Uft Equation

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  • Pages: 5

By Warren E. York LAST UPDATE 05/20/06

ABSTRACT: A brief mathematical description of the York / Geier Unification Equation will be given since the question has come up from a few readers. For a detailed understanding York’s Final Theory of the YGEM, The Map, will need to be read which is still in draft format and on going. At the writing of this paper that Final Theory can be read with a PDF reader at the link below. http://webpages.charter.net/pubmaster/FinalTheory.pdf

0.00 INTRODUCTION: The author has taken the challenge from the words of Richard Feynman written in his book QED1. …”the more you see how strangely nature behaves, the harder it is to make a model that explains how even the simplest phenomenon actually works. So theoretical physics has given up on that.” 2 The author has found what he feels will address this statement. The statement as it stands is a “give up” or “I quit” attitude. This attitude is not an option for the author. Not to put Feynman down or others that hold this negative attitude the author feels he has found a working model that will address all phenomenon and not just the simplest. That working model is that of a new Electron Model we call the YGEM. (York, Geier Electron Model) That actual model is discussed in York’s Final Theory in detail. What is being discussed here in this paper however is what Dr. Michio Kaku calls that ever so sought after one inch long equation which expresses what we claim to be the Unification Equation. The Theory that ties all the forces and phenomenon known and unknown together. The so called Theory Of Everything. This paper discusses in brief that final equation only and does not get into the theory to any great extent. 1.00 MATHEMATICS Mathematics has been called the universal language. Mathematics is not an illusion but a repeatable established foundation of measurements and descriptions. The mathematics discussed here today will be that of the equation dealing with Unification of fields.

1.01 E=MC2 Lets take the first part of the equation the E=MC2 portion. You all should already recognize this as being Albert Einstein’s famous equation of Energy to Matter and worked backwards Matter to Energy. This is what the Atomic Bomb is based on.


1.01 …CONTINUED Almost everything has just been explained as far as the letters go in this first part of the equation except the C2. Almost everybody just writes it off as the speed of light times itself but does not clarify how this is accomplished. Nobody explains how and why the M ,the mass, develops by the equation. In short just how does matter/mass convert into energy and how does energy convert into matter/mass? Note: Mass is a measurement where matter is a description. Remember the basic law that energy can not be destroyed but only change its state. So how does energy become matter in our basic side of the equation? Since the second half of the equation explains the unification I will leave the first basic explained as presented by the system today. 2.00 THE MATHEMATICAL SYMBOL The mathematical symbol stands for MEAN 4 which is another word for “Average”. There are many different forms of MEAN. There is Geometric mean, arithmetic mean, Harmonic mean, metric mean and so on. The Mean symbol as it stands in our Unification Equation is a Mean that is just as or like, as like or similar too. It means (no pun intended) the ratio functions the same as its basic state but its ratio may or may not differ. The characters maintain the same meaning and only their action are defined as their ratio change or not. This change in ratio simply means change in state. The change of ratio can also be defined as a change in state or dilation. All the math holds the same. The only difference might be if in a state of dilation. This is a relative condition. In other words for instance an object maintains 360 degrees for one rotation but if viewed from the base line side of the equation may appear to be twice that or 720 degrees. This is in fact what we find when we look at the spin ½ of an electron. The electrons mean rotation is 720 degrees to our view point but only 360 degrees from within its own mean state. This in fact is what we find. From our base or so called fixed state of 360 degrees we measure the angular moment of the electron to be 720 degrees or spin ½. To understand this concept further you will need to read York’s Final Theory – The Unified Field Theory – that goes along with this Unification equation. 3.00 E = M C * < - 2 + > This is the second part of the equation or crossing over the RATIO bridge :: . In a basic equation the equals = is the bridge in order to work the equation. In our Unification Equation our bridge is the MEANS :: symbol allowing us to set our conditions. What makes our second half of the equation different is we have expanded further into the actions our basic first half of the equation is doing. We keep the first half because credit still goes to Einstein and his equation. Both half’s must show to show one is but and extension of the other. The Means symbol makes the equations a Relative and unified expression.

3.01 THE ROTATIONAL SYMBOL * Notice this is new to the base equation. It means rotational. This symbol is expressing the action the of the process. Think of it as gyroscopic action. A gyroscope as you all know is mass in rotational motion which produces a thing we call inertia. It does this through a process known as “rigidity in space”. This also has to do with Newton’s law of an object in motion tends to stay in motion. or at rest tends to stay at rest. This rotational action alone produces a resistance to change. If we take energy such as non rest mass particle like the photon and can fix or lock this state of resistance as a point source the energy now takes on characteristics of being ridge / solid and having rest mass. This is where we get our conversion of state from energy to mass. So its saying somehow light (photons which represent the speed of light as a measurement) are in a rotational action. It is also saying this action is what makes M mass what it is. If C2 did not exist we could not have M. A gyroscope thinks it is a point source and in motion will resist any change of action. 3.02 VECTORS SYMBOLS < AND > The next addition to our basic equation are the vector arrow symbols. Notice we still keep the 2 for the square of C or light. One could leave out the – minus and the + plus symbol if needed. I have indicated the minus and plus to indicate the direction of the vector arrows. Now these arrow vectors are not only the directions of the gyroscopic energy or paired 918 photons but also represent the arrows for the flow of TIME. Now the flow of time will always be viewed as plus or forward time due to once again the rotational symbol * explained above. You will have to review the YGEM and our Final Theory however to get a full understanding of this action, symbols being used and how the number of 918 paired photons is derived. It is not the scope of this paper to go into any depth of the actual Theory but only express the equation for our Unified Field Equation and why and how those symbols express what they do. 4.00 CONCLUSION The conclusion is that our Unified Field Equation E = M C 2 : : E = M C * < -2+ > states Albert Einstein’s famous equation can be expressed as a dilated state. From this state or first half of the equation one can extract both physical energy and matter and from the second half of the equation the quantum and atomic state of dilation can be derived. Also a by product from the first half of the equation our physical time and distance can de obtained. From our second half both the physical, atomic and quantum state of dilation can be obtained including both quantum Time and Gravity. Again for details one would have to read York’s Final Theory to grasp the how and why.

REFERENCES 1. QED, by Richard P. Feynman, ISBN 0-691-02417-0 2. The Gyroverse by Donald Wortzman, back cover. ISBN 0-75968-515-0 3. Scientific American, Date and issue unknown 4. Mathematics by E.J. Borowski & J.M. Borwein. ISBN 0-06-271525-9

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