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May 30, 2007 /~ssistant
Secretary .1uJie IvlYeTS US fmmigration and Customs Enfow.;;rnt:nt
425 I Screel N, VV. Room J WO Waf.hing.l{iH, DC 20536
! m-H l'."ntmg thiH \::Hcr to n.'qu(;st P
CstahE:;,h :],n Idetttiilcation SCf;;;';;oning Oftkcr pm.ilion in tlie \N3.shingt()f\ CD1.l11ty Ai};.:;; Dctcntkm Facility. This i;:o the b)lding li¥~i!ity iOl all arwSi.cd fekn-;s i,n \VasI:ingion COlmty. "rn~tn four (4} Sheriff's D~pUlict~ v.~ith ;lln~nirrnHl1 nC iv't'{) yeaT~:; expl.:rlt..~n{:~:.: v~··h(:· havt: passed ;{; depnti(:s It) the Adu\~ Detention Facility.
This prOttnm, will a~low the \Vashingwn County She:lffs Office ti,\ .;Uler :n:,o ;\lemor.Jl1(tu;)ol t,,:n{,k'l"$i;mding that will enable U!:i to participate with ICF itl idt1nrif'vin~ cri:ninal ;!kg;1I alfcl1;;; ,,,,ho r,;,,,y pus:: Ll ri!ik to tJ}{; citiZi:n~\ (Jf\Vashing(cn ('"unc.y. 1 k~,.\: fc:.}'\.vard 10 i',(~,::;rir,g ;1 l'(:;sj1on",; 10 thiS requesl dnd Tfl(wing 1(.'J' ward with tbb ;;11d;,;u\ ()i'
'Tim Helder
\I'/:wilingtof\ C()l.m~y Sheri ff