Wagoner 10.9

  • June 2020
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Ms. Wagoner’s Peek at the Week October 2009 Monday





12 Day 1 – Music





Day 2 – Media

Human Machine Project Research

Human Machine Project Research




Professional Development

Educator Conference

Educator Conference

5th Grade Fundraiser Begins

Star of the Week: Katie

MIS AMIGOS Are you interested in helping to foster interpersonal skills in children of all ages? Would you like to build self- confidence, leadership and respect in our students? Then consider helping us lead cross age groups called "Mis Amigos" once a month. Call Marie Andrews at 651 426 2214 or [email protected] or Sarah Hesseltine at 651 246 0222 or [email protected]. We would love your participation!

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10/12 – 5th Grade Fundraiser begins 10/14 – No School (Prof. Development) 10/15 – No School (MEA) 10/16 – No School (MEA) 10/30 – 5th Grade Fundraiser ends 11/02 – Camp payment due $90 11/09 – No School 11/12 – Camp St. Croix 11/13 – Camp St. Croix

CLASS WEBSITE: We have set up a website for all the 5th grade classes this year. Please check it out!


CAMP We have several students who have not brought back their camp forms. Please return the permission slip for camp as soon as possible. Our scratch off fundraiser cards have arrived! If students plan on participating in this fundraiser to earn money for their camp trip, they must bring in a $10 check made out to Parkview/Centerpoint to get their fundraising envelope.

CLASS NEWS October 9 – October 16 WHAT HAVE WE BEEN UP TO? This week we continued Unit 1 in math. We worked on word problems that involved grouping situations and using parentheses. We also worked three way combination problems. We are working hard to remember to show our work and label our answers when solving word problems. Please continue practicing math facts at home to help students stay fluent with computation. We continued working with our IB Planner, titled The Human Machine. This week we focused our inquiry on the skeletal system, the muscular system, and the nervous system. We counted the number of bones in our bodies and learned how important our joints are. Some students tried to complete daily tasks without the use of their thumb joints. We also learned about muscles and their role in our bodies. Students also learned about the brain. Next week, we will start researching for our summative assessment for this IB Planner. In spelling we focused on words with the long o sound. Please remember that all of our spelling work is done at school, but we encourage students to study and practice at home. A great website for practice and games with our spelling words is www.spellingcity.com. We also reviewed what makes a complete paragraph and wrote a paragraph on a topic from our IB Unit on the Human Machine. Dr. Moore, our school psychologist, also visited our classroom again and talked about bullying. She will be back once a week until Thanksgiving break to discuss bullying and friendships.

IB Planner – The Human Machine – Bones

IB Planner Summative Assessment Students will be creating a project to share information about one of the systems we have studied during our work with the Human Machine. They will be presenting this project to the class, giving an explanation of the project and the system they studied. They may choose to work alone or with a partner. We will spend at least two days in class researching and preparing for the projects. Students may have to spend some time at home working on the project. Projects are due and presentations will be given on Tuesday, October 20. The guidelines are posted on our class website under the homework tab.

SPELLING IB Planner – The Human Machine - Joints

FALL FUN We are looking forward to our Fall Fun Celebrations. Teams are working together to create a fun, safe and respectful celebration in their rooms that will include fall themes. Please save your Halloween costumes for Saturday Oct. 31. Costumes should not be brought to school.

There will be no spelling list next week because we have a short week!


Sarah Wagoner Room 114 (651) 407-7600 x1610 [email protected]

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