Ruby on Rails : Course Content Prerequisites for the RoR Course: The course is structured keeping in view of less experienced/freshers in the industry. So considereable time is given for all introductory topics. However, having knowledge/experience is an added advantage: 1. Exposure to any of the programming languages (c,c++,c#,java...)/Scripting languages(perl, php, smalltalk...). 2. Overview on how web application works. 3. Understanding of the necessity of Data models, Configuration Management. 4. Necessary tools/IDE's (Eclipse IDE, notepad...) 5. Good Analyzing skills
COURSE CONTENT Introduction •
What is Ruby?
What is it used for?
Where do I get and install Ruby?
Core facilities, built-in library and standard library.
Basic concepts - object orientation, regular expressions, arrays, hashes, etc.
Basic Ruby Language Elements •
Structure of statements and comments.
Variables and constants.
Operators. Assignments, calculations, etc. Integer, float and string formats.
Single and double quotes, here documents, general strings.
Control Structures
Prepared By: Sumanth Krishna. A
Ruby on Rails : Course Content •
Blocks and the if statement.
Writing conditions.
Comparative, boolean and range operators.
Conditionals - if, unless, case, etc. Loops - while, for in, until, etc. break, next, retry and redo. defined? and ternary operators.
Object Orientation: Individual Objects •
History - unstructured and structured code. Introduction to object oriented programming.
Classes and methods.
Static and nonstatic.
Instances, constructors and destructors.
Accessing members of a class.
Loading and using classes.
Direct access to variables.
Encouraging class use.
Classes and Objects •
Objects, classes and methods.
Constructors and attributes.
Instance and class variables.
Local and global variables.
Class and object methods.
Prepared By: Sumanth Krishna. A
Ruby on Rails : Course Content •
Including files - load and require.
Collections (Arrays and Hashes) in Ruby •
What is a collection?
Arrays and hashes.
Constructing an array.
Nesting arrays. Hash keys, iterators, etc.
More Classes and Objects •
Public, private and protected visibility.
Singletons and defs.
Inheritance mixins, and super.
Destructors and garbage collection.
Namespaces and modules.
Calling methods with code blocks.
Looking inside objects - reflection.
Strings and Regular Expressions •
Anchors, literals, character groups and counts.
Matching in Ruby.
Modifiers i, o, x and m. Prepared By: Sumanth Krishna. A
Ruby on Rails : Course Content •
Pattern matching variables.
Special Variables and Pseudo-Variables •
ARGV, $0 and friends - the command line.
Other special variables from $: through $$ to $<.
Environment variables.
Reserved words in Ruby.
Exceptions. •
begin and end (and a mention of BEGIN and END).
Raise and rescue.
Throw and catch.
Ruby on the Web •
CGI and the Ruby Apache Module.
Using cgi.rb; URL decoding, forms, sessions, cookies, etc.
Embedding Ruby in HTML - the <% <%= and <%# tags.
Ruby GUIs, XML, MySQL Database Connectivity •
Using Ruby/DBI to connect to MySQL, Oracle, etc.
Prepared By: Sumanth Krishna. A
Ruby on Rails : Course Content • • •
What is MVC Architecture? Importance of it? How it helps?
WebApplications • •
What are WebApplications? Essentials of WebApplications?
SDLC (Software Development Life Cycle)
Database Architecture
Configuration Management (concept & tools)
Application/Web Servers
Rails Framework •
What is Ruby on Rails?
MVC (Model, view, controller) design principles.
Rails structures o WEBrick servers, o URLs and embedded code. o Directory structure. o Database connections.
Creating the application o the database and tables.
Prepared By: Sumanth Krishna. A
Ruby on Rails : Course Content •
First application through Scaffolds.
Validation and customising the display.
Adding a new controller.
• •
Adding viewers and layouts. Active Records.
Emailing and logging from within Rails.
Ajax •
What is AJAX?
Ajax on Rails • • • • • •
How to implement AJAX on Rails framework? What is Protoype? What is Scriptaculous? Ajax Effects. Rich UI experience. Visual Effects.
Prepared By: Sumanth Krishna. A