Twelve Tribes New Pamphlet

  • November 2019
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  • Words: 1,250
  • Pages: 2
The Twelve Tribes are a growing network of intentional religous communities in the Americas and Europe. Members give up personal possesions, live and work communally, and follow the teachings of Eugene Spriggs, a.k.a “Yoneq.” Believing themselves to be God’s only chosen people, their goal is to beome the perfect “Bride” of Messiah and thus bring about the apocalyptic prophesies of the Book of Revelation. Critical to this plan as taught by Spriggs is the complete submission and obedience of all to him, of women to their husbands and children to adults. The children, who work alongside their parents from an early age, are not allowed to play or use their imaginations. They receive frequent corporal discipline from adults and do not normally receive health care from professionals. They are not given the choice to get a high school equivalent degree, since their intended function is to produce a future generation of children that will be sacrificed to the Beast of the Apocalypse.

Eugene Spriggs, a.k.a. “Yoneq,” the cult leader and his wife, Marsha in a recent photo. Spriggs preaches that blacks were meant by God to be slaves to whites and that children who are raised to be “martyred against the Beast” should be disciplined with a rod until “blue wounds” appear in their flesh. Twelve Tribes claim over 3000 adherents in communities in North America, South America and Europe. “The Gospel of Jesus Christ should set a person free. However, people in [Twelve Tribes] become increasingly weighed down with an ever expanding number of rules and regulations that demand strict adherence.... The devastation in most ex-member’s lives, and the teachings of Spriggs, evidence a litany of spiritual and emotional abuse.” -Rev. Bob Pardon, New England Institute of Religious Research

“They bombard you with love and make you think that it’s like this every day. But in reality, it’s not. It’s just a way that they court new recruits... they portray a false view of what the TT is about and have no qualms about recruiting new members who are deceived by this false view of the day to day life of the Community. People need to know what it’s really like for TT’ers, why its called a cult and why we need to prevent them from gaining new members.”

Things you should know about the

The Twelve Tribes in the words of former members...

Who are the Twelve Tribes?

Twelve Tribes

before you join or support them

- “Full O Faith” on the IOTTC blog A depiction of the Beast of the Apocalypse to which Yoneq teaches 144,000 of their male children must be sacrificed to fulfill Scripture.


©2007 IOTTC


In the words of ex-Twelve Tribes members...

Consider before you leap... Twelve Tribes goes out of its way to make a good impression on potential recruits. Before you or a loved one of yours commits to a life with them, make sure you know what they are about. The statements reproduced in this pamphlet came from ten different ex-Twelve Tribes members.

“I lived in the Tribes and was a respected member. I can’t recommend the life to anyone. I left because I feared my child would soon be beaten frequently by other adults..”

Jesus a demon?

Real love?

“If you go in and get baptized, you will no longer be allowed access to ANY information that they don’t control. No internet, TV, newspapers or even all academics. They will teach you that everything, and I mean everything that you ever learned and know was taught to you through the tutelage of the “Evil One” and that they are the ONLY ONES that are saved. Everyone else is not. They wont tell you this right off the bat. They will teach you that no one since the first church, the first century, ever had the Holy Spirit. NO ONE until their leader, Yoneq, received it in the early 70s.  The Jesus that you know and probably worship and follow is a demon. Their Yahshua is the true Messiah and ALL of Christianity is doomed to the “lake of fire” unless they “come out of her” and join the TT. They will tell you that if you were baptized before you met them, it didnt count. You can only be saved by their baptism.”

“Regardless of whether you believe in The Creator and The Living Spirit, these people are ruining peoples’ lives in physical, mental and spiritual ways. They dictate that some people who need certain medical treatments are denied and called faithless and treated like real burdens...Some members’ credit has been ruined and they are told that personal credit is of the world and not needed by them now in the communities. Some are kicked out for unfounded reasons, and even deceptive, or cruel reasons and given nothing to re-establish themselves in society.”

Mind control “It was about two weeks before I realized that it was okay to go outside. I actually thought that if we walked down the road God would kill me. Because community people told me this. I was so terrified.This anxiety became so bad that I couldn’t walk down the street, for fear of

“I’m not sure when I did accept that it was a cult, and that I must have been brainwashed...I do feel really sorry and sad for those who have been with them longer.”

meeting up with them. It was like a woman afraid of running into an abusive ex-husband.” “The life really twisted my mind. It’s taken a long time to recover most of the way. Yes, I may be better for the wear and tear, but I almost really lost my mind there.”

Racist doctrine “It took me a long time to see that I had been racist in my thinking, because I had all these good fuzzy “feelings” towards other races, yet adhered to these teachings, that I really had little knowledge or understanding of.” “It makes me so angry for how they have been treating the blacks in the community. The TT are so wrong with what they taught about how blacks are still under God’s curse and should still be slaves to the whites.” A lot of them [TTers] have a hard time stomaching the teachings like the Ham teaching and the child discipline stuff, however they are be

tween a rock and a hard place, and it’s not worth it for them to rebel against those teachings because their survival depends on their submission to authority.”

Child abuse “Black and blue marks [on children] are very common, and if there are concerns about outside family members finding out (or doctors) I have seen two different familes be directed to spank the children on the soles of their feet. These were both children of household heads, and they did as they were directed.” “The children are not allowed to play with balls or any type of truck, car or bicycle. Their reading is limited to approved books and they are not allowed to use their imaginations. If they do something wrong, any adult in the Community is allowed to “discipline” them with the stick.” “Ask the TT what the ‘wheel spirit’ is and why children can’t ride’s because they might escape!”

“There are “quivers” full of these varnished balloon sticks hung in all the bathrooms for easy access and reminders for the children of what awaits them if they step out of line!”

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