Tt Pamphlet 2-sided B

  • November 2019
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"Martin Luther King and others have been inspired by the evil one to have forced equality... Paul and Yahshua (Jesus) didn't rebuke anyone who had slaves, so it is alright by principle to have slaves. Slavery is the only way for some people to be useful in society. They wouldn't do anything productive without being forced to. They would be worthless fellows...If the slaves were mistreated, it was the fault of the slave. Even if the master was unreasonable the slave was to bear up under it. This was Ham's discipline. For 4,000 years Israel had slaves. Servant and slave in the Bible is interchangeable. Ham was a servant (slave) to Shem. This is the Word. You can't break the Word. The more men try to liberate Ham the worse he gets. It is more destructive for man to try to redeem himself, changing the social order. The 3 races are to be distinct...Before the civil rights, black men would say, "Yes, boss man", in the south. Yes man, no man. This was respect. We need respect in people. We must beat respect into our children. Ham must get this respect in them. These blacks, during the pre-civil rights time, were really slaves - they had respect for people. They got along well because they were submissive…Civil rights, forced equality is antiChrist...Unraveling the Races of Man 11/22/88

I wouldn't be hard on homosexuals if God wasn't hard on them. It is they who are detestable, not just their sin. Loathing is the response of normal human beings to the homosexual, even loathing the person who does these despicable acts.They deserve to die. Theirs is a capital offense. A homosexual deserves the death penalty. 7/3/90, ISLAND POND

Reasoning is in us, the only way to be done with it is by confession...All servants of God must be delivered from a life of reason. Reason is the first thought of rebellion in word or thought. Many are enslaved by a spirit of reason - they will only come when they are called and go where they are sent, when it seems right to them... Satan can only be bound when there is a people who don't utter slanderous words against authority.. To cease from reason asks for the very life of our flesh. Our flesh must die. Satan is the father of reason. 2 classes of believers: 1) those who live by reason 2) those who live by authority...They [children] can be raised up to reason or they can be raised up to obey (Gen 18:19). One way is death and one way is life (Pr 13:1-3; 18:21; 21:23; Jms 3:6; Mt 12:33-37)...If anyone wants to be a follower of Messiah he has to put away reasoning — his flesh. He must take his cross every day and put that reasoning to death. He must crucify it otherwise he will be reasoning against God and will become a Pharisee, a hypocrite. "Reasoning" 2/16/91

ON JEWS: The Jews are in a state of embarrassment, disturbed in mind and purpose,…their guilt will remain throughout eternity for not humbling themselves and admitting that they had failed to be what God said, and instead crucified His Son in the meantime. The Curse the Jews are Under Today 5/23/2002

ON WOMEN: But there is no possibility for a woman who resists the authority of her husband to escape death...The woman who resists, opposes, or speaks against authority is resisting, opposing, or speaking against God Himself. First Day Teaching - 18 November 1990

ON MULTICULTURALISM: Politicians who rally different races to be one are forerunners of the antichrist. Multiculturalism pressures people to cross boundaries that go beyond the realm of natural law, coercing them to be one with a neighbor that doesn’t even speak their language or have their culture. It goes beyond the realm of how God wanted people to live in separate nations for their own welfare and safety. Multiculturalism increases murder, crime, and prejudice. It goes agains the way man is. It places impossible demands on people to love others who are culturally and racially different. This is unnatural—it forces people to go against their instinctive knowledge, like trying to love sodomites. “Alien Ant” April 2000.

ON CHILDREN: Pr 22:15; 29:15 — These verses indicate that the foolish, self-confident (cocky) know-it-all attitude of a child must be driven out before he can be taught anything. The rod that is to be used for discipline (chastisement) has specific characteristics. It can cause stripes — marks like those left by a whip, but small enough not to cause permanent damage, if the rod is used right (2 Sam 7:14; Pr 23:13; Heb 12:6). The rod is a thin, wooden stick like a switch. We use a small balloon stick. Of course, the size of the rod must vary according to the size or age of the child. If the child repeatedly disobeys, the rod has not been applied sufficiently, which only strengthened his rebellion (Pr 20:30). Child Training II, Part 11 Chastisement 1997




WHY BOYCOTT MATE FACTOR? Your dollars spent at Maté Factor directly support the growth of Eugene Spriggs’ international financial empire and the promulgation of his racist, sexist, anti-semitic, homophobic ideology--a culture that promotes mistreatment of children and that prohibits their obtaining high school-equivalent education or GEDs. Many Ithacans don’t shop at Wal-Mart out of concern for the social consequences of supporting that corporation. IOTTC is advocating no more drastic action than this: a boycott of all Twelve Tribes businesses, products and services. IOTTC expressly condemns any form of harassment or intimidation of those belonging to the Twelve Tribes.

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