Ulat Buku Seekor ulat buku makan buku menerusi sepanjang ensiklopedia yang mempunyai 10 jilid buku. setiap jilid mempunyai 1000 muka surat. ulat berkenaan mula makan dari kulit buku hadapan jilid pertama dan berakhir pada kulit belakang ensiklopedia yang terakhir. Berapa banyak mukasurat ulat buku itu telah makan?
Assuming that the encyclopedia is ordered in the usual way, the row of books starts with the back side of part one and ends at the front side of part ten. If the bookworm starts at the front cover of part one it does not has to go through part one anymore, but starts immediately in part two. The worm follows the red way until part nine. Then the worm is on the back side of part ten. So the the bookworm eated from 8000 pages.