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Parking Plaza

INTRODUCTION The past few decades have the birth of Indian metropolitan city.

In this content, there is a rising demand for

commercial centers leading to emergence of parking complex. To day, a metropolitan city is facing tremendous problems like urban growth, scarcity of land, mushrooming of factories, housing etc. Due to population growth, traffic is increasing day by day. The availability of economical of street parking is a critical necessity but due to scarcity of land, and wrong planning, allotting special space for parking on streets has become very difficult and nearly impossible in metropolitan cities. This leads to various problems.

They are traffic

congestion, NARROWING OF ROADS, ROAD ACCIDENTS no easy access, improper circulation, traffic jams.

This all leads to

inconvenience, delay in work, pollution and accidents. The pedestrian has become a human jumping - jack in the straggle for a place on the side walk and when streets are widened the side walks are narrowed cured parking impedes the traffic lanes and renders the street obsolete as a channel for movement and price exceed any economic value for surface parking and multi deck garages are build commercial enterprise is gradually forced to seek other locations in order to conduct business. As







increased commercial activities, it becomes essential to put parking complex with commercial activities complex.

C.O.E.& T.,Akola


Parking Plaza

This project is a place giving facility of marketing and parking. After parking the car, the consumer can walk to shops, stores ,eat ,go for entertainment.

The whole purpose of

shopping, eating, recreations and parking can be solved. This complex will not only serve the people visiting the complex but also serve as parking complex for that area.

C.O.E.& T.,Akola


Parking Plaza

BASIC CONCEPT Unfortunately today, a majority of our trading and commercial activities are still carried out in places that were planned for the last decade and which do not have any scope for further development. As a result, these places are overcrowded, leading to an increase in problems of pedestrian and vehicular circulation, parking etc. Thus a well planned commercial center along with providing various facilities to the user can help solving these problems. Clarity,



economy, efficiency and inventiveness.



The qualities described

by these light words have a place in almost any design. Project but expressively in design for merchandising.

What the design

should do is restore to the shopper the sense of delight that a child feels when he runs in to the toy shop after all, shopping should be fun for the customer can be profitable for the owner too extra care pays off in design for merchandising. The fact that cars are large is, in the end, the most serious aspect of transportation system based on the use of car since it is inherent in the very nature of cars, let up state this problem in most pungent form, a car occupies about 350 square feet when it is standing still and at 30 miles on hour when cars are 3 car length apart, it occupies about times as large as he as we know, most of the tine cars have a single occupant.


means that when people use cars, each person occupies almost 100 times as much space as he does when he is a pedestrian.

C.O.E.& T.,Akola


Parking Plaza

Very simply - when the area devoted to parking is 100 great, it destroys the land very rough empirical observations lead us to believe that it is not possible to make on environment fit for human use when more then a percent of it is given to parking. What can we do for this intuition? We can facture as follows: People realize, subconsciously, that the physical environment is the medium for their social intercourse, it is the environment which when it is working properly, creates the potential for an social communion, including even communion with the self. In short we conjecture, then that environments which are human and not destroyed socially or ecologically by the presence of parked cars have less than 9 per cent of the ground area devoted to parking space and that parking lots and garages must therefore never be allowed to cover more than 9 percent of the land.

In other words each piece of land must take care of

itself we must not allow ourselves to solve this problem on one piece of land at the expense of some other piece of land, a town are community can only implement the pattern according to this strict interpretation by defining a grid of independent "PARKING ZONES" each zone 1 to 10 acres which cover the whole community









independently and strictly, inside every parking zone. The 9 per cent rule has a clear and immediate implication for the balance between surface parking and parking in garages at different parking densities. This follows simple arithmetic suppose for example, that on area requires per acre in line with the a per cent rule, least half than will have to be parked in garages. C.O.E.& T.,Akola


Parking Plaza

Large parking structure, full of cars are in human and dead buildings no one wants to see them or walk by them at the same these if you are driving the entrance to a parking structure is essentially. The main entrance to the building and it needs to be visible.


main space

consideration needs








individual work

functions and equipments the amount of space needed in these standards should permit the most effective function of the personnel in that spare and allow for modification and flexibility. The person visiting the complex should get all the possible leisure's and refreshment. We all know there is another side to design two function and its actual use.

It also includes the operational

aspects like circulation sealing the psychological aspects like reduced mental fatigue and in the modern world of information and advertising the function of projecting on image large parking structures full of cars are inhuman and dead buildings no one wants to see them or walk by then at the some time if you are driving the entrance to a parking structure is essentially the main entrance to the building and it needs to be visible. Now a days large parking lots or parking structures is the need of time. The environment can tolerate these larger lots and structures, provided that they are built so that they do not pollute the land around them.

C.O.E.& T.,Akola


Parking Plaza

The same is true in a metropolitan city.

At this

moment in history the city requires a certain limited amount of parking and for the time being. that.

There is no getting away from

But the parking must be built in such a way that it is

needed by shops, hills of grassy earth, walls, or any other buildings of any kind anything long as the interior of the parking structure and the cars are not visible form the surrounding land. And since the need for parking often goes hand in hand with commercial







economically. Along with the need to shield parking structures there is the equally pressing need on the part of a driver to be able to spot the parking structure quickly and see how it is connected to the building he is headed for one of the most frequent complaints about the parking near a building is not that it is too for away, but that you do not know where you can go to find a parking spot and still be sure of now to get back in to the building.

C.O.E.& T.,Akola


Parking Plaza

DATA ANALYSIS The mite stone of space planning is data collection. It provides the factual information in number and verbal description for analysis and design, important among them are workflow, work






communication with the public, storage, basic facilities etc. TURNING DIAMETER Wall to Wall Turning Diameter is the diameter of the smallest circle, which will enclose the outermost points of projection of the vehicle while executing its sharpest practicable turn. This is equal to the minimum turning circle plus twice the radial overhang beyond the turning radius. Curb to Curb Turning Diameter is the diameter of the smallest circle within which the vehicle will clear a curb 6 in high, while the vehicle is executing its sharpest practicable turn. This is equal to the turning circle plus twice the horizontal distance from the center of the contact with the road to the arc subtended by a chord drawn between the points of intersection of the outermost projection of the tire shoulder on a horizontal plane 6 in, above the surface on which the tire rests.

C.O.E.& T.,Akola


Parking Plaza

RAMP BREAKOVER ANGLE The ramp breakover angle is the measure of study of the car to break over a steep ramp either climbing or descending without scraping. The society of Automotive Engineers calls for a minimum of 10 degrees as a design standard.

A number of

models have not met this standard in recent years. The average for all groups has remained relatively constant during the period 1958-1971 despite applicable vehicle height reductions. The ramp breakover angle influence can be attended the use of design techniques. Transparent blends top and bottom of ramps composed of two or more break points can multiply the ramp steepness with workable break angles beyond the normal capacities of car or driver in existing structures these problems are overcome by building a pad of asphair or concrete each side of the break point in this connect cars having a low breakover angle can negotiate potential critical points without scraping. Long







clearance are most susceptible to inadequate breakover angles. Buick rivers, Pontiac Tempest, Oldsmobile Toronado, and Lincoin had lower ramp breakover angles in 1970 than Society of Automotive Engineers design standards recommendation.

C.O.E.& T.,Akola


Parking Plaza

ANGLE OF APPOACH Angle of Approach The trend of approach angle of domestic cars from 1948 to 1962 indicates a drop in the 1957-1959 period below 15 degrees.

The standard developed in 1960 by the Society of

Automotive Engineers colls for a minimum value of 15 degrees. The standard has been maintained up to 1970 when reduced by Chysler and Dodge to 14.0 and 14.6 degrees respectively.

ANGLE OF DEPARTURE Angle of Departure A reasonable minimum value is necessary to reduce the incidence of tailpipe and rear bumper dragging. The standard calls for a minimum of 10 degrees, violated only in the 1957-1959 period. Only one 1970 car. Mercury met the minimum standard. Most cars are substantially above 10 degrees. The most critical condition is at driveways where the apron is steep or a combination of excessive crown to gutter and apron slope.

C.O.E.& T.,Akola


Parking Plaza

RAMP SYSTEMS A number of different interfloor ramp systems can be used to enable vehicles to traverse the approximate 10 ft(3.m) elevation between parking levels.

Some of these systems

provide separate and exclusive ramps, while others make use of continuous sloping floors that accommodate both parked vehicles and interfloor travel. Ramps may be straight, curved, or a combination. No single ramp system is best for all applications. The choice should be based on site shape and dimensions and parking demand characteristics. Ramps may be designed for one way or two -way traffic movement. However, one lane wide ramps should not be operated on a reversible two-way basis. Geomatric Ramp Types For






efficiency the path followed by the ramp through traffic on any floor of a

parking garage should be short with minimum turns

and traffic crossings. Ramp arrangements within a garage should be consistent, in order to be as simple and comprehensible as possible. Ramp design and arrangement are influenced by (1) orientation of ramp traffic flow to main floor street entrance and exit points and to other ramp systems that might exist in larger

C.O.E.& T.,Akola


Parking Plaza

garages. (2) Conformance of ramps with access aisles throughout each floor area and (3) site dimensions. HELICALLY CURVED RAMP SYSTEMS The helix (spiral) ramp can be a single surface that permits vehicles to travel on a continuous helical path between parking levels. When two-way traffic is handled on a single helix, the outer lane is used for up movements, since it has a larger radius of curvature and lower grade. Up movements are usually counterclockwise and down movements clockwise. Helical ramp entrance and exit points can be located on the same side or opposite sides of the ramp coil.

In either

case, ramp access points are located directly above each other on each succeeding floor.

Helically curved ramps should be of

the clearway type. Examples are illustrated in figs. The








surfaces that are sloped in opposite directions. One surface can be used for up movements, the other for down movements. The two sloping helical surfaces may be separated or they may be interwoven).

Vehicle movements for both up and down travel

directions are made in the same direction of rotation.

In the

United States and other countries using left-side drive vehicles, counterclockwise rotation is preferred. Interwoven double helix systems are popular in tall structures (10 to 12 parking levels) because the number of 360degree turns can be reduced by using two separated helical surfaces to serve alternate parking levels. Traditionally, curving ramps are said to be continuous where they provide 360 degrees of rotation between two parking C.O.E.& T.,Akola


Parking Plaza


The non-continuous helically curved ramps that provide

rotation through 180 degrees are commonly referred to as semicircular-although this definition is not quite correct, since the curved section is helical in shape. Helically curved ramps are most often located in corners of rectangular structures to minimize floor space loss, or they are located outside the structure when additional site area is available.

Helically curved ramps require more space than

straight ramps, but they can offer better traffic operation by providing








movements usually required at ends of straight ramps in addition, superelevation at ends of straight ramps may require un-dersirable warping of floor areas. Minimum radius is 32 feet to under pavement edge for helical tamp or other turning path.

A 36 0 to 37 0 foot radius is

most desirable.

Helical ramp dimension standards.

C.O.E.& T.,Akola


Parking Plaza

Helical Ramps - Minimum Dimensions for Two Lanes Side by Side, feet Radius to inside face of outer curb of outer 45 lane. Radius curb of inside lane to inside face of 32 outer curb Width of inside lane between curbs Width of outside lane between curbs Width of border curbs (curb height 6m) Width of median (curb height 6 m) Maximum super-elevation on ramp turns

12 11 1 2 01







Stall Width

Along curb=0 0 30 0

9' 10' 9' 10' 9' 10' 9' 10' 9' 10'

45 0 60 0 90 0

Curb length per car 23' 23' 18' 20' 12.9" 14.2" 10.5" 11.6" 9' 10'

Stall depth

Minimum driveway width

9' 10' 17.4" 18.3" 19.10" 20.6" 21.0" 21.6" 19' 19'

12' 12' 11' 11' 13' 13' 18' 18' 24' 24'

Lot width 1 row + 1 driveway 21' 22' 28.4" 29.3" 32.10" 33.6" 39.0" 39.6" 43' 43'

Sq.ft per car 483 506 510 585 420 490 407 455 387 430

C.O.E.& T.,Akola

Lot width 2 rows + 1 driveway 30' 32' 45.8" 47.6" 52.8" 54.0" 60' 61' 62' 62'

Sq.f t. per car 345 368 411 475 336 383 313 351 279 310

Lot width 3 rows+2 driveways

Sq.ft. per car

Lot width 4 rows 2 driveways

Sq.ft. per car

51' 54' 66.2" 68.0" 79.0" 80.4" 95.0" 95.6" 105' 105'

391 414 397 453 376 379 330 366 315 350

60' 64' 83.6" 86.2" 98.10" 100.10" 116.0" 116.6" 124' 124'

345 368 376 431 315 358 305 335 279 310


Parking Plaza

FIRE SAFETY Highrise building fires with high death tolls, in a number of countries, have created a great interest among fire protection specialists regarding the



of these

structures. The fire-brigade is often helpless in the face of such fires and cannot save human lives and fight the fire effectively with traditional methods. This makes fire safety an important aspect requiring special care while designing and constructing highrise buildings. Snorkel Ladder Recently the Raipur Fire-brigade has acquired a more sophisticated type of ladder known as ‘Snorkel’ ladder from the U.K.. Although reachwise it does not have much advantage over the conventional ladder it has several other advantages such as : a) It can rescue five persons at a time and bring them down to the ground from any height up to 31.4 mts.(103 feet) in about 80 seconds, which feature has no parallel

in fire-fighting

equipment. In dire emergencies, this capacity can be increased up to 8 persons. Besides, another novel feature is that even infants,

C.O.E.& T.,Akola


Parking Plaza

aged persons,

fractured and burnt casualties (stretcher cases)

can be comfortably

rescued with


least effort which is not

possible in the case of other ladders. b) Normally, one water line at the top of a ladder is the limit. But, in the Snorkel, there are three water jets provided at the top, one to protect the fireman within the cage and the other two jets to fight the fire with a total delivery of about 500 gallons per minute. (c) This unit is versatile inasmuch as without shifting the base, the head of the Sonrkel can be shifted from window to window at different heights and within a radius of 15.24 mts. (50 feet), thus giving an advantage of

extreme mobility to the fire-

fighters. (d) The unit is capable of reaching 15.24 mts

(50 feet)

vertically and another 15.24 mts. (50 feet) horizontally. This means that the Snorkel can “jump over” medium-sized buildings up to 5 storeys to reach the other side. This is a big advantage in congested areas where the fire spread has to be quickly arrested by surrounding the same with strength and mobility. (e) A fireman, being in the cage at the height of 31.4 mts. (103 feet)

can operate the Snorkel independently

ground operator in all directions. This will enable

of the

the firemen to

shift the ladder into desired positions without wasting them. (f) Another fitting in this unit is the provision of a fresh air line. Fresh air, cylinders, is kept at

the vehicle level and the

air is supplied through a pipe at the cage level. This enables a fireman to survive and operate

in smoky



atmosphere. The fresh air can also be administered to a casualty in the building without waiting to bring him down to the ground level. C.O.E.& T.,Akola


Parking Plaza

(g) A fireman is not as safe and secure on the head of a conventional ladder as in the cage of


Snorkel, which is

more stable and spacious. (h) The fireman in the cage can keep in constant touch with the enables proper co-ordination between the ground crews and those operating at a height. The model of “Snorkel” acquired is about 13.71 mts. (45 feet) in length, 2.44mts. (8 feet) in width and 3.47 mts. (11½ fee) in height and has a gross weight of 16 tones. Although these measurements seem to be bulky, the actual performance has been quite satisfactory during trials in the city of Raipur. The price paid is Rs. 16 lacks for ‘Snorkel’ imported by the Raipur Municipal Corporation. However, in future it is proposed to import the unit only and mount the same on Indian chassis. This will be a beneficial idea to the fire services in India as it would make it within their easy reach, \the Snorkel is available in various ranges from 9.14 mts. (30 feet) to 31.4 mts. (103 feet). Special Problems of Highrise Buildings : There are two important aspects of fire safety


highrise buildings. They can be summarised as follows : Part A: This would pertain to design and construction features. This will involve following principles. i) The structure must remain



intact throughout


fire. ii) Smoke control is a very important element in the provision of safety capability.

C.O.E.& T.,Akola


Parking Plaza

iii) There must be a circulation system for people,

including safe

travel and safe areas of refuge in case of very tall buildings. Part



would pertain





equipments to be provided within the building. This will consist of; i) Fire-fighting

appliances and facilities within the building since

the fire department must operate internally. ii) Emergency communications and control systems


sufficient information for occupants and fire-fighting squad such as data on the fire, its location, its size, etc. iii) There should be adequate maintenance securing a proper and reliable functioning of all the


and electrical

appliances in the building throughout its life. Now let us examine these aspects in detail : DESIGN & CONSTRUCTION FEATURES Combustible materials: The skeleton of the modern skyscrapers does not get damaged easily in case of fire. However, they are heavily stacked with


materials. The


doors and windows,

electric wiring, wooden partitions and furniture, clothes, paper and other stationery, wall papers,


pipe, etc. are the chief

sources which cause the spread of fire

and smoke within the

entire building. The


and hot combustion




along the facade (Torch effect). The combustible materials are inevitably ignited by the intense radiated heat convention of the combustion fumes within the buildings and the heat radiated by combustion fumes and flames rising along the facade mutually

C.O.E.& T.,Akola


Parking Plaza

support the ignition responsible for the fir spread in highrise buildings. Separation Walls : For very large buildings fire-resisting separation walls are provided which sub-divide the building. They must start at the foundation and extend through all the storeys up to the roof level. The thickness must be min 22.5 cms. (9’) for brick walls and 10 cms (4”) for concrete walls. The main idea is to isolate the fire completely. If at all openings are necessary, they must be provided with fireproof doors having fire resistance of at least two hours. Spread of smoke : Experimental




20-storeyed apartment

building at Maison Alfort (franco) Established on amazing speed with which smoke travels up. The results of these tests are : a) Within two minutes after lighting the fire, smoke penetrated the corridor and reached the open staircase. b) Within 7 minutes it travelled up to the 20th floor. c) After 12 minutes the

staircase could not be used. The

corridors were not suitable due to reduced visibility. d) Enclosed staircase remained smoke-free. e) A corridor

10 mts. (33’) long

filled with smoke

cannot be

used to gain entry to the staircase. f)

Within the room the highest temperature recorded was 800°C and at the foot of staircase 125°C after 10 minutes. This means that escape has to be effected within 10

to 13 minutes after the fire has broken out. This points to the need for an early fire detection system, an effective fire alarm system and a shorter travel distance. C.O.E.& T.,Akola


Parking Plaza

Enclosed Staircase and Lift Lobbies : The essential purpose of the really fireproof building is to completely isolate each storey, so that a fire will burn itself out on the floor or in the room spread up, down or


origin without being able to

horizontally. To accomplish this all the

communication between the floors such as staircase, lift lobby, corridors and all types of shafts, etc. must be properly enclosed. A fire-resisting and lift

self-closing door


is used to enclose the staircase

from the rest of the floor. It is

advisable to

provide a permanently open type louvered window in the staircase which allows

the smoke to escape. This prevents suffocation of

the occupants during escape. It is also necessary to provide permanent

openings at top of the staircase which must



least 2½ % of the cross-sectional area of the enclosure. Besides additional 15 % openable sashes at every floor

level are

recommended. Pressurized Staircase : If it is not possible to provide

staircase facing an

external wall due to planning then pressurization as a means of controlling








pressurization can be carried out by fans connected to


a duet

system so that air could be introduced into the staircase through an input grille at each floor level. It has been found that pressurization up to pressure differential of


mm. water

gauge that pressurization up to pressure differential of 5.00 mm. water gauge is necessary to override any pressures likely to be encountered due to:1. The temperature differentials created by the fire. 2. Exterior wind conditions. C.O.E.& T.,Akola


Parking Plaza

3. The temperature differentials existing anywhere

between the

interior and exterior of the buildings. Actual

histories cases have shown



designed enclosed or pressurized staircase have played a


vital role in evacuation of occupants. In the absence of


staircase the loss of human lives has been very heavy. (As had happened in the Hotel Tacyonkak fire. South Korea, Sao Paulo fire, Brazil, Hotel Winecoff fire, Atlanta, etc. The plight of the trapped occupants be comes most miserable and many have resorted to desperate attempts of jumping out of the windows. However, it is really heart-breaking to see that

a large majority of our

skyscrapers constructed so far lack even this most fundamental necessity. Lift Enclosure : The walls enclosing lift shafts should have a fire resistance of at least one hour. At least on lift (preferably fire lift) must have landing doors with a fire resistance of 1 hour. An automatic closing device which would ensure smoke tightness is necessary. If the lift lobby is in the


of the building (not

directly connected to the atmosphere) then a positive pressure of 5mm. water gauge is necessary (as in staircase). If the lift shaft is connected directly


the atmosphere


it should have

permanent vents at the top having an area not less than 0.2 m 2 This is necessary to allow outlet for smoke traveling upwards. Additional Staircase: In order to ease evacuation and help fire-fighting operations an additional staircase is recommended for very long lobbies. It is also necessary to provide self-closing fire-resisting doors inside these lobbies to check the spread of fire. In certain C.O.E.& T.,Akola


Parking Plaza

countries it is compulsory to provide and improved staircase on the outside of buildings, and accessible from irrespective





height of the building. A special form of

escape making use of rope is also used in an emergency in some countries. Basements : Basements of highrise buildings are used for various purposes such as

car parking, storage or to accommodate

machinery of various services like air-conditioning etc. Basements are more vulnerable to fire mainly on account of the lack of surveillance. Inadequacy a big part in the

of ventilation in basements also plays

spread of smoke. It is necessary to be very

careful in the design of basements to avoid them becoming the root cause of fire. They must be provided with vents having crosssectional area of not less

than 2½ % of floor area. When

more than one basement is provided the venting of each level should be separated. Evenly-distributed vents can be provided in the form of grills or breakable

stall board lights or pavement

lights either direct from the basement or by way of shafts. Basements which cannot be naturally ventilated at all, should be provided with mechanical


to extract air and should be

designed to operate effectively in the event of fire. (Because of smoke risk

from basements,

upper level exits from


stairs should be well clear of ground floor exits and doorways to staircases

above ground floor). Care should be also taken


protect upper level stairs. Ventilators :

C.O.E.& T.,Akola


Parking Plaza

The ventilators over the main doors can play a big role in the spread of smoke. It is necessary to avoid them to minimise the smoke nuisance. Services Shafts : In quite a few fires (even the giant Empire State Building was once involved in a similar type) the service shaft has played an important role in the spread. The enclosure must have at least one hour fire

service shaft

resistance. They

should be sealed on every floor by carrying the R.C.C. floor. There should be no gap left between the service pipes and the floor. The shaft for electrical cable must be separate and should not be mixed with water or gas pipes or telephone lines. Centralized Air-condition System : Many commercial highrise buildings are centrally airconditioned. Such buildings are completely sealed on the exterior face. Such buildings have openings only at the entrance and exits and at the intakes and exhausts of the air-conditioning. Fires in such cases cause a rapid rise in temperature because heat cannot escape. Hot fumes and flames are likely to spread quickly through

air-conditioning ducts and vertical openings such as lift

shafts, cable shafts, and stairways


the upper floors,

particularly as a result of chimney effect of these shafts. The ill-planned dusting and return air system in a centralized air-conditioning system can be chiefly instrumental in the spread of smoke and fire in a

highrise uilding

as had

happened in the State Bank Building fire in Raipur. The following precautions are, therefore, necessary.

C.O.E.& T.,Akola


Parking Plaza

a) It is advisable to have separate air handling system


each flat or floor in the case of commercial buildings. This can check the fire from spreading further. b) The be





avoided as far as possible.




etc., should

air passage can

prevent them from getting smoke logged. The


tendency is to use the



false ceiling for return air passage, for economy. However, it is preferable to use metallic dueling for return air passage also . c) The materials

used for insulating ducting



higher resistance against spread of smoke. They should be able to withstand fire for at least 2 hours. d) Fire dampers should be provided within the ducts which can be shut off both manually and


They must be

automatically switched of when the fire alarm or smoke detectors operate. It is necessary to shut them off during after office hours. Many times the fire takes place during after office hours and assumes a menacing proportion before being noticed. It is advisable to have dampers provided in the air handling ducts at the point of entry in each flat or office. The main ducting shaft must have a fire rating of 4 hours to check the fire from spreading further. e) All openings around the ducts in floors or walls should be sealed properly so as to avoid flames or smoke from spreading. Smoke Detectors. Area






located in all passenger elevator lobbies in conjunction with the elevator capture and recall system. Addressable smoke detectors C.O.E.& T.,Akola


Parking Plaza

are located at the top of the all exit stairway and at the top of all elevator shafts. Area-coverage smoke detectors of the addressable type provide immediate identification of the alarm


Detector units are installed only in areas with ceiling heights of 10.5 m (34.5ft) or less. Spacing between individual detectors must not exceed 7.7m(24.5ft). Area coverage must not exceed 70m2 (753.ft2). Area-coverage,



(maintenance-type) smoke detectors are installed in all electrical transformer and switchgear rooms, elevator rooms hotel rooms, apartments, and similar




conjunction with the special extinguishing systems



those spaces. Area-coverage





installed within the fan rooms to detect smoke in the exhaust air. The detectors are integrated with the controls for the smoke management system via the emergency command center. Because of their large open layouts, atria are also equipped with projected liner beam smoke detectors.


detectors are so positioned that the beams have an unobstructed projection range and provide complete coverage of the open areas. Manual Fire Alarm Systems(Pull Station). Pull station locations must not exceed 1.5 m (5.0ft) from exits and must be mounted not more than 1.25m(4.0ft) above the finished floor for exits from the building, exits to the roof, adjacent to exit stairways, and exits from parking garages. Maximum spacing for pull station locations in corridors is 61 m (22 C.O.E.& T.,Akola


Parking Plaza

ft). One zone per level for each office tower and multiple zones for lower level structures and atria are provided. Zoning is limited to a maximum of 2000 m2 (921.528 ft2). Pull stations are positioned so that no person must travel more than 25m(82ft)in order to activate the system. The







communications, and emergency systems for the three case study projects in general terns. The materials are applicable to other tall buildings as well. SPECIAL EQUIPMENT AND APPLICANCES Fire Elevator : The fundamental problem in case of fire in highrise buildings is of reaching the upper floors for rescue or evacuation purposes. As discussed earlier even

the most sophisticated turn-

table ladder has a maximum reach of only 30 to 35 mts. Thus to fight fire or rescue trapped occupants the fire brigade has to relay upon the internal elevator within the building. At least one of the elevators









requirements. This elevator is also called fire elevator. It should fulfill the following requirements. 1. Independent source of supply : It must be able to run on an independent source of power supply not linked with the main electric supply of the building. The main supply of the building has to be cut off to avoid short circuit and further spread of fire. In fact many times a short circuit is the root cause of the fire. 2. Dimensions : It has to be wide enough to accommodate a stretcher so that injured or dead persons can be brought down. It has to be C.O.E.& T.,Akola


Parking Plaza

large enough to carry as many persons as possible (at least 10-12 persons) to expedite the evacuation. 3. Control : Whenever necessary it should be controllable from the ground floor so that fireman can use it immediately without any delay. A special key arrangement is provided at the ground level for this purpose. 4. Speed : It should be a high-speed elevator so as to reach the topmost floor within one minute. The Fire-Fighting Pump and extra Water Storage Tanks: An exclusive water supply within the highrise building is usually provided for fire-fighting for immediate use till the municipal supply is secured. The capacity of the tank dependent upon the size of the building and may


vary from

45,000 litres to 2,00,000 litres. The supply may be, either stored at the ground level or at an upper level. If provided at the ground level, the arrangement shown in figure is usually adopted. The arrangement keeps the

water in fire tank under circulation. This

is necessary to avoid mosquito breeding. The regular domestic and flushing supply is fed through the overflow level of this tank. A special pump is provided on the fire tank and a 100 to 150 mm. diameter pipe serves as a delivery line for this pump. This delivery line runs up to the topmost storey of the building. Water is pumped through this line so that it can reach the topmost storey under the required pressure. The capacity of the pump is such that it can supply 1,200 to 2,400 litres of water per minute under a pressure of 1.4 to 3.2 kg/ on the top most floor of the building. The delivery line known as the wet or dry riser is C.O.E.& T.,Akola


Parking Plaza

usually located in the main staircase lobby of the building with an outlet on each floor (known as internal hydrant). A hosepipe is provided on each floor in a glass cupboard for spraying water. Overhead Water Tanks for Fire Fighting : I The present fire-fighting code for Raipur city and (see Appendix B) stipulates the provision of an overhead water tank of 20,000 litres connected with riser for apartment-type buildings (having a height of 24 to 35 mts.) which can be utilized in the initial stages by the occupants for fighting the fire. To overcome the difficulty of insufficient pressure on the floors below the terrace, a booster pump which can give a pressure of 1.05 kg/ (15 lbs./sq. inch) at the topmost hydrant is to be provided along with a non-return valve on the downstream side(between the pump and the tank). Although these buildings are within the reach



fire-brigade ladder the idea is to

provide them with some additional fire-fighting device compared to lowrise buildings.


overhead storage

some water immediately which

tanks can provide

might be useful in the initial

stages of the fire. Dry and Wet Risers : In

dry riser the pump has to be started


whereas in the automatic wet riser system, the pipeline is always full of water under pressure and as the water flows, the drop in pressure starts the pump automatically. In spite of cost,








the higher always


considerable delay (ranging from 15 to 30 minutes) in the dry riser system before the water supply under the required pressure is obtained from the hydrants. This delay can prove very dangerous because the fire C.O.E.& T.,Akola


assume a menacing proportion if not 27

Parking Plaza

checked in the initial stages. The wet riser system has also an inherent advantage in that the whole system has to be foolproof all the time. Many times it is leaking in the dry riser

found that hydrants etc. might be

system which is noticed only during

the actual operations. It becomes too late and difficult to rectify the defects during the actual operations. (See also comments on the wet riser

system as adopted


the Raipur


Corporation for highrise building Appendix B). Automatic Sprinklers : This

system consists of an arrangement

regularly spaced









the most

hazardous parts of the building and supplied with water from fire tank pumps, at regular intervals depending upon the hazards. There are sprinkler heads which contain a fusible plug. This plug is designed to

open at a

pre-determined temperature which is

usually 70 deg.- 75 deg.C (160 deg.-170 deg.F) for the ordinary sprinkler head, thus releasing a flow of water under pressure which will continue, and to avoid unnecessary water damage, as well as to notify the concerned authorities that there is a fire, the sprinkler system should be provided with a water flow alarm to sound at some central station or fire alarm headquarters. The advantage of such an automatic system lies in the fact that when properly supervised it is always on duty. Installing a sprinkler system is like stationing a fireman every 3 meters or so; each with a nose ready for action in an instant, 24 hours a day . The efficiency of the plan is shown by the fact that 95 per cent, of the fires occuring in properties equipped with



been controlled without resulting in serious losses. It was found that in the U.S.A., out of a total of 71,519 fires reported and C.O.E.& T.,Akola


Parking Plaza

covering all types of properties equipped with sprinklers, 69 per cent were extinguished and 26.9 per cent were held in check. The effectiveness of automatic sprinklers is further shown by the large reduction in fire insurance rates granted upon installation of the system.

In spite of

its high installation and maintenance cost

the automatic sprinkler system is perhaps the most effective means to combat fire. The latest thinking in Western countries is to have a statutory

requirement for the


system in buildings of

stipulated heights and sizes. The sprinkler system has also a very vital role to play in


the basement parking garages,

commercial rooms, restaurants and storage areas which have a much higher chance of being

the root cause of the fire. The

sprinkler system could have gone a long way in checking the spread of fire in the initial stage only South

Korea, and




Hotel Tacyonkak,

Sao-Paulo, Brazil, cases. The



the tallest building in the world has employed


totally automatic sprinkler system as the primary life safety tool. Portable Fire Extinguishers : These


are widely used



On account of their easy and quick action



make them compulsory in tall

factory it is

buildings. They

should be provided on each landing. For bigger flats and offices it

would be even worth while to have

premises only.

one installed inside the

Soda Acid CO2 and dry powder type are

recommended. Air Conditioning and refrigeration subsystem. Refrigeration refrigeration system C.O.E.& T.,Akola



in tall buildings


widely used

employs centrifugal 29

Parking Plaza

refrigeration machines operating on a compressive refrigeration cycle (ASHRAE, 1989, 1992). Despite the obvious benefit of being very quiet, absorption machines are usually not applicable in tall buildings because their operation requires high-temperature heat, and tall buildings often do not have a heating plant sufficient to support this. Centrifugal refrigeration machines consist of two partsthe evaporator, or water chiller as it is frequently called, and the condenser,







generated in the evaporator, usually about 5.60C (420F) is distributed to various air handling units

in the building,


cooling the air that passes through the air handling units. The used chilled water, usually about 13.90C(570F is returned to the chiller. The heat picked up from the air by the chilled water is transferred to the evaporating refrigerant in the evaporator, thus rechilling the used water. The gaseous refrigerant is compressed into

the condenser by the centrifugal compressor, and the

compressed hot refrigerant condenses in the condenser, giving away

its heat to the surrounding condenser water.

This warm

condenser water, usually about 37.7 0C(1000 F), is pumped up to the cooling tower to be cooled down to around 29.4 0 C (850 F) by dissipating its heat to air by evaporation. This water is returned to the condenser to continue the refrigeration process (ASHRAE, 1992). Depending on the size of the building, the cooling load in a tall building may range from a few to several thousand tons. Although the exact requirements depend on the specifics of the building, in the absence of any specifics, one may assume about I KW of cooling load for approximately 8 to 12 m2 gross (86 to 129 C.O.E.& T.,Akola


Parking Plaza

ft2 gross) of the building

(or 1 ton for 300 to 400 ft 2 gross) Of

course, one could use a single refrigeration machine for the entire load. However for greater system reliability and operational flexibility it is much

more desirable to use multiple units of

smaller capacities. Usually the equipment is sized in such a way that







requirements ever different seasons can be maximized while still maintaining relative simplicity spare parts.

of maintenance

For example, for a relatively

and stocking of

small building with a

total cooling requirement of 7000 kW (approximately 2000 tons) one might use two machines of 3000kW (800 tons) and 4000 kW (1200 tons) each so that three different operational levels of 3000 kW (800 tons), 4000 kW (1200 tons), and 7000 kW (2000 tons) of cooling can be possible. Oakbrook Terrace tower is an example. It has two refrigeration machines of 3300 kW

(950 tons) and

4000kW (1200 tons) each (Murphy/Jahn,1985). On the other hand, for a building with a maximum of 10,000 kW might elect to use three identical machines of tons) each,

(3000 tons) one 3300kW


as is the case with the USG building in Chicago

(Skidmore, Owings & Merrill, 1990). This will still give three levels of



while greatly simplifying the task of

maintenance and the inventory of spare parts. Normally three to five pieces of equipment yield enough operational versatility with economy in terms of both operation and maintenance as well as the initial cost of purchase and installation. Refrigeration Plant: The Primary Mechanical Room. The equipment is installed in a large mechanical room along with a host of chilled water pumps, condenser water pumps, and other necessary equipment such as an air compressor and C.O.E.& T.,Akola


Parking Plaza

domestic water heater. (This room should really be called a "refrigeration plant" to distinguish it from the other

kind of

mechanical room, which houses air-handling units. However this is not the case, and confusion continues). Obviously a refrigeration plant has an unusually heavy dead load, and engineer





the structural


recommended design loads as well as the architect and

for the

mechanical engineer for the specific equipment layout. Also the plant requires unusually high headroom




enormous amount of piping work in addition to the height of the refrigeration

machines themselves. For this

purpose, usually at

least 6.1m (20 ft) of headroom is required. Thus unless the plant is in the basement, common practice is to design it as a twostory space. This accommodate




obvious benefit


of being able to

space within the tower without

disrupting the vertical rhythm of the building from the outside. A

basement is an obvious candidate for the


from the structural point of view, and this is the case with the Lucky-Goldstar twin tower in Seoul (Hee Sung Industry, 1987; . However, there are two other points that must be considered. One is its relationship with air-handling units, the other is construction scheduling. Heavy mechanical equipment lead time




has a long

and usually the floor slab over a

mechanical room cannot be poured until the equipment is fully in place.




a serious delay in the entire

construction process. Unless the equipment is ordered by the owner long before the award of the construction whoever the contractor




the basement may not be

adequate from this point of view. C.O.E.& T.,Akola


Parking Plaza

Furthermore, since every air-handling unit in


building, with the probable exception of small packaged











refrigeration plant, the cost of chilled water piping as well as the operational efficiency of the entire system


be seriously

affected by the location of the refrigeration plant. As will be seen later, there could be several major mechanical rooms distributed vertically in a tall building.

One could be at the top of the

building, another one just below the grade, and perhaps one to three more in midlevels at every 20 to 40 stories. It is clear that the basement may not necessarily be the optimum

location for

the refrigeration plant from this point of view. In fact, many tall buildings have

their refrigeration

plants somewhere near the

of the building.

The AT & T tower and 900

bottom one-third

North Michigan Avenue are two examples. The 60-story AT & T tower has its refrigeration plant on the 16th floor (Skidmore, Owings & Merrill, 1986), whereas the 66-story 900 North Michigan has it on the 14th floor (Kohn Pedersen Fox Associates,

1985; ).

Of course, the refrigeration plant is also the best location for major air handlers. Cooling

Tower. Undoubtedly the most obvious and convenient

location for a cooling tower is the rooftop, and that is in fact where most of the cooling towers in tall buildings are found. The cooling

towers are enclosed at the top of the building in an

ornamental "cap." Louvered openings allow the air to freely flow through

to enhance the efficient





tower. Rooftop cooling towers, however, cause an extra burden on the construction costs because a pair of condenser water pipes, which



C.O.E.& T.,Akola

both in size and




be 33

Parking Plaza

installed from the roof to the refrigeration machines, wherever they are located. As mentioned earlier, this could be a distance of as much as two-thirds of the total building height or even the entire height. Occasionally there could be a low-rise companion of the tower in a tall building complex. If that is the case, then the rooftop of the low-rise portion could be a convenient place for a cooling tower. This is the case with 900 North Michigan. As the building section view indicates,

the mechanical floors are zoned

in the tower to reduce duct and piping runs and to increase both the economy and the efficiency of the HVAC system.


one should be cautious about possible condensation of moisture vapors from the cooling







surrounding buildings, including the very highrise tower that it is to serve. When the low-rise location is available and particularly attractive from the construction and operational points of view, then one should seriously explore


of dealing with the

moisture problem. Similar to the case of refrigeration machines, system reliability and operational versatility are also very important for cooling towers. For this purpose, cooling towers are usually compartmentalized into


chambers. Furthermore, being

core-dominated, tall buildings need


cooling. This

means that some sections of the cooling tower need to be operating even in the middle of winter. For this purpose, that part of the cooling tower is "winterized," that is, protected from freezing by heating elements. Finally, a cooling tower is not the only means cooling the condenser water. C.O.E.& T.,Akola


In the case of the Hong Kong and 34

Parking Plaza

Shanghai Bank, ocean water is used as the



water is brought into the basement of the building through

Sea an

intake tunnel of more than 305 m (1000 ft) in length at the rate of about 57 m (15,000 gal) per minute, and it is this water that cools the condenser water (walker,1987). In the Christian Science Center in Boston the

condenser water is cooled in a specially

designed cooling pond, which occupies an entire city block. Although such a pond is visually appealing, the evaporation from the cooling pond impacts the microclimate of the surrounding areas significantly, and one should be very cautious about its use. Perhaps a more innovative solution to the problem could be actively harnessing the waste heat in the condenser water for other beneficial uses. This water is already about 38 0 C ( 100 0 F),and it is hot enough to preheat domestic hot water or even to heat small neighboring buildings in winter. If necessary, the waste heat in the condenser water can be pumped out, thus generating hot water of a higher temperature while cooling the condenser water on the other end. Developers, who usually own tall buildings, may not wish to do this because of the

extra initial

cost, but it is more than worthy of exploring. Provisions for Auxiliary Air-Conditioning Units. In designing a tall building, many different kinds of tenant

requirement’s must

be anticipated, not only initially but also over the life of building.


Appropriate responsive measures must be provided

in the initial building system design to permit accommodating such requirements. One particular point of concern is added cooling




extensive computerization of


C.O.E.& T.,Akola


Parking Plaza



trying to provide



through the central HVAC system without knowing exactly what the added cooling load might be, the usual strategy is to have the tenant handle the extra load directly


additional packaged

air-conditioning units. These units come in two different typesone with air-cooled condensers and the other with condensers.


Since an air-cooled condenser requires direct access

to outdoor air as the heat sink, this type is at best very difficult to use in a tall building. Appropriate ones are typically those with water-cooled condensers because these units can be cooled by the condenser water from the central cooling tower. For this, takeoffs are installed in the condenser water pipes as anticipated during the initial construction and capped off until needed, as in the Lucky-Goldstar twin tower and the AT & T tower. Of course, the primary condenser water pipe, as well as the cooling tower, must be designed with these

extra loads

in mind. Once

the tower

crane is taken down, adding an extra cooling tower on a tall building is difficult and expensive.

SERVICES Air-Conditioning and Distribution Subsystem Air







distribution systems is the air handler. It is in this equipment that the air is conditioned,

C.O.E.& T.,Akola


and chemically, and it is


Parking Plaza

also through this equipment that the air is propelled to travel to various parts of the building. Generally







conditioning. The first is the replenishment of oxygen and the removal of carbon


and any other pollutants


fresh air intake on the one hand and exhaust on the other, as well as through active filtering of airborne particles. Another kind of conditioning is heating and cooling of the air. Since tall buildings have a much greater cooling than heating requirement typically cooling alone is provided in the air handlers. As is discussed in Subsection 7, the heating of the air accomplished in variable-airvolume (VAV) boxes when and where needed.

The third kind of






Dehumidification is achieved in conjunction with the cooling process, and humidification is done by the spraying of steam. Once conditioned, the air is blown into a carefully engineered supply air duct system conditioning various spaces,





supply fans. After

air is collected


drawn into the return air shaft by the return fans. After passing through the return fans, some of it is exhausted and the rest is fed into the air handler for recycling. For tall buildings, large-capacity air handlers are typically field-assembled in a configuration and specification that is most suitable for the particular case. The fans could be either centrifugal or axial types. However, an axial fan offers greater versatility in configuring the air handlers, leading to greater constructibility. These are frequently used in pairs-one pair for the supply










arrangement of these fans in each mechanical room . C.O.E.& T.,Akola


Parking Plaza

Mechanical Room for Air Handlers. For operational efficiency and system reliability, as well as for construction

economy, tall

buildings are without exception divided into several HVAC service zones vertically, usually no more than 40 stories but no less than 20 stories each, so that each zone can be served autonomously by a set of air handlers .


noted earlier, mechanical rooms

require high vertical clearance not only for the air handlers themselves, but for huge air trunks, and are generally designed as double-story spaces. In tall buildings slightly different

these are usually seen as

bands compared to the rest of the building

surface. This is due to the fresh air intake and exhaust louvers (Fia. 9.12). For more information on facades, refer to Chapter 7. Often the decision on the location of


rooms is strongly affected by non-mechanical consideration; This could include investment concerns, such as the number of floors between mechanical spaces that might be most attractive to the prospective tenant, programmatic

concerns for the separation

of occupancy, architectural concerns for the esthetic implications, and






considerations for preferred location of a belt truss or outrigger for



performance with regard to literal load. This also the consideration for vertical load transfer from the

columns on one set of the grid to another which often is necessary in tall building profile. Mechanical space is a very convenient place to accommodate all of these. Structural system are discussed in chapters 2,10, and 11,and

tall Building systems and Concepts




SC, 1980)





Buildings (CTBUH, Committee 3, 1994).

C.O.E.& T.,Akola


Parking Plaza

Air-Duct System. The air duct system consists largely of four parts-supply air trunk, supply air branches, return air plenum, and return air shaft. supply and fan,



air, after leaving

travels through the supply trunk and


then is

delivered into the supply branches. After servicing various spaces, the used air is returned to the air handler by the return air fans through the return air plenum, which in a tall building is usually the ceiling space, then travels upward or downward through the return air shaft, finally reaching the return air fan. Service shafts :

All electrical and other vertical

shafts are

sealed off at every floor level, thus cutting off any possible path of vertical spread of fire. Active Fire Protection (1) Fire Protection and Fire Alarm System : The Chamber

entire building

is protected by


type smoke, rate of rise of temperature and fixed

temperature and fixed temperature detectors. The smoke than 0.0002 cmt,(0.006 c.ft.) triggers




Fire Alarm. It

automatically rings the electric bell on the floor and indicates the zone of fire on the floor and indicate the zone of fire on the local console panel provided in the lift lobbies facing ‘fire lift’ and also simultaneously in the main panel in the Fire Control Room on the mezzanine floor. It also gives the visual indication on the floor on which the detector has been actuated. Thus the control room operator is able to alert the fire squad immediately. The fire squad can reach any floor in a matter


minutes by using the “Fire lift”. On reaching the affected floor, they can quickly see the affected zone on

C.O.E.& T.,Akola


local console


Parking Plaza

panel in the lift lobby and extinguish the fire by using portable extinguishers or the wet riser with first aid hose system. 2) Public Address System : From the control room instructions can be given to any floors or all the floors in an emergency to evacuate the building. 3) Fire-Fighting Equipment : a) Sprinklers and Mulsifyre : The basements (car parking area) are









transformers, generator etc, are protected by the mulsifyre system.

Other areas of the basement have the

smoke heat

detection system and segregated by automatic fire doors. b) Wet Risers : 15 cms,(6”) wet risers, one riser in each stairwell, are provided. They are provided with twin 6.25cms (2.6") female couplings.

30.5 mts (100 ft) hose reel

connected to one



with shut

off nozzle

female couplings by male adapter is

also provided. Pumps with a capacity of 2840 litres per minute (625 g.p.m.) at

152.5 mts (500 ft) head pressure for high level riser

and 91.5 mts. (300 ft) head for low level riser are provided. The system is automatic and comes into operation, the moment the pressure

falls below the pre-determined pressure. The efficacy

of this system has already been proved in the last fire, the

pumps worked for more than


water static storage tanks exclusively 6,85,000 litres (1,50,000



The capacity

for the fire


gis.). Besides arrangements


of is


made to augment the supply from the overhead tanks with the capacity of 1,14,000 augment the water

litres (25,000 gls). Fire-brigade supply

are also provided. Four

inlets to courtyard

hydrants are provided connected with the low level pump. Thus, C.O.E.& T.,Akola


Parking Plaza

it will be seen that sufficient water

has been provided



fighting operations. Any time the wet riser is used both the audible and visual indications are received in the Control Room. c) Adequate numbers of portable fire extinguishers are distributed in the basements and on all the upper floors. Soda Acid CO2 and dry powder types of the approved pattern are installed. 4) Emergency Power Supply : a) There are electric cables supplying from a grid of substations interlinked with alternative supply substations. b) In addition, a diesel generator is being installed,

capable of

supplying power to fire lifts and emergency lights. Orders have been placed



diesel generators as standbys for the

electrical fire pumps. In case the BEST (local electric company) supply fails which is unlikely on account of special arrangement (see (a) above) the generator will be commissioned automatically. This will

keep the essential services

working even though the

general electric supply to the building is disconnected. 5)

Control Room : In order to monitor the fire protection

system, quite a modern control room on

the mezzanine floor

is provided. The control room is manned by operators round the clock in 8 hour shifts. The control room consists of the following; a) Smoke and heat detectors main console panel. b) Power supply unit to this panel with automatic switch over relay to the battery unit (emergency power supply). c) Push button type Fire Alarm panel. d) Wet Risers system panel. e) Public address system panel.

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Parking Plaza


Direct hot line to Raipur Fire Bridgade (non-exchange line) which will enable the control room operator to convey message to mobilizing officer in Fire Brigade Control Room at an instant’s notice. It will be seen that an occurrence of fire can be noticed

by the control room operator immediately through the actuation of smoke heat detectors. The second line detection is

provided by

the push button type fire alarm. The control room operator will also get the indication when the wet riser system is operated. Once the fire is detected the same is conveyed to the Fire Brigade without any waste of

time by lifting the hot line, direct to the

mobilizing officer in the Fire Brigade Control Room. Storage Tanks and Pumps : The capacity of underground tanks also suction



from 6 to 12







consumption depending upon the number of hours the supply is available from municipal mains.

The lift pumps should have

capacity to fill the overhead tanks in 4 to 6 hours time. pumps




over the suction tanks.


It is essential to have at least two

each one can be operated alternately.




a on

so that

One acts as a stand-bye

in case of failure of the second one. The capacity of overhead tanks is usually kept at 75 per cent of domestic and full flushing requirements of daily consumption

of all the occupants. If


municipal supply is

continuous, both the overhead and underground

tanks can be

reduced to the minimum. The

R.C.C. tanks have a definite



steel tanks due to lesser maintenance and longer life. Their initial C.O.E.& T.,Akola


Parking Plaza

cost is about 50 per cent higher than steel tanks but it is more than compensated in the long run. The water also remains cooler in overhead R.C.C. tanks. The Raipur Municipal Corporation domestic








insists on separate

supply cost





arguments for separate supply are; 1. To prevent

pollution of water

it is argued that the foul gases in w.c. and which

enter the overhead is connected



in domestic tanks:

pans can travel upwards

tanks, through the flushing



pans. This possibility is extremely

Even here also the chances are practically nil because

even if the flush tank is empty a little quantity of water is always left behind in


tank after

it is flushed.

This water can

certainly act as a seal agents the foul gasses. 2. To ensure longer flushing supply : However, this argument also does not hold much ground because







is over there is always a tendency

flushing supply for domestic purposes. The


observation is that the



providing separate domestic and flushing supply had its origin when



buildings were not

constructed and the

domestic supply was direct from municipal mains (without


overhead or underground tanks). As this supply was intermittent, the flushing supply was regulated from an overhead tank to ensure 24 hours supply in toilets for hygienic conditions.


now one can find this system in many old chawl type buildings in Raipur where due to

C.O.E.& T.,Akola

limited hours of





Parking Plaza

absence of overhead or underground tanks occupants have to store the water in drums and buckets. Hydro Pneumatic System :

Pressure Vessel: In this system

the overhead water storage tanks are avoided all together. Instead a small pressure vessel is fitted on the suction tank, which is made larger to accommodate the combined storage of overhead and suction tanks. The water remains under constant pressure in the vessel and is supplied directly to each flat from suction tank. The pressure is maintained by means of an

air compressor and

automatic electric control unit. The size of the pressure vessel is such that it can accommodate half

an hour to one hour supply

of the total requirements of the building. Pumps, Air Compressors and Delivery Lines :

Pumps are

required in this system to boost water to the pressure vessel and to the pipe lines. Sometimes the height of the building is divided into two zones i.e. low-pressure zone buildings) and high-pressure

(up to mid-height of the

zone (mid-height to top of the

building). The pressure zone from 10.5 to 11 kg./cm 2. Two sets of pumps are required with different capacities for these two zones. The constant





air pressure in the surge tanks. with

the tank and automatic control







The compressor is






compressor starts

automatically, replenishes air in the pressure tanks and runs till the correct air water ratio is reached in the tank. Pipes distribute water from the pressure vessel to individual flats. Pressure reducing valves are necessary on lower floors.

However, when zoning is done there is no necessity of

these valves. The diameter of the pipe depends upon the rate of C.O.E.& T.,Akola


Parking Plaza

water supply and the height of the floor to which it is to be supplied. Advantages of Hydro-Pneumatic System : 1. The overhead tank is eliminated. Against this the capacity of the suction tank has to be increased. It is more economical to construct a suction tank than an overhead tank. The elimination of the overhead tank also gives cooler water. 2. The system being completely automatic, constant


is not necessary to operate the pumps. Disadvantage : The failure of electric supply even for a short time can stop the supply of water within 5 to 6 minutes. The stand-by generator would prove too costly.

DESIGN REQUIREMENTS 1] Parking- 4 wheelers-500 Nos. 2] Parking- 2 wheelers-100 Nos. 3] Showrooms 4] Shops 5] Stores 6] Acceries a) Staircases b) Lift c) Capsule lift d) Car elevators e) Ramp 7] Electrical service room 8] Drinking Water 9] Restaurant 10] Exhibition Hall (permanent)

C.O.E.& T.,Akola


Parking Plaza

11] Exhibition Space (Temporary) 12] Administration Office 13] Air cooling Plant Room 14] Toilets 15] Mechanical Equipment room

CASE STUDY NO.1 HUTATMA BABU GENU PARKING PLAZA. Location Shukrawar peth, Mandai Puna About site Site is located at very congested area of Shukrawar peth.

The area around consists vegitables market, Parsi fire

temple and general market area. The PMT bus stop is very hear from the site. About Plaza It is G + 2 construction and third floor is under construction it contains combine parking facilities for 2 wheelers and 4 wheelers on each floor. Thus their is a combine parking of 2 wheeler and a wheeler on each floor its disturbs the circulation of the vehicaler traffic.

C.O.E.& T.,Akola


Parking Plaza

Exterior view of the Building

Capacity No. of 2 wheelers GF FF SF TF Total

120 120 120 120 480

No of four wheelers 32 32 32 32 128

Single Way Ramp Important Points Common ramp for Up and Dn. movement. The width of ramp is 3'm which is insufficient for both Up and Dn. C.O.E.& T.,Akola


Parking Plaza

No stair case is provided to came down after parking of vehicle. Due to this its increase the travel path of customers after parking of vehicle. No plinth is provided due to which they achieve more area on ground floor and economy but is also cause heavy problem of rainwater no alternate arrangement is made for this.

CASE STUDY NO 2 MAHARAJA COMPLEX Location - Maharaja complex relif road, near relif cinema theater, Ahemdabad. Site -

The area of site is 78 m wide and 17.70 m depth total

area of site is 1355m2. The complex is at whole commercial area. Maharaja complex is divided basically 14 to two categories i.e. 1) Shopping area. 2) Parking area. Shopping area The shopping area is divided in to lower ground and upper ground. Lower ground is 0.55 mts from ground include 14 shops, area of percentage of shop is 13. Upper ground is 2.5 meter from ground included 14 shops total 28 shops on lower and upper ground percentage of shops is 13. Parking area C.O.E.& T.,Akola


Parking Plaza

Parking area include parking for 70 car and 48 two wheelers basement - 28 cars first floor - 20 cars Second floor - 20 cars The slope of the ramp is 1.9 approximately, two ramp are provided separately, entrance and exits are separately on the some road side.

The central drive way is 3.35 mts. wide.

Columns are provided with good strength to resist the load of whole structure the columns are placed at a distance of 7 mts centre to centre. The height of the whole complex is 11.2 mts.




Space Designers Syndicate, Pune. :





Pune. Area


5595 sq. Mts.

LOCATION The site is situated on Bajirao Road, near Saras Bagh opposite Rajmahal Hotel off Mitra Mandal corner, There is a beautiful sights, of the Parvati temple bang opposite the Plaza. SITE Site is roughly rectangular in shape. Site is below 1.0 M from road level. AVAILABILITY OF TRANSPORT The local Bus service provision are at the door step of the complex and Swargate bus station is within 5 Min, Walking

C.O.E.& T.,Akola


Parking Plaza

Distance. Auto Service is also available, Pune railway Station is at a distance of 5 Km from the complex. ACCESS Access to the Plaza is directly from the main Bajirao Road, two separate access to two wings of basement as well as to ground floor shopping. Three main show rooms in front catches to your eyes while passing from the road. TRAFFIC AND LOCALIIY Main Traffic of people coming for shopping and trading rush hours are mainly in the morning from 9 to 12 Am. and from 4 to 9 in the evening. This complex is situated in the middle class locality. Traffic is generally two wheelers in majority as compared to the four wheelers. Since it is the only building of its type in the near by vicinity it has become a prominent land mark. PARKING Basement parking ramps are provided on both sides from which left side is for Doors, the long-term parking is in the basement








Temporary parking is in front of the plaza for cars and two wheelers, which is not pleasing to the eyes at the entrance. From staff parking on can easily go to shopping parking is segregated by landscape. LANDMARK Since it is in the commercial zone. Therefore its value is high. PLANNING In basement 48 shops of 100 sq.ft. are provided in 4 wings under passage above Ist floor and remaining part is used for parking, at two corners is staircase and in each of the C.O.E.& T.,Akola


Parking Plaza

courtyard there 12 Feet upper ground floor 34 shops of 20' x 10' on outer periphery and at two corners toilet block and staircase are provide. In center wing 18 shops of 15' x 10' and showrooms of 30' x 30' are adjusted. Over








circulation area. Overall elevation features are from Greek and Roman style on 1st floor in central wing one office of 3500 sq.ft and on outer periphery offices of 20' x 10' are there. Double columns spacing 1.5 M apart are taken up to 1st floor and 2 nd column up to 2nd floor. Lift Towers increased vertically in the middle seems fantastic planning is simple and functional. STRUCTURE Structure is of R.C.C. all electrical connections are concealed. GENERAL ASPECT The front setback from the road was leveled up and brought to the level of the road and was to be made into a site with a welcome gesture, but unfortunately it is used now for parking of vehicles. The character of the building takes us back into the Greek Era. As the facade is treated in that fashion, the front facade has a curtain wall which reflects the images of the buildings opposite to it, there is no problem of light and ventilation due to open character of the building. Another reason is that the corridors are partly open to sky. One observation was that very little care has been taken or very little thought has been given to side and rear elevations of the building. SERVICES 1) ACCESS

C.O.E.& T.,Akola


Parking Plaza

The staircase and lifts which should be generally together for convenience each times.







causing unnecessary inconvenience to the user at

The staircases are provided at the four corners of the

building with the toilet blocks situated near them. The two lift shafts are heavily treated in Greek Fashion and are placed relatively at the center of each open to sky bay. In addition to the lift the shaft bears a clock tower also. 2) DUCTING All the toilet blocks are placed in the corners of the building with proper dueling so that pipes are not exposed. The rain water pipes are hidden in the boxing that is done for reasons of weather protection. At the entrance, the piping is very haphazardly done at the rear end of the building where the residential units are placed with a lot of Ts and bends in the pipes.

C.O.E.& T.,Akola


Parking Plaza

C.O.E.& T.,Akola


Parking Plaza

SITE SELECTION As the topic name “parking plaza” suggest, it is related to parking. For this topic we wants a metropolitan city and Mumbai









Maharastra, so the Mumbai is selected for this topic. The







entertainment and parking but it also serve parking space for other building in that area. So we needed area where parking problem

is at very high level. Now days the town planners are

providing a special attention at parking space. But areas where such space is not provided for parking. The multilevel car parking is the only solution. So we have to select one of the site in Nariman Point/Colaba, Mumbai.

C.O.E.& T.,Akola


Parking Plaza

C.O.E.& T.,Akola


Parking Plaza

Location Map

C.O.E.& T.,Akola


Parking Plaza

C.O.E.& T.,Akola


Parking Plaza

C.O.E.& T.,Akola


Parking Plaza

C.O.E.& T.,Akola


Parking Plaza

C.O.E.& T.,Akola


Parking Plaza

C.O.E.& T.,Akola


Parking Plaza

C.O.E.& T.,Akola


Parking Plaza

C.O.E.& T.,Akola


Parking Plaza

C.O.E.& T.,Akola


Parking Plaza

C.O.E.& T.,Akola


Parking Plaza

BIBLIOGRAPHY 1) Design of shopping centre - Nadine Beddington 2) Neuferts Architects Data - Earlest Neuferts 3) Time Saver Standards - F.W. Dodge Corporation 4) Auto Drive 5) Indian Architect and Builder.

C.O.E.& T.,Akola


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