Vision 2027

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An Indian citizen

To all the presents countrymen Wednesday, October 22, 2008

India 2027

- Prateek Raj PART 1

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

India 2027

What does it contain? The Vision

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

The basic problems

India 2027


The Vision


‘Gar Firdaus barroo-e-zameen ast Hameenast-o- hameenast-o Hameenast’ in India   ‘If there is heaven it is here here and here’ in India 


Wednesday, October 22, 2008

      India 2027


Back Wednesday, October 22, 2008

India 2027

The thought A garden is just a piece of land. It is its flowers, which make it beautiful. Just like a garden, a country is just a piece of land. It is its people who make it a nation. There is no garden without flowers and likewise there is no India without Indians. If India is poor it means the Indians are poor not only in terms of money but also in terms of intellect, patriotism, morality, nationalism, honesty and sense of pride and Wednesday, October 22, 2008 India 2027 responsibility. 

The need 

A developed India can never be achieved till the time Indians are morally, socially, intellectually, politically and economically developed. For the development of all natural and man made resources, the development of human resource is a must. This can be achieved by development of infrastructure and a planned and practical solution of Indian problems.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

India 2027

The Basic Problems  Population


rise  Illiteracy and Improper education  Corruption and low work efficiency  Crime and Terrorism  Caste based politics  Improper planning Wednesday, October 22, 2008

India 2027

Population rise We can imagine India to be a heaven only when each and every individual is properly developed. The important job is to develop the human resource rather than controlling it. But in a country like India where population exceeds even one billion, it is indeed necessary to stabilize the population. Here a few steps which can be taken to develop, stabilize and reduce the population in Wednesday, October 22, 2008 India 2027 India. 

Two child norm 

Strict implementation of Two Child norm in the country, which means “Any couple is not allowed to give birth to more than two children. If any couple already has more than two children before the implementation of the norm then they are not allowed to give birth to more children. Any person defying this norm is subjected to strict actions such as deprivation of the person from government facilities and services and/or imprisonment of one to ten years and/or Wednesday, October 22, 2008 India 2027 fine up to Rs 50,000.”

Suggestions 

Extension of family planning program to each and every city and village so that each citizen is aware of the benefits of family planning.

Strict laws against people who follow gender discrimination. Defying of this law should lead to imprisonment of more than 1 year. A program to denounce should Wednesday, October 22, 2008 gender Indiadiscrimination 2027 be incorporated. 

Suggestions 

The human resource development department should be replanned and be given more functions and responsibilities

Government should invest hugely for the development of rural dispersed dispensaries and urban sophisticated hospitals in such a way that an individual Wednesday, October 22, 2008 is in easy India 2027access to both. 


India is a vast country with enormous number of people. Indian problems are as vast as its size and population, but each problem can be solved by proper education. People need to make rapid changes in the Indian education system if they want to blossom like flowers. Here are a few steps which can be taken to improve education and increase literacy in India.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

India 2027

Duty to Educate  Education

should be compulsory for all up to fourteen years of age. There should be strict punishment for the violation of this law with imprisonment to the guardian up to 2 years and/or fine up to Rs 10,000.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

India 2027

Free education to poor  In

central schools free education should be imparted to children of poor people up to secondary level so that there is an increase in the enrolment in number of students. More over if finances permit free meal should also be provided to them. Wednesday, October 22, 2008 India 2027

Change in Right to Vote  It

should be made compulsory for every adult to get elementary education. When free education is within reach of all citizens, it should be made compulsory for a voter to have elementary education. This would provide strength to democracy in India.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

India 2027

Unified board  All

the different education boards for secondary should be unified into National Board of Secondary Education, which is endowed with the qualities of each board. This would ensure easy mobility of the students from one part of the country to another and a uniform education. Wednesday, October 22, 2008 India 2027

Suggestions 

All the government schools should come under the center and there should be huge investment in order to increase the number of central schools and night schools where elementary and secondary education is imparted.

Education should be brought under the union list so that there can be uniform laws and policies in the country.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

India 2027

Suggestions Emphasis should be given on practical side of a subject and co-curricular activities, which make education easy and fun.  Education should be made job oriented and vocational training should be imparted to the students.  Self-employment should be encouraged as it can solve problem of unemployment.  TheOctober national literacy Wednesday, 22, 2008 India 2027program should be expanded and implemented sincerely. 


is endowed with resources but there is no proper utilization of them. This is because of low working efficiency of the people and wide spread corruption. Taking the following steps can do this problem away.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

India 2027

Promotion on merit  Promotions

should be done on the basis of ability and working efficiency of the person. This would compel the workers to work efficiently and increase the economic growth of the country.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

India 2027

Promotion and Demotion 

There should be reposting of officials in government offices where inefficient officers should be denoted and efficient officials should be promoted. This would help in better management of officials. The inefficient officers would be compelled to work harder and efficient officers would be encouraged.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

India 2027

Interaction  In

order to increase interactions between leaders and people, government should arrange TV and radio shows in which people can directly raise questions to their leaders from all round the country.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

India 2027

Laws and schemes  Laws

against corruption should be made strict and severe so that the employees do not dare to give or take bribe.  Schemes should be incorporated so that people themselves come forward to report about a corrupt officer taking bribe and working inefficiently. Wednesday, October 22, 2008 India 2027

Strict attendance 

Working hours should be fixed and each and every employee of an organization should be present in the office for work. If an employee is absent or late without any prior leave, he should complete his pending work by doing overtime. If an employee is doing extra work by doing overtime then he should be provided with extra money or privileges. Taking this step would reduce absence and would encourage advanced work.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

India 2027

Book of promises  There

should be a book of promises in which all the promises given by the M.P. and the M.L.A during the election campaign should be recorded. In case of denial of the promise there should be a proper investigation looking at the causes of denial.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

India 2027

Accountability 

The Members of Parliament and the Members of Legislative Assembly and Council should be given proper training on computers, resource management etc. The Members of Parliament and the Member of Legislative Assembly should submit a monthly report of the work done, to the Prime Minister and the Chief Minister respectively. This report should be made public.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

India 2027


and terrorism hamper the growth of a country. By solving the problems mentioned above crimes can considerably decreased. But some more important steps should be taken.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

India 2027

Suggestions  The

laws against a crime should be made stricter. The punishments for any crime in India are considerably lenient as compared to other countries.  The police force should be better trained (as good as the defence forces) and provided with better ammunitions. Wednesday, October 22, 2008

India 2027

Suggestions  The

CBI and CID should be provided with better technology for better investigation.  Separation of police force from politics.  Judgement should be made faster and accurate by having a wide scale use of high-end technology. Wednesday, October 22, 2008

India 2027

Suggestions  Making

it mandatory to give justice to people in 1 year of time through legislation, as “Justice delayed is justice denied.”  A special force should be made specially to tackle terrorism.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

India 2027

PROBLEM OF RESERVATION Today the Indian politics has become not a path for people’s welfare but for corruption and misuse of power. Moreover today social discrimination has already been wiped out but its palace has been taken by electoral discrimination. The problem of providing reservation to the backward castes and tribes is making Indian politics caste based. It is undoubtedly necessary to provide privileges to the unprivileged. But is it correct to provide privileges to the people on the basis of caste? Wouldn’t it be better if privileges were provided on the basis of economic condition? Wednesday, October 22, 2008 India 2027 Let’s try to understand this problem with an 

Example: Let there be two boys, one who is a Brahmin and the other who is a Scheduled caste. The Brahmin is too poor to afford for a proper study whereas the scheduled caste is rich. Both of them sit in an entrance examination of a university in which there are 100 seats. The poor Brahmin boy gets a rank of 105 whereas the rich scheduled caste gets a rank of 250. But due to Indian reservation system the rich scheduled caste gets entrance whereas the poor Brahmin boy doesn’t.  It is quite understandable that the poor boy wasOctober a 22,better candidate for selection but Wednesday, 2008 India 2027 instead of him an undeserving candidate got 

Conclusion  There

is a dire need to change the criteria for reservation from caste to economic status as many high caste people are underprivileged where as many low caste people are over privileged. Moreover reservation on the basis of caste gives rise to casteism. So reservation should be based on the basis of economic status. Wednesday, October 22, 2008 India 2027

IMPROPER PLANNING Today many of the resources of the country are not utilized by the country because of improper planning. Land is an important resource but is being misused because of improper planning of villages, towns and cities. For having planned and proper development it is necessary to link the villages, towns and cities and each administrative unit should have proper transport, communication, sanitation, housing, business, Wednesday, October 22, 2008 India 2027 administrative, civic and maintenance 

Contents  Planning

of a village  General suggestions  Sanitation and maintenance squad

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

India 2027

Planning of a village Village is the most important unit of India. A village is still the pulse of India as a huge population lives there. There is a need for making a village a selfsustaining economy. So proper developing of a village simply means development of people in India. A village needs to be connected in four different ways of transport, communication, knowledge and technology. A well-planned village Wednesday, October 22, 2008 India 2027 should have two parts. 

Agricultural area  The

villagers should jointly own this area. There should be drip and sprinklers at appropriate positions and a proper garage for keeping of machines and other goods. A proper processing area for storing and processing the produce should also be there.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

India 2027

Housing area 

There should be properly made, wellplaced houses surrounded by trees. In the central part of the area there should be the administrative region comprising of gram panchayat, public dispensary, primary and secondary school, community hall, public telephone booth and a proper market. The villagers should have easy access the Internet with resourceful and easy to use Internet sites and software.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

India 2027

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

India 2027

Cooperative farming  Cooperative

farming should be made compulsory in all villages. This would increase productivity of the land and increase the farmer’s income.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

India 2027

Suggestions Extension of rural electrification program and program for availability of pure drinking water. Each and every administrative unit of the country should be interconnected through the Internet.  Each and every town of the country should have rail facility (if feasible), inland water transport (it possible) and road transport.  Undertaking of India 2027 huge afforestation Wednesday, October 22, 2008 program to increase greenery in the 

Suggestions  

  

Broadening of roads and removal of illegal constructions. Encouragement of skyscrapers (more than 20 levels) for housing and business purposes. This saves land, which can be used for other purposes. Development of metro railway system in the metropolitan cities. Development of alternative sources of energy for production of electricity. Development of recycling plants so that reusable wastes are not wasted.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

India 2027

Sanitation and Maintenance laws 

The garbage should be disposed in special dustbins, which should be placed after every 50 metres. Violation of this law would lead to a fine of Rs 500 to Rs 10000 and/or jail up to 5 years. Littering is a punishable offence and things should be thrown in the dustbin only. Violation of this law would lead to a fine of Rs 100 to Rs 5000 and/or jail up to 3 years.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

India 2027

Sanitation and Maintenance laws  An

individual is responsible for maintenance of the area around his residence and his any other immovable property. He is also responsible for sanitation of the area. Violation of this law would lead to a fine of Rs 100 to Rs 5000 and/or jail up to 3 years.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

India 2027

Sanitation and Maintenance squad Functions Regular cleaning of dustbins and collection of garbage and sending it to recycling centers.  Regular cleaning and maintenance of roads and public places.  Checking for cleaning and maintenance of private property. Ordering the owner of the property for its proper cleaning and maintenance. Wednesday, October 22, 2008 India 2027 

Sanitation and Maintenance squad Functions 

Monitoring of constructions going on in the city and checking of their standard and giving penalty to the contractors and builders if the constructions made by them do not match to the squad’s standards. Daily tour of roads, electric and telephone lines, streetlights and railway lines (done by railway sanitation and maintenance squad) and quick repair of any fault. Regular maintenance and cleaning of public places. Wednesday, October 22, 2008 India 2027

Summary  Many

of the suggestions mentioned in this section have already been executed but have failed because of administrative,economic and political failures. The second section deals with the problem of faulty systems of the country and would help in increasing the Wednesday, October 22, 2008 India 2027 efficiency of the country.

Special features Wednesday, October 22, 2008

India 2027

Two child norm 

Strict implementation of Two Child norm in the country, which means “Any couple is not allowed to give birth to more than two children. If any couple already has more than two children before the implementation of the norm then they are not allowed to give birth to more children. Any person defying this norm is subjected to strict actions such as deprivation of the person from government facilities and services and/or imprisonment of one to ten years and/or Wednesday, October 22, 2008 India 2027 fine up to Rs 50,000.”

Duty to Educate  Education

should be compulsory for all up to fourteen years of age. There should be strict punishment for the violation of this law with imprisonment to the guardian up to 2 years and/or fine up to Rs 10,000.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

India 2027

Free education to poor  In

central schools free education should be imparted to children of poor people up to secondary level so that there is an increase in the enrolment in number of students. More over if finances permit free meal should also be provided to them. Wednesday, October 22, 2008 India 2027

Change in Right to Vote  It

should be made compulsory for every adult to get elementary education. When free education is within reach of all citizens, it should be made compulsory for a voter to have elementary education. This would provide strength to democracy in India.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

India 2027

Unified board  All

the different education boards for secondary should be unified into National Board of Secondary Education, which is endowed with the qualities of each board. This would ensure easy mobility of the students from one part of the country to another and a uniform education. Wednesday, October 22, 2008 India 2027

Promotion on merit  Promotions

should be done on the basis of ability and working efficiency of the person. This would compel the workers to work efficiently and increase the economic growth of the country.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

India 2027

Promotion and Demotion 

There should be reposting of officials in government offices where inefficient officers should be denoted and efficient officials should be promoted. This would help in better management of officials. The inefficient officers would be compelled to work harder and efficient officers would be encouraged.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

India 2027

Interaction  In

order to increase interactions between leaders and people, government should arrange TV and radio shows in which people can directly raise questions to their leaders from all round the country.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

India 2027

Book of promises  There

should be a book of promises in which all the promises given by the M.P. and the M.L.A during the election campaign should be recorded. In case of denial of the promise there should be a proper investigation looking at the causes of denial.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

India 2027


is a dire need to change the criteria for reservation from caste to economic status as many high caste people are underprivileged where as many low caste people are over privileged. Moreover reservation on the basis of caste gives rise to casteism. So reservation should be based on the basis of economic status. Wednesday, October 22, 2008 India 2027

Resource planning Wednesday, October 22, 2008

India 2027

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