Vlsi Jagriti (vlsi Design Solutions And Industrial Project Training - Jbtech India)

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  • Words: 4,430
  • Pages: 6
JAN 2009 VOL 1.2

VLSI JAGRITI A A M M B N D m A AM Mooonnnttthhhlllyyy M Maaagggaaazzziiinnneeefffrrrooom BTTTeeeccchhhIIIN ND DIIIA mJJJB A

IIN NSSPPIIR REE A ASSPPIIR REE “Excuses are the nails used to build a house of failure” “Sometimes when you love someone very much you have to go through every tear, every heartache and every pain in the end it’s not how you love but how much you hold on” “Tolerance is the only real test of civilization”

Tech Byte VLSI Physical design Introduction The size of present-day computing systems demands the elimination of repetitive manual operations and computations in their design. This motivates the development of automatic design systems. To accomplish this task, a fundamental understanding of the design problem and full knowledge of the design process are essential. Only then could one hope to efficiently and automatically fill the gap between system specification and manufacturing. Automation of a given (design) process requires an algorithmic analysis of it. The availability of fast and easily implementable algorithms is essential to the discipline. In order to take full advantage of the resources in the very-large-scale integration (VLSI) environment, new procedures must be developed. The efficiency of these techniques must be evaluated against the inherent limitations of VLSI. Previous contributions are a valuable starting point for future improvements in design performance and evaluation. Physical design (or layout phase) is the process of determining the physical location of active devices and interconnecting them inside the boundary of a VLSI chip (i .e. an integrated circuit). This issue focuses on the layout problem that plays an important role in the design process of current architectures. The measure of the quality of a given solution to the circuit layout problem is the efficiency with which the circuit (corresponding to a given problem) can be laid out according to the formal (design) rules dictated by the VLSI technology. Since the cost of fabricating a circuit is a function of the circuit area, circuit layout techniques aim to produce layouts with a small area. Also, a smaller area implies fewer defects, hence a higher yield. These layouts must have a special structure to guarantee their wirability (using a small number of planes in the third dimension). Other criteria of optimality, for example, wire length minimization, delay minimization, power minimization, and via minimization also have to be taken into consideration. In present-day systems, delay minimization is becoming more crucial. The aim is to design circuits that are fast while having small area. Indeed, in "aggressive" designs, used for example in the medical electronics industry, speed and reliability are the main objectives.

In the past two decades, research has been directed toward automation of layout process. Many invaluable techniques have been proposed. The early layout techniques, designed for printed circuit boards containing a small number of components, assumed a fixed position for the components. The earliest work along this line is a wiring algorithm based on the propagation of "distance wave." Its simplicity and effectiveness have been the reasons for its success. As the number of components increased and with the advent of VLSI technology, efficient algorithms for placing the components and effective techniques for component (or cell) generation and wiring have been proposed. Because of the inherent complexity of the layout problem, it is generally partitioned into simpler sub problems, with the analysis of each of these parts providing new insights into the original problem as a whole. In this framework, the objective is to view the layout problem as a collection of sub problems; each sub problem should be efficiently solved, and the solutions of the sub problems should be effectively combined. Indeed, a circuit is typically designed in a hierarchical fashion. At the highest level of hierarchy, a set of ICs are interconnected. Within each IC, a set of modules, for example, memory units, ALUs, input-output ports, and random logic, are arranged. Each module consists of a set of gates, where each gate is formed by interconnecting a collection of transistors. Transistors and their interconnections are defined by the corresponding masks. Here first we will give a brief overview of VLSI Technology layout rules, cell generation techniques, followed by layout environments, layout methodologies and VLSI Packaging issues

VLSI Technology The most prevalent VSLI technology is metal-oxide-semiconductor (MOS) technology .The three possibilities of functional cells (or sub circuits) are p-channel MOS (PMOS), n-channel MOS (NMOS), and complementary MOS (CMOS) devices. PMOS and NMOS are not used anymore. CMOS offers very high regularity and often achieves much lower power dissipation than other MOS circuits. Although this is an overview of MOS technology, most concepts developed in this book are to a large extent technology-independent. CMOS is likely to be current for some time, as it satisfies VLSI system requirements

Conductor SiO2

4 2






Mask 6 defines contact cuts Mask 7 defines the metal layer pattern. Mask 8 is an overall passivation layer that is required to define the openings for access to bonding pads

Layout Rules and Circuit Abstraction

Vertical Section







Top View

4 3 2

9 9 9


Fig 1 : Geometry of an NMOS switch . VLSI technology offers the user a new and more complex range of "off the shelf' circuits (i .e. predesigned circuits), but MOS VLSI design processes are such that system designers can readily design their own special circuits of considerable complexity. This provides a new degree of freedom for designers. The geometry of an NMOS switch is shown in Figure 1. On a silicon substrate (1) of the p-type (i .e., doped with 3-valent atoms)-where positive carriers (holes) are available-two strips (2) and (3), separated by a narrow region (4), are heavily doped with 5-valent atoms . This modified material is called diffusion, with reference to the doping process. The two regions (2) and (3) are respectively called the source and drain, and region (4) is called the channel. Over the channel, a thin layer of silicon dioxide, SiO2, is created, and a conductor plate is placed on top of it . The latter, called the gate, is typically realized in polysilicon Photolithography is used to pattern the layers of an integrated circuit .Photoresist (PR) is placed on the wafer surface and the wafer is spun at high speed to leave a very thin coating of PR. PR is a photosensitive chemical used with a mask to define areas of wafer surface by exposure to ultraviolet ` light . The mask consists of opaque and transparent materials patterned to define areas on the wafer surface. It is the pattern of each mask that an engineer designs MOS design is aimed at turning a specification into masks for processing silicon. Typical NMOS circuits are formed on three layers, diffusion, polysilicon and metal, that are isolated from one another by thick or thin silicon dioxide insulating layers. The thin oxide (thinox) region includes n-diffusion, p-diffusion, and transistor channels. Polysilicon and thinox regions interact so that a transistor is formed where they "cross" one another. Layers may be deliberately joined together where contacts, also called vias, are formed for electrical connection Typical processing steps are: 9 Mask 1 defines the areas in which the deep p-well diffusions are to take place (similar to region 1 in Figure 1) on an n-type substrate 9 Mask 2 defines the thinox (or diffusion) regions, namely, those areas where the thick oxide is to be stripped and thin oxide grown to accommodate p and n-transistors and wires (similar to regions 2-4 in Figure 1). 9 Mask 3 is used to pattern the polysilicon layer that is deposited after the thin oxide. 9 Mask 4 is a p-plus mask used to define all areas where pdiffusion is to take place. 9 Mask 5 is usually performed using the negative form of the p-plus mask and defines those areas where n-type diffusion is to take place.

A circuit is laid out according to a set of layout rules (or geometric design rules). The layout rules, being in the form of minimum allowable values for certain widths, separations, and overlaps, reflect the constraints imposed by the current technology. These values are expressed as a function of a parameter), that depends on the technology. The parameter x is approximately the maximum amount of accidental displacement. (In the early 1980s, x was about 3 microns; in the early 1990s, submicron fabrication became feasible and now we are at deep sub micron.) In realizing the interconnections, the following set of rules is adopted. Assume that layers L1, . . . , L„ are available, ordered from 1 to v, so that Li is below Li+1 . L1 is typically polysilicon and L2. L„ are metal. (There is a diffusion layer below L1; however, it is not used for interconnection) R1. Wire width: Each wire in layer L, (1 < i < v) has a minimum width w i), (see Figure 2a). Due to possible displacement x for each edge of a wire in layer L1, wl > 2. In this case, even if an edge of the wire displaces by x, the width of the wire remains nonzero. Also since a wire in layer Li runs over more wires than a wire in layer Li_1 (i .e ., in upper layers the surface becomes less smooth), wi > w i _1 R2. Wire separation: Two wires in layer Li have a minimum separation of six (see Figure 2b). Normally sl = 3 since there is a possible displacement of x for each wire, and after possible displacement the two wires must be separated by x units to avoid cross-talk. Also si > si_ 1 .

ajλ w iλ



ejλ (c)

(b) Fig 2 : Layout Rules

λui λs+λe


λe (a)


Fig 3 : Abstract Model (a) Mask Layout (b) abstract layout

R3. Contact rule: To connect two wires in layers Li and Lj (i < j) a contact (via) must be established. The two wires must overlap for ej λ x ej λ, units and the contact cut must be ajλ x ajλ units (see Figure 2) . Typically ei > ei_1 and ai > ai_t. To facilitate the analysis of the layout problem, assume for every pair of layers: (Al) wiλ = wvλ = λw, (A2) siλ. = svλ =λs for 1 < i < v, (A3) ejλ=ekλ,=λe and ajλ. = akλ = λa . Thus, in an abstract model, the wires are viewed as segments (i .e, they have zero width) on the plane with λs + λe separation between two wires, as shown in Figure 3. Actually, in the situation shown in the figure, the separation is λs + (λs + λe)/2 between two wires . However, to make all separations uniform (for simplicity), it is assumed that all separations are caused by vias, and thus λs+λe is used as the corresponding separation. When the number of layers is small (e.g. v = 3) the wasted area, due to assumptions A1A3, is negligible. A layout conforming with the given set of design rules is called a legal layout. The chip area, which must be minimized, is the smallest rectangle (IC packages are rectangular in shape) enclosing a legal layout of the circuit. In order to simplify design rule checking, consider a grid environment. A circuit, represented by a circuit graph (to be defined), will be mapped into or placed in a grid. A formal definition of a grid follows. A plane figure is called a tile if the plane can be covered by copies of the figure without gaps and overlaps (the covering is then called a tessellation) . A square tessellation is one whose tiles are squares. The dual of the tessellation is called a (square) grid-graph. The vertices (grid points) of the grid-graph are the centers of the tiles, and edges join grid points. belonging to neighboring tiles . The separation between two adjacent columns or two adjacent rows is 1 unit, that is, λs+λe (see Figure 4). When a grid-graph is placed on the plane (a graph is a topology), we call it a grid.

A wiring of a given two-dimensional layout (e .g., the 2D layout shown in Figure 5) is a mapping of each edge of wires to a conducting layer, where a wire is a tree interconnecting terminals of a net . A via is established between layers Lh and Lk (h < k) at a grid point, then layers Lj , h < j < k, cannot be used at that grid point . A layout W is v-layer wirable if there exists a v-layer wiring of W. The terms routing, interconnection, and layout refer to a two-dimensional problem, and the terms wiring and layerassignment refer to the mapping of the two-dimensional entities to the third dimension.

Fig 5 : An example of grid layout

Cell Generation In VLSI design, a logic function is implemented by means of a

Vertex circuit consisting of one or more basic cells, such as NAND or



A tile

Fig 4 : A square grid graph A circuit C = {M, .N} consists of a collection M = {M1…. M„,} of modules-each module being a collection of active devices-and a set N = {Nl, . . . , N„} of nets . Each net specifies a subset of points on the boundary of the modules to be interconnected. A circuit graph GC is a hypergraph associated with C, where vertices correspond to the modules and hyperedges correspond to the nets. In certain problems, it is more convenient to deal with a circuit graph than with the circuit. A solution to the grid layout problem consists of embedding each module M, (1 < i < m) of the circuit on the grid using a finite collection T of tiles and interconnecting the terminals of each net by means of wires in the region outside the modules . An example is shown in Fig 5 A conducting layer is a graph isomorphic to the layout grid . Assume that layers L 1 , . . ., L„ are available, ordered from 1 to v, so that Li-1 is below Li . Contacts (vias) between two distinct layers can be established only at grid points.

NOR gates. The set of cells form a library that can be used in the design phase. Basic cells have a smaller size and better performance, for they have been optimized through experience. Thus, employing predesigned basic cells decreases design time and produces structured designs. In CMOS circuits, it is possible to implement complex Boolean functions by interconnecting NMOS and PMOS transistors. Cell generation techniques are classified as random generation or regular style. A random generation technique is obtained by placing the basic components and interconnecting them. That is, there is no regular connection pattern. It is difficult to create a library of such cells because of their complexity. Thus, they must be designed from scratch. In contrast, the interconnection in a regular style technique admits a pattern. Compared to the regular cells (e .g., PLAs, ROMs, and RAMs), random logic cells occupy less silicon area, but take longer design time . Regular cells can be used to easily implement a set of Boolean expressions. The disadvantage of a regular cell, for example, a ROM-based cell, is that it takes a lot of area, for it uses many redundant transistors. Clearly, reducing the space required is important in designing functional cells. Several systematic layout methods to minimize the total area, for example, gate matrices and transistor chaining techniques, have been introduced

Programmable Logic Arrays A programmable logic array (PLA) provides a regular structure for implementing combinational and sequential logic functions. A PLA may be used to take inputs and compute some combinational function of these inputs to yield outputs. Additionally some of the outputs may be fed back to the inputs through some flip flops, thus forming a finite-state machine. Boolean functions can be converted into a two-level sum-of-product form and then be implemented by a PLA. A PLA consists of an AND-plane and an OR-plane. For every input variable in the Boolean equations, there is an input signal to the AND-plane. The AND-plane produces a set of product terms by performing AND operations. The OR Plane generates output signals by performing

The OR-plane generates output signals by performing an OR operation on the product terms fed by the AND-plane. Reducing either the number of rows or the number of columns results in a more compact PLA. Two techniques have been developed, logic minimization for reducing the number of rows and PLA folding for reducing the number of columns. Using the technique, the number of product terms can be reduced while still realizing the same set of Boolean functions. Folding greatly reduces the area and is performed as a post-processing step.

Layout Environments A circuit layout problem, involves a collection of cells (or modules). These modules could be very simple elements (e.g. ., a transistor or a gate) or may contain more complicated structures (e .g. a multiplier) Layout architecture refers to the way devices are organized in the chip area Different layout architectures achieve different trade-offs among speed, packaging density, fabrication time, cost, and degree of automation. The fabrication technology for these layout architectures are generally identical. The design rules are also independent of the layout architectures. The main difference lies in design production. There are three styles of design production: full custom, semicustom, and universal. In fullcustom,, a designer designs all circuitry and all interconnection paths, whereas in semicustom, a library of predesigned cells is available . In universal circuitry, the design is more or less fixed and the designer programs the interconnections. Examples of universal circuitry are PLAs and FPGAs (to be described next) . The designer chooses the appropriate ones and places them in the chip. In full custom designs there are no restrictions imposed on the organization of the cells. Thus it is time-consuming to design them, and it is difficult to automate them. However, area utilization is very good. In semicustom design, there are restrictions imposed on the organization of the cells (e .g. row-wise or grid wise arrangements) . These circuits can be designed faster and are easier to automate, but area efficiency is sacrificed. Universal circuitries rely on programmable memory devices for cell functions and interconnections

Layout Methodologies The layout problem is typically solved in a hierarchical framework .Each stage should be optimized, while making the problem manageable for subsequent stages. Typically, the following sub problems are considered (Figures 6 shows each step) •

Fig 6: An example demonstrating hierarchical steps in the layout process Partitioning is the task of dividing a circuit into smaller parts. The objective is to partition the circuit into parts, so that the size of each component is within prescribed ranges and the number of connections between the components is minimized. Different ways to partition correspond to different circuit implementations. Therefore, a good partitioning can significantly improve circuit performance and reduce layout costs. A hypergraph and a partition of it is shown in Figure 6a. The cut (or general cuts) defines the partition. Floor planning is the determination of the approximate location of each module in a rectangular chip area, given a circuit represented by a hypergraph-the shape of each module and the location of the pins on the boundary of each module may also be determined in this phase. The floor planning problem in chip layout is analogous to floor planning in building design, where we have a set of rooms (modules) and wish to decide the approximate location of each room based on some proximity criteria. An important step in floor planning is to decide the relative location of each module. A good floor planning algorithm should achieve many goals, such as making the subsequent routing phase easy, minimizing the total chip area, and reducing signal delays. The floor plan corresponding to the circuit shown in Figure 6 a is shown in Figure 6 b. Typically, each module has a set of implementations, each of which has a different area, aspect ratio, delay, and power consumption, and the best implementation for each module should be obtained Placement, when each module is fixed, that is, has fixed shape and fixed terminals, is the determination of the best position for each module. Usually, some modules have fixed positions (e .g., 1/O pads) . Although area is the major concern, it is hard to control it. Thus, alternative cost functions are employed. There are two prevalent cost functions: wire-length-based and cutbased. The placement corresponding to the circuit shown in Figure 6a is shown in Figure 6c, where each module has a fixed shape and area Global routing decomposes a large routing problem into small, manageable problems for detailed routing. The method first partitions the routing region into a collection of disjoint rectilinear subregions. This decomposition is carried out by finding a "rough" path (i .e., sequence of "subregions" it passes) for each net in order to reduce the chip size, shorten the wire length, and evenly distribute the congestion over the routing area . A global routing based on the placement shown in Figure 6c is shown in Figure 6d Detailed routing follows the global routing to effectively realize interconnections in VLSI circuits. The traditional model of detailed routing is the two-layer Manhattan model with reserved layers, where horizontal wires are routed on one layer and vertical wires are routed in the

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Other layer. For integrated circuits, the horizontal segments are typically realized in metal while the vertical segments are realized in poly silicon. In order to interconnect a horizontal and vertical segment, a contact (via) must be placed at the intersection points. More recently, the unpreserved layer model has also been discussed, where vertical and horizontal wires can run in both layers. A detailed routing corresponding to the global routing shown in Figure 6d is shown in Figure 6e; the Manhattan model is used. Recent designs perform multilayer detailed routing and over-the-cell (OTC) routing, • Layout optimization is a post-processing step. In this stage the layout is optimized, for example, by compacting the area. A compacted version of the layout shown in Figure 6e is shown in Figure 6f. • Layout verification is the testing of a layout to determine if it satisfies design and layout rules The above steps are followed in their entirety in full custom designs. In other layouts, such as standard cells and PLAs, some of the steps are not taken: this is due to standardization or prefabrication. Details of the steps taken in full custom designs and in the special cases will be discussed in subsequent chapters. We shall refer to the problems related to location of modules (i .e ., partitioning, floor planning, and placement) as the placement problem, and the problems related to interconnection of terminals (i .e, global and detailed routing) as the routing problem . In addition, there are other post-processing problems, such as via and bend minimization, that will be discussed.

Packaging The previous sections have emphasized designing fast and reliable VLSI chips. These chips must be supported by an equally fast and reliable packaging technology. Packaging supplies chips with signals and powers, and removes the heat generated by circuitry. Packaging has always played an important role in determining the overall speed, cost, and reliability of high-speed systems such as supercomputers. In such high-end systems, 50% of the total system delay is usually due to packaging, and by the year 2010 the share of packaging delay may rise to 80%. Moreover, increasing circuit count and density in circuits place further demands on packaging. A package is essentially a mechanical support for the chip and facilitates connection to the rest of the system. One of the earliest Packaging techniques was dual-in-line packaging (DIP) . An example is shown in Figure 7. A DIP has a small number of pins. Pin grid arrays (PGA) have more pins that are distributed around the packages (see fig 7)

Fig 8 : A typical MCM . This innovation led to major advances in interconnection density at the chip level of packaging. Compared with single chip packages or surface mount packages, MCMs can reduce circuit board area by five to ten times and improve system performance by 20% or more. Therefore, MCM has been used in high performance systems as a replacement for the individual packages. An instance of a typical MCM is shown in Figure 8, where chips are placed and bonded on a surface at the top layer (called the chip layer). Below the chip layer, a set of pin redistribution layers is provided for distributing chip UO pins for signal distribution layers. The primary goal of MCM routing is to meet high performance requirements, rather than overly minimizing the layout area

Requirements of a successful chip Design In the field of modern VLSI circuit design, constructing a chip from concept to silicon is an ultra complicated task that involves many factors. For a successful project, the chip must be: • Structurally correct to achieve its intended design functions • Functionally correct at the designed clock speed in various working environments (voltage, temperature, and process corner) • Reliable throughout its life (e.g., 100k hours or eleven years) • Manufacturing-friendly Further, it must be built such that: •

• • • •

It can be handled safely in an assembly line and various other environments without being damaged (e.g., it is protected from electrostatic discharge or ESD and latchup). It can be packaged economically. It stays within its power budget. Cost is minimized. It is manufactured within its time schedule.

And, then, finally, there must be an existing or potential market for this chip.

Fig 7 :Typical DIP and PGA Packages (a) DIP (b) PGA In order to minimize the delay, chips must be placed close together. Multichip module (MCM) technology has been introduced to significantly improve performance by eliminating packaging. An MCM is a packaging technique that places several semiconductor chips, interconnected in a high density substrate, into a single package

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