Bella Learns How To Play Truth Or Dare...cullen Style

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  • Words: 1,278
  • Pages: 2
Bpov10:01 I awoke to find Edward my angle looking at me. I moaned as he kissed my neck trying to pull me out of my slumber. When I closed my eye to go back to sleep He picked me up and took me to the kitchen. Then asked what I wanted to eat I said his lips. Edward’s Point of View 10:00 I laid there waiting for my love awake. Then she silently opened her eyes. I could tell she was still half asleep. So I kissed her neck then her heart speed up and she moaned .I knew it was time to get out of bed. So I picked her up and took her to the kitchen and ask what she wanted to eat she said my lip said after she ate. Bella’s Point of View He said I had to eat first so I asked for a pop tart. After I was done I was going to ask for kiss. But before I could his lips were on mine. I went to deepen the kiss but he pulled back and asked if I would come over for the weekend to spend some time with him and his family. I said yes and asked what we were going to do he said it was a surprise. I told him I wasn’t going unless he told me. Just then I got a text from Alice It read We are playing truth or dare Edward’s Point of View She asked for a pop tart so I happily got her one. As soon as she was done I kissed her we sat like that for 5 Then she tried to deepen the kiss. There would be none that until tonight. I asked if she would com over this weekend to play a game with my Family and me she asked who would be there I told her every one then she asked what we were playing I told her it was a surprise then she said she wasn’t going unless I told her the her phone vibrated it was from Alice so I knew she had to know . Alice’s Point of View I was sitting in my room with Esme and Rosalie looking at a fashion magazine. When I had a vision of me Bella and the family playing truth or dare. Just then I saw Emmett asking. I had just enough time to tell Esme and rose to say want to play truth or dare when Emmett ask do you. Just then he walked in and said do you then Esme and rose screamed want to play truth or dare. He was sacred shitless for abut 10 second then he just grinned. Empov9:30 I was sitting playing the wii with Jasper Edward and even Carlisle .Edward was leaving soon but first I told him he should invite Bella to play truth or dare with us. He told me no! I went to go upstairs to see if the girls would play and to see if Alice would convince him. Just then he said he would so I just went to see if they would play. As soon as I went in and said do you Rose and Esme screamed want to play truth or dare it sacred me shit less for 10 second because I thought we had two more Alice then I realized she was in the room so I just grinned Edward’s Point of View Emmett said I should exposes my sweet innocent Bella to truth or dare . So I told him no. but then I saw the vision Alice had so I said yes Jaspers Point of View when Emmett told Edward should he should invite Bella. Edward got pissed but then he said yes and relaxed. which shocked me. Carlisle’s Point of View I stopped Edward before he left and asked if he was sure he said yes. I told him to make sure he told her all the rule and everything we do Edward’s Point of View Carlisle stopped me as I was leaving and asked me if I was sure about asking my Bella. When I told him yes he told me to make sure I told her everything I told him I would. Bpov Shocked I looked at Edward. He gave me that crooked grin. I was salient for two

whole minute’s .when he asked…. Epov She looked at me shocked. So I gave her that crooked grin she loves so much. Then she was salient for two minute exactly when I asked what she was thinking. Bpov I told him I had only play once .then asked him how vampire played truth or dare. He said they had there own way. I. said ok I would play Epov She told me she had only played once. Then she asked how vampire played truth or dare. So I told her we had our own way of playing. Still Epov Then I asked if she would like to read the rule the rule now or later when we got to my house. Bpov Then he asks if I would like to read the rule here or there I said there. Epov She said there Bpov He asks if I was sure I said no I said I want to know the rule and what they do. He said a lot of things he would show me but if I didn’t like anything he did he told me to tell him and he would never do it again. Then he told me I had to forgive him I told him I would If he would forgive me. (A/n you will find out why Edward has to forgive her next Bpov back to the story) Epov I asked if she was sure she no. she said she wanted to know the rule and what we did I told her a lot of thing. I said I would show her and if she didn’t like something I did I told her to tell me and I would never do it again. Then I told her she had to forgive me. She said she would if I would forgive her I asked why she begged me to forget it so I did. Bpov After he told me I had to forgive everything he did .just then I thought of a daring Edward to give jasper a blow job .I told him I would if he would forgive me. He asked me why I begged him to forget it he said he would. Apov I had a vision of Bella daring Edward to give jasper a blow job. Then I saw jasper freaking out Bella in a closet crying then I looked to see what would happen if I dare it everything would be perfect. Bpov Ok he said here are the rules and he gave a piece of paper with the rule. Streaking must be done at human pace The participant of a dare have the right to back out not the person being dare, Alice no killing people for messing with your cloths Epov While my love read the rule. I was running us to my house. When we got there I asked if she was ready she said yes. Carlisle met us at the door. Cpov Bella was joining us for our game of truth or dare. I hope she ok with the way we play. Hello Bella I said. Epov Carlisle was really word with Bella being ok with the way we play Apov I had got everything on my list of thing we need Alcohol Drug Candy Bucket AND HUMAN FOOD

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