Undercurrents 17 August-september 1976

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  • December 2019
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  • Pages: 118
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_______________________________________________________________ UNDERCURRENTS International Standard Serial Number 0306 2392 Undercurrents is published every two months by Undercurrents Limited (Registered Office. 275 Finchley,. Road. London Nw3), a democratic, non·profit company,. without share capital and limited by Guarantee. Printed in England by Prestagate Ltd Reading OUR ADDRESS: From now on. Undercurrents will have two addresses one in the city, one in the country. Our new city address:Undercurrents., Earth Exchange Building.. 213 Archway,. Road, London N6 5BN. Telephone (01) 340 1898. Letters about News, Reviews or Advertising should from now on be sent to this office. Letters about Features and general editorial matters should be sent to: Undercurrents, 11 Shadwell, Uley, Dursley, Gloucesteshire GL11 5BW. Telephone (0453 86) 636. Subscription orders and enquiries should be addressed to our Uley office. SUBSCRIPTIONS cost ,£2.50 Sterling (US$6.50 or equivalent in other currencies) for six issues, posted by second class surface mail to any country except the United States, Canada and Mexico. Subscriptions to these countries cost USI' .&0: copies are sent by Air freight to New York and posted from there by second class mall. Delivery takes 3 to 14 days. Since Airfreight is only economic when as many subscribers as possible use it. we cannot accept surface mail subscriptions to these countries. Our US mailing agents are:Air & Sea Freight Inc 527 Madison Avenue Suite 1217, New York 10022. SECOND CLASS POSTAGE PAID AT NEW YORK. NY. COPYRIGHT. The copyright @ of all articles in Undercurrents', belongs to Undercurrents Limited, unless otherwise stated, and they must not be reproduced without our permission. We will normally allow our material to be used for non profit purposes. on condition that Undercurrents is credited. CONTRIBUTIONS. We welcome unsolicited articles, news items, illustrations, photographs etc. from our readers. Though every care is taker with such material. we cannot be responsible (or its loss or damage. and we cannot undertake to return it unless it is accompanied by an appropriate stamped· envelope addressed to the sender. To make life easier for our typesetters. manuscripts for publication must be typed clearly on one side of the page only, with double or triple spacing and at least one inch margin on each side o( the type. OK? CREDITS. Undercurrents is produced by a large number of people. There are only,. two. part time employees. The rest of us work for nothing in our spare time. Undercurrents 17 was produced by: Barbara Kern , Chris Hutton·Squire , Dave Elliott, Dave Smith, Duncan Campbell, Godfrey Boyle·, Martin Ince, Martyn Partridge, Pat Coyne, Peter Cockerton, , Peter Glass, Peter Sommer, Richard Elen, and Tony Durham. And of course everyone we've forgotten. Cover: Richard Elen

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• UNDERCURRENTS, the magazine of radical science and alternative technology [ISSN 0306 2392], was published from London, England, from 1973 to 1984 [No. 60]. This text version has been created in January 2009 by me, Chris [Hutton·]Squire [a member of the now·dissolved Undercurrents Collective], by OCRing scanned images of a print copy; the text has been re-paragraphed and partially corrected but it has NOT been completely checked against the original. Health & Safety Warning: The practical, technical and scientific information herein [though believed to be accurate at the time of publication] may now be out of date. CAVEAT LECTOR! The many stories that Undercurrents told will interest students of a period that is both too distant and too recent to be adequately documented on the Web. The moral, philosophical, social, economic and political opinions herein remain, in my opinion, pertinent to the much more severe problems we now face. Readers who wish correspond on any matters arising are invited to contact me via: chris[at]cjsquire.plus.com This pdf version is formatted in 15 pt Optima throughout, so as to be easily readable on screen; it runs to 126 pages [the print versions were 48 · 56 pp.]: readers wishing to print it out to read are recommended to use the text version and to reformat it. The many pictures that embellished the print version are sadly not included here. There no restrictions on the use of this material but please credit individual authors where credit is due: they are mostly still with us. Page numbers below are for this pdf version. The beginning of each section or article is indicated thus:

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•••••••••••• Undercurrents No. 17 August·September 1976 5 EDDIES. News, Scandal, Gossip, Trivia, Grotesquerie and Misery. But which is which? . ' .. 21 EDITORIAL. Mostly about how this magazine comes to be. 24 PREHISTORIC COSMOLOGY. Paul Devereaux's child's guide to Inner technologies; should lead you painlessly to greater things below. 27 SAVING YOUR OWN SEED. Lawrence D Hills on growing your own vegetables and collecting the seeds; Thompson and Morgan " beware! 38 THE OLD STONES OF LAND'S END REVISITED. Pat Gadsby ·and Chris Hutton Squire on their computer ley hunt. 45 THE INVISIBLE COLLEGE AND CHRISTOPHER WREN'S BEEHIVE. John Fletcher on some of the Undercurrents collective's 17th century predecessors. 54 There are no fairies at the bottom of MY garden says John Seymour. 59 DOWSING. A practical introduction to dowsing for the alternative technologist, by Tom Graves. 64 LETTERS. The participative particle. 72 THE LEY THAT ALWAYS WAS. A compendium of readers' replies to our last foray into positivist ley·huntlng. 76 PRACTICAL KIRLIAN PHOTOGRAPHY. Richard Elen's how·to guide on the photography of the aura. 80 WOMEN AND AT. Ruth Elliott on women in what has till now been a mostly male preserve. 91 TERRESTRIAL ZODIACS. Paul Screeton describes a remarkable and ancient link between Earth and Sky. . 99 REVIEWS. We savage or praise works on health, energy, meteorology, food from windmills, childbirth, dowsing, housing, more windmills, meditation, Findhom, anarchist workers, insulation and French AT. 113 WHAT'S ON. Fill up those nasty white spaces in your diary before it's too late. 115 SMALL ADS. Consumer's comer.

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•••••••••••• Eddies Radio·One Hijack Sensatio tions. AN AMAZING hijock or BBC Rodio look ploce 0 ... the "hole or Southern EnsJond recently. At 11 pm on AprU 1st Radio llistenen everywhere from Eastbourne to the Scillies wel"e utonished to hear John Peel'. openina rcmukJ drowned in I hall of mac·e·gun !'Ire, followed immed.iltely by • rendering of The Who', classic hit Submtute. Mystery deepened. into intrigue as the famil..iilr coffee·table·rocklIIot gave way to a bizarre anthology of banned teCOJ'dl, fIoteric humOur and aubveniYe comments. For 35 minutes the good.tolk of the South Coast heard • demonltratioD or uninhibited free n4io ••• in stereo. A spool' public: service _cut from the Melri

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