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Daily Men and OmegaPrime ™

VITA June 2009 trIVIta.com


the hidden dangers


with sublingual B-12




10 essentials

for health and wellness the 10 essentials were created to suit every wellness seeker. taking even small steps in each one will improve your life and wellness in wonderful ways.

Discover the Wellness Benefits of Sonoran Desert Plants by michael r. ellison, ceo & founder of triVita, Inc.

The stories coming from our Members participating in the Sonoran Bloom™ Nopalea™ pre-launch meetings are incredible!

PHYSICAL 1. Breathe Deeply

Deep breathing expels body toxins faster than any other means.

2. Drink Water

Getting enough water provides an instant energy boost – and you may even eat less.

3. Sleep Peacefully

Establishing a bedtime routine will help you sleep longer and more soundly.

4. Eat Nutritiously

Choosing healthy, whole foods minimizes blood sugar swings.

5. Enjoy Activity

An active lifestyle enables every system in your body to work better.

EMOTIONAL 6. Give and Receive Love

Heart-focused, sincere and positive feelings boost the immune system.

7. Be Forgiving

As you let go of negative feelings toward others, you will find greater peace and optimism.

8. Practice Gratitude

Gratitude brings instant joy, builds physical defenses and reduces stress.

I just have to relate a couple of these so you can hear for yourself the outstanding anti-inflammatory and detoxification benefits people are getting from Nopalea. It is our belief that when the body has the right nutrients, it has an amazing ability to help heal itself, as that is a function of the body’s immune system. One story about allergies and asthma is special to me as I suffered with these symptoms as a child. I know how much a person suffers when normal breathing seems impaired. “I attended the pre-launch meeting of Nopalea in Phoenix, Arizona. The words of Brazos Minshew, TriVita’s Chief Science Officer, hit home with me. If inflammation is the problem, Nopalea is the solution. I have had allergies and been diagnosed with asthma which are inflammatory-related. I began taking three ounces of Nopalea in the morning and one ounce in the evening before bedtime. It has been two weeks now and I am symptom-free.” The next testimonial about pain relief is remarkable but again, we know that when the body gets the right nutrients, there is a natural improvement in one’s health. “Her knee was bothering her so much that walking down our sloped driveway to get the mail had become so bothersome, she began driving to the mailbox. Now with her being on Nopalea for a couple of weeks, she is back to walking the driveway to the mailbox and almost pain free. She is so excited.”

9. Develop Acceptance

Practicing acceptance clears your mind of needless anxiety, freeing you to enjoy life.

SPIRITUAL 10. Develop a Relationship with God

I am thrilled to share these testimonials with you because this is exactly why we founded TriVita: so people could experience greater wellness.

As your relationship grows, you will enjoy all the blessings of unconditional love.

I am thrilled to share these testimonials with you because this is exactly why we founded TriVita: so people could experience greater wellness. Every time a testimonial comes in for us to read and share with others, it says TriVita is fulfilling its mission. Thirteen years ago I lost my health and was told by my physicians that I had to change the way I thought about health. If not, I would have no quality of life and die a premature death. While it was one of the most overwhelming discussions I have ever had, it took me on a wellness journey that has not stopped. And every day we are inviting others to go on that journey with us. We are always in pursuit of products and information that will help us improve the wellness experience of TriVita Members. In fact, it was while I was in the Sonoran Desert in Mexico on a wilderness wellness adventure that I was exposed to the healing plants of the Sonoran Desert. One evening I was sitting around a campfire with the natives of the Sonoran Desert when a native guide went out in the desert and returned with some brush-looking material. Placing a pot of water on the fire, we watched the flames bring it to a boil and then some of the leaves from the brush were placed in the water to steep. He poured me a cup of the brew and told me to drink it as it would be good for me. That night I listened to the people of the Sonoran Desert talk about the desert as if it were an oasis of wellness. I had always thought of it as a place of rocks, cactus, thorns, rattlesnakes and scorpions – but never did I think of it as an oasis of wellness.

Article from Michael Ellison continued on page 21... 2 l VITAJOURNAL

Celebrating 10 Years of Health and Wellness


Learn how you can reduce inflammation.



JUNE 2009

Inside 4

The Secret’s Out: Nopalea™ is Here!

Now everyone can share the benefits of TriVita’s delicious new wellness drink.


Uncap this wellness innovation.


Beat the economy blues with Vitamin B-12 and the 10 Essentials.

10 Inflammation: Health’s Hidden Foe

What it can do, how you can fight back.

14 Bounty in the Desert

The Sonoran Desert’s Nopal cactus is the source of our new Sonoran Bloom™ Nopalea – a life-changing wellness drink that I can honestly say has created the most excitement I’ve ever seen at TriVita. You’ll definitely want to try Nopalea; not only does it taste delicious, but it’s also creating quite the buzz with many who have already experienced phenomenal results. Check it out on pages 4-5.

Discover the healing plants flourishing in the Sonoran Desert.

16 Michael and His Family’s Incredible Nopalea Experience It’s worked wonders at easing aches and pains.

25 Dr. Eva’s Amazing Comeback

Thanks to Super Sublingual B-12, this professor/wife/ mother has it all – again.

26 Medical Update: Prostate Cancer and Screening





rowing up in the desert of west Texas, I was never accustomed to green, lush surroundings, so I’ll have to admit that moving to the desert of Phoenix in 1993 just meant seeing different kinds of cactus and plants here. It still seemed very dry and desolate. Recently, that all changed for me when TriVita took a wellness outing to tour the nearby Desert Botanical Gardens. Read about this surprisingly abundant “Oasis of Help and Healing” on pages 14-15. Now I understand why I’ve heard the word “reverence” used regarding the Sonoran Desert. You’ll be amazed at the healing properties that flow from sticky thorns and plants that one might consider as simply cactus or weeds. As I walked through this desert wonderland, I was in awe at the thought of how God created not only mankind for life purposes, but He also did the same for every single plant with multiple purposes in mind – food, housing and even medicinal purposes.

Don’t Worry, “B” Happy

nd of help a s i s a o n a Discover


Treatments and tests for this key men’s health issue.

30 Safe Summer Fun

Tips to keep the good times rolling this season.

We hope you enjoy this month’s issue as we cover the important topics of inflammation, men’s health and stories from our own Members and Affiliate Members.

Pam Knox, Editor of Publications

As Editor of Publications, I am very excited to begin this new monthly “Letter from the Editor.” It is our hope that we can establish another way to connect with our readers and create a publication that truly makes a difference in your life. We want to hear from you – what you like and even what you don’t like. Send your comments to: [email protected] or mail to Editor, c/o TriVita, Inc. 16100 N. Greenway Hayden Loop, Suite 950, Scottsdale, AZ 85260. June 2009 l 3

Discover the secret of Nopalea: U

Delicious new wellness drink brings a


ave you experienced the biggest innovation in the history of TriVita®? It’s Nopalea™, the delicious wellness drink now available to help everyone thrive. Nopalea (“No-pah lay’ uh”) is a tasty superfruit drink sourced from the fruit of the Nopal cactus (Opuntia Ficus Indica). This remarkable healing plant thrives in the Sonoran Desert of the southwestern U.S. and Mexico. The healing properties of the Nopal cactus have been relied on for centuries by native peoples, and they’re now available in Nopalea, the first product in TriVita’s exclusive Sonoran Bloom™ line. Each 32 ounce bottle of Nopalea brims with the health benefits of the Nopal fruit, in a proprietary blend delivering the rare, potent Betalain antioxidants (for more, see page 12).

Experience Nopalea, the delicious drink that can help your body: • relieve all types of pain • normalize blood pressure • Improve breathing difficulties

caused by allergies or asthma

• support cardiovascular health • energize your life


Celebrating 10 Years of Health and Wellness

Detoxification is key to healthy living, because eating smart and exercising still leaves your body vulnerable to toxins. Pollution, parasites, pesticides, viruses, germs... if you stop to think about it, toxins are everywhere! These invaders live in the air we breathe, the food we eat, even the water we drink. Toxins can create illnesscausing inflammation and put you at risk for chronic disease. Nopalea helps to fight off harmful toxins surrounding your body’s cells. So, it helps your body reduce inflammation and bring optimal cellular health. When your cells are healthy and free of toxins, your whole body can function at its best. After all, when you feel great, you look great, you are great!

A landmark journey towards wellness When TriVita CEO Michael Ellison journeyed into the Sonoran Desert in Mexico, he didn’t expect to bring back a realization that would change his vision for the future. Michael found that even in the harshest desert in North America, with searing summer heat and less than 10 inches of rainfall a year, amazing plants can and do flourish. Among the trees and succulent cactus plants thrives the Nopal cactus, bearing one of the only fruits on the planet containing Betalains. This is what prompted scientists to declare it a superfruit. Brazos Minshew, TriVita’s Chief Science Officer, discovered that the Nopal fruit offers incredible health benefits for the human body. He found over 100 scientific studies supporting its effectiveness in helping the body do what it does so well: heal itself.


: Uncap a wellness innovation! amazing health benefits Anti-inflammation, anti-premature aging and more

Brazos discovered that the Nopal cactus fruit has been shown to help your body reduce illnesscausing inflammation, help detoxify the body and promote optimal cellular health. All these potent qualities combined in the Betalain antioxidants are what protect against premature aging. Confident that Nopal fruit could be a powerful ally in everyone’s wellness experience, Michael’s product development team began to track down sources for harvesting. TriVita found a local company that had been processing Nopal fruit for over 30 years out of Phoenix, Arizona, and importing the fruit from Mexico as well. This company knew just how to harvest the cactus fruit, making sure it was perfectly ripe. From harvest, they were able to aseptically (without oxygen) package the fruit puree, and ship it off to one of the industry’s premier aseptic bottling and packaging firms.

positive health experience that they created a new business model, called the Share and Earn Program. Through this program, Affiliate Members can share Nopalea with others and earn generous compensation when others purchase the product. Now is the time to thrive with the remarkable health benefits of Nopalea. Only through TriVita can you obtain Nopalea, which is poised to start making headlines throughout North America and beyond. For more details about how and why Nopalea is such an innovation in wellness, visit the website at sonoranbloom.com. As Michael states, his vision with Nopalea and Sonoran Bloom is strong and simple: “To have people experience wellness and share their wellness experience with others, and be reciprocated with money and what money cannot buy.”

You can be assured that, like all TriVita products, Nopalea is manufactured to pharmaceuticalgrade standards in facilities that exceed quality benchmarks for the industry.

What people are saying about Nopalea “Since taking Nopalea, my legs don’t hurt anymore.” denise W. – taMPa, Fl “It’s been two weeks since I started taking Nopalea for my asthma and I am symptom-free.” daVe C. – iMPeRial BeaCH, Ca “I have had chronic eczema for a couple of years now. After two days of a one ounce serving of Nopalea, my eczema cleared up.” PeGGy a. – ReGina, sK “Since I started taking Nopalea, the whole body pain I’ve had for a year and a half is gone.” PatHReCy B. – FlaGstaFF, aZ “Nopalea tastes good. It has a delicious fruity flavor.” eVa W. – Blandon, Pa

Experience and share this wellness discovery: more good-news details at sonoranbloom.com

When Michael Ellison and his team created Nopalea, they realized it was a product that people would want to share. In fact, they were so confident that Nopalea would create a

Rave Reviews

Nopalea is a tasty superfruit drink sourced from the fruit of the Nopal cactus.

“The six months of pain in my wrists is gone... I can now lift weights again.” tina G. – CHaRlotte, nC

So many astonishing benefits in a bottle Nopalea, the latest breakthrough in wellness drinks Try this delicious wellness drink, with an exclusive blend of rare antioxidants called Betalains and other healthful nutrients. A daily dose of Nopalea can help your body: • Fight illness-causing inflammation

• Promote optimal health right down to your cells

• Cleanse your body of daily toxins

• Protect against premature aging

Drink it and thrive! Call toll-free to order 1-800-991-7116.


#30710 $49.99 Non-Member

9 Member $39.9

Nopalea™ k 4 bot tle pac

#33400 $199.96 Non-Member

9.99 Member a$ck1S3av ings! Special – 4 P

Join us for one exciting night... As we introduce our new Sonoran Bloom™ Nopalea™ get a FREE gift package for attending! When you attend this short 90-minute event, you’ll receive: • a free 32 oz bottle of sonoran Bloom nopalea™, TriVita’s delicious new wellness drink – now available! • a free DVD: “the healing plants of the sonoran Desert.” Learn about the desert plants used by native peoples for centuries – that are now available in Sonoran Bloom Nopalea.

Attend an event in a city near you! You’ll meet TriVita CEO Michael Ellison and hear the compelling story that led to the discovery of Sonoran Bloom. Plus, talk with Chief Science Officer Brazos Minshew as he shares the history of the healing plants of the Sonoran Desert.

Rave reviews from Members like you “Nopalea tastes so great! There’s no bite to it, no preservatives... it’s amazing stuff!” laURen a. – GilBeRt, aZ

“If you care about yourself and you care about others, you cannot miss the Sonoran Bloom Tour when it comes to your area.” JaCKie M. – st. loUis, Mo “The Sonoran Bloom event gave me the knowledge to share the Nopalea story with others. Now, I’m going to tell everyone I know that they simply must try this product.” sUsan W. – seBastian, Fl “The taste is incredible. More important, my wife is very finicky and she likes it – it passed the ‘wife test.’” MiKe t. – HaMPton, Va

TriVita CEO Michael Ellison and Chief Science Officer Brazos Minshew are traveling around the U.S. and Canada to introduce TriVita’s new wellness drink and the new Share and Earn income opportunity. Learn how you can earn extra income while helping to bring this exciting new product to market!

If you want greater wellness, you will want to experience Sonoran Bloom at this exciting evening event! 6 l VITAJOURNAL

Celebrating 10 Years of Health and Wellness


And, if you want extra income, you will want to share sonoran Bloom™


with others!

Join us as we launch this exciting new product throughout North America! With TriVita’s Share and Earn Program, you can earn the income you desire. It is simple and easy. No selling – only sharing the fascinating Sonoran Bloom DVD with others. Plus, with TriVita’s Share and Earn Program, you get: • The satisfaction of knowing you’re helping others experience wellness • Generous compensation • Step-by-step training • Tools to make sharing easy • Support from TriVita’s Affiliate Member network

registration for this exciting 90-minute event is free – bring a guest!

SPACE IS LIMITED! REGISTER TODAY! The Sonoran Bloom Tour is coming to these cities: City Vancouver, BC Portland, OR Seattle, WA

Event Date June 16 June 17 June 18

To follow the tour excitement, visit Michael Ellison’s blog: http://blog.sonoranbloom.com 1-800-991-7116

trivitatour.com OR CALL 1-800-TRIVITA RSVP to get a


at the event fo r yo and your gue u st! June 2009 l 7

SUCCESS STORIES “... I’m more calm and focused.” “As a 41-year-old father of a very active two-yearold, I need all the energy I can get. Before trying TriVita’s Super Sublingual B-12, I’d come home from the office and head straight to the couch. Now I come home, spend an hour with my boy in my backyard on the in-ground trampoline. My wife has also noticed that I’m more calm and focused. And I attribute that to the powerful, Super Sublingual B-12 formula.” Max s. – PHoenix, aZ

“The Super B-12 gives me energy I need to get through my day.”

For maximum sustained mental energy take

“I first began taking TriVita’s Sublingual B-12 in 2006. Recently, my wife was introduced to the Super Sublingual B-12 and I started taking it right away.

TriVita Super Sublingual B-12

I own a small engine repair shop in upper Wisconsin. The weather can be harsh up here, and keeping healthy is important as a business owner. The Super B-12 gives me energy I need to get through my day. It helps reduce stress and gives me what I need most. I also take Adaptogen 10 Plus, OmegaPrime, Vital C and Joint Complex. Thank you TriVita for good quality products that work – I never get sick.” JeFF F. – WatoUMa, Wi

Faster-acting, longer-lasting and more potent than ever before with three times the Vitamin B-12 TriVita Super Sublingual B-12 helps you achieve:







12 B-


• Sustained mental energy, stamina and alertness • Improved mood with a more positive outlook on life • Greater mental focus, clarity and concentration • Sharper memory with less forgetfulness




TriVita Super 12 Sublingual B#33356 $28.99 Non-Member

22.99 Membe23r0 $ VitaPoints Redeem with

Plus, Super Sublingual B-12 gives your brain and nerves the essential nutrients they need to help replenish brain fuel and help repair damaged nerves. And all this is yours with a convenient, once-a-day tablet.

Alfred Libby, M.D. – Inventor of TriVita Sublingual B-12, B-6 & Folic Acid Dr. Libby, a renowned nutraceutical pioneer, worked to help hundreds of patients feel better every day. An associate of Dr. Linus Pauling (Nobel Prize Laureate), Dr. Libby developed this unique, sublingual delivery system for his own patients. It was known to give similar mental energy results as B-12 shots, but without the shots’ added pain and expense.

Alfred Libby, M.D.

Call toll-free to order 1-800-991-7116 or visit us at trivita.com

“I no longer have the brain fog and fatigue and I feel the boost...” “I found TriVita through a very good friend who has known me for over 25 years. I was tired and worn out all the time and constantly feeling like I was dragging myself through the day. I tried the Super B-12 and was amazed at the results – it gave me an additional boost to help me get through my day. When I really need an extra boost, I add Energy Now! and WOW... the added energy boost from the two products together is amazing. I no longer have the brain fog and fatigue, and I feel the boost in energy and mental alertness. I am able to do more, go longer and I am more alert and focused than I have been for many, many years. Thank you TriVita for another great product.” Connie l. – Ft. WRiGHt, Ky trivita.com

B-12 update

Essential #1

Essential #2

Essential #3

Essential #4

Scott Conard, M.D. Founder, TienaHealth

Scott Conard, M.D., is the founder of TienaHealth, an organization of medical doctors in primary care practice who emphasize healthy lifestyles to maintain wellness. Dr. Conard is considered a national expert on disease prevention. TienaHealth also conducts clinical trials.

Beat the economy “blues” stay positive with triVita’s Vitamin B-12 and the 10 essentials by Dr. Scott Conard


re you feeling anxious or moody? Do you worry a lot about your finances, your future or just life in general these days? With all the bad news about the economy, it’s easy to dwell on negatives, but you don’t have to stay “stuck” there. It could be that financial troubles aren’t the only reason for feeling down. Maybe you don’t have enough of the powerhouse vitamin proven to promote balanced moods, steady energy levels and mental sharpness: Vitamin B-12. And maybe you need to focus on the 10 Essentials for Health and Wellness that are the backbone of the TriVita mission (see page 2).

Tough economy can harm health

First, let me be clear: Struggling with a tough economy can take a real toll on health. In fact, earlier this year the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services published guidelines to help people cope. 1-800-991-7116

The guidelines state: “Economic turmoil (e.g., increased unemployment, foreclosures, loss of investments and other financial distress) can result in a whole host of negative health effects – both physical and mental. It can be particularly devastating to your emotional and mental well-being.” Some of the health risks involved include depression, anxiety, overeating and substance abuse. Years of clinical data demonstrate why taking a quality B-12 supplement may help ease emotional and mental problems. It’s well known that B-12 deficiency can lead to decreased mental and nerve functioning, including mental confusion and forgetfulness, mood swings and low energy. What’s more, because aging reduces our bodies’ ability to absorb B vitamins, we may be eating healthy foods, but still be lacking in these crucial vitamins.

Look to the 10 Essentials for help

I’d also like to stress the importance of taking care of our own physical, emotional and

spiritual needs through TriVita’s 10 Essentials for Health and Wellness. As many TriVita Members know, these Essentials cover the three main parts of a complete wellness experience. Are you breathing deeply, drinking lots of water, sleeping and eating well and getting exercise? Good; those are the physical components. On an emotional level, it’s vital to give and receive love, be forgiving, practice gratitude and develop acceptance. These aspects will not only help you feel calm and balanced, but also have benefits to physical health. And finally, nourishing your spiritual life will bring you “all the blessings of unconditional love,” to quote from the 10th Essential. Coping with the economic “meltdown” is a real struggle for many people around the world, but it doesn’t have to be the controlling factor in our happiness. If you or someone you care about is having financial trouble, stay focused on health to feel better. Let TriVita’s quality B-12 products, and the 10 Essentials, be your key to beating the economy “blues.”

June 2009 l 9

Inflammation and Your Body

It could be causing damage right now!


nflammation. It seems like you hear about it every day on the news. Scientists are now linking inflammation with a wide variety of conditions including:

• All types of pain • Heart disease • Diabetes • Cancer • Alzheimer’s disease • Gum disease Although inflammation hasn’t been pinpointed as the cause of all these conditions, it has been well-documented as playing a part in them – often intensifying the symptoms and effects. So what exactly is inflammation, how can it affect you and how can you help reduce it? First things first: What is inflammation?

Inflammation is your immune system’s response to damage. This damage can arise from trauma, bacterial, viral or parasitic infection, stress, genetic abnormalities, metabolic disorders and a host of other sources. Certain lifestyle choices can also contribute to inflammation: poor diet, stress, overweight, a sedentary lifestyle and smoking. Inflammation can cause redness, swelling, heat, pain and loss of function. When you’re injured, the inflammatory response immediately moves into action. White blood cells rush to the scene of the damage and begin to destroy the damaged cells, while sending out chemical signals that call for more help. That’s when unstable molecules called free radicals are released. Free radicals, now considered key players in many diseases, start to attack the damaged area, destroying some healthy cells in the process. This new damage leads to yet another round of inflammation. And so the cycle of inflammation continues: what’s called chronic inflammation. And that’s when the trouble begins! 10 l VITAJOURNAL

Celebrating 10 Years of Health and Wellness


Inflammation is linked to a wide variety of conditions, including all types of pain, heart disease, diabetes, cancer, Alzheimer’s and gum disease. How inflammation affects your body

Though you may not see or even feel inflammation, it may be silently burning within your body right now. Over time, this collective damage can spell trouble for the immediate area of inflammation as well as your overall health. • Heart Inflammation is believed to contribute to the formation of plaque in blood vessels, as well as the formation of blood clots. When these blood clots break free into the blood, they can block blood flow to the brain or heart, resulting in a heart attack or stroke. • Brain Inflammation plays a role in Alzheimer’s disease, yet scientists are still uncertain what that role is. However, one theory is that inflammation kicks into gear because of the plaques and tangles in the brains of Alzheimer’s patients. In trying to solve the problem, inflammation just makes matters worse. • Joints Long-term inflammation of the joints can result in destroyed ligaments and tendons, damage to joint cartilage and bone and even bone erosion. This leads to pain, deformity and an inability to perform daily tasks – drastically affecting quality of life. • Mouth and gums Although dental researchers once thought bacterial infections caused 1-800-991-7116

gum disease, it is now thought that some of the more severe symptoms of gum disease are attributable to inflammation. The National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research, part of the National Institutes of Health, reports that inflammation can even break down bone and connective tissue that keep the teeth in place. • Emotional health Inflammation may even play a role in your emotions! Scientists at the University of Illinois, UrbanaChampaign discovered that an enzyme secreted by the immune system caused inflammation-related, depressionlike symptoms in mice. Because inflammation is linked with conditions often accompanied by depression – such as diabetes, cancer and heart disease – researchers expect that this study will provide insight into chronic inflammation’s role in depression. • Cancer cell growth Although researchers haven’t discovered the exact mechanism of inflammation’s role in cancer, they believe it encourages cancer growth. According to the American Cancer Society, inflammation creates just the right conditions for cancer cells to grow and multiply. 

Reducing inflammation By making healthy lifestyle changes and modifications, you can help reduce inflammation in your body. And simultaneously improve your overall health! 1. If you smoke, quit. 2. Practice stress management techniques such as deep breathing to help manage your stress load. 3. Simply being overweight can increase inflammation. Start a sensible diet and exercise plan – it will help with inflammation and your overall sense of health and well-being. 4. Exercise at least 30 minutes per day, three to five days per week. 5. Cut out unhealthy food choices – some of which can actually contribute to inflammation: trans fats, refined carbohydrates, processed foods. 6. Make anti-inflammatory foods a staple in your diet (see page 19). 7. Practice good oral hygiene: brush after every meal and floss once a day. 8. Take Sonoran Bloom™ Nopalea™ (see page 4). June 2009 l 11

The amazing antioxidant power of

Betalains sonoran Bloom™ nopalea™ offers an abundance of these inflammation-busting nutrients By Brazos Minshew, TriVita Chief Science Officer

T Brazos Minshew TriVita Chief Science Officer

he word “science” comes from a Greek word meaning “to know.” Yet it seems that the more we learn about nature, the more it defines the boundaries of what we do not know! It is like science in reverse: the more we learn, the more we realize how little we know.

A relatively new discovery has merged ingredients in nature in a way that science did not know was possible. These nutrients are called Betalains. Betalains were originally thought to be just a pigment – an inert color that made a plant pretty, but imparted no real health benefit. As time progressed, science discovered that the protein structure of Betalains is not only beneficial – it is vital for life! Soon, the antioxidant value of Betalains opened the door of discovery: Betalains exist in a wide variety (there are 24 Betalains), and each one completes a specific need in human health by supplying structure and function to every human cell.

Important functions of Betalains

A cell distressed by external toxins and internal deficiencies will eventually wither, collapse and die. If more cells die than can be replaced, we slip into a kind of “deficit spending” and our lean body mass withers. This is called sarcopenia or premature aging. Betalains can be used to shore up or strengthen the cell wall. This leads to rehydration of the cell and repair of sarcopenia, premature aging. 12 l VITAJOURNAL

A cell in the human body is very much like a water balloon; tremendous internal pressure held in place by a thin membrane. Your body maintains this pressure by keeping a perfect balance of minerals inside and outside the cell wall. If this balance of minerals shifts, the membrane becomes unstable and the “water” pours out; the cell dies. The mineral balancing effects of Betalains relentlessly work to maintain a 2:1 ratio of minerals: potassium inside the cell, sodium outside the cell; magnesium inside the cell, calcium outside the cell and so on. This maintains the integrity of the cell wall and keeps the cell from “popping” – dying prematurely. Speaking of “popping” a cell, nothing pops a cell like a toxin! We are exposed to toxins from the air we breathe, the water we drink and the food we eat. We are also exposed to toxins from within our own body: allergies, bacteria, viruses and metabolism. Betalains support the structure and function of the cell as mentioned before. They also work to neutralize toxins by supporting your natural detoxification processes as well as draining away accumulations of toxic waste.

Regardless of where inflammation begins or what process it affects, Betalains help reduce the activity of the enzymes known to cause all inflammation. This explains why people with very diverse health concerns find benefits from Betalains: they help reduce inflammation no matter where it exists!

Only the Nopal cactus of the Sonoran Desert contains all 24 Betalains. Concentrated Betalains

As mentioned before, science has discovered 24 Betalains, each with a different structure and different function. Some vegetables (beets and rainbow chard) contain a few Betalains; some desert plants contain a few more. Only the Nopal cactus of the Sonoran Desert contains all 24 Betalains. This is because the Sonoran Desert is the most extreme desert in the world and the Nopal plant needs all 24 Betalains to survive in this intense environment.

If toxins accumulate or trauma injures a cell, if stress creates tension or if nutrient deficiency weakens a cell, then chronic inflammation is certain to appear. Chronic inflammation is at the heart of the most feared diseases we face: heart attack, cancer, stroke, asthma, diabetes and others.

How about you? Is your environment so intense that you are threatened by chronic inflammation? Are you exposed to toxins from outside and inside your body? Do you feel that you are aging a bit quicker than you would like? If so, perhaps the emerging science of Betalains – the anti-inflammatory protein/antioxidant complex from the Sonoran Desert – can help you live a longer, happier life!

Betalains serve as anti-inflammatory nutrients to help quench the fire of chronic inflammation.

See page 4 to find out more about Sonoran Bloom Nopalea.

Celebrating 10 Years of Health and Wellness


New reasons to try



Lose the Weight You Want – in 3 Easy Steps!

studies show more hazards of excess weight


ave you been wanting to lose weight for a while? Then the latest research into overweight and obesity may give you that extra nudge to try Leanology, the Smart Weight Loss System™. Science has told us for some time about how excess weight harms our health, contributing to heart disease, diabetes and many more serious conditions. New findings like these offer even more reason to maintain a healthy weight:

Lose weight to live longer

Want to live longer? Get leaner. That’s the message of a study published this spring in The Lancet, a British medical journal, concluding that “moderate obesity typically shortens life span by about three years.” “Moderate obesity,” according to researcher Gary Whitlock, means being about 50-60 pounds overweight for most people. He said that more than one-third of middle-aged Americans are now in this category. For those more seriously obese – weighing twice their ideal weight – Whitlock says the effect on life span is just like that of smoking: it cuts the span by about 10 years. The conclusion came from data collected on almost 900,000 men and women, mostly from Europe and North America.

Neck fat may signal a troubled heart Too much fat around the middle has long been used to estimate the risk of heart


problems, but now the neck has emerged as another indicator.

Fat burning capsules for “losing the bulge”

Researchers with the famed Framingham Heart Study found that neck fat can signal higher risk for heart disease. After studying 3,320 people, the researchers found that a person’s neck circumference was closely linked with cholesterol levels and diabetes, which are two known factors for heart trouble.

Leanology Weight Loss Capsules (180 ct.) ®

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The basic message, said one professor of medicine, is that no matter where excess fat resides, it isn’t good for the heart.


Tasty chews for snack replacement and appetite control

Brain health threatened by unhealthy weight

Leanology Appetite Control Chews (60 soft chews)

To reduce your risk of developing brain ills such as dementia and Alzheimer’s disease, reduce your weight. That recommendation comes from a series of papers published in the journal Neurology this spring.


Flavor: Chocolate Mocha #30690 Non-Member $37.99

Researchers found that brain problems can develop faster when obesity and its common companions, diabetes and heart disease, are present. Experts summarize that people can take active steps to reduce their risk of brain impairment by maintaining a healthy weight.

Member $29.99 Redeem with 300 VitaPoints


Delicious shakes for low calorie meal substitution

In one report on almost 4,900 women, average age 66, a professor found these results: Obesity, high blood pressure and a low level of HDL, the “good” cholesterol, were each associated with a 23% increase in risk for impaired mental function.


Leanology Nutritional Shake ®


Leanology is “... the easiest thing I’ve ever done.” John lost 55 pounds... now he’s aiming for 86 pounds! As a former drag-racing champion, John knew that winners never quit. So when he wanted to lose weight, he tried and tried, but with little lasting success. He tried a packaged food diet, a low-carb diet and plenty of other plans. While he lost weight short-term, “as soon as I was back to real food, the weight came back.” Finally, last summer John gave Leanology a try. Leanology’s Weight Loss Capsules were perfect because they’re stimulant-free. Plus, they contain the exclusive ingredient blend Converta™, The Fat-Burning Accelerator™. John says, “Converta is amazing. It made Leanology the easiest thing I’ve ever done. If you are determined to lose weight and be healthy, you CAN do it.” John’s weight loss is noticeable to others, too – many are complimenting him on his new, leaner look. With capsules and shakes, Leanology continues to help John be a winner at losing weight. 1-800-991-7116

(2 lbs – 30 servings) Flavors: Chocolate and Vanilla Non-Member $68.99

Member $54.99 Redeem with 550 VitaPoints




Bag ws Che

The Value Pack includes:

• 1 bottle of Weight Loss Capsules • 1 container (30 servings) of Nutritional Shake (choose flavor) • 2 bags (1 FREE) of Appetite Control Chews

Leanology 3-Step Value Pack ®

Member $139.99 Redeem with 1400 VitaPoints

SAVE $34.97!

The Sonoran Desert’s bounty: an oasis of help and healing

surprising abundance in triVita’s own backyard


oday, more people are discovering the healing bounty of the Sonoran Desert – just as TriVita leadership did to produce the breakthrough wellness drink, Nopalea™ (see page 4). Since the company is headquartered in the Sonoran Desert, it was fitting that this “oasis of wellness” be the source of TriVita’s most exciting new venture. Not a Sahara, but lush and full of wonders

American, and one of the first to give insights about the Sonoran Desert to TriVita CEO Michael Ellison and Chief Science Officer Brazos Minshew. Many TriVita staffers have had the chance to learn about the Sonoran Desert courtesy of another Phoenix highlight, the Desert Botanical Garden (dbg.org). Thanks to the expertise of tour leader Gloria Eklund, a semi-retired registered nurse/diabetes nurse educator, and Dave Morris, the VitaJournal is pleased to share some insights about just a few of the plants that abound in the Sonoran Desert.

“People come here expecting to see sand dunes and a couple of camels, like the Sahara,” says Dave Morris of Pueblo Grande Museum in Phoenix (phoenix.gov/parks/pueblo.html). “The Sonoran Desert is really lush and full of plants that can be used for healing and for food. I call it a drugstore and a grocery store!”

The desert spreads throughout the southwestern U.S. and Mexico. Yesterday and today, its wondrous gifts have been used for help and healing. For thousands of years, native peoples relied on the plant life there to eat, house and clothe themselves, ease pain, treat disease and much more.

Dave is an ethnobotanist (a scientist of how plants and people interact), a Choctaw Native

Sometimes, Sonoran Desert plants have been used in ways that seem unlikely at first. For


Celebrating 10 Years of Health and Wellness

example, the desert is the common element in these three items: 1. Latex-free surgical gloves. 2. The red coats worn by British soldiers during the Revolutionary War. 3. Cosmetics. Here’s how, along with more fascinating Sonoran plant facts:

Guayule. Healthcare professionals with

latex allergies love this shrub. Why? It contains rubber, and has been approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) as a substitute for latex.

Nopal cactus. Red dye comes from a tiny

bug that loves the Nopal – its natural hue gave Britain’s “Redcoats” their name, and today it’s the only natural red food dye approved by the FDA. The vivid fruit of the Nopal cactus is a key ingredient in Nopalea, TriVita’s phenomenal new wellness drink; see page 4. trivita.com

2 3


6 5



“... plant for plant, as many useful plants as in the rainforest.” Jojoba. The oil from this plant’s seed “saved

the sperm whale,” says Gloria, when it was discovered that jojoba oil was a great substitute in cosmetics, and as a lubricant. It’s also thought to be an appetite suppressant and burn remedy.

disease. Bonus: It has a refreshing menthol/ eucalyptus taste.

Creosote. Dave uses this abundant desert

“Scientists will say that plant for plant, there are as many useful plants in the desert as there are in the rainforest,” Dave notes. He regularly walks into big auditoriums at his museum, ready to give a talk on desert plants and wondering, “Will anyone be there?” These days, the halls are packed with people who want “more natural remedies, things that are better for our bodies.”

Mesquite. Called the “tree of life,” this hardy

For those interested in plant remedies, he urges visiting natural food stores, with one caution: “If the person can’t tell you the scientific name, you’d better go to another store.”

Agave. Make tea from this succulent’s fleshy leaves to help relieve pain, then sweeten with its nectar: it’s six times sweeter than sugar. shrub to treat his high blood pressure; it also has spiritual meaning as a purifying aid to native peoples. tree offers pods used for jelly and gluten-free meal, black pitch used as paint and hair dye, and bark so absorbent it was used as baby diapers.

Yerba mansa. The dried root was used to treat mouth sores, sore throat and gum 1-800-991-7116

Every single plant has its story

Even though Gloria grew up in Phoenix, “It wasn’t until I started taking classes at Desert Botanical Garden that I realized I knew nothing. Every single plant has its story,” she

1. 1

TriVita CEO Michael Ellison (left) and Chief Science Officer Brazos Minshew.



Source of soothing and sweetness: the agave.

3. 3

Brazos Minshew (right) points out a desert wonder.



Tour Guide Gloria Eklund (in hat) with TriVita group.



Ethnobotanist Dave Morris (right) with Michael Ellison.


A health-giving gift of nature: the Nopal cactus.


adds, and the stories keep unfolding. Just recently, she heard that some cactus needles made music. They were used as occasional needle substitutes in the old-fashioned horned Victrola phonographs in the early 20th century. Obviously, the bounty of this desert is no mirage. The Sonoran Desert is truly an oasis of help and healing. June 2009 l 15

Michael and family

are thriving

on TriVita products they feel great because of sonoran Bloom™ nopalea™ and many other triVita products


ichael and his wife Diane have a pretty charmed life with plenty of time to enjoy their favorite activities. He retired seven years ago at age 54 from his job as a logistics manager for a wholesale plumbing company. Since then Michael and Diane have been able to spend more time with children and grandchildren. They currently have homes in Bend, OR and Palm Springs, CA and Michael enjoys golfing, long walks and raising llamas on his Oregon property. Like so many of us, Michael and Diane are committed to maintaining their good health... and they didn’t hesitate to experience Sonoran Bloom Nopalea’s astonishing benefits when they got their first bottles. At first, Michael suggested that Diane try a small serving of Nopalea to see if she noticed a difference. “At the time I had a sore left hip,” she recalls. “This had been going on for a few months and was irritated by a canyon hike with my granddaughter. I found it very painful to cross and uncross my legs. After taking Nopalea for several days this pain seemed to disappear.” In addition, her red and inflamed gums quickly cleared up. Diane also noticed a big improvement in the stiffness and soreness in her feet. “No one likes to feel like they are getting old,” Diane continues, “but I was glad to let my 16 l VITAJOURNAL

Celebrating 10 Years of Health and Wellness

husband know how much more youthful I felt after taking Nopalea.”

How they help others experience wellness

Michael has also had great results with Nopalea and notices that he now feels great. He was thoroughly inspired and motivated after attending the Sonoran Bloom Nopalea kick-off event this spring in Phoenix. “I now hand out Nopalea wherever I go,” he says. “I will talk to people anywhere, anytime about this fantastic product.” Michael and Diane are very enthusiastic participants in TriVita’s new Share and Earn Program. “This wonderful program allows us to share our own personal health experience and hopefully influence others to try Nopalea themselves,” says Michael. “The financial rewards are pretty nice, too. Being part of this tremendous program allows us to achieve greater health and wealth.” Michael and the other Affiliate Members in his group aggressively promote Nopalea and TriVita’s wealth of other high-quality products through: • Word of mouth • Wellness clinics • Newspaper flyers and inserts • Meetings with small business owners • Charity work • Community outreach trivita.com

Other TriVita products help with many other health issues

Michael’s active lifestyle includes lots of golf and walking. He sometimes pays the price with aches and pains. “Joint Complex really helps with pain stiffness and inflammation,” he remarks. “Golf is my passion and this great product helps me get back into my game much more quickly. I recently had shoulder pains and they went away after taking this amazing product.”

Michael’s group also promotes wellness

As an Affiliate Member, Michael has recruited many other people who are just as passionate as he is about wellness. He also finds unique Michael enjoys ways to promote both wellness and raising llamas on his education. One example Oregon property. is a TV program entitled “High Five Challenge” that will be aired over a nationwide network of television stations. This TV program challenges high school student teams with a wide variety of questions. The program has Michael’s positive product experience audience exposure of 40 million individuals doesn’t end there. He uses Sublingual B-12 and Nopalea will be prominently featured. to maintain steady energy levels, eliminate brain fog and stay mentally sharp. “Vital C Powdered Crystals also help my body in so many ways,” Michael notes. “It keeps “Central Oregon is a great my immune system strong, helps with cardiovascular health and is real easy on my area for TriVita and Nopalea, digestive system.” Michael knows how important essential fatty acids are for all adults in all stages of life. “OmegaPrime® supports my wellness and the ingredients are of the highest quality,” he says. “It lessens joint and respiratory inflammation, helps nourish my brain and protects circulation.”

Michael enjoys combining Adaptogen 10 Plus with Nopalea to create a delicious and nutrition-packed cocktail. Another big favorite with Michael is Adaptogen 10 Plus ®. He enjoys combining it with Nopalea to create a delicious and nutrition-packed cocktail. 1-800-991-7116

since this is one of the most health conscious areas in the region.”

Many members of his central Oregon Affiliate Member team spread the word about wellness to fitness centers, golf clubs and various community groups throughout Central Oregon. “This is an especially exciting time for this group,” Michael says, “as they are striving to live healthier lives and improve lives through TriVita products. Central Oregon is a great area for TriVita and Nopalea, since this is one of the most health conscious areas in the region.”

“I will talk to people anywhere, anytime about Nopalea.”

Our congratulations to Michael, Diane and all the Affiliate Members in their group who are introducing TriVita products to a very receptive audience. June 2009 l 17

Embracing WELLNESS

Each month a Member, Affiliate Member and TriVita employee share their insights on health, wellness and more This monthly feature creates an open forum for Members, Affiliate Members and TriVita staff to respond to a variety of provocative questions about a wide range of subjects. Join the discussion! Your response could earn you a $25 TriVita Gift Card; see $ 25 details at the end of this article.


Summer means warm weather, outdoor activities, vacations and a break from routine. For many, this season brings us back to childhood, when life seemed simpler. Here are some well-remembered sights, sounds and feelings from summers past. We invite you to answer our upcoming question:

“What do you do to feel and stay younger than your years?” Your response could earn you a $25 TriVita Gift Card! Just email your response to [email protected], or write to: VitaJournal, 16100 N. Greenway Hayden Loop, Ste. 950, Scottsdale, AZ 85260. Please include your Member ID, your address and daytime phone number (along with email address, if you have one). Note: When you submit a letter or email, you are also giving TriVita full rights to it, including the right to publish it in future publications and to edit it as needed.


this month’s question:

What is your favorite memory of summer? Lucille M. Brodeur,

member “My favorite memory as a child was when I got to go to my aunt and uncle’s farm for two months. I was raised in an orphanage because my mother became mentally sick when I was five years old and my father was in the Canadian Air Force. So it was nice to have good home-cooking, fresh bread, vegetables and desserts when I got to visit them. We didn’t have much food in the orphanage, so I really enjoyed my summer holiday on the farm with four or five girl cousins. I got to play and we went to the lake sometimes to swim. I had two sisters and a brother and going to our relatives’ house for those two months was a real good time for the four of us. I am now 79 and my sisters are 76 and 77. Our brother passed away many years ago. I really appreciated those summer days. We were happy with the simple things of life.”

Lois C. Gnegy,

affiliate member “Life as a child on a farm with many siblings was most often joyful. Days were filled with hard work and laughter, and the hope you wouldn’t get caught by a wayward hayfork. Another joyful memory was taking the old truck down the country road to the store. So was swimming in the cold water of Puget Sound (often in the rain). As kids, we were fearless. How does one choose only one experience above all when life is made up of common sense, adventure and hope? One memory? Impossible to do!

memory. Ah, the taste of warm, fresh milk at breakfast. Walking up a hill was easier while singing a song, and I learned that singing helps when climbing the hills of life, as well. A rich heritage is a joy to have and remember. Thank you for giving me a reason to recollect those precious days.”

Joseph Howard,

triVita employee “I can remember in the summer of ‘84 that I was a troubled little boy. I had never really known what real love was until I met my second grade teacher and his family. As a young boy I had not known that you could receive this kind of love. My biological parents were not the best of people, so my siblings and I did not grow up surrounded by love. I was invited to my teacher’s house/farm for one summer. I was very wary of showing any affection to people because of how I was treated as a child. Having this chance to be around a loving family taught me that I could give love and receive it back without being hurt or shunned. There was a bond built there that summer with that family. I can proudly say that the love they showed me not only taught me how to do unto others, but to actually want to. The following summer I was adopted by the Howard family, making my 11th birthday the happiest and most loved day in my life.”

Leaning my head against the warm belly of a cow as I milked her, is another warm-hearted

Celebrating 10 Years of Health and Wellness


The Acid-Alkaline Balance A New Approach to Inflammation

... by incorporating two servings of leafy green vegetables... on a daily basis, you will be well on your way to finding pH balance.

By Christa Orecchio, Certified Clinical Nutritionist, Holistic Health Counselor


y favorite part about being a holistic nutritionist is when I see the light of hope and empowerment in my clients’ eyes. It’s that Christa Orecchio moment when they realize that they really do have control over their own health and how they feel on a daily basis. When someone walks into my office with the debilitating pain of arthritis as his or her chief complaint, my first line of defense is pH balance, or acid-alkaline balance. The pH of our blood at any given moment is 7.25-7.45. This range is so important because if our pH goes out of range even .15 percent, we could die. Therefore, I immediately have clients test the pH of their saliva and urine consecutively for six days to see how hard the body is working just to keep them alive, let alone allowing for vibrant health. The standard American diet is an overly processed diet full of acid-forming foods such as meat, dairy, wheat, chemicalized junk foods, artificial sweeteners and sugar. Stress is also a huge contributing factor to an over-acid condition. Nine out of 10 times, my clients are acidic. They need to incorporate more alkaline-forming foods (and stress-relieving activities such as breathing deeply) into their diet and lives to gain the results they desire, namely freedom of movement and decreased inflammation. However, those are not the only benefits they receive from tending to their pH balance. Moving toward alkalinity promotes better overall organ function, allows for the release of toxins, improves mental clarity and 1-800-991-7116

affords natural weight loss. It also profoundly improves digestion and heartburn and is a valuable safeguard against cancer.

Curried Kale w/ Caramelized Shallots & Agave IngreDIents

There are so many small changes that can make a profound difference in our health.

3 Shallots, thinly sliced 1 Tbs. Coconut Oil 1 Tbs. Curry Powder 1 Tbs. Agave Nectar 1 tsp. fresh lemon juice

There are so many small changes that can make a profound difference in our health. These changes do not have to be considered a sacrifice, but instead can be viewed as an “upgrade.” For example, apple cider vinegar (acv) is very alkalizing, while all other vinegars are acidic. Consider upgrading to acv as your staple vinegar. Lime is more alkalizing than lemon so use that in the water you drink throughout the day or in your cooking when possible. Brown rice has less acid than white rice; raspberries are highly alkalizing while cranberries are very acidic. Garlic, too, has a profound effect on acid-alkaline balance and is an easy addition to many dishes. Far and away, green leafy vegetables are the most alkalizing foods. Coincidentally they happen to be the single most missing foods in the modern American diet. By green “leafies,” I mean kale, collard greens, dandelion greens, bok choy, arugula, spinach, mixed field greens, etc. Simply by incorporating two servings of leafy green vegetables in your diet on a daily basis, you will be well on your way to finding pH balance. Try these simple, yet absolutely delicious recipes to decrease inflammation and increase well-being.

½ bunch Kale (about 4 oz) stems removed and chopped into large pieces 2 Tbs. Tamari (wheat-free soy sauce)

2 Tbs. water DIrectIons Heat oil over medium heat, add shallots and sauté until dark brown and caramelized, about 20 minutes. Stir in curry powder, agave and lemon juice. Add kale, tamari and water. Cover and steam for 5 minutes, stirring occasionally until kale is still chewy but tender. Do not overcook.

Christa’s Favorite Salad Dressing IngreDIents 2 parts raw Apple Cider Vinegar 1 part Flax Oil 1 clove garlic, minced 1 tsp. Agave Nectar Juice of half a lime Sea salt, dried basil and oregano to taste DIrectIons Shake well and serve cold.

June 2009 l 19

June 2009 l 19


Research Desk

New findings in health and wellness Inflammation marker may signal cancer risk Copenhagen, Denmark People with high levels of C-reactive protein (CRP) – a measurement of inflammation and predictor of heart disease risk – have a 30% greater risk of developing cancer than those with low CRP levels, according to a study in the March 2009 Journal of Clinical Oncology. Researchers analyzed the CRP levels of 10,408 people who were part of the Copenhagen City Heart Study; high CRP levels were associated with a 30% increase in cancer risk. Among participants who developed cancer, those with high CRP levels were 80% more likely to die sooner than those with lower levels. “While future research will need to confirm our findings, our study suggests that testing patients’ C-reactive protein levels provides a more comprehensive picture of a patient’s health than we previously thought. In addition to predicting heart disease risk, this simple test could help us assess a patient’s future cancer risk and eventual cancer prognosis,” said lead author Kristine Allin, M.D., a physician at Copenhagen University Hospital.

Breathe easier... with broccoli sprouts Los Angeles, California Broccoli sprouts may help fight inflammation in the upper airways, according to a study in the March 2009 journal Clinical Immunology. Researchers discovered that a compound in broccoli sprouts called sulforaphane – also found in other cruciferous vegetables such as cauliflower and Brussels sprouts – triggers inflammation-fighting enzymes in the upper airways. In the three-day study, 65 adults were given daily oral doses of either broccoli sprouts or alfalfa sprouts, which served as a placebo. After three days, participants’ nasal fluids were tested for the antioxidant enzymes. Those who received the broccoli doses had two to three times more antioxidant enzymes in their nasal airway cells. It is not yet known if broccoli sprouts can actually ease allergy and asthma symptoms.

Low Vitamin D levels linked to mental decline Exeter, United Kingdom Researchers at the Peninsula Medical School, the University of Cambridge and the University of Michigan have reported a link between low Vitamin D levels and mental decline, or “cognitive impairment.” Researchers assessed the Vitamin D levels and cognitive function of 1,766 people over age 65 who were part of the Healthy Survey for England 2000. They found that as Vitamin D levels decreased, cognitive impairment increased. Those with the lowest levels of Vitamin D were more than twice as likely to have cognitive impairment. 20 l VITAJOURNAL

Celebrating 10 Years of Health and Wellness


You can make a


Article from Michael Ellison continued from page 2... What I did not know at the time was the history of the people who had lived in the harsh desert for hundreds of years; they knew that every plant had a purpose. That night around the campfire, the men spoke almost reverently about the Sonoran Desert plants which offered such bountiful wellness benefits.

Your contribution will touch countless lives TriVita’s House of Giving and Life Outreach International have partnered to provide pure, fresh water for children and their families: • Over 1 billion people throughout the world do not have access to pure, fresh water • Waterborne illnesses run rampant in these areas • Just a $4.80 donation can save one person’s life • With your donation, you can leave a legacy by giving the gift of life Your tax-deductible gift can be combined with others to create new wells – providing water to thousands of people for a lifetime! Last year, we saved 21,000 lives. This year, our goal is to save even more! Want to make a difference? Call 1-800-991-7116 and a Wellness Consultant will be happy to take your tax-deductible donation along with your order. You can mail your donation to: House of Giving 16100 N. Greenway Hayden Loop Ste. 950 Scottsdale, AZ 85260

These results are significant because those with impaired cognition are more likely to develop dementia. Dr. Iain Lang from the Peninsula Medical School, who worked on the study, commented: “This is the first large-scale study to identify a relationship between Vitamin D and cognitive impairment in later life. Dementia is a growing problem for health services everywhere, and people who have cognitive impairment are at higher risk of going on to develop dementia. That means identifying ways in which we can reduce levels of dementia is a key challenge for health services.” Further research will be needed to determine if Vitamin D supplementation is a way to help reduce people’s risk of cognitive impairment and dementia. 1-800-991-7116

Upon arriving home, I spoke about what I had discovered in Mexico with my son Marcus, who chairs the product development team, and with our Chief Science Officer, Brazos Minshew. This discussion led to research at two Arizona universities regarding the potential health benefits of Sonoran Desert plants. It took about two years to bring this product to market, but we now have an amazing product with over 200 studies concerning the inflammatory and detoxification benefits of the Nopal cactus. It took time to plan the process for harvesting, processing and bringing to market a fruit that grows among millions of cactus needles. But the team was up for the challenge, and today the product is ready for its launch into the world where pollutants, pesticides and other toxins are in the air, water and food – creating a spiraling effect of inflammationrelated health issues. Nopalea will become our greatest product in helping people address inflammation and toxic health challenges, which medical science has now determined as their biggest challenge. Just recently, Dr. Rosenthal on Fox News said that inflammation is now recognized as a greater risk to cardiovascular disease than cholesterol. We know the immune system is very sensitive to any invader in the body and will attack with a normal response of inflammation: containing the damage and allowing the healing process to begin. Acute inflammation is a desirable and normal response. However, when chronic inflammation occurs over a long period of time, it begins to weaken the cells and sets the stage for cell damage and even disease manifestation. Nopalea is a product that can help reduce chronic inflammation as well as help detoxify the body, helping to optimize cellular health. If you can be at one of our Nopalea city tour meetings listed on page 7, I would love the opportunity to meet you and any guests you would like to bring. We are sharing the wellness benefits of the product, as well as giving a free bottle to each attendee. The meeting also explains the Affiliate Member opportunity; you can help take Nopalea to our world while earning income. This is not a selling program – it is a sharing program – so the evening is in a share format as well. I hope you will join us in this wonderful ground floor opportunity. Pursue health and wellness with passion. Share the Sonoran Bloom Nopalea Tour excitement on Michael’s blog: visit http://blog.sonoranbloom.com

June 2009 l 21

Celebrating Life through Traditions and Rituals by Dr. Judy


ffective traditions promote a sense of identity and a feeling of belonging. Recently, I was standing in Judy Ellison, Ph.D. front of the magazine rack at one of our local bookstores, and the June magazines were being placed on the shelves. I began to notice a theme emerging as I gazed at the front covers: all the women’s magazines featured articles on weddings. Just a few nights before, my daughter had stopped by my house for a visit and was telling me about renting a booth for her business at the Phoenix Bridal Show and Wedding Expo taking place in June.

The significance of traditions

As a research psychologist, I became intrigued with the significance of celebrating traditions in our families and communities. As it turns out, social scientists have discovered that traditions are a fundamental need of our psyche. Traditions are a key to making lasting memories and enriching our lives. They become the glue that binds us together.

Important rituals and transitions

In its most basic form, rituals mark ends and beginnings; in other words, transitions. The presence of the community in ritual brings about an experience of support and unity.

They promote a feeling of safety and security within the family by providing a predictable and familiar experience. While growing up, children love to participate in simple family traditions. Whether it’s decorating the holiday tree, helping to bake a birthday cake, dyeing Easter eggs or shopping with mom when she goes out to buy yet another necktie for dad on Father’s Day, it is often a memorable routine. Regular and consistent family traditions/rituals can provide both adults and children with the following: • A sense of belonging

... traditions of weddings,

• Identity and identification

anniversaries, birthdays and funerals

• Role models

With all this talk about weddings in June, my curiosity got the best of me and I went to my computer and looked on the Web to find out why June had become the most popular month for weddings.

all form part of our collective need for

• Connections

You will chuckle when you read the answer that I found. Many of our contemporary wedding traditions come out of the traditions from the 14th and 15th century. June signified the arrival of warmer weather. That meant it was time to remove winter clothing and partake in one’s annual bath.

Some examples of western rituals are graduations, award ceremonies and secular holidays. These, together with the traditions of weddings, anniversaries, birthdays and funerals all form part of our collective need for recognizing certain events. Rituals bring a community together.

Yes, back then people were only able to bathe thoroughly once each year. Since the overall population smelled fairly fresh in June, it was a good time to hold a special event like a wedding! 22 l VITAJOURNAL

recognizing certain events.

The benefits of family traditions and rituals

Sometimes, family traditions are associated with practices and beliefs, which are handed over from one generation to the next generation.

Celebrating 10 Years of Health and Wellness

• Stability and continuity in an ever-changing world Traditions and rituals give family members something to look forward to, which gives them a sense of assurance in a fast-paced and hectic world. As family bonds tend to be weakened by busy lifestyles, families can stay connected by intentionally maintaining important rituals and traditions. 

Judy Ellison, Ph.D., is a success coach, author, motivational speaker and psychologist. She has inspired people around the world to reach within and find their passionate purpose to live a more meaningful life. trivita.com

your body, His Temple – 1 Cor. 6:19-20

Honoring fathers, honoring Him by Chaplain Gene Henderson “Honor your father and your mother, that your days may be long upon the land which the Lord your God is giving you.” – Exodus 20:12 This month, Father’s Day will bring a flurry of greeting cards, ties, gadgets and phone calls across North America. However, not everyone greets this day with gladness. I know from personal experience and years of counseling others that a troubled relationship with the father figure in your life can harden your heart. Whether you regard your father with loving gratitude or not, I’d like to explore how you can still honor him – and therefore honor God the Father – without ignoring your personal feelings. When Scripture tells us to “Honor your father...,” that isn’t a command to endorse or ignore behavior that might have been neglectful or harsh (and certainly not in cases of bodily abuse). Rather, I think the Bible is telling us to recognize the good things we got from our fathers, to focus on the positive memories. This helps us relate to God the Father, and to appreciate His blessings.

It’s never too late to reach out and re-connect with the good memories from your past. when you focus on the good qualities of your father you do two important things: you pass on a powerful example of remembrance to your own family, and you help empower yourself to have a better relationship with God. When you think about it, it makes sense: If all your connections with your earthly father seem negative, how can you relate to the heavenly Father with love and appreciation? It’s never too late to reach out and re-connect with the good memories from your past. I re-connected with my own father after a 20-year separation, and I’m so thankful that I did. Each Father’s Day I called him to keep in touch, and after he passed on, I shared with my family a letter about all the good he brought to my life.

Remember the good and pass it on

I’m not saying it’s always easy to forgive, but I am saying that it’s worth it – to you and those who

look to you as a father. Perhaps you could start by making a list of positive memories: What good things did your father do with you, give to you, teach you that you remember fondly? What did he talk about from his own childhood that helped you see what his upbringing was like? That list of memories could turn into a letter you write, whether to him in person or to his spirit, and share with your family. Or maybe you could tape record those memories so your children and grandchildren share your history, hearing your voice. In your own life, you may know now that good parenting can be a very tough job. I wonder if, when we disappoint Him, God the Father feels the same way? This Father’s Day, I urge you to remember... reach out... and honor your father to honor Him.

Honor your father as you’d like to be honored

Consider this: How you honor your father is an example to your children of how you’d like to be honored. If you let difficulties from the past keep you estranged from your father (in memory or in life), then that’s how you’re teaching your children to treat you. Do you remember your father as too strict? You could choose to also remember that he was the one who brought you a puppy when you were little. Do you hang on to resentment that he rarely showed affection or approval? Maybe now you realize that in working to provide the basics, he was expressing love in his way. The point is, 1-800-991-7116

June 2009 l 23

Real Stories from real people See what Members like you have to say about TriVita products! ®

“I’m very grateful for how quickly it helped reduce inflammation from the injury.” “I want to let everyone know about my amazing experience with Sonoran Bloom Nopalea. I twisted my ankle and fell down in a parking garage. I felt some pain but thought it was just a sprain, so I didn’t seek any medical attention. That night I could not sleep because my foot was very swollen and the pain was excruciating. The first thing I did the next morning was open a bottle of Nopalea and drink about three ounces. I thought I’d better get an X-ray, so I went to the emergency room at a nearby hospital. Sure enough, I had a broken bone in my foot! The doctor gave me a prescription for a very strong pain killer, but I wasn’t able to get it filled that day. Instead, I had another serving of Nopalea and to my amazement the swelling and pain went down and disappeared that evening! Because of the Nopalea I had no need for a pain killer! I have been using Nopalea every day and have had no discomfort at all since that first night. Thank goodness for Nopalea – I’m very grateful for how quickly it helped reduce inflammation from the injury.”* Cheryl F. – Pointe-Claire, QC

“My quality of life has greatly improved.” “Up until approximately 2 ½ months ago, I was feeling tired, had no energy, was listless and often felt irritable. I did not care whether I lived or died. As a man of almost 80 years who had a five-artery coronary bypass surgery over two years ago, I thought I was supposed to feel this way. However, this horrible feeling soon changed because approximately two months ago, a very dear friend of mine introduced me to TriVita’s Sublingual B-12. I could not believe the quick transition that took place in my life by placing just one small tablet under my tongue every day. I soon began feeling so much better. My doctors were impressed with the great progress I was making and continue to make to this day. Before taking the Sublingual B-12, I did not want to exercise or walk short distances as my doctor ordered. Instead, I chose to ride my power scooter everywhere. However, in a very short period of time, I began exercising and walking with my walker half a mile, two or three times daily without feeling any tiredness. I feel calm and at peace. My attitude drastically changed to 24 l VITAJOURNAL

“Within one week I lost five pounds; I’m very excited.” “I am a type 1 diabetic and a former college basketball and baseball player. I do a pretty good job of taking care of my diabetes. I watch my diet and get some exercise each day. Recently, my weight slowly increased until I was at 240 pounds. I started the Leanology program using six capsules a day and substituting one meal with a shake each day. Within one week I lost five pounds and am very excited. This is really an outstanding program. By keeping my blood sugar levels closer to normal, using less insulin and getting back to my ideal weight, my overall health will be greatly improved and I will have a much improved chance of avoiding complications from diabetes. Thank you for such a great program that can be so beneficial for people with not only weight issues, but people with blood sugar issues as well!” Tommy R. – Magnolia, TX *You should not stop taking any medication without first consulting your physician.

one where I am truly enjoying life. I have more energy and I think with greater clarity. To sum it up, my quality of life has greatly improved.” Hal R. – Mesa, AZ

“I can really feel and see the difference since taking the OmegaPrime...”

“I work in a manufacturing plant and last night one of our management team guys was really looking sick. He felt so bad he was about to go home. So I told him about the Energy Now! product and gave him a sample. After taking the product, the results he got were astonishing. He said he was sold on the product. In fact, he was so impressed he wanted info so he could get some more. He also said that this product was something that he could sell so I had the chance to talk to him about becoming an Affiliate Member.

“Before TriVita, I was having many health issues and I had been looking for a good Omega product. I have been a vegetarian most of my life and have deficiencies and other issues that come with being a vegetarian that have produced different health problems. I was impressed with the high quality of Trivita’s products and their pure, natural ingredients. I can really feel and see the difference since taking the OmegaPrime and I’ll continue to take it and share this product with everyone. I know if people gave this a try they would feel the difference. I also take TriVita’s Sublingual B-12 and it works great in conjunction with the OmegaPrime, giving me optimal health.” Glendia M. – Fairfax, VA

I also had the chance to share the product with two other associates at work who both got the same results. This product is GREAT!! It will sell itself. People just need to try it once. I personally take the Energy Now! and really like it a lot.” Shane M. – Boaz, AL

You should consult with a healthcare provider before starting any diet, exercise or supplementation program, before taking any medication, or if you suspect you might have a heart problem. You should not stop taking any medication without first consulting your healthcare provider.

“I personally take the Energy Now! and really like it a lot.”

Celebrating 10 Years of Health and Wellness


Member Spotlight

Thanks to Sublingual B-12 Dr. Eva is back to her bubbly self this professor, writer, wife and mother of two keeps forging ahead


va’s busy life finally caught up with her. So, it’s no surprise that about a year ago, she got diagnosed with an anxiety disorder. Her time was spent simultaneously working as a professor at different universities, writing several books, being a mom to two kids and a wife, all while going through some tough personal issues. To say the least, Eva was dealing with constant stress and needed help. “I just felt so tired! My mental and physical energy were completely disappearing and I felt like I was dragging all the time,” Eva recalls.

“I had been praying to find a solution to my anxiety, stress and fatigue. I called right away when I heard about the B-12.”

While watching TV, she happened to see James and Betty Robison talking about TriVita’s Sublingual B-12, B-6 & Folic Acid. “I had been praying to find a solution to my anxiety, stress and fatigue. I called right away when I heard about the B-12.” When the B-12 arrived, Eva took one tablet a day, but wanted stronger results. “I actually did feel better, but was still not where I needed to be in order to maintain my demanding schedule.” Shortly thereafter, a friend and colleague, Sue, called Eva and suggested that she try taking three tablets at a time to see if that would help. “I was ready to go for the B-12 injections by that point, but I definitely didn’t want to resort to 1-800-991-7116

painful shots! I took Sue’s advice and started taking three tablets in the morning, and three more at night. I could tell a difference right away.” Eva continued her routine, and then received another call from Sue about a brand new product (at the time) that TriVita was launching, called Super Sublingual B-12. It was perfect for Eva, since the Super B-12 had three times the B-12 as in the original. “I ordered it right away and was able to just take one tablet of the Super B-12, instead of three. I felt like another person!” Since taking Super Sublingual B-12, Eva can tell that her mood is much more stable and she is back to her bubbly, energetic self. “I’m so pleased with taking TriVita products. I want to reach out to more women like me, who have a lot on their plates. We’re so prone to thinking it’s just in our heads and that nothing is wrong. But I’m here to say that it’s not always psychological. Being stressed, being fatigued and lacking energy is REAL. It is something so many of us deal with, and there’s a great solution out there – TriVita’s B-12!” Along with getting her mental and physical energy back for her day-to-day routine, Eva began walking again. “I completely believe in the importance of taking care of oneself. For three years I wasn’t able to work out. I didn’t even have the energy to walk,” Eva explains. “But after taking the Super Sublingual B-12, I am exercising and losing weight. My stamina is better, and my clarity of mind is back!” “I think one of the greatest things about Sublingual B-12, or the Super B-12 is that they don’t have to be swallowed. I happen to deal with a health condition called gastritis [inflammation of the stomach], which makes it hard for me to absorb vitamins or nutrients from my food. The Sublingual B-12 just goes directly to my bloodstream and skips the

“... after taking the Super Sublingual B-12, I am exercising and losing weight. My stamina is better, and my clarity of mind is back!” – Eva

“TriVita has helped me in so many areas. When I don’t take my B-12, people who know me can tell. I don’t know what I’d do without it.”

digestive process altogether, so I get more nutrients.” Eva can’t wait to tell more people about Sublingual B-12. “TriVita has helped me in so many areas. When I don’t take my B-12, people who know me can tell. I don’t know what I’d do without it. I now sleep soundly and don’t feel stressed. Thank you, TriVita for making such wonderful products!” * You should not use the information in this publication for diagnosis or treatment of any health problem or for prescription of any medication or other treatment.

June 2009 l 25

National Men’s Health Week – June 15-21, 2009

Prostate Cancer and PSA Screening: A must read By Dr. Samuel N. Grief


any men are unsure of what to do about their prostate and rely on physicians and other healthcare providers to guide them Samuel N. Grief, M.D., CCFP, FCFP accordingly. Should a man get screened for prostate cancer? What is the best screening method? What are the pros and cons of prostate cancer screening? First, prostate cancer is not your typical cancer. It tends to spread slowly in the overwhelming majority of men afflicted. The insidious nature of prostate cancer means that if a man is diagnosed at age 60, it is very likely the disease will not progress for many years before causing any serious complications or risk to one’s life. Treatment options for prostate cancer are numerous and range from targeted chemotherapy or radiation to surgery to oral hormone therapy. Which treatment is best is dependent on whether the cancer has spread outside of the prostate and the extent of the spread.

Symptoms can start at age 40 or earlier Lately, medical authorities are revisiting the two-decades-old question of prostate specific antigen (PSA) screening. Physicians routinely discuss PSA testing with men ages 40 and over as this is the age when men typically begin to notice symptoms of an enlarged prostate. Some physicians recommend PSA screening at an even earlier age, so don’t wait until you have symptoms. These symptoms may include more frequent urination, decreased urinary stream, trouble fully emptying the bladder, and/or nighttime awakening to urinate. Examination of the prostate entails a digital rectal exam to assess for the prostate’s size, contour, shape and to detect any nodular growths that may indicate an underlying cancer. Because digital rectal exam can assess only the surface of the prostate gland, PSA testing is often recommended by medical practitioners to complement the screening for cancer.

not lessen the overall death rate due to prostate cancer. Another European study involving 18,000 men had a slightly different outcome. This study concluded that there was some benefit in reducing overall death due to prostate cancer in men who were screened using PSA testing, compared to men who were not screened. Unfortunately, prostate cancer is rather common. Many men will have this disease and be blissfully unaware, regardless of whether or not they took a PSA test. The decision to screen with the PSA test should be discussed with a trusted healthcare practitioner. Lowering the risk of prostate cancer and prostate problems can be accomplished by eating a low saturated-fat diet, consuming fresh fruits and vegetables with plenty of antioxidants and appropriate supplemental products designed to facilitate proper prostate function.

Long-term scientific trials have been undertaken to determine the benefits of PSA testing. The outcomes are mixed. PSA testing: no consensus One recently completed study done in the United States confirmed that PSA testing did

Samuel N. Grief is currently the Medical Director at the University of Illinois. Dr. Grief received his medical degree from McGill University in Montreal, Quebec, and is a CME Instructor.

Help reduce the risk of future prostate problems try natural prostate health formula to maintain your active life

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This formula contains natural and proven prostate-supporting nutrients like saw palmetto, stinging nettle and lycopene. Other ingredients include beta sitosterol, pollen extract and select amino acids.

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How Much Do You Know About Men’s Health? test your knowledge with this quiz from the centers for Disease control and prevention



1. 1 A man’s exposure to substances in the workplace can affect his ability to have healthy children.

1. True: A man’s exposure to certain substances in the workplace can affect his ability to

2 Adults should get at least one 2. hour of physical activity a week.

2. False: Adults should get at least 2 ½ hours of physical activity a week, including aerobic and

3 Males are more likely than 3. females to die from injury in the workplace.

4. 4 People do not need to get vaccinations after age 21. 5 Men are more likely than 5. women to attempt suicide. 6 More men die from prostate 6. cancer than from any other type of cancer.

7. 7 Cancer is the leading cause of death in men.

have healthy children by affecting sperm and sexual performance. Also, certain substances unintentionally brought home by a worker may affect a woman’s reproductive system or the health of an unborn child. muscle-strengthening activities.

3. True: Of the U.S. workers that died from injury at work in 2005, males accounted for 93% of all deaths and had a work-related fatality rate about 12 times the rate for females.

4. False: Vaccinations aren’t just for kids. Far too many adults become ill, are disabled and die

each year from diseases that could easily have been prevented by vaccines. Keep track of your vaccinations, and make sure you keep them up-to-date.

5. False: Women are three times more likely to report attempting suicide than men. However, men are four times more likely to actually die from suicide. In 2004, 80% of suicide deaths were among men. If you or someone you know is in a suicidal crisis, contact the National Suicide Prevention Hotline at 1-800-273-TALK.

6. False: More men and women die from lung cancer than from any other type of cancer.

Quit smoking and avoid secondhand smoke to lower your risk for lung cancer, heart disease, and other diseases and conditions. Prostate cancer is the second leading cause of cancer deaths in men.

7. False: Heart disease is the leading cause of death for both men and women in the United

States. To lower your risk for heart disease, get regular blood cholesterol and blood pressure screenings, prevent and control diabetes, avoid smoking and secondhand smoke, limit alcohol use, keep a healthy weight, eat healthy and get regular physical activity.

8. True: Males are about twice as likely as females to sustain a traumatic brain injury (TBI).

8 Males are more likely than 8. females to sustain a traumatic brain injury.

A TBI is caused by a blow or jolt to the head or a penetrating head injury that disrupts the normal function of the brain. To help prevent TBI, wear a seatbelt every time you drive or ride in a motor vehicle, wear a helmet when riding a bike and playing contact sports and make living areas safer for seniors and children.

The superior multi-vitamin for men • Whole food concentrates contain seven classes of nutrients

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Beware of Dangerous Drug Combos Similar drug names another potential hazard • Can I take it with other drugs?

Are you mixing medications? You could be in danger, according to a study in the December 2008 Journal of the American Medical Association. About 2.2 million Americans take medications in potentially dangerous combinations, according to the study. And sometimes those combinations include non-prescription medications and supplements. The study involved 3,005 people aged 57 to 85. The older the person was, the more likely they were to take at least one medication. Sixty-eight percent of those who took prescription drugs also took non-prescription medications or supplements. Researchers identified the most dangerous combinations reported by the participants:




Prescription with another prescription

Lisinopril with prescription potassium

Elevated bloodpotassium levels which can disrupt heart rhythm

Warfarin with simvastatin


Warfarin with aspirin


Atorvastatin with niacin

Muscle weakness and muscle breakdown

Simvastatin with niacin

Muscle weakness and muscle breakdown Bleeding

Prescription with a non-prescription

Non-prescription with another non-prescription

Ginkgo with aspirin

If you’re taking any of these combinations, contact your healthcare provider to discuss other options. Even if you’re not taking the medications listed above, it’s still important to pay close attention to those that you are taking.

Avoiding dangerous interactions • Let your doctor know which medications and supplements you’re currently taking. • Take medications as directed. • Try filling all your prescriptions at the same pharmacy. • Carefully read package inserts for possible interactions. • Carry a list of all medications and supplements you’re taking; that way you’ll have it readily available if you get prescribed a new medication or need to buy an over-the-counter drug. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) recommends asking your doctor or pharmacist these questions before taking a new drug: 28 l VITAJOURNAL

• Should I avoid certain foods, beverages or other products? • What are possible drug interaction signs I should know about? • How will the drug work in my body? • Is there more information available about the drug or my condition (on the Internet or in health and medical literature)?

Medication errors

Another area of concern is drug name errors. These can occur in the pharmacy or in the doctor’s office. Often, many drugs sound alike or are spelled alike. But according to the FDA, mistakes can also occur because of abbreviations, acronyms and dose designations used on prescriptions. Poor handwriting, new products, similar packaging and unfamiliarity with drug names can make the situation worse. Regardless, mistakes of any kind are dangerous. The FDA suggests the following tips for making sure you’re getting exactly what the doctor ordered: • Know the name and strength of prescribed drugs before leaving the doctor’s office. • Insist that the doctor include the purpose of the medication on the prescription. • Ensure that a refill is what it should be. • Tell your doctor of any medical history changes. When it comes to your health, you can never be too careful; if you have questions about your current prescription medications, over-thecounter medications and/or supplements, don’t hesitate to ask your healthcare provider. 

Alcohol and medications As people age, they often become more sensitive to alcohol’s effects. Of particular concern is the mixing of medications and alcohol. This can have many ill effects including dizziness, drowsiness, changes in blood pressure, increased risk for overdose, changes in blood sugar, fainting, memory loss and more. If you are taking any medications, talk with your healthcare provider about them and how they may interact with alcohol. Also, be sure to carefully read labels on all medications and follow the directions. The National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, part of the National Institutes of Health, recommends that people over age 65 who choose to drink have no more than one drink per day.

Celebrating 10 Years of Health and Wellness


BESTE TriVita has bundled your favorite VALU ®

nutrient-rich products at fantastic savings!

Stress Protection Pack

Healthy Aging Pack

Combining nature’s most powerful stress-fighting nutrients

Nutrients to strengthen your body’s ability to combat illness

Don’t let stress rob you of your quality of life – protect yourself from the damages of stress with the Stress Protection Pack. Adaptogen 10 Plus® helps your body balance itself when it’s under stress. It’s antioxidant-rich and helps to neutralize damaging free radicals that can hurt your immune system. Sublingual B-12, B-6 & Folic Acid supports brain and nervous system health; its sublingual delivery system ensures fast B vitamin absorption.

Adaptogen 10 Plus: 1 bottle (32 servings) Sublingual B-12: 1 box (30 count)

Take daily, or more as needed. 1-800-991-7116

FREE CD First-time buyers of the Stress Protection Pack get a FREE Stress Audiobook! (A $9.99 value!)

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inal B-12 Substitute Orig ® d and with HCY Guar 40 add $4.00 #333

TriVita’s Healthy Aging Pack gives you the essential nutrients you will need to help combat changes that occur with age, like increased inflammation and a weakened immune system. The B vitamins in Sublingual B-12, B-6 & Folic Acid help keep your brain and nervous system healthy. Avoid becoming nutrient deficient and low in energy with VitaDaily AM/PM™. Dr. Libby’s Vital C Tablets provide powerful immune protection. Help reduce inflammation in your joints and throughout your body with OmegaPrime®. Take daily, or more as needed.

FREE CD First-time buyers of the Healthy Aging Pack get a FREE Healthy Aging Audiobook! (A $9.99 value!)

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$104.96 Non-Member

9 Member $72.9 inal B-12 Substitute Orig and with Super B-12 78 add $3.00 #322

inal B-12 Substitute Orig ® d and with HCY Guar 73 add $4.00 #322

June 2009 l 29

Play It Safe! national safety month tips for a fun and injury-free summer


ummer is the time to play! For many, it means outdoor activities such as swimming, hiking, camping, boating and more. This summer, make safety your top priority as you pursue your outdoor adventures. Review these safety tips and let common sense be your guide as you enjoy the summer season.

Camping health and safety tips

Load up the tent and lantern, it’s time to go camping. But in addition to your sleeping bag, pack these health and safety tips from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: • Practice fire safety: o Use a campfire pit away from overhanging tree branches. Make sure it has a metal fire ring or is encircled with rocks.

Staying safe around water

Splashing around in pools, swimming in lakes, enjoying the beach and boating are all great ways to cool off in the hot summer months. However, carelessness can result in injuries – even death. By keeping these water-safety tips in mind, you can enjoy one of summer’s most refreshing pastimes:

o Never leave a campfire unattended. o Before you leave, be sure you put out your campfire completely. • Protect against carbon monoxide poisoning: Never use fuel-burning equipment such as gas stoves, heaters, lanterns and charcoal grills inside a tent, camper or other enclosed shelter.

• Always supervise children around water • Wear life vests and outfit your children with them as well • Fence in your backyard pool if you have children or grandchildren

• Avoid wild animals and protect family pets.

• Learn CPR

• Pack food in tight, waterproof bags or containers.

• Wear foot protection when swimming in lakes, ponds and at the beach • Immediately get out of the water in the event of bad weather • Apply sunscreen throughout the day to avoid sunburn

Hiking safety

Whether you’re going for a gentle urban stroll or a rugged overnight trip, review these basic safety tips before lacing up your hiking boots:

• Avoid alcohol when swimming or boating • Don’t swim alone • Teach your children or grandchildren to swim • Check water depth before diving

• Bring more water than you think you need • Don’t hike alone • Don’t attempt a hike that you’re not ready for physically • Wear appropriate shoes and clothing • Protect yourself from the sun: hat, sunglasses and sunscreen • Bring a first aid kit for emergencies • Stick to designated trails • Bring the proper supplies: extra clothing, food, water, first aid kit, pocket knife, whistle and waterproof matches. Depending on where you hike, insect repellant may come in handy. In the event of an emergency or if you get lost, remember to S.T.O.P.: stop, think, observe and plan.

All-terrain vehicles (ATVs)

ATV riding can be a very fun yet very dangerous sport. Observe these safety tips from the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission: • Get trained • Wear a helmet • No children on adult ATVs

• Check the forecast before you leave home

• Don’t ride tandem

• Let someone know where you’re going, and what time you expect to return

• Don’t ride under the influence

• Don’t ride on pavement

• Bring a compass, map and a fully charged cell phone

Energy for all your summer activities! Energy Now!® can help jump-start your day. It contains: • CoQ-10 and Vitamins B-1, B-2 and B-3, which enhance ® your body’s ability to produce more energy ! w o N Energ y • Antioxidant polyphenols, green tea and cocoa, #30420 which promote energy and nourish endurance $31.99 Non-Member • Amino acids which help feed your body’s energy 24.99 Membe25r0 $ production cycle VitaPoints with Redeem

Call 1-800-991-7116 or visit trivita.com

Note: If you have PKU or are taking MAO inhibitors, do not use this product.

TriVita’s Healthcare Professionals Brazos Minshew is TriVita’s Chief Science Officer, in charge of formulating the best new supplements possible. He is dedicated to bringing greater health and wellness to TriVita Members. He combines an extensive background in medical science, naturopathy and alternative treatments to create lifestyle and nutritional solutions to prevalent health challenges.

10 foundational Values 1. Physician-Approved Formulas

Our medical board uses their extensive health and nutrition knowledge to approve proprietary TriVita supplements based on the latest scientific research and the health and wellness concerns of our Members.

Scott Conard, M.D. is the founder of TienaHealth, an organization of medical doctors in primary care practice who emphasize healthy lifestyles to maintain wellness. Dr. Conard is considered a national expert on disease prevention. TienaHealth also conducts clinical trials.

2. Unique Delivery Systems

Unlike other supplements that can be difficult to absorb, TriVita supplements are developed for maximum absorption and effect.

3. Controlled Laboratory Studies

Signature products from TriVita undergo medical studies and trials at accredited universities and medical centers to ensure their effectiveness.

4. Purest Natural Ingredients

TriVita uses the highest-quality essential nutrients available to create effective, body-friendly formulas without mood altering stimulants or harmful chemicals.

5. Pharmaceutical-Grade Quality

We voluntarily adhere to the strict manufacturing guidelines of the Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP).

6. Third-Party Testing and Certification

In addition to our own quality control, we commission third-party testing and research to guarantee that our products are full potency and meet all regulatory standards.

7. Quality-Controlled Packaging and Production

Safety is a top priority in our packaging and manufacturing; we inspect each product at least 10 times and use two safety seals per package on all ingestible products to guarantee safety, freshness and product potency.

8. Dedicated to Product Innovation

TriVita’s commitment to science is a driving force behind our superior quality products, from formulation to production. Led by our Chief Science Officer and renowned nutraceutical pioneers, we put the utmost care into creating products that deliver positive and lifelong wellness experiences for our Members.

9. Medical Advisory Board

TriVita’s advisory panel of Board Certified physicians provide us with the latest information on scientific developments and testing methods.

10. Complete Customer Satisfaction Guarantee

We promise to provide the best customer experience possible and offer a 60-Day Money Back Guarantee on all of our products. Our natural products are food based. If you have any food based allergies, please read the labels. Statements or claims in this publication have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

Medical Advisory Board In addition to our dedicated healthcare professionals, TriVita created a Medical Advisory Board to assist our efforts in staying abreast of current scientific developments and provide input on the latest, most effective testing methods. samuel n. grief, m.D., ccfp, fcfp Currently the Medical Director at the University of Illinois, Dr. Grief received his medical degree from McGill University in Montreal, Quebec, and is a CME Instructor. tammy pon, m.D. A functional medicine physician, Dr. Pon received her medical degree from the University of Texas in Houston. She completed specialty training in Healthy Aging. nathan s. Bryan, ph.D. Dr. Bryan joined the faculty of the Institute of Molecular Medicine, University of Texas-Houston, in June 2006, and was honored as one of the University’s Accomplished Young Investigators in 2007. Dr. Bryan has published over 20 peer-reviewed papers.

to order call toll-free 1-800-991-7116 5:00 A.M. – 7:00 P.M., M–F • 7:00 A.M. – 4:00 P.M., Saturday, (Mountain Standard Time)



Director of Creative Services • John Metselaar Editor of Publications • Pam Knox Production Manager • Roger Barger Production Coordinator • Aimee Silver Graphic Designers • Carly Miner; Cheryl Earl; David Knox Editorial Assistant • Ginny Schoonaert; Kelly Hickman Contributing Writers • Scott Conard, M.D.; Brazos Minshew; Christa Orecchio, Certified Clinical Nutritionist; Judy Ellison, Ph.D.; Samuel Grief, M.D., CCFP, FCFP; Steve Solomon; Cheryl Romano; Heather Austin; Dana Maxwell; Greg Cayten

The VitaJournal is published by TriVita, Inc. • 16100 N. Greenway Hayden Loop, Ste 950 • Scottsdale, AZ 85260 • Printed in the U.S.A. • © 2009 TriVita, Inc. All rights reserved. The VitaJournal welcomes Member questions, photographs and testimonials. All submitted materials become the property of TriVita, Inc. and may be edited for publication. Submissions should be directed to the Publications Specialist (Marketing Department) at [email protected]. SUBSCRIPTIONS: Subscription to the monthly VitaJournal is FREE to active TriVita Members. Subscription to TriVita’s Weekly Wellness Report (delivered to your email address) is also FREE to TriVita Members. If you would like to receive this informative Weekly Wellnes Report, call 1-800-991-7116 and give a Wellness Consultant a valid email address. The VitaJournal is distributed for information purposes only and does not constitute professional or medical advice. Prices in this publication are current as of the date of printing. Opinions expressed by authors are not necessarily those of the publisher. The VitaJournal may be reproduced only by TriVita Members. Other reproductions, in whole or in part, are prohibited without the express permission of the publisher.

For Questions: 1-877-850-2968 Monday – Friday; 6:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m., Mountain Standard Time

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Faster-acting, longer-lasting, greater energy triVita members have bought over 11 million boxes of the Original sublingual B-12 for one simple reason – it works. now there’s an even better version which has three times the Vitamin B-12. Super Sublingual B-12: • Helps improve your energy, memory, focus and mood • Uses Dr. Libby’s same exclusive patented process for maximum absorption • Now it’s faster-acting, longer-lasting and more potent than ever before • Also contains ginseng for an extra energy boost LINGUA SUB L ER


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12 B-


For more information, see pages 8 & 9


“I feel that TriVita – and especially Super Sublingual B-12 – has become a very important part of my health and wellness plan.” CoCo B. – atlanta, Ga


Alfred Libby, M.D. – Inventor of TriVita Sublingual B-12, B-6 & Folic Acid Dr. Libby, a renowned nutraceutical pioneer, worked to help hundreds of patients feel better every day. An associate of Dr. Linus Pauling (Nobel Prize Laureate), Dr. Libby developed this unique, sublingual delivery system for his own patients. It was known to give similar mental energy results as B-12 shots, but without the shots’ added pain and expense.

Call toll-free to order 1-800-991-7116

Alfred Libby, M.D.


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