Textually Active

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  • May 2020
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  • Words: 1,765
  • Pages: 4
Edward Cullen pulled out his new phone. It was silver and had a full keyboard. He laughed and tip toed out of Bella’s room and into her living room. He knew that the quick tap tap of the keys would disturb her. He slid it open and went straight to his address book; he sent a text to Emmett. Hello, Emmett. What is up? Dude, Emmett sent, txt. Ur not wrritin a letr Sorry. I tend to forget trivial things like that. Forget it. Anyway. Have you spoken to Carlisle about the hunting trip next week? No. Why? Y? Cuz Rose wntd 2 go shoppin. Alice wudnt go w/ her Oh. Well, talk to him now Dude, I’m busy With what? Nonya What? Gosh, Edward. Lern 2 tlk da lingo I’m not a gangster U dnt gotta b. I 2g2. L8tr bye Bye, Emmett Edward slid his phone shut, only to slide it back open again. He punched in a few letters, then hit send. He heard Bella’s phone go off upstairs. “Edward!” She hissed from upstairs. “I want to sleep!" He punched in Sorry and hit send. She sighed and shut her door. Edward decided to go back upstairs and sit in Bella’s room.

THE NEXT DAY Edward was at the Cullen’s’ house with Bella. They were both texting on the couch to various people. Bella was talking to Angela and Jess and Edward was talking to Ben and Jasper. They laughed a lot and once, Bella fell off of the couch. Edward slammed his fist into the wall when Ben told him the scores of the soccer game that had been on the other night. So, naturally, they were making a lot of racket. Carlisle heard the racket from up stairs and decided to go down and see what was happening. He stood at the top of the stairs and yelled down. “Edward?” He called. “What are you doing?” Edward knew Carlisle hated it when people were texting. It got on his nerves. “Nothing, Father. Just messing around with Bella.” Carlisle frowned. “Messing around?” Bella, not knowing how softly she talked, answered. “Yeah, Carlisle. Edward and I are textually active.” Carlisle froze. So that was the cause for all of the noise. “You two are what?!” Bella laughed. “You heard me.” Carlisle marched down the stairs, but sighed in relief as he looked at Bella. “Thank goodness,” He sighed. “You still have your clothes on.” “What?” Edward and Bella said in unison. Carlisle lifted Edward’s shirt. “Keep that belt buckled mister.” Edward looked up at him like he was crazy. “What?” “Bella, move to the other couch.” He ordered. “What did I do?” She asked, bewildered. “You two need to be careful. You’re still both young.” Edward, thinking Carlisle was talking about the texting and having a phone, replied: “Dad, everyone does it. All the kids at school have one.” Carlisle thought they were talking about everyone having kids. “Well, tell me that you’re being careful.”

Edward scoffed. “Why? It’s unlimited.” “Edward Anthony Masen Cullen!” “What? It is.” “No it’s not! That is for when you’re older. Older than 107!” “I thought it was all with the plan, Carlisle? I have the receipts.” “You pay for this?!” “Of course. It’s quite cheap actually.” “Who do you pay?” “Whoever’s working at the office.” Carlisle was shocked. “They have an office? How do they have an office for something like this?” He turned to Bella on the other couch. “Bella. What do you think about this?” She shrugged. “I think it’s cool. Edward pays for me, too. He is such the gentleman.” “Edward Cullen! How could you manipulate her like that?” “What do you mean? I thought it was a good gift. Who wouldn’t want it?” “Are you protected? I know that’s stupid, but…” Edward snapped his phone shut. “Dad, I’m all covered. Bella, too. I’m so covered, I have insurance.” “They make insurance for that?” “Of course. Something could happen.” “Yes. Something could happen alright.” Bella snapped her phone shut. “I’m going to go study for that test, okay, Edward?” Carlisle gasped. “You have to study? I thought that it was impossible for-” Bella smiled. “Yeah. It’s not impossible. I need to study because there are a lot of directions to follow. Since I’ll probably have to take it again next week, might as well study.” She flitted off to another room. Carlisle jabbed a finger at Edward. “If it comes out positive, young man-” Edward frowned. “You want Bella’s results to be a negative?” “Yes! This is wrong, Edward.” “How is Bella passing her SAT test wrong?” Carlisle’s eyes bugged. “What?” “She’s studying for a SAT test. And, don’t worry about the texting. I got it. Bella and I are textually active, after all.” Edward laughed. “You two were talking about a test and texting?” Carlisle muttered. “Yes. What did you think we were talking about?” Edward looked confused. “Nothing,” Carlisle rubbed the back of his head and muttered, “Woops.” Edward frowned, reading Carlisle’s mind because he was completely lost and he hadn’t been paying attention earlier. Edward picked up on the reason behind Carlisle’s words and busted out laughing. “What?” Carlisle asked. “That is hilarious, Dad,” Edward chortled. “You thought that she and I meant….” “Oh, shut up, Edward. It was a misunderstanding.” “Don’t worry, Dad.” Edward smiled wryly. “I’ll always use my insurance.” Carlisle laughed. “Shut up. It was a slight mistake.” “Slight,” Edward scoffed. Carlisle waved a hand and Bella called out from the other room. “Hey, Edward! I really think I’m going to get a positive result this go around!” Edward looked at Carlisle and they both burst into a roar of laughter. Edward then had a smirk wiped all over his face. “Hey Bella, you are gonna flip when you hear this!” Carlisle turned paler than he already was. “Edward, if you know what’s go for you, you wouldn’t do that.” “Bella quick, before Carlisle attacks me!” Bella ran into the room and gasped. Carlisle had Edward in a headlock with Edward laughing hysterically. “I told you! I tried to get that though your thick skull.” Then Carlisle looked up when Bella gasped and let Edward go.

“Sorry to scare you Bella. I was teaching my son a lesson.” Edward tried to cover up a laugh by pretending that he was coughing. “Umm… isn’t that abuse?” Bella asked. “Yeah Dad, I could be emotionally scarred for the rest of my life. I mean… existence.” Edward corrected himself. “You know that that’s not true. I don’t do that often. Only once in awhile when I need to.” Carlisle said. “I- what- Edward what did you want to tell me?” Bella stuttered. Edward and Carlisle exchanged a glance. More like a death stare from Carlisle and a teasing look from Edward. “Well there’s a really good explanation about that Bella. You see--” Edward’s words were cut off by Carlisle slapping him in the back of head and disappearing upstairs. “What?” “He thought that we were umm… sending dirty messages and getting them as well. He thought that I paid you and other people to get some.” Bella burst out laughing. So did Edward. They stopped when they heard Carlisle growl from upstairs. After a moment of silence, the erupted in laughter. Emmett, Jasper, Alice, Esme and Rosalie walked in and asked what was funny, Edward and Bella told them but only getting half of the words out. Carlisle ran downstairs and screamed “It’s a lie! Don’t believe a word they say.” Everyone had never seen him so worked up before. But Bella said it so fast while across the room to avoid being assaulted by Carlisle. “CARLISLE THOUGHT EDWARD AND I WERE SEXTING!!!!” Emmett laughed along with Alice and Jasper. Esme looked surprised and shocked while Rosalie looked amused. “Well, that’s fascinating. What is sexting?” Emmett asked. “I assumed that you knew what it was.” Edward said. “No we were just laughing because of Bella. I’m surprised that she ran away so fast.” Alice said giggling. Bella slowly entered the room and answered. “It’s sending naked pictures or a sexy text message with the intention of- well it- Edward can take it from here.” Bella said casually. Everyone looked questioningly at Edward. “You all should have gotten it by now. It isn’t that hard.” Edward said as if it were obvious. Their faces were blank with confusion. Edward turned to Bella. “Bella, would you mind demonstrating?” Bella blushed deeply and looked at the ground. A smile broke out on her face. “What would you like me to do?” She asked innocently. Edward smirked. “Go into my room. Take your phone.” “I’m not in this.” Carlisle said as he went to the den. Edward’s phone rang. He looked and it was from Bella. “At your room. Now what.” Edward answered.

“Send me a dirty message.J”

“I’m in my underwear.JJJ” Bella sent. “O yea? What color?” “Blue. Your favorite color.” “Really?” “Yes.” “Is your shirt off?”

“Yes. I am so hot right now.” “ I’m guessing that your bra is blue too right?” “What bra?” “Stop temping me. It’s not fair.” “Tough. What are you wearing?” “I’m in front of my family Bella.” “ Well go to the bathroom and we can contiue there.” “You’re a dirty girl. I think you need to be tought a lesson.” “Would you like to see what I’m wearing?” “YES!” Bella had a picture of her in blue underwear, topless, that she had taken in her bedroom that morning. She had meant to send it but she forgot until now. Edward got the picture and nearly died. Edward threw the phone to Emmett. “Read the messages. I need to go do something first.” He said as he ran upstairs. Bella ran down in her bra and underwear, barefoot running out the door. “EDWARD’S TRYING TO SPANK ME!” Bella yelled. Everyone laughed as Edward ran outside trying to chase her. Jasper asked Alice why Edward still had his pants on. “Carlisle told me to keep my belt on.” Edward said as he carried Bella inside over his shoulder. “Edward, take me to your room! I’m practically naked!” Carlise ran in and gaped at the sight of shirtless Edward and half naked Bella. “What is going on in here?! I thought I said no sex.” “You never said that. You said not until we were 107.” Edward and Bella said at the same time. “Our ages added together is 116. We beat you by 9 years” Edward said. “You crazy kids.” He sighed and left. We all laughed.

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