Ventures 2009

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Official Literary Magazine of the ATENEO de manila Grade school middle school School Year 2008 - 2009

[email protected]

It’s the month to feel the love... and it’s a month to love books...

Ventures Blue Eagle Mascot Aric Mamonluc

“Blooming Bibliophiles”

1 • VENTURES 2009

My dear fellow Ateneans, Congratulations on your next issue of the VENTURES! The theme selected for this issue, “Blooming Bibliophies,” is most appropriate to the present generation of our Filipino youths. With much fascination and excitement of our young to spend much time using the latest technological gadgets and the internet, sometimes we forget the importance of the basic skills we need to be successful in life, one of which is reading.


We are all confronted with fast-paced changes and instant search for gratification, and reading good books slowly and patiently, trying to really understand each word in different contexts, may not be one of our top priorities. It is unfortunate if this is true to us for one of the best sources of true understanding and knowledge is reading good materials. I hope and pray then that not only do you spend some time in reading books, but also for you to fall-in-love with books as you fall-in-love with the Truth and your passionate seeking of it. May life bring you much knowledge, understanding, and wisdom in reading good sources so you may have the full satisfaction in relishing the Truth where God lies.


Fr. Kit Bautista, SJ AGS Headmaster | Publisher

Mrs. Helen U. Amante Assistant Headmaster for Academic Affairs - Middle School

Mr. Jose P. Salvador Assistant Headmaster for Student Affairs

Alvarado | Jacinto Alvarado | Jacinto

“A borderless world reading brings... the reader is welcomed anywhere, everywhere, anytime, whatever, whoever”

Ms. Amante

2 • VENTURES 2009

I was in Grade 6 when I first came across with the word “BIBLIOPHILE” which means a person who collects or has a great love of books. Yes we had a Game Boy, Nintendo, Playstation, Tamagotchi and brick game then, but nothing can ever compare to the happiness my friends and I get from reading a book. It’s like talking to the the great people who made a mark in history. It’s like travelling wherever your imagination can take you, for free! So the next time you decide to flip the switch of your game console, try first to flip through the pages of a book.

Hey, guys, Dicot Alvarado here, a.k.a. “Ed” and the Eaglet’s Best Staffer! hehehe... So anyways, welcome to the world of Ventures! This year’s Ventures magazine is quite different from the previous years. First of all, it has a new makeover, which is almost modelled after the Eaglet. Second of all, Ventures will no longer be just about poems, poems, poems, all willy-nilly. It’s considered as the middle school’s official literature magazine, if you noticed that on the front cover. That means we’ll not cover poems only, but even more forms of literature like short stories. We also continued featuring the best art works.

In this issue, we also included a Valentine’s Special part were some students expressed what they feel through poetry. Happy reading, blooming bibliophiles! Ms. Mara Melanie D. Perez (VENTURES MODERATOR)

of interesting things!

Now, I know that there are people here that love reading, bibliophiles like me, people that balance reading with other things and people who absolutely despise reading. Reading is a great thing to do, a great way to pass the time other than playing that DS or PSP of yours. You could also learn a lot from reading books, like new words, concepts, a ton

So grab a book, and start reading your eyes out! Hope you’ll enjoy this issue! So come on, turn the page, as in right now. Jerome Christopher D. Po|6-AS (VENTURES ENCODER)

Dicot “Ed” Alvarado | 6-Del Pilar (VENTURES EDITOR)

There is no mistaking a real book when one meets it. It is like falling in love!

- Christopher Morley (1890 - 1957)

Acknowledgments: Mrs. Delia Hernandez for allowing us to take pictures for the EMC’s celebration of the National Book Week. Ms. Marah Juanillo for giving the details about the “Top Borrowers in MS” and “Books Borrowed per Section.” Ms. Maia Asonza and Mrs. Hazelyne Elgar for the t-shirt projects of their students. Ms. Co for the Giant Book project of 6-Tandang Sora. Mrs. Bobbie Ramirez for the poems of the Grades 6 & 7 MAGIS Com Arts students. Mr. Dan Victolero for encouraging his students in Grade 5 to write love poems. Mr. Justin Posadas for the articles of the Grade 5 MAGIS Com Arts students. Master Jiggy Jacinto (6-Bonifacio) & Master Raymond Evaristo (7-De Britto) for helping take pictures & conduct interviews. Master Younduk Chung (6-Mabini) for taking the pictures of the Poster Making Contest. Ms. Reby Trinidad of Apex Graphics Prints for printing this issue and Mrs. Vero Villavicencio for taking care of the transactions. Mr. Jonny Salvador for allowing us to work in his office, take pictures and for guiding us in making this publication. Fr. Kit Bautista, Mrs. Amante & the other bibliophile teachers for allowing us to take their picture with their favorite books. 2009 3 • VENTURES Of course, to our Heavenly Father, for the talents, inspiration and everything else. AM+DG

My Teacher’s a Bibliophile too!!! Mr. Morales - Gr. 7 CA

Jay Yuzon | Enrique Martinez | Ed Alvarado | Jiggy Jacinto | Diego Rivera | Jiggy Jacinto | Lawrence Racho | Luigi Marcelo | Raymond Evaristo

Mr. De Leon = Gr. 7 Art

Ms. Tiozon - Gr. 4 CA

Mrs. Ibarrientos - Gr. 6 CA 4 • VENTURES 2009

Mr. Victolero - Gr. 5 CA

4 • VENTURES 2009

Mr. Solis - Gr. 4 Relief

Mr. Mascenon - Gr. 7 CA

Mrs. Bengzon - Gr. 5 CA Mrs. Ramirez - Gr. 6 MAGIS Com

Mr. Maymay - Gr. 5 CA

Ms. Bolasco - Gr. 5 CA

Mr. Quodala - Gr. 4 CA

Mr. Salavaña - Gr. 5 CLE

Mrs. Castañeda - Gr. 6 GLC

Mrs. Castillo - Gr. 5 GLC

Mrs. Geraldez - CLE2009 SAC 5 • VENTURES

A Life Full of Matthew Manuelito S Miranda | 7- Bellarmine Define who you are as an individual of the world? Some might be able to answer this, but others just keep silent while there are several people who take it as a joke. It is indeed a difficult question since it will take more than a mere answer or opinion to be able to explain such general and vast matter of one’s personal experience and perception of life. Though, no matter what we try to do we will need time and understanding towards the essence and presence of our existence, alone and with others, just too be able to show or express the true and a more accurate definition of our lives. Unfortunately, there is really no perfect reaction to this sensitive subject. How and why? Simply as for me, accuracy of one’s response to the question I raised earlier is not the real significance of defining one’s outer and inner selfbeing and soul but instead it is the application and effect of it to beings like us on how we will live the rest of our lives. For sure, not all will react similarly or have the same approach to a given situation, instead one’s very own and unique characteristics and traits influences his way of living; thus, affecting himself and others as well in a major aspect. I had a choice in life which I thank god for letting me experience for it completely changed my way of looking at things, simple or complicated may they be. At first it seemed a simple decision, but soon it becomes a test of loyalty and a standing for one’s belief. Last year to the very present, I feel a lack of opportunity to connect to the outside community of the world. I wanted to feel how it is to be with the people I only see when I leave school. My eagerness and hunger to serve which my school instilled in me went to highest peak just recently. At the same time, I also have a deep love to cook scrumptious meals to feed the hungry bellies of many. Soon it came to me that a choice was needed to be made between my liking to cook or my goal to give or “Is it really that necessary?” To further elucidate what I felt, I would like to involve two totally unrelated co-curricular activities here in Ateneo, the Bleu Chefs Club and ISIAS. Now, how in the world would cooking delicious food in Bleu chefs make a focal relationship 6 • VENTURES 2009

with ISIAS where teaching children is more practiced? To me it was obvious, how they can be associated together. Personally, I had a passion to cook all sorts of delectable cuisine yet I was also filled with a desire to give equality no everyone, whether rich or poor, old or young, and privileged or deprived. I wanted to tell every single person that even if I come from a prosperous household, I can still be with others, whoever they may be, and talk to them, relate with their stories, advice them in their problems and admire their amazing talents. I feel that the world should know that I, a normal and average person is here joyful and thrilled to have a chance to meet not strangers but new friends everyday. For a long time, both my love for cooking and sharing my life to my fellowmen remained separated until just lately when everything changed. Just freshly, I have acquired an interesting solution to my problem of linking the two different values and diversions in my life, cookery and public allotment. I decided to finally speakup; thus, I went to people who could assist me fulfill a part of me. I suggested the school to actually have an entire day where ISIAS members and more especially the children they are educating to come visit Ateneo and make them realize that even if they are different or believe their unaccepted that they are respected just like any other individual. In addition, as a Bleu Chef member I recommended that if it could be somewhat a sponsor to the visit of these kids in Ateneo to make it more memorable for them. With having more people to share one thing I enjoy doing particularly cooking gives me the chance to communicate with them and convey a message that will hopefully inspire them to live out a momentous and beautiful life. This plain yet meaningful event seemed such an ambitious way to get my two interests in life to be jointed but, even so it was approved and is actually going to happen! Truly it made me feel great that the fact that my wish to become a manfor-others is slowly but surely becoming a reality. Some might say that what I did has really no connection or relation towards serving others and accomplishing what I love to do but in point of fact there is. Simply by starting with small but compassionate deeds such as

Choices developing and sharing my talents and skills to and for others will soon lead me towards being able to serve them more intimately and closely. If I begin now and strive for even more, surely my dream of a better world will be rewarded not just for me but more importantly for the next generations to come. Going back to the question I mentioned awhile ago, I can say that truly characterizing one’s self is all about how he uses it in his daily life but not the answer itself. In other words, doing what you say you are is what genuinely matters the most than by just bragging yourself and the talents that you have. If you say something, be sure you are willing to do it or live it out to the entire world. Now, to link up the choice I made to this very question, I would say that I felt that an element of my life was fulfilled after choosing to find a way effective way to combine two parts of my life. This very decision made me come to a conclusion where I realized that when you are asked to define who you are then your answer can only be according to what personal experiences you have in life. In the end, I have reflected that only after experiencing more and more knowledge will you be able to gain enough wisdom to comprehend further and deeper erudition about ourselves than before. Defining one’s self can also be only answered through time and discernment toward others. As one’s life progress full of new insights, the greater his response towards whom he truly is therefore, but the less experience in life he has will lead to an even more frustrating and irritating world. Think about your life, what do you think can you offer or do to help you define who you are? If you know who you are, your life will become a totally better one! “TODAY, DOING SMALL, GOOD AND SIMPLE DEEDS TO OTHERS GOES A LONG WAY BUT ONLY IF IT IS CONTAINED IN YOUR HEART FOREVER.” -MMSM

7 • VENTURES 2009

Ventures BOOK GENRE Survey Dicot “Ed” Alvarado | 6 - Del Pilar I came up with the idea for this survey a few weeks ago when I was brainstorming for ideas for Ventures. I had to come up with an idea that had something to do with books and yadda yadda yadda. I was inspired to create this survey when I was asked to share what my favorite book was. That was when it hit me... Favorite books… why not favorite book genres? And for a handful of students… I wondered. So I shared my idea with Ms. Perez on Multiply and I waited for a response. It soon came, and my idea was approved. So I started asking my classmates… but I could see that it would take me somewhat a long time to reach my goal of a certain number of students. So I asked help from some of my classmates. Thanks to Jonathan Rodriguez, we earned a great number of votes. Thanks to Van Valdez who helped create this message. A very special thanks to Anjo Ledesma who conducted the majority of the survey. Thanks to all who participated in this survey (students and teachers from different grade levels)! Without further ado, here’s the Book Genre Survey.

Conclusion Well, it seems that you guys love reading fantasy novels. I’ve got to say, that’s a great and interesting genre of books, and this one really works up your imagination. Good for you guys. But don’t forget; don’t just stick to one genre and read only those kinds of stories, that’s just dull. Expose yourself to other kinds of literature as well! So, that’s about it...

Romance 3%

Others 9%

Classics 3% Action 6%

Horror 11%

Adventure 13%

Thriller 17%

8 • VENTURES 2009

Fantasy 20%

Mystery 19%



206 194 140 153 209 135 87 110





200 233 65 88

Books Borrowed per Section From June 2008 to November 25, 2008



117 174 163 78 119



206 84 100 117 110 158 71



130 128 51


8 143 103 101 57 87 48 34 66




85 109 7 32 18 58 37 42 42


96 78 73 71 64 63 63 61

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submitted to Ms. Anne Marie B. Co

10 • VENTURES 2009

11 • VENTURES 2009

The Sky Lanz Anel - 6 - Rizal The sky So blue So true Floating high above Going to limitless heights. Reaching the impossible. Carrying our dreams to the infinite space.

Miguel Ventura | 6-Bonifacio

Death We all have a very fine friend. Who we don’t meet till our end. A knife in the back, your very last breath, That very friend Death. Life’s just one more cage. Wherein your just another page. You’ll wish for release. A favor he’ll please. That very fine friend, that death.

The Best Day of His Life? Dan Oliver A. Baracarse | 7-Claver It was the best day of his life He was gleaming..... He was smiling..... Awaiting something promising. And as he traveled to work, he passed by a b****, tripped on its tail, transformed into a witch. Turned him into an a**, never let him pass. Slapped him and stabbed him, and even tried to eat him. As he saw his own blood, he cried and cried, remembered all the failures, all the sadness and all the pressure, all the evil and torture.

As he died he thought about his life, thought about his kids and his wife. What a terrible life I have, he cried. It was the worst day of his life....

Nightmare Jego Mallillin | 6 - Rizal

Life A face who would bring you down from up there. A friend who’ll love the affair. A step with a knife. That beautiful woman called Kate could just be great horrors is a wait You need to be wary Lest you see something reary In that humongous game, called Life.

12 • VENTURES 2009

The dream is the same, The night is filled with darkness. There’s no one ever with me, In this place of sadness. Why I am here, I do not know. Can I leave? It is not so.

Blue Eagle Niccolo T. Rabago | 6 - Rizal

The Blue Eaglet soared so high As if touched the sky It fought its enemies like a fearless warrior It had the strength and guts of a savior The sun came down and then came night But that didn’t end the eagle’s long fight It charged with might towards the moon Nothing could stop it, not even its hunger Then it arrived, at the place it wanted to strive Fighting its enemies and trying to stay alive Then finally, the battle was over The eagle left, trying to recover Its goal was done, and that had made him stronger And it disappeared as soon as the sun rose.

Them Daniel Baysa | 6 - Bonifacio

When you look out your window,you see a star at night There are some people who don’t see that star as bright. Where you see slums,dumps and cities,you see them. They are people just like us, but we don’t think that way. When we see them,we whisper and stare. When they see us,they cry and beg. My friends,help these poor souls. They are given misfortune they don’t deserve. Help them.



Enrique Martinez | 6 - Lopez-Jaena Last summer was oh so gloomy The sun should’ve shined To ruin the day Oh summer.whatever happened What happened to swimming in the beach Children running n the streets When you finally went away, To school we had nothing to say Cause summer was just a bunched of sad days

They can change the future.

Going to The Beach Raffy Rafael | 6 - Rizal

Going to the beach is always a fun activity. It is extra fun with my whole family. There is a lot to do there like swimmingor getting a tan. But sometimes it gets really hot there, So always bring a fan. After doing my planned activities all day long. I go home with my family,and we Sing a joyful song. I wish I could go here some time again. And maybe ext time I’ll bring sime of my friends. 13 • VENTURES 2009

Glad Danguilan | 6-Lopez Jaena

Armando Castelo | 7-Claver

Computered Life

When life gives you lemons as it will usually do. In how I’m gonna use it I wouldn’t have a clue.

A blank screen that suddenly lights up, impatiently pressing buttons until it’s ready. Waiting and still waiting for the time it’s fully functional. Opening the first thing you see to finally interact with others.

Perhaps I can go clone them and franchise them online or maybe make a drug to help enhance the mind. Or maybe make an item to help stop the wars and maybe create fuel to fuel all the cars.

Sometimes depressed, angered, joyful or a normal feeling when you suddenly encounter that.You may experience a black out and it wipes everything out until power comes back or a major problem which prevents it from working, ending up in a tragedy. You must move on and find a better way to solve the problem.

But there’s one I wouldn’t try something others have made it just seems all too simple, the drink called lemonade.

It can help, it can be a burden but you must find what it is for. You should achieve more along with every other thing in the world. Do not just make it a regular thing but make it an important and significant happening.

The Magis room Jay Yuzon | 6 - Lopez-Jaena My magis room It is very cool It’s so cool,it can make you drool,literally It has tables and chairs and boards It also has a computer and floors It reminds me so much of home It makes me want to make it my own My magis room It is so cozy, cold and sweet-smelling It is.....heaven on the ground

Untitled Nico Villareal | 7-Claver

There a homeless boy, he had no education. He always had a dream of discovering new medication. He already found the real cause of AIDS. He’s 90% sure it starts when your hair fades. He went to the science lab to bring up his idea, But the scientists were busy curing diarrhea. Finally they listened to what he had thought. They paid him a lot and the idea was bought. He is now very successful and has a big house. He is very happy and has a spouse. 14 • VENTURES 2009 14 • VENTURES 2009

Christmas J.R. Sanchez |6 - Rizal Christmas is joyful It is very wonderful I can’t wait for it I can’t wait for the presents I am very excited I’m thrilled for Christmas I’m looking forward to it, To the Christmas feast, To seeking my relatives To celebrating Christ’s birth

Murder in Cardinal Boulevard Joaquin Singson| 6 - Lopez-Jaena

The weather was horribly bleak, dismal and stormy. Ideal weather, come to think about it , to kill a few people. But this was no time for jokes, there were several murders in Cardinal Boulevard. It was a strange case: the murder weapons used were sharpened paintbrushes. The victims were teenagers and they loved to party according to their parents. I had to do a little fieldwork at least. So I analyzed the victim’s bodies and found one conclusive piece of evidence, there was kanji writing on their necks. So I sent pictures of the kanji writing to a Japanese friend of mine and the reply was: “they all meant the same thing: ‘Vandal’”. “Finally! Some leads!” I thought to myself. But my luck didn’t last forever. When I searched for all the Japanese people living in that neighborhood I found 6 families of them and one old man who lived by himself. So I interviewed them all one-by one (except for the old man) but I didn’t find any leads at all. I t had to be him! But one question bothered me most at that time and that was how could an old man commit five murders in one day? The answer was this: Mr. H as everyone called h i m was a Karate Master and he would also very often tell me his real name and tell me where he got it: his grandfather. His grandfather was Katsushika Hokusai. “If you don’t know who he is ,then let me give you a background

check on him: He was a famous Japanese artist from the 1800’s. Two of his most famous works were at the city museum but were horribly vandalized so I knew immediately old man H was the killer! But when we arrived at his house and workshop, he was nowhere to be found. When suddenly one officer heard a ticking noise and upon hearing it too, I ordered everyone to move out. Too late. Two policemen died , one was in the hospital because of spinal injuries. I camped in the garden to get rid of my worries that a homicidal maniac was out there. When suddenly I heard the bushes shake I loaded my pistol and went out of the tent and before I knew it, I was lying on the floor with a sharpened paintbrush in my leg and old Mister Hokusai was dead. We sent his body to his sister in Japan, and from then on, murder rarely happened after that and we considered most of our murder cases solved due to the similarities from one murder to the other. But up till now one question s t i l l haunts me: why did he murder all those people but then upon hours of research I found that the paintings by the older Hokusai were vandalized countless times. Now I knew the m o t i v e . Another reason why he killed them all was because they were either witnesses to another murder done by Mister H or they vandalized the paintings which he was very proud of. But to this day, I am still haunted by the memories of my co-workers dying and getting injured and I still regret killing Hokusai but he had it coming to him anyway.

Maximum Ride Series Written by James Patterson Dicot Alvarado | 6-Del Pilar Okay, grab six kids, put wings on them, watch them fly and have crazy scientists chase after them, oh yeah, throw in a dog, too, what do you get? The Maximum Ride Series. The series is about six kids, also known as “The Flock”, named Max, Fang, Nudge, Iggy, Gazzy and Angel, who were experimented on when they were very young at a mysterious place called “The School”. One of the experiments made them humanavian hybrids, 98% human and 2% bird, allowing them to grow wings. There, they had to undergo painful procedures created by the twisted minds of the scientists and had to fear the dreaded Erasers. What are Erasers you ask? They are human beings who can turn themselves into wolfs at will. Why do these scientists want to conduct crazy experiments? Simple. World Domination. Luckily, there was one scientist named Jeb Batchelder who felt sympathy towards them and took them away from the horrid institute. The flock and the scientist lived happily… for a short while because one day, Jeb disappeared, reasons unknown. Max, being the leader of the flock, took control of her members when Jeb was gone. But everything changed one day when the Erasers came back and destroyed everything. And that was only the beginning. As the story continues from chapter to chapter, book to book, Max and her flock have to make a very important decision, run away from their fears, or confront them to save the world. The Maximum Ride Series is a very exciting and nail-biting story. The pages will keep on flying as you read, and at the end of each book, you’ll be clamoring for the next book in the series. With so much suspense, action and huge twists, there is absolutely no dull part in this series. Grab a copy and get ready to experience a ride you’ll never forget! 15 • VENTURES 2009

The 10 greatest gadgets Okay Fine... I admit that I said that we should read books more instead of playing all the time, but there is also time for gadgets and games, too. Moreover, there are lots of games out there with a good story, and playing is just like reading an electronic book. So, here’s a list on the top gadgets, for Ateneans, at least... Have fun, weee.... -Ed

Patrick Roasa & Yñigo ELgar | 4-Mangyan

10. PS2: It is the second installment of the Play Station generation; there are a lot of fun games for the PS2 including Tekken, Kingdom Hearts, Tales of the Abyss, Final Fantasy and many others. It easy on the wallet nowadays but it is still a very entertaining gaming console.

8. Ipod Classic: You could say that the Ipod classic is literally a classic or in other words a late generation of the Ipod. Even though it is old it is still sturdy and looks very stylish. It is the grandpa of the Ipod generations.

6. NDS Lite : This gadget is unique because it contains a touch screen. One of the all time favorite games are Pokemon Diamond, Pearl and soon to come in English: Pokemon Platinum. It also has Nintendogs which makes a surprise appearance in Super Smash bros. Brawl, also a good game because of its interactivity. 16 • VENTURES 2009

9. Nintendo Gamecube: The cube of Nintendo, the Nintendo Gamecube is pretty much the stepping stone of one of the best Nintendo Wii Games ever, Super Smash bros. Brawl. It is also the stepping stone of another Wii game, Super Mario Strikers: Charged. In other words, the big brother of the Wii. It is very entertaining and a great console to get for your family.

7. Xbox : It has good graphics and awesome games. It hosts two of the greatest games of all time: Halo 1 and 2. Compared to PS2 it is pretty big, but considering gameplay and graphics of most of the games, it kicks butt.

5. PSP (All three of the versions): The PSP, a portable Play Station Console has very fun, exciting and cool games. One of these is NBA Live 09. Another is Star Wars: Force Unleashed. The list of good games for the PSP goes on and on and on and on. A good console, good graphics, and good gameplay. All in all, a really smart installment into the Play Station Consoles.

3. Ipod Touch: The Ipod Touch like the DS has a touch screen. It is slim , portable and really awesome. Even though it is not a gaming console it has games, but the device is focused on music.

4. Xbox 360: The Xbox 360 is a newer version of the Xbox. As you would expect, it has better graphics and games but to the let down because… how should I say this, it EXPLODES. Not exaggerating, it really does. Even though that happens, it still totally ROCKS! It also hosts Halo 3! :D

1. Nintendo Wii: The Nintendo Wii… The greatest masterpiece of Nintendo. Two words, IT ROCKS! It has multiple games that scored really high in ratings. One is Super Smash bros. Brawl, another is Okami and another is Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess. And trust me there’s more than that. We’re not just talking about good graphics, there’s also great interactivity! You swing the Wii remote! :D

2.PS3: The PS3 is a gaming console that has good graphics and good games. One of the famous PS3 games is the game “Guitar Hero: World Tour”. The good graphics of this console draws in more and more players , that is why it is the best of the Play Station series and all Sony consoles.


Poster Making Contest Young Atenean Artist Society

Ruzzel A. Castillo | 4-Ifugao

Raymond Evaristo | 7 - De Britto

Luis Gabriel A. Tacujom | 5-Mactan

Rico Angelo R. Vinasoy | 4-Yakan

Arts and Craft

John Sebastian N. Bacabac | 5-Mactan 18 • VENTURES 2009

Andres Ignacio B. Caluag | 7-Brebeuf

The Educational Media Center celebrated the National Book Week last November 17-21. The theme for this year’s book celebration is “Ang Batang Palabasa Dalubhasa sa Kultura.” In ine with this celebration, Mrs. Delia Hernandez, Chief Librarian of EMC organized some contest activities for the students and the grade school community. Here are the winners and works of selected contests.

Junior Atenean Artist Society

Juan Paolo A. Ancheta | 7-Berchmans

Carl Raymond G. Marbella | 7-Berchmans

Marl Thomas P. Tanchanco | 7-Berchmans Aric Matthew T. Mamonluc | Jose Enrique B. Gomez 6 - Burgos

Johua Rafael N. Llanto | 5-Intramuros

Best Book Best Friends

19 • VENTURES 2009

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TrueBlue Shirt Designs Class of Ms. Asonza & Mrs. Elgar 6-Aguinaldo, Bonifacio & Burgos

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Grade 5 MAGIS Com Arts Students of Mr. Posadas Title: Why Baked Potatoes is HARDCORE! Luis Umpangco | 5 - BAGUMBAYAN

A memorable place Joaquin Y. Amante | 5-Kawit

If you ask me, baked potato is the best kind of dish in the universe. I really love the crackling and aromatic scent as it cooks. I also couldn’t resist gobbling it up once I see it’s appealing look when it’s done. Of course, the soft and thick potatoes, tangy bacon and irresitable butter on the dish are neveer to be left out in this description. One of the things I really like about this is the scrumptious layer of melted cheese on top of it. The best ingredient on it for me,though, is the drizzle of creamy sour cream on it. The best part for me, isn’t an ingredient, it’s the rich taste of the whole thing and heavenly feel of it on my tounge. I hope my descreption will whet your appetite for baked potato.

Among the many places in the U.K., Thornbridge Education Center is one of my favorites. Upon entering you will see a structure that looks like a castle. When you go past the structure you will see four buildings. The first building is new, yet quite small, on the other hand the buiding behind this is large and old. The building across is the kitchen and the large dining room with a ping pong table right beside it. In front of the dining room is the spacious activity room with a tool shed beside it. Behind all the buildings is a huge field, surrounded by trees. This place is special to me not just because of its sentimental value but because it is really an amazing place.

Hamsters Liempo I have two very cute hamsters. They are a male and female pair of Roborovske hamsters. They are fat because they easily get hungry. For one year old hamsters, they are pretty noisy and rowdy. They are also easily bored, even with three floors of food and water. Sometimes they like to try to escape from their cage. They even got out one time! This proves that they are very strong. In my opinion they are very valuable, since I care for them like I would for my own children.

22 • VENTURES 2009

In my opinion, liempo is one the best tasting meal anyone could have. As it cooks, you will hear the pleasant sizzling sound and at the same time it looks tempting. After it is cooked, you will see the dripping with sauce. Smelling it would further delight your senses since it has this marvalous smell of cooked pork. Take a bite out if it and you will surely marvel at the favorable and delicious taste of the chunks of meat. Also as you eat it,you will be able to taste the juices of the meal,which taste favorable. Liempo has this effect on people which makes them want more of it. So what are you waiting for? Go try this food today!

Most memorable place M. Recio | 5-Bagumbayan

Mike Elgar John Christian Nacpil | 5-Malacañang When you ask people who their music idols are, they’ll usually say foreign artists like Maroon 5 and Rihana. I have a different case, since I idolize Rivermaya’s guitarist Mike Elgar. He has jet-black,emo-style hair. He usually wears dark colored t-shirts with shades like black and violet. Although he looks like a rocker-at-heart, he’s actually a down-to-earth person. You can describe him as creative when you hear his insane, Satriani-inspired guitar solos. And after all the changes in the band’s lineup, he’s still determined to keep the band together. He’s truly one inspiring person.

Cheese Pizza Anton Cabalza | 5 - Bagumbayan Though you may believe a cheese pizza is just nothing more than your average Italian treat, a well prepared cheese pizza would make your tastebuds dance with delight. As soon as a slice is laid on your plate, you’ll notice the melted mozzarella and how it would string up into long elastic strands of cheese when sliced. You’d smell the enticing aroma that makes you lean foreward to take your first fulfilling bite. A rackling crunch would be heard after digging one’s teeth into the pizza’s golden-brown crust. The pizza has a slightly salty, but all delicious taste that can be experienced with every bite. Parmesan, romano and other cheeses dot the generous bed of pure mozzarella to make the meal extra special. Topped off with fresh basil that gives the pizza a slight hint of herb, a cheese pizza remains my favorite of all. From tip to crust a perfectly-cooked cheese pizza best all others from the first bite. Not only that, but this extraordinary meal will keep you coming back for more.

My favorite and most memorable place is my old home. This was the place where I grew up. It had a light brown gate with an electric burglar alarm which kept my family safe. Behind this was the huge parking space that could fit 8 cars or a long table for family reunions. When you get through the door you’ll be in my living room with white marble floor and antique looking furnitures. To the back of the house is my favorite place, the basketball, soccer, bike, and cloth washing area where I’ve bled, fell and cried so many times. I hope now you can see why it is my favorite place.

Jambalaya Kevin Corpus | 5-Malacañang One delectable dish I have eaten is Jambalaya. Jambalaya is a rice meal filled with all sorts of ingredients. There is brown java rice that has a spicy flavor. Jambalaya has tahong,a kind of shell. Delicious shrimp is placed in the middle of the Jambalaya. Around it is newly cooked crunchy calamares. If you are lucky,you can find delectable and soft cut sausages. Fried brown garlic is found mixed with the rice. The spicy flavor of the Jambalaya is from bell pepper and different kinds of red and green chili. Due to Filipino tradition, Jambalaya has better flavor eaten by hand. Jambalaya is mostly served on banana leaves for more traditional characteristics. Jambalaya truly is a dish I will never forget.

23 • VENTURES 2009

Kim, the Boy Who Had Found H is Parents By Youn-duk Chung | 6 - Mabini Revised by Ralph Martin S. Fernandez

There was once a boy living in Payatas. His name was Kim. He was orphaned ever since he was a very little boy. He managed to learn Filipino through his years in Payatas and made friends. He was much more active than other kids in Payatas. He always got the best things to recycle. He had enough money to get food and clothes but was always very lonely because he lived alone. He always wished that he could find his parents or at least someone who would like him for who he is. One night on a cold Christmas day, his friend came to his small wooden house and gave a small square box covered with used paper. When he opened it, he saw a portable radio. His friend told him that it was a Christmas present for him and because of those touching words, he realized that some people really do care about him. One day, he turned on the radio and heard that there was a radio program searching for lost children. Kim went to the program and gave information about himself. He waited for days for some parents to look for him but unfortunately, no one came. Coming back from the program, Kim saw an old woman being robbed by several people. He tried to help her by trying to stop them but in the process he was beaten up and wounded. The woman called for help and patrol officers nearby heard the woman so the robbers were caught. The woman felt pity to Kim so she brought him to the hospital. It so happened that the old woman was a retired actress so the media found out this heroic deed made by Kim. He soon became popular and received many donations. He had received more than enough to move in to a condominium. Meanwhile, Kim’s parents saw the news and went immediately to the hospital. However, Kim had already discharged from the hospital. They asked the nurses and they said that he had moved to a condominium somewhere in Manila. They let go of the fact that it will take longer time to look for Kim so the father had received a job and moved to Manila. Kim that time was recuperating from his wounds and was moving into the 24 • VENTURES 2009

condominium. One day on his way to Glorietta, he met an unfamiliar person who claimed to be his father but he just went away and ignored him. For some reason the thought of that man never went out of his mind so he searched for the man and talked to him. As soon as they met, a very large explosion happened which separated them. Kim, a few days after that, was still in the hospital but could not afford to stay any longer so he had to check out and go back to his condominium and rested there. Meanwhile, the father was hospitalized and was recuperating in the province. Kim healed earlier than his father so he went to search for his father. When he went to the apartment of his father, the land owner said that he was recuperating in the province. Kim upon knowing this, quickly packed his things and headed for the province. While Kim was going to the province, his father was going to Manila to look for Kim. When Kim arrived to his father’s chateau, he heard that his father went back to Manila to look for him. The Kim’s father was in Manila searching for Kim but was shocked that Kim went to look for him in his situation. The Kim’s father was back in his apartment with Kim’s mother packing their things to move out of the apartment and move to a condominium because the area of the apartment was too far from where Kim lived. The father took a job to earn money while the mother searched for Kim. Kim that time was in Manila also looking for his parents. The father was suffering from a deep depression from losing his only son so he took a day off. While he was taking his day of, he saw a teenager who looked just like Kim but sadly it was just a stranger. Kim that time was in Mall of Asia and was eating. While eating he saw many people with their families, they all looked very happy. He asked himself, why can’t I be as happy as any other person? So he told himself that he needs to work harder to find his parents. The mother was also in Mall of Asia looking for Kim if he was there. In the process of looking for Kim, she slipped and fell unconscious. Kim that time was staring at her and rushed her to the nearest hospital. He didn’t know who she was so he just told the nurse that she wasn’t related to him. When Kim’s father was notified of the incident he saw that the person who brought her was Kim. He was so delighted to see that it was actually his son, his long lost son. When Kim found out, he also was happy. A few months later, Kim and his family moved to a new house. They started over again and lived happily ever after.


“Poets are all who love, who feel great truths, and tell them: and the truth of truths is love” - Philip James Bailey

Adrian Del Rosario | 6-Del Pilar I am but a humble man, a man whose heart is broken. It aches as if itsn’t there, it aches as if it was taken. I see her kind smiling face, looking gently back at me. I see her overwhelming grace, as she walks free.



A week before Valentine’s Day, I just posted an announcement asking for contributions, and these were some of the love poems sent.

Thanks to all who submitted! ü - Ms. Perez

I am but a ghost to her, a silent watcher in her life. To know she will never know me, stabs my heart as if with a knife.

Love So Bold Jolo Sison | 6-Burgos

I will make a lover’s promise, that I will keep forever. I will make a solemn pact, that we will be together.

Missing someone is the most dreaded thing. A few days ago we were just chatting and conversing. Now we can’t even act or do anything. Unless we see each other and sing. I guess we realize we are feeling something. Deeper than just the ordinary thing. A love so perfect and fleeting. Having each other is just so completing. Falling in love with my special someone is so profound. The mere sight of her makes my heart pound. Generoso Ignacio Salvador Jacinto | 6-Bonifacio The beating of my heart goes with a deep sound. A task dedicated to her just goes leaps and found. “Do by”, you said , as I helped you sit Love they say is a splendored thing. “Whaaaaaaaaaat?!” you were 3, and I a mighty Prep My heart’s desire deepens and definitely is not a fling. “She wants to sit by herself, show you she can” We both can’t seem to feel ill at ease without giving a ring. “Do by myself’….. that’s my New York girl The joy and happiness felt when I see her bling. Her beauty and presence is nicer to behold. Next I saw of you as a li’l lady in white, This love that I feel for her is the greatest story ever told. Quietly wearing a smug, impish smile, Poised and ready to be princess of the night; You came to my 8th b-day, to my surprise!

“My New York Girl”

In love with you

I’m being paired to pretty little you Trying hard to act cool and in control, you know I hear about you, and you the same way I’m in Manila and you, far away. Enjoy New York as you study and play, I too have my books and more books each day; Of course I have Scouting and Tae-Kwon-Do at bay I won’t forgot your first dance, that’s still a long, long way.

Alec Antonio | 5-Barasoain

At night I dream of you Won’t wake til the next day or two At day time my mind Thinks of you Day dreaming of you is what I do I hope to see you soon I can’t wait to see your face Until I reach your heart I’ll race Will wait from morning til noon Still will wait under the moon

Love... contributed by Marco Gosuico | 6-Mabini Love is about airplanes pulling banners over stadiums, proposals on jumbo-trons, giant words in sky writing. Love is about going an extra mile even if it hurts. Letting it all hang out there. Love is about fighting courage that`s inside of you that you didn`t even know it was there. 25 • VENTURES 2009 - Little Manhattan 25 • VENTURES 2009

The Only Person in My Heart

Ron Esponilla | 6- Abad Santos going through the days, shedding tears down my face; i know that i did this thing upside down... but please... i want you to see all those days I’m not a perfect person...I’m hiding what i feel...keeping it a secret i just want you to know it’s all real. it’s all my fault. I’m to blame, I’m soaking in tears,our friendship is broken, things will never be the same, please stay don’t go is all i need to say, for my heart to heal, accept my apology, this thing makes me crazy.and i just want you to understand, I feel so stupid, I feel so sad, I just want you here i want you back,no you cannot change my mind,and I’ll never find another one, you’re the only person in my heart.......


My secret love Youn-duk Chung | 6 - Mabini

I knew from the start that you’d secretly taken my heart. From the first time I saw you, I couldn’t help myself but to fall in love with you. You truly mean everything to me, even if I would spend my life out of normality. You’ve occupied my thoughts too much for me to bear, but I don’t care as long as you are near. I’ve been secretly beside you every day, as I always thought of you as the only one I need. But alas! You’ve found another man. My heart is now broken and lost. What shall I do to bury my love for you? I know that I may find someone new, but without you the sun is gone and the nights are long. But it is your choice, this may be the last time I may think of you so I wish you every happiness in your life.

Miggy Macapagal || 6-Burgos

I tried to tell you I love you but the words were hard to find. I’m always thinking about you you’re the only one on my mind. Oh why do I act so shy forever hiding my face? I should learn to laugh and not to cry put yourself in my place. There were times I tried to kiss you but something told me no. You wanted me to hold you but I kept letting you go. I’m afraid that I am not the guy you’ve searched for all these years. I will kindly leave now don’t you cry try to hold back your tears. It’s been so long I haven’t seen you for quite awhile; When I think of how we me met it, only brings back your smile. I remember when I held you then and told you we’d never part, I loved you then I love you now And I’ll hold you in my heart.

Paolo Soller | 6-Agoncillo All he wanted was to just fly away To leave this place, to go someday To see what what it would be like to be free To wander the world and see what he could see Ever since the time he saw her angelic face A sight that left him in a care-free daze He wished to wake up one day with wings To just break free of the tight puppet strings But deep down he knew it would never be He believed he had no chances with one such as she Every night he dreamed of her enchanting eyes Her hair, her face, he dreamed of with sighs His heart leaped whenever she came into view He wondered if she felt the same way too His heart ached with feelings about her But feelings they would be just that forever

26 • VENTURES 2009

Your Eyes, Voice and Face Raphael Don A. Tantan | 6-Mabini | (for “Katy”) I was in a car, leaving home We were going somewhere far away; My family was moving But I wanted to stay. We were going down the car, T’was the first time I saw the light; Then, I saw you riding your bike It was love at first sight! The next day, I went outside to play, We met, and you took me somewhere nice; When the sunlight hit your face I saw your beautiful eyes. After that, birds started to sing; You wanted to join along That was when I heard your voice Singing a beautiful song! Three years later, at age thirteen, You and I decided to have a race; You were laughing so hard That’s when I saw your pretty face!

“Just the way you are” by: Ivan Paredes | 6-Mabini (for “14”) I love you just the way you are I promise you that I love everything in you But when I knew You had another someone All I felt was a empty longing All I felt was an empty space But I love you so that I can say goodbye. Love your special someone Isn’t it why you call them special But remember this I still love you Just the way you are No matter how No matter when.

At age seventeen, we were in the same school, My love for you strengthened; Spending time with you Was always lengthened. We were in our college years, All I wanted to do Was to confess to you the strong love I had for you... So one day after class, I asked you to stay, And I slowly and carefully said all that I wanted to say... I told you that my love for you Started at the age of ten; I told you that my love Was stronger then back then. After declaring my feelings, You hugged me so tight, You told me how you also experienced Love at first sight! You told me how you liked my face, my voice and my eyes. You emphasized the fact That they were so nice. After that, you smiled, A smile that I will always cherish. And from then on, we had a love That is so delightful to relish!


Jem Capeding | 6-Mabini (for “bear”) Your gentle voice, filled with beautiful lies, Your words echo inside me; How can I tell the truth when you cant even face me? My voice, so loud but you could not even hear me. The blue skies float for us, The wind blows through the green grass; Trees swaying in harmony, A beautiful day, shattered by a sweet smile. The deadly silence is slowly killing me. Is it too late? Have I exceeded the deadline? Tick Tock Tick Tock. Time is running out. Your tears are not enough for me to cry, Not even running away can make you feel better. It’s no are with it forever The words you have said to me, will never fade away. Im here and waiting for you It seems that I cant find you Just then, I remember…You’re not here

27 • VENTURES 2009 27 • VENTURES 2009

The Love that I’ve been Waiting for By: Saejj P. Remorya of 5-Barasoain

When I was weak, no one was there to strengthen me. When I was alone in the dark, no one was there to give me light. And during times of sadness, no one was there to make me happy. When coldness surronds me, no one was there to give me warmth. When I was wounded, no one was there to take care of me. When I fight, no one was their support me. These reasons made me think that my life is worthless and meaningless But when I suddenly met you, all of these things that made My life meaningless was gone. You were that someone to help me these obstacles. You were the key that unlocked the door of happiness. Your love healed my wounded and cold heart. And everytime you smile everything that is troublesome in my life was gone. And your sweeet kiss made my day compllete. Everyday our hearts sang with harmony. You gave me a reason for my being and a love what I need. Your love was a momentum in my history. Nothing can stop our love for each other nor death split us apart. You are my reason, my pride and my evidence that I lived with your special love. Your LOVE is endless more than forever Ohh your sweet love… ni Junee Cruz, nirebisa ni Riggs Chanco |

Sinta 6 - Lopez Jaena

Nagkita na ba tayo, Noong tayo ay bata pa, Ikaw ay dati’y ibang iba, Hindi gaanong maganda,

YOU ARE PERFECT JUST FOR ME Miggy Macapagal || 6-Burgos

Your Personality Is As Warm As The Sun In The Morning, And At The Same Time Your Beauty Is As Hot As Global Warming. Your Beauty Is As Pure As An Angels Wings, And Your Beauty Shines Like A Golden Wedding Ring. My Love For You Is Pure And True Just Like Black Is Black And Blue Is Blue. They Say That No One’s Perfect But Your Perfect Just For Me, And It Doesn’t Take A Special Man To See. When I See You, I Feel As If An Angel Has Fallen From The Sky, And I Feel That That Angel Will Be With Me Until I Die. And Now That My Poem Of Love For You Comes To A Close, Now The Whole World Knows.

28 • VENTURES 2009

Pero ngayo’y, iba ka na, Abot langit sa ganda, Ako’y nahulog, sa iyo, Parang anghel na totoo. Ako’y nag-isip nang mabuti Nagtanong nang maigi Ngunit wala ng iba….. Ikaw lamang Sinta Walang ibang pipiliin pa Tinuruan mo akong umibig Sinta Ako ay nagharana, Sa harap ng bahay mo, At sabi ko… Ikaw lang ang mahal ko….. Ako ay nawawala, pag wala ka……… Sinta

12 Years of Loving You Raphael Don Tantan | 6 - Mabini

We were kids of five years I saw that you were hurting; I tried to comfort you But your tears just kept on rolling. We were kids of twelve, I was going towards you; Suddenly, attraction followed That was how I knew that I loved you. It was our last year in high school, At the age of seventeen; My love for you was still there My intentions, very clean. But when I saw you with another man, My mouth quickly began to dry; You had a lover that wasn’t me I thought I was going to cry. Three weeks into the relationship, His love for you was no more. I did my best to make you feel better But tears just started to pour. At the summer vacation before college I confessed my love for you; I mentioned the years it lasted And how it was all I really knew. When you made no reaction I just slowly put my head down; I knew that you didn’t feel the same way So I just started to cry and frown. But you gently kissed my lips And while lovingly wiping away my tears, You whispered that you have been Waiting for me all these years...

4 Love Poems Luis Enriquez | 6 - Tandang Sora 1. In My Arms Oh, my sweet. Your smile captivates me and your eyes leave me breathless. My love for you is endless. You bring me joy to the ends of the earth and I shall wait for the time to come when you will rest in my arms. 2. How I Wish Oh, how I remember those days when my thoughts were filled with your memory.. Those cool summer nights across the fine white sand. When we would watch the sea glisten and you were within my arms reach. Oh, how I remember those days. How I wish, I could be with you among the stars right now. Oh, how I wish. Oh, how I wish on a moonlit sky. 3. Smile I saw you across the hall, walking in all your beauty. I stop in my steps and I can’t help but catch my breath. As you approach, my heart beats faster. I don’t know what to say and as you pass by me, you smile.. I smile back and that says it all. 4. Spellbound I think I’m falling under your spell. I can’t understand this feeling. Your memory has lingered in my mind for an eternity. Like rain on a bright summer’s day, you astonish me with your strength. It’s too hard too fight it off. I’m spellbound.


Martin Yuzon | 6-Luna I regret everyday I`m not with you, I regret not seeing your big smile, Regret not talking to you, every time I had the chance, I miss the times seeing you happy and having fun, I regret seeing you cry, because seeing you cry makes me cry too, Although I regret a lot of stuff, there are stuff that I don`t regret, Don`t regret seeing your rosey smile Don`t regret seeing you happy and laughing, Never regretted seeing your face.

29 • VENTURES 2009



Jose Benedict Luis Alvarado | 6 - Del Pilar PART 1 Time was ticking Precious seconds passed I stood there waiting For you to get here, fast. I planned for this night For ever so long, ‘Cause tonight I hoped For nothing to go wrong. I was ready to do this With the objects grasped in my hands. Roses from the best florist And a diamond ring from a most fancy brand. I had everything prepared All was in place, But something was missing And that was you, with your most gorgeous face. I suddenly heard footsteps Thump, Thump, Thump. I waited there expecting For you to come. But from out of the blue In front of my eyes’ scan At long last, I saw you But with another man. You didn’t see me For your faced was locked on his; All the time I was watching Quietly sobbing at the sad sight of all of this. Your eyes were still glued on his And what happened next set my eyes burning For your lips touched together for a kiss And that sent me churning. I dropped the roses I laid the ring on the ground I walked home depressed Not hearing a single sound 30 • VENTURES 2009

Why? I asked myself As I was lying on my bed I continued to shed tears What happened? What happened? I asked again and again. It was my entire fault No one else to blame All those days and months together And I never felt her pain. She was probably dissatisfied With what I gave to her. She wanted more from me And now in her life, I’m just a blur. For you found a man Who could provide you now with anything that you desire. While I’m stuck here With my body engulfed in fire. I remember that look that was in your eyes During all those past days. I now know that you were keeping your true emotions a secret While a fake smile was perched on your face. Why was I so blind? I didn’t I see it before? I realized that I was an utter fool For I wasn’t able to understand everything about her, not reaching her inside core. I lived for so long without you All my days filled with sorrow and grief. All that time you were with the other guy Your joy and happiness never ceased. They told me to forget about her Find the track to get a new life, But how could I start once more When every moment was filled with depression and strife? For when I tried to forget you Tried to focus on something or someone else, I just couldn’t, I just wouldn’t And that made me remain as my heartbroken self. There’s no use in living When it’s without you Please, please, there’s no one else I could love even more, And I hope you still have some love for me, too.

PART 3 A year has passed Nothing has changed Except that I have learned to accept That you have taken, in life, a different lane. I’m still lonely I never fell in love with someone else. I’m still hoping for the day When I would escape my current hellish self. One normal afternoon I was doing nothing at that time When suddenly the doorbell rang And what happened next was sublime. A twist in the tale! A shocking truth! A moment so special! For standing in the doorway, was stunning you! I was shocked My feelings hard to describe But it felt as if I had been hurt badly When I saw the pained look in your tearful eyes. We sat down You told me your story About what happened all the time you were away from my life And then, you said you were sorry.

This is the woman who betrayed me, Made me fall down; Looked down and stomped on me And beat me to the ground. And now the irony of the moment Now, she’s crawling back to me. I used to be below her glaring eyes And now, I’m above her, up to me, she sees. What should I do? Do I hate her? I know what to do There was only one way, nothing other. I held her hands She still felt shame and insane; But I told her straight in front of her face That we could start all over again. More tears flowed down her eyes And a smile started to form; I grabbed her and gave her my most sincerest embrace And I knew that this cleared my lonesome storm. I lifted up her face Wiped the tears from her eyes I knew from that moment on from her gaze alone There wouldn’t be any more lies. THE END

I turned out that the other man was a jerk One who never understood how she felt. And then, she started regretting when she did And the pain that she had dealt. When your story ended The final word said, You broke into tears in my arms And I could see in your eyes, the sense of dread. She asked for forgiveness For all that she did. For all the pain that she’d cause To her and to him.


Anselmo Jose Ledesma | 6-Del Pilar Noong una kang makita Sumunod aking mga mata Hinangad na makilala ka ‘Di malaman ang nadarama. Kahit na malayo ako sa iyo, Nadarama ko ay ‘di pa rin nagbabago; ‘Di ako makatulog t’wing gabi, Gabi-gabi na lang ako ay ‘di mapakali. Sana maipahiwatig ang nadarama ko Aking nadarama sa loob ng aking puso. Ibibigay ko sa’yo lahat ng luho, Kahit umabot pa tayo sa dulo ng mundo. Kahit na ako ay gahaman lamang Sana ay maintindihan ang aking kalagayan. Sana magmula ngayon ay lagi kang masilayan Dahil hindi ako nakukumpleto kapag hindi ka makasama Lagi kang mamalagi sa aking puso…ikaw 31 • VENTURES 2009

Bibliophile Quotations Knowing I lov'd my books, he furnish'd me From mine own library with volumes that I prize above my dukedom. -William Shakespeare (1564-1616), "The Tempest", Act 1 scene 2

In the highest civilization, the book is still the highest delight. He who has once known its satisfactions is provided with a resource against calamity. - Ralph Waldo Emerson (18031882), Letters & Social Aims: Quotation & Originality, 1876

A bibliophile you must be, so come and visit KEMC! 32 • VENTURES 2009

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