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December 7, 2006 VITA R. William Liddle Professor of Political Science The Ohio State University Columbus, OH 43210 Tel: (614) 292-7957 (614) 292-1356 (Mershon Center) Fax: (614) 292-1146 (614) 292-2407 (Mershon Center) E-mail: [email protected]

Home Address: 4347 Castleton Rd. Columbus, OH 43220 Tel: 614 457-4390

Date of Birth: January 18, 1938

Education Yale University, 1959-67. Ph.D., 1967. M.A., 1961. University of Chicago, 1964-65. Carnegie Fellow at the Committee for the Comparative Study of New States. Yale University, 1955-59. BA, magna cum laude, 1959. Teaching Ohio State University: Professor, 1978-present; Associate Professor, 1970-78; Assistant Professor, 1966-70; Instructor, 1965-66. Pusat Latihan Penelitian Ilmu-Ilmu Sosial (Social Science Research Training Center), Aceh, Indonesia, 1985-87. Fulbright Lecturer in graduate-level social science research training program. Indonesian Studies Summer Institute, Athens, Ohio, Summer 1983. Lecturer on Indonesian Politics. Ohio University, Visiting Professor, Fall 1980, Winter 1978, Winter and Spring 1976. University of Singapore, 1968-69. Fulbright-Hays Lecturer. Courses taught: introduction to political science, introduction to comparative politics, government and politics of the developing world, traditional political systems and political development, community politics in the developing world, Southeast Asian politics, Indonesian politics, comparing India and Indonesia, theories of political development and change, national integration, alternatives to modernization, theories and methods of comparative politics, research seminar on

developing world politics, research seminar in comparative politics, the political economy of Albert Hirschman, introduction to development studies, leadership and agency, politics in Muslim-majority countries, honors seminar in comparative politics. Innovations: development of the basic comparative politics course as a theoretical and methodological introduction to the field for undergraduate majors; introduction and development of courses in developing world politics and political development theory for undergraduates and graduate students; creation of an introductory course in development studies for the Undergraduate International Studies Program; introduction and development of honors seminar in comparative politics. Honors seminar in comparative politics selected by the OSU Honors Program for a 20042006 course development award.

Research Language skills: fluency in Indonesian, reading knowledge of Dutch, French. Major grants: Korea Research Foundation (with Yong Cheol Kim and Salim Said) research award, 2003-2004; National Science Foundation research award, 1999-2000; Ford Foundation (Jakarta) conference grant, 1998; Asia Foundation conference grant, 1990; Social Science Research Council conference grant, 1985; Visiting Research Fellowship, Department of Political and Social Change, Australian National University, 1980; Fulbright award for research at the Institute of Southeast Asia Studies, Singapore, 1976-77; Ford Foundation Southeast Asia Fellowship, 1971: Foreign Area Training Fellowship, 1962-64.

Recent Awards and Honors Outstanding International Faculty Member, Ohio State University Office of Academic Affairs, 1996. Distinguished Visiting Lecturer, Foreign Service Institute, United States Department of State, 1995.

Academic Publications Books and Monographs: Political Entrepreneurs and Development Strategies: Southeast Asian Cases and Comparisons, Adelaide: Centre of Asian Studies, Flinders University, 1991, pp. 37. (22nd Annual Asian Studies Lecture.) Politics and Culture in Indonesia, Ann Arbor: Center for Political Studies, Institute for Social Research, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, 1988, pp. 55. An article length revised version has been published as "The National Political Culture and the New Order", Prisma 46 (1989), pp. 4-20. 2

Cultural and Class Politics in New Order Indonesia, Singapore: Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, 1977, pp. 21. Ethnicity, Party, and National Integration: An Indonesian Case Study, New Haven and London: Yale University Press, 1970, pp. xv, 238. Edited Books: Revolusi dari Luar: Demokratisasi di Indonesia [Revolution from Outside: Democratization in Indonesia], Jakarta: Nalar and Freedom Institute, 2005, pp. xxii, 258. A collection of newspaper columns and magazine articles originally written in Indonesian, plus translations of two scholarly articles on contemporary Indonesian politics. Introduction by Hamid Basyaib. Crafting Indonesian Democracy, Jakarta: Mizan, 2001, pp ix, 304. Edited papers from a 1998 Ford Foundation conference on Structural Reform in Indonesian Democratization. “Introduction: Crafting Indonesian Democracy,” pp. 1-9 by the editor. Also published by Mizan in Indonesian as Menjauhi Demokrasi Kaum Penjahat [Avoiding Bad Guy Democracy]. Islam, Politik, dan Modernisasi [Islam, Politics, and Modernization], Jakarta: Sinar Harapan, 1997, pp. xix, 308. (In Indonesian.) Translations of three scholarly articles on Indonesian Islam, plus a collection of newspaper columns and magazine articles originally written in Indonesian. Contains a new preface by the editor and an introduction by Taufik Abdullah. Leadership and Culture in Indonesian Politics, Sydney: Allen and Unwin, in association with the Asian Studies Association of Australia, 1996, pp. v, 314. A collection of articles, most originally published between 1985 and 1993, with a new introduction by the editor. Pemilu-Pemilu Orde Baru: Pasang Surut Kekuasaan Politik [New Order Elections: The Rise and Fall of Political Authority], Jakarta: LP3ES, 1992, pp. viii, 158. (In Indonesian.) A collection of articles on Indonesian elections and democracy, most of which were previously published in English. Partisipasi dan Partai Politik: Indonesia Pada Awal Orde Baru [Participation and the Political Parties: Indonesia at the Beginning of the New Order], Jakarta: PT Grafiti, 1992, pp. viii, 220. (In Indonesian.) A collection of articles previously published in English, with a new introduction, "Kata Pengantar: Menuju Demokrasi di Indonesia" [Introduction: Toward Democracy in Indonesia]. Political Participation in Modern Indonesia, New Haven: Yale University Southeast Asia Studies, 1973. Chapters authored: "Introduction," pp. 1-11, and "Modernizing Indonesian Politics," pp. 177206. Articles: “Leadership, Party and Religion: Explaining Voting Behavior in Indonesia,” Comparative Political Studies, forthcoming 2007 (with Saiful Mujani). 3

“Political Leadership and Civilian Supremacy in Third Wave Democracies: Comparing South Korea and Indonesia,” Pacific Affairs 79:2 (Summer 2006) (with Yong-Cheol Kim and Salim Said), pp. 247-268. “Indonesia in 2005: A New Multiparty Presidential Democracy,” Asian Survey 46:1 (January/February 2006), pp. 132-139 (with Saiful Mujani). “Year One of the Yudhoyono-Kalla Duumvirate,” Bulletin of Indonesian Economic Studies 41:3 (December 2005), pp. 323-338. “Indonesia in 2004: The Rise of Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono,” Asian Survey 45:1 (January/February 2005), pp. 119-126 (with Saiful Mujani). “Indonesia’s Approaching Elections: Politics, Islam, and Public Opinion,” Journal of Democracy 15:1 (January 2004), pp. 109-123 (with Saiful Mujani). “Syafii Maarif dan Indonesia” [Syafii Maarif and Indonesia], introduction to Ahmad Syafii Maarif, Mencari Autentisitas Dalam Kegalauan: Refleksi Ahmad Syafii Maarif [Seeking Authenticity in Confusion: Reflections of Ahmad Syafii Maarif], Jakarta, Pusat Studi Agama dan Peradaban Muhammadiyah, 2004, pp. xv-xx (In Indonesian). “New Patterns of Islamic Politics in Democratic Indonesia,” in Piety and Pragmatism: Trends in Indonesian Islamic Politics. Washington: Woodrow Wilson International Center, Asia Special Report No. 10, 2003, pp. 4-13. “Indonesia,” in W. Phillips Shively, Comparative Governance, 2nd edition, New York: McGraw-Hill Primis, 2002 (first edition 1996). 61 printed pages. “Indonesia’s Democratic Transition: Playing by the Rules,” Chapter 13 in Andrew Reynolds, ed., The Architecture of Democracy, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2002, pp. 373-399. “Pengantar” [Introduction], in Salim Said, Militer Indonesia dan Politik: Dulu, Kini, dan Kelak [The Indonesian Military and Politics: Past, Present, and Future], Jakarta: Sinar Harapan, 2001, v-xv. (In Indonesian.) “Indonesia in 2000: A Shaky Start for Democracy,” Asian Survey, XLI,1 (January/February 2001), pp. 208-220. “Islam, Kultur Politik dan Demokratisasi” [Islam, Political Culture, and Democratization], Jurnal Demokrasi dan HAM [Journal of Democracy and Human Rights], I,1, May-August 2000, pp. 132166. (with Saiful Mujani.) (In Indonesian.) “Indonesia in 1999: Democracy Restored,” Asian Survey, XL,1 (January/February 2000), pp. 32-42. “Kata Pengantar” [Introduction], in Eep Saefulloh Fatah, Zaman Kesempatan: Agenda-Agenda 4

Besar Demokratisasi Pasca-Orde Baru [A Time of Opportunity: Great Agendas of Democratization After the New Order], Bandung: Mizan, 2000, ix-xvi. (In Indonesian.) “Regime: The New Order,” Chapter 2 in Donald K. Emmerson, ed., Indonesia Beyond Suharto: Polity, Economy, Society, Transition, Armonk: M. E. Sharpe, 1999, pp. 39-70. “Indonesia’s Democratic Opening,” Government and Opposition, 34, 1 (January 1999), pp. 94-116. “Indonesia’s Unexpected Failure of Leadership,” in Adam Schwarz and Jonathan Paris, eds., The Politics of Post-Suharto Indonesia, New York: Council on Foreign Relations, 1999, pp. 16-39. "Coercion, Cooptation, and the Management of Ethnic Relations in Indonesia," in Michael E. Brown and Sumit Ganguly, eds., Government Policies and Ethnic Relations in Asia and the Pacific, Cambridge: MIT Press, 1997, pp. 273-320. "The 1997 Indonesian Elections: Personal Power and Regime Legitimacy," Muslim Politics Report, 14 (July/August 1997), pp. 1-6. "Indonesia in 1996: Pressures From Above and Below," Asian Survey XXXVII, 2 (February 1997), pp. 167-174. (with Rizal Mallarangeng) "Improvising Political Cultural Change: Three Indonesian Cases," in Jim Schiller and Barbara Martin-Schiller, eds., Imagining Indonesia: Cultural Politics and Political Culture, Athens: Ohio University Center for International Studies, 1997, pp. 1-54. "Media Dakwah Scripturalism: One Form of Islamic Political Thought and Action in New Order Indonesia," in Mark Woodward, ed., Toward A New Paradigm: Recent Developments in Indonesian Islamic Thought, Tempe: Center for Southeast Asian Studies, Arizona State University, 1996, pp. 323-357. Also published as "Skripturalisme Media Dakwah: Satu Bentuk Pemikiran dan Aksi Politik Islam Masa Orde Baru," Ulumul Qur'an, Vol. IV, No. 3, 1993, pp. 53-66. (In Indonesian) "Indonesia: Soeharto's Tightening Grip," Journal of Democracy 7, 4 (October 1996), pp. 58-72. "The Islamic Turn in Indonesia: A Political Explanation," Journal of Asian Studies 55, 3 (August 1996), pp. 613-634. "Indonesia in 1995: The Struggle Over Politics and Policy," Asian Survey XXXVI, 2 (February 1996), pp. 109-116. (with Rizal Mallarangeng) "A Useful Fiction: Democratic Legitimation in New Order Indonesia," in Robert Taylor, ed., The Politics of Elections in Southeast Asia, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1996, pp. 34-60. "Can All Good Things Go Together? Democracy, Growth, and Unity in Post-Soeharto Indonesia," in David Bourchier and John Legge, eds., Democracy in Indonesia: 1950s and 1990s, Clayton: Monash University Centre of Southeast Asian Studies, 1994, pp. 286-301. 5

"Politics 1992-1993: Sixth-Term Adjustments in the Ruling Formula," in Chris Manning and Joan Hardjono, eds., Indonesia Assessment 1993, Canberra: Department of Political and Social Change, Research School of Pacific Studies, Australian National University, 1993, pp. 26-42. "Indonesia's Threefold Crisis," Journal of Democracy, 3, 4 (1992), pp. 60-74. Indonesia's Democratic Past and Future," Comparative Politics, 24, 4 (July 1992), pp. 443-462. Reprinted in John Ravenhill, ed., The Political Economy of East Asia, London: Edward Elgar, 1995. The Politics of Development Policy," World Development, 20, 6 (June 1992), pp. 793-807. The Relative Autonomy of the Third World Politician: Soeharto and Indonesian Economic Development in Comparative Perspective," International Studies Quarterly, 35, 4 (December 1991), pp. 403-427. Reprinted in John Ravenhill, ed., The Political Economy of East Asia, London: Edward Elgar, 1995. Rumah Seorang Penulis" [The Address of a Writer], Introduction to Goenawan Mohamad, Catatan Pinggir [Marginal Notes], Vol. 3, Jakarta: Grafiti, 1991, pp. 1-13. (In Indonesian.) The Middle Class and New Order Legitimacy: A Response to Dan Lev," "Indonesia is Indonesia," and "East Asian Political Development," Chapters 5, 6, and 7 in Kenneth Young and Richard Tanter, eds., The Politics of Middle Class Indonesia, Clayton, Vic.: Monash University Centre of Southeast Asian Studies, 1989, pp. 49-62. "Indonesia in 1987: The New Order at the Height of its Power," Asian Survey, XXVIII, 2 (February 1988), pp. 180-191. "Introduction: Section A," Cultures and Societies of North Sumatra, ed. by Rainer Carle in cooperation with C. E. Cunningham, M. Kartomi, R. W. Liddle, B. Nothofer and H. Uhlig, Berlin, Dietrich Reimer Verlag, 1987, pp. 21-24. "Indonesia in 1986: Contending with Scarcity," Asian Survey, XXVII, 2 (February 1987), pp. 206218. "The Politics of Shared Growth: Some Indonesian Cases," Comparative Politics, 19,2 (January 1987), pp. 127-146. "Soeharto's Indonesia: Personal Rule and Political Institutions," Pacific Affairs, 58, 1 (Spring, 1985), pp. 68-90. "Indonesia's Leadership: Sukarno and Soeharto," Focus on Asian Studies, IV, 2 (Winter 1985), pp. 18-21. "Economy and Polity in Suharto's Indonesia," Crossroads, 1,3 (October 1983), pp. 35-45. 6

"The Republic of Indonesia," in George E. Delury, ed., World Encyclopedia of Political Systems and Parties, Vol. I, Facts on File Publications, 1983, pp. 460-471. "The Politics of Ekonomi Pancasila," Bulletin of Indonesian Economic Studies XVIII, 1 (March 1982), pp. 96-101. "Indonesia 1977: The New Order's Second General Election," Asian Survey, XVIII, 2 (February 1978), pp. 175-185. "The 1977 Indonesian Election and New Order Legitimacy," Southeast Asian Affairs 1978, Singapore: Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, 1978, pp. 122-138. "Participation and the Political Parties," in Karl Jackson and Lucian Pye, eds., Political Power and Communications in Indonesia, Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press, 1977, pp. 171-195. "Indonesia 1976: Challenges to Suharto's Authority," Asian Survey XVII, 2 (February 1977), pp. 95106. "Closing Remarks," Conference on Indonesian Agriculture, Proceedings, Madison: University of Wisconsin, 1974, pp. 124-125. "Rural Development and the Local Political Process," in Seminar on Agricultural and Rural Development in Indonesia, Proceedings, East Lansing: Michigan State University, 1974, pp. 19-22. "Evolution from Above: National Leadership and Local Development in Indonesia," Journal of Asian Studies, XXXII, No. 2 (February 1973), pp. 287-309. Also published as "Evolusi dari Atas: Pemimpin Nasional dan Pembangunan Daerah di Indonesia," in Sartono Kartodirdjo, Ed., Kepemimpinan dalam Dimensi Sosial [The Social Dimensions of Leadership], Jakarta: LP3ES, 1984, pp. 126-63. "The 1971 Indonesian Elections: A View from the Village," Asia No. 27 (Autumn 1972), pp. 4-18. (Harry J. Benda Memorial Lecture at the Asia Society.) "Ethnicity and Political Organization: Three East Sumatran Cases," in Claire Holt, Benedict Anderson, and James Siegel, eds. Culture and Politics in Indonesia, Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1972, pp. 126-178. "The Role of Government in Modernizing Asian Societies," Thai Journal of Development Administration, April 1969. Also published in Solidarity (Manila), October, 1969, pp. 36-42. "Suku Simalungun: An Ethnic Group in Search of Representation," Indonesia III, April 1967, pp. 128. 7

Book Reviews: Edward Aspinall and Greg Fealy, eds., Local Power and Politics in Indonesia: Decentralization and Democratization. Singapore: Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, 2003. Bulletin of Indonesian Economic Studies, 40:1 (April 2004), pp 126-127. Andrew MacIntyre, The Power of Institutions: Political Architecture and Governance. Ithaca and London: Cornell University Press, 2003. Perspectives on Politics, 2:1 (March 2004), pp. 180-182. Ian Chalmers and Vedi Hadiz, eds., The Politics of Economic Development in Indonesia: Contending Perspectives. London and New York: Routledge, 1997. Journal of Asian Studies, 58:3 (August 1999), pp. 888-890. Geoff Forrester, ed., Post-Soeharto Indonesia: Renewal or Chaos? Singapore: Institute of Southeast Asian Studies. Bulletin of Indonesian Economic Studies, 35:2 (August 1999), pp. 159-162. Anders Uhlin, Indonesia and the Third Wave of Democratization: The Indonesian Pro-Democracy Movement in a Changing World, New York: St. Martin’s Press, 1997. Crossroads, 12:1 (1999), pp. 208-211. Goenawan Mohamad, Sidelines: Writings from Tempo. South Melbourne: Hyland House in association with Monash Asia Institute, Monash University, 1994. Journal of Asian Studies, 57:2 (May 1998), pp. 613-615. "The Left Adrift: Review of John Rapley, Understanding Development: Theory and Practice in the Third World, Boulder: Lynne Rienner, 1996,” Mershon International Studies Review, 1998. George J. Aditjondro, In the Shadow of Mount Ramelau: The Impact of the Occupation of East Timor, Leiden, Netherlands: Indonesian Documentation and Information Centre, 1994; Amnesty International, Power and Impunity: Human Rights Under the New Order, London: Amnesty International, 1994; Human Rights Watch/Asia, The Limits of Openness: Human Rights in Indonesia and East Timor, New York: Human Rights Watch, 1994. Indonesia 59 (April 1995), pp 101-106. Anne Booth, ed., The Oil Boom and After: Indonesian Economic Policy and Performance in the Soeharto Era. New York: Oxford University Press, 1992. Pacific Affairs, 67:2 (Summer 1994), pp. 319-20. Harold Crouch and Hal Hill, eds., Indonesia Assessment 1992: Political Perspectives on the 1990s. Canberra: Australian National University, Research School of Pacific Studies, 1992. Journal of Asian Studies, 53:1 (February 1994), pp. 281-282. Ruth McVey, ed., Southeast Asian Capitalists. Ithaca: Cornell University Southeast Asia Program, 1992. Journal of Asian-Pacific Economic Literature, 6:2 (November 1992), pp. 109-111. 8

Robert Cribb, ed.. The Indonesian Killings: Studies from Java and Bali. Clayton, Vic.: Centre of Southeast Asian Studies, Monash University, 1990. Journal of Asian Studies, 51:2 (May 1992), pp. 451-452. Andrew MacIntyre, Business and Politics in Indonesia. Sydney: Allen and Unwin, 1990. Bulletin of Indonesian Economic Studies, 28:1 (April 1992), pp. 117-119. Ann Swift, The Road to Madiun: The Indonesian Communist Uprising of 1948. Ithaca, New York: Cornell Modern Indonesia Project, 1989. Journal of Asian Studies, 49:3 (August 1990), pp. 714716. Syahrir, Ekonomi Politik Kebutuhan Pokok: Sebuah Tinjauan Prospektif [The Political Economy of Basic Needs: A Prospective View]. Jakarta: LP3ES, 1986. Tempo, 15 November, 1986, pp. 94-95. (In Indonesian.) Ann Laura Stoler, Capitalism and Confrontation in Sumatra's Plantation Belt, 1870-1979. New Haven and London: Yale University Press, 1985. Indonesia 42 (October 1986), pp. 121-124. David Jenkins, Suharto and His Generals. Indonesian Military Politics, 1975-1983. Ithaca, New York: Cornell Modern Indonesia Project, 1984. Pacific Affairs 59:1 (Spring 1986), pp. 161-163. David Bourchier, Dynamics of Dissent in Indonesia: Sawito and the Phantom Coup. Ithaca, New York: Cornell Modern Indonesia Project, 1984. Journal of Asian Studies 45:2 (February 1986), pp. 441-442. Audrey Kahin, Ed., Regional Dynamics of the Indonesian Revolution: Unity from Diversity. Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press, 1985. Tempo, February 1986. (In Indonesian.) Also published in Indonesia Magazine (Jakarta), 1986. Benedict Anderson and Audrey Kahin, Eds., Interpreting Indonesian Politics. Ithaca, New York: Cornell Modern Indonesia Project, 1982. Tempo, 20 August, 1983, pp. 60-61. (In Indonesian.) Anthony Reid, The Blood of the People. Kuala Lumpur: Oxford University Press, 1979. Asian Studies Association of Australia Review, July 1981. Hamish McDonald, Suharto's Indonesia. Sydney: Fontana, 1980. Asian Studies Association of Australia Review, April 1981. Jill Jolliffe, East Timor: Nationalism and Colonialism. St. Lucia, Queensland: University of Queensland Press, 1978. Indonesia 28 (October 1979), pp. 139-41. Eliseo Rocamora, Nationalism in Search of Ideology: The Indonesian Nationalist Party, 1946-1965. Quezon City: Philippine Center for Advanced Studies, University of the Philippines, 1975. Journal of Asian Studies 38:3 (May 1979), pp. 635-637. 9

Ken Ward, The 1971 Election in Indonesia: An East Java Case Study. Clayton, Vic.: Monash Papers on Southeast Asia No. 2, Monash University Center of Southeast Asian Studies, 1974. Journal of Asian Studies 35:3 (May 1976) , pp. 538-539. Bruce Grant, Indonesia. Baltimore: Penguin Books, 1967. American Political Science Review 62: 2 (June 1968), p. 670. Tarzie Vittachi, The Fall of Sukarno. New York: Frederick A. Praeger, 1967. American Political Science Review 62:2 (June 1968), p. 670. Robert Stauffer, The Development of an Interest Group: The Philippine Medical Association. Quezon City: University of the Philippines Press, 1966. American Political Science Review 61:4 (December 1967), pp. 1157-1158. Other Publications: “Islamic Liberalism: Cause or Consequence of the Conservative Turn?” Inside Indonesia 89 (January-March 2007), p. 37. “Intervensi SBY” [SBY’s Intervention], Tempo No. 40/XXXV/27 November - 03 December 2006. Also published as “SBY’s American Intervention,” Tempo, English Edition, No. 13/VII/Nov 28 - Dec 04, 2006. “Iraq war a key point of difference during visit,” The Jakarta Post, 20 November 2006. “Should Indonesia Ban Islamist Parties?”, The Jakarta Post, 27 October 2006. “Pelajaran dari Kudeta Thailand” [Lessons from the Coup d’Etat in Thailand], Media Indonesia, 25 September 2006, p. 1. “Amerika, Bush, dan Timur Tengah” [America, Bush, and the Middle East], Kompas, 9 February, 2006, p. 6. “Tawaran Boediono” [Boediono’s Offer], Tempo No. 45/XXXIV/02-08 January, 2006. published as “Boediono’s Offer,” Tempo, English Edition, No. 18/VI/03-09 January, 2006.


“Revolusi Nurcholish Madjid” [Nurcholish Madjid’s Revolution], Tempo No. 28/XXXIV/05-11 September, 2005. Also published as “Nurcholish Madjid’s Revolution,” Tempo, English Edition, No. 01/VI/06-12 September, 2005. “Risiko Partai Lokal” [The Risk of Local Parties], Tempo No. 24/XXXIV/08-14 August, 2005. Also published as “The Risk of Local Parties,” Tempo, English Edition, No. 49/V/09-15 August, 2005. “TNI, Demokrasi dan Peran AS” [The Indonesian Army, Democracy and the United States’ Role], 10

Tempo No. 14/XXXIV/30 May-05 June, 2005. Also published as “The TNI, Democracy and the US” in Tempo, English Edition, No. 39/V/31 May-06 June, 2005. “Sutan Hutagalung: Manusia Indonesia Modern dan Politisi Demokratis Sejati” [Sutan Hutagalung: A Modern Indonesian Man and A Genuine Democratic Politician], introduction to Sutan Hutagalung, Antara Pistol, Pedang dan Firman Tuhan [Between Pistol, Sword and the Word of God], Pematangsiantar, 2005. “Islam, Nasionalisme dan Empati” [Islam, Nationalism and Empathy], Kompas, 22 July, 2004, p. 4 “Kejutan Buat SBY” [Surprise for Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono], Kompas, 14 July, 2004, p. 5. “SBY dan Kesempatan Menjadi Presiden” [Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono and the Opportunity to Become President], Kompas, 29 April, 2004, p. 4. “Pedagang yang Berkaki Lima” [Five-Legged Hawkers], Kompas, 24 April, 2004, p 12. “Fragmentasi Partai dan Demokrasi” [Party Fragmentation and Democracy], Kompas, 21 April, 2004, p. 4. “Bush, Saddam, dan Pemilihan Presiden 2004” [Bush, Saddam, and the 2004 Presidential Election,” Tempo No. 43/XXXII/22-28 December, 2003. “The Real Face of Indonesian Islam,” The New York Times, 11 October, 2003, p. A27. Also published as “Militant Islam is Losing Ground,” International Herald Tribune, 13 October, 2003 (with Saiful Mujani). “Megawati’s Presidency: A Contrarian Perspective,” The Jakarta Post, 6 October, 2003. “GAM Belum Ubah Pola Perjuangan” [The Aceh Freedom Movement Has Not Yet Changed its Pattern of Struggle], Modus (Banda Aceh), No. 9, September 2003. “Indonesian Muslims Draw Clear Distance From Terrorists,” The Jakarta Post, 9 September, 2003. “Panggilan Sejarah” [The Call of History], Kompas, 30 August, 2003, pp. 4-5. “Politik Konspirasi Pasca-Marriott” [The Politics of Conspiracy after the Marriott Bombing] Republika, 27 August, 2003. “Tragedi Aceh dan Indonesia” [The Tragedy of Aceh and Indonesia], Tempo, No. 25/XXXII/18-24 August, 2003. Also published in Tempo, English Edition, No. 50/III/August 19-25, 2003. “Indonesia’s Army Remains a Closed Corporate Group,” The Jakarta Post, 3 May, 2003. “Paranoia,” Tempo 52/XXXI 24 February-2 March, 2003. Also published in Tempo, English 11

Edition, No. 25/III/February 25-March 03, 2003. “Islam Indonesia di Mata Orang Amerika” [Indonesian Islam in the Eyes of Americans], Republika, 10 January, 2003 (Special 10th Anniversary Supplement). “Umar Al-Faruq dan Indonesia [Umar Al-Faruq and Indonesia], Tempo 33/XXXI 14-21 October, 2002). “Presiden dan Perang [Presidents and War],” Tempo 31/XXXI 30 September-6 October, 2002). Also published as “Presidents and War,” Tempo English Edition, No. 07/III 22-28 October 2002. “Satu Tahun Pemerintahan Megawati” [One Year of Megawati’s Government], Koran Tempo, 23 July 2002. “Friend or Foe?”, Asian Wall Street Journal, 30 January, 2002. “Prof Herbert Feith yang Baik” [Dear Prof. Herbert Feith], Kompas, 20 November, 2001, pp. 4-5. “Sebuah Surat Terbuka: Pangeran Al-Walid dan Kita” [An Open Letter: Prince Al-Walid and Us], Tempo 34/XXX/22-28 October, 2001, p. 122. “Mengenang Dayan Dawood” [Remembering Dayan Dawood], Kompas, 9 September, 2001, p. 1. Also published as “Remembering Dayan Dawood,” Bulletin of Indonesian Economic Studies, 37:3 (2001), pp. 305-307. “Megawati: Her Father’s Daughter?”, The Jakarta Post. 31 July, 2001. “SI MPR dan Demokrasi” [The People’s Consultative Assembly Special Session and Democracy], Tempo 20/XXX/22-28 July, 2001. “Tiga Observasi Sederhana” [Three Simple Observations], Kompas, 25 April, 2001, pp. 4-5. “Preserving Indonesia,” Asian Wall Street Journal, 26 March 2001. “Recommended Policy for Indonesia and the Maluku Crisis,” Jakarta Post, 26-27 February, 2001. “Saya Pesimis akan Masa Depan Gus Dur” [I am Pessimistic about the Future of Gus Dur], Kompas, 21 February, 2001, p. 8. “Keberhasilan Reformasi” [Reform Successes], Tempo, 50/XXIX/12-18 February, 2001. “Amerika dan Kepentingan Indonesia” [America and Indonesian Interests], Tempo 42/XXIX/ 18-24 December, 2000, p. 47. “Bush, Gore, dan Nader” [Bush, Gore, and Nader], Tempo 37/XXIX/13-19 November, 2000. 12

“Wakil Presiden Yahudi” [A Jewish Vice President], Tempo 27/XXIX/4-10 September, 2000, p. 123. "Politik Aliran Memudar, Kepemimpinan Nasional Menentukan Pilihan Politik" [Aliran Politics Fades, National Leadership Determines Political Choice], Kompas, 1 September, 2000 (with Saiful Mujani). “Pemilihan Presiden dan Primordialisme” [Presidential Election and Primordialism], Tempo 25/XXX/21-27 August, 2000. “Menjawab Tantangan Masa Reformasi” [Responding to the Challenge of the Reform Period] Kompas, 8 and 9 June, 2000, pp. 4-5. “Hak Prerogatif dan Kedudukan Presiden” [Prerogative Right and the Position of the President], Tempo, 11/XXIX/ 15-21 May 2000. “Menhan Juwono dan Kita” [Minister of Defense Juwono and Us], Kompas, 26 April, 2000, p. 4. “Pemilihan Presiden Langsung,” [Direct Election of the President], Kompas, 8 March, 2000, pp. 4-5. “The Story Behind Abdurrahman,” The Jakarta Post, 9 and 10 February 2000, pp. 4-5. Also published in The Australian, 16 February 2000. Collected in Harry Bhaskara, ed., Understanding Gus Dur, Jakarta: Jakarta Post, 2000, pp. 74-81; and in Harry Bhaskara, ed., Questioning Gus Dur, Jakarta: Jakarta Post, 2000, pp. 189-195. “Politik Aliran Setelah Setengah Abad,” [Aliran Politics After a Half Century], Tempo, 16 January 2000 (Special 2000 Edition), pp. 138-140. “’Ambeg Parama Arta’” [First Things First], Kompas, 2 November 1999, pp. 4-5. “TNI dan Timor Timur” [The Indonesian Army and East Timor], Tempo, 31/XXVIII/4-10 October, 1999. “TNI dan Demokrasi Pascapemilu” [The Indonesian Army and Democracy after the Elections], Kompas, 1 June, 1999, pp. 4-5. “Sistem Kepartaian di Indonesia: Cermin atau Jembatan?” [The Party System in Indonesia: Mirror or Bridge?], Republika, 20 May, 1999, p. 4. “Warisan Buruk Orde Baru [A Bad Legacy of the New Order], Kompas, 17 December 1998, p. 4. “Modal Politik” [Political Capital], Tempo No. 01/XXVII/06-12 October, 1998. “Habibie Under Siege? Elections Will Be the Real Test,” The Asian Wall Street Journal, 23 13

September 1998, p. 10. “Mewujudkan Orde Demokrasi,” [Creating a Democratic Order], D & R, 6 June 1998. Reprinted in Tempo Interaktif, 14/03 (6 June, 1998). "Pemilu Demokratis di Indonesia: Proporsional atau Distrik?" [Democratic Elections in Indonesia: Proportional or District?], Kompas, 2 June, 1998, p. 4. "Indonesia's Golden Chance for Democracy," The Straits Times (Singapore), 23 May, 1998. "Revolusi Dari Luar" [Revolution From Beyond], Kompas, 6 January, 1998, p. 4. "The Year of Deja Vu," The Asian Wall Street Journal, 3-4 October, 1997, p. 8. "Modernitas Dalam Ujian" [Modernity Under Examination], Kompas, 7 July, 1997, p. 4. "Politik Modern" [Modern Politics], Kompas, 15 February, 1997, p. 4. "Expect Another Suharto," The Asian Wall Street Journal, 4 February, 1997. "Kelas dan Demokratisasi" [Class and Democratization], Gatra III, 8 (11 January, 1997), p. 93. "Golkar dan ABRI" [Golkar and ABRI], Tempo Interaktif, 1/4 (23 March, 1996). "Z dan Tantangan Zaman" [Z and the Challenge of the Times], Kompas, 2 February, 1996, p. 4. "Dua Wajah Individualisme" [Two Faces of Individualism], Kompas, 8 January, 1996, pp. 4-5. "ICMI dan Politik Islam" [ICMI and Islamic Politics], Jawa Pos, 6 December, 1995, p. 4. "Demokrasi Posmo" [Post-Modern Democracy], Gatra I, 48 (14 October, 1995), p. 10. "Menuju Demokrasi" [Toward Democracy], Gatra I, 37 (29 July, 1995), p. 100. "Demokratisasi" [Democratization], Gatra I, 32 (24 June, 1995), p. 38. "Tiga Tantangan Politik Masa Depan" [Three Political Challenges for the Future], Kompas, 12 June, 1995, p. 4. "Memoar Politik di Dua Negara" [Political Memoirs in Two Countries], Kompas, July 1994, p. 4. "Dayak Meratus" [Meratus Dayaks], Tempo No. XXIV/17/25 June, 1994, p. 82. "Amerika Mendhem Jero" [America Buries Deep], Tempo No. XXIV/10/7 May, 1994, p. 44. 14

"Kolektivisme dan Individualisme" [Collectivism and Individualism], Tempo No. XXIV/7/16 April, 1994, p. 44. "Menunggu Kejutan Suksesi 1998" [Awaiting the 1998 Succession Surprise], Forum Keadilan, II, 26,14 April 1994, p. 98. "Partai Inklusif" [An Inclusive Party], Forum Keadilan, II, 18, 23 December, 1993, p. 15. "Kemandirian Golkar" [Golkar's Self-Reliance], Forum Keadilan, II, 17, 9 December, 1993). "Pembaharuan Politik di Amerika" [Political Reform in America], Kompas, 18 November, 1993, p. 4. "Clinton, Amerika, dan Israel" [Clinton, America, and Israel], Tempo No. 30/XXIII/25 September 25, 1993, p. 95. "Kebebasan Intelektual" [Intellectual Freedom], Kompas, 4 September 1993, p. 4. "'Pakde' dan Pembaruan Politik" [The Democratic Package and Political Reform], Forum Keadilan, II, No. 10, 2 September 1993, p. 88. "Membaca Tanda Zaman: Islam dan Politik di Indonesia Dewasa Ini" [Reading the Signs of the Times: Islam and Politics in Indonesia Today], Media Dakwah, June 1993, pp. 70-71. "Perspektif Penguasa" [The Perspective of the Ruler], Tempo No. XXIII/15/12 June, 1993, p. 84. "Yahudi Pro-Muslim" [Pro-Muslim Jews], Tempo No. XXIII/11/15 May, 1993, p. 106. "RMS", Tempo No. XXIII/6/10April, 1993, p. 104. "Suksesi 1998" [The 1998 Succession], Tempo No. XXIII/4/27 March, 1993, p. 27. "Sugeng Kundur, Ross" [Goodbye, Ross], Tempo No. XXII/47/23 January, 1993, p. 89. "Demokrasi Indonesia di Australia" [Indonesian Democracy in Australia], Tempo No. XXII/45/9 January, 1993, p. 25. "Menuju Demokratisasi 1990-an" [Toward 1990s Democratization], Tempo No. XXII/44/2 January, 1993, p. 18. "Kemah Besar dan Visi Politik" [Big Tent and Political Vision], Tempo No. XXII/33/17 October, 1992, p. 107. "The Complex Politics of Succession in Indonesia," The Asian Wall Street Journal, 11-12 September, 1992. 15

"Ikatan Keluarga" [Family Ties], Tempo No. XXII/27/5 September, 1992, p. 82. "Janji dan Tuntutan sang Pemimpin" [The Promises and Demands of Leaders], Tempo No. XXII/ 21/25 July, 1992, p. 103. "Negara-Negara Mini" [Mini-States], Tempo No. XXII/12/23 May, 1992, p. 101. "Sungai Budaya" [Culture River], Tempo No. XXII/718 April, 1992, p. 108. "Move Over, Colonel," Asia Magazine, 6-8 September, 1991, pp. 34-35. "An Alternative Framework for Indonesian Studies," Asian Studies Association of Australia Review, Summer, 1990, pp. 105-107. "Demokrasi Indonesia: Evolusi Bukan Revolusi" [Indonesian Democracy: Evolution Not Revolution], Editor, 6 October 1990, pp. 96-97. "Pemerataan" [Equalization], Tempo, 24 March, 1990, p. 99. "Merekayasa Demokrasi di Indonesia" [Engineering Democracy in Indonesia], Kompas, 6 February, 1990, pp. 4-5, 7 February, 1990, pp. 4-5. "Mengenang Soedjatmoko" [Remembering Soedjatmoko], Kompas, 5 January, 1990, p. 4. "Development or Democracy?", Far Eastern Economic Review, 9 November, 1989, pp. 22-23. "Demokratisasi dan Kelas Menengah" [Democratization and the Middle Class], Tempo No. XIX/ 19/8 July, 1989, p. 99. "Peristiwa Bersejarah di Imogiri" [A Historic Event in Imogiri], Kompas, 11 February, 1989, pp. 45. "Indonesian democracy from the outside," Far Eastern Economic Review, 20 August, 1987. "Let Aceh Be Aceh," Tempo No. XVII/21/4 July, 1987. "Melatih Ilmuwan Sosial di Aceh" [Training Social Scientists in Aceh], Titian (Jakarta), January 1987. "Letter from Banda Aceh," Far Eastern Economic Review, 4 December, 1986. "Pendidikan dan Politik" [Education and Politics], Tempo No. XV/46/11 January, 1986). "Depolarizing Indonesian Politics," The Asian Wall Street Journal, 31 December, 1985. Also 16

published as "Depolarisasi Politik Indonesia," Panji Masyarakat (Jakarta), XXVII, 512 (11 August, 1986). "Of virtue and vice...of decisive action," Far Eastern Economic Review, 16 May, 1985. "Government May Be Getting Too Strong in Indonesia," The Asian Wall Street Journal, 2-3 March, 1984. "Indonesia's Military Rule is Wrong Model for Manila," The Asian Wall Street Journal, 8 February, 1984. Also published as "Indonesia's Meat May Be Philippines' Poison," The Wall Street Journal, 12 March, 1984. "Golkar's Authority Is Overestimated," The Asian Wall Street Journal, 16 November, 1983. "Suharto's New Order is Stabler than Many Think," The Asian Wall Street Journal, 28 June, 1983. "President Suharto's Visit to the United States," New York: The Asia Society, 1982. "Country Risk Analysis: Indonesia," in Seminar Report, Country Risk Analysis: Indonesia, New York, Fund for Multinational Management Education and the American Indonesian Chamber of Commerce, 1981. "The Return of Indonesia's General Sumitro," Southeast Asia Record, 20-26 July, 1979. "Iranian Parallels in Southeast Asia," Southeast Asia Record, 29 March-5 April, 1979. "Indonesia," Americana Annual/Encyclopedia Year Book, 1978-1984.

Recent Academic Presentations and Papers Paper, “Multipartism and Presidentialism: The Indonesian Experience,” presented at the Asian Research Institute, National University of Singapore, February 2006. Presentation, “The Islamic Political Challenge in Indonesia,” Asian Studies Center, Michigan State University, October 2005. Paper, “Year One of the Yudhoyono-Kalla Government,” Indonesia Update Conference, Canberra, Australia, September 2005. Presentation, “The Indonesian Experience,” United States Institute of Peace Conference on “The Transition from Liberalized Autocracy? New Options for Promoting Democracy in the Arab World,” Washington D.C., July 2005. Paper, “The Power of Leadership: Explaining Voting Behavior in Three Indonesian Elections,” 17

Association for Asian Studies, Annual Meeting, Chicago, March 2005. Presentation, “President Yudhoyono’s First Thirty Days,” Asia-Pacific Research Center, Stanford University, November 2004. Paper, “Indonesia: Islamism Contained?,” presented at a conference on Democratization and Authoritarian Retrenchment in the Muslim World, San Diego CA, September 2004. Presentation, “Indonesia’s First Round Presidential Election,” Asia Research Institute, National University of Singapore, July 2004. Presentation, conference on Elections and Democracy in Southeast Asia, SAIS (School of Advanced International Studies), Washington, May 2004. Presentation, “The 2004 Indonesian Legislative Election: Results and Implications,” Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, Singapore, April 2004. Presentation, “Islam, Political Parties, and Elections in Indonesia,” Indonesia Programme, Norwegian Centre for Human Rights, University of Oslo, Norway, March 2004. Paper, “Democratic Transition and Civilian Supremacy: Comparing Indonesia and South Korea,” Association for Asian Studies Annual Meeting, March 2004, San Diego. (With Yong-Cheol Kim and Salim Said). Presentation, “The 2004 Indonesian Elections,” Southeast Asia Seminar Speaker Series, University of California-San Diego, March 2004. Paper, “The Triumph of Leadership: Explaining the 1999 Indonesian Vote,” Association for Asian Studies Annual Meeting, San Diego, March 2000; Comparative National Elections Project Workshop, Yogyakarta, Indonesia, July 2000; The Habibie Center, Jakarta, July 2000; International Political Science Association Annual Meeting, Quebec, August 2000; American Political Science Association Annual Meeting, September 2000; National University of Singapore, September 2000 (with Saiful Mujani). Current Research and Writing “Indonesia: Islamism Contained?,” completed manuscript, revise and resubmit from Comparative Politics, August 2005. Departmental and University Service University service on the Curriculum Committee, College of Social and Behavioral Sciences; Professional Leave Committee, College of Social and Behavioral Sciences; Fulbright Review Committee, Center for International Studies; Presidential Fellowship Selection Committee, Graduate School; and Arts and Sciences Honors Committee. Member, Council on Academic 18

Affairs, 1997-1999. Elected Member, University Senate, 1996-1999. Member, Legislative Affairs Committee, University Senate, 1996-1999. Member, Advisory Committee to University Center for International Studies, 1992. Member, Provost's committees to evaluate area studies programs and to create an undergraduate honors program in public affairs, 1988-1989. Adviser to Permias, association of Indonesian students at Ohio State, since 1970. Departmental service on the Colloquium, Fellowship and Admissions, Student Awards, Undergraduate Studies, Minority Affairs, Graduate Studies, Comparative Politics and Political Theory Search Committees. Director of Undergraduate Studies, 2005-. Comparative Politics Field Coordinator, 1994-99. Ph.D. Coordinator and First Year Student Advisor, 1992-94, 1983-85, 197076.

Professional Activities Organizations Member, American Political Science Association, Association for Asian Studies. Member, Harry J. Benda Prize Selection Committee, Association for Asian Studies, 1983-85. Chairman, 1983. Assistant Editor for Southeast Asia, Journal of Asian Studies, 1981-83. Member, Nominating Committee, Association for Asian Studies, 1981. Elected member and chairman, Southeast Asia Council, Association for Asian Studies, 1978-1981. Member, Committee to Establish a Harry J. Benda Prize in Southeast Asia Studies, Association for Asian Studies, 1974-76. Indonesia Studies Committee, Association for Asian Studies, organizer and acting chairman, 197374; elected chairman, 1974-76. Elected member, Committee on Research Materials on Southeast Asia (CORMOSEA), Association for Asian Studies, 1972-74. Conference/Meeting Participation Professional papers presented at annual meetings of the Association for Asian Studies 2005, 2004, 2000, 1997, 1996, 1992, 1983, 1979, 1975, 1974, 1972, 1970. Panel organizer and chair, 2004, 1996, 1992, 1990, 1988, 1983, 1971. Panel organizer, 1989. Discussant, 1998, 1989, 1980, 1978. Roundtable participant, 2007, 1996, 1991. Panel chair and discussant, 1999. Professional papers presented at annual meetings of the American Political Science Association 19

2000, 1991, 1990, 1989, 1979, 1978, 1962. Panel chair, 1991. Panel organizer, 2000. Professional papers presented at annual meetings of the International Political Science Association 2000, 1997. Organizer, Conference on Consolidating Indonesian Democracy, Mershon Center, Ohio State, May 2001. Organizer, Conference on Structural Reform and Indonesian Democratization, Jakarta, August 1998. Sponsored by LIPI (Indonesian Institute of Sciences) and the Ford Foundation. Discussant, annual meeting of the Midwest Political Science Association, 1998. Paper presented at Joint Sessions of Workshops of the European Consortium for Political Research, Bordeaux, France, March 1995. Discussant, Workshops on Political Authority and Legitimacy in Southeast Asia, East-West Center, Honolulu, Hawaii, August 1992, and Chiangmai, Thailand, February 1993. Organizer and Co-chair, Conference on the Politics of Economic Development in Indonesia, Bali, Indonesia, 1990. Sponsored by the Asia Foundation. Co-chair, Conference on the National Political Economy of Rural Development in Southeast Asia, Chiang Mai, Thailand, 1985. Sponsored by the Social Science Research Council. Chair, panel on Current Research on Indonesian Society. Midwest Conference on Asian Affairs, St. Louis, 1984. Paper presented at annual meeting of the Canadian Political Science Association, 1984. Papers presented at annual Indonesia Studies Conferences 1983, 1982, 1981, 1979. Conference coorganizer and co-chairman (Indonesian Political Economy) 1979. Panel organizer and chairman, 1982, 1981. Chair, Panel on Politics and Economics, Symposium on North Sumatra, University of Hamburg, Germany, 1981. Papers presented at annual meetings of the Canadian Conference on Southeast Asian Studies, 1978, 1979. Chairman, National Organizing Committee, first annual Conference on Indonesian Studies, Madison, Wisconsin, July 1973. Other 20

Member, Board of Directors, Lembaga Survei Indonesia (Indonesia Survey Institute), 2004-. Two-term member, Editorial Advisory Board, Asian Survey, 1998-2007. Member, Editorial Advisory Board, Asian Ethnicity, 1997-. Member, Research Council, International Forum for Democratic Studies, 1994-. Member, Editorial Advisory Board, Asian Journal of Political Science, 1993-6. Member, Advisory Board, Encyclopedia of Southeast Asia Since 1900, Garland Publishing, 1991-. Member, Project Advisory Committee, Political Authority and Legitimacy in Southeast Asia Project, International Relations Program, East-West Center, 1991-. Project Associate, Regime Change/Regime Maintenance in Asia and the Pacific Project, Department of Political and Social Change, The Australian National University, 1991-. Manuscript reviewer for American Political Science Review, Political Science Quarterly, Journal of Asian Studies, Comparative Politics, Pacific Affairs, Asian Survey, American Journal of Political Science, Bulletin of Concerned Asian Scholars, Journal of Southeast Asian Studies, International Studies Quarterly, International Security, Journal of Asia-Pacific Economic Literature, Crossroads, Studies in Comparative International Development, Institute of Southeast Asian Studies (Singapore), Columbia University Press, Cornell University Press, Oxford University Press, Ohio University Press, Routledge Publishers, Westview Press. Proposal reviewer for National Science Foundation, National Endowment for the Humanities, United States Information Agency, Luce Foundation, Smith-Richardson Foundation, Woodrow Wilson Center, National Democratic Institute, United States Institute of Peace. Reviewer for Fulbright doctoral and post-doctoral Southeast Asia research grant programs, U.S. Department of Education, 1981-present. External Examiner in Political Science, Universiti Sains Malaysia, Penang, Malaysia, 1975-78. Panelist, International Program for Population Analysis, Interdisciplinary Communications Program of the Smithsonian Institution, 1973-77.

Recent Consulting and Non-Academic Presentations Lecturer, Southeast Asia Area Studies basic and advanced courses, Foreign Service Institute, Department of State, 1978-present. Named Distinguished Visiting Lecturer of the Foreign Service Institute, 1995. 21

“Two Years of the Yudhoyono Presidency,” paper presented at a conference organized by the United States-Indonesia Society and the Stimson Center, Washington, D. C., 19 September 2006. Participant, Conference on United States Policy toward Southeast Asian Democratization, Stanley Foundation, Washington D.C., October 2005. Participant, Roundtable Discussion, “Islam in Southeast Asia: What Should U. S. Policy Makers Know?” sponsored by Stanley Foundation and Asia Foundation, San Francisco, November 2004. Briefing for U. S. Ambassador to Indonesia Lynn Pascoe, Bureau of Intelligence and Research, U. S. Department of State, Washington D. C., October 2004. Participant, Roundtable Discussion, National Security Workshop on Indonesia, Joint Forces Command, National Foreign Affairs Training Center, Washington D. C., October 2004. Participant, Roundtable Discussion, “Change in Political Parties,” United States Agency for International Development, Washington D. C., October 2004. “Imbauan dari Brosot” [Appeal from Brosot], presentation, The Habibie Center, Jakarta; Mayor’s Forum, Pematangsiantar, April 2004. Presentations of Pre-Election and Post-Election Survey Results, Lembaga Survei Indonesia (Indonesia Survey Institute), Jakarta, April 2004. “The 2004 Indonesian National Elections,” presentation, Central Intelligence Agency, Washington DC, February 2004. “Indonesian Islam and U. S. Foreign Policy,” Great Decisions Lecture Series, Upper Arlington, Ohio, January 2004. “The Indonesian Succession,” presentation, Joint Foreign Service Institute/Central Intelligence Agency seminar on Succession Issues in Eurasia, Washington, December 2003. Presentation, “Islam, Terrorism, and Democracy in Indonesia,” Upper Arlington Library Association, Columbus, Ohio, October 2003. Participant, Roundtable on Political Islam and Counterterrorism in Southeast Asia, Stanley Foundation Conference on New Security Challenges in Southeast and South Asia, Airlie Center, Warrenton, Virginia, October 2003. Presentation, “Civil-Military Relations in Indonesia,” The United States-Indonesia Society, Washington, October 2003. Presentation, “A Resurgent Military,” The United States-Indonesia Society, Washington, March 2003. 22

Presentation, “Indonesian Politics After the Bali Bombing,” Chicago Council on Foreign Relations, February 2003. Paper, “New Patterns of Islamic Politics in Indonesia,” Seminar on Islamic Politics in Indonesia, Woodrow Wilson Center, Washington, DC, January 2003. Presentation, “Indonesia: Another Afghanistan?”, U.S. Pacific Command Expert Session, Honolulu, January 2003. Presentation, “Indonesian Decentralization and U.S. Policy,” The United States-Indonesia Society, Washington, and Stanford University, September 2002. Presentation, “Indonesian Islamic Politics and U.S. Policy,” Department of State Seminar, Washington, September 2002. Consultant, National Democratic Institute, Jakarta, Indonesia, July 2002. “Islamic Politics in Indonesia,” presentation, The Asia Society, New York, January 2002. Moderator, Indonesia’s Leadership Impasse: What’s at Stake, United States-Indonesia Society Workshop, Washington, February 2001. “Indonesian Political Developments and Their Implications for the United States, With Special Reference to the Maluku Crisis,” paper prepared for the United States Commission on International Religious Freedom, Hearing on the Maluku Islands, Washington D. C., February 2001, 19 pp. Presentation, “Doing Right by the New Indonesia,” Woodrow Wilson Center, Washington D. C., January 2001. Presentation, PERMIAS (Association of Indonesian University Students in the United States) First World Congress, Chicago, October 2000. Presentation, Columbia University East Asian Institute Conference on Political Stability in Indonesia, New York, October 2000. Consultant, National Democratic Institute, Jakarta, Indonesia, September 2000. “Menjawab Tantangan Masa Reformasi [Responding to the Challenge of the Reform Era],” paper presented at a conference of PERMIAS (Association of Indonesian University Students in the United States), Berkeley, California, May 2000. (In Indonesian) Civil-Military Relations in Democratic Indonesia,” presentation, United States-Indonesia Society, Washington, March 2000. 23

“Indonesian Culture and Politics,” presentation, The Camden Conference, Southeast Asia: Continuity and Change, Camden, Maine, February 2000. “Ethnic Conflict in Indonesia,” and “Civil-Military Relations in Indonesia,” presentations, Central Intelligence Agency, Washington, January 2000.


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