TYPES OF RESEARCH METHODS 1 ) The Experimental Design :- -it related to the experimental design . - independent variable (IV) : could be controlled ( for example : we can increase or decrease in the dose ) - dependant variable : is the outcome and could be measured -Randomly : mean that each member in group A or B has the chance to be in the treatment or the control group . -Placebo : when medication help to relieve a condition because the patient has faith in its effect . How can we avoid placebo effect ? by blind study - Internal Validity (( )) الصدق الداخلي: Become high if we determine the cause ( for example : the drug we used is the main cause for relieve ) -Standardization : is to structures all the experiment in clear form for all our subjects , and for future and other researcher experiments . (2) Naturalistic Observation : usually used with children .
WHAT IS THE DEFINITION OF ABNORMAL BEHAVIORE ? There are many , they overlap but no one is completely correct , some of them :A- STATISTICAL DEVIATION :
. أي انحراف عن الحصائيات المعتادة بزيادة أو نقصانB- SOCIAL NORMAL VIOLATION : , أي تصرف يخالف العادات والتقاليد في مجتمع معين. ( في مجتمعات أخرىnormal behavior )وقد يكون مقبول C- DEVIATION FROM AN IDEAL : . وهو حين يتصرف الشخص بشكل خاطئ ولكنه يعتقد أنه على صواب وغيره على خطأ-
ولــــد الــــدّار