That Christmas; This Summer **new Update!!** Comment Please!!

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Download & View That Christmas; This Summer **new Update!!** Comment Please!! as PDF for free.

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  • Words: 21,631
  • Pages: 49
That Christma s

This Summer

Part One: 2

Christmas in Westchester Winter 2008; Winter Solstice Benefit Aspen Sinclair just wanted to go home. The gallons of Cristal she’d drank and pounds of stuffed flounder she’d devoured were making her eyes droop. And the hours spent dancing in her white 4-inch velvet Dolce and Gabbana pumps made her feet hurt. Her face ached from too much smiling, her stomach too full, and the beginnings of an alcohol-induced headache were all reasons why she was sitting out the last dance; the band was playing an über-peppy version of Jingle Bell Rock, her head pounding in time with the horns. She moaned and put her head in her hands. She just wanted it to be over so she could snuggle up in her 5,000 count Egyptian cotton sheets and sleep while the heat blasted. “Had enough?” The familiar voice sent tingles through her body as she slowly looked up. Adam Ellington, her best friend stood there, grinning down at her. She glanced around the empty table. Good. So no one had seen the


way her face had lit up once she saw him. And what a sight he was, in his Brooks Brothers tuxedo in all black, his blonde hair perfectly slicked back, his hazel eyes twinkling. “Never.” Aspen declared, grinning back wickedly, eyes flashing. Adam nodded towards the dance floor where couples were whirling around in a graceful smooth waltz. “Can I have this last dance?” He asked in a solemn voice that made her giggle. “I don’t know. Can you?” She teased, taking his hand and rising to her sore feet gracefully. Adam laughed lightly. He had such a nice laugh, she thought wistfully, as he twirled her expertly onto the floor. “The committee did a good job this year.” Adam commented, as he glanced around the room. Aspen rolled her eyes and nodded politely. The committee always did a good job. Showing off was what they did best. But she had to admit the Plaza ballroom looked exquisite, the low chandelier light casting a beautiful soft glow on all that stood under it. The deep red drapes, the towering gold centerpieces were a bit to gaudy for her taste, but all in all beautiful. And the Westchester royalty had gathered in the city in the name of the poor children across New York City. Aspen couldn’t help but roll her eyes again. “How much money do you think was raised this year?” She asked Adam. “I call it at about 2 million.” “I’d say six million. If everyone contributed.” Adam shrugged. Aspen rolled her eyes. “2 million.” She said promptly. Adam half smiled. “Aspen, everyone donates.” Aspen snorted. Another thing she liked about Adam: he was so good. And he was best friends with her, despite the fact that she was anything but. She opened her mouth, ready to comment on how people would go to a $2,000 per plate benefit and not donate a dime. The Jacobs family did it every year according to Gemma Rowland. And she knew for a fact that the Simons definitely weren’t contributing this year because of their family’s Fortune 500 company tanking. They’d been invited, plainly out of tradition, and came only to keep up appearances and keep down the gossip. Then Adam smiled widely. “We’ve been coming to this benefit ever since we were toddlers.” His hazel eyes were sweet and thoughtful as he watched the bratty Van Stramm twins chase each other around the ballroom. “Your dancing has improved since then, thank God. I used to hate dancing with you because it seemed like you were trying to step on my feet.” Aspen laughed freely despite her head throbbing painfully. Adam laughed too. “Remember when we used to play Legos together at my house and you begged your mom to put you in boys soccer instead of girls so you could be on my team?” He was evening the score. “Or how about when you used to walk around in your mother’s high heels that she left in the parlor because you were tired of being the shortest kid in Pre-K?” Aspen countered, a devious smile on her face. Adam made a face. “Shut up.” 4

Aspen laughed louder, her voice echoing through the ballroom, above the fading notes of Jingle Bell Rock. Adam was still smiling when they stopped dancing to applaud the band. And then Charles Peyton, who hosted the benefit every year, came up on stage to announce how much money had been made. “Ladies and gentlemen,” He began in his booming voice. For a man well over fifty he sure could project. “For the cause of donating to orphanages all across the state of New York for Christmas, we have raised over four million dollars.” The crowd applauded thunderously, which Aspen thought was laughable because they were pretty much applauding themselves and not the cause. Adam’s face was smug. “More than two million, eh?” He grinned widely. “But less than six.” Aspen stuck her tongue out facetiously as they walked back to the tables they’d been assigned to. Adam laughed again, and Aspen didn’t bother smiling back. Her face muscles hurt too much. “Text me,” she told him as he walked towards the exit. As usual, his parents weren’t in attendance, but had sent Adam to the benefit to deliver the check like a good boy. When she turned around, she almost bumped into Bethany Jacobs. “Watch it.” Bethany hissed, narrowing her heavily mascara-ed eyes with contempt. “Or what?” Aspen called lazily over her shoulder, not even bothering to pause. She wasn’t even worth it. Like many nemesis, she and Bethany once upon a time had been friends. But then the Jacobs family moved to Bali for a year so Harold, her dad, could oversee the construction of his mega resort. When she had come back, Bethany had been simply too good for Aspen anymore. And a year later, freshman year to be exact, when Alexander Erickson dumped Bethany for Aspen, the feud had become official. Despite the fact that Bethany, who could hardly stand Aspen before said boyfriend theft, had cheated on Alexander with Aspen’s own identical twin Graham. Aspen shuddered when she thought about it. Honestly, Graham and Bethany? A sincerely gross combination, since Graham was undoubtedly the male version of herself. They shared the same reddish brown locks and square jaw. Her’s was however softened with full, pouty lips and wide indigo colored eyes framed with thick curly lashes. His eyes didn’t have a purply tint to them, but were a deep blue, so dark they looked black sometimes. They shared the same patrician, pointy chin, and an imperial nose. High chiseled cheekbones, wide forehead and smooth flawless skin were the Sinclair pride, and she and Graham wore them well. Their temperaments were even similar. Jeering and completely self confident. They did what they wanted and people either loved them, or hated them for it. In Graham’s case, people loved him. Especially girls. And they hated Aspen because she was his twin sister, and resented their closeness. Also 5

because she didn’t try to please anyone and all the boys wanted her. She was gorgeous, but wore it lightly, which made her more hateable. She went against the pretty girl code. Sure, she wore designer clothes, her flashy sense of style made them all boil with jealousy, but hardly any makeup. A touch of mascara, on special occasions eyeliner and lip gloss. Everything about her was effortless, while the rest of the female population at Cartwright Academy killed themselves everyday trying to be just as hot as she was. Therefore, she only had one gal pal, Gemma Rowland, her brother’s on and off girlfriend since seventh grade. Currently they were off, but as Aspen approached the table reserved for her family, they looked very on. “Hey,” she said easily to them both, noting how happy Gemma looked. Her big brown eyes practically sparkled in the overhead lighting. “Hey, Ass.” Graham half smiled. Aspen rolled her eyes at her brother’s stupid nickname for her, hating how it had spread like wildfire and now everyone was calling her that. And once the female population caught wind of it, it followed her everywhere she went. Graham used it as an endearment, and Gemma thought it was cute. Boys even thought it made her even more cool, having such an “awesome” nickname. But the girl population used it with snide. And it bugged the hell out of Aspen. “Hey Grammy.” She retorted, laughing at his scowl. He hated that nickname, because it made him sound like an elderly lady and a sissy. But at least it was better than “Graham Cracker” or the “Excuse me, I’d like to buy a Graham of cocaine” jokes. “So guess who’s here because they got kicked out of Dartmouth for installing hidden cameras in the girl’s locker room?” Graham asked excitedly. Aspen rolled her eyes. She didn’t even know anyone who went to Dartmouth. “Who?” She asked, willing to humor her brother. “Pierce O’Connor.” Graham told her. Aspen felt her jaw drop. “Seriously? Mr. I’m-so-amazing-mothers-just-adore-me, girls-can’t-ignore-me Pierce O’Connor?” Graham rolled his eyes. “That would be the one.” Pierce O’Connor. She grinned with malicious glee. She couldn’t wait to see the look on his mother’s face when she brought it up. Clarissa O’Connor had bragged all up and down Westchester that her son had gotten an early acceptance to Dartmouth. And now she had his early expulsion to be proud of. Ha. “Why do you hate him so much? You’ve never told me why.” Gemma asked. Aspen shrugged easily, while Graham moaned. “Don’t get her started!” Pierce O’Connor had tormented her as a child with childish pranks and as they got older, upgraded to vicious verbal assaults. No one could tear her down quite like Pierce. Although to everyone else, it seemed like goodnatured teasing. “Teasing my ass.” Aspen thought hotly. “I hate that son of a bitch.”


“Well I think it’s hysterical that he got kicked out of Dartmouth in the first semester. He didn’t even get to experience the freshman hazing.” Aspen laughed. Graham laughed too, his dark eyes deeply amused. Gemma hid a smile. “Is that so?” A smug, conceited voice purred from behind her. “Sorry to disappoint.” Aspen whirled around, half-surprised, half-annoyed. Pierce O’Connor stood in front of her, all 6”2 of him, smiling sarcastically at her. “Pierson.” Aspen said coolly, “what an unpleasant surprise.” Pierce laughed, his green eyes dancing. His unadulterated swagger was starting to bug her. “Likewise, Assy.” He said, with a smirk. He had a glass of Scotch in one hand, and was leering at her. “You’re looking kind of moody. Is it that time of the month? Do you need to pop a Midol?” Graham laughed, sounding like a gorilla choking on a banana from behind her, before she heard an “Ow!” Good. At least Gemma was sticking up for her. She remained cool, as she absentmindedly checked her nails. “I didn’t think Dartmouth boys could come out after one semester ignorant as you.” Pierce’s eyes narrowed a bit at her insult, but he shrugged it off. “There’s a lot you don’t know, Assy.” He patted her head twice, then bumped fists with Graham. “Later kids. There’s a party alter at the Blackburn’s. Peter faked sick, ‘cause he knew his parents always get a room here at the Plaza after the Benefit.” He turned and headed for the door. “Dude, wait up!” Graham called, taking off after him. Aspen turned to look at Gemma, who’s exquisite face was twisted with anger. She smirked. Well, if they were almost on before, they were definitely off again now.


Pierce Damn. He hated coming back in town, especially after the whole Dartmouth Fiasco. He had dumped his girlfriend Bailey on the spot. He never liked her anyways. She just happened to be the hottest girl on campus. But whoa, fucking Aspen Sinclair grew up overnight. Sure, she’d been pretty before, not that he’d ever admit it. But seeing her tonight made him think twice about everything he’d ever said. He knows better than took change it up. He reminds himself to cool it. After all, he’s pretty much tortured her his whole life. And been secretly in love with her longer than that. His mind goes back to when he was in eighth grade, she’s in sixth. They’re in the carpool lane, waiting for their parents. It’s been pouring all day long, and there’s like a 3 foot puddle by the sidewalk. Aspen’s looking all cute in her Diesel jeans and her little zip up Limited Too hoodie. She thinks she’s the shit. And he agrees with her completely. Suddenly, a huge Purity milk truck pulls up to turn around back to drop off a delivery, and he pushes her in front of him so she gets splashed without thinking. Except she just didn’t get wet. She got soaked. Her face crumples for a moment, and he regrets it. But then she whirls on him, and shoves him so hard he stumbles back and falls on his butt. “Nice one… Assy.” He said coming up with the name on the spot. Aspen’s face gets impossibly red with anger, those bluish-purple eyes blazing. Graham is laughing like an idiot. “That’s so funny, ’cause I call her Ass!” And for a second, he’s 100% sure she’s gonna cry, like any other girl. She was going to bawl her eyes out and then tell her mommy and daddy. But he should’ve known better. Aspen Sinclair is not like other girls. She just gives him that cocky half smile and flips him the bird. He pretends to catch it in his pocket, all the while smiling. She wants me.


The Pierce O’Connor we know and love.

Her mother was a piece of work. Aspen gritted her teeth as she sat in Clarissa O’Connor’s parlor drinking tea, and waiting on breakfast. She was also “laughing,” while her mother and father recounted their Thanksgiving in Aspen (which is not her namesake. Aspen is a family name), like they were one big solid family unit. And Clarissa and Campbell O’Connor were just smiling and laughing, and sighing with envy. Why can’t our family be like theirs? Aspen would bet her entire wardrobe that was what Clarissa was thinking. She smirked. Clarissa was lucky just to have one child, and one pain in the ass named Pierce. Who was currently MIA. Right now her mother was entertaining them with the story about how they weathered through a “terrifying” snowstorm. Her mother made it sound comical and sweet. She made the whole trip sound like it was a family affair, when in all actuality her parents didn’t even go skiing with their kids. Her mother remained in a Valium-induced coma and didn’t even bother getting up for Thanksgiving dinner. Her father, Benson Sinclair hung with his buddies from Yale, hit on their wives, and snuck in some face time with his mistress and faithful lawyer Kayla Coleman. The “snowstorm” only lasted 2 hours, and in the morning Graham and Aspen enjoyed some fresh powder before coming home. All in all, the trip wasn’t the worst. Last summer in Antigua had easily taken the cake, and before that her dad’s fiftieth in Las Vegas with the horny strippers was equally horrible. But her mother’s sappy reminiscing was making Aspen want to puke up the raspberry-white chocolate éclairs she’d just eaten. “Oh, and Aspen, darling, remember how you sprained your ankle coming off the ski-lift and Graham was such a gentlemen and carried you back to the house?” Anya Sinclair asked with a delighted laugh. “That was Gemma. Two years ago.” Aspen wanted to correct, but knew better. She just nodded and smiled. God forbid if she ever corrected her mother. Especially in public. She glanced at Graham who was texting underneath the coffee table, looking around politely at whoever was speaking. Aspen smirked, tempted to whip out her cell, when Pierce walked into the parlor. “Pierson O’Connor!” Her mother cried with faux outrage, “How dare you come to last night’s benefit and not say a word to me or my husband?”


Pierce grinned, and Aspen frowned as her heart stuttered a beat. “Sorry, Anya. I was only their long enough to pacify my mother.” Anya laughed, Utterly charmed by his response. “Kids, go play somewhere.” Clarissa shooed them, and Graham and Aspen stood, wasting no time. She caught his eye and smirked. “You should go call Gemma. She’s pretty pissed at you.” She told him. Graham rolled his eyes, and walked away, typing her number into his BlackBerry immediately. “I hate to admit it Assy, but you’ve filled out.” Aspen rolled her eyes and turned around to glare at Pierce, but was taken aback by his expression. His eyes were void of their usual contempt and mockery, and replaced by them were admiration and something else. Aspen gave him a cocky halfsmile, a gesture she and Graham shared. “Eat your heart out.” She purred, licking her lips. “Don’t take it personal, but you were kind of ugly as a kid.” His irresistibly full lips stretched into a cocky half smile. He was watching her with the expectant look from her she was used to seeing on his face. Like he could guess what she’d do or say before she actually did it. “Don’t take it personal, but you’re still kind of an ugly kid.” Aspen retorted, but without malice in her voice, although the statement was anything but true. Pierce had to be the hottest guy she knew, and she knew a lot of hot guys. She’d dated a lot of guys, but none of them had the sexy bad-prep-school-boy look down to a science like Pierson O’Connor. She’d always felt this animalistic attraction towards him, but thankfully he kept her pissed so she’d never had a chance to act on it. “I disagree.” He drawled lazily, his green eyes roving her from head to toe, “But you’ve definitely transformed since I last saw you.” “Wow, Pierce O’Connor saying something kind? To me?” Aspen deadpanned, although his compliments and his gaze were giving her some kind of unexplainable pleasure. She reveled in how he looked at her, with that one-track intensity that was so irresistible. He took a step closer to her, and she glanced at his lips, wondering briefly what it would be like to kiss him. “Don’t take it personal,” Pierce repeated, staring deep into her eyes. “Too late.” Aspen admitted demurely, giving him a sultry look from under her eyelashes. Pierce chuckled, pressing her up against the wall by the grand staircase. She cursed mentally. He was looking annoyingly hot in his pale blue Thomas Pink button up Oxford with a yellow and navy striped tie and navy Ralph Lauren chinos. He smelled heavenly, his Dirty English cologne intoxicating. She tingled momentarily with desire. His full pink lips tantalizing. She could the hard sinuous muscles of his thighs pressing into her ivory colored Donna Karan silk dress pants. If anything turned her on, it was muscles. Her heart pounded, as she looked up at him, in his green eyes. He leaned forward slowly, hesitating, gauging her response. She closed her eyes ready. She could feel his warm breath on her face. She suddenly decided she 10

wanted him now. She was closed the distance between them, brushing her lips against his, the electricity growing between them as her lips tingled and her body burned. She was about to kiss him for real, when a suddenly burst of laughter from the parlor made them jump apart. She opened her eyes, then blinked, and then remembered who she had been about to kiss. For a split second, to Pierce, she almost looked like a little girl again. But that look quickly passed. And she glared at him darkly, her indigo eyes blazing. She didn’t say a word as she pushed him away and stormed off. Clearly angry beyond words. Pierce smiled as he watched her go. Aspen, internally was a violent volcano. She’d been two seconds away form kissing Piece O’Connor. At breakfast, the Pierce O’Connor she knew and hated was back. The wisecracking comments, crude college stories, all complemented with flawless tables manners kept everyone roaring, and even caused Campbell O’Connor to choke on his scrambled eggs. He teased Aspen mercilessly, making her blush hard. He praised Graham for leading their basketball team to being number one in the district. Aspen coolly ignored him as she grabbed a piece of Guava fruit from the center of the table and viciously sliced it open with her knife, before giving Pierce a wicked look. He smiled, and slightly lifted his glass of orange juice to salute her. Anya chattered endlessly about the Christmas Party the Sinclairs hosted every year, inviting anyone who was anyone which was everyone in Westchester. Aspen twirled her knife between her fingers deftly, wondering what she’d wear. She’d gone online shopping last night and saw the most adorable backless Gucci cocktail dress at Neiman’s in a vivid green with intricate black sequencing all over. And she had a pair of Prada D’Orsay pumps that she’d never worn that would look amazing with it. She smiled brilliantly, and picked up her spoon and scooped out a huge bite of Guava. Mmm. “What are you all smiley about?” Pierce murmured from across the table, his eyes shining. Aspen looked up at him, and then frowned. That dress, she thought petulantly, was the same exact shade as his eyes. So it was definitely out. She groaned at tossed her spoon aside with a clatter. “Nothing.” She said primly, crossing her legs under the table. On accident her foot brushed his calf. He smirked. “Playing footsie? I’d prefer your gestures of undying affection to be a little less elementary.” Aspen kicked him, hard. Making sure her skinny stiletto heel stabbed deep into his shin. He grunted, then smiled, before kicking her back. Harder. “Ow.” Aspen hissed through clenched teeth. That was definitely gonna bruise. Pierce just smiled wider, before starting in on Graham again. “So what was your average points per game again?” He asked. Aspen just tuned them out and focused on devouring her food. And my, my, my 11

were her eggs Benedict good. She ate them all. She checked her platinum set with sapphires watch impatiently. She was hanging out with Adam later and didn’t want to be late.

Graham He was insane thinking him and Gemma could work out again. Absolutely not! She’s the most annoying person, when she doesn’t get her way! You left me last night, Graham. You left me by myself for a fucking party! What was he supposed to do? Miss an awesome party because she wanted to patch things up again? Right. And an awesome party it was. Kelsey Hambridge was all over him, and as much as he hated to admit it, he was all over her. So you and Gemma are done? She wants to know. Yeah, yeah we’re done. He assures her. You guys were looking pretty together at the Banquet… she whispers. Graham rolls his eyes and pulls her closer. She was just my date. That’s all. I don’t know… She says. Graham stares at her, completely irritated. And as much as he’d love to hook up with her, he realizes she’s not even worth the trouble. I’ll get us some more drinks. He tells her, squeezing her thigh. He gets up and goes into the kitchen to get himself a beer, and bumps into Bethany Jacobs. Now she knows how to show a guy a good time. He grins, remembering their freshman year hookup and how Aspen went crazy when she found out. He gives Bethany a once over, and she’s looking good. She catches his eye and gives him that coy smile and he’s hooked. Graham, she says in that girlish, sexy voice. Where’s Assy? Graham smirks. Anywhere but here. He wraps an arm around her bare shoulders. She’s wearing this hot blue number and all he can think about is undressing her. So you know you broke my heart freshman year he tells her. Bethany grins widely. I am so sorry. She purrs, squeezing his bicep. He wraps his other arm, beer in hand around her waist. She tilts her head. He leans down and kisses her, feeling it from his head to his toes. Graham, where’s the beer? She hears Kelsey walk in. He opens a lazy eye and sees her standing there looking dumbfounded, and hurt. Really hurt. But he could care less because she’s annoying. And compared to Bethany Jacobs, she’s nothing but a hookup. So he closes his eyes tighter, and enjoys it. The mack is back.


Friends with Benefits doesn’t quite describe them

“I don’t know why we still do this.” Aspen complained, “We’re not five years old anymore.” “It’s fun.” Adam said simply, pushing his inner tube up the hill behind his stone mansion. Aspen rolled her eyes, zipped her dark purple Betsey Johnson bomber jacket up, and threw the fur hood over her head. With her Gucci aviators, skinny Earl jeans tucked into knee high purple Uggs she looked comfy cute, like she was about to go on a long shopping excursion on Fifth Avenue, not sledding at her best friend’s house. But Adam had just chuckled when he saw her get out of her car. That was Aspen for you. “Ready?” Adam asked, poised to lurch on his colorful inner tube at any moment. Aspen bounced on her toes. “Last one to the bottom is a rotten egg!” She cried, diving on her inner tube with lightening speed. She grunted when her stomach hit the inflated rubber, but all pain was forgotten when she felt the stinging, icy wind on her face and the whoosh in her ears. To her disappointment, the ride ended at the bottom of the slope. She frowned, and turned to see how far behind Adam was, when he slammed into her full speed, knocking her on her but into the snow. “Adam!” She complained as the wetness quickly seeped through her jeans and onto her skimpy Cosabella underwear. Adam laughed, looking annoyingly adorable, his blonde hair sticking up on one side, his cheeks ruddy from the cold. He rolled off his inner tube and on top of her carelessly, causing her heart to beat wildly. She smelled his spicy aftershave that she couldn’t quite place, and the smell of the Tootsie Pop she’d brought him earlier. Adam loved Tootsie Pops… She lost her train of thought when he pushed her sunglasses up on her forehead, his hazel eyes serious and full of longing. Her body tingled with anticipation as he leaned in and gently brushed his lips across her’s. Ever the gentlemen. But Aspen was anything but willing to be patient. So ignoring the snow, she pressed herself into him harder, the chaste kiss morphing into something different. Something hot and sizzling that warmed her bones. And the freezing cold around them was forgotten.


Eventually Adam had to stop her. He had clear reservations about getting physical, although Aspen constantly tested his self-control. The worst she’d been able to tempt out of him was a short journey up her shirt, that had ended with Adam gently pushing Aspen away and smiling ruefully like, “Okay, you got me.” And under most circumstances, this would’ve annoyed Aspen. Except she loved him so much that she tolerated his stupid behavior and respected his virtue. Most of the time. And Aspen liked how they were still best friends, despite their physical lust for each other. The whole friends-with-benefits category didn’t label them good enough. No one knew that they played tonsil hockey after school, and no one got jealous. Their weren’t any rules, there weren’t any boundaries, except no sex. But Aspen would’ve gladly crossed that line for him if he ever wanted her to. Besides, if she was going to loose her virginity anytime, why not to her best friend, who she knew she loved without a shadow of a doubt? Why not test the boundaries, and see what they could be- if they could- be more than friends. But Aspen was terrible with commitment, and even worst with relationships. Adam had learned not to depend on her in that way long ago. So this was perfect, simple, uncomplicated and fun. He was still her best friend who knew her better than anyone except her twin, and she was still his. He was her sun, moon, and stars. And not that she’d ever admit, her entire universe. “Let’s go inside.” Adam suggested once she began to shiver uncontrollably. “We can watch Transformers.” He grinned at her. Transformers was her favorite movie. She’d seen it a billion times and could quote every line. And usually, Aspen prided herself on liking action movies because of the action. But she couldn’t help that Josh Duhamel and Shia LaBeouf being smoking hot were an unrequited bonus to the film. She stood up, licking her swollen lips slowly, and followed Adam back to his house and in through the side door. No one was home, except for Ana Maria, the Ellington’s cook and maid who had been employed there since Adam’s birth. He considered her his second mother. The woman who nursed him through the flu and mono, scolded him about leaving his boxers in the middle of his bedroom floor. Aspen said her hellos to Ana as they stepped into the kitchen, the warm smell of hot cocoa filled the air. Aspen’s stomach snarled loudly. Adam laughed. “Swiss Misses are in the cupboard.” He told her as if she didn’t know. But they were her favorites, so she smiled as she went to go get them. She grabbed the entire box and they scurried upstairs and into Adam’s humongous room, where they peeled off their wet clothes. Aspen sat on his giant king sized bed in nothing but her warm and fuzzy Uggs, a pair of Adam’s white Calvin Klein boxers over her soggy wet thong, and her matching blue with purple lace Cosabella bra. Adam turned the heat up as high as it would go, and started a fire in his fireplace. He 14

closed the blinds and turned on the movie, before hopping back in bed with Aspen. She cuddled into his muscular, bare chest and yawned involuntarily. She was so happy it made her tired. “How was lunch with the O’Connors?” Adam asked, kissing her long, slightly damp hair. “Brunch.” Aspen corrected, running her hand over his hard abs. They were such a turn on. “Brunch.” Adam repeated. “How was it?” Aspen yawned again, hugely. “Fine I guess.” Her stomach growled again, and she ripped open the box of Swiss Misses. “Pierce O’Connor tried to kiss me.” She added absentmindedly. Adam froze, his muscles locking into place, as Aspen fumbled to open the small packaging. “HE WHAT!?” Adam exploded, at the same time she finally tore into it. She ripped the two chocolate rolls a part and bit into one, rolling her eyes. “Chill. The fuck. Out.” She told him through a mouthful of chocolate and cream. “It was not a big deal.” “Did you let him kiss you?” Adam wanted to know. “No.” “Did he try again?” “No.” Adam paused. “Okay.” He was mollified. Aspen smirked. “You are jealous.” She announced with a smile. Adam opened his mouth to deny it, but thought better of it and shrugged sheepishly. “I guess I am.” “I knew it.” He shrugged again. “Of course I am. You are my girl after all.” Aspen was thrown for a quick second but didn’t show it. His girl? “I am not your girl.” Aspen objected haughtily, laughing in his face. “I am no one’s girl.” “Yes you are.” Adam told her, squeezing her ribs. “You’re mine.” Aspen felt warm all over. “Besides, Pierce O’Connor isn’t good enough for you anyways.” Adam scoffed. “Didn’t he get kicked out of Dartmouth for sexually assaulting his Psych teacher?” Aspen rolled her eyes. “I thought it was installing a camera in the girl’s locker room.” “Whatever.” Adam dismissed it with a wave of his hand. “He better think twice if he thinks he can just steal my girl.” My girl. This time Aspen didn’t feel warm. She felt annoyed. And as Adam kissed her, she couldn’t help but see those soulful green eyes, and how they looked at her. Completely and totally into her. She’d never seen an expression like that in his eyes ever. And she’d known him all her life. And as annoying as it was, she couldn’t enjoy making out with Adam, or even watching her favorite movie because she kept wondering what could’ve happened if they had actually kissed.


Adam Shit. Aspen’s laying across his chest in next to nothing, looking hot as hell. And he’s made a vow not to touch her. She thinks the sex thing his just him being a wimp, but really, sex with your bestfriend? Wasn’t it enough touching the places he’d looked at for so long? Kiss her when he’d dreamed about doing it for so long? Sex with Aspen would solidify everything he was trying to avoid. He was really her’s. He was really no different than Alexander Erickson, or Bobby Farley, or Wesley Anderson. Or any guy for that matter at Cartwright Academy who’s madly in love with her. He hears it all the time. Guys telling him he’s lucky that he’s best friends with Aspen Sinclair. And in the past, he’s always prided himself for not drooling over her like everyone else- at least publicly. But every time she kisses him, he feels himself coming undone. Every time she looks in his eyes and gives him that soulful I know you better than anyone look, he falls just a little bit harder. And what the fuck his up with Pierce O’Connor trying to kiss her? Doesn’t he know that Aspen hates him? And Aspen is his. And when he told her so, she just laughed. I am not your girl. She’d told him. He tried to shrug it off, but those words kept haunting him. You can’t have it both ways. He kept telling himself. He doesn’t want to be another one of Aspen’s ridiculous love slaves, but he can’t claim her for himself. Those were the unspoken rules that they both understood. But he cant deny the fact that imagining her and Pierce O’Connor kiss, and it’s kissing is making his skin crawl. Imagining them together period makes his temper flare. But he puts it behind him. He can deal. He kisses her slightly wet hair, as they watch the Decepticons and Autobots battle it out. Ooh! She squeals. My favorite part! She’s bouncing giddily like a four-year old high on sugar. God, I can’t wait for Transformers 2. Adam laughs at her, and she joins in unashamed. But she surprises him, completely ignoring the movie and rolling on top of him, straddling him. This is my favorite part. He tells her. She gives him that slow smile he dreads. Mine too.


Should’ve gone to Barneys!

“Thanks for coming shopping with me.” Aspen cooed to Gemma as they climbed out of their taxi. Aspen sighed as she took in all of Fifth Avenue. It felt amazing to be back in the city again. “You’re welcome.” Gemma told her. “I know how you hold off you Christmas shopping until the last minute. And since Christmas is in three days…” Gemma trailed off with a smile. Aspen’s heart swelled with pride and love. She was so lucky to have a friend like Gemma, who not only understood her better than anyone, but was brave enough to face the masses getting in last minute shopping for the Holidays. “I think that we’ll find everything we need at Bloomingdale’s.” Aspen told Gemma, as they stepped inside her favorite department store. “But I’ve already got your gift, so you’ll never know what it is.” She lied, crossing her finger. The trick was to see if there was anything Gemma would ogle at, but never buy. Then she’d buy it as soon as Gemma turned her back. “Thanks. I feel very loved.” Gemma declared as they walked towards the perfume counter. She knew exactly what to get her mother. Some stinkyass perfume that she’d pretend to love but throw out behind Aspen’s back. “I’ll take a bottle of Obsession.” She told the clerk. He handed her a boxed gift-set and wrapped it, and she stuck it in her empty tote she always used for shopping. She turned her head slightly and smiled when she saw Gemma studying the ad for the new Dior perfume. “Can we try a sample of Miss Dior?” Aspen asked the clerk. She brought out the tester bottle, they sprayed on the tester paper. Aspen watched Gemma with feigned disinterest. “You like it?” She asked, raising an eyebrow. “I might get it.” Gemma frowned when she mentioned she might get it. Aha! “Go ahead. It smells amazing.” Gemma told her, faking excitement. Aspen smirked. Her job here was done. “Alright.” Aspen told the clerk. “One bottle of Miss Dior.” She paid out of her Coach wallet, and slung her bag over her arms feeling smug. “Okay now, men’s department. I have to get Graham something.” She told Gemma, who trailed behind her dutifully. She went straight to the sweaters. She’d get a nice Benetton sweater for her dad, who would wear it with pride. Even though it was a deep purple. She smiled. And then headed for the boxers. She got Graham a pair of boxers every year. She usually tried to find the gaudiest pair she could find. Last year they had been a pair of Dolce and Gabanna boxers, with a rainbow silk sheen. He’d hated them. But worn them anyway, because she would’ve killed him if he didn’t. “What about these?” Aspen held up a pair of tacky gold and black Armani silk boxers. “Sexy or what?” She snickered like a first grader. Gemma rolled her brown eyes, as if she found Aspen to be so immature. 17

“Hey there.” The smooth voice made her jump, and she turned around to see Pierce standing there, looking at her smugly. He is so fucking hot, she surprised herself by thinking. Then her irritation surged as she remembered their almost kiss, and how he then proceeded to act like it didn’t even happen. “What are you doing here?” She snapped, crossing her arms over her chest. Pierce looked at her like she was slightly insane. “Shopping?” He said it like, duh. Aspen internally boiled, wishing she’d have gone to Barneys instead. “What do you want?” She asked, glaring up at him. And she frowned at how impossibly amazing he was looking with a Yankees ball cap and a Pearl Jam ’96 World Tour concert tee. The silence stretched out between them, while he looked down at her, slightly confused, and another look on his face that she couldn’t quite place. “Hey, I’m gonna go to women’s.” Gemma told her, tilting her head in that direction, catching the sense of awkwardness. She walked off, without looking back. Aspen watched her go, then looked back up at Pierce. “What do you want?” She repeated slowly like he was retarded. He laughed lightly. “I was trying to stock up on Calvins. Since your so interested.” Pierce rolled his eyes. “And I wanted to ask you something, but you made me forget when you went all psycho a couple of seconds ago.” It was Aspen’s turn to roll her eyes. “Well tell me when you remember.” She told him, turning back to browse for more boxers. She could hear his silent laughter. “Don’t worry about it.” He said, “I remember now.” Aspen turned around, scrutinizing him while he took his hat off, and looked her directly in the eyes, trying to be solemn. “Well?” She asked, impatiently, tapping the toe of her favorite black Marc Jacobs suede slouch boots. Pierce ignored her, and took a step closer, his green eyes mesmerizing. “Would you like to go with me to a party tonight?” He asked seriously. Aspen blinked. “Yes.” She said, before she knew what she was saying. Then she blinked again. Harder. “Wait, I mean, no.” Pierce grinned. “I’ll pick you up at seven.” He leaned down, and pecked her, softly on the lips. It was so quick she could’ve sworn she imagined it. But her lips were tingling, and her heart was racing. She didn’t know what to think. He laughed at her bewildered expression. “Later, Assy.” He jammed is cap back on his head, and turned to leave. Aspen blinked again. She had at date with Pierce O’Connor. She had a date with Pierce O’Connor. She had a date with Pierce O’Connor. And she had no idea what to wear. “What happened?” Aspen looked up to see that Gemma had returned, with an armful of clothing. “Where did Pierce go?”


Aspen pointed in the direction he’d gone, still unable to speak. Gemma frowned. “Aspen, what happened? Did he say something? What? You’re white as a ghost. What did he do?” “He asked me on a date.” She told her. Except her voice was completely lost on He asked so all she heard herself say was me on a date. She cleared her throat. “I have a date with Pierce O’Connor.” It sounded even more surreal when she said it out loud. “What? He asked you out?” Gemma’s brow was furrowed. “That’s all?” “He kissed me.” Her voice cracked. She glanced at her feet, then back at Gemma’s face. “Pierce kissed you?” Aspen nodded numbly. She still couldn’t wrap her mind around it. Did she seriously have a date with Pierce O’Connor? Tonight? Gemma whistled low. “Damn. I’m gone for two seconds, and you have a date… where are you guys going?” “To a party?” Aspen made it sound like a question. “To a party?” Gemma repeated. She ran her fingers through her white blonde hair as she studied Aspen’s shell-shocked expression, and then suddenly grinned wickedly. And since Gemma was one of the nicest people Aspen knew, she had never known such an expression could possibly flash across her face. It was truly terrifying. “You like him don’t you.” It wasn’t a question. Aspen recoiled. “No I don’t!” She blasted, completely snapped out of it. “Yes you do.” Gemma laughed at her. “You may not know it, yourself. But it’s written all over your face.” “I do not like Pierce O’Connor. To be quite frank, I actually hate him.” “Well then why did you say yes?” Gemma asked matter-of-factly. That threw her. Why exactly had she said yes? Aspen groaned. “I said it without thinking,” Aspen stammered, twisting the boxers in her hands over and over again. “Even better. Totally subconscious. You do like him.” That wicked grin was back as Gemma went towards the register. Aspen trailed behind her, in a daze again. Did she like him? God. She did didn’t she? That would definitely explain the butterflies flooding her stomach when she thought about being alone with him tonight… Dammit. Aspen shook herself. I do not like Pierce O’Connor. She told herself. She couldn’t. After all, she was madly in love with Adam Ellington. Wasn’t she? And what would Adam say about this little rendezvous she was having with Pierce at seven? He would explode. Indefinitely. No. She shook her head. She had to call him right now and cancel. Right now! She consulted her Nokia Smartphone, and searched his name in her contacts list. She saw his name and hit talk. It rang twice. “Hey.” He said. She paused for a moment, figuring out in her head. Pierce, I’m sorry but I can’t go out with you tonight. It was that easy. She opened her mouth but then snapped it shut. She couldn’t bring herself to do it. She didn’t want to. 19

Because deep down she was curious. She wanted to see how far this would go. She wanted to know another side of him. And maybe even another side of her. And she’d never get to explore that side if she cancelled. “Aspen?” He asked, again. “Hello?” “Hey.” She said in a breezy voice that contradicted her emotions in every way as she stepped up in line to pay for her brother’s boxers and her dad’s sweater. “So what exactly should I wear?” She caught Gemma’s eye, who was smirking at her. “Well… just look hot. Don’t try too hard. You don’t want girls murdering you in your sleep for stealing their boyfriends, now do you?” She blushed hard. “Pierce…” He laughed. She compared his laugh to Adam’s. And suddenly there was no comparison. When Pierce wasn’t laughing in his usual asshole way of laughing, it was very nice. “It’s casual, Assy.” He said, reverting back to her old nickname. “Jeans and a top. But if I know you, you’ll show up decked out like your going to prom and demanding I buy a corsage.” Aspen rolled her eyes as she handed the cashier her AmEx card. “Goodbye Pierce,” and hung up.

Gemma Usually, she thinks she’s only friends with Aspen for charity reasons. Or the fact that she’s her ex boyfriend’s twin, and when they were dating it was almost impossible to get to know him without getting to know her. She realizes why Aspen usually doesn’t have a constant gal pal, and why a girl like her as to be up to the job. Somebody has to put up with her, right? Ha! But it’s moments like watching Aspen getting thunderstruck by Pierce O’Connor make it all totally worth it. She can see it in those gorgeous eyes of her’s: she likes him. Maybe more than likes him. And she wonders maybe if that’s the reason why Aspen hates him so much. And Aspen! Floundering like that around Pierce was so hilarious. Aspen Sinclair, the man-onizer, seductress was at a loss for words. Its too damn funny. And her protests only make it more obvious. So where are you guys going? She asks Aspen on the walk to Bloomies. A party. She grins happily like she’s confiding to a her about a boy she likes, but then catches her self, and abruptly stops. How lame is that? A college party? If I wanted to get sloppy drunk and raped while I’m passed out cold, I’d just go to one of Richie Calloway’s keggers. Gemma just nods, and smiles. But secretly, she knows how excited Aspen is. In Bloomies, Aspen’s searching for something to wear. She tries on this tight, super sexy black Ed Hardy v-neck. Do you like it? Do I look hot in it? She demands. Gemma grins. Usually when they go shopping, Aspen doesn’t even bother 20

coming out of the dressing room, unless it’s to show off. Since when do you need me to tell you that you look hot? She asks with a sly smirk. Aspen frowns. Gem, what are you trying to say? Nothing, Nothing. She says, returning back to US Weekly to hide her smile. Aspen Sinclair is sprung, whether or not she’d like to admit it. And it’s pretty damn entertaining.

Pierce Wow. What the hell had he just done? Running into Aspen was enough, but why did he have to ask her out? It was like he couldn’t help himself. And she’d looked so surprised. Ha, that meant she had no idea he was secretly crushing on her. But she’d said yes. God knows why. He’ll never forget that look of disbelief that flashed across her face. Yes. She’d said automatically. Then, I mean no. Score! He could’ve done a touchdown dance right there. Then she calls him, and he just knows she’s gonna cancel. But then she asks what she should wear. And then it hits him. He really has a date with Aspen fucking Sinclair. A sixteen-year old girl has him smiling like the fucking Cheshire cat off of Alice and Wonderland. Jesus Christ. What is he turning into? He runs into his buddy Kevin at the gas station. Dude, he drawls in his classic stoner voice, who’s the girl and when can I meet her? None of your damn business. He grins smugly. But she’ll be at David’s tonight. Kevin rolls his eyes. I thought you didn’t bring squeezes to house parties. He rolls his eyes and mock punches his shoulder. She’s not a squeeze… she’s a… Potential squeeze. Kevin finishes for him. He mock punches him back. Dude, best of luck. Cause anyone can see that you’ve got it bad. The worst. Pierce agrees. And he wonders to himself what he should introduce Aspen as. The G word is a definite no-no. No matter how badly he wishes it were true. Ha.


Date the Jackass Day

When seven o’clock rolled around, Aspen knew she looked her best. She looked better than her best. She was stunning. Her wavy, elbow length chestnut colored hair was up in a sloppy bun. Artful strands of her hair hanging were hanging in her face. A black v-neck Ed Hardy t-shirt with a tiger crawling down her side breathing flaming fire that she had just bought at Bloomies, paired with her favorite comfy cute ripped to shreds True Religion jeans that showed tons of tanned skin (she’d booked an emergency spray tan at Bahama Mama’s) and her tried and true black pair of sky high patent leather Louboutin pumps. She sprayed herself twice with U by Ungaro perfume, painted her lips a sensuous bright red, lined her eyes with kohl liner; smudgy in all the right places, made sure she was showing just the right amount of cleavage (not too much, but not too little. Just enough to flaunt her C-cups perfectly) and put in her humongous Harry and Winston diamond studs. She was perfect. She looked like a rich, fabulous, East Coast careless college girl who was dating a Dartmouth dropout. She laughed to herself, as she slung her humongous black Gucci Hysteria bag over her shoulder and strutted downstairs and into the kitchen. “Whoa.” Aspen knew that voice. It was her brother’s best friend Fredrick, Freddy to all, leaning up against the marble counter, studying her with wide eyes. “You got all sexed up for me?” “Not even, Fred.” She rolled her eyes, and hopped up on the counter. “I’m going to a party.” “Where?” Freddy finished off his can of Guinness and crunched it loudly, leering at her. She shifted uncomfortably, his gaze distracting. “It’s a college party.” Aspen dismissed him easily. “And I’m kind of on a date.” “With who?” Freddy arched an eyebrow. “Tell me who he is, so I can kick his ass for scammin’ on my girl.” Aspen glowered on the my girl part. Ever since yesterday when Adam called her that, she’d decided those two words together were her least-favorite phrase.


“I’m not your girl.” She told him, just like she’d told Adam. “I’m nobody’s girl. And it’s Pierce O’Connor.” Freddy’s jaw dropped in disbelief. “I thought you hated him!” “Yeah, well today is Date the Jackass day. But I’m sure we can go out tomorrow.” She grinned with a twinkle in her eye. “What’s tomorrow?” Freddy asked cautiously. “Date your Brother’s Perpetually Horny Best Friend day.” She grinned as she heard the doorbell ring. “Where is Graham anyways?” “Bathroom.” He studied Aspen slowly. “Well, have fun girl. Cause you look gorgeous. Just gorjussss.” He said with an over exaggerated lisp, twirling with his hands in the air like a gay hairstylist. “Thanks Freddy. Oh, and don’t tell Graham who I’m out with, ’kay?” She looked in Freddy’s eyes for confirmation. She didn’t feel like having to explain this to him, and have him get all older brother/parental on her. “Why not?” “I really don’t want to have to explain it.” She tapped her foot impatiently. “Okay?” Freddy rolled his eyes. “Alright.” Aspen beamed. “Thanks.” She kissed him on the cheek carefully not to smudge her lipstick, and leaving a red mark on his face, and streaked to the hall coat closet door, yanking it open. She pulled her purple Betsey Johnson bomber jacket out of the closet, and then skipped to the front door. “Hi.” She said, slightly breathless. “Hey.” He said taking her in, “You look…” “Smoking.” Aspen supplied, shutting the door behind her confidently. “I was gonna say tan.” Pierce grinned. “Please don’t tell me you flew all the way to St. Barts to get a nice healthy glow just for me.” He laughed. Aspen laughed too, scowling slightly. “If St. Barts is in a bottle.” He opened the passenger door to his BMW and she slid inside. She ripped down the visor mirror to check her lipstick. Damn. It didn’t look as good as before. She fumbled in her purse and quickly applied a coat of Chanel Luminous Satin Lip Color in Dazzling and snapped the visor back up all before he could open the driver’s side door. “So, who’s going to be at this party?” Aspen asked him, leaning back into the plush leather, and sliding her lipstick back into her purse. “No one you know.” He grinned at her from the side of his mouth as he pulled out of her circular driveway, “but don’t worry. I’m sure you’ll have a great time.” “Whatever.” She sighed. Pierce chuckled. “Why are you always laughing at me?” She blurted, without thinking. Pierce laughed again. And she turned to glare at him silently. Pierce glanced at her. “Because you’re funny.” “Funny?” She echoed. “How?” “The way you act. You have this whole haughty façade thing going on, and it makes me laugh.” He smiled at her. “That’s why I asked you out.” “Because you think I’m fake?” Aspen said darkly, boiling. 23

“No.” He said. “Because I want to see the real you. Not the one you try to be. You’ve changed a lot, Assy, but not for the better. Except the way you look. Now that’s gotten a lot better.” “You’re calling me ugly!” She shrieked, half-angry, half-disappointed. So he didn’t find her as attractive as she found him. That revelation was slightly crushing. “No. But you haven’t always been the prettiest. You were kind of funny looking. But you grew into it.” Pierce laughed at her frown. “What’s wrong?” “Nothing.” She snapped. “Did I ever tell you I find your demeanor faker than that tan your sporting?” He mocked her, with a smile. “Pierce O’Connor, shut the fuck up.” She snarled, her anger swelling. And to her horror he laughed again. “Now we’re getting somewhere.” He declared, turning up the Foo Fighters on the radio. Aspen hushed up, and leaned back, desperate to find out where they were going. She was about to ask him again, hoping for a better answer, but decided against it. She’d probably burst a blood vessel in her head if he laughed at her again. Instead, she faced the window. “So why does me calling you ugly make you so angry? Usually you don’t give two shits what I think.” Pierce asked suddenly. He sounded like he’d been thinking about this for awhile. “Um, because I’m not ugly.” Aspen retorted, turning to look at him. She rolled her eyes and grinned, but Pierce frowned. “Nooo, that’s not it.” “Then what is it, since you can read my mind?” Aspen snapped, her anger flaring again. “I think you wanted me to find you attractive. It surprised you that I didn’t.” He told her. And she cringed. Because his answer was dead on. She was stunned into silence. She had nothing to say. “Ha! I’m right.” He grinned with glee. “Honestly, Assy, do you have to have every guy madly in love with you?” “No.” She said in a small voice automatically, at the same time she was thinking yes. She didn’t know why, but she did want every guy to find her attractive and chase her. And every guy did that, besides Pierce, Adam and her brother. But that still didn’t explain why he’d asked her out. If he Pierce wasn’t madly in love with her, then why was he bothering to quote ‘see the real her’? “You’re such a liar.” He laughed. The song changed to Cobra Starship, Good Girls Go Bad. He sang along to the radio, surprisingly well. “I know your type. You’re daddy’s little girl. Just take a bite, let me shake up your world…” “Let me ask you a question, Pierce O’Connor.” She told him, turning down the radio. Pierce glared at her. “Don’t touch the radio.” “I’ll do whatever the fuck I want.” She told him. “Now answer me this. If you aren’t madly in love with me like everyone else, why did you ask me out?” “I already told you.” Pierce snorted, turning the radio back up. “If you’ve forgotten already, then maybe you are dumber than I thought.” 24

Aspen glowered angrily, but refused to be diverted. “Stop insulting me and answer the question, Pierce.” She snapped. “You talk about me being pretentious and fake, when you’re the one bullshitting right now. Because the Pierce O’Conner I know would never waste his time on a girl he wasn’t interested in by introducing her to his friends. And your see the real you crapp isn’t going to work on me either, because you’ve known me forever. You know the real me. Probably better than anyone. So answer my fucking question.” She sighed, glad to have it all out. And she took Pierce’s silence as golden confirmation. He did like her! She watched Pierce carefully as he pulled into the driveway of some mansion. She had no idea where they were. But they hadn’t been driving for very long. Pierce climbed out, closed his door, and opened her’s. She looked up at him, slightly confused. His face was solemn, and in the darkness she couldn’t read his green eyes. “Pierce.” She said, but he just took her hand and lead her inside. “You look great, by the way.” He told her. She glanced at him, now completely thrown. But slightly elated. They were holding hands! And his was warm despite the freezing air, and the fact that she was showing so much leg tonight. He led her up the crowded drive, and rang the doorbell. The door was yanked open. A hot blonde guy who she vaguely recognized yanked open the door. “PIERCE O’CON-NA IN THE HOUSE!” His Boston townie accent was laughable. And endearing. And the loud shriek of girl voices in the background, and the loud cheering of guys made her glance up at Pierce with a wry smile. “Holy shit,” The guy said looking at her. “Aspen right? Graham’s sister?” He looked her up and down. Gross. “David Hillcrest. I played travel lacrosse with your brother. That smarmy sonofabitch.” He laughed and she had to, too. “Yeah, that’s him.” She grinned. “I’m Aspen. But you can call me Ass.” She gave Pierce an arch look, and offered her hand. David shook it, awestruck. “Holy shit, that’s a cool nickname.” He told her as Aspen and Pierce stepped inside. He checked her out as they walked pass him. “And suitable. Very suitable.” Aspen rolled her eyes, and laughed politely while internally going Ew, Ew, Ew. “Let me take your coats.” He said. Aspen slid out of her jacket, and he ogled at her cleavage. Double Ew, Ew, Ew. Pierce smirked at her, and they stepped further into the house, out of the huge atrium and into the living room. “Pierce!” Three girls cooed, swarming him. Aspen bristled. Pierce broke into a wide grin as if to say, my turn. “Hey Meg, Ashley, Tara.” He hugged each of them with one arm. “Pierce.” The blonde Meg said, “Gary said that you’d gotten kicked out of Dartmouth for some bullshit, and we all decided that you should go to Brown.” She grinned widely. “Brown? You know I can’t go there.” He laughed. “But I’ll be getting back in to good ’ol Dartmouth. No worries, ladies.”


The girls moaned with fake dread. Aspen rolled her eyes and laughed to herself. So college girls weren’t much different than the pathetic girls at Cartwright. Great. The other blonde, Tara gave Aspen an up and down look and simpered. “So who’s this Pierce? I thought you didn’t bring your squeezes to parties. That way you could hang with us. And what happened to Bailey?” Aspen easily ignored the last part. But the way she said the word hang meant they did more than just drink beer and talk. Aspen gave the girl a fiercely confident look. Tara narrowed her eyes, obviously irritated at her presence. “This is Aspen.” He said, half smiling. “Aspen, this is Meg, Ashley and Tara.” He glanced at her face. “Hey.” She said simply. Tara and Ashley rolled their eyes in synchronization. The only one that smiled was Meg. “Hey, I’m Meg.” She bounced forward and kissed her cheek. “I’m Pierce’s best friend’s girlfriend.” Oh. Well that explained it. The other’s were single. Meg wasn’t. Meg didn’t want Pierce. Well, she could thaw out a little for her then. “Hey.” She smiled widely, stunning Meg for a second. She blinked, and then it passed. “Well y’all want a beer or something?” She asked. “The kegs in the kitchen. Hard liquor on the counter.” There was a slight southern twang in her voice that Aspen liked immediately. Her grandfather was southern. “Thanks, Meg.” She smiled slowly, and then tugged Pierce off in the direction of the kitchen. He was laughing at her again, sounding more like his old self. “That was really interesting.” He said, resting on the counter, while Aspen surveyed the hard liquor selection. She’d never been a fan of beer. Aha! She found a bottle of Jack and poured a healthy amount of it in a red plastic cup. He paused, eyeing her. “You like whiskey?” “Duh. My grandfather’s from Tennessee. But strictly Jack Daniels.” She grinned mischievously. “You were saying?” “I now understand why the majority of the female population hates your guts.” He half smiled tugging on her bun. “You’re a complete bitch.” “Not true.” She objected, taking a sip of her drink. Ahh. Fiery bliss. “I just don’t waste time playing their stupid little girl hierarchy games and kissing their asses. Because honestly, if you want my friendship you do. Like Meg. Unlike Ashley and Tara.” She took another sip of her drink. “Want some?” She asked. “Just a sip.” He said. “I’m playing designated driver.” He wrapped an arm around her, pulling her closer. He took her cup and gulped down a swallow and handed it back to her. Feeling reckless, she downed the rest and tossed it aside. She looked in his eyes and saw him laughing at her again. “Shut up.” She said, leaning in and kissed him. Slowly at first, willing his lips to part, then deeply. He kissed her back just as hungrily, like he’d been waiting for this all his life. She crushed herself to him, not wanting an inch between them as she felt the warmth of the alcohol spreading through


her veins. But there was a hotter feeling behind it. Something that was setting her body on fire, something that she couldn’t ignore. She’d never felt anything like it when Adam kissed her, or the famed Alexander Erickson. None of her boyfriends or crushes or even platonic makeout partners had ever kissed her so passionately. Like it was all they could think about, all they could dream about. Well, no they did kiss her like that sometimes. Adam kissed her like that. But the difference was, she realized, that it was so much more better because she’d been dreaming about it, too. For two days straight. And it had driven her crazy not knowing what could’ve been. But she was glad now, so glad. Because she suddenly felt like she was in heaven, and nothing else mattered but him. She felt something she’d never felt stirring in her chest, something she couldn’t explain. And she didn’t know if it was a good thing or a bad thing, but she knew that right now, there was no going back. He was it right now.

Pierce Well. Let’s just say he didn’t see that coming. But he was sure glad it happened. Unfortunately, Aspen proceeded to drink excessive amounts of Jack Daniels, so he couldn’t be sure if she meant it. She’d been pretty drunk, but hid it well. And when he’d dropped her off at home safely, she’d pretty much recklessly climbed on his lap and kissed his face off. Not that he didn’t enjoy. But it would’ve been more enjoyable if he’d been just as drunk as her. Because his heart was definitely in it now, and he couldn’t afford to let her make a fool of him just after one drunken makeout. Damn, Pierce. Kevin had told him when Aspen went to go pee. She is so fucking hot. Where did you meet her? And does she have a twin? He had just laughed. Yeah, but trust me. You wouldn’t be interested. Kevin shrugged. How long have you known her? All my life. Kevin groaned. Oh, Christ. Please don’t tell me you’ve been in love with her your entire life. Please don’t tell me that! Pierce grinned. Guilty. Is she still in high school? Kevin wanted to know. A junior. He confirmed. Damn. Kevin shuddered. Never thought I’d see the day when those Chi Omegas didn’t turn your head anymore. But just be careful, Pierce. Okay? Pierce snorted. Kevin was telling him to be careful? I’m good man. Pierce told him. No, really. Kevin tells him, suddenly as serious as can be. I know her type. She’s the type to fuck you over good. Have you suicidal and shit. She’s the girl you’re nanny warned you about. Pierce laughed out loud at it, and Kevin laughed too. But now, his warning his echoing in his head again. No matter how much he tries to believe that last night was real, he just can’t. He’s afraid. And, maybe he should chase after someone a little older. God, she’s only sixteen. Sure,


she’ll be seventeen in January, but God, she’s sixteen. He honestly needs to cool it. He’ll avoid her if he has to. It’ll kill him to do it, but he just can’t… God. He can’t.

Meg Aspen is cool. Honest. Done with the bullshit. And she’s definitely got that something that most girls lack, and hate the hell out of whoever’s got it. And Aspen has it. That sparkle. That charisma. When she’d given her that first smile, she’d had to clear her head. It was like… enchanting. So how long have you known Pierce? She asked while they were outside smoking. Aspen just smiled. Forever. She replies. She’s slightly trashed. All of them are, except Pierce, who is watching her like a hawk. A horny hawk. Ha-ha. Are you guys dating? She asks. Aspen shakes her head. Not really. But I’m pretty damn crazy about him. She laughs at herself. Damn. I’m crazy about Pierce O’Connor. Aspen bursts out laughing hysterically, tears streaming down her face. Meg is confused. She doesn’t get it. God, I’m sorry. Aspen wipes the tears off her face. It’s just that, I used to hate Pierce. He made my life miserable. But now, I’m starting to realize that he’s the only person who really got me emotional. And that maybe he’s been in love with me his whole life, and I’ve been in love with him my whole life. She grins sheepishly. Complicated I know. No, not at all! She assures her. And FYI, Pierce is pretty crazy about you, too. I’ve never seen the boy like this. Aspen smiles. At least the feeling’s mutual. Meg laughs as Pierce walks up, ready to take her home. She watches how he touches her, and can’t help but feel slightly jealous. She used to have this big thing for Pierce, but he ended up fixing her with his best friend. It drove her insane at first, but now she’s in love with Gary. And now she’s more like a sister to him. And besides, Pierce is a player. He would’ve cheated on her within the week. But by judging how he looks at Aspen, if they end up together, that will never happen.

You were drunk. The end. Aspen woke up, feeling slightly hung over, her stomach churning. She remembered puking up a storm last night, thankfully after Pierce had dropped her off. She’d always been good at holding her liquor, and she usually didn’t drink enough to get super drunk, but she’d been drinking out of nervousness. But that shouldn’t suggest that last night was amazing, because it was. She sighed, her palms itched to dial up Pierce. She wanted to text him so badly, and tell him she had a great time. But she knew Pierce.


And she knew he would call if he wanted to. But another part of her persisted in wanting to call him, because she was done with playing games. She wanted Pierce, plain and simple. That was that. If she wanted him, she should call him. Right? Ugh. Aspen sat up in her bed, slightly frustrated. Usually this whole should-I-call-him problem was for Gemma, not her. She wasn’t used to feeling insecure. God. Pierce O’Connor had her feeling insecure. Damn. She really really liked him, didn’t she? She reached for her phone, and dialed his number. It rang. And rang. About six times. Then voicemail. Shit. She bit her lip. Should she leave a message? Um, no. No message, she decided. He’d just see the missed call, and call her back. Done. Besides, he was probably asleep. She hung up, and twiddled her thumbs, then glanced at the digital clock on her nightstand. God! It was one in the afternoon. He couldn’t still be asleep, could he? Well… probably. Graham always slept in until like, five. But that was when he had been partying hard the night before. Piece had only had a sip of her drink. That was all. Hmm… She bit her lip again, and then leapt on her computer to check her Facebook. She checked to see if he was online. And… nope. Only by mobile, but he was idle. Gahh! She logged off quickly, and hopped out of her computer chair. She bounced on her toes, she had so much nervous energy. What should she do? Hmm… She dove back on her bed, and called up Adam. He would play soccer with her, or go jogging or something to take her mind off of it all. “Hey hotstuff.” She said when he answered. “What are you up to?” “Nothing really, Aspen. Just bored. Allan and James were over earlier and we played Xbox and smoked but that’s all.” “Well come hang out with me!” She crowed. “My mother is super busy planning stuff for the party tomorrow, and we always hang out Christmas Eve, so I’ll heat up the pool and we’ll swim.” She grinned at her brilliant plan. “I don’t feel like swimming.” Adam mumbled. Aspen rolled her eyes. “Fine. We’ll just be in the hottub. Just come over okay! I’m so hyper right now, so I’ll probably swim a couple laps before you get here.” “Fine.” “Oh, and wear those Pineapple swim trunks.” She grinned. “They’re my favorite.” She could almost hear Adam’s smile. “Okay.” He told her. “Love you.” “Love you, too.” She sang, hanging up. She dashed into her closet with lightening speed, and tried to decide between her Missoni tribal-patterned one piece, or her sexy lime green Vix bikini. Or better yet, that awesome Dior string bikini she’d ordered from Saks! She yanked it out. It was a stark white, that popped against her spray tan. She pulled her sloppy hair into a knot, and took a glance in the mirror. God, at least she’d taken off her make up. And as for her red lipstick last night, that had been long gone. She remembered seeing it all over Pierce’s face and blushed. She raced downstairs, and outside in the 15 degree weather, turned her pool up all the way, and dove inside, swimming off her nervous energy. 29

And as she swam an easy smooth freestyle, her phone at the edge of the pool, she wondered why Pierce wasn’t calling. It was obvious that he liked her. Very obvious. So why wasn’t he? Did it not mean anything? Did he change his mind? Or was he like her, only into the chase. Would he only go back to Dartmouth, satisfied with his conquest? She frowned. Once again, Pierce O’Connor was making her look like an idiot. Her strokes became angry and hard, as she thrust her body through the water. Then suddenly, she dove to the bottom of the deep end, and sat their. It was a game she, Graham, and Adam used to play. She expelled all the air out of her lungs so she would sink, and sat their, wondering how long she could stay there. She looked up at the surface, and forced herself to stay down. Her head throbbed, her lungs burned. It was impossible. Only when she felt her consciousness starting to fade did she push with her legs against the bottom of the pool with all her might, and surface, gasping for lungfuls of air. “There you are darling. We need to talk.” Aspen glanced to her left, her mother standing outside in a crisp Hugo Boss silk pantsuit. Aspen came to the edge of the pool, and looked up at her mom, admiring her amazing black and white Giuseppe Zanotti heels. “The party is tomorrow.” Anya informed her, “I hope you have something suitable to wear.” “I do.” Aspen rolled her eyes. Angelica, their maid had informed her that her package for her dress had come earlier this morning, and was in her room. She’d try it on later. And if it didn’t fit, she’d just wear one of the other cocktail dresses she’d never worn that were hanging in her closet. “Good. Oh, and the caterer are coming, flower bearers. The band will be here early tomorrow to practice and warm up. The party planner will be doing a walk through, the people are coming to set up the tree, the tables and place cards, etcetera. So it would be extremely helpful if you spent the night over someone’s house tonight, and then came back at about, I’d say noon. You should be done with your appointment at Red Door by then, right?” Aspen just nodded, tuning her mother out. Spend the night. Alright. She’d just stay over Adam’s. “Good. Oh, and Adam is here. He’s changing in the cabana.” Anya paused, for a second, wanting to ask her something, but thought better of it, then walked away. Aspen rolled her eyes, and then dove back under. Her mother was so professional, so annoying. She smirked, thinking about the disgusting Calvin Klein Obsession perfume she’d bought her for Christmas. She resurfaced, and saw Adam standing there, watching him. “Hey.” She said, swimming over and climbing out to hug him. “The water feels great.” “You feel great.” He murmured, hugging her tighter. Aspen smiled, but unfortunately the hug didn’t give her that great feeling of satisfaction it used to, and she desperately wanted it to end. “Hottub?” She asked, lifting her head. “Sure.” He pecked her lips, grabbed her hand, and pulled her over to 30

the hottub. “It’s already up and running.” She shivered, growing cold from the freezing air. Adam slid in the tub, and she followed him, stepping in slowly. “You’re so pale, you look like the Ghost of Christmas Past.” She grinned at him, and slid it on his lap. “Hardy-har.” He laughed. “When did you get that Caribbean glow? Are you fake and baking again?” “No way.” Aspen scoffed. “I don’t want skin cancer and wrinkles. I got a customized Bahama Mama’s spray tan.” She smiled widely, and wrapped her arms around him, freely. Adam laughed at her, yanking her elastic out of her soggy bun and twisting is fingers through her wet hair. She stared into his hazel eyes for a minute, once again thinking about Pierce when he leaned in to kiss her. And when his lips touched her’s, she felt absolutely nothing. She kissed back harder, desperate to feel something. She should still feel some attraction, some lust shouldn’t she? But nothing. Adam, however was kissing her like it was the best thing in the world. Like nothing had changed. But little did he know, everything had changed… “Aspen.” It was a quiet voice, but one she recognized. Her heart leapt. “Pierce!” She tore her mouth away from Adam’s jumped out of the hottub quickly. Once again, he was devastatingly gorgeous, wearing a blue Lacoste polo and a pair of Diesel jeans and Nikes. “Hey.” He said softly. “Can we talk in private?” He glanced pointedly at Adam. “Sure.” She said quickly. She glanced at Adam, too. “We’ll be right back.” She called over her shoulder, pulling Pierce in the cabana. “What’s up?” She wanted to know. She was bouncing to keep warm, but also because she was happy to see him. Giddy feelings were racing through her, and she felt butterflies fluttering around her stomach like crazy. “You called, and I called, and you didn’t answer. So I thought I’d come to tell you in person.” He said indifferently. For the first time, she noticed how cold his eyes were. And his tone finally fell on her ears. It was flat. Cool. Not playful, and nonchalant, or teasing. She frowned. “Tell me what?” She wanted to know, stepping closer to him. He took a step away from her, but she barely noticed. “I’m back in Dartmouth, like I said I’d be.” “That’s great!” She said, with a smile. She really was happy for Pierce. She knew it would humiliate him if he didn’t get back in again. She raised an eyebrow, suddenly curious. “What exactly were you expelled for?” “And I’m getting back together with Bailey.” He continued, as if he hadn’t heard her. His words echoed back in her head. Aspen blinked like she’d been slapped. “What?” She asked, her voice angry. He was getting back together with Bailey? After what they did last night? Okay maybe all they’d done was kiss, but that electricity racing up her spine, that heat she couldn’t deny in her bones that made her feel so alive and so free; he couldn’t just ignore that. He couldn’t ignore her. “I’m getting back together with Bailey, my girlfriend at Dartmouth.” He repeated slowly, like she had to him in Bloomingdales two days ago. He made her sound like a child. A retarded child. And for a moment, she felt like 31

one. Pierce didn’t want her? Was that it? Had he used her? No. He didn’t. Her mind flashed back to his vulnerability in the car, on the way to the party when she’d confronted him about his motives for asking her out. You couldn’t fake that. “Why?” She asked when she could finally speak again. Her throat felt dry, and it had lumps in it that couldn’t be swallowed. She searched his eyes, trying to see through him. But she saw nothing. Nothing but empty, dark green eyes staring blankly back at her. His eyes didn’t even look like his eyes, they weren’t full of the sardonic arrogance that was always present within him, or even the admiring look she’d come to recognize that crept into his eyes every once and awhile. Pierce shrugged. “I don’t know. She called me. We talked. She said it was stupid of her, and she wanted me back. So we’re back together.” “Why did you break up in the first place?” She asked. It wasn’t the question she wanted to ask, but didn’t. She just turned away from him. She couldn’t look at him anymore. Because tears were filling her eyes. She couldn’t believe that this was happening. “Because I got kicked out of Dartmouth.” Aspen took a deep breath. And then suddenly, anger replaced her hurt. She whirled on him again, and she got a sense of déjà vu. Like she had that one time… when he’d pushed her and she’d gotten wet… She paused for a second, remembering, but then she let herself explode. “Why did you ask me out, then?” “I already told you.” Pierce said with his annoying half-smile. “I wanted to see the real you, and possibly hook up with you in the process. Mission accomplished.” His words cut her to the core, ripping open her heart. He didn’t really mean that, did he? She stared into his eyes again, desperately trying to search for anything that contradicted him, but there was nothing. Just those beautiful green eyes turned flat and cold. Distant. Impatient. Suddenly her anger came surging back again, she was so mad she was shaking. “I hate you,” she said in a low, chocked whisper. “I hate you so fucking much. I wish you’d die!” She shouted, tears spilling down her face. She could hardly breathe, she was gasping for quick, breaths, the room starting to go sparkly around her. “The feeling is mutual.” He spat at her. “I love how not even twentyfour fucking hours after you were with me, you’re with Adam. I didn’t know you kept interchangeable boyfriends.” “Adam is a friend.” She spat friend in his face. “And you’re no better. You’re back with Bailey, the skanky bitch.” Pierce’s face contorted with rage. He pushed her against the wall abruptly, and shook her. “Shut your fucking mouth.” He hissed through clenched teeth. “You don’t know her, and you never will.” She stared at him, rage and passion flowing through her like a drug, her adrenalin on high. For a second, all she could see were his lips. She closed her eyes, remembering how great they’d felt, and for a minute, she was lost in how great it truly 32

was. Heat coursed through her like a drug, and she felt warmer than she had in a long time from being so close to him. But then his most recent words echoed in her ears, and her anger was back, her frustration was back. “Shut your fucking mouth.” She pushed him off of her, “and never put your hands on me like that again.” They glared at each other for a moment. Her heart was pounding so hard, and her chest was hurting. She just wanted to drop to all fours, as if that would help ease the pain. But she refused to show weakness or hurt. That would only give Pierce the pleasure in knowing he’d hurt her. And of all things, she wouldn’t let him have that. But Aspen decided to ask the question she’d wanted to all along. The only one that mattered. She took a deep breath, preparing for the worst, preparing to for the very first time, have her heart shattered in a million pieces. She didn’t know what it as like, but she had a feeling she was going to find out. Right now. But she gathered her courage and asked anyway, the phrase Love makes you bold broadcasting itself in her mind like a teleprompter. “What was last night?” She asked, her voice shaking. “Don’t tell me nothing. Don’t lie to me.” “You were drunk.” Pierce said uncaringly and almost immediately. He didn’t even give her the satisfaction of a pause. “The end.” Aspen felt her face shut down then, and it became completely devoid of feeling. A flash of emotion went across his face but disappeared before she could read it. So this is what it was like. That jagged, white hot, ripping sensation in the middle of her chest, the excruciating pain that was tearing her to pieces, the burning crackling feeling of a blazing inferno taking place in her chest. This was how it felt to have someone break your heart. Aspen closed her eyes for a second, and embraced the pain. Because never again would she ever let a guy make her feel that way. She opened her eyes, and stared at him, they stared at each other, the fierce rage cooling in their eyes. They just grew colder and colder. And Aspen just grew more remote with the passing seconds. She was hardly listening anymore. All she could think was that she’d been played. By Pierce O’Connor. All she could feel was her heart breaking. “Well. I came to say goodbye. Thanks for the awesome Christmas break.” Pierce finally broke the silence, his voice mocking and hard. “Go to hell.” She retorted coolly, although she wanted to kick him in his shins like they were twelve again. “After you,” he made a sweeping gesture, before storming out of the cabana. She stormed out after her, insides quaking. Adam was right there. “What the fuck just happened?” He demanded, but Aspen just pushed past him, her handle on her emotions was slipping, and she didn’t want to be anywhere near him when the volcano erupted. She just ran upstairs to her room, unleashing the pent up fury and hurt, shaking on the inside and the out. The tears streamed down her face angrily as she threw open her bedroom door, and slammed it, not caring who heard and slammed herself 33

on her bed. She cried at the top of her lungs, it echoing throughout the house; searing, uncontrollable gut wrenching sobs. But no one dared come upstairs and console her. Aspen was a person who hardly ever showed emotion, and so for fear of their own lives, they left her alone.

Adam That fucking blows. Pierce O’Connor just waltzes in and whisks her off to the cabana. And then he hears shouting, and indistinct yelling and then quiet again. He’s tempted to go break it all up, but he doesn’t. He just stands outside the door. Go to hell. Aspen tells him, her voice low and full of anger. After you! He says, laughter in his voice. Then the door opens, and Pierce steps out. He gives Adam a disgusted look, before walking inside. Aspen soon follows, almost bumping into him. What the fuck just happened? He wants to know. But she ignores him. She takes off. And she’s crying. He’s never seen Aspen Sinclair cry in his entire life. Nobody has. But to his horror it only grows louder. And it’s the type of crying that brings tears to his eyes. Her sobs are so pitiful, and so saddening… he doesn’t know what Pierce did, but all she has to do is give him the word. And he’ll drop that motherfucker. He’s always hated him, and he’d take great pleasure in beating the shit out of him.

Drink your heart out.

It feels like déjà-vu again, Aspen thought, bouncing on the toes of her red suede round toe Jimmy Choo Mary-Jane stilettos, a glass of champagne in hand. It feels just like earlier this week. Whatever. She wasn’t about to get bummed out of Pierce O’Connor again. He wasn’t going to be here. He was gone. Back in New Hampshire. And she was fine. Her tanned skin glowed, her eyes glittered, her chestnut colored hair shined in his sloppy elegant bun, the rubies about the size of walnuts around her neck shone, and her freshly ordered Valentino cocktail dress made her look like she belonged on the runway. It was a strapless short and cream colored number, but with a giant red bow around her middle to subconsciously remind everyone of presents and to give the boys the unrequited fantasy of unwrapping her. And unlike her prudish schoolmates, she didn’t wear stockings. Bare legs all the way. “You look amazing.” Adam whispered in her ear. “I know.” She told him, with a cocky half smile. “But thanks, anyways.” She winked at him and he laughed. “Aspen, you’re going to be seventy five years 34

old in a nursing home making all the boys chase after you in wheelchairs.” Adam told her as she sipped her champagne. “You know it.” She replied. She was trying to distance herself from him, because she didn’t trust herself to get near him again. Her feelings for him had changed so quickly, and now she was reverting back to their old friendship, before their personal lust for each other had altered things. Adam seemed to realize this, and respect this. She didn’t know what he knew, or how much he knew. But he seemed to understand that everything between them was over. And she loved him for it. “’Supp, twin.” Graham sidled up to her. He pulled a platinum flask out of his coat pocket and swigged it, passing it to Adam, who swigged and passed it to Aspen, who emptied the rest of her champagne glass and poured a healthy amount in it before taking a sip. Mmm… Scotch. “Hey, hey, hey now!” Graham protested, snatching it away from her and screwing the top back on. “That has to last me all night toots.” “Wow, I haven’t heard from you in awhile.” Aspen rolled her eyes. “Where have you been?” “Celebrating with the Jacobs’.” Graham said with faux innocence, tucking the flask away. Aspen wrinkled her nose. “Ew. Why?” “Because Bethany is my new girlfriend.” Graham said in an uh-Duh! voice. Aspen groaned. “Seriously Graham, you have the worst taste in girls. Besides Gemma.” “Gemma, Gemma, Gemma. Who gives a damn about Gemma? Not me. We are officially done. No more of this teeter-totter, back and forth, on and off, hot and cold bullshit.” He straightened his bow tie, and flashed her a killer smile. “I have a new woman now.” Adam held out his fist, but Aspen blocked the bump. “Denied. If you want me to not kill your girlfriend, you will keep her far, far away from our house. Capice?” “I do what I want.” Graham sniffed, “Or have you forgotten?” Aspen rolled her eyes. “Fine. I’ll be gone then. At Adam’s.” “Nice to see you two compromising.” Adam rolled his eyes. “And here she comes now.” Aspen glanced over to see Bethany approaching in this God-awful green ruffled monstrosity that made her look like she was a walking Christmas tree. But unfortunately, her cleavage was a ten, which explained why Graham was drooling. “Hi, Ass.” She said, wrapping an arm around her brother. “Nice dress.” Aspen gritted her teeth, and opened her mouth ready to fire back with a brilliant insult when her brother shot her a warning look. So she smiled politely. “Thanks.” Was all Aspen said. But there was no way she was going to lie and say she liked her’s. “Hey, Adam.” Bethany said in her I-know-something-you-don’t-know voice, “When are you and Aspen gonna quit sneaking around and become official?” She raised a perfectly arched eyebrow, her pale blue eyes alight with mischief.


“Um, wha-” Adam began, but Bethany cut him off. “Don’t play coy. Everyone knows. I mean, everyone with a brain.” “Which explains how you know.” Aspen snorted sarcastically, unable to help herself. Bethany glowered. Graham frowned, torn between laughing and being pissed at her. “Gosh Aspen. I had my doubts, but you really are bitter about Pierce O’Connor dumping you flat on your ass.” Aspen’s jaw dropped, and Bethany smiled triumphantly. “Wait, you went out with Pierce?” Adam asked, his voice angry. “Not technically.” Aspen said, staring holes in Bethany’s face. “When the hell did this happen?” Graham was asking. “You know how I feel about him.” Adam said, sounding disgusted. “He’s way too old for you.” Graham declared. “He’s a Dartmouth dropout.” Adam added. “Did you have sex with him?” Graham wanted to know. “Oh my God.” Adam got pale. “Please don’t tell me…” “Ohmigod, you DID!” Bethany crowed. “I think I’m gonna be sick.” Adam doubled over. “Aspen, tell me you didn’t fuck the guy…” “SHUT UP!” She shouted. “I did not sleep with Pierce O’Connor.” Everyone stopped at once. And not because of what she said, but because the O’Connors and had just walked in. And behind Clarissa in vintage Chanel and Campbell in an Armani tux was Pierce O’Connor, holding hands with a stunning blonde girl, wearing a stunning black Gucci dress that was backless, but her blonde hair was so long you couldn’t tell. She looked like a Barbie Doll Aspen used to have, Evening Gown Barbie or some kind of shit like that. That had to be Bailey. But what the hell was he doing here? What were they doing here? She wasn’t invited! And he was supposed to be gone! Suddenly, Pierce turned and looked directly at her, their eyes locked. Aspen felt her face flush deeply and she straightened out of her slouch. She raised her glass of Scotch in a sarcastic toast, the same toast he’d given her at breakfast approximately 4 days ago. He smirked back at her, and their moment was over. Eat your heart out. She thought silently, forcing herself to look away. Adam was staring at her as if he didn’t know who she was, and Graham was trying to hide a smile. “Well, Aspen. Take comfort in knowing that he upgraded when he dumped you.” Bethany sniffed, grabbing a flute of champagne on a passing tray. Aspen rolled her eyes, refusing to be nice and stepped in Bethany’s face. “Well take comfort in knowing that Graham downgraded when he got with you.” She snapped, her eyes flashing dangerously, “Gemma Rowland is twenty times prettier than you try to be, and she doesn’t rely on fake tits or eyelash extensions to look attractive.” Bethany’s jaw dropped, and Adam stifled a chuckle. She threw her one last haughty look before turning on the heel of her stiletto and storming away. Once again Graham looked like he was torn between laughter and anger.


“I’m gonna go to the bathroom.” Adam said suddenly. “See you guys later.” Aspen watched him go, and for a split second she regretted him finding out about Pierce like that, but then she shrugged it off. He was bound to find out somehow, she just had to thank Bethany for making that sooner rather than later. “Sorry I blew up at you.” Graham apologized, breaking into Aspen’s thoughts. Aspen shrugged at him. “Big brother instincts, I guess.” She smiled softly at him, and wrapped an arm at him. Graham looked at her, slightly worried. “Are you okay, though? I know how Pierce can be. He must’ve hurt you.” “Not much more than he already has.” Tears welled in Aspen’s eyes, and her chest began to ache again. “Well, he’ll be gone soon enough. I heard his dad pulled some strings to get him back into Dartmouth.” Graham reported, clearly trying to make her feel better. “I know.” She sighed. “I just don’t know how I’m going to make it through tonight, after seeing him with her.” “Just try and have fun, pretend like he’s not here, like you always do. Forget about him. He’s not worth it, and he’s definitely not enough to ruin your Christmas.” He grinned. “Besides, you can make him jealous, and all your exes happy.” He looked over her shoulder. Aspen sighed, and turned, spotting Bobby, Wes, Alex and Todd huddled in the corner drinking their vodka and staring at her. She half smiled at her brother. “Knock ‘em dead. Make him eat his heart out, ‘cause you look so beautiful tonight.” Graham urged her. She suddenly felt warm, hugging her brother, and then turning on her heel. Eat your heart out, Pierce O’Connor. Aspen sashayed up to Bobby Farley feeling emboldened. He was her favorite dancing partner out of the four, the last time she’d talked to him was via text message telling him they were done. And one of the few times in Art History when she asked to borrow a pen. But she specifically chose Bobby because currently he was the third hottest guy in the room, and she needed to make Pierce O’Connor jealous. And she needed to do it now. “Let’s dance,” she declared, downing the rest of her scotch and setting it on his table. How many drinks had she had? Aspen wondered absent mindedly. Two? She shrugged it off and flashed her best man-eating smile to Alexander Erickson and Wesley Anderson who also were in the ex boyfriend category, before focusing back on him. “Okay.” He licked his lips and gave her that smile that used to give her butterflies. She felt nothing at all, except the tingling feeling that meant she was about to have some fun. And as he whirled her across the floor to All I Want for Christmas, she only allowed herself glance in his direction to see if Pierce was looking. He was. She looked away swiftly, laughing at something Bobby hadn’t said, and he pulled her closer. “So why exactly did we break up


six months ago?” The oldest “lets get back together” line in the book. Instead she just smiled slowly, looking up at him demurely. “You were too good for me,” she purred, gazing up at him through her eyelashes. Bobby laughed, and so did she. Another peek. Pierce was standing on the edge of the dance floor talking to her parents, sipping champagne, his arm wrapped around Barbie Doll. Their eyes met again. She gave him her cocky half smile and looked back up at Bobby, but not quick enough to miss his scowl. This jealousy thing was fun.

“I am so dizzy,” Aspen slurred while she and Wesley danced, him whirling her around in wide circles. She’d been drinking all night, and wasn’t about to stop. Holly Jolly Christmas was supposed to be the last song before they all sat down for dinner, and then after that they got to open presents from under the tree. Everyone had drawn a name out of a top-hat during the Winter Solstice Ball and they gave that person a gift for Christmas under the Sinclair’s 17 foot tall Christmas tree. It was usually the best party of the year for Aspen, but after about four glasses of champagne and Graham’s contraband Scotch, she prayed to God the night would be over soon. “You are so hot.” Wesley countered, pulling her closer. Aspen tried to smile up at him, but couldn’t. The music ended, and the audience politely clapped, while everyone returned to their tables for dinner. Aspen watched Pierce with contempt as he walked back to his table, whispering something in Barbie Doll’s ear that made her throw her blonde head back and laugh. She’d been trying to ignore Pierce all night, but with him dancing so close to Barbie Doll, holding her hips just like that, running his hands up and down her back, playing with her hair… the old hurt was creeping back in, but Aspen would just used it to make her more determined“Aspen, did you hear me?” “Huh?” She looked back up at Wesley, who had his hand securely on her waist and was escorting her back to her table. “What did you say?” “I wanted to know if you’d save me a dance?” He looked down at her hopefully. Aspen shook her head. “I don’t know…” “C’mon, Aspen. For old times sake,” His hand slid down toward her ass. Aspen blinked, focusing on him. “Yeah, sure,” She said breaking away from him, and walking towards her table. “I’ll save you one.” Not. She slid in her chair before anyone else got there, and sighed, tipping her head back. The dizziness didn’t subside, but she felt a lot less likely to puke all over the marble floor. She surveyed the meticulous gold rimmed China, the crystal flutes, the matching gold forks, the cream colored silk table cloth, the red roses as the centerpiece because everyone knew poinsettias were just ugly. Her mother had done a great job. She glanced at the place card on her right. Graham as usual. And on her left… shit. Pierce O’Connor in bold letters. Her heart raced, 38

and she couldn’t help it. She panicked. She could not spend an hour of her life watching Pierce O’Connor feed Barbie Doll the Filet Mignon she knew everyone was having for dinner, or even the vegetarian Chef Salad alternative. Images of them kissing, laughing, holding hands under the table burned through her brain, and she began hyperventilating, gasping for air. But then, she kicked herself, and forced herself to calm the fuck down and think. She’d sat by him before, hadn’t she? She’d just be herself, act like nothing’s wrong and everything would be ok. “God, Aspen. I think you’re right about Bethany.” Graham suddenly plopped in his chair next to her, and frowned. Aspen looked up at him, grateful for the distraction. “She is so annoying. And all she talks about is herself.” His eyes were slightly unfocused, and he looked very tipsy. She half smiled and surveyed the room lazily. It looked like Graham wasn’t the only one who’d brought his own personal stash. Everyone was slightly wobbling in their stilettos or talking just a little too loud. “She’s not smart enough to talk about anything else.” Aspen retorted, watching as her mother and father came and sat down on the other side of Graham, followed by Clarissa and Campbell O’Connor. And Pierce. And Barbie Doll. She watched him, faking a casual interest, as he pulled out Barbie Doll’s chair for her, and then slid in his own. If he looked amazing from afar, he looked damn good up close. But he looked slightly… miserable. “Aspen,” he said, nodding at her. Ha. He didn’t call her Assy. No snide remarks about her dress or hair or anything. Just Aspen. Had he ever called her just Aspen before? “Pierson.” She said, nodding back at him, and then turning to face Graham. “Please tell me you’re getting back together with Gemma.” She begged, nonchalantly, as if her heart wasn’t pounding in her chest already. She could smell Pierce’s Dirty English cologne, she could feel his body heat. The intensity of her longing for him surprised her. She’d never wanted anyone like this before, not even Adam. It was shocking and painful, because she’d ruined everything with him. Gears suddenly clicked in her head, a light bulb painfully going off in her brain. Pierce had come by to talk to her, to tell her how he really felt. But when he walks in, what does he see? Her making out with Adam. He’s probably jealous, definitely angry, and most likely hurt. So instead of telling her how he feels, he decides to break things off, and hurt her like she hurt him. “I didn’t know you had interchangeable boyfriends.” The words echoed in her head, and the pain of them came surging back through her chest. At the time, she’d thought that Pierce had only been using her, and that statement had been one of his last. But she’d seen his face when he’d said it, it hadn’t registered then, but now, she realized, her kissing Adam had been the crux of the matter. Pierce was just too conceited to admit it. “I don’t know.” Graham admitted. “She’s looking amazing tonight, and she’s been dancing with Richie all night.” He looked a little hangdog. Aspen rolled her eyes, pushed the anguish over Pierce back, and put on her happy 39

face. “That’s what you get, stupid.” She grinned at him. “You guys just need to either stay together or break up. Got it?” Graham scowled. He hated when she was right. “So what did you get me for Christmas?” Graham changed the subject. Aspen’s smile grew impossibly wider, but this time it was genuine. “What do you think I got you?” Graham groaned. “God, please tell me no more tacky boxers! I get so much shit for those in the locker room.” He ran his hands through his messy chestnut colored hair in frustration. Aspen shrugged. “Then I know you’ll love this pair.” “Oh God.” Graham moaned. Aspen giggled, as the waiters began to serve the first round of cuisine. The conversation was boisterous, and light. Pierce, unlike himself was unusually quiet, picking at his food, and staring at it glumly. Graham was the life of the table, telling animated stories, and recapping Christmas morning at the Jacobs. Then it was Clarissa’s turn to brag about the new Mercedes Campbell had bought her for Christmas and the brand new Birkin bag that had a 6 month wait list. And in true Anya fashion, she had to brag about the renovations she’s planning to do to the Sinclair estate, and how excited she was for her five day trip to their vacation home in Antigua for the remainder of Christmas break, and the brand new jet that she’d gotten as an early Christmas gift earlier that month. Clarissa eyes narrowed in envy as she oohed over Anya’s brand new Harry Winston diamond tennis bracelet. After the brag-fest, Anya then spoke to Pierce, outrage in her eyes. “Pierson,” she said in that faux scolding tone. “You’ve neglected your friend all night. I don’t even know her name or her affiliation, and she doesn’t know ours. What bad taste. Your mother raised you better than that!” Aspen silently appreciated her mother for her nosiness, and turned her eyes on Pierce, eager to learn about Barbie Doll. He looked up from his plate and forced a typical Pierce O’Connor grin. “Sorry, folks. This is Bailey Benson. My girlfriend. She attends Dartmouth with me, and she’s a junior.” “My, my, my, Miss Benson. Aren’t you quite the cougar? Preying on Pierce like that!” Anya joked. A tinkle of laughter filtered through the table, and Bailey had the decency to blush. A sick feeling passed through Aspen, and she quickly grabbed a glass forcing gulping down the entire glass. Shit, she realized as her head began to spin, that was champagne. She reached for the water, and began forcing swallows. “If I do remember correctly, it was Pierce who preyed on me.” Bailey contradicted easily with a confident smile. Anya smiled back adoringly, as if Bailey was soo cute. Gag. Aspen set her water glass down, and tried to fake a smile as she held back another bought of nausea. Seeing Pierce and Barbie Doll together like this was literally making her sick. This was so much more worst than what she’d predicted. She could handle the irritation.


“A man’s gotta do what a man’s gotta do.” Pierce defended himself with a laugh, stroking her pretty long blonde hair. “I had a boyfriend at the time!” Bailey giggled. “Well, as I said, a man’s gotta do what a man’s gotta do.” Pierce wrapped an arm around her, which she snuggled into. Aspen felt like she was going to vomit. She fought back the urge, begging her body to control itself. “You two are so adorable. And I just love Bailey. She’s the sweetest little thing! She decided to come all the way out from Greenwich, ignore her family’s plans, and be Pierce’s plus one for the Christmas party.” Clarissa cooed. Aspen held her stomach underneath the table, her insides churning. She really felt like she was going to barf now. Her mouth tasted like pennies and her throat tickled, a telltale sign. She started to stand up and excuse herself, but the sharp look Anya gave her told her to stay put. “He asked me at the last minute, and I agreed.” Bailey said, looking up at him sweetly. “I’d do anything for him.” “Thanks for coming, babe.” He said, that look in his eyes was there. That intense look in his eyes that had always riveted her. He was now looking at Bailey that way. Oh God, she was really, really gonna barf. And as he leaned down to kiss her, their lips about to touch, that’s when Aspen stood to her feet, trying to make a run for the bathroom. “Aspen! Sit down!” Anya scolded. “Don’t be rude!” Aspen opened her mouth to object, but it was coming up. Oh god, she wheeled back towards the exit to the hall, trying to make a break for the bathroom but it was too late. With one retch, she heaved up every ounce of alcohol and hors d’oeuvres she’d consumed that evening onto the pristine ballroom floor.

Bailey She was surprised when Pierce had invited her to his mom’s best friend’s Christmas party. She was surprised when Pierce called to reconcile. Last week he’d


seemed so over it all, the relationship, Dartmouth, everything. But now? He was showering her so much attention, she couldn’t help but be suspicious. Who’s the girl? She asks as they slow dance to I Caught Mommy Kissing Santa Claus, because it’s definitely not me. Pierce has the decency to pretend like he’s not using her. Usually he doesn’t care about anyone’s feelings. Usually he’d tell her right away that she was the bait. But now, he cajoles her into believing that he really wants to be with her. She rolls her eyes at this. Pierce, we both know that when it’s over, it’s over. And it’s been over for awhile. I just didn’t want to admit it. I want us to be friends, but don’t lie to me like I don’t know you. Because trust me, I know you. And I know there’s someone else. Pierce’s face crumples at this, and he looks like a lost little boy, those once mesmerizing green eyes turn sad and desperate. He looks over at a stunning girl in a white Valentino dress that emphasizes everything about her. From her tiny waist, to her auburn hair, to her crisp tan. She’s dancing close to a pretty attractive guy, laughing on cue as dips her dramatically. She then turns, pretending to absent mindedly scan the crowd but then her eyes land on Pierce and the charade is up. You both are being stupid and immature, being with other people when you could be together. She scolds. Or not. Pierce says, pulling her closer. She’s going to end up breaking me. I’m not gonna let her do it. What’s got you so afraid, Pierce? She asks, hissing at him under her breath. How is she so different from any other girl? Pierce levels her with those green eyes, that are full of so much hurt, so much passion at the same time. It takes her breath away. And for a split second, she wishes she could be that girl. But she’s not. I love her. He says simply. His answer leaves her speechless. Bailey turns her head and looks at the girl who’s captured Pierce O’Connor’s heart, something any girl would dream of doing. She really is gorgeous, one of those girls who is effortless at everything she does. But behind that façade, Bailey senses a kindred spirit. She’s just as blindly in love with Pierce as he is with her. And what’s really sad? Their both probably too caught up in trying to make the other jealous that they don’t notice it.



Aspen’s eyes flashed open, as she woke up in her room. Wintry milky gray light was streaming in painfully from the open drapes, intensifying the pounding in her head. She paused, not remembering how she’d gotten into bed. Not remembering anything from the night before, and tried to remember. It was hard at first, and she kept coming up blank, until she remembered Pierce. And then the memories from the night before came flooding back into her brain. She remembered Pierce, looking divine in his Dolce and Gabanna tux, with Bailey the Barbie Doll Bitch. She remembered getting drunk, insulting Bethany, and Adam looking at her accusingly after he found out she’d hooked up with Pierce. She remembered dancing with every single guy available at the party to make Pierce jealous, and feeling nauseous when he’d explained how he’d met Bailey at Dartmouth. Finally, she saw herself throwing up all over the floor. Servers were rushing towards her, to clean up the mess, Anya looking aghast. Bethany’s evil smirk, along with the rest of her cronies laughing, the guests looking disgusted. Graham looking slightly green, and Bailey looking worried. But the look on Pierce’s face. The concern, mingled with pity. His expression was the one that made her cringe.


She remembered Graham, and Ohmigod, Pierce carrying her up to her room, to her bathroom trying to sober her up. She’d thrown up again in the tub, and again all over Pierce’s shoulder. She moaned, burying her face into her pillows, but forced herself to remember the rest. It was like a movie behind her eyelids, she was singing as they stripped her out of her dress. She’d tried to pants Graham, who promptly threw himself over the toilet and began heaving, too. She’d tried to kiss Pierce, who’d kept saying, No Aspen. No. Stop. Gently and patiently as if he were a caring parent. Her memory faded a bit, and she saw still shots of Graham leaning over the toilet, Pierce wiping her face with a damp washcloth gently, and getting her to drink from the crystal water glass she kept in her bathroom. But when her memory came back full force, she saw herself in her bed, her long, noodle-y arms around Pierce, while he was trying to pry himself away. “Stay,” she had slurred, with a sloppy smile. “Stay with me. Stay the night.” He’d finally gotten her arms from around his neck and was tucking her in. “You don’t mean that Aspen,” he said. His voice full of pain, and hurt. He wouldn’t meet her eyes. “Yes I do. I know it. In my heart.” Aspen tried to reach for him again, but he dodged her easily. He sighed heavily. “How do you know?” He asked tiredly, sitting on the edge of her bed. “Because I love you.” She said, reaching for him again. “You love me too. Right? Please love me back Pierce. It’s all I want…” She moaned, as she threw off the bed covers, not believing what she’d said. Drunk men tell no tales. She quoted sourly. How was she going to lie herself out of this one? Her door silently opened, and she jerked up, seeing Anya stride in purposefully, dressed to the letter in elegant navy silk Dana Buchman pants and a matching cream with navy blue detailing colored top. Anger and dignified fury were written all over her face. Aspen bit back another moan. The well-polished fury was showing on Anya’s face, and when her mother was angry, there would be hell to pay. “Did you have a nice time getting drunk and ruining my party?” She growled fiercely. “Because I didn’t. The party was not ruined, thankfully, but now I have close friends calling me, recommending rehabilitation facilities to put my daughter in, since she cannot control her alcohol consumption like an adult.” Despite herself, Aspen smirked. So people that she was an alcoholic now? How dandy was that? “So, I’ve decided to punish you. I know my daughter is not an alcoholic. She has much better taste and class than that. But you are not allowed to drink at all until you’ve learned some self control.” Aspen sighed with relief. She was not in the mood to go to rehab right now. And the no-alcohol thing she could handle. “Done.” Aspen said confidently. Anya ignored her and continued. 44

“Secondly, you will be excluded from the family vacation to Antigua. There is too much trouble for you to get in there, and I will not have you ruining my vacation along with my party, by having to babysit you like a child.” Aspen’s relief vanished. “But mother, that’s not fair!” She burst. Antigua was a family thing. And she was apart of the family, no matter how crappy it was, and she still wanted to go. “Thirdly,” Anya continued imperiously, her voice growing slightly louder. “You will have to remain in the city and house-sit the duration of your Christmas vacation while we are in Antigua. I have notified the neighbors, and have given them strict instructions to call me if anything suspicious is happening. No parties, no get-togethers. You may go out, but you must be home by ten o’clock. Kennedy Ryan, our good friend will come by personally and check on you. If you aren’t here, then he will notify me, and I will notify you. “Which brings me to this: if you break any of these rules I have laid out for you, I will ground you.” Aspen’s eyes widened. Uh oh. “I will cancel your credit cards, take your car back to the dealership, confiscate your cash, and lock you in your suite. You won’t even be able to take a piss without me knowing about it. No weekend shopping trips in the city, I will force you to quit soccer, and you will spend every moment of your spare time studying for your SAT and getting into Brown. Understood?” “Yes, mother.” Aspen sighed. Relatively, she’d gotten off fairly easy. The alcohol thing was cake, and she could sneak behind her mother’s back. The Antigua thing hurt, and she’d be bored out of her mind, stuck in Westchester, while everyone else’s families jetted off to sunny locales, but it was only for five days. The curfew was tolerable, as was the neighborly check-ups. These were rules she could follow. “I’m glad you understand. Now take some Vitamin C, and put on a mud mask. You look terrible.” Anya scoffed, before turning to go. “Oh, and Pierce O’Connor is here to check on you. Should I send him up?” “Yes please.” Aspen sat up, suddenly eager. Butterflies floating around in her stomach aimlessly. But then she remembered he didn’t want her anymore, and the feeling came crashing down. “He was such a gentlemen last night, it would be nice of you to thank him for his services.” Anya strolled out of the room, and closed the door behind her. Aspen counted to thirty-seven and Pierce opened the door, looking gorgeous as ever in a green Patagonia pull over and some nice fitting True Religion jeans. “Hey.” He said quietly. “Hey.” She replied, looking down. “Feeling better?” He wanted to know. “Much.” She said. “Good.” His voice was relieved. “I was worried about you.” That last statement made her look up with surprise. “What?” 45

“I was worried about you.” He repeated again, very slowly. “You were saying things last night… I don’t know… you… you were really out of it.” He looked down at his shoes, avoiding her eyes. “I know what I said.” Aspen mumbled. The tear in her heart pulsed, as tears came into her eyes. Love makes you bold scrolled across her mind, as she took a deep breath. “And I meant it.” “Meant what?” Now Pierce was at full attention. “That I-I wanted you to stay.” She admitted. Now she had to look down. “Is that all?” He asked, sounding slightly impatient. “No. I meant, I, mean everything.” She braced herself once again for the worst. She didn’t know if she could handle getting her heart broken a second time. There wasn’t much left. She felt kind of hollow and empty. “So you meant it when you said you loved me?” His voice was suddenly soft, hesitant, and tender. It made the tears overflow, and she looked up at him. “Yes.” She said, looking into those soulful green eyes. The ones she could just get lost in, just dive into the ocean of his eyes and never ever resurface. Pierce took two hesitant steps towards her bed. “You were drunk.” He whispered, sounding just as vulnerable as her. “You didn’t mean it.” Aspen reached forward, grabbing his hand, and yanking him down to her, smashing herself against his body, crushing her lips against his. It was almost violent, in away, as she attacked him. She didn’t have time to second guess herself, or even second guess him. She knew what she wanted without a doubt. She knew what she needed. And that was him. He kissed her back hard, and she responded hungrily, kissing him greedily, just now realizing that she’d been starving for some Pierce O’Connor. And now she finally had him. And the ache in her chest began to disappear, the emptiness was slowly filled, and as he pulled back to look at her, really look at her, she knew it. She knew that he was her’s. And that maybe, just maybe, he’d always been.

“So we’re stuck here.” “Who said anything about we? You can leave anytime you want.” “Like I wanna do that.” Pierce grabbed her by her waist and pinned her back down on her bed, kissing her so rough, so hard, she lost all train of thought. It was the kind of kissing that she’d never experienced before, the kind that made her feel free, like she was sky diving, and then deathly afraid. Afraid because her body was reacting in ways it had never reacted before. Sure, she’d wanted Adam, mostly because he was so hell-bent on resisting her. And sure, she’d temporarily wanted all those other guys she’d ever dated. But her desire for Pierce was so intense, so focused, that it made 46

her uneasy. It made her want to slow things down, but instead, they just kept picking up momentum. The pressure was building, and it was all she could do but keep from getting crushed by it. Pierce seemed to sense this, and pulled away, flashing her that wicked smile she hated, and sat up. “Let’s go out.” “What’s the point?” Aspen countered. “I have to be home by ten. Or else.” “It’s seven-thirty, I’m pretty sure we can have some fun within that time frame.” Pierce rolled his eyes sarcastically. “Where exactly are we going?” Aspen asked, sitting up so she could get a better look at him. “Everything fun is in the city.” “My house.” He said, rolling off her bed, and pulling her off with him. “C’mon.” “What’s at your house?” Aspen wanted to know. “Shut up, and c’mon.” He gave her that infuriating smile that she hated, those brilliant green eyes taunting. “Okay.” Aspen relented, taking his hand and letting him lead her downstairs. “You know, as many times as I’ve been in this house, I’ve never seen your room.” Aspen told him as they walked into the empty foyer. Just like her family, the O’Connors had taken off for Tahiti. After hearing about Anya’s whirlwind Christmas vacation trip to Antigua, Clarissa O’Connor had to best her, and fly off to Tahiti. “Well, you’re in luck ‘cause that’s where we’re going.” Pierce told her with a smile as they started up the marble staircase. “And just so you know, it’s really nothing special.” “I bet your room is messy. Gross. You’ve got pizza boxes rotting under your bead, molded peanut-butter and jelly sandwiches on your nightstand. Dirty underwear on the floor.” She shot him a wicked grin of her own. Pierce just rolled his eyes. When they finally reached his room, and he opened the door, she was shocked. Because his room was the exact opposite. Instead of filth, it was freaky clean. The plush white carpet was stark white, his bed was perfectly made with 90 degree hospital corners. Everything was orderly, and neat. “Nice.” She said, slowly walking up to the wall, surveying all of his trophies. He’d played every sport, from lacrosse, to hockey, to soccer, to crew. He’d been good at them all, team captain, co-captain, varsity, firststring; MVP, to All American, to All Star. She half smiled at the pictures that covered his dark blue walls, the ones of him and his best friend Gary Hillcrest and Kevin North on various mountain slopes or on beaches two-fisting a bottle of Captain Morgan’s and Cuervos. Thousands of pictures of various stages in his life with his best friends, and other people she knew he hung out with at school. But most surprisingly of all, the one below his poster of


LeBron James. A picture of a seven-year-old Pierce hugging a five-year-old Aspen. She was smiling hugely into the camera, and he was doing the bunny ears behind her head, and pulling her ponytail with the other hand. Aspen laughed out loud. It had been during one of her mother’s infamous Christmas parties, she was wearing an adorable red poofy dress, while Pierce was looking like a kid version James Bond in his tux. “I remember this.” She said laughing. “My mother got mad because you’d chased me around the house and I’d almost tipped over that huge tree.” “Yeah.” Pierce said trying to hide a smile. “It was also the beginning of my fervent and undying love for you.” “Shut up.” Aspen rolled her eyes, and smiled, noticing he had something in his hands. She looked at him curiously. “What’s that?” “My second grade year book. Your kindergarten year book.” He held it up, so she could see it. It was the same navy blue and red book she had at home, stuffed away somewhere, in big bold letters Middleton Day Elementary. He opened it, right up to her kindergarten class. There she was, a toothless wonder, smiling widely. Aspen Analisse Sinclair. But next to it, in big, orange Crayola marker writing that had to belong to a seven year old was a heart, and “my wife” written next to her picture. She looked up at him, confused. “I wasn’t kidding.” Pierce said slowly. “The teasing, the name calling… it sounds stupid, but I really was in love with you. I just didn’t know how to handle it. You drove me crazy with that giddy little loud laugh you had, the way your always wore a bow in your hair up until fourth grade… how you were never afraid of anything. And by the time I grew up, and learned a little bit about girls, I still didn’t know how to handle it. Because you still made me nervous. And I still felt like I was some hopeless little second grader every time you looked at me.” Aspen felt her mouth drop open, and saw the sincerity burning in Pierce’s eyes. All t his time, he hadn’t been trying to torture her. He’d been in love with her. The revelation was startling and remarkable all at the same time. “You asshole!” She hit him suddenly, hard in the stomach. “What!” Pierce asked, sounding alarmed. “What did I do?” “You teased me mercilessly for like, twelve years straight. Because you liked me.” “Well… yeah.” Pierce said it like it was the most obvious thing in the world, and then grinned at her. That wicked grin he knew she’d never resist. And honestly, she didn’t want to. Because that had to be about the sweetest, most romantic thing she’d ever heard in her entire life. So she kissed him, and it was the sweetest kiss she’d ever thought possible. She felt the warmth surging throughout her, her chest filling with some kind of unexplainable emotion. The insanity of it was, that she’d 48

probably been in love with him just as much as he was in love with her all this time. But Aspen quickly forgot all about that, when he pulled her down on his expansive queen sized bed, sinking into the soft mattress. His hands were in her hair, his lips scorching it’s way down her cheek, down past the spot beneath her ear, down her neck, to her collar bone, and back up again. She was shoving her hands up his t-shirt, feeling the wonderful hardness of his abs, his pecks, his lacrosse toned shoulders, and down his taut back. His skin was so smooth, and despite the heat between them, she could feel the goose bumps on his body. He kissed her lips again, and this time, the fire got impossibly hotter. She pressed herself into him, crushing her body up against his, his hands running along her sides, fingers curling up her shirt now, trailing up her ribs slowly, his fingers inching under her bra, squeezing her so hard that it felt good. Then before she knew, his fingers were unbuttoning her pants, unzipping. “Wait!” Aspen tried to say. “We don’t have to do anything,” Pierce murmured against her jaw. “Just a little.” “I have to get home.” “It’s eight forty-five.” “But we’re about to start something I know for sure we’re not gonna stop.” She looked him in the eyes, forcing him to be serious. “Take me home.” Pierce stared back at her, like he couldn’t believe it. Like he couldn’t believe she was actually with him. Aspen felt herself melting, and kissed him again. But just as quickly as the heat began to build up between them, and she was starting to forget about the things that were important, Pierce pulled away ruefully. “Let me get you home.” He smiled, rolling off of her and onto his feet.


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