Week 4

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Week 4, Day 1: Monday, 26 January 2009 Genesis 43, 44 What made Jacob decide to send his son’s back to Egypt? (43:1, 2) What did Joseph use his cup for? (44:5). Refer back to Gen 41:45. Has Joseph been influenced by his culture? Note the sentence the brothers were ready to assign to themselves. (44:9) How does Joseph say he can learn things? (44:15) Have the hearts and character of the brothers changed over the years? (Chapter 45) Why is Joseph toying with his brothers? (Chapter 45) Proverbs 26 Where does a lack of obedience lead? (26:3) How do you reconcile verses 26:4 and 26:5? How important is it to be reliable? (26:6) Have you been a faithful messenger with God’s Word to the world? (26:6, 7) What are you like if you continue in sin? (26:11) What is guaranteed to cause great pain in your life? (26:12) How do you handle gossip? (26:20) God judges the _______. (26: 23-25) Matthew 16 How does Matt16:2-4 relate to Proverbs 28:14 Compare v16:6 with v13:33 What was the disciples’ focus the frustrated their understanding? (16:8) Who revealed the truth of Jesus to Peter? (16:17) How can Peter go from praise to rebuke so quickly? (16:23) How does v16:23 relate to v16:6? Read on through 16:24-28 and consider.

Week 4, Day 2: Tuesday, 27 January 2009 Genesis 45, 46 What is our initial response to those we have mistreated? (45:3) What was Joseph’s perspective on what had been done to him? (45:5-8) Who is control of your situations and circumstances? Can sinners around you frustrate God’s Will for you? Why does God still address Israel as Jacob? (46:2) Who are included among the family of Israel? (46:10, 20) How do you think Joseph’s brothers felt at the reunion of Joseph and his father? (46:29, 30) Does Joseph speak of what had been done to him at his brothers’ hands? Proverbs 27 How should you live today? (27:1) Compare 27:2 with Proverbs 25:27. What have you learned about jealousy in Genesis? (27:4) Can your friends tell you the truth? (27:6) What sort of relationships does God want you to have with those around you? (27:10) What sort of life will you live if you lack wisdom? (27:12) What does God expect from fellowship? (27:17) What is one of the greatest tests of your character? (27:21) What makes a fool a fool? (27:22) Matthew 17 What did God emphatically command concerning Jesus? (17:5) What is man’s response to God’s holy presence? (17:6) What does Jesus say in response? (17:7)

What experiences do Jesus’ inner circle have with him that everyone else doesn’t? (17:9) Would you suppose that these encounters would eliminate their lack of faith so that they would remain courageous at the face of persecution? Consider 17:12 with 12:39; 13:14, 15; 16:2-4. What activities of God are missed today? What authority did Jesus give his disciples, and why did they fail? (17: 16, 17, 20) What does Jesus require of those who would follow him? (17:20) Why was Jesus willing to pay the tax? (17:27) How does Jesus choose to demonstrate his dominion to a fisherman? (17:27) Week 4, Day 3: Wednesday, 28 January 2009 Genesis 47, 48 Where did Joseph settle his father and brothers? (47:6) What do you think the Egyptians will think about this? What does Jacob say about his life? (47:9) Did his life have to be that way? What did Joseph demand of all the Egyptians for the food he collected from them earlier? (47:14-21) Do you think God condones this? Review Proverbs 28:8. How do you think this behavior will impact the Egyptian opinion of the Jew? How does God deal with those who treat others unfairly? Review Matthew 7:2, look ahead at Mark 4:24, and Luke 6:38. Also look at Proverbs 21:13. Who were the only people Joseph did not place in complete servitude? (47:22, 27) Joseph placed all of Egypt in _____. (48:25) Why do you think the Egyptians may have grown to hate and fear the Jews? (48:27) Does God always work the way we want or expect Him to? (48:18-19) Does God often reveal His plans to His servants? (48:19) Review Matthew 11:25 and 16:17. Did God expect His people to “be fruitful, multiply, and subdue the earth?” (48:19) Proverbs 28 Does obedience affect your prayers? (28:9) Look again at Matthew 15:9.

What does God expect you to do with sin? (28:13) Who is blessed, and who falls into trouble? (28:14) What causes dissention, and what is the remedy? (28:25) What is counter to walking in wisdom? (28:26) Matthew 18 What does it mean to change and become like a little child? (18:2-4) How important is it that we know the answer to this? Why is there pain and suffering on earth? (18:7) What does Matthew 18:10 mean? What is God most concerned with? (18:12-14) What are you most concerned with? What is the model for Christians in handling conflict with others? (18:15-17) Is fellowship important? (18:20) What happens to those who don’t forgive others from their hearts? (18:35) How often must Christians forgive? (18:22). Why do Christians have no choice but to forgive unconditionally and totally? (18:26, 27) Week 4, Day 4: Thursday, 29 January 2009 Genesis 49, 50 How does Jacob know what will happen in the future? (49:3) Does sin always have consequences even if there is no near-term impact? (49:4) Who knows of Reuben’s sin? Does sin affect generations? (49:7) Where can a desire for a life of comfort and ease lead you? (49:14, 15) Does God know that painful situations might be appropriate for you as he blesses you? (49:28) Where was Leah buried? (49:31) Did Joseph’s brothers ever really feel forgiven by Joseph? (50:15) How do you think this

affected their relationship with Joseph? Joseph leaves judgment to whom? (50:19) What was Joseph’s perspective on what had been done to him? (50:20) Do you think his attitude contributed to his unprecedented success? What is your attitude when others sin against you? Consider what is going on between Joseph and his brothers. Read Gen 50:21 and compare with 1John 4:18. Have you asked for God’s forgiveness? If so, have you freely accepted it? If, not, how does that affect your life and relationship with your Heavenly Father? CONGRATULATIONS! YOU HAVE READ ALL OF GENESIS Proverbs 29 What happens to those who refuse to respond to correction? (29:1) What do the righteous care about? (29:7) Who did Jesus focus most of his attention on? What do wise men have a unique ability to do? (29:8) Look again at Proverbs 16:7. What is often the world’s response to a man of strong character? (29:10) Who is in control of all situations and circumstances? (29:13) Did Joseph understand this? Will it often appear that the wicked are victorious? (29:16) What happens when a people forget God’s Word? (29:18) How does this verse relate to 29:15, 17? How does 29:19 relate to 29:18? What is the difference between being a servant and a son? Where does pride lead? (29:23) What position does guilt place you in? (29:24) What position does that place you in as a sinner and your ability to testify against other sinners around you before the Lord? Whose approval do you seek in everything you do? (29:25) Who do you trust to bring you justice? (29:26) Who do you trust? What motivates you to do what you do every day? CONGRATULATIONS! YOU HAVE READ ALL OF PROVERBS

Matthew 19 What is Jesus’ view on marriage? (19:6) What causes divorce? (19:8) When is divorce allowed according to Jesus? (19:9) Who should not marry? (19:11) Why did Jesus as the man this question? (19:17) Compare with Matthew 16:17. Was this man humble in spirit, and did he really love his neighbors as himself? (19:19, 20) Compare with Proverbs 30:12. What was it that the man ultimately could not really do? (19:21) Have you totally surrendered? Week 4, Day 5: Friday, 30 January 2009 Exodus 1, 2 What command of God’s for His people did Jacobs clan follow? (1:7) What did the Egyptians do to the Jews after Joseph had placed all of Egypt in servitude? (1:11) How old are concepts of social engineering? How does God feel about the topic? (1:1517) How hard is it to let a baby die that you have seen? (1:6) Do you think Moses’ mother knew this when she had him floated to Pharoah’s daughter’s bath area? What character flaw has Moses displayed? (2:12) What do people usually say when you point out what they are doing wrong? (2:14) See Gen 19:9 Proverbs 30 What is “a man’s understanding?” (30:3) Note that Agur son of Jakeh understands that God has a Son, and he desparately wants to know his name. (30:4) How well should you know God’s Word? (30:5)

Compare 30:8 with Matthew 6:11. What can happen when life is too easy? (30:9) What is the fate of those who don’t respect their parents? (30:11, 17) What is the root cause of the sinful character traits described in 30:12-14. Didn’t Jesus comment on all these? What impact can physical attraction have on your behavior? (30:19) Does the Bible warn of trouble when a wife feels unloved? (30:23) How does this verse relate to the story of Rachael and Leah? What can verses 30:24-28 teach you about leadership? What is a good idea if you have stuck your foot in your mouth? (30:32) Matthew 20 Can anyone who has received God’s mercy ever demand fairness or equality from God? Is God always just and always merciful? In our position, how should we treat others, and how should we feel about God’s mercy towards others? How does Jesus measure greatness and true leadership? (20:26, 27) Week 4, Day 6: Saturday, 31 January 2009 Exodus 3, 4 Is God concerned with your situation? (3:7) Does God want you to trust in your strength to accomplish His purposes, or your reliance on Him? (3:11, 12) Does God need to prove Himself to anyone? (3:14) How does God work in the hearts of others to provide for His servants? (3:21) Compare verses 4:3-9 with Matthew 12:39 and Matthew 16:4. Do you need something physical to have faith in the invisible? Do miracles really change what is in a man’s heart? (4:13) Does your lack of faith limit how you serve God? (4:14)

Does God demand obedience from His ambassadors? (4:24) Proverbs 31 Where did King Lemuel learn this oracle? Should leaders be big drinkers? (31:5) What makes some people prone to drink too much? (31:6-7) Do you think this possibly sheds light on the drunkenness of Noah and Lot after they both experienced tremendous destruction and loss? What were the consequences of their drunkenness? Do you defend those who cannot defend themselves? (31:8) How about during gossip sessions? Compare Proverb 31 with Proverbs 2:16, 12:4, 19:13, 21:9, 21:19, 25:24, 27:15. Where do noble wives come from? (19:14) What may be one reason a wife does not display noble behavior? Proverbs 30:23 Psalms 10 Does God sometimes seem very distant? (10:1) Where is the professor while you are taking an exam? What does pride do to your relationship with God? (10:4) Do evil men often seem to prosper? (10:5) Do sinners often think that they have gotten away with their sin? (10:11) But is God aware and in control? (10:14) Week 4, Day 7: Sunday, 01 February 2009 Exodus 5, 6 Why did Pharaoh feel that he did not need to obey the Lord? (5:2) Will obeying God often result in pain and sacrifice? Will this test your faith? (5:7-22) Do circumstances cause you to doubt and lose faith? (6:9) Proverbs 1 What are the proverbs for? (1:2-6) Where does knowledge come from, and who cannot accept it? (1:7)

Compare 1:10 with 25:26. Compare 1:19 with Matthew 16:26 How hard is it to find wisdom? (1:20) Why do people not have wisdom? (1:22) To have wisdom, what must you respond to what? (1:23) How does this relate to Gen 19:19? If you are not humble in spirit, what will surely overtake you? (1:26, 27) What do people often do too late? (1:28) Compare with Isaiah 55:6 What will all people do? (1:31) Psalms 11, 12 Where is the only place you can seek refuge? (11:1) Is God always in control and always faithful? Does it sometimes seem like there are no good people left? (12:1) What can you expect to see from the world? (12:8)

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