Watir Presentation - Sumanth Krishna. A

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  • Words: 967
  • Pages: 27
Web Application Test In Ruby

Sumanth Krishna. A www.sumanthkrishna.com

Agenda Introducing the topic Discussion on Testing frameworks/tools and

it’s necessity Ruby Installations Architecture Testcases Scope




webserver FireWatir


WATIR goto html web-applications


tests Assertions get_string



DOM opensource


click hudson SVN COM open-source IE gems open-QA ruby regression loadrunner mercury automatio deployment browers tools


html DOM



Prerequisites Can you believe you really don’t need any

special skills to implement this!

What is WATIR? open-source functional testing tool for web-

applications Simulate the user actions (filling/submitting forms…) Drives Internet Explorer browser FireWatir – for FireFox

Ruby based Various assertions (content-based) Connects to databases Reading data files Exporting data (xml/html/excel…)

Why use WATIR? Free Powerful Simple (easy to use and learn) Excellent Support Strongest Presence

Watir/Watin/Watij [Web Application Testing In

Ruby/.NET/Java ]

 Huge resource of supporting tools –

Firewatir, Watir Recorder ++, Wet, Cubictest,

Visual Studio

Is not? Watir is not a record/playback tool.  However, there are several recorders “out

there”  WatirMaker  Watir WebRecorder  Webmetrics RIA Script Recorder (most recent

discussion…they are considering open sourcing their application)

Watir is not a link checker  However, you can easily write your own link

checker and customize it to your specific needs. Watir is not a test case management tool.  However, you can write one in Ruby if

IE-WATIR Use the OLE/COM Automation interface to Internet Explorer

Web Application



Automation Interface


FF-FireWATIR Web Application




Automation Interface


Browser Support



Apple Events

V8 Debugger


Watir API Component 1

Component 2

Component 3

Test Script

Component 4

Installing: Windows  Install Ruby: Use the Ruby one-click installer for windows  Install the latest gem watir (ruby packages are called gems)

gem install watir And you find the following gems installing…  Successfully installed xml-simple-1.0.11  Successfully installed s4t-utils-1.0.4  Successfully installed builder-2.1.2  Successfully installed user-choices-1.1.6  Successfully installed commonwatir-1.6.2  Successfully installed firewatir-1.6.2 (to support Firefox)  Successfully installed watir-1.6.2  Successfully installed win32-api-1.3.0-x86-mswin32-60  Successfully installed windows-api-0.3.0  Successfully installed rubyforge-1.0.2  10 gems installed  Installation done… let’s move ahead

What Next? Since we are here to test the web-

application Navigate the browser? Find elements on the page? Interact with elements on the page? Check output on the page? Create and use Methods? Create formal test cases?

Step by Step Navigate to the browser #Always Load the Watir library at the top of

your script require ‘watir’

Start IE and navigate to a given/different

URL IE = Watir::IE.start(‘http://www.qvnatel.com’) IE.goto(“http://free-

opensource.qvantel.net/mediawiki//index.php /Main_Page ”) IE.close

Finding Elements TextBox

IE.text_field(how, what)


IE.button(how, what)


IE.select_list(how, what)


IE.checkbox(how, what)


IE.radio(how, what)


IE.link(how, what)


IE.form(how, what)


IE.frame(how, what)

And many, many more (div, label, image, etc…)…

Interacting with Elements #Set the text field (or text area) specified

name specified value. ie.text_field(:name,'name').set('value')

#Sets the select with to the specified value ie.select_list(:name,'name').select('value')

#Click the button with the specified value

(label) ie.button(:value,'value').click

#Clicks the link matching 'text' ie.link(:text,'text').click

#Accessing elements in a "frame" or

Closer view

browser.button(:value, "Click Me").click

[Variable] . [method] (: [element] , “ [unique identifier]” . [method]

Checking Output #Get the title of the page ie.title #Get all the text displayed on the page ie.text #Get all the HTML in the body of the page ie.html #Return true if ‘text’ is displayed on the page ie.contains_text('text')

Ruby advantage Since WATIR is ruby based web application

testing framework, we can customize the script according to our needs. Taking Ruby’s Object Oriented concepts, create more dynamic/customized scripts Use classes & methods effectively Access even the database to validate the data

Test::Unit Assertions

Methods  #Here is an example method for logging into a web

application. Its two parameters are a user and password (both of which have defaults). It returns an instance of IE def login(user=“test_admin”,password = “Password123”) ie=Watir::IE.start(‘http://someURL.com/login’) ie.text_field(:name,/user/i).set(user) ie.text_field(:name,/password/i).set(password) ie.button(:value,/login/i).click return ie end

 #Now we can easily login with the default user..  ie = login  #or with a unique user  ie = login(“Fred”,”flinstone”)

Full Fledge Test Case require 'test/unit' #includes Ruby's test case functionality  require ‘util’ #Assuming our login method is saved in util.rb 

#Test cases are contained within classes which extend Ruby’s base test case class class MyTest < Test::Unit::TestCase def setup #Optional, will be run before each test method. @ie = login() #call our login function. end 

def test_some_link #Test methods must begin with "test_“ @ie.link(:text,”some_link”).click #click on some link #verify that the proper page loaded assert(@ie.contains_text(“My Some Link Page”)) end def teardown #Optional, will be run after each test method. @ie.close end end

Installing: Ubuntu  Install Ruby:

sudo apt-get install ruby  Install the latest gem firewatir (ruby packages are called gems)

sudo gem install firewatir And you find the following gems installing…  Successfully installed xml-simple-1.0.11  Successfully installed s4t-utils-1.0.4  Successfully installed builder-2.1.2  Successfully installed user-choices-1.1.6  Successfully installed commonwatir-1.6.2  Successfully installed firewatir-1.6.2  Successfully installed rubyforge-1.0.2  7 gems installed (3gems to support IE/Windows environment are not installed)

 Installation done… let’s move ahead

Tweaks/Tips While working on Linux platform need to

specify require “rubygems” at the top of test case

ff = FireWatir::Firefox.new Start firefox in jssh mode For Windows:  Close instances of firefox (if any)  Type “firefox.exe –p –jssh” in the “Run”

ie = Watir::IE.new

Scope Using Watir for all web applications Integrate it with Automation/Building


 Watir


Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Watir Watir main site: http://wiki.openqa.org/display/WTR/ Watir user guide: wtr.rubyforge.org/watir_user_guide.html Watir API: wtr.rubyforge.org/rdoc/index.html Mailing List: rubyforge.org/mailman/listinfo/wtr-general Project site: http://wiki.openqa.org/display/WTR/ User Contributions/examples: http://wiki.openqa.org/display/WTR/Contributions Watir FAQ: http://wiki.openqa.org/display/WTR/FAQ  Watir Recorder

http://www.hanselman.com/blog/IntroducingWatirMakerRecordingForRubybasedW http://www.hanselman.com/blog/NewReleaseOfWatirMakerNowWatirRecorder. aspx  FireWatir

Source: http://code.google.com/p/firewatir/wiki/Firewatir  Ruby

Ruby site: http://ruby-lang.org Ruby docs: http://ruby-doc.org/ Ruby Quickstart: ruby-lang.org/en/documentation/quickstart/

Thanks [email protected] www.sumanthkrishna.com

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