Unit 1 Lesson 2

  • May 2020
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  • Words: 560
  • Pages: 2
NAME OF COURSE: Algebra Foundations UNIT NAME: Rubrics, Routines, and I Rules Lesson # 2 of 12 UNIT ESSENTIAL QUESTION: What are the social norms, routines, and rules of the classroom? FOCUS QUESTION/OBJECTIVE: How do we begin class? How do we share out? I can statements: The students will produce: Behavior Expectations: - I can tell others what is expected of me when class begins. - I know what I am graded on during share outs. - I know how to write a think now journal. -I know what a think now journal is.

PROCEDURE: Think Now Journal (45)


Students move in and out of the class without being rowdy. Students can work quietly by themselves


3 partially completed think now entries filled out rubric for 2 think now entries filled out share out rubric

HW DUE: a completed parent letter 1)Go over how the girls are to come in, sit down, start writing notes, have homework out, and get ready for class. Girls go outside and come in two times. 2) Go over what is expected from a think now entry. If there is a question, the format is question followed by what you think is being asked followed by a strategy followed by a solution. Always leave space for Mr. Noam to write comments. Journal Entry #1) Lilia noticed that certain three digit numbers have a special property: In each of these “Lilia numbers,” the middle digit is the sum of the two outside digits. For example, 154 is a Lilia number, because 1 + 4 = 5, and 363 is a Lilia number, because 3 + 3 = 6. List all the Lilia numbers between 100 and 300. Journal Entry #2) Complete this table using a pattern to fill in the last three boxes. 13 5 3 17 6 5 21 7 0 25 8 1 Sometimes Think now journals will be used for you to think back on a math topic. You just write the question and just answer. Journal Entry #3) What was the last topic you learned in math class? Did you like it why or why not? Think now journals will be collected during Essential Math. THEY DO NOT LEAVE THE CLASSROOM.

Essential Math (5) Direct Instruction (30)

Hand out think now rubric and two think now journal entry examples. As a class complete the rubric for one. Have students complete the second think now rubric on their own and share out. None instead this time will be used for a share out. Hand out share out rubric. Explain that talking is the best way to learn something. If you can explain it you get better at it. Students need to know that they will be graded on what they contribute to class discussion. Go over rubric with class. Ask for four volunteers to come up to the board. They will talk about the think now entry #2 and the class will grade them using the


Individual/Cooperati ve Work ()


Check-In (15)


Daily Quiz (5)


MATERIALS: 1) paper for think now journal 2) think now journal rubrics 3) think now journal entries for the kids to critique 4) share out rubric 5) Double sided think now homework HOMEWORK: Answer two think now journal questions, fill out a rubric for two entries, Buy materials needed for class


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