of which the toughest ever are still coming. (2016:24) That’s why you have to deal with trouble as a child of God: in order to learn to do and behave better than when everything runs so easily and blissful that you may be tempted to get spoiled through it. (2016:26) It’s the tough and rough times that make you stronger! – And that’s just what you need right now: Get stronger in the Spirit! (2016:27)

If it’s rough times, well… take the chance to apply for My help, and experience the difference it’ll make! (2016:31) I know it’s rough. But not as rough as the darker times coming! So, make it through these rough times, so that you gain the strength you’ll need to make it through the rougher times to come! (2016:33)

If you’re going through hard and cold times down there, they should make you appreciate and look forward at what’s to come for those who have chosen to believe in and receive Me as their Savior. (2016:34) It’s good to get used to the tough times, believe it or not. (2016:37) Sorry, but having to make it through the rough times is on the schedule right now, to get prepared for what’s to come. (16:38) Put up with the slightly harder times, and let them make you stronger in order to make you more capable of bearing with the harder ones inevitably to come! So, can you put up with the circumstances of having to let Us help you make it through life’s harder times, instead of complaining about it whenever they’re not perfect? (16:42) The tough times are a reminder that that’s not your home down there, and that a better Place is waiting for you when your time down there is over. Times of trouble are reminders that the world’s not your home and a better One’s waiting for you. Going through hard, rough and tough times? – Take it as a part of the highest will for you, in order for you not to settle with the state of the world and winding up feeling like part of it! (16:43) You’re having to go through rough times again, but learning to handle them is the only thing that might help to make you strong enough to manage to deal with what’s up ahead! Trouble is the challenge that brings you into the situation to deal with it, which you don’t really manage without help from Above, but… how else do you even ask for it, unless that trouble’s there? So, if the troubled times help to make you more prayerful… that should pretty much clarify for you why they’re allowed to come around at all! (16:44) How can you take the hardships, pains and difficult times? How can you stay in or gain the victory, and a victorious attitude in spite of it all? How can you put up with it? It’s a challenge and test of faith, but if you pass it, that faith will be stronger, and an aid to make it through even harder times to come. (16:46) Instead of letting the things that life brings make you angry, allow them to make you humbler and more compassionate, remembering that others have to go through far worse sufferings. – Keeping the faith that your Creator knows a bit better what’s best for you in order to make of your character what He knows is best, even if that includes some hard times. To get desperate and dependent enough on Our help to make it through and fulfill your purpose on Earth, the easy times just won’t do. Troubles have their purpose; that’s why they’re allowed. Going through hard times? Well, so did I. And as you can tell from the Gospel of John, I would have preferred to do without it, but some things we just can’t get around, and that, unfortunately, also includes a bit of suffering, as a lesson on the price to pay for allowing to fall for the enemy’s temptations, another one of the greatest lessons in the history of mankind. (16:47) Even if it’s tough times, don’t seek to make it out of them a.s.a.p., but stick through it and remember the fact that We still need you and your services down there, even if right now it doesn’t look or seem very pleasant. Rough times may not be very pleasant, but they should make a better and more pleasant person out of you to have around. It’s hard to trust in the rough times being a manner of improvement, but if I tell you so, could you come up with the capacity to believe Me? Hard times are supposed to make more of a man out of you, instead of a spoiled kid and child of God! (16:48) The rough times are more important to learn things from than the easy ones. And there are still some things to learn. How you manage to deal with troubled times is one of the factors that show your character. (16:51)

If times are rough, remember, so they were for Me, although I told My followers there’d be even rougher times up ahead. To make it through tough times through faith… now, that is what faith is all about to start with! So, take the tough times you’re going through as part of that life of faith! – Faith in Something better to come! Times of trouble are what you have to learn how to take, with the greatest trouble of world history yet and about to come! (16:53) The rough parts of life are supposed to teach you… more than the good and easy times are able to. So, you’ve got some troubles and trials to go through? – Learn from them all that you can! The rough times make you stronger through availing yourself of the help and support from Up Here, which, during the good and easy times you don’t feel you need that much. But learning to need them is the best preparation for times to come! (16:61) According to your faith I’ll see you through the times of trouble! And one of the ways to gain that faith is through the problems and trials you’re having to deal with and overcome with My help right now! (16:62) Going through trials in a world run by our enemy isn’t a negative sign. Consider the trials part of the preparation for what’s ahead of you! The only way to prepare you for it is having you pass through tough times already. So it’s rough times? Get used to it, for they’ll be even much rougher in times to come! So, all you can do right now is learn to put up with and handle the rough times, for there are rougher ones coming. (16:63) The more you get used to making it through hard times, the more likely it will be to make it through the toughest times to come. It’s hard to go through tough times, but see their sense and purpose: to strengthen you! Even the hard times have their advantage. And when you tend to forget them, remember: strengthening! The comparatively easy times had the tendency to spoil you… and thus, spiritually weaken you. So, see the sense and purpose of the hard times, and don’t let them drag you down! Learn to be able to put up with the hard times, knowing that they’ve got a reason and purpose! (16:65) There’s that cleansing factor about the hard and tough times of trials, tests and purging… A cleansing factor that some simply still need before they’re ready to enter the perfect Place. Unfortunately, some hard times and sufferings are about the only thing that’ll do the trick. (16:66) In order to stand a chance to make it through the roughest of all times, you just need to learn to make it through the rough times, even if that’s not something you like. You’re just going to have to learn to make it through the rough times – with My Help. It may be rougher to learn when you’re not used to it, but that’s what these not so pleasant times are for. The dark times make some features of mankind stronger – some of the positive ones, and in some cases it’s the proof of love, just as My death on the cross was the proof and sign of My and the Father’s Love for mankind. (16:75) If you want to make it, you’ll have to learn to put up with rougher times than what you’ve been passing through! Rough times around you? Rougher ones up ahead of you! So, it’s just a fact you need to get prepared for. (16:76) It’s not easy what you’re having to go through, and will have to; but those hard times will have the desired effect on you to make of you more of what I want you to be. (16:82) With as rough as things around you are getting now, We definitely don’t want to be the Ones making things rougher for you. (16:83) Easy times taken for granted can lead to tough times. Just know that if there are some tough times you have to go through, there’s a reason for it. Being someone used to rough times, the time coming won’t be as hard for them. So, just see the current process as one of “un-spoiling” you, getting you ready to deal with the hard times coming! Those used to hard times will have their advantages compared to those not being used to hard times at all. So, try to take these hard times with a little more grace, for a lot more grace will be necessary to make it through what’s to come! (16:91)

Your spiritual enemies know your toughest times, and their opportunity to give you trials; so that’s the time to call out for Me and get in touch with Me, your Hope to make it through. See it as training, the temporal stretch you’re going through, in order to handle the real tough times! (16:96) You’ve just got to make it through somehow… through the tough times, because there are tougher ones to come! These rough times are supposed to prepare you, and thus help you make it through the roughest to come. It’s not the easy times that strengthen your faith! It’s a fight to make it through the tough times… but “fight the good fight of faith (1.Tim.6:12)!” (16:97) The advantage of harder times: Even though your physical conditions and circumstances are tougher on you, your connection with Me grows stronger.

To handle difficult times is not to make you feel forsaken by Me, but to draw you closer to Me and make you more aware of the necessity of staying as close to Me as you can, depending on My guidance and protection, and not your own physical abilities! (16:100)

Rough times? Remember there’s a purpose for them! – Teaching you valuable lessons of life and trying to trim your character into a bit more pleasant, humbler, more patient and loving one – a more positive one. - Tough times to make you better. (16:102) Learning to make it through rough times will turn out a positive with the roughest times to come for everyone of My sheep and believers. So, don’t see these tough times as a negative, but as a positive and helpful preparation for what’s to come, that will lift the chances for folks to make it through those times! Seeing hard times as a positive may be something new for you, but just consider it as one of the changes I advocate! Learning to make it through rough times is what will help you make it through the roughest ones to come! So, don’t be discouraged by the rough times that draw you closer to Me! (2016:107) You’re just going to have to endure the hardness of the place you are when there’s no open door yet elsewhere! Appreciating what you didn’t before is a major purpose of the Lessons of Life. And it’s the hard time of lacking the blessings previously taken for granted that are the effective point in those lessons. Hard times just seem to be necessary in order for most folks to learn the lessons life has to teach. (2016:108) Tough times are just preparation for the toughest ones to come. So, something to be thankful for! No successful result from the easy lessons? Well, maybe the tough ones will do. So, welcome the tough times coming and see that they’re something well deserved and needed! (2016:109) If life’s been a bit too easy, it’ll be all the tougher to make it through the hard times. So, you had some tough times. Can you see the good point about them now? How do you think you’d be able to handle the worst plots of history if life had only been a piece of cake with no hard times whatsoever? So, can you see the need for them now? – For the rough times? – To help or at least give you a chance to make it through the roughest to come? (2016:110) The hard and tough times you’re going through, you’ve just got to learn to make the best of them with Help from Heaven! (2016:117) It may be quite a trial and test of your faith and trust in Me and the Father, to be allowing your life to drift down to a weak and low state… but in the end, can’t you imagine that if you’re getting Our Strength through your physical weakness, and that low state will turn out to be actually lifting you up, that it would be a proof and confirmation of Our Promises from Above? See… those tests of faith are a bit of a necessity… Not just running on faith when everything’s going honky-dory, but keeping it when it really seems to be going downhill. Sorry your faith is still being tested, but with the immensely dark circumstances approaching, trust Me: it’s just absolutely necessary for true faith to grow into a state totally independent of circumstances, now matter how drastic and obscure! We’re just trying to help you the best We can to make it through the toughest of all times by having to go through some tougher ones than you’d been used to. (2016:126) Learning to take the troubles in life is one of its challenges. How you deal with troubles and challenges shows what sort of a fighter you are… not just giving in to the devil and the tough events he sows into your life to tempt you to give up your faith in Me. So, it’s important to become a good taker of trouble, learn how to deal with it, and not let it tempt you to give up. It’s tougher for those who’ve had a fairly pleasant life to learn to deal with troubles. (2016:129) Don’t let the enemy draw your focus on the circumstances around you, or the faults in those around you! See the things they cause as tests of faith, and of reminders who to put your faith and trust in: not them, but Me! (2016:132)

Truth & Honesty vs. Lies Look beyond that which meets the eye! The ‘obvious’ isn’t necessarily always the truth. So much more lies beneath the surface, and to uncover the hidden truths, you always need an agent to clear away the rubble it’s buried under. (I:40) Love is telling the truth, even if it hurts. (I:83) Sometimes the opposite of what appears to the carnal mind, is actually the truth. (I:84) If you really want to know the truth about yourself, study My Word. In fact, that's the main reason why most people shun My Word, because it reveals the ugly truth about them. (I:112) Always seek the truth. Inhale it, absorb it, and reflect it, and you will be a piercing ray of light that will cut through the devil’s clouds, and the darker it gets, the brighter you’ll be. (I:114) To be willing to accept and receive the truth is the primary requirement. Those who lie to themselves and prefer to live in the lie will always oppose you. All you’ve got to offer is the truth. (I:146) Some are bold enough to stand up and step out for Me and the truth, and I will reward them mightily! (I:184) Break through that wall of deception; the Devil’s trickery and illusion, which causes you to fail to see the truth behind the facade! Seek Me and the truth, the real picture more desperately, for you cannot rely on your own minds. (I:194) There’s a lot about you that others could tell you about you, not to mention what I could tell you about yourself... It all depends on how much truth about yourself you are willing and able to take. (I:228) Delusion must be destroyed, in order to build a firm foundation of truth. I bring that sword of variance, to cut down the veil of false appearances and views which hinder you from doing My work. With every layer of that curtain that I cut down, you come a little closer to the whole truth. Shed your former concepts of truth and reality and empty yourself completely and open yourself utterly to Me! Everybody is so convinced of their own view and opinion that they’re not open for the truth, everybody’s an evangelist for their own little private and personal pet truth. Can you show that your truth is truer than theirs? (I:241) There comes a time in every life, when they see where they erred and failed to see the truth. (I:245) Tell the truth as you would like to be told the truth. And be aware of the fact that many people are trapped in a game in which they seem to think they need to put on a pretense, or that they just can’t show their true selves. Pity them and free them with My truth! Set free the captives of lies with My Words and deeds of truth! As I have set you free from the snares of the pressure to deceive, so shall you set free others in the same bonds. Nothing is as liberating as the naked truth! Convey trueness of heart! (I:275) It’s so important to get any traces of deceit out of your lives. It’s gotta be truth that’s ruling your lives. It’s gotta be genuine. It’s gotta be God’s good gold. (I:276) “Men loved darkness rather than light...” Light is always the strange new ingredient, along with the truth... The lie was so cozy and comfortable... so easy to live with... (I:284) Someone who reminds people of their Creator will hardly ever receive a warm welcome among those who have rejected the very thought of their Creator, who have embraced the Big Lie that life and the world with all that’s in it came into being by itself, just so they can keep doing their own thing without their conscience pricking them too hard... (I:288) To be honest and to tell the truth is part of the proof of your love. It’s part of the price of living the law of love. (I:303) The rejection of My way of the Spirit is often preceded by some rejection of truth, and therefore, not having received the love of the truth, I must allow those other spirits to speak to them and offer them the lie. Choose what you’re going to believe: your own “truth,” or Mine... (I:354) Opinions are not really what matters: it’s the content of truth in them that counts! Let go of the old and open yourself up wide to the new: forget all you know and think you know and soak up My truth! (I:371) Honesty is fairness, for it will let the others know where you’re at. (I:380) You’re a bulwark of truth in a sea of lies! Guard that truth! (I:390)

One thing about the truth is, you can't help anyone to receive it; it's their own decision. What I want My prophets to do: just offer the truth. Those who seek it and want it and love it, will receive it, including all its ugliness. They'll just be happy to be freed from the lie, even if the life they'll be living for the truth will be one of hardship, of sacrifice and of foregoing many pleasures the easy, selfish life had to offer, and even if it means constant war. (I:430) It's pretty hard to accept the whole truth about yourself and to learn to apply that truth daily, to keep on the right path, and to put it into action. You've got to want that truth, even if it hurts, and then live it and act on it! My truth exposes the cage and the confines that the devil is trying to keep you in, and it's up to you whether you want to break out and be free each day or not. (I:460) Try to be a sample of honesty without hypocrisy! Let everything you give come from the heart, truthfully and honestly! (I:480) My true sheep and My true followers will never be satisfied with anything less than My truth, and that which I feed them. (I:482) I know better than you what you can handle. If you stand on this truth, that I won't allow you to suffer more than you can bear, then you will also know that whatever befalls you must be within the range of what I know to be bearable. (I:508) Just because some or even many don't want to hear the truth, does that make the truth bad? Or is it still the truth, and even if they don't wanna hear it, isn't it still a whole lot better than all the lies in the world together? (I:576) Take up your cross and follow Me, spreading My message of truth to the lost and hungry sheep and being a ray of light in a dark and dreary world! (I:613) I cannot bless dishonesty, no matter how minimal or insignificant it seems to be to the logical mind. There is no such thing as "a little white lie." (II:5) If you really want to dig down deep, you not only have to discover mind-boggling truths, but let those truths sink deeply into your heart, where they will change your life and take the desired effect. (II:58) If you really want to live for the truth, choose to do so! (II:72) If you really want My unadulterated truth, and if you want to hear My voice of truth, you must be ready to forget all you know. Ask Me to give you a hunger for the truth and nothing but the truth, and that I won't allow you to settle for any half-truths or deceptions of the enemy of your soul! People automatically tend to think that they would never be as dumb as Adam and Eve to allow themselves to fall for the devil's lies, but that's already the first lie they swallowed right there: "Oh, I'm never gonna be that dumb!" Well, you might have another surprise coming on that one, when you'll find out one day how often and how easily you fell for the devil's fairy-tales! Adam and Eve will look like heroes to you then, by comparison! (II:76) Sometimes I test you to see how badly you really want My truth and My revelations, or how quickly you would settle for some kind of compromise and in-between thing. If you want the truth and nothing but the truth, there is a price to pay for it. Part of that price is often time, because you have to take the time to find out what the whole truth is concerning a matter. (II:85) If there will always be something to hide in your life, to cover up, you will never be able to be completely honest with anyone. It's a life spent in darkness, instead of the light. Choose which road you're going to follow; the high road or the low road, the path of light or the broadway of darkness, the way of truth, or the slippery track of lies. (II:86) The love of truth does not only include a love for heavenly revelations, but also what others have to tell you about yourself. (II:87) Finding out the truth takes time, and you have to be willing to spend time on it. (II:90) You should not be too proud to ask - for help, for food, for shelter, for anything you might need! It takes courage to be honest about them, and the devil will try to nip any attempts of honesty in that direction in the bud, but you should not let that discourage you or divert you from it! Being honest about your needs creates an atmosphere of humility, but it's the natural way it was intended to be. (II:98) I'm an Advocate of openness and honesty! There is no way you could hide things from Me, so be honest! (II:102) You just need to open your eyes and there will be so many truths to discover! In this age of lies you are My discoverers of truth. And there's more to discover every day! Truth about yourself; truth about others; truth about the world, My Kingdom, it's almost limitless what's there to discover!

And you can pass on those truths to anyone who is interested and hungry for them. That's what I'm sending you out to seek and to find: those who are hungry and receptive for the truth. Not only be a discoverer of truth, but one who imparts and shares what he has found! For one karat of diamond, you have to shift one ton of sand! It takes a while of digging and searching until you find a diamond in all that sand, someone worthwhile who is hungry for the truth and will receive it. People often do not see the whole truth about themselves. If you go about it the right way, you will find a great calling, and great joy in being My messenger, and you will become better at telling others the truth in love. Find out what wonderful fruit the truth brings in others' lives! Don't hurt anyone by withholding the truth from them! That hurts even more! Find ways to let them know lovingly! (II:117) It behooves you to take on My view and way of looking at things if you really want the truth and to convey nothing but the truth! (II:118)

Truth in the inward parts - applied to purge and make clean, that is what will bring about the true gold that can stand the tests of time! (II:120) When all you really want is the truth and nothing but the truth, no matter how ugly it is, then you're faring a safer road than one who easily settles for something that "sounds good." When you're out for beauty, more than the absolute, naked, and sometimes ugly truth, then you run the risk of accepting fake gold, which may appear shiny on the outside, but will not stand the tests of time. It requires great desperation, sincerity and humility, honesty with yourself to the point where it hurts, willingness to break with your own romantic image you may have of yourself, in order to truly receive nothing but the real, naked and raw truth - a consistently flowing plan that slowly but surely moves you along to My perfect will. (II:121) The truth is really a precious and wonderful thing so few people really have, and it's a treasure you can proudly advertise. Flaunt it, and walk in the confidence of truth! Fully knowing that you've got My truth can give you that peace and confidence that many others are yearning for deep down in their hearts, and if you don't let the enemy cheat you out of the joy of it, they're going to come and ask what it is that makes you tic. (II:126) The devil tries to scare you that you might lose something through honesty, but you're only going to gain from it. (II:131) In the world they just don't seem to stick to the truth as much as My scribes and prophets would. There are too many people out there who defend nothing but their own little truths. That's the result of Adam and Eve believing Satan's lie at the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, "Ye shall be as gods." The problem is that when you have millions or even billions of little "gods" running around and everyone of them having their own "truth," it's pretty hard for those who are not too conceited to find out what to believe in and what really is the truth. The difference between goats and sheep is that goats will eat anything, whereas sheep will only be satisfied with the fresh green grass of My truth, and nothing else. (II:154) Sometimes you've just got to forget everything you've learned in order to find the truth for the moment! The devil is quick to contribute some of his input to your view of things in order to stop you from becoming the totally pure, radical and revolutionary vessel for My truth and nothing but My truth that I would want each of you to be! And sometimes his input comes from the most unexpected sources, so you've constantly got to be on guard! (II:161) You must dispel the lies of the enemy about what others think of you! He steals your unity and your love for each other by sowing lies and having you swallow them, and you often don't even realize what happened! Don’t give any place to the devil and his dirty lies trying to destroy your faith, your unity and your positive outlook on life! You must make a positive and definite declaration that you're not going to fall for those lies anymore! (II:166) Cast down those imaginations and high falluting thoughts and fears born of pride that exalt themselves against the better judgment of the truth and knowledge of God! Get real! Look at the real picture! Don't let the devil bluff you into believing his fake reality! Bring into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ! Let Me tear down the walls of the devil's strongholds in your mind and cast down his imaginations, so that I can recapture each and every one of your thoughts in order to get you to stop believing the devil's lies! Believe Me instead! (II:205) One simply needs to make the choice whether what they want is really the truth or merely their own mental concept, either see the light, or decide to go the rest of the way with the private little concept of the meaning of life, yet another victim to the devil's deceptions. Many people are so sure of their own perception and concept of truth, they're willing to kill for it. That's why you have the standard of My Word. (II:223) In order to get to know Me, you've got to spend time with Me. More than with other things, even if they seem to be more "feeding" to you. It's a test to see how much and how badly you really want the truth, or just an easy way out... (II:232)

When somebody chooses to believe a lie about you and refuses the truth, you will just have to let them go down their path for a while to find out where it leads, unable to do much more for them than pray. (II:240) In rejecting the voice of truth, in refusing to listen to My servants, they heap upon themselves their condemnation, their judgment and verdict. (II:252) If you're not really open and hungry for the truth and nothing but the truth, you can fail to see the truth even though you've been hearing it all your life. (II:263) An important part of your ministry must be to expose the lies of the enemy! (II:305) Even if you have found the truth, you should always stay hungry for more! (II:327) All depends on how hard someone is looking for the Real Thing! If they really want the truth and nothing but the truth, they're going to find Me! (II:332) If My truth in you becomes hard and solidified, nothing's going to crack it so easily. (II:352) Really finding the truth is a matter of being willing to let go of what your own mind tells you and letting My mind take yours over, to let My truth reign supreme and be willing to discard your own, "personal little truth," in favor of it. (II:362) Nobody's perfect, but it's important to be honest - "true to thine own self" as the saying goes, and real. (II:413) You've got to disarm the devil's lies with the sword of the truth! The truth is that if I love you. (II:444) You have much greater means to spread the truth today, and those who are truly enlightened have more truth at their disposal than ever before, but a lot also depends on what you do with it. (II:445) How hard it is to stay "real" and loyal to the truth when you're right in the thick of the System! As long as they continue and insist on deceiving themselves into believing that the System is alright or doesn't have any negative influence on them, they cannot accept or receive the truth, because they still cling to the lie. There has got to be a vacuum for the truth, before they can receive anything from Me. Living in the lie, the Way, the Truth, and the Life, have nothing to offer to them. The way of the lie seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof is destruction. (II:446) It's much more comfortable to concoct one’s own "truth." It makes a lot more sense to some than My humiliating truth, which always says the exact opposite of what pride and the flesh, the carnal mind tells folks. (II:448) Sometimes people don't have it within them to walk the path of truth, but they want to, so badly - yet without having to pay the price for it - that they deceive themselves into thinking they are, that their own little way that they're carving for themselves, is indeed the path of truth. (II:449) In My Book, you can score a lot of points by being honest with people. Being a shepherd or even simply a brother entails the love and honesty not just to silently accept another's failure, which you know is going to harm and impede their fruitfulness and happiness for Me, but to courageously and lovingly confront them about it. When you choose not to tell people the truth you see about them, you abandon them in some way and give up on them. You don't believe or have hopes that telling them the truth would do any good, and thus you label them as incorrigibles and hopeless cases. (II:467)

Hypocrisy is a lack of honesty, a pretense. You pretend to be more righteous or better than you really are by demanding of others to adhere to the rules of a certain standard you apply for them, while basically ignoring it yourself. (II:514) One of the greatest decisions to make is whether one will accept the truth when they hear it or not. "Today if ye will hear His voice, harden not your hearts" (Heb.3:15). Everything goes on from there, and future events are determined by that moment when you either hardened your heart or chose to open it and receive My truth, even if it initially may be hard to swallow. (II:533) You've got the truth, because I'm not a liar. A lot of other people are still wondering what the truth is, or may be completely oblivious to the truth, constantly and perpetually deceived by the old liar, but I have given you the truth! The truth shall make you free! That's what it is that makes you free indeed. All I have to offer you is the truth! But the truth is all you need in a world of lies, in order to cut through and rise above. The truth and the knowledge of the truth will help you rise above and free you from all the confines, simply because you're realizing that they're living a lie. You've got to expose the lie and the wrongs before the truth can really set you free. (II:541) When you're dealing almost exclusively with people who see nothing wrong with this life, who only believe in themselves and who don't think that there's a need for any change whatsoever. They have embraced Satan's illusion as the light, and the light of My

truth only bewilders and even frightens them, it's a "strange truth" to them, that topples their neat little picture of the way they see things. But you can still offer them the truth, even if it may not be easy to swallow, it still is much better than the lie, simply because it is the truth. You're dealing in truth (if anybody asks you what your business is), and the problem is that the demand for it is kind of rare, which is why you have to ignite and spark people's interest in it. The lie is easy, the lie is comfortable. It may even satisfy somewhat, like a drug, but it will never truly make you happy. Like a drug, you may become addicted to it and dependent on it, and the thought of ever having to live without it scares you nearly half out of your wits. But wouldn't you consider freedom from such an addiction a positive gift? That's what's the difference between My sheep and the goats: My sheep know deep inside that there is something else than the drug, the lie, and they're waiting for it, waiting for their liberation, waiting for the truth. The others are fine with it. They can keep pretending and playing the game until the day they die. The lie is like second nature to them, in fact, it's more than that; to them it is the truth, and some will even vehemently defend it. (II:542) Freedom is a thing I give to those who cling to My Word, those who truly adhere to My Truth, absorb it, and refuse to mingle it with lies and half-truths. (II:589) Truth is found by receiving Me. (II:614) Don't get stuck in any old mindsets, even if you "already have the truth!" Good for you! But what is the truth that I want to teach you today? What is the lesson, the metanoia, the revelation for this day? (II:625) "The truth shall make you free." It is My Word and your continued absorption of it that is going to lead you to freedom from your sins. Although you must realize that it is not only your own absorption of My truth that will help you, but also your helping others to absorb it, as well: your feeding them the Word, your witnessing My truth to others, will also give you a greater love and understanding for them, along with more patience to deal with their quirks. Give them My truth in humility! (II:630) It’s so important that you stick to the truth in all things. You cannot give place to the devil, you cannot give any place to sin or dishonesty in your life, for the devil will use it. (III:4) It always pays to stay open and not shut yourself up, nor be scared of other "strange truths." Sometimes the fear of being led astray can lead to not finding anything, not even the truth I would want to show you in addition to what you've already found. (III:15) There are new varieties and slants to discover all the time, about those good old fundamental truths. It always takes you back to the same simple but monumental truth and foundation. (III:18) The truth is only going to help you as much as you believe in it, it's only going to be as effective for you as strong as your faith in it is. "Truth resisted loses its power over the mind," and it won't do you any good. The only way the truth is going to do you any good at all is if you receive it and believe it, act on it and obey it. (III:24) Sometimes people confuse themselves just in order to not see the truth. Or they try to apply for themselves whatever they can glean from it that makes them feel better, but they're not ready for the whole truth and nothing but the truth. Of course, I prefer them taking in some of the truth over accepting none of it, but on the other hand, only those stout hearted men and women of the spirit who want the whole truth really have what it takes to bring forth the fruit that I desire. (III:33) It’s more important to do the right thing than just trying to be "nice." Niceness isn't going to save the world, but the truth is. (III:52) Being a voice for the truth has its price. You laugh less. You're more serious than the rest of them. That's alright. When it comes down to it, by and large, I was a serious Man. I was not a comedian! (III:57)

It's so important to be honest with yourself and find out what really makes you tic, whether it's love or pride that's motivating you as your driving force in life. (III:90) To totally trust Me means gaining the victory over the fears and lies the enemy will plant in the heart and mind. (III:117) Only few are courageous enough to really believe the whole, outrageous truth about the world they're living in. (III:134) The enemy has a very necessary purpose: to lend extra and additional evidence to the Word of Truth of its Power by the adversity with which he resists and fights it, tries to besmirch and nullify and contradict it. He says, "Did God really say so?" and prompts man to find out by his own experience. As time will do the talking, it will finally appear that it isn't I Who's the Liar around here, and experience shows which words are really worth clinging to, Mine or his. And thus it is with all words spoken, with every philosophy uttered... only the Truth will remain. (III:149) There is a reason for punishment, and every person should be interested and curious enough about the truth to find out what it

was in their case. The truth can be a bitter pill to swallow. (III:153) Conviction is the refusal to surrender to any however tempting truce and settlement with anything but the whole truth. What peace is there when it's not based on the truth? It's just some temporary truce with a lie, a compromise with a state of half-truths, a fake peace purchased on behalf of lethargy. (III:159)

Honesty is a very important and fundamental factor in achieving anything for My Cause at all, the Cause of truth, and changing the world; and honesty about your own weaknesses, frailties and limitations is just part of that. Of course, everybody wants to be successful and a winner and show "we can do it." But really getting there, making the progress you need in order to be trained effectively into the shape you need to be in, in order to overcome the odds against you requires first of all coming to grips with where you're really at. (III:167) Most people think the distortions they're perceiving and the lies they're hearing are the truth. You can't force anyone to accept the truth. You can only give it, and then it's up to them if they're going to accept it or insist on keeping their own little perception of "truth." (III:181) Man was programmed not to be perfectly happy with anything less than utter union with his Creator, and that includes embracing the truth - and the whole truth. And that is what I am and what I represent. I cannot tolerate the lie, and sooner or later it has to go, there is no room for it. (III:232) Without love, even the truth is nothing. The truth is love, and love is the truth. Without love, there is no truth and can be no truth. Let your truth always be spoken or written with love! (III:234) The tryings and purgings of time erode all things that are not really real, all false premature conclusions, no matter for how long they may have been worshiped and obeyed as “truths.” The only truths that remain will be those that don’t contradict Mine. That may sound like a pretty bold statement in a world of lies, but it’s nevertheless a certainty. “Heaven and earth will pass away, but My Words will never pass away” (Mt.24:35). Blessed are they who believe that. Blessed are they who cling to the truth as their anchor in life, and not those man-made concoctions of half-truths and pseudo-truths, mixed with a lot of wishful thinking… (IV:87) It’s easy for any worldling to love and welcome those who promise to bring them success and prosperity in the system they believe in, since they don’t know of anything else. They would have loved Me, too, if I would have just stuck to the miracles, the making wine and multiplying loaves and fishes business, but instead I insisted on fulfilling My ultimate destiny of giving them the truth, which was bound to be rejected by them… It’s not even so much in the words you tell them as in what you are, because just by being different you’re already living proof of a truth they strongly dislike, namely that there is a way of doing things and of being that is different than their own and the way they were always taught to be… Things like valor and courage and the guts to be different aren’t really being appreciated in a society in which folks are drilled to adjust and fit in. (11:38) Coming to the zero position from a pseudo value made up of imaginary figures that folks think adds up to the sum of their being is one of the hardest tasks in life and one of its greatest hurdles, one that many never overcome. They just can't face the shocking truth. But in a world of lies, governed spiritually by the god of lies, one has to be prepared for that sort of awakening. In a way, there's not much more you can convey and communicate to people right now, than that they're being lied to. As long as they dwell in their little paradigm, that everything is the way they're being told, what chance have you got to break through with the truth? (11:48) Sincerity is not something you’re necessarily born with, but that you might need to acquire. Deception has been woven so deeply into the fiber of human nature that many don’t even realize anymore that it’s there. (11:70) All I've got for you is the truth, even if it's a bitter pill to swallow... (11:108) Instead of accusing Me of being the great Perpetrator of all evils (or at least the One Who allows them) folks should be honest enough with themselves to wonder or ask what has brought them upon them – a type of honesty that is extremely hard to find among mankind. (11:114) I know what it is to fight for the truth on your own, without any support from anyone, just perhaps some vague sympathies from afar off while you carry your cross… With man’s desire for peace and comfort, it’s only natural to want to suppress the knowledge about the rotten state that his world is actually in, with no prospects for improvement any time soon. But once you’re aware of it, it will always come back to you, and there’s no escape, really, from the truth. (11:130) The lie is always easier and more pleasant to believe than the truth, and when people become comfortable with the lie, it’s hard to persuade them that it would be better to seek the truth. It’s harder yet when they’re convinced that their lie indeed is truth, and

even harder when they couldn’t care less about any such thing as truth. My frustration in My day was that they heard the truth straight from My mouth and still refused it. Your frustration is that those even vaguely interested in any such thing as truth are becoming less and less. (12:10) New approaches are necessary in order to convey My truths to the world. (12:23) The hard rock truth is usually anything but comfortable or pleasant in this world. You said what you wanted, was the truth. Is that still what you want? Now that you have it, do you still regard it a treasure, or a burden which you’d prefer not to have known? Remember, there are two ways to react when accepting the red pill of truth: Full acceptance of the reality you encounter, or, “Stick me back in the Matrix! I want to forget everything!” (12:26) You’ve got people motivated and powered by lies and illusions to the extent where they often can’t tell the difference anymore between truth and lies, wrong or right… Fact is, and this is what’s being hinted at in My Word, that people simply prefer to hear and accept lies over the hard-to-swallow truth. (12:62) The folks whom the Enemy tries hardest to stop and discourage, are those who have the truth. (12:65) When there’s temptation galore beckoning, gazillions of lies told and sold, and a million doubts pulling on your soul, beckoning to finally come to reason and forsake the sinking ship of faith, then it’s already an accomplishment when despite of it all you just refuse to settle for anything less than the truth, even – and especially – if all you’ve got of it seems to be bits and pieces and shreds of it that you’re trying to make sense of by putting them together the best you know how… It’s one thing when you have a burning desire and hunger for the truth… But just like the hunger of the baby being stilled not by his own efforts and screams and cries, but the revelation of his mother’s breast, so it is with the Holy Spirit… There’s not really much anyone can do to try to figure it out, analyze it, fit it in boxes and claim they’ve got the blueprint for the ultimate truth now… (12:71)

Don’t buy into the cheap lie, but dare to afford the truth! (12:85) What did you expect, when you’re supposed to be fighting for the most undesirable thing in their world – the truth? So, yeah, the lie, and all that goes with it, is more comfortable, more appealing to the flesh, more attractive, desirable and tempting… that’s why it’s called temptation. And according to their values and standards the truth isn’t worth anything. But what’s it worth to you? How much value do you give it? It makes it even more difficult when those supposedly fending on the same side with you seem to have their own, different version of the truth. The truth, for you is a way of life and more; it is life, and the only way to live it. And there are others out there – howbeit only a few in comparison – who feel the same way about it. And your job is to seek – and find – those truth-seekers. (12:113) You can always expect to find Me, the truth and the Real Thing, in the totally unexpected. (12:115) As you refuse to surrender and believe the Enemy’s lies, a strength is being built that makes exactly the difference between those who make it and those who don’t. “Thou hast a little strength, and hast kept My Word” (Rev.3:8). (12:129) I never intended to bring people religion, as much as reality and the truth. (12:148) I offer freedom and truth. Whether people will take it is entirely up to them. It’s the truth that shall set you free. Accepting My truth is the first step. Then putting it into action is the next, liberating step… (12:151)

The knowledge of the truth is your greatest weapon. (12:172) Professing the truth is so important to counterbalance the ever-increasing flow of disinformation with genuine information, even if it seems so strange to them that most of them won’t even begin to accept or believe it… The truth has got to be heard, even if rejected, so that they will remember that they’ve been warned and that there were prophets among them. (13:13) To get to the point of realization of the importance of truth – and nothing but the truth - about matters, is a process that takes a while. What you need is patience to develop that love for truth at some point. You appreciate the level of truthfulness in our relationship, but you’ve got to understand that this is one aspect in which our relationship is unique, and you can’t expect the same from others. - Which may be sad, but nonetheless true. If you can’t tell anyone else the whole truth the way you perceive it, or the way you feel about things, you can still tell Me; and the advantage is, I can truly tell you whether you’re wrong or right about certain points. You’ve got Me to tell anything you want to without any risk of Me getting offended. I can handle it.

Most people’s hunger, appetite, or even tolerance for truth of the self-exposing kind is very weak, since in this world of falseness it doesn’t get them anywhere, they figure. Knowing one-self is a virtue, skill or value that may have been appreciated by certain ancient philosophers, but in this age of lies, it’s about as popular as opera among youngsters. They don’t wanna hear it. Many are they who go through life chasing temporal values, and few, but blessed are they who seek eternal ones, such as love for truth, or even a desire for it, or even just the ability to handle it, when it’s being slung their way. Truth is often a dividing factor between those who desire it, and those who don’t, which is why I, the Way, the Truth and Life, was a factor of division among people, and why I said I hadn’t come to bring peace, but a sword of division between relatives. That sword is the very thing we’re talking about here, truth; and by far the vast majority of people on the globe are too scared of it to let it come near them. Perceiving the necessity and degree of importance of truth in your life will also help you recognize and desire to get rid of any factors that are not of truth in your life. The way of truth is the pure way, and once you truly begin to walk in it, you will want to eradicate all weeds of deceit growing along its sides. It will become a passion; one I wish to awaken in you, for truth is what I am. A passion for truth is passion for Me, because I am what any genuine seeker of truth will ultimately find. Truth is by and large considered ugly in this world. Only those with eyes for true beauty and value can even stand to look at it, hear it, embrace it, or even less likely, desire, hunger and yearn and search for it. Since truth isn’t conducive to material gain, or the acquisition of temporal things people desire, even such as travel experiences, because the truth will tell them that the physical place you’re in won’t matter nearly as much to your true happiness as the place and state your heart, spirit and mind are in, those people are not necessarily notorious truth lovers, even if what they long to acquire most is what they consider knowledge. There’s a difference between truth and knowledge, which is the reason why the cause of Man’s Fall was a desire for the knowledge of good and evil. Basically, the knowledge of good is truth, and the knowledge of evil its deceptive counterpart. Gently and lovingly teach, speaking the truth in love. Having the truth handed to them in form of sarcastic humor, or disguised as such, isn’t everybody’s thing, and you might have to adapt your “cooking” to their personal appetites. You shouldn’t make the truth any uglier than it is to them already. If you push them away from the truth with your appalling way of dishing it out, then you’re as much to blame for the consequences of their rejection of it. So, don’t leave out the key factor in handing out the truth: Love, for that is what I am as well. If you can combine the two, then you’ve practically got the essence of what I am; that’s the way, and that’s the life, the way to truly be living! You’ve always got to speak the truth in love, otherwise you might be causing significant damage instead of good. (13:34) A matter of discerning the truth: Who and which voices are giving you correct and false information? The “Do-it-yourself” voices trying to beckon you away from Me and to keep you busy doing “more important” things than squandering time and effort on a relationship the majority of the skeptical, agnostic and scientific world would deem highly questionable? But for some reason you always wind up here, back with Me, pretty much clueless. And you know by now that I like that. The reason is, because it’s the honest truth. It’s not as if all those other wise guys weren’t any less clueless than you. They just pretend and think they know a bunch of stuff… And so they hurl all this useless, flawed information at you, and tons of good advice of what you’re supposed to do, and how to do it… - Same old story. In the end, you always find out that the only Words that give you peace are the ones you receive from Me. Like Peter said, “Where else should we go? You alone have Words of everlasting life.” Can you blame Me for keeping beckoning you to come to Me to listen to the truth for a change, for not allowing you to dwell in the illusion that all things are fine, and dwell in the same delusion that pretty much the rest of the world is sinking in? I’m really the only One you can be 100% sure that He’s telling you the absolute truth. That’s My trademark. (13:63) They’ve built a visible world on foundations of untruth, which makes it easier to accept and believe for the carnal mind than My truth, which can only be perceived by faith, with nothing much in the visible realm to back it up. You’re making the wise choice of building on solid ground, one where you will find truth, peace and the certainty you miss, since it’s so abhorrently lacking in this visible world. (13:69) Exposing the wrongs below the however neat surface is what has been one of My jobs and that of My prophets throughout the ages; and even though it’s never a pleasant job having to tell people what they don’t want to hear – the truth about their own miserable state or that of the system they live under – it’s a necessary one. They can’t get around being told the truth, even though they will make it as hard on you as they possibly can to give it to them. One of these days you’ll realize that you really owe it to them to tell them the truth, and that it’s the best possible thing you could ever give them. It’s like a shot of medicine to a really sick body, even if it may not initially be welcomed or received as such. Eventually they’ll appreciate your effort, even if they might have preferred never to have heard it, so as to have the excuse of, “But I didn’t know.” The truth is, they could have known, if they really would have wanted to. I’ll always make the truth available somehow, through someone, to those who want it. My own life is the best example of how difficult it is to get your message and truth across to the public during your own lifetime. Once you’re out of this world, it may be a different story, since they won’t have anyone anymore to pound on and gnash their teeth at, except the new generation of truth bearers who will try to set straight the falsifications and misinterpretations and false presentations of the former… “This is the condemnation, that light has come into the world, that men loved darkness, rather than light” (John 3:19). They prefer the darkness of untruth over the light of the real thing, and in their eyes, the imagery is practically reversed: the lies seem bright,

shiny and tempting, while the truth bears an eerie resemblance of darkness to them, which scares them. Truth is for the brave. Lies are for the cowards. But in order to be truly brave it requires not only to seek and accept the truth, but also to pass it on, even if the masses will resent it. It’s true that the numbers of the brave who even seek the truth are diminishing, and even once some of them find it, it scares them and they chicken out. But remember that it’s not numbers I’m after. One or two souls who are bold enough to fully embrace the truth and will then be courageous enough to proclaim it are all I need. (13:70)

That’s what My truth does: “If you abide in My Words, you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free” (see John 8:31, 32). Another whiff of My truth is another step closer to Me and My Kingdom and the heavenly viewpoint of things. (13:81) if I’m destroying your trust and confidence and hopes in this world, to Me that’s progress and victory for the cause of truth, and that is, as you know, one of the things I represent – the only Way, the only Truth, the only Life. (13:85) Basically the challenge really is: How do you deal with such a monstrous liar? What can you do against the flood of lies? How do you cope with the horrendous extent of deception? Well, remember that the help that the earth gave the woman from the flood from the dragon’s mouth in John’s vision was that it opened up and swallowed it. They may swallow it, but you don’t have to. Or, better put: They swallow it so that you don’t have to and drown in it! The earth swallows the flood of lies so that you don’t have to be affected by it – since it’s obvious by the effects on them that no drop of it would do you any good… This is what deceived people look and act like, and you don’t want to be one of them! (13:104) There is something bigger and greater to put your faith in and receive strength from – it’s the truth that I have established. (14:15) If you can accept some negative manifestations as ways to teach and be taught the truth, you’re allowing your faith in the Hereafter to become greater again… Not have it all limited to this temporal life… (14:25) The devil is working at trying to get you to swallow some of his lies… After all, his greatest enemies are those who have been doing a lot to publish the rare blessing and power of truth in their lives and this world. (14:50) Life can be easy and life can be hard; and it always depends a bit on what people choose to believe in or accept as their truth… Sometimes what some people accept as easy truth can influence others in ways that tend to make their lives harder. That’s why it would be better for certain folks to stick to Me and My sources to fill and lead them with truth. (14:71) The fact that the world is temporal, while Mine is eternal, is still true, and a good and solid truth to follow! (2014:89) Better off you’ll be, if you can trust in Me. It’s just a bit more value to the trusting in the truthful methods as opposed to the ones not founded on truth, but on lies that the devil always builds into people’s temptations, and the trouble he’s brought to the world since its beginning… (2014:113) Want the truth? Stay with Me and get My Words… even if the devil’s telling you stories about Me that make you doubt… There is that kind of a difference between My voice, input and truth, and the doubts and ugly thoughts the devil tries to throw at you beforehand… Maybe you’re learning to appreciate the difference between the effect of My truth and his lies. Would be worth it, don’t you think? (2014:145)

The good thing is to naturally prefer truth over lies, which unfortunately cannot be said about all humans. - But sticking to the truth, though a tough and lonely road at times, is the best choice and move. (2014:183) You’re not just learning from what I’m telling you, but still listen a lot to your own mind and what it’s telling you… What if I’m trying to get the truth in there, but you’re still too much influenced by what your own mind is telling you, including some of the enemy’s influences he has on it? (15:123) You’ll be better off in the long run than all the others that will follow the pressure into serving him who has been deceiving this world pretty much since the beginning, and which will reveal the great difference between the lies and the truth. Whichever plays the important role for you is what’s important. While his lies promise the immediate luck there and now, My truth promises a happier Hereafter… (15:142) Recognizing and accepting the truth gives you greater peace within. (15:160) There’s a greater truth withheld from the masses by the usurper and his bunch… It’s almost scary to become aware of the fact and stats how comparatively few are aware of what according to your belief is truth, isn’t it? It almost makes you wonder, “How can it be truth, if the vast majority believes and claims to know differently?” That’s why it sometimes seems easier to believe the lies the world is filled with… since it sort of makes you fit in a bit more and makes you not seem as crazy to them as just believing in My truth…

So, now that you’re being brought back to the realization of how tough and rotten this world is, as far as who runs it… the inventor of lies… it brings back the memory of what a tough task it is to be one of the few bearers or truth in this world and its current nasty state, doesn’t it? Well, which may also be part of the reason why I’m absolutely not against anyone making efforts to receive My truth straight from Me! With so little truth around, I certainly appreciate anyone welcoming it! So, the world being ruled by the inventor of lies, as John 8:44 tells you, makes it clear why truth and any desire for it has become so rare, and with its boss and inventor also being a killer, accordingly… no wonder he just tried to wipe you out! He detests any of those who carry the truth, and will do all he can to get rid of them. Now that you realize how rare it is to be a proclaimer of truth in this world run by the inventor and proclaimer of lies… maybe it helps you to realize how important someone is to Me still being around in that world, in order to spread that truth, even though by now it’s absolutely being ridiculed by his many faithful followers of the flood of lies he poured out before them. (15:168) In the end, faith and trust in Me, My Word and My Promises will lead you to realize that what I’ve been saying wasn’t wrong, but the truth. (15:195) Remember the enemy, always trying to “prove” to you that what I’m saying is wrong; but that just depends on your level of faith… whether you believe in Me, and what I’m saying, or his input, which you ought to know by know, consists pretty much of lies. (15:204)

Some of the things I told My disciples, some of them couldn’t believe at the time being, but eventually they realized I had been telling them the truth. (16:2) Sometimes admitting that you can’t handle certain things is more honest, and a way to let others know that they’ve got something about you to live and deal with. (16:10) Knowing all these truths in theory should enable you to cope with some actions and incidents in your life according to them… (2016:23)

If you believe I’m telling you the truth, you should stick to it, and base your attitudes and behavior on it! Better than basing them on the devil’s lies! (2016:42) A lie – that everything created itself – easier to accept for those who receive the enemy’s wavelength of pride more than Our truth of Love and humility… - One of history’s major lessons. In other words, love and humility are fruits of the Truth from Above, while hatred and pride the results of the place below founded by its creator… and what the world is unfortunately going to accept the rulership of for some time… to teach mankind the ultimate lesson about good vs. evil, truth vs. lies, pride vs. humility, etc. (2016:53) Popularity is not supposed to be your goal, but it’s much rather your task to stick to the truth, even if concerning what’s expecting the world, it’s an ugly and unpleasant one! (2016:74) The folks the enemy hates the most and will persecute the most will be the ones who are able to hear from Me. In other words: the bunch he can’t kid with his lies, which are his ultimate weapon… not useful against those who’ve got a link with Me for the Truth instead. Folks who hear from Me are the ones with the ultimate weapon against his flood of lies he seeks to flush the world with. – With the large part of the population ready to swallow it and soak it up. (2016:128)

Unity (Teamwork) How I delight in My loved ones abiding and living together in unity, in harmony, in victory, without internal discord! (I:191) Unity is a requirement to receive the other weapons of the Spirit and the strength to make it through the days to come. (I:310) That’s the direction we’re heading: closer unity, more caring for others, less independence and privacy, more sharing and fulfilling My Law of Love. (I:390) The worries and cares of life don't enhance unity. (I:412) Learn to fight and care for each other, to remain in unity! (I:501) It's more difficult in many ways, more humbling, and it requires more patience to operate as a team, to learn to function as a team, but the reward and benefits are that it safeguards you from a selfish and independent road of pride and self-efficiency, which makes you go through life with an attitude of "I don't need anybody else," the result of which is usually that you'll find out that while others would have needed you badly, they won't need anybody with that attitude, either. It's okay to be needing others, and I have ordained it thus that others need you, too, and they need you to need them, as well. There is something so much higher, nobler and more important to strive for than just plain efficiency in a worldly sense, of how many funds you can bring in on your own, or how much work you can get done on your own. To learn to be working as a team is much more important in My eyes, and something much more valuable to achieve. Teaching someone to harmonize takes time, just like it takes time to teach a child to do the dishes or to be a help in the household. But if you don't take that time and invest that time, you'll be stuck on your own as the only one who can "do it," having failed to train others to follow in your foot steps, having failed to let others help you. (I:521) The ties of unity between My people, the skills of teamwork and successfully fighting the enemy together as a team, not "each man for himself," are the merging that I'm encouraging, the melting together of hearts and lives, requiring surrender and submission, not the elevation of one single person. (I:545) Greater unity equals greater power. You want more power? Strive for more unity! You want Me to raise you to a level of greater strength, more energy, greater love? Seek greater unity! In order to enhance you, upgrade and improve you and transform you into the state of greater strength you want to attain, I might do it through a lower, baser and humbler road of having you merge with others. It's hard work, having to roll up your sleeves and working in the mire of inter-human relationships, where sin rubs against sin, flaw against flaw, and imperfections meet their mates and counterparts. This is the inevitable road of humanity: that of having to learn from and with each other. There are times of solitude when I just seclude you unto Me and hold you close to My breast and nourish you, just tuning in to you and your needs alone, but there are also those times when I require you to humble yourself and get down to the nitty-gritty of having to deal with other humans' weaknesses, the confrontation of their handling your weaknesses and differences of opinion. Climbing the mountain of this life consists in overcoming those differences and sometimes seemingly insurmountable obstacles of qualities you spot in each other you just don't feel you're able to reconcile with. But that's one of My favorite ways I like to prove My Power, when you say, "I can't! I just can't cope or deal with that," I say, "You can! Just give Me a chance, and I'll prove it to you!" (I:556) Nothing strengthens unity like rallying together to fight against the real enemy out there and fighting to get My message out and win souls into My Kingdom! (I:591) Pray for greater unity, pray that I help you and show you to do what you can in each situation, with each personal relationship with those you know and are in touch with, in order to advance unity! (II:53) What's going to meld you together is the fighting together, the going through the dirt and grind of the battle together. Those mundane battles of every day life, including its physical burdens, serve to knit you and meld you closer and tighter together, to truly make you, My Bride, into one. (II:119) Blaming and holding things against another creates an iron wall of separation between you, and will separate you from the people you're trying to minister to, and consequently from any fruit you might bear otherwise and the bountiful results I would have you reap in your life if you'd walk in love as you have been loved. (II:193) I'm stressing unity as one of the most important and vitally necessary ingredients. And this is only the beginning of the way things are going to be and meant to be forever. Unity cannot be found on a larger level unless it's there at the core of the smallest unit first! You have to cultivate it on the smallest level first, otherwise it's never going to work on any larger level. First of all, each of you needs to be in tune, in sync and unity with Me, and then you've got to be in unity with each other. Right here, on this small level, I am able to show you what it is in your own heart that threatens your unity: your selfishness, your lack of communication, your tendency to lock others out of your world sometimes.

The hindrances to unity come right from your own heart. Simply because you were unable to see them before doesn't mean they weren't there. (II:208) Focus more on doing things together: counseling together, praying together and then attacking things together. Together is the word of the day. I've put you together so that none would have to carry the burden alone. Simply use each other's shoulders and do together what you cannot on your own! Try tackling things together! (II:250) One way of learning to let there be less of you is by learning to submit to others, esteeming them higher than you, in truly humble and committed teamwork, where you're learning to be one another's servants. (II:251) "Behold how good and how pleasant it is for the brethren to dwell together in unity." You can imagine that if I delight in your living together in unity, how much the devil hates it and fights it. He'll make it hard for you to live in unity with your brethren! It's something you've got to fight for. The enemy of your souls is also the enemy of your unity, and if he can't destroy you, destroy your faith, your determination to serve Me and do something for Me, then he'll at least try to destroy your unity, in order to prevent you from being more fruitful as a team than you ever could be on your own. (II:315) Unity is a security factor. (II:506) I'm the Glue that keeps you together. Allow Me to run and flow into the cracks that are between you! Life is not just about making it on your own. (II:577) "Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for the brethren to dwell together in unity." I love it when My brides live and work together in love and unity, without any of the interferences of the enemy, the grudges and little differences of opinions and negative feelings he likes to sow. It's a sign that you are giving Me a chance also to speak to you through others. When you give others a chance to be Me to you, then you truly esteem each other higher than yourselves and submit yourselves one to another. Nothing is as valuable to Me as when My brides love and serve each other. All else is relatively insignificant: your personal achievements, your successes, your works. Nothing else matters to Me like your unity, when I behold My disciples and see love and humility between them; each one seeking what's good for the other, and not their own. (II:584) Once you've got humility, then unity will also come more easily. Search your heart for things you might have done that may have not been engendering unity... (II:613) Ask yourself what I'm trying to show you through having to deal with the matter of God Himself choosing to work in teamwork! Ask yourself, "Am I following in His footsteps in this aspect?" Look around for more ways of doing things together in teamwork! "Together" is the slogan of the day. I first had to teach you to make sure to include Me in all your action, but if you learn to do things in teamwork with others as well, it's just about perfect. (III:37) You have to go through certain phases alone. That's when I draw you to Me or get you to focus more on your Helpers. But it's also important to work in unity. That's what life in My Kingdom is about: "Together" is the name of the game. (III:57) Things you learn to do together in teamwork with others, tend to stick with you longer than things you do on your own. There is power in unison and harmony. Just like there is much more warmth there when two bodies warm each other, and the bed is cold when you're in it alone, unity brings much of the warmth of life. (III:89) If you follow the enemy and his way, you'll reap enmity. The reversal of that process is My way of friendship, of Love, of peace, the original way; it's "back to the Garden." - Back to the place where all is in harmony with each other, with its Creator. - The way of union, of unity. (III:103) It's always harder to support someone else's idea, and it's one of the roadblocks to unity, that one's own ideas nearly always sound more attractive, and have a lot more motivational power. The art is to get united about something! The important thing is to know when it is time to unite and do something about the situation at hand with the means available. (III:169)

I have made none of you as totally independent units fully functional on their own, but I have purposely made you somewhat dependent on each other, in order to create teams, not just outstanding individuals here or there. The enemy is having you focus so much on the flaws of others at times that you start to wonder if you're not better off without them, but I'm here to tell you right now that it isn't so. It may look that way at times, but it isn't really so. He knows that the only way he can ruin My work which I have begun in you is to use those differences between you, blow them up way out of proportion and make you feel uncomfortable with anybody else.

But remember that "comfortable" isn't necessarily a quality that indicates My will or direction for you at all! (III:202) Make sure that what you do is part of the work of the entire body, in unison and unity with the rest of the body! (III:203) I'm the unifying Factor between you, your only hope for unity. The goal can only be reached through unity. (III:216) Sometimes the threat of the loss of unity with the only person available makes you willing to invest in that unity what you haven't been willing to invest before: you become willing to sacrifice more of your independence, and to bend to their opinion and way of doing things. You become more open to bending what thus far seemed a pretty stiff and stuck-in-your-rut attitude. It makes you more willing to put up with their quirks and face confrontation. It's becoming a price you're more willing to pay, and you're beginning to realize that what you've had was something rare and precious. (III:248) Apart from the need to pay attention to others, an attitude of forgiveness and acceptance, trust, and patience, the next ingredient to making unity work in a relationship is not to neglect Me, My Word, not to take your focus off Me, the Magic and Power that holds you together, the Initiator of your relationship Who must preserve it and make it last. I am what you need most desperately in your relationship, and staying focused on Me will guarantee your ability to keep up with the other requirements as well. "Without Me you can do nothing" also applies to relationships. Those who have tried without Me have had to find out that they're missing out on the best and most important thing, no matter how wonderful their relationship might be. (III:285) We’re a good team. You need Me, and – regardless of what others say – I need you, and if we do things together, we’ll both get accomplished more than either of us would without the help and assistance of the other. It’s all about teamwork. And that involves being willing to do not only what you personally are most interested in, but what’s best for the community, and in our case we’re talking about our big, heavenly, and in fact, universal community. You’re willing to do what’s best for the overall plan of the Kingdom, and even if that involves little personal sacrifices, you know you won’t go unrewarded. (2011:126) The first and most important step for reconciliation in a relationship is that you seek and wish for that unity of mind, heart and spirit to happen, you’ve got to envision it, desire it and then let your heart be drawn toward that goal. Unity, in order to come about, must be desired by both parties involved, and then you’ve got to mutually focus on that goal and allow Me to make it happen, even if it may cost the price of having to give up and surrender some personal pet peeves, idiosyncrasies, habits and preferences. It’s hard to see that need for heart to heart union when you’re sitting right on top of each other. The need for the solution to the problem: a common desire for unity and greater closeness. You’ve got to make that your goal, more so than getting to a more comfortable place or raising your living standard. It will be your trump card and survival in any situation, no matter how rough the circumstances, and if it isn’t there, no matter how “good” the circumstances are, you’ll always be less than content. The clue is not to focus on unrealistic expectations of each other, or some solution in the far distance, physical or temporal, but on the drawing closer of each other’s hearts, in order to become one. Everything else, any direction and path you will take, will be easier and more manageable from there on. The first thing you’ve got to get in order, and into the right place, is not the circumstances and conditions, but the position of your hearts: they’ve got to be focused on each other, not in separate directions. These things don’t always happen by themselves, you’ve got to make a conscious effort sometimes to make them happen by steering your heart and vision in the right direction, in this case, toward each other, not seeking an escape from each other. (2012:3) What matters is that you’re in union with Me, and if and when you are, you will also experience greater union and unity with others. Blaming Me for your plights separates you from Me, and without strong and close union with Me it’s unlikely that you’ll be able to enjoy very strong union with others. (2012:166) Following the way of faith until the end is not necessarily all that easy. One of the ways to do it is to accept the difference in the way that others see things, and to put enough values on unity, instead of letting the enemy separate you… (2014:102) The unity between you and everything that you can make work and get to last as a family is something to lean forward to and focus on, more than success at a job! (2014:182) Going through battles together is what can strengthen unity. Even if it’s battles you’re going through because of them. Putting up with them is what strengthens. Just making it through rough scenes can strengthen unity, your faith, and the things you need to make it through what’s coming. (2015:227)

Usefulness I've got to make absolutely nothing out of you until there is nothing left of your own self, before I can really begin to use you, and as long as you're still so full of your own opinions and your own self-will about things, I've got virtually no chance! I'll use you to some extent, but it's not the same as when you completely let go and just let Me! (II:15) Sometimes you're only willing to give so much, but I can't really use you unless you're genuinely willing and ready to give all. (II:132)

I use whoever I can who is simply willing to do the job, even if they're far from perfect. Whoever will get out for Me and get out My Words to the people, I will use them, and I am proud of them. (II:136) I can use anybody in spite of their weaknesses. (II:158) You've got the Spirit, and the more you use It, the more you will discover that usefulness will flood your life. You will feel truly useful and used by Me if you'll use My Spirit to make it happen! Use Me, and I'll use you. (II:178) It always sounded abusive to you, like slavery, to "use" somebody. But that's all that some people need and want. Including Me! I like you to use Me! I can't wait for you to use Me and put Me to work, put Me to the test, to make Me do it for you! (II:198) The qualities that contribute to letting Me use you are humility, love, faith, yieldedness and a determination to obey Me, all gifts of My grace. I do 90% of the work. (II:207) I can use only those who accept My Wisdom as the supreme standard, who drink in the radical waters I have given for this time and age, to fight the battle over the souls of men in history's darkest hour. I use what nobody thinks I can use. (II:277) Isn't it often so, that I can use you best in spite of yourself in situations that you wouldn't have thought I was going to be able to use them for My glory, and yet I did in a much greater way than you could have ever imagined? It's gotta be Me, and it's gotta be clear to you that it's Me! (II:413) Don't underestimate the purpose for which I've created you, the way and extent to which I could use you, the extent to which I can use you to touch others' lives, if you will only let Me and allow My unconditional Love to pour and flow through you! (II:451) I can use you, and you can use Me. What's lacking is the trust you have in My willingness to let you use Me. But in Me you're dealing with a Partner Who never tires of giving, and One Who simply does not believe in withholding. There is nothing I wouldn't give to you, and all you receive from Me is really only limited by your capacity to receive and to drink in what I've got to give. I want to use you more and more; just as I want you to learn to use Me more and more... (II:515) The thing that really counts right now, and that's relevant to your usefulness for Me today, is how yielded and dedicated you are to My Spirit! (II:526) I can even use you to reach out and be a blessing to people you would personally not expect to be able to break through to. (II:651) I can use you in any situation if you let Me and commit it into My hands! My goal is to be able to use you in every situation, that wherever you are, whatever you do, I can use you, and My words will come bubbling out of your mouth, My Spirit, My living waters will flow out of your belly at all times, "as the Scripture hath said" (Jn.7:38). (III:61) I have determined not to do it all by Myself, but to use you as My co-players and team mates. How much are you willing to let Me use you? (III:78) All that matters is that I can use you wherever you are and in whatever capacity you allow Me to. (III:104) The enemy’s intentions, his goal, his agenda, is the destruction of your usefulness for Me. (III:112) When all you care about is My will and if there's anything else I might have to say to you, then I can really use you. (III:253) When it comes to usefulness, who is to determine best what is to be considered actual and real usefulness in terms of making a truly positive impact on the world, according to My book? (2012:98) You’ve got to go through life as though each day might be the day I’m going to use you, even if I haven’t used you much for the thousand previous days. If you’re ready for it, it’s certainly more likely to happen. It’s going to be done unto you – or through you – according to your faith, and if you never expect Me to use you, that’s not much of giving Me a chance, not much of a believing attitude. So, start believing and expecting that I’ll use you – against the odds that some people may deem it politically incorrect to be “used by God.” To be used by God is like making love and as a result bringing forth new life.

Walk through your world, through your life, through every day with the expectancy that I’ll use you somehow to bring forth fruit for My glory and you will. (2013:32) How can you be useful to Me, really, unless you’re really in tune with Me, have Me live and move and think in and through you? (2013:55)

It doesn’t matter how good or expensive the instrument. If the player is good, he can make it sound better than a not so skilled player can make a much more expensive instrument sound. So it is with Me and you. Your quality as an instrument is comparatively irrelevant when in My hand and subject to My skill. In other words, don’t worry about My ability to use you, or your ability to be used by Me. The only reason I couldn’t use you is when you’re too busy and in use by someone else… (2013:64) I can use you. If you let Me! It basically takes yielding your life to My will, and putting your trust and confidence in it. (2015:181)

Getting used to availing yourself of the Help from Above will also be useful and vital to others who won’t be receiving the Mark of the Beast and will be dependent on supernatural Help to make it through those times to come. Availing yourself of that Help from Above will be the most useful thing in those times to come, so don’t trust and rely too much on your own abilities to make it through, but get used to relying on that supernatural Help from Above. (2015:234) Sometimes you’ve just got to make it through the times at the place you are, until I open the doors for a new one… and make the best you can out of it through your momentary presence. (2016:53) With your capabilities drifting down to a level where you don’t have a clue whether or how you’ll make it, you can figure out why I’m so keen on using you. Folks who don’t figure they can make it by themselves are just easier for Me to use. If your own level of strength and power has gone down, that’s an opportunity to use Mine through you. So, don’t get too discouraged about the bleak state of your conditions right now, but rejoice that in this I’ve got a greater chance to use you and work through you than when you’re all fit in your own conditions. (2016:79) Sometimes My divine way of action has been to let things last a bit longer, until the usefulness of some of My people hit home. Look at the age of folks like Abraham and Sarah, John the Baptist’s parents, or even Moses, having turned 80 by the time he was ready for My task! So, don’t expect too much of yourself too soon! The older you get, the more of a chance I have to do it through you! (16:110) Feeling useless might just be what makes you turn out to be useful for Me! (16:127)

Victory vs. Defeat As your faith and your ability to rise above grows, you will learn to smile and be joyful in spite of all the oppression around you, for you will carry My victory in your heart. (I:23) Let My Spirit be your magic Carpet, rub the oil lamp of My Word and ask Me to perform any wonders and miracles for you that are needed to obtain the victory! (I:40) I’m not pleased when you go and look around for something you need without My counsel. That’s why I’ve had to allow seeming defeat... But out of it came the greater victory of this lesson. (I:76) Whatever the circumstances are, I want you to look past and beyond them, through them, at the hidden blessing, the greater victory which will come about through seeming defeat; at the lessons and wisdom gained by means of an apparent loss, at the greater purpose of God, at the greater good which will always come forth out of supposed evil for those who love Me, at the beauty which will come out of the ashes of the old. (I:84) Fearlessly stand before Me as a valiant warrior for My Cause, determined to do anything, for what is there to lose? There are only greater victories to gain. Only fear the results of what might happen if you don’t obey Me: the loss of souls and victories won, the tears, the hurt and the shame. (I:87) Remember to give Me the glory whenever you’ve gained a victory, whenever you’ve made it through a day with flying colors, and remember that the next test may be just around the corner. This victory may already be your next test: to see whether you’re going to give Me the glory for it. Wanna win lasting victories and make continuous uphill progress without the 2-steps forward, one-step-back grind? Simply remember Me and give Me the glory by acknowledging Me, thanking and praising Me and asking Me to keep you from falling, even when you think you’re safe. That’s the secret. (I:90) Let there be no remorse over past failures. The lessons and victories gained out of seeming defeat, far outweigh the loss there might have been. (I:97) You need to get ahold of My Spirit and the victory, whether you feel like it or not! If you don’t feel it, just get desperate and break through to My side until you’re there. Some things you have to fight for. Break the vicious cycle of not feeling like you can get ahold of Me and thus not really being in the victory. Break it by punching through in the Spirit, regardless of whatever feelings; grab hold of Me, and I will pour down My divine inspiration and anointing on you. (I:115) It’s expedient, absolutely necessary, that you win the victory over your spiritual enemy first, before you can seriously consider making any real spiritual progress. And without spiritual progress, there won’t be much progress in the physical realm. You can see the victory or defeat on your faces. A victorious face will always go further in spreading My victory and furthering My cause than one that is ridden by trial, self-doubt and defeat... You’ll have to fight your way through to victory. After all, nobody will believe that you’re able to help them out of their hole if they can see you stuck in one yourself. So, get the victory first thing before you do anything else. (I:127) You can’t go by your feelings as to what defines victory and defeat. True victory is defined by faith, unshakable faith that won’t be shaken by anything anyone says. (I:176) Whenever one of you has made the right choices toward victory and deliverance, a lot of work in the spirit was necessary in order to bring that victory about. (I:208) You’re more than conquerors by being willing to appear like the losers. (I:211) So many great victories could be won, if people would only learn to wield that weapon of praise. (I:278) You may not be as attractive or have as much winner potential as others, but it all depends on your heart, and how much you allow Me to set you on fire, how much you want that victory. (I:292) Take up your shield of faith, which acts like a gas mask against the poisonous gases of deceit, standing on My promises that you are victorious as long as you fight! (I:326) It is a matter, whether you’re going to determine to do all you can to get the victory or not! (I:329) The enemy will always come back in greater force than before, when he has been defeated in an area. He doesn’t give up so easily. But as long as you choose to fight him back, you’re victorious. The only way he can win is if he can get you to quit and give up... (I:345)

There’s still lots to be told, a lot of history to make and a lot of victories to be won. (I:360) You’re soon going to praise your way right out of the pit into which the devil is trying to cast you, for I will give you victories to praise Me for! (I:409) See the victory in the midst of battle, the light in the midst of darkness, the joy, the reward and the glory of triumph in the midst of pain, suffering and fighting all around you! Even though you're often closer to defeat than victory, at least you're fighting and gaining more experience. (I:428) Where I see great pain, a greater fight, I also see a greater victory, greater love, and consequently, a greater reward. (I:441) I like to fulfill the desire of your heart, but it also becomes a test for you and Me to see whether you will still stay victorious even if I take the desire of your heart away from you again, either temporarily or permanently. (I:443) No crown without a cross, no victory without a battle, no triumph without a trial... The victory is all that matters! That total closeness to Me I have promised to My overcomers! That secret access to My very heart. (I:482)

Keep focused on the goal and the possibilities and the greater potential, the greater love, greater joy and greater victories that lie out there, waiting for you to avail yourself of them. (I:511) The best thing you can do when someone is being attacked is to stop everything and pray until they've got the victory! (I:512) The victory is available for those who would avail themselves of it. Praise… the neglected path that could and would bring the victory to so many! (I:516) Treat victory and battle - even seeming defeat - just the same, knowing that for you, just to be fighting spells victory. Persistence equals victory! (I:537) Stay clear of compromises, and fight more whole-heartedly, if you really want a victory. (I:546) The power to obtain the victory and overcome all obstacles is in your hands, but it depends on your application, and your determination to wield that power, that will actually do it and give you the victory. (I:558) Don't be afraid! Walk on by faith, and in full conviction toward victory! (I:569) You've got to fight for the victory in the spirit! Seek that victory, and seize it! (I:580) Every little progress you make, every step you take that brings you closer to Me, is a bit of new ground gained for the Kingdom, and another victory over the enemy! Don't let him make you feel like a loser, when you're actually winning. (I:589) History or destiny is constantly being re-written and re-planned and re-shaped by its participants and their decisions. It all depends on each of you. Each one has to fulfill their part. If any party allows the enemy to foil the plan, the final victory is going to have to be brought about by some other means, or even by other players... Your place as one of My winners is not guaranteed. Each one's place among the winners and final victors is only determined by their own constant determination, conviction and decision to keep on for Me and Me alone, no matter what, and if whatever your brother does causes you to stumble or give up, that brother may be held responsible for his mistakes, but you will be held responsible for your own decision to focus on his faults instead of Me, and whatever your looking at the waves will result in. If you want victory, you've got to keep looking at Me. Everything else will only spell defeat... (II:10) This is a time of contemplation, of clearing out old cobwebs, of getting the victory over former bad habits, and a time of preparing for something new and strengthening the things that remain. (II:23) On the subject of depression, the person under attack has to start out by making a decision to do something positive about the state they're in. First of all, they need to realize that they're under the attack of the Enemy, and that they're responsible themselves to do something to fight him, they can't pin that responsibility on anyone else or make anyone else responsible for it. It's their battle, and they're responsible to get the victory. Ask Me to show you exactly the kind of Word you need to pull you out of that vortex, and ask Me to give you My own, personal counsel for you, and just don't stop until you've got the victory! (II:29) Sometimes the victory lies in recognizing that you've been given the victory already. (II:30) Be sober and vigilant, mindful of the roaring lion that goeth about, seeking whom he may devour, but also fully in knowledge of the fact that I have given you the victory over him, and I won't let you be his next meal! (II:41)

The coward only attacks you when you're weak, and "weak" means, when you're self-confident (strong in yourself and relying on your own wisdom instead of Me), when you take the victory for granted and you don't stay on guard. (II:69) You've got to keep fighting, if you want to keep winning. (II:123) You become an overcomer by enduring victoriously. (II:128) Witnessing is My ultimate plan for you, what I desire for you, and in this you will definitely find many victories and solutions! (II:135)

What looks like defeat to those who look with carnal eyes, is in reality a beautiful victory and eternal testimony. "Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of His saints" (Ps.116:15). (II:138) Some of My greatest victories come out of seeming defeat. (II:150) "God's way up is down." Few people want to go My way, precisely for that reason: it takes them downhill. Down to the defeat of the flesh, the revelation of its uselessness, and up to the victory of the spirit and the revelation of its superiority and supremacy! (II:178)

I wait for you to come to Me, in order to help you to get the victory, so that you will know it's not you who wins them, but that only I can win them through you! Next time you're battling, remember that I'm only waiting for you to come to Me to give you the victory! That's what will show that you've really learned how to fight properly! I'm your greatest weapon, your shield and your exceeding great reward! I will be your Victory! (II:191) The only way victories over evil spirits are won are through humbly using the spiritual weapons of prayer, praise and claiming My promises; in other words, by hoping and trusting in Me to do the real fighting for you! The victory is not won by restlessly wandering off toward distant, solitary horizons and daydreams, but by faithfully observing the humble tasks I ask you to do! - And sticking to them consistently. (II:192) No victory without a battle, no crown without a cross, no rose without a thorn... (II:214) I cannot give you the victory without you having done your part of fighting. (II:232) Sometimes I bring about victories, a new direction or clarity, by telling you to go the wrong direction, just so you'll find out pretty quick where it's not at. Deception is really one of the devil's big trips, and to be able to recognize his illusions is half the victory. (II:239) The victory is by faith. (II:289) Victory is to be able to grab hold of My peace and heavenly Big Picture of My organized structure of everything in spite of the temporary chaos the devil tries to create. (II:296) Stay tuned for checks, instructions or leadings to help you with decisions you might have to make at the spur of a moment, which will determine either loss or victory. (II:304) After every battle the victory is going to be greater. (II:321) The greater the problem, the greater the victory, and the more it's going to strengthen your faith in the end. (II:341) You can stand on My victory! By being a partaker of My life, My flesh, My body, My blood, you can also be a partaker of My victory - the victory over all sin - that I gained for you and all mankind - all of those who will avail themselves of that offer, that gift. (II:359) You've got to focus on the good in order to maintain the victory and not succumb to the overwhelming power and sheer amount of evil displayed in the world. (II:438) You can constantly look out for opportunities of how I can turn something along your path into a victory, an advance or advantage for My Kingdom. You've got to seize those opportunities, seize the day, and not just let it pass you by. (II:474) Always maintain a grateful attitude! Praise is the victory! (II:492) Even if you don't feel victorious, you can still be a victor, more than a conqueror, even though you don't feel like a conqueror at all. (II:502) Take a cheerful, positive and victorious approach to whatever challenge you find before you! Only with a victorious attitude will you also emerge from any given situation, challenge or fight as victor. The blackest night of My life, My crucifixion, My darkest moment ever, was also My greatest, most glorious victory! (II:523)

Choose not to give up, not to surrender, that's your choice and your determination, and that's what's going to give you the victory, ultimately! (II:595) Always remember that I have My good reasons why I'm allowing this to happen. It's going to help you to stay happy when the devil tempts you to get unhappy, to stay thankful when the enemy will try to get you to murmur, to stay in the victory when he'll try to defeat you! (II:597) That which you think is going to be to your disadvantage, that which you would call a demerit or a minus point, those are actually often the plus points for Me. It’s a lot like the different views of My crucifixion: the world views it as a loss, but Here We know it was the total Victory. The ultimate Victory over the greatest Enemy ever fought, was brought about by a seeming defeat. Never forget that, when you go down an unpleasant road, which may seem like a defeat to you. (II:636) I’ll be back for you, just like I promised. Faith is the ability to enjoy that knowledge and act assured of My Promises, to be so sure of the victory that you can almost act as if I had already come and delivered you. (II:648) You can avail yourself of the help and wisdom of those from beyond time, and their wisdom and insight, their battle experience, in order to fulfill your destiny and do your part to contribute to the victory and triumph of good over evil. (III:59) You can always keep fighting for the victory, even if all you do is pray! You've got to fight for the victory in prayer! (III:61) It’s you alone who is responsible for your own actions and choices, your own victory or defeat, because it is I that give the victory, not any other person. Your personal victory does not depend on them, but only on whether your own heart is right with Me, whether you're truly and fully leaning on Me and trusting in Me, or not. (III:65) The greatest victors are those who refuse to believe the circumstances that indicate or announce defeat! They keep fighting anyway, they keep believing anyway, that they're going to win. That's the kind of attitude that refuses to give in even to the most un-promising circumstances. True victors don't go by what "it seems like." They know that those appearances can be deceiving. They don't fall for "false evidence appearing real." Instead, they cling to My Word, that all things are possible to him that believeth. (III:78) "Victory is life," so, walk in the victory. Walk in the life of a victor, one who is born and destined to win, simply because he has chosen to fight on the right side of the ones who are willing to seemingly appear to be the losers... the losers that turn winners. (III:95)

To totally trust Me means gaining the victory over the fears and lies the enemy will plant in the heart and mind. (III:117) The only weapons that will help you gain the victory come from My hand and My Spirit. Therefore seek Me and cling to Me desperately, as if your life depended on it, for it does. (III:172) Every victory costs a battle. I have enabled you to gain the victory. All you need is to want that victory and fight for it! (III:179) Even if you should shipwreck and your ships come home with broken sails, it's so much more of a victory than any of those defeatists' lives of spiritual "venture nothing, gain nothing," where everyone just stays safely on the shore. (III:190) My Light will always pierce and punch through and bring victory in the end. (III:192) Your greatest victories will always come out of seeming defeats. The way I've fought all My battles throughout history has always been that same pattern: a seemingly pitiful, bedraggled little band against a much larger enemy, greatly outnumbering My troops, just to make really sure that the victory was going to go on My account, "lest Israel say, 'Mine own arm hath saved me.'" I'm even allowing it to look hopeless for a while, in order to make sure that you're not putting your hopes or confidence in your own strength... to make sure that if you're going to come away victorious, then it's going to be a total and obvious miracle, and you won't be patting yourself on the back, but will give all the glory to Me. (III:210) "Keep your eyes upon the goal and the victory in your soul!" It's more than a mindset! It's more than a feeling! It's more than a conviction! It's "the victory that overcometh the world, even your faith (1.Jn.5:4)!" (III:230) My warriors fight with meekness, because they know the victory is not theirs, but Mine. I give the victory. There are those who confide in their own pride, their own abilities, their own arm, but all these things are vanity, compared to what I consider important, which is unity, love and humility. (III:234) The only chance of victory is to keep on fighting. You cannot let the circumstances dissuade you or get you to quit.

Sins and weaknesses are for overcoming and fighting and winning the victory over them. In the Spirit the victory is already won. It is already done, and nothing the devil could ever do can change that... There's no way around it: the victory will be won and has already been won by Me. The victory is yours already. You cannot lose it. No matter what the devil does, he cannot cheat you out of the victory. It's yours inevitably, no matter what he does. You realize you're not really as strong and courageous as you should be. But I will give you the victory anyway. You will be victorious because of your trust in Me, not because of any strength you acquired by your own efforts or works. You may consider yourself a loser, and may even consider those at your side losers, or not willing to fight for you or with you, or worse, fighting against you instead, but you're forgetting that I'm not a loser, and since I'm fighting for you, upholding you and assuring your victory, things could never possibly turn out as bad as you've pictured them in your mind. The clue is to keep fighting in spite of your weaknesses. Like this you'll know, there'll be no doubt about it, that if the victory will be won, it will have been My working, and there will be no temptation to take the credit for yourself. It's from the Spirit World that your help and victory comes. Lift your eyes upwards, for that's where your help will come from, from Above. I’m teaching you the skills of obtaining the victory, strengthening you through that process, not just handing you the victory on a silver platter and allowing you to remain weak. Only fighting is what’s going to make you strong enough to obtain the victory – not entirely by yourself, but with My help, but nonetheless through the part that you can do. Sometimes it takes the little things that make all the difference that will tip the balance in your favor and will determine between defeat and victory. Being the victor and master over your circumstances means you’re able to praise Me for any set or type of circumstances, “good” or “bad.” In spite of the vastness of the pain you see impending, I will nevertheless get a greater victory from it and My plan and purpose will not be defeated. I’m your only Hope and chance to get through it all victoriously. (2011:75) The apostles said, “Rejoice in your sufferings.” What greater victory could there ever be than the ability to do that, what greater degree of overcoming? It’s easy to laugh when the sun is bright and everything goes according to your own plans and imagination, but how much more greatness does it require to laugh in the face of the fiercest storms? In the eyes of the world, the sufferers are the losers, but according to My book, it’s the exact opposite. (2012:2) Your attitude will determine the outcome and whether you’ll survive. You’ve got to decide, “Am I going to overcome and conquer this situation, or will I allow the circumstances to overwhelm and conquer me?” Your failures are some of the greatest stepping stones to eventual greater victory, so long as you don’t let them convince you that they should be any reason or excuse for quitting, and keep fighting instead. (2012:19) Get up and march on victorious, because that is what you are. (2012:26) Fun is not the all-in-all, but victory is, since its only alternative is defeat, which you’ll agree is unacceptable. (2012:27) Sometimes the highest rewards and what you really seek comes by no other way than enduring a hard period until you obtain the victory. Overcomers are made of a different kind of material than the complaining kind. And, perhaps unfortunately, the sort of process necessary to produce that type of “overcomer material” is the kind of hardships and trials. (2012:28) It’s a tough fight against a mean adversary, but no matter how many points he scores, you’ll come out victorious. There is in effect, for you, no such thing as defeat or loss. It’ll all go to turn out to be gain for you in the long run. Don’t you think it should be acceptable to put up with a little discomfort and a few battles in return? (2012:56) Take on a victorious attitude. The victory is yours through Me and My victory on the cross for you, and that’s something you must never forget. (2012:69) So there are numerous obstacles, and some may have been quite terrible, and perhaps devastating, like seeming defeats. – But, wait a minute! Isn’t that out of which I’m supposed to be getting some of My greatest victories, because that’s when My Power comes to the fore and gets to really shine and do its part in your life? (2012:83)

I love to defy the numbers and odds against you, bring forth victory from situations no rational thinkers would have given a chance… (2012:84) Life is still a fight. The good news is, you’re much closer to the end of it than when you started out. You won’t see everything clearly until you’ve made it, the fight is over and you’ve won that final victory. Until then it just remains, well, a fight… through the haze and the fog… by faith! (2012:121) Murmuring and complaining about your plight is energy-consuming, and not really conducive to any victorious results. Your faith in Me and My Promises will strengthen and improve your attitude and stamina you will need in order to successfully and victoriously persist. (2012:129) No matter how much the darkness and its forces try to get at you, pester and haunt you, they can’t really do anything to you, just because you keep choosing to fight! You’re not going to surrender, that’s all; and that’s already just about the victory, because the darkness knows, in the end it’s bound to lose. It can’t really win. It can only try to persuade you to quit fighting and surrender so that you won’t partake of the victory. That’s about its only comfort: It can’t obtain the victory itself; only cheat its victims – those who fall for its bluff – out of theirs. (2013:3) Choose to be victorious and refuse to let your enemy get the better off you, no matter what mean trick he’s going to use to try to lick you this time! (2013:7) It’s your choice whether you’re going to go through life wallowing in self-pity or do all you can do stay victorious. If you choose the way of defeat, you mustn’t be surprised if you actually wind up being defeated. Victory is something one has to fight for. (2013:42) Trying to tackle the final stretch of your life with a more victorious approach definitely sounds like a good idea. After all, you’re closer to the goal, the finishing line, and you’ll want to cross it as a victor. And a victor you are, simply because you cling to Me, so you might as well act like one. (2013:47) Cheer up, I’ve already won the final victory for you, so whether or not you happen to win every single battle isn’t that predominantly relevant. (2013:80) The way to get to victory is through fighting and not just letting circumstances drag you down and defeat you! (2014:18) Get some victory out of your life and fight for that victory when you feel under a large attack momentarily… You’ve got to put emphasis on how to get the victory; learn to stay more in the victory… instead of just being used to letting circumstances convey them… It’s a better quality of victory when it’s truly Me being in miraculous charge of it, sometimes in spite of all you can do in the flesh for it. Confiding in your own flesh to bring victory may be a mistake as your experience may indicate… Trust in My Spirit and supernatural Strength to give you lasting victory, not just the temporal ones done or fought for by the flesh. Find out which are the truer givers of more lasting victories like this. (2014:23) Some situations are a bit like battles of life; and I hope you’ll manage to win some victories in the end… Remember to pray more, since you might get more spiritual victories accomplished than just seeking to communicate with Me what you’re thinking… (2014:28) I’m sorry you’re feeling so miserable! But maybe you should get ahold of the victory over feeling that way… Maybe you should become more used to feeling the way that knowing Me should give you the victory and make you feel victorious! Okay, your previous life was largely less problematic. But still… what’s so bad about dealing with issues, getting the victories and handling whatever’s there to deal with? (2014:37) Children and sons of God haven’t always made the effort to do the best they could. And especially with the enemy fighting them, not all of them managed to stay victorious during that fight. Especially not when it was important to them to be honored and respected by the world… (2014:43) Ignoring the evil forces fighting against you is no way of successfully overcoming and gaining victory over them! Ignoring the enemy is not the way to gain the victory! (2014:65) Trust in Me for the victory in the spirit, and get used to the fact that victory comes through and from your contact with Me! That’s how much faith means in your life! It’s where your victory comes from, and what I’m there for, and your faith in Me! (2014:89) Sometimes you just need to pray for the victory! It might not always come just by itself. You might need to prove and show that you believe in Me for it! (2014:145) Don’t be too discouraged by the battle against evil, but stay in the spirit that you’ll be one of the final victors, and stay cheerful because complete victory is eventually coming for all of you, and trust Me: it shall be worth it!

Just remember: The ultimate victory will be Mine, and, because you believe in Me, also yours, and it’ll make it worth it all… everything you’ve gone through and will have had to suffer! (2014:149) The best way to get your victories for a day in the time present is to tune in to Me first… (2014:152) Don’t stop praying! It’s what’ll keep you alive and in any sort of victory… the way to get rid of defeat what’s threatening you when you don’t. (2014:159) I can help you to overcome the devil and beat him! That’s part of the victory you’re supposed to learn about in this life! Learn of Me that I can help you and make you manage to make it, overcome the enemy and gain the victories through your trials and battles! Enjoy the victory I’m able to give and will be giving you! (2014:166) The enemy may be making it tough for folks like you to remain a believer, and it’s a bit of a fight for keeping that faith, but you’ve just got to stick to it and keep on moving toward the victory. I’m sorry that it’s so rough for you, but sometimes you’ve just got to keep fighting. So, keep fighting for the victory! (2014:169) Even if it’s a battle and a fight, it pays to make the effort to stay in the victory, and don’t allow the enemy to get you way down into a negative attitude, which definitely won’t have positive outcomes. Don’t become so downcast by the influences of the world, but keep believing that We’re stronger than that, and here to help you overcome and keep the victory over anything the world can let happen to you. (2014:197) It’s a pretty bad sign of the state of your heart, when negative words and expressions come out of your mouth. It’s definitely something one ought to fight to get the victory over… especially if you want to wind up with a state of victory in your life. Time to resist the enemy of your soul and not give him anymore access to you, your habits and behavior! Get the victory over him, and don’t let him get it over you! (2015:10) In order to stay victorious, one has to put up a fight, stay on the offensive and get on the attack at times against the enemy’s attempts against you. (2015:12) How about snapping out of murmuring, whining and complaining and step back onto the road of victory? How about letting your life get a more victorious drift by appreciating what’s left? If you need some help, ask Me for it, and pray for the victory! Remember, the victory has to come through a battle! And if you don’t have it yet, ask Me for it! (2015:18) So it’s a fight and a constant battle, staying on My side with Me, but it’s also the only way to victory against your enemy. And even though it’s a tough, painful stretch, just keep your thoughts on the victory in store for it! Try to stick and hang on to the victory! (2015:23) Keep on hanging on to the victory you’ve got by faith, and let that faith in Me and My Realm become the strongest force in you! Don’t let the enemy drag you down! Remember that I’m stronger and more powerful than him, so hang on to Me and My help to win the victory against him! Amen? (2015:32) Even though things may seem fairly sad to you, you can still pray and aim for the victories! Remember that in the end, you’ll win and be the victor… The victory’s coming eventually, and you ought to keep your sight of faith pointed toward that. (2015:34) You’re supposed to fight for the victory! You’re supposed to be and stay in touch with Me to help you to get it. (2015:36) It could always be worse, and even if it’s tough and hard for you to be thankful and grateful right now for what has happened, take it as a challenge, and try to be as positive as possible! Try to make it through that battle as victoriously as possible! (2015:42) There’s some victory coming around, eventually, so don’t give up the faith in Me to bring that around, nor in My Promise that things will be and get better, eventually… Keep your mind on Me as much as you can, and you’ll notice the difference it’ll make and how that will be what for you means victory! (2015:45) There’s not much you can do in order to get the victory over evil in the world without My help. (2015:46) You’ve got to learn how to get the victory with Our help, and, as you can tell, as soon as you receive some input from Me, you’re starting to do better. Remain in the spiritual state of victory and act victoriously! (2015:55) You’ll have to make it into the spirit of victory yourself, first, in order to be able to be a blessing and help for others. So, keep fighting and aiming for that victory! (2015:79)

I’ll be the Victor Who’ll bless you with victory! (2015:84) Don’t be too dismayed if you can’t make it in your own current strength, but need to reach out to Me in order to get the victory and the strength to make it through your day! (15:86) The more overcoming, the greater victory. Learn to handle trials and tough times, overcome them, and get the victory, instead of giving up! (15:87) To stay in the victory requires some effort. It requires the effort of fighting, which victory or defeat are the end results of. So, there’s quite some action that’s required to get victories… (15:89) Just try as hard as you can to stay in the victory, and refuse to let the enemy gain the victory over you! (15:93) Acting victoriously means, you’ll know by faith that I’ll win the ultimate victory, and by believing it, you’ll be one of the victors, too. I know it’s a bit of a rough task, having to remain victorious against a large, physical majority. But keep in mind that spiritually, and thus, lastingly and eternally, the Majority is over Here, on Our side, not theirs! Remember that the side for which you decided to fight, is way superior above the enemy’s, and you’re just bound to be a winner in the end. His ability to weaken you exists only in that temporal world you’re in right now; and I’m reminding you of it, so that you fight and make a greater effort for keeping the victory, and the faith that the Party Above you belong to is way superior and mightier, and will turn out to be the winning side, even if down there it may still seem different. You’re a winner, don’t forget that, and don’t let him make you feel like a loser! (15:104) Folks have to put up with each other’s weaknesses, as well as their own, whereas their own are something everyone should work on and seek to get a victory over. (15:109) Some things have to be learned to cope and be dealing with, and handling them in a more victorious mode. Not everything is constant fun all the time, and it’s something to learn to cope with and get the victory over. (15:118) Certain things We’re just letting happen as a gigantic lesson for everyone to learn! Don’t let them drag you down; but stay up and in the victory, even if it’s just not a very pleasant series of incidents! (15:121) With what’s coming at the world, you ought to get prepared and learn to overcome it, get the victory over it through My aid, and let that faith and trust in Me and all your help from Above grow stronger! (15:128) Sometimes it’s your task to accept what life is handing you as positively and victoriously as possible, and not in a whining, murmuring and complaining attitude! Even if things don’t seem like guaranteeing very much that you’ll make it through them, if you can trust in the Father and Me, anyway, it’ll be a victory, rather than a defeat! (15:135) Get into the groove and rhythm to get ahold of Me pretty much the beginning of every day, so that you’ll be able to make it through it victoriously! How about keeping fighting in order to get the victory? Someday you’ll be sorrier for the way you’re failing the test of faith, than the feelings of disappointment you’re experiencing right now, instead of holding on to your faith in a more victorious manner! (15:140) It may not always look physically like We’re the victors, but in the end, it will! (15:149) Sorry if you’re having to go through such rough times. But how to remain in, or get back into the victory in spite of them is something you’ve just got to learn! (15:153) You’re on the ultimately victorious side, even if temporarily it may not seem that way, but the other way around, through deceit and the enemy’s art of bluffing and faking stuff… (15:155) Keep your vision on the ultimate victory, and through faith you know that it’ll all be worth it! (15:157) Take it all that comes at you, as victoriously and cheerfully as you can, no matter how hard, trusting that what’s to come afterwards will make up for it all. (15:163) A lot depends on your faith, and whether you’re using it and the strength from Above at your disposal, in order to get and stay in the victory! You can’t just walk around allowing yourself to be defeated the whole time! You’ve got to cling to the victory you’re supposed to claim through faith, and hang on to it, no matter what rough times you’re having to make it through! (15:166) Can you just say “Yes!” to the victory, and do and bear with all you can in order to make it, and not let the enemy defeat you, even if he uses nasty ways each day to drag you down as far as he can?

Fight to uphold your defense until you can sense victory! (15:170) Stay in a victorious spirit as much as you can, resisting the attempts from the enemy’s side to drag you down! I can keep you Up; as long as you stay tuned in to Me. (15:171) Feeling less at home in that world you’re in is a victory! (15:182) Have a positive and victorious vision, that We’ll wind up as the winners and Victors in spite of his temporal act of reigning down there! Take whatever comes with a victorious attitude! (15:183) Why not make the effort to make the best out of things that are befalling you, and not take it like a poor-me victim, wishing above all that he would be dead instead? Why not aim a bit more for victory, than allowing that which gets ahold of you to be defeat? Try to get a victory out of it for a change, instead of pretty much constant defeat! Try to stay a bit more victoriously, please, if you can and manage to make it through those things I’d want you to learn, Ready for some victory, instead of seemingly constant defeat? (2015:198) Keep fighting and do all you can in order to win the fight and obtain the victory! (2015:204) The victories over attacks and negative feelings and sensations are mainly obtained through prayer! (2016:21) One of the main purposes of life: Learning how to handle troublesome times with My help… Not giving up or surrendering to the enemy’s attacks, but keeping up fighting for the victory… Sometimes you’ve got to get the victory over negative emotions and feelings! Keep fighting for the victory, and learn to make that effort to stay in the victory with a victorious, positive attitude! One of the big lessons right now for what’s to come is to make it through the rough and tough times as victoriously as possible! It’s a fight, and you’ve just got to keep fighting! – For the victory! And don’t allow yourself to be defeated so easily! Keep fighting, and keep the vision for the victory in a positive attitude! Learn to fight, overcome the negative, and gain the victory! (2016:22) Keep looking Up Here in the spirit, and the victory shall be yours! Having died for you makes My wonderworking Power available for all those who believe in and have received Me as their Savior, and it should give you a spirit of victory, even if down in that world you cannot help not feeling at home. (2016:36) Get the victory out of seeming defeat! – Just as I got the greatest victory of all out of My crucifixion! Sometimes the apparent and temporal losers turn out to be the greatest winners in the end. (2016:38) Learning to go through life victoriously, no matter what comes, should be one of your major goals. Be a winner, not a loser! Learn how to take whatever comes with a victorious attitude! When it comes to your faith and attitude and thus, the characteristic spirit you move through, keep an eye on staying victorious! – Cheerful! – Positive! Be more victorious! – More cheerful! (2016:42) How can you take the hardships, pains and difficult times? How can you stay in or gain the victory, and a victorious attitude in spite of it all? How can you put up with it? It’s a challenge and test of faith, but if you pass it, that faith will be stronger, and an aid to make it through even harder times to come. (16:46) The circumstances surrounding you in that world are bound to get worse – and thus, something for you to learn to handle and deal with more victoriously! (16:49) Strive for the victory and having a victorious attitude, not that of a victim of life’s circumstances! (16:54) Don’t allow the enemy to kick you down mentally! Let Me prove to the universe that I’m stronger by letting Me help you get the victory over his nasty attacks on you! (16:61) No victory without a battle. If you want the victory, you’ve got to fight for it! It’s necessary to develop some strength for what’s coming up at the world… some spiritual strength to make it through that; and that strength simply comes through having to fight for the victory… if necessary, each day. Aim for the victory, available only through applying the Help and support from Above! (2016:75) When times are rough, pray for the vic! To take whatever comes in a victorious attitude is one of the key points of the lessons of life. Make it through in a victorious state and shape! That’s the sort of folks turning out to be the victors in the Hereafter. Some troubles in this world are just coming inevitably, so don’t just expect different and rosier circumstances, but pray for the victory to make it through them! (2016:76)

It’s time to get back into the fighting gear! Not just passively resisting the evil surrounding you, but managing through the victorious (by faith) state you’re in, to have a positive effect on those around you! (2016:97) When you feel down in the dumps, pray! Praise! Ask Me for the victory! It’s time to start using the spiritual weapons and fight for the victory when the devil is trying to cast you down emotionally. Learn not to let the physical conditions and circumstances drag you down like that, but get the victory! Cling to the victory in ugly circumstances and conditions! One of the major lessons to learn during this present reign of evil over the world is to keep a victorious mindset through faith – faith in the fact that Good will eventually win the final battle and reign; and not let the circumstances around you rule your spiritual condition. (2016:112) If life’s depressing for you, let Me give you the victory! (2016:115) Take on a victorious attitude in spite of any negative conditions, and thus turn them into something positive! (2016:117)

Vision, Outlook & Focus Look up to Me and remain focused on Me! (I:2) Focus on Me, Who giveth you richly all things to enjoy, the eternal Giver and Source of every good and perfect gift: your only link with true happiness. (I:11) There are always constant new revelations, spiritual renewing of vision and outlook, new perspectives and views in your life, which give your life and mind hardly enough time to stagnate and settle for the old, comfortable rut. (I:12) Always make sure that what you’ve got to say comes from Me and isn’t just your own opinion or assumption. Focus on Me! Enjoy Me without any distractions! (I:37) When you’ve grown wise and mature enough to truly believe that that world really has nothing to offer you, can you let go and fully focus on the sunshine of My love everyday and bathe your face in its light. (I:52) Focus on Me, and I will be the glasses through which you will see everything clearly! Everything will make sense if you look at things through Me. (I:59) Remember, greater work than the works I did ye shall do. Don’t let the agents of darkness tell you you’re too insignificant, you’re not worthy. They only have a chance the second you believe them. But if you know they are liars, and all you focus on is Me, My truth, and My Promises, they know you are a greater threat to them than they have ever known. Just learn to faithfully, daily focus on Me, take time to get onto My wavelength, into My rhythm and heavenly groove, and you’ll walk by faith, not by sight! (I:72) Just keep your face focused on Me, and no matter what you do or what happens, it’s going to be an enhancement, an improvement for the better and a blessing for you (Ro.8:28). (I:84) Only focus on Me, anchor your look firmly on My eyes and go forth in fearless obedience of whatever I command you! (I:87) Focus not on the things at hand, focus on Me, and the things at hand will take on a whole new meaning and they will come and go with such greater ease! (I:119) Ask Me to open your eyes and expand your vision that you may be able to see those things which right now you can’t see. Call on the keys of vision and understanding, and I will broaden your perception! (I:120) Let Me practice My sharp-shooting skill a little bit, by helping you to focus on your target everyday, pull the trigger and shoot the balloons of the Devil’s bluffs and scare tactics for you! (I:127) Constantly focusing on the hole in the doughnut is a very dangerous trick of the Devil. Instead of seeing the good things in a bad situation, he shows you the bad side of any good situation, makes you focus on that which keeps it from being perfect. (I:132) Focus on what you’ve got instead of the things you lack! (I:137) Learn to see Me with the eyes of your spirit! I would like to give you visions of Me! Try to visualize Me when you seek Me, so that you will start learning to see things in the Spirit! A picture is worth a thousand words, and the gift of vision can be an even more efficient and quicker way for Me to communicate certain things to you. Watch out for the great and mighty things of the Spirit I wish to show you! Come and see; taste and see. There is yet so much more to be heard, felt experienced and seen. I’m more willing to give than you are to receive. Fine-tune and adjust your receiver! Tune up for the gift of vision! Get ready for Spirit-TV! Stop seeing things merely with the eyes of the flesh. If you look at people with the eyes of the spirit, you will see their true nature. I can reveal things to you about people that they won’t even know about themselves! I can show you things of the Spirit that will encourage you and will give you new strength to carry on. You seek a beauty that is not of this world. There is no other satisfaction for you than My heavenly light! Come, and open your eyes to visions of heavenly light! I will reveal Myself unto you, and all your helpers around you and give you many visions of things that thou knowest not. There is no limit to what I can show you with the eyes of the Spirit. As the days grow ever darker, and you find ever less satisfaction in the finite beauties of the world, look for more, for greater things, beyond those seen with mortal eyes. You have tried to soothe your hunger for beauty by means of the flesh. Often what you consider beautiful, is downright ugly and an abomination to Me, while other times that which you consider ugly is beautiful in My sight. Learn to see with My eyes, and fully put on My mind. When you hear from Me and you are attuned to Me, you can rest in My mind, but often, when you’re involved in all your physical activities, you slip out of it again, you elude Me, or My mind eludes you, simply because it gets crowded out by your habitual way

of doing things in the way and strength of your carnal mind. But there is yet a more pure and a more perfect way, and I would like to train you in it. Take My hand and I will lead you there, to the place where you shall be able to see, see things the way I see, perceive things the way I do. (I:142) Only if I become the primary point of your focus, can you operate the way I truly want you to. (I:157) Now that I’ve managed to stretch your vision toward further horizons I would like you to walk mindfully of this, your new vision, wherever you go and whoever you talk to. Stay faithful to the vision and keep it fresh in your mind and on your heart everyday! Keep this vision and make it known! (I:163) You still have a tendency to be deceived by that which your eyes behold, and I want you to look deeper! Look beyond that which you can see! Open your spiritual eyes and see what I want you to see, things I’m willing and eager to show you! Claim the keys of vision, for I have yet greater things in store for you as an important tool and instrument yielding vital information that will ensure your survival and that of many others, and consequently, the Salvation of many. (I:182) I want to be your focal point and your main Center of attention in any circumstance. Make Me the central point of your focus and attention under whatever kind of condition, even if it’s noisy, chaotic or confusing all around you! (I:189) You have to check your motives! Is your goal and vision easy living? Or do you sincerely want to further My cause and Kingdom? (I:204)

Keep your vision, your eyes and your focus beamed on the royal mantle of anointing I’ve given you: that shining crown, that golden glory, that high calling of God, and let no man belittle you! Keep your vision of the grander things I’ve ordained you to do! Tear loose from the little, insignificant distractions and mundane affairs of life! Trust Me for more! Enlarge your vision! Raise your goal, your standard and vision! (I:214) Focus fully on the task ahead and the vision I’m going to give you, even if you feel like dying! (I:240) Focusing on the positive means, not staring at the problem, at the hole, but looking up to Me, the solution-Giver, the Filler! Stay focused on Me, not on your needs! (I:245) Focus on the immediate little steps of love to take, right in front of you – as opposed to far-off goals of grandeur and splendor! (I:248)

Keep the vision that you’re not of this World, that you’re pilgrims and strangers, and that you’re never really going to fit in if you want to be My disciples! (I:289) Sometimes I simply can’t bless it when someone only focuses on what they want. (I:291) Focus on and guard in your hearts My high calling for you to be My shining lights to the world in gross darkness! (I:302) I am what concerns you, and Who you should focus on. (I:306) Sometimes it's hard to focus on Me, when there are so many vibes around you and things going on... You don't feel like shutting the door on them, because you don't want them to feel unwanted or excluded. And yet, sometimes you just have to take a stand and pay the price of conviction to make sacrifices for that which you value most. (I:314) The Devil is sooo busy distracting My children from focusing on Me. (I:316) You have to focus on giving instead of receiving! (I:336) If you walk a little more circumspectly, and you get your focus off the “object of your affection” long enough to ask Me about those other things and their meanings, you’ll discover so much more beauty, so many more things that add to the purpose of life and the joy of it... (I:353) The art is to keep focusing on Me! The consequences if you don’t, are the usual consequences of missing the mark, failing Me and not hitting where you were meant to: failure, sin, disobedience, beating the air, wasting precious time, and consequently feeling condemned or discouraged about it, so, it pays to fight to keep your focus on Me! (I:370) Continue to grasp My vision, My way of seeing things, and My mind! (I:375)

Just a little bit of focusing outwardly, on others and their needs, would in itself already solve so many problems and even fulfill the needs. If you focus on the needs of others, you can’t feel lonely or sorry for yourself, nor feel unloved, because as you give, you receive, as you pour out, I pour in. (I:376) Focus on the children, the sheep, the needy! It’s a time to focus on giving and put the “receiving” mode on pause. Focus on the need of others and the needy, and I will richly repay! (I:379) You must focus on your job at hand! (I:390) Don't focus on the need, focus on Me, the End of all your needs! (I:400) If you just keep focusing on the work that's to be done and try to attack it the best you can, even with the problems you're having, you're soon going to praise your way right out of the pit into which the devil is trying to cast you, for I will give you victories to praise Me for! (I:409) The art is to keep the vision for the glorious things in the doing of the humble and mundane, little things of everyday life. (I:411) As you follow Me step by step, you'll see the path ahead more and more clearly. Just keep focusing on Me, knowing that I'm your secret to success, the One Who can ensure your becoming a true winner and conqueror and overcomer! (I:415) The time of the merging of the spiritual and physical realm is drawing nigh, and I want you to be prepared for it, by focusing more on the spiritual and less on the physical. See what no one else can see: the victory in the midst of battle, the light in the midst of darkness, the joy, the reward and the glory of triumph in the midst of gross pain and suffering and fighting all around you! (I:427) The thing to do is to focus on Me and keep your focus on what's up ahead, not the easier, more comfortable option, if you want to be a bearer of the crown of those who choose My highest will and option. (I:431) In all your ways and in whatever you do, keep your focus on Me, keep trusting in Me and look not to man! (I:441) If you could focus on others enough and be concerned enough about them, about their Salvation, their finding Me, if that would be your primary purpose, incentive and prerogative in your life right now, then you would also find happiness. In order to not fall into a state of spiritual obesity, you need that focus on the outside, the look out for new souls to conquer. (I:449) Focus not on what you're leaving behind! Focus on the new life you'll find: the changes, exciting challenges and new horizons to conquer! (I:453) Don't focus on the selfishness of others! Don’t let it distract you! Just focus on Me, and I will show you the need! (I:457) Just stay focused on Me, Me in you, the hope of glory! You can become more than conquerors by just holding on to Me and keeping looking unto Me, the Author and Finisher of your faith. (I:466) Just keep your focus on Me, the One Who can bring real beauty to any situation, even in spite of what people say about you, and in spite of the fact that there may be others in better situations than you! (I:472) Focus not on the circumstances, which are largely brought about by the devil's mingling in My affairs, plus man's lack of wisdom and lack of love, and his falling for the devil's tricks, but focus on the fact that you have found the One Who is going to right all the wrongs and turn things around in your life and in everybody else's who will accept Me! (I:474) It's a challenge to rise above laziness, the inability to see the need below the surface, and the temptations of the enemy to draw the attention away from the focus on others' needs. (I:490) Keep your focus on Me, and I will deliver you from evil! (I:501) Life can really be thrilling and exciting if you seek Me and focus on Me in all things. (I:507) Keep focused on the goal and the possibilities and the greater potential, the greater love, greater joy and greater victories that lie out there, waiting for you to avail yourself of them! (I:511) Focus on Me in each of you, the Hope of Glory! (I:516) Learning together to focus on the spiritual part of a relationship, and making Me the center and golden middle of it, is what will salvage being a team for Me.

Just focus on Me and do and say and share what I'm showing you to! Just focus on Me, and things will start to flow, you'll see! (I:517)

The adversities of this life were ordained to gear and steer your focus in My direction, to make Me the Goal in your life, the Place where you will find all the answers and all you yearn for. (I:519) Learn to focus on Me without distraction! (I:524) What's important is not to walk through your days aimlessly, but to receive a clear vision from Me beforehand, of what I want you to do. (I:558) Spiritually, when someone is focusing on himself, they become like a negatively poled magnet: it pushes other objects - in this case, greater blessings, happiness and fruitfulness - away. Whereas in turning around and focusing on others, trying to make them happy instead of yourself, and seeking your own survival and gain and benefit, you become a positively poled magnet that attracts others and draws My blessings to you. Your only hope is to turn around and start focusing on Me totally, to "pray without ceasing," staying connected with Me at all times. Step out on the water of permanently positive reality, and stay there, by focusing on Me non-stop! (I:561) Focus on change, focus on the spiritual needs of others, focus more outward than inward...! (I:565) There are always new and different angles to view things from, and I want you to see things from all kinds of different sides. I want you to be more understanding of your brothers and sisters, to empathize more with them and walk a mile in their shoes. It's good to see things realistically, and not judge your whole world by just the little part of it that you've seen. There's so much more you haven't seen, so, expand your horizon and open your eyes to what's yet to discover. Get the real view of things! (I:567) You miss out on some of the joys of life if you focus too much on the negative qualities of people, their imperfections, the far distance they are from the way they're ideally supposed to be. (I:568) The difference lies in focusing on the long-term goal. Sharing has eternal dividends. (I:576) Focus on Me as that which they lack and need, and be so full of Me that I will just pour out of you into them! (I:584) Focusing outward, on the sheep, is the best remedy against any personal problems there is. (I:591) With the right vision, you can have the faith which will spur you on to take the kind of initiative that opens My windows of Heaven and pours down such blessings that there will not be room enough to hold them! (I:596) "People are what matters." People are what it's all about, and it's time to really start focusing on people and how you might be able to help them, what you can do for them, so that they in return might help you with what you need! (I:597) Without a vision the people perish. Without someone showing them what they could be doing for Me and for others, how they could invest some of their lives, energies and resources into My eternal cause, their spiritual muscles wither, their focus grows more and more narrow all the time, and the opportunities of what they could have accomplished for Me, and thus for greater and everlasting rewards, literally perish and become lost, so, it's your responsibility to make sure to give them the vision. (I:611) Keep focusing on the freedom that I have in store for you, and all the countless possibilities it entails! Walk toward the realization of that vision by faith! Make it happen! (II:2) When I give you a vision or plan for the future, the devil will fight it, and it depends on everyone involved to ward off those attacks from the evil one. If whatever your brother does causes you to stumble or give up, that brother may be held responsible for his mistakes, but you will be held responsible for your own decision to focus on his faults instead of Me, and whatever your looking at the waves will result in. You’ve got to keep looking at Me! Everything else will only spell defeat... (II:10) Stay focused on the spiritual, instead of getting side-tracked by the carnal! (II:12) I want you to progress, to focus on higher goals, and to have the faith for Me to overcome any and all impossibilities. Focus on Me and My bright opportunity even in a seemingly dark and bleak situation! (II:41) If you focus on Me as the ultimate "Object" of your affection and desires, you will find happiness and bring happiness to others. As long as you're looking elsewhere, you're programmed for disappointment. (II:46) Not missing the mark (the essence of "sin") because you've allowed the enemy to distract you, that's what it's all about. It means sharpening your focus.

I am the Target! If you will focus on Me long enough, if you just manage to hold still long enough and to not give in to all the voices reminding you of this or that or the other you could do, if you just stay clearly focused on Me, barring everything else from your mind, you will hit the mark! It all depends on how seriously you want it! If you want it badly enough, you will stay focused on it; you won't let anything else distract you from it. (II:59) Never let your guard down; never take your focus off of Me! (II:60) Stay focused on the essential things, on the values that remain! (II:71) Keep making progress in focusing outwardly, out toward the field and the sheep! (II:72) Focus outwardly, on the truly lonely people in this world, who don't know Me at all, who have not yet found Me! (II:79) Stay focused on the search for My true treasures! (II:80) Learning to really apply My Power to your life is a process that requires time and focus. You've got to stay focused on your goal, just like a student would be focused on his diploma or final exam, his graduation, throughout years of studying, listening, absorbing information and material in school. (II:81) If I could get you to make souls your major focus and incentive, what an endless episode of joy your life could be! Do you have the faith and the kind of long-term vision it takes to win souls? Who is your master? Who are you serving? Me? - Investing your time and energy into winning souls for My Kingdom? Or are you settling for the cheap thrills of the immediate gratification that paper money brings? Where is your focus? Where is your aim? What are you shooting for? Which treasure are you hunting? (II:82) When one seeks the wrong things, pursues the wrong desires, focuses on the wrong goals, it taints their perception of things! It causes them to see only or mainly what they want to see! Zooming in on carnal things, you neglect your spiritual view and insight, your vision. And thus it easily happens that you see things not quite as they are. (II:90) You've got to learn to see things through My eyes, perceive them with My mind and catch My heavenly vision for them! You cannot judge by what is right before your eyes. You must look further, into the future of My limitless possibilities, glance through the dark clouds at My bright and shining horizon! (II:114) If you focus on the negative, you will see the negative. If you focus on the positive - which, granted, with some people is a little bit harder - you eventually will see the positive. The solution is not to look at the negative, but at the positive, to emphasize the positive traits of others and focus on them. (II:116) It’s obviously humbling to distribute My Word to a crowd of unbelievers, the majority of which will usually reject you. That's why you have to keep your eyes, your focus and your vision on the spiritual, and trust My Word for it, that they are truly spiritually poor, no matter how rich they may be materially! (II:118) Continue to work on focusing on the positive, looking at the opportunities, instead of the obstacles! (II:130) The only way to rise above is to focus on Me, not the seemingly overwhelming forces of the enemy. (II:148) Can you say that you've touched someone with My Love? That's what counts and what you should focus on! Forget about yourself and get into them! (II:152) Focusing on the negative debilitates you, even if it's the truth! You're much better off focusing and dwelling on the positive, seeing My hand in everything. Instead of focusing on the loss, focus on what you've gained! (II:153) If you focus on Me and keep your faces turned toward Me, I will be the One Who unites you, Who will interpret what the other one is really saying. (II:169) Focus on what I'm trying to convey to you and teach you and impart to you through everything you experience! There is a lesson in everything! (II:171) You’re focusing too much on your own needs, your own "disease." But you've got to focus on their need, not yours! (II:172) Keep your focus on the spiritual! (II:173)

Focus on Me, not on what is lacking in your life, and I will show you what abundance of wonderful things We, you and I together, have got to give to the world! (II:189) Focus beyond material things! They cannot be what life revolves around. Your main focus should always be on Me and the job I have given you of giving, loving and caring for others. (II:200) Don't focus on the weaknesses, on the flaws, on your sins or those of your brethren, but on Me, Who will help you overcome them! (II:205) If you focus on Me and put your desire on My side, you may be tempted to worry sometimes, but you won't worry. You'll be tempted to fret, but you won't fret. (II:251) You should focus on My Grace! (II:264) Focus on the new way, the new thing I am doing in your life, and on the goal and vision of its purpose, namely not merely to gain support and ensure your physical survival, but to bring true, eternal life to many, many souls who hunger and thirst for Me! (II:273) Only focus on the goal: their soul, safely in My fold! (II:274) You must see in a completely different way than the way the world sees! Often I require you to have faith and vision for something greater, far beyond that which you can see immediately before you. (II:277)

You've got to get your focus off of the things that you're capable of, and focus on what I can do through you. (II:281) You've got to make a conscious effort, flip the switch, zoom in on Me and stay focused there, stay tuned in on Me, in order to make full use and avail yourself of My Power to the greatest extent possible. Zoom in on Me and then let your focus rest there. If the devil tries to distract you, zoom right back in on Me! You've got to keep an eye on Me, keep your mind focused on Me, and you're just going to have to make a conscious effort to do that. (II:286) Stay focused on that spiritual creation of Mine in you! (II:293) Stay focused on Me and only turn to the world in order to show them Me and the influence I've been having on your life, the change I've evoked in you, the difference I made in your life! (II:299) Learn to really focus on Me, develop a living relationship with Me, where you live, walk and talk and move with Me daily where you really learn from Me as your Teacher, your Companion, your best Friend, Lover and Husband! (II:306) Without a vision the people perish. If you don't know where you're going, you'll often get nowhere... (II:309) If you look for the right things and focus on the humble and lowly, you will see them. You need to change your focus in order to see as I see, and to see what I want you to see. (II:326) Remember to focus on Me and on the knowledge of My Love! You've got to aim your vision on Me as your Provider, as your Guide, as the One Who directs and determines all your paths and forget about the circumstances that the devil would like to use to keep you tied to the ground! (II:351) Focus on the Real Thing, the real, long-term Goal, - the spiritual! (II:381) I want to teach you to see Me, to visualize Me, to help you become more heavenly-minded by actually catching glimpses and visions of Heaven. (II:394) You've got to focus on the invisible Force which can make the right physical circumstances happen for you, or at least fill you with the Power to make it through the adverse circumstances. You must not focus on the lack, not on the way things are - quite obviously not the way they should be - but on Me, in the hopes and the faith that I can change things and make them come to pass in such a way that you long for and you know deep inside they should be! (II:430) Focus on Me, not on any things you want to present to Me, not on anything you think I might want you to do, but just plain old focus on Me, so that I can fill you with My Presence, with My Spirit. (II:435) You've got to focus on the good in order to maintain the victory and not succumb to the overwhelming power and sheer amount of evil displayed in the world. Stay on a positive wavelength! (II:438) Focus on Me constantly and see Me in everything! (II:442) Turn your focus on the individuals I want you to reach, but away from the System as a whole! (II:459)

Stretch your faith, your horizon, your vision, your outlook, your spectrum, your methods, and expand! Look into which directions you can go which you haven't tried yet! (II:485) If you keep the heavenly vision and act as if nothing else matters, then whatever happens down there just won't be able to get you into a fuss. (II:496) It takes overcoming everything the devil will use to throw in your way in order to stop you from doing it, any kind of temptation and distraction, inkling and craving... It takes strong faith, vision and discipline to keep your focus on the thing I have commanded or asked you to do and to see it through till the end. (II:514) Just focus on My Love for you, and everything else will become irrelevant! Focus on what I'm trying to teach you! Focus on what I'm giving you! All you must focus on is My Love for you; it will be stronger than any hatred, resentment and rejection you may experience. Just focus on My Love for you! Let it be more important than anything else! (II:549) I have always wanted My disciples not to focus on their needs, their lacks, their worldly affairs, but on the harvest: My need for those lost sheep out there who still need to be won, workers that might still be found, if you focus on seeking them out. (II:554) Focus and concentrate on My affairs and what really matters, and rid yourself of all the influences of the brainwash of the world, what people think about you, how they view you, comparing with others, etc.! (II:565) Focus on integrating, not on avoiding! (II:577) The small, personal cause is infinitesimal when it comes to My true and everlasting Cause. Faith is what makes you hinge your focus and vision on that, not the mere fleeting earthly and temporal pleasures. (II:578) If you focus on the bad, then that's what will determine the major connotation of your view, your attitude, your day, your life. But if you focus on the good (and if you have Me, you always have something Good to focus on), then that will determine your outlook. (II:581)

Keep your long-term vision in your short-term activities, goals and projects, and thus you'll be using those short-term projects as vehicles to get you to your distant destination! (II:599) It's all a matter of seeing, and of wanting to see. Those who think they see already have less of a desire for new ways of seeing. Remind yourself and others of the need to learn to see - to see new things, to see Me in others, to see what before you couldn't see. (II:618) I bring new concepts, new perspectives, new pictures and illustrations to your mind to give you a renewed vision. (II:625) Focus more on each other’s needs than your own, really letting go and expecting nothing in return! (II:639) Stretch your vision and expand your spiritual muscles... expand your horizon and look forward, look ahead! (II:656) Focus more on that common goal than any differences or difficulties in getting along! (III:23) I'm trying to draw your focus toward a greater challenge, and a more distant horizon, to greater works, yet higher mountains to climb than the hills you've tackled so far. (III:38) It's not so much focusing on your own flame of love, but by really beholding the other's flame, truly appreciating it, treasuring it, that your own heart's flame gets re-kindled too, and thus you can warm each other. Learn to focus on their very inner being, their inner core and soul! Learn to behold the flame, the candle of their inner sanctuary, that what really makes them burn and tic from the inside! By far the more important to discover and explore is the "inner space" of your fellow human beings. You're going to have to focus, tune in and zoom in on them, really perceive them, absorb and feel them out, hear them out, pay attention to them. Focus on people and their needs! (III:45) You have to go through certain phases alone. That's when I draw you to Me or get you to focus more on your Helpers. (III:57) If you cling to Me tightly in spite of and regardless of anything, you'll still remain firm if your focus is on Me. (III:74) All the self-analysis and introspection in the world isn't going to do for you what I can do for you, and what you can do by looking unto Me. (III:76) Learn to look unto Me as I looked unto the Father!

The more you look unto Me, the more you absorb Me, just as I absorbed the Father by looking at Him. I couldn't do anything without the Father, but because I was constantly looking unto Him, there was nothing I couldn't do. And so it is with you: the more you look unto Me, the greater One beyond yourself enabling you to do all things, and without Whom you're able to do nothing, the more powerful you will also become in My Might. If you keep looking unto Me, you will have My supernatural wisdom that will help you to say and do the right things. You won't be making so many mistakes anymore. You will walk in love more, as you absorb My Love by looking unto Me. The devil would keep you focused on the ground, walking by sight, instead of by faith. But if you keep looking unto Me, I promise, I won't let you fall into the ditch, and it is much better to put your trust in Me than in your own wisdom. By always looking to the ground in order to avoid the pitfalls, you miss many golden opportunities on the horizon that are only seen by looking up, by the trustful vision of hope and expectation. See the heavenly vision, the heavenly viewpoint and angle of things! (III:77) Shift your focus from yourself to what you can do in order to improve life for someone else! (III:78) Love challenges you to stretch your spiritual muscles toward reaching new capabilities you don't possess at present, to stretch and expand your horizon and focus. (III:84) Keep your eye and vision on Me, no matter what! Does your vision go further than that which is immediately before you? Can you see that there's something going on beneath the surface of the appearance of things? (III:88) Keep your eye on the goal and your focus on the straight and narrow! (III:92) The enemy tries to muddle things up a lot, and then it takes some time for regrouping, for letting the mud disappear again until the vision becomes clearer again and you can see where to go and what to do next. (III:122) Focus on what I am expecting of you: I'm expecting you to love! "Thou shalt love" was the first and greatest commandment, not "thou shalt accomplish." (III:155) Haven't I said, "according to your faith be it unto you?" And if you have the vision and burden for something, or a "dream," then by all means, grab it! (III:156) Focus on Me beyond any circumstance or challenging situation you may encounter in life! (III:166) It's really an art to focus on the donut, not the hole. (III:180) Focus on the new! - New openings, new possibilities, new options, new people, new perspectives and new prospects… keeping My counsel in mind, and My voice and guidance in focus! (III:186) Focusing on what's relevant puts everything into perspective. You cannot allow the enemy to get you to focus on the button off the vest, the hole in the doughnut. Keep your focus on Me and My miracle working Power, and let that Power go to work! (III:225) Focus on Me, the Solution-Giver, instead of the problem! (III:230) Keep your focus on My Sunshine that will keep you warm, bright and cheery even through the darkest times! (III:240) Make Me the focus of your hopes and dreams; I'm the only One Who can fulfill them! (III:249) Just focus on the Power, not only as that which you constantly want to receive from Me, but also as that which you want to give and pass on to others! (III:250) The more you focus on Me and on what I have given you already, the fullness I have already blessed you with, the more that deception is going to disappear that you're still lacking something. (III:251) The more of a conscious effort you make to really focus and stay focused on Me, the clearer My messages to you will become, the more strength and energy they'll give you, the more faith you'll develop, and the more your doubts will disappear. In other words, focus on Me equals strength and energy. The power of focus can help you to discipline yourself to become more single-minded, and not allow other tempting thoughts to lure your mind away from the essential. Consider staying focused on Me, in order to hear My voice and receive more of My instructions, more important (Job 23:12)! Don’t pay any more attention to the supposed lack, but put your entire focus, your whole spectrum on the Filler! (III:253) Keep your focus on Me, the glue that keeps you together. I am what you need most desperately in your relationship, and staying focused on Me will guarantee your ability to keep up with the other requirements as well. (III:285)

Focusing on the negative and the lack of love that prevails elsewhere is just going to discourage you. Focus on Me and drag your focus away not only from the shiny distractions, but also the discouraging, negative things that would get you to focus on the pit! (III:327) If your focus really is primarily on Me, and I've got true top priority among all things and people that are of interest to you and intrigue you, then you'll be a lot quicker to forgive, and it will be much easier for you to cope with the failures of others. (III:342) Focusing on the lack never solves the problem, but only tends to make it bigger. Whereas if you focus on Me and the vast amount of love I have for everybody, My love enables you to even love your enemies. (III:458)

Focus on the good and the possibilities, not on the loss! Look at Me more and focus on Me, the One Who can alter your circumstances when you cannot. You’ve got to keep your focus on the light! Otherwise, if you focus on the darkness, it will drag you down. (IV:336) Keep walking ahead with the firm vision and knowledge that I am leading you someplace! (2011:30) It’s all a matter of seeing things from the right angle; and even if you don’t always do that right away, be thankful that you’re able to get My view on things, letting Me show you My angle… (2011:113) Instead of focusing on the dreadfulness of a situation, try to make an effort to focus on Me, no matter how hard it may seem. It’s all up to where you focus, on the bright and positive side that I promise is there – by faith – or the abyss. (2011:135) If you cling to that vision of who you will be and what you’ll be capable of – namely, all that you wish you were capable of right now: communicating intimately and profoundly with those you’re close to, and conveying to them in the most efficient manner the things you’re learning – then that vision will help to shape you, become part of you and thus also bring you closer to that goal in this life. I want you to gain a vision for the greater things ahead of you. Keep that heavenly vision of becoming one of My heavenly communicators, teachers and ambassadors! (2011:148) I can be the drawing Force, but you’ve got to do the focusing, the praying, and put your heart in the right place and position for it to happen. (2012:3) Keep your eyes, your vision, your focus, on Me, the Giver and Filler, instead of the temporary emptiness, void and feeling of loss when you have to give up something for Me. (2012:7) You have something precious and valuable to pass on to the people you come in touch with, and you’ve got to cherish that and focus on that! (2012:11) Focus on Me and the fact that one man with Me can be a majority, as far as I’m concerned, and can and will have an impact if I determine it to be so. But you’ve got to be ready and willing to fill your place and do your part in the plan. (2012:29) It’s important not to lose touch with Me throughout the course of your day and its activities, but to keep Me on your mind as much as you can and keep your focus on the importance of preserving your faith and keeping it strong and growing stronger. (2012:34) I’m all about the lasting version of whatever you’ve got, including life itself. I’m all about the real deal, as opposed to all those fakes. What I really like and appreciate in My children is when they recognize and honor that, and pursue those lasting and true joys I have to offer, and turn their focus away from the temporal counterfeits. (2012:43) Focus on singing the tune and song of life itself! (2012:52) You can either focus on the negative, the seemingly all-enveloping emptiness, or trust that those apparently tiny specs of matter in-between are actually quite enough. (2012:54) You’ve got to have that long-term vision that only faith affords. (2012:65) If you just focus on Me a bit more, the One Who can make things happen for you, instead of all the other factors and parties involved that tend to drag you down, discourage you and try to stop you, you’ll see there’ll be no stopping you! (2012:83) Why not focus more on the good things you know and share a little more of that knowledge? (2012:89) If you appreciate what you’ve got, and focus on sharing that, it’s bound to enhance your relationship with people and the world around you, win more friends, and thus generate greater contentment, and accordingly, success. (2012:93)

You’ve got to have a vision that is more than just a selfish little plan for an easy, comfortable and pleasant life, in order to represent any kind of spiritual vision, one not completely void of My Spirit and void of life… (2012:170) You mustn’t focus on the majority of people, but you’ve got to keep on the lookout for the exceptional ones… those who make it worth it. Yes, the wicked by far outnumber the good, the righteous, or at least those for whom there’s hope; but that doesn’t mean the latter aren’t there at all. You’ve just got to keep looking. And when you find them, hold on to them. (2012:175) You’re all on a journey seeking a better Home, one that is not from this world, a heavenly Country. And as long as you keep that vision, you’ll be making sure you’ll impart some of it to the folks you’ll meet on your way there. See the good in others, focus on that and hope for the best, have an optimistic attitude! (2012:180) The spiritual, the real and lasting way of seeing things, will become plainly visible to all. It doesn’t really require that much vision into the far away distance, for the Spirit World is ever so near, much closer than most would suspect. If you see and look with the eyes of the spirit, you can see more, and when all hope in the visible will have run out, you’ll have a whole new and much greater World to offer than anything known. Preparing others for that encounter is basically what the life of faith is all about. (2013:15) I and My input are always available to you, that’s a Promise I won’t back down on. The only question is, how well can you focus on it? How strongly do you desire it and refuse to allow distractions to divert you from My wavelength? (2013:16) Why not keep the focus on the requirements that are truly needed in order to gain points in the game of life, such as humility, selflessness, kindness…? (2013:23) Why would you crawl through life with a negative attitude, when you could soar through it on the wings of faith by looking unto Me, keeping your focus on Me and thus ensuring a lot more positive attitude to help you make it through your days? (2013:28) I’m the lens through which you can discover all that, and in order to see things so differently, you’ve got to look unto Me so that you can see through Me and allow Me to adjust and clear up your vision. (2013:36) I honor the attempts you’re making, and any steps you’re taking closer toward Me, even if most of the times they wind up in your stumbling. The first step in learning is putting your heart towards it, see the need, and focus on the goal. You’re just starting to get a greater and better glimpse now, at the vastness and beauty of the significance of what it would mean for you to truly implement this lesson in your life, of making loving Me your primary focus, aim, concern and goal. (2013:37) To feel full and filled within the apparent emptiness that surrounds you when you’re lacking, that’s the great trick of faith in the kind of things that make life truly worth living. As long as the object of your affection, your target and focus remain some elusive dream you’re constantly chasing, you’ll never get that point. (2013:39) Why don’t you focus on the fact that it’s not going to be all that long for you anymore? (2013:40) The best and first incentive for doing better is to actually want to do better. People can pretty much do anything they really want, and if that’s what you truly want, you’ll focus on it, and eventually will actually do better. “I wanna do better” is actually quite a good resolve, and very often the first step toward positive change in many people’s lives. (2013:41) When there’s a lot of darkness all around you, it’s all the more reason to focus on the light. (2013:52) It’s a matter of focus and adjusting your lens, a matter of where you’re looking and what you want and aim to see, whether you’re able to see the donut at all, or not. When you can face the entire scope of reality and can still focus on the larger, positive and good portion of it, then you’re learning to overcome and walk by faith. My donut’s supposed to be the answer to people’s emptiness, so why focus on the hole, when there’s so much good stuff surrounding it to focus on? You’ve got to remember that it’s the Enemy who’s trying to steer and divert your focus off the donut and blessings, and onto the hole of his blackness instead. (2013:57) If you would draw close to Me the way you should, you would also learn how to love Me and to be loved by Me the way you should. It’s a matter of taking the time and letting all other matters and affairs fade into the background, forsaking them all for Me and letting Me become the paramount Object of your focus and attention. (2013:59) If you focus on the effort you’ve got to make in order to rise above, instead of on all the things that bug you, that’s a good place to start. Try to get through to people somehow! Keeping your focus on all that bugs you about them isn’t going to be helpful. You should rather keep your focus on the responsibility you bear toward them!

You’ve just got to keep your focus on your job and responsibility toward Me, believing and trusting that if I charged you with it, I knew what I was doing and know that you have it in you to handle this, that you are capable of doing it. It’s all a matter of focus, whether you’re going to look at the wind and waves of your circumstances and the raging masses around you, or to the One Who’s capable of enabling you to rise above it all. (2013:114) Focus on things that don’t require as much thinking as inspiration! (2013:122) Focus more on where it really matters: over Here! (2013:126) Focus more on spiritual things and the Spirit World, which is where eventually you’re going to wind up! (2014:2) When you have a carnal talent and other strengths from the flesh, it’s easier to trust in those. But when they’re weakened, you’re more prone to focus on, or turn to the Spirit again. It’s a lack of faith to just focus on what the flesh has to offer. (2014:8) Keep your vision on Heaven the most you can! Certainly better than what you can expect in this world. There’s something better. (2014:9)

You’ve got to see things the right way, look in the right kind of direction and not just let your mind be guided by your own physical desires! (2014:99) Try to keep focusing on what you’ve theoretically learned to be the most important in the world, namely love. (2014:128) Do you still believe in My Word as the truth, as opposed to the majority of that worldly input? Well, then don’t let the world bring you down so much, but focus more on your way Up! Focus more on your goal and what’s coming for you hereafter! It can only be better! Don’t you think so? (2014:132) The Word can fill your mind and spirit with visions of much better creations than the temporal ones… a reminder of the existence of a better World. Focus as much as you can on the spiritual, that which is to come for you, and has been long before that which you can see around you! (2014:151) Keep your mind and vision on what’s to come. - Definitely better than the there and now for you. (2014:159) If you just keep hanging on to Me and let that vision grow to share Me with others, you’ll see: you’ll be doing better and don’t have to worry that much. (2014:163) Keep on following that vision I’m giving you of eternal things that last forever and won’t end abruptly when the physical life and existence is over! (2014:164) Instead of looking at the world too much, look up to Me! (2014:166) The unity between you and everything that you can make work and get to last as a family is something to lean forward to and focus on, more than success at a job! (2014:182) There’s something better awaiting you Up Here! So, think about it a bit more, and look forward to it! (2014:186) Focus a bit more on Me and My role in your life, so that you can play the desired role for you in My future story on this planet and beyond! (2015:15) Let Heaven be your vision, your Goal, and something to offer to others to look forward to as well, since all they need to do in order to get Here after their earthly lives, is to receive Me in their hearts. Let Heaven be a major part of what your life is all about, or at least the vision of it, the faith in it, and making it the main part of your goal in life! Make Heaven part of your vision, make It your goal, and the Place you know you’re headed for! (2015:19) Trust a bit more in that which you’ll see hereafter, even if right now you can’t see it yet, unless you ask for some visions given you by the Holy Ghost… (2015:36) When the here and now and temporary world cannot promise so much anymore, that’s a good opportunity for believers to focus on the There and Then, and what’s coming, which, believe Me, is quite a bit more positive than your momentary, worldly there and then. Focus on the spirit and its values, and don’t get too stuck on the temporary flesh department! What’s faith in Me and the Father all about than the certainty that there’s something better to come? So, why not focus and concentrate a bit more on that, and become more heavenly minded? (2015:43)

You’re getting encouragement and a stronger, more positive outlook from My input, and that somewhat proves to you that it’s true, that your faith is the most positive thing and outlet in your life. (2015:45) Think more about Heaven, and focus more on that final Goal of believers, too! For many folks, life down there is all there is, as far as they know or believe… But shouldn’t you, as a believer in the Up Above, live positively due to that positive hope and outlook upon what’s coming up ahead for you? Think about and focus on Heaven! So, no matter how horrible life on Earth may get, think about and focus on the Hereafter! (2015:47) Keep hanging on to Me, and make Us the main Thing and direction to keep your focus on! Keep looking unto Me! Even if you still don’t know exactly about My looks. It’s not about how I look, but a spiritual view is more concerned about other things: not what we look like, but what We’re all about and can do to save the world and make it a better place. In Heaven, folks are less concerned about their looks than other matters, that care about and focus a lot more on love than vanity does, and one’s concern about their own looks! (2015:50) Don’t be too shocked that the way has turned so rough now, and all you can see up ahead is only rougher. Look a little bit further and you may catch those glimpses of Up Here that will encourage and make you stronger in your faith, and thus, your power, energy and strength to make it! (2015:51) Keep your vision for strength focused on Me and your heavenly Goal Here, Up Above, and turn it more into your conscious goal in your life, instead of physical and material temporary success! Make the most important factor in your life the lasting ones, and don’t get into the worldly gear of focusing on only the temporal, like money, and worldly success! Lift your expectation and spiritual vision Up Here, your future and lasting Home in Heaven! Keep your spiritual sight and vision in a direction that’s encouraging and will lift up your faith, your mood, and life in general, and eventually, that of others around you, too! Become more Heaven-minded! Gear your vision and your goal in Our direction! Make it all more pleasant for you, as you change your vision and outlook, and thus also for the ones you’ll meet and live with! Think about and move your spiritual vision toward your future Home! (2015:54) You haven’t lived for and focused too much on the Hereafter, but more on your temporary there and then, but it’s time to focus on the believers’ goal and destination! It’s time to focus your view on something higher, your future, and the much better Place to spend the Hereafter, even though you haven’t seen too much or any of it yet. (2015:55) Look Up to Me and to Heaven as much as you can, and don’t let the ugly current state of the world drag you down so much, even though it’s quite negative and miserable… But it’s not the only thing you’ve got to base your focus on, but try to make it looking more toward the better option, even if that’s mainly happening by faith only. Believe in Me, and try to look and see by faith what you believe in! Eventually you will see it! (2015:57) Instead of focusing almost entirely on the temporal dimension you’re in right now, focus more on what’s to come: the Here and Now of the Spiritual and heavenly Realm! – Your future Home! Don’t focus on what you’re missing, but try to keep your focus on Me! (2015:61) You’re on a humbling path, and a track of humiliation, and you should keep your eye and focus on the fact that you’re very much in need of that spiritual item of value, even if largely underestimated by the majority of people. (2015:62) Don’t just focus on the negative things around you, but let it make you focus more on the better things to come! Don’t let the current time and circumstances drag you down, but focus on, and get prepared for the better ones, up ahead! (2015:65)

Keep your focus on the positive side of things and prevent the enemy from dragging you down! (2015:66) Sharing Heaven is a good vision and purpose for living you should focus on and cling to. Keep your focus on This, your Home to come, as much as you can, in order to make it help you bear with your tough trials and battles there, remembering that it’ll all be worth it, every hard time and trial you’ve had to go through! So, focus on the heavenly life thereafter, which will make everything you have to go through now worth it, and if you do, will make it somewhat easier to bear with, too! Keep your vision on the good Thing to come! Make Heaven your goal, vision and purpose, and you’ll find out it’ll be a lot easier to put up with it all down there: some temporal trials and tests to be welcomed by eternal rewards and comfort. Focus a bit more on the Spirit World and get a bit out of the groove of the flesh! Just let that vision strengthen you to give you more power to fulfill your purpose down there! I’m sorry life can be so awful and rough down there, but maybe it’ll help to turn your vision Up Here and make you a bit more heavenly-minded. (2015:68) Try to get your vision towards Mine, and what can be done to bring Salvation, eternal life and Heaven to others! (2015:70)

The more heavenly-minded you’ll get, the less unpleasant the rest of your time on Earth will be, since the more you’ll tune in to Heaven, the heavenlier you’ll be, and that’s definitely a positive feature. (2015:71) Keep your focus in My direction, and don’t allow the circumstances around you to drag you down! Even if the devil and his demons keep trying to drag you down, don’t focus on them or pay attention to them, but try to keep your focus, heart and mind set on Me! Keep your focus on Me and the good, upward, spiritual view, and don’t let the enemy drag you down with ugly earthly circumstances he manages to create through folks who are basically serving him, since they’re not interested in anything else than what he has to offer, which is mostly that paper money his system’s based on… So, keep your main vision on what’s to come, not what’s surrounding you right now down there! Keep your vision Up Here as the first thing and the most important goal in your mind, your life, and everything that makes you move; and just fight hard against any distractions from the world or the enemy to get you tripped off from that vision and goal! (2015:84)

Keep your vision geared toward the everlasting Home hereafter, and maybe catch some kind of a greater vision for it, based on greater faith and expectations. (2015:87) The Thing I encourage you to keep your focus and spiritual view on, is your heavenly Home hereafter. There’s Something better Up ahead, and you should keep your spiritual vision, focus and expectation on that, so you get into the shape of inviting others Here! (2015:88) If the here and now for you doesn’t cut the cake, put your vision as much as you can into the There and Then! (2015:91) Appreciate the Hereafter… the life in Heaven that I promised! Going through something rough, be able to appreciate it, the outlook and vision of getting and going There, and eventually arriving. (2015:111) Make your Home beyond your temporal stay down there your goal, and the Place you gear your vision and hope to, knowing by faith that it’s a lot better than anything expecting you down there! (2015:122) Keep your faith and vision pointed toward that: a better Hereafter! (2015:135) If you can’t get a lot more information or input from Me, focus more on what I can do in order to help you, strengthen and enable you to see things through! (2015:143) Strengthen your faith in the World beyond that one you’re living in right now, and strengthen your vision on what’s to come! Make the effort to focus more on the spiritual side of things, since that’s where you’re supposed to belong, and will wind up eventually! Focus more on the spiritual side of things, spiritual fulfillment and thus, the cause of true happiness! (2015:148) If you’re having a hard time with how things are going down there, just try to focus and keep your vision toward Up Here, which is all by faith, but that’s precisely what you should work on becoming the strongest force in your life right now, because it’ll be the most desperately needed through what’s to come! Keep your vision on how wonderful it is to get a soul saved! Let your faith keep that vision in you clear of what things in the Spirit are really like – Who’s the true Creator and will be the final Winner! (2015:149) Don’t keep looking at the world around you, but lift your vision Up Here! (2015:155) Keep your vision aimed at the true Goal, not greater materialistic advantages! (2015:160) What you’ve been largely perceiving of the world lately hasn’t been that satisfactory, and while you’re strongly tempted to view it as something negative, try to see the positive reminder of focusing in the spirit and “walking by faith” instead! The world can be a distraction when it’s all appealing to behold. But when you notice and feel there are things wrong with it, it becomes easier to focus in My direction instead and make a bigger effort to turn your sight toward the spiritual side of things and seek first My Kingdom (Mt.6:33), instead of all that surrounds you. Turn your focus toward that, which according to your faith is so much better and more lasting than those temporal, physical surroundings! (2015:161) The more your faith and vision are being focused toward Here, your eternal and true Home, the more of a witness to others you’ll be and instill hope in them for a better Hereafter coming. Look more Up Here in the Spirit, and not just down there, where the darkness will be taking over! Don’t let whatever you can achieve in this world be your big goals, but focus a bit more on the Hereafter, where much better things are expecting you than in the physical present place or dimension you’re living in. The here and now may be very tough for you, but the more you focus on the There & Then, the better it will be for you, and life is going to be a lot more pleasant, you’ll see! (2015:167)

Knowing where spiritual Strength and Power comes from, maybe it’ll also help you to focus more in that direction and become more heavenly minded. Become more conscious of the Place you’re going and headed! Definitely an advantage to stay geared towards and focused on It. (2015:169) Why not focus a bit more on the good news that faith in Me has to offer? And get your focus back onto your true sense and purpose of life, to bring real and true life to others! (2015:179) Have a positive and victorious vision, that We’ll wind up as the winners and Victors in spite of his temporal act of reigning down there! (2015:183) May it strengthen your faith, optimism and future vision that what’s to come is definitely better and more positive than what you’re about to have to let go! (2015:184) Keep the vision of Heaven in your soul as much as you can! (2015:190) It’s definitely more positive things to prepare for and look forward to Up Here, after that temporal life down there, and it’s definitely something to focus on and make you appreciate the change that’s coming. (2015:191) If you get a bit more of a glimpse and vision of Heaven, you’ll have something more to share with those who are sheep and you might still come across to share It with. Get a bigger glimpse of Heaven, so that it’ll be easier for you to share Heaven! (2015:193) Let’s see how far through the day you’ll make it tomorrow, pinning your focus a bit more on the bright side of things, shall we? (2015:198)

Set your goal Up Here, not merely your temporal success and welfare down there! That’s the vision and what the outlook of a life of faith and following Me is supposed to be like! (2015:232) You’re becoming weaker to teach you to focus, lean and depend more on the strength from Above! Preparation’s the name of the game right now, even if the temptation is to just get stuck and focused on what’s going on right now… (2015:240) As much as you keep up the vision of your true Home, the easier it’s going to be to let other folks know about It. How about focusing more on sowing the good stuff, much more likely to bring good results? (2015:249) Focus on the strength in the spirit, believing by faith that that’s more important! – In fact the only thing that’ll help you make it through the days to come! (2016:2) So, can’t make it? Relax! I can make it through you and for you! Just keep looking Up Here, your attention and focus pinned Up Here, and asking for whatever help you’ll need, and I promise, it will be coming! (2016:20) Focus Up Here, where your hope lies, and not so much on your earthly circumstances! (2016:24) It’s a tough battle, but the way to win it, is to learn to focus on the Spirit, and win it through the Spirit! (2016:27) Keep looking Up and try to keep in touch with Me as much as you can! (2016:30) Don’t focus too much on your physical surroundings, nor allow them to drag you down, but make the effort to keep your mind focused on and staying geared toward the better state of things following the current one, if you believe in Me! (2016:35) Most of the times you can assume that the burdens and desires in your heart come from Me… those visions and longings to get elsewhere… It might well be, because I would be able to use you more over there. (2016:41) The more you manage to point your daily vision Up Here, the more chance you’ll have to invite others Up Here as well! (2016:43) Gear your focus more into the Realm of the Spirit! Tough, in a fleshly world, but that’s what both, I and all My true followers have had to go through. (2016:44) That’s what it means to follow Our groove and put all things into the proper perspective: the focus of love! (2016:45) It’s hard, having to go through tough times, but can you see a glimpse of their purpose, to draw you closer to Me and get your vision set a bit more toward the Hereafter? The one thing you should be able to pass on to others is the aspect and vision that there’s Something Better coming up for those who accept the message from Above, and the purpose of life isn’t just one’s own, personal well-being! (2016:46) Strengthen your spiritual vision and that faith in the physically invisible! (2016:52)

Learning to resist the temptations is another task of life. The way to do it an manage is to stay in tune with Us, more than trying to please the world as much as you can, but making it your goal to please Us by doing Our will for you. Making that your goal and vision is definitely an advantage according to the rules and standards of Eternity, and not just gear your behavior according to the temporal, worldly ways of success! (2016:57) Focus on the Upside, and receive the strength you need from Here! (2016:58) Feeling like you can’t make it? – Look Up Here! (2016:60) Focus Up Here, not down there! Something higher and greater is expecting you. So, look forward to it, and make your days more acceptable by keeping your vision Up Here! (2016:61) If the conditions and circumstances around you are a mess, well, that’s the condition the world around you’s in, and becoming worse, so don’t be too discouraged! Let that condition turn your focus Up Here, your true Home, and believe that there’s Something much better on its way! Don’t let your faith and vision be focused on the circumstances around you, but on My Promises instead! Keep your look on Me, Who can help you overcome any hindering conditions and circumstances! (2016:62) If times aren’t easy or even tolerable for you right now, keep your focus on what’s to come! Keep your vision directed Up Here, where all of the negative things you’re having to go through will make it worth it, and I promise you won’t be disappointed. So, keep your focus and vision geared Up Here! A Home that’ll make it worth it all you have to go through now. Make an effort to get into that gear of being heavenly-minded! - Heaven-focused, and Heaven-geared! (2016:63) Learn to look and focus Up Here, not down there where the trouble’s happening! But Up Here where the Solutions are! Keep focusing Up Here where the solutions are to the troubles, trials and problems down there! Don’t focus too much on the physical circumstances down there if they tend to worry you! (2016:64) The nasty, dark and evil times you have to go through should stir up your longing for your true Home, where your vision should be headed. (2016:66) Can you take on that task of representing a glimpse of hope to others, who are not so thrilled with the current state of the world? Can you be a raiser of hope in something better to come? The only way to do that is by keeping your vision, focus and hope geared there yourself. Don’t get frustrated by the physical circumstances and conditions, but point your vision Up Here to Me and the host of heavenly helpers who’ve been through similar trials during their times on Earth, but whose arrival Here has confirmed to them that what’s to put up with down there will be made worth it. So, don’t give up hope in a better Thereafter, and don’t keep your focus set on the earthly circumstances, that – as you noticed – are going downhill! Learn to cope with those downhill circumstances and conditions, by keeping your spiritual focus and vision geared toward your true Home! Don’t focus on the physically visible – the circumstances – but Up Here, the Place which is your true Home awaiting you, and from where you can receive and avail yourself of all the Help, Strength and Power you’ll need to make it through what’s to come! If the physical folks and conditions around you are not being all that helpful in order for you to make it, that’s just a sign that you’ve got to focus elsewhere – not at the physical conditions, circumstances or even accompaniments around you, but that spiritual side from which the very creation of your existence stems. (2016:67) Learn to keep your mindset and vision and gear of thoughts directed Up Here… the side of faith… to keep lifting you up! As times are getting darker down there, let that cause and motivate you to keep your vision Up Here, the Source of Light! Let your faith become strong enough to get ahold of the vision of heavenly Light, in spite of the darkness and dark circumstances around you down there! That’s why the theme of vision, focus and outlook is so important! It all depends on the direction your mind’s set and aiming at! – And the best direction’s not down there, but Up Here by faith instead! “Look Up at what’s before you, and don’t stop!” – It’s the devil trying to stop you from looking Up Here where your hope lies! So, don’t let him, but keep looking Up! It’s about the only way you’ll make it through the dark days to come! If you’re feeling too weak to make it, focus Up Here where the Source of your true Strength lies – the kind that won’t vanish as time goes by! Don’t focus on the surroundings getting darker, but Up Here, where the heavenly Light always remains! No night-time! Keep your spiritual vision geared Up Here, where there’s always Light! So, keep your spiritual sight geared towards and focused on the heavenly Light! Stay focused on the Light! Don’t let the enemy’s darkness drag you down, but remember Me, the personification of the Light of the world (Jn.8:12)! Remember Me, the personification of the Light of the world!

I am there, even when you can’t see any light left down there! The true and lasting Light will always keep shining. Just stay focused on the Spirit! – No matter what the physical world happens to represent! Keep remembering and gearing your spiritual sight toward the greater and brighter Dimension! (2016:68) Some folks don’t realize nor notice the coming changes… but some do. And even if that’s a darker outlook if you do, try to make that outlook reach as far as what’s coming after the ugliness: the better times! (2016:70) Make love the major focus, goal and aim in your life to become the most important thing! (2016:76) Keep your outlook and vision pointed Up Here, which will make it worth it all, and keep your focus set by that hope! So, look Up Here! That’s where your hope lies. Don’t keep focusing down there! (2016:82) A positive outlook is what will see you through if you put your vision toward the right direction… which is Up Here to Me, not your own fleshly abilities. Time to rely more on the Spirit than your flesh and its capabilities! Time to focus more on the job I gave My disciples! (2016:85) You have to learn to cope with, and try to make the best of life, not just focus on the negative down there, but try to get a positive and more cheerful vision of Up Here through faith. (2016:87) You shouldn’t focus much on the circumstances! The fact that they’re turning out bleaker just shows that you’ve got to keep your focus in the right direction, not the circumstances, no matter how screwed up the enemy makes them to draw your attention, but you’ve got to learn to keep your spiritual vision and focus set steadily on Me! You’ve got to get the point of not having your focus pinned on the negative circumstances down there, but keep your vision set Up Here, even if that’s got to happen through faith. (2016:88) Focus not on your surroundings, but point your spiritual vision Up Here where all your hope lies, and don’t let surrounding circumstances drag you down! Focus on as your true Home, not the far less pleasant circumstances of the world around you! Point your spiritual vision Up Here! – That’s where your hope and your strength lie. Put your trust in Me and don’t focus on the surrounding circumstances of darkness sown by the enemy! (2016:95) Resist the evil and look Up Here; keep your focus on Me through faith, not on the hell-bound circumstances down there! Rough times are to prepare you and help you make it through the roughest to come. So, try and take it all with as much of a positive attitude and outlook that you can! Keep your vision and hope set Up Here – the Hope for all of mankind (or at least the ones who won’t fall for the enemy and his bunch)! So, don’t be dragged down by the evil influences and circumstances down there, but keep your vision Up Here, the final winning side! Don’t focus on what’s around you, but Up Here to strengthen it! Keep your vision up! (2016:97) Keep your mind focused on your true Home Up Here! Don’t be too discouraged about circumstances and conditions not being perfect down there! - One reason to focus Up Here. Keep your focus Up Here where you belong, your true Home, even if currently only perceived through faith! (2016:98) Put that faith and trust in Me to strengthen and lift up your courage, outlook and confidence in the fact that with My Help things are going to work out! (2016:99) Try to see the advantages of physically weakened conditions! Focus on the spiritual advantages! Don’t let your mood be geared by the physical circumstances, but keep your vision directed Up Here, toward Me and your true Home – by faith! (2016:100) Do not focus on circumstances, but on Me to help you handle them! Keep your vision directed and set Up Here… the only Hope to make it through! Aim your spiritual focus Up Here… the only Place that’s perfect! (2016:101) Remember to keep your vision Up Here instead of the circumstances down there! Keep a positive outlook in spite of any negative physical surroundings, conditions and circumstances! That’s one of the lessons of life: Not to let circumstances, surrounding, and even the state of other folks around you drag you down, but keeping your faith, vision, focus and outlook geared Up Here, your true Home, and toward Me, the Solver of any of your problems. (2016:106) One of the positives to point your vision and focus on, through the rough times: The Day I’ll come to pick you up! Keep your vision and spiritual focus – your expectation – geared towards that! – A positive outlook for a positive mood! Keep your vision on Me, the Light of the world, approaching after its greatest darkness to come! (2016:107)

It’s really getting time to turn your focus Up Here, where pretty much the better parts of everything dwell. So, keep your hopes and your focus pinned and directed Up Here, where there’s a much better chance for you to get a victory than by focusing on your surroundings and conditions down there! Don’t expect too much from what surrounds you, but keep your visions, hope, and faith set Up Here! Keep your focus directed Up Here, so that you can become a bigger source of hope and encouragement to those around you! Your true Home’s Up Here, so start clinging your vision and focus on It! (2016:108) Point your focus on Me and your heavenly Help, without which you won’t make it through the times to come! With the enemy’s skill of tempting folks with apparently irresistible evil… making it look so good and attractive to the flesh, I keep teaching you to gear your focus toward the Spirit. It’s good to keep your vision and focus pointed toward the One Who made it all, and resist the temptations of him, who – although still a spirit, too – has caused creation to wind up as an unpleasant place for those who prefer the good over evil. So, circumstances and conditions around you negative? Focus beyond them, the larger and everlasting Reality of the Spirit! (2016:112)

Keep your vision pointed at your true Home! (2016:115) No matter how troublesome the times down there, keep your focus set Up Here, from where the miraculous and heavenly changes will come to make something much better out of it all! Life isn’t Heaven on Earth right now, but rather a foretaste of the coming period of hell on Earth, but keep your vision on Heaven on Earth to come… even if it takes faith! (2016:117) It’s no more “Welcome to the machine,” but time to get out of it, for those who want to stay Heaven-bound, and not play part in that final part of hell on Earth! Keep your vision and focus on the far better option, even if that physically visible part around you doesn’t sing any hopeful tunes for it, and it’ll require a lot of faith in what you can’t see with your physical eyes to keep a positive and hopeful view on things! (2016:119)

Keep your vision on the Perfect Up Here through faith! (2016:122) Keep your vision Up Here, and don’t let the conditions down there become an excuse to disobey the Rules of the Law of Love! (2016:124)

In the flesh, the circumstances may seem like a catastrophe… and trust Me that it’s going to start looking a lot worse yet. But that’s precisely why you’ve got to gear your vision according to the Spirit… looking past the physically visible, at a greater victory beyond! (2016:126) If you don’t have much of a clue how to make it to the next destination right now, see it as preparation for the darkest times when seeing up ahead will require miraculous vision, insight and view! With a dark immediate future up ahead, steer your vision past and beyond it, to the bright future We’ll bring after that temporal dark slope! When the vision’s geared on temporal conditions and circumstances, you need a brighter vision of faith and hope beyond and past all that. If what’s expecting the world isn’t something positive to look at, look past and beyond it, where a positive outlook will be rewarded by “Our Kingdom coming!” (2016:128) Keep your vision and focus on Me – the Hope and glimpse that will see you through, along with others around you accordingly! Get your focus off those around you, and set it up Here! (16:132)

Wisdom As you learn to operate in Me, in My strength and wisdom, in the power of My Spirit, you cannot fail. (I:43) Whatever the circumstances are, I want you to look past and beyond them, through them, at the hidden blessing, the greater victory which will come about through seeming defeat; at the lessons and wisdom gained by means of an apparent loss, at the greater purpose of God, at the greater good which will always come forth out of supposed evil for those who love Me, at the beauty which will come out of the ashes of the old. (I:84) Put on My Spirit of meekness, and I will give you greater wisdom to fight! (I:99) Say, ‘Thank You, Lord, for handing us this situation! Could we now kindly hand it back to You, for You to take care of it? We can’t, Lord! We thank You for this terrific lesson, Lord, but You’re going to have to take care of the details, show us how to handle this and do the rest, the part we can’t...’ That is wisdom. That is faith. That is believing Romans 8:28. That’s trusting Me the way it pleases Me. That’s knowing that I’m in control. And no matter how grave the situation may look right this minute, by faith and by My grace, you’ll be able to laugh about it tomorrow, next week, or at the very latest when you’re with Me in My Kingdom. I’d be honored to prove Myself worthy of the trust you put in Me. (I:128) Be wise and share My light with them that sit in darkness, and turn as many to righteousness as will receive Me, and you will! (I:158)

If you want to fear anyone, fear Me! It’s the only wholesome fear there is. It’s a warm fear, because you know it’s going to lead you to do the right thing, and it’s the beginning of wisdom, the first step that leads you into the right direction. It’s not really ‘fear,’ but more like ‘respect’. You respect Me, you acknowledge Me, you check with Me, and you’re scared to make a move without Me, because you know you might land on your face otherwise. Let Me live, move, walk, talk, think in you, love them through you, talk to their hearts through you, touch them through you. Let them see Me through and in you... the secret power and source behind everything you do, every miracle you will work, every word of wisdom you will speak, every song you will sing. (I:208) Use greater wisdom and greater love – even for your enemies – in your communications with them. Live peaceably with all men, as much as it lies in you. It’s better not to write anything, than words which stir up strife. Witty words won’t get you out of trouble, only My power and wisdom will. (I:216) Shepherding requires being grounded and firmly rooted in the wisdom that is from above. (I:228) Stay alert and keep your eyes open for those golden opportunities to touch someone’s life, to influence someone for the good, which might bring eternal changes, to sow the seeds of My wisdom into their hearts – to teach, being instant in season and out of season... (I:247) You will understand and know that is has been worth it all, and you will rejoice in My wisdom. (I:303) "Fools laugh only in the sun", but a wiser man will have learned to find joy and laughter even in the rain. (I:315) I wish to make you stronger and wiser, and I only manage to do so by having you come to Me, desperately seeking My face and My help. (I:326) It’s not how much you know, but what you do with what you know... That’s wisdom. Knowledge puffeth up, love edifieth. (I:396) The fear of God is a good beginning, it is the beginning of wisdom, but it's not the end of it. (I:416) You can have all the wisdom of a god, but without love, it's still not the same. (I:421) Sometimes "bad" things aren't all that bad after all, especially not from My point of view, and when weighed against all the lessons learned and wisdom gained out of them, which drive people closer into My arms and put their outlook more into a realistic perspective. (I:442) You may have your little plans, but it's wiser not to make them without Me. (I:458) If you seek to do that which matters and bears importance according to the rules and standards of Heaven, you would be wise to seek things that glorify Me. (I:481) If you're wise, and you have the faith and insight it takes to really accomplish great things, you will actually realize that using My hands, instead of your own you can get so much more accomplished, like multiplying your own strength innumerable times over. There's still lots to learn. You'll be amazed how much wisdom there is yet to gain. We've hardly even gotten started yet. (I:485)

Be wise! It is in your power to choose to be so, instead of being foolish, just following your whims. Being wise means not to always follow your whims, but do those things which are going to be good for you in the long run. One big necessary step in acquiring wisdom is going slow and taking time to absorb My Wine for you, making sure it's really becoming part of you and you're not forgetting all the potentially life-changing truths I'm blessing you with. (II:58) Sometimes knowledge is the greatest stumbling block to divine revelation, because it interferes with what I would like to reveal to you and pipes up with its own input! When you come before Me, you must lay aside your own opinions, your own background information as much as possible, and any preconceived ideas and bias, otherwise a message can very easily become tainted by what you "know." "Forget what you know" is a good slogan. (II:90) Acknowledge Me instead of leaning to your own understanding! (II:91) Only those who look beyond and have greater wisdom than those who fall for Satan's lies, see the greater blessing and the greater, hidden reward beyond the apparent loss of the thing you gave away. (II:94) Learn to surrender to My plan, even when you can't see its wisdom and perfection fully yet, to just say, "I take thee," even if you still see flaws and imperfections, like when Hosea married the harlot Gomer. (II:105) Forget all you know! This is not a situation in which any of you can rely on your personal experiences or understanding, wisdom or knowledge, but one in which you're each going to have to seek Me. (II:108) My wisdom of love and obedience is higher than knowledge. Knowledge puffeth up but love edifieth. (II:166) Knowledge can be one of the enemy's greatest temptations, and it takes a lot of self-discipline to stay on the straight and narrow of the simplicity of My Gospel. (II:173) Whatever you learn or whatever knowledge you acquire, it's still best to "lean not unto thine own understanding," but "in all thy ways" to "acknowledge" Me. Without the Spirit, any knowledge is dead, just as works without love are cold and dead. It's the Spirit that makes the difference! (II:179) Godly wisdom and knowledge are gifts of the Spirit. You just have to discern between System input or carnal thinking, and My wisdom. (II:199) Great wisdom lies in the power to remember the things I've told you and revealed to you. (II:236) Some things may not have happened as you would have wished, but you are learning that those things that apparently went wrong in your life are the biggest sources of wisdom and invaluable lessons that will hold their value for eternity! (II:242) Without My wisdom, without that direct link between you and Me, you weren't able to see this, oblivious to your task and purpose in life and any clue on how to tackle it. But now you can see! Now you can hear My voice and receive the wisdom from Me to find out what you're supposed to do. (II:247) Be wise in being simple! (II:255) I can use only those who accept My wisdom as the supreme standard, who drink in the radical waters I have given for this time and age, to fight the battle over the souls of men in history's darkest hour. (II:277) Wisdom is so much more a matter of the heart than the mind. You've got to let Me plant My seeds into your heart, and you must absorb them with all your heart, not just acknowledge them with your mind. You've simply got to take the time for those seeds to really sink in. Learning is something that just can't be done in a hurry. (II:285) Which other way do you acquire wisdom but by pain and suffering and going through fiery trials and tests of faith? When someone has truly learned to trust in Me, you could call that wisdom. (II:290) Wisdom is more than acquiring knowledge; it's experiencing, yes even suffering the things you learn, just letting them be, and diving right into life. It's not holding on to what you've gathered, it's letting go of any false, temporal or carnal securities in exchange for the invisible, thin rope of faith you're going to be walking on instead... (II:303) You really gain wisdom not just by accumulating spiritual wealth and knowledge for yourself, but seeking ways to improve the world around you by passing on to others whatever you receive from Me! (II:305)

Acquiring wisdom is a process that happens over time. Knowledge can be gained pretty quickly and easily, but not wisdom. Wisdom is acquiring the right kind of knowledge, getting to know the right kinds of things, that don't just stuff your head with information, but help you make progress in your life and will be helpful and beneficial to others as well. (II:310) You ask Me to fill in the blanks, analyze the problems that caused you not to reach your destination the last time you set out, what caused you to fail and to go astray, you learn from it... that's how you acquire wisdom. (II:328) Wisdom is asking Me. Wisdom is availing yourself of My Power instead of trying to do it on your own. (II:507) If, instead of resisting and rejecting the pain and pressure, you receive and embrace and welcome it, then you'll really learn something, and will get to know things you will never know otherwise! That's where wisdom comes from. (II:511) If you learn things under the guidance of My Spirit you can truly learn and acquire wisdom that way. (III:51) You can avail yourself of the help and wisdom of those from beyond time, their wisdom and insight, their battle experience, in order to fulfill your destiny and do your part to contribute to the victory and triumph of good over evil. (III:59) Since "the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom," I let you continue and grow on the path of wisdom, past its beginning. Go on, walk down the road of wisdom! It's a "downhill" road, alright, since it won't take you to any high places in this world. Just like the wisdom of the world is foolishness with God, it's also the other way around: the wisdom of God is foolishness to men. (III:130) If you're wise, be like Me; give like Me; invest like Me, and pour out like Me, beyond measure, in great abundance, never withholding. (III:222) “The wisdom that is from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, and easy to be entreated, full of mercy and good fruits, without partiality, and without hypocrisy” (James 3:17), and involves a few more factors besides exposing the workings of evil. It sees how experiencing the fruits and results and consequences of evil is necessary for mankind in order to learn their lesson and for others to acquire that wisdom, too. (IV:20) If respecting God is the beginning of wisdom, do you think that’s a prize worth fighting for or something worth fighting to keep? If respect for God is the beginning of wisdom, I guess you might see what happened to wisdom in this world, and why and how it has practically vanished… Here you see the connection between the love of money being the root of all evil and the disappearance of wisdom: the love of money replaces the respect for Me, which is the beginning of wisdom. In other words, the love of money is the root of all evil because it’s the beginning of the end of wisdom… (2012:30) Be different and show some faith and some wisdom, and that you’re actually learning something from this School of Life and all these classes and lessons I’m giving you. (2012:55) It pays to learn to hang on to your energies and invest them wisely, and, should you run out, how to regain new strength Here. Chalk it up to getting older: this sort of wisdom and ability comes from the experience that is gleaned over the years. (2012:56) When someone has truly learned to trust in Me, you could call that wisdom. “If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God…” The problem is that most people don’t even consider wisdom worth acquiring so much that they’d even bother to ask for it… That’s the really pitiful part about it. When it comes down to it, what more valuable tool could you possibly ask for in order to help you navigate through this turbulent life successfully and safely? Laying down your life for others is the extreme opposite of such lack of foresight and wisdom. Greater love hath no man than this, also means, greater wisdom has no man. Instead of making your own immediate welfare your primary concern, you think farther ahead… much farther. (2012:57) Learning to deal with mistakes others are making, that you’ve made before is really a wonderful opportunity for learning how to love, showing what you learned, and apply that gained knowledge or wisdom (there’s a difference, you know?) in the right way, not in a self-righteous, preachy attitude, but one of true love and understanding. (2013:18) The only thing that gets better is your relationship with Me, if you cherish it enough and won’t neglect it, and the wisdom you glean from your experiences, if you take heed to life’s lessons. You’re aware of the fact that you’re a mess? Congratulations! Not many people in this world have currently attained to such a degree of wisdom! (2013:105) Questions come up in life… and certain answers don’t just show up rapidly… Sometimes wisdom arises after certain lessons have been taught and learned… It doesn’t just appear by itself without any efforts made in that direction… efforts to learn… (2014:34)

You need to keep praying for My wisdom to keep leading and guiding you! (2014:51)

Making someone better, stronger and superior in the flesh, does it truly make them spiritually wiser? All strength of the flesh, no spirit of wisdom… what does it show? Temporal strength; and it will fail. (2014:58) I’ll give you the amount of wisdom and knowledge you’ll need in the situation I send you to. (2014:62) It’s not all supposed to be that easy! You’re supposed to go through some things to gather and collect experiences, learn some lessons and thus gain some wisdom… Keep trusting in Me, keep looking at Me for hope, and listen to Me to gain wisdom! (2014:83) If fun is more important to you than wisdom, enjoying more than learning… well, then you might simply have to do some more learning later. (2014:84) There are only relatively few who appreciate My input and wisdom more than their own… (2014:91) Maybe you can use what I’m trying to teach you to make the here and now better already, and share that wisdom learned from a lesson with others, who might thoroughly appreciate it… (2014:136) It’s a faith-thing, whether you can appreciate humility or not. But blessed and wiser are those who do. (2014:147) So many people are doing things in their own strengths and wisdom, and you’ve been relying on those a bit, too. But now you’re getting into a stage in which you just need Mine more, and are dependent on them more: My strength and wisdom. So can you depend on those, instead of your own? It would be a large and huge part of wisdom you might need and wouldn’t regret getting into, I guarantee. (2015:35) Don’t just see the hard and tough times as a disadvantage in your life, but actually those times you will wind up gaining most of the wisdom from in the long run, and much greater usefulness in the future! (2015:59) Fun is okay, but wisdom and learning from life have greater values! Some things are more important than having fun, and learning what life has to teach you is one of them. Appreciate what I’m handing you to learn! – And through it, let that wisdom grow in you! It’ll make you more satisfied as you grow older than those times of having fun! So… wisdom or fun: which is the greater one? You should agree that gaining wisdom ought to play a greater role than being obsessed with having fun as much as you can. Take these days of your life as a new era, where those other things, like what you can learn from life, are more important than trying to enjoy whatever you can do in your spare time. The Holy Spirit has been described more as Wisdom than fun. So, try to live according to that bit of wisdom I’m trying to pass on to you right now, and make it a more important topic in your life than that former no.1! Make wisdom more important in your life than fun and enjoying life as much as you can! You’ll find out that in the end, gaining wisdom might even turn out to be more enjoyable, and definitely longer lasting than trying hard to have fun in a world taken over by the enemy because of most people’s choices to favour what he does and has to offer. (2015:72) It’s a tough battle to get through, but the closer it draws you to Me, and the more it makes you depend on Me and causes you to rely on Me instead of yourself and your own abilities, the more of an advantage of being taught wisdom that’ll help you through the times to come! (2015:86) Lessons keep being taught, and eventually you should learn a bit through them and gain a little bit more heavenly wisdom through it all. (2015:87) It’s not the weather, not the money, or a luxurious home that can get anywhere near the importance of the impact, or the greatness of the role that Love plays in one’s life; so it could only be wisdom not to neglect it! (2015:88) That’s what time will tell: whether there has been some wisdom acquired through the lessons of life. (2015:90) Don't keep trying to do things on your own or in your own strength or your own “wisdom”! Basically, one of the biggest lessons of world history is going to be that there isn't much genuine wisdom among people to rely on, and that it would have been smarter and wiser to depend on the Father's and Mine, and that of the heralds of Heaven, who would have been and are more helpful than folks down there know to appreciate! One of the wisest things you can do is realizing that you cannot just completely rely on your own understanding, but should cling to Me and your help from Above instead. (2015:98) When there are things to learn, it’s not necessarily always a fun or pleasant experience, but trust Me that it’ll make you wiser in the end, and eventually you’ll be grateful for it. Eventually you’ll appreciate the wisdom gained from lessons learned through experiences more than the fun times you’ve had in life! They’ll turn out more valuable than those others; enable you to understand others better and feel more for them and have more sympathy than when life’s just basically all about fun and pleasure. Getting into the channel of the Spirit, is getting into the Father’s Channel, the Channel of God, since He’s a Spirit; and anyone believing in His superiority above all those beings made of flesh will someday see they chose to believe in the proper wisdom,

and will be rewarded accordingly. – In the Spirit World, which is also far superior above the material world where the flesh presently rules… (2015:102) Trust and confide in Our wisdom instead of your own smartness, and you’ll see in the end that things will turn out better for you. (2015:116)

Relying on own abilities, which basically means, on one’s own flesh, is not really the blessed way to handle things and lead your life for Me, playing a part in that world soon to be taken over completely by the enemy, as if you could handle it all in your own strength and deal with it in your own wisdom. (2015:123) Trust and confide in Our wisdom instead of your own smartness, and you’ll see in the end that things will turn out better for you. Whether you keep putting your faith in the Hereafter and the There and Then or the here and now and whatever temporal gimmicks it has to offer, you can imagine which choice of the two I’d consider the greater wisdom. (2015:142) If Wisdom is the description of My Mother, the Holy Spirit, well… I’m sure you wouldn’t mind getting ahold of some more of that! (2015:145)

Not being able to keep trusting in your own mind’s solutions is not a disadvantage, but a great step forward to leaning on Me and the wisdom from Above, instead of any of your own. Leaning on the strength and wisdom from Above is definitely better! (2015:167) Rely on the Strength from Up Above, more powerful than your own, including a wisdom that’s more prone to know exactly what’ll be going on around you, which your own mind on its own at best will be able to guess… (2015:190) He that’s humble is wise. (2015:191) Gather some wisdom through life’s experiences, concerning what reaps good results, and what doesn’t. (2015:246) Wisdom and other gifts of the Spirit are not just naturally bound to fall on folks, but have to be gained through prayer and communication with Me and the Father through Me. (2016:20) Be wiser to put your trust in Me and Our Power, help and supply from Above! Looking for a better and more perfect place in this world may be a natural thing to do, but with the direction in which the state of the world’s going, may not be the wisest. Faith in a temporal system is not as wise as faith in the invisible, but yet much more real and lasting Powers and Forces from Above! (2016:52) Sometimes it’s the end that will tell the whole depth of a story, and makes apparent temporal apparent curses turn out to have been blessings, after all, even if that blessing will just turn out through the wisdom, experience and strength you’ve gained through it all. (2016:70) Avail yourself of Our heavenly Strength, Power and wisdom to make it up ahead, through the coming darkest times of world history! (2016:75) Those who’ve got greater respect for Me definitely try to be wiser in paying attention to what they sow into their lives, knowing that accordingly they will reap. (2016:102) Take gratitude and appreciation as a part of heavenly wisdom! – It’s wise to give thanks and be grateful what you’ve got and express that gratitude to your Maker and Supplier of all things. And a lack of that turns out to be unwise, doesn’t it? (2016:108) Coming to grips with your own carnal-minded faults is just one of those paths that convince you of the superiority of relying on spiritual reason and wisdom from Up Here. (2016:114) With physical abilities like memory going down, thus, with age also losing a bit of what they call intelligence… carnal knowledge… wouldn’t it be something if the godly wisdom would still thrive and become even stronger in you? As different as My views are compared to those of the world… let Me say the wise thoughts of the aged are impressing Me more than the high “intelligence” of their youth… and which one is more lasting? (2016:118)

The Word There’s nothing more important you can do than absorb and drink in My cleansing, purifying, strengthening Words. (I:5) Let Me kiss you with My Words, let Me love you with them, for they are My seeds that will bring forth the fruit that you and I desire. They are what will make us one, if you absorb them and let them mingle with your being. They are the everlasting Magic that will spring forth in miracles not seen, nor heard of. They are what will make you invincible. They will cause you to rise above this physical dimension. (I:11) The simple act of drinking in and receiving and believing the Word is already an active part of fighting the devil, as you will defeat doubts, thoughts of the enemy, clearing out his cobwebs and keeping your mind and heart clean of any of his dirt. ‘Now ye are clean through the Words which I have spoken unto you’. There’s nothing more important you can do than absorb and drink in My cleansing, purifying, strengthening Words. (I:12) My voice shall be heard in all corners of the Earth, and My Words will be known by all, great and small. (I:13) Each of My Words is worth infinitely more than the most valuable bill or coin. My Word has brought forth the universe, which has brought forth everything humans manufacture and produce and sell for a certain price in the first place. (I:16) Stay on the right channel by staying in My Word. (I:34) Only when you’ve grown wise and mature enough to truly believe that that world really has nothing to offer you, can you let go and fully focus on the sunshine of My love everyday and bathe your face in its light. (I:52) The more time you invest in the Spirit by delving into My Word, the more life you will reap. To fully absorb the Word, you have to dedicate yourself wholly to it, without distractions. (I:57) I have equipped you with My Word. It will restore light where there was a gray hazy mist of lies, it will be a bright beacon on your path, a clashing sword in battle. (I:63) Let the torrents and cloudbursts of My Word convert your trickle in the wilderness into a mighty, raging river, whereby many shall find life, strength and hope. (I:87) As long as you hold on to the rock of My Word, you won’t get washed away. Abide in Me, and abide in My Word. That’s the secret place, the shadow under the wings of the Almighty. (I:109) The more you dwell in My Word the better you know your weaknesses, for My Words are a mirror to your soul and an exposing light of the wickedness and deceitfulness of the heart of man. My Word is a two-edged sword, discerner of thoughts and intents of the heart, and if you really want to know the truth about yourself, study My Word. In fact, that's the main reason why most people shun My Word, because it reveals the ugly truth about them. (I:112) Ye are clean through the Words I have spoken unto you, and there is no wiser investment of your time, no greater treasure you can gather, than this. Only one thing is more blessed than to receive these Words, and that is to give them. Look for the next step I would like you to take. Like crossing a river: Look for the next stone or rock on which to put your foot. My Words, My instructions to you are like those rocks. And as you follow them step by step, you’ll eventually get to the other side safely. (I:114) If you continue in My Words you will receive the strength to do My works. What choice did you make today? Did you choose to sit at My feet and listen to My Words, or did you prefer to run out on Me again? (I:124) Hear! Hearken for the sound of My voice, My whispers, the Words from My lips, throughout the day! Keep an open ear for the checks and whispers your helpers would like to give you. (I:126) My Words of instruction will be your helm and rudder, steering you in the directions I tell you to. (I:132) The more you move into the realm of My Spirit and dwell in My Word, the more you will see things the way they are seen from Our side. (I:134) Eat and drink in My Words as if your every breath of life depended on them! And in order to completely and fully become that new creature, you have to obey My Word and ‘be transformed by the renewing of your minds!’ Get some faith by drinking in the milk of My Word! (I:140) When My thoughts will be your thoughts, My Words will be your words, all you will have to give to those around you will come from Me, and you will finally have learned to be like Me, a true sample of My love, a doer of My Word, not a hearer only. (I:142)

Trust Me that I’ve blessed you with riches, even when you can’t see them. Take My Word for it. Trust in My Words even when you don’t feel like it. (I:152) You have the power to bring life wherever you go. Your sharing the Word with people wherever you go makes all the difference there is between life and death! Without you and your pouring out the Word, there is only barren soil everywhere, being scorched by the heat. There may be fertile ground here and there, but we’ll never know until you give it a chance by sowing the seeds of My Word on them and watering them! (I:167) Let Me whisper My Words of love into your ears again and be wholly Mine! Feeding on My Word to help you grow spiritually, you obey by acting on what I told you through My Word. That's like the exercise that makes your spiritual body grow strong and muscular. (I:191) Cling to My Word as if it were all you’ve got! Do the Word! Make it merge with every fiber of your being. Rub it in as a precious healing balm and ointment that will heal and cleanse you from every ill, every weakness, every blemish! (I:202) Taking time to absorb My Words and My lessons daily, My revelations, and there isn’t in this world anything better you could do! These Words only apply to those who are choosing My Words to be the source of the very strength and essence of their life. If life, and everything ever created came about through My Word, why should it be surprising that that very same Word should also be the essence of your strength, energy and power in your personal life? Whatever happens to you who love My Words, it will always be for good and for the better, never for worse! You manifest your love for God by receiving the Seeds of Love, the Word of God, in your hearts. They’re more important than food, more important than money, more important than anything you can do. Keep in mind that these Words weren’t just destined for your ears only, but that you’re supposed to give’em to the world. (I:209) It’s more than ever time to delve into My Words. Put the emphasis on Me and My Word! (I:251) A person needs to have good, strong and clean faith, which is built by faithful study of My Word. The written Word is still the no.1 way of finding My will. (I:260) All you’ve got to cling to is My Word. You’ve got to put your faith in My Word, not in feelings, not in the manifestations or the fruit of My Word, but simply and purely in My Word itself. I have sanctified My Word even above My name, and heaven and Earth shall pass away, but My Words will never pass away, so, I think it’s a pretty good and solid foundation to build and base your life, your actions, your faith, your everything on, don’t you? So, if you’ve got nothing but My Word, it’s still pretty good! You’ve got nothing but that magic wand, but that can get you anything you need and want! Just learn how to wield it! The Word is the secret. The Word is the Power! (I:283) Make everything revolve around the Word! Missionary work is primarily established through preaching the Gospel, getting out the Word. Get back to the basics of getting the Words in and out, and you’ll see how everything will fall into place. (I:295) Neglecting My Word is like committing spiritual suicide, like starving your soul to death. Neglecting My Word is turning your back on Me, because I and My Word are one. So, in neglecting My Word, you’re neglecting Me, your Husband and Master, opening your mind, heart and life to another instead, the enemy, who would love to snatch you away from Me. (I:309) How do you lose the faith? - By neglecting the Word. It all boils down to the Word, or a lack of intake of the same. (I:312) Those who have chosen the good part of sitting at My feet, hungering for My Words, it will never be taken away from them! It's My Promise! (I:314) Come and jump into the waters of My Word, and you’ll be clean! (I:339) Your fears are mainly a lack of faith in My Words to you. Nobody’s forcing you to believe or obey My Words, but your happiness depends on it... (I:340) The only thing that protects My “elect” is the Word. Those who know My Word well enough and have chosen that good part, they are My very elect. (I:344) The only thing that truthfully reflects the state of your heart is My Word. Let it sink in deeply, for that’s the only thing that will heal it. (I:356) To look for details that “aren’t so” in My Word is one of the Devil’s oldest tricks. “Hath God said so? Ye shall not surely die!” And he was right: they didn’t. At least not right away. But the punishment was there, and I tell you, it was worse for them than death. When death finally came for Adam and Eve, it was like sweet relief from the pain and suffering they had brought upon themselves and the whole World by choosing to believe the Devil’s lie over My Word.

The Devil will always find something I said he can point his finger at and gleefully say, ”See? Not true!” to get you to discard the whole message, so you won’t believe and receive it, but rather believe his version. But you’ll be the one suffering the consequences. Whether you’ll die right away or later: you will know one day that your death – your spiritual death and decline – occurred the moment you chose to doubt My Word and disobey... you were just buried later. (I:357) Words are the building blocks of the universe. Through My Words the worlds were made (Heb.11:3), and if you follow in My footsteps, you must be aware of the impact of your words. You create or destroy with them. You either sow good seeds or weed seeds. There is no in-between. (I:358) There are so many things to learn from My Word... (I:408) As you learn to treasure these Words of Mine and our times together above all else, and as you learn to find greater satisfaction in these things of the spirit, you will also grow in the ability to seek My Kingdom first, which will result in greater obedience, thus greater blessings, and greater fruitfulness. (I:420) The light of My Word will shed light even on the darkest corners of history and the life of every man, and will show the difference between what was and could or should have been. The entrance of My Word giveth light. (I:421) Live My Words and be a sample of one who faithfully absorbs them and puts them into practice! Let them sink in and transform your being! (I:426) In order for your spirit to grow, you've got to take the consumption of Me and My Word as seriously as you take the nourishment of your bodies! Your spirits start to yearn and groan and become sick when you don't feed on My Word. "The entrance of My Word giveth light", and life and love, and strength, and faith and all that you need in order to go through the battles of this life successfully, so, don't neglect it, but give it first place! (I:428) If people would only let My Word be the discerner of the thoughts and intents of their hearts... There are many who don't really let the light of My Word shine deep down into the dark corners of their hearts. - So few desire truth in the inward parts. (I:429) My Words to you are not just pretty Words to enhance your life or make it easier. They're instructions that will turn you into a better man, something more like Me, and I'm requiring that progress of you. (I:493) How much time do you invest in acquiring that good gold from Me by spending time in My Word, strengthening your spirit for the battle? You've got to have it in before you can get it out. (I:514) Those who are totally sold on Me and My Word, who believe that I truly can never fail, will still hold true to My Word, even if they can't see it fulfilled yet before their eyes. Sometimes you have read My Word all your life, and yet you have never really lived it, never really gotten the point of that passage you memorized or read or heard a thousand times. "Yes, I know all that," you say. But, have you ever really tried it? Have you tried to live it and to experience it, to put it into action and effect and to the test? Have you found out how happy you can be if you don't only know these things but actually do them? That's "New Bottle-ness": the openness and readiness to let Me reveal something completely new to you, even by means of an "old" verse or quote that you may have heard a hundred times before, and the willingness to apply it to yourself today, right now, in a new and radical way you may have never considered before. (I:536) Nothing like getting into the Word for staying on My channel... (I:541) You need to have daily clean-ups, get rid of the enemy's dirt first, be washed clean with My Words, before you're going to be able to enjoy that heavenly happiness. (I:553) The Word is your greatest and most valuable gift. The Words are the spiritual music, the tune and key that makes all My children around the World tic, and the most powerful weapon. I will honor your faith you have put in My Words and your love for My Words. (I:583) Your desires and goals were altered by My Word. My Word made you aware of the truly important things in life, and so your priorities changed. (I:598) If My Word is your strength, you should read it. You don't leave your sword lying in a corner while you're going out on the battle field. You believe in the Word as much as you read it. So, if you want your faith to grow and become a force that's real in your life, just use the Word. The most precious gift I have given you is My Word. (II:8) Use the sword of the Word against your foes! Exposing them in the light of My Word is one of the best remedies and most powerful arms against them.

Get on the attack with the white-hot sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God, and cut the Devil to the heart! The Word is your most important weapon of attack, use it! It will solve many of your problems and strengthen your connection with Me. You want to see things My way? Read My Word! You want to think My thoughts? Study My Word! You want to be strong in the Spirit? Absorb and eat and drink in My Words, and you will be! The secret of basically everything you long for lies in the Word. It's the magic seed that's going to bring the fruit in your life that you desire. It's the golden standard that'll help you see things clearly, according to My rules and standards, it's the light on your path and a lamp unto your feet. So, if it gets dark and dim all around you, just turn on that power torch of My Word, and light up the landscape all around you. (II:9) My Word shall not return unto Me void, and the Words that have created and formed the worlds will certainly also be able to make you that which you're supposed to become in due time. (II:48) The main ministry to the world is to minister to them My Words for today. Just like it was necessary for them to listen to My Words 2000 years ago, so it is today, and even more so, for the times are even more perilous and dark. The greater the darkness, the more needed is the Light of My Word. To neglect My Word is to refuse the torch that would light up your path, and to insist on continuing to walk in darkness. If you really want to know the truth, just use My Word, consume My Word, read it and eat it! (II:50) A lack of a vacuum for My Word is one of the biggest and saddest problems among My followers today. Without My Word you can't make it! Without My Word it's no use! Without My Word you're destined to lose! If you neglect My Word, you neglect the most important weapon I have given you to fight this war, you're neglecting your daily food, you're neglecting Me! Without taking in sufficiently of My Word you will wind up too weak for the battle, when you could have become valiant and strong. Blessed are they who exercise themselves therein, who neglect not My Word, nor My voice, but who sharpen their ears to catch My every whisper. It marks the difference between life and death. It marks the difference between success and failure, between being an overcomer, or one who is being overcome by the world. Where will your faith to overcome the world come from? From My Word. I am the Word, and I have overcome the world, and through Me you will overcome also, but you cannot if you neglect Me. My Word is the essence of Me, and My Word is the essence of My Power and everything you want and need to know about Me. You want to know about Me, about the future, about the meaning of life and what it's all about? Read My Word! Be wise and don't neglect it. For to hearken thereunto is the path of life. (II:51) They have become alienated from the Life of God because they have neglected the Words - which are the Spirit and Life - of God. They think they know better. Faith is not built on feelings, but by the fact that My Word says so. Often something you will read in My Word will cause you to have unpleasant feelings. You may not like what I have to say. But does this mean that what I said is wrong? The devil's first appearance in the Garden of Eden was with the intention to get Eve to doubt My Word. "Hath God said...? Surely it is not so!" (II:76) The solution is My Word, and it has to remain pure, and clean, and untouched of any element of self, and it cannot be tainted or overshadowed by any display or promotion of self. As soon as you determine that what you want to promote completely is My Word, and nothing else but Me and My Word, that everything else, your gifts, your talents, your music, your songs, your self - are only tools you want to apply and use in order to bring that gift to mankind, you'll feel My Spirit flowing through you and spur you on to action. (II:77) In order to receive My pure and untainted input, you must spend time with Me in My Word! (II:90) See and find out what a powerful anchor My Word and Promises can be to prevent you from erring and drifting away! (II:96) Faith does not stand on feelings, emotions or "chemistry," but on the fact of My Word. (II:107) Not forgetting but remembering My relevant counsel during moments when you're being attacked and your faith is being tested is pretty much what it's all about... when I'm testing you to see whether you really learned the lesson I've been trying to teach you through My Word or whether it just went in one ear and out the other. As long as you're listening, there's hope, because My Word will not return unto Me void. Of course, the more you remember it, the more you help Me to fulfill that promise and really make it happen and have My Word bear fruit in your life. It's not the amount of Word you know that matters, but the amount of Word that you live! It's got to become part of you, it has to come from your heart, and must be visible in what you live. (II:147) It gives Me pleasure when My believers delight in My Words, both, new and old. There is more to discover in My Word, more excitement to glean from it, than from the whole caboodle of worldly knowledge and entertainment combined. (II:154) How do you deceive yourself by just being a hearer of the Word instead of being a doer? By believing the devil's lies that it won't work for you! (II:172) Stick to the discernment of My Spirit; always verify intuitions or feelings with My Word and counsel to you! (II:177)

There's no excuse for not getting in the Word! As long as you're taking in My Word, you're gathering with Me. My Word will never return to Me void. If you receive My Word and take it in faithfully, sooner or later your faith will have grown to the point where you will find an outlet and where it will benefit others as well. But as soon as you stop receiving it and you stop drinking it in and feeding on it, you're programmed to spiritual starvation, death and decline. (II:190) If you keep focusing on the Word as your most important priority, it's going to work like magic, because My Word is the Magic! The Greatest Magic from before the beginning of time! The eternal magic! Because it gives you faith, the power to move mountains, and what greater magic is there than that? (II:191) Things change in the spirit the very moment you make the decision to let something else take the priority over the most important thing in your life - the Word. (II:195) The greatest way in which you can manifest your faith in My Words is by obeying them. (II:198) Prayer and My Word are the factors that are going to see you through, not the reliance on your own abilities. Lethargy, selfishness and pleasure will always promote your own ends in your mind, and all that's there to counter them is My Word and the voice of My Spirit, the anti-flesh, the anti-ego "movement" in the world of your mind. (II:210) You have to increase the intensity with which you absorb My Word! It has to really sink in before it can yield the desired fruit and results. Don't just read and hear, but learn and grow! (II:257) You must allow My Words to really sink into your hearts! That's from where the fruit of learning comes. You've got to let Me plant My seeds into your heart, and you must absorb them with all your heart, not just acknowledge them with your mind. You've simply got to take the time for those seeds to really sink in. Learning is something that just can't be done in a hurry. (II:285) Being a "hearer only" of the Word won't do it. And one of the first ways to become a "doer" of the Word is by memorizing and reviewing it. Use the weapon of the Word more militantly, fully absorb it! Soak it in to the very fiber of your being. Rub that hyssop of My Word deeply into your heart, think on it, meditate on it and write it on the tablets of your heart! (II:286) I want My followers and brides to become more acquainted with and more skilled in the use of their spiritual weapons of loving Me intimately, prayer, praise, the Word, the keys, their spirit helpers and prophecy. (II:287) You didn't put your faith primarily in My Word, but in what you saw. Because everybody was so involved in the fruit and manifestations of the Word, the Word itself wasn't kept in first place. (II:305) The only thing that's stable, that's going to outlast any other factors involved in creating or affecting your moods, is My Word. It's the solid rock on which your faith can stand firmly, even when your feelings seem to sway. The tighter you cling to that rock, the more stable your emotional household is going to be, the less easily you'll be swayed by your feelings. Only the fact of My Word is strong enough to build and pull up your faith to the extent that it will be able to pull up your feelings to a steady and stable level, where you won't easily be swayed by moods anymore, feeling distant from Me, or easily irritated or aggravated or whatever. Because (if you stand on My Word) you'll know I'm always right there. You won't allow your feelings to tell you anything different, even if I allowed some seeming atrocity to happen to you. What you need more of is trust, and trust comes through faith, which again comes only through My Word. Make greater efforts to really absorb My Word and actively strengthen your faith through it! (II:348) If you follow My counsel and you heed to it and pay attention to My Words, you will be safe. (II:382) You’re going to have to absorb My Words much more deeply into every fiber of your being, if you want them to bring forth fruit from Me. (II:385) You have to fight to remember My Words, and not let their power slip through your hands by simply forgetting what I've been telling you. That's why it's so important to read My Word and remember, to remind yourself of what I'm telling you, to keep them in your heart! (II:392) Some think they find Me in their own minds, instead of in My Word. They underestimate the importance of My Word, which I have given as a standard to discern between right and wrong, true and false, truth and lie. (II:449) My Word has creative Power. My Word unlocks your understanding to greater things, which you didn't know before. (II:463)

Only the entrance of My Word giveth Light. All the other things may give you temporary comfort, diversion, or even a certain degree of inspiration, but only the entrance of My Word in your hearts, minds and lives brings the kind of Light that is going to bring forth the fruit of the changes and results you'd like in your life! Other things can give you entertainment or even a few good thoughts or feelings, but only My Word can act as an effective tool and weapon to actually change your life for the better. (II:503) The entrance of My Word giveth Light, it creates the difference between that darkness of an empty and meaningless life, and one that sees purpose and fulfillment in everything. (II:523) It's what makes you separate: My Word. The sword of My Word, a divider for some and bringer of new life for others, is the very force that brings about this separation. The more you live and dwell in it, the more different you will become from them, the more you won't fit in, and the more they will oppose and reject you, just as they have rejected Me, because My Word is Me, and through My Word, you become like Me and one with Me and in opposing and rejecting you, they oppose and reject Me. (II:587) My Word shall not return unto Me void, and the Words that have created and formed the worlds will certainly also be able to make you that which you're supposed to become in due time. (III:86) You’ve got to keep washing yourselves with the Word every day, and some folks don't even realize to what extent they need that washing. On the other hand, the dirt is what makes the water and the washing necessary. If you were clean already, then what would the washing of the Word and the regeneration of My Holy Spirit be good for? Most people consider themselves clean and look upon others as dirty. But when you look through My eyes, and you have washed your heart and mind with My Words, you can see through the eyes of faith and see both, yourself and others as clean by faith. Folks with a greater "history" of "dirt" will usually make sure they're availing themselves much more regularly and desperately of the hyssop of My Word, and the regenerating Power of My Spirit. They know they need it. How much do you realize you need My Word, My Spirit, My Input, you need Me? (III:149) If you go by your own impulses and let only your own senses direct you instead of My Word, then you're bound to wind up in a mess, because your earthly senses will always lead you toward earthly things and in an earthly direction, whereas only My Word can truly give you the heavenly perspective of things. (III:197) You manifest your love for God by receiving the Seeds of Love, the Word of God, in your hearts. They’re more important than food, more important than money, more important than anything you can do. (III:209) What people think about you is totally and completely irrelevant. All that matters is that you will be ready to feed them the Words of Life that they will need in order to survive, a voice of hope in the time of their greatest darkness... (III:250) You can go by no other indicator but My Word. I want My Word – the mere fact that I said it – to be enough for you to go by and put all your cards on. My Word – the title deed of ownership of the impossible! There isn’t more I really need, than one single person to believe Me for My Word, and believe that I’m going to do it as I said, even is spite of the total lack of visible evidence for it! (III:408) The main purpose of My Word is not to instill a feeling in you, but to provide you with truth as a foundation to build your faith on. (III:437)

It’s all a matter of believing My Word and acting on that faith, instead of throwing all I ever said to the wind in an endless pursuit for something that is never going to happen. In remembering My Words and clinging to them is found the sort of peace you can’t find anywhere else. If you abide in Me and My Words abide in you, they will bring forth in you the kind of fruit you and I desire. (2011:100) My Words and Promises to you aren’t the same as human words. They go a lot farther than those of any human ever could. In fact, the distance by which the effect of My Words in your life exceeds that of human words is infinite. I and My Words are one. They are the factor that makes you special, makes you excel and rise above the rest of the crowd, even if not in an obvious way. It has been one of the Enemy’s oldest tactics to devaluate My Words in people’s minds. The one thing he will always try to do is destroy their faith in them, that’s why you have to guard that faith in My Words with all you’ve got and hang on to it for dear life. (2011:144) It behooves you not to forget My admonitions and the Words of comfort I’ve poured out to you over the years, and not to despise them or underestimate their effectiveness and importance. They’re what will see you through, even when nothing seems to be right anymore, and nothing seems to make sense. They are a light on your path and a lamp onto your feet; and the greater the darkness, the more evident their usefulness, effectiveness and purpose. All you’ve got is My Word for it, but all you’ve got is all you need in this case. (2012:9)

What you would like from others is what I would like from you: that you would pay more attention to My Words, and not forget them so easily. (2012:40) You are clean through the Words which I speak to you, so if you want to become clean in My sight, spend time with Me. Otherwise the filth just accumulates and it gets to the point where you can no longer stand yourself. (2012:48) This rod of My Word in your hand will turn out something quite more valuable in the long run, when I’m through with this planet and this story’s been told, you’ve got My guarantee for that! (2012:98)

In order to find people to teach My Word, you’re going to have to look for them, and that’s the bulk part of the work. (2012:105)

The deterioration you see taking place in the world all around you is a confirmation of My Word; and if that part is coming true, you can also rest assured that the other, more pleasant predictions are coming true as well. (2012:111) That’s the difference between the words the “sons of the dragon” give, and the Word I give: Mine is kept, theirs is broken. (2012:125)

Seek not only the seed of My Word, but also the coming to fruition of it, the result, the action, the fruit! (2012:174) As I said, “Heaven and earth will pass away, but My Words won’t” (Mt.24:35). If everything was created by My Words, it stands to reason that it pays to tap into that Resource, doesn’t it? Words have become so worthless, since they’re so plenteous and cheap in the world. But what makes the difference, and what it all depends on is who’s the one who issues them, and if they come from Me, you can bet they’ll make a significant difference! What could be more important? The shopping, cleaning and cooking will always have to be done, and can be a never-ending treadmill. The one factor that will prevent all that from being vicious, dead humdrum, is the spice of My Word added to it. You add the Factor that brought about all life in the first place, and you’re adding the factor that can bring life back into the seemingly deadest chore. As long as you’re a carrier and living recipient of My Word, you’ll always have something to give and pass on to folks, even if they can’t unwrap it or figure out what it is. It’ll be the one difference that will really make a difference in the end and in the final analysis of all things: How much attention did you pay to Me and My Words, how much did you care about what I had to say? (2013:16)

Making it, after a rough stretch, gives you a great feeling that I’m still around, that I’m still true to My Word and not a liar or fooling you, doesn’t it? It may take a while sometimes for things to actually turn out the way I say they will, but when they do, it gives you that affirmation that you put your money on the right horse and trusted the right guy, after all, even after everything having seemed to be the opposite for a while. The doubting Thomas’s who have to put their hand into My wounds in order to believe, are quite plenteous, but few are they who believe when there’s nothing else to go on but My Word. (2013:17) My Word indeed holds out stronger than the empty promises you’ve gotten to know a-plenty from different people. (2013:59) In the end, you always find out that the only Words that give you peace are the ones you receive from Me. Like Peter said, “Where else should we go? You alone have Words of everlasting life.” Give it some more time and invest in your faith, which comes from hearing the Word, which is Who and What I am. (2013:63) It’s really all you’ve got that makes the fundamental difference between you and the rest of the world: My Words. Everybody does shopping. Everyone else seeks to fill their own physical needs, and spend their hours working at it… That’s nothing special. But the one thing you’ve got that they don’t have is My Words, and the faith in the difference they can make; the faith in their Promises, that there will be something better, and it’s obtainable to you right now through My Words. (2013:81) I’ve got the ability to lend supernatural strength to whomever I will, like Samson. You just need to drink in that magic potion of My living Words to you. Remember, to believe literally translated from the original Greek word, means to drink in! The act of drinking in My living Word will give you the faith to do the supernatural, the humanly impossible. (2013:97) You should be spending more time with the Word I’m giving you to establish your faith. (2014:15) Let Me and My Words fill you with courage and positiveness! Let Me and My Word prove to you that We’ve got the bolder part of all things, so don’t be afraid! (2014:38) Want the truth? Stay with Me and get My Words…! (2014:145) It’s good to lose what you had when you neglect taking in what gave it to you, in order for you to learn what you ought to spend time with… in this case, the Word. All in all, spending sufficient time in God’s Word is what you need in order to make sure you’re in the right spirit. Otherwise you just might run out of the strength that you need… and, hey… if I and the Father have created this

world through the Word and have made the Spirit available to all followers through it, sounds like you shouldn’t neglect it, doesn’t it? (2014:150) If you can tell and recognize the powerful and creative effects of the Word, you can get an idea just how grand, great and important it might be to you, if you’re a child of God and have faith that you want to grow. Like this you can recognize the greatness and importance of the Word, which might help you not to underestimate or neglect it. See, if everything that’s physical was made and created by the Word of God, it must be pretty powerful, no? That would be a reason not to neglect it! - If it was powerful enough to create the entire universe and all that’s in it… Sounds like something quite powerful, doesn’t it? Learning this you’ll be recognizing the difference between what it is that man produces, and what God produces through His Word. Eventually you’ll recognize the difference, which will make you appreciate the Word more… The Word can fill your mind and spirit with visions of much better looking creations than the temporal ones… a reminder of the existence of a better World. (2014:151) My Word shows what I am, capable of protecting My disciples, followers and brides through any evil times, and currently preparing you for the worst one, to make sure you’ll make it through it. (2014:175) What does My Word teach to put an emphasis in: your own strength and your own mind and intelligence, or My Spirit, My mind and leadership? (2014:187) Isn’t it one of the main topics of the Word, that even if things don’t seem very likely to be worked out, they wind up being worked out through the help from Above? Miracle power works. (2015:14) You’ll understand from now on better why it says in My Word that you should pray non-stop and all the time! You can see the reason, now that you’re experiencing how permanent the enemy’s efforts can be to drag you down. (2015:32) Just hang on to these Words of Mine, and don’t let their fulfillment fall down on you and fail you by neglecting them! (2015:35) Reality is a bit hard to distinguish in some aspects these days, so try all you can to remember the truth you have learned from Me and through My Words and the Father’s! Hang on to the Word of God as a far better alternative to what the world is currently offering and causing folks to see! There’s something better Up ahead, by faith! (2015:57) When you’re too busy to spend enough time to study My Word, that means you’re just too busy! Remember that it makes your faith grow a lot more, because “faith cometh by hearing…the Word of God” (Rom.10:17). And since faith is very important in your life, so is the Word. (2015:87) It’s a good sign you’re hungry for My Words and input. (2015:95) The Word doesn’t make a better person out of you just by absorbing it into your brain! It’s the heart that matters. Especially if the key theme around it all, and the entire meaning of life – as the very nature of the Creator – is love… and that’s manifested by your actions, and not just by the theoretical setup of your mind! (2015:140) If you stick to My Word (Mt.10:40), you’ll know that they who receive you may nowadays be receiving Me and My spiritual Presence along with you. (2015:250) Even if your faith seems to disappear in the dark night, let Me pep it up for you again through My Words, through which it comes! (2016:97)

All depends on how much you keep believing in the Word. – Of which I was the incarnation as John wrote. Keep the faith that We know what We’re doing, okay? Even if it does take that faith to believe in it, which is why I keep feeding you My Words and input… to keep making it grow. Remember that “faith cometh… by the hearing of the Word of God.” – Even if it means you’ve got to keep hearing it from day to day to make it grow again – from scratch! If the world was created through the Word… why shouldn’t It manage to reinstall your faith, even on a daily basis? Even if it bugs you that every day you wake up you’re not perfect, circumstances around you aren’t perfect… but if you just keep that faith in Me and My Word, or let that faith grow anew through My Word, if I can handle it and live with it, can’t you? Let it be a warning to you about how easy it is for folks to lose their faith, so keep in touch with Me daily to keep it! (2016:133)

Works, Accomplishment & Achievement Sometimes, in your blind ambition to just get something accomplished for accomplishments' sake, you failed to get the point that it's all a gift in the first place: Life is a gift, and I want you to enjoy it. So, forget about that whole accomplishment trip and just do whatever little bit you can each day and for My sake, enjoy life! It's the only way you'll ever convince anybody that you've got something better than they, that they'll want to have as well. (II:260) You wish you had never strayed and never listened to those voices that were urging you to give in to those cravings that promised you how much grander things you could accomplish on your own... Those who hold on and who won't fall for that trap have got a mightier thing going than anything anyone could accomplish on their own, no matter how great or strong they may be or think they are. Because this is My doing, and it has been from the beginning. What you accomplish in it is not quite as important as that you stick with it, remain a part of it, help to maintain it and do what you can to keep it functioning. (II:283) If you're longing for accomplishment and lasting achievements that count, it's the ordinary little folks who do most of that, while the rest are too busy trying to attract attention! (II:284) You are what matters to Me, much more than what you do. (II:299) Only when you get to the point where you can truly look success and failure in the eye in the very same way, and can say, "The Lord hath given, the Lord hath taken away, blessed be the name of the Lord, and all the glory is His..." only then can I trust you with great works, accomplishments and achievements. It’s got to be Me and all Me doing it and working it in you and through you, nothing else. No element of self, whatsoever. Not even the slightest hint of the danger that you might ever talk about the things "you're" accomplishing. (II:384) Don't worry about accomplishment and achievement! What's more important, is - as I told My disciples - that your righteousness exceeds that of the Scribes and Pharisees, that your sample is a better one than that of phony and hypocritical church Christians, that your faith is something more real and living than false and dead religion! (II:413) My work and personal pride and ambition just don't jive. I call dedication to a job, when someone is just so willing to become whatever they're supposed to become, they forget about everything else. They're willing to do the humble thing, to play the lowly role, they're willing to not look so hot, or even downright ugly for the Cause, the message coming across. The message is what counts, and all they consider themselves is a humble vessel to bring it across, nothing else. (II:473) There's more, lots more out there to win and gain and accomplish for Me. The point that trying to accomplish things in the flesh is futile doesn't mean that you're not supposed to accomplish anything. (II:474)

Great accomplishments accompanied by the applause and praise of men are not what counts with Me. What counts with Me and is much more important to Me than all that is how much you obey what I tell you. (II:514) Your accomplishments are not what matters most to Me. Wait and depend on Me, trust in Me every step of the way through a project, instead of leaning to your own understanding! (II:574) Good works can never buy you all the love you need. It's got to be My grace from start to finish. (II:576) Nothing is as valuable to Me as when My followers love and serve each other. All else is relatively insignificant: your personal achievements, your successes, your works. (II:584) Your most important accomplishment is your time with Me! The people you're trying to impress are there today and gone tomorrow, but I'll always be there! (II:603) There's always more you could accomplish, some more progress to be made, some ground to be won. (II:609) It takes a while until people slow down and cease from all their running around and acquiring and achieving, in order to realize that there is something more. They realize with all they accomplished they're still not truly happy, that there still must be something more. (II:611) For someone who determines their own personal worth by their works, accomplishments and service to others, it is hard to stand by and see others praised or appreciated for theirs. They think, it's something that's being taken away from them. It's the same root of the problem as is found in jealousy. Of course, it's not rational, reasonable or justified, but just the way pride distorts things. Once you realize and learn how pride works in different minds, it's a lot easier to deal with it, expose it and to overcome. (III:51)

Although it's a natural urge to accomplish things you can be proud of, you must realize that this urge is part of the natural man that is at enmity with God. (III:55) Those who are too busy worrying, "what's in it for me?" and wondering about the amount of glory they're going to get, usually never really accomplish the kind of things that count, simply because the wrong spirit is behind it... the wrong incentive. The position of your heart in these matters of accomplishment is just as important as the positions of individual pieces in a machine, or some sophisticated equipment. But that's in a way, what lots of people do, like that old saying, they put their carts before their horses. It's the horse power that's got to do the job, otherwise the cart isn't going to get anywhere, and that applies to your relation with Me, too. (III:63) You have to make sure that your work is bathed in a spirit of trust and calm. It's important that I am in it. The Holy Spirit can be easily shooed away, when She feels like She has been replaced by some spirit of feverishly trying to accomplish something, instead of fully leaning on Me. Fight for a greater Presence of My Spirit in your work! (III:121) Just give Me a chance to work through you! You're saying "yes" to Heaven when you stop to pray and give Me a chance to work through you. If you just stay close to Me, no matter what happens and is going on around you, My Spirit will just keep working in you and through you. Just remember to let Me and your helpers do it through you! (III:122) You must never allow yourself to make a god out of your work, not even for a moment. Even if people interrupt you, they still come first. (III:131) I'm putting a lot more emphasis on how you do things, in what spirit, and with which motivation and incentive, than the amount of things you accomplish. You may be thinking you're accomplishing so-and-so much and mentally pat yourself on the back for it, and maybe coast on the laurels of your accomplishments, but if that keeps you in a spirit of complacency instead of desperation and humility, then the purpose is actually defeated. How much do you really accomplish? How close are you really to the goal I have set before you, that which you would call fulfilling your destiny and the purpose for which you were created and ordained? Sometimes folks can hide behind some great accomplishments and achievements of theirs, while all the while really pitifully failing at what I would really like them to do. (III:135) The spirit of accomplishment kills that spirit of love sometimes. Because love takes time to really find out and investigate about the background of the story, it doesn't judge prematurely. Love takes the time to care. While the spirit of accomplishment takes up and eats up that time. It just takes time for the things it deems most important and worthy, judging by what's to be seen on the surface. It doesn't dig deeper. The world of the man of accomplishment is going down, and only the world of the man of love will last. You've got to have the right basis for your works, and the only right basis for any works and accomplishments wrought for Me is love. (III:147) "Thou shalt love" was the first and greatest commandment, not "thou shalt accomplish." It’s a lot more important to Me that you be a living sample of My Love, than just another accomplisher. Just fulfilling your duty and hiding behind your job or position, the purpose of what you're doing it all for in the first place is getting lost, not to be found under the rubble of accomplishment, meaningless action and going through the motion. The level of love you maintain even just among yourselves is more important than whatever you try to accomplish for Me. It cannot be accomplishment for the sake of recognition from all the others who are just going through the motions for similar reasons. I will reward you for your faithfulness to Me, and for doing what you did, but it won't be comparable to what you could and really should be doing and accomplishing by daring to be different. (III:155) Only God can see you through to accomplish what He wants you to, and He cannot use you until you're ready and will have learned that. (III:157) People can hide behind their good works and keep themselves busy with doing all kinds of good things in order not to have to think about themselves. One simply cannot start overcoming a certain weakness until they become aware of it. It's something they need to work on! It may be the most unpleasant of all work, but folks like to sweep it under a carpet sometimes and just go to work at those things that will yield a better reflection on themselves and give them a better image. (III:175) There’s lots more I can accomplish through you, if you allow Me. (III:209) The Power that makes things happen comes from Me, from My invisible, eternal Realm... and as you have already realized, more often in spite of yourselves and your lack of faith, lack of wisdom and lack of anything that would merit such great

accomplishments and feats than because of any attributes of your own, so that it's all a work of My grace and no flesh should glory in My Presence. (III:227) People are too much into their gear of ever doing things and accomplishing things, instead of just letting go and letting Me... It's true that your rewards are going to be given you according to the works you did, but the best possible you can do to begin with is to just yield and be a vessel to Me, so that I can fill you with the right kind of energy, the right kind of incentives that are going to enable you to do the kind of works that require My strength to do it through you, so that you can give Me the glory for them. (III:240) Don’t be surprised that I’ve had to lead you away from your former position of some sort of visible and audible accomplishment, because accomplishment can really be dangerous, when that’s what you identify yourself with, your value, and you begin to think you’re something or someone because of it. It’s always the healthier path to be reduced to nothingness in the eyes of the world, because what the world needs least of all is another big shot somebody who thinks he really is something based on what he has accomplished… You are what you are, not what you accomplish. While what you do defines you, you’ve got to be fair, and take all that you do into that equation, not just point out and boast of your good works, but also take into account your failures, shortcomings and sins. How much is left of your good deeds when weighed against all that? That’s why those accomplishments don’t really mean anything to Me, because I know all the other stuff, too, that you don’t care to show off, and usually even try to hide from yourself. I’m not all that easily impressed by good works, although I am proud of you and commend you when you do make genuine progress. But don’t try to kid Me or yourself or anyone else into thinking you’re all good, based on your good works and accomplishment, if you’re leaving half the story – or more – untold and out of the equation. Not what goes into a man is what defiles him, but what comes out of him, namely, his words. And “If I justify myself,” – very commonly done by good works and accomplishments – “my own mouth shall condemn me” (Job 9:20). (12:177) If you do it right, it’ll help you to let Me work through you more. (15:138) What’s expecting you in Heaven will be much better and more valuable and lasting than any earthly, material success and achievement. Learn how to live up to the heavenly goal, not just getting stuck in earthly and temporal achievements! (15:232)

Have a little hope that it all makes sense, even if you may not be able to base your faith on the statistics of your accomplishments! (15:250) The less you’re able to accomplish things on your own, the more you need to rely on Me, My Strength, Help and Power to do it. (16:101)

Managing things in your own strengths and capacities doesn’t always (or even often) result in what I would like you to accomplish for Me. (16:127)

World, The In this world and in this life, there will hardly ever be a completely perfect day or hour or even a completely perfect minute, for you’re constantly surrounded by the results of the curse. (I:9) Look not at the waves, nor at the wind, at the state of the world, much less listen to their doubtful opinions, but stay close to Me and stand up for Me. (I:17) Your discomfort is what makes you feel not at home in this world, which is what I desire, so you seek Me and My Kingdom first. (I:22)

The more you let go of this World, the more you will cherish My World, the World of everlasting ecstasies, instead of fleeting pleasures. (I:40) You will soar and rise above, way above this world and its ways, for I have given you the crazy faith to set your affections on things above. (I:43) The Devil has deceived the world away from the way things are in My World: to have them thinking that crying is something bad. Well, with so much to cry about when you look at the sorry state of the world, it’s definitely better to cry than to laugh away your life in silly foolishness, like so many of them do. The Devil’s entertainments and amusements are distractions that lure you away from thinking about reality. The reality that the world is in such a poor state, you should be crying instead of laughing! You should be shedding tears in desperate prayer for all the heartless injustices, cruelties and torturous crimes that are being committed every day, and pray like a house on fire that you won’t be found guilty of their sins, too, by participating in their delicacies they derive out of other people’s pain. (I:47) Change the world through prayer! (I:49) Only when you’ve grown wise and mature enough to truly believe that that world really has nothing to offer you, can you let go and fully focus on the sunshine of My love everyday and bathe your face in its light. (I:52) Don’t be cold and cruel and ‘normal’, but warm and loving, caring and sharing, even if the whole world will call you crazy. The ‘normal’ way is the way of death. The road to life requires faith. It’s not the rut that millions tread upon day in day out. (I:69) I want you to become completely detached from any desire for worldly gain, because soon these things will lose their significance entirely, and I want you to be prepared for this. (I:74) The way things are in the world is only a shadow, an example of things to come. (I:82) Whenever you feel like you’re trapped by the hopelessness and discouragement of this world, break out into My Spirit and know that I can use you wherever you are to love someone else. (I:86) The world is like a lost lover I’ve got to find, and you’ve got to help Me find her... the lost sheep who are still in the world. The world says: ‘give a little bit of your love to me, cause I’m waiting right here with open arms...’ Love them for Me, will you? (I:91) Be not shaken, even though the whole world should come tumbling down around your ears, and even though all forsake you. (I:93) The less firmly you are attached to the World and the System, the less you’re going to be affected by the cataclysmic changes that are going to befall it. The more you stay tuned to Me and move with My Spirit, the safer you’ll be. Being a pilgrim and stranger in this world always shows its advantages when this world is being shaken up by Me and turning events. (I:94) Though much terror has been brought into the world and worse shall come: is not My power greater than all that? Isn’t My love greater than their hatred? I don’t want you to be overwhelmed by the evil you see in the world, leaving you stunned and unable to give life and light to others, I want you to be overwhelmed by My joy, My love and My goodness and light and to shine it forth and overflow onto them, like a fountain of life, love and light, everywhere you go. (I:95) The joy will be the greater, the more you are willing to forego the cheap, fleeting and fake joys of this world. (I:96) Change the world by opening the eyes of the spiritually blind and proclaim that there’s yet another world to find! (I:97) I love it when someone dares to be different, to step out of the norm, the habitual scheme... That’s the kind of people with the potential to change the world. (I:103) Even if it seems that everything’s going all wrong, temporarily, for the Devil and his cohorts are given temporary control over this world, you will see: Everything’s going to be alright!

The judgments I’m allowing the Devil to leash out upon the world will bring people into My fold. A mighty harvest shall come through the troubles that are awaiting the world. (I:107) When it comes to this world, I’ve always been strange and weird, not because I am weird, but because they’re so far away from the way things are supposed to be. They’re so far away from My standard of love, so deep into their darkness, the light scares them half to death. (I:128) Those who are firmly anchored in this world will go down with it. But those who let go, and have got nothing to lose are the truly blessed ones. ‘Freedom’s just another word for Nothing left to lose’... (I:129) I never meant for your journey through this world to become all too comfortable. I don’t want you to feel at home in this world! I want you to be pilgrims and strangers, Gospel gypsies and My ambassadors! Be proud of your vocation, and of your heavenly Home, renouncing your Earthly citizenship! (I:141) You seek a beauty that is not of this world. As the days grow ever darker, and you find ever less satisfaction in the finite beauties of the world, look for more, for greater things, beyond those seen with mortal eyes. (I:142) There are many who feel deep down inside that they're not of this world, and if I could motivate you to get concerned about My lost sheep out there to step out and search for them, and call them into My House, how much more blessed would your own lives be! (I:158) I will have to allow the world to follow that rebellious punk to his bitter end, in order to learn a lesson that will keep them behaving for a thousand years. (I:161) I chose to make everything in this world imperfect, so that when you will meet the perfect, it will be all you ever longed for. (I:165) You can give Me detailed instructions of things you would like to change in this world that you see going wrong, pray for them, and you will change destiny! If you really get down to serious business of changing the world for Me, you will forget about your problems, you’ll see that they were just an illusion created by the enemy of your souls and the souls of those you are to save, to distract you from your important task! You could save someone from being completely lost in this cold and lonely world, just like I saved you out of it. (I:167) Let go and let the world pass you by with its twisting and turning! Don't worry, you're not missing out on anything! In fact, they're missing out on the truly good times, peaceful times, heavenly music and atmosphere and infinite Words of wisdom. Fully live in the conscience of that you are superior, and you've got so much more to give them than they could give to you. (I:191) Almost the whole world is infested by disease in one way or another, for the Whore has made drunk all nations with the wine of her fornication. (I:193) One of the primary reasons for the success of evil in the world is that good men are doing nothing. (I:198) I hate that complacent spirit... the spirit of amusement while the world is going to hell. Don’t let the misery of the World just pass you by untouched, but implore Me to change things! (I:199) I’m sending My prophets to the world to give everybody a chance to repent, to turn around and change their minds, their hearts and their ways, because I love them. (I:200) That which is highly esteemed by the world is abomination to Me, and friendship with the world is enmity with Me. (I:288) Recognition by the world could be downright dangerous to your spiritual growth: it’s a potentially very dangerous poison. Any extra exposure, recognition and applause from the World, without finding the right balance to do the humble thing, could be dangerous. (I:298) I don’t want you to be part of that System, or “established” to the point where you think you have to watch out for your reputation. I want you to burn free and be liberated from clichés of prestige and worrying about being accepted. It’s lukewarmness and manpleasing and everything I abhor and I want you to hate it, too. choose to be more radical, more sold out for My Cause and less enwrapped by the System, your Egypt, your Babylon... the place you look up to in awe and think “I want to be accepted by them!” But that’s the very pull of the world that’s enmity against Me and My Cause, against everything I stand for. (I:363) This world is not your home, so you might as well quit looking for the perfect place in it, and the perfect situation, where everything is going to be as you wish! Heaven just won't happen as long as the devil is still in charge of this place! You can enjoy glimpses of it, but in order to do that, you're going to have to get rid of the devil's garbage first, that he's piled up! (I:553)

This world is inhospitable to you because you're not a part of it. You're its enemy. Be glad you are, though, because in being the world's enemy, you're being My friend! Friendship with the world is enmity with God, and thus enmity with the world equals friendship with God. The days of feeling at home in this world are over. It's time to come to grips with the fact that you're an unwanted, unwelcome alien here, a pilgrim and stranger from the other side, the enemy camp, as far as they're concerned who are sold out to the devil. The world only embraces and pampers those who have swallowed the devil's hook and are definitely in his camp. (I:554) In this upside-down and backward world run and ruled and ruined by the usurper, a lot is wrong with a lot of souls, and there's a lot of healing to be done, a lot of correcting what is wrong. Just because you have grown used to the way things are doesn't mean that that's the way they're actually supposed to be. (II:76) Blessed and wise are they who are satisfied with the relatively little I've got to offer, compared to the abundance of the world, but which is clean and kosher and wholesome, whereas the abundance of the world will only deceive you and make you sick. (II:154) The less attached you are to the System, the easier it will be to get out of it, the easier it will be for Me to completely set you free from it, to set you apart from it. (II:237) Don’t consider lack of success with the world a failure or a disappointment! It's My way of making sure you stay on the right track - My track! If you know where the world is going, you won't be too sad or disappointed that you're no part of it. (II:256) Don’t consider lack of success with the world a failure or a disappointment! It's My way of making sure you stay on the right track - My track! If you know where the world is going, you won't be too sad or disappointed that you're no part of it. (II:256) I don't send you into the world to condemn the world, but that you should save those who would be saved. (II:264) I've had to call you apart from the world, so that you would allow yourself to become different. (II:301) As the merging of the dimensions approaches, you will first witness that this world is going to become more and more like hell. The more this world is going to turn into hell, the more you'll realize that you have no part in it, that you're no more than strangers and pilgrims in it, because you are Heaven's children. The more you realize that you're not a part of their world, the more you will cling to Me, and the more I will empower you to rise above this world. It has to be clear to you in your mind that when it comes down to it, you have no part in this world, you are Mine. (II:340) The devil is My sheepdog, continuously snapping at your heels in order to make sure you don't feel too comfortable in your cozy little lives, don't start feeling at home in that world, which is not your Home, and to keep you close to Me. (II:366) I don't want you to start relying on the System, because sooner or later the System won't be there anymore for you to rely on. I don't want you to put your trust or build your existence on sinking ground, that sinking ship, lest you go down with it. (II:387) When the world rejoices and is drunk and merry, I'm having you pass through the worst of your trials and battles, to show you that you have no part in them, that you're different; you're going in their opposite direction. When they are joyful, I have caused you to mourn, and even so you will be rejoicing when they shall be mourning... (II:389) In the world, but not of the world, that's what I need you to be. It's hard to fight against all those worldly influences. Getting Egypt out of Moses was precisely what took so long: the worldly attitudes toward things, and their viewpoints... (II:425) I've got to purge My ranks from blindness, and I can only do so by making you see just where the System is at. You can only desire the beautiful truth of My Kingdom by seeing and being confronted with the ugly reality of the System. You've got to learn to yearn for and desire the way things ought to be by finding out where it's not at, so that you can wholeheartedly pray, "Thy Kingdom come; Thy will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven!" In other words, "free us from the ways of the world, deliver us from the awful state this world is in and bring on Your heavenly way, the way things are in Your heavenly Kingdom! Make it happen that way down here, too, not the ugly, senseless, monotonous, unjust, life- and love-less way this place is being run and administrated right now! Come and finally rule the world the way it should be done!" (II:428) How hard it is to stay "real" and loyal to the truth when you're right in the thick of the System! Periods of brokenness are virtually the only times when a human being is willing to look through the facade of the System. No one can receive anything from Me as long as they continue and insist on deceiving themselves into believing that the System is alright or doesn't have any negative influence on them. (II:446) You must recognize the System for where it's at. The System is usurped by the enemy, and thus there is nothing good about it, nothing acceptable, nothing you could or should compromise with. Any notion of peace with the System is a false notion. (II:459)

Every minute you invest in establishing your foothold in the System, in strengthening your reputation with the System, etc., is time taken away from Me, that you could have been investing in My Kingdom. It's really true: you cannot serve God and Mammon, for either you'll be spending your time serving Me, or you won't. (II:462) Sometimes I use the horrors of this world to drive you into the arms of Heaven, to make you long for Heaven; in order for you to become more heavenly-minded, less worldly-minded, for you to realize yet a bit more how much this world is not your home, how much you're not of this world, how you don't really belong here. (II:550) See the world as it will be under My Power and sovereign Rule! Since it's all accomplished already in My eyes, as far as I'm concerned, this is a realistic worldview. (II:576) Either you follow in My footsteps as a pilgrim and stranger in this world, or you might as well forget about the whole thing and stop pretending you're something you're not. You can't be a true and sincere Christian and a flag-waving nationalist of any of the wicked nations of this world at the same time! You're either advertising the world, or Me, the Alternative to the world, you can't do both. You can't advertise God and Mammon. You can't serve two masters. (II:591) My Word shows you the world through My eyes, as I see it, without the bias you acquire and accumulate from the world and its vibes. Even the things painful for you are good for you, because they separate you from the world. The process of sanctification is a process of separation. I take you apart from the rest, and consecrate you unto Me. You are Mine. Receive it as an act of My Love in which I am drawing you closer to My bosom and into My arms. I cannot do so, unless I take you apart from the world, for we oppose each other. The devil is trying to make the world look friendly and not so bad, but remember that he is the usurper trying to take My place as ruler over creation, and while he's in charge, you simply cannot feel at home in this world. (II:592) The tune of this world is "accumulation:" you basically live for gaining more. The treasures I want you to glean are not material, though, they're not temporal, and to get them, you actually have to let go and lose those things that people of the world cling to. (II:628)

I don’t want you to be satisfied with anything this temporal world has to offer. This world is not your home. I want you to continue seeking a better Place, and ever striving toward that One, ever following the heavenly vision I give, the fulfillment of which can simply never be found in this world. So you shouldn’t keep seeking it there, either. (II:636) By letting Me guide you, you will find Me taking you to the lush green valleys where your soul will find sweet rest and will finally feel at home, even while yet in this world, which is not your home. Although you've always known this wasn't home, you can constantly lead others home, to their real Home, even as you walk through this strange world. (III:39) I wish this world were a better place, one where you could feel more at home, but it isn't. It just isn't. You're not what they want, because you're not one of them. (III:70) My people have always been a peculiar people, simply because they are not of this world. (III:80) Sometimes I just have to remind you that this world is not your destination yet... there is more to come, you cannot have all right there and now. As beautiful and as rich and full as I try to make this earthly life for you, sometimes I simply have to remind you that this isn't Heaven yet. There is too much going wrong with this world, this is not your destination, not the place of your rest, not your reward; this world is not your Home. You can try to make it as cozy for yourselves as you can, as all those unbelievers do, who don't care much whether there is anything else after this life, but there will always be reminders of the fact that this is not your final destination. This would be a false attitude, based on the deception many of My believers live in, in this world, that they think they're just about in Heaven already, and they can really lord it out over the rest of the world... Almost acting as if this earthly kingdom of theirs were My eternal one. Remember you're not at home where you are, but that your true Home is still waiting for you. Don't sadden Me by acting as if you were home already and feeling perfectly comfortable where you are, as if there was nothing better to look forward to. Talking about disappointments... Anyone who settles for what this world has to offer and thinks it couldn't get any better than this, is a disappointment to Me. Be thankful for every less-than-perfect day to remind you that this world is not your home, for too many of My believers seem to have forgotten that, and seem to think that this is all the home they'll ever need... (III:120) Only few are courageous enough to really believe the whole, outrageous truth about the world they're living in. (III:134) It’s no wonder you're getting flak from those of the world, for I am not of the world, and neither are you. (III:179) Those who have too much to lose in this life and in this world simply can't cope with the fact that the world should be in such a horrendous mess.

They want a nice little world that's basically going to stay the same for as long as possible. (III:182) If there’s one thing I love, it’s you drawing from Me the Words that can change the world, even if – for starters – it just seems to be your immediate world they seem to have an impact on, but you know that I start building big things from tiny things. (IV:87) This is not your resting place, not your Home, not the place where you belong, but you’re just a pilgrim and stranger in this world. (IV:114)

Seeking first My Kingdom basically equals changing the world. You can only be like Me in this world by spending time with Me to learn of Me, experience what I’m really like and become like that yourself… It means withstanding the pull and drive of the world that would suck you into its stream of feverish activity that would keep you busily ensuring your own survival. (2011:33) The messy state the world is in is not its original one, and you, its inhabitants, are more responsible for it than I am. (2011:66) No matter how many worldly securities you may have, you will never be entirely free from worry, because you just know that they’re not 100% failsafe. (2011:76) Most people believe that things are the way they’re supposed to be. Only those who are not at home in this world realize that that’s really a far cry from it. World changers are people who at some point in their lives realized that some things desperately needed to be changed, and so they got up and did something about it. (2011:82) If you look at this world around you, what you hear and see is chaos. That’s the result of people being busy, busy, busy accomplishing things without Me, without ever so much as acknowledging Me, much less asking Me for My help or blessing. You have the chance to become an exception to that, the general rule of things, the way they are. You can show the world that there’s a better way to do it, namely by not ignoring the Creator of the game, but including Him in it! (2011:87) Sometimes My people have to be reminded of the differences between My game and that of the world; My yoke, which is easy and light, and the burdens the world would seek to heap upon you, comparable to Pharaoh’s demand of the children of Israel to make bricks without straw… (2011:94) The biggest mess anyone can get themselves into is thinking that everything is honky dory with this world. (2011:100) I know who My true warriors are, who'll never accept a truce with the machines, who would never feel happy in such a hell of a world, who could never feel at home there. (2011:108) Find in My arms and in the shelter of My bosom what you cannot find in the world! As I told My disciples: In the world ye shall have tribulation, but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world. I have overcome the world and thus offer hope to anyone who is looking for a way out of its mess, that it can be overcome, and in fact, I would encourage and challenge you to overcome it. But the only way that works is if you tear yourself loose from its grip instead of clinging to it and looking to it for hope and comfort, unrealistic expectations it can never fulfill. (2011:127) How can you expect justice, fairness and righteousness in a world ruled and governed and controlled by the Enemy of all that is just and fair and right? (2011:147) For Me it's not a bad thing if you don't feel at home or too comfortable in this world, but a good thing. I don't want you to get all too comfy and happy in the here and now, so you can focus a bit more on the There and Then. (2012:1) It takes conscious effort to counteract the mindsets of the world and resist their pull down into that mental vortex of nothingness, meaninglessness and mere survival… And it takes a wholehearted effort to learn to genuinely love, once you’ve been raised according to their selfish ways. (2012:5) The world – the significant part of it, and in its proper stage, that is – will hear and find out about what you did sooner or later, and whether it was the right thing and whether it was all you could have done or not. This knowledge, and holding on to that will bring you closer to that desired goal more quickly and certainly than any desires left for worldly fame or temporal acknowledgement of what you did by a world that may be quick to applaud and even hail you as a messiah today, but may turn on you and scream “Crucify Him!” only three days later. (2012:8) If everybody would be so easy to love, and if the environment would be perfect everywhere, then what would be wrong with this world that would warrant My intervention and return to save it? The worse it gets, the more certain you can be that you need Me and that this world has an ever growing need for Me. (2012:12) I want you to enjoy more than what this world has got to offer. (2012:43)

If you want to improve your world, your life, why not begin with you and whatever you can do to improve it? (2012:53) In a world where man has nearly managed to perform his own scientific miracles of healing, one might assume that I’d be almost out of a job in such a seemingly perfect environment, and I couldn’t just raise everybody from the dead, since some would probably argue that this might only further contribute to the problem of overpopulation… There probably wouldn’t be much room in a world like yours for Someone like Me, which is why I chose an earlier point in time for My appearance, when they’d still be somewhat ready to accept Me. My ideas of greatness and ideals certainly don’t fit in very well with this money-oriented society, and not being of this world has taken on whole new dimensions in this day and age. (2012:72) Are you going to let them influence you with their rationalism, or are you going to make a difference by defying it? (2012:84) People have the urge to make others adapt to their own ways, as a confirmation that they’re doing the right thing, or the only possible thing, so when someone comes along with different plans, they’re not exactly thrilled about your disturbing their worldview, and start resisting you, and that’s what creates outsiders and dropouts: people’s inability to accept the different in their own midst. Oh, they can develop tolerance to physical differences, race, color, creed, and even religious ones. But once you start scratching on that veneer of their all-dictating rule of “thou shalt work for thy daily sustenance,” they start resenting you for being a little too different and strange. I probably wouldn’t have made many enemies if I would have just encouraged the fishers and a tax collector to stick to their jobs, instead of calling them to follow Me to preach a different Kingdom, one which most of them, as it turned out, resented even more than they resented Rome. You can be somewhat accepted as part of them as long as you play their same game, but once you declare that you’re going to put your trust for your future and your family in something else than your own strength applied to making money, that’s when you start becoming a little weird, as far as they’re concerned. (2012:92) So many people live in and through and for their jobs, when I say, a person is more than their profession. Just as a man’s life consists not in the abundance of the things he possesses, likewise it doesn’t consist of the abundance of things he does in what he professes. My marks of identification and criteria of who and what you are, aren’t based on professional achievements. That’s precisely the difference between My way of doing things and what you have come to know as and call “the System.” According to the System, your job is basically who and what you are. (2012:96) I could have made a lot of things to last forever, but I chose not to, in order to illustrate the temporal nature of this world. Every one of My people has been a living statement that there is such a thing as an alternative and an alternative life-style to the run-of-the-mill life-style of the masses throughout each epoch and in every system. (2012:97) The short-sighted here-and-nowers are getting what they strive for, while you figure, “Shouldn’t I be getting more of that, too?” And you begin to wonder if they aren’t the ones who’ve been doing the right thing all along. But remember, I never really promised the kind of excess that they indulge in, only enough for you to live on, which you’ll simply have to trust, I’ll always supply. (2012:101) The System and its ways of dealing with people are upsetting, just as I said, “In the world ye shall have tribulation.” But I also added, “But be of good cheer (cheer up!); I have overcome the world” (John 16:33). (2012:104) It’s true that all things are connected somehow; and yet, there is also a great separation and division in creation. They’re disconnected from Me, and in large part, from each other and all of creation, by lies and selfishness, hatred and… well, basically, all that can be called sin. Their whole system and mindset is based on selfishness, their own advance and benefit without much regard for other parties. They can do no other but wrong, and that’s, in a nutshell, what’s not right with the world. They’re poor captives of their own wicked ways they think they have to pursue in order to ensure their own advantage, position and survival… The Enemy has implanted in them the “instinct” – the lie, really, that they just have to do it. That’s the problem with the world. They can do no other. By accepting the ways of the world and playing by the rules and kow-towing to them, they’re condoning the evil, and thus become collaborators with its perpetrators. (2012:106) The ultimate dream of popularity: popularity and applause and admiration from both, the winning team, and the opposing team, the Enemy’s side. – Popular with everyone. But there comes a point when you’re forced to either choose with the crowd whom you want released as your savior and scream along with them, “Barrabas, Barrabas!” and “Crucify Him!” or to walk away because you realize when it all comes down to it, you’ve really got nothing in common with that crowd if they make such blatantly and grotesque choices… (2012:107) The game of the world is all about seeking one’s own advantage over others… competition and winning over your adversaries and opponents. How much of a good, voluntary loser – just for the sake of demonstrating that you’re not part of that game – can you be? (2012:108)

The deterioration you see taking place in the world all around you is a confirmation of My Word; and if that part is coming true, you can also rest assured that the other, more pleasant predictions are coming true as well. (2012:111) You’re still focusing too much on earthly goals and judging everything too much by criteria of the physical, temporal world, and from that viewpoint things may sometimes – or even often – seem discouraging. The problem is that from this indecisive point on the fence between the two worlds, you’re not making much if any progress in either direction. It’s either that world you’re rooting for, and its values you’re chasing, or Mine. From a worldly viewpoint, yes, it may seem as though you may have made many a wrong choice and wasted time, and some – especially the Enemy – would even suggest that I might have misled and misguided you. It’s certainly not the road of worldly success I’ve been leading you down. And even though you may not feel as if you’ve accomplished much in spiritual terms, either, at least your road is leading you to conclusions and lessons learned about this world, and thus, where it’s not at. You may not look like much of a superhero in your own eyes, or by any definitions of the world, but when it comes to My dictionary, you’re still a closer thing to it than can be found in the world. Just remember that My criteria are often diametrically opposed to the world’s, and that true strength – according to My book – is found in weakness. (2012:112) By now you ought to have found out the kind of promises the world can give you, and then another question is, which of them they’ll keep. In the world ye shall have tribulation, I said (Jn.16:33), and that’s just about all it can promise you: nuthin’ but trouble. But cheer up, I’ve overcome all that and am able to give you peace even in the midst of their storms they unleash on each other and their environment. If there’s one thing you ought to have found out about the world by now is that it usually doesn’t turn out all that it promises to be. And the same applies to its people… They’re too much on the wavelength of the liar and deceiver who got this whole mess started when he began tampering with My creation… He messed it all up, and the result is one hell of a mess with broken promises hardly ever even intended to be kept. It’s a world of broken promises. That’s just about all they can do: make promises and break’em. They’ll give you their word… and break it. - Broken. That’s about the best single word one could use to describe this world. But don’t worry. I’m there to fix it. It’s just the nature of this world: Things break down, that’s a fact. (2012:125) You’re wondering about the phenomenon that on one hand I call you out of this world and draw you apart from them, while on the other I ask you to approach them with My message and urge you to make more of an effort to reach out to them, to have more personal contact with outsiders to convey to them what you’ve received from Me. I want you to approach them as an outsider of sorts, being “one of them” in that you’ve got the same or similar background, weaknesses, pains and problems, but you’ve found answers, relief and redemption. If I’d let you get too immersed in the world and their fellowship, there wouldn’t be much time or space left for a thriving relationship with Me, because people are the ultimate distraction to folks who are interested in people. (2012:141) It’s a pitiful world, so why not have a little pity on them and show some compassion? That’s one of the main reasons why the Gospel is so unpopular, especially with people who are settling for the here and now: too many bad news included in My worldview as far as this world’s concerned. I expose its absurdities, show up what’s wrong with it, when most people just want to keep sleeping in their belief that everything’s pretty much the way it’s supposed to be, when nothing could really be further from the truth. (2012:148) You can run someplace else, but you can’t hide from the fact that the world is pretty much a mess everywhere, and even if it may be more bearable in some places than others, depending on people’s personal preferences and abilities to cope better with certain things and less with others, usually the pros and cons are somewhat fairly and evenly spread out. (2012:156) “Disappointment – His appointment.” Whenever things don’t work out in a way you’d have expected or hoped them to, you can be sure that there’s some kind of divine – and thus benign – purpose behind it, some kind of lesson that’s involved, something I try to show you or reinforce. Like the fact that this world is absolutely and most definitely not your home, and the point of how futile it is for you to try to find or establish some kind of artificial paradise for yourself down there… There is no such thing as “the Promised Land” on this earth anymore, and the Place of Promise, of rest, and that you’d call home is simply not to be found in this world, because – as I told My disciples – you simply are not a part of it, no members of it and simply won’t “fit in” anywhere, which is why it’s a futile effort to look or hope for any such place, and, frankly, the less at home you feel in it, the more you feel like an unwanted stranger, the better for you, because the more you can be sure to be walking in My footsteps. You’re on hostile territory, occupied and usurped by the enemy of God, and the less you feel at home in it, the more sure you can be that you’re on the right side in this war. (2012:160) People always try to amend My ways with the ways of the world and fit Me and their religion into that mold of the acceptable by the standards of this world, but it’s futile, because this world and I are two opposing extremes and odds to say the least, and if not to say, at war with each other constantly. I am I and he is he, and ne’er the twain shall meet. Life is life and death is death… “All that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes and the pride of life, is not of the Father…” It’s doomed to go down. (2012:170)

You shouldn’t underestimate the significance of the seemingly negative experiences that wake you up to the true nature of the world, rattling you up from the delusions of false peace and “freedom.” That’s one reason why you can’t serve God and Mammon: The servants of Mammon aren’t free; they’re slaves… How could I possibly use them to do My job of setting others free? (2012:172) It’s not as if some parts of the world are rotten and others aren’t. The damage is complete. The devil has done a thorough job at wrecking whatever integrity there used to be, pretty much on a global scale, with few exceptions; not geographic, but individual. Heaven – as far as this world is concerned, and the chance to find any of It in it – is not a place, but a few chosen people, chosen, because they have chosen not to fit in with the larger group who feel at home in this world and act as if nothing was wrong with it. (2012:174)

How I delight to use that which is nothing in the eyes of the world to defy those who think they are something, to bring to naught that which is… (2012:177) Nothing, absolutely nothing in this world, could ever compare to My love for you! (2012:183) You can’t go by what you see and perceive in the world. You can’t just reflect the physical input you’re getting from your surroundings, but you must dig deeper than that and share something that comes from within, because I’ve put it there. But all those distractions of preoccupations with the affairs of this world disconnect you from that and block the flow of what I’d like you to emanate. The only way this world is ever going to work in the long run is by love, and a little bit of willingness to put the needs of others above your own, even if it entails a temporary loss for yourself. You already know the way in theory, now you’ve just got to do the walking. And once you get going in that direction, don’t let the things of this world distract you too easily; you mustn’t let those things divert you so easily. (2012:185) There have got to be those reminders for you that basically, the world is in darkness, and it’s not your home, so you won’t feel too comfortable in it, and won’t be too shocked when the good times come to an abrupt end. (2013:5) The final crunch always is, whose voice you’re going to listen to, Mine, or the world’s. The world will usually advise you to take the safe path, the more convenient and more comfortable one. Mine is the one that requires the sort of courage all cowards lack. (2013:17)

This world is not your home, no matter how much you try to feel comfortable and at home in it. You’re only there to find those who also know this isn’t home, and invite them to the true Home of every searching soul. You have learned to trust more in My Words than man’s, and whether or not this has been a wise choice can only be known for certain at the end of the road; yet, all in all, wouldn’t you say that your life – guided by those choices of trust you made – is in general richer, fuller and happier than those of ordinary people who put all their trust in the temporal and material? (2013:19) It’s easy to tell that this world is hostile territory, especially for My followers and brides, and every day is a bit of an adventure to make you grateful that you made it through another day alive and without major disruptions… (2013:20) You’re not the kind destined to settle down and be at home in this world. There’s too much wrong with it. I’d be offended by your bad taste and compromising of your convictions, if you would. And so it calls you back to the only Factor you know of and have available, that is not of this world, either, and offers the only existing alternative, which is Me, and you find out it’s good. The comfort about this world being so rotten is that there’s something better, and thankfully, it’s not all there is, not for you to have to deal with forever and always. For those not satisfied with this world, I am and offer hope of redemption. Be thankful for the things that draw you back to Me and get at least a whiff of that which you could have a whole lot more of, if you wouldn’t keep allowing the things of the world to distract you from Me. You see the Devil’s anointing where people uphold nothing but material standards, and worship only the power of the visible, not the invisible Power that can only be seen through the eyes of faith. Let it be a reminder for you not to trust in man, nor the world, but you’ve only got Me to rely on to lift you up and above all this mess, your only way out! (2013:21) I’m having to shatter your illusions about this world and let you wake up to the reality of how pitiful it truly is. Most folks keep drifting in their illusions about the world, ignoring most of the ugly reality, and they need to do it, in order to keep going. But in order for you to keep going, I don’t want you to ignore the pitiful reality, but instead turn to Me, your and this world’s only hope for genuine and lasting improvement. As long as things in the world look too pretty, I cannot become pretty and attractive enough for you to seek Me with the due degree of devotion, desperation and full awareness of the extent to which you need Me. (2013:36) If you give priority and preeminence to the there and now, you’re giving it and that realm dominion over you, instead of allowing and enabling Me to give you dominion over it. When your world comes to an end, remember that the end of your world is the beginning of Mine. (2013:46)

Instead of being so disturbed by the world’s lack of knowledge of Me, and worse, the lack of interest in getting to know Me, just enjoy the fact more that you do, and I’m Someone more worth knowing and more worth trying to please than they. (2013:48) The world is on fire, and you can’t just pretend as if everything was honky-dory! (2013:61) The more you are “into” the world, and the closer to it you are, the farther away you get from Me. The busier and more involved with it you get, the less time you’ll simply have for Me; and the less you’ll have to offer to those who are looking for an answer and a way out. In order to offer a solution, it has got to be obvious that you’re not captives of the same treadmill that they are stuck in themselves. So, being alienated from the world draws you closer to Me, just as getting into the world alienates you from Me and the life of God. (2013:62)

The more you realize how unreliable, unstable and uncertain just about everything in this life and world is, the more you’ll recognize your need for Me, and will act accordingly, seek Me more fervently, and thus your life will also become more stable, and the degree of certainty, assurance and confidence in your life will increase. The problem with the world is that they base their lives on assumptions, theories and promises most of which will turn out to be false, if not downright make-belief. The difference is that they’ve built a visible world on those foundations of untruth, which makes it easier to accept and believe for the carnal mind than My truth, which can only be perceived by faith, with nothing much in the visible realm to back it up. You’re making the wise choice of building on solid ground, one where you will find truth, peace and the certainty you miss, since it’s so abhorrently lacking in this visible world. (2013:69) I’m different and special, when it comes to this world, and by being likewise, you resemble and represent Me; and if they’re not going to receive you, it’s unlikely they’ll receive Me. That may contradict the doctrine of “becoming one,” but once the world becomes so wicked and dreadfully deceived as it was in the days of Noah, it’s time to watch out how much you’ll really want to become one with them. (2013:71) With the world becoming worse, it will also present itself as less distractive to you and others of those who aren’t all too flipped about it currently either. It will lose more of its charm, so to speak, and accordingly, you will seek refuge in Me and My arms a lot more fervently. (2013:85) The drift of the world is largely all about the acquisition of things you don’t have, driven by the illusion that once they’ll have them, then they’ll be happy. You’ve got to watch out not to fall into that same trap. It can be like chasing some elusive end of a rainbow, while you may come to realize that all you needed in order to truly be happy has been right at your door step all along… What matters, is not what’s going on around you as much as what goes on within you. You’re only going to have a positive impact on the outside world if what’s going on, on the inside is alright, and what it’s supposed to be. (2013:95) This world is measured, bound and limited by numbers. Numbers are man’s way of measuring and sizing his own limited reality. No wonder that a number will also signify and present his ultimate enslavement. - “The number of a man” (Rev.13:18). Numbers are part of the lesser matrix designed for fallen man, like the languages to scatter them at the tower of Babel. Even though they’re a marvel of creation in themselves, there’s no comparison to the ways of communicating and figuring things out and defining them at the next level… If you don’t think I have endlessly more to offer you than this pitiful world, you’re falling for the greatest deception of the enemy ever! (2013:97) I just don’t want you to get sucked up in their game too deeply. I want you to remember that when it all comes down to it, you’re not part of it, even though you sometimes wish you were. But allowing you to have a blunt look at how ridiculous it really is should serve as a reminder. When it comes to this world, you’ll always be a stranger in it; and as much as everyone desires to find “their place” in it, yours is simply not there with them, and you’ll be very grateful some day for the painstaking way in which I’m making sure you won’t forget that too easily, at least not for too long. (2013:99) The world will always choose and prefer the Barrabases over their potential saviors, those who are in it for the same things they are: material gain; and who will stoop to any lows and do anything to get those things. So don’t be too surprised if you’re never going to be as popular in the world as they are. (2013:103) No wonder you don’t fit in! You wouldn’t want to! You’re different? They resent you, reject you, despise you and make things tough on you? – Rejoice! When the day of reckoning comes, you’ll be happy not to be counted among them. In fact, the separation process is going to continue and increase drastically before I can return. (2013:104) The world, and even “good” people, will generally have a hard time loving or even liking those sent by God, because the Devil will be busy trying his darndest to get them to hate and reject them. So when you experience that sort of thing, remember you’re not the first or only one! Welcome to the club of the despised and rejected. (2013:121)

Divinity is not of this world, but something higher; so, of course it’s worth it to move some place where people don’t think of themselves too highly… And it’s hard to find such places nowadays… (2014:4) Caring more about this world and what you can or think you should get out of it, doesn’t exactly show that you put My Kingdom first, or prepare for the Hereafter… (2014:9) There is something bigger and greater to put your faith in and receive strength from: it’s the truth that I have established, and My strength I am available to give to anyone who asks for it. Recognize truly that you need it more than anything the world has to offer. (2014:15) You never felt much like part of the world… and maybe what happened to you is a reminder that you’re not. (2014:32) You know Me and My Word’s statements about the state of the world, and that it’s the enemy who’s largely ruling it, although he wasn’t the Maker or Creator… He’s not the true boss of creation, but just a pretender; and he’s largely receiving a right to do so if the majority of people swallow his lies and accept him as the boss, even pretending he’s someone else, someone better than he really is… So, yes, there are certain lessons to learn in this kind of a world, that aren’t as pleasant as what you would expect or prefer… Sometimes, it’s true: It might be better to stay in Heaven and not be sent to this world. But then there are also some lessons it teaches to be sent there. (2014:51) Somehow the bigger and more massive a worldly system, the tougher it gets for believers of the kind who lived by faith for a long time… Basically, let’s say I’m trying to teach you whether faith is better, or trusting in the System... Nowadays people stay more in their home countries… They think this world is their home, when it used to be part of Christianity not to believe that this world was their home, because it’s pretty much occupied and run by another… (2014:52) Not to care about how many people in the world will know you and love you or adore you, but caring more about your Father and Lord in Heaven, your wife and your children… That’s a bit more important to Us, trust Me! It’s more important what will happen to you after this life than what does right now and in there… Especially when the taste and all of the world goes down and becomes rotten, much more influenced by the enemy than anyone else… But if there will be a few genuine sheep yet you can reach and will be able to… that’s the best, and better than any typical success in today’s world! (2014:54) It can be quite silly and foolish to just trust in yourself in a world that’s pretty much run by our enemy… Worldly folks and people trust in themselves a lot, but you know the world isn’t all that trustworthy… (2014:55) The world is changing; you know that much. Changing for better or for worse? Well, since you know who’s in charge spiritually, you know it can’t be any better for believers in Me… (2014:56) The weaker the force of the System, the more chance do I yet have to get to work there, and more exceptions will be there, doing other deeds than those of folks who worship everything the System does or can do. It’s time to worship Me and for what My force can do. (2014:57) If even the part of the world you were born in makes you feel like you’ve got nothing to do with it and you do not fit in there and have no part in it, it shows pretty abruptly that you’re not part of this world. See, that’s maybe the main reason I let this happen to you; to show you where and to whom you belong. If you don’t feel you belong to this world, just remember that that’s a pretty normal way to feel for one of Mine… since I never really felt like I belonged to the world, either. And thus I’m always proud of those who believe in Me and feel they’re like Mine, and not necessarily part of this world and their behavior. I specially love those who don’t feel much like part of the world… I love them most who feel much more drawn to Me than to any part or place of the world, and if you do, I’m proud of you. As long as you feel closer to Me than to the world there won’t be many of the world who’ll understand you… But you’ll have a greater World ready to understand and welcome you after this life is over. (2014:61) If you feel more “out of this world” or “apart” from this world, and less and less like a part of this world; just relax and know that it would make Me feel that way if I’d wind up in that world again. After all, what the Bible says about My return to earth isn’t exactly making it sound as if most of the crowd down there would be awaiting that change… (2014:64) If you let worldly influences take the major part of influence on you, it’s a little easier to lose your vision of and your faith in Heaven. (2014:83) Finding out how badly the worldly systems can fail will help you appreciate Heaven a lot more! It’s not an easy life in a world that he’s still in charge of until I’ll finally re-gain and conquer it back from him at the end of the current state of the world, before it joins back into My Kingdom. (2014:85)

Life on Earth is becoming a tough one, and especially a tough battle if you’re trying to stay on My side, which – with greater darkness approaching – you can imagine will become a harder fight, the darker the scene on Earth gets, and the greater the force and power of the enemy across the globe. (2014:101) If the world has become a bad place, you must make some efforts as My disciple to still be a good testimony and sample. You shouldn’t just let the badness of the world rub in on you and affect your sample! When the world becomes bad and worse, it’s a reason for you to make an effort to become better… show folks that there’s still some hope to find in and through Me. Don’t just let the world’s negative example give you a reason and excuse to be negative, too! It’s a wicked world, especially because of who took over the rule of the planet, and you shouldn’t be too shocked if and when because of it some bad things are happening. If you’re a bit more scared of these evil things happening in the world, it’s also because they’ve gotten worse and somewhat more powerful. (2014:103) Sometimes other things are more important than being a star or keeping on performing somewhere, especially when you know that something’s wrong with the world you’re in. - Would it really be the most important to be famous in the world that’s actually run by the enemy? Or could there be something more important to try to accomplish, than trying to become rich and famous or successful in any other worldly way? (2014:118) You can tell that the world isn’t getting any better! Which means, you’d better be prepared for what’s coming in this world, and don’t just try to exclusively have good times. (2014:123) Nothing lasts forever down on Earth in this life and the present world, which has been pretty much taken over by the Enemy, and thus reduced all things and shortened human life. (2014:124) It’s a wicked world, and you have to become aware of the fact that you on your own wouldn’t have a chance against the forces you’re up against, so you’d better lean on Me entirely, the rest of the way. Sooner or later, the worldly groove and its contemporary riches or feelings are going to disappear, and one of the best things you can learn how to do is forsake them and get into My values that can truly strengthen you, and not just give you temporary bliss and enchantment. (2014:130) Just remember: this world is not your home! There’s something better waiting for you, and all in all it should mean that this temporal world along with its temporal values shouldn’t be quite that important to you. Not as much as what’ll be coming and waiting for you afterwards. And that’s what your faith in Me and a life of faith in general are mainly about: preparation for the Hereafter, which – trust Me – will be pretty much bigger than this temporal world and your temporal life in it, altogether. (2014:132) Treasure and appreciate your times with Me… learning that they’re better, more valuable and worth more than what you can get out of the world! Learning these things – even the hard way – is worth more than trying to get out of the world whatever you can. You pretty much know what to think about a world in a state as the one that’s around you at this time. Not your idea of heaven… not even Heaven on Earth. - Pretty much rather the opposite? Well, there you go! (2014:136) That might happen to folks who became children of God: they don’t feel much like this world is their home, but more often like, “This world is not my home, I’m just a passin’ through. My treasures are laid up somewhere beyond the blue. The angels beckon me from Heaven’s open door and I can’t feel at home in this world anymore.” So, if you’re not feeling at home in this world anymore, just realize and remember you’re not the first one feeling like this. A world that’s run by the enemy of God, who’s trying to play god himself… you can imagine that there have got to be problems to be dealt with. (2014:138) It’s a weird world in a sad, rotten state, and you’ve got to somehow make it through it. Just remember that you need Me most of all to do it, and My help and strength… the only power able to help you make it. It’s an evil world, being taken over by the forces of evil, so don’t expect too much help from it to make it! The best to trust in to make it through what the world’s becoming is Me, My help to you, and the only force that’ll help you make it through the wicked period that awaits the world. (2014:140) Your experiences seem to teach you quite effectively that this world is not your home, you’re just a passin’-through. So, the more you seek for My place that is waiting Here for you, the better your heart and mind are geared toward the proper kind of Home, and not necessarily some place in the temporal world where all things wind up turning into dust eventually. (2014:142) The world is – and if it hasn’t been, becoming – a fairly bad place, and you can notice that something ugly is happening and about to happen. The good days are pretty much over, and you’re not feeling much at peace. Well, this world is not your home… as the song says… you’re just a traveling through. You can tell that this world isn’t going on forever. This world is not your home… so get ready and prepared for that which is gonna be your true Home! (2014:144)

The fact that worldly people and unbelievers are doing better, physically, might be mainly because they only believe in this temporary world, and so they invest all they can and have got into this temporal life… And so they’re doing a bit better than folks having invested more in the Hereafter. But then again, there are large other parts of populations elsewhere that aren’t doing so hot financially, either… and yet, isn’t it strange that many times you notice that they seem happier? Isn’t it good for yourself to find out how much you believe, and how much better it is to believe than just to hang on to this temporary world, which has a bunch of rough times for many? – And still, it’s all that most people believe in. (2014:149) “This world is not my home” is a pretty much fitting and proper line that true followers of Mine should be aware of. You’ve read a bit about what God’s Word says about this world, and who’s presently in charge of it, and thus it cannot be your home, and you’re longing for a much better One… Well, just trust Me that It’s there for you and will be worth it all. Just try to remember those points: It will be worth it all, no matter how hard the times you have to go through! Even if there’s not much of a big blessed time there on Earth for you right now, just remember, it will be worth it all when you’ll see Me, no matter how bad or rough the time being there may temporarily be for you! (2014:150) When the worldly situation around you gets rougher, it means the world won’t play the first role of importance for you anymore, and finally I’m getting the chance to. (2014:152) Not being part of the world and not feeling like it, makes you more hungry and craving for the Hereafter… the Place where We’re waiting for you. Don’t let that evil and materialistic world bring you down to much! Look forward to your heavenly Home! It’s a wicked and rotten world. At least your experiences are letting you know that. And once you know, it should help to put more emphasis on your faith in the Hereafter. (2014:154) This world is not your home… not the place where you belong, but you ought to feel more drawn to the One you will, although you may not be able to see it. And, let’s face it: Life on Earth is becoming rough and a tough role to play, and not feeling too much at home in this world is a positive thing, as far as I’m concerned. (2014:157) Don’t be too trapped in the there and now, which may not have that much to offer to you anymore. Some more lessons and tests perhaps, but not that much of luck, since the dude whose nickname is Luck or Lucy turned out to ruin it totally for someone like you… well, as he did all he could to do so for Me as well, when I was there… Just remember: It’s our enemy at charge down there temporarily, and that’s why the time down there can be hell on Earth and not yield all you’d be hoping for and expecting, necessarily… not if you’re serving Me, instead of him, who has himself referred to as the god of this world. You know it involves a bad ending, so don’t expect too much from this world that’s currently run and controlled by him and his followers, largely… So, hang on to Me, and don’t expect too much of this world right now, or you might wind up disappointed. If you need anything, ask Me for it, and don’t put too much hope in this world, currently run by you-know-who. If you want happiness and a good and better existence than what he’s got to offer, hang on to Me, even though My direction points fairly out of this world the way it’s geared right now. If you’re feeling bad, it’s pretty much because the world is getting worse, and ultimately, worse than ever… (2014:163) So, you don’t feel at home in this world? Don’t let it trouble you! Not feeling at home there is not a bad thing for those who were called to be My disciples and followers. The worldly, materialistic ways only offer gain in this life and this temporary world. But as you believe and know by faith, there’s more than that, and that makes life worth it for you! (2014:164) Instead of looking at the world too much, look up to Me! (2014:166) It’s a rough and tough life. But what do you expect from a world currently run by the enemy? (2014:167) It’s fairly educational to discover the difference between people’s ways and Mine… the ways of the world, and the opposite. The Hereafter is definitely not a continuation of this world’s current life. A fact you appreciate once you realize how hellish it all can be down there, since, after all, the one who’s been put in charge there, since men’s choice for him has pretty much brought it into the same state as his part of the spirit world. (2014:174) It’s a very tough world and existence in it right now, I agree, but like this you’ll also learn more to turn to Me for help and strength and ways to make it! When you look at the state of the world right now, be honest and admit that it offers more of a reason to cry and be serious, in order to deal with its problems! (2014:178) Stay close to Us and realize how dependent you are on Us when the enemy pretty much rules the world in which you’re living! I’m still here and ready and available to help you, and Heaven is, so, don’t become so downcast by the influences of the world, but keep believing that We’re stronger than that, and here to help you overcome and keep the victory over anything the world can let happen to you. (2014:197)

If you’re not of this world, but still have to pass through it, it is a bit rough, but you don’t need to feel bad about it. To be “not of this world” is a bit rough, when most others around you obviously are. That fight makes it clearer where you stand, and thus makes you a more important part of My Kingdom, and draws you closer to Me by drawing you further away from that. Being not of this world, and making it more obvious, is a good part for you, as far as I am concerned, and all those who weren’t either. You’re becoming more obviously one of Us, and trust Me that in the end, that’ll be worth it, and you’ll be grateful for it and will appreciate having gone that way, retrospectively. Choosing My way doesn’t really come from growing up on TV and worldly flicks and productions, since My way isn’t really the world’s way, which they mainly represent… Getting out of the hot spots of the System – the sooner the better – can really only be an advantage over letting it be the cause to rot in it, spiritually. Do you still believe in the truth about not being part of this world for those who are children of God and believers in Me? – Then give it a go, even if the System might now congratulate you for it, or voice its approval! (2014:198) Just remember that My Word does not predict this world in its current state to last forever! (2015:1) Be aware of that this world is not your home, and that it can be a pretty risky and dangerous place for you, too, since it’s run by My enemy, the devil, and you had better keep in mind that you need prayers for protection in order to make it alright through this enemy territory! (2015:3) What can you expect from a world that’s just about totally being taken over by the enemy and his lot? Of course, he makes it the most difficult for any followers of Mine and children of God! He’s ruling and reigning, and, accordingly, doing what he can to make you give up and give in to him and just let him grab the victory… (2015:6) It’s good to remember that you’re not of this world, and to get ready for whatever place I call and lead and guide you to. And not just to have fun, but to be a witness and testimony in honour of what’s to come, which – as you believe, and ought to know since indeed it’s so – is much better than what the world has to offer in its current state. Hang on to Me and to your faith in what’s to come, which is certainly better than what the world around you has to offer! (2015:7) If you don’t feel at home in the part of the world you were born in, it kind of shows and confirms that this world is not your home, and that there must be some better Place for you somewhere, and to keep looking for that is many people’s sense of life. When they’re finding nothing in this world to satisfy them or give them happiness… where do you think they might find it? (2015:13) The world is changing, and not for the better, but the evil and bad times we were prophesying and predicting are coming. And if the conditions are taking away your faith in the current world, it means, it’s better to place it in what’s to come, and not in what there is. It’s perfectly My will that your current faith isn’t so steadily and strongly in the present world anymore, but that you might be better off placing it in what’s to come instead. Knowing that you’ll need some supernatural help to make it in the future of this world, isn’t that more according to making it by faith…? (2015:28) You’re not feeling at home anymore in this world, and that makes you one of Us more, like the old song: “This world is not my home, I’m just a passing through. My treasures are laid up somewhere beyond the blue. The angels beckon me from Heaven’s open door, and I can’t feel at home in this world anymore.” If you can’t feel at home in this world anymore, welcome to the club and true Host of those who only feel at home in God’s World! See that it’s nothing bad, not to feel at home in that world, which is, after all, run and nearly governed by the enemy? How could you feel at home in a world run by the enemy of God? (2015:38) If this world is not your real home, and you’re just there because you’ve got a job and task for Me to fulfill, just behave accordingly, and don’t just become upset because your life can’t be compared to a permanent pleasant vacation right now! (2015:40)

Keeping the faith may be getting rougher these days, but that doesn’t mean it may not be getting more important with the way the world is developing. The enemy may be taking over more and more power and influence in it, but does that mean one should yield to it, or make a stronger effort to resist his influences, even if that may be totally out of fashion these days? (2015:43) If the world is making such a mess out of people, even of some of My followers and disciples, it should show you what a messy state and shape it’s in, and better not to trust too much in it, and better not to invest too much in it. Don’t cast all your strengths and energies into this world, but better aim more at what’s to come thereafter! And invest whatever you can of the there and now in that faith in the fact that something better’s coming up ahead! (2015:44) How much more could or should you wish for a world that’s not run by people mainly influenced by the devil, and thus making it all quite more like hell?

So, think about Heaven as much as you can, and a better future in store for you Up Here, and don’t get so sidetracked by the pretty sad state of the world you’re in right now! Have hope in the future according to My Promises! And I promise you a much better Hereafter than what this world has to offer for you right now. (2015:47) Not feeling safe, nor at home in this world shouldn’t be too odd if you believe what My Word says about who’s in charge of it for now… and taking over in a larger scale, which means, making things tougher for folks like you. (2015:58) Don’t see it as something negative that you don’t manage to stay happy with the current state of the world anymore, but take it what My Word says about this world not being your home! If that present world doesn’t manage to make you happy anymore, well, it’s time to remember there’s One you’re headed for that will make you happy once you make it Here, because there’s quite a big difference between the way things go and run Up Here, as compared to down there! And you’ll notice it and love it! (2015:61) If you don’t feel at home in that world, let it be a confirmation that your true Home is elsewhere: right Up Here, where I am! If down there you don’t feel at home, let it be a reminder that your true Home is Up Here! If you feel like a stranger down there, it’s because you are. (2015:68) Remember that the pretty much most important part of your life is to put your faith and hope in Me, and not so much in what the world can do for you! Yes, I can use the world to do things for you – in part – but it’s Me you should be asking for that help! If the System is so unpleasant for you, it should be a signal for you that you don’t have to keep trying so hard to please them! It’s a weird world, yes! And the less you feel at home in it, trust Me: the better! So, make My Place, not of this world, your Home, and be a messenger as someone of it, advertizing It as Something better, awaiting folks who don’t feel at home in this current world, either! (2015:73) Get used to handling the trouble striking this world, since it definitely won’t get less, at least not for right now, and not before My return after the AC’s rule of tribulation… It’s a rotten world right now, but you’re going to have to learn how to deal with it and how to handle it and cope with it! And you’ll need My help for that! Rough times: That’s what the world will be expecting in general, not too long from now, and the sooner you get prepared, the better. Fellow humans will always only be able to do for you as much as they’re able… some more than others. But it will never be all that you need, or enough to still your desire for ultimate peace, satisfaction and happiness. That task has been left up to Me for now… as a reminder that the world you’re in is not your home; not where you belong, and there’s a better Place ahead of you, you’ll be better able to call Home, and feel at home indeed. This world you’re living in is not your home; remember that and the fact that I’ve prepared a much better one for you, where you’re headed. So, keep Heaven on your mind, and don’t get too absorbed by what that physical world you’re in has to offer for you! If you think about who’s getting more and more in charge of it, you’ll realize why it’s not much of heaven on Earth that’s left, but slowly but surely turning into hell a lot more. So, be aware of that, and let it help you realize why you’re not feeling at home there, but are really longing for a better Place, which is what I came to Earth for to give to those who’d believe in Me. (2015:80) What do you expect from a world having been taken over by its Creator’s enemy? Even though you were born in it, it doesn’t really mean that’s your true home, and that’s why I also offered and made it possible for folks to be born again. And once that has happened to you, this world simply isn’t your real home anymore, but a much better One, where We’re in charge! So, once you remember on a more constant basis that you’re a stranger in this world, and become more familiar with that fact, you won’t feel so bad about it anymore, about being a dropout and rejected one. Even though it may seem like there’s a lot of trouble to deal with there, relax; for the trouble in general will be much greater for those who have chosen that world as their home, and, accordingly, our enemy as their master. Why not put a little more faith in Me and the much greater World Up above, instead of seeking to cope with the evil ways of the world in ways that its very members do, when you, as a Father’s child, should have learned something different by now on how to deal with it? (2015:83) Don’t see it as something negative that you’re not feeling at home in this world anymore, but see it as a confirmation that Heaven is your true and proper Home where you belong. You know that this world isn’t exactly a perfect place, and I’m working on making you appreciate and long for the Hereafter more… It’s good to remember that this world as it is, isn’t really Our kind of place or where those who are not of this world should feel at home, or even can… So, it’s good you’re experiencing a bit more preparation for the Hereafter, including learning to have some more appreciation for having Something to expect that will be worth it all. Let the negativity of the present strengthen your positivity toward your future, and what’s expecting you with Us! For most people, their current world is all there is, along with their possessions in it they scrape together. So, if you can’t feel at home there at all anymore, remember: That’s the reason! You don’t really belong there, but in Our Home, where you’ll feel much more at home than in any place this world currently has to offer, being largely ruled by our enemy, and drifting toward a time of his maximum power as ruler of the world… a place where, thus, you don’t belong, since you’ve been a follower of Mine, and not him.

Keep in mind that this is the reason why you can’t manage to feel completely satisfied in that world, of which the majority of inhabitants are more tending to materialism through which the enemy tempts them. If you think about all the wars going on in that world for such reasons based on materialism, is it really any wonder you can’t manage to feel at home there? So, be glad and thankful there’s a better One expecting you! (2015:85) The fact that the world doesn’t feel like your home to you, isn’t a bad one, but a confirmation that you’re one of Us, who feel that Home is elsewhere. (2015:91) Having too pleasant times on Earth and in this world right now means less of a longing for Heaven and your God’s Kingdom thereafter. But since there’s definitely something to prepare for, you should also definitely be better off getting a bit more prepared for that, and not too attached to and hooked on that world in which you’re currently. (2015:93) The conscience of not really being at home or belonging there is a good one. Your feeling becomes a confirmation of what the Word says about My people being not of this world. The less you feel at home there, the more you can feel at home Here, where I am! (2015:96) If you're not feeling at home there, in that world of yours, it's pretty much a good sign for Me and all your brethren Up Here, who largely also did not feel at home in that world, especially once they found out why, and who's sort of in charge of it since he tricked most folks into his trips and temptations… And then, of course, he makes it extra tough for those who don't and worship the true God, instead of him. Don’t feel bad about not feeling at home there, and somehow not comfortable at all! Just let it count to you as a symptom that you're just not one of them, but a called-out one, which basically means the same as one of My chosen ones! – And see that as a privilege, and not as a handicap or misfortune! If you feel less at home in that world than ever before, let that be a good sign of confirmation where you truly belong, and where your Home really is, namely Up Here with Me! If you don't feel at home in that world, it's because you're one of those who can sing, “This world is not my home, I'm just a passing through. My treasures are laid up, somewhere beyond the blue. The angels beckon me from Heaven's open door, and I can't feel at home in this word anymore.” That's sometimes how things develop for My believers and followers: eventually it starts to dawn on them that they just don't fully belong down there, but have a better Home waiting for them. So, don't feel bad about not feeling at home in that world, but rather consider it a privilege to be at Home Up Here with Me and all of us… a much better Place than where you have to pass a relatively short while left right now! (2015:100) Getting in touch with Me is something brighter and more cheerful than a mere look at the world around you, due to the one having been given the power to take it over through most humans' choices. Something to look forward to: getting out of that world in general, eventually, since it's being taken over pretty much nearly entirely by the enemy and his hoards… (2015:101) The things in that world are only temporal, including your life, so why not invest something in the spiritual values from Above, where He dwells that made all things? (2015:102) Remember that world is not your home, but the Place where We are, and you’ll arrive, and will definitely make it all worth it for you what you’ve had and are having, and will have to go through! (2015:104) So, times on Earth aren’t perfect… but what did you expect from a world taken over by the enemy due to the majority of folks down there falling for his temptations? Don’t expect too much from this world that’s not your home, anyway! (2015:105) It’s getting to be a rough world, and a tough world, and you don’t have much of a clue if or how you’re gonna make it through there… but… well, eventually you will, since it will reach its end, and you’ll be in your true Home that’s awaiting you. (2015:107) Remember the fact that My disciples are not of this world! Don’t look so much at the world and what they might be expecting of you, but try to gear your life more according to what I and the Father would and do! (2015:108) You’re getting some clues as to what extent the devil is ruling the world, which explains why you’re having such a hard time in it. When the enemy of your God and Creator runs the world around you and tries to kill you, like he killed Me, it’s not making your life on Earth very enjoyable. At least you’re not feeling so comfortable and much at home in this world anymore, but much more the way a follower and disciple of Mine ought to… - Ready for longing to get out of there. (2015:109) Trust Me that there’s something to learn from a life in a world pretty much taken over by the enemy! (2015:111) Not feeling at home in this world? Right on! Definitely not something to feel worried or insecure about, and nationalism or patriotism are just as definitely no signs or confirmations that you’re ruled by or filled with the Holy Spirit, since the spirits the world is filled with aren’t exactly what We’d call holy.

And the fact that you’re feeling worse about it than ever just confirms that the world is getting into a worse shape than before, and it may quite well be a warning feeling that it’ll be the worst shape ever… (2015:113) You had a nice and relatively pleasant life, so that you weren’t even completely sure anymore, whether what My Word says about the world was true. But the times you’re going through right now help you to remember and realize some of the facts about this world, who’s presently in charge of it, and is going to temporarily take it over pretty much completely, until I’ll bring an end to it. Get ready for huge changes in the world scenery! (2015:121) The less comfy you feel in the world around you, and the less at home, the more drawn to Our Home and attracted to the Hereafter you’ll be; and trust Me, that’s not a bad thing, as far as We Up Here are concerned! It’s a good thing to be longing for Our Home, instead of feeling at home in the world currently run largely by Our enemy! It shows you’re definitely more on Our side, and one of Us, rather than belonging to the large bunch of folks attracted and pulled off the proper track by his temptations! Believe it or not, but the less pleasant this world becomes for you, and the more you begin to long for your lasting Home Up Here, the better it is for you in the long run! (2015:122) Let there be a reminder to you of who’s running the world, and how you’ve got to stay on defense against the evil that rules it, especially since it’s getting worse! (2015:130) You need to feel less at home in that world and more at home Here, where I am, along with many folks you’ll feel much more in tune with than what’s surrounding you right now! If life is tough, hard and rough, let it be a reminder of where you’re really at home: not in that world currently run by the wicked enemy. But there’s something better waiting for you, so, take this as a reason to be a bit more lifted up and cheerful. If you’re not feeling at home in that world, let it be a positive reminder that you’re not, and your true Home is waiting for you. And even though you have to go through hard times down there, it’ll gear your focus and vision more Up Here, where you truly belong, and into My Kingdom, and the Father’s, which will take over the earth eventually. So, if you’re feeling dreadful about the world you’re in right now, let it teach you the things you need to learn along with everybody, about which is truly a better way of doing things… that love is ultimately a better force to allow to rule you and your actions than money or other selfish motivations, and learning how to let this rule your life is going to be the main way of the future that’s coming! Love is ultimately a better force to allow ruling you and your actions than money or other selfish motivations, and learning how to let this rule your life is going to be the main way of the future that’s coming! The ability to receive the Power from Above will be quite necessary to help you make it through what’s coming, and becoming of the world: the enemy’s global empire, thankfully for a limited period! (2015:131) What did you expect from a world having been taken over by Our enemy? Did you expect heaven on earth when Satan who got control over it through folks’ choices, actually runs hell? (2015:144) It’s a tough life in a world run by the enemy of love… who instead teaches folks to just care for themselves and their own satisfaction and pleasure. - Which then leaves no wonder that the world winds up in such a mess. You notice that the world isn’t where it’s at, and that gives the fact some sense and reason that I call My disciples and followers out of the world. Being “not of this world” means you’re believing in something better, a better Home waiting for you. Life is tough, and so has it been during times for all of My believers and followers. I mean, what else do you expect from a world run by our enemy? (2015:145) It’s good not to feel at home in this world! It means, you’ve got your Home elsewhere, and in a better Place. And once you’re Here, you won’t be feeling bad about not having been able to feel at home in your present world anymore at all, realizing that your true and eternal Home is tons of times better than what the mess the enemy made out of the world has to offer. It’s a good thing to realize how little that world has got to offer, and it’s not something negative or a disadvantage. It’s part of the important lessons that are to learn during that life down there. So, don’t like that world? Get into spending your time and effort on offering others the better One that’s coming to those who’ll believe in and receive Me, Who died for them, so that they could! (2015:147) What do you expect from a world which the enemy pretty much rules, and gearing toward a time when he will pretty much completely do so as the Antichrist? What do you expect from a world largely – and soon completely – run by Our enemy? It’s a weary and pretty much miserable world and getting worse, but remember, there’ll be an important job for true believers to do for Me and the Father! If the world isn’t what you’d expect it to be like, what did you expect from one that’s run by our enemy, due to people’s majority’s unfortunate choices for him? So, don’t blame it on Me or the Father for allowing it to happen! Free choice leaves it up to folks what’s to become of that world! If it’s not yours, well, that’s a good sign. But realize also that you shouldn’t just aim for your own pleasures in the here and now! – Since that’s pretty much what all the others do, too, and that’s what gets the world into such a mess. (2015:150)

If the world around you keeps chasing for carnal and physical enjoyments, let it drive home the point to you that not being so fleshly oriented is one of the main points of not being part of the world, but your true Home lingers elsewhere… (2015:153) A comfortable place makes you feel a bit too much at home in a world that’s not your home, according to the faith of being one of My called out disciples… Life cannot be all pleasure for followers of Mine in a world run by our enemy! Especially because he’s not letting the nice areas remain in their nice state, and there are a lot of negative changes either taking place already, or going to. So, deal with it, the horrendous state the world is getting into, and keep remembering your true Home awaiting you Up Here! Anything that’s not of this world, even though not necessarily something you’re used to and familiar with should be something better, don’t you think? Don’t keep looking down at the world around you, but lift your vision Up Here! (2015:155) Put Me and the Kingdom above things that played the leading role in your life thus far, like jobs and worldly affairs. It may be a bit of a tough change, but necessary. You can’t put the importance of the world to you above Me and My Kingdom, if you want to remain a follower of Mine, especially not when the time for the enemy to take it over completely is coming closer! (2015:156) Remember who’s pretty much ruling the world, and is pretty much going to wind up doing so! – Our enemy. So, what can you expect from the situation a world in that state has got to offer? It definitely requires your being and staying on the defensive, and not just expecting things to go on and continuing in their usual way of the past! You’re just not of this world! And the time you’re going through right now is just a reminder and confirmation of that fact. A bit unpleasant, as it may seem for you, but on the other hand, a confirmation of what you’ve been believing in, along with the confirmation that you’re part of Us and of My kind of flock… called out of this world! Even if it may make you feel a bit weird somehow right now, there’ll come a time when you won’t, but will wind up happy over the choice you had made. Eventually you’ll be happy you weren’t part of that crowd, even if right now it may seem like a more difficult road and way to take. You weren’t meant to enjoy this life so much that you’d wind up enjoying the world as well! Being not of this world cannot mean enjoying it at the same time! Just get used to it: you need My help, and the world is getting to a point where you will, more than ever! (2015:158) The world can be a distraction when it’s all appealing to behold. But when you notice and feel there are things wrong with it, it becomes easier to focus in My direction instead and make a bigger effort to turn your sight toward the spiritual side of things and seek first My Kingdom (Mt.6:33), instead of all that surrounds you. So, the world isn’t all that attractive and pleasant to behold or look at anymore… What about gearing your spiritual sight toward Our Father’s Kingdom instead? (2015:161) Remember where you’re headed, your true Home, which is not of this world or what it has to offer under its current rulership by the enemy and all his followers. It’s a world in darkness, while We are the Light. So, don’t try to fit in with their dark glow, but remain an active part of the Light from Above! Yes, it’s true that a large part of the population is in a rejecting gear against the Light. But have the courage to keep shining anyway! Ultimately, the Light will take over the darkness, and there’ll be a new Beginning, of which you are one of the signs down there, for any of those who’d like to become part of it as hope and a pointer, and a sign of warning toward those rejecting us. It’s just time for you to get back into the gear of your job for Us and your heavenly Destination, and no more time to just blend into the way of the world! (2015:162) Let your confidence in Us keep growing, no matter how steeply down the drift of the world will go! Continue to trust us, even if the enemy will tempt you to quit trusting with the evil he’s bringing into the world! It’s a toughie when you realize you’re not of that world, and don’t really belong there… just have a task for Me and the Father to fulfill. Remember the reason why you’re not feeling part of that world! And remember that there are a few others who don’t, either. And they’ll be glad and thankful to find or get to know you, and through it find Me! (2015:163) When you’re too blessed with heavenly spirit and provision, you can get into the drift of feeling at home in this world, which you shouldn’t when you know who’s in charge of it! If you can’t feel at home down there anymore, don’t let it strike you as something bad, but feel good about something much better coming up for you, eventually! You’re having to put up with a more realistic impression of the world… preventing you from feeling too much at home there. (2015:166)

The harder the times, the more you’ll be reminded it’s not your Home down there. The negative experiences should make you realize how unreliable the physical world is, in the end, since it has been taken over by the evil forces, due to people’s choices. The world needs a spanking… a final outcome of the results of the choices made in favor of Our enemy. (2015:167)

What can you expect to look rosy in a world in which the enemy has brain-washed the large majority of the people into believing his lies? – And getting ready to rule and reign it all as a guy who’ll seek to abolish faith world-wide… So… not feeling at home in that world, where you’re all supposed to have descended from the animals, and are free to act like some of them, accordingly? Well, don’t feel too bad about it! It’s almost good news that the existence in that rut is limited by time, isn’t it? What do you expect from a world taken over by our enemy due to the choices of the majority of the inhabitants of your planet? (2015:168)

The more occupied you are with getting in tune with Me and your everlasting Hereafter, the less you have to worry about the temporal, and unfortunately, largely wicked world around you! (2015:171) If you don’t feel like you fit into or belong to that world, don’t let it strike you as something negative! Let it be a good sign unto you, that you’re part of Something better! (2015:177) It’s good to know where the world is at, spiritually, and thus not be too spoiled with too pleasurable expectations from it… just a bit more realistic concerning the matter of who runs it, and remembering the prophecies about the hard times facing the world towards the enemy’s ultimate reign of it… And if that’s where the world is heading, you can’t really keep expecting and aiming for non-stop fun times, but should rather remember your task to warn others of what’s expecting the world, and let them know about My Salvation, and thus, a better life thereafter… The world is not your home as long as the enemy’s running it, and you should try to make the effort to look forward to the better Home awaiting you, which would also offer more hope to others, once the state of that world is going to go down to a condition where practically nobody will be able to feel happy and content anymore. (2015:179) It’s not your home, that world you’re in, and certainly don’t feel like at home there, but there’s still an important purpose for you to be down there, and let the receptive people you’ll meet know what will be going on down there, and what’s to expect for those who are willing to have a little faith in more than what they’re able to see and perceive around them. (2015:181) Feeling less at home in that world you’re in is a victory! (2015:182) This world is not your home, and there’s a better One waiting for you! What can make you look forward to your heavenly Home, as long as everything down there is just about perfect? (2015:184) If you’re not of this world, but We’ve called and chosen you out of it, don’t be so astonished or shocked by it. (2015:190) The sentiments of not feeling at home in that world anymore may make it a bit tougher on you to hang around down there, but trust Me that there’s still a job for you to complete there, and feeling less part of that system than before is – or at least will be much more of an asset. Another difference between the world down there, run pretty much by Satan’s rules, and Ours Up Here: no more need to make it all better, or fears or regrets about things getting worse, but with a God of Love as the Boss, you and I sure agree, it’s a World at its best, contrary to one that’s run by someone who still thinks he’s better… (2015:191) In the system, what’s popular is the own strength and capabilities of people, and independence from others, but the way the enemy means it, and the reason he pushes that wavelength, is in order to get the world into the groove of independence from their Creator, the way he did… The world has become a tough one to get and make it through, which is why you should stick to the groove of pleading and applying for your help from Above, from Up Here… from all of Us! (2015:194) If there wouldn’t be any need for something better than this world has to offer, then what need would there be for Me? And, apparently, the enemy has been working on rigging it up as comfy and luxurious down there for many, to pretty much extinguish that need for Me. And it's been lasting a bit longer than some expected. (2015:195) It has grown to be a pretty much more materialistic society on a worldwide scale. What are you learning from it all? At least you’ve learned – or are still learning: this world is not your home, at least not your final and permanent one… More of a tough phase to get through, living in a domain currently occupied by our enemy – the one most folks down there would obviously vote for. It may be a tough pitch for you down there, and not easy for you to keep your faith Up Here… but trust Me: a worthwhile lesson left to learn! (2015:197) The fact that you can recognize that the world and its inhabitants aren’t perfect, but far from it, frees you from the urge of having to do all you can to please your society that surrounds you, and keeps on your mind at least the possibility that there might be something better and more worthwhile to live for, and make that the purpose of your life! The feeling that you’re not part of this world for Me is a benefit and an advantage, unlike the potential sentiment that you’ll have to do all you possibly can to possibly please the world and its folks around you. (2015:209)

It’s a disastrous world you’re stuck and caught up in, but maybe it’ll just keep reminding you that this world is not your home; you’re just a passin’ through! So, don’t take it too hard that you can’t manage to feel anywhere at home there, but see it as a confirmation of what I’ve been telling you! So, that world isn’t where you feel like you belong. Isn’t that feeling a confirmation of something I’ve been trying to tell you for years, and that you should have learned by now? If you were of that world and felt as part of it, we wouldn’t have too much in common, and there wouldn’t be much for Me to tell you, nor much sense in wasting My talk to you. See it as something good, that confirmation of the fact that you don’t belong there, keep feeling like a stranger there, and that your Home is where you belong: somewhere else! Doesn’t the fact that it keeps getting worse confirm that to you somehow? So, don’t keep hunting or chasing happiness too much down there, but know that you can’t really find it in lasting measures anywhere but Up Here! (2015:214) It’s good to see and to know that you don’t belong in that world, but Up Here! (2015:224) The preparation for the great appearance and rulership of evil over the planet to get ready for should at least explain to you why you don’t manage to feel at home down there, but it should be a confirmation to you and all My sheep, that the world isn’t, but their true Home is expecting them Here, where I am, where We, the Creators, along with our angels and preceding followers and believers of Mine are expecting you. (2015:235) Material things may bring some sort of fulfillment to those who don’t expect anything beyond that materialism, but let’s say that the fact it doesn’t work with some, shows that they don’t really belong into that world, but are largely My sheep. Realize that it’s not a bad thing to become dependent on Heaven’s help with the state into which the world is turning! (2015:247)

When life gets rough, it’s an important reminder of Who you should cling to and depend on, as well as the fact that this world is not your home, and so you shouldn’t put too much effort in impressing or pleasing it with your abilities, but rather, do as much as you can to point out to other folks that there’s something better than that world available and coming up ahead. (2015:249) If times are becoming tougher and harder, let it be a reminder for you and make you aware of who’s running that joint down there… and you really couldn’t consider him a friend, nor any of his pack of followers, and unfortunately, the large majority of the world’s population is more attracted to his features and temptations than the side of their Creator… (16:1) Reminders of how rotten the System can be are good for you, just so you don’t get tempted again to feel as if your time down there is supposed to be a vacation. You’ve got to manage to deal with the fact how rotten worldly systems are and can be, and cope with it, that this world isn’t much of a home… at least not for My people. (16:7) Finding out what the world is really like is a confirmation that it’s not your Home, but your true Home is out of that world. (16:14) Not feeling at home in that world is in general a good sign, as far as I’m concerned, because it means, your true Home is right Here, where I am. (16:21) What can you expect from a world taken over through its people’s choices by the enemy of its Creator, who wants to take over the godhead and have people worship him? And his way of preparing the world for his reign is by brainwashing them through the media, without them becoming aware of who’s running it, and wiping out belief in supernatural powers and forces through education. – Basically making the flesh the master of its own creation. (16:27) If the world’s not your home, you shouldn’t be too shocked about not finding a place down there where you’d manage to feel more at home. You’ve got to get used to the “pilgrims and strangers” mode down there… continuing to make your destination your eternal Home Up Here with Me and your fellow brethren. Not feeling comfy or at home down there is not a negative! It should spur you on to keep looking for the truly positive, which you’re not bound to find down there, but much more likely Up Here… Not feeling at home or comfortable in the world is not a negative. You don’t belong there… so, to keep being reminded of that should get you more mentally geared toward your true Home, where eventually you’ll wind up. And in the meantime, make your best out of your time down there, which means, to shoot for getting as many Up Here with you as you can! (16:30) If down in that world you cannot help not feeling at home, the more you can manage to make yourself feel at home right Here where I am, all the angels and fellow believers are, including Our almighty Father and Mother of Love, the more strength you’ll find in order to overcome the difficulties life down there confronts you with! (16:36) Remember that this world is not your home… so, no wonder you’re not feeling at home or too comfy there. If you’re not feeling too comfy and cozy there, let it be a sign for you that it’s not My will for you to feel too much at home there, if that’s not really where you belong!

This world is not your home, and you should do what you can to inspire and encourage others who don’t feel that well down there, that there’s a better Place awaiting those who receive Me! (16:39) Your surroundings are a mess to show you that the world is a mess. Don’t expect any part of it to be perfect! For perfection you’ve got to wait until you get Here! If things aren’t running perfectly smoothly, let it be an illustration for you of how imperfect the state of the world around you is in, with more mess and trouble coming! If things around you are a mess, let it be an example of the mess the world around you’s in! (16:40) The sight of a world you feel you don’t belong to is a tough one to handle, I know; that’s why I’ve had to spend My times seeking the Father during My earthly days, and likewise should you and all My true believers and followers. That world and mankind have a great big lesson to learn to enable us all to enjoy a better future. Sometimes there’s a price to pay for lasting happiness… (16:41) If the place you are isn’t turning out to be a very joyful and peaceful one, let it be a reminder that the same applies pretty much to the state of the globe in times to come! Don’t feel like you can make it down there? Well, a reminder it’s not your home! Times of trouble are reminders that the world’s not your home and a better One’s waiting for you. So, feel not of this world? See it as something positive, and Something Better coming up! The less comfy your place, the less at home you feel in that world, which I’ve reminded you plenty of times that it’s not supposed to be your home! So, going through hard, rough and tough times? – Take it as a part of the highest will for you, in order for you not to settle with the state of the world and winding up feeling like part of it! (16:43) The state of the world is a reminder that life isn’t a permanent vacation or good time, unfortunately, but a major fight, resistance and defense against the evil forces taking it over. Just as I keep reminding you that there’s Something better coming up than this world and present life, so does your appearance flash a bit of that light of hope to others… and, don’t you consider it to be something great and wonderful to be able – and make others able – to perceive a glimpse of hope coming up for something better than what this present world has to offer, that is currently run and largely controlled by our enemy, and will wind up to be more so in the days to come – even if for a relatively short time? (16:48) With the power the enemy took over that world, it’s tougher to believe in the good in a world that’s been taking the drift toward the bad side of things, but that’s what faith is all about: Believe in the invisible good, instead of the visible bad! The thing is, that that sort of faith is the only force to empower you to do some visible good in that largely prone-toward-evil world! (16:49) Looking for a better and more perfect place in this world may be a natural thing to do, but with the direction in which the state of the world’s going, may not be the wisest. (16:52) If you can’t enjoy comfortable times and you don’t feel at home anywhere down there, remember, that world is not your home! (16:53)

With a world being taken over by the forces of evil you can’t expect too much good from it. (16:56) Going through trials in a world run by our enemy isn’t a negative sign. If that world’s not your home, you shouldn’t feel too dreadful about it. The less you like the world around you, the more you’ll like the One beyond! (16:63) If you don’t find an abode where you feel home, just remember that your true Home lies elsewhere… right Here, where I am. Don’t let it shock you, that feeling of not feeling at home or comfy in any of those regions you’ve been to! It’s hard to find a place to feel at home for strangers in that world for whom the world’s just not their home, because a better One’s awaiting them. And that vision of being headed toward a better Home, not of this world you’re in right now should help you keep going as a stranger in this world, which – with the direction in which it’s headed – won’t be too strange. For many – if not most – of My true followers, it just hasn’t been much of a vacation time down there. And in many ways, that’s what makes one recognize a true follower of Mine and child of God: the fact that they just don’t feel much at home in that world they were born in. It’s another part of the topic of flesh or Spirit: not feeling at home in that world where the flesh largely rules, makes the children of God yearn for their true, lasting and spiritual Home, even if they don’t happen to know much or anything about It yet. God’s true children aren’t patriots down there, and very rarely of the kind delving into the stuff and success the temporal world has to offer… even though they might need it like everyone else. (16:78) The enemy’s trying to contradict My saying that “this world is not your home” by keeping everyone as attached to their “home countries” and make it as tough and difficult to move to another one as possible. Apart from making it tougher for My servants to obey “Go ye into all the world.” (16:86)

What life hands you is not so much a chastisement for your sins as the state the world is in since it’s being run by Our enemy. You just have to learn to cope with it, like I’ve had to, and try what you can to make the best of it. (16:87) Apart from the whole world around you obviously getting worse, what matters is not so much the world around you, but how you’re coping with and doing in it. Sure, it could be better, and it would be nice if it would… but isn’t there something better we’ve got to offer, once we’ll get rid of the evil ones running it, and wouldn’t it be nice to share a glimpse of hope towards that with others who might be looking for it? And it doesn’t depend on your words as much as on your own attitude and way of making it through this far from perfect life in a far from perfect world. So, even though the world is being run by an evil enemy and all his servants and cohorts, remember also that God so loved the world that He gave Me to it! (2016:89) Use what you’ve been given from the Father, not so much what the world around you offers you! (2016:93) As somebody “not from this world,” it shouldn’t really shock you, that you’re different than those for whom that world is just their home. One of the differences between being “worldly” and “other-Worldly”… And with the way that world around you has developed, I can see you’re not ashamed anymore of not being part of it, don’t try to “fit in” anymore. If your contact with your surrounding isn’t that glorious, just let it be a reminder that you’re a citizen of another Place where you really belong! (2016:101) If it makes you feel less at home in that world what you’re going through, take it as an advantage from My point of view! The more proofs you get that you just don’t belong there, the better! (2016:105) Becoming a stranger to this world has never been a negative for Me, and it definitely won’t be for true believers after seeing what this world develops into – the kingdom (or global empire) of our enemy, who’ll do what’s in his might to erase My followership from the planet. (2016:107) Earthly circumstances are something to learn how to deal with to make you appreciate your perfect Home to come! They also exist to teach My sheep that this world is not their true home. (2016:112) Starting to feel less capable down there will make you feel less at home in that world; and the less comfy and the less at home you feel down there, the better; trust Me! If that world’s just not your home, it should make it easier to leave it, don’t you think? (2016:125) If you’re not satisfied with your life in this world anymore, just remember that it’s not your home, and you might as well invest some preparation acts for the Part that is your Home – or at least will be. What can you expect from a world run by evil? If life drags you down in that world at times, just remember who’s currently running it, due to the majority of people’s choice in his favor. (2016:129) Remember what My Word says about the world; and just because you don’t seem to fit in it anymore as well as you used to, do you think I’d consider that a positive or a negative? If “come ye out from among them” was part of My message 2000 years ago, what do you think I’d be saying today, when the enemy’s global takeover has become much larger and is coming close to its final and most extreme state? Feeling you don’t fit into that world anymore? – Don’t feel too weird about it! See it as an advantage that you’re not guided by the natural illusions most folks have about the world! See it as an advantage that you’re becoming more aware of who’s currently still in charge of and spiritually governing it, and will soon reach the point of his final and physical takeover of world government, the incident that will reveal to all where his leadership will lead: not the Heaven on Earth that I offer, but hell! So, don’t be too frustrated about your more realistic view of the world! (2016:133)

Worries Quit worrying about what other folks might think of you! Just worry about what I think of you, and then be bold enough to be My nut! (I:293) Worry isn’t good for you, so I want you to instantly convert every worry into a prayer, okay? If worry is a sickness or a poison, then prayer is the cure. Worry is the question mark, prayer brings the answer. Worry is the black hole of the vast need that’s there to fill and prayer is the switch that turns on the heavenly machinery that sets the filling process in motion. Worry is the darkness, prayer turns on the light. So, pray, instead of worrying! (I:375) The worries and cares of life don't enhance unity. They make you encapsulate yourself in your own little world that doesn't grant others permission to enter so easily. You become irritated and easily aggravated, whereas once you have delved into My spiritual World of trust and where Eternity reigns and everything that lives and breathes knows beyond a shadow of a doubt that I'm in perfect control of everything, then you can convey that same peace to others as well. (I:412) I could do and take care of so many things already before you can even start worrying about them, if you let Me! (I:436) Shake off the fears and worries and replace them with faith and trust! There's nothing to be afraid of, nor any reason to worry. (I:507) As long as I am the One who's calling the shots, you don't need to worry. As long as I am guiding you personally, what is there to worry about? Just trust and follow! I will not lead you astray! (I:532) What does experience teach you? Did your worries ever avail much? Did they ever happen? Were they ever justified? (I:560) Don't worry about tomorrow, but commit your care into My hands! (I:562) Don't get stuck worrying about dark times ahead! Look beyond and past them, into My glorious Light, into which you have already come, out of the darkness, by faith! (II:24) I want you to get over and past the point of worrying about your physical needs to a state where you regard them as way below the priorities of My agenda in your life. "Seek ye first the Kingdom of God... and all these things shall be added unto you." (II:41) Who, by worrying, was ever able to add one little grain in size to his spiritual stature? Forget about your worries! Trust in Me! Your worries will just drive you away from Me temporarily, until you wind up back here at My feet again, frustrated that all your worries didn't get you one inch further! Do what you can do, but don't worry about a thing! Just honor Me by trusting Me and refusing to worry! (II:166) No use worrying about what you're missing out on! (II:168) When you're faced with a trial, a burden, any challenge, just hand it to Me and stop worrying about the rest! If anything comes your way, hand it to Me! You don't have to worry about anything. (II:265) Did any of your worries ever come to pass? (II:341) How many more times are you going to dismay at the sight of a problem or an obstacle in spite of the countless times I saved you and told you not to be dismayed, not to fear, not to worry? (II:363) You will see in the end, there was really nothing to worry about at all. (II:383) Most of your worries really don't ever happen. It's just empty bluffs of the devil, only as real as you allow them to become in your mind. (II:408) In the world, but not of the world, that's what I need you to be. It's hard to fight against all those worldly influences. Getting Egypt out of Moses was precisely what took so long: the worldly attitudes toward things, and their viewpoints... (II:425) I'd be honored if you showed Me such trust, that you don't have to worry about anything else, that you'll know I'll take care of things, because you know I care that much about you. (II:435) The less you have to worry about other things besides doing the job I gave you, the better! (II:489) The worries and cares of this life are like blinkers that prevent you from seeing the overall scope, prevent you from seeing freely all there is to see and discover, prevent you from enjoying life. They prevent you from seeing the good things I have specked and decorated your days with. Worries and cares only allow you to see the hole, not the donut! (II:523)

Don’t worry too much about your weaknesses, your sins, your failures... You can do what you can to overcome them, but the main thing you've got to do is let Me. Your sin is nothing to worry about anymore. (II:537) The less you worry, the more your trust enables Me to work for you. (II:543) You shouldn't worry about what people are going to think or say about you. (III:79) Just be the vessels We shine and pour through! Like this you don't have to worry, either, what people may think about you. (III:122) Fact is that things have always worked out somehow so far, and that all your worries never came to pass, so why worry? (2012:63) You’re not naturally the type to do things, instead of worrying about them, analyzing them to pieces, criticizing or simply disliking them, and so I’m happy for you if there’s less for you to worry about. (2012:144) Learn to live without worrying about your future! Learn to enjoy life while it’s there! (2014:20) Don’t sink into the trap of worries and fears about how you’re going to make it! Make it day by day, and don’t worry about the future! (2014:45) “Faith, hope, love, these three…” Can you keep these three in mind? – And let them rule you, instead of fears and worries grounded by the conditions and circumstances the enemy brings up around you to weaken you! (2014:62) Trust in Me, that everything’s under divine control and you don’t have to worry too much! (2015:159) What you need is faith and trust in Me, instead of fear and worry. Just try to make it through every day with a trusting heart- and mind-set, instead of worrying about that dark future you can see appending! (2015:167) Don’t worry about whether you’ll make it or you won’t! Those worries are what the enemy uses to get folks hooked up into his self-solving scheme of the flesh. Can I get you to trust in Me, instead of worrying about how to make it in and through the world around you? (2015:193) I’ve always opened some doors for you… even if it was at the last minute to test your faith and patience. So, keep that faith and patience! And don’t worry, which isn’t faith! Faith knows you can rely on Me. So, learn how to keep that faith and make it grow, even if, - or because – you need it with times growing darker! Let Me help you overcome your worries first of all! If you don’t know yet where to go, don’t worry! I’ll lead and guide you when the right time comes. So, don’t worry! I’ll let you know and will open the door when the right time comes. See those worries as attacks from the enemy! And resist them! Learn to replace any worries with the Spirit of Trust! Trust Me and all the Powers from Above that We are able to see you through, and resist the worries the enemy would like to toss at you! Keep trusting in Us and all the Power and Strength from Above, and don’t focus too much on the physical circumstances down there if they tend to worry you! Remember: faith and trust is what you need, not fear and worries! – And that We have the Power to strengthen you from those weaknesses! (2016:64) Instead of worrying about the dark future times ahead, pray for My protection to help you make it through it! My protection and supply! (2016:81) All We’re concerned about is that you’ll make it somehow… perhaps to ease your load of worrying and wondering whether and how on Earth you’ll make it. (2016:83) If faith comes through the hearing of the Word, can you tell how it’s growing in you and lifting you up from the discouraging attitude the enemy’s been trying to plant in your life through the surrounding circumstances, fears and worries? Faith is what helps you overcome all of them: the aspect of physical circumstances and your fears and worries about them, including those concerning what’s to come! So, don’t wanna be a worry-wart? – Lift up to the Spirit and become the courageous and bold one I’d like you to be! (2016:95) You shouldn’t worry but trust! – In spite of any tough and difficult circumstances and conditions! - Trust that I am greater than those and can and will help you overcome them! Let’s overcome your fears and worries! Let your faith and trust in Me grow, and don’t let them be subsided by fears and worries! (2016:99)

Yieldedness If you continue to be willing and keep saying “Yes” to Me, I will cleanse you, free you from every chain, and I will mightily use you. (I:2)

Sign a blank sheet of paper everyday and let Me fill in the details! You don’t have to know everything in advance, I do. I want you to be ready and willing to accept anything I may ask you, whenever it may come! Open up your hearts, like a flower would open up her petals to the sun, and let Me shine deep into your hearts! (I:58) Let Me take you over and make you over! (I:84) Nothing is impossible and there are no limits to what I can do with a man who is determined to let Me use him. (I:103) Obedience comes with the yielding. (I:140) A missionary is a man or woman who is utterly dedicated and yielded to Me, not holding anything back. (I:207) Only few have the trust and yieldedness to truly commit their life into My hands and say, “Lord, do with me as Thou wilt!” Or “Use me as You best see fit!” (I:297) To bring about My will in a person’s life, I use desperation or frustration to break people, humble them. The question is whether a person will yield to Me in all this, trust Me that My wisdom is greater than their own in allowing certain apparent injustices to happen, or whether they will allow a root of bitterness to spring forth in their heart. (I:333) When I'm putting before you an option to do the absolutely radical, contrary-to-all-your-rational-reasoning, how radical are you? How sold out for Me are you? How willing to really say "Yes!" to Me without reservations? (I:417) As long as you're yielded to Me and you declare in our unwritten daily contract that you are Mine and I can do with you what I will, you can safely assume that I will, and that I will use every minute to prepare you to the utmost for that purpose of your existence that will render the greatest possible amount of fruit for My Kingdom. (I:424) If you limit Me to only use you under conditions and specific circumstances, you're also limiting Me to only bless you with a certain amount of the joy and rewards of what total yieldedness would bring. (I:563) The things I would want from you come from the spirit of letting go of the flesh, of yielding it, surrendering it and laying it down. (I:576)

Total freedom only comes through total surrender to Me. You have to yield every day, at every turn and decision that requires a "yes" to Me from you. Receiving My help in this daily, through My instructions of what it is I want you to forsake and what area I want you to yield more and progress in is vital. (II:132) Only in the yielding to My better judgment and humbly and gratefully accepting the job and the slot in life I assigned you to can you find peace and can you start walking the way of true accomplishment, fruitfulness and fulfillment in Me. (II:202) I want you to yield and give up the controls over your life fully into My hand. Only when you can truly do that, are you able to fully trust Me for everything, that everything that comes your way, no matter how bizarre, weird or irrational it may seem, is only the very best possible choice of Mine for you and will bring nothing but the best possible results for you. (II:213) Say, like Mary, "Let it be! Let it be done unto Your servant/handmaiden even as You have said!" That's the yielding, that's the submission I need. Just say, "Let it be!" (II:363) How yielded to Me are you, how desperately do you seek Me and need Me and show Me that you need Me? (II:366) Remember, "Not by (your) might nor by (your) power, but by My Spirit (Zec.4:6)" the battle is going to be won. You've got to give your little strength to Me and yield it in cooperation to My Spirit. Only that way it's ever going to work. (II:387) The thing that really counts right now, and that's relevant to your usefulness for Me today, is how yielded and dedicated you are to My Spirit! (II:526) Just yield your life into My hand, even if you know it might lead you through hell! (III:20) If the first thing you do every morning is yield your whole life to Me, and spend the time with Me that is needed in order to shed the carnal man and put on the spiritual man, then we can also wholeheartedly focus on building up all that goes with it. (III:62)

What other universal lesson would ever drive home the importance and advantages of yieldedness and surrender to Me, as does this whole big series of events on Earth right now, which shows where man is going on his own, with his own choices, and refusing to yield to Me and the Father? (III:157) The goal is to be able to praise Me and give Me the glory for something you managed to allow Me to bring to pass through your yieldedness, not to show off something you achieved in your own strength or wisdom, or based on your own ideas. (III:169) To become a surrendered and yielded tool in My hands means to submit yourself as one yielded member of the whole, and not try to stick out as one special, individual piece. (III:203) It's true that your rewards are going to be given you according to the works you did, but the best possible you can do to begin with is to just yield and be a vessel to Me, so that I can fill you with the right kind of energy, the right kind of incentives that are going to enable you to do the kind of works that require My strength to do it through you, so that you can give Me the glory for them. (III:240) That’s the kind of yieldedness I need and want from you: the surrender to the Big Plan, not your own, and rest in the knowledge that the Planner will see it through, no matter whether you feel capable of it or not. (2011:63) How about yielding to the challenges I bring along in your life and rolling with the flow, trusting that I know what I’m doing and allowing only what’s for your best? (2011:85) Those who are yielded to My will instead of wielding great agendas of their own can testify of freedoms that those who are bound by their own selfish desires and whims can only dream of. So, if you want total freedom, you’re wise to yield to Me and My wishes for you. That’s precisely what yieldedness is all about: you trust Me for the outcome, do what I bid you to do, even if you cannot quite see yet whether this is really the best you could possibly do, or whether it’s a good path at all I’m leading you on. You just trust and know by faith that I don’t lead you down the wrong road. (2011:89) The point is not where you are, but much more importantly, what you are, and what by My grace you’re becoming, if you yield to the process I’m carrying out in your life to bring about the desired changes. (2011:102) The problem is when you don’t yield to accept what I’m doing in your life, but resist what I’m trying or fail to get the lesson. (2011:105)

I’m not talking about self-perfection or -improvement, but when it is I Who wants to work on you to improve, purify and make you better, it’s a different story, and you should yield to it and quietly allow Me to do My work. (2011:110) Yieldedness doesn’t always come easy. Human will is only too eager to interfere with My interests on your behalf. But I do respect and honor the efforts of those who at least try to keep Me in the first place in their lives and make My will their priority. Yieldedness isn’t just a one-time click or switch where you decide that My will be done in your life, but it’s basically a constant and new day-to-day effort. (2011:123) If this is your cup, the one I handed to you, then drink it! Follow the counsel of those who told you to praise Me for those “bad” things as much as You’d praise Me for the good. That’s yieldedness. (2011:149) The sooner you realize and accept that I’m only giving you what you truly need, instead of trying to resist and reject it, the sooner you’ll be off the hook, and the better off you’re going to be. I can make anything happen that a human soul is willing and ready for. (2012:3) Whatever is supposed to be accomplished by you that will be considered true and lasting achievement will have to be accomplished by Me through you and by no other factor than your own yieldedness to My will. (2012:8) You will find true and total freedom in yielding to My will for you and surrendering your own. (2012:10) The wisest thing you can do is just yield to My better judgment and surrender your own will and possible preferences to what I happen to know to be the ultimately better path for you, even if that may not exactly coincide with your own judgment. The truly great men of faith through the ages gave My judgment the priority over their own. They didn’t think they were smarter than I, but yielded to whatever I showed them or led them to do, even if, according to their own reasoning, it may have seemed irrational. It doesn’t really matter so much where you are, as it does how much in tune with Me you are. (2012:12) One thing is trying or attempting to change yourself in your own carnal efforts and become whatever you idealize; another is to yield to My workings in your life to make the changes I think are most necessary. People like to have control over their lives, but part of life is just yielding to and coming to grips with the fact that when it all comes down to it, ultimately they don’t. (2012:38) When you can accept where you are and what you’re doing as precisely where you should be and what you should be doing,

you’ll experience more lasting fulfillment than you can find in any sort of entertainment. (2012:31) There may be a number of factors responsible for your not finding the sort of fulfillment you’re longing for: You might be looking in the wrong direction, or you may not be yielding to what’s My will for you and accept it with the necessary gratitude. (2012:93) Why not try to find it in you to embrace the situation you’re in, instead of ever seeking to escape from it, ever yearning for something better looming on a distant, imaginative horizon? (2012:98) Just like trials and tests, it’s a bit hard to accept and welcome “lashes of love,” but as is promised, they bear peaceable fruit of righteousness (Heb.12:11). The truth is, they’re actually easier to take and are even less painful when you yield to them, and say, sort of like Mary to the angel, “Let it be done unto me as You please.” So, yieldedness to chastisement is a realistic part of yielding and submission. (2012:154) Yielding to My will is fairly important… (2014:23) Being yielded to My will is one of the smartest and wisest thing you can do. (2014:25) Staying in touch with Me after a crisis you’ve been through physically and mentally, should show and teach you some things, but it also shows how real and important your faith is and has been. Since the value of this time on Earth went down for you a lot, it’s becoming more important for you to pay more attention to the Spirit World and life coming after this one… - Yielding more to the Spirit. (2014:142) Try to keep ahold of Me more through prayer and yielding your life more to others by being ready to give them more of Me! (2014:154)

To prepare you for the Spirit World in general couldn’t be wrong. So, why resist it, if that’s the case? Why not just yield to it and get ready for what’s to come, which – believe Me – is going to turn out a lot better than the there and now for you? (2014:168) Sometimes you wonder why I’m allowing certain things and don’t work out other ways to make it easier and more comfy for you… So, let these situations in your life help to teach you what things could, and sometimes should be like, and try to yield to My will! (2015:62)

It may be a tough season, but learning to take it as well as you can is the best you can do! So, take it! Be humble enough to learn to deal with it, and stop murmuring! Remember that what I allow to happen to you is the best I know you need at the time, and take it! I know it’s not easy, but do you remember what I told you repeatedly over taking and accepting the harder times? And accepting what I'm putting before you to take is a sign of yieldedness, instead of thinking you know better. Just try to make it, yielding humbly to what I put before you to take and accept! Trust Me that it’s the way you need to learn to go! (2015:98)

The more you let Me take it over, the better it gets for you! (2015:101) Learning to yield to the will of Those from Above is something that’s necessary: humility, instead of pride and thinking you know better. (2015:104) We can help you make it, if your attitude and willingness, as well as your yieldedness are turned in the right direction! (2015:112) You’re not so fond of going through those tough times ahead, but it’s Our will for you, since you’ve got a purpose for us to fulfill through it. (2015:113) What you’ve got to learn, you’ve just got to, and there’s no way around it, so, just get ready for it! It’s part of yielding to the will of the Father from Above, Who knows best what you still and truly need. So, just take it, what’s coming at you, and yield to the Father’s will, trusting fully in the fact that He knows best what you really need and could handle the most. Trust that He knows best! – And don’t resist His will, nor resist what He allows to happen to you. It may be a little hard to handle and yield to at first, but once you’ve learned that, you’ll consider it all worth it, and you’ll even wind up grateful for what it all will have taught you. (2015:129) What if I have a plan for you? Wouldn’t it be better to yield to that and submit your fate to Our will? – Even if it may not be that easy? (2015:135)

Just yield to what’s happening, knowing that it comes from My hand to help you get ready! (2015:143) I can use you. If you let Me! It basically takes yielding your life to My will, and putting your trust and confidence in it.

Yielding to Our will for you is a wise move, trust Me! – So much wiser than what most people do who are leaning to their own understanding and perception of it all. (2015:181) Be willing to do whatever you’re called to do at the time being; yielding to what I happen to ordain as your temporal task! (2015:207) “Thy will be done” means you’ll bow to the desire of what We want, and not just what you wish for and desire! (2016:35) You’ve just got to yield to the fact that there are harder times to learn to put up with, and life isn’t just about having fun! So, take things the way they come! Acceptance of what life has to bring is part of the yieldedness. (2016:42) Whatever comes, accept it as from Me! Yielding to My leadings, even when they’re not it the direction you’d have preferred to go is a good sign, and you can already feel a comforting spirit as a result! So, keep up the yielding! (2016:76) All depends on what spirit you yield to. So, yield to Me and the Holy Spirit from Above, and you’ll realize which of the two sources is stronger and in the end will turn out the victorious One. (2016:90) The Father knows what He’s allowing to happen to you in order to shape your character and make what you’re supposed to be out of you! Got a little trust for that, and can you yield to that? – Preferably without complaining? Now, that would be yieldedness: to take whatever comes with a positive attitude instead of grumpiness, murmuring and complaining about it! (2016:102)

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