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  • Words: 835
  • Pages: 2
The US is a violent society. In fact, the US is even at war with itself. The US has always been at war with itself since the time the early settlers successfully kicked the British forces out of North America. First it was the campaign to wipe out the native population. Then came the bitter struggle between the Confederates and the Unionists. Later the US society undertook an undeclared but pernicious battle against immigrants, especially those from Asia. Then it was the systematic discrimination and oppression of its African-American population which still continues to the present day. Laws and affirmative action were introduced in the sixties and seventies by the Federal authorities to overturn discriminatory practices like segregation but even at this time there was stiff opposition especially in the southern and south eastern states. Eventually the obstacles in these areas were fully overcome but at the local level, things did not change much. In many former Confederate states, white supremacist groups were still very much alive and active and these groups often had the secret support of the local police and local politicians. Texas was one of them. Towns like Jasper and Paris were famous for the killings of minority people by individuals who had links to white supremacist and hate groups. The local police were regarded with quite great suspicion by the minorities and even the local courts and their judges were highly suspect. Even the jailhouses in Texas had more than their share of such suspicious characters plus the ever present white supremacist believers and various hate groups. One, the so-called Aryan Brotherhood, has about 15,000 members. And the latest one was discovered in North Carolina, allegedly formed to wage military-style violence abroad. All this represents the true face of the US. Always been violent from start to end. In the jailhouses, minority groups formed the overwhelming group of people. Up to 70% of inmates are typically non-white and one of the causes of this glaring disproportionality is the fondness of the local police to target minorities. In the local courts, the judges are more likely to hand out stiffer sentences on the minorities compared to whites. One case not long ago involved a 14-year old African-American girl who was ordered to go to jail for seven years just for the 'crime' of pushing her classmate. Shrill protests eventually enabled the girl to be released early and it only goes to show how coarse, unfair, vengeful and violent US society can be, even today. And just days ago, a prominent African-American scholar was the subject of US police coarse and extreme uncouthly behaviour. He was arrested for the 'crime' of being present in his own home. The man was taken away by the police despite being shown proof of his identification. The policeman who stepped inside the man's home was very insistent, obnoxious, combative and disrespectful, typically the behaviour of the US police towards minorities. And yet, the US is always wanting to lecture the rest of the world. The bad US behaviour towards its minorities extended to outside its borders. Some years back, the US was very aggrieved when

Afghanistan went over to the Soviet sphere and its vengeful spirit soon created the Al-Qaeda movement which later spread to the other parts of the Muslim world. Al-Qaeda would later hit back at its former mentor and the US in response, proclaimed its 'war on terror'. Thus the violence in its own home was very successfully replicated outside. The US is most responsible for much of the violence and bloodshed now seen across the world. Not only wanting to create Al-Qaeda, the US has also long nurtured secessionist agents and provided them safe haven. If others had done this very same thing, they would have been labeled 'sponsors of terrorism'. But not the US. Thus the US is the single most violent member of the world community. The most violent. The most hateful. And one without equal. The US is issuing threats against Iran, warning it not to turn away from the negotiating table, but at the same time, the US is most reluctant to hold face-to-face talks with North Korea. It would rather wait for Pyongyang to collapse while at the same time, it secretly helps to forment unrest inside Iran. This is the style and way of the violent. Clearly, the US is the champion of the violent and the impure and the unclean. All other nations should be aware of this unclean and impure nature of the US. Therefore all nations should be wary of making or signing any kind of hasty agreement with this evil country. To do so would be like making or signing a pact with the Devil himself. The US is the most violent society in the world and the most violent member of the international community and no one who values his own safety and security should ever sign away his freedom and his life to this evil society. You have been warned !

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