Wb February 23rd 2009

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The Christ’s Chronicle Week beginning February 23rd 2009

Year 11 Revision Sessions Year 11 have had timetabled revision sessions after school all this week. I hope that they found it useful and I am grateful for the staff that arranged and delivered it. I hope that it has provided a focus for the final 12 weeks before the exams. I hope too that the Revision Session on Wednesday evening was useful for parents.

Year 11 Competitive Mentoring A group of year 11 students are embarking on a Competitive Mentoring scheme over the next 6 weeks. The idea is to encourage a better attitude than previously with subject teachers being asked to assess each student on that basis. I wish them luck.

Staff MA Programme A group of staff have begun an MA programme this week after school. This is an example of the extended learning taking place at all levels to enhance the learning of our young people and their experience in school.

Year 9 Options Evening Year 9 Options Evening was held on Wednesday night; I hope that Year 9 are getting the guidance and support that they need to make informed and relevant choice for their study in years 10 & 11.

Tracking Reports Termly tracking reports have been compiled this week for reporting to parents the progress being made by students in all of their subjects against their targets. This data will be used as the basis for discussion on the Academic Tutorial Day on March 12th to which parents are invited to attend. Times for meeting will be arranged by your daughter/son's form tutor. A special assembly presentation took place for years 8 & 10 on Tuesday highlighting the consequences of smoking. The presentation was made by Professor Hutchison from a leading London University. Every Monday there is a student bulletin shown to them during tutor time about the events of the week together with reminders.

Sports Update Year 7 Football match v HCC on Tuesday was drawn 1-1. Years 7, 8 & 9 girls had rugby training on Monday with a coach from Harlequins RFC. Netball results v Orleans Park: unfortunately all four teams lost but put up gallant displays! Year 7/8 rugby training took place on Thursday evening. The annual Indoor rowing competition took place on Friday – results to follow.

Staff Appointments in PACE & Science We had interviews for vacancies in Mathematics, Science and PACE this week. Unfortunately we were unable to appoint a Mathematician, but have appointed four very strong staff; two for Science and two for PACE. Mr Pollard arranged Year 8 target group meeting with parents and mentors on Tuesday in an attempt to support and encourage them with their learning. Thank you to those parents who attended and who support this initiative.

Virtual Learning Begins Year 11 received their logins this week for our Virtual Learning Environment.

Outstanding C5s There are some students with outstanding C5s. I would be grateful if parents would check diaries regularly to see whether C5 sanctions have been given. Please ensure also that diaries are in good condition, graffiti free, contain homework details and signed weekly. In addition we have a small number of students whose uniform is not acceptable, please ensure that they leave home dressed appropriately. Thank you for your support.

Student Equipment Some students are not as organised as others in terms of being in possession of the correct equipment. Please check what your son/daughter has in terms of equipment against what is expected. Ms McGrail does run a stationary club which can help with re-stocking the right equipment. She can be contacted on [email protected] Many thanks.

Year 8 Tutor Change Ms Medway has taken over as tutor of 8E from Ms Andrews who will be assisting students improve their literacy skills during registration.

Next Week's Monitoring Monitoring week next week will focus on Homework.

Dramatic Edge Performance Some Year 8 students took part in the Richmond "Dramatic Edge" Performance at the Queen Charlotte Hall in Richmond on Thursday evening. Thanks to Ms Medway and Mrs Blair.

Have a good weekend.

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