02 Part 1 Web App

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IBM Software Services for WebSphere

Part 1: Web application design considerations Matt Oberlin Consulting IT Specialist IBM Software Services for WebSphere Best practices for developing J2EE applications

November 18-20, 2003 | Bangalore


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Best practices challenges, part 1 Want to develop a web enabled application that is:

functional - satisfies user requirements reliable - performs under changing conditions usable - enables easy access to application functions efficient - uses system resources wisely maintainable - can be modified easily portable - can be moved from one environment to another

REFERENCE: ISO 9126 Software Quality Characteristics

October 28-29, 2003 | Sydney


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Best practices challenges, part 2 Want to support a development process that is:

repeatable - has well defined steps measurable - has well defined work products that result toolable - has well defined mapping of inputs to outputs predictable - can make reliable estimates of task times scalable - works with varying project sizes flexible - can be varied to minimize risks

Best practices should balance both sets of requirements REFERENCE: ISO 9000 Software Process Metrics

October 28-29, 2003 | Sydney


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Process best practices Process approaches vary in "granularity" waterfall, where one phase is completed before the next incremental-iterative, where the project is decomposed into smaller projects, usually centered around "use cases"

Regardless of granularity, they share the same basic phases: Analysis, where requirements are gathered Design, where the requirements are mapped into architectural components Implementation, where the components are programmed Test, where the programs are verified that they meet the requirements

This presentation will cover analysis and design

October 28-29, 2003 | Sydney


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Requirements analysis best practices Requirements to capture in a model:

business process and application flow dynamic and static aspects functional and non functional Models

Dynamic (state, transition)

Static (entity, relation)

Business Process (contract)

Units of work (throughput)

Persistent data (number of records)

Application Flow (user role)

User initiated events (response time)

Visible data (style)

Notations to consider:

textual (state tables, templates) graphical (state transition and class relationship diagrams) whatever works for you and your customer October 28-29, 2003 | Sydney


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State transition diagram best practices State-transition diagrams

show "visible" states in lifecycle of domain concept transitions show events, data flow, conditions and actions Role

Role State

[guard event condition] (data flow) {action} [trigger condition]

(data flow)


[post condition]

State event [guard]

[post condition] (data flow)


Role State State

October 28-29, 2003 | Sydney



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Class relationship diagram best practices Class relationship diagrams

show object classes, associated properties and relationships usually associated with a state in a dynamic model Class


@key att attribute

@key att attribute optional rel

many rel @key rel

Class attribute

contains rel 0..n

October 28-29, 2003 | Sydney





Class @key att attribute

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An example business process dynamic model On line order fullfillment business process model lifecycle of an order showing interaction of various roles transitions represent units of work (described later)


add line item (product, quantity) Customer

Entry modify line item (product, quantity)

submit() cancel()



Marketing ship (shipper) [all items Fulfillment shipped] Completed purge [not all items pack line item shipped]

(product, quantity)

October 28-29, 2003 | Sydney


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An example business process static model Order Entry static object model shows possible state of persistent data during order entry units of work in dynamic model will be in terms of these Product


@sku description


openOrder @product

Line Item quantity

October 28-29, 2003 | Sydney



0..1 customer

Order 0..n

@orderID status

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Example unit of work descriptions Create order for the customer

if customer does not exist, create it if customer already has an open order, return it otherwise, create a new order with status "Opened" set the order's customer to that given

Submit or cancel a given order

if order does not exist or is not opened, return otherwise set status to "Submitted" or "Cancelled", respectively

Add a quantity of a line item to the customer's open order

if customer does not exist, create it if open order for customer does not exist, create one if order line item does not exist for the product: if quantity greater than zero, create one with that quantity otherwise, increment the line item quantity by the amount specified if the resulting quantity is less than or equal to zero, delete the line item

Modify a given line item quantity (must be greater than or equal to 0)

if customer does not exist, create it if open order for customer does not exist, create one if order line item does not exist for the product, create one with the quantity otherwise, set the quantity to that specified October 28-29, 2003 | Sydney


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An example application flow dynamic model Customer's application flow dynamic model high level requirements captured in a STD of a customer transitions may trigger events on the underlying BPM Customer Home

Order Status open


Product Catalog add to order {add item (product, quantity)}

cancel (order) Confirm Cancel

Order Details

Action Result


{create order}


Confirm Open

edit line item submit (order) {modify item (product, Confirm Submit quantity)}

ok {cancel order}

October 28-29, 2003 | Sydney


ok {submit order}

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An example application flow static model Customer application flow static model one "entry point" object per state attributes and relationships show dynamic content Product Order Order Customer Catalog Details Status Home customerID orderID status









Line Item

productID description

productID description quantity

October 28-29, 2003 | Sydney


Order orderID status

Action Result message

Confirm Action orderID action

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Architecture best practices Once the requirements are gathered, the next step is to identify a candidate architecture describe physical and logical "tiers" where application components will be hosted drives the programming model used in detailed design

We will examine the pros/cons of four approaches: web enabled client-server distributed object based web services based web enabled distributed object based

All four will likely be used in a large application

October 28-29, 2003 | Sydney


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Three-tier web based application architecture Web Application Server

Browser Product Catalog

Order Details

customerID orderID status products



Customer Home


Product Catalog

Order orderID status


add to order


Line Item productID description quantity

Action Result message

Order Status open





Product productID description

Order Status

Customer Home

Confirm Action orderID action

Application flow static model

Confirm Cancel

[qty = 0] {add item (product, quantity)}


[qty < 0] Confirm Submit

{modify item (product, quantity)} Action Result

ok {submit order}

Application flow dynamic model


Confirm Open


edit line item

ok {cancel order}

{create order}

Order Details

Enterprise Logic & Data Server

add line item (product, quantity)

Entry modify line item (product, quantity)


submit() cancel()


Shipping Marketing ship (shipper) [all items shipped] Completed purge


Customer customerID

openOrder product

[not all items pack line item shipped] (product, quantity)

Business process dynamic model

Product sku description

Line Item quantity


0..1 customer

Order 0..n

orderID status

Business process static model

Pros: browsers are everywhere client tier needs install nothing specific (maintenance) middle tier has direct access to back end data (performance)

Cons: cost of remote connection to middle tier (performance) must install enterprise clients on middle tier (maintenance) business logic executes in middle tier (security)

Best application: web enabling the front end of a business process (the "edge") October 28-29, 2003 | Sydney


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Distributed object based application architecture Distributed Object Server

Client Application Product Catalog

Order Details

customerID orderID status products



Customer Home

Product Catalog

Order orderID status


add to order


Line Item productID description quantity

Order Status

Action Result message






Product productID description

Order Status

Customer Home

Confirm Action orderID action

Application flow static model

Confirm Cancel

[qty = 0] {add item (product, quantity)}


[qty < 0] Confirm Submit

{modify item (product, quantity)} Action Result

ok {submit order}

Application flow dynamic model



Confirm Open


edit line item

ok {cancel order}

{create order}

Order Details

add line item (product, quantity)

Entry modify line item (product, quantity)


submit() cancel()


Shipping Marketing ship (shipper) [all items shipped] Completed purge

Enterprise Logic & Data Server ???

[not all items pack line item shipped] (product, quantity)

Business process dynamic model



sku description


openOrder product

Line Item quantity


0..1 customer

Order 0..n

orderID status

Business process static model

Pros: really snappy user interface (performance) client does not need enterprise access business logic separated from client (security, maintenance) can load balance business logic (scalability)

Cons: must install application on client (maintenance) extra pathlength to access enterprise (performance) ORBs are not yet ubiquitous (maintenance)

Best application: intranet applications needing high function a GUI October 28-29, 2003 | Sydney


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Web Services based application architecture Web Services Server

Client Application Product Catalog

Order Details

customerID orderID status products



Customer Home

Customer Home

Line Item productID description quantity

Order Status

Order orderID status


add to order

Action Result message



Product Catalog



Product productID description

Order Status customerID


Confirm Action orderID action

Application flow static model

Confirm Cancel

[qty = 0] {add item (product, quantity)}


[qty < 0] Confirm Submit

{modify item (product, quantity)} Action Result

ok {submit order}

Application flow dynamic model



Confirm Open


edit line item

ok {cancel order}

{create order}

Order Details

add line item (product, quantity)

Entry modify line item (product, quantity)


submit() cancel()

Shipping Marketing ship (shipper) [all items Fulfillment shipped] Completed purge

[not all items pack line item shipped] (product, quantity)

Business process dynamic model

Enterprise Logic & Data Server ???



sku description


openOrder product

Line Item quantity


0..1 customer

Order 0..n

orderID status

Business process static model

Pros (same as distributed objects except): language and platform neutrality (flexibility) no ORB required on client (maintenance) other protocols supported, like JMS/MQ

Cons (same as distributed objects except): SOAP/HTTP does not have all the features of IIOP (reliability) XML takes extra time to transfer/process (performance) transactions not supported across calls yet

Best application: extranet/internet applications needing high function GUIs or EDI October 28-29, 2003 | Sydney


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Web enabled distributed object application architecture Web Application Server

Browser Product Catalog

Order Details

customerID orderID status products




Product productID description

Line Item productID description quantity

Order Status

Customer Home

Customer Home





add to order


Action Result

Order orderID status


Confirm Action

Order Status open


Product Catalog

Confirm Cancel

[qty = 0]

orderID action

Application flow static model

{add item (product, quantity)}

{create order}

Order Details


[qty < 0] Confirm Submit

{modify item (product, quantity)} Action Result



Confirm Open


edit line item

ok {cancel order}

Distributed Object Server add line item (product, quantity)

Entry modify line item (product, quantity)


submit() cancel()

ok {submit order}

Application flow dynamic model

Shipping Marketing ship (shipper) [all items Fulfillment shipped] Completed purge

[not all items pack line item shipped] (product, quantity)

Business process dynamic model

Enterprise Logic & Data Server ???



sku description


openOrder product

Line Item quantity


0..1 customer

Order 0..n

orderID status

Business process static model

Pros: client tier needs install nothing specific (maintenance) middle tier does not need enterprise clients (maintenance) business logic separated from application server (security) can load balance application & object servers (scalability)

Cons: remote method pathlength (performance)

Best application: web enabling any phase of a business process

October 28-29, 2003 | Sydney


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Programming model best practices Aspects of the programming model for a given tier to consider: components that you develop hosted on that tier mechanisms used to flow control between components sources used to flow data between components Component

Control Flow

Data Source


HTML, XML, Framesets, Applets

HTTP requests, JavaScript, Java

URL Query String, POST Data, Cookies

Application Server Distributed Object Server Enterprise Server

Servlets, JSPs, View Beans, Tags

sendRedirect(), forward(), include()

Request, Session, Servlet Context

Session EJB, Entity EJB, Key/Data Beans


JNDI, JDBC, others

BMP Entity EJB, SessionSynch EJB

beforeXXX(), afterXXX(), ejbXXX()

JNDI, JDBC, others

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Web page design considerations In this section we will discuss techniques useful when designing web pages,independently of whether HttpServlets (or JSPs) are used to generate the dynamic content Web Application Server

Browser Product Catalog

Order Details

customerID orderID status products




Product productID description

Order Status

Customer Home




Order orderID status


add to order

Action Result message

Confirm Action orderID action

Application flow static model

Confirm Cancel

[qty = 0] {add item (product, quantity)}

Confirm Submit ok {submit order}



Confirm Open

[qty < 0]

{modify item (product, quantity)} Action Result



Application flow dynamic model

October 28-29, 2003 | Sydney


open {create order}

Order Details

edit line item

ok {cancel order}

Distributed Object Server

Order Status (order)

Product Catalog


Line Item productID description quantity

Customer Home

add line item (product, quantity)

Entry modify line item (product, quantity)


submit() cancel()


Shipping Marketing ship (shipper) [all items shipped] Completed purge

[not all items pack line item shipped] (product, quantity)

Business process dynamic model

Enterprise Logic & Data Server ???



sku description


openOrder product

Line Item quantity


0..1 customer

Order 0..n

orderID status

Business process static model

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The network traffic problem, part 1 Think about what would happen if each transition were to result in a request to the web server... Customer Home

problem 4: what if there were lists or cascading menus?

Order Status



Product Catalog add to order {add item (product, quantity)}

problem 3: what about invalid quantities? cancel (order) Confirm Cancel

Order Details

Action Result


{create order}

edit line item submit (order) {modify item (product, Confirm Submit quantity)}

ok {cancel order}

October 28-29, 2003 | Sydney


problem 1: this confirmation would cause extraneous call to web server

ok {submit order}


Confirm Open

problem 2: this confirmation would likely require rerendering details

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Full use of Java Script Consider JavaScript to handle transitions (and associated states) on the browser, such as confirmations, validations, lists and menus Customer Home

Order Status open


Product Catalog

advantage 2: validating quantity causes no request

add to order {add item (product, quantity)}

cancel (order) Confirm Cancel

Order Details

October 28-29, 2003 | Sydney


{create order}

edit line item submit (order) {modify item (product, Confirm Submit quantity)}

ok {cancel order}

question: should we check for the quantity being less than available inventory?


Action Result

ok {submit order}


Confirm Open

advantage 1: confirmation causes no request

tradeoff: makes pages more complex, less portable © 2003 IBM Corporation

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Syntactic validation using Java Script Validations should be limited to checking the format of values (syntactic validation), and possibly ranges (if understood) Customer Home

status: we have minimized the number of requests to the server

Order Status open


Product Catalog

check for non zero integer is ok

add to order {add item (product, quantity)}

cancel (order) Confirm Cancel

Order Details

October 28-29, 2003 | Sydney


{create order}

edit line item submit (order) {modify item (product, Confirm Submit quantity)}

ok {cancel order}

warning: validations still need to occur on server side!


Action Result

ok {submit order}


Confirm Open

check for integer > 0 is ok

these validations should have been explicitly shown on the diagram © 2003 IBM Corporation

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The web page granularity problem Now think about what would happen if each state were to be represented by a web page... either: each page is relatively small, but navigation would require heavy use of the "back" button...

Customer Home

Product Catalog add to order {add item (product, quantity)}

cancel (order) Confirm Cancel

Order Details


{create order}

edit line item submit (order) {modify item (product, Confirm Submit quantity)}

Action Result




ok {cancel order}

October 28-29, 2003 | Sydney

Order Status

ok {submit order}


Confirm Open

or: each page would require redundant data and navigations

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Using framesets and named windows Consider using framesets or named windows to consolidate related states into a single page Customer Home

Navigation area

Order Status open


Product Catalog add to order {add item (product, quantity)}

Main area cancel (order) Confirm Cancel

Order Details

Action Result


{create order}


Confirm Open

edit line item submit (order) {modify item (product, Confirm Submit quantity)}

ok {cancel order}

October 28-29, 2003 | Sydney


ok {submit order}

Action result area

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Framesets and Named Windows: another view One possible frameset view of the application flow Navigation Area

Main Area displays Product Catalog, Order Status or Order Details, depending on selection

simply the Customer Home 'navigation bar' where selections target main area

adding to order, editing quantity, cancelling or submitting targets result area

Action Result Area advantage 1: smaller requests invoked in parallel to load page

advantage 2: only affected areas of the page are re-rendered

October 28-29, 2003 | Sydney


issues: more complex, less portable, harder to print and bookmark © 2003 IBM Corporation

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Other web page design approaches Java applets: can offload almost all application flow control to the browser, resulting in snappy response time (once loaded) however, applets are basically Java client applications (which will be discussed later) can only access the server from which they were downloaded only useful for standalone applications that require no back end access (e.g. loan amortization calculator) or extranet/intranet applications with limited numbers of clients

XML enabled browsers: enables application server to send back data only (XML document) browser uses XSL to render tags into HTML that gets displayed makes it easier to design for multiple device types not yet ubiquitous, so the web server should be able to handle rendering HTML prior to reply (more on this later) October 28-29, 2003 | Sydney


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Summary for Web page design 1. Break a given web page into multiple components corresponding to the application flow states 2. Use JavaScript to handle confirmations, syntactic validations and list/menu processing to minimize HTTP requests 3. Avoid semantic validations that require knowledge of the business logic 4. Consider Framesets/Named windows to consolidate related information, minimize re-rendering and allow for smaller, parallel requests 5. Consider XML enabled browsers to minimize replies, offload some of the processing off of the web application server, and support other device types 6. Treat Applet controlled states like monolithic or client-server applications, most useful in standalone or intranet scenarios October 28-29, 2003 | Sydney


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Basic HttpServlet design In this section we will discuss techniques useful for designing HttpServlets to handle dynamic content, independently of whether distributed objects are used or not Web Application Server

Browser Product Catalog

Order Details

customerID orderID status products




Product productID description

Order Status

Customer Home




Order orderID status


add to order

Action Result message

Confirm Action orderID action

Application flow static model

Confirm Cancel

[qty = 0] {add item (product, quantity)}

Confirm Submit ok {submit order}



Confirm Open

[qty < 0]

{modify item (product, quantity)} Action Result



Application flow dynamic model

October 28-29, 2003 | Sydney


open {create order}

Order Details

edit line item

ok {cancel order}

Distributed Object Server

Order Status (order)

Product Catalog


Line Item productID description quantity

Customer Home

add line item (product, quantity)

Entry modify line item (product, quantity)


submit() cancel()


Shipping Marketing ship (shipper) [all items shipped] Completed purge

[not all items pack line item shipped] (product, quantity)

Business process dynamic model

Enterprise Logic & Data Server ???



sku description


openOrder product

Line Item quantity


0..1 customer

Order 0..n

orderID status

Business process static model

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The servlet granularity problem Think about what would happen if we only created a single HttpServlet to control the entire application... Customer Home

problem 1: only one programmer could work at a time

cancel (order) Confirm Cancel

Order Details

Action Result

October 28-29, 2003 | Sydney


{create order}

edit line item submit (order) {modify item (product, Confirm Submit quantity)}

ok {cancel order}




Product Catalog add to order {add item (product, quantity)}

Order Status

ok {submit order}


Confirm Open

problem 2: the code would be rather complex to handle all the states and transitions

problem 3: can't use servlet level security, monitoring... © 2003 IBM Corporation

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HttpServlets end-to-end flow Using an HttpServlet to control the processing associated with a state in the application flow Client Web Browser

Web Application Server

HTTP POST [loc = OrderStatusServlet? OrderStatusServlet? customer=1111] action=add&cust=1111

Order Status Servlet

service(req, res) req.getParameter("action") "add" req.getParameter("cust") "1111" {add order for Customer 1111} res.getPrintWriter().println("...")

[res = "..."] "HTML for Order Details 1000" [loc = OrderStatusServlet? action=add&cust=1111] October 28-29, 2003 | Sydney



problem: what happens if the user hits reload, resize, print, ... ? © 2003 IBM Corporation

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The reload problem Inadvertant re-execution of an HttpServlet due to browser events like reload, resize, back, forward, print Client Web Browser

Web Application Server

HTTP GET [loc = OrderStatusServlet? OrderStatusServlet? customer=1111] action=add&cust=1111 "HTML for Order Details 1000" [loc = OrderStatusServlet? action=add&cust=1111] {reload}

HTTP GET OrderStatusServlet? action=add&cust=1111

Order Status Servlet

service(req, res) {add order for customer 1111 and generate HTML} using POST for update actions helps, but user can still invoke a reload service(req, res)

"HTML for Order Details 1001"

{add order for customer 1111 and generate HTML}

problem: data integrity errors! October 28-29, 2003 | Sydney


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HttpResponse sendRedirect() end-to-end flow Use sendRedirect() to flow control from a source state to a target state when there are update side effects Client Web Browser

Web Application Server

Order Status Servlet

Order Details Servlet

HTTP POST [loc = advantage 2: all the logic associated with OrderStatusServlet? OrderStatusServlet? a state is in the associated HttpServlet customer=1111] action=add&cust=1111 service(req, res) {add new order for HTTP REDIRECT customer 1111} OrderDetailsServlet?order=1000 {browser intercepts} HTTP GET OrderDetailsServlet?order=1000

service(req, res)

{get details for order 1000 and "HTML for Order Details 1000" generate HTML} [loc = Order advantage 1: solves problem: logic handling DetailsServlet? updates is intermixed with reload problem order=1000] that for reads in service() {reload} October 28-29, 2003 | Sydney


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HttpServlet doGet() and doPost() end-to-end flow Use doGet() to handle display for a dynamic state and doPost() to handle update transitions Client Web Browser

Web Application Server

Order Status Servlet

Order Details Servlet

HTTP POST [loc = OrderStatusServlet? OrderStatusServlet? customer=1111] action=add&cust=1111 doPost(req, res) HTTP REDIRECT {add new order for customer 1111} OrderDetailsServlet?order=1000 problem 1: cannot {browser intercepts} independently develop or HTTP GET modify logic and layout OrderDetailsServlet?order=1000 doGet(req, res) {get details for order 1000 and "HTML for Order Details 1000" generate HTML} [loc = Order advantage: doPost() and problem 2: can't use DetailsServlet? doGet() can be developed WYSIWYG editor to order=1000] and tested separately help generate HTML {reload} October 28-29, 2003 | Sydney


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Java Server Pages end-to-end flow Using Java Server Pages to separate the layout from the data access logic for a state with dynamic content advantage 2: Web Application can use an IDE for logic Server

advantage1: Order can develop Details & maintain JSP in parallel doGet(req, res) {geti detailsi for order 1000} req.setAttribute("name ", value ) {repeat for each order i i [name = value ] detail variable} getServletContext(). problem 2: problem 1: getRequestDispatcher( multiple name/type "...OrderDetails.jsp" sets/gets convention ).forward(req, res)

Order Details Servlet



<%=()req.getAttribute("name ")%> {repeat}


... [res = "HTML for Order problem 3: must Details 1000"] use expressions and cast result October 28-29, 2003 | Sydney


advantage 3: can use a WYSIWYG editor for HTML © 2003 IBM Corporation

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Data Structure (View) Java Beans end-to-end flow Using a data structure Java Bean to maintain the values displayed by the JSP for a given state Web Application Server

Order Details Servlet

Order Details Data

Order Details JSP

doGet(req, res)

advantage1: only {get details for order 1 1000} n one set/get with new(v , ..., v ) req.setAttribute( 1 1 n n well defined [p =v , ..., p =v ] name/type "OrderDetails", OrderDetailsData OrderDetailsData) [OrderDetails = getServletContext().getRequestDispatcher( OrderDetailsData] "...OrderDetails.jsp").forward(req, res) advantage 3: <jsp:usebean name=OrderDetails type=OrderDetailsData> tools in both OrderDetailsData IDE and i ... <jsp:beanproperty bean=OrderDetails property=p > page editors i ... getP () use Java i v advantage 2: no Beans i Java required [res = "... v ..."] except for loops {repeat} October 28-29, 2003 | Sydney


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The contract problem Think about how to tell where JSPs and view beans would be useful Customer Home

can't really tell from this dynamic model

cancel (order) Confirm Cancel

Order Details

Action Result

October 28-29, 2003 | Sydney


{create order}


Confirm Open

edit line item submit (order) {modify item (product, Confirm Submit quantity)}

ok {cancel order}




Product Catalog add to order {add item (product, quantity)}

Order Status

ok {submit order}

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Data Structure Java Beans (View Beans) The static model for each application flow state determines whether a JSP and data structure Java Bean would be useful Product Catalog

Order Details

Order Status

customerID orderID status


Customer Home

little or no dynamic content handled in JavaScript




Line Item

productID description

productID description quantity

October 28-29, 2003 | Sydney



Order orderID status

Action Result message

Confirm Action action

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How do you eliminate Java in JSPs? Consider custom tags for loops and object navigation instead of Java scriptlets ... <JSP:USEBEAN ID="OrderStatus" CLASS="com.onlinemall.data.OrderStatusData" SCOPE="request"/> ... <% int orderID = 0; String status = null; com.onlinemall.data.OrderData d[] = OrderStatus.orders; for (int i=0 ; i < d.length; i++) { orderID = d[i].orderID; status = d[i].status; %> ... <%=orderID%> ... <%=status"%> ... <% } %>

October 28-29, 2003 | Sydney


... <JSP:USEBEAN ID="OrderStatus" CLASS="com.onlinemall.data.OrderStatusData" SCOPE="request"/> ... <SW296:INDEXEDBEANPROPERTY BEAN="OrderStatus" PROPERTY="orders" VAR="order" TYPE="com.onlinemall.data.OrderData">

... <JSP:GETPROPERTY NAME="order" PROPERTY="orderID"/> ... <JSP:GETPROPERTY NAME="order" PROPERTY="status"/> ...

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Basic HttpServlet design summary 1. HTTPServlets control states and associated transitions doGet() gathers data to display doPost() handles updates and flows to next state use sendRedirect after updates to avoid reload problem

2. JSPs generate the view associated with state View beans encapsulate data needed by JSP Custom tags eliminate Java in JSPs

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Advanced HttpServlet design considerations In this section we will discuss advanced techniques useful for designing HttpServlets to make them even easier to develop and maintain, and we will address some performance issues Web Application Server

Browser Product Catalog

Order Details

customerID orderID status products




Product productID description

Order Status

Customer Home




Order orderID status


add to order

Action Result message

Confirm Action orderID action

Application flow static model

Confirm Cancel

[qty = 0] {add item (product, quantity)}

Confirm Submit ok {submit order}



Confirm Open

[qty < 0]

{modify item (product, quantity)} Action Result



Application flow dynamic model

October 28-29, 2003 | Sydney


open {create order}

Order Details

edit line item

ok {cancel order}

Distributed Object Server

Order Status (order)

Product Catalog


Line Item productID description quantity

Customer Home

add line item (product, quantity)

Entry modify line item (product, quantity)


submit() cancel()


Shipping Marketing ship (shipper) [all items shipped] Completed purge

[not all items pack line item shipped] (product, quantity)

Business process dynamic model

Enterprise Logic & Data Server ???



sku description


openOrder product

Line Item quantity


0..1 customer

Order 0..n

orderID status

Business process static model

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IBM Software Services for WebSphere

The "page composition" problem Think about how you would deal with the situation where framesets or named windows cannot be used on the client Customer Home

Customer Home Action Result Product Catalog

adding an item to the order redisplays catalog page

want to reuse code to render "substates" of a given page

Action Result Order Status

selecting or adding an order displays details

Customer Home Action Result Order Details

modifying an item, or submit/cancel redisplays order

October 28-29, 2003 | Sydney


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IBM Software Services for WebSphere

RequestDispatcher include() end-to-end flow Use the include() function to compose pages from HttpServlets representing the application flow states Client Web Browser

Web Application Server

Product Catalog Servlet

Customer Home JSP

HTTP GET advantage 1: easy to tradeoff 1: static ProductCatalogServlet? bookmark, print ... states must be JSPs doGet(req, res) start=101 tradeoff 2: must {get products from advantage 2: re-render whole page access bean} can be reused in for every call include( multiple pages problem: maintaining "CustomerHome.jsp", common look and req, res) feel across pages doGet(req, res) {generate "HTML fragment for navigation area} navigation area" [res = "HTML fragment tradeoff 3: ugly URLs for navigation area"] on location line "HTML for composed {repeat include for other "substates", Product Catalog page" like Results and Product Catalog JSP} October 28-29, 2003 | Sydney


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The "common look & feel" problem Think about how unmaintainable the application would be if we modeled and coded behaviors common to every state? Errors

Source State some event



[authenticated] [not authenticated]



October 28-29, 2003 | Sydney

pages may share components

[no errors]

may want different behaviors for GET/POST events

login {authenticate uid & password}



[errors] {some action}

Target State

may want different layouts depending on user's national language, or support different browser types © 2003 IBM Corporation

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IBM Software Services for WebSphere

HttpServlet inheritance end-to-end flow Use inheritance and factor common behaviors into an extensible HttpServlet class hierarchy Client Web Browser

Web Application Server

Product Catalog Servlet

Online Buying Servlet

advantage 4: can problem: declare final & abstract minimizing back for enforcement end accesses {check authorization: if not, advantage 1: naming forward to Login JSP} convention makes it doGetOnlineBuying(req, res) could modify easy to extend hierarchy include to include( advantage 2: subclass generate XML "ProductCatalog", methods focus on req, res) advantage 3: instead gathering data, inherited {append directory of user's handling updates convenience preferred language to methods make name and forward} advantage 5: can develop developing & look and feel separately maintaining {catch errors: if any, "HTML for Product even easier forward to Error JSP; Catalog starting at otherwise compose page} item 101" HTTP GET ProductCatalogServlet? doGet(req, res) start=101

October 28-29, 2003 | Sydney


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IBM Software Services for WebSphere

The network traffic problem, part 2 Consider caching the data structure Java Bean for a state in HttpSession to eliminate extraneous back end accesses Client Web Browser

Web Application Server HTTP GET

Order Details Servlet


doGet(req, res) req.getSession(false).getValue("OrderDetails")

advantage 1: handles timeout


{getOrderDetails()} req.getSession(true).putValue("OrderDetails", OrderDetailsBean)

[session = <"OrderDetails", OrderDetailsBean>] "HTML for Order Details"



HTTP GET ... doGet(req, res) advantage 2: session req.getSession(false).getValue("OrderDetails") shared across OrderDetailsBean contexts {OrderDetailsJSP} "HTML for Order Details" problem: cache consistency! {repeat} October 28-29, 2003 | Sydney


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IBM Software Services for WebSphere

The "cache consistency" problem Application events can cause session state to be out of synch with respect to the enterprise data source Client Web Browser

Web Order Order problem 3: Application Status Details what happens Server Servlet Servlet in a clustered [session = configuration? [loc = OrderStatusServlet? <"OrderStatus", OrderStatusBean 1111>, customer=1111] <"OrderDetails", OrderDetailsBean 1000>] problem 2: HTTP POST OrderStatusBean OrderStatusServlet? is out of date action=add&cust=1111 doPost(req, res) HTTP REDIRECT {add new order for customer 1111} OrderDetailsServlet?order=1001 {browser intercepts} POST alternatives: HTTP GET must remove or reread OrderDetailsServlet?order=1001 doGet(req, res) req.getSession(false). problem 1: getValue("OrderDetails") OrderDetailBean does not match order desired OrderDetailsBean 1000 {OrderDetailsJSP} "HTML for Order Details 1000" GET alternatives: must check keys or cache multiple copies October 28-29, 2003 | Sydney


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IBM Software Services for WebSphere

The "cluster consistency" problem Application events in a clustered environment can cause the session state on different nodes to get out of synch Client Web Browser

Web Application Server 1

Web Application Server 2

HTTP GET OrderDetailsServlet?order=1000 {read details, set session and generate HTML} [session = <"OrderDetails", OrderDetailsData>] "HTML for Order Details 1000" HTTP POST problem: cache is OrderDetailsServlet?action=buy& out of synch order=1000&product=101&qty=1 {update order} [session = ???] HTTP REDIRECT OrderDetailsServlet?order=1000 {browser intercepts} cluster alternatives: turn on affinity, HTTP GET or share persistent sessions OrderDetailsServlet?order=1000 {get session and generate HTML} symptom: subsequent displays routed "HTML for Order Details 1000" to different nodes are inconsistent October 28-29, 2003 | Sydney


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IBM Software Services for WebSphere

Client-server affinity end-to-end flow Use client-server affinity to insure cache consistency where performance considerations are highest priority Client 1 Web Browser

Web Application Server 1

Web Application Server 2

HTTP GET OrderDetailsServlet?order=1000 {read details, set session and generate HTML} [session = <"OrderDetails", OrderDetailsData>] "HTML for Order Details 1000" HTTP POST advantage: sessions can be stored OrderDetailsServlet?action=buy& in memory for fastest access order=1000&product=101&qty=1 HTTP REDIRECT {update order} problem 1: clients sharing an ISP often appear like the "same" OrderDetailsServlet? [session = ???] order=1000 client, reducing load balancing {browser intercepts} effectiveness HTTP GET OrderDetailsServlet?order=1000 problem 2: does not {get session and generate HTML} support failure bypass "HTML for Order Details 1000" October 28-29, 2003 | Sydney


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Shared persistent session state end-to-end flow Persist sessions in a shared database when load balancing and failover requirements have highest priority Client Web Browser

advantage 2: full Web Web failover support is Application Application Server 1 Server 2 enabled HTTP GET get session OrderDetailsServlet?order=1000

Shared Session Database

null set session = <"OrderDetails", OrderDetailsData> [session = <"OrderDetails", "HTML for Order Details 1000" OrderDetailsData>] problem: what about data shared across users? HTTP POST OrderDetailsServlet?action=buy& remove session order=1000&product=101&qty=1 HTTP REDIRECT [session = ] OrderDetailsServlet?order=1000 {browser intercepts} advantage 1: cache is always HTTP GET synchronized across nodes get session OrderDetailsServlet?order=1000 tradeoff: cache consistency complexity and you end up reading database anyway

"HTML for Order Details 1000" October 28-29, 2003 | Sydney


null © 2003 IBM Corporation

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IBM Software Services for WebSphere

ServletContext end-to-end flow Consider caching data common to all users in Servlet Context to minimize enterprise access and session size Client Web Browser

Web Application Server

HTTP GET ProductCatalogServlet?start=101

Product Catalog Servlet

doGet(req, res) getServletContext().getAttribute("ProductCatalog") advantage: handles null failure problem 2: have to check for null and load everywhere {getProductCatalog()} getServletContext().setAttribute("ProductCatalog", ProductCatalogData) [context = <"ProductCatalog", ProductCatalogData>] "HTML for Products 101..."



doGet(req, res) HTTP GET... start=1851 getServletContext().getAttribute("ProductCatalog") problem 1: servlet context productCatalogData is not sharable in a cluster! {ProductCatalogJSP} "HTML for Products 1851..."

October 28-29, 2003 | Sydney


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HttpServlet init() end-to-end flow Use the HttpServlet init() method to preload stable readonly data into ServletContext cache and servlet instance variables Client Web Browser

Web Application Server

HTTP GET ProductCatalogServlet?start=101

Product Catalog Servlet

advantage 1: data stability eliminates {only first call invokes init} advantage 2: other need for affinity init() HttpServlet instances (same or different getServletContext().getAttribute("ProductCatalog") classes) will find data null {getProductCatalog()} getServletContext().setAttribute("ProductCatalog", ProductCatalogData) [context = <"ProductCatalog", ProductCatalogData>] advantage 3: doGet & doPost is guaranteed to doGet(req, res) have cache loaded {ProductCatalogJSP} "HTML for Product Catalog" problem: caching logic (either in session or context) {...} adds a lot of complexity to web application flow October 28-29, 2003 | Sydney


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Advanced HttpServlet design summary 1. Design JSPs so that they can be composed with include 2. Capture common look-and-feel in inherited HttpServlets rather than "gateway" servlets 3. Let superclass servlet decide whether to call JSP or generate XML for return to XSLT enabled browsers 4. HttpSession should only maintain easily recomputable values to avoid timeout problem 5. Check keys & remove session to avoid cache consistency problems 6. Use client-server affinity or persistent sessions to avoid cluster consistency problem 7. ServletContext should only cache stable readonly data 8. init method on HttpServlet can be used to load cache October 28-29, 2003 | Sydney


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