Undercurrents Index Uc01-uc43

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• UNDERCURRENTS, the magazine of radical science and alternative technology [ISSN 0306 2392], was published from London, England, from 1973 to 1984 [No. 60]. This Index covers UC01 [Spring 1972] - UC43 [Dec-Jan 1980]: the first nine years. It was created by Charmian Larke of the Alternative Technology Information Group. It is reproduced here as a set of 32 A4 images of the typed original. It is not fit for OCRing and therefore no text version exists. Nor is there an index to UC44 - UC63, the final issue. At the end, starting on page 34, I have added the Contents Pages of the issues of Undercurrents I have published on Scribd so far [UC05 - UC14 at 15.01.09]. These may be searched for author names and key words using the Find command. CJS. •

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_______________________________________________________________ Undercurrents 05 Winter 1973 Contents Peter Harper: Transfiguration among the Windmills ............. 7 Pat Coyne: The Sunship: Towards a Peoples· Airship ....… 17 George Woolston: Big Dams Cast Dark Shadows .................. 25 Peter Harper: Class War Comix ....… 18 Jerome Black: Velikovsky: State of the Debate ....… 38 Letters ................... 51 New Alchemy Institute: Three Ways to Work up Wind Watts ....… 57 John Wood: Technology for Decentralisation [not included] Steve Cook: Lyle·s Golden Gasmask ....… 60 Paolo Soleri: lnterview [not included] Steve Baer Canned Heat: A Solar House ....… [not included] Sion Corn: Hic...Cups ............. 65 Martin Lockett: The Plastics Not for Burning ....… 67 Tony Durham: Why The Pentagon Loves Pure Research ....… 75 Methane· Fuel of the Future ................... 77 Tony Durham: Inner Space Scientific Expedition 1973 ....… 80 David Gardiner: Car Batteries and Enthusiasm ....… 82 Godfrey Boyle: . . And Sex and . . ....… 85 David Gardiner: Can You Repeat Your Message, Please? ....… 87 Patrick Rivers: Self·Sufficiency .......... 90 Tony Durham: Snap Judgments ......…. 92 Mike Grey: Double Vision? Second View ....… 93 Subscriptions ......…. 95 _______________________________________________________________ Undercurrents 06 March-April 1974 Contents Eddies: Digging for victory ........... 6 Dinorwic ........... 8 BRAD .................. 10 Acoustic Ecology ......... 12 Eddie Currents ....... 14 Cuba .................. 16 Letters ........... 18 _____________________________________________________________________ UC Index: page 34

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John Wood: Alternative Electronics ........... 20 Pete Stellon: Heat Pumps ........... 25 John Shore: Organic Living .....…… [not included] J Raphe: Windmills .............. 36 Peter Harper: Guide to AT .......... 43 Petrol Stinks ............. 54 LID: It's a Gas ............ 26 [not included] George Woolston: Peoples' Water Power ..... 59 Peter Harper: What's Left of AT ........ 67 Geoff Watts: Sense of Tumor ........ 80 An AgitKrop Manifesto ........... 82 Gavin Browning: Science Fiction ........... 85 Colin Wilson: Dark Side of the Mind ........... 89 Tony Durham: Secret Life of Plants ........... 94 Tony Durham: Shelter. ..........… 98 David Gardiner: Energy Scrapbook ........... 100 Martin Ince: How It Works 102 Everbeenadne ........... 104 The Cast ........... 105 _______________________________________________________________ Undercurrents 07 July-August 1974 Eddies: How Safe Are Our Air Lanes? 5 Letters 21 Dorrell: Science Fiction Competition 24 Control & Communication 31 The Snoopers and the Peepers 33 Confessions Of A Phone Phreak 47 Above The City Streets 69 People’s radio primer 71 Macdonald: Ham Radio and TV: The Big Switch·on is Beginning 87 Murdock: Cable TV What·s in it for the Media Moguls 95 Harper: AT in the shade: Scraping the Bottom of the Skeptic Tank 110 Reviews 120 Peoples News Service: Behaviour Modification 129 _______________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ UC Index: page 35

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Undercurrents 08 October-November 1974 EDDIES . . . . . . 5 Eddie Currents . . . . . 16 Letters . . . . . 19 COMTEK: a Celebration of People's Tech 26 Consume-it-Yourself [not included] BRAD/Eithin-y-Gaer .. . . . 29 Interview with Gerard Morgan-Grenville of the National Centre 31 Shore Organic Living . . . . 38 Farmer Sward Gardening. . . . 47 Anarchists Anonymous The Other London Underground 51 Martin Free Radio . . . 61 Taylor Building With Rammed Earth . 73 Taylor DIY Multi-blade windmill design 80 Collins Wind Generator Theory . 85 Sommer Breaking the Hermetic Seal . 91 REVIEWS . . . . . . 109 Hutton-Squire Undercurrents Business News 118 __________________________________________________________ Undercurrents 09 January-February 1975 EDDIES: Heathrow - Was There a Nuclear Threat? 5 Eddie Currents De-Bunking the Bunkers Bariloche: Limits to Growth, Latin Style 12 Gusher's Friggin' on the Rig 22 Letters 24 Undercurrents/LID Product Review: solar collector 32 Nature et progres: report and pictures 36 NUCLEAR POWER: Special Feature 44 Hudson Report: reflections 87 Home Food Production: can it slash Britain's import bill? 94 REVIEWS: Offensive Missiles/ We shall not be MIRVed/ Race & IQ/ Value Today/ Limits of the City/Makin' It/ Fields, Factories &Workshops 106 __________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ UC Index: page 36

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Undercurrents 10, Resurgence 6/1: March-April 1975 4 Eddies: Erich Von Daniken, Zero Population Growth, Vancouver 76, BSSRS, Bantry Oil Spills, Gusher, A Buried Flying Saucer . . 23 Undercurrents Letters 28 National Brainstorm: Geoffrey Ashe 31 Conscious Culture of Poverty: E. F. Schumacher 40 Living the Revolution: Milovan Djilas 45 Resurgence Feedback 54 Industrial Slavery can now End: John Papworth 60 Manifesto for an Alternative Culture: Rene Dumont 66 Towards an Alternative Culture part 1: 'Woody’ 79 Solar Energy in Britain: Do It Yourself Solar Collector Project; Solar Collector Product Review; Solar Collector Manufacturers Listing: Ian Hogan and Brian Ford of LID 93 Land Manifesto 96 New Villages Now: Herbert Girardet 100 Talking About Land: Joanne Bower 102 Sward Gardening: a practical guide: Tony Farmer 111 Anarchist Cities: Colin Ward 118 General Systems: Peter Sommer 129 Centre for Living: John Seymour 131 The Future of Alternative Technology: Dave Elliott and Colin Stoneman 140 Reviews __________________________________________________________ Undercurrents 11 May-June 1975 4 EDDIES. The usual brew of New, Scandal, Eddie Currents, and Gossip. 24 LETTERS. Your chance to get your own back on us. 39 HIVING OFF MR CUBE. Sylvia Lee tells about the secret life of bee, and explains how bee keeping can be a fascinating way of providing all the sweetness you need. 52 HOW THE LAND TURNED SOUR. Dave Elliott looks at the Government sponsored "back to the land" movements of the depressed 305, and identifies in their failure some mistakes which modern "back to _____________________________________________________________________ UC Index: page 37

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the landers" must avoid. 62 MYSTERIOUS ENERGIES: an interview with Paul Screeton, editor of The Ley Hunter, author of Quicksilver Heritage, and researcher into the hidden secrets of ancient Britain. 72 HOW STRAIGHT IS THE OLD STRAIGHT TRACK? Chris HuttonSquire has been running his slide rule over the numbers. 75 AS BELOW. SO ABOVE. Colin Taylor explains how block, made of compressed subsoil can be used to make cheap, strong, owner built houses.. 81 WIND POWER SPECIAL FEATURE. Theory and practice of small scale wind power generation; complete designs for a low cost wind charger built from scrap parts; product review of the only small commercially produced wind charger available in the UK by Ian Hogan, Brian Ford and Godfrey Boyle. 91 NEW CURE FOR METHANE INDIGESTION? Methane gas production from waste in Britain has so far been disappointingly unsuccessful. Godfrey Boyle looks at a new, small to medium sized digester design which may have solved many of the problems. 95 THE HOUSE THAT JAAP BUILT. Peter Harper give, the lowdown on an ingenious "autonomous bedsitter" built in Holland by Jaap t'Hoft of the Dutch Small Earth Project. 104 MIND EXPANSION: RIPOFF OR REVELATION? Chris Hutton Squire and Richard Elen investigate some of the mind expanding techniques currently on offer in London. 117 GETTING YOUR GOAT. Before you unhook yourself from Unigate Dairies, it's wise to know that goat keeping isn't just all free milk and cheese, says Tom Kewell. Do it, but without illusions. 125 TOWARDS AN ALTERNATIVE CULTURE. Part II of Woody's thoughtful essay on how we might set about building a culture in which we live for each other rather than against each other. 141 REVIEWS. The Dispossessed by Ursula Ie Guin; The Journal of the New Alchemists; Leaving the 20th Century; The Age of Plenty; A Christian View. by E. F. Schumacher; Medical Nemesis by Ivan IlIich; The Whole Earth Epilog; and Public Works by Walter Szykitka. 160 A LAST MINUTE WORD .... on the Referendum by Gordon Tether __________________________________________________________ Undercurrents 13 November-December 1975 _____________________________________________________________________ UC Index: page 38

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6 EDDIES. Six pages of news, scandal, gossip, horror and happiness. 24 DIGGERS ANCIENT AND MODERN. The film Winstanley and the Leeds Land for the People Conference. 30 ENERGY AND FOOD PRODUCTION. From Stonehenge to Supermarket. 41 LUCAS. Soft Technology for Hard Times - Dave Elliott sets out the back·ground to the Bradford Conference on Industry, the Community, and Alter·native Technology. 57 ALTERNATIVE ENGLAND AND WALES. An update to Nick Saunders' guide. 85 PLANNING - A COMMUNESENSE GUIDE. Chris Day and Michael Edwards with some advice on defeating the bureaucrats at their own game. 94 NATIONAL CENTRE FOR ALTERNATIVE TECHNOLOGY. Gerard Morgan-Grenville sets out his view on where AT is at. 97 NUTS IN OCTOBER. Guy Dauncey on the May lectures. 101 "OON·YELLIMON TO YOU TOO". Undercurrents grasses on transcendental meditation. 102 THE GASPERSON COMETH. An extract from L John Fry's book The Practical Building of Methane Power Plants. 106 WOODY WINDS UP. Part 4 of his essay Towards an alternative culture: "Stop saying it and start doing it." 109 REVIEWS. Unilever/Synerjy/Alternative England and Wales/Anarchy theory/ Magic/Truckers' Bible/Can Britain Feed Itself?/Alternative Medicine/ Save your seed/Roundup. 129 LETTERS: your chance to get back at us. 134 SMALL ADS 137 RADICAL TECHNOLOGY is coming! __________________________________________________________ Undercurrents 14 February-March 1976 7 EDDIES. Six pages of News, Scandal, Gossip, Horror and Happiness. 25 LETTERS. The Undercurrents Repressive Tolerance page. 31 BRADFORD: NOTHING VENTURED, NOTHING GAINED. Reports of what happened at the conference on Industry, The Community and Alternative Technology, held at Bradford in November. By Godfrey Boyle, Dave Elliott, Diana Manning and Alan Warr. 47 NO MORE WORK FOR WORK'S SAKE. Tony Durham interviews Jack _____________________________________________________________________ UC Index: page 39

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Mundey, former secretary of the New South Wales branch of the Australian Builders laborers' Federation, who have over the last few years succeeded in placing Green Bans' on three billion dollars worth of undesirable projects. 52 AROUND THE WORLD IN AT DAZE. Andrew MacKillop reports the progress being made in developing renewable energy sources in Canada, the United States, New Zealand and Australia. Britain has a fossil fuel fixation and isn't even in the same league as her former colonies. 63 POWER TO THE PEDAL. Frank Thompson shows how you can couple an old bicycle to an alternator to make a machine that generates electricity while it gives you exercise. 66 BUILDING HILLSIDE COTTAGE · BUILDING WITH NATURAL ENERGY. Ian Hogan talks about how, and why, he re·built a derelict cottage in Gloucestershire, and highlights the mistakes he made and the lessons he learned. He then launches i·to a poster·sized guide to building houses in a way that takes advantage of natural energy flows. 69 HELLO SAILOR! Brian Hurley describes a novel vertical·axis sail wing windmill. 70 BUTTON UP YOUR WINDOWS. John Colesby and Phil Townsend tell you how to make insulating shutters that retain more heat than double glazing but cost a lot less. Do it, and help keep the dreaded Nukes at bay. 75 THE END OF CIVILISATION AS WE KNOW IT. Dave Elliott unveils the Club of Rome's dastardly plot to rule the world. A play for tomorrow. 81 ALTERNATIVE TECHNOLOGY IN INDIA. Professor Reddy of the Indian Institute of Science in Bangalore argues that the introduction of inequality·reducing technologies is an essential precondition for the equitable development of his country. 90 TACTICAL NUCLEAR FUSION? Two articles by Philip Brachi show the change of mood in the Biotechnic Research and Development community since it began in 1973. Early Eithin Daze expresses the group's initial euphoria and enthusiasm for AT hardware; Nothing Succeeds Like Failure reflects the group's realisation that living with one another is a far more demanding · and more rewarding · task than building a solar roof. 98 AMBIENT LUCRE. Dave Elliott and Godfrey Boyle report on the Ambient Energy Stand at this year's Interbuild exhibition in London. Amid the gleaming spot·lit 'alternative technologies', they found smell of greased palms, the roar of commercialism. 100 REVIEWS. The Energy Primer/Destiny Mars/Forest Energy and Economic Development and Living on the Sun, Plus reviews of new magazines and books on Oil. 118 SMALL ADS and SUBSCRIPTION FORM. _____________________________________________________________________ UC Index: page 40

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121 BACK ISSUES 123 RADICAL TECHNOLOGY _______________________________________________________________

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