What Jesus Has To Say At The Onset Of The

  • May 2020
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What Jesus Has to Say at the Onset of the 21st Century about… …Anger

“Let not the sun go down upon your wrath.” – Ephesians 4:26 Let anger be far from your heart! Refrain from anger and cursing lips! When you are tempted to get upset about a certain situation, think of Me, put on My mind, and commit the situation into My hands ( Hebr.12:3). Anger can really be a dangerous inroad of the Enemy. Stay on guard and on the attack against anger and murmuring! Remember how much mercy, patience and longsuffering I’ve had toward you, and it might help you to wink at the faults of others a little more... ” Anger manifested in criticism of other people's mistakes is a pretty bad habit! It's a form of pride & self-righteousness where you become so upset about people's mistakes & lack of perfection that you start getting angry about it. It's a lack of love & a very ugly form of pride. Anger is just one letter away from danger. Your anger stems from the frustration about things not being the way you think they should be. You think life is treating you unfairly, you deserve better than that, & a lot of that anger is directed at Me and those whom I seem to prefer in your eyes, by making things easier for them. Instead of respecting My judgment, it leads you to defiance & rebellion against Me... you think you know better and would have done better, if you were Me, which is exactly the kind of pride that caused Satan to fall. It's the root of all sin, and you must recognize that it's the very spirit of Satan complaining about Me, cursing Me and wishing he would be in My stead. The Jews rejected Moses, in spite of the great miracles I performed through him. He had his faithful few who supported him, but the majority resisted him and provoked him to anger. But because he allowed them to provoke him, he also missed out on the blessing of entering the Promised land together with them, so, let this be a warning to you: if you don't want to miss the blessing, don't let them provoke you! If you see something going on that you think is wrong, just carry it before Me, and see if it will provoke Me to anger, and I will deal with it accordingly. But don't disappoint Me by taking matters into your own hands. There's a greater lesson to be learned here, from Moses' anger, than meets the eye. He failed the test to let Me handle the situation... Having begun all this great work not by his might nor his power but by My Spirit and miracle-working hand, was he going to complete it in the flesh now, and was that going to be the bottom line: a man's wrath? It's never your own personal affair, what concerns My kingdom! If My people are failing Me in some ways, even if you feel it's manifested in the way they're treating you personally, never take it personal, never deal with it on your own terms, but hand it to Me, and let Me deal with it! It's My affair. Make sure you're being a good sample, a good representative of Me, and stand back and get out of the limelight & let Me deal with it on My terms! It's no use, taking the rod of wrath into your own hands & to lash out words of anger, just commit it to Me! In what ways was I tempted with anger? Sometimes I grew impatient with some people. Certainly I displayed anger toward the hypocrisy of the Pharisees, but that wouldn't necessarily fall under the category of sinful anger, but more something like righteous & godly indignation. I did have to deal with anger more in My younger years. One sin that's related to anger, - and anger can sometimes be a manifestation of it - is self-righteousness. Sometimes we see someone we look up to behave in a certain way, and we think we have an equal right to act the same way. I was sometimes tempted with thoughts of judgment in a premature way, before I was really "ready" to be a Judge, so to speak, which is a very common & natural thing to happen during many people's youth. Usually, what helps one to get over this, is to experience other people's anger, to witness how ugly it can be, and how it hurts to be at the receiving end of it. Having seen other people display their anger from a child's viewpoint and the viewpoint of a weak human being helped Me to be more merciful, and to be more "slow to anger," so to speak, more longsuffering. Satan exposed right there, because he makes you think you're a "prisoner," a captive of those mistakes & flaws of others, that you're going to have to deal with & be subjected to for the rest of your life. But I'm saying, "Not really!" Because by simply making the choice that you're not going to let it affect you or bother or aggravate you, but instead choosing to look at and praise Me for their positive qualities, you deny those negative qualities to have power over you whatsoever, and it's almost as if they wouldn't exist! You can refuse to get aggravated. You can choose to continue to be loving instead, choose to look at the

good sides, choose not to be bothered! Choose not to be bothered by their flaws, their idiosyncrasies their quirks! Refuse to look at them! Or, if you see them, use that as something you pray for, and address personally with them, if I lead you to do so, but don't focus on it, and don't let it bother you! Don't let the faults stand between you and them! Choose not to allow them to! choose not to be aggravated by the driving style of others! Choose not to be bothered by the way some people seem to act extra friendly only in order to get something out of you! Choose to ignore their tendencies to be more conservative than you in certain aspects, or to be different than you in whatever aspects! Choose to accept and love them the way they are and not to be annoyed by it! Please don't become angry, impatient or upset with Me or your circumstances, or yourself. Learn to gratefully embrace life as it comes. If there is a difficulty, don't despair over it, don't get mad or angry about it, but face it and embrace & learn to handle it with humility. The silent, peaceful garb of humility is the one that it behooves you to wear, when you're faced with a difficult situation, a trial or challenge, not to become upset and start ranting and raving. Show that you believe and trust Me for what I've made you. So, next time you get tempted to get upset about something, pull the break! Stop everything and take time to embrace that situation, to love the situation, the gift of My new eternal life I have given you. Choose the path of life each day, and run away from all things that would promote the flesh, the way of death, that is not love and life and spirit. Instead of having aggressive and hostile thoughts on your mind, you'll seek peace with all men, especially your brethren, those who call on Me out of a pure heart. It's peace vs. the aggressive ways of the world. So, when the Enemy tempts you with aggressive thoughts, you won't fall for it. You can tell how the Enemy - through his agents promoting hatred and strife between parties - tries to sow division between you. Learning the ability to ignore his attempts and not to fall into the trap of aggression and opposition is one of the clues in life it pays to master. It's another case of looking beyond the four fingers of what's immediately before you: you cannot look at the provocation, you must look at the lesson behind it. Will you fall for that provocation right in front of your nose, or will you be wise and look beyond, at the lesson and the purpose in it? If you see it as a lesson and a test, it's much easier not to fall for it. Sometimes the gist of the lesson lies in ignoring situations that would provoke you to become aggressive. You know who is the author of aggression, so, instead of feeling like you've got a right to become aggressive, realize that you'd be a fool to fall into Satan's trap, if you allow him to use a certain situation to provoke you. A deep anger, a righteous rageis soon going to sweep the world and cause a mighty widening of the eyes. I will yet pull out the pillows from under the arms of those who sit at ease in Zion. I cause the wrath of man to praise Me. The wrath of those who see the injustices of the lukewarm will cause men to praise Me, because it will serve to wake up many from their stupor and the Devil's trance. Nothing else than love will enable you to do things for Me that will make a difference. There won’t be any need to be angry with anyone anymore, because you’ll know all is forgiven, all things will be well, and you’ll have that perfect trust in Me that perfect love brings. Once you know I can do it; that I am well able and willing to help you succeed, then all those lying vanities, your anger and frustrations, will melt away. Anger is a tough one to crack because it requires a change of attitude. You can’t take the circumstances and what life is handing you, gracefully. You are convinced it ought to be different. You can’t let it be. The right attitude to conquer anger would be: “Let it be!” Let it be the way I know it’s got to be, even if you may be inclined to disagree with Me! Just give Me that priority over your own wisdom; give Me that benefit of the doubt that I actually do know what I’m doing. Remember who’s the author behind getting annoyed and aggravated. It’s not Me. This is one way the Enemy works in fathers’ lives: he gets them annoyed at some of the traits of their children and thus creates deep gaps between them, some of which have never been bridged during their life-times. Becoming annoyed by their children’s traits and less than perfect qualities is something fathers have been prone to. They raise their standards of expectations from their kids so high, that they can’t hide their disappointment when the children fail to live up to them. This may not happen consciously, but you do notice that when your child acts a certain way that annoys you, that you must have been hoping or expecting them to turn out differently. As usual, you have the choice to either murmur and complain about your fate, or praise and thank Me for having done and allowed what I knew would be best for your general outcome and eternal happiness. If your child has some qualities or habits that seem to be extremely difficult for you to handle, let life rub them in so that you can really learn whatever it is I am trying to teach you through them. Maybe that’s precisely why parents get annoyed by their children’s undesirable traits: they’re a reflection of their own, and their pride usually makes it pretty hard for them to deal with that.

The spirit of Antichrist is raging to extinguish Christianity from the face of the earth altogether. By voicing their anger and rage against My servants they wind up fighting against Me in the process and sticking their finger in My eye.

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