Kerry Lugar Bill

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  • Pages: 15
Kerry Lugar Bill


Who Is Kerry &Lugar Full Name: John F. Kerry Born: 11 December 1943 Birthplace: Denver, Colorado Best Known As: U.S. Senator from Massachusetts – Ex . US Navy Officer Participated in 2004 Presenditial Elect. Chairman Senate Foreign Full Name: Richard G. Lugar Relations Born: 4 April 1932 Committee Birthplace: Indianapolis Best Known As: U.S. Senator from Indiana.


Key Provisions of Kerry Lugar Bill  Triples foreign assistance to $1.5 billion per year—as a long-term pledge to the people

of Pakistan. Authorizes $7.5 billion over the next 5 years ($1.5 billion annually for FY 2009 –2013) that is intended to emphasize economic growth and development, and advocates an additional $7.5 billion over the subsequent 5 years.  Military and non-military aid is de-linked. Level of security aid is to be determined on

a year- by-year basis.  Military assistance will be subject to certification that the Pakistani security forces are:  Making concerted efforts to prevent al Qaeda and associated terrorist groups

from operating in the territory of Pakistan;  Making concerted efforts to prevent the Taliban from using the territory of Pakistan as a sanctuary from which to launch attacks within Afghanistan; and Are not materially interfering in the political or judicial processes of Pakistan.

Key Provisions of Kerry Lugar Bill

Key Provisions of Kerry Lugar Bill  Regular reports from the President, Secretary of State and Department of

Defense would help to assess the aid strategy (military and non-military) and auditing oversight would be strengthened to avoid duplication and optimize aid utilization.  The Government of Pakistan is continuing to cooperate with the United States in efforts to dismantle supplier networks relating to the acquisition of nuclear weapons-related materials, such as providing relevant information from or direct access to Pakistani nationals associated with such networks.  Section 302 of bill says that a report of the Secretary of State to the appropriate congressional committees shall also include; a. b. c. d. e. f.

An assessment of the extent to which the Pakistan government exercises effective civilian control of the military, A description of the extent to which civilian executive leaders and parliament exercise oversight and approval of military budgets; The chain of command,; The process of promotion for senior military leaders,; Civilian involvement in strategic guidance and planning; And military involvement in civil administration.

Key Provisions of Kerry Lugar Bill  Secretary of State’s report will also include that the Pakistan government during the

preceding fiscal year has demonstrated a sustained commitment to and is making significant efforts towards preventing Al-Qaeda, the Taleban and associated terrorist groups, such as Lashkar-e-Taiba and Jaish-e-Mohammed, from operating in the territory of Pakistan, including carrying out cross-border attacks into neighboring countries, closing terrorist camps in the Fata, dismantling terrorist bases of operations in other parts of the country, including Quetta and Muridke, and taking action when provided with intelligence about high-level terrorist targets; and strengthening counterterrorism and anti-money laundering laws.

Pakistan Government & Kerry Lugar Bill  Government feels Kerry Lugar bill a big success of its

foreign diplomacy.  Pakistan's envoy to the US, Hussain Haqqani, has said the Kerry-Lugar Bill has no provision to restrict Islamabad's nuclear programme.  The US assistance under Kerry-Lugar Bill represents Washington's resolve to engage with Pakistan over a long-term. I think it (the aid bill) shows US commitment and that it is not going to cut and run.  “Basically this is not our decision and the Americans have drafted it but the Pakistan government has been in close touch with them. Acceptance of these conditions is not an issue as we have tried to convince them that such conditions do not work,” Abdul Basit – Foreign Office Spokesman.

Pakistan Government & Kerry Lugar Bill  Government of Pakistan will take up the controversial clauses of the bill with the US  

 

government, according to an official source at the PM House. It was also decided by the Govt that a final national response to the Kerry Lugar bill will be given at the conclusion of the debate in the Parliament. “The Bill acknowledges Pakistan as a critical friend and ally and also the profound sacrifices it has made in the War on Terror,” said President Asif Ali Zardari’s spokesman Farhatullah Babar. Pakistan’s envoy to the US, Hussain Haqqani, had said the Kerry-Lugar Bill has no provision to restrict Islamabad’s nuclear programme. Kaira Information Minister Said; 

Final decision regarding whether to accept the bill or reject it would be taken by Parliament. Negotiations could not be held over the Kerry-Lugar Bill as it was not a bilateral issue between two countries. Nothing in the bill is against the interest of Pakistan.

Pakistan Army & Kerry Lugar Bill  The Pakistan Army has objected to the stern

terms and conditions attached with the Kerry Lugar Bill.  A statement issued by the Pakistani Army after the meeting stated that the military is concerned about the clauses of the aid bill which may have a serious impact on national security.  Pak Army asked the government to build a national response on the controversial bill through a debate in the parliament.  “Pakistan is a sovereign state and has all the rights to analyze and respond to the threat in

accordance with her own national interests,” the statement quoted Chief of Army Staff General Ashfaq Pervez Kayani, as saying.

Pakistan Army & Kerry Lugar Bill  The army’s objections mainly related to the clauses about the country’s nuclear

programme, suggestions of Pakistan’s support for cross-border militancy and civilian government’s role in military promotions and appointments.  Kiyani Said, Pakistan is a sovereign state and has all the rights to analyze and respond to the threat in accordance with her own national interests.

Political Parties Voice Concern Over Kerry-Lugar Bill  Pakistani opposition parties have described the controversial Kerry Lugar Bill as a      

‘national insult’ and an attempt by the US to interfere in the country’s internal issues. “The incompetence of the Zardari regime has brought humiliation for Pakistan,” said Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz (PML-N) spokesperson Ahsan Iqbal. Chaudhry Nisar Ali Khan, said the conditions amounted to a compromise on national sovereignty. Pakistan’s senators have slammed the Kerry-Lugar Bill saying that it targets the country’s nuclear weapons. Terms and conditions attached with the bill have created differences among various government institutions - Faisal Saleh Hayat PML (Q). US wants to “involve itself in the micromanagement of the country” – Aftab Ahmed Khan Sherpao PPP – Shairpao. “Asking Pakistan to cease support – including by any elements within the military or intelligence agencies – to extremist and terrorist groups in the text of the Kerry-Lugar bill was insulting and sent a wrong message to the world,” said PML-Q legislator Marvi Memon.

Political Parties Voice Concern Over Kerry-Lugar Bill  Chaudhry Shujaat, describe it as a ‘sell-out’.  Senator Babar Ghauri of the MQM Said;  

Government to convene a roundtable conference of all political parties to achieve consensus on the bill. Controversial clauses should have been removed earlier in its drafting and it was unfortunate the government failed to accomplish this task. MQM would not accept any clauses against Pakistan’s sovereignty, but asked the political parties to refrain from abusing the Americans, as they were trying to help Pakistan. “We have to mend our ways and uproot extremism and militancy from our country otherwise there is no solution to the existing evils,” he added.

• Senator Lt General (r) Javed Ashraf Qazi termed the Kerry-Lugar bill the ‘Control of

Pakistan Act 2009’. “The clause demanding access to Pakistani nationals involved in nuclear proliferation is meant to gain access to Dr AQ Khan,” he said, adding the US wanted to cap Pakistan’s nuclear programme through the bill.

Political Parties Voice Concern Over Kerry-Lugar Bill  Leader of the Opposition in Senate Wasim Sajjad said; 

The government and its ambassador in Washington were engaged in negotiations with the US administration for one-and-a-half years, but failed to remove such unfavorable clauses from the bill,”.  He alleged the bill was intended to weaken Pakistan’s nuclear programme and its sensitive institutions.  He claimed the countries that were against the Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) would benefit due to the restrictions mentioned in the Kerry-Lugar bill.  Reference to Muridke had been inserted into the bill to satisfy the Indian lobby.  US had no right to determine the Pakistan Army’s chain of command.  Senator Lt General (r) Javed Ashraf Qazi termed the Kerry-Lugar bill the ‘Control of Pakistan Act 2009’.  “The clause demanding access to Pakistani nationals involved in nuclear proliferation is meant to gain access to Dr AQ Khan,” he said, adding the US wanted to cap Pakistan’s nuclear programme through the bill.

Concluding Remarks  Entire concept of Reconstruction Zones in the Fata has been eliminated from the

process which means that the US has given up on development in tribal areas, and the entire exercise for the last many years has come to a naught.  Quantity of aid promised is so small that if a popular Pakistan president had asked the overseas Pakistanis for additional remittances, the Pakistani community would have sent over two billion more than the six billion they send, free of cost, every year.  It was not clear to what extent the government would be willing to go to defend the bill, or whether a compromise would be reached through parliament to defuse the situation. But until then, many seasoned analysts believe that tension will continue to mount between the civilian government and the military leadership on ways of tackling the controversial issue.  There must be a round table conference of all the political parties and other stakeholders and need to build a strong consensus on this issue.

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