Unit Plan 2

  • June 2020
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  • Words: 1,369
  • Pages: 8
Unit  Plan  by  Mary  Moss     Pre-­‐assessment:  Students  will  be  assessed  on  a  multiple-­‐choice  quiz  about  topics,  such  as   habitat,  adaptations,  and  so  forth.   Final  assessment:  Students  will  be  assessed  between  data  from  their  animal  report  booklet   (rubric)  and    the  same  multiple-­‐choice  quiz  given  as  a  pre-­‐assessment.   Lesson  #  

1:  How  are  animals  who  live  in  our  area  different  than  other   animals  around  the  world?  


  Standard  -­‐  4.1.2.E  Identify  how  living  things  survive  changes  in  their   environment.   Standard  -­‐  3.1.2.C2  Explain  that  living  things  can  only  survive  if  their   needs  are  being  met.    

o   Students  will  be  able  to  identify  and  describe   animals  in  our  (Erie)  environment.   o   Students  will  be  able  to  explain  how  animals  are   relocated  by  weather  and  mankind.   o   Students  will  be  able  to  identify  animals  that  live  in   the  jungle  and  African  plain  environment.  



•   Teacher  will  do  a  mini  lesson  on  environments  (  our   environment,  African  plains,  and  jungle)   •   Students  will  go  through  a  powerpoint  with  the  teacher  and   see  different  pictures  of  animals.  Teacher  will  ask  students  if   these  animals  live  in  our  area,  and  if  not  where  they  live   (African  plains  or  jungle).   •   Teacher  will  explain  that  animals  sometimes  move  due  to   environmental  factors  or  migration.  Teacher  will  play   mission  migration  game  with  students   (https://www.audubon.org/play-­‐audubons-­‐mission-­‐ migration-­‐game).    

Lesson  #  

2:  Scientist  language  


  Standard - CC.1.2.2.K: Determine or clarify the meaning of unknown and multiple-meaning word and phrases based on grade-level reading and content, choosing from a range of strategies and tools Standard - 4.5.2.F Distinguish between scientific fact and opinion.

  o   Students will be able to define group ( ex. Animals with backbones). o   Students will be able to define habitat ( a home of an animal or a plant). o   Students will be able to describe the difference between carnivore, omnivore, and herbivore. o   Students will be able to define adaptations (a special skill that helps animals to survive or a physical change that helps them survive).



Lesson  #  

•   Teacher  will  ask  students  why  we  might  want  to  be  able  to   group  animals.   •   Teacher  will  explain  what  habitats  are     •   Students  will  do  a  habitat  sorting  page   •   Teacher  will  go  through  the  slideshow  about  what  animals   eat  meat,  plants,  etc.   •   http://www.esolhelp.com/carnivore-­‐herbivore-­‐ omnivore.html  game  on  board.    Teacher  will  play:   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xDSFlRunlrU  Living   Things  Change:  Crash  Course  Kids  #41.1    

3:  Why  do  we  want  to  label  animals?  And  how  long  are  animals   babies?  


  Standard - CC.1.2.2.K: Determine or clarify the meaning of unknown and multiple-meaning word and phrases based on grade-level reading and content, choosing from a range of strategies and tools Standard - 4.5.2.F Distinguish between scientific fact and opinion.


* Students will be able to explain how the timeline for an animal being a baby can vary (some animals are babies only for a few months and some are for years).

o   Students  will  be  able  explain  why  it  is  important  to  be  able  to   label  an  animal  (so  we  all  are  describing  features  with  the  same   language).   •   Teacher  will  label  the  three  animals  with  students.   •   Teacher  will  ask  students  why  it  is  helpful  to  label  these   parts.   •   Teacher  will  explain  that  some  animals  are  babies  for  a   short  time  and  others  are  babies  for  longer.   •   Teacher  will  read  two  passages  to  compare  it  with  students    


Lesson  #  

4:  Non-­‐fiction/  fiction  writing  about  an  animal  


  Standard - CC.1.2.2.K: Determine or clarify the meaning of unknown and multiple-meaning word and phrases based on grade-level reading and content, choosing from a range of strategies and tools Standard - 4.5.2.F Distinguish between scientific fact and opinion.


o   * Students will be able to compare and contrast the language used in non-fiction text and fiction text about animals. o   Students will be able to use context clues in non-fiction text to understand complex words about animals and to determine their meanings.

  •   •   •   •  


Lesson  #  

Mini  lesson  on  fiction  vs  non-­‐fiction   Teacher  will  read  the  Siberian  tiger  passage   Teacher  will  read  the  don’t  tickle  a  tiger  book   Teacher  will  have  students  compare  and  contrast  the  two   texts.    

5:  Research  day  1  –  Pick  animal  and  complete  the  fun  facts  page  


§   Standards:  Standard - CC.1.3.2.B •   Ask and answer questions such as who, what, where, when, why, and how to demonstrate understanding of key details in a text.


o   Students  will  be  able  to  describe  key  characteristics   of  their  animal  (group,  habitat,  babies,  food,   adaptations,  labels  of  the  animal’s  features,  and  fun   facts)  through  the  use  of  word  wall  words  and   descriptive  language.   •   Students  will  be  able  to  create  a  visual  of  their  animal.  


•   Passing  out  animals   •   Explaining  the  cover  and  fun  facts  page   •   Students  work  time  with  teacher  support  

Lesson  #  

5:  Research  day  2  –  habitat  and  group  


§   Standards:  Standard - CC.1.3.2.B •   Ask and answer questions such as who, what, where, when, why, and how to demonstrate understanding of key details in a text.


o   Students  will  be  able  to  describe  key  characteristics   of  their  animal  (group,  habitat,  babies,  food,   adaptations,  labels  of  the  animal’s  features,  and  fun   facts)  through  the  use  of  word  wall  words  and   descriptive  language.   •   Students  will  create  visuals  to  explain  their  information.  


•   Teacher  will  have  students  find  their  habitat  and  group  page   from  their  research  packet  to  use  to  fill  out  their  booklet.   •   Teacher  will  model  how  to  transfer  the  information.   •   Teacher  will  help  students  work  as  needed.  

Lesson  #  

6:  Research  Day  3  –  Food  and  adaptations  


§   Standards:  Standard - CC.1.3.2.B •   Ask and answer questions such as who, what, where, when, why, and how to demonstrate understanding of key details in a text.


o   Students  will  be  able  to  describe  key  characteristics   of  jungle  or  African  animals  using  scientific  language   (adaptations,  environment,  etc.)  


•     Activity  

•   Teacher  will  have  students  find  their  food  and  adaptations   page  from  their  research  packet  to  use  to  fill  out  their   booklet.   •   Teacher  will  model  how  to  transfer  the  information.  

•   Teacher  will  help  students  work  as  needed.  

Lesson  #  

7:  Research  Day  4  –  Label  


§   Standards:  Standard - CC.1.3.2.B Ask and answer questions such as who, what, where, when, why, and how to demonstrate understanding of key details in a text    

o   Students  will  be  able  to  describe  key  characteristics   of  their  animal  (group,  habitat,  babies,  food,   adaptations,  labels  of  the  animal’s  features,  and  fun   facts)  through  the  use  of  word  wall  words  and   descriptive  language.  


•     Activity  

Lesson  #  

•   Teacher  will  model  how  students  will  create  their  own   drawing  and  label  parts  of  their  animal.   •   Teacher  will  give  students  time  to  work.  

7:  Research  Day  5–  Babies  


§   Standards:  Standard - CC.1.3.2.B Ask and answer questions such as who, what, where, when, why, and how to demonstrate understanding of key details in a text    


•   Students  will  be  able  to  identify  key  characteristics  of  their   jungle  or  African  plains  animal  (group,  habitat,  babies,   food,  adaptations,  labels  of  the  animal’s  features,  and  fun   facts).  

•   Teacher  will  have  students  find  their  page  about  their   animal’s  baby  phase.   •   Teacher  will  have  students  draw  a  picture  of  their  animal  as   a  baby  versus  an  adult.   •   Teacher  will  have  students  write  how  long  they  are  a  baby   for.  


Lesson  #  

8:  Research  Day  6  -­‐  Revise  


§   Standards:  Standard - CC.1.3.2.B Ask and answer questions such as who, what, where, when, why, and how to demonstrate understanding of key details in a text    


•   Students  will  be  able  to  revise  their  booklet  to  convey   scientific  language  and  information  about  their  animal  


•   Teacher  will  give  students  a  check  list.   •   Students  will  go  through  and  finish  missing  pieces  or  edit   mistakes.  

Lesson  #  

9:  Sharing  Day   §   Standard  -­‐  CC.1.4.2.A   •   Write  informative/  explanatory  texts   to  examine  a  topic  and  convey  ideas   and  information  clearly.  




o   Students  will  be  able  to  inform  their  audience  about   plains  animal  (Jaguar,  Leopard,  Okapi)  or  (Lion,   hippo,  giraffe).  


•   Students  will  sit  on  the  carpet  and  share  their  report.  

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