Unit Calendar

  • April 2020
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  • Words: 1,423
  • Pages: 3
Wk. Monday






Introduce Research Unit: Show Part 1 & 2 of Mickey Mouse Monopoly

Finish MMM, have discussion about the film SWBAT • Think critically about persuasive devices • Understand how research informs an argument • Critique evidence of research

Introduce Wikispace and personal pages (it will have personal pages, calendar, handouts, space for handouts), short reminder about credible resources, continue thinking about topics (go to media center this day)

Introduce how to formulate a thesis, help students to begin forming thesis

SWBAT • Understand their responsibilities and tasks throughout the unit • Hold a conversation with the film • Begin to see how research informs an argument

Give assignment handout, allow students time to brainstorm topic ideas from topic list (allow Media Center time for exploration of topic) SWBAT • Understand direction of assignment • Begin to think about their topic selection • Briefly discuss with the teacher what topics they are interested in

SWBAT • Access a format to organize their work • Collect more evidence to support their position • Finalize Topic

SWBAT • Understand how to form an argument for a paper (thesis) • Know how evidence supports a thesis *Homework: FORMULATE DRAFT OF THESIS. Remind students that their thesis may change as they collect evidence*

*Make sure to check that all students have a topic and direction. Go around and check as students work*


Check students’ theses, answer questions about thesis, remind students about Wikispace to keep notes organized and sources posted, show interview YouTube video  is this research? Research rest of hour SWABT • Understand different modes of research • Know how research can be presented effectively • Begin to think about the modes of research they have already done *Tell students by end of Tuesday’s

Discuss plagiarism, discuss citations (hand out citation guide…will be posted on wiki), Research, check 2 sources of 2 modes SWBAT • Understand importance of academic honesty • Know where to go to do proper citations for different types of research sources

Have 2 properly cited resources to support their argument

*Check that students have 2sources so far – 2 sources from 2 different modes*

Research…Research…Research Allow whole class time to rock out in the media center. Students must have 1 more source added to their notes. SWBAT • Collect more evidence to support their argument • Apply what they learned about plagiarism to their research • Say why the research they found was important Make sure students are on task and working on their arguments *Check that students have 1 more source added*

Counterpoint discussion: Show 2 Million Minutes clips (argument/counterargument of the success of American schools). Have students find 1 counterargument for their argument and put it in their note, research time in library. SWBAT • Find counterargument • Use counterargument to enhance their own argument *Check that all students have one counterargument citation*

Chat day: Check up on students. Let students talk about their topics. Begin in big group discussion then put students in groups with similar topics to narrow their discussion. Just talk about what they have found and where they are headed. Any frustrations? Roadblocks? What do you think of the assignment? What are you having difficulties with? Media Center time for the rest of the hour… SWBAT • Express any frustrations or successes throughout the research thus far


class they need to have 2 sources of 2 different modes. Remind them that you will be checking them off for participation grades. Remind them at on Friday they will need at least 5 sources*

Due: Draft of thesis

approach assignment development Help one another with new resources and places of research

*Make sure all students have 5 sources*



Model a paper outline. Present examples of good/bad outlines. Give examples of papers for groups to look at. Have them analyze what is good/bad about it. Present to class. Allow rest of class period for drafting of their own outline SWBAT • See what a organized outline looks like • Be able to see examples of good/bad argumentative papers • Collaborate in order to find key points of an effective persuasive research paper. DRAFT DUE Start introducing modes of presentation. Give students Multi-Modal Handout SWBAT • Identify how different modes of presentation are effective • Collaborate to

Work on draft of outline. Allow time to meet with all students who have questions SWBAT • Express concern regarding longevity of paper • Revise and reflect on their research • Weed out their good/bad sources • See if they need to collect more sources for research • Narrow focus of their thesis *Homework: PAPER OUTLINE (REVISE DRAFT THESIS AND ADD SUPPORTING POINTS WITH THEIR ARGUMENT Due next day*

Present new presentation mode, quick discussion about why that mode is effective and how they incorporated research and opinions/Conferencing SWBAT • See new mode of presentation • Discuss efficacy of




SWBAT • Formulate drafts • Have time for revision • Effectively conference with teacher • Synthesize previous lessons into final product • Edit thesis • Recursively think about their argument • Strengthen argument with their research

SWBAT • Formulate drafts • Have time for revision • Effectively conference with teacher • Synthesize previous lessons into final product • Edit thesis • Recursively think about their argument • Strengthen argument with their research

SWBAT • Formulate drafts • Have time for revision • Effectively conference with teacher • Synthesize previous lessons into final product • Edit thesis • Recursively think about their argument • Strengthen argument with their research

Present new presentation mode, quick discussion about why that mode is effective and how they incorporated research and opinions/Conferencing

Present new presentation mode, quick discussion about why that mode is effective and how they incorporated research and opinions/Conferencing

SWBAT • See new mode of presentation • Discuss efficacy of

SWBAT • See new mode of presentation • Discuss efficacy of

*Due: Outline Present new presentation mode, quick discussion about why that mode is effective and how they incorporated research and opinions/Conferencing SWBAT • See new mode of presentation • Discuss efficacy of mode

share constructive criticism


mode Think about teacher’s feedback

Final Questions. Rubric discussion for final project

Final Paper Due. Start working on presentations.

SWBAT • Discuss necessary components of final rubric • Weigh what component is most important regarding the final product (paper or presentation) • Express queries about the final paper.

SWBAT • Experiment with how they want their final paper presented • Think about who their audience is

Think about teacher’s feedback

Start working on presentations – Give them lab time in the media center to play around with IMovie, Movie Maker, powerpoints, websites, Post Secret, PSAs, etc. SWBAT • Experiment with form • Have access to multmedia to process their information • Brainstorm what they will do for their presentation.

mode Think about teacher’s feedback

Work on presentations. Presentation proposal due at the end of the hour. Hand back student’s papers with comment (no letter grade). Comments will help aid in their presentations. SWBAT • Hone in on a mode of presentation. • Use teacher’s comments to inform their final presentations

*Make sure students know they will have to have an informal presentation proposal to turn in at the end of the hour next class.


Shift day. We worked this day into the plan in case we need to lengthen a lesson earlier in the unit. If this day isn’t needed allow students to work on presentations

Shift day. We worked this day into the plan in case we need to lengthen a lesson earlier in the unit. If this day isn’t needed allow students to work on presentations

mode Think about teacher’s feedback

Work on Presentations SWBAT • Have time to synthesize their final presentations

Collaborate their ideas with peers for the final presentation. Recognize where they would need one on one conferencing. Continue to work on and finalize their final presentations.




SWBAT • Appropriately present their research paper • Participate as a respectful audience (star, wish question sheets) • Effectively show how their presentation is F=Audience+Purpose

SWBAT • Appropriately present their research paper • Participate as a respectful audience (star, wish question sheets) • Effectively show how their presentation is F=Audience+Purpos e

SWBAT • Appropriately present their research paper • Participate as a respectful audience (star, wish question sheets) • Effectively show how their presentation is F=Audience+Purpos e

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