September Vita Journal

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GUARD YOUR HEART AND SAVE! Enjoy 50% savings on HCY Guard


VITA SepTemBer 2009 TriViTa.Com


in rebuilding vitality

DEBORAH’S INSPIRING survival story

Gloria & Raymond make healthy living


10 Essentials for health and wellness Join with TriVita as we begin our second decade of health and wellness for all. We encourage you to experience wellness™ through these 10 Essentials, created to enhance life in wonderful ways.


1. Breathe Deeply

Inhale life fully, cleanse your body of toxins and feel calm.

2. Drink Water

As you quench your thirst for water, you also boost your energy.

3. Sleep Peacefully

Make healthcare about wellness, not sickness by michael r. ellison, Ceo & Founder of TriVita, inc.

Healthcare reform is a hot topic in 2009! Unfortunately, the focus of reform is on sick care. It doesn’t begin to address optimizing health through knowledge of lifestyle modifications and their impact on health. At TriVita®, we believe the body is designed to heal itself – if given the right nutrients and nurturing. Please do not misunderstand me: We are not ignorant of the wonderful services our medical professionals provide which help people achieve better health. But, having relationships with many physicians, I can say that they would truly want patients to embrace the lifestyle essentials we teach at TriVita. This would help their patients avoid the health traps and elevated disease risk that come with poor habits.

Rest, repair, rejuvenate: a regular sleep routine lets your body do its work.

4. Eat Nutritiously

Choose healthy, wholesome foods to fuel a healthy body and mind.

5. Enjoy Activity

Move it to improve it! Your whole being benefits from an active lifestyle.


6. Give and Receive Love

Feel the power of positive emotions while you strengthen your immune system.

7. Be Forgiving

To be at peace, unburden yourself of hostility and resentment towards others.

8. Practice Gratitude

Gratitude brings gratification: less stress, more joy, greater well-being.

9. Develop Acceptance

Releasing what you can’t change frees you from worry and enriches your life.


10. Develop a Relationship with God Nourish your spirituality to nourish personal growth and happiness.

Be Forgiving

See page 18

If we do not change our views about health and wellness, we will never have the resources to properly care for all the people who will have critical health problems. There is so much a person can do to lower the health risks that plague the average North American! But the answer does not lie in providing more sick care. If we do not change our views about health and wellness, we will never have the resources to properly care for all the people who will have critical health problems. Just like we need financial system reform from the bottom up (everyone managing their debt to income and equity ratios), we need wellness reform. People must become knowledgeable about the risks they take by embracing certain lifestyle and eating habits. There are many things a person can do to achieve better health, and if our nation would embrace them, it would put much less strain on the healthcare system and reduce the mountains of debt that system is creating. I know I may be preaching to the choir of TriVita Members who are embracing the 10 Essentials and supplementing... but can we create a healthcare movement that becomes a voice for change? Many people today are very concerned about the environment, and “going green” is a major movement. I want to be a leader for the well-being of everyone. Let’s create a wellness movement! Let’s start by educating ourselves about crucial health markers. If we will embrace them and commit to bringing them to an ideal range, we will reap significant health rewards. It really is as simple as adjusting your lifestyle – the same way you adjust to rising and falling temperatures. If the temperature goes down to 30 below zero, you dress to avoid frostbite and determine your outdoor activities accordingly. Extreme heat requires lifestyle modifications as well. Here in the desert, where temperatures can go above 115° F, there are just certain adjustments you make or you die of heatstroke. It can be a fun challenge when you embrace your health marker numbers and resolve to bring them into an ideal range. On page 21 you’ll find the health marker numbers you will want to know and manage through lifestyle choices. By managing these numbers, you can help optimize your health. Homocysteine is a health marker number you will definitely want

Article from Michael Ellison continued on page 21... 2 l VITAJOURNAL

Celebrating 10 Years of Health and Wellness

Which foods help protect against high homocysteine? 26


Inside 4

Lowering Homocysteine (HCY) to Reduce Health Risk HCY Guard® can dramatically reduce high HCY.


Absorption is Everything When It Comes to B-12

Insist on TriVita® Sublingual B-12 for maximum absorption.


Cravings Causing You to Overeat?

Maintain a healthy “personal food environment” for optimum weight.

10 How Nopalea™ Aids in Healing Betalain antioxidants play a vital role in rebuilding cells.

15 You’ve Asked If Nopalea Can Help Pets

Here’s what grateful owners are saying.

Vital C’s crystalline structure helps promote heart health. 19

16 It’s a Family Affair

Gloria and Raymond are thrilled by what TriVita products have done.

25 Deborah’s Amazing Survival Story

TriVita supplements have helped her triumph over tremendous adversity.

The toxic truth about what’s in your personal products. 29



s someone in your life at risk from unhealthy levels of homocysteine?

This issue of the VitaJournal will help you be more informed on the potential dangers of this amino acid, and the benefits of TriVita’s HCY Guard. It puts me in mind of all the serious, degenerative diseases linked to excess homocysteine – especially Alzheimer’s. It’s such a frightening disease, and one that touched my own life recently. Raymond and Joan, my next-door neighbors, are a lovely couple in their 80s. They met when he was a ski instructor in Vail while they were both in their 20s. They were high-energy, active people who, up until a few years ago, still skied and spent weeks backpacking in different locations. It wasn’t until last year that I connected with these two. One day, after struggling to attach the handle to my new vacuum cleaner, I saw their garage door open and went over to ask for help. It took about five minutes for Raymond to attach it, and the next thing I knew, I was being invited to join them for one of Joan’s delicious gourmet meals. I admit, as a vibrant, healthy woman I didn’t expect to enjoy being with a couple in their 80s, but I truly did. Raymond and Joan showed me around a home full of memorabilia from their ski trips, as well as trophies they won competing in marathons. They seemed so happy, and the way they referred to each other as “lover” was enough to make my own heart flutter. I remember thinking to myself, “I want that.” I soon discovered that I had an untapped resource living right next door to me. Sure, they were much older than me, but the wisdom and love this couple had to share, not to mention their zest for life, was contagious. However, the vibrant health that Raymond had exuded for all these years seemed to suddenly come to a standstill. Joan recently invited me to dinner, and I felt the desperation in her voice as she almost begged me to come over. We sat down to eat and spent the next hour talking and laughing. It wasn’t long after dinner that Raymond suddenly disappeared into the back room, and Joan began to pour out her heart.

Editor’s Note continued on page 27... September 2009 l 3


by lowering high homocysteine (HCY) you can reduce health risk TriVita’s hCy Guard has shown dramatic results in combating high hCy By Brazos Minshew, TriVita Chief Science Officer

I Brazos Minshew

have to admit – my impatience led me to propose HCY Guard® to the Product Team at TriVita®.

Medical science proceeds slowly along a predictable pathway: • First, an observation must be made and it must be complete • Next, it must be confirmed by multiple people • Finally, it needs to be accepted in multiple countries over a substantial period of time William Osler, the father of modern medicine once said, “The edifice of medicine reposes entirely on facts... Truth cannot be elicited

but from those which have been well and completely observed.” Observation takes time. In the case of homocysteine (HCY), we knew that it was important in building healthy protein. We observed that it was elevated in disease states. How do we connect them? Dr. Kilmer McCully, an early pioneer in homocysteine research came up with a provocative hypothesis in 1966 when he connected homocysteine to oxidized LDL (low density lipoprotein). LDL has two forms: a good form that nourishes your brain and a bad form that causes heart attacks and stroke. You may remember that LDL is also called “bad cholesterol,” “lousy cholesterol,” “lethal cholesterol,” etc.

The shocking connection between high HCY and heart attacks/strokes LDL is usually – but NOT ALWAYS – quite

high when a person has a heart attack. However, HCY is ALWAYS high when a person has a heart attack or stroke – even when LDL is normal. Here’s another stunning fact: Blood levels of cholesterol are normal in fully half of the people having a heart attack! Dr. McCully suggested that perhaps HCY was creating inflammation in LDL, making even “normal” levels of LDL lethal, since inflamed LDL rips through a blood vessel like a cannonball through tissue paper. Once inside the artery wall, HCY ignites LDL and starts a “grease fire” that inflames and hardens your blood vessels. This theory seemed to have some support because every time we discovered high homocysteine, we also discovered inflammation in the LDL and blood vessels. Meanwhile, the homocysteine story was becoming more complicated because discoveries in medicine were connecting elevated HCY to kidney

e Buy on

Help reduce the risk of degenerative ge diseases by taking HCY Guard daily F F O % 0 5

arde u G Y C H t second on good thro

ugh 9-30


• HCY Guard has been clinically proven to lower dangerous homocysteine levels 30-40% in just 42 days • Taken daily, HCY Guard ensures that you continue to maintain healthy homocysteine levels

HCY Guard


#30460 $29.99 Non-Member

• HCY Guard has an exclusive blend of nutrients, specifically chosen for their ability to protect against homocysteine escaping into your bloodstream

Call toll-free to order 1-800-991-7116.

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disease, osteoporosis, lung disease, hemorrhagic stroke, Alzheimer’s disease and cancer. LDL cholesterol has no effect on these systems; high homocysteine does!

HCY is powerfully linked to the most horrible diseases we face.

Why HCY research suddenly stopped

New theories about the role of HCY began to proliferate and it seemed as if medical science was on the cusp of a breakthrough with HCY research. Then, the funding dried up and research into a solution for elevated HCY slowed and nearly stopped. Why? Was it because there is no scientific evidence? No; it’s precisely because Dr. McCully found a non-drug “cure” for elevated homocysteine before the research process was complete. If you believe that people are victims of bad germs and bad genes, then the solution you look for will likely come in the form of a drug to combat these malevolent forces. Dr. McCully believes as many of us do: The diseases that have become prevalent in the 21st century arise from the choices we made in the 20th century. We have these illnesses often because of a lack of proper nutrients and nurturing. Dr. McCully proposed a simple list of nutrients that would reduce the excess homocysteine levels down to the point where they could once again participate in making great proteins but not cause disease. His formula was studied in humans and in the study, homocysteine was reduced by about 25% in two years.

and integrated with the known biochemistry. Then the trials begin: Single chemicals are inserted into various places along a biochemical chain and observations made about the outcome. This is often performed on animals and it may go on for generations. Modifications are made as the animal models are studied and the cycle begins again. Human studies could be years away. By the time a new drug – say, a drug to reduce homocysteine – is released it may be 20 years or more from the first observations. Dr. McCully had already proven that nutrients – not drugs – are the best way to help reduce homocysteine and therefore reduce the disease risk associated with elevated homocysteine. Besides, I join people such as Alfred Libby, Kilmer McCully and Linus Pauling in the belief that we as individuals can select better health by making responsible choices. We can choose nutrients and nurturing and, thus, have a better life. The Senior Executive Team at TriVita was already accustomed to working with such giants in medicine. So, when I requested funding to have this theory tested by Mark

Mattie M.D., Ph.D. at Yale University and Bridgeport College, they were glad to provide the resources we needed.

Amazing research results confirm TriVita’s HCY Guard’s value

The process was arduous but the results were worth it! We now have published research that clearly demonstrates HCY Guard can help your body reduce homocysteine by 35% in just 42 days. This means that people at risk for such horrible conditions as heart attacks, stroke, Alzheimer’s disease and osteoporosis are experiencing wellness when they regularly take TriVita’s HCY Guard. Once in awhile I think of the progress made by noble and disciplined minds that came before me and I berate myself for my impatience. Then, I go to the warehouse and watch the boxes of HCY Guard flying off the shelves to places all over North America and I think to myself, “Today we changed a life with these nutrients; maybe today we saved a life because we were unwilling to wait for a pharmaceutical solution to a nutritional problem.” 

High HCY and inflammation – key causes of cardiac disease

High homocysteine levels can lead to dangerous inflammation. This in turn can cause atherosclerosis, a disease in which plaque builds up on the insides of your arteries. Arteries are blood vessels that carry oxygen-rich blood to your heart and other parts of your body. Plaque is made up of fat, cholesterol, calcium and other substances found in the blood. Over time, plaque hardens and narrows your arteries. The flow of oxygen-rich blood to your organs and other parts of your body is reduced. This can lead to serious problems, including heart attack, stroke or even death. Artery wall

Normal artery

A life-saving discovery for only pennies a day

For every point you reduce your HCY, you reduce your chances of heart attack and stroke; so, this was a life-saving discovery for only pennies a day! As a scientist, I proposed a formula that “guarded” all of the places where homocysteine might escape into your bloodstream. I also fed energy into every point along the journey where a lack of energy might slow the process down. The result was that HCY Guard reduced homocysteine by 35% – and in only six weeks compared to 25% in two years! Now I’ll explain my impatience. You see, drug development often takes several years. First, the observations must be made. Then, the hypothesis must be fully integrated. Next the unknown biochemistry must be theorized 1-800-991-7116

Normal blood flow

Narrowing of artery

Artery cross-section Plaque

Plaque Abnormal blood flow

Narrowed artery September 2009 l 5

B-12 Update

Scott Conard, M.D. Founder, TienaHealth

Scott Conard, M.D., is the founder of TienaHealth, an organization of medical doctors in primary care practice who emphasize healthy lifestyles to maintain wellness. Dr. Conard is considered a national expert on disease prevention. TienaHealth also conducts clinical trials.

Absorbing the truth about B-12 For maximum benefit, insist on superior formula and quality: TriVita Sublingual B-12 by Dr. Scott Conard


y patients often ask me questions about supplementing with Vitamin B-12, and from time to time the topic isn’t just about why to supplement, but how. It’s a key question, because the way a B-12 supplement is formulated, and how it gets into your system, are vitally important. Without the proper form and quality, you might as well not supplement at all! In today’s marketplace there are several forms of B-12 now competing for your time and money: • Shots. These have been around for some time. While effective, they can be both painful and expensive. • Sprays. These are intended to be sprayed directly into the mouth, so you basically swallow the vitamin. 6 l VITAJOURNAL

• Patches. These are worn on the skin, and the manufacturer claims that their “transdermal” delivery (through the skin) gets B-12 into your bloodstream. • Pills. Two types: those you swallow whole, and those that are “sublingual,” dissolving under the tongue. Naturally, I can’t advise you on your individual health issues, but I can tell you what I tell my patients: Only TriVita B-12 products are formulated and manufactured to the highest standards, and designed to give you maximum absorption. (A note on sprays, and pills that you swallow: only 1-3% of their B-12 can be absorbed into your system, according to TriVita Chief Science Officer Brazos Minshew.)

People come back to TriVita B-12

If you’re a regular VitaJournal reader, you’ve probably noticed a theme in the stories from people who won’t be without TriVita Sublingual B-12 products: Those who have

Celebrating 10 Years of Health and Wellness

tried another product just don’t get the results they want, and they come back to TriVita. Time and again, Members of our wellness community report that other products don’t give them the energy, the mood balance or the mental clarity they get with TriVita B-12. As you may know, if you’re over 40, a strict vegetarian or have thyroid, liver or kidney problems, you’re at risk for B-12 deficiency. As we age, our bodies may become less able to absorb some vitamins efficiently, especially B-12. So if you want to get the full benefit of supplementation, you need to know that only TriVita’s B-12 products give you these important benefits: • Dr. Alfred Libby’s original, patented sublingual (under-the-tongue) delivery system for maximum absorption • Nutrient-based, with no stimulants

SUCCESS STORIES “At 83 years young, I’m cleaning yards part time for exercise.” “It was just over two years ago that my wife and I started using TriVita Super Sublingual B-12 for energy, and we couldn’t be happier about our choice. My wife, who is 74 years young, operates her own house-cleaning business. To say that Super B-12 has been an energy booster for her is putting it mildly: she cleans a home each day – sometimes two! I don’t know many people her age who can keep up a schedule like that. I operate multiple businesses myself, and Super B-12 is a great help to me, too. About a year and a half ago I started cleaning yards part time for both exercise, and to bring in a little extra money. Now at 83 years young, I can say I always feel better by being outside doing yard work, and I know Super B-12 gets a lot of the credit for helping me to carry out this kind of work. I can’t tell you what it means to me to have the energy and stamina to work outdoors sometimes for hours at a time. Thanks to Super B-12, I can! We really appreciate TriVita and its fine products. Since Super B-12 has made such a difference in our lives, of course we tried Nopalea, the new wellness drink, and we like it, too. Thank you, TriVita!” ed J. – lawTon, oK

For maximum sustained mental energy take

TriVita Super Sublingual B-12

Faster-acting, longer-lasting and more potent than ever before with three times the Vitamin B-12 TriVita Super Sublingual B-12 helps you achieve:

We all need B vitamins to be our best and feel energized and upbeat. That’s why I tell my patients that their best choice is TriVita. 1-800-991-7116


12 B-

Have you decided to supplement your diet with Vitamin B-12? Are you wondering which of the options available today offers the best quality and absorption? My advice is simple: Take TriVita B-12 and stay with it.



What’s more, the same 10 Foundational Values that back all TriVita products ensure that the B-12 you take from TriVita is simply the best available. (See page 31 for the impressive details.)




• Clinically tested for purity and effectiveness


• Pharmaceutical-grade quality

• Sustained mental energy, stamina and alertness • Improved mood with a more positive outlook on life • Greater mental focus, clarity and concentration • Sharper memory with less forgetfulness




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Plus, Super Sublingual B-12 gives your brain and nerves the essential nutrients they need to help replenish brain fuel and help repair damaged nerves. And all this is yours with a convenient, once-a-day tablet.

Alfred Libby, M.D. – Inventor of TriVita Sublingual B-12, B-6 & Folic Acid Dr. Libby, a renowned nutraceutical pioneer, worked to help hundreds of patients feel better every day. An associate of Dr. Linus Pauling (Nobel Prize Laureate), Dr. Libby developed this unique, sublingual delivery system for his own patients. It was known to give similar mental energy results as B-12 shots, but without the shots’ added pain and expense.

Alfred Libby, M.D.

Call toll-free to order 1-800-991-7116 or visit us at

Lose the Weight You Want – in 3 Easy Steps!

your “personal food environment” can help m


Fat burning capsules for “losing the bulge” Leanology Weight Loss Capsules (180 ct.) ®

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Tasty chews for snack replacement and appetite control Leanology Appetite Control Chews (60 soft chews) ®

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Delicious shakes for low calorie meal substitution Leanology Nutritional Shake ®


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Bag ws Che

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• 1 bottle of Weight Loss Capsules • 1 container (30 servings) of Nutritional Shake (choose flavor) • 2 bags (1 FREE) of Appetite Control Chews

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Cravings causing


hat if you were told that certain foods cause you to overeat... that there is an actual reaction in your brain that forces your mind to want more food, even when you’re full? Well, this is the theory David A. Kessler – doctor, medical school dean, author, lawyer and former commissioner of the Food and Drug Administration – explores in his latest book “The End of Overeating.” Kessler’s theory stresses that palatable foods – those high in fat, salt and sugar – help create overeating. He claims that the recipe of ingredients in these desirable foods triggers the brain to release dopamine, a chemical associated with the pleasure center that helps regulate emotion and movement. With time, the brain becomes wired so that dopamine is released when certain foods are merely suggested. And, if those foods are eaten, opioids, other chemicals which bring emotional relief, are released. The combination of dopamine and opioids can trigger the brain to want more of a particular food, even when you’re not hungry. In other words, it can prompt overeating. Well-known for his investigation of the tobacco industry in the 1990s, when he tried to place cigarettes under federal regulation, Kessler draws a parallel between tobacco and food industries. He believes certain food industries are manipulating consumer behavior, offering food products that have harmful health consequences. After all, preservative-filled, high-fat, salty or sugary treats shouldn’t be part of a healthy diet, but people easily succumb to their cravings.

Mind versus body, struggling with weight

According to studies reported in Behavioral Neuroscience, the relationship between what the mind wants to eat, and how the body reacts, helps explain the struggles dieters have with repetitive weight gain. If you tend to binge on food, one unhealthy snack can trigger a binge. Often dieters deprive themselves of delicious foods to the point where one bite of goodness creates a downward spiral of unhealthy eating.

Some parts of the food marketing industry seem to count on this theory. Consider a famous potato chip company’s tagline: “Once you pop, you can’t stop.” If a commercial can entice someone to buy the product, chances are, that same product will be craved in the future. Billboards, commercials, magazine advertisements – no matter the source, we easily fall prey to messages about delectable dishes, despite their unhealthy contents.

Make a change

So what can we do to prevent overeating? The key is to understand that our brain is being stimulated by certain foods, and we can benefit from changing our environment. Psychology Professor Michael R. Lowe, Ph.D., of Drexel University believes that managing your “personal food environment” is a very effective way to maintain your weight. Lowe states, “You need to limit your exposure to high-calorie foods in your immediate environment by, for instance, choosing healthier restaurants and stocking your home with quality ingredients and foods.” While fast-food chains and pre-packaged, preservative-filled food items may promise an easy and cheap solution to our cravings, learning to redirect our mind can help. The following is a list of steps you can take to help prevent cravings: • Learn to tune out commercials for your favorite treats. Chances are the food advertised is something you can live without! • Redirect your focus from food to something else entirely. Your mind won’t be so occupied with food if you let it think about something else. • Create activity. If you go for a walk or do jumping jacks every time the idea of a yummy treat pops into your head, you might find that your brain will begin to respond differently to food cravings. Remember, you can maintain your weight and your health by controlling your personal food environment. And, if you DO choose to satisfy your cravings every once in a while, be sure to burn off the calories to prevent weight gain. See the chart on the next page to see what your cravings cost you in both calories and exercise!

you to overeat?


maintain your weight This chart shows examples of how easily you can pack on calories on a day-to-day basis when you are not watchful. Learn how much you’ll have to exercise in order to burn off the foods you choose to snack on, and that’s on top of the usual breakfast, lunch and dinner. If you don’t begin to change your personal food environment, you may find that your mind constantly covets food that is high in calories and unnecessary. If you can’t find the time to do the 4 ½ hours of walking a day that it

takes to maintain your weight, you should make time to redirect your food cravings. Make small, positive adjustments to enforce a healthy food environment. Kessler may be right about parts of the food industry using manipulative tactics to tempt you to eat certain foods. But, in the end, we each have our own voice and can choose to be more cautious of what we eat and how often.



You decide to grab a doughnut at the gas station on your way to work, even though you had breakfast



You get extra mayo (an additional tablespoon) on your lunchtime hamburger



You help yourself to a bite-sized chocolate bar to fulfill your sweet cravings during the day



You’re “forced” to try a coworker’s fast food fried fish fillet



You stop by a fast-food chain on your way home and grab a junior cheeseburger as a snack for the long ride



You get home and gulp down a cold beer



You try some sausage in the midst of cooking dinner, to make sure it’s fully cooked



You eat ½ cup of vanilla ice cream as a late night dessert




274 (that’s 4½ hours of walking!)


TOTAL “extra” calories you’ve consumed

The estimates above are based on a 5’10’’, 188-pound, 47-year-old male walking at 3 miles per hour. 1-800-991-7116

Losing weight with Leanology was the only way to go for Mike Last year, after a long winter in the Midwest and a food-filled holiday season, Mike stepped on the scale to discover he had gained some unwanted weight: He had reached 213 pounds. He knew he had to do something. “I decided I needed to lose some weight and knew that the best way to do this was with the help of Leanology.” Mike realized that losing some weight would give him the energy he needed to feel better. “I started taking the Leanology capsules every day, and drank some Leanology shakes on days I didn’t have much time for a normal meal. They’re a great meal replacement, and the capsules helped to curb my appetite,” he states. In addition, he decided to change his diet and adhere to an exercise regimen. “I cut out the junk food and fast food, and limited my intake of carbohydrates. My main diet consists of 5-10 servings of fruits and vegetables every day, chicken, fish, eggs, cheese and nuts.” He has also started to drink a lot of water in place of most other Mike lost liquids. “Since I am limiting

18 pounds

Mike’s story continued on page 27... September 2009 l 9

How Nopalea aids in healing Betalain antioxidants play a vital role in rebuilding vitality


o you ever wonder how it is that a cut or a bruise heals after a certain amount of time? Think about it for a moment. You get a paper cut on your finger and you bleed. You wrap a bandage around the cut, and within a few days, the cut is gone. Amazingly, your body is able to heal itself. Sometimes it takes extra help to heal, though, and that’s where Nopalea™ comes in. If you’ve been reading about (or experiencing for yourself) the astonishing benefits of this breakthrough wellness drink, journey right down to the cellular level to find out more. The human body’s miraculous power to heal itself is due in part to a force called homeostasis, which activates the immune system, hormones, nerves and other important systems to start the healing process. Homeostasis arranges the cells in your body to maintain balance under even severe conditions. It uses inflammation to rebuild your cells after an injury, illness or even extreme emotional stress. Once the healing process is complete, homeostasis returns your body to a state of vibrant and essential balance – without the damaging effects of excess inflammation.

Sometimes, the body can’t heal itself

There are times, however, when your body cannot heal itself, because runaway inflammation prevents homeostasis from rebuilding your cells. Runaway inflammation and free radicals (unstable molecules which are also damaging to cells) are the result of the body’s exposure to toxins, direct trauma, nutrient deficiencies and stress. A cell overwhelmed by inflammation may be damaged beyond repair, causing the cell to prematurely die. Damaged, dead cells must be removed from the body or they will become the focus of infection and illness. So how can we remove these dead cells, and protect our healthy cells against excess inflammation?

Betalains to the “rescue”

There’s a group of special nutrients designed to balance inflammation. If you’ve taken Nopalea, you’ve probably heard of its main ingredient, Betalains. These are a class of antioxidants that rescue cells by putting out the fire of free radicals. Toxins are then drained away from the cell, and Betalains seep into the cell, reinforcing and returning it to good health.

Betalains also help a special immune system cell called a macrophage (meaning “big eater”) to engulf any dead or diseased cells in the body that cannot be repaired. The macrophages help eliminate the dead cells from your body. Daily servings of Nopalea will provide you with the Betalains that help relieve inflammation and rescue cells under attack by free radicals. Further, Betalains act to clean up the dead cells and help protect against them becoming a target for disease. Betalains help you thrive as they help control inflammation and support the wonder of homeostasis. The more we can protect our body from assault and help detoxify and rebuild our cells, the healthier we can live, and the more gracefully we may age. We now know that the body’s exposure to toxins, direct trauma, nutrient deficiencies and stress can cause runaway inflammation and free radical damage. The Betalains in Nopalea can help protect against toxicity and reduce inflammation that can lead to grave illnesses.

In the diagram below, you can see how the Betalains in Nopalea enter your body and then help reduce inflammation and detoxify your cells

Nopalea, full of Betalains, is swallowed.

The Betalains in Nopalea permeate the entire body.

A close-up of Betalains, surrounded by cells.

The Betalains approach unhealthy cells and drain out the toxic waste.

macrophage macrophage The unhealthy cell turns back to a healthy, vibrant state. 10 l VITAJOURNAL

The macrophage (“big eater”) seeks any leftover dead cells. Celebrating 10 Years of Health and Wellness

The macrophage engulfs the dead cells.

Betalains continue to surround your cells, protecting against daily assaults.

There are plenty of reasons to love Nopalea, but don’t just take our word for it. “... by about the 10th day, the pain was 99% gone.”

“... I have completely stopped taking prescription pain killers.”

“... a significant change in such a short amount of time.”

“Nopalea ended a yearlong painful stiffness in my neck. I developed the condition about the time my 94-year-old mother fell gravely ill. In the months when I cared for her before her eventual passing, my neck became increasingly sore whenever I’d pivot it left or right. I tried several remedies: sleeping on a new mattress, various conventional and water-filled pillows, painkillers, chiropractor, balms and salves, massages and various exercises. None of these approaches worked well, if at all, nor did they have any lasting therapeutic effect.

“I broke my back twice while I was in the Marine Corps. Within the last year I’ve been to a chiropractor, acupuncturist, neurosurgeon and a pain management specialist. I found out that I have osteoarthritis in my spine and spondylolisthesis, which is a forward slip of one vertebra relative to another. So it is very difficult for me to find a comfortable position, and I am in pain 24/7. After four months of having procedures done, the pain in my back became worse. I took two prescription pain killers and they did not help. I started taking Nopalea in the morning, afternoon and in the evening before bed. Since taking Nopalea, I have completely stopped taking prescription pain killers*, and have started running two miles per day. I’ve noticed a tremendous difference with the Nopalea and absolutely love it! Thanks.” aaron m. – SCoTTSdale, aZ

“I have been in chronic pain in my right elbow/arm for over a month due to hitting it on the tile counter when vacuuming; at least I think that is what caused it. I was not able to use my right hand without excruciating pain. After taking Nopalea for one day, I noticed a tingling in my little finger on my right hand, and the pain was less in my arm/elbow. Four days later I was able to do things with my right hand/arm with little or no pain! I do not wake up with terrible pain in the middle of the night; this is a significant change in such a short amount of time. I think the pain will stay gone and I will be able to enjoy planting some vegetables!” ann d. – GraniTe FallS, nC

I took my first daily dose of Nopalea with some skepticism. I’m a surgical Registered Nurse. One of the doctors I work with is a pain specialist who uses sophisticated techniques and devices in treating his patients. I thought it was unreasonable that something out of a bottle (even a very attractive bottle) would be a match for high-tech modern medicine. Within two days of starting Nopalea, I felt a mild but very definite relief. Each day, the pain lessened, and by about the 10th day the pain was 99% gone. As a nurse, I meet and minister to many people suffering from pains of every description and severity. Perhaps no human condition is as emotionally and physically debilitating as chronic pain. If Nopalea can help them as it has helped me, the art of healing has made an enormous leap.” alTa d. – KalamaZoo, mi

*You should not stop taking any medication without first consulting with your healthcare provider.


Share your story, get great rewards!

What’s your amazing Nopalea story? Share it and enjoy 25 even more benefits: a $25 TriVita Gift Card, PLUS an exclusive d FRONT GiftCar BACK Nopalea t-shirt – a $14.99 value! Just email your Nopalea story to [email protected], or call 1-800-693-4083. Please include your Member ID, your address and daytime phone number (along with email address, if you have one). $

When you submit a letter or email, you are also giving TriVita full rights to it, including the right to publish it in future publications and to edit it as needed.

So many astonishing benefits in a bottle Nopalea, the latest breakthrough in wellness drinks Try this delicious wellness drink, with an exclusive blend of rare antioxidants called Betalains and other healthful nutrients. A daily dose of Nopalea can help your body: • Lessen inflammation which causes pain

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Embracing WELLNESS

Each month a Member, Affiliate Member and TriVita employee share their insights on health, wellness and more. This monthly feature creates an open forum to respond to a variety of provocative questions about a wide range of subjects. Join the discussion! Your response could earn you a $25 TriVita Gift Card; see details at the end of this article. 25


There is no lack GiftCard of information on heart health. Some of it is contradictory. Yet, most healthcare professionals agree that better lifestyle habits can reduce your risk for heart disease. Healthful eating, better weight management, exercise and fitness, and lowering blood pressure and stress are all important elements to improving heart health. Here are some ways others keep their heart young. We invite you to answer our upcoming question: “What is your favorite December holiday memory or tradition?” Your response could earn you a $25 TriVita Gift Card! Just email your response to [email protected], or call 1-800-693-4083. You can also write to: VitaJournal, 16100 N. Greenway Hayden Loop, Ste. 950, Scottsdale, AZ 85260. Please include your Member ID, your address and daytime phone number (along with email address, if you have one). Note: When you submit a letter or email, you are also giving TriVita full rights to it, including the right to publish it in future publications and to edit it as needed.


This month’s question:

What are you doing to keep your heart healthy? Patti Langerman,

member “I have a job where I work from home and I am on the computer all day. Over the years I have found that I was putting on weight, my blood pressure was increasing, my endurance had been decreasing and I didn’t have the same energy I used to have. I tried to exercise regularly but it seemed I was always too busy to squeeze in extra time for a regular exercise routine. I decided to make my treadmill into a computer workstation. I bought a single plastic shelf and attached it to the bars on the treadmill. I purchased a longer cord to connect my computer to my modem and that was the entire investment (under $30 total). I work at least two of my hours a day on the treadmill and hope to build up to four to five hours per day. As I get used to the routine, I will be able to increase my time and speed. I think it is already making a difference for me. I am embracing wellness and making an impact in my cardiac health.”

Christian Leitch,

affiliate member “These are the top 10 ways I keep my heart healthy! 1. I practice forgiveness. 2. I thank God for all of my daily blessings through journal writing, prayer and/or meditation. 3. I exercise daily for at least 20 minutes, making sure my heart rate increases so that I am in an aerobic state. 4. I recognize joy and love in my life daily.

6. I express my love by doing for others. 7. I keep my body hydrated by drinking half my weight in ounces of water daily. 8. I express my love and concern for family and friends. 9. I hold and love my son and my husband every single day. 10. I take my TriVita supplements, especially: Sublingual B-12, B-6 & Folic Acid, Nopalea, Adaptogen 10 Plus, OmegaPrime, Digestive Complex, VitaCal-Mag D and Vital C Crystals and Tablets.”

Barbara McClellan,

TriVita employee “I strive to keep my heart healthy by focusing on three important elements. First, we know that the heart needs to be exercised, as do all the muscles of our body. I visit a fitness center five days a week for at least one hour. Second, is my supplement regimen. Although some of my friends and family members poke fun at me because of it, they respect my commitment to taking supplements that support my overall health and specifically the health of my heart. While I take a wide range of TriVita products, my favorites geared to my heart health are OmegaPrime, CoEnzyme Q-10 and a new favorite, Nopalea. I consider supplements essential to my heart health. Finally, and I believe it is the most important element, I nourish my spiritual being by filling my heart with love for God and His children; hopefully there won’t be any room left for disease.”

5. I sleep and rest when my body tells me to do so.

Celebrating 10 Years of Health and Wellness

Build grown-up dreams on childlike wonder To unleash success, tap into your creative passions


hat do you do just for fun? What activity or interest makes you lose all sense of time and forget about everyday cares? This joyful pursuit could be the key that unlocks a whole new dimension of creativity – and could even help identify your life purpose.

3 Find your favorite pursuit. Of all the things on your list in Step #2, which one brings you the most happiness? Which do you look forward to the most, and remember with the greatest joy? That’s the one most important in your life purpose, and the one to nurture.

Happy, successful people come in all types and temperaments, but one thing they share is that they have found their purpose, and it’s the engine that drives their lives. So what drives you? Is it a passion for wellness, and sharing the TriVita mission to experience wellness™? Are you committed to living life to the fullest? On a smaller scale, is it playing sports, crafting or writing stories that really makes you feel alive?

If these three steps don’t uncover your creativity and passion, you might consider prayer, or meditation, and notice the thoughts and feelings that come up.

Whatever that passion may look like for you, it can help you tap into the sense of wonder that children have, and adults often lose. In turn, that wonderment could lead you down paths of fulfillment that you might never have considered.

Three steps to uncovering wonder

To help uncover the wonder in your life, look inside and take these three simple steps: 1 Focus on your fun. When someone asks you what your hobbies are, what do you reply? Is it playing golf, or taking part in a gardening or book club? Or do you get true joy from playing with your children or grandchildren, volunteering with homeless people or animals or helping at your house of worship? It doesn’t have to be laugh-out-loud fun, but rather something you’re drawn to over and over that taps into the essential “you.” 2 Write down your talents. Creativity is by no means restricted to painters, writers, musicians and actors. Maybe you instinctively “know” how to develop a conversation about wellness from a casual remark. Or you can make people laugh. Maybe the way you dress or sing or whip up meals, often draws compliments. These are creative gifts, just waiting to be recognized and explored. 1-800-991-7116

Another option is to use your eyes, literally. Your home and/or your workplace are probably loaded with clues about what you really enjoy. Are there plants everywhere? Furniture that you made yourself? Awards from social or civic groups? The things we keep around us, and keep for years, often are giveaways about our passion. Finally, as you consider pursuing something that gives you joy, ignore the voice inside that says, “But...” If that “something” doesn’t really grab you, you can just move on. But if it’s your passion, your key to creativity and purpose, you’ll pursue it with your heart and soul.

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Family Health

Focus on

family fun and fitness Combine family time and physical activity for good health, good fun


ith all the demands of daily life, you may find it hard to fit everything in: career, school activities, meal prep, church functions... the list goes on. It may seem like there’s no time left over for physical activity, let alone making health a priority. But, with some determination and family teamwork, you can combine family time and fitness to reach your activity goals and ensure optimal health for your entire family. According to the American Heart Association, exercise is associated with an increased life expectancy and decreased risk of cardiovascular disease. The Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans recommends 30 minutes of activity for adults most days of the week and, ideally, 60 minutes of exercise every day for kids.

Say “so long” to a sedentary life

Modern life and its conveniences contribute to a sedentary lifestyle. And a sedentary lifestyle increases your risk of becoming overweight, obese and susceptible to many chronic diseases. So, first things first: say good-bye to the sedentary life. You can start by limiting the time you and your kids spend in front of the television and computer, playing video games and even time spent on the phone (think text messaging!). These often mindless distractions not only prevent kids from getting their 60 14 l VITAJOURNAL

minutes of daily physical activity, but also puts them at risk for bad posture and eye strain – problems once found only in adults at desk jobs. Stick to a pre-determined time limit for “screen” time. As for television specifically, the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) recommends no more than two hours of daily media exposure for kids ages two and older and no television viewing for children under age two.

Get started

The next step is incorporating physical activity into your daily life. Here are some tips from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to help get you started: • Set a positive example by leading an active lifestyle yourself. • Make physical activity part of your family’s daily routine by taking family walks or playing active games together. • Give your children equipment that encourages physical activity. • Take young people to places where they can be active, such as public parks, community baseball fields or basketball courts. • Be positive about the physical activities in which your child participates and encourage them to be interested in new activities.

Celebrating 10 Years of Health and Wellness

• Make physical activity fun. Fun activities can be anything your child enjoys, either structured or non-structured. Activities can range from team sports or individual sports to recreational activities such as walking, running, skating, bicycling, swimming, playground activities or free-time play. • Instead of watching television after dinner, encourage your child to find fun activities to do on their own or with friends and family, such as walking, playing chase or riding bikes. • Be safe! Always provide protective equipment such as helmets, wrist pads or knee pads and ensure that activity is age appropriate.

Make family time = fun activity

Above all, make family time synonymous with fun, physical activity. Take a walk around the block, spend time at a local park, shoot some hoops, go roller skating, play a game of tag in the backyard, fly a kite, run through the sprinklers, take a family martial arts class, go for a hike... there are so many options to choose from. Just be sure to include aerobic activity, muscle strengthening and bone strengthening (jumping rope or running) exercise as part of your child’s physical activity. Turn off the TV and computers and get started today!

Pets have inflammation, too! nopalea – giving relief to pets and their owners


nflammation is not just a problem for humans; animals experience inflammation like we do. Arthritis, allergies, gastritis, pancreatitis, hip dysplasia... all these conditions stem from, or are aggravated by, inflammation. Some TriVita Members began to wonder if Nopalea™ would work as well for their pets as it does for them. Several devoted pet owners have reported that yes, it works for animals, too! In their own words...

“By the end of the second week, she was back to chasing rabbits...”


“Our 9-year-old Rottweiler, Cassie, has developed arthritis in her hips. It has prevented her from standing up fully; she would sometimes yelp when getting up or lying down and when she walked, she would ‘hunch’ her back down and take small steps as she was in pain. If we went anywhere I would have to lift her into and out of our SUV as she was unable to jump up or down anymore.

Please note she weighs 110 pounds, and if we had to keep this up we would be talking about my back instead of her hips. So, we started her on the Nopalea challenge, a bottle a week for a month. By the end of the first week, Cassie was no longer ‘hunching’ her backside down when she walked. In fact, she could stand normally. Her back was flat when she walked, and she was able to take normal strides. 1-800-991-7116

She was also able to jump in and out of the SUV again... which was great for my back. By the end of the second week, she was back to chasing rabbits when we went out for walks. This has been almost a miraculous transformation for her. Cassie now is able to go about her day without yelping as she gets up or down. She walks and even runs normally, and you can’t imagine the relief and the joy that it brings [my wife] Marty and myself. I love this product for how it has helped our dog. I also love the part where I don’t have to spend the $900 for the initial shots and about $450 per month thereafter for the treatment we were considering for this condition. So, in case anyone was thinking I was a bit nuts to give my ‘pooch’ Nopalea... it’s cheaper than the alternative. And as Marty points out, ‘We can afford to buy Nopalea for the whole family from just the cost savings on Cassie’s proposed treatment.’ Now, that just makes good financial sense and warms my heart at the same time – a win-win situation!” Cody r. – preSCoTT valley, aZ aFFiliaTe memBer

“Toby goes up and down stairs several times a day and is back to being a very content and happy dog.” “I have a yellow lab named Toby that lost a front leg in an accident when he was a puppy. Toby is now eight years old. Over the years, the stress of having only three legs on a large dog has caused Toby to Toby get arthritis and walk with a very uneven gait. In the last year Toby had gotten to the point of falling constantly, could not get comfortable in any position, had a difficult time getting up and down and could barely walk. My husband and I even had a tearful discussion about possibly having to put him to sleep due to the constant pain he has been in for the last year. Since my family is experiencing such great results with Sonoran Bloom Nopalea, we decided to try it

on Toby. In less than a week he was falling less often and able to get up and down much better. In two weeks his gait greatly improved. Now Toby goes up and down stairs several times a day and is back to being a very content and happy dog. Toby is doing great on his one ounce a day of Nopalea!” deniSe w. – Tampa, Fl aFFiliaTe memBer

“I truly believe in this product as it has helped my cats so much.” “Seraphina is a 14-year-old Norwegian Forest Cat and a former Best Cat in ACFA (American Cat Fanciers Association). She has gotten severe arthritis and for a while we didn’t know if we would have her with Seraphina us for very long. We started giving her a dropperful of Nopalea in the morning and evening and she now can get up and walk around easily. Another one of my cats, Angelica, is a 15-year-old Himalayan who has chronic upper respiratory problems. On the same dosage of Nopalea, she has gotten great relief and doesn’t sneeze much anymore. I truly believe in this product as it has helped my cats so much.” linda T. – Crown poinT, in aFFiliaTe memBer

TriVita suggests you check with your pet’s veterinarian for dosage or use. This product is developed for human consumption.

If Nopalea is helping your pet, we want to hear from you! Email us at [email protected] or call 1-800-693-4083. We just might feature your furry friend in an upcoming story. September 2009 l 15

Gloria and Raymond make healthy living

a family affair

TriVita products have miraculously transformed Gloria and raymond’s lives


ust a few heartfelt words explain the tremendous importance of TriVita® to Gloria and Raymond. Both attended the Sonoran Bloom™ Nopalea™ tour when it visited their home near Vancouver, BC. After the presentation, Gloria approached TriVita CEO Michael Ellison and in a voice filled with emotion told him, “You’ve given me my life back.” Gloria and Raymond’s story gets a whole lot better... and gives hope to people everywhere who suffer from debilitating pain and exhaustion. From ill health and misery to “Oh wow!”

For years, Gloria struggled with extremely low energy and numerous aches and pains. Store-bought supplements were expensive and not helping her situation. Finally, in February 2007 she was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis (MS). “I was so tired that it was all I could do to pull myself out of bed,” Gloria remembers. “I suffered from numbness and tingling in my arms, hands, legs and feet. Living life with a lack of energy definitely damaged my spirit. I am the type of person who likes to be accomplishing 16 l VITAJOURNAL

something. I have an incredible husband and three beautiful, but high-spirited children, yet the life I was living did not fit in with the reality I was hoping for. I was always dragging myself around, and others noticed how exhausted I looked. Plus, I suffered from canker sores that drastically affected my quality of life and made it very painful to eat.”

Everything changed dramatically for the better in January 2009 when she started taking TriVita Super Sublingual B-12, along with several other TriVita products. Everything changed dramatically for the better in January 2009 when she started taking TriVita Super Sublingual B-12, along with several other TriVita products. “Within several weeks I started noticing a big difference,” she says. “I felt a lot of my youthful energy coming back and my MS symptoms dramatically diminished to the point where I now rarely have those feelings.”

Celebrating 10 Years of Health and Wellness

After only a few weeks, she felt so revitalized that she stopped needing an afternoon nap, and her canker sores went away. Gloria recalls, “I called my husband at work and told him that the TriVita supplements really worked. I felt like I had a new lease on life and I could now get through my days with much greater energy. I finally had the life I was hoping for.” Her nutritional regimen includes Adaptogen 10 Plus®, VitaDaily AM/PM™, VitaCal-Mag D™, HCY Guard®, NutraFruits™, Energy Now!®, Nerve Formula™ and OmegaPrime®. After years of suffering from major sleep challenges, she now sleeps deeply and wakes up feeling rested in the morning. The wrinkles around Gloria’s eyes have softened and she is much more eventempered, with fewer emotional ups and downs. “I was at my doctor recently,” she remarks, “and without me saying a word she told me that I looked more rested and better than I have in years, and asked me what had changed. I was glad to give TriVita the credit they deserve.”

Raymond is thrilled with her transformation

No one could be happier about Gloria’s newfound good health than Raymond.

“TriVita products allowed my wife to experience life in an all-new way,” he exclaims. “She is a much happier person and it’s been a joy to see her enjoying life again. We are both more hopeful about the future than we have been in a long time.”

Raymond recently registered for a marathon footrace, but admits he didn’t train as hard for the race as he should have. Normally his body would pay the price, with lots of swelling, soreness and inflammation. Raymond happily reports that not only did he finish the 26-mile marathon with flying colors, but thanks to his daily dose of Nopalea, he needed a minimal two-day recovery period. “My recovery was absolutely amazing,” he remembers. “The anti-inflammatory effect of the Betalains in Nopalea did wonderful things for my body.”

Raymond is equally thankful for what TriVita supplements have done for his own health. He starts out each day with his “magical combo” of Super Sublingual B-12 and Adaptogen 10 Plus®. “Now, when I pull 12- to 14-hour days at work, I’m no longer dragging for 7 of them,” he states. “I am able to maintain my sharpness, focus and balance for a much longer time. I also accomplish a lot more and don’t get easily agitated or flustered.” Raymond credits VitaDaily AM/PM™ for giving him more energy. After suffering from joint issues for years he has been taking TriVita’s Joint Complex. The result: a significant reduction in joint pain. NutraFruits™ is a big favorite because it tastes great and helps him avoid junk food cravings. Vital C Crystals have improved the health of his skin, and Digestive Complex™ has helped with a variety of gastric issues.

“I am so glad for all the TriVita products I use,” he continues. “They help me work harder, have more energy for my kids, stay leaner, enjoy more clarity of thought and set a good example for others.”

Gloria and Raymond are on a wellness mission... Delicious Nopalea is their favorite drink

Raymond is just ecstatic about the new Nopalea. “My kids love it, my wife loves it and I love what it has done for our entire family,” he says.

Now, Gloria and Raymond are on a wellness mission, enthusiastically sharing their stories and inspiring scores of other people with their amazing health revitalization.

“TriVita products allowed my wife to experience life in an all-new way...” 1-800-991-7116

September 2009 l 17

Part II of V

Exploring TriVita’s 10 Essentials


n this five-part series, we’re taking an in-depth look at the 10 essentials for health and Wellness. This month, discover more about essentials #3 and #7: Sleep peacefully and Be Forgiving.

Sleep Peacefully, Essential #3

Be Forgiving, Essential #7

Sleep’s role in good health continues to be proven in study after study: it helps with everything from learning and memory to strengthening immunity. However, we’re also hearing more about the perils of not getting enough sleep. Lack of sleep has been linked to diabetes, obesity, premature aging, emotional issues and more... recent studies have shown that missing sleep can even lead to cardiovascular risk factors and inflammation (see pages 20-21 for more on these studies).

Forgiveness and health

Ask yourself this: When you don’t forgive someone for a real or perceived trespass against you, how does it make you feel? Do you relive their words and actions over and over in your mind? Taste the bitterness on your tongue? If you’re like most people, the answer is yes. But did you know that a little forgiveness can go a long way? A long way toward improving your health – and giving you that ever-elusive feeling of peace.

Paying down your sleep “debt”

Caffeine, exercising too close to bedtime, stress, smoking, medications and even hormones can disrupt sleep or make falling asleep difficult. This can lead to a lack of sleep, which can build up a sleep “debt.” Signs of sleep debt include feelings of drowsiness, grogginess and lethargy throughout the day. You can help pay down your “debt” by applying these tips for a good night’s rest: • Stick to a regular sleep schedule • Exercise early in the day; not too close to bedtime • Avoid large meals and caffeinated beverages before bed

... people who practiced forgiveness experienced fewer feelings of hurt, long-term anger and fewer physical symptoms of stress. Results from the Stanford University Forgiveness Projects showed that people who practiced forgiveness experienced fewer feelings of hurt, longterm anger and fewer physical symptoms of stress. Participants reported increased optimism as well as increased physical vitality.

Easier said than done

• Don’t nap after 3 p.m. • Relax before bed • Create a good sleeping environment (cool and dark)

Too many sheep...

Everyone goes through periods when they have a hard time falling asleep, but if you chronically “count sheep” or wake up in the night, you could have a sleeping disorder. Watch for these signs of a sleeping disorder from the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute: • You consistently take more than 30 minutes each night to fall asleep • You consistently awaken more than a few times or for long periods of time each night • You take frequent naps • You often feel sleepy during the day – especially if you fall asleep at inappropriate times during the day

If forgiveness was the easiest thing in the world, no one would have any grudges to report! It will take effort and determination on your part, but the results will be worth it. As you consciously let go of negative feelings about someone else, you will feel greater peace and optimism almost instantly.

Taking the first step

Here’s one method that may help you forgive someone – perhaps even yourself. Write a letter to someone who has hurt you, expressing your complete forgiveness. This could be someone who is no longer living; it doesn’t matter. Seal the letter and then throw it away, shred it, burn it... whatever it takes. But don’t just throw away the letter; throw away the bad feelings you’ve been harboring. Say good riddance to hurt, guilt, anger, fear and resentment. Now, say hello to peace, love and acceptance.

If you suspect you have a sleeping disorder, contact your healthcare provider. Put those sheep out to pasture and get your rest! 18 l VITAJOURNAL

Celebrating 10 Years of Health and Wellness

The value of Vitamin C is crystal clear how Vital C’s crystalline structure helps promote heart health and rid your body of harmful toxins By Brazos Minshew, TriVita Chief Science Officer


hat an amazing organ our heart is! It beats for an entire lifetime without stopping for a break. With every heartbeat, Brazos Minshew about a third of a cup of oxygen-rich blood is pumped out to your body. But there’s another vitally important fact about the heart – and our overall health – that you need to know: our bodies can neither manufacture nor store Vitamin C, which is essential to our well-being. Dr. Libby’s Vital C from TriVita is clearly superior because of the way it’s made, with a six-sided crystalline structure. You may already know that Vitamin C promotes heart health, strengthens the immune system, helps detoxify our bodies, fights stress-caused fatigue and more. But since we can’t create or store Vitamin C, we need to take it daily. However, not just any Vitamin C will bring us all the benefits our bodies need. Dr. Libby’s Vital C from TriVita is clearly superior because of the way it’s made, with a six-sided crystalline structure. In plain English, this structure (which is absent in many brands of Vitamin C), has a greater surface area, which in turn allows it to be more thoroughly and completely absorbed by your body. I’ll explore the importance of this crystalline structure in more detail, but first, I’d like to share some recent developments about the importance of Vitamin C. 1-800-991-7116

New uses for an old remedy

Several articles in medical literature caught my attention recently. The first one was a two-year discussion about the protective effects of Vitamin C against pesticides and other environmental toxins. This article in Environmental Medicine stated that we dump an incredible 2.5 million tons of pesticides into our biosphere every year. The discussion of Vitamin C and pesticides was published in the journal Toxicology and Industrial Health. It clearly shows the protective effect of large amounts of Vitamin C against common environmental toxins. Another article in 2008’s Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry demonstrated the benefits of Vitamin C in people with elevated cholesterol. You see, Vitamin C in the liver binds excess cholesterol and drains it through the bile ducts into the intestines. Fiber in the intestines soaks up the cholesterol and carries it out of our body. If our diet does not have enough fiber to eliminate the cholesterol, we will likely reabsorb it. In fact, most of the cholesterol in our bloodstream has been excreted and reabsorbed numerous times. Vitamin C binds cholesterol and takes it out of the liver. This remarkable vitamin also protects the lining of the blood vessel – making it like Teflon to sticky LDL (“bad”) cholesterol. Instead of damaging the blood vessels, oxidized LDL slides off the walls of your arteries and is carried back to the liver by HDL (“good”) cholesterol. An article from the October 2008 Journal of Clinical and Experimental Hypertension clearly showed the reduction of high blood pressure from large reservoirs of Vitamin C. Antioxidants (especially Vitamin C) reduce poisons in the tissues called aldehydes – think of the poison formaldehyde as a good example. Poisons drive up blood pressure; Vitamin C drives down poisons and results in blood pressure reduction.

Find great cost savings on page 29. The most abundant fuel in our body is a sugar called glucose. Glucose is a six-sided crystal; and so is TriVita’s Vital C, as mentioned earlier. To take advantage of the glucose transport site, we use Vitamin C with the crystal structure intact. This combination allows the most Vitamin C to get into the cell with the least amount of effort required.

... Dr. Libby’s Vital C is so crucial to its role in helping the body achieve a state of optimal health. I hope this helps you understand why the formulation of Dr. Libby’s Vital C is so crucial to its role in helping the body achieve a state of optimal health. Certainly there are other brands available, but for maximum absorption and benefit, why would you choose anything else? After all, Dr. Libby designed Vital C based on his long-time work with Dr. Linus Pauling, a two-time Nobel Prize-winner and the man often called “The Father of Vitamin C.”

Building health, one habit at a time

Health is built one habit at a time. The more we learn and live the 10 Essentials for Health and Wellness, the healthier we become. Essential #4 tells us to Eat Nutritiously – including the proper use of supplements. Science is firmly behind using nutrients (including a healthy supply of Vital C) and nurturing to improve the quality of our life. September 2009 l 19


Research Desk

New findings in health and wellness Get some sleep... solve your problems San Diego, California A dream-filled nap may help improve your creative problem-solving skills, according to a study in the June 2009 Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. Researchers from the University of California at San Diego examined the role of rapid eye movement (REM) sleep on creative problem solving. A group of 77 volunteers was given a Remote Associates Test (RAT) on the morning of the study; participants were given multiple groupings of three words and asked to provide a fourth word that could be associated with the other three. After the test, the participants were divided into three groups: a group that napped with REM sleep, one that napped without REM sleep and one that simply had a quiet rest period. In the afternoon, another RAT test was administered. Those in the rest group and non-REM nap group showed no improvement in their test scores. However, those in the REM nap group showed an average 40% improvement over their morning scores. Researchers suggest that changes to brain cell systems during REM sleep contributed to the improved problemsolving skills.

Staying socially active can help motor skills Chicago, Illinois Social interaction may help older adults maintain motor skills such as muscle strength, walking and balance; it was reported in a June 2009 issue of the Archives of Internal Medicine. At the beginning of the study, 906 participants rated their level of participation in activities such as volunteer work, visits to friends and attendance at church functions. On a 5-point scale, 1 indicated participation once a year or less; 2, several times a year; 3, several times a week; 4 and 5, almost every day or every day. Participants were followed an average of five years, with an annual assessment of basic motor function. The study found that each one-point drop in activity was associated with an approximate 33% more rapid rate of decline in motor skills. “If the causal relationship is confirmed by others, the implications are enormous for interventions that can help the elderly,” said Dr. Aron Buchman, associate professor of neurological sciences at Rush University Medical Center. “Our data raises the possibility that we can slow motor decline and possibly delay its adverse health outcomes by supporting social engagement – a relatively low-cost solution to a very large public health problem.”

Not enough sleep can hurt your heart Chicago, Illinois Not enough sleep can increase the risk of coronary artery calcification (a buildup of calcium plaques which are a risk factor for coronary heart disease), according to researchers in a recent issue of Journal of the American Medical Association. Using data from the Coronary Artery Risk Development in Young Adults (CARDIA) study, researchers calculated the incidence of coronary artery calcification over a five-year period in 495 participants between the ages of 35 and 47. Based on participants’ self-reported sleep quality and duration, as well as data from wrist activity monitors, it was discovered that one more hour of sleep decreased the odds of coronary artery calcification by 33%. 20 l VITAJOURNAL

Celebrating 10 Years of Health and Wellness

You can make a


Article from Michael Ellison continued from page 2... to know. Be sure to ask for it prior to taking your blood tests because in most cases it is an optional test that you will need to specifically request. This month we are featuring HCY Guard®, a product that can help lower and maintain healthy homocysteine levels. (See pages 4-5.)

Your contribution will touch countless lives TriVita’s House of Giving and Life Outreach International have partnered to provide pure, fresh water for children and their families: • Over 1 billion people throughout the world do not have access to pure, fresh water • Waterborne illnesses run rampant in these areas • Just a $4.80 donation can save one person’s life • With your donation, you can leave a legacy by giving the gift of life Your tax-deductible gift can be combined with others to create new wells – providing water to thousands of people for a lifetime! Last year, we saved 21,000 lives. This year, our goal is to save even more! Want to make a difference? Call 1-800-991-7116 and a Wellness Consultant will be happy to take your tax-deductible donation along with your order. You can mail your donation to: House of Giving 16100 N. Greenway Hayden Loop Ste. 950 Scottsdale, AZ 85260

Health Marker Homocysteine C-reactive protein Body mass index Total cholesterol HDL LDL Triglycerides PSA for men Glucose Vitamin B-12 levels Blood pressure Resting heart rate

Ideal Range Between 4-8 Below 1 Below 25 Below 180 Above 50 Below 99 Below 150 Below 4 70-100 450 or higher (the higher the better) 115/75 (normal range partly dictated by age) 55-70

There are additional markers which can help indicate present and future health such as bone density tests, hormone levels for women, potassium levels and the list continues. Be sure to discuss them with your healthcare provider at your next annual physical. The more you rely on these numbers and change your lifestyle to achieve an ideal range – without the aid of pharmaceutical drugs – the healthier you will be (your bank account will be healthier, too). Pursue health and wellness with passion! It is worth it in every way!

eVen one niGhT oF BaD Sleep Can inCreaSe inFlammaTion, STuDy ShoWS Los Angeles, California Even one night of bad sleep can increase nuclear factor (NF)-kB, a marker for inflammation, according to researchers from the David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA. NF-kB activates inflammatory pathways and can contribute to inflammation-related diseases. The study, reported in Biological Psychiatry, measured NF-kB in 14 adults (7 men, 7 women) after a night of regular sleep, a night of partial sleep deprivation (awake from 11 p.m. to 3 a.m.) and a night of recovery sleep. After the night of sleep deprivation, NF-kB activation was significantly greater than after the nights of regular and recovery sleep. After the night of recovery sleep, the inflammatory marker decreased. Researchers noted that the increases in NF-kB were only seen in the female participants. 1-800-991-7116

September 2009 l 21

“When times are good, people can ‘invent’ their outward appearance. When times are tough, you get to see what’s really inside.” – Wayne Dyer

When tough times lead to addiction: how to cope by Dr. Judy


hese are tough times. Many people are experiencing stress because of the current economic situation; many have Judy Ellison, Ph.D. lost their jobs and homes. It’s hard to imagine a time when uncertainty has been greater. Even the employed are seeing tough times. Businesses have cut employees’ hours to an average of 33.1 hours a week, according to The Bureau of Labor and Statistics.

Jeff Davis, a clinical psychologist at BehaviorCorp, an addiction treatment center in Indianapolis, says, “... when they rely more and more on either having that drink or using the drug or whatever to help ease whatever discomfort they have in the moment, that’s when an addiction process really begins.”

Warning signs of addiction

Here are a few ways to gauge if someone is at risk for developing an addiction during these uncertain times. A red flag signifying possible addiction would be if you notice a change in behavior, groups or friends. Or if your friend or loved one shows mood swings, signs of excessive shopping, over-eating, gambling or drinking binges, the behavior indicates an addiction may have already expressed itself.

Stress solutions

During tough times, and especially bad economic downturns, many people self-medicate... During tough times, and especially bad economic downturns, many people self-medicate to ease anxieties and stress. It’s not uncommon for people to reach for a beer, grab some chocolate, go shopping or even visit a casino to try to feel good.

Addictions out of control

People don’t intend to become addicted to something like gambling, shopping or alcohol; it happens gradually. At first it feels good and relieves stress, but eventually gets out of control. 22 l VITAJOURNAL

If you or someone you love is self-medicating during these challenging economic times, the following steps can help reverse the addictive behavior before it becomes a serious problem. • Exercise regularly. Physical activity plays a key role in reducing and preventing the effects of stress. Make time for at least 30 minutes of exercise, three times per week. • Eat a healthy diet. Well-nourished bodies are better prepared to cope with stress, so be mindful of what you eat. • Practice meditation. When practicing meditation, your heart rate and breathing slow down, your blood pressure normalizes, you use oxygen more efficiently and you sweat less. People who meditate

Celebrating 10 Years of Health and Wellness

regularly find it easier to give up lifedamaging habits like smoking, drinking and drugs. • Breathe deeply. Breathing exercises are an ideal way to relieve stress in that they’re fast, simple, free and can be performed by just about anyone. • Take Adaptogen 10 Plus®. TriVita’s powerful, stress-relieving formula was created specifically to help reverse the damaging effects stress can cause on your body. It contains all 10 adaptogens that have been proven to help the body “adapt” to stress.

“Tough times never last. Tough people do.” Just remember and take courage in what Robert Schuller said, “Tough times never last. Tough people do.” Whether the addictive behaviors are yours or a loved one’s, by recognizing the signs and taking healthy action, you can take that first vital step toward recovery. 

Judy Ellison, Ph.D., is a psychologist, author and motivational speaker. She has inspired people around the world to reach within and find their passionate purpose to live a more meaningful life.

your body, His Temple – 1 Cor. 6:19-20

Give us this day, our daily hope by Chaplain Gene Henderson

Gene Henderson

“For I know the plans I have for you,” says the Lord. “They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope.” – Jeremiah 29:11

Do you make “to do” lists? I certainly do, and maybe mine look a lot like yours: A list of things I want to do, need to do, plan to do, wish I had done yesterday, etc. But my lists don’t revolve around errands and appointments; rather, they’re about my own unresolved issues and concerns. My lists include things I wish I hadn’t done or said, things that were troubling me. My lists, though, probably rest someplace different than yours. Every night my “to do” lists get placed in my Bible, where something wondrous happens. Every morning, I see them in a new light. The things that worried me, that hung over my head the day before, just lose importance. In fact, I often can’t remember why I had put some issues on the list at all. It’s a matter of faith – and hope.

Why not put it in God’s hands?

The Lord’s plans, as we know from Jeremiah, are “for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope.” Imperfect as we are, many of us focus on God only when we think we’re facing disaster. We leave hope in a closet somewhere in our hearts, to be pulled out and prayed over only when we want something. In reality, God should be in our lives and our hearts all the time.

“I haven’t found what God has for me yet, but I can’t wait to see!”

I know a young man (I’ll call him Ed) whose life is a testament to the power of keeping God close every day. He called me just the other day to tell me he had been laid off from his job – and he was so excited! Just before he got the news, Ed told me he had a feeling that God wanted to tell him something. “God gave me the feeling I had completed my assignment at my job,” he told me, adding, “I had no idea the layoff was coming.”

Do you know in your heart that there is a future and a hope? Do you have faith in His wisdom to make His plan for you manifest? Even when we feel a little lost, not knowing what God has for us yet, it’s our hope in His infinite love that keeps us going forward.

Is he a little concerned about money, a little worried about what comes next? Absolutely. Ed’s a practical guy, and he isn’t pretending that everything’s sunshine and rainbows. But – and this is the proof of his hope – he told me, “I’m excited about what’s next. I haven’t found what God has for me yet, but I can’t wait to see!”

I know that God has a perfect plan for me and all his children. And that gives me new hope, every single day.

“Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but a longing fulfilled is a tree of life.” Proverbs 13:12

Proverbs 13:12 tells us that “Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but a longing fulfilled is a tree of life.” So instead of hoping for spiritual peace, or whatever is on the “to do” list of your soul, why not put it in God’s hands? I used to think you could, indeed, “give it to God,” but I also thought you could take it back. Now I know the folly of that attitude. I broke that cycle by putting my list in my Bible. Some time ago, it was a revelation to me to realize that each day I could start out with God’s blessing and hope. So each morning, I read Scripture to equip myself for the day, and I look at my list from the night before. It still amazes me that most of the “to do” items become non-issues after fully giving them up to His wisdom and will. Instead of fretting over what was, I start the day open and fresh, asking, “What do You have for me today, Lord?” 1-800-991-7116

September 2009 l 23

Real Stories from real people See what Members like you have to say about TriVita products! ®

“The first morning I took your product I felt a mental clarity I had not enjoyed in a while. “ “I am a Woman’s Health Nurse Practitioner who leads a very busy life. Between the mental fatigue of seeing numerous patients to planning a wedding and traveling out-of-state at least twice a month, I was running on empty! Even with exercising regularly, eating properly and taking vitamin supplements every day, I was feeling worn out. I also had my thyroid examined to see if there was a physical problem. However, after watching your infomercials for over a year, I decided to order Super Sublingual B-12 and give it a try. The first morning I took your product I felt a mental clarity I had not enjoyed in a while. I have been referring my patients to your website and encouraging other staff members to try it. So, all I have to say is thank you. I would not have believed it if I had not tried it myself.” Cheryl C. – Port Arthur, TX

“Cannot say enough positives about these awesome products.“ “I am a lung cancer survivor, having been in remission since 2003, but have continued to be on oxygen (especially at night) and have balance and mobility problems. I began taking Nopalea and Super Sublingual B-12 about three months ago and cannot say enough positives about these awesome products. My overall energy level has greatly improved, and the best part is my concentration and clarity of thinking is greatly improved. After having a series of mini strokes, I have even found my memory to be somewhat better. I am so excited about these health and wellness products that I am telling everyone I know who I think could benefit from them. I feel so blessed by Sonoran Bloom Nopalea.” Carol L. – Bonham, TX

“TriVita products saved my mind.” “I want to share with your readers the great benefits I have experienced through the use of HCY Guard and Energy Now!. I come from a family with a history of Alzheimer’s and could be a prime candidate for this disease. I am a counselor and I facilitate many groups of various topics each week. 24 l VITAJOURNAL

“... the results were amazing.” “I’m a 62-year-old retired firefighter. I spent 34 years in the fire service. I always stayed fit by working out and jogging. I even competed in bodybuilding shows for seven years. After all those years of firefighting, my body was feeling the effects. My left knee hurt most of the time – it caused me to walk with a limp. I had pain in my right shoulder. Sometimes the pain was so intense, I would have to use my left arm. Finally, in the last six months, I would wake up at night with hip pain. Then my life changed when I became a TriVita Member. I started taking Super Sublingual B-12 – GREAT STUFF! I was hearing more and more about Nopalea and the results people were having with it. I was a bit skeptical at first, and then said, ‘Why not?’ I started my first bottle in the middle of April and the results were amazing. I take one to two ounces in the morning and after three weeks, the shoulder and hip pain are both completely gone. Thank you, TriVita. I plan to compete in a bodybuilding show this summer, thanks to Nopalea. I’ll keep you updated.” John L. – Jacksonville Beach, FL

I was having trouble putting my thoughts together as usual and began forgetting material I knew very well. Fortunately, I heard about TriVita (through the James Robison TV program), and I immediately purchased HCY Guard. I began a faithful daily regimen and within two weeks, I noticed I had my mind back. I could speak quickly, remember the words I needed to use and I had a general clarity of mind. I have continued taking this supplement along with Energy Now! and will never stop. I feel fantastic and energetic. TriVita products saved my mind.” Julia M. – Tehachapi, CA

“Leanology is delicious and the weight just keeps coming off.“ “About 13 years ago, my wife and I went on a missionary trip to Mongolia. We were pretty much deprived of food. Upon our return, we went overboard and enjoyed the luxury of the wonderful food here at home. The time away and not eating routine meals obviously had an adverse affect on my metabolism, which may have caused me to easily gain weight. I began drinking Leanology Shakes for breakfast and lunch. I also started fine-tuning my diet, cutting way back on salt, sugar and other unhealthy items and began to

Celebrating 10 Years of Health and Wellness

feel better. I also started drinking water – something I was never very good at. It was easy to lose my first 20 pounds and the weight keeps coming off thanks to delicious Leanology Shakes. I am getting great results with very little effort. Just be consistent and watch your diet while you use the Leanology system.” Kevin G. – Scottsdale, AZ

“His level is now 6, where before it had skyrocketed to 36.” “When we went to the doctor for my husband’s hospital check-up after a recent accident, I had them do a blood test to see if his homocysteine level had come down. I was very sensitive about this because he had a test done in 2008, and it was three times the normal level. He has been taking HCY Guard ever since. His level is now 6, where before it had skyrocketed to 36. The normal is typically under 11. Praise God for answered prayers.” Carol H. – Cowan, TN You should consult with a healthcare provider before starting any diet, exercise or supplementation program, before taking any medication or if you suspect you might have a heart problem. You should not stop taking any medication without first consulting your healthcare provider.

Member Spotlight

Deborah’s amazing survival story TriVita supplements have helped her triumph over tremendous adversity from mS


ew people can imagine the challenges Deborah faces every day. That’s because she has suffered from multiple sclerosis (MS) for over seven years, which has weakened her and reduced her mobility. Although she is currently wheelchair-bound, that doesn’t restrict her bubbly, effervescent personality. She refuses to let her physical limitations affect her incredibly positive attitude. “Although this condition is designed to destroy a person’s spirit, emotions and physical well-being, I love life,” says Deborah. “By sharing my trials, tribulations and victories, I believe I can make an awesome difference in many other peoples’ lives. I have been helped through the pain by my faith, love and nurturing family and friends.” She also considers TriVita a strong partner in her quest for wellness and firmly believes that TriVita products have helped improve her quality of life in spite of many health issues. When Deborah was first profiled in the May 2008 issue of the VitaJournal, she had come to realize that a “Type A” personality had contributed to her health breakdown. “I wanted control of every aspect of my life,” Deborah remembers. “Even after my MS diagnosis in 2002, I was in complete denial. I continued to maintain my fast-paced life, refused to take prescribed medicine and didn’t eat right. Finally, the MS brought me to my knees, and my body shut down.” Deborah’s mother took her back to their Georgia home and she had to face the enormous task of coping with MS.

TriVita products helped her conquer pneumonia

In spite of Deborah’s many challenges, her spirit still soars and she perseveres. Deborah laughs a lot and stays in touch with old and new friends via email and telephone. She has also made some impressive health strides with the help of TriVita products. Her interest in TriVita began back in 2004 when she tuned into a television program hosted by James and Betty Robison. She started taking TriVita Sublingual B-12, B-6 & Folic Acid and 1-800-991-7116

noticed a big improvement in vitality and mental focus. Deborah observed that “nothing happened” when she tried other store-bought B-12 brands, so she’s gone back to TriVita Sublingual B-12 and stayed with it. She is also firmly convinced that Sublingual B-12 helped her fight off a serious case of pneumonia in March 2009. “To be alive and talking is a miracle,” Deborah claims. “I believe having TriVita’s B-12 in my system for such a long time helped save my life again.” In fact, she noticed upon returning home from the hospital that she had that same exhausted feeling before she started taking TriVita Sublingual B-12. Deborah quickly ordered another shipment of Sublingual B-12 and once she started taking it again, her physical therapist noted her improvement in energy and attitude.

Deborah recently started taking Nopalea and is thrilled to report that it

“TriVita products will always be an important part of my life.” – Deborah

Deborah’s favorite TriVita products include: • • • • •

Sublingual B-12 adaptogen 10 plus nopalea omegaprime Coenzyme Q-10

has helped cut her MS spasms by half. Astonishing benefits from Nopalea™ “Adaptogen 10 Plus® is also awesome,” Deborah says. “Sublingual B-12 makes me more energetic and mentally sharper. Adaptogen 10 Plus, on the other hand, gives me a peaceful feeling. I really started noticing that I was better able to handle stressful situations and stay calm after taking Adaptogen 10 Plus.” She has since added other TriVita products to her nutritional regimen, including OmegaPrime® and CoEnzyme Q-10. Deborah recently started taking Nopalea and is thrilled to report that it has helped cut her MS spasms by half. Now that she’s feeling stronger, Deborah is making some ambitious future plans. First and foremost, she continually monitors her health and pays more attention to it so she

can accomplish even more. Her goal is to be an inspirational speaker and promote her book “No More MS” so she can encourage others to overcome adversity with a positive outlook on life. Above all, she wants to make sure she continues taking her TriVita supplements. “I can’t handle life without Sublingual B-12,” she says. “It helps with my memory, fitness and makes me feel better all around. TriVita products will always be an important part of my life.” September 2009 l 25

Homocysteine, B vitamins and food: making the connection By Christa Orecchio, Certified Clinical Nutritionist, Holistic Health Counselor


s many VitaJournal readers know, too much homocysteine in the blood is related to a higher risk of coronary Christa Orecchio heart disease, stroke and peripheral vascular disease. The dietary components with the greatest effects are folic acid and Vitamins B-6 and B-12. But did you know that homocysteine levels are strongly influenced by diet, as well as by genetic factors? The dietary components with the greatest effects are folic acid and Vitamins B-6 and B-12. Folic acid and other B vitamins help break down homocysteine in the body. Several studies have found that higher blood levels of B vitamins are related, at least partly, to lower concentrations of homocysteine. Other recent evidence shows that low blood levels of folic acid are linked with a higher risk of fatal coronary heart disease and stroke. To do all you can to lower homocysteine, seek out the following foods to get the appropriate amount of essential B vitamins in your diet.

Folate (folic acid): This is the most impor-

tant nutrient to lower homocysteine levels. Additionally, it supports red blood cell production, allows the nerves to function properly and helps to protect against osteoporosis-related 26 l VITAJOURNAL

bone fractures and dementia. When the issue is irritability, mental fatigue, forgetfulness or confusion, folate is something to reach for. Excellent sources include romaine lettuce, spinach, asparagus, turnip greens, mustard greens, parsley, collard greens, broccoli, cauliflower, beets and lentils. Most legumes contain adequate amount of folate, so eat them daily – including kidney beans, black beans and garbanzo beans. If you care for it, try calf’s liver: it contains the highest amount of folate of any other food, rolling in at 215% of our daily need. However, if you dislike liver, lentils are a nice second choice – one cup of cooked lentils provides you with 89.5% of your folate needs for the day.

B-6: Lowering homocysteine is not the only

benefit of getting more B-6 in your diet. Eating foods high in B-6 will also help balance out the neurotransmitters in your brain because Vitamin B-6 is needed to help manufacture serotonin, the neurotransmitter responsible for feelings of contentment and well-being. B-6 will help promote the breakdown of sugars and starches as well. Excellent sources of B-6 include bell peppers (not the green ones because those are not ripe yet), spinach and turnip greens. Fish and animal sources will provide additional B-6. Yellow fin tuna tops the fish chart for B-6, coming in with 59% daily value with one serving. Other sources include chicken breast, calf’s liver, turkey, cod, salmon, snapper and halibut.

B-12: This vitamin is essential to healthy nerve function and to producing red blood cells. If you’re a vegetarian, you must take a B-12 supplement, because this essential vitamin is found

Celebrating 10 Years of Health and Wellness

mostly in animal meats and products, namely fish, poultry, meat, eggs, milk and milk products. TriVita’s Sublingual B-12 is the best choice. In my practice I always embrace the overcrowding theory: add the “good stuff” in and the “bad stuff” falls away. As you eat more healthy fruits and vegetables and especially leafy greens, your cravings for those foods that do not support you should start falling away. There is one habit near and dear to Western culture worth kicking if you are serious about lowering your homocysteine down to a healthy level: coffee. Yes, this is the substance that most of North America wakes up to daily, and a faithful companion both during the morning commute and at the computer. Research shows that the more coffee consumed (decaffeinated or regular, and especially unfiltered), the higher the levels of homocysteine in the blood because coffee leaches the B vitamins and folic acid. If this is something you are not willing to give up, then seek out an herbal coffee. Many of them are made the same way conventional coffee is and taste very similar. Switching to green tea would also be a healthful alternative. To bring down homocysteine levels, it is very wise to get some extra support from a good supplement. TriVita HCY Guard® is clinically proven to lower HCY levels and can do wonders when coupled with a healthy diet.

Homocysteine-lowering recipes on page 27...

Homocysteine-Lowering Recipes Sautéed Kale with Smoked Paprika Any variety of kale will work in this recipe. If available, try ruffled Red Russian kale, Tuscan kale or Salad Savoy.

Tuna Steaks with a Cucumber Dill Salsa INGREDIENTS • Half of a large cucumber – cut lengthwise


• 2 Tbsp. fresh dill, chopped

• 8 cups (packed) kale, center ribs and stems removed, leaves coarsely chopped (from about 1½ pounds)

• 1 cup purple kale, finely chopped • 3 Tbsp. olive oil

• 2 Tbsp. olive oil, divided

• 4, 4-6 ounce tuna steaks

• ¾ cup chopped onion

• 1 Tbsp. red wine vinegar

• ¼ to ½ tsp. sweet or hot smoked paprika*

• Sea salt and black pepper

• Generous pinch of dried crushed red pepper

• To make Cucumber Dill Salsa: Scoop out the seeds of the cucumber and dice. Mix cucumber with the dill and kale.

DIRECTIONS Cook kale in large pot of boiling salted water until wilted, about 5 minutes. Transfer to colander; drain. Heat 1 tablespoon oil in heavy large skillet over medium heat. Add onion and sauté until soft, about 5 minutes. Stir in 1/4 teaspoon smoked paprika and crushed red pepper; sprinkle with salt. Add kale and sauté until heated through, about 4 minutes. Season to taste with salt and pepper and more smoked paprika, if desired. Transfer to serving bowl; drizzle with remaining 1 tablespoon oil and serve. *Sweet smoked paprika is sometimes labeled Pimentón Dulce or Pimentón de La Vera Dulce, and hot smoked paprika is sometimes labeled Pimentón Picante or Pimentón de La Vera Picante; available at some supermarkets and specialty foods stores.

DIRECTIONS Heat a skillet over medium-high heat. Rub oil on tuna steaks and cook for 2-3 minutes on each side. Place tuna steaks on plates and top with cucumber salsa. Keep skillet over medium-high heat and add 2 tablespoons olive oil, vinegar, salt and pepper to taste. Let sauce sizzle for a few seconds and then drizzle over fish with salsa. Serve immediately. Notes: Time of cooking tuna will vary due to thickness and preference. Most enjoy tuna medium-rare, leaving it a bit pink in the middle. Substitute fennel for cucumber or bok choy for kale for a different twist.

Editor’s Note continued from page 3... The frightened look on her face as she spoke made it difficult for me to hold back the tears. She began telling me about how Raymond was forgetting things. In fact, he set off to a nearby drugstore a few weeks prior, a few blocks away from our neighborhood, and didn’t return for two hours. She shared how scared and worried she was and how he finally came to their door crying and saying he didn’t know where he was. She asked if he had made it to the store, and he shamefully said “no.” He even started asking her what had happened the day before. She sounded almost panicky as to what she would do if he was struck with Alzheimer’s and didn’t know who she was. I encouraged her that she would know what to do, and that God gives a couple supernatural strength to be there for the other one in times of need.

That night opened my eyes as to what really matters in life.

That night opened my eyes as to what really matters in life. Relationships are everything. Not just relationships in our own family, but our neighbors are equally as important. We all get so caught up in our own lives, often shutting others out, and then when they’re gone or they lose their health, we’re left with regrets. One of TriVita’s 10 Essentials is to Give and Receive Love. This wonderful couple has taught me so much about unconditional love, and they have given me hope in my own life.

Mike’s story continued from page 9... my carbs and eating more fruits and vegetables, I notice that I have much more energy. The Leanology capsules definitely help me stay on my new eating plan.” In March, Mike had lost a couple of pounds. By the end of April, his weight loss reached seven pounds. “I lost a small amount of pounds each week, steadily, for several weeks. On July 9, I weighed 195 pounds – close to my goal weight – all thanks to Leanology, eating better and being more active.” Now, Mike’s daily routine consists of drinking plenty of water throughout the day. He typically has a large breakfast, a good-sized dinner and eats a modest snack every three hours. “I try to avoid any food 1-800-991-7116

after dinner. That makes a big difference too,” he says. As a 2 Star Director, Mike is often busy at work, and sits in front of the computer for long stretches of time. This is why it has become extremely important for him to be more active when possible. “If I am not on a TriVita conference call or talking to prospects in the evenings, I try to play basketball or baseball with my children or take a short walk.” His goal is to keep his metabolism going and to only eat and drink healthy foods during the day. “By eating healthier, eating less, exercising more and using Leanology, I have lost 18 pounds and am only 2 pounds away from my goal! Thanks, TriVita, for this great product.” miKe r. – linColn, ne

Pam Knox, Editor of Publications

We value your feedback. Please send your comments to: editor@ or mail to Editor, c/o TriVita, Inc., 16100 N. Greenway Hayden Loop, Suite 950, Scottsdale, AZ 85260 September 2009 l 27

Which branches are on your medical family tree? Get to the root of your family’s health history


ou’ve probably heard the old expression, “You can’t pick your relatives.” And unfortunately, you can’t pick your family’s health history, either. But, if you know which conditions run in your family, you can change certain lifestyle habits that may put you at even higher risk, and be proactive with screening tests for early detection. To find out your family’s medical history, The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends asking questions, talking at family gatherings and looking at death certificates and family medical records, if possible. You will want to collect the following information from your family (including grandparents, parents, siblings, aunts, uncles, cousins, nieces and nephews): • Major medical conditions and causes of death • Age of disease onset and age at death • Ethnic background The U.S. Surgeon General, with the cooperation of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, provides a tool that helps you easily organize your family medical history. The web-based Family Health Portrait (visit allows you to collect the information and print it out for yourself and your healthcare provider. When you share your family history information with your healthcare provider, he or she can make better decisions about your personal healthcare approach: determine which screening tests should be administered early and advise you on preventive measures.

Assessing your risk

A family history of conditions such as diabetes and heart disease can heavily influence your risk. Review the specific risk factors below; the more items that apply to you, the higher your risk. Contact your healthcare provider if you believe you are at risk for either of these diseases.


• I have polycystic ovary syndrome

Evaluate these diabetes risk factors from the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases: • I have a parent, brother, or sister with diabetes

• I have other clinical conditions associated with insulin resistance • I have a history of cardiovascular disease

Heart disease

• I am over 45 • I am overweight • My family background is Alaska Native, American Indian, African-American, Hispanic/Latino, Asian-American or Pacific Islander. • I have had gestational diabetes, or I gave birth to at least one baby weighing more than 9 pounds. • My blood pressure is 140/90 mm Hg or above, or I have been told that I have high blood pressure. • My cholesterol levels are not normal. My HDL cholesterol is below 35 mg/dL, or my triglyceride level is above 250 mg/dL.

Review these heart disease risk factors from The National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute: • Family history of coronary artery disease: your risk increases if your father or brother was diagnosed before age 55, or if your mother or a sister was diagnosed before age 65. • High blood cholesterol and high triglyceride levels • High blood pressure • Diabetes and pre-diabetes • Overweight and obesity • Smoking • Lack of physical exercise

• I am fairly inactive. I exercise fewer than three times a week.

• Unhealthy diet

• On previous testing, I had impaired fasting glucose (IFG) or impaired glucose tolerance (IGT).

• Age: Risk increases for men over 45 and for women over 55 (or after menopause)

• Stress

TriVita’s Weekly Wellness Report by Brazos Minshew, Chief Science Officer Look for your Weekly Wellness Report – emailed to TriVita Members only at no charge! Brazos Minshew has created a Weekly Wellness Report filled with critical health information. These interesting, easy-to-understand articles are written exclusively for the Weekly Wellness Report and emailed to TriVita Members who have a valid email address on file.

WEEKLY WELLNESS TOPICS INCLUDE: • protecting your eyesight • obesity health risks • optimizing Cellular health

• importance of lowering homocysteine • healthy aging • and much more!

Exclusive to Memb ers

Dying to look good:

toxic personal products The truth about what’s really in them


ecause you care about your well-being, this morning you ate a healthy breakfast and took your TriVita® supplements. Then you stepped into the shower and lathered up with dangerous petrochemicals. After washing your face and grooming your hair with ingredients known to cause cancer and birth defects, you slathered on a sunscreen that contains a hormone disruptor and went out to face the day. This grim scenario is not science fiction, but contemporary fact. Many of the brandname products that promise to clean, moisturize and protect contain ingredients that are known to cause harm. Who’s minding the store? The manufacturers themselves. While the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is the main U.S. agency involved in personal products, the FDA’s own website states clearly, “Cosmetic firms are responsible for substantiating the safety of their products and ingredients before marketing.”

Cosmetics = shampoo, toothpaste, deodorants, more

cleansing, beautifying, promoting attractiveness or altering the appearance.” These articles include toothpaste, shampoo, deodorants, moisturizers, perfumes, lipsticks, facial make-up and hair dyes. While the ads for these products promise shiny hair and gleaming teeth, the ads definitely don’t talk about the toxins involved. That’s the banner taken up by a growing consumer safety movement concerned about the dangerous effects of cosmetics, personal products and other parts of daily life.

Product poisons and what they do

One of the most visible groups campaigning against toxic cosmetics and other dangers is the Environmental Working Group ( EWG runs an Internet-based directory of thousands of products, listing their potential dangers and “rating” them on a hazard scale. You can check out all of the major brands (and search specifically for products you use), at

in shampoos and hairsprays. They disrupt the hormone system, and for years have been regulated by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency as water and air pollutants.

Oxybenzone. Widely used in sunscreens

(plus lip balms, lipsticks and moisturizers), this chemical has been linked to allergies, hormone disruption and cell damage, according to the Centers for Disease Control.

Triclosan. This is a pesticide that disrupts

hormones. You can find it in liquid hand soap and toothpaste, as well as children’s toys.

Ethylene glycol/propylene glycol. Favor-

ites in cleansers, shampoo, foundation, sunscreen and moisturizer – plus motor vehicle anti-freeze and airplane wing de-icers. They’ve been linked with skin irritation, birth defects and organ damage.

Parabens. Members of this chemical family

are widely used as preservatives in thousands of cosmetics. They can disrupt the hormone system.

We apply an average of 126 unique

Everyone who bathes, washes their hair or brushes their teeth is affected by this issue, because “cosmetics” covers a lot of ground. To the FDA, cosmetics are “articles intended to be rubbed, poured, sprinkled or sprayed on, ... or otherwise applied to the human body... for

Phthalates. Industrial chemicals used

ingredients to our skin every day... We apply an average of 126 unique ingredients to our skin every day, according to EWG. Here are some of the most common dangers:

While it’s impractical to avoid contact with all toxins, we can learn about and choose products that are safer. And now we can also drink Nopalea™, the amazing wellness drink formulated to help the body cleanse itself of toxins and fight inflammation (see page 10).

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Stress Protection Pack

Healthy Aging Pack

Combining nature’s most powerful stress-fighting nutrients

Nutrients to strengthen your body’s ability to combat illness

Don’t let stress rob you of your quality of life – protect yourself from the damages of stress with the Stress Protection Pack.

TriVita’s Healthy Aging Pack gives you the essential nutrients you will need to help combat changes that occur with age, like increased inflammation and a weakened immune system.

Adaptogen 10 Plus® helps your body balance itself when it’s under stress. It’s antioxidant-rich and helps to neutralize damaging free radicals that can hurt your immune system. Sublingual B-12, B-6 & Folic Acid supports brain and nervous system health; its sublingual delivery system ensures fast B vitamin absorption.

Adaptogen 10 Plus: 1 bottle (32 servings) Sublingual B-12: 1 box (30 count)

Take daily, or more as needed.

FREE CD First-time buyers of the Stress Protection Pack get a FREE Stress Audiobook! (A $9.99 value!)

ction Stress Prote Pack #3323687.98 $ Non-Member

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The B vitamins in Sublingual B-12, B-6 & Folic Acid help keep your brain and nervous system healthy. Avoid becoming nutrient deficient and low in energy with VitaDaily™ AM/PM. Dr. Libby’s Vital C Tablets provide powerful immune protection. Help reduce inflammation in your joints and throughout your body with OmegaPrime®. Take daily, or more as needed.

FREE CD First-time buyers of the Healthy Aging Pack get a FREE Healthy Aging Audiobook! (A $9.99 value!)

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TriVita’s Healthcare Professionals Brazos Minshew is TriVita’s Chief Science Officer, in charge of formulating the best new supplements possible. He is dedicated to bringing greater health and wellness to TriVita Members. He combines an extensive background in medical science, naturopathy and alternative treatments to create lifestyle and nutritional solutions to prevalent health challenges.

10 Foundational Values 1. Physician-Approved Formulas

Our medical board uses their extensive health and nutrition knowledge to approve proprietary TriVita supplements based on the latest scientific research and the health and wellness concerns of our Members.

Scott Conard, M.D. is the founder of TienaHealth, an organization of medical doctors in primary care practice who emphasize healthy lifestyles to maintain wellness. Dr. Conard is considered a national expert on disease prevention. TienaHealth also conducts clinical trials.

2. Unique Delivery Systems

Unlike other supplements that can be difficult to absorb, TriVita supplements are developed for maximum absorption and effect.

3. Controlled Laboratory Studies

Signature products from TriVita undergo medical studies and trials at accredited universities and medical centers to ensure their effectiveness.

4. Purest Natural Ingredients

TriVita uses the highest-quality essential nutrients available to create effective, body-friendly formulas without mood altering stimulants or harmful chemicals.

5. Pharmaceutical-Grade Quality

We voluntarily adhere to the strict manufacturing guidelines of the Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP).

6. Third-Party Testing and Certification

In addition to our own quality control, we commission third-party testing and research to guarantee that our products are full potency and meet all regulatory standards.

7. Quality-Controlled Packaging and Production

Safety is a top priority in our packaging and manufacturing; we inspect each product at least 10 times and use two safety seals per package on all ingestible products to guarantee safety, freshness and product potency.

8. Dedicated to Product Innovation

TriVita’s commitment to science is a driving force behind our superior quality products, from formulation to production. Led by our Chief Science Officer and renowned nutraceutical pioneers, we put the utmost care into creating products that deliver positive and lifelong wellness experiences for our Members.

9. Medical Advisory Board

TriVita’s advisory panel of Board Certified physicians provide us with the latest information on scientific developments and testing methods.

10. Complete Customer Satisfaction Guarantee

We promise to provide the best customer experience possible and offer a 60-Day Money Back Guarantee on all of our products. Our natural products are food based. If you have any food based allergies, please read the labels. Statements or claims in this publication have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

Medical Advisory Board In addition to our dedicated healthcare professionals, TriVita created a Medical Advisory Board to assist our efforts in staying abreast of current scientific developments and provide input on the latest, most effective testing methods. Samuel n. Grief, m.D., CCFp, FCFp Currently the Medical Director at the University of Illinois, Dr. Grief received his medical degree from McGill University in Montreal, Quebec, and is a CME Instructor. Tammy pon, m.D. A functional medicine physician, Dr. Pon received her medical degree from the University of Texas in Houston. She completed specialty training in Healthy Aging. nathan S. Bryan, ph.D. Dr. Bryan joined the faculty of the Institute of Molecular Medicine, University of Texas-Houston, in June 2006, and was honored as one of the University’s Accomplished Young Investigators in 2007. Dr. Bryan has published over 20 peer-reviewed papers.

To order Call Toll-Free 1-800-991-7116 5:00 A.M. – 7:00 P.M., M–F • 7:00 A.M. – 4:00 P.M., Saturday, (Mountain Standard Time)


Director of Creative Services • John Metselaar Editor of Publications • Pam Knox Production Manager • Roger Barger Production Coordinator • Aimee Silver Graphic Designers • Carly Miner; Cheryl Earl; David Knox Editorial Assistant • Ginny Schoonaert; Kelly Hickman Contributing Writers • Scott Conard, M.D.; Brazos Minshew; Christa Orecchio, Certified Clinical Nutritionist; Judy Ellison, Ph.D.; Gene Henderson; Steve Solomon; Cheryl Romano; Heather Austin; Dana Maxwell; Greg Cayten

The VitaJournal is published by TriVita, Inc. • 16100 N. Greenway Hayden Loop, Ste 950 • Scottsdale, AZ 85260 • Printed in the U.S.A. • © 2009 TriVita, Inc. All rights reserved. The VitaJournal welcomes Member questions, photographs and testimonials. All submitted materials become the property of TriVita, Inc. and may be edited for publication. Submissions should be directed to the Publications Specialist (Marketing Department) at [email protected]. SUBSCRIPTIONS: Subscription to the monthly VitaJournal is FREE to active TriVita Members. Subscription to TriVita’s Weekly Wellness Report (delivered to your email address) is also FREE to TriVita Members. If you would like to receive this informative Weekly Wellnes Report, call 1-800-991-7116 and give a Wellness Consultant a valid email address. The VitaJournal is distributed for information purposes only and does not constitute professional or medical advice. Prices in this publication are current as of the date of printing. Opinions expressed by authors are not necessarily those of the publisher. The VitaJournal may be reproduced only by TriVita Members. Other reproductions, in whole or in part, are prohibited without the express permission of the publisher.

For Questions: 1-877-850-2968 Monday – Friday; 6:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m., Mountain Standard Time





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