Unit 1 Final Jaaaaaa

  • November 2019
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  • Words: 1,464
  • Pages: 6
Thanthai Lapaviwat Kaopun 1207 10/2/2018

The idea of perspective by William Carlos William Life is all about the perspective that people has and that’s what sets the direction of your life. Perspective is the way we see the world. it comes from their personal point of views and is concrete by our mind, value, and experience. William Carlos William is a poet with the idea of modernism in his poem. He has foreseen and criticized the society by mentioning it through his poem. Because he is a doctor, he has interacted with many classes of people, and therefore experiences the thought from many angles before. The experience he has exposed to becomes one of his major ideas: everything has their own unique thought and perspective.

Everything has their own meaning and it depends on the perspective you have. In the poem “To A Poor Old Woman”, there is a use of the word ‘plum’ to express William’s idea that every decision is relates on each person’s point of view. As a modernist poet, he writes this poem without using the punctuation and containing 4 stanzas in total. The poem is about a woman eating a plum on the street with a great enjoyment. The poem is written in 1932, in which The Great Depression has happened in America leading to the decline of economic. The way he depicts the woman’s thought determines different outcomes that the reader can come up with. According to the line one to two, “munching a plum on / the street a paper bag” shows that if we first look at the poem, the first thing that will pop in our mind is a cheap small fruit. However if we imagine ourselves as a poor old guy, our perspective of the plum will change automatically.

On that time, there had been separate classes between people, the lower were oppressed and had been taken the advantage from the higher class. The plum is a type of fruit that are represented as the valuable fruit for the poor people of that time. This suggests that Williams try to conceal the true meaning of the plum. William Carlos William wants us to open our mind and accept varied aspects of thought from people with different background . In the poem “The Red Wheelbarrow,” William uses the imagery to determine the importance of the perspective.The poem grabs the reader's attention on the first statement “ so much depends upon”. As the poem is written in short, simple and no punctuation, it can be interpreted in many different way. In order to understand the purpose of William writing this poem, we have to perceive that he is a genius, physician, illusionist and magician. We have to look the context of the poem from the other side of view first by calling this as a riddle instead of the poem. He begins the poem with four syllables. It seems that the writer invites the reader into unsolvable mystery riddle. This mystery then becomes one of the parts that makes this poem special. When we speak out the poem “so much depends upon / a red wheelbarrow / glazed with rainwater / beside the white chickens,” these few lines give us the sense of perspective that keeps repeating itself. At the same time, the phrases is an example of the imagery creating image back in the reader’s mind, because the word choice that is used: “glazed” and “beside.” This imagery has questioned the reader because this poem are so short and can be understood and approached in different ways. It makes us become confused. This may be one of the reason William writes this poem, it evaluates how our perspective is important as there is so much depends on it.

In the poem “Willow,”, Williams compares how the subject of the poem can be interpreted to convey perspective of human. The poem illustrates the willow tree that is near the river, the willow tree starts to blossom as the summer has already over. As stated in the line 1-5 “It is a willow when summer is over, / a willow by the river / from which no leaf has fallen nor / bitten by the sun / turned orange or crimson,” it shows that William Carlos reveals a new perspective that has never be seen like in the phrase “from which no leaf has fallen nor.” It can also be determined that the Willow always change over from season to season. However, looking from the other point of view, the willow just has never changed at all, it stays as a willow by the river regardless of changing season as mentioned. Another example that the phrase can be viewed from different perspective is written in the poem: “swing and grow paler / over the swirling waters of the river,” in the line 7-8. The phrase “swing and grow paler” creates an sorrowful atmosphere where color is pale and the tree is swinging as if it is struggling without any protection or anything to rely on. Notwithstanding, the willow tree by the river, swinging gently in the breeze, displays the feeling of calmness. The curve line of the willow’s leaves and branches, in term of art, expresses a sense of chill because its property of smooth and silky. To conclude the analysis part, the general subject like willow tree can be used to create totally different atmosphere depend on the reader interpretation and angle of view. In conclusion, the idea of perspective is used through out of these 3 poems. Firstly, he makes use of plum as a symbolism to represent how decision making is related to a person’s point of view. Secondly, he uses imagery to describe the significance of individual’s perspective. Finally, he uses simple subject to compares various human perspective. Everything in this world is so blind that no one can tell which is the rigid correct or wrong, but it is all about perspective and point of view that you finally decide to use as a tool to judge the world.

To a way he look

Sitting on the bench Beside the none light street With the blood stain on the jacket

What should I do about it. What should I do about it. What should I do about it.

the way he speak the way he peeked to the under bench determine the one he is

Reflection William Carlos William is a poet who possesses idea of modernism in his mind. He becomes one of the most popular poets and is gratefully recognized by people until nowadays. I found that William Carlos William is different from other poets that he has unique and extraordinary idea. Firstly, I am surprised realizing that he is able to deliver his idea through a single word. From the poem “The Red Wheelbarrow” that is quite short, I can extract so many thought and it reshape my understanding about poem that a good poem doesn’t need to be long and complex. He pays attention to every detail and contemplate every word before it becomes a part of his poem. Secondly, I used to think that the poem has to contain only one single purpose or main idea, but I was wrong. Through William’s poem that constantly influences my understanding toward the poem, I acknowledge that the poem isn’t necessary to have one main idea it can carry out several ones, too. Those new discoveries are what’s make me feel astonished and enjoy reading his poem. The purpose of creating the poem “To a Way He Look” is to illustrate the action of a person which can be described variously using structure and the punctuation that leads to different interpretation. This poem is based on “To a poor old woman” that William Carlos William writes to show the way eat the plum can represent different terms. There are 3 stanza in total and contain 11 line in the poem “To a Way He Look.” Creating this poem, I convey the idea of how an action of a man can be judged differently depends on the ways of narrating. I try to express this idea through the use of repetition and enjambment in the poem. Like in the line “ What should I do about it. / What should I do / about it. What / should I do about it. The same pattern of repetition has been used in the poem “ To A Poor Old Woman” to emphasize this idea. I also use rhyme in the line 8-9: “the way he speak / the way he peeked.” It is one thing that I

found fun while reading the poem and I want my poem to make the audiences feel smooth as they read and enjoy as I do.

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