Truth Or Dare With...the Cullens (part 2)

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  • Words: 9,734
  • Pages: 13
EDWARDPOV “Alice, Alice, Alice, you should of never given me that dare” I said evilly. “This dare is intend, to everyone, even though I am only daring, Alice, even Veronika” I smiled. “Alice your dare is.............. you are not allowed to do any shopping, not at the mall, not at the market, not on the tv and not on the computer, no online shopping, and you are not allowed to order anything over the phone” I said smugly. “oh and this is for 1 week” I added. Alice continued to hyperventilate, while the others just looked confused. “How in the world does this affect us” Jasper asked he seemed confused. “Let’s just say, I want you guys to think back, to all the other times she hasn’t been able to shop” I grinned, everyone shuddered. “This should be very fun for you, yep, so does everyone remember, in case I will refresh your mind, last time, Alice went crazy and forced everyone to help, her pretend to shop, in her closet, you guys had a wonderful, time, all day in Alice’s closet. “OH and remember, the other time, all shops got shut down, so she gave you all a lovely make over well a lovely forced make over” I said, hopping that this plan would work, and I mean, drive them crazy. “You guys will have good fun” I said happily. Alice was now rocking back and forward with her hands on her knees and her head between her knees. So it was half working. “Oh, and Veronika, I want to thank you again for helping me with that last challenge, but you did lie to me at the race, so you are part of this to, and your dare is to, spend this whole week with me, you are not allowed to move from my side” I said Veronika groaned. “Oh and it’s a truth or dare break right now, so you may go off” I said happily. “So what are we doing” Veronika asked casually. “going to my room” I replied, I gently picked her up, remembering that she was a human and fragile but worse, because she was even more fragile due to her injuries. I raced up the stairs, literately, I raced up the stairs. When we got to my room I set her on my bed, for some reason, she had her eyes closed and I thought I saw tears on her cheeks. Drat, I forgot she’s human, she doesn’t like that speed like she used to. “Sorry, I forgot” I apologized. “She opened, light brown eyes, and squinted a few times more tears streaming down her cheeks. “That’s .. ok... just... don’ that...again” She finished, trying to catch her breath. After a while, Veronika, got up, I was amazed she could stand up. But then she stated walking away, “were do you think your going” I asked her. “To pee, remember I am a human” She replied, not very happy. Walk next to her and then picked her up, and carried her down the stairs. When we got down stairs, I was laughing my head off. I saw Jasper hiding in my piano, Emmett had lipstick smudged everywhere, Rosalie, was running away from Alice, who was holding, a bunch of different dresses, And Bella was sitting in a corner, with one of her sleeves torn. “Edward, I really have to go” Veronika said urgently. “sorry” I said still laughing. “Do mind if I run, or would you rather Alice catch us and make us her barbie dolls?” I asked her. ”Run, but not too fast” I rolled my eyes and ran close to as fast as I could. When we got to the toilet, I opened the door and we both got in. “I can’t go in front of you” She said shyly. “No problem” I replied as I stepped in to the shower and closed the door behind me. “Umm, I am still not very comfortable” She said. I stepped out of the shower and grabbed the blow dryer and turned it on. “your not going to get rid of me that easy, remember, you can’t move from my side, this is the furthest apart we will get” I said smugly. Veronika sighed and went the toilet. “I am done” She said after I heard a flush. I turned off the blow dryer and stepped out of the shower. I picked her up into my arms and ran again, when we got to the stairs, Veronika was trying to get out of my arms, she was so cute when she is struggling.”Umm, could I get something to eat, please?” She asked, “sure” I said as I ran to the kitchen. I put her down and opened the fridge, and pulled out, some grapes. I went over a washed them and then gave them to Veronika. “you think we should, restart the game, end the break??” I asked Veronika. “OK

“She answered. “GUYS LISTEN UP, LETS GET BACK TO THEM GAME, THE BREAK IS OVER” I heard multiple sighs, as I said this. I picked Veronika up and carried her over to were we were sitting before. “Do have some delight in carrying me or something” Veronika asked, “pretty much” I replied, then chuckled. When everyone was seated, I announced it was Veronika’s turn, Veronika groaned. VERONIKAPOV When Edward finished speaking, suddenly Ariel appeared. “Do you like my power” She asked, “Oh yeah, your power, got me knocked out for days” I replied, “wait my power, turns Vampires to Humans, it doesn’t knock people out” Ariel replied confused. “do me do me please” Rosalie begged. “put a cork in it Rosalie, No Ariel, I know what your power does, but did you ever think you might have gripped to hard, you kind of broke my hand, and made Emmett brake one of my ribs” I replied. “Anyway, how in the world does your power work” I asked. “Well, a light touch by me, you turn into human but when I let go you are back to vampire, a light grip from me makes you human for half and hour and a hard grip makes you human for a couple of days. “Wait, I have been human for more than 3 days, that can’t be” I said confused. Ariel looked shocked. “Um well, there is a chance, it’s permanent” She said nervously. “PERMANENT, WHAT, NO, Ariel” I freaked out. With that Ariel was gone. “Edward I know my dare, Edward I dare you to turn me into a vampire” I said sounding very sure. VERONIKAPOV I looked at Edward pleadingly, “Please” I begged. Edward was obviously shocked. “Ummm, I think we need a break” Alice smiled, “Rosalie” as Alice said Rosalie’s name, Rosalie got up and ran, while Alice picked up a bunch of clothes, and chased after her. Edward, picked me up and ran me to his room. “Edward please” I begged again. “I can’t do it” He said quickly. “Edward we are a team, we should stick together, please, I will kill myself, remember I am human, very fragile, I don’t know how to live human, I won’t be able to do the stuff I used to be able to do” I said with pleading eyes, hoping, I had convinced him. “You have already done it to me, you have already changed me, you can do it again” I persuaded. “At this rate I have no chance of getting into heaven” He mumbled, “come on” “NO” He said. “so what, your going to leave me, human” I said disgusted. “you can’t do that, please, I refuse to be human, come on Edward, you can’t leave me human, I won’t survive, I mean look at me, in the first three seconds off being human, I already injured myself” I pleaded. “NO” Edward said stubbornly. “PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE” I begged, “will you change me now?” I asked, sounding hopeful. “No” He said again. I was so frustrated, what does he want me to do. I need to be vampire, it was like I was born to be a vampire, and I refuse to die a fragile little human, not that I have anything against humans, it’s just I would prefer, not prefer, stronger than prefer, to be a vampire. I got down, on my knees, “Please” I said cutely, batting my eye lashes. “Now?” I asked him, “NO, Veronika” He said starting to get annoyed. I put my hands together, and put on a dramatic tone “Please”. I got up and sat next to him, “pretty please” I said in a baby voice. “NO, NO, NO” He said putting his hands over his ears. I went over and sat in his lap I looked up at him and crushed my lips against his, His eyes bulged. “What?” I asked, hoping that it worked. “Veronika, your blood appeals to me more than ever now, more than Bella’s, the chance that I could kill you is nearly certain” Edward said in a nervous whisper. “I know you won’t, I trust you” I persuaded. “No” He said again. Tears started streaming down my cheeks, “Please Edward, please” I said, and I was actually really sad, I can’t stay human, I won’t be able to do anything, I want to be a vampire. OH well, Edwards dare makes this whole thing, of getting him to bite me so much easier. I have to be by his side for a week, a week to convince him. Edward

whipped a tear off my face, “Please don’t cry, please, fine, I will think about it” He said quickly, I could tell he didn’t like to see me cry. “GUYS COME DOWNSTAIRS, WE ARE CONTINUING TRUTH OR DARE” I heard Emmett yell from downstairs. Edward picked me up gently, in his arms, and kissed my forehead. “You do have an obsession with carry me” I mumbled. Edward chuckled and raced me down the stairs. “It’s your turn Rosalie” Jasper said. “Ok, well my dare is, I dare you all, to let Jasper, control, all your emotions, for 3 days, and you are not allowed to complain once” Rosalie finished, obviously happy with her dare choice. “OK” I said, I looked over to jasper who was smiling. I rolled my eyes, this is going to be hell. Suddenly, I felt a wave of violence, like anger come through me .I looked around and Rosalie was pulling Bella’s hair, Edward was attacking Alice. I looked over to jasper, he was laughing, his head off. Then Emmett toppled on top of Jasper, and they started to roll, and then suddenly rolled in my direction. After that everything went black. Oh great, another human moment, I am so angry at Edward right now. Oh course, I was the human, who got in the way of two vampires fighting. So now I am the human who got knocked out.VERONIKAPOV I opened my eyes; once again I was in the hospital bed in the Cullen’s house. I definitely think that I will be in this room heaps more while I am human.“Edward” I called, it hurt to talk. I’m right hear” He said happily. I turned around to see Edward in a chair beside the bed, or maybe my bed. Edward had his crocked smile, when I saw his face my heart started to race and I could feel blush rushing to my face. “You’re not allowed to leave my side, so I guess I am not allowed to move form yours either” Edward said. “If you don’t change me back then there is a good chance that within this week I will leave you” I mumbled to myself. “No you won’t Edward said stubbornly. “This is kind of like a scheduled thing for me know isn’t it, I mean, Eat breakfast, do a dare, go to the toilet, do a dare, nearly get killed, get knocked out for days, wake up in this bed, it’s kind of the cycle of my new life a as human” I mumbled. “It’s been just luck that I haven’t died, through all the times I have nearly gotten killed. “Anyway, were is everyone?” I asked trying to push through my grumbly mood, I bet its Jasper doing it, he’s having way to much fun with his part of Rosalie’s dare. “They’re downstairs, and t]I believe they are plotting a dare for me, this will be fun” Edward said sarcastically. “So what did I break in my fragile body this time” I said sounding interested. Edward chuckled. “A few more of you ribs and your right leg” Edward said grinning, I rolled my eyes and sighed. “Does this mean you actually have to carry me, like you have a reason, dam this leg” I asked already knowing the answer that was going to come out of Edward’s mouth. “Pretty much” Edward said his grin stretching wider. “Lets’ go down stairs” I sighed. Of course Edward picked me up and carried me down stairs, When we got down stairs everyone was grinning evilly. “Geez Veronika, you worse than Bella, I never knew that was even possible” Emmett said chuckling as we sat down, me in Edward’s lap. “Thanks” Emmett, I said sarcastically. “Jasper it’s your turn” Alice said evilly. “Ok, Edward I dare you to go to the marriage clinic across form Bella’s house, but you’re not taking Bella, since 5your dare is for Veronika not to leave your side she will go with you, you have to be in there for an hour, and you have to admit real problems you both have, without revealing that you both or Edward are a vampire” Jasper finished. I sighed. “But I’m not married to her” Edward complained. “No problem, you have one minute to get married” Jasper said evilly. Edward pulled out a black box from his pocket. “Um Edward, why do you have a ring” I asked cowardly. “I was going to give you this ring, as a symbol of you being a Cullen, and Cullen’s stick together” He said slyly. I smiled. Edward opened the box and inside was a beautiful ring, the band had diamonds incrusted everywhere and it had rubies on top in the form of the Cullen crest. “Oh my god, it’s beautiful” I said happily. “Veronika will you marry me” Edward said seriously. “Yes Edward” I replied as he slipped the ring on my finger. “cool,

now let’s go to marriage counselling VERONIKAPOV Edward and I arrived, and of course he was carrying me. “Hello, um, we are here for marriage counselling, I believe my sister called in for us” Edward said charmingly to the receptionist. “OK well go take a seat, the councillor will be out in a second”The receptionist said sounding very bored. “So, are we supposed to be one of those angry couples who hate each other and don’t get belong” I asked when Edward and I were sitting down. “Nah, lets act all sweet first, then come out with these crazy problems to drive the man crazy” Edward said chuckling to himself. “Hello, you must be Edward and Veronika, your sister called in for you, I’m Dr. Gilim, please follow me into my office” He said happily. If only he knew how crazy this session was going to get or was meant to get. “Alright, how long have you two been married” He asked casually. This actually might be fun. “well, it’s been horrible, we’ve been married for 10 whole minutes’ I said dramatically. Dr. Gillim looked confused. “Ok then, well what has been the worst problem in your relationship” DR. Gillim asked, if only he knew what he was asking. “Oh, that’s easy, Edward refuses, to do it again to me we’ve already done it, I don’t see his problem” I said sounding a bit peeved. “Look, I don’t want to do it again” Edward said annoyed. For a while Dr. Gillim looked stumped, and confused, clearly he had no idea what we were talking about. Suddenly it looked like something clicked in his head. “Oh you’re talking about sex” Dr. Gillim said, happy with his realization. He was way off, but I decided to go along with it. “Yes Dr. Gillim, I can’t survive without it, and neither can our relationship” I said desperately. I mean how many times has he done it” I complained. “I’ve only done it once with you and once with another girl” Edward protested. ‘”And Veronika have you forgiven him for this” Dr Gillim asked me. “Yes doctor I have, though I have begged and pleaded, but he still won’t do it again, but he still doesn’t realize that I need it, it’s like I was born for it, I mean I don’t know how to live without it” I complained. I knew my acting skills would come in handy. “Is this true Edward?” Dr Gillim asked. “Yes, but I won’t do to her again” Edward said stressed out, pinching the bridge of his nose. “Edward all your brothers and sisters have”, “I don’t care about their choices, and anyway, if they could all go back like you they would” Edward pushed stubbornly. I crossed my arms. “See doctor, he’s in denial” I said happily. “Plus, Edward always listens more to the voices in his head than me, and he has an obsession with carrying me, I think he loves treating me like a baby” I complained. “Veronika have you ever thought it as he wants to look after you because he cares about you?” Dr Gillim asked. “Finally someone sees my point of view” Edward said smugly. I rolled my eyes and looked at my watch, it’s been one hour, yes. “Thank you for your help I think we have made some real progress” I said happily and gave Edward a glare. He picked me up into his arms and went out the door. “see” I called back. When we were outside the Cullen’s house, Edward took off the ring and put it on my index finger, “Thank you again” I said admiring the ring. Edward carried me in the room, I looked at everyone’s expressions, and they varied from person to person. Alice looked like she just saw the most romantic film in the world. Emmett was pouting Rosalie looked annoyed and Bella and Jasper were laughing their heads off. “Ok break time” Alice called. “Edward can I please have some time alone” I asked, “no” He replied. “Come on I want some me time, I need to be alone, If you do, ummm, you can double it, double the dare, to two weeks” I pleaded. Edward started to think. “Triple it” He grinned. “Fine” I sighed. “And you’ll have to pay for it later, a punishment” He grinned again. “Fine” I sighed angrily. “You sure?” He asked cautiously. “Trust me I can handle it” I said cockily. Secretly, I wanted to have time on my own, and then also, I would see Bella felt a bit neglected, and Edward needed to spend time with her.

I went to the piano and let my fingers drift, It felt good not to have someone right on my back and to do something I wanted to do. I was there for a coup[le of hours. “Guys I think we might have a longer break” Alice giggled as she followed jasper up the stairs chasing him. An- there next chapter is very funny, and it gets bells involved and it has a bit of a lemon in it. Hope you enjoy it, I will post it as soon as I can. I am adding the next chapter in about 2 hours at the most. this cahpter was meant to be posted yesterday sos, so I am making up for it VERONIKAPOV Alice chased Jasper up the stairs giggling, boy, did I know what they were doing, it’s the thing I keep on walking in on Rosalie and Emmett doing. According to Edward I have to wait before I can move, right that second-right on time- Edward swept me off the piano stool and carried me to his room. I sighed as Edward as Edward placed me on his bed. “Edward what’s my punishment?” I asked ocuardly, not knowing if I really wanted to know. Edward smirked, “Edward I am getting really sick of this dare, but I promise I won’t leave your side again, or for apparently the next couple of weeks” I said mumbling the last part. “Ok, I’ll be right back you stay here, in this room” Edward said seriously. “No Edward I’m going to fly off to Neverland” I said sarcastically. “Neverland isn’t real” Edward teased, flashing his crocked smile which looked somewhat evil. “Vampires aren’t supposed to be either” I shot back. “touché” Edward chuckled while he left the room. After a few minutes I got really bored, I mean what is Edward doing down there. I decided to go look for our human memory box. The box is filled with pictures and memories in different forms from when we were human. I started to search after I crawled over to Edwards closet. After a while I finally found it, I opened it and looked through some old photos until I found a glow in the dark locket, that Edward got me. I closed the door nearly all the way, so I could see the lockets beautiful gold glow. Then I heard footsteps coming up the stairs towards Edward’s room. I tried to get out of the closet, but my belt was stuck on something, and it was to dark to see what it was, the only two things I could see were: one, the glow from the locket, which wasn’t that strong, and two, a tiny bit of light coming in through the bit of door I didn’t close. I heard the door slam, maybe it’s Edward or maybe Edward’s angry, or there could be someone else in the room. Then I heard the whispering of two lips moving together. OH NO This cannot be happening. “Edward” I heard Bella moan. Crap its Edward and Bella, and they are having sex, crap, crap. no, no, no, no this cannot be happening to me, nah uh, no way. Why would Edward do this time he knows I am in this room?. Wait. Crap. ‘Ok Edward, I get it, this is my punishment right? Edward?` I thought hopping Edward would hear me. Edward is right, his mid is somewhere else when he is doing it. I felt sick, `Please Edward, stop “ I begged in my mind. EDWARDPOV I deepened the kiss and Bella moaned ,y name, I knew Veronika was somewhere in his room, so I was blocking out every ones thoughts, so I wouldn’t be able to hear, her struggles begs and pleads. This was just so funny, this was a great idea for a punishment, and it won’t mess her up to bad. Bella then ripped my shirt off as I moaned her name and kissed her deeper. VERONIKAPOV “Bella Edward moaned. `Kill me, Kill me, Kill me, Kill me` I chanted in my head. I’ve been here for ages, I fell hungry and tired, but worse I feel so so sick. I closed the closet door all the way, hopping that it would block out some of the noises, though it was no use. I tried to take my mind off then, though I knew it was impossible. I looked around in the closet, using the golden glow of the locket. I found a cool boot I liked.”Bella I heard Edward moan again. Opps, I accidently spewed in the boot.

`Please stop Edward, this isn’t funny, I HATE YOU EDWARD` I thought loudly with rage and pure anger. I heard another moan. I hate Jasper and his stupid dam emotions. No I hate Edward for daring Alice to not shop, then instead of having sex with Japer- making him to send lust waves around the house- she would be shopping, and this wouldn’t be happening. I finally gave up on trying to contact Edward to tell him to stop, so I decided to make the noises stop for me. I started to bang my head on something that was close by, and it was hard, I was attempting to kill myself or at least knock myself for a few hours. “Why, Why, Why” I said and thought, as I was banging my head. “Come blackness come” I muttered angrily to myself. They were becoming rougher so the moaning became louder. Why is it that I always have near death experiences, and it always manages o go black when I don’t want to have them, but the one and only life threatening time I want to die or let the blackness come IT WON’T COME?. ‘Come on Edward please, if you stop now, you can make the stupid are for the rest of my life or eternity, yeah you bet I am serious’ I thought angrily. ‘Umm how about, uh, I will do whatever you say for as long as you want, if you stop right now’ I thought loud and pleadingly in my head. It didn’t stop. ‘KILL ME, KILL ME, KILL ME, KILL ME’ I chanted over and over again in my head loud and fierce, while banging my head harder and harder on the hard object. Finally, I banged my head with some much force, it made me flip backwards bang into a rack and fall on my head hard. The blackness finally came, I welcomed it hoping it would last forever. I woke up when I felt someone shaking me. “Veronika, everyone has been looking for you everywhere for ages, what happened” A stranger asked. “Who are you?” I asked the stranger confused. “Veronika, it’s me Jasper” The stranger called Jasper said worriedly. “Jasper” I said even more confused. “Veronika, what’s the last thing you remember” The stranger called Jasper asked me. I thought back to that night, which was the last thing I remembered. “Ahhh, it burns, my brain, it hurts, ah” I wailed. Tears started to stream down my cheeks. “Carlisle” The one called Jasper called anxiously. That was the last thing I heard from the one called Jasper, because I fainted, or passes out. I opened my eyes, which were filled with tears and thought back to the conversation I had with the one who called himself Jasper, I think it was. “It burns, ahhhh, oww, my brain, it hurts a lot, my brain” I whimpered, As I think Jasper came to my side, ”Edward” he called, as he did a handsome man, with pale white skin like Jasper was at his side. “Edward she’s saying the same thing she said before” Jasper explained to the man beside him, as he did, six other people entered the room. “Edward, what is she thinking” A pale man with blonde hair asked. I thought back to that night again, trying to figured out what was going on that night. I let out a blood curdling scream as I tried to remember. The man beside Jasper burst into laughter. Jeez what’s his problem, I thought to myself. “ What is it Edward” A huge man with pale white skin and a booming voice asked. “She, was trapped in my closet while Bella and I were having sex” The man said while stifling huge laughs, the man with the booming voice burst into laughter to, as more tears started to stream down my cheeks from remembering what happened. “Wait that doesn’t explain why she can’t remember anyone” a gorgeous pale skinned girl with blonde hair said a bit confused. The man beside Jasper concentrated. Then he burst out laughing again, but louder and harder. “What?” Jasper asked him. “She couldn’t get my attention to stop, so she started to bang her head on a cabinet, trying to kill or knock herself out” She laughed harder. Everyone burst into laughter, I was confused, how did he know all that. More tears were coming out, and my eyes started to hurt from crying to much. “Ok, lets all calm down, I want to see how much her memory has been affected” The blonde haired man said, trying to take control. All the people, stood in a line in

front of the bed I was lying in. “Ok Veronika, think very hard and tell me what and who you remember. “We all know who she is going to remember” The man who still stood next to Jasper mumbled. I looked amongst the line of people, struggling to remember the people in my past life. I looked towards the man who stood next to jasper, beside him was the pretty girl with blonde hair. I thought long and hard. Words rushed into my head, best friend, Rosalie, Rosie. “Rosie” I called out witch hurt my throat. “Am I right, Rosalie?” I asked hopping I was able to uncover someone in my past. “Yes you are” Rosalie said happily walking over to me, Rosalie came and sat next to me in a chair that was next to the bed. Rosalie gripped me hand and squeezed it tight, at one point it got hard, The guy standing next to Jasper gave Rosalie a look. “Ok, umm” I said thinking hard. I looked over at a spiky haired girl, who was smiling brightly at me. New words rushed in my head, Shopaholic, mental institution, Alice, best friend. The one next to Jasper chuckled. ”Alice?” I asked hoping that I was right. “Yes” Alice squealed as she came over to me and gave me a quick hug. New words suddenly rushed to my head, emotions, Jasper, youngest. “jasper, your Alice’s, husband” I said confidently. “Yeah, he said happily. Idiot, strongest, Emmett. “Emmett, you Rosalie’s husband” I said happily. “Good job” Emmett said with his booming voice. Compassionate, carrying, love Carlisle Esme, family, god, creator. “Esme and Carlisle, your together” I said happily. “Yes dear, lovely for you to know us” Esme said kindly. “Um, it’s on the tip of my tongue” I said trying to remember someone. Daughter, Bella Renesmee, Voultouri, Ariel, Renesmee. I screamed again. Everyone looked at me in worry. “I just remembered the Voultouri, oh and Ariel, Bella and Renesmee your daughter” I said proud of myself. “Do you remember anything Else” Alice asked me. “No, I am trying but I am not getting anything” I sad sadly wondering if I missed someone. The man who was know on his own because everyone was with me, looked at me sadly. He came over to me. “don’t you remember me, I am” He said but didn’t get to finish. “BOB CULLEN” Emmett’s booming voice interrupted him. “hmm, I don’t remember a Bob” I said unhappily. “Sorry” Bob glared at Emmet and then left the room. “ Veronika I think you should get some rest, everyone lets go” Carlisle said. VERONIKAPOV “So, when do you think Edward, Rosalie, Jasper, Bella, Carlisle, Esme and Emmett will return from there hiking trip?”I asked Alice. “Well it’s been six hours, I really wanna play truth or dare, let me think” Alice said half excited. Alice closed her eyes, and put her fingers to her temples. Geez, if Alice doesn’t know , she should strain her memory to find out. Alice smiled. “They’re here” Alice said excitedly as she rushed to the door. Alice went through the door and then stated to shove everyone through the door. “Come on everyone, sit in a circle we’re going to continue playing truth or dare” Alice chimed. Esme and Carlisle walked up stairs while the others came and sat down in a circle. “Ok, Bella it’s your go” Alice said happily. “Ok” Bella said nicely. “Veronika, Truth or dare?” Bella asked me. Oh great, well, I can’t do truth cause I can’t remember anything, and if I choose truth and can’t do it I will have to et a punishment. “Dare?”I said as if it was a question. “I dare you to go down to la push and go see Jacob and start a half an hour- 30 minutes- conversation and you can’t let it end until your time is up” Bella said, I could see she was giving me an easy dare. “Ok” I replied, it sounded easy enough. Some pictures rushed to my head, they were of this huge, native guy, in cut off jeans and no shirt of shoes. I looked over to Edward, he looked worried. Why would Edward be worried about me going to start a conversation with Jacob? “We will walk with you half way” Bella commented. All the Cullen’s and myself walked out of the door and started to run, with me behind them, since I didn’t know which direction we were going in. We soon got to a point were some of the Cullen’s looked a bit disgusted- Emmett- and some of them looked sick- Emmett- and some of

them took a few paces or a lot of paces back –Emmett. “Ok just go straight ahead, and look where I am pointing, that’s his house, though he might be in the garage” Bella told me. “Ok, see you guys in about half an hour” I sad waving to the Cullen’s. I was about to walk off when I noticed I couldn’t move I was caught on something. My top was probably caught on something. I turned around to unhook my top, but my top wasn’t caught on anything. Edward was gripping onto my arm. “Veronika, you shouldn’t go, well Jacobs dangerous” Edward warned me. “Edward, I’ll be fine” I reassured him. “I love you, remember that, even though it’s not the same love as before, I still do” He whispered to me. “I love you to” I whispered back. Edward kissed my forehead and I stared to walk away from the Cullen’s towards Jacob’s house. When I finally reached Jacob’s house I decided to check if he was in the garage. “Jacob” I called out. “Jacob” I called again. “Hi Veronika, oh my god, you’re not a vampire” Jacob said looking shocked. What did her just say I wasn’t a vampire. “Vampire, those creatures who suck blood Jacob, they are not real, what are you talking about, I think you have been watching to many scary movies” I said laughing. Jacob looked confused. “Veronika, all the Cullen’s are Vampires remember” Jacob said trying to prove me wrong. Suddenly stuff came back to me, there were pictures of the Cullen’s hunting, Edward jumped swiftly and talked a mountain lion, he dug his teeth into to lion draining it’s blood. Then words came. Vampires vegetarian, Voultouri, drink blood Edward, dying, Spanish influenza. By this point I was hyperventilating, I was on the verge on hysteria. “I .. Have... been.. Living with..... Vampires” I whispered. “Yeah, so you were one” Jacob told me. “ I was a vampire, Oh my Carlisle” I whispered again. I stated to hyperventilate again. “They are probably in there coffins now” I said in horror. Jacob laughed. “They aren’t like regular vampires, they don’t sleep in coffins and they don’t even sleep, and no, they don’t turn into bats, drink humans blood, melt in the sun, they sparkle and they can’t be killed by a stake through there heats” Jacob finished. “Oh my Carlisle, it sounds fun to be a vampire, I wanna be one again” I said enthusiastically. “Sure, Sure, everyone one wants to be a Vampire these days.” Jacob mumbled. “So how’s Bella?” Jacob asked me changing the conversation. I tried to remember what she was like, I couldn’t remember, dam Edward and his punishment, I can’t even remember what Bella is like. “Um, I hear she was a nice person, though I can’t remember, all I can remember is what Edward and did to her, but really what Edward did to her was my fault, if I hadn’t of moved from his side then everything would have been alright” I said trailing off a bit at the end. Jacob looked enraged. “You killed Bella” He shouted, “NO, I didn’t kill Bella” I yelled back. I thought back to my words, I can’t really remember, I hear she was a nice person, Edward did to her, my fault, crap no wonder he thought I killed Bella. “Look this is a big misunderstanding, I didn’t kill Bella, I can understand how you would be upset, I believe she was a really nice person” I said comforting Jacob. Though he just got angrier. I thought back to my other words, dam I said was again. Before I knew it I was shoved against the wall by Jacob, He had his hand cupped around my throat, she was chocking me. “Jacob” was all I could manage, my breathe was taken away when he flung me against the wall of his garage. I was covered in blood then. Why was Jacob so strong, I know he is strong, but that was just to strong. Suddenly words came back. Jacob, Werewolf, Dangerous, Bella’s best friend. “Oh my Carlisle, you’re a werewolf” I said hyperventilating again. Jacob froze, “Didn’t u know that” Jacob asked. “Hmm, I think Bella used to tell me about that” I said. Dam I said used to. With that, Jacob started to shake. I got scared. Then this huge, monster, burst out, shredding Jacobs clothes. The monster scratched me. I could feel blood coming out of me y head, in fact I could feel blood everywhere. Then the monster hung me upside-down, the blood from my head poured down through my hair making it turn red.

Then the monster chucked me across the yard and my head landed with a huge thud on t eh concrete ground. I closed my eyes to imagine this wasn’t happening but it was. I opened my eyes, just in time to see the monster tackle me, then he banged my head once more and –Of course- it all went black.JACOBPOV I wonder how she will react to me turning her into a werewolf, maybe, I shouldn’t tell her, yeah, i won’t tell her. I wonder what she will think when she finds out she’s paralysed. Oh well, better go find out. I chuckled to myself. She was going to regret killing Bella; she’s going to wish she was dead. VERONIKAPOV I opened my eyes. I found myself, on a cold hard floor, in a house I’ve never seen before. I looked at my body, without moving, I was soaked in blood, no bit on my bloody was covered in crimson red. I looked at my hair, it was crimson red too. I tried to move to get a closer look at my blood soaked body. I found that I was paralysed. I sighed. Where the hell am I. Suddenly, I heard footsteps. I couldn’t move my head, so I had to wait till the person came into view. The person towered over me. It was Jacob, great. Jacob put a pen in my right hand and put a pad underneath my hand. “You can move your right hand, write” Jacob commanded. I tried to move my right hand, and found it successful. Why can’t I move, Jacob, What’s going on? I wrote. “Well, you’re frozen because, it’s part of a transition” Jacob said. Transition into what, and why am here, how long will I stay like this, paralysed? I wrote, I had so many questions. “Transition, into, nothing, it’s none of your business, and well, you should be unfrozen in about, umm, a couple of minutes, and your here, and your staying here for as long as I say” Jacob smiled evilly. I sighed. Why, I wrote, already knowing the answer. “Easy, you killed Bella, so I am going to make your life hell” Jacob grinned. I so, felt like arguing with him, I wanted to scream at him that, I didn’t kill Bella, and Bella isn’t dead. But i knew it wouldn’t work. Even if he had real live proof- of Bella standing in front of him- He’d still tell me I was lying, and that, and that I’m to blame. Jacob, I am sensing has so issues, that he wants to take out on me, I feel that this is going to be a lot of fun. “Get up” Jacob commanded. Without thinking I jumped up- in fright-, and wobbled a lot and then fell back down again. Jacob started to laugh. I got up slowly this time and pouted. “Cute, but hurry up, go to the phone and dial your blood suckers, I mean Edwards number” Jacob instructed glaring at me. I walked over to the phone and dialled Edward’s number. “Ok, repeat after me” Jacob told me. I nodded, not liking were this was going. “Hello” I heard Edward’s brilliant angle voice beam through the phone. “Hi, Edward it’s me Veronika” Jacob whispered to me. “Hi Edward it’s me Veronika” I repeated, unsure of where this phone call was going to go. “Veronika, I have been so worried, are you ok where are you?” Edward asked relived. “I’m fine, listen I have to tell you something” Jacob whispered to me. I was now terrified of what I was going to have to have to tell Edward. “I’m fine, listen I have to tell you something” I repeated trying to hide my fear and nervousness. “Yeah, what is it” Edward asked. “I am going to live here in La push, I am not coming back Edward” Jacob said clearly enjoying himself. Then it hit me, no. I shook my head. Jacob nodded with a huge grin on his face. I could feel tears welling up in my eyes. “I am going to live here in la push, I am not coming back Edward” I said trying to hold back the tears, but I wasn’t successful. “Veronika, are you alright?” Edward asked me curiously, I could tell he wasn’t convinced. “I’m fine, just make sure you don’t come to get me, you hear me don’t cross the line, because I’m fine” Jacob, said glaring at me, but till with a grin on his face. I could tell Jacob was not happy with me crying, but then you could see he was enjoying seeing me unhappy. “I’m fine, just make sure you don’t come to get me, you hear me, don’t cross the line, because trust me I’m fine” I said, feeling like I couldn’t breathe. I stated to hyperventilate. “Well, you can always come and visit, your welcome anytime you want to come and

visit” Edward reassured me. “Thanks for the offer, but I don’t think that I will” Jacob Whispered sternly at me, I could tell he wasn’t happy. “Thanks for the offer, Edward, but I don’t think I will” I said trying not to be as mean as Jacob did when he said it.”Ok, then, bye” Edward said, you could tell he was probably nearly as upset as me. “I love you” I whispered into the phone hopping Edward heard me. I sighed as I put the phone down. When I did Jacob burst out laughing, while I was still in tears. After a while he was still laughing, what’s his problem? You could tell that he was taking so pleasure in my unhappiness. I whipped my sad tears away to reveal, tears of anger. “I hate you” I screamed. “ I know you do” Jacob chuckled. I kicked his shin with as much force as I could. I then heard a snap, I was about to laugh, in realization that, I broke Jacobs’ shin, but then I looked down and saw that it was my own leg, It bent back. I screamed in pain and terror. Jacob laughed harder. “SUPID MORONIC WOLF” I yelled. Jacob gasped. I didn’t see what next coming was. Jacob slapped with so much force that he ripped some of my skin off my mouth, and I heard a cracking sound. I screamed again. A again all Jacob could do was laugh. “Weak Human” Jacob yelled, “You’ll never see the Cullen’s again” laughed, as he pushed me over, forcing me to hit the wall. I didn’t pass out, though I would of preferred to. No I was left there in the dark with a bent back leg, a cracked jaw, ripped skin, Blood red hair and blood covering every part of my body. I lay on the floor for 10 minutes sobbing to myself. I considered. Running or grabbing the phone. But I knew , there was nothing I could do, I’d practically become his slave. I closed my eyes. I thought about what had just happen. I started to shake, I was so angry, I didn’t bother to open my eyes. I soon then felt a huge abrupt burst of my body, but I still didn’t bother to open my eyes, I was still so angry. All I wanted to do was to see Edward and the Cullen’s, I should have never done this dare. I am not going to blame Bella for the dare. The one person I am blaming here is Jacob, and myself, I should over never agreed to this, I shouldn’t be weak, I should stick up for myself. I cried myself to sleep, still angrier than ever. I dreamed of Jacob, but it wasn’t a dream, a nightmare , or worse it was like reality. I screamed at my nightmares like they were real. JACOBPOV This was already too funny. I just won’t be able to get over the look on her face when she was calling her bloodsucker, and then she broke into tears. Ahh, priceless. I heard screaming form the other room. I walked over to see Veronika screaming on the floor, her face was twisted up in pain and annoyance. I was getting on her nerves, this was to funny. The first thing I noticed was that, she was in her wolf from. I made her that angry. I quickly ran out the house and faced into my wolf form, so I could hear her thoughts. ‘Ugh, all I want to do, is see Edward, Oh Edward. I wanna run, I CAN’T, I realize, I’ll never see the Cullen’s again, I am like his slave or something’ Veronika thought. I chuckled at the last part, as I faced back. At least she got were she and I stood, her the slave, me her master, who will make her life hell, for killing Bella. I laughed again and went to my room to get some sleep. VERONIKAPOV “Move”, get up and walk Veronika walk”Jacob barracked. I fumbled for the nearest tree stump to help myself up, I was already so weak from not eating and I smelt so bad with blood still in my hair and all stained on my body. Within 2 seconds Jacob had ripped me off the ground. “Follow me” he yelled once more. I couldn’t keep my eyes off the whip that remained in his hands so obediently and non- hesitantly I followed. I must not have been walking to fast because Jacob turned around, gritted his

teeth and through his teeth said “walk faster there is no time”. I stopped dead in my tracks I had no idea what was going to happen. My eyes left the whip for the first time since Id seen it. I feared the worst for myself. Where was he taking me, what was he planning to do with me and when would get out of this hell-hole? My thoughts were immediately disrupted when Jacob lashed the whip on the ground in front of us. I jerked my head up and instinctively jumped at the sound of it. It was terrifying! “I said walk faster not slow down to a halt” Jacob complained. I stood there frozen but was instantly moved when Jacob grabbed my long hair by the ends and dragged me along the ground. I yelped in pain, my blood-stained hair felt like it was bleeding all over again, my body erupted in scratches and bruises. “Jacob stop”, I screamed. Jacob turned his head and laughed. I didn’t have to be a mind reader to know that he thought I was weak and non- capable of hurting anyone nonhuman. I cried out for Jacob to stop I was in more pain than I had been in for ages. He finally stopped near the hose. “Get undressed” he yelled. Looking at the whip in his hands I got up and slowly undressed, at first hesitantly and then with a more frequent motion. Jacob glared at me, So I quickly ripped my clothes off. As much as I was terrified by the thought of Jacob watching me I was more terrified of the whip that lurched in his hands. Once I was fully undressed Jacob grabbed the hose and fully blasted my body down with water. It felt so good to be wet and fresh. I quietly asked him “Jacob can I please wash my hair”? Jacob nodded his head and threw a bottle of shampoo and conditioner at me. I loved the feeling of the conditioner through my hair it made me feel fresh. When the hose turned off I shivered. Jacob shoved a piece of white materiel in my hands. “I’ve seen what you can do now make a dress and put it on” he instructed. I hesitated I didn’t want anything to do with Jacobs commands, I wasn’t his slave, was I ? so I stood there frozen and unable to do as Jacob instructed. I did not want to do anything he asked. Jacob was getting annoyed with me now, I could see it on his face, Jacobs’s mouth opened and he began to speak. Jacob teased me with unbearable words “Edward is never going to save you; he never loved you, weak human”. Within a minute everything was blank. I could here Jacobs’s words repeating in my head. I got angry, really angry, but I trued to keep my calm. The words were in my head again. I tore the material up to release my anger. Jacob got out of my head and I immediately calmed down. What just happened I thought to myself, did I have awful flashbacks? I looked down at my bare body and began to shiver in disgust; I was covered in scars, welts, scratches, cuts and bruises in every place imaginable. I wanted to cover them up immediately so no one in this world had to endure and look at the work of the evilest monster…. Jacob Black. I took the material out of my hands and flared it open. I had made a beautiful dress, so beautiful I was speechless. It was a tube dress with a body hugging shape, the dress had two slits on either side exposing four strips of my skin near my waste and it was foot long. I went to go see Jacob, not that I wanted to. I was a meter away from Jacob when I tripped on my foot long dress; before I knew it Jacob had caught me in his arms. Jacob spoke “must not let that beautiful dress get dirty” he teased. He placed me on my feet and instructed me to follow him. He took me up to his bathroom and sat me on a chair. “You can come out now” he shouted. I looked at him confused, only to realise that he wasn’t even looking. I followed his gaze to a beautiful woman. “This is Leah” Jacob announced. “I thought you and Leah could have a ladies makeover”. “And remember Leah don’t say a word”. With that Jacob left and I was stuck with a beautiful stranger. “Jacob thought you looked bad, that’s why I am doing your hair and your makeup” she explained. It took forever to do my hair and makeup, but when we were done I looked beautiful. My hair was in a French braid, with two ringlets of curly hair dangling on either side of my face. My make up was simple but gorgeous; my eyes were coated in a glittering silver eye shadow, my lashes tinted with silver mascara. My lips

were a glossy red and my bruises and cuts had been blushed over. It was like a photo that had been photo shopped. Leah handed me a box, with little enthusiasm I opened it. Inside was a pair of silver heels with diamantes bordering the strap. I put them on, now a little suspicious of the event. Leah led me outside. Jacob was waiting outside for me in a tailored tuxedo. There was a beautiful stretch hummer. Jacob asked me “do you want to drive”. I took the offer, scared that if I said no bad things would happen. Jacob jumped in the back, along with Leah, and Seth and Quill and Embry and Sam and Emily. I was alarmed at the people who were entering the hummer. What was the occasion? Jacob phoned the drivers compartment. “To the beach” he shouted over the noise. I nervously started the engine and bean to drive towards the beach. We were close to the beach now I could feel it. I tried to look out the windows to see if my estimations were correct but the windows were so darkly tinted I couldn’t see. The phone rang once more and I answered to Jacob. “Stop here” he commanded. I stopped there immediately. Jacob took my hand and walked down the beach with me. Tables of food lay there on the beach. A podium was at the far end and a white hut was covering it. A long red carpet was layed out and a grand piano at the start of it. Several chairs were laid out and petals were scattered. This reminded me so much of a wedding. I stopped dead were I was, a wedding, a wedding. White dress, beautiful makeup, beautiful shoes, Jacob in a tux, Leah and Emily in a dress similar to mine. I screamed once it hit me I was getting married to Jacob. Jacob smiled at me, he knew that I knew what was happening. I was the bride, he was the groom, Emily and Leah were my bridesmaids and Sam and Seth were his best men. Quill took his place upon the podium, I almost instantly knew that he was priest. Jacob instructed me to wait with Seth so I quietly went with him. The ceremony was about to start when Seth said to me “no one wants to do it either its just that Jacob is alpha and forced us to, we plan on letting you escape tonight Sam will attack Jacob and I will run with you I will run you to the border, then you will ride with Alice- because she’ll see you- back to Edward. This will happen after quill says “Veronika do you take Jacob black to be your lawfully wedded husband”? Then you reply “I do… not” Then we will attack”. “Understand” I nodded my head I was glad I would be with the Cullen’s again. The music Played then I walked. I finally reached the altar and stood next to Jacob. Quill spoke. “We are here today to unite Jacob Black with Veronika”. “Before we start does anyone object to the marriage of these two”? A few people looked like they wanted to object but Jacob glared at them and they silently returned to their small conversation. “Good then” quill spoke”. “Let’s start” Jacob would you please give your vowels. “ Veronika, I when I first met you I knew that you would decide to marry me one day and today is the day, I love you and I will always stick by you unlike those leaches, to death do we part. “ “Veronika your vowels please?. After quill said those words I swallowed my hardest. I began “Jacob when I first met you I thought you were evil, but now I see you’re not, to death do we part”. Quill began to wrap up the ceremony “Jacob, do you take Veronika to be your lawfully wedded wife”? “I do” and Veronika do you take Jacob to be you’re lawfully wedded husband”? “ I do…. Not”. In that instant Sam jumped on Jacob and so did quill. Seth phased and pointed to his shoulders. I jumped on them with no hesitation. We ran for what felt like ages before I finally reached the Cullen’s line. He phased back into a human and kissed my cheek softly. “I must leave you here” he said in an apologetic voice. I was about to cross the line when something hard pulled me back. I struggled, to get w\away, for I knew exactly who it was. “GET OFF ME JACOB” I screamed. “You’re so weak, as if you could escape me” Jacob laughed, as he dragged me back to the house. Right now, I didn’t feel sorry for myself, I felt sorry for the wolves, for one, Jacob dragged them into this and the second, they risked there reputation and their lives with Jacob, for me.

When we got back to the house, Jacob threw me onto the cold hard spot where I have been sleeping for the past couple of days. Then Jacob left. I stated to sob, I was so close, to being free, to cross the line. How much longer will I be here? How, am I supposed to know, for I all I know I could be here for the rest of my human life. How long have I been here? I can’t remember, I haven’t tried to keep track of time, there’s no point. I am going to die here, and I think that’s what Jacob wants, because he claimed I killed Bella, there’s no point in arguing, he’s already having too much fun with this. I went to sleep eventually, I don’t know how, my mind was full, of thoughts, that I just couldn’t silence, the worst part is that, I didn’t even have any answers for the questions that were coming from my own mind. No the worst part is that, I was so close, to freedom, so close to seeing Edward. I cried myself to sleep that night, like always.

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