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American History History of Freedom Outline 6 October 2008 Hannah Weil Mr. Stephens

History of Freedom in Ancient World A.Ancient India 1.Bhagavad Gita and Upanishads were ancient scriptures of 1000 BCE that contained the laws of freedom in India. 2.Swaraj means both political and intellectual freedom. 3. India focused on the duality of freedom for thepeople.

B.Ancient Greece 1. 500 BCE- Focused on democracy. 2. Contained strong political freedom. 3. Rome was a strong democracy and Plato opposed the idea of democracy while Socrates was the father of democracy.

C.Time of Christ 1. 0-Christ continues the idea of democracy but was more focused on the intellectual idea of freedom. 2.It was set in Israel/Palestine where Christ lived. 3. Christ focused on the idea of Truth.

History of Freedom in the Anglo Saxon World D.Renaissance 1.Locke continued the idea of freedom to form a more democratic system. 2.He created more structure for America while Anglo Americans traveled over.

E.Germania 1

American History History of Freedom Outline 6 October 2008 Hannah Weil Mr. Stephens 1. Anglo Americans moved from Germania to Britiania in 500. 2. Colonized and embedded their religion in to the native people.

F.Documents 1.Anglo Saxons brought over the ideas of Rome and English societies in the form of the Magna Carta, Petition of Rights and Bill of Rights. 2. Passed the idea of a democracy on to the English societies.

History of Freedom in the Modern World G.Locke 1.Thought of structured freedom. 2.Helped create the Magna Carta.

H.Rousseau 1.“Liberty for all people” 2.Supported Locke’s idea in a different more people based sense.

I.1700 1.Based on Bill of Rights in the now Anglo American world. 2. Also, Petition of Rights and Magna Carta.


American History History of Freedom Outline 6 October 2008 Hannah Weil Mr. Stephens


American History History of Freedom Outline 6 October 2008 Hannah Weil Mr. Stephens

The Problematic History of the Colombian Exchange J. Pathogens 1. Pathogens come and kill 90% of the natives. 2.Slaves brought over to work even though .

K.Development 1. 1770 colonies were developing in America. 2. Natives were forced into the culture of the English.

L.People 1.Many indentured servants working to pay off their debts. 2. Slaves worked on plantations of cash crop farmers.

The History of Freedom in Colonial America M.New England Colony 1. Slaves shipped from Africa through the Middle Passage to New England. 2. Status depended on clothing.

N.Middle Colony 1.Contained many religions. 2.Everyone was expected to get an education though there were very few teachers.

O.Southern Colony 1.Jailed, whip or branded with iron for punishment of a crime.


American History History of Freedom Outline 6 October 2008 Hannah Weil Mr. Stephens 2. The Magna Carta set rights for Americans based on the rights of English.

This is a good outline, just read over some of the docs, be a little bit more specific in a few of them, and don’t forget your citations, they will come in handy.


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