Ut 1-3rd Quarter

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PAREF – Westbridge School, Inc. Private School for Boys La Paz, Iloilo City

Name: ___________________________________________ Date: 12/2/08 Score: ___________ Grammar IV (UT 1-3rd Quarter) Parent’s Signature: ______________ I.

Identify the Latin or Greek root words of the underlined words in the following sentences and give the meaning of the root word.

Example: Root metre Root

Meaning measure

1. The thermometer was bought to measure your body temperature.


1. The sympathetic friend always provides a good quality time to listen to __________


someone who suffers from unfortunate events and heartaches.

2. Prof. Tan is known for her verbose attitude. She tends to speak in __________


magnificent spead that the listeners cannot anymore understand what she utters.

3. Many department stores give a tempting discount on their latest television. I once inquired and shocked of the offer.

4. The victims of the flood are still there in the school that served as the evacuation center after that promising calamity. __________


5. When I was young, I thought of becoming a world-renowned geographer for I was fascinated by the structure and components of the Earth’s surface.



6. Last night, I really had a very bad experience of burning my midnight candle. I really have to memorize all affixes that we covered in the class.

7. Candy bought another edition of her collection entitled “Extraterrestrial”. __________


She loves to read books that talk about unidentified flying objects and life in the outer space.

8. The manuscript looks dull that I can’t even read a word from it. __________


9. The current trend of business today is that it includes neologizing words to create something new.

10. The conference last week did not emphasize the brilliant ingenuities of ancient scholars. It features the oddest philosophies that were ever thought __________


by these so called “intelligence quitters”.

11. My cousin applied for Jeddah. He heard that that country has a big need of skilled workers thus making him interested. He is into engine operation.

12. Marne, my old time friend, already passed the Medical board Exams. Now I __________




think she is focusing in Pediatrics because she said before that she really love kids.

13. I forgot to pull the plug of the vacuum when I left the house. I hope Sheryl will notice it and do the unplugging for me.

14. It is always a pleasure for people to share something that they have. It is truly a benevolent act to do. __________


15. Mr. Tuvillo gave me a heartbreaking grade in Physics. Imagine after all those night I only have a 2.5?

II. Identify the word that satisfies the required part of speech with the help of affixes. Example: 1. inform

information (noun)

1. differ

__________ (adjective)

6. tardy

__________ (noun)

2. child

__________ (adjective)

7. president

__________ (noun)

3. advise

__________ (noun)

8. romance

__________ (adjective)

4. happy

__________ (adverb)

5. memory

__________ (adjective)

9. solid

__________ (verb)

10. fruit

__________ (adjective)

III. Context Clues. Read the passage below and try to determine the meaning of the underlined words by studying the context. Right after the passage is a vocabulary test. Choose the meaning that most closely related to the meaning of the word as it was used in the passage. Write the letter of your choice on the blanks provided. The New Englander was a product of glaciation, rugged climate, and Calvinism. Glaciers had scored the country into a land narrow valleys, swiftly flowing streams, and thin soil. The endless stone fences of New England demonstrate the toil involved in scratching a living from such a land. It was a difficult for one family to care for many backbreaking acres, so the individual farms tended to be small. In the South, where broad rivers drained wide savannahs, people lived more spaciously. It is significant that here the gatherings were usually social events. Southerners met to enjoy themselves. New Englanders, however, met to improve themselves and others. It was fortunate for later generations of Americans that New England settlers had great appreciation for property, especially in the form of land. For generations, land had been the symbol of prestige in England. The decline of feudalism and the emergence of the capitalist class brought many landless British farmers to America. In America they could not only work the land, but they could also acquire property, which was considered the mark of a superior person. ___ 1. glaciation

a. flooding

b. icing process

___ 2. Calvinism

a. hedonism

b. religious doctrine c. atheism

___ 3. scored

a. multitude

b. tallied

c. snow

c. notched

d. sleet d. agnostic

d. billed

___ 4. toil

a. pleasure

b. work

c. drudge

d. earth

___ 5. significant

a. inconsequential

b. important

c. illustrious

d. warning

___ 6. savannahs

a. grassy plains

b. deserts

c. mountains d. beaches

___ 7. generations

a. age group

b. procreation

___ 8. feudalism


___ 9. capitalist

a. business investor

___10. acquire

a. forfeit

European economic system


c. 30 years

b. fascism

cooperative ownership

b. convey

d. growth

c. warsd. equality c. state-owned d. worker

c. obtain

d. cultivate

IV. Match the word list in the left to its meaning in the right by writing the letter of the corresponding word meaning on the blanks provided. ___ 1. exhort

a. difficult to understand

___ 2. indigenous

b. flimsy

___ 3. dilittante ___ 4. obstreperous ___ 5. pejorative ___ 6. cursory ___ 7. metamorphosis

c. malaise d. magical change e. disparaging f. casual g. amateur

___ 8. esoteric

h. unruly

___ 9. tenuous

i. encourage

___10. malaise

j. native to

V. Give five out of seven vocabulary strategies discussed in class. Tell something about it by giving t0he concepts and examples to merit you 5 points for each.

1. _______________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________ 2. _______________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________ 3. _______________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________ 4. _______________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________ 5. _______________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________ VI. Essay. Discuss the following items comprehensively. 1. Discuss the nature, scope, kinds, and definition of morpheme. (10 points) 2. Differentiate free and bound morpheme. (5 points)

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