What Jesus Has To Say At The Onset Of The

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What Jesus Has to Say at the Onset of the 21st Century about… …Change

“Because they have no changes, therefore they fear not God.” – Psalm 55:19 Habits and familiarity stand between that what you are & what you could be, between what you could accomplish and that which you actually wind up doing. Everyday is a completely new chapter. Be prepared for anything, for changes. I am a God of the New. Although I, the Lord, change not, I am always the ‘new’, the unknown element, which is why people shun Me, for they are used to their old, comfortable ruts. Because they have no changes, therefore they fear Me not. He that is open to Me is open to change. He that seeks Me seeks the new. As long as you’re pleased with yourself, it’s pretty hard for Me to get you to desperately want change. Stay alert in the Spirit, and open to unexpected moves & changes, never underestimating the little things. I’m re-making you. It’s a painful process, but it will be worth it. Empty your mind, the glass of your life, completely of all that has been filling it previously, let Me give it a real good rinse, or even create a whole new vessel of it altogether, if need be, and let Me fill it. It’s time for radical changes & time to get down to serious business with Me! If something doesn’t work, I don’t seem to be blessing it, and withdraw My support, it’s time for a change. As long as everything is all comfortable, I hardly get any of My children to move. I always have to turn up the heat before they will get stirred up enough to look for a change or a different direction. Be more than conquerors by the faith which overcometh the World, faith in Me & the higher calling & destiny I’ve ordained & empowered you for. It’s going to be like flipping a switch, pressing the ”delete” button, & your former self will be remembered no more. Old things have passed away, behold, all things are made new. This is what it means to truly become a new creature in Me; that’s how drastic the difference is. Sometimes you’ve got to “get right back to where you started from”, in order to get somewhere new. If the roads you’ve been walking so far haven’t taken you to your destination, you’ve got to get back to where you started from & try again. Only remember, it’s a new era, and there are new methods & means you’re going to have to use, new songs you’re going to have to sing, and new tools you’re going to have to apply. Are you willing to change & let Me make you a new creature, or are you hanging on to the old – the shadows of the past? Leave the old ways behind. Come, step out into the new! Don’t stay in the old, worn out rut! As long as you still rely on yourself or your situation, it’s no good. It’s got to be stirred up, lest it stagnates & becomes no good. As long as there’s motion in it, I can use it & it generates energy. As soon as the flow of motion stops, it dies & becomes useless to Me. So, let it blow, let it move, even if it’s all tossed about from one extreme to the other. There's still way too much of you in that vessel! Let Me pour it out & re-fill you, renew you! Give Me the rests of your old self, let Me pour them on the ground & re-make you into something better; not a shining, glorious ornament, but a useful vessel! The Devil is trying hard to stop you from becoming a completely yielded vessel. Anything that leads you back to the comfortable path of compromise with the old path you've been trotting, is less likely to be from Me than from him. I want you to have change. He wants you to stagnate. I say: "Launch out into the deep & forsake all that you have & I'll give you a hundred times more!" Life is exciting if you flow with My river of change! Sometimes you take what you're used to as the standard & the norm, but the closer you get to My Spirit, the more you realize that you're by far not anywhere near the top of the mountain yet, but actually have

just conquered a few hills, and the real mountain is still waiting for you. The flesh sits there, self-satisfied, & pleased by its own routine. "Why, things are going just fine. I don't need any help. We've done fine so far without any extra help, and we're going to manage..." It strives against humility and against the changes I would like to bring into your life. "Oh, let's continue on here, in our nice & comfortable rut..." Walk that road toward new horizons, open doors of change, toward surrender of your own ways. Those who are in their ruts of doing what they've always been doing the way they've always been doing them, will probably continue to do so, but those who are open & receptive to My winds of change can enjoy new breezes & exciting changes, both, in the spirit, and as a result of those changes in the spirit, also significant changes in the physical. Each day is like a new beginning from scratch. You can't take the inspiration, the feelings of victory and triumph from the day before with you into the new day. It's a little bit like daily forsaking all, or dying daily & being born again. It shows to which extent I like to make all things new. So, every new day is a new challenge, a new chapter of your life to be written, involving new lessons, new treasures to hunt and collect, and, of course, new battles to win. They're really continuations & sequels of all you've learned in the days before today, but yet there's a feeling & nuance of newness & strangeness to it all. The victories of yesterday were won, but the outcome of today is still undetermined. Changes are good for you, even if they're just changes of mind, of attitudes and perspectives and direction of focus. Once you start changing, those changes usually become platforms for greater & better changes. Changes are almost always blessed by Me, especially those that require a certain amount of boldness & sacrifice on your part. As long as you keep saying "yes" to Me & My open doors, you can be assured that I'll bless you. Trust Me for the outcome. The power of habit keeps you lagging behind the way I would have you adapt to My changes . Keep praying for changes to happen. You don't like the way things are? Pray for Me to change them! You can shape your environment & change your world according to your faith. You've got to cultivate your faith, & keep it growing! You've got to keep making progress, constantly gain new territory, face new challenges, and have new changes. Radical, supernatural changes are required to make radical, supernatural progress! Spread your wings & fly to new horizons, do new things and enjoy the freedom I am giving you! In order to open up a new book, you have to close the old book first. In order to start something new, you'll have to forsake the old, something has to die in order to give way to the new. I'm making a new man out of you. One a lot less like yourself and a lot more like Me. This is a time of clearing out old cobwebs, of getting the victory over former bad habits, and a time of preparing for something new. Sometimes something good has got to give for the benefit of something better. It's called sacrifice. The greatest changes take the longest amounts of time to bring them about, the inner changes of heart. Accept change as something good, something necessary, something wonderful in your life, and receive it with arms wide open, just like a baby. A baby brings lots of changes into your life, and that's why children are becoming so unpopular in today's society, who constantly resist change & fear not God. The changes I bring into your life may look a little disturbing to you now, maybe useless, eating up your energy and resources, costing you effort to dress & feed them, but in the future, if you keep feeding and seeing them through with the right kind of spirit & attitude, you will see that it will truly have been for the best. Change is really the opposite of the Devil's spirit of stagnation. Although he pretends to be the great pioneer of change & progress in the World & accuses Christians & believers of being old-fashioned, in the spirit his philosophy is really old and rotten, and the same kind of selfish & greedy philosophy he has been introducing since the beginning. Ask yourself everyday, what can we change today in order to make things better? Any change happening in your lives is going to be for good and for the better. Not only passively and reluctantly accept changes, but actively use them as a weapon to go on the offensive. An attack is definitely a change, isn't it?

So, keep changing! Keep revoluting! Keep revolving and evolving, growing and splitting your cells, & multiplying. It’s better to make changes than merely taking them. If you make changes instead of merely taking and accepting them as they come, then you take the initiative, and you call the shots, you're on the offensive, and not on the defensive. It's not a time to keep going business as usual. It's a time of great change and a time of contemplation. It's a time to seek My face & see what things I would have you do differently than the way you have been doing them. It's a time to get ready for even greater changes ahead, for strengthening the things that remain, your faith & trust in Me and the things which are not of the Earth, not seen, not temporal... It's a time to start getting your act together as the messengers I want you to be, and not to keep leaning on the arm of the flesh. It's time to quit repeating the same mistakes over & over again, of just doing what comes naturally, the obvious, without even bothering to ask Me about it & consult with Me. It's a time to be willing to let Me kill those unfruitful elements in your life & to allow Me to purge them & go on to newer, more fruitful ways, methods & things. You can see the light on the horizon, but it still takes a little while until it's fully day. A new day will come. A new page will be turned over. A new book will be written, and things will have changed. In the meantime, pray for those changes to come to pass, which you can see now only in the distance, on the horizon. Don't fret or get impatient, but pray them through! I will make these things & changes come about in My perfect time, you can just focus on them in faith, patience and trust, and help bring them about by faithful prayer. Just because you have grown used to the way things are doesn't mean that that's the way they're actually supposed to be. I have come to bring change; a change of each & every life, a change of direction for each & every man and woman as well as for mankind in general. My message was and still is: "repent!" Which means, "turn around! You're going the wrong way! You may think you're going the right way, but I'm telling you something different! Now, who are you going to believe? Here, this is the right way to go: follow Me, and I'll show you!" One of Satan's greatest and most successful weapons against mankind is that feeling, "This feels familiar, it feels okay, it doesn't feel strange, so it must be the right way!" They become so familiar with the wrong way, the Devil's way, that they actually think it's the right way. I can change any life! I might just do it in order to prove to you how wrong you are in putting Me or anyone else in a box, because anything is possible, and anyone can change! Be open to the possibility of Me changing anybody, no matter how hopeless it may look to you! With Me, you better get ready for the unexpected. The spiritual winter of your heart is over. The hardships you've been experiencing, the heat I've been putting on, are causing the hard shell to soften & crack open & finally the new you is coming to life, the person I wanted you to be. Not the cold, reserved, critical & calculating old you, but the loving, warm, affectionate, embracing you, that does not hold back from Me nor from others! - A giving you, a smiling you, bubbling over with My humble joy and love, dropping warmth and love and affection and encouragement into the hearts of those you pass by. You can change everything today. Being open to change is a key factor.

Behold, I make all things new. I am the One Who brings variety & change! You can interpret that both ways: either you just passively and patiently wait until I bring some kind of change about, or you take part in bringing change and renewal about by absorbing Me, including Me in everything and focusing on Me, expecting change & thus helping to make it happen. All newness & variety that is good & positive originates from Me, and I am the Newness, the Variety & the Change you seek! Where do look for variety, for newness, for spunk & inspiration? At all the things you cannot have? No. At Me! Sometimes you've just got to forget everything you've learned in order to find the truth for the moment! You've got to forget those circumstances which framed your condition that formed your view of things, in other words, just smash the whole picture (icon=idol) of your perception of things & let Me make it over completely! If something hinders or stops you from having changes, if something ties you down to a certain rut and keeps you from obeying My commandment to go into all the world & preach the gospel to every creature, then you can almost always assume that the Enemy's behind it. Changes have to come from within, through loving fellowship & interaction with Me, through spending time with Me & loving Me, you can't force these things in the flesh! Changes of the heart are miracles that

only I can bring about, you can't do it yourself, so quit trying & let Me do it! All things change. Perspectives change. Modes of operating change. Tactics change. The emphasis on certain weapons can change & shift to another. There's more to learn. This doesn't mean we discard the previous classes and lessons and acquired skills altogether, we just focus more on other things for a change, to learn additional, new things. Things will not continue as they were & you might as well get ready for change, and more change. You've got to keep growing, keep expanding your horizon, keep embracing the new, the fresh, although it initially may feel strange to you. We're not trying to establish a new ritual or routine. We're trying to keep things alive and moving and progressing, and that includes and means changing. If you want to make forward movement, then this requires change. You can't expect progress without change. Open yourself to new images from My Spirit, new experiences, new feelings. You must be completely open to the totally new. I am the New, the flesh is the old. I am the Door to the new, the Way to the new, the Shepherd leading you to new pastures, the new bread, the new water of life, the Light, making obsolete the old darkness which formerly surrounded you, and leading you ever onwards, away from the former, the old, the well-known. Focus on the new way, the new thing I am doing in your life. The world always goes the way of the flesh, the selfish way, the way of decay, the ways of death! My way is always the new way, the contrary to the usual way, the revolutionary, unselfish way, the way of faith! Following Me requires flexibility & openness to change. Following Me is a constant revolution. I am Revolution. Stay flexible and revolutionary! It's so important to keep revoluting, to keep changing in your life, & not fall into any ruts, routines & habits. You're supposed to come away changed from My Presence; you're supposed to take some of My Presence with you & show the World, let them see that you've been with Me, it's supposed to make a difference! Stay focused on Me and only turn to the world in order to show them Me & the influence I've been having on your life, the change I've evoked in you, the difference I made in your life! What a mess people can make of their lives if they just go through the motions, walk in the flesh & never stop in order to truly reach out & grasp for My Spirit, grab hold of Me and My grace to change their lives. You have the power to change your circumstances, and I need you to make use of that power! Health troubles are like warning signs that things can't keep going the way they have. A break or a change is required. And, as you know, changes are good for you, including physical changes like changing your diet, or fasting for some time. Ringing out the old, ushering in the new is one of life's cycles & main themes. Live a life of moving, vibrant change. Ever-flowing, turning, revolving, moving, never stopping, never stagnating, forever young, forever changing. You can only do that by living the life of the Spirit, by attuning your life to My Spirit, for what My Spirit signifies in this world, is change. In reality, it is ever constant, but as far as this world is concerned, it signifies change, because the state of this world is rebellion against Me, against My newness. It wants to stagnate, it wants to rot. It is death. I am life, but this world is death. So, by staying alive & continuing to move & flow with My Spirit, by living the life of the Spirit, you actually bring life into this dying, and in some ways already dead world. You're My heralds of change. You don't play along in their game, because you know it isn't going to last. It is programmed & destined to fail, to cease, in fact, it's already petering out. With your life-style, you're signaling change, sending out the message, "I have changed, and if you were brave enough, you could do it too! We don't all have to be slaves of the Matrix. Change is possible. And change will come. Don't think your system is the only one possible. Don't think it's going to last forever..." I'm still planning to come & take over this world. I'm still planning on changing everything! I'm still on My way! Some of My changes are not fast, but slow & majestic. I take time. Don't just let the things I tell you serve to inform you, to merely add to your knowledge, but let them form you, shape your heart, and consequently change your life & your actions. Only this way will you be able to move out into other people's lives & change them also. Be a living token of the fact that all things will not continue as they are.

I've always had to stop the flow of business as usual. Moses wouldn't have left for the wilderness if he hadn't killed the Egyptian, if everything would have continued on the way it had been... I'm bringing you into a position where you are more willing to make changes that you simply wouldn't undergo voluntarily, out of your own initiative, if there was no need for them. You need change, & change in any form is good for you, and the more courage you have for greater, radical changes, the better. Listen to the Spirit. The Spirit has got new things to say today, the wind bloweth where it listeth, and it pays to find out where, and which tune She's singing today. Maybe we've been getting away with singing yesterday's tune today, but you won't be able to get away with it tomorrow. We're heading into the future, and I'm giving you constant upgrades. To hell with the old way. Open your life to My new, unconventional way, the way on which you'll have to trust Me for every step. If the situation is bad, change it! I have given you the power to change your situation! The most important changes take place in the heart, and changing your circumstances won't do the trick if there hasn't been an inward change happening. All I'm saying is, "Try this! This is the way We do things in heaven, and it's the ideal way I've ordained for My children to do things in general, and if you try it, it might bring about some major improvements in your life." The first thing you've got to change in order to change the world & make it better is yourself. And what other way do I have to let you know that you need to change; that things are not okay the way things are, but to allow things to go wrong? In cases where your service for Me is what matters most & is of much greater importance than any relationship ever could be, changes in relationships, including separations, come more often from My hand than the Enemy. It's more often than not a blessing, which brings positive changes into the separating individuals' lives, freeing them from the chains of former habits and ruts. If you're having serious long-standing problems in your relationship and serious doubts about it - doubts about the authenticity of the motivations that hold it together, then you should certainly be brave enough to seriously consider a separation and at least talk and pray about it. Sometimes I make things "unbearable" in order to evoke change. The only alternative would be a slow, painful death, caused by stagnation, compromise, and what ultimately amounts to disobedience. So, please allow Me to rock your boat again, because, as lovely as the ride may have been, I'm afraid you got a little off the course & track that I want you to follow, and if that's what still matters to you in the first place, then definite changes will have to be made, and I mean any kind of change it takes, not just the ones you would be willing to make. If you're not willing to make the kind of changes I want you to make, you know that I can make your life of compromise & disobedience fairly unbearable, and if you refuse to give Me what is rightfully Mine, I can take a collection that will far surpass what I might have required from you in the first place. Changes are good for you. I never take one thing away from you without giving you something better. Keep your eyes & ears open for changes. Be flexible. Be movable. You constantly need to upgrade your artillery in order to stay up to par with the Enemy. You can't just remain the same, you can't just keep what you've got, but you've got to change, upgrade, make progress. Sometimes the old equipment or modus operandi just won't do anymore, and you'll need to upgrade, and when the time comes, there's simply no way around it. Move along with the flow of the new. Be open and ready for the flow of the new through you, that which will radically renew the System of Everything. Bring as much change into your life as possible, so that it won't just be the same rut and routine. It's the old man, your carnal man, which is at enmity with God, whom you must deny access to your system, the place from which you govern your life, like an old operating system that doesn't want to give up its realm easily, although it has already been replaced by a new and better one. Of course, the Enemy actively tries to install the old system again, your old ways of doing things, your old habits, or the old ways of the flesh sometimes in a new disguise. The old self is all about taking and getting. The new man, the new creature, is all about giving. The old man is negative, the new man is positive. Once you're born again and you have learned to let Me empty you of all the old things and then fill you with My new and good things, the input that will cause you to give instead of constantly having you concerned about getting more, acquiring more, consuming and accumulating, which was the game of the old man, then you can learn to embrace your new man, My spiritual creation that is you.

Often the truly needed changes are changes in your own mindsets, attitudes and perception of things, inward changes, changes within yourself, rather than the other party. Like this you can become a much more effective agent of change, too, if first of all, you allow Me to change yourself. The first on the list to change the World is "yourself." You can change your attitude, your way of seeing things, you can let Me change your heart, and much of your world will already be changed. You will be much more content & happy with things the way they are, a lot more trusting, that I'm having My way and that My way is good. Strive to get to a point where you can see things My way, so that you know what really needs to be changed, and what doesn't. More often than not, it's really so that what needs changing is yourself, your own heart,

your ideas, your mindset, your concept of things, your perception. Don't look so far for the things that need to be changed, but start right here, in your very heart! Allow Me to change you from the inside, and often you'll find half of the changes you would have liked to be made not even necessary anymore. If everyone would just allow Me to change them and work on the beam in their own eyes (you see that it's all a matter of seeing?), then a lot of "splinters" you previously saw in your brothers' eyes would all of a sudden not even really be there anymore... Or if they would, you'd find it so much easier to help that brother remove it by your own sample of having let Me freed you from your own beam, your own renewed perception of things. It's like that prayer, "Lord, help us to change those things that need to be changed, and to not change those things that don't need to be changed, and most of all, help us to know the difference." What needs to be changed most and first of all is you. Make each day as if it were the first day of a new period of your life, and it is, because it's a different period than the past. It's the present: the beginning of the future, where you can do all things differently than you ever did them before. As long as there's still room in your life for improvement, as long as your life isn't perfect yet, you should always be openly welcoming change and that wonderful opportunity to learn how to do things differently than in the past, to see things from a totally new angle, and just let each day be a new learning experience, a new episode, almost like the beginning of a whole new life. Break out of the cocoon of the old! Experience My newness. Let Me renew you, your vision, your concepts, your outlook, your whole being. To be "transformed by the renewing of your minds" is something you have to experience every day in order to find My good and acceptable and perfect will for you every day (Rom.12.2). Let Me "reincarnate" in you every day, to make your life a radical force of change for Me. Don't get stuck in any old mindsets, even if you "already have the truth." Good for you! But what is the truth that I want to teach you today? What is the lesson, the metanoia, the revelation for this day? This day, I can make all things new. This day, things will never have to be the same they used to be! This day, I can work in your life in a way I never have before, if you determine to let Me. This day can be the first day of not only the rest of your life, but of a brand new life altogether, with brand new prospects, aspects and perspectives, a brand new outlook, brand new horizons, visions, goals, methods... all depending on how open you are for Me and My changes, My Grace! You can be constantly renewed with heavenly fresh air and new whiffs of My Spirit (Tit.3:5). I bring new concepts, new perspectives, new pictures & illustrations to your mind to give you a renewed vision. Everything can change. The factors can change, the parties involved can change, the cards can change. Those who formerly were against Me can change and work for Me instead, as it unfortunately works the other way around... Your friends of yesterday can become your enemies of tomorrow and vice versa. The only thing that changes not and you can rely on is My being on your side. It all depends on choices made within those different fractions, people, governments, societies... Their structures change from within according to the decisions and choices made on individual levels as well as corporate. With fearful people transformation takes place more slowly as they carefully make each step, making sure they're not giving more than they can afford, or falling into some trap which they suspect around just about every corner. We're supposed to change the world. You're not just supposed to moan about the state it's in, you're supposed to do something to change it! What have you done today to change the world, to improve it and to make it different from the miserable state you're so miserable about? Be a sample of flexibility and openness to change; of yieldedness and humility: be living proof that it's not all that bad to forsake one or more of your own ideas for the sake of a simpler, easier solution. I don't leave you clueless. You may be clueless up until the point you ask Me about it, but once you do, everything can change. In that "New York Minute" when you come to ask Me anything, everything can change!

Nothing has to stay the same. I've got the power to change and radically alter everything, any situation, mood or circumstance you may find yourself in, any state of powerlessness or frustration. I bring about those changes in your life to avoid that the same should happen to you that's happening in so many others' lives: "Because they have no changes, therefore they fear not God." It is the changes that make you revere Me, respect and appreciate Me as the faithful Constant that I am. It will help you cope with any losses, changes, any crises and drastic turn of events & circumstances. If you consciously make Me the one remaining Constant in your life, you'll see how easy it will become for you to adapt to any kind of change. It’s time to try a new thing, to have faith for new steps, & for Me to open new doors and avenues. The winds of change are blowing, but man's nature is thus that he often ignores them and resists them. He tries to keep things the way they are, tries to preserve and conserve them, and continue all things as they have been (2Peter 3:4). Wishing things were different so that you can do better just won't work. You've got to make the best out of what you've got, you can do your best to make things better from where you are, and you'll see that that's the way to get ahead, or change the circumstances. You yourself can change them, either through your prayers or actions or words, but never through moaning and complaining about them. The power to change things is in your hands. You don't like the way things are? Change'em! Being accepted by others makes you comfortable about who and what you are already. But I want you to keep changing, I want you to keep moving and progressing more in My direction. Sometimes familiarity between people is the very factor that most hinders anyone from becoming a new creature. They would like to become one, but the other person won't let them because they continue to see the old man, the person they used to be, in them. Sometimes I use a third person to help someone become the new creature they're supposed to be, especially when that person has the sort of qualities that the one I'm trying to change lacks. It's the essence of change vibrating in you that lets others know you're alive. It all depends on how open you are to My input, how adaptable to what I'm bringing into your life... Life is full of surprises. And often those surprises, those things that turned out so different from the way you expected, are key factors in making you change. That's why people can change so drastically in their personalities when they mature. Experience has taught them that life has this quality of tossing about all their former expectations. Their own little concepts and perceptions of the world and mindsets simply often don't work out, and they realize they ought to try a different direction and head down a different track... Often, the conclusion they come to is, "What do I really know at all?" All their former concepts and truths are being tossed over a heap, and they realize they've got to start anew and build a different concept, a different life, or a different family, a different job... Whatever it is they think they need to change. And it's good. Changes are good for them. Change of heart is something you need to seek and want and ask for, like Salvation. If you think you don't need change, it's as if you think you're already perfect. What do you think is the purpose of all My instructions to you, of all the exposures of sin and the Enemy's tactics in your personal life? It's so that you change things, change wrong attitudes and behavior and thought patterns. If you want to change the world, the first step is to change yourself, or allow Me to change you or help you change. You should actively seek out the areas in which you need change in your personal life! Don't let the vicious cycle become a permanent cycle. Just decide to implement some change in the "matrix," the way things are, the rut and routine of what your life is at present. You want to change things and change the way they are? You bet you can! If you realize you need to change, or even only that it wouldn't be a bad idea to change, you can't expect that the mere realization alone is going to solve all your problems: "Poof, now I'm changed, presto!" Because then, as soon as the slightest bit goes wrong, you'll wonder, "What happened? Is that what I get for it?" and you even wonder if your intention to change might be what caused the problem. Nothing could be further from the truth. It's just that you haven't even seriously begun to change yet. You may think, and live in the delusion that just because you are now willing to change, the process of changing is already complete, but that is, of course, nothing more than wishful thinking. The bulk of the work is still ahead of you, and if you let the first sign of difficulty dissuade you from seeing it through, then you'll be making it very easy for the Devil. You've got to keep wanting change, keep seeking change and keep asking Me to highlight areas in your life that would be good to change.

Sometimes it's personal ruts and lack of change which make people grow together in an unhealthy type of codependency, almost like an addiction to the way things are. But if you determine to change things about you, personally, your habits, your attitude, your outlook, behavior, and even your appearance, then you make room for new things. It’s your life, and you have not only the liberty and the right, but the duty to make necessary changes in it that I require of you. If you don't manage to make those changes together, then you just have to take the first step alone. After all, it's your life that needs change, right? While you're still in the beginning stages of the "new you," it may come across as a little clumsy, and sometimes you may only find a lack of support from others, who don't even know what's going on. You may think, "Come on, everybody, don't you realize I'm trying to change here, so could you please give me a hand?" But all they can figure is, "Oh, he must be up to his old antics again..." So, personal change and change of heart is something that you and you alone have got to be serious about and got to have the determination to see through. You can't make it dependent at all on whatever support you might be getting from others. Chances are there will be none. People have unrealistic expectations of each other at times, and they figure, if you've come to grips with the fact that you ought to change things about you, then you'd better do it quickly, quietly and pleasantly. But that's not always how it works. It's like learning to ride a bike, drive a car or learning to fly: there are some not so smooth landings and manoeuvres you make on your way to getting used to the new method of transporting yourself from A to B, and all the other drivers behind you shake their heads... But don't let that deter you. Just keep on learning from your mistakes and keep your focus on the goal, a new, more pleasant you, no matter what it takes to get there. They told you it would be good to acquire these new qualities, alright, but it's up to you to acquire and learn them. The work and the job are yours. This is your role to play. It's your magic act you've got to work on, with My help, of course, and have Me show you, My apprentice, how to transform the old, grumpy you, into a new, cheerful and more pleasant version. I'll show you all the moves and tricks, but you've got to do the learning. It's the era of miracles, alright, and the first miracle I want to perform in your life is on you! The first life I want to miraculously change is yours, the first resurrection I want to perform through you is the raising up of a wonderful, new you from the ashes of the old. It takes a few more steps than one to get there. There's the "roll ye away the stone" stage, then the "unwrap him" stage, and finally, the "come forth!" There will also be attempts of dissuasion: "Lord, are You serious? He's been dead for so long, he stinketh..." But you've just got to be determined to see it through: "Do you want to see the miracle of the new me, or don'tcha?" It's miracle time, resurrection time, and show time, folks! Let's have some action around here, and show off some miraculous transformation power! And guess who'll be the first one we'll perform our miraculous transformation power on? Yes, none less than little old, insignificant you! After all, if they see that we've managed to radically change and overhaul you, then they'll know anything wonderful can happen from there on. You better believe Me for big things, and expect big changes to happen! I'm trying to get you out of your little ruts and routines in order to bring about something new - a break with the old, and the beginning of something new. Forget about the former way of doing things, period. Make room for the new. I like flexibility, adaptability, mobility and availability, readiness to become whatever it is I happen to need at the time. That's what I call revolutionary. The last thing I want is for everything to continue as usual. Rut-thinking has never turned anyone on to turn the world right-side-up for Me! No more "business-as-usual." There's got to be movement and revolution happening, and in order for that to happen, some things have got to change! Stop & find out what it is I want you to change and do differently. You have believed in change, and have invested your time accordingly, not in the ways of this world, which you know are going to change, but in My eternal and everlasting and unshakable values. I'm not allowing things to be too comfortable for you. If everything was in order, and you could just live your wee happy little life in comfort, ease and prosperity, you wouldn't care too much about the state of the rest of the world, either. If things would be going too smoothly for you, you'd simply become too comfortable, too complacent, too much at ease and too indifferent to the state of the world, you wouldn't be moved into action to change something for Me. If everything was harmony, then you'd probably just stay right where you are and never move into any change or progress voluntarily. Whereas, if things are not fine the way they are, then you move into some means to change. You can at least pray for change or desire change... anything but stagnation and the same old rut. You never found your "perfect situation" yet with which you would be so comfortable that you wouldn't desire anymore change. When things aren't the way you wish for them to be, and it keeps you from being totally satisfied with your situation, that's the factor that will move you into change.

When you desire change, then things can move forward, and otherwise they won't. That's one reason why things just can't be perfect until I come. Change is up ahead inevitably. Things will not always continue as they are. There is one impending change that is inevitably going to hit everyone, even if they won’t live to see the Endtime or My return, and that is death. The flesh thinks and trusts that all things will continue as they are, that’s why people will always continue to work as they have been for years and decades. No major changes have happened yet, so it’s unlikely to assume that they’re still going to happen, so, why make any unnecessary preparations or adaptations? Like the parable of the frog: if you put him in hot water he’ll immediately jump out, but if you heat up the water gradually, he’ll stay inside until the water starts boiling. So, if circumstances are becoming quite uncomfortable and almost unbearable for you, maybe it’s because something’s severely wrong, and going to become worse. Maybe it’s an indicator that the water is becoming very hot, and it’s time for drastic changes, time to jump out, before you’re going to boil. I want you to be aware that changes might be required in the future, and not to be stuck in your present mindset, but realize that you may have to adapt to times becoming darker and more severe, even darker than the Roman persecution and the Inquisition! You may have to radically change tactics in the days to come, if you’re going to survive. Changes are up ahead, and while I do want you to keep that radical spirit, I will need you to manifest it in different ways in the future! A new day is ringing in, and it’s bringing along lots of exciting changes, which means, parting with the old. Nostalgia is not appropriate, but vigilance and being on the lookout for whatever changes I want to usher in next. That’s what it means to stay revolutionary. I want you to be ready at all times, and willing, to make the necessary changes, whenever required. Be truly radical and stay on your toes, ready to change at a moment’s notice. You cannot afford to become stagnant and set in your ways. You need to stay flexible and alive, changeable, moving! There are great changes coming about that Old Bottles stuck in their pre-set ways won’t make it through. I want to use you for as long as I can, and I need you to be flexible and adaptable in order to ensure that! Unwillingness and resistance to change is a sign of being an Old Bottle. Even giving up your idea of what a New Bottle is supposed to look like, can be part of it. I need you to be radical enough to change! I need you to welcome change, embrace change and to live constant change. Change means progress – the opposite of stagnation and becoming stuck in a rut. In order to keep alive, old things have got to go, and you’ve got to change! So, keep moving with the breath of My Spirit, and come, flow with Me! It’s time for changes, and I’m trying to introduce them as painlessly as possible, trust Me; but with your tendency to take the easiest way out, some discomfort is simply inevitable. Times are changing and requiring different, more mature attitudes, more mature openness in communication, better organization, and leaving a lot of youthful, if not to say childish traits behind. Even apparently puny, seemingly futile and desperate efforts to change things are better than doing nothing at all in resignation. A zero change and zero progress attitude is an attitude that leads to stagnation and death. You have to have faith in My power to change people from what they are into what they’re supposed to be, just as a caterpillar is going to change into a butterfly. Sometimes the quickest way to get more is to let go of the old and open your life for the new that I’ve got in store for you. Things aren’t going to stay forever as they are. Tough changes are up ahead, and the sooner you get ready for change and for what’s ahead, the better equipped you’re going to be. One of the obstacles that prevent change is the inability to see the need for positive change, progress and improvement. As I’m concerned, and everything is not well, but in dire need of drastic change! Sometimes things don’t change as much as they could because you surrender to life’s circumstances too easily; they’re still too comfortable for you to really wholeheartedly desire, and thus pray for a change. The Enemy tries to pacify you with substitutes for the real thing that make you think, “Come on, it’s not all that bad, really! No need to start praying for any drastic changes here…” That’s another way he can lull people to sleep. It’s a false sense of contentment, which actually amounts to settling for less than you could have and get out of life, if you would just be desperate and willing enough to pray for Me to change things. Sometimes the mere prospect and possibility of change can already bring positive changes in itself.

Sometimes the way to rise above your circumstances is to have the faith to change them. Sometimes rising above requires more than a change of attitude and the ability not to be touched by the circumstances, but a real, actual change in the physical. You can already change a lot by praying. If you haven’t really prayed yet for a change to happen, you might want to give that option a try. I’ve been advocating inward changes all along. Changing things starts right here & now with you, right where you are! Don’t wait for anyone to come & save you, I’m already right here! It’s a proud and somewhat arrogant attitude to have, that there is nothing and no area at all in which you could be making changes and progress… See each change as a new challenge for improvement. Things are going to have to change, because change is the one guaranteed factor of this, My revolution, and has been, from the beginning. Hang in there, in other words, means, keep changing! You mustn’t make the mistake of underestimating the power I’ve given you to change things, to influence things, even if by nothing else but your prayers. Things won’t just improve by themselves if you won’t do anything about them! If you want things to change for the better, the one thing not to do is to just stand by passively and watch it all go down the drain. The wrong attitude to have is, “If things aren’t the way I think they should be, why should I make any effort to change them?” Well, that’s perhaps precisely why they are the way they are, so that you make an effort to evoke some kind of difference. Maybe you’re there to make that difference. Maybe that’s why you’re seeing the way things ought to be, so that you can help and do what you can in order for them to become that way. Instead of letting the negative things you observe kill your faith, why don’t you use them as an incentive to determine to do what you can in order to change things for the better? You can change things for the better, I have given you that power! Now, will you use it? The world around you will keep changing, your immediate circumstances will change, and everything around you may develop into something beyond recognition, yet I want you to know that I remain the one Constant in your life that you can forever rely on. Being open to change, wanting and desiring change and actively looking for it and for ways to change is precisely the attitude that’s needed: “What can I do in order to make more progress, what should I change?” etc. As long as you seek change, keep your eyes open for potential change in your life, as long as you keep looking ahead, looking for the new, and embracing it when you see it, instead of rejecting it, you’re bound to make progress and some forward movement. Sometimes an ingredient is missing, and I want you to introduce some necessary changes, try out something new, add a new factor to your modus operandi … Only with the passage of time and more time do people begin to realize that what is truly considered progress is something often quite different from those things they pursued in their younger years. Values change. Everything changes. The times indeed are changing, and all things won’t continue as they have been, and My people are the first who must take note of the changes, if they want to be any help in leading the rest of the sheep and letting them know what’s going on.

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