Vlsi Design Training / Summer Training

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  • Pages: 6
Feb 2009 VOL 1.3

VLSI JAGRITI A A M M B N D m A AM Mooonnnttthhhlllyyy M Maaagggaaazzziiinnneeefffrrrooom BTTTeeeccchhhIIIN ND DIIIA mJJJB A

IIN NSSPPIIR REE A ASSPPIIR REE “Tolerance is the only real test of civilization” “Forgiving never means that you are wrong and other one is right, it means that you want to keep the relationship alive” “Many of life’s failure are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up”

Tech Byte IC Design Techniques Increasingly, electronic circuits and systems are being designed using technologies that offer rapid prototyping, programmability, and re-use (reprogrammability and component recycling) capabilities to allow a system product to be developed in a minimal time, to allow in-service reconfiguration (for normal product upgrading to improve performance, to provide design debugging capabilities, and for the inevitable requirement for design bug removal), or even to recycle the electronic components for another application. These aspects are required by the reduced time-to-market and increased complexities for applications—from mobile phones through computer and control, instrumentation, and test applications. So, how can this be achieved using the range of electronic circuit technologies available today? Several avenues are open. The main focus of developing electronics with the above capabilities has been in the digital domain because the design techniques and nature of the digital signals are well suited to reconfiguration. In the digital domain, the choice of implementation technology is essentially whether to use dedicated (and fixed) functionality digital logic, to use a software-programmed, processor-based system (designed based on a microprocessor, mP; microcontroller, mC; or digital signal processor, DSP), or to use a hardware-configured programmable logic device (PLD), whether simple (SPLD), complex (CPLD), or the field programmable gate array (FPGA). Memory used for the storage of data and program code is integral to many digital circuits and systems. The choices are shown in Figure 1 In Figure 1, the electronic components used are integrated circuits (ICs). These are electronic circuits packaged within a suitable housing that contain complete circuits ranging from a few dozen transistors to hundreds of millions of transistors, the complexity of the circuit depending on the designed functionality. Examples of packaged ICs are shown in Figure 2 In many circuits, the underlying technology will be based on IC, and a complete electronic circuit will consist of a number of ICs, together with other circuit components such as resistors and capacitors. Here we will use, the generic word technology will be used throughout.

The Oxford Dictionary of English defines technology as ‘‘the application of scientific knowledge for practical purposes, especially in industry’’ For us, this applies to the underlying electronic hardware and software that can be used to design a circuit for a given requirement. For the arrangement identified in Figure 1, a given set of digital circuit requirements are developed, and the role of the designer is to come up with a solution that meets ideally all of the requirements. Typical requirements include: • Cost restraints: The design process, the cost of components, the manufacturing costs, and the maintenance and future development costs must be within specific limits. • Design time: The design must be generated within a certain time limit. • Component supply: The designer might have a free hand in choosing the components to use, or restrictions may be set by the company or project management requirements. • Prior experience: The designer may have prior experience in using a particular technology, which might or might not be suitable to the current design. • Training: The designer might require specific training to utilize a specific technology if he or she does not have the necessary prior experience. • Contract arrangements: If the design is to be created for a specific customer, the customer would typically provide a set of constraints that would be set down in the design contract. • Size/volume constraints: the design would need to be manufactured to fit into a specific size/volume, • Weight constraints: the design would need to be manufactured to be within specific weight restrictions (e.g. for portable applications such as mobile phones), • Power source: the electronic product would be either fixed (in a single location so allowing for the use of a fixed power source) or portable (to be carried to multiple places requiring a portable power source (such as battery or solar cell),

Fixed Functionality Microprocessor Processor


Standard Product IC Digital Signal Processor Simple PLD PLD Complex PLD Digital Circuit Requirements

Field Programmable Gate array ROM Memory RAM

Fixed Functionality ASIC Processor


PLD Memory

Fig 1: Technology choices for digital circuit design

Fig 2: Examples of IC packages with the tops removed and the silicon dies exposed

Power consumption constraints: The power consumption should be as low as possible in order to (i) minimise the power source requirements, (ii) be operable for a specific time on a limited power source, and (iii) be compatible with best practice in the development of electronic products that are conscious of environmental issues. The initial choice for implementing the digital circuit is between a standard product IC and an ASIC (application-specific integrated circuit) • Standard product IC: This is an off-the-shelf electronic component that has been designed and manufactured by a company for a given purpose, or range of use, and that is commercially available for others to use. These would be purchased either from a component supplier or directly from the designer or manufacturer. • ASIC: This is an IC that has been specifically designed for an application. Rather than purchasing an off-the-shelf IC, the ASIC can be designed and manufactured to fulfill the design requirements. For many applications, developing an electronic system based on standard product ICs would be the approach taken as the time and costs associated with ASIC design, manufacture, and test can be substantial and outside the budget of a particular design project. Undertaking an ASIC design project also requires access to IC design experience and IC CAD tools, along with access to a suitable manufacturing and test capability. Whether a standard product IC or ASIC design approach is taken, the type of IC used or developed will be one of four types: 1. Fixed Functionality: These ICs have been designed to implement a specific functionality and cannot be changed. The designer would use a set of these ICs to implement a given overall circuit functionality. Changes to the circuit would require a complete redesign of the circuit and the use of different fixed functionality ICs. 2. Processor: The processor would be more familiar to the majority of people as it is in everyday use (the heart of the PC is a microprocessor). This component runs a software program to implement the required functionality. By changing the software program, the processor will operate a different function. The choice of processor will depend on the microprocessor (uP), the microcontroller (uC), or the digital signal processor (DSP). 3. Memory: Memory will be used to store, provide access to, and allow modification of data and program code for use within a processor-based electronic circuit or system. The two basic types of memory are ROM (read-only memory) and RAM (random access memory). ROM is used for holding program code that must be retained when the memory power is removed. It is considered to provide nonvolatile storage. The code can either be fixed when the memory is fabricated (mask programmable ROM) or electrically programmed once (PROM, Programmable ROM) or multiple times. Multiple programming capacity requires the ability to erase prior programming, which is available with EPROM (electrically programmable ROM, erased using ultraviolet [UV] light), EEPROM or E2PROM (electrically erasable PROM), or flash (also electrically erased). PROM is sometimes considered to be in the same category of circuit as programmable logic, although in this text, PROM is considered in the memory category only. RAM is used for holding data and program code that require fast access and the ability to modify the contents during normal operation. RAM differs from read-only memory (ROM) in that it can be both read from and written to in the normal circuit application. However, flash memory can also be referred to as nonvolatile RAM (NVRAM). RAM is considered to provide a volatile storage, because unlike ROM, the contents of RAM will be lost when the power is removed. There are two main types of RAM: static RAM (SRAM) and dynamic RAM (DRAM).


PLD: The programmable logic device is the main focus of this book; these are ICs that contain digital logic cells and programmable interconnect The basic idea with these devices is to enable the designer to configure the logic cells and interconnect to form a digital electronic circuit within a single packaged IC. In this, the hardware resources will be configured to implement a required functionality. By changing the hardware configuration, the PLD will operate a different function. Three types of PLD are available: the simple programmable logic device (SPLD), the complex programmable logic device (CPLD), or the field programmable gate array (FPGA). Figure 3 shows sample packaged CPLD and FPGA devices.

Fig 3: Sample FPGA and CPLD packages Both the processor and PLD enable the designer to implement and change the functionality of the IC by changing either the software program or the hardware configuration. Because these two different approaches are easily confused, the following terms will be used to differentiate the PLD from the processor: • The PLD will be configured using a hardware configuration. • The processor will be programmed using a software program. An ASIC can be designed to create any one of the four standard product IC forms (fixed functionality, processor, memory, or PLD). An ASIC would be designed in the same manner as a standard product IC, so anyone who has access to an ASIC design, fabrication, and test facility can create an equivalent to a standard product IC (given that patent and general legal issues around IP [intellectual property] considerations for existing designs and devices are taken into account). In addition, an ASIC might also incorporate a programmable logic fabric alongside the fixed logic hardware. Figure 1 shows what can be done with ASIC solution, but not how the ASIC would achieve this. Figure 4 shows the (i) four different forms of IC (i.e., what the IC does) that can be developed to emulate a standard product IC equivalent, and (ii) the three different design and implementation approaches. In a full-custom approach, the designer would be in control of every aspect of ASIC design and layout—the way in which the electronic circuit is laid out on the die, which is the piece of rectangular or square material (usually silicon) onto which the circuit components are manufactured. This would give the best circuit performance, but would be time consuming and expensive to undertake. Full custom design is predominantly for analogue circuits and the creation of libraries of components for use in a semi-custom, standard cell design approach

Fixed Functionality Processor ASIC Memory PLD (1) What the ASIC does

Full Custom


Standard Cell Semi Custom

Mask Programmable array (2) How the ASIC does it

Fig 4: ASICs, what and how An alternative to the full-custom approach uses a semi-custom This is particularly important for computationally expensive approach. This is subdivided into a standard cell approach or mask mathematical operations such as the fast Fourier transform programmable gate array (MPGA) approach. The standard cell (FFT) . approach uses a library of predesigned basic circuit components (typically digital logic cells) that are connected within the IC to form the overall circuit. In a simplistic view, this would be similar to creating a design by connecting fixed functionality ICs together, but instead of using multiple ICs, a single IC is created. This approach is faster and lower cost than a full-custom approach but would not necessarily provide the best circuit performance. Because only the circuits required within the design would be manufactured (fabricated), there would be an immediate trade-off between circuit performance, design time, and design cost (a trade-off that is encountered on a daily basis by the designer). The MPGA approach is similar to a standard cell approach in that a library of components is available and connected, but the layout on the (silicon) die is different. An array of logic gates is predetermined, and the circuit is created by creating metal interconnect tracks between the logic gates. In the MPGA approach, not necessarily all of the logic gates fabricated on the die would be used. This would use a larger die than in a standard cell approach, with the inclusion of unused gates, but it has the advantage of being faster to fabricate than a standard cell approach. A complement to the ASIC is the structured ASIC The structured ASIC is seen to offer a promising alternative to standard cell ASICs and FPGAs for the mid and high volume market. Structured ASICs are similar to the mask programmable gate array in that they have customizable metal interconnect layers patterned on top of a prefabricated base. Either standard logic gates or look-up tables (LUTs) are fabricated in a 2-dimensional array that forms the underlying pattern of logic gates, memory, processors and IP blocks. This base is programmed using a small number of metal masks. The purpose of this is to reduce the non-recurring engineering (NRE) costs when compared to a standard cell ASIC approach and to bridge the gap that exists between the standard cell ASIC and FPGA where: 1) Standard cell ASICs provide support for large, complex designs with high performance, low cost per unit (if produced in volume), but at the cost of long development times, high NRE costs and long fabrication times when implementing design modifications, 2) FPGAs provide for short development times, low NRE costs and short times to implement design modifications, but at the cost of limited design complexities, performance limitations and high cost per unit. NRE cost reductions using Structured ASICs are considered with a reduction in manufacturing costs and reducing the design tasks. They can also offer mixed signal circuit capability, a potential advantage when compared to digital only FPGAs. Hardware configured devices (i.e., PLDs) are becoming increasingly popular because of their potential benefits in terms of logic replacement potential (obsolescence), rapid prototyping capabilities, and design speed benefits in which PLD-based hardware can implement the same functions as a software-programmed, processor-based system, but in less time.

Technology News consumption, primarily due to the high semiconductor content of

India's semiconductor industry poised to grow significantly








expected in the telecommunication services market in India. In 2005, the telecommunication segment had a share of 8 per cent

onsumption of electronic equipment in India is set to increase to

Rs. 1,607,364 crores ($363 billion) by 2015 from Rs. 124,869.60 crores ($28.2 billion) in 2005, establishing an exciting context of

demand growth for semiconductors The total market for semiconductors has been estimated to increase to Rs. 160,736.40 crores ($36.3 billion) by 2015 from around Rs. 12,487 crores ($2.82 billion) in 2005. Consumption of semiconductors will maintain its share of 10 per cent of the total market for electronic equipment,








semiconductor volume on a board or product will decline, driven by a higher level of integration on an IC, the value of semiconductor content in a product would remain the same or be moderately higher. This is because the functionality of semiconductor-intensive products is increasing at the same price point

in the domestic semiconductor industry's revenues; its share is expected to increase to 47 per cent by 2015 The semiconductor and embedded design industry (including chip design, hardware board design and embedded software) in India generated revenues of Rs. 14,391 crores ($3.25 billion) in 2005, and could reach Rs. 63,851.76 crores ($14.42 billion) by 2010, and further to Rs. 190,404 crores ($43 billion) by 2015, growing at a compounded annual growth rate (CAGR) of 30 per cent during the forecast period. An explanation for this is, products would have significant embedded software content, and hence, there would be multiple versions of the same product with minimal hardware changes. This would act as a demand growth driver for embedded design and software, and increase revenues for the semiconductor and embedded design industry. The entire industry (semiconductor and embedded design,

These are some of the key findings of the definitive industry research


reports brought out by India Semiconductor Association (ISA) and

manufacturing) generated revenues of Rs. 63,099 crores ($14.25

Frost & Sullivan. The research reports were officially released at a

billion) in 2005, and is expected to generate Rs. 327,317.76

specially conducted event at New Delhi in early February 2006, by the

crores ($73.92 billion) by 2010. By 2015, the industry revenues

Union Minister for Science and Technology and Ocean Development,

are expected to increase to Rs. 896,979.96 crores ($202.57

Mr Kapil Sibal


The first report titled 'India Semiconductor Market, 2005-15: Growth,

On the industry potential to create jobs, the study said that the

Trends and Forecasts,' is a detailed analysis of the rapidly growing

entire industry has been able to generate 0.52 million jobs in

semiconductor content in the electronic equipment end-user markets

2005. (This includes the semiconductor and electronic equipment

and its impact on the semiconductor market in India. The second


report titled 'India Semiconductor and Embedded Design Market,

industries.). The entire industry is expected to generate

2005-15: Growth, Trends and Forecasts' - comprises analysis and

employment for 1.85 million employees by 2010, and 3.58 million

forecasts of the semiconductor and embedded design market and

employees by 2015. The semiconductor and embedded design

outlines engineering manpower costs and future requirements. The

industry had an employee count of around 70,000 in 2005, and is

reports cover all the end-user products and capture their individual

expected to employ 780,000 by 2015.

contribution to the total market, with market and technology trends










The reports also identified the macro level forces impacting the

Local manufacturing of electronic equipment in India will

electronics sector. "India's rapidly expanding GDP over the next

grow significantly, during the forecast period 2005 to 2015. According

several decades will boost electronics demand in the public and

to the research study, the manufacturing growth rate of Indian

private sectors. Its per capita income will also rise substantially,

electronics equipment, which was at 25 per cent in 2005, is poised to

which is an advantage for consumers in the electronics market.

touch a growth rate of 50 per cent in 2010, and 34 per cent in 2015

On the policy front, the Indian government is developing India as

A large part of the growth in local electronic equipment

an IT hardware hub, following the country's success in custom

manufacturing will be driven by the growth in telecommunication

software and IT services. It is actively encouraging foreign

equipment manufacturing, which will outpace the manufacturing

investment to build India's IT hardware industry," the reports said

growth rate in other application segments such as consumer electronics and information technology. The telecommunication equipment segment will be a strong growth driver for semiconductor

- Krishnan Sivaramakrishnan - EE Times India

Silicon Chip Industry Electronics is now the biggest manufacturing industry in the world. What is “IC firms around the world are producing over 500 million transistors a second, each costing less than one thousandth of a US cent, one tenth the price of an office staple”

more, it is growing at an average annual rate of eight percent per year

and getting even bigger.

With ninety percent of the world's total computing power ever made built in the last two years, the world is rapidly moving from being an industrialized society into the digital age. Driven by the relentless advances in semiconductor electronics, “IC firms around the world are producing over 500 million transistors a second, each costing less than one thousandth of a

US cent, one tenth the price of an office staple”, daily turning alchemists dreams into showstopping, commercial realities. The electronic circuits they produce are fundamentally, and irreversibly, changing the world we live in and with it, creating vast new industries and economic wealth. “The training imparted by JBTech INDIA is an opportunity for IT professionals to gain a complete insight into, and better understanding of, the silicon chip industry”

“The training imparted by JBTech INDIA is an opportunity for IT professionals to gain a complete insight into, and better understanding of, the silicon chip industry”

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