Web Page Application
O DATE GIVEN: October 2007 DATE DUE: November 2007
REQUIREMENTS Design and create a personal web site to be posted on the internet for your friends, family and well wishers to see. Your completed web site should be recorded on a blank CD-R and optimized for viewing at 1024X768 pixel resolution. Please pay close attention to the contents of your web site below
Contents Home Page 1. Save your home page as index.html. {2} [ok] 2. Use at least three (3) frames to organize the information on your home page. {6} [ok] 3. Center your FULL name at the top of the page. {2} 4. Insert a low tempo background sound that plays while your web site is being viewed. {3} 5. Your home page must contain at least three (3) links : FAVORITES, PHOTO GALLERY and GUESTBOOK. These three (3) links must be implemented using image maps. (See section on links below for details on each link). {6} 6. The main frame should display a 150X150 pixel half picture of yourself that changes to another full picture of yourself when the mouse pointer moves over the picture. It should return to the half picture when the pointer is moved away from the picture. {6} 7. The main frame should contain a short autobiography of yourself; be sure to mention details of your academic achievements and educational history. {3} Links 1. Favorites a. Create an ordered list of your five (5) favorite subjects. {3} b. Create a multi-level combination list. Level 1 should be an ordered list of your four (4) favorite things to eat. Level 2 should be a customized unordered list displaying 100X100 pixel images of each food item listed in level 1 of your list. {6} c. Insert a sunset picture as your background image that remains fixed when the page is scrolled. {3} 2. Photo Gallery a. This link should open in a new window. {2}
Mr. G. Brown
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Web Page Application
All images used in your photo gallery should be saved in a folder called photo gallery. {2} c. Use an HTML table to organize and display nine (9) thumbnails on the main photo gallery page. {6} d. Each thumbnail should link to a page that contains: i. A larger version of the image {viewers should not have to scroll to see the entire image on the page} {2} ii. A brief description of the larger image. {1} iii. A link to the main photo gallery. {2} b.
iv. Link to the next and previous images where applicable. {4} e. Be sure to include at least one (1) picture of yourself. {2} 3. Guestbook Use an HTML form and JavaScript code to create a guestbook with the following fields and elements: {Be creative} a. First and Last names (textboxes) {2} b. Address (textboxes) {1} c. Date of Birth (pull down menus) {3} d. Email Address (textboxes) {1} e. Marital Status (pull down menu) {1} f. Any 4 Hobbies (check boxes) {2} g. Rate My Site 1 – 5 (radio buttons) {2} h. Comments (textarea) {2} i. Two buttons with the labels Send Info and Start Over. {4} j. NB: When the guestbook is submitted display the message “THANK YOU (person’s first name) FOR VISITING MY SITE.” in an alert box. {6} Mar k Alloca tion Contents 85 Design and creativity TOTAL 100
Mr. G. Brown
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