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Photograph: Paresh Gandhi"+fc;img[2] = "2007/dec/12lead1";martin_message[2] = fo+"Jet CEO may join Kingfisher:"+fc;martin_message1[2] = fo+"Rumours of Wolfgang ProckSchaeur's departure have been rife ever since he completed three years with the airline."+fc;img[5] = "2007/dec/12lead2";martin_message[5] = fo+"Boeing names the day for Dreamliner:"+fc;martin_message1[5] = fo+"Boeing on Tuesday sought to calm concerns over its 787 programme by insisting it would deliver the first jet by the end of next year."+fc;img[4] = "2007/dec/12lead3";martin_message[4] = fo+"
HREF= rel="nofollow">Switzerland woos Indian companies:"+fc;martin_message1[4] = fo+"Through an official programme called LOCATION Switzerland, the government is meeting with Indian business representatives and industry bodies to invite more Indian companies to set up offices there."+fc;img[3] = "2007/dec/12lead5";martin_message[3] = fo+"Ambani brothers set for a battle again:"+fc;martin_message1[3] = fo+"Anil Ambani's Reliance Energyled consortium is set to submit its bid for Rs 4,500-crore (Rs 45-billion) Mumbai sea link between Sewri and Nhava Sheva by December 15."+fc;var martin_counter = new Array(); var sD = "" martin_counter[1] = sD + " 1 " + sD + " 2 " + sD + " 3 " + sD + " 4 " + sD + " 5 "; martin_counter[2] = sD + " 1 " + sD + " 2 " + sD + " 3 " + sD + " 4 " + sD + " 5 "; martin_counter[3] = sD + " 1 " + sD + " 2 " + sD + " 3 " + sD + " 4 " + sD + " 5 "; martin_counter[4] = sD + " 1 " + sD + " 2 " + sD + " 3 " + sD + " 4 " + sD + " 5 "; martin_counter[5] = sD + " 1 " + sD + " 2 " + sD + " 3 " + sD + " 4 " + sD + " 5 "; var my_images = new Array(); var SLIDE_load = new Array(); var SLIDE_status, SLIDE_timeout; var SLIDE_actual = 1; var SLIDE_speed = 5000; var SLIDE_fade = 2; for (my_Dir = 1; my_Dir <= martin_message.length-1; my_Dir++) { my_images[my_Dir] = path+img[my_Dir]+ '.jpg'; SLIDE_load[my_Dir] = new Image(); SLIDE_load[my_Dir].src = my_images[my_Dir]; } for (my_Dir = 1; my_Dir <= martin_counter.length-1; my_Dir++) { } var SLIDE_count = my_images.length-1; function SLIDE_start() { document.getElementById('SLIDE_play').disabled = false; document.images.SLIDE_picBox.src = SLIDE_load[SLIDE_actual].src; document.getElementById("SLIDE_textBox").innerHTML= martin_message[SLIDE_actual]; document.getElementById("SLIDE_textBox1").innerHTML= martin_message1[SLIDE_actual]; document.getElementById("SLIDE_counter").innerHTML= martin_counter[SLIDE_actual]; SLIDE_timeout = setTimeout("SLIDE_play()",SLIDE_speed); } function SLIDE_play() { document.getElementById('SLIDE_play').disabled = true; document.getElementById('SLIDE_pause').disabled = false; SLIDE_actual++; SLIDE_slide(); SLIDE_status = 'SLIDE_play'; SLIDE_timeout = setTimeout("SLIDE_play()",SLIDE_speed); } function SLIDE_pause() { clearTimeout(SLIDE_timeout); SLIDE_status = 'SLIDE_pause'; document.getElementById('SLIDE_pause').disabled = true; document.getElementById('SLIDE_play').disabled = false; } function SLIDE_back() { clearTimeout(SLIDE_timeout); SLIDE_actual--; SLIDE_slide(); if (SLIDE_status != 'SLIDE_pause') SLIDE_timeout = setTimeout("SLIDE_play()",SLIDE_speed); } function SLIDE_forward() { clearTimeout(SLIDE_timeout); SLIDE_actual++; SLIDE_slide() if (SLIDE_status != 'SLIDE_pause') SLIDE_timeout = setTimeout("SLIDE_play()",SLIDE_speed); } function SLIDE_slide() { if (SLIDE_status != 'SLIDE_pause') { document.getElementById('SLIDE_play').disabled = true; document.getElementById('SLIDE_pause').disabled = false; } if (SLIDE_actual > (SLIDE_count)) SLIDE_actual= 1; if (SLIDE_actual < 1) SLIDE_actual = SLIDE_count; if (document.all) { document.getElementById("SLIDE_textBox").style.background = "transparent";"blendTrans(duration=2)";"blendTrans(duration=SLIDE_fade)"; document.images.SLIDE_picBox.filters.blendTrans.Apply(); } document.images.SLIDE_picBox.src = SLIDE_load[SLIDE_actual].src; if (document.getElementById) document.getElementById("SLIDE_textBox").innerHTML= martin_message[SLIDE_actual]; if (document.getElementById) document.getElementById("SLIDE_textBox1").innerHTML=

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December 13, 2007 09:25 IST
Now, BPO Idol contest at Infosys
The contest is expected to get the employees involved in activities other than business.
<STRONG>Yearend Special
<STRONG>Send us your most defining image of 2007!
<STRONG>Sensex on steroids & what to do
<STRONG>Business highlights 2007

'Sensex to cross 21,000-mark soon'
Foreign IT cos grow fastest in India
Ahmedabad to be digitally mapped
<STRONG>Images: Vikram Pandit is Citi CEO
10 qualities of a good stock trader
How to develop managing skills

href="/money/2007/dec/12bang.htm" rel="nofollow">Buying property? Go to Bangalore
How to solve the problem of dollar
<STRONG>The Sensex story: From 1K to 20K!
Ahmedabad, Kolkata new hotspots
<STRONG>ISD calls for less than a Re/min
24 new car launches next year
<STRONG>Why stock traders lose money
Consumer price index rises
More Business News. . .

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    Can't say

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