Kerry-lugar Bill Us Senate

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  • Words: 740
  • Pages: 2
Kerry-Lugar Bill An Act for Enhanced partnership with Pakistan and its people or an accord of compromises by Pakistan on its sovereignty. From the last couple of weeks when the news broke in the international and local Pakistan media on the enactment of Kerry-Luger bill in the United State Senate, I have been witnessing a great debate emerged on the Pakistan media particularly in the last week, many TV anchors enthusiastically bringing dispossessed arguments from those so called scholars in their evening and late night talk shows who have not even read the text of the bill but offering their comments. Such type of thinking has already earned a huge social, cultural and economic loss to the nation by their immature and radical reasoning. Their Taliban type of philosophical description is no more acceptable to the people of Pakistan. It’s ruining the upcoming generation by their ill and vested interest in the past 10 years of fascism and now they have come up again to diminish the tangible and intangible effects of the bill over being conveyed to Pakistan and its people by a friend country. I do not understand how badly and unwisely they are exploiting the sovereignty of Pakistan. This prompted me to read the bill thoroughly. In the preamble clauses of this bill, it is written, “A democratic, moderate, modernizing Pakistan would represent the wishes of the Pakistani people and serve as model to other countries around the world. Economic growth is a fundamental foundation for human security and national stability in Pakistan.” Is not this a dream of people of Pakistan to become humble citizen of their motherland and play a dignified and honourable role in the global community? Amazingly the other clauses which relate to the economic assistance to the people of Pakistan does not mirror any denial to the Pakistani People from any of their fundamental rights as being citizen of Pakistan, rather it gives adequate assurance to promote the peace, law and order and security for the people of Pakistan who are dreadfully facing terrorist attacks within the country by Al-Qaeda and Taliban. The bill not only assured Pakistan as an non-NATO ally to stand within the global community even an absolute defence and economic support is ensured by the United States for the next five years with a sizeable amount of assistance mentioned in the bill. From the beginning it was portrayed and advocated to the Pakistani nation through a well designed resourceful media campaign that we are surrounded by the enemies and there should have been a strong hold ruler for the protection of the nation which obviously can be preferred from the forces to protect the country. It was the only reason why martial law was always welcomed by the nation in anticipation of stability on the political scene. The political forces were made pathetic through a general goal set by the bureaucratic establishment unless common man found his representation in 2008 election. This has remarkably been noted by the globe. And the Kerry-Lugar bill is one the good gesture of the global community members to come up with sound and committed democratic and defence support to strengthen the people of the country to combat terrorism faced by Pakistan and its allies besides huge

economic assistance to solidifying democracy and rule of law which would ultimately bring discipline in the institutions and accountability measures would certainly alleviate the ongoing poverty. However if some restrictions are imposed for the proper utilization of the economic assistance on the Pakistan government, it should have been taken in true spirit. Keeping in view past track record of the Pakistan government in the last ten years, anybody who is offering support would certainly ensure that this time assistance goes directly to the people of Pakistan. So I believe this aspect should have been elaborated in the media specially Pakistan electronic media with great national responsibility rather than exploiting furious self-image of small segment of the country who has enough ruined and bankrupted this motherland in the past. PS. While this article was writing, news breaks into international and local media that President Obama has deferred his signature of approval due to unwarranted criticism on this bill in Pakistan. I wonder how much my pledge and viewpoint for this bill was truthful and those playing this game have again succeeded by imparting their superfluous campaign against this bill.

By Naeem Baig Dubai UAE. 7th October, 2009.

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