Week 10

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  • Words: 1,310
  • Pages: 6
Week 10, Day 1: Monday, 9 March 2009 Numbers 9, 10 How do you feel, and what do you do when you miss church? (9:7) How did Moses make decisions? (9:8) Who did God intend to know Him and worship Him? (9:14) How do you make decisions? How did the Israelites know where to camp and when to leave? (9:18) How does 10:31 relate to 9:18? Why did Moses say this to his father-in-law? Proverbs 9 How do the wicked and wise respond differently to wise counsel and correction? (9:1-9) What is the ultimate core value? (9:10) People of folly are characterized as ______ and without ______ . (9:13) as a result, they lack ____ (9:16) and their paths lead to the _____ (9:18). Acts 18 Why did Paul so diligently preach to the Jews? (18:6) Why could Apollos understand the truths of Jesus though he knew only the Baptism of John? (18:24, 25) Week 10, Day 2: Tuesday, 10 March 2009 Numbers 11, 12 Who helped influence the Jews into sin? (11:4) How much does the world influence you? Can the struggles of life at teams seem completely overwhelming even to a Christian? (11:15) What was Moses’ desire for God’s people? (11:29) Who was the most humble man on the face of the earth? (12:3) Proverbs 10

What causes the wicked to fail? (10:3) What brings wealth? (10:4) Why is verse 10:8 repeated in 10:10, and why is 10:6 repeated in 10:11? What do loving people do? (10:12) What is the way to life? (10:17) Are your words always nourishing? (10:21) Acts 19 Was there a difference between Paul and others who invoked the name of Jesus? (19:11, 13-16) Can there be a difference today? What would make a difference? What do you suppose the silversmith was really worried about? (19:27) Can the true God be discredited? (19:27) Week 10, Day 3: Wednesday, 11 March 2009 Numbers 13, 14 What blessings to we fail to claim due to our lack of faith? (14:8) How is the world’s version of reality different than reality itself? (14:11) What do you need to understand about God’s character? (14:18) Does forgiveness from God mean escape from the consequences? (14:20) Contrast 14:24 with Proverbs 11:3. Are you wholehearted? Compare 14:28 with Proverbs 10:24. Can we sometimes use concern for our children as an excuse for our lack of faith? (14:31) Is there a danger in claiming blessings that the Lord has not really given, and can we sometimes tell ourselves that God has approved of our sinful behavior? (14:41) Proverbs 11 What attitude ushers in wisdom? (11:2) How does this relate to what you just learned about Moses?

Can the unfaithful control their desires? (11:6) What do wise people do well? (11:12) Does your character define your beauty? (11:22) How do you think the Egyptians felt about Joseph? (11:26) See Gen 47:21. Could this have impacted how they felt about the Jews in general? What do wise people do? (11:30) Acts 20 Do you have to be a dynamic speaker for God to use you mightily? (20:10) How good of a speaker was Moses? Does God want the world to see what you are capable of doing or what He can do through an ordinary person? What characterized Paul’s service? (20:19) How does this relate to Numbers 12:3? What is God trying to tell you? (Note: Saul means “demanded.” Paul means “Little.”) Why did God allow the Jews to harass Paul? (20:19). Why does God let hardships come your way? Why was Paul so bold and used by God? (20:23) How could Paul say this after holding the coats and approving of Stephen’s stoning? (20:26) What was he saying? Are you held accountable for not preaching the Word of God when you had the opportunity? (20:26) How does God describe those who distort the truth, especially from within the church? (20:29) Do you have such a heart for the salvation of others that you warn them night and day with tears? 20:31) Week 10, Day 4: Thursday, 12 March 2009 Numbers 15, 16 Are nations held accountable collectively for the nation’s sin? (15:22-26) Are you held accountable for unintentional sins? (15:27)

Does God view intentional sins differently from unintentional sins? (15:30,31) Can seemingly minor sins in our eyes be major sins in God’s eyes? (15:35) Did God see value in giving His people small visible reminders to help keep them from sin? (15:38-41) What did the Jews want to believe about themselves? (16:3) Can people completely misinterpret God’s activity and miss His message to them? (16:42) How did Moses and Aaron respond to those who would wrongly accuse them? (16:47) Proverbs 12 How should we respond to God’s discipline? (12:1) Compare 12:5 with 11:14. What does this tell you about how nations fall? How does God view the “kind” acts of wicked people? (12:10) How do you respond to insults? (12:16) Does your tongue bring healing? (12:18) Should you seek to have as many friends as possible? (12:26) Acts 21 Why is fellowship so important even for the most mature Christian? (21:4) What are you willing to endure for the sake of the Gospel? Is what you are known for? (21:13) Will those who love you the most attempt to dissuade you from sacrificing for sake of the Gospel? (21:14) How must Mary have felt about Jesus’ mission? Week 10, Day 5: Friday, 13 March 2009 Numbers 17, 18 What belongs to God’s Priests? (18:20) Proverbs 13 Why does a poor man hear no threat? (13:8)

What causes quarrels? (13:10) Who is life hard for? (13:15) Discipline has been described as the willingness to sacrifice what seems good now for something great later. Does Proverbs agree with this? (13:18-20) Acts 22 Do you openly confess your sins and share your testimony to the public for the sake of the Gospel? (22) Does God call you to share your testimony to those who will violently reject it? (22:22) Week 10, Day 6: Saturday, 14 March 2008 Numbers 19, 20 Why did Moses say “Must we bring you water out of this rock?” (20:10) Who provided the water? Does God share His glory? (20:12) Despite all of the conflict, how did the Israelites feel about Aaron? (20:29) Proverbs 14 Who loves the Lord and who despises Him? (14:2) Will people understand your desire to make amends for your sin? (14:9) Does the world understand what is destroying them? (14:12) What does 14:10 and 14:13 tell you about those around you? What two completely different ways that hard-hearted people may respond to others? (14:17) Compare 14:20 with 12:26. Do emotions affect your health? (14:30) Who honors God? (14:31) Psalm 28

Where do you draw strength in life? (28:7) Week 10, Day 7: Sunday, 15 March 2008 Numbers 21, 22 Why would God desire the Canaanite towns to be completely destroyed? (21:3) What is revealed about the Israelites seemingly every time hard times fall upon them? (21:5) Are God’s ways of discipline what you would expect? (21:6) Did God preserve all of His people’s writings? (21:14) Does God always lead you through safe paths or paths where He can be glorified? (21:21-22:4) Why do you think Sihon refused to let Israel pass? (21:23) See 22:3, 4. Where did Balaam get his power to bless and curse? (22:9) Was he a Jew? Why do you suppose God was angry? (22:22, 32) What is more amazing, that a donkey talks or that Balaam does not hesitate to enter into conversation with it? (22:29) Proverbs 15 Does God know and understand what is going on? (15:3) Is all religious practice accepted by the Lord? (15:8) Does God warn you of your destruction? (15:10) What is Proverbs trying to tell you about discipline? Psalms 29, 30 How is God revealed? (29) Can we expect challenges as we grow in the Lord? (30)

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