Welcome To Innovation And Technology _ Engineering Management

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  • Words: 2,618
  • Pages: 29
technology adoption

iPod Shuffle

recyclable water bottles

es m o s o m o r h c genetic therapy

New iPhones


Super Designs !!




Introductory Lecture What is this class about? Why might this be useful ? What are we going to do ?

Apple’s New iPhone

! e t ova


Syllabus and Reading Materials What are we going to do ? Will it be a lot of work ? How do you grade ?

Energy / Environment

Class Environment - Small Startup Learn together, respect Others’ ideas Can my friends sit in ? Do assignments on time => SUCCESS. Interact like it really matters, cause it does !! First Assignments - Hunting for Opportunities to Innovate Presentation on The Economist - Technical Quarterly for the last year. Business Week Best New Product Designs for the last year.

Monday, August 10, 2009

“Ideas shape our world. They are the raw materials on which our future prosperity and heritage depend.” Kamil Idris, 2006. Director General World IP Org.

Territory size shows the proportion of worldwide net exports of royalties and license fees (in US$) that come from there. Net exports are exports minus imports. When imports are larger than exports the territory is not shown.

It is difficult to predict innovation. But several maps describe clearly the drivers for innovation. R&D Spending, Total Children, Women in Management, Secondary Education, Net Immigration, Net Royalties and Licensing

Counterpoint: Flattening of the World lowers the barrier for entry. The stars are aligned for Filipino innovators.


After: Mapping Innovation by P.J. O’Rourke Atlantic Monthly January 2007 Monday, August 10, 2009

The Innovation Gap will get larger, if we don’t act Problem: Gap between Rich Nations & Poor Nations is Growing not Lessening

Innovation - Coming up with our own, new ideas and products will lessen the gap. Innovation - the real problem is that we need to do this ourselves, no one will do it for us! Monday, August 10, 2009

Monday, August 10, 2009

Innovation and Entrepreneurship: Practice and Principles

by Peter F. Drucker (1985)

Drucker says you must go out and talk with your market to learn from it. His recurring theme is that innovation and entrepreneurship are market-focused and market-driven. Drucker says that innovation isn't inspired by a bright idea, rather it "is organized, systematic, rational work." Innovation can be mastered and integrated into a company or non-profit organization. Unexpected successes or unexpected failures within an industry often point to opportunity. 3M’s Post It, Viagra are successful, accidental innovations. -----------------William Conner, a medical products salesman, learned that the process for cataract surgery was relatively simple but there remained a single tricky part of the procedure that made the surgery difficult for physicians. During the surgery, surgeons had to cut a ligament which involved some risk. Conner learned: there was an enzyme that could actually dissolve the ligament AND that new methods of storage could preserve this enzyme allowing it to be used in surgery. Conner patented the process, and, after considerable testing and approval by the FDA, captured a niche market providing his compound to surgeons performing cataract surgery. Drucker notes this is a relatively low-risk type of entrepreneurship. (This minimizes Conner’s contribution by calling it low risk and not really something new.) -------------------Drucker on entrepreneurial management, there are three keys to success: • • •

having a market focus financial foresight, i.e., cash flow budgeting and planning for capital needs assembling a top management team

What about the really great technical idea that radically changes everything? Laser, CDs, Stem Cells, Wii, ...?

Read this for yourself, do not take my word for it ...

How do we understand Google, Apple, Microsoft, Facebook as Innovators?

Monday, August 10, 2009

Innovation Adoption Curve

Is this still true for hot new innovations ? VCRs Cell Phones Microwave Ovens Flat Screens iPods Google Search Genetic Therapies Facebook Second Life Hybrid Cars ...

How a new technical takes hold ... Present thinking along management lines. The innovation adoption curve (Rogers, 1995) shows the change in the number of new adopters of a product over time, at different stages of the product life cycle. The innovators are the earliest users of the product who welcome change, followed by the early adopters who are also willing to try new ideas but who tend to be more conservative. The early majority then take up the new product (and accept the change sooner than the average), followed by the skeptical, later majority which will use new ideas or products only when the majority is doing so. Finally, the traditionalist laggards are critical of new ideas and tend to only accept new products once they are mainstream. Monday, August 10, 2009

Monday, August 10, 2009

Monday, August 10, 2009

Monday, August 10, 2009

Ateneo Innovation Center

Monday, August 10, 2009

Innovations can be seen everywhere virtual, biomedical, clothing, environmental DC POLARIZATION OF BILATERAL PREFRONTAL CORTEX, NIH

Virtual Jason

PROVIGIL $4 to $16 a pill www.provigil.com

f o t u o e s n e s e ? s k t a n m e e m p w o l n e a v C e d e s e th my avatar, Xan Hazlitt-pictured above--freely roams the virtual world of Second Life


? o o t y a

l p e w

Genetically engineered bacteria that consume corn sugar and produce a polyester form biodegradable plastics (The polyester--called polyhydroxyalkanoate, or PHA--is visible inside the bloated cells.)

Monday, August 10, 2009

New materials/ sensors

Healing Fabrics - Wires Dirt repellant Bug Repellant

Biomedical / Biotechnology Innovations

Infrared Fluorescent Dyes in Mouse

Monday, August 10, 2009

Cell Phone Display of Low Cost Ultrasound

How innovation happens ... Green Fluorescent Proteins - Nobel Prize 2008 IR fluorescent proteins - Tsien at UCSD Bacteria found that uses this key protein Engineered bacteria for fluorescence Incorporated protein into mammalian cells Certain they patented as much as possible ! Enormous implications for visualization of biochemical processes --- World Research Community and Health Industry

Monday, August 10, 2009

Cellulosic Ethanol

How do we break down cellulose to get ethanol?

July 09 Scientific American

You that enter, better know Science. Monday, August 10, 2009

Every step requires innovation.

Monday, August 10, 2009

Innovating in Second Life

Many innovating in a new Virtual World called Second Life... Monday, August 10, 2009

Innovation King is Apple - Ipod, iMac, iPod video,iTunes, and now iPhone

the new iPhone

Integrating Hardware and Software to deliver New Services AND SHAKEUP THE TECHNO-BUSINESS WORLD! Monday, August 10, 2009

Apple Continues to Innovate, we continue to buy ... Meet the fastest, most powerful iPhone yet. iPhone 3G S features video recording, Voice Control, up to 32GB of storage, and more. $199 !

‘Old’ iPhone $99

Monday, August 10, 2009

How does Apple do it?

new iPod Shuffle GB1

new design - no controls on iPod body - no unlicensed headphones - you now pay to play with Apple So little. And yet so much. The new iPod shuffle is jawdroppingly small. It’s half the size of the previous generation. Yet there’s room for so much more. With 4GB of storage, it now holds up to 1,000 songs and lets you enjoy multiple playlists, too.

Monday, August 10, 2009

Up to 1,000 songs Ships: Within 24hrs Free Shipping


It speaks for itself. Introducing VoiceOver 2 the feature that gives iPod shuffle a voice. With the press of a button, it tells you what song is playing and who’s performing it. It can even tell you the names of your playlists, giving you a new way to navigate your music.

Emergence of Filipino Branded Products

inovent Ilumina Website : inoventrevolution.wordpress.com

Inovent Founder, Brian Quebengco

Specs and Features : 32' inch LCD 1.5 TB Hard Drive Intel Atom Processor (to be changed) Blue-Ray Slot Drive 4 USB Slots (2 side, 2 back) HDMI Plug Hi-Definition Web Camera [Specially made to capture an entire living room] Motion Sensor for Remote Control Integrated Remote Control [Karaoke, Can be used as Phone, Remote Control, Motion based mouse controller] VOIP Linux Based OS Built-in Video, Picture and Music Playback software The Inovent Ilumina team is planning to release SDK/APIs for software developers to build upon the system and create applications to further add value to the product

Monday, August 10, 2009

Google’s New WAVE Communications “Browser” go wave.google.com video to developers on the WAVE Application Programming Interface (API) A language that enables communication between computer programs, in particular between application programs and control programs. Integrated email, social networking, IM, photo-sharing, games, collaboration, work flow productivity ... - COMING SOON

What is a wave? A wave is equal parts conversation and document. People can communicate and work together with richly formatted text, photos, videos, maps, and more. A wave is shared. Any participant can reply anywhere in the message, edit the content and add participants at any point in the process. Then playback lets anyone rewind the wave to see who said what and when. A wave is live. With live transmission as you type, participants on a wave can have faster conversations, see edits and interact with extensions in real-time.

Monday, August 10, 2009

Strategy for Innovation : Build New Ideas on the Success of Others ? How Breakthroughs Happen by A. Hargadon, 2007

Innovation and Technology Class Focuses on: How Great Businesses arise from Great Ideas Building on success of others. What Strategies will get us there ? How Filipinos can effectively compete? How we innovate in our research groups and in your thesis work. TMC builds on the Developments of Gene Therapy Worldwide to perform Regenerative Medicine in the Philippines. Build on new recyclable water bottles from cardboard and plastics Monday, August 10, 2009


New Opportunities Personal Medical Mobile Computing

Google’s Wave

Innovation Center Library Reading ListList Ateneo Innovation Center Library Reading Books 21st Century Economy - A Beginnerʼs Guide by Randy Epping (2009 Vintage) CATS- The Nine Lives of Innovation by Stephen Lundin (2009 McGraw Hill)

The Clean Tech Revolution: Discover the Top Trends, Technologies, and Companies to Watch by Ron Pernick and Clint Wilder (2008 First Collins) Outliers - The Story of Success by Malcolm Gladwell (2008 Little Brown) Hot, Flat and Crowded by Thomas Friedman (2008 Farrar, Strauss,Giroux) Groundswell by Charlene Li and Josh Bernoff (2008 Harvard Business Press) Wikinomics- How Mass Collaboration Changes Everything by Don Tapscott and Anthony Williams (2008 Portfolio) LED The Post American World by Fareed Zakariah (2008 Norton) Founders at Work:Stories of Startups' Early Days by Jessica Livingston (2007 Apress) The Black Swan: The Impact of the Highly Improbable by Nassim Taleb (2007 Possibly Maybe) The World is Flat by Thomas Friedman (2006 Farrar, Straus and Giroux; Updated Edition) Inventor's Dilemma by Clayton M. Christensen (2002 Harper Collins) The Inventor's Solution: Creating and Sustaining Successful Growth by Clayton M. Christensen and Michael E. Raynor (2003 Harvard Business School Publishing) How Breakthroughs Happen: the Surprising Truth about How Companies Innovate by Andrew Hargadon (2003 Harvard Business School Publishing) Crossing the Chasm by Geoffrey A. Moore (2002 Harper Collins) Home Newspapers and Magazines Business Information Sources Technology Quarterly from the Economist Magazine (2007 to 2008) New York Times, Wall Street Journal, Time, Business Week, The Economist, Atlantic Monthly

Home Ultrasound

Technical Journals IEEE Spectrum, Scientific American, American Scientist, MIT Technology Review, Physics Today, EE Times

Monday, August 10, 2009

We behave as if we are part of a small startup company We need to generate new product ideas for the company to stay alive !! Course Requirements Meeting deadline for presentation is of great importance in evaluating student. Students are required to make at least four major presentations to the class and to participate in meaningful class discussions of presentations. In most cases, the presentations and proposals are Power Point slides (3 charts max – 3 minutes max, for instance). Be prepared to answer questions ! Answer well, extra charts are OK in answering questions. Not meeting deadlines will result in a significant lowering of the high grade that students start with. Position or reaction papers to Invited speakers may also be required. The grading scheme is based on class presentations, class participation and reaction Do the presentations on time. Submit the write-ups on time. No lame excuses. Bring you best game to the presentations/ proposals. Clear, hip, concise presentations --> We have our own Ateneo style of innovation talks. Demonstrate superior listening skills by asking questions and adding ideas. Give Feedback, incorporate what you hear into what you present. Monday, August 10, 2009

First Assignment - What is an Innovation ? Business Weekʼs IDEA: Design Award Winners, 2008 Star Music Hub

Go to Business Week Site: http:// images.businessweek.com/ss/ 08/07/0717_idea_winners/ LED Lightbulb

Pick a particular new design and tell Beadle what you chose. Prepare 3 chart / 3 minute presentation and a 3 page write-up on the topic. Present and post the results on the class website.

Home Ultrasound

Personal Hard Drives

New Bike Designs Text

Amphibian Fins

Airflow Racket

Monday, August 10, 2009

Economist Quarterly June 2009 Pick a Topic from the Economist Quarterlies Prepare a 3 Chart / 3 Minutes Presentation and a 3 page write-up with these Figures. Present, Prepare Extra Charts to Answers Questions, and Post the Result on Class Website. Done.

Monday, August 10, 2009

What are we looking for in the Presentations ?

After 3 Charts / 3 Minutes, you are answering questions. Every Chart must have Figure(s). Never read your charts to the audience. Hip, snappy presentations not boring, address the CEO of the company. Every chart has your Name, Class, Topic /Title at bottom. Microsoft Powerpoint 2003 presentations, pdf for uploading.


Examples on Innovation Class Site.

Slide 1 -- Explain the important technical ideas underlying this new development, design, device or business model. The more detailed technical insights the better. Who are the Lead Innovators, what is new about their approach? Examples - LED’s are fundamentally more efficient than fluorescent lights. Why and how much? Who made this happen?

Slide 2 -- Explain the potential impact of this new approach to the existing market. Is this going to be a big winner idea or an incremental idea? Are there a lot of other new possibilities, if we reapply their ideas somewhere else? Make sure you discuss this well and not just wing it. Example: LED lighting is going to be a really big deal, plus LED lamps can change color, turn brighter when people approach, can be combined to sensors to direct light, ...

Slide 3 -- Is there something we can do in the Philippines now that might create a new market business opportunity? LED lighting for surgeons, growing plants in a greenhouse, growing algae, ... Can we do a project aloing these lines now?

EXTRA SLIDES - You can use this in answer to a question. Learn to thank the questioner and address the question directly. Do not make bola!! If you cannot answer it, no problem.

Monday, August 10, 2009

technology adoption

iPod Shuffle

recyclable water bottles

es m o s o m o r h c genetic therapy

New iPhones


Super Designs !!


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