Unit 1 Project

  • December 2019
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Unit 1 Project Monrada Teewunda 1209 Happiness comes from simplicity In “Danse Russe,” and “To A Poor Old Woman,” William Carlos Williams uses imagery and line break to expose the theme of happiness comes from simplicity. The first poem, “Danse Russe,” he writes from his experience. It is about himself in the morning when his wife, baby, and Kathleen, who is babysitter, are sleeping. Then, it is his private time. In addition, the poem is also about his private life because he is in a time with his family. He uses the environment around him to write in the poem and it makes the image of his house. There is two stanzas and 19 lines. He describes about himself in the first stanza and question to the readers about it in the second stanza. According to the text, “and the sun is a flamewhite disc / in silken mists / above shining trees,--” (line 4-6) he writes it to make the readers imagine about this house. This is an imagery about the environment of his house. It looks shady by the trees and the sunlight. “Dance naked, grotesquely / before my mirror / waving my shirt round my head,” (line 8-10) grotesquely has the similar meaning with odd. Grotesquely dancing means he is very happy and has not to care about the other things, so he can do something weird. Again, it is shown in an imagery. “I am lonely, lonely, / I was born to be lonely / I am best so!” (line 12-14) Lonely implies to the private life. In twelfth and thirteenth line, he shows he is very lonely. Then, in fourteenth line, he shows that though he is lonely but he is glad. “If I admire my arms, my face, / my shoulders, flanks, buttocks.” (line 15-16) The way he admires himself is the way he accepts himself. He suffices in the things that he has. “Who shall say i am not / the happy genius of my household?” (line 18-19) From the fifteenth and sixteenth line, if he admires himself, he will be the happy genius. After he describes about himself in the first stanza. In the second stanza, he asks the reader to think that though he is lonely but he can happy from admiring himself. Admiring ourselves is the good and simple start for the happiness.

Unit 1 Project Monrada Teewunda 1209 Same as the previous paragraph, “To A Poor Old Woman,” William Carlos Williams also uses imagery and line break to present the theme of happiness comes from simplicity. This poem concludes four stanzas and 15 lines. In the second stanza, there is an interesting line break that makes the different meaning by use the same sentence. Williams writes about the old woman who he sees along the street. She looks like a poor by her eating. He sees her eating the plums with happiness. The little things can make someone is happy because the happiness is not depend on the assets but it depends on what people want. Everybody can find happiness in their life no matter how rich or poor they are. Like the woman in the poem, she is happy by eating the plums. This is evidence when Williams states, “munching a plum on / the street a paper bag / of them in her hand,” (line 1-3) this is the first stanza that make the imagery of the eating action of the old woman. In the first line, he describes that she is eating the plum. Then, he gives another information about it that she is eating the plum on the street. This eating style makes she looks like a poor because people usually do not eat food on the street. “They taste good to her / They taste good,” (line 4-5) the old woman is eating the plums. She seems very happy and people around her can feel the happiness from her. The plums are good tasted to her. As, it is normally a good tasted fruit to many people. “To her. They taste / good to her,” (line 6-7) there is some difference with the previous line. On sixth line, He implies the plums maybe only good tasted to the old woman because she is poor and maybe hungry. The plums maybe not delicious to the other, but it is delicious to the old woman. However, in the seventh line, Williams thinks it is good to her as she also can have a good food. “The way she gives herself / to the one half / sucked out in her hand.” (line 9-11) Like in the first stanza, Williams makes the imagination of her eating action again. He tries to show her eating style more. “Comforted / a solace of ripe plums,” (line 12-13) the old woman seems comfort by eating the plums. Comforted and solace have the similar meaning which means the relieving of grief feeling. Thus, he wants to expose that she seems happier after

Unit 1 Project Monrada Teewunda 1209 eating the plums. “Seeming to fill the air / They taste good to her,” (line 14-15) the plums can fulfill her stomach and loosen her hunger. Williams repeats “They taste good to her” again because he wants to show that she is really happy by just eating the plums. To be happy with every simple thing in life is enough as it is.

Unit 1 Project Monrada Teewunda 1209 Everyday If I am outside of the house the bright sunlight and the trees that got blown There is a dog directs to me when he sees me then he lies down I touch him and he seems like it. If when the sky is dark and my sister is in her room maybe sleep the closed curtain and only the light from the light bulbs with the silence around there is only the sound of music or from the video it is the best time to relax or work. If I just do what I want to do something that I relax on something that I have not to worry. The happiness will come and erase the stress of a day out.

Unit 1 Project Monrada Teewunda 1209 Reflection My inspiration of the poem pattern is from “Danse Russe.” The theme of my poem is the same theme with my Williams’ poem analyzed which is happiness comes from simplicity. I wrote about the happiness that I can easily have it everyday. First thing is my dog. I really love pets, especially dogs and rabbits. My dog is not a playful type but it is still a dog which loves to play with the people. When it sees me in the first time of each day, it will play with me, after that it will ignore me. Second thing is the silence. I am not actually a quiet person but when I am in the silence. I always have the new idea, so it makes me think of many things. I have my silence when my sister goes into her room in the night. These two things are the example of something that I can relax on and have not to think about the other things. My happiness will occur from the simple thing which I can do it everyday. Actually, there are many things that I am happy to do it but these two I can do it everyday. I used imagery in the poem. It can be found in line 1-2. I tried to describe about the outside of my house. It is not the night yet because there is the sunlight. Also, in the line 911, it changes to the night. I described inside my house because I want to make an imagery of the silence. It looks dark around but only have the light in my house. Another device is enjambment. I want readers to continuously think about it. When I want to write another topic, I put the period after it to sign that I already end with this topic and start to other topic. Most of the Williams’ poems are presented in imagery with concrete things. I tried to use it in my poem but it seems very few of it. He usually writes the poem from the experience or what he saw, for example, “”To a Poor Old Woman.” The poem is from what I do it almost everyday. He also uses many of enjambment in poem and I tried to use it in my poem too. I used the same theme of my poem analyzed. I thought about the simplicity things in my life that I am happy with. There are many things, not only the two topic that I choose to write.

Unit 1 Project Monrada Teewunda 1209 For example, I am glad because my teacher compliment on my work. So, I think that I easily have a positive feeling and these feeling make me happy in each day.

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