Underlying Reasons Behind The Tardiness Of Grade 7 Students In Sas.docx

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  • December 2019
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  • Words: 942
  • Pages: 4


The researcher chose this topic because students’ tardiness is a major concern especially for parents and educators. Being on time is essential for the proper operation of each students in the St. Andrew’s school. Punctuality is taken into consideration for the upliftment of learning outcomes among the students in the school. Excessive tardiness of a student may result in disciplinary action. The research study will take place at St. Andrew’s School. The population of the study are mainly the students, particularly the Grade 11 students. The researcher chose the Grade 11 students because a lot of them tend to have late comings even though their class starts at 8:00 am which is later than their last school year classes. That is why the researcher believe that they’re the most suitable respondents for this study. Since tardiness is one of the biggest problem of the St. Andrew’s School educators, and parents, the researcher decided to conduct this study. Punctuality is a good habit that every person should exercise. Doing this study, the researcher can determine the different causes of tardiness among the respondents. If they are doing this intentionally, or they have other reasons behind such as heavy traffic condition, waking up late, etc… And how to result this kind of problem.

STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM This part of the study aims to state the different problems which are needed to be answered. The General problem and the specific questions are shown below: General problem: This study attempts to know the causes behind the tardiness of some grade 11 students in St. Andrew’s School. Specific problems: 1. What are the reasons behind the tardiness of some Grade 11 students? 2. What time should the students depart from home? 3. How can the grade 11 students avoid this kind of problem? CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORK

Planning The researcher would like to hear personally from the respondents their reasons behind their tardiness by interviewing them.

Action The research chose the grade 11 students which 5 participants for each strand.

Results After interviewing all the respondents, the researcher will analyze what he gathered from his respondents, then he will make a conclusion regarding on the results.

Benefits The research hope that after he conducted the study will benefit the educators, parents and students. He is hoping that it can be applied to the problem and it will be replicated by the future researchers

ASSUMPTIONS The researcher was able to form some assumptions regarding on the Grade 11 students being tardy in arriving at school. Because of too much socialization, the students sleep late at night, sleeping late at night may lead to waking up late at morning; waking up late at morning may cause tardiness at school, lack of subject interest may lead to tardiness because the students have no will to attend that particular class, lack of personal studies may also lead to tardiness as the students being lazy to go to school but he/she being forced to do so, and lastly, the rushing of school projects may also lead to tardiness as the students rush their project at night, or even at morning where the student chose to do the project but skip some classes.


Conducting this study can make a great impact to the students’ habit. It can change their bad ways into good habits like being responsible and valuing time. Developing the habit of punctuality in classes can give something that is worthy in time. Every student should know the value of being on time, and they should realize that being tardy can totally destroy their time and concentration. Knowing the reasons behind the tardiness of the students may resolve this kind of problem not only in St. Andrew’s School but also in other schools that also encountering this kind of problem. It can greatly benefitted the students themselves as their point of view on their studies can be changed, it can make them responsible by letting them know the importance of being on time. It can also benefitted the school coordinators and other school stuffs as they can find the reasons behind the tardiness of some Grade 11 students, they can proceed on resolving this kind of problem. It can also give benefits to the parents of Grade 11 students in St. Andrew’s School, they can guide their children and help them to change their previous bad habits and turn it into good ones.

SCOPE AND DELIMITATION The scope of this study shall focus on the reasons behind the tardiness of the grade 11 students. The sample population shall consists of only grade 11 students of St. Andrew’s School. The chosen population are the Grade 11 students because they’re the one who can answer why they tend to have late comings in arriving at school and why they keep on having late comings even though their classes start at 8:00 am which is later compared to their last school year schedule. This study is delimited to other grade level such as Grade 10, 9, 8. 7, elementary students, and pre-school students. This study will only be conducted inside the St. Andrew’s school which is limited only on the senior students there.


1. Punctuality – the fact or quality of being on time in arriving at school, particularly at class. 2. Socialization – the activity of the students mixing socially with others such as friends, acquaintances, community etc… 3. Upliftment –to improve their knowledge and understanding about their certain topic in class, to raise. 4. Tardy – not on time arriving at school, having a delay of arrival at classes

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