Undue Criticism On Kerry Lugar Bill

  • June 2020
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  • Words: 462
  • Pages: 1
Unnecessary criticism on Kerry-Lugar bill by Pakistani electronic media, PML (Q) and other political forces in Pakistan Recently, Pakistani electronic media in close collaboration with certain political parties including PAKISTAN MUSLIM LEAGUE(Q) have run a campaign against the KERRY-LUGAR BILL on the basis of certain language used in the said bill. Regardless of what language is used in the said KERRY-LUGAR BILL, the point to be noted is that the pretentious patriotism among the political forces including PML (Q) simply shows that Pakistani politicians are basically hypocrites and opportunists. If we recall 2007 when a book against Pakistan titled „DIVIDE PAKISTAN TO ELIMINATE TERRORISM“ was published in the same USA and the famous American news tv channel CNN aired promotional advertisement of the said book for two good months, all these politicians were busy in their enjoyment of ruling and governing Pakistan in close proximity of General (retired) Pervez Musharraf. Even the electronic media of Pakistan did not dare to condemn the attitude of CNN. At that time, no socalled „patriotic“ political leader of PML (Q) and other political parties either condemned the act of CNN or criticised the American administration against such insulting advertisement against the sovereignty of Pakistan. The reason behind such silence was very obvious i.e. all such opportunists were busy in ruling the country and were so involved in enjoying the „powers“ that they deliberately ignored the glaring insult by the American electromic media (CNN) under the nose of BUSH ADMINISTRATION against Pakistan´s sovereignty and dignity. The electromic media of Pakistan did not even criticised CNN´s bias or condemned the CNN´s prejudice against Pakistan´s existence / sovereignty. We want to put a question in front of MARVI MEMON and all such political leaders of PAKISTANI political parties who are very active these days in criticising KERRY-LUGAR BILL as follows: „ TODAY YOU PEOPLE ARE RIDICULING AND CRITICISING CERTAIN SENTENCES OF KERRY LUGAR BILL AND TRYING TO MAKE IT A MATTER OF NATIONAL SECURITY OF PAKISTAN BUT WHERE WERE YOU GUYS IN 2007 WHEN THE SAME AMERICAN ELECTRONIC MEDIA (CNN) AIRED ADVERTISEMENT ABOUT DISINTEGRATION OF PAKISTAN BY PUBLICISING A NOTORIOUS BOOK WRITTEN BY A TRAITOR CALLED SYED JAMALUDDIN. THE SAID BOOK WAS PROMOTED BY CNN WHICH IS RUN INDIRECTLY BY AMERICAN ADMINISTRATION UNDER THE AUSPICES OF JEWS´ COMMUNITY. WHERE WERE YOU GUYS AT THAT TIME WHEN INDIAN NEWSPAPER „TIMES OF INDIA“ PUBLISHED A NEWS REPORT TITLED “ CNN AIRS MYSTERIOUS DIVIDE PAKISTAN AD“. NO POLITICAL LEADER OR ANY PAKISTANI AMBASSADOR TO USA OR EU EVER CONDEMNED THE SAID ACT OF CNN OR AMERICAN ADMINISTRATION´S INTENTIONAL ATTEMPT OF INSULTING PAKISTAN AND CHALLENGING ITS SOVEREIGNTY. IF THIS IS YOUR STYLE, WHY HAVE YOU CHANGED YOUR STYLE THIS TIME IN THE MATTER OF KERRY-LUGAR BILL???????“ PATRIOTIC PAKISTANIS UNITED STATES OF AMERICA www.fopglobal.org

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